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f447e8 No.320916

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

>MisandyToday is a MGTOW faggot who kept softballing him and claimed he dindu nuffin

>MisandryToday's twitch got shoahed for advertising sex dolls on stream.

>Destiny and Pascal Leroux are suspended from Twitter for doxing Tonka

>Destiny ordered his fangirls to mass flag people left and right in a fit of autism

>Vee claims whoever watches Dragon Ball is a pedo

>Sargon got butthurt at the "kick Vee" meme

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

>Jared Taylor goes on warski live, a dozen leftists bitch out

>Adam RaceWarski and Tonkasaw put on the SPLC Hate List, are now apparently banned from Israel

>'Alt Right Leaks' appears on Twitter, posting random screenshots from alt-right Discord servers and, for some reason, making the same grammatical errors as Kraut.

>Vee spergs out with "Muh dick" on twitter

>CRP takes the bait and accuses kraut of having "Alt right leaks" as a sockpuppet

>Sargon vs Anglin on baked alaska confirmed

>Vee's theme song found, embed related

>Adam Racewarski and papa JF invites a kike to debate immigration, with predictable results

Sagas so far:

The Krautism Saga


The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism


Youtube RSS feed with all to date septics, lolcow enthusiasts and orbiters:


Old Thread: >>320364

f447e8 No.320918

Why do I keep rolling hitler dubs and having to make the threads? Kek, can you cool it with the anti-semitic remarks?

fa0fb5 No.320919


Thanks for the bread, Hitler. What's your secret? How do you make such great breads every time?

f957d9 No.320920

File: b06a33345c18781⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 600x441, 200:147, IMG_0165.JPG)

Vore, not even once

6dc7a8 No.320921

File: c3fb8a77d8cfc18⋯.png (329.88 KB, 497x494, 497:494, vee vore irl.png)

f447e8 No.320922


It's all in the oven. I only buy the best german made ovens. I have the best ovens, you have no idea how great my ovens are, they're the best.

f957d9 No.320924

File: 693cafa56360786⋯.png (10.17 KB, 202x165, 202:165, IMG_0166.PNG)

File: bc31e9e3544e8ac⋯.png (19.17 KB, 210x297, 70:99, IMG_0167.PNG)

File: 3eda1c27c83cf20⋯.png (29.25 KB, 324x323, 324:323, IMG_0168.PNG)

File: 3d0b76abe2d6614⋯.png (261.43 KB, 315x570, 21:38, IMG_0169.PNG)


Since these new pics surfaced I'm really wondering if he's legit autism-spectrum or just super untermensch (implying not both)

f447e8 No.320926


I'd say he has stage 4 soy infection, stage 5 liberalism, first degree twitter burns and is on the sperg end of the autism spectrum.

t. Tard wrangler

3406e7 No.320927


manlet with skinny arms

32f33d No.320929


>Adam Racewarski and papa JF invites a kike to debate immigration, with predictable results

I'm watching that right now. Just how badly did the field of archaeology get pozzed? They all seem like Jared Diamond tier retards.

6dc7a8 No.320930


archaeology is a subset of anthropology, itself a subset of the social sciences / humanities. So yes, it's totally kiked-out. Same is true of all similar fields. Psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, history, linguistics, etc.

It's a real shame because these are fascinating fields with an untapped wealth of knowledge that we're effectively cockblocked from because of the jewish gatekeepers keeping everything locked down.

6fe53b No.320931


Just wait til they ask him why Israel exists. It basically ends the debate.

94f0a7 No.320932


He pulls the muh holocaust and raises american zyklon-B gassing.

94f0a7 No.320933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adam warski theme song.

6dc7a8 No.320938


>Americans use zyklon B to gas people!

I couldn't believe this kike was dumb enough to choose that as his hill to die on. Zyklon B is a pesticide in the form of pellets that slowly release cyanide gas at low levels that are enough to kill lice. We do not use fucking Zyklon B in gas chambers.

This is like saying we use Mrs. Dash salt substitute for lethal injections because it contains potassium chloride.

I wish he didn't chicken out after invoking muh holocaust showers. I really wanted to see him get PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD on pesticides, wooden doors, and the complete lack of ventilation systems the "gas chambers" had

a04b8d No.320939

File: aa14971f74d2d79⋯.jpg (9.8 KB, 235x235, 1:1, aa14971f74d2d7953d88711723….jpg)


Absolute nectar.

3406e7 No.320940


The Garrison treatment never fails.

6fe53b No.320943


I was sort of stunned by an archaeologist calling the hall-of-cost the greatest human tragedy in history. I'm paraphrasing but that was definitely what he was saying. I wonder if he would advocate for a homeland away from Jews for the descendants of the people murdered and brutalized by the Bolsheviks as enthusiastically as he does for Pissrael.

09e4d5 No.320945


Hopefully we can force him to come on 8ch to explain himself.

3406e7 No.320947

File: 70a193a4cb94fc2⋯.png (3.24 MB, 3213x2859, 1071:953, Family_Tree.png)

6dc7a8 No.320948


Yeah, that's another thing. You'd think an archeologist would have enough knowledge of history to understand the genocides and mass slaughters that have occurred throughout history. The Mongols, for example, ended up killing off 5% of the world's population during their conquests, or somewhere between 20-50 million people, and this was back in the 1200s. And the successor khanate's like the Timurid empire weren't any better, completely wiping out cities like Tikrit and Aleppo, etc.

And if we're just looking at modern history, as you said, there's the USSR and China and the tens of millions that died under that. But he won't talk about that because he's literally a communist, seeing as his youtube channel is subscribed to all the typical /leftypol/ personalities. And of course he's a kike so even all of that aside, the entire world for him revolves around muh holocaust

4ee886 No.320949

File: a2b8f9eb7daec7b⋯.png (202.06 KB, 742x372, 371:186, updated for german spellin….png)

I noticed pic related in the last thread and wanted to point out that in German program is spelled with two ms, at least when referring to computer programs. Just another one of those coincidences, huh.

9c18e4 No.320950

File: b3bfbe0bf6de154⋯.png (170.04 KB, 575x473, 575:473, Now JF takes it.png)

JF has taken the bait as well. Shitstorm incoming where kraut denies being Alt Right Leaks and then gets caught and B.T.F.O.

f9f005 No.320952

File: f3eeed8d0d87c7b⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 500x486, 250:243, d398def6c0fdf0025938957bb4….jpg)

>2 months in and it's still escalating

wew lads, we're in it for the long haul.

4ee886 No.320954

File: af316661ff6a8b7⋯.png (205.89 KB, 742x372, 371:186, updated for german spellin….png)


Put the information into the picture.

4eeeec No.320955


M9, this isn't even /cow/'s final form.

e9d9ef No.320959

>louis le Vau deleted the Sargon stream from his channel

wew. a shame because I think y comment asking about why Sargon pulled out of the Spencer/Angiin debate was getting a lot of engagement

4a524e No.320962


Underrated post.

The 1/4 kike is only a meme, right?

9c18e4 No.320963


Probably why he shoah'd it.

9bdcf8 No.320964


I remember when that guy made a Starcraft song. Damn time moves fast.

4a524e No.320965


This is unneeded. Since the server @AltRightLeak was monitoring was in German, we already knew that he was a German (or at least spoke the language), even if he wasn't Kraut.

9bdcf8 No.320966


What was Sargon's answer? And isn't the debate scheduled for the 10th?

e9d9ef No.320967


I don't think Sargon did answer. You're right about the Anglin debate, my comment was actually about the Spencer rematch though (I made a mistake in my last post)

9bdcf8 No.320968


Ah okay, makes sense, I don't think too many people know of Anglin even if they know of the Stormer. It's good that people keep the pressure up.

09e4d5 No.320969



This is what happened last time Anglin v sargon was in town. Anglin did have a video in which he thoroughly oven'd sargon but it got shoah'd. If anyone knows where the vid is that'd be nice.

547252 No.320970



I swear just yesterday someone was posting a link to the site and it was a different domain.

3406e7 No.320971


He's anglo, so far as I know.

066c5a No.320972


it was .red around christmas period, that lasted for weeks. then it went to .top, which was taken down almost immediately. .name has lasted longer so far.

4eeeec No.320973


I'm just waiting for .oven

3406e7 No.320974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Swedes put a paki in charge of their cultural artifacts. They're now melting down Norse artifacts for scrap metal.

e9d9ef No.320975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

066c5a No.320976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

interesting detailed survey of altright beliefs on various things. much better than sargoy's shitty survey.

585a77 No.320977

File: 1c096bf722c452c⋯.jpg (42.6 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1c096bf722c452c79d5963cd4c….jpg)


>I'm not only a racist I also violate copyright laws

Someone stop this goy.

547252 No.320978


It's amazing when you think of it. All because at one point he made fun of an obese cunt that died of a heart attack at the Charlottesville psyop. Meanwhile, you've got all that shit like that tribes site and nothing has happened, no domain registrar has kicked them out.

f447e8 No.320979


Cheers, didn't think that was it when I searched, thought it was some stupid commentary.

e9d9ef No.320982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

inside the liberalistism discord

4a524e No.320983


Make sure to download the video. Godwinson is great, but he's also a faggot who constantly deletes his channels.

3406e7 No.320988


>Vee got into politics not because of any great social disturbance or economic folly, but because of his recreational activities.

>This speaks to the depths of their understanding of politics.

>Tactical nihilism, rampant hedonism, sexual deviancy and also lackluster moral character are the very building blocks which comprise the actors on this stage, which is the liberalist play.

Holy shit. I don't know this guy, but I really like his opinions, no homo. Quality banter and obvious disdain for plebs. Where have you been all my life?

3b968f No.320989

File: 7b4bae7547df1f8⋯.png (904.76 KB, 1020x1600, 51:80, 22_Razvan-Gasca_Sf-Maxim-M….png)


Checked, and right here with you lurking this thread.

3b968f No.320990



i suck cocks

4a524e No.320991


>Esoteric Sargonism

I think my faith is wavering lads. This new religion seems quite tempting. Is Eseoteric Sargonism considered heretical in Orthodox Jahanism? Is there a version of Esoteric Jahanism that is compatible with Esoteric Jahanism?

17014a No.320992

File: 03cc9022bcb56eb⋯.png (83.03 KB, 1129x400, 1129:400, pidgin-liberautism.png)

do you know de wae

547252 No.320993


If you're really "godwinson" then stop deleting your channel like a faggot. Faggot.

4a524e No.320994

6dc7a8 No.320995

File: 5ddbb5911e48995⋯.png (574.31 KB, 629x840, 629:840, sargon meritocracy.png)


Esoteric Sargonism is quite flexible. Just make sure to always follow Don Sargone's current stance and never speak up against him or contradict him.

4a524e No.320998


The guy he's talking to is fucking hilarious!

On a side note, I'm a bit sick and so perhaps a bit more sensitive than usual, but when they showed the tranny tits I had to look away and cover my mouth to not puke. I'm glad that after stopping fapping I'm finally getting resensitized to degeneracy.


Having absolutely no spine what so ever does seem congruent with Jahanism, yes.

7765c8 No.321000

File: 22bff5e5402c840⋯.gif (161.58 KB, 257x394, 257:394, veere.gif)


Hi imkamfy


Lou/Sargoy stream is deleted. I watched a bit, and turned it on a couple of times and they were constantly bitching about the altright and in the same breath saying the altright is nothing. Salty as fuck, I wonder is that why they deleted it. If I was on the fence, that would push me off.

6dc7a8 No.321001


Too bad I doubt anyone recorded it. Or maybe someone did, since Louis pulled something similar with the Stream with Jim, where he deleted the stream re-streamed a recording of the old stream but with the parts that made him look bad cut out, and DMCA'd anyone who put up the full thing. So maybe people did record it. Otherwise it's lost to the aether.

We really need to make sure to run recording software when these faggots stream to make sure they can't delet this

3406e7 No.321004


they really don't like leaving evidence, do they? perception management is at an all time high. must be stressful.

9bdcf8 No.321005


There was at least one compilation of Sargon refering to the Skeptics as a community circulating, right after he said that it's a made up term and not really a community. Post Spencer debate.

6dc7a8 No.321006


Which makes me curious why he has these chats streamed instead of just on their super-secret private totally-not-doxxxxxxxxxxxxxing servers anyway

97b2b9 No.321007

Now that Clamps on Tits is back. How does his allies react?! Are they're circlejerking again to attack the "alt-right"?! I'm pretty sure they're motivated again to dox people, y'know, according to their targets.

591bb5 No.321008


holy shit.



>Patreon gibs

The trinity of degeneracy

6dc7a8 No.321010


I haven't seen any positive reactions. Everyone is either critical of him or trying to ignore the issue because it's a lose-lose scenario for people like Sargon to open that wound back up.

To continue with the mafia analogies. Kraut is the greaseball you thought you whacked because he was becoming too much of a liability, but it turns out he survived and now he's back and you don't know what he might do or say to jeopardize the family.

Only exception are the people from the /leftypol/ circles. They welcome him with open arms of course.

Playing Sargon against Kraut seems like the best play.

e9d9ef No.321011



The 'Alt Right Leaks' channels' video abotu the server has 750 views.


He left it up for a few hours because I was getting tons of rsponses to my comment asking Sargon why he backed out of the second Spencer debate


Superchats are the only way to make money on youtube now (not that Sargon was getting very many compared to Warski)

6dc7a8 No.321012


people give sargoy superchats at all? Last time when that Louis faggot tricked Jim into a confrontation with The Stepfather, he outright sperged and told everyone he doesn't read superchats. I don't see why anyone at all would donate to that cunt after that shit.

fb58d1 No.321013


Louis always seems like a fucking cunt to me

I honestly dislike him far more than Vee

e9d9ef No.321014


He was reading them (the ones that agreed with him) this time. I think that they only got something like between $100-200 though, despite having a very long stream

6dc7a8 No.321016


I guarantee Sargon will never address this, even if he and his people are made aware of it.


Typical. I'm just saying they probably could actually rake in a decent chunk of change from /ourguys/ just if they actually read all the chats. There are plenty of people who would cough up the dough to be able to sling banter and criticism at Sargoy in real time.


as far as I can tell the guy is just the emergency backup toadie after Kraut had to leave. Some literally-who who came out of nowhere and instantly became Sargoy's new right-hand-man.

515ada No.321017


Nice video. These guys sound like they know what they're talking about. Had me watching the whole thing.

fb58d1 No.321018


>as far as I can tell the guy is just the emergency backup toadie after Kraut had to leave. Some literally-who who came out of nowhere and instantly became Sargoy's new right-hand-man.

Yeah, but he's always such a little cunt

I bet if we were to poke him a little he would get twice as petty as Kraut

3b968f No.321022



I'm not the Baronet, just the weirdly accented faggot he was talking to.

a596f8 No.321023


Louis has always been a Sargon dickrider, just a super obscure one. I discovered back 2 or so years ago after watching a Sargon stream. I liked his cocks and found it more intelligent / insightful than most of the skeptic community but since this Kraut thing began and since he has started to shift himself more towards streaming and reaping in superchat bux he's becoming insufferable. He's the one person I'd love to see how he looks like IRL. Here's what we know:

>looks Irish (own description)

>slightly overweight (own description)

>manlet-tier (own description)

>political science major

>fetish for Asian women

>lives in Buffalo, NY

>late twenties



I'm sure he looks like 90% of these numales

aeaba5 No.321024

File: fa6485987d900a9⋯.png (22.46 KB, 629x341, 629:341, LookatthisbasedBoomerguy.png)

File: 666b465d1266586⋯.png (31.39 KB, 986x401, 986:401, apbsJQ.png)

CRP starting to live up to his moniker, even the captcha agrees.

6dc7a8 No.321025

File: 70ff45383470e02⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 706x521, 706:521, vasectomy nu-male.jpg)


Yeah, that basically describes the entirety of reddit

9bdcf8 No.321026


So much about the marketplace of ideas eh my fellow kekistanis?

6dc7a8 No.321027


"you can express any idea you like so long as it's shared by The Stepfather"

3d35a0 No.321029


>posting the edit

e9d9ef No.321030


Sargon boasts on every stream about how he's not going to respond to the alt-right

a596f8 No.321031




How good of a chance does Anglin actually have against the Stepfather? I mean if he lost against Spencer and that one feminist Kristi Winters, it's not impossible. I'll have to watch that Anglin vid posted earlier in the thread. I just want Sargon to fall at this point, and not even necessarily for political reasons. I'm just getting sick of his pilpul, pretentiousness and overall pseud-personality

3d35a0 No.321032

File: 67e5b5b57112a4e⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 255x221, 15:13, caa6b2c6c003f72f90d6f278e0….jpg)


Are his fans so gullible that they believe Sargon pussyfooting around debates is him being an intellectual superior.

