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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: e39ed76b94dc3e5⋯.jpg (318.2 KB, 804x861, 268:287, 75fc5567c8889c9565d8a36621….jpg)

cf80f8 No.320364

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

>MisandyToday is a MGTOW faggot who kept softballing him and claimed he dindu nuffin

>MisandryToday's twitch got shoahed for advertising sex dolls on stream.

>Destiny and Pascal Leroux are suspended from Twitter for doxing Tonka

>Destiny ordered his fangirls to mass flag people left and right in a fit of autism

>Vee claims whoever watches Dragon Ball is a pedo

>Sargon got butthurt at the "kick Vee" meme

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

>Jared Taylor goes on warski live, a dozen leftists bitch out

>Adam RaceWarski and Tonkasaw put on the SPLC Hate List, are now apparently banned from Israel

>'Alt Right Leaks' appears on Twitter, posting random screenshots from alt-right Discord servers and, for some reason, making the same grammatical errors as Kraut.

Sagas so far:

The Krautism Saga


The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism


Youtube RSS feed with all to date septics, lolcow enthusiasts and orbiters:


Old Thread: >>319712

aae38e No.320366

>Trout's never going to let this go is he?

Wouldn't be surprised if Sargon put him up to it.

764491 No.320371

File: 351444e0713b9a8⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Smug Anime Girl Laugh 1.gif)

>kraut made a new account

<didn't bother to use autocorrect

smugs were made for this

3e4ad5 No.320372

File: 4485f8d40b876d8⋯.png (710.65 KB, 1036x2197, 1036:2197, HORSESHOE.png)

File: 48e84d04bc1063e⋯.png (109.23 KB, 1035x580, 207:116, muh dick is important.png)

We've talked a lot about Vee's retarded horseshoe stuff, but surely this takes the cake:

>You think me talking non-stop about my masturbation habits is disgusting!? Clearly you should advocate for Sharia!

Also, he's almost gone full Sargon and started spamming non-white supermodels.

764491 No.320373


Vee is Sargon's lap dog, like Kraut used to be. It's actually quite common for a romanian to follow blindly anyone who either offers him gibs or beats him over the head. The questions will Vee betray Sargon when SHTF or will Sargon throw Vee under the bus to save his own skin.

736030 No.320375


>name me a country where interracial sex is illegal and yet it's a place where citizens have rest of their natural rights intact

The US for almost all of its existence.

28e725 No.320377



805ca7 No.320380

File: 4b1c808efe2ec50⋯.png (18.83 KB, 620x275, 124:55, CRP vs Kraut 1.png)

File: 2ce21bf5e286ba3⋯.png (16.81 KB, 618x225, 206:75, CRP vs Kraut 2.png)

File: 1f547ebc4a4f20e⋯.png (14.35 KB, 617x218, 617:218, CRP vs Kraut 3.png)

Kraut keeps hurting himself.

736030 No.320381

File: e95dfb4f600054d⋯.png (328.76 KB, 756x1130, 378:565, Vee and Based Black Sowell….png)

File: d19f454cc096f2b⋯.png (399.45 KB, 798x1294, 399:647, Vee and Based Black Sowell….png)

File: 40600da2e537ad5⋯.png (277.35 KB, 698x1152, 349:576, Vee and Based Black Sowell….png)

>look at this based black guy in a Trump hat

It's embarassing that Thomas Sowell is literally the only black he can think of

3e4ad5 No.320383


>It's embarassing that Thomas Sowell is literally the only black he can think of

There is one more intelligent black guy I heard of a while ago. A bit like Sowell, but more esoteric. Don't remember his name, though.

764491 No.320385

File: 1e10cfa6a2398dc⋯.png (258.17 KB, 549x560, 549:560, Question Mark Anime Girl 2.png)


Lots of feminist like arguments coming from Vee. Does horseshoe apply here?

e4c945 No.320386

File: 3884e9aa68bcae1⋯.gif (2.9 MB, 290x189, 290:189, ljk.gif)



bc0c69 No.320387


I know it's funny but also, Morgoth called them out as controlled opposition/tone police ages ago, way before the whole Kraut server. Civic nationalism will doom us all, just a bit later than outright multi culturalism.

Someone ask him how many more brown people we need to import until they start behaving like individuals.

805ca7 No.320389


He already deleted his fuck up tweet, but it`s still in CRP`s timeline.


3e4ad5 No.320392


It's still up:


764491 No.320393

File: 71c5f45d094e2ba⋯.jpg (107.41 KB, 771x829, 771:829, 1515325198342.jpg)


>how many more brown people we need to import until they start behaving like individuals.

W-what?! A single noble savage is far more individualist than some filthy white person! Muslim ghettos are comprised of individualists following a set of iron clan ideals. What do white people do? Adhere to political ideologies like white supremacism, that's what! If there were no british people in England then Britain wouldn't have a problem with pakistani grooming gangs, now would it? It's like you haven't even read Max Payne, fucking collectivist! The moment you give brown people white country citizenship they become individualists and follow western values and ideals. Do white people do that? Of course not! You are all right wing sjws.

805ca7 No.320394


Weird, when i go on his twitter that one tweet does not appear.

3e4ad5 No.320396


Twitter sucks. I think you need to press "Tweets & replies", and you need an account.

805ca7 No.320397


Ok nevermind, I guess just I can`t Twitter.

a39749 No.320398

File: c9e80b12cc67dd1⋯.png (60.7 KB, 554x546, 277:273, kraut is sauer.png)

File: cd0e52247c94f41⋯.png (43.83 KB, 553x502, 553:502, kraut quoting himself appa….png)

File: 01b4016af685577⋯.png (37.38 KB, 556x478, 278:239, when i proof.png)



I've archived his respones if you wanna see them. Also, do we have any examples of Kraut using "proof" instead of "prove" as a verb?

a39749 No.320399

http:// archive is/https://twitter.com/schick_benz/*

Forgot the link to the archive

bc0c69 No.320400


>Also, do we have any examples of Kraut using "proof" instead of "prove" as a verb?

It's a fairly common mistake imo. The syntax and punctuation match what I've seen from Kraut. So he had that sock account, the altrightleaks one, any more?

56adbc No.320401


>Account was created last september.

>Only became now active with the whole reconquista discord thing.

>It´s actually the only thing he has ever talked about

764491 No.320402


> reconquista discord thing.


764491 No.320403

File: c4c7d0890f0b95f⋯.png (81.49 KB, 479x404, 479:404, 9bf (1).png)


>Kraut makes multiple sock accounts

<looses track of which account responds to what and how

This was and probably still is the intellectual heavyweight of the Skeptic Community

f397d3 No.320404


Kraut's ops and dox discord?

764491 No.320405


I thought it was a separate thing.

bc0c69 No.320406


Reconquista Germanica, German dissident right organization, those are the guys he is leaking from. A bit LARPy but okay dudes.

e4c945 No.320408

So after barely a month Kraut is already back in full autism force?

28c232 No.320410




CRP drives these people wild. They can't not respond to his boomerposts. i wish he kept signing his tweets tbh


>a liberalist accusing someone of pussyfooting and being too afraid to place their principles on paper


736030 No.320411


Vee's principles: Things that hinder me being a hentai-simulator plapying, vore masturbating NEET are bad.

736030 No.320412

Can we meme Kraut into a live debate with someone? I doubt it since his comeback stream had to be on the most controlled, moderated hugbox possible, but on the other hand he is an attention whore

e4c945 No.320413


I wish we could have a stream with him and Jim, but i don't think he'll ever agree to it

28c232 No.320416


To convince Kraut of something, you'd have to manipulate him in a way where he thinks he's smarter than you.

When he got angry at CRP, it was because CRP accused him of not being as smart as he pretended to be. When he LEFT THE INTERNET FOREVER it was because he was shamed over his lack of intelligence. When he came back, it was because his discord buddies had crafted a narrative that allowed him to safe face (i was gaslit to think i was stupid when really i was smart)

I don't know how you'd go about it, but it seems his weakness is his public face being regarded as dumb.

805ca7 No.320418



He's too dumb to debate Jim. There we go, spread the word.

cc97ac No.320421

File: 74835cca0057a77⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 241x341, 241:341, fabio (1).jpg)


>Muh dick is the most private thing a man has

>that's why I'm going to tell the whole world exactly about what I do with mine via the internet

3e4ad5 No.320423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

764491 No.320425

File: 4552feebed25329⋯.png (124.46 KB, 347x300, 347:300, Commisar Hottits.png)


Positive support. He craves it like a whore craves her coke. All he needs are "yes men" just like Sargon and Vee. Give him that and he'll make part 5 of "The Alt Right is too stupid for Genetics". This lot is impossible to do any self improvement, even if their life depended on it.

Kraut will appologize to don Sargone and will become his lieutenant once more. This will upset the new blood, Leuise, and will cause drama. But the best part is that Kraut will initiate his cohorts into the new Liberalist movement and by the end of the year it will crash and burn.

bc0c69 No.320427


Smart. Clever. I like it.

e4c945 No.320428


Smarter and cleverer than Kraut

805ca7 No.320431


Also worth to remember, Kraut looks up to Jim and wanted to be the german Metokur. Let's tell him he will never be as popular as Jim, unless he gets on a stream with him. (That's a true statement anyway, as Kraut will have to face his detractors one of these days.)

28c232 No.320432


A dumb edgy internet memelord is smarter than Kraut.

cc97ac No.320434




Just mention that Jim never had to fake his Minnesotan accent unlike Kraut as well, for the cherry on top. That's what he went complete nuts at CRP about.

bc0c69 No.320437


Morgoth calling out Vee and the Jews, I hope Vee bites.

