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File: 229ef2a65131ae5⋯.png (143.92 KB, 900x318, 150:53, inxile.png)

1a6b2e No.14175199

See >>14175250

I accidentally a thread about inXile writer Cassandra Khaw being a cannibal, so here's a new one.

RPG codex discussion: http://rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/inxile-writer-cassandra-khaw-literally-eats-men.120041/

Cannibalistic twitter posts:





Post last edited at

63e88a No.14175215

File: 65277dbc43797f8⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 358x450, 179:225, 65277dbc43797f86bc0bd5a549….gif)

3cad4d No.14175228

She sounds like an edgy fourteen year old.

f0102f No.14175247


Oh that place that treats Japanese games as second class while rolling in WCRPG dogshit. Fuck off.

a206ac No.14175250

File: 26c5f720fced2c7⋯.png (531.91 KB, 1632x1644, 136:137, 1516214649277.png)


>a thread about inXile writer Cassandra Khaw being a cannibal

That's not the most interesting thing in that thread.

c54032 No.14175254

File: 6ed26df19078bcf⋯.png (1006.28 KB, 710x727, 710:727, 6ed26df19078bcff0cc3febb5a….png)

Another soundly reminder that 3DPD is and will forever be PD

fa7a8a No.14175262

>a women can literally talk publicly about murdering men and eating them and still keep her job

Pussypass at its best.

b17957 No.14175265

Can't wait for the goons to find this thread. They have an unconditional love for these smaller WRPG developers that borders on obsession.

df38b2 No.14175266


seriously, who cares about the writer bitch. there's a fucking dev in that thread pulling back the curtain and talking about the behind the scenes shit.

77b24c No.14175285

File: 33432cdf2714cea⋯.jpg (111.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ab4cf3c26a3b1fd1ddaa26e888….jpg)


somebody should point out to her that the best chefs in the world are men

75d536 No.14175286



>not second class to western CRPGs

get your facts straight or fuck off

f116e9 No.14175292

Archiving all of the pages in case of deletion: https://archive.fo/V4tr7

150fd8 No.14175317


Are there any notable female chefs?

a218cf No.14175318

File: 5d691b22ea89405⋯.jpg (176.5 KB, 874x1010, 437:505, 5d691b22ea894053788888e42e….jpg)


This is one of the edgiest things I've ever seen and I can't believe this woman is an adult. It's fucking 'writing Johnny the Homicidal Maniac' levels of edgy.

Why the fuck would you post this on a public twitter account?

c2c678 No.14175333

File: 9c25ef4af8caff0⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 750x759, 250:253, monkeylanguage.jpg)


What the fuck is wrong with white women? Like seriously, goddamn. They have the most comfortable and carefree lifestyle out of not just women, but humans as a whole. It doesn't surprise me at all that they buy in to bullshit like white privilege since they have actually privileged lives. What a bunch of ungrateful fucked up cunts.

f116e9 No.14175336

File: cc0218c72e6237f⋯.png (870.89 KB, 940x646, 470:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Julia Child?

3fab1d No.14175341

Is that one of the Torment writers?

115b05 No.14175349


He is right.

400bc8 No.14175357


pretty sure she is asian

a218cf No.14175359

Apparently they've also contributed to Ars Technica and their articles are about what you'd expect; https://archive.is/1ZWYP


They're asian.

95d82a No.14175361

File: f46a5ed9cc798a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.7 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 76543456.jpg)

>>14175333 (checked)

>Cassandra Khaw


3fab1d No.14175363


When we humans lack an actual struggle or a solid dedication to something, we ivent struggles for ourselves.

Now add female hormones and the ability to get away with being a spoiled child all your life.

There you have modern women. In every part of the world that has a somewhat good life standard.

ced8de No.14175367

I remember she used to write for the blog indiegames.com. She always wrote stuff like "I liked this game because it has pretty colors and I'm a girl teehee ;)" and the website went started getting shitty. Or maybe it was just that it was around then that I realized game journalists are all hacks. I stopped reading shortly after. I'm not surprised she's bitching about muh misogyny now.

73222f No.14175385


Wait, is he seriously saying that inXile wasn't going to let people be white in a game? What the fuck is wrong with them?

93c3aa No.14175396

File: 5d8982eddf786aa⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 414x451, 414:451, 98959919bd9c4b8aac6c8f5581….jpg)


>Feminist hatred of men has gotten to the point were they now fantasise about murdering and eating men

B-But it's totally about equality honest.

b970d1 No.14175402



That shit brings me back.

269772 No.14175408

File: 5c1dafe283e3804⋯.png (595.38 KB, 1000x999, 1000:999, ultra smug.png)


>IRL Youkai are invading twitter

5cc769 No.14175413


there's a nice who Publishes cooking recipes in Poland but that's as far as it gets.


Looks like a hapa


>tfw western men are so fucking weak and pathetic they can't put a tiny asian into her place and out of delusions.

If i was cornered, and forced to defend myself, in a 100% legal self defense situation, I'd fucking destroy her so hard only suitable coffin would be a soup can.

Purely legal self-defense situation, as she's clearly unstable and threat to safety of not only my and my loved ones, but also immediate surroundings.

5cc769 No.14175415


To clarify, I'd not be happy with the bloodshed, but I'd be happy, i defended my own life.

01b90e No.14175422

>twitter posts

where are the video games faggot?

3ffbde No.14175424


It must be difficult when you're illiterate, huh?

bd99d6 No.14175427

File: 6fcf4d7eca33911⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 580x386, 290:193, HiP-Paris-October-Events-A….jpg)


This is the only woman in the top 50. She's #49.

5cc769 No.14175436


last time I checked, best female chess player in the world was 2 Elo below #100 chess player (male)


>not having a grandfather who cooks enough food to feed a small army when you jokingly say you're so hungry you could eat a horse

Bring it on.

cbec3c No.14175437

File: 5fb0be92f7ee6ea⋯.jpeg (17.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 96f1a162cb94996337793b730….jpeg)

File: dfe32c0c50b5ec8⋯.jpg (492.33 KB, 1061x1356, 1061:1356, a96a68d019ecb6398b5dfdce58….jpg)

File: ae5a0541fcf9a5e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 949x521, 949:521, khazar.PNG)


>not knowing about Mrs BIG KHAZAR MILKERS

01b90e No.14175446


>video game company employee made some shitty fanfiction tier posts on twitter

>this belongs on the video games board somehow

kill yourself

c54032 No.14175448

File: 770749c46d85d13⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 495x493, 495:493, 1466535542333.jpg)


Mamma mia

a218cf No.14175450

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Not Nigella

93c3aa No.14175454

File: 0a9ad91d1c772df⋯.jpeg (21.9 KB, 480x300, 8:5, TELEMMGLPICT000133902253_….jpeg)


Nigella Lawson, granted she's mostly notable for being hot and having big tits.

