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/cow/ - Lolcows (Four years on 8chan!)

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File: 2480e2030d22fdf⋯.png (497.52 KB, 849x478, 849:478, kingofbanter_vs_penguin.png)

File: da92b3bfcce5df0⋯.webm (14.1 MB, 852x480, 71:40, kingofbanter_vs_penguin.webm)

abc059  No.357467

Be on the lookout for Dominic Vanner 'The Transgender Lover' and the Britbong Internet Defense Force (BIDF) samefagging and attempting to slide the thread. If you're a current or former friend of Britbong and have con.tent and/or stories to tell, come on down and give us the skinny. We are loving and sweet.

Reminder: Britbong posts in these threads and pretends he doesn't. He has a sub 80 IQ.

Previous threads

Thread #37: >>331112 (Archive: https://archive.fo/JXlnN)

Thread #36: >>318343 (Archive: https://archive.fo/iSeha)

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Thread #34: >>307022 (Archive: https://archive.fo/dLkeJ)

Thread #33: >>304244 (Archive: https://archive.fo/ffVU3)

Thread #32: >>298293 (You) (Archive: https://archive.fo/2oLD2)

Thread #31: >>293110 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9fm2c)

Thread #30: >>290748 (Archive: https://archive.fo/a3XRr)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/L614J




Britbongreturns/Tranny cybersex screenshots

https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM (https://archive.fo/iNzpa)



Social Media

https://twitter.com/britbongalt (evading ban on https://twitter.com/Britbongreturns, evading ban on https://twitter.com/Trannytearsuk)



https://reddit.com/r/britbong (tightly locked safespace since feb2018)

Relevant ED pages

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/M*anlytears (remove *)

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/KrappleGuy (MT's archenemy #1)

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Boyd_Doghouse (MT's archenemy #2)



Other Links


7ddb28  No.357476

Britbong loves willy

9465dd  No.357486

File: 8238179a762b2ed⋯.png (58.21 KB, 581x549, 581:549, mt_greek_banned.png)

File: e672bcb357bbf9a⋯.png (61.62 KB, 611x597, 611:597, mt_greek_banned_deletetis.png)

7c5605  No.357492


can we say timid

that last response is ironic too, given who its coming from…

fc4163  No.357501

File: 413451bad73651f⋯.png (20.04 KB, 639x216, 71:24, omegalul.PNG)

Lol, for fuck's sake. Is he fucking serious?

His twitter-feed is absolutely depressing lately.

It´s like 95% whinging about other, more popular people- every single day it's the same cryfest about how everyone his terrible, he is so great and everyone and every platform is unfair to him. Like a broken record.

He´s like an ugly,aging woman who cries all day about how guys only go for hot chicks and not for someone with a nice personaliy like herself (which she doesn´t even have).

bd66d1  No.357535


So, what you're saying is that Britbong is a Nice Guy?

fc4163  No.357542


Pretty much, but instead of

>"Why don´t girls like me? I´m such nice guy!"

he asks himself

>"Why does no one want to watch me? I´m such an entertaining and funny guy!"

It´s a real mystery why his viewership is dropping..who doesn´t want to watch a 30-year old hikikomori cry about how everything's unfair for hours?

5a48d7  No.357848

File: 14540122b8cbf06⋯.jpeg (161 KB, 960x960, 1:1, D8CB475D-72FB-41EC-A927-8….jpeg)

Aww Twitch Youtube and real Internet personalities are hurting your fee-fees Domdom fill one of these out and see if it solves anything.

353eba  No.358062


>manlettears is so delusional he makes fun of other people's height

wew lad






83f968  No.358330

File: 465825a99bc49b1⋯.png (407.7 KB, 591x710, 591:710, z7b7otx1f5zy.png)

Oh it's this thread again…

Wonder why the mods haven't pinned it…


87f629  No.358374


If it wasn't for the fact that you forgot to sage your post, I'd think you might be the manlet

9465dd  No.358409

File: 5975a73137af2d4⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_bventi_freak.webm)

File: 9d9eae974df762a⋯.webm (3.84 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_lispy_stawlker.webm)

Brittany Venti: Self-centered fucking fisheyed freak


Responding To Lispy Stawlker

fc4163  No.358446

File: ecd9a449930cb0d⋯.png (83.32 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)


Such a bitter, spiteful turd of a human being.

I hope he keeps this up. No one will ever want to help the guy or collab with him in any shape or form. Not that anyone would do that anyway at this point.

I tuned into his stream yesterday:

>cried about low viewers ("Where are all the cunts?")

>cried about Asian Andy, said he would do a boxing match against him if he came to his inbred-island

>cried about AA some more because AA called him "a irrelevant cuck who craves attention"

10 minutes were all I could take. Played some vidya, went back like 4 hours later and:

>he was stil "bantering"

>crying about people not being loyal to him

>said the amount of donations didn´t change compared to his YT days, people who don´t donate aren´t "real fans" anyway

>apparently, Facebook is conspiring against him now and hiding his Stream-announcments (sure)

>cried some more about YT&Twitch being evil leftist companies who only help boring cunts

>cried about stream.me being dead and kinda shit

>he called himself "not relevant anymore"

>sounded really defeated and sad

>didn´t turn on his webcam once

What kind of asshole do you have to be so ungrateful? Faggot makes an easy 2k a month+ donations on top of that just for sitting in front of a computer and whining. He has a dedicated autistic fanbase who´d probably follow him to MFC if he went there.

Why is he so concerned about "being relevant"? Why not give up and just be happy with what you have? Why is it so hard to realize that you´re just not good enough to make it to the top?

a56bc7  No.358447

File: 69489f5abcf3bb4⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 600x497, 600:497, 1509223003988.jpg)


lets not forget he lives with his parents- that basically means he makes 2k a month w/o any disadvantages.

i mean, for somebody who whines a lot for "virtue signalling" he sure as hell does that a lot on twitter and his stream.

7c5605  No.358455


haha sounds about right, imagine making easy money and still crying, his next "competition" on the site being 200 users behind him, pretty much fixed in 1st place

maybe hes worried once people start getting purged from twitch they will go there and he'd be fucked

Kind of want someone like DSP to show up, he gets slightly more viewers and his fanbase is just as autistically "loyal" that it will push bitchbong down a spot for sure

5256d0  No.358468


>Why is he so concerned about "being relevant"? Why not give up and just be happy with what you have? Why is it so hard to realize that you´re just not good enough to make it to the top?

Because he's mentally ill.

By mentally ill, i mean he's just a shitty person in general.

7c5605  No.358515


pretty much this, he doesn't have any friends or connections offline, his viewer count is literally the only thing he had to measure his "worth"

5f9db3  No.358554

lol according to twitter, Britbong hates "The Shape Of Water" because it promotes bestiality.

ced225  No.358612

Manlet banned lol twitter.com/britbongalt

7c5605  No.358627

hahaha oy vey the little peckers angry today!

7c5605  No.358639


I didn't lose my twitter account :)

7c5605  No.358684


I guess if you look like you're transitioning they wont even ask your age hey buddy

Don't worry he can just make another, its not like anything of value was lost

5256d0  No.358690

this is now a nigger thread. thanks manlet

3f2afe  No.358727

the little man babby is now on stream.me, not streaming, but watching his own reruns on loop and crying about his lost twitter account

6e006f  No.358734


meanwhile onion boy is playing obscure mods and posting here, honestly i dont know why JMAA is hellbent on kneeling in the small guys shadow

3f2afe  No.358745

File: 4819dca76bec07f⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 779x730, 779:730, onion butt.jpg)


true love cannot be explained with mortal logic

6e006f  No.358750


i just feel sorry for the guy! dedicates his book and draws sexy hentai love pics for shorty and gets no lovin in return… is there a bigger injustice?

3f2afe  No.358757

File: 481721a0aa15b9e⋯.png (100.74 KB, 793x793, 1:1, jmonon.png)

6e006f  No.358760


haha fuck im dead

7c5605  No.358767


lol jesus thats some quality khantent

fc4163  No.358777

File: e3d560d06700e8c⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1580x1019, 1580:1019, gaybong2.PNG)

Hahaha…manlet's Twitter gets BEETEEEEFFOO yet again and the best JMAA can come up with is posting le meme nigger face?

Impotent rage much?

Isn´t it forbidden for manlet-minions to post here? You should be careful, he cut ties with people a lot more important than you because they dared to post on 8chan.

How long until he makes a new Twitter account and cries about people not following him at a rate he deems acceptable?


Very good. I

3f2afe  No.358824

File: 4e3a88546b57c61⋯.png (1000.9 KB, 759x1600, 759:1600, manly tears in drag.png)


here's dominic in his mom's clothes

fc4163  No.358831

File: d029490de307344⋯.png (931.28 KB, 632x1023, 632:1023, glargh.PNG)

Haha, keep going. Your posts on here probably get more views than all your YT-videos combined.

7c5605  No.358838

Hey serious question JMAA, why don't you stream on stream.me and get free money like bumboybong?

fc4163  No.358840

File: febf1c4494a3f76⋯.png (1.25 MB, 901x1060, 17:20, mispesos1.PNG)

>JMAA right now


3f2afe  No.358842


he would never directly compete against his lover boy

7c5605  No.358847


i didnt call you bumboy, i asked why you dont want free money

9465dd  No.358854

File: ced0131eabe6a53⋯.png (8.13 KB, 887x96, 887:96, mt_britbongalt_suspended.png)

File: 9d061b99725ba2a⋯.png (108.14 KB, 755x505, 151:101, mt_gab.png)



as well


got supended.

…Lets look at the positive side of things. Now he won't have to monitor his unfollows anymore. That activity took quite a mental toll on him.

Now there's only his gab.ai with 115 followers left (I'm one of them).


Only checked out the 2nd-to-last stream so far, your description pretty much summarizes that one as well.


>He'll pop out his fake eye, roll it up your butt hole

Lost it there.

7c5605  No.358857


Lol okay buddy

fc4163  No.358871

File: 51adf32eeafb1f3⋯.png (1.55 MB, 663x1184, 663:1184, JMAA big man.PNG)


You´re obviously JMAA.