025d07 No.320439


Good assessment. Same is true of King Cuck Sargoy of well. Look at the way he spergs and lashes out at anyone who makes fun of him or calls him out on being a pseud.

736030 No.320441


Shame he is talking about retarded banking conspiracy theories, instead of talking about what Jews actually do

bc0c69 No.320444


That's what they do dummy, it's all downstream from capital control.

025d07 No.320445


>jews don't control the banks

top bluepill

d98ac2 No.320447



==Veeh== is now proud he has blocked someone and does not see how he has just become ==sjw== but it's ==Veeh== we are talking about

736030 No.320449


It's really not. It's their contorl of academia and media, which has very little to do with banking.


They control some banks obviously, but the overrepresentation is nowhere near as much as in academia or journalism or the media.

8d3c8b No.320451

File: 3cf9c22cb1e2bb0⋯.jpg (56.64 KB, 275x313, 275:313, veef.jpg)

Why can't the alt right beat this man?

8b1934 No.320452



Either way you're both missing the point - Jews don't do the things they do just for mere pocket change shekels; they want to secure the existence of their noses and a future for Greater Israeli borders. The shekels gained through influence are a means to an end.

f397d3 No.320453


I can't even tell if this is bait.

025d07 No.320454


It's all tied together and not mutually exclusive. They control intellectualism through academia, they control propaganda through the media, and they control politics through their use of wealth, largely obtained through banking and other market manipulation kikery.

bc0c69 No.320455


Why do you think they control academia and media? It's nepotism of course, but the education complex and media is also owned by Jewish money, as are the governments. Do you think objectively run universities would have allowed pseudo shit like psychoanalytics to run their shit for decades?

If you're ignorant about Jewish banking control you simply do not grasp the JQ or larger narratives about the big wars of the 20th century, the biggest one being of course Jewish financial capitalism (UK/USA/France) and Jewish communism (USSR) teaming up against European reactionism. World War 1 was also an attempt to get the monarchies of central and eastern Europe integrated into this system, and wouldn't you know it, right after the central powers were defeated we got Versailles, Weimar and a bunch of Jewish coups and revolutions in Hungary and other places.

764491 No.320458

File: ed9a2d7968585c5⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, 649x654, 649:654, Amused Anime Girl 34.jpg)


All those sjws are probably laughing their asses off right now, as are we…………………holy shit the horseshoe

e4c945 No.320461

File: 902a43347a324b7⋯.jpg (60.96 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 902.jpg)


Hoshoo thowry cunfirmd

28c232 No.320462

File: 789fde5da3d5562⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 613x204, 613:204, veekumite.JPG)


I know you're being funny, but I have a good answer.

At one point in one of Vee's early appearences on the Kumite, he and AP got into some argument. AP paused for a second, realizing was bloodsport time, then went into a pretty funny rant tearing Vee apart in a very wrestling-ish manner.

All of his insults and jokes just seemed to bounce off Vee. He just kept whining in that annoying voice without even realizing how badly he was being torn apart. In the end the chat gave it to Vee by default because AP couldn't crack him.

Simply put, he's either too dumb to know when he's being BT FO or so autistic he doesn't realize how bad he looks when he says the things he says on twitter, or talks about masturbating to hentai games with his cats on Christmas.

Niggers could be raping his mother to death and he'd just be streaming D&D and complaining about collectivists blaming his mother's rape on ALL niggers.

805ca7 No.320464

File: 95ef25ca9afe52c⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, 5467642562365.jpg)

Can't put shame into a man without a sense of it.

d98ac2 No.320465


Also where is the last thread where some anons used Pidgim/nigger English to describe their principles. It was so amazing.

28c232 No.320467



bc0c69 No.320480

bc0c69 No.320481

062560 No.320482

File: 75fc5567c8889c9⋯.jpg (412.55 KB, 804x861, 268:287, ALERT.jpg)

File: eb5b2beadee712e⋯.png (208.26 KB, 517x816, 517:816, complete1.PNG)

File: 169019b353610e3⋯.png (668.57 KB, 1193x822, 1193:822, krautcomplete 2.PNG)

File: ccde10f7fb4ebcd⋯.png (75.98 KB, 483x343, 69:49, cuckkraut2.PNG)

Didn't realize there was a new thread, reposting some of the evidence I've compiled

3e4ad5 No.320483

File: 746e9e834b3dc3f⋯.png (42.27 KB, 960x264, 40:11, 1.png)

File: b7e370aa9cb94ca⋯.png (185.44 KB, 1071x857, 1071:857, 2.png)

(((Free Speech Warrior)))


Good! That needed to be reposted.

062560 No.320484

File: a0bf50f5dfb7b73⋯.mp4 (166.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KrautKink.mp4)

File: d81ba5c81e3e603⋯.png (39.97 KB, 714x161, 102:23, LOL.PNG)

3e4ad5 No.320487


He replied to several people with that video. It confuses me that he thinks it's a good rebuttal.

1e5eb3 No.320488

How does Trout seem to be so fucking bad at writing English?

He speaks it just fine.

062560 No.320490


Knowing Kraut he probably likes to wear his nipple clamps and spank himself with that


My only theory is that he doesn't have an English spellcheck but only a German one on his computer

28c232 No.320491


Because he's stupid, smokes too much weed, and doesn't read anything. He just gets other people to do the research for him while he rips bowls and angrily tweets.

bc0c69 No.320492


More importantly, since it was so easy to figure out those accounts are him and Vee heartily supported him - does that mean Vee and Sargon welcome him back into the fold?

e4c945 No.320493

File: 25766e8c0cd22b0⋯.png (9.05 KB, 404x102, 202:51, top coherence.png)

28e725 No.320494


BDSM warrior

062560 No.320496

File: fcc62f9089e901d⋯.jpg (149.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 02 smile.jpg)

I was just starting to lose interest in all of this when, all of the sudden, Kraut returns with his sock-puppet and Sargon schedules his debate with Anglin finally. The ride never ends

764491 No.320499

File: ab1289fd21d2d49⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 828x404, 207:101, Consider this Ominous Poss….jpg)


He was never exiled away from the fold to begin with. This has been orchestrated since day fucking 0 to end the way it did, albeit not as fast as it did. I still don't buy that the atheist forum account find was as genuine as it appeared, it was on his Steam account but the forum itself was a strange find. All of this was most probably done to get Sargon's political career started, and if that really is the case then this was a very shit attempt at that. The fucker that found the forum , the account and then the SPO political connection had a german flag. It was way too fast and convenient.

617e4f No.320500

File: 681a3b5b3e1490e⋯.jpg (220.88 KB, 631x492, 631:492, vee friend zoned.jpg)


That sounds like a challenge.

How can this be done?

062560 No.320501

File: 18454d2d598d74a⋯.png (775.16 KB, 1218x626, 609:313, tempted.PNG)

File: 457bb56e90aea68⋯.png (16.68 KB, 251x234, 251:234, next.PNG)

File: dbd324fd80b9e31⋯.png (80.87 KB, 458x402, 229:201, lmao.PNG)


I'm surprised messaging his mom didn't do it before. If we can gather more evidence of Vee being a dirty degenerate I'll message his mom again. Also, we NEED to find a way to contact his father. It'd be funny to send shit to him to. Mothers can probably overlook their sons' flaws better than fathers

857612 No.320504


Homer Simpson boxing episode.

857612 No.320505


Needs to lay off ze beers

d98ac2 No.320506


his father probably does not have facebook.

062560 No.320507

File: 636939ad665440b⋯.png (426.2 KB, 413x515, 413:515, VEE'S DAD.PNG)

File: 4429237b6e72874⋯.png (616.61 KB, 1210x634, 605:317, HUSBAND AND WIFE.PNG)


That's what I've been thinking. I looked back a week or so ago, and I can only find these two pictures of him. No name, no nothing

857612 No.320509


People who don't use social media, still most often use email. Was his name tagged on facebook images?

764491 No.320510

File: f0424aad5c086ac⋯.png (101.01 KB, 392x356, 98:89, Smug Anime Girl 16.png)


They could be using the same facebook account. If so his father already knows the fucked up shit his son faps to.

You hear that Vee!! You papa knows you're a vorefag, a failed doctor and failed lawyer. He knows you suck Sargon's dick for shekels.

062560 No.320511


I'll go back onto the Facebook and look

d98ac2 No.320513

File: 0ea1d9c1e5abb4e⋯.png (50.7 KB, 1305x663, 435:221, 1517008942403.png)


He is probably old school, thinks that the internet is stupid when it comes to communicating with people.


if he is retired he probably does not use email as much.

062560 No.320515

Doesn't seem like anyone is tagged in this photo. I've never used facebook so I could be wrong. Here's the link if anyone wants to dig around themselves


062560 No.320516

File: 8dece12eeb27564⋯.png (514.36 KB, 497x494, 497:494, kekistan.PNG)

File: b851a54b70a31b5⋯.png (515.43 KB, 497x494, 497:494, kekistan2.PNG)


54fed6 No.320517

File: 654f5daa062f7a8⋯.png (62.97 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 7d7d2a6584ff7eb7bc654af38f….png)

File: b51c11aa121bde5⋯.png (37.85 KB, 125x190, 25:38, b51c11aa121bde582e0a3d613e….png)

File: 40c928c1b563059⋯.png (39.83 KB, 606x606, 1:1, fear_grimace.png)

File: 9d17c89fb01aa2a⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 600x331, 600:331, 9d17c89fb01aa2a905c8ccc449….gif)

File: 348fa749cc0329d⋯.jpg (177.69 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 3ee6005838b38747656a0ee472….jpg)


>soyboy smile

025d07 No.320518

File: f29cc5ec615b59b⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 500x368, 125:92, soy face behlit.gif)


>receding hairline

>nu-male glasses

>estrogrin facial expression

don't let you memes be dreams

4610eb No.320520

File: f6a174705787db3⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 3415x3046, 3415:3046, 4a43a1375617e446248a0272d0….jpg)


You have not yet begun to comprehend the horror.

