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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ec3e0 No.14163830

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>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>SJW Marvel comics just got canceled for Christmas, and Twitter is salty about it: https://archive.fo/Sbq7c

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

>NISA claims SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy will be uncensored globally http://archive.is/R3Y4K

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> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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b55ae3 No.14163836


2ec2bf No.14163838

File: ccffd46e1eb3ef6⋯.png (712.2 KB, 1093x519, 1093:519, Xenojojo menacing.png)


Now this is a bread!

a0b710 No.14163848

be1b7b No.14163859

File: 0bfddc5a91d6564⋯.png (209.7 KB, 1577x521, 1577:521, Mark_is_greedy_jewish_kike….png)


Brutal Doom is gr8 tbh

ce0443 No.14163864



Yeah, that sounds like Marky-mark, alright.

63c908 No.14163870

File: 70701a9701e6ac7⋯.webm (6.74 MB, 490x360, 49:36, mlk.webm)

happy martin luther king jr. day

a83925 No.14163877

File: dfc5a5ec47fbde5⋯.png (375.7 KB, 760x1295, 152:259, Stop-Hitting-Yourself-Bull….png)


They've gotten too good at accusing each other of serial women respecting for anything we do to really match it. Like, why bother send letters to some company when they'll proudly call each other rapists on twitter? I'd be bored if it wasn't so funny.

Like, Dan Harmon spent a week straight screeching on twitter how GG supporters should die, and a twitter employee covers his ass anyway. But one random writer for him aims the pointing bone and he's all tears and tissues.

178309 No.14163901


O Lord, make our enemies quite ridiculous!

e71b25 No.14163924

File: 5cd0bdc27133f28⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 601.42 KB, 1056x1200, 22:25, 1.png)

File: 9d63eeacfb10acd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 524.87 KB, 978x1200, 163:200, 2.png)

File: 6182c3c50e89cea⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 381.22 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 3.png)


a8c04b No.14163950

File: 2342f9d9358bf0e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.68 KB, 1280x1207, 1280:1207, bike slut.jpg)

cd8fa2 No.14163964


I am out of the loop.

Who made it?

Not the original artist, surely

bbeae1 No.14163968

File: 0796c87207fad57⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 640x640, 1:1, loli abduction.jpg)



>tfw we memed the bike cuck into bike slut

620b82 No.14163969

File: bbd96dcded531c6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 223.83 KB, 540x353, 540:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2a56b2ff5bc119⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 237.25 KB, 540x357, 180:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24e7af14a742a0d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 134.78 KB, 250x371, 250:371, ClipboardImage.png)


so cute. source please

167872 No.14163994


did he break?

65a8e4 No.14164005


the original artist can't draw that well.

8733fa No.14164010


>nigger day


c82828 No.14164018

File: 7d400a357a235a0⋯.png (169.34 KB, 484x655, 484:655, 7d400a357a235a0c3f2bf83a36….png)

File: 64a83b26cac3dcd⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 818x270, 409:135, grege1.jpg)

File: a31299070183893⋯.png (254.26 KB, 717x555, 239:185, 71478581f39e7841ae6699eea8….png)

It happened.

Enough is enough.

Literally TWO Beatles have died already because of murderous, hateful gamers. Music labels need to step in and do something about it's toxic fanbase NOW.

620b82 No.14164041

File: 1f776628f8ad9d2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 95.82 KB, 738x703, 738:703, ClipboardImage.png)


wow good thing im not a steam addict, I go for GoG. Fuck beefag

Also, he cant draw for shit and should get a real job

620b82 No.14164048

File: 104637ff580fad0⋯.png (72.43 KB, 735x521, 735:521, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck, I spoilered that image by mistake. Here's beefag thinking that white genocide is 'ha ha funny' like dick and vagene jokes

bbeae1 No.14164051

File: ca29d536687c7a0⋯.png (612.18 KB, 670x900, 67:90, I_came_here_to_be_serious_….png)



I can't define if these those posts sarcastic or not.

6fce1e No.14164055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I'm starving and suffering oh woe is me

>I have a smartphone and internet access

One of these things is not like the other

a6ff68 No.14164058




Stop reposting this retarded nobody

Unless its actually you and if so fuck off

Im swaying more towards you actually being him

Either way reported

be1b7b No.14164059



doesn't beefag make shitty comics in this very thread on the reg though? :^)

620b82 No.14164062

File: 3e7a8db69f8a36f⋯.png (64.34 KB, 692x512, 173:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0db97a8616827db⋯.png (49.43 KB, 712x437, 712:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d3495d98422871⋯.png (98.58 KB, 1515x687, 505:229, maldraw aka beefag is poor….png)


the more I scroll down on beefag's twitter, the louder I repeat your question to myself



Hey goy, why dont you buy his shitty $100 pencil drawings of christ-chan and moonman, huh?

f32b47 No.14164064

So, as I was trying to ask last thread. If you go to record stuff in Japan to make a youtube video to monetize counts as work for the visa?