JMAA's stream just ended and you right away niggers were posted.

Like I said, he doesn´t want people to post here and bans folks if the did, should I tell him about you hanging out with us?

Will take a lot of donations to get him to like you again...

Keep dem niggers coming, we´ll only get to the next thread faster. I bet you hit that New Reply button with tears in your eyes (scratch that, I meant "eye")

7c5605  No.358872


Bumboybongs gonna be pretty upset you're taking this to thread 39 all on your own

3f2afe  No.358876

File: e326d24b6e3e806⋯.webm (8.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, triggered.webm)

3f2afe  No.358883

File: da92b3bfcce5df0⋯.webm (14.1 MB, 852x480, 71:40, pengo VS manlet.webm)

7c5605  No.358885


What have you dished, you just keep posting a nigger, why did you turn your stream off buddy?

7c5605  No.358895


Why did you turn the stream off though? be real

fc4163  No.358905

File: e58504ddddbb029⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 400x363, 400:363, 1519075905031.jpg)


Has been offline for a while, pretty much since you started posting.

Do you really think this "trolling"?

Seriously? I know you´re kinda slow and went to some kind of special-ed retard school, but even you should be able to figure out that you´re wasting your time.

I liked that epic 4chan "troll" thread you created that almost ended in you getting thrown out of mongbong's inner circle.

This almost as dumb as that was.

I like how you´re suddenly acting like you´re not JMAA after someone pointed out that your manlet-king forbids you from posting here...kinda dumb you actually linked to your channel before.

6e006f  No.358906


you gave it away when you posted your own stream onion boy, the sad truth is no one in bitchbongs community would even acknowledge you exist, they hate you

9465dd  No.358914

File: b153015f63f7aa5⋯.png (87.66 KB, 471x674, 471:674, mt_gab_company.png)

Seems to be in good company over there.

7c5605  No.358924


I mean you would, you waste your time streaming to single digit viewers

fc4163  No.358925

File: e7fee3dfb7a004a⋯.png (459.04 KB, 777x913, 777:913, ffs.PNG)


I think that´s just what JMAA would do because JMAA is severly mentally handicapped and doesn´t realize that he just helps keeping the manlet-thread on the front page.

Thank you, JMAA!

Keep it up!

Maybe link to Britbong's website as well while you´re at it. He really needs those visitors I hear!

7c5605  No.358930


Its actually pretty funny watching you sperg, but if it helps then sure "it bothers me"

3f2afe  No.358933

File: dcb1efd745008d8⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 1014x670, 507:335, little fruits.jpg)

>when u realize it's not jmaa but actually dominic

7c5605  No.358937


Look man, im sorry your BF got twitter banned, can you go back to streaming now?

7c5605  No.358950


You're making it really obvious though, bad broken English like JMAA, cant read like JMAA

I dunno man you're going to have to convince me otherwise

7c5605  No.358960


Okay "not JMAA", can we get some alternate niggers going on? like a family?

7c5605  No.358972


What was hostile??? i asked if you could post some different niggers

3f2afe  No.358974

File: e76e8deb88dd948⋯.jpg (235.06 KB, 892x668, 223:167, KopyButt.jpg)

does this make you jealous jmaa, knowing you're never have britbong in your anus like this?

24083a  No.358977

Bungie must feel pretty bad about himself that he is such a lonely loser everyone thinks he is JMAA

7c5605  No.358981


Lol what??? i've not changed who i think you are baby now post some different niggers

3f2afe  No.358983

File: 116701fb52020d4⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 500x375, 4:3, New Canvas.jpg)

3f2afe  No.358985

File: ceb8de62fe27a5c⋯.jpg (27.36 KB, 354x400, 177:200, BritMonk.jpg)

24083a  No.358988

File: 6bbd7dc5a64e7e2⋯.png (12.91 KB, 527x66, 527:66, midget_suicide.png)

7c5605  No.358996


Eh no i've stuck with you being JMAA when did i say otherwise? now post some new niggers


Haha now thats a classic

3f2afe  No.358998

File: add4ce52dad1be8⋯.png (263.19 KB, 848x672, 53:42, britbabby2.png)

7cae4f  No.359000

Its not JMAA Its clearly Dominic losing his mind over his twitter being zapped.

"Cuck pedo salty delusional" these are all buzzwords from his limited vocabulary. Transparent much?


9465dd  No.359003

File: f2ae581d1368d68⋯.png (40.42 KB, 303x176, 303:176, niglet_block.png)

Next thread,

be a bit more creative & I might give you attention.



It's true.

A few years ago, MT would've never tolerated this shit.

Pretty sure at various points in the past weeks (when the Tranny Art got released, or when JMAA went on 4chan) MT was contemplating whether to kick him but weighted pro's against con's and decided against it.

2017/18's MT is desperate, for as long as JMAA stays obedient & forks over enough from his disability check, he's allowed to stay.

fc4163  No.359005

File: d53fbfa0146820b⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1820x851, 1820:851, jmaagay.png)

Lol JMAA, your posts really lack creativity, just like your ((("art"))) or YouTube videos.


Nah, it´s JMAA. This all started back up right after his stream ended, just like with manlet when he still dared to post here. Bungie actually distanced himself quite a bit from the manlet's retardation lately. Says a lot about his fanbase if the only people white-knigting you anymore are mutated rejects like JMAA.

7c5605  No.359011


Oof man you had better be careful, if this thread gets stickied because of your sperging bitchbong is gonna be so maaaaaaaaaad

3f2afe  No.359021

File: 58a97d9c77e7587⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 559x851, 559:851, small shopping list.jpg)


did you buy trapbong a new stuffed toy or tranny porn for his birthday this year?

9465dd  No.359025


Yeah, what happened to Bungie?

Will he turn gr.emlin?

9465dd  No.359030


^this. Better be careful, JMAA. You're on thin ice already.

7c5605  No.359031


Boo hoo please stop this is too funny for me


That would be great, maybe onion boy here might get his chance to be second in command

7c5605  No.359047


JMAA lad, its okay eventually you will get over bitchbong and find a new man to mac on

fc4163  No.359052

File: 2c303c22fdb07f6⋯.png (206.3 KB, 781x1070, 781:1070, jmaa master troll.PNG)


No idea, but he keeps in the background ever since MT went cuck-mode.



How? You´re keeping it on the front page and giving it more exposure. Do you think people will stop posting here because "Oh no, someone spammed some niggerfaces for a day?"

You´re IQ must be in the low seventies my friend.

7c5605  No.359066


Nothing a few seasons of rick and morty couldn't fix

I wonder how mad bitchbongs getting at this, JMAA is humiliating him again like he did on /v/…

66cddb  No.359069

File: 8d6e5983412437f⋯.jpg (54.54 KB, 439x468, 439:468, cani.jpg)

7c5605  No.359073



Imagine that being your penis, what a sad state

no wonder he wont show you any love JMAA

24083a  No.359079

File: b4359ef1f01351f⋯.png (504.49 KB, 918x516, 153:86, fap plz.png)


Gotta post its match

7c5605  No.359085


Nah still a few hundred to go buddy

7c5605  No.359092

How did JMAA's dick pic even get leaked, did he post it himself in hopes the short guy might see it on here?

3f2afe  No.359100

File: a0022a4c7081b8c⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 798x588, 19:14, peanutbutt.jpg)

24083a  No.359103


He sent it to Summer, the girl Bong was having "snapchat sex" with.

7c5605  No.359106


lol what why?! JMAA's clearly gay as fuck was she a ham beast or something?

fc4163  No.359108

File: 8b6351b9f6fa299⋯.gif (203.71 KB, 760x513, 40:27, 1389037451239.gif)


He actually posted it in "The Vault" on MT's discord.

MT actually said that picture was the reason he doesn´t visit "The Vault" anymore.


Remember when Britbong shouted out his "friend" and frequent donator JMAA? Me neither.

7c5605  No.359112


Ouch that must have hurt the big guys, no wonder hes trying really hard to get noticed

3f2afe  No.359115


>Remember when Britbong shouted out his "friend" and frequent donator JMAA? Me neither.

>boyd and emptyhero repeatedly shout out jmaa to their tens of thousands of fans

>dominic openly mocks him, and tells him to stop attaching his videos and soundcloud to donations because he hates jmaa's cocks

7c5605  No.359125


Yea thats the really sad part in this, hes so dedicated to someone who really doesn't like him and takes his money

guess the poor guys tuckered himself out

5f9db3  No.359186

ya'll done made britbong lose his damn mind

a56bc7  No.359196

File: 3af055dfbeef0fc⋯.gif (40.51 KB, 645x773, 645:773, brainletdance.gif)

little man finally got fucking knocked out on twitter, LOL.


fc4163  No.359217


Yeah, both of his accounts.

Meaning he probably got banned for ban-evasion, meaning he´ll probably gets booted a lot faster next time.

3ab05f  No.359246


it's either bungie or alex or cowboy kek posting all the nighards.

I was watching jmaa stream earlier while the first gang was posted, he dindunuffin jmaa a good boy.

a56bc7  No.359249

File: 5a83c4131bf2ce8⋯.png (12.87 KB, 806x88, 403:44, proof.PNG)


apparently bungie got banned a while ago for "backstabbing".

i'm pretty sure i've heard him say this shit in voicechat at some point- i know the same night that emptyhero stuff was happening he and his fans were trying to flag down his new account and whinge about how emptyhero "can't refute".

3ab05f  No.359251


oh fuck. if bungie is finally gone then shit is getting real. jmaa needs to get on that rebound.

5f9db3  No.359252


>apparently bungie got banned a while ago for "backstabbing".

Bungie got banned? Man, Bungie was Britbong's left testicle for years. It really is all coming apart isn't it.

3f2afe  No.359253

File: dcb1efd745008d8⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 1014x670, 507:335, little fruits.jpg)


all those memories lost, like onions in rain

time to b&

a56bc7  No.359254

File: 225954d4c708de6⋯.png (25.54 KB, 630x239, 630:239, summary.PNG)



k, so i'm skimming through some of these logs to confirm what i thought had happened- but it really does show that the little man is narcissistic. i highly doubt the person bumping the thread (thanks by the way- gives attention) is bungie.

