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File: f59754d84e4c46d⋯.mp4 (917.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, nick j fuentes knife.mp4)

e1022c No.322641

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>Kraut talks to MisandyToday (who was also in the server) and 'DINDU NUFFIN!' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkBeUNwkmI)

>MisandyToday is a MGTOW faggot who kept softballing him and claimed he dindu nuffin

>MisandryToday's twitch got shoahed for advertising sex dolls on stream.

>Destiny and Pascal Leroux are suspended from Twitter for doxing Tonka

>Destiny ordered his fangirls to mass flag people left and right in a fit of autism

>Vee claims whoever watches Dragon Ball is a pedo

>Sargon got butthurt at the "kick Vee" meme

>Sargon also keeps delaying his debates with Spencer, Enoch and Anglin

>Jared Taylor goes on warski live, a dozen leftists bitch out

>Adam RaceWarski and Tonkasaw put on the SPLC Hate List, are now apparently banned from Israel

>'Alt Right Leaks' appears on Twitter, posting random screenshots from alt-right Discord servers and, for some reason, making the same grammatical errors as Kraut.

>Vee spergs out with "Muh dick" on twitter

>CRP takes the bait and accuses kraut of having "Alt right leaks" as a sockpuppet

>Sargon vs Anglin on baked alaska confirmed

>Vee's theme song found, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xo5tQUAqeA

>Adam Racewarski and papa JF invites a kike to debate immigration, with predictable results

>Spergon says no niggers allowed in the Liberalist movement

>Jim musters the strength to shitpost all over sargon's head

>Nick J. Fuentes vs Kike, knives are drawn on stream, it's literally Anuddah Shoah

>Press F for Sargon

Sagas so far:

The Krautism Saga


The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism


Youtube RSS feed with all to date septics, lolcow enthusiasts and orbiters:


Old Thread: >>321870

058be2 No.322645






159afb No.322646

the next crusade will be beaners cutting the throats of israeli settlers

c77059 No.322647

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, 0bbfddc9c03fc4bd3a3e23af32….gif)

e70a96 No.322648

File: 208404dee86d1e6⋯.jpg (199.37 KB, 1000x847, 1000:847, supa hot pepe.jpg)


c0b54b No.322649

File: 88fa191059a19dd⋯.gif (776.26 KB, 450x450, 1:1, jewdar.gif)

2c4587 No.322650

File: 9cc9d1099d09bb9⋯.png (566.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, poo.png)


Liberalist Salt Levels

a8345a No.322654

File: 9439aba9938a6b3⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 1261x827, 1261:827, oyy2.jpg)

e1022c No.322655

File: 9fd99cee5e76ba1⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, is it even human.gif)

File: 318d1eeeb9a7ce8⋯.jpg (161.5 KB, 650x804, 325:402, 1436337321749-1.jpg)

File: aaa5587e3e0f375⋯.jpg (58.53 KB, 780x438, 130:73, Chuck Schumer.jpg)

File: 7fa31498a9fae46⋯.jpg (26.58 KB, 800x419, 800:419, george-soros.jpg)

File: a7544948471d5c4⋯.jpg (114.13 KB, 354x417, 118:139, laura loomer.jpg)

f58f4b No.322657

File: 50673e96217de30⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 620x387, 620:387, 1436221641875.jpg)


Show me on the doll where the lazy ricefarming youtube shitlord touched you.

54c2b2 No.322658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Spic Fuentes opening barrage

216f0e No.322659

File: 11b4f13ad3df545⋯.png (70.23 KB, 501x575, 501:575, reptilian merchant.png)


Holy shit those eyes, no wonder he wears shades.

d359c4 No.322661


Deanposting should be punishable by death.

54c2b2 No.322663

File: c77e7ed8443b781⋯.png (856.47 KB, 1552x836, 388:209, 1518062138166.png)

cd8d63 No.322667

df3bc4 No.322668

File: 693cafa56360786⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 202x165, 202:165, 693cafa5636078682d48df3a27….jpg)


hello Veeh

152faa No.322669



54c2b2 No.322670


I'll have to wait until the stream fully uploads. It's right after introductions and they go into the twitter shit, they turn to jewish control of the media.

e1022c No.322671

File: 57d7d650bb4f9fe⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB, 644x360, 161:90, nick j fuentes jews.mp4)

857616 No.322674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Esoteric Sargonism be with us all.

159afb No.322675


this guy looks familiar, is he from the oathcucks?

df3bc4 No.322678

Is Andy getting red pilled little by little? I'm kinda scared by his psyche tbqh famlams

c74c8b No.322679


I got the vibe from all the JQ talk today on stream that he's fully redpilled and has to hide it because he's in Canada and doesn't want the heat from the sceptics. He looked like he was trying to keep quite the whole time

df3bc4 No.322684

File: 5f73542dff1cd4d⋯.jpg (15 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 1515739505568.jpg)


I don't think Andy cares about the skeptics anymore not since Killroy was kill and other skeptics disavowed him. But maybe he does know more about Jews then I initially thought but who knows.

159afb No.322687


Doesn't Canada jail people for thought crimes? That might be the reason why Andy isn't naming the jew.

a8dc2d No.322693


Yeah, they're pretty much world leaders in hate crime legislation.

ed42f8 No.322700

File: 00b9a62cb61e29c⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 592x386, 296:193, 00b9a62cb61e29c5f5a30ed3c8….jpg)

Fuck, I always miss the good streams.

764ba0 No.322705


I haven't watched this yet. Is the boomer faggot a kike?

c77059 No.322707

File: 2c784736877d0c1⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 304x217, 304:217, 3e544ac29c9edd13afd6cddca7….gif)

ed42f8 No.322708

File: 69208d16db0d823⋯.jpg (294.18 KB, 1019x766, 1019:766, 69208d16db0d82303675d3e5ff….jpg)


Of course

Spic Fuentes takes him to task, though.

dbeae6 No.322712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whelps now I am going to start a new game.

1d8888 No.322715

File: fb26a7c29d5af5c⋯.png (81.61 KB, 269x265, 269:265, fb26a7c29d5af5cf26358da500….png)

Any reason why every edition is number 9?

52b1f9 No.322717


Somebody fucked up the numbering so we just rolling with it

6faa95 No.322718

File: 1256020923f3536⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 960x878, 480:439, 5bd6f068b9f4bdb275f3ff08c2….jpg)

The most telling part of the whole debate was when the USS Liberty came up. This boomer faggot was incapable of having a non-emotional conversation and instead flew into a fucking rage at the suggestion that Israel intentionally attacked it. He was screaming over Nick. Literally lost his fucking mind. But USA first, am I right goyim?

I don't know what fucked that generation so goddamn bad. You'd think they'd be more redpilled having seen JFK get his head blown off and the clusterfuck afterward. Or living through Vietnam, or any other number of things that laid bare the rotten core of the state. I swear my 90 yr old grandma is way more willing to listen to arguments and accept them. In fact, since I started talking to her about this shit, it's like she's been waiting 60 years to finally say she knows the Jews are the reason everything is fucked. And this s a woman who had 5 brothers fight in WWII. Fucking boomershits.

ed42f8 No.322719

File: 2cc396c586156d3⋯.png (98.43 KB, 502x410, 251:205, stobit.png)


I like how his proof Israel didn't do it intentionally was "they said they didn't, goy!"

6faa95 No.322720


Or, "It's hard to see a flag when you're in a plane, HAVE YOU EVER EVEN BEEN IN A PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????"

a74d83 No.322721

File: d3b6f9dcdaf8c04⋯.jpg (213.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1.jpg)

File: 5eb077ef744c6a4⋯.jpg (212.34 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 2.jpg)


>Ensure all [OC] submissions are clearly marked as your own cocks

This is why leftists aren't funny.



>"Fucked up"

>Not knowing about Der Ewige Neun

ed42f8 No.322722

File: 88e05babb092b38⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 564x549, 188:183, 88e05babb092b38a9b95c653c3….jpg)


>disallowed comments

>agenda pushing outside the liberalist agenda

How rational and skeptic.

>no memes

From the people who brought you Kekistan™

159afb No.322724


Every major war the US has been involved in started with the sinking of some boat. So when it becomes apparent that the US should stop tonguing israeli asshole and start carpet bombing Tel-Aviv the yids get alarmed

d13f59 No.322727

File: 73c65ca75dae60c⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 480x466, 240:233, 73c65ca75dae60cc15005baf01….jpg)


There are many reasons. Jews already owned much of the media and banks during WW2. Propaganda psyop'd the population to extreme levels. The population didn't want the war until (((Pearl Harbor))), and even then only against Japan. Then the holohoax propaganda begun. It's only gotten worse since then, with fluoride, mercury vaccines, soy, poison, operation mockingbird, disinfo, and many other things that people, even those aware of many of these things and the truth of the JQ, are conditioned to think is "tinfoil" because BASED Snopes BASED CNN BASED television shows say so.

ec5544 No.322728


Der ewige neun.

430147 No.322729

File: 060527317bd68fe⋯.png (120.08 KB, 780x730, 78:73, Devilish pepe laughing wit….png)

File: 2e11f9aefca5002⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 445x247, 445:247, Laughing anime girls.gif)

File: dc5b969dc329634⋯.mp4 (510.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Laughing Anime.mp4)


>Worst of hate speech - Race Realism

How scientific and sceptical

c74c8b No.322730

File: 572cb9f84c12a17⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 779x585, 779:585, 1515715974071.jpg)


We are all equal you white nigger. Stop chimping out and act like a polite white man. Also, race doesn't real.

90da6d No.322732

File: 2da56f86a0ae39b⋯.png (1.93 MB, 2480x6536, 310:817, vee comes to cow 3.png)

Screencapped Vee visiting /cow/ for the third time in the last thread

df3bc4 No.322733

File: 0d1780f3c030812⋯.png (129.51 KB, 300x417, 100:139, 0d1780f3c030812604dbb24b4e….png)


Veeh don't see how he is basically making the communism he established he does not like by comparing other political movement for being communistic.

This is rather amazing tbqh famlams

a8dc2d No.322734


What the fuck did you even say? Google translate is cancer, learn English or fuck off.

ed42f8 No.322736


It's so easy to recognize him just from his gypsy English.

Can't believe he thought calling people "right wing sjws" in a skeptic thread on /cow/ would work in his favor.

df3bc4 No.322738

File: 2ef066149034613⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2ef066149034613b9b05975d39….jpg)


I'm tired.

So the stepfathers movement is just a weird communistic movement, and they are behaving as communists. So the ironic thing is Veeh hates and compares everything to old communistic proxy states, so what does he do? use the same tactics.

646ede No.322739

File: 85f9ee428a36ed2⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, e63XAzB.jpg)


It's like reverse fishhook theory.

ec5544 No.322740


Fair enough.

Well liberalism necessarily leads to communism regardless of whether they want to admit it or not. They know deep down somewhere that's the case so they trash communism in some kind of vain attempt to stave off the inevitable.

df3bc4 No.322741

File: 3e56de11cb943f0⋯.jpg (38.53 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 3e56de11cb943f0ddaf850e76a….jpg)


they don't know of any political ideology and philosophy. So you can see the Danishball guy is saying "we should not become full communist like r/liberal" so the funny thing is, veeh does not acknowledge the fear or why this might be ironic.

So it's rather funny and fascinating but I'm going out for burgers or food.

764ba0 No.322742


>burgers or food.

Lol. Burgers not food confirmed.

915c3e No.322743

Offtopic: Does anyone know a decent proxy add on for a firefox based browser? Trying out various browsers but can't find a proxy that works.

430147 No.322744

File: 93b1203a2f3835c⋯.png (12.28 KB, 243x243, 1:1, Thoughts curdely drawn pen….png)


>Sargon accuses Spencer of being an ebil authoritarian for saying he would stop foreign subversion

>Liberalist discord has to make rules against subversion to survive

My noggin is joggin

afe9b0 No.322745


Can the skeptic community go for a day without humiliating themselves? Hard to keep track of all the shitstorms. Skeptics are dumber than SJWs. I swear

97d178 No.322746

File: 78154d97f7218ed⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 488x356, 122:89, Subversive.jpg)


They wouldn't even get off the ground with the amount of subversion going on.

a8dc2d No.322748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Random video.

c74c8b No.322749


It's like 5 of the cartoon commentators molded into one. Gay. I wish people would stop using funny voices and cartoon avatars on new channels. Come up with something you ffs

a8dc2d No.322750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thinking ape.

c74c8b No.322751

a8dc2d No.322753


Was just randomly looking for new vids on the septics. Turned out to be a lot of garbage and then this:


6fab72 No.322756


Patrick Henry said "give me liberty or give me death". Thomas Paine was fucking amazing he doesn't need other people's quotes attributed to him.

0d8937 No.322757


>phone posters

I am disappointed. PC master race would have photoshopped it to be someone else in the chat for ingroup drama, and provide a backup phone GUI when the admin starts asking questions about who owns that phone. I hope everyone learn to next time.

a88679 No.322758


Im going to say one thing. I also used this.


I have back ups for back ups.

0d8937 No.322759

File: 4cf480fe1730f8f⋯.jpg (131.76 KB, 960x960, 1:1, d2af28b0809061dac706631949….jpg)


How can they even compete.

152faa No.322761

I've taken a break for this shit recently, and I am currently trying to follow up some shit. Can anyone clear these up for me:

>Is the TreeOfLogic vs Richard Spencer debate a decent listen? Sargon vs. Spencer was disappointing

>Who the fuck is Styx? I heard of him from Red Pill Coach, I'm seeing him everywhere lately. Is he some left wing communist who is more tolerable than Sargon?

>No bias, is Sargon really responsible for Red Pill Coach's dox?

>Why the fuck is Sargon still hanging out with Milo?

>What happened to Laci Green?

cdf68d No.322763


Styx is left-libertarian, though due to the left attacking him for not being left enough and daring to debate Spencer, he's said he's starting to lean farther right, or at least be nicer to the right.

Kraut got CRP's dox from someone, passed them to TheGuardian(username, not the news organization, has a gerbil avatar), who passed it to KingOf/pol/ and from there it got posted on foxdick, and Sargon's video on CRP had a screencap of the OP of the dox thread on for a decent part of the start of the video. Sargon still has this video up, despite being told that it contains CRP's dox.

Laci Green got into a relationship with Chris Ray Gun, and due to that, is no longer as leftist as she was before.

3341f5 No.322765

File: ff492b3ed929aaa⋯.jpg (303.41 KB, 600x758, 300:379, destiny inner-workings.jpg)


>>Is the TreeOfLogic vs Richard Spencer debate a decent listen? Sargon vs. Spencer was disappointing

I must've missed it, don't know.

>>Who the fuck is Styx? I heard of him from Red Pill Coach, I'm seeing him everywhere lately. Is he some left wing communist who is more tolerable than Sargon?

Civic nationalist, seems to understand american politics and foreign policy decently, bacame popular during the trump election drive, does videos on esoteric shit, went through a few image changes, has dick pics out there, apparently has drag pics out there but I've only seen him in emo gear, has a garden and cats, half asian half american, I think his grandpaps fucked a jap holocaust survivor, drinks beer and tea.

>>No bias, is Sargon really responsible for Red Pill Coach's dox?

No, crp was responsible for his own dox. The dox was just ridden hard by crp and jf. There was worse done during that first season, like doxxxxing and getting rageafterstorm fired was way worse. Using the server to gather personal info on other to use as a vector of attack was also shitty. Sargon is possibly guilty of knowing that crp's dox were placed on foxdix by a krauterkind, but actually making a video with it gave crp an opening, I wonder was it intentional opening or he thought he was being funny.

>>Why the fuck is Sargon still hanging out with Milo?

If you look through these threads, there are videos linked, which seem to show Sargon is ok with kiddy diddling. There's one where he talks to a pedo youtuber and I think it came up in the anglin chat video.

>>What happened to Laci Green?

Started dating crisraygun, still a retard, but like all women, eventually sold out on her ideals.

Who are you datamining/polling for? random yt'er, crp, treeofniggers, liberalistismtists, vorevee, sargoy or some other dramallama? Is this the beginning of a desTINY episode?

3341f5 No.322767


To clarify and fix some spelling:


>krauterkind was zeph

>I wonder was it intentional opening or he thought he was being funny.

