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File: 727dddbdbc10e88⋯.png (388.9 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, sargoy of mossad.png)

ce2cab No.317503

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning"

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard

Old thread is auto-saging

e20f75 No.317510

File: 2a856fe4fb56946⋯.jpg (238.99 KB, 1073x679, 1073:679, catsup.jpg)

First for Catsup

4f36d6 No.317515


It's der. Do you even german, faggot?

f9c086 No.317517

File: 8146a1db25ed29e⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1335x1041, 445:347, kraut and tea boxing match.png)

Not a whole lot has happened with Sargon or the others. I think this saga might be coming to an end unless something big happens, like Kraut actually coming back for that interview.

63a20f No.317518


Why do some languages even have multiple words for "the"?

What's the fucking point? As a native English speaker it seems really redundant, like how Japanese has several words meaning "why?".

e20f75 No.317520

File: 1c5576c0aa16735⋯.webm (613.89 KB, 360x360, 1:1, wanting_more.webm)


We didn't kick your ass twice and become back to back World War champions just to have to learn some sausage sucking sour kraut's native tongue. Tongue my anus you fucking snownigger.

aaa963 No.317521

File: 580297085e219b6⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1920x6147, 640:2049, desTINY Sends his Regards.png)

File: cc1eecf6f96b8c0⋯.png (147.37 KB, 249x386, 249:386, desTINY Serving Qatar Mast….png)

I know, I know, I'm a tard using cuckchan. But I think I captured something truly magical. Expect the tiny man to 'magically' find this video. I'm pretty sure he's the one who posted it.


b017d1 No.317522

File: 7173d38b08f773b⋯.jpeg (63.1 KB, 834x965, 834:965, sargy.jpeg)


They're not even being subtle about it.

678f8c No.317524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

32377f No.317526


Surreal stream tbh

63a20f No.317527


I'm not sure what the significance of that cap is or its relation to your posted video besides both of them being about Styx's supposed crossdressing.

b017d1 No.317528


Why are people still giving that Cuban midget the time of day?

b017d1 No.317529

File: cfca00ac839835d⋯.jpg (68.58 KB, 653x505, 653:505, Radioactive_Man_(Promo_Pic….jpg)

678f8c No.317530


It's run by some theatrical heroin addict and his junkie girlfriend, apparently. Creationist Cat and Billy the anti Bully are on. Zeph is trying to get on.


Fucked if I know

aaa963 No.317531


Everyone that intellectually humiliates Des 'the mental' Midget (AKA everyone he's debated against) has suddenly had themselves, their families, and other things doxed. Destiny claims he's just 'randomly' stumbling onto posts that just 'happen' to have the info, he then immediately releases it to his cultbase. Destiny also argued for ethical child porn and set up a date with a 15 year old, so he's just projecting like usual.

678f8c No.317532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh okay. Creationist Cat did a Tonka video, inserting himself into the drama.

9750c1 No.317537


Because some languages such as German or other Roman-inspired languages, such as French, Spanish and Romanian have genders assigned to nouns, sometimes even to adjectives, so when you use a different "the" depending on the noun, if it's masculine, feminine or neutral.

7432d9 No.317538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can't imagine him being relevant at all except maybe for this.

a76824 No.317539

File: ff492b3ed929aaa⋯.jpg (303.41 KB, 600x758, 300:379, destiny inner-workings.jpg)

Destiny almost crying like the little bitch he is: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/207581402?t=01h01m33s

Look at his chair. His little legs are going mental.

116bb2 No.317540

Steven K Bonnell II

M Phone: (786) 227-6426

H Phone: (305) 248-2750

E-mail: wing_neo_star_15@yahoo.com



Address: 10933 Spring St, Omaha, NE 68144

Valuation: http://douglascone.wgxtreme.com/java/wgx_douglasne/static/accountinfo.jsp?accountno=R2027550193

Google+: https://plus.google.com/104426897853025765476

b017d1 No.317545


His mother's twitter.


All she does is retweet basicbitch conservative talking heads and pro-Trump stuff. Maybe Destiny's rampant SJW faggotry is due to mommy issues?

22d7d5 No.317546


>In my country, ketchup only goes with french fries, by law

that means the only thing that the only use for ketchup is french fries, that doesn't prevent use of other condiments.

a76824 No.317547

File: 262b66a97a02726⋯.jpg (242.28 KB, 541x683, 541:683, destiny attention.jpg)

8a85e0 No.317548

File: a487f27990e6df8⋯.jpg (10.53 KB, 284x177, 284:177, images (1).jpg)


>Superficial charm and glibness

tries to be until you rustle him

>Inflated sense of self-worth

thinks he is the shit

>Constant need for stimulation

loves debates and drama

>Lying pathologically

denying he does constantly lying too in the baked alaska stream.

>Conning others; being manipulative

He manipulates dumb fucks on twitch to send him money

Lack of remorse or guilt

only when he doesn't go through in killing someone.

>Shallow emotions

Always is self centered.

>Callousness; lack of empathy

He hates his parents and kid obviously.

>Using others (a parasitic lifestyle)

He's a hermit begging for donations.

>Poor control over behavior

Easily gets triggered


>Promiscuous sexual behavior

I'm sure he is into some weird shit

>Behavioral problems early in life

Seems like it.

>Lack of realistic, long-term goals

I'm sure you can twitch stream forever brah

>Being impulsive

having an unwanted child is being impulsive

>Being irresponsible

Deadbeat dad

>Blaming others and refusing to accept responsibility

He does it constantly and not taking care of his kid

>Having several marital relationships

Already divorced/separated once

>Criminal acts in several realms (criminal versatility)

Living of twitch streams while not being good at it, is a crime in itself.

This kid Is a clinical psychopath. Not sociopath though to be a sociopath you need to be charming and not get triggered every 5 seconds.

116bb2 No.317549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Maybe Destiny's rampant SJW faggotry is due to mommy issues?

I don't know man, you tell me.

aaa963 No.317551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(It's Friday, they're all tipsy, watch at x2, it's great)

5:18:00 Destiny gets called out.

5:20:00-5:40:00 Styx gets a bit more than tipsy and chews out Destiny for liking globalism, calling him an authoritarian asshole. At the end Styx says liking de-platforming means you accept that you're wrong, Destiny gets butt-blasted.

6:03:00 Tiny Tim needs to go to the gym

6:22:00 Chat blows out the dumb dwarf

6:49:00-6:50:00-6:53:00 No one can stand the Motor Mouth Moron

6:55:00 Metokur starts throwing out quotes from the stream to stir shit

7:39:30-7:52:00 Streamers discuss how they never, ever want to challenge the 'Mental' Midget because of his doxxxxing and aggression.


db1b47 No.317552


>mother is a politician

was away for a while, missed some threads, who is she?

a76824 No.317554

File: c96aede3c914265⋯.jpg (320.57 KB, 724x919, 724:919, 1.jpg)

File: 8e5c4c5071860be⋯.jpg (310.04 KB, 443x755, 443:755, 2.jpg)

File: 46a138733781f7a⋯.jpg (157.83 KB, 376x550, 188:275, 3.jpg)

File: 6232e908227cd99⋯.jpg (289.86 KB, 539x819, 77:117, 4.jpg)

File: 22741eceb9c0b77⋯.jpg (328.77 KB, 641x845, 641:845, siegheil.jpg)


She's the mayor of Steinbach am Ziehberg.

49f0dc No.317557


Funnily enough, German has three words for why.

80573c No.317560

>>317539 (rewind) + >>317549

>tiny diddled by the priest

cc26f1 No.317561


Why does English have several words for "wanker"?

7ddb76 No.317562


>Conning others; being manipulative

>Shallow emotions

>Callousness; lack of empathy

>Being irresponsible

You can add talking his friend into suicide to all of these

97bbea No.317564

File: d3e5f9f58c246ec⋯.jpg (108.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)

Gday cow

Are you ready for work tomorrow?

9a5894 No.317565


English is a very oversimplified language

Other languages have male/female and singular/plural articles which may also vary according to the initial letter of the noun like a/an


>Bragging about enslaving Europe to the ZOG empire


>Styx is a crossdresser

>Proof is he made a video with emogoth make up

As much as emogoth shit is gay as hell it doesn't make him a crossdresser we've been over this already

a76824 No.317567

File: 36b5f1be69d4d68⋯.gif (499.37 KB, 300x273, 100:91, goaway.gif)


Not in the slightest.

6d8295 No.317568

File: 3b9caf0b153cb0c⋯.png (184.63 KB, 277x373, 277:373, vee_the_GM.PNG)


Yes, I'm ready for work tomorrow.

439d7d No.317569


>implying I (or anyone on this imageboard) has a job

b017d1 No.317570

File: 6fad254556a9864⋯.png (154.64 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, neetpill.png)

e57f0b No.317578



Reminder that according to DesTINY, this is not a dox. This is public information.

