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798f23 No.14170678

>Current Happenings:




1. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


2. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




3. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

4. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


5ab3fa No.14170698

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

1c9d1f No.14170700

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

798f23 No.14170705

File: 61ee2818133020a⋯.webm (11.36 MB, 640x480, 4:3, dtp-jp.webm)

Archive of before bread:


a9231c No.14170708

File: 45bed382806d5dd⋯.png (250 KB, 936x594, 52:33, Gook comes out of the clos….png)


01f2f7 No.14170709

File: 91ec1a4ff133452⋯.jpg (595.52 KB, 1768x1840, 221:230, Astolfo.jpg)


It's inconsistent a lot of times. Irregular plurals and verbs. Like porn is the plural of porn. Work with those. Is/be/are tend to be irregular in a lot of romantic languages.

You also have problems with verb tenses and subject-verb agreement.

1c9d1f No.14170711

File: c6f9e6d0337845e⋯.jpg (161.55 KB, 600x630, 20:21, c1bc6019066441243ce33f0a3a….jpg)

File: 28a11d2e60ba976⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 604x513, 604:513, 961942f1647b7d5ae77126f15b….jpg)

File: 629ecf040e61eaa⋯.jpg (396.42 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 37041379_p12_master1200.jpg)

File: b6faed002a33248⋯.jpg (88.06 KB, 800x1101, 800:1101, IMG_0827.JPG)

File: c31f232321513d0⋯.jpg (88.02 KB, 627x830, 627:830, 29d1b38305b0ae5f53bbf863a5….jpg)


246c5e No.14170723

File: a35af0bcacabd31⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 800x442, 400:221, 07d3f9f60294f287294efad954….jpg)

He's gone, boys.

73f81f No.14170728

There is still a worthless woman studies paper waiting for you. Yeah, the board contains some far out books about far out topics. Its /pol/. They might be always right in some aspects but they are not the sharpest pen in the Lavra. :^)



Short answer: Heresy (in the WH 40K)

Long answer: A rare occult book with very cruddy doctrines we don't believe anymore since the we started to listen to the Church and her Scholars. I am pretty sure there are a lot of ideas the Church Fathers have fought against, because they are frankly pretty insane.

3f106f No.14170732

File: cc723b27f92b53d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.29 MB, 1979x1587, 1979:1587, Danielle_Beach.png)


>Like porn is the plural of porn

Porn is actually a mass noun, like water, air, land, and data.

bb575f No.14170735

File: 8ddf24b0ac844ca⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 600x501, 200:167, ChaOBbxWwAE-rns.jpg)

Buggered Butt Mechanics

a9231c No.14170743


This has not been a good week for him. First his fans got doxed Thanks to him, then this.

20978e No.14170748

File: 7b691de28d5b31d⋯.png (116.69 KB, 241x276, 241:276, 7b691de28d5b31d71c61021176….png)

All of you are worthless faggot who love the faggot jew nigger cock.

798f23 No.14170752

File: e6bddd0ebbe92c0⋯.png (29.82 KB, 1559x235, 1559:235, Deus Vult 1.png)

File: 7815b7bcad0fac8⋯.png (165.15 KB, 1556x712, 389:178, Deus Vult 2.png)

File: a4607448fc425ef⋯.png (268.96 KB, 1562x721, 1562:721, Deus Vult 3.png)

File: 4a39628cb8c9c53⋯.png (70.89 KB, 560x199, 560:199, Deus Vult 4.png)

File: a75d8e25d7d8d56⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DEUS VULT DEUS VULT DEUS V….mp4)


>A rare occult book with very cruddy doctrines we don't believe anymore since the we started to listen to the Church and her Scholars. I am pretty sure there are a lot of ideas the Church Fathers have fought against, because they are frankly pretty insane.

Basically, the reason why the crusades happened.

bc584f No.14170754

File: 15c5cfe916a53d6⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 655x902, 655:902, DoubtfullMario.jpg)


Who is?

2b72cd No.14170759

hy gamergate,

can someone explainn to me who or what H.A.N.K. is?

66e73b No.14170764


He's this guy that lives in Texas and sells propane for a living

c998b4 No.14170768

File: 8fffb41fe9b6164⋯.jpg (478.71 KB, 595x842, 595:842, MikaP 04.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles halfchan /g/ and our /tech/ are on it, looking for a name so everyone should vote

- http://poal.me/e9bqfc

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

fd0a58 No.14170771

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

5ab3fa No.14170772

File: e54383645d22ce4⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, who.jpg)

01f2f7 No.14170776

File: afe7804bc3eacdc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 108.28 KB, 480x800, 3:5, 68a3e1bd1e27d21a310f3f73d3….jpg)


I wasn't aware of that grouping.

Data is the plural of datum, by the way. But that word is rarely used so it may as well be a mass noun.

66e73b No.14170795


Early thread and late thread tend to be, but what is H.A.N.K in regards to? Where have you heard of it? I could do some digging if you give me some more information

5ab3fa No.14170799

01f2f7 No.14170800


We've gotten a lot more shitposting recently, but it's nomrla early thread. The amount during midthread gives me the impression that people aren't digging nor emailing that.

798f23 No.14170803

File: 25c4a5e8070a55f⋯.png (46.03 KB, 374x228, 187:114, Calm Before Storm.png)


>Is this threads just shitposting or what?


33e4f6 No.14170804

File: cc0592f80cb9e81⋯.jpg (1.07 KB, 100x100, 1:1, 1461774740266.jpg)



>shitty elementary grammar.

2b72cd No.14170815


OP is old as fuck and oudated as hell. Nothing gets done since years. I don't even understand why this topic is made when the actually discussion in these threads are so far off the road.



some weird PR bot, i didn't read a lot about. Still lurking the pol thread about it but since it has to do with fuck ups from the gaming industry i thought anons from here would know it. I wasn't aware of the shithole this became. sorry.

c30f6b No.14170816

File: 7cdee79816a7a2d⋯.jpg (340.73 KB, 1125x1001, 1125:1001, DSP in a nutshell.jpg)


And both instances are because of him being a greedy, money-grubbing piece of shit.

5ab3fa No.14170819

File: ef5365064ad3bfa⋯.png (253.58 KB, 680x515, 136:103, Where Do You Think We Are ….png)


>I wasn't aware of the shithole this became

>zero self awareness

66e73b No.14170820


>Still lurking the pol thread about it but since it has to do with fuck ups from the gaming industry

Thanks for the tip

798f23 No.14170826

File: 3364791d750566c⋯.png (567.62 KB, 1494x1080, 83:60, bully.png)

Be aware that 2b72cd is a faggot otherwise he'd already know what "H.A.N.K." possibly is if he really did browse the /pol/ thread as he claims.

5ab3fa No.14170833

File: c29953e38c7f12e⋯.png (85.03 KB, 492x280, 123:70, Doubt 2.png)

>those 3 posts


You won't get any (You)s

66e73b No.14170835


> calm your tits

>ass weird

Where the fuck are you from

33e4f6 No.14170838

File: 36432bfc7d653cc⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 293x316, 293:316, 1400184652969.jpg)


Your shiftkey is broken Anon.

33e4f6 No.14170842


Probably Reddit.

780aaf No.14170843


>did browse the /pol/ thread as he claims.

/pol/ is cancer, why would anyone visit that place? /pol/ is full of normies, retards and degenerates.

by the way, Eltonel published something good lately?

33e4f6 No.14170846

File: fa23b82967dd02c⋯.png (234.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Look at this fag.png)




33e4f6 No.14170848

File: a8ab5e52ced3be4⋯.png (192.88 KB, 400x300, 4:3, IMG_0097.PNG)



>/pol/ is full of normies

>he's vpn jumping now

e19565 No.14170854

File: edff9c5a609e712⋯.jpg (183.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smug mom.jpg)



>smoke some ass weird horse hair


That's Reddit alright.

9441f3 No.14170857

File: 39badbec77202b3⋯.jpg (120.41 KB, 750x750, 1:1, costanza dressed as agiri ….jpg)


5ab3fa No.14170862

File: 7c6d71bdd4cde23⋯.jpg (412.59 KB, 717x880, 717:880, back to reddit.jpg)

>guise what is or who is no one fucking cares and no one ever heard about


>it's PR bot, don't you know? Why are you so uninformed?

>we don't care about a fucking PR bot

>/pol/ talking about it! HOW SHITHOLE THIS PLACE BECAME!

>ctrl+f /pol/ H.A.N.K

>zero result

>fuck off with your bait

>clam your tits! why are you so upset? you smoke some ass weird horse hair?


The only thing wrong about this thread is your existence

33e4f6 No.14170868

File: 04232ceae673e28⋯.jpg (176.25 KB, 717x880, 717:880, get out.jpg)


Anon use the updated image.

5ab3fa No.14170878

File: d04ffb77c497747⋯.jpg (77.83 KB, 590x531, 10:9, confused castle.jpg)

What the fuck is PR bot anyway?

55cfed No.14170879


>4CHAN presents

I'll give you your (you) because it was a creative way to receive it

246c5e No.14170890

File: 2b91408f280e290⋯.png (93.32 KB, 385x344, 385:344, 5886c0bc986a432f0d2e9799d7….png)



Moot passed away in his sleep yesterday. I know we hate him cause he's a traitor, but we all gotta admit it's because of him that we are here today.

f2b001 No.14170897

File: 334ee018e7a7880⋯.jpg (123.1 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Anne Takamaki P5 19.jpg)

Good morning.

**It's been 3 days since I got locked on Twitter. 4 more days, fellas.

33e4f6 No.14170898

File: a735cf7881be905⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 1377577523348.jpg)

File: 6f16557119423c6⋯.png (41.08 KB, 1190x713, 1190:713, Captu8re.PNG)






Holy shit, this is the same fucker derailing threads on /co/


780aaf No.14170902



the thread just started nigger. Also, yes /pol/ is full of normies. Their webm threads suck because non of these retards know how to make webm's and in no other board do people fail to crosslink that much.

5ab3fa No.14170903

File: cebdc6d271d1b7f⋯.webm (48.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Do you have a single fact….webm)


>Moot passed away

Do you have a single link to back that up?

f09c99 No.14170906


>Moot died

Who cares? Just another cuck in the ground.

33e4f6 No.14170916

File: b3d7f75c3855cd0⋯.png (109.29 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 1405545813251.png)


> yes /pol/ is full of normies


>fail to crosslink that much.

>doesnt link to said posts


>it's the same Anon

cd2b0a No.14170918

File: dcdf928e4928ea4⋯.jpeg (99.49 KB, 877x960, 877:960, 4E7F9EBC-701E-4525-BC1A-6….jpeg)

In light of a California man killing his mother because he was “mad at video games”, people further prove that there’s no link between violent video games and violent behavior.


5ab3fa No.14170922

File: cd2a14f661cf6ab⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x240, 4:3, The Rock Hand.jpg)


246c5e No.14170924


I'm an EMT driver in Jew York. Last night we were called over to some apartment. The next thing I know, Christopher Poole himself is being wheeled in to the ambulance. After I drove them to the hospital, I checked the files and it really was him.

I think we ought to pay our respects since I doubt Hiroshima will.

5ab3fa No.14170931

File: 45220a7f0ec4776⋯.png (1.92 KB, 300x171, 100:57, suspect.png)


>You really think someone would do that, just go on the Internet and tell lies?

a460ce No.14170933

Reposting from previous bread


> Not knowing that this is how AAA devs promote their games with games journalists and why their "advertising" costs are so high.


Just let Lizzy F know to respond to that request. Then point out how CON gathered information and in all likelihood, doxed her.

ddd59d No.14170936

Do you guys have the archive for Moots death?

dc516b No.14170938


That's a lie isn't it anon?

246c5e No.14170941


Not sure if there are any articles out now, but keep your eyes open, particularly as it relates to the Soho area. That's where we picked him up.

55cfed No.14170942


>asking lizzy F

Dude 2014 backed


she left GG when someone threatened to hurt her two very young daughters (one of them even autistic)

And she's PR for a game right now too

no way is she gonna showcase herself that way

5ab3fa No.14170946

File: 6c637f26a2e1d35⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 261x132, 87:44, be skeptical.jpg)


I'm 15% believing in you, anon. Don't ever disappoint me.

55a54d No.14170952

File: 9aac8daf497eabc⋯.png (639.8 KB, 850x540, 85:54, 1460687254818.png)

Are the Patreon dipping? It's been a while we had an update on the hipster wellfare.

a460ce No.14170955


☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar.



There is always Candice Owens. As long as she stops ranting about how she was harassed by the left instead of CON members like she was at that time.

c5e4da No.14170975

File: a3ff6cca8cdf5b3⋯.png (68.38 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, FNV_NCR_Flag.png)

We NCR now.


>With the reading of their own version of a Declaration of Independence, founders of the state of New California took the first steps to what they hope will eventually lead to statehood

>they don't want to leave the United States, just California

>New California wants to do things by the book, citing Article 4, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution and working with the state legislature to get it done, similar to the way West Virginia was formed

5ab3fa No.14170989

File: 1f4561713119b26⋯.png (164.79 KB, 680x545, 136:109, ncr poster.png)


Time to make Commiefornia great again

55a54d No.14170999

File: 823e16cb33c2787⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1995_ref_80_hr_en[1].jpg)


Here in Quebec we tried this, didn't work.

66e73b No.14171000


You fags wanted to leave Canada entirely though

a460ce No.14171002


But that is in Cuckada though.

eff3d8 No.14171006


Why call themselves 'New California' if they're a separatist movement from California?

5ab3fa No.14171009

File: 2c9e42475ae12fa⋯.png (413.01 KB, 704x463, 704:463, tear salute.png)

cd2b0a No.14171010

File: a593b49f7ebbecc⋯.jpeg (107.5 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 679D817C-D86B-4E91-A96F-C….jpeg)


>Pay respects to a worthless faggot who wanted to drop 4chan for years before he actually did it, and then left it in the care of a tranny-loving Japanese user data broker disguised as a site administrator

>Pay respects to a luggage-hauling cuck who complained about board quality and then posted an NY Card Stand thread on /v/ of all places and incited console wars in another thread after that

>I’m supposed to take an Internet EMT anon at his word without even the courtesy of a CPR certificate

Moot is a faggot and he was thinking of dumping all of our sorry asses for a long time. He just finally found the excuse to smash up the site and leave in a huff with GG. Fuck him.

798f23 No.14171012



Does someone have that screencap of the book page listing all of the countries that voted against joining the EU, but they were ignored or forced to go back and do another vote?

55a54d No.14171015


As things are now, I'm sad it didn't work. We could have avoided (and the rest of Canada too) Trudeau. I just remember the fighting and riots and broken families, I couldn't vote yet back then.

66e73b No.14171025


Yeah but the point is that Rural California just wants to separate from Costal California while staying within the United States. It would be more akin to Quebec turning into Franco Quebec and Anglo Quebec, not leaving Canada. Besides Trudeau will be gone soon

55a54d No.14171046

File: 0e453c7bab997ba⋯.jpg (317.72 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o-REFERENDUM-1995-facebook….jpg)


It wasn't about leaving completely too but much more about becoming sovereign while somewhat staying in Candada. The complexity of the question has been the target of many jokes. Also it was later revealed Chretien and the Liberals played dirty a lot during the adscam scandal. Why people elected a Liberal after this is beyond me.

Coastal California should just sink in the ocean already. It is like nest of degeneracy.

d5b4fd No.14171052

File: 044d4267adb29cb⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x1267, 1080:1267, tide pod-chan.jpg)


Amen. Also, even if it's true he took a ride in a pre-hearse, there's no guarantee he'll actually die so the story isn't as fulfilling without juicy details.

a460ce No.14171057


>Besides Trudeau will be gone soon

In true politician style, Trudeau will probably try to introduce legislation legalizing weed just at the last moment, then say vote me in and I can finish the process.