What I mean was, he only included crp's name, it was a weird video for sargoy, multiple people commented on that it was odd, after jf and crp overreacted on it, right after for max impact, sargoy and vee made sure it was known on multiple streams and channels that "lemme check, oh, looks like I had his name but not his address, what a ``surprise``, I guess I didn't do nuffin, I was a good boy". That was staged and poorly acted out.

4fe65d No.322768

File: 0b7ee1a18183a88⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 279x420, 93:140, vee ree.jpg)

152faa No.322770


Sargon I guess. I have not kept up with the recent drama. I just followed the Kraut stuff though Metokur, and things changed than it was before I stopped. Lost interest with most users due to their cookie cutter videos, length and I just don't care about SJWs anymore

I use to be a fan of Sargon, and now I've heard hes hanging out with pedos, doxxxxing people and starting another skeptic cult. I saw some bits of the Anglin video and I didn't really see any "pro-pedophilia" behavior, and the whole Justicar thing just felt like an awkward moment with a friend.

But the Milo is the one that bugs me since there are clips of him bragging about being fucked by priests, and outright insulting victims who come forward years later. I'd get that maybe he bought his bullshit after his career died, but theres too much out there. Also AoC being 16 doesn't make it legal for an authority figure. .

Also I heard Styx was a good example of a left leaning youtuber who doesn't want to fuck/kill minors, and has some respect in the more righter leaning circle.

dc835c No.322774

8ef618 No.322775


I'll find the pedo yter conversation, it was last thread or the one before for sure.

It could be argued that sargoy was just being overly agreeable and nice in it or nervous, but doesn't sound like sargon to me

The aoc thing, if you're over 20 then you shouldn't be thinking about fucking 15year olds.

The r_thedonald types like styx because he predicted trump win and was 100% sure it was happening. The pagan types like him because he's pagan. He doesn't have a tendency to sperg but will engage with anyone which will get him the btard vote. I doubt he will go down well with christfags and other semites. Boomers might like him because of muh ww2 pappy.

There are also lefties on the right, that got pushed right, that like him. I wonder where he stands on the JQ, I only watch him now and again for merican news.

6faa95 No.322776


>Also I heard Styx was a good example of a left leaning youtuber who doesn't want to fuck/kill minors, and has some respect in the more righter leaning circle.

I'd say he's slightly right of center. CivNat/Lolbertarian

54c2b2 No.322777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Justicar and Carl the Cuck

dc835c No.322779

>Jew claims Talmud doesn't mention Jesus

>"Princeton Jewish scholar Peter Schaefer notes that Talmudic stories mock claims of Jesus' birth from the Virgin Mary, challenge His claim to be the Messiah, and state that He was rightly executed for blasphemy and idolatry[11], and that He resides in Hell, where His followers will go."

~The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones, Introduction, pg. 18

ed42f8 No.322781


>the Milo is the one that bugs me since there are clips of him bragging about being fucked by priests

Really? He brushed off his own molestation with a flippant joke. Justicar angrily ranting that there should be no age of consent while Sargon agrees is way more creepy.

8ef618 No.322782


Thanks anon

Sargon 'consent depends on the child' of akkad

e70a96 No.322784


Yeah, it's pretty fucking astounding how kikes lie about this

>Talmud mentions Yeshu, hebrew transliteration of Jesus

>says he's a heretic

>says he was a bastard born of a whore, not a virgin birth

Yeah, but it's totally not talking about Jesus. Give me a fucking break. Jews should just fucking own up to it.

430147 No.322785


I remember E Michael Jones quoting some Jewish historian who said that defence (invented by them at the Disputation of Paris, when they put the Talmud on trial) was the first recorded example of chutzpah

365972 No.322787


Stardusk is nice to listen to even though he strawmans nationalism when he talks sometimes. He does hate the Turks in Germany though.

e70a96 No.322788


Jews always have the same series of excuses when it comes to the talmud. They always jump down this list of arguments in order:

>jews are just like christians but without the new testament!

>talmud? oh that's just some old book about a bunch of rabbis squabbling over minutiae!

>those quotes are fake! They're propagated by anti-semites!

>oh, you read it? Well these passages are just translated incorrectly!

>that's not what it's actually saying! you need to be able to read hebrew to understand the true meaning!

>actually you need to be able to read ancient hebrew!

>actually you need to understand the context of the time and how it doesn't mean what it says!

It's the same shit muslims pull with the quran, btw. They're just not as good at taqiyya as jews are at pilpul.

Gotta love how Boomer Kike admitted that talmudic judaism is literally about splitting hairs.

e70a96 No.322789


Like a lot of the "manosphere" guys, I think they focus entirely too much on women and try to make all problems in the world to be about women. That and they have decent assessments on things, but their prescription

(ie, be a hedonistic nihilist who doesn't give a fuck about anything other than yourself) is shit.

764ba0 No.322790



I thought this guy was merely engaging in sarcastic trolling, but is he actually being serious?


A thoroughly written response. Thumbs up.


I haven't seen the Sargon/Anglin discussion where Sargoy allegedly is pro-pedo, but I didn't get the impression from the Justicar discussion that Sargon was really for abolishing the age of consent. I think he was just being a soft pussy and agreeing with Pedocar for the sake of agreeing.

Don't get me wrong, I despise Sargon of Mossad, however I don't want to accuse him of being a pedo without proper evidence.

365972 No.322791


Yeah true but at the same time some of the things they say about women are absolutely right - and while I think thotgate was largely an attempt by lefties to stir shit Woes and others of the AR should put people like Tara on a tight leash because she keeps embarassing people.

365972 No.322792


E. Michael Jones has done a lot of good work on the Jews, what they do, the hows and whys. He's one of those Christians I really respect.

dc835c No.322794


I just started the book and I'm eager to get through it.

6faa95 No.322795

File: 5fe2eafb1dc452d⋯.webm (3.9 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1509863145490.webm)


>He brushed off his own molestation with a flippant joke.

Didn't Milo later come out and say that after the backlash and some soul searching, he realized that he was just another victim of this pedo priest tho? I find that possible tbh. People, especially kids, justify their own troll in all kinds of fucked up ways and make excuses for the trollr who is usually someone they care about.

I'm tired of people trying to defend pedo shit tbh. Like literally my eyes roll in my head and I tune out. They use Talmudic tactics that are utterly sociopathic to put other people on the defensive about why you SHOULDN'T fuck kids. I'm kinda just at that point where I'm not even going to entertain the debate anymore no matter how hard they get PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD in the end.


Pretty sure it also says he's boiling in excrement in hell.

e1022c No.322796

File: 63d3021924be241⋯.jpg (727.53 KB, 1552x1421, 1552:1421, call him a jew.jpg)

d20cbd No.322797


Hello Sargon.

4fe65d No.322798

File: 746c60cb14cd760⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 350x434, 25:31, vee-undercover-face.jpg)


It's really puzzling to me how he's unable to conceal it. It's not that hard, FFS. It's very easy for me to blend in among the Liberalistisms, and I'm not even that well-versed in their politics.

d20cbd No.322799


He's a gypsy, they never blend in.

05f8de No.322804

File: 13a44d50d8ec216⋯.png (4.24 MB, 1280x3600, 16:45, chino oven.png)


I hope more and more kikes come on the Warski show, they themselves redpill more efficiently than we do when they keep pulling their kike tricks over and over again. Also seeing Warski get wise to the Jews in real time is priceless.

646ede No.322805


Man that guy has shifty eyes.

e70a96 No.322806


Yeah, every stream with a kike has been more redpilling than the last. Loomer, the archeologist, now boomer kike

e1022c No.322807

File: cb83609e64be230⋯.png (454.07 KB, 1009x4580, 1009:4580, translation of liberal dup….png)

430147 No.322811


Goebbels never mentioned how fun naming the Jew was though

97d178 No.322812


>Call him a swindler, a banker, a news anchor but watch as he spergs the fuck out when you call him a Jew

e70a96 No.322813

File: ac5f5ac2a860b68⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 605x288, 605:288, andy warski live.jpg)


>ok-k-kay time to pound through some super ch-chats

>UncleAddy88 for 100 reichsmarks says "This k-k-kike is squirming. G-get G-Goebbels on next time, I want to see him gas this fool"

>Haha thanks for the donation man, I don't ag-g-gree with what you're saying but I see your point

3341f5 No.322815

File: ee1a36c7304e6ad⋯.png (188.49 KB, 415x347, 415:347, Screenshot_20180208_144803.png)


>We got Styx, how's it going Styx, for 88 cent, Yu-ugandan, "Mandatory abort-eons, abort…I-eons, I don't know… for kikes"

>Okay, sound's great, thanks Styx

764ba0 No.322818




Tara needs to be put on a leash and lead to an oven as she's a kike.

4fe65d No.322820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"MUH HOLOCAUST!" - Tara McKikey

dc835c No.322822

File: a7571ce6d3735f7⋯.png (243.63 KB, 636x594, 106:99, 1448004705135.png)


I'll be whoever you want me to be :^).

365972 No.322825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e70a96 No.322828

File: 046e9c0b70dcde2⋯.jpg (21.95 KB, 350x244, 175:122, tara mutt.jpg)

File: 4e36237f3a78e75⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 650x366, 325:183, huge mistake.jpg)


>Woes is basically the only guy who sticks his neck out to defend m'lady

>this happens

>his face when

365972 No.322830


That event also might have triggered his hiatus.

fa6e0c No.322831


It was because the mid to late twentieth century was largely a time of economic prosperity and it wasn't until well into the 90s and the turn of the millennium that all of the Jewish poison really started to show symptoms to your average person. No one's going to rock the boat when the cruise is still comfy.

d20cbd No.322832


I liked this one from the kike

>muh witness statements are not always valid

I wanna bet that the same shit doesn't apply if it was about the holohoax, because then every statement made no matter how absurd must be true in the eyes of that boomer kike. or any other kike. Dislike Warsky all you want but the shit he is streaming is one of the most eye opening things for normalfaggots when it comes to the kikes and how they "argue". I've learned a lot by just watching their body language and the words they pick and use.

>In fact, since I started talking to her about this shit, it's like she's been waiting 60 years to finally say she knows the Jews are the reason everything is fucked.

I'm glad for your grandma that she's getting some venting from that. I don't wanna know how many people are in a similar situation.

e82915 No.322833

File: 885dbffda9f6edc⋯.jpg (156.07 KB, 1216x935, 1216:935, dfh.jpg)

>f Spencer was shot and killed right now the Alt Right would dissolve from infighting and not having soyboy Dickie to make them money

e29147 No.322834

File: efc0900581bf64c⋯.png (800.8 KB, 1287x799, 1287:799, louis evidence 1.PNG)

File: ea800a2b85ab16f⋯.png (360.8 KB, 977x515, 977:515, louis also.PNG)

Reposting the new Louis Le Vau Information since the stream is over. Main new info is the discovery of the use of the name "TomApollo". Further investigation's still needed, also we now have a birthdate age (27)

https://archive.fo/LyUhl (favs deviantart)

https://archive.fo/ZqeuI (main deviantart)

https://archive.fo/hscKR (commission)

https://archive.fo/1TerT (kickstarter)

https://archive.fo/53SuF (Facebook)

https://archive.fo/izOCZ (about, education)

https://archive.fo/rdPMT (Commission facebook)

https://archive.fo/9C4oJ (steam)

https://archive.fo/0Y3eP (steam games)

https://archive.fo/Kpbog (wordpress)

e70a96 No.322835


Kek, they think we're centered around him when none of us even knew who he was until mid 2016. He's just some fag with money and connections who is able to do press releases. Most people would rejoice if he were gone anyway.

28a3b8 No.322836

Haven't been keeping up for a few days, what has happened recently? Any new faces pop up?

e70a96 No.322837


Didn't someone say he's irish and from Buffalo NY?

So now we're looking for Thomas McIrishSurname the 27yo gook lover from Buffalo

05f8de No.322838

File: 90242d418c4324c⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 400x225, 16:9, laffin.gif)


>they still think that Tricky Dick is the feudal overlord of the alt-right and that everyone toils for his glory

e29147 No.322839

File: cd21729c148d1e7⋯.png (59.56 KB, 739x413, 739:413, louisapollo.PNG)


Yeah, he apparently looks Irish too, graduated from Buffalo State with a political science major in 2015. His birthday is June 30th 1990. We have a good amount to go on. I was suspecting the first name Thomas as well but I haven't done any searching yet. There's also a connection between the god Apollo and the Palace of Versailles, yet another connection to that and the name Louis Le Vau


I can't believe people unironically believe Spencer represents any more than himself

e70a96 No.322840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Last night's stream had Spic Fuentes completely roasting a boomer kike in a pre-heated oven and dropping massive redpills on the JQ.

Sargon also had a category 5 chimp-out. He couldn't handle the banter and buckled under pressure from all the shit he's been getting and being so thin-skinned. Trying to weasel out of the debates he promised to do. It's a fantastic meltdown

fa6e0c No.322841



They would perhaps be correct from a semantic perspective, alt-righters are largely shills after all, but killing the implicit man would largely cause tons of people to either go full red-pill or deeper to the right. It wouldn't "dissolve" jack shit other than some flimsy narrative that no one outside of tumblr/facebook/neogaf actually believes.

28a3b8 No.322842


I haven't been watching any of the streams because don't have time for that shit, do you have a timestamp or webm of Sargoy's meltdown?

e70a96 No.322843


Well that just gets into the semantic argument of what "alt right" is. For most people within white nationalist spheres, nobody seriously uses the label except Spencer and people connected to him. So when we talk about the alt-right, typically we're talking about the specific organization lead by Spencer and whoever else. But when normalfags talk about "alt right" they're basically just talking about white nationalists in general, and mainly anything connected to /pol/ and whatnot.

e70a96 No.322844


The video is the clip of sargoy's meltdown. It's only a few minutes long.

e1022c No.322845


if you do not know your enemy, you cannot win the war

>tfw we all already know all their personal details, even their fetishes, and they don't even know who our "leader" is

we've already won.

1df877 No.322846

File: 22accff9b604a55⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, metokur delivers.mp4)

File: 9f2d32485988d20⋯.png (254 B, 8x8, 1:1, 9f2d32485988d2078f1a98aa6a….png)

e29147 No.322847

File: 29817b5a4754192⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sargon white nigger.mp4)



ed42f8 No.322848

File: f94283948da9219⋯.jpg (63.85 KB, 760x625, 152:125, potions.jpg)


>If Spencer was shot and killed right now the Alt Right would dissolve from infighting

Imagine being so wrong, and yet speaking with this kind of confidence. What a dunce. Wishful thinking =/= truth.

>their recruitment will stagnate

It's the ideas that are making people interested in white nationalism. Does this goober really think Spencer's going door to door to tell people the good word about Hitler?

e70a96 No.322849

File: ff48976e29b96b8⋯.webm (9.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, drive cville crash.webm)


Can someone mash this up with a fade-in of the Drive theme song?

Press F to pay respects to Sargon the Real Human Being

e1022c No.322850


this confusion over who is who is useful sometimes, but leads to hilarious equivalencies when normalfags assume people like Milo and, say, Ironmarch are politically aligned.

fa6e0c No.322851


As it stands the alt-right is at best a stopgap and at worst a decoy as I can't say I've noticed anyone fall for their faggotry who wasn't already a faggot to begin with.

28a3b8 No.322852

File: 0c96fbe7588cc3b⋯.jpg (66.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sargon 2018.jpg)



>you're acting like a bunch of niggers

Jesus, Sargon, what the fuck?

Not even /pol/ would publicly use that kind of language.

365972 No.322854


I second that request, that song is catchy AF, would probably get that outburst even more widespread.

e29147 No.322855



Some other Louis info that I know is that he does some sort of investigations on people misusing workers comp, that could be a good lead

ed42f8 No.322856


He's in a difficult place. He wants to be taken seriously and get MPs and politicians on board his gay little "liberalist" lemonparty, but he also wants to sell his shit to the internet trolls. He's deathly afraid of being seen as doing something SJW-like, which is evident when he uses it as an insult towards anyone who disagrees with him. This is what ends up with these cringy moments where he tries to force some edgy shit to appear like he gets the internet kool kids.

I wonder if he was drinking before that stream.