3f2afe  No.359255


finally JMAA is the best britbuddy!

5f9db3  No.359257


I feel bad. Britbong was like his only friend in the world.

7c5605  No.359258


Lol nah he was stopping to post them, then once he turned the stream off the spamming started,

The weird spamming "YOU GUYS GOT CUCKED" and the detachment from reality in the posts pretty much line up with onion boy, i just hope he sees the light one day


Thats hilarious, i wonder if bungie was the mole all along, well no doubt he will find his way here eventually

fc4163  No.359302




Knowing MT, "backstabbing" probably meant not attending streams/discord and/or having a life.

I remember Bungie attending less and less when he started on Twitch and not at all lately on Stream.me.

Bungie is a bitter, abrasive cunt, but he´s not as dishonest as the manlet and he was one of the few in his community who didn´t constantly suck MT´s toes and acted like he was some kind of demi-god. He probably told him he wasn´t enjoying his streams or told him something else he didn´t want to hear and the midget flipped.

It´s not like we didn´t predict this months ago.


This, 100% sure it was JMAA. His stream ended and the nigger#-osting started like a minute later..I mean the guy literally linked to his stream and used "Juan-chan" to refer to himself, which is JMAA's tranny-persona. No one else uses that term.

Also, only JMAA would be dumb enough to think he trolling people with that shit.

24083a  No.359322

File: 1a61423937eb339⋯.png (32.34 KB, 587x281, 587:281, almonds = activated.png)


>he isn't trollming

3ab05f  No.359416

the lack of posts tonight is down right criminal.

update from his discord pls

5f9db3  No.359441


>the lack of posts tonight is down right criminal

lol his friends seem to be operating under radio silence on twitter too.

5f9db3  No.359444

File: 93df6952e214841⋯.png (29.51 KB, 602x212, 301:106, Untitled.png)

uh oh lol

I kind of hope it was Empty Hero who did it.

3f2afe  No.359469

File: 481721a0aa15b9e⋯.png (100.74 KB, 793x793, 1:1, jmonon.png)


of course it the guy that makes funny jokes

no way it's one of the people that actually hates the manlet and report him instead of making fun of him

5f9db3  No.359481

surely Britbong knew when he started all this bullshit about reporting other people's twitter could only end with him losing his own.

353eba  No.359504


He's such a delusional retard I can see him honestly not expecting anything to happen.

5f9db3  No.359664



I'm sorry Britbong got banned on twitter

I'm pretty sure Kopy did it.

66062d  No.359675

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)


heeheehheheeh totally JMAA heeheehheheeh

66062d  No.359677

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)



66062d  No.359678

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)



66062d  No.359679

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)


heeheehheheeh >>359678

66062d  No.359680

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)



5f9db3  No.359691


you're masturbating aren't you?

9465dd  No.359705

File: a9e4486db6720ab⋯.png (14.25 KB, 582x78, 97:13, alex_8ch_timid.png)

Alex, JMAA, you have seen how quickly Manlet changes his opinion and turns on even his most ardent fans.

Bungie, Applechild, Bloodgoil, BrittanyVenti, Killdeer, SpottedGoldfin, Shekelberg, Jammku…

What makes you think you're not gonna end up on the chopping block one day?


Bungie, if you're reading this: Stop worrying and embrace Gr.emlindom. It's fun.

7c5605  No.359727


I think this last "attempt" must have been this alex guy, from what i've seen on him before he seems pretty low energy and the above was pretty pathetic compared to JMAA's fit earlier

his last escapade was what? getting that tranner de-sponsored, jizzing over how he did it, then taking it back because he realized that everyone else will have been spamming that nigger video to them, shooting down any chance his master will have of getting sponsored either

fc4163  No.359735

File: d075750299458b9⋯.png (195.17 KB, 592x1029, 592:1029, ageplayer.PNG)


The kiddyfucker is having a meltdown over your screenshot. Fucking lol.

2a7fd6  No.359736


wew lad hes mad, does he have a job or anything? seems to have a lot of spare time to cybersex kids and white knight "someone he doesn't even watch"

8ceb19  No.359739


What does he think he is accomplishing here? It's just going to get deleted and he's bumping the thread.

87f629  No.359765

File: 431dd71cdb9851a⋯.png (254.24 KB, 640x480, 4:3, vlcsnap-2016-06-10-01h32m5….png)


Yup. All the flagging of the little guy's twitter on my dollar finally paid off. :^)

3f2afe  No.359768

File: 63326e050d1b611⋯.png (311.19 KB, 1103x631, 1103:631, Untitled.png)

he sure showed them!

fc4163  No.359770

File: 8ef9dc205d29679⋯.png (248.81 KB, 637x564, 637:564, gab.PNG)


This will never get old.

All this talk about being invincible and always coming back is such crap and that screen really shows how he really is. Getting kicked off YT hurt him a lot.

I love how he always blames other people…it was his behaviour that got him booted from platforms, people just drew attention to him breaking the rules.

The fact that EmptyHero's posts on the manlet's page are not getting deleted because Gab is so focused on free speech is also hilarious.


He has like 10 followers on Twitter, we are probably the only people reading his rants.

7c5605  No.359774


Oh shiiiiet i gotta get on gab then, i like how he pretty much plays into our hands, all we want are these hilarious sperg outs when he gets banned and he does them like clockwork

24083a  No.359776

File: 7829bc9bdc04f2e⋯.png (15.02 KB, 620x202, 310:101, britbongalt.png)

File: f5455cec41fc50b⋯.png (454.3 KB, 1014x801, 338:267, britbongalt2.png)

He linked to "@britbongalt" on gab and its mega meme troll troll page

3ab05f  No.359805


my reaction is


ced225  No.359816

File: 0228b752bb28c99⋯.png (184.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, o9ce7_oa.png large.png)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jT_qZ8GCY0&t=1s Dang, the whole SL community dissed britbong in this video, it's crazy

3f2afe  No.359902


stop, you're making jmaa thirsty!

fc4163  No.359912

File: 3948bb591fef99f⋯.png (103.59 KB, 481x968, 481:968, maddiddler.PNG)


He´s still going btw, now he´s insulting Anex, that guy who white-knights the manlet all the time. I don´t know what´s happening..is he having some kind of seizure?


JMAA wishes his eye was the toilet.

7c5605  No.359924


Guy cant even get his britbong lore correct, i mean that kind of goes to show how fucking shit bitchbongs story telling is when his underlings dont even know which gf is which

move over mundane matt, heres SaltyAlexJP the true red pilled mother fucker

3ab05f  No.359983


i read it wondering what the fuck when he said kopy and upraski.

literal brainlet. This is the best manlet has left, if you don't count the evil super genius Jmaa

3cb0c2  No.360136

File: 149e42d84963c5d⋯.png (130.58 KB, 1037x287, 1037:287, dindunuffinmidget.png)

It's hilarious how he claims "I didn't do anything bad on those twitter accounts" yet they obviously found proof otherwise or they wouldn't have been banned.

0e89cc  No.360152


I don't need to imagine ;_;

fc4163  No.360384

He ragequit VRChat after EmptyHero showed up. Claimed his controller's battery was low. Also claimed EH is a pedo and his channel will get deleted.

f1e6a7  No.360390

Hey EmptyHero you are still not funny you lispy homo you will never have a succesful channel lmao :^)

3f2afe  No.360391

File: d2dc2e56b0c8eeb⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, screen_1920x1080_2018-03-0….png)

>guys, help me, my batteries are dying, I'm totally not running away, its the batteries I swear!

5f9db3  No.360394


he's been mumbling about team gamerfood for 10 minutes. what's that about?

3f2afe  No.360396


emptyhero, then derrick stream sniped the little man in vrchat just now

he spent 10 minutes threatening emptyhero, now he's complaining about bungie and thinks everyone with a new account in chat is EH

7c5605  No.360397


But hes totally winning this imaginary war guys

5f9db3  No.360413

croco turned against britbong? lol

3f2afe  No.360423


croco was kopy all along

1eb29a  No.360434


Britbong kicked and banned a serverful of people for being in one of croco's servers a couple months ago, it even had his ex-quasi-girlfriends loser and themeowface and summer, it had big john, val, gassed, mannperson, iker baladas, planko, Joe joyce, and a bunch of others.

7a942b  No.360649

File: 8c17aeadf9cf9b6⋯.png (31.36 KB, 567x491, 567:491, Untitled.png)

6d0d3c  No.360665

Aging fat manchild looks great on the resume. I wonder what tatertot here is going to do once impressionable children get tired of his schitick? He doesn't have the brains to do a real job, he lacks anything approaching charisma or personality to shekelgrub from adults. He can't even be a friend simulator like Review brah because his shit tier personality is a turn off.

The little fella is going to have a pretty interesting time a couple years from now. Is he still living with his family?

87f629  No.360666


Yup he still lives in his parents' attic.

3f2afe  No.360700

uh oh, there's a SPY in camp bong!


17c292  No.360835

File: 71cf65a8d387c71⋯.jpg (912.38 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, longgone.jpg)

You could of at least tried to realise that people did once care about you instead of turning your back and attacking/doxing everyone who was close to you even though they shit his pants and did nothing to you.

I can't believe that you're going to get rid of bungie, I don't know what happened between you two but from what I remember bungie was once someone who was also there for you all the way, now you throw him into the trash as if he is nothing, I hope some day that you learn to cherish people who have helped you instead of doxing/attacking them and throwing them away as soon as you see no use to them.

Try to be caring for once so you don't lose anymore friends please.

