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File: a49eed2e1c0dd77⋯.png (38.06 KB, 651x499, 651:499, ClipboardImage.png)

34a2ef No.14167097

Found a neat thing in undertale where if you fall through enough times it just wipes the slate and you can't fall anymore. Maybe it's because I started making a line at the top.

2af4fd No.14167102

I would think the game with its 4th wall breaks would make a joke out of it instead of pulling out the quick difficulty adjustment like that.

cf7b06 No.14167111


2a9514 No.14167124

File: 97c1d984aed1591⋯.png (9.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1408720953566.png)

I remember when /v/ was playing the demo of this game. The reception to it then compared to the release of the final product seemed miles apart. Was the demo really that different?

e0998f No.14167127

File: 59371f8ad244064⋯.png (237.93 KB, 1160x550, 116:55, ClipboardImage.png)

I thought I've seen this combination of threads before. I hope I didn't just deja vu because I don't want to receive shitposting in my sleep

2af4fd No.14167128


the demo showed promise but the amount of work put into the demo made it hard to believe that work would be spread across the entire game. The game took long enough to think that it actually could have done this, but it didn't bother.

f21df7 No.14167132


the fuck off tumblrtale shit started a few weeks after the game came out

e0998f No.14167133

also tfw no Monster Kid bf

f21df7 No.14167137

File: 8087cf0141bcf4c⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 450x510, 15:17, eliminate gays.jpg)

34a2ef No.14167138


People hate it because it's a one trick pony that keeps going as far as the plot goes. The gameplay is actually really fun, but you have to play through in a really boring way to get the hardest fights. The game is really great, but on top of not being too spectacular, being kinda short, and actively blocking the player from the harder modes with walls of tedium, the content attracted furries, which is unacceptable.

e0998f No.14167141


Monster Kid's gender is never established??

a92f98 No.14167148


>if you fall through enough times it just wipes the slate and you can't fall anymore.

What do you mean specifically?

4dd38a No.14167150

File: 4f2cfe09d85cdc5⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, 4f2cfe09d85cdc5fe8f6a7175e….jpg)


Preety much this.

2a9514 No.14167154


I see. I didn't bother with the game, but did people expect the game not to be as good as the demo, or did they go in with starry eyes? From what I saw from some anon posts, the demo seemed to present itself quite differently from the game.


Not even talking about the tumblrtale shit. People seemed disappointed with the direction the game took.

e0998f No.14167166


Undertale is literally a masterpiece, and to be fair, you need a really high IQ to enjoy it.

That's right, and I'm not trying to troll you, if Undertale was just a shitty game, you'd have a few le funny le youtube commenter meme le videos making fun of it, and that'd be it. I'm not saying you have to like it, just like you don't have to personally like the Mona Lisa, but not acknowledging how significant and meaningful it is would just be ignorant.

Undertale got a whole cult of hate built around it, and we all know that the more hate something gets, the more powerful it is, shitty games don't deserve hate, there is nothing in them that would offend someone beyond a few snarky comments.

Undertale doesn't NEED fancy graphics or gameplay to get its message across, in fact the simplicity of the game helps make the message more clear, just like enlightenment poets could move their audience deeply with only a few sentences, just like how the great artists of history could stir up great feelings with only a few strokes on the canvas, just like how a song with no lyrics can generate powerful emotions within a person. Games as an artform isn't about how detailed you can make the graphics or how immersive you can make the gameplay, that would be like saying painting is all about how bright you can make the paint or how accurate you can draw the shapes; totally missing the finer points that make the artform great.

if you don't understand this you probably have a low IQ, and more importantly, a poor attention span, I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just telling it to you how it is. So go play your Call of Duty CCCVXXI: electric zombie nazi ghost ninjas or whatever with the fancy 8k graphics, just remember that games with REAL SUBSTANCE will always be there waiting for you to play them, when you're ready.

34a2ef No.14167173


I did it again, but if you make a line from one corner of the holes, from the top left, to the farthest right space, two squares over from the 90 degree wall, it will make a noise of victory and you lose the line. Gonna keep digging on this one while I wait to kill things.


People loved it for two weeks actually. We even had threads about spooking each other with data mining. The newfags will say we always hated it, but that's some revisionist history.


This is bait.

f21df7 No.14167174

File: 79e051ad37c0bb6⋯.png (13.91 KB, 450x450, 1:1, (you) are a nigger.png)



here are two (you)'s just for you

e0998f No.14167177


>I don't have a rebuttal for a well-constructed argument, must be bait

Even if it's shitty bait, you replied, so

d9de95 No.14167179


The game is actually fine, but the fanbase is irredeemable cancer such that it's justifiably taboo to bring up the game itself lest any of them appear and/or mistakenly believe they are welcome.

0a8526 No.14167190


The gameplay can be fun but it's rarely well-executed. Random encounters are a waste of time, only bosses are the meat of it. Gayrobot and Spiderwaifu is when it's best IMO.

>genocide mode

An interesting concept yet had the worst execution possible. Want to kill everyone like a maniac? No, how about you grind for hours killing the extremely unchallenging random encounters until there's none left? All that just for TWO boss fights, but admittedly I enjoyed the reborn fish lady, real intense, but didn't have the patience to memorize every shit the meme skeleton puts you through.

f21df7 No.14167192

File: 7ad3c3917b31a98⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 242.13 KB, 1600x1799, 1600:1799, aaaaa.png)


>it's justifiably taboo to bring up the game itself lest any of them appear and/or mistakenly believe they are welcome.

funnily enough this actually was used by cuckchanners and gayfag users to fit in here when the game won their garbage poll

remember when there was atleast 1 thread with this image talking about how tumblrtale was an mk ultra project or some other dumb shit every day back in late 2015?

34a2ef No.14167202

File: 893b0aa4d462b9a⋯.png (24.02 KB, 648x480, 27:20, ClipboardImage.png)

This is my fucking life now

Started a big boss genocide run, stayed for the holes.


>random encounters are a waste of time.

They are all very charming to get through though.

>Want to kill everyone like a maniac? No, how about you grind for hours killing the extremely unchallenging random encounters until there's none left?

This was done intentionally to dissuade the player from this challenge, but this is to the disservice of the game, since the fights are interesting and have depth to them, and if toby wasn't such a faggot he would have made both modes of play fun to do.

dd293c No.14167207


The one justification I've heard someone say about this is how the demo gives you the impression that the game was going to be be filled with demon-like monsters. Toby end on falling back on "lets just have another anthropomorphic character" in the main game.

Truth is the ruins was one of the weaker parts of the game, too many obnoxious puzzles and "lol tutorial handholding jokes". People claiming it was the good part are bullshitting themselves.

34a2ef No.14167210

File: 7ab92bac0be8919⋯.png (16.21 KB, 645x477, 215:159, ClipboardImage.png)

It happened again.

0a8526 No.14167211


Every puzzle sucks and the map design is a bunch of lazy linear corridors, this is one of the weakest, if not the weakest aspect of the game.

4dd38a No.14167212

File: 99f2256a9ac774e⋯.jpg (18.32 KB, 398x370, 199:185, 99f2256a9ac774e466b19281ca….jpg)


>mfw the cianiggers and the A.I is shilling for tumblrtale

24b2aa No.14167216

File: afa575037c34a78⋯.jpg (180.7 KB, 1000x1487, 1000:1487, 552d19a9306ed5cbe58c565627….jpg)


This looks like it took some effort, here's a well deserved (you)

f21df7 No.14167218

File: f0473fbc9d80473⋯.jpg (382.22 KB, 1000x1600, 5:8, pajeet stop.jpg)


>inb4 they start shilling for shitty cuck mario as well

4dd38a No.14167219

File: e78e97eb036fb44⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 500x375, 4:3, e78e97eb036fb44d4db50795f8….gif)

34a2ef No.14167221

File: d77022273785952⋯.png (21.18 KB, 635x473, 635:473, ClipboardImage.png)

So if you make a line of what I think is 8 or 9 holes it will fill in and make the noise. No matter how wide the spacing is between them. Let's keep digging.

dd293c No.14167223


The puzzles get better after the ruins though. By no means the highlight of the game, but intuitive enough. Still have no idea what the fuck Toby was playing at with that pillar puzzle, or why he thought it was a good idea to keep the random encounters going during it.

4dd38a No.14167225

File: 67815415710a357⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 200x303, 200:303, 67815415710a357c24220d492f….jpg)


>those image contents meant to subvert

4d1a70 No.14167228

Where is Phil

f21df7 No.14167229

File: 301de31d5da1ff8⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 700x595, 20:17, DRUMPFTY BRUMPFTY.jpg)


shitty cuck mario shill detected

fuck off from my board glow in the dark cia nigger and give me back my 2000usd

f21df7 No.14167232

File: 46e4af6b792c326⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 32.62 KB, 399x204, 133:68, h.GIF)

4d1a70 No.14167233


Yeah, that was on Cuckchan

Not here

4dd38a No.14167238

File: 531822dd9796fea⋯.png (12.91 KB, 625x790, 125:158, 531822dd9796feaf38a52827c0….png)

d9de95 No.14167239


All the more reason for the taboo; like I said I consider it justified. Even though I have no problem with the game itself I'd be perfectly happy to never see it brought up here ever again, or at least for several years until the fans go away.

4d1a70 No.14167241


Phil please save us from Peter Gaybriel

f21df7 No.14167243

File: c04fc94894064e3⋯.png (124.38 KB, 525x525, 1:1, aaaaawrfe.png)


>Yeah, that was on Cuckchan

>Not here

>being this new

34a2ef No.14167248


>I want to talk about a game with no fanbase on a board because I'm insecure about sharing a board with furries

ban furries on sight, but there's no reason to discuss a game after the fans are all gone because the only people who will be here are people who dislike it for no reason.

That's how you get "now that the dust has settled" threads.

4d1a70 No.14167254


Demo came out 3 years before the game in 2012

You're the newfag if you think 8chan existed in 2012

f21df7 No.14167257


there were threads about the demo in 2014 and 2015

i even remember some /s8s/fag telling everyone that the game had come out on the 8/v/ first anniversary stream chat

e0998f No.14167258

File: ecc19d37e5ab137⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 480x264, 20:11, 469.gif)




>She literally holds your hand

08b5c0 No.14167262

Just came in here to say Undertale is a good game that requires you to play through all endings to understand the 4th wall breaking story.

It's really too bad that anything that looks furry immediately attracts obnoxious furries, troll furries, and people who hate anything even remotely furry related.

Play the game or pirate it and pass judgement yourself and you'll see why it gets praise despite it's shitty tumblr influence.

f21df7 No.14167267


>*there were many threads about the demo in 2014 and 2015

7ecfc1 No.14167269

File: 23f5504c6c286cd⋯.jpg (43.86 KB, 548x367, 548:367, 23f5504c6c286cdd18a11b106e….jpg)

I'm just here for the porn, man.

acf4e8 No.14167271

File: d0be7e04cccae52⋯.jpg (608.2 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 56b62e8b7c09a5b6c6aa746f21….jpg)


Undertale is an OK game, but a victim of popularity, thanks to Tumblr and other crowds hailing it as a second coming of Jesus, and "Games are finally art now :)))". Undue praise is an issue that can lead to resentment, as well as future games or publishers trying to build off of said undue priase (see the Yume Nikki steam localizers who wants the Undertale audience), and this can lead to disastrous results.

Undertale in itself is a neat little game, and it does have a lot of good writing and funny moments. I think the biggest problems with it are the dissonance between the gameplay and the story, as well as the "choices". Usually in a game with a moral choice there are legitimate arguments or reasons to pick one side or the other. After all, just look at New Vegas threads. However Undertale's moral "choice" is basically be a dick or don't. There's no reason to kill Monsters, no moral choice, not even a gameplay choice. For example in Star Control II you meet a trader race who will give you an artifact you need in exchange for selling your crew into slavery. However they will also part with the artifact if you happen to have and trade some equipment or rare shit to them. Here's a moral choice integrated into gameplay where you can sacrifice your crew and instantly get something you need for the main quest, or waste time or maybe equipment you might need to not be a slaver. One is the easier option, while the other is the harder option, but both integrate themselves fairly well into the gameplay. With Undertale, it's more tedious to genocide, there's no real reason to genocide, and the game itself is clearly built around not genocide (just look at how simplistic attacking is vs how defending is). It just seems to be added as an afterthought. And this is ignoring all the neutral runs which are only in the game for the sake of it, and the game even acknowledges that you'd only do them if you specifically wanted to. I just don't understand why the choice to kill was added in the first place, since it seems to be just for the sake of it and not for any gameplay reason.

Also on a smaller note I feel like the game peaks at Snowden. The Waterfall area is bland in comparison, though I understand wanting to slow down the pace a bit after Snowden, but the Lava/Hotel area is just a fucking chore. The pacing is awkward, the puzzles are boring, and Alphys is a terrible and boring character who could've easily been cut from the game. I don't even know why she's here since Mettaton could've very easily carried the entire section by himself, and she doesn't work off of Mettaton as well as Sans works off of Papyrus. The third act of the game just seems rushed and could've gone through a few more rewrites to pace it better.

