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/cow/ - Lolcows (Four years on 8chan!)

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 46ca10d91ea4e6d⋯.jpg (30.63 KB, 631x444, 631:444, lord_and_liege.jpg)

d6c50c  No.379634




>30 year old british NEET living in moms attic.

>Is 5'4", was never able to disprove this fact

>Earned himself a lifetime-ban from Youtube, Twitch, Twitter. Blames Internet-Illuminati.

>Was never invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>Eternal feud against all other Second Life Youtubers. Eternal feud against Commentary Community.

>Miraculously still has a fanbase. Notable members of BIDF (Britbong Internet Defense Force): JMAA "The Onion-Eating Cyclops", AlexJapanKid "The Ageplayer", Jammku "The Shame Of E-Sports"

<If you're a TRUE FAN, turn away now, or you'll be branded a FAKE FAN.

>Caught sexting with a tranny. Pretends it never happened.

>Plays SL socially. Pretends he doesn't.

>He loves to banter. Don't make fun of him or he will report you. Don't use his footage or he will DMCA you.

<Has already B,T,F,Oed you by you reading this. You mad.

>Got cucked twice by his own moderation team (Caroline went with Applechild, Summer went with Eggman).

>Doesn't believe in the concept of "male friends". Hunts down every female on his discord.

<Wouldn't have gone on Baited! even if he had been invited, anyways.

>Looking for a girl friend, please apply: https://britbong.com/girlfriend-application (https://archive.fo/XjgJe) Don't apply if 29+, black, you had a black bf in the past or if you have snapchat/instagram. Vagina is optional.

<Boyd tried to lick a girls tummy once. Please everyone, look at Boyd.

>Allegations of crossdressing.

<Stop stawlking him. You're obsessed and jealous.

>Earned himself 40+ threads, ~10 wordfilters on /cow/.

<If you made it this far, you already turned troll.

Previous threads

Thread #38: >>357467 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9cBZq)

Thread #37: >>331112 (Archive: https://archive.fo/JXlnN)

Thread #36: >>318343 (Archive: https://archive.fo/iSeha)

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/Csg9K

d6c50c  No.379669

File: 86c2516e981dacd⋯.jpg (111.41 KB, 823x774, 823:774, grem_pumpkin.jpg)

Trying to start up a discord here:


It's purpose being:

* critical analysis of banter

* planning and executing secret troll operations

Everyone's welcome, even BIDF.

d6c50c  No.379682

File: d297651db99e8a6⋯.png (128.12 KB, 464x254, 232:127, jmaa_onion_jummy.png)

File: 4550cc9ccdc2fbe⋯.webm (15.49 MB, 852x480, 71:40, jmaa_eats_an_onion_1.webm)

Finally clipped: JMAA eats an onion

Part 1/2

d6c50c  No.379692

File: 0e706fa92a55d61⋯.webm (15.47 MB, 852x480, 71:40, jmaa_eats_an_onion_2.webm)


Part 2/2

870f16  No.379716

File: 43b6e2851d038fa⋯.png (466.18 KB, 777x913, 777:913, transitioning may be right.png)

6e57fe  No.379795

brit venti is on the morning kumite with mr metokur

while dominic is sleeping until 4pm and hoping his mom doesn't ask him about getting a job before she leaves for work again


569dcd  No.379796

File: 017c2c9ee1d573e⋯.jpg (195.21 KB, 555x555, 1:1, gold madonna of essen crop….jpg)

>girlfriend application

I take it his attempts with attraction signs have failed.

00efc8  No.379800


He would have to leave his house though, i guess he could hang it out his window

870f16  No.379808

File: c629407b21c6241⋯.png (916.08 KB, 1380x1723, 1380:1723, gfapp.png)


Full screenshot from before he deleted the page.

78f7cc  No.379809

File: c6eaa988829098b⋯.png (26.24 KB, 515x90, 103:18, Untitled.png)

00efc8  No.379818


Oh has the sad cunt removed it now? "it was just a meme guys" - or maybe that means someone was sad enough to do it

or maybe hes finally accepted JMAA into his life

d1cfd7  No.379821


>he removed it

My guess is because he got a lot of totally serious and not troll responses.

254afa  No.379857


Watch out lads, if you mess with the bong you might get mentioned in his hours of complaining per stream.


817d3a  No.380112


What makes that gab post funnier is how much Kopy has been digging into him on there and the lengthy responses from BIDF

6d1d1d  No.380163


Were they supposed to be troll responses? Okcupid then the application, he was serious.

817d3a  No.380626


Pretty sure he was looking for a real boyfriend-free girl with that web application he made. Since his former mod team cucked him past the point of no return. Eggman with Summer and Applechild with Caroline.

591759  No.380705

Why doesn't JMAA have his own ED page already yet?

d6c50c  No.380725

File: bdb304fe222d4ff⋯.png (465.49 KB, 541x3042, 541:3042, mt_gab_kopy_fite.png)


JMAABong is the ultimate pairing.


In just about every of MT's gab posts someone is picking a fight, can't be happier about the switch.


Thinking about it, he's also got a Okcupid profile. He streamed it. Might be fun to mess with that.


It's odd how he raves about sluts with their male friends on instagram, snapchat, facebook so much when his own discord has proven to be a much more dangerous place in his lovequest.

8ac3d1  No.381119


The last time his hair got this long he was forced to cut it because his precious girlfriend was coming to visit. Will he continue to let it grow and transition?

d6c50c  No.381250

File: 1443b9dadd11d55⋯.webm (3.4 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_bad_time.webm)

File: a5e5142acf4554f⋯.webm (3.51 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_whosstalkin….webm)

File: 4e4b93c1d47163b⋯.webm (1.74 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_redpilled.webm)

File: 3ab538ea9dc4856⋯.webm (6.28 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_suicide_gas….webm)

The long-lost upraski recordings surface again.

Come to the Isle of Wright, ur gonna have a bad time


Who's trolling whom?


Disgusting Treatment


Upraski threatening suicide // Who's gaslighting whom?

6e57fe  No.381260


>tfw he cried through his entire last stream and deleted the archive out of shame

d6c50c  No.381303

File: 365622c9a87d46c⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_neet_drunk.webm)

File: 3edfdc73a805dc5⋯.webm (1.84 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_crying.webm)

File: 47aa820f4923e3b⋯.webm (2.81 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_lieslove.webm)

Just a NEET // Just a drunk


Fake Crying


Lies & Love


he did? What a shame, I didn't get it.

d6c50c  No.381310

File: 52e62022ae3c01b⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_friends.webm)

File: c4f08b91de3a662⋯.webm (1.71 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_upraskirec_loserwithno….webm)

Can we be friends?


A loser with no friends, damn right she is

d6c50c  No.381342

File: 310200fbf02d98a⋯.jpg (63.19 KB, 468x576, 13:16, 1453565535058.jpg)

File: 388f85b689ee928⋯.gif (614.33 KB, 196x152, 49:38, 1454475877548.gif)

Don't really know what to think of all this.

While Upraski did seem unstable and was a really horrible cunt to her boyfriend back in the states (MTs presentation of things can ofc not be trusted, but there was a bf), I wouldn't judge her based on these recordings. There may be mitigating factors in MT driving her to this state. I do get the impression he's been tormenting her during the breakup and am probably safe in assuming that.

MT otoh is now showing himself at his most vicious. Dragging this shit in front of his fanbase years after, trying to frame her as an drunk/addict and his general demeanor, all-in-all this is possible the most horrible we've recorded on him so far.

Just show these recordings to all future girlfriends and they'll be over the hills and far away before a single obituary has been vandalized (that is, if they are sane…).

870f16  No.381361

File: d599d9e4278c48f⋯.png (353.85 KB, 1142x477, 1142:477, upraksi ED page.png)


Yeah Upraksi had a boyfriend named Justin in the US that she briefly broke up with. At which point she rebounded onto Dominic. During all of it, she was also friends with Boyd, whom Dominic confided in throughout the relationship. After being around Dominic, she realized she made a HUEG mistake and decided to get back with Justin. In response, Dominic tried to write an ED page about Upraksi (pic related) and showed a screenshot of the never completed article to Boyd (see chatlog: https://p.teknik.io/GscsS)

Dominic also blames Boyd for Upraksi leaving him which is where his hatred for Boyd comes into play.

870f16  No.381366


> I do get the impression he's been tormenting her during the breakup and am probably safe in assuming that.

In one of his other more recent known relationships, he was verbally and mentally abusive to the girl in question. Going so far as to threaten to kill said girl. It can be assumed that this pattern of behavior with a significant other has been a constant with all his relationships.

839244  No.381409


Stop pretending this is about "protecting women" or some shit, it's more embarassing that just trolling Britbong because he's a fucking cube

1ca286  No.381410



Who is BritBong? I've gathered he is a manlet like Destiny. EmptyHero really knocks him around on Second Life. Other than that, is he just some dude who streams SL and is British?

2b0102  No.381415


[2015/12/16 15:41] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): http://www.pointb.com/ epic bro

[2015/12/16 15:43] MisterMuzter: what's that?

[2015/12/16 15:43] MisterMuzter: says it's a consulting firm

[2015/12/16 15:59] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): lol making julias ed page, got any other pictures to add?

[2015/12/16 15:59] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): :)

[2015/12/16 15:59] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): and then televised

[2015/12/16 16:00] MisterMuzter: lol I doubt she'll ever see it

[2015/12/16 16:00] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): u mad?

[2015/12/16 16:00] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): my friend is on her sisters profile so yeah she will

[2015/12/16 16:00] MisterMuzter: what's she done to upset you this time?

[2015/12/16 16:00] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): ayy lmao

[2015/12/16 16:00] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): A christmas present

[2015/12/16 16:01] MisterMuzter: lol you don't take rejection very well do you?

[2015/12/16 16:01] The hero of SL (mingeslayer): i dont see any money that she owed me in my paypal

looks to me like he not only was writing an ED page about her, he was blackmailing her with it.

839244  No.381417


check the OP of the previous thread

1ca286  No.381431

File: e24e300aacc7108⋯.webm (6.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, laughing necron whores.webm)


>Anyone remember Trannytears, that tripfag and really bad "troll" from /v/? If you've watched BritbongReturns's

>videos on Youtube, then you probably have. Tranny goes by the name of Britbong now and he tries to 'troll"

>on Second Life and other game (by troll, I mean he acts like a tryhard).

>Ironically, he gets very upset when people troll him right back and will go so far as to develop a victim complex and

>cry to his followers, claiming he's being trolled. It's all really quite funny and sad at the same time.

2b0102  No.381507

I'm almost glad twitter is gonna let him come back. He doesn't say nearly as much stupid shit on gab

c9116e  No.381611


He's making another Twitter account? Did he not learn his lesson? Or does he think he can make a safe space there away from Kopy and whoever else is trolling him to pieces on gab?

c9116e  No.381628


Have you seen os chronic samefagging threads on halfchan /v/?

2b0102  No.381733



apparently they're gonna give britbongalt back

2ec792  No.381838

File: c8544d03ac40a0f⋯.png (636.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, LOLOLOLO.png)


Good, maybe Derrick can jack more of his posts on twitter.

2b0102  No.381841


>Good, maybe Derrick can jack more of his posts on twitter.

that's funny as fuck

d6c50c  No.381899

File: f3c2557c81c900b⋯.png (126.52 KB, 325x431, 325:431, alex_lav.png)

AlexPedoKid, why are you tweeting and not gabbing? Stop it right now or i'm gonna tell Britbong.