What if you want to do both tourism and work?

167872 No.14164066


you're joking but it might be true

8a9ce1 No.14164070


If you're going to work and make money you get a work visa. It's not hard.

It would have been shady if he'd gone home before uploading his shit, but he didn't.

f32b47 No.14164075


Well, I guess it depends how long you stay. If I stayed for a week I would just focus that week to record and have fun, then the edition and the upload would come after I get back home. I would still need a work visa?

620b82 No.14164077

File: f2a6b34bd433040⋯.png (332.56 KB, 640x340, 32:17, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't stop posting because his tweets are so retarded and he's so up his own ass. It's like a downie crapping his pants in the mall, you just can't look away. Guy's a super soy goy, keeps blaming gamers on violence, while at the same time sucks Gabe Newell's dick.

6fce1e No.14164081


Seems like a cow ripe for harvesting

a724e4 No.14164082


On scale from retard to cuck, how retarded would be to actually sent him some money?

8a9ce1 No.14164088


That's a grey area because unless they can prove you didn't just record yourself for personal reasons and then later decide to use it for a video it would be a shit show to prosecute you for it.

620b82 No.14164094

File: dd0295208276e82⋯.png (42.74 KB, 740x292, 185:73, ClipboardImage.png)


He's desperate. Probably you can commission him to draw some pepes

8a9ce1 No.14164098


Pantsu on head retarded.

f32b47 No.14164115


So, basically, if you record something you might or you might not profit from it you need a work visa?

How hard and expensive is to get a work visa?

eda59a No.14164132

Leaked documents were posted on half/v/ https://catbox.moe/c/y1h1lj

They claim to have an AI chatbot that targets customers on social media, AI that detects player emotions and modifies the game to manipulate them into buying lootboxes, and the ability to map users' homes by triangulating signals through their PC, console, and phone.

a83925 No.14164140


There's no way you'd need a work visa just to record film, especially if it's just of yourself or in a blog-format. You'd likely only need a work visa if you were officially contracted for filming. There's probably a cut-off point that separates film for personal use and commercial filming. Besides, it's extremely unlikely they would even want to pursue people over it, travel-blogging is free advertising.

I'd be more focused on their laws about filming in general, make sure you get permission if you're going to record anyone, blur out faces if you aren't sure, stuff like that.

786ad9 No.14164142

File: 902c41dba841955⋯.png (216.58 KB, 750x638, 375:319, e4c123a028eab42a04f48172b8….png)

File: 880826d31366057⋯.png (15.86 KB, 560x487, 560:487, fagdraw.png)


Commissions come at a price goy.

92fa0b No.14164146

File: 3969e802213d113⋯.gif (56.4 KB, 256x192, 4:3, Phoenix_Sweating_1.gif)



Wait a moment, is this the guy that did those asinine Christ-chan comics?

f32b47 No.14164147


Ah, cool.

dffbcd No.14164150

File: 5defba1a8b694ba⋯.jpg (10.01 KB, 250x285, 50:57, 1283117114727.jpg)

be1b7b No.14164154


Yes, why do you think there's doubt that it's the same faggot making the shitty, inane "video games" comics?

f32b47 No.14164156


Oh, another question. Is there any other japanese forest that isn't a hotspot for suicides where I can record safely?

0ec3e0 No.14164158

File: 11a841a6ea6a101⋯.jpg (126.74 KB, 663x538, 663:538, Chaika Happy.jpg)

6 more days and I'm out of Twitter jail.

dffbcd No.14164165

File: 47e0a49a366e38c⋯.gif (1009.69 KB, 500x248, 125:62, 1431471051997.gif)


>3 Sep 2017 Like what I'm doing? My patreon: https://www.patreon.com/christchan

>6 of 300 patrons

620b82 No.14164174

File: f2b4b97d564986b⋯.png (772.7 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


What are ya in for?

0ec3e0 No.14164179


"Hate speech".

bb213e No.14164186

File: d50ae9722e98a0e⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB, 700x394, 350:197, b3etAkI.mp4)

be1b7b No.14164192


man american comedy's trying to join german comedy in the bottom of the barrel category or something

620b82 No.14164193

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


thank the pajeets, they used an automated script

instead of actually modding Twitter.

620b82 No.14164197


this is even lower than arab comedy where they make fun (and beat) retards and effeminate people as a punchline

148c89 No.14164206

File: 5d8b91effcefe88⋯.webm (622.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, HaPenis.webm)

392d0d No.14164217

File: d069508dcb0f30a⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, do you like video games.jpg)


It's not directly GG related but I'm considering making a twatter to retweet good art I find to replace the numale faggots that run the retweeting accounts that I find.

I'll be scrolling through this one fag's feed and inbetween retweeting good rare art buried years deep in jap artist's labyrinthine twitter account he's whining about net neutrality or /pol/ or posting unfunny tumblr-tier jokes.