66e73b No.14171084


>Why people elected a Liberal after this is beyond me.

Harper was a shit,

>The Senatorial scandal

>Actively suppressing scientific research that he didn't like or that threatened the oil industry

>Years of conservative corruption

I don't like Cuckdeau either but it's obvious why he got in. After Jack Layton died the NDP never stood a chance either and god knows they wouldn't be any better considering they're essentially the social justice party.


Well here's to hoping that he actually does keep to his 4/20 date

55a54d No.14171116

File: c8be8feaba5c49a⋯.jpg (43.39 KB, 635x357, 635:357, 150915_wp1fl_histo_parizea….jpg)

File: ff6fb3e86fa987f⋯.png (210.8 KB, 1200x775, 48:31, 1200px-Quebec_referendum,_….png)

Last one but I think some of you guys in the US could learn by looking at what happened during the 1995 Referendum as it mirrors some of the things happening right now. Parizeau, the Premier of Quebec at the time said what beat the Yes was "money and ethnic votes". He was forced to resign over this. Later during Adscam we hear the No camp laundered and funneled money through many third party to push for the No and Ottawa fast-tracked a lot of immigrant applications so they could earn citizenship and vote in Montreal knowing they would vote No. It was a shit show. Anyways, this brought me back to the old days. You could also read on the Meech Lake accord and how it got sabotaged by Trudeau's father. I just wish we got someone like Trump here.

0329b9 No.14171127



this tide pod meme is forced as fuck

97e049 No.14171135

First for bonis

ba3498 No.14171141


yes, by tide

didn't you get your cheque in the mail?

55a54d No.14171156


Are teen really eating those or is it another /pol/ meme they push to retarded social media addicts?

2564ad No.14171164


The GG/Trump curse

162f4d No.14171170

File: a0e87ddae21953e⋯.png (454.44 KB, 584x639, 584:639, hunger pangs.png)


>he doesn't know

55a54d No.14171185

File: 123daf82af59b26⋯.jpg (204.17 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1453771334714.jpg)


I avoid social medias so I'm mostly behind on memes and retarded trends.

90150b No.14171222


Every normalfag meme is forced.

2b96f8 No.14171248

>>14171222 (checked)

Every meme is forced.

f52564 No.14171254

File: 982413b85267099⋯.gif (315.88 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ohohoh.gif)

Joe Donnelly / PC Gamer - "Tencent has reportedly helped Chinese police arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers"


Are You A Gamer Who’s The Victim Of A Harassment Campaign? Then HuffPost would like to talk to you


Canadian Man Accused Of Mass Twitch Spamming Faces Criminal Charges


>Vice article on internet outrage's earliest example GG, gets basic facts wrong like what year GG started




EuroGamer accuses Quantic Dream CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière of Sexual Assault, later corrects article claiming the "translation was incorrect" in an Update


original version for comparison:



William Audureau and Corentin Lamy / Le Monde - "Dysfunctions at Quantic Dream: the company continues to deny, players quibble" (GG mentioned)



GameRevolution: "Judging David Cage and Quantic Dream "By Their Work"."


00d120 No.14171256


Hello gook anon

d504c6 No.14171333


I hate my country so much and I can't believe Ontario and BC are competing to see who is the most cucked. At least the liberals in Ontario are polling so low that they are at risk of being taken off the ballot. Although with BC recently making it illegal to hunt grizzlies maybe Vancouver's population will be eaten.

c30f6b No.14171347

File: d32493113bc1b4a⋯.jpg (901.04 KB, 816x4088, 102:511, Tencent.jpg)


>Tencent has reportedly helped Chinese police arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers

Should probably read "Tencent has reportedly bribed Chinese police to arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers." Like I understand that China's an authoritarian shithole, but I highly doubt they actually have laws that say modding is illegal. I mean, fuck's sake, Tencent has a Minecraft client that stealsgrabs mods from various repositories.

55a54d No.14171349


Is Alberta and Manitoba cucked? I never hear much from those provinces.

66e73b No.14171359


Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are generally not too bad

90150b No.14171374


More like "Tencent bribed Chinese police to arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers but they just grabbed a bunch of street vendors for not paying their protection fees and charged them with it"

3152b9 No.14171377


Thats not is shit English faggot.

55a54d No.14171420


I always forget about Saskatchewan.

780aaf No.14171422

File: 5f125269b87a677⋯.webm (2.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, -I'll Quit LoL- [parody s….webm)


I doubt anyone here plays LoL

4d484b No.14171426

>Butch Hartmen keeps posting Ugandan Knuckles memes.

>People are now asshurt at him again.

Sometimes the world is great. I wonder if those rumors about him being a trump supporter are true. It is nice to see devs and artists shitpost without having to censor themselves.

798f23 No.14171443


Found it fun the few times I tried it a couple years back, but the game never really grabbed me. Even then, I always have a problem when staying devoted to "Getting good" or completing a game.

c6d41f No.14171444


will 2018 be the year when people found da wey ?

f2b001 No.14171445

File: 8d776bf7ed267f9⋯.png (608.29 KB, 829x720, 829:720, Let Me Tell You 2.png)


I actually play LoL on a casual basis, actually.

d504c6 No.14171448


Albertan conservatives had some kind of scandal and had there vote split by the rose party. So right now they have an NDP party which is destroying them so I highly doubt they will sit around. However yes much like America outside of the giant metropolitan areas Canada would probably never elect liberals or NDP. However our "conservatives" are still way too left of the Republicans. Hell Ontario conservative party is called the "Progressive Conservative Party".

d504c6 No.14171462


I really tried but my first 5 matches all had at least 1 player AFK for half the match. Then they would start playing halfway through and be completely underleveled. When this happens 5 times in a row you just never want to see that shit again.

816313 No.14171468

File: 65c5b7cf5d0fe20⋯.png (211.9 KB, 377x529, 377:529, 98765465131.PNG)


With those dubs, hopefully.

816313 No.14171475

File: e6f5cfcc2346919⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 630x360, 7:4, [vrchat]_russian_knuckles.mp4)


Triples, I mean.

55a54d No.14171484

File: 4a408c66217faf6⋯.jpeg (76.9 KB, 650x451, 650:451, 3ca89fb18213ffcec0ef79f20….jpeg)


The national anthem always gets me.

a460ce No.14171490


I like the tire screeching at the end when he turns around.

432143 No.14171504

I keep seeing claims that Generation Z is destined to kick the SJWs to the curb. While I do like the thought, isn't Gen Z just as likely to be indoctrinated as well?

7dfa44 No.14171511


I still play, not nearly as much as I used to though. The problem with the game doesn't have anything to do with gameplay, which people always talk about as being cancerous or terrible (it's not), the problem with that game is that each game demands at least 40 minutes of your life, even if you realize you're going to lose in the first five minutes. People get mad at fuck at this game because they want to win, meaning they give a fuck about the game. Riot bans people who get mad, which leaves peopole that don't give enough of a shit to get mad, which means people that afk because something good came on tv and fuckers that are absent mindedly talking on the phone or smoking weed while playing.

2564ad No.14171512




Conservatism is the counter culture the fuck do kids do when they rebel from their parents when they exude soy?

d504c6 No.14171525


Generation Z is by no means a majority conservative that isn't what the stats are saying. What they are saying is that gen z had the highest amount of conservatives at their age since the generation that fought world war 2. Most people are liberal idiots until they leave school then they realize they have to take care of themselves and that shit changes quick for a lot of people. It isn't a coincidence that the millennials are so liberal and also the first generation that has such a large amount of them still living at home with their parents.

d504c6 No.14171531


Yeah all these people in charge of communities don't seem to understand that assholes are there for a reason. People need a reason to improve and there isn't much better a reason then some assholes telling you that you suck.

246c5e No.14171549

Hey guys, EMTanon here, apparently Moot isn't dead, but he did have a stroke. He is in remission right now. I wasn't able to see him since we aren't related, but I will see what I can do. Anyone got any questions I should ask for when and if I meet him?

cd2b0a No.14171558

File: f0033c750e2ae91⋯.jpeg (216.94 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, 12AA8DF1-BF34-47C4-9780-4….jpeg)


Ask him if he ever watched Sankarea, then trick him into watching it to increase his chances of dying

66e73b No.14171566


Everyone always does ;_;


>outside of the giant metropolitan areas Canada would probably never elect liberals or NDP

The NDP did start in saskatchewan and they historically they do like them (a lot of it has to do with natives voting for more gibs) but yeah we've had the Sask party for the last few years in and Brad Wall is a bit of a fag but at least they aren't the liberals

55a54d No.14171568

File: e8cd83fe51627c4⋯.jpg (219.81 KB, 800x427, 800:427, 1453431569848.jpg)


If this is true we really got anons everywhere. No wonder the SJW see us in their cereals in the morning.

934cea No.14171594


ask him if he still wants to be the little girl

4cdf74 No.14171627


Ask him if it was worth it.

ea83f5 No.14171628

File: e987581afbb8cf7⋯.png (21.5 KB, 583x222, 583:222, mootgoog.PNG)


ask him if he has met Big Blue in person

114331 No.14171630


I should give it a go. Just set simple soundboard back up again.

66e73b No.14171633


Since when did Jewt work for Jewgle?

f3745e No.14171638

File: bce6f67f0b9bfe8⋯.gif (68.58 KB, 156x267, 52:89, 1456557736752.gif)

4cdf74 No.14171639


That's why he sold 4chan. Supposedly the woman he carried luggage for was his in, but he had to drop that toxic site and home of Gaymergays.

4cf56b No.14171640


>the problem with that game is that each game demands at least 40 minutes

And that's the story of how I went from LoL -> DotA2 -> HotS

Average game length is <20 mins.


March 7, 2016

436e99 No.14171649

File: c8b70ebc18d7376⋯.png (74.62 KB, 200x200, 1:1, hotaroufingers.png)

66e73b No.14171657


I thought he dropped 4chan to so he could try to do venture capital shit without the stigma, I didn't realize that he was working for google



Shut up, I saw the date on the tweet I'm not retarded, it was more of a rhetorical question

246c5e No.14171660


Haha, I'd like to ask this, but I'll probably get in trouble if he reports me. I might have to go undercover and put on some civvies.

db8dd1 No.14171662

File: 70bafc1e1977687⋯.png (68.44 KB, 421x248, 421:248, 70bafc1e19776877fe3961f7dd….png)

Stop shitposting please.

f3745e No.14171664


You don't know what a rhetorical question is do you buddy?

ea83f5 No.14171665

File: 475e7af812897f3⋯.png (56.24 KB, 1005x487, 1005:487, moot2.png)

66e73b No.14171675


I do, that's why I said more of a rhetorical question. I realize it wasn't actually a rhetorical question, I couldn't find the right word to describe what I meant

d504c6 No.14171681


He did do that but his project bombed immediately because he still had all that stigma, it was pretty hilarious.

2d9ac5 No.14171699

>Acid gets the bright idea to bring in more newfags

>Conveniently to his benefit, someone opposes this idea while obviously making themselves out to be anti-GG

>This rouses more support for the idea of brining in newfags

>Very next thread, a bunch of reddit begins shitting up the thread off the bat


d5b4fd No.14171712

File: 8dd4094230f4b2b⋯.gif (23.24 KB, 600x259, 600:259, 20080904.gif)


yeah i got one

66e73b No.14171720


Yeah it's a coincidence, as far as I know he's still setting shit up and isn't actually shilling yet Mr >(1)

4cf56b No.14171726

File: d8e4a0699446c88⋯.png (146.75 KB, 474x427, 474:427, 00bdb35eb72e7712fb6b6a3c9d….png)

2d9ac5 No.14171731

File: b4e6f5caf69497a⋯.png (277.46 KB, 674x410, 337:205, Smug hypnosis.png)


>Thinking >(1) matters early in a thread

>Thinking >(1) matters when a post is in reference to previous thread

f3745e No.14171732

File: a09697ccbb2e8ef⋯.jpg (118.96 KB, 665x717, 665:717, a09697ccbb2e8efaa6664bba32….jpg)


>Nobody replied to this post until now

Maybe they're trying to tell you something, anon?

6d4e59 No.14171734

File: a5a00408959598f⋯.png (121.94 KB, 955x310, 191:62, David Cage Allegations.png)


This is actually true. Constant cuckchan linking and obvious crossboarding, constant format errors, can't crosslink, can't archive. Many users there exhibit these more then any other somewhat popular board here including here.


Remember, an anon from a previous bread claims to have insider knowledge on the drama. Take with a grain of salt. Pic related


>Anyone got any questions

No, until there's concrete evidence or news of this stop posting about it.


Maybe actually contribute instead of posting worthless posts like these. Which don't help btw

1c9d1f No.14171739

File: dc75ffc5f78a2f4⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Rd-WvrVA_400x400.jpg)


Tell him "gamergate sends it's regards" and see if he has another stroke.

246c5e No.14171750


I think I'll do this. I don't have another shift for another few hours, but as soon as I get the chance, I will let you guys know. EMTanon out.

798f23 No.14171756

File: 952cdc397003536⋯.webm (943.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Marche & his waifu.webm)


>Remember, an anon from a previous bread claims to have insider knowledge on the drama.

That was Val. Out of quick curiosity, how long until Marche and Val set up a IRL meeting so that Marche can go to and stayin the homeland of his Waifu, and, in exchange, he gives Val his "attention" by teaching how to shitpost properly on Twitter so he doesn't keep coming here for (you)s?

816313 No.14171757

File: 0c94a5d283d9898⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 480x342, 80:57, 435373437.jpg)


Ask him on how many fingers I'm showing.

c6d41f No.14171771


you knoe…

if they had not banned us from 4ch, GG would have been easier to control and damage for them.

forcing us out and on another imageboard allowed us to sperg in 5D.

when you are 85, going in and out of senility, you will hear exo-sjws getting triggered by GG, you will smile smuggly while drooling on your floating chair with your sassy nurse-bot Laquishatron-Mk.5

246c5e No.14171774

File: d6cfc18a43c9288⋯.gif (904.25 KB, 500x532, 125:133, d6cfc18a43c9288d7868258c90….gif)


No. Stop.

112700 No.14171777

File: ad6e74da7f1182a⋯.webm (465.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Australia.webm)




fd0a58 No.14171778

File: 334ea54e5e51bdb⋯.png (767.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crying mountaineer lolis.png)

66e73b No.14171782

114331 No.14171791

File: bc5b5583dc465ae⋯.png (199.14 KB, 493x418, 493:418, _The_Room_THIS_IS_GREATEST….png)


Why is she bullying Todd?

a72afb No.14171793


Don't you fucking dare.

a72afb No.14171798


>he doesn't know about the spider Anons shitposting here

db8dd1 No.14171804

File: 464f44234573102⋯.jpg (186.29 KB, 843x1034, 843:1034, angry dog noises.jpg)


Why don't you contribute by killing yourself you meany.

7ad3a9 No.14171807

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

New California Declares Independence From Rest Of State

55a54d No.14171813


That's preposterous, spiders can't post on the internet. Stop posting nonsense.

