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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 85613c879016304⋯.png (22.9 KB, 526x463, 526:463, Pascal dead.png)

1ead34 No.318996

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

>Pascal Leroux dead RIP in piss

>Jared Taylor goes on warski live, a dozen leftists bitch out

>Sargon says he's "Busy" in regards to the debate with spencer part 2

>Andy Racewarski wants to fuck Laura Loomer

Why are faggots such faggots?

2140a9 No.318999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d7d08 No.319000

File: 7765138c935957d⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 514x652, 257:326, vorevee.jpg)

Sargon says he's "not ready" for the next debate between himself and COINTELPRO Spencer. What do you think, lads? Is this an excuse or is he busying reading some more Locke so he can PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD these racist collectivists once and for all?

1ead34 No.319001


I think he was trying to fuck it off and then Jim called him out and now he's pretty much fucked.

8885be No.319002


An excuse. He's had ages to get ready, he had years to sharpen his rhetoric and arguments against SJWs but still can't debate them. I think >>318960 was right in that the entire impotent movement he mad was an excuse so he can brush off criticism/debates and circlejerk in his hugbox full of paypigs.

e4c6b3 No.319005


I just don't understand how you could not 'be ready' to go on a stream with a closeted faggot and talk about shit. It seems like something you could do at a moment's notice. It isn't an irl fight, he doesn't need time to train.

2d7d08 No.319007

File: 1fa23880a917edd⋯.png (187.7 KB, 483x535, 483:535, JEWGON.PNG)




One more good loss will send him (deeper) off the deep-end, I hope. He's already flat-out ignoring alt-right shitposters no matter how legitimate their criticisms may be. The Stepfather thinks he's hot shit because he laughed at blue-haired degenerates and sperged about muh vidya for years. It's hilarious how he can't win against Richard Spencer or that feminist Kristi Winters.

102000 No.319008


I laughed so hard at that comment on his liberalist stream reddit page about the kikes. He brushes it off, gets negative karma and then some jew comes on and starts talking about how to discuss it with kikes.

2d7d08 No.319009

File: d3cfc1277ad3206⋯.png (70.18 KB, 1001x434, 143:62, please read.PNG)


Are you talking about this post? Did he see this on stream? I wrote pic related

102000 No.319010


If that's the one he responded to with something like "I'm not responding to your agenda" then yeah, good shit when he responds and gets downvoted to hell on his own subreddit.

2d7d08 No.319011


I'll have to go back and take a look. I love watching Sargon get so assblasted over /pol/ shitposts

102000 No.319012


Forgot to put old bread in OP.




102000 No.319013


Hang on… Did he fucking baawleet it? It had 81 replies when he was streaming and now it's at 64 and I can't see that post.

2d7d08 No.319014


It probably got censored by the kike-mods over at /r/liberalist. Free speech for right-think only. Honestly I'd be more surprised if it was still there

0e9dac No.319015


Begs the question: if the alt-right are literally right wing SJWs, shouldn't it be easy to blow them the fuck out? Especially since you've been doing it to the left-wing SJWs for years?

102000 No.319016


Fuck I should have screencapped that convo string. It was fucking golden.

102000 No.319017

I think it was the one by ProgenyOfEurope if memory serves.

51ffbc No.319018


Maybe it was archived?

2d7d08 No.319019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Especially since you've been doing it to the left-wing SJWs for years?

102000 No.319020


Found it. There were 2 threads on that stream and it's in this one.


102000 No.319021

File: ac2b790b7c6dd5e⋯.png (29.69 KB, 899x280, 899:280, Sargon assmad.png)


This is the post.

2d7d08 No.319022

File: 3d23998e937d629⋯.png (71.53 KB, 1099x808, 1099:808, capped.PNG)


Capped for future posting

e4c6b3 No.319023


Let's put aside whether the cocks that an ethnostate is desirable, would have a positive outcome, or can be reached reasonably.

Even without discussing any of that, they understand that reality isn't on their side when they quibble with IQ like that faggot did with Taylor, or deconstruct race.

Ironically for all their 'you're just like the 'SJWs'' posturing with the Alt Right, the kind of post-contructivist denaturing of language in which they engage is very Marxist. It's classic Critical Theory.

2d7d08 No.319024


Hate replying to myself but just say this

>Sargon is unfortunately wrong ==for once==


effc56 No.319025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Probably both. I bet he's actually dumb enough to be furiously reading literature in an attempt to find a silver bullet that will finally B_TFO all the racial collectivists, while hoping that people will just forget about it. The problem is that, like Faulk said, the last stop down the road of individual liberty as a moral position is ancapistan, which leads back into statism. Which is why the "alt-right" doesn't give a fuck about his autistic adherence to abstract philosophical and/or moral principles and instead relies more on the hard data of biology and sociology, aka lived reality. That's what Dickie meant when he called Sargon autistic and said he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

7fca8b No.319026


He was probably hoping to just slip out of it completely, but luckily Jim is there keeping him at his word, I guess.

The shitty part is that he claims he's "too busy" despite just being effectively a shitposting NEET. The only thing he can even point to as an excuse for being busy is his new Liberalists "movement", but he set that up AFTER the debate, and after he agreed to a rematch.

…so he has to delay the rematch because he's busy doing something he didn't set out to do until after the fact. This is akin to saying you're going to someone's wedding, then booking a vacation, and then using the vacation as an excuse why you can't go. Doesn't logically follow

0e9dac No.319027



<i don't care

The thing is other people care, and he's going to have to back up his arguments if he wants to get somewhere.


Didn't Kraut say "race is not biological"? They've lost the plot if they think that's going to fly now that race realism is becoming more and more accepted among these groups.


What does he even do with the Liberalists? Shitpost in reddit and host DnD streams? I don't get why he felt the need to make a political party if all he's going to do is vlog and play board games.

e4c6b3 No.319028


Where Kraut insisted we 'find the gene', Sargon insists we 'find the principle'.

Of course, when faced with such autism, the even remotely reasonable man, even a mentally ill faggot like Spencer, must ask 'who fucking cares and what relevance does it have to anything actually happening in the real world?'

e4c6b3 No.319029


It's an attempt to julay money out of his retarded fedoras to attend live events, after TWIS Live was so popular. I really don't think there's much to the movement beyond that.

2d7d08 No.319030

File: 33ee5265936f503⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LIBERALIST.jpg)

File: 0230ce2facea9b1⋯.png (428.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, vee2.PNG)

File: a649c0d25c314cb⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, kraut.jpg)


It's literally an internet LARP party. It's even more hilarious to hear these fat NEETs trying to find real politicians to contact, thinking they'll help them



I wish those posts were not actual paraphrases

276139 No.319031

I should note that Richard Spencer never said cp in the video, and could have easily meant cartoon pornography.

Then again, he never said cartoon porn either, despite the fact it would have prevented said alegations…

f82748 No.319032


>It's an attempt to julay money out of his retarded fedoras

Sargoy confirmed 1/8 jewish. That's why he's a minority.


>internet LARP party

Sums it up perfectly.

d5bb04 No.319033


>listening to a man that has been sued for defamation.

7fca8b No.319034


The most pathetic part of all this is that if you actually look a their policies and principles, it's literally no different than your standard boomer cuckservatives. They're no different than Jeb! or Rubio, and yet they're trying to present themselves as an exciting new alternative, even though it's the exact same shit that every mainstream politician already advocates for, more or less.


>What does he even do with the Liberalists? Shitpost in reddit and host DnD streams? I don't get why he felt the need to make a political party if all he's going to do is vlog and play board games.

He knows damn well that nothing will come of any of this shit. It reminds me of when I was in 4th grade, there were some nerds on the playground literally LARPing as their own government of the playground with a constitution written down on a piece of paper with various branches and positions of the government, etc.

It's just about saving face. He sets up this obvious bullshit so he has an excuse of "this is some thing that I'm focusing my attention on right now!" The reason for doing so is because

1) being busy with this means he has an excuse not to debate, or at least to delay debating

2) he would just look like even more of an impotent cuck if he stood there dumbfounded after his defeat by Fabulous Richard. He needed to fake doing SOMETHING just to get some momentum going away from that event.

2d7d08 No.319035


Either that or the "Libertines'. Their whole solipsistic world-view is wanting to jerk off to whatever they want, get as fat as they want, let society burn around them as long as they have their individual right to be a degenerate and endlessly chase stimulation and pleasure.

Can't find it, but I was going to post the video where Sargon says he doesn't care what happens after he dies or if his race dies out

e4c6b3 No.319036


Have we got enough information yet to say for certain that Vee is not a doctor?

f82748 No.319037


>Their whole solipsistic world-view is wanting to jerk off to whatever they want, get as fat as they want, let society burn around them as long as they have their individual right to be a degenerate and endlessly chase stimulation and pleasure.

Yeah that's been the consensus for several threads and it's a perfect analysis.

>Can't find it, but I was going to post the video where Sargon says he doesn't care what happens after he dies or if his race dies out

It was on milleniyule in 2016 I believe.

2d7d08 No.319038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, you're right. Found it. Funny how he doesn't care what happens when he's dead even when he has a kid of his own

d0ad26 No.319039


I always found it odd how DesTINY still harps at the stupid "Ethical CP" idea when everyone thinks its retarded, but agrees when lolicon gets brought up.

e4c6b3 No.319040

File: abb07962a796310⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cruise State.jpg)


>Fabulous Richard

f82748 No.319041


His wife's son.

effc56 No.319042


Nah, the son is his child. The kid from his wifes previous marriage is a girl.

f82748 No.319043


Eh, he'll get divorced and she'll go off and fuck some dune coon.

e4c6b3 No.319044


>marrying another man's castoff

And here I thought he cared about himself.

f82748 No.319046


He needed tyrone to stretch her out so he can shove his head where it belongs, back in the fucking womb with all the other proto-human filth.

c84862 No.319047


>Sargon insists we 'find the principle'.

He probably considers the Nazis to be cucking on their principles because they didn't exterminate all non-blondes and accepted germans with 1/8 Jewish ancestry. Somehow having to set a somewhat arbitrary cut-off on a continuum is some kind of death blow to the ethnostate when this kind of thing is routine when it comes to all kinds of policies (e,g, age of consent).

7fca8b No.319048


Liberalism is inherently contradictory, because you can't remain axiomatically beholden to both egalitarianism and individual rights.

If you follow the notion of individual rights to it's conclusion, you get ancapistan. But also the notion of egalitarianism relies on the crux of tabula rasa, but even having an equal playing field will result in massively disparate outcomes that don't jive with the ideology. The notion of tabula rasa leads people to want to find ways to fix the scales and achieve true equality, and this leads to marxism.

Now, a non-autistic person would say that there's no reason to take everything to the logically illogical extreme like either of these scenarios. However, if that's the case, you're no longer arguing from a "principled" position. You're arguing from a pragmatic standpoint. Which is all well and good, except for the fact that you can't really do that if your entire argument against the alt-right is that they don't adhere to your autistic principles perfectly. You can't say "I'm for individual liberties but put a limitation on the ability to discriminate, because I think that's necessary for our society to function" while also calling the alt-right unprincipled, because the alt-right stance is also pragmatic and saying "I'm for individual liberties but put a limitation on citizenship because I think that's necessary for our society to function"


The most annoying part about Sargon is how he poses himself as this uber-principled intellectual, but he basically has Schrodinger's Principles. Like how he tactically takes uses ancap anti-statist arguments… but only when arguing against Spence's ethnostate, even though all his arguments could be applied to ANY state in existence. Or how he says Spencer is anti-free-speech because he said he would take measures to prevent subversion and overthrow of the government by shutting down foreign influence and anti-state propaganda, even though this is something every state does, and actually something Sargon approves of himself when he uses censorship in his Liberalist subreddit/discord/page etc

In fact, the most ironic part is that Liberalistism is basically just "What Sargon Likes: The Ideology". He's effectively a dictator of the movement because there is no real discussion of what the principles will be. It all just comes down to what Sargon dictates. He's the decider.

