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/cow/ - Lolcows (Four years on 8chan!)

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 8075cf41aab1709⋯.png (445.4 KB, 1183x664, 1183:664, crying_vanner_venti_cookie….png)

387c2c  No.392362




>30 year old british NEET living in moms attic.

>Is 5'4", was never able to disprove this fact

>Earned himself a lifetime-ban from Youtube, Twitch, Twitter. Blames Internet-Illuminati.

>Was never invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>No future prospects of ever being invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>Eternal feud against all other Second Life Youtubers. Eternal feud against Commentary Community.

>Miraculously still has a fanbase. Notable members of BIDF (Britbong Internet Defense Force): JMAA "The Onion-Eating Cyclops", AlexJapanKid "The Ageplayer", Jammku "The Shame Of E-Sports"

<If you're a TRUE FAN, turn away now, or you'll be branded a FAKE FAN.

>Caught sexting with a tranny. Pretends it never happened. (https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM)

>Plays SL socially. Pretends he doesn't.

>He loves to banter. Don't make fun of him or he will report you. Don't use his footage or he will DMCA you.

<Has already B,T,F,Oed you by you reading this. You mad.

>Got cucked twice by his own moderation team (Caroline went with Applechild, Summer went with Eggman).

>Doesn't believe in the concept of "male friends". Hunts down every female on his discord.

<Wouldn't have gone on Baited! even if he had been invited, anyways.

>Looking for a girl friend, please apply: https://britbong.com/girlfriend-application (https://archive.fo/XjgJe) Don't apply if 29+, black, you had a black bf in the past. Vagina is optional.

<Boyd tried to lick a girls tummy once. Please everyone, look at Boyd.

>Allegations of crossdressing.

<Stop stawlking him. You're obsessed and jealous.

>Earned himself 40+ threads, ~10 wordfilters on /cow/.

<If you made it this far, you already turned grεmlin.

Previous threads

Thread #39: >>379634 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Nb9S9)

Thread #38: >>357467 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9cBZq)

Thread #37: >>331112 (Archive: https://archive.fo/JXlnN)

Thread #36: >>318343 (Archive: https://archive.fo/iSeha)

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/Csg9K

387c2c  No.392364

File: 5fa6a2bfd1c314d⋯.png (119.33 KB, 385x485, 77:97, 07eec7266a273c5bf2032959b4….png)

File: c3b1ccf590190bf⋯.png (156.32 KB, 545x390, 109:78, c3b1ccf590190bf27788aeef3f….png)

File: 59830225dd693a4⋯.png (27.44 KB, 170x71, 170:71, jmaa_eyes.png)

File: 6c849bc208db272⋯.png (271.02 KB, 336x299, 336:299, crybaby.png)

File: 89a3bf7205d5e43⋯.png (59.82 KB, 194x268, 97:134, DRg1dfSXkAAKp18.png)


387c2c  No.392369

File: 46b33b940ad3734⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 798x588, 19:14, 484d4193ddcd9bf83553fe2a4e….jpg)

File: 8a0bb288b00b1fb⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 779x730, 779:730, 4819dca76bec07fb7011cf7274….jpg)

File: 84f2aae1b11b9ae⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 779x730, 779:730, 06b24466c2bedcca01bb6a7be4….jpg)

File: e76e8deb88dd948⋯.jpg (235.06 KB, 892x668, 223:167, e76e8deb88dd94878c857f41d8….jpg)

File: add4ce52dad1be8⋯.png (263.19 KB, 848x672, 53:42, add4ce52dad1be85fc2946d584….png)

387c2c  No.392374

File: 85a0496c125e317⋯.png (63.09 KB, 982x1022, 491:511, mt_over_55.png)

File: 3ceeb7d0eafbbd2⋯.png (101.21 KB, 204x282, 34:47, 3ceeb7d0eafbbd243d5f8a164c….png)

File: 521886ef80a3650⋯.png (51.19 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)

File: 999baf84397c271⋯.jpg (322.65 KB, 776x785, 776:785, 999baf84397c271d9695f3021a….jpg)

File: 7b83d2a8d059a99⋯.png (26.1 KB, 754x567, 754:567, VEDKa3C.png)

387c2c  No.392376

File: 82d8400eb3442d4⋯.png (305.11 KB, 546x486, 91:81, smile.png)

File: 670900b50629273⋯.png (163.33 KB, 336x299, 336:299, eyes.png)

File: f3ff134ee4f82a8⋯.png (158.64 KB, 336x299, 336:299, eyes_jmaa.png)

File: eb36420c3571aff⋯.png (162.42 KB, 336x299, 336:299, eyes_jmaa2.png)

File: 936f60bc698c73b⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 7b7faa96211ca0c3315837c0b3….jpg)

ec110c  No.392382

Anyone have an image confirming that he's 5'4'? Like what people did with manlet woes.

757eb9  No.392383

File: d2faebb93ee6ad8⋯.png (99.19 KB, 885x366, 295:122, try hard but still come up….png)

the little man is currently burning a bridge big enough to crush him by report bunty, and keem using https://twitter.com/itattledonyou/with_replies, https://twitter.com/trustedtwit and https://twitter.com/britbongcom

385c92  No.392392

File: b4f706666fbd1e5⋯.png (729.3 KB, 860x1156, 215:289, tattlebong.PNG)

File: 466177a4ee2017a⋯.png (102.83 KB, 471x650, 471:650, tattlebong1.PNG)

File: 8f101ad351bbfb9⋯.png (13.83 KB, 440x163, 440:163, tattlebong2.PNG)

File: f943b08e04831c3⋯.png (228.46 KB, 674x892, 337:446, tattlebong3.PNG)


Reposting from last thread because why not

385c92  No.392398

File: 9309f945dcd6b5b⋯.png (402.63 KB, 670x1127, 670:1127, tattlebong4.PNG)


He is STILL using that obvious sockpuppet as well.

387c2c  No.392399

File: c9c1a01f598844e⋯.png (98.52 KB, 467x278, 467:278, c9c1a01f598844e33b8a49320a….png)


There were 2 others, 1 with a statue and 1 where his height was measured against bottles.

387c2c  No.392400

File: 07690c7ccfac417⋯.png (128.07 KB, 900x1042, 450:521, horny_vanner_transparent.png)

File: 1a5787b81f7ef27⋯.jpg (657.48 KB, 2112x1132, 528:283, horny_vanner_msalchemy.jpg)

File: f70939a4207dc6a⋯.jpg (650.3 KB, 2112x1132, 528:283, horny_vanner_msalchemy_cen….jpg)

0cacba  No.392402


can you fucking spoiler that shit next anon?

7b2ff6  No.392410

How are there still no Venti nudes….

0cacba  No.392416


i've heard there were. there is even a picture of her holding a sign telling cuckchan that "posted tits" or something to that effect.

387c2c  No.392422

File: 270efe00ccb4cb5⋯.png (238.56 KB, 878x666, 439:333, britbongcom.png)

5d70b3  No.392426


I haven't seen anything definitive, just investigations if some flowing tits were hers and so on.

0cacba  No.392430


that's what i was referring to also. who knows.

5d70b3  No.392434


shame, she makes my pipi so hard )^:

0cacba  No.392440

File: 534f6c26eee4362⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 640x788, 160:197, 1512616472725.jpg)

36186b  No.392441


perfect thiccness, too

d71c2c  No.392446


hermoine granger with tits

0cacba  No.392447

File: 5f01e1ebffcb3f3⋯.jpg (162.12 KB, 826x1200, 413:600, brittany-venit-pulls-up-on….jpg)

9e47fc  No.392454

File: afcaeb72423e48f⋯.png (190.93 KB, 600x600, 1:1, tyty.png)

0cacba  No.392474



i wouldnt mind her strangling me with those legs

9fb6e6  No.392478

Hes already changed the names on both of those twitter accounts, not even trying to hide it haha

a9cb53  No.392489

File: ed2a88d0003a70b⋯.jpg (255.39 KB, 1157x1200, 1157:1200, 1502078446543.jpg)

ef30df  No.392490

The Exceptional Detective here.

Trannytears just got emptyhero flagged down on twitter and called the cops on me for tweeting I could benchpress him LOL

Day 6 of Dominic Vanner Mental Breakdown in full effect

ef30df  No.392494

File: f90552a559785c8⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 550x746, 275:373, IMG_20180331_171205.jpg)

a9cb53  No.392497



I smell koomite

d71c2c  No.392499


hell hath no fury like a little man in a dress

757eb9  No.392506


they already brought him on once and all his did was stream interracial cuck porn

didn't say a peep

0cacba  No.392512

File: db1a5aca60b89f1⋯.mp4 (118.11 KB, 1130x480, 113:48, Why fight it-7ee4285a-8af6….mp4)


/cow/ is really great proving ground to show how to _not_ handle a streaming or video production career online.


this one is new to me. very pretty. thanks.


You better watch out.

You better be nice.

Britbong won't think about it twice.

Trannytears is reporting accounts.

He sees what you are typing.

He sees what you all say.

He sees when you criticize him, and banter is not his foray.

Oh, You better watch out.

Oh, You better be nice.

Britbong won't think about it twice.

Trannytears is reporting accounts.

ef30df  No.392513



Hey Dominic, why dont you ask Homor if he will protect you here! #8chansafetysquad

a9cb53  No.392516

757eb9  No.392611


it will show up here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3r-CLDKFu8x127bZ266ySg/videos after they edit out the porn

387c2c  No.392614

File: 4cda3b1b0835252⋯.png (11.11 KB, 506x109, 506:109, mt_minds_new.png)

But Brit, you're already on minds. Did you forget your password?


0cacba  No.392633


I know I've replied anon, but I wanted to expand saying that I am glad there haven't been nudes leaked of her. In my opinion it shows that she holds a strong esteem for herself. It's enough to enjoy her beauty through her fashion style.

eee112  No.392642

File: a476e8d1b3642fe⋯.png (19.26 KB, 645x135, 43:9, sadmidget.png)

0cacba  No.392654

File: 458baae662d8821⋯.png (752.72 KB, 953x1282, 953:1282, 1513972471283.png)


how is it so hard to find a "male-friend-free girl"? you know, just like, go out and meet them, and stuff.

d4d98e  No.392666

File: 4bc2807f1fac0e8⋯.jpg (135.67 KB, 1080x1351, 1080:1351, 1476143427532.jpg)


She doesn't have to be a whore for her nudes to exist. Could be private stuff leaked.

I wanna see dem tittays as I imagine her sitting on my face.

0cacba  No.392686

File: 76a1b1c6f464d02⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 912x768, 19:16, 1512755859853.jpg)


(the devil's digs)

I have to concede that people take pictures of themselves in the buff. still, it should be obvious to everyone that nudes get leaked much, no matter any intention on privacy. the lack of leaks either means a) those she shared them with have never felt a reason to leak them - even out of spite - or b) she never has taken any nudes.

