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File: 29817b5a4754192⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Spergon of blakkad.mp4)

8f6eb3 No.321870


▶The JewTube™ Rational™ Skeptics™ Community™ Thread #9: The power of the gypsy kike rises edition Anonymous 02/05/18 (Mon) 15:52:25 f447e8 No.320916>>320929 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

>MisandyToday is a MGTOW faggot who kept softballing him and claimed he dindu nuffin

>MisandryToday's twitch got shoahed for advertising sex dolls on stream.

>Destiny and Pascal Leroux are suspended from Twitter for doxing Tonka

>Destiny ordered his fangirls to mass flag people left and right in a fit of autism

>Vee claims whoever watches Dragon Ball is a pedo

>Sargon got butthurt at the "kick Vee" meme

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

>Jared Taylor goes on warski live, a dozen leftists bitch out

>Adam RaceWarski and Tonkasaw put on the SPLC Hate List, are now apparently banned from Israel

>'Alt Right Leaks' appears on Twitter, posting random screenshots from alt-right Discord servers and, for some reason, making the same grammatical errors as Kraut.

>Vee spergs out with "Muh dick" on twitter

>CRP takes the bait and accuses kraut of having "Alt right leaks" as a sockpuppet

>Sargon vs Anglin on baked alaska confirmed

>Vee's theme song found, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xo5tQUAqeA

>Adam Racewarski and papa JF invites a kike to debate immigration, with predictable results

>Spergon says no niggers allowed in the Liberalist movement

>Jim musters the strength to shitpost all over sargon's head

Sagas so far:

The Krautism Saga


The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism


Youtube RSS feed with all to date septics, lolcow enthusiasts and orbiters:


Old Thread: >>320916

a0b7db No.321872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The niggerstream ft anime tranny.

43169a No.321873

Why does Sargon condone Milo? Is he "skeptic" on the claims against him or something?

a0b7db No.321874


He supports child rape. Just look for anglin vs sargon on jewtube.

8fa8e1 No.321875


>anglin vs sargon

Wait, Did I somehow miss that???

fb9690 No.321876


Milo's on the same side. He's a "BASED" gay jewish "classic liberal" child molestation victim whose entire state of mind is created by that event.

f21f84 No.321877


Not the scheduled one the rotherham incident.

f6f34d No.321881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f6f34d No.321883

Next time he's on a livestream we need to meme "Apologize to Serbia" in the chat.

43169a No.321885



6dca44 No.321886

File: af5089e16f53e45⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 1195x646, 1195:646, Collecivism is bad.flv Par….jpg)

A lot has been said here about the whole 'white niggers' thing but I just want to add that this is really just a testament to Carl's ego. What set him off was being called an 'upper class twat'. It's like with Kraut and being called stupid - you could see shades of this behaviour in his discussion with Jared Taylor.

In the comments section of that Sargon was accused of being out of his depth talking to a Yale educated man, and Sargon responded with 'WELL I'M SORRY I CAN'T BE A PRIVILEGED YALE GRADUATE TOO', alluding to his perception of himself as 'working class'.

Claiming Carl has a silver spoon in his mouth messes with his brand. Sargon views himself as an anti-elitist sticking up for the little guy; it's peak fart sniffing intellectualism. When he was cornered like a rat in the chat he went full 'I'M A PERSON YOU'RE HARASSING ME' SJW mode.

The funny thing is this is EXACTLY what Anita Sarkeesian did - she ignored actual smart people capable of dialoguing and challenging her brand (e.g. JF). and instead opened comments then feigned surprise when the comments were nasty. Then she acted like the comments were indicative of the opposition, then refused to engage, acting self righteous.

Same shit, different smell.

e7205f No.321888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A L L. P R A I S E J O H N L O K I

Liberalist blood for Liberalist soil.

04fdb1 No.321890

File: cd7af73385b67a1⋯.jpg (194.77 KB, 831x683, 831:683, mc.jpg)

Anime tranny makes fun of Sargon.

b6c8d0 No.321891

Trump supporters are mentally ill and believe FAKE FAKE FAKE IT'S ALL FAKE NEWS NOT REAL FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE WAH WAH WAH

Also, conspiracy theorists have a genetic gene in their blood that makes them genetically paranoid and makes them stupid and stupid horrible paranoid I HATE THEM

Also, autists are more likely to be conspiracy theorists and stupid FUCKING HATE THEM DRUMFT

Also, autists are paranoid drumft conspiracy theory fake news problematic toxic toxic toxic toxic toxic anything I don't like is toxic, anything that doesn't fit my fucking hideous abnormal freak-fuck sick anti-human agendas is toxic!!!!!!!!! WAH WAH WAH KILL ME

I think they should start stitching jews, niggers and sjw into leather bags, so we can use them as punching bags without dirtying our hands. The absolutely constant bile that they are spitting out is infuriating, and I need a highly violent release.

>This post will appear on CNN with the word niggers starred out, to prove my motive behind the upcoming Alaskan Afro-Bikini Parade shooting massacre and dirty bomb detonation. They'll also say there were "ties to Sarah Palin, who face-sat me in a sauna 20 years ago and radicalised me"

afd488 No.321892


Great analysis. I'm listening to the tranny stream now and this is spot on. I bet some horshoe memes with Sargon on one side and Anita on the other would make him lose his shit.


lel, you have a way with words, anon.

ce96b1 No.321894


Whats with youtube wiping likes from comments lately? I've been seeing this a lot

fb90ea No.321895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb90ea No.321896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the damage control in these comments

fb9690 No.321897


>making the same post here and on /4chon/

I guess no foky/G&P here to shitpostbomb the thread heh


They're doing the same to video ratings. t. gave a downrating to one of smiley's videos and it was gone weeks later I'm sure it's (((just a bug))) though, totally not any manipulation going on like when they fuck with the ratings of their propaganda videos.

04fdb1 No.321898


Yeah, not sure. They're still there if you find the comment under "Newest first".

It happens with all of my comments on one profile, but not the other ones.

The shit they've pulled with "Newest first" is even more ridiculous. A good percentage of comments are only visible if people go look for them there. So it's like yet another layer of censorship on top of the usual bullshit, because the average Joe won't do that.

8816b3 No.321903



My account was shadowbanned a while back.

06d2ff No.321905

File: 1251b4aa34491cf⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 443x471, 443:471, Smug Anime Girl 117.jpg)

Has Soygoy been seen after he was exposed larping as a working class man? Has his ,darling, Vee, been seen doing damage control?

afd488 No.321906

File: c377511d7367b69⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 626x223, 626:223, ok.JPG)


Vee's busy retweeting himself.

04fdb1 No.321907

I just listened to his sperg-out again. This was pretty bad and hilarious. Fucking hell. And to think that this happened in his supposed safe space. No wonder that he's worming his way out of debates.

06d2ff No.321908

File: bf48b7eb32deaf0⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 320x240, 4:3, haha.gif)


>tmw even this won't help him

>either he debates spencer again and is mocked for it

>or he ducks out of the debate by calling them white niggers thus proving that he knows what white is

Either way there is no way out for him.

311742 No.321911


poor gypsey keeps forgetting to log into his sock accounts. The stress of his mother knowing about his vore fetish must have rattled him

268944 No.321913

File: 5d0bace87f9943d⋯.png (85.19 KB, 388x218, 194:109, Thinking face.png)

>the alt-right never talks about SJWs

>the alt-right never goes to other comments sections

They're the reason all the comments sections are shut down

4ed53b No.321914


they aren't the ones turning off comments retard.

06d2ff No.321915

File: 2a282c53a0e0724⋯.png (716.27 KB, 765x577, 765:577, Your Shekels he Steals Th….png)


Textbook Sargon reasoning: A doesn't do B which is why C doesn't happen, because of A doing B

6704e9 No.321916



>TFW some random tranny is more mentaly stable and thick skinned than Sargon


Also, if it's all about attention seeking, how does he explain the strong tie to chan culture. Sargon came from reddit, where everything is built on upvoats, namefagging, and karmafagging. Here, trip- and namefagging is looked down upon quite a lot.


What? How so?

afd488 No.321917


>>the alt-right never talks about SJWs

That was so telling of Sargon's stupidity. Pick a random alt-right eceleb and scroll through his youtube videos. Pretty soon you'll hit something on cultural marxism or subversion in academia. Sargon thinks if you're not reading a Jezebel article and pausing every fifteen seconds to fake laugh, you're not criticizing SJWs properly.

Yuri Beznemov? Who is that? Is he a racist Putin troll or something? HAHAHA LOOK AT THIS PURPLE HAIRED FAT GIRL WHO DOESN'T LIKE MY VIDEOGAME!

268944 No.321918


Comments sections got shut down because they were being raided, by nationalists not liberalists

d9c113 No.321919


I'm pretty sure his point was that it wasn't the alt-righters that deactivated the comments section once the echo chamber lost cabin pressure.

6704e9 No.321920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It seems that almost all of the Liberalists' arsenal is comprised of shaming tactics.

Speaking of this, I found this old video I've never seen before:

Questions For The Alt Right

by skeptic youtubers. It's so bad that Jeph Holiday is one of the ones asking the most unbiased and intelligent questions.


Sure, but that's not what >>321913 said. Perhaps you're right and >>321914 just misunderstood.

6704e9 No.321921


>It seems that almost all of the Liberalists' arsenal is comprised of shaming tactics.

Forgot to add to this that that was probably why Soygoy called the Alt-Right Niggers:

<"Hm it didn't work to call them SJWs and it hasn't worked to call them Jews so far. I know, they don't like Blacks, right? I'll call them Niggers! That'll definitely get under their skin!"

d9c113 No.321923


Goddamn, their questions can be answered by the most surface level thinking but they treat each one like its some gotcha moment. I'm perfectly capable of entertaining and weighing their ideas and yet all they do is play stupid or argue in bad faith. I say argue but as we've seen with Sargon there's a vast gulf of difference between argument and having a once sided conversation with yourself over some mass media propaganda piece.


That's pretty much what I got from it as well and his followers are basically patting him on the back for "telling it like it is" or some nonsense.

06d2ff No.321924

File: 4b7ee23ebcc92db⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 423x439, 423:439, Umaru laughs at your attem….jpg)


>I know, they don't like Blacks, right? I'll call them Niggers! That'll definitely get under their skin!"

<completely falling for their trap of proving that he does in fact know what white is

It's like he's never been to a chanboard, we know he's been samefagging on 4/pol/ and 8/pol/, yet like Vee he doesn't understand how to deal with, anon. Anon is a cruel social reject, you can't insult anon and expect to win.

6704e9 No.321925


>Goddamn, their questions can be answered by the most surface level thinking but they treat each one like its some gotcha moment.

They did one about Libertarians and one for religious people as well. Only saw the Libertarian one, but that one was also pretty bad.


This. Also, for someone to become an ethnonationalist, especially an open one, he needs to learn how to rise above social pressure.

6dca44 No.321927

File: 74835cca0057a77⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 241x341, 241:341, fabio (1).jpg)


>we know he's been samefagging on 4/pol/ and 8/pol/

Has he? I mean, if he had, he'd know that they bandy about 'nigger' all the time so much so that it's barely an insult.

Fuck me, maybe he oughta send out some alt right spies (academics pls respond) to come up with some actually efficacious insults.

I for one would've suggested he call the evil alt right 'crypto-Jews', not just 'Jews'. As a start.

ac898e No.321928


YouTube is so poorly handled these days I wouldn't be surprised if that actually was a bug, remember when uploads weren't showing up in people's feeds and they said "lol that's not happening :^)))" before finally adding a solution?

268944 No.321929

File: 5c059aeefc7c5de⋯.png (25.26 KB, 731x228, 731:228, Google miscegenation examp….png)


Did you notice how Sargon used the 'survey'' in the Catlin stream?

He just mentioned that 64% of the respondents thought that Jews as if it were a gotcha. He didn't say what was wrong about thinking that Jews were oppressing white people or why the alt-right were wrong or even mention why the alt-right thought that.

I suppose he just assumes the brainlets in his audience will think that the SJWs are wrong in claiming to be oppressed, therefore any claim of anyone to be oppressed is wrong.

I don't know wehtehr this is because Sargon himself is a brainlet who can only think in gotchas or if he is genuinely being disingenuous.

06d2ff No.321930

File: 8e4452458f635f4⋯.jpg (376.55 KB, 769x600, 769:600, Sargon.jpg)


>Has he?

Indeed. Quite frequently in fact. Came in threads, long winded walls of text that say fuck all, then counters the responses with logical fallacies. This was around the time logical fallacies went into use.

>Fuck me, maybe he oughta send out some alt right spies

He did and Vee was leading the charge. This was on halfchan, like the leftists they are they didn't last long. That's part of the reason the Soyfather meme started.

8f6eb3 No.321931


How many fucking braincells did I just lose?

1ce884 No.321932


For insulting the soyfather? All of them, you hateful bigot.

a0b7db No.321933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No BS.

ac898e No.321934


It's the stepfather, unless they put a new filter in.

0530be No.321935

File: 82d50529ff18188⋯.png (45.02 KB, 595x533, 595:533, Toohardcoreforandy.png)

He is too hardcore for even Race Warski it seems. Also, in the longer segment that's upped on Kronos he complains that the alt-right doesn't go after SJWs and instead only blames the Jews. Fucking idiot.

fa581d No.321936


Does he legitimately think the heavy-hitting thinkers and debaters of the alt-right are sitting in chat calling him a fag? Sargon's a fucking dunce. He responds to youtube comments and stream chats but admits he doesn't watch any videos made by the alt-right arguing against him.


