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File: b15f25ddf1b26f5⋯.png (30.2 KB, 611x345, 611:345, This is the head of Ninten….png)

File: a217b460080a4f2⋯.png (87.89 KB, 913x648, 913:648, Untitled-122.png)

File: bcced5a11eeaa2e⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 610x298, 305:149, quaOpZs (1).jpg)

File: 8a8e83121bc3a0a⋯.png (473.53 KB, 944x676, 236:169, we wuz nintendo kangs.png)

da7ada No.14174420

Normally Nintendo products don't leak and when they do we usually see the person behind the leak get their ass handed to them like the ESRB guy and Smash 3DS. I think everyone can agree that NeoGAF/ResetERA is a blight on how developers interact with their consumers, even more so than reddit and their constant dick sucking. However I have reasons to believe that Nintendo of America is leaking information to ResetERA in order to see them as a force for pushing their agenda. We've seen them leak the Nintendo Direct and this new event that's happening tonight around 5 or so. How the hell are they getting this information when no one has been able to get said information and not get fucked by Nintendo's Ninja's. I think it has to do with Nintendo of America's social media division.

Now I don't think the corporate culture in Nintendo of America is a healthy one, the reason I say this is because I've seen no posts even remotely supporting Trump, rather only attacking him and people who are right wing, like their ideal of "GamerGate", pics related. Now here's ResetERA trying to build a site from the shadow of NeoGAF, would it be unreasonable to say that Treehouse who employs those who are from the alt left would try to leak information to them in order to basically replace NeoGAF? I think someone high up in the marketing department leaked DMC5 to ResetERA in order to boost them up for that very same reason, additionally 99% of the leaks that come from ResetERA are only from Nintendo, this leads me to believe that someone in Nintendo (probably on the social media team) is leaking information on ResetERA in order to build up the website.

Either way the growth of ResetERA seems highly manufactured and illegitimate. Especially when most developers tried to avoid NeoGAF altogether, opting in for us and reddit/cuckchan they're basically the same thing at this point. Is there anyway we can dig deeper into this? or am I just being paranoid.

c12ed5 No.14174438

Man, if only companies would put nearly as much effort into the games as they do all these viral marketing gimmicks.

b0d616 No.14174453

>thread made minutes after the Nintendo direct announcement thread

You dumb mother fucker

Its not a leak when a company announces it

da7ada No.14174457


it was leaked a few days back.

da7ada No.14174482

File: 2873cde7c26e7ab⋯.png (823.02 KB, 1203x756, 401:252, Waaaaaaaa Hooooooo.png)


I feel you anon, it seems a fuckton of resources are wasted on shitty marketing campaigns rather than making a good game, but gaming publishers can only see short terms. Such is the way of things.

4f8c7c No.14174498

Is it the companies though? I have the strangest feeling that the social media branches were subverted thanks to nepotism by studycunts and male feminists, and the head office doesn't really care what's going on in internet land. I could be wrong and it's as or more pozzed than other americorps but it looks more like neglect than malice to me.

da7ada No.14174525


I also feel that it's the social media branches as well and I agree with the rest of your points. However I think it would be worth looking into and seeing if there is some sort of bullshit going on with Nu-NeoGAF and these social media departments.

4f8c7c No.14174576


Oh I don't doubt for a second they're being fed leaks from their alt-left comrades inside nintendo, I just don't know that nintendo gives a fuck about leaks when they don't effect their bottom line

da7ada No.14174583


Well they used to give a shit not too long ago, hence the Nintendo Ninja corporate joke.

1a7a27 No.14174584

I'm just wondering how long it'll be until a mod from this new Neogaf site gets arrested.

8c27e8 No.14174624

Dig their personal lives and leak anything that compromises them EVEN if they aren't doing what you suggested.

Everyone knows that a second NeoGaf as Cucked Era is trying to become would be another bastion for weak and useless leftists to whine about everything good in games. And that is reason enough to ruin their lives now, by any means that we can.

