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File: 06c3821b61738af⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 1513536280886.gif)

580d1b No.318097

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

Old thread is auto-saging

633627 No.318104

Kraut's a good boy who dindu nuffin. He just needs more money for dem patreon.

580d1b No.318107

File: 9714df019f62e28⋯.gif (612.95 KB, 498x498, 1:1, 971.gif)

What if Sargon knows that his official father got cucked by a half-nigger and that's why he claims to be quarter black?

0bb306 No.318108


makes sense since he has no idea how genes work

7650a8 No.318111

I hope someone makes a video refuting all of Kraut's lies from the sex doll stream.

774990 No.318117


I want this if for no other reason than to avoid watching that stream in its entirety. Seemed really dull from the first 10 minutes. Trout has no charisma

acee98 No.318118


I think he was drunk.

83db99 No.318119


What were his lies? I was listening to it in the background, but from what I can remember it was pretty typical pilpul stuff like

>it wasn't a doxing server, it was for research

>we didn't dox anyone, CRP's info was public

997e05 No.318120


That and the mgtow faggot was cringe-inducing the entire time. It was one of those situations where you might believe their bullshit if there wasn't already insurmountable evidence. But since there was so much evidence, it just comes across as the greasy lawyer trying to play you with slick talk that you know from the get-go is bullshit.

6f490d No.318121


I thought he had the flu or was faking a flu for sympathy. Iirc he got sick frequently for the brief period of time I watched his channel. I put it down to him being a drug addict or poor genes.

acee98 No.318122


>poor genes

Have you done a knockout study to prove that that is possible? Tbh it's probably because he's a kike.

774990 No.318124


"Men's rights" and the disparity before the law makes sense but mgtow is gay as fuck

9cd31c No.318126

I think all that stream proved was that kraut is a very petty and small minded person.

Probably the reason he gassed his server is that he felt betrayed and is now plotting some Machiavellian revenge on his former friends enemies.

Hope he dies of dysentery.

1779bf No.318128


He probably took this break to sort through what had leaked out and what could be twisted/denied, so that he could make this epic comeback and eat his appology

997e05 No.318129


Agreed. I don't think there are many people in our spheres who will argue that men don't get a raw deal in life, but these fags aren't willing to look at what's happened and why.

The MRAs just want "muh equal rights" instead of attacking feminism, the heart of the problem. They won't acknowledge that men and women aren't equal, and so they end up just being a cringey civil-rights-tier movement, but without backing from ZOG.

The MGTOWs are even worse, with their tunnel vision that women alone are the problem and that things can't be changed. Rather than try to fight to work toward a more traditional society, they just cross their arms in a huff and think they'll "stick it to women" by refusing to date them. They're solipsistic hedonists who think they're fighting a good fight. Meanwhile the women will just double down in advocating for immigration to get jamal and mohammed dick instead.

6f490d No.318132


I follow a brit MRA and he's great, he harasses kike doctors for mutilating babies. He's a good speaker too. I'll try to dig out his channel when I get back to my computer. Mgtow jist seems like a miserable existence.

83db99 No.318134


Most of the issues of men's rights are pretty important. Without them we end up with society full of Jake Rapp's gaping mouth as his wife gifts him with a Switch for spending 30 days in his chastity cage. It's just the MRA community that seems to be full of spergs. I remember hearing some anon say all the decent people left the community once they realized the attack on men was part of a (((larger problem))).

13a16d No.318137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

13a16d No.318138


mgtow reminds me of 3rd wave feminism, bat shit crazy (((white))) people and their goys ranting about their enemies, the feminist, people they're jealous of to improve their own position and not that of their gender as they espouse.

MRA look like 2nd wave feminism, actually useful and trying to make a positive change to help both men and women.

3163ad No.318139


>Jake Rapp

male feminist cows are the best

13a16d No.318141

File: 214b7dd480474fc⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, aaaa.mp4)

Reminder from last thread:

>kraut did doxxxxxx

>They tried to spin it in their press release and everybody noticed.

>DDJ claimed not to know kraut but was in the server that holiday said was using doxxxx to harass people

> Kraut in the press release said they did dox

> Kraut will come back once he thinks it's quiet enough.

> Kraut still believes race realism isn't real because unknown "experts" told him so and will use it to argue fallaciously.

> DDJ is straw manning the alt right for taking down his channel, and calling them SJW when he broke twitch's ToS advertising sex dolls on a kid friendly platform.



Going off the dictionary definition of doxxxxxxxxxxxing, but misquoting the dictionary. Sneaky sneaky lawyer. Typical tricks



>Jeff Holiday fucked it up for them by pretty much admitting they were using this information to intimidate people online. Their "b-but technically" argument falls flat. It's the same way that slimy mischling tried to get out of his attempt to get Rage fired.

986430 No.318142

i like how several people's lively hood are being ruined left and right

like a twatter and twitch channels are dingdong bannu every week

13a16d No.318144


DDJ has a book a website and does a fairly successful yt channel. He'll probably get his twitch back.

Mossad will compensate tiny and apparently he's already diversified his assets and has time if he loses his twitter.

13a16d No.318145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sargoy's Seamen taste test

83db99 No.318146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kumite is live. They're going after Pascal Leroux.

774990 No.318148


What a little baby to make a video about one guy's internet jab

13a16d No.318150


I thought it was a funny way of handling the insult.

986430 No.318151

kind of hard to keep track of all the streams going on is there a way to keep track of everything going on?

13a16d No.318152


like, comment and subscribe and be sure to smash that bell

4fae33 No.318153


It's a bit whiny, I think. Making a video complaining about a less than twenty words long comment is prety cowworthy imo.

986430 No.318155

File: 2aca2f05e3aae3f⋯.gif (479.05 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2b1b9c60fb6429ac47553fe955….gif)


any other alternative?

because if that is the case might as well make a (((youtube))) account

13a16d No.318156


If we make a list of all the channels that need watching I can make a youtube rss file, plug it into feeder.co

I usually keep an eye on a few, post here when it's up and trust that anons do the same with other channels. Keeping an eye on harmful opinions and metokur's twitter can help for random streams











naked ape



What other septics engage in the bloodsports?

and probably the bigger mgtows like ddj and the other TFM crew

And then there are other "altright" accounts like baked alaska.

774990 No.318157

Video attacking the horseshoe


dabd89 No.318160


althype and cedarwood

1779bf No.318161


Cedarwood doesn't make videos, you only ever find him in the comments

dabd89 No.318164

1779bf No.318165


He must've started recently then

13a16d No.318166


I'll add alt hype, cedarwood, and tim pool as he's starting a podcast with mumkey's friend thereactor and tim's already commented on the superchat shit so they might try getting into the mix.

I'll these to start and share it as an opml file when it's ready, easy to edit and you can import it to most feedreaders:











naked ape





liberalist podcast

In case they starts making responses to this as they are sargonites that have been staying out of it so far:

mouthy buddha



997e05 No.318167


Yeah, but the fact that he made that entire video just because someone made an off-hand mock at him is telling. It's the same shit sargoy himself does where he makes butthurt response videos every time someone in his comment section laughs at him.

774990 No.318170


You begin to see a trend of these fat, bearded nobody leftists all creep out of the woodwork, each trying to be /ourguy/ but they're just run of the mill liberals.

What made them turn against their own? Women invading their hobbies. Given their political leanings, looks and social standing, it's entirely possible that the "you must just hate women" claim could actually apply to them.

It was a mistake to have ever considered these wave-riders "on our side". This is just another example of the left eating each other.

13a16d No.318171


So far in the opml file:

cow aficianados:

naked ape







sargoy's stream ch



DDJ his subs are set to private which is interesting, he is very careful and controlling, I wonder if he's hiding something


liberalist podcast

the thinkery






rocking philosophy






mouthy buddha


I'll trawl through the septics and add some of their friends before I share it.

bbdc86 No.318172

File: f0ae479075d5bf4⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, stilt man.png)


Where does the Leprechaun fit in?

ed4681 No.318173


in the I'm a huge faggot please rape my face category

13a16d No.318174

File: bbca216cb89ab55⋯.jpeg (30.63 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, bbca216cb89ab550510c6ce37….jpeg)


He's definitely in the belligerents


There are a few of those in the belligerents folder, I'll move them to a fuck face folder if it gets too big

366815 No.318178



>the heart of the problem

You poor fool, you're so close.

13a16d No.318184


(((cultural marxism)))

bbdc86 No.318185


Oy vey, that's antisemetic, think of the 6 million, 8 million died thanks to comments like this, and you have to answer for the 12 million or be branded as a bigot.

774990 No.318186

13a16d No.318187

Is there a anonymous pastebin with version control?

9378e2 No.318189

File: c270b6d118bc398⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 297x371, 297:371, 1435427243364435_203451074….jpg)


In the garbage.

He actually fits everywhere, in every crevice and in every hole. The perks of being a manlet.

2225a2 No.318193

Is that Archwarhammer guy in the skeptic corner? He seems to align with Sargon, and has done a few collabs with him.

13a16d No.318194


>Save pastebin as cows.opml or download from the mixtape.

>Import into a feed reader like liferea in linux or feeder.co and use their plugin in chrome.

feed: https://my.mixtape.moe/fwbraa.opml

feed cocks: https://pastebin.com/ZvqZq275


Forgot about him, I think he's supposed to be a sargonite, I'll add him

ed4681 No.318196

Destiny suspended from twatter

13a16d No.318197


Updated septic feed with arch warhammer: https://my.mixtape.moe/ihixcz.opml

61cd03 No.318199


Vee mentioned him a few times as a possible deabate partner when Sargon was supposed to be going against both Spencer and Enoch.

Could you imagine a 40k nerd talking to them, especially one with a ridiculous artificial accent. pure kino.

93aa16 No.318200



dabd89 No.318201

New JF colab with Matthew Drake - Why Demographics Matter


774990 No.318202


I see you don't know how to embed either.

dabd89 No.318203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here you go

7650a8 No.318205


Quartering's response was quite boring and lame. I don't like CRP either, but I approve him fucking with Sargon and co. Although he should have proper ammo against them, which he didn't really have so he made the "Sargon's cum"-comment. Yet somehow it still worked for CRP in the end.

580d1b No.318206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


93aa16 No.318207

File: 51644d02b11ff67⋯.png (75.04 KB, 200x177, 200:177, lintahlo.png)


Damn it I was just about to play a VN. I can't miss this autism

27ccad No.318208


I would follow Matthew Drake if he wasn't such a brainwashed Mormon even quoting the Book of Mormon is some of his videos.

774990 No.318209

File: eab6f24ebef3d52⋯.jpeg (35.84 KB, 350x343, 50:49, 4224439380_cant20remember….jpeg)


okay now tell me how you did that

580d1b No.318210


>Show post options & limits

93aa16 No.318211

File: f23a0e1dcecc4a9⋯.png (244.47 KB, 660x346, 330:173, callcenter.png)

>Sargon thinking Tulsi Gabbard will give a shit about this fat Internet neckbeard.

Does he actually think some US politician gives a fuck about him? Also he's already sperging about the alt-right KEK


dabd89 No.318212


liberalistism gives you amazing powers

13a16d No.318213



Metokur archive

The Western Front - Naked Ape and Aydin

Tim Pool

cloak and hammer

johnny fox because he massively embarrassed himself, got raped by a french man and said he'll kill himself over it

based momma + sister danger killroy conwimmens

dave cullen

Adding septic thread theme folder:

~ C Y B E R N Δ Z I ~

Murdoch Murdoch Sargon mirror


33aedf No.318214


>you don't need superchat to get my attention

he's just farming shekels

93aa16 No.318215

File: cd5dc301710bcb8⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 885x990, 59:66, 1489964897052.jpg)

Sargon wants to start a ==PAID SOCIETY==

81dec4 No.318216

Funny how someone who can't define what white is and calls it a social construct is bitching about feminists wanting misogyny to be a hate crime.

33aedf No.318217

>Gee Count Dankula, what would you do?

Oh shit, he's retarded

93aa16 No.318219

File: 1fa23880a917edd⋯.png (187.7 KB, 483x535, 483:535, JEWGON.PNG)

Made this just for Sargon. Has he posted the Reddit link yet? I have 5 or 6 sockpuppets ready to go

93aa16 No.318220

File: 3806d5a4bb46387⋯.jpg (274.27 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 4chan.jpg)

997e05 No.318221

Do the liberalistsTM even have any "core principles" anymore? They keep changing them every day because people keep calling out their cognitive dissonance and how none of them make any sense.

Liberalistism is literally just "what sargon likes: the ideology"


>Been defending you on 4chan Sargon. Boy do the Alt-Right give you attention on it. Why do you think they are so obsessed? Fear?


27ccad No.318222

File: 9f90b4aecbec901⋯.png (259.38 KB, 2172x886, 1086:443, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at ….png)



13a16d No.318223

File: 44cd78a6abe71c4⋯.png (2.16 MB, 750x2448, 125:408, sargoy_paid_for_this.png)



- Liberalist Lebensraum, Horseshoegate, the soyfather channel

Sargon paid for these to be made:


997e05 No.318224


kek, just like the open-borders libertarians who scream LALALA NOT LISTENING while clamping their ears when you tell them that the nonwhites they're bringing into the country will never vote for libertarian policy.

93aa16 No.318225

File: d3cfc1277ad3206⋯.png (70.18 KB, 1001x434, 143:62, please read.PNG)

I'm praying Sargoy reads this

13a16d No.318227

>only racists believe in racism

>you can't deconvert[sic] racists

This is the power of sargoy's searing intellect

633627 No.318229


Morgoth has for years pointed out how those 'Skeptics' are not in the least bit skeptical of the big narrative driving politics since 1945 and for all the free speech screeching never adress holohaux and anti anti-semitism laws.

997e05 No.318230


he won't read it. Probably just mock it by saying "da j00s". Fighting collectivism is great except unless it's jewish collectivism, then you can't even acknowledge it exists.


Technically not wrong, but it's just a dumb tautology. We do call it "the red pill" for a reason; once someone realizes this shit, they're never going to un-realize it.

633627 No.318233


I just tuned in and he is still bitching about feminism.Help me out here, is he stupid or just controlled opposition? How can you sperg out for half a decade about cultural marxism and its offshoots but never see the nose behind the curtain.