That Kraut guy though. He's just going to keep doubling down, this is quality material, I just can't understand lolcow psychology. Why is he doing this alt-right doxing shit? Everyone thinks Cernovich is a lisping monkey joke whom everyone but his milquetoast fans uses as a punching bag but Kraut thinks he's going to save his career by taking cheap shots at him? Why won't he stop? Stop, Kraut, stop. But we all know he's going to fuck the chicken until there's nothing left but blood and feathers.

062560 No.320521

File: 8dece12eeb27564⋯.png (514.36 KB, 497x494, 497:494, kekistan.PNG)

File: bbfbbacb8ffbea2⋯.png (255.69 KB, 339x304, 339:304, mihai mudure.PNG)

I'm about to have some fun, am I correct in thinking this is the same person. Just making sure I'm not a face-blind autist

025d07 No.320522


>I cannot understand lolcow psychology

I imagine it's like the sunk cost fallacy, like a gambler who's already wasted his last paycheck and feels compelled to spend even more in the hopes of recouping his losses. They get blown the fuck out, look like fools, and they just keep trying and trying to do damage control. But like struggling in quicksand, the more they try to fight, the more of a hole they dig themselves into.

None of them seem to understand how the internet works.

025d07 No.320523


They look very similar, but the dude in the picture with Vee has a large brown mole on his neck.

Also, someone shop that picture so that the guy doing the OK symbol is actually holding a tiny person, looking like he's about to feed Vee and satiate his vore fetish.

d94ca3 No.320524

File: 9a5692d06b3bd28⋯.png (145.63 KB, 754x606, 377:303, gypsyseal.png)


This gets Vee's seal of approval.

062560 No.320525


Damn it, I should have noticed that I want to message his friend about his degeneracy

54fed6 No.320526

File: f3301a160ea0e77⋯.jpg (245.61 KB, 994x745, 994:745, f3301a160ea0e77ae206f2c094….jpg)

File: 7674ee1d5b689d0⋯.jpg (199.66 KB, 866x768, 433:384, 5d1212effcc59a2f2f61223861….jpg)

File: 69e08feeac120c9⋯.png (341.58 KB, 413x443, 413:443, 4tLysS.png)

File: 41793de10d39fb3⋯.jpg (149.73 KB, 666x972, 37:54, 615e0ed45e39976cd7a70a199f….jpg)

File: d9165ee78bd0179⋯.jpg (120.13 KB, 960x837, 320:279, fear_grimace_explanation.jpg)


>You have not yet begun to comprehend the horror.

oh, but I have

bc0c69 No.320527


He doesn't have anything else. Since Krautgate blew up he sat on other servers planning his revenge (and likely gathering the info that he leaks all the time now). Last week he said he was going to take a vacation, look at what he's up to this weekend.

062560 No.320529

File: 282c079b3680532⋯.png (412.37 KB, 315x570, 21:38, autism.PNG)

Does this man have autism?

e4c945 No.320530

File: c3fb8a77d8cfc18⋯.png (329.88 KB, 497x494, 497:494, 8dece12eeb2756436017978d21….png)

025d07 No.320531

File: 20d4e1c03282c92⋯.jpg (73.25 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe groyper.jpg)

f397d3 No.320532


What is that on his palm? Did he sneeze in his hand or something?

d98ac2 No.320533


Look at the mess of that tie, how do you fuck up such a simplistic thing?


Huh, how old is the pic? It's no wonder why he is bitching now when it comes to comics. Even tough comic books have been shit since 2010 or so.

062560 No.320534


He's in his thirties and that pics about two years old

e4c945 No.320536

File: 22bff5e5402c840⋯.gif (161.58 KB, 257x394, 257:394, veere.gif)

28e725 No.320537


This one's perfect holy shit

062560 No.320539

Can't find the guy with the mole on his neck in his 400 friends. He might be in there, but there're so many

28c232 No.320540

File: db36eff1f1e5daa⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 593x543, 593:543, kek.JPG)

d98ac2 No.320541


Age has nothing to do with tie, it's something any self-respecting adult should at-least know how to make a tie pleasing.


that pretty good anon.

062560 No.320543

File: 87dbcb1a2cfbc8f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 921x528, 307:176, codrin3RE.PNG)

File: 3367bdf539c64c3⋯.png (1.06 MB, 921x528, 307:176, codrin3.PNG)

File: 900042a3626058a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 777x493, 777:493, CODRIN5.PNG)

File: 1116a5fbbc516b7⋯.png (1018.34 KB, 910x448, 65:32, CODRIN6.PNG)

File: 8cdf644535677ce⋯.png (822.66 KB, 815x507, 815:507, VEE7.PNG)

New batch of rare Codrins

025d07 No.320544

File: 353fb09a2e88ec3⋯.jpg (79.97 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, mutts congress.jpg)


Jesus christ, is this 100% romanian phenotype? I had two romanian doctors as professors in school, and they just looked like normal people. These things look worse than 56% Los Goblinos Oscuros.

Also, note Vee doing the soyface again.

3e4ad5 No.320546


Is he a manlet?

857612 No.320547


At least 2-3 of them look like kikes to me anon

e4c945 No.320548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This was him back in 2009

It's like years of degeneracy and being Sargon's lapdog consumed him

062560 No.320549

File: d471e65b6ad3622⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1141x585, 1141:585, vee and mom.PNG)


You tell me, anon

025d07 No.320551

File: d4fc7f89a4f0e9f⋯.png (968.02 KB, 921x528, 307:176, untitled34.png)


well kikes are the original inbred mongrel people, after all. I'm fairly positive these two in the front are kikes, especially the girl with the gal-gadot-tier sloped forehead.


Damn, this nigga used to look fairly normal. I guess this is what spending years as a shut-in neet shitting his pants and doing nothing but consuming hentai and sargon's cum will do to someone.

f72019 No.320552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



736030 No.320553

File: 9427882acd536ab⋯.jpg (180.31 KB, 650x1052, 325:526, STOP.jpg)


The best argument for no-fap

062560 No.320554

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)


W-what happened to him?

d94ca3 No.320556

File: d9f7d048f31252c⋯.jpg (151.8 KB, 600x441, 200:147, soynotevenonce.jpg)

062560 No.320557

File: 7c445af45cde4ae⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 824x464, 103:58, merger.mp4)


>it's a yellow-fever fag episode

764491 No.320558

File: fcc893b24c00778⋯.jpg (16.28 KB, 400x250, 8:5, It's all a joke.jpg)


>8 years in university completely down the drain

>4+ years of sucking Sargon's dick

>picking a fight with anonymous

These 3 things can destroy a man

RIP in Pepperoni when?

736030 No.320560


>Jared Taylor grew up in Japan


>[photo-shopped picture of chink]

d94ca3 No.320561


I don't remember what year the video was uploaded where I screenshotted that from (left), but it might be earlier than 2017 even. Which just makes it worse.

d94ca3 No.320562


I meant RIGHT of course, not left.

28c232 No.320563


It looks like a totally different person.

025d07 No.320565


Jared Taylor has literally never advocated for hapa futurism. He says he wants japan to remain japanese and america to remain (return to being) mostly white

I don't know why fags like this can't comprehend that just because a group of people is smarter than us means we should want them infesting and taking over our country. Yeah, importing millions of chinks wouldn't be as objectively bad as millions of niggers, but I still don't want to give up my country to either of them.

857612 No.320566


Woah, he used to be adorable, now he's repulsive…. Vee, if you're reading this,


764491 No.320567

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, Vee.jpg)

>Vee 2050

>Chinks have infested Romania

Aaah, muh booming romanian individualistic economy

>gets noodle pack

We have so much wealth and freedom

>gets entriched protein pack that looks suspiciously like dried up shit

Our people are free and wealthy

>Chinese propaganda blasts off from street speakers mounted on buildings

And my glorious chink wife is playing with her fully chink children and my mixed mongrel which I'm so proud of, along with their chink uncle. My genes have made it.

>wife screams in chink

Truly wonderful society. My genetic son doesn't go to school and is free to pursue his individualistic desires to his hearth's cocks

>kid gets ready to beg on the street for money

Unlike those FILTHY COLLECTIVISTS in all the surrounding nations

>scoffs in Sargon

Sargon sensei warned me about them. Such FILTH.

>reaches for trashcan to pick up a meat patty of unknown origin

Do you know what they do? I WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY DO!

>gypsy voice

Those fucking right wing SJWs are forcing, FORCING, their children into schools, where they teach them how to fly spaceships! Can you imagine the authoritarianism?! Do you know who processes their toxic materials?! We do!

>chest beat

Because WE ARE FREE! What possibly could they need from their entire population knowing how to fly spaceships and other useless things. Why do they need doctors? Can't they just get them from other countries. CAPITALISM RLZ!

>angry face

And do you know what they do (head twirl) DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DO? They have eugenics! UNBELIEVABLE!

>laughs in Sargon

Those collectivists, actually think that high IQ will make their nations superior. What are they gonna do, put it on ID cards


And while those morons are on their way to the moon to establish a city there (scoffs) or their expeditition to the mars. They are so irrelevant. Fucking nazi

Well, I hope you enjoyed this video. I will ebeg now. My son is working and I have to pay my university fees for my new degree in gender studies.