Why give space to useless beings when we can have everything for us?

eaab78 No.14174679

File: ae55c8928f68474⋯.png (215.74 KB, 603x790, 603:790, Capture.PNG)

Yes, some neogaf/resetera faggots have connections into the industry, and they are trying as hard as humanly possible to push them to make resetera seem legitimate.

Here is the Bravely Default official twitter page celebrating Octopath Traveler being voted as an anticipated game on a "foreign site." Some guy probably had ties to whoever localized Bravely Default, and then those guys phoned home to Square Enix and told them that this is a big deal, and so they just took it at face value.

da7ada No.14174701


Yeah, that seems about right. I wouldn't be surprised if the same people also leaked the KH screenshot.

0ce5e8 No.14174709


The western industry is in such a revolting state

b0d616 No.14174711

File: 9ebc7a3ff4f484f⋯.png (23.95 KB, 344x302, 172:151, ClipboardImage.png)

He's right you know

60f2c8 No.14174730


>putting white at the top

This is some really subtle bigotry on his part.

6dd5fe No.14174753

>See this shit

>Think "oh, I remember this, I was going to make a troll account to see how long I can wind people up as "Ode Okeke" the black african homosexual transgender video game consumer.

>Why didn't I do this again?

>"We require a non-disposable email address to register"

Anyone have any idea how to get around this? I feel like I need to explain to them about how people in Liberia love video games in between bouts of cannibalistic rape and hardcore Christianity.

04e0a9 No.14174763


What is ResetERA? Is it like the internet version of a golf club except instead being full of successful rich whites its full of libcucks and shills? I've never paid attention to Neogaf and this bullshit and the only exposer I've had to it is when Neogaf's pedo mod got vanned.

5e2122 No.14174784


neogaf went down in flames and its userbase scattered around

A part of that scattered userbase created ResetEra. It should be noted that it was the extremely left leaning part

158f67 No.14174788


>it’s okay to be black

>it’s okay to be [anything but white]

>it’s okay to be gay



6dd5fe No.14174793


Whenever i meet a new black I feel like it's my duty to tell them "hey man, it's OK to be black. We're allowing it now!"

Always breaks the ice.

dcb14e No.14174838

File: 2c58e85eaaba54d⋯.webm (10.87 MB, 622x350, 311:175, reddit_is_full_of_shills.webm)


Its not like they put their own time into it. Just some money. Many AAA games have a higher market than production cost anyway.


b81334 No.14174855

This has nothing to do with the topic, but what the fuck is #Don'tCodeBeg supposed to mean?

c142e6 No.14174900


Apparently nothing, as he's the only one using it. Can't expect much else from those who have no concept of context, either.

e07caa No.14174910

File: 1ccf061ba2b9915⋯.png (26.77 KB, 344x302, 172:151, ClipboardImage.png)


People like you is why those three hour handholding tutorials in videogames exist

b405c9 No.14174953


Anon, you're the real retard with no reading comprehension here.

60f2c8 No.14174954

File: 43e5446a75b2cff⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 480x360, 4:3, benigger getshot.jpg)

e411fc No.14175127


>It's okay to be white


154c73 No.14175264

File: 21e79d7fd8855a9⋯.gif (839.06 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1446686296015.gif)

How should I fuck with ResetEra?

3e66b3 No.14175298

File: 593c94386fad6c9⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 494x513, 26:27, SmugNep.jpg)


>he's not already in their mod chat

5e23cb No.14175329


Leak everything?

dbddc3 No.14175368


Dig into their pasts, SJWs are guaranteed to have skeletons in their closets.

60f2c8 No.14175395


This >>14175368

Reveal as many pedophiles and dogfuckers as you can.

813454 No.14175417

File: 7065a74b149f4a5⋯.webm (11.58 MB, 270x480, 9:16, ResetERA ー河医.webm)



383118 No.14175834


It's exactly like a golf club. It's an exclusive secret club (forum) full of white guys with money but they're all self righteous cock suckers.

