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File: 8c70713cff8be97⋯.jpg (126.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, adam racewarski visits tel….jpg)

43ace2 No.319712

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

>MisandyToday is a MGTOW faggot who kept softballing him and claimed he dindu nuffin

>MisandryToday's twitch got shoahed for advertising sex dolls on stream.

>Destiny and Pascal Leroux are suspended from Twitter for doxing Tonka

>Destiny ordered his fangirls to mass flag people left and right in a fit of autism

>Vee claims whoever watches Dragon Ball is a pedo

>Sargon got butthurt at the "kick Vee" meme

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

>Jared Taylor goes on warski live, a dozen leftists bitch out

>Adam RaceWarski and Tonkasaw put on the SPLC Hate List, are now apparently banned from Israel

Sagas so far:



Youtube RSS feed with all to date septics, lolcow enthusiasts and orbiters:


Old Thread: >>318996

dc8ad4 No.319716

First. Or something.

fbd651 No.319718

Is it worth watching the battle between the nigger and Warski from last night?

43ace2 No.319719

File: 94b2ec8f3179c37⋯.jpg (956.96 KB, 1812x504, 151:42, vee sargon vore fanfic 1.jpg)

File: 69cf71f7feff5f6⋯.jpg (748.51 KB, 1809x396, 201:44, vee sargon vore fanfic 2.jpg)

File: 9ab4e5723f561d4⋯.jpg (629.38 KB, 1818x339, 606:113, vee sargon vore fanfic 3.jpg)


Still hoping against hope that someone who can do Vee's accent will record themselves reading these.

f36ec1 No.319723


I can do his accent mostly because mine's almost the same, but no matter how hard I try I just can't get his whiny voice correctly.

a26465 No.319724

File: 91c720c0f211190⋯.png (127.76 KB, 611x597, 611:597, 1320826468477.png)

Where do you get your morality and values from, /cow/?

f36ec1 No.319725

898c21 No.319726



a26465 No.319727


Why would you worship someone who turned into a mare and got fucked by another horse?

dc8ad4 No.319728


I could make a reading of that, but I can't do Vee's voice.

fbd651 No.319729

File: dadcb225ab6108c⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 707x575, 707:575, IMG_0072.JPG)

File: a0ca5f004fb794d⋯.jpg (25.19 KB, 317x472, 317:472, IMG_0028.JPG)

File: 28cb8e80c15ac1f⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 300x409, 300:409, IMG_0125.JPG)

f36ec1 No.319730


He wrote all those books though, together with Max Payne he's the one who I get most of my Liberalist™ principles.

43ace2 No.319731



It needs to be a passable Vee because it needs to sound like it's him revealing his innermost fantasy.

But if you want to give it a try go ahead.

a26465 No.319732


Where can I get an edition of Mein Kampf that hasn't been (((altered))) or (((updated)))?

43ace2 No.319733



f36ec1 No.319734


Get either the Ford of Stalag version.

a26465 No.319735

File: 569a66dee9008d2⋯.jpg (50.31 KB, 457x480, 457:480, four things that disappear….jpg)



fbd651 No.319736


Stalag is the best edition I've seen. Only complete and authorized version apparently, much more readable than other translations such as the (((Manheim))) edition which is practically unreadable due to how wordy it is and kosher. I've also heard good things about Ford, but unlike the other two I've never read it myself

72c192 No.319737


Extreme cogntive dissonance that he is being PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD by his percieved inferiors. His response is to withdraw into the liberalist hugbox and only deal with the weakest criticism (if at all).

Dickie was right when he said he thinks he's more intelligent than he is


Max Payne

b21076 No.319738

File: 9d8417efa4eafe3⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 246x395, 246:395, Sargonisapedo.jpg)

File: b7f9f73f2b24fbc⋯.png (124.2 KB, 641x388, 641:388, Sargonfaggot1.png)

File: 93cdaa7b9c72028⋯.png (342.18 KB, 576x699, 192:233, Sargonfag3.png)

Reminder that sargon is a pedo and likes to spam his personal BBC collection to "troll" alt righters

46153d No.319739


What is up with British people posting gay porn to get back at people?

c3acdc No.319740

File: 922471f367262c0⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 375x506, 375:506, tfw read too many number n….jpg)


Listening to Warski stutter through prank calls to the SPLC while I watch Dragonball on the darkweb.

I have ascended. I am a true libindualividualist. Get on my level.

72c192 No.319741


Sargon's a retard, I don't find interracial gay porn any more disgusting than I find ordinary gay porn but I would if it were miscegenation


This and the smug British chuckle

3e66b6 No.319742


>The Thinkery

>Wife's son

Sargoy is Strepsiades confirmed.

b8ecf6 No.319743


I mean, it worked.

b21076 No.319744


Same reason they flood their country with muds and let them fuck their women: because they think it's utterly HILARIOUS and PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD racists

508f1c No.319745


Anyone who tries to boil morality down to a simple set of deontological rules (NAP, muh individualism, abolishment of private property, etc) is an autistic fucking idiot. Doing so leads to all sorts of retarded mind-game scenarios where you have to think up rub-goldberg-machine-style ways to figure out how certain simple things would work without violating your ruleset (see: lolbertarians discussing how to have roads)

b21076 No.319746


Not from the SkepticTM community, that's for sure

5b97bc No.319747


Genes and culture, mainly. I like Vegeta too. Coolest monkey in the jungle.

9aef02 No.319748

File: 46587add49a9fad⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, f0ae479075d5bf45d895454819….png)


The greatest philosopher on the internet

d83e29 No.319749

File: e26a4f9703b9ebf⋯.jpg (722.95 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, IMG_0126.JPG)

File: 0025cc0f441e237⋯.jpg (727.44 KB, 1620x1200, 27:20, IMG_0127.JPG)


>tfw I used to hate the idea of having children until I watched the anime Clannad

It's embarrassing to say this was part of my redpilling back in the day. Great show though

c3acdc No.319750

File: b4105486cb5fa8e⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 469x398, 469:398, shuckscoach.jpg)

3e66b6 No.319751


I can't stand those eyes.

d83e29 No.319752


It used to bother me a lot but after 40-some episodes I stopped noticing it. It was unbearable at first. I admit it can look insectoid at times

3eec7b No.319757


There's such a lack of wholesome, innocent media nowadays, its not surprising Clannad has the weight that it does.

10/10 music too

b21076 No.319758

File: f705af6b686eac3⋯.png (622.95 KB, 1200x590, 120:59, 1200px-Kraut_and_Tea_liter….png)

>literal cuckold

so, is the "tea" part in the name because that's what he liked having as he saw niggers ramming his wife in front of him?

d83e29 No.319759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hell I still listen to the OST and the show's over a decade old now

b09957 No.319760


>implying he'd be allowed to watch

Didn't he claim to have part bong ancestry?

0775d2 No.319761


I've contacted the guy who made this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m48S_nAPEM

Hoping for a reply.

d83e29 No.319762


It'd be hilarious if he delivers. Good work anon

c22e50 No.319770

What is happening with AltHypes twitter? All tweets starting august, 2016 are gone.

508f1c No.319772


The Stepfather got to him

6a6a3d No.319773

File: 247d27f7077a2f7⋯.jpg (181.31 KB, 600x393, 200:131, Don Sargone.jpg)


He sleeps with the trouts

72c192 No.319783


MIght be something to do with all the Twitter drama he's been in recently

c22e50 No.319785


basic gestalt?

3e6c94 No.319786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wonder why no one has put up morning kumite

c3acdc No.319787


It's CRP going over the FISA memo. No drama or anything yet

e8a2ba No.319788

Let's clear this up once and for all.

Sargon does NOT have a wife's son, he does however have a wife's daughter, he said it himself in a video, I don't remember which but he did talk about it. So wife's daughter is a confirmed fact

508f1c No.319790


Yeah, but the meme is wife's son so nobody cares about details like that.

3e6c94 No.319791


yes, but wifeson is a better meme then muh wifes daughter.

Either way Kraut did not visit his stepdaughters wedding, that is why he is sleeping with the trout.

6a6a3d No.319792


>FISA memo

What's going on with that? i didn't follow

c3acdc No.319793


Dems used the Russian pisshookers fanfiction anons wrote to spy on the Trump campaign despite knowing it was fake.

0775d2 No.319794

File: 8837ef0a9ae1c49⋯.jpg (65.25 KB, 500x359, 500:359, bored-man-sleeping.jpg)




5959f5 No.319795

File: 266c2fca0743705⋯.png (139.74 KB, 442x509, 442:509, hemlock-yourself.png)


<it's a cuck boomer pill episode

fbd651 No.319798

51f0ea No.319800


Can someone explain the first image? What the fuck? Also wasn't Sargon banned from twitter? Did I fall for a meme like an idiot?

6a6a3d No.319801


It's a fake

b9c849 No.319802


The Guardian is now saying the same "ethicak doxing" line and blaming everything on Zeph and saying there is no proof Kraut did anything wrong. No one is calling him out on it right now except the entire chat

6a6a3d No.319803


That guy is a gigantic faggot

Wouldn't expect any better from a foxdickfarms namefag attention whore

10c92a No.319804

File: ab9fdc6d8e29a7f⋯.png (250.11 KB, 450x455, 90:91, ab9fdc6d8e29a7f2a97a8158bd….png)


liberalistismtistismos spreading disinfo the make "le altright" look like retards. Second time in the last 24hours. Or it could be just a retarded sperg who fell for it





51f0ea No.319805


Thank god I'm retarded

c3acdc No.319807

File: 1638863694e807d⋯.jpg (170.36 KB, 1169x661, 1169:661, zim.JPG)

File: 9e064025b3486fa⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 460x466, 230:233, ok.jpg)


>google zim shipping company to see if that image is bullshit

>see this

3e6c94 No.319808


It's because doxxxxing has been a line everyone has used to get victimponits.

Also how fucking hard is it to just do a google search.

search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

that is what Kraut literally did.

679357 No.319809


Is this 'everyone is a public figure but me' fagpoint graduate actually afraid of destiny's fanlets?

fbd651 No.319810


I really need to look into 9/11 one day

e8f4c1 No.319811


Simply put: Jews did 9/11.

10c92a No.319812


Do it asap, like a band aid, rip it off.

89c884 No.319813

File: a731c679f944d71⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 2bc0adakjrh9802uy4hj.jpg)




>Not knowing Jews did WTC

fbd651 No.319814



I have read some stuff about the dancing Israelis that was really weird. Something about a fake company and Mossad links if I remember right.

10c92a No.319815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm not american, and I completely understand. The official story was easier to believe, some cave dwelling, cousin/goat fucking barbarian did it. The reality, the government, your government did it with a foreign government, Israel and they used the Saudis… it's a convoluted story involving treason and betrayal. I don't think I'm capable of either, it's hard to believe and the official story is easier to swallow. Who are (((You)))?

dc8ad4 No.319816


9/11 was false flag by Jews, and Bush and co let happen and covered for them.

Ehud Barak, big kahuna Jew, knew Bin Laden was the official culprit just few hours after the attack, before anyone else did.

Using phone so not sure if the link works:


0775d2 No.319817


Just make sure that you look into WHY instead of HOW.

The same shit was purposefully done with the Kennedy assassination, where all of a sudden it's all about how it was carried out.

"Back and to the left", and measuring bullet trajectories and so forth.

They muddy the waters with a thousand theories about how the operation was carried out that are all completely irrelevant.

"Jetfuel doesn't melt steel beams!!!". That sort of thing.

The only thing that truly matters if why it was done, and of course truthful information connected to this "why".

6a6a3d No.319818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Too bad the Lone Gunman weren't there to save the day IRL

10c92a No.319819

File: 000f929e5cf552b⋯.jpg (65.74 KB, 640x671, 640:671, 000f929e5cf552bdaf1d59c750….jpg)


Predictive programming goy

10c92a No.319820

File: 28fd12161d56d6a⋯.png (422.56 KB, 640x772, 160:193, a064f30b67c61b5f66da0696a0….png)


Multiple reasons, profit, revenge, covering up illegalities, and to benefit greater Israel

6a6a3d No.319821


Don't forget the Patriot Act and the constant power grab by the government from then on

9b56a5 No.319822


Revenge? Did they get anyone in particular?

dc8ad4 No.319823


Exactly. Most of us aren't ballistics or structural engineering experts, so we can't prove with 100% certainty what the technical details were. What we can say however is who benefits from this shit, and who would have the capability to pull off these operations.

e8a2ba No.319824



Why make fun of him because of something false when you can do it with a true fact?

6554a0 No.319825

File: f2b0672f77e03e5⋯.jpg (259.19 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, The Holy Trinity.jpg)


From it's source.