17c292  No.360837


Unaware why it added "shit his pants" to the post, stupid website

87f629  No.360860



bb7996  No.360897

File: e72e5112688d88d⋯.png (376.91 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180307-100512.png)

PSA /cow/boys:

the midget is still trying to resurface on twitter. ready those reports

7c5605  No.360902


Why doesn't he just use his shitty site if its so popular? he knows his twitters are going to be taken down because of how he was reporting everyone else

3f2afe  No.360975

File: e73c9bc930b0468⋯.webm (6.34 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, butthole_sun.webm)


7c5605  No.360979


Haha fuck thats hilarious, look how quick he quits that shit

what a baby

24083a  No.360992


Why is Britbong on VRChat anyway? He claimed the creator was a pedophile and quit it months ago when it was in beta. Now he get bullied on it and literally has panic attacks and runs away. Does he think chatting with guys in anime avatars is epic cocks? He can't even handle a little banter

353eba  No.360997


Maybe he thinks he'll find a girl with a midget fetish.

a7b57a  No.361067

File: 9eca43c263f2d12⋯.png (50.03 KB, 441x437, 441:437, b1.png)

File: b861579201569ec⋯.png (78.19 KB, 542x605, 542:605, b2.png)

Looks like the little man has been lashing out after being banned on twitter. Very sad to see!

170502  No.361069

File: fc8a3b78e0f22d1⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 500x412, 125:103, ghost_prisoners.gif)


The video is removed. Is there a mirror?

a7b57a  No.361079

a7b57a  No.361080

File: 8fd86c332c54d26⋯.png (191.43 KB, 431x895, 431:895, bb3.png)

3f2afe  No.361093


did he forget we have video of him doing worse to that tranny streamer on stream.me?

3f2afe  No.361098



or just the video of him screaming nigger 50 times?

7c5605  No.361101




B-b-b-but i thought bitchbong was the anti-SJW

3ab05f  No.361139


manlet needs to "neck emself oi oi oi".

33afc0  No.361146

File: 465825a99bc49b1⋯.png (407.7 KB, 591x710, 591:710, z7b7otx1f5zy.png)

Where are you hiding empty hero you lispy retard?

33afc0  No.361148

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)


Flagged the fuck down. Glad to see Youtube's report feature is still in tact.

3f2afe  No.361149

File: 3c7fa28ee6a50e4⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 652x960, 163:240, britbong goes on a date.jpg)

33afc0  No.361151


Mad that all those twitter accounts are going to eb gone in less then 3 weeks?

33afc0  No.361152

File: 661e1f092f41dbe⋯.png (180.77 KB, 300x360, 5:6, VabxsAZ.png)


Your trolling efforts aren't working to well are they lil man?

3f2afe  No.361153

File: e76e8deb88dd948⋯.jpg (235.06 KB, 892x668, 223:167, KopyButt.jpg)

3f2afe  No.361154

File: 8912f57539d49ad⋯.webm (1.81 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Manly Tears Enters the Th….webm)

7a942b  No.361156

File: b256d3c83416793⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 328x349, 328:349, DXtJNnkU0AAu9Md.jpg)

didn't see this coming

8ceb19  No.361168


Geebroni is out now too?

3f2afe  No.361172

File: 870eed238c4e168⋯.png (28.72 KB, 483x348, 161:116, 8fd86c332c54d266f1b931c580….png)

what are the odds he turns on them if they don't retweet him?

24083a  No.361180

File: a9f0945ad978193⋯.png (59.93 KB, 618x295, 618:295, chrome_2018-03-07_16-44-07.png)


6 hours ago.

3f2afe  No.361207

File: d7cdf96b9acb812⋯.png (58.36 KB, 916x785, 916:785, 5aa04334a9387.png)

fc4163  No.361303

File: 303368b1fef061d⋯.jpg (140.81 KB, 543x405, 181:135, 1423159531842.jpg)


LOL, didn´t he laugh about EmptyHero making like $15 on Patreon?

Does he really think the guy cares?

The monglet doesn´t seem to grasp that there are other ways people earn their living, outside of the internet,

The only thing he accomplishes is that people will now try to get his Patreon suspended. He really can´t help being a complete and utter retard.

33afc0  No.361363


>Implying lispyhero makes more then britbong on a monthly basis.

7a942b  No.361377


welcome back green text britbong. We've missed you.

353eba  No.361379


So is there a reason he represents himself as an ugly wizard? Or is it just that he's ugly and a 40-year-old virgin?

7a942b  No.361381


that empty hero guy really gets your blood racing little guy. What's the back-story there?

3f2afe  No.361387


he was brutally raped by dusty rhodes as a child and the voice triggers him

0e072f  No.361402


I think the backstory is Empty Hero has owned Bong repeatedly on VRchat with the video evidence to corroborate it and Bong was unable to respond coherently and timidly logged off every time. EH directly contradicts Bongs masterful t-roll delusion.

3ab05f  No.361413


Both have been shilling on 4chan for the past several years now. The difference is that empty posts his shit and that's it, manlet posts his shit by creating a thread and samefagging how he wants to suck his own dick for 100 posts in a row before thread gets deleted. Empty has actual talent and has written several enjoyable books as well as some music, while manlet played secondlife with all the other social rejects while screaming wildly about autism with no actual rhyme or reason.

Manlet is incredibly jealous that empty has respect, friends, and fans, as well as a life outside of the internet.

Manlet was so angry that he bought(i assume you have to) emptys book just to review it with 1 star on amazon, got empty banned from twitter, and all the other shit i cant remember right now. Empty hunts manlet. Empty haunts manlet.

Empty does things to dominics mind on such a subconscious level that he is stuck frozen, like a deer about to be blown into red mist by an 18 wheeler going 120mph.

3ab05f  No.361418


>while manlet played secondlife with all the other social rejects while screaming wildly about autism with no actual rhyme or reason.

I need to rephrase to add something.

While manlet played second life with all the other social rejects (those whom eventually rejected him as well, SL was his life for YEARS. if you look into boyds old videos you can see everyone being buddies and having a good time.) Manlet became a small midget fish in a thimble sized pond, which lead to infamy resulting from autistic screaming aka "tr0lling". On twitch he's a nobody, on youtube he's a nobody, on twitter he's a nobody, on stream.me he's a midget fish in a contact lense sized pool. His only last grip at relevancy.

7c5605  No.361420


Ha beat me to it, its really a jealousy thing, and the little shit still doesn't understand how fucking gay he was acting on /v/ doing that

7f9a52  No.361469

While still immensely hypocritical (how dont they see it?), at least MT is honest about his methods now.


It was just Derrick filming himself pissing in a toilet.


>Lets have a look lets see…

Tell for MT being timid. Watch the OP, in both previous encounters he uttered it when confronted.


Reminder MT still has a patreon, as well.



I think it's personality. Empty keeps making fun of Manlet, never engages on any logical level (where MT uses to warp things). MT can't handle that, to a point where he has mental shutdowns when being confronted by Empty.


Inb4 dozens of rants about people not following his new twitter.

7f9a52  No.361506


While good-hearted, your post falls on deaf ears.

The precise same thing happened with Bloodgoil (removed for disagreeing with MTs treatment of MsAlchemy, see the "Tranny cybersex album" in OP), Shekelberg (removed for making too much trouble once), Jammku (don't know why MT kicked him out; anyways he came back like a beaten dog throwing money at MT again because he is a BLUE-PILLED BETA). Could probably think of a dozen more examples, but these may be the biggest ones. All of them were with MT for years.

Once they disagree with him, make more trouble than comfortable or simply happen to talk to the wrong people once - out they go.

I've yet to see MT maintain any relationship not purely out of benefit for him (ego-stroking being one of them). However, that's just how I perceived it so far.

He will not engage posts like yours in any meaningful way - if you left any identificational information here, you'd probably be doxed by now.

7f9a52  No.361518

File: 263691a6bb33e33⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 728x546, 4:3, aid134358-v4-728px-Show-Em….jpg)


Google up some articles on sociopathy and sociopaths in relationships. I'm serious, not even memeing.

Sooner or later you'll meet them IRL, too. You may never notice.

Being sociopathic doesn't necessitate being bad person, but it's easy to be one. In a game of tit-for-tat, being able to trick your opponent without getting caught is always an advantage. That touches that one argument by the religious folks: If you're not subject to a higher power, there's no reason for you not to break the rules besides the risk of getting caught.

People are saying MT is stupid - he himself says so - but he's got a certain social smartness (not smart enough, still gets caught but thinks he wont). That's how currently he's being able to maintain a fanbase, at all. He's actually quite good in deceiving people. Once you take anything he says at face value or give him the benefit of the doubt, he's got you. You'll go down the slippery slope of him being a totally normal guy whos being unjustly treated, even when you've been exposed to the contrary before. I've seen it happen multiple times.

For example, Ageplaying Alex may not be consciously aware of being deceived, but his emotional response >>359735 (not even addressing the actual question) certainly tells us something. Nobody likes to acknowledge they're being deceived.

Now, would have been good for MT if he had actually managed the big breakthrough, if he were the second coming of Keemstar? Imho he would be even more of a toxic slush pit than now. Right now, he's getting his shit beaten out of him, from all sides. Eventually it may force him to reflect (pretty sure he's able to but chooses not to. would require him to acknowledge the misery he's in). That's honestly the only way I see him bettering himself, if ever.

/armchair psychologist

dadd36  No.361533


If even someone as autistically thorough as Kopy couldn't make MT come to his senses after catching him in his lies a ridiculous number of times, then he's never going to learn. Like father, like son

8ceb19  No.361597


He won't learn from someone who obsessively attacks him countless times for years about the same shit, Kopy is just fanning the flames for now and that's all he will ever do because that's all he knows how to do.

fc4163  No.361598

File: 95fe9eb1248a57e⋯.png (126.49 KB, 477x661, 477:661, childmolestingsnitch.PNG)


Yeah, it´s beyond sad.His friend, the predator, is already at it. And of, course, the manlet was the only one who liked those tweets.

>muh free speech

>muh no deplatforming


>implying what Britbong makes is impressive in any shape or form

Everyone with a half decent regular job makes more.

7c5605  No.361604


Emptyhero is alright, but i don't really care if his videos get flagged down (im sure they will re-appear somewhere as he doesn't seem to be a control freak like shorty), why do these faggots make it sound like we're here blocking any takedowns that happen??