Personally, if I was Toby, I would've cut a lot of the meat out. Cut the overworld, cut attacking and genocide run, and make the game a more linear set of bosses with story segments and the smaller monster fights inbetween. I think that would've made for a much stronger and more focused game. Of course that's not the shit that sells so maybe I'm wrong, I dunno.

814257 No.14167273

>underfail thread

>45 replies and counting

nu/v/ going strong

d9de95 No.14167274


The cancer is inoperable, Anon. Some things cannot be discussed for any significant amount of time without attracting vermin, as flies to rancid meat or rats to refuse. The only sensible solution is to be rid of it.

0a8526 No.14167276


It's a mediocre game all in all, some unique aspects but heavily flawed and relies on its tumblr-like charm and humor to impress.

f21df7 No.14167277


>nu/v/ going strong

>t. late 2015/2016 newfag

4dd38a No.14167284

File: 0987a7e3c6c8103⋯.png (129.46 KB, 700x812, 25:29, 0987a7e3c6c810340bda31ee26….png)


It's mainly the cianigger A.I >>>/polk/28336 posting tbh. It should stop now in this thread that it has been revealed.


This and /thread.

4d1a70 No.14167287


I played it and it's endings

It's shit

34a2ef No.14167288

File: dd202078c2c286a⋯.png (4.53 KB, 587x425, 587:425, ClipboardImage.png)

This one does not go away no matter what.

9aa57d No.14167289

File: 3a6f4e7dd277216⋯.gif (58.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3a6f4e7dd277216cf24872b2f1….gif)


The general consensus in the GG threads is that 2016 is an alright year to have joined the site. I'd agree with them, they seem like the authority on most of 8chan's history.

7ecfc1 No.14167296


>2016 is an alright year to have joined the site

No it's fucking not. 2016 was the downhill year for 8chan. Honestly, if you also don't post on a secondary site after april fools, expect dissapointment.

ca161a No.14167298


Release was also well received, this shit is after-the-fact.

0a8526 No.14167300


>didn't migrate when GG blew over on 4chan and the administration proved to be subverted and irreparable

Hey, any time is alright to join if you're not a faggot, but you were late.

f21df7 No.14167305

File: 7809c76ea069ce2⋯.png (220.94 KB, 500x336, 125:84, 1418231500551.png)


well if the gg thread says so then it must be true, thanks for the info anon :^)

a92f98 No.14167309

The only thing I can say about the game is that I don't like it much because it's too much of a deconstruction of the JRPG genera. It removes the things I like about JRPGs and so the crunch of the game ends up being too barebones for me.

c7e3c5 No.14167321

>be genderless character

>any violence at all is 100% evil

>let the faggots live so they may spread their AIDS and plauge the monsters forever

>nevermind if they attacked you, self defense is bad and you won't get the good ending doing it

The game is purified liberalism, an idealized utopia wherein nobody wants to ever take advantage of anybody else. It's a nice world.

It's an unreal world.

67f21b No.14167335


> I just don't understand why the choice to kill was added in the first place, since it seems to be just for the sake of it and not for any gameplay reason.

Because it's a story driven game. And the story behind the game revolves around video game meta, specifically paying attention to the concepts of completionism, player choice, grinding. That wouldn't be as effective if the player was forced to kill everything, as the choice to have a peaceful run and then genocide makes the ending much more effective. I agree with many of your points, but that's why it's the way it is.

34a2ef No.14167336

File: 392f2dc27c8d94b⋯.png (3.94 KB, 543x340, 543:340, ClipboardImage.png)

It's a pig I guess.

This was fun.

097215 No.14167343


It was 2015 before December - September not 2016 the year when 8chan kept drowning in intervals from broken site features. If you're going to go that route then you better post archives, posting out of GG threads won't release you of those standards. For example nuDoom's reception was big whopping "meh" when the demo was released.

https://archive.is/amH8e - nuDOOM Demo

https://archive.is/Qc1Pn - nuDoom Demo 2


April fools was last year you mongrel, and all those sites are dead or just bunkers.

4d1a70 No.14167345


Fuck off

T. 2015 newfag

f21df7 No.14167353

File: 5e3c2cf960ebe15⋯.png (915.63 KB, 771x601, 771:601, die.PNG)


>2015 newfag

4d1a70 No.14167369


See I know I'm newfag scum, 2015/6 election fags don't

I got here a few months before Trump and if you'd believe it, it's because of /bane/ and the 4u9525 plane crash

f21df7 No.14167375


still too new

i used to consider /pol/ harbor the start of the newfag cancer but at this point its too late for this board to be actually good anymore tbh

07c9cd No.14167378

File: 8ce6ff9788991ce⋯.webm (4.8 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, 100K and the Golden Age.webm)


If you weren't around to see 100K, get lost.

34a2ef No.14167379

>I'm an older oldfag than you, fag

>Oh yeah, well I know I'm a newfag

Newfags fuck off and LURK MOAR

The point of being a fucking oldfag was not posting when you fucking came here and shaming people who did

Now that you're spoonfed leave this thread and actually learn to be a better person.

4d1a70 No.14167386


Of course not

The last time /v/ was good was the Boston salt party

And with /pol/ there are faggots there today that have never heard of the Rothschild family

f21df7 No.14167393


this tbh

4d1a70 No.14167396


Fuck off newfag you're just pretending to be all high and mighty because you lurked for a month before posting


34a2ef No.14167398

11 holes is the max before it clears out.

ee75fb No.14167400

File: bec69f6a81d0373⋯.gif (335.44 KB, 460x345, 4:3, bec69f6a81d03732404d240310….gif)

>Make a game

>Mostly well received

>Tumblr goes fucking batshit over it

>Ends up becoming a furry beacon of degeneracy and liberal bullshit

>Game is completely eclipsed by it's disgusting fanbase and will forever be remembered as that one mediocre game which faggots and furries ruined for everyone

A genuine game.dev horror story


>That webm is almost 4 years old

Okay, this thread is making me feel a bit too much. Where's the M E M E G A M E faggot when he's actually needed.

4d098c No.14167401

File: 269cfbc849021fc⋯.png (12.16 KB, 646x505, 646:505, Hi.png)


No, not really.

People did misinterpret what the demo was actually about and complained a lot about things like save mechanics not actually being major in a demo that tauted them as a gimmick in addition to the actual important part of the game, killing literally everyone or being friends with everyone.

Of course what do I know, I've only played this game for over a thousand hours

4d1a70 No.14167407


You mean Phil?

He has possibly committed suicide

24b2aa No.14167414

File: ed6de0bd0a0eeb5⋯.jpg (918.86 KB, 1298x1651, 1298:1651, 1411119371106.jpg)

File: 758e0ebdec4c832⋯.png (54.74 KB, 500x1100, 5:11, 1411124175867.png)


If you were on chans before GG and didn't come in the great exodus you should unironically kill yourself tbh fam

f21df7 No.14167421

File: 0c0e39b10edea93⋯.jpg (5.68 KB, 160x213, 160:213, 1443803591595.jpg)


>its ed

6f4300 No.14167422



Is it done yet?

ea14d0 No.14167423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

34a2ef No.14167424

File: 2115eaf3ae3915c⋯.png (7.81 KB, 628x478, 314:239, ClipboardImage.png)

perfect timing.

4d098c No.14167438


They're working on snowdin Last I checked

097215 No.14167525

File: 102002056b9c9a9⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 333x293, 333:293, 1440175445136.jpg)


> you should unironically kill yourself tbh fam

Says the Anon who posts a meme felating the british flag and a bunch of Jews. With no edits or modifications to any of the pictures surrounding them where is Assad's shades? Why is Snowden not having a gun to his head? Where is the cross? Why isn't Gaddafi dead? etc.

88c68b No.14167622

File: d715b546770eba5⋯.jpg (23.63 KB, 686x504, 49:36, Nah.jpg)


>game dev horror

>trying to absolve Toby "I deleted my pozzed internet history so I can pretend the gay shit I put in is just quirky, mooched on all my friends for ideas/graphics/talent, and wormed my way onto the Homestuck music team and 'indirectly' bumped off the other artist who made the songs that are remixed eternally" Fox of any part of this

He knew what he was doing, he wanted to make his own (((ideal))) Earthbound since he began posting on Starmen.net, and he knew from working on Homestuck how to make it sell. Don't spread this myth.

1423d9 No.14167646


>that pic

>along with that post

Hello kettle? Pot called.

e0998f No.14168228


>When the pot calls the kettle a nigger

dc0f9a No.14168238


This. I'd still give him credit for actually finishing a decently sized game but he definitely didn't make it on his own like a lot of people claim, nor is it very good past the surface level. And he's not ashamed at all that his game became popular, he used to hang out with Homosuck fans at conventions.

>and 'indirectly' bumped off the other artist

I don't actually remember this part.

ffbf6a No.14168254



>The year /pol/ went full horseshoe and turned threads about shitting on SJWs into THE LEFTISTS ARE GONNA GET YOU circlejerks

It's the objective point where things went to shit. I'm only still here because I'm fairly confident the niglets making up most of nu/pol/ will eventually hit adulthood.

cfdffb No.14168289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e33afe No.14168719

File: c79afbd3d666a38⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.44 MB, 720x450, 8:5, Goatposting.webm)


I really do wish these weren't so unintelligible,they'd probably be funnier.

812757 No.14168926


I agree with you except the overworld's size is important in making the game feel like a big journey.

My biggest pet peeve in Undertale is that there's no option to simply kill Asgore and leave the underground or sacrifice yourself to Asgore and watch what the monsters do now that they can leave. Throwing away an interesting moral choice of staying and helping or forgetting them all because Toby was too lazy to make a proper ending so you have to deal with that flower every single time is bullshit.

It would be better for genocide runs if the enemy encounters were actually seen like in Paper Mario so you're not wandering and grinding all day. Also the genocide ending sucks too, it's my game and if you're going to lecture me on daring to play again after killing everyone I'll delete the .exe and not feel one iota of guilt.

26c359 No.14168966

One of the main problems with the launch version was in the demo flowey reacted to major player choices, and in the final game sans barely reacts and the endings barely change. Replacing the 4th wall breaking character with the meme skeleton was a mistake.

70889f No.14168981


As shit as the game is, this image was proven bullshit a while ago. The guy who spammed this image also spammed a fake ass pixel art image to compare effort quality.

70889f No.14168990


>If you were on chans


Quit lying about being here for longer than 3 weeks dipshit.

ec53d8 No.14169142


it got popular

any other excuses are just that, excuses

people started hating it because it got poupuler

bad192 No.14169147


Basically the demo was a concentrated collection of good gameplay sections whereas the full game has gameplay that is diluted by cancer.

e525d7 No.14169221


it got popular.

5c54e8 No.14169244

File: 0d6f7aa554a74b1⋯.jpg (65.78 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 1509393583818.jpg)

Undertale was a charming little game with a real nice ost, the praise and the hate it received are both undeserved. Why do people sperg about a 6 hours long (and that's being generous) game, I will never understand.

About what you found, it's a little surprising since the dev went out of his way to make every "puzzle" easy as fuck while still being entertaining. Maybe he planned it to be more challenging ?

d167b1 No.14169251

File: 5c02021f5c8e5d1⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 4724x2362, 2:1, Asgore trident.jpg)


You're half right.

See, the demo had the whole game concentrated into just the ruins and you got to see the repercussions of your actions much more quickly. In the full game, you don't get to see those repercussions until much later unless you're going into the deliberate genocide route.

The main problem is that, as everyone stated, the game got popular and as with anything that got popular, it became cancer filled when the game didn't have deliberate "fuck you, you need to be good at gameplay to progress" moments due to the game being more of a puzzle game than anything.


It probably would have been if it wasn't flooded with normalfag cancer.

a92f98 No.14169314

File: 274340648e2a056⋯.png (75.34 KB, 302x234, 151:117, FUCK.png)


>pixel art


e525d7 No.14169325


/v/ is just kids who grew out of /b/ and like videogames

they parrot whatever meme shit is posted here without thinking and will find any excuse to shitpost.

2539fa No.14169328


Seeing GG cancer on 4chan and moot trying to kill /pol/ made me stop using imageboards for like 4 months, because 4chan had become flooded with reddit immigrants as a result of GG, and I heard that 8chan was also full of GG faggots, so I just stopped using 4chan and never went on 8chan until months later in 2015.


The game is shit, I tried playing it and I got so sick of the stupid skeleton jokes that I deleted it. I can find better games than that on Newgrounds, why is this being sold and not just put up as a flash game where it belongs? Granted I pirated it, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

dd293c No.14169345


>I can find better games than that on Newgrounds

Post one.

