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File: 36fcc758d7b90f1⋯.png (417.76 KB, 672x364, 24:13, mt_girl_streamer_massacre_….png)

5ede58 No.331112

Be on the lookout for Dominic Vanner 'The Transgender Lover' and the Britbong Internet Defense Force (BIDF) samefagging and attempting to slide the thread. If you're a current or former friend of Britbong and have con.tent and/or stories to tell, come on down and give us the skinny. We are loving and sweet.

Reminder: Britbong posts in these threads and pretends he doesn't. He has a sub 80 IQ.

Previous threads

Thread #36: >>318343 (Archive: https://archive.fo/iSeha)

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Thread #34: >>307022 (Archive: https://archive.fo/dLkeJ)

Thread #33: >>304244 (Archive: https://archive.fo/ffVU3)

Thread #32: >>298293 (Archive: https://archive.fo/2oLD2)

Thread #31: >>293110 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9fm2c)

Thread #30: >>290748 (Archive: https://archive.fo/a3XRr)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/L614J




Britbongreturns/Tranny cybersex screenshots

https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM (https://archive.fo/iNzpa)



Social Media

https://twitter.com/britbongalt (evading ban on https://twitter.com/Britbongreturns, evading ban on https://twitter.com/Trannytearsuk)



https://reddit.com/r/britbong (tightly locked safespace since feb2018)

Relevant ED pages

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/M*anlytears (remove *)

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/KrappleGuy (MT's archenemy #1)

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Boyd_Doghouse (MT's archenemy #2)



Other Links


5ede58 No.331114

File: b4e97f3fc869dc5⋯.png (29.08 KB, 485x272, 485:272, mt_pay_piggies.png)

File: 7013899a264cb46⋯.png (20.93 KB, 561x147, 187:49, mt_madlets.png)

4d7e7f No.331118



doesn't he hate trump? right wingers in general?

5ede58 No.331163

File: fb7cd6633db30a4⋯.webm (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_slanderers_altright.webm)

File: 45641ace53e7a49⋯.webm (10.09 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_shoeonhead_disgust.webm)


Quite the opposite. Has somewhat of an alt-right and MGTOW (of sluthate variety) alignment.

Likes to accuse his enemies of being leftists or using leftist tactics.

Hates to see white women with black men. Some rants about shoeonhead and lauren southern "pretending to be alt right" and "just taking their opinions from /pol/".

That's about the extend of his political expressions.

4d7e7f No.331173


so he's political to be edgy, because that's the counter culture these days

7f7938 No.331176

so he's only entertaining because he wants to be sued for defamation of character. neet cant wait for JF to sick the lawyers on him.

2627a0 No.331254

File: 8b043c930116afc⋯.jpg (59 KB, 577x1024, 577:1024, DWF-7hzWAAAO2Zl.jpg large.jpg)

Britbong goes to twitter for sympathy.

Posts a screen of a message he got.

One problem. The screenshot shows Verizon as the phone network.

Verizon is a US company it doesn't do business in the UK. There are no Verizon phones in the UK.


Britbong didn't receive this message. It's a faked screenshot.

40f8eb No.331265


Pretty sure this was sent to one of his faggy fans.

The Internet PD guy has been PMing his adress to people in his streams for a few days now.

In other news: JMAA's twitter was suspended after being unlocked for one day. He lost all his 80 followers and created a new account called JMAATVReturns.

473cf5 No.331293



He's got to julay any sympathy he can get at the moment, hes really fucked up with his last raid, what with getting warnings etc

fae824 No.331295


Probably "redpilled" in the plebbit "r/theredpill" mgtow faggot sense.

>he will NEVER marry

>he will NEVER reproduce

f5eb4f No.331327

473cf5 No.331336


Ooooo now thats interesting, i wonder what the action is, and if its happened yet or they're just announcing its about to

6f4229 No.331363


If Minivan was the user they were taking action against, they have yet to do so. His stream.me account is still up.

473cf5 No.331366


Well it couldnt be anyone else could it, who else streams on that shithole

It may not have been a ban tbf, we won't know til someone spills the beans

f5eb4f No.331369

File: 9f98bafc0f77bb2⋯.png (8.86 KB, 313x71, 313:71, owned.png)


well lookie lookie

f5eb4f No.331370

File: 57449ad29d433b7⋯.png (67.97 KB, 474x527, 474:527, bb1.png)

File: a651c1a8db4b8c3⋯.png (58.74 KB, 532x395, 532:395, bb2.png)

looks like they've found a target again

fae824 No.331372

Daily reminder OP is a faggot making threads early for that dopamine high of "people post in my thread :D".




He's not winning that contest then.

473cf5 No.331375



Wow low energy stream.me, he streamed last night so he most likely wasn't even going to today lets be honest

7bc8d3 No.331377


He left his computer on AFK streaming for 15 days now. I don't think he'll care about 24 hours

473cf5 No.331383

It would be a shame if those discord shots got posted in the stream.me's tweet so people can see how low energy they are being,

also has anyone noticed, hes not up in arms crying about them and moving to another site, has he finally realised this is the last one?

7bbbe5 No.331391


another migration means another 100 or so """loyal""" fans lost, so hes being timid.

5ede58 No.331412

What's after stream.me? What comes after that. What's he gonna do.


Inb4 his fans fuck it up again.

00fa18 No.331422


>Has somewhat of an alt-right and MGTOW (of sluthate variety) alignment.

At this point it's pretty obvious that he's not going his own way so much as his legs are too short to keep up.

fae824 No.331469


I can think of a small number of alternatives left after this.

>faceberg streams

>twitter/periscope streams

>gab.ai/tv streams

>direct IP output stream with IRC or some shit for chat

None of which I think he could get any shekels from.

82f124 No.331484

File: bac0bf98b3189d5⋯.png (28.49 KB, 926x163, 926:163, paranoidmanlet.PNG)

you know, the guy seems a little paranoid in his safe space..

473cf5 No.331496


it would be hilarious if the mole was his biggest ally ;)

5c2c00 No.331512

76f52d No.331539


Not even going to touch it…

6f4229 No.331541

File: e4a6c707f82e30b⋯.png (454.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, vlcsnap-2017-05-14-00h34m3….png)


>The mole was JMAA all along

473cf5 No.331545


we can only dream, the book was a ruse cruise to throw everyone off

7225ca No.331550


>The mole was JMAA all along

there was a camera in his false eye

76f52d No.331566

Whoever is current twitter war'ing on the stream.me twitter thing, that samual guy is cleary a britbong sock, This fucking spastic can't pretend to be someone else for the life of him

c23791 No.331569


he uses it like sjws say they're fighting racism.

it's just to virtue signal, he doesn't know shit about politics, UK or US.

c23791 No.331572


also if >>331254 is the only evidence that people are sending him death threats or doxing, and it's a fake picture, then I was completely right last thread.


c23791 No.331575

File: ac3aa34b183cdb5⋯.png (488.28 KB, 1791x868, 1791:868, thentheresthisnigger.png)

Oh, and here's this manlet/sam kikes twitter.

733207 No.331586


That freak was from years ago, he was critical of Britbong but was already a drooling mong then went full tranny suddenly and now we're here…

5ede58 No.331640

File: 388be401891eca1⋯.png (355.51 KB, 812x2213, 812:2213, Samael Abaddon on Twitter ….png)



>DM me

He's gonna do background checks on everyone or what?


Shit, #37 was supposed to be the JMAA appreciation thread.


He already tried gab and bitched about it.

periscope sounds like the most viable of those.

…Most likely he'll just keep hopping YT accounts.


BIDF, yes, but doesn't sound (check for: "b.t.f..o", "bully victims", "slander", "jealous"…) nor styles himself like MT (check for: simple name, generic pepe/elliot rogers/boyd/kopy avatar). Come to think of it, I haven't really seen him sockpuppet for a while.

5ede58 No.331868

File: 96d83039119825f⋯.webm (6.46 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_new_friend1.webm)

File: 784e84084ebf74c⋯.webm (757.69 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_new_friend2.webm)

File: 8239063441916d3⋯.webm (3.01 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_new_friend3.webm)


Seems like someone's in trouble with the national cyber police.



It's probably legit.

We've yet to see actual death threats.

7225ca No.331902

britbong's twitter has gone into silent running

5ede58 No.332028

File: 1a7d7bf73151e18⋯.webm (732.7 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_new_friend4.webm)

File: 747bf649a0b465b⋯.webm (2.34 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_new_friend5.webm)

File: 0f88909a85244f3⋯.webm (712.62 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_new_friend6.webm)

7f4aff No.332074

apparently if you break the rules you get taken off the leader board, but looks like hes not so i doubt they've even really given him an "official" ban

d63c68 No.332327

File: 521886ef80a3650⋯.png (51.19 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)


>i'm going over to britbong's place

>wanna come

>whinges on stream for a while about these people and pretends he dindu nuffin

7225ca No.332367


>We've yet to see actual death threats.

sounds like the guy just wants to come over for a party

7225ca No.332370

I expected more activity seeing as he was banned. he must be hiding deep in the bowels of his discord

c23791 No.332404


that doesnt seem to be his real address.

there is no evidence that bungie didnt make those accounts either.

221fce No.332501


Fuck I hope we're in the timeline where JMAA is in fact some kind of deep cover Uber troll trying to seduce MT for lulz and then present the internet at large with his findings.

733207 No.332599


He's so ridiculous it seems unreal so that would be pretty hilarious and the best outcome for the poor retard.

5ede58 No.332674

File: 5b07db3d778e4da⋯.png (278.81 KB, 699x1023, 233:341, jmaa_boyd_blog.png)


Really, Team Britbong doesn't appreciate JMAA at all.

