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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be7c42 No.14180484

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


f3df63 No.14180502

File: 66ec71e76360bd2⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 500x281, 500:281, aus_benis_tank.gif)

tank benis

2fe0f2 No.14180503

niggers tbh

638d4b No.14180504

File: 72d90e8cb908c45⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 72d90e8cb908c45893a7ee257….webm)


2fe0f2 No.14180505


Why does her hair continue past the border of his shades?

60893d No.14180507

File: 3ffa58093ebd6b5⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 642x960, 107:160, you're never too old to be….jpg)

Archive of before bread:


be7c42 No.14180520


>8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

Fuck, the /n/ mods must have deleted the thread again. Oh well, not much more I can do at this point. Night guys.

28d266 No.14180533

File: 3b34b98cdcf5fce⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 1016x568, 127:71, 3b34b98cdcf5fce388cf47de66….jpg)

54b4ab No.14180544

File: 2fae5842bae6ab3⋯.mp4 (245.75 KB, 640x640, 1:1, squeak_birb.mp4)

54b4ab No.14180548

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar.

638d4b No.14180576

File: 08fe2f95f84d11b⋯.png (12.91 KB, 628x231, 628:231, Untitled.png)

You really want to start a GG thread with a board drama, OP?

2fe0f2 No.14180584

Jesus Christ are we being raided? What the fuck is with all these nuWojack memes from cuckchan?

9cfe9c No.14180591


No you're right, better to just not make a GG thread at all

36ecc7 No.14180597

File: 394290f12f36ee7⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 474x355, 474:355, fugg.jpg)

a82e00 No.14180603


Painu vittuun

9cfe9c No.14180605

How do you get to the board log anyway? I can only know how to get to the banlist

f3df63 No.14180608

638d4b No.14180611

File: c2d716570c06e76⋯.jpg (145.32 KB, 1045x1450, 209:290, 999999.jpg)


Everything is all right.

062925 No.14180614

File: a17bcaed311cfd1⋯.png (7.71 KB, 286x383, 286:383, viviangondola.png)

181f1e No.14180615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening. Make sure y'all are in…


a38d79 No.14180625


>posting pictures for ants

fd37b9 No.14180626


Deleted threads don't get archived, right?


I just want to say avatar/namefags like Gildafag were a mistake and Marche needs to watch his 'tism around others like with gookanon impersonation since it's so early in this late night thread.

181f1e No.14180630

File: 48abbf3ea87315b⋯.jpg (110.14 KB, 938x1024, 469:512, Retard 2157.jpg)


We must give her a chance, guys! She's just a poor, innocent 11 year old Muslim girl! She diddindunuffin!

062925 No.14180633


>HuffPost Canada

That must be cancer inside cancer.

a82e00 No.14180637


What marche needs to do is gb2 twitter and never come back

9bf8dc No.14180638

File: 0443077b83a2810⋯.png (436.56 KB, 1280x1051, 1280:1051, tumblr_o8p74tUTBp1uqvwkuo1….png)


be nice to gilda mars

d9fcc0 No.14180640


>Since when do we pay attention to childrens' stories?

I don't know, I'd sure like to see what side you fell on when people were fucking with that ugly little white boy for fake social media accounts calling his mom racist

fd37b9 No.14180657


After being told to "shut up and post Gilda" early in the new year, I have little tolerance over anons keeping that literal reddit reject around. Target for intentional bullying/mockery be damned.

062925 No.14180660

File: 36a6e2e62760dab⋯.png (14.53 KB, 673x426, 673:426, vivianandgildagondola.png)


>be nice to gilda mars

638d4b No.14180669

File: 0495d8ba6a76124⋯.jpg (142.71 KB, 1045x1450, 209:290, 1.jpg)



062925 No.14180673

File: 4e228ad0f930832⋯.png (15.22 KB, 673x426, 673:426, vivianandgildagondola[1].png)


I did a better one

062925 No.14180674


kek. Saved

062925 No.14180711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Memeteor trial successful. Time for the real thing to hit Cancerfornia

54b4ab No.14180745

File: c5f4f03b1b0f7da⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DTudKiZU8AA54Yc.jpg)

File: c6689ad8d57adf5⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DTudLAPVwAARDXl.jpg)

File: 3b1e9166195f8f0⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 668x960, 167:240, DTt8VbqVAAAdIZy.jpg)

bddec9 No.14180756

File: a42ff9604b441d0⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 480x270, 16:9, main-qimg-242f82a6cd3cf8f4….jpg)

File: eb9d67077a847ef⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 500x333, 500:333, sol2.jpg)

a04c8d No.14180759


Should have wiped Chicongo from the face of the planet.

fd37b9 No.14180764


That sounds until I remember the awful fate that befell the burnouts, some of whom went from anons to full on attention addicted whores. Some belonging to irc groups make me ask how many had ulterior motives the entire time, or if it really was inevitable, either way. Despite people here being hesitant to use that site even in regards to spreading information, I get where they're coming from since twitter is shit in regards to employees, data collection, and censorship. So maybe Marche could use his own board as a shitposting outlet/practice during downtime.

f3df63 No.14180765

File: 2e1bd847d14f681⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x334, 250:167, slightdiscomfort.jpg)


Neat pictures.

Reminds me of movie scenes where parasitic aliens pop out of meteorites and start fucking shit up.

9cfe9c No.14180768


Apparently it was just a normal house fire on a somehwhat foggy and overcast day

181f1e No.14180773

File: 55a5961ced04851⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Fuck You 35.jpg)

Here's for Acid Man.

151c9c No.14180784

File: d58fdf66c7407d5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 52.85 KB, 560x613, 560:613, d58fdf66c7407d51918f10888e….jpg)

you guys figured this open mouth/ fear grimace thing out? Why the fuck are lefties so gay? Spoilering it because this shit triggers me hard.

9cfe9c No.14180790


It's an easy way to fake excitement for pictures. It's pretty simple anon

e53c02 No.14180800


Virtue signalling that they want a pozzed load in their throats. Happens when kids don't grow up with a strong male role model around.

6999ee No.14180802


Nasty fat old slut

54b4ab No.14180804

File: f7daf87a733f91f⋯.jpg (149.42 KB, 960x473, 960:473, kml-path-1-16-18jpg-038927….jpg)

551fc9 No.14180824

What's with the sperging over Mark lately? Is it more of the recent drama lately over 8chan in general?

638d4b No.14180829


My guess would be some sort of imitation from the original person. But it depends of who was the first one to spread his autism.

151c9c No.14180837


that reminds me, did something like that too when I was in third grade. In my country you start school at 6 or 7, so I was either 10 or 9 back then. Our school invited some… I don't know what she was but she talked about pedo's with us. She basically warned us from strangers and told us shit like to never go alone to the bathroom and always a classmate with us. Anyway, she tells us to raise our hand if a weird adult ever tried something with us and since half of the class raised their hand I joined them too. Good thing social media wasn't big back then.

551fc9 No.14180844

File: 38d61ba6cc0c8ef⋯.png (58.81 KB, 324x389, 324:389, inking whore.PNG)


Toronto is a total shit hole please nuke us.


Gildafag,Val and especially Marche need to kill themselves.

6bd2ad No.14180850


Sure it was

9cfe9c No.14180854


>Good thing social media wasn't big back then.

Why would anyone that a third grader raised his hand in some pedo warning assembly?


Come to the prairies, it's not so bad here

6999ee No.14180859


Every city is a shithole. The problem is urbanism itself.

151c9c No.14180874


>Why would anyone that a third grader raised his hand in some pedo warning assembly?

Well, the thing is that young people constantly lie, the girl in the article was only 11 years old. What she did was wrong, but the media that made a big deal out of it is to blame here. Because they should know that you shouldn't trust a little kid on things like this.

f06d97 No.14180887


I believe in our wizards. This was a targeting exercise only.

8b1eb5 No.14180897


Ew, is that PRINTED gloss instead of actual glossiness?

551fc9 No.14180898


For how long? Castro is really out to make the place a unlivable shithole.

ba950d No.14180918

945310 No.14180932


19f147 No.14180937


>no fun allowed

Of fucking course, something silly happens that actually makes their shitty platform look fun and somewhat enjoyable, and then they give me every reason to never install the shit.

bddec9 No.14180939

File: 4597ad989949821⋯.jpg (255.36 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, 20180118055130_1.jpg)


Yup. The knuckles model doesn't seem to work anymore. Unless you have your own custom model. Pic related is what happens when you try to select the knuckles skin.

945310 No.14180943

File: 709bd429903a23f⋯.jpg (119 KB, 1108x1200, 277:300, IMG_20180117_221004.jpg)


Mfw people spent $500 on vr headsets to play a meme game that kills itself a week later

ba950d No.14180949




Wait for some shit posters go out and make their own VRChat alternative. In a few years.

945310 No.14180955

File: 7c3ae8af14bcdb0⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 600x441, 200:147, 66419902_p0_master1200.jpg)


>falling for the VR meme

235c37 No.14180963

File: cc54f554a5162b4⋯.png (232.41 KB, 804x409, 804:409, depressed nano.PNG)


Once again a dev goes full retard over something that would have peetered out on it's own once people got bored.

756724 No.14180975


They killed any reason to use that shit.

What's next? anime girls?

bddec9 No.14180980

File: 5eba5e91b22a931⋯.jpg (297.19 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, 20180118053412_1.jpg)

I had a bit of fun. I just played sam hyde clips over the mic. Mostly LEE ME ALON, tactical talk, and the everything you know is a lie. Also the end of one of his vids where he films a muslim woman, talking about having her on camera.

de761b No.14180994

File: 4f3820318dbbca0⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 437x407, 437:407, 1423161744247.jpg)


>that the overproliferation of memes in the virtual reality game threatens to transform it into the next Second Life.

>implying taking it seriously won't transform it into the next Second Life

not a fan of the meme, but come on, man.

ac2bf6 No.14181010


From what I saw of it, it was surprisingly the best implementation of vr. Just giving you hand controls on a character was good enough to make it interesting. Seeing a bunch of tiny lolis running around patting each other's heads was pretty unique.

8a7ea1 No.14181016


>the absolute state of Canada

151c9c No.14181025

File: a97e86269647035⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 573x579, 191:193, 646.jpg)


Is this better? You happy now?

6bd2ad No.14181039


I don't understand how this meme is racist or can be conceived as racist

cf3eea No.14181043


Reported for being gay.

062925 No.14181044


He's too busy being a manchild to visit a meanie place like /v/.

3b68ef No.14181045

File: cfb32de80bac5a1⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 3a33fb25ff593bf0ce2a140155….jpg)


its a joke that involves brown people


>how to spot a goon: the post

235c37 No.14181055

File: 29b52de2102f483⋯.mp4 (685.3 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ugandan key.mp4)


Non-ugandans quoting an ugandan film + tongue clicking = racism.

247295 No.14181056


That kid needs grounded for a fucking year.

f9e4a7 No.14181058


It's because Ugandans aren't white and you're not allowed to make fun of people unless they're white.

aed8b9 No.14181068


Wouldn't it be possible to edit the knuckles model somehow in order to circumvent this shit?

247295 No.14181069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Knuckles is a Ugandan warrior though.

cf3eea No.14181072



That's pretty bad.

235c37 No.14181075


They've just deleted the shared models. The ones people have uploaded themselves to their account are untouched if I understand it right.

5fe270 No.14181090

File: df614f4994e60f9⋯.png (157.98 KB, 950x707, 950:707, df614f4994e60f9c498c2598c4….png)


>"If it sounds a bit racist, that's probably because it is"

>everything I don't like is racist

>everything that originated from black people are racist

>especially fun things


Because you have a functional brain and common sense, which is SJWs lacks of.

a0c82f No.14181165

File: 0cf673b0c9bbe8e⋯.png (24.5 KB, 610x530, 61:53, 0cf673b0c9bbe8ed2324d47e24….png)


Seems to be another case of 1 or 2 autistic cuckchan crossposters who got banned from their shithole during a sizeable event.

This one was high on the spectrum though and ban evaded countless times while posting the same images and pretending to be someone else.

a0c82f No.14181174

File: e571aa46d1dba01⋯.png (167.27 KB, 439x630, 439:630, Autism.png)



Holy shit, he's still going

235c37 No.14181177



181f1e No.14181181


But can he beat up (119) at minimum and (250) at most? Let's find out.

78d82f No.14181192



We actually had that? I do remember (119), but that number seems way to big even for a single turboautist.

29b1c2 No.14181202



The Gildafag doesn't post Gilda anymore, so it's no longer a thing

a2d5c4 No.14181205


At work right now


He's near 80 at this point


Yeah, Kikeboy made a cyclical just for him.

A Microshaft DRM shill if I remember correctly.

65eee1 No.14181213

File: 7d3f3e66021ac6c⋯.png (383.63 KB, 879x1343, 879:1343, bunnyviv.png)


Ah, the Matt Furie cycle.

1) Regret

2)tries to kill meme

3)meme becomes stronger


5)acceptance and monetization (Ben Garrison achieved this, but it's still yet to be seen with Furie)

235c37 No.14181222


In that case, wouldn't it be more apt to name it the Ben Garrison cycle?

945310 No.14181223


Tobefair most these modern renditions are halfchan

like the bitcoin ones and stuff. Pepe and wojak are just so recycled into being new memes every other day like those gryppers or whatever and the massive brain wojak

ba950d No.14181238

File: 3c616747429a7a4⋯.jpg (95.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3c616747429a7a4ff9a9ed064d….jpg)


>Pepe and wojak are just so recycled into being new memes every other day

That's lame and unoriginal as fuck. Why not make new characters? Also, Pepe and Wojack has lived too long as far as the lifespan of memes go.

65eee1 No.14181244


the most recent iteration of wojak now is the "soyboy beta male mouth agape wojak". I like that one

734ad0 No.14181256

File: a2e516576af6768⋯.webm (5.7 MB, 640x480, 4:3, The_state_of_cuckchan.webm)




Please go and stay go

78d82f No.14181258


I think Pepe as an avatar of Kek and rallying symbol of the right-wing death squads stands as a bit of an anomaly.

6f49e1 No.14181259


Yeah, but it was also being used as console war shit. Like there's a very obvious pattern to these things, and the cuckchanners were constantly breaking them. Mark even admitted in one of the threads that he doesn't mind a shitpost or two but that the cunts were spamming them.

734ad0 No.14181268



Still is

ba950d No.14181270


The Pepe/Kek thing was funny for awhile, but it's an old meme that Redditors/Kekistanis are now milking.

6f49e1 No.14181274


forgive me, but you get the point.

65eee1 No.14181286

File: 200ae32c1a49051⋯.png (477.47 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)


it's amazing to think that Ben Garrison went from a bleeding heart liberal into a fully redpilled boomer.

734ad0 No.14181296

File: daa0c78c69919f1⋯.webm (834.25 KB, 708x803, 708:803, 40_pound_box_of_rape.webm)


I do, I mean I was the guy who requested this while everyone was laughing at Nintendo until these cancerous tumours in human form started derailing the threads with their forced cuckchan garbage and accusing anyone who called them out a Nintentoddler or a vol.

945310 No.14181302


Well ya gotta be kinda retard to defend cardboard boxes

Basically something only val would defend

f3df63 No.14181304

File: f80bc457a6933be⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23….jpg)


I thought Ben Garrison was originally a lolbertarian.

ba950d No.14181305

File: 7b06912c96eb6f8⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 500x281, 500:281, vomit.gif)


734ad0 No.14181308

File: 9790a7b4dc9d944⋯.mp4 (23.98 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DSWMv6MUEAAZ1-M.mp4)



>Posting cuckchan cancer plus console wars is ok

>No one was criticising or shitting on Nintendo before this forced cuckchan garbage

How do you fellow 8channers?

6f49e1 No.14181309

File: 7ee4444c57024c7⋯.png (10.64 KB, 522x379, 522:379, 7ee.png)


>Mark also admitted the meme was making him angry

He said it was cancer, not that it made him mad.

>This place is turning into cuckchan /v/ 2.0

You need to go back

6f49e1 No.14181316


Well yeah, but there's a difference between shitting on them and what >>14181290 does

6f49e1 No.14181317

File: 07fb682676871fb⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 925x615, 185:123, assets-2016_The_Forgotten_….jpg)


shut the fuck up

6f49e1 No.14181332

File: e6383663fc59f31⋯.png (739.73 KB, 2504x1821, 2504:1821, 113017_pyra.png)


He never said anything about it making him angry, go back to cuckchan you massive faggot.

b07b5e No.14181334

File: f399ee1fe8b9a2b⋯.jpg (72.91 KB, 205x255, 41:51, f399ee1fe8b9a2b7f688b81516….jpg)

Are people mad at the Cardboard models themselves or the fact they think they're exclusively going to be sold with the game?

Cause if they make the models freely downloadable by anyone it could be really interesting for certain games that require special inputs.

I was asleep while this shit was going down so I don't know anything about it

3064d2 No.14181337

File: b678f3077c89222⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 503x518, 503:518, all smiles.jpg)


yes he did, too bad he deleted the thread

734ad0 No.14181340

File: ffc605cb5b21b6f⋯.gif (56.94 KB, 420x280, 3:2, 1d73d9ce6c10d21e1c603c5282….gif)


>Well ya gotta be kinda retard to defend cardboard boxes

Or a Nintendo cockgobbler

Doesn't mean you're free to crosspost cuckchan cancer at will, console wars or not.



