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File: 3a8f8429fb45c96⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 1516973469766.jpg)

4f55fb No.316779

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning"

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard

624f45 No.316807

File: b30f3c73b5483d5⋯.png (532.85 KB, 1716x732, 143:61, b30f3c73b5483d5dda98d841c2….png)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, DR2H5reXkAA7415.jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

File: c5da09d504c850a⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1096x395, 1096:395, lol.jpg)

mandatory Veeh facts


2.wants to see his mother in a gangbang because of hentai

3. Played a hentai game on christmas

4.has not worked since may last year

5.is a NEET and shitpost more then most people could do in a highstress environment

6.has roleplayed he has a kid plus he was a guildmaster in wow

Follow me on the twatter


6030f1 No.316811

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, untermensch vee.jpg)

So on Warski's stream, Vee kept defending liberalistianism+ by repeating

>muh meritocracy

and saying that Anglo-Saxon culture is superior because we tend to prefer hiring the best instead of employing nepotism.

Which is like… yeah okay, if everyone did this and wasn't nepotistic, that'd be great. But he completely fails to make an argument for HOW they can possibly force other people to also be meritocratic. How the fuck would that even work?

The government would need to oversee all hiring practices and basically tell employers who they can or cannot hire. If you thought the current civil rights laws that force companies to select diversity hires was bad, this would require FAR MORE oversight from the gov't than just looking at an office's demographic data. Are you going to do background checks and make sure nobody previously knew anyone they hired? This shit is ridiculous.

Liberalism is "is-ought fallacy: the ideology". They just talk about lofty conceptual ideals with absolute no clue how to somehow FORCE people to behave individualistically.

6030f1 No.316812

File: c90819f8281dc80⋯.jpg (78.85 KB, 882x757, 882:757, destiny delet.jpg)

Also Destiny is basically fucked. He keeps doxing/harassing/smearing people he debates afterwards, so now nobody is willing to talk to him at all. He's burned all his bridges and now he's practically begging for attention/traffic from anywhere he can get it.

5b8ff1 No.316815

File: 7d1f95b6350b8f5⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 820x820, 1:1, 7d1f95b6350b8f5cc49e141ad8….jpg)


b782ed No.316820

File: 6bf7f9c78792268⋯.png (553.94 KB, 700x980, 5:7, Legend of the Galactic Tin….png)


In any time

In any place

The height of Tiny

Remains the same

f0da42 No.316822


Prequel Edition:


>After Vidcon 2017 there's talk brewing among the skeptic community about changing target from SJWs to Alt Righters

>They see the opportunity to start this when Rage After Storm, 19 yo skeptic youtuber who's moving more and more to the right, makes a video about race realism

>Andy Warski has a stream where Kraut and Jeff debunk her video and ridiculize her, the skeptic community at large bullies her until she deletes her channel

>Not happy yet, Kraut decides to contact the director of the website RAF used to write for and tell him all about her views, getting her fired (it will later come up that it was a voluntary job, but of course Kraut didn't know any of that)

>The blowback Kraut receives from alt-righters and disappointed fans along with his inability to admit wrongdoing sets him down a spiral of autism that will lead him to conduct an increasingly bitter and personal crusade against the alt right


>As soon as the leaked audio comes out, CRP accuses Sargon of being a pussy for knowing about Kraut and not doing anything to stop him

>Not even a day after Sargon and Vee respond with coordinated attacks that consist in sharing his foxdickFarm dox and smearing him

>They claim that since he was a semi public figure it wasn't real doxxxxxxxxxxxxxing™ and he supposedly scammed a person so he deserved it anyway

f0da42 No.316824

File: 94b2ec8f3179c37⋯.jpg (956.96 KB, 1812x504, 151:42, vee sargon vore fanfic 1.jpg)

File: 69cf71f7feff5f6⋯.jpg (748.51 KB, 1809x396, 201:44, vee sargon vore fanfic 2.jpg)

File: 9ab4e5723f561d4⋯.jpg (629.38 KB, 1818x339, 606:113, vee sargon vore fanfic 3.jpg)

File: b00b6d3eef43f3e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 862x644, 431:322, vee sargon baby horseshoe.png)


I'm also going to keep shilling this vore fanfic until somebody records themselves reading it out.

624f45 No.316826


not liking #das Ewige 9

879d4b No.316828

File: b2d6d27991c9e15⋯.jpg (271.34 KB, 700x600, 7:6, snek boobs.jpg)


>that image

ow the edge

He's desperate for his post-JonTron debate levels of popularity again, he's like a heroin addict destroying himself looking for the initial high he loved so much.


That third image's misleading thumbnail is fucking annoying me so I'm going to post proper snake autism instead of vore autism.


It's an embedded meme now, just roll with it.


>. But he completely fails to make an argument for HOW they can possibly force other people to also be meritocratic. How the fuck would that even work?

Thus is the flaw of all idealistic political ideas: they fail to account for human greed. Communism and various forms of anarchy suffer from similar issues.

Should a nation ever adopt librarianism it'd either fall apart or have to modify the policies beyond recognition.

24b52a No.316829







You guys are killin me

a1898e No.316830



4f55fb No.316833

624f45 No.316839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

also mandatory having Tonka streams


good for you knowing ze german

4f55fb No.316845

File: 0e03940692d7082⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 1200x1010, 120:101, DUemuopV4AAjuPy.jpg)

dadcfe No.316872


I know I'll sound like Alog but I really want to see him get fucked over thanks to all he does. The guy pisses me off to no end, makes Kraut look likable in comparison.

6030f1 No.316879


Absolutely. His opinions are shit, but they're just typical neoliberal trash that anyone in college indoctrination camps or watching cable news or reading reddit thinks. Rather, it's his shit-tier personality and behavior that piss people off.

Really hoping JF goes through with the lawsuit or whatever that's about. But even if he doesn't, Tiny will still descend into a self-made sound-proof prison where he screams and screams but nobody will take the bait and talk to him.

I mean, look at who he's been forced to talk to just to continue his shtick. Bottom of the barrel people like some tranny or a literally-who antifa gommunist.

f0da42 No.316881


>JF goes through with the lawsuit

He mentioned it recently. Apparently the difficulty is in finding a local lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska (I think) that JF can trust to represent him properly. Otherwise, he'd be going ahead with it already.

07086c No.316882

File: 52da53589e5baea⋯.png (73.3 KB, 887x431, 887:431, IF THERE WEREN'T IMMIGRANT….PNG)

Apparently if the US had remained 90% white businesses that hire immigrants wouldn't have been able to hire immigrants. Even though we would have accepted white immigrants.

b0a935 No.316883


That Naked Ape video on him looks like it could be used to get him in legal trouble or the CPS

07086c No.316886


'Is incest wrong, really?'

The only reason any man couldn't provide 'rational arguments' against incest is that he was a degenerate unable to tell his daughter that she should only be intimate with the father of her children.

What a piece of shit.

949ba7 No.316888

File: 40374ae998f3936⋯.png (26.22 KB, 540x171, 60:19, 3435435435435.png)























Daily reminder that Jf is a child rapist and a failed academic

https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/jfg-jean-francois-gariepy-jfgariepyneuro-the-french-pervert.38787/

07086c No.316889


Hey Destiny.

f1026c No.316890


fuck off back to foxdickfarms, nigger

e82dd4 No.316891

File: e04d6be901d008f⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 600x362, 300:181, e04d6be901d008fea47c0c5b52….jpg)


>wasting the trips on this

624f45 No.316892

File: 4ed205dd8a45f48⋯.jpg (299.79 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, rageafterstorm botty.jpg)

File: 70445b5ff81e331⋯.jpg (179.27 KB, 567x516, 189:172, tinytim.jpg)


Hello desTINY.

reminder this all happen because of a nigger could not stop thinking of muh dik

a66f68 No.316894

Who has a twitch account to report tiny breaking twitch ToS, his third and final strike?





af80e8 No.316895



someone needs to make a video of vee justify his degeneracy from the last warski stream with these images

75793c No.316896


Immigrants are a massive net drain on the economy. Did he not stop to consider that guatemalan peasants actually take benefits and services from the government?


Not only is destiny a brainlet but also a manlet

8497aa No.316897


So, Destiny, if you actually have something good on JF, why would you post this?


Is he really a jew?

a66f68 No.316898

File: 2f07b9221e742c6⋯.png (80.66 KB, 541x612, 541:612, Screenshot_20180126_192203.png)

File: 298d26f617d6225⋯.png (80.66 KB, 522x531, 58:59, Screenshot_20180126_192232.png)


tiny says he has court docs that says JF is a pedo

f0da42 No.316899


>desTINY enters the thread

099b5c No.316900


The lawsuit just got $10k taller

a66f68 No.316901



I think it might be the ki.wi.fa.rms tranny that made that post. Talked like a sjw tranny in the last thread, worried about race realism validating racism.

833f08 No.316902


I know what you mean, desTiny is so fucking unlikable by any metric I imagine that I honestly wouldn't care if something really bad happened to him, even my own worst enemies don't piss me off that fucking much.

a1898e No.316903

File: 56fcbcc6cd480d8⋯.png (51.51 KB, 178x348, 89:174, foxdick_faggot.png)

c3492c No.316904


tiny claiming he didn't dox, got it from imdb page, a page that was (((coincidentally))) created yesterday according to tonka on the current stream youtube.com/watch?v=9tVFjrXk70A

dadcfe No.316905


>Really hoping JF goes through with the lawsuit or whatever that's about.

I think he will go through with it, but he might represent himself which would be a death sentence.


Feline Darkmage please go.

dadcfe No.316906

File: 8e37bd304a004c5⋯.png (181.09 KB, 586x2790, 293:1395, tiny man's temper tantrum.png)

a66f68 No.316907


That's it


kek, I really hope TheSatiricalCap isn't bluffing

f1026c No.316908


Is that really him/her?

dadcfe No.316911


Found this twitter on (((Her))) foxdicks profile.


Both seem like trannys who like neko anime, so either it's an alt or he's confused.

a3211b No.316914


>if the US remained 90% white then things that only exist because nonwhites flooded the country w-would be negatively effecteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

Typical. Fucking. Jew.

a1898e No.316915



I just pulled the info from the last thread.

7f1e5e No.316916


Its moefags LARPing women. Watching cute girls doing cute things has warped their autistic brains.

dadcfe No.316917


The similarities are uncanny though.

07086c No.316918


Can we conclusively say that moeshit is detrimental to the integrity of a society? Or is is working in conjunction with other factors?

a1898e No.316919


It's not inconceivable that a cross-dressing faggot would pretend to be someone else. That they would have multiple alts to hide behind.

a1898e No.316920


Nihilism. The factor is nihilism. That and we're not staking faggots in bogs any more.

dadcfe No.316921


That's my thinking exactly. Might be a lead, and if nothing else, keep digging if it's not him.