Is using Tor for twitter OK as long as I don't use the browser for anything else at the same time? I assume I'd use a burner email to sign up if I did.

7dc593 No.14164220


Its because mocking gg is fine, but as broad strokes being someone who has done anything to women could kill his career and public life, and he is shitting his pants afraid as he is a social fag, his life is being social, without the ability to be social he knows he may as well be dead without social interactions.

a83925 No.14164221


There's loads of them, anything specific would be best learned about from tourist guides based on where you'd want to travel through. There's an episode of Begin Japanology about famous woods and forests, but it doesn't seem to be up anywhere. They've also got a lot of good info on shrines and other locations, it's a good starting point for cultural stuff.

0ec3e0 No.14164223

File: 2236652a81b411f⋯.png (339.73 KB, 854x475, 854:475, Joseph Joestar Facepalm.png)

>Cloudflare captcha showing up on websites I'm frequent at, AGAIN

Fuck this shit.

e6f427 No.14164233

bb213e No.14164234

File: 87228c1b089ef0e⋯.png (356.37 KB, 1088x708, 272:177, 2018-01-15_14-18-58.png)


from previous thread

bb213e No.14164237


ffs, why do 2d fags always draw black dicks?

511024 No.14164258

File: b4aab5dd2c38b9c⋯.png (96.2 KB, 440x351, 440:351, 1400490174870.png)


>ffs, why do 2d fags always draw black dicks?

Well, since cucking usually involves niggers fucking weak h'white men's wives… and since the original artist has been nicknamed "bike cuck", it just seems to be a natural fit.

b303c9 No.14164282


He's back.

392d0d No.14164307

File: eca2ad50f751269⋯.png (639 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 69fa11e3923817da67710c7d20….png)

I like to imagine that he's scribbled Yossi's face out behind that window.

This guy has been pretty entertaining to me and I'm not sure why

978995 No.14164315



Also niggers steal bikes so in this case it's pretty applicable.

d2b56a No.14164316


>drawing boy as girl

This is gay

bb213e No.14164328


>Also niggers steal bikes so in this case it's pretty applicable.

But I don't wanna look at nigger dick, this is not acceptable at all.

3e2dd9 No.14164341


The art is shit anyway, if you want lewd images mocking bikecuck you already have 3 images that are infinitely better. >>14163924

475899 No.14164366

yadda yadda yadda digging cuckchan leak etc

8e7459 No.14164382

File: a8dc687586d5771⋯.webm (15.86 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Dr. King- Nonviolence is ….webm)


<Only video I currently have of Dr. King



148874 No.14164384

File: ee5491d4eed4889⋯.png (134.7 KB, 1301x455, 1301:455, 0iUApcv.png)

What did they mean by this?

620b82 No.14164389


both faces are so punchable

2ce345 No.14164390

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

79ca42 No.14164398



They look like the same person.

9b1e87 No.14164524

File: a853cf6f1665327⋯.png (515.7 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder to buy my jpegs.png)

92f519 No.14164555

>China's economy beats the US

>China buys up US vidya studios

My prediction for the next five years.

ff9588 No.14164607

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)




>all these screencaps of tweets from some retarded nobody

>no archives


656569 No.14164655

File: 8084ea620d3958a⋯.png (675.72 KB, 666x666, 1:1, There is no turning back n….png)



You should meme more responsibly,

8e7459 No.14164706

File: 8fe8007e747d826⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1515x1071, 505:357, ClipboardImage.png)

Well, I just found something interesting. If anyone is looking for translations of old Japanese interviews from game developers (But, cannot speak a competent amount of Moon Runes yet, like me), I just found a site were a user is dedicated to doing just that: http://shmuplations.com/games/

Found it by coming across the guys translation of an interview with Kazuhiro Ochi on the subject of creating the original Cosmic Fantasy:



d2d582 No.14164734

Apparently missed a lot of drama last night. Mombot shitposted at someone again and everyone's mad.



This particular artist used to at least have two sets of images, one with regular dicks and other painted black. also since his art is hosted on Shadman's site it does make sense

366784 No.14164736

File: 2e0aabae3087538⋯.png (26.97 KB, 330x400, 33:40, 2e0aabae30875382c05c99ca3e….png)

So despite not being French or not knowing any French, does that make someone a faggot if they casually through in "mon ami" within sentences?

f36b00 No.14164737

File: af605df2ba277fd⋯.jpg (161.11 KB, 962x662, 481:331, The Chad.jpg)

ed789f No.14164761


Sometimes I think I have brain damage or schizophrenia or some shit, and the shit I'm seeing isn't real but a simulated version of reality, for this shit shouldn't even be happening in a sane society.

What a time to be alive.

d8feb9 No.14164790

File: 12742ce7f49016c⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 720x576, 5:4, Deep_Space_Nine_1-18_21.jpg)


It's alright, it's not something I say but I'm from Quebec, our French is different.