13a16d No.318234


>Technically not wrong,

That was my point, he's stating the obvious, he was just rambling

bf5534 No.318235

He never mentions Alison Chabolz when he talks about free speech

13a16d No.318237


He helped fuck up gg, he could be controlled op, but I think he's just stupid. That pic of him with the antifa badge did cast some added suspicion

93aa16 No.318238

File: 6b5042323099018⋯.jpg (90.42 KB, 925x583, 925:583, manlet of akkad.jpg)



633627 No.318239


I think the ANTIFA badge was to be edgy. Maybe he just knows that if he goes against the kikes then bye bye neetbucks. I'd still call say that counts as controlled opposition though.

7650a8 No.318240


He reads the word "Jews" and then ignores the rest as Alt-Right propaganda. Sargon probably doesn't believe in the existence of Jews or something, as he finds it so ridiculous that some people actually talk about them.


>is he stupid or just controlled opposition?

A bit of both probably. He's probably not directly controlled by Tavistock, ADL or any group like that, but he's dumb and dishonest enough to be controlled indirectly. Sort of like a dumb animal in an experiment that you can manipulate easily to do your bidding.

bf5534 No.318241


He was talking about how feminist organisations are always and everywhere trying to end free speech, and it would have appleid word to word to Jewish organisations

93aa16 No.318242

Lol @ Sargon only reading positive questions.

633627 No.318243


Oh and also, when he answes really curt and uses terms like maniac or tells people to go away it usually means you hit a weak point.

997e05 No.318244



he did more than help fuck it up. He was the driving force behind it's collapse. He was the main e-celeb voice behind making it about "ethics in vidya journalism" and PRcucking bullshit. He's the one that took people's anger and redirected it toward his patreon fund to julay in perpetuity, like a hydroelectric dam on a river.

bf5534 No.318245

He's really desperate to memory-hole the Anglin/Spencer debates

93aa16 No.318246

File: 388915fa0b9f85e⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 211x239, 211:239, fgfg.jpg)


Someone sounds rustled

33aedf No.318247

>let's do a letter campaign guys

>be sure to put a link to my patreon

633627 No.318248


Oh for fuck's sake is he dodging Anglin too now?

13a16d No.318249

I can't listen to sargon for much longer.


He'll do the same for his liberalists.

93aa16 No.318250


He won't even answer random "alt-right" people now. He's in full-blown "I DON'T CARE" mode. I'm about to turn it off, there's no lulz here, only stupidity

33aedf No.318251

He's trying to get the MGTOW's on side

>feminism is the greatest threat to the west

he wants that sex doll money

dabd89 No.318252

File: f72adff9f216a65⋯.png (3.96 KB, 487x330, 487:330, Hate-Speech.png)

10a275 No.318254


He sees it, but is too scared to accept it.

bf5534 No.318255

>I'm in favour of free speech

>I don't want Britain first (kosher anti-Muslim group) to get involved

93aa16 No.318256

File: 71b1ef975d19ce6⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 341x486, 341:486, ewige jude.jpg)


Stupid. I didn't come into this shit looking for Jews, I merely stumbled upon them. It's impossible to ignore

997e05 No.318257


>He'll do the same for his liberalists.

Well that's a bit differnet. GG started off as something else that he took over and redirected toward his own wallet. Liberalistism isn't taking redirecting anyone, because it's just rebranded skepticism and skepticism was always his "movement" centered around lining his own pockets as Don Sargone.

Although it is about money in the sense that the only reason he's doing any of this shit is because the "alt right" are winning all the arguments and he's trying to snuff them out because they're direct competition in the youtube political market.

997e05 No.318258


His version of free speech means "no being punished for making offensive jokes, but fuck anyone who actually holds that offensive belief and isn't just joking"

So sargon saying the word "nigger" and making wewuzkangz jokes is cool, but actually talking about how niggers are low IQ and detrimental to society is bad.

93aa16 No.318259

>are you in support of capitalism, to what degree?

<to the degree that we see fit that's not socialist!!

Sargonite intellectualism. Wow such deep explanation

bf5534 No.318260


You hit the nail on the head. Him and the Scot keep emphasising how the cases of hate speech weren't really racism. He never mentions the woman currently on trial for Holocaust denial in Britain (Chabolz)

93aa16 No.318261

>Sargon doesn't want stronger libel laws

This guy is a basically a shabbos goy

ae42ca No.318262

File: d966c10560aeffb⋯.jpg (86.91 KB, 912x134, 456:67, holohoaxdenial.jpg)


More subversive comments regarding Holohoax denial laws!

93aa16 No.318263

I really really want to know why Sargon thinks any of these conservative MPs will want to waste their time with some F-list YouTube eceleb. Is his ego that big?

33aedf No.318264

>muh working class

>collectives exist when I want them to

e75eb0 No.318265


B-b-b-but I'm a big deal don't you know? Anita called me a garbage human and she was in the UN and everything!

580d1b No.318266

File: 9259c9bcb69cc26⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 944x444, 236:111, sargon-the-afraid.jpg)


Everyone ask him why he's evading the debates!

997e05 No.318267


Exactly what I've picked up on from watching him. He's not fundamentally against the idea of suppressing wrongthink. He just doesn't like that his beliefs get lumped in with us (ie, the progressives accusing him of being a nazi sympathizer because both of us are anti-feminism). It's just typical boomer conservative cucking where they throw others to the right under the bus in an effort to prove how they're not the REAL racists.

The alt-lite (gavin mcanus and mike thernovich and those fags) did a similar thing where, when they were attacked by antifa, they pleaded with the marxists saying "why are you attacking us! We're not nazis! the REAL nazis are over there!"

This betrays their intentions and shows that they think "nazis" deserve to be suppressed and beaten

633627 No.318268


It is big but fragile, on top of that he is not particularly well read and afraid to dig deeper. If we prod him enough he's bound to crack, Spencer and the MM video already did a number on him.

2acb2b No.318269


What a huge vagina.

997e05 No.318270


Reminds me of /leftypol/ complaining about how all "idpol" is a spook, except class! that's the one true real identity!

93aa16 No.318271

Feminism is a symptom, Sargon! Not the disease itself

bf5534 No.318272

>Britain doesn't have holocaust denial laws

>woman on trial for denying the Holocaust


997e05 No.318273


This came up during the MW stream. They legitimately think SJWs are the problem themselves. They don't understand what leads their progressivism (hint: it's classical liberalism) or who pushes this shit (hint: it's an ethnoreligious collective)

93aa16 No.318275

File: 6403a0fda474fc1⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 709x929, 709:929, Sein Weg zur Befreiung Eur….jpg)

>Sargon talking positively about giant EU-shill Macron


It's like that chapter in Mein Kampf where Hitler describes all of the problems in pre-Weimar Germany. People saw the problems and tried to fight them without success. They were just fighting the symptoms, while the disease itself is international finance, globalism, Jews, ZOG, whatever you want to call it. All the same thing

774990 No.318276


>"ethics in vidya journalism"

Ho boy, you're not going to like this

I thought that WAS the point. If not about Zoe fucking people for reviews, what was the point of GG?

90efe8 No.318277

File: 97644da259b5324⋯.png (256.92 KB, 1304x1376, 163:172, DARPA post.png)

997e05 No.318278


It was about telling cultural marxists to fuck off and stop messing with gamers/vidya/etc. Saying it was about ethics in journalism is akin to saying that Hillary Clinton's corruption was just about using an unsecured private server (protip: it's REALLY about what she was using that private server for)

bf5534 No.318281

Does Sargon think that these politicians are actually going to talk to him, when he's best known by normies for the 'I wouldn't even rape you' thing?

Ironic that he's the one thinking about blacklisting other people

633627 No.318282


Draw the SJWs into a battle and defeat them, go after their funding and character, thereby halting the march of progressivism for a bit. Also maybe get people to look into who came up with this shit and why to lay some groundwork for later (arguably that got achieved a little bit but much more could have been done). Sargoy and co turned it into endless stupid debate, highgrounding and Patreon shekles.

93aa16 No.318283


Yes. He's that dumb / naive. Especially funny seeing him contact all of these conservatives. Sargon is not conservative at all

997e05 No.318285


I think he knows that this is all bullshit. He's only doing this movement shit because he's trying to remain relevant and he'll probably be collecting donations for it or something. Also a way to deflect from his shamefur dispray against Implicit Dick.

I mean, think about it. Ultimately, what is it he's advocating for? The passionate and radical position of milquetoast centrism offered by every cuckservative from Paul Ryan to Jeb Bush? Wow, that's really fucking groundbreaking, Sargon.

61cd03 No.318286


>Sargon is not conservative at all

he's centre-left and wants to maintain the status quo of 10 years ago. that sounds like cuckservatism to me.

93aa16 No.318287


His positions are as moderate and status quo as fuck. Look where the status quo has gotten us now

633627 No.318288


If he looked into that he might also have to consider why ZOG had to kill millions to get to stay on top in mainland Europe whereas in the UK and USA they easily meshed with the elites.

997e05 No.318289


Nobody is arguing that. The point is that Sargon is the same shit as boomer cuckservatives.

dec20b No.318290


>except class! that's the one true real identity

The irony is that even it was revealed for the lie that it is in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy Towards a Radical Democratic Politics printed back in 1985. So these "radical centrists" (read: radical democrats) should have known that they're useful idiots for over 30 years now.

997e05 No.318291


And you know what's different about the US/UK? It's the classical liberalism he loves so much. That anglo-saxon culture of only judging people as individuals and not looking at collective groups as much. The jews were able to completely take over in these areas quite easily. Moishe worms his way to the top and then recruits Shlomo and Shmuel, and all the whites in US/UK don't fucking notice how they're all jews and that this ethnic group is taking over.

Our extreme individualism is what allows us to be taken over so easily.

bf5534 No.318293

>Sargon asking his followers to shill comments sections for him and make memes

I cannot wait to see their memes. What are liberalist arguments anyway?

27ccad No.318295

>We're gonna change the world by taking over comment sections with our dank liberalists memes

Jesus, Sargon, you really are out of touch

997e05 No.318296

File: b4abcecd3256f76⋯.png (474.18 KB, 951x629, 951:629, liberalist sargon fan.png)

File: b8b3151c41a388d⋯.jpg (75.94 KB, 960x600, 8:5, liberalistism.jpg)

File: 242580bb09c0ffa⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1850x1331, 1850:1331, liberal memes.png)

File: ea1b2e2ac311448⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 750x424, 375:212, left vs right meme.jpg)

File: df41a0ab5190776⋯.png (800.33 KB, 1623x923, 1623:923, left vs right memes.png)



this gun b gud

ae42ca No.318297

File: 55c2d073efb79cf⋯.jpg (376.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, thepoweroftheindividualris….jpg)


They can have this one.

93aa16 No.318299



Get ready for Hilldawg-tier memes, except unironically

997e05 No.318301

File: 3a8f8429fb45c96⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 560x560, 1:1, sargon state enforced indi….jpg)

File: 3f2bde382545635⋯.gif (166.45 KB, 792x712, 99:89, sargon collectivism is dea….gif)

File: d8545fee793b761⋯.jpg (129.47 KB, 448x612, 112:153, liberalist sargon evolutio….jpg)

File: 0345c1872803921⋯.png (802.36 KB, 793x1400, 793:1400, centrism has never been tr….png)

File: 44abc63bd24e744⋯.jpg (472.85 KB, 912x663, 304:221, glorious not leader of the….jpg)

bf5534 No.318302


He doens't understand that the reason the alt-right succeeded in raiding comments sections was because they were using arguments that although completely indisputable factually were otherwise completely excluded from normalfags' media and so new to them.

Everyone has heard Sargon's 'liberalist' arguments a thousand times before also all the liberalists I've heard or argued with are brainlets who can't even pilpul

997e05 No.318303


That and WN/race-realist arguments and trolls are really easy to make. I don't need to autistically write a treatise about why it's important to respect "muh individual rights". All I need to do is say lmao niggers are dumb and violent, why would I want shit-holers in my nation?. It's so much easier to put out basic truths than to dance around issues with autistic individualism garbage that appeals to no one.

580d1b No.318305


>Obey To The Individual

my sides

774990 No.318307


That's fucking intriguing

83db99 No.318309

File: e8a819f6862709f⋯.png (395.18 KB, 500x545, 100:109, sixmilli.png)

File: 165adde36fef9ef⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 960x706, 480:353, 165066.jpg)

File: 40e35048fafd7dd⋯.png (141.81 KB, 331x387, 331:387, 193814.png)

It's sort of interesting that Sargon's woke enough to realize memes are winning the culture war, yet has his head so far in the sand that he thinks the ebul rayciss nortsees are a fringe group. At this point even normie meemlands have been flooded by esoteric hitlerism and anti-semitism. Just take pics related, for example.

If I could tell Soygon something, I'd say

Sargon. Wars are often lost before you even realized you were fighting. You asking your followers to "make memes" is as ridiculous as CNN or MSNBC or any other left-wing rag asking their followers to do it for free.

The internet happens like the opposite of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. An hour on the internet is like a day in real time. Your movement is already old, and people have already made too many funny pictures about how goofy you faggots look.

997e05 No.318311

File: 2ac4dfd3e14407b⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 631x876, 631:876, anne frank coolest jew.jpg)


Sargon knows white nationalism isn't a fringe group. Him continuing to insist "we're oh-ver" is just wishful thinking, no different from pollsters pretending Hilldawg is 20 points ahead. Whether he likes it or not, we control ze online pooblic spayze.

33aedf No.318312


>Liberalists Unite! Shill those comment sections for the glory of Sargon

>If 4chan hammers my comments I'm not going to pay attention to them

really thought this through, didn't he.

997e05 No.318313

File: 8e82b3dc5005666⋯.png (369.78 KB, 1530x1201, 1530:1201, ctr hillary meme.png)


He doesn't get that you can't direct a hivemind top-down. Telling people to go shill for you never works. It ends up like the CTR shills or the Destiny shills who are cringey, tryhard, and obvious.