473cf5 No.332879




Im not believing it, we all know hes not beyond doing this shit himself for pity points, and with all the shit hes getting currently he needs all the pity points he can get

2fc681 No.333046

Still not sure how britbong is a lolcow after all this

7225ca No.333058


>Still not sure how britbong is a lolcow after all this

humor is subjective. If you were expecting Frankie McDonald, it's a lot more subtle than that.

624e8c No.333066


he's not, too many anons make lolcows into a personal thing, hence why some people here keep getting manlet tears banned everywhere.

Seems against the point of a lolcow for one since with no more cocks we get no new julay

>inb4 muh cringe about julay

Fuck off with that attitude. Britbong hasn't presented anything good for a while, all his tweets etc are just survival mode drumming up interest from wherever since he has most of his accounts banned.


This whole thing reeks of becoming a personal battle between manlet tears and some anons here rather than there being enough cocks worthy of him being a lolcow this year.

384e4b No.333068


well he shares a lot of traits with DSP for a start, add on the autistic tyrades he goes on (like creating multiple threads on here about an EX), the complete lack of self awareness, and blatent lying. fair due's hes not been on for awhile, but thats mostly because hes currently in hiding and being timid

7225ca No.333072

File: 08461cc07535b12⋯.png (582.53 KB, 972x750, 162:125, Untitled.png)

7225ca No.333076


>This whole thing reeks of becoming a personal battle between manlet tears and some anons here rather than there being enough cocks worthy of him being a lolcow this year.

are you accusing us of beating up a retard for fun?

384e4b No.333077


Are you kidding? when he gets blocked we get the best cocks, this fucking retard thinks theres a secret youtube illuminati shutting him down

6f4229 No.333097


>hes currently in hiding and being timid

He's been silent on here ever since that bit about his mom cucking his dad got posted,

5c2c00 No.333102


Fuck, I missed that. Was it as amazing as I'm imagining?

473cf5 No.333106


Thats a good point, must have touched a nerve, or maybe he didn't even know that happened himself

5c68ab No.333112


I think it was more of a like father like son moment for him.

624e8c No.333129


How are you 'beating him up' exactly?

by reporting him so he can't keep making julay for us. Dumb strategy.


Pretty sure he knows it's coming from here along with spergs like Kopy etc. He plays this up on twitter to try and make up for lost viewership, isn't this all obvious? Got nothing to do with thinking there 'illuminati' it's optics.

384e4b No.333164


nah this is the guy who gets called out with video evidence and still claim hes innocent, like i said hes got a DSP complex, "nothings my fault" so he makes up really shit reasons why its not i.e "someone in youtube is stawlking me and banning my channels"… infact thats the exact reason he used when he was getting perma banned in SOS and that DMCA he got from them. Half the fun of these threads is seeing "what" or "who's" fault it is this time. or to watch him create several threads about an crying over kopy's ex leaving him

d63c68 No.333170


although it's funny to see him get mad from bans- you're right. working towards angering him rather than knocking him off every platform could pan out very well.

9c15b6 No.333198


New here, aren't ya?


I beg to differ, there were great moments these past 2 months. It's just that imageboard threads are a poor presentation format post-25K posts.


Mh, makes u think. Gotta look at that again.


>by reporting him so he can't keep making julay for us.

Three things:

1. He'll never go away.

2. trolls never actually managed to remove him from anything but tertiary platforms.

3. Everyone's insane and it's beautiful. Let Kopy be Kopy, let the Purge-guy be the Purge-guy. Don't try to police them.

473cf5 No.333203


Pretty much this, its not exactly just bitchbong, its the entire thing that makes this hilarious

624e8c No.333229



>Pretty sure he knows it's his fault for getting banned in SOS. He plays it up for attention from new viewers/his troll personality.

>Don't be this autistic anon, at least realize that he's putting on a performance most of the time.


>This, Britbong's debates with Kopy and the like are the best Julay because he had enough stake to actually spend hours sperging out on stream or discord or whatever too him. Banning him makes him just go to another platform it doesn't provide the true julay.

>Also I miss Kopy, maybe he will show up in this thread with some obscure autistic knowledge on britbong.


>There's no nuance to watching him 'bitch' as you think of it, it's shitty reaction bait for him to his fans and potential new viewers to come watch the guy who is too hot for youtube or whatever, it accomplishes nothing for the julay

624e8c No.333230


my internet fucked up whilst writing this, sorry for this post getting mangled into greentext.

384e4b No.333239


why do you give him so much credit? manbabytears is a literal baby brain retard, who keeps repeating the same actions, and can't understand why he gets banned (otherwise he would stop), hes really not as smart as you're trying to make him out to be

but in the end whats it matter anyway? do you think the shit he comes out with appeals to anyone, if anything its driving more people away so why would "doing it for views" even be logical, go and enjoy his 3-4 hour crying(banter) streams buddy no ones telling you that you cant

40f8eb No.333253


Him getting banned off platforms and his reactions are the highlights of that whole Fagbong thing.

He clearly wants to grow (ha) as a streamer, but he´s stuck on a dead platform and his views are stagnating at best, even with obvious botting. And he can´t put his stuff on YT anymore, which really pisses him off.

Seeing him fall on his ass time and time again is fucking hilarious. He never learns.

7225ca No.333267


>>working towards angering him rather than knocking him off every platform

I Honestly don't think people from here have knocked him off shit. People may have tried to get him knocked off youtube for years but nothing happened till that trustedflagger guy got involved. I'm pretty sure Keemstar was involved in getting him off twitch since he was banned from there the same day keemstar had his "welcome back to twitch" stream

people from here may be reporting him and shit but that's not what's getting him banned. That being said, it's pretty funny he thinks we're why he gets banned so I probably shouldn't have said anything.

473cf5 No.333276


Yeah i dont think so either… although i guess some people have been reporting which might help a little, but all the bannings have come after a big event that he wont own upto i.e the russo thing or screaming nigger at people in multiplayer games

Like really easy to avoid shit, but we are talking about special Olympic levels of midget here so meh

7225ca No.333279

he had 24 hours off from streaming. why didn't he use that time to take a shower?

40f8eb No.333281


People from here did get him banned and ended his partnership with Omnia though. Someone informed someone working for Omnia and the guy saw the little midget at his worst, which caused him getting fired from his contract.

Without that partnership, he had no way of getting his account unbanned and he lost all his 80k subs.

7225ca No.333286

that's kind of a record. I watched the stream for almost 10 minutes, then JMAA logged off so I'm out.

5c68ab No.333364


Why would he? Women don't go near him.

fae824 No.333385


>dsp complex

Funny, he isn't getting attacked for playing videogames badly or getting a chair sent to him.

384e4b No.333399


lets see,

>hes really shit at games, and offen blames the controls (i was pressing buttons!)

>nothings ever his fault (it was muh tax man, nothing i could do)

>his viewer base is dying and talks about how he use to be a youtube legend

>calls out other youtubers more popular then him for not doing things the same way

someones already done a comparison between them and hes pretty much the british DSP in a lot of ways

592133 No.333460


DSP knows when to shut up though and unlike MT, he doesn't try to dox underage girls or respond to trolls to the point that the Streisand effect is triggered.

c23791 No.333477


if you watch him without the mental capacity of a 5 year-old apple product user for more than 3 hours you'll figure it out.

c23791 No.333482


>catch a manlet by the toe

>when he hollers let him go.


Kopy has the vendetta, but manlet has made way too many enemies and they've all been directed towards here. It's just more entertainment. also manlet is a 30 year old manchild self admitted retard that doesnt leave his home for 2 months at a time, lives in his parents attic, and has a harem of young boys that lust after him including trannys, furries, and jmaa.

if it moos like a cow, looks like a cow, acts like a cow, etc.

c23791 No.333485


>manlets video are funny


5c68ab No.333493


>Pretty sure he knows it's coming from here


>He plays this up on twitter

Neat, mention this board on his streams or twitter, he'll instantly block/ban you. Anyone who mentions this board to him gets instabanned anywhere he has control. He's that paranoid of this board.

733207 No.333553


This board has a lot of things he doesn't want people to read with evidence of such for anybody willing to look, except JMAA he's illiterate.

077393 No.333561



Does this little nigger even understand the implications of what he is implying? He isn't half as smart as he thinks and his bantz always come up short.

e06886 No.333632


He lacks the level of self awareness to really notice just how much he projects. Like how he was calling Kopy a manlet awhile back despite Kopy being taller than 5'4

c40840 No.333652

File: 28f8e707f70e463⋯.jpg (247.18 KB, 1080x1203, 360:401, ic-3170.jpg)

Leave him alone you window lickers

7225ca No.333661


what prompted that?

fae824 No.333667


>implying any of that deserves what gets done to him rather than just laughing at him

In a post-"let's dox and harass this business owner until he closes business because he gave phil a chair" world there's no reason to even bother with phil. Sucking at videogames is beyond low hanging fruit.

c23791 No.333677


>be bitter loser streamer trying to get everyone else shut down

>say it's entertainment

>get angry when other people do it to you for

their entertainment

This is now a nigger thread, nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger ni-ger ni-ger ni-ger

and this is why i love this place.

7225ca No.333690

I'm curious about the people who watch him replay his videos on stream.me. my theory is they're just really, really fucking lonely.

40f8eb No.333691


It´s him botting and a couple of people idling. There's barely anyone actually watching those replays.

7225ca No.333694

40f8eb No.333703

File: aa7e418ceec81df⋯.png (416.05 KB, 361x514, 361:514, oioivey.PNG)


>800 viewers

He got to that number a few times, not regulary, And that´s only because he was streaming GTARP, which was hot shit for like a week. When the hype died down, he lost every new viewer he had and lost more than a couple of regulars because his GTA streams were pretty damn awful. It was a lot of fun to see him rage at the game though. Him getting streamsniped every stream was the beginning of the end though. After that, his streams became a no-fun-allowed safespace.