Also is the new wiki by Acid up? I offer my help if needed. I was a C++ project manager, not a server guy but I can maybe help.

bae2d6 No.14164791

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

HUNDREDS of Twitter Employees Paid to View "Everything You Post," & Private "Sex Messages"

ed789f No.14164795


Well shit, I'm fucked. At least I'm taking down Brianna Wu with me.

e6f427 No.14164813


Good thing i only shitpost on twitter and anything significant i take to other platforms.

98e908 No.14164817

>Daily Beast Reporter Resigns After Plagiarism of Weekly Standard: ‘We Take Plagiarism Seriously’



>Merryweather says - "If you guys remember Chris King, the fake cancer guy who attempted to blackmail me and harassed me for 6 months, he's been taken in by the police and they're building a case on him now." (he's a former Kotaku / Escapist writer)



>Gamergate was created to thwart Tumblr (Who make danker memes than 4chan) and banded together to get Trump elected


EuroGamer accuses Quantic Dream CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière of Sexual Assault, later corrects article claiming the "translation was incorrect" in an Update


original version for comparison:



>Patrick W. Galbraith, a scholar known for his work on otaku, 'moe' and other aspects of modern Japanese media, has published a paper on Gamergate


>Le Monde journalist William Audureau says that Sony have blacklisted him for reporting on workplace issues at Quantic Dream? (Is he saying that? Sounds like it)




ed789f No.14164828

File: c62b387494e29bd⋯.png (136.85 KB, 620x1720, 31:86, Thiel Gawker.png)

f5822e No.14164834

480f74 No.14164843

File: 7bd000e521e58c4⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 424x636, 2:3, 7bd000e521e58c432d9f3401cf….jpg)


bae2d6 No.14164844


Call me when it's Commiefornia the one being bathed in lava. Hell, I'd be happy if it was San Fran or Silicon Valley.

17a64f No.14164846


About that william audureau blacklisting, two things :

- it's only a claim he's making; his argument is "I have sources who told me so it must be true"

- discussed with both a girl working at Quantic dream and a friend who knows PR in vidya in France, overall EVERYONE IN THE VIDYA INDUSTRY detests the fucker. Apparently he's a cunt who always invites himself to parties, awards, etc., drinks the champagne, eats the petit-fours, says "wow that was great, thanks everyone !", and then writes a lambasting, mean-spirited article about them the very next day, every single time. So PR fucking hates him, and his shitpull with QD must've been the last straw at Sony I guess.


I posted the whole thing with the guy's name hidden; I found it a bit more "respectful". There was no need to post it again with the guy's handle, although, well, it's the internet, so I'm not gonna blame you for it.

668946 No.14164853

ed789f No.14164859


>I posted the whole thing with the guy's name hidden

Was going to post that one but the image was made for ants and Destiny. You mentioned adding :orig to the URL for the full size on your twatter handle but it didn't work.

d8feb9 No.14164860


>eats the petit-fours

Fucking degenerate asshole.

ed789f No.14164864

File: 18bd52711ae100e⋯.jpg (863.73 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, show me de way.jpg)


RIP Hotwheels.

98e908 No.14164874

File: f9cda1e9790cc5c⋯.png (47.83 KB, 459x515, 459:515, MEA.PNG)

File: f2c5feefd269f2c⋯.png (60.34 KB, 456x615, 152:205, MLK.PNG)

d8feb9 No.14164883


I'm kind of conflicted because I believe the same thing as him for what happened to ME:A. I saw the Bioware Montreal team at Comicon a few years ago, it was Diversity hires: the studio. Colored hair, cucks and landwhale.

786ad9 No.14164884

File: 2e1bd847d14f681⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x334, 250:167, slightdiscomfort.jpg)

>look at Mombot's retweets

>the decline of animu in Germany coincides with Merkel gaining power


ed789f No.14164887


That's what people complain to Wu about? Not the Lunar rocks or the fake identities used for tax evasion, but the Mass Effect Andromeda comment?

8a9ce1 No.14164895


He's right for the wrong reason.

32a453 No.14164916



See, this is why I scoff when people say Flynt is just batshit insane. Johnny boy doesn't double down on the actually crazy shit, he uses the mockery of the crazy shit said and applies it to the somewhat reasonable comments in order to make a "MUH HORSEMINT OF WOMYN IN TECH" song-and-dance routine.

No, Scooby here is just a massive sociopathic narcissist, and we have evidence of that spanning back to his Van Wilder days at Ole Miss. You know, like that time he called two people a "fat dyke" and a "sand nigger" because they wouldn't publish his shitty little comic and got a restraining order filed against him for harassment.

17a64f No.14164917


Probably because you added ":orig" after the ":large" you dolt. At the end of the pic's url, not at the end of the pic's large version made by twitter shitty system.

And again, no worries anyway, I "protect" people's "identities" on twitter because I find it more polite, cordial, caring, but we're on 8chan, honestly who'd care ?