No, for the sort of internet hivemind thing to work, it has to be bottom-up and it has to be something that people find enjoyment doing. It would never work if, for example, Implicit Dick suddenly showed up and told everyone to start posting antisemitic comments everywhere on the internet.

bf5534 No.318314


I think he just said he would ignore the alt-right on the spur of the moment so he wouldn't have to respond to the people asking him about the debate

33aedf No.318315


>I'm only taking questions from reddit

bf5534 No.318316


>wouldn't even take questions from reddit that challenge him >>318222

>this much non-argument

1779bf No.318317

File: a0b32fab83470b5⋯.png (16.33 KB, 879x107, 879:107, 34434343.png)


33aedf No.318318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's been ignoring the alt right for longer than one stream. It's the same refusal to engage directly, but willingness to make snide, cherry picked rebuttals that have forced him into advocating his revolutionary new movement.

e1850e No.318319


LUL its operation "chocolate starfish" all over again.

997e05 No.318320

File: 29103c8fcd8c365⋯.jpg (119.83 KB, 750x750, 1:1, pewdiepie zero deaths.jpg)

File: 4f013286bb3e5d7⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 988x1500, 247:375, pewdiepie kampf.jpg)



>on their side

topkek, no. He's 200% /ourguy/. Hell, even his new shirt is a dogswhistle about the holohoax

>60 million club

>zero deaths

83db99 No.318322

File: 90c1037d3584434⋯.png (315.57 KB, 1530x1201, 1530:1201, sadeffort.png)

File: c20c27ca076bd14⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 447x492, 149:164, pdpmerchant.JPG)


I planned to edit this properly but got bored once I realized pretty much everything they say in that image would come straight out a liberalist's mouth anyway.


>muh pewds

Nah lad.

93aa16 No.318323


I can't even laugh at this. It's just delusional now

33aedf No.318325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


is that the crp thing?

83db99 No.318326

File: 4ca5be8a16eae04⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB, 544x306, 16:9, pewdie2.mp4)

File: 2743dba92707985⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pewdiepie jesus.webm)

File: 2a12c20b551b300⋯.webm (2.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pewdiepie hitlerdidnothin….webm)


What do you mean? Surely pewdiepie is just dying to do some political videos on how he's a neocon/neoliberal centrist with no real views apart from "FREEDOM NOW but under the watchful eye of big brother goy"?

774990 No.318328


>it's a leftists try to reclaim youtube from the nazis episode

61cd03 No.318329

File: 953efa51eafd2a0⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, white.mp4)

File: 1e2bc2220f0420b⋯.mp4 (966.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nigger.mp4)

File: d4fc2365633e775⋯.mp4 (993.74 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Obersturmfuhrer Pewdiepie.mp4)

File: a5d2e8a5c49505c⋯.webm (10.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, no gender gap.webm)

9378e2 No.318330


ayy lmao



Please don't use kraut/spino lingo.

90efe8 No.318331

File: 68a305e229a8b65⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, burn.mp4)

File: 6f817c09835ebfb⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pewdiepie jews.mp4)

File: 7a388ccd9388454⋯.jpg (110.33 KB, 656x640, 41:40, 9b42d778f444d632ea4865d428….jpg)

File: bb0f7f224919cda⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, My granddad.mp4)



There is no way they can sway Pewdiepie to their side. After seeing what has happened to Sweden he will not be swayed by "If we give the muslims free speech and classical liberalistismistism surely they will immediately become just like us."

2acb2b No.318338

File: 583e05fbf911563⋯.webm (11.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The-War-of-Annihilation.w….webm)

I made this meme for Sargon.

33aedf No.318339


nice work

93aa16 No.318345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Since this is the JewTube thread, I figured I'd ask: is it worth getting into YouTube for non-scheckle reasons? I've slowly been editing together a "documentary" on the treatment of Germans in the Interwar Period (kinda like TGSNT) and I'm thinking about putting it up on youtube when I'm done. Just have to figure out if I want to put my autistic voice on it or not. Not even sure if the interest would exist


90efe8 No.318346

Sargon has given his response as to when his debate with Spencer and Enoch, and his debate with Anglin will be

90efe8 No.318347

File: 2b3e868d6f7c8c7⋯.png (12.53 KB, 378x200, 189:100, Sargon response to debate.png)


forgot pic

93aa16 No.318348


Alternative translation: until you forget about it so I don't have to

be0060 No.318350


I dunno, it does not hurt to try.

93aa16 No.318352

File: c48e9fbd2dc37cd⋯.png (94.45 KB, 640x910, 64:91, folder1.PNG)

File: b65d3276c585fb0⋯.png (42.76 KB, 630x403, 630:403, folder2.PNG)

File: c628ce6452ba9a5⋯.jpg (126.16 KB, 745x572, 745:572, memel map.jpg)

File: 83227c3b2203b1d⋯.png (160.83 KB, 822x892, 411:446, memel map.PNG)


Always good to spread redpills. I've already got a shit-ton of sources for the Memel Territory / Klaipedia. Finding info on this stuff is a bitch tbh, half the reason I wanted to make it.

774990 No.318357


Source of the speech?

7fa894 No.318358


I've been considering that as well, so do it. Youtube, even with its censorship, is the best place to disseminate information. I'd also suggest trying to keep a blog for sources and a more detailed compilation, analysis, or explanation for whatever topics you wish to post to youtube.

61cd03 No.318359


Just be prepared for it to be flagged and removed by kikes. If you're persistent about it I'd recommend having a couple back up channels to re-upload if that happens.

2acb2b No.318360

93aa16 No.318361

File: 3604aac3890a63f⋯.png (264.9 KB, 306x449, 306:449, Sieg versailles.png)



Thanks for the info, anons. I do want to make it well-sourced and not meme-tier material. If the kikes take down slightly un-PC videos, you know they'll take down videos taking an even slightly sympathetic view in a heartbeat.


Good luck if you go ahead with your idea, anon. What have you been thinking?

947149 No.318362

Reminder to everyone that ddj/misandry today is a spic. He said it himself in one of the videos on TurdFlingingMonkeys channel

997e05 No.318363



What a fucking surprise. He gets to make it seem like it's still TBA to prevent more people from calling him out on his cowardice, while also pushing it further and further into the future until everyone gradually forgets it was supposed to happen. What a disingenuous cunt.

Anglin should be writing articles on DS daily calling sargoy out on his shit and not letting him get away.

93aa16 No.318364

Degenerate yellow-fever man live


9c9e50 No.318365

File: d3d0d181c5bfc4d⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 1513644191304.jpg)

Will the wonders ever cease? This just keeps getting better and better.

7fa894 No.318366


The two things that I've been interested in is:

1. Ancient Greeks and Romans were more "Nordic" than there descendants are today. Right now I've only been reading books, scanning for ethnological evidence of this, and found a number of descriptions of Ancient Greek heroes and gods having characteristics common to northwestern Europeans, e.g., hair color.

2. Corroboratory evidence to the fact that humans have never changed socially, psychologically, etc. and the co-occurent fact of civilizations being cyclical.

7fa894 No.318367


A third thing I'm interested in is intercontinental travel in antiquity and Europeans having reached the Americas in antiquity, but I've not initiated that to any degree like (1).

93aa16 No.318368



I'm always up for watching that type of stuff. If you ever make it, post it on /pol/ or something. Or knowing me I'll probably see it recommended to me on Youtube. Good luck anon

61cd03 No.318369


don't post it on 8/pol/ they'll just ban you for being an e-celeb or something. post it here if these threads are still going

93aa16 No.318370


Yeah you can get away with that stuff a lot more on 4/pol/, for good or for worse

0900d9 No.318371


put it on >>>/polk/ too

74c91b No.318372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh boy, another (now 3?) jab at Sargoy from Alt-Hype

2acb2b No.318376

File: ea409c8550baa09⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 1200x666, 200:111, 1503859354603.gif)


>my grandfather was definitely full black and my dad isn't white

3 years later…

>i don't know what race my grandfather was, but my dad definitely gets a tan when he goes outside

2 hours later…

>okay he was from southern Europe but that's not white, fascists

11d5e3 No.318377


good to see some videos getting made on his quater black claim. Also does make a good point about his inability to determine race being tied to holding up this lie.

33aedf No.318379


Good video. Gets a little rambling in the middle, but he makes the point well. Sargon is willfully dishonest. Or stupid. Possible both.

It's fucking on. Hopefully Sargon replies.

997e05 No.318380


I doubt it. This is IIRC the 3rd time Faulk has directly called out Sargon. First on the horseshoe theory, then on how liberalistism is inherently flawed from the start, and now on his "what is white" bullshit. He didn't respond to the others, and he probably won't respond to this.

No, he'll keep replying to random cherrypicked sperg comments instead. The height of intellectual honesty.

997e05 No.318381


I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the idea of someone saying they're "mixed race" because their grandfather was italian. And I don't think even that is true.

33aedf No.318383


notyourshield points, that's all it was

61cd03 No.318384

When he gets beat he ignores it and pretends it never happened.

>i don't care

so don't expect him to interact with JF or alt-hyp from now on, unless they do something really embarassing that gives him the advantage. At most he'll have a designated minion like vee or louis act as his proxy.

e8c4c7 No.318385

File: 3b47777a4c356d5⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 394x297, 394:297, 1464529394807.jpg)


> No, he'll keep replying to random cherrypicked sperg comments instead.

And every other opinion criticizing him to be "lol the salt-right is triggered again" because apparently criticizing ideas open public space is being triggered. It takes me back to when you couldn't criticizing sjws.

2acb2b No.318386


A girl once told me she was "French, not white". Not creole JF riverfolk French, actual France French.

>tfw libshits are nordspergs

e8c4c7 No.318387


*because apparently criticizing ideas open to public space means "triggered". It takes me back to when you couldn't criticize sjws.

Fuck up my sentence.

9c9e50 No.318388

File: 33d7fc69ef2c93b⋯.png (92.1 KB, 320x320, 1:1, the french.png)


>A girl once told me she was "French, not white"

2acb2b No.318389


In that case Sargon might not be that stupid. He knows his cult of idiots will take him at his word and not watch the full source material he cherrypicks. He's made his entire career this way.

46a4fb No.318390

File: 8210355ea0ec0b7⋯.png (47.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1433754156254.png)

6b65b4 No.318393


This was similar to my thoughts on the issue between him and Kraut. He could obviously see that the intelligent move was to eject Kraut from his circle full force, Soviet style, but shied away from doing it at the last minute. I get the feeling that even with how bad he's gotten he's not so far gone as to engage in overt political purges yet. The key word being "yet" as I see this entire shitshow heading in that direction.

f98f6c No.318394

File: 97d74c06fb47257⋯.jpg (7.35 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 97d74c06fb4725742211d1559a….jpg)

File: a02890fb18a62e3⋯.jpg (7.12 KB, 200x200, 1:1, a02890fb18a62e3bc2ec3a1b57….jpg)

File: f5c3da66c8a786e⋯.jpg (6.11 KB, 200x200, 1:1, f5c3da66c8a786efaa4692da59….jpg)

File: 927ccf847cb1926⋯.jpg (6.22 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 927ccf847cb1926e3d630b63a6….jpg)

997e05 No.318399

File: f0e0bd7730e9d49⋯.jpg (237.65 KB, 1197x1200, 399:400, laurence-fishburne-9295760….jpg)


>>tfw libshits are nordspergs

Yeah, funny how that works. Literally nobody has any major disputes over who "counts as white" (unless you count ironic /int/ banter), but suddenly when the subject comes up to skeptics/liberals/liberalistians/whatever, they're the biggest purity spiralers out there, claiming that only 200% bavarian phenotype blonde hair blue eyes with a chiseled jaw like in 3rd reich propaganda posters counts as white, and anything less gets gassed.

And this is the same guy who apparently doesn't know if Laurence Fishburne is white or not.

9378e2 No.318400



Current year PDP is basically like Jim, except he's not an oldfag and he laughs at retarded things instead of people.





7650a8 No.318403


The whole "GG is about muh ethics in jurnalism" was just impotent moralfaggotry. There was something bigger going on, and faggots like Sargoy ruined it.

That's how the septics always work. In GG there was huge DARPA scheme in the background, but they reduced it to "muh ethics" and Feminists are ruining muh games.

Then the septics started whining about Feminists, but ignoring the Jew in the background.

I suppose Candid fits in with this shit too. A bunch of "free speech" Youtubers get paid to shill for this censorship app that appears to be part of some Google AI test experiment thingy. When people voice their concerns, the whole argument is reduced to "it's just drama. I don't like drama".

Typing this out reminds me of why and how much I despise the septics.

997e05 No.318404


He talks about how a race-based movement/nation/whatever will devolve into purity spiraling (even though we've all had ethnostates in the past and this was never a problem). Yet completely ignores that all the instances of true purity spiraling and purges have been in movements that were based in abstract principles rather than pragmatic simple concepts such as "put your people first".

How did the the french revolution work out? Fucktons of bloodshed and everyone beheading each other in an attempt to out-liberal each other.

How did the bolshevik revolution work out? Everyone getting unpersoned and GULAGED.com.

this sort if mass purge shit is far more likely to occur in movements based on abstract principles, because you can always be the guy who adheres to the principles more autistically pure than the next guy. And I'm not even saying that all or even most movements based in abstracts turns into this, but it's hilarious seeing the accusation of future-purity-spiraling being levied at a pragmatic movement by an ideological movement.

0f2fc9 No.318407


A European once told me that white is mostly an American concept and that all the different peoples of Europe are their own race.

7650a8 No.318408




Never would have expected it, but PewDiePie seems to have been converted to /ourguy/. I don't think it's just meming or shitposting for fun. Holy Hitler!


>A European once told me that white is mostly an American concept and that all the different peoples of Europe are their own race.

That's what I basically think, and I'm annexed European, i.e. Finn.

bfd5a2 No.318410


That's bullshit. I won't deny that various European nationalities probably considered themselves distinct from others, but when it came to foreigners, they knew who was white and who was an invader.

That's their weakness, at any rate. America needs to avoid falling into it.

33aedf No.318411


It's different for colonies. America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. It's also different from African or Asian perceptions. French and Belgians might be different, but I doubt the difference would be meaningful to some Congolese rape ape.