816313 No.14171819

File: 72bf97a709def89⋯.jpg (69.72 KB, 480x336, 10:7, 74624523525.jpg)

33e4f6 No.14171821

File: ddddc1c5700a5b3⋯.png (57.73 KB, 500x428, 125:107, 12fsdf.png)

a73501 No.14171824


We should just delete California from the US tbh

798f23 No.14171826

File: 2379c763efa8ee5⋯.png (205.31 KB, 556x642, 278:321, Went There.png)

246c5e No.14171828

File: bff61db7ce59fc2⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 682x675, 682:675, bff61db7ce59fc277f3a55d36a….jpg)

4cdf74 No.14171831


Well, that's different.

b206d4 No.14171833

File: 9c9183e7c753862⋯.png (30.41 KB, 500x435, 100:87, akko mad.png)

a72afb No.14171836

File: c5cdf6240a7bd18⋯.gif (849.68 KB, 350x197, 350:197, panicking water slut.gif)

db8dd1 No.14171838


Well, it's more original at least.

This meme is overdone.

ae0e41 No.14171840

File: f3499f3d8f0079f⋯.jpeg (56.03 KB, 750x935, 150:187, HolyShit.jpeg)

798f23 No.14171844

File: f6c3caf56d7d3fc⋯.png (788.06 KB, 779x903, 779:903, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd9bc9003fec142⋯.png (633.45 KB, 472x726, 236:363, ClipboardImage.png)


>>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

<Is there cause for concern?



6f6475 No.14171845

please dont not write fanfictions about me

a73501 No.14171855

File: dcebd5772e0bd61⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 834x950, 417:475, hurassmint.jpg)


Some fag made a thread about this, thought I'd post it here.

a72afb No.14171870

File: 56ec39f80ddb84c⋯.png (35.84 KB, 588x337, 588:337, the butthurt continues.png)

The butthurt continues.


c30f6b No.14171880

File: db892bb9bba0403⋯.png (505.11 KB, 746x626, 373:313, 1491168895290.png)


>Make your own memes

These people have no fucking idea what a "meme" actually is.

1c9d1f No.14171885

File: 11ea4d003088589⋯.gif (376.91 KB, 500x381, 500:381, jtyFg4n.gif)

934cea No.14171886

File: f75c206add75a39⋯.gif (480.33 KB, 600x450, 4:3, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….gif)

1c9d1f No.14171890


That doesn't even rhyme. What a waste of flesh.

7ad3a9 No.14171901

File: f544466801bebd8⋯.png (314.59 KB, 350x350, 1:1, !!!!!.png)

114331 No.14171909

File: 7ea552a3be85dd4⋯.png (302.92 KB, 418x416, 209:208, VINERS_WELCOME!_-_YouTube_….png)



Put the screencap in me.

bb575f No.14171914

File: 960148cd9f9fd44⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MEe6Udv.png)

55a54d No.14171930

File: ca4807dd8910324⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 419x424, 419:424, ca4807dd89103249362b73aa73….jpg)


Might as well get in too.

d399aa No.14171937

File: 82d1f20ce13c140⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 269x270, 269:270, 1407909481240.jpg)


>hey, her thumb's still there, why's everyone repl

>my fucking face when I saw it

6807fa No.14171938

File: 613ec7651500ab7⋯.png (93.71 KB, 264x339, 88:113, Confused_looking_fit_girl_….png)

bc904d No.14171946

File: f99e885c0fb2fdc⋯.jpg (44.86 KB, 526x470, 263:235, C-Tlxf6WAAE0caf.jpg)

a72afb No.14171947

File: 169efded597c87f⋯.png (213.04 KB, 631x819, 631:819, everybody deserves a secon….png)

File: 487b5b43074efd5⋯.webm (9.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, everybody deserves a seco….webm)

Logan really hasn't learned anything, has he?

2d9ac5 No.14171949

File: 375fc22b3150c54⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 789.63 KB, 680x559, 680:559, stop.png)


>Someone saved your confused fit girl

d5b4fd No.14171953

File: b70eb372268e539⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 800x450, 16:9, buggy.jpg)

c30f6b No.14171956

File: a12212a36ac49a1⋯.png (325.22 KB, 397x533, 397:533, 1449781978848.png)


>get basically banned from an entire country for acting like a complete asshole


7c26b3 No.14171958


TMZ is still around?

c998b4 No.14171965

File: 55fe261f42b7ed6⋯.jpg (4.39 KB, 191x120, 191:120, In at least 19 different w….jpg)

a73501 No.14171968

File: 200e985c50d12a7⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 318x292, 159:146, stunts.jpg)

bfa12c No.14171971


How fucked we are ?

2d9ac5 No.14171974

File: 87fb993e82eec8d⋯.gif (431.31 KB, 181x140, 181:140, 87fb993e82eec8d5a01bd85c49….gif)

bb575f No.14171980

File: 205485035395e93⋯.png (753.76 KB, 952x411, 952:411, 4f6d02479c4683c369e207a5d0….png)


They're basically the only Journalists left in (((The Media)))

136476 No.14171982


>If this is true we really got anons everywhere

We really do. I've run into a surprising number both at work and while traveling.

4c17af No.14171985

File: 07576cd5d7f4c3b⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 890x890, 1:1, 1afeb78396914c943b12f33308….jpg)


what did he mean by this

1b2599 No.14172007

File: 6aa9871689b7018⋯.webm (1.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Spider BDSM.webm)


>That's preposterous, spiders can't post on the internet. Stop posting nonsense.

5ab3fa No.14172026

File: 56755bcd785451f⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 199x369, 199:369, disappointed slut.jpg)


anon he's right.

7dfa44 No.14172028


Guy seems pretty fucked up about it, I actually feel bad for him.


That's actually not what happens, watch the video. The guy actually says that he deserves al the shit he's getting. The "second chance" line comes from the reporter pressing him.

a72afb No.14172038

File: f6eb23bd02e761b⋯.png (288.4 KB, 642x720, 107:120, scared.png)


>this post


ae39f1 No.14172043

File: cf4c345f964651f⋯.png (325.98 KB, 1262x861, 1262:861, ClipboardImage.png)

reminder that the cuckchan leaks are definitely worth digging through now at least for a day or two

66e73b No.14172044


>I actually feel bad for him.

Fuck him, he rode being a professional asshole to fame and mild fortune. It's just finally coming back and biting him in the ass in the tiniest way.

f52564 No.14172045

>Youtube's new guidelines will require channels to have 1000 subs and 4000 hours of watchtime to be eligible for monetization


8dd106 No.14172050


what is the practical application of spider's silk and can I get an outfit tailored from it?

33e4f6 No.14172060

File: 6dc25920cec7e28⋯.png (49.81 KB, 758x848, 379:424, 1430367376169-3.png)




>still VPN hopping

>still stuck in second grade writing class

Anon, I know you're trying to make up for your earlier fuck up that is now deleted, but its painfully obvious to everyone here that you're ban evading now.

8dd106 No.14172073

File: b5964aa427a5edb⋯.jpg (95.2 KB, 641x641, 1:1, cat.jpg)


>see freaky spider harvesting webm

>inquire further

>get unnecessary (you)'s and accusations I don't understand

a73501 No.14172075

File: e189acbe758f746⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 250x201, 250:201, e189acbe758f746b4bd8e074df….jpg)


The fuck are you on about?

33e4f6 No.14172077



Read the thread

6f6475 No.14172081

File: 6a5a72fba8bf7cf⋯.jpg (431.84 KB, 1046x1500, 523:750, 194_copy.jpg)


this guys other dojinshis are better

8dd106 No.14172087

File: cb800dd00f039af⋯.webm (2.66 MB, 720x480, 3:2, sselect.webm)


I'd rather just tell you to fuck off

798f23 No.14172088

Seems like we're getting a softer, but more extensive, raid than we usually see. Anyone have any idea as to why?

55a54d No.14172091

File: aa9d0f672457e57⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1378170982619.jpg)


This was bound to happen, they couldn't continue to give free money to any retard who filmed his sister playing videogames for easy shekels from cucks and betas.

4df63a No.14172100

File: 767dd46ab71d59e⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 1200x1694, 600:847, 767dd46ab71d59e7c17dd02fe1….jpg)

File: c1bcf29ac934940⋯.jpg (837 KB, 723x1023, 241:341, 41700d9c9c0f7eed92382ef2fb….jpg)



7dfa44 No.14172101


Because we aren't being raided, this website has just turned to shit.

1b2599 No.14172108


It has been used to make crosshairs in optical instruments, and cover wounds.

Its possible but it would require a massive amount of spiders. There was one cape made with silk from golden orb spiders.

33e4f6 No.14172121


Could be really anyone at this point, the only real difference I see is more new faggots popping with second grade level grammar like these fuckers-






Or people constantly bitching that the site has gone to shit like this faggot.


4df63a No.14172133


I seriously want a Shittifornia Civil War. You know which side would overwhelmingly win without the military even lifting a finger.

4df63a No.14172153



Or more importantly, there absolutely needs to be New California. Watch how fast the shit left behind tellingly implodes in less than a fucking year of being left to its fate. E-celebs will flee in no time.

7c26b3 No.14172164


>tfw live in cali

>tfw might get stuck on the border of new cali and old cali

95ca6d No.14172169


If california splits in two, there would be literally nothing worth saving in old california right? I know there's a shit load of agriculture, but most of that would be in new california right?

f2b001 No.14172172



Do you people notice that men aren't included on this list?!

7c26b3 No.14172187


Dude, this new cali will have fucking no way of feeding itself aside from fishing and the little amount of actual farmable land. Cali has so much farm land and natural resources that if old cali can get its hands on someone who will actually use the land, old cali will be the richest state immediately if only because the huge gold vein that covers the east side of the state.

a72afb No.14172194


>Dude, this new cali will have fucking no way of feeding itself aside from fishing and the little amount of actual farmable land

>the east side of the state

Isn't it the eastern part of California trying to become 'New California', and not the side with San Fran'cis'co?

6a44f2 No.14172195


I think their plan is to starve and then accuse everyone who doesn't help them of being racist.

4df63a No.14172201


Someone came up with San Franshithole.

7c26b3 No.14172203


New cali is gonna be the west coast and old cali will be the other part.


>implying the government would help them

d3521f No.14172209


You'll still have idiots who'll brag about Commiefornia being the Third or Turd largest economy in the World and largest contributor to the GDP in the US.

2b8cc7 No.14172212



What was this from again? I might have it on my backup drive but even if I go to all the trouble of hooking the thing up, my sorting is pretty basic.

ae39f1 No.14172217

File: ff132ead99993df⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 58.79 KB, 500x343, 500:343, hotwheels 8chan logo.png)


>ban evading

For what purpose?

Show me the mod log and point me to who you think I am so I can have a good laugh.

381a9c No.14172221

File: 05ac67117c16994⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 396x353, 396:353, 1408069896351.jpg)

798f23 No.14172225


That was due to the agriculture, not Silicon Valley (That was just a bonus).

a72afb No.14172233

File: 8496368b6cf860c⋯.png (90.03 KB, 646x787, 646:787, new cali.png)


>New cali is gonna be the west coast

Are you sure about that? Mind you, no matter what, this means San Francisco can get fucked regardless, so I don't give a shit about the logistics.


95ca6d No.14172236



Go read the new's article again, it's says new california will incorporate most of the rural land and old california is going to the liberal strongholds.

d3521f No.14172239


Because "Money" = self-sufficiency to these retards, you can import energy, water, and food for how long till you fucking collapse.

6a44f2 No.14172240


But if you split commiefornia in half, it won't then.

7c26b3 No.14172249



Fuck. I thought it was the left trying to break off from cali, not the sane people trying to save itself.

4dd6fc No.14172274



083cad No.14172285

File: ed0c362948151e9⋯.png (188.12 KB, 524x561, 524:561, 1f809614ab3bb20e915f8e9398….png)


New Cali is the blue.

c6d41f No.14172288

Memeteor anon still around?

i think he's still at it


4df63a No.14172289

We need to get "baizuo" fucking exploding over in Japan as an insult. It's exactly what we've been waiting for to get them to absolutely destroy the retards' delusions once and for all.

a72afb No.14172291


Now the million dollar question is if they get Anaheim or not.

a530dc No.14172306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>TFW my home city is just barely still in old california


checked, and embed related

db8dd1 No.14172307


The densely populated cities and urban elites won't allow it.

7c26b3 No.14172316


Ah fuck, im in old cali.

d3521f No.14172320


Moonbeam and the other commies are gonna bring in their brown friends from the south to enrich those blue areas.

95ca6d No.14172322


I think it take another huge chunk out of california electorate votes as well, so the dem's will definitely fight it tooth an nail since it'll essentially create another red state.

4c17af No.14172324

File: 08e8ed6317824ab⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 371x403, 371:403, 08e8ed6317824abf0678d600d0….jpg)


so, what pissed ayybones off that he's bitching about gamergate again.

a33a80 No.14172330

File: 76c9ef207603d2c⋯.mp4 (9.6 MB, 900x506, 450:253, meanwhile_in_japan.mp4)


7c26b3 No.14172331


Whats the difference in pop between the 3 big cities and the rest of cali?

2564ad No.14172334

db8dd1 No.14172335

File: 77e9c28c7620bf2⋯.jpg (64.74 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 77e9c28c7620bf2e2908ebadd8….jpg)


>There's something wrong when you have a rural county such as this one, and you go down to Orange County which is mostly urban, and it has the same set of problems, and it happens because of how the state is being governed and taxed," Preston said.

It's urban, populated, and in Orange county which New Cali founder spoke against.


Pretty much, it's not surprising considering the absolutely large geographic size of California that both the rural want to separate and the urbanites don't.

4c17af No.14172349

File: 6ffc44fe3199018⋯.jpg (136.68 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1456918401909.jpg)


Lel what did she do to make him mad? Is he just mad she because she's a moderately popular GG associated e-celeb?

fc5dee No.14172356


It's a city. The entire point is that they don't want the big cities.


Most people are. I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of california's population was "old cali".

7c26b3 No.14172358


Im pretty sure it is. I live in a relatively small town compared to the big cities, im just really close to one of them.

7ad3a9 No.14172372


Mombot's trolling.

fd0a58 No.14172373

File: a016a6a0d273a23⋯.jpg (129.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, I found a way to make Twit….jpg)


This is what sparked it all off


this is the finishing blow



4d484b No.14172381


Mombot made fun of some burnout SJWeeb which made all the other burnouts sperg out and say she is zach. Drybones and Geel are still sperging out hard alongside that Pepipopa autist.

2b8cc7 No.14172384


gel never stops sperging to be fair

6562cc No.14172387


With all the illegal aliens, won't New California eventually become just like old California was? What would be the point of a split then?


That's what I was thinking would happen too

456946 No.14172388

File: 420b1f858ef64b2⋯.png (2.29 KB, 326x309, 326:309, 420b1f858ef64b2a92cbdd1494….png)



I remember someone making a thread with this in late 2014 early 2015.

Lots of people were dubsbombing or reporting for not vidya.

Mark banned and deleted every single one.

It was the first time I used a VPN to post here, it's been a common thing since then.

246c5e No.14172389


You mean superbus?

db8dd1 No.14172397

File: 20ef51307ef4bc4⋯.jpg (141.19 KB, 756x572, 189:143, 52319152_p9_master1200.jpg)


>someone replied 足をアップロード

5b7c5b No.14172401


I hope to god that's 18+

66e73b No.14172402


What's that mean, I don't know moon

4df63a No.14172405



Why does Twitter retard shit never fucking stop.

d3521f No.14172408


It's always the fucking weeaboos.

db8dd1 No.14172409


It means use a translator because you can't learn nip.

it's "Upload feet"

66e73b No.14172421


It looked long and google isn't very good so I thought it would require an actual translation

4df63a No.14172422

>hurr muh russhins shit from a bunch of retarded cuck skinned first world faggots

Cannot painfully starve to death and rot in shit filled streets fast enough.