7fca8b No.319049

File: f0e0bd7730e9d49⋯.jpg (237.65 KB, 1197x1200, 399:400, laurence-fishburne-9295760….jpg)


>can't tell whether Fishburne is white or not

>also a purity-spiraling esoteric hitlerist who only considers hyperborean blonde-haired blue-eyed nords to be white

>can't even keep the story of his grandfather consistent, jumping from being 100% african to being a tanned guy with dark hair from St. Helena to being a southern european

This is also a reminder that all people who do the "X aren't white" bait posts are these sort of D&C faggots looking to split people apart where there is no actual cocks from anyone serious.

7fca8b No.319050



That really rustles my jimmies, how they have this hedonistic apathetic world view about fucking everything, but then look at that one debate where the subject of porn came up and someone was saying how porn is bad and we'd be better off without it. Immediately every single Septic (especially Veeh) goes into a Category 5 Chimp-Out because someone dare speak out against their precious cummies.

I don't have a clip of it, but that exact moment basically summed everything about these people up.

73c4df No.319051

File: a6a060dd7037b41⋯.gif (260.79 KB, 320x302, 160:151, degenerationvirus.gif)







2d7d08 No.319052


Am I the only who thinks that picture kinda looks like Sargon? Maybe he does carry nigger genes

effc56 No.319054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wew lads, this thread is taking an unexpectedly high-brow route. Gonna have to huff a few.

b81ad8 No.319055

File: 5d4d4bdb1a59881⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 825x812, 825:812, 2018.jpg)

593daa No.319056

File: d27ec594ef573a6⋯.png (56.19 KB, 645x729, 215:243, brainlet.png)


>blak man has beerd

>whit man has beerd

>dey both hav beeerds

>wite musbe lyke blak

Yes. You are literally the only one.

7fca8b No.319057

File: 74071f2c13260da⋯.png (736.89 KB, 1000x968, 125:121, trump wrong.png)


sorry m8, you gotta read Heidegger and Kant and complete the system of German Idealism before you can post ITT

d5bb04 No.319058


No m8, he's sarcuck, he can't tell black from white.

b81ad8 No.319059


Yeah when I made the thread I was hoping for some more blood but we're in between shitstorms atm.

45e5a4 No.319060

File: 92193a2bf83990e⋯.png (9.76 KB, 1498x197, 1498:197, sargon rules.png)



The only other question Sargon even answered on the reddit page is this

b81ad8 No.319062


Yeah when I saw that my jimmies entered fucking 14.88 on the richter scale level rustled.

7fca8b No.319063


We got a slow buildup going on toward another big shitshow hopefully, now that Andy and Jim have pressed Sargon and prevented him from weaseling out of the debates he promised to do. So really now it's just a matter of keeping that pressure on, memeing Sargon as the impotent cuckold he is, and getting ready for the fallout when this shit goes down.

He's probably using these weeks of time to get acting lessons to practice not losing his shit when he's losing a debate though, which would be sad.

b81ad8 No.319064

File: 12462ea3936a9c1⋯.png (354.72 KB, 370x547, 370:547, CIA niggers.png)


Yeah, when he does the debate I'm going to guess spencer will be ready to trigger the fuck out of him. Guy must have gotten lessons from his glow in the dark handlers on how to troll in order to weaken the opponent in a debate and make the audience hate them.

0e9dac No.319065

File: 51f3d6ca1bb7c18⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 393x157, 393:157, sargonrace.JPG)


Just look at this. Sargon starts this autistic "but what is white?" bullshit, and then accuses the guy he's arguing with of "pointless tail chasing". They have no arguments so they're left with pilpul.

b81ad8 No.319066

File: df6e7787ad47c88⋯.png (475.41 KB, 1280x521, 1280:521, pilpul hitler.png)


>we end up with conversations like this

Only you do faggot because you're the one starting the tail chasing.

This fucking jewish shit pisses me off.

7fca8b No.319067



To be fair, I'm not against using Alinsky tactics. They're apolitical and can be used by any group who's anti-establishment. /pol/ uses alinsky tactics all the time with its culture-jamming, meme warfare, and everything else.

However, it's funny when a status-quo centrist talks about alinsky tactics. It doesn't work that way, fam.


Imagine if this sort of "I need you to precisely define everything explicitly right here and now" attitude was taken toward everything else. You could do it for anything.

Killing is bad right? But what about self defense? What about war? What about execution? Oh, so only murder is bad? How do you define murder?!I need a precise and holistic all-encompassing defintion in a single sentence right here and now!

What about theft? What if I just accidentally forgot to ring something up before walking out of the store? How far away can I walk before it becomes shoplifting? Define your terms, richard!

b81ad8 No.319068


Yeah I find that part amusing. He's never actually read a book properly and paused to think about the implications of every point made.

effc56 No.319069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But what if there's a zombie outbreak in the ethnostate? Would you use nuclear weapons to contain the outbreak? What about the innocent survivors still alive? What you're advocating for is monstrous, Richuhd!!

d5bb04 No.319070


What if there's a disease that turns your people into mexicans? Are you going to deport them too?

ca242a No.319071


What if tay sachs can be used to cure cancer? Would you let jews in your ethnostate then?

ca242a No.319072

Fucking mega and their 15 min timeout. Fuck off and die I just wanna DL my fucking music cunts.

2d7d08 No.319073

File: 8b48d96cc726d32⋯.png (577.76 KB, 486x4853, 486:4853, IMG_0102.PNG)


Full convo for those interested

0e9dac No.319074


What if aliens come to earth and they're not white? Every other country will be trading with them and using futuristic technology except for your ethnostate. You'll be wiped out by ray guns! Well done, you just genocided the very people you were trying to save, Richard.

2140a9 No.319075


>I don't browse 4chan

>I don't watch alt-hype

>where are the arguments?

>smug chuckle

10bb0b No.319076


>I know with the point that I'm making alt-hype will make a response video to me

<I don't watch alt-hype, I would have no idea what kind of videos he makes

Any argument that will make him right

102000 No.319077

File: 7973d4bfb3f1a38⋯.png (4.46 KB, 194x260, 97:130, teal deer.png)


Can i get a tl;dr?

23e18b No.319078

File: 1aa8f79350d12f0⋯.png (29.43 KB, 366x204, 61:34, grandad.png)



102000 No.319079


What a fucking kike.

102000 No.319081

Oh… I just realised I can just clear my cache and cycle my IP to DL my music… Totally forgot I have a proxy.

518a63 No.319082

File: 010d719f8599af7⋯.png (221.12 KB, 374x376, 187:188, 1514924200442.png)


> is Sargon's grandfather black?



1ead34 No.319083


Are all aboriginals white far enough back? Fuck me.

1ead34 No.319084

Wew. Rolled OP and got a node that isn't timed out on mega. Last one someone sniped the DL window.

7ca0a0 No.319088


>all of sudden he's not proudly talking about how he's a qaudroon

Someone catch him in a little lye about that, "I can't be racist because I'm part black! Gotcha feminists!" shit?

9f6599 No.319089




>blogposting about mega

>using mega after it got taken from kimfatlarp and given to the chinese in the first place

God dammit smiley.

b81ad8 No.319093


Chinks are unlikely to give out the info. They're yellow jews they'll keep it to themselves.

2140a9 No.319094

File: 5241f6cad97a07f⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 531x541, 531:541, black_dad.jpg)


he caught himself by posting his 'mulatto' father

23e18b No.319097


He said his dad gets a tan when he goes outside so he's definitely black, biggot.

effc56 No.319099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alternative hypothesis (Ryan Faulk) has been B_TFO'ing him for over a month now.

acdb71 No.319100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Slightly off topic so sage but the comments here are fucking amazing. He's pretty much making teh same arguments that the septics make and getting B.T.F.O. in the same way.

21af11 No.319104

File: e5bf88dec414c75⋯.webm (1.24 MB, 854x480, 427:240, RageBiStorm.webm)

Now that the dust has slowly settled, is rage /ourthot/?

10bb0b No.319114


>study history at university back in the mid 2000s

>learn about archaeological evidence of 4 cradles of life across the world in africa, asia, mesopotamia and mesoamerica corresponding to different pre homo sapien dna strains being linked to humans (ie neanderthal, denosovan, etc)


>everyone was african at one point!

>out of africa theory!

>Just accept it white boy!

I'm not sure if it's being taught in unis now or if this is just tumblr education but I want them to fuck off with it

e4c6b3 No.319116


'Tee hee I like girls tee hee'

This makes her a step above all the other right wing camwhores, but still definitely a whore.

e1584d No.319118


Funnily enough these 3 euro's resemble the amerimutt 53% pictures more than just about any American political commentator you can find on jewtube.

23e18b No.319121


I think she just said that to get away from someblackguy. When that didn't work she had to 1488.

1ead34 No.319125

File: e8d7ed45c474db2⋯.webm (11.99 MB, 950x706, 475:353, suicide_is_painless.webm)


Suicide yourself.

362138 No.319127


Out of Africa was on shaky ground as a theory to begin with but at this point it would have been completely thrown out were it not for SJWs in academia.

ca242a No.319128


Out of africa, the holohoax, global warming. The three pillars of the jew.

ca242a No.319129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did you guys watch this? I don't remember seeing it posted in other threads but I remember the shittalk between her and woes in here.

ca242a No.319130

Fuck me 2 minutes in and she's already going full zionist.

362138 No.319131


>three pillars

I wish. If it only stopped at three we wouldn't have to spend so much time debating this garbage to death over and over as slowpokes like Sargon work their Trotsky-shaped buttplugs out of their ass.

ca242a No.319132


They're the 3 historical lies that alter people's view of history enough to allow them to fill their heads with that garbage.

ca242a No.319134

Jesus fucking christ this bitch has lost the plot… If we keep pushing her we might get something juicy as fuck. Let's fucking troll the shit out of her.

362138 No.319135


I disagree. I think they're actually downstream from even bigger lies like Equality. That shit is a literal religion to them. If you've the stomach for reading their literature as I do, you'll notice that they all place it as the highest moral good above all else and will move heaven and earth to maintain the lie.

acdb71 No.319138


Yeah but when you ask them to justify their beliefs what do they respond with?

2140a9 No.319144


Violence is evil is another.

I can kind of understand the root of their beliefs, in that a parent wants to keep their kids away from violence and to have their kids be treated fairly. There is a lot that has been said about the effects of hormonal women (birth control) with no kids extending 'kindness' to non kin. In effect, infantilizing the other.

ba0b14 No.319145

File: 120f41b0b302514⋯.jpg (190.76 KB, 610x479, 610:479, kpinga_sword_and_knives_61….jpg)


>claymore in the background of the nigger's room

were african made swords not good enough for her? yes they've even muh dikked their swords

102000 No.319147


1)What the fuck are those ugly fucking things.

2)She keeps calling him simply talking filibustering.

3)Ebonics. Fuck me the ebonics.

362138 No.319148


Self serving drivel usually. And if you poke through that they'll just go on the attack. Where they do rally around half-baked scientific concepts you'll find that they don't actually understand a bit of even the scientific body of work that allegedly supports their argument. Almost everything that comes out of their mouths, once you distill it down, serves to protect their metaphysical assumption about the moral primacy of Equality. And this is the root of the existence of "radical centrists" like Sargon and friends who couch their mind numbing addiction to the status quo in faux revolutionary bullshit. The move from progressive stack style SJWs towards these "radical centrists" (who are really just radical democrats) is actually a logical outcome of the contemporary post-marxist dialectic. To put it simply, Sargon is the Stalin to Anita Sarkesian's Trotsky as the leftist dialectic moves into the synthesis phase.

ba0b14 No.319149

File: 689072bad43fb72⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 450x332, 225:166, Richard_Buchta_-_Zande_men….jpg)

File: 447166cdb132322⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 297x393, 99:131, 31bd05d1a984c27710268a6466….jpg)


>What the fuck are those ugly fucking things

they're swords of the proud zande people

ca242a No.319152


Kek. They seem very practical and effective. I'm sure they knew how to properly forge and sharpen their weapons too.

ca242a No.319153

Fucking hell this bitch is gaslighting so fucking hard.

f36605 No.319157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found this video.