997e05 No.318412


That's autistic bullshit. It's like saying because you're more related to your brother, that you aren't also related to your cousin. Do a dutchman and a german have more in common with each other than either of them have with a goddamn kenyan? Of fucking course.

Every fucking person in europe knows this and they're just playing this autistic semantics game with this shit. And "whiteness" was not a concept invented by america or only used by america. This is propaganda shat out by the same people who claim that irish and italians didn't used to be white here (also false)

2a85b0 No.318413


Europoor here.

That's not fully true, we do have an idea of "white" but it's not valued as strongly. We care more about your specific ethnicity. If a German had to choose whether to take in a Englishman or a Polish person, they'd probably go with the Englishman.

997e05 No.318414


But you'd also take in either of them before taking in a somali, no?

There's a really basic concept here. There are ethnicities under an umbrella of race. English, german, swedish, polish, italian, spanish, russian, etc are all ethnicities within the overall category of white (or european, if you'd prefer). In previous history, we'd refer to this as "christendom" but it's the same damn thing.

It's like how there are different species of bears, from black bairs to grizzlies to polar bears, but they're still subsets within the family Ursidae. They're all BEARS.

2a85b0 No.318415


>But you'd also take in either of them before taking in a somali, no?

I take it you're not European?

Some groups here hate other European groups a fuckload more than they'd hate Africans. This is especially true once you get to Southern and Eastern Europe.

997e05 No.318416


No, I'm not. I get that everyone has their differences and all that, but that's nothing new. And I have a hard time believing that different groups view literal niggers as being just another group no different than between other euro ethnicities.

2a85b0 No.318417


>And I have a hard time believing that different groups view literal niggers as being just another group no different than between other euro ethnicities.

That's not what I'm saying, of course we view niggers as something completely different, but I doubt a Kosovan would hate a black person as much as they'd hate a Serbian.

4fae33 No.318419


As >>318412 says. Here in Sweden, for example, we know about Whites, and we see it as a super category containing Nords which is a super category containing Swedes.


>But you'd also take in either of them before taking in a somali, no?

Clearly not. Where've you been the last decade?


>Some groups here hate other European groups a fuckload more than they'd hate Africans.

Which ones? If you ignore the Afrophile elites and people taught to have no racial preference, I think most, say, anti-German Frenchies would prefer a German to a Somali.


Okay. If we're dealing with eastern Europe I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

997e05 No.318420


Okay, but bad blood between groups is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about relatedness of different peoples. "of course we view niggers as something completely different" is the entire point I'm trying to make.

2acb2b No.318422


The way she said was more like, "I hate hate to admit that I'm white, so I say I'm French so it sounds cooler". If you've been conditioned to hate your extended family so much, you might be autistic enough to identify as your home address.

33aedf No.318424


but you view a nigger as a nigger though, don't you? you're not going to quibble between Somali and Khoisan if you see a nigger, are you?

997e05 No.318425


>The way she said was more like, "I hate hate to admit that I'm white, so I say I'm French so it sounds cooler"

I expected as much. I've seen them try to push shit like this over here in burgerland (ie, there is no white race! you're all just irish or german or english or italian!). But it doesn't pick up any steam because we've essentially undergone an ethnogenesis from mixing up between different white ethnicities.

53c5c4 No.318427


"White" is an American concept to the extent of it is a racial and cultural union of different Europeans races in a new ethnic group based on their shared ancestry and geographical origin (Europe).

White in Europe is understood as Europeans, which is broadly composed of Nordic, Latin, and Slavic people.

7650a8 No.318428









How about getting back on topic and start laughing at the septics/Liberalists?

6b65b4 No.318429


Since you seem to be in charge around here can you please tell me whether Laurence Fishburne is white or not? I was on the edge of my seat for an answer but we never got one.

7650a8 No.318431

File: f8cd9c82f0be8bc⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 400x209, 400:209, the-white-laurence-fishbur….jpg)


Go fuck yourself. I'm not in charge, I'm merely suggesting we stick to the topic of this thread. I don't want to see the same discussion on race that I've seen a 78568768 times.

>can you please tell me whether Laurence Fishburne is white or not?

Looks huwite to me.

e8c4c7 No.318434

File: 2829127c6d75203⋯.png (108.92 KB, 719x472, 719:472, 641688fd7780a3f1a78dff13f9….png)


It's also funny to see every left-leaning ideology (whether communism, liberal progressives and now sargoys) always retreat to the abstract whenever their theories aren't working in practice.

No no no that's not what I mean about collectivism, my brand of collectivism means this. You just don't know what we mean.

No no no that's not the white privilage I'm talking about, god better educate yourself on what I mean.

No no no that wasn't real communism, Marx said it it's suppose to be like this. You're just too dumb to understand.

There's nothing concrete to grasp for their utopian vision, just playful language.

6b65b4 No.318435

File: 5a9ded3c3d20e55⋯.jpg (328.93 KB, 656x370, 328:185, what.jpg)


>I don't want to see the same discussion on race that I've seen a 78568768 times

Well you're in luck then!

ae42ca No.318436

File: 95ad57856de8885⋯.jpg (10.84 KB, 320x350, 32:35, photo19.jpg)

2acb2b No.318437


I feel like we're watching Kraut crash and burn all over again with Sargon. I'm just waiting for him to invoke Alt Hype's background and/or have his lackeys do some more "fact finding" on alt-right personalities. Its clear he's too much of a pussy to debate anyone now. So Carl enacting Operation Pink Salmon II is just a matter of desperation.

997e05 No.318438


Really gotta love how Sargoy is tactically taking the varg-tier LARPing definition of whites literally only being blonde hair and blue eyes 100% bavarian phenotype. Next thing you know, Sargon will be criticizing us for being too lax in accepting "nonwhite" meds and slavs.


This is the fundamental problem I've always had with belief systems that focus on abstract bullshit instead of anything real. Whether it's communists with equality, or libertarians with the NAP or classical liberals with autistic individualism. These things are all just spooks (for lack of a better term). All philosophical bullshit based in some platonic ideal of a theoretical society that perfectly adhered to a set of principles, while never bothering to assess how the real world works or how it would change/influence/destroy your ideas in practice.

6b65b4 No.318439


Ideally this is the kind of stuff that an actual moderator would take care of in a debate so it doesn't just turn into a semantic implosion. The problem with the traditional forum style debate arises when one of the parties is arguing in bad faith like we see whenever the Sargonites argue with someone.

ae42ca No.318441


What's so fucked up about this whole situation is that he's not even wrong in saying that "White" is a meaningless description of Europeans.

"White" implies that it's all about skin color, when there are so many more factors to consider.

Sargon is just convinced that he's checkmating all of us evul nutzees by going down this route, for some reason.

ae42ca No.318442


Believe me, this shit is going to come back and haunt him some time in the future.

He's grave keeps getting one foot deeper.

366815 No.318444


If you want to be autistic, sure. It's an umbrella term encompassing all caucasian/european ethnic groups. Just like black is an umbrella term for various african ethnic groups, and asian is an umbrella term for various east/southeast asian ethnic groups. A european that gets into autism and disputes the concept of "white" or throws it out the window as an "american" concept is fucking retarded especially during a time where our entire collection of european ethnic groups are being genocided and gaslit to simultaneously believe that it's not happening yet it's happening and a good thing.




997e05 No.318445


>"White" implies that it's all about skin color, when there are so many more factors to consider.

But nobody literally thinks that whiteness is just about skin color. It's a shorthand. Europe = white, East Asia = yellow, Sub-Saharan Africa = black, Amerindian = red. These aren't literal descriptors. It's using a subset to refer to the whole, such as referring to the federal executive branch as "the white house" even if it's not something specifically taking place within the white house.

It's just cringe-inducing seeing faggots like Sargon acting smug and pretending that it's about skin color and saying dumb shit like "well koreans have white skin too! checkmate racists!"

bfd5a2 No.318446


Very vehemently this.

61cd03 No.318447


found a liberalist board and fill it with vore porn or something

7650a8 No.318448


>Everyone's a Liberalist who doesn't wanna hear the same race debate over and over again

Hi Sargon. Come up with something unique to say.

6b65b4 No.318449


What's meaningless is any axiomatic definition of the term. It can really only be expressed holistically. Being white can't be reduced to something as simple as a statement of beliefs like a political ideology. Race is a complex identity and the concept of "white" is simply a watermark to prevent the endless fractioning and reducto ad nauseum semantic debates that distract from the real issues at hand. Nobody is suggesting that there aren't distinct cultures and groups underneath the umbrella term, ones that obviously haven't always gotten along with each other, and its mostly a political expediency that allows people to functionally share ideas.

997e05 No.318450


And even IF whiteness was a purely american concept, how does it matter? Nobody is arguing for mass immigration between european nations either. Personally I want the separate ethnic and cultural makeups of separate euro nations to be preserved, which is one of the main reasons I'm anti-EU, besides the obvious open borders ZOG kikery.

Even if America was the only nation that used "whiteness" as a concept, it's also bascially the only place where the "ethnostate" would rely on whiteness due to our colonial settlement history. Britain can just be british, Germany german, etc. Whether a Swede considers Sicilians white or not would be irrelevant .

But at the same time, all european ethnicities, whether they agree with the label of whiteness or not, need to recognize and understand that they're all collectively under attack here. In the past, our ancestors banded together to fight back against Moors, Mongols, Turks, and joined together in crusades. On some level we all do need to work together against this threat.

33aedf No.318451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33aedf No.318457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bearing found a cow. He's a skeptic orbiter, but at least he's honest about niggers.

61cd03 No.318459



2acb2b No.318460

File: 045c10cf6904575⋯.jpg (383.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, my-cousin-vinny.jpg)

acee98 No.318461



>New videos from two of my favourite JewTubers on the same day

Like a second Christmas.


There are whitout doubt young people of African extraction who are committing crime…but there is no African gang problem


I've seen that faggot before, btw.

83db99 No.318462

File: 94063268e25938e⋯.jpg (171.31 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 94063268e25938e2ff6ba4b4f0….jpg)


I was arguing with a guy about the Apex african gangs in Melbourne. He said he lived there, and that sure, there was some gang violence, and sure, they happened to be african gangs, but there was no African gang problem. He then went on to say that the real issue was youths being bored. Never mind that there aren't white gangs going around in groups mobbing people. White kids must never get bored. No, what we need to do to stop this African gang problem that totally doesn't exist is to give African communities money. Brilliant.

At the end of our argument, I found out that he was himself an African muslim. Surprise.

366815 No.318463


>butthurt intensifies



>muslims good whites that don't hate themselves and their heritage because jews want you to feel guilty over muh slaves even though they ran the slave ships and 2% or lower of the population even ever owned them

>and negro slaves were far from the only group to have ever been enslaved

22da2b No.318466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New faggot video about Sargon

83db99 No.318468


I like when that guy brought up people saying he lied about being black he takes the typical Sargon route of

>i don't care! i don't even care! nobody should care!

He lied about his race for SJ points, now when he gets called out on it he says he doesn't care? I'm starting to really dislike this disingenuous fuck.

530001 No.318469


Holy shit, I haven't heard about Angry Aussie in years. I remember stumbling onto him around when Amazing Atheist was hot shit. Reminds me of Blunty.

ae42ca No.318470

File: 4a1b1ed018f9aba⋯.jpg (343.44 KB, 800x911, 800:911, vee pilpul.jpg)

I hope we can get some more ree from Vee this week. He seems to get more and more agitated on the twatter.

83db99 No.318471

File: 7efd97bc4ba9320⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 669x613, 669:613, veet1.JPG)

File: 89526cbd8903518⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 667x397, 667:397, veet2.JPG)

File: 6bf16d372efb764⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 670x644, 335:322, veet3.JPG)

File: 41cb61729aa36b4⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 641x654, 641:654, veet4.JPG)

File: 76e104680f54af6⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 655x636, 655:636, veet5.JPG)


You're not kidding. People are making fun of his vore fetishes as he screams about Dragonball and nazis.

96b6bf No.318472

File: fa1c9e8f3915c95⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 315x310, 63:62, revving intensifies.jpg)


I actually laughed out loud at this post. What a joke.

Last thread I was speculating the the saga might be ending, but it looks like meat's back on the menu, boys.

ae42ca No.318473


Hahahaha, nice.

acee98 No.318474


<Not an argument

>I'm not arguing. I'm loving it my dude.


dd6749 No.318477


Is this guy a pedophile or some shit? What the fuck is this "there's a naked kid it must be porn!" shit?

ae42ca No.318478

File: c6934350fbb1120⋯.gif (346.4 KB, 700x380, 35:19, swallowmemommy.gif)


I don't think he's a pedophile, but he's almost everything else.

83db99 No.318479


He thinks it's a neat gotcha. He thinks he has intellectually cornered the internet nazi.

>you like dragonball? under an ethnostate you would be gassed!

This is what gypsies actually believe.

33aedf No.318480


Bulma was 16 and Goku is a brain damaged alien capable of waging genocidal war as an infant.

2a85b0 No.318481


He's not a pedo, but he wants to be eaten by a snake.

7fa894 No.318483


You as well, anon. Could you investigate this document and confirm its cocks? It's a bit hefty.



Will do, it would be far more appreciated there than on /pol/.

3bae09 No.318484


Good shit.

7fa894 No.318485


The thing about that screenshot of DB is that it's supposed to be funny. It's a gag, not a sincere depiction of child nudity, and even if it were, child nudity is not evidence that is meant to be pornographic/titillating (to pedophiles). How does he think that's even a gotcha? Vee, if you're reading this, then please get away from those core games as they're rotting your brain.

f3ecc0 No.318486

I think I'm going to make a playlist about the Liberalisticistist Cult. Where would you say Sargon started to go mental? The call with Kraut? The Spencer debate? What would be a good starting point?

33aedf No.318487




Or his rebuttal when Jim left GG

1779bf No.318489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait, so he claimed his grandfather was black even though he apparently wasn't subsaharian african? then how can he claim Zayn Malik is not black at 15:50 in this video?


