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/druid/ - Druid/pol/

The internet grove of British Nationalism


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File: df826561153709d⋯.jpg (109.68 KB,481x638,481:638,df826561153709dac7258b436a….jpg)

94fb75 No.3 [Open thread]

The official meta thread for /druid/. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

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d13eb3 No.350

File: 5fcf8987352c352⋯.png (53.04 KB,300x100,3:1,randomBanner_js.png)

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03c685 No.14 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

A thread for all the books and articles relevant to the interests of the B.O.N.D

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90779f No.245

File: 8c08372930fb430⋯.png (905.97 KB,709x900,709:900,art1521332623.png)

File: 4c5bf5175fe3079⋯.pdf (9.63 MB,The British Kymry Or Brito….pdf)

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56e8b2 No.4 [Open thread]

Post your requests for flags and banners here.

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543c86 No.147

>>144 observed

Thanks lad.

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007c8d No.1 [Open thread]

This is a board made to hold the various information gathered on British nationalism, native Pagan faiths, the esoteric and the occult discussed on the Druid/pol/ threads on /pol/.

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4e6e2e No.89


This tbh

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626b9e No.353 [Open thread]

Kill all the niggers, save europe

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add52e No.352 [Open thread]

Hey Druids, and other people. Teach me what you know and i could then reciprocate by telling you some of what i know.

Send me an email


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File: 4e7659677416c0f⋯.jpg (53.52 KB,500x500,1:1,Britishgirl.jpg)

cda5ec No.152 [Open thread]

So Indo-European people have lived in Britain for at least 10,000 years. For at least 8000 of those, there was no concept of England, Wales or Scotland beyond regions of a map. They were 'Britons', tribes of Celts (although 'Celts' were not a people per se, just a culture, like 'Western' today doesn't mean just one ethnicity).

People migrated around constantly, the tribes all knew each other, and there's evidence every tribe in Britain met up at Stonehenge, walking from as far away as North Scotland every year to see their tribal cousins.

Then between 55BC and 1066AD, the island was invaded by Romans, Scandinavians, Saxons and Normans (the last 3 are all Germanic). Various regions of the island warred against each other and the population mixed all throughout this time until the Anglo-Saxon was the everyman in most areas, remote areas were mostly still Briton and the upper class was mostly Norman. The British Empire became the most powerful empire in history and spread its language to every corner of the Earth.

So why do Scottish people think they're different to the English and vice versa? Why do we see ourselves as different nations? I don't get it. They're literally just regions with the same blood but slightly different histories, different accents and that's it. Just like places like Yorkshire, Cornwall and the South-East have different accents, histories and fought against each other in history. Why is that a basis for being a different nation when we all share the same blood, overall history and language? One faction was bound to conquer the whole island at some point, and obviously it was going to be the most populous region that did so.

Is it football that has spread this D&C? Apparently St George's flag was almost forgotten until it started being used for English football. In the days of Empire "England" was used to describe the entire Island. Scottish or Welsh nationalists hating England now is like me hating people from the old kingdom of Anglia because I was born in what used to be Wessex, and now the government happens to be in Anglia.

100% of British people have the same history for at least the last 500 yeaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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91eaa5 No.351

File: f6d649aeedf8d9e⋯.png (9.05 KB,198x254,99:127,IMG_4158.PNG)

the scots are genetically different than the english, the english are 1-1 with the welsh through. the scots are the descendants of the most patriarchal portion of the irish intermarrying with the most fundamentalist portion of the britons. their ancestors were fighting off both latin and germanic peoples and have a strong ingroup preference thanks to seeing what happened to the celts that didn't, this still happens even in the US. they have a strong culture entirely different from the rest of mainland briton and a large chunk of it is a unspoken blood oath to kick outsiders out of the holy land, compare that to the welcoming liberal anglo mutt, who literally invited even more people to briton,

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3b7c6a No.126 [Open thread]

Fáilte /druid/s,

For all those who use Discord, there's a great folkish pagan server that's been up and running under several different names for nearly a year now.

Don't have a Discord account? Make one. This server is more than willing to take in new members so long as you're open to discussing a traditionalist worldview from a pagan stance.



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8c7d03 No.248

Pretty sure the discord was shoah'd. It disappeared off my client, and the forums are 404ing

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7a6124 No.299



discord is data mining platform

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295435 No.334

Pagan Pathway was purged by ADLcord, so was Hyperborean Homeland & I don't even remember what else. I have, however, managed to stay within this fragment of the community that has grown much in it's own right.