062560 No.320568


It's because these faggots misunderstand and misrepresent us (willingly or not, it doesn't matter) as


Where in reality, it is at its most fundamental level just wanting to have a country where my people - people of European-descent can have a land of their own. IQ has nothing to do with it. I do think Western civilization is the greatest this planet has to offer, but even if I didn't think that, I still don't think we should have to justify keeping our countries pure while niggers can't have any whitey or its "colonialism"

025d07 No.320570


Exactly. They seem to think that we talk about IQ as a justification for wanting whites-only. No, the reason for discussing it is because all the disparities except jewish influence/power we see between groups in society can be chalked up to IQ.

Even if my people had an average IQ of 85, I'd still want to preserve them rather than just replacing them with smarter gooks.

d98ac2 No.320571

File: f149c25cae78f18⋯.png (702.46 KB, 1060x1110, 106:111, f149c25cae78f183952eb2c0a8….png)


I dunno whenever I hear people say east Asian as super smart or something in that nature. I can't but help that most people don't understand that most Asians are fucking cold some are really damn stupid.

And the sole reason why not wanting a bunch of chinks is that they've used to double prices, and if they can get away with it, everything will be double prices and really dirty cooking oil.

In short don't import the chinks because one thinks they are smarter.


Fuck, the paranoid letters from H.P Lovecraft when it comes to the chinks and how things would change in the west are spot on.

1e5eb3 No.320572


We really didn't deserve Lovecraft, he was unsuccessful in his day and he didn't even want to publish most of his works, but he still pushed on.

cf80f8 No.320573

File: 8fa8bc5d186e478⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1357x927, 1357:927, 8cc98bc78a8930fcc65bdcc98c….png)

Who wants to bet that all these retards are still scheming with Kraut on another Discord server or Skype group how to take down the Alt-Right?

28c232 No.320576



They take single issues and deconstruct them without considering the whole.

>whites in general have better IQs

<who cares though? IQ doesn't matter! asians have higher IQ anyway!

>whites are also less likely to commit violent crime

<who cares though? we can fix that with education! what about hitler? he killed six billion!

>whites care about small government, liberty, and free speech more than nonwhites

<who cares? we can use tax dollars to buy them loki books! once they stand on the magic land, they instantly become individualists!

>whites are our ancestors, our extended family, our distant brothers and sisters

<who cares? it's just a skin color! are you saying you can't be friends with black people? look at this one in a MAGA hat! do you hate him?

>whites are a net positive to the economy, non whites are a net negative

<who cares? that's silly! nonwhites work just as hard, we just need to give them some money for dem programs so they can get good jobs and start paying taxes!

With all these issues combined, it becomes clear that wanting a white ethnostate is a noble goal. They have to separate the issues, use the old Sargon "who even cares?" trick with each individual one, and then willingly ignore the forest for the trees.


He was shilling a discord group on twitter. I wouldn't be surprised if he had one just for inner-circle planning.

062560 No.320577


The biggest Jewish trick of all is the concept of "THE ethnostate" that people seem to think we want, some sort of pan-white superstate utopia. It's never "in AN ethnostate version of X" it's always "in THE ethnostate". More needs to be done to combat this disinfo. To me at least, it's about taking back our countries one by one. A France for the French people, a Germany where Germans don't have to hate themselves for being German, a Britain where you can be proud of being Scottish, Welsh, English, an America with (at the very least) a 75%+ white majority, strong immigration laws, less Jewish subversion. It's not that hard to understand

025d07 No.320579


I agree. I'm not going to attribute any malicious intent to poison the well on the part of Implicit Dick by propagating that term, but it really is annoying how every conversation gets derailed with people conception of what it means.

"We want our nations to go back to being racially/ethnically homgeneous, as they ALL were just a few decades ago". That's all there fucking is to it.

062560 No.320580


I can see how the misrepresentation came about at least. I've considered making a YouTube channel to fight against this shit but figured I'd rather figure out a way to prepare to do stuff IRL one day. plus I don't want talked about in these threads kek

3e4ad5 No.320582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



A great man, author, and poet.

062560 No.320583

Chinklover and Sargon stream was just pushed back 65 minutes

28c232 No.320584


Do you think it's because they saw the stream was full of wrongthinkers, or is Sargon just a lazy fuck?

062560 No.320585


Probably Sargon being lazy, I'm sure they'll sperg out about

>muh altright boogieman

once it starts though.

500744 No.320587


I think people like Vee are just being willfully ignorant when they say things like that tbh, since they can never actually cite anyone who says it, and none of the alt-right people they've talked to have ever said it. It's just another way of causing European/American d and c (like Sargon's retarded 'white was invented by Americans' meme). I think he was trying a similar d and c thing with 'Southern Europeans and Slavs aren't white' but it completely flopped

3e4ad5 No.320589


They'll latch on to anything.

025d07 No.320590


They're definitely being willfully ignorant. These are the same people who unironically pull this "what even is white??" shit. Does anyone actually get swayed by it? I'm so tired of people pretending they don't understand a concept that everyone has been using and plainly understanding their entire lives.

28c232 No.320592


Yeah, they want to deal with immigration on a case-by-case basis, then act blown away when white nationalists suggest the same thing.

062560 No.320593

File: 0d828b413ab8c6f⋯.png (10.28 KB, 581x126, 83:18, shitstormwhen.PNG)

Gonzalo just took the bait from the tweet I made earlier. It should start to get a bit more attention now.

062560 No.320594


Just got like six likes at once and another retweet already after he retweeted that. I hope Kraut will see it

9e38b7 No.320595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sargon has constructed a strawman of what wn/alt-right is and judges them as (1) monsters if they live up to it and (2) "cucking" on "their" principles when they don't.

this is wired since he made a more nuanced video on the alt-right not that long ago.

185d11 No.320598


Sargon is a 1/8th jewish eternal anglo. This is nothing new.

44fa97 No.320599


But the purpose of this video was to horseshoe, including how they fit into the definition of a cult by some big brained nibba's. Instead of addressing it honestly he will straw forever to these topics and the narrow definitions around it.

185d11 No.320600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guys, I think I just found vee's theme song.

Gypsy kings - Soy.

3e4ad5 No.320601


That video isn't all that nuanced. Check his script/sources: https://therationalists.org/2016/03/23/an-honest-look-at-the-alt-right/

The first few sections have a lot of sources, but most of the thing is completely without sources, and full of errors. He talks about how the AR wants a safe space, he has a section titled "Feelings Are Important", and he rights

>Functionally, these people are no different to social justice warriors. In many ways, the Alt Right is the ideological mirror of the Progressive Left, believing that all the same issues are valid political topics to be approached using the same tools, such as collectivism and authoritarianism.




Is this true or just a meme?


Kek. Your post is worthy of those dubs.

903a19 No.320602


>chad vs virgin meme reaches peak tragic

d94ca3 No.320603



062560 No.320604


Pretty catchy tbh

857612 No.320605

File: 4d8505fe1b0d700⋯.png (1010.77 KB, 3160x3254, 1580:1627, 4d8505fe1b0d7001651707a3f6….png)


"blah blah blah blahblah soy, blah blah blah blahblah boy"

It really is

500744 No.320606


I guess I do want a safe space for my children to not be bullied/murdered/raped by foreigners, so I am just like an SJW tbh

025d07 No.320607



>white safe spaces

It's literally just the "white fragility" meme repackaged

>haha what's the matter goy, too afraid to live in a society where your entire people and culture have been dispossessed and replaced by hyperviolent peoples hell-bent on your destruction? What are you some kind of pussy?

764491 No.320609

File: 4b7ee23ebcc92db⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 423x439, 423:439, Umaru laughs at your attem….jpg)


You're just a filthy collectivist bigot goy. What you need is a good heavy dose of liquid individualism and to live in a muslim ghetto. That will teach the values of individualistic multicultural islam. State enforced liberalist islam will set you free. Age is just a number anyway.

d94ca3 No.320610


>the Alt Right are the same as the Progressive Left, therefore they're bad…

>the Alt Right are the opposite of the Progressive Left, therefore they're bad…

Wew, it's like a belt-fed machine gun firing horseshoes.

c90b23 No.320612


Skeptic™ man, his super power is hurling horseshoes with startling accuracy as regardless of what they hit he considers it a bullseye.

3e4ad5 No.320615


>and he rights

I need to go to bed.


You shouldn't mind Sargon. He's pro-equality of opportunity, pro-wealth redistribution, and anti-discrimination. This pretty much makes him a Stalinist. Would you trust Stalin?

Also, on that topic, he's pro-free markets, anti-equality of outcome, and pro-individualism. This of course makes him a Randian Objectivist, which is also bad.

And before any of you extremists start claiming these two ideologies are completely different, remember that they're both filled with Jews, take principles to their logical conclusion, and see the well being of the individual, rather than some higher, transcendental purpose, as their goal. Thus, they're completely identical.

062560 No.320618


God I don't even know if I want to watch this

28c232 No.320619


I saw that, too. What disgusting nutriders. I bet the average age of the Sargonite is 14.

764491 No.320620

File: d82bdf9cd7d86af⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, The unnecessary should be ….jpg)


>This pretty much makes him a Stalinist

>This of course makes him a Randian Objectivist

And he also vehemently claims he's neither. This is just like Political Sargons a few years back: "If you don't want antifa to redistribute the wealth, you need to redistribute the wealth" or "If you don't want muslims to establish sharia law, you need to establish sharia law, so they don't do it you dummy". Doesn't anyone remember Political Sargonism? Where a janitor should be payed enough so he can buy a ferari, and the CEO's wage should be cut because fuck him?

062560 No.320624






Is this the underaged stream?

062560 No.320625


9e38b7 No.320628

>I'm open to discuss with them but they won't

AltHype and JF would love to debate you. You won't even respond to their videos.

062560 No.320629

This is fucking insufferable. I tweeted Louis to get someone with an opposing view on

a39749 No.320630


No one ever said that, he's being trashed for looking like a degenerate and exposing his kid to dildoes

637193 No.320631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks a fucking bunch for ruining what was once a beautiful Discord server, you altright soyboys.