I checked his garbage out yesterday (must´ve been 1 hour in) and he was saying

>If you don´t like someone's cocks, don´t try to shut them down, just don´t watch bro"

How incredibly retarded must you be to actually believe this shit? He tried to get Venti banned just a few days ago and got BradDoesBanter suspended from Twitter…and that´s not the first Twitter account he got locked or suspended. Really says a lot about his fanbase that they actually believe his bullshit.


"We do not take credit or ownership of any cocks upload. This has been re-uploaded for britbong and to keep his memories preserved.

More britbong goodness @ britbong.com"

Cleeeeeeeeeeearly not him. It´s not like he tries to shill his shit website everywhere he goes nowadays.

>1 subscriber


9de3b7 No.333758

File: 5794f7c651a85cb⋯.webm (15.62 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraski_retelling1.webm)

Retelling the upraski story, getting interrupted by the fire-alarm at the half-hour-mark

In case anyone else wants to subject themselves to this.

Some points:

* Upraski being an alcoholic

* Upraski being rapey

* Upraski being desperate

* Upraski being a piece of shit

* Something boyfriend something

* Coolbong being in a constant state of "whatever"

9de3b7 No.333762

File: 1604447653a1fc6⋯.webm (15.16 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraski_retelling2.webm)


9de3b7 No.333763

File: aceeab5d55323df⋯.webm (13.75 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraski_retelling3.webm)


9de3b7 No.333772

File: 3236ebad3390cdf⋯.webm (4.54 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraski_retelling4.webm)


Fire alarm here.

7225ca No.333780

File: c94b0e056828b88⋯.png (232.66 KB, 915x606, 305:202, Untitled.png)

7225ca No.333782

File: 604b05136ff81b1⋯.png (244.22 KB, 771x729, 257:243, britbong Videos.png)


so who are you gonna believe, this re-telling of the story or this actual tweet he made at the time

7225ca No.333783


check the date. by January he's still hoping she'll come back.

473cf5 No.333790


I dont think theres a single time hes told the story the same way, every time he goes over it details changed


Lol what a massive gaylord pose

> Still thinking people are mad

< "Mad" is just laughing at him

7225ca No.333796


I can't find the secondlife video where it's like christmas eve and he's drunk crying because Upraksi won't answer her telephone

691288 No.333799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7225ca No.333817


when you realize that's the first girlfriend he ever had you almost feel sorry for him. The next one he had to fight Kopy for.

6f4229 No.333835

File: 4f632b18108ed98⋯.png (226.55 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2016-10-03-20h11m2….png)


Welp time to pay off some flaggers to get this one taken down too. BRB, licking windows.

222e40 No.333884


The shoeonhead thing is so cringe. He's pathetic. "I'm not even racist bros."

af746e No.333900

He seems like a Gay.

Why do you fags care?

40f8eb No.333901

File: 07edf78fb4b86e5⋯.png (218.2 KB, 530x364, 265:182, jamkunt.PNG)

Jammku is channeling his inner Britbong

82bd4b No.333908


>Isle of Wight

Does he know David Icke?

473cf5 No.333909


He doesn't go outside, so no?

b65189 No.333923

haha the twitter video hes just done, man hes broken as fuck

9de3b7 No.333942

File: cde1d621f61eba2⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Britbong - https -_t.co_rR….mp4)


I really like the cyber police thing.

9de3b7 No.333944

*smacks lips*


MT would do the same if there weren't outside people paying close attention right now.

6f4229 No.334035

File: ed65ce71d71e6cb⋯.png (44.41 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 13286539054.png)



fae824 No.334042


>stream sniped

>he doesn't know how to set a stream delay


>doing the "real life video but never reveal the face" angle

>as someone who spams his face everywhere

I wonder if there's a certain situation with his face he doesn't want to show, like bloodshot eyes and little tears.

7225ca No.334077


so he went to sleep thinking about this guy, then woke up thinking about this guy. I'm sure whoever's been fucking with him on twitter is here so GOOD JOB!! lol you might be making him crazy

b65189 No.334106


Careful some faggot might come and tell you how madtears is only meme'ing the twitter stuff and jokes on us because its all a ruse

40fd6c No.334219

File: ff9694a304931ac⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB, 854x480, 427:240, shitbong2.mp4)


>stream sniped

its a blood bath every time

c23791 No.334319

Jims new video directs everyone watching to go to /cow/.


473cf5 No.334322

haha i saw, get some good cocks up!

40f8eb No.334380



Do you guys think he will "call him out" (as if Jim gave a shit) because he shouted out the board his "stawkers" use? Or will he continue to suck Jim's toes?

473cf5 No.334381


Hes been sucking them recently, but he use to slag him off, Jims made fun of him on a stream before (like an offhand comment), depends if hes going to get anything out of it i guess

Im pretty sure hes only sucking him off at the moment because people like JMAA donate to Jims patreon

7225ca No.334387

82fe19 No.334388

File: 2b904a2f2c099c7⋯.jpg (156.23 KB, 640x589, 640:589, SMASHED.JPG)

f3825b No.334391

File: 38e0550d2c24ae8⋯.jpg (313.47 KB, 720x800, 9:10, 1518662101669.jpg)


That webm always makes me kek.

Also, what happened to JMAA in Brits chat? Seems to be removed or maybe he's just in perma-invisible mode?

1af909 No.334396

File: 4ad97f7b7845c69⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1507x747, 1507:747, manlytears_trannylove1_cen….png)

File: 2914eb05dbf5df2⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1232x925, 1232:925, manlytears_trannylove2.png)

File: d4d0c56bed9ecb7⋯.webm (3.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mt_tranniesarenotwomen.webm)

1af909 No.334402

File: be43ab9e6c0b004⋯.jpg (227.02 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, jmaa_hacker.jpg)


Haven't you heard? In response to the Purge guy, JMAA went hacker. He's gonna fight fire with fire.

7225ca No.334408


do you have a link?

1af909 No.334414

File: 763181319c1a661⋯.webm (3.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jmaa_mr_robot_season3.webm)

File: 42c76774e2f3772⋯.png (280.91 KB, 873x650, 873:650, jmaa_mr_robot_season3.png)


I got video.

f3825b No.334434

File: 055ade95839a1e7⋯.gif (719.75 KB, 2000x1600, 5:4, _original__what_s_for_dinn….gif)



lmao, going to use that picture elsewhere.


tbh she (he) has a nice ass. I don't know why minivan isn't honest about his fetishes & desires.

He talks about feet, farts/fart sniffing, toe sucking, etc. Minivan is quite the kinky little boy.

5c68ab No.334478


JMAA is something else man. That video legit got a chuckle out of me.

7225ca No.334489


>JMAA is something else man

he should be with us

733207 No.334502


He has a pimply poopie butt that isn't too defined, I think you loaded the wrong image.

c23791 No.334503


zero effort.

didnt even use a banana or an onion. jmaa will never be famous at this rate.

7225ca No.334505


I bet I can get pyrocynical to shout out JMAA. A) he'll think it's funnny and B) he knows it'll piss off britbong.

73b91b No.334653


Don't forget about tinytreats being a completely submissive bottom boy. It's pretty much what he's compensating for when he refers to himself as an alpha male and gives himself monikers like "The Big Dawg"

He's big time into child porn too in case anybody forgot

1af909 No.334822

File: f7a48d8852c6e74⋯.webm (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jmaa_screaming_internally.webm)

File: 9162bed0b4dc46d⋯.webm (11.97 MB, 852x480, 71:40, jmaa_pokemon_go.webm)



JMAA does have passion. Every now and then he produces something (almost) decent.

Btw, turns out he actually does have IRL friends. See clip #2 @ 0:25. That's at least 2 friends.


Lets do it. Lets make JMAA internet-famous. But like >>334503 said, we must remind him to not forget the ways of the onion.

40f8eb No.334829


>IRL friends

Someone posted a picture in a previous thread where JMAA is having birthday-dinner with a bunch of people his age, both male and female. Really normal looking people as well.

He actually has a social life and real friends, unlike the manlet.

d63c68 No.334954

File: cf9f88a4a598f1e⋯.jpg (12.16 KB, 400x399, 400:399, 1516126920014.jpg)


can we take a moment to appreciate JMAA and his accomplishments?

he gave us lulz with his creativity, and his brilliantly written book about us- what more can we ask for? this guy is an actual god to a point that it would appropiate to say that the little man is/should be jealous of how vastly more creative JMAA is.

473cf5 No.335066


Ha Ha agree'd, its slightly sad in the way that he spends way more time and effort into what he does then bitchbong and doesnt even get a callout

1af909 No.335079

File: a1775e984ce2a3f⋯.png (316.05 KB, 1240x1667, 1240:1667, jmaa_kopy_paste_that.png)

Really, did any of you know JMAA made a diss track on Kopy? Am I the first to discover it?


c23791 No.335101


lyrical mastermind.

kanye west who? jmaa is the new rap god.

fae824 No.335191


>take something that's completely played out as a joke

>make it 34 seconds longer than it should be to be "funny"


Tell him to lose weight, drop the piercings and fag haircut, and drop the ugly degenerate art and he might turn around.

d63c68 No.335355


although he's undoubtedly a faggot- still better than a retarded midget.

6f4229 No.335612

File: a8f950ab469d982⋯.gif (54.42 KB, 100x100, 1:1, 127090474130.gif)


I'm semi-unironically flattered.

bc1bc2 No.335616


you had better fucking be hes spent and entire several hours working on that!