0041f1 No.14175458


>gamemaking employee has taken feminism to the point of psychopathy

>not relevant

95d82a No.14175461


Sounds like the higher-ups in the company didn't want white people in the game, I hope the guy just leaks all the emails that he has from when he worked on wasteland and the new torment game to see what shit is going on at the company.

ef3320 No.14175462


they listen to fucktards whining on Twitter instead of analyzing their sales demographics, by the sound of it. I hope this is true so they can find out how quickly that spics and knee growths aren't interested in CRPGs at all the hard way. the Chinese guy is fair enough if you're going for target demographics

c03b27 No.14175464

3ffbde No.14175466


>video game company employs cannibal feminists, refuses to even allow discussion of it in an amazing feat of double standard thinking

>same game company has employee revealing that the company is extremely SJW and corrupt


One of these days you're going to have to accept that video games are made by video game developers, and not just created through magic by Santa. What sort of utterly stupid fuckwit would support shit developers like that? And don't try your "muh politics in games" mental gymnastics, these SJW cunts are putting their politics in videogames in the first place.

ac9780 No.14175467

File: ed74c52b6d344e2⋯.png (196 KB, 556x435, 556:435, screen-shot-2017-10-30-at-….png)


Did you just say "Khazar Milkers?"

f3cdd5 No.14175468

File: 8eb2975b03904d1⋯.png (757.9 KB, 620x827, 620:827, loliguro.png)


For some reason it's more women than men who veer towards things like guro. I'm not sure why.

3cad4d No.14175471

File: 46eae4d402cb3c8⋯.jpg (53.69 KB, 736x931, 736:931, u vot.jpg)


>cooks such a mean stake

>such a mean stake

>a mean stake

>mean stake


bd99d6 No.14175473

File: 04b571ba57185a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.69 KB, 750x563, 750:563, VILLAGE-WHERE-PEOPLE-EATS-….jpg)




>gook is also a cannibal

Why am I not surprised? These people have a history of this shit. They were eating our boys back in the Vietnam era. Insect people.



This meme needs to be stopped.

c03b27 No.14175476

01b90e No.14175477


>some gaming company employee farted on facebook


You are the reverse Patricia Gorilla, good job.


You deserve it for buying boring Inxile trash to begin with, retard.

73222f No.14175487


Reading the thread, it doesn't look like he wants to. Shame, I'd be interested to hear how quickly things went downhill.

4925d8 No.14175492

You faggots have a daily GG thread to talk about this bullshit.

3ffbde No.14175493


>you shouldn't be buying from them so we shouldn't be talking about why you shouldn't be buying from them

Your mental gymnastics are astounding. You're literally and objectively both stupid and wrong. Go away already.

c03b27 No.14175499


Second goon has entered the thread

77b24c No.14175503

File: b553dcffed0e891⋯.jpg (132.07 KB, 1584x824, 198:103, d90a384bd740424f3e6e78786d….JPG)


i'm just saying that it's not a contest but if it was a male chef would'nt have to wonder what portion or the chopped up carcass of an average azn woman would fit in a cooking pot idealy about 25-30% or what is the best sauce to marinate the meat with is sweet&sour nor whether or not the leftovers would fit in an average sized household freezer they do because they already know these things; the question going through their mind would be : am i gonna be hungry again in one hour?

01b90e No.14175507


>m-muh mental gymnastics

>these posts on twitter are the smoking gun, not the ENTIRETY OF WASTELAND 2 which is worthless trash

You're the cancer killing /v/. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

c03b27 No.14175509


>You're the cancer killing /v/

That would be you actually.

8b2c48 No.14175514

File: 0d953c3ea3c8d39⋯.webm (3.25 MB, 1166x900, 583:450, laughing.webm)


>they literally didn't want white people in torment

0041f1 No.14175517

Ignore the derailer. Start a shitstorm.

d26bf9 No.14175524


About fucking what exactly? "You said dumb shit on twitter ding dong bannu"?

77b24c No.14175530

File: 22f01f8778540de⋯.jpg (312.1 KB, 1024x1726, 512:863, 8050613.jpg)



things not going the way you wanted?

01b90e No.14175532


>someone posted fanfiction tier shit on twitter



Go ahead, actually do it retard and post proof you've done it. I need a laugh or two.

3fab1d No.14175535


>what is wrong with this garbage game /v/

>why are you shitting on the threads for it ?

It always turns out 10 times worse behind the scenes.

8b2c48 No.14175538

File: 80f0d558017d0e7⋯.gif (895.04 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 07e7ac327e734c48b7278b11c8….gif)

The don't talk about bad press shills are in full force today I see.

f3cdd5 No.14175543

File: 3a40676c514ba36⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 680x239, 680:239, inx.jpg)

0041f1 No.14175547


Pretty much. "Psycho Feminist Cannibal" has a good headline ring to it.

93c3aa No.14175561

File: 6bc87fa477d5698⋯.png (201.09 KB, 463x293, 463:293, 6fb68ae9e2669d77908ca50832….png)

0041f1 No.14175584


Have a tour. :^)



decf5b No.14175585

File: 02eb51e069b7bca⋯.jpg (46.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 02eb51e069b7bca80e17fa23d0….jpg)


What the hell is even going in this world anymore?

b17957 No.14175608


They even threw in a white D&C attempt for good measure.

e4f753 No.14175614


Shew shew, shrine jewess!

c694d8 No.14175631


Betty Crocker?

b17957 No.14175633


The fetish is in your reaction to it, not the work itself.

0041f1 No.14175640

File: 9f1da52b68c2ffc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 369.58 KB, 700x617, 700:617, 1424251249519.png)



c694d8 No.14175644


I recognize that Mokou

c2c678 No.14175645

File: b692cad17b0a2a0⋯.png (279.12 KB, 512x384, 4:3, patrickwat.png)

Why aren't men dating or getting married to modern women? Truly it is a mystery.

74f7b5 No.14175663

File: f22fc761a283bb2⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 560x320, 7:4, aunt jemima.jpg)

0041f1 No.14175669




There's a thread on /b/ about it right now where somebody explains it. I'd crosslink but I don't want to go there while at work. :^)

77b24c No.14175674

File: 8e06098701440a7⋯.png (397.68 KB, 671x681, 671:681, xy.png)


because time travel is not a thing yet

3aa46a No.14175690

File: 1a455155ac75e41⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, (((Seinfeld))).mp4)


Jewish influence in the upper stratas of society that ends up trickling down onto the average person. I dunno.

c2c678 No.14175702

File: 6916c7391487a80⋯.gif (1008.59 KB, 390x219, 130:73, considerthefollowing.gif)


My theory is that it has something to do with girls being exceptionally cruel to one another, fantasizing about a girl who spread a vicious rumor about you getting disemboweled for example. They also view each other as competition, so seeing a rival getting ripped to shreds could excite them since it will result in their life being easier. Girls are treated nice by pretty much everyone their entire lives, so the thought of being treated like shit by someone seems shocking and erotic, think of it kind of like bondage but to the extreme.

b17957 No.14175717


Or it's just attention seeking taken to the logical extreme. If bad news turns heads then be the baddest news there is.

52bc7a No.14175727

File: 3d603423fc73c26⋯.png (14.19 KB, 1157x329, 1157:329, torment development.png)

The absolute state of Western RPG development.

0041f1 No.14175731


I've known multiple girls into vore and gore. Typical motivations change depending on which role of the eating they fantasize about. "Prey" fantasies universally come from self-image issues.

0041f1 No.14175750


Interesting addendum: Only women seem to get in real detail like she did about cooking technique.

d26bf9 No.14175754

File: 61a5439dd455e83⋯.jpg (519.29 KB, 1278x1200, 213:200, IMG_3068.JPG)

>it's another /v/ goes full armchair psychologist and pretends to understand women episode

71a714 No.14175761


Cassandra Khaw sounds like a made up tranny name, not a real one.

>implying hapas aren't as mentally fucvked as trannies anyway

74b977 No.14175767


>Implying it's just /v/

c2c678 No.14175770

File: 47bae7e42108e51⋯.jpg (103.31 KB, 384x313, 384:313, shrug.jpg)


If any women with a guro fetish are in this thread I would like to hear why they enjoy it.