430147 No.322857


>liberalists saying other people don't accomplish anything offline

28a3b8 No.322858



I can make the audio but my video software is a bit fucked so somebody else will have to put into webm form.

4f95e8 No.322859


> He wants to be taken seriously and get MPs and politicians on board his gay little "liberalist" lemonparty

I'd imagine somebody already sent the MPs he's talking to the clip of him calling people "white niggers".

e70a96 No.322860



I'm trying to fathom what the fuck he's doing

>Hi, yes Mr. MP, we want you to follow our ideas! we believe in democracy and property rights!

<Oh, you mean like 99 fucking percent of everyone else?

But let's be serious for a moment. Sargon never planned to have the LiberalistsTM actually do anything. The whole point of the group was and still is

1) to show himself doing something publicly to deflect away from his miserable loss

2) to give an excuse of being too busy to debate again

All these retards LARPing hard and taking his liberalist shit seriously are all being conned. They're just useful idiots, like all the people who adopted Sargon's kekistan shit. Liberalists are the new kekistan, and he'll drop them like a rock as soon as it's done serving it's immediate purpose.

e1022c No.322863


he could be trying to do the altright what he did to gamergate: run it into the ground by being a gravitational vortex of lameness.

365972 No.322864


Speaking of his miserable loss, is he still on against Anglin?

e29147 No.322865


Racewarski said he was gonna text Baked but I don't know if we heard back or not

e70a96 No.322867


I like to think that everyone learned from gamergate and realized that uncritically holding up people as leaderfags will lead down that path. That's why everyone is quite harsh to all e-celebs. If something is saying something good that promotes the message, then great. But they should all be viewed as means to an end.

That's also why it's good Sargon and the skeptics, who have been floating around the periphery of /pol/ and the like stealing memes/cocks/etc for years are finally getting purged wholesale.


Anglin made a post on DS about it. He says he's still scheduled for this weekend as far as he knows. Sargon will almost certainly bitch out.

With the whole black dad thing, there's no more plausible deniability. Sargon won't admit he lied, and so he's basically running away from ALL interaction with white nationalists and anyone else who might question him. In other words, he's hiding out and exclusively only talking to those within his own echo-chamber. Because as soon as he talks to someone else, they might call him out on his Talcum X transnigger bullshit.

5e6f3b No.322868

File: b65e4cfd6535276⋯.webm (1.95 MB, 696x392, 87:49, Sargon is a real human be….webm)



Anon delivers

677cc6 No.322869

File: 238955e541c0dcc⋯.png (434.87 KB, 682x322, 341:161, John Jackson vs Jack Johns….png)

Teams have been autobalanced

4fe65d No.322870


Especially against someone like Anglin. He will show no mercy when it comes to Sargon's transniggerism. It's almost the worst possible scenario for him.

e29147 No.322871


05f8de No.322872


I hope you've only been using public information, anon! We don't wanna get accused of doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing!

6e9dc1 No.322873

File: 18b842aedcefef4⋯.png (116.36 KB, 500x331, 500:331, 18b842aedcefef4fa2e49a103e….png)



e70a96 No.322874


no sound, m8


Exactly. Anglin always gets underestimated because of the ironic skinhead memeing. Sargoy probably thinks he would be easier to handle than Spencer, which is the exact opposite of the truth.


Don't you know that it's only ever doxing if you have to phish email accounts and steal passwords to bank accounts? :^)

e29147 No.322875



Compiling info. I won't post anything until I have it all archived

365972 No.322876


Tunnel Snakes rule.

1df877 No.322877


don't listen to >>322874 it works for me just fine

e70a96 No.322879


Whoops, you're right. My shit was just fucked up.

05f8de No.322880


No you fool, it's only doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing if you sneak into their house and then force them to tell you their bank account numbers and pin numbers at gunpoint.

e70a96 No.322881


But if the gun is unloaded and I never explicitly tell them I'm going to shoot them, did I break the NAP?

578b06 No.322882

Is Anglin debating Sargoy on Saturday or no?

05f8de No.322883


You only break the NAP if you shoot them in the head. everything else is fine.

e29147 No.322884

I need your advice whether this sounds like a good enough lead to build off of. So I was looking through Buffalo State 2015 graduates and found a Thomas N (presuming his name was Thomas based off of the DeviantArt TomApollo). So I looked this name up on Facebook set with the location and came across an account with the same initials that has a matching birthdate, an area that is an area where Louis has tweeted from several times but it only goes up to 2013, where this person began to study at Buffalo State under Criminal Law. Now if I remember correctly (we may have to dig to confirm this), Louis originally wanted to be a cop, but failed the entrance things or something along that line. The account doesn't go past 2013.

Also some of his interests include Bioware and some bitching about TYT. Sound good enough to pursue?

e70a96 No.322885


yes, but keep digging and dont post anything here. the stepfather's children are lurking. Dont want them to shut everything down

e29147 No.322886


Gotcha, thanks anon

5e6f3b No.322887


I take it you're archiving everything, you know they'll try to (((shut it down))) if they possibly can

e29147 No.322888


I've got archive running overdrive.

54c2b2 No.322889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fake black history month

e29147 No.322890

Okay, White Pages just confirmed it basically

e70a96 No.322891

File: d33f5243edaaac0⋯.jpg (85.52 KB, 557x600, 557:600, 1C6964107-110608-ent-fishb….jpg)


activate it

e29147 No.322892


Soon soon. I want to gather some more current info and just double check the major switch so I don't embarrass myself

4fe65d No.322893

File: 16e252091be447a⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 298x229, 298:229, afraid.jpg)

430147 No.322894


I think so

847d26 No.322895


He actually never hid the fact that he's a jew, he even brought it up in the same stream before nick showed up

4f24e4 No.322896

File: 8c26a638caebbf3⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 479x447, 479:447, 8c26a638caebbf3cd3ff3e8a68….jpg)

>Daily reminder that the Sargonites picked a fight with anon.

>Sargon thinks that his money and influence in the high circles of British socielty will protect him from the sick autistic monster that is anon.

Guess we are going to war now.

47d831 No.322897


Hey gang, just in case we're having too much fun with this one; gotta reign in the laughs for some fact checking :)

e70a96 No.322898


Yeah, but it's just hilarious how Fuentes assumed he was just some israel-worshipping boomer retard, then he finds out the guy is a kike.

e70a96 No.322899

File: 1c8b3b4945477ec⋯.jpg (271.41 KB, 673x607, 673:607, smug pepe aku.jpg)


>latch onto imageboard culture for maymays and material going back to gamergate

>get pissed off that the anons you made a deal-with-the-devil with are don't just magically go away when they're no longer convenient for you

I've waited years for this smug cunt to finally get his comeuppance. During the kraut saga, I picked up on how sargoy was involved in the background, and I was hoping his involvement would continue to be unraveled. Things couldn't have gone better.

e29147 No.322900

What is the best way to dig through this faggots (Louis)' hundreds of videos? I need to confirm one fact, whether he was going to originally become a cop or not. I have heard this but I don't want to post it if it's just a false memory

1df877 No.322901

File: ad5ac167f2fdc04⋯.png (132.58 KB, 382x263, 382:263, 1455683888655-1.png)

>>322899 (checked)

>get pissed off that the anons you made a deal-with-the-devil with are don't just magically go away when they're no longer convenient for you

don't you know that when you make a deal with the devil he always wins?

54c2b2 No.322903


oldest to newest?

5ee734 No.322904


I'd imagne there is some way to get the automatic transcription youtube generates. That would make it very easy too look through.

If there is no ready made solution you would have to write some script to automate it thought.

28a3b8 No.322905

File: 64a6a7aad96bfb3⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 487x366, 487:366, iamaperson.mp4)


I also made one but 90% of the time I was trying to output the fucker correctly.

I fucking hate ffmpeg. I just gave up, it's not looping correctly but I don't care. Fuck ffmpeg and its autisticly precise commands.

e29147 No.322906

File: ea8026bb45fe509⋯.png (812.68 KB, 1011x622, 1011:622, IComissioned.PNG)

File: b10dea72e80f801⋯.png (90.9 KB, 930x436, 465:218, tineye.PNG)

File: dd10c34b365e1c5⋯.png (34.08 KB, 685x357, 685:357, evidence.PNG)

File: 277015caec32e19⋯.png (21.29 KB, 683x105, 683:105, about.PNG)

File: 4c9e53d1f79b46d⋯.png (5.53 KB, 382x84, 191:42, studied.PNG)

Okay, commencing giant info dump. There's too much for one info graph. This is pretty much confirmed but I don't want to dig through hundreds of videos for some finer details which I remember hearing but can't be bothered to find. Keep in mind the facebook goes only up to 2013 and Louis graduated in 2015.


4f24e4 No.322907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lyrics seem weirdly fitting.

>When the moon comes out, I'm a devil inside


Send this to Sargon

e29147 No.322908

File: 2b1fff03353e388⋯.png (25.08 KB, 637x500, 637:500, thomas n.PNG)

File: e06438de215d55f⋯.png (35.81 KB, 505x466, 505:466, happy birthday 1.PNG)

File: 9cf550d99c4751c⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 227x227, 1:1, Thomas Nelson.jpg)

File: 5d8928c764abc56⋯.png (36.24 KB, 1281x342, 427:114, thomas nelson white.PNG)


Next I find more actual details building off of the name TomApollo. Keep in mind his DeviantArt lists him as a 27 year old male, born June 30th 1990. He lives in Buffalo NY or the surrounding area

https://archive.fo/LyUhl (favs deviantart)

https://archive.fo/ZqeuI (main deviantart)

https://archive.fo/hscKR (commission)

https://archive.fo/1TerT (kickstarter)

https://archive.fo/53SuF (Facebook)

https://archive.fo/izOCZ (about, education)

https://archive.fo/rdPMT (Commission facebook)

https://archive.fo/9C4oJ (steam)

https://archive.fo/0Y3eP (steam games)

https://archive.fo/Kpbog (wordpress)

https://archive.fo/uilmq (Searching Nelson as a surname gives the Thomas N. page, with no further links)

https://archive.fo/aWKuk (Thomas Nelson facebook. Up to 2013)

e29147 No.322909

e29147 No.322910

File: cb10ae6a541e8d9⋯.png (10.89 KB, 326x270, 163:135, about2.PNG)

Now the only issue here is the two year gap between 2013 where Nelson's facebook ends and 2015, where we know Louis (if they are the same) graduates. The issue is here is that his man starts under Criminal Law (something which I vaguely recall Louis did himself). The interests match up in some degrees as well with Bioware and other game studios, vaguely politically oriented

430147 No.322911


He looks like I would expect a man who posts hundreds of pictures of chinks on twitter to look

365972 No.322912


They lurk here so if shit gets deleted we know you struck gold. If it stays up we got more time to confirm or deny.

4f95e8 No.322913


Louis has his location set at Buffalo, NY in case you didn't know


e29147 No.322914

File: a44d896a7bb3285⋯.webm (5.23 MB, 854x474, 427:237, advanced yellow fever ske….webm)


Kek, I'll have to edit that merger video to show his face if we get any sort of confirmation. I'm thinking of tweeting the pic of Nelson as Louis and seeing if we get a reaction

ed42f8 No.322915

File: d1c90851e1ebde5⋯.jpg (72.11 KB, 637x652, 637:652, trash.JPG)


What absolute trash taste.

>53 hours on brink

>58 on battleborn

>35 on evolve

>31 on mafia iii

>21 on life is strange

>all those telltale games

This nigger will play anything.

e29147 No.322916

File: 7dc9855f65e6605⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1085x720, 217:144, location.PNG)


Yeah, I dug back a few months and charted where he tweets from. Tends to focus in Buffalo and sometimes stray into Niagra. Wilson and North Boston are outliers

4f24e4 No.322917

File: da77aa0889fc54e⋯.gif (693.16 KB, 500x277, 500:277, Crying Anime Girl 2.gif)


>632 hours of Fallout 4

>433 hours of CoD MW2 multy

>1.3 hours of Binary Domain

Things like this make me sad

e29147 No.322919

I have to go for a while but then I'm going to start digging through high school year books and trying to find more pictures of him. I'm thinking about tweeting at him too. Avoid or not?

4f95e8 No.322920


Tweet something like

>Hey, is your name actually Louis? Or is it something like Joe, Tom, Larry, or Bob?

1df877 No.322921

File: 8766a45e7512faf⋯.jpg (12.33 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 8766a45e7512faf50388edf75a….jpg)


How is such bad taste even possible?

e29147 No.322922

File: 6fdbf332ad82352⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 200x225, 8:9, 02.gif)


Not sure if I archived it but he owns hundreds of DLC too

cd31a5 No.322923


Holy shit look at the name of his high school!

1df877 No.322924

File: 8e61fe245258129⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 450x896, 225:448, 07a170097f28b75cf99646ba79….jpg)



365972 No.322925


is this the sign we've needed?

4f24e4 No.322926

File: 81d7a74556e9c7c⋯.png (449.14 KB, 544x594, 272:297, High Impact Sexual Violenc….png)



The flow of memes is undeniable at this stage. We must press on. Kek wills it!

e70a96 No.322927

File: 8cfe01399467cbe⋯.jpg (480.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sens chameleon.jpg)

File: edcc05d70522dea⋯.jpg (541.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sens invasion.jpg)

File: dd4352ac03d1b8f⋯.jpg (529.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fort fabulous.jpg)


tbh I have like 1000 hours in Dark Souls from countless playthroughs and trolling niggers as a dickwraith

4f95e8 No.322928

File: fce06e75d93a5cc⋯.png (457.17 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1304376955947.png)


>Be massive weeaboo

>Literally worship the Japanese as a master race

>Play only the shittiest normalfag western games

e29147 No.322929



I don't get it

365972 No.322930



Those pics… did you play as an Onion Knight to LARP as Constanza?

c74c8b No.322931

File: 7010c20fc123c98⋯.png (316.87 KB, 1178x862, 589:431, Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at ….png)

Wow Vee is obsessively kvetching about the discord leaks on his twitter right now

1df877 No.322932

File: 048a0685ef39070⋯.jpg (159.71 KB, 694x1000, 347:500, 5b814b8d3d151476c58572a00a….jpg)


does this help?

4f24e4 No.322933


I'm sad because Binary Domain is one of SEGA's turdgems. It's fidgety is all hell but the shooting mechanics and bigger picture of the story are what makes it good.

e29147 No.322935

File: 7c445af45cde4ae⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 824x464, 103:58, merger.mp4)


If only he didn't deny the Aryan goddesses within the Wheatfield

365972 No.322936


How would you even infiltrate with 100 people? Stupid gypsy.

ce65d4 No.322937

File: 84bfa73461e7463⋯.png (31.56 KB, 285x156, 95:52, Screenshot_20171029_023140.png)


>gamergate got shit when it got leaders

Sargon being one of those who made it shit

>AR has no goals

Liberaltismfit has no goals

>Government can remove AR de-facto leaders

I wish the government would, de-facto? libtism has leaders in vee and sargoy.

> If Spencer was assasinated, AR would be over

I wish, how many levels of liberalistism is this guy on?

mr hackers and the 56%er are sharing their power levels and the guy just can't accept it, you can't help those who can't help themselves. If I had to guess, Cmeptb is either a nigger or shariablue tier.

Thanks for posting anon, I needed a good chuckle.

e70a96 No.322938

File: f993ac140dd8cf7⋯.jpg (235.39 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, elliot rodger sunset.jpg)

File: 0bf86d1c1eb0f09⋯.jpg (169.37 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, mayli.jpg)


Behold, the ubermenschen!

1df877 No.322940

File: 39adc5b079de47d⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 464x750, 232:375, 1445369458644.jpg)


>two half-asian and half-jews


4f24e4 No.322941

File: 24dc9115c045b36⋯.jpg (285.65 KB, 904x669, 904:669, Fuck the hell yes 4.jpg)


>m-m-muh white niggers destroyed my discord server

>we were only 14 m8

>you descended on us like a locust

No quarter , no mercy. Go straight for the jugular.

e29147 No.322942

File: f5618c243538264⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 824x464, 103:58, thomas nelson.mp4)



I made a new video to commemorate this occasion. I also tweeted at Louis but I'm laying low with my account

fa6e0c No.322943


>21 on life is strange

You could play through the game twice to get both "endings" and you still wouldn't get half this time.