9a610e No.317579

File: 40374ae998f3936⋯.png (26.22 KB, 540x171, 60:19, 3435435435435.png)





















Daily reminder that Jf is a child rapist and a failed academic

https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/jfg-jean-francois-gariepy-jfgariepyneuro-the-french-pervert.38787/

ac5711 No.317580


>he's still trying

You have autism

9a5894 No.317582

foxdick niggers not welcome

3d7a8c No.317584


Fuck off midget fellating leftypol.

9fc088 No.317586


isn't it weird how Destiny's thread on foxdicks barely gets comments during his latest autism fit while JF's got a whole bunch of comments?

b8c259 No.317587

File: 952688f0ce7a0db⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, serious discussions.webm)

6d8295 No.317588


Yes also when will the Chilean wizard strike again?

>Kraut posted CRPs dox to foxdick weeks after he tells Sargon he has it

>le he got off of foxdick farms 2 weeks before it got posted

>le Kraut never doxed anyone

>because Soygoy said so

>even though he had an entire server dedicated to it

>CRP is a hack because Sarcuck also said so

>CRP lied that Vee wasn't a doctor, even though Vee is not a doctor nor a nurse because he didn't finish his internship so he really isn't any kind of a certified medical practitioner

abe697 No.317589


Source on Vee not finishing his internship mr 88?

b017d1 No.317590

File: 4691ea5f44f927c⋯.mp4 (950.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, His Destiny is Autism.mp4)

File: d341c43b3da64c7⋯.webm (1.32 MB, 800x450, 16:9, destiny triggered.webm)


Out of all the youtubers to dickride, you picked a 5'3 pedophile with a trigger temper and a lollipop guild voice.

abe697 No.317592

How many hours until the Kraut stream?

414569 No.317593


6 and a quarter.

7b4bb4 No.317596


Hopefully Gonzalo will strike tonight after the Kraut stream

3d7a8c No.317601


Link the stream in his twitter replies and watch the shitstorm.

49f0dc No.317603



49f0dc No.317604


>It's for both.

9a5894 No.317605



f8b133 No.317608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6d8295 No.317609


Source is last year in may where he is still on personal leave to this day.

Also add up his gaming and shitposting schedule, you will see something interesting.

abe697 No.317611


Be a dear and tell me, I can't stand to look at Vee's ugly mug any longer.

6d8295 No.317612


It takes mathematics and if you need to be spoonfed everything you need to go to the secret discord.

abe697 No.317613


I know he's spending too much time gaming and YTing to be anything but a need, are you saying if the numbers add up we know this goes back even further than may and that it's sort of provable he never finished anything?

1bb96d No.317614

File: b5333669de8805e⋯.jpg (65.68 KB, 660x564, 55:47, 1447104154463.jpg)


Wait, is Sargon trying to pass as a fucking minority nowadays?

6c92e7 No.317616

File: 43d7c8da0c3bfd8⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 5475678568678.jpg)


>nigger granddadda

The only thing he has in common with niggers is his sense of what logic actually is.

7b4bb4 No.317618


Sargon's been claiming he's an eighth (or is it a fourth?) black for a year or two now. With no proof. Both of his parents are as white as can be, so most think he's bullshitting at this point so he can't be called a racist. It must be the British equivalen of the classic;


79631c No.317619

File: a91a636d457d9d2⋯.png (780.99 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


His grandad is Mediterranean, just like the Romans.

6d8295 No.317620


Look at his #notyourshield video and you would be surprised. He has said that since early gamergate videos.


yes, even if you take into account 5 hours or less sleep. It's still too much time for shitposting on the twatter and jewtubing even with no editing, and spontaneous quantum internet also too much gaming.

It's the first time I've used factors and been really generous in factors when it comes to sleep, eating, masturbation and naturecalling with his bowls and pissing.

9a5894 No.317622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is this one video where Sargon shows his parents

His father is a bit tanned, but he doesn't seem to have any remotely negroid facial traits

I remember watching it when it came out and already it looked kinda weird to me, but i didn't think too much of it

a12f1f No.317623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>crying because you will never have an empire.

Krauts, krauts never change. Fuck off back to reddipol so you can


Some more you dog fucking albino cave nigger.

abe697 No.317624


Just to clarify, you did the math for a period of time including when he supposedly still worked?

647686 No.317626


In the video he says his grandfather is fully black, which would make him at least a quarter black

b017d1 No.317627

File: 755ac9b64c5bcf0⋯.png (29.31 KB, 146x195, 146:195, f791fb0bfda84ffb1c56979f4b….png)


Contain your autism.

9a5894 No.317628


Go being an amerimutt ZOGbot somewhere else


His grandfather being fully black would make his father half black, and this guy >>317622 doesn't look half black at all

be8069 No.317629

File: 9cb2e17d82dd4c2⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 9cb2e17d82dd4c2a9048b9545a….jpg)


Yeah bro i fucking love democracy,God bless america.

f8b133 No.317630




freedom is just a buzzword. what do you even mean?

7b4bb4 No.317631


>he believes in the democracy meme

>muh freedumbz


42b810 No.317632


He was being ironic, you dumb 56%er.

670c76 No.317633


you got baited retard

9fac2c No.317635

File: a363eee87785024⋯.png (475.95 KB, 1226x865, 1226:865, 1.png)

File: d610af0d469ff8c⋯.png (39.47 KB, 1089x235, 1089:235, 2.png)

File: 743f948a741b1d4⋯.png (225.73 KB, 743x917, 743:917, 3.png)

File: cd32cb94eb9fa4f⋯.png (178.87 KB, 658x1250, 329:625, 4.png)


Kek. Now Tree of Logic is so assblasted about Millennial Woes being racist towards her that she changed her twitter banner to him (as a joke, though I don't think she understand that) saying she's smarter than she.

For some context, ToL is pretty woke on race and IQ. She's a big fan of Jared Taylor, and when debating the JQ with Mike Enoch from The Daily Shoah a while ago, she criticized him for not being tough enough on blacks.

MW said that

>A: Blacks are dumber than whites

>B: Whites that race mix destroy their uniqueness and do a genetic "downgrade"

She complained about both, and misrepresented A as him saying "every single white is more intelligent than every single black", but given that she's already agreed on A, I:m guessing that her problem is with B. I'm guessing that she was hoping to find some racist, yet oil-drilling, white boy as a partner.

7b4bb4 No.317636

File: 4a5d62ef46edc3d⋯.png (126.8 KB, 601x508, 601:508, 1484960257676.png)



I was only pretending to be retarded, anons…heh

9fac2c No.317637


Not meant for >>317630. I just pressed a comment to get up the quick reply window.

158b63 No.317638

What time is Kraut supposed to be back again?

9fac2c No.317639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7b4bb4 No.317640


Around 5:30 Eastern standard time

42b810 No.317641

File: f8765b239560b94⋯.webm (3.32 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Nuclear Wasteland Gondola.webm)


>dude saying "haha xd i surely love democracy xddd" while sageing the thread


f8b133 No.317642


Yeah, she started hyping herself up for the David Duke debate, then when she got pushback, she went muh dik on Millennial Woes for some reason. If the debate goes ahead it'll follow the Theryn Meyer school of discourse, which is simply to scream at your opponent until they don't want to talk to you any more.

bc0559 No.317643


I hope she chimps out on him, I need a good laugh.

abe697 No.317644


That's the second time I've seen MW show some backbone since the start of the year. That's one story arc to look out for.

6d8295 No.317646

File: b30f3c73b5483d5⋯.png (532.85 KB, 1716x732, 143:61, b30f3c73b5483d5dda98d841c2….png)

File: bfa3cd2686371e5⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, bfa3cd2686371e57bc4a7e1799….jpg)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, DR2H5reXkAA7415.jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

Veeh Facts

Veeh is a gypsy

Veeh is a degenerate vore fetishist

Veeh roleplayed he had a kid while being a gm in wow

Veeh thinks that Romania only has communism as culture

Veeh was playing a hentai game on christmas

Veeh wants to have his mom in a gangbang with sandniggers

Veeh lurks here because of Veeh facts

Veeh is a personal lapdog of the Stepfather

9a5894 No.317647


She probably had a crush on Woes along with some raceplay nigsub kink and got heartbroken because B implied Woes would never get the nigress HAGGIS'd

b8c259 No.317648

File: 20b8491d366e532⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 201.94 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, B_EVC_01.jpg)


This one is funnier.

7b4bb4 No.317649

File: 7765138c935957d⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 514x652, 257:326, vorevee.jpg)



We need more Vee x Sargon fanart

551b07 No.317650

File: 4ec52bd2c878743⋯.png (162.52 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 4ec52bd2c878743388924b8c95….png)


Are those supposed to be pubes or is that caviar or some shit? Is caviar a fetish for people?

9fc088 No.317652


>Veeh is a degenerate vore fetishist

How can people get off to this? I just don't fucking get it.

