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File: bccb38bf7d8b88b⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB, 854x480, 427:240, First Look at Nintendo Lab….mp4)

File: 070c842a017de3a⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 600x901, 600:901, the head of the Nintendo v….jpg)

a3c8a8 No.14176668


bb1e36 No.14176683

Bring forth the images from that spongebob imagination episode

953a65 No.14176688

File: 514e38fe436e884⋯.jpg (311.93 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 1451078425709.jpg)

e777a1 No.14176689

File: ccdc4e519fd9c93⋯.png (925.4 KB, 600x901, 600:901, seventy dolaridoos.png)

152871 No.14176690

>the absolute state of cuckchan /v/

842eb9 No.14176691

I already have a friend saying he's going to buy it and not even giving any good reason besides "Nintendo is my daddy"

Guy thinks everything's a big fucking joke, it's horrendous

6b4e3e No.14176695

newfags fuck off

e777a1 No.14176697


Fund this

697335 No.14176698

File: 17e14efc1c2f10d⋯.png (172.31 KB, 413x549, 413:549, check 'em in a box.png)

Do these dubs come in a box?

5909ed No.14176703

what a shit show. by the way,


67c1b1 No.14176704

Is this some kind of fever dream.

Am I even awake right now.

Is Nintendo actually just selling fucking cardboard.

25a7b0 No.14176705

On the bright side, at least this shit is funny.

873a46 No.14176708

File: 77e1b97bff08e3f⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 800x450, 16:9, cardboard dick.jpg)

File: 30130d8a03c87d4⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 400x243, 400:243, cardboard fleshlight 2.jpg)


I am pretty sure his mom is fat ass just like he is.

615c40 No.14176709

File: 7a458f9111f2de2⋯.jpg (255.99 KB, 750x739, 750:739, welcome to 2018.jpg)

This is amazing. It's exactly how I envision a multimillion dollar company would try to sell me cardboard. I can only hope this blows up in nintendo's face, but knowing nintendo, it won't.

88f986 No.14176712

File: e79cd0101577c7f⋯.jpeg (20.95 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 35f0b4804aa5984e0bcb96861….jpeg)

When will you learn /v/?

a3c8a8 No.14176713

We have archives, but I did the other thread on archive.is just incase


842eb9 No.14176714


This is what happens when Nintendo gets high off their success. Amiibo happened because, despite the Wii U being a failure, Nintendo had enough faith in the Smash hype train. Now the Switch is a success, and they're doing this.

b6e783 No.14176718

File: fe036ca70fde666⋯.png (332.82 KB, 460x345, 4:3, fe036ca70fde6664e74313b80e….png)

File: 6f2c7f62466cd04⋯.jpg (260.1 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 0E7nQEiV1cf1.jpg)

File: ef7e8a29d72f98d⋯.jpg (77.36 KB, 600x901, 600:901, MdOYSvF93Ofp.jpg)

be2961 No.14176721

File: e73bf65a8a259b4⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 371.jpg)

this is 1,2,switch all over again, here we have retards defending a full priced "game" that in reality is just a collection of shit tier minigames.

so not only are you paying for overpriced cardboard, you also pay for an overpriced experimental gimmicky collection of minigames that should be 20-30 dollars

this is a fuckin disgrace

612ad0 No.14176722

File: 5e6915a4094ea89⋯.jpg (18.27 KB, 401x276, 401:276, e934b00c2014c7ef53c4f1a2f8….jpg)


a3c8a8 No.14176723

File: a25e26e75d7ec3a⋯.gif (920.43 KB, 382x498, 191:249, tenor.gif)



a42379 No.14176724

>nintendo makes way to make and distribute random peripherals for dirt cheap, opening up tons of design space for new games


Fucking christ, try thinking before shitposting. It's an inoffensive thing for kids at worst, there's a reason they revealed it in a direct they announced like 12 hours before showing.

I want neofag to leave.

bb1e36 No.14176727


Either dump it or dont

615c40 No.14176730


Oh yes please, continue.

a3c8a8 No.14176731


It's fucking hilarious is what it is.

792ba1 No.14176732

File: 1cedad4aa2cd673⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 259x269, 259:269, Xenoblade_chronicles_2_-Al….jpg)


5006ce No.14176733

File: 7cea8a8a6485fbb⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 760.86 KB, 1280x1590, 128:159, box.png)



cc7c7b No.14176735

File: 439d7a6d88409d3⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 693x614, 693:614, A MATCH MADE IN HELL.jpg)

>literally just a fucking box

e777a1 No.14176736

File: 7ba6839fae7fdb8⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 600x330, 20:11, gee what could come next.jpg)

File: 6511cb8df534191⋯.jpg (103.04 KB, 950x534, 475:267, next gen.jpg)

b6e783 No.14176737


I want to fuck box-tan.

6b3a5b No.14176738


Given the production value, I suspect the 3 to 4 people buying it will still pull a profit.

842eb9 No.14176739


Reminder that console-tans are viral marketing

a26212 No.14176740

File: a3ac2d369c62eba⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1592x925, 1592:925, $70.PNG)


7b32f6 No.14176743


>It's okay when Nintendo does it

7cf892 No.14176744

File: de1d60861f23db3⋯.webm (169.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IT BEGINS.webm)

621555 No.14176745

File: cd2eb99f9c1c4da⋯.png (75.13 KB, 544x373, 544:373, switch.PNG)

697335 No.14176746


>A cardboard gloryhole as part of Nintendo Labo

>now just $69

a3c8a8 No.14176747


Draw switch bitch in a cardboard box with the words "Milk Farm" on the sides of the box.

7ad919 No.14176748

just fuck my shit up fam

a979be No.14176750


He laughs to hide the fact that he finds no true joy in life

5909ed No.14176753

File: 33daf4668fbd565⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 960x720, 4:3, MARK IS A REAL HERO.mp4)


Oh. Whatever one less for the gas chamber, and if your fat cake eating ass is going in there, we're going to need all the room we can get!

46040a No.14176758

File: 940f93b11e55cde⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 190x388, 95:194, nice.jpg)



Do you honestly think he cares?

6b3a5b No.14176759


They must put a fuck ton of rubberbands and plastic bits in that shit to be fucking over $60.

7ad919 No.14176761



Remember when console-tans weren't cringey furry shit?

27adc6 No.14176762


I'm sorry that you have Mark as a friend.

a42379 No.14176764


>ignoring the price of the game itself

this is the kind of intellectual dishonesty that sjws use. Really makes you think.

4251ac No.14176765

File: 25a779f862ff3fc⋯.mp4 (5.35 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 【Gachimuchi】 彩虹六号 围♂攻-VpvQ….mp4)

I would rather watch men wrestle, Mark will probably buy this.

612ad0 No.14176768


not really

f7ea80 No.14176769

It's times like this I'm proud to say that the last Nintendo product I paid for was the N64.

bb1e36 No.14176770


Keep going

18efa9 No.14176772

File: b2ceb4805729c2a⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 640x427, 640:427, knuckles_papercraft_by_nic….jpg)

>Ar yu inde box?

<Ya, im inde box, bruddha

>Da Queen is arrivin ina box

<We must ged inde box!

a3c8a8 No.14176773

File: b1dd00ea30f8abd⋯.png (60.59 KB, 500x432, 125:108, gondolaonachair.png)


good point

ebc60d No.14176774

File: 46a7a6daeb73702⋯.jpg (377.13 KB, 800x700, 8:7, i don't know the sauce.jpg)



fa6eeb No.14176782

File: 00a9eeddf568f94⋯.png (320.46 KB, 961x326, 961:326, Im out.png)

So, will Sony enter this emerging market by releasing a pillow to play your waifu games with?

13fd7f No.14176784


I wish I never bought a 3DS.

a26212 No.14176785


I just now noticed that, my apologies.

621555 No.14176786


>I don't know the sauce

then why post it you fucker

46040a No.14176787


What do you think? Of course Cake man is going to buy both sets to make a pinned thread about his


5a398f No.14176791

File: 9f060e1a0cf5722⋯.png (241.28 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 9f060e1a0cf57226e58219abe6….png)


>Nintendrones will buy this and defend their purchase

265a9c No.14176793



>Is Nintendo actually just selling fucking cardboard.


they are selling a kit that includes cardboard


comparing it to cardboard toys this kit is not even that expensive


my nigga

ebc60d No.14176794


In the vane hope someone recognizes it, you dumb dumb.

2b67c4 No.14176798

Reminder you fags overhyped a non major announcement because OP was a retard and no one verified his claim. That being said 80 bucks for this goofy craft set for kids is fucking retarded. I can't imagine many parents buying this over the other things like it.

25a7b0 No.14176800

File: 555deb529d7d5e7⋯.png (641.65 KB, 721x581, 103:83, 2018-01-17 18_13_02-Buy no….png)


You get 8 whole rubberbands and a couple of strings.

e777a1 No.14176803

>Switch console bundle

>Comes with a cardboard game

>The console's own box is used as cutouts, saving costs


>Still no free bundle with 1,2,switch

EA is red and fuming with anger for not having thought of this before

But there is still time for some skyrim-themed cardboard cutout

842eb9 No.14176808


>non major

You do realize Nintendo is basically saying that this is what they're going to focus on for the next few years, right?

7e346d No.14176811


Needs more cardboard and string

bb1e36 No.14176818


If they shill this and only this for the next few months,it's going to be a very grim time for nintendo fans.

873757 No.14176822

So that is the power of HD rumble

7ad919 No.14176823


Name one other board-tan that's furshit.

a26212 No.14176824

ab1e8b No.14176825

>we didn't want to spend a bunch of money manufacturing peripherals, so we're making them out of cardboard, now

Basically what's going on.

7ad919 No.14176827



Shit, I meant console-tan.

b221fa No.14176828

File: 0e1cab444607aad⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 635x636, 635:636, 0e1cab444607aadbbc84f2322f….jpg)

>the year is 202X

>after the nuclear strike launched by BK during the tokyo olympics, nintendo has become synonymous with death and destruction

>kimchishima's head was presented to the newly christened emperor of the Japanese Empire by the clans who controlled nintendo

>said clans were given a conditional pardon from liquidation, on the grounds they surrender all zainichi and han subhumans from thier ranks

>cardboard has been phased out from modern Japanese society, now in favor of biodegradable organic based poly packaging

>the mere mention of cardboard to an average citizen is much akin to mentioning samurai during the Edo reformation

>but why? How did a paper based packaging type gain such infamy?

>the ICBM that was launched by BK was comprised of mostly Nintendo brand cardboard

612ad0 No.14176829


youre mum

615c40 No.14176830


Name one that isn't cringey.

a3c8a8 No.14176832

File: c8701348425376f⋯.png (325.45 KB, 591x716, 591:716, 225.png)


Yeah, that would be super depressing.

b6e783 No.14176833

File: d25614680d95abf⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 799x436, 799:436, DTxwYs7W4AEpDGq.jpg)

0ae9e2 No.14176835

File: 37145f650751172⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 440x480, 11:12, GREEDY_LEE.gif)

File: c377b0d8d71c347⋯.jpg (162.02 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, happy chinese merchant.jpg)

File: a9eebee51b98008⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, a merchant's plaesure.png)


ec0758 No.14176840

>it's not plastic and premade

>it's something that a kid can possibly fuck up if they're not careful

>possible waste of 70 dollars if it falls over very gently

It's shit.

873a46 No.14176841

File: b6d39530f4872a5⋯.png (483.42 KB, 839x465, 839:465, switch wheel.PNG)

So, which one of you plays mario kart with a wheel? Are you ready to build one yourself? Because this is the only one you will ever get.

7ad919 No.14176843



5909ed No.14176845

File: 0f7e56066a82ae8⋯.jpg (166.56 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, todd dott.jpg)


>Skyrim re releases again but this time you get cardboard weapons and a cardboard elder scroll and to shout you need to shout at A FUCKING BOX

Oh boy I can't wait to spend 200 dollars on Bethesda's new innovative game! Skyrim: A fucking box edition!

4251ac No.14176847

File: ffa05dd21b5558c⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 刺♂尻性条【Ass♂ass♂in's Creed】 ….mp4)


The only way to stop nintendo is to stop mark from buying their kusoge

46040a No.14176851

File: 2a9061fface3547⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 18quintillionkeks.jpg)



On the plus side, we'll never have to worry about damaged packaging again.

84093c No.14176852

File: f5355ea01506ad2⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 188x182, 94:91, deathlysilence.jpg)

What happens if and when you break a piece and need a replacement? Can the cardboard pieces be bought separately from the game and vice versa?

So this is what a post-Iwata Nintendo is like…

842eb9 No.14176853

File: 3feeb6e225adaa5⋯.jpg (481.9 KB, 1459x820, 1459:820, smug universe.jpg)


Reminder that the Wii U is no longer on the official Nintendo site, and has been replaced by the Labo

Reminder that the Wii U was replaced by


a3c8a8 No.14176854

File: 7ee4444c57024c7⋯.png (10.64 KB, 522x379, 522:379, 7ee.png)


>80 dollars for a cardboard box


There is no defending this, it's a literal cardboard box.

b6e783 No.14176855

File: f6c13206407a3e9⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 528x371, 528:371, DTxtWdIX4AcmZQD.jpg)

873757 No.14176861

Although on the bright side, Maybe they'll put out instryctuons or someone will scan it so it can be made with leftover boxes.

I'm only interested in the piano however.

120457 No.14176866

File: a3c130799fcc359⋯.mp4 (676.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1430363547782.mp4)

This is pretty much my reaction between finishing the video and seeing the price.

120457 No.14176867

File: a3c130799fcc359⋯.mp4 (676.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1430363547782.mp4)

This is pretty much my reaction between finishing the video and seeing the price.

873a46 No.14176870

File: 59f43c5a77a5397⋯.jpg (156.01 KB, 735x735, 1:1, card board cake 2.jpg)

File: 19c35db5a07f3a7⋯.jpg (153.26 KB, 780x1169, 780:1169, cardboard cake.jpg)

a3c8a8 No.14176873


nigga just get a real piano

7e346d No.14176876


I am sure some 3rd party as already made a plastic piece, and somehow that shit piece of plastic is cheaper then official Nintendo cardboard

3ece85 No.14176877

File: 67089456c7005e1⋯.png (266.95 KB, 708x686, 354:343, Labo.png)

Alright /v/, customize your Labo and then make the other anon add his own on top.

2b67c4 No.14176878

File: a26ab1f9eb73c8f⋯.jpg (154.43 KB, 850x1511, 850:1511, long_nanachi.jpg)


It won't last longer than the cardreader or the virtual boy. I hope

d1197d No.14176879



Just when I thought nintendont couldn't get any more retarded they roll out this jem. Motherfucking retarded dicksplats now control Nintendo 100%, there are no rational minds left at that shit console company.

Sad, it's like falling in love with the cutest girl in school at 12, only to find out at 30 she's a fucking obese, blue-haired hambeast.

152871 No.14176881


nice job copying mombot's retweet, fuckface

7ad919 No.14176882


why not make an actual cake

5006ce No.14176883

File: 82de6dc429411c6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 641.89 KB, 1280x1590, 128:159, box2.png)

File: d01a7efdba258ed⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 693.52 KB, 1280x1590, 128:159, box3.png)

File: 7a75a758535fbd8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 938.28 KB, 1280x1590, 128:159, box4.png)

File: 5197d6e81fb8e20⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 181.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, box5.jpg)


all I could find

18efa9 No.14176884

File: 2481736e56efb60⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.38 KB, 567x377, 567:377, w6jBQ8X.jpg)

I have found a photo of the head designer's home.

