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/cow/ - Lolcows (Four years on 8chan!)

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 9ac141530d97ead⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1677x1500, 559:500, REDROCKET_AND_HAIRTIES_cen….png)

9a0f2c  No.397982




>30 year old british NEET living in moms attic.

>Is 5'4", was never able to disprove this fact

>Earned himself a lifetime-ban from Youtube, Twitch, Twitter. Blames Internet-Illuminati.

>Was never invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>No future prospects of ever being invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>Eternal feud against all other Second Life Youtubers. Eternal feud against Commentary Community.

>Miraculously still has a fanbase. Notable members of BIDF (Britbong Internet Defense Force): JMAA "The Onion-Eating Cyclops", AlexJapanKid "The Ageplayer", Jammku "The Shame Of E-Sports"

<If you're a TRUE FAN, turn away now, or you'll be branded a FAKE FAN.

>Caught sexting with a tranny. Pretends it never happened. (https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM)

>Plays SL socially. Pretends he doesn't.

>He loves to banter. Don't make fun of him or he will report you. Don't use his footage or he will DMCA you.

<Has already B,T,F,Oed you by you reading this. You mad.

>Got cucked twice by his own moderation team (Caroline went with Applechild, Summer went with Eggman).

>Doesn't believe in the concept of "male friends". Hunts down every female on his discord.

<Wouldn't have gone on Baited! even if he had been invited, anyways.

>Looking for a girl friend, please apply: https://britbong.com/girlfriend-application (https://archive.fo/XjgJe) Don't apply if 29+, black, you had a black bf in the past. Vagina is optional.

<Boyd tried to lick a girls tummy once. Please everyone, look at Boyd.

>Allegations of crossdressing.

<Stop stawlking him. You're obsessed and jealous.

>Earned himself 40+ threads, ~10 wordfilters on /cow/.

<If you made it this far, you already turned grεmlin.

Previous threads

Thread #40: >>379634 (Archive: https://archive.fo/fvyoM)

Thread #39: >>379634 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Nb9S9)

Thread #38: >>357467 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9cBZq)

Thread #37: >>331112 (Archive: https://archive.fo/JXlnN)

Thread #36: >>318343 (Archive: https://archive.fo/iSeha)

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/Csg9K

9a0f2c  No.397984

File: a36bf7fd1f1dc93⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.62 MB, 1677x1500, 559:500, REDROCKET_AND_HAIRTIES.png)

File: 98c63082958705c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 359.48 KB, 699x387, 233:129, fursuit_redrocket.png)

File: facaad837096329⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 11.34 KB, 307x78, 307:78, cummypenis.png)

Uncensored OP and extra.

9a0f2c  No.397985

File: 9b8f18a38dcea82⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 27.58 KB, 724x403, 724:403, science.jpg)

File: bda55fa29271345⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 21 KB, 600x312, 25:13, bong_family_hairties.png)

File: 10fdd9746c5eddd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 110.65 KB, 338x421, 338:421, jeytr_tries_it2.png)

9a0f2c  No.397986

File: 42722c53dac8fab⋯.png (457.72 KB, 777x1056, 259:352, jmaa_shouting_head.png)


These didn't need to be spoilered.

be1940  No.397997

File: e344cb665a559ae⋯.jpg (233.5 KB, 1603x831, 1603:831, Untitled.jpg)

91dd72  No.397998


oof jesus they werent lying about the red rocket then

9a0f2c  No.398005

File: d739b4331e3fc33⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 1024x384, 8:3, sheets.jpg)


930215  No.398044

be1940  No.398101

File: 20ce5c1bb04768d⋯.jpg (222.9 KB, 777x1056, 259:352, FLAMING ONION.jpg)

3eec93  No.398102


what the fuck is wrong with his dick

be1940  No.398105


he stuck it in a bagel fresh out of the toaster without blowing on it first

20815f  No.398236


>She upped the contrast on my pics

Confirmation of authenticity.

20815f  No.398252


He could have left it not mentioned that pic and done his usual lie and deny.

But by saying that "she upped the contrast" He has categorically confirmed that's a picture of his dick.

Dude is so fucking stupid.

48f588  No.398253

Friendly remember

Trannytears is pathetic af, but cuck of /pol/ is also pathetic.

5aeb8e  No.398300

File: 25407ffc1e65761⋯.png (957.06 KB, 876x657, 4:3, did_by_jtr666-d3chd43.png)

File: 0985d7e2f4bee16⋯.png (478.79 KB, 480x640, 3:4, me_vxyz_by_jtr666.png)

Who is this smexy man?

9a0f2c  No.398304

File: f84121669dc838e⋯.png (175.69 KB, 531x549, 59:61, alex_zoom_dox.png)

File: 5da14bc97910a51⋯.png (30.68 KB, 521x443, 521:443, alex_consequences.png)

File: a0c8f5ee53d1696⋯.png (31.94 KB, 520x235, 104:47, alex_after_dox.png)


3ca8da  No.398334


How do you go from this to the tumblr looking mess he is nowdays, what happened to him??

05851e  No.398335


>what happened to him??


3ca8da  No.398337


yea but he would have been autistic forever

550427  No.398348

File: edd89e770c80179⋯.jpg (202.05 KB, 1080x1600, 27:40, eyes_of_gate_goebbels.jpg)


The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper.

be1940  No.398350




he was caught with child porn and shot himself in the head

75a4a6  No.398351

File: 9e4945d25909685⋯.jpg (159.67 KB, 770x1027, 770:1027, 701f919d36484b6a9e5b8d7966….jpg)

File: 691eb36a63c4d72⋯.jpg (90.46 KB, 770x1027, 770:1027, 372c0dfaca944dadae8ae3bab1….jpg)

File: b02343659d60512⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 770x1027, 770:1027, bfa12231d90c44cfc46019df35….jpg)

File: c0f4922a00e3abb⋯.jpg (42.06 KB, 770x770, 1:1, fdd72f44a5ed448385223bcb33….jpg)

File: 150805d2ff570a6⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Mi Vida es DooM ALPHA.mp4)


He looked kind of normal, besides the lazy eye. Music taste is pretty plebeian though.


ce8d96  No.398354


I think that´s before his eye got really fucked.

JMAA-hardcore fans should now that he doesn´t actually have a glass-eye, just a prothesis over an eviscerated eye. You can tell there´s something really wrong about his left eye, looks even worse than it does today.

He should go back to the old look and just get an eyepatch, that could actually look pretty cool, even on JMAA. He´ll always look wonky af with a glass eye.

By the way, his YT account was suspended today. Shame.

75a4a6  No.398356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He has returned!

75a4a6  No.398361

File: e3e403232d33b49⋯.jpg (205.54 KB, 900x910, 90:91, this_is_why_they_tell_me_n….jpg)

File: a079e46c1027ae0⋯.jpg (7.73 KB, 218x268, 109:134, deviantid_ultra_by_jtr666.jpg)

File: 0c8971e34ee079e⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 320x240, 4:3, jtr_deviantid_vx_by_jtr666.jpg)

File: 3fde87a82dfff74⋯.jpg (7.02 KB, 320x240, 4:3, jacktheripper.jpg)

d1c89a  No.398390

sad watching manlet repeat events from years ago he's still fixated on.

3d4e48  No.398392


Trying to find some dox on jmaa.

Usernames: jtrtheripper, jtr666 devjtr, JMAAtv, JMAAtvReturns



3d4e48  No.398394

de1a5c  No.398482

Holy shit, and to think I believed anything britbong said on streams in the past times. Now, somehow I ended up here after a 2 month hiatus and the proofs are too fucking strong.

Man, the internet truly is a perverted place and the guy actually is a trainwreck as skillfully any way he tried to hide it.


930215  No.398496


yeah i know that feel.

As soon as you realize that he's a cancerous tripfag and samefag that whored up /v/, everything else falls into place.

0ab420  No.398552

806e3b  No.398602

File: dc33b2d731f7247⋯.png (935.72 KB, 951x926, 951:926, toplel.png)

Careful kids. Bully JMAA, you get the bog-squad.

911dcc  No.398609


is the "bog squad" what the chads use to call you and your only slight more autistic friend when they would stick your heads in the toilet?

38061e  No.398735


Know if anyone saved all the images and screenshots that were posted in the troll discord when the BIDF were swarming it? I remember some pretty juicy shit went down? Please post it all in the thread if you have it

ef574e  No.398741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So this happened

930215  No.398742


"Zoom sent me, Kopy paid me, and really what you got on me baby?"

i like it.

ef574e  No.398748


I didn't know what to use for an image so I went with Tranny Wars. He got triggered enough to flag down a 30 second clip that was freestyled last year and I finally got to actually writing something. Even though I spent less than 2 hours on it, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out for the time spent on it.

71958a  No.398790

File: c27d8ebd9222da5⋯.png (204.54 KB, 594x516, 99:86, lord_volkhark_fucking_brit….png)


Someone should play that on his stream, I'm sure it'll be worth the donation.

de1a5c  No.398799


Would be insta canceled.

20815f  No.398803


>Saging Reddit Bro

Britbong sighted.

71958a  No.398805

File: 4b2241576f436e0⋯.jpg (50.38 KB, 540x960, 9:16, keemthepedo.jpg)


Do it while he's playing a game, or is distracted by those games.


Am I britbong? I don't think so…

7ba931  No.398809



or dont give that faggot money, giving money to "troll" is retard tier

20815f  No.398818


Sad and obvious. You just cant help giving yourself away can you? You dog-dicked dwarf tranny.

6895ae  No.398819


Check your PayPal, I deposited what we talked about.

20815f  No.398831


Does this makes sense in your autistic brain doggy dick?

c5fb76  No.398843

This board is slow as dirt, especially after the bloodsports threads got thrown into a cyclical. You really don't need to make a new thread as soon as you hit bump limit, and especially not before hitting it. You're not going to lose the thread if it isn't on the front page.

de1a5c  No.398845


Does the fag stream today? What is he putting up these days? haven't seen his streams in ages.

05851e  No.398847


He usually spends 3 hours each stream crying about shit and 1 hour of singleplayer games that no one can troll him on.

930215  No.398850


the flow is shit, syllables and such. I like the tranny wars motif though that's very clever.