0530be No.321937


Yeah I saw Kevin MacDonald there calling him a fat quadroon.

bca3be No.321938


He used it exactly as predicted:

chose X:

>right wing SJW


Chose Y:

>You cuck on "your" principles

487998 No.321939

What is it with all these fucks claiming to be "shitlords" and fucking with memes and shit. And then go in to tears when memes get made about cringy shit they do. They all claim they are in on the chan culture and shit.

Sargon could have taken the stepfather meme in good faith and laughed it off. But no he had to have a sperg out about it. He is not the Sargon he claimed to be.

Fucking Andy Warski is taking the memes like pro and just laughing along. If Andy can do it why not Sargon?

8816b3 No.321940


The difference in egos.

a0b7db No.321941


Because sargon is 1/8th black israelite.

09acb3 No.321942


Well Adam “race” warski seems like a pretty chill dude and Don Sargone thinks the Internet is serious business

6dca44 No.321945

File: 6aca851fb1d55b1⋯.png (976.42 KB, 1018x624, 509:312, gabagool.png)


I really wish people would dig into the black grandfather shit more like (I think it was Millennial Woes) did. First he claimed he was an octaroon. Then he slipped up and made it a quadroon. Then he claimed he had a black grandfather. Then he claimed he didn't know the own race of his grandfather and he must've been some sort of brown. Then he claimed he was black again and stuck with the narrative that said 'black grandfather' cucked the white ancestors of his mum or whatever.

It's utter bullshit, and it would be fucking hilarious if someone peacefully and legally chased up his records and showed he is likely bullshitting.

bca3be No.321946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AltHype did in two videos. This isn't even something that can contested anymore. Sargon lied very explicitly about his grandfather being full black and now goes on how he doesn't really know what his grandads race was (lolwut) and he doesn't even care anyways and basically you are an sjw for pointing it out.

6dca44 No.321947


Let's give him the benefit of the doubt for the sake of argument and say his grandpa died before he was born or when he was a very young child.

<Ring ring


<Yeah, mum/dad, I've got these weirdos on the internet that want to know where grandpa came from, like what his heritage is, you reckon you could tell me?

>Sure Carl, he was [ethnicity]

<Thanks, bye

So difficult to find out. No wonder he didn't know.

09acb3 No.321948


Or just get a DNA test

fa581d No.321949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>They all claim they are in on the chan culture and shit.

Being "into" chan culture is cool now. Look at all the spin-off sites who repackage old /b/ jokes and present them as their own. Look at all the meme sites that largely consists of screencaps of 4chan.

>Fucking Andy Warski is taking the memes like pro and just laughing along. If Andy can do it why not Sargon?

Because Sargon was never funny. He never got it. He was always just some fuddyduddy faggot who had a bug up his ass.

Listen to when he calls people niggers and faggots. It sounds alien coming out of his mouth. It's because he doesn't say it normally. He does it to try and signal to people that he's trendy and pro-free-speech. Listen to embed. Doesn't it seem fake as fuck when he says "jim you faggot"? He was always a hack swimming in the wake anons made. If making fun of SJWs wasn't cool, he wouldn't do it. If gamergate was never a thing, he wouldn't have spoken out about muh ethics in games journalism. He's a fuck.

bca3be No.321950


If he didn't know why did he say:

>my grandfather wasn't only quarter black. He was fully black.

He lied and is transparently trying to weasel himself out of it via all kinds of shit.

6dca44 No.321951


He would never agree to that, he'd come up with a million excuses, but he won't even do the bare minimum of tracing his roots in a private non-doxxxxing manner.


Because he weaseled out of it by going 'oh I just guessed he was black, he could've been another brown/black race. What a coincidence that I don't know yet it gives me leverage in my own persona/brand! Funny how that works out :^)'

252a68 No.321952


These comments are tip-top-tier. They're all just exclaiming "it's not racist! You're taking it out of context!" but nobody actually cares about him calling anyone niggers. We're not pearl-clutching over perceived racism; we're making fun of him for having a mental breakdown and sperging out

6dca44 No.321953


And for suddenly knowing what race is and how whites behave (or that any race could on average 'behave' like anything). Which I suppose is racist (by skeptic metric at least).

I guess that's why JF jokingly says he's glad Don Sargone's embraced race realism.

0530be No.321954


We're having 2 different conversations. His followers don't mind people saying nigger as long as there's no actual racism, 90s style somewhat edgy comedy. We just think it's funny he flew off the handle over a few comments.

bca3be No.321955


Maybe someone could contact someone closely related to him and ask.

fa581d No.321956

File: 90d05821d61a93d⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 742x579, 742:579, meaty.JPG)


The comment section is great. I love this guy

>it's the same as calling someone a cuck!

252a68 No.321957


What we need to do is get in cahoots with various youtubers who might talk with Sargon on streams. Guys like this "Caitlin" tranny, or that greek guy named MrRockingE, or anyone else who's not a white nationalist but sort of neutral on the topic who can manage to get Sargon on a stream.

Then convince them that the next time they're able to get a livestream with Sargon, do a bait-and-switch and bring an alt-righter on to have an impromptu debate. Basically the same tactic Sargon and Louis did to Jim. Force Sargon on the defensive and get him to sperg out either having to quickly backpedal whatever bullshit he was saying, or he ends up scurrying off acting like he has somewhere to go.

bca3be No.321958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Caitlin is ok - she hosted a good cederwood vs. academic agent debat. She wanted to bring on an altrighter since he kept attacking them and felt it was fair to let them defend their views.

He immediately started doing his so sleepy schtick and then used chat shitposting to sperg out and say he won't deal with the alt-right anymore.

52a955 No.321959

fa581d No.321960


This is a pretty good idea. Sargon's clearly terrible at improv and a surprise attack like that would probably end in some gold moments. Shit, he was left alone with streamchat and he started yelling "nigger'. Imagine what he would do if he was streamsniped by a shitposter.



You're not a woman, Michelle.

252a68 No.321961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He definitely sends his gypsy pet around. He's definitely been shitting up various /cow/ threads, and he's probably in the 4/pol/ threads to with a memeflag to disguise his identity.

I've also seen plenty of pro-sargon shilling around 4/pol/ coming from britbong flags. Makes you think.


Someone actually decided to do a survey of "alt-right" and other dissident right views that wasn't just yes/no gotcha questions and presented the results in video-related. Much more in-depth and explanatory than Sargon's bullshit. But Sargon will certainly ignore this, even if he is made aware of its existence.


Actually the Soyfather meme started back when Kraut was collapsing and Sargon made a video saying "I don't know anything about what's going on, but I'm definitely disavowing kraut over whatever he did that I don't even know about (srs)". People began speculating that he had insider knowledge and he was using Kraut as a surrogate to keep his hands clean and then trying to cut the cord. And everything that happened after that just kept confirming it, and it took off from there.

8f6eb3 No.321962

Sargon vs anglin is saturday 3:pm EST on baked's channel if he shows.

bca3be No.321963


He, it. Whatever. I don't really give a fuck.

The categories are useful and not useful.

6704e9 No.321964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All this reminds me of this old clip with Soygoy trying to market to the Alt Right that it's a good idea to call oneself a

>Fear Mongerer

as a value neutral descriptor.




>he could've been another brown/black race.

He said his grandfather was not white, because "unlike whites", he had black hair.


It's even more obvious in the "Oy fucking Vey".


And that they care so much about racism that they're are falling over each other trying to justify themselves.

268944 No.321968


It's ok only because he so obviously doesn't sound like a woman there's no uncanny valley and I've never seen what he looks like


Thanks for the video anon. Just shows how dishonest Sargon's survey was in comparison

fa581d No.321969


>he's probably in the 4/pol/ threads to with a memeflag to disguise his identity.

He was asking on twitter for people to link him to /pol/ threads talking about liberalists.

252a68 No.321971


Fundamentally, the problem is they all adopted imageboard memes/culture/verbiage/rhetoric/style. When you dance with the devil, you don't get to pick the tune

They decided to latch onto 4chan for free cocks and now they're paying the price.

06d2ff No.321972

File: 94796a251524cb1⋯.png (847.21 KB, 799x600, 799:600, Smug Little Shit and a Smu….png)


>if he shows.


<if he ducks out he will be mocked by everyone for being an upper class twat that doesn't want to associate with working class rabble such as Anglin and will surround himself with his servants Vee and the other one who will reassure their master that he did the right thing

2018 will not disappoint.

06d2ff No.321973


he doesn't even bother with memeflags, neither does Vee for the most part. It's pathetically easy to spot him there too.

252a68 No.321974


I've been wanting some britbong out there to dig through the UK's marriage/birth records, which they presumably have.


Faulk did more videos than that addressed specifically to Sargon, and he's also done tons and tons and tons of videos going way back that are all about various white nationalist talking points. At any point, Sargon could actually watch Faulk's cocks and get an actual understanding of what we're talking about and the data to back everything up, but he refuses to engage and uses ignorance of Faulk's cocks as an excuse to not address it.

b26205 No.321975



kill yourself

bca3be No.321976


You're acting like a nigger mate. Do you realize I'm a real human bean?

b26205 No.321977


I don't care lol. Define "human".

6dca44 No.321978

File: eb72059f0599edd⋯.jpg (20 KB, 220x254, 110:127, 220px-2008_Jared_Taylor.jpg)

File: 12c3916ef0d2077⋯.jpg (9.71 KB, 300x170, 30:17, edgar-allan-poe---full-epi….jpg)

File: 38bb932fa9f53f6⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 5ee91bd36aa924e⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 4154x6232, 2077:3116, methode/times/prod/web/bin….jpg)

File: 195984b97f727a0⋯.jpg (27.07 KB, 377x322, 377:322, Thomas Frank.jpg)


> "unlike whites"

"Oh but you see *laughs smugly* these whites just have very very dark brown hair which is technically not black perse *smug laugh*"

252a68 No.321979


If Sargon doesn't show up to the debate on Saturday, Anglin will be like a shark with blood in the water. Articles every day lambasting Quadroon of Blackdad and calling for the troll army to keep harassing him. It will be great.

Sargon is fucked either way.

bca3be No.321981

So when is the Sargon and Kraut reunion stream going to happen?

6704e9 No.321982


In that debate Sven also said that the Stepfather was "concern trolling". Sargon got very insulted because of this and threatened to hang up unless he retracted the statement.


Fairly sure Kraut is too damaged goods for that. In the eyes of the Stepfather he probably already sleeps with the fishes.

ac898e No.321987


>he'll be PLEASE STOP..



Copypaste that into notepad or some shit and use it whenever you want to get past the filter.

6704e9 No.321988


>already sleeps with the fishes

meant to say "sleeps with the trouts".

fa581d No.321989


Concrete nipple clamps.

6704e9 No.321990

File: a0bf50f5dfb7b73⋯.mp4 (166.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KrautKink.mp4)

fa581d No.321991

File: c116156ea3d7207⋯.jpg (65.91 KB, 960x540, 16:9, c116156ea3d7207fabf10dddfe….jpg)


I still can't believe he thought this was a tight comeback.

6704e9 No.321992



I only just noticed that the background is moving, meaning he got someone to film him. A bit weird, given that (I think) that's supposed to represent his fetish.

52a955 No.321993


>Implying he doesn't have a gf who cucks him while he wears vibrating nipple clamps

It's just basic biology, you collectivist retard

06d2ff No.321994

52a955 No.321996

File: b59e20f5d393fd4⋯.png (69.31 KB, 914x470, 457:235, fdwfw.png)

06d2ff No.321997


Sargon just entered the chat

0530be No.321998


Of course.

e555d4 No.321999

File: 90506d584605eea⋯.gif (877.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, kraut whipping.gif)

6ede68 No.322000

File: e7616914af56c43⋯.jpg (123.38 KB, 818x656, 409:328, IMG_0202.JPG)


Gotta stay in touch with your teenage audience anon! Shadilay my fellow kekistanis

252a68 No.322001

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, untermensch vee.jpg)


Can't stomach listening to the gyspy faggot while working out; someone please give a tldr after it's all over.

b26205 No.322002


he's giggling like a schoolgirl for some reason.

252a68 No.322003


Possibly lightheaded from erotic asphyxiation. Must investigate further.

6ede68 No.322004

File: 0e520f8b7da49bd⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_0208.JPG)


We need this version too

06d2ff No.322005


Sargon is feeding him lines through skype like always. He'll probably get invited at the end to express how offended he was last night

252a68 No.322006


Honestly, there should be a requirement that anyone who regularly makes cocks with a webcam should be forced/bullied into doing all chats/debates with a webcam too. Notice how these fags always turn off their webcams during debates so you can't see their reactions and tear-stained bloodshot eyes. Or in this case, Vee probably frantically reading over his monitor for talking points. Always obvious to tell when that's happening if you can see their faces.

ce96b1 No.322007

>Black Pigeon explains collectivist cultures in east asia and how they're different from the west

<But collectivism was also in Nazi germany m8 you had to dig ditches for one meal a day

Fucking Vee I can't listen to this shit. His stream kills brain cells in real time

06d2ff No.322008

File: b4304a1dc69d47e⋯.jpg (107.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Smug Anime Girl 30.jpg)


Sargon's puffy eyes in videos after debates tells you quite a lot of what happens to him after wards. Laughing is a coping mechanism. What I really want to see is Sargon break down crying in a stream.

6ede68 No.322009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video related, Vee part starts a little over ten minutes in. It's long and just a VR but he gets ripped to shreads pretty hard

252a68 No.322010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is long, but it's an actual explanation of how Nazi Germany's economy worked. Vee is a brainlet who talks out of his ass.

454e6a No.322011


>its a dutch anime tranny

Godverkanker wat jammer.

252a68 No.322012


You know things aren't going well when you get PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD by a dutch anime tranny

454e6a No.322013


Yeah. This year is already good.

b26205 No.322014


if sargoy cries on a stream "debating" an altright guy, it will be a perfect year.