>I wanna see dem tittays as I imagine her sitting on my face.

a true romantic at heart.

cec88b  No.392690


Or c) her cellphone didn't get stolen. Yet.

3f5f48  No.392692


Lmfao what a sad sack of shit

cec88b  No.392694


well, he's not wrong about anything tho, except for mom and dad part.

0cacba  No.392701


what did he expect to accomplish with such a desperate post? no woman would find that reasonable or attractive.


that's a point.

53ff5a  No.393030


Hope it does, then even more people will know what a loser you are little guy.

979bcb  No.393031


>implying an autistic bunch are the idols of /cow/


>britbong gets bootie blasted 2: electric boogaloo


53e1d1  No.393034


Keem really went in on Bong so funny watching him shrivel up in chat and backpedal when Keem wasn't phased by his threat

0cacba  No.393037

File: cc4cf3ba06809d2⋯.jpg (767.28 KB, 1277x708, 1277:708, ahhhhhhhhh.jpg)


great job anon.

ba94e4  No.393039

File: b76d1453756b7a9⋯.png (416.19 KB, 300x780, 5:13, quadroon milkers.png)

Titties asked tiddies delivered.

9eb4d2  No.393040

File: 7dda44aa0b4a968⋯.png (30.12 KB, 423x459, 47:51, 2017-08-21_minivan blows h….png)



So uh. You ousted two of your sock accounts Dominic. You went full internet kamikazi and are on a collision course. With what though remains to be seen.

9eb4d2  No.393042

File: 316c7e9e9b6b297⋯.png (16.22 KB, 374x247, 374:247, 2018-03-31_britbong ousts ….png)


Oops wrong screenshot.

0cacba  No.393043

File: 65fedebc666566a⋯.jpg (2.15 KB, 125x124, 125:124, 1518193072402.jpg)


Why did Venti have to do that?

0cacba  No.393044



it seems like he doesn't care. isn't having multiple accounts against most sites' TOS now?

ba94e4  No.393047


I don't know the reason, i just know it happened on cuckchan for he will not divide us.

7b2ff6  No.393055


no face =/= not confirmed

0cacba  No.393058

File: 246c5dbeb3a95d8⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 320x463, 320:463, vsrNRq9YwSOqyb4RyKSfXdEPjs….jpg)



while you're right, why would she post that first picture?

ad1c9f  No.393060


I can confirm. I was watching the night she posted. her tit is also the "stop masturbating" meme tit.

9fa237  No.393061


because she fancies herself «le funny randum xD """comedian"""»


sorry anon, rules are rules = no face, no confirm

ad1c9f  No.393062


she was attention whoring since 5k people were watching hwndu and scanning the threads. I forgot what kinda ebinlulz were had that night but it was a big deal and maybe she wanted some of that attention.

0cacba  No.393072


so she got drunk on the attention. her videos have been seen by more than that many people though a thousand times over.


you're right anon. but you have to give it that it's quite a coincidence.


i've never seen this meme.

385c92  No.393096

File: b4bab21b0b85cb3⋯.png (553.86 KB, 641x688, 641:688, faceofbong.PNG)


LOL, I hope everyone itt watches this.

Manlet probably thought Keem would just ignore him and he could tell his fans "Haha they are too timid", but man..he went after him.

And in typical Britbong fashion, he had nothing to reply to him other than "lol u mad" and "haha bald".

His autism has really been on overdrive the last 24 hours, I wonder what he´ll do on today's stream. Probably watch the Keemstar-thing in it´s entirety, pausing every 2 seconds to say "proof" and "not true".

At the beginning of the last stream, he said he was supposed to go to his brothers house with his family on saturday and they´d all go to dinner later. But he said we wouldn´t go because having to spend time at his brother's house was too boring and stressful.

Guess he should have gone, he did a lot of harm to himself and his "career" yesterday.

He thinks he has nothing left to lose, but that´s completly wrong.

504164  No.393116


haha he got destroyed, literally begging for forgiveness…. look how many socks this little faggot has and hes showing them all, he must be desperate

anyone got channel links for them all?

385c92  No.393251

File: c6135876fcc995e⋯.png (154.26 KB, 392x1084, 98:271, twitter1.PNG)

File: c7757b1cf6ffefa⋯.png (35.37 KB, 527x373, 527:373, twitter2.PNG)

Some interesting shit from the BIDF-front:

Jammku's account is gone and the follower-buying actual pedo is busy being a little bitch.

504164  No.393257


maybe the po po got jammku for those school shooter esq tweets and billion manifesto's about the "boglin" army (god thats faggy)

385c92  No.393262

File: ca9c19af3495b1b⋯.png (86.7 KB, 396x1072, 99:268, twitter3.PNG)

File: 4985cd12079c44c⋯.png (211.08 KB, 686x734, 343:367, twitter4.PNG)


He also used one of his Discord-fags to deliver a message to Keem. One that is littered with lies.

It´s like he had some kind of amnesia and forgot that he spent the entirety of last night reporting people on Twitter using two "tattle-tale" accounts.

979bcb  No.393266

File: 3b61e80399a6683⋯.gif (12.86 MB, 728x408, 91:51, qml0fmhmsvc01.gif)


this kid- he actually went on /bybs/ to shill for britbong. was in the VC while bong was planning to raid the stream.


>he pays for discord

385c92  No.393268

File: 3105070674b1a81⋯.png (151.77 KB, 395x1033, 395:1033, twitter5.PNG)


Yeah, that kid's account is full of racist shit and jokes about TotalBiscuit's cancer as well, what a great way to spread the word.

I wonder how the manlet will explain this to Keem.

387c2c  No.393294

File: 57f3731c96b6b47⋯.webm (14.14 MB, 550x420, 55:42, mt_keem_outtrolled.webm)

File: 18266465f477b6f⋯.png (402.63 KB, 660x3007, 660:3007, mt_keem_puppet_theater.png)

Mastermind Keemstar reveals himself

Hoooooooly damn.

That part at 2:10 made me go "WORLD STAR!" irl.

We have Keemstar eternally B,T,F,Oing the lil man, while Tranny is on his 2 socks in chat, franatically switching between them (also, admitting they're both him), trying to bog down what he has unleashed.

According to Keem, he's got spies in Tranny's discord (who at this point doesn't?) and the next step is going to be involving the police.

Because apparently, Tranny & fans were planning to flood Anything4view's discord with CP.

…he's been really quite since then, think he's gonna stream tonight?

504164  No.393305


Look how timid the short guy gets towards the end, "it wasnt me it wasnt me, i dont even troll anymore! it wasnt me" haha fucking hell shortman this year has not been good to you

385c92  No.393318


He rescheduled the stream to monday apparently.

387c2c  No.393319

Half an hour after Keem was done with him, Tranny was still in chat, on both socks, pleading.


>That part at 2:10

I mean 1:40, that "your tears are verification"-bit.


<1st pic

>wawawa Zoom

>wawawa Stawlkers

>wawawa I'm a victim

>wawawa Colossal doesnt talk to me

387c2c  No.393333

File: bef108f14e886e6⋯.png (30.47 KB, 476x322, 34:23, mt_theplan.png)

All according to plan

757eb9  No.393351

05745e  No.393352

Keems hacker squad got Jammku. His literal everything has been taken over / deleted.

His twitch page still exists but word in the Keem-chat is it's getting wiped later tonight / tomorrow.

cddad8  No.393376

File: a4289068fab4fcf⋯.jpg (748.46 KB, 1080x1526, 540:763, ic-4809.jpg)


Lol keemstar makes him irrelevant, kop blows him the fuck out, EmptyHero already unflagged

Trannytears is going to committ suicide on a livestream the way its going.

0cacba  No.393380

Britbong is worse than slimy shit. That guy needs to realize that people only give him shit because they are serving it right back to him, better than he can fling it at them.

3b4e4b  No.393390


holy fuck my sides.

manlet on suicide watch.

ec110c  No.393393

File: a1c2921d4edfadd⋯.jpg (14.6 KB, 255x254, 255:254, a1c2921d4edfadd26f6ad6d5cc….jpg)

3b4e4b  No.393397


That's hilarious you think it was keemsquad instead of jammku shitting his pants and deleting himself from the internet.

387c2c  No.393400

https://twitter.com/SaltyAlexJP/ Bye bye!

https://twitter.com/Jammku/ Bye bye!

Both of you will always be welcome on the troll discord, why not join and talk about what happened?


2e368a  No.393401

"You wanted to play the game, You wanted to attack my friends, You wanted to take down different peoples Twitters left and right, You thought you were so funny and You got fucking owned" - Keemstar 2018

385c92  No.393403

File: 2f32d127cb1e38c⋯.png (35.27 KB, 550x323, 550:323, twitter6.PNG)


So this just happened…fucking lol.

His last tweet was about reporting Keemstar btw

387c2c  No.393404

File: caff6b85d41f066⋯.png (193.26 KB, 594x289, 594:289, alexjapan_twits.png)

File: 9e13f477b62319c⋯.png (23.14 KB, 584x113, 584:113, alex_pooper_peeved.png)

File: a23d7751cccbe19⋯.png (102.67 KB, 601x591, 601:591, alex_derrick_report.png)

File: 6aa009d1d5334d9⋯.png (88.79 KB, 579x371, 579:371, alex_empty_report.png)

File: 9165e85771e8421⋯.png (95.54 KB, 540x329, 540:329, alex_report_kop.png)


b3941e  No.393405

File: 041f89406e50aa8⋯.jpg (311.11 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, 1496949869181.jpg)

Lieutenant Jammku, second in command of House Bong, will be sorrowfully missed.

d03a54  No.393406



haha man this guys gonna be screaming currently, twitter was all he had, and that money he wasted on followers…. oof

0cacba  No.393409


is there an irc instead of shitcord?

0cacba  No.393410


With a face like that, yeah I'd worry about dumping toxic waste into the gene pool.

387c2c  No.393411

File: aa8a809dd747f8e⋯.png (19.19 KB, 976x558, 488:279, jammku_twitch.png)

File: 5764ca9e04c6589⋯.png (34.61 KB, 1022x429, 1022:429, jammku_youtube.png)


Wanted to save some rare Jammku clips before they got to him, looks like i was too late.

R.I.P. you absolute mad lad.

3b4e4b  No.393412

I want to give a big thanks to JMAA. Where would we be without you.

387c2c  No.393414


Sorry man, you just gotta deal with it.

There's a general #/cow/ channel on rizon, but it's dead.


>Manlets socks get nuked

>SaltyPedo gets nuked

>Jammku gets nuked

>JMAA is just fine

makes u think

b3941e  No.393415

File: 70ca389ab0e951d⋯.png (146.85 KB, 483x301, 69:43, Untitled.png)

"Onion King" JMAA Music is down too.