>Buttblasted cuckchan crossposter is mad his cuckchan garbage doesn't stick

>Ban evades and derails a whole thread to force his shit cuckchan OC after he got banned from halfcuck

I'm going to stop posting now, you're that autistic.

7e4d86 No.14181342


No one is mad about the cardboard. Most people are laughing at the dipshits who will waste money on it.

ba950d No.14181343


>Cause if they make the models freely downloadable by anyone it could be really interesting for certain games that require special inputs

That wouldn't be a problem. Still, I kinda hoped for Ninten-legos like what the anon fake-leaked.

2fe0f2 No.14181344

File: 293414df7aeeec3⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 500x451, 500:451, 1 (8).jpg)



945310 No.14181346

File: c1a703bb09dbc7f⋯.jpg (724.19 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180117-224427.jpg)


No body is mad about cardboard

its just funny and fucking lame as all hell along with anyone who defends it being good

5fe270 No.14181347

Someone explain what all this shitendo fuss about

I have no idea what the fuck is going on

6f49e1 No.14181348


Well it's a variety of things

>Why are we limited to FUCKING CARDBOARD?

>80 dollars for something you can print out yourself

>even without the game the cardboard boxes are still 20 dollars

>Is nintendo trying to raise the price of games from 60 to 80

>Why couldn't we get an actual racing wheel instead of fucking cardboard for Mario Kart

and many many more questions

945310 No.14181350


Nintendo is selling fucking cardboard boxes and rubburbands and val is defending it

ba950d No.14181353


Fuck off to >>>/vidya/ with your console war bullshit.

b07b5e No.14181357


>Why are we limited to FUCKING CARDBOARD?

I don't think you are. Surely if you build it out of anything else the software will still work with it since it's motion-based

>80 dollars for something you can print out yourself

As far as I understand it comes with a game? Not sure about this, also it's 70$

Just 3D print out your own models and use those

734ad0 No.14181360

File: aeac88f0df36ba7⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 800x533, 800:533, rjpvFn8.jpg)



It's more for the fact that Nintendo is literally marketing cardboard and getting away with it.

But if you fags want to discuss this you should stop derailimg the thread and post here about it here instead >>14178041

6f49e1 No.14181362


>Just 3D print out your own models and use those

If we could actually do that then things can be interesting, regardless the price is too high and the product could be handled better.

b07b5e No.14181363


That seems like it's devolved into a designated shitting thread

6f49e1 No.14181366


True enough, my apologies.

734ad0 No.14181370


It has, mainly thanks to cuckchan shitters like >>14181349

2fe0f2 No.14181373


This >>14181348 , but they're 70 USD. That's 10 bux for some carboard, rubberbands, and string, and 60 bux for a variety of 1-2-Switch tier shovelware minigames. Then threre's cuckchan autists who think anyone who doesn't like their shitty memes is a nintendrone like >>14181349

6f49e1 No.14181376


it kinda has, but at the same time he's still right about derailing the thread. It's not proper etiquette.

b07b5e No.14181381


True, sorry about that

ba950d No.14181383

File: 097423dda6ba0a3⋯.jpg (7.9 MB, 4444x4320, 1111:1080, 705778868634d6894a05dd136e….jpg)


Yeah, this thread should go back onto GG.

6f49e1 No.14181389

So anyway, do we still have people under cover in ResetERA? I'm curious if they're getting information from social media teams like NeoGAF did,

016604 No.14181392


That's kind of the point; it's already clear that any LABO thread will be full-blown meme warfare, so if there has to be a designated shitting thread, may as well make sure there's only one (below 700 posts) at a time.

6f49e1 No.14181393

File: 712b30bc72748be⋯.jpg (31.45 KB, 442x509, 442:509, mEUfATh6.jpg)


>he keeps going

2fe0f2 No.14181395


>Giving out (You)s to shitters

2fe0f2 No.14181403

File: d5414066e6feb93⋯.png (72.56 KB, 777x199, 777:199, ClipboardImage.png)


Dunno, but someone made a thread accusing Ninty of America of propping up ResetERA with leaks. Also this >>14180618

945310 No.14181411

ba950d No.14181413

89d812 No.14181414





To me, its the cost of the game carts, mini game collabs being 70+ and thats before me converting to cad, though with recent news and apparently economy dollar fixing by the banks the canadian dollar is about to get better, or much much worse, like sub brazil worse thats expensive man, and I cannot justify spending 70+ on mini game colabs unless they have couch coop at the very least. these were the type of games you rented from blockbuster for a weekend

33a4ec No.14181415


I think we still have 1 or 2 autists there but most have either given up the facade and got canned or gave up.

And still, despite how even more cancerous it is compared NeogFag, journos are still giving it the time of day and reporting leaks from it, most of them fake as well.

And I've seen retards here actually believing it as well like the DMC V leak because it's something they like.

2fe0f2 No.14181420




ba950d No.14181423


They don't have the backing of Sony and all they have is that one soygoy that works for NoA giving them leaks.

ba950d No.14181427


Fuck off to >>>/vidya/ you and your ilk. Mark did nothing wrong.

6f49e1 No.14181429


>giving up

Would be extremely disappointing if true, the point of the op was to leak everything behind the scenes from how the website is funded to who makes the leaks.

2fe0f2 No.14181431


This isn't consolewar shit, Nintendo just did something hilariously retarded and Jewish, such that even Mark shat on it. Is that a poem?

a2d5c4 No.14181440


He's done plenty wrong though

ba950d No.14181447


People are only hating him for being Jewish. He's trying his best damn it.

6f49e1 No.14181450


Maybe in the past, but not now.

b66101 No.14181457


If you're not going to say anything constructive about why everything sucks, then saying that is practically "/v/ hates video games" type of shitposting. It's just a mediocre opinion that you don't like games and should fuck off the video game board.

I think Labo looks interesting. t./po/

5fe270 No.14181458


>implying there's my ilks

Anon.. I….


i still have no idea what the fuck is going on

why everyone calling each others cuckchan

did mark banned the nitendo shitters and nintendo defense force in full force or something?

what did mark do and what the fuck is going on

89d812 No.14181461


Id say less juden, and more nintendo never knows how to price shit like this appropriatly, no malice just sheer stupidity and ignorance whn it comes to an unversitile gimick. These would be interesting for 30$ max with the cart, or 50$ for both carts max, then sell precut cardboards for 20$ max, the robot one 15$ max. and I use cad here so knock a 3rd off the cost for usd

2fe0f2 No.14181471

File: 4c5640e0ef9e29d⋯.png (6.68 KB, 580x38, 290:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Calm down gook.


>Gook gets post deleted in the chaos

Calm down Mark.

a2d5c4 No.14181472


Not really hes done some stupid shit like heavily moderating Blizzard, Gachashit and Nintendo threads outside shitters like the one that's popping up and removing plenty of user self moderation.

Not saying he hasn't done good, just that he has done plenty of stupid shit.


Not talking about this specific case of course.

He's absolutely right on this one and I'm glas he's cleaning up the cuckchan shitters that pop up.

Lots of them right now and likely due to being banned for shitposting and spamming too hard on cuckchan due to this Nintendo debacle.

6f49e1 No.14181478


Basically people were spamming cuckchan cancer, mark deleted said cuckchan cancer, people were going ape shit over Mark deleting cuckchan cancer, mark banned the people going ape shit since they were raiding the board with cuckchan shit.

ba950d No.14181479


That's why I said he's trying his best, not that he's perfect.

2fe0f2 No.14181483


No they don't Marche. They get a report.

b66101 No.14181489


Did you ever browse halfch?

Console wars shitposting was allowed and made the board far worse, full of spam and it kills actual discussion of vidya.

6f49e1 No.14181497


>Not saying he hasn't done good, just that he has done plenty of stupid shit.

Well yeah, he's been only doing this for what? three years? That's plenty of time to make a bunch of fuck ups. Either way he's always willing to talk about things with people, which is extremely important.

a2d5c4 No.14181498


>Nintendl being the retarded jew they are release something stupid

>Everyone is having a good time shitposting and laughing at Nintendo while creating OC

>Some cuckchan shitposters start popping up with cuckchan memes and console wars

>Either ignored or dealt with

>Suddently one or two autists post cuckchan tier shit as well

>Get called out

>Accuses everyone of being a Nintentoddler

>Gets banned and deleted

>Keeps ban evading and making the same exact cancerous posts

>Keeps ban evading and making new threads

>Comes here to spread his cancer

>Complains about the Board Kike when he's doing something right for once

That's pretty much it.

945310 No.14181507


Thats not me

a2d5c4 No.14181510

File: 61f9ff6cb68ea26⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 500x340, 25:17, cc4be525b174888ebf4c5b1297….jpg)

>He's now making more OC

a2d5c4 No.14181511


>Either way he's always willing to talk about things with people, which is extremely important.

True, a step above cuckchan or other boards, that's for sure.

2fe0f2 No.14181513

File: 262f342a0b23d72⋯.png (27.35 KB, 664x182, 332:91, ClipboardImage.png)


>when he's doing something right for once

Well Mark deleted this, and I'm pretty sure it's just gook being confused.


Are you telling me we have more twitter fags other than you trying meme @ now?

6f49e1 No.14181518


Huh, perhaps mark thought it was another shitpost

945310 No.14181520


Ye someone got like 40 replies in a thread with it so more people are doing it

Peoples Always steal my things

5fe270 No.14181525

File: 3e957cfb23ddb55⋯.jpg (38.36 KB, 480x505, 96:101, YadzHp1.jpg)


how do you people keep knows who i am

hohoho im posting with wifi gonna hop my ip

>mark deleted my post

Mark being mark nothing wrong

Once he banned me 2 weeks for just literally saying 'umaru a shit'

Reason was ban evading.


>Did you ever browse halfch?

Never since 2014. Why would I, anon?


Now I get the grasp. thx anon. Cuckchan console warriora ruined the nintendo shitting fun, I guess.

b66101 No.14181532


>Never since 2014. Why would I, anon?

Neither have I. I meant before GG, of course.

ac68f5 No.14181533

File: 75b79e54ea2bfa8⋯.jpg (32 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 777073163.jpg)

I was 2 hours away and now another autistic shitshow happened between that time in this thread.

2fe0f2 No.14181535


I thought that was you succeeding at putting out bait?


>how do you people keep knows who i am


6f49e1 No.14181537


>Once he banned me 2 weeks for just literally saying 'umaru a shit'

How long ago was this, I haven't seen any bans like that in years


>Cuckchan console warriors ruined the nintendo shitting fun

pretty much

ba950d No.14181539


Fuck off to >>>/vidya/

23fd42 No.14181540

File: 13ea01b26e39038⋯.png (18.4 KB, 259x224, 37:32, 721058.png;compress=true.png)


But I thought we were literally the president of the free world now.

a2d5c4 No.14181542

Also, just checked cuckhan due to a hunch and I was right, all the console wars Wojakshit spam threads are gone.

This guy likely did 50% of them considering he's still making OC of that cancer here

ba950d No.14181546


Wojak is a dead meme. He's a faggot for trying to repurpose it.

2fe0f2 No.14181549


Do not respond to spam. Come one nigger.

5fe270 No.14181550


That was like 2016. Mark later appologized and said he's gonna gift me a steam game, I refused.

Mark has autistic affection to Umaru, do not tease him with his neet waifu

a2d5c4 No.14181552


Japanese Garfield a shit

2fe0f2 No.14181557



Literally worst anime girl of the year material.

ba950d No.14181560


I'm more of a Kirie fan.

6f49e1 No.14181578


>That was like 2016

that's probably why

660a91 No.14181583


Would slightly changing the model bypass this?

Have a new libyan knuckles model to allahu akbar anime furfags

65eee1 No.14181584

File: 73210eb987b9c67⋯.png (462.17 KB, 434x529, 434:529, ClipboardImage.png)


some people just couldn't stop being a faggot, I guess

75f7aa No.14181591

File: edf56e24fc9331a⋯.gif (595.06 KB, 400x302, 200:151, edf56e24fc9331a9ff5b69314a….gif)

Holy fucking shit, he's still going


ba950d No.14181592

File: 8af9f1e168ac584⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DTyIudZVoAAegqA.jpg)

File: c46e970a3e5f087⋯.jpg (90.13 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DTyQUGgUMAAmMNl.jpg)


I think it would be fun making cardboard Super Scopes. I really miss the Super Scope.

6f49e1 No.14181593


I'd rather just buy something made with 3D Printing honestly.

f3df63 No.14181596

File: 456fd6ff7c5b855⋯.jpg (88.69 KB, 983x834, 983:834, smugAI.jpg)


The way you form sentences is a pretty big tell for someone from East Asia who learned English as a second language.

Also the way you usually name images.

ba950d No.14181602


That's a good point. You can just remake the cardboard products out of plastic with 3D printing.

be7c42 No.14181604


I'm not surprised about that picture being a thing, but I am saddened about the fact that there are retards out there who will gladly pay it. Oh well, if they're spending money on that shit, then that means they won't have any money to spend on other, better things.


I was gone for half an hour.


>Mark has autistic affection to Umaru, do not tease him with his neet waifu

That explains a couple things.


>I really miss the Super Scope.

A lot of the toys from the 90's and 80's (And, arguably, the early 2000's) had a lot of flair that's missing today. If anything, I just want to see what Nintendo actually does with the cardboard gimmick beyond just the stuff we were laughing about yesterday because they're also selling Labo in Japan.

917e57 No.14181605

File: 6eac99b61cc20e3⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 255x174, 85:58, happy 21.jpg)

How have things been around here? Does anyone remember a few weeks ago when I asked for moral guidance, and I had to fire an employee? I have a funny update, but I'll wait till after 300

If anyone cares to hear anyway.

660a91 No.14181608

File: 08cf482936037a0⋯.jpg (154.87 KB, 453x663, 151:221, umaru.jpg)



Umaru a shit until you realize the garfield is just her projecting and the reality is his hot sister is writhing around in neet cosplay all day

19f147 No.14181610


I want to hear.

ba950d No.14181613

File: 1a32e2a071de972⋯.mp4 (9.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, eqy3GWSxHuU807BA.mp4)

5bf75e No.14181620

File: d07c9245712e1fb⋯.jpg (388.72 KB, 2000x2256, 125:141, 1447355176402.jpg)



You can't learn English

b66101 No.14181621

File: a32eff5d321a444⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 250x300, 5:6, k002.jpg)


Post it now, it's better to get interesting posts than talking about some spammer autist.

c765e8 No.14181626


Yeah, post it. We wanna read gossip.

3bbb10 No.14181634

File: 3eb3ca7615221bb⋯.webm (4.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Imil - Our Lost Ones.webm)


>I have a funny update, but I'll wait till after 300

Good to hear that. I take it no one got seriously injured?

6f49e1 No.14181636


I guess you can say, he beat the box.

f3df63 No.14181640

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Did anyone else watch the hostile interview Jordan Peterson hand on bongland TV?

Its ridiculous how much the interviewer tried to put words into his mouth and took things out of context.

Interview in embed

ebc1f1 No.14181650


Mark's a fag, don't accept this

Always remember to bully him for it

65cdf2 No.14181662

>ZDNet: "No news: The engineering failure to block fake news and hate speech." Uses opportunity to shill "tried and tested" methods for controlling the narrative.


>"Don’t ignore Metal Gear Survive" Polygon desperately shilling the game while downplaying issues like microtransactions and constant internet requirements.


ba950d No.14181665

File: 3ce87b77e4d3647⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DTx-uvlWkAEoBpw.jpg)

Seeing that there's a camera one, does that mean **Pokemon Snap for the Switch?*

91f191 No.14181677

File: ab5713058a0d26b⋯.png (79.83 KB, 257x518, 257:518, Autistic cuckhan retard.png)




Holy shit I was right

And cuckchanistan is still full of console wars without his garbage OC spam.

91f191 No.14181681



Oh yeah, Konami is paying top dollar for journos to shill this garbage.

5fe270 No.14181685

File: 0caf9562791025e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 194.52 KB, 644x675, 644:675, Doma.Taihei.full.1892836.jpg)

File: 452c8de81e9f56c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 273.48 KB, 800x769, 800:769, nobuchika_ginoza_x_reader_….jpg)


>not liking umaru's brother and wants to marry him and save him from being neet hamster's slave

literally gay

what a fag

ba950d No.14181687


Ancient memes like Wojak should just stay dead and Pepe to be retired.

be7c42 No.14181693

File: 2771465139b19cf⋯.jpg (310.99 KB, 640x907, 640:907, 584033_front.jpg)

File: 1ba1dcfa1c1432e⋯.jpg (38.82 KB, 300x253, 300:253, 269906_front.jpg)


>Pokemon Snap for the Switch?

People were hoping for that with the Wii U, but all we got that was Pokémon related was this.


Is this post being ironic?

917e57 No.14181694

File: 11297ddebd732fa⋯.png (305.4 KB, 507x553, 507:553, laughing potato.png)




If you insist, but I'll sage it.

We had a manager meeting and I brought up the problems, of the crazy commie hippie that threatened to kill me with a muffin pan over a harmless would you rather question, wants to ascend to the 4th dimension, believe jews are martians from the future that built an artificial merkaba, the whole nine yards.

I told them I want to fire him, he's a danger.

They disagreed, and took him off my shift so they can watch him. He'll probably still get fired, but he's outta my hair now, so I don't really care. The rest of my crew are relieved, I gave them the good news today.

But I had one last night to work with him.

So since he believes fucking anything you tell him, and got all of his spiritual beliefs from a cartoon youtuber that is also a flat earther, I decided to risk my life by seeing how far I can push him.