508f1c No.319827


Because the meme has always been "my wife's son".

"my wife's daughter" doesn't have the same ring phonotactically

b3a252 No.319829


The tech support who were reporting unusual activity in the building. They were about to bring it to court. One survived, the rested were in a tele conference with their boss, their kike boss who wanted them to stop investigating, watched them die on live stream. I'll have to find the video.

b3a252 No.319832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

liberalistism podcast They brought on an expert

dc8ad4 No.319833


I haven't heard about that one. Gibs me da video!

b3a252 No.319835


I'm looking anon, give me a few mins, the liberalitism stream with the lisp expert is distracting. I'm going to stop it now, FUCK, liberalists, if you have a lisp, DON'T speak, just write it down.

6a6a3d No.319836

Adam Racewarski bloodsports episode about 9/11 truth when?

679357 No.319837



dc8ad4 No.319841


I'd like to see that.

Twitter bomb him on that.

I no have Twatter.

b21076 No.319842


>defending soygoy

SKepticTM IDF detected

3799fa No.319843

File: c1ef3f256fa63f9⋯.jpg (216.11 KB, 422x556, 211:278, far side maestro.jpg)


The Far Side

a045b5 No.319844



>Fighting the SJW Left with Professor Michael Rectenwald


Really makes you think.

b3a252 No.319845


It was on a corbett report q and a, the question was "who died on 911?"

And he talked about the people report suspicious activity leading up to it.


I'm naming the jew, the opposite of IDF.


Please explain, I'm not on your level of (((woke)))

a045b5 No.319846


>Please explain, I'm not on your level of (((woke)))

Nor am I, I think. I heard a Germanish name and immediately thought jew. I'm probably wrong, though. Should get some sleep.

f24715 No.319847

File: f5293953d7e4704⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 3000x4966, 1500:2483, Advised Reading Order.jpg)


Jahanic Scripture.

b21076 No.319848


IDF means internet defense force, retard, I wasn't talking about JIDF

I pulled the images fro ed, they talked about a twitter spergout fro him. If that's a fake account, the they got wrong info, but I remember it was more or less proven that Sargoy did spam cuck /pol/ with black dicks, so it's not a debate whetever he likes BBC or not

b3a252 No.319849


Ah, shit, metoo anon, need to sleep


I'll find it after I sleep, sorry anon

fbd651 No.319852

File: 83b4805269031ad⋯.mp4 (10.6 MB, 854x480, 427:240, MEMEL KLAIPEDA PROJECT FIL….mp4)

Anywhere I can shill / ask for critique with this instead of in /cow/ threads? I don't want to shit up the threads with this since it's off-topic besides some convo I had two or three days ago.

74deac No.319855


Is that the actual speed or is that sped up? Because it's going a bit fast unless I speed read.

fbd651 No.319856


I was wondering if was a bit fast. I have to find a good balance. Either I've had it crawling by or zipping past. I'll fiddle with it a bit. Besides that my biggest issue is having something to look at so the viewer doesn't fall asleep, hence the drone footage

dc8ad4 No.319857


So there used to be Germans in some place in Lithuania, but then they've disappeared? Seems like an interesting topic.

Was their disappearance due to the world wars or something?

fbd651 No.319859

File: c628ce6452ba9a5⋯.jpg (126.16 KB, 745x572, 745:572, memel map.jpg)

File: 288dbb322351924⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 478x370, 239:185, Wir danken (1939).jpg)

File: 6716ecf329b781a⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 481x370, 13:10, Dieses Land bleibt ewig de….jpg)


The Western coastal part of modern Lithuania was part of Germany for 400 years until 1919, where it was transferred to a League of Nations administration. In 1923 the Lithuanians took over the territory and annexed it unilaterally. The League and Lithuania negotiated a Statute for the administration of the territory, which was to be an autonomous region of the country. Two National Socialist parties eventually formed and despite promises of equal protections under the law for the Germans there were some problems for them, not as bad as in Poland though. It was annexed back into the Reich in 1939. There's so little English info I thought I'd cover it in a "documentary" TGSNT-style

6a6a3d No.319860


The whole northern coast of modern day's poland up until what today is Kaliningrad was german

After WW2 all the germans in that area were displaced and the land was given to Poland and Russia

fbd651 No.319861

File: 1c08b0e95c25089⋯.mp4 (10.98 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Final edit today SLOWER.mp4)

Since nothing of note's happening, here's the slower version. I won't off-topic post anymore today. Files are getting big, I'll throw it up unlisted on JewTube next time

51f0ea No.319862

So what happened to that Sigs guy?

1ed1cb No.319878


The pedo thing Sargon said was fake and made a vid about it on his channel and I remember thinking it was probably fake as well. The gay interracial porn is legit though. He went on many livestreams bragging about how hard he "triggered" the alt right with it. It was pretty pathetic.

d82a83 No.319881

File: 0900e44fcddfa18⋯.webm (982.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Dick and fucky.webm)


Rick and Morty

6a6a3d No.319885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fbd651 No.319886


Who is this guy? I didn't watch Warski last night. Maybe I should have

6a6a3d No.319887


The guy who made that video about Pascal Leroux

Apparently he pretended to leave the internet to pull off an ebin troll at Tonka & co

ddb941 No.319888


I was prepared for 18 minutes of some fag crying.

6a6a3d No.319889


It's actually 18 minutes of some fag laughing

b1880d No.319890


>imagine being this minor an internet personality

be2c9e No.319891

File: 85f7889ae3ba774⋯.jpg (99.01 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 911_pop_culture_prediction….jpg)

File: f71195289f29cfc⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 911_video_that_was_only_ev….mp4)


>he has to watch shit anime that looks straight out of those bargain bin "HOW TO DRAW ANIME" books to not be fucking retarded


>it's easier to believe the official story that two planes hitting the top of two buildings can not only make them both collapse into their own footprint by magically destroying all supports but also collapse a third building that wasn't even hit but was reported to have collapsed before it did while a third "plane" just happened to ram into the specific section of the pentagon that was investigating billions+ of missing money while somehow parts of passengers' belongings like passports magically landed outside unscathed and security cameras that recorded the entire event just happened to never release the footage to anyone just like the casino footage of the vegas happening


There's /polmedia/ but the retards that set it up have a (((discord))) so it's probably not safe.

fbd651 No.319892


I'll take a look at that board, but anything with discords tends to be cancer. Thanks for the info though

c7dea2 No.319895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ff009e No.319898



Here it is anon Hearing this made me want to reeeeeeeeeee

ddb941 No.319899

Looks like Sargon is paying more people to argue for him.

fbd651 No.319901



ff009e No.319902


It did come out like that when it happened, you know how they obfuscate those facts. there were A LOT of lies then. and you wont hear it like that from the "official" news sources and for normies who are good people, they don't want to believe that their own people can be so evil. You sit on a high horse anon and hindsight is 20/20.

ff009e No.319903


Correction: It didn't come out like that when it happened*

fbd651 No.319904

Why do these faggots think we want to have a homogeneous country because "we wuz aryans, we wuz high IQ". I just want to be surrounded by my own kin, my own culture, my own language, not foreigners. I'm sure all races and groups do too

ddb941 No.319905

More libtards saying they can't tell between a black person and a white person.

ff009e No.319906


Today I learned, (((Enoch))) is (((white)))

fbd651 No.319907

File: 3f6b034828dcc5a⋯.png (102.99 KB, 773x738, 773:738, Arguments Mein Kampf Jews.PNG)

>these Sargonites

ddb941 No.319908


This is always the arguments. They always demand you justify wanting to live with your in group. But when asked if china town should stop being chinese, they say no because railroads.

fbd651 No.319909


He's arguing against these retards pretty well right now though, despite this pilpul

be2c9e No.319910


Because they're fucking kikes and shabbos goys. These people want us dead. Remember that.

ff009e No.319911


Yes, I'm not saying he's stupid, he's very smart. I just can't trust (((him)))

fbd651 No.319912


Agreed, all of his circle I tend to stay away from

fbd651 No.319914

File: 4a5d62ef46edc3d⋯.png (126.8 KB, 601x508, 601:508, 1484960257676.png)

>tfw you're a supreme rationalist who has transcended human emotions

ddb941 No.319915


ff009e No.319917




ddb941 No.319918

>subjective logic

fbd651 No.319919

Why do all of these faggots have effeminate voices and act like manchildren? Jesus Christ this is the product of the status quo and that's why they don't want their comfy life changed

89895d No.319920

Why don't any of these retards under the is-ought fallacy

>I don't think people should care about race!


ddb941 No.319921


a lifetime of soy and public education

c7dea2 No.319922


They're perfect golems, souless automatons - no human feelings, no dreams, no goals. Just keeping up the status quo. They sleep, eat and work, like a machine.

a25dca No.319923

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

Him constantly acting like he's some sort of intellectual giant just makes this all the funnier.

fbd651 No.319924

File: 5aa767574b86329⋯.jpg (2.72 KB, 125x115, 25:23, 1400329483883s.jpg)

File: cd5dc301710bcb8⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 885x990, 59:66, 1489964897052.jpg)


>They sleep, eat and work, like a machine.

fbd651 No.319925


Aaaand opinion discarded

3e66b6 No.319926


>“Once the earth is brought under all-embracing economic control, then mankind will find it has been reduced to machinery in its service, as a monstrous clockwork system of ever smaller, more finely adjusted wheels.”

t. Nietzsche

586ee5 No.319927


He's obfuscating the two investigations.

586ee5 No.319929

Is anyone else super used to 2x speed videos and when a stream catches up it just fucking sounds wrong?

6ba2ee No.319931

This PSA cunt sounds like such a fucking jew. Both in his words and his accent.

ddb941 No.319934


>sort of true

definitely a yid

06c779 No.319935

Styx is a good boy who dindu nuffin. Called the FISA shit months ago which is kind of funny.

586ee5 No.319940

Haha they're finally pulling out the big guns. These fucks have no option but to yield on the israeli policy question after what they've already said.

89895d No.319941


I'm American but I can't pin his exact or where he's from. Possibly a kike, must investigate further

5b97bc No.319942


>sort of true

>but what is white?

Sophistry is faggotry. If he's not a kike, he's been sucking a lot of circumcised dick.

5b97bc No.319943


you too?

ebfb93 No.319946

File: 64d90dc06592e96⋯.png (109.05 KB, 640x540, 32:27, supreme rationalist.png)

File: cf037fa4321757e⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, cf037fa4321757e9a97c82ff6a….jpg)


They should be bullied on zhe publeec spece.

5b97bc No.319947


change personal relationship to emotional connection

ebfb93 No.319948



Just copied an existing atheist slogan. Feel free to change it.

52bd77 No.319950

That fucking memo derailed it so hard. They only got back onto the kikes at the end.

89895d No.319951


It's to be expected since it was the big "bombshell" of the day. Really glad to see them flip it around and completely lampoon israel and wars for ZOG though, which literally no one there was even able to argue against whatsoever. Not even nominal push-back.

74deac No.319954


Yeah, like I said in >>319940 they turned their own admissions against them.

c3acdc No.319964

File: 500e6fa66975696⋯.jpg (100.28 KB, 731x415, 731:415, tacobell.jpg)

Missed the Warski stream. Is it worth watching to listen to Mike BT FO leftists, or is it just more of the same "but what is white" pilpul?

b9c849 No.319966


There was a bit of the "what is White" pilpul, but Enoch was able to divert it into actual conversation for the most part. Then it moved into talking about the memo for the second half of the debate.

308591 No.319967

File: e2627c18f7fc13f⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 2000x1250, 8:5, 1421723396569-0.jpg)

















43ace2 No.319969


Fuentes didn't do too bad about the memo. Enoch was getting cornered into saying stupid shit like "we should legislate based on feelings instead of logic", was only half listening to it.

5b97bc No.319971


But he had a point with that. Reason serves the passions.

be2c9e No.319972



Oh christ, that spastic spic that threw a fit over not being gibsmedat'd a four figure mega gaming PC for webcam streaming and stole a company spreaker account from the company he was fired from?

43ace2 No.319973


I know, I understand that. But this will give the Liberalismianites a soundbite where he sounds like an sjw crying about muh feels. I feel like it was a rhetorical trap.

43ace2 No.319974


that's the one. I like him for his constantly attack jews and israel. i dislike him for the constant drama and fundieshit.

5b97bc No.319975


They're the ones entering a trap if they deny humans have emotions and make decisions based on emotion, like, all the time. Even their liberal values are based on a preference, not what is best for the species as a whole.