You should hit up the badguys or sabby in general because im pretty sure he can write some good lyrics. What's that beat from btw? i want an original if i can get it.

ef574e  No.398853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Embed related. I could've done it better, I just didn't care enough to spend more than 2 hours on it.

Word, it'd definitely be fun to work with other people on songs. I usually don't record much but I'd love to change that and push it to the limit. I'll have to hit him up.

de1a5c  No.398854


I can only remember the ones last time where he started to get fucked over in gta5 multi by trolls and that grief on his expression when he got bullied, instantly switched some whiny banter/boring single player. It started to get boring and stale at that point and did not give a damn about him for a while, even though I agreed on most of his views and he was entertaining at some point.

At some time, I understood something was going on… When I once joined the discord of his the cringe got overloaded. Never knew he was tryharding to hit on the girls over there and got cucked.

Basicly the guy failed on every rule he was suppose to live by which he praised all over his streams - that is the moment I started to get sceptical about him. One day I wanted to just google him to find some info about some of the discord people and that cuckolding he ranted about, oh boy was I in luck to find ED and this. Fucking golden this is.

Even though, he has his points on kopy and the communities being toesuckers and moneyleechers, which I totally agree… but bonger is such a fucking hypocritical delusional fool.

Everything he says, shit-talks about others now is amplified 10x against himself. Oh, and the way that is not self-aware of it just makes this drama so sweet, somewhere deep inside of him, he still has some self-awareness, but ohboy he loses it fast.

de1a5c  No.398858


Oh, and the way he addressed other YT'ers being e-beggars, and women being sluts and whores and he is the real OG-MGTOW started to make me cringe.

He himself constantly whining about MUH VIEWERS leaving,DONEIT PLZ munny, then trying to hit up the same thots (gotta relieve that sexual frustration afterall) he so hated and talked about all the time.

He was alright untill I had no context about him whatsoever. Zero respect for him now.

If he actually spills some dirt on any of the embarssing stuff about him that has been found out, on his stream, I'd feel some symphaty for him or if he actually kills himself. I would actually drop a tear for the manlet-tear.

71958a  No.398886

File: 50c4fca43b79f5f⋯.jpg (90.35 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 002_9.jpg)


>He was alright untill I had no context about him whatsoever. Zero respect for him now.

This is me as well.

I really enjoyed his videos and streams when it wasn't a constant pity party and him being hypocritical.

Of course when I was actively watching his streams, my life was going nowhere. So maybe that's who his loyalists are. A bunch of nobodies.

despite my name, I'm not britbong. I just come here on and off when I have the time to add to the autism

c8feb9  No.398909



well i guess this gives some perspective, i've wondered why people ever watched him, hes just not funny or entertaining (screaming the same phrase for 5 mins just isnt) and the only thing that was ever remotely funny are other peoples reactions, or his reaction when someone starts fucking with him

Atleast you see how pathetic he is now, theres not a single person who has played second life that isnt a giant degenerate

de1a5c  No.398913


I knew second life is a cringefest shithole, I always thought britbonger played it ironically and just for trolling (which I thought was admirable he actually put effort into giving a perspective how sick those guys actually where in 2ndlife), boy was I wrong.

930215  No.398959



I watched him for about a year before ending up here after googling the same way. I couldn't get a straight answer out of the little faggot and eventually ended up at ED/baph/ and here since baph was doing manlet related things.

Since then, i've spoken directly to kopy, boyd, and nearly everyone else that is ex friends with manlet. Their version of events in all the stories they tell has evidence to back it up. Manlet changes the story every few months to the point he's just rambling about shit that he came up with in his head.

I've had way more fuck watching people fuck with him than I ever did watching him fuck with people.

7f6f31  No.398960


Yup, MT plays second life unironically to the max. One time he started attacking some soy boy autismo named televised because he partnered upraksi (MT's ex) as a joke

930215  No.398963


exactly. He played SL for YEARS, that's why he felt so comfortable fucking with other people on it. it's was his home. He was friends with boyd on there well enough that boyd loaned the little kike $500 and saved him from ending up in jail. He never gave the money back of course.

ef574e  No.399072

File: 99af96d8de03369⋯.png (15.38 KB, 306x234, 17:13, Trannytears.png)

Looks like our little friend likes his song.

20815f  No.399084


Dont forget to report all those Sockpuppets Bong doesn't realize that a VPN wont hide a machine fingerprint.

de1a5c  No.399206


Is the off-time he takes from his streaming actually sockpuppeting and trying to hide is true form? Guess he really is working full-time.

9a0f2c  No.399207

File: a7521ec40e141ae⋯.png (46.84 KB, 509x490, 509:490, mt_daily_venti.png)

File: b69088cc9b3a0d9⋯.png (131.24 KB, 551x534, 551:534, mt_daily_venti2.png)

File: ec8dc406b1c4fb1⋯.png (260.87 KB, 514x580, 257:290, mt_daily_venti3.png)

Quiet time now, but the daily Venti rants are still going.


Gonna take that advice.

6035f1  No.399212


>3rd pic

That makes no sense.

5d9569  No.399214


i love how this retard can't even pretend hes not bitchbong, even to hide, well i hope he enjoys the ban

3c253f  No.399263


It's clearly him


He's crying about Zoom too.

ef574e  No.399283

File: 4ca00383f1851f8⋯.png (137.98 KB, 632x926, 316:463, Zoom Is The Devil.png)

File: 12495df962f1c73⋯.png (294.73 KB, 1134x448, 81:32, Not Obvious At All.png)


It's even funnier when you look at the youtube he links.

82ca44  No.399565


spergers changed the twitter name in an attempt to hide it, only now you can report him for pretending to be someone else, what an absolute retard

ef574e  No.399574

File: c9f8b2c26fac281⋯.png (34.95 KB, 632x420, 158:105, Spulb1.png)

File: 0dec2043f597428⋯.png (36.48 KB, 630x344, 315:172, Spulb 2.png)


>make obvious alt to ban evade and shit talk the people you hate

>rename said alt when everyone mocks you for being so blatant

He's literally a child; both in body and mind.

3c253f  No.400356

File: bb5c79a8632f3d7⋯.png (914.59 KB, 1148x900, 287:225, 2015-07-31_anime garrison.png)

Midget cancelled his stream today



Oh and for those of you who want to flag Minivan's stream.me, send your reports to https://www.stream.me/communityops

45c14e  No.401062




Things that annoyed me to the point of leaving:

* whining about viewer numbers; attempts to guilt-trip his viewers into watching

* small little hypocrisies during gameplay ("that faggot is camping"! .. proceeds to camp himself for the next 20 minutes)

* the constant faggy selfies

* the small little (mostly pointless) lies that kept getting made

And "banter" wasn't even a part of the streams at that time. And besides for Jammku and Shekelberg, there was no banning happening.

The demarcation point really was back when he held his first FaQ.

"Hey, people are interested in me."

Soon the 2nd, near identical FaQ followed.

Eventually, some time later, the webcam was used non-ironically. Downhill from there.

26433c  No.401099

File: 9b80810268686b5⋯.png (349.79 KB, 1273x723, 1273:723, ClipboardImage.png)

shadman did some fan art of bong

306ed6  No.401138


are those yellow things piercings or hair ties?

930215  No.401140

File: c15ff54cb038f5f⋯.png (594.9 KB, 1093x815, 1093:815, empty8.png)


>chadhero plays ninja turtles

>gets 470 viewers

>virgin bonglet on suicide watch with 200~

817428  No.401142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim, TheRalphRetort, Mike Enoch, all on EmptyHero's stream.

817428  No.401166

File: 80d99e334edd296⋯.png (107.25 KB, 567x440, 567:440, JmaaTheGreatest.png)


Ok, Jim's not there.

Can we get JMAA on?

d7090d  No.401321

His ED article hasn't been updated since last May. Did they already have that picture of his weird, deformed penis?

9a0f2c  No.401362

File: 66fb53d32f852fb⋯.png (364.11 KB, 667x2629, 667:2629, gab_shadows.png)

There seems to be some sort of weird shadow community to be forming on gab.


No, the censored versions were known, the uncensored one's been freshly (re)leaked.

6035f1  No.401472

Honestly, if I just start now, and slam up some videos and streams, could it be possible to see my channel get a higher consistent viewing than britbong's currently?

3d4e48  No.401518

26433c  No.402328


In all seriousness maybe. It depends on what you want your focus to be. If you wanna be another Sargoy, you'll completely blow him out of the water. If you wanna be another Yogscast, you'll be fighting for scraps with about a 100,000 other bottom feeders, including bong.

6035f1  No.402578


I laughed.



Never heard of them. Checked out their 'About' on their web site. Looks like a Let's Play mixed with strategy tips. Is that fair? 20 million subs isn't something to scoff at though.

It looks like Bong tries to 'wing it' with his stream. I wouldn't do that, but I haven't done nearly enough research to know what people will watch or want to watch. As for Sargon, whatever he does, it's all over the place, so it's hard to place a thumb on the pulse of interest of people who watch him regularly.

3c253f  No.403758

File: edd11e57f6f351e⋯.png (15.22 KB, 668x335, 668:335, 2018-04-17_spooybong.png)

Minivan is worse than SPoony at faking illnesses.

89687c  No.404234


MT is pretending to be sick because he's afraid of "stawkers" recording his stream and reposting the most incriminating bits on /cow/

We've got him on the run boys

9a0f2c  No.404269

File: c00dc5add25e540⋯.png (51.22 KB, 761x504, 761:504, mt_not_going_anywhere.png)

699bff  No.404293



"i dont go on cow" haha what a faggot

be1940  No.404303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>manlet streams with literal whos for 5 minutes then gets bronchitis and vanishes for a week

>emptyhero streams with mirster metokur, ralhp retort, mike cernovich, and a dozen other cool dudes

e09ef8  No.404309


>900-1000 viewers

I was there. He got that many maybe 2-3 times, when GTA: RP was extremly popular for like a week.

He complained for weeks afterwards because he only got up to 500-600. Views were dropping steadily (with some exceptions) until he got suspended.