385c92  No.393417



So…do you think these guys got taken down or did they shit their pants and ran away?

If they got taken down, who will be next?



Lol, deactivated his shit to delete the Keem tweet and came back with even more bought followers.

3b4e4b  No.393418


Your twitch is fine though

0cacba  No.393424

File: 97cab98f2070f0d⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 333x250, 333:250, 47ef29d576e34e543113bc5595….gif)


Sorry man, you just gotta deal with it.

387c2c  No.393425

File: 3aa03cecc244db1⋯.png (282.49 KB, 826x469, 118:67, alex_back.png)


Hi Alex! Glad you're back, i feel we two have really some sort of connection going here. Would be a shame to sever it so early. Why don't you come back to the Discord?

Also, how is the situation in House Bong? How are you y'all planning to get back at Keemstar?

d03a54  No.393427


did he really cry in discord?? i hope this cringefest is being recorded by someome

385c92  No.393428

File: 9ecabfd78f5f460⋯.png (173.77 KB, 314x1199, 314:1199, twitter7.PNG)

File: 5bbef8931e1b388⋯.png (146.65 KB, 648x582, 108:97, twitter8.PNG)


It says "Suspected spam accounts are not shown" on the bottom.

You had like 1000+ bought followers until most of them got deleted by Twitter.Strangely, you bought those right after someone made fun of you for ranting to your less than 20 followers.

Insecure much?

And it still says "175 followers" despite Twitter audit saying you have only 18, fucking mongoloid.

Maybe egg on Keemstar some more and bring in his kid some more, that would really help the manlet out tright now!

0cacba  No.393430


is this guy a britbong alt?

387c2c  No.393431

File: 973beaca02d1026⋯.webm (1.38 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_colossal_threats1.webm)

File: 08147acd6132867⋯.webm (1.84 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_colossal_threats2.webm)

File: 314609066d910dd⋯.webm (3.34 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_colossal_threats3.webm)

Here are some of these veiled threads MT made towards Colossal in the last months.

If anyone's curious about that.


No they don't go on voice. They usually just spam up the general chat, then leave when Bong leaves.


Veteran BIDF are virtually indistinguishable from Britbong himself.

0cacba  No.393432

File: 2de4686c7ec4055⋯.png (869.31 KB, 986x797, 986:797, 2de4686c7ec405599709a593b1….png)


>Veteran BIDF are virtually indistinguishable from Britbong himself.

d03a54  No.393434



Imagine being so brain damaged that you just repeat shitty "catchphrases" from an autistic closetted tranny you saw on youtube and that being all you can do

3b4e4b  No.393435


sounds like a thing a normie would do in a progressive society.

387c2c  No.393436

File: bcb94faccdd78b7⋯.png (48.08 KB, 658x441, 94:63, mt_jammku_.png)


It appears Jammku has left the Bong Discord.

Indeed, it appears Jammku may have deserted.

TrannyTears is currently withholding any comment on the matter.

0cacba  No.393438

File: 7df902db214b926⋯.gif (2.05 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 7df902db214b926741add72497….gif)



haha. great laughs right here.

d03a54  No.393442


im telling you, i recon hes been spooked by the po po and hes trying to remove everything, because lets be honest, he looked like he was going to do a school shooting

385c92  No.393443

File: e58504ddddbb029⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 400x363, 400:363, 1519075905031.jpg)



Plot-twist: Jammku was the mole all along, seeking revenge for Dominic ridiculing him all these years ago.

53ff5a  No.393447


you may not be that far off anon

0cacba  No.393449


Jammku is the dude with the bucked-up teeth, also apparently had a vasectomy because why not?

387c2c  No.393460

File: 9731884f70d40b5⋯.png (26.08 KB, 789x275, 789:275, jammku_ded1.png)

File: 2c8c59615ffb576⋯.png (45.94 KB, 599x442, 599:442, jammku_ded2.png)

File: 632f3b97e2c03c9⋯.png (337.31 KB, 601x623, 601:623, jammku_thot_invasion.png)

File: 9b909ab05f1868f⋯.png (159.68 KB, 648x686, 324:343, jammku_shilling2.png)

File: 124b9ea21708753⋯.jpg (114.26 KB, 975x430, 195:86, jammku_bragging.jpg)

It has been confirmed.


May we see you again in gamer heaven.

e71650  No.393463


>Killer Fucking Keemstar

That's just perfect.

Guess it takes one psychopath to take another one out.

0cacba  No.393477

File: c597428411118da⋯.jpg (69.58 KB, 690x690, 1:1, brittant-venti-f79a60c7-87….jpg)

Can we get some more rare Venti's?

d03a54  No.393481


i know the threads always pretty shitty but do we need to shit it up more?

0cacba  No.393483

File: dfadf7e5521092f⋯.png (636.44 KB, 600x665, 120:133, brittany-venti-2rdjaqg.png)


just looking for those rare Venti's. don't hold out anon.

35e285  No.393486

File: 5e5defc77d0399c⋯.jpg (213.46 KB, 449x496, 449:496, brittany venti leaked.jpg)


Here you go. Fuck Brittany 56 Percenti

0cacba  No.393491

File: da92b3bfcce5df0⋯.webm (14.1 MB, 852x480, 71:40, pengo VS manlet.webm)

ae5e88  No.393513

File: 07dec84351158a1⋯.png (26.05 KB, 234x335, 234:335, ClipboardImage.png)

You guys have really caused a shitstorm, they've been in their safe space all day. Do we have any spies in the voice?

What are they talking about?

9ceb07  No.393520


Jammku was b&?

2e368a  No.393522


There are three "moles" in that chat right now.

0cacba  No.393524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cfc4fe  No.393532


keemstar is watching>>393522

4fbb50  No.393533

File: e1113def79fe5b4⋯.png (181.86 KB, 424x637, 424:637, b814e2e4c156792c45aff465f7….png)


Stop snitchin nigga

ee0fab  No.393537

File: 7f08ea94d444358⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 159x146, 159:146, 7f08ea94d444358400379662e2….gif)


>black cube necklace

0cacba  No.393545


Did you not read the filename for this post anon? >>392447

4a2444  No.393549

So, did that /bybs/ episode he bombed ever get reuploaded? Missed the original broadcast and would love to see him getting PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD on stream.

4fbb50  No.393553


Sadly no.

471390  No.393557


oy vey

4a2444  No.393606


Too bad, you'd think someone would have been capping it in case of shoah.

Wouldn't Ancapistan have access to the original recording, or does the guy that runs the channel lose complete access to the video if it gets taken down?

2e368a  No.393607


Tripfag name.

Sageing ‘reddit bro’

Ingratiating opening statement

Digging for ‘mole’ information

Poster is clearly “not” Britbong

b3941e  No.393646

Britbong is currently on /v/ threatening Brittany again v/thread/411872385/will-she-deliver

785039  No.393647


Making threats on a livestream… that’s pretty edgy.

9eb4d2  No.393648

0cacba  No.393649

File: fdf62d5f346f393⋯.jpg (132.23 KB, 713x1200, 713:1200, brittany-venti-CnnAQxHXgAA….jpg)


none of these images had anything to do with that

05745e  No.393656


You know it's kinda fucked that Jammku got hacked or had to suicide his internet life.

Pretty sure he kept his trolling to in-game only and never took it to IRL like pretty much everyone else in this war does.

Pressing F to pay respects.

0cacba  No.393657

File: 48dbc6b4e884ea1⋯.jpg (4.19 KB, 200x226, 100:113, 1519162947192.jpg)

ddeeb6  No.393663

File: b5bd2489cac242a⋯.png (88.63 KB, 1008x1271, 1008:1271, britbong.png)


>my quality OC made it onto shitposting accounts


ae5e88  No.393665

File: b5aa256cf689e26⋯.png (5.34 KB, 219x66, 73:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Is he dead or was he arrested?

471390  No.393672



0cacba  No.393674


and this little piggy went REEEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEE all the way home

7ccbfa  No.393675



the same faggot spamming keemstars livestream defending him now turns on him within 72 hours of that stream. fucking kek

385c92  No.393709

File: d029490de307344⋯.png (931.28 KB, 632x1023, 632:1023, glargh.PNG)



Man, has been while since he used this classic retort of his.

Is this all he does at this point? Shitting on more popular YouTubers to gain some semblance of relevance?

Nigga, If you want more viewers, maybe:

>play the games people want to see?

>don´t have your community dogpile and insult everyone who is new to your streams if he asks a question you don´t like to answer?

>stop attacking people with more influence and followers than you? You gain nothing or next to nothing by doing so but you´ll make more enemies.

385c92  No.393710

File: a8a3b2f07b55023⋯.png (74.32 KB, 1840x251, 1840:251, epictroll.PNG)


Shit, wrong picture…I meant this Bong-classic of course.

738b2e  No.393732







Mad much?

385c92  No.393756

File: 1f76b791d563a9a⋯.jpg (84.44 KB, 700x812, 25:29, 1521948145812.jpg)

Epic JMAA, simply epic.

Keep bumping little buddy! Waste your afternoon posting here only to get every single spam-post deleted in a matter of seconds later on.

738b2e  No.393758


Wonder whats rattled the onion boy, looks like hes already given up, hes so low energy

979bcb  No.393759

File: f69788dd40a0be3⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 650x450, 13:9, 1517180690105.jpg)


don't think he had onions this morning- no wonder he's cranky. maybe we should give him food stamps?

738b2e  No.393764


Nah, he'd sell them and send the money to the shortman… onion boy has no need for food, just the love of a tiny man

738b2e  No.393805


I can feel the tears behind these posts, you okay jmaa?

385c92  No.393816

File: d53fbfa0146820b⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1820x851, 1820:851, jmaagay.png)

>JMAA too timid/dumb to do some actual shitposting

387c2c  No.393817

File: 02eb0ce5f8ebaea⋯.png (180.87 KB, 1361x1937, 1361:1937, mt_oivey_paint.png)


>doesn't even sage

Hello newfriend.

9b1521  No.393819

I think these spam posts might very well be MT himself. Mods could this thread get a sticky? Someone is very obviously agitated by it's mere existence.

385c92  No.393822


It´s JMAA. His autism makes him do it from time to time. Never amounts to anything. He spents his entire day spmmaing, his stuff is deleted in minutes. Thinks this is "trolling"

You can tell he graduated from the Dominic Vanner school of trolling.

Too early for the manlet.

387c2c  No.393824

File: f00450b1584621a⋯.png (83.98 KB, 484x451, 44:41, jmaa_tweets.png)


Well, JMAA is tweeting right now…

385c92  No.393833

File: 90df6fa2055cb46⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1562x1006, 781:503, gaybong.PNG)

File: e3d560d06700e8c⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1580x1019, 1580:1019, gaybong2.PNG)

File: e105d192e7129fe⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1832x1056, 229:132, gaybonger.PNG)


It is 100% him.