66e73b No.14172424


Are you referring to something specific?

4df63a No.14172431


New California. I'm sick of these worthless insufferable disgraces to humanity even being allowed to exist by the universe.

a72afb No.14172432

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)



>not just archiving

I mean removing https:// is a step up but it bears repeating:


2b8cc7 No.14172433

Just so you all know I peed myselg

246c5e No.14172435

File: 9d17c89fb01aa2a⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 600x331, 600:331, 9d17c89fb01aa2a905c8ccc449….gif)


Lucky for you, the Japanese language is comprised mainly of borrowed English words and Chinese pigin speak.

4df63a No.14172442


So what about this? >>14172289

d399aa No.14172446

File: dbb0ebfece01eee⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 512x419, 512:419, 1453864084304-0.jpg)


NCR is excising the coastal liberal faggot city cancer, I'm impressed by that county division.

246c5e No.14172447


Isn't that another borrowed Chinese word?

4df63a No.14172449



I'm officially fucking unrelentingly, viciously racist and sexist towards retarded pasty skinned faggots. I'm fucking done giving any doubt.

a530dc No.14172451


>The entire point is that they don't want the big cities.

Why in the everloving fuck is san diego county in there then?

db8dd1 No.14172452


足 = foot

を = indicates object

アップロード = Appuroodo = upload


What's that?

a530dc No.14172455


A slang for leftist elite.


I think that was his point.

246c5e No.14172460

File: df75d759456380d⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1220x1220, 1:1, 1ff67201b6df4ec9581a0d8f69….png)


It roughly translated to "white leftist"

4df63a No.14172461


It means "white left" AKA retarded pasty skinned cuck or hag sanctimonious shits.

db8dd1 No.14172463




Ah, that chinese word that's popping up? or is it korean?

d3521f No.14172471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's Black Rat Speaks on White Left, come on guys, this was talked about last year when it exploded.

d3521f No.14172472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even Tucker got wind of it.

4df63a No.14172475


All I care is I need to fan any flames and get this directly firing from the nips, most of all, porn artists.

816313 No.14172480

File: 8d68838beceaa7c⋯.gif (785.11 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, hah.gif)


>That image

>I'm in one of the yellow parts

What the fuck is going on.


>Manlet getting assblasted

Not even his 40% bodyfat could soften that blow.

6cbe9d No.14172496

File: 0ed0d9be70c9375⋯.png (137.93 KB, 403x340, 403:340, Angry Vegetable.png)


>tfw I'm also stuck in a yellow part

All I'd have to do is move a county over but I doubt I could do that in time.

7fa743 No.14172504

File: 82f11c657250a4a⋯.png (55.72 KB, 1035x577, 1035:577, shadowban checker online.png)

File: 46845e21228cf41⋯.png (66.3 KB, 1079x583, 1079:583, shadowban checker offline.png)

For something a bit less retarded from Twitter, the most common shadowban checker shut down due to service abuse. It could be nothing, but there's evidence it was online as late as 12-19-17, and has been offline at least since 1-14-2018. I went through his tweets to try and get a more exact date, but didn't find anything, which might be because of auto translation from spaghetti to english.



d308c3 No.14172530

File: ec16d0df87339c1⋯.jpg (231 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Asuka frazzled.jpg)


The German one still works, but now has a daily limit on requests. Seems someone made a bot against the original one that ate up all its bandwidth.

0dbef1 No.14172547

File: 82065e8e2f9dd5e⋯.gif (659.5 KB, 480x270, 16:9, beerus.gif)


Can't be done, the only thing that defines borders is force. Even if it's an entertained idea it's only for show.

7fa743 No.14172570

File: 261d45145afdeb5⋯.png (6.02 KB, 641x573, 641:573, think about this.png)


My point is more the timeline of it going down, rather than it being down. The Veritas videos started going up about a week ago. It'd be nice to narrow the date of the shuttering down to see if it's coincidental, or a (((coincidence))), but I'm not sure where else to look.

33e4f6 No.14172575


>Pepipopa autist.

You mean Paps the drawfag?

4d484b No.14172577

a460ce No.14172582

File: 3c7d24bc9b5eb7f⋯.png (39.28 KB, 783x546, 261:182, memeteordata.png)


>That's why he sold 4chan.

History lesson, shildren, as most of you faggots seem to have forgotten.

Before GG was kicked off 4chin, Moot was dating a thot from Gawker. Denton probably got her to date him so he could get a better price for 4chin. This went south because the thot cucked him and everyone found out about it. Moot wanted to sell 4chin and work on his personal project (I forget what it was). He had also recently met Anita (who apparently thought she seemed "nice") at XOXO Fest in 2014. The SJW mods were freaking the fuck out because they didn't want a full blown revolution against the mods. The other mods didn't care (but also didn't agree to the idea of heavy GG moderation either). Moot needed to get rid of GG as it was causing harm to 4chin's potential buyer. 4/pol/ was gracious enough to allow GG discussion, which went on long after LW released the picture of her holding the sign that she got GG kicked off 4chan.

After moot got Hiroshima to take 4chin off his hands, Moot went on to start his personal project (which I believe then failed). After that he was offered a job at Jewgle


I am not the memeteor anon 9I on't think), although I was the anon that worked out pic related.and was attempting to summon one from the asteroid belt.

947447 No.14172587



a460ce No.14172600


What are you talking about? I guess I am not the anon you are thinking of.

947447 No.14172606


moot's shitty side chan/personal project. The name escapes me, but I'm 99% sure it was Canvas.

4c17af No.14172610


>All those burnouts missing the point an either bringing up the times mombot said she was Japanese to sjweebs or how "he's totally 6'6 guys like for real."

0dbef1 No.14172613

File: a9395dfba255f5e⋯.png (40.2 KB, 180x131, 180:131, good gendo.png)



Not very much considering people found out and publicized it. Dystopian futures will not exist because such a thing requires complete and utter compliance on the part of all humanity. There will always be differing viewpoints, revolutions and other such disruptions to those who would make well-made plans.

Humanity is only fucked if you think it is. The instant you give into despair is the moment you devote yourself to what is essentially apathy and inaction. Faith and belief are what makes magic real. It's what makes memes real.

Reality is not malleable like fiction. There will always be failure, because that's a human trait. Even in the things we make to be unerring err pretty spectacularly.

There's a place for anger, love, acceptance and even hatred. There's no place in the future for despair.

d3521f No.14172617



Check your fucking history, Canvas was shut down in 2014 months before GG, everyone laughed at Moot for trying to salvage it with potential buyers like kikebook and Denton for some reason.

947447 No.14172619


Ah, it seems that I am in fact fucking stupid.

22ec93 No.14172629


One can only hope this takes away some of those electoral college votes from that fucking giant blue smear.

787b01 No.14172650

File: 5dd3ddab1edea72⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 12.27 MB, 6828x4756, 1707:1189, 6.png)


What does blue mean? Not an american

57b870 No.14172655


Blue means Democrat/Leftist.

09c333 No.14172657


When making infographics about Democrat/Republican voting/support the present convention is to represent Democrats with blue and Republicans with red (and undecided/"swing states" with purple).

d308c3 No.14172677


It's been down for a while. Since well before the 1st. I know because I check my @foxceras account for a shadowban every time I get a little carried away retweeting hentai. That was what got me my first three.

7ad3a9 No.14172696

File: 0a84e0bbb939170⋯.jpg (65.19 KB, 527x802, 527:802, IMG_20180113_142353.jpg)

0cb64c No.14172702

File: 01651ccf05907d1⋯.jpg (245.73 KB, 1325x739, 1325:739, cat_bueno.jpg)


>mfw live in the blue region

7372d7 No.14172721

File: fd63692b91e199d⋯.png (44.93 KB, 429x617, 429:617, succ.png)


>Blue region


Make New California Wall for Commiefornia when

b206d4 No.14172726

File: c279a8e9ca3f872⋯.gif (1013.54 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1458092543546.gif)


>Moved from town in LA County to one in Kern County a while ago

I'm interested to see what follows

66e73b No.14172733







Who knew there were so many commiefornians in the thread

7c26b3 No.14172735


I didnt have a choice

66e73b No.14172737


I'm not criticizing you, it's just funny how many there are

a460ce No.14172739


No need for a wall between the states. Just starve the commie fuckers out. Make them capitulate on their hands and knees.

7c26b3 No.14172744


The only good thing about this state is the women selection.

2137c8 No.14172748

File: 9758bb8d4e87d3c⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 684x820, 171:205, 9758bb8d4e87d3ca697bc399a9….jpg)


I'm still stuck in LA. Save me, brothers!

a460ce No.14172753


Move in with Gook. Worst Korea would be a lesser shithole.

df42fa No.14172763


If that was possible, we all would be doing it.

a530dc No.14172771


It makes sense. It's one of the biggest states in one of the highest 8chan traffic countries. Not to mention those who are sick of this shit are often those exposed to it regularly.


>Worst Korea would be a lesser shithole.


2137c8 No.14172780

File: ab8509104ecf23e⋯.png (166.7 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 4eb11f1f16a8877c9cc43d44ac….png)


I don't approve of his benis collection.

3f5016 No.14172804

File: 685af200926c716⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 442x342, 221:171, 9volt lurks.jpg)

441047 No.14172851


I'm pretty sure as things get more advanced and the elites get more lazy, the AI will get more power and then decide to kill them. We probably won't see it this go round, because they put everyone in a position to hate them and whatever puppets they put into place. That is if human civilization doesn't go into a full reset thanks to this and other things.

0329b9 No.14172940

fcacf8 No.14173005

File: 2517234973b6a06⋯.png (446.03 KB, 1761x707, 1761:707, gookanon's trap folder.png)


>benis collection


>Worst Korea would be a lesser shithole.

SK is a dystopian nightmare, porn is technically illegal for one.

a9231c No.14173039

File: 18bd52711ae100e⋯.jpg (863.73 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, show me de way.jpg)


As much as that guy pissed me off, I don't want him to die or get seriously harmed. I hope he'll end up okay.

5ab3fa No.14173050

File: 468884ca1af13cd⋯.png (275.47 KB, 879x425, 879:425, embarassed.PNG)


Please don't post that picture again

798f23 No.14173061

File: 35904fa3b655c3e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.31 MB, 1200x7050, 8:47, RGqumUj.jpg)

File: a3b12bb9e08b26d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.82 MB, 1200x6300, 4:21, Yshq80u.png)

Well, I'm off to bed, Anons. May those of us who don't have a waifu find her in our dreams.

d5b4fd No.14173068

File: fb03ca3dfc65fd5⋯.swf (1.24 MB, mootykins.swf)


Yeah, i don't want him to die, either; i just want him to keep having strokes until he repents for his abandonment.

a9231c No.14173080


Sometimes I think I'm too nice/cucked for this site. I wouldn't even wish that on Moviebob.

4df63a No.14173096




7fa743 No.14173112


Thank you. Figured it was an outside chance, but you never know.

4df63a No.14173139


You don't know the cathartic joys of sadism.

a9231c No.14173170


You're probably right. I'd rather they redeem themselves without suffering tbh.

a9231c No.14173208

File: 66d68d4da65556e⋯.png (97.92 KB, 626x838, 313:419, violated rules.png)

4df63a No.14173351


I don't want that and I don't want to get along or for this shit to finally go away then just be swept under the rug. I want nothing but ruined, miserable lives and despair for everything.

a36723 No.14173440

File: 1ca673d560995c7⋯.jpg (56.45 KB, 729x729, 1:1, 1ca673d560995c7d817bc870ec….jpg)


I got back from work, whats going on? Am I going to be walled in with the communist?

I live in la county. About 25 minutes away from LA

b45b51 No.14173449


I'm in Dixon. I believe that I'm gonna be walled in with the communists provided that the bill for "New California" gets passed.

04e505 No.14173453


is there a recent poll for normies regarding cuck? I wonder how they feel about cucking. I am pretty sure that mostly gay journalists jump in to defend cucks.

18c1fb No.14173469


they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

a36723 No.14173497

File: 99675d61ba29ee1⋯.png (757.89 KB, 661x914, 661:914, Jerry Brown s New Budget I….png)

File: 95dcbdab45b1430⋯.png (468.91 KB, 660x754, 330:377, Jerry Brown Plays Presiden….png)

File: e6d7fa2ddbbe71c⋯.png (537.65 KB, 659x799, 659:799, Gov. Jerry Brown Tells BBC….png)

File: c6f15a2e71d9ce7⋯.png (855.08 KB, 666x760, 333:380, Jerry Brown California Ta….png)

File: a87463f52f0ed66⋯.png (815.53 KB, 668x651, 668:651, Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bil….png)


Didn't they try to pull this shit a few years ago? I remember it getting a lot of news coverage then it died when they weren't able to get on the ballet that election. Or is this just the plan to keep the money and generated by LA, Hollywood, silicon valley and San Fransisco away from the rest of the state. Or is this the "we're seceding from the US because muh racism". Or is this another way to fuck with the electoral collage and all of the above.

Fuck it, this welfare state will go under if it even passes. I think its going to be like Spain, the political and social elites are trying to rile up the masses into wanting something where only they will reap the rewards


819914 No.14173512

The planking table posted last thread is fucking hard. It is supposed to be done daily? will it get easier?

66e73b No.14173537


Post it again to see, it probably is daily, you should really just lift actual weights though anon


Drumpf and russian bots are manipulating the electoral college to take away liberal influence in national elections to undermine amerikkka

819914 No.14173546

File: cd3de6f95be3036⋯.jpg (100 KB, 747x810, 83:90, rutina planking.jpg)


Here is. Sorry for the taco title.

abedb0 No.14173553


You aren't locked in there with them, they are locked in there with you.

66e73b No.14173560


Yeah that's supposed to be daily, you can generally take a day or two off on the weekends and if your body is too tired you can start by doing it every other day and working your way up to daily. Still though you should lift weights instead

a460ce No.14173578



Just remember to keep good form.

abedb0 No.14173584

File: 6b6a15c7dbbe108⋯.jpg (31.94 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1407833074604.jpg)

File: a825c3699179f6b⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1516183365.mp4)

File: 95225bddb173aed⋯.mp4 (979.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1516183365-2.mp4)

It's happening.

819914 No.14173595



It's extra hard because I've been pretty sedentary and I'm a fat fuck.

I hope the table at least makes me stronger.

f2b001 No.14173597

File: b08a182f63ffa36⋯.jpg (165.28 KB, 1200x1104, 25:23, Tanahashi Asleep.jpg)

Good evening.

a460ce No.14173618


Your body fat will fall down. Try to keep your skeletal structure straight.

66e73b No.14173643


Where was that?

2d9ac5 No.14173652


Look at all those unarchived articles!

b45b51 No.14173654


It seems to be a secession started by red areas of California being fed up with the coastal area of California having dominance. I find it's actually that the state seems to love unions for whatever reason. I also believe that is the rural areas of California attempted to secede, they'd be met with resistance from the Film Actors Guild (guess that the initials spell out?).

2d9ac5 No.14173656


Kill yourself wrestlefag.

6f6475 No.14173669

I really love keyboards

a36723 No.14173677


They've been archived already. The pictures are old and need to have the archive post on them.

7fdef9 No.14173694


I wish for their redemption, but they do have to suffer to get it. How can one look at their own evil with the lens of truth and justice and not feel pain for it?

After the redemption the person is well. But the process is bitter.

a36723 No.14173721

File: f74760e787f1e9e⋯.png (505.82 KB, 551x615, 551:615, amazing.png)


That's actually better than I had hoped for.