So long story short, he now believes in the lore of the Elder Scrolls series, with a healthy dash of Zelda lore for good measure. I can't even repeat what all I told him, I was pulling shit out of my ass but the elder scrolls lore is so fleshed out he was gobbling it all up and incorporating it into his hippie belief system.

He thinks he has to meditate to achieve chim, and doing so will grant him the triforce, with which he can meet Azura, the goddess of the 4th dimension.

I told him to read "chariots of the gods" and that it's all in there.

19f147 No.14181708


I think you pushed your luck too far but this might end up hilariously.

02ceb3 No.14181709

File: 4d2f92ea9cc80f8⋯.png (171 KB, 883x968, 883:968, Vidya Game Comic 23.png)

File: 1eb6168a00b0f02⋯.png (552.8 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 24.png)

File: 0d6a13bb854b00d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 25.png)

last comics for those who missed them.

74346c No.14181711


You're laughing now, but once he summons a Daedric Prince you're in some serious shit.

844fc4 No.14181718

File: 1b90e52b4f55d76⋯.jpg (36.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-1.jpg)


>Cartoon youtuber who is also a flat earther

Jordan strikes again

b66101 No.14181721

File: d99808528407e9e⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 81f66e739f.jpg)


Nah, calling bull.

f3df63 No.14181722

File: 7c3ab91369b5db5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 323x633, 323:633, 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2….jpg)


The guy sounds legitimately crazy.

He seriously sounds like the kind of person who has a mental breakdown and ends up barricaded in a room, shooting at cops.

I knew someone a lot like that who believed crazy shit, ended up locking themselves in their apartment and shooting a pedestrians with a handgun after a mental break. The fucking SWAT team had to gas him out.

ba950d No.14181723

File: bf6625f7e4c624c⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 400x466, 200:233, DT0goY3WAAAJSel.jpg)

>People were having fun with the box thread

>Posting new memes

>Some cuckchan faggot posting dead cuckchan Wojack meme rebranded

>Consolewars cancer follows from cuckchan

>Mark did the right thing to delete the thread

Mark is a good BO.

02ceb3 No.14181734


>He thinks he has to meditate to achieve chim, and doing so will grant him the triforce, with which he can meet Azura, the goddess of the 4th dimension.

You fucked him over man.

once you go beyond the bulge zone, there is no escape!

fa4012 No.14181738

File: 847c56b251f7af3⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 580x407, 580:407, 847c56b251f7af323fc80650ef….jpg)


>He thinks he has to meditate to achieve chim, and doing so will grant him the triforce

My sides


>heh thats pretty funny

Feel free to go back


016604 No.14181739

File: 8a184e8a31c5026⋯.jpg (371.13 KB, 1960x2048, 245:256, MyStaffHandTrembles.jpg)


>Dealt with the crazy subordinate through the proper channels, before he could get genuinely violent with you or your colleagues, which they'll all be thankful for…

>…But couldn't resist trolling the fuck outta him with a straight face, one last time

Ya did good today, anon.

844fc4 No.14181743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Btw if anyone doesn't know, this is the video that guy was taking about, the of he gets all his knowledge from. It's an hour long but there's lots to laugh at.

I always thought it could make a good setting for a game or something.

917e57 No.14181749


I haven't seen the video he saw where he got all his beliefs from, but I saw an armored skeptic video that made fun of it. I guess the guy's youtube name is Patchy. Is that the same guy?


You have no idea just how genuinely gullible he is. He's into this weird shit full force. He'll bring any conversation back to the topic of merkabas and higher dimensions and flying poly tetrahedrons. So I just started talking about elder scrolls lore and he didn't even question it, he just immediately started finding way to jigsaw it into his current beliefs.

940cc5 No.14181750

>>14181711 (checked)

It'll definitely be Sheogorath going by those dubs.

917e57 No.14181756


Yes, that's the guy! He believes every single thing in that video. EVERY PART OF IT.

778dc9 No.14181758


He's right, Mark is a good BO. He only got shit for being Jewish.

ba950d No.14181765


He should feel honored that Mombot noticed him.


5fe270 No.14181767


>genuinly believing all the spiritual shits from a cartoon youtuber

I've read Zecharia Sitchen's books and learned bit of spiritual lectures and believe me, at least half of shits from there are bulls and it has wrong perspective of narrative. The cartoons shits are literally made from Annunaki's perspective.


can i ask why the quentin from second comic wearing korean flag breif

02ceb3 No.14181768


>He's right, Mark is a good BO

Hi Mark.

6f49e1 No.14181769

File: af87173e4439cfc⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 800x940, 40:47, -BXGYtDr.jpg)


>Implying he's not doing a decent job removing the trash right now

ba950d No.14181772


Being the BO of /v/ is a thankless job I bet.

6f49e1 No.14181774


I'm sure it is

917e57 No.14181775


What's happening right now? From what I gather from this thread nintendo is doing some kind of cardboard thing? Are we being raided or something?

6f49e1 No.14181778


Pretty much

917e57 No.14181781


Raided by who? 4chan /v/? Why?

534e60 No.14181785


That's why I love Mark. He tries his best. He's better than the totalitarian BO of /games/ and /vidya/ has no BO. Mark is a good fellow.

6f49e1 No.14181791


Mark deleted their Wojack memes when they started to get obnoxious.

6f49e1 No.14181793

File: ed0f05e72b80889⋯.jpg (92.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gamers_thinking_Tendou.jpg)



Are you guys being ironic?

02ceb3 No.14181794


wer'e always being raided by grommets sent by SEELE who is trying to destroy the world by turning white anons into ironic gays so they can unironically homo themselves into the GAY COMMUNITY™., as to prevent the next generations of anons that would take them down, and instead the old ones go into cyber valinor to never see this world again.

f3df63 No.14181796

File: 93e73fcc7e70c1f⋯.png (416.56 KB, 544x565, 544:565, difficult.png)


From what I could tell, Nintendo is literally marketing cardboard boxes as a way to make gaming peripherals and accessories for the Switch.

Its such a silly idea honestly thought it was a ruse at first.

68f652 No.14181797


I think the ones that hate Mark are goons and cuckchan. I see no legit reason to hate him.

be7c42 No.14181798


Well, it's more than just /v/.


>1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

ba950d No.14181799

File: a709577b7423792⋯.png (151.7 KB, 515x528, 515:528, huh.png)



6f49e1 No.14181804


Yes, Ironic.


Ah, so you think it's /ggrevolt. types as well?

a4d2c3 No.14181805

File: 56a41bcf95e8db3⋯.jpg (51.71 KB, 800x406, 400:203, Labo-set-800x406[1].jpg)


Carboard craft toy/build sets with one a multi mini game/RC device maker and one robot backpacke with attachement sets, essentially Full price $60 or maybe discount $40 plus $10/20+ for a whole bunch of punch-out card sheets Nintendo even wants you to customise with markers and shit. (Supposedly the design layouts are to be available online for replacements you can make your own if you have the game itself, so expect tons of etsy people making $50+ sets like that puppy joycon controller

917e57 No.14181806


Is the end goal to destroy 8/v/?

1678a6 No.14181808


Mark puts on the mantle of hate in order to protect /v/.


But he's the most decent BO in all of the vidya boards of this site.

917e57 No.14181809


You know what's sad is that people will gobble this shit up.

f3df63 No.14181812

File: c70b758f2c3fddc⋯.png (11.17 KB, 702x491, 702:491, time for another cake.png)


I'm pretty neutral on Mark.

He has some serious faults like literally being autistic but compared to the average 4chan mod isn't that bad.

7e4d86 No.14181813


The Robot is a separate purchase priced at 80 bucks while the other is 70. In total, if you want both, it'll cost 150 dollars.

2fe0f2 No.14181814


Someone posted an archive of what I think was the site the video was originally on in the last thread along with other news, but not a hooktube.

917e57 No.14181815


>of this site

Of any site in my opinion

ac68f5 No.14181819

File: c80ae18b7e4acaf⋯.jpg (838.59 KB, 1920x3232, 60:101, prad5.jpg)

>still giving attention to aspergers

This is just so dumb that it forced me to create an OC to express it.

6f49e1 No.14181820


Dunno, it's probably just spamming and meta shit as usual.

91f191 No.14181821

File: a51ea2bf2ecfab4⋯.png (200.72 KB, 437x468, 437:468, Cuckchanistan.png)

File: ab5713058a0d26b⋯.png (79.83 KB, 257x518, 257:518, Autistic cuckhan retard.png)

File: e571aa46d1dba01⋯.png (167.27 KB, 439x630, 439:630, Autism.png)


By cuckchan after the mods there banned their spam

c624b6 No.14181823


People and educational institutions also buy Lego Mindstorm.

1036ef No.14181824

File: 1d7ee22de12bd42⋯.png (383.94 KB, 1158x972, 193:162, 1d7ee22de12bd42bf05d546ad5….png)

02ceb3 No.14181826


if you would look at the picture and SEE the SKULL, (the part of bone removed). you would know that their goals is not to destroy just 8/v/, or 8chan, but all of anon, and leaving it with a fake forced identity.

ac68f5 No.14181838


And even with a spelling error, wow…

02ceb3 No.14181841



>replying to your own posts.

Fuck off.

a4d2c3 No.14181845

File: 20516438fef0663⋯.jpg (193.73 KB, 1000x916, 250:229, 001[1].jpg)

File: a469d65c4008c6e⋯.jpg (27.36 KB, 522x348, 3:2, nintendo-labo[1].jpg)

File: 0d74a78f1bdaa89⋯.png (899.52 KB, 1202x706, 601:353, Screen-Shot-2012-06-19-at-….png)


LEGOs, K'NEX, even shit like those little bots you move with a phone app are expensive as hell. Unless your school has great funding, you'll see the school struggling for even one set or two.

caca71 No.14181848


This means that anyone shilling for /v/ alternatives such as /games/ might be these goons. Anyone bragging about how Mark is terrible is a goon.

74346c No.14181850

File: 52b8b04558e4bb4⋯.gif (937.39 KB, 430x430, 1:1, 1462141163152.gif)

02ceb3 No.14181856


>criticism of a Jew is the work of Goons


6f49e1 No.14181859

File: 0fecd6b4560f95f⋯.jpg (55.06 KB, 600x300, 2:1, pete_hines.jpg)


>Implying critique isn't healthy

>I'm only pretending to be retarded

2fe0f2 No.14181860


But Mark was shitting on Labo too you cuckchan revisionist.

6f49e1 No.14181862


I think Mark does a decent job, but criticism is healthy, I'm sure Mark knows this as well.

be7c42 No.14181864


>In China they’ve come up with the term “Baizuo” to reference the Regressive Left…

Didn't some anon mention this yesterday? It has a better ring to it than "SJW".


>Last pic

My middle school had a copy if DDR Supernova set up in the fitness. It was just a PS2, with two dancepads hookedup to one of the school's standard TVs that they moved around. Good times


There's a fine line between "shitting on Mark" just because you can, and "sitting on Mark" to derail discussion.

ac68f5 No.14181866


>bitches about it


ba950d No.14181867


It's not criticism, I agree that criticism is good. But there are those that go "Remove Mark! He's the worst!!!!11!" and shill /v/ alt boards.

6f49e1 No.14181871


>There's a fine line between "shitting on Mark" just because you can, and "sitting on Mark" to derail discussion.


b66101 No.14181875

File: 46c3e4f0948c4ed⋯.png (630.55 KB, 935x935, 1:1, 46c3e4f0948c4edb9b13e02f41….png)


Jesus, this woman is such a bitch and keeps pushing this "so you don't believe in equality?" crap and doesn't listen to anything when he repeatedly state "Women should be repeatedly fairly, but you're not going to get equal results because they are different."


It is a thankless job. Moderating a Chinese origami board a large amount of your time isn't something people strive for. It is a pain if the board is large, you need more moderators to keep an eye on it. More mods means it runs the risk of getting bad eggs, if even a single mod shits up the whole board the community gets fed up and some may leave. And it is hard getting people whom know about the board and rules. This is why forums tend to be such shit because the people who want that are marketers, shitty PR people that overmoderate and suck at damage control, or whoever wants to control the conversation.

For what it is, Mark and his team do a fair job and the occasional mistakes are understandable when there's spam and raiding.

02ceb3 No.14181877


those who made alt boards were those worried with the content and wanted to create a place where the old anons could stay comfortable like in the waxing days of the second Exodus., but slowley this place was being infested with reddit, niggers and goons, and such people wanted to escape. slowly they lost their will to even lurk and ascended to cyber valinor.

all that is left is niggers like you, Mark (who can never ascend, for he is a jew nigger) and redditors.

one day, my time will be up too

12c834 No.14181883

I want to protect Mark's smile.

884194 No.14181887

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

2fe0f2 No.14181889

File: 3c2d97c95fdfffd⋯.jpg (51.34 KB, 424x553, 424:553, 3c2d97c95fdfffd8d64ea8b941….jpg)

b07b5e No.14181892

File: 66b7a83e06a5f27⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 66b7a83e06a5f2779fee33a972….jpg)

This is completely unrelated but I need some counceling.

A friend of mine has been depressed for the past weeks, I have been out of the country for a whole month and just came in yesterday.

This friend has stopped replying to the usual chat services we use and doesn't own a phone. I tried contacting him on facebook as the site says he's online sporadically but he has not read any of my messages.

Should I go to his house and check on him?

ba950d No.14181893

File: 9ba17a446985b25⋯.png (56.7 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1500452902793.png)

17d10c No.14181899


>Should I go to his house and check on him?


c99c81 No.14181900

6f49e1 No.14181903

ac68f5 No.14181910


>A friend of mine has been depressed for the past weeks

>Should I ?

Sure you should, or if you have any other specific methods to cheer him up?

b07b5e No.14181913





He's responded as I was leaving

6a9a7e No.14181917

02ceb3 No.14181926


don't forget his incompetence of getting rid of 4am.

all of 4AM's cancer could have gotten rid of by fully banning Ritsu and letting him get bullied. instead all they did was revise a rule which they enforced only on Ritsufag until recently and leaving it as a goonshitpost fest that salted the thread.

2fe0f2 No.14181929


Jesus Christ this bitch won't stop trying to put words in his mouth, and he won't have any of that shit, the eloquent mother fucker.

b66101 No.14181930

File: 0ebc4865509578f⋯.jpg (197.02 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, 3d276c06cb87f6a711b4e7aaa4….jpg)


Yes. Drag him out of the house if he's a hikki, sunlight and movement helps.

If he doesn't then snuggle up and cuddle with him.

02ceb3 No.14181935



29b1c2 No.14181940


I have to admit he's pretty cute. Would snuggle all night.

2fe0f2 No.14181941


Fuck off Quentin.

6f49e1 No.14181948


>while shadow bumplocking

Nice try faggot

>I saw him deleting even legit criticism of the switch itself as a system.

What was the criticism? and what thread was it in?

02ceb3 No.14181949


Fuck off Truth Seeker

6f49e1 No.14181961


>It is still bumplocked last time I checked

probably because it's over 300 posts and even before that was just filled with autists sperging over Mark.

48d068 No.14181968

Don't forget there's a free carmaggedon game on gog right now

2fe0f2 No.14181976

File: c4c62c9efbbb154⋯.png (171.11 KB, 501x500, 501:500, Cease. Your Faggotry.png)

6f49e1 No.14181978


>shadow bumplocked

go back to cuckchan

2fe0f2 No.14181982


>Doesn't know what the bump limit is


>Shadow bumplock

Every single post you showcase how you're not from here. I fucking swear an influx of cuckchan coincided with Acid showcasing his plan to bring in more newfags.

003109 No.14181984

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, FCED0875-1433-441F-8F2A-7….jpeg)


>Accurate representation of the ridiculousness of African cults is racist

d35b26 No.14181986

File: 8562b33607fd389⋯.png (262.15 KB, 445x574, 445:574, 2B anchor 1.png)

File: e3424be7de9f14c⋯.png (144.59 KB, 434x564, 217:282, 2B anchor 2.png)



>He's still going

89d812 No.14181988


If it hit 300 it already is past the standard board bump limit.

29b1c2 No.14181997


Hugging a cute guy while sleeping it's not wrong.

4693b4 No.14182002

File: 5e085aefa6f7945⋯.jpg (43 KB, 560x380, 28:19, 3804-1.jpg)

File: a5adc3ab6e5892b⋯.png (217.18 KB, 538x395, 538:395, lego-mindstorms-1st-gen-rc….png)



I remember back in the day my school got 15 first gen lego mindstorm kits for the science classes. All was great until they special ed class use them and they broke every single computer part in every single fucking set.

I lucked out though my parents bought me my own set for my birthday that year, god damn that was rad.

2fe0f2 No.14182004

File: dbbb717be90c42b⋯.png (120.52 KB, 500x322, 250:161, I SAID CEASE IT.png)


>It was bumplocked while it had less than 100 posts.

That wasn't what we were talking about you dishonest fucker.

>It is still bumplocked last time I checked

Is referring to now, when it has more than 300 posts.



d35b26 No.14182008

b07b5e No.14182010


I always wanted one of these but never got it because my parents thought I'd never use it

In retrospect if I had gotten this I would've gotten into programming and design way earlier than I eventually did

feels bad, you're a lucky boy

52dbe4 No.14182011

File: d59fcb480fb95e3⋯.jpg (15.1 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1362958693198.jpg)


Well, there goes any interest I had in the game.

>Pretty much everyone outside of SJW circles loves the meme, including the Ugandan group that basically originated it

>The devs bend over to those circles anyway

It pisses me off to no end how much authority they still have over the industry.