3406e7 No.321033


>the alt right doesn't have any arguments

<even if they did, I wouldn't listen to them

6dc7a8 No.321034


>haha I'm not going to reply to any of you alt-right nazis

>roflmao you alt-rights are so #triggered!!!

>lol didn't even watch/read this but I predict you're totally triggered!


I'd argue that Anglin is better than Spencer. Spencer himself is not a good debater because he does stuff like go off in flowery prose, makes himself easy to misconstrue and take out of context, and naively takes every argument seriously rather than being able to tell when an opponent is making bad-faith arguments.

The fact that Sargon got demolished by Spencer just goes to show you how shit Sargon is at debating in the first place. That's what happens when you gain "debate" experience by doing pause-and-quip response videos rather than doing any actual discussions or debates.That's why Sargon's entire debate strategy is basically trying to treat a real-time live interaction as if it's a response video for him to pause and throw in forced laughter and snarky marvel quips.

Anglin is easy to underestimate just because he embraces the ironic neo-nazi persona. He's actually quite intelligent and articulate.

aeaba5 No.321035


Anglin brutalized Sargon in their first encounter, for the simple reason that the facts were on Anglins side and all Sargon had were ridiculous "fallacies". For instance, you see, if the British government had not let in Pakistanis, it would have been gangs of ethnic Brits grooming British girls. That's what we big brained sceptical liberalisticysts call the Nirvana fallacy, bucko.

Seriously Sargon's fucked, no matter who he goes up against.

a596f8 No.321036


I'm getting a similar impression from watching Anglin's response to Sargon. I always thought he was a dumb skinhead (just from reading /pol/ posts but he sounds at the very least pretty normal in this so far. I can't wait for the debate. It's also pretty likely Sargon believes the stereotype and also will be going full try-hard against him (have you even read Locke, what is white?). Sargon of Dunning-Kruger knows he can't fuck this up

3406e7 No.321037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This has probably been posted. It's 20 minutes of Sargon complaining about his detractors with puffy eyes.

9bdcf8 No.321038


If Anglin goes for the throat and calls Sargon out on his pseudo shit Sargon will get flustered like he did against Spencer and then it's an easy ride home. Spencer carefully tried to get under Sargon's skin from the moment he saw Sargon was just going to pitpul, he really put his FBI training to work.

6dc7a8 No.321039


Some people have a gut reaction to Anglin's flamboyant and inflammatory style, but it's really the same as what /pol/ and its predecessors have always done. Use memes, irony, and humor to break down taboos and other barriers, and it's especially effective for bringing younger people in. The main target demographic of DS is teenagers, after all. Assuming he's a dumb meth-riddled skinhead just because of the tongue-in-cheeky ironic neo-nazi persona is akin to thinking Dr. Seuss is a retard with the intellect of a 4 year old just because he writes books for toddlers.

e9d9ef No.321040

Anglin's head is responsible for 90% of his image.

1d000f No.321041

File: a85f2f790bddd30⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 350x263, 350:263, daiummmmmmmmmm.gif)


>haha some autist made a Andy "Race" Warski song

>wonder what no-name was it

>it's Ken Ashcorp

80db77 No.321063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We're reaching peak talmudic tactics

80db77 No.321065

File: 1b889108ba5f3d6⋯.png (14.56 KB, 584x173, 584:173, index.png)

File: a5d1e28400bb7a7⋯.png (20.15 KB, 640x242, 320:121, indgzjuex.png)

File: f55e2ebfb157108⋯.png (577.02 KB, 587x611, 587:611, indedfgzx.png)


And of course

9bdcf8 No.321067


/ourguys/ dominating the comments

a596f8 No.321070

File: a44da35b57459b0⋯.png (75.84 KB, 233x255, 233:255, IMG_0132.PNG)


Is there anything we can't do?

a596f8 No.321072

File: b61cb2004bcacf8⋯.png (181.76 KB, 1232x1215, 1232:1215, IMG_0180.PNG)


fuck forgot pic

9bdcf8 No.321074


Maybe he was refering to Reddit.

e9d9ef No.321075


Does he have a single shred of evidnece the alt-right did it? It's quite possible they false-flagged it for sympathy and so they could call the alt-right the real SJWs

c740ca No.321076

File: 9dceb0c2835d483⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 476x358, 238:179, dank.jpg)


>online only activist group

I'm guessing that's a jab at the alt-right. Don't they constantly whine about the dead roastie at Charlottesville? Don't they talk shit about how cringy marching with tiki-torches was? Also


What are these niggers thinking?

04aa8f No.321079


Isn't that the stream that was taken down because he violated Twitch's TOS by advertising sex dolls? If so then it makes sense why he broke the TOS, so he could blame the Alt-right afterwards

e9d9ef No.321080


You're thinking of the Kraut return stream

fb58d1 No.321082


This is why we need to bully this guy

a596f8 No.321083


I've submitted an inquiry



I'm all for it, he's obnoxious and yet another Sargonite. He's probably Vee-tier if we kept digging

7c86c3 No.321084


That's someone else, Louis is yellow fever guy.

a596f8 No.321085

File: bb29c909752d75b⋯.png (125.26 KB, 1242x660, 207:110, IMG_0181.PNG)




I need to stop forgetting the pic

6dc7a8 No.321089



Louis Le Gookslayer took down his own stream because it was so cringey and embarassing, and then decided to blame le ebil alt-right on it. It's the same chess move that Kraut and Sargon pulled a few months ago.

a596f8 No.321094

This Louis Le Chink comment section has already turned into a shitstorm, and all I had to do was shitpost mildly against the Stepfather. They never acted THIS crazy against muh SJWs



6dc7a8 No.321102


the LOL TRIGGERED SALT RIGHT reminds me of back in the gamergate days where anyone who said anything against feminism was flooded with the exact same canned responses. It's the same white/male/whatever fragility shit repackaged.

9bdcf8 No.321103


That whole Liberalsemitism+ thing is a giant powderkeg, every onlooker is out for blood.


We might need a spreadsheet.

Kraut with the BDSM/Femdom/nipple clamp shit

Vee's Vore

Sargoy into interracial gay porn and Thai massages

Those two. Anyone else?

a596f8 No.321105

File: b8171230322d4c2⋯.png (195.68 KB, 1242x1291, 1242:1291, IMG_0182.PNG)

File: 5ab8ccd8e2a9197⋯.png (146.32 KB, 1230x1106, 615:553, IMG_0183.PNG)


I definitely see the parallels, how dare I have an opinion against liberalist orthodoxy

591bb5 No.321106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the daily morning kumite muh cowboys.

But it's just waiting for bloodsports

fb58d1 No.321107

File: f220d45f0bc47d9⋯.png (15.45 KB, 677x351, 677:351, f220d45f0bc47d9a733ee1ce36….png)


Louis has yellow fever

a596f8 No.321108


Someone post that "merger.mp4" video

591bb5 No.321109


Does he have the bad kind of yellow fever or the good kind?

The bad one is Thailand and Chinese the mixed one is South Koreans. The good one is pure Japanese.

a596f8 No.321110


He wants mass East Asian immigration into the United States and hapa children, constantly retweets soft core Asian stuff and has advocated for a racial merger. there's a clip of him saying it in the last thread

7c86c3 No.321111


He is the god of yellow fever, by that I mean that even people who are described as having yellow fever are nothing compared to him. When it comes to his preferred yellow fever strain, he doesn't care, as long as the vagina's sideways he wants to plow it.

6dc7a8 No.321112


>That whole Liberalsemitism+ thing is a giant powderkeg, every onlooker is out for blood.

True that. It's always important to remember that the leftists want to tear these fags down just as much as we do. I may hate communists, but I at least have to respect them for believing in something and standing for it, rather than just being Le Tactical Skeptic who's to intelligent to have any opinions

9bdcf8 No.321113


The commies and SJWs seem more honest in their goals at least.

a596f8 No.321114

Louis on the hapa Übermensch


3406e7 No.321115


Traitors are worse than enemies. I'm not quite sure I would call liberalists traitors though.

What do you call someone that wanders into the middle of a battle and then complains that all the fighting makes it hard to wank?

a596f8 No.321116


A degenerate

b0285c No.321117

File: cf5b6ab4a420ab6⋯.png (688 KB, 724x1248, 181:312, abo vs asian.png)

File: 7c445af45cde4ae⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 824x464, 103:58, yellow fever.mp4)

He should be asked if he wants to exclude Abos and Africans on racial ground. If he does: how is he a liberalist? Are racial criteria for immigration only non-liberalist when it favors white people?

fb58d1 No.321118


Don't know, arr rook same

All i know is he's autistic about it in a way that goes beyond a simple fetish

Does someone have that webm of his twitter feed completely filled with asian models?

f9f005 No.321119


Godtier is Filp because Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world and will be a global supreme superpower in 2020.

9265d4 No.321120


>Demanding "more diversity" when they want "everything but whites"

>Using the words "equal chances" when describing discriminatory hiring policies.

>Claiming the west has "rape culture", but ignoring (and defending) the middle east.

>Ask for sexual liberation, but calls everything rape.

"Honest". Yeah, no.

3406e7 No.321121


Degenerate works. I can almost respect traitors; it takes a certain amount of animal cunning to stab someone in the back. No one respects liberalists.

a596f8 No.321122


I can post it when I get to my main PC here in a bit unless another anon finds it or someone decides to dig back into old threads

8e3f97 No.321123


>The good one is pure Japanese.

The blood of Yamato is pure. Don't you dare taint it with your kikemutt blood.

fb58d1 No.321124

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Thx anon

Maybe we should start bullying him by this angle

Keep sending him videos like this and see if he starts to snap


I could at best respect classic marxists because at least they seem to grasp that there is something wrong with modernity, although they reach utterly retarded conclusions

Current year corporate marxists and SJWs though are just pure fucking cringe

2725e7 No.321125


>ken fucking ashcorp

>the guy who makes songs for teenage girls with tens of millions of views and hundreds of millions of views over his channel

>makes a meme video about adam racewarski and his quest against hasbro pedos

a596f8 No.321126

Just read a comment under Louis' video that it was said in the stream that Louis will slowly transition into showing his face. Did any anon watch the whole stream and is able to confirm this? Maybe he'll do our work for us

e9d9ef No.321127

File: 1629f413a8037c4⋯.png (35.98 KB, 1014x180, 169:30, It's Afraid.png)

Sargon ducking out of the debate with Spencer and Enoch

2725e7 No.321128


This is just like Afghanistan all over again.

066c5a No.321129


how do his fanboys rationalize their idol being a massive pussy?

e9d9ef No.321130

Does anyone have the tweets where a rematch was mentioned?

b0285c No.321131


which comments section?

c740ca No.321132

File: 876a16da0f9a71d⋯.jpg (33.17 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 876a16da0f9a71d51889904321….jpg)


Send it to Warski, he might have the evidence.

a596f8 No.321133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>inb4 someone compiles footage / comments from Sargon and embarasses him

vid related is a liberalistism convention

e9d9ef No.321135


I would but I don't have twitter

b0285c No.321136

c6b063 No.321138


They're pretty open in that they want to deconstruct the Western societies and flood us with non-whites. Skeptics and co (I include Peterstein here) LARP as saviors of the West with a continuation of the politics and principles that got us here.

3406e7 No.321139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c6b063 No.321140

File: 96b13b4533953fd⋯.png (69.96 KB, 875x764, 875:764, SoyGoyYouTube2048.png)


He is at the stage where he is supporting himself on his alts.

e9d9ef No.321142


>d-d-don't pay attention to me, please just leave me alone

<t. Sargon

a596f8 No.321143


>lemme use my well-known alt with over 100,000 subs to support my and inflate my numbers

I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't just witnessed it myself. Lmfao

c740ca No.321144

File: 6662d388521dfc6⋯.jpg (13.87 KB, 398x95, 398:95, sdobbitrightnow.JPG)

File: 8da69e8dbe99301⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 698x203, 698:203, waaahstoppit.JPG)

File: 37d523f44d56d32⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 647x358, 647:358, waahstopbeingmean.JPG)


As they complain about the alt-right subscribing to them and using sockpuppets just to dislike their videos.

a596f8 No.321147

I like this new meme from the Skeptics that being anti-white replacement means you have to constantly be fucking and making children and never doing anything else.

c740ca No.321149


>the altright gets NO pussy dude, look at all these dislikes!

>brb streaming DnD for four hours

a596f8 No.321150


>it's almost as if you guys are subscribed to them

He might be onto something here…it's almost like I watch more than channels that spew the same talking-points I already agree with over and over

0805d1 No.321152


"Have more white babies then and stop whining" has always been the go-to reply to "Stop destroying the only lands my people have"

b0285c No.321153


Isn't this a common sjw/feminist "argument"?

547252 No.321154


<everybody that doesn't cry about shit with easy solutions is muh boogeyman also it's GOOD to derail threads with crying about boards for an hour

How much of the site is as retarded as you?




Nigger, that probably amounts to a higher payment per hour than most ACTUAL jobs.


>hehe whites don't exist goy our (((modified DNA tests))) say so goy

The second holocaust will not only be real, but it will also be complete.


Was it even taken down or self-deleted? What's the message that displays when you try to open the original's link?


>implying there's a good kind

Fucking weebs, letting their shit cartoons taint their ideals.

f957d9 No.321155


The original is gone because he claims the alt-right boogieman took it down

4001e5 No.321156


>Lou/Sargoy stream is deleted.

Le Vau reuploaded it. The current narrative is that the "alt-right" mass flagged it.

8e3f97 No.321158


What would even be the point? The whole stream was pointless drivel, and self-congratulatory masturbation.

f957d9 No.321159

File: a44d896a7bb3285⋯.webm (5.23 MB, 854x474, 427:237, advanced yellow fever ske….webm)



Ask and you shall receive

c6b063 No.321160


Yes, you can't get laid is one of their go to points. The nig nog counterpart would be muh dick.

b0285c No.321161

File: 2a77c664e8b32ea⋯.png (40.95 KB, 576x273, 192:91, "soon" is not a promise t.….png)

f957d9 No.321162

File: 31651e7f379a355⋯.jpg (49.07 KB, 750x674, 375:337, jew.jpg)


AKA never

c740ca No.321163


>i've been busy lately

He's been streaming 3 hour streams in his hugbox and making videos about youtube comment shitposts. He's not too busy to stream, so if he means he's too busy to do any research to debate Spencer, does that mean he only feels like Spencer is wrong but doesn't know for a fact? Maybe he could just watch some AltHyp videos on the subject, oh no, wait, he doesn't listen to wrongthinkers.

0249ab No.321164

File: fb6028f7f036fb9⋯.webm (15.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Star_Cult_16MB.webm)



just like vid related

7765c8 No.321165


From the way you type, it's very similar to imkikey.

I guess your just some other whiny, projecting nigger.


Every post of yours is a complaint contributing nothing, fuck off back to nupol

529b48 No.321166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>When did I "promise" I'd do anything


>And to those who felt I did not do my duty [in the way I debated Spencer], you are correct. I did not take the situation seriously and I allowed a foolish blunder to take place, but this will not happen again. You have my word!

This is him saying that he didn't take the Spencer debate seriously, along with a direct promise to do better.


Here it is:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv3kWRasheo&lc=Ugx-w1cXHHEWrTExidp4AaABAg.8cIJKgm-Bzs8cIT64HAJyx

And a permalink:

> http://archive.is/N0goH

fb58d1 No.321168


Thank you, weeb subculture was a mistake

7765c8 No.321169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shit, Jim might be going for good.

529b48 No.321170


I hope he'll be okay.

f957d9 No.321171


Fuck I hope this isn't true, he's the one YouTuber I'd actually be saddened if he left. Are there any theories of what's wrong with his health? I see there's a patron-only post but I can't read it

c740ca No.321172

File: bfc71aef3c5cb82⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 640x898, 320:449, bfc71aef3c5cb826a4b4aa0387….jpg)


You did good, soldier.

80db77 No.321174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb58d1 No.321175

File: 48b7a93c0ebf9ed⋯.png (10.77 KB, 211x246, 211:246, 7c6.png)


I hope he's pulling a Toad Mckinley

547252 No.321181

File: 47153f4a77bc3f4⋯.png (54.69 KB, 546x368, 273:184, ClipboardImage.png)


>from the way you type

<trying to use typography on an anonymous imageboard with tens of thousands of users

Next you'll be claiming you're getting gangtrolled and more "perps" will appear. Take your meds.