52bc7a No.14175777


But anon, don't you want to plunder her smelly, loose vagina and deal with all the neurotic issues she has accumulated over a decade+ of failed relationships starting at age 12? Don't you want a prepackaged family with an exotic brown baby and without the need to go through the hardships of pregnancy?

What is wrong with you?


I swear to God, I have no fucking idea how these people function in daily live without someone calling the authorities to have them hospitalized in an asylum. They deliberately sabotage their own products, despite people telling them how it's going to end, and then turn around and blame the very people they are throwing mud at for not buying their garbage.

6eda47 No.14175787

So is anyone gonna post the tweet?

d26bf9 No.14175793



>on the internet


>this whole post



Click the archives you retard.

0041f1 No.14175794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>it's another 'women are indecipherable and have no tendencies so don't try' episode

>implying women don't want monsters

Fine. Have a real psychologist.

b17957 No.14175798


>I have no fucking idea how these people function in daily live

The entire legal system protects them and financial institutions subsidize them.

a81bb2 No.14175803

File: d106c0b4aeef481⋯.png (38.33 KB, 1403x284, 1403:284, uncircumcised.PNG)


>/v/ is complaining about a woman who spouts SJW nonsense when there is a developer in the thread who is literally confirming that ineXile not only hates white people but actively tried to keep them out of the video game

>money raised for Torment 2 also funded Wasteland 2

>Artwork was heavily shit on because of no white people allowed

Get your fucking head on /v/

6eda47 No.14175805


First archive link is dead

d26bf9 No.14175809




You're only proving me more correct.

c03b27 No.14175810

File: e906ad522c88fe4⋯.jpg (52.21 KB, 329x399, 47:57, 1264784675283.jpg)


>it's another DIO reaction image shitpost

b17957 No.14175813


You're replying to a goon who does this exact same wordmincing derail attempt every thread here shitting on some garbage game or developer with the exact same filenames. Seriously, don't bother.

c2c678 No.14175814

File: 799410499cde2d0⋯.png (389.65 KB, 1146x611, 1146:611, splitsecondrape.png)


>"Prey" fantasies universally come from self-image issues.

So it's similar to rape fantasies, where the guy is so into her that he can't control himself, except with guro it's that he is filled with bloodlust.

6eda47 No.14175818


>2nd archive link

End of rant she says its fiction. This is non news and a distraction

52bc7a No.14175820

File: 264fc25ec547ed9⋯.png (46.94 KB, 649x732, 649:732, Torment 1.png)

File: 7628ae1b054409d⋯.png (51.07 KB, 644x809, 644:809, Torment 2.png)

File: 56806938b64e913⋯.png (52.4 KB, 600x815, 120:163, Torment 3.png)

File: e68676f68da1339⋯.png (11.03 KB, 586x153, 586:153, Torment 4.png)


Numenera is a setting so shit I don't think there's anything in /tg/ degenerate enough to top it.

0041f1 No.14175825


Yeah, he just pulled the "human nature don't real".

Kiked state of the science notwithstanding.

c03b27 No.14175831


>a distraction

From what, exactly?

52bc7a No.14175833

File: 3da05c5111c1ba6⋯.png (57.46 KB, 1053x578, 1053:578, torment cut content.png)

File: 4a3aef8279b6ba6⋯.png (50.3 KB, 1074x604, 537:302, torment cut content 2.png)

File: 80e4a04b7ce60d5⋯.png (40.8 KB, 1080x398, 540:199, torment cut content 3.png)


Sorry for the doublequote, but an autist over at the Codex did some digging and found out just how badly Torment had been mismanaged.

b17957 No.14175848



Friendly reminder these guys and Obsidian both had high up people with SA accounts and would post there rather often trying to buddy up with the goon population.

df295f No.14175885


nu/v/ makes me seriously wish we nuked this site and went to another

c03b27 No.14175890


t. nu/v/

df295f No.14175903

File: 90360d9c7b21cf4⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, matsu.jpg)


>this guy

b87170 No.14175912

File: f1cdd01191d76c9⋯.jpg (71.61 KB, 579x1024, 579:1024, 2.jpg)

File: 9db98bc01d9fc6f⋯.jpg (8.32 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 3.jpg)

File: 8aba7281c8a9b97⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 186x279, 2:3, 4.jpg)

File: 9f13ee50d9669b0⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 225x300, 3:4, 5.jpg)

File: ca5aba94b558b1a⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Cassandra Khaw.jpg)

Would you submit to your new predator?

42a7d0 No.14175914


Not surprising. Looking at the rest of the thread it seems this riled up our resident goon brigade something fierce.

bd7911 No.14175919

File: 0afd7cc8c379148⋯.png (592.71 KB, 872x709, 872:709, oh lord this is sweet.PNG)

>Shills trying to stop /v/ from making fun of retardation

Do you faggots even try anymore?

df295f No.14175936


>buck teeth

>ugly eyes/fucked eyelids

>buck teeth

>ugly hair ruined by years of dying

>awful taste in clothing

No, I wouldn't.

bd7911 No.14175941

File: 6aad197aa00383c⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 800x598, 400:299, He's_right_you_know.jpg)

52bc7a No.14175942


Better than show her natural resting bitch face to the public.

bd7911 No.14175951

You can tell who is from cuckchan in this thread very easily.

df38b2 No.14175953


Honestly, it's the fucking OP's fault for starting this thread focusing on the chick. She's not noteworthy at all, Markland going off in that thread is where all the juicy stuff is.

df295f No.14175955

You can tell who is from Reddit in this thread very easily.

42a7d0 No.14175959

Yes the goons are very upset indeed.

a81bb2 No.14175973

File: 6c6e9e35667af33⋯.png (167.98 KB, 892x661, 892:661, sue me i dare you.PNG)

File: 2ac21a44f214e26⋯.png (44.81 KB, 2318x454, 1159:227, wasted money.PNG)

File: 4f1b80cec63bfa5⋯.png (43.06 KB, 1435x625, 287:125, interplay.PNG)




Hoo boy i hope they fucking burn in a fire

Guy is literally saying he has hundreds of emails too, hope he starts dumping them

21cfd8 No.14175974

File: cfab8eb8c4fd348⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 480x640, 3:4, supreme gentelman.jpg)


The eternal HAPA strikes again

74b977 No.14175976

File: 27ef37347b37058⋯.png (91.58 KB, 426x355, 6:5, appeal-to-authority-doctor….png)


>Appealing to authority

That's the exact problem anon. You aren't well versed in the subject, so you grab the nearest "smart person with opinions close to yours" in an attempt to look intelligent.

I've had arguments with people on here who literally just grab the first article off Google that agrees with them and post it, then call me a retard when I point out the information contradicts with what they're saying.

It's not so much a nu/v/ thing, it's more a millennial thing, I've been guilty of it before too.

52bc7a No.14175983


We can only hope. It's been too long sine we had a lulz train and inXile is just similar enough to BioWare for the idiocy to start pouring out.

d73d01 No.14175999


Old CRPGs(Gold Box, Ultima, etc.)=The Original Dungeon Crawlers>JRPGs>>>>>>90s Isometric RPGs(Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, etc.)>>>TES games>>>Nu WRPGs(Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc.).

3fab1d No.14176011


JRPGs>>>>>>90s Isometric RPGs(Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, etc.)