What are you talking about, we finally have some interactions again. On Twitter, nobody can respond to him because their accounts get flagged down.

00efc8  No.381903


Doesn't sound like they are giving it back, kind of sounds like someone else has tried to claim it (or appealed and said they were hacked)

Not that it matters, how long till he fucks up again

d6c50c  No.381995

File: bc6653dc5ceadc6⋯.png (14.66 KB, 435x153, 145:51, mt_boyd_money.png)


Good catch.

According to Boyd, MT wanted Upraski to "pay back" what he spent on her while she was visting him.

2b0102  No.381998


lol bowling

cc09cb  No.382125

File: 1daec9f3c627cea⋯.jpg (62.3 KB, 1590x890, 159:89, IMG_20180323_163844.jpg)

File: 236ccba9ad50099⋯.jpg (92.66 KB, 1604x1013, 1604:1013, IMG_20180323_163847.jpg)

So this guy decided knowing who I was and the crowds I interact with, to permaban me from his discord for mentioning a streamer named brittney venti in voicechat.

Apparently hes planning on falseflagging this chicks channel? Hes paranoid as fuck, what a fucking nutcase

b4b0ff  No.382128


imagine being KoP, nice begging

6e57fe  No.382140

File: e76e8deb88dd948⋯.jpg (235.06 KB, 892x668, 223:167, KopyButt.jpg)

File: 4e3a88546b57c61⋯.png (1000.9 KB, 759x1600, 759:1600, manly tears in drag.png)


he's angry at venti for not becoming his girlfriend,

and also because HE desperately wants to be a girl too

here's a photograph of him in his mother's clothes

from his gab posts https://gab.ai/Britbongreturns/posts/22309483 it looks like he's trying to get on the morning kumite

if you have any pull there i'd suggest inviting him in, but also the badguys or emptyhero since he's deathly afraid of them and will turn tail and run as seen here https://webmshare.com/70L5B

d6c50c  No.382152

File: 96a31f05c9a92c8⋯.webm (1.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_venti_embarassed.webm)

File: 132c4a36f52689d⋯.webm (2.54 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_venti_genuine.webm)

File: 5975a73137af2d4⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_bventi_freak.webm)

File: 117a6847c353ce0⋯.webm (4.71 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_bventi_after_block2.webm)


He went from really liking her to really really disliking her in a span of 8 weeks.

We don't really know what caused it. Maybe, like >>382140 said, his girlfriend request was rejected.

(Take note: Now that you've posted here, you're on his "shit list". Possibly, you were also branded a "grɛmlin".)

d6c50c  No.382154

File: b435824975af276⋯.png (17.86 KB, 472x211, 472:211, mt_venti_fishfaced.png)

File: 46b33b940ad3734⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 798x588, 19:14, 484d4193ddcd9bf83553fe2a4e….jpg)


He's up for it.

I personally, however, will not accept anything without EmptyHero on it. EmptyHero is a must.

c21ed1  No.382194


I want this.

Look at that smug little trashchild getting all uppity about venti. About 10 minutes of letting him run free and then inviting Empty to the kumite would be the most vicious blood bath the audience has ever seen.

551d45  No.382224

File: eb6b046ea286102⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 615x346, 615:346, PAY-Obese-James-King-tries….jpg)



He won´t get invited. The guy is completly and utterly irrelevant outside of his shitty streams, his discord and these threads.

And people seem to have realized that the worst thing they could do to him is to continue to ignore him.

And even IF they would invite him…the guy would get completly slaughtered, even by Venti. He´d just smugly stammer a few insults and talk about her using people and wanting to fuck Leafy years ago before getting completly fucked over by everyone else in the hangout. There are millions of things they could attack him with or dig up about his shady past.

I´m pretty sure he realizes this, I don´t think he´d actually take part in one of those "talks" even if he was invited.

He just acts tough and when the chat asks him if he would attend if he was invited he just says "Yeah, I´d totally go bro, but they´re too timid, I´d Beeteefoo them too hard!"

For someone who calls himself "King of Banter", his "banter" is absolutely pathetic. It´s just him having a monologue for hours on end.

He can´t deal with anyone backtalking him. He can´t think on his feet, can´t improvise can´t deal with people bullying him, he just shuts down and barks out memes or insults. Or he just blocks or mutes people. Can´t really to that during those kumites.

04a419  No.382225


hi TrannyTears, why are you so fucking paranoid? All I did was ask you wtf was happening as you sperged the fuck out into lockdown mode. You literally gave me a reason to make a Case File Video on you over this as this became autism incarnate without me knowing anything.

04a419  No.382228


I cam hit up failure on discord. Emptyhero is usually in the kumite chat ill msg him though

0e6ada  No.382229


lol im not bitchbong, i was just laughing at you being KoP, im all for making the video though as he'll cry but please try and do it in your own style eh buddy

551d45  No.382231


Don´t make a vid about him.

The guy craves attention…and he prefers negative attention. As much as I would like to see a vid about him..don´t give the satisfication. You´d only help the little faggot.

870f16  No.382233


Minivan only likes attention when it puts him in a positive light. If a negative video is made about him, he'll do everything he can to flag it down or threaten whoever made the video (Spooks the skeleton comes to mind)

Basically he'll dig himself a deeper hole if someone makes a video about him.

0e6ada  No.382234


KoP is a spergy faggot, any video he makes will be garbage anyway and we can laugh at his bad "research" and fake jim impression. to be honest i'd love to see them go to war over it thats going to be high levels of autism

551d45  No.382238



I disagree. Yeah, it might be funny, but in the end, you´ll only help the midget. He has no presence on YT, no relevance, no audience. That wasn´t the case back when that shitty Spooks vid dropped.

At this point, all attention is good attention for him.

Just do what he hates most and ignore him or fuck with him here.

Who is KoP, anyway?

0e6ada  No.382244


Self proclaimed "King of pol", got a bit of attention during the whole gaymergate faggotry. got known for being a massive cow worthy sperg, making videos and claims with little to no research… now he just tries to be jim lite and insert himself into everything, didnt know he was into bitchbong but not really suprised

27f014  No.382253



Okay bitchbong, am I a "troll" now too?

0e6ada  No.382255


oof… was any of that wrong? you should have taken the guys advice and left the internet for awhile

6e57fe  No.382257

File: 58a97d9c77e7587⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 559x851, 559:851, small shopping list.jpg)


did you know dominic also enjoys plush dolls and tranny porn enough to review them on amazon?

243e24  No.382258


I never realized how much samefagging you do here Trannytears. You obviously dont follow my cocks either since you think its all bullshit but ill tell you what. Ill figure out this autism war between you , emptyhero, and venti and then make a video off it.

Here is an example of what to expect. Not sure why you decided to sperg out this hard and shitpost so actively in your thread but fuck it, all good to me. Strisand effect my dude.


0e6ada  No.382266


this is win win for me you massive gaylord, you're going to make a really shitty poorly done faux jim video on Mr(/Miss) 5'4, hes going to get salty seeing it (or maybe not, i dont actually know if he knows who you are) and cry about you on his shitty stream for 3 hours, youll no doubt make some faggy/spergy response to it etc, etc. its been a little boring in the thread since he stopped posting and this might liven it up a little.

I mean you've already shown you know nothing about the shortguy given you were spergin about venti in his discord, which hes been crying about for literally weeks now

243e24  No.382271


Britbong, you are so fucking obvious.

0e6ada  No.382273


this is gonna be good, i can feel it

6e57fe  No.382275

File: e73c9bc930b0468⋯.webm (6.34 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, butthole_sun.webm)

1f08b4  No.382276


Im guessing that channel is KoPs but I finished two videos now. They are pretty decent tbh, we might be getting some quality kahntent soon. Im gonna enjoy this

0e6ada  No.382280


you've not witnessed the greatness of a KoP spergout, which is what im saying this is going to be great from all angles, hope he talks about JMAA and how the shortguy wont return his love, could you imagine the 3 way you'd have going on there, like inhuman amounts of autism

6e57fe  No.382281

File: 2d759d5ec9ede7e⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, sloth.jpg)


KoP cannot handle THE ONION POWER

1f08b4  No.382284


I know who kop is. Hes active on other cowboards but his videos and his new twitter are not spergy. Its more of decent jim-lite videos and some analyst stuff. Hes got a video breaking down a cannibal community which is really good( my second vid i choose to watch). Trannytears might get PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD again and ill laugh or kop will OOPS FUCK LOL it though, I dont think thats gonna happen here. Brit has alot more to lose and kop seems alot more capable of delivery nowadays.

0e6ada  No.382290


to be honest i've not kept up with him, i've seen him sperg on foxdick a lot (esp with the whole DSP/fake escort shit, and his sperg outs with vidar) and the whole gg saga, last i heard he was doing a jim impression watched 2 mins of that video and saw it was true

guess we will see when he makes this, although hes already shown he doesnt know much on the short guy given he went onto his discord to ask about venti (which bitchbong has been crying about on stream for like months now)

d6c50c  No.382385

File: e7fee3dfb7a004a⋯.png (459.04 KB, 777x913, 777:913, 1515583814078.png)

The only post here which looks like it's actually by MT is >>382128.


Can't have enough spergs and crazies. If it's another king, even better.


I'm with Kopy on this. See how unhinged he has grown the past months, think it'll do him any good?

Besides, at some point "Britbong the lolcow" will have to have his big breakthrough.


>Ill figure out this autism war between you , emptyhero, and venti and then make a video off it.

Oh, but EmptyHero and Venti are just side characters. The Britbong Lore is grand, spans 6 years and consists of multiple sagas. While just looking at Venti may make for an ok case study, the true onion of insanity is worth exploring on every layer.

Why not join our Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/kX49HFS


Can we invite JMAA to the Kumite, too?

60b027  No.382400

>Not a single lol worthy thing in this thread

>just an autistic sperge who wants to be famous

>and autistic spergs who hate him and also want to be famous

It's pretty obvious half the people who post in these threads are directly related to the people they're posting about, just looking for a place to post their latest blog.

75e179  No.382420

File: 6ea83914d04ffb5⋯.png (16.83 KB, 580x129, 580:129, jmgay.PNG)


JMAA's art is so beautiful, you should really get him to draw some more Britbong-fanart!


Talking about being obvious…

Maybe a video wouldn´t be too bad of an idea.. as long as it isn´t as shitty as that Spooks-video where he quotes ED. If that KoP really wants to make one, he should really prepare to do some lenghty research. Wouldn´t be a bad idea to interview a couple of people: Ex-gfs, Boyd, Kopy, Venti, Colossal, that tranny-streamer. Just don´t half-ass the whole thing. There`s enough shit in these threads alone for hours of video.

c2dc75  No.382422


manlet tears vs venti bloodsports when?

b102d9  No.382423


He'd kill himself after the beatdown.

c2dc75  No.382426


if venti will call up the challange he will pussy out.

04df34  No.382441

Shit can't believe I missed KoP sperging out.

1a552c  No.382445



keep trying Trannytears. all he did was ask Venti why you are sperging out as you are irrelevant as fuck and a cross-dressing faggot now it looks like youre gonna have your own jim-esque video. You on the otherhand sperg out daily, we have sagas on you

1a552c  No.382447


>Taking foxdickfarms as a source of good cocks

Its a hugbox for Josh.

89b0d7  No.382448


didn't say it was good, just said i saw you sperging on there, whens this video coming out then? not like you have anything else going on since the troubles with that fatty whale of a girlfriend you were having

243e24  No.382453


Thats not KoP

04df34  No.382454


everyone in this thread is either britbong kopy or boyd and now KoP so shut up.