4f24e4 No.322944

File: 066392b0a04c09c⋯.jpg (292.14 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, kneesocks_by_reituki-d35xo….jpg)


He was jacking off to the characters………………………..what is worse? The fact that my mind came up with that in microseconds or that he could very well be doing it?

430147 No.322946

File: 21440017fb7123e⋯.png (210.06 KB, 1164x808, 291:202, Cringy Liberalist.png)

>they're still so salty about this they make passive-agressive snipes on twitter about Jim

c74c8b No.322947


>N-no you're cringe!

t. liberalists

e29147 No.322948


Can't wait until their "spies" find the Louis info in here, expect a top-tier sperg out and horseshoe theory posting

e70a96 No.322949


They're still so self-unaware of why it's cringey. Sargon lost a debate and then scampers off to create Liberalists as some sort of desperate hail mary to save his image. And then he goes around pulling this Cincinnatus bullshit acting like he's the messiah and that only he can save the world from the tranny toddler penis surgeries

ed42f8 No.322950

File: 5be81c0523249a8⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 960x540, 16:9, saltystanza.jpg)



He called it cringy and gay. It's his opinion. Are you allowed to have those in the liberostate?

4f24e4 No.322951

File: 9692795e2e70243⋯.png (48.91 KB, 462x439, 462:439, 240697.png)


If I didn't know any better I'd say this was another operation by /leftypol/

4f24e4 No.322952


But, but……..they declared war on anon. Surely they knew what this means, no?

1df877 No.322954

File: 99406a9e827ce4f⋯.webm (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pols of war.webm)

File: 0e40ec9cae68bec⋯.mp4 (689.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hi pol.mp4)


even molyneux learned fast

e29147 No.322955

File: 122a3a34a36590e⋯.png (4.47 KB, 598x193, 598:193, newinfo.PNG)


Oh, it'll get worse. Pictures of what is believed to be his face and white pages were dropped in the last half hour. It's possible they don't know yet. In other news, another confirmation from Facebook. He said he used to be a progressive

c79e2a No.322957


>21 on life is strange

He likes girls who love girls, including stuff written by woke french 40-somethings.

e70a96 No.322958

File: 3a8f8429fb45c96⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 560x560, 1:1, sargon state enforced indi….jpg)


>Are you allowed to have those in the liberostate?

Judging from how the liberalist subreddits, faceberg groups, and discord servers operate, no.

You can have any opinion you like, so long as it's Sargon's opinion.

80c217 No.322959



So, we already have horseshoe and fishhook. What other wacky shapes can Liberalist™ Political Spectrum® have?

e29147 No.322960

File: 77322d69f9797f5⋯.png (109.15 KB, 500x329, 500:329, skeptic.PNG)

File: 50e0efac36b17ba⋯.png (51.41 KB, 515x542, 515:542, nelson.PNG)

Some random facebook posts from ==THOMAS NELSON==

1df877 No.322961

File: 4c6c42e1807718a⋯.png (88.9 KB, 1412x1000, 353:250, 4c6c42e1807718ad6aa9e379b4….png)


mobius strip?

28a3b8 No.322962


Has anybody ever won a "war" waged against an imageboard?

You by nature cannot defeat anon. You try shilling? You'll be mocked. You try trolling? It'll backfire. You DDoS the forum? We'll pop up somewhere else.

Every time this happens the people doing it either get bored or bullied off the internet.

c74c8b No.322963



fa6e0c No.322964


They seem to be cut from the same self-hating and narcissistic cloth.

4f24e4 No.322965

File: 4b9e2a85f127afb⋯.jpg (187.46 KB, 985x865, 197:173, Angry Dog Noises.jpg)


>Has anybody ever won a "war" waged against an imageboard?

Only based undefeated Destiny could ever accomplish such a herculean feat, and luckily enough for us, he was banned from twitter.

54c2b2 No.322966


is that a Guardian parody?

e82915 No.322968

File: 876bb0a2b61b165⋯.jpg (121.73 KB, 672x783, 224:261, sgd.jpg)

d13f59 No.322970

File: 07e654c7af554dc⋯.jpg (405.57 KB, 900x1368, 25:38, sanpaku_by_hloytheda-d4tk7….jpg)


That could be the case, and it could be that Milo finally realized part of the problem of having been molested and what it does without bothering to fix the outcome, but he's a jew.


>look at eyes more closely

>100% sanpaku

80c217 No.322971

File: 36819485e020afb⋯.png (93.59 KB, 2000x2177, 2000:2177, compass.png)


Only 2d shapes that fit pic related can work within Liberalist™ society, any higher diemension shape is literally fascism

28a3b8 No.322972


Like I said earlier in the thread I haven't watched any of the streams, what's up with all the Andy memes?

e70a96 No.322973

File: ab7946dcedf8a36⋯.png (370.61 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, political star.png)


>he's not #woke to the political star

374b7e No.322974


Is that Louis le Vau's real face?

4f24e4 No.322975

File: 0aa5627014a358b⋯.jpg (71.31 KB, 458x751, 458:751, The IQ Rises.jpg)

e82915 No.322976


andy has been hosting a ton of far right people and giving them a chance.

he sets up debates between them and leftists and they battle it out. it's called "blood sports" and is hilarious to watch. yesterday he had nick fuentes vs a jewish boomer.

05f8de No.322977


He's gone absolutely nuts, in between shows he's been going around murdering pedophiles, Hasbro executives and MtG judges. He also started cleansing our lands by murdering any non-white he comes across and he's been financing knife fights between Mexican kids and Jews.

d13f59 No.322978

File: ca390f7248de6c2⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1635x797, 1635:797, suspicious vegas photo.png)


>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S

>guard at G4S




You're fucking telling me this guy works for the same security company that's an alphabet asset used for false flag terror attacks?

365972 No.322979


Nipple clamp.

4f24e4 No.322980

File: a7a28154ce2ce9a⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1429822106384-2.gif)


>Leuis Levau


>Sargon has an alphabet terror attack asset at his disposal

The Stepfather meme becomes truer and truer by the seconds.

80c217 No.322981



Good catch anon.

28a3b8 No.322982


Who will he whack first?

Jim? Trout?

e1022c No.322983

we need this 100% confirmed.

05f8de No.322984

File: 01f86da9bb4bfc4⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 446x348, 223:174, sakura shocked.jpg)


Holy fuck I just noticed that as well, doesn't G4S basically work like a mercenary army rather than a security company?

4f24e4 No.322985

File: eabae2e05479d90⋯.gif (347.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Panic.gif)




>G4S guy ambushes Jim in a stream

>the Stepfather having set his sights on him, believing he is Murdock Murdock

>a week or so later Jim is sick and considers leaving the internet

>Jim's health is still unknown


4f24e4 No.322987

File: 8e4452458f635f4⋯.jpg (376.55 KB, 769x600, 769:600, Sargon.jpg)


e1022c No.322988

I told you fuckers back in the first few threads this would all lead straight back to DARPA. Again.

ce65d4 No.322989


That company is massive, I worked security for small company and at different places during college, and have a friend who was not intimidating and skinny as fuck work for g4s at a concert. They are the mcdonalds of security. He said it was retardedly badly run and organised.

e70a96 No.322990


That and you can look at this soy-faced rice-burning faggot and tell he's no spook or merc. Probably just some fucking mall cop on a segway.

1df877 No.322991

File: f6a92dc761cba32⋯.jpg (150.6 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2fc38006a554568cfced09f57e….jpg)


Maybe Rage because she was the catalyst for everything that's happening

80c217 No.322992


This time we have to dig to the bottom.

4f24e4 No.322993


>they are the mcdonalds of security.

Sargon used to work for McDonalds.

28bbaa No.322995


Yes, that is Thomas Nelson's Louis Le Vau's) face. He got doxxxxxxxed (through public info) earlier in this thread

05f8de No.322996


That's just because they're the largest security company in the work, you won't see a pipsqueak like Louis do any heavy assignments.

5e6f3b No.322997

File: 117b2d709f18ed9⋯.jpg (98.81 KB, 800x587, 800:587, 117b2d709f18ed9eb24066dd53….jpg)


>G4S is the McDonalds of security


>Sargon used to work for McDonalds

It's all coming together

ce65d4 No.322998


Real human beans.

Did vee work at a shawarma stand?

d13f59 No.322999


>we do things the CIA won't


e82915 No.323000

File: daced8a49867bdc⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 4008x6170, 2004:3085, descarca_14.jpg)

don't get me wrong, i love THE DRAMA, but it is unfair to direct it only at left wing people. 8chan is not your personal army (or personal right wing death squad). lots of salt righters are reeeeeeing autistically and there is much drama to be julayed, lots of salt to be mined, with, for example, edgy sphinx being a non white yet arguing for white nationalism? I mean, what the fuck?

or mike enochs wife being Jewish? What about the salt right in general?

ed42f8 No.323001

File: 6445d0a1935457a⋯.jpg (69.08 KB, 631x410, 631:410, peral.JPG)

Is illiteracy a prerequisite of being a liberalist?

d13f59 No.323002

File: 0b7ee1a18183a88⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 279x420, 93:140, vee_ree.jpg)

28bbaa No.323003

File: fbdbb8d13400b81⋯.jpg (18.94 KB, 227x227, 1:1, IMG_0213.JPG)


Hello, Thomas

4f95e8 No.323004

File: 3e920c86f012aec⋯.png (176.3 KB, 393x393, 1:1, 1459913194384.png)


Go talk to Socrates, buddy.

ce65d4 No.323005


Show me an right leaning liberal who's lolcow worthy.

Or use the right wing lolcow thread I guess.

The fact you don't use the catalog tells me you aren't from around here and you need to go bacck.

e1022c No.323006


holy shit he came back.

ed42f8 No.323007

File: 594ba48cc98b69b⋯.png (181.62 KB, 315x237, 105:79, richard spencer's midlife ….png)


>lots of salt righters are reeeeeeing autistically and there is much drama to be julayed, lots of salt to be mined

Hello fellow 8channer!

c79e2a No.323008


>salt righters

*tips liberalist fedora*

e70a96 No.323009

File: c3fb8a77d8cfc18⋯.png (329.88 KB, 497x494, 497:494, vee vore irl.png)



you didn't even bother changing the file name to something that's not romanian, you dumb gypsy degenerate

28bbaa No.323010


We should tweet that at him in response next time he tweets

90da6d No.323011


Even /pol/ has mentioned that if tricky dicky was killed that he could be turned into a martyr. At that point it wouldn't matter what his politics actually was, anons could push that his politics was further right and closer tot hat of anons and start forcing the overton window right at a very fast pace.


Make a thread about it then. Now you are making your "assassinate spencer" leak seem like another autistic operation to release a fake to discredit a bunch of shitposters

e82915 No.323012

File: b9c25dd3c26fc4a⋯.png (28.92 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 66.png)

>they believed i was vee

c74c8b No.323013


Dude last stream with Sargoy who mentioned his next logical career move would be FBI unironically. This checks out!!!

e1022c No.323014

File: 7e88e8d316b45a2⋯.png (530.43 KB, 1280x1109, 1280:1109, muh false equivalency shil….png)



what did he mean by this?

5875ce No.323015


Millenial Woes is literally just a right wing Sargon.

ce65d4 No.323018


Also, fix your infographic, this is trannypol tier.

Make it narrower and taller, or split it up. Reduce the empty space. Bigger fonts, be aware of color differences.

It's weird, I used to associate the left with art as a kid, but it's painfully obvious you guys are no sense of aesthetic.

ce65d4 No.323019


have no*

4f24e4 No.323020

File: 1251b4aa34491cf⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 443x471, 443:471, Smug Anime Girl 117.jpg)


what a waste of origin trips

Hi Vee. If you weren't such a massive gypsy you'd know to browse /pol/ for that kind of info. But here you are, doing damage control. I wonder if you've crossposted this on 4/pol/ as well? Remember faggot we have ID's and timestamps here. Not like /leftypol/

4fe65d No.323021


GAS, oy gevalt.

I wanna start a movement called Goys 4 Self-determination.

d13f59 No.323022



The Comey route, or the "burn women and children alive and shoot unarmed innocent people in the snow" Waco/Ruby Ridge/Bundy Ranch route?

90da6d No.323023

File: 88072e1e9ee73f7⋯.png (55.83 KB, 606x488, 303:244, vee and his cummies.png)

Vee is absolutely losing it

0705f9 No.323024

File: 1622cb3da61c6c1⋯.png (6.23 KB, 831x145, 831:145, hi vee.PNG)



As if it couldn't be more obvious. It's romanian for download.

159afb No.323025


>i love THE DRAMA, but


430147 No.323028


Is incredibly weak D and C the new liberalist strategy?

e70a96 No.323029


They act like we aren't acutely aware of obvious D&C b8 after spending a decade shitposting on anonymous finngolian throat-singing forums

d7b31b No.323030

File: 991a00da30f3fcb⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 478x422, 239:211, 1a1b881b63e0cb65bcff2c731e….gif)


holy shit it really is him

ed42f8 No.323031

File: 3e6d46550c20203⋯.gif (1 MB, 200x285, 40:57, 3d13ad8d2cd59dfe6f4f51d1b1….gif)


>limiting childporn and islamic propaganda is the same as closing down the internet or banning wikipedia

28bbaa No.323032

File: b8c36452457203d⋯.png (217.8 KB, 1242x1039, 1242:1039, IMG_0223.PNG)

I looked up "Thomas Nelson, Buffalo" on Duckduckgo and go this new info


430147 No.323033


I think it's because, since they are a Sargon worship movement, they assume that their opponents must feel the same way about Spencer or whoever.

4f24e4 No.323034

File: 96aee58a0bf0d97⋯.jpg (29.03 KB, 720x447, 240:149, P A T H E T I C.jpg)


>i love THE DRAMA, but

>he even capitalizes the words the same way he speaks them.

Note this gypsy has 2 degrees he shits his pants and does nothing with. I can't tell if he grinded like a chink or if Romanian educations simply gives diplomas like pamphlets

90da6d No.323035


No releasing fake leaks seems to be it.See



If that is Vee then they are doing another autistic operation

5875ce No.323036


Isn't Spencer a half-kike Jungle fucker?

e70a96 No.323037


It is. Check the filename.

4fe65d No.323038

File: 746c60cb14cd760⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 350x434, 25:31, vee-undercover-face.jpg)


Go be a gypsy somewhere else.

47d831 No.323039

File: a7e53f268142060⋯.png (230.02 KB, 726x720, 121:120, a7e53f2681420609ec091626db….png)

4f24e4 No.323040


e82915 No.323041


someone posted that screenshot on edgys discord taken from some liberalist server. and no, im obviously not vee.


e70a96 No.323042


Should degenerate porn be banned?

e1022c No.323043

File: 5beb8e46d4dac6d⋯.jpg (183.89 KB, 2047x1530, 2047:1530, DVh2tnnW0AIT7Qe.jpg large.jpg)

there seem to be memes of Fuentes in cat eears going around. not sure what it's supposed to mean tbh.

e82915 No.323044


degenerates should be banned

374b7e No.323045


The free market should decide if children are butt raped

0705f9 No.323046

File: 24b8e1c44fa163c⋯.jpg (67.22 KB, 350x434, 25:31, vee-undercover-v2.jpg)


How we could ever see through his disguise and ruses?

430147 No.323047


When you watch vore, do you imagine being swallowed, or being the one doing the swallowing? Serious question

159afb No.323048


gypsies sell their kids like used cars why wouldn't they sell diplomas

374b7e No.323049


That's anti-sematic

d13f59 No.323050

File: 97b07c69737ad85⋯.png (35.66 KB, 179x232, 179:232, terrified sweating merchan….png)

ce65d4 No.323051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wasn't going to watch this, because dyer is some kind of christcuck who comes here shitting up threads and advertising his bullshit videos, but, nick fuentes is "debating" him and fuentes was funny as fuck with that kike.

28bbaa No.323052

Should I tweet this stuff at Vee or Louis to get them riled up?

ce65d4 No.323053

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

e70a96 No.323054


why bother? He's already here.

e82915 No.323055


no. dig.

e1022c No.323057


confirm it first.

ed42f8 No.323058

File: 3e5ecde0bf97172⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 644x667, 28:29, catears.JPG)


He's a bit of a weeb, and cat ears seem to be a recurring feature of his shitposting.