6ede68 No.322015

File: 9e02ae8f6ee8d14⋯.jpg (191.69 KB, 642x676, 321:338, IMG_0207.JPG)


>ywn see Cultured Thug versus Sargon

I know he hates ecelebs but it would truly be the nail in the coffin for the fat pseud. Despite his more civnat beliefs I respect Thug 1000x more than Soygoy because the former at least feels genuine and doesn't julay people for money

252a68 No.322016


Agreed. CT is a good dude (even if he's disillusioned with white nationalism due to past experiences with WN1.0 skinheads). I respect him for not wanting to engage in petty drama shit, but I wish he would anyway just because he's basically the only voice out there willing to talk about these things.

He was willing to hop on Molyjew's show and did pretty well there; it'd be great if we could get him to go on Warski and explain the ideas behind fascism.

b26205 No.322017


pretty boring stream really. I tried shitposting a bit in the chat, but didn't get much in response. too many brainlets.

6704e9 No.322018


Very interesting survey.

bca3be No.322019

>Ethnostate must be 100% pure

Strawmen. Talk to glowing white JF and not to some gypsie resent, BPS.

117977 No.322020


> it'd be great if we could get him to go on Warski and explain the ideas behind fascism.

He would do a damn sight better than that Gregory faggot.

252a68 No.322021


Don't forget Football is banned, cameras will be installed across the nation to spy on people and make sure they don't play sports, and anyone seen throwing a ball will immediately be rounded up in cattle cars and sent off on the holocoaster straight into the ovens, where their flesh will be rendered down into soap for redistribution by the state-owned monopoly of the cosmetics industry


Yeah, exactly. GRIDS Greg wasn't wrong, but he did a terrible job explaining his point.

ac898e No.322022


Well gee, I guess Japan isn't an ethnostate now because they're only 97% Japanese :^(

2eccad No.322023


Lol, go back to the start of the stream, the gyppo blatantly lied about Faulk taking jabs at Sargoon for lying about being part black. Vee strawmans Faulk as some rabid racial purity obsessed nut, when really he was just laughing at him for lying about his ancestry so he could deflect accusations of racism.

f083a4 No.322024

I like how Sargon throws around the word "nigger" while promoting his new cult and forgets about the rules of conduct in real life. I wonder how he will react when someone asks him in a IRL debate why he used racist words online. He won't be able to throw gay interracial pics to the people he doesn't want to answer to in real life.


These people are the chan equivalent of the fake geek guys/girls. They're "fake chan guys", they see a work being used on chans and they bring it to their Reddit but they always use it wrong. See the terms like "moralfag" or "lolcow" used ad-nauseam by Sargon and Vee against anybody who was making fun of them.

The Kekistan shit is the best example of how they re-appropriate memes and ruin the fun for everyone.

It reminds me of an old Jim video, I think it was the Gathering Storm, where he was talking about new people entering a forum, weeks later they start asking the admins to change the tone because it's a bit offensive, the admins comply, then they complain again and again and slowly they became mods and by the time they get admin access the forum turned into a dead place. The whole community left because it wasn't a fun place to hang out anymore.

b26205 No.322025

File: f8ae664a8b46bb0⋯.jpg (492.35 KB, 2404x1260, 601:315, fanbase hobby decline.jpg)

268944 No.322026


It's funny how scared Sargon and Gypsy are of Faulk, guess they learned something from Kraut at least

252a68 No.322028


Vee also had to dig back like 6 fucking years to find a video of Faulk lampooning manchildren who sit around autistically playing minecraft rather than building anything real, and does a response video where he just shows the title page of Faulk's video and goes off on how "the alt right wants to ban muh vidya" or some shit that Faulk never said.

It's fucking pathetic.

0530be No.322029


BPS is IDF, always says Jews didn't shit his pants and do nothing, lived in Israel, goes along with the Germany is responsible for all evils narrative. Fuck him.

252a68 No.322031


Wait, are you sure? I could've sworn BPS made at least some videos naming the jew, and didn't he do something on the USS liberty?

52a955 No.322032


He calls out jews who want nationalism for Israel but open borders for everyone else like the ADL, but he opposes the idea of a global jewish conspiracy

0530be No.322033


He's also doing the EU equals 4th Reich stuff, etc.

117977 No.322034


But he's not technically incorrect in saying that. The EU started as a union between France and Germany to cease hostilities.

What that statement lacks is context, because with the word "Reich" our minds go immediately to Nazi Germany which would be a GOOD thing for Europe, whilst this new Reich is totally contrary to the 3rd.

252a68 No.322035

File: 67e234b2196649a⋯.jpg (142.45 KB, 604x533, 604:533, aryan blood eternal anglo ….jpg)


That shit really pisses me off when sargon engages in it too

>group identities aren't valid

>you can't blame a group for the actions of individuals

>treat everyone as individuals

>you cannot say jews are controlling or ruining society


70d378 No.322036

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

6ede68 No.322038


Not sure if you're the guy who makes these videos, but keep it up if so, they're pretty comfy

07a081 No.322039

File: d6b8df603198933⋯.jpg (284.51 KB, 1941x1259, 1941:1259, hobby.jpg)

b26205 No.322040



yep that's it alright.

b26205 No.322041

File: 8ba6a38346a5c19⋯.jpg (61.14 KB, 340x320, 17:16, facepalm.jpg)


>I would like my group to be the group of individualists

28b2b7 No.322042



Good comparison.


If it is him, he's quite princpiled. He's linking to HookTube, not JewTube, depriving himself of views for the sake of following (what is arguably) the norms of /cow/.



fb90ea No.322043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b26205 No.322044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

discussing whether sarcuck is finished on kumite. (they reckon he isn't, yet)

fb90ea No.322046


>Sargon's Law

>Whenever an ideologue makes a character judgement about someone they are debating with, that character judgement is usually true about themselves.

252a68 No.322047


>literally "I know what you are but what am I??"

peak youtube intellectualism

fb90ea No.322048


Jim's on

6ede68 No.322049


I want to know how this acquired the name "Sargon's law". Did he coin this himself or was it applied to it after he did something? Both are pretty cringe, I wonder if he has a video about it

fb90ea No.322050



6ede68 No.322051

File: 661fb1def008445⋯.png (171.12 KB, 450x290, 45:29, the goyim know.png)

Andy always adds


It's like a tick, how hard is Trudeau and the ZOG breathing down his neck?

5568c2 No.322052

File: 09a57bd9f9d77ac⋯.png (85.56 KB, 882x590, 441:295, Screenshot_20180207_172610.png)


kek, -1 likes, the kikes are on to you

06d2ff No.322053

File: f0424aad5c086ac⋯.png (101.01 KB, 392x356, 98:89, Smug Anime Girl 16.png)


Have heard about Vee's Law?

6ede68 No.322054

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)


Enlighten me, anon

fb90ea No.322055


Anyone who gets between me and my cummies is a nazi?

06d2ff No.322056

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, Vee.jpg)


>he's extremely tired

>and extremely pissed off

>so excuse him if he seems a little bit agitated


252a68 No.322057


let me guess

>Vee's law: everyone who says anything bad about my cummies is a communist

f083a4 No.322058


>Did he coin this himself

He did.

06d2ff No.322059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and I have forgotten how embed works here

808cd8 No.322060


"Horshoo theory m8"

cda743 No.322061

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

Why do leftists choose the most retarded hills to die on? Are you so incapable the reality is a burden?

454e6a No.322062


What a greasy motherfucker.

cda743 No.322063


I want nagatoro to bully me.

cda743 No.322064

File: 34f0a3d1b4c4b7a⋯.png (784.5 KB, 544x817, 544:817, RENT FREE.png)

6ede68 No.322065

File: 90a7c31d5bd6d40⋯.jpg (190.88 KB, 631x492, 631:492, veezoned.jpg)


Veeh's law:

>1. Academia/MSM finds something "problematic"

>2. Soc jus activists identifies in a company the thing the MSM talked about

>3. Soc jus activists begin harassing the company

>4. MSM amplifies what the Soc jus activists are doing by writing many articles on the subject causing the company to believe a massive number of people are upset at them

>5. Company gives in do the demands of soc jus activists and msm

>6. Customer/fans voice their concerns and want the company to be back the way it was. Some might threaten to boycott

>7. Useful idiots come in saying "a company can do what it wants". These idiots were nowhere to be found during step 1-4. These idiots forget that costumers can also do what they want and completely ignore the fact that the company should get feedback from its costumer base to understand if there is a problem and the reason for why their sales might be going down.

0530be No.322066


Jim said Sargoy sounds like Anita.

cda743 No.322067


Too many words


International Jewery

0530be No.322068


Also Andy says he is behaving like SJWs.

0530be No.322069

"maybe Sargon just had a mental breakdown"

52a955 No.322070

Jim just mentioned us

61ce92 No.322071

File: b7d0ebc048aaf82⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 739x750, 739:750, 1470075647816.jpg)

>Jim namedropped us on the Kumite

6ede68 No.322072

File: a71efdf189ec443⋯.jpg (328.15 KB, 874x1024, 437:512, Es lebe Deutschland.jpg)

/cow/ shout-out from Jim

[spoiler]It's both political and for the lulz for me[spoiler]

6ede68 No.322073


fuck I can't do anything right

9f1c79 No.322074


I'm pretty sure Sargon's grandpa is black. Black Irish that is. He had dark hair so he obviously isn't white, duh.

252a68 No.322075

File: 02b71b5274000ef⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, smiley computer.jpg)


52a955 No.322076


The way i see it, this board isn't political, we just happen to be all right wing because that's how most of the site is

That doesn't mean we don't make fun of right wing lolcows as well

252a68 No.322078

File: 672ccbf3d08c347⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 854x570, 427:285, ian mcshane.jpg)


Look at this 100% african nigger

6ede68 No.322079


Oh believe me if one of these "alt-right" people started having a Sargon / Kraut-tier breakdown I'd be laughing just as hard. Ecelebs were a mistake

0530be No.322080


People like Milo or Czernobitch are nominally also right wing and I enjoy them repeatedly self destruct.

252a68 No.322081


Absolutely, imageboards are the most honest place on the internet, and you will get criticized for anything no matter who you are.

In fact, this is something that absolutely baffles The Stepfather. One of his criticisms of us is that we attack Kike Enoch and Implicit Dick and other people over their faults too. They cannot fathom the concept of honesty we have. They try to levy this as some sort of criticism of us.

cda743 No.322082

File: 01f009a2ee44e7b⋯.jpg (198.8 KB, 1100x1530, 110:153, Soywolf.jpg)


Irish were a mistake

t. Human Bean

252a68 No.322083

File: 5ca2d9d9909435a⋯.jpg (109.19 KB, 546x681, 182:227, bobby b.jpg)


swarthy beady eyed anglos are NOT WHITE

fb90ea No.322084


I made fun of Enoch for his jew wife. and the TDS spam on 8 /pol/. I didn't take it as super cereal. Drama is drama.

6ede68 No.322085


Agreed, if you start to treat it too serious you get what Sargon did last night

252a68 No.322087


Absolutely. We're basically social darwinists who make sure that the only voices who make it are the ones who can handle the banter. Only the strong should be allowed to be any sort of major voice.

487998 No.322088


I will say that /cow/ does use the kids gloves on any right wingers. But i can see why, you don't take the piss out of your ally's.

But fuck this Sargon shit. The guy is a mess.

252a68 No.322089


I may be biased, but I think it's just because all the right-wing voices out there aren't nearly as lolcow-worthy as most /leftypol/, antifa, and skeptic faggots. Just comes with the territory. Even the controlled oppo shills like Cernovich and Gapin McAnus aren't really lolcows because they don't freak out like chris-chan-tier spergs.

We absolutely eviscerated Enoch a year ago when his shit released though, for example.

28b2b7 No.322091


Is it worth watching?

6ede68 No.322092


The right has just as big as a capacity for cringe as these retards do, but I'm just not seeing any major right-wing voices right now that seem ripe for taking the piss out of, meaning ones that we can easily fuck with, not celebrities or pundits. Undoubtedly they exist. I'll have to check the right wing lolcow thread up right now and see if there's anyone lulzworthy in there

28b2b7 No.322093



I just started. The first thing Soygoy says after being welcomed is

>I'ts no big deal, honestly

with a smug chuckle. I think he's thinking that >Michelle Catlin will be easy pickings.

fb90ea No.322094


/cow/ maybe, but any right wing 'e-celeb' is treated as a glow in the dark, JIDF, shareblue, antifa cuck on /pol/, at least by someone.

487998 No.322095



True most right wingers keep the sperging in their pants. I have just seen the state of the right wing lolcow thread. There are blatant apologetic posts and attempts to troll.

9f1c79 No.322098



It's not that CT doesn't refuse to get into debates, he just doesn't actively seek out to appear in petty internet drama shit like most people involved in this debacle because it's a waste of time to him. There's a chance if someone invites him for a debate or conversation that he'll show up.

6ede68 No.322099


I'm still unsure whether Spencer is really a fed or not. I mean if we look at the people he's associated with such as (((Paul Gottfried))), his Russian, Dugin-translating wife, the pictures with Laura Bush, etc. I need to read into him more


I know he's in contact with Millennial Woes, who was trying to get him to talk to Sargon

0530be No.322100


Gottfried has acknowledged that Jews plan to wipe out whites and explained some of the mechanics behind it, the Laura Bush photos make sense since Spencer comes from old money and those families are all in contact. No clue about his wife. He is really a shit organizer, that's for sure.

Speaking of wasted talents, CT vs Sargon would just be Sargon refusing to acknowledge anything and fishing for gotchas.