He used to spam the same way a few weeks ago.

The spamming stopped when JMAA's stream started and started back up immediately after he stopped the stream.

And this "hehehe" "huehuehue" shit is also what JMAA did when he backed up the manlet in the troll-discord using a sock-account (which was outed to be JMAA be the manlet).

387c2c  No.393905

File: b094241390cf6ec⋯.png (62.64 KB, 468x477, 52:53, salty_8ch_spamming.png)

Noooooooo! Stop it! now!

387c2c  No.393908

File: 2064707b52189b3⋯.png (89.46 KB, 602x400, 301:200, alexreport1.png)

File: 3be821a9b6898f4⋯.png (64.94 KB, 602x400, 301:200, alexreport2.png)

File: c7895c1afc498ae⋯.png (74.2 KB, 602x400, 301:200, alexreport3.png)

738b2e  No.393914


whos upset? lol what reality do these niggers live in???

785039  No.393916


The one where they’re edgy cool kids and 8chan and halfchan love them.

4fbb50  No.393970







Nice spam nigger.

738b2e  No.393981


i dont get it, is he making fun of britbong?

4fbb50  No.393988


Maybe? He might just be autistic. We need to dox him and find his handlers.

87b835  No.394019

File: b60307640782182⋯.png (111.32 KB, 581x418, 581:418, BadTime.png)

Daniel M Keem is about to have a bad time.

9b1521  No.394031

Mods, please delete all the spam. It's pretty obvious now that JMAA is trying to push the thread to bump limit. Probably because of tears himself throwing a tantrum in discord. This is a special thread that probably ought to be stickied.

471390  No.394033




























Jmaa, you had an audience and then you went and cry this autistic shit. Now you have an audience of zero for your twitch. Have fun playing with yourself.

385c92  No.394037

File: 4ed36eeb5829667⋯.jpg (4.66 KB, 275x183, 275:183, Download (2).jpg)


LOL, AlexPedoShit thinking anyone outside of 8chan pays attention to him.

Great job trying to instigate shit with Keem while the manlet tries to make amends and is panicking.

35e285  No.394046

File: f8e55902d89abce⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 431x431, 1:1, confused-nigga.jpg)


I wonder what he even thinks he's accomplishing by posting Keem's dox. Everybodye and their mother already have Keem's dox.

471390  No.394048


>keem says his dox are out there and easy to find

>pedoalex finds his dox and releases them


they're retarded man, don't think too much into it.

74397d  No.394057

File: 2fa86e3c591d854⋯.png (96.44 KB, 729x302, 729:302, world autism day.png)

Happy World Autism Day

757eb9  No.394066

File: 4c40b6badf88576⋯.jpg (118.33 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Britbong and Shadmans Chil….jpg)


the morning kumite livestream MAY discuss the britbong/back yard blood sports kerfluffle soon

and a little bird told me certain experts on the subject are available to chat

385c92  No.394081

JMAA is streaming


He says he didn´t spam here (sure)

0cacba  No.394123


so this guy spams the thread, then advertises his stream? no me gusta, gordo.

87b835  No.394124

File: 68f39f9e6fb489e⋯.png (340.74 KB, 519x632, 519:632, BritbongMinds1.png)

File: 5564b6ec19ac284⋯.png (18.43 KB, 307x198, 307:198, BritbongMinds2.png)

File: 4ac91439573199e⋯.png (282.23 KB, 452x626, 226:313, BritbongMinds3_.png)


0cacba  No.394127


haha the av is the butterball cenobite.

385c92  No.394133


I´m not JMAA (thank god)


LOL. doesn´t he have like 5 followers on that platform?

87b835  No.394141

File: ed19319dde783a7⋯.png (228.53 KB, 971x592, 971:592, BritbongMinds4.png)


exactly 5

one of them being the minds.com admin.

385c92  No.394144


LOL, he also deleted the link to his profile from his gab

0cacba  No.394146

File: 458baae662d8821⋯.png (752.72 KB, 953x1282, 953:1282, 1517065034141.png)

87b835  No.394149

File: 30a15fbc2ac4250⋯.png (285.59 KB, 986x547, 986:547, BritbongMinds5.png)



which 1 is real and which 1 is fake. who's to tell

87b835  No.394151

87b835  No.394194


nothing so far…

9b1521  No.394263


>I want to be female

I keked

2b87ba  No.394281

File: 5c53797624d92dc⋯.png (353.99 KB, 606x504, 101:84, hb1.png)

mfw been crying for 12 hours but need to stream

4fbb50  No.394287


>tfw your mom wont let you were her pretty black dress.

58c949  No.394304


haha! its really not been a good year for the smallman has it??

dc5865  No.394397

File: b8c904e232ed66a⋯.png (251.64 KB, 403x505, 403:505, bssl_beekeeping.png)

After 3 days of radio silence and 4 hours of streaming, MT hasn't mentioned Keemstar once.


That one's great. You don't even need to edit in the tears, he already looks like he's been crying.

9c98f6  No.394478

File: 32621641b9223dd⋯.png (23.93 KB, 674x554, 337:277, 4918bdc865f565c68b65b94b87….png)


0cacba  No.394482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dc5865  No.394483

File: 24fce7a0a59b257⋯.png (17.55 KB, 648x365, 648:365, kop_dmca.png)

4fbb50  No.394484



5fa8e6  No.394490

9eb4d2  No.394495

File: c37650683ff7134⋯.png (62.11 KB, 638x666, 319:333, 2018-03-29_lolflagged agai….png)


Back at ya, shorty.

1c128b  No.394498

4fbb50  No.394508


Good job anon.

0cacba  No.394510

is britbong in here?

ad7b43  No.394525

File: 9d2c397025f24ad⋯.png (355.46 KB, 606x504, 101:84, 5c53797624d92dc94842df2a09….png)


So low energy, here use this image instead

ad7b43  No.394535


0cacba  No.394536

File: 74decdb1ee63a9b⋯.jpg (40.95 KB, 600x274, 300:137, kenm-01dqed4mfxfz.jpg)

kenm is how to troll.

f9ba03  No.394537

File: 9347cc3bc1480e1⋯.png (378.34 KB, 606x504, 101:84, megacringe.png)


You right now

0cacba  No.394538

File: 135cc41b1ab6552⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 750x383, 750:383, kenm-apropos-rqsl354evw7z.jpg)

dc5865  No.394547

File: 253fbfd8bf530b7⋯.png (113.19 KB, 519x474, 173:158, 253fbfd8bf530b7483c40d2762….png)

Alex is a true fan.

1641d3  No.394550

File: 8ad3ce1ec705248⋯.jpg (341.52 KB, 1064x1622, 532:811, ic-6927.jpg)

Can dominic even afford a Lawyer?

504164  No.394552


Maybe, he gets 2.5k from stream.me every month and has what like no bills or rent? my question is everyone who would see the video already has, so why bother with the DMCA now?

7c31ff  No.394553


Small man with a big ego. Can't handle the bants knowing someone as retarded as KoP is laughing at him.

385c92  No.394615

File: d6af5a820a2f1b4⋯.png (380.41 KB, 692x1061, 692:1061, jmaacompares.PNG)

File: 3d047c4f0eaf8e8⋯.png (164.66 KB, 639x471, 213:157, jmaadelusion.PNG)

JMAA, your comparisons are brilliant as always, I bet Metokur really got that reference!

Also: "Plenty" of views? I watched for a bit and you got 6 at most. We don´t like being used, JMAA! To win us back, you need to eat at least 2 onions during your next stream!


Yeah, he´s mega-timid. Keemstar really fucked him up apparently. He looked really stressed out from what I could tell.


Probably, but the guy is a total cheapskate and also a pussy who would probably be too afraid to go to court.Is that detective guy still doing part 2?

Speaking of Metokur: Did anyone catch the manlet shitting on him yesterday? He said his videos are for normies who can´t read up on certain subjects themselves. He´s probably pissed that Jim never replied to his ass-kissing while he did reply to KoP.

fcb1b2  No.394629


You got a webm of that? I bet Jimbo would love to shit on Britbong next lol

757eb9  No.394657


since britbong got detective's video removed, detective and jim should conscider working together on a new video that uses detective's as the ground work and build on it

d0f4ae  No.394699

File: 22d96c1e0bcb1f4⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 518x406, 37:29, ezgif-5-e9c78a748f.gif)


Enjoy those reports detective pedo

149026  No.394715










385c92  No.394740

File: aceda94821da5f9⋯.jpg (453.64 KB, 1691x1123, 1691:1123, pointing-and-laughing.jpg)


>manlet-fans changing from "Protect free-speech at all costs!" autists to tattletales in a matter of weeks

Hahahaha…just when the internet thought you guys couldn´t be anymore pathetic. You guys really can´t think for yourselves, can you?

0cacba  No.394836


cdb423  No.394837

File: 9347cc3bc1480e1⋯.png (378.34 KB, 606x504, 101:84, megacringe.png)


Back at it again, man you're salty

5fca32  No.394855

File: 570c461500f4476⋯.png (313.96 KB, 439x468, 439:468, hi britbong.PNG)


Its the Onion Lord

385c92  No.394861


It´s either the ogro de los cebollas or AlexPedoKid pretending to him.

cdb423  No.394863


i know, its just the irony of who hes sticking up for and what hes typing

9eb4d2  No.394955


The video is gonna go back online when Dominic is unable to present legal papers to counter the counterclaim.

385c92  No.395019

File: bcb3f2615d7eabf⋯.png (31.44 KB, 677x306, 677:306, onionadvice.PNG)

File: 00ff0cdcfca2c67⋯.png (110.44 KB, 682x1003, 682:1003, onionbtfo.PNG)

>Keemstar announces he´ll start fucking with Britbong's "boys"

>days later, Onionator's and MidOrPidor's twitch are gone

Are you tired of winning yet?

JMAA also wrote a lengthy blog-post with "advice" how Mongbong could improve. I´m sure this will sit well with the manlet.

Here`s the autism, not gonna bother to repost it here.


9eb4d2  No.395022


> I mean, you already infiltrated YouTube with your The Real Boyd Doghouse account to do your thing. And so far, so good.

Thanks for completely confirming that sock acount was Dominic's, onionboy.

Here's an archive in case it gets rm'd.


05745e  No.395024


Jammku's twitch is gone now, too.

Someone was in CyberDemon's stream chat asking for his dox, lol.

385c92  No.395025


He apparently quit himself and retired the "Jammku" persona…like a day after the Keemstar stream.

Brittany Venti got banned as well, because she made fun of the YouTube-shooter or something like that. Expect the manlet to laugh about it or take credit.

757eb9  No.395055


poor jmaa just ended his tenure on the britbong discord

385c92  No.395057


Nah,, JMAA is too valuable for the manlet. Must´ve donated 1000s of dollars by now.

Am I seeing things or is Jammku back on Discord?