6f4229 No.335639

File: 637b409e5891e92⋯.jpg (421.09 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0420000003.jpg)


Wouldn't be the first time someone made a diss track about me. JMAA's is better and not low energy though.


5c68ab No.335697


Who made that and why is it so fucking retarded?

6f4229 No.336319

Has Midge been necrobumping old threads again to try and push this one off page 1?

6f4229 No.336321

Tfw forgot to turn trip on

7225ca No.336658

File: 253a856f88447bf⋯.png (123.82 KB, 894x741, 298:247, britbong lies again.png)

40f8eb No.336737


His streams are stagnating as well.

Why does he always lie about things that are easily disproven? Even a retard like him should realize how dumb this makes him look.

7225ca No.336739


my favorite part about that graph is it's really clear he's trying harder but with diminishing results

7251ad No.336751

File: ecfdf2c7590fcf2⋯.png (23.14 KB, 885x253, 885:253, sad.png)


Through almost all of 2017 he was gaining less than 100 Twitter followers per month with a rough 10,000 follower base.

ANY DAY NOW all his true fans will find him and his new Twitter will be back up there.

40f8eb No.336999

ManletTears tried to shill his garbage on /v/ just a few minutes ago and got mocked endlessly.

40fd6c No.337003



f3825b No.337041

File: 0b58ab0f2018762⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, american.jpg)


So do you think in their secret channel #thevault they're sharing CP?

fae824 No.337050


Why don't you go find out? Also kill yourself.

40f8eb No.337144

File: 61d0c9958c0784c⋯.png (287.1 KB, 1070x1118, 535:559, sad.PNG)


It was even cringier than usual.

Painfully obvious it was him as well.

There was not a single person besides himself that said a nice word about the guy.

d63c68 No.337364


what board on 4chan is this in?

40fd6c No.337932

File: d5ca23486d5fcba⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, jewmpa loompa.jpg)


>try to promote your stream

>get reminded of https://soundcloud.com/emptyking-1/short-bus-song

6f4229 No.338200


Only thing missing from that thread is one of the mods revealing which posts were made by minivan

4fe20b No.338776


So this is why MT won't go on Second Life anymore? How sad.

e682f0 No.338840

File: 22dd2d38de381eb⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 22dd2d38de381ebeccd320b5a….webm)


No, that's why he doesn't stream VRChat anymore.

Clip related is why he doesn't stream SL anymore.

733207 No.339115


It was a mixture of that for weeks and EmptyHero but that one was the last time he ever streamed SL.

4d3741 No.339131

streaming in a bathrobe?

40f8eb No.339133


…and crying about his mental health. Just tuned in as well, can´t stand this shit for more than 10 minutes anymore. It´s beyond sad at this point.

4d3741 No.339136

jesus he's making himself sound like a potential school shooter

e682f0 No.339190

File: 2d4bea4c8fdb4c2⋯.png (59.07 KB, 652x412, 163:103, mt_daily_drama_sos.png)

File: bcf8bf4920839da⋯.webm (14.9 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_outpostgames_feud.webm)

File: 2d4bea4c8fdb4c2⋯.png (59.07 KB, 652x412, 163:103, mt_daily_drama_sos.png)

>still playing SOS

How many times did he rebuy the game by now?

473cf5 No.339195


Maybe someone should let them know, wonder what happens if they try to file a DMCA on stream.me

4d3741 No.339332

I felt kind of bad for MT today. He was legit pouring his heart out about his mental problems and his social isolation and having to live off mental health benefits and his chat was just like "reeee reeee play secondlife"

fae824 No.339377


Don't worry, he's in britbongistan, he'd have to settle for an illegally purchased soup spoon.

6f4229 No.339399

File: 6f6780542623e6a⋯.gif (1 MB, 350x191, 350:191, 1327903710258.gif)


>He was legit pouring his heart out about his mental problems and his social isolation and having to live off mental health benefits


86136e No.339780

File: 6bdaaefbba7a276⋯.png (111.26 KB, 535x565, 107:113, mispesos.PNG)

File: febf1c4494a3f76⋯.png (1.25 MB, 901x1060, 17:20, mispesos1.PNG)

"Oh no, my 10 pesos!

473cf5 No.339828


Kind of hard to feel bad for him given the shit hes spouted before, and hes only doing this shit for attention and pitty points lets be honest "Feel sorry for me im having a hard time, im getting bullied on the internet"

0fe9dd No.339851


Funny thing is, I keep reporting him to a dev in the discord server. It's funny as shit.

915ab0 No.339911



fac49b No.339990

File: 5e8b0a94a9a513a⋯.webm (10.96 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_playing_female_charact….webm)

M.anlyBong feeling uncomfortable about guys using female avatars, playing female characters


Never been dumped, always was the one who dumps!


Circa 1 hour about being bipolar/depressed and his ex-gfs being bipolar/depressed and girls on the internet being bipolar/depressed. Not very interesting.

fac49b No.339992

File: 04009d52c3ce9f8⋯.webm (642.08 KB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_never_been_dumped.webm)


*2nd clip

fac49b No.340001

File: 0ad627036e9c19d⋯.png (158.42 KB, 512x720, 32:45, jmaa_demonetized.png)

File: e4591873ece4847⋯.jpg (125.97 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, jmaa_blowjobface.jpg)

File: dae4f4cc9138ae7⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, jmaa_anger.jpg)

52d6ee No.340128

File: 0b42c3693657510⋯.png (465.74 KB, 1053x572, 81:44, britbong diet.png)

295ae2 No.340159

File: 63636f283e8b826⋯.jpg (73.4 KB, 945x945, 1:1, 1c74b9cc10210a6a0eb49f6294….jpg)


Growing a channel is simple in theory. People who claim stuff like that just never had a clue to begin with.

6f4229 No.340161

File: 6e7f43f17a63a5a⋯.png (190.76 KB, 825x648, 275:216, Caroline is a liar and a c….png)

File: 3dfeb920fb4476e⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 397x806, 397:806, _c62c962e7a33028a5098b2694….jpg)

File: 962020a8a222a68⋯.png (59.2 KB, 492x668, 123:167, 5b57a021ffa538f9c06a8ff410….png)


Yeah he's totally never been dumped.

fae824 No.340186



>380 calories per pack

>1900 calories not including what's in that hot sauce

>15 ounces of food from just the noodles, not including added volume from sauce and all the broth

No wonder he's getting fat.

bfd295 No.340237


He is the definition of what he makes fun of soy boy material eating that garbage is the same as soy imo

aee5a3 No.340254


so he's making like 20-30k a year and getting a retard check in the mail?

tax evasion city.

f3825b No.340258

File: 868d7965a47ee9f⋯.png (568.37 KB, 726x732, 121:122, ClipboardImage.png)

877f72 No.340364


Caroline was a repeat of upraksi. Same psychopathic pattern of behavior after getting cucked/dumped by a girl who foolishly opted to meet the midget in real life

52d6ee No.340550


>Abdominal pain and discomfort associated with autism affects up to 72% of children with ASD. The most common issue is constipation. A diet low in fiber and high in processed foods due to food preferences may contribute to the problem. In addition, your child may not understand or ignore the urge to defecate. He may not be able to effectively communicate the source of his discomfort and may act it out with anger, irritability, social withdrawal or disruptive behavior. Regular bathroom routines are very important for your child. Ask your child’s doctor if stool softeners, lubricants or other medications are necessary.

877f72 No.340624


Dirty crapped briefs may very well have been a contributing factor to MT's irl relationships failing

6f4229 No.341340


Heart attack when?

86136e No.341891

File: 761a5cdaa37760a⋯.png (61.1 KB, 1183x814, 1183:814, newlow.PNG)

Fucking lol

473cf5 No.341932


Lol surely not?

86136e No.341961


Nah, he´s serious. It´s mostly JMAA writing him though.

1af909 No.342041


Inb4 he says its just a joque but secretly he actually hopes to find a girl this way.


473cf5 No.342082


Haha jesus christ thats rock bottom, but i think >>342041 is right, hes going to say it was a joke

86136e No.342328

File: 90df6fa2055cb46⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1562x1006, 781:503, gaybong.PNG)

File: e3d560d06700e8c⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1580x1019, 1580:1019, gaybong2.PNG)



He´s playing it off as being ironic, but it´s clearly legit.

Or he does it to hide something…hmm.

00fa18 No.342351


>He´s playing it off as being ironic

Its pretty bad when even he knows how cringy something he's doing is. $20 says he checks that shit several times a day hoping there actually a girl out there that desperate.

86136e No.342359


He checked a couple of times on stream.

I wasn´t lying when I said JMAA wrote him by the way.

848cce No.342659


He's hit chris-chan levels of pathetic. But at least CWC actually went outdoors to find a boyfriend free girl. Making him slightly more competent than girly tears

00fa18 No.342736


Also, CWC is actually autistic. He at least has some excuse for acting like an autistic manbaby.

848cce No.342893


MT is an aspie too. But with bipolar disorder some manner of psychosis, and various (likely undiagnosed) personality disorders compounding that.

52d6ee No.343053

File: f7ba4da21fb51ba⋯.png (240.65 KB, 1046x650, 523:325, Untitled.png)

stop me before i order one

fae824 No.343297


>drawing his gay face like he's Frederick Brennan

c5af72 No.343320


wear it in public at family events

1af909 No.343341


Low effort merch tbh.

He's gonna get no money from me until he releases his collectable figurines and body pillows.

00fa18 No.343357


Is he? I figured he was just a tremendous faggot.

733207 No.343550


You would hope it is a joke until he puts serious criteria and is clearly not joking by adding "Must be 18+ and not a thot." I noticed he doesn't say must be female.

aee5a3 No.343601


i unironically want this.