6ede68 No.322101


I guess it would make more sense to presume incompetence before him being some sort of federal agent / COINTELPRO. It just seems like failure and cringe follows him wherever he goes. He's uncharismatic, effeminate and doesn't strike me as any sort of person worth following. He's undoubtedly better than people like David Duke (likely COINTELPRO) or Enoch imo though

252a68 No.322102


Spencer's main "talents" are that he has deep pockets to do random shit, and that he's pretty decent with on-the-fly bantz. That's basically it though; he can't actually argue his way out of a paper bag with all that faggy purple prose.

fb90ea No.322103


your guess is as good as mine. paranoia and legit skepticism about people's motives is a good rule to follow though.

52a955 No.322104

Jim vs the guy who savaged CRP on warski's right now on the kumite

6ede68 No.322105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't mind a little purple prose here and there, but you're right he needs to combine it with the right amount of good arguments and polemics. Vid related is the type of idealism I like in speeches

>power of the will

>most valuable thing on this Earth is your own people

>never surrender

9f1c79 No.322107


That is true, the right wing has a lot of autists, but some of the most massive autists like Varg have some redeeming qualities to them. Even the extremely stubborn LARPfaggot Varg "Stabbed a Commie and Didn't Give a Fuck" Vikernes has enough balls to not have a nervous breakdown when people keep screeching at him when he's wrong up to the point where he even apologized for spreading crap like saying that blue eyes give you special nightvision or whatever and that the only reason weightlifters can have bigger muscles now than in the past is purely because of steroid use and not due to advances in nutrition, training, bodybuilding etc.

What does that say when you present yourself as normal, but act like a much bigger faggot than someone on the really extreme fringes like Varg?

252a68 No.322108


Exactly. There are tons of people out there that say/believe dumb shit. But what makes a real lolcow is someone who takes themselves too seriously and feels the need to defend themselves every time a random shitposter laughs at them.

52a955 No.322109


Nevermind that, Jim vs. sovereign citizen possibly incoming on the kumite

6ede68 No.322111


Oh boy

487998 No.322113


>some redeeming qualities to them.

So do you think this justify's the kid gloves then?

9f1c79 No.322115


For those that have something that redeems them a little, yes, up to a point, but not so much that you go around defending them even when they do or say something extremely stupid, which often does happen around here.

fb90ea No.322117


start a thread then

6ede68 No.322120

This guy seems a bit nutty but I don't think they're gonna get any "bloodsports" out of him

7360b6 No.322121


Hey Jimbo. I hope you can handle Jade without reading the collected works of Roosh. Sorry for causing you problems, because I assumed she would dump ya and posting that. Please read the fucking FAQ before posting next time and keep up the fun aspect.

52a955 No.322122


Well, him and the guy who tried to banter Jim are going at it right now

61ce92 No.322126

File: c2f72d6ff447f5d⋯.png (570.64 KB, 743x600, 743:600, whatt.png)

What the fuck is this stream?

61ce92 No.322129

File: 8eeb1507a4f63a6⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 496x465, 16:15, Lick.gif)

Muhreen bringing the heat.

fb9690 No.322132

File: 80990db4852a893⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 556x558, 278:279, what IS he looking at_.jpg)


>trying to help soygon

Must be those turk genes.




Cucknadia is Britain/Germany/Sweden-tier. If Smiley had a bigger internet presence and wasn't jewish he'd be arrested.



Low T beta soycuck detected.


But that's wrong, you fucking retard. What gets posted here as a "right wing lolcow" is nearly always unfunny shit. For all the whiny sagebomb posts that appeared during goyimergate when anti-GG lolcow threads got made, the reality is most of the "look at this right wing sjw lolcow guys" is I DISAGREE WITH THIS GUY SO HE'S A LOSER. The schizophrenic on gab I posted in the recent "right wing lolcows" thread is more of a lolcow than nearly all the others that get brought up. Kenneth Schueler on the other hand…


And here you show your hand. You're just asshurt that the side of the political spectrum that's actually more lolcow gets reamed harder than the side that what, has a Smiley, a Mike "jew with a jew wife but I'm norweigan goy" Enuch, some gangtrolling TI types, and PA requests? Cry about it.

268944 No.322133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


His interiew with this ''''british'' nig is funny, I'll give him that

268944 No.322134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Matt Forney is a funny 'right-wing' lolcow. Read his blog entry about how he, a pua, was begging for sex from a coke whore 20 years older than him


268944 No.322135


kek forgot to delete video embed

252a68 No.322136


Yeah, stuff like that or when he trolls combative libcucks at his college speeches and whatnot is great. He was able to send Sargon off the wall by just offhandedly saying he's not as smart as he thinks he is. As far as rhetoric goes, he's pretty shit. But he's great with banter at least, so there's that.

06d2ff No.322139

File: ed9a2d7968585c5⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, 649x654, 649:654, Amused Anime Girl 34.jpg)

When does the Daily Shoa start. I wanna see what that bloated jew driller has to say about Sargon's sissy fit

0530be No.322140


The manosphere is just not that important anymore. Roosh and Kane white knighting Joomer showed how they have reached self parody level but they're just not important enough to matter anymore.


>jew driller

Gold digger.

252a68 No.322142


goldberg driller

b26205 No.322143

487998 No.322144


Oh please don't give me that shit. I am just here to laugh. I don't give a fuck about politics anymore. I was just saying what i observed.

The right wing lolcow thread is full of obvious kid gloves shit. I understand that there is slim pickings but come the fuck on. You may as well rename it right wing defense thread. I troll everyone equally now.

6ede68 No.322145


>I troll everyone equally now.

And we should, people sperging out on the Internet deserve to be bullied

0530be No.322146


>Sargon melts down because of random people in the chat and calls everyone a nigger.


fb9690 No.322147

File: 521886ef80a3650⋯.png (51.19 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)


>don't give me that shit

>I don't care about politics

>I don't care



f25374 No.322148


Look, a liberalist got DUBS that's so BASED

487998 No.322149


Well /cow/ does pride itself on trolling anyone, did i read the rules wrong? did not realize this board was /pol/s personal army.

Fuck left wing lolcows as well. That faggot Bat'ko is on a shitlist of mine for being alarping autsit faggot.

268944 No.322150


Hi Vee

f083a4 No.322151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

28b2b7 No.322152


>Is it worth watching?

I'm now 40 minutes in, and it definitely is. It's hillarious watching Soygoy trying to justify his flimsy ad-hoc reasoning to an auitistic AnCap who lives and brethes axiomatic morality is pretty funny.

Also, he finally gave a definition of "collectivst" and "individualist" that actually makes sense. A collectivst policy protects the cohesion of an organization (group), while an individualist policy affects its members. For example:

>Spies and Saboteurs should be punished

is a collectivist statement, since they only work against the group, while

>We should kill all kikes and give their stuff to whites

would be an individualist statement, since it is meant to benefit the members of the group.

He also says that the individualist principle could be overwritten by collectivist policy if it's pragmatically necessary (he also said that if the social contract says so, it's not a collectivst policy, but I don't think he knows what point he was trying to make there, so I'll let it slide). This completely negates his entire moral foundation, since he's changed his position from

>We should have 100% A and 0% B


>We should have 100% A and 0% B unless we think we need B, and then we should have as much B as we need

which can be used to justify anything. It's also a weak opening bid and reaks of moral cowardice.






It's not.


Hi, /leftypol/. I thought you said you had already infiltrated and taken control of /cow/. What happened?

487998 No.322153


Hi Sargon

f25374 No.322154



Sentence structure is too good for Vee, this is some other sycophant

7360b6 No.322155


Hello Vee. Could you plese cut off that Hellraiser shit?

6ede68 No.322156

File: 636939ad665440b⋯.png (426.2 KB, 413x515, 413:515, VEE'S DAD.PNG)

File: 0e7a0d43dcc2007⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1221x602, 1221:602, sandnigger2.PNG)

File: d471e65b6ad3622⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1141x585, 1141:585, vee and mom.PNG)

fb90ea No.322157


So start a thread on right wing /cow/s, this one is about skeptics, of course it's going to focus on the left. Just looking in the catalogue reveals a few 'right wing' people already. If they're not active it's because nothing is going on with them. There is shit going on with the skeptics. Your calls for balance just come across as concern trolling.

117977 No.322158


quick! someone bait it with yellow-fever memes!

487998 No.322159

>le everyone i don't like is Vee

You know this does give evidence that /cow/ is just /pol/s personal army dox crew. Looks like Sargon was right, you do use the same tatctics as SJWs. So you are right wing SJWs.

252a68 No.322160

File: ad824ee0275c177⋯.webm (953.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, abigail shapiro.webm)

File: 022dc3df1361dbb⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 507x800, 507:800, abigail shapiro blacked.jpg)


I get what you're saying, but I stand by what I said earlier. There are both fewer right-wing lolcow candidates, as well as the people who could be lolcows are to a much smaller degree compared to the leftist and apolitical lolcows, and the right-wing lolcows you might be able to scroung up with all this in mind are going to be literally-whos with no pull anyway.

The last true right-wing lolcow scenario that happened AFAIK is when Enoch got doxed and we tore him a new asshole over the jew wife thing. What can we even point to since then? Does harassing Shapiro's sister and her khazar julayers count?

bd750b No.322161


>I will say that /cow/ does use the kids gloves on any right wingers

Did you miss everyone shitting on Johnny Fox a few threads back?

b26205 No.322162


don't you left wing faggots think sargoy is right wing anyway?

252a68 No.322163


What do you think about Spencer's thoughts on aristocracy?

dd7afc No.322164

File: e80214e3650f9b9⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 900x792, 25:22, Horseshoe theory for begin….jpg)



268944 No.322165


I need to get onto to making deepfakes porn of her

61ce92 No.322166


Hi Soygon, having fun being a coward?

6ede68 No.322167

File: a44da35b57459b0⋯.png (75.84 KB, 233x255, 233:255, smug.png)


>be in thread about left wing youtubers


Make your own thread nigger

268944 No.322168

File: 4574704e27b174e⋯.jpg (149.1 KB, 1769x1556, 1769:1556, Sam Hyde's explanation of ….jpg)


Sam Hyde was ahead of the curve in criticising horseshoe

252a68 No.322169


I can't believe no one has done it yet. I keep checking back on 4/gif/ to see if anyone has done it yet, but still nothing. I mean come on, those facial expressions are perfect.


>you left wing faggots

Read my post again

9f1c79 No.322170



Suddenly when he's getting overly emotional his mask's slipping and he's making spelling errors. Really activates those almonds.


I remember an anon saying that he was baking some deepfakes of Shapiro's sister but he never delivered.

487998 No.322171


Don't care. I am just here to laugh at the sperg outs.


First i am Vee now i am Sargon make up your fucking minds people.


There is one but is full of apologetic and /pol/ sympathetic. You have changed /cow/ you used to be cool now you have sold the fuck out.

487998 No.322172


Wooo i spell something wrong big evidence there pal. I am fucking shaking in my boots at the sight of you.

268944 No.322173


Make a thread about a right wing cow if you want, no-one is stopping you

fb90ea No.322174


It exists already. The modern terminology is Upper Class. Moneyed interests that influence the political sphere. The Kennedy's, Clintons, Bilderbergs, whatever. Feel free to quibble about definitions though. It's what a skeptic would do.

252a68 No.322175


You're treating this like an RPG where you're trying to take the neutral karma path by making sure to do equal amounts of quests alternating between the good and evil karma paths.

dd7afc No.322176

File: 8e67cebe9114458⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tee hee.jpg)


I'm only still in this thread to watch you sperg out at this point.

252a68 No.322177


Yeah, but I wanted our concern trolling friend to answer.

f25374 No.322178


>being this much of a crybaby

I know this is an anonymous board but have a LITTLE dignity


Or don't. Whatever

6ede68 No.322179

File: dd7d0ce03378be1⋯.jpg (265.98 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Breivik.jpg)



I'm gonna Nazi-post twice as much now

9f1c79 No.322180


Am I acting like a white nigger right now?

7360b6 No.322181


Guessing attempt: Your rightwing cow thread is going about someone you don't like for some arbitrary reason. The subject is neither funny nor autistic. The thread will then sink in a week or so due to lack of cocks.

b26205 No.322182


then it's about the fact that leftys are more psychological inclined to be cows. maybe you need to be mentally ill to a certain degree in order to be sympathetic to those politics.

like, 90% of the cows are some variety of internet sjw with extremely weird and antisocial behaviour. it's a correlation worth noting, 487998.

0530be No.322183


Anders is actually quite the lolcow but he redeemed himself nicely.

487998 No.322184


So you want a hug box then. To think all i said was get some more julay from the right wing sources and people sperg about me being Vee or Sargon. My first post in this ID is me shitting on them. Take your pills /cow/ i am in no way defending Sargon Vee or any other lolcow. I just want the laughs plain and simple.

7360b6 No.322186


Then find rightwing spastics. Too bad you blew it and missed out on the Keyboard warrior genocide of 2010

6ede68 No.322187

File: d6a06a2b8929cd8⋯.webm (3.99 MB, 480x270, 16:9, wollt ihr den totalen kri….webm)


Then start laughing and stop bitching, you're in a thread about SKEPTICS. Make a thread about the altkike if that will make you have and you have some good cocks, if not fuck off

252a68 No.322189

File: cd62ad4694a4a4c⋯.png (451.6 KB, 640x460, 32:23, breivik one person.png)


I wouldn't consider him a lolcow. Just doing ridiculous/funny shit isn't all it means to be a lolcow. You have to be the sort of person who takes the bait, reacts, and doubles down when he's getting trolled. Which exactly what Kraut and Sargon have been doing. There has to be a sort of interactive element to it, because otherwise laughing at someone quickly gets old if they don't react.