89d812 No.14182020


Lucky you, I always wanted to try mindstorms, the closest I ever got was programming car kits in highschool which we never got around to programming.

b07b5e No.14182022


It's even worse actually. They could've let the meme run its course (it was basically already at the end of its life) and have it gone forever.

Now that they officially banned it, they have ensured that the meme will essentially live on forever as people looking to troll will automatically go for it.

That's how fucking stupid they are

29b1c2 No.14182027



I said hugging, not having sex. I'm not homo.

52dbe4 No.14182028


Basically. It probably only had a few more weeks tops in it if they just let it run its course.

a82e00 No.14182029


>giving (you)s to a homo

That's how you get aids

1036ef No.14182031


Sucking his dick would be less gay than hugging him.

b0f99d No.14182038

File: 3ec965608685872⋯.png (36.06 KB, 339x271, 339:271, 3c1514494689e920635cdb4d78….png)

>Ralph is out of jail

>All of a suddenly we get a shit poster that constantly ban evades and types like Ralph shill

>Ralph himself admitted to being the Ralph shill

Really gets you noggin joggin

ac68f5 No.14182043

File: 03e4a68c3599687⋯.png (2.82 KB, 657x24, 219:8, Untitled.png)

Speaking of homo

2fe0f2 No.14182047

File: 752308fe0e2614b⋯.jpg (215.03 KB, 563x673, 563:673, 752308fe0e2614b1283c37a3e9….jpg)


>Giving (You)s to an anon you suspect getting aids from the exchenge of (You)s

Fucking degenerate bugchasers.

ac68f5 No.14182051


>Ralph is out of jail

Already? Such a shame.

77a4de No.14182053


Depends on the amount of money they spent on it, and how much they made up from the Western market. Since Disney can't help but throw money around for marketing, and them not trumpeting their success, I don't think it is doing so hot. With all the other stuff added in, I think it will be a slow drag till we see if it is a terminal case or not.


I wouldn't be surprised to see them start using other models to do similar stuff now. Which means they will probably try banning people for using certain words or phrases next.

b0f99d No.14182057


Yeah, he's probably going to shit up these threads again. I've been benching the thread for two hours now. I wish the fat fuck would fuck off.

b07b5e No.14182061


>how much they made up from the Western market

It made a billion in the west

Although I don't understand why they went to see the first film but not the second

ac68f5 No.14182083


I guess so. Since looking back 2 years ago when his articles were denied and then this "crusade" of shitshow from the revoltards that lasted for months, I guess the limit of his autism is not yet fully grasped.

77a4de No.14182116


First film was shit, taught them to not see the second. That is unfortunate that it made so much in the west, though. I guess dreams will be dreams.

b23576 No.14182158

File: cd0196a57c5151b⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, meteor compilation webm.mp4)



well, memeteor anon is back i suppose, who else are we missing? besides tons of diggers and drawfags

11ed05 No.14182168


That would explain the bullshit that's been happening lately.



>second grade gramar

Well I know who to block now.

d69583 No.14182172

File: 8c1178da9e8d0e8⋯.png (188.02 KB, 474x318, 79:53, 1503195822096.png)



>>"If it sounds a bit racist, that's probably because it is"

Yes, because I, too, am a humorless piece of shit that doesn't like the fact that the Ugandan film makers are overjoyed that their movie reached a wider audience despite their lack in quality. God fucking forbid that the Third World finds out that the West is aware of their presence.

2fe0f2 No.14182179

be7c42 No.14182204


How good is TDR 2000?


I was never able to get the set because it was too expensive for my family's budget (I did get one of the trains, though, one Christmas. Still have it, too.). However, in middle school, I did join my school's Mindstorm competition thing, but none of us liked each othet, and we (Myself included) played around more than actually focussing on the competition.

93eb4f No.14182209

File: 813da032f33cebc⋯.png (231.69 KB, 781x677, 781:677, marche.png)


Is Marche toasting in this bread yet?

b07b5e No.14182210


Are you from the US?

I would've killed for my school to have the budget to have a competition like that

65cdf2 No.14182213

>Critical Hit: "Opinion: I worry about the future of gaming." Proceeds to gamedrop and push Gamers are Dead: 2018 Edition.




48f150 No.14182229

File: f57e64d9b84cf01⋯.jpg (5.7 KB, 344x240, 43:30, ._..jpg)


The interviewer was like a programmed drone. Every time a tactic failed she would repeat the failed tactic anyways like it was the only tactic she was programmed to do. She was operating on a very limited set of instructions. Peak NPC.

f3df63 No.14182231

File: 8f23d977b9b128a⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 425x414, 425:414, b8abefc270ba7106854fe13ea7….jpg)


>Ralph is out of jail

Didn't he assault a cop?

Why does he get to dodge the typical overzealous prosecutor looking only for wins to put on their record?

be7c42 No.14182240

File: 854bdb6205101bc⋯.png (319.4 KB, 990x934, 495:467, FLLTT15.png)


>Are you from the US?


>I would've killed for my school to have the budget to have a competition like that

<This is the event I was talking about

However, it appears that the competition is worldwide.

08c658 No.14182268

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)


>Anything at all happens

>Gamergate filled with shitposters and "shills" and circlejerking communities and the quality of the general goes to trash

>Even the posting quality of Acidman gets a bit lower

I get really amused by your denial.

52dbe4 No.14182269


The first link gives me a lot of black space, probably to circumvent archiving. Not sure if it's just my browser.

4637d5 No.14182280

File: 35bd11e5405d0fe⋯.png (267.4 KB, 460x438, 230:219, PaulDenton.png)


They just destroy the Ugandan memes so Uganda and by extension part of Africa stays a shithole, so they can keep their jobs. Think about it:

>people take notice of Uganda with an extremely flawed yet enjoyable movie

>this convinces people to actually invest in Ugandan cinema (example : the Wakaliwood kickstarter), so it makes better or even more ridiculous movies

>Ugandan economy is thriving (for a third-world country) thanks to Wakaliwood

>Africa is actually helped in the process

>All of the cucks lose the cash they make by complaining about the whites not helping Africa

They actually try to deny actual indirect help to Uganda, and by extension Africa, so they can profit from their everlasting misery. This has been the plan with all social and economical problems in worldwide society: They shout a lot about racism and sexism, to name a few things, but their actions deliberately worsen the problem. It's not stupidity or lack of self-awareness, but actual planning so their income stays intact.

Remember that those who profit the most from social inequalities are those who shout the most about it.

a82e00 No.14182290

File: e4dc60b187482b5⋯.webm (414.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, videoplayback.webm)


Dude you need to embrace the truth™

2fe0f2 No.14182295


Did you miss when they banned all of Kanna Gang, a group with 700+ memeing faggots for a few "hackers" before Ugandan Knuckles even came into existence on VRChat? It's been on a downward spiral of overmoderation for bullshit reasons since.

1036ef No.14182299

File: 109c525729170e3⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1423934084123.jpg)


>extremely flawed

Who Killed The Captain Alex is a masterpiece of cinema

11ed05 No.14182307

File: 7a049a7f44f4b2e⋯.jpg (108.5 KB, 569x428, 569:428, 119wjdw.jpg)


Nobody remembers the Kanna Gang, plus like you said they were unfunny memeing faggots, the knucklse are still amusing and are completely natural in their creation. Now the people behind the game plan on banning them creating a precedent that would allow them to ban even more characters.

83e9b3 No.14182319


very good

be7c42 No.14182325


>They actually try to deny actual indirect help to Uganda, and by extension Africa, so they can profit from their everlasting misery. This has been the plan with all social and economical problems in worldwide society: They shout a lot about racism and sexism, to name a few things, but their actions deliberately worsen the problem. It's not stupidity or lack of self-awareness, but actual planning so their income stays intact.

So, they're equal to the unions here in the U.S.

2fe0f2 No.14182327


Makes sense considering the vast majority of charities "helping the starving children of Africa" are taking a "give a man a fish" approach rather "teach a man to fish". Also, speaking of fish, they do nothing about China overfishing in the waters where Africans normally get their food supply.


>plus like you said they were unfunny memeing faggots

Don't put words in my mouth nigger. I said memeing faggots, not unfunny. Nobody remembers them because they were purged much closer to the beginning of VRChat.

caf30a No.14182332

File: 28affc6627417c0⋯.png (181.71 KB, 481x511, 481:511, 1456173266607.png)


How can something be filled with circlejerking communities and shitposters at the same-time, not a shill kun?

739de9 No.14182335

File: ee09310fe1d410e⋯.png (169.12 KB, 363x270, 121:90, JNr3j.png)

I'm starting to feel really bad for Hatians now.

74346c No.14182346

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)

>Trump to ban Haitian Immigrants


caf30a No.14182349


you gotta go back

4637d5 No.14182362


When you put the meager 200$ used to make the whole movie in context, it is, especially when it comes to actually filming the action, compared to some of the actual productions from America Liam Neeson hoping a fence in Taken 3 comes to mind, but honestly, either the spectator keeps watching because of the mindless fun it can bring, or he's automatically put off by the subpar special effects and the VJ that could probably sound annoying for some.

I actually want to know what Wakaliwood would actually bring to the table once they get the hardware fit for an U.S superproduction.


Pretty much. If you take Black Lives Matter, for instance, they actually managed to worsen the "racism problems in the U.S.A" with their violent behavior, and I heavily doubt they did it because they were stupid, but because people wanted it, to make more cash.

08c658 No.14182370

File: 036936c288ca244⋯.jpg (37.8 KB, 241x325, 241:325, mw84996.jpg)


Surely I'm about to see something masterwork piece of logic burst before my eyes here? I'd be AMUSED to see how you managed to make those two things contradictory on your mind.

003109 No.14182373

File: 94a985b5e24b7b9⋯.jpeg (126.01 KB, 1200x910, 120:91, F5E93F16-9E84-45D4-9BEA-C….jpeg)


>Title claims with absolute terms that Haitian immigrants are banned

>Then after they’ve gotten those sweet clicks, the article explains DHS’s perfectly sensible reason why they’re being banned from certain types of work visas

Misleading clickbait, though I would love for us to literally ban Haitian immigrants

739de9 No.14182385


Is this "Who Killed Captain Alex" a new cult film or something? Where can I watch this, because it's like suddenly I keep hearing about this.

be7c42 No.14182393


Do and don't. Do feel bad that the country is used as a "political football", but don't feel bad about the fact that most of the people coming from those countries are taking advantage of said "football".


Same here.

a82e00 No.14182396



I'd be amused if you could put your thoghts into words in a way that you don't need a fucking chinkosoft AI to untangle them.

93eb4f No.14182399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This should be it

235c37 No.14182413


The story goes:

>ugandan group of friends record a no-budget kung-fu action movie on camcorders

>western aid worker or journo or whateverthefuck who is friends with one of them convinces them to put it online

>don't upload it with subtitles, but using one of the ugandans as a talk-over interpreter instead

>shit blows up since it's Ugandan Shitpost: The Movie

ba950d No.14182423

File: 3da6d6212c3b3cb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 157.88 KB, 827x1169, 827:1169, 1.jpg)

File: c17efbeb2f371d7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 148.02 KB, 827x1169, 827:1169, 2.jpg)

File: 56e9dce7463f18b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 168.16 KB, 664x1200, 83:150, 3.jpg)


And now VRChat is going to die because the devs virtue signal.

235c37 No.14182429

File: 3e58d11a5572ea5⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 500x280, 25:14, bullid.gif)



Fuck I remembered it wrong, there were actually subs. Don't bully.

151c9c No.14182436


Man this size bullshit is the biggest soy boy fetish out there, after cucking of course. Only chinks and weak short men would enjoy something like this.

caf30a No.14182439


I think "a masterwork of logic" would be more grammatical correct.

What's your definition of shitposter then?

08c658 No.14182440

File: 5832005b740ed75⋯.png (472.5 KB, 909x725, 909:725, Oioisenpai.png)



004e2a No.14182442


Actually the talk over interpreter is what's known as a "Video DJ" in Uganda and they typically provide live commentary on the movie to set the mood and hype the audience.. They're an integral part of the Ugandan movie watching experience and some of the better ones are straight up local celebrities.

ba950d No.14182449

File: 78cccd0b3e57036⋯.jpg (205.87 KB, 850x1257, 850:1257, My Waifu.jpg)


Mistakes Happen.


Y-You too.

756724 No.14182454


Fuck that whore.

93eb4f No.14182457


Holy shit, you fucking waste of space. I bet your memory is so bad that you can't even name the top 50 boards in order before the first exodus.

ba950d No.14182462

File: 9544a4ca03aeda8⋯.jpg (112.32 KB, 650x919, 650:919, e98fea971b69a9f77cd2d8f0da….jpg)


I swear if Ugandan movies become more enjoyable than Hollyshit unironically.

19f147 No.14182466


They already are.

1b1125 No.14182467


How else would you destroy Europe if the africans didn't have somewhere to run for gibs.

caf30a No.14182470


Your grammar wasn't that good either sweetheart.

65cdf2 No.14182471

>Philippines Trying To Shut Down Popular News Site For Reporting On President Duterte


>[Unverified] The Guido Fawkes blog speculates that the UK wing of BuzzFeed may be folding.


>YouTube’s New Monetization Rule Dictates At least 1,000 Subs; 4,000 Hours Of Watch Time



92a290 No.14182474

File: 743198da066689a⋯.png (116.08 KB, 816x587, 816:587, came here for a giggle.png)


>Gamergate filled with shitposters

>not realizing the fact that all the imageboard itself on earth are filled with nothing but shitposters

>not realizing the truth that the whole purpose of imageboard itself is to shitpost

>he himself shitposting in GG thread

>"shills" and circlejerking communities

>not realizing they're everywhere

>he himself shilling and trying to circlejerk



I reached here to smug at you

a82e00 No.14182477


Jesus fucking christ you're boring.

No wonder you're so easily amused.

756724 No.14182482


Isn't the point of Gamergate that we won over and over just by shitposting and existing?

92a290 No.14182487

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

d69583 No.14182489

File: 1ab5b1ff5dd2e8d⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lying.webm)


>>YouTube’s New Monetization Rule Dictates At least 1,000 Subs; 4,000 Hours Of Watch Time

>We’ve arrived at these new thresholds after thorough analysis and conversations with creators like you.

Funny, I don't remember being part of the "conversation" before YouTube sent me an email out of the blue that I've been fired from the partner program because my old channel only had 100 subs.

4637d5 No.14182491

File: 9d280f525897bb8⋯.jpg (179.19 KB, 600x853, 600:853, 703af094adc8adbb3142257936….jpg)



Those guys were actually driven by sheer passion when making the movie, makes it already better than most Hollywood productions.


Nice waifu but check mine.

08c658 No.14182497


>All other boards and threads are just like us in terms of quality you… you… filthy newfag!

You need to read my post again, anon. Here, let me say it again:

"I get really amused by your denial."

So much for that earlier copypasta about not replying to shills. Are you bored because everyone is having fun with their family or something?

004e2a No.14182498


They already are since they rely on practical effects and clever editing for the most part. That and they entirely self aware about how silly they are but aren't tongue and cheek about it.

Also to explain they make money.

>movie is produced

>gets distributed to local movie salloons

>screenings are done with live commentary from video DJs

>afterwards the entire studio staff and cast go out to peddle the DVDs(featuring insert famous DJ here) at local markets

235c37 No.14182500

File: 85eb0e7d9323634⋯.jpg (667.49 KB, 2644x1983, 4:3, ugandan mekboyz.jpg)


I did not know that.

ba950d No.14182505

File: ba52bd3e72a7aff⋯.jpg (454.65 KB, 1000x1891, 1000:1891, 1401371354488.jpg)


I wonder if the international attention they got now is going to help them?

b0318c No.14182512

File: 8c826aeeb021b68⋯.png (26.82 KB, 720x855, 16:19, 8c826aeeb021b68d7e31e2f325….png)


Well shit, that honestly sounds more fun than the usual movie going experience hollywood is pumping out these days.

4637d5 No.14182522


They launched a kickstarter with a $150 goal to fund a new movie.

They got 800 times the needed amount. They would have even more money than Chris Robert's money laundering scheme if they asked for as much as for Star Citizen.

So yes, that definitely helps them.

791707 No.14182523

File: 379506f80317de1⋯.png (403.78 KB, 672x560, 6:5, 2017-12-31 23.10.46.png)


>Remember that those who profit the most from social inequalities are those who shout the most about it.

That isn't how is?

People who profit off of inequality wouldn't be bringing attention. Those who profit are the ones designated to "fix" an unfixable problem.

The noise-control committee makes the most noise.

ba950d No.14182525


Can't wait what they'll do. a hundred dollars is already a lot of money to them.

f3df63 No.14182528

File: 229146ffbee6c72⋯.jpg (75.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 229146ffbee6c72bd4f802113a….jpg)


Some anons have a mother/older woman complex.

Don't really see anything wrong with that

Also plenty of soy faggots don't have good relationships with their mothers, like Maddox for example.

739de9 No.14182533


Where can I find this kickstrter?

ba950d No.14182540

004e2a No.14182546


It did. Dude's been getting money from a Kickstarter and a patreon, and all of it has been going into improving the studio and production quality.

739de9 No.14182551


There are worse kickstarters to donate to, I'll watch the movie and see if it's worth donating to.

92a290 No.14182553

File: a7e536a1dcde884⋯.jpg (163.14 KB, 947x711, 947:711, [shitposting loudly].jpg)


>Gamergate is full of shitposters

>we aren't ashamed of that fact, anon


I get it, you trying to make is enlightened by your shitposting, being the pinnacle of shitposter, Mr. Shitposter.