2c45b0 No.14176885

File: ce579b533b6cb8f⋯.png (226.9 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ce579b533b6cb8feb968a146fe….png)

I can see what they meant by "kids and those who are kids at heart", now.

Seems like something kinda cute for parents to do with their kids, though it should have been announced before the holidays, not after.

me and my daughter often go to the local store and ask them for cardboard boxes, since they throw them out anyway, and we make stuff like this with it for free. it's pretty cute. i might actually pick it up if i ever see it on discount, but fuck spending 70 dollarydoos on this

46040a No.14176886

File: baee8233659dc60⋯.jpg (15 KB, 179x221, 179:221, ayyyyyy.jpg)


Mark must be drooling right now

0e187b No.14176887


This is from Tsampikos. Don't question how I recognized it from just a small part of an image.

c4052f No.14176890

File: 58e41fea2ea406e⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 58e41fea2ea406e0888ece991e….gif)




873757 No.14176891


I have already have one

f9d03a No.14176892

File: ca7995209655d0a⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 300x295, 60:59, sim, eu louco.jpg)

How the hell can something like this sell?

People will throw the fucking prints on the internet and all you will have to do is cut the box yourself.


cc7c7b No.14176893

04f0f9 No.14176898

File: a70ce0ecf18478e⋯.jpg (88.08 KB, 620x723, 620:723, 1426658631777.jpg)

I can't wait to see Nintendrones defend this.

615c40 No.14176899

File: 1d7d2d3f5d99c9b⋯.gif (2.31 MB, 525x685, 105:137, 1440802971092.gif)


>me and my daughte

b6e783 No.14176900

File: 475ec9c48dbc9b7⋯.png (99.7 KB, 320x240, 4:3, a46.png)



888856 No.14176901

File: ec4e66524844f76⋯.jpg (59.18 KB, 800x425, 32:17, It's Reich past nein.jpg)



82d61d No.14176903


I'm not the only faggot that recognized the art. Phew

bb1e36 No.14176910


We need a drawfag to make some more,nintendo edition.

7ad919 No.14176911

Nintendo has had a lot of really bad ideas over the years, but they keep going through with them.

Where the fuck has management been that past 20 years? You'd think they'd have somebody there to shoot down every ideas guy's stupid concepts.

873a46 No.14176918

File: ee2726ba8848acc⋯.png (308.26 KB, 708x686, 354:343, fuckhole.png)

13fd7f No.14176919


The managers either died or got replaced by marketers or dipshit yesmen like Miyamoto and Aonuna.

25a7b0 No.14176920


mark will eat it

b6e783 No.14176922

File: 8bd1de75ab68205⋯.gif (4.91 MB, 320x320, 1:1, 8bd.gif)


These are Sega level mistakes.

5006ce No.14176925



through her LABIA?


Hell, just have drawn faces of Peach, Zelda and Samus on cardboard with the mouth cut out

7ad919 No.14176927

bb1e36 No.14176930


Sounds good

9b828a No.14176931

File: 62b41ef9cfb8636⋯.jpg (706.11 KB, 808x1610, 404:805, A FUCKING BOX.jpg)

873757 No.14176934


It's less "I'm interested in a box" and more "Hey I don't have to burn all my extra cardboard.

c4052f No.14176935


Technically it is their greatest weakness and strength. By letting any dipshit in the office implement ideas they get fresh ideas all the time. Most of which are shit, some of which like the wii that print money.

321159 No.14176936


I was wondering that. You can buy cheap cardboard from like Home Depot and cut it out, but…no Nintendo branding? Might not have the slots/holes to keep everything in place and if you try to make it yourself, it will just collapse? So get duct tape? I dunno, fuck.

13fd7f No.14176938


Funny that Sega employees have been jumping ship to Nintendo then. :^)

434dd6 No.14176940


Because the nintendo logo is printed with the magical "fun" ink only they have.

b6e783 No.14176941

File: ad6f0f44476c10e⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 840x840, 1:1, DR9u-E7VoAA0Qqa.jpg)


That explains everything.

6fb048 No.14176943


You mean draw switch bitch in what's essentially a cardboard box gloryhole just getting plowed by strangers walking by.

7ad919 No.14176945


That makes complete sense, actually.

7bd946 No.14176946

File: 2c8a71d953d580f⋯.jpeg (55.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2c8a71d953d580f111866fc6e….jpeg)

Do they expect children and children at heart to use this without breaking it with the first use? The only positive thing I can say is it could be a nice silly little thing to have in your desk, and even then it's fucking cardboard. I mean, I know the Switch was a success but how the hell do they expect to sell fucking CARBOARD.

634505 No.14176949


SNES-tan will forever be best and kept deep inside my heart.

7082f0 No.14176951


Anything is possible when you are a children at heart!

265a9c No.14176952


>buy kit

>get software and some shit to get you started

>run out of cardboard

>do what you suggest

like that probably

c4052f No.14176953


Even if that is the truth. Gee, I wonder (who) could be behind it?

82d61d No.14176955


I don't know about everywhere, but many liquor stores near me just give their boxes away. They're great for moving, and storage because many of the boxes are really durable, so with a little patience, you could get durable cardboard that is in the shape of the Labo shit for free.

7e346d No.14176956

File: 39c659798edc1d3⋯.jpg (59.37 KB, 740x593, 740:593, Exclusive Nintendo Cardboa….jpg)

If Nintendo cardboard is worth so much, should we start hoarding all the game boxes people throw out? I think all of /v/ can become rich off these boxes.

07bca5 No.14176957

File: 1a7a438c93f3309⋯.png (232.49 KB, 847x653, 847:653, flowerbenosstroke.PNG)


you wouldn't pirate cardboard right anon?

b6e783 No.14176958

File: 66fee18f2544a1b⋯.jpg (365.51 KB, 2000x1600, 5:4, Sabers.jpg)

Box-tan porn is the only thing good to come out of this.

bb1e36 No.14176959


I mean anything works,i'm waiting for even a sketch at this point

c1993f No.14176961

File: 77bf230ab8ca233⋯.webm (495.61 KB, 640x340, 32:17, I used paper clips and ru….webm)


Stu really was ahead of his time

9b828a No.14176962


To be fair, the Switch worked for them. But this is too much. How the fuck can it cost $80? How fucking expensive is it to manufacture fucking cardboard.

ab1e8b No.14176963

How many fucking joycons does that robot pack use? Six? So not only do you need to pay for the cardboard, you need to buy a shitload of controllers just to use it.

5a398f No.14176964

File: 343173e1de2c1c7⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 343173e1de2c1c755a8612db5a….jpg)

>ITT: Manchildren are surprised that Nintendo is still catering to its core audience

What were all you expecting?

e629da No.14176969

File: 2978d1ae8d0ab0f⋯.jpg (377.11 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Malik makes Jensen finally….jpg)

5006ce No.14176970

File: efa706bb1f41ef1⋯.jpg (146.55 KB, 640x853, 640:853, cat_mecha1.jpg)

File: 72a87f2c2ba5d35⋯.jpg (207.78 KB, 750x893, 750:893, cat_mecha2.jpg)

It will never be as fun as Mecha Cat

2c45b0 No.14176972


I don't see Nintendo of Japan releasing hardware that canibalizes the sales of Nintendo of America's hardware, releasing it early to compete with Sony and pissing all retailers off as a result, then Reggie saying "this hardware isn't our future" and following that with a budget shit console with no games that dies in 18 months.

050a18 No.14176975


>anons having a laugh

>I better butt in and stop this!

Laugh with us or pick another thread to shitpost in.

900858 No.14176976

File: 11a8202183e98de⋯.png (31.51 KB, 345x274, 345:274, once you pop you can't sto….png)

47b909 No.14176977

File: 821566c885dc29b⋯.jpg (686.26 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, C6vcYEDWoAIro2y.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 2b6a2391591feea⋯.jpg (662.96 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, C7IwejfXkAAZs5_.jpg orig.jpg)

File: b2d505504653ea5⋯.jpg (715.18 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, C95DoTCXcAARznS.jpg orig.jpg)

File: c879a632edf1da5⋯.jpg (658.1 KB, 3300x3600, 11:12, DBVl0zKXcAEhYgK.jpg orig.jpg)


Post more feet, my good man.

a3c8a8 No.14176978

File: da04a6b67a2def6⋯.jpg (79.43 KB, 708x686, 354:343, Untitled-1.jpg)


How'd I do? :^)

0c3fe4 No.14176979

File: f3738f26d8ccd8a⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 529x462, 529:462, 1505144806710.jpg)

>People are mad at a childrends company making childrens toys

615c40 No.14176980

File: 11d4fc8ca10af9a⋯.gif (245.6 KB, 275x376, 275:376, [schadenfruede intensifies….gif)


This is the best fucking OC I've seen so far.

b40f56 No.14176981

File: 00dea9bb49117f5⋯.png (20.57 KB, 681x174, 227:58, palemoon_2018-01-18_00-29-….png)

c4052f No.14176983


>core audience

>normalfags so stupid they will buy cardboard at 70 USD a pop.

I really want you to be wrong but you are probably right.

bb1e36 No.14176984


Curious,Pro or anti?

873757 No.14176986


Oh Christ I just remembered you can connect 8 joycon simultaneously to one system.

6fb048 No.14176987


You wouldn't download a FUCKING BOX.

18efa9 No.14176989


Not paying 70 motherfucking dollars for a cardbox model minus the fucking game.


Very poorly.

25a7b0 No.14176990


>travis actually works for nintendo

It all makes sense now.

900858 No.14176991

File: cc02127faa3ed51⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 320.79 KB, 1178x1212, 589:606, switch_doom.png)


This one's nice too.

4d7187 No.14176994


>75 bucks for the robot game

And I'm being generous with the fact that it costs 5 fucking dollars for the cardboard robot pack. You know, I want somebody to do a calculation on how much it actually costs to make that backpack, it seemed more complex than the other shit in the variety pack.

a3c8a8 No.14176996


Fucking Pro, I saved money and actually donated to the Trump campaign.



25a7b0 No.14176997


So much better than that gay dog.

ec0758 No.14176999


/ara/ switch bot needs to be made out of cardboard now.

0c3fe4 No.14177002




It comes with software. That is why you buy it.

bb1e36 No.14177004


Fucking clever censorship is the worst.

18efa9 No.14177006


Well take out the donald and 8ch logo. make it a helicopter and the official cardboy guy the communist and put the Gamergays logo on the chopter.

b6e783 No.14177009

File: aad9f54233f37c0⋯.jpg (647.6 KB, 850x1250, 17:25, __okita_souji_fate_series_….jpg)

File: c75a22c22c03091⋯.jpg (610.29 KB, 870x1360, 87:136, __scathach_fate_grand_orde….jpg)

File: 942ff7268b9a88d⋯.jpg (807.96 KB, 990x1430, 9:13, __artoria_pendragon_jeanne….jpg)

File: fab0eaacda5a636⋯.jpg (693.96 KB, 900x1500, 3:5, __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_….jpg)

File: 9ed7128fcb6d524⋯.jpg (851.54 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, __original_drawn_by_batata….jpg)


Here you go. Batata77 is my personal favorite. There's also Oyatsu (mk2), Naturalton and Yuzugin.

873a46 No.14177013

File: 11b5d735f39cb19⋯.png (449.57 KB, 708x803, 708:803, a box of rape.png)

25a7b0 No.14177014

File: 515b42b9b5d556a⋯.jpeg (53.28 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, 515b42b9b5d556a9e0fce1599….jpeg)



fuck off footfags

0c3fe4 No.14177017

File: 620ccaa7243edf4⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault[1].jpg)


Give source to sexy flower picture

b482e9 No.14177018

File: c701579c263672b⋯.png (366.25 KB, 600x465, 40:31, c701579c263672b8df11fdc6fb….png)

As if a /v/irgin could ever figure out to put together a cardboard box. I bet five year old niglets and normalfags are better compared to the room temperature IQ prowess of the retards on here.

b6e783 No.14177019


We need more box OC.

7bd946 No.14177020


Children at heart means autistic cock joggler.

a98c0b No.14177021

File: 35debddd20e37f3⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 450x422, 225:211, FNF-Yotsuba-Danbo1.jpg)

Anons, you are too negative. Why can't you react to this like Yotsuba reacted to meeting Danbo?

a6da61 No.14177022

File: 4221c793f41d944⋯.jpg (74.83 KB, 460x574, 230:287, 440cacd499ec3d7d26806b33ac….jpg)

>literal cardboard is being sold as video games

what timeline are we in even

0c3fe4 No.14177023


But anon, you can't pirate a box now can you? Checkmate.

18efa9 No.14177027


Another one, because I have no time to funpost with you guys: Make a paper craft Fedora with all that shit - the 8ch logo and replace it with the plebbit robot and then put two joycons on the side. After you are done, put it on this guy's head >>14176884

d78ad3 No.14177028


Don't Jewish women become ghost witches when they die and are given the power to leave Sheol and haunt the entire earth?

a3c8a8 No.14177030



377a8a No.14177031

File: db4d6138756fc22⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 300x300, 1:1, literal garbage.jpg)

File: 3e9f532cc2bf07b⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 385x344, 385:344, vroom vroom, i'm driving l….jpg)


well at least it's environmentally friendly

this way, when the elementary school children who still play nintendo games get bored with the stupid nonsense toys that nintendo makes within a single week, the toys can be composted instead of filling landfills with plastic garbage.

b6e783 No.14177032


Imagine a box as a new fighter for Smash bros. Or a box as a new stage.

ab1e8b No.14177033


Assuming you're paying a full sixty bucks for a minigame collection or gimmicky robot game, that's ten to twenty bucks for some cardboard and rubber bands. And that doesn't include all the joycons needed to play those games.

023eb5 No.14177034

Anyone wants some cardboard?

2c45b0 No.14177035

File: d097575ae2adb27⋯.png (56.18 KB, 1179x345, 393:115, ClipboardImage.png)


f51d21 No.14177037


The best part is this is probably one of the least cancerous things out there. At least this is just fun shit and not lootboxes, dlc, paid mods, or other super jew shit.

We live in an industry where cardboard games are not the worst things out there.

900858 No.14177039

File: 2405f8981ba7ff8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 5.08 MB, 1280x1162, 640:581, dgesyhwtr.png)


If only we could combine the loli and the dog. Somehow…

3ece85 No.14177040

File: 9ef19f077912b08⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 328x328, 1:1, Rance.jpg)

792ba1 No.14177041

File: 64d0d8670b04ed7⋯.jpg (705.38 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, C5sbkzSXQAAcA-x.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 231708a34426bdd⋯.jpg (449.85 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, C6MDdL9WQAAq_U1.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 5b5aaef2a1ec561⋯.jpg (810.72 KB, 3600x4000, 9:10, CjQX1HjWsAAutXE.jpg orig.jpg)

File: b5d6bcef412083c⋯.jpg (797.01 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, C32G-veXAAA5as6.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 3438d450112001e⋯.jpg (404.14 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, Cwn5ssCXUAE6y3O.jpg orig.jpg)


Thanks, broseph.