97bbea No.317656


thats a nice pic

except for the pubic hair afro

b8c259 No.317657


Yes, its shit in a diaper. Japanese law had a weird ban on showing pubes. This is why the Japs came up with Loli, tentacle rape, floating benis and other weird shit for their cartoon porn.

f8b133 No.317660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


haven't watched it

7ddb76 No.317663

File: efb1807313df7a1⋯.webm (8.89 MB, 600x330, 20:11, /v/olk.webm)


Good OP


Does tiny have his playlist posted somewhere? I like his taste in music.

7ddb76 No.317664

dc17d8 No.317665


She wants his claymore.

670c76 No.317667


its essentially an extrapolation of sub/dom play where autism dictates that nobody actually gets hurt because reasons (unless autism dictates that they do).

b017d1 No.317668



>linkin park

>sufjan stevens

>john mayer

>childish gambino

He has the taste of a 16 year old girl.

6d8295 No.317669

File: 34fe0535ed78122⋯.jpg (210.32 KB, 1152x916, 288:229, interesting..jpg)

File: 54fdb142271e8b7⋯.jpg (132.74 KB, 1152x676, 288:169, chossing to be a neet.jpg)

fresh veeh facts

Veeh chose to be a NEET

7ddb76 No.317670

File: a196fe3b288a279⋯.jpg (352.62 KB, 1200x830, 120:83, 42825b0b1b1a0b9d7e09ec0927….jpg)


Yeah it's not all bad though, in the vid he played some nice vocal weebshit and a nice jazz track. It sounded good. It's subjective and you're never going to find someone with the exact same taste in music as you.

abe697 No.317671


He caters to his audience and potential sexual partners.

7b4bb4 No.317672

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)


Does he really think his "personal reasons" excuse will last him forever? I doubt he makes that much money putting up shitty records of his screen and ugly face. If he does I need to get into the YouTube business ASAP

3d7a8c No.317673


>personal reasons is a bullshit excuse

Contact his employer, get him fired. Let's see him sperg out at maximum fucking power.

f8b133 No.317674

File: 32258dd610a8764⋯.png (72.6 KB, 617x422, 617:422, but_bake_the_cake_tho.png)


>Yeah after putting in years of study to become a doctor, I chose youtube as a career, in 2015

>I chose the neet life

cool story bro.

Also, you now don't have to bake the cake, but you do have to bake the cake though. Peak liberalistism.

7b4bb4 No.317675


>[/spoiler]Where does he work? I already contacted his mom once, I'll fuck with him again. Anti-NEET action time[/spoiler]

7b4bb4 No.317676


Wow how did I fuck up formatting that bad

42b810 No.317677


By not being a newfag.

6d8295 No.317678


it's veeh we are talking about



welp, this gonna be good,


great with the vagueness

868af4 No.317679


His employer is the Romanian state, I have no idea what you'd have to do to get his license revoked.

7b4bb4 No.317680



I have archived the Tweets in the meantime at least



f8b133 No.317681


It's basically you can refuse individuals from your business, but you're not allowed to refuse groups. Because collectives have rights in an individualist society.

158b63 No.317682


>internal medicine

even his "profession" is vore related

647686 No.317684


>defrauding money from his country's taxpayers


9a5894 No.317685


So as long as you don't say "no niggers allowed" but simply kick every individual nigger out of your store you're fine?

abe697 No.317686


Until the niggers scream racism, yes. They're all very anti-racist to the core.

f8b133 No.317687


You can have a no niggers policy, so long as it isn't advertised. Which is really helpful for the rare nigger looking to buy a cake instead of stealing one.

6d8295 No.317688


that's not hard, give the information on the degenerate shit he is fapping to, then you want a psychiatric evaluation because you think he might be dangerous when he becomes a practicing again.

b017d1 No.317689


Leave it to a skeptic to say something so empty and fence-sitting. Are you allowed to put up a "no gay cakes" sign? How do you govern monetary transactions with the "norms of society"?

abe697 No.317690


He was playing eroge during Christmas Eve.

7b4bb4 No.317691


Yeah unless some anon comes along who can figure out what to do I'll lay low. If someone finds it I'll compile everything and google translate some Romanian

f8b133 No.317692


How about a Christian bakery, can you advertise a bakery which caters solely to a specific group?

Is Whitey McCracker's Aryan bakery acceptable?

7ddb76 No.317693

File: 56be7f9773e8417⋯.png (190.3 KB, 409x322, 409:322, 13f13cdb66508fd8a579a4d670….png)


>doesn't play a lot of video games recently

I counted the hours of online steam play and he has at least:

~4750 hours in total in 10 years.

On average:

475 hours a year

39.5 hours a month

10 hours a week

This doesn't include DnD, offline play, non-steam games like his hentai vore games.

Seems like a lot for someone training to be a doctor?

7ddb76 No.317695


Compared it to my library, I'm also on steam 10 years and I'm an engineer with a degree and my hours is in the hundreds.

I've played offline a lot. but not 40 hours a month for 10 years

f8b133 No.317696


I have non steam games

f8b133 No.317697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

liberalist stream

7ddb76 No.317698


I do have non-steam games, I also don't spend 10 hours a week for a year playing video games. And I would also hide my library showing the insane amount of playtime if I was claiming to not play much and that I'm busy studying and being a doctor

158b63 No.317699


>22 viewers

we're gonna change the world guys

f8b133 No.317700


I thought I'd put it up because it's on right now, not listening to it though.

6d8295 No.317704


it's uncanny how many hours he has spent on video games.

647686 No.317705


475 hours a year isn't nearly as bad as I had expected. That's an average of 1 and a bit hours a day playing vidya. I suppose that it is a very long time to have played that over.

What age is he now?

647686 No.317706


Johnny Fox tier

158b63 No.317707


late 30s early 40s i'd guess.

9fac2c No.317709


>I find it unjustifiable to force a person into a contract they do not wish to fulfill

>transactions are social activities and should be governed by the laws and norms of society at large

What sort mental contortions do you have to go through to to convince yourself that an exchange of goods for money is not a contractual agreement?

373720 No.317711

File: d8545fee793b761⋯.jpg (129.47 KB, 448x612, 112:153, liberalist sargon evolutio….jpg)


it doesn't make any sense at all. It's completely incoherently and literally just "I'm sargon and I thought up something really quickly and haven't given it a second thought". "Liberalistism+" is literally just What Sargon Likes: The Ideology

Sargon wants free markets and individual rights, but also wants to force anti-diversity standards on businesses and employers. They also speak in favor of "meritocracy" and against nepotism and using connections to get ahead, but how would they enforce this without significant violations of the free market and individual rights? Is the state going to need to review and approve all hires? Such a thing would effectively require central planning of all hirees in front of a state review board.

>right to refuse service should be done on an individual basis due to egregious behavior

Okay, so how the fuck does that even work. Who gets to decide on what counts as egregious behavior? If the owner of the establishment gets to decide, then it can mean anything, and therefore means nothing. If some sort of government body has to decide, then that essentially means a business needs to go through some sort of court system for every individual case.

It also means you can only remove people AFTER they've done something wrong, and can't take any preemptive steps whatsoever.

What this basically amounts to is that I can keep telling niggers to GTFO so long as I don't explicitly put up a sign saying "no niggers" and don't openly say I'm expelling them because they're niggers.

Same would be true for hiring processes. If I choose not to hire niggers, how is Sargon's state going to establish any sort of violation of his anti-racism policy?

1cf35f No.317712

File: 09e7fbbec5263fe⋯.png (47.33 KB, 958x369, 958:369, Download (3).png)

You see, sub-saharan africans probably have other valuable skills, so their average IQ doesn't matter! Why shouldn't we flood our countries with them and replace the native population?

bbd2da No.317713


He's also been a youtuber since 2006, most active for the last 3 years, 1935 videos. For the last 3 years recording, editing and uploading 20min videos everyday….

On top of gaming and PhD work/study, he must not date or exercise.

ae8529 No.317714


>it fails to account for temperament, moral character and outliers

No it doesn't. Look at the crime stats you fucking disingenuous cunt. You only mention IQ because you know you're wrong.


You mean like how you want to ban islam because of terrorists, who would be considered outliers?

Fuck me the mental gymnastics of these cunts.

abe697 No.317715


Poe's Law.

373720 No.317716


kek, they think real life is like a fucking RPG and that having lower stats in one area means they must be balanced and have higher stats in other areas.

b017d1 No.317717

File: ed661322018da81⋯.jpg (20.88 KB, 438x91, 438:91, retard.JPG)


The absolute retardation on this kid.

>niggers are stupid, therefore we should breed with them

f8b133 No.317719


>Discrimination against an individual based on collective characteristics is not acceptable.

War. How does it work?

abe697 No.317720


Well they're better at sprinting and other shit but that's not needed in Western societies anymore.

f8b133 No.317721


Eugenics. How does it work.

f8b133 No.317722


I disagree. The more subhumans you import, the better at at sprinting you'll wish you were.