374b7e No.323059


Why do you do anything anon

c74c8b No.323060


>Filioque debate

Oh boy this really activates my inner Constantinople

5875ce No.323061


Why ask us?

ce65d4 No.323062


to flush out our leaders

e1022c No.323063


I am Alpharius.

28bbaa No.323064

File: 5288f2c5e5538e2⋯.png (311.4 KB, 1212x1589, 1212:1589, IMG_0225.PNG)

File: 49af735a6ef3059⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 150x150, 1:1, IMG_0226.JPG)

New pic of Louis


4f24e4 No.323065

File: ab0ea17a7931477⋯.png (176.44 KB, 634x436, 317:218, Kronk Gun.png)


Anonymous is the leader of Anonymous. Sargon and his leberalististism have a target to attack now.

28bbaa No.323066


This picture confirms that Thomas Nelson switched his degree from criminal law to polsci. Louis confirmed again

90da6d No.323067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vee just showed up on Failures stream

c79e2a No.323068


If he was a real doc he would have a job. He wouldn't spend his days making youtube reply-girl videos from his uncle's library, or playing countless hours of hentai games.

5875ce No.323069

File: 255ee96193101d4⋯.webm (2.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 255ee96193101d4b26d7f1238….webm)



ce65d4 No.323070


dat nose

365972 No.323071


First thing I hear is porn.

28bbaa No.323072


Must be the "Irish nose" I've heard him speak about

ce65d4 No.323073


Now we're at officially war, is it really time to purge the xenos?

e82915 No.323074

e70a96 No.323075


Didn't he say he looks "very irish"? This dude looks like a fucking kike with that nose and those lips

518997 No.323076


First thing i hear when i open up the stream is "the first time i bought a porn mag was…" Goddammit, Vee.

ce65d4 No.323077


Has Lou ever mentioned music or being an audiophile?

4fe65d No.323078


Yeah, it's "muh sacred porn" central in that stream today.

e1022c No.323079


someone on an older thread found Codrin Stavri in romanian registry. He was linked to a microbiology lab, but went on (permanent) leave in May.

He basically quit his career to become a NEET making yt videos and playing hentai games.

Details aren't confirmed though. It is very strange that someone would withdraw from the world so starkly like Vee seems to have done. I think there's a piece of the puzzle we're missing.

dbeae6 No.323080


The Hibernian strikes again

430147 No.323081


>le 56% face

ce65d4 No.323082


That's pretty accurate

05f8de No.323083


It's because he gets enough money from his paypigs on Paytreon to live comfortably in Romania so he doesn't have to do any actual work.

dbeae6 No.323084

File: 7845e7582cbb5a3⋯.jpg (4.58 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, literally me.jpg)


old fag here leader of gamergate ama

pic extremely related

b263a2 No.323085


>Sargon lied about being black

Color me unsupervised. It was probably some tactical "lol I can never be racist"

c79e2a No.323087


>He was linked to a microbiology lab, but went on (permanent) leave in May.

How much money does he get from Patreon?

374b7e No.323088



Older fag here, Zimmermans lawyer and man who help Dorner escape AMA

e1022c No.323089


Tile Fucker here, AMA.

e70a96 No.323090


What's even better is that he's trying to weasel his way out by claiming that he takes a nordicist view of race, then claims his grandfather is a southern european, then claims that southern europeans are niggers, and that he is therefore 1/4th black

4f24e4 No.323091

File: 3978077c6f51ea8⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 447x400, 447:400, Smug Anime Girl 11.jpg)

>The gypsy is smelling the sinking ship of the liberalists and Sargon's decomposing body.

>Vee is starting to abandon ship

>Just as predicted.

>once a gypsy traitor always a gypsy traitor

Just like in the wars

77a50a No.323092


>not asuka

you tried

5e6f3b No.323093



Ancient fag here, used to help Hitler tie his shoelaces, AMA

Also I'm prettier than both of you

be0cba No.323094


To be fair, I have heard that passage was removed from the English version of the Talmud because they didn't want the goyim to know about it(seeing as how goys and Jewish laity are the only people who would read the Talmud in English in the first place.) If he only read the English translation it makes sense that he wouldn't know about that passage. Or he could just be lying.

c74c8b No.323095


This guy is way to high level for Nick to debate theology with. Nick even admits his unfamiliar with all the terminology and philosophical underpinnings he's referencing

e1022c No.323096


>350 patrons

>$1,278 per month


Patreon was a mistake.

ed42f8 No.323097

The way Vee's trying to spin this is stupid. When did the alt-right say white people don't shitpost? They said niggers are rapey and stupid, but they never claimed whites would never call Sargon a faggot. Sargon lost his cool and in a moment of butthurt tried to prove to the alt-right he was cool online. He wasn't trying to make some masterful point. Get that chubby four-incher out of your mouth, Vee.

ab61f9 No.323098

File: 88773bcf40e47b3⋯.png (175.64 KB, 412x360, 103:90, smugdog.png)


I guess in the mind of someone who uses wikipedia to find child porn related material it does make sense. Really makes you wonder about the innerworkings of a gypsy mind.

05f8de No.323099


>Get that chubby four-incher out of your mouth, Vee.

More like get out of Sargon's stomach, Vee

e82915 No.323100

>andy just invited vee to debate spencer


i can't stand this gyps voice. now im gonna miss that stream.

can't even listen to this failure stream anymore due to vee. gg

159afb No.323101


cyber bullying is literally just as bad as gang raping women and children

e1022c No.323102


I think we should just come to expect logical fallacies as a reflexive defense mechanism from them at this point.

365972 No.323103


What's he saying?

90da6d No.323104


Vee is trying to count JF as a debater in order to make it a 2v1 against Spencer. They really seem to think that archwarhammer could take Spencer just because he knows a lot of the kosher version of WW2

5e6f3b No.323105


With looking like a fucking retard when he argued with Spencer and now this Sargon is making a shitton of mistakes lately. Hopefully he keeps fucking up, this is great.

e1022c No.323106



i can't believe they think some 40k sperg can perform in a political debate. why are they all manchildren?

4f24e4 No.323108

File: f0424aad5c086ac⋯.png (101.01 KB, 392x356, 98:89, Smug Anime Girl 16.png)


he is saying bad things about the Soyfather. "I disagree with Sargon on what he did last night" Meaning he is disagreeing with him. This wouldn't happen before last night.

dbeae6 No.323109


Please take entrylevelgelion back to /tv/ with the rest of the shitposts.

28a3b8 No.323110


>limit child porn

>closing down the internet

Fucking Hell, Vee.

374b7e No.323111


They're all reddit fags who are loosely connected to anons because of mass bannnings during GG

ce65d4 No.323112


Yeah, it's not blood sports (debate), more a lecture

77a50a No.323113

File: d69a6bb546d0645⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 148x255, 148:255, Joke.jpg)

28bbaa No.323114


I'll check his Facebooks in a bit, he had some of his favorite anime and movies on there

365972 No.323115


Okay. Did he agree on the debate with Spencer?

374b7e No.323116


They're trying to get Spencer vs Black Pigeon speaks

365972 No.323117


What would even be the point of that?

90da6d No.323118


saving the last shred of Sargons dignity

c74c8b No.323119

File: 2c7d82576e19cf5⋯.gif (90.91 KB, 432x320, 27:20, 1515296441968.gif)


>Vee vs Spencer

I'll skip that. Nothing gives me a headache faster than a continuous straw-man barrage delivered by a nails on a chalkboard gypsie voice

4f24e4 No.323120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Life is Strange

e1022c No.323121

File: 7fb39ef12b02745⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, liberalists mugshot lineup.jpg)

Updated with the new pic.

Could also use a pic for Rags and Zeph, if they exist. Plus any other cult members that are known.

47d831 No.323122


It almost seems like everyone on the left is pussing out of the bloodsports after the recent streams so now they're trying to get right-wing faggots to slap fight over semantics

e70a96 No.323123


Hopefully this will drive a further wedge between the gypoo and his stepfather


good lord that would be shit.

374b7e No.323124



365972 No.323125


The only disagreements I can see between Spencer and BPS would be the JQ and narratives about the World Wars. Admittedly, those are quite big but they're both for ethno states, against multiculturalism, 'the left', all that stuff.

374b7e No.323126


There is a big deference between ethnonationalism and what people like BPS and mollymeme believe

47d831 No.323127


Does Spencer really believe the holohoax happened? wew

4f24e4 No.323129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>even 12 year olds are laughing at Sargon

>the absolute state of Sargon

Can he ever live such a thing down?

c79e2a No.323130


>Could also use a pic for Rags and Zeph, if they exist

I think Rags showed is face once in one of his videos.

c74c8b No.323131


If we assume, for the sake argument, that he's not a fed, I would say he probably doesn't but acts like he does for optics. I would imagine having to argue for Holohoax revisionism every time he debates a normie/skeptic would be tiresome and unproductive

90da6d No.323132

File: afdc8bd219e6bdb⋯.mp4 (842.69 KB, 636x360, 53:30, Spencer Holohoax.mp4)

28a3b8 No.323133


Spencer isn't a white nationalist, he's rather Kosher.

365972 No.323134



Other way around. BPS is a good goy who thinks Germany is responsible for everything evil and ruined nationalism for everyone, the EU is a 4th Reich, etc.

cd31a5 No.323135


Sargon is going to make a 2 hour response video.

d13f59 No.323136

File: 28fd12161d56d6a⋯.png (422.56 KB, 640x772, 160:193, lucky larry.png)



Remember: he denies the holmodor.

374b7e No.323137


OR, once a week he'll read articles about feminism into a webcam

47d831 No.323139


ok this goes far beyond merely avoiding the topic to keep appearances up


This was brought up in the previous thread, I don't think he thinks the EU is an extension of the 3rd reich and therefore bad, he's saying the EU is clearly dominated by modern cucked Germany which is why its shit.

I've seen too many references BPS makes to Jewish influence to think he doesn't understand the white guilt associated with WW2.

77a50a No.323140


I don't remember a second 9/11 in 2011

c74c8b No.323141



Shit meme. Absolute failure

e70a96 No.323142


I think I understand what he's trying to say. That it doesn't fundamentally matter whether the holohoax happened because even if it did, that doesn't suddenly make it not okay for whites to look out for ourselves.

However, he doesn't get that the holohoax is literally the foundation of the modern religion of progressivism. Literally everything comes back to "muh holocaust". So you DO need to destroy the foundation by debunknig and trivializing it and making it a meme if we want to get rid of the shackles it puts on us.

28a3b8 No.323143


>9-11, 2011

d13f59 No.323144

File: 0386e2d4c9cef85⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 581x720, 581:720, Lucky Larry.jpg)

File: c16c51d60b4732b⋯.jpg (41 KB, 735x541, 735:541, c16c51d60b4732bcfa4c7dd643….jpg)

e1022c No.323145


>I think I understand what he's trying to say.

this is the main problem with spencer. he needs other people constantly explaining and excusing his actions.

4fe65d No.323146


Wasn't it already established that BPS is a Jew himself? He worked/works for VidMax, a video hosting site where Jews masturbate to videos of Palestinians getting killed and beating, as well as the usual degenerate bullshit from these sites.

0d8937 No.323147

File: 45afb33445bae1e⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sargoff.mp4)

77a50a No.323148


You got some sauce with that dry pasta, anon?

e70a96 No.323149


I'm not excusing his actions. I think he's retarded and I absolutely agree that he always makes vague statements that nobody fucking understands what he's truly trying to say.

47d831 No.323150


When was that established? I only know he's a nomad person who's no longer living in Canada and makes videos about how bad Canada is, he's also autistic about pigeons.

ed42f8 No.323151


He's surrounded by sycophants who never criticize him or make fun of him. I like the TRS guys, but whenever they have Spencer on they're so defferent, even if he says some supremely faggy shit. If he had a little competition maybe he'd tighten up his debating skills.

365972 No.323152


He's lived in Israel and liked it there at least. Plus you know, fuck Germany etc.

c74c8b No.323153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That Horatio guy's Spencer impersonation was priceless though

4fe65d No.323154

File: 892b5a8774e3e57⋯.jpg (42.79 KB, 500x375, 4:3, edl_1.jpg)

File: fe0437e97cd56c4⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 500x375, 4:3, edl-israel2.jpg)

File: 771a6b6c8203ac5⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 581x424, 581:424, kosher-stamp-of-approval.jpg)


Maybe there's never been any concrete evidence then. I just remember him shilling for Tommy Robinson back when I was still going mental on YouTube comment sections of these people. And this was not just because of BPS being anti-Islam. I was always hit hard by himself, as well as JIDF in his channel whenever I posted these pics and tweets.



28a3b8 No.323155

File: 4810698a2ed85ba⋯.gif (2 MB, 486x365, 486:365, I AM A PERSON.gif)



Also, here's some dumb shit I meant to post. I made it just to have something for the video here >>322905 but considering I suck shit at ffmpeg I might as well not let it go to waste.


That old guy with the beard looks so goddamn Jewish. Put a cloak over him and you'd think we was a rabbi.

cd31a5 No.323156


Maybe becasue you know he is achkstually a jewish rabbi?

d20cbd No.323157


Pretty sure it was 14 vs 88 Vee.

c7048d No.323158


JIDFag here, I helped josef mengele skullfuck midgets do death, survived 4 gas chambers and shilled on /pol/ since 2004 AMA

Also I'm of the chosen

374b7e No.323159



d20cbd No.323161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Spokesman for Adolf Hitler here, you're gonna be gassed for real this time.

d13f59 No.323163

File: 410339926e661f8⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 1458322103168.jpg)


>plz spoonfeed me im too lazy to research



77a50a No.323164

File: 76f15e91f09e893⋯.gif (654.83 KB, 300x168, 25:14, scientifically proven.gif)


>don't mind my claim with no backup, go to jewpedia and read up, goy

df3bc4 No.323165

so what has been going on guys?

ce65d4 No.323166


Adam "I'm not alt right BUT they make sense" Warski. He's really growing on me. Now we just need to teach him that there is no altright and that he's just a sane human bean

28a3b8 No.323167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



28bbaa No.323168

File: fbdbb8d13400b81⋯.jpg (18.94 KB, 227x227, 1:1, IMG_0213.JPG)

File: 5288f2c5e5538e2⋯.png (311.4 KB, 1212x1589, 1212:1589, IMG_0225.PNG)

File: 49af735a6ef3059⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 150x150, 1:1, IMG_0226.JPG)


Louis Le Vau has been doxxxxxxed, the guy who streamed with Jim and had the Stepfather watch from the comments before coming in. His name is Thomas Nelson (pics related). Also Vee has been throwing a fit after some anon last thread posted pics from the liberalist Discord. Fun stuff

df3bc4 No.323171


Veeh has a regular sperg outs on a daily basis.

ce65d4 No.323172


A child just gave a clear, correct, concise explanation of positive and negative rights. Something I've never seen a septic do. That made me happier to see. Thanks anon

c74c8b No.323173


What an ugly human bean

ed42f8 No.323174

File: 8926df600aee7a9⋯.jpeg (191.99 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, helicoptercaust.jpeg)


He also apparently does a podcast called The Helicopter Pilots. The kids are alright.

28bbaa No.323176


Luckily he's deadset on destroying his genes with mongoloid gooks

47d831 No.323177

File: 0a12d635f7095e2⋯.png (21.51 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 0a12d635f7095e2dc4690d7eb1….png)


Really does give me hope for the future, lads.

4f24e4 No.323178

File: 7aacc726db008a5⋯.png (162.91 KB, 350x729, 350:729, 1429987247416.png)


>Louis Le Vau

>aka Thomas Nelson

>got ass blasted by some chick in uni

>failed entry exam for cop

>took Kraut's place and is fanatically fighting Vee for Sargon's pencil

>mercenary contracted by G4S

>G4S is an alphabet terrorist asset allowed to operate on US soil

>ambushed Jim in a stream

>Sargon claims to have info on Jim

>probably provided by the flashbomb technician himself Louis

>Jim mysteriously falls ill after the stream

>The Stepfather has a trained assassin at his disposal and a doctor to patch him up if he gets injured on a mission

Guys, we have taken on government agencies on a daily basis, but we've never had to come up against a government sanction terror cell controlled by an upper class twat such as Sargon. What are we going to do about this? Are we finished?

ce65d4 No.323179


>>ambushed Jim in a stream

>>Sargon claims to have info on Jim

>>probably provided by the flashbomb technician himself Louis

>>Jim mysteriously falls ill after the stream

>>The Stepfather has a trained assassin at his disposal and a doctor to patch him up if he gets injured on a mission

Which stream was this anon? I'm still catching up on streams

28bbaa No.323180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d20cbd No.323182


>Jim mysteriously falls ill after the stream

He has been ill for months now man. He mentioned in The Dick Show which was back in August.