7ada76 No.14169355

File: 0bdbdf8295bcb07⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, CQ_Z7K_UsAAk8pZ.jpg)



only interesting thing interesting about that demo was the goat mom, I didn't pay attention to it again until way after it came out. discovered that there was no option to seduce goat mom ( maybe they removed all that dialogue). so there was no reason for me care about the game. ( also from what I understand it was completely absorbed by the Stephen universe fandom and became extremely cringe)

5992ad No.14169380

File: bcf7b553dd243d7⋯.jpg (25.15 KB, 600x600, 1:1, brown brick.jpg)

2324a9 No.14169392


i want to fuck gotemom

4eb534 No.14169495

File: 8f7f2fe9fa2434d⋯.swf (3.12 MB, Level Up!.swf)

2539fa No.14169681

d5f05a No.14169716


>make a game

>only good thing to come out of it is a FOTM waifu

bravo radiation, I guess dunderbail really was a blunderfail

2324a9 No.14169725


correction: several FOTM waifus

819cd9 No.14169746

File: 9cbe1406c6950dd⋯.webm (556.86 KB, 320x240, 4:3, fish oil.webm)

c55dfa No.14169750

eb34ec No.14169804

File: d9d434467836f06⋯.webm (3.99 MB, 853x480, 853:480, blundertale.webm)


It's ok. The save fuckery is a really cool idea, but it's barely used at all (killing Toriel, going back, and re-playing gets you unique dialog. This happens for almost literally nobody else in the fucking game, other than at the very end). The changes to the end of the pure pacifist run after a genocide run are ok, but that's it. The save fuckery, which was the main reason I bought the game literally only does anything at the very beginning and end.

The characters are ok, some are pretty entertaining, and there are some decent scenes. The puzzles are shit. The music is legitimately really good, and the use of leitmotif is fantastic (other than Muffet having the ghost leitmotif for literally fucking no reason).

All in all, it's actually a bit of a letdown. I played through all the routes, and the game is kind of a big boring slog other than the beginning and end, and some isolated scenes. The story is generally forgettable. The demo made it seem like the whole game was going to be workable through the cool save fuckery, where you could change something in the game by doing something, turning it off without saving, and then turning it back on and going back. Nope, only works at the beginning and end of the game. Boring.

Also, all the random encounters are one-trick. Some of them are sort of interesting, but once you know the trick, you might as well just skip every other one of those and ignore that monster type forever. Some bosses are okay, but the genocide-run bosses are the best (the rest of genocide run is boring as shit)

It's really not bad; some of the characters are pretty tumblr, but that's overblown. There is some lesbianism, but who gives a shit? There is some gay stuff, but it's just a gay joke. Frisk has no canonical gender, but that's just so the player can pretend that they're Frisk. So the hate is overblown. The love is overblown. Everything is overblown. It's an okay game with good prospects that didn't really follow through, but good music. Everything worth discussing in the game has already been discussed, really.

Most of the fan shit is stupid, but Sir is always gold.

4722a9 No.14169834

File: 2ab16f7385d26f6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 915.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1448468607858-0.png)

File: 15d4833f9bb488c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 415.84 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1448468607858-1.png)

File: 89c0a25b87e202b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 556.84 KB, 1319x1247, 1319:1247, 1448468607859-3.png)

File: 9ebc91ada7b0a6d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 461.92 KB, 1253x1226, 1253:1226, 1450768502486-4.png)

File: 8f2ccf42e08b94d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 30 KB, 392x463, 392:463, 1463742855731.jpg)


eb34ec No.14169867


Once upon a time, there were many anonymous imageboards with decent traffic based on the yotsuba codebase (or other independent codebases). 7ch and krautchan were legitimately competitive to 4chan in traffic (especially because halfchan went down for a few days at a time a couple times a year, and tons of people migrated off permanently in frustration, expecting moot to give up and drop 4chan forever). Even 12(andunder)chan got tons of traffic for a while, but mostly just from the pedos.

I'm not sure where this aversion to the word "chans" is coming from. It existed a decade ago too, and when asked what you should call them, people usually said "they're anonymous imageboards". Who gives a shit? There were almost none of them without the "chan" moniker; it's clear and unambiguous what you're talking about. It's a bit stupid now, given that everything other than 8ch and 4chan is dead as shit (and both 8ch and 4chan are dead on the inside), but before GG, it wasn't a very distant memory, and only retarded autists get pissed about a term with a clear implication and meaning.

dd293c No.14169873


Seems to be a pretty standard metroidvania fair with some rpg parody elements, I can see why you posted it but it falls short in comparison.


I asked for one because I don't have the time to play five, dumbass.

From those that I have already played though I would say you also don't have any perspective on a quality game whose content justifies being free and a quality game whose content justifies a price tag. Also I thought you would have at least posted Tower of Heaven since that had a soundtrack that could stand up to Undetale's.

2539fa No.14169897


If a game has a price tag, it should be better than those free games that it's competing with. Also, the music in Undertale isn't bad but it's not memorable.

Anyway you don't have to play all of them , just pick the one that looks like you'd like it the best, I personally had a lot more fun with all of those games than I did with Undertale, just because they all have a lot more interesting gameplay and characters.

26c359 No.14169898


I expected way worse got any chara x goat

4722a9 No.14169949

File: ce3620ab170e7ea⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 37.22 KB, 600x749, 600:749, a98cee8a377507bd78a4943825….jpg)

File: e6b69f3f7675be0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 221.6 KB, 640x836, 160:209, UTailろぐ10_p4.jpg)

File: c6ff101a952e626⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 270.22 KB, 702x867, 234:289, UTailろぐ11_p3.jpg)

File: 7a9c8365324740e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.93 KB, 510x431, 510:431, UTailろぐ14_p4.jpg)

File: 42a93c6361612a1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 228.29 KB, 1200x888, 50:37, UTailろぐ18_p2.jpg)

eb34ec No.14169972

File: b858b667b9ee5d9⋯.webm (1012.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, spiderdance.webm)

File: 26ea1bf78c9b3bb⋯.webm (476.55 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bonetrousle.webm)

File: cab02462b52ced9⋯.webm (570.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, metalcrusher.webm)

File: b846698dd4672d9⋯.webm (3.53 MB, 480x360, 4:3, undertale.webm)

File: 35954374da749cb⋯.webm (1.25 MB, 480x360, 4:3, asgore.webm)


>Also, the music in Undertale isn't bad but it's not memorable

This is bullshit. The music is incredibly memorable, owing largely to the leitmotif. Undertale is mediocre as a whole, but the music is really well-composed and well-arranged. Compared to the vast majority of games (AAA and indie) released in the past decade, Undertale's music is top-of-the-line. The only game that really competes in music is Cave Story, which is a bit better (but doesn't take advantage of leitmotif at all).

4eb534 No.14169974


> I can see why you posted it but it falls short in comparison

get that tumblrtale cock out of your mouth, nitpicking cunt

2af4fd No.14170002


>The music is incredibly memorable

its OK

>released in the past decade


e15d88 No.14170015


I think you might actually be autistic.

dd293c No.14170016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If a game has a price tag, it should be better than those free games that it's competing with.

It does, through the content for one thing. I mean for crying out loud the soundtrack alone totals over two hours.

eb34ec No.14170019


How many games released since 2008 have had better music?

2af4fd No.14170065

File: 2516ae59f2cba1f⋯.webm (9.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Super Hook Girl Stage 01 ….webm)


nier, nier automata, halo odst, skyward sword, splatoon, mario 3d world, mario odyssey, persona 4, deadly premonition, botanicula, hotline miami, hotline miami 2, revengeance, anarchy reigns, mgs 5, sonic mania, the list goes on and on, even itty bitty no-name japanese doujin games that have only been downloaded 600 times like super hook girl had better music

my man undertale is fine but its nothing special, it's at best inoffensive, but ultimately feels very unoriginal and quite tired at that, sonically the aesthetics are a bit all over the place, leaning on 8-bit square and triangle waves but also have its share of 16-bit PCM samples it's all over the place and the lack of cohesion really hurts the overall presentation

2539fa No.14170101



So you play it for the music? I don't really see a reason why undertale's score is more significant than any of the NES soundtracks that it's inspired by, its definitely at the same level, but that doesn't make it groundbreaking or something. I don't just play a game for having a good soundtrack, I play it for gameplay.

26c359 No.14170103


I mean especially in 2016-17 a lot of games released with comparable or better osts

Off the top of my head:


>A Hat in Time


>Kike in the Hoods (ignore the game itself that's hot garbage)

>Persona 5 (arguable)

>that one homosuck game (still toby fox but still good)

>Endless Space 2

>Underhell (is mostly atmospheric but the songs that are good are fucking great)



>Card City Nights 2


>Patapon got an HD re-release so it counts

and that's just to name a few.

12f532 No.14170119


That's because it was another episode of contrarian /v/:

>consensus at release: oh man this game is fun and has cool music, hard mode finished when?


Don't give me that stupid ass explanation of either it being shit from the very beginning or people here enjoying something that was just "flavor of the month", I vividly remember thread after thread discussing the game in detail and even enjoying some memeposting about papyrus and other characters, this board enjoyed the game but suddenly it wasn't cool to enjoy it anymore and since nobody here has any backbone to stick to what they like because of muh sekrit kewl kidz club acceptance mentality, undertale became a taboo subject.

I get it, the game certainly has its flaws and is a product of its time that won't age that well, especially the referential style of comedy, I agree with that much and I certainly hate the way tumblr attached to it, but don't deny that people here also enjoyed it and probably still do but don't openly say it because "/v/ will not like me!!!". It's funny how "/v/ isn't a person" is parroted around except on cases like this, where you have to toe the party line or you're an outcast, and it's an attitude that unfortunately plagues /v/, because videogame discussion and approval is apparently entirely dependent not on the game's own merits but on what other people or community happens to like it too.

dd293c No.14170126


My point is one of the amount of content in the game. If the soundtrack alone is that long then it's going to have far more content in the game than any free newgrounds title you could post.

08db90 No.14170129


xdddd why would care about what people care of you when anonymous??? ?? ?? dddddaa

2af4fd No.14170133

File: 4e2fc22f3b534fc⋯.webm (9.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, NieR_ Automata OST - The ….webm)


persona 5's is great, but nier automata is a masterpiece that is woven with the game play perfectly.

26c359 No.14170142


I forgot automata was 2017, I could've sworn it was 2015.

eb34ec No.14170146

File: 9a4721341e36a4d⋯.png (23.63 KB, 640x306, 320:153, retarded.png)


>halo odst

>skyward sword

>mario 3D world

pic related.

Come on, man. Even Sonic Mania was 80% remixes from the early 90s. And it's pretty disingenuous to completely ignore the motifs and themes to focus on the soundfonts used.


I played it because I was expecting better from the game. It didn't really deliver, but the music was good. I'm not recommending the game, I'm just saying the music was good and nothing else. It's more significant because it has a far wider array of melodies used in interesting ways.


Most of those are pretty good. Undertale's is still top-of-the-line, and I'd still put it over most of those (though I do like Underhell's atmospheric shit).

And no, re-releases don't count, otherwise you could just pull in all virtual console games released since then. There's really no point being pedantic about a game being "released" in the past decade just because it had a re-release; that's not the point and you know it.

c51041 No.14170148


I think the $10 pricetag was justifiable. I played the game around when it was new, and got over 20 hours out of it over different runs. Obviously the fanbase give it a bad rep, but it was not a bad game, I enjoyed it for what it was and it was a memorable experience.

266822 No.14170158


The biggest fuckup of all time with N;A was not having Emi Evans sing The End of YorHa. Aside from the chaos language singing her english version of the ending song from Nier was excellent. /pol/posting complete aside the nigress that sings The End of YorHa isn't very good.

12f532 No.14170161


what did you mean by this?

2539fa No.14170164


quality over quantity. Abundant content means nothing if its just bad skeleton jokes.


I pirated it and got bored very quickly.

2af4fd No.14170174


> motifs and themes

this is something games have been doing since the 80s, its nothing special and undertale doesn't really do anything interesting with it. nier automata on the other hand weaves its audio signature into a climactic moment of having other players join to help you as a chorus sang by the literal developers of one of the games most iconic tracks builds up more and more in a perfect moment of audio directing. 3D world also does the exact same thing you're praising undertale for.

halo odst also has a god tier soundtrack and you're a plebe if you don't like it.


I thought emi evans was singing in it? Maybe I misheard. Who were the singers besides the entire development team?

26c359 No.14170207


>There's really no point being pedantic about a game being "released" in the past decade just because it had a re-release; that's not the point and you know it.

I mean patapon was literal end of 2007 and it's two sequels came out within the decade and have really great osts.

I was more looking for an excuse to say patapon and you know that

4722a9 No.14170211

File: 75b5622efb2aef0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 706.75 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, マフェットEND_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: 1e0bc5e8fc2e025⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 702.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, マフェットEND_p1_master1200.jpg)

File: 0ae9ab3e8e0e2db⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 881.74 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, マフェットEND_p2_master1200.jpg)

File: d3358f80f7bdfe8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 883.39 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, マフェットEND_p3_master1200.jpg)

File: 4886a0b46f76703⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 695.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, マフェットEND_p4_master1200.jpg)


bb813b No.14170218

File: 85126bbbcac0cc1⋯.png (100.31 KB, 305x518, 305:518, IMG_4513.PNG)

d5f05a No.14170219

File: fce53c81c2fa92f⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ASGORE (Unused Mix) - Unde….mp4)

File: 6a539df6529942d⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bonetrousle (Beta Mix) - U….mp4)

File: fa65ece12997c8d⋯.mp4 (738.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Ghost Fight (Beta Mix) - U….mp4)

File: 7d2cc5bf364496e⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Small Shock (Beta Mix) - U….mp4)

File: aa84eebdb4d4fcc⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tem Shop (Beta Mix) - Unde….mp4)


The beta music was better tbh

dd293c No.14170226


Which it isn't. Sans doesn't even show up that much in the game, hell he stops making bad skeleton puns almost immediately after you first meet him.