03bce3 No.317723

File: 731ceceb1dc7f29⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 486x409, 486:409, batkek.jpg)

7b4bb4 No.317724

File: 42c17adf716c678⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 179x320, 179:320, truthbomb.gif)

6d8295 No.317725


these people don't understand what they are arguing for are they?

373720 No.317726


So suddenly they're race realists and eugenicists now?

abe697 No.317727


What they're arguing for is 'WHERE DA WHITE WOMYN AT'.


Well played.

e84f5d No.317728


It's multiculti eugenics, a bigot wouldn't understand

b017d1 No.317729

File: 21ec5ad2af41b40⋯.jpg (12.93 KB, 404x53, 404:53, this bullshit again.JPG)

File: 1bf53e44b961d90⋯.png (765.85 KB, 951x536, 951:536, 4a6d85e4d0de61b171f0539a85….png)

d3188a No.317731



Why does the left always do this? They act like the one illegal doctor they can scrape up through affirmative action outweighs the fact that the majority of niggers are retarded.

7b4bb4 No.317732

File: 3f6b034828dcc5a⋯.png (102.99 KB, 773x738, 773:738, Arguments Mein Kampf Jews.PNG)



This has to be pilpul at this point, even if they don't do it consciously. White = European, end of story.

515f08 No.317733

File: 116790fc35b9458⋯.jpg (193.81 KB, 753x900, 251:300, AndrewJackson9208740864.jpg)




7432d9 No.317734

File: 1a578f5a1c27ddb⋯.png (547.58 KB, 590x332, 295:166, 18678353f51558f61d07c70ef3….png)


> It is also clear that there are many skills which are beneficial in a society that do not require a high or even average IQ

Would running from local authorities count as a beneficial skill?

df7b7d No.317736


Because that way they can play the "Look at these poor children, ignore the statistics" bullshit card they love so much.

373720 No.317739


That and europoors are acting like we think mass immigration between euro nations is cool. Nobody is fucking saying take 10 million magyars and airdrop them in england. Nobody is saying take 2 million sicilians and put them in sweden.

6d8295 No.317740


the negro skills are pretty good tbqh fam, we will need those skills in the upcoming racewars running from negro police in Sweden.

So it checks out, senpai.

ce2cab No.317741


>Magyars are white

lol no.

Magyars are steppe people who invaded Europe.

647686 No.317742


Anon was obviously using it to refer to modern Hungarians, who are the same genetically and have no more Asian admixture than the neighbouring populations.

Language =/= genetics

f43e08 No.317743

Who's the foxdick farms poster that made the JF thread over there? I remember that guy was pointed out in the initial reaction or something.

b017d1 No.317746

647686 No.317752


Is every poster over there a transexual? do they mock cows becuase they're the only people lower down than they are?

c22cfd No.317753

File: 1c0ed94610c861d⋯.jpg (39.01 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 1459135821543.jpg)


>I think this saga might be coming to an end

Please no.


Feline Darkmage. Supposedly a tranny (some claim furfag, but I can't be too sure). Was mentioned in the last thread, supposedly has raided other boards with xer friends and has browsed /cow/.

7b4bb4 No.317755

15 minutes until Kraut, right?

80b14c No.317757


This just in: tanks in 5 minutes

f43e08 No.317758


Would you assume this "Darkmage" tranny is a desTINY fan, or just an opportunist?

9a5894 No.317759

bbd2da No.317760


When it came to /cow/ first, it said "if race realism is accepted, it will lead to justification of racism". I think it's just a SJW tranny that knows in a right wing world, it won't survive. That or tiny has decent trolls.

bbd2da No.317761

bbd2da No.317762


or twitch?

619976 No.317763

File: a040d7acd52c408⋯.jpg (139.48 KB, 715x714, 715:714, god does not exist here.jpg)


Given how trannies act I doubt they're any better than lolcows senpai

bbd2da No.317764

ec6330 No.317765


They have several threads about "What are your thoughts on the LGBTQ?" Usually a large portion of the regular users and newfags reply to it and they always claim that they're trannies (and a few gay, but mostly trannies). One of the moderators claims that half the forums are LGBT (and by that they mean trannies). There's also a large number of furfags and furry artists on there who share porn with each other.

It honestly would make sense that a board about julaying and documenting lolcows would attract actual lolcows to join since the forums have a rule about not making fun of fellow forum users. So what better way to avoid danger than to trick the predator into adopting the prey?

abe697 No.317766


and the first thing I hear when I tune in is MGTOW

6d8295 No.317767

dammit I have work in some few hours, should I just fuck off and go to sleep or just wait for the Autism storm and be jacked up on red bull and some other energy drinks_

373720 No.317768


Nobody is saying take magyars and flood them into your nation, so it doesn't matter.

Keep britain british.

Keep ireland irish

Keep italy italian

Keep poland polish

Keep hungary hungarian

Keep france french

Keep spain spanish

7432d9 No.317769


I have to log in to shitpost?

Someone ask him how much jolts does his nipple clamps give.

bbd2da No.317771


We should be nice, encourage the cow to come back for another beating

abe697 No.317772


Just because it'll be so awkward for Don Sargon.

7432d9 No.317773

He's claiming to not have known Kraut, yet he was in the same server as he was.

Also he's finding him because "there was no direct evidence".

a4f837 No.317775

>witch hunt

>anita sarkeesian

>dna evidence


373720 No.317776

File: cfbb088f9389ba2⋯.png (569.01 KB, 820x460, 41:23, kraut vs zeph we all watch.png)


We should whisper in Kraut's ear and talk up the fact that Sargon sold him out and threw him under the bus. Maybe we can get Kraut to attack Sargon and release dirt on him.

647686 No.317777

>it's a definition of doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing episode

abe697 No.317778

It's another 'what's the definition of doxing episode'.

9a5894 No.317779

Where is it?

868af4 No.317780

7971e3 No.317781

File: 1c83deec4103e3a⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2112x1188, 16:9, 1c83deec4103e3ab78b7e37ade….png)

>>317777 (checked)

>I decided to go with the dictionary definition

9a5894 No.317783


>On twitch

This fucking nigger had one job

647686 No.317784

>my based black friend told me about the server

>he said it was to prevent racist entryism into the alt-right

>in my book I wrote about racist entryism into the MGTOW moevement

abe697 No.317785

>Unironically thinks racism is bad.

So is he another MGTOW/MRA who wants men of all colours to come together?

e84f5d No.317786


Gavin-tier getalongism

9a5894 No.317787

Kraut's finally on

e84f5d No.317788

FANK you. I pretty much FANKED everyone

7971e3 No.317789

File: 4baa94096f79b2f⋯.png (155.32 KB, 405x438, 135:146, 4baa94096f79b2f85baf67504c….png)


and he needs to fix his audio levels

647686 No.317790

>racist entryism into the MGTOW movement stopped because of this

It stopped because the casual MGTOW demographic moved on to nationalism, leaving only the worst elements behind (similar to libertarianism)

bbd2da No.317791

Sounds like he's coming back as a martyr

OYVEY! The jew cries out as it strikes you!

abe697 No.317793

647686 No.317794


This is the best possible turn of events

7432d9 No.317795

File: 6abab3b2b08ad62⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 454x341, 454:341, 1434017291878.gif)


This fucking guy has been talking 15 min straight with his pilpul bullshit.

> there was no "direct" evidence of Kraut doxing people

> it's all just a witch hunt

> people can be bullied into admitting crimes they did not do through pressure

> the definition of doxxxxxxxxxxing

> "We didn't post any doxxxxxxxing infomation"

Few seconds later, within the same sentence.

> "But the infomation we did collect from the doxxxxxxxxxing had nothing"

Comments are getting deleted left and right in their echochamber.

6c7711 No.317796

File: 1cb3be85945f3f1⋯.webm (6.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, skinhead_jews.webm)


exactly this, man.

9a5894 No.317797


e84f5d No.317798


I desperately need to know what this is from

4f36d6 No.317799


>being proud of being tricked by the der ewidge jude


How did your mother respond to the vore thing?


It's not entirely incorrect. Whites are being turned into minorities in our own nations.



abe697 No.317800


He's already throwing the alien under the bus.

647686 No.317801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Believer. Quite a jewy film overall but it has some good parts

373720 No.317802


I'm still trying to figure out why the MGTOW/MRA faggots are so cucked on this. They have serious tunnel vision and only view things as being 100% about women, without any perspective on any other factors. Niggers and kikes are fine and go ahead and BLANDA UPP if you want because muh hybrid vigor! Just don't marry and have babies with those huwhite women, goy.

Maybe it's because those among their ranks who realized why things are the way they are left and now MGTOW/MRA communities are only the stragglers too dumb to move beyond.

f8b133 No.317803


sleep, then get highlights later

9a5894 No.317804


I've already been banned from the chat lol

Are all twitch moderators such oversensitive little bitches?