4f24e4 No.323183

File: 1e10cfa6a2398dc⋯.png (258.17 KB, 549x560, 549:560, Question Mark Anime Girl 2.png)


So what you're telling me right now is that Sargon has a time machine and he still loses every debate he has? How can a man with a time machine possibly keep loosing?

ce65d4 No.323184


>What are we going to do about this? Are we finished?

"Don't interrupt your enemies while they are making mistakes". From everything that's been happening, we just need to relax, sit back, and laugh. This is the best lowcow julay since our lord and saviour chrischan

ce65d4 No.323185


thanks anon

ed42f8 No.323186


>I'm still catching up on streams

I missed a few, too. Have any leftists/skeptics/centrists actually won a debate since this Kraut shit popped off? They don't seem adept at the bloodsports format at all.

ca6c5a No.323187


>"Don't interrupt your enemies while they are making mistakes".


Does sargon even pose a threat.

ce65d4 No.323188


ah ok, I thought this was a new one since anon doxed lou

d13f59 No.323189

File: e901dc345dfeae3⋯.jpg (39.63 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 1467945134827.jpg)


>wikipedia strawman


There's a difference between "I'm sick gib me patreon shekels goy" and "stop shitposting on twitter for a few days after not making patreon funded videos for weeks directly after talking with sarcuck".

ce65d4 No.323191


No, they declared war on "altright", they confuse anon with altright constantly, so technically, they declared war on all anons, so technically we are at war, so technically they are our enemies.

e29147 No.323192


I don't think Louis has even become aware yet. I've been keeping an eye on his Twitter

ce65d4 No.323193


He made a video, saying he will be quitting soon all together due to illness. Sounds terminal.

e1022c No.323194


he specifically said it wasn't terminal on kumite.

ed42f8 No.323195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Total opposite. He's a boon. His sperging out has brought new ideas to ideas opposing him, and while some of the "long time subscriber but you're so wrong, sargon" comments are probably alt-righters fucking around, I don't think they all are.

White nationalists should be thanking SomeBlackGuy and Kraut for their autism.


He said it's all good on the Kumite earlier.

ed42f8 No.323196


>His sperging out has brought new ideas to ideas

new eyes to ideas*

a07a09 No.323197

File: 4e493e19b008dca⋯.jpg (90.9 KB, 847x847, 1:1, rageafterstorm.jpg)

4f24e4 No.323198

File: ddf2c919498eb1d⋯.gif (219.38 KB, 512x284, 128:71, Too Late now.gif)


>He said it's all good on the Kumite earlier.

Louis's first attempt to kill Jim failed, when will his next attempt be?

In other related news: Vee is still crying on his twitter.

4fe65d No.323200

bbddb5 No.323201


What a white nigger.

77a50a No.323202


>wikipedia strawman

>if I tell him to do his own research rather than back up my shit I get to call him out of his sources are wrong unlike mine, which I will not share of course!

4fe65d No.323203


She probably is a Jew, or mischling, but if you're trying to feed us disinfo to sperg out about then try harder.

ed42f8 No.323204

File: c1a41aaf70bf240⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 655x581, 655:581, veehmuhaltright.JPG)


>vee is still crying on his twitter

<go build your own treehouse you won't have anyone from my side stopping you


e29147 No.323205

In this article we see a now-defunct channel called "Blastatube" linked (link 1), if you search that on Google you can find a post of Thomas shilling his channel on forums. Users call it a whiny rant



28a3b8 No.323206


Vee you bitch, stop acting like a white nigger.

e70a96 No.323207

File: 6a2572730d9b129⋯.png (285.11 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, big boi pepe.png)


The irony coming from the people who co-opted gamergate, kek/pepe, /pol/ memes, etc. And no one gave a shit about the septics until after they left their kids' table and thought they could wrangle with the big boys.

ce65d4 No.323208



Nice one, like I said, still catching up on streams, prioritizing lulzier ones. That's good to hear. He probably realized life was best living outside of studying autism, he's been doing it long enough. I predict all of us here are going to be spending less time talking to trannies and retards online in the near future.

ce65d4 No.323210


I'd do that too, "look at this kiked place". That nose, unless she had ivanka trump tier surgery, I don't believe she's even a mischling. It wouldn't shock me given the last 2 years we've had.

4f24e4 No.323212

File: 7d88cf8281ae73a⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Asuka 1.jpg)


They should have sticked to bedroom feminists and sjws in general. The best part is everyone and their 1st wave feminist grandmother told them not to pick a fight with the right(which in internet speak is anons from /pol/). But their egos and unwarranted self importance fooled them into believing it would be the same as the femtards. The horseshoe did this to them.

d20cbd No.323213


He stated before that he was too sick too have a stable income, which I understand. He also said to shut down Patreon if he where to get better. And judging by his voice he does sound ill for awhile now.

4fe65d No.323214


Should probably have linked the exact pic instead:


It's not her, but I assume that some Liberalist posted that in the hopes of everyone going "SHIT GOYS! We must spread this newly discovered info about Rage to everyone!"

365972 No.323216


They do that all the time, right out of the Destiny playbook. 'Look goy, you might be right but this person is probably a Jew so you should attack them'

ce65d4 No.323217


Those comments are perfect.

4fe65d No.323218


Hahaha, didn't even notice that.

d20cbd No.323220

4fe65d No.323221


Yeah, she definitely looks broken down as fuck.

d20cbd No.323222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vee I know you're reading this. You're a faggot.

d20cbd No.323224

ca6c5a No.323226


>That red glare in her eyes


>and in those eyes you saw death

Jesus, is this girl possessed by the devil.

ce65d4 No.323227


He knows and he doesn't care. He's jerked it to vore. He's transcended homosexuality.

374b7e No.323228




what is this site? I'm not clicking that shit

d13f59 No.323229


Where's the video? Not on his channel, not on his twitter.


>I'm too lazy to do a simple search and see who owned the towers

You probably think planes took them down and magically collapsed building 7 too.


>judging by his voice

It's exactly the same as it has always been. He still uses the shit $5 headset mic instead of the blue yeti he owns so you couldn't even detect it from that.

ed42f8 No.323230


She's covered in star of david and 666 tattoos, smokes, and is 17. Wouldn't be surprised if she was getting pimped out by some ex-bolshevist kike fucker.

47d831 No.323231


her eyes are retarded big

ce65d4 No.323232


She has a decent camera.


I forgot to say, nice music anon, those quotes need some unpacking though

ca6c5a No.323233

File: a653abe08613bd0⋯.jpg (458.9 KB, 923x599, 923:599, 8153e5b9e09c2d9d265173faab….jpg)


>(((Kraut)))doxxxxxxxxxed one of his own

77a50a No.323234


>If it says so in some article I won't even link you to it makes it so

I own the Trump towers, anon.

You better look it up on the internet.

2c4587 No.323235


I think he is too afraid to respond.

It was easy to take criticisms when he spammed the boards with his shitty leech tier videos with 10 subscribers. Apparently, for whatever reason find the strength to respond. Now that he's being called out he is worried about losing his livelihood and no one else.

ce65d4 No.323236

File: 6f7a1045100b09e⋯.png (75.36 KB, 920x767, 920:767, Screenshot_20180208_221215.png)


It's posted in the previous thread. I'll dig it out. Give me a few mins.

ce65d4 No.323237


Found it,



He sent it to his patreons and they said it on the kumite.

d20cbd No.323238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks, I'm really into folk and esoteric Hitlerism based music. Makes me feel comfy as shit. This album is comfy shit during cold weather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amX2-5ZaqhE


Thought the same.


>He's jerked it to vore.

Well damn, almost forgot about that. Low people only sink lower.


The gypsy will just cry on twitter some more.


>It's exactly the same as it has always been.

It aint, his voice cracks a lot more and sounds a lot lower at times, like with some that's sick. His microphone is shitty but that doesn't mean you're not able to pick up on that shit.

d13f59 No.323240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>if I do a s-search it'll be w-worse than the time mommy made me walk to the fridge myself

Lazy fucking nigger. Consider suicide.





>some guy who gave Adam Racewarski money said it and there was a paymetons-exclusive post

That's not Jim releasing a video on it. :^)

159afb No.323242


this sounds like when America declared war on "terror"

ca6c5a No.323243


So when can i expect a "Mission Accomplished" from George Dubya Sargone.

374b7e No.323244

4f24e4 No.323245

File: 1cadb30d453d138⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 517x524, 517:524, Smugest of All.jpg)


>about losing his livelihood and no one else.

Can you imagine being in his shoes?

>go to law school

>grind like a gook because you're not intelligent

>4 hears of law school down the drain because you are shit

>go to medschool

>6 years grinding like a gook on steroids and ritalin because your gypsy IQ doesn't allow you understand anything so you have to memorize

>decide being a doctor is too hard so switch midway to being nurse

>continue to grind because of gypsy inbred IQ

>pass exams by cheating or by a diversity quota mandated by Merkel

>get to internship

>grind some microbiology and work in a microbiology lab as a janitor

>quit that

>decide to quit your internship for being a nurse (meaning fuck it so bad they kick you out) but continue to larp as a brain surgeon

>pretend to have lived through communism even though you were 3-6 years old when the iron curtain fell

>all the while finding a way to make a buck on youtube by sucking a british cock for views and some 20k subs

fast forwards to a few months ago

>sugar daddy's left hand goes nuts and spergs out at anon for because a nigger wanted to fuck a white chick

>have to distance self from sugar daddy's left hand because he can cost you patreon gibs

>a month or two pass and sugar daddy is going nuts himself, sperging at anon

>feel fear that you will have to suck the clown's cock instead of sugar daddy's cock

>start defending sugar daddy at any and all cost

>truly fear anon because he will take away your vore porn

>know that your own mother is deeply disappointed in you for waisting your life and fantasizing about being swallowed by a 40 year old british cuck raising 2 kids that aren't his

If I wasn't a heartless bastard I'd probably feel sorry for this gypsy

e29147 No.323246

File: 125c6f8420a8ad8⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 824x464, 103:58, chink.mp4)

Full compilation of Twitter feed and Nelson's face

847d26 No.323248


what strawmaning, people have a problem with niggers and arabs, not asians, especially not japanese

159afb No.323249


As soon as they find someone completely unrelated and irrelevant to tear down just like Saddam

4fe65d No.323250


Nice one. I hope I wake up tomorrow to a shitshow.

e29147 No.323251


I can only pray that tomorrow we get a Thomas Nelson reaction and on Saturday the Anglin v. Sargon debate

37e27f No.323252

File: e08e80fb3bf91d3⋯.png (216.36 KB, 1273x460, 1273:460, shill 3.png)

28a3b8 No.323254


That's not what purity spiraling is, purity spiraling is saying "YOU'RE NOT WHITE BECAUSE YOU'RE 1/64TH BLACK!"

54c2b2 No.323255

On the fringe of all this skeptic shit. Baked Alaska is hosting Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor sometime soon.

365972 No.323256


It applies to both.

ed42f8 No.323258

File: 4b7d3e3d68df45a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2242x1320, 1121:660, feels.png)


An ugly beta who's into asian chicks. He's really breaking the mold. His idea of an ubermensch is a mixed-race white/asian kid, not because of any IQ addition they wouldgive, but solely because softcore JAV models make his dingle tingle. For all their blustering about SJWs, liberalists base their ideology solely on feels. Like, do they think /pol/ is happy about being right? That we're super hyped for living in some dystopian nightmare where inbred semitic sex-cultists and elitist satanist LARPer pedophiles are actively fighting against white interests over some reference to someone called Amalek in their schizophrenic holy book? I hate that /pol/ is always right. I wish life were simpler and happier, but it's just so obvious that almost everything /pol/ says is the truth. These faggots disagree just because they don't like the conclusions. Weak.

d20cbd No.323259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Baked Alaska is hosting Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor sometime soon.

That's gonna be something alright. What a fucking year.

d20cbd No.323260


Fucked that one up meant for >>323254

f2438e No.323261

>>some guy who gave Adam Racewarski money said it and there was a paymetons-exclusive post

Ah yeah, I thought waski "knows" him so wouldn't spread disinfo about a friendly…

Warski, or warski's friend, if you're reading this, check your facts, especially when it's about people you consider friendly.

e29147 No.323262


This, my life would be a lot easier and more relaxing if a cabal of oligarchic Jews didn't push my country for open borders constantly, warmonger for Israel. I wish I could just worry about muh dick all of the time and be cocks

f2438e No.323263


Your pic is painful to read, can you fix it?

d20cbd No.323265


Read the book instead. It's called The Young Hitler I knew by August Kubizek.

54c2b2 No.323266



If you're talking about Metokur, check the Jim thread for the post. The Kumite 10,000 special for Jim talking about his health. From memory, he said he didn't have AIDS or cancer but he was getting something checked out. If he's going to be tied up with personal shit, he wont be making videos linked to patreon. If he was going full bubble boy, he'd still be able to use a computer. Didn't stop TotalBiscut.

ed42f8 No.323267

File: 40efb01076d39f1⋯.png (4.34 MB, 652x5280, 163:1320, 40efb01076d39f195ea6c2fc7e….png)


There are heaps of screencaps of people saying "fuck you, /pol/, I wish I took the bluepill instead". It's a hard life, and you can feel ostracized and alone since these aren't opinions you can discuss freely with friends or workmates. This is definitely a more narrow road than the one the liberalists take. It confuses me why they think we're basing these ideas solely on feelings.\


It's not my picture. You can open it in a new window if the text is too small, but >>323265 's suggestion is good, too.

365972 No.323269


I'm starting to appreciate the Spencer bantz.

d20cbd No.323270


Forgot: https://archive.org/details/TheYoungHitlerIKnew_637 that's probably the best translation. The ones they sell now are censored.

2c4587 No.323271


Vee is a doctor. Vee could give Jim medical advice. But instead Vee has not said or done anything to help Jim. Sounds like Vee hopes Jim goes away sooner than later.

e70a96 No.323272

File: 711554c0d03a1a1⋯.jpg (480.08 KB, 860x460, 43:23, cambrian sea.jpg)


500 million years ago scientists have discovered that our ancestors looked like this! Checkmate racists

Spencer is 40% bantz, 40% vague/implicit what did he mean by this?? posts, and 20% fed

4f24e4 No.323274

File: 37c756a6e4b427a⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 1235457678.jpg)


>Vee is a doctor.

Vee is not a doctor. He's not even a nurse larping as a doctor. He quit(got kicked) his internship. No internship = no certified medical practitioner. His medical degree is nothing but expensive toilet paper. Just like his law degree

ed42f8 No.323275

File: 81f8fa9f402a188⋯.jpg (90.97 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, 81f8fa9f402a18899806d3d603….jpg)


>race is just skin color

d13f59 No.323276

File: a5b3767452c3453⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 388x443, 388:443, b3c654e50060b3238ee3048593….jpg)


>being this autistic

e1022c No.323277

File: 9882fb38296f8f2⋯.jpg (82.85 KB, 467x534, 467:534, cheddar man.jpg)


western hunter gatherers weren't niggers. niggers also have no neanderthal dna. this shit is pure subversion.

e29147 No.323278

File: 30df8de5477225d⋯.png (73.72 KB, 560x556, 140:139, Aryan Prometheus MEIN KAMP….PNG)





Why do Jews keep pushing shit like this? Even if Europeans were darker skinned in the distant past, who cares, we're not today and we're not culturally, genetically or linguistically the same as niggers or Arabs


54c2b2 No.323279

File: 00ffb8209741bd2⋯.png (407.05 KB, 615x468, 205:156, 00ffb8209741bd23f82574dd65….png)


>Cheddar Man, not Coon Man

f2438e No.323280


Thanks anon, I didn't see it get bumped, so I didn't read it in a while.