Yeah, I saw his "Britbong Discord bloodsports" thing, complete shit. Must hurt that EmptyHero gets more views than he does even on a good day. Pretty sure this is what triggered the latest rant.

I´m sure he´ll and JMAA will shit on Metokur now, just watch.

699bff  No.404327


JMAA had jim down as a tribute in his book dedicated to bitchbong, to be hoenst im kind of interested in seeing which side JMAA would go if he had to choose

2328ad  No.404355


>I´m sure he´ll and JMAA will shit on Metokur now, just watch.

Oh please let them actually try and fuck with Jim. The resulting butthurt would be very entertaining.

89687c  No.404411


I imagine there will be much anger from MT now that Empty, Zoom, and Jim are buddies. It's like an anti-manlet triumverate of lulz has been formed.

be1940  No.404730

File: 140aa9395e9a9e9⋯.jpg (212.89 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, save the smegma princess.jpg)


also, at 1 hour and two minutes metokur roasts the manlet

91dd72  No.404795


haha fuuuuuuuuuuuck thanks for pointing that out, i couldnt be arsed to watch the whole thing but thats hilarious!

2960f8  No.404839

File: 687eeb81ebbae7a⋯.jpg (192.25 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, save_smegma_birdie.jpg)


I take a birdie out of my pocket and encage him.

be1940  No.404845


shuttle, the only kind of cock the little man dislikes!

3d4e48  No.405544

nobody's posted caps of him being banned form discord?

6cdecc  No.405551


who? what? fill us in?

3d4e48  No.405552

File: bfd3c3de0059d2d⋯.png (24.18 KB, 1341x99, 149:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b12a947573aff0⋯.png (13.1 KB, 529x81, 529:81, ClipboardImage.png)

Any spies got insider info?

6cdecc  No.405554


haha what a chump, why would they disable his account and not his community he created with that account? doesnt quite make sense

3d4e48  No.405562



>He's made new accounts and someone else owns his Britbong "fan" discord, so it was never in danger

6cdecc  No.405564


Ah wow he actually trusted someone to make it, wonder who does own it

3d4e48  No.405569


One of his alts, probably.

e09ef8  No.405572




>"Someone else"

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase… I bet it´s the same "someone else" that made the 10 YT-accounts after he got banned…and his Twitter…and the announcment-Twitter.

6cdecc  No.405575


well yea, i mean its obvious - but apparently "all of his accounts" where removed, so hes hiding one well enough to not get caught yet

wonder if someone was on to see who/what he re-admined his new account with

3d4e48  No.405581


You mean "green goblin"?

Or "The Real Boyd Doghouse"?

Or "Mark Ortiz"?

Or "Based Pepe"?

etc etc etc

e09ef8  No.405584


Nah, I mean all those streaming and "archive" channels that loudly proclaimed that they "were not owned by Britbong"

3d4e48  No.405587


visit Britbong.com for more videos made by m- BritbongReturns

3829fe  No.405632

File: 8eab88292412ef4⋯.png (89.85 KB, 1125x1473, 375:491, jubs_dox_censored.png)

File: c516ee727d99a43⋯.png (183.63 KB, 741x1377, 247:459, mt_preggo_threats.png)



While we recently got visited by a certain "jimmycampell" from the afterlive, making threats towards a pregnant woman and doxing jubs (aka eggman), that's not why MT's been banned this time.

He got banned for raiding (not sure which discord). A good samaritan took it upon himself to collect IDs and drop them off at Discord HQ in a flash. Before you knew it, MT's account was gone. He's just too fast to catch, MT can't do a thing.

3829fe  No.405635

File: 159ccf106efe776⋯.png (174.44 KB, 781x420, 781:420, baby_bitchs.png)

Also, this great piece of JMAAbaby & Bongbaby art just came in.

d3d7bf  No.405724


In a flash? He just Zoomed by?

Is anybody willing to give testimony under oath?

9a0f2c  No.405727

File: 4b94aeeae2c5cff⋯.png (133.01 KB, 598x552, 13:12, mt_irredeemable.png)

88debe  No.405740


well shes given him the attention he wanted, he'll be cumming in his pants over this… kind of sad

3d4e48  No.405753

Might want to drop Zoom by the way.


3:00, Zoom admits to sharing his cp collection with his gf.

88debe  No.405758


drop him from what? namefags and e-celebs are irrelevant

9a0f2c  No.405760


Well, he said he's sorry, so what's the problem?

9a0f2c  No.405769

File: e3493c5b409fef2⋯.png (879.21 KB, 900x2751, 300:917, mt_beanedup_venti.png)


Irredeemable Low-Life responds

5c6560  No.405775


Yeah Trannytears is a low-life but this coming from her? What a disgusting mixed race sid the sloth looking cow.

0f9cee  No.405787


I think between the two of them I dislike her more but it's a tossup really

572bdf  No.405801


You mean the fact he stores and jerks off to child porn isn't enough?

e09ef8  No.405809


The way he talks of himself in third person always makes me cringe. Who is he trying to fool? This makes him look even more retarded.

9a0f2c  No.405837

File: cf4f96db51fbeda⋯.png (158.18 KB, 633x550, 633:550, mt_gab_venti1.png)

File: 90edc03e5cc0b5d⋯.png (200.05 KB, 630x574, 45:41, mt_gab_venti2.png)

File: 1236a2133be5cb8⋯.png (124.58 KB, 498x696, 83:116, mt_mad_and_fat_nibbas.png)

File: a7008f52662ffa7⋯.png (78.2 KB, 528x603, 176:201, mt_beanedup_venti.png)

So I take it there's no stream tonight?

6035f1  No.405866

Was britbong ever funny?

3d4e48  No.405905

Zoom admits he watches child porn, introduced his girlfriend to child porn, and masturbated with his gf whilst watching child porn, multiple times (and counting)

pt. 1 https://sendvid.com/41sdvkgl

pt. 2 https://sendvid.com/7b6c56cu

pt. 3 https://sendvid.com/4zyp7eni

5a84d4  No.405932


if they're clips just upload them here and not a faggy sendvid link

20815f  No.405994

Its just reached that point now where Trannytears and his ever shrinking coterie of toxic flying monkeys leech from place to place attacking successful interneters in a last ditch attempt for relevance.

He must know that the whole net is laughing at him why doesn't he quit with some dignity. If it was anyone else you'd feel sorry for them.

20815f  No.405998

20815f  No.406008

20815f  No.406010

Victims’ talent for high drama draws people to them like moths to a flame. Their permanent dire state brings out the altruistic motives in others. It is hard to ignore constant cries for help. In most instances, however, the help given is of short duration. And like moths in a flame, helpers quickly get burned; nothing seems to work to alleviate the victims’ miserable situation; there is no movement for the better. Any efforts rescuers make are ignored, belittled, or met with hostility. No wonder that the rescuers become increasingly frustrated — and walk away.[4]

e09ef8  No.406016

File: 4faf8f5adc573d0⋯.jpg (90.76 KB, 634x845, 634:845, 1516766700863.jpg)


I like the part about twisting the narrative.


He´s been trying this shit for a solid decade. By now everyone except for him would have figured out that what he is doing is NOT helping. Quite the contrary, it keeps on biting him in the ass.

What does he fucking expect to happen when he agitates so many people? When he shits on former friends for insane reasons ("she made a bad comment on a video! totally justified to block her everywhere!" "He didn´t retweet my stuff!"). People talk, people have friends who could either help or destroy him. What does he think happens when he shits on everyone who ever interacted with him?

Seriously, how delusional is he?

Ffs, keep your head down, you have a dedicated following, you make good money from streaming on stream.me. Keep that shit up and you´ll lose this as well.

Apparently he already lost his sense of right or wrong:

I mean doxing and threatening a pregnant girl? This is beyong fucked…no matter how much of a cunt she might be.

f347f3  No.406055


link to exceptional detective bloodsport

starts in 30 minutes

zoom is the topic of discussion

f347f3  No.406083


manlet in the chat shit talking jim lel

60f2e0  No.406128


Jesus fuck, if Jim makes a video on him, it'll be an hour long.

05851e  No.406151


Would be a very interesting Internet Insanity episode.

c0520c  No.406213

File: ed3e9ad94a8b9db⋯.png (20.64 KB, 435x162, 145:54, i wonder who this is.PNG)

df4183  No.406245


Nobody cares about your links from a single YT vid you can just drop here that wasn't his g/f, this has already been explained but you keep doing this Dominic.

df4183  No.406251


lol NM just figured it was the same shit NM Zoom is a pedo.

ef574e  No.406408

File: 4637337be179909⋯.png (310.56 KB, 871x787, 871:787, ClipboardImage.png)

I guess he wants me to post mp3's.

f347f3  No.406426

File: 1d4daa1f494c5b1⋯.png (60.29 KB, 472x355, 472:355, manletexposedss.png)


there's no need to wonder.

ef574e  No.406427

20815f  No.406443


>Britbong having proof of anything he has ever said.


c0520c  No.406490

File: 26a0fdf7a6afb81⋯.png (14.34 KB, 457x123, 457:123, angry manlet.PNG)


there really isn't

3b22d1  No.406923


Zoom is about to go to prison for a few decades any day now, I guess manlet won this one lol.

f347f3  No.406949


We'll see.

Either way noone here gives a shit.

20815f  No.407209


Hey Trannytears that broadcast had nothing to do with you and didn't involve anything you had done. Why is it that you are now taking credit for it? Its not Forever alone or someone else's No man sky webm y'know.

Oh and btw how is it you cant help yourself ending anything you have written with either lol or lmao. You transparent Danny de Vito penguin looking motherfucker.,

512087  No.407215



he really is bad at lying, he spent the first half of that stream talking in the 3rd person pretending he wasnt britbong, then accidentallty typed that and all of a sudden its "i am bribong i didnt lie!"

e09ef8  No.407257


Yeah, won against Zoom. We don´t care about what happens to Zoom. If the guy really is a pedo, he deserves to rot for all I care.

0f9cee  No.407277


not manlet's victory if manlet never bothered to show his face to say anything

e09ef8  No.407286

File: 84d747dd532c028⋯.png (27.39 KB, 1451x217, 1451:217, insanity.PNG)




75e962  No.407298

The videos of Zoom being a literal pedo are at least 2 years old. Britbong did a stream a week ago bragging about how Zoom was done, how he had destroyed him because he played a video of Zoom fighting a black man in a park.