To be fair, great french catering's petit-fours are a godsend sometimes. I swear they're tiny little pieces of heaven.

ed789f No.14164934


> like that time he called two people a "fat dyke" and a "sand nigger" because they wouldn't publish his shitty little comic and got a restraining order filed against him for harassment.

I'm so glad that these progressive all loving people have so much power in this industry.

32a453 No.14164936

File: 4882549cd074767⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 640x266, 320:133, 1467789006076.gif)


>particularly, the censorship laws

So where are the SJWeebs trying to justify this shit? What are they going to use now that "it's only censorship when the government does it" doesn't apply?

e428b8 No.14164939

File: 79a534a030773d8⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 304x376, 38:47, 79a534a030773d823d6058a361….gif)


>a woman



broken clocks, anon

32a453 No.14164944


Yeah, isn't it just so odd that all these "social justice advocates" have a long history of not practicing what they preach? I didn't even get into Flynt and Frank's tendency to tear down up-and-coming women in tech that try to base themselves in the Boston area, namely by taking credit for their shit with their press entourage, then threatening anyone brave enough to call them out on their shit.

98e908 No.14164951

File: 039795543c97308⋯.jpg (24.15 KB, 500x371, 500:371, 1407519904111.jpg)

32a453 No.14164959


>how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man.webm

ed789f No.14164971

File: e17ca85cb64b646⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Andy Dick.mp4)

Andy Dick admits to beating his kids and not feeding them when they piss him off, also admits he has blackmail material on Harvey Lenin at TMZ

786ad9 No.14164977


Andy Dick literally drugged and boozed himself out to the point of retardation.

I'm surprised he has enough braincells left to walk and talk.

17a64f No.14164981


Who and why should I care ?

ed789f No.14164989


Might be another Harvey Weinstein bombshell, possible pedophillia allegations from an outlet with ties with Gawker. I don't know, might have been a little interesting.

8c9724 No.14164992


isn't that the guy that killed Phil Hartman

17a64f No.14165007



>might be

>might have been

wow what a big deal anon woah baabhabhiat

eacccf No.14165009

File: 36b544724a7b92b⋯.png (478.73 KB, 672x537, 224:179, 1468202625256.png)


>now he's into interracial

nobody liked your comics before, so why must you do this? it's not gaining you any fans

8e7459 No.14165011


>it's not gaining you any fans

It get's the occasional chuckle out of me.

bb213e No.14165026


>used to at least have two sets of images, one with regular dicks and other painted black

>used to

so that means there isn't a regular dick version of that pic?

ed789f No.14165036


Time will tell, Val. Time will tell.

33967b No.14165039

File: c536ec733817782⋯.png (690.73 KB, 918x509, 918:509, Degenerate Satisfaction.png)

File: e37d9f878efa012⋯.jpg (294.1 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, chirnoheadpat.jpg)



It is a good feeling.I hope this has some staying power, I wanna see more.


>Someone capped my post.

Aw shucks.

811981 No.14165044



That's one way to look at it. They are still pretty crotey totey comics.

a838da No.14165048

File: 5b52624ae892cb1⋯.png (959.27 KB, 1300x1708, 325:427, 5b52624ae892cb1be65c4d7e21….png)



Filter the faggot and don't give it (You)s.

Give me your (You)s instead.


Kill yourself.

ed789f No.14165050


Top tier waifu my friend, you earned your (you).

94e3f5 No.14165052


Your comics are basic shit and the people who laugh at them are low IQ fags. Thats what you wanted to hear, right?

10e940 No.14165059

File: 658d543895fbe9c⋯.jpg (231.97 KB, 804x1110, 134:185, Bridget.(GUILTY.GEAR).full….jpg)


If you going to post a trap, post a videogame one.

17a64f No.14165062


Gook, when are ya gonna learn ? You need to stop being this gay

d8feb9 No.14165065

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)


Haman Karn is superior but I respect your choice of waifu.

9b1478 No.14165071

anyone find anything new about the leaks?

I feel like any attempt to try and look into it even just seeing whether its fake or not has been shitposted and possibly shillposted to oblivion, near every dissenter in that thread is either a (1) (just a shitposter most likely) or autistic and talks like shills would

>fucking conspiratards

>its obviously fake , look at this strange thing about it, ITS PROVEN FAKE REEEE STOP POSTING

Among other things like bitching about /pol/ for whatever reason. The shill guide can quite literally be applied to a lot of posters in that thread

ed789f No.14165073

File: a0202afa913ba95⋯.jpg (43.51 KB, 276x280, 69:70, Erica.jpg)

65c081 No.14165076

File: 71884915e0505b4⋯.jpg (54.45 KB, 500x375, 4:3, haman shades.jpg)


Yeah preach it brother.

bb213e No.14165078

File: fc1cb4d050f0c9c⋯.png (772.23 KB, 1000x1905, 200:381, 2018-01-15_18-48-13.png)

File: af36650e5ef5ee0⋯.png (720.31 KB, 1000x2037, 1000:2037, 2018-01-15_18-49-24.png)

>More male victims of domestic violence than female

https://archive.is/yQhbS translated

https://archive.is/Ty1B7 original

10e940 No.14165080


Yeah. Vidya Traps are okay here.