30a8cf No.14175902

File: 73ab76c242dda30⋯.jpg (210.53 KB, 717x880, 717:880, Back to Reddit.jpg)


<It's okay to be black

<It's okay to be Hispanic

<It's okay to be gay

>He's right you know


dc3ce4 No.14176821


But you just described 85% of /v/.

bc04fa No.14176860


But I'm right here anon.

fc6c34 No.14177665


Gmail has no requirements to open an email account. Or at least it didn't use to have.

c3f4ce No.14177673


That's what they did with neofag, so yes.

5a89ff No.14178204

>alt left

What is it that you think this phrase means? Wait don't answer that, just return to your containment board.

3e4078 No.14179355


I gotta say, I knew things were gonna be faggy in there, but I didn't think think I'd want to kill myself so much.

bb1152 No.14179390


> I just don't know that nintendo gives a fuck about leaks when they don't effect their bottom line

Well then the solution is simple then.

53b280 No.14179443


I was filtered out because I created invites… Good to know some had success

831211 No.14179592


I actually liked Octopath from what I played in the demo. But if these people are going to get their shit stained hands anywhere near it it's probably better to steer clear.

194151 No.14180559

Why reset? Why not 1984ERA?

a81103 No.14180618

File: b0cd6f06d561fa5⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 777x199, 777:199, shekels.JPG)


>As an Era Clear subscriber you can retain the cleanest possible browsing experience while taking pride in giving something back. However, while we appreciate your support, you will not receive any other benefit or consideration over other members. You will still be expected to follow the rules. This is strictly about ad removal. If you happen to get banned, we will cancel your subscription for you.


618e34 No.14180636

File: 6a193f6be60be49⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 210x249, 70:83, 6a193f6be60be49de97e4a5b6b….jpg)


>NeoGAF Gold Pass

f53e51 No.14180690


Man, if only companies would put nearly as much effort into the games as they do into Marxism and anti-white agendas.

f53e51 No.14180707


At least with golf clubs, you know they at least used to be whites only.

e9bd5b No.14180722


>you could get adblock/ublock for free or you could give us money goy


da7ada No.14181418


To be honest, that's not a terrible model. However it would work better for this site as a way to make profit. Basically donate 2 dollars a month and your ads will be removed and the captcha will be gone.

150ba1 No.14181441


When has /v/ been a good role model to follow?

da7ada No.14181444


Well we've always been right when it comes to vidya.

33118c No.14181559

e0701b No.14181577


Those trips don't lie.

233e09 No.14181870


fucking gamedevs

8ba911 No.14181925


butthurt lol

6dd5fe No.14182215


They wont let you register with a G-mail account. No requirements = disposable email.

63ef00 No.14182234


Era Clear sounds like a brand of vaginal thrush cream.

c56ca0 No.14182259

File: c4c07ce52376744⋯.png (656.47 KB, 600x671, 600:671, For Free.png)


It's the same industry faggots who were propping up Neogaf. They just moved over to ResetEra since they cannot be associated with the outed sexual predators that run Neogaf. Remember when Sony name-dropped Neogaf at E3? Can't do that anymore. Industry shills have gotta move elsewhere.

8ccf7f No.14182292


Is not new, but I've been noticing it's becoming a trend for leftist cesspools. Fark for example has been doing it for years at $5 a month, which also gave you early access to headline threads and power to vote them so they end up on the frontpage (green) for non-paying users to see. Then they went and split it so you pay $5 for early access AND/OR $2.5 for ad removal.

942549 No.14185618

I've noticed that those fuckers are trying to infiltrate reddit gaming/ps4 pages by posting the link to a fucking forum, instead of linking the real source behind whatever the page is about.The best I can do is fucking report them as spam/self promotion and call them out on their shit

>inB4 muh reddit poster

I also have a cuckera account from the recent raid, but I use them for infiltration only.

8c27e8 No.14185686


Then subvert everything and ruin the experience for everyone there until it is mass abandoned by normalfags. Or dig their lives and expose them so they can be taken down faster than we will already do.

29e989 No.14185800

File: 19267afdaa88bd2⋯.webm (1.44 MB, 448x536, 56:67, who could be behind this ….webm)


>Shitendo pushing ResetEra as a media front

It's time to admit that Nintendo is SJW. At least majority of western part of it are.