Britbong missed the scoop. He didnt own zoom on his stream. He didnt even get onto someone else's stream to help own Zoom. He sat in the chat like a timid retard and typed the same thing over and over again.

0f9cee  No.407299


I'm not Zoom I'm a drawfag, you didn't win shit manlet

20815f  No.407354

Seriously who gives a fuck about zoom whoever that is. If what he did with the CP was true he deserves to fry. Just cos he's a Pedo doesn't mean you're not Trannytears despite all your virtue signalling to the contrary.

Zoom is just one strand of hay in a whole haystack of people that think you're a cunt.

e85ada  No.407614


Internet Insanity video on Manlet Tears when? Seriously Jim, where's the video on this guy?

665a90  No.407652


Why bother? He already has the rope and chair, now he just needs a booster seat to reach the noose.

e85ada  No.408019


Jim making a video about him would be the perfect booster seat, would it not?

20815f  No.408104


Yeah little Domdom craves those videos then spends days trying to get them taken down. Maybe last year a vid would have been funny but now he is all but washed up so what would even be the point.

His obscurity is rapidly approaching. Just let it happen.

1a52c5  No.408154


he said he would at 30 so put that down on the large wall of tiny lies

665a90  No.408170


No, he wants attention. Positive or negative makes no difference. Just let the little man sperg out and watch his viewer count shrivel. He shoots himself in the foot more often than not anyway.

e09ef8  No.408179


I thought this as well, but his reaction to the KoP video and Keemstar ripping him a new one say otherwise

3c253f  No.408321

File: 0bf5b333329b7db⋯.jpg (526.42 KB, 2800x1738, 1400:869, manlet tears cant take cri….jpg)

File: 01e65c54af1fa70⋯.jpg (314.46 KB, 2514x1314, 419:219, manlet sockpuppet fail.jpg)

File: e4f10ef783afe93⋯.png (178.53 KB, 1575x920, 315:184, shitposter.png)


>No, he wants attention. Positive or negative makes no difference.

He flags down literally any video that criticizes him and/or calls him out. He only wants positive attention. If Jim made a video about Dominic, it would no doubt get flagged too.

665a90  No.409259



I don't think he's doing it because he doesn't like the videos being made about him. He's doing it so he can say he "trolled" them. His fans are as retarded as he is and believe him.

9d3311  No.409308

File: 70e0fc5da6c9225⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1503x917, 1503:917, jmaa_smexi.png)

Smexi man shows he can do more with his mouth than just lick onions.

Would you swipe right?

e09ef8  No.409330

File: 7a41da058e3b71b⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 27bc.jpg)



JMAA is really angry these days.

So, did anyone on here actually flag down the onion-man's stuff? I suspect the main reason he was striked is because he made a video making fun of TotalBiscuit's cancer getting worse, not because of us.

9d3311  No.410008

File: 6d3c6b6594a2fe0⋯.mp4 (9.53 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_viewos.mp4)

File: 14733ae8d83291f⋯.png (8.66 KB, 205x71, 205:71, mt_viewos.png)



88fb30  No.410018

>>409330 There was someone in the early hours of the day claiming they flagged JMAA's videos and his channel in MT's discord. JMAA Killer was his name

6a20f2  No.410023

File: c0a6c632a8a0c9a⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 374x347, 374:347, a5b887d8084366a7507370f5e6….jpg)


Why does the onion-king sound so retarded? His accent doesn't even sound spanish.

05851e  No.410029


>Why does the onion-king sound so retarded?

>sound so retarded?



9d3311  No.410034

File: 07f5148d6a407bb⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_metokur_face.mp4)

"apparently metokur was talking shit about me"

"before making fun of someone's height or physical appearance, he should show his own face"

0f9cee  No.410044


did Jim mention height?

6a20f2  No.410053


Did Jim even mention him at all? I watch just about everything he does and I havn't seen him mention the manlet.

9d3311  No.410061

File: 717b773bee1ebc0⋯.webm (8.11 MB, 1280x718, 640:359, mister_metokur_manlet_tea….webm)


On and off. Once here, and then in a recent stream (clips will be posted soon).

0f9cee  No.410064


I remember empty hero bring it up and Jim said he knew about the /v/ shit I don't remember much else and don't feel like watching again

be1940  No.410112

be1940  No.410113

6a20f2  No.410133


Thanks. The manlet must have been livid after this. He's been responding to a ton of Jim's tweet recently one could say he was toe-sucking

75e962  No.410267

You have to be at least 5'8 to play video games

ed4f97  No.410320

File: dcd2b2171d562ca⋯.png (17.08 KB, 444x95, 444:95, manletreeeeee.png)

File: 5e6257c29c4ad2a⋯.png (13.66 KB, 419x69, 419:69, manletreeeeeeee.png)

File: 922f46cac3acf48⋯.png (42.76 KB, 454x247, 454:247, lolmanlets.png)

File: 5c4ff1ee3971f1e⋯.png (13.3 KB, 439x69, 439:69, manletthreat.png)

File: 39afba12024eb62⋯.png (38.15 KB, 461x218, 461:218, manletrage2.png)



Empty brought manlet up jim called him a midget and manlet tears.

Jim was either acting ignorant or he's out of the loop by years, it really could go either way, you know how jim gets when he's making a video.


He was very upset.

ed4f97  No.410323

File: 228209e5cc18636⋯.png (9.72 KB, 469x56, 67:8, manletsucky.png)


You could even say

71958a  No.410592

File: 449bf315b5eebfb⋯.png (85.42 KB, 688x398, 344:199, ClipboardImage.png)

wew lads.

You've really spooked him now guys.

P-Pls stop bullying the little guy.

75e962  No.410605

File: 78ef20198224e2c⋯.png (66.53 KB, 194x259, 194:259, deplorablegoesgrem.png)

This guy Deplorable from Brit's discord is calling himself the JMAA killer. He slowly turned troll and been posted memes of his avatar shopped onto Kermit the frog shitting on Britbong's face. Another top fan betraying the short man? Oh no!

6035f1  No.410607


>"apparently metokur was talking shit about me"

That's what britbong wants: those sweet Jim views.

6035f1  No.410618


Does britbong lose fans often? Are they quick to turn coat and give cocks for julay?

722010  No.410631

File: 21e983df485ec39⋯.png (693.45 KB, 2000x498, 1000:249, BritbongsCrew_from_2015_In….png)


Yes and yes.

Pic related, almost all of them are gone.

Two thirds left, one third turned grεm.

6035f1  No.410642


How can someone not learn after years of streaming and producing cocks what is productive and what is destructive? This dude just takes the Internet too personally.

132d60  No.410799

File: df134216cda955f⋯.png (54.18 KB, 211x320, 211:320, chunkmasterpro.png)


why do they always draw him wrong

e09ef8  No.410829

File: 0feb22a740189d1⋯.png (104.67 KB, 378x432, 7:8, deplorable.PNG)

File: a887bf5ee65d90d⋯.png (588.37 KB, 644x432, 161:108, jmaabot.PNG)



Deplorable turned troll as well? Didn´t know that. The manlet used Deplorable to deliver a message to Keemstar last month iirc. Not suprised if he is the guy that flagged JMAA's stuff down. JMAA should realize that we don´t actually hate him, unlike a good percentage of Britbong's followers. They despise him for his obvious copying of the manlet. AlexPedoKid absolutely hates him as well.


All the time. And in 99% of cases, it´s the manlet's fault they leave. Mostly related to not giving him enough money/attention or talking to girls on his discord. And afterwards, he starts openly shit-talking them, either on his stream or on his discord, creating more people that work against him.

It´s like with all of his problems: He caused them himself.

e09ef8  No.410831

File: 0feb22a740189d1⋯.png (104.67 KB, 378x432, 7:8, deplorable.PNG)

File: a887bf5ee65d90d⋯.png (588.37 KB, 644x432, 161:108, jmaabot.PNG)



>Deplorable turned troll as well? Didn´t know that. The manlet used Deplorable to deliver a message to Keemstar last month iirc. Not suprised if he is the guy that flagged JMAA's stuff down. JMAA should realize that we don´t actually hate him, unlike a good percentage of Britbong's followers. They despise him for his obvious copying of the manlet. AlexPedoKid absolutely hates him as well.


>All the time. And in 99% of cases, it´s the manlet's fault they leave. Mostly related to not giving him enough money/attention or talking to girls on his discord. And afterwards, he starts openly shit-talking them, either on his stream or on his discord, creating more people that work against him.

>It´s like with all of his problems: He caused them himself.

132d60  No.410836


yea no doubt manlets own fans have been flagging down JMAA's stuff, hes way to retarded to see this ofcourse but even logically, why would anyone here care enough to flag a video with like 3 views (infact those views most likely came from the board), anyone know why did he stopped streaming on stream.me?

df4183  No.410968


Both have incredibly low view numbers so those 2 viewers were probably seen as him competing on "muh platform".

e09ef8  No.411006



No idea why he left the site, he seemed to get more views than on Twitch. And he never streams when the manlet is on, probably out of "respect" and because he never misses a manlet-stream, so he wasn´t really competition anyway.

01e695  No.411034

No one hates JMAA here. He actually is kinda watchable in a freakshow kind of way. His cocks has a level of creativity to it and hes up on his egame with merch and stuff.

I wouldn't be in the least surprised if it wasn't dwarftears that's flagging his shit. He is that level of jealous little bitch to be doing it

3c253f  No.411039

File: 4f54837fe95428b⋯.png (148.84 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2017-04-08-09h54m0….png)


>receding hairline

>red tip thanks to increased contrast

Nice touch.

18717b  No.411676

How tf did we end up on page 3? I'm bumping this shit. I know we have our own discord server now but we still need to post cocks in the thread too

e09ef8  No.411683

File: 1bccfe930422dbd⋯.png (1011.63 KB, 676x884, 13:17, flash.PNG)

What´s that whole "The Flash" shit about, anyway? Is this some kind of new meme?