>Are you bored because everyone is having fun with their family or something?

>not shitposting during having fun with family at the same time

151c9c No.14182554


That makes no sense, even if you have a thing for mothers, why do they have so much taller than you? You are gay if you are smaller than your own mother.

I think is a stupid fetish that small guys have. Asians are small as fuck, they move to the USA and see all these girls that are taller than them. And since soy boys are gay they want to be dominated by them.

791707 No.14182555




ba950d No.14182556

File: 41fbbefa74edf38⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 680x453, 680:453, 8c7f0807e767ad18fdcc1366f9….jpg)

File: c4546d6544b5bdc⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 680x510, 4:3, ae935448ed9b0f34b37da14be8….jpg)


I checked and apparently they got a white guy to be in a movie. He looks like he's having a blast

>tfw Hollywood is too pozzed that an African movie is better

ba950d No.14182566

File: be1dbd18f97f543⋯.jpg (614.14 KB, 1280x1874, 640:937, To ss a manlet.jpg)

92a290 No.14182578

File: ad53fab9c71fc38⋯.png (198.59 KB, 680x583, 680:583, haha what a shame.png)


>Hollywood movies are so shit people who watching movie gets more inspiration and satisfaction from literal shit movies like The Room and literal movies made by African

with $200 than billion dollar budget Hollywood™ movies with 'top' directors and stars

The reality itself is funniest joke

1b1125 No.14182581

File: 6ee961ea1e3690a⋯.jpg (61.14 KB, 334x711, 334:711, Capture.JPG)


It was a tier to become a movie star.

Not everyone can say that they have been part of an Ugandan horror movie.

92a290 No.14182582


fug i failed the spacing

08c658 No.14182584

File: a5c024958791e82⋯.gif (409.8 KB, 650x450, 13:9, tumblr_o9j5rmNGEx1uxr4wzo1….gif)


>Actually implying anyone would believe you're having fun being shitpost inundated ganbaru

>Or that you're having fun with your family

The only thing bringing down the quality of this Imageboard is the way anyone believes anything you're talking about.

ba950d No.14182587

File: fab0e858d71002a⋯.png (927.99 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, Smug Rina.png)


>Hollywood wants to replace most acting roles with niggers


>Literal Africans make an actual movie

>Success and not filled with the leftist bullshit

19f147 No.14182588


>tfw I'd like to make some movies but the only things I have up my sleeve would be

>Violence: The Movie

>Space Adventurer turned Space Emperor

>Random Anon thrown into Antifa Riots

>Horror Movie featuring The Lich Apocalypse

11ed05 No.14182594

File: c5f57f4134890d2⋯.jpg (127.62 KB, 655x365, 131:73, deadpool-2-movie-pansexual….jpg)


The problem with Hollywood is that they've gotten to big, look at Deadpool. Whether you liked it or not it proves if studios focused on a smaller more dedicated production that takes their time to create a film, in the end it would be a far more profitable film with out breaking the budget. Just look at how Justice League turned out.

282684 No.14182598

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

just watched this at the behest of a friend

some fag who debunks viral videos was at skepticon and he basically takes the piss out of everyone and himself

f3df63 No.14182602

File: da7e99030017800⋯.png (148.58 KB, 498x692, 249:346, 98657de65b87d755a9610f3ec6….png)


Couldn't really tell you why I enjoy it. Not like I'm even a manlet, I'm 6'1

11ed05 No.14182605




Try harder Anon.

ba950d No.14182606

File: 674f27d29f6d0df⋯.jpg (224.17 KB, 850x1173, 50:69, __hasshaku_sama_kuchisake_….jpg)

File: 288b7714ea4049c⋯.png (649.18 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, __hasshaku_sama_original_d….png)

File: 324827e82fc2abb⋯.png (388.21 KB, 800x900, 8:9, __hasshaku_sama_2ch_and_or….png)

File: 4d96f826fb2473b⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1200x1644, 100:137, __hasshaku_sama_2ch_drawn_….jpg)

File: cdb963dec88ae6b⋯.jpg (113.36 KB, 480x684, 40:57, __hasshaku_sama_2ch_and_or….jpg)


It's like Kemono Friends. Corporate meddling is a bitch.

003109 No.14182611

File: 3ca89fb18213ffc⋯.jpeg (90.05 KB, 650x451, 650:451, 33E64055-6BDD-4B88-9232-2….jpeg)


I didn’t have this until I realized how many Nips live around my workplace and started talking with them. Mostly women, between their 20’s and mid 40’s. An older woman I met invited me over to her place a few times and holy shit, she was so motherly. She had never married and never had children, but she’s a natural at caretaking. She’s great at cooking and demands you simply sit and relax while she makes you a meal (I’m the kind of fucker that likes to help out in the kitchen). After I told her I was learning moonrunes, she was enthusiastic about offering to help me study and started teaching me about 駄洒落. Every time I leave her place to go to work, she waves and chants “いってらっしゃい!”. She won’t let me out of the door until I eat something first though, since I have a habit of skipping meals if I get absorbed in what I’m doing. I don’t know how that woman ended up single. Maybe she’s a gold digger or her manko is falling apart

282684 No.14182612



Its just something I found amusing


my IP switched from being at a different location


again, hooktube and more importantly, do you say the same thing to anyone who posts the latest shitpost from Jim?

d69583 No.14182616


>look at Deadpool. Whether you liked it or not it proves if studios focused on a smaller more dedicated production that takes their time to create a film, in the end it would be a far more profitable film with out breaking the budget

I also remember hearing that the guy in charge of Fox's Marvel properties absolutely hated X-Men and did everything in his power to try and stonewall anything related to the property from being made. Like forget American politics, Hollywood can't let go of personal politics for five fucking minutes.

1b1125 No.14182618

File: e9fa7245ff3bfa9⋯.jpg (375.01 KB, 1024x1850, 512:925, e9fa7245ff3bfa9cf585a73840….jpg)


Probably because big playful girls are the best.

11ed05 No.14182625


>my IP switched from being at a different location


>do you say the same thing to anyone who posts the latest shitpost from Jim?

Anon, you're the only person here bringing up Billy the Anti-bully.

74346c No.14182628

File: 91294aec59b0d79⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 394x228, 197:114, 003.jpg)


Go for it, anon.

51a6da No.14182631

File: 73cdcfc9d709ae4⋯.png (1.32 MB, 817x1000, 817:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

caf30a No.14182635


Can anyone name a community that is completely without some form of circlejerking? I remember when some GG e-celeb(I think he got in a fight with another e-celeb and left) said something along the lines of "You can't avoid circlejerks, but multiple circlejerks can form that argue with one another to prevent it from being a complete one."


>"I get really amused by your denial."

denial of what? he admitted this thread is full of shitposting and then said that this board is full of shitposting and circlejerking. Is he wrong? if so in what way? I can name several instances of someone bitching in /v/ about "le /v/ hivemind" because they disagree with a supposed general consensus." >>14182584

>>Actually implying anyone would believe you're having fun being shitpost inundated ganbaru

He looks to be having fun to me, did the superiority of your intellect allow you to discern his actually thoughts and feelings through your internet connection.

282684 No.14182636


>Billy the Anti-Bully

What are you even talking about?

>before your post at me you were a (3)

damn, didn't realize I was talking to hot shit

4637d5 No.14182643

File: c4025775887f18e⋯.png (198.98 KB, 441x395, 441:395, tfw thai kicks.PNG)


>Kemono Friends

It still hurts.

08c658 No.14182646

File: b28e7b86f1e8682⋯.webm (703.08 KB, 1035x1035, 1:1, Saveme.webm)


>denial of what?

He denies that this thread is worse than other boards by saying that OTHER boards are full of shitposters, too, which is a form of denial. Surely you can see this yourself.

>did the superiority of your intellect allow you to discern his actually thoughts and feelings through your internet connection.

I wish I could post my incredulous Ignatius of Loyola again. I guess you can Instead have this Bergoglio praying to Satan .webm

ba950d No.14182647

File: 2d20fe0a4143cca⋯.jpg (100.08 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DR0lqHIUQAELS1Z.jpg)

File: 7ea4788d08ce005⋯.jpg (68.63 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, DR0lqHTUIAAD038.jpg)

File: 056ad15be7da292⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, DR0lqHLVAAENR3X.jpg)

File: 6e2f73c751aa033⋯.jpg (215.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DTL8xpqUQAEphK-.jpg)


And they told me that Western women are more motherly and caring as Japanese women are cold. Was I lied too?

11ed05 No.14182648

File: 33221482293a574⋯.png (16.09 KB, 746x982, 373:491, 1456035519099.png)


To a T, does anyone have that webm about some industry mogul from the 70's talking about how companies don't want to take risks anymore and how Hollywood was takne over by hippies? Its an old video, I thought I had it myself but I can't seem to find it.


>What are you even talking about?

Another one of Jim's accounts.

b23576 No.14182649


>Hasshaku sama

>terrifying mountain ghost that resambles a very tall woman in white

<nope, she's now a waifu

this thing of making monster into cute grills is gonna kill us all one day.

756724 No.14182652



Tai Kikku!

151c9c No.14182654

File: 902c4ef959cf8e6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 39.83 KB, 552x495, 184:165, 1.jpg)


I am 6'2

282684 No.14182665


>another one of Jim's accounts

A new one? Or is this just an old one I've never heard of

f3df63 No.14182672

File: a730fd829f3d73d⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 580x580, 1:1, a730fd829f3d73d76f60f5c103….jpg)


If you're not making things up, why haven't you given her the dick yet?

At the very least you could try taking her out to eat or something to repay those meals she gave you, and might figure out the chance you have with her during that.

ea8871 No.14182674

File: b9ac09e5e8db41a⋯.png (20.27 KB, 637x460, 637:460, 0ccc0a41f9b185832a38745557….png)




51a6da No.14182676

File: 30c3c80f4277b84⋯.jpg (118.87 KB, 345x396, 115:132, 30c3c80f4277b84bf4fbbd623e….jpg)


tfw 6'0

17d10c No.14182677


The question isn't 'was I lied to?' it's 'why was I lied to?'

11ed05 No.14182680

File: 6bcfcb82c76366a⋯.jpg (9.29 KB, 100x100, 1:1, photo.jpg)


>A new one? Or is this just an old one I've never heard of

He made it last year and posted some off hand shit under a different voice.

a1896b No.14182681

File: e6f5cfcc2346919⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 630x360, 7:4, [vrchat]_russian_knuckles.mp4)



>VRChat removing and sucking out of the fun

>Just because a few people can't stand the Ugandan Knuckles which Ugandan people most likely don't even mind it.

>That extra publicity for the Ugandan film makers and actually helping the country's economy is thrown out of the window because a tiny group do not kno da wae.

And I almost considered investing on a VR for the shits and giggles. What a waste.

003109 No.14182682


I’ve always wanted to make Izanami my waifu after reading her mythology story. She didn’t deserve what happened to her

ba950d No.14182684


Why was I lied about Japanese women being more colder even as mothers? Who would do such as thing? Are Western women no better?

08c658 No.14182688



92a290 No.14182692

File: 45220a7f0ec4776⋯.png (1.92 KB, 300x171, 100:57, suspect.png)


>Can anyone name a community that is completely without some form of circlejerking?


>you answered me the way I don't like, THUS YOU'RE IN FULL DENIAL

I was so denial that I didn't even notice that you made a point that I was denial

>this thread

>worse than other boards

>on 8chan

>he keep making the point that GG threads are shit

>made a refute that shitposting is the way of imageboard and we aren't ashamed of that fact


>In.. in some kind of form of denial!

>I swear…!!



>on /v/ the manlet community

74346c No.14182694

File: 6907585a43f225f⋯.png (56.62 KB, 355x304, 355:304, img000020.png)


tfw 5'10

791707 No.14182697

Stop posting your heights niggers.

92a290 No.14182699

File: 09a6ca739f38262⋯.png (275.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, breakingb news-giant loli.png)

756724 No.14182702


1,84 metros.

caf30a No.14182712


>He denies that this thread is worse than other boards by saying that OTHER boards are full of shitposters, too, which is a form of denial. Surely you can see this yourself.

I guess that's denial. But then in what way was >>14182038 a denial? He never denied that there was shitposting but speculated about a specific shitposter. How is that denial?

08c658 No.14182713

File: f972431245cc0f4⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 839x900, 839:900, DJ7guqmVwAEXeh6.jpg)


>This whole post

If you aren't in denial, why can't you admit the Gamergate cummunity is garbage?

1b1125 No.14182714

File: a4a0be2c5c74b00⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 111.4 KB, 640x449, 640:449, serveimage.jpg)


mfv 5'4

08c658 No.14182726


He's not in denial. On the contrary, you are.

Because >>14182038 never said that shills and shitposters were just a one-off, but you are doing that right now, as far as I can tell.

Gotcha nigga.

d69583 No.14182730


>>That extra publicity for the Ugandan film makers and actually helping the country's economy is thrown out of the window because a tiny group do not kno da wae.

And just like I said when someone asked why 75% of California is so tired of San Francisco's shit that they want to secede, the answer is "because they care more about property values than human lives."

791707 No.14182735


It's fine. 5'5"

I'm a lot taller than my mother though. Maybe I should measure myself.

7352b6 No.14182737


It's funny how anime has countless depictions of the cold unloving mother, but is absent in Western media.

08c658 No.14182743

File: 553836f90fc9234⋯.jpg (218.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1463338801801.jpg)

Thinking about it I should stop arguing and just make >>14182268 one of the opening posts like "This is why the japanese industry is superior" and "ARE WE BEING RAIDED?". Nobody is going to listen otherwise!

739de9 No.14182747

File: ccea60ad63b66a0⋯.png (190.43 KB, 605x624, 605:624, take that mom.png)


>Also plenty of soy faggots don't have good relationships with their mothers, like Maddox for example.

Reading his old articles, you can see how he rants about her being "stupid" for going on /b/ and believing swine flu was a threat when that was a thing. So much shit is being put into context with his recent behavior.


You're still taller then Destiny, who's 5'3"

b0318c No.14182750

File: 0717f9fb8504d11⋯.png (706.75 KB, 567x836, 567:836, Dont have one.png)


>tfw no orc gf


92a290 No.14182751

File: 45a977f0bc73164⋯.jpg (283.23 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, the shilling.jpg)


>he was trying to get a submission that the community is garbage

>the only exact answer he needs is "My community is garbage!" and all other answers are pure denial in his perspective

>while participating it by shitposting in the community

Maybe it's garbage, because right now we have (You) posting itt.

92a290 No.14182753

File: 487bcd7b4cf62ec⋯.jpg (160.85 KB, 500x1388, 125:347, korean manlet.jpg)

08c658 No.14182769

File: a95a9b08f1d1c73⋯.png (325.91 KB, 673x851, 673:851, 1471460966894-1.png)


>Subconsciously creating a plan to make sure the guy bothering you doesn't return

>Implying I'm going to fall for that

Onii-chan, you expected me to say something like "Then I'll leave and you see its still shit as it always was", right? You're so dumb I want to terminate you!

791707 No.14182770

Got a tape measure. 5'7"~


Fuck off knee grow.

a1896b No.14182776

File: f3f9bf9b9810e2d⋯.mp4 (116.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, KRUSTY_WANTS_OUT.mp4)


>75% of California is so tired of SF's shit that they want to secede

It's an odd reassuring feeling that a good portion from CA are sick of that shit, but fuck I'm stuck in one of those yellow parts.

caf30a No.14182786

File: 8bb7d0f7519842b⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 390x384, 65:64, 8bb7d0f7519842b03d5001664c….jpg)

File: 79bf90c4a93b785⋯.png (40.17 KB, 510x530, 51:53, 79bf90c4a93b7857ad580d4206….png)




I haven't a clue what point you're trying to make. Can you explain in concise terms and without all the "LMAO gotcha, try denying that gamergays."

08c658 No.14182789

File: 774aa04b1f723f7⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1179x915, 393:305, SmugRapists.png)


You'll understand my "point" when I "forcefully move" it down your "talking chute".

92a290 No.14182808

File: 7628294ee62c5a3⋯.gif (483.24 KB, 250x167, 250:167, moon.gif)


>calling me an onii-chan

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the harem love comedy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Fakku, and I have over 300 confirmed traslations. I am trained in weeb warfare and I’m the top fapper in the entire US west cost. You are nothing to me but just another fapping material. I will fap you the fuck out with hardcore the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Japan's 2ch and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, weeb. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can fap you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in weeabo faggotory, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Japan Defense Forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “onii-chan” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, weeb.

f3df63 No.14182817

File: 5e0ba2053b0d194⋯.jpg (111.6 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, destiny2.jpg)


Is Destiny really confirmed 5'3? That would explain a lot.

d69583 No.14182819


Someone was actually caught off-guard with San Diego being in on secession, until they found out that San Francisco buses all their homeless down there.

caf30a No.14182820


Sure fam, I hope your next exercise in autism is more understandable.

08c658 No.14182826



I, too, will be expecting you to be more agreeable in the next gamergate general™ .

60c3b9 No.14182856

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey, Gook, if stuff like this (embed related) is shitty Korean trash, do you have any examples of good Korean music? I also like this song ( http://dai.ly/x3ypcj7 ), but I do know this one is generic shit already.


>does anyone have that webm about some industry mogul from the 70's talking about how companies don't want to take risks anymore and how Hollywood was takne over by hippies? Its an old video, I thought I had it myself but I can't seem to find it.