07086c No.316922


It's questionable whether these things would exist at all without nihilism and post-constructivism. Although I think most anime at least partially portray a healthy, non-pozzed society.

a66f68 No.316923

File: 17e36725d50604d⋯.webm (1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, deluded_tinyfag.webm)

Tonka said he wouldn't sue tiny. I don't think there's enough to prove that it was tiny that doxed other than the fact that he's a kike

Anyone got tiny's dick pic? I want to create a twitter sockpuppet and tweet it at him:



Different reasons. One team booted him because of some racist comments he made toward a player he thought was asian. The last team he was on kicked him off because Destiny got into a feud with some girl he was dating and she got mad and posted a picture of his wee wee on his twitter account (he has 37K followers), then changed the password so he couldn't take it down (LOL!). She did it because Destiny shared naked pics of her with his friends.


7f1e5e No.316924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Other factors are also at play. If you are well adjusted, it only bends your taste in women slightly and maybe you use your autism to translate shit, scan shit and collect way too much plastic crap. If your psychological state is similar to that of Chris, then well, you get the idea to cut your dong off and become a tranny.


Yes, nihilism also plays a huge role.

>I say whatever I say I am!

<So I become a meguca, although I look like transporter accident.

Jennifer Diane Reitz has done the same thing to himself and look at the crazy outsider art he has produced. In fact, JDR is the first of his kind.

5135f7 No.316927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



0c7e08 No.316928

a66f68 No.316929

File: 80e8c8b0261f709⋯.png (455.52 KB, 485x577, 485:577, tinyfags_meme.png)



Quick tiny copypasta:

>beat up his ex-wife

>got literally cucked

>became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches

>gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments

>gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame

>tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him

>tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader

>has a cult of retards on Leddit

>is a pedo

>shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl, and harassed a 12-year-old girl

>wants to legalize CP

>tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?)

>tells his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually does it

>is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is filing a case against his ass for harassment, defamation, and pedophilia

d7b72a No.316930

Destiny is really getting under Tonka's skin

6030f1 No.316931

File: 90a93e202b41bed⋯.gif (3.75 MB, 280x302, 140:151, sara ryder visible confusi….gif)

>if someone slashes your tires that doesn't give you the right to murder them

>heh, you seem pretty upset bro :^)

Destiny is a straight-up sociopath

f1026c No.316932

File: 443bea72bec29e8⋯.jpeg (264.29 KB, 940x620, 47:31, 👌😂.jpeg)

>What are the alternatives

>Get a job

0c7e08 No.316933

Did Tiny actually make 6 figures? His house didn't look too big.

dadcfe No.316934

File: e11605e8d8ccbec⋯.jpg (38.72 KB, 648x381, 216:127, hckf2.jpg)

>I don't think I would have actually killed somebody

a66f68 No.316935


From cuckchan:

>How does Destiny make money

Like every twitch streamer viewers of his stream pay him in donations and subscription through twitchTV, but Destiny set up his own website where most of his donations come from, it's not too different than twitch. Destiny also stopped allowing on screen donations mostly, also unlike the rest of twitch streamers the big bulk of the money he makes is not from donations of 16 years old viewers giving him 5 dollars, it comes from 4 big wealthy people giving him tens of thousands each month.

>Who pays Destiny

The main people are an Arab guy who for some reason uses multiple different accounts, 2 jewish guys and an anonymous person.

>Who are those people

The arab person Hamad-Al-Hajri : from the Hajri family, he is a wealthy Qatari prince who studied in Harvard and works for the government.

Daniel Saltman : A Jewish millionaire who is the founder and CEO of a couple of companies such as Tinychat, Everyday Carry and The hunt.

>paid by non-whites to shill against whites

624f45 No.316936


Tonka seems really pissed off.

5f99a7 No.316937


>His house didn't look too big.

Why would he need a big house?

5135f7 No.316938


I would be too if I got doxed by Tiny and Pascal tbh but I also lack the warrior genes that are hindering his ability to think clearly right now

8497aa No.316939


>Destiny is not only being funded by jews, but by the founder of Tinychat

How fitting

a66f68 No.316940

File: bd30a992723751b⋯.jpg (122.04 KB, 816x404, 204:101, alexASIANjones.jpg)


TFW desTINY is semetic psyops


So the neighbors can't hear him beating on his wife.

0c7e08 No.316941


What's the point of earning money except to buy a big house/other stuff and get a hot wife?

7f1e5e No.316942


Interesting. Pressure Destiny on his Arab donor and claim that he is making Propaganda for Quatar on the side and Al Jazeera was considering giving him a show. That should be enough to give him some bad time.

5f99a7 No.316943


>How can this hobbit beat anyone? Is his wife the size of a GI Joe figure?


It's DesTINY. He only needs a shoebox. That's like a small mansion for him.

c5ffab No.316944

>threaten to kill someone and their family

>share lewds of a 15 year old online

>get banned from twitch for being autistic

>probably on stimulants

>3 foot 10 inches tall

>advocate for ethical CP

>can't tell daughter that incest is wrong

<blame the red man for your public relations blunders

a1898e No.316945


a66f68 No.316946

File: 12611945555cd77⋯.jpg (101.47 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, mlady_tiny.jpg)


He'll just reeee at you and say that you're a quatari shill. That seems to be his style.

They should bring on JF to the stream.

7e3682 No.316947

Destiny is such a piece of shit, can't even listen to his manlet voice. How the FUCK does he have fans?

453cf9 No.316948

So destiny who is a public figure has no problem going through personal info of non public figures but gets rattled when other people try to go through his? Is that dude sociopath or what

a66f68 No.316949


Look at the reddit, look at their memes. They're kids and/or retarded.

a1898e No.316950

>So Tonka, anything you want to say to Destiny?

>"Kill yourself"

where's billy

7f1e5e No.316951


<Typical reaction of a Quatari shill whose income is on the line.

I want the little guy to exhaust himself.

0c7e08 No.316952


Fighting some shitheads on Twitter.

d7b72a No.316954

Destiny is a bitch, but these guys can't argue for shit aside from shittalking and trying to get people to fight Tonka. For fuck's sake, get Jim on the steram and give us some fucking lulz.

c5ffab No.316955


Why do you think he's actually on Tonkas show right now when he'd never go on before? Because he knows there's retards.

a1898e No.316957

Tonka on the attack

f4f9c6 No.316958


I'm just so sick of Destiny, he's like a tumor. He revels in being a disgusting human being, and justifies his unethical behavior while condemning everyone's ethics that oppose him. He is a textbook sociopath and quite frankly it is impossible to convince him that he is wrong, the best way to deal with him would be to ignore him or throw him into an oven.

c5ffab No.316959

the injun is really triggering tiny

0c7e08 No.316960


Meh, he is not coming across too well.

a66f68 No.316961


Sociopathic charateristics:

>Superficial charm and good intelligence - Yes

>Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking - Yes

>Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations - Yes

>Unreliability - I don't know

>Untruthfulness and insincerity - Yes, 100%

>Lack of remorse and shame - Yes, he's a kike

>Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior - Yes, 100%

>Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience - Yes, definitely

>Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love - Yes, judging from his stream with kid and the state of his marriage

>General poverty in major affective reactions -Don't know

>Specific loss of insight - Yes

>Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations - Don't know

>Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without - Yes

>Suicide threats rarely carried out - I don't know

>Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated - Don't know

>Failure to follow any life plan - ?

I don't think you have to hit all characteristics, just most of them.

f4f9c6 No.316962


He's not equipped for this situation.

5135f7 No.316963


Me too that's why I've been in and out of the stream I barely care. It's the same old same old with Tiny. I think this is his last gasp before fading into irrelevance as everyone learns to avoid him like the plague

a66f68 No.316964


tiny's wheelhouse, arguing with average retards.

Has has to leave before billy turns up.

dadcfe No.316965


>Unreliability - I don't know

I wouldn't trust him with any personal information.

>Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations - Don't know

His responses to Tonka in these streams are "lol u mad", so I think yes.

>Suicide threats rarely carried out - I don't know

None so far, but he is playing the victim with those FBI meetings.

>Failure to follow any life plan - ?

He went to college for the saxophone and failed to follow through it.

c5ffab No.316966

ahahaha he ran away when andy race warski shows up

453cf9 No.316967

Tiny is full gish galloping trusting that as long as he speaks fast enough nobody can remember what came out of his faggy mouth.

8497aa No.316968


>Superficial charm and good intelligence


f4f9c6 No.316969


more like smarmy and dunning kruger

0c7e08 No.316970


Yeah, his points on immigration and economics with regards to free trade are extremely outdated as well.

07086c No.316971


Yeah, paying for the equivalent of another military for non-whites is really helping us out.

dadcfe No.316972


I'd argue yes. He maintains an appearance of seeming smart and charming but it's all surface level.

a66f68 No.316973


He must have somewhat to have the following he has.

833f08 No.316974

File: 1e0b88e452f0cd4⋯.png (754.78 KB, 1332x1112, 333:278, racewarski.png)


Because the only thing Adam "Diddle a Kid and I'll Gas You Like a Yid" RaceWarski hates more than pedophiles and Hasbro executives are doxers, he'd absolutely eviscerate Tiny right now.

0c7e08 No.316975





He appeals to 14 year old redditors and a few sandniggers.

07086c No.316976


>'h-how are your n-new Nazi friends, bro l-lol. Gotta go now'

099b5c No.316977

What the fuck did de-Tinyfags do now?

07086c No.316978

I don't know anything about imdb, but someone should look into the account that edited/created the imdb page, if possible.

a66f68 No.316979


I'm not arguing that he's high on that characterisitc.

Just that he sought it out and achieved it. He's king of the tards, but he's still the king.

c5ffab No.316980

Is there a down the rabbit hole sort of video for Destiny? Apparently I don't know how autistic he really is.

Polite sage because not the Destiny thread.

f1026c No.316981


doxing Tonka and his family

0c7e08 No.316982


I'm not disagreeing, I can see how he appeals to these demographics, especially Arabs. Most of the richer ones are assholes like that, at least the ones I've met.

75793c No.316983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

07086c No.316984


No reason to do that, Destiny fits right in with the JewTube skeptics.

dadcfe No.316985



Here's the guy who made that IMDB page

f1026c No.316986


I remember Naked Ape made a video about him during the whole JonTron debacle

a3211b No.316987


>down the rabbit hole

Why would a series that goes into autistic detail about videogame players go after someone who's actually done something wrong?

a66f68 No.316988


destiny is claiming on twitter to be a skeptical centrist nad he's bumping heads with JF, a target for the liberalists. He fits in this thread

0c7e08 No.316989


That's the guy Jim is arguing with.

f1026c No.316990

File: b5edcb7dc976c23⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mMDhpA_A_400x400.jpg)


Oh i remember that guy, he's one of Tiny's autistic whiteknights

f4f9c6 No.316991

File: 40e73d169624879⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 40e73d16962487970ee86e2aa5….jpg)

File: a11a228a714e24d⋯.png (114.15 KB, 500x478, 250:239, its-all-so-tiresome-888148….png)

0c7e08 No.316992

07086c No.316993


I've seen the guy who does that, looks like a Reddit soyboy and acted like that autistic sex pervert Henry Darger was some kind of underappreciated trans artist, rather than a sex pervert raised in a normal society who knew no one wanted to know about his faggotry he created in private.

c5ffab No.316994


Thanks, I didn't know about the dick pic cult thing.