I also like how they imply they are just starting this now as a response to bitchbong being taken off and not something that they've been doing it all the time, which is why even though i think reporting is fucking gay, i didn't really care because he's been literally doing it for years, that and the fact its funny as fuck when he spergs over it

oh and the irony of "muh stawlkers and muh pedos" coming from people who monitor this thread 24/7 and partake in actual CP and listening to a grown faggot talk about how he wishes he could fuck babies in SL (dont worry only JK's guys haha such a memer)

7f9a52  No.361634

File: 31ae3a6cccb7740⋯.webm (5.2 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_last_twitter_ban_resp.webm)

File: f0a6864bf08332f⋯.webm (5.5 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_last_twitter_ban_nolma….webm)

File: 27382ff5cdb1d58⋯.webm (1.11 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_last_twitter_ban_commf….webm)

Last stream highlights incoming.

Response to the lastest Twitter suspension

He will strike back.

Getting banned from Twitter is no laughing matter

Focus on chat.

Commentary people probably involved in flagging. Will respond in kind


In the end, Kopy did win, did he not? Even if he didn't do anything to deserve it (except latest flagging endeavors).


The thing is, the latest Twitter susp is being used for going after Empty & Bad Guys when they had nothing to do with it. The ones doing the flagging are Zoom/Brainhub, Kopy and maybe other anons who don't leave their names.

7c5605  No.361638


lol does he not webcam anymore?

fc4163  No.361642


Yeah, he claims the webcam is broken, but it´s probably because of him not taking care of himself and/or looking like shit.

7c5605  No.361644


Haha essh, imagine he currently looks like shit, smells awful and his hairs started falling out because of all the "stress"

what a broken little guy

7c5605  No.361645



forgot to say, the red eyes too because hes been crying none stop since the banning

0e072f  No.361650


Britbongs many sock puppet accounts finally bite him on the ass.

5a48d7  No.361666


>I only had two accounts


7c5605  No.361668


> I Only announced streams and didn't talk about anyone

Why even lie about that when everyone knows its not true

3ab05f  No.361672


because his audience is retarded and will believe it. it's not like anyone paid attention to his twitter.

7c5605  No.361688


ha! how upset do you think that makes him? for so many "loyal" fans, they sure don't actually know what hes upto

fc4163  No.361698

File: b4bab21b0b85cb3⋯.png (553.86 KB, 641x688, 641:688, faceofbong.PNG)


He has no self-awareness


Hey, Hey! He´s got like 150 followers on based GAB and only 50% of that are dead accounts or bots! He´s also trying to start shit with Venti again, little man really craves her attention it seems.

7f9a52  No.361723

File: 1748ea9984fe689⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_jmaa_inappropriate.mp4)

File: 91f9a498ade825d⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, jmaa_appreciation.png)

File: 9c02c4f5e881f28⋯.webm (11.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jmaa_green_screen.webm)

JMAA asks an inappropriate question

and other yet-unposted JMAA goodness.

7f9a52  No.361725

File: ec40de58114f941⋯.webm (15.68 MB, 852x480, 71:40, jmaa_patreon_slam6.webm)

Man, this shit's hypnotic.

7f9a52  No.361727

File: b0d682234cfc852⋯.webm (11.36 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_venti_slut.webm)

File: d3d081ac72c032b⋯.png (45.26 KB, 501x462, 167:154, mt_venti_gab.png)

Another 5 minute rant about Brittany Venti

This time, she's a fucking slut who tried to sleep with everyone.

353eba  No.361750


He's really mad that she won't fuck him.

0e072f  No.361885


I’m betting that little bong was attacking Venti using his Twitter sockpuppets. She is the real reason He got shut down. Which is why he’s now venting his impotent rage at her again.

87f629  No.361906


>The ones doing the flagging are Zoom/Brainhub, Kopy and maybe other anons who don't leave their names.

Technically I haven't really done any flagging myself. It's all been by proxy since I have like a handful of people I'm paying to flag him on a daily basis. Everything else is 100% accurate though.

7a942b  No.362118

File: d44bcc21d492635⋯.png (91.71 KB, 603x537, 201:179, Untitled.png)

353eba  No.362161


>that YT channel is gonna be helpful for growth somehow

This raises a question: Is manlettears or his fans more delusional?

ced225  No.362190


his fans, by a long shot

a371fd  No.362212


Time to keep an eye out for that new channel and ready the flagbombs. I hope you guys have been targeting his Britbong outcome Twitter too

8121c7  No.362237


you're quoting jmaa, and asking the wrong questions.

a371fd  No.362334


MT's fans are misguided children. MT has actual delusions of grandeur with zero self awareness

fc4163  No.362414

File: 849dc6f55d2d9ec⋯.png (115.92 KB, 661x909, 661:909, saltypedo.PNG)


LOL, fucking LOL.

What´s the point?

He´s going to split his viewerbase in two, hurting his score in the stream.me contest. On top of that, his channel will be gone in days anyway, causing him more grief and depression. Any lab-rat is smarter than the little retard, at least they are able to learn from their mistakes.


My comment about the kiddyfucker only having 10 followers must´ve hurt him so much that he apparently paid for a thousand new botted, "turkish" followers. Fucking lol. Went from 14 followers to over 1k in a day.

6799d9  No.362821


At first I thought those were trannybong's Twitter alt. Then I read your post. I'm surprised midget hasn't bought followers on his newest Twitter. I mean that's how he got so many followers on his old Britbong Ethan's twitter

c2d4a3  No.362832

I go to his discord regularly and talk to him, pretending to be a fan.

It's a good insight on how insanely deluded he is, he always has about 5 kids worshipping him while he talks about his girlfriend applications.

7c5605  No.362852


Haha bitchbongs on his autismo love quest, the online form is on par with chrischans signs (if not sadder because hes not actually going out)

has anyone tried to fill it in? what comes back?

d3203f  No.362853


How many followers on twit.. oh wait you’re banned from twitter hheheheheheh

fc4163  No.362856


Even Chris-chan is a fucking Chad compared with Fagbong. Chris actually went out to find women and didn´t invite severly mentally-impaired skanks he met on SL to his incest island. Chris also has a social life and friends and seems happier these days. Compare that to the manlet, that spends the days locked in his own room, depressed and miserable, crying about everyone conspires against him.

Also: Chris had the balls to come out as a tranny-freak, while Bongoloid still denies it.


Like 10? I just lurk and reply sometimes.

bc3d01  No.362986

File: a338a54efef1906⋯.png (14.6 KB, 575x146, 575:146, noselfawareness.png)

Deleted tweet.

87f629  No.363010

File: 56503ba6d94316a⋯.jpg (846.62 KB, 1231x1854, 1231:1854, mtsamefag.jpg)

File: 5dcafd41d14b493⋯.png (78.63 KB, 1261x836, 1261:836, 2016-04-20_forever alone s….png)

File: c99945099f29372⋯.png (137.85 KB, 732x607, 732:607, 2016-11-30_DO NOT CHANGE.png)

File: d2faebb93ee6ad8⋯.png (99.19 KB, 885x366, 295:122, try_hard_but_still_come_up….png)


>they are literal sociopaths who'll do anything for E-fame and everyone knows the type I mean

I can see why he deleted that tweet. He must've remembered pics related and was suddenly looking in a mirror

7c2d95  No.363165


>MT shits on EmptyHero for buying adspace on 4chan

>MT does the same but worse. Much worse

The hypocrisy of this manchild is cringe. But funny.

20061d  No.363483


Cucked manchild

fc971d  No.363605

File: dec1520b217cd66⋯.png (448.21 KB, 646x622, 323:311, pornbong.PNG)

File: aceda94821da5f9⋯.jpg (453.64 KB, 1691x1123, 1691:1123, pointing-and-laughing.jpg)

Bongoloid in 2017:

>"Camwhore-slags should stream on MyFreeCams!"

Bongoloid in 2018

>see pic related

This is hilarious.

7c5605  No.363616


lol jesus, dont they only accept like porn vids?? whats he going to upload? that one of him bringing the old bloke to climax? (would that even count)

87f629  No.363621

File: 593405e495b9837⋯.png (11.46 KB, 892x138, 446:69, THE VIRGIN.png)



Wonder how easy it is to flag shit off of pornhub?

Pic related gave me a chortle.

7c5605  No.363634


Pretty sure unless hes uploading sexy prons they'll just remove it, but he must know that so im assuming hes just pissing about

What he wants to do is upload his shitty cocks to liveleaks, i heard they LOVE that

fc971d  No.363639

File: 828f839dd93e65a⋯.png (260.31 KB, 637x1103, 637:1103, trusted.PNG)



Maybe he´ll add some scenes of him jerking off on his tummy or something to meet the porn-quota.

Meanwhile, he´s still crying about TrustedFlagger. Now he´s making stuff up about people wanting to kill his family. It´s like that "Fish-dicks" South Park episode where Cartman keeps adding more and more outrageous elements to his made up story.

ced225  No.363719

66cddb  No.363791


a56bc7  No.363927

File: d0917be9549fd4a⋯.png (61.98 KB, 1326x274, 663:137, manletstheyneverlearn.PNG)

did the little guy not learn his lesson from last time? fire up those flags, things are going to get heavy.

87f629  No.363983

3cb0c2  No.364216

Guess manlet didn't like me commenting on his pornhub vids, he deleted the disablity benifits 2 one lmao

fc9ca7  No.364236

he should make some new videos to celebrate the move to porn hub. Maybe something in a nice dress.

a56bc7  No.364332


nah, he needs to do another red rocket reveal.

630beb  No.364389


>p-please w-watch both streams at once g-guys

9465dd  No.364461

File: b7932c91a8e9a15⋯.mp4 (758.16 KB, 200x400, 1:2, mt_giving_in_to_the_urges.mp4)

fc9ca7  No.364462


why are there children screaming in the background?

66cddb  No.364772


its his fans

353eba  No.364804


Maybe he's just short sighted.

7c5605  No.364824

Haha someones flagging salty boys pornhub videos, little does this faggot know you don't actually have to create an account to flag them

353eba  No.364867


>pornhub videos

Is he doing midget porn now?

20061d  No.364896

So salty you literally had to go on pornhub to flag videos down. Baited manchildren lol

66cddb  No.364960

7c5605  No.364961


Nah hes just ruining everyone elses day uploading his shitty videos on there, under all the tags


> You're Salty

< Comes onto a thread being salty

loosening those kids on the porn hub eh buddy? what a fuuuuuuckin' pedo

87f629  No.364974


>So salty you literally had to go on pornhub to flag videos down.