Autism doesn't seem so bad, I used to think autists don't care about other people. Maybe you're projecting anon. I don't spend a lot of time on this shit.

e1022c No.323281


we need to start proactively putting ourselves into self-defence situations with journalists.

e29147 No.323282


Agreed. Yet another use of (((science))) to push anti-white narratives

ca6c5a No.323283


>There are heaps of screencaps of people saying "fuck you, /pol/, I wish I took the bluepill instead". It's a hard life, and you can feel ostracized and alone since these aren't opinions you can discuss freely with friends or workmates. This is definitely a more narrow road than the one the liberalists take. It confuses me why they think we're basing these ideas solely on feelings.

This is off-topic, i know, but it does lead to a question that's been on my mind recently. Do you think that people here are starting to burn out? I've noticed that ever since the election, the place has been getting smaller and slower, /cow/ is more or less the same as it ever was, if not faster since the ass end of the SeanieB days, but /pol/ for example would often have something like ~400-500 PPH and ~3500 active ISP's, and now it's even less than what it was before the election.

05f8de No.323284


Because there's no more the_cuckold faggots and because /pol/ became too much of a boring glorified news board nowadays.

e1022c No.323285


that has to do with the way 8/pol/ is run. imkampfy is a kike.

88ca57 No.323286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just gonna drop it here

a74d83 No.323287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Soygoy gets rebutted by a 12 years old

<He tries to respond with a smug remark

<Vee tries to make a complete rebuttal to the child's points

>Soygoy's comment doesn't even make sense

>Vee's rebuttal is completely devoid of understanding of what the kid's saying

Do you think if the Liberalists would win if they started picking fights with 6 years old?

e70a96 No.323288


I think that has more to do with how 8/pol/ has been managed since over the past year or more, but I don't want to get into it because tons of autists start sperging out when you have any criticism of the state of /pol/. It's just something localized to 8/pol/ and not indicative of anons in general, or cuckchan /pol/, or anywhere else.

But that out of the way, the main problem is that there isn't a singular focus the same way there was throughout 2015-2016 with the election cycle. So naturally there's a lot of directionlessness; that's why I like the kraut/sargon/skeptic drama, because it's providing a singular focus IMO. A good short-term target toward the long-term goal. I get tired of just talking about what Trump did today or whatever the fuck.

374b7e No.323289


There isn't an elections going on and the happenings are scarce.

05f8de No.323290


>tfw you get destroyed not only by Tricky Dick, but a tyke as well, an ancap tyke to be more exact


e29147 No.323291


I'm getting a bit burnt out on all this Trump shit. Plus nothing major is really going on right now. We need a good war or terrorist attack to post about

f2438e No.323292


This kid could debate sargon, lou and vee at the same time unless he's getting coached by someone, wait, is this coach red pill's kid?

365972 No.323293


Right after the election you had tons of hanger ons hyping shit up, that probably also burnt people out. The European elections are good as a bellweather for the mood of the general public but watching the actual political process is disheartening because they get subverted in real time.

54c2b2 No.323294


fucking squeakers man, nothing worse than getting blown out by someone without pubes

4f24e4 No.323295

File: ac7fe1c24784674⋯.gif (480.11 KB, 500x455, 100:91, nazi semen demon.gif)



They actually responded. VEE!!! THIS DOES NOT LOOK GOOD ON SARGON!

365972 No.323296


What? They responded to this?

a74d83 No.323297


They responded to >>323129.

d13f59 No.323298

File: 20e3efcf2fb24b2⋯.gif (996.15 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 20e3efcf2fb24b260f59c618ff….gif)


>doesn't understand the post he's replying to at all




If you fall for those screencaps you're fucking retarded. Literal 60IQ downy tier. If you know enough, you realize those are what are known as "blackpill" or "demoralization shills" designed to scare people away so they fall back in line hiding behind vices and distractions.

4f24e4 No.323299


in the comment section of the first video apparantly, the comments were featured in the video

e70a96 No.323300


>be Sargoy and Vee

>too dumb and disingenuous to argue against any points made by Faulk or JF

>instead try responding to a literal preteen kiddie, thinking it will be an easy win


Goddamn I fucking love this kid. Sure, ancapism is a fucking meme, but he's pretty good for a little squirt. Shitposts with the best of them with all the best low-key antisemitic memes. This kid is going places, guaranteed. Hope he's a good bellwether for gen Z

f2438e No.323301


t. sperg who believes g4s is cia and everything else he reads on nupol

e1022c No.323302

this time next year soygoy will be giving blowjobs in backalleys to support his Liberalistate of 1 person (soygoy), while Vee will have found a new altright daddy to defend on kumite 24/7

d13f59 No.323303

File: 4b5bc94f504f8bb⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1291x886, 1291:886, 1471924444901.png)


>it's all fake goy there's no connection goy I'm an obvious outsider newfag but I know all the ebin freech memes like "nupol"

You never answered the question, Vee. What was your mother's reaction to finding out about your vore fetish?

4f24e4 No.323304


does anyone have info on that autist who want to bankroll Soygoy's political career?

e29147 No.323305


>be ancap

>be 12

Sounds about right

54c2b2 No.323306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

f2438e No.323307


imkikey, you're as obvious as vee. Same patter as in metapol as pol as here. Go back to pol you drug addled retard.

05f8de No.323308


Yeah he's some Jew metuselah from Hungary

a74d83 No.323309

>>323299 (Checked)

I can't find the comment now. Maybe Sargon deleted it, or maybe JewTube is hiding it (switching between "Newest First" and "Top Comments" causes some comments to disappear and reappear).

>>323300 (Double-Checked)

AnCaps are okay. The ideology has a few problems, but it's a good place to start, and you get a good theoretical framework.

4f24e4 No.323310

File: 98480505db74ee7⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 211x173, 211:173, pol land.jpg)


>from Hungary

If he's connected to Soros in any way I will fucking stop fapping for a day.

f2438e No.323311


let me save you a reply




05f8de No.323312


If by "connected" you mean that it's literally uncle George then yes

d13f59 No.323313

File: 0b7ee1a18183a88⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 279x420, 93:140, vee_ree.jpg)


You still haven't answered the question.

>everybody that doesn't fall for fake info and makes fun of me is imkampfy even though he hasn't existed since the site hack when the moderation was changed

He's probably outside your bedroom window RIGHT NOW. Watch out, Romanian.

d20cbd No.323314


It only gets better.

4f24e4 No.323315


int and shills are interchangeable, Vee.

f2438e No.323316


I'll pretend to be vee for you, let you enjoy you're crack high until you go the way of zeigler.

She sucked muh cock mayte when she found out I was a voreling like her.

I hope the drugs take you soon imkikey so we can have /pol/ back

e70a96 No.323317


My fundamental problem with Ancapism is that it's an ideology that revolves around abstract principles (muh NAP) rather than anything real and concrete. Most people don't operate like this. We have intuitive feelings about what's right. The most important thing to me is my family and myself, then my tribe, then my nation, etc. What's good is to work toward things that benefit your people. I have no problems breaking the NAP because I don't adhere to such an autistic ruleset.

But usually that's an argument I have to get into with 20-30 year olds. When some kid is already going through this phase at age 10 or whatever, he's going to be a hardcore fascist by the time he's voting age. Good stuff.

f2438e No.323318


Yes anon and /pol/ mods will caps all variations at any random anon who wrongthinks; shill, int, shariablue, etc

4f24e4 No.323319

File: 83a7dddfa7907d7⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 353x453, 353:453, Smug cunt.jpg)


You're not fooling anyone, Vee. Instead of posting on /v/ about Anita every other week, how about you lurk /pol/ for a month or two and then type out your drizzle

4f24e4 No.323320

File: a78591df4b144f6⋯.jpg (123.76 KB, 992x767, 992:767, 1453678794685.jpg)


>I'll pretend to be vee for you

>She sucked muh cock mayte when she found out I was a voreling like her.

>Vee pretending to be Vee in a retarded attempt to prove he's not Vee

Your mind is like an open book, gypsy. Only Vee would type out such a thing.

ca6c5a No.323321


>If you fall for those screencaps you're fucking retarded.

What screencaps. I'm just autistic enough to remember the stats whenever i visit the front page.


His taste in music is garbage but the kid's pretty great so far. Hope (((academia))) doesn't get to him though.

f2438e No.323322


cool beans fellow sperg Hi liberalistismistmo, I checked your posts, you egging on the more retarded ideas like a qanonfag, either you are being subversive or you're just a retard

47d831 No.323324

File: c2bbf147ded4ad2⋯.png (130.48 KB, 295x480, 59:96, c2bbf147ded4ad206f8f9ee71b….png)


You're pretty bad at this.

05f8de No.323325


>When some kid is already going through this phase at age 10 or whatever, he's going to be a hardcore fascist by the time he's voting age. Good stuff.

Most likely, from experience I can say that a lot of people who were libertarian or a similar ideology when they were young will, especially due to current circumstances, most likely become RaHoWa when they get to their twenties. You just have to stop thinking about your little utopia when you realize how non-whites will be the first to completely fuck you in the ass with state power if they get any sort of control, no matter how minor. The Liberautists are still in that state of mind where they think they can convince Jamal and Ahmed to vote for them if they just give them free copies of Loki to read and if they explain their tax plans in detail to them.

ed42f8 No.323326


> If you know enough, you realize those are what are known as "blackpill" or "demoralization shills" designed to scare people away so they fall back in line hiding behind vices and distractions.

Probably true, but I don't think all of them are just shills. I've felt that way before. Just being burnt out and angry at the state of the world, and feeling like you almost wish you could go back to eating steak like that dude in The Matrix.

Of course I don't really want to go back, but it would be nice to be able to watch some shitty movie or television show without turning it off in disgust half-way through due to all the jewish bullshit that becomes so evident once you've spent a while on /pol/.


Should be good. Jared Taylor is far above Tariq, and I think I've seen Tariq chimp out before when things don't go his way. Only problem is Taylor is pretty polite, and I think I'd prefer to see Tariq get memed on with kangz and sheeeeit.

df3bc4 No.323327

File: ca334647bd4c1ee⋯.jpg (90.98 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1517174555816.jpg)

File: b241e4ea4b3064f⋯.jpg (7.44 KB, 133x133, 1:1, b241e4ea4b3064f94b2a31d247….jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

File: 693cafa56360786⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 202x165, 202:165, 693cafa5636078682d48df3a27….jpg)

we probably need some Veeh facts up in here.

f2438e No.323328


Sure thing, I'm vee, you got me. I need to make an announcement, an admission of guilt. I sucked sargon's peen, afterwards, he told me something terrible… he's the /pol/ BO. I cried. I asked him to prove it, and he said, MUH BOOOOOKS, REEEEEEE SHILLLSSS, BT.F.O 4 YEARS BUFFALO QUEERS and it was then I knew he was telling the truth. Please don't spread this around maite.

141154 No.323330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tariq is gonna tell this crakkka to wash his ass lmao smh fam.

e29147 No.323331

File: 771d0c332ca98a0⋯.png (184.99 KB, 315x242, 315:242, vee caveman.PNG)

File: 7765138c935957d⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 514x652, 257:326, vorevee.jpg)

File: e365703d6da11a2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1211x633, 1211:633, SANDNIGGER3.PNG)

File: 3ff13a7559e429f⋯.png (1 MB, 1134x581, 162:83, sandnigger lover.PNG)

File: 0e7a0d43dcc2007⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1221x602, 1221:602, sandnigger2.PNG)

4f24e4 No.323332

File: 4b7ee23ebcc92db⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 423x439, 423:439, Umaru laughs at your attem….jpg)


>either you are being subversive or you're just a retard

<subverting a /cow/ thread

<or retarded

Oh look it's the obfuscation tactic of a shill who's been found out. Time for you to change IPs , Vee.


>doubling down

like clockwork

d20cbd No.323333


Vee stop posting and go back drooling at vore shit. You faggot.

f2438e No.323334

File: 205991c28f4e6e7⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 782x788, 391:394, roy batty smug.jpg)


I've a proper VPN, my ip's gonna change a lot kid.

e29147 No.323335

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)



ca6c5a No.323336


Mark you fucking kike, is that you? I know you know /cow/ exists, you kept telling me to come here when i outed a tumblrette spic.

e29147 No.323337


d20cbd No.323338


Not surprising seeing how much you love your vore.

f2438e No.323339


That's vee

I'm partial to huwite and jap milfs to be honest

d20cbd No.323341


Nice try Tel aVeev

4f24e4 No.323342

File: f763ed1d376aa6a⋯.gif (399.45 KB, 624x376, 78:47, Angry Gypsy noises.gif)




gotta get around CS 1.6 IP bans somehow i guess


Who is Mark?

> you kept telling me to come here when i outed a tumblrette spic.

Sounds like a chap who gives good advice, you should also lurk /pol/

e29147 No.323344

File: aec302d045179bc⋯.jpg (440.31 KB, 600x846, 100:141, bangbusvee.jpg)

f2438e No.323345


I knew it was you, what else am I imkikey?

ed42f8 No.323346

File: 62344aed573ef91⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 641x243, 641:243, blockhead.JPG)



Don't you mean the jew-bwa-ha-ha?

d20cbd No.323347


>youre imkikey

If you wanna insult me just call me a faggot instead.

ca6c5a No.323348


>Who is Mark?

>Doesn't know who the other imkampfy is

Don't play dumb you fucking kike. You're trying to replace the board with good goys who won't question your power.

54c2b2 No.323349

wash yo ass, it's live

365972 No.323350


Just started.

d20cbd No.323351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It begins.

1df877 No.323352

File: 3f162b9949511c4⋯.png (737.1 KB, 1293x1407, 431:469, 1439630351345.png)

File: 7624f839af123af⋯.gif (2.94 MB, 359x346, 359:346, perfidious jew.gif)


>we found the man who drew it

are they talking about le happy merchant or the laughing one from the palestinian movie?

4f24e4 No.323353

File: e7bc7b981d09c2d⋯.png (550.71 KB, 714x1108, 357:554, Fucking Revolting.png)


>You're trying to replace the board with good goys who won't question your power.

You can't prove a thing!

90da6d No.323354


Vee can you confirm or deny that you were fired for indulging in your fetish at the hospital. Did you really move from microbiology to the general hospital shit so you could get access to baby fetuses. And that the reason there is no return date to the hospital unlike every single other person taking a leave is that they put you on permanent unpaid leave in order to not cause a scandal that would make both the hospital and your mother look bad?

f2438e No.323355


You are a turk imkikey, but you don't look like a faggot I could be wrong. Turks will never be european or white imkikey.

e29147 No.323356



Baked is such a kike

d20cbd No.323357


But I'm not imkikey.

365972 No.323359

Oh boy this is starting well.

bff6c7 No.323360

File: 33daf4668fbd565⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Mark is a real human bean.mp4)

e29147 No.323361

File: 11dd3f20b23f7aa⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 260x293, 260:293, 1482967913496.jpg)




1df877 No.323362

File: 51308df435d2f51⋯.jpg (56.5 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 8cee43465d219d486a57439239….jpg)


>Is america a white supremacist country?

The question is why shouldn't it be?

f2438e No.323363


I'm a neet, I got put on leave because I skull fucked a corpse. 9/10 corpse so they didn't fire me.

7060e1 No.323364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

938997 No.323365

File: b85dbc504d804da⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 873x808, 873:808, 1431663995986.jpg)


Oh Jesus fucking Christ.

bff6c7 No.323366

File: 4e1f1d283cf7552⋯.jpg (13.57 KB, 440x422, 220:211, 1512648948369.jpg)

365972 No.323367


JF is really digging into the JQ.

e29147 No.323368

Why are pro-black people always nutjobs?

f2438e No.323369


That's good anon

d20cbd No.323371

I knew he was retarded but this is beyond retarded. Jesus fucking Christ.

365972 No.323372


Blacks are ugly and disgusting.

41dee3 No.323373


Being fucking retarded is the only way any of their arguments work.

d20cbd No.323374

>honorary nazis

It's honorary Aryans you fucking nigger.

a8dc2d No.323375


You have to necessarily be a nutjob to support chimps over humanity.

1df877 No.323376

File: 25418030cc664d5⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1500x2268, 125:189, 1440824233888-1.jpg)


why do you think?