0c7e08 No.316996

Why are they even entertaining the JF subject with Tiny? Just stay on the attack.

a1898e No.316997

He's back

f1026c No.316998

Why are they getting on the defensive

Just keep hammering him on all the shit this slimey manlet does

e90498 No.316999

File: a1fda344131560f⋯.png (798.89 KB, 1007x1294, 1007:1294, 32rt 879trn9.png)

c5ffab No.317000


The only way to appropriately handle Destiny is to call him a pedo manlet. Entertaining his autistic goal post spirals gets you nowhere.

f1026c No.317001

How is Styx also involved in this?

07086c No.317002


Who cares, Bloodsports.

a1898e No.317003


0c7e08 No.317004


When people pushed the Styx = pedo and Styx = tranny shit Styx said it traced back to Tiny. Fits his MO.

a66f68 No.317005

>>317003 Is styx drunk?

453cf9 No.317006

Steven "for a 100 grand I'll bury that kid on non hallowed land" Bonnel is such a fucking coward that he plays dumb when others try to use his debating tactics.

f1026c No.317007


Yeah, it's the kind of shit he would do, but is there any evidence?

0c7e08 No.317008


Well it started right after people were raving about a Styx vs Tiny debate.

a66f68 No.317009

>Styx are you drunk?

> no, not at the moment, not yet

He's almost there, I like drunk styx

c5ffab No.317010

Destiny doesn't realize that he's a Sargon-tier "talk over and laugh" debater.

f1026c No.317011

>Yeah there was opposition but not the one i liked

>Sargon is an idiot therefore he doesn't count

>I turned off by the time Logan was in

What a fucking slimey goal shifting kike

Has somebody contacted Twitch moderation to cuck him out of hi channel?

c5ffab No.317013

>responsibly platforming

tumblr stopped being relevant 4 years ago, why is he using their language

0c7e08 No.317014

God Destiny's pilpul makes me want to do a Holocaust except for real.

c5ffab No.317015


he's working hard for those arab shekels today

f1026c No.317016

Jesus Christ he just can't help shifting the goalpost at every question

a66f68 No.317017


I don't have twitch account, and I think from the way tiny did it, I think they can't pin it on him. tonka said he was talking to the cops about it, and said he won't sue. I don't think there's enough pointing to tiny doing it.

I mean, you could prove that tiny's friend setup the dox and get him fucked off twitch, but not destiny I think, please someone prove me wrong

c5ffab No.317018

I think styx just might be the right degree of autist to handle destiny for long periods of time.

833f08 No.317019


Most importantly, he seems to be the first guy who doesn't let himself get talked over by Tiny.

c5ffab No.317020

>"why do you hate andy?"

not being able to detect non-literal social cues like sarcasm is a sign of autism

0c7e08 No.317021

>Destiny doxes people because they're mean to him

879d4b No.317022


Styx was called a pedo by lefties and that really sent him over the edge.

If you don't know, Styx is a former edgy Satanist, a rather reformed one at that. He has a severe dislike for things that remind him of his past, so being called a pedo is something he won't stand for.

0c7e08 No.317023

Does the foxdick thread on Destiny have any good shit on him? Are they fucking with him?

75793c No.317024

>did you screw that woman

f1026c No.317025

File: d9fbc216bda64fa⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 536x552, 67:69, lYgwJtt.jpg)


>Being bigger than anybody

0c7e08 No.317026


>jacked as fuck when it comes to arms

b73e4f No.317027


>I curl 135 bruh

833f08 No.317028

File: 90242d418c4324c⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 400x225, 16:9, laffin.gif)


t. Tiny

a66f68 No.317029

>"I don't tell anyone what I'm carrying, I know better than that"

>"When people come to my house, I want them to find out first hand"

*spoon clank*

tonka doesn't know it was steve's friend who posted it

f1026c No.317030

>You said things about me that are not true!

>Did you not do/say x and y?

>Half assed sarcastic rebuttal/repeat the phrase with a silly voice

That's literally how kids argue

453cf9 No.317031

Who needs a working infrastructure, just build more houses.

t. Tiny

0c7e08 No.317032

>cost of labour going up is bad

No, you idiot. Western Europe was incredibly well off in the 50s and 60s before they imported guest workers.

833f08 No.317033


The Weimar school of economics.

a66f68 No.317034

File: bc1dfa1d034b6fd⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 680x572, 170:143, 53.jpg)

The rodent posted this on the k.i.wifa.rms thread: https://livestreamfails.com/post/12438

f4f9c6 No.317035

God I wish I could get on that stream.

453cf9 No.317036

Destiny is pro slavery.

68cb6b No.317037


You say that like it's unreasonable

a66f68 No.317038

Coach Red Pill is on

and already making excuses

0c7e08 No.317039


He called out the rentier economy!

a66f68 No.317040


It was a sick burn, I hope trump was listening

a66f68 No.317041

File: e464cd1b4604890⋯.png (31.01 KB, 449x304, 449:304, Screenshot_20180126_230109.png)

The Quartering in Super chat :




Fucking CRP rolling in all sheepish as usual. "Hey Guys I'm a nice guy check out my channel" So I can upload a ton of videos with your names in the title for clicks. Get Fucked You Fraud.


6030f1 No.317042


This is something I've noticed for a while. All the people making the "we need immigration/illegals to do the low wage work!" is literally the same argument people would make about slavery 150 years ago.


Slavery is shit. It allows the wealthy plantation owners to get away with not hiring their own countrymen, who suffer from decreased wages and unemployment as a result.

Not to mention ultimately leading to us later being infested with millions of niggers given equal rights. Thanks for that, fam.

ea40cd No.317043

what did CRP even do except call the septic community shit for views?

0c7e08 No.317044


He should, he has been trying to move against the H1B Visa shit and related stuff.


CRP is fun because he drives the Liberalistivudualists+ to the wall.

a66f68 No.317045


Agreed. Jews owned the slave ships and brits abolished slavery first. Niggers and Mussies were doing it forever and are still doing it.

5f99a7 No.317047


He purposefully allowed Trout to dox him to use it as ammunition against Trout and other septics. I guess that's some sort of accomplishment.

0c7e08 No.317048


By the way, when is this trout return stream with the MRA guy?

a66f68 No.317049


>CRP is fun because he drives the Liberalistivudualists+ to the wall.

Sargon gave the quartering a spot light with the pedo judge thing. So he's being a good friend.

f1026c No.317050



a66f68 No.317051


Sunday. tomorrow

6030f1 No.317052

File: 1e437319a55a334⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, coach redpill.gif)


he made absolute kino

6030f1 No.317053

File: 569c400ba53382e⋯.jpg (17.72 KB, 579x461, 579:461, kraut not coming back.jpg)




Isn't that just a prank?

ea40cd No.317054


>Baits trout into doxxxxing him because he's a madman that doesn't give a fuck

>Then turns that against trout thanks to his 200+ white Roman Catholic IQ

>septics realize he's too smart for them and start calling him Jewish and get their troglodyte fans to downvote bomb his vids

Is that essentially the deal?

f1026c No.317055


He's not "coming back" as in reopening his channel and making new videos, but he will get on a stream with this guy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbJx13WCQq8mpbaIwz6Oanw (who by the way was also in Kraut's server) to explain that he was a good boi and dindu nuffin

0c7e08 No.317056


Is this a recent picture?

a66f68 No.317057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How old is the pic?

Is it older than vid?

a66f68 No.317058


He's a kike, they all come back.

a66f68 No.317059

File: 5a8fff9c1b1997a⋯.png (109.77 KB, 871x857, 871:857, DDJs Inferno Live Show Ann….png)


CRP commenting on the video

453cf9 No.317060


Yeah you have a workforce that is easily replaceable and completely dependent on their employer.

Pay them pittance. Force them to live in squalor and charge them for it.

They get too uppity, transport them to a deporting state.

6030f1 No.317061

File: 1f9c3e58ae85814⋯.png (486.54 KB, 1280x521, 1280:521, hitler kraut behavior.png)

5f99a7 No.317062

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

f1026c No.317063


Who is this repsion guy they're talking about now

522b0e No.317064


Some faggot atheist who was in the atheist+/anti-sjw movement, then just moved on to making random garbage like movie and game reviews.

522b0e No.317065

What the fuck are they doing a dick review for?

a66f68 No.317066



"look at this face (Loomer's face onscreen), does it even look human?"

"vampires are based on jews" are they?

"jews are like the movie monster, like chuckie or jason vorhees(sp?), they die at the end, but they always come back in the next movie."

kek, this guy is growing on, I had to google pilpul too, even the description of pilpul on the kike sites describe it in a very "careful" way, deceptively written, you have to read it carefully.

He's right, there is precedence, like Mike (Enoch) Peinovic which he covers well, Loomer who got B.T.F.O'ed over the fake protest/sexual harassment shit and she came back like nothing happened.

efb800 No.317067


Yes, vampires are based on jews. Google blood libel and look for a non-kiked source.

b2ace9 No.317068

I'm undecided about Tonka. There are tons of shit I highly disagree with him on. He doesn't really give a shit about most things and issues going on, and therefore quite apathetic, but he's not trying to push his own politics either.

And as he stated himself about The Kumite: "If I wasn't the one sitting at the ferris wheel ready to pull the lever, a lot of you people in chat would hate me too."

Some additional info about today:

>Tonka takes care of his grandmother and some other family. He's got two properties/houses where his grandmother lives on one of them and some other family on the other.

>He's stated that all of them are very pro-gun, and won't hesitate on using them in self-defense, which is why he's been fearing that someone might try and fuck with them (for example swatting his grandmother and whatever else)

>Destiny hears about this, and earlier today after the pictures of Tonka were spread on Twitter, Destiny and his cult members sent a picture of Tonka's grandmother to him. He confirmed this on stream, which is why went pretty mental.

>Tonka's stepfather (not Soygon) died recently. They've always had a rocky relationship, but it got a lot better towards the end.

Destiny and his cult members sent a picture of his obituary to Tonka to mock him.

b2ace9 No.317069


Muh last bit of green text. I'm semi-drunk and tired as balls.

f0da42 No.317070


desTINY has a lot of hurt coming to him.

b162be No.317071

File: 3a4feb27abae6f0⋯.png (12.77 KB, 461x340, 461:340, 3d7cedc36eb22889671173472d….png)


he knows that desTiny will always look up to him though

d073f4 No.317072


Someone needs to boot stomp that mental and physical midget.

a1898e No.317073


I'd pay to see a Tonka vs Destiny fight. 3 five minutes rounds of Tonka just slapping him. No closed fist, just slaps, until tiny's skin balloons up so much it starts to split. It would not even have to be Tonka. Red Room this shit. Make the myth a reality. This isn't even a power fantasy type deal, I just hate the cunt.

fc6f85 No.317074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is a pretty long vid but if it's the one I'm thinking of it's worth a watch if you want to see the reason people consider jews vampires. There's a clip on pol that's the best ~12 minutes of this.