You wat m8 ?

a81bb2 No.14176016

File: b8919824a7b2b60⋯.png (29.18 KB, 1503x398, 1503:398, how to save vidya.PNG)


At least the guy is calling it like it is

21cfd8 No.14176019

File: 82e2032c6368106⋯.gif (921.73 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 1413095645866.gif)


Tbh i would let her eat my dick if you know what i mean

b87170 No.14176020


>baldur's gate>>>TES

I heavily disagree.

42a7d0 No.14176035


I see nothing wrong with that.

6553ca No.14176037

Here are those posts from /b/.







52bc7a No.14176038


So, basically, to fix things leftists would need to start making things white, heterosexual men like (not happening), fire themselves (not happening) and actually act like adults for once in their lives (not happening).

Also, the guy seems to be going through a tough dosage of redpills considering he mentioned he had exhausted civilized means to correct the course of Western artistic development.

b87170 No.14176043


>wanting your peenus weenus to be bitten off by a shape shifting insect

3fab1d No.14176048


Planescape Torment alone tops most JRPGs.

58517b No.14176049


I thought this would be overblown but this is her fetish, I wonder if shes got any plans.


aww nevermind, shes not going to eat anyone, shes like a little kitten, an ugly cute little kitten.


My mom, everyone loves eating at my house.


Shut up, just because I sit behind my computer all day and am unemployed and still live with my parents and dont go outside doesn't mean I dont understand women ohmygodiwishonewouldtalktomeihatethemsofuckingmuch.

42a7d0 No.14176053

b87170 No.14176060


Do you eat white straight males too?

d73d01 No.14176061


None of those late 90s isometric shitfests are any good. There are really great JRPGs out there that are fun to play. The same can't be said of those Isometric RPGs.


Daggerfall and Arena aren't mechanically TES games anon, they're in with the dungeon crawlers.


It's shit. If a game isn't fun, why bother playing it?

a81bb2 No.14176068

File: 9d030f92491e808⋯.png (40.01 KB, 2373x342, 791:114, other producers.PNG)


according to him other producers hate this shit too

The easiest way to fix all this is for producers to stop fucking producing this shit and let companies bleed. But when you have shit like EA hiding behind (((the gay community))) and funind bullshit like HeForShe, it goes downhill. And fanboys need to stop buying this shit too which will never happen.

71a714 No.14176069

b87170 No.14176071


Morrowind > Daggerfall > Baldur's Gate 2 > Oblivion > Baldur's Gate 1

08e3c5 No.14176080

I have no idea who these people are or what the fuck is going on

da31a2 No.14176089


Don't bother, this thread is trash.

b87170 No.14176104


Its no secret all of your crpg writers are canibal pedo feminist hapas. If you didn't knew already, you deserve to be eaten.

52bc7a No.14176105


I think we've pretty much reached the point where nothing short of violence at a level most of the white Western population isn't comfortable with is the only way things are ever going to fix themselves.

Also, don't forget that companies like BioWare and Ubisoft get subsidized by the government to produce their garbage. I don't really think inXile and Obsidian have all that much juice left considering they've been chugging along fueled by past glories and have yet to deliver anything remotely good. I remember we had a thread a few days back with Obsidian whining Tyranny sold like shit and blaming in on cRPGs being niche, and this when Divinity: OS2 sold like hotcakes. All they need to do is stop making leftist garbage, but we all know that's not gonna happen.

3fab1d No.14176106

File: 457f64621df4832⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 300x200, 3:2, planescape torment.jpg)


I don't think it was pozzed back in 1999.



This was a really liked game back then.

I have to consent that I never played it, but the overall impression of it was massively positive among my peers.

0c1188 No.14176115

I'm impressed with the goon presence in the thread. Your shithole forums too echo chamber for your tastes so you come here to shitpost?

Anyways, Monty Markland won't change shit alone, especially since it's a dead genre, this thing has to blow up to have any impact. But this shows how /v/ has a great track record at knowing when a game's having internal problems.

21cfd8 No.14176131

File: 4c4135f46744bd2⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 352x190, 176:95, how to deal with women.gif)

>There are fags in rpgcodex thread unironically defending this mentally ill HAPA incomplete human being

52bc7a No.14176145


>dead genre

Age of Decadence, Underrail, Divinity: OS2, etc. all sold well. inXile and Obsidian have nobody but themselves to blame they care more about shoving their politics in everyone's face than making a good game.

d73d01 No.14176156


Morrowind doesn't even belong on a list. It's a good game, but it's a rainbow in the dark. There aren't really other games of its kind, just games that get mentioned as similar.


Stop calling them CRPGs, they're not CRPGs. CRPGs are things like the Gold Box games, the Ultima series, Might and Magic, Rogueclones, etc.

42a7d0 No.14176159


There are fags in this thread trying to shut it down.

0c1188 No.14176179



Planescape Torment was pretty much made for white males at the time, you just need to see the ingame cg art, full of big-breasted scantily clad women. There's even a shape-shifting mage that transformed himself into a closet in a whorehouse so the women there would put their panties inside him.

a81bb2 No.14176194


>only white males like big breasted scantily clad women

Fuck off

d73d01 No.14176197


That shit doesn't matter you fag. It's a shit game, its combat is utter trash, it's only praised for its story. Anyone who plays video games for the story deserves to be raped by crocodiles with chainsaw strapons.

516ad3 No.14176206

File: 5d5269ab362e636⋯.png (337.97 KB, 588x531, 196:177, 5d5269ab362e6362fe8fd5a98a….png)

> the guys in the replies saying how they'd volunteer as food

> just for laughs though

> haha

21cfd8 No.14176211


Well black ones do like it too, cant say it about asians tho because they are probably too low test to lust after any kind of women

52bc7a No.14176213


Also, nobody in your party was actually a PoC, and both girls were hot.


>let's pretend when good games were being made they weren't made with white men in mind


>PS is a bad game because of gameplay

>Morrowind is a good game because of gameplay

That's how I know you're a moron.

f8b081 No.14176220

File: 1498091fd192738⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 2560x3840, 2:3, Chickens.jpg)



Morrowind hard sells over any CRPG.

CRPGs are shit. The only people who like them are people who never actually played table-top RPGs. Once you have, you begin to realize that CRPGs are overtly restricted on what you can and cannot do, taking away the sense of exploration and excitement that comes from a true RPG. They're nothing more than single-player die rolling simulators that should be done away with now that we have the tech for actual 3D games.

Dungeon crawlers come a lot closer, and are objectively better games in every way, but they still lose out on a lot of elements that you can only really experience when acting as a single character - the role-playing aspect of an RPG. And unfortunately, the TES games are one of the only series that has actually managed to get there. The problem is that, outside of Morrowind, they've become increasingly streamlined. And even Morrowind gave up a lot of shit it shouldn't have.

What every RPG should appeal to be like is a game that looks like:

>Dragons Dogma

>with Daggerfall/Morrowind-tier in-game books/lore

>without JRPG stats bullshit

>with a true multi-player option (including GM/player options)

>with a construction kit / level designer (see above)

>with Planescape-tier dialogue trees

>with adventure-game exploration (ropes, etc.)

>with Morrowind-tier spell/item creation

>with actual faction complexity

This game will never be produced, nor will any game like it ever be produced, because developers are lazy. RPG fans are perfectly fine with mediocre bullshit as long as it comes close to giving them their fix, and producers aren't willing to put in the funding to see a project of this scale come to fruition. Mark my words - this game will never be made. A good RPG, which delivers on the promises of freedom given by table-top games, will never exist.