764491 No.320633

File: 8120d4d000772ec⋯.jpg (281.35 KB, 599x780, 599:780, Rage.jpg)

>I'm making a political movement

>I haven't picked a side


062560 No.320635

File: d49d7bc20f8813e⋯.png (171.38 KB, 371x399, 53:57, sargoy.png)

Why the fuck do people donate MONEY to criticize them? Holy shit

9e38b7 No.320636

File: cf5b6ab4a420ab6⋯.png (688 KB, 724x1248, 181:312, abo vs asian.png)


>mixing this will create the Übermensch

e4c945 No.320639

File: 3fafa4041f2b8ea⋯.png (53.27 KB, 917x419, 917:419, Hungarian liberalist 1.png)

File: d294426e2bdfa60⋯.png (64.07 KB, 892x442, 446:221, Hungarian liberalist 2.png)

>Hey go- guys how do we poz Hungary?

500744 No.320640


This might unironically be Soros funded

cf80f8 No.320642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the stream btw. Haven't seenit embeded yet.

28e725 No.320643


Wouldn't be surprised if the Liberalists(tm) get partially funded by uncle Soros in the near future or if they're already being funded

cf80f8 No.320644



Ah shit, I'm stupid

062560 No.320645

File: 87f18e0cfb3ada8⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 673x917, 673:917, Hitler6.jpg)

>it's the feminists!

>it's the SJWs!

Once again they see the symptom of the modern malaise, but ignore the (((CAUSE)))

8edb09 No.320646

File: ab40426b56eee54⋯.png (113.83 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2b71a9129ae7384f5077719b23….png)


I can never tell if Vee is intentionally misunderstanding what others say or if he really is so retarded that he can't comprehend it.

025d07 No.320647


I've seen a theory floating around over the past year that Sargon is being paid to act as opposition to white nationalism. He was anti-"alt-right" from a few years back when he got B.T.F.O'd on a MW stream and sperged out about it, but he really started focusing on anti-white-nationalist propaganda in spring 2017, coincidentally after some big conference (vidcon?) where he met a bunch of people from MTV. The theory goes that MTV is paying him to make this sort of cocks.

I don't know if there's anything to it. His actions can easily be explained without 3rd party (((special interest))) funding, if you just recognize that white nationalism is direct competition against Sargon in the public space, and he could be trying to stop it just to prevent it from out-competing his brand.

54fed6 No.320648

File: b30281ac0ca87e6⋯.jpg (201.62 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 05e6c26ac72f782e01aa7cf3db….jpg)

>throwing kraut under the bus

they're eating their own

637193 No.320649


Listening to this now, the Liberalist Discord server is peak autism

062560 No.320650

Fuck, JF retweeted me and my phone is blowing up now with likes and retweets. Gotta turn notifications off. At least the Kraut theory is spreading

e4c945 No.320651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, CRP was the one that started that rumor

a39749 No.320652

>I don't get why the Right isn't mass tagging people with "Illegal Immigrant" in their bios

That's the one good idea Sargon's had.

d94ca3 No.320653


Nice, Anon. What was set in motion on this day can never be undone.

a39749 No.320654


wait nevermind, it's just a matter of tagging yourself to confuse ICE and let legit undocumented people free

44fa97 No.320655


Kraut had more people on his side for sure. Also he said on the recordings that Sargon was "OK with this" before. Anyone, what did Kraut meant when he said "Jim's friends are on the case" in the discord? Did he mean Something Awful goons?

062560 No.320656


Now we must wait for Kraut / AltRightLeak response

e4c945 No.320657


He meant foxdickfarms niggers

025d07 No.320658


People already are. AFAIK there are lists of twitter bios and dox of people who openly proclaim themselves illegal aliens. It's just that nobody is making a big fuss about it, because doing so would cause an #IAmSpartacus situation where every libcuck and kike will label themselves illegal aliens to run interference.

79f3cb No.320660




Too bad married a Jew, but I don't really put him at fault since they didn't have the accessible information we have back then about the (((Chosen)) and he never reproduced.

062560 No.320662

File: 51362a0e28db116⋯.png (1.64 KB, 116x42, 58:21, RIP.PNG)

>Braving Ruin retweets the Kraut tweet


9e38b7 No.320663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski live with GreatRedManace (archaeologists)

500744 No.320664

9e38b7 No.320665


who knows

a39749 No.320667

>If you want to change things, vote, you should stand in office

>That's what being Liberalist is all about, it's about going into politics

-Sargon and Louis

025d07 No.320668

File: 66a59de79daa431⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 469x331, 469:331, trump bernie pepe.jpg)


>we're going to make waves throughout US and UK politics!

>…by having the exact same positions as the unpopular cuckservatives/neocons

857612 No.320669


Good analysis.

>Sarkesian attacked his vidya gaems, this is his 911

>Incentivised by his own hedonism

500744 No.320670

This bitching about the alt-right on Sargon's stream is getting embarrassing. It's like in high school when the frumpy girls bitch at the pretty ones behind their backs.

062560 No.320671


Is he still going on about that? His image of the alt-right is a giant straw-man

28c232 No.320672


Andrew Anglin is in the Warski chat demanding to be let on to talk about ancient aliens. I sort of want to go back to the Sargon stream, but I'm afraid of missing Anglin sperg about reptilians.

857612 No.320673

sargon and lou 550 viewers

warski and jf 1440 viewers despite having some boring kikenigger on

857612 No.320674


sargon's stream is really shit and will be recorded anon

500744 No.320676

File: 5ee0ec049b0d655⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 850x995, 170:199, Projecting.jpg)


Louis keeps on saying that the alt-right are losers who don't have sex with white women.

025d07 No.320677

File: 49519862e241f38⋯.png (1.78 MB, 966x1346, 483:673, ancient cia.png)


more like ancient aryans

857612 No.320678


They've been projecting on le altright since their stream started. They really don't know what they're doing.

f8edb5 No.320679


nigger sargon started larping that he was a religious leader and let other more entertaining people suck up a larger audience.

500744 No.320680

<I'm going to finish up looking at this article about the US' Muslim immigration by asking what would the alt-right say

<look at these sand-niggers ……… hitler shit his pants and did nothing wrong

Louis is truly a comedic genius.

857612 No.320681



54fed6 No.320682

File: 5a1952da9cecc83⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 5a1952da9cecc8342f87a985eb….jpg)


good thing I'm not alt-right

025d07 No.320684

Is this archeologist a kike? He mentioned jews and israel a few times, and I'm pretty sure he has an israeli accent.

857612 No.320685


don't know, spidey senses tingling, what's his name?

28c232 No.320686

File: 92009826bcc5f8e⋯.webm (1.38 MB, 360x360, 1:1, when the redpill hits.webm)


How deep do the memes go?

025d07 No.320687


Dunno his real name. Here's his twitter


28c232 No.320689


Seems like an anti-racist Mexican communist sympathizer.

1ae230 No.320690


>Trump hatred is too fucking big for mainstream media in general.

>While Kraut and Sargon are pretty anti-white nationalists, they are still pro-Trump. Sargon is the only person I see still unironically supporting Milo too

>I haven't even seen MTV get talked about anymore. Except maybe by Bearing and I forgot he existed

>Killroy was a disaster

>I also don't remember them going forward to any of what he said to my knowledge.

>Not trusting Laci Green, but tries to hire people "like" her and worse than her

>Andy Warski still holds his older beliefs, but is more flexible with all the guests he brings in.

Didn't work out too well. But I find it silly and unrealistic how people here think they had to be bought. Most of the Anti-SJW crowd were/are left leaning liberals. They were before the SJWs and Anita came in. They just attracted the right wing and white nationalist because they share a common enemy. They just have vary degrees of what they accept or not. Warski and Jim are kinda like that too. Its all peer pressure and compromise with the Anti-SJW crowd in general. Thunderfoot is the only one who I actually respect as a person.

bc0c69 No.320691


Where? I've been out of the loop for a couple of hours. These things move crazy fast.

025d07 No.320692


>we need to impose universal human rights


54fed6 No.320693


i think it was around 20min in on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DDDoeVPBGk

857612 No.320694

f8edb5 No.320697

>you have to babysit the muslims

this guy

857612 No.320698

Andy's red pilling has been completed.

bc0c69 No.320699


What theory? That he is behind those altrightleaks accounts?

28e725 No.320700


What's happening?

f8edb5 No.320701

>"you have to take in the muslims no matter what"

how about you guys in Spain let all the muslims in your country?

>"actually we tried to help them in their country so we could keep them out but you guys made us stop"

okay yeah that's a good idea, lets help them in their own countries and keep them out of hours, if we absolutely have to "babysit" them

>b-b-but that's not fair because its easier for you to close your borders than me

062560 No.320702

File: 75fc5567c8889c9⋯.jpg (412.55 KB, 804x861, 268:287, ALERT.jpg)

File: eb5b2beadee712e⋯.png (208.26 KB, 517x816, 517:816, complete1.PNG)

File: 169019b353610e3⋯.png (668.57 KB, 1193x822, 1193:822, krautcomplete 2.PNG)

File: a0bf50f5dfb7b73⋯.mp4 (166.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KrautKink.mp4)

File: 5d673a69ba86688⋯.jpg (163.6 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, kraut2.jpg)

bc0c69 No.320703


Yeah, saw that here last night (for me). Good that it's getting traction.

f8edb5 No.320704

What makes normies excited to be cucked like this guy?