6030f1 No.317075

File: 54fd490bc51d192⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 2050x1274, 1025:637, nosferatu.jpg)


>"vampires are based on jews" are they?

Absolutely. Keep in mind that the modern depiction of jews as being sexual/charming is revisionist. Traditionally, vampires were these ugly hunched hobgobling hook-nosed ghouls like nosferatu here.

Kidnapping and bloodsucking is based on the ritual slaughter/sacrifice that jews would do with goyim (aka what they call blood "libel").

What is the weakness of the vampire? crosses and holy water. Think about it.

a1898e No.317077


Modern, blood suckers. Mesopotamians had soul sucking demons that caused miscarriages and shit.

b2ace9 No.317078




Yeah, I really hope that he crosses paths with someone who murders him some day.

fc6f85 No.317079



>Weak to sunlight

Jews never worked in the fields or did any manual labour. This also led to the stereotypical pale complexion.

879d4b No.317080



The correct term is retroactive.

Revisionist is looking on old events with newly found facts, context or information.

Retroactively is blatantly changing things to your liking with no basis.

879d4b No.317081



fc6f85 No.317082


No, revisionist is correct. Revisionism isn't always making something more true, just different. Retroactive is applying something new to something old, like if you made drinking retroactively illegal you could lock up people who drank before the law was passed.

0c7e08 No.317083

By the way, since there was talk of porn etc, there is a Blogger and now YouTuber called Morgoth, he has some nice talk with MW from 2016 where he talks about the Skeptics but also how porn plays into globalism and usury:


(ignore the gay intro)

Part 2 here: https://archive.org/details/MillennialWoesMillenniyule2016MorgothPart2

b2ace9 No.317084


I've been interested in studying this for a while now, but haven't gotten around to it.

Ever since rewatching Blade (1998) and replaying Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines after being aware of (((them))).

There are so many subtle and not-so-subtle references to Judaism and Jewish families in more modern vampire lore.

It's almost like they've gone out of their way to make it so, because they love dangling it all in front of our faces while 99% of people can't and won't make the connection.

They really seem to get off on that.

833f08 No.317085


The vampires are charming thing came from Bram Stoker's depiction of Dracula. But yes, in the Slavic world which was infested by Jewry vampires were charactarized as ugly with various physical deformities coupled with being fucked in the head in various ways which are often used to avoid a vampire from killing you if you ever run into one, like throwing rice or grain on the ground because vampires have an obsession with counting things.

a1898e No.317086


not to mention spreading disease/plague or grave robbing in order to 'feed.'

fc6f85 No.317087

File: ca398b0e815a60d⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 791x568, 791:568, my shekel.jpg)


>like throwing rice or grain on the ground because vampires have an obsession with counting things.

Assassin's creed tactics. Throw some pennies on the ground and find the kike/vampire.

0c7e08 No.317088


What are the hints in Bloodlines? I love that game but the only thing I could notice op the top off my had is Gary Golden.

6030f1 No.317089

File: b7769007fae040d⋯.gif (76.06 KB, 1255x585, 251:117, shekel for the good goy.gif)


>like throwing rice or grain on the ground because vampires have an obsession with counting things.

top kek, big if true.

Another hypothesis I have is that the whole "vampires won't come into your house unless you invite them" thing comes from jews unwillingness/inability to enter a church.

fc6f85 No.317090


Yeah, I was thinking about the inviting in thing, they keep getting kicked out and then they weasel their way back in by getting themselves invited in.

a1898e No.317091


They have no home of their own. Of course they have to be invited.

833f08 No.317092


>top kek, big if true.

It is true, where do you think (((the Count))) from Sesame Street got that obsession? It's often left out of modern depictions because I guess it's not interesting enough.

5135f7 No.317093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski Live w/ Nick Fuentes and The Distributist

4bcfd9 No.317094

File: a7f4517b3850232⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 2399x3552, 2399:3552, ffcd7658c055c43c41a68cc64a….jpg)



Blood Passover - Ariel Toaff, free online.

0c7e08 No.317095


2 people who think Christianity trumps ethnic homogeniety.

fc6f85 No.317096


Yeah, all of the vampire lore applies to jews if you think about it from the perspective of jewish habits and history.

fc6f85 No.317097


What's the book that they referenced at the UNHRC?

6030f1 No.317099


That and the fact that all the vampire lore comes from eastern europe where all the kikes were infesting at the time.

a66f68 No.317100





Thanks anons. I'll watch the vid

>>317089 >>317092 kek, I forgot about the count, hindsight is 20/20, he really does look/act/talk like a kike.

The swatting thing, I was thinking about that, we'll get to see the first coordinated swatting of 5 people in one go. tinyfags would be the ones to try to pull it off. "The younger and dumber, the more dangerous", he's right.

They named Zeph as the imdb dox creator, I thought it was



>Here's the guy who made that IMDB page

b2ace9 No.317101


I'll need to play through it again myself some time, because I've forgotten most of it.

It was more of a "WTF" in the moment.

But it's definitely in there.

I wanted to make a video detailing the references in vampire games and movies as well as the general mythology, but it got too big of a task for my limited knowledge about Judaism the religion compared to their politics.

Maybe some day.

fc6f85 No.317103

File: bb22896e5735603⋯.png (15.03 KB, 544x87, 544:87, Rekt desTINY fan.png)

833f08 No.317104


Don't forget the Tremeres, the kikes among kikes who only exist because the creator of their bloodline literally blood libel'd the creator of another bloodline.

a66f68 No.317105



fc6f85 No.317106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



NVM found it, Matzo of Zion. Here's the speech

a66f68 No.317107

File: 1b5ddd38429680c⋯.png (150.88 KB, 529x778, 529:778, pas.png)

fc6f85 No.317108


Are you phoneposting son?

a66f68 No.317109


No it's the script/ad blockers. twitter running full web2.0 is ugly

fc6f85 No.317110


Twitter in any RTE is ugly.

a66f68 No.317112

>>317110 True, I chose the lesser of the evils.

He finds it weird that searching on twitter is shit. twitter is shit

522b0e No.317113

What the fuck is this stream? Can we just crucify this fucker and see if he comes back to life? For science of course. Not because I find him fucking annoying.

0c7e08 No.317114


Did Destiny come back?

a1898e No.317116


>people have never been pronounced dead only for the attending to have been mistaken

522b0e No.317117


No, it was just some christcuck but now styx is here so it should be a bit better.

522b0e No.317118


Disregard that, not styx.

0c7e08 No.317119


Ah the Fuentes/Distributionist thing.

181c06 No.317120


He's a cuck whowill talk about 'western civilisation' all day but refuses to mention the race who produced it

f34991 No.317121


I'd figure it was because Jews really can't cause any harm as long as you don't let them into your country in the first place.

522b0e No.317122

Sage for off topic but does anyone have a link to that article/paper about the maximum physical limits to computation in the universe via using planck time.

522b0e No.317123


Preferably to the summary of the calculations.

a1898e No.317126


have a link to the frame rate of the universe


It's around 18.5 septillion fps

9aec10 No.317128


Pretty sure he fucked up his math there.

9aec10 No.317129


Nvm I just did it and he's right.

9aec10 No.317130


Wasn't what I was looking for exactly but I can use his calculations to reconstruct the thing I'm looking for. Cheers.

a1898e No.317131


his premise is based on planck measurements being the smallest discrete measurements in order to make a joke about his shitty frame rate

9aec10 No.317132


Kek. This shitbox runs CS:GO on like 20 fps. He'll live.

8560d7 No.317133


Tiny's fans are terminally unfunny. When two people say you look like you have FAS, saying "the second guy wasn't as funny as the first guy" isn't a comeback.

9aec10 No.317134


Damage control is their idea of a comeback.

9aec10 No.317135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Current debate is garbage. Watching this.

f0da42 No.317136

>spic fundamentalist christian creationist civic nationalist

utter cancer

0c7e08 No.317137


People say we have to go back to our Christian roots but whenever I see some Christian they're civcucks. Sure they may not like Muslims bu they're more than happy with Christian nogs or Spics.

9aec10 No.317139


Christians are faggots. Take the esoteric hitlerism pill.

632d32 No.317141


So Destiny is essentially a propaganda piece of these guys? Do you think they pay people to shill for him as well? If you look at the accounts of deTiny shills on YouTube, Twitter, etc., you'll see that most of them are relatively new and their history is made up of nothing but sucking his cock.

d4a096 No.317145


What the fuck is robo tripping?

a66f68 No.317147

File: e668c5cb25279b0⋯.png (290.13 KB, 363x510, 121:170, destiny_mtg.png)


I don't know, that would be an interesting theory. From what I gathered from the k.i.wifa.rms thread they were saying that if a destinyfag isn't fully hero worshipping then destiny will go out of his way to bully them away. He might just have good cult grooming skills. I've not really watched them closely enough and the ki.wi.far.ms info could be planted.

He either has a small cult that is sockpuppeting on twitter which is normal for trolls or, like you theorize, they're sockpuppets to the core funded and run by the same people funding tiny. I would ask for my money back if I was them

a1898e No.317150


cough medicine, I think. robotussen?

a66f68 No.317151


I will say I did browse through their reddit for a half an hour mining for cringe memes and I think that there are real tiny fans there. Also, when tiny's penis got put on his twitter, his fans posted their penis' too, I've not seen it, but you can look for the penis pics and see for yourself if they are real fans.

I do think it's just a bunch of kids with sockpuppet twitter accounts, but I've not verified. Everything about this guy and his cult is repulsive

8560d7 No.317153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Drinking robitussin to get high on the dissociative dextromethorphan. Not really sure why he thinks it's a sick burn. High is high.

a66f68 No.317154


Ah! This explains 40% of anons on 8ch

f1026c No.317155

File: d2b7f773bccbfee⋯.png (22.25 KB, 519x127, 519:127, IMDB.png)

File: b14ee4b0fbfc3a2⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, b5edcb7dc976c23f1c8b9cc56e….jpg)


Is this supposed to be a threat?

8560d7 No.317156

File: 70f23f702d766d1⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 413x848, 413:848, OH NO NO NO NO.jpg)


Just @ing people like a teenage girl.

d4a096 No.317157



Thanks, anons.

>it's a sick burn.

Yeah, it left me scratching my head.

6030f1 No.317158

>metokur asking racewarski to do the soyface with his SwitchTM saying BING BING WAHOO

absolute madman

5135f7 No.317162

60778c No.317163


Fucking hell, the autism just increased by 200% because the world's tiniest man appeared in chat.

Sup my dude. Enjoying your stay?

62a8ff No.317165

File: 85b3be17d58eeed⋯.png (136.38 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)













d7b72a No.317167

File: 25578c3c409c9aa⋯.webm (545.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, pretty meme.webm)



c5ffab No.317172


oy vey

8560d7 No.317176

File: e4b641ad8e50daf⋯.png (402.69 KB, 605x457, 605:457, young destiny.png)

1ab705 No.317177

You guys want me to just sticky the next thread and number it properly so it doesn't get lost in the noise?