7971e3 No.317805

647686 No.317806

File: e73c445925e87cb⋯.jpg (16.02 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Message deleted.jpg)

9a5894 No.317807

>Zeph says it wasn't a doxing server in a private conversation

What's this supposed to prove exactly?

e84f5d No.317808

"The task force wasn't a doxxxxxxxing server"

"Islam MEANS peace"

"Feminism MEANS equality"

Why are these people so dishonest?

9a5894 No.317809

File: 6c9a1dc49a31fd8⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 500x440, 25:22, 234432.jpg)

>And this should put the whole doxing server talk to rest

abe697 No.317810


For one, the founder of the movement or one of the big figures way back in the 50s or 60s was a Jew. Secondly, they still act within the same fucked parameters - they are for equality, they dislike feminism when it becomes a supremacist movement.

9a5894 No.317811


>the founder of the movement or one of the big figures way back in the 50s or 60s was a Jew

Wasn't he also a feminist who founded the movement because wanted "true equality"?

9a5894 No.317812

Lmao he's getting salty

abe697 No.317813


Would not surprise me.

6c7711 No.317814

File: 89ee524f1661952⋯.webm (2.54 MB, 640x352, 20:11, BBC_has_technical_problem….webm)

File: 4a131168cf002e7⋯.webm (6.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, finnish_nationalism.webm)

b8c259 No.317815


Because they got subverded by women and autists who jumped on the MiGTOW thing. Furthermore, they have been left behind after Neoreaction has emerged.

ddb69c No.317816

Am I missing anything good right now? Is Kraut in dindu-mode?

647686 No.317817

>chat mods are banning anyone who disagrees with me


Are you talking about Esther Villar?

32377f No.317818

>if you are a big youtuber don't make my mods famous for banning you

who the fuck is this loser

abe697 No.317819


Nah, some guy from North America is who I had in mind.

9a5894 No.317820


It's going pretty much as expected, the sever wasn't put up for the purpose of doxing, Kraut dindu nuffin, it's all Zeph's fault, raycism is bad

7432d9 No.317821


> What's this supposed to prove exactly?

That denial is a helluva drug.

373720 No.317822

File: 1f9c3e58ae85814⋯.png (486.54 KB, 1280x521, 1280:521, hitler kraut behavior.png)

f8b133 No.317823

operation cocksplit

647686 No.317824

>we were planning to give the alt-right some false science to see if they would repeat it

How would that even disprove race realism? True intellectual honesty from the sceptics

9a5894 No.317825

Somebody who has not been banned yet should ask in the chat for Kraut to finally admit that technically JF is right

7971e3 No.317826

File: 6bdfeff130208ac⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 616adc3ba8d3ab2e8316362f7e….jpg)

>we were just trying to troll people

>seriously guise

6c7711 No.317827

File: 9b6b561c82b1710⋯.png (408.02 KB, 666x576, 37:32, trannychin.png)

9fc088 No.317828

File: 854f6b48095c9dd⋯.png (74.37 KB, 350x197, 350:197, Scaramouche.png)

Boy, I'm glad he cleared the air and this was all just a big misunderstanding. I'm certain everyone will put this to rest now and this stream will put out the fire instead of adding gasoline.

373720 No.317829

File: 18435ef65e783c0⋯.jpg (98.99 KB, 540x523, 540:523, guy fierri laugh.jpg)

>I was brainwashed into thinking that I really was a doxer!


bbd2da No.317830


It was real in my mind!

f8b133 No.317831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

868af4 No.317832


Here we go again

9a5894 No.317833

File: 5dc26164c747517⋯.jpg (12.25 KB, 317x267, 317:267, 385.jpg)

>The feminist definition of doxxxxxxxxxxxxing

373720 No.317834

>admits he had a "pre-server" since at least the RageAfterStorm incident

ddb69c No.317835


Thanks for the info, anon. It seems Kraut is the same as usual, nipple-clamps and all

373720 No.317836


Gotta love that shit. Apparently it's only ever doxing if I have to literally hack into your email account to grab passwords and info.

eec846 No.317837

File: 3fdf5f2f1a5277b⋯.png (375.8 KB, 1272x592, 159:74, zzzzz9.png19199.png)

a76824 No.317838

File: eeb3b7593f692e8⋯.jpg (115.63 KB, 300x378, 50:63, huhu.jpg)

Got banned for posting "<message deleted>"

9a5894 No.317839


>Everything i don't like is sperging and deserves to be banned

Is it common for Twitch chat moderators to be so bitchy?

647686 No.317840

>there's nothing wrong with getting people fired because of their political views

7432d9 No.317841

File: 70dae4f3a0dabeb⋯.gif (666 KB, 400x360, 10:9, 1437103514364.gif)


Mods losing their cool. Keep hammering on them.

Is there a way to spam the chatbox without getting ban?

647686 No.317843


>mingtows complaining about neckbearded basement dwellers

I've seen lots of artificial vagina reviews on MGTOW channels, never seen one on an alt-right channel

f8b133 No.317844

ding dong bannu

647686 No.317845

>Kraut was gathering documents for a video on the Holocaust

Please do it Kraut. I want to see JF respond

373720 No.317846

File: 10f0ab04d1a2da7⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 320x232, 40:29, laughing neckbeard.jpg)


>mgtows calling others neckbeards/basement-dwellers

e84f5d No.317847

File: dd3d099f97f7ba0⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 450x338, 225:169, 1357958598899.jpg)

647686 No.317849

File: c4fbc08631a3cf1⋯.jpg (232.29 KB, 1000x662, 500:331, Laughing Witcher.jpg)

>people debunked alt-hype's 'crap' and 'nonsense'

abe697 No.317850

This shitshow so far confirmed every single thing I always thought about MGTOWs.

a4f837 No.317851

Is this misandry fag closet gay for kraut?

f8b133 No.317852

easter egg hunt for alt hype jacking it

659d93 No.317853


Yes actually, which is why they are hosting this on Twitch instead of youtube even though they would have made more money off of this by using youtube. This would easily have 10 times the number of people watching and tons of superchats if it was youtube. Twitch even takes more of a cut from donations than youtube does. It was just so they could do it in a hugbox

e84f5d No.317854


That they, like the sceptics, are just giant leftists who have picked one thing to be a "realist" about while ignoring the root cause?

abe697 No.317855


Kraut is a chosenite advocating for equality, that guy is a MGTOW, match made in heaven.

eec846 No.317856

File: 3fdf5f2f1a5277b⋯.png (375.8 KB, 1272x592, 159:74, zzzzz9.png19199.png)


permaban, no ones going to be left to ask any good questions at this rate, what massive cuckery

158b63 No.317857

File: 79979e1d9b2bc19⋯.jpg (6.72 KB, 325x99, 325:99, krauts return stream.jpg)

9a5894 No.317858

>Dat subtle little jab at JF


>MGTOW fag is softballing him

>Nobody to counter the bullshit he's spewing

>Chat beng banned left and right

Kraut epic comeback just had to be in a little hugbox

abe697 No.317859


That and that while in the past some of them like Stardusk made some great points nowadays it's just people angry at women who accept all of the paradigms that gave us feminism in the first place.

f8b133 No.317860

>undefined while

a76824 No.317861

File: ba1ceec842a42e9⋯.jpg (943.06 KB, 1245x3500, 249:700, 6 million jews - 1931.jpg)

PLEASE make a video on "muh holocaust", Kraut.

That would make the topic spread like wildfire just like race realism has. And we'll be there to pound your head and your evidence through the fucking pavement.

373720 No.317862


When Kraut comes back, he'll be part of the /leftypol/ crowd since that's the only wing of jewtube politics that will still associate with him after this shit. Keep in mind he was already in contact with fags like Batko and Sharrat

9a5894 No.317863

They refuse to even get into CRP

They keep saying he "doxed himself" even if his information was semi public how does that mean he doxed himself?

abe697 No.317864


Kraut and Destiny team up.

e84f5d No.317865


Turd Monkey at least mocks the notion of equality. MGTOW like drrandomercam are beyond saving though

f8b133 No.317866

>everyone asking the same question

lying Aussie mynx

bbd2da No.317867

He's coming back, just waiting for it to cool down.


Yeah, this seems likely.


They have it in a hugbox to prevent kraut getting triggered.