2b0102  No.382459


>everyone in this thread is either britbong kopy or boyd and now KoP so shut up.

britbong's brother has posted here a few times as has Keemstar and Chad

e3164c  No.382469


Corey matthews from the 1990s hit show boy meets world has posted here.

cfd36e  No.382506

Wasting your time shilling off a dead topic still … TFW you're a salty beta virgin

75e179  No.382509

File: aa7e418ceec81df⋯.png (416.05 KB, 361x514, 361:514, oioivey.PNG)


Wasting your time streaming on a dead website still … TFW you're a salty beta virgin

870f16  No.382510


>shilling off a dead topic

So you're admitting that you really are irrelevant, Minivan?

Does that mean that you'll also acknowledge that The Bad Guys, Derrick, Emptyhero, Ted, Lavender, Ripahar, etc. are all better cocks creators than you?

acbbca  No.382512


hi bidf

d6c50c  No.382524

File: 94574a8ae3a513e⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_beauty.jpg)

File: de35cb1583ee9a1⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_fairy.jpg)

File: eaeb8b324574d49⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_escher.jpg)

File: dc8f21597e67ffd⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_edtaonisl.jpg)



>please stop talking about me

>i hate you, you stop me from becoming famous

>i hate you, i want to be famous

d1cfd7  No.382542



Thank you. Not many people speak Leprechaun.

75e179  No.382570

File: 6754ebbef03deec⋯.png (226.84 KB, 660x829, 660:829, koptoldoff.PNG)

JMAA has figured it all out

20a98a  No.382573


lol i told you guys this would be good

8ac3d1  No.382579


"The owner of the cow board" is mad because Bong trolled him right?

75e179  No.382592



He just announced that the guy is now "on his little list of people".

Are you afraid now?

6e5267  No.382593

File: 2b7c58fbda0fc96⋯.png (14.34 KB, 336x137, 336:137, Untitled.png)

20a98a  No.382596


this is going to be one for the archives, does he even know who KoP is? from those discord shots it doesnt really seem so other then KoP has been bragging about who he knows (which sounds about right….)

6e5267  No.382599

I can only watch for a few minutes. he's just so fucking cringy. Let me know if he gets mad or anything and I'll go back.

20a98a  No.382609


yikes, why did he get perma'd?

6e57fe  No.382611



he didn't

he meant hypothetically

20a98a  No.382615


ahhh thought so, be weird for him to be banned on discord and not from the stream, what a cuck though

6e5267  No.382641

File: eb6abd336d61251⋯.png (88.88 KB, 1119x233, 1119:233, Untitled.png)

6e57fe  No.382644


its clownhouse

75e179  No.382653

So now he´s playing ancient recordings of him, Bungie and Kopy while wearing shutter-glasses and pretending to kill himself with a toy revolver.

The same recordings he seems to replay every third stream. Why can´t he do another talk with him? Is he too timid?

>"Durr why no one want watch me"

6e5267  No.382658


it's like groundhog day. every stream is him reliving the same two or three events in his life forever

0e6ada  No.382661



pretty much, nothing has changed in what almost a year now, just retells those same stories about the "cucking" and that one time a girll came to see him, i mean hes not even had any youtube drama stuff lately because they all pretend he doesnt exist

8ac3d1  No.382671

He's watching a video of Boyd from Nov 24, 2014.

What a sad fucker. His green screen is a really good idea though. Pretending he isn't locked in his mom's attic really helps the ego.

6e5267  No.382675


>He's watching a video of Boyd from Nov 24, 2014.

did kopy and boyd do something to rattle him?

0e6ada  No.382684


still a boring fuck, could put himself anywhere with that green screen and he just melds it into what hes looking at on screen

6d1d1d  No.382686


No way, Clown House is one of those alts who is "not him" and is just someone who defends him a lot like those alts that got banned with him.

6e57fe  No.382702

File: e326d24b6e3e806⋯.webm (8.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, triggered.webm)

6e57fe  No.382703

File: da92b3bfcce5df0⋯.webm (14.1 MB, 852x480, 71:40, pengo VS manlet.webm)

6e57fe  No.382704

File: e73c9bc930b0468⋯.webm (6.34 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, butthole_sun.webm)

6e57fe  No.382705

File: c081cc9f05fd0d9⋯.webm (2.83 MB, 900x506, 450:253, britbong fights kopy.webm)

d6c50c  No.382781

File: 1823e7a8a8779eb⋯.mp4 (175.26 KB, 190x220, 19:22, mt_cow_cry.mp4)


JEWS got utterly decimated by Britbong.

Just message him on IRC about it, he's gonna start crying like a little girl.

6e5267  No.382790


>JEWS got utterly decimated by Britbong

when was this?

c2360e  No.382794

File: 6743f2f196f0793⋯.jpg (291.77 KB, 800x664, 100:83, noitemsfoxonlyfinaldestina….jpg)


>Jammku shame of e-sports.

Cause he got kicked off a team that drowned shortly after for being bad mannered / refusing to play by MLG's new code of conduct? Cause he quit at his prime in Tekken? Cause he switched to RMT? Cause he retired? Cause he uses his pro-gamer powers to troll instead of broadcast decent plays? The kid literally turned super villain, with wagecuckery being his kryptonite.

When's the last time Jammku even trolled tbh? All I can remember is the h1z1 and Gmod shit he and Brit did.

d6c50c  No.382804

File: bc151aafe47835c⋯.png (141.05 KB, 210x618, 35:103, alex_doubledown.png)

File: 63a74bcab53ce63⋯.png (27.72 KB, 648x292, 162:73, alex_report.png)

AlexPedoKid, you know I'm reporting every single one of these tweets, right?


Dear leader didn't take their encounter all to well, so I'm not gonna post it here and risk ban.

Just ask him yourself if you wanna know, JEWS on Rizon IRC.


Hello Jammju.

>Cause he got kicked off a team

What kind of noob team did you get kicked off of?

>Cause he quit

>Cause he retired

It's not I quit, I retired if you were forced to, no? It's I was made to quit, I was made to retire.

d6c50c  No.382841

File: 508c95785e7773f⋯.webm (13.54 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_kop_btfo_.webm)

King Of Pol B,T,F,O

d6c50c  No.382844

File: 8adcf0364a871c9⋯.webm (4.62 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_discord_stalkers_.webm)

File: a1a9bd3fb9d31af⋯.webm (2.75 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_mom_doesnt_like_mt_.webm)

Fortifying the Discord against Spies and Stawlkers


ShaunToesucker's mom doesn't like Britbong

6e5267  No.382848


little man with a little list

0fece8  No.382860


sheesh you can tell he still reads this, he literally just repeated half the shit i had said about KoP

e3164c  No.382881



6d1d1d  No.383003


Whatever you say DSP.

870f16  No.383014

File: 2ddde5b0189baf9⋯.png (30.86 KB, 747x304, 747:304, 2018-03-25_lawsuit bong.png)

Looks like the dwarf found our super sekrit stawking lair. He's seething

e3164c  No.383036


arent you that guy who britbong stole your girlfriend? Btw I am britbong before anyone points it out.

d6c50c  No.383037

File: d67a2400a21212c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1507x747, 1507:747, manlytears_trannylove1_cen….png)

File: 5f7cee9fc7ee67f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1232x925, 1232:925, manlytears_trannylove2_cen….png)

The discord is, indeed, under siege.

Someone please share these two images with the attackers, I'd like their opinions on it.

870f16  No.383040

Here's a more or less complete archive of screenshots from Minivan's raid (he deleted all of his messages before he left)


870f16  No.383041


Change "troll" to "troll.lin" (without the period) in the link btw

870f16  No.383042


Change "troll" to "Gr.emlin" (without the spacing/ period) in the link btw

d6c50c  No.383048

File: cc6fb9cb1ae1f11⋯.png (26.42 KB, 653x237, 653:237, mt_gremlinden_brb.png)

And he never came back.

75e179  No.383049


Wow, I feel like I lost a couple of thousand braincells reading that. Still spouting the same, boring memes as always.


Only 2 people backing up the midget? Guess he´s running out of followers.

f74325  No.383054


This is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior guys. Archiving past streams and conversations is totally normal. I am not, I repeat NOT obsessed with a man I despise on the internet.

c21ed1  No.383056


A chrischan tier autist as vocal and willing to expose himself needs to be documented as much as chrischan.

stay mad, stay fat.

6e5267  No.383058


> Archiving past streams and conversations is totally normal

you mean like the four year old conversations with Upraksi he played on his stream?

f74325  No.383060

I do not, I repeat I do NOT have a 250 gig plus hard drive full of Britbong's past streams :^)

d6c50c  No.383067

File: 897805471f51ca6⋯.png (5.92 KB, 288x70, 144:35, mt_gremlinden_brb2.png)

In imitation of their leaders heroic retreat, the foot soldiers hastily escape the battle field as well.

c2360e  No.383078

File: 2a58476de173316⋯.png (71.93 KB, 391x2716, 391:2716, JammkuProGameHistory.png)


He boasts in the Discord that if you play vidya only for fun that's a consumer behavior and is therefore beta.

Yet all he does is troll these days and gets mad at anyone who mentions that they play single player games.

Who's the real beta, Jammku?

3b81e6  No.383150

6e57fe  No.383152

File: 1dec257778d64e2⋯.gif (373.48 KB, 385x383, 385:383, babby.gif)


nice try

no one's clicking that link

6e5267  No.383154


it's safe similar to fox dick farms

6e57fe  No.383156



ok, i checked it out,

it's fine

870f16  No.383223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

KoP's video on Minivan is out

acbbca  No.383224


autistic, but dead on accurate.

i'm expecting damage control to arrive soon

acbbca  No.383228

File: bf3d17e62b8daf6⋯.png (274.17 KB, 1340x431, 1340:431, DAMAGECONTROLLOL.PNG)

yep, just as i thought.

lol, rallying his fans WHEN HE HAS NOTHING LEFT TO DO. HAHA

86cd4c  No.383231


damage control what? that video is terrible fucking looking, and he makes it obvious he's ass flustered he got outted for being a g.remlin by brit. this loser with no subscribers, no real friends, is being propped up by mark ortiz and emptyzero. he's pathetic. king of /pol/ is doxxxxed, and he's a cow of his own volition.

https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/bryan-dunn-king-of-pol-kop-the-armed-toast-fedoramanmanman-cuckenjohnson-toastyroasty.7451/

if he wants, he can join a very long shit list of people who are going be deplatformed for obvious pedofaggotry and trolling someone because they're bullie victim. spergie is trying to rebrand himself because if everyone knew who he really was he, he'd beee tee eff o'd really quickly, and it seems hes on that path

a550c6  No.383234

870f16  No.383239

File: e53b0b376cc2b8d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 905x6387, 905:6387, 2018-03-25_sperging on KoP….png)

Guess which accounts are Minivan's.

870f16  No.383245

File: 7c799ea7d39ea01⋯.png (1.12 MB, 906x7768, 453:3884, 2018-03-25_sperging on KoP….png)


Aaaand the midget meltdown continues

a21231  No.383314






Haha the video is garbo but i told you the meltdown would be good, suprised hes not DMCA'd it as usual

6e5267  No.383317


> suprised hes not DMCA'd it as usual

better than that he's filed a privacy complaint

d6c50c  No.383320

Here's an imgur of the discord raid (>>383040) yesterday: https://imgur.com/a/VKefQ

Mostly just MT & goons hammering down on Kopy, classic spergfest.