52ba32 No.14177042

I hope somebody scans them so people can use their own cardboard on a hacked switch.

416a86 No.14177043

File: b9dbf48d087a899⋯.png (63.06 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 3_20_14___alomomola_by_yog….png)


Does your daughter play videogames?

Which ones?


Now rename Malik as Mark and Photoshop him in.

575afb No.14177044

File: 215c072159434e7⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 400x300, 4:3, latest nintendo release.jpg)



485e3e No.14177046

File: 39ddc09ac1ddd8a⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 233x347, 233:347, 39ddc09ac1ddd8a030680eb4a9….jpg)

25a7b0 No.14177047


>selling a cardboard box for 80 bucks isn't super jew shit


cf844e No.14177049



989948 No.14177050

File: 921849f9a5f94db⋯.jpg (424 KB, 1280x1080, 32:27, ABSOLUTELY.jpg)


a98c0b No.14177051

File: 2bfd1ef075d67ad⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 450x338, 225:169, a-fucking-box.jpg)

0c3fe4 No.14177053


It wouldn't be the first time they did it.

I'm not saying it isn't greedy but it's been the standard for a while now.

The last $20 is because most people are too lazy to go out and get all those supplies to save $13

c24c6b No.14177054

File: 3a2b63a70b3c7d2⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 320x240, 4:3, b92d7fb7062c9559e89bed34bd….jpg)

Oh hey, /v/eddit is screaming "NINTENDOOMED xD" again, since they're so blind and can't see this stuff selling millions. Imagine getting this butthurt over cardboard peripherals for existing devices, which have sold well in the past as Google Cardboard and its clones have shown.

How does it feel that Nintendo is defying you, /v/eddit, and is succeeding without your input?

120457 No.14177057

File: f0558e7bc9b4e30⋯.png (577.84 KB, 708x803, 708:803, Untitled.png)


I'm not even mocking the box at this point.

3ece85 No.14177059

File: 8d413ee30659bd9⋯.png (577.91 KB, 753x621, 251:207, Liberal tears.png)


I build Lego and part of my furniture with no instrunctions which is much harder to setup

I'm a big boy you queer

3efb84 No.14177060

I'm curious as to how game sites are going to review this? How can they judge the controls properly if they fuck up the process of constructing the cardboard housing it, leading to control issues?


>Metal Gear Solid Switch Edition

>Comes with a full size cardboard box Toy-Con that can detect if you are hiding in it

873a46 No.14177063


I wonder when you will realize that there are people on /v/ who will never miss an opportunity to pretend to be retarded just to bait (you)'s on their idiocy.

25a7b0 No.14177064


>since they're so blind and can't see this stuff selling millions

So do microtransactions. What's your point?

3ece85 No.14177065

File: 234ff1e680ef416⋯.png (19.57 KB, 174x162, 29:27, Fuhrer.png)

617afd No.14177068

File: f2257bd75d6bd18⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.99 MB, 2200x3000, 11:15, cagney carnation.png)

a3c8a8 No.14177070

File: 44c6e28767b9cc0⋯.png (637.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs]_Gamers!_-_1….png)

575afb No.14177071

File: e80d495e57e7c2a⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, soytendo.jpg)

reminder soytendo is for soyboys

b31f42 No.14177072

File: 5d5e39c9d58aa63⋯.jpg (616.78 KB, 900x762, 150:127, 1446174669812-2.jpg)

>it is getting released on Hitler's birthday

It this a metashitpost?

17067a No.14177073


Die cut cardboard of those dimensions, assuming a production run of 100k units? That shit would be somewhere in the range of 50 to 70 cents to produce.

5a6a5e No.14177074

File: 0d45c171593e5c1⋯.png (779.88 KB, 980x798, 70:57, 908F6772-E0F4-4B23-AADB-AB….png)


>Implying people aren’t smuggling hard at people who are going to pay any amount of money for fucking


It’s fucking hilarious how the defense force keeps showing up.

7e346d No.14177076


>Have to pay $80 just because one of the games comes with cardboard

Extremely cancerous. Nintendo at the very least should be selling some of the games as some are just glorified tech demos without the stupid boxes.

2c45b0 No.14177078


She used to be into Minetest for a while, but recently got hooked on SimCity 4k. Of course, she's tried out Nintendo stuff, she liked Odyssey and 64. She tried the older Zeldos too, enjoyed LTTP, though found it a bit hard. And we play some multiplayer stuff from time to time like CTR and Snowboard Kids 2.

859d54 No.14177079

File: aed8696f9e5a4ff⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 3415x3046, 3415:3046, Cuckface.jpg)

a98c0b No.14177080


>Nintendo Cardboard Box is a huge success

>Valve starts selling Dota Hats as cardboard cutouts you can wear while playing!

I can see this making BILLIONS and single-handedly saving the industry.

3c9c14 No.14177083

bc0fc3 No.14177085


I could put this stuff together with my eyes closed, I literally fold complex cardboard bullshit as part of my job. My boss is a literal retard though and can't even make the simplest designs with a step by step instruction sheet in front of her. I tried having her help me during Christmas and it was down right embarrassing.

She's stuck right before the boss fight with the yiga clan boss in BOTW because she can't figure out to use magnesis and see the secret door and I refuse to tell her, but I've given her hints like "didn't you open any of the buried chests in that room?" She doesn't know how. I genuinely wonder if she'd even be capable of making this stuff with the video instructions and all. she streams LoL for supplementary income

b5cef4 No.14177086

>Nintendo says they will announce "A new way to play" aimed specifically at kids, nothing more

>Announce exactly that


517d8c No.14177088

File: ca7bb03fbb97129⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ItsImportant.jpg)


Are these… boxes… made of metal?

c24c6b No.14177089

File: d1589948a963fa5⋯.png (814.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cancer.png)


>>Implying people aren’t smuggling hard at people who are going to pay any amount of money for fucking CARDBOARD

It's pre-cut cardboard peripherals and video games. Are you autistic or something? Do you not understand basic concepts like the idea that this is a bundle that is a game that comes with cardboard peripherals? How sad are you? You aren't smug, you're retarded.

a98c0b No.14177091


>he won't purchase dozens of Nintendo Cardboard Boxes to see what's inside


ff95e7 No.14177092

File: e06e07ddac83371⋯.png (235.47 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c51f8e9012d314d⋯.png (13.73 KB, 432x216, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ed9f82fe6dae89⋯.png (695.4 KB, 2184x1456, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf6b243b1cb6c35⋯.png (169.95 KB, 300x433, 300:433, ClipboardImage.png)


873a46 No.14177093

File: 2e4c7c18a53a6f0⋯.jpg (131.05 KB, 787x442, 787:442, 2.jpg)


Recycled hitler ice cream cardboards from india.

268112 No.14177094

File: 735d39c809208a2⋯.png (1.03 MB, 991x1426, 991:1426, BACK TO CUCKCHAN.png)


>brainlet meme

I thought you were told to fuck off in the last thread.

dc0bf7 No.14177096


Nintendo realized that if they were going to continue with the gimmicks, they might as well be the cheapest gimmicks possible.

bc0fc3 No.14177097


It's $80 cardboard. The Google cardboard thing for phone VR that comes with glass lenses is like $5.

0a165e No.14177098



Even queers can spell properly.

Go to play with your Legos big baby

3ece85 No.14177099

File: ab78b7afd8277eb⋯.png (71.02 KB, 500x503, 500:503, good night 4chan shite.png)



697335 No.14177101


Wait a fucking minute, weren't you that Anon posting a while back about the Jewess boss who used her tits and streamed for jewbux?

c24c6b No.14177103


No, the games are probably $60-70, and the cardboard is $10-20.

873a46 No.14177104

File: 013d78f025511a5⋯.jpg (163.24 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1.jpg)


Gas the cardboards! Recycle war now!

bc0fc3 No.14177105


The very same.

416a86 No.14177106

File: 0dc048186b6aee0⋯.jpg (59.29 KB, 670x671, 670:671, 0dc048186b6aee06a9f3beed27….jpg)


I can't imagine the life of a /v/irgin with a daughter.

Do you even find time for games still?

Asking because I'm considering to be a father in the next 7 or so years.

f83bf7 No.14177107

File: 96543e7d76dea13⋯.png (184.04 KB, 367x672, 367:672, d82188f690ed98183584b06e86….png)

>Brainlet memes are 4chan now

Welp, time to nuke /christian/

370242 No.14177108

File: c51c01dd38f7457⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wheres_the_money_lebowski.mp4)


My first reaction to this was cutting edge, that this was way ahead of it's time. You could have so many applications and peripherals, it would be so cheap, this will give Nintendo a creatvie edge they haven't had in years. Want a joystick for your fighting game or something? Just buy the cardboard sheet + rubber bands for $2 bucks at the store instead of buying a $100+ third party peripheral. The possibilites for peripherals are endless and all for fuck-all cheap. Game devs could design anything they want to go with their game, it allows for creativity, and any complains about muh cardboard are circumvented by the super cheap price and the structural rigidity of the designed, pre-cut pieces. Finally Nintendo has a good, if gimicky idea for once.

The I saw this post.















b5cef4 No.14177109


It comes with a game, and is more like $10-20 for cardboard. But like I said, only kids and dumbasses would buy this, and that's the target.

3ece85 No.14177112


Why do you think I build them without the instructions?

a3c8a8 No.14177113


We're getting old anon

af04c8 No.14177114


All this art with that dumb red logo needs to be redone. Wasn't that like some linux distro or something?

697335 No.14177116


I fucking knew it. Shame I don't remember the username on account of the jewess being a literally who.

dac738 No.14177117

>the price is just fine because a tech demo/mini-game collection is worth $60 by itself!

25a7b0 No.14177118


>falling for the 3dpd meme

ff95e7 No.14177119

File: afd96e28a6d432f⋯.png (258.84 KB, 498x332, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


My generic memory tells of a time where my ancestors were burnt into ash and made into soap, lampshades, and boxes

d78ad3 No.14177120

File: d50956d2c7e120e⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 3648x2736, 4:3, Gamecube.jpeg)


>not watching based Family Guy

Lol, look at this faggot and laugh. MacFarlane is redpilled, the second most redpilled in hollywood after Adam Sandler.


It all makes sense…

a2e18a No.14177121

File: 0939ae77cf7634f⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 795574b2fb25cd412d4b10fe0e….jpg)


Holy shit, is this for fucking real?

That is fucking laughable. They are selling you fucking cardboard and acting like it's fucking revolutionary. But I guess it's okay if Nintendo does it! :^)

183baf No.14177123

File: 5e088d857314873⋯.jpeg (78.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 5e088d857314873d497135b3d….jpeg)

Yeah that's fucking great but wheres the metroid prime 4 news

b6e783 No.14177124

File: 8c36e522498e701⋯.jpg (141.92 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, C9EagB2U0AAu_hZ.jpg)

File: 368ab258856c2d0⋯.jpg (16.63 KB, 400x266, 200:133, NSW-PLA-01-Set1-400x266.jpg)

File: 95e677545313b7f⋯.jpg (420.13 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, legend_of_zelda_nintendo_s….jpg)

>The cardboard peripherals have been done, but in wood.

3ece85 No.14177127

File: 1d56039f91e7931⋯.gif (565.05 KB, 367x265, 367:265, Donald Dick.gif)


Keki please don't stop

ff95e7 No.14177129


Nintendo is fucking Apple of gaming

bc0fc3 No.14177130

575afb No.14177132

File: 9b9a16bb6f723b7⋯.mp4 (707.24 KB, 400x300, 4:3, my switch is a box_1825731….mp4)

c24c6b No.14177134


You're paying for the game too, you retard.

b6e783 No.14177135


Well, at least there's box-tan to look forward too.

873a46 No.14177136


Maybe when they will release Playstation 5 nintendo will upgrade to wood technology.

7e346d No.14177137


I would like to see Nintendo make a game worth $70. But just to make the controller shake and make a cardboard cutout guy fall is not worth $70, let alone $20. I can only assume the other "games"" vary in quality

268112 No.14177138


>there are people who fell for the geometric jew

617afd No.14177140

File: ce5274460c1fcf2⋯.mp4 (712.88 KB, 180x320, 9:16, hey_now_youre_a_pornstar.mp4)


That first one looks pretty nice but it should've been sanded more.

120457 No.14177141



3ece85 No.14177144

File: f511143a655a3a1⋯.png (78.71 KB, 500x503, 500:503, Goodnight 4chan scum.png)

c24c6b No.14177145



5006ce No.14177152

File: cf997b4d5fc7cc6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 129.29 KB, 349x563, 349:563, best_dad.png)


b6e783 No.14177153

File: dd5b083e6dbb40c⋯.jpg (862.29 KB, 4250x2390, 425:239, 4Tk7RyY.jpg)

File: eed42e7dc861294⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 700x466, 350:233, NSW-04-green_bg__08421.151….jpg)

File: b2aaf793c608ec0⋯.jpg (110.5 KB, 1024x579, 1024:579, custom_wood_grain_super_ni….jpg)



3cf214 No.14177154

>cheap as fuck to make

this stuff is going to sell, I wonder if I should stock up on it and and leave them in a bin for 10 years and resell them for top dollar to collectors.

bb1e36 No.14177156


He's not coming back man

a3c8a8 No.14177158


/tech/ pls save us

3ece85 No.14177161

File: 8a71c70bef07961⋯.png (478.41 KB, 612x788, 153:197, Lewd Libbie.png)


Brian Fagioli is a national treasure

183baf No.14177165

File: 6c7cb787d68abf9⋯.jpg (18.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, bender wood upgrade.jpg)

a3c8a8 No.14177166


As beautiful as it is, doesn't wood get extremely hot?

120457 No.14177167


Just make sure you store it in a cool, dry place to prevent it from eroding. Cardboard doesn't last forever.

621555 No.14177168


post more libbie and kiki

3ece85 No.14177169

File: 4d19b150dcbe661⋯.png (205.08 KB, 468x345, 156:115, Billy.png)


Why not?

af04c8 No.14177170


Should I read the manga or just wait for the anime? Or did the anime bomb?

f20dce No.14177172



370242 No.14177173

File: 4970966b3659a60⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 491x488, 491:488, 59a7d70c73d9a4aab7cb7f7939….jpg)


>interactive buidling instructions


a9c938 No.14177176

File: c64dc37b2935ba7⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 629x907, 629:907, 43f2250953b643e1282d17e585….jpg)

File: c7853fc8aa780c1⋯.gif (308.2 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 1514421968.gif)


holly shit

2c45b0 No.14177178


I usually play for at least a couple hours in the evening, and I get weekends off, so I have the time. Mostly it's a matter of motivation, since I most times don't feel like digging through all the AAA shit and Soyboy indie cancer to find something fun to play, especially not after a long day or work.. Having a backlog helps, at least.

As for having a kid ,it's not as hard as it seems at first. Just important to not do stupid shit and actually take care of the kid. Most parents just let the iPads babysit theirs and then are surprised that they turn out to be fuckups. Don't get your kid a phone until they're 9 or ten, and don't let them watch shitty jewtube let's players (so basically don't let her go to jewtube unsupervised).