659d93 No.317868

>everyone in the server was getting doxed, that's why I shut the server down

>it only counts as doxing when it is done to us

1bb96d No.317869

File: 077a9009fa551f7⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 077a9009fa551f7260d483fde0….jpg)

>Maybe I'll get a job

Nigga please

9a5894 No.317870

I wish someone would ask Kraut to speak in his real voice and admit that JF was technically right but i'm sure the twitch thought police wouldn't allow it

b8c259 No.317871


Nah. I am seeing a more convoluted season. Kraut is going to join MiGTOW and then goes on to destroy whats left of it. All the spergs that latched to it 3 years ago and all the autists that where there when the original started 10 years ago will be RRREEEEEing for months while the rest of the manosphere will gather around the trash fire and and have 5 different YT streams on the autism going on.

f8b133 No.317872

>buy my altcoin, goys

158b63 No.317873

>this is the best spin they can put on it

>with this much of a controlled circlejerk

>with these kind of softball questions


373720 No.317874

>mgtow community

I still don't understand this shit. Okay, so you're a butthurt incel. Why do you need a community for this? You're not "over women" if you spend all your time bitching about them. They're living in your head rent-free

9a5894 No.317875

File: 7c7b8dc30c59a5b⋯.jpeg (41.92 KB, 804x656, 201:164, HO.jpeg)

abe697 No.317876


Hi Jim.

158b63 No.317877

File: c1819f185d1c639⋯.jpg (99.35 KB, 731x723, 731:723, kraut holiday poo poo pee ….jpg)

9a5894 No.317878


I took it from Jim's twitter

f8b133 No.317879

he's winding down the clock with this crypto mgtow drama

abe697 No.317880

What's the deal with the alt-hype masturbation video?

ddb69c No.317881

Is there ANYTHING more beta and gay than being a MGTOW?

9a5894 No.317882

So what is it that he regrets exactly?

abe697 No.317883


Well there's a girl there as an admin.

a76824 No.317884


I fucking died. Holy shit.

659d93 No.317885


getting caught

158b63 No.317886

File: 43a6309b1cce2c9⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 640x480, 4:3, ryan faulk 3.mp4)


ryan faulk is a homosexual

373720 No.317887

File: 6016cc4cd195ba0⋯.png (103.09 KB, 997x405, 997:405, kraut mom.png)

Reminder that since Kraut is coming back to the internet, we push forward with the info we found on his mother, the austrian mayor.

bbd2da No.317888

lol kraut kink shaming anyone

c44487 No.317889


we are passing beyond steve shives level of moderation

b8c259 No.317890


Because those butthurt incels didn't take over the movement for the marriage strike and the fun activities like mountaineering or being a edgelord in the third world like the original crowd did. They want women to be as hurt as they are. Its basically about getting revenge, after the Chicken Tendies are done, I mean maybe someday later. Fuck it! We all know they will never leave the basement to go full Elliot Rodgers. Speaking off, its funny that MGTOW went to shit a few months after the PUA hate forums were taken down, because Rodgers himself posted there.


Something more Gamma than that? Try male feminist.

ddb69c No.317891


Despite being good with his videos, lmfao @ being a white nationalist homo.


>plows another man's anus and has no offspring

647686 No.317892


There's one where he talks about racial differences in butthole squishiness as well

9a5894 No.317893

What's this video of Ryan jacking off btw?

abe697 No.317894


647686 No.317895

Have people tried to ask if Kraut agrees that JF and the Alt-Hype were technically correct?

9a5894 No.317897


I don't think the message thot would pick them up

f8b133 No.317898

ask him about the NYT journo

158b63 No.317899

I'm watchinjg the questions go by on the stream and even the messages that aren;t deleted 99.9% are being ignored.

it's fuckin pathetic.

ddb69c No.317900


Good point. Male feminists are disgusting

373720 No.317901


>Its basically about getting revenge,

They really didn't think that through. If their whole idea is to give a "take that" to women, all that means is women advocating more for migrants to BLANDA UPP with. Great job, guys.

I really do hate MGTOWs. Honestly worst people than antifa, because at least antifa actually do something. MGTOWS are just butthurt faggots who want a never-ending pity party and hedonism

158b63 No.317902

File: b759ec2ce775a9a⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 150x113, 150:113, 1390304370801.gif)

>kraut friendzoned by the NYT kike

9a5894 No.317903

>She contacted us

So how did she know about the server in the first place?

f982c6 No.317904


please hold off for a little while

I’m worried he’ll get scared off again too quickly and I really want to see him try to debunk holocaust revisionism

bbd2da No.317905



647686 No.317906

>doxxxxing is revealing private information

>I won't define private

9a5894 No.317907

LMAO how salty he gets at the first non asskissing question

bbd2da No.317908

the academics had better things to do than argue on the internet


f8b133 No.317909

abe697 No.317910


A lot of internet communities are like that tbh, them catering to foreigners really is what ticks me off. Those foreign peoples would never do the same for them.

bbd2da No.317911

"…trying to leak things to sjws"

He called the alt right sjws, kek

9a5894 No.317912

>In the long term it helped

Kraut is still 100% fully delusional

373720 No.317913


Notice how after all that bullshit about what counts as doxing, he then claims he and his conspirators were being doxed by us.

I thought public info wasn't doxing :^)

b8c259 No.317914


Trust me, in their mind, all the chicks that rejected them will die of Super ebola they got from the Migrant hordes that gang raped them. They want the havoc third world imbeciles bring to the cities.

bbd2da No.317915

Moderators [for future reference]:










The last one is interesting name for an anti "alt right"

cc9925 No.317916

Anyone got banned from the Kruat Q&A?

c44487 No.317917


Anyone who didn't?

f8b133 No.317918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

158b63 No.317919

misandrytoday is a salty little slut isn't he

9a5894 No.317920


Yes, he needs to be bullied hard

868af4 No.317921

File: 3b6576e1d2998ab⋯.jpg (74.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nene_hehe.jpg)


Would be pretty shitty if there was some public information out there, wouldn't it?

9a5894 No.317922


Is there?

f8b133 No.317923


winding down the clock again

158b63 No.317924


do it faggot

373720 No.317925

File: 46f81422ca1e8d1⋯.png (144.17 KB, 501x585, 167:195, blurry merchant.png)

>bitching about feminism

>refusing to address the problem behind it

200% goodest goy

cc9925 No.317926

File: 8c9006e249a0973⋯.png (493.82 KB, 520x484, 130:121, 8c9006e249a0973089a1a140a9….png)


Send him some whispers to get him to unban you.


Uh… Yeah.

abe697 No.317927


Look, he is against #MeToo when he claims to be against feminism. Now, #MeToo got subverted to some extent but it was a good shot at weakening the Jewish controlled media and institutions which are responsible for spreading feminism in the first place.

abe697 No.317928


…. come to think of it, he likes to float his (((legal background)))

f8b133 No.317929


as long as it's public information, it's not doxing, so post it somewhere public first

9a5894 No.317930



Do it

158b63 No.317931


i want to kill these people

868af4 No.317932


Sorry, I don't have any public information on him, just saying that by his own definition if we find any public information on him then it's ok.

7971e3 No.317933

File: a1f930af4e5d2e4⋯.png (51.13 KB, 1047x625, 1047:625, 52f4f337cc98807e89f369ff86….png)

>race is not a biological concept

9a5894 No.317934

File: 4bb56c694a111a5⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 492x346, 246:173, 544.jpg)

>I don't have any dog in this fight

647686 No.317935

File: 74b8fd56b218f5b⋯.png (10.07 KB, 520x588, 130:147, worldgeneticclusters.png)

>race is not a biological construct

f8b133 No.317936

>race isn't real

wew, after everything he went through

bbd2da No.317937


USERS in chat:


All the usual suspects

9fc088 No.317938

File: fbf8fe186f47878⋯.mp4 (648.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, doxing definition.mp4)

At least he dropped the accent

c44487 No.317939


158b63 No.317940

File: f4f0a88a1e77032⋯.gif (721.68 KB, 382x456, 191:228, sargon beardapp.gif)

>I don't care lol

bbd2da No.317941

appeal to an imaginary authority, full retard

9a5894 No.317942


That wasn't Kraut

bbd2da No.317943


I remember when septics started, it was cool learning about fallacies, and how they were going to counter those fallacies. Now they know them all and use them regularly

b8c259 No.317944


Grizzly is a YT MiGTOW. Also found that winner on Blogspot.



Apocrypha used to have a vidme channel


Bracholij is on Twitch hand Gamepedia


Lonewolfacr reeks of /k/



Misandry Today has a twitter and shit blogspot blog that looks like a MGTOW blog from 2008


Moobot is actually a chat moderation bot

The Plummer is a twitchfag and has a twitter.



Volk Hellsing is actually a weeb and pr0n addict. Also found tons of gaming profiles connected to that handle.


9a5894 No.317945

Nobody cares about the nazi Facebook page, we want to hear his comments on the nipple clamps

cc9925 No.317946

9fc088 No.317947


Damn you anon, I'll get a bunch of youtube scientists into a discord server to prove you wrong.

4dc9cc No.317948


You forgot Theplummerspeaks youtube


abe697 No.317949

Oh boy he called out Peterstein. Now this is going to involve another autistic fanbase.

9a5894 No.317950


b8c259 No.317951


Yeah. This how a male issues channel stuck in 2008 looks like. Its funny how he doesn't follow Clarey's friends and associates.