Just some guys shilling their new forum.


First 10 minutes are decent; Not a fan of the rest.



Worth it.

a21231  No.383322


haha "cant fight your own battles can you??" he says, bringing several other faggots into the discord, talk about timid

75e179  No.383343

File: bd48bff06411e7d⋯.png (49.64 KB, 903x218, 903:218, clownbong.PNG)



Man, he is spazzing out even harder than he did with that Spooks video or the Bad Guys Vice City video. Not even trying to hide the fact that he´s samefagging with multiple profiles. How pathetic. Hope that guy makes 5 videos instead of two, focused on a specific subject. This one was all over the place. There´s enough shit out there to make 20 videos on the little homo.


Your empty threats are really funny. No one is impressed or scared, you realize that, right? No one is taking anything you say seriously, everyone realizes you´re just a timid, sad little pussy who is afraid to leave his own room and settles arguments by blocking or banning people.

If you get that video deleted, we´ll just re-upload it. On multiple platforms. Not because we like it so much, but because we see how much it riles you up.

You´ve completly lost your mind lately, not that you had much sanity left anyway. Get help man, leave your house, see a specialist.

a21231  No.383344

wonder if KoP was the faggot who kept coming in here asking why bitchbong was a lolcow

6e57fe  No.383345

File: e35e69f4f8e53fb⋯.png (98.53 KB, 901x676, 901:676, Manlet_vs_penguine.png)


ep1 is done

ep2 is kopy, boyd, miss alchemy and family criminal history

ep3 is badguys, russoplays, cyber demon, EH, and Venti sagas

ep4 is the JMAA spin off special

eb27e3  No.383346


I haven't been following these threads but damn, I had no idea how big of an autist Manletears was. Getting EmptyHero banned because he hurt your feelings? Man up, faggot.

6e57fe  No.383347


the best part is that brit was banned the next day for harassing a half dozen different people

9e647d  No.383349


Its really hard to watch these terrible KOP videos even when they're about the short guy.

You should stop trying to be jim and make your own cocks.

f054ce  No.383355

File: 3f0f8718be3f8b8⋯.jpg (72.48 KB, 805x666, 805:666, IMG_20180326_101410.jpg)

File: a08ca1790403040⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 827x206, 827:206, IMG_20180326_020010.jpg)


How funny would it be if a mod outted all of brits posts here? Also lol these comments

eb27e3  No.383356



Sounds like an SJW. They're making fun of you for being short and flirting with trannies, you autist. Calm down.

9e647d  No.383357


A mod wouldn't have to, britbong does it well enough on his own.

Infact a few months ago he admitted he was posting and then everyone looked back at that ID's post history and it was full of top quality cringe.

"I'm not britbong!!!!11 but you're all mad at him cause hes a super chad ayy lmao"

I get it though you're insinuating anyone who thinks KoP is a massive lolcow, who doesn't realize he's been goaded into this situation and is being laughed at, is britbong.

Its the same fun people got watching you and BSV slapfight each other cause you're both autistic now go for a run.

a21231  No.383362


Hey now, britbong is the anti-sjw, get it right


You'd be embarrassed, calling you out for your cow like behaviour and you instantly run to the ol' "YOU'RE BRITBONG" excuse everytime, whens the next video out? cant take you long to churn them out, you need to finish them before big boy JMAA makes his move and steals all of your accounts

eb27e3  No.383363


Manlettears, Sargon, what is it with anti-SJWs turning into the same crybabies they used to criticize?

9e647d  No.383364


remember when he restarted the posting on his own KF thread by posting on a sock account claimin he didnt think kop was cow worthy and is actually a pretty okay guy? lmao.

cfd36e  No.383368


Why did Zoom swat innocent people tho?

a21231  No.383369


Think the issue is they both started known for a specific thing (which debatably they were "good" at), got to a point when they didnt want to be known as the X guy and tried to change, they felt entitled to no criticism, now they just remove it because if you didnt agree you are a fake fan and you are hurting my feelings! and it just gets worse from there


sounds an aweful lot like what MT does in these threads, "I watched britbongs stream once, i dont understand how hes a cow, hes a pretty cool duder"

9e647d  No.383370


You should go on kumite against venti and KoP and stop being such a timid little guy. I'm sure it'd get you some more paypiggies or atleast some views so you can get more tendies down ya.

6e5267  No.383372


>Why did Zoom swat innocent people tho?

hi britbong

a21231  No.383373


you'd have to battle royal it, bitchbong wont fight with less then 6 buddies

a21231  No.383375

whoops meant >>383370

6e57fe  No.383377

File: e76e8deb88dd948⋯.jpg (235.06 KB, 892x668, 223:167, KopyButt.jpg)


venti, kop, empty vs brit JMAA and brit's mum


a21231  No.383380


haha thats what im sayin!, does the short guy even have any allies left? other then onion boy and alex the actual pedo?

eb27e3  No.383382


I got a question, faggot. Why do you think repeating the same phrase like an angry sheboon is good bantz? If you were genuinely funny and quick when EmptyHero was fucking with you, I would have had some sympathy, but you just shut down. You have no banter.

6e57fe  No.383394

File: 955214da9878cc4⋯.webm (12.76 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, orclet.webm)


the best part is brit thinks he won because he didn't stick around long enough for the intercontinental delay to hit, where emptyhero responded to him, so he went around claiming "he wouldn't even answer me!"

75e179  No.383411

So…how mad will he be in today's stream?

And how mad will JMAA be, who streams just a few hours before? I mean…someone insulted his beloved boyfriend!

b52ac3  No.383414


expect snipets of the video to be played I doubt he will play the full video for his fans it's too much of a risk for the manlet to play it.

eb27e3  No.383416


Does EmptyHero stream or something?

14372c  No.383420


nah he wont play it at all in fear of people going out to look for it, he will literally cry for abit and say how someones making slander videos against him, it should be good, i hope the archivists are around incase he does

6e57fe  No.383423



no stream today, he does it every other day

6e57fe  No.383432

File: ed9671ea72d3752⋯.jpg (6.64 KB, 194x268, 97:134, mini mage.jpg)




i was wrong lol, he's streaming today at 5pm, unless he gets scared and decides to take a shower instead

14372c  No.383436


i dont keep track anymore, but he just does it whenever nowdays,gotta make sure he gets no 1 on the leaderboard (even if there is no competition)

75e179  No.383687


How often will he say "proof?" ?

Place your bets!

I´m guessing 21.

d6c50c  No.383801

Predictions for todays stream:

[ ] mentions KoP

[ ] calls KoP's channel insignificant

[ ] announces actions against KoP's channel

[ ] calls KoP a pedo

[ ] "his dox is out there"

[ ] plays KoP's video

[ ] "this was made with the help of Kopy"

[ ] talks about the possibility of suing someone

[ ] "Proof"?

[ ] "look at the comments, all people who hate me"

[ ] mentions troll discord group

[ ] calls discord group insignificant

[ ] announces actions against discord group

[ ] calls discord group pedos

[ ] "troll victim support group"

[ ] mentions /cow/

[ ] calls /cow/ a pedo board

[ ] plays recordings of Kopy and/or Boyd again

[ ] rants about Venti again

[ ] mentions the carjackers forum

[ ] mentions SpottedGoldfin/Peasant

6e57fe  No.383805


make a bingo sheet

e96f40  No.383806


I forgot:

[ ] JMAA tries to inject himself into the drama

6e57fe  No.383809

File: dcb1efd745008d8⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 1014x670, 507:335, little fruits.jpg)


"imagine if they tried this against ME britbong, I know fail troll pedfreaks like them just want to keep us from eachother, but our LOVE will keep us alive HEHEHE!"

e96f40  No.383830

File: 6c666166dde3dcf⋯.png (88.46 KB, 594x623, 594:623, angry_manlet_stream_bingo.png)


It's all kinda dependent on each other but ok.

75e179  No.383842

Views are mega-low today. 50-100 less than usual.

He already claimed that KoP tried to be his best friend and "sucked his balls dry"…also claimed he knew "loads of YouTubers"

He also seems to be anxious to get his Twitter back, he keeps checking the timer to see how long until he is unbanned.

a1aa7f  No.383859

File: becb15d1ae79c92⋯.png (258.54 KB, 937x493, 937:493, Big Black Horse Cock.png)

Is this shit allowed on stream.me?

e96f40  No.383862

File: f39d67eebc5b5f7⋯.png (173.34 KB, 597x490, 597:490, mt_stream_horsecock1.png)

File: 4664bd0005a2a29⋯.png (165.82 KB, 599x489, 599:489, mt_stream_horsecock2.png)

This one made the little guy happy!

7a85ef  No.383886

He talks about how he'd chin people out but he gets out of breath putting on a Vive,

Fat wheezy little fairy.

e96f40  No.383943

File: 66dc55806717a8d⋯.png (104.44 KB, 640x640, 1:1, angry_manlet_stream_bingo2.png)

6e57fe  No.384013

File: c74ba45816613f8⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1825x705, 365:141, Untitled.png)

hi clown house, i mean, dominic!

7a85ef  No.384025


Classic Bong self incrimination.

And the lels just keep on coming.

839244  No.384204

File: 91a7b733761c338⋯.jpg (29.35 KB, 729x492, 243:164, Capture.JPG)

KoP's video is unavailable in the UK.

3223c3  No.384243


lol works fine for me. Britbong will us a proxy so he can continue to comment on it.

4d2e4c  No.384276

File: a484397b499adbf⋯.png (179.65 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180326-193758.png)


This from KoPs twitter. Whats funny is after all of britbongs "actions" the Youtube staff decided they would protect britbong from the video by making sure he cannot see it lol


d1cfd7  No.384315


>midgets are a protected group in the UK

I find this a lot funnier then I probably should.

870f16  No.384733


Man he's dense. I'll be releasing some hard evidence soon that confirms Green Goblin is also him on a sock.

1f9df8  No.384739


send it to trustedflagger or zoom or something and he will have all his newest sockpuppets and main zapped

04b056  No.384797


green goblin is britbong because on his steam profile he used the name green goblin

870f16  No.384800


True but there's still SOME degree of plausible deniability there. The evidence I have proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that it's actually Dominic. It'll be coming out soon once I have clearance to release it.

f72ac0  No.385064

He is still downvoting the video and commenting on it. It's hit 1.1k viewers too

d6c50c  No.385104

File: a91b8c60223366d⋯.png (29.1 KB, 580x311, 580:311, spulb_kop.png)

File: 02a14abd2ae429f⋯.png (295.19 KB, 435x364, 435:364, spulb_pic.png)

So, Spulb is turning BIDF just to spite the bad guys?


Can't wait for the next 2 eps.

870f16  No.385233

File: eb4d8b067c34d8f⋯.png (281.09 KB, 781x884, 781:884, part3.png)

The manlet paid a visit to the troll den once more.

870f16  No.385235

File: 0f827745e3353aa⋯.png (50.25 KB, 790x455, 158:91, part2.png)


Oh looks like he deleted one of his messages.

a52683  No.385275


What discord is this?

cae3d4  No.385442



Wow he's even more timid when he doesn't have his underage BIDF brigade backing him up.

569dcd  No.385528


Is that fucking KingofPol? So it's really him who made the video in >>383223 ?