>One more good loss will send him (deeper) off the deep-end, I hope.

After the last debate he used the excuse

<"I didn't take it seriously. I will redo it and do it right."

That means that if he loses again, he will have to treat it as an indictment of his intellect or ideas.

>He's already flat-out ignoring alt-right shitposters no matter how legitimate their criticisms may be.

He's not ignoring them completely, though. He tries to pretend that he is, but he only does so selectively. He constantly tries to shame them, like he does with "right wing SJWs" and did with the the "kick Vee" clip, and to subvert them like when he tried to spread the idea that Spencer was a jew.

Surely he must know


The original point Spencer made in the "CP" video (unless you're talking about some other video I haven't seen) is that it doesn't matter if porn reduces the number of rapes (which is an argument that some people make for porn). As an analogy he said that even if CP were shown to reduce the amount of child rape, it should still not be accepted.


Daily Reminder that Soygoy said in his stream with Jim that the reason he formed liberalistism™ was because he cared about his children's future!

Could some editfag create a webm with those two clips juxtaposed?

Found this video.


I'm fucking 100% that Soygoy told the Alt Right that

>You're operating exactly according to Rules for Radicals right now.

to prove that they're just right-wing SJWs. This was in a video perhaps 1-2 years ago.


Also, his grandfather was born on an African island and has black hair. Since white people don't have black hair (only dark brown) he couldn't have been white.


I like the guy, but civic fascism is just annoying. He says that WN is never going to happen because if you've been trying to do something for 40 years and not succeeded, you're never going to because you don't want it enough. However, by this logic nothing will ever change, every single ideology in existance is constantly fighting for dominance, so he should just become an establishment climber and not a Fascist.


>Oh no, that nigger wants to muh dick me

>"Tee hee, mr. Tyrone, I like girls."

Female logic.


>Even the most traditional heirlooms of the African race are muh dicks

Their more of a lost cause than Abos.

b81ad8 No.319158

Oh my fucking god the level of interruptions when he's about to destroy her. This is schopenhauer 101.

2140a9 No.319159


I think they were throwing knives. Think of them like oversides shuriken or metal boomerangs.

102000 No.319160



Fuck me don't get me started on these fuckwits over here who think abos understood aerodynamics well enough to create a fucking boomerang. There's no evidence they were made by bushniggers whatsoever.

2140a9 No.319161



It's a throwing club. In other words, a fucking stick. Even the Sumerians had those, before they got phased out by javelins.

effc56 No.319163


I'm not sure you understand just how retarded abos are. I'm pretty sure they were seriously considered the missing link and not homo sapien up until relatively recently.

ca242a No.319164


Nah the ones that return if you throw at an angle. No way dumb arse 62 IQ fuckwits made that.

ca242a No.319165


Yeah, when we found them there was a debate over whether they were human or primate.

f36605 No.319166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2140a9 No.319168



I've met abos before. Throwing a stick isn't that complicated. If you're talking about the toys that come back when you throw them, they're not what abos used to hunt. Abos used a club that was heavier on the end for hunting and bashing shit. According to my old scoutmaster, they used smaller sticks for waterfowl, because they could throw them further. Not sure who invented the returning toy boomerangs. Keep in mind not all tribes had the same hunting techniques, so it's not like all abos hunted ducks or all abos went crab fishing.

Dot painting is bullshit. Was invented by some guy during the 1960's now everyone pretends it's traditional. Prisons up north have the inmates fingerpaint then sell it to put money into 'dem programs.' All the traditional art you see in corporate buildings over here was probably done by some glue huffing rapist in protective custody.

f82748 No.319169


Yeah they used a club with a huge bulb on the end. A lot of fuckwits think they invented all of this shit is the point.

acdb71 No.319170


Also are you talking about pointilism?

e4c6b3 No.319171


I hope he's not. People are pretending Abbos invented pointillism?

acdb71 No.319172


It's basically a shitty version of pointilism if it's what' I'm thinking of.

acdb71 No.319173


This is the cuck who came up with it.

e4c6b3 No.319174




Not without a white cuck to help

f36605 No.319175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b81ad8 No.319176


This cunt is pretty good. Saw him a lot in comment sections fucking destroying people and checked his channel.

2140a9 No.319177

File: b8f085315b63884⋯.jpg (339.63 KB, 1280x587, 1280:587, Lanita-Jap-013840.jpg)


This shit. Some art teacher during the 70's, not the 60's taught his abo students how to produce this. Now it's thought of as 'traditional' art by most people. Some abo's did have traditional art though, it's called cave painting. Only a lot of that cave painting is pretty recent and discovered by white cucks. It is then embraced as abos as part of their culture, because they either don't know any better, or they think they can get something out of it.

b81ad8 No.319178


Yeah Bardon. He basically told them to use pontilism on fucking dirt.

2140a9 No.319179


I know a guy that works in prisons up north. They churn out this stuff. Apparently they really like the finger painting up there.

b81ad8 No.319180


I know someone who works the airport. They use the money to fly someone over here and buy multiple buckets of KFC, fly it back to the tribe, and then eat it cold.

e4c6b3 No.319181

File: 0c10cd74f415a37⋯.jpg (70.16 KB, 960x651, 320:217, AHAHA.jpg)

7a3222 No.319182


Man. Niggers get really butt-blasted if you tell them they're inferior to White people.

2140a9 No.319183


>he thinks it's a joke

Do you have any idea how much money the government spends on abos every year? 30 billion. There are half a million abos and islanders. They could write each one a cheque for a million and still have change 29 billion change. They're pissing money away. FIFO chicken would not surprise me at all.

102000 No.319184


The jet is paid for by DHS. It's for a representative to report to cenno.

f36605 No.319185

File: 680981279717b95⋯.png (244.76 KB, 981x1163, 981:1163, is this true?.png)


276139 No.319186

102000 No.319187

File: 18d8de419db77c5⋯.jpg (288.21 KB, 2400x1600, 3:2, gibson smile.jpg)


Maximum shitpost.

102000 No.319188


Can't hear shit. What the fuck is wrong with the volume.

cae7bb No.319189


>shouldn't need to defend himself against a jewish neo-nazi

>agree on the liberalist movement

Using the race and ideology of a man as an argument, defending their Soyfather's honor, and pushing a group ideology?

Sounds awfully tribalist of them.

e4c6b3 No.319190



It's your job to pay for enrichment goyim

0e9dac No.319191


>Spencer is an SJW for white people

I can't tell if this guy is an undercover shitposter, but if not they've forgotten what SJW means. SJW was coined to mock people who think they're warriors fighting for justice because they ban Family Guy episodes and Halloween costumes. Whether you agree with the alt-right using tactics similar to SJWs or not, you have to admit the promotion of white interests and the continued survival of the white race isn't exactly as insignificant as an edgy Daniel Tosh joke.

102000 No.319192


If liberals didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.

5d4220 No.319193

File: 14df4ecbdf61f3d⋯.jpg (175.72 KB, 900x750, 6:5, 1516700550149.jpg)


Oh yeah, Richard? Tell me this then, Richard. What if some Indian man had to fly from Poointheloorai to some Apefrican shithole, but there were no direct flights to there so he'd have to stop in your ethnostate for a few hours before continuing on? Would you let him into your ethnostate for those 3-4 hours? You would, it's not a problem!? THEN YOU DON'T HAVE AN ETHNOSTATE RICHARD!


f36605 No.319194


Yes. I found it on Daily Stormer. Might even have been a longer clip.






I get a very loud volume in the left ear, and nothing in the right.

e4c6b3 No.319195


>either identity exists or every person is an individual

Sargon's run this shit through a strainer and filtered out anyone who isn't an autist, hasn't he?

102000 No.319196


Ah fuck me my sound balance reset when I was using headphones. I'm using one speaker atm.

0e9dac No.319197


Oh shit, I've seen this pic heaps but I only just realized.

That isn't a photoshop of him combined with Paul Joseph Watson. It's the beardapp thing.

He has the goofiest fucking face.

ca242a No.319198


Think someone said that about 4 threads ago.

594b09 No.319199


The problem is white is a genetic cluster and you can't 'define' genes in ordinary language (same applies to 'define' a human vs chimpanzee). But it is basically people whose ancestors (in a certain proportion) lived in Europe during the Ice Age


HIs own statements are contradictory. He said that his grandfather was black and then that he didn't know what race his grandfather was


>still refuses to respond

>'i don't watch his videos'

We should bully him into a response

e4c6b3 No.319200


Is he really still doing this retarded 'what is white' garbage? It's so retarded and everyone's made fun of him for it, I figured he'd have stopped.

ce5b00 No.319204

File: 8530fa89125205e⋯.jpg (430.93 KB, 912x663, 304:221, 44abc63bd24e7448e1f3752ba3….jpg)

Here are two playlists I've made. One about the Kraut and Tea situation and the other about Sargon's movement.

Might be good to put these into the OP so people who are new have an overview.

The Krautism Saga:


The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism


b81ad8 No.319205



OP pastebin. About time we made one.

c83c87 No.319206


Where in the comments, a bunch of people are fellating him?

102000 No.319207


There's a few good threads where he goes full retard.

617fdb No.319208

I noticed that a Sargonite has started shilling for Liberalistism and Louis in a chat server I use.

Can't even escape this shit.

f82748 No.319209


Ask them when sargoy is going to sell super female soy pills.

2140a9 No.319211


Who the fuck would shill Louis? He's a fringe nobody. It's probably Louis. Spam pictures of ugly gooks. Dig up info on that feminist witch cult that took over South Korea and caused that leadership scandal.

acdb71 No.319212

File: 8e71b9d2c194ba3⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 366x513, 122:171, Park Geun-hye.jpg)


Park Geun-hye.

c83c87 No.319213


>Where in the comments, a bunch of people are fellating him?

God, I'm brain-damaged. Where in the comments? All I see are a bunch of people fellating him.

2140a9 No.319214


hmm. Jojo, Paul Joseph Watson, HBomberGuy and Sargon team up to fight muslim antifa cyborg feminists after the death of the west.

acdb71 No.319215


Mostly the comments pointing out that he's just salty over taking the fall.

d2e30b No.319216

File: 3902f5a867c548d⋯.png (133.9 KB, 934x916, 467:458, Screenshot_20180201_121749.png)


I hope anons don't mind, I updated the OP pasta:



Youtube RSS feed with all to date septics, lolcow enthusiasts and orbiters:


b81ad8 No.319217


Cheers, couldn't find that. Forgot what the website was.

617fdb No.319218

File: 02cfd5f541769c8⋯.png (50.07 KB, 569x204, 569:204, speak easy sargon louis.png)


>It's probably Louis

Try cross-referencing this user name with Louis and see what comes up, I guess.

b81ad8 No.319219


What do you use for RSS?

c83c87 No.319220


I'm sorry to ask this: what fall exactly? I watched about 15 minutes of the video and all I got was whining about "all these other people do this and are low quality so I don't want to believe in this in any way, shape, or form", then ABSOLUTELY CIVIC.

b81ad8 No.319221


In his past he took the fall for a skinhead outfit. Any comments talking about his past will trigger the fuck out of him.

d2e30b No.319223


Linux Liferea

I tried a few, this was the best for me, the second best one imo is a plugin for chrome that uses feeder.co

ca242a No.319225

Academic agent just released a few vids on sargoy, check the feed. Watching the taylor "debate" again atm so cbf posting the embeds.

ca242a No.319226


Cool, compiling shit to add to my unix rig when I decide to build it.

ca242a No.319227


*rebuild. Thing blew up. North bridge capacitors wore out and burst simultaneously, spraying acid all over it.

d26d4d No.319228


>for once


0576bc No.319229


Cult, you say?