>can't get the fucking capcode to work because I never use it

c792d1 No.317178

File: 62ff521d1d76ec8⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1424557009651.jpg)



Kill yourself.

>Autistic women are dedicated to success in the sex sphere

Nothing about this sentence is pedophilic or incorrect

c792d1 No.317179

File: 88f16e85e00326e⋯.png (102.17 KB, 242x259, 242:259, 1432234834255.png)


>When some manlet-lemming-DUDEWEED-callcenter-normalfaggot-whiteknight-turbonigger cluelessly wanders into the lion's den to defend a cluster b kike thot with rotten tires and a yeasty pussy

That was surreal.

5135f7 No.317180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vee vs Ape right now on liberalistism

ac874d No.317181

On the DesTINY side of things, I think its mostly a cult of badmins. You know the ones, that like to go on GMOD, get a moderator/admin position on a server, and troll it 24/7. AKA pleddit moderators .They also have leftist tendencies, of course, and have the taste of autistic plebbitors. I assume such based on an autistic forum "community" where the head honcho is a full DesTINY fanboy. Even thinks he wins every debate.

c5ffab No.317182

Vee just has this hardon for America based on a variety of misconceptions and grass is greener syndrome. Same with Sargon to some extent.

f0da42 No.317183


cyclical #9

62a8ff No.317184

File: 3d695e2787e3b00⋯.png (188.04 KB, 279x316, 279:316, 3d695e2787e3b007c082dfeedd….png)
















a3211b No.317189



No, that loses all the old posts.

5135f7 No.317190

>Vee says Romanian culture is just imported US materialist garbage

No wonder he has such deluded idealistic views on America

9f587f No.317191


Holy fuck. These people are retarded or drunk. How are the two most intelligent people in the gippo and the right-wing faggot?

4b75fb No.317192



Makes me sad, I miss his StarCraft Video makin deiz

c792d1 No.317197

File: 73228b593a4bd56⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 528x600, 22:25, devin.jpg)


Wait, Isn't Tonkasaw some /fit/-ass MMA nerd? What the fuck is this Pascal faggot doing?

8560d7 No.317198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Making a fool of himself in ze pooblic spaze.

a1898e No.317199

File: 0c0caf624d053a3⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 238x299, 238:299, 1510069_10153200521159336_….jpg)


ugh, he's the nods respectfully guy with fetal alcohol syndrome and a greasy mop

f4f9c6 No.317201


I don't have a concrete reason to dislike him, but hes just cringe-y as fuck and he sets off several red flags for me. Why would some old spic try to appeal to young white nationalists circles

b0a935 No.317202




While this is surprising, I'm not exactly shocked. In fact, I'd imagine theres more like this going on especially from the fans. Most of the people into this "no-conservative/christian" wannabe nonsense are mostly kidding themselves. I remember there being a conversation by Mr Metokur and Coach Redpill about "moral decay" yet Metokur is an old fag who browses 4chan/8chan all fucking day. Then theres the users like Naked Ape who did the same, but promoted a bunch of /r9k/ nonsense. All of them are hypocrites.

8497aa No.317209


>Romanian culture is American culture. Everything I listen to is in English, the games are in English, the music is in English

I would also be a civcuck if I had such a shallow understanding of my culture and my people.

f94e14 No.317210


Maybe we'll get lucky and after failing to find a trust-worthy lawyer he will go ahead and represent himself again. Third time is the charm, and an international libel/slander suit would be much easier to win than the cases he was involved in before since they don't have the same prejudice against males. (Which everyone knows is the only reason he didn't get custody of his child or guardianship of his lover.)

f1026c No.317211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, this guy also has a youtube channel dedicated to sucking off Tiny

07086c No.317212



Anyone interested, another guy was supposed to 'try' Kraut, but Kraut backed out, wanted to talk with someone who was in the server with him and would say he dindunuffin.

He still did the video absent Kraut but I thought he was fair, though he says some things about Kraut's mental state I'm not certain I agree with.

181c06 No.317214


>talking about gamergate in 2017

>unironically caring about ethics in video game journalism

c3492c No.317217

File: 423e33e4cca9fbc⋯.gif (1018.66 KB, 240x182, 120:91, 1364244133538.gif)


>being oldfag browsing chans == degeneracy

Where are you from newfriend?

fc6f85 No.317218


He's just assblasted that his great grandmother was gassed 6 billion times by himmler.

099b5c No.317221


Yeah, he needs to jump in the next bandwagon, ethical rape.

963225 No.317222


It's ethical if you buy them dinner first.

099b5c No.317223


Can't argue against those trips…

4ffe8d No.317225

File: 73bb0071702f285⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 700x699, 700:699, 1509523207615.jpg)


Ethical doxxxxing of ethical rape victims like warski for platforming of literal nazis like (((mike enoch))) because talking about the realities of race will make racists great again!


I used to wonder what it would be like talking to people from the past, explaining how amazing things are in the future. Now I wonder if I'm dead or dying, and what I'm seeing is all in my head as a shard of metal passes through my brain.

e90498 No.317226

File: cb176fbad3cac08⋯.png (8.14 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 599af5b3ab2b6.png)

File: 9f664bfa76a1e33⋯.jpg (19.82 KB, 300x300, 1:1, DUOMAksX0AAfP05.jpg)

Okay so I decided to watch some harmful opinions since I stopped watching him when his youtube channel shut down

what the fuck happened to him?

He looks and sounds like a grandpa

Does he have some sort of condition?

Fucking total biscuit has ass cancer and seems healthier than harmful

f1026c No.317227


>Does he have some sort of condition?


e90498 No.317228

File: 2e60489f5c3865c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 857x1202, 857:1202, cn8y90.png)

Aside from that

fc6f85 No.317229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Didn't see this ITT.

c3492c No.317230


He always sounded like he smoked all his life, now we can see him, he looks like he smoked all his life. Plus his diet is shit.

b782ed No.317231

File: 84fbe8bb3454d0d⋯.jpg (169.25 KB, 825x540, 55:36, Jewish Vampires.jpg)





Polite sage for offtopic, but as a Vampirefag I have something for you lads:


f1026c No.317232


Who's the first guy?

0fe440 No.317233


appabend, a gg indonesian youtuber and soyboy pervert.

25c168 No.317234

You know guys, Destiny called Sargon an idiot on the Tonkasaw stream - what do Vee and Sargon think of that?

8560d7 No.317236


I heard Tonka went after Destiny pretty hard last stream. Is it up yet or still only the last 2 hours uploaded?

f1026c No.317237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Enjoy your 8 hours of stream

25c168 No.317238


It wasn't that great imo, Tonka kept going into defense. Styx made Destiny crack a bit.

460ac0 No.317239


>Known to never break his word (and finding loopholes in every contract and assignment)


4bcfd9 No.317240


>8 hours

Quality > quantity. It might be work for him but a waste of time for anyone else.

6030f1 No.317241


It really is pathetic. What sort of bugman do you have to be to think your culture just means what TV shows and vidya games you play? He has this rose-tinted assertion of what America is, and he's dead wrong.

Like, what the fuck is this bullshit about people in America not hiring people based on personal connections? Is he fucking retarded?

8560d7 No.317242


Thanks bud.


I've seen Terminator 2 mayte, I'm basically American mayte.

25c168 No.317243


Does this get good near the end? Read some comments about Aydin and the JQ. Vee keeps squirming out and people go so easy on him all the time. He talks about conflicts between Romanians and Hungarians yet sees no problem with blacks or chinese coming in.

8560d7 No.317245

File: 7ae245bb039677a⋯.jpg (105.66 KB, 962x1080, 481:540, 7ae245bb039677ad5ca705dc06….jpg)


Aydin gets a little tipsy and starts ranting about the jews in the last hour or two I think. She's a decent waifu, too bad she's BLACKED and thus worthless.

68cb6b No.317246


I'd spend my life listening to her, but that's about it. I don't see why people think she's attractive

25c168 No.317247


Okay, she just said Zyklon B was a delousing agent.

f5dfe0 No.317248


Hopefully this will rustle the Liberalistists as much as the last one


>black fiance

>half jewish


I think it's because she is so ugly/autistic that she seems attainable

9aec10 No.317249


Less than 24h and already over 800 dislikes and comment spam.

6030f1 No.317250


Is she not as smart as a PhD candidate should be, or is there a reason why she didn't call out Vee on his blatant bullshit? So many instances where Vee could be cornered on his contradictory views.

25c168 No.317251


Too nice.

9aec10 No.317252



8560d7 No.317253


Vee's a strange character. At times I feel myself rooting for him and thinking "aw he's just an innocent little retard gypsy", but at other times I just want someone to slap that goofy fringe off his fat faggot face.

b633e9 No.317254



It's her voice and speech pattern. She sounds like that one weird but still kindof cute girl from your highschool friend group that all the weirdos used as the only example of a non-related woman that would hang out with them.

She looks like a 35 year old

Jewish woman, though.

0fe440 No.317255


She has admitted to being a jew and a coalburner. If you wnt her nudes theyre in previous threads.

Naked Ape is a jew too

25c168 No.317256


Yes everyone tangentially useful who blows desTiny the fuck out is a Jew. Fuck off cultist.

6030f1 No.317257


I don't understand her voice and speech pattern. She was born in raised in baltimore, which isn't far away from me, and NOBODY I know talks like that. It's totally idiosyncratic.

b633e9 No.317258


>Naked Ape is a jew too


b633e9 No.317259


I'm from the Mid-West and South-West; I've know a lot of girls that talked like that.

6030f1 No.317260


He's not. He made a jew joke one time and some idiot is taking it literally. Imagine claiming I'm a jew because I say "oy vey the goyim know"

25c168 No.317261

Aydin also talked about Destiny's Jews and Arab donors.

8560d7 No.317262


>everyone tangentially useful who blows desTiny the fuck out

How does he get blown the fuck out so often? The way people spoke about him he sounded like some SJW supervillain who was untouchable, but random thots, faggots, and nobodies take him to school every other week. How the fuck does he even have fans after some of these rapes?

Jim's was the best, but my favorite is Dick Masterson's raping of Tiny. It was like an obnoxious 12 year old heavy-gamer met an older kid and got bullied.

25c168 No.317263


The key is to stay on the offensive. As soon as people get dragged down into defending JF or others it turns into a shitshow.

25c168 No.317264

Oh god Vee. He admits Romania is being controlled by the EU and USA but still thinks Germany or others are independent.

f5dfe0 No.317265


There are pics on the cuckchan threads of her admitting it on her old forum account

25c168 No.317266


Keep the cuckchan shit on cuckchan, those threads deterioated because of that shit. People show Destiny off and his fuckboys show up and call everyone a shill or Jew. Fuck off.

b633e9 No.317267


Also, just look at her face. It is Jewish as fuck.

f5dfe0 No.317268


In this case there is proof and she doesn't deny it, the fact that it's from cuckchan doesn't change that

e9bc29 No.317269


She denies it.

25c168 No.317270


No one fucking cares you midget worshipping fucktard. I'm not pro or anti-Aydin, I just think it's funny she blows your budget sized idol out of the water.