23b4d4  No.385542


yea, he breaks his "voice" a few times and at the end he just doesnt bother, that and he uses the same shitty name on discord as his new channel

569dcd  No.385638


I miss him. KingofPol is like Britbong if Britbong weren't a poseur desperately grasping for more troll credibility than he's earned by trolling.

23b4d4  No.385812


haha thats what i was saying, this should be interesting the more videos he does, given how easy they are to bait and how prone to spergouts they are… be good if someone who watched could tell us how much of shorties 3-4hr "banter" stream last night was crying about KoP?

f01524  No.386017

File: 3e0c3415caa8125⋯.jpg (724.51 KB, 1080x1565, 216:313, ic-1871.jpg)


Its an old picture from a 4 year old stream, you can see the title of the stream in the top corner. Pol made a response post in that discord by telling him to update the picture because hes a "/fit/izen" now lol. Tbh his channel is good cocks abit autistic but good and he doesnt sperg out anymore besides his old slapfights with Joshua "pedo faggot" Moon and KF. Now hes got a "True and Honest Fan" title on foxdickfarms. Britbong needs to stfu and take the massive L. He got blown the fuck out by Pol or Detective, whichever he prefers.

4c10e1  No.386146


yeah on kumite or something. need blood for the blood god.

1ca286  No.386170

EmptyHero is great. He really gets BritBong's beans.

e3164c  No.386184


You already tried doing this on KF KoP we arent falling for it.

1f9df8  No.386342


He did a good job wrecking manlet. There were like 2 different things in the video I didn't know, and I consider myself a manletologist.

243e24  No.386350


>Everyone is Pol

Hi britbong

e3164c  No.386405

d6c50c  No.386434



How about providing a pic with timestamp.


>Everyone is britbong

Hi Kopy Doghouse

23b4d4  No.386441


KoP's been same fagging whenever someone calls him out, could be both, "but i don't sperg out anymore guys"

e3164c  No.386452


I'm not KoP but I.. I mean he is a really good cool guy and his cocks really good! hes just like Jim and laughs at spergers! anyway I dont really think KoP is a lolcow. Heres a picture of him sweaty to show how buff and ripped I am.

039ed8  No.386611


Lol >everyone is KoP

He lives rent free in your head now Manlet Tears

039ed8  No.386613

d1cfd7  No.386645


>He lives rent free in your head now Manlet Tears

Do you think there would be enough room for a normal sized people there?

ec2272  No.386672


ironic "everyone is britbong", chances are if you are defending a cow you're actually the cow

673777  No.386722

Manlet leading a raid on discord into cyberdemon's chat tonight. Sounds like someone wants to get banned. lol

039ed8  No.386798


Literally who's discord?

f9d82e  No.386957

Jammku has posted a manifesto of how to be a "Boglin" in the Britbong Army.

Source: https://pastebin.com/PJPMSQRz

A lot of people come here, subscribe, and start participating without giving a serious thought to what the Britbong boglins stand for. We have a lot of cool Wizowd art, banners and symbolism. Yet hardly anyone bothers to figure out what it all means. Why? Because most people are brain dead zombies incapable and highly averse to complex thought. People would rather enact a predesigned narrative (Matrix) then independently respond to the internet's stimulus.

By using the Matrix metaphor we're claiming that the Boglin-Kindred can only function via uncompromising rejection of thotts and trannies. Only with full rejection are you free of SJW influence and capable of truly acting freely. The Matrix film makes this point very clear, which is why we chose to use the metaphor in the first place. There are no half measures here. In other words if you're making comments about acting like an asshole without being an asshole or are concerned with what the vagina person will think of your boglin reading, you are a loser and an imbecile. You have failed to comprehend the meaning of grand wizowdtry. You lack the capacity to participate and should fuck off to less intellectually demanding activities like Sports Ball, Rick and Normies, and girl gamer worship.

How does total rejection work in video games? Let's say for whatever reason you are being shit-tested. Some mindless vagina drone is flapping non-sequiturs out of her labia. What she's saying doesn't logically make sense and isn’t factually representative of what happened. All of the symptoms of a shit test. So before you open twitter and keep frame, you begin by holding the emphatic belief that all women are illogical emotional child people. 99% of the time they're either hungry, sleepy or need a time out. Nothing a woman says matters by virtue of it being said by a woman. It is with this mindset of absolute chauvinism, that you should enter or refuse to enter the interaction.

Likewise the same methodology can and should be applied when dealing with women and dick-women(Cybertranny) who aggregate themselves into political movements. Feminism, Egalitarianism, Antifags, namely any ideology not comprised of macho macho boglins. You wouldn't argue with the Alzheimer's crew at the nursing home. So why are you concerned with the ravings of some freak who doesn't believe in gender, due to a lifelong hormonal imbalance?(Cybertranny) Occasionally societies like to make crazy people feel important by listening to them. The Greeks did it with the Oracles. (Twitch does this with SJW's) Now the West is doing it with Gender Studies dykes. Your Gender Studies professor admires Che and Fidel, however if they were alive today they would gladly execute her for being a maricón. Postmodern art painted with 9mm onto a brick wall. Anyone who admires their executioners is bat shit crazy. Don't argue with them, smile and nod just like the nursing home. Emphatic Rejection.

This brings me to my last point. If you don't emphatically reject the SJW girl gamer movement, you are going to have a very bad time. In the operating room of life you are cutting with a dull scalpel. Children, women and the mentally feeble don't understand the world, so they must rely on social cues. They are the stupid kid in class who has no idea what's going on. They might not know anything about speedrunning, but they can definitely copy off the pro gamer boglin. Their understanding of the world is based off of others reaction to it. They are inherently dependent people. They need to test those around them in order to know who to depend on. The more you compromise with their stupidity the more they will believe in their own stupidity and in turn, the more stupidity you will have to deal with. Explaining to a child why she doesn't need the candy bar is just an invitation for more childish bullshit.

The truth is radical, it's not democratic. If the sky is blue and 99% of the population believes it to be yellow, compromising and saying that it's green isn't helping anyone, least of all you. We live in a feminist Cuck-Fag society that promotes a Cuck-Fag dating strategy and a don't offend anyone morality. The way to grand wizowdtry (the path of a boglin) is an emphatic rejection of both. Going half Cuck-Fag isn't going to help you. There is nothing noble about compromising with idiots. You have to go all the way. That's what being a boglin is all about.

ec2272  No.386978


JMAA's book(s) dedicated to the short guy, this guys manifesto - is there someone in that community that isnt mentally ill?

1f9df8  No.387026



16f422  No.387127


Jammku is probably the worst person in the Britbong fan-sphere

870f16  No.387146

File: b0e32f37b2b525f⋯.png (116.04 KB, 783x1310, 783:1310, part236.png)

The midget came into the troll Den tonight and had a massive meltdown. Like he legit went full fucking retard.

Here's the full archive of logs from the chat. 273 screencaps of Minivan going full retard. Everything is numbered in chronological order.


063637  No.387249


Mork you can keep editing and faking logs all youd like but lets not forget the logs of you admitting to attacking the memorial when you were larping as "Britgoon" even she agrees you did it

1f9df8  No.387253


look who decided to stop by

d6c50c  No.387309

File: c016b2439b93cfa⋯.png (24.58 KB, 370x278, 185:139, mt_sue_kop0.png)

File: b126a470f6b39fc⋯.png (27.52 KB, 404x291, 404:291, mt_sue_kop1.png)

File: 19f4e5940742fb9⋯.png (48.12 KB, 599x497, 599:497, mt_sue_kop2.png)

File: d281576b7f51b73⋯.png (37.58 KB, 440x400, 11:10, mt_discord_badguys.png)

d6c50c  No.387316

File: 71c1a3d849d8af8⋯.png (58.26 KB, 340x746, 170:373, mt_venti_banevade.png)

File: 525ae6f51a6e829⋯.png (17.01 KB, 390x164, 195:82, mt_empty_pedophile.png)

File: f6c533f9aba35e1⋯.png (17.71 KB, 355x192, 355:192, mt_empty_popular.png)

File: ce27cb6f7b39d05⋯.png (23.12 KB, 374x285, 374:285, mt_empty_homor1.png)

File: 6f47df94ea5bc04⋯.png (32.69 KB, 782x338, 391:169, mt_empty_homor2.png)

d6c50c  No.387318

File: 6ed5aaa56bc88a6⋯.png (46.35 KB, 605x395, 121:79, mt_cackyjacky.png)

File: 2234a2983fc8447⋯.png (20.48 KB, 762x231, 254:77, mt_discord_8chan.png)

File: bb120c3266ba1e7⋯.png (49.14 KB, 797x598, 797:598, part5.png)

File: 88d388f6554c442⋯.png (48.58 KB, 745x411, 745:411, mt_discord_badguys_urshort.png)

File: 5cf8502496f77f4⋯.png (110.51 KB, 789x575, 789:575, part33.png)

d6c50c  No.387320

File: 1486a515196a813⋯.png (13.1 KB, 714x92, 357:46, mt_discord_upraski_crying_….png)

File: 56dee0db12b6b37⋯.png (41.07 KB, 694x343, 694:343, mt_discord_6ted9.png)

It went on for 3 hours.

3223c3  No.387336


why does he think ted was trolling his ex?

d6c50c  No.387353

File: 701b903970facae⋯.webm (7.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mt_other_sl_yt_dox.webm)


Beats me.

In clip related MT talks about Ted "doxing him" and Ted "getting doxed by someone unrelated" in return.

Also, in some Tweet (can't find it right now) MT claimed DanielFromSL and Ted teamed up and "got his Twitch shut down".

I imagine it's just a stupid one-sided feud.

050847  No.387373

haha little guy went to "troll" the tranners stream chat and got beeteeeefood, then goes onto the bad lads discord (?) and gets the same, it wasnt a good night for the little guy, p.s. how long til jammku goes to shoot up a school, because that guy might actually be retarded

75e179  No.387395

File: 8549b8ab7233b3c⋯.png (494.4 KB, 507x1284, 169:428, jammku.PNG)



Fuck, this is giving me both a headache and a good laugh.

>JMAA getting outed as Bananaguy by his idol

>"Haha, I don´t even use Skype, can´t be Britgoon!"

>"Yeah, I skyped with Keem and Colossal"

>Mongoloid getting educated about law and turning timid

>that awful spelling by both Dom and JMAA

This pretty much confirms that JMAA was the guy who spammed those niggerheads a few weeks ago. I always thought the guy was pretty dumb, but the stuff he wrote on that Discord make him seem mentally retarded, not even kidding.

That picture in the OP is really fitting, he´s like a retarded, one-eyped parrot.


Jammku is fucked in the head.

ae6251  No.387396

What a fucking shitshow.

9d5c95  No.387428

Long time since I saw manlet tears and emptyhero, they seem to just be pathetic on discord without really doing anything now

What's up with discord and people just wasting their time with petty drama between themselves?

050847  No.387430


what else are you going to do on discord? the little guys just looking for friends since all of his have abandoned him

9d5c95  No.387433


Most tripfags turned this way or into lolcow, I'd say they deserve it

653463  No.387444

File: 3292013e0cda7d3⋯.png (74.61 KB, 460x537, 460:537, KoP_Lolsuit.png)

File: edec3309e5d8db7⋯.png (89.94 KB, 356x482, 178:241, KoP_Lolsuit2.png)

King Of /v/ v. King Of /pol/ lolsuit when?

ca8d54  No.387523


Literally never. Trannytears tried his ass with a legal threat like he always does and someone decided to take it seriously this time. Knowing Dominic's behavior, he will shut the fuck up and never mention lolsuit talks to Pol again. Once again, Dominic got PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD lol

9152ab  No.387533


Britbong is not going to do shit. What pol did was smart. He does not know how autistic brit can be with his legal talks, hell he has done it to Boyd and Kopy for years now. The fact that Pol has a lawyer on retainer and was able to get a legal reaponse back to youtubes legal team to force Britbong to have to prove his claim with a court order is genius.