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bc63e3 No.347

Hey, the invite is invalid, care to send a new one? Tks

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b94e9a No.349

Paganpathway still up anywhere? Sites been down for about a year now

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170547 No.239 [Open thread]

I'm going to a gnome grove soon and I would like to know if there's any summoning spells, methods or practices which may help me see them or help me call them to me, I would like to learn their wisdom and perhaps make a gnome friend for myself. Any links, tips or advice would be greatly appreciated, if not I just plan to do some basic druidic chants and nature rituals and bring them some offering of sweets, fruits and nuts, and perhaps some trinkets. If there's anything else that may help I would appreciate some advice here

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957e6c No.335

File: 925160f09cafbc2⋯.jpg (193.53 KB,750x755,150:151,1589258022226.jpg)


bumping for interest

you might want to look into fairy ring lore and building fairy houses. not sure about gnomes. good luck

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0c13aa No.348

File: bd09b7b3c8639de⋯.png (194.58 KB,344x469,344:469,333666666999999999.png)


Some say that if you dance inside the Fairie ring between midnight and 3am, you might never be the same. You may not be able to come back. Others say don't accept food from them or you'll become lost in their world. Probably just christcuck propaganda to scare us from broadening our horizons. I hope you find what you're looking for.


Nice to see you here again, old friend.

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File: fa891f518107587⋯.pdf (9.12 MB,Miguel Serrano - NOS Book ….pdf)

4ba339 No.177 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

A thread for the containment of "beasty" lad and his Self, and for all things related, as suggested by Yanklad. Be warned, this thread from the get go will be steeped in esoterica, and will likely only get to be more and more so.

Since his higher self is either guiding him to, or at the least does not disapprove of his sharing of a large amount of information regarding his personal path (and did so itself while he was channeling it), all information regarding his path will go here. One doesn't really decide what the higher self does, it decides what they do, so one can only hope that this thread is used instead of the general on /pol/ in the case of any future channeling. It probably won't be. For the sake of relations and appearances. This should allow him to continue to share what for some reason seems to need to be shared with the lodge, while not plugging up generals and driving anons away.

In the next few posts will be caps of what was said while hismy higher self was being channeled and related posts for dissemination.

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145aac No.305


>I was in the abyss for nine days including the Tuesday I've already done


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10712f No.307


Don’t fret the silence lad. I may go silent until Mercury is out of retrograde tbh. At the very least from /pol/. In reading Nos backwards, it has dawned on me that my path maybe longer and more conventional than yours. When he began the Mahabharata, he started with a year of celibacy. Sleeping at the foot of her bed, on her left side, and right side for four months each. I can’t begin this until I impregnate my wife again in a few months; though I have over a year /nofap/ so it shouldn’t be too hard. Then in the battle for the sacral chakra, he resided in a cave for a year. To me this means a total information blackout; just Me and my Selves.

>I have discovered the reason for my exhaustion after sleeping

I have suspected the same activities about my Self, but have not had any faint memories to confirm it yet.

>but I managed to warp time somehow in my sleep, and I am now doing Tuesday over again.

Monday time was streaming like an accordion, one hour of work in ten minutes then the opposite. Even a coworker NPC noticed it was so dramatic. I dozed in and out of meditation at lunch and bursted a cloud, other than that I didn’t try to affect reality that day. Today was normal on the other hand. I have been quite lazy with my training since the eclipse tbh.

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8ad1b9 No.308


>I may go silent until Mercury is out of retrograde tbh. At the very least from /pol/.

All is well. I wish you great success. I should do the same, but I will likely not do so yet. I hope to hear from you again, when the times is done.

> I can’t begin this until I impregnate my wife again in a few months; though I have over a year /nofap/ so it shouldn’t be too hard.

I have faith in you. Best of luck to you with the family, as well.

> Then in the battle for the sacral chakra, he resided in a cave for a year. To me this means a total information blackout; just Me and my Selves.

That is what I had thought as well. But I wonder, are these time frames literal?

>I have been quite lazy with my training since the eclipse tbh.

I have been fatigued lately, due to whatever ventures I am off to during my sleep. I'm sure it will subside in time enough for me to begin again in earnest.

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684906 No.309


>I hope to hear from you again, when the times is done.

It will only be until mid August this time. I do know when I’ll start the year in the cave tbh.

>are these time frames literal?

I don’t know. I may make this board my exception to the cave, but failing that I’ll just use a pastebin as a journal and pasta it when I’m done.