757eb9  No.395099


[DM/] don't tell anyone, but that's just emptyhero pretending to be jamkuu [/DM]

471390  No.395210

Alex got jmaa banned from twitch?

757eb9  No.395275

File: b7bf937cb1b3f5a⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 305x400, 61:80, hello dominic.jpg)

looks like manlet's back on the menu boys!


03d68f  No.395281

File: 0f04916e674f13e⋯.png (160.99 KB, 504x813, 168:271, mt_stawlking_selfawareness.png)

File: 351b9e7ee06f48b⋯.png (186 KB, 555x573, 185:191, alex_bully.png)

Seems like he recovered somewhat. Stream tonight!


Alex bullies JMAA.

0cacba  No.395289


Like any dude is going to white knight for another dude.

>posts JMAA

385c92  No.395315



Alex fucking hates JMAA's guts. JMAA is too timid to actually tell him off as well. If JMAA isn´t the one spamming niggers and grandpas, it´s Alex trying to get JMAA into trouble.


I told you guys he was salty that Metokur responds to KoP and not to him.

Also totally not Britbong. Totally not the only person on the world that can´t spell "mongoloid" properly.

af29af  No.395332


>manlettears is still bitching about venti

You'd think he'd eventually get over her not fucking him.

385c92  No.395338

Get into his stream and make fun of his hair, he cried about people making fun of it and threatened to turn off the camera

0cacba  No.395341


This guy seems to enjoy holding grudges.


That's going over the line?

8cd523  No.395361


haha hes protected it, god he really cant hide himself anywhere, he likes to think hes this epic spy but he gets caught out almost instantly everywhere

387c2c  No.395369

soft triggers:

>talk about his hair

>talk about the stream being laggy

>ask if the stream is live or if it's a recording

>ask him to stream GMOD

hard triggers (will get you banned immediately):

>ask him to stream SL

>ask about Keemstar

>talk about hairties

58e60d  No.395435

File: 318de80893d5422⋯.png (47.15 KB, 632x613, 632:613, mt_bingo.png)

File: 6fbcb460bb4ebc5⋯.png (109.63 KB, 632x613, 632:613, mt_bingo_april5.png)



757eb9  No.395445

apparently this jmaa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53VY0W_M_4M is taken down because he threatened to shoot somebody in it and was brandishing a gun

926e83  No.395466

File: 595d956f84a2889⋯.png (178.25 KB, 955x333, 955:333, f02a41a8780de608c57e5360b5….png)


Really makes you think about who is spamming 4chan with Brittany Venti threads

f2dd2b  No.395470


Britbong's hairline seems generous.

d8bc17  No.395482


He's extremely insecure about it too because it means he'll never be pretty.

f2dd2b  No.395484

File: 440186206b4a439⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 😂😂😂💣👌.jpg)


>JMAA also wrote a lengthy blog-post with "advice" how Mongbong could improve. I´m sure this will sit well with the manlet.

I'm skimming through this and laughing my ass off at how stupid he is. He can't even use ESL as an excuse for "et all."


As he should be, because his haircuts are fucking terrible.

Post last edited at

7ee32e  No.395488


shiiiit, is it worth it? i gave it a skip because i assumed it was more of the same

757eb9  No.395547

File: e35e69f4f8e53fb⋯.png (98.53 KB, 901x676, 901:676, Manlet vs Pengu.png)

if you wondered why britbong was so teary eyed this week

it's because he knew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTedYN2Fxwo was coming out

and all the lies he made about how it went down are now proven false

it's 230 minutes of clowning on brit

471390  No.395551


this is going to be peanuts compared to the mudhole that keem stomped in his ass.

757eb9  No.395553


well shit

they completely cut off the end where the baby man got roasted, then posted gay porn

the VERY end is viewable here

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgPRU1jngUA but cuts out the last roasting

f2dd2b  No.395560

File: 7534a47460ca249⋯.png (50.27 KB, 646x565, 646:565, (constructive) criticism.png)


You can read my in-depth review of his Tweet on TwitLonger: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqg8jn

0cacba  No.395578


What the hell was his "neo-nazi" rant about?

f2dd2b  No.395591


I think he was trying to write One-eyed Snake's opening lines for Metal Gear Solid VI.

0cacba  No.395594

File: e7c55ade62a5538⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 480x366, 80:61, homer-laughing-15189146996….gif)

387c2c  No.395673

File: 42762822a879ffa⋯.png (48.19 KB, 591x274, 591:274, jammkureturns.png)

Could this be….. JammkuReturns?


Last stream, there's been 20 minutes in total ranting about Venti, at least.


>with 1096 extra words what the average /cow/ poster could say with three–"stop being autistic"

Wow, i knew the situation is bad, but now even JMAA's identified problems and offers advice. Think MT's gonna heed it?

How long until JMAA turns Grεmlin?

387c2c  No.395699

File: 76a6543ab20507f⋯.png (266.75 KB, 902x458, 451:229, alex_defeat.png)

File: c7e486b6545024f⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, keem_sugoi.jpg)

AlexPedoKid concedes the fight

…to protect his precious twitter feed.

One after one, MT's allies abandon him.

8adbe3  No.395741


what if he already is

387c2c  No.395756

File: 7598dbe88fed59f⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2000x1192, 250:149, colby.png)

File: 65e9f723eeb32f5⋯.png (155.04 KB, 719x520, 719:520, colby-deviantart.png)

Now Alex releases a statement: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqg8t4


>As most of you probably know i have now deleted and cleared most of my cocks within twitter as a means of protection of both my identity and the criteria that i feel that i must meet. Now, as you know there has been a interluding amount of anticipation and quarrel between this user that i both followed and have been watching on the internet for a while. Don't get me wrong, the guys a genius But when it comes between two Youtubers that i have no affiliation with whatsoever in any manner like keem i feel i should know when to not barge or instantiate myself with. I feel also that in-spite of what recently happened to another streamer who got themselves into hoot water due to the "Mass Youtube Shootings" making an inferior comment was both barbaric and very uncalled for. I have both consideration and respect for the due diligence of those within the Youtube community and i don't really want to be part of that group of people that say "Fuck yeah, someone shot up YT HQ let's party", I find it to be insensitive illustriously childish and wrong. I have been taught to have compassion during my lifetime of being both in the real world and the internet and i don't want to be the majority of that group.

>That being said, I know what this person that i associate with myself has been the tirade epicenter and the idea of what some of you would call an agitation. But i fund that when i am around this character he can be quite the charming person despite what some people would say i have always stood up for him. But i don't make judgments on what he does, i don't say things like "you shouldn't of done that". Even if you do think he has done something to cause displeasure that's not for me to say or make pre-adjective comments towards. I can't tell another human being what they can and can't do that's not what i am here for. I am here to socialize, make friends and so on.

>So, if you really really hate the idea of someone making a name for themselves and being stomped on by the people he's helped then you aren't a true friend..

>"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."

-Muhammad Ali

>To all those who support brit and forever continue making his userbase strong keep on going! Make his name forever a monument of the Internets history and stay strong. There is no fanbase like a strong fanbase….

>Thank you for your omitted and constant entertainment


f2dd2b  No.395811

File: 636ca2aba581323⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 125x113, 125:113, 👨👌.jpg)

>You are blocked from following @JMAATVReturns and viewing @JMAATVReturns's Tweets. Learn more



>another fucking TwitLonger

Who is/was this guy?

b5796b  No.395814


Alex is a longtime defender of Britbong. Alex is a babyfur pedo from Second Life.

385c92  No.395815


An SL age-player who whiteknighted the manlet all the time.

Tried starting shit with Keemstar but got cold feet and pussied out.

da87b9  No.395817


hes another ardent defender of the shortman, even though he claims to "have nothing really to do with him" or "im not really a fan"

I know what you mean though, whats with all these boglin faggots writing massive paste bins and twit longers, its really weird culty shit too

fa375c  No.396063

File: 08b97973faa618d⋯.png (172.36 KB, 1744x756, 436:189, upsetmanlet.png)


0cacba  No.396096


did anyone have the foresight to save this as mp4 or webm?

b5839e  No.396098


copyright claim? lel

Challenge him on it and make him pay some cash, that shit is all fair use.


You could just ask detective for it. On a side note I've saved the entire >>395547 just in case. It was more entertaining that I expected.

385c92  No.396102


They purged their discord of "fake" (moderate, sane) members and only the most loyal (retarded, insane) of them remain. It´s a complete echo-chamber. "Cult" is somewhat fitting, but this "cult" isn´t dangerous or anything, just kinda sad and pathetic.

387c2c  No.396105

File: a23d7751cccbe19⋯.png (102.67 KB, 601x591, 601:591, alex_derrick_report.png)

File: 6aa009d1d5334d9⋯.png (88.79 KB, 579x371, 579:371, alex_empty_report.png)

File: 9165e85771e8421⋯.png (95.54 KB, 540x329, 540:329, alex_report_kop.png)

File: 2064707b52189b3⋯.png (89.46 KB, 602x400, 301:200, alexreport1.png)

File: b60307640782182⋯.png (111.32 KB, 581x418, 581:418, b603076407821824999485d734….png)


Like already said, Alex is/was one of the BIDFs most ardent warriors. Spammed this thread up a few times. Someone here made fun of him having almost no followers so he bought himself some (still, JMAA and us are the only ones reading his feed).

Turns out, Alex is just putting up a persona. In truth, he's really nasty degenerate. We've found links to various ageplay communities, like SL boyscouts and babyfurs.

That's why he's talking about protecting his identity - Keemstar announced he'd go for the Bongbois next and as he actually did, Alex turned tail and fled. Doesn't want to link his Britbong-fan persona to his ageplay-persona.

By the way, haven't addressed the cocks yet…

Don't know what the fuck he even is going for here, is he leaving the Britbong fandom or is he just gonna stop tweeting about it?

>Don't get me wrong, the guys a genius

Is he calling MT a genius here?

>when it comes between two Youtubers that i have no affiliation with whatsoever in any manner like keem i feel i should know when to not barge or instantiate myself with.

Didn't stop you before?

Conclusion I come to…


>But i fund that when i am around this character he can be quite the charming person

Small, childish, petite. The dwarf fits Alex's requirements. Alex has pedo-lust for Britbong.



387c2c  No.396109

File: 6171c154869cc98⋯.jpg (215.78 KB, 1080x1916, 270:479, mt_discord_proving_grounds.jpg)


And it isn't even working, we still get loads of cocks from there. He's just hassling his own fans.

841ebf  No.396118

File: c3853a995cc3c81⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 1522651123431.gif)


Is jamku the only one in the Britbong corner who isn't fucking illiterate? Jesus Christ, this is sad. When retards try and pretend to be smart, it just makes it so much more obvious.

0cacba  No.396124



Thanks anon.

Is britbong's ex-girlfriend still available?