416a86 No.14177180

File: 7c42b626d04bde7⋯.jpg (263.44 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, 06da940d09e200e89c65418626….jpg)


>one day when http6 is outsourcing every other website with mind blowing possibilities and subtle intrusions of your privacy, the only people able to stomach a website as dated as 8chan will be the bitter old ourselves

>circlejerking forever about how morrowind is still the best elder scrolls and finding joy in seeing the videogame industry self destruct


Still better than cardboard.

c24c6b No.14177181


Maybe if you're a retarded furfag from cuckchan /g/. Oh wait you are.

25a7b0 No.14177182


>minigame collections are worth $70 now

I remember when Wii Sports was free.

8ec5a4 No.14177183


Read manga, then animu.

b6e783 No.14177184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's fine.

050a18 No.14177185


Mark will find a way to allow threads about playing with boxes, just like VN threads

c24c6b No.14177192


You see them playing games in the trailer, retard.


Where's your proof it's a mini-game collection?

a98c0b No.14177193


>10 years

>decomposition time of cardboard: 2 months

I don't think you plan will succeed.

3efb84 No.14177194


Metroid Prime 4 now ships with a life size cardboard version of Samus's arm cannon! Insert the right Joy-Con into the front of the cannon and perform different finger gestures to change beam weapons!

cfbdc7 No.14177195

File: eb1390ee42a0b82⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.09 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, d25eb08d4c7cc812071fa3a8b4….jpg)


So you gonna fuck her? You've already got pretty good chances if she knows you absolutely despise her. Just stare at her tits and she'll probably give in just to get your approval.

42e51b No.14177196

File: ab8cc6f6424a931⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 480x347, 480:347, tmp_4947-hqdefault-1-11696….jpg)

bb1e36 No.14177199


The dream is gone,it's time to become comfortably numb.

a2e18a No.14177201

File: f63b1e3095fe48d⋯.png (73.94 KB, 200x200, 1:1, f63b1e3095fe48d60f976e8fea….png)

af04c8 No.14177203


I already animu though. Are the official manga translations worth supporting or are they cucked?

434389 No.14177204

File: 5871b4138327a23⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 424.7 KB, 1200x935, 240:187, f101013_SF_003_tsam.jpg)


happy birt

25a7b0 No.14177207


>Where's your proof it's a mini-game collection?

The video in the OP, retard.

b6e783 No.14177208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wood skins for switch.

dc0bf7 No.14177209


Oh shit, it's you. Any new stories?

c40684 No.14177210

File: 9732c67f7da3fac⋯.png (65.15 KB, 232x272, 29:34, 7349040881206c4325dd4c298b….png)

File: 38fd4a536189aac⋯.jpg (7.97 KB, 182x300, 91:150, 38fd4a536189aac689d3dcba6d….jpg)


c24c6b No.14177211


I remember when /v/eddit OC was good and not just shitty MS Paint scribbles involving already established memes

7e346d No.14177212


The anime is getting a second season, so it is doing pretty good


Not every one of those was a game. There was the remote control car, then the falling man, and who knows what the house is.

d78ad3 No.14177214

File: 8e0f266baeaf36a⋯.jpg (135.84 KB, 1280x857, 1280:857, 11770749_ori.jpg)


This, but if you play video games in general.

3ece85 No.14177215

File: 4526d8c598b01b1⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 495x366, 165:122, Superior.jpg)


Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ you cancerous piece of shit

b6e783 No.14177216

File: 20f01091e6ddaac⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1007x957, 1007:957, 1516223237.png)

c24c6b No.14177217


>giving sauce to saucefags

a2e18a No.14177221

File: 6708136d7a8e683⋯.gif (472.87 KB, 320x240, 4:3, tenor.gif)

c24c6b No.14177223

File: 7f4ce204231da49⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, BUaFz.jpg)

bb1e36 No.14177226


My god has it been a while since i saw that faggot,quentin? was his name?

7e346d No.14177227


>Not a life size cardboard suit so you can feel samus up while you play the game.

370242 No.14177230

File: 896ecb343816dc1⋯.png (19.9 KB, 241x230, 241:230, 1472032265120.png)



more like screensavers

62d7c4 No.14177234

File: 66b4a1b2161c747⋯.png (269.19 KB, 708x686, 354:343, wanna_buy_a_cardboard_box_….png)

5a9262 No.14177242


I don't want to lose an eye from getting stabbed with her nose.


I didn't really have to deal with her for all of December, so no. It was a nice break. She did fuck up IMMEDIATELY upon our return to normal work in January, and I've been set back enough that I spent this week doing last week's work. Good start to the fuckin year. I'm halfway through the application process somewhere else right now.

fdb610 No.14177243

File: a00f27223860630⋯.png (106.26 KB, 262x192, 131:96, ClipboardImage.png)




b6e783 No.14177244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Metroid Prime 4

>Samus's suit is made of cardboard.

416a86 No.14177245


Sounds acceptable.

Some days I wish I had a kid to watch me play games and that I could bring out to get ice cream. It doesn't help being a teacher.

f20dce No.14177246


nigga, people gonna be uploading custom diy boards and then hoarding these will be useless, not to mention easily destroyed from water, dampness, moisture, animals, and any form of pressure

c4052f No.14177247

File: 762a40e93ccda06⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 480x347, 480:347, afuckingbox.jpg)

how's this

42e51b No.14177248

File: fedf402ab3d9913⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 300x470, 30:47, tmp_4947-stock-photo-smili….jpg)

The best thing about this is that Nintendo expects their core audience of brainlet soyboys being able to actually assemble these things. It looks like a fuck ton of strings, elastics, and other shit you could easily break.

I'm looking forward to the countless cases of people destroying their fucking $80 cardboard doohicky and looking to Nintendo for compensation.

758338 No.14177249

So for 70 bucks I assume you're going to get software with it, right? Cardboard is way to cheap to be that jewy with.


That'd be pretty rad tbh. Ever since Prime 3 I've wanted a metroid themed scope for the wii mote. Too bad there aren't many devs willing to capitalize on that.

8c6dd9 No.14177250

File: f1591fe1abf551e⋯.png (367.35 KB, 1085x607, 1085:607, snakeinabox.png)


>People screaming for a new Animal Crossing.

>Nintendo: How about a cardboard box instead.

And they seemed to be doing so well.

b6e783 No.14177252


I guess it's custom cardboard with instructions and cutout details. High quality cardboard, you can't get it elsewhere. It has the official Nintendo seal of quality.

5a1e75 No.14177253

File: 77c54fadbb9960d⋯.png (4.77 MB, 1920x6666, 320:1111, daughteru.png)



8216bb No.14177254

I fucking hate you all. This is creative, unique, and utterly fucking charming. It's not designed for you pig fuckers, it's meant for people that are poor or from poor countries. You seriously disgust me.

3ece85 No.14177255

File: 218edd6a75a0529⋯.jpg (94.21 KB, 632x480, 79:60, Suck my Dick or Cock.jpg)


Any chance you could somehow add it on top of >>14177013?


>Cuckchanners get banned from their shithole and they come here

Is there any place more cancerous than that place?

It's fucking reddit tier nowadays

a39159 No.14177256

It's okay when nintendodfadcas vfw d

ebb00c No.14177259

File: 4486009a79434a9⋯.jpg (196.36 KB, 448x455, 64:65, 1434497809989.jpg)


I haven't laughed this much in a long time, thank you Nintendo. I'm not buying it, but now I can feel smugly superior to the retards that will as I laugh at this $80 joke.

356a75 No.14177260


dub dubs deserve checking

d7bb4b No.14177261


a98c0b No.14177262

At least you can settle all the cardboard on fire during winter. What's your console of choice doing to keep your warm, now that the Xbox 360 is no more?

25a7b0 No.14177264


>it's meant for people that are poor or from poor countries

>implying they can afford to buy $80 cardboard boxes

356a75 No.14177266


>poor countries

>70 dollaridoos

nice bait

7cf892 No.14177267

File: a3d414e93836925⋯.png (126.38 KB, 550x500, 11:10, Sweaty Totodile.png)


Any more of this Switch-tan?

a5f962 No.14177271

File: f35ea88e4f0356c⋯.png (575.24 KB, 678x508, 339:254, Screen_Shot_2017-09-03_at_….png)


Have some freshly harvested gapes from SGDQ

0f66b4 No.14177272


I love how none of the people in the video show their face, they must be too embarrassed by it. At least this will be the easiest to pirate Nintendo product ever.

bb1e36 No.14177273


That's really endearing and heart warming to read.

ebb00c No.14177274



>spending 80 bucks on cardboard

I can guarantee you that wont ever happen.

99c977 No.14177276

Is this thread cyclical yet? Because it's probably gonna need to be.

a2e18a No.14177277




Aw shit, that made me giggle.

d78ad3 No.14177281


>implying ruskies won't pirate the cardboard

>implying the chinese won't make bootleg cardboard for 1/8 the cost

62d7c4 No.14177282

File: d8ffc04c02d6825⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 396x304, 99:76, d8ffc04c02d68255aabc1b1a6e….gif)

>>14177255 (checked)

Sure your dubs wills it. Right on top of the cake or in front of the cake like he is popping out the box?

5a9262 No.14177283


>It looks like a fuck ton of strings, elastics, and other shit you could easily break.

The cardboard itself will break before those things do. The moment some kid gets over-excited with their steering wheel or fishing rod or whatever, it'll snap like the stiff paper it is. You need 3 layers minimum for any kind of resistance to tearing, and then it still bends easily if you smack it against something.

10a84a No.14177284

I just came here I just saw this and I'm Amazed, Nintendo managed to find a fucking way to sell a Cardboard fucking box to Soygoys and they'll eat it up

b6e783 No.14177285


/v/ is going to make money being bootleg cardboard dealers.

873a46 No.14177290


There also going to be millions of chinese knockoffs of that. When a big studio farts, chink corporations that make bootlegs fart with them.

a9c938 No.14177291

File: 6a37aad3e9e7be2⋯.jpg (65.4 KB, 640x420, 32:21, jeux-video-snobisme.jpg)

2b67c4 No.14177293




758338 No.14177297


You could probably recreate some of the things from plastic sheets and sheet metal. Opens up all sorts of possibilities for 3rd parties.

3ece85 No.14177300

File: 1707d356a64fe73⋯.jpg (119.51 KB, 1041x916, 1041:916, Doggo.jpg)

c4052f No.14177302


>no spoiler


b6e783 No.14177303


What about cardboard box-tan?

3ece85 No.14177304

File: 8d0673487d28299⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 600x711, 200:237, 9a5.jpg)


In front based anon

t-thank you

3ece85 No.14177306

416a86 No.14177307

File: 9cc0439c23b3ba9⋯.png (315.58 KB, 500x736, 125:184, 9cc0439c23b3ba9ecec99e6c85….png)


Sometimes I wonder how many dad's irl want to bone their daughters. And often it goes the other way too. Once I had a girl tell me [REDACTED] because I reminded her of her dad. Like really if the law would allow it we would have a lot more incest around I believe.

263b2f No.14177308

A fucking box.


356a75 No.14177310


Post more big girls

bb1e36 No.14177312


Probably,one generation of it wouldn't cause too much in the way of genetic fuckery i believe,it's afterwards that you're really playing russian roulette.

f50e97 No.14177313


Switch dog in a giant cardboard mech switch dog

17af89 No.14177315

File: 5f03ebd0ad3df93⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 540x300, 9:5, Worried_Laughter.gif)

>Iwata died for this

900858 No.14177318

File: 5c15c38d1b51cf5⋯.png (3.69 MB, 2920x1713, 2920:1713, it all goes back in the bo….png)

d78ad3 No.14177319


Chinese Bootlegs are a fucking godsend, literally the only good thing China has produced in about 1000 years.


Since the time of the fucking Sumerians, depraved fucks have wanted to fuck their own daughters and spiders.


25a7b0 No.14177322

File: 9622544cb4f9f94⋯.png (424.77 KB, 451x619, 451:619, ba6be4c46ab43cc04d51a42570….png)


>they killed him because he was opposed to the box project

416a86 No.14177323


If we really cared about genetics we wouldn't have immigration, don't you think?

e26d63 No.14177324

File: c32c35523e4516b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 209.75 KB, 347x385, 347:385, 16c764e80ea9954a8668afd4c6….png)

File: c32c35523e4516b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 209.75 KB, 347x385, 347:385, 16c764e80ea9954a8668afd4c6….png)


read it right the fuck now

the translations are fine from what I read, though the translator does get a little meme-y with his sfx

0c3fe4 No.14177325


>Liking muscle girls makes you a numale

b6e783 No.14177326

File: db699b85f31955d⋯.jpg (244.8 KB, 1000x1136, 125:142, db699b85f31955dcf187a002cd….jpg)

File: 827d046a836a549⋯.jpg (366.69 KB, 600x822, 100:137, 827d046a836a5497b648cbe4e5….jpg)

File: 7bc2b096200f363⋯.jpg (295.26 KB, 880x1717, 880:1717, 7bc2b096200f363614ffa14230….jpg)

File: abb2ff1f89ddd40⋯.jpg (427.86 KB, 1200x1734, 200:289, abb2ff1f89ddd40fedf899c776….jpg)

File: d14b2aa13a8aa8a⋯.jpg (308.53 KB, 1280x1811, 1280:1811, d14b2aa13a8aa8a093b058989c….jpg)


Here you go.


That sounds fun, but I rather more box-tan porn.

bb1e36 No.14177329

File: 66ec71dbc5aa72a⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Nhanduchromatus.JPG)


The people who do care about genetics are not the same people in charge,sadly.


Wanting to fuck spiders eh,i can get down with that.

47c667 No.14177330

I bet this is one of Miyamoto's weird projects hes been doing. But i have to admire the fact that i'm pretty sure only Nintendo would try and resell One Two Switch by adding some cardboard into the mix and probably make it a success.

ebb00c No.14177331


Most of the idiots buying this will be rich white sjw tier faggots.

f50e97 No.14177333


Wasn't Miyamoto working on a Robot game at some point with the Wii U/Switch?

a98c0b No.14177335

Will Anthony Burch have his cardboard boxes taken by his future ex-wife when they divorce?

04f0f9 No.14177336


>having chest hair makes you a nu male


873a46 No.14177342


Arabs have a lot of chest hair. And indians.

3ece85 No.14177345

File: 7af861dd92b6c8c⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 1023x680, 1023:680, depositphotos_126520986-st….jpg)


>Pokemon GO


Iwata died for much worse

8f13b1 No.14177346



I wanted to play devil's advocate by saying that this was designed to be a cheap product that makes money by creating value from the console itself, thus driving console or software sales, but I can't even do that now. There is not one redeemable part of this product.

416a86 No.14177347


But somehow incest is still illegal!

I'm all out for genetics but love is love tbh.

b6e783 No.14177350

File: 64654a779a33a6f⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 598x733, 598:733, 646.jpg)

File: 89f8a8cb9b55c77⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 489x623, 489:623, d20.jpg)


I don't know how or why many made a connection with Nintendo and Soyboys, but I blame Treehouse for this.

5a9262 No.14177353


No, it's the patchiness of it, just like the beard. Either have shitloads covering most of your torso like a man-bear, or groom it. Anything in between just looks like garbage.

bb1e36 No.14177354


I'm not saying to give you that much leeway,but it's definitely something that people shouldn't immediately hate just because it's the thing to hate.