54c2b2 No.323377

it's just getting started

you think white niggers are bad, we got real niggers here

e29147 No.323378

90da6d No.323379

File: 6c11f8779c8ace6⋯.png (68.11 KB, 594x644, 297:322, Vee muh dik.png)

Vee is still sperging about his dick, and how apparently he needs to defend his dick from everyone. Remember, cummies come first

d20cbd No.323381

He many times can this nigger say white supremacy/supremacist?

a8dc2d No.323382


I hope jim brings up the JQ in chat.

a8dc2d No.323383


>Admits his arguments boil down to muh dick

Does he realize what he just did?

e29147 No.323384

I really hope Jared laughs in his face like Fuentes did to that kike yesterday

d20cbd No.323385

And niggers are dumbest.

1df877 No.323386

File: 1f857df7f56df89⋯.jpg (117.84 KB, 602x430, 7:5, 1455592823127.jpg)


He'd definitely have material to work with

47d831 No.323387


It really is undignified that Jared is doing this. Although I suppose he was in that Bismarck video so this isn't as bad.

54c2b2 No.323388

>can you hear me?

d20cbd No.323389

This is nigger is really pretending to have tech issues. Christ.

365972 No.323390


Audience problems are prolly down to them being niggers.

54c2b2 No.323391

>are you googling answers?


41dee3 No.323392

He appears to have just realized that he's a negro, with everything that implies.

ed42f8 No.323393

<hol up i can't hear you



<one second

Lol, he just admitted he can hear them. He's stalling.

d20cbd No.323394

Yeah, he is really looking on wikipedia.

e29147 No.323395

File: f91109386d69e28⋯.png (474.41 KB, 708x492, 59:41, this stream.png)

>this stream

1df877 No.323396

>(((who))) owns the major corporations

f2438e No.323397

tariq is holding himself and rocking back and forward… that nigger is traumatized.

d20cbd No.323398

Ok how much kike blood does this nigger have?

365972 No.323399

That guy is majorly propped up by the NYT and ((similar))) companies.

7060e1 No.323400

File: f012ec43143aa6c⋯.jpg (131.77 KB, 491x600, 491:600, 1517508806861.jpg)

>Only 20 minutes in

This is such a brutal yet classic beating

ca6c5a No.323401


God damn, even spics don't bitch this much about whitey, and they have more of a reason to than the KANGS.

c0b54b No.323402

File: bfcb05924c21945⋯.mp4 (8.03 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Chimps in suits.mp4)

e29147 No.323403

>when the chimp IQ goes against the huwhite Aryan

365972 No.323404


Awww shiet.

f2438e No.323405


none, it's dumb as fuck

>hol up hol up hol up holup

>tariq, are you googling an answer?


679ec9 No.323406

>America is white supremacist

Non whites are doing pretty well though

>Because white supremacists want them to!!!


d20cbd No.323408


Nigger use using Talmudic ways of arguing. Jumping to shit constantly because he knows he has nothing.

679ec9 No.323409

>hispanics are brought in to boost numbers because census data is more important than demographics because fuck niggers


5b8c74 No.323410


Make me huwhite, Jared!

e29147 No.323411

File: 6bb30b4bdb27666⋯.png (368.04 KB, 469x409, 469:409, wtf.PNG)

>mfw nigger IQ

ed42f8 No.323412

File: da098c303fa60cb⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 720x720, 1:1, happyanime.jpg)



1df877 No.323413

File: 9ac4b8b9de72183⋯.png (758.79 KB, 947x761, 947:761, 9ac4b8b9de72183173ee930f65….png)

>Irish weren't considered white


f2438e No.323414


Stalling so long it's painfully obvious that you're retarded isn't pilpul

e29147 No.323415


679ec9 No.323416



d20cbd No.323417


ca6c5a No.323418

>The irish we not considered hwhite is a silly myth

Pretty sure Brits just thought they were inferior.

d20cbd No.323419


Fair enough.

e1022c No.323420

File: b95b03cb21082f6⋯.gif (8.03 MB, 550x510, 55:51, facial shape oriental.gif)


47d831 No.323421


Dublin technically was a Norwegian colony, so that doesn't surprise me much.

679ec9 No.323422


Every race but kang apparently is

fa6e0c No.323423



You meanin like that little nigga in tha Herculees movie? Sheeeeit.

e29147 No.323424

Tariq Nasheed is what Sargon thinks the alt-right are like with Jews. I rarely see anyone sperg about Jews this bad

ca6c5a No.323425


Well every race that isn't a nigger is automatically superior.

d20cbd No.323426

Also bakes face is priceless.


You're WOKE.

e29147 No.323427



ca6c5a No.323428


>Well every race that isn't a nigger is automatically superior.

*to the nigger

679ec9 No.323429

>Why peepo hoarding resources

If only Africans lived in a resource-rich part of the planet

1df877 No.323430


97d178 No.323431


bff6c7 No.323432

File: 51c1810e23ebc02⋯.gif (997.47 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 1c52b7be9dfdc16c217442ebde….gif)


f2438e No.323433


They call dublin the pale, the bucket.

It's where the phrase, beyond the pale came from.

I love how chill JT is.

>tariq:it's where nigguh jokes come frum ugguh boogah


d20cbd No.323434


So he's admitting niggers rape the most?

54c2b2 No.323435

he got the totem pole right

05f8de No.323436


ed42f8 No.323437

File: 2d4ee3c4c08e5fa⋯.gif (2.66 MB, 352x240, 22:15, irwin.gif)

This is already so beautiful

e29147 No.323438

What is that noise? Is it the squeaky chair again or are there literal chimp noises in the background?

1df877 No.323439

File: 83adfa56b621f66⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CNN_White_Power_hour.mp4)

File: 6d8b0efa2334892⋯.webm (665.85 KB, 360x360, 1:1, White_Power_black_kid.webm)


we need to bring back white power hour

ca6c5a No.323440




679ec9 No.323441

JT doesn't even need to say anything, just let this retard speak

f2438e No.323442



e29147 No.323443

I want to hear what Tariq thinks about the Jews

fa6e0c No.323444

File: 4d540da2246ff52⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 896x349, 896:349, 06b01623db0b589674bb745171….jpg)


>tfw most people on the internet don't even recognize this guy

bff6c7 No.323445

File: 9a20ce01dcfd353⋯.webm (2.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pewdiepie_nigger_obama.webm)

File: 967e0531a376810⋯.mp4 (890.12 KB, 360x640, 9:16, fuckin_nigger.mp4)

1df877 No.323446

File: 96aef79b3750859⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 96aef79b37508594b731d200ac….jpg)

>suspected white supremacist

might as well call them suspected heretics

d20cbd No.323447

I'm fucking done with this. I can feel my brain killing itself.

ca6c5a No.323448


e29147 No.323449


Just go with the flow, anon. I'm literally laughing out loud

97d178 No.323450


Hang in there anon, there will be more laffs.

be0cba No.323451


That kid sounds just like Ralph Wiggum.

ed42f8 No.323452


Think of it like a MDE skit

ca6c5a No.323453

Hank Hill vs Kemit Koon is the best bloodsports yet.

54c2b2 No.323454

chat is going retarded, real niggers, fake wakanda niggers, trolls, reddit and fuck knows who else. I don't know who's shilling who.

e29147 No.323455

File: 7dc71ccaffbf325⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1518x1372, 759:686, Judenstern.jpg)

(((most powerful)))

f2438e No.323456

is suspected white supremacist the jew?

Is tariq naming the jew, but doesn't want to get (((suicided)))

679ec9 No.323457

>"suspected white supremacist" is now a label

This nigger here. Also

>projecting 24/7 racial thinking onto WHITES of all people

f2438e No.323458


ca6c5a No.323459


>Is tariq naming the jew, but doesn't want to get (((suicided)))

Niggers aren't smart enough to name the Jew, hell, they think they ARE the Jew.

159afb No.323460

Where does the nigger live, he said whyi peepoo can kill him

365972 No.323461

ZimZam christened honorary white by Jared!

f2438e No.323462

duceptitious tactic nigger speak

1df877 No.323463

>i'm not white i'm native american

I really hate this nigger

4fe65d No.323465

File: 0239770df8e5371⋯.jpg (384.41 KB, 600x773, 600:773, sluttypickups2.jpg)

File: 6a937f7554edd7a⋯.jpg (263.61 KB, 400x832, 25:52, sluttypickups1.jpg)

159afb No.323466

File: bbeb75ede12b4b4⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 897c3bbbe19409d0a4995df2bf….jpg)

File: 301b7a66e04089d⋯.jpg (246.27 KB, 687x960, 229:320, 301b7a66e04089d05036a88241….jpg)

the honorary huwhite ethno state was hidden under my nose all along

05f8de No.323467



ca6c5a No.323468

>Even elderly Hank Hill is getting exasperated as fuck by this nigger's perpetual WE WUZ VICTIMS talk

1df877 No.323469

File: e8e71e593523bb4⋯.png (150.92 KB, 368x426, 184:213, 38a2347ba7b4633cff4fefd2e1….png)

File: bf065421a731754⋯.gif (650.59 KB, 500x259, 500:259, 5ba204f3383d54f73b7f3af80f….gif)

File: 9849cf4b91930d9⋯.png (294.81 KB, 630x378, 5:3, 9849cf4b91930d9b12193934b4….png)

d20cbd No.323470



Muting helps a bit


I can only wish for Sam to come in and get away with it.

ed42f8 No.323471

File: 1c0e4dacb4be5ae⋯.gif (843.87 KB, 800x786, 400:393, 1c0e4dacb4be5ae569921a86b1….gif)


America is Africa, Chinese are reserve white people, and Zimmerman was white

Sounds like Tariq is a proponent of horseshoe theory

ca6c5a No.323472


bff6c7 No.323473

File: d4b34d141572d00⋯.webm (6.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WOKE.webm)

f2438e No.323474

4237 viewers


make the vee thread cap, and tweet it to vee dumdum

159afb No.323475

File: 786a3baa1930518⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 300x451, 300:451, 6b2c3f905f8c8ea9a86790c79f….jpg)


f2438e No.323477





1df877 No.323478

File: bb1dfe53614d6eb⋯.jpg (95.83 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 3605dec7aa591f080d20f42c01….jpg)

e29147 No.323479

File: 49af735a6ef3059⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 150x150, 1:1, nELSON HAT 2.jpg)

>mfw whites have promoted the Asians to honorary status

f2438e No.323480


90da6d No.323481

File: ee8bd8faca0ed3f⋯.png (110.1 KB, 594x950, 297:475, Vee muh dik 2.png)

Vee keeps digging that hole about how he thinks his cummies is more important than anything else

d20cbd No.323482

So albino niggers are whites too?

ec5544 No.323483

File: 2eef149201afe58⋯.png (949.06 KB, 740x720, 37:36, smug rin.png)


>Saves the thumbnail

7060e1 No.323484

File: 52af45619e9e375⋯.jpg (284.07 KB, 710x594, 355:297, 14891784846dd67.jpg)


I have the feeling that we somehow landed in a parallel universe since Trump's election. Everything that happened is so fucking crazy.

90da6d No.323485


Subtle oathbreaker

e29147 No.323486

File: 5288f2c5e5538e2⋯.png (311.4 KB, 1212x1589, 1212:1589, nELSON HAT.png)

I think that is the actual file size, but I'll double check

e70a96 No.323487


>hispanics are white!

lel, I thought we were all racist for wanting to deport beaners.

ca6c5a No.323488


Compared to niggers, maybe. Least their ancestors had enough brain cells to make a civilization and not climb trees like monkies.

159afb No.323489


>i care about my family but i don't care about other people

did this gypsy steal his logic from a nigger?

4f24e4 No.323490

File: ae56d9d20eddc22⋯.png (37.55 KB, 362x346, 181:173, Question Mark Anime Girl 3.png)


But what happens when his family interferes with his cummies?

e29147 No.323491

File: dd823b92c6d23c6⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 200x200, 1:1, nELSON HAT 23.jpg)


It's about the same size

f2438e No.323492


I think this was brewing for a long time and had clinton won, shit would've accelerated, possibly better for whites. Trump had to win.

1df877 No.323493

File: 0e278af88d5476b⋯.jpg (103.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0e278af88d5476b6733bec2a89….jpg)

>you're not answering my questions

<i'm trying my best

f2438e No.323494


> hugs himself and rocks back and forth while ranting without listening


> leans forward, listens carefully, responds directly, explains everything slowly and clearly

e29147 No.323495

>black people don't do alot of crime

365972 No.323496

2 Questions:

a) Is Nasheed guy representative of nogs?

b) How much self loathing does a decent looking white girl has that fucks a nog?

679ec9 No.323497

How did I know "black on black crime" was going to be a myth

187b89 No.323498


e29147 No.323499


They're not called dindus for nothing

1df877 No.323500

File: 1524001f1e8d3f5⋯.jpeg (148.7 KB, 819x976, 819:976, Stl Crime Stats.jpeg)

File: 9b84cb59fc52633⋯.png (331.79 KB, 998x820, 499:410, STL 2017 Homicide Analysis.png)

>black on black crime is limited to chicago

374b7e No.323501


but big man Tyrone


c74c8b No.323502

Tariq is some kind of schizto isn't he?

90da6d No.323503


Seeing as Vee is using muh dik as an actual argument, yeah he probably is.

47d831 No.323504


Doesn't that normally match with a high IQ?

679ec9 No.323505

>blacks don't commit murder because there exists a population of blacks that aren't in jail for murder

d20cbd No.323506

>its high therefor it doesnt matter if it gets lower


c74c8b No.323507


Not really. Plenty of low IQ schitzos wiping shit on the walls in jail cells right now

54c2b2 No.323508


If he cares about his family, why is he jacking off to vore instead of practicing medicine?

e29147 No.323509

>there are people who fall for the "it's just skin deep" meme


ca6c5a No.323510



679ec9 No.323511


JT going in hard

e29147 No.323513

So is Africa a utopia where people live one with nature?

d20cbd No.323514

I know the solution Nasheed, it's a bullet.

f2438e No.323515

File: dcb98c52a8fde26⋯.png (22.76 KB, 389x242, 389:242, Screenshot_20180209_011000.png)

Nice super chat, and it's trending

679ec9 No.323516

>There's no black ethnostate

This nigger is reaching uppity levels that shouldn't be possible

159afb No.323517

white supremacy is inescapable force like gravity and black people never commit crime except being black

679ec9 No.323518

>liberia didn't receive enough gibs

Bingo. I got a bingo

374b7e No.323519

90da6d No.323520

Going to need a new bread soon

ca6c5a No.323521


>white supremacy is inescapable force like gravity

This is true if you're a nigger at the bottom of the totem pole.

a8dc2d No.323522

ed42f8 No.323523

>we don't want to live with you, darkie


It's not our job to fund your lifestyles and babysit you for eternity. Forge your own future. If you feel there's a white supremacist subversion in your happy crime-free African ethnostate, fight against it. Don't bitch with your palm facing upwards.

d20cbd No.323524

>nigger needs to white man for a solution

Every time.

365972 No.323525

>Don't you guys have an entire continent, called Africa?

Well done Alaska.

f2438e No.323526

Baked Alaska, preaching the truth

1df877 No.323527

File: dfe1614f2515b81⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 720x594, 40:33, c6852ea98191324aaf61a6c07c….jpg)

>I want a solution

Is he sure?

e29147 No.323528

File: da8b78531142611⋯.jpg (98.74 KB, 687x900, 229:300, racewarnow.jpg)

I have a solution

4f24e4 No.323529

File: 4ab0d1d9b82c870⋯.jpg (253.58 KB, 798x1265, 798:1265, 1eaf63181cd1.jpg)

Decolonization was a mistake

159afb No.323530


black people are so in tune with universe that if they were put on Mars, they would still feel the reverberations of white supremacy even from the lowliest mestizo

e70a96 No.323531

File: b10cd3042ec52fa⋯.png (19.76 KB, 211x239, 211:239, wojak brainlet.png)

>mfw my IQ lowering by 3 pts/min listening to Kang Wewuz II

f2438e No.323532


a8dc2d No.323533

This nigger is proving the sterotype that blacks are obsessed with rape.

54c2b2 No.323534

>haitian gold

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