385c92  No.396125

File: be91a71cbe93cb8⋯.jpg (81 KB, 720x631, 720:631, 1518131418336.jpg)


LOL, this is so fucking sad. He´s like a abusive, demanding girlfriend or something.

>"Durr why are people not watching"

>"Durr why is my community not growing"

>"Durr why are people leaving"

Maybe it´s because you are a fucking cunt and your cocks is piss-poor? Maybe it´s because you and your community are paranoid, rude fucks that scare away potential newcomers?

I love that he still hasn´t figured out which people are posting these logs, must be driving the little guy crazy.

7f7311  No.396127



Haha what a broken lad, hes going to have to purge everyone to remove all the spies, he has no idea

it is funny how hes crying about views but he shits on the only fans he has left, what does he expect

7ccbfa  No.396145

File: 502f83371e5db8d⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 251x329, 251:329, avoid this common mistake ….jpg)



>Brit wants less people in discord

>Wants to grow a channel that moves from place to place.

>Instead of making cocks hes constantly in Secrut-Discords reporting tweets and spamming comments.

Keemstar gave him the wedgie of a lifetime

387c2c  No.396146

File: 6410e84d5fa3513⋯.png (1.66 MB, 997x4066, 997:4066, Screenshot-2018-4-6 My Twi….png)

File: 3b42d5e1c2af880⋯.jpg (192.54 KB, 1483x2048, 1483:2048, DaDGqmmWsAI4PnZ.jpg:large.jpg)

JMAA releases another statement about his Twitter suspension and a gender-bender drawing of one of the Columbine Shooters.


>Is britbong's ex-girlfriend still available?

Upraski or Caroline?

No and No.

Also, do you really want that?

0cacba  No.396148


If they have 3 holes, what's wrong?

387c2c  No.396149

File: 2ca647ab6043918⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.29 KB, 500x667, 500:667, jndscssr_analbeads_hq.jpg)


If JMAA had 3 holes, would you take xem?

0cacba  No.396158

File: 8db8ae1b0dd9278⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 720x720, 1:1, chefKANGrdee.webm)


lol. you got me.

385c92  No.396164

File: 38708d4bcea326c⋯.png (667.22 KB, 872x597, 872:597, 1518447417714.png)



The minute his "career" became about growing and getting famous, the streams completly lost their appeal. The guy used to stream what the fans wanted him to stream, now he just plays FotM games that are mostly shit, hoping a new game will attract more viewers. It won´t, but he fails to realize that

You can tell he isn´t happy doing the streams that way and it completly fucks with the vibe.

The constant forced drama isn´t helping either and is only hurting him in the long run. A lot.


Hahaha, didn´t the onion-bandit tell the manlet to up the edge and stop with "playing it safe"? Now he´s cucking his own cocks? WTF

Also: $500 donation goal? That viewer of his better save up some money. I actually think JMAA might do better on Stream.me than Twitch.

e54a53  No.396191


>Dat pic

I'm more interested in who the hell convinced Stu Pickles that eating soy was a good idea.

0cacba  No.396209


>Stu Pickles

I thought that was Tom Kenny.

b5839e  No.396237

File: d9d79e89f343230⋯.png (9 KB, 444x55, 444:55, manletlies?.png)

bybs is on live now talking about manlet. he's in the chat.

Look at this lol.

b5839e  No.396244

File: ef43e6abd3f6d8c⋯.png (19.81 KB, 433x108, 433:108, manletzooming.png)

File: 85b0f73c2113f84⋯.png (6.85 KB, 349x52, 349:52, saltlet.png)

0cacba  No.396251


>boring autist

Pot meet Kettle. He's black.

385c92  No.396325



Jammku got swatted? Really? Wonder why. Maybe someone didn´t like his school-shooting posts?

Also: I skipped through that stream and I didn´t see anything related to the manlet, just a talking ass and a bunch of black people.

3277f5  No.396340


I doubt it was a swatting, if it was something it was most likely the FBI giving him a visit because of that school shooter like shit he was tweeting and the weird pastebins

05745e  No.396347



What he did wasn't illegal in the slightest. Never declared he'd shoot anything.

1) Saying you get a free week off school (As someone who clearly doesn't go to school) breaks no rules.

2) Making fun of the victims who died on his own feed is against no law.

3) Rooting for the bad guy is common and not against the law either.

385c92  No.396349

File: 2d7aea8114b1ace⋯.png (75.05 KB, 670x692, 335:346, jmaakop.PNG)

JMAA and KoP are having a catfight over Twitter right now, shit´s pretty funny.


1 and 2) I agree that it breaks no rules, but saying retarded shit like that is beyond stupid and pathetic. There´s being edgy and then there´s absolute retardation like the stuff Jammku spouted.

3) This isn´t a fucking movie or a video game, people died

I don´t agree with getting him in trouble over some retarded shit he said but I can´t really feel sorry for him either. By now he should have known that authorities are really cautious when someone celebrates a mass-shooting on social media.

3277f5  No.396351


All i was saying is I doubt he got swatted i.e hes an irrelevant faggot who cares?, something spooked him enough to purge everything and im having a hard time believe its because of keemstars homo threats (because what hes going to remove him from the internet? we'll hes just purged everything so that doesnt make sense)

Maybe hes a pedo fuck and doesn't want people looking too much into him, or trying to hide something, whatever it is it was enough to make him vanish without any notice, the short fuck doesnt know what happened, thats why hes been going around stream chats trying to collect any info on what might have happened to jammku by pretending to be keem follower

8fba38  No.396386


JMAA got blown the fuck out by KoP though and backed off. KoP has consistently ripped britbong and his fans to shit.

b5839e  No.396469


Since when the fuck are we taking manlets word at face value?

I bet anything that jamku didn't get swatted. It's manlet trying to spread lies on bybs.

05745e  No.396646

File: 14be84b81bb9801⋯.png (87.19 KB, 249x170, 249:170, skraaapappappappap.png)


Jammku goes way way back to the Halo 2 days, so he'd definitely have met Keemstar at some point, since Keem began his trolling career on Halo games. Pretty sure they'd be allies? I mean why would trolls troll other trolls? What's the point? Troll-cannibalization?

Jammku had (has?) like 1k subs and would average 60+ viewers on his streams.

What would he have to hide? He's a complete 100% normie-fag that works fast food. He had been talking in the Discord that he's been wanting to quit gaming for a long time now, and that he's been wanting to change persona's since he's stuck with his current one for 11 years.

He did mention he was being targeted by three groups:


Lazer Bacon (Now AKA Hypetanic)


So any of the three could have swatted him.

He had plenty of haters as well due to his redpill sperging, so it's possible a boglin did him in.

His steam shows he's been on a lot of single player games, which is something out of his character. Pretty sure it's been hacked.

9e094f  No.396710



MT is on literal suicide watch. Wonder what it'll take before he shows up at Youtube's HQ in his mom's crusty cumstained dress with a firearm (likely smuggled by his father) in hand.

387c2c  No.396731

File: 7ca1ab8e5e40a69⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_keem_zoom_hair.mp4)

File: 2257428a423b616⋯.png (577.62 KB, 1376x762, 688:381, searching_for_grems_hint.png)

Looks like MT hasn't published the archive of last stream. Maybe there's something he doesn't want us to see? Well, lets find it then.

Keemstar, Zoom, and various kinds of hair

7f2db5  No.396732

File: b748335ea5ebac8⋯.jpg (134 KB, 799x1060, 799:1060, HD fug.jpg)

>Star of David/Solomon's Seal earrings

That has to be a joke, right? I always heard /pol/ say that she was an infiltrated kikess, but I never thought it to be true.

02edc2  No.396734


nah nothing you've said is convincing, why swat a nobody? and reading his pastebins and twiter hes far from a normie, hes about as autistic as they come… i wouldnt be suprised if he was into CP since he obviously has issues with women his own age and regardless of any of that, its bitchbong whos reporting he got swatted, and why would you believe that faggot?

385c92  No.396735

File: 1f76b791d563a9a⋯.jpg (84.44 KB, 700x812, 25:29, 1521948145812.jpg)


In JMAA's defense he actually has a lot more balls than that AlexPedoKid who timidly deletes all his shit because he´s afraid that he might lose his 20-follower Twitter while JMAA could lose a lot more.

The guy might be a bit of a spazz, but I kinda admire his perseverance: Despite being pretty unsuccessful for all these years he´s been on YT, he still keeps going, updates all his social media and does his own thing despite people being bewildered by it.

I´m just confused as to why he keeps trying to imitate the manlet: JMAA actually seems to have a social life, real-life friends, isn´t agoraphobic, has a job and despite being gay, he seems like less of a faggot than Dom.

Can´t really hate the guy tbh

02edc2  No.396737


Hes just retarded, if he were a little wiser he would be able to fully think for himself. i think the issue is he sees the shortman as a "success" and thinks he needs to copy that, and that the only reason hes in his current state is because of all the nasty peoplew and not that fact that britbong is a literal piece of shit

it would be interesting to see which way he would go if Jim called out shortie as a bitch since hes pretty attached to him too

387c2c  No.396738

File: af14be58da3e24f⋯.mp4 (760.4 KB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_bybs_recap1.mp4)

File: ed1574cc65bc47a⋯.mp4 (5 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_bybs_recap2.mp4)

Small recap of the /bybs/ events

05745e  No.396760


He never showed any signs of being a pedo, and he redpilled up so he got laid plenty.

afbe6b  No.396769


Shut up jamm you are an irrelevant virgin loser.

02edc2  No.396770


sure lad, whatever you say

385c92  No.396771



So Jammku, what the hell happened to you that got you so spooked? I´m curious.

387c2c  No.396854

File: 08616ba0f6c2974⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_stawlkers_r_real.mp4)

File: 37aa988bb4044e8⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_stawlkers_r_real2.mp4)

File: d26ddd8a6d84165⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_fake_fanning.mp4)

those stawlkers r real!


daddy keem, please believe me, those stawlkers r real!


fake-fan'ing? kiddo, that's a dangerous game ur playing…

387c2c  No.396861

File: 5b4bc3824aca13d⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_why_u_hiding.mp4)

File: a6e53b776abbc7a⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_last_night_on_voice.mp4)

why u hiding?


last night on voice

last night is 3rd april. anyone know whom/what incident he's talking about?

b1528d  No.396864

File: 3d6959dec7305af⋯.mp4 (7.23 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_zoom_evil.mp4)

File: 3b38fb42e96c1ea⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_zoom_keem.mp4)

Zoom is evil


Confronting Keem about the Zoom-question

b1528d  No.396866

File: 527dc60b155f7c2⋯.mp4 (7.54 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_zoom_twitter_hack.mp4)

File: 3f797b42a12b5d5⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_zoom_im_taget_bc_i_know.mp4)

The secret youtuber/skid alliance


They go after me because i know

b1528d  No.396877

File: c51096cce7fcceb⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_zoom_im_not_alone.mp4)

Zoom thinks I'm all alone. I'm not - He is

b5839e  No.396888


every single post you've made is about jammku.