Keep in mind that PSA pilpul'd into Logic as opposed to Rationalism. Emotion guides morality and virtue and a rationalist understand this, or should understand this. A rationalist should consider emotion in their judgements, even if they're not influenced by emotion.

Your concern about optics, for example. Is it logical to care how an outsider regards the debate? Is it rational? Is it emotional?

It should be pointed out that a lot of these classical liberals are atheists. Which is funny. Their premise of natural rights falls apart without a god to grant them. Which means their insistence on natural rights is emotional, certainly irrational, unless they're going Kantian, in which case liberalism can fuck right off. Do they care? Have they even been challenged on this bullshit?

c3acdc No.319976


10 minutes in and this Friended Forever queer has been talking for 9 of them. I never thought they'd be able to find someone more long-winded than Enoch. This is painful.

b9c849 No.319977


It gets worse, soon he will stop talking and the even more shitty PSAsitch starts talking and making worse arguments and constant strawmen.

a045b5 No.319983

File: 283ab38895b3633⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 584x558, 292:279, interesting.jpg)

I think this video is related to this whole thing:


Presumably it has something to do with Destiny. However I can't really tell, because It's not available in my location. Could someone download it and post it here (I'm guessing it works for Amerimutts)?

5b97bc No.319985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It might seems like 18 minutes of cancer. But it makes me laugh. The last minute is really good.

5b97bc No.319986


says 'removed by copyright holder' for me

351eaf No.319987


>first image

Anybody born after 1996 is too young to remember how huge of a cultural icon the Twin Towers were. They might not have had the same level of relevance as the State of Liberty, but they were certainly as famous. Cultural icon were always depicted being destroyed, either for shock value or comedic effect. You see it a lot in disaster movies for example.

There's a reason they were attacked, I doubt fucking Sesame Street was secretly trying to warn the goyim of an attack that was going to happen 25 years later.

a045b5 No.319988


That's the thumbnail of the video. It says that to me as well before I press play/it autoplays.

351eaf No.319989

6f39b0 No.319990



t. old new yorker who remembers even the grocery store bags with twin towers

351eaf No.319991


>video didn't post

Okay well fuck me then, I tried downloading the video but Twitter actually gave me a fake version that had t he same filename.

c3acdc No.319992


Wewlad. He comes off terribly. Did he ever speak about this?

a045b5 No.319993

File: a298a3c33d33081⋯.png (341.92 KB, 1901x295, 1901:295, Soygoy.png)


This comment is included towards the end. What video is it from?

a045b5 No.319994


>Channel name is "Gator Wrangler"

>All the videos are anti-Gamer Gater

>Oldest video 7 months old

Who the hell would make an anti-GG video in 2017? The Joe Rogan clip with Sargon is still cringe, though.

a045b5 No.319995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's even uploading "funny" jokes from Sarkeesian.



The more I fail to do so, the more I want to see that video.

4f1843 No.319997


>Sargoy makes 30 minute long videos to explain basic fucking concepts

>Complains when others make long videos as well

What a piece of shit

8d36b6 No.319998

5b97bc No.320000

File: 7460e52199c2d5b⋯.jpg (54.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 18qo1hwto00mfjpg.jpg)


No idea. JR was semi-famous before youtube and has millions of subscribers. What's Sargon going to do? Complain he made himself look foolish?


The video came up in my recommendations when I was searching for any new Sargon/liberalist stuff today. I did not check into the channel owner.


She made fun of the new york post and reddit. I am horseshoe now. Or maybe, every once in a while, the sun shines on a dog's arsehole.

5b97bc No.320002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Destiny explaining how to propaganda to his cultists. Also, he was bullied by girls.

0775d2 No.320003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c3acdc No.320004

File: e4b641ad8e50daf⋯.png (402.69 KB, 605x457, 605:457, young destiny.png)


>destiny picked this thumbnail on purpose

Dude looks so much like DSP.

43ace2 No.320005


he looks like he's putting on weight in that thumbnail. confort-eating is not a good sign seeing as he's de-platforming himself.

0775d2 No.320006


Maybe he's trying to become a fat midget instead. Gain a bit of mass and look bigger even if it's fat.

89895d No.320007


Enoch didn't do a good job articulating what he meant, but he was right. The point is that these liberals/skeptics suffer from the is-ought fallacy and always talk about the way things should be, and they want people to be perfect little 100% rational automatons. Whereas white nationalists are more pragmatic and we're saying "this is how people actually ARE, so you have to keep that in mind and build your society around it, accepting humanity's flaws rather than trying to somehow change them or pretend they don't exist"

5b97bc No.320008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe he's bulking

586ee5 No.320009


JF jumped in and corrected his argument so it got through to a degree.

89895d No.320010


>Have they even been challenged on this bullshit?

Not in a fleshed out way, but they chimped out when Spencer told them rights don't exist as some sort of platonic form and that the constitution is ultimately a piece of paper. Implicit Dick is 100% right about this though; we can pretend and all agree to act as though these rights are natural, but in reality the only "rights" you have are the ones backed up by some sort of force. As the country becomes browner, we'll have more of these rights eroded or completely taken away, simply because shitskins do not care and will vote for politicians who will write laws to take away these rights.

Like how all nonwhite groups think hate speech should be illegal, for example.

89895d No.320011



>prom 2007

Jesus, I didn't realize Tiny was so young. He looks like he's 40 now.

a045b5 No.320012


>She made fun of the new york post and reddit. I am horseshoe now.

Nice quads, but she made fun of them for being too right wing.

c3acdc No.320013

File: 3a8f8429fb45c96⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 3a8f8429fb45c96e9ee10c73fa….jpg)


They simultaneously believe a white ethnostate will inevitably devolve into genocide, and muslims will pick constitutionalism and free speech over violence if they watch enough Sargon videos.

We're so close to racial harmony and individualism, guys. We just need a few million more brown people and everyone will start loving each other.

89895d No.320015


Yeah, I love this bullshit "what if" scenario where if we kick out niggers and spics, then suddenly we'll go off on a purity spiraling witch hunt until only 100% bavarian phenotype is left, despite this having absolutely no historical basis.

And moreover, they still have this idea that american't aren't mixed up euro-mutts. I'm half german and half polish. Most people out there are some sort of mix of this and that, english and irish and german and italian, etc. We've mixed together and undergone ethnogenesis though. We're all white people. We're effectively not just a race in America, but an ethnicity bound by shared culture, religion, experience, etc.

But you know what DOES have a historical basis for devolving into purity spiraling and mass purges? Liberalism, as we saw with the french revolution that people like to fellate so much. Or with bolshevik russia, seeing as marxism is an outgrowth of liberalism.

5b97bc No.320016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found some redditor that really likes individualistism. Sorry, atheism+.

a045b5 No.320017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In this video Soygoy tries and fails to own an AnCap tranny. I just realized that, in it, he says that there is such a thing as natural rights. Does he ever explain what they are?

I can respect the idea of natural rights. But if you're going to make that claim I would at least like to see how you derive it, whether from logical axioms or divine authority.

Has Sargon ever talked about this? I find it unlikely given the flimsy nature of his ideology.

43ace2 No.320018


he has preconceived notions of behavioural taboos, he doesn't delve deep enough to realize they are preconceptions, let alone on what basis he creates them.

is he a fedora? i honestly don't know enough about him.

I doubt there is much depth here, there probably isn't an evolutionary/divine/utilitarian basis, it's just what ever gives Sargon tingles today.

dc8ad4 No.320019


It annoys me that the Jewish Jew-fucker Kike Eunuch has become the go-to guy for White nationalism, at least when it comes to Warski's streams at least. I'm hoping Racewarski will eventually become the Nazi-leader he's been memed to be, and will end up gassing Enoch as well.

a045b5 No.320020


>is he a fedora?


5b97bc No.320021


If he's going off Loki's natural rights it's important to make the distinction between law and rights. It's pedantic, but there is a distinction there. A 'natural right' is a fundamental moral fact, whereas a 'natural law' is a duty or obligation that is expected to be followed.

Loki states:

>men are free and equal and have the liberty to do as they wish -within the bounds of the laws of nature.

The natural rights are:



>estate or property rights

Essentially Loki puts the individual and self preservation above other concerns, so it is morally permissible to overthrow a corrupt ruler if he infringes on your cummies.

Loki drew his natural right of equality from Protestantism. Basically, Adam and Eve being made in the image of God, therefore equal, because man and woman are both made in the image of god.

His beloved Loki based his principles not off science or logic, but religion. Fedoras unite, Sargon is a pretend Atheist, just like he's a pretend nigger.

dc8ad4 No.320022


> Adam and Eve being made in the image of God, therefore equal, because man and woman are both made in the image of god.

Eve was made from Adam's rib, i.e. not in the image of God. God is male.

The Bible also says that a man is supposed to love his wife, and the wife is supposed to obey the husband. They're not equal.

a045b5 No.320023




>estate or property rights

I'd rather not go in to the details here, since I'm sure Loki goes into these in more depth and give more detailed definitions, but at the very least property rights seem to go completely contrary to Soygoy's big-welfare state dreams.

Given that he's now "apparently the leader of something", I wish we could try to make him try to explain how he derives natural rights.

>Basically, Adam and Eve being made in the image of God, therefore equal, because man and woman are both made in the image of god.

Does he extrapolate this to races like Soygoy does?

>Fedoras unite, Sargon is a pretend Atheist, just like he's a pretend nigger.

Hail Reason

Hail Individualism

Hail Loki


>Jewish Jew-fucker Kike Eunuch

Yikes! Talk about living rent-free in someone's head.

3e66b6 No.320024



If anything, it's a reflection of a reflection, an even more imperfect image from an already imperfect image.

5b97bc No.320025


>Life: everyone is entitled to live.

>Liberty: everyone is entitled to do anything they want to so long as it doesn't conflict with the first right.

>Estate: everyone is entitled to own all they create or gain through gift or trade so long as it doesn't conflict with the first two rights.

There isn't even anything there about baking the cake. Seems like Loki has no problem with telling niggers to fuck off, just killing them.


Science says men and women aren't equal either.


>Does he extrapolate this to races like Soygoy does?

It depends. His followers argue yes. Locke himself was heavily involved in the slave trade.

3e66b6 No.320026

File: c902486cbfee768⋯.jpeg (82.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, serveimage.jpeg)


>>Life: everyone is entitled to live.


b1880d No.320027

What's funny is that the only other people I've ever seen tlak this much about Loki were left-libertarians (communists). There's a lot of different stuff you can arrive at if you work autisticlaly from first principles (and actually take them seriously, unlike Sargon).


43ace2 No.320028



Sometimes I think we need another 1000 years of despotism in order for us to collectively get over this gay decadent phase that the enlightenment started.

b1880d No.320029


>Liberty: everyone is entitled to do anything they want to so long as it doesn't conflict with the first right.

>Estate: everyone is entitled to own all they create or gain through gift or trade so long as it doesn't conflict with the first two rights.

Property rights are by definition a restriction on other people's freedom; If I own some land, it means I have the right to exclude others from using it, if I own a computer, it means I have the right to exclude others from using it.

3e66b6 No.320030


>If I own some land, it means I have the right to exclude others from using it,

You can't deny me use of your land, you bourgeois fascist. :^)



Funny thing about Locke is he drew ideas from Cicero, and Cicero has a number of right leaning ideas that would appall most contemporary people. According to (((wikipedia))), the Enlightenment was influenced heavily by the ideas of Cicero.

5b97bc No.320031


Loki had some fucked up ideas on property. Borders only count if they're enclosed. He used this to justify stealing land from injuns, believe it or not. Also property only has value if it has labor expended on it. So he was the kind of cunt that would steal the lemons from your tree if you left your front gate open. He's partly responsible for the niggers in America, drafted the slave legislation for the Carolina colony, as well as having a considerable interest in the Royal African Company.

Fucking Anglos. They're like budget jews.

89895d No.320032


That's because autistic first principles like those stemming from Loki (muh equality, muh liberty )only have two possible end results if you actually adhere to the principles: anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-communism. Which ones depends on whether you decide to reach a logical conclusion with equality vs liberty (can't be both).