8560d7 No.317271


She doesn't look or sound jewish to me. I know a liberal family relative who insists they have black DNA because her kid was born with a wide-ish nose. She could have just been talking that Sarquadroon shit for multicult points. Either way, these aren't exactly high-class political debates for convincing fence-sitters. It's more about the bloodsports. It could be a half-jewish nigger cuckold faggot, and I'd still laugh as long as he calls Destiny a short bitch.

f5dfe0 No.317272

File: 0eb6a5dcf501fd8⋯.png (99.52 KB, 1104x214, 552:107, 1513830390444.png)


It's here

Archive of coalburning post; http://archive.is/5jcFU

8560d7 No.317273


She looks hotter in that pic. Should grow her hair out. Although

>cosplaying Skyrim

Girl gamers.

e9bc29 No.317274


Yeah, I know. You said she didn't deny it and she does.

f5dfe0 No.317275


She looks much qter in the old cosplaying pics. Might just be that she was younger, almost all non-fat 20yo women are qt

25c168 No.317277

So is Soygon vs Anglin still on? Someone posted above that Soygon dodged something.

8560d7 No.317278


Finally got to the part where Destiny pops in and it's already funny.

He starts

<i'm so aggravated this is so annoying i'm so frustraded my dude

Then Tonka very calmly makes fun of him and

<*FAKELAUGH* oh you're so mad dude! so mad! so mad!

I understand the appeal of having a strong personality and convictions, but Tiny is such a fake and grating person. How the fuck can anyone listen to this Toy Story voice having queerlet and not hate him? Surely it can't just be because he's on his fans' political team. There are plenty of right-leaning people I can't stand and consider trash. I'm at a loss to explain this tard's popularity.

4ffe8d No.317279

File: ac497478f044316⋯.jpg (55.04 KB, 678x381, 226:127, gates-vaccine-678x381.jpg)


>If you wnt her nudes theyre in previous threads.

I've read every one of these threads and posted in all of them, I've not seen her nudes posted.

Spells like a nigger, immediately starts talking about nudes, and too lazy to post proof of claims.

66261b No.317280


>that forehead



Did that gypsy chimp out here again?

9aec10 No.317281


around what time?

624f45 No.317283


No but he frequents here if there is some new news on him.

25c168 No.317284


At the beginning. First 20 minutes or so.

b0a935 No.317288

File: b8dc122b8c6f721⋯.jpg (101.34 KB, 1445x1014, 1445:1014, 1489998117686.jpg)


These things are only fun when Destiny gets on and makes himself worse.

>tfw I was the guy who gave Naked Ape the TAA info

>tfw I may be responsible for ruining his youtube fame

624f45 No.317289


>TAA info

what happen? I want to know lad.

632d32 No.317290


>I understand the appeal of having a strong personality and convictions, but Tiny is such a fake and grating person. How the fuck can anyone listen to this Toy Story voice having queerlet and not hate him? Surely it can't just be because he's on his fans' political team.

The only thing I can think of is that on one of his streams he opened up to his viewers and got really emotional about something and they were all able to relate and became very attached to him as a result. Either that or they're all paid shills. I can't think of any other way people could stomach that midget.

462ddc No.317292

File: addea792b489ffb⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 1031x568, 1031:568, Hitler.jpg)

File: a71efdf189ec443⋯.jpg (328.15 KB, 874x1024, 437:512, Es lebe Deutschland.jpg)

File: 59e157d680d2c63⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 640x375, 128:75, Hitler8.jpg)


>when you were (((told))) your entire life that Mein Kampf was just insane, senseless rambling

>when you finally read it and realize its some of the truest and most on-point things you've ever read that apply just as much if not more today

Hitler was one of the greatest men who ever lived and whoever denies that is jewed to the bone.

b0a935 No.317293


It was on Tonka's show the day before yesterday.

Long time ago, TAA made a comment at how he dated a 14 year old, but chickened out because her father was a marine. He also claimed he "was in love with her pussy". In a tumblr post, he claimed he made some bullshit excuse that he was "pretending".

I told Naked Ape in the comment section to git gud, and ironically enough he gave me is email, and I gave him the information. He viewed it live on Tonka's stream, and Warski was there too. Everyone was pretty shocked about it

I knew about this for years. Somehow, nobody looked up the Encyclopedia Dramatica page. You'd think with all the haters he has, someone would make a video on it. But TJ kept getting more and more popular while this shit stayed untouched. It kinda reminds me how Onision still continues to be popular despite all the dirty laundry being not as loud though out the years.

8560d7 No.317294

File: 7800d926a3872e9⋯.png (251.3 KB, 500x431, 500:431, 3drinkslater.png)


I used to be such an anti-racist leftist.

Then I heard what Hitler actually said.

No wonder they want to "deplatform" racists. They all make sense.

25c168 No.317295



I have to add it later on gets very hugboxy.

462ddc No.317296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can only hope more people see him beyond the black and white image the Jews have painted of him one day. I was going to visit the graves of his parents and Geli Raubal when I was in Austria, but they've all been removed because they don't want to make it a "shrine". Disgusting

25c168 No.317298


Vee getting booty blasted about the Untermensch thing, also had to explain 4chan to his mom.

462ddc No.317299

File: 33ee5265936f503⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LIBERALIST.jpg)

File: dbd324fd80b9e31⋯.png (80.87 KB, 458x402, 229:201, lmao.PNG)

Have I missed much since Thursday? I know there's a stream with Kraut tomorrow. Is there any date for the Sargon / Anglin debate yet?


Top kek, did he? I'm gonna have to watch that. I'm glad my messages to his mom gathered such lulz

25c168 No.317300


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaWZ_p8IlRo if it's still the 2 hour long stream, check around 1:40 about them having a doxing pity party.

25c168 No.317301


Okay, after that Aydin really lets loose against the kikes. Even relating Vee's beloved Enlightenment to the Jews also says Stalin killed Jews because they would have usurped him otherwise.

ba9d69 No.317302



Mein Kampf is stream of consciousness as fuck. From what I've seen, some people are virulently turned off by it, irregardless of the topic of a work or whether or not it is political.

4ffe8d No.317303


OP summarized the saga so far, the rest is in the thread

462ddc No.317304

File: ccc3a51cf085080⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 707x575, 707:575, hitler dog 2.jpg)

File: 0a3f867eb69e066⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 236x480, 59:120, Hitler dog.jpg)


It can be difficult to read and wordy at times, but it's my fault for buying a shit translation. Stalag is the easiest to read from what I've seen.


Thanks anon

b73e4f No.317305

File: 2517720e3147d2b⋯.gif (5.06 MB, 472x264, 59:33, 2517720e3147d2b84244c6e815….gif)


The Stalag translation is considered by many to be the "official" translation, but the Ford translation is by far the easiest to read.

462ddc No.317306

File: 2a2a6b65cc32d5b⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 414x444, 69:74, hitler binoculars.jpg)


I've heard of the Ford translation but don't know much about it. I'll check it out. Thanks for the info anon!

8560d7 No.317307

File: 63d18d4f5c0d7e0⋯.jpg (99.1 KB, 674x960, 337:480, 63d18d4f5c0d7e00034e1af6a5….jpg)


>they've all been removed because they don't want to make it a "shrine". Disgusting

And yet these fucking animals have this as a little place where queers can come and pray to their money god. I remember Sam Hyde was going to do a video on Edward Bernays' gravesite but it's like impossible to find. Where the fuck do those commie trannies get off pretending like they hold some amazingly anti-rich view that the conglomerates are scared of?


>Mein Kampf is stream of consciousness as fuck.

It was a rural artist's story about his life in the city. He never knew it would be dissected like it was.

f1026c No.317308

When is Kraut's stream going to begin?

462ddc No.317309


Late Sunday afternoon iirc

ba9d69 No.317310

f1026c No.317312


Oh, i thought it was tonight

462ddc No.317313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wish, I want a good laugh

462ddc No.317314

File: 5e8e3ecc9649121⋯.png (96.6 KB, 303x307, 303:307, Kraut.png)

e9bc29 No.317316

Guys, I have a question for any one that actually knows Burger law. IF JF eventually files a lawsuit and wins, won't the damages awarded be a combination of destynis income and JF's income???

07086c No.317317


I don't know exactly, but I hope he goes forward. Destiny just called JF a rapist again on stream yesterday. A few times. And then played (((tricks))) to get out of justifying it.

f67587 No.317319


I've seen people insisting on the Stalag translation quite a bit, is there anything missing in the Ford translation or is it just as accurate?

6030f1 No.317320


civil law is complicated. There's compensatory damages and punitive damages and it's really up to the judge to determine what amount for each. And then afterwards the defendant can go through tons of bullshit to get out of paying the majority of it, but whatever.

Stuff like punitive damages is highly dependent on the feelings of the judge and the attitude/behavior of the person being charged. For example, if the person is a scummy piece of shit who is on record advocating/committing all sorts of vile shit and just being an all-around dickhead, the judge could crank up the punitive damages just based on that.

e9bc29 No.317322


Thanks for that explanation.

9f587f No.317323


Who gets the punitive money? JF or the state?

6030f1 No.317324


the plaintiff. ie, JF

6030f1 No.317325



>Punitive damages are a settled principle of common law in the United States.[18] They are generally a matter of state law (although they can also be awarded under Federal maritime law), and thus differ in application from state to state. In many states, including California and Texas, punitive damages are determined based on statute; elsewhere, they may be determined solely based on case law. Many state statutes are the result of insurance industry lobbying to impose "caps" on punitive damages; however, several state courts have struck down these statutory caps as unconstitutional.[19] Punitive damages are entirely unavailable under any circumstances in a few jurisdictions, including Louisiana, Nebraska, Puerto Rico, and Washington.

>The general rule is that punitive damages cannot be awarded for breach of contract, but if an independent tort is committed in a contractual setting, punitive damages can be awarded for the tort.[20] Although state laws vary, punitive damages are usually allowed only when the defendant has displayed actual intent to cause harm (such as purposefully rear-ending someone else's car), rather than in cases of mere negligence, or causes an injury through action taken in reckless disregard for the lives and safety of others.[21]

Actually it looks like Nebraska (the venue where Tiny would be charged) doesn't allow punitive damages.

Oh well.

453cf9 No.317326


Who gets the booster seat?

5f99a7 No.317328

f94e14 No.317329


It's edgy humor for people who are unwilling to give up their politically correct beliefs. It's a small niche cause both areas suffer while walking that tightrope, but no one fills it better than Destiny.

He switches constantly between trolling and sincere, and only the "initiated" can tell the difference. The same tactic is used all the time on the right to raise curiosity in outsiders and promote insider loyalty, so I've been wondering for weeks how many people genuinely don't see what he's doing and how many are being deliberately obtuse.

8560d7 No.317330


I'd bet over a hundred it was a Destiny follower

25c168 No.317331


It's really hard to see him that way, he never comes across as sincere to me and seems incredibly opportunistic, especially with his political beliefs coinciding with his sponsors.