760ea7 No.14188185

File: 47ccb8d9ecf39ff⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB, 720x720, 1:1, str8 outta.mp4)


i 'member

5ab1bc No.14188239


Are you guys seriously still asking if Neogaf and its aborted turd baby are basically online magazine ads? This has been known for years.

da7ada No.14188404


We know they do it for free anon, however I think rogue employees are leaking information to the mods of that site.

da7ada No.14188458


Well yeah, but I'd like to see the model adapted for 8chan, maybe in a "pay what you want per month" kinda thing.

cd9c5d No.14189085

Why would they leak to a Nazi site

I am confused


cd9c5d No.14189104


Which is why we make it our own and when they try to move do it again

da7ada No.14189626



8c27e8 No.14189897


"So good" that they could not even convince normalfags to buy a Star Wars game.

Marketing is a failed profession.

a12859 No.14190022

Is [Corrupt Organization] trying to prop up [Tool clone of former tool for corrupt organization]?

The answer may shock you as much as the fact that the tech industry will only hire people out of their approved outlets!

883ce8 No.14190586


ResetERA is the same hellhole and the same people from neoFAG. It's not that Nintendo is doing anything to prop up the site. If they wanted to do Viral marketing, the epicenter of sonyfanboyisn on the internet is not the place for it. They can just go to reddit or cuckchan.

The thing that you are noticing is that all of the "industry insiders" that used to post these leaks on neogaf have migrated to resetera and are continuing business as usual. They are mostly marketing scrubs and wannabe journalists like Laura Kate Dale, and Emily Rogers. All the marketing, press, indie devs, personalities swim around the same cesspools anyway, they have just transplanted the gaf cesspool to resetera.

5ab1bc No.14190849


I think they probably have direct communication with the devs for the purpose of seeding consensus and hype

e895f7 No.14190991


>Paying $40 per year for no ads

What's next, having to pay a dollar to post

04a633 No.14190999


More like ten dollars.

3b2697 No.14191005

File: 90b7db33d32ad0d⋯.png (971.04 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, MMSmilingteeth.png)



fd6e94 No.14191013


whoa hey but huhh gacha and mobile games uhh totally worse they're both bad guys!

e895f7 No.14191015

File: 7f4371e264154f7⋯.png (142.79 KB, 381x363, 127:121, db6a89956144cf31749d83fa3c….png)

33118c No.14191026

File: 6b25e6e559c6b92⋯.png (590.33 KB, 460x460, 1:1, major checking.png)

331408 No.14191101


>or am I just being paranoid

Leftists are drawn to each other like the subhumans they are because the rest of society persecutes them. Back when Neofag was going up in flames everyone was telling the refugee horde to fuck off, even SA. Why is it a surprise a den of Marxism like NoA is seeking like minded parasites?

c8c06f No.14191152


more like et cetEra

4dfa13 No.14191511


To be fair, from the sound of it, these aren't companies that actually make games, just Western companies or Western branches of Japanese companies.

4dfa13 No.14191533



Western branches of companies are all SJW by default. There's a reason we only get original JP versions of games instead of localized versions.

d7ed14 No.14191577


Nothing is stopping you from donating money to whoever except asking them how. And nobody here is gonna stop using adblockers anyway.

9e490c No.14191591

File: d845853aa65caed⋯.png (46.33 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Slowpoke.png)

4dfa13 No.14191603


Jap companies are cucked when they give a damn about selling to the West. This is why shit like Super Robot Wars and Gundam Breaker are great, but now Monster Hunter's getting fucked. While not all of Japanese gaming's problems are based in the West, it would only be an improvement if developers forgot the West existed and focused solely on the home market.

d243d3 No.14191607

File: 4364c7776d45d20⋯.png (950.35 KB, 1000x848, 125:106, kino_kino_no_tabi_drawn_by….png)


It'd be nice if they listened to their customers in the west rather than random idiots.

4dfa13 No.14191613


If they're bothering to look at the West, it's because they want the mega numbers that CoD/WoW/Madden/GTA/LoL/whatever the current normalfag fad is gets, not because they give a damn about the people who already like what they're making.