71294a No.14173753

File: 8f9d8292e3852fa⋯.png (144.6 KB, 724x480, 181:120, ClipboardImage.png)

What's his name again? Also, lol demonetization

c7dcbc No.14173762

European here, can anyone explain to me what's with the "new California"?

71294a No.14173766

File: 08624a0b2838b35⋯.png (88.98 KB, 500x232, 125:58, ClipboardImage.png)


"man fuck drumpf, I'm out" - Calexit lefties

"man fuck these lefty shit, I'm out" - New California Republicans

13a899 No.14173767


rural california wants to split away from coastal (sanfran) california into a new state.

a36723 No.14173769



Rural California want to govern themselves as a new state.

29fc93 No.14173772



Sounds exciting.

c7dcbc No.14173775




So lefties could be isolated?

6f6475 No.14173780

File: c1a703bb09dbc7f⋯.jpg (724.19 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180117-224427.jpg)

a460ce No.14173790


>So lefties could be isolated?

More-so than they currently are.

bb575f No.14173793

File: a992faa1373cf61⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 320x267, 320:267, 22298670749d67a03a6490fed3….jpg)


New York should secede from Jew York City and become New New York

71294a No.14173819


True York

abedb0 No.14173825



a36723 No.14173831

File: afa45217e1be5d4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.57 KB, 896x1200, 56:75, DMSByYYU8AE00t1.jpg)


Yes, they're going to eat themselves when they realize that the 45.3 billion they get from agriculture is going to go to the shitter because New California has almost all of the central valley and best soil in their territory. Old California is going to have to go across state lines to get their food to feed the millions in los angles alone. This might be a death blow to their infrastructure and unions supporting its bloated cost.

2adc92 No.14173832


>"Everyone deserves a second chance"


04e505 No.14173876

File: d41e8f28a43e713⋯.png (888.47 KB, 973x736, 973:736, 2018-01-17_13-57-07.png)

File: 6ca7649e4c202c8⋯.webm (10.15 MB, 854x480, 427:240, movie480.webm)

One of you heard of this Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun game? Is it good?

71294a No.14173881


It's Commandos: Feudal Japan

aa4854 No.14173892


Are you spying on me anon? I started playing this game just yesterday night. I only did a bit of the tutorial to test it out before going to bed, but I liked it a lot and it worked surprisingly well with a controller so I can play it from my bed.

Like >>14173881 said, it's like a newer more polished Commandos set in glorious Nippon.

47081a No.14173898


Very good.

cbe024 No.14173960


It's good shit. The game has dual audio.

0abba8 No.14173965

File: ff64fc1f737c96c⋯.jpg (49.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dead-or-alive-xtreme-venus….jpg)

DoA got a new girl.

04e505 No.14173973


This is how you know that a meme sucks. Even the 2d art is cancer as fuck.

f6f808 No.14173974

File: ce76cb2b4e17dd6⋯.jpg (150.95 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, DJF2zJAVAAExM-t.jpg)


They need more older characters.

819914 No.14173980

What is umami and why every hipster in the kitchen is using that term like if they watched a maraton of Shokugeki no Soma?

f52564 No.14173986

Metal Gear Survive Requires Constant Internet Connection, Has Microtransactions


>Roslyn Petelin / ABC - "Milkshake duck, sniglets and why there's nothing new about invented words" ("a high-profile gamer, Tim Soret, was designated as a milkshake duck when it emerged that he had been involved in 2014's notorious online sexist harassment scandal "Gamergate"")


>Amazon may be planning a YouTube rival


3bab8a No.14173989

News in France

L'agrif, Alliance générale contre le racisme et pour le respect de l'identité française et chrétienne (General alliance against racism and respect of french and christian identity), won their trial on the 12th after Saïd Zouggah, a singer, and Saïd Bouamama, a sociologue, wrote a rap song and book called "Nique la France" (fuck France). The highest court order in France agreed that those texts indeed warranted a condemnation for racism against French people last year after two judges found that the song didn't seem to attack a specific population according to the law; that's where the Cour de Cassation disagreed, as the various symbols and details mentioned in the song precisely indicated hate towards "people belonging to the french population".



It's a specific taste, like sour, salty, etc., that comes from japan and concerns things like meat, mushrooms, etc. In theory, it is something indeed slightly different and sees a lot of use in cuisine.


Very good, although she'd be even better with smaller boobs

13a899 No.14173993


It's a basic savory flavor that your brain is hard wired to think tastes good. It's the natural form of MSG.

Hipsters use it because it sounds fancy and smart.

6f6475 No.14173995



cbe024 No.14173997


Umami is the fifth basic taste, the savory one. If you're wondering why MSG gets stuffed into everything, that's why.


>Saïd Zouggah, a singer, and Saïd Bouamama

Gee, I wonder what faith they practice.

819914 No.14174001




So, umami is meaty deliciousness? I just thought the term was pozzed after finding it in Adventure Time.

cbe024 No.14174007


Nope, term's been officially recognized since the 80s.

819914 No.14174012


Oh, ok, my fault for being overjudgemental.

f2b001 No.14174022

File: 5515f2c8550f924⋯.jpg (577.38 KB, 1114x1024, 557:512, Hmm 17.jpg)

Is it just me or this odd silence of our feminist "friends" attack against the "sexist and problematic" Japanese-made video games is deafening?! I'm having bad vibes here all of a sudden.

6f6475 No.14174024


Fuck off retard

2d9ac5 No.14174026


Fuck off retard.

3bab8a No.14174030


>hypocrisy we've encountered hundreds of times from them is giving you bad vibes

At some point you need to get used to that shit anon

Are you a shill or just an idiot

2d9ac5 No.14174039


It's proresufag, so just an idiot.

f2b001 No.14174042


I said:

>Is it just me or this odd silence of our feminist "friends" attack against the "sexist and problematic" Japanese-made video games is deafening?!

Because there are no hitpieces so far, no nothing and it's the start of 2018. This is where the time they should establish their point of attacks against Nip games. You seem misunderstanding. They're completely silent and that's really odd for them to do.

798f23 No.14174058

File: ef070fb4cca832f⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 540x259, 540:259, d00d13cc534039271f03c04401….jpg)

File: f47e34f388f2a2c⋯.pdf (94.87 KB, Art of War (Sun Tzu).pdf)


Don't know what to do about it, really. Just be on your toes.

cbe024 No.14174073



They're currently preoccupied with the Ugandan Knuckles shit.

114331 No.14174089

File: 6d29966020099de⋯.jpeg (14.03 KB, 300x400, 3:4, poop-jpg--penis-jpg.jpeg)


Speaking of vrchat, I just played a redlettermedia movie commentary over the mic. Some guy actually started to have a convo with mike and jay.

f2b001 No.14174096

File: 951a719e63ca267⋯.jpg (14.81 KB, 625x262, 625:262, A Joke.jpg)

>After the Logan Paul at Aokigahara fiasco, Youtube have implemented their new guidelines on how creators are allowed to monetize their content, either you get 4000+ hours of watch hours or a thousand subscribers. Not having all of it means no soup for you.

819914 No.14174100


So, making it harder por people to get into the Youtube business. Then if the videos aren't monetized youtube shouldn't randomly play ads in those videos the greedy fucks.

04e505 No.14174106


>the greedy fucks

ads still play on those videos, youtube makes money they just don't want to community to profit from it. Remember how not long ago Google was praised as the saviour of the internet…

6f6475 No.14174107


You know the rules faggot

819914 No.14174113


That's the biggest issue I have with the whole demonetization shit, because Youtube will always play ads in any kind of video.

If only there was a true alternative to youtube and Pewdiepie made a channel there to bring viewers…

71294a No.14174115


were you in that bar

114331 No.14174132

File: f17bad7c9533cd9⋯.jpg (253.96 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, 20180117065640_1.jpg)

File: 73ec0f1c00b7542⋯.jpg (267.94 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, 20180117070013_1.jpg)

File: b0975a7132a9f6b⋯.jpg (182.34 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, 20180117070149_1.jpg)


Don't think so. Mostly Uganda and a conference room.

13a899 No.14174232

File: ecc1be9eacd4cce⋯.png (178.36 KB, 479x675, 479:675, potted arisu.png)


798f23 No.14174233

File: 8efa60ef913e490⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB, 352x240, 22:15, Bring out your dead!.mp4)

df42fa No.14174275

File: c020fcaaa9809d3⋯.webm (206.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, bootleg kizuna.webm)

2d9ac5 No.14174286

ea104b No.14174352


who is stopping those memeteors?

aa4854 No.14174376

File: 4a3a8436aa4a29c⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, 1446828915071-v.jpg)


It's over.

How can we take down the entirety of the media establishment, tech giants and the EU if we can't even keep one thread alive? We couldn't even convince one gook to wear a dress despite his high soy intake, we suck. It's time to #CloseTheGate

ea104b No.14174396


we have to find da wei

f52564 No.14174437

>Columbia Journalism Review: "Europe tries to fight hate, harassment, and fake news without killing free speech." Cue apologia for Eurocrat Mintrues and redefining "free speech."


Forbes: "The Business Of Video Games: The Health Of America's Gamers." Uses an infographic do push a disingenuous narrative


b8f302 No.14174496

Yo GaymerGays, what are your thoughts on this?


04e505 No.14174529


shilling your own thread?

b8f302 No.14174543


Yes, no billy.

1c9d1f No.14174546

File: 746ab8658344f0d⋯.jpg (28.75 KB, 417x300, 139:100, 746ab8658344f0d9f466e37c78….jpg)


What is there to say? 3PIC LEAKZ only serve to attract massive fags to your site especially when those leaks aren't that amazing. They can have them. They can shit up their shitty site with more shit users all they want.

a9231c No.14174567


Not worried, they will never reach the levels they once had.

441047 No.14174582


That and the nature of the beast will mean that the new ownership will no doubt do the same thing that got the Neogaf ownership in trouble, only its going to happen faster this time.

a9231c No.14174655


Speaking of which, what happened to brian577?

798f23 No.14174671

File: 98b651a89986488⋯.mp4 (800.8 KB, 406x720, 203:360, South Park - The Earth Sho….mp4)


You could have mentioned that sooner, Anon? I just deleted it yesterday (Thinking it severed no extra purpose), and cleaned out my computer's trash bin this morning.

a9231c No.14174703


I just remembered he threatened to kill himself over NeoGAF got the axe but seemed awfully okay with his degenerate bestiality porn getting leaked in comparison.

fcacf8 No.14174719

File: f23bc6effa901c3⋯.jpg (119.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, f23bc6effa901c3b05e3222c29….jpg)


wost bacharu yuuchuba

cc1db7 No.14174847


On that, just who was that Kenji dude and why suddenly everyone went to defend that sperg?

7dfa44 No.14174913


>Make guns illegal

>Remove any punishments for using guns

Fucking what


To be fair 1k subscribers is basically nothing. You probably need multiple times that much to be viable anyways.

819914 No.14174920


Kizuna is best AI.

441047 No.14174923


They don't want to disturb their voting base who are killing all those freeloaders. :^) It would be nice if those had archives, though.

a9231c No.14174927


>Fucking what

This is the same guy that made deliberately infecting someone with HIV a misdemeanor. Who knows what that means when people donate blood? Jerry Brown is insane, even the dead kennedys made a song about him being a lefty tyrant.

bb575f No.14175030

File: ee004e64709f11a⋯.png (355.3 KB, 647x866, 647:866, 1461342669046.png)


>seemed awfully okay with his degenerate bestiality porn

You mean furry stuff r-right?

798f23 No.14175044

File: 07f63da5c90064e⋯.mp4 (7.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Life of Brian577.mp4)



Redownloaded the video from HookTube.

<Here you go

fd0a58 No.14175048

File: 968aee0a902d3a8⋯.mp4 (572.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 【ギター】「キズナアイのふぁっきゅー」を弾いてみたょ.mp4)

File: c7e0e0d92dfa6f5⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, キズナアイちゃんのバイオ実況に手付けで動きを加えてみ….mp4)

File: 2b44ac974405fdb⋯.mp4 (766.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 【ギター】「輝夜 月」を弾いてみたょ.mp4)

a9231c No.14175052


The guy commissioned art of an actual dog getting fucked. I don't simply mean furry.

c05dcd No.14175054

File: 26c5f720fced2c7⋯.png (531.91 KB, 1632x1644, 136:137, 1516214649277.png)

989deb No.14175066

File: 5de54713fa89666⋯.jpg (62.52 KB, 640x480, 4:3, disgusted roll.jpg)

"Non-feminist" The Last Jedi Edit is making the rounds on twitter. No one's talking about what's taken out, only passive-aggressive (and not-so) jabs at MRAs without seeing any scene of it. So business as always

fd0a58 No.14175068

File: 6d1d904d88bad6d⋯.webm (2.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, amateur pediatric surgery.webm)

File: 0e8885fd0391453⋯.jpg (121.22 KB, 708x931, 708:931, 383479e38fa15ab07a943f9961….jpg)

File: 7e1d9e9a6b6791b⋯.webm (250.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, swedish army fitness test.webm)

File: 7f79ed742b3744c⋯.webm (1.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sees your dick.webm)

File: 2657bac15225418⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, loli freedom fighters.png)


Where's the archive, dickhead?

Where is it?

2d9ac5 No.14175075


Spoiler that sadness anon.

34e0a6 No.14175076


>that webm name

anon, bootlegs aren't supposed to be twenty times better than their originals

79d3a6 No.14175077


So, what, just the credits then?

c05dcd No.14175084

dd4c65 No.14175114


>its not real



You have a unique taste for blushing/embarrassed characters, its sort of unusual.

Also you're a faggot

798f23 No.14175117

File: fc9f78856bda18e⋯.png (79.04 KB, 584x386, 292:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 324c50333b624a6⋯.png (73.57 KB, 597x376, 597:376, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b8d05e7099e7b9⋯.png (83.46 KB, 702x471, 234:157, ClipboardImage.png)

34e0a6 No.14175137


Women sure are crazy. All I've thought after they made me angry was raping them, nice and pure.

dd4c65 No.14175148


>feminists are larping

Goddamn I'm laughing

bb575f No.14175156

File: c3314f13878cb4a⋯.png (226.47 KB, 579x421, 579:421, 1455893648724.png)

819914 No.14175159


If women are so good in the kitchen, why are most famous chefs male?

Face it, men can even beat you in your shitty female obligations.

3f106f No.14175173

File: 1792497d650fb5b⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2846x2610, 1423:1305, freyaoffice.png)

a9231c No.14175191


>Large amounts of money that went to torment went to wasteland 2

I hate this so much. Use the cash for what you advertised you'd do with it.


Reminds me, I knew a guy who called himself an ethical cannibal, only drank piss and ate shit/menstral blood/earwax/toe jam/ pretty much anything that came from the human body. He had those same tips on how to prepare them, using slow cookers and adding onions to that.

798f23 No.14175229

File: 34cb680169a64ee⋯.png (19.47 KB, 584x261, 584:261, HT-1.png)


>Use the cash for what you advertised you'd do with it.

So, is inXile the next Gearbox (Diverted funds that were for Aliens:CM and funneled them into BL2 DLC?

>Reminds me, I knew a guy who called himself an ethical cannibal, only drank piss and ate shit/menstral blood/earwax/toe jam/ pretty much anything that came from the human body. He had those same tips on how to prepare them, using slow cookers and adding onions to that.

Why is it stuff like this and what Khaw are posting outright disgust me, yet I'm perfectly fine whenever I browser /vore/ or gurochan and see some of the stuff written and posted on there?

a9231c No.14175236


>So, is inXile the next Gearbox

I'd argue they are even worse, since it's not a publisher's cash, but several thousands of people who paid for a product and had funds diverted elsewhere.