And if you ever say to yourself "well we can't go too autistic with this because clearly there need to be some limitations or else it won't work in real life" then you're admitting that the first principles are bullshit and you're going with a pragmatic approach, and you can no longer admonish White Nationalists for taking the same pragmatic stance of "our society would be better without niggers"

b1880d No.320033


He was right though, the Indians weren't using them. pre-colonial north america had an incredibly low population density.

b1880d No.320034


>And if you ever say to yourself "well we can't go too autistic with this because clearly there need to be some limitations or else it won't work in real life" then you're admitting that the first principles are bullshit and you're going with a pragmatic approach, and you can no longer admonish White Nationalists for taking the same pragmatic stance of "our society would be better without niggers"

The problem is that Sargon is too much of a brainlet to see or be bothered by this

89895d No.320036

File: 67e234b2196649a⋯.jpg (142.45 KB, 604x533, 604:533, aryan blood eternal anglo ….jpg)


Don't forget how it was the anglos who, after conquering Cape Colony and the rest of South Africa, brought in a ton of bantu niggers from the north to work in mines and in menial jobs and such. They flooded the Boers' homeland with these niggers because >muh cheap labor, no different than what ZOG and shabbos goy corporate shills do when they flood America with spics.

Fuck over an entire country of white people for the sake of shaving a few pennies off the expenses? Sure, why not.

89895d No.320037


Yeah, I know. Like how his main criticism of Spencer was that he didn't have an entire constitution and every little bit of nitty gritty worked out for how the ethnostate would be governed, and then a day or two later he's setting up his liberalist+ organization and having livestreams where he says "it's okay, we don't need to have hard concrete policies yet, just general principles and ideas for now". Even though this is exactly what he lambasted Spencer for.

Or how he claimed Spencer wanted a 1984 orwellian police state and "anti-free-speech" for saying he would do something to stop sabuteurs from overthrowing the nation, even though this is something every country including the USA does. And that includes Sargon, who started censoring and banning wrongthink in his liberalists+ group.

dc8ad4 No.320038


>Yikes! Talk about living rent-free in someone's head.

Go kill yourself if you think Kike Eunuch is "doing so much good for Huwite people".

5b97bc No.320039


I don't care. Reddit might, but I don't.

Seems like Loki was an opportunist that made his living off the suffering of others, then retired and wrote a book about morality on his slave-trader pension.

c3acdc No.320040


You gave yourself away. The only people I've seen say "huwhite" are butthurt faggots from /leftypol/. This is just a friendly tip so you can up your shill game :)

bdc1de No.320041


>Like how his main criticism of Spencer was that he didn't have an entire constitution and every little bit of nitty gritty worked out for how the ethnostate would be governed

I still don't know whether the "what color would the passports be in the ethnostate" was him asking that for real or whether he actually became self-aware for a second and was just taking the piss out of Dicky. It's like that Sargon impersonator who I couldn't tell whether he was or wasn't Sargon until 3 minutes in.

89895d No.320042


to be fair, a lot of non-shills use huwhite as a term of endearment for Papa Jared. Depends on the context.


It's incredibly hard to figure this out with Sargoy. Classic example of Poe's Law in action. Considering how flustered and butthurt he was the entire time, I think it was legit.

a045b5 No.320043


>>Liberty: everyone is entitled to do anything they want to so long as it doesn't conflict with the first right.

>>Estate: everyone is entitled to own all they create or gain through gift or trade so long as it doesn't conflict with the first two rights.

But … liberty can include absolutely anything! If the only restriction on liberty is not to kill, then I can do whatever non-murderous thing I want with other people's bodies and properties, because their right to property must not conflict with my liberty.

Get the word out: Rape and communism is Liberalist!

>It depends. His followers argue yes.

I'd really like to hear them answer that vegan "name the trait" question. Egalitarians tend to have a hard time with that. Maybe Sargon become "Soygoy" in more than one way.


>That's because autistic first principles like those stemming from Loki (muh equality, muh liberty )only have two possible end results if you actually adhere to the principles: anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-communism.

I'm sure you could come up with principles that lead to other conclusions. Might is right and genetic self interest are two examples of such first principles. Another possible end result is pacifist veganism.


Oy vey!


>"what color would the passports be in the ethnostate"

The color Sargon is thinking of.

>I still don't know whether the "what color would the passports be in the ethnostate" was him asking that for real or whether he actually became self-aware for a second and was just taking the piss out of Dicky.

Wait? Did he ask that for real? I thought that was just people parodying him.

dc8ad4 No.320044


>The only people I've seen say "huwhite" are butthurt faggots from /leftypol/.

Makes sense if you spend all of your time hanging around in /leftypol. I don't.

Also, interesting how you didn't try to refute my reason for disliking Enoch, instead you change the subject and try to make it about me.

You have to go back to TRS or /leftypol.

0775d2 No.320045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anyone who's not at least, and as a minimum, very suspicious of Mike Enoch after what's already known and his been verified about him is a fucking retard.

It's no different than the people sucking off the loose-wristed White Zionist Richard Spencer.

bdc1de No.320046


>Wait? Did he ask that for real? I thought that was just people parodying him.

Yeah, that's the one question that was actually for real, I'll try to find and timestamp it.

0775d2 No.320047



"We need to trust everyone who says they're on our side because we can't afford not to right now!"

Go fuck yourself.

c3acdc No.320048


>Anyone who's not at least, and as a minimum, very suspicious of Mike Enoch after what's already known and his been verified about him is a fucking retard.

At this point it's a given. Everybody fucking knows. What next, they're going to ask "but what is white"? It's like when you laugh at some shenanigans weev pulled, and someone jumps into the thread to remind you HE'S A TROLL JEW CIA FED YOU REALIZE?

Nigger nobody takes these people seriously. People have been shitting on Mike Enoch for at least a year now. The only people who feel the need to point out he's a kike are people who are butthurt he's blowing the fuck out of all their discord faggots they're sending onto streams. Just because you root for one retard over the other doesn't mean you're subscribed to their newsletter.

89895d No.320049


>I'm sure you could come up with principles that lead to other conclusions. Might is right and genetic self interest are two examples of such first principles. Another possible end result is pacifist veganism.

That's where I make the distinction between autistic deontological first principles where you stubbornly think the most important thing in life is a set of abstract principles, and who cares if they don't actually work out well in the real world! This sort of rationalism (in the actual sense of the word) is bullshit.

I distinguish this shit from actual pragmatic first principles that have a founding in reality. For example, my first principle would probably be something along the lines of "do what's best for me, my family, my society, and my tribe". It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that. It's intuitive.

c3acdc No.320050

File: 11c0ecd93b8f2eb⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 750x828, 125:138, 11c0ecd93b8f2eb5aa6a89c861….jpg)



>replying to the same post twice

Forget to hop IPs there, bud?

89895d No.320051

Can you faggots stop with the JEW THIS FED THAT bullshit. Go take that shit to /pol/; I'm fucking tired of this derailing everything over and over and over.

a045b5 No.320052

File: 71aa41e06efe667⋯.png (201.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-Feb-3_14:28:43.474176….png)

The Liberalist Society homepage has now a first page.


Thanks, m8. I saw the debate but missed that one. Surprised it's not a clip on youtube.


Fair enough.



43ace2 No.320053


it's one guy swapping ip. just filter and ignore.

dc8ad4 No.320054


>Nigger nobody takes these people seriously. People have been shitting on Mike Enoch for at least a year now. The only people who feel the need to point out he's a kike are people who are butthurt he's blowing the fuck out of all their discord faggots they're sending onto streams. Just because you root for one retard over the other doesn't mean you're subscribed to their newsletter.

Go kill yourself. A lot of newfags who don't know anything about this are liable to fall victim to his Jew lies. People who just a year ago were sucking skeptic dick, but after the Trout saga are seeing skeptics as the frauds they are. Now they are looking for a new leader, and both Kike Enoch and Dicky Spencer are conveniently getting promoted so they jump onto their bandwagon.

You might argue that people who are that stupid and spineless to follow any fraud of a leader that comes along, deserve to get defrauded. I don't think so, and there might be people like that on this thread, therefore I find it pertinent to point out what sort of person Enoch is. It's a public service announcement.

0775d2 No.320055



No, I'm just not into your "muh Alt-Kike saviors of the White race" bullshit. I thought this shit about the Alt-Kike was common knowledge in here… But I guess not.

89895d No.320056

File: 06b0e4f768aa8b7⋯.png (63.09 KB, 721x1056, 721:1056, liberalist principles 2-3-….png)


>these principles

top wew. They're the most basic-bitch shit I've ever seen. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't these used to be different? Didn't there used to be stuff about how group rights can't exist, or that no one is owed things they haven't "earned"? Wasn't there an ENTIRE PRINCIPLE called meritocracy?

For a guy that loves to go on about fundamental first principles, they sure change their principles a lot. Almost as if the whole thing is a facade…

c3acdc No.320057


Is that a fucking Fallout 3 meme on the homepage?

43ace2 No.320058


are there archives of the principles page showing how sargoy edited them over time? would be interesting to compare.

d41cdf No.320059

d41cdf No.320060

89895d No.320061

File: 5ddbb5911e48995⋯.png (574.31 KB, 629x840, 629:840, sargon meritocracy.png)



found an archived older version. Not sure if it's even the original though. Seems like they keep editing and patching it every time they get called out.

Notice how their ideas used to be more "fleshed out" but this allowed people to call them out on how poorly-thought-out and contradictory they were, so now they're instead 1-line vague assertions that are effectively meaningless.

5b97bc No.320062


looks like merit was nixed in the 4th revision. seems pretty vague now.

>I'm a 90's kid and want to go back, the political theory

a045b5 No.320063

File: 1adc60586781ae8⋯.png (165.98 KB, 1014x2004, 169:334, original principles.png)







The list was much longer.

Plato said that

>"The measure of a man is what he does with power."

The Liberalists currently have absolutely no power in society, and they're already taking away people's rights.



>They removed meritocracy

What? What ideal does Sargon hold that could possibly conflict with that? Meritocracy has been one of the things he's always pushed really strongly.

dc8ad4 No.320064


>I thought this shit about the Alt-Kike was common knowledge in here… But I guess not.

Apparently not, or they're all Liberalists: I don't care.

43ace2 No.320065




yeah if you compare


with the current


then it's been cut down to very bare bones stuff indeed.

It's like they just want to be as vague and well-meaning as possible in order to forestall any potential criticism.

Not a good sign to be that defensive. Your "Principles" should be something you state boldly, something you fight for if necessary.

This is faggotry.

89895d No.320066


It makes sense for them to do. Remember, these are radical fence-sitters who made their way into jewtube politics by never having an opinions of their own and instead sitting from afar and critiquing everyone else while offering no counter-solutions.

When they decided to go on the "offensive" with the Liberalists garbage, this put the ball in their court and they were forced to take stances on things. This opened them up to a flood of harsh criticism that they couldn't handle. So they basically do what they always have done and cut it down to vague assertions that no one can really argue with at the face. It stems from the same unwillingness to put a firm stake into anything, and now they're basically intellectually backpedaling

a045b5 No.320067



>It's like they just want to be as vague and well-meaning as possible in order to forestall any potential criticism.

Reminds me of the part of the debate with Jim that went something like

<Sargon: You are a Liberal.

>Jim: No.

<Sargon: Then what do you disagree with

>Jim: What's your beliefs?

<Sargon: Women are people Individual rights, not communism [something like that]

>Jim: Well, if you give me such a vague description there's nothing to disagree with.

<Sargon: You're a Feminist Liberal!

89895d No.320068


>What? What ideal does Sargon hold that could possibly conflict with that? Meritocracy has been one of the things he's always pushed really strongly.

Probably because the concept of meritocracy is a spook and you can't actually define what counts as meritocratic without using tautologies. How the fuck would you even enforce meritocracy? Is the government going to come in and determine what the "best" choice for everyone is? Are they going to pick my peanutbutter brand for me? Are they going to step in and prevent me from hiring a poor job candidate and force me to pick the so-called "best" candidate? How are the logistics of this shit going to work?

89895d No.320069


It's the same shit feminists do

>You are a feminist, aren't you?


>What do you disagree with feminism about?

<What are the beliefs of feminism?

>Feminism is about equal rights!

Also I find it hilarious that 99% of everything Sargon advocates for with this is no different than shit-tier boomer cuckservatism. He's supposedly a radical new party even though all these stances are the same as Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney? Yeah, good luck with that.

5b97bc No.320070


>What? What ideal does Sargon hold that could possibly conflict with that? Meritocracy has been one of the things he's always pushed really strongly.

Individual rights and the development of dignity. In a meritorious society, your achievements entitle you to respect. If you believe in the dignity of the individual, everyone is entitled to respect.

c3acdc No.320071


It seems like he wants the same thing as the progressive left, but for different reasons.

Progressive left:

>we want gibs for black people because they're black and more refugees because they're brown


>we want gibs for black people because they're poor and more refugees because they're Steve Jobs

3e66b6 No.320072


This is the first thing I sniffed out when the liberalists emerged. They offered nothing substantive to the great questions of our times. They retreated to a failed, putridly rotting position.