19f6b9 No.14191750




Gather info on their mods/admins by infiltrating their social circles and then blackmailing them or exposing them and after that, enjoy the fireworks.

31511b No.14191769

what in the fuck is resetera

2116f8 No.14191785

File: 9b8e1799a8ac5fe⋯.png (11.9 KB, 255x193, 255:193, reset the era.png)


it's a series of concentration camps

d27a1d No.14191973

File: d5a9882caf48da1⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 625x605, 125:121, d5a9882caf48da1d8c3efc6058….jpg)


Neogaf's dirty remains after they tried to scrub off the taint of male feminists and act like nothing happened

da7ada No.14191985


Basically a coup against NeoGAF

8c27e8 No.14192816



Ruin the lives of all marxists for the sake of it.

214154 No.14195172


This video is so comfy; also, couldn't we just doctor stuff up like this to discredit them?

8a881f No.14195314

File: ddfaf2a01663ba2⋯.gif (405.08 KB, 635x486, 635:486, 1409620615168.gif)


That's catchy.

a0294f No.14195452


That's because it's Kirby music.

337d0d No.14195463

File: 9ca30071379c422⋯.png (237.22 KB, 628x622, 314:311, D.Va.png)


Do nothing.

Dead serious here. Do absolutely fucking nothing. Stay quiet, keep your head down, and don't out yourself. The more inside dudes we have, the easier it is to make them implode when the fallout 2.0 happens - which, given the amount of numales who are driven by "muh feefees", will happen sooner than later.

Stay fucking quiet.

f4cdfe No.14195766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>implying yiddish sounding music isn't just generally neat

The mixture of rock conventions with microtonal stuff ends up sounding pretty gud. Beats filthy goyim and their rap music :^)

22a3a3 No.14195862



>Get off the cyaoss

What did he mean by this?

d243d3 No.14201670

File: 0775917077f6f74⋯.gif (473.07 KB, 450x600, 3:4, tYY0sIM.gif)


A botched coup

d243d3 No.14201672


Users are complaining about porn ads on the disagreement.

2804d9 No.14201725


Fiyayeshdtyeya is the name of an ancient Jew demon. The subtitle is imploring you to get off the chaos, meaning to reject the chaotic influence of that ancient Jew demon.

a2f1d9 No.14201788

File: ec3b2e99964a9f5⋯.png (336.38 KB, 855x394, 855:394, ps4buygamesforyou.png)


>Remember when Sony name-dropped Neogaf at E3

I did. Remember when Sony bragged about the PS4 being able to download games before you think about buying them?

8c27e8 No.14203073


Deformed kikes and their delusions.


Both western Sony and neofag/cucked era parasite the industry. They are run by a minority of leftists and their soyboys, that push each group to support the bad decisions of the other. They are practically one and the same. Soon, you will see reports and jailings of pedophiles in Sony as well, the same way as neofag.

9c8344 No.14203393

File: 6e82186d07389be⋯.webm (1.44 MB, 854x480, 427:240, redditandneogaf.webm)

4dfa13 No.14204154


>Both western Sony and neofag/cucked era parasite the industry.

The West as a whole does this, really

f461c8 No.14204208


has anyone called you thick as a milkshake?

e938d6 No.14204303

Im constantly seeing this name dropped in YT influence-rs.

3bf5e7 No.14204344


Which ones specifically? Game explain comes to mind, but they're Nintendo shills.

a2a8d3 No.14204591

File: 1fb1466e06c605e⋯.png (660.29 KB, 850x1134, 425:567, Gamergate saved 8chan.png)


>nice dubs

Its a shame you wasted your dubs by stating shit we found out years ago

6a00ae No.14204736


>Now I don't think the corporate culture in Nintendo of America is a healthy one, the reason I say this is because I've seen no posts even remotely supporting Trump, rather only attacking him and people who are right wing, like their ideal of "GamerGate", pics related.