2c19c3  No.411687


zooms the reverse flash i guess


hes not really done anything, hes being a right boring fuck atm

0f9cee  No.411688


Zoom was the arch enemy of the flash so as a hebephile Dominic has the moral highground over Zoom the pedophile

e09ef8  No.411694



Ah, ok I get it. I don´t follow capeshit, always thought the Flash was particularly gay and he was doing it ironically.

fb685b  No.411851

File: 777b6e27762c7eb⋯.webm (4.58 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_badguys_eliminated_lq.webm)

Eliminated from Youtube by The Bad Guys & Zoom

e09ef8  No.411857

Check out his stream, he is in a bad mood because views are low. Better not ask him where all the viewers are tonight

e09ef8  No.411859


Also, tell him the color on his camera is off, he´s been trying to fix the settings for half an hour

be1940  No.411862

File: 7a1d05ed9a2de2e⋯.jpg (235.8 KB, 1854x843, 618:281, 2.mp4_snapshot_06.57_[2018….jpg)

e09ef8  No.411865


He´s been crying because viewers are low but now he´s playing the same exact Zoom-videos he showed 2 streams ago…like anyone hasn´t seen those yet.

6035f1  No.411871


e09ef8  No.411876


Pretty much, even more than usual.

He even threatened to quit streaming for good because the views are lower than usual.

be1940  No.411878

File: a88dbfc23485de2⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 399x330, 133:110, 2.mp4_snapshot_06.57_[2018….jpg)

no wonder he never shaves

6035f1  No.411881


>quit streaming

What kind of job would hire him and his online record?

ebdf2f  No.411882

File: 05bca2eebc3785e⋯.jpg (251.94 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_20180422_171819.jpg)

You got 5 days left dominic lol

60afe9  No.411885


Sorting room at FedEx

e09ef8  No.411889

File: af0fc5d561d3762⋯.jpg (86.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, peter-bark.jpg)


Seems like empty threats to me…to pressure his fans to watch or advertise his streams.

>"I didn´t lose any views because people are bored or my cocks got stale, it´s because I got banned everywhere!"

The guy is so fucking delusional, keeps crying about how nothing is his fault, about how incredibly entertaining his streams are, how the fans who don´t watch are assholes. Lying through is teeth about other people.

Dude, do you actually watch any of your stuff you put out in the last 6 months? It´s literally complaining and drama for hours, people are tired of constant nagging. Play games, lighten up, stop focusing on viewer-numbers, have some fucking fun again.

2c19c3  No.411891


no one cares KoP

6035f1  No.411892




He can't handle the bantz. His only recourse is going around flagging other people in order for his cocks to be all that's left, but even then, people will likely find something else to watch that they enjoy. You are right: no one likes constant nagging.

be1940  No.411893

File: 2084da5eac4e198⋯.jpg (27.94 KB, 540x532, 135:133, 1524270395216.jpg)

e09ef8  No.411894


I just don´t get how anyone could be so fucking thick, Complains about people not helping him, then suddenly brags about how fast he´ll burn bridges and doesn´t give a fuck. Shits on Shadman right now.

6035f1  No.411897


>Complains about people not helping him, then suddenly brags about how fast he´ll burn bridges

I laughed. That's a great way to put it.

fb685b  No.411956

File: dfc5cf364d4e02f⋯.webm (9.42 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_shadbase_not_a_true_ma….webm)

Shadebase: Not a true mate

fb685b  No.411958

File: f3eb53a59ffa11a⋯.webm (5.77 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_queer_guys_lq.webm)

The "Queer Guys" responsible for ruining 2016 Second Life Streams

be1940  No.411959

File: 4e3a88546b57c61⋯.png (1000.9 KB, 759x1600, 759:1600, britbong in mummys clothes.png)


>inb4 shadman draws dominic and his bright red clown dick

3c253f  No.411980

File: ae1042c3a44fe99⋯.png (128.84 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2017-03-26-16h51m0….png)


>bright red clown dick

No wonder he's obsessed with clown houses.

111506  No.412023




He should draw Britbong wearing Ralph Pootawn's skin asking his reflection if he'd fuck himself.

df4183  No.412032


Because he's a pathological lying idiot? Usually people burn his bridge because he's so annoying and was burning it on accident so they cut him off.

3c253f  No.412260

File: 9b5865a41bffab9⋯.jpg (373.44 KB, 680x672, 85:84, 1520408212209.jpg)


As deplorable as I find shadman to be, I'd commission that.

3c253f  No.412262


As deplorable as I find shadman to be, I'd commission that.

d3d7bf  No.412504

Kopy, who is this new secret girlfriend Megan?

No more whining about your ex?

Did you really pick her up in soc you loser?

d3d7bf  No.412509

Kopy, care to tell us about your new secret girlfriend you found on /soc/ like a true incel?

Is she really a tranny?

No more whining about your ex?

3c253f  No.412511



We met on /co/. She's a little tumblresque but I'm hoping that'll change.

0cc78f  No.412513

File: 32febc564e24e1c⋯.png (192.14 KB, 308x324, 77:81, 19ce4290ac9d1945a7c417468c….png)

why hasn't brit offed himself yet?

d3d7bf  No.412518


Yeah but is she a he?

2100e4  No.412519

Britbong's been single for 12 months now.

No luck on OkCupid at all. Not even a single date.

3c253f  No.412522


She owns a strap-on but no authentic penis as far as I can tell.

be1940  No.412530

File: 1a9b826f217497e⋯.jpg (69.31 KB, 718x559, 718:559, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

r.i.peanut m&m's

2100e4  No.412535


With MiniMe gone is Bong the shortest person in Hollywood? https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6393308/

be1940  No.412546

why hasn't this been updated to include his most recent works "Cummy on my Tummy" and "Mummies Hairties" ? >>412535

df4183  No.412711


What do you mean? He goes on single dates all the time in his room.

01e695  No.412713


So funny how his entire self-written IMDB is him inserting himself into somebody else's project that He had nothing to do with with that Forever alone lie. Dude seriously has no shame in his failed attempts at stolen glory.

4b2da5  No.412748


congrats kopy.

don't get pegged

2100e4  No.412776

Zoom only got involved with Britbong because he saw his height and thought it was a kid for him to molest.

00b541  No.412783


Mork your new prize is going to get taken from you again by transitioningBong. Get cucked Ortiz

01e695  No.412823


And then they'll get taken by one of your mods Bong.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

df4183  No.412830


You want a tumblerina tranny? It's about time you've come to terms with who you truly are.

3c253f  No.412882

File: 6fd828a3f252ebc⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1816x1080, 227:135, vlcsnap-2017-08-15-13h29m4….png)



d3d7bf  No.413106

Kopy, I don't care if you're upset I spilled the beans just quit being a whiny bitch and trying to call me at work, maybe you should have thought about that before bragging about it to everyone.

Leave me alone.

3c253f  No.413176


Look just stay away from her tumblr and other places where she posts her art ok?

60afe9  No.413215


Do you mean to say that she's not full on /pol/ or that she actually runs a little Tumblr page full of hate for men?

60afe9  No.413255


Link to it so we know what you want to us to stay away from

66c76f  No.413278

File: c50941612173d52⋯.gif (749.27 KB, 720x405, 16:9, c50941612173d52fc17300df8f….gif)


Link her tumblr, faggot.

d3d7bf  No.413318



Link it because I don't have it.

3c253f  No.413328





She'd probably dump me and/or Transitioningbong would try to get with her if profilesgot posted here

01e695  No.413730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whats out Trannydwarf and his crew are going out chinning people today.

f61900  No.413796


Quit being so scared we want to see her art

60afe9  No.413802

File: e520bcd33b491b8⋯.png (560.04 KB, 600x784, 75:98, 3075024b75f99e1c8825ef1233….png)

66c76f  No.413807

File: e0a9ff0d89d878d⋯.jpg (29.84 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e0a9ff0d89d878db1baa6bf21a….jpg)


>Transitioningbong would try to get with her if profilesgot posted here

Are you actually scared that the manlet could steal your E-gf?


519c0f  No.413810

Why do they call him Dom "The Big Dawg" Vanner?

00e554  No.413811

File: 6fbf821551b2897⋯.png (649.69 KB, 495x3677, 495:3677, flirtybong.png)

File: ffb164c3a81bb76⋯.png (501.58 KB, 887x655, 887:655, sardonic.png)

519c0f  No.413814


For a while Dom was actually sorta ripped. You notice he hasn't posted any pictures for a few years of him posing? Yeah, he got fat and lazy. His gains all withered away.

82b06e  No.413816


proof he was ever "ripped" ?

519c0f  No.413819

>Narcissistic Personality Disorder



>compulsive liar

Guy is beyond help. He's only a slightly more self-aware Elliot Rodger.

00e554  No.413822

File: b3a61bf402ad6ca⋯.png (801.94 KB, 985x1738, 985:1738, Screenshot_1054.png)


Not that it stops him from still posting these (6-7 yrs old?) pics in Shadman's Discord.

Also, people are speculating it may actually be his brother.

519c0f  No.413824


>proof he was ever "ripped" ?

This was YEARS ago. Like many years. Back on /v/ he would post pictures of himself flexing his arms which were pretty decently big. And he'd talk about how macho and strong he is compared to the nerds on /v/. This might have been 8+ years ago.

Think for at least 5 years he hasn't lifted anything bigger than a gamepad.

82b06e  No.413827


doesnt show face, no reason to believe it

519c0f  No.413828




The ones I remember did show his face.

2100e4  No.413847


The black and white one where he drew on wacky blue hair are edited. He made his biceps bigger and you can still tell even though he tried to hide it with making it black and white

00e554  No.413949

File: bf1afe4268383a9⋯.webm (11.12 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_tb_vid_hq.webm)

File: 7d6b43a5b400901⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_tb_died.mp4)

Total Biscuit about to die, Dominic a happy boy.

6618fa  No.414043


tbh I laughed at that vid.

He sure is shitting on Kopy tonight, a lot.

01e695  No.414177


Yeah Tranny loves showing his face (Thousands of gay selfies prove it) so why not there? That is defo his brother. Dude is so pathetic.

d1c89a  No.414179


hes reviewing detectives vid on him right now and looking liek a total pussy

00e554  No.414247

File: b11a6657341caea⋯.webm (12.18 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, kob_vs_peng_reaction1.webm)

MT reacts to the King Of Banter vs Peng vid.