>Current year PDP is basically like Jim

Jim himself said he likes current year Pewdz


Europoor here aswell

I've seen what you describe only in contexts where there weren't many non european immigrants around, now that we're all under demographic attack it would be impossible not to recognize it, and inter european rivalries do not disappear but they are sure toning down, see Lega Nord in Italy for example

405ae7 No.318491


I'd bet my left nut to say that nobody of my particular Slavic persuasion and that no other Slav would welcome in negroes just because they're not his designated Slavic blood enemy. It's precisely due to the lack of a sizable nigger and/or Mudslime contingent in our countries that we currently hate each other more intensely than we hate negroes.

6f490d No.318492


>then how can he claim Zayn Malik is not black at 15:50 in this video

He's a duplicitous leftist who will lie, and use fallacious reasoning to win an argument. Now that he's going under the pretense of winning the hearts and minds of normies I predict he'll get worse. alt hype covered it well I think.

997e05 No.318493


Exactly. I'd probably hate gypsies and abbos too… if I had to deal with them. But I don't, so I'm aware from afar that they're shit, but it's not the same as truly HATING them the way I hate beaners, niggers, kebabs, and kikes.

f3ecc0 No.318494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7fa894 No.318496


>And even IF whiteness was a purely american concept, how does it matter?

It doesn't. Hitler was influenced by the American Madison Grant, the alternative school of anthropology to Boas' that dissolved after WWII.

972a1b No.318497

File: 0bd147c6e44438f⋯.png (281.49 KB, 1242x1141, 1242:1141, IMG_0099.PNG)

Currently arguing with some Slavshitter who thinks all "alt-right" are nordicists and consist of the most hyperbolic /pol/ elements. Is my view of the ethnostate concept accurate? It doesn't seem that hard to grasp imo

>pic related

1779bf No.318498


>which i have never seen advocated for

To be fair, implicit Spencer seems to advocate for that, but he is probably a glow in the dark anyway

9c9e50 No.318499


Too true. He still has a lot of devoted followers with the GG fags on /v/. Speak ill of their idol, and watch them go into full defense mode.

83db99 No.318500


They're forced to argue irrelevant points like "what IS white?" and "what if pterodactyls attack the ethnostate?" because they don't have a moral leg to stand on. They claim to be pro-freedom and liberal values. Well whites want the freedom to live in a country that isn't full of people that hate them, rape them, and are a negative to the economy. Whites don't want to have to pay taxes to fund Sho'nuffqua's seventh niglet so it can go to a college and be taught by dual-citizenship jewish professors how the white man is who be keeping her down.

They don't have an argument. Watch any of their debates and see. All that flowery language is just "you're a racist because you're pro-white" which is ironic coming from people who like to call everyone they disagree with SJWs.

Everyone who was actually skeptical in the Skeptic Community has already moved on to race realism and foreign subversives. It's the cowardly and the stupid that were left behind. People who were happy criticizing purple-haired leftist whites, but balk at criticizing brown people or jews. So now the best minds they can conjure for debates are retards like Vee who is just dumb, or disingenuous hacks like Sargon who are dishonest and afraid.

972a1b No.318501


I was accused out the gate of being a Spencerite. It's hilarious how they think being pro-white is some sort of centralized movement. It could be in the future in some countries, but Spencer definitely won't be the leader. Too much of an effeminate, uncharismatic purple-prose spewer. I'd honestly be surprised if he wasn't COINTELPRO

7fa894 No.318502

File: 58a9141a078e589⋯.jpg (93.47 KB, 640x900, 32:45, f228c202f1213fd2d8a86a3284….jpg)

File: 915ba6f3f2b29b0⋯.png (1.03 MB, 897x944, 897:944, 1459449614010.png)


As an American, I'd prefer it if America comprised British Islers, Germanics (Dutch, German, Austrian, etc.), French, and, maybe, Scandinavians over other European nationalities.

6638be No.318504


Vee sees a reference to Dragon Ball and his first thought isn't "oh right, that anime about martial arts and adventure and camaraderie." No, his first thought is "oh right, that anime with child dick in it."

Really makes you think.

3bae09 No.318505


The mass immigration of Eastern and Southern Europeans in a way fractured society enough for Hart Celler to happen in the first place, sure it was mainly the Jews pushing but they exploited natural fracture points like Irish vs Anglos. In Europe we see something similar like pitting Visegrad vs France and Germany when we have a billion Africans breathing down our neck (and make no mistake, ZOG got its claws in everyone on the continent). There's also smaller scale occurances like the Scottish independence referendum, if it wasn't for EU immigrants (probably mostly white at that point still) it wouldn't have succeeded. Or take all of the middle class kids who grew up with someone from ex-Yugoslavia in the 90s (caused by the wars there) who see no real issue with the Africans and sandnigs now because they're just refugees.

Europeans are part of a larger family and we never should fight another again but the large scale inter European movements help weaken us. Good fences make good neighbours.

83db99 No.318506

File: ccbf3fdb3da998f⋯.webm (7.06 MB, 600x338, 300:169, no more brother wars.webm)


No more brother wars.

972a1b No.318507


Mosley had the right idea, as opposed to the (((EU)))

972a1b No.318508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Forgot clip

997e05 No.318510


>The mass immigration of Eastern and Southern Europeans in a way fractured society enough for Hart Celler to happen in the first place,

I don't think that's the case, although I may be biased about that (since I'm polish by blood myself). The main problem with the immigration policy of the early 20th century was that while it was ostensibly allowing eastern/southern europeans in, the main problem was that these eastern europeans were (((eastern europeans))). Sure, there were yids here before that, but not many. Almost all the yids we have here slipped in by the millions among the newcomers, as well as those who fled germany en masse in the 30s. In fact, the immigration policy we set up in the 20s to curb eastern/southern euro immigration was REALLY about not letting any more kikes in.

But yes, jews do use ethnic conflict to keep everyone weak and allow themselves to remain unchecked. Although the sort of ethnic strife between different euro groups within the same nation is nowhere near the sort of ethnic strife you get in a place like America with all the nonwhites.

And I do agree that there shouldn't be this sort of massive schengen-style immigration between euro countries. I don't want europe being turned into a homogenized ethnic group and culture. I mean, it's nowhere near as bad as letting shitskins in, but I still don't want that either, nonetheless

4a11d5 No.318512


>immigration policy we set up in the 20s …

Recently read some papers from my country (1860-1910) in which they call them out for bad and malicious behaviour. Each one describe what they did specifically, like trying to sell silk several times through the day at 250% higher than what the farmer were willing to give etc I refuse to blogpost/translate the longer ones when people talked way different back then. Use these (I bet anyone could find old papers like this for their country) whenever people refute the claim that they control the media. It follows that they had to subvert these or leave.

Too bad it is much harder to detect fraud today. Everything is done by papers and these personal interactions does not happen.

5eeb16 No.318513

File: 1c616f122a31ab5⋯.png (233.74 KB, 620x640, 31:32, 1c616f122a31ab591ca3b639ac….png)


I wish we'd go back to the "fuck off, we're full" mentality and just ignore what goes on with Europe.

4a11d5 No.318514

File: fecee3ea8eef1aa⋯.png (165.7 KB, 640x1020, 32:51, tiny suspension.png)

File: 2d35930fd0520dd⋯.png (284.76 KB, 524x372, 131:93, 754be272c31e20511f907dd369….png)


ed4681 No.318515


Holy motherfucking window, not only it magnifies by a million, it bends the light so you can see the Eiffel tower from Quebec!

1779bf No.318516


So he'll get a lawyer this time?

90efe8 No.318518


>couple of weeks before I set on a team

By the sound of it JF is going all out and will show up with a team of layers to destroy desTiny with

3bae09 No.318519


Also Metokur discovered the Destiny game yesterday.

83db99 No.318521

File: 630b5ec9bb071fc⋯.jpg (123.95 KB, 940x545, 188:109, ace.jpg)


Should be fun.

a808e3 No.318524

sage for off topic but nehlen just got his twitter back a few hrs ago.

972a1b No.318525


Sad that Tiny was banned from Twitter so we can't seem him sperg out over this

46a4fb No.318526


>implying the light needs bending

earth is flat fam

997e05 No.318527


Is he banned for good or is it temporary?

a808e3 No.318528

File: f5c1fe6367b49b9⋯.png (856.37 KB, 1063x705, 1063:705, Nehlen's back.png)

83db99 No.318529


He's streaming right now. Someone with an account could ask him what he thinks.


972a1b No.318530


I've heard it was permanent, but I don't follow Tiny very closely so I could be wrong

a808e3 No.318531


Ask him what his favourite brand of stilts is.

ed4681 No.318532


It has to bend it around mountains anyway you faggot

997e05 No.318533

File: 7fc0df85fdc7aae⋯.png (132.52 KB, 300x340, 15:17, chef excellence.png)

774990 No.318534


Who's this?

bbdc86 No.318535


He`s running for GOP leader against Paul Ryan, I believe. I`m not an expert on american politics. What I do know is his account got shoa`d because he called out CNN on being run by jews.

972a1b No.318539

File: 8b48d96cc726d32⋯.png (577.76 KB, 486x4853, 486:4853, IMG_0102.PNG)

7905a6 No.318540


I can get a Turkic Slav to read that fanfic for you if you can link it. His voice can be pretty hilarious.

a641ee No.318542

File: 7d8728c1cdcb6e6⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 324x395, 324:395, Meloven.jpg)

File: 22a60135db0f113⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 434x599, 434:599, żydzi_wszy.jpg)

File: 606b39b85d0b199⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 576x960, 3:5, monkeyboy.jpg)

I'm polish and I'm a Nazi. I don't know what hatred between slavs you are talking about. The only exception is the Russians and it's solely because of the USSR (which is not even Russians fault, kikes took over their and ours countries) and even then it's not a hatred as much as just being warry. Poles love Czechs Slovakians, I don't know if they share the feeling but I certainly like them a lot.

Most people in my country don't hate niggers either. Most people don't ever thibk of them because they might never even seen one. It's just… oh yeah, these "people" they're funny and fucked up, whatever man. I have these conversations all the time because I'm trying to redpill my friends on certain things, but I don't have to say shit about niggers other than jokes.

It's kinda hard to convince them of the Jewish question because they think that being Jewish is just a religious thing…. but I'm getting there slowly but surely

774990 No.318546


>all our grandparents are black

>muh cradle

972a1b No.318547

File: 43dc777323213ad⋯.png (40.96 KB, 294x434, 21:31, IMG_0103.PNG)

File: 396565ea43cfcfb⋯.png (26.48 KB, 312x406, 156:203, IMG_0104.PNG)

File: 25d24838428c4e8⋯.png (19.83 KB, 290x682, 145:341, IMG_0105.PNG)

File: 454419525d979e4⋯.png (10.92 KB, 184x417, 184:417, IMG_0106.PNG)


Redpill them on certain genetic problems / diseases which occur more frequently in Jews such as Tay Sachs and breast cancer. Both are much more common in Ashkenazi Jews. See also the various Jew-facts I posted with the post here – notice the distinction between religious and non-religious Jews in the United States. These are all low-tier redpills along with Jewish hyper-representation in the media, press, banking, the vices. Mein Kampf also has a section about how Jews purposley emphasize their status as a religion over their racial status in order to gain religious tolerance / shield them from criticism.

Another good redpill is how Jews shield themselves from criticism through Jewish hyperbole. Basically (in their mind):

Criticism of Jews > Hatred of Jews > Hitler > anudda Shoah

2acb2b No.318548


"I didn't explain anything about who my grandfather was. You guys have no information"

>So who was he?

"I have explained it who my grandfather was."

He wont do a 23andme because there's kike in there.

b85cfb No.318549


His wikipedia article is golden

972a1b No.318550

File: 8fd06f78b7faa51⋯.jpg (189.9 KB, 1280x521, 1280:521, IMG_0018.JPG)


His pilpul is so skilled there's no way it's learned. This is in-born instinct to dupe the unaware gentile. I really wish he'd do a DNA test. We should put on the pressure

e8c4c7 No.318551

File: f9f666be60ccf39⋯.gif (227.86 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pls respond.gif)


> it's degenerate because it has naked child wang

> can't tell difference between something sexualized and something innocent

Either he's reaching pretty hard, or just too degenerate to see anthing pass sex.

405ae7 No.318552


>He wont do a 23andme because there's kike in there.

Even if there wasn't 23andme puts in some miniscule negroe and kike genes in to spite ebil rayses, both 1% negro and kike would be hilarious.

d7e327 No.318554


Nobody should be doing 23andme, giving away your own dna info to kikes is insanity.

b7451a No.318555


He's running Ryan's seat in Wisconsin. Ryan hasn't even confirmed whether he'll rerun. AFAIK

b7451a No.318556


*Running FOR*

be0060 No.318557

File: 3b9caf0b153cb0c⋯.png (184.63 KB, 277x373, 277:373, vee_the_GM.PNG)


I am not sure about the gypsy guild master but I think he is really deceptive, but who knows he is a degenerate after all.

4659ad No.318558


great video. Sargon seems like a conman mostly. Hope you brits string him up high when the bad times begin.

13abc1 No.318559

Did Sargoy always chuckled like that before?

6b65b4 No.318561


Best case scenario they patent something useful that is rightfully yours. Worst case they use it to calibrate an ethnovirus. Either way the results are worthless because they're on record saying they fudge the numbers to "combat racism" like >>318552 says.

e07f4f No.318563

File: 79bd7d08cc2bd26⋯.png (281.46 KB, 394x2368, 197:1184, Sargon on his blackness 2.png)

File: 8b48d96cc726d32⋯.png (577.76 KB, 486x4853, 486:4853, Sargon on his blackness.png)


4fae33 No.318567


I don't think that's what they're doing. However, they've (((conveniently))) put the standard confidence interval to 50%. You can change it to 90% and your 1% nigger/kike genes will go away.



be0060 No.318569


yes, he has always done that gay chuckle its his debate tactic.

bbdc86 No.318570

File: 603e259483e01b8⋯.png (17.84 KB, 654x375, 218:125, His destiny is autism.png)


Looks like Destiny is forming his own internet diamond dogs.

1779bf No.318571


Lol and what is he going to do with it, crying about them on a stream?

33aedf No.318572


>I don't browse 4chan

Where do the memes come from Sargoy? 8chan?

93aa16 No.318573



bbdc86 No.318574



>Why am I still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my ex… and my son… even my daughter. The family I've lost… the accounts I've lost… won't stop hurting… It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back my past.