>not supporting Trumpenstein

>shitting on Gaymer Gate

>not healthy

4dfa13 No.14204792


>shitting on Gaymer Gate

You forgot, the SJWs like gays and wouldn't want them associated with their go-to boogeyman. Otherwise, effective shitposting, succinct and to the point, 8/10.

b38c1e No.14204986


Compile all their findings and closet skeletons, do not blow your load early. Be the jew and infiltrate their upper chain of command.

da7ada No.14205018

File: f671b8a148b6971⋯.jpg (27.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1476067927083.jpg)


>Being a soy boy

136862 No.14206199


>still bringing up the Gamergate boogeyman in 2018

136862 No.14206226

File: 48d57ba2e317c03⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 596x340, 149:85, rappcover1-37f02.jpg)

File: cbf150194d16f04⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 600x343, 600:343, Ce1NjR_UMAAa5Ml.jpg)

File: 0fb8a0548afab41⋯.png (327.88 KB, 615x370, 123:74, Screen-Shot-2016-02-29-at-….png)

33118c No.14206359

File: 925be251a0b3db2⋯.png (627.18 KB, 934x609, 934:609, 1459378377652.png)


And the media still does to this very day.

65b0a6 No.14206442

File: d05c37fd25cc219⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 979x663, 979:663, hugh mungus.jpg)


I recognise that lardass

bd4c2e No.14206458


Speaking of, anyone remember that diaperfur who claimed to work at NoA a long, long time ago?

Wonder if people would still doubt it.

0d8e98 No.14206541


>it's okay to be a gay

he messed up there

2e12ab No.14208116


He messed up on every single one of them except white, male, female and straight.

And no, it's not okay to be you. Faggot.

71a219 No.14208193


A website that does that views you as either a sucker or a parasite. Case in point: https://archive.fo/didpT

33118c No.14208219


>It's okay to be female

Found the woman.

f7775d No.14208224


The it's okay to be you-cliche is part of the everybody is a winner rhetoric and analogous to seeing a mountain, but instead of climbing it declaring where you are to be the top of the mountain. People are allergic to self-reflection and don't want to overcome or even admit their faults. Maybe that's why they are so attracted to liberalism

fb7200 No.14208241


It's more like "there are things you can't change about you and that's fine" except that it became a poor excuse to not change anything at all even if it's possible to change it.

7c31da No.14208260

File: a99f0f94fc1f979⋯.webm (15.11 MB, 480x360, 4:3, a99f0f94fc1f9795389948078….webm)



assblasted for years to come

ca5055 No.14208270


Do they even need that much marketing? I understand it if the game belongs to a new IP. But what about sequels? If the franchise is popular, people talk about it regardless. Maybe they would sell less on day1, but that means nothing in the long run.

3e4078 No.14208275

File: d2e9369f14f8718⋯.jpg (45.19 KB, 600x484, 150:121, 6.jpg)


>western nintendo

>full of tumblr tier niggers

>eastern nintendo

>hyper kikes

And their fans are on this board RIGHT NOW.

33118c No.14208281


Worse. The board is run by one of their fans.

f7dc3a No.14208293

File: eadc8cbf8affdd7⋯.jpg (161.99 KB, 1448x916, 362:229, consider_tifa.jpg)


It's an attitude I can't understand. If you suck at something, but you can git gud, then why would you intentionally choose to keep sucking if you don't have to? The only reason that makes logical sense to me is that the culture has been so warped that weakness and victimhood are equated to moral righteousness, and, ironically, power. Being from a victim group, or weak in general, now carries with it the expectation that your whims will be catered to; anyone failing to adhere to those demands will be socially shamed as a bully or an -ist/-phobe of some sort. By making yourself stronger, you lose that ability to manipulate people in such a way. I think many on the left understand that very well and their motives are dishonest.

2ff718 No.14208300



>those tattoos

I really wish Nips would exert the same standards for hiring in their home country. That way she would be looked at like the degenerate, possibly criminal scum that she outs herself to be.