54fed6 No.320705

File: c8e9a1f84065382⋯.jpg (256.19 KB, 2040x738, 340:123, 2ef29b98ff4b3e2d94be95f9f3….jpg)


there's no going back for him

e4c945 No.320706

File: 3e3fab4aad8a6e3⋯.png (22.61 KB, 523x168, 523:168, Based Mama.png)


Yeah, back then i loved how he managed to rustle a lot of jimmies with that video, but looking back at it he clearly missed the mark on pretty much everything

Also, top kek

f8edb5 No.320707

>Canadian culture isn't real

absolute trudeauist

28c232 No.320708


A marxist is demanding the islamification of white societies while at the same time saying it isn't happening.

062560 No.320709

File: ffde4551caf7a74⋯.png (121.92 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1474675433950.png)


>tfw you remember you used to LARP as a Communist because of Call of Duty and supported LGBT shit when you were a teenager

025d07 No.320710

File: 61821ef33dec6c3⋯.gif (995.41 KB, 257x194, 257:194, big boss thumbs up.gif)


>tfw raised in an unbroken conservative household and never had to go through an angsty leftist LARP phase

54fed6 No.320711

File: f7d644960c6b124⋯.png (1016.13 KB, 900x900, 1:1, f7d644960c6b1247c3f0ad41b1….png)


>tfw the farthest left I got was lolbertarianism

3f70e1 No.320713


>tfw my multi-culti middle-school and national education system red pilled me, and made me a reactionary

e4c945 No.320714

File: 23dd0859f5a395f⋯.png (29.95 KB, 633x758, 633:758, 1430453422386.png)


>tfw got into an argument with a friend back in my teen leftyshit phase about how muslims are good people who dindu nuffin which almost ruined our friendship

215551 No.320715

File: 6d0f43c9c188da5⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>tfw even I was a lolbertarian I was very right wing

f8edb5 No.320716


>tfw larped as a communist in high school because my marxist educators sold it to me as the real redpill

79f3cb No.320717





Lol you faggots me too fuck, still least we're redpilled now than never

4610eb No.320718

File: 8664bdb5ad0f1a2⋯.png (192.32 KB, 742x372, 371:186, Capture.PNG)

By the way,

>could not even be assed to mock up his own "Right Wing Leaks" icon and just copy-pasted the Wikileaks lolo


062560 No.320719

File: 9c14d8572a87ce6⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 963x489, 321:163, IMG_0156.JPG)

File: a3d6e11ab0992b7⋯.png (187.95 KB, 1232x842, 616:421, IMG_0157.PNG)





At least those days are over…

025d07 No.320720


Yeah, there were always two types of lolbertarians. The ones who were low-key racists who just wanted to avoid associating with or paying for niggers, and the ones who wanted the "freedom" to go around shoving horsecock dildos up their assholes without being judged for it.

79f3cb No.320721


Just remove the pinko pin shit then put on an Iron Cross and you'll be good

54fed6 No.320722

File: 51889261eb7ece5⋯.png (523.86 KB, 2400x3000, 4:5, 51889261eb7ece5704454b1953….png)

File: f5debf62c7f1898⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 900x600, 3:2, acf6a6cdfadbef38e8a78eb09b….jpg)

File: 935c020aab85b67⋯.png (11.26 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, e16a71accd0c1b8294bd41fece….png)

File: 83e03033d9319f6⋯.jpg (28 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, eceb2f1ba430f66eeece924c7e….jpg)


the realization that the shitskins would vote to suppress my rights started me down the path to the far right

e4c945 No.320723


>1st pic

Put Randomercam in the last panel

025d07 No.320724


literally nothing wrong with ushankas. Just not with the LARPy H&S pin

a39749 No.320726


>tfw i chose to speak about communism in first year of high school to trash talk the ideology

>tfw 90% of my class and the girl i had a crush on were far-leftists

I don't know whether to feel proud that I caught on quickly that leftism was trash or that I couldn't change my classmates' political leanings

857612 No.320727

I hope you're in my country, time for putsch

062560 No.320728



Yeah I still like ushankas. I just gotta throw out the hammer and sickle. I also had a commie flag laying around but I'm glad I threw that shit out.

062560 No.320732


Another thing that I experienced from my commie LARP phase was that I never read any of the shit, I just liked the Soviet aesthetic and some of the music. That's probably common

28c232 No.320733

This absolute cuckold. I'm glad this stream got interesting, but fuck am I triggered.

857612 No.320734

JF for president

bc0c69 No.320735


Did someone come in and fuck them up?

88654e No.320736

File: b2bed915dda35c8⋯.png (45.23 KB, 470x364, 235:182, 1424047477699.png)

<Ladies and gentlemen, cuckoldry.

f8edb5 No.320737


>tfw when he's the sort of person educating our youth

28c232 No.320738


No, but JF called him a cuckold and is clearly pissed.

025d07 No.320740


tbh I had to turn it off because it's just the same thing I've heard a billion times over. Immigration, culture, etc. I'd prefer they just talked about ancient history and stuff like that.

857612 No.320741

>History doesn't work de way

The spanish kike knows you mush lead history

857612 No.320743


*know de way

857612 No.320744

>I'm not having kids, fuck your kids

54fed6 No.320745

File: 20a7bc3f33f2fe1⋯.png (371.82 KB, 749x413, 107:59, 3776d4a287b0340208253dd5ea….png)

>how much do you know about arab history

I know it was some arabs that were responsible for the complete destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria

f8edb5 No.320746

just alahu akbar my shit up fam

54fed6 No.320747

File: 91753f0fcf05b64⋯.jpg (71.12 KB, 772x507, 772:507, 91753f0fcf05b647a8969fcbcc….jpg)

>I lived in Israel for a while

025d07 No.320748


IIRC they destroyed a fuckton of ancient egyptian architecture and used the raw materials to build mosques and stuff too. Like the limestone cover that used to be on the great pyramid.

28c232 No.320749

>i lived in israel for a while


857612 No.320750


InterestAn Hero


Andy: Can you ask if he's an Israeli-Spaniard?

Is this you anon? :D

f8edb5 No.320751

File: 344d225ae70bef6⋯.jpg (231.81 KB, 850x446, 425:223, adam-jq-warski.jpg)

500744 No.320752



Watching how Jews act is the best redpill

03894f No.320753

File: 45467789fa8b180⋯.png (879.33 KB, 1269x1920, 423:640, 45467789fa8b180c40af023b5f….png)


JF is preheating the ovens as we speak

54fed6 No.320754

File: 0e995f59431fd68⋯.gif (425.43 KB, 900x540, 5:3, 0e995f59431fd687e28a83eb0b….gif)


a lady never asks and a gentleman never tells

857612 No.320755



857612 No.320756


I respect you either way anon.

f8edb5 No.320757


>so israel has a political interest in keeping muslims out

>huh? w-what?? b-by not accepting muslims you are eliminating western values in canada!

a39749 No.320760

I believe someone said that Israel was western, am I crazy or are there people dumb enough to believe that

857612 No.320761

Andy, gets better every day.

28c232 No.320762

File: d20dbba9c24bb96⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, jewsface.jpg)


You can bet the normalfags watching who just do the "lol joos ((())) hahaha" thing as a meme are slowly beginning to realize the stereotypes are real.


I especially liked

<israel has a political interest in keeping muslims out

>do you think it's legitimate?

<no. well, yes. but no not really. but, well, yeah.

54fed6 No.320763

File: c35427b9c0e78c0⋯.jpg (163.43 KB, 960x624, 20:13, 1438727623644-2.jpg)

>the terrorist attacks are at an all time low in the UK

215551 No.320764

>Israel is more complicated, the UK n the other hand should be true to it's western values and let the in

Yes, Israel is very (((complicated)))

0cf0ce No.320765

857612 No.320766

JF is good at dissecting kikes

f8edb5 No.320767






500744 No.320768

File: 50d75374a779b9e⋯.png (431.63 KB, 1384x827, 1384:827, Anti Alt-Right brigade.PNG)


>this is the best Kraut's bois have to offer

a39749 No.320769

Is this kike really talking about the wrongness of arbitrarily suspending human rights when Israel is the king of doing exactly that?

28c232 No.320770

File: 6dac663ace075da⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 1100x766, 550:383, 3abc08153999a08c3330872e55….jpg)

>halting muslim immigration will destroy the country

Hand-rubbing intensifies

f8edb5 No.320771










03894f No.320772

File: 10eb6bb65badda8⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 501x585, 167:195, 1463720747716-0.jpg)


>if you decrease immigration then you are just like North Korea goy

54fed6 No.320773

File: 339bcbaa6ee5d0f⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 288x288, 1:1, 1440214121460.jpg)

File: 142a66da46b728b⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 320x232, 40:29, 1435108993695.jpg)

File: e33146ea2291aa2⋯.png (478.68 KB, 1182x740, 591:370, 4d4cfe4c707c91aa14f2891954….png)



>mfw burger

>mfw I don't have to care what the world thinks

025d07 No.320774


>Wrong Bishop



>Black Lightning

>Kristi Winters


>Kevin Logan

>Alternative Facts




>senator bernie sanders

This guy is a walking stereotype

343789 No.320775

>Just started watching Andy 6 million Morski

>Kike getting gassed

My sides

a39749 No.320776

File: 6cf79ef6f5eb26d⋯.png (360.6 KB, 858x725, 858:725, 6cf.png)

I swear to God the pilpul is off the fucking charts, how the fuck have Jews survived this long.