997e05 No.318575

File: 5a8470ff14653ef⋯.webm (426.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, destiny gulp.webm)



Destiny is finished regardless. When you keep doing personal attacks against the people willing to debate you, suddenly a lot less people are down to debate you after that. He's now at the point where he's desperate to get to talk to anyone, and since his business model relies on confronting and debating big-name e-celebs, the effective destiny boycott means he slips into irrelevance.

Keep in mind that if nobody is willing to debate him, then he can't spread neoliberal propaganda, and if he's not a useful tool for propaganda, then his qatari and jewish backers will stop funding his salary.

1779bf No.318578


Reddit, which recycles them from 4chan

5eeb16 No.318579


Can you report him to the Reddit Internet Police?

4a11d5 No.318580



Don't report. Just make sure everyone in that video is discouraged from doing a re:tiny. Give him the eminem treatment.

6b65b4 No.318581


This shit is the old "hybrid vigor" argument the pro-racemixers always throw out. It's only a factor in two horrendously inbred populations and has never been a factor on human groups.

ae42ca No.318583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brittany Venti cooked some Jewish delicacies on the Kumite today.

Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VucM6vFUWrI&t=1h39m2s

f3ecc0 No.318585



366815 No.318586


>hurr durr

Toriyama is a pedo. There's no defending that shit, don't try to do it just because it's vee pointing it out.

bfc735 No.318588


and in what way does that change the scene, Vee?

27ccad No.318589


One is an innocent gag, the other is a sexual fetish meant to get mentally ill gypsies erect. Veetard.

d7e327 No.318591

File: c6607c847b14039⋯.gif (50.8 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 1469503474974.gif)


He's compiling a hit list, he's going to bomb their houses and then bomb their funerals and then bomb the funerals of the people who attended the original funerals.

3bae09 No.318594


Someone with an account reply with this vid, hopefully he clicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyV0Sx4Mh74

690d88 No.318595

File: e1292214015ba9e⋯.png (5.05 KB, 563x116, 563:116, bait.png)


Now it's time to wait and hope someone takes the bait.

366815 No.318597


>nudity of a clearly underaged character

>"""""""""""""""""""""""""innocent gag"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Kill yourself pedo.

9e2f7f No.318599


>nudity is always and explicitly sexual and if your mom has pictures of you naked as a baby or playing in the bath it can only mean she is a pedo.

f4bd81 No.318600


Dankula ei the Scot is currently on trial for 1-5 years of jail so him defending holocaust denial would be instrumental in making the Jews attacking him be able to make the case of "see, see, he was a Nazi sympathizer all along goys!" He's also an ex-commie and a comedic person so don't expect him to go alt-right any time soon.

c74db2 No.318601


nevermind, it's been taken down due to the account being new.

29c9a4 No.318602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33aedf No.318606


The fact that Vee sexualized a picture of a child is very telling.

774990 No.318607


> qatari and jewish backers

Do their interests typically align?

d2f5de No.318609


It's only you sexualizing it when it comes to prepubescent children. No one sane impulsively finds prepubescent children attractive. So the fact that any encounter you have with nude children is automatically rendered in your mind as sexual is telling that you're projecting your own pedophilic tendencies.

Or you're just incredibly fucking autistic and have never been in a large family with young children running around all the time.

33aedf No.318610


Qatar and Israel have bilateral relations.

93aa16 No.318611


Qataris are basically oil Jews

997e05 No.318614

File: 5610a0b1c0b3beb⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 540x334, 270:167, in the night kitchen.jpg)


Not sure if autistic or just trolling. Is pic-related children's book also CP?

33aedf No.318615


>bunch of guys with toothbrush mustaches try to bake a kid in an oven.

Was the author, by chance, a jew?

93aa16 No.318617

File: cb557d1f65ba464⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 709x245, 709:245, 1476757405370.jpg)

93aa16 No.318618



>Born to Jewish-Polish parents, his childhood was affected by the death of many of his family members during the Holocaust.

>Sendak mentioned in a September 2008 article in The New York Times that he was gay and had lived with his partner, psychoanalyst Eugene Glynn

>fter his partner's death, Sendak donated $1 million to the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services


1779bf No.318619

File: 9f1f3c8ee8bfc17⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 331x197, 331:197, fjekn.gif)

93aa16 No.318620



>when he enters the Night Kitchen, he loses his pajamas and is fully naked in some parts of the story. Critics object to Mickey's nudity which depicts not only his buttocks, but also his genitals.

>Some also interpret sexual innuendo in the events, with the nudity, free-flowing julayy fluids, and a giant (allegedly phallic) julay bottle

>In an interview on NPR's Fresh Air, Sendak said that his depiction of the cooks in In the Night Kitchen (with their Hitler-esque mustaches) and the fact that they tried to cook the boy in their ovens were references to the Holocaust, a subject high in his thoughts especially due to his Jewish heritage. Sendak also said the story dealt with the things that happen after a child goes to bed.

Anon chose a bad example top kek

33aedf No.318622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Naked Ape just came on and asked about the jews.

93aa16 No.318623


Who's the pedo they're talking about?

33aedf No.318625

File: b655fe33d9d525b⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, wrong_hole.jpg)


Banana Man.

e8c4c7 No.318626


Banana boy.

93aa16 No.318627


Why does Jim deal with these attention whores?

29c9a4 No.318628


Because it's funny.

997e05 No.318633





wew lads, thanks for ruining my childhood. I guess /cow/ is always right

29c9a4 No.318634


If it's not jews it's christian zionists. Always the tribe and their beta orbiters..

93aa16 No.318635


At least you saved any future children you might have from Jewish brainwashing

81dec4 No.318636

Wait, jared taylor is on warski tommoz? Fuckin 'ell, he's going full racewarski.

5de107 No.318637


He's already making oven jokes on the stream

5a87d0 No.318638


I'm a bit behind but running at 1.25x. Only saw the jared taylor bit a few mins ago.

5de107 No.318640


I just tunned in when they were watching some cringy kekistan shit and Andy called for ovens.

4659ad No.318641


The guy made a video where he said he doesnt have any political beliefs and just likes the laugh at dumb things xD. I mean I think it's a shame what is happening to him but he is a degenerate who won't fight for his people so I can't really care if he gets fucked over by the kike legal system over there.

5a87d0 No.318642


Just finished that, net shat itself, gonna have to fuck with my system and see if I can fix it.

a808e3 No.318643

Nah, it's the fucking stream issue. For some reason I can't watch streams. Regular vids load fast as hell but streams don't work.

33aedf No.318644

File: e2ba4cb8eb86854⋯.png (37.12 KB, 526x463, 526:463, gotcha_bitch.png)

a808e3 No.318645


HAHAHA. GJ anon. Prepare for salt guys.

4659ad No.318646

naked ape is a civic cuck right?

a808e3 No.318647


I think he's a race realist but still a civcuck.

1779bf No.318648



1779bf No.318649


I don't know, honestly

In his video about the alt-right he said he agrees with them on the foundamental principle that nations are essentially made of people, not ideas

3bae09 No.318650


Good job.

9378e2 No.318651


Do it.

3bae09 No.318653

Where's the follow up stream Andy talked about?

33aedf No.318654

Racewarski found out about vore.

58fb6f No.318655


I kinda wanted them to talk more about TAA, but that video was pretty funny. That shit reminded me of how people treated GamerGate. Fucking autistic.

Also I looked into Brittany, and apperently she was that "AYY LMAO" girl from a few years back. What the fuck happened? Also she looks like shes 22ish but shes like 19 apparently.

Is Vee really into Lolicon? I wouldn't be surprised if he was, and I'd imagine a lot of people who followed AntiSJW people would be into weird shit too. All I heard is that he liked voreshit.

29c9a4 No.318656


Brittany got trolled so hard she joined our side.

33aedf No.318657


I think the loli thing was a response to Vee trying to gotcha people calling out his vore fetish by shit talking DB. >>318471

93aa16 No.318658


If you're into vore you're probably into loli just based off a scale of increasing degeneracies

58fb6f No.318659



>please explain how my snake vore is very offensive to you while having an anime that has naked kids is morally uplifting

Holyshit hes losing it

a808e3 No.318660


Welcome to current year+Gas.

7fa894 No.318662

File: 56db581caccf038⋯.png (455.95 KB, 960x400, 12:5, Virgin Anime, Chad Painter.png)


>There's also smaller scale occurances like the Scottish independence referendum, if it wasn't for EU immigrants (probably mostly white at that point still) it wouldn't have succeeded.

Do you mean "would have"? Anyway, Jews have proven through and through the greatest enemy to overcome, and the alt-right has been getting on nerves with their naivete over the Jewish Problem and the ensuing bloodshed when they attempt to form the ethnostate. I think Styx has been right about that since Spencer-Sargon debate, given that propaganda will increase on top of the leftist programming of victimhood in non-whites.


>No more brother wars.

It'll likely happen, however, if all non-whites are exterminated and similar slogans as "America First" emerge in other European countries.


That's my second attitude, but because of the current situation, I find it unconscionable..

93aa16 No.318664


>btw me and my cuck party pals are planning on legalizing 2 million people!!


Is anyone listening to the State of the Union. Zionist Don out in force. Do people actually eat this shit up? I'd rather have status quo than 2 million more welfare Dreamers

33aedf No.318665

a808e3 No.318666


What needs to happen is build the wall, then implement a policy where if a dreamer so much as looks at a cop wrong they get deported and can fuck off back to the turd world.

33aedf No.318667



Didn't read your post. Watching the stream and harvesting salt. Trump's a jew lover. This is known. I'll agrees he's not literally Hitler.

a808e3 No.318668


Kek, try sayidsdlng that on pol and see what happens.

93aa16 No.318669

File: 1679796da327888⋯.png (37.05 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, zog.png)

File: 448cf479d662653⋯.png (173.35 KB, 568x595, 568:595, 1474673263849.png)

File: b96284c95f15800⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 442x442, 1:1, 1458692932934.jpg)

>advocate for America first

>moderate clapping

(a few moments later)


>crazed clapping from everyone in the room

a808e3 No.318670


Whoops, macro.

a808e3 No.318671

So what is the actual thread number atm? Anyone keeping track? I can't remember how long der ewige neun has been going on.

774990 No.318672


Wtf I totally should've voted for the meme queen Hilldawg

33aedf No.318673


I got banned for calling the Turk a no-fun faggot. I can just change my IP, but I'm not going back unless there is a happening.

1779bf No.318674

a808e3 No.318675


I hope you step on a lego.

33aedf No.318676

File: 78b6dd9e17fc080⋯.png (391.83 KB, 1044x528, 87:44, windmills.png)

memo time

e014b1 No.318677

File: aa9414c2dacbcfa⋯.png (59.81 KB, 138x180, 23:30, ayy.png)

File: 676cf14db4b50be⋯.png (15.04 KB, 168x257, 168:257, hmm.png)



46a4fb No.318678


wrong board my dude

e014b1 No.318679

File: 15251044b1cda35⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 292x152, 73:38, 1438047367296.jpg)





>author of Where the Wild Things Are was a sicko pedo and a lying fuck

I think I'm going to be ill… Now I understand why the film adaptation was so vile and had Dude Weed LMAO among the cast.

7fa894 No.318680


> the story dealt with the things that happen after a child goes to bed.

Wat He means a Jewish child. doesn't he?

2a85b0 No.318681


Do you have any idea what board you're on?

0f3d47 No.318683


Someone remind the gypsy that filtering for IQ requires manning the gas chambers indefinitely, across multiple generations, as per ethical liberalist eugenics.

33aedf No.318684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33aedf No.318685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>right wing SJW

>smug chuckle

0f3d47 No.318686

File: be35237890bcd0f⋯.png (128.12 KB, 1207x543, 1207:543, ClipboardImage.png)


In case these people are just inept at checking archives other than the .is, Bing cache from 13/01/2018 doesn't have the name.

0f3d47 No.318687

27ccad No.318689

File: 80c8e66770bb5d5⋯.png (161.92 KB, 1182x446, 591:223, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at ….png)

They try and fail

0f2fc9 No.318690


Is it really this easy to turn a bunch of kids into your personal army? If I started streaming games could I convince a legion of 12 year olds to go around the internet telling people the Holocaust never happened?

61cd03 No.318691


isn't this what /pol/ did? didn't even need any e-celebs.

f11c2c No.318692

File: aa77f7397f23d11⋯.jpg (99.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pewdiepie.jpg)


>didn't even need any e-celebs.

>implying they didn't use the biggest e-celeb in existence

61cd03 No.318693


maybe. he does a lot of unusual signalling, but i'm not 100% convinced.

27ccad No.318694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the sauce

83db99 No.318695

File: 1e437319a55a334⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1e437319a55a33445e55126613….gif)


I've been on imageboards for over a decade, and even I'm not this twisted. It must be awful to be such a degenerate gypsy that you've lost the ability to discern between innocent childlike wonder and hardcore pornography.

50ad87 No.318697


>oldfag™ here ask me anythign

83db99 No.318699

File: 0d5964d83514cd9⋯.png (66.02 KB, 225x212, 225:212, 0d5964d83514cd9732b32cc10a….png)


>over a decade is oldfag


If you haven't been on imageboards since at least 1997 don't reply to me or my posts ever again.

2acb2b No.318704



a scholarly and distinguished memer you are

acee98 No.318706


>/cow/ is always right

Vee is always right, more like it.


Now even Twitter is out of DesTiny's reach.


What's DesTiny's beef with him?

27ccad No.318707

File: e864ceaa1616cf4⋯.png (339.11 KB, 2122x826, 1061:413, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at ….png)


>What's DesTiny's beef with him?

There's a leddit post where they outline their decision to flag all of Tiny's adversaries

9c9e50 No.318708

File: 161568fdc56bdcf⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 650x383, 650:383, 2646874-spiderman_facepalm….jpg)

de2ec7 No.318709


I once ran up a 350 dollar phone bill after crawling BBS and playing Warcraft 2 for an entire weekend. Am I cool enough to join your gang?

acee98 No.318711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So now Sargon officially is not a quadroon, but his grandfather certainly wasn't white, because he had black hair.