21cfd8 No.14176223


>>let's pretend when good games were being made they weren't made with white men in mind

>implying they were

They were being made with the intend of being a good game. Not a game specifically targeted for some kind of audience

52bc7a No.14176236


Actually, it's been proven that niggers tend to have an abundance of estrongen in their bodies, hence why they behave so irrationally.

>Asians don't like hot chicks with big breasts

Have you actually played anything that came out of Japan for the past 30 years?


They were targeted at white men and what they like. Or are you going to pretend women, niggers and other subhumans give a shit about retro science fiction and the post apocalypse? Or the philosophy behind Planescape? Go be an anti-racist cuck someplace else.

115b05 No.14176252


This post is why /pol/tards have to go.

a81bb2 No.14176261



thats not the point here anyway, the point is that these games were made by actual fans of fantasy, not SJWs and producers looking to make money. These games happened to make money because they were well crafted games that offered a niche audience what they wanted. Now 30+ years later that niche audience has not changed but now we have to be progressive and inclusive. If they made none of the characters white but the game was fucking great from a writing, artistic, and gameplay point of view, it most likely would have sold well. But when you have SJW writers and producers going "NO SILLY WHITE BOYS ALLOWED" thats when shit hits the fan.

6553ca No.14176266



Source? I remember reading about a structural difference that results in reduced impulse inhibition, but nothing about estrogen.

ff0950 No.14176269


Draw something implying a woman on the left one, otherwise it looks like two guys.

21cfd8 No.14176275


Are you implying that gamedevs in the '90 really tried to target their games to a certain audience?

You are fucking delusional, i bet that most of this people didnt give a shit, they just wanted to make a good game for the sake of making a good game because that was their passion

d73d01 No.14176292


Tabletop fucking sucks anon. It's shit, populated by people who play games for storyline(faggots) and people who play games because they saw it in a movie/tv show(faggots).


Morrowind is a fun game. It's a real fucking game, not a shitty virtual CYOA book.

52bc7a No.14176293


>I want a RP MMO so I can yiff with like-minded supreme gentlemen


And the fans were, are and will always be white men. I don't go and tell a writer of historical romances to target the dudebro demographic because the dudebros don't give a flying shit about historical romances and never will.

If you were so high on soy you'd realize that racial differences play a big role in the kind of content you enjoy.


>Are you implying that gamedevs in the '90 really tried to target their games to a certain audience?

Yes, you subhuman piece of shit. They did market research back then too, hence why 99% of protagonists where white, muscled men and all the women wore skimpy clothes and had big tits.

You imbeciles really are incapable of grasping the fact that the human races are different and like different things.

6553ca No.14176295


I think that shift happened in the 90s, and of course gradually. You started seeing demographic targeting at the beginning of the PS1 and N64's lifecycles. I remember the 80s being pure, undiluted by-autists for-autists in the PC gaming market because they were the only people who had PCs.

52bc7a No.14176305




>Morrowind is a fun game

It's a garbage game with godawful combat that makes Fallout look deep and tactical and plays like you're browsing Wikipedia.

0c1188 No.14176306


Gamedevs in the 90's were mostly white male, they made games for other gamers, which were mostly white male.

Even if they didn't market their games for their biggest costumer base (which they did because fucking money), they made games that they themselves enjoyed. So again, games were made with white males in mind.

ff0950 No.14176310


Statistical correlations are interesting regardless on the explanation you favor.

ff0950 No.14176322


*regardless of

52bc7a No.14176325


The "shift" was deliberate and happened because (((big companies))) started muscling into the emerging vidya market and dragging their filthy Jewish connection and Cultural Marxist hires along with them.

21cfd8 No.14176334


>So again, games were made with white males in mind.

Yes im not denying that, its obvious that white male game devs will make games with things they like themselves, but to think that they specifically sat in some conference room and had a talk about "how we need to target our games for white male audiences" is fucking ridiculous

d73d01 No.14176342


Still better than that piece of fucking dogshit Steve Jackson visual novel set in the fucking worst D&D setting imaginable.

3fab1d No.14176348


>Anyone who plays video games for the story deserves to be raped by crocodiles with chainsaw strapons.

People mostly play RPGs for the story anon. Gameplay is usually not all that good for RPGs.

52bc7a No.14176364


>is fucking ridiculous

I see you're too dumb to grasp how market research actually works. If it wasn't for the fact media is meant to exclusively push propaganda these days you'd see them still market games at the white audience.

d73d01 No.14176383


That thinking comes from the late 90s, faggot. Gold Box, Ultima, Might and Magic, Rogue, Nethack, Angband, all fucking great games or series of games with good gameplay but "shit story". Go perform fellatio on a shotgun you fucking faggot scumfuck retard-ass motherfucking cocksucker.

0c1188 No.14176385



Why do you think that companies which have to survive would simply just make a product without any kind of market research?

Do you really think that any fucking company or person that needs to survive by selling a product just does things without any kind of rhyme or reason?

820053 No.14176408

File: f0412c61833f5c5⋯.png (774.39 KB, 1186x2062, 593:1031, 37f65f40479a3f8a161719e31f….png)


>to think that they specifically sat in some conference room and had a talk about "how we need to target our games for white male audiences" is fucking ridiculous

Hey fag boy, do you even know whats the point of marketing? They would use the data of people's underwear color if they had it.

d6feaa No.14176413

52bc7a No.14176426


>Ultima didn't get famous because of its narrative

As early as Ultimata 3 one of the big reasons the game got popular was because it pushed games as a narrative medium forward.

Also, good job citing roguelikes and dungeon crawlers in a discussion about RPGs, it paints you as the imbecile you truly are.

d6feaa No.14176459


If the vast majority of the audience are white males, you don't need to market to white males, theyre a given.

52bc7a No.14176478


That's the kind of thinking that leads developers to start pandering to other demographics thinking white men are going to take their shit and eat it right up. Just go ask BioWare how that ultimately worked out for them.

503c67 No.14176483

File: 5c28bb84a6d53d7⋯.png (898.02 KB, 880x684, 220:171, ALRIGHT.png)


>they literally wanted to remove and exclude White people from the game

>there was an actual argument and long debate about this

And apparently one of their staff is a cannibal

0c1188 No.14176485


If your brand is well recognized, no, you don't. But if you stray away too far from what your core audience expects from your product, they're not going to come back next time.

But if you're just another fucking game on the shelf, you better shill the fuck outta those waifu titties.

d73d01 No.14176487


Ultima was popular because it was a fun game, not because of some shitty story about fantasy Jesus. Roguelikes and Dungeon Crawlers are RPGs you pathetic, degenerate waste of space, air and nutrients. Please, decay back into the fucking puddle of rancid slime that you came from, you petty, puerile, pestilent wretch that only the most out-of-touch people may call human.

f05d5c No.14176501



a81bb2 No.14176508


BioWare was literally infested with Gender Studies assholes in 2010 and onward and everyone who was important started leaving. Now you need to hire new talent so you bring in Susan from NYU who graduated with a degree in gender studies and a minor in literature because the government mandated Equal Opportunity and equal hiring. THen it was a bunch of beta males who wanted to fuck thier new female coworkers and started becoming male feminists and pandered to the "WOW SO PROGRESSIVE" side. Its not that they stopped marketing to the core, they just got infested with progressivism

1f4487 No.14176516


>Dean Takahashi


f05d5c No.14176525


Women love violence and degradation in proportion to how screwed up they are. Chaste churchgirl caps out at spanking, blue haired feminists gets off to being locked up in a basement and mutilated.