And a lot of Christian trolls who like to bait fedoras.

9fc088 No.317952


And here I was worried that this drama would die down after today.

9a5894 No.317953


abe697 No.317954


7b4bb4 No.317955

Can anyone link me the stream? Thanks in advance

158b63 No.317956

somebody better have clipped that

f8b133 No.317957

>I think that's about all the questions we have

bbd2da No.317958

The question she called out for 555 or whatever, the one the mgtow used to advertise his channel and book wasn't in the chat. It was setup. A lot of this was scripted as fuck.

647686 No.317959

>I don't know who Tilly Law is

Who is this random mingtow and why did Kraut do a stream with him?

a4f837 No.317960

I thought skeptics were supposed to uncover bullshit not actually make more of it.

I hope kraut gets aids cancer.

9a5894 No.317961


It's over, it will be uploaded to the faggot's Youtube channel

7b4bb4 No.317962


Ah damn just missed it. Thanks anyway

bbd2da No.317963


the usual autist appreciators are in the user list. They'll be recording it

9a5894 No.317964


Because he was enough of a hugboxing bitch

bbd2da No.317965


He knew, that's why he called it out. This was fake as fuck, faker than I expected.

9e9cfc No.317967

File: 67e5d8c8982eaef⋯.jpg (188.29 KB, 434x438, 217:219, super franky approval.jpg)


I like this plan.

bbd2da No.317968



Cool beans, not vee, one of us altright should totally do this and make the youtubes videos about it.

bbd2da No.317970

If mrmgtow was a lawyer, he's probably handled press releases or press statements before. This was actually well damage controlled. No memes got through, he got his shit advertised to a thousand people, it was tightly run

373720 No.317971


Too bad in the stream it sounds like Kraut is kissing Sargoy's ass. I guess the Stepfather made him an offer he could not refuse. You could hear the subtext in his voice.

a4f837 No.317972


Yeah. I'm sure the kraut sycophant squad all they needed to go on about how kraut a good boy who dindu nuffin.

373720 No.317973


This would be a good point had the evidence against Kraut not already been insurmountable. It's one of those situations where he would've been able to convince people with his shtick had there been plausible deniability, but because it was so far beyond that, you can just tell it's all bullshit and everyone sees through the facade.

That and trying to advertise MGTOW in [current year] is like trying to promote neoconservatism. Sorry bud, ship sailed. MGTOW is old news and anyone that might've been worth a damn in that pathetic community quickly realized that feminism was just a symptom of a larger issue, and the only people who would still be preaching MGTOW hedonist bullshit now are the dregs left over.

32377f No.317974

File: 5b7da9c8ce7c567⋯.png (516.19 KB, 1164x546, 194:91, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at ….png)


It's down. Heard a rumor they were reported for being sponsored by sex dolls

7b4bb4 No.317975


I'm not even surprised that MGTOW faggots would do this tbh

f8b133 No.317976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kane is on

4dc9cc No.317977


Did someone save the nipple clamps link?

4dc9cc No.317978

f8b133 No.317979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Robots wearing a skin suit, I can kind of get, but we're a long way away before I'd drop hard cash on a big boy's doll.

49f0dc No.317981


>there are many skills which are beneficial that do not require a high or even average IQ

Yeah, like picking cotton.

6d8295 No.317983


No they where being sponsored by sexdolls if you scrolled down the page you got into the dollhouse page.

abe697 No.317984


>MGTOW being sponsored by sex dolls

Season 2 is off to a great start

6535a1 No.317985

File: 2e008614e89244f⋯.png (689.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, stream.png)

File: f78543b0eae4d5f⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1904x2661, 1904:2661, dollhouse.jpg)


You could see the logo on stream too

6d8295 No.317986


MGTOW are all talk but in the end they cannot get any form of women so they have so-called sex videos of themselves fucking sexdolls on pornhub or xvideos.

Just search on sexdolls on pornhub and you will see.

f8b133 No.317987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh, you didn't know. this MGTOW even has his doll host videos. it's fucking surreal. a grown man playing with an action figure he sticks his dick in.

imagine running a puppet show with one of these fleshlight cocksleeve things. it's bizarre.

f8b133 No.317988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mirror of stream

a4f837 No.317989


Wonder if he took his doll to court as a co-counselor when he was still practicing if he ever did.

bbd2da No.317990

File: 5257ef44039d658⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 500x638, 250:319, 543543543534543.jpg)


yeah, it's awkward disgusting looking at that knowing he jacks off into that thing.

868af4 No.317991


Looks like they're teaming up with Septics for the reason that those ebil raysis want to take away their fuckdolls.

f8b133 No.317993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The inverse would be just as ridiculous. A feminist running a puppet show with a talking dildo. It might even be entertaining if the dildo was Australian and just shit talked at her.

I'm headed over to /tv/, brb

373720 No.317994



That shouldn't surprise anyone. These people have LARPed for years about sex dolls and robo-wombs. They're the male equivalent of the most extreme feminists who want to figure out how to induce parthenogenesis in humans so they can literally kill all men and have a woman-only civilization.

cc26f1 No.317995

The issue that (((Kraut))) doxxxxxed Sinatra was brought in the stream, and Kraut of course said he doesn't know anything about it. Does anyone have more info about it?

I found this tweet:


63a20f No.317998


>English is a very oversimplified language

Yet despite this it's still incredibly hard for foreigners to learn based on how I've heard them talk.

cc26f1 No.317999


English is relatively easy to learn. I think it's partly due to the fact that it's very illogical. There aren't countless conjugations and different forms that resemble mathematics to master.

158b63 No.318000

File: bd1c0e27449b6a4⋯.gif (1000.58 KB, 355x210, 71:42, bd1c0e27449b6a435164585964….gif)


Kraut makes his big vindication stream where he's going to explain to everyone how hje was persecuted.

Instead, it's a circlejerk where everybody in the chat gets banned and the stream itself gets taken down because the mgtow host was being sponsored by a sex doll company.

>A sex doll company


9a5894 No.318001


It's normal to make mistake when you speak a foreign language you're not used to if you don't practice

English grammar is still very simple compared to any other language i can think of

afbda9 No.318002


Because it's kind of a meme. Since English in its evolution has simplified its morphology quite a lot, it had to be counterbalanced by something so it doesn't lose its main purpose. The syntax becoming rigid and complex as fuck is the consequence of that, so syntax is what most people have a problem with when it comes to English. However, it's not incredibly hard to learn at all unless you've been talking to a lot of people whose native language isn't Indo-European.

97bbea No.318003

File: be828d1b82db59d⋯.png (123.79 KB, 500x300, 5:3, image (0).png)

Hi cow

How did my friend ddj do

Bad like I predicted?

bbd2da No.318004


Knock yourself out: >>317987

In the Digibro thread there's also video with one of TFM's friends hosting a chat, they briefly talk about digibro's decent into autism. Bust spend most of 2hours talking about mgtow, consensual rape, buying and ordering sex dolls, is the box inconspicuous, humble bragging about top secret military jobs, wanting to work for the cia, and a sad guy in the superchats spamming them with cash and talking about his wife's cancer…

TFM is the guy who fucks the sexdoll in >>317987

da7d9a No.318006


English is simple in most ways and strangely complex a few ways that most languages aren't.

The biggest problem in English is how many unwritten rules there are, it's all the little subtle things that are dead giveaways somebody isn't native speaker.

You see Japanese people make these little mistakes a lot, they'd say something like "Japanese have a good culture." Not "the Japanese" or "Japanese people", just "Japanese". This isn't grammatically incorrect, but it sounds very wrong. They also say things like "a Japanese might not.." isn't of "a Japanese person might not..".

They do this because the word Japanese is both a singular and a plural noun, but native speakers would never use it this way because the word sounds like it's being used in its adjective sense, as in "it's a Japanese dish".

English has hundreds of little things like this, it's annoying to track them all down when you're learning the language.


It really amazes me how you native speakers can understand somebody from Scotland when to me it sounds like they're speaking a different language.

cc26f1 No.318007


I assume DDJ=Misandry Today.

He should change his channel to Sex Dolls Today.

Otherwise he seemed to sucking Kraut's doublecock. He's complicit in all of this shit.

158b63 No.318008


were you the questionTHOT?

he sperged about muh feminism for absolutely no reason and got really angry at the chat.

also tell him that if he was trying to false-flag le alt-kike by advertising sex dolls on his stream and getting banned, it backfired badly.

bbd2da No.318009


Super scripted, most messages deleted, kraut softballed, answering a question that didn't get asked in the chat, not answering other questions in the chat, got shut down for advertising sexdolls. It was more like a bullshit press release

7b4bb4 No.318010


Is it even worth sitting through or should I wait for individual clips to come out?

bbd2da No.318011


wait for a kronos condensed version

4dc9cc No.318012


I wouldn't watch the whole thing again.