>He never showed any signs of being a pedo, and he redpilled up so he got laid plenty.

Really activates my almonds.

fe1606  No.396894


thats what im sayin, confirmed thread stawlker i think. he won't answer for what hes trying to hide though, why'd he purge his online footprint

b5839e  No.396901


he's scared. he's easy to dox so keem or zoom could fuck him if they wanted. jammku might be a fucking retard for who he hangs around with but he's still more self aware, if you don't count his shilling in the thread. Also his top tier autism essays he was just posting a week ago, maybe he looked at them and realized how much of a rambling cultist he sounded like.

b1528d  No.396905

File: d97b8798e3fe99d⋯.webm (7.41 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_my_target_stawlkers.webm)

File: fa73ec8b69ddff8⋯.webm (4.18 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_my_stawlkers_evil.webm)

File: 270da20ff18d997⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_obsession.mp4)

My only target are my own stawlkers



My stawlkers are true evil


"I troll people, but I don't go after them for years on end."


If you go through the last few threads, you'll find a few other Jammku posts.

I actually wish Jammku well and hope one day he'll come back and do his own thing. Would follow him ironically.

Late criticism: Streaming is alright but imo Youtube is better suited for him, he should put in more work there. His vids got a special quality.

2e368a  No.396906

Britbong is totally washed up at this point. Stream me only tolerates him because the platform is on its knees and that will soon be gone. No one of any relevance anywhere on the net will go near his toxicity ever again. The only thing keeping him going is his narcissism and his delusions of grandeur. You’re not a neet you’re not an Internet personality you’re a fat balding ageing unemployed man with learning difficulties who runs around trying to get noticed by people you are in awe of for relevance and surrounds himself with children and other friendless weirdos so you can dominate them. You’re very creepy dude and the whole world outside of your discord knows it. Vanish Vanner.

fe1606  No.396913


i wouldnt bet on stream.me going down, did some background on them before and im pretty sure they get huge sums of money from another larger company (i imagine for a tax write off), they use to run a site called vube, who would give out 10k a month to the most viral video they could get, they were suppose to be a youtube replacement that never really got off the ground… neither of these sites ran ads and im not sure why vube ended, but that was also being funded by a larger corp.

Either way im fairly certain they are getting funded from a 3rd party and have no interest in growing bigger or improving anything sitewise

8adbe3  No.397011


They'll go down. These "paid competitions" appear to be scams to attract investors who think users will be attracted to the site through viral marketing wars.

8ae6a4  No.397020



05745e  No.397037

Awake boglins born

Behold this force

Bring the outside in

Explore the self to mega-game

The very core of lulz

Is soaring higher of truth and light

The trolling of this awe

Deep nerdrage between the posts

Deafens me with endless keks

This vagrant island board

A pilgrim shining bright

We are shuddering

Before the epic

Before the sjw's

We're the boglins

Tales from the streams

Cathedral of greed.

The unknown

The grand show

The choir of the e-stars


Vidya play

The troll-boards will fall



A species from the veil

As we wander

In search of

The source of the haters

It's really easy to craft this stuff, anyone can do it.

I can think of 100+1 reasons why he'd vanish. Let's see:

Hit the lottery. Got a gig for an IRL commerical and had to nuke his internet identity. Dying of kidney failure and wants to disappear. Someone called all the fast food places and found him. He's become a psychopath and hunting down all of Brit's enemies. He ran out of video games to play. He quit video games. He wants to focus on lifting. He got sick of the communities he was in and wanted a fresh start. He has no one to play games with. His past is irrelevant. He went back to being a pro gamer. He got kicked out of his moms house. He necked himself. He wants to start new to make it in this sjw filled world by hiding his power level and being a complete normie. He pussed out cause irl trolling is not okay when all he ever did was in game trolling. He got swatted. He went on vacation like a cruise or to some third world country. He's playing a prolonged April Fools joke. Him and Keemstar were long-term friends since MLG Halo 2 days and he had to choose. One of the other boglin kids hated his guts so he left. He sold his gamer accounts.

Out of all those I'd say he sold his accounts, since he's always been heavy on RMT.

05745e  No.397040

File: 1ad79b4542767a3⋯.png (59.93 KB, 168x163, 168:163, persona.png)


8+ year old youtube account? Prob $500.

6+ year reddit account w/ special unique trophies? $500+

A PoE account that stretches to alpha w/ all that legacy gear? $5k+

3-4 WoW accounts all stocked to the brim with everything ever in the entire game? One of the world 1st guilds and top populated guild since Cata? $5k+

Heroes & Generals Account w/ all unlocks? $200

Archeage account since beta w/ every best gear piece? $2k (Crime'd to pirate status) -$1.8k (So $200.) Why would he do this?!

12+ year old Steam account? $200+

Overwatch account that existed since alpha (He got into alpha remember?) $200+

Anyone who isn't a richfag would make this decision.

The dude's been internetting since he was like 4? He survived the Jammno memery, the pro gamer stresses, and is probably going to avatar anonymously for Britbong to take down every last person to cross their path, acting as a "stand" (JoJo) or "Persona" (Video game.) for the big dawg, eliminating every target mercilessly as he inhibits every trait real psychopaths would have.

JMAA? Harmless.

Jammku? Absolute savage.

05745e  No.397042

File: 40bb43c477bdc61⋯.png (1007.32 KB, 1137x544, 1137:544, ded.png)


Did a background check on the mad-lad Jammku. Here's what I found:

Battery: 14 counts.

Self defense: 23 counts. (Reports show he goaded his adversary to strike first.)

Forgery: 2 counts.

Stalking: 10 counts. (!!!)

Cyber harassment: 6 counts.

Telecommunication harassment: 104 counts. (!!!)

Property Destruction: 17 counts.

Trespassing: 14 counts.

Home Invasion: 2 counts.

Fled the country three times. (Mexico, Mexico, Jamacia.)

Active member at two fighting gyms.

Served 3 years in the United States Army as a medic when he was dishonorably discharged for assisting in a suicide.

Collects social security for agoraphobia. No work history for fast food.

Spent most of teenage years in juvie. Did time after the military incident.

Married and has two kids. (Wut?)

Claims on a tor network to have extreme hatred for dogs and murders them viciously. Pic related, his latest victim.

05745e  No.397050

Oi cow ya cunt give us ya lulz m8.

Fack off mayne I dun have one.

Oi wuts yer problem m8? You be fucked in da head or sumthin?

Nah I just don't

You fucked m8. Naw you fucked.

I just don't wanna give you me loilz. Cuz u always pocket me lulz. Always stealin me fookin lulz yooo.

Can you like, for one second not be a fucklett?

You you don't you virgin

Wuts goin on up in dere m8? You got anyfin in dere in your thick fuckin skull?

Shaddap m8

All those cows ya munchin. Ya got nuthin but butt-hurts up there. You got a butt-hurt brain. That's what they gonna call you m8 you got a butty-hurt brain. Butt-hurt brain wut u doin m8? You free m8? Can ya come over for a wee m8? Can ya come over and see my butt-hurt brain? That's wut they gonna call you mayne. Cuz you fuckin scuffin away on those butthurts all day all noight butthurt.

If you want some lulz why don't you just go to the stream and get one?

Cuz you dopey cunt, I just spent all me freetime on support DIDN'T I?!

b5839e  No.397058





Jesus fucking christ this is painful.

05745e  No.397064

File: a7f695a313da90c⋯.png (315.94 KB, 391x398, 391:398, persona.png)

You know what happens when you mess with some of the most powerful personas on the web?

bfeb98  No.397072

File: 57eb7270596025a⋯.gif (584.94 KB, 600x338, 300:169, popurage.gif)


An extremely autistic sperg out?

f8b4ed  No.397074




peak autism or mental illness?

fd6831  No.397075

File: a0df5cd8fa683fd⋯.png (213.1 KB, 1081x740, 1081:740, jammku_posting.png)





Is this peak Jammku posting?

6aa56b  No.397111


I swear I downloaded them at some point. It was just tits and someone holding a sign saying they posted them. People said it was Venti tho. I stopped following her streams and the next time I saw her she was at HWNDU

287c51  No.397156

Jammku's really got something to hide with all these sperg outs hes doing on here lately, place your bets what it is… hes really autisitic so it could be anything

2e368a  No.397228


Um? You get banned and kos on every major platform on the web?

2e368a  No.397245


Nice picture from 2012 by the way fatboy…

56c23a  No.397255


Reminder that "picture from 2012" was Bong's facebook photo up to December 2017.

3690a9  No.397302

Venti belongs to Big Brazilian Cock only.

08b14a  No.397303

Daily Reminder KoP is living rent free in Trannytears head

3690a9  No.397307


The Cuck of /pol/?

08b14a  No.397312



2e368a  No.397320


Trannytears spends his life refreshing this page.

af29af  No.397337


Well, that and fantasizing about tranny cock.

387c2c  No.397343

File: c9d4b089c1b2343⋯.png (91.86 KB, 648x521, 648:521, mt_paranoia2.png)

File: 0901d1f30055460⋯.png (188.79 KB, 1059x487, 1059:487, mt_paranoia1.png)

2e368a  No.397345


And it continues. Britbong continues to alienate the only people left in the world that will tolerate him.

Soon his streaming "career" will be just him on a skype call to JMAA.

Until Trannytears claims hes not a real fan and bans him.

387c2c  No.397347

File: 97845f4a7849ec7⋯.png (331.62 KB, 988x679, 988:679, jmaa_stream_gayfurryshit.png)

File: fd06a8b0e3e10f5⋯.png (816.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jmaa_stream_subcount_backg….png)


Inb4 Bong gets booted from stream.me and JMAA takes his #1 spot.

8adbe3  No.397376

>Britbong tries to raid keemstar's stream

>Keem accuses him of owning cp and planning to spam it

>Britbong shuts up

>Fast foward to today

>someone posts cp in Shadman's discord

>it is swiftly removed

>Britbong conjures up some excuse and leaves the server

Is Britbong paranoid the police will catch him downloading cp? Does this mean he already has it?

beb5b7  No.397409

File: 5e549b31e6175ef⋯.png (53.51 KB, 1392x602, 696:301, 7b527b2a1bcde566e135e07442….png)

File: 4dda502e33b6a83⋯.png (111.21 KB, 1229x378, 1229:378, a7be96162f62ce34df99c3ca00….png)

Haha flagged down and snitched. Stay mad.

385c92  No.397411

File: b4bab21b0b85cb3⋯.png (553.86 KB, 641x688, 641:688, faceofbong.PNG)


LOL, he is such a fucking idiot. The people spying and posting logs are clearly people who have been "proven" for months.