4610eb No.320777

File: a611ea3a7c52160⋯.png (716.3 KB, 755x502, 755:502, arch-kikess salle.PNG)

jej Adam Warski thought we were kidding about the jews. Now he's seeing first-hand how inarguable Hitler's rightness is.

f8edb5 No.320778


>tfw the kike that triggered hitler probably argued just like this

e4c945 No.320779

File: 494d7f5ab9126c3⋯.png (141.82 KB, 435x439, 435:439, 1511780450301.png)


>Pascal Leroux




857612 No.320780

File: 24a2732c177ee07⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 512x848, 32:53, 24a2732c177ee079c39e6a35ad….jpg)


Hitler had the patience of a saint

500744 No.320781


Someone should tweet lines from the passage at him without telling him who wrote them

28e725 No.320782

>I immigrated to Spain


857612 No.320783


He's a kike for sure

54fed6 No.320784

File: 6bdfeff130208ac⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 616adc3ba8d3ab2e8316362f7e….jpg)

>you cut out completely

025d07 No.320785


I fucking knew it. He sounds slightly like Javier Bardem, but IMO he really sounds like he has an israeli accent. Compare his accent to Netanyahu's

f8edb5 No.320786

>if that's what you want to do i guess we can discuss


025d07 No.320787


Whenever someone says this, it's guaranteed that they are at loss for a counter-argument and are trying to buy time to formulate a response and/or get the opponent to drop a particular issue

857612 No.320788


Yeah, the israeli accent sounds french.

500744 No.320789

>these people claim they have a high verbal IQ

343789 No.320790

File: 39d91293040ad91⋯.webm (1.7 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, laughs.webm)

>Unless they're a Jew like you

54fed6 No.320791

File: 51a953e9f4ad73d⋯.gif (1014.7 KB, 460x266, 230:133, 51a953e9f4ad73d1128d9b9902….gif)

>unless they're a jew like you

857612 No.320792



03894f No.320793

File: 1fef6b340952ef6⋯.jpg (54.03 KB, 225x237, 75:79, smug JF.jpg)

>unless they are a jew like you

JF has been overdosing on redpills

857612 No.320794


28c232 No.320795

File: 0c5faa5cc88cba2⋯.gif (2.72 MB, 520x292, 130:73, 0c5faa5cc88cba246f322ac111….gif)

>JF names the jew

857612 No.320796

Heil JF

f8edb5 No.320797

>this is who runs the world

500744 No.320798


a39749 No.320799

File: 106c26fa6e744bf⋯.png (10.89 KB, 560x407, 560:407, 1385854051677.png)

>Just deport them and make them stateless, not a problem goy

>Oy just drop them in Antarctica you goyim, why not

This kike clearly doesn't care about people outside his tribe, gas him already

28e725 No.320800


Before he said that the Israel thing is "complicated" I knew he was a kike, before that I thought he was a Muslim because he didn't sound like a Spainard at all.

500744 No.320801

>Gareth has spent nearly $100 on signalling

f8edb5 No.320802


we're all soulless animals to them

857612 No.320803


Kill this kike

54fed6 No.320804

File: e320a01a75520af⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 600x300, 2:1, 1429593590737.gif)

>are you looking for a job at cnn

a39749 No.320805


They might say it's just Talmudic shit from thousands of years ago and that they're mostly atheist now, but it seems like their religion runs through their blood.

215551 No.320806


The thing is even the atheists jews interact with the hardcore religious ones constantly throughout their lives and that way of thinking becomes ingrained due to how often they interact

062560 No.320807

File: cb557d1f65ba464⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 709x245, 709:245, 1476757405370.jpg)


4610eb No.320808

JF is basically reproducing Mein Kampf through convergent evolution in talking to this kike.

857612 No.320809


Wat? please explain

025d07 No.320811


I thought he was a kike as soon as I heard him with that accent, but his pilpul, living in israel, defending israel's borders, etc just confirm it.

He also just said "oy vey".

f8edb5 No.320812


This is exactly how an abusive parent controls their children

>If you don't do exactly as I say then your brother or sister will do better than you

>remember your siblings are always plotting against you

025d07 No.320813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>if you don't take in immigrants you'll miss out on the one-in-a-million shitskin genius who will instead immigrate to another country and they'll get the genius and wealth instead!

Taking in 1 genius isn't worth it if statistically it takes 1000 violent retards to get that 1 genius. Also, diversity literally depresses creativity and scientific achievement.

Here's Faulk's video on the subject

28e725 No.320814


Look at Gareth Green, he keeps signaling his individualist(tm) bullshit every once in a while. Check out this most recent gem

>Nations and cultures are primarily founded on BELIEFS, not DNA

50bfa2 No.320815

File: 5b5dfefad164564⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 621x767, 621:767, muslims sexual abuse.jpg)

>small risks of immigration

03894f No.320816


Check the superchats, he will pop up again shilling multiculturalism

28e725 No.320817


In superchats I mean

062560 No.320818

File: 11dd3f20b23f7aa⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 260x293, 260:293, 1482967913496.jpg)

>Don't you want the best of the best, goy?

857612 No.320819

Warski argues in good faith because he's a retard. And I like him for it

Kikes and leftists treat him like lying shit, right wing treat him like he's arguing in good faith. Warski is the best red pill right now

0cf0ce No.320820

File: d3d1d8824ea20a1⋯.png (227.3 KB, 510x448, 255:224, JF_OURLEAF.png)

857612 No.320821

Pity you can't super chat in crypto

28c232 No.320822


I've also noticed the guests always like to argue against Warski, and they'll think they've cornered him on something because he's dumb, but then JF tags in and destroys what the guest said and makes them look foolish. It's a neat little system they've got going. At first I wondered why JF always let Andy ask retarded questions, but now I get it.

025d07 No.320823

File: a6d1ea67b1d6599⋯.jpg (125.6 KB, 1284x980, 321:245, homer universe.jpg)

>literally just invoked MUH HOLOCAUST

f8edb5 No.320824

>you have to accept all immigrants and have them replace white people or else you will become north korea and let russia win

>muh 6million was the greatest crime in human history

54fed6 No.320825

>why does israel exist?

it exists because the anglos gave them the land

062560 No.320826

File: 0275c9c79fd15f5⋯.jpg (286.95 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, auschwitzholohoaxdoor1.JPG)

Holy fuck he just changed the topic on justifying Israel SUPER quick

4610eb No.320827


Warski is like a middlebrow Joe Rogan.

215551 No.320828

>Why does Israel exist



28e725 No.320829


025d07 No.320830


Except Rogan is a kike shill who pretends to be for free speech while never allowing anyone on that's further to the right than (((Ben Shapiro)))

Ande is much better because he has a TRUE open platform

f8edb5 No.320831


why would anyone want to kill people that argue like this, i have no idea

f6008c No.320832

>muh holocaust

8b1934 No.320833

File: 9bc4d767d8fdad2⋯.jpg (179.48 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, (you).jpg)


4610eb No.320834

File: 4c6d7020b563beb⋯.png (211.37 KB, 489x544, 489:544, 4ac74bdcc50d5160e3f7380438….png)


857612 No.320835


Warski is often right because he's honest, he's not duplicitous. I and I know most people can smell that a mile away, respect that. That's why these kikes and sargonites will lose.

857612 No.320836


Oy to the Vey, it was real in my mind

062560 No.320837

How long until we see him screaming about lampshades and bars of soap?

857612 No.320838



025d07 No.320839

File: 2978c197b704d56⋯.jpg (62.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, come on idiocracy.jpg)


He's making the claim that since zyklon B's active ingredient is cyanide, and cyanide is used in real gas chambers, then we still use zyklon B pesticide to gas people.

This is the equivalent of saying since lethal injections are potassium chloride, and potassium chloride is used in hospitals in IV drips, that every hospital is giving potassium chloride lethal injections

025d07 No.320840

File: 219e277547c7918⋯.jpg (920.52 KB, 1312x2248, 164:281, gas chamber holocaust door.jpg)

>muh gas chambers

062560 No.320842

File: 52de49d445a5eb1⋯.webm (4.26 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Kostbarste Besitz auf die….webm)

These streams are making more anti-Semitic. Does anyone else feel it? FUCK

f8edb5 No.320843

File: 15b08fa5d25e559⋯.jpg (273.02 KB, 1172x791, 1172:791, anglo.jpg)

>no culture is eternal

025d07 No.320845


>don't bother trying to preserve your ethnic group because it will go way eventually!

>also we need closed borders for israel becaues muh holohoax

a39749 No.320846


Honestly I felt like strangling him, at least he inspired me to read Mein Kampf

28e725 No.320847



Funny how there's ethnicities that have existed for thousands of years, including our (((Chosen))) friends and never seem to go away

28c232 No.320848

File: e8bc2734bcc4c4f⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 360x288, 5:4, planned_for_a_while, jews ….mp4)

File: 5c8c4927459d933⋯.jpg (274.05 KB, 1516x810, 758:405, 5c8c4927459d9332ffd46be00b….jpg)

File: 65987930ad7f17e⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 600x375, 8:5, jewish empathy.jpg)


He poopoo'd JF's analogy of a car driving towards a brick wall, but then his ending statement was "it's inevitable".

He wants it to happen. He thinks it's revenge for muh holocaust, and he doesn't want to hit the breaks. He wants the car to hit the wall, because he's mad at the driver.

062560 No.320849

File: c905d8fa3e13a8f⋯.png (167.59 KB, 450x275, 18:11, indoeuropean.png)

File: 30df8de5477225d⋯.png (73.72 KB, 560x556, 140:139, Aryan Prometheus MEIN KAMP….PNG)

Ancient Aryans is unironically the truth

025d07 No.320850

File: aab58a821e4faa9⋯.jpg (587.85 KB, 1578x1546, 789:773, ancient aryans.jpg)

79f3cb No.320851


One of the bottom pic looks like a MidEastern Varg

9e38b7 No.320852

File: f18962d8106c09d⋯.jpg (70.22 KB, 850x400, 17:8, heideggr.jpg)

025d07 No.320853

File: 392179ca02fdfbe⋯.png (24.31 KB, 613x304, 613:304, greatredmenace4.png)

File: 25e17e806087e05⋯.png (28.3 KB, 608x329, 608:329, greatredmenace3.png)

File: f369fc8e9b545f9⋯.png (25.64 KB, 613x337, 613:337, greatredmenace 2.png)

imagine my shock, goyim

f8edb5 No.320854


Remember when Sargon was all like, "Anglos made it all the way to Iran?"