Dominic is so fucking stupid lol. This is funny

d6c50c  No.387685

File: 1a9c66711786a64⋯.webm (14.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_twitter_unlock_denied.webm)

File: ab94ec5bf2adeb1⋯.png (26.21 KB, 480x208, 30:13, mt_unproven_complains.png)

File: 41f393b6f2cf007⋯.png (78.21 KB, 354x612, 59:102, mt_discord_ninja.png)

TrannyTears gets not unbanned from Twitter


People (spies) get deranked (b,t,f,oed) on the britbong discord.


The grεmlin discord just got ninja'd.


It's in the 2nd post >>379669

a07af8  No.387709


haha did you see his little heart sink when he was still banned, awww poor shortman, hes currently sperging on discord because the tranner told him there where spies in there and he'll be doing his nut in to try and find out whos passing on info

870f16  No.388026

File: 77f0c2445b4c3d0⋯.png (188.75 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2017-03-27-16h40m4….png)


>scandinavian prince was in tears when I told his mom to stop trolling my ex

Apparently it was Ted's mom who was trolling minivan's ex. Which makes even less sense.

75e179  No.388453

File: e105d192e7129fe⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1832x1056, 229:132, gaybonger.PNG)

"Boyd Doghouse" watching documentaries on people who get AIDS on purpose

1ca286  No.388520


twitter must be his life.

653463  No.388777

File: 2e0248829bdca60⋯.jpg (1004.89 KB, 1200x3160, 30:79, jammku_manifesto.jpg)

b19344  No.389109

File: 57ce14020546e2f⋯.png (106.71 KB, 1593x965, 1593:965, Zoom1.png)

File: c80e3f62b17288a⋯.png (108.92 KB, 1854x971, 1854:971, Zoom2.png)

File: a7f1c3e0d838551⋯.png (106.55 KB, 1978x958, 989:479, Zoom3.png)

File: 587e4ac250c04e5⋯.png (105.82 KB, 1483x960, 1483:960, Zoom4.png)

File: b7cbfc818b7c0a9⋯.png (100.41 KB, 1380x950, 138:95, Zoom5.png)

Zoom had a chat with MT after that little autismfest on Discord. I'll be dumping the logs now.

b19344  No.389110

File: daaf212c000d15f⋯.png (314.91 KB, 1027x942, 1027:942, Zoom6.png)

File: 55c76b5ed3fec0c⋯.png (213.69 KB, 807x963, 269:321, Zoom7.png)

File: 6cd3dea55d4ec59⋯.png (199.74 KB, 872x969, 872:969, Zoom8.png)

File: db80f3e69e97c53⋯.png (104.65 KB, 1163x946, 1163:946, Zoom9.png)

File: cee208640b5726b⋯.png (102.71 KB, 1085x942, 1085:942, Zoom10.png)

b19344  No.389111

File: cedc41b6a8fcdfc⋯.png (103.67 KB, 984x944, 123:118, Zoom11.png)

File: 8afb13ff1e182c8⋯.png (103.08 KB, 860x939, 860:939, Zoom12.png)

File: 8239504ac3e1b55⋯.png (120.62 KB, 1834x941, 1834:941, Zoom13.png)

File: 9cefab35d0af429⋯.png (118.54 KB, 1844x960, 461:240, Zoom14.png)

File: 6fdf0a5452e07af⋯.png (113.37 KB, 1973x950, 1973:950, Zoom15.png)

b19344  No.389112

File: e19567903b13816⋯.png (100.97 KB, 766x944, 383:472, Zoom16.png)

File: 33731a8248fdef7⋯.png (110 KB, 1042x944, 521:472, Zoom17.png)

File: 7311a1d97333d5d⋯.png (104.6 KB, 1038x938, 519:469, Zoom18.png)

File: 855a4ef8aa50c85⋯.png (98.72 KB, 843x941, 843:941, Zoom19.png)

File: fe44908828185f6⋯.png (121.01 KB, 1123x952, 1123:952, Zoom20.png)

b19344  No.389113

File: 44919f539fe5bdd⋯.png (107.06 KB, 1376x953, 1376:953, Zoom21.png)

File: 0c47c438de5020e⋯.png (112.52 KB, 1347x939, 449:313, Zoom22.png)

File: 7540cc07946413a⋯.png (111.94 KB, 1344x935, 1344:935, Zoom23.png)

File: 0be74370c5d5780⋯.png (111.79 KB, 1199x941, 1199:941, Zoom24.png)

File: 95d6b0154279968⋯.png (102.41 KB, 880x960, 11:12, Zoom25.png)

b19344  No.389114

File: fdecb8df868a610⋯.png (94.98 KB, 752x927, 752:927, Zoom26.png)

File: 450d8fa13b162d6⋯.png (100.71 KB, 943x923, 943:923, Zoom27.png)

File: bef2a1f2518937e⋯.png (109.69 KB, 1196x938, 598:469, Zoom28.png)

File: 92ef142917bce1f⋯.png (97.21 KB, 777x941, 777:941, Zoom29.png)

File: 041cdd0d7db7743⋯.png (122.06 KB, 745x934, 745:934, Zoom30.png)

b19344  No.389115

File: 66ceb2fd3133c0c⋯.png (243.01 KB, 721x944, 721:944, Zoom31.png)

File: b6f1e9b4203b369⋯.png (88.52 KB, 757x924, 757:924, Zoom32.png)

File: 0252d169dfe1c4e⋯.png (98.3 KB, 915x937, 915:937, Zoom33.png)

File: 2116a4f0d29612e⋯.png (101.98 KB, 1138x953, 1138:953, Zoom34.png)

b19344  No.389116

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Zoom made a video where he goes into detail about this tit for tat he had with MT. I recommend archiving it before the midget tries to flag it down.

c2360e  No.389128


It's fucking true though. Wish I had a sperg to clean out all the filth back when I was in school.

He's just telling the truth.

c9744d  No.389164

Looks like shortman covertly made a new Youtube channel and has been quietly reuploading his garbage videos to it.


He hasn't even mentioned his new channel on Gab. No word if it's been mentioned on his discord server yer though.

You guys know the drill, lets flag his videos and report him to Youtube support.


I already started flagging his videos.

035571  No.389167


I'm so glad he's made another channel. It's very likely we'll give up reporting him and youtube will decide to forgive him!

9917ce  No.389169


i dont know why shortie keeps battling people when hes really timid and literally always rage quits out, so weird he thinks anyone actually believes the shit he says

1a471c  No.389232


>calls himself the "king of banter"

>gets invited to be on a Morning Kumite

>pussies out because EmptyHero and Zoom might be there


569dcd  No.389288

File: 25b0c8d12776eff⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 403x352, 403:352, vegeta.jpg)

Imagine being a discordfag. You spend your entire life vainly trying to work your way up through the ranks of redditors, countless hours trying to suck the cock of the guy on top as hard as you can, just so you have a few friends. Then, at one point, someone says they don't like circlejerks. They don't like highschool cliques of immature cross-siting retards trying to shove their shit everywhere. This is incomprehensible to you. So you lash out. You spend hours thinking about this man, how could he not like my circlejerk? Then, another person replies, agreeing. 'How is this possible?' you think to yourself, crying while virtue signalling on discord. You deliberate over it for weeks. Every time you see someone who you disagree with, it's 'him', the singular person of course, because anything past that is just as such incomprehensible. It has to be. The ultimate boogeyman. And such, it goes on living rent free in your head, as somewhere deep down in there you realize the meaninglessness of your existence, and that he might have a point, but you simply just can't grasp the concept.

c3a9dd  No.389323


I'd recommend editing the webm's down instead of pasting half of this thread's media.

5a8590  No.389329


shiiit, sounds familiar…

870f16  No.389622

File: c37650683ff7134⋯.png (62.11 KB, 638x666, 319:333, 2018-03-29_lolflagged agai….png)


Welp did my good deed for the day.

75d474  No.389878

File: 76658ea7e4cc9ba⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 777x704, 777:704, big think.jpg)


I wonder where you could have gotten this still-fresh pasta?

243e24  No.390010


243e24  No.390032

248013  No.390084


how many fans does he have left?

1ca286  No.390092


this is bretty gud

8e4d0c  No.390149













1ca286  No.390153


is that hwy ended so quick? what happened?

af69f5  No.390155


He screenshared his gay porn collection.

8e4d0c  No.390156


Britbong was first booted from the stream, then people wanted him on again so he came on the stream with a black dick profile pic, then turned on his camera to show porn, ancap ended the stream.

ff853b  No.390157


I wonder if this will be talked about on the kumite

1ca286  No.390158



he really is a faggot

af69f5  No.390160


no he showed full on gay porn and the stream got shoad from it.

8e4d0c  No.390162





















Add this to the britbong facts

d6c50c  No.390169

File: 4af532664fe32fb⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mt_shuts_down_ancapistan.mp4)


While I personally think it's a fun way to take someone down, his reputation will just go further down the shitter. This is gonna bite him.

f9d82e  No.390179


"They aren't being fair so I'm going to show them gay porn on stream" - Dominic "King of Banter" Vanner

a1aa7f  No.390266

I don't suppose someone saved the stream prior to the shoah?

357484  No.390270

6f2b07  No.390272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

89b0d7  No.390412

this whole bybs thing was a pretty bad idea, i could of told you the timid little faggot would just do that, its good you posted >>390169 of him being too retarded to get his webcam to work, atleast that was funny

why do you think faggots who do bloodsport streams either hide the webcams or make it a tiny area, c'maaaan this is common sense shit

55a998  No.390415


They are autistic larpers that probably didn’t even consider that people would fuck with them.

b102d9  No.390422


Or they expected actual BANTER out of the KING OF BANTER. Really gets the noggin' a joggin'.

89b0d7  No.390432


self proclaimed "king of banter", these guys calling themselves kings shows a really obvious pattern

75e179  No.390491

File: 4faf8f5adc573d0⋯.jpg (90.76 KB, 634x845, 634:845, 1516766700863.jpg)


Yeah, I agree. He pissed away his chances to get invited to any hangout ever again. If anyone ever announces that they´re going to put him on the show, one link to this shit will get him booted before the stream even started.

And for what? To fuck with some low-tier stream with a small following? They could just show this snippet to YT to get their strike removed.

>"Haha they would never invite me, I´d Beeteeffoo them!"

>gets invited

>"Wahhh, they´re clearly dogpiling me, I´m overwhelmed!"

>"Haha going to get them off the air, epic troll! Still the king of banter, clearly won that discussion!"

6e57fe  No.390519

File: 184e7fe50b59a94⋯.gif (499.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, no boner.gif)



>the uploader took extra care to cut out emptyhero roasting britbong just before the video starts

d6c50c  No.390597

File: bd904acbf4aec1f⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 498x420, 83:70, empty_support_group_1.mp4)

File: dd9c41e3dc11cf6⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 498x420, 83:70, empty_support_group_2.mp4)

More discord leaks. These are from the 28th february, aka:

The Day The Orclet Got Bullied By The Penguin

Britbong & support group are discussing the event in question.

d6c50c  No.390607


fuck. next try.

d6c50c  No.390609

File: 3b3040912923551⋯.webm (1.63 MB, 498x420, 83:70, empty_support_group_1.webm)

File: d1df72a65104bb3⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 498x420, 83:70, empty_support_group_2.webm)

More discord leaks. These are from the 28th february, aka:

The Day The Orclet Got Bullied By The Penguin

Banterbong & support group are discussing the event in question.

