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Where cartoons and comics collide!
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Both official and fan made. Post them.



>They want their irrelevant and dead genre which gives no success

SF64 was one of the highest selling Nintendo games, and many people still play it to this day.

All they had to do was make new levels and occasionally add a new feature for its sequels, but instead they butchered everything about it and turned the series into a retarded, unlikable mess.



Psychonauts would work so much better as a series of animated movies or a cartoon. As a videogame? Let's face it, the stupid hardcore fans will never permit the series to evolve. They want their irrelevant and dead genre which gives no success.


Dark Souls would work so much better as a series of animated movies or a cartoon. As a videogame? Let's face it, the stupid hardcore fans will never permit the series to evolve. They want their irrelevant and dead genre which gives no success.



There's not much left to evolve in Dark Souls, all any of the sequels can do is polish the less finished parts of the first game (covenants, online play). The best they could do is re-release the first DaS with the second half finished and revamped online play.

That said, I don't think it would benefit much from an animation. DaS' premise is built entirely around the gameplay, what with bonfires and souls and such. If you made an animation you'd have to make a main character and no one would be satisfied with whatever they came up with. You could theoretically make it about the backstory but that would rob it of the mystery that makes it so interesting.

I think a Metroid series could work if it were made in the same vein as Samurai Jack but in space.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>They want their irrelevant and dead genre which gives no success

>He considers 3D Sonic good

Also, Adventures was regarded as meh at best. Don't be revisionist.


Miyamoto and Co. don't care about SF beyond using it for gimmicks. See the Wii U game.

All that game needed was to be Best of Star Fox but nooo.


File: 82c4c09d51e3a70⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 623x527, 623:527, 1468398128530.jpg)


Gay out.


File: 0f131192f71f465⋯.webm (3.84 MB, 640x480, 4:3, S Tiger's Claw vs Kilrath….webm)

File: 0f39f4b7f744187⋯.webm (2.75 MB, 640x480, 4:3, S kilrathi ship destroyed.webm)

File: ba6ae305fd1dad2⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 640x480, 4:3, S Jazzman dies.webm)

File: bafb2d00a35c820⋯.webm (3.24 MB, 640x480, 4:3, S defector.webm)

Remember the Wing Commander cartoon?


File: 9d6bc15d8fa3411⋯.jpg (390.61 KB, 800x1244, 200:311, page00.jpg)

File: 6f9a9689143ee89⋯.jpg (348.9 KB, 800x1238, 400:619, page01.jpg)

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File: 716c8985cf6c4cb⋯.jpg (336.52 KB, 800x1247, 800:1247, page05.jpg)

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File: fa48dfa9e05bb6e⋯.mp4 (15.46 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The DooM Comic.mp4)


Best reading I've found of it.

Warning it's loud.



Back of the knee maybe?



tfw no star fox assault 2



I wouldn’t be surprise if TreeHouse makes star wolf gay because of this


File: b193260fbc66fb1⋯.jpg (318.05 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, mega0101shittycover.jpg)

File: df53aa30f6cf3d9⋯.jpg (314.01 KB, 1000x1535, 200:307, mega0102.jpg)

File: a3721da1c989197⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1000x1451, 1000:1451, mega0103t.png)

File: b590d83287fd38b⋯.jpg (286.55 KB, 1000x1469, 1000:1469, mega0104t.jpg)

File: d2cfa81256613e9⋯.jpg (284.64 KB, 1000x1449, 1000:1449, mega0105t.jpg)

At last. I have the excuse to post the crazy-ass Brazilian Megaman comics!

Oh boy is it a complete mess!