>Jim's a known troll that shitposts and misdirects all the time

>but he should be believed at face value in a patron-only post you have to pay to see while he doesn't even mention what the supposed health issue is

f957d9 No.321182

File: e4cd016d02cb629⋯.png (64.89 KB, 662x518, 331:259, jim jim.png)

Here's the patreon post

4001e5 No.321185


>being this scared of debating the controlled opposition

The state of liberalism+


inb4 Jade killed him with her fat tits

0249ab No.321186

File: 072572bb6d9389b⋯.png (149.86 KB, 723x475, 723:475, 1471730373247.png)


get well soon

fb58d1 No.321189

File: 9aba86e1c29b622⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 454x453, 454:453, 1417950891639.jpg)


What if he never gets well?

I mean, now that i think about it, everytime i heard him talk about blackpilling stuff and shit that is coming in the near future he never seemed personally worried

Wouldn't it make sense for him not to be worried because he knows he won't be there to see it?

Guys… does Jim have some kind of a terminal disease?

0249ab No.321190

File: 16dd51b99a30891⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1438290812351.jpg)


I'd like to think he just needs to cut down on the cheap vodka and cigarettes

4001e5 No.321191


>Guys… does Jim have some kind of a terminal disease?

He enjoys Camel™ cigarettes.

f957d9 No.321192


Rumor has had it that he has Crohn's disease which also happens to appear more often in Ashkenazi Jews

e39a35 No.321193


>Guys… does Jim have some kind of a terminal disease?


9027e8 No.321194

Get well, faggot.

fadd7a No.321195


I-Is it fatal? ;_;

c740ca No.321196

File: 156b83dc0359fce⋯.png (496.3 KB, 800x513, 800:513, cascafeels.png)


Jim will be around for a long time. He'll be here to see the nuking of Israel, just you wait and see. He's not going anywhere.


529b48 No.321197


It's downright genocidal.

fadd7a No.321199

File: 705b879f955761d⋯.png (327.9 KB, 467x346, 467:346, ndgwuMstgdcrmo.png)


Why didn't you guys warn him? Maybe he and his GF are expecting hapas, and that's what caused him to fall ill.

80db77 No.321203

If he dies we need to honour his memory by paying a bunch of untalented DeviantArt faggots to draw bad picturesof his character

8d3b51 No.321204


This is some good shit.

4001e5 No.321206


Why would he be ill if he's creating a new generation of supreme gentlemen?

7765c8 No.321209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Attacking Sargon Fad & The State Of "Commentators" W/ Hi I Think I''m Real in 4 hours. Might be funny, the comments are already shitting on sargon.

fadd7a No.321210

File: b61cdea6c211c75⋯.png (65.49 KB, 1592x668, 398:167, b61cdea6c211c75406291ba4b7….png)


Maybe because of the fear that his supreme son would go berserk and turn into one of the lolcows he used to mock?

db8e27 No.321211


Wtf? He's the only anti-SJW I actually like. Well time to let the Muslims in then.

fadd7a No.321212


What about E;R? I mean, he almost never uploads anything, and he doesn't participate in streams (that I know of), but he is pretty entertaining.

591bb5 No.321214

File: bc815afe9e57c11⋯.png (135.56 KB, 363x296, 363:296, 1504735153156.png)


So what would cost allot of money when it comes to medical care? He has said he liked going to the gym, if he did stop there is a possibility it was a medical condition that is semi serious like an organ failure and where there is so much medication that you become a weak bitch when you take the medicine.

my bet is one form of organ failure that is slow to kill you.

Maybe it is CKD and in the end stages, where he is just saying fuck it instead.


crohns is not deadly my mom has it and she is fine.

f957d9 No.321215


He's pretty funny

db8e27 No.321217


Shitty Metokur wannabe

9027e8 No.321220

File: dd1329888afe785⋯.jpg (6.83 KB, 259x194, 259:194, lisatrain.jpg)


No one can beat. I will seriously have feels if he fucking dies.

c6b063 No.321222


Yet another stream with one of his cock suckers to evade the questions.

c6b063 No.321224

WayoftheWorld, one of the guys who pushed the Peterson video about the JQ heavily got shoahed. I think it's fair to upgrade him from useless boomer to CO, implicit or explicit.

b61474 No.321225



By "This will not happen again" he means he'll never debate anyone ever again. A very effective strategy in all honesty, if he never exits his echo chamber, he never has to admit he's wrong.


The banter will be missed, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jim is just rebranding. He set up this 'muh health' stuff a long time ago, but I never saw him sounding or acting sick.

1b05ea No.321226

File: 56fc41b1107fb58⋯.jpg (83.39 KB, 659x506, 659:506, 56fc41b1107fb58adcfa9e025f….jpg)


imagine droping a penny there

c740ca No.321227

File: f804572d7570a28⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 636x544, 159:136, thinkimreal.JPG)

File: dbce3971d1395bd⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 610x548, 305:274, yeuch.JPG)


Same. I've never spoken to the guy or even seen his face, but it would still feel like I lost a good friend.


Yep. Have a look at this Hi I Think I'm Real guy.


He's retweeting altrightleaks and bitching about feminism. I wonder if he'll have any hard-hitting questions.

Also look at these terrible burns. Should call him "Hi I Think I'm Funny"

fb58d1 No.321228


He was also in Kraut's server

c740ca No.321231

File: 7c91760dd1f2e46⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 664x643, 664:643, FUCKINGGOOD.JPG)


lol, of course.

He says he's 2% ashkenazi jew. He looks pretty heeby to me, so maybe he's lying, but I dunno. Seems pretty pro-Israel either way.

fadd7a No.321232


>Should call him "Hi I Think I'm Funny"

He may be funny, only not intentionally, and I doubt anyone is laughing with him.

529b48 No.321234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Hi, I think I'm real


>"Adolf Hitler is immortal"

>Imagine being this level of pathetic loser, lmao

Hate him, love him, or have a more balanced view, how could you possibly claim that Hitler won't be immortalized as a part of history.

b0285c No.321236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e9d9ef No.321240


>imagine thinking it's obvious race isn't real

066c5a No.321241


>half-sandnigger playing DOOM

what leaks?

b0285c No.321242


he played a new kraut recording earlier. Unfortunately no rewind.

066c5a No.321243


what was in the recording? did the faggot admit to being altrightleaks?

b0285c No.321244


Didn't catch much. Apparently it was mostly Kraut claiming he dindu nuffin and the alt-right was just out to get him.

a596f8 No.321247

File: a16719b8bfe2485⋯.png (188.7 KB, 517x816, 517:816, IMG_0148.PNG)

File: 19bd89914df4fac⋯.png (582.67 KB, 1193x822, 1193:822, IMG_0149.PNG)

File: adde1effa38348d⋯.jpg (330.5 KB, 804x861, 268:287, IMG_0150.JPG)


Imagine expecting people to believe that

7c86c3 No.321252

This is a bit unrelated, but I don't know where else do ask, which video has CoachKinoPill creating absolute kino by changing camera angles between every clap?

fb58d1 No.321253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7c86c3 No.321255



8c7f28 No.321270


>Guy is talking about fucking batteries and which one is the cheapest in the long run


275df5 No.321272


>"Alt Right Leaks"

wew, is this the reckoning?

381bd9 No.321277







this is only scratching the surface of the liberalshit discord holy shit

877edd No.321278


>"I've been busy lately"

wew, this completely ignores the timeline though. He got PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD by Spencer, then agreed to a rematch, and then formed the Liberalists. You can't use your formation of the LARPerists as an excuse for being busy when you started that project AFTER agreeing to rematch. It's akin to RSVPing to a wedding, and then deciding to go on a vacation, and then using the vacation to say you cannot attend the wedding after the fact.

People need to keep up the pressure on this two-faced fuck. He decided to insert himself into this, and he should lie in the bed he made for himself.

f957d9 No.321279


>Sorry the alt-right doesn't want serious debate! Collectivists BT FO

877edd No.321280


I made a prediction at the beginning of all this that Jim would burn his current account at the end of his Kraut series. It's possible that's what this is, and he's using sickness as an out. However, I know he's not lying about having some sort of health issue, because he constantly sounds sick with the sniffles and talking about having/getting over a cold.

Still, I hope he's just using it as an excuse and not gone for good. I don't want Jimbo to die. But I guess if he goes AWOL, we need to start checking obituaries throughout Minnesota for any white guys named James in their mid 30s.

f957d9 No.321281


>undoxxxxxxxed until death

What a legend

7c86c3 No.321282


>we need to start checking obituaries throughout Minnesota for any white guys named James in their mid 30s.

Maybe even Jim is just a meme, it'd be more accurate if we find one that says "survived by his girlfriend Jade and their unborn hapa son"

fb58d1 No.321283


>any white guys named James

Are we even sure that's his real name or that he's white?

877edd No.321284



E;R and Jim aren't in the same category as "anti-SJWs". Anti-SJWs or skeptics or whatever are just kosher liberals who take issue with overt FUCK WHITEY stuff while still fundamentally agreeing with all the same premises. Guys like Jim and E;R are born and raised on imageboards, so there's a distinction. Also have no problem naming the jew.

b61474 No.321285


What is Jim anyways? can you define Jim? Gotchya collectivists

c740ca No.321286



You know how SJWs always say "we need to have a serious conversation about x" and then refuse to talk to anyone, just sit in their hugbox flicking their beans? This reminds me a lot of that.

The liberalists are saying we need to have a discussion about politics, freedom of speech, and collectivism, and yet they're snubbing their nose at big streams like the Kumite or Warski. These streams have a lot of listeners with a diverse array of ideologies. Andy's had SJWs on, immigration-loving jews on, the alt-right on, Jared Taylor on, antifa on. People are having a discussion already. If they refuse to get involved because it's "schoolyard drama" or whatever excuses they've been using to duck debate, the discussion will pass them by. They'll end up being dinosaurs ranting about Anita Sarkeesian while a stronger and more exuberant side wins the world around them.


I think in his earlier days he was less sec-heavy and used his name in various online personas. He also said there's a picture of his face floating out there somewhere.

fb58d1 No.321287

File: fbb9e919b76e346⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 530x530, 1:1, 16 - 1.jpg)


Maybe he was hiding in plain sight all along?

877edd No.321289

File: 44c2b146c2c7392⋯.jpg (24.43 KB, 600x450, 4:3, jim suicide.jpg)


>Jim was Haberstram all along

c6b063 No.321290


E;R names the Jew almost every video, in one of his SW reviews he spends half of it going over Jewish nepotism. He also gave me one of the biggest laugh out loud moments I ever had watching YT when he suggested super heroes would be much more effiecient if they killed Jewish bankers.

ef34f9 No.321291

hey jim pls respond

c740ca No.321292

File: cded3235f0dfda4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, metokurvsvee.png)


He has abandoned us. Probably sitting in a discord somewhere, the sell-out.

b0285c No.321310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the leak

c6b063 No.321312


Around 4:20 he asks if anyone is recording this.

88b486 No.321313


>whining about pooblic information being used on you when this is your defense for sharing crp dox with everybody and their dog

c6b063 No.321315


7:30 bitching about Jim. Overall decent recording, he sounds like a wreck.

fb58d1 No.321316

File: 471fec7dbdca31d⋯.jpg (83.69 KB, 682x600, 341:300, 471fec7dbdca31d8d428f96773….jpg)


JC those first 4 minutes are pure fucking gold

f957d9 No.321318


>I think I'll go back to college to study biology and psychology

Is this madman making it his life's goal to disprove reality? I can only pray he tries to prove to Holohoax as well. The ride hasn't even begun

df5af9 No.321319

File: 352256fad2d17b5⋯.jpg (174.25 KB, 850x850, 1:1, Drama delish.jpg)

f957d9 No.321323

File: dd5cc340007e159⋯.png (49.84 KB, 1218x383, 1218:383, IMG_0187.PNG)

wtf I love Jewish tricks and no proof now

c740ca No.321327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Quartering stream is happenig

877edd No.321329


listened to a minute, sounds like just a few literally-who sargon dick-riders

7c5ce2 No.321330


>thousands of people call you a massive hyper-faggot for larping as WWII counter intelligence

>cry about it to your ball washers

>come back to the internet and do more gay discord """"Operations""""

>nobody cares

>still don't kill yourself

>will probably keep coming back to do more gay shit online

877edd No.321331


What the fuck are these people even talking about?

Also, I'm going to pull out my hair if I here one more false dichotomy of "what if you had to choose between your western culture with nonwhites or white race without western culture?". The whole point is that the two are inseparable. You cannot separate a culture from its people.

066c5a No.321332

File: a646ded0d08fb4f⋯.gif (2.15 MB, 320x240, 4:3, a646ded0d08fb4f86f186af596….gif)


>I'm probably going to study biology because…. because I've got a knack for that.


877edd No.321334



7c5ce2 No.321339


Knowing how much of a silly goose kraut is, he probably recorded it and "leaked" it himself as part of some deeply autistic psyop. I hope he keeps doing it because this shit is funny to listen to.

066c5a No.321341


unironically, i think there's a fair chance of this being true.

c3cfa1 No.321342


Thank fucking God. He finally realized that having a Patreon meant the SJW fucks have his dox now, and he has been mostly wasting his time with these streams. Mostly, because Adam "Race" Warski will never recover.

c3cfa1 No.321343



After all, it went from "Oh shit, its Mr. Metokur. P-please be gentle" to "Hi Jim, such a pal".

8563ae No.321348


His real name is James. His girlfriend Jade called him Jim when he fingered her on that GamerGate livestream. I don't think he's autistic enough to get his girlfriend to call him by a fake name in the heat of the moment.

I'm pretty sure this is him, but I want your guys' opinion:


It SOUNDS like him as a younger guy. The Minnesota accent's there, and he's wearing a baseball cap. What makes me doubt it is the fact that it's a Lions cap, not a Twins one.

I'll post his other confirmed pics in this thread for comparison's sake.

7c5ce2 No.321351


even if that's jim, its such a shit clip that it could hardly be counted as a face dox

db8e27 No.321352


Thats Goronchev you fucking inbred

55d541 No.321354

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


There's also Sseth, who clearly comes from imageboards, and mentions the merchant guild from time to time. At least he posts regularly unlike E;R.

c740ca No.321355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're dumb. That's goronchev, the "intellectual checkmate" guy.

baab9b No.321356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I re-stumbled onto this long video that shows how: individualism='becoming a fully self-actualized and competent human being' twisted and looped into: individualism='consuming and feeling good is the best, politics needs to be about making me happy'.

(X2 speed and watch the intro/outro at minimum, lots of crazy stuff)

**Freud: people have dark thoughts ->

We have to keep people pacified, they are irrational idiots, keep 'em from running society ->

We need consumerism to do that->

Wow we're making a shitload of money with this physc stuff ->

Making people emotionally want things is the easiest way to get cash ->

Wow we can get these rubes to think they control a product and they become attached to it ->

We can even make people think a certain way by manipulating them! ->

US government: can we troll all this to make 'people better'? ->

Whoops they can only recite a simple phrase now ->

Psychs: we shouldn't have experimented on all those celebrities, they suicided ->

Well, maybe society itself is wrong, not us psychologists ->

We got the nuns to fuck each other, score! ->

Let's see what happens when we strip people of their socially constructed self ->

Oh wow they, uh, don't have an inner self, um ->

Guess people are based on their socially constructed desires ->

Actually, it looks like a lot of people are like that, but feel they are an individual and don't have any connections ->

Well, let's just turn these dirty hippies into yuppy consumerists, we can categorize self-expression, society isn't infinite ->

Wow we made it so everyone feels liberated but they are just our consumerist whores ->

Let's do this for political campaigns! ->

That worked well, let's use it to decide how the government runs! ->

Huh that's weird, they're all irrational idiots ->

Oh well, the citizenry is now retarded, let's steal all their money while playing political theater ->

Everyone is a hyper-individual in the sense they can't connect to the people around them, just superficial product and political choices ->

Now the average joe needs to be pandered to and directed, it feels wrong to them otherwise**

066c5a No.321358

File: cd82d5161c87eae⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 198x216, 11:12, mfw i can't stop street sh….jpg)

066c5a No.321359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

baab9b No.321361

File: 924b4f3c284aacb⋯.png (256.47 KB, 353x432, 353:432, mfw.PNG)


Her face has a certain, uh, expressiveness to it.

baab9b No.321362

File: 647e639b556e39a⋯.png (208.89 KB, 346x371, 346:371, mfw2.PNG)


She really needs to keep her camera running, stopping it right when she stops talking kind of defeats her arguments in the worst way.