Add this video to your playlist, lad:


0576bc No.319230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i suck cocks

d2e30b No.319232

File: 77025f1cc33d76b⋯.png (236.02 KB, 1404x864, 13:8, fallacy_bingo.png)

We should play fallacy bingo for the next sargonite "debate"

18b642 No.319233


He's the Aussie of legend foretold.

9895bd No.319234

I've had some weird fuckery with my internet blocking access to h8chan the last couple days.

What did I miss?

18b642 No.319235


Why are they all furries?

d2e30b No.319236


I think reading the OP and the previous thread: http://archive.is/GGMtb

Would be easier than an anon repeating it.

9895bd No.319237


I wrote 90% of the OP. thanks for the archive.

80a8b5 No.319240


>Kraut came back in a stream with a MGTOW faggot who kept softballing him and claimed he dindu nuffin

>Destiny and Pascal Leroux are suspended from Twitter for doxing Tonka

>Destiny ordered his fangirls to mass flag people left and right in a fit of autism

>Vee claims whoever watches Dragon Ball is a pedo

>Sargon got butthurt at the "kick Vee" meme

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

Also the writer of Where the Wild Thing are is a pedo jew

9895bd No.319241

File: a1cefcd5dd93b14⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM altKraut.jpg)


this is becoming a long saga isn't it.

well done, kraut, well done. you really showed those internet nazis.

Anybody I should add to this?

d2e30b No.319242


Just read it and it needs adding to


Anon made a playlist of the videos, probably the biggest things were Kraut's press release video on twitch with misandry today, he's a mgtow and his stream got shoahed because he was advertising sex dolls. And last night there was Jared Taylor on warski which was good, but not exactly septic related, but warski invited septics et al to talk to him but everyone refused saying they weren't prepared.

d2e30b No.319243



Updated the OP pastebin for next thread with that


Removed the following because it needs clarification and a link to the tonkasaw and maybe needs it's own cow thread?:

">the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard"

9895bd No.319244


the demon guy was just a sideshow, not relevant.

don't forget to add that misandrytoday's stream was taken down because he was sponsored by a sex doll company. (also might have been done deliberately so he could claim the alt-right were reporting him)

d2e30b No.319245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kronos' vid:

Veetarded - By Harmful Opinions (March 31st 2017)

80a8b5 No.319247


Yeah, reminder that during the adpocalypse last year Vee and Soygoy were defending Google as a defender of free speech

d2e30b No.319248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>don't forget to add that misandrytoday's stream was taken down because he was sponsored by a sex doll company. (also might have been done deliberately so he could claim the alt-right were reporting him)

Added that, didn't theorize about the alt-right as no one claimed it and it could've easily been the septics/misandryToday attacking their own to support the "ze altright are sjws" dnc narrative that they are trying to push.

I think from everything we've seen from sargon and traut, all tactical options are available to them.

c83c87 No.319249


Thanks. That's too bad that it tainted his view of it.

d2e30b No.319250



Didn't mean to post the same video twice.


Is mr.dapperton a septic?


d2e30b No.319251


Also it's important to note from that video

Sargon tried to use HO's autism against him

2d7d08 No.319252


He's actually a fag and a pedo Jew, but I repeat myself

80a8b5 No.319253


Is mr.dapperton a septic?

Nah, he looks like an ancaps

And you know ancaps get the bullet too according to liberalistianists

3be628 No.319259

c0b094 No.319261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apparently Bowler hats are the new fedoras, because I found

Debating the Alt-right what you need to know and how to win

from bolerhatman. Spellcheck wants to correct it to "merchantman". Seems my browser is pretty woke on the JQ.

Pretty much, you should avoid discussing ideals, morals, consequences and such, and just get bogged down in the details to see if you can find something not yet flushed out. More or less what Sargon/Styx did with Spencer.

3adc15 No.319263

File: 9688b98d3a0cf3d⋯.png (322.44 KB, 450x532, 225:266, 1443829476687.png)


>Kraut literally looks like the assborgors yeti

3adc15 No.319264

5d4220 No.319265




2d7d08 No.319266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>claiming we think Muslims are a race


I can't wait for the Skeptic v. WN war to break out in full force if this is by and large our opponents. Maybe I need to start a channel before it kicks into full gear

80a8b5 No.319267

File: d48dd85dc57c4eb⋯.jpg (14.17 KB, 266x190, 7:5, download.jpg)


>DesTiny is a very good debater

3ad636 No.319268


He too does the Skeptic chuckle, is it an epidemic at this point?

effc56 No.319270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw HO was driven off jewtube by the stepfather and his sceptic mafia and now eats bugs on twitch

0576bc No.319271

File: 6bf7f9c78792268⋯.png (553.94 KB, 700x980, 5:7, Legend of the Galactic Tin….png)


Tiny is tangentially related at the very least

594b09 No.319272


>every idea about humans I don't like is phrenology

I wonder what this guy's evidence is that phrenology is wrong? Maybe that's what his primary school teacher told him

df600e No.319278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Adam is banned from Israel

c0b094 No.319279


>The Alt-Right doesn't have a definition of whiteness, which is why they never define it.

<AltHype has a strict, biological definition in his videos.

>I don't watch them





This video was good the first time I saw it.

80a8b5 No.319280

e4c6b3 No.319281

I wish someone would help Race Warski understand that this is fairly serious for him.

No one cares about these front organizations in society at large but media, business, and politics love them. And Canada has hate speech laws. He could get his shit fucked in Canada.

80a8b5 No.319282


What are they doing right now?

2531c7 No.319283


Andy Racewarski is trying to call the SPLC to see if he is bannned from Isreal. lol

5d4220 No.319285


Of course he is, have you seen that video where he disemboweled a dozen pedophiles and then lit them on fire?

7fca8b No.319286

File: b8b35c0fd777aac⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 265x321, 265:321, hitler dude what.jpg)


What? Context?

df600e No.319287


SPLC is saying that internet bloodsports are the new alt-right thing.

2531c7 No.319288

45e5a4 No.319291

2531c7 No.319292

File: 1e29745b1d85b7f⋯.png (325.48 KB, 779x583, 779:583, Racewarski.png)

File: 1d7f7e7f22b0efd⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 312x213, 104:71, 1470869639006.gif)

Racewarski just download some app to spoof his phone number, about to call the SPLC now apparently.

7fca8b No.319293

File: 18435ef65e783c0⋯.jpg (98.99 KB, 540x523, 540:523, guy fierri laugh.jpg)

>Racewarski's bernie sanders new york jew accent

2531c7 No.319294

File: 841ab7111c7b114⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 396x216, 11:6, 708aba316879aecf2e6f6a9a78….gif)

df600e No.319295

File: 2ef066149034613⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2ef066149034613b9b05975d39….jpg)


>I don't want them in the motherland

80a8b5 No.319296

So Andy is not banned?

3ad636 No.319297

File: 84cd49688eef56a⋯.png (123.71 KB, 300x300, 1:1, moonman.png)

2531c7 No.319298

File: 3c1ee90816cb117⋯.gif (2.94 MB, 470x200, 47:20, 687d0ea89b6dc19e0c00ba135c….gif)


>If your put on your website are you banned from Israel.

>Let me transfer you to that department.

My fucking sides, they have a department for that.

80a8b5 No.319299

>(((Spencer))) is not banned from Israel

rly makes u think

da938a No.319300

File: e8d11e037dc5035⋯.jpg (84.37 KB, 1321x417, 1321:417, banned.jpg)

ce5b00 No.319302

File: d3c4c6498250840⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 349x444, 349:444, 1513431290804.jpg)

Kraut is back on twitter with epic bantz


80a8b5 No.319303

File: 239bfbccf73e6a7⋯.jpg (481.92 KB, 600x846, 100:141, 239bfbccf73e6a76e39231f2cf….jpg)

>If a black person comes to Romania and marries a romanian woman

Like Vee's mom?

3ad636 No.319304

File: 1a564f73e659b81⋯.png (26.88 KB, 553x212, 553:212, kraut.png)

3ad636 No.319305

File: 8e36c655d62a4e7⋯.png (28.04 KB, 556x255, 556:255, kraut3.png)


actually here are some more updated numbers

e4c6b3 No.319306


>'I collected this information'


7fca8b No.319307

File: 27b64dcc3adb1a0⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 300x300, 1:1, fresh prince come on.jpg)


>prove that's my voice!

>prove that was me who typed it!

>prove someone didn't hack my accounts and do false flags in my name!

5d4220 No.319308



18b642 No.319311


Show me how Hitler personally killed a Jew with a Flammenwerfer.

2531c7 No.319312

File: d2b8cda62b1633f⋯.mp4 (12.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Andy_Jewski_Calls_SPLC.mp4)

7fca8b No.319313

How long until Kraut officially joins the /leftypol/ gang because they're the only ones left on the net who will accept him?

2531c7 No.319314

File: 573e610afa3cf6b⋯.mp4 (12.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Andy_Jewski_Calls_SPLC_par….mp4)

090e03 No.319315

File: 695cc1f2a9c88f1⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 752x719, 752:719, proofs.jpg)


He's such a kike

025c7b No.319316



9f6599 No.319317

File: a10e1f69a1b6d0f⋯.png (18.14 KB, 303x345, 101:115, ClipboardImage.png)


>it's true

18b642 No.319318


He's already close to the giving someone a platform equals hate speech stance.

2531c7 No.319319

File: d7269987e5714dd⋯.gif (116.78 KB, 350x200, 7:4, 85729f0c612f375e4b4118eed6….gif)

ce5b00 No.319320

File: 18d6aa02d29c772⋯.png (153.91 KB, 1366x607, 1366:607, index.png)


Holy Kraut/Spino/Dusty alliance when?

d59e91 No.319321

Daily reminder that the SPLC has a 68% Askhenazi Jewish senior staff and are overrepresented by over 3000% percent in this organization


7fca8b No.319323

File: 8ea27e779ef2b7c⋯.jpg (93.45 KB, 620x670, 62:67, tyrone laugh.jpg)

>Vee: I had to have an interesting conversation with my mother

80a8b5 No.319324

File: bc2212077fbcbd0⋯.png (28.95 KB, 519x241, 519:241, You're FORCING jewgle to s….png)

File: 3570639d98c65ac⋯.jpg (18.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DUQowYOXcAA9Fap.jpg)

e4c6b3 No.319326



>we didn't want to shut it down, goyim, you kept talking about non-kosher subjects, what other option did we have?

102000 No.319327

File: ca398b0e815a60d⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 791x568, 791:568, my shekel.jpg)


>Stratagem 31: If you know that you have no reply to an argument that your opponent advances, you may, by a fine stroke of irony, declare yourself to be an incompetent judge.



d26d4d No.319328



This is fucking great.

102000 No.319329


His fucking jewyorker accent and the oy veying was great. Just woke up and barely missed it so cheers to whoever clipped it.

594b09 No.319330


>tfw the deepfakes of Shapiro's sister haven't finished baking


df600e No.319332


they are making the fake porn videos of Ben Shapiro's sister?

It would be a damn shame if someone sent it to him.

d5bb04 No.319333


>Deep fakes

>Deep Learning

>Dip, Doritos

Why does everything have to be deep?

d26d4d No.319334


Those numerals are deep.

1ead34 No.319335

File: 9bf41fcaa904804⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, Deep_Impact.png)




Pic related.

7fca8b No.319336

File: 74dcae8a001826c⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 742x718, 371:359, abigail shapiro laugh.webm)

File: 022dc3df1361dbb⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 507x800, 507:800, abigail shapiro blacked.jpg)


sweet jesus, all her exaggerated facial expressions would be perfect too.

bb08c2 No.319338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If the skeptic community already this ass hurt over the passion of the Christ sequel announcement. How will they react to the movie when it’s released?

e4c6b3 No.319339


That's Shapiro's sister? I want to say she's hot, but I'd really need to see her nose in profile. Nice rack.

f82748 No.319340


Yeah, it's obvious where all of the shapeshifting genes went.