Don't ape apes, anon.


>deserving reward or praise

89895d No.320073


no no no anon, they're TOTALLY different! Liberalists want to replace us slowly so that at least the nigger who take over will speak our language! :^) Isn't that so much better?

c3acdc No.320074


That's what they say, and I've seen liberalists in comment sections saying things like

>meritocracy over all. if that means low IQ people can't compete, then so be it

But the thing is, that's not where it'll end. Blacks and other nonwhites will by large not achieve anything and thus they'll be kept out of high-class education and society. Blacks will see this and rally for gibs, and blacks will vote in gibs. Then we're right back to where we started. Blacks getting free shit despite being a drain. Sargon has that nigger time preference. He can only conceive like, a week into the future.

If a brainlet like me can see this, how the fuck can't his entire little political activist group who sit in discord all day talking about this shit?

5b97bc No.320075


My bad, 'in a meritocracy'. Have some more Loki.

>Lastly, those are not at all to be tolerated who deny the being of a God. Promises, covenants, and oaths, which are the bonds of human society, can have no hold upon an atheist. The taking away of God, though but even in thought, dissolves all; besides also, those that by their atheism undermine and destroy all religion, can have no pretence of religion whereupon to challenge the privilege of a toleration. As for other practical opinions, though not absolutely free from all error, if they do not tend to establish domination over others, or civil impunity to the Church in which they are taught, there can be no reason why they should not be tolerated.

So Loki hated fedoras. Has Sargon read Loki?

5b97bc No.320076


hierarchies occur everywhere, they're unavoidable.

89895d No.320077


That's really the heart of the issue. They say things like "well I'm not for mass immigration" or "well I'm not for multiculturalism" or "I'm not for collective identity blocs voting for gibs", but they don't offer any solutions on how to avoid or fix these issues.

Okay, you're against these things, great. HOW are you going to stop them. White nationalists have a very simple way to solve the problem: separation. What is YOUR solution? But they can't give one.

43ace2 No.320078

File: 6f23f628e970ba2⋯.jpg (65.86 KB, 620x649, 620:649, it's not ok to be white.jpg)


and there main objection to white nationalism is the assertion that it will necessitate violence to remove the unwanted population. but, apparently, they're against the policies that result in that unwanted population immigrating into your society and the consequences of having that population in your society (ie sweden)… so it seems to me that they're not that far off white nationalism really. they're just very, very milquetoast.

fundamentally, they're objecting to anything that would seriously alter the status quo, such as forceful movement of peoples out of a territory. but, the problem is that this issue is based upon the forceful movement of peoples INTO a territory - because no referendum was held for white people asking them did they want to be replaced in their homelands. but that's apparently ok while whites reasserting themselves is not.

>it's not ok when white people do it. it's not ok to be white.

>t. Liberalists

3e66b6 No.320079


He criticizes the consequential relativism atheism brings too.

c3acdc No.320080


Yeah, we already had a meritocracy. Black people failed, and politicians were all to eager to give them some free shit in exchange for their vote. The ideology of the liberalists is just "let's try this same shit that failed again". Was it not real liberalism?


>that image

>almost all of it in the same handwriting

Imagine being so butthurt by five words you write all that bullshit with the ???????????s, and then imply the OTHER guy is insecure.

3e66b6 No.320081


It isn't the you's are different.

5b97bc No.320082

File: b5fee9d661c69dd⋯.jpg (37.07 KB, 398x282, 199:141, space-race-stone-age.jpg)

3fcf69 No.320086


>see: lolbertarians discussing how to have roads

Personally, I prefer the AnCap "can I rape my underaged indentured servants" debate.

bdc1de No.320091


Okay, I got 2 hours in and I'm just bored of listening to it at this point that unless someone wants to pick up from where I left of Sargon didn't actually say "what color would passports be in the ethnostate"

d7f249 No.320092

File: 2df7235f82a45cd⋯.jpg (78.71 KB, 1160x583, 1160:583, Smug Anime Girl top keks.jpg)

Isn't he a nurse? A nurse who quit his internship so he isn't even a nurse at this point. So CRP was right when he guessed that Vee isn't a doctor, because he fucking isn't one.

6a6a3d No.320093


>whether you decide to reach a logical conclusion with equality vs liberty

Which is the reason why they can't decide between liberty of association and enforcement of equal treatment of every costumer

If they decide to go full equality they will become SJWs, if they choose liberty they'll become ancaps

As of now they're just a mess

fbd651 No.320097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Life: everyone is entitled to live.


8d36b6 No.320100


>'Constitutional democracy is the best way for a free citizenry to maintain a state and resist tyranny'

Jesus Christ, these fucking spergs. Democracy has always been a terrible form of government which falls into decay and tyranny within a few generations due to people forming voting blocs. The only way the Founders kept ours going as long as it has is because they knew Democracy was shit and created a system of checks and balances to obstruct such voting blocs from forming.

This is beyond basic bitch shit. I can tell there's only one American involved, and that he just goes along with the Yurofags. They're just obsessed with America because it looks far preferable to the diversity shitholes their countries are becoming.

51f0ea No.320101


>Posting that old video of Jontron

Its been a year and DesTINY still can't get over it

d4f44f No.320102


Where did this meme that Democracy is the preferable way of government come from? People are aware of the fact that the masses vote for what sounds best instead of what is best, and yet they can't seemingly let go of the notion of "citizens over 18 can vote".

ccdfc5 No.320103


In Wales they lowered it to 16, presumably so all the #woke highschoolers can lend their life experience to steering the fate of the country

8d36b6 No.320104


Shit like that illustrates how empty their 'principles' are. Universal suffrage isn't necessarily the reason Democracy dies, but it is what made Democracy a joke in modern age.

c3acdc No.320105

File: ffced408c048f0e⋯.png (40.45 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1d6cd14a602fa153dd4de1d7b9….png)


Oh that's great. When I was 16 I liked huffing glue and re-enacting Jackass in shopping carts. I can't imagine the kind of bullshit I would have voted for.

Wait, yes I can. Libertarianism.

a045b5 No.320106


>Where did this meme that Democracy is the preferable way of government come from?

Probably from the public education system. It's always in the best interest of the power elite and ruling classes to put out propaganda that says "the current system is the best".

8d36b6 No.320107


I just don't understand how Yuropoors have absorbed it, and why particularly they seem to love the American system.

43ace2 No.320108


the advantage of democracy is that it allows the sheep to think that they have power while their opinions and values are manufactured for them to consume by mass media. you only need 51% to be retarded to get whatever you want. it's why dysgenics is encouraged.

democracy is the domestication of humanity.

bdc1de No.320109


Was it the kind of libertarianism all wise people in the mid teens are into aka the one which maximizes their cummies?


Because most of Yurop is controlled by Israel through their proxy state called the United States of America

8d36b6 No.320110


It's fine when only people with a stake in protecting the integrity of a nation are permitted to vote, and systems are in place to make change almost impossible like in the American system.

89895d No.320111


>This is beyond basic bitch shit. I can tell there's only one American involved, and that he just goes along with the Yurofags. They're just obsessed with America because it looks far preferable to the diversity shitholes their countries are becoming.

Besides the fact that I live in a Le 56% land, I agree completely. It's a bunch of yuropoors fetishizing America when they don't have a fucking clue about it


You know how modern progressive leftism is essentially a pseudo-religion where the universe as we know it started with WW2, the holohoax was the founding myth and original sin, and every before that is just the fuzzy before-time?

These "Liberalists" are effectively the same way, except I guess with the French Revolution instead.

Either way they don't understand that democracy is not some inherent moral good that should just be taken as an axiom. Democracy is an aberration in the general order of things. It's only existed for a maximum of like 200 years in places like America, and much less in most of the world. Compare that to thousands of years under forms of monarchy. And the fact that we're already seeing the cracks in democracy forming already, and if no course is changed, we'll all be Banana Republic status within our lifetimes (hell, this is already basically true)

8d36b6 No.320112


America is basically already a corrupt Banana Republic. It's just still mostly white so we don't have very many brutal riots or shit on fire in the streets.

d4f44f No.320113


You don't even need 51% of the population, only 51% of those who bother showing up to vote, that makes it a lot easier given that's it's mostly either old people who'll stick to their voting patterns or young adults who fall for (((propaganda)))

c3acdc No.320114


>Was it the kind of libertarianism all wise people in the mid teens are into aka the one which maximizes their cummies?

Of course. Legalize free weed and I can stay up playing GTA as late as I want.

89895d No.320115


Yeah, I know. But it will get worse. It will eventually end up like South Africa where we have the government passing laws to take land and money from whitey (not just indirectly through taxes, but directly taking it to give to shitskins). We'll also have more and more scenarios of shitskins rioting and killing/attacking whitey while the government turns a blind eye, which is also obviously a thing in places like SA.

b1880d No.320116


Yeh, white democracies like Iceland are really horrible places to live

bdc1de No.320117


Amazing, that is the same kind of libertarianism I was into, just replace weed with alcohol.

a045b5 No.320118


>I just don't understand how Yuropoors have absorbed it,

Amerimutts have as well.

>and why particularly they seem to love the American system.

I can speak from a Swedish perspective. Here the left hates America since the cold war and virtue signal by talking shit about it. The right (including large parts of the far right) counter-signal by being pro-American. Also, we're lacking quite a few American rights that right wingers here feel in need of (ex: America's slightly better free speech).

Also, I don't know if this bubble has burst or if I now travel in different circles, but people like the Sweden Democrats used to use America as a positive example, because you've managed to integrate the Blacks and Mexicans so much better than we have.

>and why particularly they seem to love the American system.

TBH, I don't understand why Americans seem to love the Swedish system.


>He believes the 51% meme

If you're a politician, you only need to make 51% of the people that can be arsed of the voting population to see you as slightly less bad than your opponent. On top of that, a lot of (((hidden powers))) own both sides or are entrenched in the system.


They're worse than a white monarchy or dictatorship.

8d36b6 No.320119


Well, at least the blacks will stop complaining after that. I mean, I'm sure they will. It isn't like they just always bitch about everything.

fbd651 No.320121


Democracy is inherently prone to Jewish subversion

b1880d No.320122


>They're worse than a white monarchy or dictatorship

If you have a monarchy fetish like you, maybe


Read about the history of jews in the middle ages (or watch Jud Suss). It was the monarch's that protected the jews when everyone else wanted to protect them. Elsewhere (Poland) it was the nobles who protected them and in Britain the aristocracy and oligarchs. I don't see any evidence that any form of government is particularly more prone to subversion than any other. The solution is jsut to not have jews in your country.

f24715 No.320123


>french revolution that people like to fellate so much

Do Sargoy and pals really think the French Revolution was a good thing?

89895d No.320124


In monarchies, jews are indeed around, but they also typically know their fucking place or get kicked the fuck out. I'd prefer to have them gone too, but jews are much less capable of doing damage the same way they do in democracy, where they can just mass media propaganda and business to warp the perceptions of the plebs to get whatever they want.

c3acdc No.320125


>When We Genocided Whites, We Started To Starve

>here's how that's just another problematic symptom of white supremacy

If every other race went extinct, and in a hundred years the last surviving black is starving to death in the gutter, he'll raise his emaciated fist to the sky, shaking, and with his last ounce of energy utter

>white people did this

b9c849 No.320133

File: 35a75a6e9ce3982⋯.png (620.46 KB, 684x1742, 342:871, bbc bix nood 8.png)



>speaking our language

You would think that at some point Liberalists would realize that the African version of English is not the same language



You don't even need that much. Out of those that will actually vote you only need 26% out of the 51% in order to control the whole since it is divided into factions.

bdc1de No.320134

File: 6c6b8660c837367⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 657x527, 657:527, tutkia sanmako.jpg)


>People wey dey enter UK don reduce

What in the FUCK?

89895d No.320135


Niggerspeak and the complexities of different peoples and their languages is actually a very interesting topic that I wish we were allowed to research, but cannot due to wrongthink overtones. I definitely think there's something to the idea that a language reflects the mindset and intelligence of the people who develop it, and so things like bantu and abbo languages end up being extremely simplistic and not having solid concept such as "the future" because they were never things that these shitskins ever really thought about, for example.

As for american niggerspeak, I think we've basically reached a point of diglossia, similar to the arabic world where everyone speaks a local "dialect" of arabic that's about as different from region to region as italian is to romanian or portuguese. But at the same time, they all speak a second dialect called "modern standard arabic" that allows all these arabs from Iraq to Morocco to understand each other.