I am one of those "big fans"

damn it jmaa, you are smarter than we give you credit for. two problems.

The face on the shirt is ugly, you can put more effort into it than that, it doesnt even look like you. infact fix the entire head. Spend at least 48 hours total mantime on the face drawing and also add some white to the onion.

If you do all of this i will buy one, and i probably wont be the only one to purchase it.

f09baf No.343691


He either mentioned it to one of the girls he internet dated or he said it on stream

52d6ee No.343696

streamlabs is asking for proof that Britbong harasses other streamers and users of their service.

Please use their contact form


473cf5 No.343736


Just send them the nigger video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hum516temUgc/

It covers all 3 bases, its britbong (shows him), hes screaming nigger at some twitch streamer (he then false reports his channel), and he gets a couple donations in whilst its all going on

1af909 No.343741

File: fbd7b4c8ea9495e⋯.webm (9.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, russo_twitter_vid.webm)


A bit late aren't they.

52d6ee No.343743


something must be up. they're asking for this independently of anyone going to them

it might be related to last weeks twitter battle

1af909 No.343748

File: 6ebaae030bfaf7e⋯.webm (13.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mt_pedoraid.webm)

86136e No.343974


This video will haunt him forever

4a5f0f No.343982

File: ad9732f7d151c76⋯.gif (41.44 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 1505607167348.gif)

>People still haven't learned that the best way to deal with Manlet is to ignore him.

473cf5 No.343986


Why would we if it makes you cry

4a5f0f No.344058

File: e6cc3ca73a8f127⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 600x791, 600:791, 1500482686338.jpg)


You still don't get that manlet wants to be an eceleb really badly.

By giving him attention you're just playing into his hands.

Imagine being so retarded that you get outsmarted by a falseflagging shitposting british manlet.

fae824 No.344074



Nice try, Dominic Vanner.

86136e No.344084



He wants attention everywhere else, just not here. Why do you think he stopped posting here and banned everyone who´d even mention this site? Because he can´t control the narrative or censor like he does on his Discord.

There´s so much shit about him and his family here, I bet he´d give his right nutsack to have all of this deleted.

473cf5 No.344188


Who cares, im here for the funny's, if "hes" going to scrape the bottom of the barrel to humiliate "himself" for "efame" then be my guest

Nice try though, scared hes going to lose his donation partner?


Nah man you've been "outsmarted", thats why he has the same 200 "fans" per stream and that number only goes down

86136e No.344224

File: 67a1c4e25631e5f⋯.png (101.51 KB, 560x249, 560:249, biggerthanever.PNG)

"More followers than ever!"

6f4229 No.344302


>Pedos leaving my steam group

So then prior to now, he allowed pedophiles in his ranks? Sounds about right.

4a9a6b No.344438


I'm sure you haven't forgotten that MT is himself a pedophile and that's why he constantly projects by calling everybody else a pedo.

52d6ee No.344594

In order to gain new viewers, Britbong's plan for the future seems to be shouting "BRITBONGDOTCOM" in every video game he plays….

I'm not kidding

he said so himself.

4a9a6b No.344626


Spamming his cringy videos on /v/ didn't work so what makes MT think blurting out his website URL in voice chat is going to accomplish? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result

ecc456 No.344696

File: 14c2d2e9ac2857f⋯.jpg (16.9 KB, 207x253, 9:11, vz2431521vcx.jpg)

222e40 No.344742


Ask any girl he's e-"dated", he's deep into ageplay. Why do you think he always hangs out with Alexander?

6f4229 No.344764

File: dc3dccb7026f3c7⋯.png (103.83 KB, 938x489, 938:489, 2017-05-21_manlet requests….png)


Did you forget that he not only posted child porn in a previous thread but also requested it in the same thread after the cp he posted got deleted?

302d04 No.344803

File: 61a764fac4e6f4b⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 61a764fac4e6f4be4214b84512….jpg)


That clip is great

86136e No.344825

File: 3b99bb2d7aed614⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 493x1213, 493:1213, irrelevantbong1.jpg)

File: 9da78f25287e92d⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 580x967, 580:967, irrelevantbong.jpg)

He´s having one of his fits again.

00fa18 No.345155


His mom is really irresponsible for not putting him down for a nap.

86136e No.345288

File: 42df4cd814f4d2a⋯.png (28.51 KB, 501x287, 501:287, bitchute.PNG)


Better back that shit up

473cf5 No.345300


Pretty sure he already tried and they laughed at him, but its not mine so not sure, i remember someone posting screen shots of it

1af909 No.345363

File: bf15e33e291eb89⋯.png (72.94 KB, 532x596, 133:149, mt_badguys_comparasion.png)

File: 76033e90335cfa0⋯.png (95.9 KB, 518x373, 518:373, mt_britbongdotcom.png)

How DARE you compare yourself to Britbong-sama!



At least we know he's lurking here again. Got a bit timid for a few weeks, but he always comes back.

7251ad No.345403


His official Bitchute is pretty interesting. I don't think he has to worry about any impostors. https://www.bitchute.com/video/h9jd8Hv0rURM/

86136e No.345422


Pretty sure he posted that we should "ignore the manlet" just a few days ago.




6f4229 No.346469


Wonder how much longer he's got before he commits suicide.

1af909 No.346562


So, how does bitchute actually censor/moderate their site? Do they just remove it from their search index or will you be completely unable to view it?

473cf5 No.346565


Looking at their twitter it looks like they champion free speech and people who've been removed from youtube, im not sure they will remove videos unless you did something like upload an entire movie or CP

86136e No.346708

File: 38461ebef8133ac⋯.png (87.04 KB, 594x856, 297:428, jmaamatters.PNG)

File: c0e2f36f1ba3074⋯.png (145.05 KB, 469x345, 469:345, jmaamatters1.PNG)

Watch out YouTube(rs)! JMAA is pissed off!

YouTube KILLED his channel (which has an average of 40 views/vid)!

He will DESTROY every fake cunt on YouTube, starting with Colossal!

If only someone actually paid attention to him.

473cf5 No.346769


hahaha fucking hell, eye for an eye so we know why hes only got 1 good one left then

watch out youtube the ogres loose

235267 No.347926

File: 0275c0b9e9882bf⋯.png (86.65 KB, 600x577, 600:577, Untitled.png)

86136e No.348070

File: 8f9f8227a6a9190⋯.png (229.21 KB, 474x806, 237:403, nodrama.PNG)


>"I dont create the drama"

Fucking lol. All he does is creating drama, he´s just mad as fuck that he´s completly irrelevant and everyone is smart enough to ignore him.

Creating drama is all he has to gain people´s attention nowadays. That and screeching the URL of his shitty website everywhere he goes.

2d7997 No.348245

File: 0de67670cf415f0⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 512324.jpg)

Is it weird that i watch every single one of his streams, and find him extremely entertaining. Just because he's such a massive sperg? It's like watching a dancing monkey.

I actually kinda want to see him succeed, just to see what would become of him.

On the other hand it'd be funny to see him failing to become e-famous and to see him spiral into insanity, and end up killing himself.

Whatever happens, it will be fun to watch.

473cf5 No.348333


Meh watching him sperg the first few times was funny but he just rehashes the same shit nowadays i can't even check in anymore to see what hes currently crying about, but i can predict the banter already:

> Cry about being bullied off all platforms for "telling the truth"

> Cry about x youtuber he cried about on twitter earlier and how they toe suck and copied bitchbong

> Tell bullshit stories about his youth and time at school, how he chinned out a gang of lads etc

> Cry about one of his Ex's and how he cucked them and he was the one who left, even though evidence points to it not being the case

> Talk about "stawlkers" or kopy or boyd and how they try to ruin him because he "BEETEEFEEOOO'd" them

Someone did a bingo a few threads ago, took like 30 mins to win

hes never going to "get successful" because hes so low energy he can barely hold the fans he currently has and if he did he would just do the same cringe shit and crying 3 hour "banter streams" he does now

235267 No.348356


>I actually kinda want to see him succeed, just to see what would become of him.

nah he'll fuck it up before that. He blames the shit that happens to him on us, but it's really just him fucking up.

c918a3 No.348360

File: d4924e10d863d72⋯.png (214.4 KB, 862x368, 431:184, 090f75e46dbb9ee654b0053d72….png)


Don't think suicide's ever gonna happen.

However, if you ask me how the "End of Britbong" could look like, I'm starting to see him flying/driving out to murder you as an option.


Fucking hell, JMAA stop copying MT. It's a road of misery.

Remember when Colossal still talked to you, made fun of you? Wasn't that way better than the silent treatment? You could've become one of his sidekicks.


So MT's going through the list of every lowly streamer who still talks to him/is neutral to him and cuts them off?

I don't see the endgoal here.


Glad someone's enjoying it, I'm by now a bit in >>348333's camp… or maybe we're just over-saturated. Maybe that's why MT is generating this endless amount of drama? To tire us out?

…Any ideas on how to drag MT out of his shell?

2a92ed No.348410

he deleted all the drama tweets he made yesterday. I wonder if he had a moment of self-reflection or if they got reported.

7251ad No.348501

File: fcf3db7d69a830d⋯.png (45.54 KB, 685x347, 685:347, mental illness.png)

2a92ed No.348507


how do you even do that?

6f4229 No.348629


>I'm starting to see him flying/driving out to murder you as an option.

I'd welcome that.

00fa18 No.348671


>he gets so butthurt by people unfollowing him on twatter he trolls them

>there are so few people following him on twitter he has the time to troll people that unfollow him

de39ad No.348717


is there a website to see who unfollows you?