And that's what I mean by "a quality game whose content justifies being free and a quality game whose content justifies a price tag", you're trying to convince me that Undertale could have been some free Newgrounds game when it clearly has far more content than what is to be expected from them.

2af4fd No.14170229


those mother 3 sound fonts were best left in mother 3

266822 No.14170230

File: 5fd70c2d8069f7d⋯.png (636.88 KB, 1024x574, 512:287, concert01-1024x574.png)

File: 7a795fc04ed3f21⋯.png (35.64 KB, 730x427, 730:427, ClipboardImage.png)


The English singing part in Weight of the World was done by J'Nique Nicole, pic related. Which I find unfortunate because Emi does all of the other singing afaik.

2af4fd No.14170233


how unfortunate, the impact of the song is not diminished however

c51041 No.14170236


>If it's just bad skeleton jokes

How far did you even go in the game? I assume you never even went past Snowdin.

dd293c No.14170241


Someone is gonna fall for this we've already had idiots on here who thought a SiIvaGunner song was from the actual game and accused Toby of plagiarism.

4d098c No.14170246

File: 96f7e9dac835d91⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 333x187, 333:187, c723012982390c914801928401….jpg)


>Mother 3 Sound font

Mother 3 was all premade instruments that already existed.

26c359 No.14170250


do you know what a soundfont is anon

4d098c No.14170251


More specifically the library of soundfonts were already assembled and in other games.

4d098c No.14170262


Do you know what a DLS file is?


2539fa No.14170277



Yeah I didn't, after I completed that whole section I never played it again. If your game is complete shit for the first hour or however long I played it, then I wont waste my time in hopes that there is a "good part" waiting right around the corner.

4d098c No.14170281


>Doesn't even play past snowdin

>Complains the entire game is snowdin


c51041 No.14170294


You must not play many games then, if you drop them after a boring first hour.

ee75fb No.14170323


>Only plays for an hour and then complains the game is shit

Faggots like you are why videogames are getting harder and harder to discuss here

1b577a No.14170330


I remember the game heavily implying that the monster world being barricaded was what prevented them from being eradicated completely, not that they posed a threat to humans.

50d4dc No.14170349


I'm convinced that one of the less obvious drawbacks of piracy is that games have become more disposable, and people put less time into games that don't immediately grip them, because they have nothing to lose, as opposed to twenty years ago, when you had a much more limited supply of games and would play them whether or not they were shit because they came from your parents or out of your allowance/lunch money.

2cf353 No.14170361


>it's a good game

All proof to the contrary notwithstanding. There's a reason tumblr is drawn to it, just like they are drawn to everything else that is garbage. They're like flies and shit.

a7fd64 No.14170381

If you're wondering where all the goatposting and porn is, >>>/underground/

bb813b No.14170385


>tumblr likes it therefore I cannot

You know tumblrinas like anime, and stalker, and dorf fort. There's at least one person on that website that likes what you like. Guess you can't like anything now huh? You should stop breathing because tumblr does that too.

84e16f No.14170397



>tumblr tier board that has shilled in cuckchan (check their sticky)


26c359 No.14170400


>muh stop breathing argument

nigga a high tumblr concetration speaks ill on a community. Tumblr may like good things but it also likes bad things just as much. If a community is entirely tumblr you have a fucking issue.

ee75fb No.14170403


I guess you're right. It may have been naivete and not knowing shit about videogames but I remember when my dad used to buy me a videogame a month and I certainly cherished the fuck out of whatever piece of garbage I ended up bringing home and all the controllers that would break a month in which the videogame store would sell me, the goddamned jews


>Acts smug and shit-talks a game while bringing absolutely no talking points to the table

And you're the second kind of faggot that's lowering videogame discussion quality around here

2cf353 No.14170407


Oh, fuck off with your bullshit. Sure, there's the odd faggot on tumblr that doesn't have absolutely abysmal tastes, but they're 0,001% of that godforsaken shithole of a community. Let me list you all the garbage that is overwhelmingly popular on tumblr.

>Attack on Titan


>Doctor Who

>Game of Thrones


>Steven Universe

>the rest of the garbage CN peddles

>Legend of Korra

>Squirrel Girl

>all the other garbage Marvel shits out with tumblr in mind


>Walking Dead

>Harry Potter



It's like a hitlist of all the filth humanity has managed to shit out in the past decade. So, yes, if tumblr likes it a lot it is shit.

26c359 No.14170413


>one anon who isn't even a mod that got bullied for still going to cuckchan

I don't see what you mean anon.

bb813b No.14170435


Good thing no one here uses tumblr, and thus shouldn't give a shit about the community or what tumblr does.


You seem to care an awful lot about what tumblr likes. I bet tumblr has a huge batman following. Is batman now turbocancer LGBTQXYZ+ pandering garbage? Your argument is invalid. Beaners love fighting games, are all fighting games trash? Japan loves mobile game and gachashit, does that mean it's good?

245bb9 No.14170447

/mtt/ attacks children

5d2bdf No.14170449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Hating Marty's music

2cf353 No.14170451

File: 0439d392ed81147⋯.jpg (36.01 KB, 600x250, 12:5, batman tranny.jpg)


>Is batman now turbocancer LGBTQXYZ+ pandering garbage?


>Your argument is invalid


bb813b No.14170464


>including modern DC at all

Faggot you know what I meant. The concept of batman itself is not tainted just because others like it. And address my other examples.

f21df7 No.14170476

File: 612b43573dc5481⋯.png (3.81 KB, 113x165, 113:165, nigger child.png)

quick reminder that chara is a nigger

dd293c No.14170478

File: fe34ac0b104f969⋯.gif (1010.71 KB, 352x198, 16:9, 1442660040700.gif)


Well I'm gonna have to concede you're the expert on tumblr here anon, well done.

I did hear that Cuphead was also popular on there, would you argue that's a bad game as well?

2cf353 No.14170485


>Faggot you know what I meant.

I know you're meaning the goalpost.

>The concept of batman itself is not tainted just because others like it.

That has nothing to do with the argument. The current iteration of Batman is pozzed and panders to tumblr.

>And address my other examples.

>are all fighting games trash?

Pretty much, yeah. There's a reason niggers flock to them.

>Japan loves mobile game and gachashit, does that mean it's good?

Now you're just grasping at straws. Why do Nips love gachashit, and what percentage of Nips plays them?

dd293c No.14170495


>I know you're meaning the goalpost.

What did he move by this?

bb813b No.14170516


>That has nothing to do with the argument

It has fucking everything to do with my argument. The game itself is good or bad by itself. No amount of retards liking it will change this.

And japs fucking flock to gachashit, it's everywhere and they love mobile gaming. So go ahead, tell me it's good cause they like it. Also

>dismissing an entire genre of games

I already knew you were a faggot, but wew.

2539fa No.14170523




If the game is good then why is the first hour shit? Why cant the author create anything compelling about his game after a whole hour? The only fun part of the game was killing the goat mom. The art is poor, the music is OK but nothing special, and I only had fun in the two minutes or however long it took to kill the goat mom. Most of it was just walking through boring uninspired puzzles while the characters talk to you about something vapid. So, that's what the game used to draw me in.

The first part of a game is supposed to give you a good representation of what the rest of the game will be like. If it's just a waste of time, then I won't continue.

4d098c No.14170547


>Changing the topic because you outed yourself

How embarrassing, even by my standards.

2cf353 No.14170549


>It has fucking everything to do with my argument.

Thankfully the game is garbage and the only reason it got so popular is because of the "quirky" story, art and shitty soundtrack.

>And japs fucking flock to gachashit

If you weren't stupid you'd know they flock to it for the same reason they flock to pachinko.

>it's everywhere and they love mobile gaming

They don't love mobile gaming per se, it's that many of them commute to work/school for one or two hours every day and need something to do with the time.

>I already knew you were a faggot, but wew.

I'm sorry you enjoy spending time with niggers. Maybe one of them can punch you in the face to cure you of the anti-racism.

2539fa No.14170559


I'm not changing the topic. I am explaining why I can play a game for an hour to know if its shit or not.

ee75fb No.14170561

File: 677046927fae618⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 324x340, 81:85, 1442100552488-0.jpg)


Well if you don't continue after the first hour you don't get to say that the entire game is garbage, you dense nigger. If I only completed the first level of Indigo Prophecy is it OK for me to judge the entire game based on that level and call it a great game? If I only beat Liberty Island in Deus Ex do I get to say that the game is boring as fuck?

You're probably one of those dumb bitches that heard the game was tumblr on /v/ and just played the tutorial to complain about it without ever giving it a chance.

2539fa No.14170571


If you beat liberty island and didn't like it, then sure why not? The first level is a good representative of the rest of the game.

I don't have to eat the entire plate of shit to tell what it is. Do you think that, I have to play fallout 4 in its entirety to know if the game is shit or not?

2cf353 No.14170578


2/3 of Fahrenheit were great. When grandma becomes the AI it's when you know Cage ran out of drugs.

>Liberty Island


No surprise you like Undertale. They should put you down like a rabid dog.

bb813b No.14170583


Oh so now you actually try to make real arguments about the game's quality? Seems like the person moving goalposts is you. And retard, maybe you weren't aware, but to play a game doesn't mean I have to go and physically spend time in person with other random niggers who play it.

2cf353 No.14170603


The gameplay is garbage, but tumblr really doesn't give two shits about gameplay anyway since they are leftist mental cripples. What they do care about is the narrative, and the narrative was made to pander to them, and by God is it shit.

Please stop embarrassing yourself trying to pretend an aborted Earthbound romhack made by a gay furry is good.

dd293c No.14170606


>If the game is good then why is the first hour shit? Why cant the author create anything compelling about his game after a whole hour?

Because due to nature of the game's development (released the first part of the game as a demo in order to promote the kickstarter and fund the rest of the game) there is some obvious teething issues in the game design. The game also had a case of Toby's ambition for it increasing after the kickstarter was far more successful than he anticipated. Yes he probably should have redone the ruins section afterwards but instead we've got a game which does get better around the middle section and only shows its full hand at the endings.

I'm assuming you also haven't heard the game's full soundtrack since you wouldn't have compared it to NES if you had.

bb813b No.14170617


I never made such a claim that it was good, only that the argument about tumblr was trash and that you're stupid.

ee75fb No.14170620


>I have to play fallout 4 in its entirety to know if the game is shit or not?

Yes you fucking do. As godlike as your super videogame analysis skills are you can't get to predict how an entire videogame is like from just looking at the cover. Whether you enjoy it or not you have to play a fucking game to pass judgement on it.


Again with the empty smug passive-agressiveness. Are you a woman? You write as petty and catty as one

2cf353 No.14170623


Oh, so you agree with me that the game is garbage? Well, thank you.


Anon, we've already established you're an animal. If you think Liberty Island is boring you might as well end your life.

4eb534 No.14170626

>My point is one of the amount of content in the game

>average playthrough is around 5-7 hour even if you taking your time reading every dialog, looking and messing around

There are a lot of flash games with same amount of content, heck even more than undertale

I'll give you one for the soundtrack, though

ee75fb No.14170637


>More catty remarks and "witty" insults

You belong in the kitchen, just be a good girl and I might even let you suck my dick. You can even keep thinking I'm an animal and pretend it's bestiality if you keep your mouth shut.

4eb534 No.14170647


meant to quote>>14170126

2cf353 No.14170651


Undertale is still a shit game. You can ad hominem all you like and it doesn't change this simple fact.

2539fa No.14170661

File: dcc0f32904a3928⋯.png (75.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, quake champions.png)


What a great idea, friend! I'll just purchase fallout 4 on Steam and play it in its entirety. Then, I'll get back to you. :^)


This isn't one of your lewd roleplay disagreements, faggot.

2539fa No.14170665



I meant disagreement, fuck

ee75fb No.14170685

File: a7e2f8b9de5e93c⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 180x212, 45:53, 1425395562380.jpg)


>Calling out my ad hom now of all times

Bitch please. You wouldn't know videogames if I came them over your 3DPD face.