7fca8b No.319341

File: 787ec6c46edc27f⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 600x400, 3:2, retarded pepe khazar milke….gif)


beware the khazar julayers. They're weapons used to lull goyim into a false sense of security, somewhat like angler fish.

df600e No.319342


lol they thought the passion only ended with the torture. The ending of the movie even suggest a good sequel but good ol gibson pissed off the Jews in Hollywood.

f82748 No.319343

File: 76bb7da0561f160⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 502x601, 502:601, Andy blowdoll.jpg)

Sinatra posted the andy face on his twatter.

2531c7 No.319344

File: d66a3f10d59ccbd⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 260x260, 1:1, d66a3f10d59ccbd4c271d83674….gif)



d26d4d No.319345


Her facial expressions weird me out

c0b094 No.319346

File: 22001eff8b21b77⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 483x534, 161:178, CMx1J-JUsAA8nqb.jpg)




You know it's a ruse, because in their natural state lizards don't have tits.

df600e No.319347

File: 252e6637c80ea58⋯.png (24.62 KB, 669x514, 669:514, 1508249973362.png)


why I'm after a nice Scandinavian women with medium tiddies but she could be thicc, even tough she will probably be medium.

617fdb No.319348


Where is that yeti even from?

d5bb04 No.319349


It reminds me of a youtuber who lost his house on the Gommiefornia fires

c0b094 No.319350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Inside the Gypsy Wagon - A Day in the Life of Vee

3be628 No.319351


But he is banned from several European countries.

Makes those almolds activate even more.

3ad636 No.319352

File: 3f7d8c7d02a90b9⋯.jpg (130.07 KB, 1024x656, 64:41, 33263868562_84b10ec719_b.jpg)


It's not quite in profile but it's the best I could find

b81ad8 No.319353


Dat nose.

c0b094 No.319354


Why would someone ban a white nationalist from Israel? What would he be able to do there? Convert Jews to antisemitism?


(((Oy Vey)))

Cuter than in >>319336, but still looks like a rat.

b81ad8 No.319355

>I-I can totally debate JT

>F-for real guise I can stump him

18b642 No.319356


Who is that guy? Sounds like he has trouble breathing.

b81ad8 No.319357


It's that doxxxx holiday fag from yidder.

18b642 No.319358


I see. He sounds overweight.

9f6599 No.319359


>I want to see her nose in profile

Gee, I wonder if the biological sister of a jew would be a jew.


18b642 No.319361

"Hey goy have you heard of World War 2"

b81ad8 No.319362

>When someone cleanses filth they feel guilty

Only if the jew controls your media.

d26d4d No.319364

What an autist.

b81ad8 No.319365

Haha andy's fucking shitting on him hard.

7fca8b No.319366

File: cbf85802406ad19⋯.jpeg (70.58 KB, 657x527, 657:527, retarded pepe hitler.jpeg)


>you can't protect your nation by not letting in niggers because if you do that, your nation then you'll become guilt-ridden and decide to let in niggers.

this is the most retarded thing I've heard all week.

b81ad8 No.319367

File: 731ceceb1dc7f29⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 486x409, 486:409, batkek.jpg)

Fuck me keep this sperg on this is great.

3ad636 No.319368

Did Jeff replace his brain with dildoes? You can't be that stupid

b81ad8 No.319369


Nah it's not jeff it's some faggot who uses the handle doxxxx holiday.

dd3993 No.319370


what stream?

d26d4d No.319371

3ad636 No.319372


Oh, came back around the last 30 seconds and didn't recognize the difference in voice.

b81ad8 No.319374


>[> Show post options & limits]


d26d4d No.319377


I know, I just didn't know for sure if it would give me a message like "shit already posted".

d2e30b No.319378


not in /cow/

c0b094 No.319379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's been disabled now. You can spam it however many times you want.

1ead34 No.319380

Ah fuck me that was a good stream. Looks like the lull is finishing up, should be a good next week.

7fca8b No.319383


Did they say anything about when Spencer/Sargon 2: Electric Boogaloo is happening?

df600e No.319386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


need this video also mute the video and just lookin at her face it looks like she is getting a gigantic orgasm.

It kinda made my dick hard.

c0b094 No.319387

File: 2e08b74eb19dd13⋯.png (38.19 KB, 645x729, 215:243, brain.png)


>Mel Gibson: This is going to be the greatest movie ever

<Mundanematt:Do you really think it's going to be bigger than avengers infinity war or avatar sequels

To be perfectly clear: You might be thinking that he's just talking about how much it will earn, but he clarifies that he doesn't mean that it won't be bigger in the box office.

18b642 No.319388

ca242a No.319389


Was wondering when metokur would notice that tweet.

2d7d08 No.319390


What the fuck is CRP talking about? It will get Skeptics assblasted so I hope he keeps attacking. Didn't Gonzalo say he was gonna sue if Kraut came back?

7fca8b No.319392

File: 44b4dc8144aa151⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 458x390, 229:195, mel gibson pepe.jpg)

File: 4fa0c023c6a0735⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 265x193, 265:193, Yes waiter, I'd like to or….jpg)



Looks like ChristKino's back on the menu, Goys!

df600e No.319393


to youtube I believe so it's going to be interesting.

5b70b5 No.319394


>MundaneMatt thinks Avatar and Avengers are some of the best movies ever made

Really activates my almonds, but then I remember he took Maddox's side in the Dick trial.

1025b8 No.319398


Traut supposedly keep a female fan against her will in his house

df600e No.319400


I wonder if the movie is going to be good. I better re-watch the first one to get my almonds jogging

f82748 No.319402

Fuck me everyone is going shogun total war here.


7fca8b No.319403

File: b3480c96b5f676f⋯.jpg (286.05 KB, 960x535, 192:107, apocalypto slavers.jpg)


Mad Mel has never disappointed, IMO. Passion is great and Apocalypto is incredibly underrated as well.

5b70b5 No.319404


It's mostly just watching Jesus get whipped by jews a bunch of times for 2 hours. Still better than Dancing with Wolves in space and a bunch of superheroes fighting a blue laser while making jokes.

f82748 No.319406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Full call in andy->SPLC.

5b70b5 No.319407

File: 9852c239748ff7f⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 610x630, 61:63, kraut dox.jpg)

1bf3da No.319410


Surprised a race with such a whiny high pitched voice can do something that requires a deeper voice such as Opera. Will there be Gregorian Chanting Jews next?

acdb71 No.319411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saw this in one of the shitposting threads to do with kraut.

<I can picture what a tesseract looks like.


>20 hours ago

>I can see 5th and 6th dimensional shit cunt fite me.

<I can imagine infinity

That's… actually impossible.

89e60a No.319412


oy vey, that doesn't count! I was being threatened by neo-nazis and was coerced to give a false confession! You can't even prove that was really me that said this!

df600e No.319413


I love Mel Gibson as a director did good old Mel Gibson get allot of shit from apocalypto? Since I thought that was really well made, the anatomist had some heart.


It's been a long time I watched it so I kinda want to watch it again, to see if I still have a good memory of the movie.

acdb71 No.319414

2d7d08 No.319416



c0b094 No.319417

File: f8ed184a7bbfead⋯.png (633.84 KB, 663x1918, 663:1918, kraut.png)

File: 4510e98e4f3ca6e⋯.gif (57.46 KB, 337x500, 337:500, full of air.gif)




>Kraut asks for evidence he doxed anyone

<JF provides

>Kraut doesn't reply to JF

<Kraut replies to someone replying to JF, proving he saw JF's comment

Really makes you think.

c0b094 No.319419


Justicar is pretty entertaining. It's a shame he's a faggot paedophile.

4db223 No.319420


Can you actually prove that it wasn't photoshopped.

3ad636 No.319422

c0b094 No.319424


Hi, Kraut. If you want to claim that it's photoshopped, you should say so publicly, not anonymously. The fact that you don't reply to the tweet makes you look really suspicious.

Also, while it's impossible to prove that particular image not photoshopped, it was confirmed verbally by The Guardian and King of Pol on JFs stream. Also, in your apology video you admitted doxing was going on on the server.


I thought he meant the Skype log JF attached.

594b09 No.319425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2d7d08 No.319426

File: 5d673a69ba86688⋯.jpg (163.6 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, kraut2.jpg)


Is this you, anon?

b81ad8 No.319427


I might add him to the RSS cause he's in on the kraut shit. Gotta find the file I DLed from the anon who made it cause my RSS thing doesn't have an edit option, just import/export OPML. Shit program. Gonna have to dupe and edit the file.

8885be No.319428



But can you provide video evidence that kraut sat down and typed that tweet specifically?


89e60a No.319429


It's the same cherrypicking tactic all these skeptic faggots do. Same way how Sargon will make 20 minute videos replying to random youtube comment shitposts and low-hanging-fruit, REEing about Ryan Faulk, claiming the alt-right has no argument for XYZ, and then saying he doesn't watch any of Faulk's videos, which have all the arguments he's asking for. All of it is this bad-faith bullshit.

3ad636 No.319430



If he meant the log then Kraut aknowledges its existence and claims it was a mistake to say he doxed CRP

89e60a No.319431


Can you even prove that someone didn't sign into Kraut's account and post that fake admission under his name? I need three independent video feeds showing Kraut in-person typing out that DM to JF backed up by DNA evidence to prove it's not an imposter, along with timestamped tits.

2d7d08 No.319432

File: 3f6b034828dcc5a⋯.png (102.99 KB, 773x738, 773:738, Arguments Mein Kampf Jews.PNG)

File: 87f18e0cfb3ada8⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 673x917, 673:917, Hitler6.jpg)


>All of it is this bad-faith bullshit.

>the same cherrypicking tactic all these skeptic faggots do.


23e18b No.319433


This is all very funny, but he's gonna get vanned by Trudeau.

c0b094 No.319434


Do you have a molecular genetic analysis to prove that I can't provide video evidence that Kraut sat down and typed that tweet specifically?


594b09 No.319435


>saying he doesn't watch any of Faulk's videos

He is shameless, he spent a whole video responding to the Dutch tranny who is much smaller

89e60a No.319436

File: 080a8d7c5c7a3f3⋯.jpg (26.12 KB, 428x368, 107:92, least_rare_pepe.jpg)


>It's a "what even is doxing??" episode

8885be No.319437




My Academics™ responded to me and told me that it was not infact doxxxxxxxxxxxing because the info I dug up existed before I dug it up, salt-right B-T-F-O

89e60a No.319438


This sort of shit could fly back in the day when no one was bothering to scrutinize Sarcuck, but he's got so much heat and scrutiny trained on him, and the silence of him refusing to address the major criticisms being levied against him by big names (as well as continuing to delay his debates into oblivion) is completely deafening.

b1ef94 No.319439

Calling it now. Kraut will buddy with Destiny to take down those "evil alt righters".

80a8b5 No.319440



Not a wise move on CRP's part, the skeptics might accuse him to spread his dox

It would be fucking hypocritical of them, but they would have a point


>Did i say dox? haha, silly me, i actually meant something else

Kraut is going to soon find out that defend his position is pretty much impossible outside of an hugbox MGTOW stream

89e60a No.319441


What always gets me about this argument is that the same people who claim any sort of "public information" available online (ie, literally anything that doesn't require hacking into password-protected accounts) doesn't count as doxxxxxxxxxxxxing will then complain when we find 100% public information on them and spread it around and claim they and their families have been doxed!

You can't have it both ways, Kraut and Vee. If you claim you were doxed, then you admit what Kraut did was doxing too.

89e60a No.319442


probably leftypol. He was in communication to bat'ko and spino and that crowd.

