Lads of the B.O.N.D., perhaps it is now time to consider deciding on a relocation point. After the goings on in New Zealand, this site will only continue worsening in its already compromised state. The site was named by the shooter, which means the expedition of the inevitable: this site will become filled with mundanes with zero redpilling, becoming halfchan 2.0 in full. It was pretty much already there, but I digress Despite how bad things have been getting, I anticipate a new low, making this site worse than it has ever been before.
While not likely, it is possible the site as whole will be shutdown at some point, perhaps without any foreshadow. I hereby official propose that the B.O.N.D at the least establish a rendezvous in the event this site becomes nonviable. Further, there is the warnings of OP to consider. /sudpol/ committed to exodus a few months ago, as have many others. I have only yet located one of the supposed exodus points, but the number is too few to be the primary location. Some suggestions might be nano or meguca, if nothing else to name names for the sake of naming names. Other suggestions might be some of the i2p-esque solutions being suggested on nano/g/, which currently have image boards. Lastly, all information used by and pertinent to the B.O.N.D. should be collected while it is available, archived, and prepared for re-uploading at the rendezvous.
Further, I suggest this thread be used be used for the discussion of said proposed rendezvous.
Lastly, and importantly, BO should closely monitor and delete posts swiftly in such timing that all lads of the B.O.N.D. are able to receive the information, but not have it become known to too many not of the lodge.