52bc7a No.14176529


And that was a direct result of management fooling themselves that the dumb goyim were going to keep buying their garbage so long as they slapped the usual buzzwords on the package.

Take Wolfenstein for example. It's another product where the cucks in charge thought they had the white, male audience locked in because the game had a (((white))) male and Wolfenstein on the cover, only to bite them in the ass because white men saw the garbage they were peddling, saw they were being insulted and didn't like it. If management still thought they had to actually work to attract the white audience they wouldn't have allowed their /leftypol/ hires to run wild, but would have cracked their Semite whip and made those subhumans work.

820053 No.14176533


And that is how you lose your audience.

0c1188 No.14176543


It's incredible how it's the same story everywhere, those fucks that actually were the ones responsible for the actual game quality leave (and most of the time it's less than 5 guys), the studio then hires 100 pajeets, 10 numales and 110 gender studies females to appease the great benevolent gubmint and they can't even come close to what made the old games good.

820053 No.14176544

File: 461ccf8a65b4077⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 240x320, 3:4, 137593505136 (2).jpg)

3ffbde No.14176550


That's not how marketing works. The audience of CoD was every casual that exists, yet they had a ton of marketing. Also, marketing is not the same as developing. They knew that most people who bought these games were white males like themselves, and even if it wasn't a deliberate effort to only target that demographic, they knew what both their audience and they themselves liked. The people buying were white males, so the games ended up being about what white males wanted. Not exactly a difficult concept.


While the japanese certainly like tits, they aren't usually big fans of the whole western art style women. Especially not the ones that look like they've never bathed, like the rat girl and just about every female at the start of PS:T. They generally prefer their women being clean and with perfect hair at all times.

d6feaa No.14176552


>That's the kind of thinking that leads developers to start pandering to other demographics thinking white men are going to take their shit and eat it right up. Just go ask BioWare how that ultimately worked out for them.

My point (since games of the 90s were mentioned earlier) was that developers were not scheming to market to white males specifically like some illuminati conspiracy. That was simply the audience.That's not any kind of thinking at all.

Catering to other demographics only happens when (((post modernist faggots))) get involved and start bitching about diversity. THEN you may get some developers assuming their white male audience will buy into their diversity efforts.

52bc7a No.14176582


Leftists are programmed to infiltrate and poison any and all communities they can. Turning a work environment hostile and unproductive comes as naturally to them as breathing, and it can be said it's the only talent they seem to possess.


>They generally prefer their women being clean and with perfect hair at all times.

I don't know what game you played but PST women looked hot, even the most used up street hooker had a pair of big, round, perky tits on display.


Making smart business decisions is not an Illuminati conspiracy. You make a product for the demographic you know will buy it, and yes, they deliberately made games they thought white men would like, hence why games were so good back then. Nowadays developers deliberately antagonize white men in favor of non-existent female and minority groups.

503c67 No.14176605

File: 80a4744f776eb73⋯.jpg (77.92 KB, 605x391, 605:391, that's DOCTOR to you.jpg)


>a real psychologist.

A guy who applies critical theory to Disney movies =/= a real psychologist

503c67 No.14176612


Shows how low WRPG have become

52bc7a No.14176619


Psychology is Jewish quack science. It's all mumbo jumbo invented by a degenerate Jew that desperately wanted to fuck his own mother.

918df3 No.14176624

File: 4fa165dbc8946c7⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jojo part 7.png)


Shut the fuck up, Dio.

d6feaa No.14176636


>yes, they deliberately made games they thought white men would like, hence why games were so good back then.

"Our audience has been 99% white male for the last decade. For our next game, how do we get that hard-to-get white male demographic to buy our game? I'm stumped!"


d73d01 No.14176643

File: ebe2546c3dc7b27⋯.png (124 KB, 646x600, 323:300, Location_Lesotho_AU_Africa….png)


Freud didn't invent psychology faggot. Go back where you came from(pic related).

0c1188 No.14176656


>Leftists are programmed to infiltrate and poison any and all communities they can

I'd say that it's also a problem with conservatives: too much trust. They hire leftists knowing it's going to be a problem, but do it anyway. Leftists, on the other hand, actively fight against conservatives and people with conflicting ideologies. You'll never see a leftists hire someone who goes against his ideology.

It's time we start using their tactics.

c3d12f No.14176685


Yeah, sorry for missing that, far more important.

516ad3 No.14176726

File: afedb7f9fcf6438⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 465x465, 1:1, helping-the-retarded-to-kn….jpg)


> Jordan Peterson

> espousing critical theory



a3f291 No.14176755


Hey Jim, made up with Sargon yet?

6553ca No.14176757


Also completely glossed over the fact that he's an actual clinical psychologist with a practice and does research with teams of grad students. He's not some useless tenured mouthpiece.

5cc769 No.14176766


>cuckservatives = conservatists

Reminder that there hasn't been a conservative politician since the 1930's.

All of them are shades of liberalism with the only difference being scale between "m-m-muh free market" and "m-m-m-muh gibs for niggers"

Why aren't ""conservatives"" doing anything that'd close the borders, remove the faggot's ability to make a joke of marriage, rework the divorce system?

563e6f No.14176789

I don't know how she managed it. Cannibalism is inherently funny and none of her posts made me laugh at all.

3ffbde No.14176802

File: 8a28de52ecdca31⋯.png (199.38 KB, 272x441, 272:441, Annah.png)

File: b6210b6673f1c78⋯.png (236.73 KB, 271x441, 271:441, Tiefling_female.png)


The Torment I remember had a lot of ugly women, partially because of the early 3D graphics looking like absolute dogshit. These two aren't exactly attractive, and definitely not to the average japanese audience. Annah has that weirdass gray skin. I guess there were women like the succubus, but from what I remember those mostly just show up once you get past the start. It's been a while though. Regardless, nips prefer anime style girls to these very western fantasy-looking ones.


Stop being using strawman arguments, faggot. How about "we know what we and our audience want, so we do that"? Even if we assume that no word was ever uttered about the target demographic, that doesn't mean that the game wasn't made with them in mind. You're just being a retard about it, dancing around having to admit that you don't know what you're talking about.

79b5ee No.14176812

File: 48e6ac465f3d0e2⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1431979799236.mp4)

0c1188 No.14176837

File: d4f54d09667ca54⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2-pst010harlot.jpg)

File: 178b402b350aa0d⋯.png (549.11 KB, 800x450, 16:9, planescape-2.png)

b7f526 No.14176905

File: e26445844050622⋯.jpg (785.45 KB, 4092x4092, 1:1, sweat76749831.jpg)

4a8693 No.14176914

File: 09cb425cee5d01e⋯.jpg (313 KB, 600x628, 150:157, TFL_large6.jpg)


Martha Washington, Julia Child, Betty Crocker, thank you for being racist Paula Deen cause now i can buy good kitchenware for cheap, and those two fat ladies that rode a motorcycle on the BBC but one died cause she was too fat?

b9272d No.14176926

File: e029817448bea4c⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 771x886, 771:886, 1438871249009.jpg)


>a "regular girl" has a sluttier outfit than a prostitute

I'd say that that is strange, but considering how most women dress nowadays, whores are practically ladies.

6553ca No.14176950


My cousin works at a fast food establishment. He once said, "We received training in orientation on how to interact with ladies, but all I've ever met is women."