(In extra hq, so you can read his facial expressions.)


Me2, but it's probably not smart for him to stream it right now.

00e554  No.414249

File: 920f84a81da73c8⋯.webm (11.99 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_kob_vs_peng_reaction2.webm)


Part 2.

7fd865  No.414254

File: ea132feabfc8a24⋯.png (136.4 KB, 301x557, 301:557, 2018-01-28_11h29_22.png)

>I never called myself king of banter!

Technically, he's right. He called himself "kind of banter".

7fd865  No.414337

File: a7773573fd4c7e8⋯.png (133.18 KB, 347x578, 347:578, kob_proof.png)

4b2da5  No.414346


So it IS a tranny.

4b2da5  No.414348


that was his brother bro. hence all the mspaint dbz over the pictures.

people are retarded.

4b2da5  No.414349


no, it didn't.

him and his brother look very similar in the face. It was never britbong.

78810a  No.414546



why would he show that garbo video on stream, and embarras himself about how timid he was in those situations by pretending he did it for the fans

2100e4  No.414607


He is compelled to watch that stuff because of his ego. He knows its embarrassing but he thinks by repeating the same thing over and over makes it real.

01e695  No.414641


1min 37 is the most interesting part of this clip Empty hero says "When people find his butthole pictures"

Now usually when anything is said about him that puts him in a bad light or makes him look stupid Trannytears will pause the clip and counter it with one of his usual lies or denials

But for some reason when he is directly accused of having Butthole pics there is no pause of the video there is no "what butthole pics doood epic fail lol" For some reason Mongbong doesn't even want the issue held up for scrutiny. So he uses his retard selective hearing and just pretends it wasn't said.

What can we deduce from this observation?


And it is our duty to hunt them down.

2100e4  No.414642


Do you think his asshole is as red as his dicktip?

3c253f  No.415045


After all the times he was gangbanged by his older brother and his dad? No doubt.

5a9870  No.415112


>Mark scared of his gf being stolen from him again

>immediately comes up with gay fantasies

you really are a cuck

01e695  No.415124


They're not fantasies Bong your asshole pictures are out there somewhere and you asked if you could fap to Ms Alchemy pics…The truth is coming out a lot quicker than you are haha.

3c253f  No.415138


>Mark scared of his gf being stolen from him again

You're into girls who use strap-ons, Dom? Interesting.

df4183  No.415213


You are? It's obvious you made that up so he would stay away from her idiot

01e695  No.415380


Aww look little Domdom the closet case is back with us and hes talking in third person as usual.

01e695  No.415390


Oh and you know why that dude left the part of you setting up the VR in right? Of course you don't your narcissism doesn't let you see it.

Its so we could all laugh at how you waddle around like a fat Peter Dinklage.

df4183  No.415407




ee7b2e  No.415420


>waddle around like a fat Peter Dinklage.


01e695  No.415459


Noted. Wrong link. 420 mistake.

2100e4  No.415544

cummy penis fuuck

3c253f  No.415619


>implying manlet tears wouldn't want to get fugged by a strap-on, given his interest in trannies

4b2da5  No.415676


britbong is the king of junk in the trunk, dsp has nothing on him.

c5fb76  No.415728


>celebrating 4/20 in any way other than celebrating der fuhrer


ef574e  No.415785


He actually begged me to put my feminine inside of him. He's a weird little fella.

6618fa  No.415839

File: f925832c132d8f2⋯.png (528.46 KB, 720x1089, 80:121, lestalker.PNG)

The "Soy Joker" st.al.ks. former viewers. He really needs those numbers to go up it seems.


I listened to him reacting to the CuckofPol vid.

Hate to say it, but I had to agree with the manlet on a couple of points. The whole thing seemed really lackluster, badly researched, rushed and full of filler. he should have taken more time to make it, but iirc, the guy shat it out in a couple of days. There were some massive mistakes in there.

He also announced to put out 1-2 follow-up videos which never happened.

I guess it was still funny to see the manlet losing his shit over such a bad video, but I think we can all agree that it was hot garbage.

23762f  No.415888


Don't blame anon for consuming the herbal jew on 4/20. It's like metaphorically setting a kike on fire.

4b2da5  No.415894


it wasn't great but it wasn't that bad. I'm sure if someone put the time it you could make at least a 5 hour video with no filler, but who would waste that much time on a manlet nobody first life and SecondLife reject.

You have to keep in mind, KoP was sucking bright red knoblet off just a few months ago.

Had he actually read the threads instead of crying about them to manlet, he would have learned something and made a good video.

31f0b4  No.415897


That is the most appropriate post I have seen end with triple digits.

9a0f2c  No.416080

File: 8e615382bbe96ef⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_msalchemy_fake.mp4)

File: 4d59c192c83111b⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_crossdressing_reaction.mp4)

File: 516eb2cc95177b2⋯.mp4 (10.4 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_mrnoob_dox_reaction.mp4)

MsAlchemy logs are FAKE

Reacting to the crossdressing pic

Reacting to 'Britbong Doxes MrNoob'

This is the video in question: https://pewtube.com/user/britbongreturns/mLgFSnA

9a0f2c  No.416150

File: 8b572f3c8aa3153⋯.png (218.63 KB, 608x830, 304:415, jmaa_strike_channel.png)

9a0f2c  No.416194

File: 61bb77889b422e3⋯.png (43.54 KB, 193x193, 1:1, hot_vanner.png)

File: 51795dcda9ea8ef⋯.png (118.95 KB, 519x219, 173:73, crossdressing_frame.png)

b57cc7  No.416199


JMAA's 2 view videos are totally high prio targets for anyone…

0f9cee  No.416202


it was probably the manlet himself, he knows JMAA produces better cocks than him

6618fa  No.416257




JMAA seems to live in a fantasy world. Or he just wants to seem a lot more important than he is. Probably both.

Doesn´t take a genius to figure out that it´s someone from the manlet-fanbase flagging JMAA's shit down. We are mostly fascinated or amused by the onion-swallower, but some of the guys on the Tranny-discord hate his guts. Just look at PedoAlex falseflagging to get JMAA in trouble or the dozens of people posting #RIPJMAA during every single stream.

Pixskull literally forced JMAA to record an apology-video and posted it in the Discord.

The manlet even played it on the last stream.

3c253f  No.416297


He won't open his shirt all the way because he's self conscious about the feminine pecks he's developing from the titty skittles that he's taking :(

01e695  No.416360


What are these supposed to prove? Bong didn't shave his chest this week and that those crooked fingers and the finger positioning on the phone are an exact match? Yeah nice proof Dominic. I think that's what they call an own-goal.

01e695  No.416368


Pixskull is the really creepy one in this storyline he tries to fly under the radar but he really is Bitchbongs number one lapdog. Something needs to come out on this one.

01e695  No.416369


In that last clip Trannytears trying to claim his autistic vocal stimming is "Someone playing a recording of his voice" Bahahahaha.

d71777  No.416370

File: 1b385009cd5e7ba⋯.png (43.31 KB, 174x123, 58:41, manboobs.png)


71927f  No.416380


>Hate to say it, but I had to agree with the manlet on a couple of points

KoP is a no-talent faggot, and a brainlet, just like the rest of the bloodsports gang. The only exception, at least for me, would be metekour. He's okay. Brit might be a huge fag, but that doesn't make someone like KoP cool just because he criticized him.

12661a  No.416452

File: 86ec9d669a2b525⋯.png (19.75 KB, 343x268, 343:268, timid little audience.png)

Losing viewers…are we?

01e695  No.416502


I'm surprised 193 people can be bothered to listen to this idiot repeat the same shit over and over. His stream is just him vocalizing his internal dialogue of failure and bitterness. He's the victim everyone hates him cos he blew them out yada yada. Its fucking pathetic.

5d8c50  No.416510


pretty much this, "wanna hear the story about how it beat up 20 people in school, its epiccc"

2fa0b7  No.416515

File: 5021dd6700c200e⋯.mp4 (11.13 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_whatsthepoint.mp4)


0f9cee  No.416517


poor little guy you just wanna scoop him up in a matchbox and rock him to sleep

01e695  No.416518


Wow and less than ten minutes later he telling is how he would smash people. Sad.

2fa0b7  No.416519

File: a939895ef22052c⋯.mp4 (10.65 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_venti_livingonyourown.mp4)


My parents would never allow that!


7ebb51  No.416520


Hi Dominic! Why do you constantly do this to yourself? Lol

5d8c50  No.416521


honestly, how can anyone still watch this, hes literally shitting on the ones who do still show up and basically telling them they're not worth his time, now thats sad

5d8c50  No.416522


oh shiiit, its cuck of pol, because literally no one else gives a fuck if you get made fun of for being an untalented sperg

def4e2  No.416523

File: e9ebf4ed6aace8d⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 204x413, 204:413, 4Nc-wzH_.jpg)


Dominic stop socking in your thread or everytime you post I'll make sure it tripcodes you so people can laugh at how much you talk to yourself here. This is your first warning.

def4e2  No.416524


Thats not KoP dominic. Again, stop socking in your thread. Last warning

2fa0b7  No.416526

File: 53e690ec4854c6b⋯.mp4 (10.46 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_unjust.mp4)


5d8c50  No.416528



britbongs streaming you autismal faggot, thats why clips are being posted, comeon are you even trying?

01e695  No.416530


You dont think he has this tab open????? His ego wont let him not respond.

5d8c50  No.416532


haha you think he can multitask??? guy cant take 2 seconds to even ban people in his own chat mid game

be1940  No.416543

File: 2480e2030d22fdf⋯.png (497.52 KB, 849x478, 849:478, pengo.png)

i think we need to set up a pay per view kumite event

main event manlet vs emptyhero

warm up fight 1 jmaa vs kopy

warm up fight 2 dominic's mom vs a bunch of black dicks

2fa0b7  No.416545

File: d633980b263130e⋯.mp4 (808.14 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_games_at_240.mp4)

File: 2168bf97b974ea4⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_why_no_gmod.mp4)

File: b6fd6b55218af47⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_fakefans_no_excuse.mp4)



Why you asking, you a grεmlin?