And yeah, it's definitely something that's more common among the leftists and skeptics and the crowds like that.

dd7afc No.322190

File: 8d62a1e664468ab⋯.png (895.97 KB, 1062x1200, 177:200, ab299153da177a37faca731e0f….png)


Would you like to tell us more about your butt frustration?

fb9690 No.322191

File: bba55ce66e0721d⋯.png (272.48 KB, 640x997, 640:997, 70154ef39fd387060d9d157228….png)


Was it hard for you to explain your vore fetish to your mother?

fb90ea No.322192


my bad, I'm cycling through tabs and listening to streams, didn't check the ID

487998 No.322193


Did you find out how many niggers were in the chat Sargon?

f25374 No.322194


Then do your own work and find them faggot. You reek of liberalist shill. Right wing cucks aren't the product offered here so you're either fucking retarded or a shill

252a68 No.322195


You have this idea that we have some sort of duty to give equal time toward julaying left wing and right wing people. Right now, skeptics are the ones I'm enjoying taking the piss out of. A year ago, I was taking the piss out of Enoch and the TRSodomites.

9f1c79 No.322196


To be fair, it might not be Vee or any of the Stepfathers capos or soldatos, it might be that foxdick tranny who tried to force JF being a lolcow because he's like totally so creepy guise, he wanted to fuck that autistic girl.

61ce92 No.322197


>/cow/ is a hivemind

487998 No.322198

>liberalist shill.

What? What would be the point in coming to "convert" admitted lolcow julayers? Use your brain man.


Just seem to me you have /pol/s hands up your ass.


No, but it seems to have sold out to /pol/.

fcf2c7 No.322199

6ede68 No.322200


muh /pol/

dd7afc No.322201

File: 34bb7029d21ea7b⋯.gif (41.64 KB, 553x529, 553:529, 1145752416908.gif)


>sold out to /pol/

jesus do you really not realize that many of us are the exact same crew that's been around since the early days of /b/? Besides, it's a well-demonstrated fact that National Socialism is the world's leading cause of lulz.

f25374 No.322202


>I'm not a liberalist shill I s-swear

You're not here to do anything but sperg about /pol/. You don't have to go back to cuckchan but you can't stay here

fb90ea No.322203


<fair and balanced julaying

what next? upvoting threads?

ac898e No.322204


Why hasn't anybody done anything funnier with that tech?

It can do so much more than putting faces on porn, you could put somebody's face on fucking anything.

252a68 No.322205


>Just seem to me you have /pol/s hands up your ass.

What exactly is your argument? I think I sufficiently explained where I was coming from. Right now skeptics are the lolcow. a year ago the alt-right e-celebs were. If a week from now there's a leak that confirms Spencer cruising for underage boylove and then freaks out and turns into a lolcow, I'll julay him then too.

If you have any right-wing lolcows worthy of julaying, make a thread and people will see it.

61ce92 No.322206

File: 72bb12783a144f0⋯.jpg (59.45 KB, 478x596, 239:298, that's fucking filthy.jpg)


>Implying I go on kampfy/pol/

ac898e No.322207



Delete this right now

d432b0 No.322208

God what a shitshow

b26205 No.322209

File: 15bc11c681e5ca6⋯.jpg (291.56 KB, 717x909, 239:303, 8pol subverted 2.jpg)


a lot of refugees are here because of imkampfy.

when I came to 8ch in 2014 Heil was the /pol/ BO. I wonder what happened to him.

252a68 No.322211


Yeah, /pol/ has really turned to shit over the past year or so because of the turk. The mods have successfully steered it into being a self-isolating echochamber that discourages anyone from ever spreading ideas outside the echochamber while exclusively discussing topical trump news like it's a slightly edgier version of drudge report or something.

fb90ea No.322212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

white nigger D&D stream

what an activist

6ede68 No.322213


Can we make him chimp from shitposting for him to get to work? Let's find out

5568c2 No.322214


There is one and it's shit

b26205 No.322215

File: 69a76fbd7d13c31⋯.png (883.54 KB, 1258x3096, 629:1548, jim banning pol bo.png)


I feel like I still don't know enough about the drama that goes on in this website.

252a68 No.322217


>I've been too busy to debate Sargon again!

>lol but I have time for random DND sessions

9f1c79 No.322219


What D&De are they even playing?

6ede68 No.322221


fb90ea No.322222


I was looking at chat. Apparently it's 5e, going off the spell description on the sideboard. The fake nerd edition. Real fa/tg/uys play b/x or AD&D homebrew with OSR resources. Freeform, hex maps and pages of autistic tables along with homebrew spells that summon demon goats from the bovine dimension.

06d2ff No.322223

File: b296fa908e6feec⋯.jpg (10.39 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Batman sips coffee.jpg)


/pol/ was born from /b/. If you care about consequences, you are in the wrong place. You have to be with sick mind to understand the mentality of an anon. This is why it's so easy to spot infiltrators and /leftypol/ shills

f25374 No.322225

>Sarkeesian of Akkad can't be distracted from his crusade against the ESSJAYDUBBLEYOUS

>can't be bothered to debate

>plays pretend with fags for hours

Truly, Liberalistism is beyond my white nigger intelligence

e606b0 No.322226

File: c5da09d504c850a⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1096x395, 1096:395, lol.jpg)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, DR2H5reXkAA7415.jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: b30f3c73b5483d5⋯.png (532.85 KB, 1716x732, 143:61, b30f3c73b5483d5dda98d841c2….png)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

Veeh comes on here to read on




is a lapdog of the stepfather

was a guildmaster in wow

roleplayed he had a kid in the guild forums

made youtube video on how to get a girl

vore fetishist and a regular degenerate

played a hentai game on Christmas

took a picture of rapefugees with his mom

uses strawman arguments

he tells people of his pleasure to the palm sessions

he just discovered feminists worked at marvel

he needs his daily petting from the stepfather

06d2ff No.322227

File: e7bc7b981d09c2d⋯.png (550.71 KB, 714x1108, 357:554, Fucking Revolting.png)


That is a problem for the unwashed masses. Sir Carlington the 5th of Swyndon is not phased by the sjws, he will deal with in his own time, if his schedule allows it. Why would he put effort into helping those fucking luddites who don't even show him the respect he deserves?!

9f1c79 No.322228

File: ee0188b9b504573⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 830x720, 83:72, probudime.jpg)



Of course they'd fucking play the shith edition, hell since they're such queers I wouldn't actually think less of them if they played 3.5e

>Freeform, hex maps and pages of autistic tables along with homebrew spells that summon demon goats from the bovine dimension.

Don't forget homebrew races and classes/kits like playing a gnoll Kyokushin Karateka who kills undead by shattering their ribcages with a well-placed mawashi kubi geri or a half-orc luchador who suplexes dragons out of the sky.

06d2ff No.322230

File: 847a302eafe26d0⋯.webm (3.71 MB, 270x480, 9:16, HA HA HA.webm)


>half-orc luchador who suplexes dragons out of the sky.

mein sides

6ede68 No.322232

File: abfbd806bc478bc⋯.png (169.63 KB, 562x422, 281:211, sargon.png)

File: 33ee5265936f503⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LIBERALIST.jpg)

fb90ea No.322233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kumite clip

9b0edd No.322234


Andy made a good point for the first time ever. Sargon used to whine the SJWs wouldn't debate him because their fans were mean to him. No wonder the Anita comparison bothers him so much

9f1c79 No.322235


If you think that's funny, the current campaign I'm playing is set in totally not Renaissance Italian city states where the party is working together purely due to all of them having a job which requires them to investigate some strange occurrences in one of the city states which may lead to an all-out war in the area if left unchecked and the token evil party member is a wizard who acts all arrogant complete with big words and fake laughs and who wears outrageously elaborate robes… up until he completely breaks character when we encounter members of his rival crime syndicate, then his speech becomes Sopranos-tier and he ends every sentence with FUGGEDABOUTIT. A shame that I'm not the DM because you know I'd put in some subtle Stepfather references in there.

Sage for blogpost

fb9690 No.322236



Heil is still the board owner.


<muh turk

How many years are you faggots going to spam this disinfo with zero proof?

dd7afc No.322237


Cadre or whatever Kushner shill outfit runs /r/_D is the real board owner of /pol/.

252a68 No.322238



I've made one post on the matter. If you want to claim that the quality of /pol/ hasn't decreased dramatically over the past 1-2 years, then go ahead. That's all I have to say on the matter, because I don't want to derail any further.

eb7aa0 No.322239


That's not imkampfy, that's Berkay the BBC spammer you KrautChan cuck.

6ede68 No.322240


/pol/ wasn't brought up until some faggot started whining we weren't julaying right-wingers in this thread

ac898e No.322242


That fucking misleading thumbnail in the third image always gets me.

674497 No.322243

File: cc1ca02a4dc0c07⋯.jpg (184.71 KB, 909x835, 909:835, Los Tiburon.jpg)



Got the cap, never change /tg/

cda743 No.322244

/tv/ of all fucking places is laughing at the Stepfather and calling hiim a pussy.

Let that sink in.

6ede68 No.322245


Kek have a thread link?

252a68 No.322247


4 or 8?

fb90ea No.322248


I saw a liberalistism thread on 8/tv/

ac898e No.322249


>Let that sink in.

Jim? That you?

06d2ff No.322250


Can't find anything on 4/tv/ must be on 8/tv/

wep, right here https://8ch.net/tv/res/1129682.html

06d2ff No.322251

File: 4d6fd3e7634547c⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 329x375, 329:375, smugkoreancartoon.jpg)




scratch that there are 4 thread on Sargon.

6ede68 No.322254

File: 6fdbf332ad82352⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 200x225, 8:9, 02.gif)


>4 threads on one person

>all on a board not even topically related

RIP Sargoy

252a68 No.322255


The KF thread on sargoy is up to 69 pages too. I should probably start checking around seeing if other places are laughing at him too.

0530be No.322259


Did they find anything fun?

fb9690 No.322260

File: ca654ecabcc3f01⋯.png (22.83 KB, 583x166, 583:166, ClipboardImage.png)


>more disinfo with zero proof



>dispelling disinfo = claiming /pol/ quality has not decreased

There are problems with /pol/. Those problems are not "discuss topic x on board for topic x". Those problems are not "fake 4 year meme claiming learningcode from 4chon is the moderator because muh feels". Those problems are not "the board isn't 100% defeatist cuckery assuming everything is bad and will forever be bad all is lost ashes and echoes mass suicide now".


Impossible, he "went to sleep" hours ago. :^)

6ede68 No.322261


Just seems to be effort-post versions of the stuff said here

f25374 No.322264


Someone spoonfeed the origin of the sleepy meme please

6ede68 No.322266


It's from /pol/ if I remember right. When some pic happening occured, say with the Podesta emails being dropped, there'd suddenly be a ton of posts (ironically or not), saying

>man, it's sure getting letting, I'm gonna go to bed guys, it's nothing!!

6ede68 No.322268



I can't type at all.

It's from /pol/ if I remember right. When some big happening occurred, say with the Podesta emails being dropped, there'd suddenly be a ton of posts (ironically or not), saying

>man, it's sure getting late, I'm gonna go to bed guys, it's nothing!!

f25374 No.322269



fb90ea No.322272

File: 2ff37fc216de0c0⋯.png (542.65 KB, 1821x1348, 1821:1348, umman_manda.png)

Just occurs to me that meme magic is at play here. Sargon of Akkad was a Sumerian warlord. The Sumerians city states fell apart due to over-expansion and the predation of the Umman Manda, the horde from nowhere.

Carl took on the moniker Sargon and is now beset by the Umman Manda of the internet. The silly little man dabbled with meme magic and must now accept the consequences. Or it's just a serendipitous parallel. Who can say?

5568c2 No.322273


>be me

>make post on /pol/

>banned for chronic shitposting.

>Repeat several more times.

<Thanks hotpocketX

I want to be on /pol/ but I don't fit the mold apparently.

311742 No.322274


he invoked kek by starting kekistan. He brought this on himself

252a68 No.322276



The kekistan meme sabotage shit was the most egregious case, but he's been doing this shit since day one where he mingles with imageboard culture to steal memes and use them inappropriately and such. He decided to make a deal with the devil by relying on /pol/ for cocks and viewers. And he kept getting bolder and bolder thinking he could run roughshod over anons.

6ede68 No.322278

File: d9f7d048f31252c⋯.jpg (151.8 KB, 600x441, 200:147, soy.jpg)

File: b281f2632b03f1f⋯.png (194.3 KB, 840x546, 20:13, vee resp.PNG)

>someone on /tv/ claiming both pictures look exactly the same of Codrin Stavri

Is Vee posting there too now?

ce96b1 No.322279


That's retarded. One looks healthy the other looks like it hasn't been outdoors in 6 years

fb9690 No.322280




Is there anyone else that would defend him?

6ede68 No.322281

File: e2de88d4e635829⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 275x313, 275:313, rape.jpg)

File: 771d0c332ca98a0⋯.png (184.99 KB, 315x242, 315:242, vee caveman.PNG)

File: b891cef3c31f0be⋯.png (208.29 KB, 349x290, 349:290, codrin.PNG)

File: 594ba48cc98b69b⋯.png (181.62 KB, 315x237, 105:79, romanian genes.PNG)

6ede68 No.322283

File: dec8278ec769b24⋯.jpg (4.7 KB, 92x92, 1:1, vee2.jpg)

File: ef9cb3ec537fadf⋯.jpg (3.52 KB, 110x90, 11:9, codrin stavri.jpg)

File: 758e5c32e3678c2⋯.png (255.37 KB, 570x392, 285:196, vee2009.PNG)



5568c2 No.322287


To get reee'd at by pol mods who banned me?