951b78 No.349049

File: 670f6096f5cef32⋯.jpg (13.98 KB, 238x192, 119:96, 1470003206143.jpg)

I've watched many Britbong streams and he seems like a genuinely entertaining guy, is there any reason you all hate him besides your obvious jealousy?

So far the accusations you all throw at him seem to be:

>He allegedly tried to fuck a tranny

>He posted on /v/ too much

You all seem to be creeps recording his streams and not actually coming up with anything that proves he's a scumbag.

This is a serious question, why should I hate him?

951b78 No.349058


>Why do you think he always hangs out with Alexander?

Dude he hates Alexander why are you making this shit up

473cf5 No.349061


"Duuuuuh im not duh britbong duuuuuuh why do you guys hate me?"

pull the other one faggot, hows your dying stream going?

951b78 No.349072

File: 3d4798fe95590b3⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 06514144919f7167746c59cf01….jpg)


Can't you just present your case? I can accuse you of being Kopyboat, and even if we're both right you can still tell me what he's done wrong, but from what it looks like you're just an aggressively jealous person.

His discord has many people as I'm sure you know so he obviously has some fans, is it so hard that someone would ask a genuine question about why you hate him so much?

473cf5 No.349077


this is the 3rd or 4th time you've been here asking the same gay shit, you know why you're a cow, and people have even been nice enough to explain it to you

Heres one: when will you accept JMAA's love? hes drawn you both as sexy hentai babes, hes written a book dedicated to you and hes going to war with youtube so whats the lad got to do for a quick bum?

c5af72 No.349089

File: dcb1efd745008d8⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 1014x670, 507:335, dcb1efd745008d828897d9bdf4….jpg)

de39ad No.349102



>Dude he hates Alexander why are you making this shit up

think he means alex japan kid who linden labs banned for age play several times. one of britbong's best friends

951b78 No.349109


I've only found out about this board because Metokur keeps talking about it, didn't expect to find a Britbong thread.

So you hate him because JMAA has gay lust for him? I don't get it dude, you just seem to be siding with these unfunny fucks like Kopyboat and EmptyHero, and why?

de39ad No.349117


what's Metokur say about us?

473cf5 No.349122


You keep saying we hate you, but im pretty sure thats not even the case for most, we just like laughing at you sperging and making shit up about how you didnt mess up and its not your fault, you're kind of a DSP lite with your own quirks

come on shorty, if you wanted it to be less obvious you wouldnt open with the same shitty pepe's everytime you post here


Jim comes here to laugh at cows too

951b78 No.349125



It's the first thing they talk about, about one minute into the stream. I've heard about this board before but it just seems like a foxdickfarms/ED colony on 8ch so I never bothered showing up before.

1af909 No.349129


>genuinely entertaining guy

>obvious jealousy

>creeps recording his streams


BIDF detected

951b78 No.349138


Yeah he does make a lot of shit up, I can tell from his streams, especially when he talks about his past, but he's funny and entertaining and you seem like a bunch of women clutching your pearls because he said mean things.

473cf5 No.349150


I know you have brain damage but i dont care if "he said mean things", i like to laugh at you being a complete fuck up, getting caught out on lies and coming here to spam threads about your Ex's

What "mean things" do you even say? you cry about girl gamers and how you get bullied online everyday - can you change it up a little now though because thats getting pretty boring hearing it every stream

de39ad No.349152


>but he's funny and entertaining

yeah but you think Metokur is entertaining.

regular britbong isn't funny. regular britbong is just loud and stupid. BUT if things go wrong, Britbong can be funny as fuck to watch him struggle with it. We make sure things go wrong.

951b78 No.349153


I wouldn't watch his streams if I didn't find him entertaining, dumbass. Seriously dude you're reporting him for bullying girl streamers and saying "nigger" as shown in >>343736, why the fuck are you being such SJWs?

951b78 No.349155


>We make sure things go wrong.

Yeh fair enough then.

86136e No.349159

File: 4058917b7688862⋯.jpg (220.15 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1519577169598.jpg)



What would we be jealous of? Seriously?

>His streaming "career" which he destroyed? >His dwarf-like height?

>His nonexistant sex-life or social life?

>His mental-issues that got so bad that he can´t even leave the house to get a haircut anymore?

>His fanbase, that is the laughingstock of the internet?

>His 1 sub on YT and like 2k followers on Twitter?

>His "legacy" on 4chan? He is a joke there, nothing but a joke.

Please, tell me what we´re supposed to be jealous of. I´m waiting.

As for why we hate him?

I think he is an awful person.A malicious, deeply disturbed person.

He has no morals, no integrity and is unable to admit that he was wrong.

He does disgusting things to people (who don´t deserve it most of the time) and their families for bullshit reasons.

He holds people to high standards while those same standards never apply to him (racemixing/deplatforming others).

I think the way he talks about women is absolutely pathetic and immature.

And his retarded fans enable that behaviour by never questioning him, blindly believing everything he says even if they know deep down that he just lied to them. It´s like they can´t think for themselves.


He meant AlexJapanKid, the pedophile ageplayer

473cf5 No.349163


Whos being SJW's? watch the clip this faggots reporting some twitch cunt for nothing

951b78 No.349175


>I think the way he talks about women is absolutely pathetic and immature.

Yeah okay you sound like a fat bitch to me. What has he done that's evil to other people or their families? If he's done straight up evil stuff I'd be convinced, but "lel he's a virgin sperg dwarf who hates women" is what a dumb bitch would say to shame someone.

Anyway this is my last post, I've spent too much time defending a streamer I absentmindedly watch while studying, while you guys are on thread #37 so you obviously care more than I do.

1af909 No.349177


>I think he is an awful person

Yea he is, agree with you on all points.

It's fascinating how such a megalomatic personality can maintain itself in spite of all this.

I personally don't hate him, am fascinated, really.

473cf5 No.349184


Sheeesh bullied off again, we'll wait for your next post, i can already predict it now:

"Why do you guys hate bitchbong so much, i dont understand, hes a funny and transitioning guy and i watch all of his streams"

c5af72 No.349191

File: cba2c0ef9afd12d⋯.png (256.95 KB, 918x516, 153:86, b4359ef1f01351ff375d775d70….png)


Hes got a nice red rocket

1af909 No.349193

File: 7587a2b562ac6ce⋯.png (110.81 KB, 320x320, 1:1, MT_cucked.png)

There are lots of funny moments y'all are forgetting to mention.

Like him getting cucked by his own moderation team. Twice.

bc1bc2 No.349202


how can you watch jim but not understand what a cow is? do you just put it on for background noise and not listen i dont get it

c5af72 No.349206


because he doesnt

951b78 No.349207


People don't usually report cows to get them banned off yotube or twitter, seems like jealousy to me.

1af909 No.349209

File: d48763dcc6e666c⋯.png (486.85 KB, 1208x867, 1208:867, d48763dcc6e666c54a6c83bcb3….png)

File: add4ce52dad1be8⋯.png (263.19 KB, 848x672, 53:42, add4ce52dad1be85fc2946d584….png)

File: f50afc077168612⋯.jpg (175.78 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, MT_gmod_kid.jpg)

File: 2cb20f3d917ed2c⋯.webm (4.7 MB, 854x474, 427:237, mt_logs_not_real.webm)

File: 1aae2b36f265c56⋯.jpg (722.73 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, be6f06634d5016e289235f471e….jpg)

So many moments.

Now that /cow/ is gaining mainstream notoriety, I really start to think we need our own infosite (ala http://esotericjahanism.com) or even wiki on MT.

We can't really expect anyone to go through 37 fucking threads to get to the meat. Poor confused souls like our newfriend here need direction.

Anyone else up for it?

bc1bc2 No.349210


people do whatever gets the best reaction out of them you mongaloid, you julay them for that sweet sweet julay

473cf5 No.349214


It would be funny even just for the reactions of him trying to oy vey it down


Do they set you homework in the special ed class? thats kind of harsh really

86136e No.349217

File: d2d10aedfd5e0b4⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, 1519407046663.jpg)


I meant "Pathetic and immature" like a 16-year old virgin fedora-tipper who hates women because nobody wants him. Because that´s exactly how he acts. Do you really think someone who has a normal relationship with women would look for a gf via a contact form "girlfriend application" on his website?

As for how what he did to people and their families?

>posted doxxxx of the people (among them, his ex-gfs) and their families

>defaced the FB-memorial page of one girl's father who died

>threatened people with violence (again, even ex-gfs)

>harrassed people and their families on the phone

>created a /cow/-thread about his ex-gf on here, multiple times, included her doxxxx complete with streetview-pictures of her house as well

>posted nudes of people who wronged him, among them pictures of an underage girl. He basically owns and spread CP


Didn´t he report BradDoesBanter and BrittanyVenti just a few weeks ago? Right after holding as speech about he would never deplatform someone? So, is he jealous of those 2 tards or what? I love how it´s always "jealousy". I ask you again:

Why the fuck would we be jealous of him?

de39ad No.349218


>he would never deplatform someone

see that's the other thing. He's been aggressively taking down the twitter accounts of other youtubers

watch this


bc1bc2 No.349220



the guys run away after being shown up, they always showup and say the same few lines about how sjw tactics and how much we hate him, then bitch out when they get proven wrong

951b78 No.349224


Dude do you really expect me to sit here all day and defend this guy? I don't have time for that, you do. I'll agree with some of your points like how he makes shit up and reports for no reason, but he doesn't organize succesful reporting campaigns like you.

I followed him on jewtube and got only a bit butthurt when his channel got deleted, started following his streams because of that and now I find this board trying to take down his streamme because he bullied a fucking female Twitch streamer, yet you guys still think you're all cool and edgy as if you're not proto-SJWs


86136e No.349230


We don´t give a shit about some Twitch-whore, we just enjoy him raging when he gets taken down once more. Is that really so hard to understand? Maybe you really need to study some more, dude.