8ab75a No.14165084

File: fc76fb0215fda18⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 198x198, 1:1, fc76fb0215fda189a1388b82f7….jpg)



Makes me wonder what his reaction would be to these

6a3fee No.14165086


>inb4 such comments as "lol masculinity so weak"

bb213e No.14165093

File: a0260fc24a497f8⋯.webm (7.53 MB, 853x480, 853:480, Bike Cuck.webm)


How did he react to being called bike cuck? Didn't he just laugh it off or something?

10e940 No.14165098

File: fc4b4e28834df24⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 855x1014, 285:338, His bike.gif)


>Cucking him

65c081 No.14165103


We've hit surrealist. How long until we hit abstract?

ed789f No.14165109


He got over it, but tried to make that comic anti-NN repeal.

ff9588 No.14165111


>Video game cat


8e7459 No.14165113


>anyone find anything new about the leaks?

Apparently /pol/ has come up empty as well: >>>/pol/11153108 There's not enough information to make a solid stance on whether or not this is a LARPer or the real thing.

>I feel like any attempt to try and look into it even just seeing whether its fake or not has been shitposted and possibly shillposted to oblivion, near every dissenter in that thread is either a (1) (just a shitposter most likely) or autistic and talks like shills would

All you can really do is report people, and not much else.

28378b No.14165119


Just wait. They'll be a bike statue materializing in Moscow in at least two weeks. Until then, try to ride out the background radiation. Timeline changes are not healthy.

167872 No.14165127

the Cranberries singer kicked the potato bucket

e6f427 No.14165132


No cum ending,disappointing.

17a64f No.14165139


Yeah, was only 46 jesus

ed789f No.14165142


Shit, really?

Anyone have a webm of Sam Hyde singing Zombie?

167872 No.14165145

167872 No.14165150

bb213e No.14165161

File: 7b8416a5cfc5d87⋯.png (1.17 MB, 959x4248, 959:4248, 2018-01-15_19-12-45.png)

why are there so many niggers on the internet? Fucking smartphones and apple ruined the internet.

ed789f No.14165164



Now I'm sad. Thanks anon.

Maynard James Keenan is next, calling it now

10e940 No.14165168

File: c7827e562b5c9fb⋯.jpg (40 KB, 604x385, 604:385, c78.jpg)

8c9724 No.14165176


I don't know what that is

ed789f No.14165177

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You certainly heard this song before, right?

bb213e No.14165182


it allows you to embed youjew links without giving them any clicks.

ed789f No.14165185


Lurk More.

8c9724 No.14165186


Probably, but not enough to remember it

ed789f No.14165192


You don't deserve hitler dubs, jesus christ.

e10bdf No.14165203

File: 59b61965466c29f⋯.jpg (491.18 KB, 1800x2784, 75:116, Frederica 22.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles halfchan /g/ and our /tech/ are on it, looking for a name so everyone should vote

- http://poal.me/e9bqfc

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

bb213e No.14165219


>Frederica 22.jpg

you got some lewds of her?

e10bdf No.14165236

File: bdffed6e7c52a89⋯.jpg (98.43 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Frederica 09.jpg)

File: 2ffeda0743a57cd⋯.png (474.27 KB, 600x729, 200:243, Frederica 14.png)

File: 200111aad725dbf⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 600x849, 200:283, Frederica 17.jpg)


More or less, some of her are cutes instead

ed789f No.14165247


This one made me laugh.

30fa7b No.14165284

File: 127346c93c68391⋯.jpg (76.18 KB, 500x496, 125:124, rip irish qt.jpg)

178309 No.14165311


Actually it's Martina Luther King.

She was assassinated before she could come out as a stunning and brave transwoman.

809a92 No.14165324


Fuck that would be such a great Twitter troll. Where's Godfrey Elfwick when you need him/her/they/it?

6a3fee No.14165326



It's like if you would put "desu" at the end of your sentences.

f5822e No.14165341

File: 68dd5992fe4404e⋯.jpeg (88.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8F0AA17C-D3CF-4143-8FB5-3….jpeg)



I guess you can say she had a real DEADication to music with songs like Zombie

e6f427 No.14165347


Totally underated,shame there wasn't more episodes,especially ones dedicated to the cousin incest subplot.

d8feb9 No.14165351


He would just have committed suicide, like most trannies.

d8feb9 No.14165376

File: 83f36f25e40dfe4⋯.png (821.79 KB, 764x781, 764:781, worry.png)


>cousin incest

Twin sibling incest is superior.

>Mfw a teenager with a twin sister who's basically female you.