>Why is it stuff like this and what Khaw are posting outright disgust me, yet I'm perfectly fine whenever I browser /vore/ or gurochan and see some of the stuff written and posted on there?

Probably because it's detailed and therefore less likely to simply just be roleplaying?

f52564 No.14175295

>Why Can't Journalists Handle Public Criticism?


>Jordan Zakarin / SyfyWire - How the alt-right and nostalgic trolls hijacked geek pop culture - "In the wake of GamerGate and then Trump's campaign, the alt-right has inserted itself into the dialogue over geek pop culture, altering the conversation around certain movies, TV shows, and comic books."


Kingdom Come: Deliverence - racism, sexism, and a few neo-Nazi fans - reproaches Studio (In which, they seem to be trying to smear the game and the developer (Daniel Vavra)






c30f6b No.14175322

File: e49a8d0070643de⋯.jpg (213.22 KB, 800x1058, 400:529, 1448501068140.jpg)


>In the wake of GamerGate and then Trump's campaign, the alt-right has inserted itself into the dialogue over geek pop culture, altering the conversation around certain movies, TV shows, and comic books.

That particular line sounds like they're crying about not having a monopoly on preaching why things are problematic anymore.

4c17af No.14175376


This vid from these threads or is it from some other /v/ or /pol/ thread?

13a899 No.14175382

File: c53a459b4755e14⋯.png (409.75 KB, 971x712, 971:712, c53a459b4755e14174043d5aed….png)


>those kingdom come articles

>they will never stop being buttblemished that polacks said their historical advisor is more credible than a tumblr page

c30f6b No.14175404

File: f521e0ff251a954⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 549x652, 549:652, Tumblr literally judges a ….jpg)


I'm still amazed that they actually tout Tumblr as a "credible source."

3bbeee No.14175410

File: 1f86ab72d1a6ade⋯.png (479.59 KB, 911x714, 911:714, projector.png)



>the alt-right has inserted itself into the dialogue over geek pop culture, altering the conversation around certain movies, TV shows, and comic books

ea104b No.14175533


i dont follow abyss, what ahppened to the grill?

0abba8 No.14175537

File: d41dbe61c547bb6⋯.jpg (143.39 KB, 634x890, 317:445, serveimage.jpg)


Men can even beat women at being women.

And with VR waifus and AI waifus on the horizon, women are on suicide watch

34e0a6 No.14175546

The UK finally voted the law that gets their country out of the EU

cd2b0a No.14175557

Wait, I thought this was just a meme. People are actually eating those tide pods?


819914 No.14175558


I just need a genetically engineered cat girl for domestic use and impregnation and then civilization would have reach its peak.

13a899 No.14175563


>Men can even beat women at being women.

Expat in Thailand here, can confirm.

b9b7b7 No.14175564

Did you faggots really need a new thread to talk about this shit?


c30f6b No.14175580


Considering the source is CNN, I'm going to be skeptical about it.

bb511b No.14175590

#GreatAwakening is trending on Twitter (well it's suppressed but a lot of people are in it).

Dump redpills about Twitter/Google/etc. Check out #QAnon while you're at it.

b9b7b7 No.14175623

File: 2dc7d6f898d9228⋯.png (135.48 KB, 500x400, 5:4, hat.png)


>spreading this larping bullshit

You guys are really desperate to stay relevant, aren't you?

0aa16d No.14175628

File: 35ed01171366e07⋯.jpg (231.95 KB, 867x581, 867:581, ShionGrope.jpg)

Where is the thread repository for June 2017 up until today?

bb511b No.14175694


There's also #WeThePeople and #TheStorm getting into a frenzy.

A little beyond our scope, but we've gathered shit they'd want RE social media anyhow.

bb575f No.14175732

File: 2487da69955861d⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 500x280, 25:14, serveimage.jpg)


Youtubers should start doing the Frebreeze Chugging Challenge tbh

3f106f No.14175762


I elect Logan Paul to go first, preferably with a small upstart channel recording the whole thing.

04e505 No.14175780


>Logan Paul

Since when do you guys care about e-celebs so much? Who cares about these idiots acting like total faggots in public?

e13f94 No.14175838


Do men do these sorts of exercises too?

a460ce No.14175847



An excerpt from the CNN article

>In the first 15 days of the new year, poison control centers received 39 such calls – the same number they received in all of 2016, the association said.

It is Literally Nothing.

4ce1fb No.14175850

Please respond



Do I have to do repetitions?

c30f6b No.14175866


Mountains out of molehills, because they refuse to fucking learn that sensationalism is what's killing them.

e13f94 No.14175875


Why would they do that? What do they think it will do?

3bbeee No.14175886


No. Men don't have core muscles.

a460ce No.14175888


I forgot to say that this is the headline

>Poison control calls 'spike' due to online laundry pod challenge


Men can do them. Why wouldn't they be able to.


>Do I have to do repetitions?

The exercises tone and strengthen and take 5 minutes to complete. They can be part of your regular fitness regime. There would be nothing stopping you from doing these exercises once in the morning and one in the evening. With anything, consistency is the key.

7ad3a9 No.14175896

File: 6a12e08bf8c1859⋯.jpg (90.65 KB, 1021x964, 1021:964, oh lord my smug.jpg)

I still love how we get butthurt comments and >>14175199 is full of cuckchan trying to say it's not games.

66e73b No.14175900


You mean like this fag?



a460ce No.14175907


Worse than that. The headline is a lie. What part of a zero increase in calls is a "spike"?

9562dd No.14175917

File: 0d6a13bb854b00d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 25.png)


Jews should kill themselves tbh

-Paul the Apostle

c30f6b No.14175929



>proceeds to ignore the fact that the Twitter meme actually started mid-December, so is likely par for the course

7ad3a9 No.14175943


that and >>14175885 >>14175864

c30f6b No.14175950


<MUH NEO-/v/

Oh, so the Goons are back. Great.

a460ce No.14175958


CNN then go on twitter and say that it is

> a "large spike"

They are increasingly exaggerating a non-story for clicks. I guess CNN can officially be called the "Gawker for normalfags". Here's hoping they get fucked over too.

66e73b No.14175963


Jesus christ that thread is shit, it started out okay but then devolved into goons getting butthurt about nu/v/ and reddit for shitting on that writer

355383 No.14175978



I think this is related to the Fake News Awards.

Not really GG, but good time to dump redpills about MSM corruption.

Check out the tags [incl/ #FakeNews] cos with it being Trump inspired, there's butthurt sjws for your amusement.

7ad3a9 No.14175986


Yep they and 4/v/ retards keep trying to turn this board into cuckchan or resetERA


I think they are in that resetERA thread as well?

cc1db7 No.14176030



This is the very reason a local network in Colombia is really close to shut down. They're so sensationalistic and biased that even people on their side of the political spectrum got tired and no one watches them.


I-I'd like someone to answer me this one

355383 No.14176094


There is one that some fag was working on but don't know if there's a pastebin of it. [If there is I've not got the link.]

Post the question again in successive breads - sooner or later the fag who knows will respond.

38e168 No.14176109

What are some bro tier developers with games that might work on a lan party? Devs like Running With Scissors.

74bdfa No.14176146

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


ae0e41 No.14176216

File: 7dd95997401ce73⋯.png (90.43 KB, 505x427, 505:427, jojolion.png)

487f32 No.14176312

File: 60d3ff0e971e541⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1200x793, 1200:793, thisisfinestalker.jpg)


Is this a real thing, or just some kind of PR shit?

If so, I find it mildly retarded and most amusing.

c30f6b No.14176347

File: 2013b8024a291d5⋯.png (141.84 KB, 438x299, 438:299, laugh_wheeze_spock.png)


>check Twitter

>every single person that's been long since confirmed to have shit taste is saying they're lining up to buy a $70 cardboard box

Max Temkin should honestly be ashamed of his Cards Against Humanity cow turd stunt, at this point. Nintendo easily topped that.

e19565 No.14176358


>This woman is a writer for the Wasteland games

I seriously hope this life is just a long nightmare and I wake up to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R X Kemono Friends or something like that.


I don't get it, are we going to pay for cardboard in our vidya now?

34e0a6 No.14176382



where are you seeing the price ? Honestly, it's just cardboard, so if it's only 5 bucks, at MOST 10, I think it's a great idea. If it's more though, they can fuck themselves

At least online is still free up to 2019, which is great

74bdfa No.14176406


It does imply it comes with specific software.

3f9a76 No.14176414

File: d70eb2a98a7e2cb⋯.png (274.96 KB, 1209x759, 403:253, 1443990644657.png)


>Where is the thread repository for June 2017 up until today?

Copy this pastebin onto a notepad and start keeping your own copies updated faggots.


bb575f No.14176421

File: 3b909cd191746ff⋯.png (564.28 KB, 857x476, 857:476, monke.png)


What is this horrible nightmare.I just want to play video games on a video game console.

66e73b No.14176447

File: a3ac2d369c62eba⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1592x925, 1592:925, $70.PNG)


>I don't get it, are we going to pay for cardboard in our vidya now?

I think that they're like shittier versions of those shitty plastic Wii controller enclosures?


Straight from ninty's website anon no archive because it fucks up

a460ce No.14176453


>$70 cardboard box

What is different to previous shit boxes. Didn't Mighty No9 release a useless box for some of its backers?

ea104b No.14176454


i don't…

i am confused

34e0a6 No.14176463



it's fucking cardboard

what if I fucking break it

what's wrong witchu ninty

At least we have VR on switch at least

0610bb No.14176470

File: b665ba1ec5847f0⋯.png (548.52 KB, 1004x1509, 1004:1509, 1e8457117c3ae03ec474a640c7….png)


It's cardboard for a single game. It's gimmicky and a waste of space you get bored of it. And very awkward given that it's suppose to be a portable console.

It looks creative, I will give them that. I'm a fan of DIY kinda things.



You seem to be missing that "Labo" is the game. It just has accessories, like that guitar hero plastic.

c30f6b No.14176480

File: d7ac8cc7af1e40c⋯.jpg (10.89 KB, 200x345, 40:69, 1471896749292.jpg)


But according to the Usual Suspects, namely Kyle "I regret nothing" Orland and his buddy over at Treehouse, "it's not for you," and you're a stupid manchild for joking about"getting mad over" a children's toy.

c30f6b No.14176496


>You seem to be missing that "Labo" is the game. It just has accessories, like that guitar hero plastic.

Okay, now think about it from the perspective of parents. You know, the ones that thought the Wii U was just an addon for the Wii. Are you really going to spend $70 for a stack of cardboard and wires? I mean, the Nintendrones in GameJournoPros can whine about "manchildren" all they want, but they're the only ones that actually know the product.

a72afb No.14176500


You have an archive of this, yes?

e19565 No.14176527

File: 33d3316b8474e10⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1300x1889, 1300:1889, 7ff3fea9e9b9eedf21aeefabe….jpeg)


All of it feels like a gimmick, though. I doubt these are full games long enough to be considered vidya, instead of little stuff where you see everything in 15 minutes.

I don't want to buy gaming cardboard, that's for sure, it feels as insulting as paid mods or paid online.


>It just has accessories, like that guitar hero plastic.

I could see an advantage of the cardboard, it's that it doesn't take much space since you can disassemble it, but that's the only thing I can think of, and it's not even about the vidya.

c30f6b No.14176531



I'm honestly left wondering how you can work at Nintendo, know the exact reasons why the Wii U sold poorly, and then make this kind of statement.

355383 No.14176562


Found this one:


Covers May to early November 2017.

This one is up to date >>14176414

a72afb No.14176566

File: 3d237154ba5b531⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 300x300, 1:1, depressed.jpg)

>Co-Head Writer (Bill Nye Saves the World)

>tfw someone I used to know wrote for that show

e86c0d No.14176571


>Didn't Mighty No9 release a useless box for some of its backers?

Yes. it was a famicom/NES styled box that wouldn't even fit the game manual that was part of the backer perk.

66e73b No.14176592


That's pretty bad anon, the worst I got is a friend who works for EA


>I could see an advantage of the cardboard, it's that it doesn't take much space since you can disassemble it

That cardboard is going to wear out in 5 fucking minutes, even faster if you disassemble it. The one advantage I could possibly see is if they provided the patterns and you could cut the toys out yourself on any random piece of cardboard

a460ce No.14176604


>All of it feels like a gimmick, though. I doubt these are full games long enough to be considered vidya, instead of little stuff where you see everything in 15 minutes.

I would consider it a "hacking" thing in the traditional sense. Let's see what ideas other people can come up with. But charging $70 for cardboard cutouts? Yeah, no.

0610bb No.14176632


It'll likely get a bunch of kids that won't understand how to build it or get too rough and break it. I wouldn't be surprised if lazy parents wouldn't bother with it either. It has tutorials though, from the video.


>if you're not in the demographic then just ignore it

>implying there's anything wrong with this statement

His tone is aggressive for PR, given. It's that the targeted demographic, except the adults (which he just stated it isn't for) and not retarded kiddies, will have problems with it.

The stupidity of the marketing is that they put more focus on the gimmick and not the games it's suppose to work with.

c30f6b No.14176675


>The stupidity of the marketing is that they put more focus on the gimmick and not the games it's suppose to work with.

And that's the exact shit that killed the Wii U early on. But they don't want to hear that.

abedb0 No.14176680


She got poisoned by a splinter from a giant alien porcupine and Reg is having to cut off her arm before the poison spreads and kills her. The show is full of fun things like this.

7fa743 No.14176692

File: 1f7d8045246a710⋯.jpg (317.39 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, cursed.jpg)


>It's for children, so they made it out of cardboard

If that's their defense, it's a stupid one. This weekend Etsy project is going to become warped beyond recognition the second a child inevitably spills juice on it. It's impossible to clean or disinfect without ruining it as well. The R&D that went into designing this could have easily been spent in snap together plastic pieces huge enough that young potatoes couldn't swallow them, and wouldn't a continual vector for E.coli

c30f6b No.14176760


And plastic would justify the asking price. As of right now, they've fucked the marketing.

34e0a6 No.14176779


The switch is the best selling console of all time, anon. They can pretty much sell you literal iwata shit by now and they wouldn't have to worry about sales and profits anyway.

ea104b No.14176783


i assume her arm doesnt just grow back, right?

ae0e41 No.14176796


The $70 is including the "game".

66e73b No.14176799


It doesn't get cut off all the way, she gets nerve damage and loses mobility but it heals through some bullshit

55a54d No.14176813

File: 3e953059caa2b0e⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 349x320, 349:320, 1435589873016.jpg)

Why are all studios so cucked now, they don't even seem to want to get better. Games are so shit lately I prefer to play fucking Akinator all evening.

66e73b No.14176816


I mean to say it doesn't heal completely, it heals but she gets nerve damage and loses mobility.


Yeah, I realized that, a bit more reasonable but it still raises the question of what happens when the cardboard invariably gets worn out

7fa743 No.14176871


Better justify the price, at any rate. I'll be shocked if these pizza boxes make it into failed obscurity before burger lawsuits happen, though.

b025ac No.14176912


in a way you cut cost on peripherals since it's just cardboard but they are just pushing a gimmick that hurts the former intent.

I mean just say it costs$ to make a plastic gun

55a54d No.14176933



Been doing those too. The sides are the hardest for me. Half-plank at the end can get hard too.

abedb0 No.14177008

File: 300d5479fa8cf48⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 468x350, 234:175, corrugated-plastic-sheets-….jpg)





Reminder that corrugated plastic exists and Nintendo has no excuse.

a5239f No.14177036

File: a7038828e44a284⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 589x360, 589:360, 63838e08754e46d7360de641bb….jpg)

File: 81cb9f8c581b4e6⋯.jpg (563.11 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, pc_gamer_us_edition_octobe….jpg)


I have to admit that I do like the concept.