462ddc No.317332



Who sponsors Destiny? I don't really follow this stuff too much

25c168 No.317333


Some Qataris and at least 1 Jew. Around the time their money started coming in he also changed from somewhat right wing to supporting neo-liberalism and mass immigration. Really makes you think.

ba9d69 No.317334

462ddc No.317335



Why the hell are wealthy Qataris and big-money Jews funding some midget Twitch streamer? I hope JF sues him bankrupt

68cb6b No.317336


Is there somewhere we can see the proof of these claims? I'd like to spread this, but with no source that won't be easy

462ddc No.317337


Found this on 4plebs just now


ed9a29 No.317338

Funny how they all started talking about macarthyism and now there are threads on /pol/ about it.

ed9a29 No.317339


Link is dead

462ddc No.317340

462ddc No.317341



Fucked it up again one sec

31183d No.317342



462ddc No.317343

4ffe8d No.317345

File: 417409e2f890f36⋯.png (119.78 KB, 902x640, 451:320, cuckchan_tiny_sponsors.png)

File: 9d0653308571092⋯.png (11.7 KB, 236x357, 236:357, cuckchan_tiny_sponsors2.png)



This is the jewish guy:


Also a nice meme is asking Destiny to give his opinion on Israel/Palestine, he adamantly refuse to touch the subject and you can get banned for asking, this is a person who don't mind discussing ethical cp. (protip : Harkdan is Israeli and extremely pro-Israel, Hajri is Qatar and pro-Iran and Hezbollah since his family finances them)

The logs are on overRusstle, it was started by a Destiny mod just for his chat but now is used for all twitch channels but it's going down in a few days. also I think Harkdan bought it.

Jewish multi-millionaire :


Arab lord :



The jew he is financed by is financed by even bigger jews.




462ddc No.317346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure if this is very on-topic but this comment section is pretty lulzy right now with normies heads exploding at the Holocaust denial comments in the comment section

8560d7 No.317347

File: 1a17760ec5d25b1⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 665x529, 665:529, destiny escapes jail.jpg)


>a nice meme is asking Destiny to give his opinion on Israel/Palestine, he adamantly refuse to touch the subject and you can get banned for asking

Any sources? I don't doubt it but it would be hilarious to watch his cultish fanboys jump through hoops to justify it.

25c168 No.317348


Boomers and Gen-Xers all around Europe/NA/Australia and NZ are the biggest believers in Holocaustianity, as long as they still control most of the wealth and power we wont progress on the issue I'm afraid.

462ddc No.317351


Yeah I clicked on some of the accounts who were sperging at me and they are all subscribed to boomer-tier political channels and posting elsewhere "I LOVE MUH PRESIDENT #MAGA"

Why should a country that has 0 to do with the Holohoax have memorials and museums everywhere, have the president tweet about it and have his wife visit one of the museums? The term Holocaustianity is brilliant, it really is a dogmatic belief system. I don't question that people died (much less than 6 gorillion), but if you believe 90% of the Jewish fanfiction that has emerged post-1945 you're retarded

a1898e No.317352


I don't know about that. When I lived in the northern part of Australia, I got my first copy of the Protocols because some dedicated Maltese boomer autist printed out a bunch and stuffed them in every letterbox within 10 blocks.

The news media if different, of course, but casual racism is pretty popular hobby.

462ddc No.317353

File: 2f7ce11d1524d45⋯.png (77.97 KB, 1088x570, 544:285, 1.PNG)

File: ff4a0106c5acbcc⋯.png (19.68 KB, 1042x119, 1042:119, boomer.PNG)

I didn't know there were gas chambers at Dachau now! Wow! I should believe this guy because his dad saw it!

4ffe8d No.317355


I've never heard him talk about zionism. He keeps nuking his twitter and dmca's archives and sites.



I know a lot of both groups who didn't need to be "red pilled" on it from different countries in EU. I also know quite a few millenials and younger who believe in the 6 gorillions. I don't know about NZ/Aus people.

t. millennial

f5dfe0 No.317356


>people unironically believe in the Russian troll bot meme

462ddc No.317357


Forgot to add how it's hilarious how muh poor Jews were innocent dindus who were gassed 6 million times "just for being different" while the Japanese who got nuked and the Germans roasted alive at Dresden had it coming. I don't feel for either event but it's some crazy mental gymnastics

25c168 No.317358



Not every single one of course but by and large those 2 generations have been marinaded in it for decades.

b2ace9 No.317360


Hahaha, they're removing likes on comments at a rapid pace.


b2ace9 No.317362

File: ff492b3ed929aaa⋯.jpg (303.41 KB, 600x758, 300:379, destiny inner-workings.jpg)


I'll have to remember the Israel/Palestine question.

522b0e No.317363

Kek, some triggered shitlib is posting melania nudes in the comments.

462ddc No.317364

File: 1679796da327888⋯.png (37.05 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, zog.png)

File: 6403a0fda474fc1⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 709x929, 709:929, Sein Weg zur Befreiung Eur….jpg)

File: 6104e2ffe9cc2d3⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 623x865, 623:865, Roosevelt.jpg)


I used to wonder why America bows down to the Jews so much before I realized it's not Israel that is the Jewish state, but rather America. No country has more Jews than us. The US government is merely the tip of the spear

a1898e No.317365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b2ace9 No.317366

File: 552907fcbb5dc75⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 512x512, 1:1, z7Oakire.jpg)


Yeah, America was their temporary promised land, and now it serves as a gigantic military base.

The (((Star))) is even right there on the Department of State flag, visible in the background whenever there's a White House press conference.

8497aa No.317367


Those fucking shoes always gets me laughing.

Do we have a source on him actually being Jewish?


Aren't ethical child porn and incest subcategories of acting Jewish?


He's reposting it as answers to other comments as well.

462ddc No.317369


Seems like a shitty father, playing vidya all day and cussing in front of his kids. Degenerate

8497aa No.317370


>Do we have a source on him actually being Jewish?

Was meant for >>317362, not >>317346.


He strikes me as far too immature for a father. How old is that child, and how tall is he compared to Destiny?

e90498 No.317371

File: 21ff2365f9c5d86⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 533x300, 533:300, Ns1RBzX.gif)

Gday cow

Are you enjoying your weekend?

fc6f85 No.317372


Eh. Still waiting for the big one.

e9bc29 No.317373


Sad as hell. No sperging.

68cb6b No.317374


That configuration of 13 stars (colonies) has been around since the 1700s. I wouldn't read too much into it

a1898e No.317375

File: 0e6a844954f3d19⋯.png (39.74 KB, 736x438, 368:219, fire_up_the_ovens.png)

25c168 No.317376


Jim is keeping the Spencer vs Sargon dream alive.

4ffe8d No.317378

>>317370 He says it himself anon, it's on his twitter profile even.

462ddc No.317379


On a similar note, what happened to Anglin versus Sargon? I feel like I heard something from Baked Alaska shortly after the Loomer stream but I can't remember exactly

ac874d No.317382

Is Archwarhammer part of The Stepfather's lolcow crew?

07086c No.317383


>spaghetti armed

I've seen pictures of Tonka now, he has a healthy physique for someone of his build who hasn't done a lot of bulking and slimming. Not sure what these people are talking about. Not able to say what he looks like today either. He said he was in similar shape to the guy who fought that thicc MMA bitch.

e90498 No.317384

File: d3e5f9f58c246ec⋯.jpg (108.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)


Dont worry anon

Go play vidya and wait for stuff

632d32 No.317385


Can you imagine how hard his son's life is going to be when he grows up because of him? I didn't feel as bad for Toilet Nigga as I do for this kid.

07086c No.317386


It seems like he's doing a lot of deflection and delay. I'm going to say it's unlikely he'll engage with them again. He doesn't have facts, only a set of truths he's not willing to acknowledge, and he hasn't come off well in his interactions with the AR so far.

f5dfe0 No.317387

Has Sargon done anything to do with liberalism since he started it, apart from his snarky videos to Jim, Dutch tranny, random commenter (deleted) and swarthy Brit?

Has he realised it was a bad idea and given upo on it already?

8497aa No.317388

File: 84d939e620fc6bb⋯.png (135 KB, 1006x878, 503:439, cult of personality.png)

I found this hilarious comment on one of the Turkroach's videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GFG9xoZcyg):

>I don't know if I am one, but psychopaths are important for the movement.

>Everyone already praises me for my actions.

>Fascism is a cult of personality, and my JewTube followers will worship me whatever I do or stand by.

This guy almost deserves his own thread.


Wew, lad. Will we be able to find an oven small enough?

f5dfe0 No.317389


99% chance this guy posts on Iron March and has a Deviant Art account

f1026c No.317391


That's the guy who flagged Kraut's video, right?

624f45 No.317392


Kinda like that neonazi chick that was into necrophilia.

462ddc No.317393

File: c75634dcf78617f⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 702x824, 351:412, Hitler2.jpg)


>fascism wants a cult of personality

As a fascist I want strong leadership embodied in an individual and hierarchy

>I don't know if I am one, but psychopaths are important for the movement.

Sounds like autism. Fascism desires people who want action over talk who are not physically / mentally degenerate. Psychopaths fall under the latter

This guy should have his own thread, I saw him sperging out about Styx somewhere today

25c168 No.317394


Yes. 400 odd subs, really important.

But Woes is not helping himself with the Tara thing. Just let it go and tell her in private to not open her mouth.

8497aa No.317396

File: bc7c239a4b2adac⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 702x824, 351:412, Turkroach Hitler.jpg)


Some on, tell me you're not dying to get on your knees and worship attached pic as a god among men. Go on, I dare you!


Yup, he also claims to be a mod on 8/pol/, and that he banned Styx. This came up in a previous thread. Some people in that thread said Styx reacted, making the claim more likely. Didn't look into that myself, though.

He's been on the outskirts of this saga throughout. He also put up a video on how he masterminded this entire Kraut saga, and that everything went exactly how he planned it.

462ddc No.317397


Behold the Ubermensch

a1898e No.317399

File: f4cfebf7a139c11⋯.jpg (302.76 KB, 922x518, 461:259, Umy19jU.jpg)


I think of his movement in the same way I think of Megyn Kelly's haircut after she got stumped. He was made a fool of, then changed his identity to compensate and protect his ego. Only now he looks worse and is going to have to wear it.

4ffe8d No.317400


>Yup, he also claims to be a mod on 8/pol/, and that he banned Styx.

Ban someone who knows how imageboards work. I doubt it. styx is unbannable just like anyone with a clue

a1898e No.317401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e9bc29 No.317403


very much so.

e9bc29 No.317405


need my fabricated outrage. blood pressure getting to low.

181c06 No.317407


>mod on 8/pol/


Checks out

099b5c No.317412



I'm watching Daytona

c5ffab No.317414

So what ever happened to libertistism? It seems like Sargon was revving up for some irl loki chimpouts for a week, and then just went back to being fat. Or maybe he's trying to lay low in hopes we'll forget.

5f99a7 No.317415


>maybe he's trying to lay low in hopes we'll forget.

Probably this.

At least I have to commend his intelligence a bit, since he seems to have realized Liberalistism was a dumb idea to begin with.