0249ab No.321363

File: 685ee6a598faf2d⋯.gif (948.96 KB, 155x173, 155:173, 685ee6a598faf2d0a7d7f204f3….gif)

>people on the right don't believe you should have the right to have an abortion

I believe in abortions only for shitskins and those against abortion see it as murder

baab9b No.321367

File: b71aee047f633b8⋯.png (200.39 KB, 307x370, 307:370, Angry.PNG)

File: a72a1afbb5785f3⋯.png (196.15 KB, 291x361, 291:361, Chompy.PNG)

File: 2c09dd1b3675dca⋯.png (224.29 KB, 373x339, 373:339, Dopey.PNG)

File: 2951d618c17a4ae⋯.png (833.75 KB, 812x880, 203:220, Happy_Hindu.PNG)


nevermind, I am an idiot. It's a response video.

547252 No.321385


>the right to have an abortion

>the right to murder a baby and sacrifice it to moloch for your kike masters because MUH FEELS

0249ab No.321390

File: 1d7b01be31bebb0⋯.webm (3.89 MB, 484x320, 121:80, purging the heretics with….webm)


Either they don't understand or don't care that nothing that's removed is genetically the mother's and everything including the placenta and umbilical cord is part of a genetically unique human; it was never their body that they made the choice on.

09e4d5 No.321391


They usually argue "Muh undeveloped foetus" but it's still got unique DNA and DNA is the base coding of a life form, with it you can theoretically read that code and see exactly what that being's physical makeup would be at every stage of its development, from pre-birth to death. Ergo it is a unique lifeform.

3406e7 No.321392


I have no problem with abortion for medical reasons, rape or other individual fringe cases that pose a similar dilemma. Otherwise it's more responsible to avoid pregnancy though contraception, sterilization or dare I say it, keeping your legs closed. I think kids should be forced to watch a video of a fetus getting it's brains scrambled then cut into pieces during sex ed, or at the very least before getting an abortion, so they're aware of what the procedure entails.

This only applies to white people. I don't care what other races to in their territory; I find animal torture offensive, but I'm not going to get bent out of shape about the chinese sadistically tenderizing their meat and harvesting magical dick medicine, so long as they keep that shit in China.

7d849c No.321393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liberalist blood for Liberalist soil.

8d50cf No.321394

File: adebea03e0a86d6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 370.07 KB, 810x1013, 810:1013, vi2lbm.jpg)

File: d3963dcf6be8d52⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 293.78 KB, 810x1013, 810:1013, 9u2bnn.jpg)



H-he's just fed up with all the ass kissers and is faking it to get away from jewtube, right? Jim isn't actually dying, right?

547252 No.321395


>medical reasons

Choosing the old mother's life over another life.


The child didn't do the rape. Why punish someone who wasn't even born yet for what someone else did? Put it up for adoption for fuck's sake.

>individual fringe cases


9c18e4 No.321396


>or dare I say it, keeping your legs closed.

But didn't you know anon, women never choose to have sex. That's why the abortion lobby is called pro-choice and not anti-consequences.

854de4 No.321397


They split up.

3406e7 No.321398


>Choosing the old mother's life over another life.

If you choose the child's life over the mother, you then have a motherless child. Or motherless children if the mother has more than one child.

>The child didn't do the rape.

The mother should not be burdened with the product of a crime. Neither should society be forced to raise an abandoned bastard. I'll include statutory rape here as well. If a foreign nig rapes a white woman, you're advocating for mulattoes or other vile hybrids to become a burden on society. They'll potentially be predisposed to rape as well.

c740ca No.321399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>that video

Come on, anon. Stop making me feel


>even more feels


547252 No.321401



A child can be raised better without a mother than without a father, and that child will inevitably live longer with better outcomes than the mother who has inferior health or genetics or did something retarded like hit drugs or eat unhealthily to get to the state where giving birth will cause her to die.

3406e7 No.321403


The mother still has to choose in a situation where there is a medical condition. I'm not advocating mandatory abortions is a pregnant woman has the sniffles. This is for cases where there is a risk of the mother dying, or the fetus is going to be born with a jelly skull or downs syndrome. The option should be on the table in those cases. It is still up to the mother to agree to it.

066c5a No.321404


you're advocating for dysgenics. instead of sterilizing rapists by aborting their rape offspring, you're propagating their propensity to rape by allowing them to reproduce.

not every life is sacred. just because it's alive doesn't mean it should be alive, nor do you have any responsibility to ensure best possible outcomes otherwise.

also, rape is the genetic theft of a woman's dna and the forceful combination of that dna with the rapist's. would you think the many white women who were raped by niggers be forced to give birth to the offspring? would you pay taxes to support that offspring? on the other hand, the mulattoes created by white slave owners playing with their negro slaves, should they have been allowed to live?

a larger view needs to be taken.

personally i'm against abortion as a contraceptive but i am for it in the case of the necessity for eugenics.

547252 No.321406


>the baby will magically become a rapist too because memes you're also doing [x that isn't being advocated for]


066c5a No.321407


>behaviour isn't heritable

>i have no argument

>le may-may arrows


066c5a No.321409


mother's choice. rapist is castrated.

3406e7 No.321410


>rapist is castrated.

welcome troll larping as fenimist or MRA.

>what is rape?

bd4138 No.321411


>date raped

>by a manager of a modelling agency

555-come-on-now, anon. They don't need to rape anyone, there's plenty of women willing to ride their dick for a gig. This is classic cumbucket behavior; Entrap a dumbass rich man by claiming to be on birth control and getting pregnant, blackmail them into marriage/giving you hush money. Quite telling when the mother didn't bother searching for her child until she found out they'd become rich & famous.

a03f49 No.321412


Look at how many times she was married. Bitch was a lying whore.

3406e7 No.321413


If you fuck a whore, you have to pay. Those are the rules. Whether it's rape or theft is an issue for the philosophers. Someone should ask JF or Molymeme.

3d00bf No.321414

File: 1376159f37486e0⋯.png (484.13 KB, 752x730, 376:365, azdp6raz.png)


>Is anyone recording

i.e. start recording

>Bullshit victim narrative about le ebil nazi's threatening someone's kid's life.

>Quickly add it's not going to go anywhere with the cops.

They wanted this leaked.

Him and sargon have been dialing up the victim narrative and painting the altright as ebil nahdzis. With the mass flagging, mass dislikes, altrightleaks, muh stream got taken down. It might be the case, but they are leaning on it heavily and not providing proofs of these attacks, attacks we can't see happening.

The jew cries out as it strikes you.

I think they're working together, I think this is orchestrated, I think we'll see more and I think it'll look just as staged as this audio "leak".

7d7bc2 No.321415

File: 25b89baa9d36f29⋯.jpg (813.96 KB, 2168x1641, 2168:1641, ejksgopjpk.jpg)

>I don't want anyone to abort unborn babies. I know unborn nigger babies make out the majority of all abortions in the US. But it's still wrong. Also, we must make sure that Whites never become the minority. By forcing the nigger population to skyrocket.

3406e7 No.321416


They've been studying the victim narrative for years. They're well versed in it.


I thought the discussion was about white abortion. No one cares about nigger abortion, not really. Maybe the cuckolic church and some of the praise jebus protestants. That's about it.

f447e8 No.321417

7d7bc2 No.321418

Retarded Christian missionaries in Africa have potentially doomed us all by keeping them alive through (((Humanitarian Aid))), while also convincing them that birth control and abortion is the devil. Good job.

547252 No.321419


>the sins of the father goy



>moloch sacrifices are good goy it's moloch sacrifices or infinite nigger babies goy there's no such thing as deporting africans goy

f447e8 No.321420


Gas all christcucks.

b61474 No.321421


>Sins of the father

Whose talking about that? A rapebaby is a baby of a rapist and will likely just inherit that behaviour.

All the same, keep the shitflinging on /pol/, we've got septics to laugh at.

17014a No.321422


I'm only pro-life if the baby is huwhite

e9d9ef No.321423


>the vast majority of them are cultural supremacists not racial supremacists and that's what will tear the alt-right apart

These people are complete brainlets

a03f49 No.321424

File: 80f9723c9c1933e⋯.png (11.75 KB, 483x357, 23:17, No principles.png)

b52ff9 No.321428

File: 7ecc661b8538814⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 505x491, 505:491, nenechi_lukee_mangoo.jpg)

File: c1ba414edc733ed⋯.jpg (4.95 KB, 189x187, 189:187, bd309413.jpg)


>the madman actually wants to study biology at university

Is JF going to have to fly to Germany and then embarrass Kraut on ze pooblique spesse whenever Kraut has a class presentation?

3406e7 No.321429


on the plus side, once the aid stops there will be a high score that will be nearly impossible to beat

a03f49 No.321430

File: f2aa04e89639afe⋯.jpg (248.19 KB, 1191x939, 397:313, corner.jpg)


>MFW christian missionaries were simply playing the long game to send as many niggers as possible to hell.

529b48 No.321436

File: 9934991f4261b03⋯.png (125.57 KB, 1118x750, 559:375, 2.png)

File: 650d542f5421605⋯.png (198.96 KB, 1102x1284, 551:642, 1.png)

Some comments from the new Sargon/Louis LeVau stream.

56885b No.321438


This argument implies that 1 nigger baby is the equivalent of 1 white baby. It also implies that nigger abortions are making a significant impact on the nigger population size, of which I've seen no numbers to support.

Anyone that unironically posts shit like this is either a retard or a kike, both deserve to be shot.

8c0283 No.321441

File: 68bfe059bdec915⋯.png (264.72 KB, 597x482, 597:482, Kraut is a communist.png)

Right, so Kraut's sockpuppet Schicker Benz retweeted an article by Neues Deutschland about the 'leaks' by Kraut's other sockpuppet Altright Leaks. The Neues Deutschland, incidentally, was the number one propaganda mouthpiece of the east german commie government.

The article mostly just repeats Krauts smears of Reconquista Germanica:


It should be noted that the article also attempts to smear Martin Sellner with guilt by association. Kraut has finished his transformation to SJW.

3406e7 No.321442


Someone needs to ramp up Tilly Law accounts #metoo'ing Kraut's bondage dungeon.

e9d9ef No.321444


>1st pic

Have Andy and JF ever called anything cringe? It's amazing how much Jim rustled the liberalists, so much so that they are this bootyblasted weeks later.

Also he is completley deluded to say Warski is losing relevance when he had several times the viewers debating a no-name Jew than Sargon's concurrent stream talking to the third biggest liberalist did.

>2nd pic

He has no arguments and is obviously just bothered that the alt-right is bothering his favourite e-celeb. In fact it's Sargon who spends every stream bitching about the alt-right.


> It also implies that nigger abortions are making a significant impact on the nigger population size, of which I've seen no numbers to support.

More black babies are aborted in NYC than survive. Are you retarded?

e9d9ef No.321445


They're clearly angling to get it banned or the people involved arrested by calling it an 'army' and using the 'fake news' buzzwords.

df1cd2 No.321446


I really hope we get some sort of leak linking Kraut to this paper like we had with the NYT. Nothing surprises me with these retards anymore, not to mention Kraut is hilariously incompotent

fb58d1 No.321447


You just wait and see, Kraut is going to become the most renowned biologist of our generation and he'll rewrite biology books by demonstrating that trouts DO in fact get pregnant, then we'll see who's laughing you collectivist retard

56885b No.321448




529b48 No.321450


>2nd pic

Wait … I just realized something! If Trump Derangement Syndrome was paralleled by a curse that made bad things happen to liberals, could Sargon Derangement Syndrome have a similar counterpart? Is Jim getting sick because he made fun of Sargon?



9f6037 No.321451




The paper also defines itself as a 'sozialistische Tageszeitung'. There's quite a few Stasi (East German secret service) people in the institutions of the FRG, the threat of arrests is very real. I fucking called that weeks ago, total scumbag. Of course Vee went along with it too.

df1cd2 No.321452

File: 4f26407e20f4419⋯.png (126.77 KB, 800x850, 16:17, IMG_0186.PNG)

I'm still getting asshurt Sargonites attacking me on that Louis / Sargon stream for daring to ask for proof of an effort to remove their gay stream and criticizing the Stepfather.




I've never had to put so little effort into pissing people off before. On another note, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to watch left-leaning channels along with stuff I agree with

b52ff9 No.321453


>I didn't know I wasn't allowed to watch left-leaning channels along with stuff I agree with

funny how le horseshoe meme theory in the end applies more to them than anyone else

fb58d1 No.321455


Well in the end they actually do stem from the same ideological branch as the SJWs, unlike the far right

b61474 No.321456


*snort* you watch people you disagree with? *fake laughs* you must be insane and delusional, I'm not even going to respond to you *makes 30 minute reply video* I don't even care!

a96477 No.321457

File: 8e4452458f635f4⋯.jpg (376.55 KB, 769x600, 769:600, Sargon.jpg)


>completely relevant

e9d9ef No.321459


30% of black pregnanacies end in abortion. Are you a genuine retard?


3406e7 No.321461


30% is less than 70%, or is that retarded?

9f6037 No.321462


Those could all be based Trump voters if you dropped your racism.

df1cd2 No.321463

File: be0982b0c20d47e⋯.jpg (199.37 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, IMG_0085.JPG)

b61474 No.321464


Ugh, *chuckles in sargon* you stupid fascist alt righter. If the Superior Black Ubermensch weren't raping people, then ethnic americans would just be doing it instead. Haven't you read loki?

e9d9ef No.321467


>This argument implies that 1 nigger baby is the equivalent of 1 white baby. It also implies that nigger abortions are making a significant impact on the nigger population size, of which I've seen no numbers to support.

>30% isn't a significant impact

How much do you love niggers anon?

30908a No.321468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


529b48 No.321470


>In the United States, black children are aborted at three times the rate of white children; Hispanic children are aborted at one and a half times the rate. Whatever the intentions of the abortion industry, by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution.

WTF I love abortion now.

Also, what most don't talk about is that only the nigger that have the highest time preference will actually have abortions, which probably creates a dysgenic effect. The ones too dumb to care about the future won't. I'm not sure if this is good or bad for whites, though.

877edd No.321472


I don't "love" abortion, and in my ideal society it'd be banned, but given the fact that we are literally having war-by-other-means through breeding competitions with shitskins, I'll take whatever small advantage we can get via abortions

>Also, what most don't talk about is that only the nigger that have the highest time preference will actually have abortions, which probably creates a dysgenic effect. The ones too dumb to care about the future won't. I'm not sure if this is good or bad for whites, though.

Actually it's the exact opposite. The people who get abortions are the ones who are retarded and low-time-preference and didn't think ahead about using preventive measures like birth control. That's why nogs get so many abortions in the first place; because they're too dumb to think ahead.

Liberal white whores advocate for abortion because they see it as a final safety measure, just in case. Niggers use abortion because they're too lazy to bother with any form of protection or birth control.

3406e7 No.321474


You made the claim that more niggers are aborted than born. You then posted 30% after claiming that another anon was retarded. I'm making the assertion that 70% is more than 30%.

No one cares about nigger abortion, except you.

7d7bc2 No.321475


Yeah, it's definitely linked to their lower intelligence and increased impulsive behavior. Instead of having the foresight to predict that pulling out is probably the way to go, they will simply keep going because "muh dick.. gotz ta nut in dat sweet pussay, homeboi!"

877edd No.321477


Exactly, and they completely lack the ability to think ahead and comprehend concepts such as "I should take one of these pills daily to prevent myself from getting pregnant".

IMO I'd prefer banning birth control pills before abortion, because shitskins don't use it anyway, and birth control is what lead to unfettered degenerate slut culture (because birth control allowed for consequence-free sex)

9f6037 No.321478


Sargon of Wakanda needs to be incorporated more.

529b48 No.321479


>I don't "love" abortion,

That was just a joke.

>The people who get abortions are the ones who are retarded and low-time-preference and didn't think ahead about using preventive measures like birth control.

I disagree. Consider three categories of people:

>(A) Plan ahead and may need abortions

>(B) Don't plan ahead and may need abortions

>(C) Don't plan ahead but too stupid to get abortions

Here, (A) is more intelligent and have a lower time preference than (B), and (B) has the same relation to (C).

For whites you would be right, since we're mainly category (A) with a little (B). When we have abortions, mainly category (B) is stripped away, which is a eugenic effect.

Blacks, however, are dumber than whites. Since they consist mainly of (B) and (C), when they abort (mainly people of category (B)), the effect is dysgenic.

The spellcheck on my browser doesn't think dysgenic is a real word.

3406e7 No.321480


I like this a lot.

877edd No.321481


I think any dysgenic effect you might get from how you frame it is extremely marginal. Especially compared to the massive dysgenic effect of paying niggers more gibs for having kids (ie, welfare queens).

529b48 No.321482


>I think any dysgenic effect you might get from how you frame it is extremely marginal.