I didn't. I paid other people to do so though. :^)

b7788a  No.365011

3ab05f  No.365038


lol 39 to 32.


don't forget to report for blacklisted/ban evasion.

fc9ca7  No.365051


lol so he made this account 30 days ago just so he could "restream" on it, knowing we'll take it down in just a few days. It's kind of fucked up. He has to work sooo hard and we have to work sooo little.

24083a  No.365088

File: 9d027a267e40df9⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 1060x177, 1060:177, 5d1c2a8697acebe93cd39ee6b1….jpg)

fc9ca7  No.365098


the king of banter spent almost an hour trying to figure out why his audience gets smaller almost every stream

b7788a  No.365105


Now he´s claiming one person made 38 accounts just to downvote his stream. Said like 5 times he doesn´t care but rages every time he sees the dislikes.

a56bc7  No.365106

File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x424, 75:106, 1515268603594.gif)


>the king of whinging

1eb29a  No.365107

File: e18f60a9ac252a5⋯.png (17.81 KB, 351x130, 27:10, 474d54630899682eb882635fe5….png)

Meanwhile in JMAA's world

a56bc7  No.365110

File: e0700118002f01b⋯.png (11.47 KB, 312x153, 104:51, onionisdoingitwrong.PNG)

File: 814080a113a1a57⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 814080a113a1a57bb9158de5a3….jpg)



fc9ca7  No.365113


nobody appreciates the onion king

3f2afe  No.365114

File: 481721a0aa15b9e⋯.png (100.74 KB, 793x793, 1:1, jmonon.png)

b7788a  No.365116

Get ready, someone is preparing a /v/ thread paraising the manlet

fc9ca7  No.365139

see this is why I can't watch Britbong's stream. I look at it for 30 seconds and he's literally watching TED talks and bitching about the women in them.

87f629  No.365736

File: 6326ac22b76e0bb⋯.png (233.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, vlcsnap-2017-03-17-00h29m3….png)


New thread theme?

7c5605  No.365744



It gets my vote, what a classic

b7788a  No.365999

File: e620eb3717f06d0⋯.png (4.5 KB, 916x95, 916:95, britbongdotgone.PNG)

File: 3903e5e4d2155f9⋯.png (215.04 KB, 647x525, 647:525, boyd.PNG)

His Twitter is gone…again.

And he´s crying about old man Boyd, again.

Also seems to have deleted every mention of his new Twitter account.

b7788a  No.366176

File: db48e6d47715e29⋯.png (54.46 KB, 624x857, 624:857, midge.PNG)

File: db665621cc84b48⋯.jpg (105.11 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 51b8e89ceab8eaa87d000009-7….jpg)

"It´s all a massive conspiracy!"

"The Twitter-Illuminati is probably behind this!"

7c5605  No.366181


"Hey waddaya mean ban evading is against the rules? what do i look like a retard, fuckin trolls"

b7788a  No.366208

File: 5b21bbfa9f2505e⋯.png (12.64 KB, 440x128, 55:16, jmaaconspiracy.PNG)


Please stop lying! JMAA has figured it all out, it´s a bunch of SL-PEDOPHILES with connections to the jews at Twitter who flag everything down because Britbonger Beeteeffooed them so hard. They also cry every day because of the Briannabongster!

Britbong is also clearly not dodging the questions concerning ban-evasion!

630beb  No.366210




>S-STOP HIDING ANONYMOUSLY ON THE INTERNET t. guy hiding behind an alias instead of using his name

3ab05f  No.366412


Jmaa, the ultimate double agent.

Panders to the bad guys crew and kopyboat army in his merch and streams, shames them in front of manlet.

Truly the sneakiest of (((them)))

353eba  No.366639


>it's not because i break the rules it's because there is a massive secret twitter cabal out to stop me from saying dumb shit on twitter because reasons

Alex Jones couldn't hope to match this level of tinfoil hattery.

5a48d7  No.366888


Britbong has made so many powerful internet enemies over the past few years but for some reason his narcissism will only allow him to acknowledge that people from second life don’t like him.

I don’t think second life people have the ability to shut him down the way he gets done repeatedly.

Wake up Bong your real enemies are the e-personalities that you worship but pretend not to like. You’re not one of the gang.

a56bc7  No.366893

File: 1ed6fc426a5c1de⋯.png (144.16 KB, 1045x318, 1045:318, nicealt.PNG)

File: 0bbf13c63f25280⋯.png (137.66 KB, 1028x318, 514:159, nicealt2.PNG)

File: 3f5b63ff84c11a2⋯.png (103.28 KB, 1064x886, 532:443, sockpuppet.PNG)

little man already has a sockpuppet on gab.ai, why am i not surprised?

d9d171  No.367054

File: 97f07c9cfc5078e⋯.png (16.44 KB, 543x124, 543:124, Untitled.png)

87f629  No.367222

File: 91a3eb4ba0ab293⋯.png (23.68 KB, 624x576, 13:12, 2018-03-13_lazy followers.png)

File: 9d68132e2f14292⋯.png (14.48 KB, 607x439, 607:439, 2018-03-13_blacklisted baw….png)

Keep crying and insulting your fans Dominic. I'm sure it'll make your view count go up in no time. That is until me and a number of others get you banned for the gorrilionth time. :^)

8355d6  No.367911


>calls EmptyHero a "madlet" after getting EH banned from twitter

>gets mad that people won't follow him on gab.ai


80cec5  No.368251

File: d820e49462324e4⋯.png (28.44 KB, 479x258, 479:258, Untitled.png)

a56bc7  No.368271

File: 3603a5a587f3784⋯.png (89.68 KB, 1300x718, 650:359, irony.PNG)

>i'm getting harassed and false reported by my stawlkers!!!!

>but when i do it? HAH, nothing wrong, right guys? we should report them for being big meanies. my mom still has yet to give me bite-sized twix bars…

01b1b3  No.368289


what a salty boy, shame you need more then like 2 bum boys to get your report noticed

66cddb  No.368492

Get those screen caps ready boys tonight is going to be a fun night for the midget

01b1b3  No.368550


cant watch it anymmore, its just total garbage, hopefully someone grabs anything interesting that happens

3cb0c2  No.368588


seeing a midget on stream playing with his hair and saying "its so fluffy i love my hair" fucker is obviously gay as shit.

9b42cb  No.369268


He's a tranny too, don't forget. Will it be long before he starts trying on his mom's clothes on stream?

630beb  No.369383


>gab is constantly in progress of updates

>has an app on iphone already

<britdung doesn't do the remotest of research


>pissed off some weinstein types

By making bad SL/VRC griefing videos? Nigger, the videos I made on Charlottesville did more for that than you. What a faggot.

9465dd  No.369477

File: e12286505891e88⋯.png (32.63 KB, 458x456, 229:228, mt_bg_informed.png)

Whom did you inform about the Bad Guys, MT?

When can we expect "them" to step into action?

a56bc7  No.369705


didn't the guy upload an SL video JUST A FEW DAYS AGO?

b7788a  No.369732

File: 3f93a330fa03986⋯.png (44.2 KB, 1486x464, 743:232, btard.PNG)

File: df94db832dcd07b⋯.png (99.44 KB, 632x445, 632:445, btard1.PNG)

How fucking retarded is this guy? Seriously?



Either no one or the people in his discord.



He also timidly deleted a lot of messages in that thread. Invited the hacker guy to Spulb's discord apparently.

Speaking of Spulb: What exactly happened between him and the Bad Guys? Seems to be a bit of drama going on.

7c5605  No.369740


Clearly says hes got banned for ban evasion, i know the short guys fucking retarded but imagine being this dense

b7788a  No.369780


I doubt that he doesn´t realize it.

I think he juit wants to seem a lot more important than he really is.

3f2afe  No.369789


>Speaking of Spulb: What exactly happened between him and the Bad Guys?

they banned a friend of his from their discord and he said some dumb shit to them as a result, thinking they'd find it funny, and when they didn't he said some dumber shit that he can't take back

and now he's too proud to apologize

d3870a  No.370055

File: a047f2faa6cc659⋯.png (16.42 KB, 508x172, 127:43, mt_gab_pewtube.png)

File: 881eb2bf614f5d5⋯.png (53.17 KB, 886x622, 443:311, team_gremlin_defeat.png)

Am I seeing right? They actually reinstated my Pewtube channls, both of them.



After MT filed a DMCA, they took both down & gave them to MT, MT turned it into pic #2 and they took it from him again. Now the originals are back.

Win for Team troll.


>Speaking of Spulb

No clue, Ripahar did a vid on it.


Spulb's talking about exposing secret chats and calls them Britbong rejects.

Is Spulb BIDF?

3ab05f  No.370153


spulb is just some shitty SL autists furry that isn't funny. He got jealous since he's the red headed stepchild of SL trolls and noone gives a shit about him. Also he was mad because his autist friend was banned from BG server. Someone already posted the tldr but theres a little extra. It's more or less all in ripahar video.

d3870a  No.370171

File: ce8bd0458fff7d7⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 991x486, 991:486, ripahar_v_britbong.jpg)


Got a link to Spulbs Discord? MT's in there?

3ab05f  No.370188


Zoom and ripahar bullied manlet all over discord far and wide. manlet ran away with the excuse of taking a shower. You know manlet is scared when his alternative to escape is personal hygiene. also no and doubt it anymore.

dbc09c  No.371347


He'll never get any of his Twitter accounts back and he'll just get banned again if he makes another because zoom and Kopy will just report him again. MT should just give up and leave the internet.

eb4422  No.371474

yikes, so this is the place you guys congregate, smells like piss, sweat and semen in here.

2b8421  No.371478


Can you leave? your hairy hobbit feet are messing with the regular odor

3f2afe  No.371479


take a shower then ;)

7c5605  No.371481


Hey if you're new here can you give us your take on the britbong x JMAA "friendship", Onion boy has given bumboy so much (Sexy hentai pictures of them, Dedicated a book, gives him all his benny's) and yet bitchbong won't return his love

Kind of sad if you think about it

eb4422  No.371488


I don't know too much about that, but what you're describing is kind of a parable of unrequited love that can happen to anyone, brit is a charismatic guy and things like that happen to him more than they would to most.