416a86 No.14177357


>I don't know why


b6e783 No.14177358

File: 31a1f86346f6758⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 693x350, 99:50, 108472.jpg)

d78ad3 No.14177362


There's absolutely nothing wrong with having unwashed, long, gangly hair. Daily showering is for gays. Haircuts are for fags. Shampoo is for women.

af04c8 No.14177363


That's fine I usually don't even read them since they don't keep up with the fan-translations. I just like to support good translations because otherwise you encourage them to pander to the shits.

a5f962 No.14177364

File: 779e705ec098dfb⋯.png (20.38 KB, 347x205, 347:205, 01.PNG)

File: 9260e406c2a05c5⋯.png (169.37 KB, 342x412, 171:206, 02.PNG)

File: 47120d53cff7c8d⋯.jpg (932.55 KB, 2576x1932, 4:3, image (5).jpg)


>Grown men posing with toys

My dad was right, videos really are something you should quit as an adult

356a75 No.14177365

Poor fucking Iwata, what a disgrace


>every thing he sees is an excuse to be angry at America

imagine being this poor

fba78b No.14177366


we all know /fit/ is full of raging homos

6e7de8 No.14177367


That sounds fucking awesome. There's potential if they use it for stuff like that (sell a 10-15 dollar pack of peripherals for existing games). Never going to get a switch, but that would be a fun way to escape from basic wagglin.

f19498 No.14177368

File: 9fcbb2e475bde7d⋯.jpeg (67.84 KB, 450x633, 150:211, 0694a51293629c0e717a56d0d….jpeg)

Can I buy the game and make the cardboard myself?

I'm intrigued, I'll say that much.

b6e783 No.14177369


But they ain't soyboys.

873a46 No.14177370

File: e69334f8a7ce050⋯.jpg (521.67 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, hobo.jpg)


Pokemon Go is so much better with Nintendo Cardboard. You can stay on the streets all night catching pokemons!

9fd7dd No.14177372


humans have also been fucking horses since the dawn of time, so wanting to fuck spiders isn't that much of a stretch.

25a7b0 No.14177373

File: c3949cbef318842⋯.png (162.23 KB, 792x920, 99:115, c3949cbef3188421f9ba34a141….png)


What's worse, numale or fag?

676297 No.14177376

File: 43450da7e22e1c5⋯.jpg (331.12 KB, 1100x999, 1100:999, original-design-do-not-ste….jpg)

My dad works at nintendo, he just sent me a pic from the second wave of innovative new Labo products being announced later this month.

90bad3 No.14177377

File: 940a9ed8303c854⋯.jpg (156.28 KB, 1198x577, 1198:577, A_FUCKING_BOX.JPG)


1d835a No.14177378

File: ed400da802f95c5⋯.gif (360.43 KB, 125x77, 125:77, 149040146016s.gif)


b6e783 No.14177380


A fag waves his banner, a NuMale infiltrates.

bb1e36 No.14177381


It's actually quite a stretch,one you can actually stick your dick into,the other you cant.

fba78b No.14177383


that is true, they may be mantlets but they aren't soyboys

6fb048 No.14177384


I think we can all agree that gay gimmick toys you build yourself are better than gay gimmick toys made of shitty plastic that crumbles if you get mad at it. The cardboard probably has a better build quality by an order of magnitude.

f50e97 No.14177385


Numales are inherently atrophic.

Fags can at least inspire the improvement of the self.

f19498 No.14177386


It comes with the game, retard.

10 bucks is a little much but still.

3ece85 No.14177388

File: 5a7944fa9ecc7de⋯.jpg (83.1 KB, 2546x625, 2546:625, Pure Maiden.jpg)


I'd rather go full /k/ and stroke my raifu all night and day

a6640e No.14177389

File: d08aa781b5d857f⋯.png (555.48 KB, 1280x1178, 640:589, wariostickers.png)

They sell you the game, and it interacts with cardboard papercraft. This is like lego mindstorm stuff but you dont have to buy a bunch of legos or motors. Why are you guys so worked up about this like it's a humongous blunder? Do you think the cardboard sheets and rubber bands cost a lot?


The kit is ten dollars, that 2nd options is the game. The kit has more plastic mechanical pieces and string, not only cardboard.

a6640e No.14177392



*that 2nd option is the game + kit.

e101ba No.14177394

File: 3052e76a4cd676b⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, FB_IMG_1509313161769.jpg)


>tfw no giantess dominatrix waifu to hold you down and have her way with you while you thank your tall goddess for the daily blessing

fba78b No.14177395


The price is the main issue here.

25a7b0 No.14177396

File: 9cf6a419365953e⋯.png (779.27 KB, 736x805, 32:35, 2018-01-17 19_24_37-Buy no….png)


There are no plastic pieces.

47c667 No.14177398

>>14177333 (nice trips)

He was but it got cancelled. I would assume maybe this and other projects of his ended up being reworked into this.

b6e783 No.14177399


A lot more of that in /monster/'s gigantes thread.


I could buy a truck load of cardboards for that price.

87259d No.14177400

File: 2405fd137b28809⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 1349724431584.jpg)


All the faggots didn't do your due diligence in telling the furfags to fuck off, so now you have to reap what you've sown.

d78ad3 No.14177401

File: 6af9c626bb616ad⋯.jpg (257.76 KB, 925x950, 37:38, 45308.jpg)


I don't even think Sumerians were human. The word Sumer means black-headed or some shit like that.

f50e97 No.14177403


>Getting fucked by the giant woman

>Not fucking the giant woman

An attitude like that gets you no Dragon tail.

5a9262 No.14177404


I think durability is the main issue here. Cardboard won't last for shit even if you're careful with it. They could have given us the exact same concept with sheets of plastic instead that won't tear in half the moment a toddler looks at it wrong.

af04c8 No.14177405


What about a tall waifu that can split into a loli harem? Kekkai Sensen got this idea stuck in my head.

900858 No.14177406

File: 50cf7784bdffd0f⋯.jpg (100 KB, 900x675, 4:3, Dancer of the Boreal Valle….jpg)


Such beings do exist.

6fb048 No.14177407


>the soyboy smile

>the gayboi gape

>the faggot's face

>the numale something something

Help me out here guys.

873a46 No.14177409

File: ff2f671dfea84dc⋯.jpg (266.83 KB, 1024x957, 1024:957, 1.jpg)

File: cb8c8dcc327914e⋯.png (669.3 KB, 639x853, 639:853, 2.png)

File: 1cb70e399019428⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 819x820, 819:820, 3.jpg)

File: d3c85fd166d787b⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 4.jpg)

File: 763957c8c21aedc⋯.jpg (100.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5.jpg)


It just needs an appropriate design idea.

b6e783 No.14177411

File: cda6a41fb6ebab7⋯.jpg (20.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>e word Sumer means black-headed or some shit like that.


42e51b No.14177412


The build quality on that thing is complete ass. Did you use plywood?

Also, ==mother's basement==.

04f0f9 No.14177413


Is it just me, or is something wrong with his neck?

da6d70 No.14177414

File: d2d7f15d5648473⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 194.14 KB, 838x712, 419:356, switch couch co-op.png)


There's not much of this exact design because i didn't draw her enough for there to be much to begin with

62d7c4 No.14177415

File: 5d2950730e9d8e8⋯.png (442.98 KB, 708x803, 708:803, a_box_of_rape.png)


Sorry took me a minute anon.

b5cef4 No.14177416



This literally is Miyamotos robot game. I remember that robot game footage.

d78ad3 No.14177418


The Portuguese do not fuck spiders though, they fuck Capuchin monkeys.

fba78b No.14177419


the numale neotony, it's like they are permanently 15 and suffering infinite puberty

82d61d No.14177422


>the numale's shear grace?

25a7b0 No.14177424


You should shill her more, that's the best design for switch-tan

f19498 No.14177425

File: 92cb72867dae016⋯.png (141 B, 1x1, 1:1, deskutoppo.png)


bb1e36 No.14177427


You are one cool artist and i would kill to be friends with you.

b6e783 No.14177429


They have low-t and yet they are somehow balding. I thought balding was high-t.

900858 No.14177430


Great now I'm going to have to retexture the Minecraft dogs as Switch Bitch.


Then get on it lad. Please.

24cd2e No.14177431

>this sad of a thing

<faggots here cannot even into VRChat

I knew you were all ledditors.

5a9262 No.14177433


Oh fuck, the one from the E3 where they teased Starfox Zero?

f2f0f4 No.14177434

File: 44e14fdc5298eac⋯.png (241.47 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 003be9734c17621⋯.png (120.27 KB, 550x450, 11:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone have these things as a kid? Reminds me of that

I can see this being really popular in Japan. Japs love shit like this

6fb048 No.14177435


I'm really into what you're doing here.



47c667 No.14177436


the very same

a6640e No.14177438


It looks like the game covers every kit.


Is that the Robot kit? In the video, the kid with the backpack and arms connected with string had his pack opened up and it looked like plastic things were sliding up and down when he moved the arms to make the robot punch on-screen.

2aebba No.14177439

File: e351367f3bea65c⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 308x308, 1:1, sindri2.jpg)

f19498 No.14177441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



381c86 No.14177442


Balding from high-T is a genetic defect though.

900858 No.14177443


Balding is caused by T sensitivity in the scalp.

6fb048 No.14177444


Balding is purely genetic. My dad is balding really badly, but all of my uncles on my mom's side still have full heads of hair, even if they're gray as fuck. Consequently, neither I nor my brothers are balding in the slightest.

25a7b0 No.14177447


>Is that the Robot kit?

Yes. It's nothing but paper, string, and rubberbands

b6e783 No.14177448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I see. So balding doesn't make one any manlier. Also, check out this.

3ece85 No.14177449

File: 401a35057860e80⋯.png (357 KB, 397x402, 397:402, Alberto smug.png)


It's true, that's how the first generation of Brazilians were created ebfore we found the natives.


Shit, I'm just glad you delivered, thank you anon

eef76a No.14177452

File: ec98a640aca4487⋯.png (552.38 KB, 480x595, 96:119, 247245.png)

Why didn't the Spanish obliterate the Japanese in the 1600s like they planned?

181e3e No.14177456


All that is missing is "Only Men"

3f99e5 No.14177457

File: 102d7fbba0a347b⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 183x255, 61:85, pop team epic uwu ain't go….jpg)


>Defense of the cardboard in the Youtube comments consists how it's revolutionary revolves mostly on how it's for kids because kids love cardboards right?

The thing is I don't understand why they're defending it because it's aimed for kids when this is actually not a bad idea. Because really I honestly the concept of having a sort of Arduino that you could plant onto anything that fits the type of game. It's cardboard because of how of easily manageable it is to build and accessorize. If they focus on just selling the Labo as an Arduino with some kits that include some cardboard examples and then sell cardboard designs for $15, this could be a good marketing move. I still hate the name Toy-Con. I mean even kids might think this is too kiddy. I remember specifically how kids are pretty self-aware if something seemed too kiddy for them

4d7187 No.14177459


>Where's your proof it's a mini-game collection?

One was called "Variety" and had several of them in a collection, if you check the official page. The only one that is a stand alone game is the robot one which is kinda cool and I've been interested in it since they showed it off as a Wii U game. Not so much now, maybe I'll pirate it someday.

b5cef4 No.14177461


That's the one, shame it's part of an $80 cardboard kit that almost nobody will buy. (I hope)

3ece85 No.14177462

File: 7de8db6461bc704⋯.jpg (376.35 KB, 986x1378, 493:689, Radcorp fighting tourney.jpg)


As long as it has the Nintendo brand people will buy it.

7cf892 No.14177463

File: de540493384a433⋯.png (426.05 KB, 615x687, 205:229, daddy's about to beat it u….png)

I honestly think this is a neat idea for kids and it's going to sell well in spite of the price. It seems expensive for "a video game with some cardboard" but I don't think the price is bad in comparison to other toys and educational gimmicks. I just searched for lego on amazon and there are lego sets that cost over $100 for fuck's sake. The only thing that I'm at all bothered about is having to see numales and "geek girls" parade this shit around social media.

Also this isn't a marketing blunder, just like with the Mini Direct Nintendo is doing this shit on purpose. They know people are anxious for the real Direct with the announcements that fans are actually interested in, and they are taking advantage of that to shill things that would get zero attention otherwise.


Mark's already posted ITT nigger. What does Totodile have to do with him?


Jokes on you, I like the dog too, just in the mood for some bony loli.


Yeah sometimes I wonder if that Sam Hyde joke is right and all dads are into their daughters. The blatantly sexual shit that modern dads let their daughters get away with, not to mention sending them off to the glorified orgy that is college, makes some sense if they're all cucks that fap while imagining their daughters getting plowed.

>i'm so progressive i don't care if my daughter dates a black guy haha it doesn't bother me at all haha


please draw more, her design and your style are very hot

f50e97 No.14177464

File: 1476d83dabe3c16⋯.png (99.77 KB, 212x197, 212:197, 3148d89ffb415ada9a1137c306….png)


>supporting the spanish


>For any reason

bb1e36 No.14177466


Depending on age range kids are a lot more keen to bullshit then most people suspect.

d78ad3 No.14177470


Baldness was seen as a good thing in Sumeria, so maybe it has to do with spider incest in the genes.


The Dutch.

900858 No.14177471

File: e9b2a403f658b39⋯.png (1.31 MB, 731x926, 731:926, bushido bill.png)


>wanting the Jesuits to win

176689 No.14177473


his mom died you asshole

62d7c4 No.14177474

File: 61821ef33dec6c3⋯.gif (995.41 KB, 257x194, 257:194, 1463021176062-0.gif)

3ece85 No.14177477

File: aa25eacbd35d2b1⋯.jpg (319 KB, 821x541, 821:541, The weak should fear the s….jpg)


>Defending the Spics

da6d70 No.14177478

File: 26b330434637529⋯.png (72.93 KB, 522x569, 522:569, switch shock.png)





Well, this is a warmer reception than I thought.

I just stopped posting here altogether due to reasons some time ago and someone told me my art is being posted here

a3c8a8 No.14177479

File: 4adbf13ddecf1ca⋯.png (9.16 KB, 470x495, 94:99, wew lad.png)


>We've come to the age where people are defending 80 dollar boxes

381c86 No.14177481


Also, it's not like low-t is their only trouble, you need balanced nutrition on general, you can't just go to a black market dealer, buy test and bam all problems solved

they eat trash and become trash subhumans

3a59b4 No.14177487


Friend of mine tried to defend the cardboard by saying it is better than R.O.B.

R.O.B. was shit but worth well more than the cardboard.

04f0f9 No.14177491

File: 6da265508dd04a6⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 780x585, 4:3, 1442632417568.jpg)


This, Nintendo is living off old glory and their fanatic fanbase only rivalled by Sonyfags.

In fact, the latter has been largely quiet these last two years.

8f13b1 No.14177492

File: 8c35cefd5210711⋯.jpg (206.56 KB, 800x800, 1:1, star wnrs.jpg)

In concept I would be willing to defend a cardboard peripheral based business strategy. There is nothing wrong in theory with a team making software that works around a peripheral and fully utilizes the technology within the console itself and including the design manual in-game at no additional cost. The problem is when you sell the cardboard and supplies at extreme markup.