0530be No.322289


Interesting. They mentioned that Sargon will probably get harassed more now because people smell blood in the water if he cracked under the stream onslaught. Should be fun.

793b0a No.322291


793b0a No.322292

File: e689e2f03422797⋯.jpg (280.12 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-153432.jpg)

Im bored. Im in vees secret liberalist discord server. Im posting screencaps. Yknow drama. Vee posts about you guys alot. He is bothered.

793b0a No.322294

Alot of the liberalists try to raid these threads to derail them.

fb90ea No.322295


he's trying to rally shills

6ede68 No.322296


So it really is him spicing up our threads with his autism

ce96b1 No.322297


We know. We've seen him sperg out with 50+ posts here before.

He stopped after his mommy pictures were leaked and deflected to cuck/pol/ since it's more explicitly political and easier to tie to the alt-righ

793b0a No.322298

File: 4c56a9751ec9428⋯.jpg (200.15 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-153901.jpg)

Dammit 8ch!!

6ede68 No.322299


Godspeed anon. Lay low and don't get found out

b26205 No.322301

Hi Vee

Vore is a disgusting fetish and you should be ashamed of yourself.

793b0a No.322302

File: 859e86fa1acc184⋯.jpg (229.24 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-154054.jpg)

Dem 8chans. I know how they work

252a68 No.322303



Well that explains some of the shilling. Just keep a low profile and don't get found out. Probably shouldn't even publicly be posting those caps here when they know about this place.

793b0a No.322305

File: 63ec985c17a7d87⋯.jpg (238.74 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-154158.jpg)

>remove all 4chn 8 chan links

b26205 No.322306


>we don't care

how many thread #9s have we had so far. i'm sure one of you autists has been keeping count.

793b0a No.322307

File: e31e910282a2e4f⋯.jpg (225.8 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-154342.jpg)

No links. Ur mean to vee

6ede68 No.322308


>worst of hate speech

>call for an ethnostate

my sides

fb90ea No.322309


oy vey, you mean white ethnostates, don't you goy?

252a68 No.322310

File: 1b855ea85d0c7d7⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 330x500, 33:50, george x3.jpg)


>Disallowed comments

>Worse of hate speech - genocide denial (Armenian, Holocaust) race realism, calls for ethnostate

>Agenda pushing outside the liberalist agenda

you can have as much free speech as you like so long as it agrees with mine

793b0a No.322311

File: db5c3d3a998c454⋯.jpg (247.19 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-154616.jpg)

Gatta use google drive calender for the movement

793b0a No.322312

File: 1cbfa716a266b9b⋯.jpg (212.61 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-154745.jpg)

Veehs pet sniffs his own farts about working in IT

745879 No.322313


I find it hilarious that it was actually him. If I was him I'd be so ashamed after all the stuff that got dug up I'd just stop using the internet for a month or so.

1ce884 No.322314


Interesting how they throw in muh armenian denial just to deflect away from their shilling for zion.

793b0a No.322315

File: a930316fcf2ce2d⋯.jpg (217.83 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-154926.jpg)

We under attack guis

793b0a No.322316

File: e5daca084979e04⋯.jpg (197.56 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-155010.jpg)

This is what they wanted

28b8d0 No.322317


Interesting how they don't actually give a fuck about free speech. Not very liberalistist of them

f25374 No.322318

File: b1b9b43710b2d0a⋯.jpg (307.52 KB, 1000x1321, 1000:1321, treebeard-the-ent-e1269783….jpg)


>i'm not an ent


745879 No.322319


huh, they actually realize they're a joke, that's more self awareness than I expected

252a68 No.322320


They talk a lot about first principles, but they keep changing their principles. Anyone have a list of archived versions of the liberalists webpage?

f25374 No.322321

fb90ea No.322322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

save it

793b0a No.322323

File: fd7345e9c66b6ad⋯.jpg (188.93 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-155136.jpg)

Big boss chiming in to tell them what to do

793b0a No.322324

File: 2b2c78d7394a0b1⋯.jpg (226.42 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-155246.jpg)

b26205 No.322325

File: 3e9bbf21b1255fb⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 256x256, 1:1, sargon of israel.jpg)


*smug chuckle*

>soon it will be mandatory to bake the cake

*rubs hands*

28b8d0 No.322326



You can post more than one pic per post nibba

793b0a No.322327

File: af4c130ebab17b2⋯.jpg (223.82 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-155433.jpg)


fb90ea No.322329

screen dump from 3 weeks ago starts when Sargon starts streaming with Vee

chumming or throwing off the scent? coincidence?

dd7afc No.322330

File: 57d8684ecac25fb⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 400x300, 4:3, e9094916.jpg)

Liberalistism is the biggest joke of a "political movement" I've ever seen. No one would ever put their lives on the line for the vague and wishy-washy value system of leftists, it's prima facie obvious exactly 0.0% of the invaders are ever going convert to liberalistism rather than radical islam, and it's obvious to anyone smart enough to escape a paper bag that the only way decent civilization is going to survive is if whites bunch up and look out for their own interests just like every other racial group does. Liberalistism makes autistically naïve assumptions about human nature that make gommunism look like top tier thinking.

793b0a No.322331

File: 6c61db9a2eb3972⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-155517.jpg)

745879 No.322332


what even is a white gentleman? is there such a thing as white?

6ede68 No.322333





Post multiple in one post, anon. Appreciate the screenshots, but just letting you know

ce96b1 No.322335


>white gentleman

Holy shit Sargon fed him that line and it came out of him last night after bottling it up. This "alt-right are white niggers" thing must have been in Vee and Sargon's skype calls for a month now.

793b0a No.322337

File: e17c0c0e89d9f44⋯.jpg (215.48 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-155612.jpg)

Now that sargons has spoken. Did you know liberal principles are suspended during wartime

c76563 No.322338


>Must be those turk genes.

Being sarcastic/taking the piss, cupcake. If you're gonna be a tard, be a tard right.

252a68 No.322339


wew lad, this doublethink

793b0a No.322342

File: 3c257399f6ad74e⋯.png (387.47 KB, 1736x1205, 1736:1205, bPNf.png)

Well. Ive had my fun. Time to show you the plan.

b26205 No.322343


>who is enough of a centrist cuckservative faggot that they could still bear to hang around us

>t. Sargon

getting desperate

1ce884 No.322344


We're at war, guise

This thread and the 99 other threads are our declaration

793b0a No.322346

File: 6f3bcac21cc1fdf⋯.jpg (164.64 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-160112.jpg)

I know i know. You want names.

6ede68 No.322347


>declaring war with anonymous shitposters and trolls

Surely this will end well

793b0a No.322348

File: 21a0d54b61c05bb⋯.jpg (178.88 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-160212.jpg)

252a68 No.322349


So if we point out that white civilization is under attack, would they be willing to suspend liberalism and impose fascism to fight back?

0530be No.322350


Publicly posting thee is good, makes them more paranoid. But do keep a low profile.

f25374 No.322351



Little on the nose, don't you think?

252a68 No.322352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


seems familiar…

6ede68 No.322354



Starting googling some of the more "unique" names and I bet we'll get some funny shit

793b0a No.322355

The list i posted are the internet generals of the movement.

0530be No.322356


Free speech so long as you say the right things, goyim.

793b0a No.322357

I think if you look at the list youll figure out who i am ツ you have the right to know that youre at WAR

ca26d0 No.322358

Someone call him a



0530be No.322359


How recent is that? Because most of that went out of the window with yesterday's showing of Sargon of KKK.

1ce884 No.322360


What, Nikolaz?

04fdb1 No.322361

File: 7ee089ed57257b0⋯.jpg (135.88 KB, 279x420, 93:140, meanwhile.jpg)

File: 0b7ee1a18183a88⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 279x420, 93:140, vee ree.jpg)

793b0a No.322363


Enacted yesterday. It was tossed around for a bit and now its official.

0530be No.322364


So how is 'hysterics over the alt right are foolish' going to square with yesterday's shitshow?

fb90ea No.322366


Everything on the left side is a failure.

793b0a No.322367


I know its hard to believe but has anything the liberalist done made あny sense? ツ

0530be No.322368


I'm not putting you on the spot, I'm amused it crashed and burned the very same day.

6ede68 No.322370

File: 7dc9855f65e6605⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1085x720, 217:144, location.PNG)

Anyway to pinpoint the location of tweets more accurately? I just went through the last month and a half of Louis Le Chink's tweets and plotted this polygon of where he usually tweets from. Though this doesn't show frequency, 90% of the time if the location is on he is tweeting from Buffalo. Wilson NY seems to be an outlier, as does North Boston. It's hard to find info on this guy beyond the university he went to, the year he graduated and his major. I have also heard he was published once or twice in a major NY political science journal, that may be a spot to dig. Any tips?

793b0a No.322371


Listen you guys are cool. Theyll never figure out who leaked all this. Ill post more as it updates.

0530be No.322373


Save it up, don't release anything for now, lay low for now. If they do ban you feel free to release it, doesn't matter anyway.

1ce884 No.322374


Don't blow your cover incase they go full retard.

ce96b1 No.322375


Well, Jim just tweeted one of the leaks

6ede68 No.322376

I might be on to something with Louis. No promises but I'll compile, archive and post if I do find it

f25374 No.322377


Master of subtlety

c1064d No.322378

File: 430045e35b185b5⋯.jpg (344.39 KB, 731x723, 731:723, 1514583800097.jpg)


Has anyone contacted Kraut's mother yet and told her that her son is a very naughty boy who likes to ram dildos up his ass?

ce96b1 No.322379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski Live

fb90ea No.322380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb90ea No.322381

seems to be cuckservative vs tradthot

6ede68 No.322383

Okay, I can confirm I am onto something with Louis. I will not drop anything since we're being raided but I have a new username that he has gone under in the past.

629794 No.322384

I think Sargon is deeply racist. He's just been conditioned his entire life that showing his racism is the worst thing he can possibly do. Now he's projecting that conditioning onto evil internet nahdzees. It was the same case with Kraut.

0530be No.322385


Anti-Islam but also anti Duke, Anti Spencer, etc.

So I'm guessing Boomercon, Neo-con or counter jewhadist.

793b0a No.322386

File: 9ef3d6432f84176⋯.jpg (137.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180207-165117.jpg)



Did you know they have another secret discord called sargons lost eye?

Ill. See. You. In. Time.

8f72e5 No.322387


Damn, those eyebrows are thicc

fb90ea No.322388


Athur Donald

0530be No.322389

Okay the guy said his problem is rabid anti-semitism. Because he is Jewish.

fb90ea No.322390



He's a jew

629794 No.322392

>i support white nationalism, but I don't agree with the rabid anti-semitism based on total lies

are you jewish?


b26205 No.322393

this is gonna be 1-2 hours of tedious jewsplaining. unless his opponent is interesting this will be shit.

fb90ea No.322394


Jewish redneck from New Jersey

d59211 No.322395



0530be No.322396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Cato video.

0530be No.322397


Who has a problem with homogenous societies.

6ede68 No.322399

d59211 No.322400

HAHAHA JF noticed (((them))).

0530be No.322401

Okay, this stream might pick up. JF literally said every. single. time.

0530be No.322402


I meant who as in him. Not as question.

52d10d No.322403


b26205 No.322404

>maybe it's me

they're learning

fb90ea No.322405

b26205 No.322406

d59211 No.322407




109 times. They'll never learn

0530be No.322408

>Just go to the wilderness and set up shop goy. Forget about Waco.

bca3be No.322409


fb9690 No.322411

File: 26e71f5b9482fdf⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1454618270064.jpg)

>this fucking kike bringing out the pilpul and damage control

252a68 No.322412

File: ad7572e01070d1c⋯.png (1005.04 KB, 928x8800, 29:275, jews expelled 359.png)


*358 times

also this stream is shit. It's literally concern trolling and a kike trying to give us advice on how to operate. Thanks for the advice, shlomo.


Last time people tried to form their own breakaway society within the US, we got Waco. How did that turn out for them?

d59211 No.322413

File: 28eebd3a20ecde0⋯.jpg (78.82 KB, 647x598, 647:598, ds34-45.jpg)

b26205 No.322414

File: 0c7feb28f7a4b39⋯.png (1.68 MB, 928x8800, 29:275, history of jew expulsion.png)


today we will be reminded

fb9690 No.322415

>it's good the media ignores legitimate concerns over vaccines goy

d59211 No.322416

File: e46b36675656e4a⋯.png (1.92 MB, 926x9698, 463:4849, xpelled 360.png)


Yeah but people don't like this list because it was made by /pol/ and not the jews themselves.

b26205 No.322418




well at least we all saved the pic

fb9690 No.322419

File: dbfd093cb082546⋯.png (292.75 KB, 555x714, 185:238, 1452835479223-1.png)

>the mainstream media has lied many times yes b-but only legitimate people can be platformed on media and everyone on the internet is a liar

Someone gas this subhuman.

fb90ea No.322420

Andy was talking to Enoch in chat.

109e65 No.322421


you just showed your username you fucking retard

d59211 No.322422

>Anti-vaxxers don't have scientists and doctors on their side

This fucking gaslighting.

fb9690 No.322423



>be dumb enough to use (((discord)))

>out your username when trying to leak info


109e65 No.322424


there's nothing really wrong with (((discord))), this anon just needs to lurk moar on it

fb9690 No.322426

File: 5e74680fcb9c9ed⋯.png (66.82 KB, 1127x408, 1127:408, discord is cancer.png)

File: a753a511e0d413f⋯.webm (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, why_you_shouldnt_use_disc….webm)


>nothing wrong with (((discord)))

Get datamined.

bca3be No.322427

>the right is about liberty

I guess Hitler wasn't right wing

fb90ea No.322428

>the right doesn't think generationally

f21f84 No.322429


The right is about (((capitalism))).