I'd like to see this too.



As I said in a horror-themed thread over a week ago, once you begin to sexualize the monsters (Or, make them "kawaii"), all conventional means to scare someone go out the window.


I like to think I'm 6 foot. Apparently, I'm 5'11.

739de9 No.14182870

File: 2f127719ce0fa32⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1280x1077, 1280:1077, tiny man.png)

d69583 No.14182883

File: 94d6f21a71cc89f⋯.webm (3.72 MB, 350x202, 175:101, Manly Tears attends a Bul….webm)

92a290 No.14182896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The majority of good Korean songs are from older days, especially during 70~80's.

I've never heard any objectically 'good' gook songs at least last decade.

The Illuminati owned business called 'K-pop' killed the Korean music industry and nowaday it's nothing but empty, hollowed

mass production husk of what it was in old days.

f3df63 No.14182900

File: 308ead8494691d7⋯.jpg (116.26 KB, 950x534, 475:267, its like a turd-world coun….jpg)


Read that SanFran's homeless population literally has designated shitting streets, no wonder they are just shipping them out.


Holy shit

4693b4 No.14182914

File: 349c63e22d3d17b⋯.png (225.71 KB, 441x527, 441:527, 5ce82c8fd19b25ecdfcd4ded2e….png)


Notice how he picked a shot where his legs are obscured by a car?

He's most likely standing on something

65cdf2 No.14182924

>RevistaCactus/Koldo Gutierrez: "Black Mirror: USS Callister an on point critic to Gamergate" (almost directly lifted and translated from the vice article) (Castellano/Spanish)


>Charlie Brooker is friends with Leigh Alexander, one of the best video game journalists (and recently a writer of the sequel of the super Reigns), who wrote one of the most lucid articles about the GamerGate [GAMERS ARE DEAD ARTICLE] and shortly thereafter announced [her] withdrawal from the sector due to the threats and pressures of that immature community that did not tolerate criticism, especially if they came from women.

But that's wrong look at the dates in these achives:




>Rod Breslau calls out Polygon's Ashley Oh for her 'women in Overwatch League' article and for using Greguri as a cudgel against her wishes


4637d5 No.14182940

File: babad7f22e112ef⋯.gif (161.26 KB, 244x211, 244:211, serval.gif)


Nice catch, he might be even shorter than that.

791707 No.14182950


To be fair, she may be wearing heels.

92a290 No.14182954

File: 7195cce7b3b583a⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 310x400, 31:40, smug jackson.jpg)


Or he might be the one who wearing heels.

1b1125 No.14182959


And it looks like her ass is higher.

08c658 No.14182964

File: 8c54586dcc41255⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 720x643, 720:643, blugh.jpg)



With the amount of homosexuals in this thread, YOU might be the one wearing heels.

9cfe9c No.14182973


I know someone who kicked a cop in the head and didn't get any jailtime at all, so there's that too

f3df63 No.14182981


Women on average have slightly longer legs and shorter torsos than men.

c23e5a No.14182984


Is it now? I can't tell from the fact that his shirt is the same color as his pants/shorts. Implying there's a difference to Destiny.

739de9 No.14182998


No, just thigh high socks, but that doesn't make me taller.

884194 No.14183041

File: cd19061b6aa08d0⋯.png (635.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, staring drunk ol.png)






Why is it so hard to pin down exactly how short this fag is? He literally spends hours every day streaming himself.

739de9 No.14183052


He's tiny, that's enough for me. I'm not even tall myself but I'm confident i'm taller than him. I don't even mind, being short and skinny is great for crossdressing.

60c3b9 No.14183061

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

<How Xenoblade 2 Was Changed Outside Japan

>Video was posted two weeks ago

92a290 No.14183070

File: 07f544e52a9ec44⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, strong fetish.mp4)


>thigh high socks


4693b4 No.14183073


because we don't have /fit/'s anti-manlet math powers

4637d5 No.14183077

File: 2d6c8f21df761cc⋯.png (296.38 KB, 653x420, 653:420, What the fu-.PNG)


>being short and skinny is great for crossdressing.

739de9 No.14183085



Okay then, I don't understand why but you do you.

92a290 No.14183088

File: e6c128b8e3ef1fe⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 327x221, 327:221, well..um...jpg)

can i ask who is the manlet guy in the picture we're talking about and who is the 'destiny' guy?

i was had no idea but too shameful to ask

b23576 No.14183093


>Koldo gutierrez

bah, wnet to check his twitter, its a spaniard numale

At least GG is an international boogieman by now

739de9 No.14183096

File: b147db8fbf2ae2c⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tiny man jams.mp4)


>who is the manlet guy in the picture we're talking about and who is the 'destiny' guy?

>Twitch streamer

>is a manlet

>beat up his ex-wife

>got literally cucked

>became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches

>gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments

>gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame

>tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him

>bullied his own son on livestream for being Christian and telling his dad not to swear (son visits on weekends, etc., lives with the mom)

>tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader

>has a cult of exceptional individuals on Leddit

>they pay him $40 per month in order to shitpost here

>is literally funded by a Qatari Sheik who wants to weaken whites with liberalism (chatlogs posted by an Argentinian anon)

>unironically supported Hillary Clinton

>supports open borders

>thinks more welfare checks will fix all problems with immigrants

>told his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually did it


>shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl; and sexually-harassed a 12-year-old girl (Baby Miku) along with his top admins

>wants to legalize CP

>tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?)

>defended CP for hours in a debate

>Andy Warski hates him for being a pedo, and won't let him back on

>got BTFO'd by Naked Ape and left the stream early

>got BTFO'd by JF in the fist 15 minutes; and spent the rest of the debate deflecting, and brought-in Tara as a punching bag

>is afraid to debate Alt-Hype, and blocked him on Twitter

>is afraid to debate Richard Spencer

>is afraid to debate Mike Enoch

>is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is collecting info on him about supporting pedophilia, harassing people, defamation, etc.

>is gonna get sued by JF for defamation

855243 No.14183113

File: a77da8bd244761c⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1194472805_f.jpg)


Nobody's pretended to be a 12 year old girl with an inchling fetish, and egged him into measuring himself at them yet.

92a290 No.14183123

File: 39ed5519058ae61⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 385x541, 385:541, internet celebrity bullshi….jpg)


Can we please talk about something else, that is not e-celeb bullshit? Every single words, letters, and sentence from your post disgust me. It is not your fault.

>because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments

Did he lose, didn't he?

235c37 No.14183131

File: 9d45c6e66ee2781⋯.webm (3.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Destiny's Retard Magnet.webm)


Don't forget

>screeches about racists and nazis

>calls people who disagree with him niggers and gooks

>says it's okay when he does it because they deserve it

d69583 No.14183132


>Did he lose

Considering that he openly calls Koreans "niggers," I'm willing to bet he did.

739de9 No.14183150



I just find it cathartic seeing him get what he deserves.

>Did he lose, didn't he?

I have no idea, but considering he's famous and gets a fuckton of cash doing what he does I believe he won.

4637d5 No.14183158

File: 0adaf63090af16e⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 1008x567, 16:9, angry rinko.gif)


>tried to murder a kid

>bullied his son

>Tells his daughter incest is okay

>wants to legalize CP

Someone stop this midget.

92a290 No.14183168

File: 0de54a4014df774⋯.jpg (103.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, diabolical wat.jpg)


>Tells his daughter incest is okay



739de9 No.14183177

File: 7975f866f2eced1⋯.webm (8.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DesTINY time out.webm)


Twitch banned him, so there's someone trying to stop the oompa loompa

4637d5 No.14183178

4637d5 No.14183186


As an arafag that wants to be a good father some day, this makes me fucking livid.

739de9 No.14183195


As a massive faggot, I don't think i should be raising kids. This fucker's child abuse pisses me off to no end.

7735b9 No.14183215

File: ff5d89fdd02112a⋯.png (880.58 KB, 2141x1093, 2141:1093, Shitty Manlet History.png)

89d812 No.14183220




Hell, we have more middle easterners than the left. I am not joking


Wow, even I am taller. He should dismiss himself from society for being so short.

93eb4f No.14183229

File: 3d1e21929df130d⋯.png (46.34 KB, 1077x592, 1077:592, destiny.png)



0125ba No.14183244


I won't be surprised if the sequel sucks exactly because of the politics and money burning Hollywood does.

I mean, fuck… they already changed the race of a character for no reason.

739de9 No.14183257


Don't forget Neil Breen.

Unironically good directors are still making good movies now, like Martin Mcdowell, Damien Chazelle, and Denis Villeneuve

917e57 No.14183313

File: 15f87a26c83359a⋯.mp4 (6.83 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Akko's Cute Whining - Litt….mp4)


Great. So VRchat is fucking dead. Well, I might as well not even bother trying to save up to build a new PC and then buy the headset just to find a space that's already SJW occupied by that point. And he says he doesn't want it to become the next second life, what, you mean still around 14 years later with an active user base and still sees growth? A game that is STILL financially successful?

VRChat will become second life unless they start banning half their users, especially if they're going to have SJW mods enforce authoritarian speech policies, and are "always watching." The only people that will stay will be the "It's not a game, it's real life" crowd. And then, you got the cancer segment of second life.

ba950d No.14183340


I don't know the full story of Second Life. When VRchat came out, it looked like Gmod as VRMMO for the sake of funposting. Now It's dead..

d69583 No.14183342


> And he says he doesn't want it to become the next second life

That was the guy who made the model. He seems to ignore the fact that the point is for VR Chat to become Second Life 2.

92a290 No.14183360

File: 2955146c0583689⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 824x579, 824:579, 2955146c058368940394ce0002….jpg)


>tfw the only reason I was thinking to buy VR for me was participating Ugandan Knuckles

I envy those who had their fun before SJW devs ruined it all.

Perhaps, maybe they saved $800 from my wallet.

4693b4 No.14183366

File: 9acf251625ccd0f⋯.png (266.33 KB, 552x543, 184:181, 9acf251625ccd0f8091268c637….png)


>Hollywood movies are so shit people who watching movie gets more inspiration and satisfaction from literal shit movies like The Room and literal movies made by African

That reminds me, a bunch of theaters have been playing The Room and they're seeing higher attendance numbers for it than when they play newer films.

93eb4f No.14183367

File: d65e96363610fed⋯.webm (2.68 MB, 638x360, 319:180, hey settle down man.webm)



I wonder when if Daniels will make a VRChat video.

ba950d No.14183387


Looks like Tommy has had his last laugh despite being called the "worst drama movie ever made". I hope he makes more movies.

a1896b No.14183404

File: 6abe234f9a3e7d9⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 00392a2192eeeffe202969d8f1….jpg)


Same with anon >>14183360. Those escapades with Ugandan Knuckles looked fun, and it was one of the other reasons why I considered saving up on a VR aside from Ace Combat 7. There will never be a Ugandan Knuckles squadron in the skies or running around VRchat anymore.

917e57 No.14183406

File: 27e1ff509dc67cf⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 1501791293.jpg)


I was literally saving to build a new pc and get a headset JUST to play VRchat. But if the devs are already caving to game journo demands, that means they're powerless, have no balls, and SJW will control that world. They will control it completely. Next guys won't be allowed to play as anime girls because it's "sexist" or some shit. Removing Ugandan Knuckles may seem trivial, but it's only the tip of an iceberg that's going to be railed right up VRchats asshole. By caving to pressure they effectively gave away the keys to the kingdom, as it were.

Next will be instant perma bans for using certain terms/words. Or not allowing someone to make an account based on groups they're in on steam or whatever. Mods hiding out on every map listing in. And eventually disallowing models to be uploaded until they've been cleared by a mod. Or completely disabling the ability to interact with other players, having a perma bubble around you at all times. SJWs know they can control it now, so the sky's the fucking limit.

Bend over VRchat and spread wide, the SJW cock is going in. And another soyboy dick is coming for your mouth, you're getting spitroasted.

e5bf86 No.14183408




I think part of it is the passion behind the projects. The Room may be a movie so bad that it is good, but it at least had a lot of passion behind a movie that is unintentionally funny. Same thing with these Ugandan movies. The fight choreography looks pretty damn good surprisingly, and you can tell they had fun doing it. SJWs do not like people making memes or having fun, so now Ugandan Knuckles is racist which means that it must be banned which further limits people's exposure to the movies themselves. Hollywood and SJWs only want to see themselves being the successful ones who are gods grace incarnate that so graciously defend/help others who do not need it. They will pretend to be big feminists but get caught raping women and harassing them, so it is all just ego stroking at this point.


It is not the first time this happened. Some autists who all used a Kanna avatar got banned, several hundred I think, for shit posting in game and shit talking other little groups as a joke. It did not help that the creator of Kanna Gang also pussied out.

e5bf86 No.14183418


A lot of the mods were asshurt about Ugandan Knuckles for being racist, so it is probably that. A lot of them hated memes too and would ban people just for shitposting. I am surprise they would go this far to actually ban one of the memes that made it this popular of a game.

917e57 No.14183449


So I can only assume loli squad will be banned at some point. They're all various lolis that have red arm bands that say "loli squad" on them, and are a part of the largest let's players groups, driving the most traffic to their game. They ban loli squad and youtuber's like MatSix, Ryan1993uk, and Nagzz will all fuck off and the game will die.


I only have experience of VRchat through youtube videos. Do you play the game? You speak as if you have first hand knowledge. How do the mods work, are they visible avatars in that space? Are they confirmed SJWs?

e5bf86 No.14183486


I don't know if they are directly SJWs, but they ban people for really basic shit if it makes them mad. You can find a lot of youtube videos of them banning people for little to no reason. For example, one of the original people who started the Ugandan Knuckles thing got banned. Gazton got banned for sniffing the blood of a moderator for ebola which made the mod angry.

d10ea3 No.14183489

File: 1c155a76729e0bb⋯.jpg (122.14 KB, 1438x1415, 1438:1415, c2a4693b410150bcf73ba71980….jpg)


On the bright side, ruining the fun of everyone doesn't make the SJW any friends hastening their defeat. Or the industry will stay cucked and we'll find a new hobby.

ba950d No.14183500

File: 27f1d8d55df804b⋯.png (32.43 KB, 440x386, 220:193, scaryvivian.png)

File: 4aa02feb5d4b51e⋯.png (669.68 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, scaryviviananame.png)


This game is dead for such faggotry. Watch as the numbers fall.

92a290 No.14183503

File: ef5365064ad3bfa⋯.png (253.58 KB, 680x515, 136:103, Where Do You Think We Are ….png)


>we'll find a new hobby

Maybe in next life

e5bf86 No.14183516


The major problem is that the whole industry will either collapse or be overrun like you said unless SJWs fuck off and learn how to have fun. /tg/ shit is almost entirely cucked through the old guard becoming fags or being pushed out. Call of Cthulhu, Green Ronin, etc are all cucked. Even Warhammer is becoming like this since GW is trying to seem hip and cool to SJW fags. I still remember that cringe worthy apology for having boob plates on Sisters of Battle.

917e57 No.14183518


Something tells me the only safe way to "play" the game would be to be a silent anime girl, and avoid the mods altogether.

235c37 No.14183583

Man that halfchan spammer has gone right off the deep end. >>14183573

d10ea3 No.14183601

File: 9f309e30f79f9fc⋯.jpg (161.9 KB, 960x679, 960:679, 1339307587084.jpg)


There is still time. I practically abandoned vidya. Devs clearly don't want to escape the grips of the journos and SJW, they spat on all opportunities. I took the money I saved from buying games and learned to fly planes with it.

Still bought a Switch since I travel a lot by train and plane

92a290 No.14183604

File: d28f454067055d1⋯.png (629.08 KB, 1207x801, 1207:801, how pathetic...png)


This is fucking 29 years, MaleGoddess, and Johnny Monsarrat tier of autism.

caf30a No.14183615


What was the file he uploaded?

d10ea3 No.14183621


He got into our comfy space thread, like a niche of a niche.

235c37 No.14183643


Essentially a giant pic with a bunch of thread caps saying /v/ is in the pocket of nintendo. I didn't read very far.

92a290 No.14183650

File: 56c7f0135edab6f⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 398x433, 398:433, Absolutely proprietary.jpg)


>Still bought a Switch

>not buying literal hundreds of choice of portable hardwares with emulator that capable of running anything

>soon include Switch itself

I hope the proprietary hardware Switch™ rape you while you sleep

d10ea3 No.14183655


I wanted to play XC2.

92a290 No.14183664

File: 95b0f81f7860b0b⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 345x500, 69:100, sort of.jpg)



Doable reason but still not justifying lack of patience. Or you're richfag.

c765e8 No.14183683

File: acf4e145ac6a406⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1917x1075, 1917:1075, erin character sheet-.jpg)

File: a67f5ba3abd2cee⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 3044x1075, 3044:1075, erin dressup-.jpg)

This was made for femanons to cosplay.

d10ea3 No.14183707

File: f5909a7d1b6b66e⋯.jpg (141.42 KB, 500x375, 4:3, iwantout.jpg)


Yeah, I got spare income. I'm alone and volunteer at work for jobs in remote area with nice bonus since I don't have any attachment. I don't really want to have to deal with emulator and shit. I was happy to have my switch on my flight to Vancouver from Montreal. I like the console so far, it is a nice replacement for my Vita which I still consider one of the best handheld nobody bought. Fucking Sony dropped the ball hard with it.