>to begin again in earnest.

My energy and discipline has returned. I had a great session on Wednesday, laying in the sun feet to the east with no music. The uv rays penetrating my eyelids kept me awake; it’s a good method for clandestinely training in the open since people just think your napping. The avian portents continue, low flying eagles both yesterday and today during my commute training. One following the road flying towards me at less than thirty feet. The other crossing east to west at dawn no more than thirty feet high.

A komrade in the new Kingfisher thread gave me some words of caution about our musical training practice. >>>/pol/13519362

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e214b2 No.346


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d91d75 No.146 [Open thread]

Last winter, I drew and posted pic related. 40k iirc had asked if it was an “automatic drawing” that I had done in a trance state. My answer was no, because I hadn’t meditated or performed any rituals beforehand; I just wanted to make some irl OC for a B.O.N.D. post. The drawing however was automatic in the sense that I wasn’t trying, just sketching a Druid using a dark reflection of myself in a frosted winter window. The only part that was deliberate was the nose, which I struggled with. Mine is much smaller and up turned, but my hand could not form it. One of the lads had posited that it was the likeness of a Druid spirit communicating to me and that I should practice more. Well, I haven’t for reasons both legitimate and not(sloth) tbh, though I promise I will this year once the weather becomes too poor to do much outdoors. The reason being, pic 2. I hadn’t thought of my great uncle much since I moved to Oregon over a decade ago; I’m the first from my bloodline to do so since Jason Lee. I also haven’t looked at his picture since I wrote a report on him in elementary school. Between having the baby, and that anon’s post about PIE ancestor worship being especially important during this lunar cycle, I have been thinking about my bloodline more so than usual lately. I looked at his photo again and was taken aback by the resemblance tbh. He has his own short wiki if you’re interested, but the tl;dr is that he was sent by William Clark, of Lewis and Clark fame, to convert the featherniggers in Oregon and he was instrumental in gaining its statehood. The former is somewhat regrettable, as I hold the shamanic culture of the Indians in higher esteem than christianity. But I will always venerate his pioneering spirit and skills as both a statesman and outdoorsman.

The main point of this post being to log your portents, as their meaning may not become evident for sometime and often require an objective third party perspective. As I was writing this in fact, pic three hopped out from under my wife’s dresser.

>inb4 self dox

Lee isn’t my surname, nor directly traceable by anyone other than NSAniggers who already know my history.

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889287 No.287

This was also helpful.

>It's about amplifying the Self in God (transcending it), rather than the other way around (becoming one with it). For you to be able to do that, you might need to form a body of immortal Vajra, forge your Sharur and gain super-consciousness, focusing it into the ultrawave capable of breaking the limiters. One deals with generating immense bio-psychic energy, another with shaping it into a tool or a weapon, and third into using it to control fates.

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999f65 No.295

File: 7c7aac5f38dd282⋯.png (748.37 KB,1136x640,71:40,165342A0-411C-4873-8740-3B….png)

In the evenings I’ve been taking my baby inawoods about a half mile to my Temple to Yepun, the Evening Star. This is where we sun gaze and pronounce the Invocation of the Black Sun. Three weeks ago after the Invocation I saw my first Vimana. It was a white sphere just to the 4 o’clock of the sun, a fingertip distance between them. I adjusted the vector of my salute to the light, but I failed to ask the question because I believed it was Venus. It vanished soon after.

Since Beastlad and I have been accelerating our training, it has become abundantly clear the Gods have been monitoring our progress closely. Wotanaz, Lugh, Taranis, Kek, and Heh seem the most interested and supportive. These past two weeks the avian and irl numerological portents have been too frequent to record. I was worried because today was free of winged omens tbh. After returning home with my baby from the Temple of Yepun this evening, we observed the most awe inspiring display of approval from Wotanaz. Pic related, the moon in a W of vapor trails, as though it were his one eye. Admittedly, the left upright is a tad dissipated. One could therefore also interpret this as an N for Nos, or a V for Vajrayana; which is the new training Beastlad and I are undergoing. I don’t have the words to describe such feels tbh. New levels of honour, humility, encouragement never before imagined. Just 8 years ago I was a fedora tipper who would’ve noticed the alignment and dismissed it with a simple, ‘das neat.’ Now I have seemingly endless blessings from the Gods; I shall not squander them.


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999f65 No.306

Some sage tier advice from a fren.