3ad636 No.319443

File: 1a3bf31c5644d4b⋯.jpg (133.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, doxxing.jpg)




It's only doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing when it's done against me you bigoted salt-right neo-nazis!!!!!!!1

5d4220 No.319444


>Not a wise move on CRP's part, the skeptics might accuse him to spread his dox

Dude what the fuck are you talking about, it was all public information, CoachKinoPill didn't actually hack into his computer and release his credit card numbers or anything, which means that it's not doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing

2d7d08 No.319445


Just public info my man. It's not doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing if it's publicly available!

89e60a No.319446


>fishes ur account


80a8b5 No.319447



Has blatant hypocrisy ever been a concern to these people in the past?

Yeah, didn't think so

5d4220 No.319449


That's what happens when you take your political philosophy from kikes or are just a kike yourself. I still can't believe it when the Veetard said that Romania has no culture because they watch American TV shows and eat hamburgers sometimes, top tier bugman thinking.

d0ad26 No.319450

Whats this I hear on Metokur's twitter of Kraut assault and kidnapping a bunch of women?


I don't know if I agree with this video. It looks like Sargon was in an uncomfortable situation and trying to make things not awkward. Justicar is a fucking idiot too.

80a8b5 No.319451

File: 13d5251e5a9e556⋯.png (17.33 KB, 567x138, 189:46, institutional power.png)

Hold on guys, maybe our definition of doxing was wrong after all

89e60a No.319452


What gets me is that he then turns around and talks about how much better American culture is than Rumanian culture. Wait, I thought Rumania had no culture and it was just American culture?

And then he acts like he fucking knows a damn thing about how the US works, saying shit about how we are totally "meritocratic" (whatever the fuck that means) and that nobody ever hires anyone based on personal connections, which is utter bullshit. But hey, Vee cites some allegedly often-used idiom that I never hear used, so I guess it must be true, according to the Gypsy who doesn't live here.

2d7d08 No.319453

File: c0a76ea82687dc4⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 436x947, 436:947, hostage.jpg)


>be Kraut

>get an Internet girlfriend

>have her run your channel for you

>invite her to come to Germany and visit

>she doesn't want to

>pressure her into it

>she arrives

>you act like a total cunt

>she breaks up with you

>freak out

>tell her you'll dump her in the middle of nowhere even though she can't speak German



d0ad26 No.319454

File: 46608c0e384c14b⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 306x424, 153:212, 1416079270137_wps_7_Direct….jpg)


You got to give me more than that

594b09 No.319455


he shit his pants and did nothing wrong with this tbh

45e5a4 No.319456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vee is live right now with more liberalist shit

5d4220 No.319457


It is true that nepotism is a big problem in the Veetard's part of Europe, seeing as I live in the same general area, but the only jobs you can get and then keep here with purely familial connections are office drone positions in public services, or politics, which is why both of them are filled with idiots who make the whole system inefficient. You can't get a job in a public service that requires doing something that requires both an education and being able to bang 2 braincells together, like working in healthcare for example, because if you do a shit job the government will just fire you and make sure you never work in that field again. On the other hand, if you work in the private sector and do a shit job, then you'll just get fired, even if the boss is your daddy because if you work in the private sector you really can't afford having any fuck-ups in your company which hurt your bottom line. Now I don't know about public services since I don't live in the US, but when it comes to politics the US seems to be quite similar to us in that regard, just look at all the long-standing political families. It could be just that it's just more hidden in the US since the most nepotistic ethnic group are filthy kikes and they're really good at making dumb goyim look the other way while they're kiking shit up hard.

594b09 No.319458


A big part of why nepotism is a problem in Romania is the Gypsies


5d4220 No.319459


Fair enough, they're basically like dumber Jews.

89e60a No.319461


I guess we really can't say if one country is worse than the other with regards to nepotism, and to what degree unless someone's done a study on it. However:

1) we have jews, the most nepotistic people on earth

2) we have diversity quotas out the wazoo

With these two things in mind, I seriously doubt there's any way America has anything close to meritocracy. And on top of that, it's just human nature to hire those you already know and help each other out. Vee thinks this somehow doesn't apply to Americans.

And even if it WERE true that Americans were more meritocratic, what does he do with that info? He talks about how much better alleged "american meritocracy" is, but he cannot give any explanation whatsoever how to get Rumania or anywhere else to adopt this. What's he going to do? Ban hiring people based on personal connections? State oversight on all job applicants and the state deciding which candidate is objectively best for the job? How the fuck do you enforce meritocracy? How do you force people to stop hiring people in whatever way they organically do?

5d4220 No.319463


>And even if it WERE true that Americans were more meritocratic, what does he do with that info? He talks about how much better alleged "american meritocracy" is, but he cannot give any explanation whatsoever how to get Rumania or anywhere else to adopt this. What's he going to do? Ban hiring people based on personal connections? State oversight on all job applicants and the state deciding which candidate is objectively best for the job? How the fuck do you enforce meritocracy? How do you force people to stop hiring people in whatever way they organically do?

Wow, have right wing SJWs like you even taken the time to research the Liberalist™'s policies and principles? Are you that triggered? The Romanians obviously wouldn't be so nepotistic if Vee was just given the platform to read Loki and Max Payne's books to them.

acdb71 No.319464

>When you ban porn that's when you have a dictatorship, that's the threshold


acdb71 No.319465


>If you can unite different ethnicities under the white people banner surely you can unite everyone in a nation under one banner

Yeah, let's unite with dogs and fish while we're at it.

89e60a No.319466


I'd love to research Le Liberalistianismite+ positions, but Sargoy keeps changing them every day. For a guy who's all about having staunch and rock-solid principles, he sure is pretty wavering on them.

89e60a No.319467


Context? I assume you're talking about Vee. That nihilistic faggot doesn't give a damn about anything, but then lights up like a christmas tree when someone dares talk about how porn is bad for society.

d59e91 No.319468


Millennial Woes summed up his worldview perfectly in that Millenniyule 2017 stream:

>muh dick

acdb71 No.319469


Yeah it was on that MrE faggot's chat, right towards the end. They were talking about the problem with dictatorships etc.

5d4220 No.319470


>nah mayte if you force in negroes to replace and breed your population out of existence that's not a dictatorship, it only becomes one if you dare take away my cummies mayte

89e60a No.319471


but anon, your genes will pass on when the niggers rape your daughters and have 56% mutt babies!

5d4220 No.319474


What daughters mayte? I'm too busy jerking off 3 times a day to actually impregnate a woman mayte. You're just like communist Romania mayte, are you going to force me to fuck a woman and to have to support her and our children? Get the fuck out of here Ceausescu!

102000 No.319475


Mate are you a heterosexual or something? I'm fucking triggered.

dd3993 No.319476


>not breeding a 10/10 futa succubus before she devours you

mayte you are literally the fascit now

b81ad8 No.319480

File: 921e3b418cf5824⋯.png (17.34 KB, 580x127, 580:127, Muh 6 gorillion trump trai….png)

Was mining Mark Dice's tweet on blacks needing to support republicans for salt and found this.

Sage for off topic.

1df2dd No.319482

File: 08a8b1058b60d13⋯.png (420.34 KB, 786x974, 393:487, 08a8b1058b60d1333dec8b8c85….png)


Trump is a kike, niggers are stupid and water is wet.

1df2dd No.319484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

coach redpill is on warski, taking calls on discord

dd3993 No.319486


>live reruns

45e5a4 No.319487


They are past the SPLC rerun now and are actually taking calls

dd3993 No.319489

"Gareth Green is a faggot"

18b642 No.319490


Did I miss anything rom Billy?

d0ad26 No.319491

File: 2ef8b2e41878c5c⋯.png (460.39 KB, 746x651, 746:651, 64347.png)


>Kraut tweet was a nothingburger

dd3993 No.319494

Bloodsports have turned into a clown show. Figures the slightest bit of notoriety would sink it

102000 No.319495

My fucking window didn't show notifications so I have to roll back almost an hour.

cf7761 No.319496


like you havent tried to suck your own cock

bb08c2 No.319498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mundanematt a fat fuck who laughs up any idea of people getting tired of superhero shit. Fox was moving away from capeshit traditional superhero movies for a reason. By Disney owns them. We can’t have stand alone films anymore. All cinematic universe trash.

18b642 No.319499


Kronos has a few videos where Warski and Tonka laugh at his Silver Play button unboxing.

acdb71 No.319501


Yeah when he actually fucking cried that was so gay.

dd3993 No.319502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>319499 (checked)


18b642 No.319504

Angry negro on chimping out on Warski.

80a8b5 No.319505

There's a darkie right now at Warski's who is concern trolling about the growth of raycis violence

9895bd No.319507


18b642 No.319510


He is the perfect example of what's wrong with blacks. Whites going for their interests is racist and evil, scared because of possible white violence when the crime statistics are incredibly lopsided, constant whataboutisms. He is probably one of the more literate ones too.

9895bd No.319511

File: 97de6832c15fa8a⋯.jpg (201.51 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, WMBF.jpg)

So why can't he just go off and live in his own state, if wypipo are so bad? If there's so much threat of violence in the current multicultural/ethnic society, wouldn't he be safer with his own kind?

80a8b5 No.319512


Yeah, he's so worried about minorities getting fucked over by white majority but when JF tries to hammer him on how growing minorities are fucking over white people he is unable to even recognize it

89e60a No.319513

File: b10cd3042ec52fa⋯.png (19.76 KB, 211x239, 211:239, wojak brainlet.png)


>majority of a country should get to decide what the government does!

>lol why are white people concerned about nonwhites becoming a majority???

89e60a No.319514


Exactly. They're disingenuous solipsistic greedy pieces of shit who only care about themselves without any concern for anyone else.

We, whites americans, have don TONS over the years trying to be compassionate and trying to help the blacks. I'm tired of that shit. I'm done. None of them are willing to stand up for me, so I'm done giving a single fuck about them. They can all die for all I care.

18b642 No.319518



Whenever I hear one of those blacks talk I realize how good of a wedge issue they are. Americans are meant to feel bad about slavery, MLK is made a saint and the blacks are weaponized, so whenever immigration gets brought up they can be set in to grind notions about immigration decrease to halt. Then you also have an imo much larger issue of degrading white culture by elevating the negro. They're doing the same here in Europe with black 'musicians' and athletes.

18b642 No.319520

Andy earning his spot on the hate list today.

89e60a No.319521

We're watching a nigger get lynched in real time for the first time since 1981

23e18b No.319522

Andy waking up.

1ead34 No.319523


20 mins behind, just bumped it up from 1.5 to 2x cause of this nigger. Is he still there?

80a8b5 No.319524

1ead34 No.319526


Fuck me 10+ more mins of this shit.

89e60a No.319527


Yup. He started off with the "muh scary nazis are violent!" concern trolling and now he's going full-on neoliberal saying that America cannot have a language, ethnicity, culture, borders, etc and that minorities from around the entire world should have the right to come here and vote themselves more shit from whitey.

ba0b14 No.319528

File: e320a01a75520af⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 600x300, 2:1, 1429593590737.gif)

JF isn't buying this nigger's shit

1ead34 No.319529


Yeah he's just using schopenhauer+alinsky. This is what blacks do when they're smart(for niggers)+educated. They just use it to concern troll, gaslight and beg for gibs.

f82748 No.319531

Jesus fucking christ this nigger is unbearable. Almost caught up and this is fucking ridiculous. He dodges questions, strawmans the acts like he's getting strawmanned by pretending he didn't understand the obvious implicit assumption behind the question he was asked, I swear to god you could write a new list of tactics for debates off of this and call it "Ebonic debating 101: Rise of the nigger".

89e60a No.319532


At least he makes for a decent foil /ourguys/.

I want to hear more of the ethnonationalist girl though, so at this point I'm just waiting for the nog to leave.

23e18b No.319534

This guy is deep deep in the bluepill.

f82748 No.319536


Same, she seems pretty cool and hasn't spoken much but I'm not going to look into her since she'll probably be a typical woman in the alt right.