The left is about (((communism))).

>With jews, you lose.

f21f84 No.322430

Someone should ask to bring pastor anderson on in the chat.

252a68 No.322431


Post-WW2 the jews have pushed this bullshit concept that left/right is just about markets. Communism vs Capitalism, Marxism vs Libertarianism, etc.

This is complete bullshit and the true meaning of the terms are

Left = equality, chaos

Right = hierarchy, order

but the PSYOP was successful and they got a bunch of boomers to rally for muh free markets or whatever the fuck because they presented it as a package deal with social conservatism, and they took the b8. So now you have retards going around saying National Socialism is left wing because it's National SOCIALISM!!!111!! and some industries were nationalized.

fb90ea No.322432

get some literally fucking hitler faggot on to make some fucking soap

16db06 No.322433

File: 435df60285eab30⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 576x434, 288:217, 435df60285eab30af4f0f242dc….jpg)



252a68 No.322434

File: 026b15f42e66ae3⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, anderson on whores.webm)

File: 026b15f42e66ae3⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pastor anderson - that's ….webm)


Holy shit, I'd love to see Anderson get in on these warski streams and start going off on the kikes and holohoax

fb90ea No.322435

this boomer faggot needs holocausting

f21f84 No.322436


Yeah, modern left right is just economics. They both agree 100% on most social issues.

0530be No.322437


Don't forget that international Capitalism and Communism have no problem teaming up against nationalism. In fact New England's progressivism is probably the link between the two.

f21f84 No.322438


I might set up an extra layer of proxies and make a fake twatter, spam his threads with it.

f21f84 No.322440


Have you got the clip where he says that he wants to make jews christian because the real holocaust is the hellfire they will burn in when they die?

252a68 No.322441


I know the clip but I don't have it saved, sorry.

fb9690 No.322442

>no open borders for isreal

>but israel should expand their borders and own more land


f21f84 No.322443


0530be No.322444


Why can they get away with saying they don't believe in Jewish media control but I can get thrown in prison when I doubt the 6 gorillion?

f6f34d No.322445


They don't call it the Jewdicial system for nothing.

Oh my fucking god shut up about the holohoax.

0530be No.322446

Man this guy keeps talking about the Holocaust. It's like a caricature.

629794 No.322447

He's literally admitting that rich jews are re-engineering the world to their benefit. ZOG confirmed.

fb9690 No.322448

File: 773dfdf70c49459⋯.gif (444.03 KB, 480x267, 160:89, 773dfdf70c49459c181e682aeb….gif)

fb90ea No.322449


after saying there was no jew conspiracy

f6f34d No.322450


>They're the only minority that has succeeded completely in america

>They succeed overwhelmingly

252a68 No.322451


Yeah but it wasn't ALL jews so it doesn't count goy :^)

0530be No.322452


Man, Americans fight all those ZOG wars for over a century and still get bitched about. Really a raw deal for them.

fb90ea No.322453

Spic Fuentes en route. I hate that smug little fuck, but he's the type of Catholic that still hates kikes for nailing sky daddy.

b26205 No.322455


anglos occupy the cuckshed eternally

6ede68 No.322456

File: 7dc9855f65e6605⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1085x720, 217:144, location.PNG)

File: efc0900581bf64c⋯.png (800.8 KB, 1287x799, 1287:799, louis evidence 1.PNG)

Louis info:

His alternate deviantart username is "Tomapollo". I've tried looking for that name but so far only found a Kickstarter bearing the name Louis Le Vau with that URL. His birthdate is June 30th, 1990, making him currently 27 years old. Pic 1 is a polygon of locations frequently tweeting from stretching back into December 2017. Pic 2 is a chart I have made to prove that "TomApollo" is the same as Louis Le Vau. The next step is to find more info on he himself or alternate account names.

https://archive.fo/LyUhl (favs deviantart)

https://archive.fo/ZqeuI (main deviantart)

https://archive.fo/hscKR (commission)

https://archive.fo/1TerT (kickstarter)

https://archive.fo/53SuF (Facebook)

https://archive.fo/izOCZ (about, education)

https://archive.fo/rdPMT (Commission facebook)

https://archive.fo/9C4oJ (steam)

https://archive.fo/0Y3eP (steam games)


fb9690 No.322458

>$200 donation to talk about JF's skin

God damn, this "bloodsports" thing is just behind "camwhore" in terms of bringing in money without having to send someone a product in return.

bca3be No.322459


fb90ea No.322460

>jews were irish

explains the sideburns and pot of gold leprechauns have

b26205 No.322461



fb90ea No.322463

>you don't want to do menial labor guy

>you need darkies for your underclass

629794 No.322464

I'd clean toilets if it meant not getting mugged at 1am.

0530be No.322465

>We never had people doing manual work before the borders were swung open

629794 No.322466

>white people don't want to do blue collar work

fb9690 No.322467

File: 3e71a2c2b3a42ef⋯.png (134.4 KB, 600x700, 6:7, nervous but not sweating m….png)

>b-but who will do the manual labor goy

252a68 No.322468


bruh before the 1960s we had no restaurants because no illegal spics, and there was no gardening or orchard-pickers either. It was a terrible time and everyone literally starved

b26205 No.322469

I'm not even listening to this kike. Will unmute when Fuentes appears.

f25374 No.322470


>automation isn't a thing, you definitely need 3rd world illiterate rapists

They'll boost the economy by spending all the welfare we give them!

d59211 No.322471

Did andy just steelman alt right arguments? Holy shit.

629794 No.322472

File: 344d225ae70bef6⋯.jpg (231.81 KB, 850x446, 425:223, 344d225ae70bef616f97f71842….jpg)

fb9690 No.322473

File: 892c2daec516548⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 1467165477093.jpg)

>israel is only 70% jewish and imports foreign workers

>because the jew fears labor

6ede68 No.322475


Forgot to put his wordpress:


629794 No.322476


Jews don't understand how Mike Rowe grew to be an advocate for the (white) people he was paid to sensationalize.

fb9690 No.322477

File: 82d59629d2f46d4⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 724x459, 724:459, adam racewarski becomes re….jpg)


2c77f6 No.322478

>Andy "The Butcher" Warski

>Andy "The Janitor" Warski

The more we learn about his past, the more he resembles the memes.

0530be No.322479

629794 No.322480

>nobody will want to trade with a country that doesn't have jews, goy

fb9690 No.322481

File: 5ff896269ea1265⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 253x252, 253:252, 1453302002772.jpg)

>you have to trade and create money goy


8f6eb3 No.322482


Kinda true since the kikeschild banks will freeze them out like they did with hitler.

fb90ea No.322483

The Spic is here.

6ede68 No.322485

File: cd21729c148d1e7⋯.png (59.56 KB, 739x413, 739:413, louisapollo.PNG)



It seems many of Louis' names have links to Versailles. The Palace of Versailles is featured in the commission, TomApollo (see pic related) is his DeviantArt name and of course the name Louis Le Vau in general

2450e5 No.322486

File: ac44bdeb220f302⋯.jpg (153.96 KB, 1024x702, 512:351, Michelle Catlin is execute….jpg)



You traitorous piece of shit!

2450e5 No.322487

File: c879d9556d59ac3⋯.png (36.17 KB, 111x155, 111:155, 100% orange juice fuck you.png)

df3e81 No.322488

File: cc99a79054cdb14⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 500x278, 250:139, angry.gif)



fb90ea No.322489

>I don't understand how you can advocate for a race of people


13c44d No.322490



8f6eb3 No.322491

Dayum, right into the bantz.

0530be No.322492


Starts out by calling him a fat boomer faggot. This gonna be good.

b26205 No.322493

File: 099d1ed6321d639⋯.gif (491.4 KB, 500x290, 50:29, 1381445597754.gif)

>I don't waste my time with boomer faggots with no audience


d9c113 No.322494


Well good thing they didn't just declare war on everybody who would disagree with them. Oh wait…


That's a whole lot of words for "reestablish the politburo." They should hire me to help them out, I'm really good at endlessly re-branding social justice into more palatable forms.

ca8e75 No.322495

File: a805318b5b14ce1⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 494x420, 247:210, KirinoGunsaic.jpg)




b26205 No.322496

is this guy really just sore because he got snubbed by a spic

8f6eb3 No.322497


What do you expect from a kike 2nd gen holohoax survivor. Any snubbing = the holohoax to him.

ce96b1 No.322498




Hahahaha liberalist lurkers b.t.f.o

fb90ea No.322499


or larpers

d220b1 No.322500


I guess people REALLY want to watch e-celebs argue live.

40ca68 No.322501


Vee mentioned that exact thing during the recent chat with BPS. It is obvious how that would go in practice, they would always be at war with EastAsia

fb90ea No.322502

someone needs to clip Nick laughing when he finds out boomerkike is a jew

6ede68 No.322503

File: fba02ffb04eab09⋯.png (78.81 KB, 311x394, 311:394, jEW.png)


0530be No.322504

Okay, second mention of every single time (accentuated with clapping this time) and first time naming shabbos goyim. Good stream.

d220b1 No.322505

What's wrong with the Fuentes guy's front teeth? They look fucked up.

f21f84 No.322506



I love how he went dead fucking silent because he knew exactly what just happened.

16db06 No.322507

File: b2db37ea77fa3ac⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 457x502, 457:502, b2db37ea77fa3ac75ff8481644….jpg)

Nick on Sesame Street

793b0a No.322508

File: ca1842a2b53c7e8⋯.png (103.59 KB, 622x607, 622:607, xBVYbGUeTlulz2cqt72szg[1].png)

629794 No.322509


64ba03 No.322510

"""Evasion tactics"""

6ede68 No.322511

File: 5aa767574b86329⋯.jpg (2.72 KB, 125x115, 25:23, 1400329483883s.jpg)


>Jew triggered by Christianity


16db06 No.322512

File: 5bfbf6819bb35f1⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 5bfbf6819bb35f141a73dfe347….png)

the talmud says Jesus is in a cauldron full of boiling excrement

6ede68 No.322513



Didn't mean to reply to you, sorry

629794 No.322514





S A C R I F I C E S,

S H L O M O.

fb90ea No.322515

holy shit boomerkikes accent is coming out

b26205 No.322516


and semen, apparently. jews are weird.

6ede68 No.322517

File: d551fedad5f481a⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 790x960, 79:96, FOUNDOUT.jpg)

>this stream

252a68 No.322518

This kike is cooked

0530be No.322520



629794 No.322521



16db06 No.322522


explains their over-representation in porn

b26205 No.322523

at least pagans and atheists don't have this difficulty over which kike wrote which book in which part of the goddamn desert and when.

2c77f6 No.322524

File: 2267daaca17d73d⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 662x662, 1:1, crusader_confusion.jpg)

We need to rev up those crusader memes if christianity is so triggering.

6ede68 No.322525

File: e53583ca4bef346⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 648x459, 24:17, Dortmund 1933 Sturmabteilu….jpg)

These streams are unironically making me hate Jewry even more

ce96b1 No.322526


They lie, obfuscate, and claim hidden meaning in the passages of the Talmud when convenient to hide the horrible parts. I've argued with Jews about the talmud before they all lie and none of them have a consistent false interpretation. The only consistent interpretation is the one they are protesting.

bc9332 No.322527

File: 46279c25caa0858⋯.png (130.26 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 46279c25caa0858eaaf5055a7a….png)

>How to spot the jew : the stream

6ede68 No.322528


Is it worth reading? I'll buy a copy if it will help me argue against kikes

16db06 No.322529

File: db400de66585eaa⋯.webm (1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DEUS VULT DEUS VULT DEUS ….webm)

File: 92f987e0bbae29c⋯.webm (6.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Reynauld_And_The_Last_Cru….webm)

File: f4b6d27cf482f3c⋯.webm (2.5 MB, 470x434, 235:217, DeusVultsinOrthodox.webm)

File: 1f830a6346e7cd1⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 703x702, 703:702, e7bc29c0c4576fd3827e83f0fb….jpg)


I can get behind this

b26205 No.322530


isn't pilpul actually the way kikes creatively reinterpret the talmud in order to get away with breaking their books "commandments"?

61ce92 No.322531

File: 4bc08934cdd84f0⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1305x1237, 1305:1237, 4bc08934cdd84f06811ef76518….jpg)

I just got in, who are these people?

629794 No.322532

jews do not need meetings to do what is in their nature

6ede68 No.322533


Massive kike versus Fuentes

d59211 No.322534


It's on PDFs somewhere.

b26205 No.322536


a 10% amerindian catholic vs a jew roleplaying a cuckservative boomer

252a68 No.322537


Correct. It's a technique to use semantics and twist definitions so that you can make anything mean anything, it's literally jewing god.

For example, in NYC there are wires across the rooftops along the entire city. This counts as a "roof" and then the entire city is a house, which allows kikes to do business under a house roof without breaking kosher law.

ce96b1 No.322538


It's super long. There's only one english translation all the kikes read it in hebrew so they will claim your translation is wrong. There's also "techniques" to understand it (that's where talmudic pilpul comes from). I personally just read books about the Talmud instead of the talmud itself. Remember that regardless of what Jews say, a lot of the more cryptic anti-christian interpretations are corroborated by the Jewish encyclopedia

6ede68 No.322539



Yeah I just found a PDF on it and it's fucking massive. I'll find a few history books on it

ce96b1 No.322540


Btw, there's another "secret" book that's even more insane only used by the super orthodox jews that practice Kabbalah. It starts with a Z I forget what it's called.

fb90ea No.322541

File: 13c1c51df07f113⋯.png (96.47 KB, 276x245, 276:245, he_named_himself.png)

252a68 No.322543

Jews historically were most successful in the caliphates and ottoman empire. Jews have no problem living among arabs.