>Especially compared to the massive dysgenic effect of paying niggers more gibs for having kids


b52ff9 No.321483


I don't think that a lot of sheboons choose to have kids because they're too stupid not to, they realize that if they have kids that the state's gonna secure their existence. A shitty existence, but an existence nonetheless. I think that they are more intelligent that way than those who don't think ahead and then have to get an abortion as a quick and easy out to the situation, but long-term it's much worse to keep them alive due to how much a group of alive and well niglets cost any society they're part of throughout their whole lives than a group of aborted niglets.

e9d9ef No.321484


>You made the claim that more niggers are aborted than born.

I said 'in NYC', can you read?. 30% is the overall national number.

>No one cares about nigger abortion, except you.

I had nothing to do with the original conversation,I just needed to correct the retarded claim that abortion doesn't have a significant impact on black birth rates

e9d9ef No.321485


I wonder if Sargon will be mad after 'not watching' this

3406e7 No.321486


It doesn't. The world is bigger than America.

e9d9ef No.321487


>shifting the goalposts this much

The original post was referring to the US >>321415

It's ok buddy, just accept you were acting like a retard

3406e7 No.321488


Whites are already a minority, the nigger population is already skyrocketing. Even with abortion. The conversation prior to the post you're referencing was about white abortion. Retard.

02c4e9 No.321489


Checked. 3406e7 is right: the debate about whites being minorities in their own countries is largely irrelevant because we're already minorities in the world anyway. The only solution is a return to imperialism

a96477 No.321490

File: 71c5f45d094e2ba⋯.jpg (107.41 KB, 771x829, 771:829, 1515325198342.jpg)


>completely ignoring who actually made the video and jumping on Kronos

>1 hour sargon video

>spending 4 hours before that deciding whether or not he should wait until his eyes are no longer read from crying all night into a pillow or wearing sunglasses

>opting to wait

>eyes still puffy

This collectivist, Kronos


He's irrelevant

>makes 4 hour stream talking about how great he is

I mean does he-

>smacks lips

Does he even know WHO I AM!?

>skypes Vee to tell him how right he is

Like, I'm Sargon! The leader of the Skeptics!


I'm not the leader of anything!

>runs from Spencer debate

I'm extremely busy

>streams 12 hour D&D with Vee who is also extreme busy being a fake nurse pretending to be a fake doctor while posing as a lab technitian while in fact being a lab janitor

Kronos is irrelevant. He takes people's streams and chops them up!



>scoffs even more to hide his tearing eyes



AIDS is a social construct.

>picks up an actual horseshoe

Like, do you see this?

>waves it around

This is you and the SJWs

>huffs his own farts


>intersectional liberalism/individualism

>laughs in Sargon

Do you remember Jim, Kronos?

>consumes a gallon of soy julay

He went against me!

>takes a whole pack of mentats

And now he has fallen ill.

>Soyfather music starts playing

>it's the feminists scream concert from sweden

Wouldn't it be a shame if such a thing happened to you?

529b48 No.321491




Checked and hailed. Can't argue with those digits.



30908a No.321493

3509f6 No.321495

File: 39d623a9b00e465⋯.png (272.23 KB, 476x492, 119:123, 568565474.png)


>i-if we don't kill people then these animals will exists too goym!!


df1cd2 No.321496

File: 786337ea45a7abc⋯.jpg (144.67 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, IMG_0195.JPG)

Would this people be allowed in an ethnostate? They look white to me… altright BT FO

a96477 No.321498

File: e7bc7b981d09c2d⋯.png (550.71 KB, 714x1108, 357:554, Fucking Revolting.png)


Dear Jehova! White people are so fucking ugly! My fellow hebrews, we cannot allow such uglines to exist. We must flood these ugly rejects with schwarza, arabs and chinks to offset their ugly. In this way we shall ensure their intelligence and creativity will live on in a much more eye pleasing form.

877edd No.321500


Not gonna lie, former white supremacist here. I was fully committed to exterminating all shitskins and was just about to carry out a McVeigh-style bombing of CIAnigger HQ, but then I heard Sargon of Akkad's Rational™ and Enlightened™ arguments and realized the white race didn't exist. I am now in the process of fixing the wrongs I've done, and I'm currently writing out a check for 6 million shekels to the SPLC and ADL. Hopefully this will a sufficient atonement.

0a5de4 No.321502

File: f35de9eb418a39c⋯.jpg (71.49 KB, 460x1021, 460:1021, 1463967704447.jpg)


Not good enough, goy. You're gonna have to let a nigger sleep with your wife/girlfriend…. as a show of reparation.

3d3552 No.321505

File: 6fe5ea0766affd0⋯.png (40.84 KB, 580x560, 29:28, progress.png)

File: 5473e819fe5b0b6⋯.png (49.14 KB, 500x280, 25:14, Why Civilizations Self-Des….png)

File: 6e55d5308342052⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1062x915, 354:305, 366e081c5f8dd575489298fe34….png)




>"So I personally don't believe in an ethnostate and I will tell you why. I am of the belief that the thing that makes a country productive and amazing and flourish is the culture. Not the racial aspect of it."

>"I believe that if one is of an hard working culture, that will ultimately be the reason for success."

Stopped listening. These kind of arguments gets repeated stream after stream and I am tired of it.

My main issue here is the conviction that progress is endless and always desirable without any concept of a brake. The words described above are handy talking points but people are so disconnected from reality that they will praise anything with this label without any reflection on the outcome. Most if not all modern progress comes at the cost of some other overlooked attribute (insert varg "live a simple life or die in the city" vikernes) for the benefit of comfort and at the mercy of the global economy that must continue to grow foreeever. I would suggest everyone to watch this video (Thriving 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GJFL0MD9fc) for a glimpse into what life ought to be, especially in regards of taking a step back and letting nature do it's thing. The philosophy in the video is simple and beautiful yet so far from modern society. But back in reality we traded things like being able to leave our home unlocked with massive general distrust and we forgot that the state is a means to an end. But if a group choose to give up on some of this "progress" in order to no longer feel the need to lock their home would that not also be a flourishing society? Wouldn't it also be amazing if people interacted with eachother instead of escaping into their locked homes? Unfortunately we can't have nice things like bees n shit.

As for the racial vs culture aspect I still feel like people have some misconception that this desire is based on superiority. Perhaps it is. Because I can see how terrible this lifestyle is longterm and pity those who desire to come here. Much work, much success and

>so that the financial power in one European country can use it against the financial power in another

I have my doubt that someone fresh of the boat would ever consider this and perhaps this is why I get more emotional when someone deliberately kill 400 000 bees during winter than when one of the orange boats flip.

f9f005 No.321509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


640f73 No.321513


Title says Andy's backlash, what happened?

3d00bf No.321516




I missed it, some noname youtuber arguing with an anon who doesn't know the noname right now.

3406e7 No.321521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I came in late. Academic Agent and JF talking about morality. CRP came on the stream and is having a conversation about baby rape and cannibalism.

Warski is on tonight with Ayy vs. Roosh.

3406e7 No.321522


Kraut comparing doxing claims to false rape allegations.

8c0283 No.321523


If i dig myself in deep enough, i can fashion me an impenetrable defense from bedrock! Also checked, your post has the same dubs Braving Ruin got.

56ac4d No.321525


>sins of the father is judaism

Holy shit a canadian!

db8e27 No.321527


>Hear all about the Spencer vs Sargon Stream

>Thought this was going to be a debate about really difficult topics that Sargon failed to keep up with

>Its all about Richard Spencer's autistic fantasy land

>Sargon was too over emotional the entire time

>Sargon and Spencer acted liked angry dogs at the beginning.

Do people really take this shit seriously? The entire stream is Richard Spencer coming up with ideas for his imaginary state.

>I'm gonna have an ethnostate, and its not going to have any JEWS! and it will be done peacefully. and it will also have traps, but not too much traps! And there will be a black ethnostate too, idk shove them in Flordia or something. and its gonna have anime! It will still have anime! because most of my supporters seem to like anime. But no sports! ABSOLUTELY NO SPORTS! And if you donate enough to my kickstarter I'll send it to the Moon! Also it'll be a monarchy or something and I will censor the russian jews!

This whole thing just feels like a farce. Fucking Millennial Woes comes in chain smoking and drink about the serious about this too.

I really found it odd how much Spencer and Sargon fucking hate each other. In many of his videos Sargon showed a lot of sympathy to the Alt-right and Richard Spencer. But when they actually talk to each other they act like mad dogs.

The fucking Sig debate was more informative than this shit, and I felt like I wasted 3 hours(I an't watching all of it) over it.

3406e7 No.321533


Listen to stuff in double time. While doing other things.

I don't really see any support for Spencer. More disdain for the 90's liberalism pushed by fence sitting moderates whose political activism is motivated by poz in video games and societies general contempt for their degenerate sexual habits.

fcae95 No.321534


Sargon is starting to realize the alt-right is taking over the niche his fatasss occupied. That’s why he’s had “the family” start to take pot shots at them while the Don Sargone waits to make his move. kraut’s jihad threw a wrench in this plan.

3d00bf No.321535


>Do people really take this shit seriously?

No, but parts were funny.

Had sargon taken it a bit more lightheartedly or just kept his head, he would've made dickie look like the twat that he is.

a96477 No.321536

File: b926825a5f41c34⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 680x684, 170:171, c91.jpg)


Sargon: In your perfect lilly white ethnostate, how would you goabout killing puppies

Spencer: Killing puppies? That's seemingly a strange question-

Sargon: YOU STUPID FUCK! DUMB STUPID FUCKING PRICK! I can't believe you. So tell me, how would you murder these puppies? Would bash their little heads with a wrench while their succing at their bitch mother teets, Richard? Is that how you would do it?

Spencer: I don't think there is any need to kill puppies, Sargon.

Sargon: Well, what if it has rabbies, Richard? What would you do then?

Spencer I'm not a veterinarian, but if a dog has rabies, it would probably need to be put down.

Sargon So then you admit that you are planning to slaughter little puppies?

Spencer: In the situation that you're describng, yes.

Sargon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- HE ADMITS IT! Absolutely incredible…

Spencer: Well this is just-

Sargon: You stupid, ignorant motherfucker. You dumb, stupid twat. Do you have any idea what you just said? You admitted right now that in your perfecct ethnostate, you are planning to just murder innocent little puppies. And you think that people won't rise up agaisnt you, when you start killing the puppies? How will you deal with people who disagree with your planned wholesale slaughter of puppies? Will you kill them too? Because you're gonna have to, Richard.

Spencer: I have no plan to kill puppies.

Sargon: So then you'll just let a pack of rabies-infested dogs roam your white ethnostate, attacking people left and right? What if one of those rabies infested kills a child Richard? Will you just say "fuck that little child, I don't care because I'm just happy in my white country thinking about my ancestors"? Give me a fucking break. Children are going to die Richard, because you are too fucking stupid to deal with the rabid dog problem in your ethnostate

Spencer: In the ethnostate, we will have an naimal control service which is designed to deal with the issues surrounding puppies and dogs. Existing states right now are managing their pet population just fine and we would be able to do the same.

Sargon: Well, Richard, you stupid fucking cunt. What if there was and earthquake and it collapsed the animal control service's central building and the entire managing staff was crushed to death? Then you'd have rabid dogs on the loose and no one to deal with that problem, now wouldn't you Richard? What would you do then? Would go out with a machete and chop the rabid dogs up yoursel, you fucking maniac? What if you got your machete all ready and got in the car to go kill the roaming rabid dogs and then your car overheated? Then what? Richard, do you not realize that your dream is impossible if you cannot answer these simple questions?

Spencer: If there were rabies infesteds on the loose and everyone whoworks for animal control was dead because of an earthquake, I would send in the police to deal with the roaming rabid dogs.

Sargon: Oke well then, what about when you send in the police but then a police officer gets bit by the dog and hey bob's your uncle, it's not rabies that the dog was infested with, but a zombie virus. Now you've got a rapidly spreading living dead catastrophe in your ethnostate, and you don't have a fucking clue how to deal with it.

Spencer: if a zombie virus broke loose in the ethnostate then aI would quarantine those infected.

Sargon: Well how the fuck do you plan to do that, Richard? A zombie virus spreads extremely rapidly.

Spencer: We would use the military to cordon off areas that were affected or reported to be and do evacuations froma reas surrounding infested zones.

Sargon How would you know was infected with the zombie virus and who was not?

Spencer: You can see, visually if a person is a zombie or not.

a96477 No.321537

File: fcd1e8606d3e5ca⋯.png (192.92 KB, 444x325, 444:325, 1444570419186.png)


Sargon: Richard, that isn't scientific. What specifically defines a zombie?

Spencer: A zombie is a person who has been infected with a zombie virus. The are the living dead.

Sargon Wath if a person has a non-zombie related flesh eating virus and is also mentally ill and on a psychotic rampage? That wouldn't be a zombie now would it Richard? But it sure would look to be a zombie to the untrained eye, wouldn't it? Would the military quarantine that person too?

Spencer: It's possible that the military could mistake such a person for a zombie, but that really doesn't seem like something that is likely to be a problem.

Sargon Richard, what is a zombie? What if a person is infected with a zombie virus, then is frozen in carbonate, then unfrozen in tha future where a cure exists for the zombie virus, then they travel back in time to the time of the outbreak? Wouldl you quarantine that person?

Spencer: Well, that person wouldn't be infected with the zombie virus anymore so unless he told people of his situation no one would know.

Sargon: Richard just admit it, you have no fucking idea what a zombie is.

Spencer: Sargon, it isn't difficult to distinguish a zombie from a non-zombie.

Sargon: Richard , Listen to me. I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but I just want you to listen. What if an entire city was overrun by zombies- would you nuke the city?

Spencer: If I didn't think there was any hopem, and the city has been overrun by zombies. I ould consider using nuclear weapons to keep the zombie virus from spreading, yes

Sargon: So you admit that in order to keep your ethnostate from devolving into a zombie apocalypse, you are just going to go around nuking your ow n cities, killing your fellow why Aryans in atomic flames?

Spencer: Hypothetically, f that was what needed to be done. I would contain the zombie virus by any means necessary.

Sargon: YOU FUCKING MANIA! THIS IS UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE! Did you ever think, Richard, that there may be survivors in the infected zones when you nuked the city? And they would just die. Richard, what would you tell the families of the people who could have lived, but who you nuked because you couldn't control a fucking zombie virus?

Spencer: I would have a poet write an eulogy for the deceased, and build a memorial to them.

Sargon: What poet? What poet then Richard? it has to a be a living one. Because if he's going to write an eulogy for the dead in a city that you nuked beacuse of a zombie virus outbreak, he's going to need to be alive, now isn't he Richard?

Spencer: Sargon, I would pick a professional poet whjo I thought could write a meaningful memorial for the dead.

Sargon Name the pet, Richard. Which one is it?

Spencer: I don't know, Sargon.

Sargon: You see folks, right there- "I don't know". He has no fucking idea. No Fucking Idea. Because this what happens when you take rights away from the individua, Ruchard. You are a tyrant and your ethnostate is in ruins. If had read Thomas Paine, you wouldn't understand that but you didn't read Thomas Paine because you are an idiot and you have no idea what you're talking about

f957d9 No.321538



We need voice actors for this now

b52ff9 No.321539


We need to find that Sargon impersonator

6debe6 No.321540



I just came here and what the fuck

529b48 No.321541



This is spot on.


I think it's a parody from The Daily Stormer.

db8e27 No.321543


>More disdain for the 90's liberalism pushed by fence sitting moderates whose political activism is motivated by poz in video games and societies general contempt for their degenerate sexual habits.

Thats literally why they've gained attention in the first place. The only reason these white nationalist people even have people talking with them is solely because the people "sympathizing" with them wanted big titties in video games. I always felt like they backed the wrong horse because of it. Now I see some morons on /v/ talk about degeneracy when it comes to Bayonetta. I even heard that Styx fag bring up Anita during the debate too. The most frustraiting thing about the Anti-sjw community is the lack of self awareness. You know, like fucking autism.

Ironically, if there is a want for an ethnostate then Richard Spencer should've been on the left. They kept talking about how they want to segregate people. I feel like a fag typing this out, but its atleast more realistic.

848e61 No.321545

File: ad53186cc13826f⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 817x443, 817:443, Brainlet big brain mirror.jpg)


>The only reason these white nationalist people even have people talking with them is solely because the people "sympathizing" with them wanted big titties in video games

>Ironically, if there is a want for an ethnostate then Richard Spencer should've been on the left. They kept talking about how they want to segregate people. I feel like a fag typing this out, but its atleast more realistic.

877edd No.321546


Your entire premise is flawed because you think what the left wants is segregation between people. That's absolutely false.

640f73 No.321549


>Now I see some morons on /v/ talk about degeneracy when it comes to Bayonetta.