>All of it feels like a gimmick, though. I doubt these are full games long enough to be considered vidya, instead of little stuff where you see everything in 15 minutes.

I did like the mecha game shown, but the motion controls made me lose much hope in it being good. And, like you side, it will most likely just be one of many 15 minute "demos" (Just like NintendoLand).


Wow, Microsoft shit the bed so badly that everyone forgot about how you should not insult your (potential) customers.


It's because the people running those companies are so high in their own shit, they think they're "Too big too fail". Meanwhile, shareholders around like ants trying to figure out how they can "Let go" the current batch of idiots actually running the company because they're losing money left and right (And, they cannot directly "Fire" them, they have to leave "willingly").


I remember those being used for some toys. Perhaps they may start using it in the unlikely event the game actually sells well enough.

b025ac No.14177087


that's the point, not going all communism mind you, they make a cheap product that costs more than the actual process of producing this stuff. badabing badabung you got a thing that costs less and you're, in theory, making a profit and if it fails, which most probably it will, the losses aren't that heavy.

it's still stupid

7fa743 No.14177126


Signboard would be better, because you can at least Lysol that.

abedb0 No.14177128


> that costs more than the actual process of producing this stuff

I've seen shoe boxes made out of the stuff though. This isn't space age material I'm talking about and you can at least sanitize it or get it wet.

a460ce No.14177163


Plastic is more likely to scratch a person than cardboard. Can you imagine the reaction from soccer moms when their kids complain about how their babysitter is scratching their hands and arms?

b025ac No.14177265


that's not the point, you don't need those things because the material is fucking cardboard, you'll break it like nothing.

the point is they are trying to see if they can relay on a business plan like this one but the plan itself is idiotic, you can't cut the cost of production and gain money from it

7fa743 No.14177286

File: 0fcf8cdb0b17814⋯.jpg (342.19 KB, 1500x1394, 750:697, 81aM i TFlL._SL1500_.jpg)


That would also be a concern with stamp cut corrugated cardboard edges, though. A way to mitigate all of this is pica-proof giant pieces that snap together, like this. It's just mind boggling that this is real, and not some long form shitpost

f52564 No.14177332

>Shawn Connner / Vancouver Sun - "Geek Girls director Gina Hara on the distaff side of nerd subculture" (gamedrops)


>Wired: "It's the (Democracy-Poisoning) Golden Age of Free Speech", "Many more of the most noble old ideas about free speech simply don’t compute in the age of social media."



>PBS Announces New #MeToo Series


New Study Finds No Evidence That Violent Video Games Cause Violent Behavior


>Douglas Murray - "Watch: Cathy Newman’s catastrophic interview with Jordan Peterson"


>2018 will be a truly revolutionary year for (non-white male) fans and diversity (not white male fans).


>Politico: Don’t Blame Mental Illness for Mass Shootings; Blame Men


f2b001 No.14177341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning.

04e505 No.14177352

File: 8a0ee24ff84c5d5⋯.jpg (135.73 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 921ddfad6f5290afa3f9b8fa66….jpg)


I assume they wanna play it save and don't take any risks anymore. Everything is politically correct and nobody wants to make hard games anymore.

0d1328 No.14177360

File: 505446f1b13ae1a⋯.jpg (272.43 KB, 1023x1561, 1023:1561, 1439018305692.jpg)



Monty Markland is posting on KiA.

This inXile thing is getting too little attention, it's quite a goldmine.

f52564 No.14177426

f2b001 No.14177446

File: 0e720690e90a16b⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 616x487, 616:487, Retard 2156.jpg)

04e505 No.14177465


what kind of a nigger are you? you just going to post that clickbait without describing what the article says?

f2b001 No.14177480


It's in the archive, you fucking dolt.

cd2b0a No.14177488


I think he meant you should give more context than just an archive link and a Twitter screenshot

c30f6b No.14177490

File: 4079e52d00dbe3f⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 300x444, 25:37, simmering with rage.jpg)


>>Tencent Brokers Deal With LEGO To Develop Online Games In China





7135ba No.14177509

File: 7285c8bf0e9ebb9⋯.png (35.06 KB, 448x534, 224:267, fdb.png)



I dont think you understand who gives business to whom here

55a54d No.14177525

File: 5f22c23d8e0cb17⋯.jpg (113.99 KB, 682x741, 682:741, 1362969655061.jpg)


Happening quite a lot lately, along nameless cuck unarchived twitter posts.

a460ce No.14177533


>that article

>Players receive absolutely zero consequences for framing their issues in a torrent of abuse

Moderate better, dumb asses.


At least anon used an archive.

4d484b No.14177550


We really should focus on spreading this. Especially with the mishandled funs, poor treatment of artists, the fact that they wanted no whities in their games, and the cannibalistic spergout by that one writer who works for them. Seriously, that spergout is just straight up uncomfortable with the sheer detail the person goes into about wanting to eat men.

fd0a58 No.14177672

File: 6ac841906183215⋯.webm (1.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, faulty AI.webm)

File: 0cf573b597a96b0⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, startled monster jks.png)

File: 91e070d42c3b3db⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ramen sluts.png)

File: 3e41a01c3104868⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mating monster jks.png)

File: 6ac841906183215⋯.webm (1.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, faulty AI.webm)


Looks like the competition for batoto replacement has begun.

0d1328 No.14177675


Maybe Usher or Orselli would be interested in interviewing this guy. Some anon with a twatter should contact them.

3f5016 No.14177681

File: 0f6cc841193b246⋯.jpg (151.73 KB, 711x1200, 237:400, DTquafyU8AASis2.jpg)



Not the superiorist

55a54d No.14177702


Is it like devdex? :^)

7ad3a9 No.14177725

File: 4776fdd801f5910⋯.jpg (74.11 KB, 701x1200, 701:1200, __beatrix_granblue_fantasy….jpg)


Yep and seeing as the sjws/goons are coming here to say its a waste of time means something big will happen if we push this.


I want to know how hard making a bato replacement would be? Cause I think we should make our own.

c998b4 No.14177735


I'm on it while our Tags include the word "Christmas cakes" so cake mangas can be found more easily

a460ce No.14177739


Or Revolution 60? :^)

fd0a58 No.14177749

File: a3837439071b3ef⋯.png (983.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bullied monster jk.png)



This argument's already been had in a previous bread. Get started making it or stop larping as a leaderfag.

d1a041 No.14177751


no first for benis, therefore sage

6f6475 No.14177764

6f6475 No.14177768


fd0a58 No.14177775

File: 9bdb29605b56ee5⋯.png (891.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, monster jk collects (You)s.png)


816313 No.14177778


Who is she?

a72afb No.14177793


>off by two

Disgusting. Who got it?


55a54d No.14177826

File: 865879691a7cf2e⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 1175983571509.jpg)


It's like looking into the past.

7135ba No.14177840

File: a4f923080ad5ec6⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>[muffled madokami handrubbing in the distance]

816313 No.14177848


>Guns of the Patriots

That game was disappointing. Plot was shit, Snake and Otacon deserved a better ending, and Meryl shouldn't have man shoulders.

a72afb No.14177887


Reminder that Kojima wanted to end it with Snake and Otacon turning themselves in and getting executed as terrorists for their trouble, and only changed his mind because the rest of the dev team hated that idea.


7ad3a9 No.14177901

File: edf56e24fc9331a⋯.gif (595.06 KB, 400x302, 200:151, shrugs.gif)


>larping as a leaderfag

I was just suggesting we all try to work on something that is beneficial and asking how much work would it take to get it running.


That would of been fucking hilarious.

f52564 No.14177908

>Professor Maintains Massive "Far-Right" Doxxing List, Which She Sends to SPLC and Antifa Groups




>Trump and GOP present the "Fake News Awards," listing off times mainstream media used faulty sources or deceptive editing


f2b001 No.14177917

File: e714171f9a1b301⋯.jpg (261.38 KB, 781x1200, 781:1200, Comic Retard 52.jpg)

This is feministified Batgirl.

6f6475 No.14177930



yes whats fucking new? why the fuck even care?

13a899 No.14177934


Go be a furry on twatter, marche.

816313 No.14177935

File: fd4a945021d0b0c⋯.jpg (553.59 KB, 2995x1500, 599:300, ThetruemastermindofMGS.jpg)

File: 865c33325cac597⋯.png (218.33 KB, 712x707, 712:707, fukushima.png)


>Kojimbo wanted to end it with Snake and Otacon turning themselves in and getting exectued as terrorists for their trouble.

>Devs outright hated that idea

It would be a shit topping on the already shit sundae. Really shows he can't write without someone killing his darlings.

819914 No.14177936


A lesbian and a trannie having children is the worst thing I could see in this page.

710263 No.14177943


Found the soy boy. We'll fight you out of video games and we will get back comics because you spend all your money on latte's instead of comics.

55a54d No.14177944

File: 9c40e15d130f191⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 666x636, 111:106, 9c40e15d130f191f43ee7842ac….jpg)


>tfw want to reread some old clive barker comic and even /co/ can't find them. All torrents are dead.

If one of you guys happen to have them I'll take them.

043693 No.14177946


That guy has squirrel-girl lips

6f6475 No.14177948


Na, every fucking week a shitty comic comes out and its like WOOOOAH FEMINISM IS BAD AM I RIGHT

like no shit you fucking retard a single page in a comic is really so important that its game changing that everyone must give a shit about it like its a new event

Just stop reading comics because they are all like that and that single page you are reposting from twitter isnt new shit at all



18c1fb No.14177966


hamfisted tranny shit as always, but I'm equally annoyed by the hipster shit

>whoa, so random and wacky. Washing machines on the wall of a bar. And our so random characters open the conversation debating if they should set one to cold cycle or spin. Whoa!

c30f6b No.14177968


>>Trump and GOP present the "Fake News Awards," listing off times mainstream media used faulty sources or deceptive editing

Not to mention completely rearranging timelines so they could go "well, technically, we weren't wrong, so…" when they eventually got caught.

7ad3a9 No.14177984

File: 9840d7b6892b648⋯.png (484.24 KB, 1174x1004, 587:502, commierant.png)


>Professor Maintains Massive "Far-Right" Doxxing List, Which She Sends to SPLC and Antifa Groups

>They will be surprised when people will eventually snap and hang them

pic related


>/co/ still sits and watches their hobby get rapped in front of them

>does nothing to stand up but complains anyway


Even with out Miranda I can tell it's Marche due how spergy the post is.

487f32 No.14177989

File: 4cfd0a4c8d77f4a⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 490x360, 49:36, where do you think we are.mp4)


>furry lecturing people on what's important

I think you killing yourself is pretty important. Go do it, and take your trashy furry waifu with you.

e86c0d No.14177994


So how long until we know what the decent replacement is?

batoto had cancer moderators but god damn keeping track of everything was a breeze

7ad3a9 No.14178004


Well there are a few in the works but they are being done by Diaz and his ilk but I do think there is one non sjweeb one but it's cuckchan.

6f6475 No.14178015



Fuck off shill


better keep reposting the same shit

798f23 No.14178018


Do high school kids really act like that? I wouldn't know because I never hung out with "friends" outside of school.


>>/co/ still sits and watches their hobby get rapped in front of them

>>does nothing to stand up but complains anyway

What else can they really do aside from making their own comics, or reading something else (And, become another /a/)? Comic stores across the country are already furious for the past year that they cannot sell this firestarter material, meanwhile DC and Marvel honestly don't give a damn about losing.

6f6475 No.14178029


>What else can they really do aside from making their own comics, or reading something else

these idiots dont realise that comics are a much much much smaller industry and outside of saying why comics are bad and not buying them there isnt much you can do, the reason for that is because not buying comics hurts them far more than not buying a game

there is a reason the industry has had multiple crashes and is in such an awful state right now to the point where comic shop owners are complaining

its in the spiral downwards and getting annoyed about SJW shit in comics at this point just makes you look like a bandwaggoning idiot since everyone who actually liked comics has already jumped ship long ago

7ad3a9 No.14178035

File: f0711ae64c5593b⋯.jpg (291.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, funkykong.jpg)


Like how you did with Miranda or how Mark/Cobalt oppresses you?


>What else can they really do aside from making their own comics,

Answered your own question anon.

487f32 No.14178043

File: 9d2341c90c59a89⋯.jpg (91.03 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Jewish Pussy.jpg)


No, you fuck off furry. Go yiff some coked-up whore dressed as a dog. Your mother must be proud.

6f6475 No.14178046

487f32 No.14178059

File: 697a9ee53da7f85⋯.mp4 (386.13 KB, 178x320, 89:160, nut.mp4)


Well, hat's off you. Most australians can't count that high with all the subhuman mixxing you got going there.

6f6475 No.14178067


dont be racist

7ad3a9 No.14178070

File: cbd9d0f592dfffb⋯.jpg (520.16 KB, 1784x2320, 223:290, Chiaki 03.jpg)

I see the time of thread when Marche spills his spaghetti.

6f6475 No.14178079


I'm not spilling anything. apprently calling people retards who are clearly acting retarded is spurging

I actually have a really high WPM and can out type all of you in a race

c7dcbc No.14178086


And he stills aspergs about the gildafag whenever he has a chance, even when it's not the case. Keep being salty Marche.

6f6475 No.14178092



>bringing up gilda

ye fuck off gildafag, reported for ban evasion

7ad3a9 No.14178094

File: d5a9baecefb0def⋯.png (412.29 KB, 459x384, 153:128, jayztwostekch.PNG)

Yep it's that time.

66e73b No.14178107


Your typing speed won't matter with your shit australian internet faggot, besides posting retarded sjw shit is tradition.

6f6475 No.14178110


go play in your cardboard box you retard

798f23 No.14178115


Speaking of which: https://archive.fo/HRZlp

>IGN France appears to have a bit of additional information about Nintendo Labo. According to the site’s report, “the kits will not be mandatory – although the cartridge is needed – since Nintendo plans to offer the cardboard design pattern for free for aspiring builders”.

>Nintendo Labo will be starting out with the Variety Kit and Robot Kit on April 20. A Customization Set will also be sold that includes fun stencils, stickers, and colored tape.

7ad3a9 No.14178118


Why is this even a fucking thing?

487f32 No.14178120

File: 00c69398d0679dd⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 500x375, 4:3, rulebreaker.jpg)



Reported for enjoying licking a dog's anus.

66e73b No.14178125


Good job you furry fuck, go post your gay ass keyboard some more

c7dcbc No.14178131

File: 957462c0f239d96⋯.jpg (153.21 KB, 1300x960, 65:48, 0ae1db4a72bd8fbda91b06fe7e….jpg)


>Marche is obsessed with seeing the gildafag everywhere

>"I'll prove how wrong this anon is by calling him a gildafag!!!"

6f6475 No.14178133

File: b10d3bff30892c2⋯.jpg (185.19 KB, 1600x722, 800:361, DSC_0016.1_1600x722.jpg)

2adc92 No.14178141


>Barbara has recovered from paralysis, and is talking with a roommate about dark times

>"You don't get it Barbara… I'm trans"

bb575f No.14178143

File: f4d4edcdc23bb51⋯.gif (3.29 MB, 500x281, 500:281, panic.gif)

Don't look up what a Guinea Worm is

66e73b No.14178151


What did you do with your other one anyway? Did it break or something or did you just shelf it now that you have that one?