92a290 No.14183737

File: e283be1baf9dfbb⋯.jpg (106.63 KB, 352x338, 176:169, the time has come and so h….jpg)


>those /fit/ tier Erin abs

945310 No.14183766

File: 6b47d94a3dd8218⋯.png (82.09 KB, 323x411, 323:411, wmg000005.png)


woman are revolting

235c37 No.14183771

File: 62f7e8fa8bc6edd⋯.gif (377.72 KB, 500x402, 250:201, thinking tomato.gif)


>three-link chain tattoo

Is white Korra a member of the Odd Fellows? And by extension the Illuminati?

e3298a No.14183777

File: 6ac59bce64db05e⋯.png (404.9 KB, 660x768, 55:64, 6ac59bce64db05e44b7a57acb5….png)


92a290 No.14183783

File: 5e76eabba449384⋯.jpg (110.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, checked.jpg)

>>14183777 (checked)

945310 No.14183801

File: c454742e4f69831⋯.jpg (736.97 KB, 800x1120, 5:7, 1418690038021-1.jpg)


its from bioshock you fucking mouth breathing retard



5c2d49 No.14183802

File: b03488d6a5ac995⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 300x213, 100:71, 1437848741316.gif)


>Vandalized by Eltonel

266907 No.14183805

File: d5233af5eb921b3⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1151x979, 1151:979, 1450193713418.png)

So nintendo box autist is spamming an image proving that he isnt a conplete retard and that mark is a super jew bent on world domination, but I have a question for the anons here. The fuck does /tech/, /cyoa/, and other boards have to do with it? It really only talks about /v/ and /pol/ in the image.

11ed05 No.14183812


Report and Ignore Anon.

917e57 No.14183815

File: 624e4f0e54db99e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.93 MB, 1505x875, 43:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Speaking of VRChat and second life, I just found an anime store in second life that I once found long ago. I never knew where it was, and just stumbled across it again. Only to find this note left behind.

You see, in the early days of second life a lot of people got lifetime memberships. That came with a certain amount of land, and thanks to it being a lifetime membership, they would always own the land. So now you find areas like this, places abandoned by the original owners. Empty stores, with years obsolete product on sale.

Money going to unwatched wallets.

92a290 No.14183822

File: 5199934f60e7f76⋯.png (151.73 KB, 366x380, 183:190, oh shit stalker what are y….png)


>actually taking that picture made by him seriously

>the Swami tier sperg nigger

I'm strongly suspect that guy was either Swami or MaleGoddess

f77b09 No.14183841

File: ed9b8ac9deb87f3⋯.jpg (300.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, good advice.jpg)


>vandalized by Eltonel

>condoms with a huge red X marked across it

266907 No.14183862

File: 19420db792df6ab⋯.jpg (18.96 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1462346173272.jpg)


I was more curious about it, as /cyoa/ is a small board. I heard there were only two idiots to go there and shit up the place, an anon going into every thread to post a dump he made, and some guy who probably was just finished with his first month of /pol/. I know it's just spam, but I guess the interest to know was a bit much.


Now that's a name I haven't heard of in a while.

551fc9 No.14183867

File: 080ddb497c6d0ff⋯.jpg (777.89 KB, 1000x1054, 500:527, 66807169_p0.jpg)

What in the fuck has been going on here?!

003109 No.14183872

File: f660cb259deac64⋯.jpeg (24.13 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 40CEF533-B6E5-439A-AEE8-8….jpeg)


What Mark doesn’t understand about shitposters like that is that he can use their inability to shut the fuck up after being banned to his advantage. That’s why 29 Years worked so well. If Swami hadn’t outed himself with his own ridiculous, embarrassing ban, he wouldn’t have literally been chased out with memes. He was far too vain to just take his buttfucking and go, so he took screenshots, spammed me and Acid Man, had a stroke on Twitter, and a fatal anal prolapse on this site. He had no one but himself to thank for making 29 Years a meme. So I advise him to slap a ludicrous ban on Swami-tier shitposters and let them embarrass themselves.

9999 in all fields, Yeast Jew.

92a290 No.14183874

File: 0869f37eadfd7f7⋯.jpg (249.55 KB, 956x1280, 239:320, WOW! It's nothing!.jpg)


>What in the fuck has been going on here?!


9f3188 No.14183876

File: 49cc13a9668dcca⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 1002x742, 501:371, 7d028890152df8f8f8d58aedbd….jpg)


>I hope the proprietary hardware Switch™ rape you while you sleep

That's the hope.

f77b09 No.14183879

File: 881677b1b65bb16⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 29 years.webm)


I still have that webm

2fe0f2 No.14183880


Every time!

181f1e No.14183887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning… We are the HOUSE OF TRUTH!

2fe0f2 No.14183897


>We are the HOUSE OF TRUTH!

Like at the end of Demento/Haunting Ground?


Ain't clickin that shit nigger.

551fc9 No.14183904

File: 21793b30c23951a⋯.png (84.73 KB, 1780x364, 445:91, Swami.PNG)

File: cdf6fd977b8f969⋯.png (1.72 MB, 874x7134, 437:3567, Swami owned.png)


Could he do the same to Marche since that welfare fur is a lesser Swami at this point?


I've also seen shitposting in multiple threads.


d10ea3 No.14183912


Most of the GGer who burned out had social media accounts. I think this is no coincidence. At least Drybones created gitgud.

551fc9 No.14183921


Isn't Drybones losing his shit at Mombot?

cc29e0 No.14183927

File: 769659ac23e2aff⋯.jpg (152.21 KB, 864x908, 216:227, Peace.jpg)



Eltonel is a gift from god.

d10ea3 No.14183933

File: 97d7d0dcb7dac4a⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1459308152494.jpg)


Don't know, I avoid social media like the plague. That's why I learned Drybones went crazy like a month after.

92a290 No.14183950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Social media is cancer that corrupting, killing the mankind from inside.

945310 No.14183959


no, he seems more annoyed about the other burnouts who have been losing theirshit at mombot saying stop trying to argue with GG supporters

the guys who are the burnouts who are arguing with mombot are the ayyfags who are TOTALLY IRONIC untill you make fun of them then they get super butthurt, like blade with his diabetes or calling one of the faggots gay or laughing at them for defending whomen SJWs

the same idiots who got butthurt at got me and scrump banned for laughing at that retard who was begging for $200 for food AND FALLOUT 4 DLC at the same time

181f1e No.14183963


>Sir Alex Ferguson

The man who doesn't give two flying fucks. Who's always boozed when going to coach the game and doing post-match inteviews. I love this man.

92a290 No.14183964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also every single one of SNS outlets are honeypot themselves.

321052 No.14183989


>I don't really want to have to deal with emulator and shit.

It isn't that hard.

Just some emulators are tedious to set up.

>Anything plugin-based

>Anything that emulate multiple consoles with some exceptions

<Exceptions: Dolphin and mGBA

>Emulators for most recent consoles

<Citra being worst of these

cc29e0 No.14183990

File: f8cd21060aafb85⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1500x950, 30:19, GirlsLastTourDrive.jpg)


>Exploring the abandoned shells of virtual meeting spaces, homes and storefronts, that were actually built and used for those purposes in a virtual space, then actually abandoned, forgotten, only to be rediscovered by you long after the fact.

Thats honestly kind of neato.

003109 No.14184027

File: 00fe8328a1b6458⋯.jpeg (127.54 KB, 736x1040, 46:65, 1C3434FB-D6B5-4508-AAC0-8….jpeg)

May 2015 was a great time. DeepFreeze got off the ground, we birthed the DF Twins, and Swami got fucked. We all got a lot of shit done. That reminds me, my birthday is in a few hours

ba950d No.14184030

File: 428aa0a8bc69b3b⋯.jpg (132.55 KB, 410x520, 41:52, 1a33b98209af2bea6a08cc2a6e….jpg)


Tell me the full story of Second Life. How did it die?

2fe0f2 No.14184037


Happy birthday faggot.

You and Gook are the only tolerable identityfags, and Gook isn't an identityfag voluntarily.

92a290 No.14184049

File: e789333c0d4a2ab⋯.jpg (886.21 KB, 950x870, 95:87, 63514003_p0.jpg)

File: 1d6c5692ec61ffa⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2087x1307, 2087:1307, 65513509_p0.jpg)

File: df7ae595f1cbe2a⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2436x2790, 406:465, 65611258_p0.jpg)

File: 4f3147c7cb1bfbc⋯.jpg (597.78 KB, 1000x1240, 25:31, 66345414_p0.jpg)

File: 2be7d2a760e9670⋯.png (738.19 KB, 1111x881, 1111:881, 66379745_p0.png)


>my birthday is in a few hours

Have some early birthday gift, corpsefucker.

a1896b No.14184056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<<Aren't you glad you're still alive?>>

Happy birthday reafag

19f147 No.14184058


Happy Birthday you magnificent wordsmith.

d10ea3 No.14184066

File: dcbba7224c82c77⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dcbba7224c82c77ff40eb5150d….jpg)


Happy Birthday, you a wizard yet?

181f1e No.14184112

File: d041e27fcf200b5⋯.jpg (74.18 KB, 540x480, 9:8, Ai Kizuna Happy Fucking Bi….jpg)

321052 No.14184124


Happy Birthday, faggot.

ea8871 No.14184127

File: c6446967d9b419e⋯.jpg (6.77 MB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, viv3birthday .jpg)

ac2bf6 No.14184130

File: a82a5b03bbe6214⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1917x1075, 1917:1075, WankoHappy.png)


happy birthday for then

c08afa No.14184150


Maybe I should close mine before I flip a tit too.

917e57 No.14184155


Well, it hasn't actually died, it's just out of the public light. You know how right now VRChat is a meme game and everyone is playing it? Imagine it 14 years from now, with a steadily growing user base still, and a dedicated core group of users, but nobody pays attention to it anymore outside of that. Second life still persists. At any given time there are around 40k to 60k people logged in. There are active clusters of communities. But it's so huge. It's about 1528.76 square km, so the world feels empty at times. But like this anon >>14183990 points out, this empty world with it's deep history and small pockets of active communities is fascinating to explore.

ba950d No.14184163


Sounds like traveling through a post apocalyptic world with groups of survivors.

003109 No.14184168

File: 5930d445898286d⋯.jpeg (15.51 KB, 289x225, 289:225, E90E091F-8B16-4CCE-A9BA-4….jpeg)


Nope, I’m a youngfag so I still have a ways to go


And I just thought Rea was really cute but everyone started calling me Reanon. I find people have less of a problem with an identity if it’s born organically, as in, created by the people that interact with it rather than the holder of that identity. Gook’s fun to shitpost with in Japanese too.


Thanks anon! Some of you guys have more Rea pics than me (and rarer too)









917e57 No.14184174


Better, those survivors are by and large crazy now, and they build the craziest and amazing shit.

92a290 No.14184178

File: e1ff4a1ee7f571c⋯.png (47.54 KB, 356x203, 356:203, spoonfeeding the aussy fur….png)


>Thanks anon! Some of you guys have more Rea pics than me (and rarer too)


2fe0f2 No.14184198


Give me the autistic yuri story with the angels and shit.

I know you saved it somewhere.

93eb4f No.14184212

File: 7da7d0fada08708⋯.png (1.99 KB, 400x400, 1:1, huh.png)


>1000km is one Mm but 1000 square km is 0.001 square Mm

Funny how that works.

b23576 No.14184220


remind me of people back on 4/x/ pre exodus diggin stuff on Worlds.com

003109 No.14184239


Actually, that was the one story I destroyed after creating, as part of its finale. The normalfags were impressed and thought it was the deepest, most meangful shit ever. So, no. It’s gone.

932c0a No.14184250

File: bfafe73fafa1b8e⋯.jpg (334.74 KB, 1400x1920, 35:48, 1512546332753.jpg)


>6'0 ft with 7inch pepper

>uncontrollably turned on by insanely tall/ amazon type girls

I guess I am pretty sedentary though which doesn't help.

b3b658 No.14184273

File: 7ef8184880cfba2⋯.jpg (87.07 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Nishijima 01.jpg)



My fetish are woman of my same height or little, I'm 176 Cm by the way

92a290 No.14184295

File: c265d0014c8043d⋯.png (238.75 KB, 856x476, 214:119, the chance he's never aske….png)


>I'm 176 Cm by the way

Never asked anon. No point of sharing your height, unless you're gayman and likes to fuck men.

2fe0f2 No.14184299


Bullshit. You have some attachment to it, no matter how terrible you think it was, and have it saved somewhere for posterity.

181f1e No.14184315

File: a7031fd3d0bd0cd⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Derp 2.jpg)


>MFW I'm only listed at 167cm

I know, I'm a manlet.

945310 No.14184323



im a girl btw

fb5dac No.14184331


>At any given time there are around 40k to 60k people logged in

So it's still more active than Battleborn and Lawbreakers.


You know the rules, Anon.

2fe0f2 No.14184334


have to have some*

791707 No.14184335

File: 0a8548a7adbe275⋯.png (331.87 KB, 614x592, 307:296, 65261889_p8.png)


Post your pepper

003109 No.14184349


Nope, I really did destroy it and there’s absolutely no trace of it left, only an explanation of the twist at the climax for those that missed it. The story itself is gone, my man

062925 No.14184350


I think you are talking to the anon who thinks he is a pretty girl when he wears a dress.

92a290 No.14184353

File: be0554b772a38b3⋯.png (369.9 KB, 832x868, 208:217, very angry magical loli.png)


a1896b No.14184356


You can always get fit to balance out the height.

2fe0f2 No.14184361


t. manlet

d10ea3 No.14184377

File: 4f76bdeb2b5743f⋯.jpg (47.5 KB, 625x374, 625:374, 1355273217658.jpg)

>165cm here

>my sister in heels is taller than me

>makes me feel inadequate

b3b658 No.14184397


Don't feel bad about height until you see Takuya Egushi (japanese seiyuu) height, then you will feel inadequate.

062925 No.14184400


A 12yo shouldn't be posting here

c08afa No.14184412


That must be terrible. My sister is so tiny I can carry her over my shoulder, and so autistic that I have had to do that in the past.

92a290 No.14184414

File: cb41da551c68e58⋯.png (47.18 KB, 588x618, 98:103, manlett.png)

b3b658 No.14184434

File: 7f331b385707c77⋯.jpg (91.3 KB, 640x800, 4:5, KTKM 04.jpg)



this brings the question, when are you not considered a Manlet? at 170 or 175 Cm?

791707 No.14184439


I'll join you anon.


You get the bullet first.



You two follow.

2fe0f2 No.14184449


t. manlet

1036ef No.14184456

File: 338e4d51e369ccd⋯.jpg (69.39 KB, 720x960, 3:4, c45b0843634041b972955774e4….jpg)


Anyone below 6'2 is a manlet

b3b658 No.14184464


t. lanklet

2fe0f2 No.14184467


She has nice fake tits.

d10ea3 No.14184479

File: 3ff3964675caa98⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 540x429, 180:143, 1452261180960.jpg)


This is the price me and my sister paid for our mother to muddle her Russian blood with french Canadian blood.

791707 No.14184483


>User's legs were amputated for this post

74346c No.14184489

File: 287edb414d93c32⋯.jpg (110.51 KB, 600x850, 12:17, 1423525672713.jpg)


I like short girls.

bddec9 No.14184514

File: 6f5fc5969dd081a⋯.png (1008.34 KB, 673x875, 673:875, gm_bigcity0000.jpg_(JPEG_I….png)


My grandma muddled her french canadian blood with irish blood. Would that make me a poutine nigger?

003109 No.14184559

File: 33aebe260da1b41⋯.jpeg (96.03 KB, 720x898, 360:449, 1734F843-7882-4A63-BE8D-F….jpeg)

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 8EDAB583-1D27-480B-83B8-3….jpeg)

File: 75640880175aaa5⋯.jpeg (117.34 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, C2F2D246-FCEC-4A6E-9ADD-C….jpeg)

File: c0b8359b00ff589⋯.jpeg (149.92 KB, 1200x870, 40:29, A2FBD5BD-DC84-4911-B879-F….jpeg)

File: 9a6623eb0724540⋯.jpeg (147.37 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, AF82DFB5-30A9-4501-B1A5-7….jpeg)




Now that’s a challenge

551fc9 No.14184560


Fun fact most of you Quebec frogs are more Anglo or Celtic then frog while for some fucking reason people in North Ontario have more pure french blood. How the fuck that happened is beyond me.

8e416d No.14184609


Is 5'9 considered a manlet?

a1896b No.14184630


You're one inch away of being the king of the manlets.

3bbb10 No.14184653


Then that makes me a manlet god at 5'8.75.

d10ea3 No.14184662


Irish blood is alright.


Had something to do with assimilation if I remember well. The English tried to mix more English in French areas but ended up falling for the French maid meme.

Funfact: Most of the women sent to the colonies by the French were prostitutes.

87761c No.14184703



Gildafag posted Gilda after the Nintendo Mini-direct, where they complained of how NISA still got more localization roles and how the email campaign was a failure. They don't do it as much anymore but that doesn't mean they completely stopped.




People would hate Mark a lot more if every other BO on 8ch didn't turn out to be a massive sperg that ruined their own board. /v/ is one of the few boards to have kept the same BO and stayed stable for all these years compared to other boards which either cycled BOs or tanked their board completely. Mark is not perfect but I suspect this is why he is tolerated.


>Critical Hit

This sounds very familiar.


Why do SJWs ruin everything?

3b68ef No.14184705


you were not going to dump some set pics and then just not dump the rest were you?

11ed05 No.14184717



Found the second grader.