He DID post some a few threads ago. Probably got paranoid about it, deleted it and tries to avoid anything related to that kind of stuff now



385c92  No.397437

File: f41db973b5580e7⋯.png (211.95 KB, 653x553, 653:553, fbi.PNG)

File: a276b7695f0ca33⋯.png (172.13 KB, 1052x231, 1052:231, fbi1.PNG)

File: 1be7988d3fba10e⋯.png (60.36 KB, 405x112, 405:112, fbi2.PNG)

SaltyPedo is calling the cyber-police to backtrace the guy that is said to swat unborn children to death

423bb2  No.397451

File: 74d5842e76139e9⋯.png (36.98 KB, 449x400, 449:400, somethings_going_down.png)

File: 20a59487b11b983⋯.png (19.32 KB, 364x243, 364:243, somethings_going_down2.png)

File: f0c6fdb07bdcdc3⋯.png (32.03 KB, 492x363, 164:121, mt_youllsee.png)

File: c06337e3eadb507⋯.png (9.55 KB, 554x79, 554:79, somethings_going_down3.png)

File: 367f9f1f1bce075⋯.png (58.06 KB, 629x589, 629:589, somethings_going_down4.png)

So something's supposed to be going down tonight. What will it be?

385c92  No.397456


Something connected to that Zoom guy I´d suspect.

b5839e  No.397461


inb4 waits till end of stream to make announcement

inb4 it's literally nothing

inb4 "haha i made you guys watch my stream haha le tricked"

2e368a  No.397469


Agreed it will be absolutely nothing. Just a ploy to get viewers. If he had anything he wouldn't have been able to stop himself dwarfishly posting it here.

Transparent and boring as usual.

385c92  No.397471

File: fdd4dcb97b4f5d8⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1817x980, 1817:980, zooms.PNG)



It´s about this.

He´s also playing a Zoom-disstrack

b5839e  No.397473




now time for the "fight video"

b5839e  No.397476


well that was disappointing. it wasn't even a fight.

385c92  No.397491

Hope someone is recording this, some good stuff in there.

56c23a  No.397499

File: b731fa430bb893f⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 27539985_10155256746616485….jpg)

Every male member of the Vanner family together for Easter.

5fca32  No.397506


Britbong isn't there because hes transitioning

3fb9a6  No.397508

so what actually happened? sounded like it was just bait people

3fb9a6  No.397509


britbong isnt there because hes not allowed within 10ft of a child

423bb2  No.397510

File: 4453620999b7eaf⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Wanted-Xyrix.jpg)

File: 00511ce81034d93⋯.png (40.55 KB, 379x551, 379:551, banana_zoom_1.png)

File: f4c6bd2e796cb16⋯.png (29.73 KB, 298x384, 149:192, banana_zoom_2.png)

File: 1d0731ead1c35df⋯.png (8.59 KB, 435x78, 145:26, derrick_yallbesorry.png)


This was actually what I was expecting, but looks like team britbong actually scored on this one, hats off.

Zoom exposed: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/XyriX

Another sperg joins the family, welcome.


Someone at team britbong found Zoom's alt identity & real name.

423bb2  No.397511

Shit's getting heated up in the Discord:


b5839e  No.397514

File: fcaf7345f7837ee⋯.png (495.97 KB, 1397x690, 1397:690, exceptional.png)


lol yeah, it was pretty funny.

it just reminds me that everyone playing a vocal role in this slapfight is still a secondlife playing sperg, or something of a similar level.

also looks like kop was suckin some toes at one point

3fb9a6  No.397515


So was he a massive retard and put it up on stream? i know stream me has like no rules but pretty sure showing dox is one of them

also is this zoom guy the one who use to write that really cringe "you dont know who i am but im a pretty big deal" guy who posted a few threads back

2e368a  No.397516




Absolutely nothing of interest was revealed. Just more hours of Trannydwarf whining about how people don't like him and he dindu nuffin.

If watching him meltdown wasn't so funny this would be the biggest yawn in history.

Britbong you're an idiot.

b5839e  No.397519




964720  No.397532


Sucking manlet toes. That's pretty pathetic.

aa6b9e  No.397533

File: 78ceed62b21545e⋯.png (419.65 KB, 832x968, 104:121, Disdain for Plebs.png)



I don't know either, but I know cuck of /pol/ and he deserves that title, he's literally dating a Syria and raising two of their children

3fb9a6  No.397534



KoP sucks off whoever he needs to for attention i already told you guys this, he literally just inserts himself into everything because hes irrelevant and pretty boring as a person in general

5fca32  No.397537

File: 5c53797624d92dc⋯.png (353.99 KB, 606x504, 101:84, 5c53797624d92dc94842df2a09….png)

423bb2  No.397538

File: 2ac0ed5ce53f435⋯.png (259.82 KB, 768x534, 128:89, mt_halfway_point.png)


aa6b9e  No.397540

File: ced9ea58e7b6e75⋯.jpg (1017.41 KB, 936x921, 312:307, (you).jpg)


So, /cow/ is now cuckchan? All these idiots are pathetic, just like you. This guy is a shit pathetic, cuck of /pol/ is a shit pathetic, the same about the trannie, etc. Fuck off, newfag.

5fca32  No.397542

aa6b9e  No.397543


Actually, laughing because it's pretty funny if anyone spends their time defending any of them here. Imagine, spending your time here defending a fucking low tier e-caleb.

3fb9a6  No.397544


unless hes defending himself but you're right i dunno why faggots defend either of these low energy e-slags

aa6b9e  No.397545


Certainly these idiots are here, they are failed on youtube and on life.

964720  No.397546


I don't even know what JEWS has done to be his target.

He's posted maybe 20 times throughout all the threads. Guess CoP will really suck off anyone.

5fca32  No.397547



You want to talk about KoP go to foxdickfarms, because right now it really looks like you are just white knighting Tranny.

3fb9a6  No.397548


i dunno that screenshot makes it look like you were gobbling his nob before he banned you from his discord, you only got mega salty because he booted you, otherwise you wouldnt have come here at all

5fca32  No.397549


>mega salty

BIDF, got it

3fb9a6  No.397550


sure buddy, why dont you go cry more in discord about how nobody likes you and insert yourself into another community that doesnt want you either

964720  No.397555

File: 16a96e396c52027⋯.png (448.33 KB, 1167x698, 1167:698, 16a96e396c52027f0910c022e8….png)


>you are just white knighting Tranny

No, I was just suprised by how much of a cuck KoP is. JEWS isn't even invested in these threads. If he wanted to do a video on someone to toesuck the manlet it should have been Kopy. Targeting someone who barely cares is low energy as fuck.


So only BIDF uses salty?

385c92  No.397556

The whole shitshow is amazing.

The best thing is that Zoom and the Detective guy will react to this. And the manlet will react. Rinse and repeat. A never ending cycle of autism from both sides.

I get wanting to fuck with the manlet, but doing illegal shit in the process (if it´s true) is just retarded.

3fb9a6  No.397557


its his only defense really, he cant grasp that people just don't like him because hes a spergy faggot who ruins the fun of anything he touches

d474d3  No.397559


The address says:

58 Mitchell St

West Orange, NJ 07052-5120

the phone number says:

(973) 736-6404

The number still works, unsure if it still belongs to his parents as it was registered as a landline.

b5839e  No.397565


Not only is it retarded, it's completely pointless.

The only reason zoom would be that stupid is because of his ego. When they asked him he could have just said "no lol".

The egos of these people are unbelievable. kop, kopy, manlet, zoom, bybs hosts.

aa6b9e  No.397584


>leave /cow/, its my personal board xD

It's cuckchan level, wtf.

5fca32  No.397586



aa6b9e  No.397589

File: f479e576483d1a6⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 339x450, 113:150, absolutamente_asqueroso.jpg)


>Being a white knight for a gamergay e-celeb

Seriously, if you are not cuck of /pol/, you alone are a cow himself for being here for hours defending this guy.

f2dd2b  No.397594

File: c334d10f986fef4⋯.jpg (104.34 KB, 960x720, 4:3, britbong in discord.jpg)


>>397555 👈

Britbong wants my cut dick. I don't even know the context of the screenshot, but even when I'm half-assing it, I'm trolling Britbong harder than he's ever trolled anyone. Consider >>395338 and >>395369 who said that mocking his hair recently hurt his feelings, as well as JMAA blocking me without comment after I shredded his blog. Their asses must be as red as an apple precisely because I'm not a Second Life player with a stake in Britbong's basement enterprise.

So to me, this looks like KoP tried to use that obvious asshurt to gain access to something funny. Am I wrong?

5fca32  No.397601


>Being a white knight for a tripfag from /v/

aa6b9e  No.397604


I don't know this scum and I don't waste time on /v/, seriously, if you're not cuck /pol/ you're probably the most pathetic person on this board rn. If you're a cuck of /pol/, it's still pathetic, but at least makes sense you trying to defend yourself.

53ff5a  No.397605


that's not him lol

964720  No.397621


To me it just seems like toe sucking.

aa6b9e  No.397622

>Sargon is redpilled! He's the personification of the /pol/.

t. "King" of /pol/ and my wife's sons

e0aa42  No.397623


There is no fucking way im giving Discord or Britbong my phone number to be "Proven". He would just blackmail my ass for something if I ever said something out of line like "Gonna go play Pathfinder with a friend".

e0aa42  No.397624


Stop talking to yourself in your thread Dominic

2b22ec  No.397629

8f69c8  No.397699

File: a0a7d8a6584ad10⋯.png (116.78 KB, 807x559, 807:559, britbongbot.png)



738b2e  No.397768


looks like it was before he was kicked, so it was most likely genuine since he apparently spent alot of time in there

385c92  No.397785

File: ecd9a449930cb0d⋯.png (83.32 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)


>joined June 2014

>totally not one of his old sock-accounts.

>totally not used to flag down other people's accounts in the past

Just how many fucking accounts does he have? One those "tattle-tale" accounts was 6 years old.


It´s kind of funny how the manlet actually managed to convince his little retards that everyone who dislikes him is "mad because I bullied them" and everyone who fucks with him is related/friends with Kopy, Boyd, Zoom,EmptyHero or the Bad Guys. It´s like they are the most gullible bunch of retards on the internet.

People fuck with the manlet because it takes no effort to get him to sperg out massively. It´s almost too easy.

8adbe3  No.397889


The Man of a Million Sockpuppets

9eb4d2  No.397938



Could probably just flag this one for being a spambot tbh.

387c2c  No.397989


new thread

757eb9  No.397995

File: e344cb665a559ae⋯.jpg (233.5 KB, 1603x831, 1603:831, Untitled.jpg)

d8bc17  No.398672

I'm looking for a beat to rap over and create a shortman song. Any real nibbas in the house to hook it up?

caf500  No.452830

britbong made you so mad you made 40 threads haha

still the only funny SL troll besides daniel

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