In other news, Sargon still thinks that Spencer wants DNA tests for the ethnostate.

In other news, Sargon doesn't care.

61cd03 No.318713


fuentes debated tiny at least once, possibly twice. the same pattern recurred and tiny started getting real salty and causing drama. nothing else as far as i know.

96b6bf No.318714


What good arguments has Vee been making exactly?

9e2f7f No.318715

As someone who has been perusing mongolian tapestry weaving markets for forty years now I want underaged newfags like >>318709 to leave.

83db99 No.318716

File: b468ec92d60e51c⋯.jpg (66.57 KB, 417x545, 417:545, vreee.jpg)


Nazis are islamists communists mayte Africans are white people mayte Dragonball is child pornography mayte

ae42ca No.318717

File: c065ffb3ff5ca6b⋯.jpg (90.61 KB, 427x403, 427:403, 111.jpg)


Group A has done a thing.

Group B does the thing.

Therefore, Group A and Group B are exactly the same.

*The power of the Individual intensifies*

6e0e4f No.318718


Lots of Anglo and Slavs tend to have black hair, although Slavs are obvious with the Mongolian Horse Rape, but dunno why the British Isles are such a fucked genepool.

e07f4f No.318720


>lots of Slavs have black hair

Not really true

>Mongolian Horse rape

Slaves have 1-2% central asian admixture

>dunno why the British Isles are such a fucked genepool

It's the natural hair colour of the native inhabitants of Britain

The people with most black hair are obviously Mediteraneans

acee98 No.318721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Lots of Anglo and Slavs tend to have black hair, although Slavs are obvious with the Mongolian Horse Rape,

Southern Euorpeans as well.

>but dunno why the British Isles are such a fucked genepool.

I don't know why black hair would imply a bad genepool, but there's certainly some weird thing going on in at least parts of Britain. Se embed for an example.

6e0e4f No.318722


Fine maybe lots is exaggerating but it isn't uncommon.


You trying to say something about Holy Saint Jahans or something?

127a93 No.318723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>dunno why the British Isles are such a fucked genepool


7fa894 No.318724

acee98 No.318725


>You trying to say something about Holy Saint Jahans or something?

I'm saying he's the next step in human evolution.

6e0e4f No.318727


Jahans is the next evolution of God's Chosen, all formed into a single individual bikers the whites are untermensch compared his holy blubberness

b79350 No.318730

File: f5cc601a108306f⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 512x410, 256:205, brits.jpg)


>but dunno why the British Isles are such a fucked genepool.

Black hair isn't a sign of bad genes. But brits still have a lot of weird shit going on.

f3ecc0 No.318732


Sargon is losing his fucking mind

33aedf No.318734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just remembered this. Someone should send it to Vee.

9e2f7f No.318735


It's perfect! If Dragon Ball=porn than this was made for Vee.

96b6bf No.318736


What the fuck is this shit? I don't remember this crap in the show when I was a kid…

83db99 No.318737


The Buu saga was pretty forgettable.

1779bf No.318738


Everything after Frieza was forgettable

acee98 No.318739


It should've ended either with Frieza or Cell. It definitely should've ended before the mutt children started being better than the purebloods.

27ccad No.318740



SSJ2 Gohan was very memorable

83db99 No.318741


True, but I liked Teen Gohan fucking up Cell with a single-handed kamehamehamehamy. That was a cool scene.

also Android 18


Cell games wasn't too bad, but it peaked at Frieza and everything was downhill from there. I'm at episode 102 on Super and it's starting to get less terrible. I always hated Krillin but it's fun to watch him fighting these random groups of multiverse mongrels, and it's not just senseless powering up for episodes at a time. That's probably just the nostalgia talking, though.

27ccad No.318742


>That's probably just the nostalgia talking, though.

You could add this to the end of literally any praise of DBZ and it would be valid. Huge fan myself though*

acee98 No.318743


>Huge fan myself though

Same here, but that's probably just the nostalgia talking, though.

83db99 No.318745

File: a5165d3042d86ac⋯.gif (667.1 KB, 500x635, 100:127, eat.gif)


Very true. It was at times one of the best shonen fighting animes, and at times one of the worst.

If you want even more nostalgia and fun, go find the Dragonball /v/ thread. It's a pretty fun game.

Join the dark side, fuck those hero faggots


7fa894 No.318750


Here you go


50ad87 No.318751


I just started and am on 48. Personally I like it so far. There is a lot more humor than in Z and it finds a nice balance between cosmic tier power level schenanagins and this weird slice of life adventure story. Beers is the best DB character introduced since the original series.

Toriyama is a genuis and I want to invite him over to fuck my sister.

83db99 No.318752




Yeah, it's not as bad as people make out. I even find myself enjoying some of the filler episodes. Once I watched a few episodes while tripping, and I was disgusting. It looked exactly like some shitty newgrounds flash bullshit, and I was ready to make some angry posts about it, but then I watched it sober and it looked fine. It's dumb but fun and they seem to have toned down the invincible power levels.

b85cfb No.318753


>lots of Slavs have black hair

Really depends on the area. Most Bosniaks has black hair (from the turk breeding) but like 60 percent of people in St. Petersburg are Blonde (from all the Finns, Germans, and Swedes)

ae42ca No.318755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Off-topic but still relevant enough to what's frequently being discussed in these.

New video about Dicky Bender:

ae42ca No.318756


The Alt-Right is fucking retarded for getting behind this faggot.

27ccad No.318757


>Off-topic but still relevant enough

Way more on topic than the DBZ discussion lol


Yeah self-appointed glow in the dark leaders fucking suck

ae42ca No.318788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski reacts to Vee's vore fetish.

27ccad No.318791


This is the correct and natural response

774990 No.318795


>I don't really CEHH

774990 No.318796


Yeah… bunch of weirdos haha

4f0026 No.318797


Sargoy says his grandfather was from St Helena - which has always been 25-50% white. Islanders weren't allowed UK citizenship until 1981; before (and since) then you can guarantee only the rich whites would be allowed, and/or be able to afford, to leave.

Fuck off is he black.

c4c581 No.318800


>M-my grandpa is black

>I-I dunno what my grandpa is

>M-my grandpa is from St. Helena

How long until Don Sargonne admits that his grandpa was Black Irish?

997e05 No.318801


Now it looks like Sargoy's excuse is "well southern europeans aren't white!" and he's going to claim his grandfather is portuguese or something.

Does UK have public records. We know who Carl Benjamin of Swindon is, so couldn't some britbong out there go through the state database to find out who his grandfather is?

635b38 No.318802



Sargon has gone from Black Grandpa to North African Grandpa to Portugese/Med Grandpa to now one from St. Helena. Good move from Alt Hype to hold Sargon's feet to the fire.

94d014 No.318803


Absolute nectar

e1850e No.318804


What is most fantastic about this is is his Nordicist approach state that only Nordic Peoples are white. He skipped the alt-right altogether on the way to Nordic Supremacism.

faeb4d No.318805


997e05 No.318806

File: bcdb7a173d0e43f⋯.png (836.35 KB, 583x596, 583:596, fishburne.png)


It really just goes to show you that the "X aren't white!" people are all D&C shills looking for fracture points. Suddenly Sargoy goes from not knowing whether or not Laurence Fishburne is white to going full Varg-tier sperg saying only germanics are white? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

c4c581 No.318810


>bumping a bumplocked thread




He ends up being even more strict than most Nordicists. Hell, even Varg who thinks that red hair and green eyes came from a mutation which arose from racemixing with negroes (negro seed must be really powerful, huh?) at least acknowledges that anyone who's native European is white, even if they have dark hair and brown eyes.

faeb4d No.318811

File: c0f01d61d700b78⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 478x361, 478:361, 1512401699447.jpg)

c4c581 No.318812

File: bfc8852d8e63f77⋯.jpg (71 KB, 312x767, 24:59, (you).jpg)

1779bf No.318813

File: c689d799268416d⋯.jpg (81.8 KB, 476x600, 119:150, c689d799268416db974fb6da94….jpg)

635b38 No.318816


Who is that?

c4c581 No.318817

File: 950788fe71b2124⋯.png (273.34 KB, 520x444, 130:111, Kinkki kiira.png)


Finngolian figure skater.

93aa16 No.318818

Any clue when Jared Taylor is on tonight with Warski? Taylor is top of the line stuff on everything except the JQ. We need more Taylors

b75698 No.318819


Who even is this guy?

011e62 No.318820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7650a8 No.318823

>"Spencer is waiting and ready to go… I haven't heard from Sargon, he is always on busy on skype" ~ Andy on the rematch debate


b75698 No.318825


So he's an irrelevant faggot then.

011e62 No.318827


pretty much

997e05 No.318828


female tom cruise

83db99 No.318829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1779bf No.318830


>That humiliating silence from Pascal

Oh damn i never saw that

4fae33 No.318834


Good of Jim to keep the Stepfather under pressure. Soygoy won't be able to explain that away by calling him Alt-Right.

c9b137 No.318838

File: 9c10a112430f2c0⋯.jpg (199.39 KB, 772x1024, 193:256, 1513482050478m.jpg)


Yes he can. Jim has made his constitutionalist-minarchist and race realist persuasions abundantly clear in the past, and has said his only real problem with /pol/acks is Spencerist hard-line social darwinism. (not implicit dicky, Herbert Spencer) it would be very easy to spin him as an alt-right neonazi sympathizer. The only reason they haven't done it yet is because they're afraid of him and/or they actually think he's in it purely for lulz and doesn't have a side.

4fae33 No.318839


>it would be very easy to spin him as an alt-right neonazi sympathizer.

I doubt this. Jim's actual politics don't matter. What matters is that they've painted him as some sort of internet god of objectivity. Their audiences also respect him a lot, and might turn on them if they try to paint him as the bad guy. As you say,

>they're afraid of him and/or they actually think he's in it purely for lulz and doesn't have a side.

>that pic

I guess this saga has disproven that Germans are the great warriors and Frenchmen the pathetic cowards.

635b38 No.318841


Kraut is Jewish and grew up in a liberal family on top of that. His mom is a politician for the Social Democrats. Hell his avatar was/is Heinrich Heine, a Jew who celebrated when the German states got occupied by Revolutionary and then Napoleonic France. He was also an acquaintance of Marx.

d7e327 No.318842


Doesn't kraut have anglo in him aswell?

81dec4 No.318843


6:30 pm est

61cd03 No.318844

File: c459839f6859eed⋯.jpg (103.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sargon not caring lol.jpg)

997e05 No.318845



Really curious how this will go. It's either going to be some idiot thinking he can stand up to Taylor and get instantly blown the fuck out, or it will be a bunch of wide-eyed skeptic newfags gathered around while Grampa Jared teaches them.

93aa16 No.318846


I hope its the former. I loved watching Sargon get schooled by Jared a while back.


Thanks anon

81dec4 No.318847


The former. 100%.

635b38 No.318848




Jim made a couple of Tweets and it seems a lot of people involved in the wider community want to see this go down.

81dec4 No.318849


Fuck me I forget how many posts we've made in a thread cause of my proxy, we're almost at 50 each.

93aa16 No.318851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>someone's gonna have to face this tonight


1779bf No.318852


In one of his older streams with Sargon where he speaks a bit about his family he says he's hald austrian half prussian

Where did the Anglo thing come from?

997e05 No.318853


Jim seems to be the only person (besides anons on here and /pol/) pointing out how Sargon is dodging the debates he promised to do. I wish other big voices out there were throwing shade on Sargon about this. I want Racewarski calling him out. I want Anglin writing articles calling Sargon a bitch for pussyfooting around and not getting on with it.

It's so obvious he's trying to delay and delay until everyone forgets this was a thing.

635b38 No.318855


Has Anglin written nothing on it? Doesn't seem to be his style.

f3ecc0 No.318856

File: 1642e93230c6c27⋯.png (50.43 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1503502411072.png)




997e05 No.318857


Not since the Spencer debate AFAIK, and he hasn't said anything on his site regarding the Anglin/Sargon debate that's supposed to happen and that Baked Alaska confirmed last week.

d7e327 No.318858


An anon in previous thread, never followed it up. Might have been disinfo, it was around the time when vee was sperging out in these threads

1779bf No.318859


I mean, it would make sense of his nickname, i just never heard him mention it

d7e327 No.318860


According to cuckchan



>how very "german" of him

>kruat must become the "nazi" to stop the "nazis"

>retards never learn

50% Anglo, 25% Jew, 25% German.

Do not perpetuate this vile lie Joseph Lancaster started because he hates his english heritage to make yourself feel better.

d7e327 No.318861

1779bf No.318862


Does that guy have any evidence?

d7e327 No.318863




But his accent is fake so he could be like sargon, lying about his heritage. For people who believe you should only be proud of your own achievements and not those of your people, they use lie about their heritage a lot

4fae33 No.318867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sargon has already debated him. It didn't go so whell.

In fact, the only fucking comment positive to Soygoy I get by choosing "Top comments" (without pressing "Show more") is there because he pinned it. It's some retarded statement about how blacks aren't racially tribal because they fight each other in Africa.

81dec4 No.318868

File: f8b54663341d0ab⋯.png (4.23 KB, 183x275, 183:275, brainlet.png)


<Ethnically tribal warfare disproves racial tribalism

4fae33 No.318871


>50% Anglo, 25% Jew, 25% German.

Sure about that? I thought it was (((1/8))).

e07f4f No.318872


>tutus and hutsis were racially the same

Why does he keep repeating this meme?

93aa16 No.318873

File: f23a0e1dcecc4a9⋯.png (244.47 KB, 660x346, 330:173, callcenter.png)


>blacks aren't racially tribal because they fight each other in Africa.

No wondering Sargon used to work in a call-center

997e05 No.318874




It's always the same fallacious arguments with these people

1) Nobody ever claimed intra-racial conflicts cannot also exist. Nobody is saying that racial homogeneity will result in a perfect utopia free of conflict

2) Subcategories exist. Just because two people are the same race doesn't mean they're the same ethnically

3) Nobody is saying differences in culture/religion don't have an impact as well.

e07f4f No.318875

Does anyone know how much money e-celebs get from youtube per view (roughly)?

Is the reason that so many are doing livestreams just that it's the only way to make money now?