File: fd310b04dc8aa1d⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1000x1455, 200:291, mega0106T.jpg)

File: 6a37a81817749b0⋯.jpg (318.22 KB, 1000x1490, 100:149, mega0107t.jpg)

File: 0540b32f3cc4446⋯.jpg (287.29 KB, 1000x1396, 250:349, mega0108t.jpg)

File: d1c20490bdcd8e0⋯.jpg (294.34 KB, 1000x1463, 1000:1463, mega0109t.jpg)

File: 4a886e56e5408b1⋯.jpg (263.2 KB, 1000x1458, 500:729, mega0110t.jpg)


File: c9dc01cc455667c⋯.jpg (287.34 KB, 1000x1489, 1000:1489, mega0111t.jpg)

File: e1c752bea34d584⋯.jpg (266.52 KB, 1000x1466, 500:733, mega0112t.jpg)

File: 27f6fc4d8d3b7f6⋯.jpg (296.88 KB, 1000x1412, 250:353, mega0118t.jpg)

File: 8411c8e8360e446⋯.jpg (287.87 KB, 1000x1450, 20:29, mega0119t.jpg)

File: 1687f85870bfdd0⋯.jpg (288.23 KB, 1000x1519, 1000:1519, mega0120t.jpg)


File: f38fb8cf6eb7ad6⋯.jpg (323.28 KB, 1000x1483, 1000:1483, mega0121t.jpg)

File: 48d6a918520d8fa⋯.jpg (301.99 KB, 1000x1518, 500:759, mega0122t.jpg)

File: 46c8a8d6b53f884⋯.jpg (309.1 KB, 1000x1457, 1000:1457, mega0123t.jpg)

File: 85348b13643ef5d⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1000x1429, 1000:1429, mega0124t.jpg)

File: 5524dee80dcacd4⋯.jpg (290.09 KB, 1000x1472, 125:184, mega0125t.jpg)



>Megaman comic with a nude woman on the front

>it's not hentai, just Brazillian


File: f38e0515fd31176⋯.jpg (279.02 KB, 1000x1378, 500:689, mega0126t.jpg)

File: d9bd7f6e7427a9a⋯.jpg (294.56 KB, 1000x1467, 1000:1467, mega0127t.jpg)

File: 671a3cf67443cf3⋯.jpg (250.56 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, mega0128t.jpg)

File: c111eba98a66361⋯.jpg (256.01 KB, 1000x1434, 500:717, mega0129t.jpg)

File: 96cf9b3b92b562c⋯.jpg (369.02 KB, 1000x1662, 500:831, mega0130.jpg)


That ends issue one of the Huegaman.

It only gets weirder from here.




Oh man I haven't seen Brazilian megaman for ages.



There is not a single part about The Doom Comic that isn't worth remembering. I especially enjoy him switching tone from that of a twelve year old flinging insults at an imp to the anti-pollution message later on.


File: 3484dcc519cabc5⋯.gif (1023.34 KB, 500x375, 4:3, joker excited or smug yes ….gif)


Yes! Finally someone storytimes this shit!



It used to all exist online somewhere. Probably still does if you look.


File: 1b3de85b7fd83cc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1050x1575, 2:3, her tail is in pain but sh….png)

File: ec4111d06cf2509⋯.png (1.11 MB, 934x1458, 467:729, Fox does the bushthinking.png)

If you aren't reading the fan remake of Star Fox Adventures in comic form, you are a faggot.


File: 060f0decdfbadef⋯.png (328.06 KB, 616x405, 616:405, gato oh.png)


I read the first comic before I read your post and was secretly hoping it was a porn comic.



Well there's always fucking off to a booru and never coming back.


File: 1f00cd378f20664⋯.jpeg (167.47 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, disgusting.jpeg)


That voice is fucking annoying and I fucking hate furs and fuck you for showing me that shit, faggot.




>old/co/ reacts to it with praise

>reactions now are a stupid comment and a complaint

Fuck this site.


File: c67a2db378055fb⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 268x435, 268:435, 1508561130-2.jpg)



Blame the newfags coming in, seeing the /pol/ raiders, shitposters and memelords, thinking that's the "board culture", and imitating that, and vigorously defending it.

I don't think there are many oldfags left now, the autistic modding, spammers and newfags have chased off all the drawfags and storytimers, and anyone with OC is accused of "shilling" by a Greek Chorus of fucktards.

Not that I'm a real oldfag myself, I think I got here just as everything started turning to shit, just early enough to have noticed the change.



Be the change you want to see.

Encourage others, create storytime, make OC.



(sigh) I try, bruddah, I try.



I love how Doom 2016 referenced it in the introduction. RIP AND TEAR!



Do you have a big comic dump?