>Interesting experiment with listening muzak, but be careful with this as it can damage your resonant body if done for longer or too often. Think of it as hurting yourself so your body releases adrenaline, which will give you a boost, but at the cost of your overall health long term. At least if you think of it as a source of power. I also expose myself to kike poz from time to time, but this process is more akin to immunization. In that sense your approach is good, but you need to define it's purpose differently. As for coiled serpent, you need to activate and actually be able to experience it's transition centers (modes of consciousness) before rising it, otherwise you will short-circuit. It's not just a matter of mere visualization and focus, but acquiring new "senses" and centers of consciousness. You must become aware of them as you are aware of smell and taste and your physical brain will develop corresponding neural pathways, they would just be wired inwardly rather than outwardly through the nervous system towards the physical senses.

>I see some excess divergence in your ideas, you are creating noise by trying to combine too many of them without developing each fully. Try focusing on few at the time (converge), then expand them with new ones (diverge), then weave them into the main hyper-thread, et cetera. Or try making a thought process like a fugue.

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f78786 No.310

>regarding cumulative damage by bad freqs too often

>We are being assaulted by mental poz from all sides, the best way would be to avoid it, along with contact with subhumans (including hollow/too corrupted whites), whenever possible. It should not affect you too much if your vimana is strong enough, you'd just draw a mental boundary between a Vedic god and a shudra, giving them (and everything produced by them) absolute contempt and abhorrence. We are going to get surrounded by them more and more as Kali Yuga reaches it's peak and we enter into the age of lead, which is why learning to "swim in sewers" would be advisable, at least for 'vanguard commandos' like us. The more your 'inner sun' shines, the less affected you are by what happens outside of you. Which is one of practical aspects of these threads.

>theoretical jew math larping as science

>Jews stole Aryan math/science and did two things with it. First, they corrupted it, rendering it impotent and corrosive for it's creators. Second, they completely separated it from the Myth/metaphysics, philosophy and higher Reason with their empiricism (which was the only way for purely material creatures to have any, even if partial, understanding of it). By rejecting it in it's entirety, you are rejecting something crucial and sentencing yourself to ignorance. Rather, it should be recovered, reconstructed, purified and reintegrated into the totality. Otherwise you become prey for the lord of lies. Race must be observed in both materialistic and metaphysical manner in order to survive, I've covered this previously.

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dbae9b No.345


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0bc382 No.99 [Open thread]

To the best of our knowledge the Rothschilds or Red Shields, formerly the Bauers are the top of the pyramid of evil on this plane of existence. They may have used typical jewish tricks and usury to become powerful, but it's no secret they use the darkest of arts to maintain and continue to expand that power. The intent of this thread is to analyze the alleged Rofschild AMA from GLP in 2011; aggregate intelligence on the lessor known younger generation, theorize countermeasures short of molotov cocktails, and build a repository of Rothschild redpills emblazoned with gold stars normal fags can't ignore. Do please spoiler pictures of Nat lads.

Here is the AMA:


I can't say how for certain, but I know it in my heart to be genuine. He says straight away he's a black sheep in wolf's clothes which made me think the lady Rothskike that ran off with the negro, but the voice I hear when I read it is an American male, educated in England. As I said I found it oddly motivational and helped me out of a rut tbh. Mostly because it was a reminder of their mindset and how hard I have to work to battle these demons. I copied what I thought were the most pertinent quotes from the alleged Rothskike so standby for a wall of greentext pasta.

>haha. We have no mothers. The chosen are disabused of the notion of a NURTURING OTHER, who sacrifices all for the innocent being. TEACH your children the ways of nature…they will learn one way or another anyway.

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5e8d5e No.340

>Calcify? No, it is not directed at the pineal gland and not everyone can handle an active third eye, this romantic notion that opening the third eye accomplishes something major in your development are lies. There are people who have forced themselves to open their so called third eye, many of them went mad.

But fluoride is intended to make your body toxic.

>Wrong, you should be looking at the Black Sun, not the Golden one.

>What we did to the German people has been one of the most successful operations we have undertaken. The despise you have for Hitler and your existential guilt about your German Heritage has allowed us to keep you all enslaved. A once proud people reduced to obedient slaves.

>It was your ancestors who ruled over Pakistan and India and over the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans… yet you buy into our lies about your people. You make our jobs easier.

>1.International Monetary Fund IMF begins operations

>2. Roswell UFO incident

>3. India and Pakistan independence - they have been in the news recently threatening war on each other…

>4. United States – Marshall Plan

>5. Bell Laboratories invents the transistor ← this is a big one.