You come in here and do some really low-energy trolling, saying how jealous we are of the little faggot, but when I ask you what we´re supposed to be jealous of, you´re unable to form a reply and act like you´re too busy.

Really JMAA-tier retardation there, bud.

>but he doesn't organize succesful reporting campaigns like you.

You´re right, his campaigns are unsuccesful most of the time.

473cf5 No.349231


nigga you spent time coming here to post in the first place and cry about how bullied you get, you can keep screaming SJW but who cares?

We've already told you its about the reactions you get from shorty that makes this all entertaining, no one cares about faggoty twitch streamers

I dont know how we can make it any simpler…. i hope the short guy doesnt find out you posted here otherwise you're headed to ban city buddy

aee5a3 No.349233


this is some of the dumbest nigger shit ive read in the threads in a long time.

he doesn't organize reporting campaigns anymore because thats why he was kicked off of omnimedia, twitch, youtube, and everything else he's touched.

this is now a nigger thread, NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER (reports you for racism)

I was there for plenty of the twitch raid racism bans you little shit. don't try and say this didn't happen.

bc1bc2 No.349235





i hope this retard breaks free from manlet, hes already starting to sound like the tiny fellow and it wont be long because he becomes a pathetic waste like him either

951b78 No.349237


You're crying because I called you a SJW. We're both crying now, who cares. If people organized to take down CWC's videos anyone would think it's wrong to destroy quality lolcow cocks, but you take down his videos, even the one in which he gets fucked by a dog, so it seems more like jealousy to me, and you can't seem to be able to refute that.

951b78 No.349238


damn dude stop roasting me so hard you're ruining my career as an anonymous poster.

6f4229 No.349239


>you take down his videos, even the one in which he gets fucked by a dog,

I have his shitty Youtube videos and like 66 of his old Hitbox streams backed up if anyone wants them.

473cf5 No.349240


> Not caring

< Crying

What? i didnt come on here to defend muh lady bong, i came on here to laugh at his autism fits, you're using some bitchbong level mental gymnastics here, are you sure you arnt the little guy himself?

86136e No.349243


It´s his own fault his videos got taken down.

During the last few streams on his main YT, he was clearly trying to get suspended again. He thought YT was plotting against him and hiding his streams (wasn´t the case, he just lost viewers) and wanted to continue to "grow" on Twitch. He talked about migrating to Twitch all the time, he just wanted a excuse to actually do it. So he stepped up the edge massivly. Little did he know that his Omnia-handler saw those last few streams and they subsequently ended his contract with them because of his behaviour. And instead of just suspending him, YouTube outright deleted his account this time. because he had no one to negotiate for him this time.


Nah, the midget isn´t awake this early.

bc1bc2 No.349245


im not sure, look like hes been having troubles sleeping lately with the constant ass raping

473cf5 No.349254


If hes been listening to shorty for awhile now hes most likely bought into the whole "youtube secret Illuminati" thing

but meh if its him or one of the bitchboy squad it doesn't really matter, i dont even treat them as separate beings anymore since they just squeal the same responses to everything so they may as well be the shortman

733207 No.349321


He took down that one because it's embarrassing how he just got some guy off.

40fd6c No.349366

File: 0045efa6ba3f64b⋯.gif (4.03 MB, 202x360, 101:180, short jail sentance.gif)


emptyhero's twitter went down today too, after making fun of the manlet last week

makes one wonder

c5af72 No.349367

File: 468289785817fde⋯.jpg (163.87 KB, 560x560, 1:1, JUST.jpg)

bc1bc2 No.349369


hey now, britbong is "THE" anti SJW you must be lying to be honest

86136e No.349926

File: d7c80ab11be2077⋯.png (509.42 KB, 649x747, 649:747, notmad.PNG)

Clearly, he is NOT the one that is mad, making multiple posts crying about these people in the last few days while they either ignore him or make sarcastic replies from time to time.

473cf5 No.350084


Oof Degenrates and Weirdo's, sounds an awful lot like his fanbase (full of ped's and jmaa's)

Also wasnt he saying his fanbase was shit only the other week?

1af909 No.350236

File: 351ff5e372cb72f⋯.png (41.95 KB, 572x358, 286:179, mt_v_derek_twits2.png)

File: e9b9b17d47b6c6d⋯.png (502.84 KB, 600x1832, 75:229, mt_v_derek_twits.png)

File: 03209231e1bc0ba⋯.webm (3.26 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_btfoing_lazy_fucking_c….webm)


He sounds so deranged.

>trolling me and my real life

What's your real life up to, nowadays?


He makes a weird distinction between TRUE FANS and NOT TRUE FANS. Depending on moot, people can be put from the first group into the second at any time. You can even be turned into a stawlker/troll at a moments notice.

ecc456 No.350237

File: 4b1d3a912c69a4a⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2424x5248, 303:656, dindunuffin.png)

File: 84155f796e4c4ee⋯.png (494.75 KB, 614x1371, 614:1371, asfasfasfn.png)

File: 5d84dc112a2ae25⋯.jpg (113.56 KB, 756x640, 189:160, 1424129014.jpg)

File: c9f3789c9a448d5⋯.png (428.41 KB, 1257x426, 419:142, Stop Bullying1.png)


never forghetti

de39ad No.350251

I wonder if the guy who thought we were too mean to Britbong saw today's twitter rant

473cf5 No.350257



Lol hes cracking, how long til we get a crying twitter vid from him? "stop bullying me guys, everyones against me!"


I dunno, >>349926 kind of makes me think it was him, posted the same shitty meme images bitchbong does, pretty much word for word everything he usually posts (about us being sjw etc), he cant help but post on here and it had been a little while

6f4229 No.350260

File: bea9f9448383a91⋯.png (273.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, vlcsnap-2017-12-10-12h30m0….png)


>I mean they even got Boyd/Kopy

Glad I could contribute in your ruination, little guy.

86136e No.350273

File: 4a2830900f9304e⋯.png (228.01 KB, 686x769, 686:769, discordhelpme.PNG)


Remember when we thought that this rant on the Bad Guys' video was his lowest point and it was pretty much impossible that he would make himself look even worse? Boy, were we wrong!

734e94 No.350274


wait he does do that on his discord and its still up so whats he crying about? i like how bad his screen shots are though showing no proof whos discord its from

86136e No.350277


Someone should probably post those discord-screens of him saying that his ex's life is over because she cucked him, complete with his username and picture.

6f4229 No.350357


The ones I posted here? >>340161

1af909 No.350389

File: 9e1dd523df7695d⋯.png (56.49 KB, 596x391, 596:391, mt_derrick_twits_jmaa.png)

I briefly forgot JMAA exists.


spaghetti, sphagetti

473cf5 No.350417


Yea see im now im fairly certain that was the shortman earlier

also you JMAA fans just got rejected, his mutant brain just couldn't understand your love

1af909 No.350705

File: c5ea31b3373a1d2⋯.png (1.63 MB, 588x5334, 14:127, jmaa_bronies.png)

File: f87deea29367d2d⋯.png (67.97 KB, 486x486, 1:1, onion_reloaded.png)

In other news, today JMAA fought the good fight (against bronies).

As celebration, new onion fanart from a certain discord.

951b78 No.350767

File: bf958e2a671274e⋯.jpg (9.55 KB, 236x249, 236:249, 5475f07b98fe34f609a8e5f46e….jpg)


you've figured me out, it was me the grand wizowd all along!

Look at the number of (you)s I got dude, for an ebin trole board you guys sure are easy to rile up.

473cf5 No.350943


> "Haha you're the mad ones haha haha not me haha haha haha"

< Cries on twitter about how bullied you are

Oh man you really rumbled my Jeffrey's,

Its not my fault your dad fingered you buddy, maybe you should point that anger in the right direction,

86136e No.350947


Nah, you´re not the manlet, which makes the white-knighting even more sad.

You know he will block and ban you everywhere if he finds out you posted on here, right?

1af909 No.351190

File: 784a5188e40ccbc⋯.png (168.96 KB, 575x571, 575:571, mt_smegma_madlets.png)

File: 9e8cfc156c1c3fc⋯.png (72.84 KB, 592x551, 592:551, mt_smegma_madlets_daddy.png)

Mystery solved. woah


What do you say about your Daddy deplatforming LispyLegend?

6f4229 No.351200


I don't get why he's openly reporting Empty. I'm the one whose literally been paying people to flag down his Youtube channels and twitter account.

473cf5 No.351204


Pretty sure its because hes mad

40fd6c No.351206

File: 004a3290bc79010⋯.webm (9.76 MB, 854x480, 427:240, peng win.webm)


its all about the penguin clip getting posted on twitter

shit drives him crazy because his fans see it and ask him why he pussed out

if they ever saw the manlet/ eh confrontation on second life their heads would melt

86136e No.351378


Come join JMAA's stream guys.

Don´t post onion or cyclops, you´ll get instabanned

384e4b No.351407


which eyes the good one? ones flippin out everywhere and not looking at the screen and the others not moving or blinking

b241cb No.351521


why does he always take those tweets down? it's like he lacks confidence>>351190

3b6cc5 No.351612

I need the pic of Vee opening his mouth wide for something

384e4b No.351650


was it on a recent stream? kronos or american pride channels are archiving a lot of that stuff

bfd295 No.351741

I find it hilarious how often manlet claims hes super "red pilled" yet he obviously took the blue pill if he is willing to jack off to traps.

5c25e4 No.351752

File: 22bff5e5402c840⋯.gif (161.58 KB, 257x394, 257:394, veere.gif)


This one?