You could do a once-per-week dump of a comic in a series. Make it a specific time-and-day thing to attract a crowd.



I've done it once about the stripper zombie because was a random comic I've found once….was cool but nothing weird strikes me to be posted again


File: f3a5e70760cff26⋯.jpg (265.88 KB, 1000x1494, 500:747, mega0201t.jpg)

File: 608189366524a20⋯.jpg (343.81 KB, 1000x1600, 5:8, mega0202t.jpg)

File: 385dfa2a4262817⋯.jpg (326.85 KB, 1000x1525, 40:61, mega0203t.jpg)

File: 27c7807e6101fa1⋯.jpg (339.86 KB, 1000x1539, 1000:1539, mega0204t.jpg)

File: 7c9fc4ecaa43e0b⋯.jpg (323.62 KB, 997x1525, 997:1525, mega0205t.jpg)

Fighting robot, huehueman!

More Brazilian Megaman. Issue #2 indicates where the series is going.


File: 8b114ef7eeb13a9⋯.jpg (305.59 KB, 1000x1531, 1000:1531, mega0206t.jpg)

File: 856c3a65b7fbb0f⋯.jpg (329.77 KB, 1000x1519, 1000:1519, mega0207t.jpg)

File: 9307164b97cc29e⋯.jpg (324.7 KB, 1000x1521, 1000:1521, mega0208t.jpg)

File: 39a3cbc8ce59456⋯.jpg (363.28 KB, 1000x1521, 1000:1521, mega0209t.jpg)

File: 13496369705bace⋯.jpg (312.76 KB, 994x1512, 71:108, mega0210t.jpg)


File: 890575d2e835300⋯.jpg (343.03 KB, 991x1519, 991:1519, mega0211t.jpg)

File: caed1afa83e9239⋯.jpg (331.13 KB, 1000x1535, 200:307, mega0212t.jpg)

File: f7628dd0ee7cc40⋯.jpg (303.37 KB, 1000x1521, 1000:1521, mega0213t.jpg)

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File: ce81e154e6e2b5d⋯.jpg (192.98 KB, 1000x1583, 1000:1583, mega0215.jpg)


File: 1e25b6d174a869e⋯.jpg (176.3 KB, 1000x1304, 125:163, mega0216.jpg)

File: 1ddba2a5a13369f⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 1000x1537, 1000:1537, mega0217.jpg)

File: b200501628d363c⋯.jpg (318.6 KB, 1000x1525, 40:61, mega0218t.jpg)

File: 5a9a996cfa70228⋯.jpg (336.77 KB, 1000x1605, 200:321, mega0219t.jpg)

File: 0031a6f6cbfff5d⋯.jpg (324.17 KB, 1000x1498, 500:749, mega0220t.jpg)


File: 126424a346f13ec⋯.jpg (323.72 KB, 1000x1527, 1000:1527, mega0221t.jpg)

File: 03e2a0d263bc780⋯.jpg (434.38 KB, 1000x1553, 1000:1553, mega0222t.jpg)

File: a0c443a988a47fa⋯.jpg (327.1 KB, 1000x1609, 1000:1609, mega0223t.jpg)

File: fdd016fd92c4263⋯.jpg (298.43 KB, 1000x1504, 125:188, mega0224t.jpg)

File: 31abdba0c4be918⋯.jpg (307.25 KB, 1000x1570, 100:157, mega0225t.jpg)


File: 3093558c9011b61⋯.jpg (275.77 KB, 1000x1548, 250:387, mega0226t.jpg)

File: c43a33558ed06be⋯.jpg (298.98 KB, 1000x1517, 1000:1517, mega0227t.jpg)

File: 387304d2dbbb950⋯.jpg (304.3 KB, 1000x1537, 1000:1537, mega0228t.jpg)

File: 047f7c148ea66d2⋯.jpg (343.54 KB, 1000x1512, 125:189, mega0229t.jpg)

File: 712625aee4cbcc1⋯.jpg (340.67 KB, 1000x1598, 500:799, mega0230.jpg)


It's funny that they mention DC/Marvel when DC/Marvel now hires all of their talent from Hueland.



Did the second episode ever get made?