>All of a sudden brings up paying to buy games without talking about piracy

>Extremely fast anon moving the goalposts at incredibly high speeds.jpg


34a2ef No.14170699


>if you don't continue after the first hour you don't get to say that the entire game is garbage

Not necessarily. A shit game can be shit all the way through, and a good game won't always be good for the entirety of it, but if you can't continue a game because you don't enjoy it after the first hour or so, then the game has failed in that respect to be an enjoyable experience. That doesn't make for a good review of the game, it just means that one person didn't like the first hour of gameplay and wasn't interested in finishing the rest of the game. I, as a person who cannot simply hate things on a surface level, who would go through countless hundreds of hours just to see every flaw with a game, playing through on the most difficult modes just to see the limits of my capacities as a player and the game itself, cannot bring myself to only get an hour deep into a game even if I hate it. I feel some urgency as a player to defeat the challenge, even if the unintended challenge is boredom. I will continue to push and break through at all costs. It's simply the sign of a weak willed person to be unable to finish what they started for the sake of an objective, wholesale look at what they have before them.

It's obviously not for everyone; you shouldn't force yourself to play games you don't like, but I feel that if you only understand that you like or dislike something, it's not enough; there's always a why; a what; a how.

Dark souls 3 is an objectively worse game when compared to dark souls 1, but why is that? There's more armor, it's graphically superior technically, and the physics are more realistic. Well the plot is a mess, conflicts with DaS1's set lore, had its own idea for a plot and just mixed it into the dying of the fire idea which leads to building up one single boss for the duration of the game and not following through with anything and having that boss be a big nobody. You get shots of all the bosses being awakened and you see who your enemies are, but the entire first part of the game is so disjointed from that idea; you are told to go fight these dudes, and then the 5 bosses on the main path are not these dudes. The 6th fight, which you can get into earlier to be fair, though it's pointless to, is against one of the lords of cinder, and there is no build up to that at all; you are just told this is the swamp of farron, also the abyss watchers are down there. They could have done something neat where you have to fight your way through a bunch of the mini abysswatchers and then you get all the way to the boss room and there's one last abyss watcher standing there. He does the pose and then beefs up, and then you fight a single lord who jumps all over the place ala artorias or guts. All in all, the game had a lot of potential and no direction, so it just fizzled outward like a puddle and burbled a little.

The point is you can't really know a game unless you play it through and through, but you don't need to know that it's shit from more than a little bit of play.

2cf353 No.14170701


>you don't know videogames!

Says the cuck that got so buttblasted people make fun of xer's tumblr bait.

d5f05a No.14170702



Mark strikes again.

>meme spacing

4d098c No.14170715

File: 4c05fda204fd374⋯.jpg (168.96 KB, 622x689, 622:689, 4c05fda204fd3746a95662542b….jpg)


Says the literal videogame cuck that watches other people play videogames instead of them.

2539fa No.14170716


Point is, I don't have to waste my time playing fallout 4 to know that it's a bad game. I can even watch gameplay footage and look at articles written about it to know what bad game it is.


Putting a space between separate replies to separate posts is fine.

70889f No.14170731


>but instead we've got a game which does get better around the middle section and only shows its full hand at the endings.

For it to get better it would have to be good. Either way that swf is still a better game. You done bitching yet faggot?

2cf353 No.14170733


Care to point out the post where I said I watch people play games instead of playing them myself?

50d4dc No.14170737


>Putting a space between separate replies to separate posts is fine.

It is, but it's unnecessary, since the quoted post number is on its own line, and is so short that it functions as a line break anyway.

c51041 No.14170738


>meme spacing maymay

Do you also not separate paragraphs when writing something? Same concept there, separating two different parts.

34a2ef No.14170749


>meme spacing is okay with my poor justification

It's been 4 fucking months I've been away and the redditors still won't fucking LURK.

4d098c No.14170757


I'm more saying in an allegorical sense letting tumblr dictate your tastes is more akin to cuckholdry than refusing to allow it to dictate your tastes, because essentially you're surrendering any kind of dominance over the piece of media to an alternative party.

It's essentially the videogame opinion equivalent of cuckholdry. That could only be cemented further if you made any kind of emotional or temporal investment in the game.

2cf353 No.14170767


My point is that the game is shit, and since tumblr likes shit they are drawn to the game. Now take those sleeping pills you've been stealing from your mother.

4b520a No.14170773


Undertale has moral choices, more or less, but it doesn't have moral dilemmas. The main theme of the game is treating monsters as people with personalities. It grew out of a battle system that lets you talk with your enemy. It lets that interact with the traditional model where you kill enemies for convenience and it doesn't have a real impact on the world whether you do so or not.

The result is a game where there's no good justification for killing people, which is not obvious at first - not until it reveals that resetting is something in the story, not just a game mechanic, and that killing even random encounters is something characters react to and affects the story. The game doesn't call you evil for killing enemies (unless you do the route where you have to grind to kill everyone and choose to murder an innocent child who doesn't even have arms and so on and so on), it just tells you that you have the power to fix it.

It would have to be a different kind of game to have dilemmas.

2539fa No.14170790


Maybe if he did redo the ruins section, I would have played longer. I still don't think that a game needs to have this many excuses made for it. If it's really so good, it shouldn't just be bothersome. Also, even if all the fat would be trimmed, it is still a mediocre gameplay experience. I've seen how it plays in the later sections, and it's not really designed to challenge the player or be a gatekeeper as much as it is to make a player feel accomplished for beating the enemy.

>I'm assuming you also haven't heard the game's full soundtrack

I have heard the songs, but I never sat through the whole soundtrack- because while it's not bad music, it's not music that I think is interesting to listen too. And no, it is not anything that is not significant than the soundtracks of NES games that I've played, its just that it's got some extra effects while still trying to deliver the same style of composition without being too faithful to the limits of the NES or other old consoles. I won't call it bad but it doesn't sell the game and it doesn't stand out enough to make me want to keep playing a bad game.

ee75fb No.14170805


I agree with you on everything but

>you don't need to know that it's shit from more than a little bit of play.

What I consider to know a game is what you said in the previous paragraph: to be able to review the game in it's entirety and be able to give decent bullet points on why the game is the quality it is. If we go by what the other dumbass said then how do we know how much should a person play to know it's garbage? If we pretend these kind of opinions have any sort of validity then we open the floodgates for anons who don't play anything and just shitpost all day to ruin this board for everyone else. You can call a game shit whenever you like when you're playing it, however if you stop after, let's say, the first hour, your experience doesn't reflect the entire game and you shouldn't pretend like it does.



Projection much? Walk away from the computer, getting unnecessarily angry does bad things for your skin


>I can even watch gameplay footage and look at articles written about it to know what bad game it is

You're arguing in favor of being able to know the quality of a videogame without playing it. Just thought I'd let you know.

c51041 No.14170806


>It's not designed to really challenge the player

Download a save file that is right before the Sans Genocide bossfight, and play that. Come back afterwards.

0adc78 No.14170840

File: 3a6bdb3266fb4ab⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1280x1714, 640:857, 8348fefe1e043547cc123ab1e4….png)

File: be92fc3bce4aa7d⋯.jpg (635.19 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, be92fc3bce4aa7d61e75e982da….jpg)

File: c4d694852379395⋯.png (740.62 KB, 1067x1281, 1067:1281, 6d886a40333c46b44fa4e4b503….png)

people must remember

child is nigger

eb34ec No.14170845


>For it to get better it would have to be good

That makes absolutely no fucking sense. Something that's bad can't get better? I can't believe that somebody would say something like this without a hint of irony. You're either shitposting or retarded.

0adc78 No.14170847

34a2ef No.14170851


>the game is shit

why is it shit though anon? Surely you have evidence to back up your claim. Otherwise we'd both just be making claims back and forth and refuting them with nothing because neither of us would be providing evidence. That doesn't get us anywhere.

The music isn't anything special, but every area's tune enhances the experience of that area. The areas are short because you're inside of a cave, and while it doesn't make sense in some places, you can very easily get sucked into the world with the art and music they put in. Every area has its own set of unique enemies; there is no area that completely reuses enemies besides near the final stages where you fight leveled up versions of the first enemies, but they are still given their own attacks and artwork. The most interesting part of the game is that you don't need to fight anything, and you're rewarded for going through the game and befriending everything; there was a sense of joy I felt when I went through the interesting dialogue of each quaint little foe, each of them having their own backstory laid bare; in most other games you just fight an enemy, wonder what it's called, what it represents, and you need to look it up, whether in game or on a wiki. In Undertale they took the idea of looking it up away and just put it into a description in the game. On the contrary, a game like OFF does everything in its power to hide the meanings of the enemies even though it completely describes them to you, and throughout the game you are constantly questioning your own morality while you're bashing baby wrestlers to death.

I could go on and on about the feats of undertale, but I doubt you could refute even one of my points.


My point was that a bad game will reveal itself out of the gate to be bad; it's really up to the anon to play as much of the game as they like, but it is also our responsibility to bring up how much of the game has been played, and mock the person who decides that playing for a couple minutes, an hour, or two, is reasonable enough to draw an accurate conclusion on the game. It's the problem we had a long while ago with GZ where everyone was saying the main story was beatable in 20 minutes to defame kojima, and then it was revealed that this wasn't accurate because it was a very beelined experience of one single mission.


>I've seen how it plays in the later sections, and it's not really designed to challenge the player or be a gatekeeper as much as it is to make a player feel accomplished for beating the enemy

>seen how it plays

This is the kinda shit that irritates me. If you don't like the first hour of a game you get to talk about the first hour of the game; if you weren't there, don't talk about it;

don't fucking bring up the rest of the game that you didn't play

I swear to christ if you went on a DMC thread and said the first hour of playing as nero in DMC4 sucks so the whole game sucks you'd get reamed so hard your asshole would consume your legs and you'd have more than just one of your feet in your mouth.

26c359 No.14170865


>sans fight

yeah two entire bossfights means challenge right?

819cd9 No.14170867

File: 60b2d5b913ba950⋯.png (60.99 KB, 1280x934, 640:467, gook tale.png)


Is it a gook? Is it a nigger?

Man, the author sure knows how to write good characters with all this ambiguity.

2539fa No.14170873


The normal game is made to stop casuals from being challenged in any significant way, this is why you are immediately going for the hardest fight on an optional path in the game that most players don't even take, which is designed to be difficult since it's supposed to be a gatekeeper that lets people try and claim that the game isn't the incredibly casual game that it is. Anyway I have downloaded it, I will beat it now to show you.


Yes, and…? I don't have to eat shit to know what it tastes like.


haha wow anon, It sounds like the DMC thread is full of tough guys that I really wouldn't want to mess with! Whatever would I do when they start writing gay roleplay posts at me?

2cf353 No.14170877


Why should anyone waste time arguing with you? You're obviously a tumblr cocksucker enamored with this piece of shit game.

Let me put it this way, the gameplay is simplistic and is in service to the narrative, which would be okay since Fallout 1 and 2 suffer from a similar imbalance, but the narrative is fucking garbage. It's godawful tumblr retardation ramming their narcissistic, nauseating "let's all get along, except you Nazi pigs #PunchaNazi" narrative. The fact you're this obsessed with a game that has less depth than a flash game means you're into it because of the narrative, and if you're in it for the narrative you're a /leftypol/ subhuman, simple as that.


Can't be a gook, chink or nip, leftists hate them just as much as they hate whites. It's either a spic, mudshit or nigger, more likely some godforsaken mutant combining the genetic garbage of all three.

26c359 No.14170983


It'd have better soundfonts

c51041 No.14171029



>The game doesn't have challenge

>Point out challenge

>B-but that doesn't count

34a2ef No.14171030


>damage control

laugh at this woman, she has lost her composure.

26c359 No.14171045


The game has too roadbumps on it's road to being piss easy, if the challenge isn't sustained what's the fucking point?

26c359 No.14171047

2539fa No.14171056

File: b081ac3f5be916d⋯.webm (9.17 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 2018-01-16-1651-18.webm)


Ok, you have proven one of the boss fights is challenging, I don't feel like continuing to fight it, but my points about the normal game failing to challenge the player are true. Sans is only a gatekeeper here because he unlocks no real content except for bragging rights (I guess?). I've never played a bullet hell game before but I feel that I could beat this fight in another hour or so if i kept trying, but, I don't have the time to spend on it.


The game is designed to be easy on the ego of the casual audience, while having one fight hidden away, that isn't needed to beat the game, so that people can claim it isn't an easy game.

9fd42d No.14171061

File: e60316f02673d44⋯.jpg (23.23 KB, 288x499, 288:499, why.jpg)


There a few reasons for this.

Obviously one of the big ones was the horrible fanbase, but there's another one that's usually not mentioned.

Undertale was meant to be very different to the final product, anybody who followed it knows this, but for one reason or another Toby Fox scrapped his original idea of the game and made the rest of it like the demo. There are glimmers of what it was meant to be shining through, like Undyne's boss, but that was thrown away.

d5f05a No.14171071


>no sound

26c359 No.14171086


it's above 9MB, it's fine.

2539fa No.14171091



My webm converter didnt like how the sound was in this file. So, thats why.

70889f No.14171093


If something shit improves then it becomes less worse. Not better.

34a2ef No.14171096


I don't understand why you're still here.

d7df48 No.14171111



>no sound

There's nothing fine about that.

025a60 No.14171119


Well it did exist in 2013.