Got a good cackle out of our group.

73c667 No.14177026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





JRPGs are fucking garbage, hang yourselves

0f1589 No.14177069


Women are innately linked to death and decay.

Death comes once a month, miscarriages are commonplace, a mother might see 50+% of her offspring die along with her husband in a war.

On the flip side, men are innately linked to growth and vitality.

A man builds shelter, society, and children.

A man provides for everything.

The entire purpose of man is to conquer death and decay.

All of the "great wars" can be attributed to women supplanting male leadership in society.

The "greatest war" is yet to come.

dd23b0 No.14177125


What the fuck, is nothing sacred anymore?

ff0950 No.14177157



b8bfc0 No.14177160

File: cc35dd198777d0b⋯.jpg (199.16 KB, 1127x845, 1127:845, 1286326957622.jpg)

So basically inXile is an SJW infested shithole with cannibalistic feminazis erasing white people and misusing kickstarter funds.

Now the way Numenara and Wasteland 2 turned out makes more sense.

e52cc7 No.14177231


>chink games

>worthy of even being second class

Chink garbage is below any class.

d6feaa No.14177233


>Stop being using strawman arguments, faggot.

You're just being a retard about it, dancing around having to admit that you don't know what you're talking about.


563e6f No.14177258


If they're innately linked to death and decay then that would mean that they're not naturally inclined to cook or clean, preferring their surroundings and food to be filthy because they're predisposed to being lazy (which is a trait linked to death, as well). They only like to cook and clean because of a man's firm guiding hand and, if that's the case, then women raised by single mothers are very repulsive creatures and lesbian covens are the grimiest hellholes one can imagine. Am I correct?

2a70a7 No.14177269


what happened to numenara?



nu/pol/ has really made a fucking mess of this place.

b9272d No.14177270

File: 9a6f9d53ba56a84⋯.png (1.45 MB, 898x1164, 449:582, 9a6f9d53ba56a8466f18d66ceb….png)


True enlightenment will only come to you once you accept that there are both good and bad games in every genre and that fun is subjective.

Your taste is always the best for you.


I hope your cousin doesn't hate his job.


>tfw my friend ordered the collector's editions for Numeria

>"w-well, it's not that bad"

I'd pity the poor fool, but he has more money than sense, so I won't.

563e6f No.14177288


Have you been inside a lesbian coven?

c2c678 No.14177289


>women raised by single mothers are very repulsive creatures


>lesbian covens are the grimiest hellholes one can imagine


73c667 No.14177294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>True enlightenment will only come to you once you accept that there are both good and bad games in every genre and that fun is subjective.

There are, but JRPGs are raildroadded, grindy garbage full of filler as a whole

2a70a7 No.14177295

File: edcea679d3c2a06⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 195x229, 195:229, really.gif)


Have you?

563e6f No.14177298


Those dubs don't lie, do they?

2a70a7 No.14177305

File: 9a99784da3ccbc9⋯.png (79.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, I'm gonna check it.png)


Can't deny that.

5e1fc2 No.14177320

563e6f No.14177356


And, it's also no coincidence that the majority of perpetrators of child abuse are women as well, with lesbian couples being the worst offenders in both severity and frequency.

It's a wonder how men are ever attracted to them in the first place.



Those were not real people.

7b55ce No.14177587


2D superior to 3D once again.

2a652a No.14177646


Well Spoony is fantasizing about being a woman and getting fucked by Trump so…

94e1a2 No.14178025





I fail to see the problem there.

415b18 No.14178058

File: 41c945c3426bf29⋯.jpg (139.58 KB, 640x629, 640:629, jimmynumale1.jpg)



0ea3e5 No.14178081

Reminder that being eaten is the worst death possible and vorefag fetishists are sub-kike subhumans

563e6f No.14178147


Is it even worse than being flayed alive and then sprayed with salt and lemon juice as you're slowly lowered into a vat of lye while being pricked in your exposed testicles with a sewing needle?

2a70a7 No.14178177


Way to up the ante there anon, let's see how anon responds cotton.

0f1589 No.14178272

File: caf1b34e284e23a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 462.76 KB, 1128x446, 564:223, womenaredisgusting.png)

File: 8ee542bc042155c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 562.27 KB, 2092x1586, 1046:793, women - _cgl_ disgusting w….jpg)

File: 9d60f162cd4ac42⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 755.98 KB, 1040x1000, 26:25, single mothers destroy all….png)

File: 7dfd74dbe94a7b1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 104.63 KB, 560x642, 280:321, women destroy because they….png)

File: 5d209013d70bb49⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 7.36 MB, 654x480, 109:80, The Most Normal Girl on t….webm)


>death and decay then that would mean that they're not naturally inclined to cook or clean

Housewife is no longer vogue, women prefer to eat out and are known to blow through 200+ just for food on single dates. A current female strategy is to go on dates just for meals.

>preferring their surroundings and food to be filthy because they're predisposed to being lazy

I have no pics, but just look around the average camwhore's room.

>They only like to cook and clean because of a man's firm guiding hand

When man works, he demands woman to feed and care.

>then women raised by single mothers are very repulsive creatures and lesbian covens are the grimiest hellholes one can imagine

>Am I correct?

It's obvious you aren't wrong.

Women make up the majority of cutters, and the most notorious cutter is a woman. There are images of her isolating an artery from the surrounding tissue. She has a mouse or rat tattoo.



Try brothers and sons.


Direct nerve stimulation as bits of you are carved off and grilled for the dinner party you're attending as the centerpiece of the table.

7d8007 No.14178324

thx for making this thread. it may not be much but im going to remove any inxile games from my steam wishlist.

2a70a7 No.14178333

File: 917f3219ab53050⋯.png (169.1 KB, 634x790, 317:395, pouting christan.png)


>Try brothers and sons.

Faggot, my entire family consists of a sister and two mothers. I know what women are like. And trying to grandstand like some fucking bastion of masculinity just makes you look some pretentious insecure faggot.

c2c678 No.14178334

File: 03fd676375de744⋯.mp4 (908 KB, 636x360, 53:30, krtachibanascream.mp4)



>A little weird to make a video about this but whatever

>Starts sniffing it


>Halfway point

>She starts licking it

>Sucking it off her fingers

0ea3e5 No.14178337


Well, i guess at least your corpse won't be turned into shit.

59fa08 No.14178350

tbh if the setting does not have any white people in it, why would you force white people in it? it's the same as a black guy in the medieval England


the problem is making people fucking aware of shit and also removing the cancer that suppresses it, we went through this with GG people come the fuck on.

0f1589 No.14178379


>posts christian meme when he has two mothers



2a70a7 No.14178405

File: b33446171c592b6⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 488x410, 244:205, b33446171c592b68974d1865f2….jpg)


I'll post what I want. And how the fuck am I whiteknighting? For nonexistent women?

59fa08 No.14178447


we have afew actually autistic literal misogynist here, I remember the most awful of the lot was a legitimate pedophile who came off as some kinda mudslime monkey boy tbh

caec23 No.14178536


what shithole country are you from that you don't like onions?

034ef7 No.14178542

What the hell?

7b55ce No.14178571


>literal misogynists


2d3919 No.14178584

File: 2305ea5d8b5b324⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 418x345, 418:345, Basiliskeyes.jpg)


Wow you have a mom and sister what a fucking achievement.

59fa08 No.14178589


>>>/r_the Donald

7b55ce No.14178598


Even the denizens of /r/The_cuckold are preferable to a communist.