>6. National Security Act of 1947 - The BIRTH OF THE CIA (nazis)

>7. The Cold War Beginnins

>8. The United Nations votes in favor of the creation of an Independent Jewish State of Israel.

>9. Dead Sea Scrolls are found

>1- Thanks to Hitler and the SS leaving the scene.

>2- Failed attempt to replicate SS technology.

>3- My employers created that division, remember than Pakistan and India used to be under a single flag so to speak… until my employers decided it would be best to create an division which didn't exist and introduce muslim assets to further destabilPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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5e8d5e No.341

>Did Lucifer really battle against the tyranical Jahweh?

>Why did he lost?

>What trully happened to him and his "fellowmen" who aided him?

>1- Still is to this day. His latest "soldiers on Earth" that actually posed a threat were the Nazis, but even the alternative media likes to demonise the Nazis which is pleasing.

>2- The physical wars, no idea. WW2 is the strangest thing, we never won that war and neither did the Nazis, for some reason the SS along with Hitler and other societies just dropped from the radar… and then there was all the problems in Antartica, even to this day.

>you would get more out of a year practising Franz Bardon IIH than a thousand lifetimes practising the law of attraction.

>As I said, your life happens at once, in a single moment, but your window of immediate perception is anchored to a window of 3 or 5 seconds, that which you call the present. Take this further, your wheel is anchored to a certain portion of Earth's wheel while the wheels people of the so called pre-deluge are anchored to another portion of Earth's wheel.

>The Black Sun is the invisible star which gives life to our galaxy and a source of power for the so called holy grail. Highly intertwined into the cycles of the planet.

>The so called baktuns or the ages of the zodiac are influenced by the Black Sun. The farther the planet is, the harsher the conditions on Earth, the closer it gets the better they get… but again regardless of the conditions of this place the ultimate task remains the same.

>child or infant raped, dismembered, murdered by the elite, how would they break the wheel to get out of a perpetual nightmare of this crime occurring to them?

Hyperboreans are supposed to be exempt from such destiny, or so they say. Honestly I don't know if there is any truth to it or if it's just something they say. Regardless, the ultimate task remains the same. I've said many times throughout this thread that they aren't omnipotent, yet you people keep coming with all sorts of reasons as to why their power is beyond measure. Your kind is so eager to remain enslaved, wasPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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5e8d5e No.342

Re-living your life is self descriptive I believe, you don't re-appear in another body, but in the same one you have now. Although circumstances can be altered in the film reflecting the changes that can be made in the larger timelines, but the core remains pretty much the same and the ultimate task of breaking the Wheel or the film remains.

>So your general statement is correct, you just have expand further to understand the correct methodology. (Franz) Bardon is a good place to start and achieve even more.

>To be clear, it is entirely possible to break your individual wheel which is dependent on Earth's wheel. After that one is supposed to be dependent upon a higher wheel, in this case it would be the wheel of the solar system. So when we move within the Wheel on earth we also depend on the Wheel of the Solar system, think of Russian dolls. When you break your wheel bounded to Earth, you are no longer bound by Earth's rules as it were, but you'd still be bound by the rules of the Wheel of the Solar System.

>Starfire refers to Monoatomic Gold which was also part of the traditions of Priest-King bloodlines, at some point it became a means to delay the inevitable loss of power which their intermixing with other races brought upon themselves. The Lords of the Blackstone tried to regain the purity of their blood, but your kind was eager to condemn the Nazis so most of the people thought the Nazis were racists obsessed with blonde hair and blue eyes. Such as successful operation.

>The Lords of the Blackstone was the Organisation behind the SS and ultimately had ties to Hitler, Vril, Thule and the National Socialists. An Hyperborean secret society through and through.

>Re sex: One of the most important keys, if not the most important. Crucial to break the Wheel.

>Sex is more than a mere act of reproduction and goes beyond physical pleasure. Without Sex there is no possibility to break the Wheel. Hence to this day it keeps being demonised and the reason why there is so much double speak regarding it. Hence why we allowed many so cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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5e8d5e No.343


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5e8d5e No.344

File: 926432fd730e807⋯.pdf (422.51 KB,Franz_Bardon_Initiation_In….pdf)

Here are some resources on Fraz Bardon.