9aec10 No.317416


Yeah but with an ego that size we could easily troll the living shit out of him until he has to keep going.

5f99a7 No.317417


>Yeah but with an ego that size we could easily troll the living shit out of him until he has to keep going.

Definitely we should. If he ignores the whole Liberalist thing, we should point out what a failure he is, since he abandoned his movement without really even trying. If Sargoy keeps pushing it, we should point and laugh at his dumb ideas.

624f45 No.317421


the stepfather will try his hardest to forget but we will remind him how he bitched out of Spencer and Anglin plus thankfully we have his lapdog Veeh.

a1898e No.317422

Anyone want cancer?

https://www reddit com/r/Destiny/comments/7td1v8/holy_fuck_dude/

5135f7 No.317423


>I wanted to hug Destiny


Imagine being this pathetic

624f45 No.317425


Are we sure it's not his kid that wants to hug his father? But instead he has to play video games for 12 hours or more while he bitches at his son.

5135f7 No.317426


>Are we sure it's not his kid that wants to hug his father?

Ironically enough, I bet that OP is lacking a father figure and (disgustingly) uses Destiny as one

efb800 No.317427


I think he's lacking any human contact. That's the only way someone could see that midget as anything other than a repulsive human being.

dadcfe No.317428


I probably shouldn't judge, I use Jim (Metokur) as one. Hope you're reading this, Jim, know someone out there you don't know is calling you daddy.

5135f7 No.317429


>ID: dadcfe


460ac0 No.317430


Does Jim have to tell you to clean your room and wash your balls like Kermit Peterson does?

b2ace9 No.317431


Hahaha, aaaah.

So little poor Stevie was touched on his no-no place when he was little, and now he's drawn to fucking kids as some sort of therapeutic act, in essence making them become the victim and he himself the perpetrator who's in control.

How utterly predictable and pathetic.

b2ace9 No.317433


Or I should say "when he was very young". He's still little.

6030f1 No.317435


Top fucking kek, these comments are a goldmine.

half are dumb boomers saying "dog bles bresidend drumb! never 5get the 60 billion!" and the other half are /ourguys/

462ddc No.317436

File: b96a08e270028aa⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 388x580, 97:145, Die Arbeiter sind erwacht.jpg)


There's so many people in that comment section I wonder if people are slowly waking up the Jews bit by bit. Either that or it was posted to /pol/ or something. Either way, Jews are getting called out in the West more than ever and thank God.

6030f1 No.317438


It's especially true with boomers. Even among millennials that are 100% indoctrinated by liberal cuckoldry, they simply don't give that much of a shit about the holocaust. I could regularly make jokes "pretending" to say it's fake or doing the whole "oy vey never forget the six gorillion!" stuff to peoples faces and nobody would get butthurt about it.

But with boomers? Holy shit you so much as point out that some faggot doing bad deeds in the news is jewish and the MKULTRA programming in boomers will kick in and they'll look at you like you have 3 heads and start questioning why you hate jews in a very hostile manner. It's to be expected though, since they were the first generation to be raised post-WW2, and so their philosemitic propaganda was the strongest and freshest. Now it's stale and nobody gives a shit anymore.

Jordan Peterson is the perfect example of this with his "I-I can't do it!" shit when asked about jewish involvement in the bolshevik revolution.

462ddc No.317439


>Jordan Peterson is the perfect example of this with his "I-I can't do it!" shit

Top kek is there a video of this

a1898e No.317440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dadcfe No.317441


I just wash my balls every time I read someone sperging out at Jim on Twitter.

d7b72a No.317442

File: 987e6e486633a47⋯.mp4 (216 KB, 640x360, 16:9, BREAKING THE CONDITIONING.mp4)



Yeah, it's like 1 every 4 comments is questioning the holocaust

460ac0 No.317443


Wow, your balls must be the cleanest balls in recorded history then.

6030f1 No.317445


I'm sure people on /pol/ and daily stormer and the rest of the shitlord corner of the internet saw this and shitposted it up. You can say this is artificially inflating "our numbers" as they appear, but appearances are really all that matter here. We're like the jews of the internet, a small minority and a secret cabal that has extremely disproportionate impact. All that matters is that any normalfag viewing that video will look at the comments and see all that.

462ddc No.317446


Did I hear the audience berating the dude who asked the question? How did Jews condition Gentiles into sperging out every time Jews are criticized? I mean we've been cucked to death by them. I shit on Muslims around my family all the time but when I pointed out Jews are prevalent in the media once they started acting defensive and angry. JP is just another shabbos goy

a1898e No.317447


A lot of his defenders were saying JP didn't respond because it's illegal to dispute the Holocaust, but he wasn't asked about the holocaust. Just boomers bleating at wrongthink.

b73e4f No.317448


The ford translation made very minor changed which it explains in the beginning so it would make more sense to modern readers. For example "The great war" was changed to "WW1." Also at some points in the Stalag translation the translations come out somewhat as gibberish in certain lines due to the differences in how the German and English languages work, so in the Ford translation it is cleaned up a bit which makes it a lot easier to understand. The changes are very minor for and still keep the spirit of the book, it is just the easiest one to read. For a first read through it is recommended, but for the official translation the Stalag edition should be a second read through. There isn't anything necessarily missing from the Ford translation.

1cec48 No.317450


A lot of bot accounts too that cry about the holocaust. I wonder why.

462ddc No.317451



Just avoid the Ralph Manheim translation at all costs. Super wordy and not to mention the translator is himself a kike. Not sure where you're from but that seems to be the only translation easily available in US bookstores

6030f1 No.317452


I could at least understand the excuse of "he doesn't want to discuss jewish influence because it'd ruin his career". However…

1) it's still a mark against him, and shows him to be a coward. Oh, you're so brave for taking a stand against low-hanging fruit like tranny pronouns and get everyone to believe you're some crusader of truth, but then you turn around and refuse to acknowledge where all this post-modernist stuff is coming from even when directly asked? Get the fuck out of here.

2) He's actively gone against white nationalists and people speaking out about the things he's too afraid to talk about. The "it's bad for his career" argument only makes sense if someone simply keeps their head down and ignores the more radical elements. It doesn't hold water if you start attacking white nationalists and anyone who asks the Jewish Question. And he does attack them, unprovoked and for no reason.

d7b72a No.317453


What's with this recent idiotic trend of accusing people of being Russian bots? Did a news site do an article on bots or something like that recently?

6030f1 No.317454


That's been going on ever since mid 2016 when Trump first cracked an off-hand joke asking putin to leak more of hilldog's emails. That's what started the whole MUH RUSSIA witch hunt and ever since then they've basically been blaming everything on russian bots.

462ddc No.317455


There were tons of articles back a few months to a year ago about some sort of "Russian troll bot army" that shilled for Trump. Almost positive it was just normal people and /pol/ posters.

>Everything against the US corporate oligarchy must be bots!!!

a1898e No.317456


That sounds like something a Russian robot would say.

1cec48 No.317457


I'm not saying they are Russian bots. If you look at many of those holocaust video's you'll see comments from the same accounts being repeated over and over, all trying about "remember" "never forgot" "thank you" etc etc.

1cec48 No.317458


talking about*

Fucking hell.

462ddc No.317459

File: 9de87738f05e816⋯.jpg (52.03 KB, 482x685, 482:685, Sieg oder Bolschewismus.jpg)


It's just the Jewish programming kicking in. It's like Pavlov's dog

>see Holohoax propaganda


If it's this bad in America I'd hate to see how the German's act about the Holohoax. I remember hearing a guy saying while was in Berlin that bearing the "collective guilt" of the Holocaust is part of being a German. How far they've fallen

d4a096 No.317460


>you're young; therefore, you're wrong


1cec48 No.317461


>It's just the Jewish programming kicking in

That could be it too, it's just so weird to me people binge watch blatant muh holocaust shit like that and comment on it either way.

462ddc No.317462


It's likely the same people (basic bitch Boomer Republicans) who comment on every single one of his videos saying shit like


>TRUMP 2020


fc6f85 No.317463


It's probably because of the youtube algorithm. They watch the same shit and get recommended more of it.

f1026c No.317464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1cec48 No.317465


>he has the same accurate as the points he has made against you and against race realism

<then I have time to drink a coffee and break his arm


efb800 No.317467


>Then I have time to drink a coffee.


5b8ff1 No.317470


THe algorithm never works for me. I watch shit like MisterMetokur and and some /tg/ tier WH40k painting channels, and all I get for recommended videos is fucking letsplayers like markiplier or boogie.

4521aa No.317472

Any fresh cοntent or just people weakly bitching back and forth with each other in these hyperchats or whatever the fuck they are.

fc6f85 No.317473


We could just shitpost in sargoy's latest video's comments about how much of a pussy he is for running away from spencer.

c792d1 No.317475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm just in this for the banter tbh.

d7b72a No.317477

File: 555b1ca387b39df⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 450x331, 450:331, 1344110264096.jpg)


Today was a pretty drama free day.

f0da42 No.317478


I think it's been cooling down for a week now. Definitely since it became clear that Soygoy pussied out of the Spencer rematch.

4ffe8d No.317479

File: b0251d6158e12dc⋯.jpeg (76.85 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, b0251d6158e12dcf8082ca7c2….jpeg)



I think it's just the fact it's Friday/Saturday, previous days were funny enough. Tomorrow should be good, I hope kraut actually comes back like nothing happened, and he gives a good didndu nuffin video. I hope anons have the foresight to egg him on, cheer him in the comment sections and up vote instead shit on him. We should stoke the fire.

a3211b No.317481


>I don't question that people died

You shouldn't. Typhus is a killing disease, and if the allies weren't so cruel with the supply raids the prison camps wouldn't have been hit so badly.



oy vey

Isn't that "racist"?



>some goon pretends he's an 8/pol/ mod

>retards actually believe it

ba9d69 No.317485


>retards actually believe it

Because they want to believe. They feel a morbid, pungent desire to believe it.

d7b72a No.317489


Could we get Jordan Peterson involved in this shitfest somehow? I bet that'd be fun.

ba9d69 No.317491


Meh, Peterson's passé; my vote is on William Shatner/DesTiny bloodsports.

6030f1 No.317495

File: bfcecc98ccf3038⋯.png (196.45 KB, 680x850, 4:5, shatner baneposting.png)


can you imagine?

5b8ff1 No.317504

e9bc29 No.317507


Yes, we want Kraut back. the eternal lolcow.

a1898e No.317525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b3ac4 No.317533


what the fuck is the point of this rubbish

a1898e No.317534


When I posted it, Billy the Anti Bully, Destiny, Tonka and Creationist Cat were all on a stream with some junkie looking manlet in a top hat.

c3492c No.317558


MySpace in YouTube form. The end times for YouTube are here

e9bc29 No.317559


MySpace was this bad?

1b4509 No.318026


>The end times for YouTube

Not sure about that, but this shit is spinning out of hand really fast.

e3b255 No.324021

File: 072a3f957f99b79⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 600x450, 4:3, f.jpg)

lmao, guys. check this out!

the alt right are cucks!

>the absolute state of the alt right

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