7b4bb4 No.318013



Yeah I'll just wait for Kronos then. Sounds like a Kraut just being a dindu and soft-balled

63a20f No.318014


>It really amazes me how you native speakers can understand somebody from Scotland when to me it sounds like they're speaking a different language.

Whas da ya wee huddy, ya cannae undastand a Scotsman?

Oh yer a right scunner, lad. Ya bes bolt before I give ye a proper battering to ya tadger.

bbd2da No.318015


If you batter my tadger, I'll slather your scunner

bbd2da No.318016


Read metokur's tweets aswell, he caught most if not all of the funny stuff.




"I'm not coming back to Youtube yet, I first have to swim in the ocean" ~Kraut pic.twitter.com/sqfJ6Uca93

View photo ·

WeWuzMetokur WeWuzMetokur



"I have a video of him masturbating, laughed my ass off, and shared it with people in the server" ~ Kraut

View details ·

bbd2da No.318020

File: 214b7dd480474fc⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, aaaa.mp4)


Going off the dictionary definition of doxxxxxxxxxing, but misquoting the dictionary. Sneaky sneaky lawyer. Typical tricks

63a20f No.318021


Don't you love it when linguists completely fuck with the spelling and meaning of words for no reason?

They've done it tons of times in the past.

9a5894 No.318036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The faggot uploaded the stream on his YT channel

39ae75 No.318037

Destinys twitter is suspended

845478 No.318038


whose child did he threaten to rape and kill now?

7432d9 No.318040

File: 4c63c36ba78cbd0⋯.gif (970.49 KB, 500x288, 125:72, 56d826659b8e03f77fe8f1176b….gif)


> the entire first page of comments were hand-picked by him as favorites to cover up the mass of other more-damaging comments

> first comment favorited is muh horsesjew theory

0ca631 No.318045


that's nothing, I play five hours a day

462926 No.318049


IDK if he thought people would actually fall for that. Whenever anyone sees that they know exactly what's going on.

f82910 No.318053

File: 2013cf94fd8a2fa⋯.gif (360.47 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2013cf94fd8a2fa97fa07f04d3….gif)

I wasn't able to catch the stream. Where there any good Julay moments?

7971e3 No.318055


see >>318036 for stream

f8b133 No.318056


<message deleted>

b017d1 No.318057


I just started watching, and so far he's compared Kraut's case to Mattress Girl, Title IX, and #MeToo.

b017d1 No.318060

File: 1a236e376030109⋯.jpg (60.13 KB, 659x487, 659:487, misandry2.JPG)

File: 4085d863417456c⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 635x140, 127:28, misandry.JPG)

>so Kraut, you're a so-called "liar". why should i believe you when you say it wasn't a doxing server?

<because it wasn't a doxing server



Also the chutzpah on this MisandryToday kike on twitter. I hate it when people respond to their arguments getting B T F O by pasting an hour-long jewtube video.

54840f No.318063



Kill yourself.


> I hate it when people respond to their arguments getting B T F O by pasting an hour-long jewtube video.

To be fair, that's a timestamped YT link.

b017d1 No.318073

File: 95e8357c78d86f8⋯.webm (125.5 KB, 624x336, 13:7, bullshit.webm)

>so kraut, were you attracted to Rage? would you smash?


7971e3 No.318076


no red-blooded man isn't attracted to Rage pic related

9e9cfc No.318077

File: f90f1c27da753d5⋯.png (19.95 KB, 203x209, 203:209, f90f1c27da753d5b273ab6c308….png)


>It might even be entertaining if the dildo was Australian and just shit talked at her.

I wish I knew this existed sooner.

7971e3 No.318078

File: d6a6e54f75d037a⋯.png (296.37 KB, 735x660, 49:44, 1462233081023.png)


forgot pic

373720 No.318079


I knew this sort of shit would happen as soon as I heard the teaser vid where he said "there is no direct evidence that the server started off as a doxing server!"

Yeah, as if the original intention of the sever when it was created months ago fucking matters. Oh boy, they originally started off as serious academic LARPers before immediately going into personal attacks instead. That makes things totally different.

f573f1 No.318082


Kraut sounds like shit. What happened to him? Is he still burned out after his Alt-Right fight?

a76824 No.318083

File: fcd5adabb7533e8⋯.jpg (112.11 KB, 627x329, 627:329, 111.jpg)

File: 839c6d62061fccf⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 914x614, 457:307, report.jpg)

f8b133 No.318085


You're interfering with his livelihood, anon. This is the man that wrote the book on DDoS. This is the man that planned to murder a family that got between him and his vidya.

Good job. I love you, in the platonic sense.


It was kids tv in my nation, back before the poz had fully taken hold.

6d8295 No.318086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a76824 No.318087


Indeed. If that should really happen, prepare for some exciting times ahead.

845478 No.318088


looks like tiny underestimated the red man

cc26f1 No.318089


Is Misandry Today a kike? He sure acts like one, but is he one? Maybe one of his sex dolls malfunctioned and accidentally ripped off his foreskin, thus rendering him a transkike.

7a9c76 No.318091

File: 674decb1487afbe⋯.png (62.62 KB, 1127x332, 1127:332, Misandry Today MisandryT….png)


>Misandry Today


MGTOW (don't marry and reproduce, she only wants your sheckels goy)

Defends Kraut, a kike, with pilpul.

Looks like it but I don't know.

I also think not only was the event highly choreographed, he flagged his own channel for the dollhouse advert.

ed81aa No.318092


>doesn't know what Ashkenazi means

I don't think so

7a9c76 No.318093

File: 3c76cd582946e97⋯.png (12.58 KB, 177x208, 177:208, 15740988_1816465315273378_….png)


and I think they're still running OPs against ze "altright" and this is part of it.

cc26f1 No.318094


Did he say during the stream he doesn't know what Ashkernazi is? Maybe he was just pretending he doesn't know.

f573f1 No.318099



During >>318036 at 1h 2min he's talking about two MRAs or something that he claims slandered him after he exposed their wrongdoings (though as far as I know they exposed his wrongdoings after he slandered them). About them he says:

>there's just too much (((chutzpah))) going on

so he's probably a jew. The majority of people who use that sort of language are either jews or antisemites.

9a5894 No.318101


It was a subtle jab at JF

cc26f1 No.318109



>The majority of people who use that sort of language are either jews or antisemites.

Sounds reasonable, and he doesn't seem to be a nasty anti-Semite.

750e43 No.318112


English in literally the Javascript of modern language.

373720 No.318114


I don't think he was a jew. He may be a slimy lawyer, but he mispronounced ashkenazi and chutzpah (the ch makes that hacking H sound, not a ch like in cheese)

ce1350 No.318130


You gotta love how their primary argument is always "well, it's technically not a dox, because according to the evasive non-standard and non-existing definition…". They also all seem to tip-toe around the origin of the information, not so much were it is uploaded, for whom, and what the goal is. Despite the complete absence of a clear definition, everybody agrees on the fact that the intention of a dox is to disturb or cause nuisances to the person being doxed (getting them fired, throwing them in harm's way, marginalize them, etc). The "it's technically not a dox" card has to be the slimiest way out, because it doesn't force them to acknowledge their intentions; they simply cannot admit their wrongs or take responsibilities for what they do.

b017d1 No.318133


Jeff Holiday fucked it up for them by pretty much admitting they were using this information to intimidate people online. Their "b-but technically" argument falls flat. It's the same way that slimy mischling tried to get out of his attempt to get Rage fired.

>w-well technically she wasn't being paid not that I knew that and other people reported her too!

7a9c76 No.318140

File: 214b7dd480474fc⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, aaaa.mp4)

Reminder from last thread:

>kraut did doxxxxxx

>They tried to spin it in their press release and everybody noticed.

>DDJ claimed not to know kraut but was in the server that holiday said was using doxxxx to harass people

> Kraut in the press release said they did dox

> Kraut will come back once he thinks it's quiet enough.

> Kraut still believes race realism isn't real because unknown "experts" told him so and will use it to argue fallaciously.

> DDJ is straw manning the alt right for taking down his channel, and calling them SJW when he broke twitch's ToS advertising sex dolls on a kid friendly platform.



Going off the dictionary definition of doxxxxxxxxxxxing, but misquoting the dictionary. Sneaky sneaky lawyer. Typical tricks



>Jeff Holiday fucked it up for them by pretty much admitting they were using this information to intimidate people online. Their "b-but technically" argument falls flat. It's the same way that slimy mischling tried to get out of his attempt to get Rage fired.

54840f No.318179

Some glow-in-the-dark chucklefuck created a new thread at only 440 posts and forgot to link it: >>318097

9e9cfc No.318334

File: f2af931c6c8ac15⋯.gif (583.28 KB, 500x280, 25:14, australia's mortal enemy.gif)


A shame Australia is becoming a hollow shell of its former self.

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