>Guy named Sargon of Akkad

>Doesn't know anything about Aryans

062560 No.320855

File: 51644d02b11ff67⋯.png (75.04 KB, 200x177, 200:177, lintahlo.png)


This doesn't even surprise me anymore. I just shake my head

5ca889 No.320857


I know, it's like every Jew they bring on acts identically to the ones Hitler mentioned in Mein Kampf.

9e38b7 No.320858

File: 1d54581ec9f168a⋯.png (24.54 KB, 613x311, 613:311, jew1.png)

File: fc8866d8ed24e87⋯.png (24.42 KB, 613x360, 613:360, jew2.png)

025d07 No.320859

File: 4e758b984039583⋯.png (48.85 KB, 318x470, 159:235, babby obamicon.png)


>antisemitic Zionists. Like Victor Orban.

9e38b7 No.320860


Supporting the jewish ethnostate isn't enough, goy.

857612 No.320861

e4c945 No.320862

File: 567efe6fa6ab957⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 302x342, 151:171, c86.jpg)


>antisemitic Zionists

857612 No.320863

sargoy 200 viewers

andy 2000 viewers

062560 No.320864

File: d6a06a2b8929cd8⋯.webm (3.99 MB, 480x270, 16:9, wollt ihr den totalen kri….webm)

>mfw all of these Jews on Warski

9e38b7 No.320865

File: 9c9c9e11d01184d⋯.jpg (1.97 KB, 125x86, 125:86, jew3.jpg)

857612 No.320866

File: 0e1b68a30a2cfa1⋯.png (52.1 KB, 459x301, 459:301, 0e1b68a30a2cfa1599ad946444….png)

3f70e1 No.320867

File: 4a11299379ce304⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 394x473, 394:473, 3f6f2093a343379f4495ee7dab….jpg)



Imagine my shock.

857612 No.320868


Is this a picture for ants?

28e725 No.320869

File: 6c6b8660c837367⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 657x527, 657:527, tutkia sanmako.jpg)

025d07 No.320870


the only "antisemitic zionist" was Hitler because he wanted to deport all kikes to Mandatory Palestine and let the britbongs deal with them.

9e38b7 No.320871

File: eedcb662b6e62ed⋯.png (39.31 KB, 613x422, 613:422, jew3-.png)

025d07 No.320872


>the virgin liberalist vs the chad moortuguese

062560 No.320873

File: 0db27b21d03d5ee⋯.png (89.46 KB, 865x878, 865:878, Mein Kampf Hitler on Zioni….PNG)


See I know about Haavara and the Jewish emigration before the war and all that, but then there's this passage of Mein Kampf. Did Hitler change his mind on Palestine?

79f3cb No.320874


I thought the plan was Madagascar but I can't tell what's propaganda or truth anymore tbqh

062560 No.320875


I have a ton of papers on Zionist / National Socialist collaboration and Haavara downloaded from when I was at college. I would upload them but it pasted my IP at the bottom of every page. I'll have to black it out one day and share them

857612 No.320876


It was better left in ant mode


025d07 No.320877


Right, and that's why zionism is not just "jewish nationalism" because zionism means having a centralized hub of world jewry while also having their fingers in everyone else's pies too. Hitler perfectly predicted what ended up happening.

Hitler's plan was to deport the kikes to Palestine and then force them to stay there. Think Escape From New York and israel as a massive open-air prison for kike containment rather than what we actually ended up getting. I was just being tongue-in-cheek calling hitler a "zionist"

28c232 No.320878

File: 9e0dc378205032c⋯.jpg (224.02 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, chosen race.jpg)

File: 7d65180740d179a⋯.jpg (240.05 KB, 536x800, 67:100, 7d65180740d179a17d8015f47c….jpg)

File: beb03fe9b7bc356⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 1024x721, 1024:721, beb03fe9b7bc356bfbb19039e3….jpg)


>whites are inbred


79f3cb No.320879


le 0% face

062560 No.320880

File: 1679796da327888⋯.png (37.05 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, zog.png)


> israel as a massive open-air prison for kike containment

And instead we got the ZOG HQ and its bottom bitch (((America))). What could have been

f0003e No.320881

File: b062e70b3de6f95⋯.jpg (277.19 KB, 616x693, 8:9, 1445408288065.jpg)


>antisemitic Zionists

9e38b7 No.320883

File: 4020400ec90b2fa⋯.png (45.81 KB, 613x525, 613:525, everything is antisemitic ….png)

d94ca3 No.320884


>tfw being a right-wing/nationalist-minded militant anti-theist until some years ago and constantly getting pissed off at fellow atheists defending judaism and islam and only attacking christianity for (((some reason)))

1b571b No.320885


Is this the same guy that was on? or just a guy making donation comments?

025d07 No.320886


Is this guy deep-cover trolling? You couldn't be more stereotypical if you tried

9e38b7 No.320887

File: 75dd0f174b8ef81⋯.png (54.06 KB, 585x418, 585:418, jew4.png)


great red menace is the guy that was on

025d07 No.320888

File: 205991c28f4e6e7⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 782x788, 391:394, roy batty smug.jpg)



28c232 No.320889

File: 8771977960fcaef⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 392x409, 392:409, ce34876461be45d6d4aeed04ae….jpg)


No words

903a19 No.320895

You guys weren't kidding, /pol/ really hates books now. Guess books distract from

>you're a shill

>gtfo cia

>hello FBI

that dominates 80% of posts

82364c No.320896


I wonder how many of his replies were simply 'Israel'.


Yeah, the mods are complete Kikes. They want to keep things pacified by not letting anyone improve themselves.

062560 No.320897


It's sad when I've been using /cow/ for politics more than /pol/. They don't like /fit/-type stuff anymore either

025d07 No.320899


Yeah, 8/pol/ has basically turned into a topical politics feed like breitbart except with people saying nigger and kike a lot. It's userbase and post velocity has seriously tanked, and I do blame the mods, who I think are purposefully trying to turn /pol/ into an insular containment zone where everyone high-ground so hard that they're unwilling to engage with the outside world and spread any message whatsoever.

5ad9c7 No.320901

File: beecad164810e19⋯.png (100.13 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Adam racewarski pilpul.png)

Just got home, watching the stream, this fucking pilpul.

025d07 No.320902

File: 07253446c6a7111⋯.png (269.79 KB, 665x1050, 19:30, nazi ponder.png)


>be Andy

>peak normalfag

>talk to a bunch of white nationalists

>oh yeah, we deal with jews all the time, they always act predictable and do XYZ before ultimately falling back to "MUH HOLOCAUST".

>have leftist shill on stream

>turns out to be a jew

>shills for open borders in europe

>uses the exact same predictable tactics and hypocrisy the white nationalists told you about

>resorts to "MUH HOLOCAUST" after all other arguments are exhausted

This couldn't be purer pottery if George Lucas storyboarded it himself. At this point Warski either knows we're right or think's we're time travelers fucking with him.

062560 No.320905


Too bad we'll never know for sure because if he reveals he's aware of the JQ the Canadian ZOG will snatch him up. He was sounding pretty redpilled on cultural replacement and immigration today though

a6236c No.320908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



3f70e1 No.320909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

617e4f No.320910


Becoming a NEET really does a number on a guy huh.


Go outside, stop fapping to vore, get a real job.

1ae230 No.320914


Wtf you idiots made me think there was some jewish debate or something, but it was just one line. Thanks for hyping fucking nothing you stupid dumb nazis

b6b488 No.320915

b6b488 No.320917




a6236c No.320925

File: 0736b83766dfb37⋯.png (540.71 KB, 3832x1080, 479:135, Untitled.png)


Too soon. wait until the thread reaches at least 600 replies. Hell at this rate, /cow/ will have only jewtube skeptic threads.

b6b488 No.320928


Let it all burn.

f397d3 No.320934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c99ec No.320936


The fuck happened to my text. Adam warski theme song.

1c99ec No.320937


Oh wrong bread.

4a4273 No.320941


There has been an aggressive effort since the election to turn /pol/ into a den of degenerates, schizobabblers, and methhead nazi-larpers. After they policed any quality cocks off the board there was nothing left to counter the shill flood that hit the board and it eroded much like topsoil after the vegetation is gone.

025d07 No.320942


Where did all the decent posters go? Are they all back on 4/pol/? I have a hard time believing the decent ones went into even worse shitholes like endchan.

f397d3 No.320944


lurk till infinity

c8df8a No.320953






>derailing the thread to cry about /pol/

Go back to >>>/polmeta/ faggots.

Also go to >>>/pdfs/ for books. Niggers.

764491 No.320957

File: 8c26a638caebbf3⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 479x447, 479:447, 8c26a638caebbf3cd3ff3e8a68….jpg)



The Alt Right is the perfect cannon fodder we could have asked for. Then the 1488ers, then the TRSodomites. These are perfect for screening people and acting as decoys.

f397d3 No.320958


Didn't CRP say something about using the alt right as foot-soldiers? His personal objectives may differ, but I can appreciate the sentiment.

764491 No.320961


CRP said nothing wrong. The reason why everyone went in defense of CRP was because, Sargon , Vee and Kraut, proclaiming they are moral people of high standards and principles went against them. None of this would be happening right now if said skeptics didn't huff their farts so much it became air. These people are hypocrites.

2388e4 No.324169

File: c52b0f6326ca7bd⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 779x585, 779:585, FGJ.jpg)

81271b No.459965

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