How do you suppose he should deal with that?

I have a hunch almost all of you are familiar with the feeling of unrequited love. To be loved you have to be lovable, and being a troll, malicious, devious are not endearing traits.

eb4422  No.371491


wow, the trolly, trolly word is filtered, that's interesting. What could possibly be the motivation behind that? Call me crazy but I think some people don't want to be confronted with their actions.

b7788a  No.371495

File: 468289785817fde⋯.jpg (163.87 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 468289785817fde22ccafd04eb….jpg)


Weird, I don´t know anyone but Britbong that unironically looks for a gf with an online form on his website. What does that say about him? You suppose he isn´t lovable either?


> some people don't want to be confronted with their actions.

Like your idol, who either ignopres, censors or bans anyone who dares to criticize him or calls him out when he lies?

2b8421  No.371500


half the word filter is there because faggots like this retard just spam the same shit everytime they posts, watching him try to spam BEETEEFEEOOH when it filters to PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD is good fun

eb4422  No.371507


He's lovable because he's funny, that page on his website is a joke, the only people using it are basically the people in his discord sending him meme shit.

I don't see anything wrong with engaging people romantically online, I doubt those relationships will work out, but who knows.

2b8421  No.371512


im not sure how 3hour crying about shit "banter" streams are funny but whatever floats your boat and sure it is buddy, i suppose if he got a serious offer (as fucking sad as that would be) im guessing he would decline and just scream "its a meme hahaha jkjk". The online form is just an even worse version of chrischans attraction sign, atleast cwc has the balls to go out and look for a girl, the short guys just sat there and most likely started to realize hes 30 and the days of finding a spring chicken are numbered, it wont be long before all he can pull are leathery old hags…

eb4422  No.371514


Well, being funny is of course subjective, but I enjoy those kind of streams and I think they are funny, and so do plenty of other people. I would rather see trolling inside a game, it's not a necessity.

Why is getting an offer like that inherently sad though, everyone can become lonely or desire affection, I'm very, very, convinced, you know what it's like to desire intimacy / love.

2b8421  No.371516


having a "please be my girlfriend" form on your own website is the saddest thing i could think of, if hes looking for love maybe go out to a bar or check a dating site, you know exactly what he wants to achieve with that page, he wants one of his fans (who's a girl, and most likelly underage given his past) to fill it in seriously because hes just too timid to ask himself… if you cant fathom why thats sad then i guess i can honestly understand why you would find him funny (hint: it would be because you're fucking retarded)

eb4422  No.371520


Gee, the guy that roams this board, probably frequently, that s t a l k s and harasses someone is apparently the arbiter of what's sad, funny and retarded. Alright.

2b8421  No.371521


sure, keep telling yourself that. kind of hope that one day you detact yourself from that sad fuck since you seemed kind of level headed you massive faggot, imagine thinking that calling someone out for having a gay little girlfriend form on their sites is "stawlking" and "harrassment" geez

b7788a  No.371522


Being "funny" doesn´t really make up for the rest of his personality traits and the stuff he did to women in the past. I really hope you´re not seriously believing that the form is a joke, it clearly isn´t.


>guy that roams this board, probably frequently, that s t a l k s and harasses someone

All these things apply to your beloved Britbong, you realize that, right?

P:S. Are you that Vanderbilt guy from gab?

eb4422  No.371523


I'm not him, but that name looks Dutch, and I'm also Dutch.

5ce8d6  No.371526

File: c8992d4e1261476⋯.png (182.47 KB, 580x550, 58:55, jmaa_twits.png)

Isn't it kinda weird how JMAA and AlexPedoKid are still frolicking on Twitter while MT is banned. You'd think a TRUE FAN would show solidarity & leave the platform.

Guess they have only been pretending to be fans.

2b8421  No.371534


they'd have literally no one to talk to on there, but you're right! way to be fake fans

7c5605  No.371536


Its kind of like how JMAA still uses twitch even though they shat alll over his master

5ce8d6  No.371542

File: caff6b85d41f066⋯.png (193.26 KB, 594x289, 594:289, alexjapan_twits.png)

I mean, where's AlexPedoKid's gab.ai account? JMAA's got one, where is his?

Doesn't even show any intention of leaving the platform, quite the opposite, he bought himself 1k fake follows, setting himself up long-term for his twitter career. Something MT has been denied. Is AlexPedoKid planning to fill the gap on Twitter that MT left?

Very sketchy guy, wouldn't trust him if I were MT.


You're right, very odd. MT ought to be paying more attention to these two.

5ce8d6  No.371546

File: bbf8e44ea905e66⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_penguin_returns.mp4)


Please rate this clip for funnyness from 1 to 10 (1 being not funny at all, 10 being very funny).

How do you think MT handled himself here? Would you like to see more cocks of this kind?

b7788a  No.371547

File: a204451fc718460⋯.png (25.25 KB, 472x258, 236:129, pedogab.PNG)


The guy has issues.



JMAA would probably still post on Twitter and Stream on Twitch if he had 0 followers.

None of the Britbong-fanboys have any kind of following or relevance.

Just look at fucking Jammku: spent years getting memed on on 4chan, tried to cultivate his professional gamer status…the guy has been on Twitter for 7 fucking years and he has 40 followers.

2d491a  No.371549


lol two days later britbong was banned from twitter

2b8421  No.371550


ha true, see thats what i kind of respect about JMAA, atleast hes doing it for fun and not for fame (or thats what it looks like)

3ab05f  No.371627


Look, Elaine.

Those are some mighty fine digits, but you seem to be completely out of the loop on whats happening and made a sweeping generalization that only makes you look ignorant.

3ab05f  No.371635


This is one of the most ill informed posts i've seen next to >>371488

Jmaa only wants to be famous. He's written multiple books on the subject.

2b8421  No.371657


why's he still doing it then? he has to be enjoying it a little, i.e i know hes a retard but retards have their limits

3ab05f  No.371700


Maybe you should buy his book to learn the secrets of becoming youtube famous.

He wants attention, he really more or less just wants friends. He ate an entire fucking onion just for the bad guys. I honestly think jmaa has better cocks than manlet at this point. He can play games and talk at the same time and hardly ever complains.

2b8421  No.371718


Gonna be honest, didn't think his book had actual cocks in it, like he wrote stuff but it was more a mishmash of shortguy references that makes no sense and random sentences. wasnt going to drop anymore getting it… i know he wants attention but i guess i was more pointing out the second part like you said pretty sure shorty doesnt enjoy streaming anymore (evident by his constant whining and calling his viewers shit) theres plenty he could be doing to make it fun on the other hand JMAA will take requests, interacts with his 1 viewer and atleast looks like hes having fun even if it is for fame

3ab05f  No.371870


He wrote more than 1 book. The one im referring to is the old one. it's like 4~ years old or more.

Jmaa gets his retard check in the mail so he doesn't really do it for money. He has some really nice equipment for making videos that he never uses.

87f629  No.372697


This never stops being hilarious.

a861df  No.372911

File: 0fae4e8868ed6a1⋯.png (132.04 KB, 671x805, 671:805, mt cries.png)

Angry midget incoming.

To whoever is reporting MT's subreddit, you'll have to report his reddit account to get the subreddit banned


Luckily he spews plenty of retarded shit that could get him banned.

Other targets that would be good to flag would be streamlabs and patreon as that's where he gets the bulk of his donations from.



Friendly reminder, MT is streaming today


so don't forget to report him to stream.me


a56bc7  No.373268



don't forget his YT where he streams as well.

824f8a  No.374115


Okay so has anyone actually flagged/reported girly tears's platforms yet? How about you guys screenshot your flagging and post the screenshots in the thread so the rest of us at least know something is being done.

2a7fd6  No.374520


meh, why? are you going to make a collage? if your so bothered just report them yourself, no need to "proove" it we arnt insecure 5'4 british queermo's

009e95  No.374581


Jammku retired from vidya and DGAF about the pro scene so why would any of these MLG KEEDZ wanna follow him? The dude just sits on his pro gaymur money and works fast food "for the insurance."

8ceb19  No.374662


Talking about yourself again?

d7d3ac  No.374742


jammku looks like an inbred tbf.

9465dd  No.374837

File: 60785d70667d2e2⋯.jpg (225.82 KB, 1049x669, 1049:669, jammku_lovequest.jpg)


Has MT apologized yet for making your teeth an emote on hitbox? Has MT apologized for anything?

21cb93  No.375132


>170 lbs.

>can only lift 120


8ceb19  No.375191


He brags about anything and talks about himself, I think he's one of the other followers who are literally retarded.

Can't even lift his own body weight though, HA.

21cb93  No.375215


Didn't he win a DDR tournament and say he was a pro gamer? How is that anything out of a local area thing? But for real, you should be able to lift your body weight or at least close to it or you're a noodle armed pussy.

8ceb19  No.375249


Probably in his own home, he just talks up himself and acts like people believe it or are impressed.

5dc166  No.375307


His mannerisms are very similar to that of manlet tears. Begs the question. Whom is copying whom?

5dc166  No.375673

Bumping this since tears probably has been necrobumping to push this one back

0d71b8  No.375697

>Autism spectrum disorder

>Narcissistic personality disorder

What else?

87f629  No.375767


By his own admission, he's also bipolar.

3d7b83  No.375791

fd9c31  No.375822





3cb0c2  No.376267

lil man can't even get past 200 viewers at the start of his stream,guess all that effort was worthless.

9465dd  No.376349

He's playing the Upraski recordings again.

Is there even any of his viewers left who know who Upraski is?


>Whom is copying whom?

I wondered about that.

In the Red Pill/MGTOW department, Jammku is already way ahead.


Good job alex. Now stop tweeting and start gabbing. Your master demands it.


Growth deficit disorder.




Has he broken 300 at all in the last streams?