Because I've seen pay-piggies drop hundreds to Dave Rubin just now, including 400$ to ask Perterson a question

93aa16 No.318876


I'm not sure about per view, but a lot of the political channels had their ad-revenues taken away or totally slashed because it was not (((PC))). Livestreaming and superchats are becoming the new way to julay your retard viewers of their hard-earned cash, plus YT seems to be directing the site more towards streaming in general imo

3d900d No.318877


They're trying to beat twitch. They want to beat them in streaming but they realised youtube gaming failed so now they're using superchats to gain a more diverse market. They're diversifying their interests.

3d900d No.318878


*Diversifying their investments.

6f490d No.318879



Read the thread anon, learn to lurk

1779bf No.318880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mh, in this stream that i mentioned earlier he says his grandmother and a whole branch of his family are from Prussia, but he spent most of his childhood in northern Austria/Bavaria

He might be implying they were two different branches of his german side though

81dec4 No.318881



Do you have a timestamp you massive faggot?

d7e327 No.318882


Could be, or like sargon, he may not be able to keep his story straight because he's lying. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because it doesn't really matter, he's still a retarded kike lolcow. I can't wait till he gets back from his swim in the ocean.

1779bf No.318883


At 1:03:00 he goes on a long tirade about Prussia where he mentions his prussian relatives

At around 1:47:40 he speaks of his childhood in high Germany


Yeah it's not really relevant i was just a bit confused about it

2acb2b No.318888

Why is Sargon considered a debator? He's been shit at it since gaymergate. Surely he can concede that certain people are better at some things than others.

33aedf No.318889

File: ba6fc97fc077bb9⋯.jpg (256.24 KB, 1200x810, 40:27, quads.jpg)


Because his idea of debate is old forum quote mining. Where you split up your opponents posted arguments into little nuggets that your debate individually. Only Sargon did it in video format.

>read sentence

>look at camera smugly

>talk for 10 minutes

>smug chuckle


When he has to debate ideas in real time, he can't keep up. Look for his debate with Kristi Winters, he got blown out.

I like the analogy that someone made that he's a high school football player used to running roughshod over nerds. He thinks he's the shit. Only when he gets into college ball, he isn't shit. He hasn't developed the skills that would allow him to compete with serious players.

6f490d No.318890


alt hype made that analogy in his last sargon video

33aedf No.318891


Thanks, I've been watching too many videos lately to keep track. Looking forward to the JT debate today. I'll check in for the first hour or so anyway.

366815 No.318892


>o-only vee would be repulsed by pedo shit

Can you even walk and chew gum at the same time? Are you like the /b/ pedos that think it's suddenly ok and acceptable if it's drawings? Have you ever wondered what lead tastes like?


It's dependent on the network. Some give better CPM, some are shit. Youtube direct partnership is generally considered shit. All that is dependent on the video not getting hit with a "NOT ADVERTISER FRIENDLY GOY" mark over nothing, which by the way never hit those MKULTRA trauma based conditioning elsa spiderman hulk videos.

Money on jewtube is shit period. It's why paymetons and "superchat" (a.k.a. twitch's bitcheers/tips knock-off) are big on everyone still doing jewtube with an audience large enough to not have a paymetons end up with a laughable $2/month max contribution.

f3ecc0 No.318893

File: 8530fa89125205e⋯.jpg (430.93 KB, 912x663, 304:221, 44abc63bd24e7448e1f3752ba3….jpg)

I know I'm going to fucking hate myself for having to keep it updated, but here's a playlist I've made about the liberalists. Tell me if I forgot a video.


e07f4f No.318894


He is better than the other sceptics/liberalists I suppose. Just ponder the fact that Sargon is (was?) planning to have some Warhammer faggot on as his debate partner next round with Spencer and Enoch.

93aa16 No.318895


> Look for his debate with Kristi Winters, he got blown out.

I just looked this up and I'm 15 minutes it. Holy shit this is shaping up to be a slaughter. Sargon of Dunning Kruger on suicide watch

33aedf No.318896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You don't have to do shit anon. But I appreciate the effort. Thank you. Here's another vid.


Yeah, it's appalling. He had how many years to refine his arguments against feminists?

93aa16 No.318897


If he thinks that was bad he should be pretty afraid of debating a good WN. That's probably why he's hiding right now

93aa16 No.318898


33aedf No.318899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No Bullshit has started a video series, too. Here's part one. 2 is on his channel and he is working on a third.

635b38 No.318901


He thought Spencer was easy pickings because everybody shits on him but I guess not even the FBI wants to lose to some Skeptic.

33aedf No.318903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

93aa16 No.318906


Can't wait to see who'll face off against these guys. I hope it's some skeptic loser or lefty/pol/

5a87d0 No.318907


already over 300 ppl waiting for it to start.

33aedf No.318908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Radical Ryan. A christian anarchist. aww shit nigga

635b38 No.318909


Where does Andy find these people?

93aa16 No.318910

File: fcdfb8b552e5cd6⋯.png (706.81 KB, 770x395, 154:79, sss.PNG)



He looks like /ourguy/

d7e327 No.318911


Nice work anon.

Just a suggestion, it might be easier to maintain if you make mirrors, no telling when any of them edit due to censor/make themselves look better, pull the plug on the vid or the vid gets pulled. Maybe just have the backups and screenshot the playlist as when they get pulled, you won't even get the name of the removed video in your playlist once it's removed. t. someone who maintains yt playlists of videos that get taken down frequently for various reasons

b85cfb No.318912

File: ee5a9b4971ee5a9⋯.jpg (11.45 KB, 248x229, 248:229, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm steve ram….JPG)


How hard would it be to get Spencer on the Joe Rogan experience? Do you think it could be done with a tweet campaign?

I feel like it would really fuck with Sargon.

93aa16 No.318913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


635b38 No.318914


Andy is growing on me. 'Hey what's up man' to greet JT.

33aedf No.318915

Ah shit, sorry. It's someone called "Race Realist." The RR threw me off.

2acb2b No.318916

who the fuck is this rando sperg

93aa16 No.318917

>retard voice

Jared wins by default

33aedf No.318918

93aa16 No.318919


Hopefully they disagree on something. As much as I like my husbando Jared, I want my drama

635b38 No.318920


MW going on the offensive against Sargon as well.

33aedf No.318923


He seems to be of the Jared Diamond school of cultural development.

93aa16 No.318924


Oh boy

33aedf No.318925


I don't want to misrepresent him completely yet. I just scanned through his blog and I'm getting some distinct "Guns, Germs and Steel" vibes.

71ca06 No.318927


On today's episode we continue with the redpilling of Andy Warski arc, I wouldn't expect much drama.

93aa16 No.318931

This dude is a fucking beast. If only someone was on here to oppose him

997e05 No.318932



I'm just happy a bunch of normalfags are getting to listen to JT. Maybe someone else will come up and want to debate him in a later episode

93aa16 No.318933

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)


Vee versus JT when?

d7e327 No.318934


Never, I bet they offered to Vee if they offered to others to debate. They're all afraid.

Isn't the identitaire movement now headed by a jew as of last year? Maybe it was just the german wing.

997e05 No.318937


>JT: I'd like huwhites to have their own nation where they can flourish


33aedf No.318938

I had to jump out for a minute and am catching up now. Apparently Jared Taylor, in the face of no arguments, is giving his opposition arguments. What a guy.

997e05 No.318939


That's fairly common, IMO. Most people in the far-right know all the leftist arguments and can probably argue the left's talking points better than they can themselves.

93aa16 No.318940

File: cd5dc301710bcb8⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 885x990, 59:66, 1489964897052.jpg)


*rubs hands giddily*

d7e327 No.318941


project europa is compromised, the leader got replaced by a jewish proud boy, Elliott “Eli Mosley” Kline

Why is an american jew heading up the German identarian movement?


635b38 No.318942


What? GI headed by a Jew? I only know of Sellner sucking up to the tribe and being kind of a civnat D3R.

71ca06 No.318943


I'd like to watch that tbh, we need more high quality debates. Also it brings possibility of redpilling lagre part of Peterson's audience.

d7e327 No.318944


project europa, the German wing of the identitarian movement

93aa16 No.318945


I'd definitely love to see it, I just think Warski can be a greedy kike. He's more useful than bad at this point though

33aedf No.318946



Token jew? I can see that as the justification. "look at how not anti-semitic we are."

However. Jews gonna jew. Why is Europe facing the crisis it is today? Why is a nationalist group being led by a non-European, foreign national?

71ca06 No.318947


I would also point out, that if Andy starts making a lot of shekels by inviting "controversial" people, it will incentivise others to do the same.

635b38 No.318948


What you linked mentioned the American wing. Also, you linked the SPLC.


I don't think Martin Sellner (the guy who is also dating the Pettibone girl) is a Jew. He is just a hipster nationalist, sort of like PJW. But he is just their figurehead anyhow. If you go into nationalism and identitarianism in Western Europe you usually wise up pretty fast to the ZOG and stuff.

d7e327 No.318950


Ah yeah, sorry anon, it's late here now and today was weight day, I get extra retarded after going up on weights.

Forget what I posted.

abeb61 No.318951



>Also it brings possibility of redpilling lagre part of Peterson's audience.

Which is why he won't do it. I think he got someone less controversial than jared taylor of a panel he was participating in.

e31e30 No.318952


>Why is Europe facing the crisis it is today?

Either Jews eradicating Europe by having the muzzies take over or the globalists purposefully filling the country with dangerous elements to justify stripping away civil rights. People are way more willing to give up those rights if there's a constant threat of being bombed.

Or both.

635b38 No.318953


No worries, I'm just really forceful when I think there might be deliberate disinfo.

635b38 No.318954



Morgoth summed it up there. He has a really good blog and now YT.

d7e327 No.318955


I agree, you're 100% correct to question everything

4659ad No.318956


Can't really blame him at this point. He has the public identity of a "nazi" now.


93aa16 No.318958

File: 869c7ad2e0ca9e1⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 638x500, 319:250, Tod der Luege.jpg)


Being called out by these kikes should be considered a badge of honor. Shows he is doing the right thing!

27ccad No.318959

File: f92cdece7ebdc40⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1232x1098, 616:549, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at ….png)

alt-right in MY internet bloodsports?

997e05 No.318960

>sargon: I'll debate soon! I've just been really busy lately!

Yeah… but he was only busy because of his LiberalistTM shit… which he decided to do after flopping against Spencer. Basically, it seems like part of the reason he set up his shitty circle jerk party is because it gives him an excuse not to debate and put it off.

c74db2 No.318962



at least post the archive next time

4659ad No.318963


fuck yeah usually do that always but just didnt cross my mind this time

27ccad No.318964


>fuck yeah usually do that always but just didnt cross my mind this time


774990 No.318965

Who is this limp dick speaking now?

29c9a4 No.318966

Fuck me, I finally figured out what was wrong with my ability to stream right at the start of this one and I had to use a different browser. I'll need to modify the source code to fix it in this one.

abeb61 No.318967


>it's evolution so it's good/morally neutral

the same logic applies to the all genocidal actions. Does he rally want to defend this view?

8eeccd No.318968

Andy fucking dead.


These people only use arguments in the heat of the moment with no thoughts of the implications.

774990 No.318969

>donate money to make a point

>superchats aren't read until the end

What a waste

27ccad No.318970


>I'll need to modify the source code to fix it in this one.

You contribute to the browser you use? What browser?

8eeccd No.318971

Fucking failure.

8eeccd No.318972


epic and UGchromium. Not sure which I want to use atm.

c9b137 No.318973


Arguably, your point has a bigger impact being read at the end. It'll stick in people's heads.

8eeccd No.318974

The problem I have with UG is issues with HTTPS protocol proxy. The problem with epic is webgl(I think, haven't looked into that part of the code yet cause I was troubleshooting the problem).

7650a8 No.318976

81dec4 No.318977


Nvm I was using the wrong fucking port. Going to kill myself.

366815 No.318979


>cuck rogan

He'd be too afraid. You'd have better luck getting him on Infowars, who have Paul Nehlen on every once in a while even after the controversy started with him.


Is it actually confirmed that Kline is a jew, or is that just modern /pol/ calling everyone that does anything at all jewish because posting in month-old threads that get re-stickied to talk about the "awoo" meme is what's important? I remember when the threads were first made, and I did not see one actual bit of proof. Like some other guy who was called a jew and the retard mods let it stay up for a whole thread rotation with the only "proof" being an anonymous comment on a news site. The board's a fucking mess, and clearly the moderation wants it that way since they allow it to be that way while going out of their way to ban you for not wanting fatass kim to nuke your nation because memes.

27ccad No.318980


>wrong fucking port.


29c9a4 No.318982


I had it set to 8080 because that's the port for 90% of connections. It was 53281.

29c9a4 No.318983


And no, this PC is my windows one. The unix one is down.

997e05 No.318984

File: 4f27acb17de1a67⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 712x400, 89:50, gavin mcinnes.jpg)


Rogaine is a cuck and the furthest right his guests get is fucking Ben Shapiro and Gapin' McAnus

3d900d No.318988

Is anyone going to make thread #9 or is everyone here as lazy as me?

d7e327 No.318989


Yeah he is a kike and yeah /pol/ is worse than I've ever seen it, another anon pointed out, I was saying that he was the leader of the german wing, not the american wing plus I posted a link I should've archived, or rather used the wiki at least. I'm not really thinking so sharply right now.

At best /pol/ mods are trying to drive everyone away to "start again" and make shills think it's dead, at worst, mods have decided they don't want /pol/ to be nazi centric. They could also be trying to sanitize it for the boss, hotwheels was the only free speech person and he's had some changes of heart. Those are some of my theories. I'm done with /pol/ and the alternatives haven't been great so far and the best ones I don't trust.

d7e327 No.318990


hitler dubs, you have to make it

93aa16 No.318991

File: addea792b489ffb⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 1031x568, 1031:568, Hitler.jpg)


Checked. Make thread 88

366815 No.318992



3d900d No.318994


Fuck off and learn to count.



3d900d No.318997


New bread.

3d900d No.318998


Whoops. One too many arrows.

f14774 No.319363


It's 'Skeptic', not "Sceptic'. Sceptic sounds too close to Septic tanks

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