23e18b No.319537


>Cubans have a right to move into white areas and speak their own language and have their own neighborhoods

>White people shouldn't kick minorities out of their neighborhood that is unamerican english isn't even the national language

f82748 No.319539

File: 344d225ae70bef6⋯.jpg (231.81 KB, 850x446, 425:223, pilpul warski.jpg)

Ah fuck now I have to listen to it at 1x speed. Rip my brain.


Obligatory pic related.

80a8b5 No.319541


>Andrew Warski

It's Adam, goddamnit

f82748 No.319543


Ah didn't catch that when I DLed it, I'll make an OC version gimme a while. Gives me something to do with the 99% of my brain this nigger isn't engaging.

80a8b5 No.319545

Enoch incoming

89e60a No.319546


Is that even necessary? This 95 IQ nog doesn't even seem worth it.

45e5a4 No.319548



The average in America is 85 and he is a bit below average. Besides this will be fairly bloody

b81ad8 No.319549

Are they seriously asking this nigger to think for himself?

f42eb3 No.319550


they dont understand that niggers are not capable of thinking

80a8b5 No.319551

File: 6e83d0bb0620aa4⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 800x450, 16:9, large.jpg)

>What's the word, meritorious?

f0decb No.319552

File: db6254e9f57f325⋯.gif (364.11 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1438466674318.gif)


Oh those niggers and their big words.

89e60a No.319553


I think it's great. He's a great foil to show the audience how fucking shit the multicultural zeitgeist is.

102000 No.319554

File: 5707ece2df58ac7⋯.png (98.85 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Andy racewarski pilpul.png)


Finished. OC done. Used a diff translation.

102000 No.319555


Ah fuck me that was a garbage translation wasn't it…

80a8b5 No.319556

Is he seriously trying to deny rising ethnic tensions when that's the very thing he started his call with?

102000 No.319557


Pilpul 101.

102000 No.319559

File: beecad164810e19⋯.png (100.13 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Andy racewarski pilpul.png)

Fixed the translation.

89e60a No.319560


He also started off by condemning whites for advocating for their own interests, and then immediately talks about how it's perfectly cool for nonwhites and immigrants to advocate for their own interests.

102000 No.319561

This fucking nigger. Not even willing to consider the possibility he's being manipulated.

2d7d08 No.319562

File: ddd052605028ad7⋯.mp4 (5.59 MB, 854x480, 427:240, GGGG.mp4)

Only posting this because I discussed this with another anon a thread or two ago. Finally starting (first 30 seconds or so) my documentary on the Germans and Versailles. This shit took me over an hour so far, I now have much much more respect for the creator of TGSNT. Quality has been massively downscaled for here



Stalag or Ford

c83c87 No.319563


Ignoring JF's particular example, it stills happens the world is a flux of causes and effects. People doing something somewhere else in your town, city, state, country, etc. ultimately affect you, even subtly and infinitesimally.

1ead34 No.319564


Will watch later, enoch's on but good work putting in the effort.

2d7d08 No.319566

>>319564 No worries, anon, it's only the first thirty seconds anyway Nothing even interesting yet. Should be over a half hour per section when done though

1ead34 No.319567


This is why I believe in fate.

Hundreds of billions of years of atoms slamming into each other led to the dawn of life. Then we have millions of years of evolution leading to humanity. Eventually you are born. You do not choose your parents, your hometown, which pool of people you can make friends or enemies with. To say that you, one tiny person in a near infinite 4 dimensional universe can do anything to alter what course you were set on is just self centered garbage and bullshit that these atheistic liberals push to help their bullshit agenda that being a faggot is just a choice and just another option you can pin on your life's resume.

c83c87 No.319568


Yes, but you're ignoring the fact that that belief allows them to reshape the world. Instead of solely being one of the affected, be an effecter and the affected (the only thing realistically be achieved by anyone).

b81ad8 No.319570


Yeah, it lets them push tabula rasa too.

b81ad8 No.319572


Fuck me I've changed IPs twice in the last 5 mins. Sage for off topic.

23e18b No.319575

They're breaking him down.

acdb71 No.319576

>Jerk off on chicken


1779fc No.319578


I disagree. Your model of fate makes the assumption that the reality we live in is a perfect and complete system. However, we can't be certain that this is actually the case thanks to Godel pointing out that the reality in which we live can not be complete. Add to this Descartes pointing out that consciousness is irreducible and it would seem that we are neither bound by fate, but neither do we have unconditional free will. At the end of it all the only thing I can be sure of is that I at least have conditional free will, even if I can't be sure that you or anyone else does.

c83c87 No.319581

At Enoch's mention of all those I can only think of that Tacitus quote:

>The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.

102000 No.319588


Assuming that those things were true that gives you an infinitesimal amount of free will.

9f6599 No.319589

File: a7b95a63bcb1a4e⋯.png (600.13 KB, 1911x1076, 1911:1076, ClipboardImage.png)



>over an hour

Are you doing frame-by-frame animation of the text instead of keyframe interpolation? It's not terrible, could use stabilization on the drone footage and checks to make sure there isn't a pixel line where the subtitle overlay isn't darkening the footage and even a placeholder soundtrack, but that shouldn't have taken an hour to do unless most of it was spent gathering the media into the project.

c83c87 No.319594



I have a few questions about getting into jewtube: What's a decent, but cheap mic; what's a good video maker program; and how do you bypass jewtube's phone number verification without giving my actual number?

102000 No.319595


1)Blue yeti is the standard

2)Dunno, can't remember which one I settled on

3)Use a burner or buy one from a second hand store

2d7d08 No.319601


Thanks for the tips, anon. I'll fiddle with what I have tomorrow. I'm using a shitty program (Camtasia 8) I pirated back in 2012 or so and animated the moving text using the program's animate function. I'm not sure if my program does stabilization, but I'll take a look or just find better drone footage. There seems to be a lot of 4K footage of the city (Klaipeda) for some reason

1ead34 No.319603



Probably should have said that sony vegas is basically the standard. You could just find it on the net for free if you know what I mean.

2d7d08 No.319604



Oh and that blue-white line at the top: I just have to scoot the opaque black frame up a bit and cover it, just me being sloppy. Maybe I should just voice-over the whole thing, it'd be easier but I think I have an odd voice, kinda like Cho Seung-Hui


I used to make videos back in the day. I still use a Samson C01U. I think it was less than $100

ca242a No.319605



Fuck off kike.

2d7d08 No.319606


I'll torrent it tomorrow. Camtasia's shit. It's my fault for running Windows 7 x86. I really need to upgrade some time soon

ca242a No.319609


x86? Jesus. It must take ages to render shit. Win 7 x64 is probably the best OS for non-unix PCs.

2d7d08 No.319610



Is there something Jewy about the company I didn't know about? I just grabbed it because it was on-sale

ca242a No.319611


Just that of all of the options on the market you chose…

The samson option


2d7d08 No.319612


I don't know too much about computers but I think my computer can technically handle x64 but I just installed x86 at the time I built because my friend happened to have a disc on hand. It's really a pain sometimes when it comes to gaming or certain programs


c83c87 No.319613

File: 260b2715ccf0ccb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.02 KB, 736x414, 16:9, 260b2715ccf0ccb10c0adc446a….jpg)


>3)Use a burner or buy one from a second hand store

When you say burner do you mean an online one or just a burner phone? That seems a little inconvenient because I may need/wish to create multiple new accounts. Thanks for the other recommendation, though.





f82748 No.319615


If you have a 64 bit processor it can run it. Go to the start menu->all programs->accessories->system tools-> System Information.

Check your processor there and google it.

f82748 No.319616

>Supercchat: If you burn rice you pay the price

>JF: I don't know what you mean

89e60a No.319618

File: f993ac140dd8cf7⋯.jpg (235.39 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, elliot rodger sunset.jpg)

2d7d08 No.319619


Based on what I'm seeing here I should be able to run it fine. I'm gonna have to find x64. Not sure if that's pirateble or not, I'll have to look. If I can find a way to make my "documentary" look as good as possible I'll definitely take it. I want it to look kino. Thanks for all the help

f82748 No.319620


Ah man the nostalgia.

f82748 No.319621

89e60a No.319623

File: be179af20dc7de3⋯.jpg (88.37 KB, 718x795, 718:795, creatine rodger.jpg)


I can still hear the Drive theme every time I see his photos

acdb71 No.319625


Also, make sure to stick your rig's drivers on a USB before you install and if you're using a pirate version you might want to use sandboxie for web browsing to protect against the system vulnerabilities of old versions.

acdb71 No.319626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It all has to come to this.

9f6599 No.319628


>decent, but cheap mic


>good video maker

Sony Vegas easy to pirate, watch for malware, keygens are usually false-positives

>bypass verification

Find some online VOIP thing that doesn't also require your real number (google voice now requires you to give them your real number to get your fake VOIP number) or just use the site without ever getting monetization or >15 minute, streaming, superchat unlocked.


>blue yeti


Blue Yeti is the meme microphone cringe wizard and all the "vlog over call of duty footage" losers use and it's terrible. Blue also sponsors commie pedo midget desTINY.

2d7d08 No.319629


Yeah I am using a pirated-version. I'll try to do my research before installing anything. Luckily I have a decent amount of experience pirating shit though

b81ad8 No.319631


Every time I pirate I see cunts I used to hang with on the deepweb or the darknet when I was a kid and go "fuck me they're still in business?". It's funny that with all of the security and shit they add to programs the same bunch of kids have been bypassing it for over a decade.

1779fc No.319633


Correct. But exercising it at the right time and place is how heroes are born. Does anybody here believe the odds aren't stacked against us?

2140a9 No.319635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Free will is an illusion. You become conscious of decisions after your brain has already made them. Here is a BBC report trying to muddy the waters, so I'll do the opposite of what jews want and accept that at least in the mechanical, physical universe we all see and interact with, free will is an illusion, our brain just giving us a report on the the actions we're going to take.


I have nothing to say about the potential that something else is pulling the strings of our individual meat-puppets. Reality itself could simply be an illusion. Kraut was born to be a /cow/, we were born to julay him.

9895bd No.319639

File: 8c70713cff8be97⋯.jpg (126.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, adam racewarski visits tel….jpg)

oy vey

1ead34 No.319640

File: 60b6b10ceee352f⋯.jpg (220.27 KB, 787x1000, 787:1000, andy self suck2.jpg)

0e9dac No.319641

File: f20a2da6c5a49b6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.73 KB, 384x353, 384:353, benny.JPG)


He never got back to me last time. Didn't even block me. Probably wanted more pictures.

ca242a No.319642


He probably didn't block you because he fapped to it like the incestuous degenerate kike he is.

9895bd No.319644


i woner what he thinks of people asking him about the colour of his sister's butthole.

617fdb No.319647


I've seen a lot more blacks turning toward libertarianism in the past few months. Anything is better than being a meat-puppet for the dems, I suppose.

0e9dac No.319650

File: 855e5ed7fd09892⋯.jpeg (64.97 KB, 540x421, 540:421, 855e5ed7fd09892e5abf06374….jpeg)


The democrats can no longer dish out gibs, so they're abandoning traditional politics. They are loyal only to the almighty foodstamp.

Hopefully more will get their shit together. The less darkies that march to the jews' tune, the better it is for everyone

e4c6b3 No.319651


I know she's a Jew, faggot, I was looking to see how much it showed in her nose.

Judging by >>319352, quite a lot.

f82748 No.319652


Niggers need eugenics hard. They're still so far behind. At least they're not abos tho, those fucks need to be just exterminated.

1779fc No.319656


>Free will is an illusion.

That's pretty much exactly my point. It's a huge misnomer to include "free" in the phrase at all. What I'm actually arguing is that there are actual points of uncertainty in reality itself that are necessary for it to exist at all and within these will can actually be exerted to an appreciable effect. You or I will likely never experience one of these ever, and will live our lives within a completely deterministic framework. But at the right time and place the right person will come to one of these watershed moments and what they accomplish will be the stuff of legends. That any of us will ever have such an opportunity is unlikely, but this is no excuse to give into despair.