81166a  No.376377

File: a71a5fb8930ebdf⋯.png (77.67 KB, 1172x502, 586:251, britbong doesnt do banter.png)

3cb0c2  No.376382

File: 3a2e3636c20141c⋯.png (36.9 KB, 399x657, 133:219, pedobongfan.png)

jesus fucking christ some of his "fans" look like pedophiles themselves.

87f629  No.376723


>He's playing the Upraski recordings again.

Has anyone been recording this stuff as of late?


I could've sworn he said he was taking pills for it at one point.

81166a  No.376746


>He's playing the Upraski recordings again.

>Is there even any of his viewers left who know who Upraski is?

it's been like five years hasn't it? time to build a bridge little man.

25a3c8  No.376748


>that nose

Certainly puts things into perspective.


>w/o any disadvantages.

You mean living off your parents isn't a disadvantage?

24083a  No.376797


How old is the Upraski thing now? 3 years? 4? Its fine to look back at old cocks every now and then but he literally drinks from the "back in the old days" well every week. What a sad life.

Couldn't lose his virginity until he was 27 and has shit his pants and done nothing but relive that moment ever since.

009e95  No.376944


Speculation suggests Jammku was Tranny's first friend, as they met shitposting on /v/ and eventually became gamer bros when Battlefield 3 came out.

Stgggs and his crew pretty much PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd Jammku for a while by buying him a copy of H1Z1 then targeting him saying he was begging for games in his twitch chat.

fd9c31  No.377015


I googled "Jammku stgggs" and found this old 4chan-thread the manlet created 3 years ago… well worth a read.


Post last edited at

fd9c31  No.377016


https://boards.fireden.net /v /thre ad/3189 95108/

fd9c31  No.377018



This one is even better. He created it right after Dunkey's SL video droppped.


Post last edited at

3f2afe  No.377064

File: 66fdae1e07cf60c⋯.png (18.96 KB, 665x262, 665:262, Untitled.png)

"is it possible that i'm an unlikable cunt who doesn't have any friends because i'm constantly burning bridges with people?"

"no, it's everyone else who's wrong!"

"If I'm going to kill myself when my mom dies, I might as well take keemstar and collossaliscrazy's twitter accounts with me!"

24083a  No.377071


>Anyone notice all those relevant streamers/youtbers who used to say "heh yeah I know Britbong he's so great"

Who??? There are no streamers/youtubers who ever actually gave a shit about him.

The only one I can even think of is Shadman and he is a pedophile who only pretended to care.

9465dd  No.377075

File: 1d18fc263cae500⋯.webm (1.75 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_announces_killing_spre….webm)


>Speculation suggests Jammku was Tranny's first friend, they met on /v/

Story checks out.


inb4 clip related



Man, I kinda miss MT posting here.

504725  No.377076


i was going to say, who ever said that?? other then collosal who hes shit on and broken ties with so why would he be suprised

fd9c31  No.377078

File: 7636a1ec8b356c9⋯.png (30.96 KB, 646x301, 646:301, venti.PNG)


He´s also whinging about Venti again because she keeps ignoring his bait.


There were people who were friendly with him, but he always complained about people not openly admitting they liked his stuff or promoting it.

I remember a few names;

Guru Larry (who is friendly with every gaming-related YouTuber)

>Shadman hung around when his streams were still watchable and actually about griefing

>Maxmoefoe responded a couple of times on Twitter

>stgggs did a video with him and one mocking him

>that GreekGod fag leeched a bit when he was semi-relevant for 2 days

>BrittanyVenti was a mod in his streams and he was mod in hers for a while, shouted him out when he was banned

>Colossal gave him a shout out at the end of a video, later removed it

9465dd  No.377091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Colossal and MT were pretty good friends.

You may consider him a former part of the the Inner Circle, even. That's why he's featured on that one collage of Britbong fans where everyone's crossed out.

87f629  No.377092

File: cf136b65a2ecf86⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1600x829, 1600:829, 2016-05-12_asshole not a c….png)

File: ee849fb7fb8a638⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1599x821, 1599:821, 2016-05-12_watch or get ba….png)

File: aac79fd801b9121⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1603x824, 1603:824, 2016-05-12_not gonna say a….png)

File: 2d3892faa85953d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1595x828, 1595:828, 2016-05-12_not gonna say a….png)


Reminder, Minivan sucked off Venti when he was on Hitbox.

9465dd  No.377093

File: 1aae2b36f265c56⋯.jpg (722.73 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, mt_inner_circle.jpg)


Here, Derek, just below KillDeer.

Pip (close friend to both MT and Colossal) is still there, surprisingly, but he's on thin ice. If he were ever to accept an invitation to Baited! or something, he'd be gone, too.

87f629  No.377094

File: ef1430eac7c4c1d⋯.jpg (203.74 KB, 1023x729, 341:243, hitbox circlejerk.jpg)


Actually it's Dysek, not Derrick.

fd9c31  No.377097

File: d028ebdae421c4f⋯.png (59.66 KB, 607x668, 607:668, beanedagain.PNG)

What a suprise, would have NEVER expected this to happen!

CLEARLY not related to ban-evasion, the Youtube-Mafia is targeting him, it´s clear as day!

21cb93  No.377102


Ban evasion? Pfft, clearly this is the youtube Illuminati targeting him since he's a right leaning lad.

9465dd  No.377119


He should try creating another channel. Maybe it will work out next time.

9465dd  No.377120

File: bf01ca2f3e182b0⋯.png (108.11 KB, 580x447, 580:447, mt_quintnew0.png)

File: 223137eeb75d488⋯.png (107.17 KB, 471x323, 471:323, mt_quintnew1.png)

File: 0b5b67d5d1cd9fd⋯.png (17.44 KB, 581x76, 581:76, mt_quintnew2.png)

File: c1d28c03826d2d7⋯.jpg (106.83 KB, 1824x986, 912:493, DYmPP48XUAEk3Ey.jpg:large.jpg)

File: ffe9c5d501ef071⋯.jpg (161.79 KB, 1824x986, 912:493, DYmy_C-WsAAhIAX.jpg:large.jpg)

In other news, things between JMAA & Quinton went really sour.

9465dd  No.377138

File: 1bc91f8eca1ed3b⋯.png (221.19 KB, 478x974, 239:487, jmaa_quinton_thisman.png)

File: 1c4d28d431a2234⋯.png (10.82 KB, 478x110, 239:55, jmaa_brendaniel.png)

File: 4445154a38eac45⋯.png (170.04 KB, 467x573, 467:573, jmaa_quinton_ewwww.png)

File: 5d725805a43935d⋯.png (10.28 KB, 468x82, 234:41, jmaa_quinton_eyecontact.png)

Poor JMAA.

3ab05f  No.377191


it's been like 6 years.

3ab05f  No.377194


>Colossal gave him a shout out at the end of a video, later removed it

wrong. it's still there at the end of the video.

3ab05f  No.377196


forgot to mention, manlet lied about it being removed from the video. you're regurgitating his bullshit he sobbed on stream about without fact checking for yourself.

24083a  No.377423


>incognito window after being blocked by Q

>Al usar los servicios de Twitter, aceptas nuestra politica…

Hi Juan!

b1e5ec  No.377437


lol good spot!

9465dd  No.377537

File: 5d4183af69f4bc1⋯.png (163.08 KB, 402x596, 201:298, jmaa_twitch_partner.png)

File: 8d18848f4c7b6a3⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 516x570, 86:95, heil_schwulenland.jpg)


Me cago en tus muertos!

I, doubletriple agent Juan Manuel A. A., have been caught in the act!

But it is too late. With this Twitch partnership, victory is mine.

/cow/ eliminated Tranny on my behest and now I shall take his place!

All according to plan!

viva el cíclope! viva Schwulenland!

3ab05f  No.377556

7c5605  No.377566


Could this really be the best reality??

353eba  No.377693


I like how the avatar he uses which I'm sure he thinks is just so awesome makes him look like every bit of a massive faggot as his actual appearance does.

fd9c31  No.377698

File: cc219aff8f1ef61⋯.png (10.91 KB, 662x150, 331:75, manlettheedgebong.PNG)

File: 41438110ba44f3b⋯.png (474.63 KB, 916x596, 229:149, nLL0CHp.png)

87f629  No.377733

File: d01e6cd50559da9⋯.png (20.23 KB, 1147x283, 1147:283, 2017-04-20_did he bully yo….png)

File: 2e378b3a8bd1947⋯.png (99.04 KB, 807x680, 807:680, banned from his own thread.png)

File: 8beb714074b901e⋯.png (358.23 KB, 443x384, 443:384, minivan hero.png)

File: 0ba40e3b4842ff4⋯.png (25.96 KB, 1488x403, 48:13, TRANSITIONING.png)


>Revenge is a dish best served cold, I never forget.

I should know, I had the best revenge on the little guy served colder than a frozen TV dinner. :^)

ecabce  No.377968


Nice dubdubs. The shotgun picture always makes me kek.

5a06c4  No.379019


>Britbong is transitioning

So does this mean he's gonna start making hot tranny porn for his pornhub channel? It'd be better than his streams.

b2b769  No.379283


I literally just checked out their website. I seriously can't tell if this is ironic or not? Their shit just comes off as somehow an even more tasteless shadbase rip-off, why would britbong openly identify with people as bad as the ones he makes fun of if not worse on SL and shit.

4bf495  No.379393


midget in the streets, midget in the sheets.

82e195  No.379584

Hey OP where's the new thread? We're almost at bump limit?

9465dd  No.379599

File: e7fee3dfb7a004a⋯.png (459.04 KB, 777x913, 777:913, 1515583814078.png)

File: d950820b42e7504⋯.png (177.46 KB, 315x369, 35:41, 1515520174437.png)

File: 2254484221f52e0⋯.jpg (148.65 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, jmaa_reference_sheet_by_jm….jpg)

File: be43ab9e6c0b004⋯.jpg (227.02 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, jmaa_hacker.jpg)


JMAA is a 100% genuine onion lad.

Even MT and BIDF make fun of him, but he's allowed within their ranks because he gives MT money. It's kinda abusive at times.



9465dd  No.379690

next thread >>379634

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