5d8c50  No.416547


it would be funny, but he never would, hes way too timid and wont do anything if he doesnt have full control over it (so he can kick/ban/boot when it gets too much for him)


Yikes hes having a meltdown today then

2716a0  No.416552


If his views go up to 240 he should put on his fur suit

2fa0b7  No.416563

File: 093d5b8e22bc8d7⋯.mp4 (3.5 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_what_is_the_literal_poi….mp4)

File: a38e1fb2b7cdb83⋯.mp4 (8.71 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_i_will_get_revenge.mp4)


Dem views just keep dropping


5d8c50  No.416567


"i build myself up again, with no help" - its the same 200 people who follow him from site to site and its not changed ever, is it time to start a poll on how you think hes going to end himself? look at the miserable cunt

2fa0b7  No.416568

File: 26ae0cd894b5ec7⋯.mp4 (6.78 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_cunt_fan_why_are_you_he….mp4)

File: 550290d78618e6d⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_i_could_just_end_the_st….mp4)



6618fa  No.416569


He acts like he put a lot of effort in his latest streams, but they are just the same shit as always. Hours of talking and tired memes everyone heard a dozen of times, together with hostile behaviour towards regulars and newcomers


That´s just fucked.Venti might be kinda shit, but saying that kind of stuff is just low.


>"Duh why am I losing viewers"

Here, have 3 examples!



Are you drunk?

be1940  No.416592

File: c3b1ccf590190bf⋯.png (156.32 KB, 545x390, 109:78, the destroyer.png)


"i stopped playing VR because people got bored of it"


5d8c50  No.416594

thought he wasnt gaming til 240, now hes at 180 and gaming haha timid

2fa0b7  No.416597

File: ef374138808e733⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_god_of_war_easy_mode.mp4)

He just died in God Of War on Easy Mode.

2fa0b7  No.416607

File: 52b511e5ba82562⋯.png (8.56 KB, 212x73, 212:73, 161views.png)

File: f706e9836e797e7⋯.png (117.71 KB, 573x549, 191:183, forevervanner_true.png)

2fa0b7  No.416609

File: f3675c6e3c8a164⋯.webm (11.77 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_insomnia_fite.webm)


2100e4  No.416622


This is the tutorial on the first fight. Also he already played the tutorial on hard and still sucks

a83965  No.416625


>why should I work a thousand times harder than everyone else.

Nigger you don't work. You play fucking videogames and expect to get money for it. I am glad this shit is being saved so when he does get caught breaking the UKs draconian laws there will be evidence of premeditation. Also is he a kike? I mean look at that fucking nose.

4b2da5  No.416877


I'm sold.

4b2da5  No.416945


Every time he says this I sit back and remember when the stream was going into twitch channels and calling people nigger pedos, slamming false reports until their channel was banned, and then going "teehee time for the next one."

It was fun telling the streamers to say "SHOO SHOO MANLET TEARS" in whispers and watch them, confused at this point, repeat the magic phrase that made manlet flee in terror.

a83965  No.417017

File: f95b8dd9289d990⋯.jpg (185.85 KB, 480x512, 15:16, Sonic 5-4-2011.jpg)

Something awful will happen to you some day and you'll wonder momentarily “what did I do to deserve this?" and the answer is not because of any specific actions you did, it's just that you're by nature a piece of shit and you'll have that reality ingrained in you by that action. I don't intend on doing anything about it, I don't need to since I can rely on something else to do it, you'll just end up being in severe trauma over some random situation in your life and you'll be at a loss for words. And it's dumb petty shit that you do like pointlessly attacking Britbong, who shit his pants and did nothing wrong and just wanted to entertain people, that will build up and be the cause of your own misfortune.

I genuinely feel sorry for your existence, I'm sure your parents do as well, even doing actions like these are just symptomatic of something worse going on when you're not being a waste of a chan user. You might even take your own life out of depression, and that would be awful because no-one should have that happen to them, but you'll probably do it anyway and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I'm just the guy you were a piece of shit to by trying to ruin something he enjoys, and failing since Britbong is unstoppable, but I might be what crosses your mind last. And it's sad, like you.

a83965  No.417021

That's not what I typed. The moderators are editting posts, which is censorship, and that is illegal.

5d8c50  No.417099



haha what?!

2100e4  No.417150

What a sad stream. He really does seem depressed and think that everyone on earth is against him because he has some magical power to "troll" people. Hope he takes his month long break and comes back in a better mood.

8b743f  No.417176

File: 06f6c330600cb3e⋯.png (3.26 MB, 1500x7066, 750:3533, 06f6c330600cb3e2b8949bbab3….png)

Just posting it here.

3d4e48  No.417342


Can you post it in KoP's thread instead? He's a faggot but I honestly don't care

8b743f  No.417349


Sure thing, Bryan

4b2da5  No.417402


thinking about posting this to /v/ with the leaked dick pictures just to see what would happen, aside from the temp ban.

6618fa  No.417796


He should start crowdfunding to set up the fight, he might get more than 200 viewers if he live-streams it.


Where was this posted?

Funny that he always talks about karma while he´s the one getting fucked in the ass by it the hardest.


He can still easily win the stream-contest every single month, with no real competition. But the guy wont be happy until he is the next Ninja or whoever is the new hip guy on Twitch these days.

He should just do whatever the fuck he wants to do instead of crying about he needs to do x to get more viewers. Streaming has become a "job" to the little man, and it shows.

df7bfe  No.418310

File: d9d56bd654258ea⋯.png (19 KB, 321x170, 321:170, NoMoreStreamArchives.png)

No more stream archives for fake fans.

132d60  No.418332


fuckin' hell, its like he doesn't want fans, why wouldnt you leave vod's up, especially since he knows stream.me will do fuck all to him, can only assume its because of all the crying he did last night and he realised how embarrasing it was

6618fa  No.418380


To force people to watch his streams live. Won´t work.

He shat on people who couldn´t make it to his streams multiple times before. Expects that they drop everything they´re doing to attend his shows. Don´t forget: Dropping numbers are never his fault, always the fault of the stwakers and fake fans! His streams are excellent these days! That´s why he never watches them himself! He just knows they are fanastic!

I said it before: His fans are literally in an abusive relationship with him.

He forces himself to play and do things he THINKS his fans like, not what he actually wants to do. This does not make him happy and it shows.

01e695  No.418623


Whenever actual famous people win an award or something they always say thanks to the fans without you none of this would be possible etc. You know why they say it? Because its fucking true. Tears on the other hand seems to think they exist to do his bidding. You must watch me when I stream because I'm so important how dare you do anything else. This why he is so hated and this is why the retards that watch him unironically slowly wake up and stop watching. He's just an arrogant self-important self-entitled little prick who is so narcissistic he believes the world revolves around what he wants.

Here's the wake up call Bong. You get banned everywhere because you're fucking stupid and break the rules. People don't watch you because you whining about how people should do what you want isn't entertainment its just you being delusional.

And here's the zinger I guarantee that of the 193 people watching you at least 180 of them are not "fans" they are there to laugh at you melting down and spouting your sociopath retardations.

The world isn't the problem. You are.

01e695  No.418626


Just look at the active chatters next time it just the same handful of people and a whole bunch of people not typing but pissing themselves laughing.

3210c1  No.418814


I always report bongs stream whenever he does it for lulz

b3b0f3  No.419768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So who here watched Empty's stream today? KoP, Zoom, Kopy, and some other familiar faces guest starred while MT cried his eyes out in the stream chat.

3c253f  No.419972

File: 849013748dfdf47⋯.png (56.31 KB, 355x316, 355:316, dont talk to deplatformers.png)

File: 8e6ed79a51f37ad⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 356x241, 356:241, emptyqueerio.jpg)

File: e17021b90a5de0c⋯.jpg (6.19 KB, 301x39, 301:39, kop cringe.jpg)

File: 1159cd6e0247327⋯.png (5.96 KB, 337x47, 337:47, only_karma.png)

File: ed2a7de71cde3ae⋯.jpg (4.03 KB, 322x45, 322:45, smash zoom out.jpg)


Yeah he went full retard in the chat. Here's some highlights.

3c253f  No.419976

File: 1c5522bce973ff5⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 323x78, 323:78, where is zoom.jpg)

6618fa  No.420508


He was there for almost the entirety of the stream, threatening everyone except for Spulb that he would deplatform them and how it´s only fair because they did it to him. He repeated himself like 50 times, not even kidding.Everyone made fun of him and asked him to join, but he was too timid.

At least he didn´t try to hide that it was him this time.

He also laughed at EH having like 140 viewers, even though his dropped to under 100 last time.

65a3e9  No.421273


>Zoom i'd smash you out

My god does Tears realize how cringe he sounds? He's more cringe than KoP

3e294e  No.421330


No he really doesn't get it. The more he spouts the 'chinning' 'deplatformed' 'karma' repetitive screeches over and over the more people laugh and he just doesn't seem to understand.

You're not being intimidating and you're not making a point you're just punching yourself in the face repeatedly. Do yourself a favor and just stop. It beyond embarrassing at this point.

38e2ca  No.421454


>threatening everyone except for Spulb that he would deplatform them

>Everyone made fun of him and asked him to join, but he was too timid.

There's the miniature master of bantz we all know and love to laugh at.

e87cc2  No.421465

File: c00901c542d30d4⋯.webm (8.37 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_bad_hair_day.webm)

File: 24c140a8b1c7e05⋯.png (117.57 KB, 351x278, 351:278, badhairday.png)

File: 533245645370600⋯.png (189.36 KB, 451x355, 451:355, badhairday2.png)


Even worse, his dad threw away his wizard hat.

3e294e  No.421475

File: f505bad7f5feb42⋯.jpg (8.66 KB, 250x216, 125:108, Blackadder1.jpg)

Nice hair doood…

e87cc2  No.421480

File: 6216fea525a5724⋯.mp4 (10.27 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_shit_mood.mp4)

File: a619bff4a4ba661⋯.png (11.22 KB, 255x26, 255:26, mt_lock.png)

File: 882b78b99358e13⋯.mp4 (394.25 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_lock.mp4)


When Dom is away, Pappybong goes in and messes up his stuff.