Same thing with niggerspeak. I used to have to deal with these people. Not cherrypicked nogs, but the ones near me in the hood. They do not speak english, period. But sometimes they can switch over to a less-niggerized version of english that is mutually intelligible, but then they'll go back to speaking literally unintelligible bix nood nog speak otherwise. And then there are the overcompensating niggers who basically put on a fake accent where they over-enunciate and hyper-correct their pronunciation of everything and it just sounds forced and tryhard.

d4f44f No.320136



>wey dey come from di European Union wey dey run go their house after UK people don vote for Brexit.

>as di study shows 95% of international students dey pack their bags go back house after them finish their studies for UK

It really is true that pure nigs can't process abstract notions like return and flee and need concrete metaphors to understand what the news are about

89895d No.320137



>Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window

>Woman wey take her hand, pack her poo-poo comot di toilet of man wey she dey friend because e no gree flush enter trouble, after she go try collect di poo-poo back.

>The woman wey dey learn gymnastics, just start to waka with Bristol student, Liam Smith, for di first time, when she take fear troway di poo-poo comot for window.

>Instead make di thing land for garden, di poo-poo come jam between two windows wey no dey open wide.

>Di lady decide to carry her thing back; she use head enter the small space wey di poo-poo bin dey, but na so she come trap for there, and trouble start.

>Mr Smith say im no get choice but to call fire service make dem help remove di girl, along with her poo-poo.

>Now, im don dey try raise money to repair di windows wey break, so e write all di tori for inside one University of Bristol crowd funding page.

3e6c94 No.320138

File: f3a868196895536⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 437x598, 19:26, bro.jpg)


reading this outloud I lost my sides

d4f44f No.320140



>"I bin don dey respond to treatment for di leukaemia, but after six months I come realise say I no fit piss. Fear catch me, I think say I don catch woman disease (STD) but as I reach hospital dem come tell me say na prostrate cancer. I first shock! Me and my wife come go Redeem Camp, I lie for ground flat with my belle dey pray to God."

Apparently Africans consider STDs to be a "woman disease" for whatever, and I believe "Redeem Camps" are just churches, legit surprised they don't call them "God building"

bdc1de No.320141

File: 82734ffbad3ea74⋯.png (168.44 KB, 727x682, 727:682, prosessori sammako.png)



This is hilarious, yet kind of amazing, as >>320135 said it just sparks a fire within you to go out and study their niggerbabble.

9aef02 No.320144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These retards can't even get the easiest things right.

9aef02 No.320146

File: 8421b2196925db0⋯.png (72.39 KB, 693x481, 693:481, itfhzhndex.png)

File: a2501ca98c1bdc5⋯.png (224.05 KB, 696x603, 232:201, indtfhzghex.png)

File: e3a656441fa1105⋯.png (424.01 KB, 800x740, 40:37, 800px-Deutsches_Reich_(187….png)


Oops, meant to post this.

fbd651 No.320147


>profile picture of Nazi-occupied Poland

>German Empire


d4f44f No.320148


If you want a sample of spoken Pidgin the BBC was generous enough to leave a video in an article


a045b5 No.320149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They've also done a "meet the team video". It's pretty much we wuz newz.

24d22a No.320150


That was probably the high point of German-Polish relations too. Back then a lot of Poles from Silesia and the territories acquired by the partitions emigrated to the Ruhr area and Berlin (probably also to Saxony and other industrial centers) and you'd be hard pressed to find even genuine German nationalists these days who don't consider them fully assimilated.

89895d No.320151





d4f44f No.320152


BBC got BBCed

43ace2 No.320153


Is there a google translate for Niggerese?

We should run the Liberalist Manifesto through it.

c3acdc No.320154

File: 55841a79d196a18⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 1131x849, 377:283, krautisback.jpg)


>they think they can turn this around by screencapping random right-wing discords I thought I was shit as fuck at internet memewarfare, but these guys are so terrible.

I'm so happy Kraut's back. For a second there it seemed like this would peter out. Thanks, jews!

fbd651 No.320155


It looks like the account was just opened and they just screenshotted a few things randomly and posted it.


d4f44f No.320156


There's no English Pidgin but there's Haitian Creole which is the same shit, just with French.

I ran the Liberalist principles

Prensip liberalis

Deklarasyon sa a nan prensip se yon lis valè yo ke Liberalists kenbe kòm ideyal. Nou rekonèt tou ke nou ap viv nan mond reyèl la e ke pa gen okenn seri prensip ka tout tan tout tan reyalize, men pwomosyon sa a Viewview pral pwodwi yon sosyete demontre pi bon pase altènatif aktyèl yo.

Dwa Moun

Pwoteje dwa moun nan dwe valè pi wo nan sosyete a, ankouraje tolerans mityèl ak respè nan direksyon pou kiltivasyon nan diyite a nan chak moun.


Demokrasi konstitisyonèl se pi bon fason pou yon sitwayen gratis pou kenbe yon eta ak reziste tirani.

Ekonomik Libète

Dwa pwopriyete ki kòmanse ak pèsonèl pwòp tèt ou-pwopriyetè ak pwopriyete prive kreye sosyete ki pi pwodiktif.

Libète lapawòl

Libète ekspresyon se yon poto ki nesesè ak fondamantal nan yon sosyete gratis.


Moun yo posede ajans epi yo ta dwe trete kòm sa yo paske trete moun tankou viktim vin yon pwofesi pwòp tèt ou-ranpli.

Avèg Jistis

Chak moun dwe gouvène pa lwa yo menm jan ak kamarad yo san yo pa diskriminasyon abitrè epi yo dwe prezante inosan jiskaske pwouve koupab pa yon jijman ki jis.


Tout moun se lib yo pratike relijyon yo, oswa ou pa, osi lontan ke li pa entèfere ak dwa yo nan lòt moun.

c3acdc No.320157


It's not as good as that, but I ran it through an ebonics translator.

Yo Individual Rights

All political rights mus' be universally shared by all adult citizens. da only method by which ta secure universal rights iz through individual rights enforced by uh state dat iz accountable ta da niggas. Groups may not gots rights dat supersede da right o' da individual.

Each nigga’s rights mus' remain sacrosanct. dis here iz da primary protection all niggas in society mus' enjoy ta ensure justice an' dere can be nahh extra-legal justification ta violate an individual’s rights.

All rights dat can be applied ta uh citizen mus' be applied ta every citizen, regardless o' whether dat right iz applicable or not. Rights dat gots nahh application ta some niggas presently may be necessary in da future.


All legal adults mus' be franchised wif da right ta gots uh direct method o' exerting influence ova they da system. dis here iz usually uh representative democracy wif da state as da servant o' da niggas, dedicated ta protecting they property rights an' interfering wif they lives as little as possible.

Economic Freedom

Property rights begin wif personal self-ownership an' extend ta any property an individual has legally acquired. da individual mus' be, as much as possible, in control o' they own economic destiny. dis here includes da right ta own property, engage in trade, ta sell one’s own labour or ta engage in collective economic activities.

Freedom o' speech

All niggas should enjoy da right ta voice political ideas, nahh matter how controversial, without suffering political consequences. dis here can include financial penalties, legal exclusion from da political system, incarceration or any other form o' punishment fo' expressing uh point o' view.

nahh political idea can ever be considered as incitement, troll or harassment in an' o' itself. Freedom o' speech be uh guarantee o' dissent in times o' necessity against any prevailing authoritarian political orthodoxy dat would otherwise refuse ta be challenged.

nahh speech should be compelled.


niggas should be judged by da cocks o' they character. Promotion should be on da basis o' achievement an' should not be unduly inhibited by innate characteristics. Nobody iz entitled ta receive benefits dey did not earn or ta which dey is not already entitled by being uh citizen. dis here iz not ta be misinterpreted as declaration against social safety nets or healthcare, but against individuals or groups claiming unearned benefits, whether social or material, dat dey otherwise do not deserve.

Blind Justice

Each individual citizen will be governed by da same laws as they peers, whether applicable or not, without exception. If uh law do not apply by virtue o' an innate characteristic, then it iz irrelevant until circumstances change an' it becomes applicable.


dere mus' be uh strict separation between religion an' state. Religious institutions mus' not be able ta exert political power on da state fo' da goal o' promoting religious beliefs.

All niggas mus' be allowed ta worship privately or publicly (or not at all) as long as they religious beliefs do not interfere wif da rights o' others. dis here includes da ability ta establish religious institutions an' proselytise they faif.

Nobody iz free ta impose they beliefs on others sho 'nuff!

43ace2 No.320158



damn, Sargoy's verbosity actually hampers a niggerese translation. maybe if we simplified the language a little, then ran it through the translator.

i'll give it a try and report back.

6554a0 No.320159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>tl;dw the Zulu language had no abstract words or units of measure so you could only say that the banana was on top of the tree or on the ground, not that it was 5 meters above ground.

3e6c94 No.320162


It's kinda fascinating.

43ace2 No.320163


ok I gave it a try. simplifying sargon's nonsense, condensing the meaning, actually exposes how little substance there is to it. i did the first principle.

>Protecting the rights of the individual must be the highest value of society, to foster mutual tolerance and respect towards the cultivation of the dignity of every person.


>guarding the wants of a person must be most important thing in world, so people get along better

to ebonics

>Yo guarding da wants o' uh nigga mus' be most important thin` in world, so niggas git along bettah sho 'nuff!

there's probably a better ebonics translator. not sure which to use.

c3acdc No.320164


>guarding the wants of a person must be most important thing in world, so people get along better

>di wey dey gardin dey wants dem persun bedda bi bedda best tin worlding, den dey get wid dey goin

I tried.

89895d No.320165


Watching now, very cool stuff.

4f1843 No.320166



Then keep bitching so the newfags learn. The way I see it, unless we've got a figurehead whose trustworthy to replace Enoch and Spencer, we can't do much more than tell the truth to whatever newfags we find. At the very least, even if Spencer and Enoch are CIA niggers, they're pushing people more right.


This is accurate. I was in their discord for a bit to shit it up and see how far the cognitive dissonance went and got banned after I kept pestering one of the moderators about their Principles™. Questioning the Soyfather's dictates is not allowed in the Liberalist Commune.


Yeah, and in a low IQ society the niggers and spics and non-whites will lose out. So the liberalistisms, ""knowing"" that people are equal, will take this to mean that there's internalized racism or some bullshit that's keepin a brotha down, and so you get the same bullshit we deal with today with enforced diversity quotas.

>Nigger time

Niggers actually lack the ability to have any foresight whatsoever. JT or one of the writers for his site talked about how alot of Apefricans couldn't conceive anything beyond their impulses, and the idea of 'What if' scenarios was a complete mystery to them To them there was just what happened, what is, and no what if.

5959f5 No.320169


Dis be di things dey Liberalist wuna don want. We know well well we be live in di world and whosai happen, but we wan make Nigeria plenty wonderfullous.

Di rights of di person

Looking afta di rights of di person don be most good thing wat di people do, make people well well nice don each other


Di democracy wit a constitution make di betta, bicos it don stop broda-broda

I learnt pidgin & translated the first couple myself. Used the BBC for grammar & http://www.naijalingo.com to widen my vocabulary. Might translate the rest after another pint.

6554a0 No.320171


>Niggers actually lack the ability to have any foresight whatsoever. JT or one of the writers for his site talked about how alot of Apefricans couldn't conceive anything beyond their impulses, and the idea of 'What if' scenarios was a complete mystery to them To them there was just what happened, what is, and no what if.

The vid I posted >>320159 gives plenty of examples of that, such as a french employer asking his nigger workers if they wanted insurance, they asked what it meant, the french told them that if they ever got sick the insurance would cover the cost of treatment, to which the niggers said that "we are not sick", the french told them "yeah but what if you were sick", to which they replied "but boss, we are not sick!"

9aef02 No.320173

File: 0d24292cdaa7720⋯.png (85.78 KB, 690x591, 230:197, invvbnm,dex.png)

I can't wait for Jim's next part about Kraut's spergery.

43ace2 No.320174

File: f176276078dea77⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 260x209, 260:209, 1457785019691.gif)



excellent work. godspeed anons.

5959f5 No.320175


So many of the liberalisticist concepts don't even exist in pidgin, it's really fucking hard to translate accurately

ie. there's no word for tyranny, but broda-broda means nepotism, and I doubt niggers could explain the difference between the two

43ace2 No.320176


I tried simplifying it, and adding my own guesses. Try run this through pidgin:

Liberalist Principles

<Dem Liberalist be dey wantin dem things here

This statement of principles is a list of the values that Liberalists hold as ideals. We also recognise that we live in the real world and that no set of principles can ever be fully realised, but promoting this worldview will produce a demonstrably better society than the current alternatives.

>this is a list of things we want. we admit we real and not perfect so maybe we not get all we want, but we have a dream.