Hopefully some enterprising company makes a Lepin-tier knockoff version for $5 a pop.


It's meant to cash in on adult children who want to get high and play with cardboard because muh creativity while stoned.

676297 No.14177493


>Mark's already posted ITT nigger. What does Totodile have to do with him?

Totodile is his pokewaifu

873a46 No.14177495

File: 42c3df2ce2b54fa⋯.png (416.32 KB, 615x687, 205:229, de540493384a4333a9e6a39a0f….png)

ebb00c No.14177497


Get better friends anon.

3efb84 No.14177498


Unappreciated post.


What about the eyelets? I would assume the string would run through them (and would prevent string on cardboard friction damage)


And reflective tape so the infrared camera can read any of the moving cardboard pieces.

3a59b4 No.14177499


Thinking about it.

b6e783 No.14177500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That makes sense. They need to go keto and work out.

bb1e36 No.14177502


Well,do more if you can

940db9 No.14177503

56a4f3 No.14177505

There was a VR setup in the robot kit, right? That might be interesting, it means it's an endorsed game type now.

a3c8a8 No.14177506


What happened if I may ask

62d7c4 No.14177507

File: 51a953e9f4ad73d⋯.gif (1014.7 KB, 460x266, 230:133, f7e1065c746c314e647f825a0c….gif)


>Defending a cardboard box

bb1e36 No.14177510


You see that new video he uploaded?

was pretty good

1d079a No.14177512

Please stop posting pozzed nintendo shit on this board. Thank you.

8f13b1 No.14177513


What part of "If they focus on just selling the Labo as an Arduino with some kits that include some cardboard examples and then sell cardboard designs for $15, this could be a good marketing move" is defending $80 boxes? And who are you quoting?

a98c0b No.14177514


To be fair, it looks like a very professionaly packaged cardboard box.

b5cef4 No.14177516


No, but as part of the robot kit you have a joycon strapped to your head to track head movement. It looks fucking retarded.

dc0bf7 No.14177517

File: 11e98fd4a6497a2⋯.mp4 (486.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, TV Throw.mp4)


>have giantess fetish

>reverse image-search photo

>she's shorter than me


99944c No.14177519

File: 0243e402d7af369⋯.jpg (70.06 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, DTx1fguVwAY2lVA.jpg)

It just keeps getting worse

6f49e7 No.14177520


Ninty wouldn't make something as open as that, though. I'd love for an arduino based creative platform - something like Lego Mindstorms with more open potential (and lower price), but it's Nintendo after all.

Even creating Mario Maker maps is a hassle, I don't think the Labo sets will allow for 'going out of the intended design'. You HAVE to assemble the cardboard as shown, and the Toybox cartridge only lets you do THESE things - nothing else. There might be a barebones Scratch-esque system but no real coding - Ninty is afraid of dem exploits, after all.

However, I can see the homebrew scene getting some creative Labo-ish ideas, now that the Switch is indeed hackable.

>Taiko set

>Sports type controllers (like all those wii addons)

>Mecha game controller like Steel Battalion (the video showed a flight-stick like system with a joycon - could work…)

>Waifu games

940db9 No.14177521

File: 96814b19dcf4606⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 712x378, 356:189, box.jpg)

Calling it now:

These things are going to be magnets for pets. Expect photos of normie's dogs and cats destroying these.

bb1e36 No.14177522


Man how fucking tell are you.

e59221 No.14177523

File: c3ea9c8055db8ed⋯.jpg (258.02 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 1397999368252.jpg)


What the fuck is going on?

>Release date 4/20


ec7542 No.14177528


Even if the game is $60, cardboard shouldn't cost over $5.

da6d70 No.14177530

File: 21cd62ee7855f9f⋯.png (150.97 KB, 496x374, 248:187, painwheel color smol.png)


I probably will, daily draws tend to wring me dry of ideas.


Too lazy to deal with proxies, favorite boards dead or infested with literal cancer.

3ece85 No.14177534

File: a2e516576af6768⋯.webm (5.7 MB, 640x480, 4:3, The state of cuckchan.webm)


>the latter has been largely quiet these last two years.

You can't possibly be serious

7cf892 No.14177535

File: ab75b13967f60ab⋯.jpg (32.77 KB, 511x406, 73:58, headpat.jpg)


Those who draw lolis are always welcome here.

bb1e36 No.14177537


I'm serious about that friend thing,drop me a disagreement or steam over this shit if you're up to it


758338 No.14177538


DHT, which is a more powerful androgen than test, makes one more susceptible to balding though. A lot of it has to do with how sensitive the receptors in your body are. Nu males might have high sensitivity in their hair follicles but low sensitivity in their muscles. Taking into account lack of exercise, sensitivity to xenoestrogens which the effect of making your accumulate fat and you've explained the nu-male phenomena



Unless you're a genetic freak it's working out while on keto won't bring you any gains since you're limited on proteins.

5c290d No.14177539

File: 331207da8faf92e⋯.jpg (13.76 KB, 222x253, 222:253, 1468518814735.jpg)


>step on your nintendo cardboard

>$70 down the drain

sure you can just carve out a new one from an amazon box but I imagine most kids wouldnt bother

b6e783 No.14177541

File: 9db0e4e59e3f206⋯.png (235.56 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 9db0e4e59e3f206fa9ce1b64fe….png)

File: ac44e360900eedb⋯.png (57.17 KB, 930x350, 93:35, ac44e360900eedb4fd4f68206d….png)

File: 2e664b49a19cad0⋯.jpg (234.78 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 2e664b49a19cad07cc38e1a772….jpg)

File: d123f86e6fa1c72⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 341x547, 341:547, dacffad87c80daa6f0dea343f3….jpg)

File: 0c5402c1dec2b2e⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 667x667, 1:1, 0c5402c1dec2b2e7ff333dc354….jpg)

99427e No.14177545

> a fucking box

56a4f3 No.14177547


How the fuck do you see where you are then? I guess they do show a big TV but that's not as cool.

842eb9 No.14177548

Is this how a company completely eradicates its reputation in the span of a day?

I'm looking around outside /v/. There are about ten people defending this and MILLIONS making fun of it.

That's it, Nintendo's dead. There's no recovering from this. Even if they just up and cancelled it, I doubt people are going to forget this.

bb1e36 No.14177553


>reverse rape blackmail lolis

this is a good fetish,i like this,this is mine now

6fb048 No.14177554


They're defending a 50-60 dollar game with 20-30 dollars worth of cardboard attached to it.

25a7b0 No.14177555

File: a21cde17804ffdc⋯.png (59.11 KB, 413x403, 413:403, 27fa3633c00725d878290958e4….png)


>locking a loli out

b6e783 No.14177556

File: 7555784118c4db6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 540.41 KB, 1000x1412, 250:353, bdba7843e40bb4705b1340ef5f….jpg)


>Reverse rape

It's still just called rape.

25a7b0 No.14177559


>20-30 dollars worth of cardboard

It comes with maximum $1 of cardboard.

da6d70 No.14177563

File: 78a8b7309f93d99⋯.png (39.03 KB, 538x592, 269:296, щито 2.png)


Not according to /loli/ staff who outright decided to ban "western" lolis.


You better like warframe then.

3f99e5 No.14177565


>Switch is hacked

>Allowing for an actual Arduino with coding and shit

>Now we have a legit Raspberry Pi emulator.

I remember someone joking how Nintendo would announce a licensed emulator but here we are.

cd05e0 No.14177568

File: 6eb84c1a22d71a0⋯.png (8 KB, 429x410, 429:410, yes.png)


>be a huge origami, sewing & crafts fag

>see this, it combines two of my favorite things

I'm legitimately excited for this. I'll tell you why.

>cardboard for patterning

>can use the dimensions for 3D printing

>can create and sell my own peripherals for my device

>that pedal

>mfw thinking of a game that lets me sew and knit things

I know I'm going to get bullied for defending cardboard, but putting together my favorite hobbies makes me so happy.

b6e783 No.14177569

File: 2615541c4005afd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 247.53 KB, 620x877, 620:877, 2615541c4005afd38aedcbaca1….jpg)

File: 7b7845fa824bc02⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 346.42 KB, 997x1520, 997:1520, 7b7845fa824bc02fc710464a6c….png)

File: 52d569f582cbc4a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 156.42 KB, 614x653, 614:653, c7c8580715bb09afd1158aef74….png)


They said they ban things that aren't in anime style. Images related are recently from the drawthread.

3ece85 No.14177570

File: baad46fd8d4b8ac⋯.jpg (152.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mugabe.jpg)


>Not according to /loli/ staff who outright decided to ban "western" lolis.

What a bunch of niggers

What's their stance on Hoshime for example?

Is anything not Japanese "Western"?

6fb048 No.14177571


>ban "western" lolis

It baffles me that weebscum fucking drools over shitty Jap art but loses their fucking mind over Western art of any quality, shitty or otherwise.

25a7b0 No.14177574

File: 38657da4385bb20⋯.jpg (55.63 KB, 413x570, 413:570, 1447020572590.jpg)


And now /loli/ is dead

bb1e36 No.14177575


for tagging purposes of course


i dont mind it

8f13b1 No.14177576


Gains are not the purpose of keto and you certainly won't be short on protein. The issue is that eating at a defecit kills gains but is also the only way to lose fat (unless you're working on noob gains). Body recomp and IF are what you should be looking at for gains and fat loss.

8957c2 No.14177577

File: 32998963229adcf⋯.jpg (88.43 KB, 900x506, 450:253, smug yukari.jpg)


>have long hair

>it's thinner than my will to live

How the fuck do you even manage? If I don't get a haircut at least once a month, I end up looking like my waifu. How does he manage to look like that much of a ratboy?

6fb048 No.14177578


>be a huge origami, sewing & crafts fag

Oh fuck, please be in London.

ec0758 No.14177580


>people who like loli are niggers

who would have thought.

4147ff No.14177581

62d7c4 No.14177583

File: 0bf8a4b73bd35ee⋯.gif (439.47 KB, 359x371, 359:371, 0bf8a4b73bd35ee356c016a213….gif)


>I know I'm going to get bullied

873a46 No.14177585


If you knew anything about life you wouldn't love this fetish. This is how all the bitches become sluts for life. By exploiting older men for sex.

957573 No.14177586


kill yourself

ec0758 No.14177588


Receding hairlines.

015b46 No.14177591


>cardboard fleshlight 2.jpg

Where's 1?



every time

25a7b0 No.14177593


>comparing 2d and 3d

Your fault for thinking 3D is anything but PD

900858 No.14177594

File: 2c157a519eeac5f⋯.png (40.11 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1503259912978.png)


That's why we have /delicious/ now.

a3c8a8 No.14177595

File: 70fb67225891d24⋯.png (200.49 KB, 1024x1307, 1024:1307, toppo__2__facudibuja_by_fa….png)



but seriously, I second this notion. We may not be a loli board, however I think we can agree that loli's are pure innocent creatures that should be allowed on the board. Remember though, loli's are for patting, not fapping.

2D only though

3DPD is fucking gay.

bb1e36 No.14177596


good thing im talking 2d

3ece85 No.14177597

File: a2ffd993559062e⋯.jpg (88.35 KB, 1524x1412, 381:353, 4cuck users.jpg)

d3794b No.14177598

File: 6e223cbeddb6e57⋯.gif (938.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, laffing.gif)


>Anons take the piss out of a silly peripheral


a9c938 No.14177603

File: 544254effb13b65⋯.gif (620.99 KB, 287x400, 287:400, animushake.gif)


<people implying defending the box is bad

it all depends on if the games are fun (and if they require the box) tbh. If the box is absolutely required then its fucked. If the games are just casual shovelware then its fucked. Alot of ways this is not worth it, but I do think in theory its a cool idea.


>peeh peeh the facebook frog

get out!

617afd No.14177604

File: 2dcb9731d4039dd⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Oh no... Not Again!! Exten….mp4)




f50e97 No.14177605


nigga you're blowing this way out of proportion, if this flops they literally can just stop printed cardboard and make regular software and leave like the templates online or some shit.

Financially this is ridiculously fucking safe.

ec0758 No.14177606


>facebook frog

How dare you insult KEK?

25a7b0 No.14177608

File: 4d06fa200005140⋯.png (675.31 KB, 1245x728, 1245:728, 1b2465e78b629966c1bc639c7b….png)


>loli's are for patting, not fapping

Why would you lie on the internet?

dc0bf7 No.14177609

File: 2e4b047e38fc2ee⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1447825081789.jpg)


2.09 metres, or just over 6'10".

bb1e36 No.14177610


interesting how much bkub has blown up

3ece85 No.14177613

File: 5a0c7dcbf212013⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Alberto.jpg)


83% Catholic too

3868cd No.14177615

this is why sony is winning the generation

a3c8a8 No.14177616

File: 06d871d3ad4c510⋯.png (283.05 KB, 603x686, 603:686, 2dd90e9f69e3b6fb4ac583379b….png)


Dude I like Nintendo myself, but there's no defending this.


Just put an Apple logo or a Nintendo logo on a dildo and I bet you'll defend that too.

>b-but it's for females

>It's only 80 dollars what are you poor?

>muh brand recognition

5a9262 No.14177618

File: 4a7282b6b889869⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 428x510, 214:255, 1257361844522.jpg)


How the fuck is the weather up there?

758338 No.14177619


Yeah the PS4 and it's two games blow everything out of the water this gen.

a9c938 No.14177623

File: 23c34f5d505542c⋯.jpg (115.05 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, kekistani_2.jpg)


>le kekistani

reported for being a sodomite

3ece85 No.14177624

File: 0019db368416dab⋯.png (227.6 KB, 302x363, 302:363, Shit eating grin.PNG)


>2.10 meters

>Giantess fetish

You poor sod, at least she won't have to bend over to deliver some suction.

7cf892 No.14177625

File: 9c8c3709576a490⋯.png (188.08 KB, 892x1011, 892:1011, for western audiences.png)


I thought that might have been why. Yeah, it fucking blows. /loli/ was taken over by one of the goons from /a/ (Tewi, same guy that does the rabbit rabbit threads) and he drove it right into the ground and even deleted OC that is now lost forever.

I dunno if it's your thing but the western community moved to >>>/delicious/. I'm pretty sure they will accept you, but otherwise just post in /v/'s draw threads, there are plenty of loli lovers here.

62d7c4 No.14177626

File: 33daf4668fbd565⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Mark is a real human bean.mp4)

File: f899523c709b370⋯.gif (1.18 KB, 1x1, 1:1, ..gif)

de2380 No.14177627


>Remember though, loli's are for patting, not fapping

Do you seriously think you can invite lolis and not attract lolicons? You may as well invite furries and expect the board to be free of furfags. Pedo vermin are drawn to lolis like maggots to rancid meat.

669be4 No.14177628


And you faggots thought fucking amibos were retarded hahahaha holy shit look at this.

bb1e36 No.14177629


you made me chuckle ya cunt

8c3c37 No.14177632

File: ef80ecbfb0b28a6⋯.jpg (39.71 KB, 500x625, 4:5, problematic isabl.jpg)



>on MY board?