This looks pretty good would you recommend it?



It's still getting made, the guy does livestreams showing his progress. Slow pace, but it would get FASTER if he just stops fucking talking to his fuckbuddies.


File: f40d13221515da1⋯.png (72.3 KB, 150x195, 10:13, cover.png)

Liked this furfaggotry trash when I was a wee laddie probably because I didn't know any better. Shame the person who made it turned out to be a pedo, and everyone who actaully did worked with him became either: a massive whiny shit head, an sjw, or my favorite: a feminist shitty person.



>a pedo

Was there ever any actual proof of that?



>second pic

>writer literally says his story is better than the games' story and calls the 1994 cartoon horrible

>bitching about how publishers prefer to bring foreign content rather than his pile of shit

This is pure gold, a shame nobody translated it yet.



Why couldn't the Doom movie be like this?



Who the fuck decided to have the BFG just shoot boring bullets instead of the giant green energy blast it does in the game?


I am amazed that no one has posted Lust Penis yet.


File: 79a221ff996bd40⋯.jpg (22.46 KB, 499x398, 499:398, 79a221ff996bd4091cd7dbad4e….jpg)


this. the guy does work, but he mostly just drinks and talks to other retards.

I eventually got banned for spamming swastikas in the chat, so I haven't seen him do it in a long time.



File: d68c2ba707a5fa0⋯.jpg (169.22 KB, 792x612, 22:17, comic jumper.jpg)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>no one's posted the nin10doh videos yet

I know you fags watched them. and became furries afterward if you weren't already





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy only makes edgy bullshit.



>greatly animated edgy bullshit until he got greedy like everyone else and made approachable review content without any edge




The Doom movie should be like the newest Doom. It had barely any plot and Doom Trooper/ Doom Slayer was introduced as that overpowered badass who the demons are so scared of that they claim themselves to be the real victims of the Doom 1 & 2 events. That was simply badass and I'm glad the game exists.



So I guess the movie isn't necessary then.


File: cfb5756bf3d7114⋯.png (776.08 KB, 570x765, 38:51, Steve Urkel Elf.png)


That sequel was a fucking mistake


His WackyVideoGame4Kidz series had something, until he became a horsefucker and tried way too hard to emulate Oney or psychopepple's humor.


File: 307a37f939aa3fd⋯.png (157.69 KB, 400x314, 200:157, come on.png)


> just as everything started turning to shit

It's always been like that.

You come in, think it's novel, but then realise that it's actually kinda shit, but you don't want to admit you're involved with a shit website, so you convince yourself that the shit is new and you came in just as it started to turn to shit, so you're the old guard holding out for it to be good again, even though it never really was.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't know about you, but those guys extracting and editing sprites from emulators was mind-blowing back in the day.


Why can't we have a /co/-related vidya thread?


File: 256eda33264c021⋯.png (2.96 MB, 2025x3075, 27:41, 01_by_theshadowimperator-d….png)

what do you guys think of Archie sonic online so far? only one issue out as of now but the fan made fleetway comic continuation has been going on for over a decade so i have high hopes.



Oh, what'd I give to have those days come back.


File: 6480caaa93b352d⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 384x270, 64:45, giphy.gif)










Holy hell, who invited tumblr here?



Who invited you? He's right, people like you are part of the problem.


Which is it in your case? You're the guy going around saging every thread you don't like, right?


File: f6efea21ae9661d⋯.jpg (148.59 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Stu 1.jpg)

>newgrounds joined tumblr for a while

>literally adult swim on twitter

>lost their edge and just reblog and share shitty artworks just to stroke such tremendous egos specially womenz, yas queen.

>but they DO like some underage looking OCs.



They can try but it'll never be the real thing

Lost hedgehog tales 2 isn't even out yet


File: 213eb03937e05d3⋯.jpg (218.66 KB, 1000x1517, 1000:1517, 3352249-ds-#1-cover-b.jpg)

File: 07f897dafc08b02⋯.jpg (262.28 KB, 1000x1517, 1000:1517, 3352250-ds-#1-cover-c.jpg)

I didn't realize this thread was still up, There's another Dark Souls comic being made by Titan

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