6f6475 No.14178165


I am retiring it I think, it was a good start into the hobby for sure but I have a few more keyboards I will use instead now.

well technically just MIRA right now but I'm in a group buy for 3 more

09c333 No.14178169


I just imagine how much those buggers might itch.

7ad3a9 No.14178173

File: 2b5459f61fa6263⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 306x306, 1:1, disgusted pepe.jpg)


I wish I didn't

66e73b No.14178174


Neat, why do you have so many keyboards? Do you switch them out or something or is it just fun to collect

6f6475 No.14178185


switch them out. have different switches on them, they feel different to use and such. just general collecting.

Its a hobby, not really much else to say but either you get it or you dont.

66e73b No.14178202


Fair enough, I just remembered about it and was kind of curious. It makes sense, I just didn't know what you did with them

798f23 No.14178363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>TMW you realize the case was 25 years ago

3f5016 No.14178436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


電脳少女YouTuber シロ Siro (Shiro "white") another youtuber "AI" her thing is she a soft-spoken cold-blooded killer yandere YouTuber (moreso than AI-chan) who squeaks like a dolphin when she gets excited, which can be either adorable, or ear-rape, depending on your taste

6d4e59 No.14178455


Are you new? A lot of topics discussed in generals on this board will also be discussed outside of them if deemed thread worthy. Lurk moar.


Shitty comics has always been relevant. Fuck off if you don't want to discuss shit and just want to post galkos, shitty image crops and exhentai links all day.


Reminder that Howard Lincoln was representing Nintendo of America who pushed for this shit.

f2b001 No.14178462


>Still clinging to the fact that it was the "right-wing Christians" who were are fault

798f23 No.14178478

File: 95c3295180cbe92⋯.jpg (193.34 KB, 794x946, 397:473, Judgement Day - 1.jpg)

File: c1c942f4028f0cc⋯.jpg (197.21 KB, 792x943, 792:943, Judgement Day - 2.jpg)

File: 98f27b5bdc1bf9c⋯.png (961.21 KB, 793x943, 793:943, Judgement Day - 3.png)

File: 1182fb53f202a1e⋯.jpg (203.39 KB, 784x943, 784:943, Judgement Day - 4.jpg)

File: 234c1ba770e7c0a⋯.jpg (513.53 KB, 1539x1025, 1539:1025, (((who))) started attack o….jpg)


>Reminder that Howard Lincoln was representing Nintendo of America who pushed for this shit.

<First four pics


>>Still clinging to the fact that it was the "right-wing Christians" who were are fault

<Final pic

6d4e59 No.14178480


Them being christians is still accurate, especially back then, and Soccer moms were mostly more traditional leaning. But all the politicians and law makers that actually made it happen? Yeah they were without a doubt mostly Democrats.

7ad3a9 No.14178500

people forget there is such a thing as the religious left.

083cad No.14178521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>play Dude Sex

>Love the setting feel very grounded, but still be futuristic with giant death bots roaming around

>Predicted the "Global War or Terror™" being used as propaganda to strip people of their rights and most of the game revolved over that

>Find newspaper articles in the game that are horrifyingly real

>Heavily armed police officers patrolling Paris, with curfews and martial law enacted

>Game dropped serious redpills

<Boot up Invisible War

<Get treated to this fucking neo-neo-neo Seattle fucking place that looks straight outta star wars

What in the flying fuck happened?

f2b001 No.14178524


I'm referring to the "Gaming Historian".

7c26b3 No.14178608


Its lightning in a bottle. Some people just threw all the popular and some unpopular conspiracy theories in a game, strung it together with good writing and called it a day. They couldnt recreate if they tried, because all the new conspiracies would be too 'extreme' in CY3

29fc93 No.14178725




e16b63 No.14178751


he's probably empty inside and wants to die early

5fe34f No.14178778


Fuck you man.

043693 No.14178780



I'm not gonna open it on my molasses net connection, but if it's larva therapy then it's pretty safe and sterile so long as they wash them out before turn into flies.

043693 No.14178875



Oh, those are mango worms. Yea, that's serious.

b87e58 No.14178877

66e73b No.14178886



>632 replies

Hi reddit

7ad3a9 No.14178898

Why is cuckchan trying so fucking hard to colonize this place?

29fc93 No.14178900

33e4f6 No.14179012

File: c032a1ad9351a17⋯.png (35.64 KB, 739x724, 739:724, 1430367326963-1.png)

File: 057677259f2603e⋯.png (147.09 KB, 1533x1347, 511:449, 1516248708906.png)


Its a raid attempt by goons again, they've been hitting /co/ particularly hard.



798f23 No.14179086


What did we do to piss them off this time? Seems like there would have been many reasons to hit the site this hard over the past year, but the only thing that's happened in the past month is Paul in Japan, Ugunda Knuckles, and "Q & /thestorm/".

33e4f6 No.14179122

File: 17319625a06970f⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 516x440, 129:110, 1471855267528.jpg)

File: db7f463e28b6b3a⋯.png (1.63 KB, 279x16, 279:16, 11.PNG)


My money is on all the drama going on with /b/ and the rise of /leftpol/. I mean, I can't be the only bothered if not worried by the fact that we'll have two /leftypol/ boards right next to each other soon.

7ad3a9 No.14179161

File: a629cd86eece583⋯.png (78.82 KB, 305x274, 305:274, zjn8MSL.png)


fucking goons.


8/v/ might be getting popular lately possibly and the vore writer thread.


What /b/ drama and shocker /leftypol/ is trying to take over 8chan.

a2c3be No.14179192

>Cake kike is locking all the cardboard threads


33e4f6 No.14179203


>What /b/ drama

Well the rumor goes, some outside entity came to the conclusion if /b/ is kept in a constant state of conflict More than it usually is then the effects would slowly ripple across as more of them target separate boards. Its doesn't help that /b/ has been going through BO's like meth in a studio lot, and faced with near constant CP spam/ debate and any any decent thread made is instantly derailed.

Well that's from my point of view, there's an even more autistic explanation from /n/, take it with a grain of salt.


798f23 No.14179205


>I mean, I can't be the only bothered if not worried by the fact that we'll have two /leftypol/ boards right next to each other soon.

Wait, we do?

<Checks front page because this is news to me

It's real!

However, I doubt that it's a new board. Probably leftover from the early days of the migration off of halfchan (In an attempt to bring the cancer along). But, the big question is why is it getting so much attention, and why now? Even /newsplus/ isn't that high in attention, and the only other "/pol/" boards are /qpol/ and /autpol/ which ware listed as the 146th and 147th boards (ATM). Also, should we worry about a bunker if something does happen?

798f23 No.14179221



>Even /newsplus/ isn't that high in attention, and the only other "/pol/" boards are /qpol/ and /autpol/ which ware listed as the 146th and 147th boards (ATM).

Just realized that I forgot about /n/.

33e4f6 No.14179225


Like what happens? Also don't forget /polk/'s pathetic existence.

7ad3a9 No.14179255

File: 080ddb497c6d0ff⋯.jpg (777.89 KB, 1000x1054, 500:527, 66807169_p0.jpg)


This would explain a fucking a lot of why the shitposting site wide has been going on and I know for a fact /leftypol/ is helping or is taking advantage of the chaos.

7c26b3 No.14179260


/Leftypol/ purge when?

33e4f6 No.14179266


Try to convince CM, but I doubt he'll do anything.

798f23 No.14179270


>Also don't forget /polk/'s pathetic existence.

Right, forgot about them too .

>Like what happens?

Well, as is currently happening with the Nintendo Loba threads, they're getting so flooded with shills (And, it seems like some anons forget that reporting is a thing), Mark and/or one of the mods ends up deleting the threads altogether. And, considering that the GG threads are pretty much 8/v/'s "centerpiece", how long will it be until these threads will end up being deleted because "It's easier to lose an arm than try to stop the infection" (To put it one way)?

However, as far as "actual raids", there was that one guy earlier going on about the "cuckchan leak", and I remember /leftypol/'s raids here earlier last year. How did those compare to a few years ago when things were well in flux?

7ad3a9 No.14179285


I'd say next to being 8/v/'s centrepiece these threads are a cultural hub since nearly every board here has a crossposter here or comes here for news.

33e4f6 No.14179294


Well it is Mark's fault for not making a sole cyclical thread for the Nintendo Direct for the first few hours Or maybe he did, I wasn't around. Plus he knows better than to touch the GG threads, these people would target and attack /v/ whether or not the GG threads were a thing, its in their nature

33e4f6 No.14179304

File: bbb79b3f3583c88⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 583x405, 583:405, 1399939452160.jpg)


>he's still trying to start shit on /co/






e86c0d No.14179310


>Or maybe he did, I wasn't around.

he did

33e4f6 No.14179319


Thanks for the correction, though he should really make it for the rest of the day.

798f23 No.14179360



Should this be added to the bread OP? I'm considering adding it in addition to the drama going down with inXile.

33e4f6 No.14179363


Sure, dont forget to put redtext next to it.

441047 No.14179371


Reminder that /leftypol/ bought bots to up their user count and shilled for their board in various places to get all sorts here. Fucking faggots.

33e4f6 No.14179374



Also if possible, make and link references to /co/ just to show Anons what's happening.

798f23 No.14179409

How does this look:

>8chan is being trolled by shills who are attempting to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729 Evidence of this already happening has taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/8vwcE

33e4f6 No.14179426


Add this additional archive from /co/ and a little thing asking for help to report them. The BO/ vols on /co/ are barley active so more attention to the issue would be great.


ea104b No.14179447


its much worse

Memeteor anon has gone full rogue again


798f23 No.14179448


Changed since the post linked has a link to the "Video game related cartoons and comics" thread. Now, should this be stuck under "Current Tasks", "Ongoing Tasks", or "Ongoing Discussion". Or, should it be stuck somewhere else like in the "Reminders" section?

33e4f6 No.14179455


>"Reminders" section

Something near the beginning for now, considering its becoming wide spread and in redtext.

f2b001 No.14179459

File: 1b9a9477a81f874⋯.gif (636.17 KB, 250x183, 250:183, LnL.gif)

Bring those shills in here so they can be smothered.

798f23 No.14179470


In that case, let's stick it at the top of the "Current Tasks" since it's an issue that directly concerns us.

33e4f6 No.14179473


Sure don't forget the two archived links.

798f23 No.14179566

File: c457ff4da314557⋯.png (311.04 KB, 614x476, 307:238, ggcar1.png)

File: b8d38357463817a⋯.png (1017.16 KB, 930x981, 310:327, ggcar2.png)

Okay, done. Here is an updated OP with the information: https://pastebin.com/QyRRMCX0

816313 No.14179636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>First there was that sperg hijinx that nuked half the board

>Now this faggot is shitting up the board

Fucking goons.

d308c3 No.14179698

File: 5f93fe16929c1bd⋯.jpg (152.35 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Asuka shrugs.jpg)


Amazing that we're important enough that they're still willing to put in so much work, isn't it?

ddd59d No.14179815

So now that we've hit 650 it's time to discuss what the fuck is going on at 8/pol/. I'm seeing threads that were "okay" just before christmas now being bumplocked at rapid speed this is just like what happened to /sp/.

33e4f6 No.14179839


With all the shit that's been going on either the moderation is currently gassing shills anf indirectly targeting innocent threads, they've lost their mind again or a mixture of both.

Shame really, things have been getting better with less users going there. Its like everytime there's hope someone rushes in to squash it.

ddd59d No.14179921

File: ea7b2c4a32aeb5b⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Girls Dont Like to Wait.png)


>Shame really, things have been getting better with less users going there

Anon, most of the users who left are the guys who want to improve themselves and better their lives not only for themselves but their fellow man, like me I know because self improvement threads will reach 100+ posts before half a day has passed before it's deleted outright so you can't even see them on the archive. The other half are so /tech/ illiterate they don't realize that you can simply break a link by deleting https for the address I'm not sure about those guys.

7ad3a9 No.14179944


8/pol/ is a mess and it doesn't help that /leftypol/ is actively trying to shit up /pol/ and /v/ along with the recent drama.

e86c0d No.14180133

You know we can filter you extremely easily right?

3f5016 No.14180154


ToR posters think they are superhackers despite being painfully ignorant of how basic features of imageboards work.

2d9ac5 No.14180184


>>Douglas Murray - "Watch: Cathy Newman’s catastrophic interview with Jordan Peterson"


ddd59d No.14180236



>check for Tor ID

>no Tor IDs show up

Tor ID is 000000

fa5b68 No.14180334

File: 70f9a4519d4d197⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, FBbcBN1N.jpg)

Thread is in page 13. Time for a fresh new one? Depends if someone doesn't bake right now, I could do it.

66e73b No.14180390


No new thread until 700 Mr. >(1)

3bbeee No.14180396

File: 17fa431b9e03386⋯.png (9.65 KB, 300x400, 3:4, nanadola.png)

ded bred

8c2f7a No.14180407

File: b73e6bd4679f8bd⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 486x878, 243:439, 1515041646.jpg)


Its 4am in the US

ddd59d No.14180409

File: 20a3745c9e601ce⋯.gif (492.84 KB, 600x338, 300:169, average.gif)


That Gondola is really cute.

fcacf8 No.14180410

File: 9f6d30d8383e63e⋯.jpg (448.08 KB, 1754x1239, 1754:1239, DSG3vrjVwAAvFE4.jpg)



There has been an explosion of bacharu yuuchubas since Kizuna got popular.

9b3082 No.14180429

File: a068101649ca900⋯.png (693.44 KB, 800x690, 80:69, 93.6pct_porn.png)


New threads can be made before 700 if they hit page thirteen.

798f23 No.14180445


No, the rule is page 14 or 700. Make sure the next baker isn't a (((1))) or a shill.

fcacf8 No.14180452


The rule is page 13, I just looked.

798f23 No.14180453


And, I cannot bake, myself, because I have to go to sleep.

798f23 No.14180462


Never mind then. Give me a moment.

fa5b68 No.14180479

File: ea74d6c7b39b7ef⋯.webm (4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ea74d6c7b39b7eff671a486f4….webm)



So far I'll birdpost.

fa5b68 No.14180481

File: 6c88143981bfc99⋯.webm (416.99 KB, 1280x656, 80:41, 6c88143981bfc99cba549bfa4….webm)

fa5b68 No.14180482

File: 6e44c255d9ad7e1⋯.webm (667.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 6e44c255d9ad7e1c188d4516f….webm)

fa5b68 No.14180486

File: 7ff26b59e6579e7⋯.webm (2.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7ff26b59e6579e70a22a0cece….webm)

ddd59d No.14180487


The board has been reduced a page so it's now 13, used to be 14 but hey nothing wrong with tradition.

fa5b68 No.14180489

File: 9c4439b0efa5173⋯.webm (817.87 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 9c4439b0efa517361b569c322….webm)

6d4e59 No.14180491


Anything remotely religious or specifically Christian is immediately associated with the right wing and conservatism.



We're so close to 700 posts might as well wait even though we're on page 13.

fa5b68 No.14180493

File: 9ebfdf410bd9574⋯.webm (2.69 MB, 426x320, 213:160, 9ebfdf410bd957493ed3248df….webm)

fa5b68 No.14180495

File: 49b163a492aeec0⋯.webm (3.41 MB, 304x539, 304:539, 49b163a492aeec0d8b46b74c2….webm)

fcacf8 No.14180497


The bread has been on page 13 for awhile now

798f23 No.14180499

New bread: >>14180484

New bread: >>14180484

New bread: >>14180484

fa5b68 No.14180500

File: 72ce681bd374878⋯.webm (485.3 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 72ce681bd374878ee296ac318….webm)

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