Isn't the whole point of that game to be over the top sexualized? Except for that there is hardly any poz, only 1 mention of girl power the entire game and that is against a semi secret post final boss.

db8e27 No.321550



It was a topic discussed in the older "skeptic" days of the far-left segregating. I don't think they do that anymore, but there was tons of talks about it during 2015ish I believe.

f957d9 No.321551


>They kept talking about how they want to segregate people

The international Jew wants to promote miscegenation, enforced unity of the races, internationalism, globalization, one language, no borders, destruction of our societies. The Liberalists play right into the hands of the Jew.

877edd No.321553


I know what you're talking about, but you're not getting it. Their policies are not driven by a desire to keep races separate, but rather to push whitey out and off a cliff.

529b48 No.321555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sargon: So you admit that in order to keep your ethnostate from devolving into a zombie apocalypse, you are just going to go around nuking your ow n cities, killing your fellow why Aryans in atomic flames?

This is such a good characterization. He did this constantly, he took some random problem and tied it to the ethnostate.

It's like when Millennial Woes said that the government paying for your education as a doctor should be accompanied with the obligation for you to repay them by working for hospitals in your country. Because of this Sargon included a weirdly phrased question in his Alt-Rigth survey that was

>Should the government prohibit people from leaving the country to preserve the race

Se embed.


>This is what Liberalists™ actually believe


Horseshoe Theory™


This. They want whitey to continue working for the benefit of non-whites. To the degree they're pro-segregation it is to give non-whites special privileges.


Also this.

3406e7 No.321557


You're not going to motivate society by appealing to a particular preference of modern comforts. Distract a society, sure. Panem et circenses. Transgender gladiators might make the crowd unhappy, but it won't get them rioting in the streets or thirsting for blood. It will just get a bunch of manchildren complaining impotently.

f957d9 No.321559

File: 66ade6e4f8f22b6⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 420x602, 30:43, Voelkerbrei.jpg)

File: 6403a0fda474fc1⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 709x929, 709:929, Sein Weg zur Befreiung Eur….jpg)


It becomes clear when you realize things like Esperanto was created by a Jew, Bahá'í (the most globalist religion which actively promotes race-mixing and rightly recognized by Iran as a Zionist satellite religion) is based in Israel, Marxism is the Jew mobilizing the masses for its own destruction, etc, etc, etc

The Jews want an exploitable, docile consumerist underclass while they remain pure

db8e27 No.321561


I get what you mean. I'm just going back at memory shit and practicality. Obviously, I find the entire subject to be stupid in the first place for its unrealistic goal. The only way for it to truely and practically work would lead into Sci-fi territory. The fucking debate itself used Antarctica and the moon as a good place after all.


It find it all to be peer pressure and compromise, and its all fake bullshit to me

3406e7 No.321562


>peer pressure

politics 101

640f73 No.321563


How is it unrealistic when ethno-states have been the norm pre-1965?

f957d9 No.321564


>its unrealistic goal. The only way for it to truely and practically work would lead into Sci-fi territory

Anon, don't fall for Liberalist narratives. Allow me to repost this from the last thread to help you understand what an ethnostate is: The biggest Jewish trick of all is the concept of "THE ethnostate" that people seem to think we want, some sort of pan-white superstate utopia. It's never "in AN ethnostate version of X" it's always "in THE ethnostate". More needs to be done to combat this disinfo. To me at least, it's about taking back our countries one by one. A France for the French people, a Germany where Germans don't have to hate themselves for being German, a Britain where you can be proud of being Scottish, Welsh, English, an America with (at the very least) a 75%+ white majority, strong immigration laws, less Jewish subversion. It's not that hard to understand

db8e27 No.321566



I don't think an e-celeb is going to create his own state/nation with a full functioning government with all the financing, limited land, and all the other ethics, beliefs and motive in tact in the near future. It all sounds like a fairytail, or a silly sales pitch to their friends about his super cool game idea he hasn't shown to any company yet.

I'm more interested in REAL tangible things like the immigration of Muslims, than I am about Richard Specher and his followers wanting to form their own nation.

e39a35 No.321567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Britain where you can be proud of being Scottish, Welsh, English

What about an Ireland for the Irish?


f957d9 No.321568


>I don't think an e-celeb is going to create his own state/nation with a full functioning government

I don't think people want to form their own nations, beside US balkanization fags (something which I think is unlikely in our lifetimes). We want OUR nations back, to get into government, to change government to how we want it. To fix immigration laws, end the jewification of our cultural life and the erosion of everything we hold dear. I'm speaking for myself, but I rarely hear ANYONE say they want to form their "own nation". I want the country I grew up in saved, not one part of it

3406e7 No.321569


>ethnostate? fuck that!

>lets get rid of the muslims

640f73 No.321570


Most Europeans in the wider sphere think the same.


I want the blacks gone too, also the 'atheist' and Christian browns.

b52ff9 No.321572


The "We're going to create a new nation just out of the blue on a part of this land! Get ready for The Ethnostate of Spenceradia!" is the Liberalist(tm) meme version of what they think creating an ethnostate means you fucking brainlet. What people mean by an ethnostate is to throw out the foreign malicious elements out of their country. This and the idea of THE One Ethnostate to Rule All Ethnostates that >>321564 pointed out are the main ways of misrepresenting what nationalists want, no matter if the Liberalists do so willfully or out of ignorance.

3d00bf No.321573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trolling liberalististist (((discord))) head moderator.

>He wrote a bunch of liberalist rules.

>No memes!

>He's never spoken to sargon yet somehow sargon ok'd the rules.

>He's not a liberalist but believes in the message and cause of the movement.

This guy's either mental or trying to stay deep cover and failing.


db8e27 No.321574


Again, I don't think that going to happen the way you fantasize of it. I don't think that Richard Spencer is going to shove all the Black People in Florida(actually said in the debate). I also don't think even the bigger Trump supporters are going to go for that, or that even the people in the senate is going to vote for that either.


Thats what I'm getting from Richard Spencer himself, not from Sargon, Styx, Logan or even Warski. I'm just focusing on his words and behavior. And again, its all unrealistic too me. You have a better job at getting Muslims and illegals.

3406e7 No.321575


Maybe I'm oversocialized and need to spend a couple of months offline, but there is a part of me that wants a race war. I reckon I would last a couple of months. Democracy is too damn slow.

f957d9 No.321576


I don't think a pure white America is ever going to happen. I'm called a cuck for this a lot, but I'm just trying to be realistic. What we need to do in America is reaffirm the European character of the nation, stop serving as the tip of the spear of ZOG, clamp down on immigration period, declare English the official language, end birthright citizenship and dual citizenship, deport all illegal spics, end all of this anti-white shit, tax fat degenerates. Getting those are not impossible and would fix 90% of the issues we have. I do have more radical beliefs, but what I listed is all fairly doable at minimum and it'd be a hell of a lot better than what we have now

fb58d1 No.321577


Isn't that also what that Misandry Today fag said?


Spencer was a turbosperg who only had the luck of being outsperged by the fat greaseball, but he wasn't saying he would ban sports, he was saying that modern man tries to compensate for his lack of a national identity by adopting other more shallow identities such as being a supporter of your favorite team

To be fair, the same can be said for most modern subcultures



wew lad

db8e27 No.321578


It was before Sargon left, and I think he hated the idea of drug use and health issues that come with it. But he did say he was fine with video games and anime.

640f73 No.321579


The European governments are hostile to the native population, that much is obvious.


Sectarian violence on that scale would end up like the 30 years' war which killed like a third of the population in the HRE and northern France. Only this time we are much more urbanized and imported a lot of savages on top of it.

640f73 No.321580


A European supermajority USA would be a good achievement but the demographics are already against you. If you import third world people you'll get third world countries.

f957d9 No.321582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's too bad the United States' government is one of the most anti-white organizations on Earth. That's my one problem with the alt-right is that they need to be trying to get into the system and starting a real IRL movement.

b52ff9 No.321583


Well, to be absolutely fair, Spencer IS a flowery purple prose queer fed. Everyone knows he's low hanging fruit which is why everyone who wants to keep the status quo is pushing him to be the face of all right-leaning movements in the Western world that aren't cuckservatism or lolbertarianism. That way they'd all be associated with his impotent ideas no matter what their actual beliefs are.

6c3740 No.321585

File: 7d8728c1cdcb6e6⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 324x395, 324:395, Meloven.jpg)

I live in almost ethno state (very few immigrants in Poland) and I'm loving it. Ethostate is not just about the race, although it's a very important thing.

For example, poles are czechs are both white but czechs can't be polish and neither poles can be czech. To be polish you have to be white born in Poland and be however many generations back polish. A nigger or whoever, even a white person from another country, even if they speak the language buetifuly and know all the small details of the culture, they will never be polish. Not by my standard.

It fucking sucks for the mixed countries, I really feel you guys. What yo do with niggers… while France or Sweden can theoretically deport all of the human trash USA is stuck with niggers for over hundred of years and they brought niggers yo USA against their will (I know kikes did that but most people don't know that). It would be rather cruel to just kill them or deport them to Africa (even if justified considering their crimes over all the years). If blacks weren't inferior…. so inferior, they'd go to Africa to make their own ethno state long ago. But they'll never do it. They cannot survive without a white man. I didn't even see a nigger irl but sometimes I really fucking feel like bashing one when I read of what's happening in USA or Canada or England.

The day will come and we will prevail, hail victory my friends.

3406e7 No.321587


I'm not a city dweller. I'll be fine for a while. Funneling supplies to the front lines will probably get me killed though. If I can survive the first couple of months and acclimatize to a high threat environment with decent allies, I could extend that indefinitely, barring shit luck or medical issues. Probabilities over time and all that.

Not likely to happen like I expect, if it happens at all. I think I'm just afraid of the slow decline and growing old around a subjugated and broken people.

640f73 No.321588


But the government is just middle management for the financial class which is the real driver behind all of this.

f957d9 No.321589


Of course, the (((democracy))) itself is one of the biggest issues, but we're probably stuck with that for the time being. Mein Kampf had a section about being a party versus a movement. Something like how these anti-establishment parties get into parliament and then they are neutered by the system and cause no change

640f73 No.321591


Which is why I think Spencer isn't all that bad, his flowery prose and utopianism probably motivate more people than the hundredth statistic on race and IQ. Of course Jared Taylor is the gold standard but I don't see how Spencer hurts. Yeah the media calls him Nazi, so what they do that even to Milo.

Spot on about the political parties, in Europe we can see them get ZOGGED in real time. FN, SD, AfD about to get it too.

f957d9 No.321593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I agree, idealism can do a hell of a lot more than just spouting off statistics and numbers. Liberalists think the opposite and love to think everyone is le supreme rationalist. Look at the embed video, it's more inspiring than any collection of boring statistics. My only issue with Spencer is I just don't find him super charismatic and a bit effeminate. I don't think he's as bad as some say though

fb58d1 No.321595


It wasn't Sargon that brought it up, it was Vee

See, this whole thing started one year ago or so, when Spencer had a conference at some university, and during the Q&A one bitch went on a tirade about how she identified more with trivial things such as her favorite football team rather than her nation/race

Spencer then replied what i just told you, the bitch got upset so Spencer closed the question by jokingly saying he would "ban sports" to rustle her jimmies, and then moved on to the next question

Now, here comes Vee

Vee had watched the whole thing and made one of his usual reply videos with no editing and of course when he came to that "ban sports" part, like the brainlet he is he took it seriously

In fact, he took it so seriously he tied it to his finger and every fucking time Dickie Spencer was ever even mentioned he would bring up this thing and go "hurr durr Spencer wants to ban sports HORSESHOE CONFIRMED"

So yeah, that's the whole story, Vee has likely been waiting nearly one year to have the occasion to slam implicit Dickie for a retarded joke he probably didn't even remember he made

e7e32a No.321596


What about ulster for the ulstermen. the taigs who live there are mostly descended from immigrants who moved in the 18th century to undercut prod wages

877edd No.321599


>The fucking debate itself used Antarctica and the moon as a good place after all.

It's a thought experiment to talk about the validity of an ethnostate without being bogged down in with how to implement, which is a separate matter.

877edd No.321600


What's your opinion on pornography? Personally I think it's terrible and corrupting our minds.

f957d9 No.321601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everyone needs to remember what the Israelis did to Ramallah

6c3740 No.321602


I'd try to ban it gradually. First start with propaganda (true propaganda) how it is bad and what it does, then ban the most degenerate shit, then less degenerate. Fuck, if the propaganda is there and Jews are not to fuck with people's brains I don't think naming porn would be even necessary.

3406e7 No.321603


Ban it for luls. Seriously though, I would outlaw commercial production if I could. Can't stop amateur shit or the internet, can stop the jews producing the shit in my territory.

3406e7 No.321604


The "my daughter" moral test is tried and true.

6c3740 No.321606


yes I thibk that's how most people in Poland think… That's a weird think to say, most people in my country… but I moved to a different part of Poland last year (to a big town too, I thought I'd be surrounded by pozed up leftist) and they're almost the same. I find it amazing how people go on the internet and brag about their fetishes and degeneracy. For me that is unheard of. But that's probably because of religion. Everyone is raised Christian, goes to church and so on, unroll about 15-20 years old, then nobody gives a fuck about going to church anymore, but seems like the basic morals stay forever.

f957d9 No.321607


How bad are you guys about to get ZOG'd over that Holohoax bill?

0805d1 No.321608


I worry more and more for Poland since the EU announced their intention to create an army

6c3740 No.321609

File: baee6b9ba2cb818⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 1473471836063.jpg)


I don't know. The bill seems to be put forward just to spite the cunts from Israel, which is weird because our rulling party, while being rather right wing and based at times is also very kike friendly. Seems like typical tricks playing both sides. They are looking for another country to leech off.

But for nazis like me its also bad because now this law will be even more strict if it comes to any NatSoc memorabilia or symbols. Even the Celtic cross would be banned. I don't wear such stuff but it would suck for someone to get v& for having a t-shirt with the Celtic cross.

But this gives me and other nazis a good opportunity to spread redpills. I'm constantly spreading subtle little things to my friends, and this allowed me to call out their hypocrisy. All of Europe is banned from talking about how the holocaust didn't happen and it's ok, but this polish bill somehow hinders the debate and looking back on the history. Really makes you think don it ?

af280b No.321611


As long as you throw "esoteric" or "gnostic" on te front of it, you can do whatever you want. Esoteric Sargonic Jahanism may very well be the future. Or a nihlist Jahanic-influenced, branch of gnostic sargonistism. I'm personally a zoroastrian pansexual armenian-orthodox liberalist-syndicalist myself.

db8e27 No.321612


I didn't say Sargon said it. I brought that up as a proper timestamp.

And again, I'm only using this debate as a reference to what he said on the topic. But I did remember he hated the steroid use, and possibly the concussion issue(though I could be wrong on this one). I also remember he frowned and said he wanted them out or something. Thats what I recall from memory, and it could be inaccurate.

I don't watch Vee, not a fan. So I guess I'll take your word for the rest then.


Its going to exist even if you ban it.

Obviously, its not a 100% perfect wonderland.

There are stigmas that exist in movies and comedy. Make that as you will.

I don't have any sympathy for those who get addicted, as with anything. If you let yourself get addicted like Terry Crews you only have yourself to blame for not stopping it sooner.

I don't watch JAV as there a more open Yakuza influence from what I've heard. Some were forced into it because they didn't pay their debts or their daughters did something stupid.

a34075 No.321613


There are degrees of severity for Crohn's disease. I had a friend in High School who would be out of school for months at a time. He had to get a colostomy bag.

af280b No.321614


Sorta like Islam?

7d7bc2 No.321615


One of the more telling and interesting things, from a psychological viewpoint and human behavior, is the fact that online porn is disabled for everyone per default in Israel. They have to actively do something to be able to consume it. Call up their ISP, or whatever it may be.

That means that they're still able to consume it should they really want to, but at the same time they won't feel the need to watch porn out of some form of rebellious spite. That is watch it out of spite because someone's telling them that they can't do it.

We can clearly see this effect in places like the UK, for example, whenever there have been talks about banning access to porn.

Normal, decent people all of a sudden temporarily turn into degenerate Vee-like creatures, because they almost instinctively feel the need to do the complete opposite of what someone's trying to force upon them.

That's why it's not banned in Israel, even though the kikes know how destructive it is. They know how that shit works.

6c3740 No.321616

Obviously the hardest thing is to convince someone in Poland to national socialism because of the history. While Americans can say they don't give a fuck about Europe and Germany can say, yeah we were right and we ruled,poles thibk that nazis must be really fucked up, I mean how do you love a man that said that you're a subhuman, who bombed the country, holocausted 6 milion, and poles too don't forget….. it's a hard sell. But I've found out that many people agree with a lot of principals… I just try to avoid bringing up the fact that that's how Nazi Germany was.