89b0d7  No.390616


"this guy is so epic, he does the same thing over and over again" - he says… straight faced…. watching a video of bitchbong repeating the same thing over and over again

ff853b  No.390619


he's the least self aware person in the world

6e57fe  No.390623

File: f8c3b542694218c⋯.png (93.09 KB, 354x476, 177:238, how could you.png)


leave the tiny man alone!

6e57fe  No.390629

File: ff75f43cb399144⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 354x476, 177:238, Gobrita.jpg)

75e179  No.390631

File: b988bbf14ca011a⋯.png (314.1 KB, 327x949, 327:949, britcryer.PNG)

Lol, he´s rather amd today.

I love how he´s openly admitting to deplatforming now.

0205ee  No.390634


It's like that southpark episode.

Cartman is going to fight wendy, but he's terrified so he shits on mr.garrisons desk so he gets detention instead of the fight.

2b0102  No.390701


isn't that the constable guy from last night?>>390597

2b0102  No.390743

I don't think Britbong has considered that he just turned a few guys who never heard of him into guys who will now regularly fuck with him just for fun.

a349cb  No.390873


For all the crying he does, he never stops to remember that he was the one who instigated every guess he's involved in. The Bad Guys, Kopy, EmptyHero, and now the BYBS crew. He poked at their hornet nests first, completely unprovoked. Then he gets upset and blames everybody but himself. Opting instead to call them "troll victims" and "stawkers"

b102d9  No.390903


Yeah it's almost like he's a delusional autist.

d6c50c  No.390942

File: dde857fcd83a347⋯.mp4 (828.96 KB, 850x480, 85:48, Jammku being epic-iY3T9TSL….mp4)

File: e2d2afdb3f2ca25⋯.png (482.74 KB, 958x541, 958:541, jammku_sad_in_a_corner.png)


Idk, but the guy in the 1st clip who's asking on how to report Empty may be Jammku?


He's gonna spend all night hunting for the moles.

75e179  No.391027


This, he pretty much started all his little feuds himself.


Whoever was there on voice with him…they all sounded like a sad bunch.

Having a mole there, someone he probably trusts, will really fuck with his paranoia.

He seems to be really agitated today…so agitated in fact, that he forgot to announce his shitty stream. Watch him sperg about fans not watching, stream is about to start.

1ca286  No.391032


What's he streaming on? I thought all of his accounts were banned.

6e57fe  No.391038

d6c50c  No.391052

File: ac66e6499f8166d⋯.png (47.52 KB, 323x356, 323:356, mt_overtyped1.png)

File: 060aa5f713ab573⋯.png (84.26 KB, 321x594, 107:198, mt_overtyped2.png)

Overtyped what are you doing. You're fresh to the britbong streams and you're already on thin ice.


>a mole

There's multiple.

75e179  No.391056


And he wonders why he isn´t gaining any new viewers…

2b0102  No.391062


>starting soon too

20 minutes late

1ca286  No.391068


man that site sucks. it won't even play for 1 second without skips and breaks.

1ca286  No.391104

he's finally getting into bloodsports

man this site sucks. it's using up 3 out of 4 cores at 75% cpu.

319450  No.391146


then get a new cpu

1ca286  No.391153


are you going to buy me one? no? then eat a dick.

75e179  No.391157


LOL, now he went from "Yeah haha they are too afraid to invite me! I would LOVE to participate!"

to "I don´t want/need to go into this shit"?

1ca286  No.391179


he really enjoys amusing himself. i don't think he can keep his stories straight anymore.

e32296  No.391186

"Why are we still here, just to suffer? I can still feel my pride and my dignity, even my dreams." -Punished Britbong

what did he mean by this

1ca286  No.391194

File: 099be423e7c0e46⋯.gif (499.03 KB, 480x228, 40:19, laff-1520020001423.gif)


everyone is out to get him, and he shit his pants and did nothing to bring it onto himself.

75e179  No.391202

He´s raging hard as fuck right now.

>Zoom apparently got him banned from every platform because Britbong complöained about the Bad Guys

>EmptyHero is "stal king" his family and him for 7 years, he´s really angry about the wedding video, really angry

7d854c  No.391209


>Zoom apparently got him banned from every platform because Britbong complöained about the Bad Guys

The wizowd is not bound by linear time.

2b0102  No.391210

I think we can confirm the little guy is mad as fuck

6e57fe  No.391212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he's the one who linked everyone to the video in the first place because he thought he looked cool in it

75e179  No.391227


Yeah, he claimed Empty found it by searching for his mom and dad's name.

c7d499  No.391248

Looks like I missed out on a bit but is this some trickery? Has he gotten worse?

75e179  No.391280


He´s been spazzing out for close to an hour now, just admitted to flagging people down on Twitter.

Then quickly backpedaled and claimed he only flagged down a few.

6e57fe  No.391284


zoom, boyd, detective, derrick, and emptyhero went on the back yard blood sports stream last night

and took on spulb, britbong, and britbong's older brother who was pretending to be a friend of britbong

after zoom and spulb duked it out for an hour, empty showed up and started roasting spulb, then britbong

brit had a chance to make his counterpoints, but was too scared and posted gay porn instead

the stream is down, but the archive will be up soon

7d854c  No.391296

File: 500cfbb56c59464⋯.webm (5.45 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_empty_evil.webm)

Empty Hero is an evil piece of shit that should kill itself

1ca286  No.391301

this guy can say a lot of shit when no one is around.

75e179  No.391307


He claimed it went like this:

>He didn´t know the show was going on

>tried to get on there for 2 hours

>people talked shit about him non-stop and he didn´t get to defend himself

>"If they give these people a platform I´ll punish them for it"

I highly doubt it went on like that.

6e57fe  No.391313


why doesn't he ever mention the catchy tune that went with it?

6e57fe  No.391320


he literally entered the group, screamed britbongdotcom, got roasted by everyone, then ran away

and the hosts of the stream were neutral about everything up to that point

1ca286  No.391355


I liked the back and forth between the hosts, at least I think they were the hosts.

6e57fe  No.391372

File: dcd2a2295bb938c⋯.png (799.88 KB, 1874x834, 937:417, Untitled.png)


6e57fe  No.391374

he's now claiming it was a black woman sucking a white man's dick when it was the other way around lol

d99bd5  No.391378

This thread is just sad and pathetic.

75e179  No.391382


Also note the downvote, lol


Yeah, it´s about Britbong after all

1ca286  No.391388

>These guys keep trying to deplatform me.

>*Posts porn on live stream*

>Why do they keep reporting me? They are stalking me.

7d854c  No.391420

File: 56fd3164a79f7ad⋯.webm (1.8 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_zoom_badguys_deplatfor….webm)

The reason Zoom got Tranny deplatformed "twitter, twitch, youtube and all these other places" is because he called the Bad Guys copycats

Thus, logically, MT should be justified in deplatforming the Bad Guys.

Makes sense, no?


He has. Still is.

d99bd5  No.391437


Yes, this guy is pathetic, but KoP also is pathetic, everyone involved is pathetic, no even funny.

6e57fe  No.391449


hi A-log

2b0102  No.391486

self admitted he has not left his house christmas

7a85ef  No.391544

Showing caps of being banned from 4Chan SEVEN YEARS ago!!

And now trying to reinforce the Forever alone lie.

He's lost in his way back world and is really losing the plot tonight.

6f2b07  No.391550

How come all of Britbong's trolling amounts to tattle-tailing on people who pick on him or are more popular than he is?

That's all it is.

7d854c  No.391566

File: f0472247449fc7a⋯.webm (3.07 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_mom_im_streaming.webm)

Mom! I'm streaming!

6e57fe  No.391615


notice he never talks to his father on stream

either because his dad can't get up the stairs or because the old man would chin the little cunt if he gave his pap any lip

f9d82e  No.391642


His dad was on a stream a few months ago. Audio only, I asked him if he smuggled any cigs lately and he asked if I was Kopy.

870f16  No.391895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The reason Zoom got Tranny deplatformed "twitter, twitch, youtube and all these other places" is because he called the Bad Guys copycats


Minivan didn't invent SL trolling. SomethingAwful goons were doing the same thing as the dwarf years before he even came about. But unlike him, they were actually funny.

248013  No.391897

When do you guys think he'll cut his dick off?

1ca286  No.391907

File: 6ceddd748b34770⋯.mp4 (6.5 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Anshe Chung Interview Inci….mp4)

c2360e  No.391924

Jammku has been mega-sperging. Here's some snippits:

Boglin, Horizon.

At first, a sunrise. Out of pristine mega-gaming. Out of the pristine, we are modus prefectum. Somewhere they're us, sleeping, dreaming of the days of normies being forever PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd. Through the grand wizowd we will unite the lost into a land of the neets and outcast.

After suffering over one hundred million centuries, we have finally opened the eyes of gamers, devoid of sjw devs and report functions. Isn't it noble and enlightening to stick up for yourself and resolve conflict with others? We work to understand the game, not the player.

The cosmic law of trolling, pulled those to be proved around the fire, a careless cold infinity, in every vast direction. Lonely farer in the anti-griefer zone, has a tale to tell. From a developers nursery, into a lulzy feast, enter Britbong.

The tapestry of normie cries. There's a reporting in the game leading us to seek PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD. We are one with trollverse. Forebearers of what will be boglins of the internet. Aeons pass writing the tale of us all. A day to day, new PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'ing for the greatest stream on earth.

Epic channels welcoming the outside world to the legions of epic memes. Bedding the tree of logical griefing, enter, the boglins.

There's a writing in the twitterverse, leading us to the lulz feast of our time.

We are here to grief the normies. The wonder of birth of every form of normie. Every form most thottery. We, are one, we are the internet. Forebearers of what WILL BE the way of the land. We will set the standard and create the greatest show on the web.

After a billion years, the show is still here. Not a single one of you boglins died young. The handy trollers, out of the depths of the web, PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'ing Chads and Stacy's of the world wide web. Give birth to infectious memes, to normies dead, to self destructive meme-ery. Enter the god of thotts, deep within the past, atavistic dread of the cringelords.

Enter BritbongReturns, the cradle of memes, the architecture of bee tee eff ooh-ing. The boglin lust to troll so exceptional, to rule the net.

c2360e  No.391925


Here's more from Jammku:

The boglin-kind, still locked in the cage. The deep state still poisons normie minds. An old buck sheltering us from the cold. Lulz bathing on his dead redpill memes.

A cuck-trap in the ghost town of twitch streams. Thotts dream of paypigs and the boglin ghosts. Of fakeup, of insta-bans and the rise, raving thottery and sex toys.

A cry for us a cry in need of courageous boglin kind. A shout of us, shout in need of a PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'ing machine.

All that great trolling still and slowly dying. All that great trolling suffering on a normies whim.

All the great trolls banned in silent suffering, smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end. What is left for encore is the same old meme's song, sung in silence.

A midnight raid into twitch chats. A thotty and a paypig by her side. These are the territories I hate most. I'd still give my everything to troll them more.


Sometimes the stream is piano black. Piano black over cleansing meme-ery.