It's more likely than you think

3ece85 No.14177634

File: 8625ed46ed33c63⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 958x960, 479:480, Double Poison.jpg)


Describes the board perfectly actually


>Facebook frog


a3c8a8 No.14177635

File: 8308fb96138b955⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 1410x985, 282:197, 0f74540223d3db6dd490f2f90e….jpg)


>comparing loli's to furfags

I'm not welcoming them, they've always been here.

f50e97 No.14177636

File: 0e8ded1aa527150⋯.jpeg (15.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2311232134.jpeg)


From one big guy to you, I know your pain

Put on earth with tall girl fetish, doomed to be taller than all girls I know

b6e783 No.14177641

File: 9e424f24dd764ba⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 700x800, 7:8, Girl Dick.jpg)


Is it gay to kiss a girl's dick that also happens to be a girl?

3ece85 No.14177642

File: 44bbd3d7a1daec9⋯.mp4 (316.48 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Putin Laughing.mp4)


>Sony is winning


a3c8a8 No.14177643

File: b3942a3d049938a⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1191x1985, 3:5, 20171217_032206.jpg)


>sexualing the loli


f19f1a No.14177645

File: 28392b2e9734521⋯.jpg (20.23 KB, 325x394, 325:394, 28392b2e97345219a6e80eb6ce….jpg)


Same here. Although I'm 6' 2" so that leaves me with some sliver of hope.

a30ca9 No.14177648

File: 04ae9be338f638c⋯.png (31.78 KB, 1166x960, 583:480, nu male biology.png)

de2380 No.14177650


I was comparing lolicons to furfags, and yes, they are comparable. Frankly lolicons are if anything worse than furfags.

758338 No.14177651

25a7b0 No.14177653


/delicious/ allows all styles.

873a46 No.14177654




I wish i had your problems.

62d7c4 No.14177655

File: 10a7ac3e42b9994⋯.webm (4.25 MB, 1056x588, 88:49, MarkREEEEEEEE.webm)


>le kekistani

Not knowing the difference.

Reported for being d&c kike

3ece85 No.14177656

File: b6025d92821aa84⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 793x794, 793:794, b6025d92821aa84210f81f1aab….jpg)


Fuckoff goon

669be4 No.14177657



You realized with WNBA's non-existent fanbase you two basically just doxed yourselves.

015b46 No.14177658

File: e1c88d93abe0efc⋯.gif (637.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, I swear one of you autisti….gif)


furry > loli

2b67c4 No.14177659

File: 459ceaad430ad0b⋯.jpg (370.51 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, wanyear.jpg)


Is this furry? Asking for a friend.

a3c8a8 No.14177660

File: 8478af5bdb6954c⋯.png (805.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_3758.PNG)

25a7b0 No.14177663


If it has a snout, get the fuck out

394c2f No.14177664

File: 014a791cf9dcba8⋯.png (98.2 KB, 214x380, 107:190, romantic.png)


>Not according to /loli/ staff who outright decided to ban "western" lolis.

you fucking kidding me? they banned western lolis? so we cant talk about UAB? what a goddamn faggot

da6d70 No.14177666

File: ce3dd0a9c648341⋯.png (304.2 KB, 628x668, 157:167, tohru lmao 2.png)




>tfw 6'5" and into smaller women

nevermind the fact that being tall actually sucks because the world is built for manlets

a3c8a8 No.14177668

8c3c37 No.14177670

File: bc1824be2088cb1⋯.png (1019.84 KB, 1600x1092, 400:273, bc1824be2088cb130530a41f87….png)

a3c8a8 No.14177671


/v/ is still a vidya board, so keep it vidya

fba78b No.14177674


That's why polt is allowed, right furfag?

3868cd No.14177676


the sad part it does, and even though you only know two games it's still selling better than everything else and is on its way to becoming one of the best selling consoles of all time.

b6e783 No.14177678

File: 51650234a3e2dd5⋯.jpg (869.98 KB, 1906x3021, 1906:3021, Lucoa.jpg)


Great to see /monster/ here.


Where have you been.


Never gets old.

7cf892 No.14177679

File: 945da5c8a770b37⋯.png (110.31 KB, 537x585, 179:195, Muh Snouts.png)

3ece85 No.14177683

File: 24782fec47e99b7⋯.png (520.31 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, Twig Slut.png)




Literally nothing wrong with yiff as long as you don't touch the aids ridden "community" and "culture"

25a7b0 No.14177684

File: 5741eea52ec8645⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 845x601, 845:601, 5741eea52ec86455011698bc09….jpg)

9fd7dd No.14177685



>ever not furry

900858 No.14177686


>so we cant talk about UAB?

Nope. Is there any wonder why /loli/ is dying and /delicious/ is growing.


UAB is vidya though.

a3c8a8 No.14177687

File: b76a739329802c9⋯.jpg (225.29 KB, 1252x843, 1252:843, d34d14684e3a330cf81462d09b….jpg)

>The thread is now loli vs furries

What have I done?

015b46 No.14177688

File: 8454b3c4281ee05⋯.jpg (297.44 KB, 801x2048, 801:2048, monster.jpg)

a3c8a8 No.14177690


yes, it is.

0b735a No.14177691


Can we please get a snap-on futa trap version?

ae7dfd No.14177693

File: 7accfcbea21a7f1⋯.png (138.67 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Is it furry.png)



>You will never be too retarded to understand this


It is time to start over fat kike.

a5f962 No.14177694

File: 10a19d18a1d3a72⋯.jpg (71.81 KB, 600x800, 3:4, PM1.jpg)


>literally nothing wrong with sexual deviancy unless you're indoctrinated into the only groups that will accept their degeneracy

uh huh

5a6a3e No.14177695

File: 845773c170de67a⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 288x447, 96:149, 1493418847976.jpg)

5a9262 No.14177697

File: 48ae34940b8ea0d⋯.jpg (11.57 KB, 300x318, 50:53, 1238345475722.jpg)


>literally nothing wrong with yiff as long as you avoid everything about it and pretend not to like it


842eb9 No.14177698


Monsterfags should just admit they're furfags and be done with it. It's not like anyone's gonna care, /v/'s chock full of degenerates already.

2c90f5 No.14177699


>a friend

This is your fault, and you are as subhuman as he is.

676297 No.14177705


There's no difference between annoying lolicons who shit up threads with loli smut and annoying furfags who shit up threads with furry smut. Neither one is as bad as the faggots who try derailing good threads to bitch about loli or furry because one person posted an anime girl or an anthro, though. Fuck those guys especially.

304461 No.14177706


This is /v/. Not hating something or taking worse assumption especially from Nintendo makes you a shill. They could have at least go for corrugated plastic.

Has anyone made a joke relating to Ouya-chan? Like Switch-chan sitting in an expensive looking cardboard box next to her?

de2380 No.14177707

File: 7a534401ef4374b⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1413x863, 1413:863, smug anime face 26.png)


>Literally nothing wrong with yiff


I tried to warn you you dumb bastard.

c4052f No.14177708

File: 83ee5490524e49d⋯.gif (466.96 KB, 606x423, 202:141, 83ee5490524e49dfec47e436da….gif)


You didn't ban the A.I that's what, you cake eating kike.

b6e783 No.14177709

File: 8721fc3e1452196⋯.jpg (280.33 KB, 850x1189, 850:1189, 2217b807a46e20ad132daa1c8c….jpg)

File: 7521d735ee87a54⋯.jpg (131.3 KB, 850x401, 850:401, 92d804d8bf363a70d00e42fd29….jpg)

File: daca6d5989f71b3⋯.jpg (266.78 KB, 850x1182, 425:591, dc8b8289c98cc2e29fb6541c96….jpg)

File: 854ebf92603f761⋯.png (824.97 KB, 982x1500, 491:750, 72484d96defed36bd9d6cbb21a….png)




>Elf-san wa yaserarenai.

These are considered monster girls there.

da6d70 No.14177710

File: a5676a36690a979⋯.png (506.9 KB, 574x557, 574:557, warptony memetano.PNG)


I'm not against it but I kinda ran out of talking topics back on release because anne-marie is best girl


You can solve that by killing yourself

f2187f No.14177712

File: 8ed87ed3936f54a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 781.1 KB, 1212x1800, 101:150, Sparrow-567998-OUYA_2.jpg)

2b67c4 No.14177713


It's your fault for being a furry tbh.

8c3c37 No.14177715

File: d752b58e2b1ca7b⋯.png (250.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1464555327203.png)


>saging a sticky

buttmad furry detected

f50e97 No.14177716


You don't, you really don't when you're this tall your options are severely crippled


You dug your own grave

6386b8 No.14177719

File: 08a527f52666eaf⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, lookatmeanddespair.png)


even the dog knows his owner is a fucking insane.

3ece85 No.14177721

File: 3afa5cef6ad2cbb⋯.jpg (281.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Frogged.jpg)


Still less autistic than Nasus writing and lore Kikeboy

900858 No.14177723


Well unless we send Nintendo a letter telling them to at least use plastic or to make Switch v2 an actual android dog I'm not sure what more we can talk about Danbotendo right now.

a3c8a8 No.14177727



b76f79 No.14177728

File: dc7a8a49cf61842⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 500x387, 500:387, 1495543145076.jpg)

I'm speechless.

4da74f No.14177729

Yeah but what gundam pilot is the head of the peripheral divison?

b6e783 No.14177731


It all started with a fucking Switch Dog.

015b46 No.14177732


Those don't have snouts if you draw them in 2D and look at them face on though

8c3c37 No.14177733

File: 0faf41ad25c8bae⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 7dfaee288a266adb4f5e341649….jpg)



cb5887 No.14177734


post more fucks goatboy I bet you won't

62d7c4 No.14177736

File: 1ce0c99f27e59fb⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 1466049310132.gif)



957573 No.14177737


Might as well while you're at it. Who likes threads on the right track anyway.


900858 No.14177738



263b2f No.14177740

This thread was fun while it lasted. Back to video games.

fba78b No.14177741


I like monstergirls but your BO allows furshit. Quit denying it.

5a6a3e No.14177742

File: d2232c5ea3a7782⋯.jpg (110.21 KB, 952x716, 238:179, Dawn of the first WHY.jpg)

3ece85 No.14177743

File: 4d0f44bf1752ef9⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 313x680, 313:680, THe OG Time is Up.jpg)


Literally nothing wrong with kemono

304461 No.14177744


Not the Ouya joke that I expected but still funny.

263b2f No.14177745

File: f499c9902096ac9⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 755x1057, 5:7, mogu_mogu____kana__by_dark….jpg)

The get is coming…

a3c8a8 No.14177748

unstickying now

d78ad3 No.14177754

File: 8864b29082aac69⋯.jpg (104.37 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, Varg.jpg)


Stop posting cats.

5a1e75 No.14177755


>makes some sense if they're all cucks that fap while imagining their daughters getting plowed

This is why I will never have kids, let alone a daughter. It was way too much with my sister to go with that shit again. I wonder how modern dads feel when they see their daughter nudes.

dc0bf7 No.14177756

File: c97b21231171cfc⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 400x273, 400:273, LetMeTellYouSomething.jpg)


It's pretty shitty most of the time, but knowing that you manlets respire my farts just warms the cockles of my heart enough to make this lonely existence in the stratosphere bearable.


One day, brother.


You don't want to be my height. It certainly has advantages, but I'm not a social butterfly. It's also a lot more difficult to get the aesthetic benefits of exercise.

3ece85 No.14177757

File: f69938336e024c7⋯.png (56.95 KB, 245x375, 49:75, Jihad John wins the tourne….png)

01ec67 No.14177758

File: 267dc7c29ad2014⋯.jpg (89.89 KB, 703x768, 703:768, new_game_smug25.jpg)

>manchildren and manchildren at heart

8c3c37 No.14177761


stop posting larpagans

a3c8a8 No.14177765

cb5887 No.14177769


thank you for this delivery of goat

b6e783 No.14177771

File: f10c8739470efcd⋯.png (415.31 KB, 1024x850, 512:425, 9fd21b14b497deaad120420490….png)


Thing is that the kemono I posted are from monster girl mangas from different monster girl artists and are considered monster girls. /monster/ is still denying that Polt is kemono. Not all monster girls are furshit, but not all furshit are monster girls. But furshit based off myth and fantasy are monster girls and are anime kemono.

957573 No.14177772


don't stop

abb5de No.14177773

File: d529da12d092940⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 247.23 KB, 1573x883, 1573:883, 1334461323082.jpg)


fba78b No.14177774


Except the fact that it's furshit.

c4052f No.14177776

File: c7d8405cb0a90f3⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 270x262, 135:131, c7d8405cb0a90f38abd84fe333….gif)


inb4 the A.I got it

5a6a3e No.14177777

File: f0229153114662a⋯.gif (443.74 KB, 115x125, 23:25, slowpoke.gif)

Holy shit guys, have you heard how much the PS3 is going to cost? $599 is absolutely ridiculous.

9fd7dd No.14177779

File: 9215be6259b3fbf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1013.8 KB, 1200x1063, 1200:1063, snek2.png)

thicc snake get

25a7b0 No.14177780


957573 No.14177781


>one off


015b46 No.14177782

File: 66604c9d892a03c⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 912x496, 57:31, switchdog.jpg)


repeating numbers

957573 No.14177783

263b2f No.14177784

File: 9364234c50136e7⋯.png (755.37 KB, 1300x1080, 65:54, e841182a08d5a51eb1d964fb97….png)



25a7b0 No.14177785


She is furry, she has a snout

dc0bf7 No.14177786


Son of a bitch

e53703 No.14177788



7cf892 No.14177790

File: 779f29d4c31065b⋯.png (885.93 KB, 762x618, 127:103, all you do is disappoint m….png)

62d7c4 No.14177794

File: 0a22812624dd5a5⋯.gif (984.38 KB, 500x200, 5:2, 7287b2300af57776a83975fd4b….gif)

b6e783 No.14177796


She's a kemono type monster girl.

8c3c37 No.14177798

File: 1e8e75649e64e5d⋯.jpg (191.76 KB, 830x623, 830:623, 20160513_232747.jpg)



c4052f No.14177801

File: 0cf6f4985cd17b4⋯.gif (4.77 MB, 320x234, 160:117, 0cf6f4985cd17b40a16f2b300a….gif)


Nice get even if offtopic.


It's mocking us, is it not?

74c095 No.14177802

File: daa0c78c69919f1⋯.webm (834.25 KB, 708x803, 708:803, 40 pound box of rape.webm)

f2f0f4 No.14177803

File: 7346fa3f652e70c⋯.gif (15.42 KB, 192x100, 48:25, EXCELLENT.gif)


nice nummers

9fd7dd No.14177805


>She's a furry type monster girl.

cb5887 No.14177808

File: ebd0d65ca647a3e⋯.png (70.82 KB, 354x270, 59:45, Graph.png)



d78ad3 No.14177809

File: 6db9bab89108138⋯.jpg (87.76 KB, 580x1306, 290:653, gilgameshpicture.jpg)

b6e783 No.14177812

File: eb7592d6ce95c69⋯.jpg (181.74 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CP8IPdcXAAAHqgf.jpg)


Tomato tamato. Kemono is the anime variant of furry.

