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What is it with this show and its penchant for incredibly annoying characters?



Don't shit talk OG Webby.



They had to justify having Scrooge and the Beagle Boys or other enemies having new adventures every week, but it would have gotten stale with just the main characters so they had to add some new ones to drop after a few episodes.



Darkwing Duck had worse.



OG Webby was shit. They basically they needed a girl, so they gave the triplets an annoying 'Why won't you play with meeee' little sister, except that she's not actually their sister, which somehow makes her even more annoying. The only reason that OG Webby remotely looks good is because of CuckTales and their turning nu Webby into Lisa Fucking Simpson

Also apparently the DuckTales writers don't know what a fucking governess is, as the boys are shown attending school.


It was the late 80s to early 90s



Same here. What I hate most was people shitting on Uncle Scrooge for getting annoyed with him, even though he's not even supposed to be in the modern era to begin with.



>New Ducktales Webby is Lisa fucking Simpson

Them's fighting words, son.



>Defending NuDuckTales

>At all

>On any level whatsoever



>being that one edgy retard who doesn't like it

>oh right this is Nu/pol/



I think nuDucktales, and nuWebby, is shit too.



>one edgy retard

>when the threads on it are full of people who hate it and its shitty CalArts inspired style

I submit that you are the edgy retard




Wrong board, dipshit.



Fuck all of /co/ then I guess, since you don't like any shit to the point I wonder why this board exists besides for the homoerotic capeshit.

This should be /fag/ or sth.



Way to prove you aren't an edgy retard by being an edgy retard lol



>liking gravity fails: duck remix




kill yourself

id rather deal with infographic spam over a retarded little shit that blames everything on a boogeyman board



>people dislike one specific show

>Fuck you, you guys don't like anything!



/pol/ is dead anyway

imkikey killed it

anyone still using /pol/ as a boogeyman is a faggot behind the times



8ch has gone downhill. v is child proofed, pol shuts down interesting discussion and life advice, boards are getting more and more infested with the likes of leftypol/reddit/tumblr/Twitter. co has SJW/cuck mods who police wrongthing. You better get ready to bail this site.


File: 8fbcd3ef2fd2e69⋯.png (279.32 KB, 336x568, 42:71, 1463032177721.png)






>no slashes on boards

>bringing up meta bullshit

>bitching about unrelated

>bitching about other moderators

Christ, quit talking to yourself /tv/ Anon. Nobody cares about your delusions, reported for meta garbage.



It's not like it's the first time.

So you can have me in every way.



This isn't your board

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