Dom can't lock his room, because the lock is on the outside.

9ec1b0  No.421482

File: 6234d827cb7ea3d⋯.png (53.36 KB, 211x320, 211:320, df134216cda955f2fd63d8f013….png)


god i bet he hasn't bathed in weeks, you can smell him through the internet… also like how he had the one arm up to stop his real hairline from being shown

e87cc2  No.421520

File: dfe05f65b65e438⋯.mp4 (13.84 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_minifridge.mp4)

Daddy took away the mini fridge.

d8cf45  No.421528



e87cc2  No.421539

File: f0980d414cb4c30⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_webcam_anxiety.mp4)

Webcam gives Big.Bong anxiety

9ec1b0  No.421541


lol his dad wants him to move out, its very clear

e87cc2  No.421551

File: ae24a3c11723737⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_dad_haircut.mp4)

His dad has been commenting on his hair already a week ago.

d8cf45  No.421578



ee4a6f  No.421584

File: 4ffd122036547ab⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 586.63 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Britbong doggy dick 2.png)

File: 62fdfb90431454e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 596.93 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Britbong doggy dick 3.png)

File: 26234bbd5790a97⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 544.97 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Britbong doggy dick.png)

Fuuck, that's hot.

Just your friendly neighborhood response to his actions, I do hope he continues as there's more.


Didn't think anybody wanted to see that.

e87cc2  No.421614

File: 349c0c040310b6b⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 175x214, 175:214, vannerscream_shake.gif)

File: 634dc8b546a3266⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 175x214, 175:214, vannerscream_glow_shake.gif)

File: 3c208903ce84ec1⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 175x214, 175:214, vannerscream_jitter_badtv.gif)

File: d6c2bb791bd494a⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 175x214, 175:214, vannerscream_rainbow_wobbl….gif)













38e2ca  No.421756


>at least i can grow fuckin hair

At least your dad can afford a fucking house.

90dae9  No.421802


How much in donations does Bongo pull in a night?

57d47e  No.421898


>At least your dad can afford a fucking house.

His dad doesn't even own the house. It's his brother's house. Vanner Sr. lost their old house after playing Smuggler's Run irl.

e87cc2  No.421953

File: 647538fca803a5e⋯.webm (8.57 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_dotoyouwhatyoudotome.webm)


e87cc2  No.421967

File: c6a78523a0549ce⋯.webm (14.16 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_badguys_dmca.webm)


3e294e  No.422112


The lack of self awareness is staggering!!

From 2mins20 He is basically describing himself and his actions precisely!! Fucking astounding!

8fde97  No.422335

File: 70376003fd36107⋯.png (10.63 KB, 287x198, 287:198, 1.png)

There's some sperg in their Discord and they think he's Jammku for some reason.

6ccdd0  No.422356


because it probably is.

bab500  No.422733

File: f16ebc9c06dd377⋯.jpg (180.57 KB, 1504x1119, 1504:1119, 1524652777164.jpg)



>"People who deplatform people don´t deserve a platform"

>"Yeah, I do deplatform people if (I think) they got me deplatformed!"

>"Why don´t I get a platform?"

>"(..) I´m not a retard"

To think that I almost felt sorry for him lately. The guy is such an iredeemable piece of human garbage. I hope his views drop the double digits this year.


Down like 80-90% compared to last year, I´m not even joking. He managed to scare away his most loyal donators, except for JMAA.

He gets a lot from the contest though.


What the fuck is wrong with that thing ffs?

Did he pour boiling water of it?

57d47e  No.423758

File: 41751ad88d98546⋯.jpg (40.32 KB, 625x379, 625:379, rotten legos.jpg)


>What the fuck is wrong with that thing ffs?

The contrast was upped of course.

90dae9  No.424081


>the contest

What is that? Some kind of NoFap diet?

bab500  No.424110


The Stream.me contest. He is basically the only one pulling any kind of viewership, the guy has more than twice the "points" compared to the second place.

He makes 2.5k each month from that.

d8cf45  No.424362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Britbong live on KoP stream now

ccbe79  No.424532

File: 00882dd8cb79b1a⋯.jpg (62.2 KB, 533x800, 533:800, b54e31f68f5a0c855794700f44….jpg)


The manlet must be the first person on earth to get destroyed by fucking Bryan.

645c63  No.424548


god KoP is a fucking retard, he had the perfect chance to show the short guy up and fucked it up badly, who trusted that sperger to handle this

e2d16e  No.424599


Maybe Jim will do it better.

645c63  No.424637


"You raped someone!" - "Proof?" - "Someone told me"

"You stole money! and had a go fund me!" - "Proof?" - shows screen shot of an account on angry joes forums to a paypal address

He really needs to stop just throwing shit at the wall with no concrete proof because hes making himself look like a fucking retard

3e294e  No.424665


Shut up Dominic

4cb6e9  No.424853

File: 86c2516e981dacd⋯.jpg (111.41 KB, 823x774, 823:774, grem_pumpkin.jpg)

For potential newgrεms

"Case File: His Tears are attention" by Exceptional Detective is largely innaccurate, Spooks "Youtube Dumpster Diving" is more factual:


There's an ED article, but it's not very good:


There's a pewtube channel which has a few rare videos:


Also, of course, we got a discord:


90dae9  No.424861


Sounds like a challenge.

ba48bc  No.424865


He's also a liar so everything will be followed with "proof?" unless you have a ridiculous amount of evidence then he will just talk about everything else and try to detract from the conversation.

It also wasn't just someone told him, it was the ex herself who did.

645c63  No.424910


we know bitchbongs a liar, but if you're going to throw accusations at him live then you need to show the proof on stream, you cant just scream them otherwise you're no different to the little shit himself. KoP literally threw them, got a shitty answer back and asking for proof and then just hoped to another question because he couldn't

bab500  No.425005


I´m betting $1k he´s going to play this on his stream tomorrow, laughing at his own jokes.

bab500  No.425045

File: 29f7f92b59ded69⋯.png (32.87 KB, 646x283, 646:283, oh no.PNG)



Jim is streaming in 45 minutes, this is going to be interesting.

90dae9  No.425078


Irrelevant post. This thread is about britbong. Not jim.

b222e1  No.425080


Read the picture dum dum

6ccdd0  No.425086


If manlets going to be on jim, then it is jim related.

you must be new to the threads?

90dae9  No.425118



Nothing about that picture is relevant to britbong. It's all speculation. Doesn't apply here.

6ccdd0  No.425119

Someone contact boyd. If manlet is getting on the show then boyd needs to get on to tell the story of upraski, jim will actually let boyd say his piece.

aa845f  No.425284

File: e12e1ddd9e9049c⋯.gif (365.72 KB, 256x255, 256:255, happy eskimo.gif)


how much does it hurt the manlet knowing his arch enemy roasted him while his idol watched and laughed?

297d53  No.425581

File: b54eb569c46d23d⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 301x226, 301:226, Al_Bundy.jpg)



>A stupid felon that's fucking a fat pig

>cool dude


>A snake oil pushing ni/gg/er

>cool dude

5bf0d5  No.425881


>Britbong a retarded 30 year old manlet who either can't or won't move out of his parents attic

ba48bc  No.426814


He was sitting there trying to detract and change subjects constantly, we don't have a real answer to the hairties besides him saying "It wasn't me but if it was that is revenge porn!" which is just him admitting it but trying to cover.

You can tell with Britbong what is real or not because nobody who wasn't lying would get so angry like he did and he got angry a lot.

I agree he could have handled it better but my point is he will constantly just shout proof regardless of the subject at hand if he knows he's in the wrong, he's outright lied about things he just did and was threatening to post his ex's nudes in the chat of the stream during it because Kopy was in there.

f5a50e  No.427000

File: 42cdc7f78de8d28⋯.png (149.13 KB, 798x771, 266:257, forevervanner_cry_transpar….png)




>30 year old british NEET living in moms attic.

>Is 5'4", was never able to disprove this fact

>Earned himself a lifetime-ban from Youtube, Twitch, Twitter. Blames Internet-Illuminati.

>Was never invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>No future prospects of ever being invited to the Baited! Podcast.

>Eternal feud against all other Second Life Youtubers. Eternal feud against Commentary Community.

>Miraculously still has a fanbase. Notable members of BIDF (Britbong Internet Defense Force): JMAA "The Onion-Eating Cyclops", AlexJapanKid "The Ageplayer", Jammku "The Shame Of E-Sports" (RIP), Deplorable "The Lobotomized Sidekick"

<If you're a TRUE FAN, turn away now, or you'll be branded a FAKE FAN.

>Caught sexting with a tranny. Pretends it never happened. (https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM)

>Plays SL socially. Pretends he doesn't.

>He loves to banter. Don't make fun of him or he will report you. Don't use his footage or he will DMCA you. You did it to him so he is justified in doing so.

<Has already B,T,F,Oed you by you reading this. You mad.

>Got cucked twice by his own moderation team (Caroline went with Applechild, Summer went with Eggman).

>Doesn't believe in the concept of "male friends". Hunts down every female on his discord.

<Wouldn't have gone on Baited! even if he had been invited, anyways.

>Looking for a girl friend, please apply: https://britbong.com/girlfriend-application (https://archive.fo/XjgJe) Don't apply if 29+, black, you had a black bf in the past. Vagina is optional.

<Boyd tried to lick a girls tummy once. Please everyone, look at Boyd.

>Allegations of crossdressing.

<Stop stawlking him. You're obsessed and jealous.

>Earned himself 40+ threads, ~10 wordfilters on /cow/.

<If you made it this far, you already turned grεmlin.


Empty Hero - When JMAA Fugged TrapBong


The Family Cuck'Tendies - I'm Sorry Miss Vanner


Previous threads

Thread #41: >>397982 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Y6VQi)

Thread #40: >>392362 (Archive: https://archive.fo/fvyoM)

Thread #39: >>379634 (Archive: https://archive.fo/Nb9S9)

Thread #38: >>357467 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9cBZq)

Thread #37: >>331112 (Archive: https://archive.fo/JXlnN)

Thread #36: >>318343 (Archive: https://archive.fo/iSeha)

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/Csg9K

f5a50e  No.427001

f5a50e  No.427154

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