Resting broadcast, verse of bore. Rusting keyboards without a whore.

c2360e  No.391927


What the fuck is he smoking?

"I see a slow, simple gamer on a busy stream site with a begging icon in his shitty stream. Trying to smile but hurting infintely. Nobody notices. I do, but click past. "

"An old-fag has a wank on a stream site and gets called out. It's half-light and he's in tears. When he finally cums, his eyes are cascading."

"I see a beaten youtuber on a pungent stream. He tries to provoke me. All pride has left his wild eyes. I wish I had my leg to spare."

"A thott visits her paypig, smiles to him through the cam. She's never loved them more."

"A normie enters a game with me. All P2W'd out, fancy, lots of epic gear. Terribly rich whale deafens me. He's playing like a complete casual, and alone. That makes the ganking even more beautiful."

"I see a thotts face on a front page. A statue of fakeup perfection beside a violent stream of paypiggery. A community that worships flesh."

"The first thing I ever read was a wandering tripcode poster telling his story. It was you, the nerdrage under my keyboard, the anons in the dead of night. The lulz-worthy replies of filthy casuals."

"It was us, roaming the cancerous threads, combing the guilded garbage, waking up to a new gallery of sameposts every morn. Trolling in places no one's seen before. Shipwrecked on some four-chan board. Clad in nothing but cleverness. A boglins finest robe."

"Beyond all morality, we are, swinging in the breath of the internet. In early days of the dawn of lulz, a sight to anger the masses."

"I want to travel where lulz travels. Follow it's permanent-ban. Where the tears taste like music. Where normie pain smells of fresh born hysteria. I would pass no normie, no thott, no SJW, without bathing in a world of sensation."

"Lulz, epic memes, and trolling, while violated and imprisoned by technology."

"The thought of my victims cries was the only moment I have to experience mega-gaming. That experience remains infinite, as I'll never be the person normies want."

"How can you"play for fun" when you don't know how? Stop saying "Just play normal" How could anyone stand to be a normie?"

"Who am I to judge a troll, a mega-gamer, anti-thott, griefer, or hacker? I am, you are, all of them already."

"Dear child, stop crying. Go play, forget every rule. There's no fear in gaming."

"Is there a commuity inside this game? A normie asked me. "What's the reason to play, if not to grind for gear?" "I've never been so appaled as I heard these normies suffering." "Following suit is the death of a true gamer. Nothing noble in following rules just because other normies and thotts demand it. For your community? For the idealology? For faith in goodwill? For another mans profit, yes?"

"Gaming is dead without memories. Idle hands witout an experience. All the servers dead without stories,. without lulz and disarming beauty. Careless realism costs souls."

"Ever seen a developer smile? All the care of the game, made beautiful by a sad man? Why do we still grind for gear or levels and skins? Oh how rotten your pre-apocalypse is. All you rule-worshipping fools living over nightmare ground."

"I see all those empty servers and wonder, if man will never change. I too, wish to make a difference, but all I am is smoke and mirrors to them, an obstacle, a demon. Still, given everything, may I be deserving to destroy, as if the game world allows, so too, shall I become, destroyer of thott and normies alike."

"And there forever, remains the change from mega-gamer, to filthy casual."

ed2f8e  No.391988


After he loses his stream.me

Jammku otoh is about to ascend to a different plane of existence.


Could you put it in a pastebin so we can take in his greatness without all those transitioning wordfilters?

36d7bc  No.392004


>"The thought of my victims cries was the only moment I have to experience mega-gaming. That experience remains infinite, as I'll never be the person normies want."

I do not understand why normalfags romanticize being an internet weirdo so much. When it mattered, you never, ever, admitted that you even knew what 4chin was; these days, every faggot that stumbles across maymays is the most ebin troll to ever live. I used to grief on Ultima Online and that shit was so cash. You could kill someone, take everything they own, cut off their head and laugh at their ghost; that's still begging for a res. These days, someone acts obnoxious, gets the obvious reaction, and acts like they just invented trolling. It's just pathetic that trannytears trolls like a teenager, who just discovered 4chin…but is nearly 30. I don't think he'll ever learn how to actually bother people or grow up either. He'll spend the rest of his days chasing phantoms; even Kopy will eventually get bored of his antics. He'll be a senile old man; still trying to prove something to people who no longer exist because, let's face it, he has absolutely nothing else in his life. And he has no one but himself to blame for any of this. That's what makes it so fucking hilarious.

b52ac3  No.392012


nearly 30 he is 30

36d7bc  No.392020


Oh fuck, I guess he is now. God damn.

b91eb4  No.392037

File: 5b08714c4773fdc⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 600x341, 600:341, doub1t.jpg)


>even Kopy will eventually get bored of his antics

870f16  No.392057


He'll be 31 in December.

36d7bc  No.392075


>next post is literally Kopy

I was thinking long term, like maybe in a few decades…but it looks like you're right, anon.

b91eb4  No.392083


You have to realise that he doesn't do this just because it's funny but because he genuinely hates the manlet for cucking him and treating his ex badly. He's an omega cuck still whiteknighting for his ex. I doubt he'll ever let it go.

36d7bc  No.392094


You're right, neither of them are likely to change in any meaningful way. Any change will be surface-level to try and outsmart their true and honest fans, but neither is capable of pulling it off. I mostly said Kopy would get bored because it'd be the funniest thing he could do long term imo.

c2360e  No.392108


Games went in the wrong direction. You "grief" someone and they go circlejerk in their hugbox safespace and "report" you for it. No one talks crap anymore cause devs will hand-hold their playerbase and ban / suspend anyone that plays outside their vision of how the game should be played. Games even take steps now to prevent player vs player conflict. (No more ganking in mmo's, no more talking to your opponent in mobas, etc.)

75e179  No.392113




I thinks it kinda both their fault. Kopy does work against the manlet, but the manlet keeps egging him on and keeps digging up the old stories, making him relive the shit he did to him on weekly basis.




Wow, this is next-level autism.Seriously. I won´t even begin to read this.


His "trolling" was always weak. He relied heavily on editing to make him seem more talented. i remember that he used one scene of some guy flipping the fuck out of him but cut out the part where he named himself after a friend of the guy who just commited suicide a few days prior.

The thing that made his streams funny was when he went ito a server with a whole crew of his followers and completly messed up some autistic RP sims. Same with some of the Twitch-raids. It was the sheer mayhem he could cause that made is stuff funny, never himself.

But he´ll never do stuff like this again, he´s too afraid that someone might enter his servers and make fun of him now. The guy is a control freak now.

243e24  No.392124


6e57fe  No.392129

File: 4e3a88546b57c61⋯.png (1000.9 KB, 759x1600, 759:1600, britbong in mummys dress.png)

guys, don't forget to congratulate trapbong today since it's transvisibilityday

36d7bc  No.392132


How long until the little fella is trapping on a cam dickgirl site?

357484  No.392134


I would poz his neghole tbh

36d7bc  No.392135


I beat you to it, anon.

t. Kopy

357484  No.392144


Lol, maybe we can spitroast him. I call dibs on his boipussi.

387247  No.392155

Hey OP, we're almost at bump limit. Thread #40 when?

6e57fe  No.392203

File: 5b225f3bef9ca73⋯.png (224.06 KB, 713x687, 713:687, Untitled.png)

"i don't get people banned from twitter guys, i swear!"


6e57fe  No.392208

File: ad62b28d16b3684⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 351x471, 117:157, Manly Tears Used CUT.jpg)

don't forget to report the little guy's new twitter account while you're at it


1ca286  No.392215


remember as a kid all the tattle-tells would be ostracized, bullied, made fun of because they were snivelling brats who always had to be right? this is what's happening to britbong and he can't figure it out.

75e179  No.392225

File: b4f706666fbd1e5⋯.png (729.3 KB, 860x1156, 215:289, tattlebong.PNG)


Wow, I can´t believe I´m saying this again…but this must be a new low for the little man.

Why is he being so fucking obvious? That account used the same picture he posted on gab


as well.

He continues to dig his own grave with this. People will take notice. People who could and would have helped him. He´s pissing away every single chance he could have possibly have had. This is beyond burning bridges, this is fucking nuking them. He is fucking done.

6e57fe  No.392243


he's also using this account for flagging


acbbca  No.392254

File: 9a667d74dbfe51e⋯.jpg (96.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, comfyterry.jpg)


for someone who whines about "leftist tactics" he sure employs a few of his own.


i love this- really shows how paranoid he is. of course, he claims the opposite. haha.

04c651  No.392271


Christ, imagine being this fucking sad and obvious to spot everywhere, faggot cant even pretend to be someone else

venti must have really hurt his feelings

d6c50c  No.392278

File: 24f73fc18ca78c0⋯.png (87.64 KB, 1170x829, 1170:829, crying_vanner.png)

File: 59b42782c7a8541⋯.png (131.98 KB, 900x1042, 450:521, horny_vanner.png)


As soon as I've improved my Paint skills.

Still got a bit time.

04c651  No.392282


Ayyy lookin good, needs a bigger nose though

034195  No.392309


why does it say Joined June 2012?>>392208

04c651  No.392313


Obviously been using it to send multiple flags against people, i bet hes got aload of them he cycles through, just like youtube accounts

75e179  No.392324

File: 466177a4ee2017a⋯.png (102.83 KB, 471x650, 471:650, tattlebong1.PNG)

File: 8f101ad351bbfb9⋯.png (13.83 KB, 440x163, 440:163, tattlebong2.PNG)


He´s been using those same exact tactics for years. But up until now he always denied it. Now he´s doing it semi-openly. The funny things is that this end up hurting him the most. He thinks it´s all an epic troll, but in the end, it will bite him in the ass, like it always does.

This is also a clear cry for attention, he is targeting Count Dankula as well now, even though he never did anything bad to him..unless you count being more popular.


Because he ALWAYS has multiple sock-accounts on every platform, sock-puppeting is his thing. Has been ever since his 4chan-days.

I remember him turning one of his sock-accounts into a streaming-channel and it turned out that he used it to write snide comments on a lot of people's videos.

6e57fe  No.392325




look closer,

the two accounts follow each other

04c651  No.392330


yea thats a common britbong thing, for some reason he cant help but follow his own shit, he does it on youtube, stream.me, everywhere!

75e179  No.392331

File: f943b08e04831c3⋯.png (228.46 KB, 674x892, 337:446, tattlebong3.PNG)


My brain fucking hurts…how can anyone be this fucking dense.

04c651  No.392334


Thats good because hes just proven my report to twitter about all of these accounts

1ca286  No.392335

File: 119aa22d48ac882⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 474x604, 237:302, 1521052738347.jpg)


>venti beaned bong

6e57fe  No.392341


mine too lol

04c651  No.392343


god hes absolutely a fucking retard, why would you do that?! is he scared hes going to lose that older account??

b52ac3  No.392349


jesus christ I honestly feel sorry for the midget this is all he has in life.

6e57fe  No.392350


he believes that this will drive people to his website as fans, rather than to take it down, as they now will

1ca286  No.392352


Is this dude obsessed with Brittany Venti or what?


does his site have ddos protection?

04c651  No.392357


pretty sure he uses cloudflare, not sure at what level

d6c50c  No.392370

new thread


798944  No.508128

bumplimit get!

d6c273  No.511649

File: 84f81ea8adc5fd0⋯.jpg (192.46 KB, 771x566, 771:566, Britbong-Mummy.jpg)

Imagine being 30 and still living with your mum and dad, what a sad case

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