Individual Rights

>A person's wants

Protecting the rights of the individual must be the highest value of society, to foster mutual tolerance and respect towards the cultivation of the dignity of every person.

>Guarding the wants of a person must be most important thing in world, so people get along better

<di wey dey gardin dey wants dem persun bedda bi bedda best tin worlding, den dey get wid dey goin


>democracy (?)

Constitutional democracy is the best way for a free citizenry to maintain a state and resist tyranny.

>laws are good for people who do not want warlord

Economic Freedom

>buying and selling

Property rights that begin with personal self-ownership and private property creates the most productive societies.

>you own self, you work hard, then you can buy what you want

Freedom of speech

>freedom of speech (?)

Freedom of expression is a necessary and fundamental pillar of a free society.

>say what you want in a "free society"



People possess agency and should be treated as such because treating people like victims becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>If we end gibs, niggers might actually get a job

Blind Justice

>fair law

Each individual should be governed by the same laws as their peers without arbitrary discrimination and be presumed innocent until proven guilty by a fair trial.

>everyone is equal. all laws apply to everyone.


>no religion

Everybody is free to practice their religion, or not, as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others.

>worship anything, don't stop others from worshipping anything

89895d No.320177


Is this a thinly-veiled threat of calling the cops on people from Jonathan "I'm totally not a doxxxxxxxxxxxxer" Lancaster?

a045b5 No.320178


>12 years in prison

>For using LARPy names in a discord

German authorities have gone from those who gas to the ones that should be gassed.

5959f5 No.320179

File: c92e999e2bafcca⋯.png (14.79 KB, 450x265, 90:53, gbolaa.png)


thanks anon, I'm learning a lot

a045b5 No.320180


>from those who gas

Sorry, scrap this part actually

a045b5 No.320182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We wuz computaz!

be2c9e No.320183



That's where you're wrong. Those lands were gained through conquest and trade. To call it "theft" plays into cultmarx cucks' hands.


Fuck off TRSodomite.




>huffing glue

That explains a lot.


Isn't Iceland (((democratically))) importing non-whites to (((increase diversity)))? Yeah, democracy is great goy.

6554a0 No.320184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hm nice, but I will raise you with


9aef02 No.320185

File: e2de88d4e635829⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 275x313, 275:313, 3cf9c22cb1e2bb00faada654bf….jpg)

The gypsy is having a field day with those 'leaks'


43ace2 No.320187





5959f5 No.320188


Thanks anon

Economic Freedom.

Each person im own wetin im things. Dis be di wey dey sure sey things go better for us.

No go fear to talk

Everi human being must go get their freedom , wey go make dem talk any tink, dem no go fear to talk.

https://glosbe.com/en/pcm has also helped, it has biblical/jehova's witness scripture translations at the bottom

5959f5 No.320189

File: 54020d6ed582473⋯.png (25.24 KB, 679x108, 679:108, wtf-does-naim-mean.png)

I have been cucked by the dictionary, these big brained kangs already got the liberalisticist principles down

a045b5 No.320190

File: eaa4eafbf1d46c8⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 475x677, 475:677, rangordnung.jpg)

File: 09984d37c3baccd⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 199x639, 199:639, people.jpg)

File: 8836d9a26ead4a2⋯.jpg (11.81 KB, 342x320, 171:160, kick vee.jpg)


This is really suspicious to me. I think kraut has had a hand in this.

Even then, at most this seems to be a few kids LARPing. Do we know how many there are? I found this list of 15 on @AltRightLeak's account. Does that mean that there were 15 in total or 15 online?

Oh, and now you can buy "Kick Vee" shirts on amazon:


Just in case someone didn't realize Vee was a scheming gypsy, who, after finding out that people dislike, will use that to make money rather than as motivation to change for the better.

3e6c94 No.320191

File: ecca9d550017288⋯.jpg (135.03 KB, 600x846, 100:141, bangbusromania.jpg)

File: 0489adb7caacef3⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM__altKraut.jpg)


obviously, since it's wrong think and veeh don't understand that there is different factions when it comes to the right-wing.

Also how come there is no more veeh facts?

He is the most interesting thing of the liberalistism.

he became a neet

c3acdc No.320192


>>huffing glue

>That explains a lot.

It does explain why I'm so good at translating English into the beautiful and traditional vernacular of the native petrol-brained nigaboo.


This is going to be very slow-going

>Constitutional democracy is the best way for a free citizenry to maintain a state and resist tyranny.

De g boys village person gen-gen fall my hand if de raina faf

5959f5 No.320195

Found a translation of the UN declaration of human rights & lazy copy/pasted the relevant bits. It's actually a little more comprehensive since the liberalisticists principles only cover about 20% of the document.

I present:

Liberalisticist Pidgin Translation

Individual Rights

Everione naim get duty to im society wey e de live, for am to make sure say e develop imself well well


Everione naim get right to say im wan de for goment of im kontri if di person like e fit be say naim go de there by imself or if e like, e fit choose person wey e wan make e de for di goment.

Economic Freedom

Everibodi naim get right to own propati of im own

Freedom of Speech

Everione naim get right to tink or talk wetin e like about any mata. Naim be say wen di person tink about wetin e like, nobodi get right to say make e no tink like dat. Even sef di person get right to look for or get any information wey e like from any where.


Everi human being, naim dem born free and dem de equal for dignity and di rights wey we get, as human beings, God come give us beta sense wey we de take tink well well

Blind justice

Everi one naim de entitle to say wen e face people wey go judge am, dem must to make sure say mago mago no de wen dem de do im case, if dem say e do something wey e bad. Everibodi as di law, talk naim goment must to protect, if anybodi wan do dat kind ting to person.


Everione naim get right to do di kind religion e wan do. Naim be say person fit change im religion or wetin e tink say naim be di truth for im religion.

898c21 No.320196


He's technically right

We wuz the sun and shieeet

c3acdc No.320197

File: 9fded30cd5597b4⋯.png (107.18 KB, 268x309, 268:309, sides.png)


Your work has not gone unnoticed.

3e6c94 No.320198

File: 1a7e4ac1978878c⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 640x513, 640:513, 1505938367411.jpg)


I've never seen so much gibberish just to explain one point. How in the fuck, could this have happened?

24d22a No.320199




If this is the Reconquista Germanica server, they had a hand in the IOTBW stuff in Germany. When I think of dangerous people in Germany they wouldn't be my first thought tbh. Liberasemites are really reaching.

5959f5 No.320200

File: 4efc67079e2232b⋯.jpg (492.62 KB, 1515x2079, 505:693, familytree.jpg)


thanks lad


>How in the fuck, could this have happened?

pic related

Now someone just has to tell the stepfather that the universal declaration of human rights stole his principles

b1880d No.320201


>used to pretend to care about free speech

>now tries to get opponents jailed for jokes on the internet

top pilpul

24d22a No.320203


Remember that in Europe, if you get jailed for this shit they throw you into prison with a bunch of blacks and browns. Remember the guy who put bacon in front of a Mosque? Died in prison, most likely beaten to death.

b1880d No.320204


I don't know any details about this particular group, but I know there is a big #DB20 going on atm about 'refugee''' rapists, so this would be a useful reframing for (((them))) to have

52bd77 No.320205


Also, your attorney basically can't speak in the court room or they get thrown in jail for hatespeech as well.

5959f5 No.320206


Kevin Crehan - the prison finally finished it's investigation just before christmas, after alomst a year - inquest into his death is coming soon

0775d2 No.320207

File: 5c497363770eefc⋯.jpg (122.68 KB, 888x765, 296:255, bacon sandwich.jpg)

b1880d No.320215

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Where do these little pro-Kraut channels keep coming from?

52bd77 No.320217


This faggot must be irish with all the fucking talk about potatoes.

52bd77 No.320218


>I'm not trying to make a moral relativist argument like the other side does this so my side should too

Morals are and always have been to some degree relativistic, I tried to explain this to some faggot skeptic a while ago with self defense but he just called it a false analogy and started sperging out.

d34aad No.320219


He clearly sounds like a spic. It's just not a mexican it's a South American

d4f44f No.320220


You're definitely right on him being South American, I can't quite place the accent though

t. chilean

586ee5 No.320221

File: c0f01d61d700b78⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 478x361, 478:361, the joke.jpg)

bdc1de No.320222


CoachKinoPill is that you?

b1880d No.320223

Veeh and Woes are sperging out at one another on twitter


020d0c No.320230

File: f09ed37ac3808f2⋯.png (137.13 KB, 597x501, 199:167, Scrotums.png)

File: 32181a8a7ddeb2d⋯.gif (263.97 KB, 350x231, 50:33, baitman yes.gif)

File: 2eef149201afe58⋯.png (949.06 KB, 740x720, 37:36, smug rin.png)

fbd651 No.320240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm starting to get pissed at these "alt-right" people as well

>hurr lemme sit on Twitter all day while Muslims and Jews destroy my country. Activism? I could get hurt!

e8f4c1 No.320241


90% of them don't even have weapons or martial arts training and would either blow or roll over with a light breeze or slope respectively.

e8f4c1 No.320242

Man looking through this "Alt right leaks" account, it looks like SPLC/ADL/JIDF/MSM tier lies and misrepresentation.

fbd651 No.320244


Like I'm not saying "no fun allowed" or I wouldn't be here myself. All I'm saying is people like Woes should be getting fit, learning more and trying to spread the word online AND offline. The Internet is an important tool, but to reach a wider audience outside of your own circle, people need to get into the streets. If they're too pussy to stand and fight for their beliefs IRL, they're a LARPer plain and simple. Woes needs to cut the Coca Cola and get jacked


e8f4c1 No.320245

e8f4c1 No.320247


Just to add, that no fun allowed on /pol/ is why I'm here, you can actually talk about what you want and make fun of retards. As well as any mention of getting /fit/ or reading books being an instaban because of the turkroach in charge.

fbd651 No.320248


Only trouble for me is avoiding LARPers and out-and-out skinheads. I'll probably have to try to organize locally within the next few years. Sick of sitting around on the Internet

e8f4c1 No.320251


That and spooks.

24d22a No.320252


If you just sit around waiting for the race war you're stupid anyway, because if it hits (big if imo) you'll end up isolated and wrecked. You need to build something up, engage with the people around you, either to affect change or be ready when it all comes crumbling down.

New Morgoth stream by the way, no big drama but he is usually very succinct with his thoughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riWAJg7423o

b1880d No.320254

File: 1e78e3430b44ff4⋯.png (425.73 KB, 834x1196, 417:598, Vee would side with the Mu….png)


Vee doesn't want mummy's special friends, Ahmed and Abdul, to get hurt

fbd651 No.320256


How are spooks even detected? I suspect they'd be stupidly obvious or overly radical / Atomwaffen-tier autism. Any nascent fascist movement is going to have this problem

>hey kid, wanna bomb a federal building?


Thanks, I love long streams so I'll give it a listen

24d22a No.320257


Muh horseshoe.


>millions of africans waiting to come over

>trucks crashing through streets

>criminal governments opposing their own population on behalf of ZOG

>main threat is obviously some shitposts

I hate the Sargonites, everything they stand for and all their fans.

b9c849 No.320259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JF is debating someone on White nationalism right now

24d22a No.320260


He only recently started streaming, he has a few more up. Also some long talks with MW and a blog that has been up for years, usually focussing on (((pop culture))), cultural marxism and historical chosen people shennanigans.

fbd651 No.320261

File: aec302d045179bc⋯.jpg (440.31 KB, 600x846, 100:141, bangbusvee.jpg)


I've watched Woes for years and he has never said anything near genocide. Jesus Vee is retarded

89895d No.320264

File: 8ad59380bfc2c9f⋯.png (324.46 KB, 650x594, 325:297, pepe stare.png)


>it's a "being a white nationalist means you cannot care about literally anything else besides whiteness" episodes

24d22a No.320265


Distributionist is the very definition of a Christcuck.

52bd77 No.320266


Yeah my people.html page didn't even have his youtube on it.

d34aad No.320268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Want to feel temporarily suicidal? Hear Vee's criticisms of the Alt-Right live in Sinatra's channel

bd9a55 No.320269



52bd77 No.320270

Why the fuck did 3 streams get posted at once yet again? I swear this general is cursed.

bdc1de No.320271


>when you join #TeamAbdul just to spite ebil rayses

Can't expect much from that low gypsy IQ

89895d No.320272


I'd "love" to tune in but I don't want to hear about horseshoe's, Vee's cummies, and Romania under gommunism

52bd77 No.320274


Someone should shoop him into that image of the screaming "Muslim". The one who turned out to be a mossad agent.