015b46 No.14177814


Kemono is the jap term for furshit.

a30ca9 No.14177815

File: b4e5ade1c10eb8f⋯.gif (125.67 KB, 800x371, 800:371, soy'd.gif)


62d7c4 No.14177817

File: 5ebe0b9fcba5268⋯.gif (489.26 KB, 500x290, 50:29, 489826523.gif)

d3794b No.14177818


Aren't humans usually hardwired to not want to fuck their immediate family?

025d46 No.14177819

File: 12eec6c21911407⋯.png (64.24 KB, 185x189, 185:189, jesus christ.PNG)

b6e783 No.14177820

File: 980160c8f399895⋯.jpg (544.8 KB, 1489x2048, 1489:2048, rev0Q70.jpg)


As I already said >>14177812

4da74f No.14177823


Heero it is then

f2f0f4 No.14177824



>stale as fuck

3ece85 No.14177827

File: 1566f739a1a0365⋯.jpeg (9.57 KB, 339x339, 1:1, Chad Papi.jpeg)

>>>14177777 (checked)

Only 599 US dollahs?

Shiiieeeet, Sony has the best prices niggah

b5cef4 No.14177829


But can it play PS2 games?

3ece85 No.14177831

File: b7a510da56226dd⋯.mp4 (446.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, QUARK .mp4)

1d835a No.14177832

File: 72f5ea55a541d8f⋯.gif (446.5 KB, 240x180, 4:3, 1415684905651.gif)

File: bf933a4a57723a2⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 290x189, 290:189, 1415841537337.gif)

File: 31f20ea639dd92e⋯.jpg (9.51 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 1416349576616-0.jpg)

015b46 No.14177834


3 seconds before I did.

My post was better anyway

5a6a3e No.14177835

File: 1de742f9bb31205⋯.jpg (6.04 KB, 251x189, 251:189, laffy the hedgerabbit.jpg)

900858 No.14177837



This has been a good thread.

b6e783 No.14177842

Well, the Switch is outselling the PS4. Predictions on the future of the industry?

a30ca9 No.14177846

File: bcb7ee90c765a67⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 654x322, 327:161, pjxnuf3ezfnuknlgipdg.jpg)


>red rump manbaby

fba78b No.14177849


All predictions are cancer.

346612 No.14177850

File: a005a24e70e2985⋯.png (605.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, toosakainsideachest.png)

If you think about it we're all inside a box

45c038 No.14177851


I wouldn't want to fuck a girl who I've raised from a bratty whiny baby, wiped her shitty ass, cleaned up her vomit, dealt with her temper tantrums (and also shares like fuckin half of my dna).

If you have a desire to fuck your siblings/children, you probably are a virgin.

f8e833 No.14177852

I wonder what Quentin would have done if Nintendo came out with this back then. Lord knows he would have a field day with the soyboy grimace meme.


Fuckin ace

01ec67 No.14177853

File: 87572e0980fcc4f⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 1025x598, 1025:598, shutterstock_132795515-cro….jpg)


right here

c4052f No.14177854

File: 6c601389e9deea0⋯.webm (315.14 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 6c601389e9deea01056b766f7….webm)

f2f0f4 No.14177857


The Switch being a portable guarantees that Nintendo will dominate the Nip market for this gen


>b-b-but I spent all that effort making my little funny gif!!!

900858 No.14177861

File: c39f6bb5a0c4674⋯.png (457.34 KB, 457x664, 457:664, Illuminati Card Game - Int….png)

25a7b0 No.14177864

File: e424e9b4af74f7b⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 824x1080, 103:135, e424e9b4af74f7b7b8e9419afd….jpg)


Why would you do that to best girl?

3868cd No.14177866


>Well, the Switch is outselling the PS4.

no it's not. it's got to sell 60 million more units to surpass where the PS4 is at now. By the time it gets there the ps4 will be another 40 million ahead.

c4052f No.14177870


It's a prediction of the future of the industry. Vidya gets thrown into the garbage.

b6e783 No.14177871

File: ec372dadbb93350⋯.jpg (198.91 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 8a5d2403613958d⋯.jpg (230.44 KB, 850x1239, 850:1239, __blanc_neptune_series_dra….jpg)

File: ae83f7c35f7db61⋯.png (741.15 KB, 1000x671, 1000:671, l9qUELo.png)


He read too much doujins, onii-chan.

dc0bf7 No.14177873

File: 2b8188a23b26e51⋯.png (369.47 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1304786764809.png)



62d0ad No.14177876

File: 211518956a3e0c2⋯.gif (2.38 MB, 220x392, 55:98, 211518956a3e0c2174f8450f78….gif)

3f99e5 No.14177877

>It's going to teach kids how to do robotics

<Cool it's like Arduino with the cardboard as the shell.

>Heard from somewhere that the software to connect the Switch to the cardboard is done by reflective stickers.

>Literally licensed.

I hope this isn't true. Because I still really love the concept of designing your game setup with manageable resources. I wouldn't mind spending some money on some licensed designs for the cardboard as long as it's possible that I can use anything lying around to build my own controller.

621555 No.14177878

File: 68933bc776b9f47⋯.jpg (306.92 KB, 800x700, 8:7, 642b374d5d7ad588bf3d6daa82….jpg)


Did you know the jp voice actress for Blanc also did the voice of Chocolat Gelato?

a8fd8a No.14177881


So the idea is that it's a series of accessories made out of cardboard

f2f0f4 No.14177882

File: 84a7752937967b6⋯.png (20.99 KB, 1101x152, 1101:152, ClipboardImage.png)


He was talking about current rates of sale

Don't you have some Bloodborne to replay fam

7cf892 No.14177885


There is the westermarck effect, causing most people to not be attracted to people they are raised around in their first few years. There's a chinese custom (shim-pua marriage) where parents would adopt a future wife for their newborn son, and the same effect usually caused the two to not be attracted to each other in adulthood. But that only applies to the kids, there isn't anything necessarily preventing a dad from wanting to bone his daughter, and usually cousins are far more attracted to each other than they are with the general population.

I think the greater effect other than taboo is what >>14177851 mentions. Taking care of some brat or having to deal with your annoying sister in her natural state tends to make it impossible to see them sexually.

b5cef4 No.14177888


Never ever.

28deab No.14177889

>Nintendo Switch comes out

>Legion of Zimbabwe: BTFO

>Kart 8 Complete


>Xenoblade 2


So this… is the power…

3868cd No.14177890


the current rate of sale doesn't really matter very much. It's only on track to surpass the xbone which wouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

b6e783 No.14177891


I did not know that and I don't know who Chocolat is.

25a7b0 No.14177892

a8fd8a No.14177893


If you can justify paying $70 for software to yourself then of course you can justify paying $70 for cardboard to yourself. Not an argument.

7cf892 No.14177894

File: 8670f0846f8f971⋯.png (232.39 KB, 979x1242, 979:1242, headpat the chocolat.png)


A good girl.

621555 No.14177895

File: 3fed163c4df832c⋯.jpg (63.08 KB, 557x478, 557:478, chocolat4.JPG)


>I don't know who Chocolat is

H-huh? I figured everyone would know Chocolat by now.

28deab No.14177896


I recently met my sister for the first time and she is fucking hot as hell and works on television and I am mad sad I will never get the feel those voluptuous breasts.

b6e783 No.14177897

9a8376 No.14177900

For those of you that don't know producing cardboard is costlier than plastic.

25a7b0 No.14177902

File: 3455973540ece9c⋯.png (315.14 KB, 940x720, 47:36, 3455973540ece9c945b27e7d14….png)


>I don't know who Chocolat is

Some furshit

b6e783 No.14177911


If she's your sister, then I see why not meeting each other for sibling bonding. Non sexual of course. Just regular bonding between siblings you sick fuck.

2b67c4 No.14177912

File: 3def8d345bfe3f9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 435 KB, 546x768, 91:128, chocolat.png)

b6e783 No.14177915


I don't know what game she's from. Sorry.

e118ea No.14177920

Post some of your creations

01769c No.14177922

File: 39989ebf444642f⋯.png (149.52 KB, 1028x777, 1028:777, 39989ebf444642ff6d8f5b23fa….png)


PC wins again and the Switch makes up for a decent portable device.

Pleb lemmings keep fellating anything Nintendo and Sony put out out of brand loyalty alone either they're quality products or not.

Switch outsells PS4 lifetime sales because even less gaems, and weeboo Sonyggers grinning their teeth and getting one anyway plus Gen Z sucking off tablets and mobiles.

fba78b No.14177923


this triggers the kemonigger

621555 No.14177925

File: 8670a8080e983f9⋯.jpg (366.43 KB, 938x767, 938:767, 1431199760402-2.jpg)





015b46 No.14177926


Solatorobo. Speaking of, time for me to try and get desmume working with upscales and fail again.

01769c No.14177929


Too cute

Post more

b5cef4 No.14177931


That's like saying any character who's ever been rule 63'ed isn't a girl.

68ec99 No.14177937

File: fd45dacccf3274b⋯.jpg (29.1 KB, 510x510, 1:1, jacket_chen_nice.jpg)

9fd7dd No.14177938


Yiff in hell, Phil.

b6e783 No.14177941


You'd think the Japanese will hate Kemono enough to not make games of it. Or maybe they just tolerate them more, which would explain the Kemono in monster girl media.

940db9 No.14177945

File: 53868e1c1a039e2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 10.03 KB, 311x244, 311:244, 53868e1c1a039e26323adff14e….jpg)

4bffaa No.14177951

File: b7504162aee48d2⋯.gif (783.5 KB, 320x240, 4:3, michael-jackson-eating-pop….gif)


>"video games"

>Half ass indie schlock that wouldn't be worth a dollar on Steam

How much are they paying you per post to shill, anon? Please tell me you're not doing it for free.

e118ea No.14177957

377a8a No.14177960

File: 888e7fdb57cbebe⋯.png (227.22 KB, 569x383, 569:383, gweneth paltrow's head.png)

01769c No.14177962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Literally nothing wrong with Kemono

7cf892 No.14177964

File: 40ae30aab6cfbd8⋯.jpg (446.61 KB, 1280x1837, 1280:1837, flower_00.jpg)

File: 2466b4599bf59fa⋯.jpg (452.9 KB, 1045x1500, 209:300, 001 (3).jpg)

File: 214caedecd6ae55⋯.jpg (594.47 KB, 1045x1500, 209:300, 001 (4).jpg)

File: 22ed5cf9daf4a44⋯.jpg (395.91 KB, 1280x1794, 640:897, VNo1_000.jpg)

File: c2b176faaf11b3f⋯.jpg (322.04 KB, 1280x1810, 128:181, _000.jpg)


I was going to say, the cousin effect happens because you are genetically close (which apparently makes people attracted to each other) yet do not spend enough with each other for the westermarck effect to happen. So it's very common for siblings that were raised separately or dads that weren't around for their daughters to develop strong attraction when they meet as adults. And apparently most incest happens between consenting adults as well.

What I'm saying is, go hit the gym and turn your life around and you might just have a shot with your sister.


Chocolat is not for gender bender. Only Touhous are.


Not everyone that likes a character is the same person.

f2f0f4 No.14177965


>minigame collections aren't REAL games because I don't like them

3e71a7 No.14177967

Has anyone noticed that Nintendo's stock has started to drop?

cb5887 No.14177969


dump the 4th one I bet you won't

f20dce No.14177970

File: 94aedda739fe85c⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 1025x598, 1025:598, nintendo_samus_labo.jpg)



>metroid prime

I got your Metroid Prime 4 right here boy!

4bffaa No.14177972

File: c42595ee603340e⋯.gif (7.69 MB, 486x274, 243:137, sad strange little man.gif)


>"minigame collections are real games, worth full price"

621555 No.14177973


I don't wanna

01769c No.14177974


It's actually rising cuckchan nigger

9fd7dd No.14177975


>Not everyone that likes a character is the same person.

Whatever you say, Phil.

7975f9 No.14177977


That faggot in the right picture always reminds me of Susano from Okami for some reason

713d9e No.14177980

File: 7a9538eaedede29⋯.png (679.79 KB, 619x612, 619:612, 7a9538eaedede291a1885fd0b9….png)

This is not actually serious right?

They are not selling a cardboard box for 75 dollars, there must be some kind of mistake or maybe it's a publicity stunt, like a joke product to hype another reveal.

b6e783 No.14177982

File: c736d2561287440⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 1022x1330, 73:95, __polt_monster_musume_no_i….jpg)

File: 341d23164beed49⋯.jpg (133.93 KB, 850x760, 85:76, __polt_monster_musume_no_i….jpg)

File: a05080782907dfd⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 850x1036, 425:518, __polt_monster_musume_no_i….jpg)

File: 8c3420bf774c13d⋯.jpg (394.57 KB, 850x1086, 425:543, __centorea_shianus_kurusu_….jpg)


I remember when /monster/ invaded the monster girl thread on /a/ to shut down any kemono type monster girl posting and then denied being /monster/ despite some spewing /monster/'s memes and terminology.

73b133 No.14177986

File: 95a2f4704ff7e10⋯.png (222.14 KB, 350x339, 350:339, sick digits.png)


A wonderful get was gotten today.

8dacfa No.14177988

File: 7d787b646680537⋯.png (150.21 KB, 519x432, 173:144, dirty.PNG)


[Loli pooping noises]

b5cef4 No.14177993


No no, they aren't selling a cardboard box for $75.

It's 80.

3e71a7 No.14177995

File: 73e7e2e9a860c65⋯.png (138.02 KB, 1681x820, 41:20, ClipboardImage.png)


<Going up all day to 3:20 PM

<Stock has started to steadily fall since

3f99e5 No.14177999

Actually I'll give it credit for at least showing off the capabilities of the Switch and its Joy Con.

01769c No.14178001



304461 No.14178005

File: a6092a562df0902⋯.jpg (24.5 KB, 330x307, 330:307, checkemranger.jpg)



Also, how did this turn to a fur thread?

a2e18a No.14178006

File: 9d23d1d96995976⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 563x393, 563:393, this is funny.jpg)



This is a good thread.

621555 No.14178007


>you will never get Polt pregnant

why live

fd46a8 No.14178009


>releasing 4/20

Not surprising, someone everyone at Nintendo must be fucking high 24/7.

25a7b0 No.14178011


Glad you understand

4bffaa No.14178012


To be fair, Brad Jones does that face as a gag to mock retards like the rest of the people in the image.

01769c No.14178014


Sure you aren't and /cuteboys/ is a family friendly board meant for posting procreating methods.


>1 day

You are one dumb cuckchan nigger.



Indeed it is >>>/cuckchan/

Christ, so many cuckchan newfags holy shit.

b6e783 No.14178017

File: c8359dc3a376dec⋯.jpg (43.69 KB, 349x477, 349:477, Cute Kemono.jpg)

5e9f62 No.14178019


How ironic that the company that supposedly saved the video game industry has devolved into this now.

4929fb No.14178406

Is it bad that I think if this was like 5-20$ this would be kinda cool? I mean it's kinda a cool idea, the biggest problem is that its like 70$ for a fucking minigame. If it was really cheap or you got a fuck ton of them it would be a cool thing to make with friends or the family.

6a6eb4 No.14182508


de46a1 No.14182679


They're probably going to sell the boxes with the games and never the boxes alone, that way when the shit breaks kids will beg their parents to buy the game a second time.

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