4d098c No.14171128


Because they got made fun of and they can't let it go.

c115b2 No.14171129

Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet? At least bumplock it. Jesus.

d5f05a No.14171131

File: d4e45ae198995fe⋯.webm (10.9 MB, 640x480, 4:3, sound.webm)


Ripped the audio, converted to opus, then copied to webm. What converter were you using?

d7df48 No.14171133


It's at 240 replies already, so it's not like it matters.

2539fa No.14171142


Webm for retards 2.20. I got it in 2014 when webm support was added to 4chan.

2539fa No.14171157

File: d5068ac9281b525⋯.png (103.36 KB, 256x256, 1:1, kitty cat.png)


Is my presence bothering you, OP? Are you going to roleplay at me again?

a92f98 No.14171292

File: c6d99043a5d3a35⋯.jpg (109.92 KB, 500x1978, 250:989, Wehaveabooru,youknow.jpg)

dd293c No.14171299


Gave it another shot and finished it, holy shit are you kidding me anon? The ending is a bunch of cringey deviant art pics followed by a to be continued

97c37b No.14171556


You fags know toby came out and said he just put gays in the game because he thought gays were funny right? And that he hates the tumblr following. And animal man monsters are some of the most common since the dawn of time amongst any work of fiction.

Undertale still gets hate dispite this shit because people are retards that just want to hate on shit for reasons outside of the game and think anyone really cares about tumblr.

1423d9 No.14171581



>You fags know toby came out and said he just put gays in the game because he thought gays were funny right?

I'm gonna need some fucking proofs.

97c37b No.14171608











>Arguing about being a newfag

>on 8chan

>A site only like 5 years old

Fucking try hard retards

The only reason im here to stay now is because the good shitposting chan died from chinese bitcoin mining scripts or some shit.

Ive been here off and on since the birth of the board but you idiots are so slow and strongly lacking in good memes and shitposts compared to what Im used to. I mean for gods sakes there arent 10 cuck porn threads up constantly. I ask myself more and more each day whats the point of coming back but i dont know what else to do online to kill time.

1423d9 No.14171617

c11e80 No.14171696

File: 5266da1d268beec⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1236x4616, 309:1154, 1444741547168.png)

d5f05a No.14171714

File: ea571554b3d41ab⋯.webm (1.11 MB, 640x480, 4:3, oh no you don't.webm)

97c37b No.14171763

File: 940b310536d04ad⋯.jpg (17.32 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 989daa9ecb4c0a17e22efb6322….jpg)

File: 46f33a01f3e78b8⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 576x603, 64:67, ac03683b6e2f509edd1e5fd585….jpg)

File: 466d8aca0f2e47f⋯.png (33.06 KB, 600x210, 20:7, 1f7.png)

File: b56febc0371a1fe⋯.png (22.35 KB, 590x226, 295:113, iUmsMGI.png)


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.please use archive.is/interview-undertale-game-creator-toby-fox/amp/

In addition to these i know there was a big rant on 4chan he posted about how furfags are the reason he wasnt going to make dlc but i couldnt find it on google images.

524e0d No.14171883


>see pic

Pretty boys game when?

1423d9 No.14171919


would you like to try again with an archive?

70889f No.14172051


I know the third is legit. The first is likely BS though. I don't really see how any of this defends the game being a heap of shit to play though.

f5ae26 No.14172067

Undertale haters are just jealous /agdg/ fags who are salty because they're too autistic to finish their games and gain a cult following.

70889f No.14172114


Bait elsewhere.

379af8 No.14172119

File: 956d8e1c49df5a6⋯.jpg (102.2 KB, 900x1357, 900:1357, 956d8e1c49df5a6e02353989fc….jpg)

26c359 No.14172135

say please you fuck

27a036 No.14172136


I unfortunately have no idea when it was posted other than a couple months after the game came out. Im not asking you to take my word on it either i was just peeved i couldnt find it again.


I think the game is falsely advertised as a bullet hell game when its basically more of a rpgmaker type of rpg. Which is at this point basically a sub genre. But iunno man i liked it but you dont have to. I just get mad when people say they dont like it because its sjw and furry when its not.

Very similar shit with mortis ghost and off with how he was upset to see the extreme porn and shit tumblr following his game had but that shouldnt mean off is a bad game because some of the community is bad. It might be a bad game because its slow and has pretty basic combat though. But again i liked it because witj rpg maker type games you arent usually signing up for excellent gameplay, just hoping for a weird trip through a strange land.

70889f No.14172151


>more of a rpgmaker type of rpg.

for it to be an rpg there would have to be stats of some kind. And considering the "stats" in the game are more of a gimmick I wouldn't call it an RPG.

>But iunno man i liked it but you dont have to

Well I don't have shit taste.

>i liked it because witj rpg maker type games you arent usually signing up for excellent gameplay, just hoping for a weird trip through a strange land.

>I liked this game that had bad gameplay and wated a visual experience instead

Watch a fucking movie.

d2c30f No.14172244


What was it originally going to be like?

a347a2 No.14172280

File: 8398a08142bda07⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ANGRY_THINK.jpg)


What was it going to be originally?

also is anyone else having trouble with this fucking website? im having trouble downloading a fucking gif fuck

0577b8 No.14172502

File: db1fa9a16c21a3c⋯.png (10.79 KB, 392x177, 392:177, claymates.png)


They just copied the gems from Claymates

0577b8 No.14172509


I can definitely hear more of the earthbound inspiration in the beta songs

1ea77a No.14172546


I guarantee that first one is a fake since half of his close friends are some flavor of lgbtqetcetc degenerates

775eda No.14172576


Originally he had plans for the game to not be shit but they were discarded upon his realizing that would be impossible.

88c68b No.14172616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>bumped off artist

The short version is Toby along with the rest of the Homestuck fandom left him hanging when the dude needed help, the long version is below.

I'll just need a little preface for this. Most of the music in Homestuck are remixes of a handful of songs, and the artist I'm talking about is one of the guys who wrote two of these. Compared to Toby he was more a fan of Cave Story than a cult member of Earthbound, and so he was the classical technician to Toby's (((modern artist))), when it came to composing music, which you can hear in his songs. He was pretty distant from Homestuck and somewhat of a NEET. He didn't talk about politics and kept his opinion to himself even when he was on the team. This not taking sides thing is anthema to most people/normalfags nowadays, which include most of the modern Homestuck music and art team, so aside from donating a song which occasionally finds its way into a Homestuck album he's pretty much cut off from socializing with the fandom, which may explain how he received almost jack shit in donations when his house burned down in the middle of winter and nobody including Toby spread the word about it. Still didn't prevent him from trying to help and explain things, as you can see in this video. From going into the no man's land of twitter/tumblr/reddit he's probably currently living on NEETbux from being diagnosed with clinical depression. It's honestly really depressing.

88c68b No.14172628

File: 434b8b4a2ce8bcc⋯.png (52.12 KB, 302x304, 151:152, another anime for the fold….png)


Fourth is probably true, Toby really doesn't want people to bring up his old hack, partially because it's a proto Undertale with its meta mechanics and pointlessly inserted gay shit, partially because he wants to scrub all of his internet past clean and this is his bloody stain on his hands, so to speak.

26c359 No.14172651


4th is legit and is in response to MatPat's SANS IS NESS theory, that tweet is what people refer to when people talk about how matt's tumblrtale theories were wrong.

828012 No.14172710



toby fucked the full release up hard the demo is one of the best games I've played and had the most fun talking with anons about

27a036 No.14172716


>a game where you play a role not being a role playing game.

Literally kill yourself

> i dont have shit opinions but i also dislike undertale

Literally kill yourself

50d4dc No.14172730


>because he wants to scrub all of his internet past clean

I don't really see anything wrong with that. If he actually thinks they were mistakes, he might as well burn them before they become known and he has to suffer backlash for opinions that aren't his anymore. Everyone did and said retarded shit when they were young.

828012 No.14172734


several of those posts were mine

70889f No.14173857


>a game where you play a role not being a role playing game

Zelda is an RPG because I RP as Link I guess :^)

>i dont have shit opinions but i also dislike undertale

The delusion is inoperable I see. Stay mad tumblr.

96cca6 No.14173926


If you showed up here in 2016 you should be lurking until at least the end of 2018 and preferably most of 2019 before you even post.

d62ccf No.14173942


Top tier:

>Joined 8chan before Gamergate began

High tier:

>Joined 8chan during Gamergate

Mid tier:

>Joined 8chan after Gamergate ended

Low tier:

>Joined 8chan during the elections

Shit tier:

>Joined 8chan after the elections

Even worse than /leftypol/-tier:

>Joined 8chan after Neogaf died

96cca6 No.14173943


The term is imageboard and it's always been imageboard because there used to be text-only boards called, surprisingly, textboards. Post-chanology faggots starting calling them chans because they didn't know any better. Fuck off with your defence of newfags.

f69503 No.14173954

File: 70499f11f2444ae⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 835x1063, 835:1063, 70499f11f2444ae22b8ac0d54c….jpg)

Is it fucking 2015 again?


>he doesn't dream of shitposting

>he doesn't wake himself up by breaking the site


>this image was proven bullshit


d43787 No.14174109


The game did a 180 in tone right after the segment the demo covered ended. Only fags who liked the game will say

>It got popular

>/v/ is contrarian

>It's just the fanbase

as a reason for why it's hated. Which is completely false considering games like Cuphead and Sonic. The only thing that is consistently good is the music. Everything else was a complete shitfest. The humor is either lolsorandumb or soccer mom tier puns. The art style is trash and inconsistent. The gameplay hook is not an original idea like everyone thinks it is, and was poorly executed, leaving only 1 fun fight in the good route and giving only 2 real fights in the bad route. The characters are flat, retarded, and obnoxious. Contrary to what its most vehement defenders may say, there was a forced gay relationship which you have to kindle in order to get the good ending. The fanbase is indeed cancerous as well, but that's merely a single factor. Many people were probably annoyed that fags here were praising such a shitty game to begin with. The only things it has going for it are the music, a niche gameplay mechanic, and babby's first save editing fourth wall break.

d43787 No.14174111

File: 6b25e6e559c6b92⋯.png (590.33 KB, 460x460, 1:1, major checking.png)

96cca6 No.14174117

File: 3b2361fdc3970f4⋯.jpg (9.99 KB, 236x285, 236:285, checked13.jpg)

d43787 No.14174123


Oh yes, and I forgot the main appeal of the game. Some might call it "charm". It's super quirky XD

d43787 No.14174212


>Tumblr likes Stalker and Dorf


dd293c No.14174230

d43787 No.14174231


>The general consensus in the GG threads is that 2016 is an alright year to have joined the site.

That's one spicy claim you double nigger.

t. Goofygoober

96cca6 No.14174235


You can find a tumblr for anything anon.

d5f05a No.14174261


But gamergate hasn't ended :^)

d43787 No.14174283


>I'm more saying in an allegorical sense

Wew lad.


That's not memespacing you niggerfaggot.

This is.


It has not even begun.

70889f No.14174316


Well for one we have no evidence to support it. And like I said before the image was always posted along side another one that tried to assert better pixelart in a game by posting a still image from a pixel artist. It's not a ton of evidence sure but you should know we get plenty of false flagging faggots like that who are willing to make sure up for a few paragraphs while applying current year shit from the industry to make his "theories" sound more creditable. Basically it might be true. But it's probably not.

2e4b33 No.14174341


Anon is a fag making false claims, but I can't deny how much this bait seemingly worked.

97c37b No.14174434



Makes sense to me. Google even lists them as rpgs.

Also speaking of zelda, ocarina of time was dethroned as goat by undertale a few years ago in the gamefags rankings. Continue to hate something for the wrong reason fam. Tumblr has nothing to do with the game of undertale being good or bad.

a7baad No.14174649

I can't speak for everyone else so I'm not going to. But for me Undertale was a disappointment several times over. It started with the demo. Neat little RPG thing that combined bullet hell with turn-based combat and diplomacy. This was cool and wasn't something I had seen before. On top of that the interaction with flowey as well as his Interaction with you through the included instruction manual set up some cool ideas of a story that reached outside of itself to include the player. I eat this shit up with a knife and fork because until that point I hadn't realized how much it was (going to be) done. Finishing a route or trying something, then opening up the game's files to see how flowey reacted and edited things was pretty cool and led to multiple playthroughs of the demo. Fun was had and like other anons have said it led to comfy threads discussing the game and wanting to lewd toriel. Mostly the game though.

Then the kickstarter happened, it reached funding and I sort of forgot about it. Without any real word of things I just assumed it had gone into crowdfunding hell and I'd never see or hear of it again. I didn't know Radiation was a guy who worked on homestuck, so I didn't think to expect that Radiation would be hard at work giving the game cancer.

After the game came out, it's basically what >>14174109 said. The story and hooks from the demo said it was going for a pack of smokes and I never saw it again. Instead i got "Quirky" skeletons, a weeaboo lizard, a cool knight turned fish lesbian, a cuck, and theory-bait.

Undertale? More like Underwhelming.