94e1a2 No.14178607


what shithole country are you from that you do like onions?

2d3919 No.14178612



Why are you faggots shitting on onions? I cant fry a steak without some onions. That shit aint right.

2a70a7 No.14178625


Try following a reply chain faggot.


There are people who just unconditionally hate women anon, just cause feminists use a word does not mean it ceases to exist. Hell if I said we had a lot of racists here you would agree with me.


Onions are fine.

59fa08 No.14178628


I'd say why don't you go back to them but the site was more or less co-opted by tards like that back when GG was nearing it's end so now faggots like you now think stating a fact means X number of buzzwords


best be doing some mushrooms too

7b873b No.14178630


Onions increase testosterone, which makes the soyboys very uncomfortable.

2d3919 No.14178655


>Fried mushrooms

Now we have a quality thread Anons. Nothing better than some big ass fried shrooms with a side of dead cow.

Eating humans is for lefty faggots.

76a378 No.14178657


>eating meat with anything other than coarse salt

59fa08 No.14178678


I don't know, I'd like to eat one of every animal seems like there's a ton of new flavors just begging for me to try them

76a378 No.14178709

File: 5b5c8c24c44c7d5⋯.jpg (165 KB, 750x509, 750:509, aus_9_10_2.jpg)

File: 588bb9ba019c8f3⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 1700x1564, 25:23, De_Bry_Indorum_alij_Occidu….jpg)

File: affacf5362b59f9⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 443x383, 443:383, f7f6eb73508190ed7d67a8f8e7….jpg)



Holy fuck you lefty faggot cannibal, who the fuck let you in here?

59fa08 No.14178728


interesting claims from one who wants kosher salt on his meat

2a652a No.14178759

File: 78c8dce59ab70b5⋯.jpg (390.47 KB, 2560x1920, 4:3, french-red-shallots_LRG.jpg)


Shallots are better. Either that or multiplier onions.

76a378 No.14178777



It's sea salt, I don't care what yids call it.

>trying to deflect from the fact that's he wants to eat HUMAN MEAT

>by saying that sea salt is jewish

/leftycringe/, leddit, SA, resetera, neogaf, whatever hole you crawled out of, crawl back inside.

59fa08 No.14178797

File: 9902de474b109c6⋯.png (280.11 KB, 1680x820, 84:41, firefox_2018-01-18_03-51-5….png)


see how the jew buzzwords

55be3b No.14178821

File: dac4a7e026f7750⋯.png (198.14 KB, 520x388, 130:97, 1443727419213-2.png)


Holy shit I'm never going to look at sea salt the same way.

76a378 No.14178848


you're not making any sense, retard

9126a7 No.14178861


>he doesn't like onions

9126a7 No.14178871




lol, pretty good troll

59fa08 No.14178880


oh I get it I need to speak in your language

>is a literal jew

>uses buzzwords

>is likely a cross poster


b86c4e No.14178902

File: a638eda603ac3a5⋯.jpg (674.26 KB, 3237x2207, 3237:2207, Mirepoix_on_cutting_board.jpg)

76a378 No.14178905


Still not making sense. What buzzwords? Are you denying that you said you want to taste human meat? And only thing what you posted proves is that americans call sea salt "kosher". If jews start calling some variety of tomato or whatever kosher will you stop eating it?

>hurr buzzwords

>accusations of being jewish based on what americans call a normal fucking kind of SALT

>no punctuation

>more empty accusations that don't really say anything

>uses jew as an insult while being from leftycringe

>is disingenious (like any good lefty)

Goony as fuck.

76a378 No.14178910


Not to mention your earlier posts in the thread, all whining about /pol/ in one form or another.

b86c4e No.14178917


I wonder who got this? >>14178888

59fa08 No.14178922


you really do read like some cuckchan jew tbh


what a waste

76a378 No.14178935





Really, faggot? You're just baiting now.

59fa08 No.14178942

6964e6 No.14178954


the white people in torment is all well and good, but the bit about them using torment funds on wasteland 2 quite a bit juicier. It leaves inxile vulnerable to a class action from the gorillions of tormentaboos.

8a5406 No.14178962

File: bd3d79db8d0464d⋯.png (277.19 KB, 640x478, 320:239, 1dfea34ff8cc214067caca149d….png)



>But also Green Onions

Good fucking shit right there

59fa08 No.14178967


that's the real nugget all this shitflinging is trying to cover up but tbh I doubt those people will do such a thing without alot more proof then that

69055a No.14179149


Anon do you want to fuck your grandmother?

851948 No.14179299


Because ever since the civil rights act or arguably even a decade or two before that, politicians have to be pretty centrist/mixed ideologically to maximize votes. A good example would be Obama who is the president with the most deportations ever in the US under his orders, or the war happy Clinton, and Bush Jr or Reagan, who both expanded the state welfare to retarded proportions.

52f185 No.14179580


That filename fucking kek

6fa233 No.14179595


>he's not his own grandfather

How will you keep your bloodline pure?

dd23b0 No.14181945

What is it with sjw/feminazi types and murder fantasies?

b17957 No.14181953


Latent self loathing and conscious narcissism is a dangerous mix.

737663 No.14181966

>anti white degenerate is a cannibal

I am not even surprised

bf6e37 No.14182071


>it's not racist, it's MICROFICTION

I love this argument.

5cc769 No.14182078

File: 0667c3f8a94f444⋯.jpg (334.86 KB, 1109x1355, 1109:1355, Jenny 'The Death Of All Co….jpg)


I prefer, I'm not racist, it's just facts.

dd23b0 No.14182252


>Fucking idiot. You should be worshipping asians, you sub-human, ungrateful ape.

Every damn time. The burn.

ac3bb7 No.14182328

So there's some SJ pandering in Numenera and a weirdo on the dev team, so what?

Don't people usually like Numenera?

b17957 No.14182431


I don't think even goons liked it that much. They praised it for a month and then their thread for it died most likely.

737663 No.14182476


>Don't people usually like Numenera?

Literally no one likes Numenera, not even the tranny loving mouth breathing retards over at steam

af20df No.14182532




dd23b0 No.14184116


>Dean Takahashi

Still funny.

e52cc7 No.14184484


>look this up to see if it's true

>it is

>she got put into a (((mental hospital))) immediately afterwards

Didn't they do the same thing to Kanye West? Really makes you think. Almost like they're being forcibly entered into re-education camps.

c2c678 No.14184565

File: baedf62e4f4bd08⋯.webm (783.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, jurilaugh.webm)


>Dude, come back when your people learn to be human

I'm in love.

b17957 No.14184693


They call it reprogramming and not deprogramming for a reason.

d6735c No.14184728



JRPGs are shit and are barely RPGs but they are better than most WRPGs. But they are both nothing compared to CRPGs which are far better than anything japan has made.

a206ac No.14186359

File: af8d0eb964bd425⋯.jpg (83.95 KB, 586x267, 586:267, 2drj.jpg)

621659 No.14186399


/po/ is fucking cancerous though

dd23b0 No.14187081


>she got put into a (((mental hospital))) immediately afterwards

what the fuck, really?

7f3e25 No.14189495

File: 19892d3515ee36e⋯.webm (3.37 MB, 720x404, 180:101, gookess.webm)


>Eradication of (((one toxic family))) is exactly what this world needs.

Holy shit i love gookesses right now. What is sad though is that she was taken to a mental hospital and she probably won't come back alive. Expect news of her """suicide""" soon.

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