102000 No.319657


There's no point of uncertainty in reality, that would be a paradox. Uncertain things aren't real and as such cannot exist in reality.

1779fc No.319658


>There's no point of uncertainty in reality

And that is where you are wrong. Godel proved that reality is incomplete and that it is impossible for it to have a unifying law that explains it in its entirety. The actual paradox from a mathematical point of view is within your assumption about what can or can not exist.

acdb71 No.319661


Godel's incompleteness theorem uses the axiom that axioms cannot be complete to prove that you cannot use an axiom to prove something else.

c83c87 No.319662




Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether free will exists, only your perception.

2140a9 No.319665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The rules of the system are unprovable from within the system, nor can the system demonstrate it's own consistency. Unless you're aware it's all a dream. Romanticism is the way.


It's not my perceptions I care about. I'm dug in and doubling down.

5b70b5 No.319666


Funny, I was libertarian not long ago, then became full Trump supporter recently. I guess as long as dems lost support, I'm happy.

0e9dac No.319667

File: 2ea4cc24291d174⋯.jpg (124.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, goodnight whitepride.jpg)


>satan is a drumpf supporter

I fucking knew it.

c83c87 No.319668


What about romanticism is the way?

5b70b5 No.319669


Fuck Donald Drumf and fuck white people.

617fdb No.319670

File: a9914c923a8ce19⋯.jpg (71.72 KB, 392x500, 98:125, chim for dummies.jpg)

File: 513526aadb5adc7⋯.png (161.39 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, ObligatoryCHIM.png)


I used to think that CHIM and Kek were just memes, but there's definitely something going on that I can't hope to ever understand.

1779fc No.319671


Which would invalidate all models of absolute determinism we have produced so far. It's on the determinist to prove determinism. And they can't, so blackpilling oneself is ultimately foolish.

ca242a No.319672


You don't understand what I posted so let me spell it out for you.

Godel's incompleteness theory: You cannot claim something is true and thus you cannot assert a value to the truth of something.

Godel's incompleteness theory claims that it in itself is true.

f36605 No.319674



I thought Kraut already was doxed? Wouldn't calling him "Joseph" be like calling Sargon "Carl"?


>Media called him the "Virgin Killer".

Pretty embarrassing. Is Ted Kaczynski the chad terrorist?

9895bd No.319675


>there are absolutely no absolutes

this will just go in circles

ca242a No.319676


Exactly. Anyone who posits godel's theorem as true and uses it to assert something didn't fucking read godel's theorem.

2140a9 No.319677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everything about romanticism is the way.


Nah, fucked if I know. Just been reading Savitri Devi and thinking about memes a lot lately. Or maybe I have all the answers and I'm dropping breadcrumbs for you. Not really. I don't know shit.

c83c87 No.319678

File: 0e61024c8f67d5b⋯.jpg (68.38 KB, 582x509, 582:509, 1457665532338.jpg)



You're still not explaining why romanticism is the way.

617fdb No.319679

File: 98c361a580c6982⋯.gif (157.8 KB, 200x200, 1:1, cKyzmam.gif)


I never went to (((college))) and probably never will, so I have no clue what all this gay "Savitri Devi" and "godel's theorem" mean. Would it kill you people to speak actual english instead of this fancy-speak none-sense?

I get the fact that some people think reality and individuality are an 'illusion' or something like that, but I don't really understand how people arrive at that conclusion. All I know is what I can perceive with my senses, and that's the only thing I'll probably understand. Not really cut out for this philosophy crap.

102000 No.319680


…He started it.

2140a9 No.319681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not 18th century romanticism. A new romanticism. Just as romanticism was a reaction to the enlightenment and industrial revolution, our modern age needs a movement to react to the fruits of the enlightenment and materialistic modernity. Simple escapism isn't enough, it seems there is an effort to drive people toward vidya and other media that glorifies the struggle of the heroic individual, most notably in hollywood blockbusters. Those are hollow offerings compared to something like the energy and emotion around say, the Trump campaign.

Memes have the potential to shape the world. Perhaps not in a literal sense, but you know what I mean. If that energy were to birth a new artistic/autistic movement, can you just imagine how fucking crazy things would get. It would be fucking glorious.


Vid related

c83c87 No.319682


Savitri Devi is a woman who inadvertently created esoteric Hitlerism. The discussion about Godel's theorem is according to


>the theorem states you can't assert/prove something is true

>so you can't assert it (the theorem) is true

That's what I got anyway.

b81ad8 No.319683


Yeah, that's what I was getting at.

0e9dac No.319684


Isn't it basically

>you can use the current knowledge we have to prove that you can't prove a reality

So wouldn't that imply that it's either right and you can't prove anything, or the current knowledge we have is wrong? Either way it still holds up.

c83c87 No.319685


The only artistic movement in recent memory that is oppositional to modernism/postmodernism is New Sincerity, whose intent is to resuscitate sincerity into culture, battling the irony and nihilism underneath modernity.

acdb71 No.319686


You'd have to have a unifying theory to say that it's current knowledge. It's just one guy's interpretation. Considering that his whole schtick is based on unprovability, asserting he's true is a pointless argument because you undermine yourself as well as the other side and burn everything to the ground.

2140a9 No.319687

File: f89ee016dede87f⋯.png (412.73 KB, 845x429, 65:33, mueGjvQ.png)


big if true


a unifying theory works if there is something outside the universe

acdb71 No.319688


Yeah but you have to have the unifying theory to assert godel is true and then it'd be false but at that point that would lead to it being true by proving itself unprovable, which would undermine the unifying theory, thus leading to it being false again.

c83c87 No.319689


Hitler, we get that it's a paradox.

2140a9 No.319691

File: dd17ae57d45352d⋯.png (15.61 KB, 621x668, 621:668, hmmm.png)


So is infinite regress an issue with physics or metaphysics?

2140a9 No.319692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

back to the skeptics

f82748 No.319693


>If you cuck yourself you win

2140a9 No.319694

File: a903ea9e9b459f6⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 330x502, 165:251, ArmstrongRegress.jpg)


I just remember Plato had this issue with, believe it or not, the Skeptics. Here's a pathway out of regression.

ca242a No.319695


Skeptics, shitting up the discourse for hundreds of years.

Honestly anyone who invokes that kind of shit just needs to be gassed. "I don't know shit, neither do you, that's my argument". Then why the fuck speak in the first place?

e4c6b3 No.319696


I really like David Foster Wallace's books and I've been curious recently what his political opinions would be now if he hadn't killed himself.

He'd probably just be a libshit but it's interesting to think about.

e4c6b3 No.319697


lol never

0e9dac No.319698

File: 498598f52a9b659⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bestfriendschristmas.jpg)

What is going through Sargon's mind right now? Is he a scheming kike who's running from the light? Is he a dumb peasant who was pushed into the limelight? Or is he a real thinker and is actually coming up with strategies and arguments to take down the alt-right once and for all? Is it a little from point a and a little from point b?

b6eaee No.319699


I bet the Septics of that time also started some cringy political movement headed by some LARPer who thought he was a Mesopotamian king and his Dacian sex slave.

9895bd No.319700

File: 3722a7e434e0f7f⋯.jpg (47.28 KB, 472x684, 118:171, 1470102702446.jpg)


>implying it's an issue

1df2dd No.319701

File: 33ab647ed4fc386⋯.gif (953.08 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1459734195425-3.gif)


Is the thread getting raided by liberalitists or smiley? Stinks of farts in here

d6f903 No.319702

File: 33906b06b739d2c⋯.gif (3.96 KB, 418x167, 418:167, noumena.gif)


They invented democracy. They were also regarded as hair-splitting wordsmiths that would argue any position for the correct fee. Kind of like youtubers that beg for shekels.


not for me

c83c87 No.319703


Interestingly, Aristophanes used Socrates as the poster-boy for the Sophists. This portrayal caused endless butthurt in Plato but entertained Socrates himself and may have contributed to Socrates' death.

90b13d No.319704


>They invented democracy.

Democracy sounds like a good idea, but 95% of people don't know fucking anything about how to run a country.

2d7d08 No.319707


It's the Jewish worship of the majority, collective irresponsibility and as you said, ruled by the retarded masses. Less white the country the worse of an idea it is.

617fdb No.319708

File: 7a89ee86829829a⋯.png (11.73 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1390260300578.png)


The thing about perception is that we can only perceive things thanks to the organs we have like eyes and ears. There's probably stuff that's basically invisible that we have no was of observing right now, much like ultra violet light.

I don't think we'll ever really know the full truth, which is both frustrating and kind of amazing at the same time. At least that's how I see it, no homo.

d6f903 No.319709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Clouds

>Strepsiades the Greek can't sleep because he is in debt.

>This is how you know the play is a comedy, because a Greek cares that he owes someone money.

>His wife's son is the cause of this debt.

>He tries to enroll his wife's son in a school so that he can learn to argue his way out of debt.

>The school is called The Thinkery

>Strepsiades enrolls himself and goes to school in a dingy little hut where he meets Socrates

>Socrates in unimpressed with his elderly student and tells him to meditate.

>He is to lie down under a blanket, without distraction, to allow thoughts to come to his mind naturally.

>Strepsiades starts jacking off under the blanket and Socrates kicks him out of the school.

>Pheidippides, Strepsiades' wife's son finally relents and agrees to learn from Socrates.

>He meets with the personifications of Superior and Inferior arguments and thinks on which to learn from.

>Superior Argument is all about tradition, discipline and justice.

>Inferior Argument is all about comfort, pleasure and talk instead of action. Inferior Argument is also a gigantic faggot.

>Pheidippides, recognizing that all the superior positions in Athens are held by gigantic faggots, chooses to learn from Inferior Argument.

>When Strepsiades comes to collect his wife's son from school, he finds that Pheidippides has transformed from Chad to Virgin and is also a gigantic faggot.

>Strepsiades is confronted by his creditors and Pheidippides is able to dismiss them with his faggotry.

>He holds a celebration only to have it ruined by his wife's son's faggotry.

>Pheidippides is indolent and claims the child has a right to beat his mother and her husband.

>Strepsiades gets angry and orders his slaves to burn down the Thinkery.

Classical shitposting is the best shitposting.

90b13d No.319711


Democracy is fine in small communities or towns, but when you stretch it out to 300,000,000+ you might as well pick two random candidates and flip a coin between them.

8885be No.319713

>>319711 (Checked)

That would actually be way better than any democratic system on a large scale.

The problem, see, is that within a small community (<3000 or so people, lets say) everyone knows eachother. Anyone who runs will have to be fairly well known, and anyone voting for them will be familiar enough with them to know their character. This prevents psychopaths, criminals, and general disreputable people from talking their way into power. Scale up from that, and you get the current system, corrupt, where each candidate has a long history of horrible deeds, and in the end you're just measuring two pieces of shit to see which one smells the least.

9895bd No.319714

3be628 No.319715


Exactly. In a small community most people have some sort of idea about the personality and values of the candidates, whereas in modern democracies most people are forced to rely on paid propaganda. Also if in a small community one of your politicians turns out to be a complete traitor, like most powerful politicians these days, the people have a realistic chance to catch him off guard in a dark alley or something and teach him a lesson. Nowadays politicians live in their ivory towers, have bodyguards and are generally separated from the people, so they have nothing to fear from the rabble. They only have to make sure they don't piss of their masters, such as the Rothschilds.

2d7d08 No.319717


I'm not against the occasional referendum on certain issues such as "do you approve of X" as long as it's not vital to national interests. NSDAP did that and Mosley planned to do that every now and then to see if the people approved of government. I'm more inclined to it locally, but not on a large scale. I despise any sort of "representatives" and people voting on issues they have zero idea about. I guess that's why I like technocracy

3be628 No.319720


Nowadays we've had referendums on stuff like the EU constitution, but when the people reject it, their opinion is either ignored or they have to vote vote again to get the correct opinion,

8689bc No.319721


That's when you vote with trinitrotoluene.

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