629794 No.322544


didn't Martin Luther read the Talmud, which caused him to hate jews?

d59211 No.322545

File: d0e3da19aa6d363⋯.webm (7.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jew_Switch.webm)

fb90ea No.322546

File: 3beef1cade6d56e⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 246x369, 2:3, On-the-Jews-and-their-Lies….jpg)


"On the jews and their lies"

252a68 No.322547

File: d9fa6b499eb289d⋯.png (450.39 KB, 800x470, 80:47, martin luther before after.png)


Yup. He originally cucked for them, but then after he read the book he wanted to go around and burn every single copy of it.

d59211 No.322548

File: 791f02c3ad0c422⋯.webm (10.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, eruv.webm)

0530be No.322549


Caliphates? I know they did well in Al-Andalus and the Ottoman Empire because they were used against the conquered European peoples, but I thought in the more ethnically Arab societies they got kicked out.

6ede68 No.322550

I wish I could rant against Jews this well. I rarely get to do it IRL

5b225e No.322551

File: 7641bf1d0f14997⋯.mp4 (6.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dear White People.mp4)

0530be No.322552


Do you think they will kill him for that?

ce96b1 No.322553

File: 3a2f60918ac32b4⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 604x364, 151:91, lutherpol.jpg)


yeah he was fluent in Hebrew since he translated the bible

6ede68 No.322554

File: b96284c95f15800⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 442x442, 1:1, 1458692932934.jpg)


f25374 No.322555

From the chat: "Don't Zionist and Globalist hate each other? George Soros and other secular jews don't support Israel. Wouldn't they be two separate groups with their own interest?"

I feel like these aren't mutually exclusive and that globalism still stands to benefit rootless zionists

16db06 No.322557

File: 3679a80e6d0f5f8⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 819x518, 117:74, ead7dd68effe0244c746d24c18….jpg)

>Christians and Catholics haven't thought coherently until recently


04db88 No.322558


>So now you have retards going around saying National Socialism is left wing because it's National SOCIALISM!!!111!! and some industries were nationalized.

NatSoc is actually economically liberal, but socially conservative/authoritarian. Not to put too fine a point on it, the best way to describe it would be "third-position", eschewing the left-right bullshit altogether.

ce96b1 No.322559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Talmud calls for enslavement of the goyim. Jews pray for this in the morning

0530be No.322560


As long as Jews stand on top it doesn't matter. Jews were behind communism as well as international capitalism with multiculturalism, why? It all ends in a large state, a fragmented population of goy slaves and a permanent Jewish ruling class.

61ce92 No.322561

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

So I know how Jews constantly try to fuck over everybody for their own goals, but what about Orthodox Jews in their communities? Outside of the foreskin shit, is there anything they do that actively try to fuck over other people? I know there's one Orthodox Rabbi that says "Hitler was right".

d59211 No.322562


0530be No.322563


Yeah Vox Day says this a lot. One of the things that soured me on it, together with him calling everyone fake right but sticking up for Czerno and Milo.

629794 No.322564

Did he just threaten to use Israeli nukes on the white race

5d7ccc No.322565

"you won't be laughing when you realize the gravity of the situation"

Good word play Nick

f25374 No.322566

File: 74c1f303370008d⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 640x703, 640:703, b169fbd6aa20498da3602989c4….jpg)


793b0a No.322568

File: 59d7da069c4c51f⋯.png (50.77 KB, 622x444, 311:222, 97j4BW0_SbWLKjpWB7QxCw[1].png)

5b225e No.322569

File: 5991fce0da0b8ee⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 500x683, 500:683, RWDS.gif)


2c77f6 No.322570

>you don't understand the gravity of the situation, soon you won't be laughing any more


16db06 No.322571

File: 562a60b587e8f8c⋯.png (532.09 KB, 1597x1600, 1597:1600, 1449784531636.png)

fantastic baiting by Nick

6ede68 No.322572

File: 1679796da327888⋯.png (37.05 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, zog.png)

America is the de facto seat of international Jewry, it doesn't matter what some left wing kikes think of Israel. The Jews want an atomized, consumerist society to exploit through international capitalism


61ce92 No.322573

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 1435863620561.png)


I didn't expect me sending Jim that would cause Veeh to start getting butthurt.

b2d0f8 No.322574

File: 5232bc402701a77⋯.jpg (84.35 KB, 480x589, 480:589, kill many.jpg)


04db88 No.322575



ce96b1 No.322576


>orthodox jews aren't so bad.

They're much worse. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're just ignorant here. They hate the goyim more and due way more occultist nonsense. The video you linked is just some kike kvetching about atheist leftists in Israel. The hitler shit is juts used to bitch about communists in israel.

Basically a hardcore orthodox jew is way more likely to ritually slit open a littler white girl and drink her blood than your average american reformed or atheist jew

629794 No.322578

File: 94b12bce6c647f2⋯.jpg (280.74 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 1515996966251.jpg)

ce96b1 No.322579


Yeah that's it. I have yet to go down that rabbit hole.

bf714a No.322580



Although directly operating electrical appliances is prohibited in Orthodoxy, several indirect methods are permitted according to some or all authorities. For example, Jews may set a timer before Shabbat to operate a light or appliance on Shabbat, and in some cases they may adjust the timer on Shabbat. Actions which activate an electrical appliance but are not specifically intended to do so may be permitted if the activation is not certain to occur or if the person does not benefit from the automatic operation of the appliance. For example, most authorities permit Jews to open a refrigerator door even though it may cause the motor to turn on immediately or later (not certain to occur); however, they prohibit opening the door if a light inside will automatically turn on (certain and of benefit). They also permit walking past a house with a motion sensor which switches on a light if the street is already well-lit (not of benefit), but not if it is dark.[not verified in body]"

Wow, they fucking stay up at night thinking of ways to cheat the fucking rules don't they.

252a68 No.322581

>talmudic judaism is based on the idea that you can't really know god's laws



6ede68 No.322582

I really need to research Jewish history so I can have some more nuance to my arguments than over representation

16db06 No.322583

File: 75a6abd8904bffc⋯.png (40.4 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 75a6abd8904bffc386eb409637….png)

>impossible the decipher the commands of God

were the 10 commandments unclear

5b225e No.322584

File: c3ea265019cda32⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Your laughing now.mp4)

b26205 No.322586

File: 1f01f185e12be33⋯.jpg (110.86 KB, 680x526, 340:263, liberalists.jpg)

bc9332 No.322587


With Jewish logic a law as simple as "You shall not steal" become indecipherable.

04db88 No.322589


See, that's the thing. They believe that in addition to the 10 Commandments written in fucking *stone*, that Moses received the "oral law", the series of traditions that would be written into the Mishnah and its accompanying Gemara and be bound together to form the Talmud, much later down the line (this stuff was just oral/verbal traditions and laws, somehow not having been written down until after the exile to Babylon).

04db88 No.322590


Minor correction: I typed "traditions", but that's just shorthand for "ways to fucking out-rules-lawyer God Almighty".

e19a28 No.322591


252a68 No.322592


Yup, 10 laws and then another fucking 600 laws or some shit about not mixing cheese and meat and whatever else.

f25374 No.322593


How do I rainbow text, it wasn't in the faq…

ce96b1 No.322594


All of this shit was written down along with a bunch of shit rationalizing how the temple could have fallen without a prophet predicting it. Well, Jesus predicted it in John supposedly (author date is disputed) but the jews rejected his message.

e19a28 No.322595


b2d0f8 No.322596

File: 8c70713cff8be97⋯.jpg (126.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, adam_racewarski_visits_tel….jpg)

Boomerkike gets asked why foreign influence from Israel.

> gets taken aback

e19a28 No.322597


== on either side

04db88 No.322598

File: 497eeaf5f9ccf2a⋯.png (249.02 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanstyleguide.png)

16db06 No.322599

File: 41f771ed5d85044⋯.jpg (311.67 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 41f771ed5d850444881dcda56d….jpg)

>pulls out a knife

252a68 No.322600

>you were talking about jewish influence

>no, I was talking about AIPAC

e19a28 No.322601


I fucking lost it.

61ce92 No.322602

File: fb0e97407ecbb14⋯.png (556.18 KB, 720x672, 15:14, fb0e97407ecbb14b449bd2bd78….png)


Okay, thanks. I don't know much about particular sects of Jews that much.

629794 No.322603

>think of all the things israel does for you, goy

793b0a No.322604


vee has to be melting down.

ce96b1 No.322605

File: 351aade6d2917ed⋯.jpg (52.52 KB, 685x396, 685:396, DVcdJnOXUAE7p2g.jpg)

I missed this Sargon moment in the Vee stream this morning

61ce92 No.322606

>America controls Israel

bd750b No.322607

File: 54705aca53555a8⋯.webm (899.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, The Real Holocaust.webm)

e19a28 No.322609


Cheers, couldn't find it.

5b225e No.322610

File: 02d1281a9b2c2a6⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 200x234, 100:117, smugterry.gif)

629794 No.322611

File: 7f4eb8dc5010bed⋯.webm (2.45 MB, 720x480, 3:2, liberalist-hate-leader.webm)

252a68 No.322612

>Jim bringing up USS Liberty


e19a28 No.322613


16db06 No.322614

File: 51a953e9f4ad73d⋯.gif (1014.7 KB, 460x266, 230:133, 51a953e9f4ad73d1128d9b9902….gif)

>sheepish "no I don't"

1be548 No.322615


I dare you to name even one example of this backfiring spectacularly

5b225e No.322616

File: bc62af2fa02d309⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, night of the long knives.mp4)

fb90ea No.322617

File: d4d7299a1a28178⋯.png (705.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1518059507809.png)

b26205 No.322618


It's gonna happen lads. Within our lifetimes.

e19a28 No.322619


Motherfucker, was searching for where my remodeled sandbox sent the file. You win this time with the jimposting.

252a68 No.322620

>>we're still paying for the atrocities that were hypothetically committed a long time ago

2c77f6 No.322621

So Nick claimed at the beginning, that he isn't alt-right. Is that guy straight up /pol/?

16db06 No.322622

File: 95d0e53b3b43feb⋯.mp4 (2 MB, 236x180, 59:45, 2Z93spBpPAQkFj6h.mp4)

andy's future

629794 No.322623


252a68 No.322624


I don't even care that he's a castizo or whatever, this guy is fucking legendary.

5b225e No.322625

File: 31beca67c4f503c⋯.gif (217.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1461539531025.gif)

e19a28 No.322626


b26205 No.322627


he's not altright because muh pr. might be a civcuck, not sure. generally he's /ourguy/.

5b225e No.322628


16db06 No.322629

>the (((official stories))) contradict that

629794 No.322630

just believe it, goy!

e19a28 No.322631


t. the entire chatroom at that moment.

e19a28 No.322632

File: 3abfdd32629476d⋯.png (268.65 KB, 573x488, 573:488, Just a boat goy.png)

252a68 No.322633


I cannot fucking wait for Kronos to get the clips from this shit

e19a28 No.322634


Yeah man it's gonna be a good day.

fb90ea No.322635


It's gonna be a good year.

b26205 No.322636


f25374 No.322637

So was that bit about US/Israel trade correct? When I left, Nick was tanking on the whole "France selling to China not Israel's fault" thing. Did that just get jettisoned for Billy the Anti Bully?

252a68 No.322638


If I illegally sell my gun to someone, and then they give a gun to someone else who's a gang member who shoots someone, it's still my fault for illegally selling the gun to someone I wasn't allowed to. Even if it wasn't directly to the gang member.

f25374 No.322640


So Israel broke the law by selling to France then?

And then boomerkike mentions the US selling to France directly. Is that different because we have no such restrictions against France?

b26205 No.322642

252a68 No.322643


Yes, the whole point was that Israel is not allowed to sell the stuff we give them to other nations. The kike's excuse was "well we sell stuff to france too anyway!" which completely sidesteps the entire point. Israel isn't allowed. We allegedly give them tech to use, not to sell for gibs.

fb9690 No.322677


>pulling a Sam Hyde


375f27 No.322688


It’s because we want to control who Israel deals arms to. For example, India. Israeli weapons designed in Israel but produced in the US were sold by Israel to India so America could avoid directly selling to them during a time of escalation. They’re kind of our bitch. Which is why we support Israel. It’s one of our bitches in the region and we keep losing others. Look what’s going on with Egypt. We have lost control of that situation

c0df67 No.322692

File: a8fff41f244517b⋯.jpeg (671.1 KB, 1536x1005, 512:335, 51FB7099-54A9-4F16-80FA-9….jpeg)


His parent certainly don’t look like they’re any bit black.

d432b0 No.322725

Okay is Vee becoming the next Kraut? Just saw the pictures of the discord. Why in the fuck is he doing this? Have they not learned a damn thing from the Kraut shit? Fucking 24 hour op servers don't win you arguments with the alt-right.

You are a fucking joke Vee.

be410e No.322773


It's always a case of "I'll be smarter than that guy and won't get caught" and then turns out they're retarded too and get caught. Pogrom against gypsies when?

06d2ff No.322853

File: cdd46db99f4a730⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hahahaha.gif)


>tmw Aurini was right about esoteric Kekism

>tfw he was wrong about Kek's target for lols

>tmw he was refering about Sargon's Kekistanis all along

06d2ff No.322861

File: 12b4dc5a1bd82a0⋯.png (54.21 KB, 311x311, 1:1, Amused Anime Girl 67.png)


>war with anon

Normies will never learn

a64e05 No.324788

File: 71db7f5b5b2ffa8⋯.png (492.99 KB, 900x655, 180:131, 71d.png)



He's not RT'ing himself, he's retweeting a reply he made so it shows in his main timeline

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