I'm going to kill myself for that joke now.

f69503 No.14174782

File: d1a18274defeac9⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d1a18274defeac933fb7f0989d….jpg)


>Makes sense to me. Google even lists them as rpgs.

a792b6 No.14174813

I'm not reading this thread. I think this game is incredibly mediocre, which is to be expected, given that it was made by a single person. That is fine, but that just goes to show that people are ready to shovel shit down their throats, so long as it can be justified by some irrational and subjective defense of shit eating. The music isn't spectacular, as many people claim. It's alright, I suppose, but if you think the music is on par with, say, Chrono Trigger's or DKC2's soundtrack, then you're in denial. The characters were not amusing to me in the slightest, although I can see why the autismos have latched onto them so fervently. The gameplay, both the "standard" and the "pacifist" styles, is quite dull. All of the monsters have a few basic patterns that are easily memorized and, once this is done, the game becomes quite repetitive and tedious to play as a result.

>You could say the same about virtually any other game, especially RPGs

Yeah, well, at least there are other games that provide incentives to replay. In Final Fantasy V, there's the job system, in Fallout New Vegas, there are a number of quests that can be done in slightly different ways, and the various skills can alter how you play, which gives the player an opportunity to try different playstyles. Most games have some variety of enemies, and your interactions with them should keep the game fresh to some extent. The same can't be said about this game, it's virtually the exact same experience every single time you play. It wouldn't be so bad if the basic enemies, especially the bosses, had a larger pool of moves and abilities, but this would only slightly extend the game's playtime, because the game is quite small and doesn't fully utilize either of its primary combat mechanics. The "traditional" RPG combat boils down to a simplistic, "hit enemy with equipped weapon" interaction. There are no status ailments, no magic system, no special abilities, and no complex bosses or enemies that would use or defend against these things. On the other hand, the "pacifist combat" is virtually the same every time, as already mentioned. Once the player learns how to appeal to the monster's emotions without attacking them, this entire aspect of "combat" is omitted, and the player can simply spam the MERCY button in order to completely avoid combat with that enemy in the future.

I can't imagine why you'd want to come back and play this game again and again. I guess some people have latched onto the characters so strongly that they boot up the game just to "spend time" with them. It explains all of the autism that comes in the form of terrible fan art and fan projects, such as plays and conventions. To me, that is very sad. It's sad that a game can become popular just because it appeals to some faggot-furry-tumblr types and not its gameplay. But, what the fuck else is new? This is the world we live in.

70889f No.14174817


>Google even lists them as rpgs.

Google also says this site doesn't exist. Jesus fuck off to reddit retard.

>Also speaking of zelda, ocarina of time was dethroned as goat by undertale a few years ago in the gamefags rankings.

Oh you're baiting. Nevermind then.

d43787 No.14174837


It was made by a single person.


c6dc16 No.14174889

File: 7ef723f90fae659⋯.png (208.08 KB, 1244x947, 1244:947, Time.png)


Which is all the more proof that "tumblr likes it, therefore it's bad" doesn't have any merit.

dd293c No.14175091


>Once the player learns how to appeal to the monster's emotions without attacking them, this entire aspect of "combat" is omitted, and the player can simply spam the MERCY button in order to completely avoid combat with that enemy in the future.

That's not how the game works at all.

d6ae8b No.14175133

These threads are worse than Fullderp. How do you get worse than fullderp

07d506 No.14175143

File: df44d078a2b7f43⋯.jpg (146.14 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, 554.jpg)


That poll was openly and proudly just plain old rigged. The tumblrtale faggots were running a social media campaign to send everyone they could to go vote for underturd since the votes were open to unregistered users and didn't track IPs. They also proudly admitted to using bots and the faggot mods on the site thought the whole thing was funny.

c39f04 No.14175179

File: 14f27aa02443a8b⋯.png (703 B, 100x100, 1:1, it's just a regular flower.png)


27a036 No.14175187


Cuckchan organized the entire thing just to make themselves mad

ef7e33 No.14175194


What? Die.

503460 No.14175214

File: 65ef2a6c8112ac4⋯.png (84.97 KB, 500x583, 500:583, tumblr_npcvt0gISL1tezt7xo1….png)

Undertale was a good game, some of the most fun I've had in recent years. As far as tumblr or SJW content go's it was pretty tame and didn't affect my enjoyment of the game at all. I'm not sure why /v/ is so butthurt over it.

a7baad No.14175224

What I don't understand is how you can start off so strong but fuck up so badly so quickly. Was the ruin the only part he really had planned out? Most of the game just felt like filler after that until you get to the palace.

07d506 No.14175227

File: 126465df048c7b3⋯.webm (1.09 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Consider_the_following....webm)


>tumblr filename

>"some tumblershit is okay"

a7baad No.14175230


Read the thread. There's a couple of good explanations.

0d1a67 No.14175270

Undertale is an MK ULtra program by the jews to make you gay

fa139a No.14175420


you know that was done to make faggots like you anally pained right?

why the fuck would you even care about a gayfags poll anyway? unless you go there in which case kill yourself

fa139a No.14175421


fucking flag

dd293c No.14175937


Even I the stuff I can agree with isn't a reason for such asspain over the game really.

f504f8 No.14177856


there were.

c6dc16 No.14178209

File: 3d8ee14c6ed50d5⋯.png (552.5 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 1457632622988.png)


>I'm not sure why /v/ is so butthurt over it

They were told to hate the game, and they obeyed without thinking about why. They were given "reasons" that amounted to nothing more than talking points, and they parroted them without thinking about why. They were made to believe that only "bad people" like the game, and that they can firmly place themselves (anonymously?) in the "good people" category by disliking it, and they did so without thinking about why.

This place isn't for discussing games 90% of the time. It's a hugbox for people with similar taste in games to delude themselves and each other into believing they're not actually worthless subhuman garbage.

828012 No.14179396

50d4dc No.14179531

What was the deal with Undertail threads and Genesis, anyway?

34a2ef No.14179639




No real reason.

8ee66d No.14180778

File: 263daae11312c28⋯.jpg (1022.3 KB, 1920x3998, 960:1999, 1461355425990.jpg)

File: e4f93d5b7d3f030⋯.png (154.93 KB, 378x430, 189:215, c9a15876ce55d1f0a1bbd4100c….png)

70889f No.14182627


>They were told to hate the game, and they obeyed without thinking about why

I played the game. It's shit. Fuck off.

34a2ef No.14183250


>Shadow of the colossus is shit because it's shit

>Ico is shit because it's shit

>Metal Gear Solid 1-V is shit because it's shit

see how that isn't an argument as to why games are bad?

You need to fuck off.

70889f No.14183292


The person I replied to didn't have an argument either dipshit. The game's shit because the gameplay is a dumbed down bullet hell cancerous zit full of shit and is full of tedious dialog "scenes" that aren't funny or engaging. Why don't you make an argument FOR the fucking game before you asset that I'm wrong.

70889f No.14183295



34a2ef No.14183369


>hurr durr I just came to the thread

>if someone doesn't assert anything I don't have to justify my own claims I'm making


Read >>14170851

>the gameplay is a dumbed down bullet hell cancerous zit full of shit

it's a turn based RPG with bullet hell dodge mechanics, that's actually one of the most unique things about the game, and it gives every enemy its own unique personality

>tedious dialog

you can skip through the dialogue

>aren't funny or engaging

humor is hard to view objectively; if it makes you laugh it's good, if it doesn't it doesn't, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was bad writing. I think all of the writing in the game has a good balance of tone to it.


>you make choices in the midst of conversations

I don't know what else you expect from dialogue in terms of engagement; most games don't have any player action taken during points where people are speaking. Unless you mean you didn't actually care about what they were talking about or what they said to you, because at that point you were probably trying to hate the game, and going in with a biased opinion on something will always lead to a biased outcome. I can imagine you weren't here for the goat threads or the gaster-spook threads, so you didn't really have as deep a connection with the game as the rest of us, newfag.

70889f No.14183694


>it's a turn based RPG with bullet hell dodge mechanics, that's actually one of the most unique things about the game,

I take it you've never played VN's that do this then? k. Even so the turn base feature is just the gams method of forcing reddit tier dialog.

>you can skip through the dialogue

The sans hang out scene and the lesbo animescene beg to differ.

>humor is hard to view objectively

To people who watch Adam Sandler flicks maybe. Objectively the writing in Undertale is bad. It's inconsistant and full of references that aren't funny. "anime being real" being one of it's high points.

>I don't know what else you expect from dialogue in terms of engagement;

Weight and context maybe? The actual assumption that the dialog will actually make an impact on my character/playthough? It's not hard dipshit. If you're going to make a game for a story have them mesh well.

>most games don't have any player action taken during points where people are speaking.

Most games don't focus on story period because story in vidya is essentially a bonus that's often useless. If your game focuses on story over interaction it's already fucking dead in the water.

>because at that point you were probably trying to hate the game

<Not giving a shit about the story in a game means you're not playing it right

wew. I payed attention to the story. It was objectively poor. It receded further by delving into meta shit that's been a staple of fanfic and poor writing for years now. It's low effort in other words.

>and going in with a biased opinion on something will always lead to a biased outcome.

I played the demo of the original game day 5ish and I played the released game on release date. The game is unsatisfying. Get over it.

>I can imagine you weren't here for the goat threads or the gaster-spook threads

Goat posting was what killed the threads dipshit. It's what devolved the threads to trapshit and reddit tier memes. I bet you don't even remember the fact that half the "content" posted on those threads were made by a confirmed redditor. The same guy who remade the bane scene in Undertale.

>so you didn't really have as deep a connection with the game as the rest of us, newfag.

Now who's "obeying"? If your only memories for the game being good consists of the threads that derived from it then you're obviously the biggest dipshit in this thread.

>hurr durr I just came to the thread

I've been here for a whole retard. Learn how to read ID's.

>if someone doesn't assert anything I don't have to justify my own claims I'm making

I already did dipshit. That entire post you linked drools on aesthetic and "narrative" while dismissing the fucking gameplay to a game. The story is garbage tier "you decide the turnout" shit when there's only a few endings and all of them are all dissatisfying and don't serve the gameplay in anyway. If I wanted a strong narrative in a story I would read a book or watch a movie. Not "is anime real" meme shit that stopped being funny after the tutorial level. As a game Undertale incorporates very little to nothing in the way of allowing gameplay to inform the narrative and even then the gameplay is a generic bullet hell with very little in the way of difficulty. Instead you push buttons that pretty much dictate what the ending is going to be with "mercy" being an easy givaway. The only time the gameplay actually becomes engaging is when it becomes challenging which persists for 2 segments out of the entire game when you grind for hours walking into a wall. If this isn't enough I could go into detail as to why the game gained popularity here and how the first 2 weeks of the threads were when the game came out and why people eventually cam to the conclusion as to why the game is shit. I've seen everything the game has to offer and by objective standards it's nothing special. Seriously, your game is garbage and you have shit taste. Now fuck off or lurk for a few years and learn what a proper game looks like.

d43787 No.14183746


>>tedious dialog

>you can skip through the dialogue


>so you didn't really have as deep a connection with the game as the rest of us, newfag.



>I could go into detail as to why the game gained popularity here and how the first 2 weeks of the threads were when the game came out and why people eventually cam to the conclusion as to why the game is shit.

Please do.

70889f No.14184010


Basically the threads went to shit after 2 weeks at the most and that's being generous. The threads were mainly in focus to everybody playing and discussing the story and the "mystery" of gastor which turned out to be a red herring. The threads started out by playing the game and when that was spent it moved on to datamining and finding secrets. Throughout the entire game there seems to be a lot going on "behind the scenes". As it turned out there was nothing there other than more red herrings.

Honestly there's really no much to say outside what I just mentioned though. There was a lot of people making OC which turned out to be primarily made by a (self admitted) crossposting redditor and when OC dried up because people realize the game was nothing special it devolved into waifu faggotry which is why Mark actually did his job for once and banned the threads because they no longer discussed the game. There was some shitposting going around with people calling the game the new FN@F which was partially true but not really on the mark. The game instead turned into a platform for SJW's and the rest is history. The game at least doesn't shove that in your face (except when it occasionally does) and even looking past that it's just not an enjoyable experience. I played and beat it 3 times trying to find the entertainment and couldn't. I will say it has good pacing and a decent premise. It's just delivered fucking terribly and on top of bad gameplay.

26c359 No.14184077


There was a lot of problems with the undertale threads but I don't remember no redditor.

70889f No.14184153

File: c02cccbc838245b⋯.webm (1.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Birthday.webm)


The same guy who made all the webms with poorly cropped faces over other shit. Pretty sure he did webm related.

26c359 No.14184216


There were like 3 people doing that shit, I forgot about Rex, though.

70889f No.14184228


I know for certain it was the guy who remade the Bane scene. I don't remember what his name was.

26c359 No.14184256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This guy?


I don't remember him going to reddit, but he definitely seemed like he cared about the fandom like a fag even though it obviously was trash at that point

70889f No.14184305


Yea. I mean I never capped the comment but I'm obviously not making it up. I don't remember if he linked it to us or somebody found the account and people didn't really care but he was certainly posting on reddit. This was also in earlier times of the site so reddit was only really annoying instead of downright reason for being lynched by everybody in the thread.