52bd77 No.320275


MW retweeted and pinned it. The comments are going to be amazing.

8951ab No.320276


There's an rss feed for them, put it on your phone and you'll always be notified.

fbd651 No.320277


Lol I'm gonna sign this email up for a bunch of fetish sites

8951ab No.320279



Sinatra/vee 190+ viewers

JF 680+ viewers

24d22a No.320281


Over/Under that Krautkike is involved in this?

fbd651 No.320282


It being a German discord that this person is "leaking" from, fairly high

b1880d No.320284


I cannot express how excited I am to see Kraut's future career. He is going to end up being a bigger cow than anyone predicted.

89895d No.320297

File: 44f343e485250a2⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 1242x613, 1242:613, anglin vs sargon.jpg)

my body is ready

ddb941 No.320298

File: 45ca7d3b27a08b1⋯.png (469.33 KB, 900x506, 450:253, well-done.png)


Watch, this enabling of Merkel will cause even stricter internet laws in Germany and even more people will hate him.

I hope Season 2 of Kraut somehow ends in a courtroom.

89895d No.320300


I'm hoping Kraut goes forward with his "debunk the holohoax" series and does such a piss-poor job that the Austrian official drag him off to jail for effectively committing holocaust denial.

fbd651 No.320301



Fuck, how good of a debater is Anglin? Is he better than he looks?

14d81b No.320302


This one's gonna be great!

ddb941 No.320303


Anglin is a sensational jew autist. Sargon probably picked him because Spencer is too hard.

89895d No.320304


It will be good. Anglin is extremely underestimated because people who don't pay too much attention just write him off as "le dumb skinhead nazi", when he's actually quite articulate.

fbd651 No.320305


I'll laugh if he still embarrasses Sargoy. He'll make the change from cringy retard to full-on lolcow if it turns out looking like he lost even a little bit

24d22a No.320306


I'd say he is cuckpol level and not afraid to employ personal attacks.

89895d No.320307



Anglin is better than Implicit Dick at debate, because of the way Spencer beats around the bush and speaks in purple prose and high-concept shit rather than keeping it more grounded for people to get what he's saying. Anglin is much more to the point and would be much better at just tearing into Sargon and shutting down his dumb bullshit.

Spencer should've been easy mode in a debate, but the fact that he got curbstomped by Spencer means anyone else will completely destroy him.

14d81b No.320308


He seems mostly like a shitter who'll take the piss out of Sargon, if Sargon falls for his attempts to rile him up and makes him seem like an extreme autist then he's pretty much over.

6ba2ee No.320310

fbd651 No.320311

File: 75fc5567c8889c9⋯.jpg (412.55 KB, 804x861, 268:287, ALERT.jpg)




89895d No.320312

File: e17dc33ae79270d⋯.jpg (162.97 KB, 968x745, 968:745, laughing big guys.jpg)


sweet baby jesus, I cannot believe the madman actually did it. And there's not even plausible deniability when this is the same guy doing stuff like Tilly Law, Operation Mackerel, and having a chain of people pass along dox to KF so that he can cite it while pretending he didn't put it up there in the first place.

24d22a No.320314


I told ya.

ddb941 No.320315


I don't understand this at all. Spellcheck is free.

24d22a No.320316


Also, fuck this guy. This is way worse than anything he is done before, we got new hate speech laws in Germany. He even made videos about it before.

fbd651 No.320317


Maybe Kraut's computer only corrects German words if they're misspelled

14d81b No.320318


>Tilly Law

I still can't believe he wanted to fool anyone with that obvious pornstar name

716676 No.320319

File: a447cfb3527f079⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, poptepipic-rider.mp4)



6ba2ee No.320322

File: 683b127c36f4cc0⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 601x556, 601:556, andy face.jpg)

File: beecad164810e19⋯.png (100.13 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Adam racewarski pilpul.png)

File: 0d58725ad5763b1⋯.png (175.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, chuckles in frog.png)

e8f4c1 No.320324

/r/ing archive/pics of kraut's "the germans are coming" FB page posts to compare linguistics. Looking atm, can't find.

e8f4c1 No.320325


Or any forum etc posts.

fbd651 No.320327

fbd651 No.320328

File: a836d2dc411d1a3⋯.png (181.55 KB, 1221x847, 111:77, IMG_0134.PNG)



Sorry to double post, but I just realized that the facebook is still up and still posting. Latest post was yesterday. That archive I posted is from a month ago

6ba2ee No.320333




Still looking for those forum posts but alt tabbing between 3 things atm.

0775d2 No.320346


Everything is still up here:

http://www.thethinkingatheist.com/forumPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD-Ask-a-Blind-Girl?pid=477401&highlight=nipple%20clamps

Threads he posted in:


e8f4c1 No.320351

File: 65a805a869083d2⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kraut is too dumb.mp4)


43ace2 No.320352


you're a real human bean and real hero

e0cc43 No.320357


Nice find. Soemone needs to look into how old that account is and the time difference between Alt Right leaks posting and Traut retweeting

5b97bc No.320358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This guy is looking into it, he hansn't sourced anything, so far.

0775d2 No.320362

File: 22741eceb9c0b77⋯.jpg (328.77 KB, 641x845, 641:845, siegheil.jpg)

File: 46a138733781f7a⋯.jpg (157.83 KB, 376x550, 188:275, 3.jpg)

File: 6232e908227cd99⋯.jpg (289.86 KB, 539x819, 77:117, 4.jpg)

File: 82869a85a8ebb2c⋯.png (88.66 KB, 997x405, 997:405, 6016cc4cd195ba07210d500d7f….png)

File: 877e65e10f14bc1⋯.jpg (495.06 KB, 1078x889, 154:127, fb.jpg)

I can't believe that Kraut came back and decided to continue where he left off. He's so self-destructive. This will be great.

32232b No.320369



43ace2 No.320370

File: 34ce8c65977550c⋯.jpg (109.84 KB, 966x732, 161:122, kraut nececisty.jpg)


here's another example. keep a look out for these mispellings in altrightleak's posts.

c3acdc No.320376


>whatever side you're on i'll join the opposite

What a rational and skeptical point of view.



>tiny genitals

Sick burn, Kraut.

c7855e No.320382



I mean my english isn´t perfect either, but this just hurts. And he wants to pretent that he is some sort of intellectual? The funny thing is he´s going so far to fake a completely bogus english upper class accent but can´t even spell the most common words correctly.

65e31c No.320388


t. American who only speaks one language c'mon anon

eabf64 No.320390


My browser has a spell check function so even if my spelling is off I'm alerted by a red underline.

t. poly-lingual Originally typed as polylingual before my browser corrected me

5959f5 No.320391

File: c92e999e2bafcca⋯.png (14.79 KB, 450x265, 90:53, gbolaa.png)


thanks lad


I was able to learn a whole new language in an evening, whilst being drunk - but kraut still can't spell his father's tongue

65e31c No.320395


Maybe he's trying not to rely on spellcheckers, they make you lazy. I know a few who learn English from TV, and some of them are shit at spelling, they read, but not in English. I know some who read a lot in English because the translations don't exist for the books they want to read, or the translation is shit in their language and their spelling is perfect in English.

t. multilingual (English is my first language) with polyglot and multilingual friends and family, with English not as a first language and English as a first language.

I don't know if he said he reads his shit in English or not. I don't think he reads a lot, I think he spends too much time being a drug addict. That's my theory given his behavior and the amount of colds/flus he gets


You can read it, I bet you can't speak it

4f1843 No.320424



That's a challenge anon. You've gotta give us a webm or vocaroo of you reading the Liberalist principles in Pidgin.

fbd651 No.320426

File: d4129f6fb9f699b⋯.png (147.24 KB, 1242x998, 621:499, IMG_0137.PNG)

File: 9c7b2dd512900d2⋯.png (196.07 KB, 1242x1098, 69:61, IMG_0140.PNG)

File: a71addeac1937dc⋯.png (254.52 KB, 1242x1478, 621:739, IMG_0142.PNG)

File: da4033d93bcf721⋯.png (230.25 KB, 1236x1513, 1236:1513, IMG_0144.PNG)

File: 171b0ac9a106b07⋯.png (215.36 KB, 1242x1059, 414:353, IMG_0139.PNG)

Here's a time comparison of some Kraut replies and Altrightleak tweets. Not sure if there's a way to tell when someone retweeted something so this isn't perfect. Still really makes me think…

fbd651 No.320429

File: d87e477f5041e3f⋯.png (241.15 KB, 1229x1277, 1229:1277, IMG_0147.PNG)


Forgot one image

b9c849 No.320430


If you actually click on the tweets to go to the comment chain there should be the time and date on the lower left hand corner.

fbd651 No.320433


Looking at that, it varies between literally one minute for a reply, to around twenty minutes. This combined with the mispellings, the Altrightleak account being a small presumably new Twitter, I'm still thinking this account is a Kraut (((trick)))

b9c849 No.320435


Should be worth it to get screencaps of it with the time in case Kraut does damage control again and deletes them

fbd651 No.320436


Good thinking. I'll grab em in twenty minutes or so. Hopefully he doesn't randomly delete between now and then

c3acdc No.320438


So Kraut is using a sockpuppet to point out that the alt-right is bad for using sockpuppets

fbd651 No.320440

File: 621ee92092dd073⋯.png (14.97 KB, 633x168, 211:56, cuck.PNG)

Can someone post the cuck post Kraut made on the forums for me? I want to pair it with this in the compilation of tweet / retweet times along with this

89895d No.320442

File: f54b3621a6ccf51⋯.png (85.7 KB, 1502x383, 1502:383, kraut literal cuck.png)



fbd651 No.320443

File: a649c0d25c314cb⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, kraut.jpg)


Thank you, anon

5b97bc No.320446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0775d2 No.320448


Yeah, there's no doubt that Kraut is at least working with Alt-Right Leaks, but we definitely need to find out if the account is him.

I think it is. And this is only the first taste of his retarded "REEEEvenge!!!!".

He's like those villains from action movies that have already been dealt with by the hero in the final scene, and instead of playing dead and live to fight another day he goes for the nearest gun and gets a bullet right between the eyes.

c3acdc No.320450


Didn't he threaten to abandon some girl in the countryside because she wouldn't make out with him? Seems a little hypocritical.

89895d No.320456


considering alt-right leaks started up at the same time krautkike decided to come back, along with the focus on germans and the exact same idiosyncratic spelling errors, there's a 99.99% chance it's all him.

0775d2 No.320457


This chick:


I think he tried to rape her or some shit.

It would be great to get her on a stream to talk about it.

0775d2 No.320459


She made her tweets protected recently, probably when he came back.

fbd651 No.320460

File: eb5b2beadee712e⋯.png (208.26 KB, 517x816, 517:816, complete1.PNG)

First comparison, tell me if it is blurry or anything. I am also going to be underlining misspellings made by either account

0775d2 No.320463


ONE minute apart, and probably even less that we're unable to see.

fbd651 No.320468

File: 169019b353610e3⋯.png (668.57 KB, 1193x822, 1193:822, krautcomplete 2.PNG)

This is the last one I can make for now. I'll do some more in a few hours. I have all the posts I want to do saved so no risk of Kraut deleting

c3acdc No.320469


Now we just have to see how triggered the account will be over this picture, and we'll know for sure it's Kraut. He gets furious when you imply he's a brainlet.

fbd651 No.320470


I'll tweet these first two at both of them and a few other accounts like Braving Ruin, AltHype, JF and see if I get a response

fbd651 No.320471

File: e679ce397ddad70⋯.png (333.29 KB, 1242x1541, 54:67, IMG_0151.PNG)

Anyone who has a Twitter should try to tweet it at these people to see if we can get a response out. I tagged Gonzalo for added lulz

b9c849 No.320474

File: 347515bc87efdca⋯.png (199.08 KB, 517x816, 517:816, kraut altrightleaks 1.png)

File: 6afe18453c22bc6⋯.png (599.69 KB, 1193x822, 1193:822, kraut altrightleaks 2.png)



Edited in archives for when Kraut goes full shut it down mode

fbd651 No.320478

File: ccde10f7fb4ebcd⋯.png (75.98 KB, 483x343, 69:49, cuckkraut2.PNG)

File: a0bf50f5dfb7b73⋯.mp4 (166.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Wpy0LcMpMehttNg0.mp4)

What the fuck is this video Kraut has tweeted at two people in response to insults? Is it him? Does he spank himself with that? Kinky Kraut at it again


a045b5 No.320479


I saw it as well. It confused #metoo.

There's a new thread, btw: >>320364

3799fa No.321071



Isn't that scots lied?

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