It was a weird time.

f5822e No.14165387


At least it proved Studio DEEN still has talent. They went on to make Konosuba and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju after Sankarea. Plus that art and lonely unloved delicious brown Christmas cake

d8feb9 No.14165390


Are they the ones who worked on 5cm per Second? The animation look similar.

ad55f5 No.14165397


Design wise the cake is my favorite but she is such a massive bitch that I can't wish anything good on her.

9b1478 No.14165402


Well that's a relief of sorts, I'll stop digging for now. At least we have an HQ thread where we can keep this shit in reserve in case anything comes out in the future

f5822e No.14165439


Nah that was CoMix Wave Films. Kodansha published for both of them though

e6f427 No.14165470

File: b3f3056474bb04c⋯.jpg (18.27 KB, 230x285, 46:57, obliviousmother.JPG)


Haven't seen those,only thing recent i've seen is dragon maid.

d8feb9 No.14165484


Ok thanks. It's been sometime I haven't felt like shit. I might rewatch 5cm.

65c081 No.14165485

File: 3d946384ae0cd2a⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 329x375, 329:375, 3d946384ae0cd2a92badee5495….jpg)


>tfw no siblings so incest porn is just regular porn

392d0d No.14165486

File: 2c289744d352766⋯.png (3.16 KB, 649x186, 649:186, beleeted.png)

File: 5c2d86725af0666⋯.jpg (141.36 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 24.jpg)


Reposting this OC since Vidya Game Dude seems to have been D+

786ad9 No.14165514

File: a36b8c736f6c34f⋯.png (407.17 KB, 603x642, 201:214, smugAI2.png)


Did you give her the dick?

Fug, was reading some twin incest mango last night. Was breddy gud.

10e940 No.14165518

File: d1c97e992777ebd⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 191x362, 191:362, Hank Hill Hentai.jpg)

f5822e No.14165521


Konosuba is the best interpretation of the Isekai genre so far, largely because it doesn’t take itself seriously at all. Truly comfy and funny. Rakugo Shinjū is a beautifully done drama full of Rakugo, character development, and double suicide. Slow paced and much of most of the episodes will be a literal Rakugo performance by one of multiple characters, so you’ll have to learn to love it. But the payoff with the story is spectacular

e6f427 No.14165527



d8feb9 No.14165528


No, butbwe shared a room up until we were around 14 due to lack of space. Lile I said, a weird time to be hit by puberty.

Sadpanda link? I must get it out of my system

10e940 No.14165529

File: 77993df26c245c8⋯.jpg (209.17 KB, 1600x1142, 800:571, 1515705151334.jpg)


Konosuba started as a parody of isekai making fun of all the tropes. Which is why it's good.


Taken to another world.

28378b No.14165534

File: 7b878a9ed7e7f5f⋯.jpg (26.08 KB, 254x246, 127:123, 7b878a9ed7e7f5f5328a653fa0….jpg)


>tfw no same age sibling

e6f427 No.14165539


I had no idea that was even a genre,guess i really am that out of the anime loop

b55ae3 No.14165544


Essentially those stories where someone from our world gets transported to another world somehow and becomes an amazing hero or some shit


He doesn't know what the Isekai genre is

8a9ce1 No.14165546


It's not all it's made out to be.

f5822e No.14165548

File: 24758596104805d⋯.png (1.2 MB, 850x1174, 425:587, AC50B32B-E58C-4870-81FE-AF….png)


If she’s old enough to make macaroni art, she’s old enough to breed

d8feb9 No.14165556


This. It sucks at school, you always share the same homeroom and classes. There's also the competition for grades. At least my friends had a break from their siblings during class.

10e940 No.14165559


>Gets killed by a truck

>Reincarnate to another world


>Just be an average guy minding own business

>Summoned by a god or a wizard to another world


>Find a door

>It opens to another world

That's what isekai sums up to.

e6f427 No.14165563


Right,that last one is just the wizard the lion and the wardrobe shit,get it.

786ad9 No.14165568


I'm looking for it right now, thought I put it in favorites it but guess not.

It was brother/sister twin incest. From what I remember the sister was some kind of idol who could only go out with family and the brother agreed to go on a "date" with her

b55ae3 No.14165569


It's gotten really popular in japan with light novels lately because all the nips yearn to escape their mundane salaryman existence

5ab8cc No.14165573

File: 61afecf07a8202d⋯.png (477.22 KB, 883x800, 883:800, frannk.png)


What the hell are these comics even about

10e940 No.14165574



The Sonic storybook series are isekai in autism format.

e48a54 No.14165578


Just truthseeker attention whoring, dont pay any attention to them.

ad55f5 No.14165580


So, Narnia.

e6f427 No.14165581


I think you can cut out every word from that besides the sonic and autism

10e940 No.14165595


Narnia and Never-ending Story.

786ad9 No.14165596

ed789f No.14165601


I see it as some MDE thing making fun of shit comics like Buckley.

d8feb9 No.14165612


Reminds me of when I was chaperonning.