551fc9 No.14184742

File: d29f13de6f5e7ef⋯.png (104.14 KB, 1773x312, 591:104, mark in a nutshell.PNG)


> Nintendo Mini-direct, where they complained of how NISA still got more localization roles and how the email campaign was a failure.

This shit takes fucking time and doesn't work in a day or month.

> Mark is not perfect but I suspect this is why he is tolerated.

Pic related

a1896b No.14184744

File: d1059db31855355⋯.png (755.11 KB, 590x800, 59:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a218b899b1f1451⋯.png (1.25 MB, 717x1000, 717:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 849fcac1a3d2ab3⋯.png (3.82 MB, 1418x2000, 709:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45af7ce5aa94373⋯.png (924.75 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


If there's any consolation, you're not short like that Destiny dude. Have some cute girls.

65cdf2 No.14184787

>'This sucks hard': Smaller YouTubers feel screwed by the new monetisation rules


bddec9 No.14184806

File: 05ef304104d2cea⋯.png (294.63 KB, 718x430, 359:215, index3.png)


So are they gonna sperg out on paul-man for this like they did with pewdiepie and the ads?

3bbb10 No.14184823

File: bffbe0d8aa7bc51⋯.jpg (146.38 KB, 535x750, 107:150, Urusei-Yatsura-_-Lum-rumik….jpg)




Sounds to me like YT is losing money but don't want to punish Logan Paul or any big players.


I doubt it, mainly because Logan Paul is too big and kosher i.e., no right-wing opinions as far as I know for that, and he hasn't acted like a jackass towards "marginalized persons".

d69583 No.14184834


>Sounds to me like YT is losing money but don't want to punish Logan Paul or any big players.

Because the moment they fuck over the big players is the moment they lose all the people they're trying to shill Internet TV to. Even though absolutely fucking no one goes to YouTube for shit you would see on TV.

fb5dac No.14184844


I'd hope. The fact he's trying to ask his fans for a second chance, instead of the people he inconvenienced, and the fact his co-workers and his own damn father call everyone who was rightfully pissed about this 'haters', and the fact Jewgle's not gonna do jack shit on him, instead fucking over everyone else, just goes to show how spoiled some of the big YouTubers are.

f06d97 No.14184851


Happy Birthday, anon. Aug 2014 onwards has been nothing but laughs.

d69583 No.14184858


The fact that his own fucking father would excuse the way his son behaved while in a foreign country honestly says everything I need to know about his family.

95cd2d No.14184866


>Set up business to get fake followers for youtubers

>Get around the simpler bot filter algorithms by occasionally making each account watch several random videos of its subscriptions

Good job google.

And this really fucks over the occasional uploaders who get a single viral video but have too little subscribers to count for it.

Did they ever do anything about the Finger Family thing?

023ee7 No.14184878

File: 27c849c9d4c7f29⋯.png (1.6 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Finally youtube's gonna die. They're hemorrhaging

60893d No.14184883


>And this really fucks over the occasional uploaders who get a single viral video but have too little subscribers to count for it.

"What?!? You mean allow any random goy to gain a high amount of attention at any random moment rather than our specifically selected group gaining attention at specifically selected times?"

855243 No.14184908

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Speaking of fucking over big players, one of those "science experiment" channels, King of Random, with 9 million subs is looking at a felony charge for setting off dry ice bombs, and some powder he claims to not know the contents of. Seeing as he's teaching people how to make them by just describing a dry ice bomb, it might be worth keeping an eye on how youtube handles it.

Archive of a local news site speaking about it. The hooktube is AVE, a machinist channel I enjoy talking about it.


9f3188 No.14184944

File: afb0e689e3f31af⋯.png (3.55 KB, 515x40, 103:8, 2_men_face_felonies_for_sc….png)


Holy shit, is this a thing?

d10ea3 No.14184959

File: 832e2038a767d57⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 390x700, 39:70, 1453491412429.jpg)



In the quest for more views, more click and more shekels mistakes and sacrifices will be made. That's what big youtuber who are looking at a retirement in poverty if they don't find a real career think.

0772ec No.14185012


That's not such a good thing to look forward to when there's no viable alternative waiting in the wings. MSM is actively salivating at the prospect of the main source of "alternative media" dying so they can re-establish their control.

945310 No.14185029


i dont see a problem with cumming inside ya step sister like I dont like real woman anyway but they are not related so not really a big deal

or are you one of those faggots who fucking tag "incest" to fucking step mom dojinshis

if so fuck you

d10ea3 No.14185034


Stepsister isn't blood related so it's awright.

d35b26 No.14185035



>Not full

>Not even half

Shit tier

003109 No.14185041

File: e8fb50c45c0db5b⋯.jpeg (44.95 KB, 691x648, 691:648, 567B98AC-2424-4F6F-AFD2-0….jpeg)


>step sister

What a garbage hentai you’re in. It means nothing and step sisters are generally easy to coerce into doing dumb shit

d10ea3 No.14185044

File: e51585602264997⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 281x200, 281:200, 1459899715655.jpg)


>fucking tag "incest" to fucking step mom dojinshis

Absolute degenerates.




One day I'll tell you guys about my teenage years sharing a room with my twin sister.

nothing happened

945310 No.14185046


my sister and 4 of her friends pinned me down once when I was 12 and pulled down my pants to see my penis

I cried

95cd2d No.14185081


Huh, long term cohabitation is suppose to lower sexual attraction over time. It's why families don't fuck each other and people get tired of marriages past the honeymoon phase.

023ee7 No.14185084

File: af8c43a5296a635⋯.png (251.75 KB, 1099x445, 1099:445, ClipboardImage.png)


lol is your friend nafedude

(pic related, Nathan Heinze aka Nafedude)

5021d3 No.14185110

File: da7e4498090ff27⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 600x600, 1:1, i verified it.jpg)

29b1c2 No.14185147

181f1e No.14185169

File: 018c0cf8b2fb91c⋯.png (301.17 KB, 615x346, 615:346, Broken Matt What 2.png)




9cfe9c No.14185211

File: 528b4447d9b55cb⋯.jpg (307.63 KB, 915x678, 305:226, 1420973014062.jpg)


6'4" is king of manlets, official non manlet status is 6'5"

Out of the way manlets pefect height here

5021d3 No.14185212

95cd2d No.14185218

File: 11d47850bec7d50⋯.jpg (527.58 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, akogilda.jpg)

Since the thread is already off topic, or maybe this could be TD related:

Is there a word or phrase for "someone who doesn't know/can't speak a language" or "the state of not knowing a language."

Something similar to illiteracy but not solely for reading/writing.

d10ea3 No.14185221


Try your luck at the thot too.

9cfe9c No.14185230


You're jealous aren't you anon?

ba950d No.14185238

File: aa08d8c4137cb14⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 680x822, 340:411, VRchat is DEAD!.jpg)

fb605e No.14185246

74346c No.14185272

File: 25a29732e9ff6a6⋯.jpg (168.6 KB, 758x529, 758:529, 009.jpg)


They're step-siblings so there's literally nothing wrong with what they did. It's like fucking your childhood friend who you grew up with.

003109 No.14185278

File: 0c020f878ab8ec2⋯.jpeg (93.8 KB, 622x800, 311:400, 7AE79F88-4BB4-4D05-A8A9-2….jpeg)


Not really. Except for those with some sort of impairment like severe, global aphasia, everyone can speak at least one language, so there’s never been a word for someone who can’t speak a specific language other than their mother tongue. You just have to say they don’t speak the language you’re talking about or use an agrammatical variant of words like Fluent to describe it.

95cd2d No.14185281


It'd be funny if people set up an e-protest.

>Take a normal human model

>Put a shirt with Ugandan knuckles on it or similar

>Get picket signs reading "DIS IS NOT DA WAE" and "FREE THE UGANDAN CLICK!"

>People waving the ugandan flag or one of kunckle's white chest crest

>Get bunch of people to do the similar

003109 No.14185287


>Not being 8’4 at the very least

Fucking midgets all of you

9cfe9c No.14185294

File: 42fc9f927b4353b⋯.png (561.16 KB, 915x678, 305:226, 1421016117773.png)


Oops posted the wrong chart in my other post

>tfw perfect height

ba950d No.14185295


VRchat needs a raid like Habbo Hotel. Chat's closed.

ea8871 No.14185308

File: 12b71c7ca1648d7⋯.webm (6.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pain never stops.webm)





>tfw no step-sister/childhood friend to love and marry

360e18 No.14185314


>he doesnt wanna fuck his step mom

60893d No.14185331

File: fe3932acdfb91e1⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 4.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Stargate_Origins_-_teaser.mp4)

File: 71e26c9533ab95c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.21 MB, 1616x5104, 101:319, 1509275323115.jpg)

You people ready to lose hope? >>>/stargate/5

Also, YAY, we have a Stargate board now.

825c29 No.14185338

File: 1a50592b051bfa4⋯.jpg (39.53 KB, 495x609, 165:203, a kilogram of lumber is he….jpg)


SG anon pls I don't need this heartache in my life right now

9cfe9c No.14185339


Well, it's no surprise really, Stargate went downhill after SG1

60893d No.14185340


I'm not SG1anon. I just found the board through the the taskbar roullette.

d69583 No.14185341


It doesn't even have VR required as a barrier to entry, it's entirely possible.

363e06 No.14185346

File: 18be49e97baa00a⋯.webm (170.53 KB, 850x480, 85:48, NO.webm)




That's not not me

a1896b No.14185362




I'm surprised no one that uses VRchat is protesting about this especially the people that started the thing.

95cd2d No.14185378


Ah, I reread my post.

I didn't mean 'not knowing any language at all', just a specific language. Say, like if someone washed ashore a foreign country or someone has a very heavy accent. It's strange there isn't a word for it considering language-proficiency terms like fluency and literacy, with the latter having the "illiterate" variant.

I want to cut down on word count/volume to fit more. I'll put a prefix on "fluent" then.

There are feral kids and isolated uncivilized people by the way.

95cd2d No.14185417


The Knuckles modeler said he was really getting fed up with it. Banning the model outright is stupid if people ever mellow out of memeing but still want to use it.



Is the meme still alive on VRchat to spread a protest?

65cdf2 No.14185455

File: 0f27c23a0398bbd⋯.jpg (258.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, good luck.jpg)

Bloomberg: "Shinzo Abe's Party Wants Japan Ready for Video Games in Olympics"


>Takeo Kawamura, a lawmaker from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party, said the ruling party might be willing to go further, by amending laws to ensure people’s rights to earn a living playing games. The goal, he said, is to remove impediments and make it possible to win Olympic medals someday.

>“If we need more legal wiggle room to hold tournaments, we can use a special law or other provisions as needed,” Kawamura said in an interview this week. “Once we have a gold medalist like, say, Daichi Suzuki, then people will begin to see” that video games are a sport, he said, referring to the celebrated Japanese swimmer

>Japan is quickly laying the groundwork to catch up. At the Olympic committee’s urging, the four e-sports industry groups announced in September that they’re merging to lobby more effectively for paid gaming. In November, lawmakers from both the LDP and the opposition formed a coalition supporting e-sports, with Kawamura as its chairman. Then the following month, the industry announced plans to start issuing licenses to exempt professionals from gambling laws, similar to Japan’s approach to professional golf, baseball and tennis players

>E-sports won’t be part of Tokyo’s 2020 summer games, but Kawamura said Japan’s Olympic Committee and the Tokyo city government have signed-off on holding huge tournaments in the runup to the games.

60893d No.14185481


How is that going to counter this from last September?

>Video Games Are Apparently Too Violent For The Olympics, But Jiujitsu, Boxing And Wrestling Are Not



b0318c No.14185506

File: 4e5baf255897fab⋯.png (279.25 KB, 600x771, 200:257, tumblr_p1xp31Z4c51tp8xs6o2….png)


8e416d No.14185513



11ed05 No.14185516

File: 4365336553d3d5b⋯.jpg (722.01 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)




b0318c No.14185525



What makes you think I am that furry?

181f1e No.14185531

File: 8aee045bfd28fbc⋯.jpg (64.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kazuchika Okada Champ.jpg)


I'm nominating The Rainmaker to be the next president of the USA.

b0318c No.14185545


He's a foreigner, he doesn't get to run.

1b147a No.14185552


Does japan even have much of a 'e-sports' scene?

181f1e No.14185562

File: 7ebb6318df6b17f⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Kazuchika Okada Patriot.jpg)


But anon, he loves America!

4693b4 No.14185563

File: 2ecbd41a2c87f7c⋯.png (272.29 KB, 568x483, 568:483, Th145Shinmyoumaru.png)


I'm obligated by law to vote for my TH14.5/TH15.5 main.

062925 No.14185580


Are you a different furry?

95cd2d No.14185590

File: 015fae0af4ed969⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 666.89 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 64211660_p0.png)


Just the tip.

4693b4 No.14185604

File: af7121877c10700⋯.jpg (196.63 KB, 500x463, 500:463, 1392743003716.jpg)


wow rude.

b3b658 No.14185647

And with that… Good bye Bato.to, it was good while you lasted, and I hate you to see you go just right when thr manga about thr Cake Idols started to be transla

a04c8d No.14185649

b3b658 No.14185650

File: d9eee0cf56a255e⋯.png (463.6 KB, 1000x781, 1000:781, Reaction.png)


*Ted, press enter by accident, now anons, Press F to pay respect, hope the replacement come soon.

92604f No.14185653


Wait is Ugandan Knuckles banned now?

4693b4 No.14185656

File: 5e9d0b819fe7562⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5e9d0b819fe75624f7ced56237….png)


it's still up on my end

>tfw there were people going around spoiling various series that finished in japan but haven't finished translating since it was the last day

ea8871 No.14185664

File: 383f6948b4972fc⋯.png (195.24 KB, 980x1268, 245:317, 1465637711398.png)

95cd2d No.14185665

File: c571ec20096b3a7⋯.jpg (220.7 KB, 800x700, 8:7, 5eb0762e0d59a8d0755c49765b….jpg)


I jest, friend.

Shinmyoumaru is a 10/10 waifu, but I have my own.

b3b658 No.14185676

File: d9906ba015f2138⋯.jpg (344.77 KB, 1167x992, 1167:992, It's that all.jpg)

Also, remember to Shill MangaDex.com, is the possible replace to Bato.to, Is made by some Guy named Doki, as far as /g/ and /tech/ go, they will probably support him, half /a/ seems to know him and they say that he is hated by the cartel, don't know the reason though.

932c0a No.14185683


>the biggest cluster is all over civic

Makes perfect sense

551fc9 No.14185701


He a sjweeb who is hated by fellow sjweebs or is he just a non sjweeb?

945310 No.14185729


>leaderfagging this hard

can you not?

551fc9 No.14185755

File: 9764b17a1f10a24⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 360x374, 180:187, niggra what.jpg)


>talking about an alt coming up is leader fagging

739de9 No.14185776


>This was made for femanons to cosplay.

I'm not a femanon

4c6a8b No.14185783

File: 89d9e6bd5cde3e0⋯.png (242.8 KB, 660x349, 660:349, turdworldcountry.png)

739de9 No.14185792

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra says "we will prosecute" employers who help federal immigration authorities as they seek to enforce immigration laws



fd37b9 No.14185798


I hate it when the GG threads get too shitpost-y and off topic.

92604f No.14185809


This is the exact time to shitpost though.

739de9 No.14185820


It's too late to shitpost

95cd2d No.14185828

File: f0f6a7b078d9026⋯.png (369.5 KB, 1035x870, 69:58, 66765119_p0.png)

Who's baking?

92604f No.14185830

File: 4abf0d00634e7f4⋯.jpg (233.2 KB, 1000x1438, 500:719, neon gogo.jpg)



9cfe9c No.14185831

File: 355d272e8193d54⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Crib.png)



Quick post cribbage to 700

363e06 No.14185835

File: 68e7fcc2cfe5704⋯.webm (597.22 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Do you not find me attrac….webm)


But I want to sleep so badly

a82e00 No.14185838


Your post was 701 so does that mean you lose?

9cfe9c No.14185844


Yes, also because I lost that game

92604f No.14185851

>no baker

>dead thread


4693b4 No.14185860


I will never understand how to play that game

9cfe9c No.14185885


There's two main play phases, in the first phase you and the opponent alternate laying cards until the cards add up to 31. You get points for layin cards to add to 15, for laying doubles, triples, straights and for getting 31 or laying the last card. Then in the next phase you count your cards and attempt to make 15s, you get 2 points for every 15 you make, 2 for a pair etc etc.

c5daa5 No.14185887

fuck if you guys want to let a (1) do it I can do it. Anything to add in the OP?

54b4ab No.14185905

File: be88bffeeac2375⋯.gif (63.01 KB, 220x200, 11:10, mai_idle3.gif)


ninja tiddies

c5daa5 No.14185921

New Bread

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

New Bread

9cfe9c No.14185922


Go ahead, just make sure to add stuff from the Current OP and don't just use the standard wiki one

22a863 No.14186025


Hollywood isn't as good as it use to. Like they'll soft-reboot anything with their political agenda just to get all those braindead normies in line for a quick buck.

They don't wanna make a movie that's original or has any heart put into it anymore. It's all just generic trash.

4c6a8b No.14186036


Are you a different furry?>>14186025

>They don't wanna make a movie that's original or has any heart put into it anymore. It's all just generic trash.

The "idea" people are no longer employed by Jewywood. Only yes men.

87761c No.14186619


>doesn't know what leaderfagging is

34409c No.14187964


By the way Switch is getting an emulator from the makers of Citra (3DS emulator).


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