One hand it doesn't matter, what matters is the idea and however it passes, that's good, but I'm still pissed off how the whole world has been tricked.

The spirit of National Socialism will live on as long as you know how to remember

f957d9 No.321617



I was in Europe this summer and I was shocked how much more globalism there is there compared to into the States. What really made it clear to me is when I crossed over from Germany into the Czech Republic in my car. The border was just a fucking blue sign with the name of the country and EU stars. Even to get into Canada here you have to get stopped if I remember right. Not to mention Berlin, it was like walking into a living /pol/ meme in some areas. I hope Poland and the Eastern countries can resist this shit

f957d9 No.321618


Obviously you already have the Schengen shit though

877edd No.321619

File: c3fb8a77d8cfc18⋯.png (329.88 KB, 497x494, 497:494, vee vore irl.png)



Lads, this concern-trolling faggot is Vee. Hey Vee, why don't you renew your fucking license and get a real job?

f957d9 No.321621

File: 636939ad665440b⋯.png (426.2 KB, 413x515, 413:515, VEE'S DAD.PNG)

File: e365703d6da11a2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1211x633, 1211:633, SANDNIGGER3.PNG)

File: 0db27b21d03d5ee⋯.png (89.46 KB, 865x878, 865:878, Mein Kampf Hitler on Zioni….PNG)

File: 3ff13a7559e429f⋯.png (1 MB, 1134x581, 162:83, sandnigger lover.PNG)

File: 0e7a0d43dcc2007⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1221x602, 1221:602, sandnigger2.PNG)


Nice to see you back, gypsy scum

7d7bc2 No.321622

File: 9a5692d06b3bd28⋯.png (145.63 KB, 754x606, 377:303, gypsyseal.png)

f957d9 No.321623

File: 636939ad665440b⋯.png (426.2 KB, 413x515, 413:515, VEE'S DAD.PNG)

File: 90a7c31d5bd6d40⋯.jpg (190.88 KB, 631x492, 631:492, veezoned.jpg)

File: 0230ce2facea9b1⋯.png (428.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, vee2.PNG)

File: 478ea7afab572d7⋯.png (575.85 KB, 636x640, 159:160, vee3.PNG)

File: 900042a3626058a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 777x493, 777:493, CODRIN5.PNG)


7d7bc2 No.321624

File: c6934350fbb1120⋯.gif (346.4 KB, 700x380, 35:19, swallowmemommy.gif)

File: 4a1b1ed018f9aba⋯.jpg (343.44 KB, 800x911, 800:911, vee pilpul.jpg)

f957d9 No.321625

File: 3147d3ec6af9ed3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 924x521, 924:521, CODRIN4.PNG)

File: a84f842cda52fba⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1214x588, 607:294, motherandson.PNG)

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)

File: 7765138c935957d⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 514x652, 257:326, vorevee.jpg)

File: 4429237b6e72874⋯.png (616.61 KB, 1210x634, 605:317, HUSBAND AND WIFE.PNG)

db8e27 No.321626





Drats, you caught me. I guess I couldn't hide it any longer. I guess I have to go back to france or where ever the fuck my accents from

b52ff9 No.321627

File: c1f9194ae521f81⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bd309413.jpg)


>tfw you find out that the reason someone was repeating Liberalist(tm) misrepresentations of what the ethnostate means is because it came from straight from the horse's mouth


f957d9 No.321628

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, degen3.jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, degen1.jpg)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, degen2.jpg)


7d7bc2 No.321629


Yeah, that's the least he could do for showing his acne-scarred face around here.

e7e32a No.321631


Romanian lasses are fucking ugly tbh

640f73 No.321632


Berlin and Brussels are the ZOG HQs for the mainland.

3406e7 No.321633

File: 62ff96ef5dd1caa⋯.png (50.8 KB, 751x401, 751:401, 1517958023229.png)

god fucking damn it, Adam

7d7bc2 No.321634

File: f39a87dd616ed5b⋯.jpg (478.52 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, laura joomer.jpg)

File: 301a9a2063dfe14⋯.jpg (349.55 KB, 549x900, 61:100, loomer.jpg)


So we have to listen to that hook-nosed monstrosity.

fb58d1 No.321635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's because of Shengen


You just made me check it out again, timestamp is 3:06:30 more or less

As i said, he brings up steroid use as an example of how identity based on football teams are "hollow"

Weirdly enough, ban on football doesn't even seem to be mentioned, not even by Vee

f957d9 No.321636



Fuck I hate that sandnigger. I wish I wouldn't have instantly sperged when I called into his stream the other night

e7e32a No.321637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sargoy on with dutch tranny

db8e27 No.321638


Okay, it appears that I remembered parts of it wrong I guess. My mistake.

f957d9 No.321639


Is the other man a tranny? Lmao

f957d9 No.321641



Getting sick of this Sargonite metapolitical masturbation

fb58d1 No.321642


>Muh moderation

>Absolute radical individualism, all collectivism is cancer

The irony is lost on these people

640f73 No.321643


Weren't they on the same side last time?

88b486 No.321644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New AltHype on Minority voting block regardless of policy positions.

f957d9 No.321645

File: 069adeb0dcd7e9a⋯.jpg (162.22 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, workbuyconsumedie.jpg)

File: 706278464262aee⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 475x380, 5:4, AMERICA CAP.jpg)

File: 1679796da327888⋯.png (37.05 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, zog.png)

File: 5aa767574b86329⋯.jpg (2.72 KB, 125x115, 25:23, 1400329483883s.jpg)

File: 6d7aa3cd76050eb⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 680x418, 340:209, 1486579264505.jpg)

Are pics related the depiction of Sargon's ideal world of individuals?

640f73 No.321646


Sargoy is really boring to listen to unless people are out to fuck with him imo. Seeing him drone on for 2 hours sucks, him vs Spencer was awesome because Spencer decided to use his MKULTRA techniques against him. Alt-Hype also constantly calls him out so his vids against him are great. I have high hopes for Anglin vs Sargon.

3d00bf No.321650


157 viewers

These livestream numbers really show the draw this movement has. I wonder how many of that 157 is 4ch, /pol/, /cow/, tds, ts, etc. mining for funny bits.

3406e7 No.321651


She accused Warski of having thirst for her slashed tyres. Roosh was white-knighting pretty hard from memory.

f957d9 No.321652


50% or more of the viewers are shitting on him hilariously.

848e61 No.321653


There are 2 liberalists in the chat that I can see

f957d9 No.321654


3d3552 No.321656

File: a3f55cc2a33d8ce⋯.jpg (89.75 KB, 642x676, 321:338, 1515749533961.jpg)


d-did it work?

3406e7 No.321658

He's getting flustered by a tranny.

f957d9 No.321659

File: d49d7bc20f8813e⋯.png (171.38 KB, 371x399, 53:57, sargoy.png)

>when you'd kill off an entire group to save yourself

848e61 No.321660

>you can override individual rights in certain situations like a war but not now even after tens of thousands of girls have been raped and your people are about to go extinct

3406e7 No.321661

>the state has to have a good reason to tyrannize you


a96477 No.321662

File: 90727e8c42a03c6⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 246x265, 246:265, Smug Anime Girl 13.jpg)


Did the Soyfather already throw the Liberalists under the bus to save face? Fucking ,Kek, that was fast.

3406e7 No.321663

>Richard Spencer

>smug chuckle

848e61 No.321664

>ethnic nationalism = feudalism

I seriously think SArgon doesn't knwo what ethnic nationalism means

f957d9 No.321665

>feudalism strawman

>muh European superstate


a96477 No.321666

File: b8625d1f90b00e7⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Smug Anime Girl 20.jpg)

>you're not really defending a white space empire a-a-a-are you g-g-g-goys

>that would be really silly

>why not join the sjws instead

Is this spaniard serious?

3406e7 No.321667

bitcoin assassins are an interpol honeypot, right?

a96477 No.321668

>horseshoe feory strikes again


f957d9 No.321669

This tranny is pretty fair actually, calling soygoy out and not totally sucking his cock. Good on him tbh

3406e7 No.321670

I hope someone is recording this. He's gone full Macintosh.

3406e7 No.321671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f957d9 No.321672

>daily stormer

>not hyperbole

a96477 No.321673

File: 7a07b27161c3a3b⋯.jpg (83.89 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1515387201896.jpg)

>these people

>these alt right collectivists

>eventually they will establish a communist union and will push for sjw ideas

>it is innevitable

f957d9 No.321674

How can we get this faggot to get an opposing viewpoint? I'll pay money to get into this stream, even if it goes to some Europoor degenerate

b52ff9 No.321675


He doesn't talk to bigots like you, go back to your echo-chamber you ess jay dubayoo *fake laugh*

0a5de4 No.321676

File: c29af1bebf00031⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 260x291, 260:291, 1463854543684.gif)


Wait is he really getting b t f o by a tranny, a goddamn tranny?

You know those people don't have a fair grasp on reality.

3406e7 No.321677

Warski on

a96477 No.321678


3d3552 No.321679

File: f141f7b46bc62b4⋯.png (342.97 KB, 450x450, 1:1, strawberry of akkad.png)

File: eb51b23e623de90⋯.png (10.01 KB, 341x38, 341:38, c.png)


>large things are comming

f957d9 No.321680


I'm making my move on Twitter

f957d9 No.321681


88b486 No.321682

File: 664c4c2235880c4⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, individualist collective.jpg)

>lets bring an alt-righter

getting sleepy guys

a96477 No.321683

File: ba93dd2ad5a6a40⋯.jpg (184.77 KB, 489x713, 489:713, 1515319667951.jpg)

I fucking got to him

3406e7 No.321684

is he sleepy yet?

848e61 No.321685

SArgon is literally shaking

f957d9 No.321687


a96477 No.321688

File: bf48b7eb32deaf0⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 320x240, 4:3, haha.gif)

Called him an Upper Class Twat. he went of the rails

3d3552 No.321689

>when are they going after sjw

5 years ago

88b486 No.321690

How triggered is Sargon right now?

f9f005 No.321691

What's more entertaining; Catlin's stream with Soygoy or Roosh V's stream?

f957d9 No.321692



848e61 No.321693

He's literally become a cow

0249ab No.321694

File: 079cc97be896241⋯.png (453.31 KB, 956x801, 956:801, 4a2e238670781895e71e5ba946….png)


he really got mad when compared to anita

3406e7 No.321695

safe space

88b486 No.321696

>claim to engage with the alt-right

>respond to shitposts instead of JF/AltHype

f957d9 No.321697


a96477 No.321698

Upper Class really got to him. We need memes about this

f49af4 No.321699

Cow sargon best sargon. He's basically Anita at this point and he just got schooled by /our tranny/.

f957d9 No.321700

Imagine being a fat, forty year old man who gets assmad when a few dozen /pol/-tier comments make you rage-quit and "go to bed"

848e61 No.321701

He will use this as the excuse for pussying out of the debate with ANglin

3406e7 No.321702


Carlton Banks? Esoteric Prince of Swyndon.

a96477 No.321703

File: b11e078a43ff9a0⋯.jpg (181.1 KB, 622x350, 311:175, Umaru Nazi.jpg)


The Umman Manda strikes again

1748b3 No.321704


There is no effective way to ban the demand for it from the end user in a nation without strong informal controls. And there's no real way to stop amateur production and distribution either. Attempting a full ban through criminalization or onerous taxes would just shift the production overseas and then you have a vice AND cashflow problem. I view it the same way that I view abortion, both are sick problems for a sick society and aren't something you can directly legislate your way out of. It's one f the big reasons stuff like this always becomes a wedge issue, but the reality is that one side of the argument just hasn't thought it through enough.

a96477 No.321705


Lord Carl the 5th of Swindon. Dresses like french nobility.

0249ab No.321706

File: 1c912c880bc4e6e⋯.gif (39.58 KB, 200x204, 50:51, 1c912c880bc4e6e9cf01ca8551….gif)

>you can't even take care of yourself

f957d9 No.321707

>some faggot shilling for the "anime right"

What the fuck is that? Sounds cringe as fuck. This is why I don't speak about anime outside of /a/

a65c60 No.321708


societal pressure with light legislative action is the way to go

04aa8f No.321709


Brittany is wearing star of david earrings for some reason

88b486 No.321710

please webm the sargon chimp out.

a96477 No.321712

File: bcd307309f82e3a⋯.jpg (263.38 KB, 800x601, 800:601, Ha.jpg)

>sargon after the stream

>heavily crying

T-t-t-t-those fucking niggers

>sniff sniff

Calling me upper class

>pops champaign bottle

I'm working class

>throws bottle at a van gough


>smashes iPhoneX in his servants head

Who the hell do they think they are?

>takes a handful of caviar and smears it over his face


>bends over, tearing his armani suit

>fat rolls pouring out


>looks upon one of his servants

YOU THERE! Filthy peasants!

>lithe girl, skinnier than his pinkie finger


>looks at the other servant girl even more anorexic than the first

Make sure I am properly entertained on my trip to the queen! I DEMAND RESPECT!

0a5de4 No.321713

File: 6a6e80d8fba9111⋯.gif (3.88 MB, 344x203, 344:203, 1436935330205.gif)


I second this.

> lol salt-right triggered

< go to stream with tranny

> I just want the troll to stop, I'm a human being too

3406e7 No.321714

File: 70a193a4cb94fc2⋯.png (3.24 MB, 3213x2859, 1071:953, Family_Tree.png)

he hates the Anita comparison

090b96 No.321715


sargon's black grandfather was on his father's side, though

3406e7 No.321716

88b486 No.321717

File: 22accff9b604a55⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, metokur delivers.mp4)

whole clip still needed

f957d9 No.321718

File: 9275cafe5917125⋯.png (11.67 KB, 756x88, 189:22, average salary.PNG)

File: 054af11901aa0e4⋯.png (264.46 KB, 924x656, 231:164, working class.PNG)

File: 1fa23880a917edd⋯.png (187.7 KB, 483x535, 483:535, JEWGON.PNG)

Sargon makes 7921 USD per month, or 5650.47 GBP per month, thus making 67805.64 GBP annually from his Patreon alone. The average UK salary is 26,000 GBP


f957d9 No.321719

File: 22b76c2813a0c9c⋯.png (79.91 KB, 956x245, 956:245, SARGON MONEY.PNG)



b52ff9 No.321720

File: 43f1834b41a7614⋯.jpg (103.56 KB, 1024x692, 256:173, communists.jpg)



3406e7 No.321721

File: 4a99ac8b2785a26⋯.jpg (60.03 KB, 1438x899, 1438:899, 2012_12_04_71.jpg)

So apparently Sargon knows what white is now.

848e61 No.321722


tbf class in Britain means your parents' background rather than how much money you earn

f957d9 No.321723

File: bfa893230578a5e⋯.png (21.6 KB, 840x314, 420:157, JEWKAD.PNG)

877edd No.321724


topkek, what a butthurt loser

877edd No.321725


if Sargoy is going to dismiss whiteness as an american social construct, then I'm going to dismiss class as a britbong social construct

f957d9 No.321726

0a5de4 No.321728

File: abfbd806bc478bc⋯.png (169.63 KB, 562x422, 281:211, lord-carl-the-5th-of-swind….PNG)


Kek'd and saved.

b52ff9 No.321730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Relevant video


3d00bf No.321732

File: d61cb4525905ff1⋯.jpg (69.11 KB, 574x863, 574:863, 1512202850181.jpg)



t. Sargon "Race Realist" of Akkad

3406e7 No.321733


Some of you guys are alt-right. Don't be fucking niggers tomorrow.

276bb8 No.321735


She used them a bit earlier to fuck with roosh white knighting loomer.

0805d1 No.321737

>Sargon will only entertain "honest alt-righters" whatever the hell that means

>gets triggered by random bants

>youtube rich but muh parents are working class


>the SJWs are the real core problem

>I'll call the alt-right a nigger, they hate niggers

But the best part–the BEST part–is Sargon "white people aren't real" says "This isn't how white people act"

f957d9 No.321738


Someone needs to edit together a webm of Sargon saying whites don't exist then have it cut to


88b486 No.321739


What will happen to your wifes son in the liberalist ethnostate. Didn't think of that have you Carl.

a96477 No.321740

File: 229e76307b22a68⋯.jpg (101.11 KB, 900x726, 150:121, I say.jpg)

Is Sargon livestreaming or has he gone to his exclusive upper class gentleman's private call room?

f957d9 No.321741


It was bedtime for the Stepfather, at least it became bedtime as soon as the tranny host offered to bring on a voice to counter his strawmen

640f73 No.321743



Did you guys get him to chimp out that much through streamchat?

f957d9 No.321744


The tranny left to look for an opposing viewpoint and Sargon started to read the chat, people called him upper class, a male Anita and a nigger and he started getting extremely butthurt


a96477 No.321745


he went apeshit when he got compared to anita and the upper class. It really hurts his socialist credentials

81da4b No.321746


Caitlin is one of the biggest paradoxes in the political youtube community. A trannie that's somewhat sympathetic to the alt-right? He has to realise he gets the gas right? maybe his using the sargon defence of invoking victim status?