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File: 8a9d671d742b5f6⋯.png (342.8 KB,800x851,800:851,Druidcrest.png)

c66328 No.230 [Open thread]

It looks like some fag got the bunker thread on /pol/ deleted, so here's a general thread for now and in the future as we prove popular enough to run through threads before prepared for the next.

Here's hoping for another 40k piece to represent us on the main board soon.

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5e47b8 No.233

File: a9c2e8928ac644c⋯.jpg (69.25 KB,1124x973,1124:973,D63WAmuXYAEgUpm.jpg large.jpg)

Yeah I think iy was deleted for reason "not /pol/ related". One of our schizo freaks probably reported it and the mods probably didn't look hard enough at the thread.

Anyway, hope you lads never eat at fast food places anymore. As if we needed any convincing that corporations want us dead.

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0baaf9 No.234

I was wondering where it went , must be sure to include news links more often I guess

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1a052f No.333

File: 7d274d0c49fe47f⋯.jpg (2.13 MB,1345x1581,1345:1581,60A5B54E_6BA9_43AD_B723_63….jpg)

Salutations lads, if you ever need another bunker, or just want to enlighten minds on the Druid ways, you're welcome to set up shop in /rel/ (religion) over here at Xchan



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File: ee17f3f12651b9c⋯.jpg (8.63 KB,236x296,59:74,ac2b8ecf18f56b4174f19f4466….jpg)

86dc42 No.51 [Open thread]

Jesus loves you, /druid/

That is all

>inb4 ban hammer

8 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f7fa6d No.153


checked time digits.

He's just shilling, trying to divide Nordics from Mediterranean Europeans

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ce8228 No.162

File: 96c2451a5e2bd14⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,2100x1905,140:127,C228826B-3208-4203-ABF5-B….jpeg)

Jesus is Baldur. Read Atlantis, Edda and Bible.

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66e6eb No.212


No he isn't

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82836f No.213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blessings unto you lad.

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3f5d94 No.332

File: 27c2a5dc9a70d36⋯.png (363.12 KB,406x512,203:256,41d98f8f32e55f66b89999d50f….png)


The character "Jesus" was based off of around 20 or more pagan gods who were crucified, or hung on trees, and then later resurrected or had ascended but usually to gain higher wisdom or godhood. This was all in order to covert more pagans to Christianity. They had to go after pagan cultural roots because pagans rather died than bowing to the invaders. A few of death had to be created. That is where the idea of burning in hell comes from. Pagans had no fear of death, only a fear of dishonor. The highest dishonor would be living as a slave instead of fighting and dying in combat against the foreign Jewish Christian invaders.

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File: 308ff70af7c1d7c⋯.png (116.08 KB,1806x854,129:61,009d56e855a7bf2d28535dc059….png)

7e46ce No.171 [Open thread]

Please refer to /polk/ post about Internet sharding.

>Tl;dr honeypot shit where glows are proxies between you and sites like this one.

Very sorry about the shit bread. Find another site or get v&. Godspeed brothers.

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336cef No.172

Thanks for the warning lad

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07e783 No.173


Lads of the B.O.N.D., perhaps it is now time to consider deciding on a relocation point. After the goings on in New Zealand, this site will only continue worsening in its already compromised state. The site was named by the shooter, which means the expedition of the inevitable: this site will become filled with mundanes with zero redpilling, becoming halfchan 2.0 in full. It was pretty much already there, but I digress Despite how bad things have been getting, I anticipate a new low, making this site worse than it has ever been before.

While not likely, it is possible the site as whole will be shutdown at some point, perhaps without any foreshadow. I hereby official propose that the B.O.N.D at the least establish a rendezvous in the event this site becomes nonviable. Further, there is the warnings of OP to consider. /sudpol/ committed to exodus a few months ago, as have many others. I have only yet located one of the supposed exodus points, but the number is too few to be the primary location. Some suggestions might be nano or meguca, if nothing else to name names for the sake of naming names. Other suggestions might be some of the i2p-esque solutions being suggested on nano/g/, which currently have image boards. Lastly, all information used by and pertinent to the B.O.N.D. should be collected while it is available, archived, and prepared for re-uploading at the rendezvous.

Further, I suggest this thread be used be used for the discussion of said proposed rendezvous.

Lastly, and importantly, BO should closely monitor and delete posts swiftly in such timing that all lads of the B.O.N.D. are able to receive the information, but not have it become known to too many not of the lodge.

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336cef No.174


It's an idea lad, but keep in mind we still stuck to /pol/ during Imkamfy's rein, the board was in a far, far worse state then. We shall have to see

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