26c359 No.14184345


He couldn't webm it and posted it on his channel is what ousted him I think. I don't remember any full on redditors other than that one guy who admitted to going there and got bullied off.

34a2ef No.14184519

File: cd5c04575075d63⋯.png (316.88 KB, 648x448, 81:56, Smug ara.PNG)

File: b68b6c679147c06⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 652x300, 163:75, Smug armor.jpg)

File: c653722d1246106⋯.png (379.3 KB, 700x780, 35:39, Smug Ice.png)

File: c95b5f0db2bb25a⋯.png (188.44 KB, 206x366, 103:183, Smug Muda.png)

File: d07543dc42887d6⋯.png (419.81 KB, 629x622, 629:622, Smug Snake.png)


>playing vns

sorry I'm not trash

>turn base feature is just the gams method of forcing reddit tier dialog

[citation needed]

>sans hangout

>lesbo animescene

optional unless I'm remembering wrong

>the writing in undertale is bad

[citation needed]


[citation needed]

>Weight and context maybe?

You're being way too unspecific and this kind of shotgun blast review is something I'd expect of a person who hasn't played the game; people who have unspecific gripes with a game usually are the ones who haven't experienced it and therefore are just drawing conclusions from the accounts of other people.

>Most games don't focus on story period because story in vidya is essentially a bonus that's often useless

you're right, silent hill 1 and 2 would have been just as good if you remove any of the context and story from the games

Oh wait no that's fucking wrong you cretin. Didn't you also just gripe that there was no context also? Which is it, does a game need more context for you to care or is it fine having no context? You're refuting yourself here.

>Not giving a shit about the story in a game means you're not playing it right

>implying I give a shit what you thought about the story

>implying you actually played the game

>I payed attention to the story

>It was objectively poor.

[citation needed]

It's simple, but simple stories aren't awful; the more convoluted you get with a story, the easier it is to fuck up if you're taking it completely seriously, which is why metal gear solid has a long standing loving fanbase and asscred has no interest from anyone when it comes to plot.

>The game is unsatisfying. Get over it.

I guess you're right, the fact that you weren't satisfied overwrites the fun that I had, you win this round, kike.

>Goat posting was what killed the threads dipshit.

>the thing that kept the threads alive killed the threads


>if your only memories for the game being good consists of the threads

it wasn't though, the threads were fueled by the enjoyment of the collective; we had fun, we posted about it, and then we had more fun. If I wasn't having fun in the first place I wouldn't have played the game.

>The story is garbage tier "you decide the turnout" shit when there's only a few endings

yes, and? Does the number of endings constitute a good story? Most good games have only one ending, and it's just an end of the story thing; the game is the experience, the journey you take along the route to the end. If you play the game for the ending you're going to miss things along the road.

>dissatisfying and don't serve the gameplay in anyway

how does the end of a game ever serve the gameplay? When ever do you get to the end of a game and then there's tons of extra things to do? Free-roaming games, maybe, but not the classical RPG

>"is anime real" meme shit

>a civilization that is cut off from the outside world

>here are these stories that depict vivid ideas and realities as though they actually happened

you understand what perspective is, right? I have a feeling your mind is just too narrow.

>As a game Undertale incorporates very little to nothing in the way of allowing gameplay to inform the narrative

>click on enemies

>interact with them as you will

>you create your own sense of the world just by simple talking mechanics

You're sounding really dumb, mister anon

>Instead you push buttons that pretty much dictate what the ending is going to be with "mercy" being an easy givaway.

in what game do you not push buttons to dictate the ending, you retard?

Oh, sorry, I guess the game doesn't have the brain-wave sensor feature, you only get controller support and that's still buttons, sorry.

>is a generic bullet hell with very little in the way of difficulty.

I guess when you say the genre something is from and call it generic that makes it sound bad, unless you've played the game and you know that different enemy combinations lead to different attack wave patterns

>learn what a proper game looks like

I'm sure you're the be-all-end-all source on what good games are.

70889f No.14184836

File: 0787129fb9d0920⋯.png (266.96 KB, 400x275, 16:11, Screenshot_192.png)


>sorry I'm not trash

<undertail fan asserts what is/isn't trash


>[citation needed]

If you're not going to read my post why bother replying? I listed examples for all of those.

You are

>You're being way too unspecific and this kind of shotgun blast review is something I'd expect of a person who hasn't played the game;

Already stated I've beat the fucking thing 3 times. Again, read my posts.

>people who have unspecific gripes with a game usually are the ones who haven't experienced it and therefore are just drawing conclusions from the accounts of other people.

Unless you're going to produce examples of where weight towards your decisions and the actual dialog informs what's going on instead of making "random" quips about anime and hot dogs whole sans whines about vague concepts that don't relate to the game then go ahead. And then try and support those examples as good story telling.

>silent hill 1 and 2 would have been just as good if you remove any of the context and story from the games

Almost like I specifically said stories add bonus to the game. If you take away the story in SH you still have a game nutard. You can't vice versa. Their also survival horror's which is a genre in its own right and doesn't always need a good story to be engaging. The difference between Silent Hill and Undertale is that Undertale without any story would have been a better game. I would be more down to playing segmented levels of bullet hell levels than sit though cringe tier dialog and stale meta concepts.

>implying I give a shit what you thought about the story

Obviously you don't give a shit about the points I'm making either because they're going right over your head.

>the easier it is to fuck up if you're taking it completely seriously,

The game has references to mass genocide in the first cutscene dipshit. This goes back to what I said about execution and tone.

>the fact that you weren't satisfied overwrites the fun that I had

Ever consider that you played babbies first bullet hell game and you just had a watered down experience of shit gameplay all along? Also reddit loves undertale and says it's fun. Guess you win this round actually :^)

>the thing that kept the threads alive killed the threads

More like the one thing that put the thread on life support and inevitably got the fucking general banned by mark because of that. I get it, your precious furry waifu general got taken down and you're still bitter. All I gotta say is stay bitter you fucking fruit.

>the threads were fueled by the enjoyment of the collective

The collective being 2 weeks of discovery and discussion about the game and 3 months of furshit. You're right, I guess we have very different ideas as to what a "fun" thread is. Because apparently posting furshit is your idea of fun.

>Does the number of endings constitute a good story?

In a game like Undertale yes. The way the story was built it was a waste not to. Especially with the expectations you were given in the demo which had multiple endings. .

>the journey you take along the route to the end

Which is an unfinished mess of red herrings and unfunny humor.

>how does the end of a game ever serve the gameplay?

By giving you satisfaction for beating the game moron. The ends to the game were pretty much the same with minor details. In either case they both were executed terribly. The good ending blew it's load 20 minutes before the actual ending and the boss in the bad ending was your reward for several hours of grinding which then had such a fucking trash ending that I can barely remember it. Pulling a "you fucked up so the game will run a quit executable" is nothing new and it makes you look like a pretentious cunt.

>you understand what perspective is, right? I have a feeling your mind is just too narrow.

<being a weeb is a narrow concept

<this is a concept worth reading about in unskipable dialog


>click on enemies


>interact with them as you will

10/10 GOTY

>you create your own sense of the world just by simple talking mechanics

There is no sense. It's mainly shitty dog jokes or shitty references. Every character in the game is a self joke. If there's a narrative it would be that every character is an emotionless husk trying to be funny. Hence why reddit loves the game.

>in what game do you not push buttons to dictate the ending, you retard?

>reading this literally

I'm talking about making decisions outside of a UI you absolute pleb. I thought you hated VN's?

>unless you've played the game and you know that different enemy combinations lead to different attack wave patterns

So confirmed for never have played a shooter or bullet hell game then? k

>I'm sure you're the be-all-end-all source on what good games are

And I'm sure you'll see this post when you click off of your /furry/ tab so you can explain to me in detail as to why you don't have shit taste. :^)

34a2ef No.14185206


>vaguely assessing something is bad because reasons is an example

Undertail is good because it's good, your argument has been countered

>Already stated I've beat the fucking thing 3 times.

I don't believe you faggot

>Unless you're going to produce examples of where weight towards your decisions and the actual dialog informs what's going on instead of making "random" quips about anime and hot dogs whole sans whines about vague concepts that don't relate to the game then go ahead. And then try and support those examples as good story telling.

>decide to not kill anyone

>everyone is friendly

>kill some people

>people are friendly still, but there are some characters missing

>flowey will make you feel like a piece of shit for any bad thing you do

>flowey will really make you feel like shit no matter what

>kill everyone

>everything is afraid of you and everything retaliates against you harshly

Again, I don't know what else you would want; in most games killing or not killing doesn't affect anything in the first place besides in a game like dark souls where you lock out of quests or shops. In a bethesda game you can kill people important to the story randomly and won't be notified until you're at their part of the game

>If you take away the story in SH you still have a game nutard.

You have A game, yes, but without any context for your actions, neither of those games have as big of an impact; if it was done in the style of Mario where everything is bright and colorful and all the characters speak in gibberish like banjo and the music is really upbeat then you lose the experience of the game.


really scraping the bottom of the barrel for these insults, huh, faggot?

>Undertale without any story would have been a better game

wait, so which is it, you fucking mongoloid? You can't say that story is only additive and then say that story subtracts from the game; is it a bonus or is it something that actually matters? You sound like you have your own opinions and you're also spouting the "story doesn't matter" groupthink that is constantly disproved

>Implying I'm reading the rest of your post

you're just sitting in your own shit flinging it at other people and saying the game isn't good because you didn't think it was good without any further objective thought going into it. At the end of the day I had fun and you're complaining about the possibility of discussing having fun in a video game on the video game board. Go the fuck back to reddit or tumblr if this game triggered you, cuntnugget.

88c68b No.14185353

File: 596cfb08156c23c⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 642x480, 107:80, Eeh.mp4)


>three people posting edited videos

I know the one who turned out to be a redditor kicked off the sprite overlay trend whose last work was posting the same scene from dancing in the rain but with different music dubbed over it, but as far as I know he only had one copycat who still had better taste than him from using a scene from the Haggar ballad. Speaking of OC, the only other thing to come to mind was another guy who was apparently discovering himself sexually through shitty and awkward music that was self described as "shitty remixes" and has a legacy thread on one of the undertale boards here. I know there was a guy kept posting his fanfiction during the time after OC stopped getting made but before the threads were bumplocked on sight, but other than the thread I mentioned the only legacy of Undertale on /v/ is that a goatposter joined the 4am crew, and even then I don't know if they still post there.

26c359 No.14185382


I never used reddit. You're thinking of someone else. My shit got posted on 4cuck and I posted my shit on youtube because they were posting my shit on youtube saying "I got this shit from 8chan lol" and I didn't want cuckchan and tumblr coming here

70889f No.14185383


>vaguely assessing something is bad because reasons is an example

More like named specific examples you're still ignoring. Keep deflecting faggot.

>I don't believe you faggot

You don't have to. I brought up enough examples from the game, Either way the proof is still evident.

>decide to not kill anyone

>everyone is friendly

>kill some people

>people are friendly still, but there are some characters missing

So basically remove the npcs that you meet in towns? And even then there is no dialog in that context because you just can't speak with them. And even if you could they rarely if ever say anything important.

>flowey will make you feel like a piece of shit for any bad thing you do

>flowey will really make you feel like shit no matter what

So then it doesn't matter what you do. Way to defeat your own argument there.

>kill everyone

>everything is afraid of you and everything retaliates against you harshly

More like 2 boss battles retaliate and the music changes with no NPC

>in most games killing or not killing doesn't affect anything in the first place

Here yo go again comparing Undertale to "most games". It's just a bullet hell game with dialog tacked on. The actual "choices" you make only affects the actual gameplay in a minor way by unlocking the garbage timing attack minigame.

>but without any context for your actions

Of which the game provides very obscurely and poorly

>neither of those games have as big of an impact

It doesn't matter what it leaves. The game element is still more important. Without the story in Silent hill the game would still be a survival horror game full of puzzles. And AGAIN the difference is that Undertale has a worse story by far.

>really scraping the bottom of the barrel for these insults

<no argument so he resorts to petty shit

Who's scraping the bottom of the barrel?

>You can't say that story is only additive and then say that story subtracts from the game

I never stated a story can't drag a game down now did I? I said it CAN be a bonus. It can also be a problem like being able to not fucking skip cut scenes. Jesus fuck learn to read dipshit.

>Implying I'm reading the rest of your post

>he finally ran out of arguments

Nice damage control champ. You've provided no concrete arguments or solid reasoning as to why Undertale functions as a game other than "i had fun lol". I'm not going to feel sorry because you decided to defend your shit taste here.

>At the end of the day I had fun and you're complaining about the possibility of discussing having fun in a video game on the video game board.

<all this deflection

You must be a pretty pathetic oxygen bandit to try and state that discussing video games on a video games board is proof of posting elsewhere. Especially since you likely lurk on /furry/ half the time. Seriously go back to your containment board where not even fucking Mark wanted you mouth breathing degenerates.

70889f No.14185390


Well I saved pretty much everything worth saving from the first month or so of the threads. If there's specific OC you have in mind I can check my folders. I purged a lot of shit recently though so I may be wrong here.

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