640f73 No.321747



That's nice, was he always so easy to trigger or is thi shit getting to him? It even got Jim back from the brink of death.

0805d1 No.321748

>Sargon suddenly knows what white people are

>sargon believes whites should have a higher standard of decorum

So basically, he's a white supremacist now?

Also, we finally got closure: He's officially bitching out of debating the alt-right because he doesn't owe us any favors or something

f957d9 No.321749


I guess so. The Internet is super serious business, no fun allowed. My favorite line was


88b486 No.321750


Spencer calling him dumb got to him. He's also looking for a way out of the AR debates he already agreed to do.

640f73 No.321751


That would have worked 2 months ago. Too much has happened since the Milleniyule where he said the alt-right is losing, the Skeptics are ascendant and Killroy is going to be a huge hit.

640f73 No.321752


But calling people niggers and then storming out of the room is more out of the internet Nazi playbook.

f957d9 No.321753

Speaking of Sargon, does anyone else believe he hasn't read Mein Kampf? I don't know what Jewish translation he's reading, he has a super warped view on it

04aa8f No.321755


He claimed he was reading it 2 years ago, then claimed he is still reading it a few weeks ago. Sargon is either not actually reading it, or a slower reader than the average nigger

f957d9 No.321756

File: 52de49d445a5eb1⋯.webm (4.26 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Kostbarste Besitz auf die….webm)


I kinda hope he tries to make a critique of it, it'd be pretty funny. I'd bet a lot of money he'd use the Manheim translation, misquote, take stuff out of context, etc.


88b486 No.321757

File: fd8be46aa8d1773⋯.png (32.94 KB, 629x229, 629:229, sargon defense force.png)

090b96 No.321758


We should double check that sargon did a DNA test on chat, as that's the only way he could assert that they were acting like white niggers.

Unless there's another way to know…

877edd No.321759


I guarantee if he read it at all, it was only up until he was able to find something to take out of context to call Hitler an ESS JAY DOUBLEYOO and then leave it at that.

640f73 No.321760


Woof Woof. I also like your file name.

640f73 No.321761


Lauren Southern called Hitler a right wing SJW in her 'book'.

fb58d1 No.321762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unrelated, but is MW having a baby?

a96477 No.321763


Is this new?

640f73 No.321764


I interpreted it as him trying to pull a Brevik but that might be wishful thinking on my part.

f957d9 No.321765

File: dd7d0ce03378be1⋯.jpg (265.98 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Breivik.jpg)

File: 699de6047375109⋯.png (244.62 KB, 1739x859, 1739:859, PROSE.png)


Behold this prose


Fuck I wish

0a5de4 No.321766

File: ccfa7e9b31aa5e1⋯.jpg (22.91 KB, 620x348, 155:87, Picard.jpg)


For godsakes Vee, Take a joke.

f957d9 No.321767

File: 282c079b3680532⋯.png (412.37 KB, 315x570, 21:38, autism.PNG)


>thinking an autist can tell someone's joking

877edd No.321768


He did the same thing when he was first getting PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD by alt-right guys on a MW stream a year or two ago. He has a pattern; whenever he starts losing a debate, he points to spergchat shitposters and uses that as an excuse.

640f73 No.321772

Jim asked LS about Murdoch Murdoch on the stream, LS confirms she watches MM and saw the episode where she gets ditched.

877edd No.321773

File: 87500e0d5d01b51⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1160x1594, 580:797, lauren southern blacked.png)


also completely dismissive and unapologetic about being a coalburner

b154e7 No.321775

File: 8d869ff55d8c711⋯.png (60.31 KB, 614x460, 307:230, mw bants.png)

0a5de4 No.321776

So how long until Sargon release a video to steer this mess?

3d00bf No.321777


She blamed being raised in cultural marxist world and said that it was a mistake. I'm not defending her, but she wasn't dismissive, addressed and said it was a mistake.

I'm sorry your waifu broke your heart anon.

3406e7 No.321779


The Scotsman steps up


<comments disabled

4eeeec No.321780


Wait, doesn't he always bitch about SJWs disabling comments?

877edd No.321782


So Vee admits niggers are uncivilized?

090b96 No.321784


depends how much that stream blows up. I was surprised to see it on Michelle's channel as opposed to Sargon's, but I guess he doesn't want a large audience watching as he reasons through his ideas. It has less than 1000 views at the moment, so he probably feels pretty safe to ignore it

b154e7 No.321785


He's bitching about a uninviting atmosphere. He's becoming a liberalist SJW and flattening the horseshoe.

640f73 No.321786


Metokur tweeted about it already.

3d00bf No.321787


And that Sargon says it's ok to be racist and homophobic as long as you don't write legislation based on it. It's also like 3 or 4 am where he is.

3406e7 No.321788


we all know he isn't sleepy

f9f005 No.321789

File: e59528471c18261⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 255x226, 255:226, 1423860837410.jpg)

>Roosh literally walked off stream

3406e7 No.321790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a18b94 No.321791


Oh, That would be rich Not unlike Sargon :^)

4eeeec No.321792


These bitches just won't shut the fuck up.

3d00bf No.321794




I think sargon was "sleepy" at 1am, he is a fat fuck and he was getting railed by a tranny so it could be true. Curled up in a nice live stream with vee by now.


He made a coffee and came back

He getting gang raped by venti and some shrill, google+ arduino fan club owner "who mines bitcoin pay for the internet?!"

877edd No.321795


What was the tldr on that stream, aside from him sperging out about white niggers?

640f73 No.321797


Yup, now just imagine the remixes of that outburst, cocks for 2 weeks straight. You know, last year this would have been the biggest Skeptic lolcow of the year, now it's just another chapter in Sargon's descent into madness.

f957d9 No.321798


Strawmen, individualism versus collectivism got him triggered too

3406e7 No.321800


>Richard Spencer

>smug chuckle

3d00bf No.321801

File: 48e7c129d7458da⋯.png (30.12 KB, 350x192, 175:96, drunksuper1.png)

File: d09060df3cc92bd⋯.png (22.51 KB, 366x138, 61:23, drunksuper2.png)

Drunk $100 superchats on warski, I hope he can undo it in the morning

3d00bf No.321802

File: fa603f6cfc5cc93⋯.png (19.77 KB, 344x141, 344:141, jf_spice.png)

Weebo Jones


JF, i gotta know why you blocked me on twitter, is it cause I'm a Polish or because I'm not retarded enough for you?

640f73 No.321803


Who dis?

3d00bf No.321804


Literally nobody, I think he's drunk.

547252 No.321805


Make sure to save copies before soygon gets it shoah'd.

4eeeec No.321806


This stream is pretty fucking good bloodsports. Both sides are utterly fucking retarded, roosh is making them rabid as fuck and they're sperging out.

877edd No.321807


Once again people adopting tactical ancapism. What will lead to true violence is letting the current demographic trends continue. Also why the fuck is he bringing up Le Ethnostate in a Roosh stream?

877edd No.321808


This, I don't really give much of a shit about either of these sides, but I do love watching Roosh get under the skin and causing these girls to sperg out, which I guess is his entire point.

3d00bf No.321811



If they really are so smart, why are they arguing with each other who they consider retarded? That question goes to all of them

3d00bf No.321812


In roosh's defense, to answer myself, he did say it was for fun. Blondy and venti don't seem to be enjoying this, and arduino nerd girl thought this was going to be a debate.

3808a1 No.321813

>i'm a person holyfuck

>don't disrespect me

Sargon has achieved peak feminism.

I guess the horseshoe is real after all.

877edd No.321814


Absolutely, the whole thing is a massive dumpster fire. Bottom line is that tradthots are shit, and so are the manosphere guys who make everything about sex.

640f73 No.321816


What's left of the manosphere died when Roosh and Aurini white knighted Joomer.

0a5de4 No.321817

File: 9c6d66adcee5a10⋯.png (34.5 KB, 784x652, 196:163, new horseshoe theory.png)



One thing for sure, Vee is definitely going to make a video centered on alt-righters calling sargon racist and homosexual.

Thus completing the horsejew

3d00bf No.321818


Who is this girl?


877edd No.321819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anika was on stefan molyneux

>I'm 99.9% sure that a swedish woman who lived in california and do shit with robots and biology was on Stefan show talking about how hard was to be a trad mom and all of that shit.

And Poosh was 100% on point about her

> Question: “I've spent the majority of my adult life devoted to my career, considering myself a 'fiercely independent' feminist and not allowing men to have much control in a relationship. However, a few years ago I started dating someone who didn't accept this behavior and I found myself slowly taking on a traditional girlfriend role, now as a wife and mother. Things have gone really well between us and I'm happy, but still find myself missing my old life. I've heard you talk an awful lot about how women are wired to want men to provide resources while they take care of the young, but I don't feel it's coming natural to me. Am I broken? What can I do to ensure that I don't fall into old patterns? Do you think there's enough space for a woman to balance being a great wife and mom, yet also continue to stay in charge of her career without sacrificing family?”

3d00bf No.321820

89c587 No.321822

I know people will focus on the "white niggers" and "this is how a white person acts" parts, but at about 38:30 of the Sargon/tranny stream Sargon says a collectivist society wouldn't care about murder and acts like he just dropped some brilliant, unassailable point. The man is truly an intellectual void.

877edd No.321825


He's just the perfect embodiment of everything wrong with liberalism. It all comes back to this idea that you can use reason and rationalism to think through everything without ever having to look at how things empirically work out IRL.

Like with all this ridiculous shit about how an ethnostate would need to be a dystopian communist hellhole… even though most of our nations were explicitly ethnostate until only a short while ago, and everything was fine. Maybe you can get away with this speculative bullshit if that weren't the case, but we can clearly just look back a few decades in history and see that things ran perfectly fine and still had race-based laws.

3808a1 No.321827


>a collectivist society wouldn't care about murder

In contrary, a collectivist society would brutally murder any murderers.

f957d9 No.321828

File: 5e704df32d1a1d7⋯.png (132.93 KB, 1242x617, 1242:617, IMG_0203.PNG)

File: 4e01233198dad91⋯.jpg (486.19 KB, 912x663, 304:221, IMG_0190.JPG)

I'm tempted to do this just to see Sargon chimp

877edd No.321829


What are you some kind of right wing SJW

[chuckles skeptically]

f957d9 No.321830

File: 8f449b19dd27c12⋯.png (208.37 KB, 1233x1502, 1233:1502, IMG_0204.PNG)


a03f49 No.321831


How has twitter not banned you yet?

f957d9 No.321832


He's permabanned from Twitter, he resides on gab now. Does anyone know if YouTube responds to these tweets? I'd be willing to go through customer service to fuck with him

547252 No.321833


>the guy using socjus tactics is also illiterate


f957d9 No.321834


I was just pretending to be retarded, anon. And I have no clue, I tweet out merchants regularly and other edgy shit. I must fly under the radar

877edd No.321835

File: a6d1ea67b1d6599⋯.jpg (125.6 KB, 1284x980, 321:245, homer universe.jpg)


>spams gaynigger cuckold porn on twitter until he's eventually banned

>says he's in favor of white genocide


7c5ce2 No.321837


Report the Liberalists to the SPLC

f957d9 No.321838


Even better, Hope Not Hate is the UK version I think

f957d9 No.321839

File: 73d98586dfecdbf⋯.png (236.06 KB, 1242x1533, 414:511, IMG_0205.PNG)

I'm not sure whether I'd be better to make a burner email and do it or just do the tweeting

4eeeec No.321841


>in the public space


1748b3 No.321842


Not necessarily, but they would view it as an attack on or a threat to the collective. This is actually the basis of criminal law and why criminal trials are always "Criminal v. The State" and not "Criminal v. The Victim".

1748b3 No.321843


I'm willing to bet that its that little Israeli flag. It adds just enough legitimacy to beat out the bots and the legally retarded sysops.

877edd No.321845


Why not both? Sargon, being anti-SJW, gets lumped in with white nationalists anyway by ZOG media, so they're really just looking for any excuse they can to (((shut him down))) anyway.

Although tbh I don't think we should take him down. He's a lolcow and I like having him around as a foil to continue demolishing. Plus if we actually got him banhammered, it would just feed into "UR JUST RIGHT WING ESS JAY DOUBLES" meme and he'd use it for a victim narrative.

I want to see Sargon get taken down because he got so BFTO'd and humiliated that he had to leave in disgrace, rather than getting deplatformed.

f957d9 No.321846


Yeah I'm not going to send an email, the tweets to three groups are enough. The main reason is my burner email is really obvious and would give me away as a false-flagger. Don't feel like setting one up tbh

0a5de4 No.321847


This. We need him to fail gradual basis to eventually disillusion his fanbase, so more can shift to the right.

0a5de4 No.321848


fail on a gradual basis*

Fuck I'm going to bed.

94f0a7 No.321849


If we want to take sargon down Jim's probably his kryptonite. His ego cannot stand being humiliated. We just need to keep making him slip up and notifying jim.

f957d9 No.321850

>inb4 Vee comes in and reposts my screenshots


94f0a7 No.321851


Vee is so autistic you could set a clock by his spergouts.

877edd No.321855


I'm really hoping Jim is cataloguing this shit and releases a surprise final video for his Kraut series about Sargon and the liberalists, starting with the debate highlights and everything after that. And then he deletes fucking everything and goes out in a blaze of glory


Vee was already in the thread as the concern troll shitting out bluepills and misinfo.

db8e27, who scurried off like the rat he is after being found out (due to the hallmark "muh cummies" attitude, naturally)

f447e8 No.321856


Didn't he post like 50+ times in a single thread trying to do damage control?

877edd No.321857


Yup, he's always easy to spot by his brainlet-tier opinions and stream-of-consciousness posts that hop from strawman to strawman

f447e8 No.321858

File: c97e0cc090f3abc⋯.jpg (178.95 KB, 514x652, 257:326, sargvee.jpg)

591bb5 No.321860

File: 3b9caf0b153cb0c⋯.png (184.63 KB, 277x373, 277:373, vee_the_GM.PNG)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, DR2H5reXkAA7415.jpg)

File: c5da09d504c850a⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1096x395, 1096:395, lol.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

I wonder if the veeh facts in earlier threads got his attention but that reminds me, we need some

Veeh facts



is a degenerate

roleplayed he had a kid

==made how to get gf video before looking like

Hunchback of Notre Dame==

Wanted to be sargons lapdog instead of a medical professional

uses strawmans in an argument

thinks that Communism is the only culture of Romania

played a hentai game on Christmas instead of being with family

is playing allot of vidya on steam

f957d9 No.321861

File: 693cafa56360786⋯.png (10.17 KB, 202x165, 202:165, IMG_0166.PNG)

File: bc31e9e3544e8ac⋯.png (19.17 KB, 210x297, 70:99, IMG_0167.PNG)

File: b241e4ea4b3064f⋯.png (7.44 KB, 133x133, 1:1, IMG_0168.PNG)

File: 2bcabcb2c123aa2⋯.png (12.63 KB, 117x211, 117:211, IMG_0169.PNG)


I was missing Vee facts, thanks anon

591bb5 No.321862

File: bc815afe9e57c11⋯.png (135.56 KB, 363x296, 363:296, 1504735153156.png)


I need to compile all the veeh facts from old threads.

So we are not missing veeh facts.

7c5ce2 No.321865

File: b084db7612a1bb0⋯.webm (2.51 MB, 720x480, 3:2, liberalist-hate-leader.webm)

When will he be stopped?

877edd No.321867


Why doesn't sargon ever debate with his facecam on? He does all his shitty jewtube videos with a facecam in the corner, so why not during debates?

04aa8f No.321868


That stream got really good near the end. Anons should skip to 36:45 apparently a 14 year old entered the Liberalist chat and some guy tried to lure them onto a boat, both mods and regular people in the Discord were engaged in "quasi sexual discussions with 14 year olds." But all of this was apparently okay because the kid supposedly was mature and made good arguments.

f957d9 No.321869

File: 9e02ae8f6ee8d14⋯.jpg (191.69 KB, 642x676, 321:338, IMG_0207.JPG)


How else would he hide his tears and moments when he mutes himself and pounds on his desk in an impotent rage?

94f0a7 No.321871




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