473cf5 No.351754


He likes to bang on about how "red pilled" he is, he repeats shit he reads on pol then tells everyone how he hates people who pander to pol

aee5a3 No.351828


good thing i gave manlets youtube a bad review after he bought banner ads on 4chan.

OH wait, he doesn't have a youtube channel anymore.

Guess everything is perfectly fair then.

b241cb No.351905

I don't really see the point of Britbong playing VRChat. Everybody there already acts exactly like him. Maybe he's looking to recruit some new 14 year old boys

40fd6c No.351983

aee5a3 No.352004


manlet was asking for this hard today.

i want webm now pls

40fd6c No.352012

File: 955214da9878cc4⋯.webm (12.76 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, orclet.webm)


if someone can get the reverse angle i'll bust a nut

733207 No.352014


Did he delete his recordings again and say he doesn't know what happened?

40fd6c No.352016


still streaming, just walking around screaming out his website url to 10 year olds

cff168 No.352375


This a thousand times. I want to see what happened on MT's end when Empty scared him off again

ecc456 No.352389

File: 8524ba8f879f0fd⋯.jpg (152.99 KB, 998x1500, 499:750, 9480234.jpg)


Again?! Christ midget, fucking stand up for yourself some time.

1af909 No.352402

File: 025b20882788b84⋯.mp4 (4.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_penguin_returns.mp4)


Here ya go.

You can really hear how agitated he is.

b241cb No.352405


britbong admitting he reports twitter

aee5a3 No.352409


inb4 bidf comes in saying dey babay domdom dindunuffin

1af909 No.352450

File: e6a772fc68f3de0⋯.png (144.1 KB, 474x668, 237:334, mt_derreck_block.png)

File: fd23fcc7abf33d4⋯.png (191.43 KB, 542x323, 542:323, effeminate_schoolshooter.png)

1af909 No.352453

File: 637319eefcc6375⋯.png (245.49 KB, 476x693, 68:99, jmaa_attention1.png)

File: fede0f8270daa85⋯.png (55 KB, 588x291, 196:97, jmaa_attention2.png)

It appears JMAA wants attention.

90fc6d No.352457



poor guy will never get the love he wants from the manlet not matter how hard he rides that dick, but imagine trying this hard to insert yourself into something

86136e No.352493


Probably because he didn´t get enough likes or some pathetic shit like that. it also doesn´t fit in the "Mr. Free Speech" image he tries to cultivate.


His definition of red-pilled is:

>all women are whores

>all foreigners are subhuman

>kill all jews (but have sex with their women)

He admitted to know nothing about politics countless times, he´s basically just parroting /pol/ and cries when others do it




How the fuck is he still unable to come up with a reply? Call himself "King of Banter" but his "banter" is just him having monologues about how great he is while he sits in his, dark, sad room. All alone.

c4d373 No.352499

File: ecf45adb0e6c7e5⋯.png (55.31 KB, 472x496, 59:62, mt_not_for_long.png)

7251ad No.352537



077393 No.352540


>britbong is humorous


40fd6c No.352696

File: 73d263900544edf⋯.webm (13.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dORC2.webm)

>getting this triggered by a penguin

00fa18 No.352880



>his only reply is "i-i got you banned"

In a way its impressive that he's more pathetic then actual basement dwelling neckbeards.

40fd6c No.352907


of course he's better, he lives in an attic

that's literally above the basement

1af909 No.353083

File: 2480e2030d22fdf⋯.png (497.52 KB, 849x478, 849:478, kingofbanter_vs_penguin.png)

File: da92b3bfcce5df0⋯.webm (14.1 MB, 852x480, 71:40, kingofbanter_vs_penguin.webm)


(Definitive Edition)

40fd6c No.353108


i love it/ you

473cf5 No.353127


Ha ha what a masterpiece! "not going to say anything?"

6f4229 No.353367

File: eb31ca5a4d1a8b9⋯.png (68.38 KB, 587x952, 587:952, 2018-03-01_baww why do I g….png)

[victim complex intensifies]

00fa18 No.353500


You can almost feel how much emptyhero bothers him.

64f6ee No.353514

File: c350743478f5546⋯.png (17.43 KB, 507x121, 507:121, Untitled.png)


Now you've done it

dc1f7e No.353579


I love it when MT cried on Twitter like that. Makes me want to fan the flames and further agitate him. Am I bad for getting enjoyment out of playing kick the dwarf?

40fd6c No.353584

File: b7bf937cb1b3f5a⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 305x400, 61:80, hello dominic.jpg)


unfortunately he had a couple of tweets reported today so he's currently unable to tweet

hopefully he learns not to be such a bully as repeated infractions could lead to the deletion of his twitter account

64f6ee No.353588


>unfortunately he had a couple of tweets reported today so he's currently unable to tweet

lol is that why he went silent?

40fd6c No.353594


i'm sure he's angrily mumbling to himself in his room loud enough to get his father to smack the ceiling of the living room with a chimney sweep

dc1f7e No.353928


Wonder how much more reporting will get him banned from Twitter a second time?

1af909 No.353968

File: fcea2c07097ae6b⋯.png (285.1 KB, 527x700, 527:700, jmaa_8chan_testosterone.png)

Told ya, JMAA. They give you power.

473cf5 No.354019


Good its not like he doesn't deserve it with false flagging everyone else, no doubt he will cry though and say how hes the real victim here, talk about people making alt accounts to ban evade from his ban evading alt account…


Haha this guy,

JMAA i know you're reading this, why don't you come post here and have fun with the rest of us? forget 5'4 he's never going to love you the way you love him

6f4229 No.354020


I would unironically do another collab video with JMAA tbh. And this time I'd credit him properly.

40fd6c No.354071

File: cfd59cd84e56f3e⋯.png (174.57 KB, 602x628, 301:314, banner2.png)

"i don't try to get people banned from twitter, that's a lie!"

86136e No.354125

He is shilling on /v/ again.

6f4229 No.354127


This one?

https://boards.fireden.net/v/ thread/408510623

077393 No.354128

File: 69e5e4b42dc874c⋯.webm (5.48 MB, 398x224, 199:112, Top Ten Greatest Anime Fi….webm)


I expect my apology now, /cow/


aee5a3 No.354131


You want me to apologize to you for giving JMAA the key to becoming the most powerful man on earth? you've created a monster.

86136e No.354137

File: 1f155638eb0be70⋯.png (403.16 KB, 1075x1180, 215:236, 2ips.PNG)


Yup, that one was gone quickly.

Same sad shit as always.

077393 No.354141

File: be429227b451976⋯.webm (3.36 MB, 720x576, 5:4, FUCKTHISGAYTHREAD.webm)


>recent videos


MIDF grasping at straws

473cf5 No.354142


"Mistermetokur called me a cool troll" what a lying faggot, but im pretty sure thats not what Jim said, and given what hes said about him on other live streams i imagine he only knows bitchbong from his cringey /v/ past

a2d7e5 No.354154


it was in the video "TGWTG Episode 7: Finale" starts at 28:35 he only mentions him by name

00fa18 No.354266


He didn't. All Jim did was laugh that bitchbong got to Pissed Pablo. Babybong is so delusional he thinks anything said about him that's not blatantly negative is singing his praises.

64f6ee No.354388


I figured out why he blocks people on twitter. It makes it really hard to report him. He finally blocked me on twitter and the only way I could figure out how to report his tweets was to make a second account.

7251ad No.354491


Find a place to host it and I'll contribute. A wiki would be nice.

c5af72 No.354690


Anyone here with particularly strong autism that can triangulate this?

7251ad No.354695


Its the same location of dox that kopy has posted 500000 times except Kopy always claims he lives in the front of the house but its the back.

1d82f7 No.354817


So has anyone tried actually hassling him irl and recording it yet? I seem to recall that a completely incompetent 789chan moderator made a cringy recording of himself attempting to "troll" some ginger cow years back. That's more than any of you, even Kopy, have done

c8e528 No.354833


he literally never leaves his room.

c8e528 No.354847

86136e No.355022


He has agoraphobia and leaves the house only 1-2 times a year.

He hasn´t left it since his birthday, which was in early december.

It´s not a joke when we say he is seriously mentally ill.


>"Haha I got him banned!"

That greek guy might be a faggot, but what the fuck is the point of posting this? What does this accomplish?

Making him look like an even bigger faggot rat?

Why is he still lying about getting Keemstar and those other bitches banned?

473cf5 No.355024


I think he saw the tiny rise in popularity when he was rumored to have done it, maybe hes just trying to spark that again

1af909 No.356476

File: ea113dd1d56ee1e⋯.png (256.91 KB, 850x477, 850:477, mt_hawt_local_guys.png)

File: e71b79e625cc647⋯.png (105.67 KB, 853x474, 853:474, mt_gayporn1.png)

File: 9fd4802daf61b8c⋯.png (99.15 KB, 853x477, 853:477, mt_gayporn2.png)

File: 95429adeef547e1⋯.png (250.67 KB, 854x476, 61:34, mt_gayporn3.png)

8c39eb No.357039

OP had better make a new thread soon and drop a link to it here. We're less than 20 posts away from the bump limit. Alternatively, it would be nice if the stickies came back. I feel like MT gave some of his spergiest reactions when the threads were stickied.

25985b No.357297

File: f9f882bfc702a97⋯.png (73.59 KB, 606x492, 101:82, Untitled.png)

7251ad No.357367


He sure loves to lie. If you are banned and make a new account that is breaking the rules. Nobody cares that you only used the account for chat or moderation and never streamed. You broke the rule of making a second account when your first is banned. Eat shit

1af909 No.357483

Next thread >>357467

1af909 No.357484


shit, failed to sage

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