136862 No.14208487

File: 5ee78a5535924cc⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 649x568, 649:568, nostalgiajail.jpg)

File: 427bfde644fb531⋯.png (567.22 KB, 1220x857, 1220:857, felixeesian.PNG)


They are more than that. Lesbians, pedophiles, deviants

f7775d No.14208574

File: 363369dfc968d19⋯.jpg (75.82 KB, 487x960, 487:960, 1516401464631.jpg)


The most slothful, dishonest and power-hungry can gain control by simply changing societal standards. It's like an extreme form of coping behavior we all have to an extent, but for those who have no backbone: the perpetually sick neighbor that lets others do everything for him, even though he can do it on his own. But why would he? He has no shame anymore, knows he will never amount to anything and would rather live an easy life. Pure nihilism. Even better, he could claim the moral high ground! Being crippled (even when he's just pretending to be) is a virtue, and whosoever doesn't agree is a bigot. It's perfect, you don't even have to do anything except shout for it.

200 pounds overweight? Body positive. Underachieving woman? Men are to blame.

Mental illness? No, we're just the new normal.

Kids fail their grades and drop out of school en-masse? Just lower the passing grade!

The Brave New Worldian philosophy of a class of self-made plebeians, the addict who will never attain fulfillment, the ones who don't try 'because I'd fail anyway and your test sucks we need an easier one', the egocentric who instead of trying to adapt to and be part of the world, tries to force the world to adapt to him.

0d867f No.14209684


I'd say something about horse shoes, but you're plenty upset already.

d243d3 No.14213378

File: 8043b2684c8ddfb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 175.32 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, image (3).jpg)


Shame that the social engineers are evil.

33118c No.14225595


4b748e No.14231765

Arysys Twitter just did it

da7ada No.14232328


I'll ded you

da7ada No.14232345

File: c2212291616f653⋯.png (31.34 KB, 600x277, 600:277, pr faggotry.png)

8c27e8 No.14232731


As if they weren't raising enough red flags. Rampant kikery. Opening a studio in commiefornia. and now supporting the communist soyboys from cucked era.

R.I.P Arksys.

da7ada No.14232766


I think it's just their social media branch, the nips who actually make the games just seem to be jews.

daf284 No.14232904

File: 66522d2726e613a⋯.png (84.85 KB, 1100x351, 1100:351, likeretweet13 wow.png)


I've been documenting the number of likes/RTs leftist posts get vs. conservative posts ad was very surprise that pic related garnered so many in such a short amount of time. Must be an anomaly in Twitter's tweet suppression algorithms

291a5e No.14233022

File: 1acbce5877b7f41⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 127.7 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, bd312a310d6c53dc1659dff0ca….jpg)

File: 8fa8dec3ac10970⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 78.45 KB, 700x933, 700:933, e1f8eae8d7b900dd689d1bf9fb….jpg)

File: a05251d3f06ee06⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 23.36 KB, 497x662, 497:662, KKj8jB0.jpg)

b146f7 No.14233193


I fucking called it at least, saw it coming a mile away with the commiefornian company establishing.

387fdc No.14233197


She got them cluster B personality disorder eyes.

30f7f3 No.14233198


>2nd pic

>"You two look like you just slaid hella videogames."

What the hell is that person trying to say?


She was told by her bosses to not get any more exposed tattoos. She ended up just wearing more low cut clothing that exposed more of the hidden ones.

56eb15 No.14233223


>it's okay to be anything but white.

Sorry Sal

f9934f No.14234134


>What the hell is that person trying to say?

I presume that they look like they're gloating over damaging the video game industry

958a12 No.14234492




G-Mail nowadays asks for a phone number and neogaf/resetera won't accept gmail. Try protonmail or one of the many adresses provided by the guy behind cock.li

f9934f No.14244674


>G-Mail nowadays asks for a phone number

Jesus christ, what cancer

7b0b23 No.14244720


>okay to be anything but white and straight

You are wrong.

8c27e8 No.14244798


So.. same shit. R.I.P Arcsys.


Yes. That was the definitive red flag. A company that even speaks in good terms with leftists shall never receive money from anyone.

0274fe No.14244805

Which controversy do you think will kill this site? Pedophiles? Necrophiliacs?

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