Thanks bruh


At least Neverending story had my childlike empresd waifu in it.

e6f427 No.14165615


Oh? do tell,that sounds interesting.

5df2c9 No.14165621


If Secret Rings didn't have the worst controls of all time I would have liked it

5ab8cc No.14165627

File: b3b49329438f2fd⋯.png (499.26 KB, 883x1214, 883:1214, vydiagemdude15.png)



This things are so stupid i can't help but seek them.

e6f427 No.14165629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of autism and the secret rings

10e940 No.14165632


If secret rings was remade with workable controls, it would have been decent.

d8feb9 No.14165641


Nothing big, my mother was very protective of us and when my sister started dating the deal was for her to bring me along. I didn't want to go of course, it was weird. I just wanted to play videogames so my parents never had that problem with me. I couldn't play violent vidya either, especially military ones. It was banned. Like I said, protective.

10e940 No.14165649

File: 1afba0d9f2cb03a⋯.png (381.55 KB, 600x1081, 600:1081, Insecure Feminist.png)


That kind of bubblewrap raising resulted in millenials.

d8feb9 No.14165670


Yeah but it wasn't a sjw thing for my mother. She was in the Russian army and deserted in Afghanistan, I never got the full story and probably never will but I think she killed civilians. My father is in the Canadian military too and he saw some shit. They said war wasn't a game. RPGs are my thing anyway so I didn't really mind. I missed some COD games I can live with it.

2ec2bf No.14165671

So that thread on the cuckchan AI stuff got shilled to death was there any proof?

a90d86 No.14165673

File: 1c973648ba155a0⋯.mp4 (961.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1c973648ba155a0dd6a4bff8a5….mp4)


>Rewriting history to say MLK was a radical terrorist to justify yourself wanting to chimp out

I hate other leftists more than /pol/

95d3c1 No.14165676

How is everyone doing? Is everyone making sure to play vidya and email companies? I sent an email trying to encourage Namco to uncensor the next digimon game, but I am not sure if I sent it to the right address.

bb213e No.14165684


eww, this anon is into fat woman


>chimp out

Yeah I don't know what's wrong with niggers lately. I am not a total racist, but nigs make it really hard lately to side with them. Also the whole h&m thing south africa was a total nigger move and earned them a lot of criticism from normies.

a838da No.14165687

File: 54a24feb80f7ee2⋯.png (94.45 KB, 984x923, 984:923, 54a24feb80f7ee2b289ade39c0….png)


Good on you for giving that autist a reason to come back. Thanks to you, he'll think he's welcome.

18b11d No.14165688

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: HUNDREDS of Twitter Employees Paid to View "Everything You Post," & Private "Sex Messages"


> Project Veritas has released undercover footage of Twitter Engineers and employees admitting that Twitter employees view"everything you post" on their servers, including private "sex messages," and "d*ck pics." The engineers also admit that Twitter analyzes this information to create a "virtual profile" of you which they sell to advertisers.

The "sell to advertisers" part is what should be driven home. It's not just the people who run Twitter looking at your private shit, it's someone else they sell it to. That's far more invasive (and something people haven't been conditioned to accept so it's kept more quiet).

Some choice quotes from their website:


> Clay Haynes: “There’s teams dedicated to it… at least, three or four hundred people… they’re paid to look at d*ck pics.”

> Pranay Singh, Twitter Engineer, Says “All your sex messages… d*ck pics… like, all the girls you’ve been f*cking around with, they’re are on my server now…” […] “All your illegitimate wives and, like, all the girls you’ve been f*cking around with, they’re are on my server now… I’m going to send it to your wife, she’s going use it in your divorce.” […] “So, what happens is like, you like, write something or post pictures on line, they never go away… Because even after you send them, people are like analyzing them, to see what you are interested in, to see what you are talking about. And they sell that data.”

> “Everything you send is stored on my server… You can’t [delete it], it’s already on my server.”

> Claims Twitter Stores Your Private Data to Sell to Advertisers, “They’ll make a virtual profile about you”

> “You’re paying for the right to use our website with your data basically.”

> “You leak way more information than you think… Like, if you go to Twitter for the first time, we have information about you.”

> How Would You Protect People If This Power Fell Into the Wrong Hands? “You don’t,” Says Former Twitter Engineer Conrado Miranda, “There is no way.”

> Haynes was asked if this type of private information could leak from Twitter, he had this to say: “Oh yeah, and it’s a genie out of the bottle kind of thing after that point. You know? Sure, I can fire them. Heck, I could probably even sue them, in some cases. But, the genie’s already out of the bottle. Like, how do actually recoup costs… you can’t calculate the cost or the damage of that.”

< “Twitter is aggressively harvesting your personal information and tracking your every movement, selling your virtual dossier to the highest bidder ” says Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe. “Even more alarming is that these Twitter employees don’t seem to think that they are the ‘biggest brother’ out there… We have more to come – stay tuned.”

https://archive.is/mmr4v (Main Tweet to share)





https://archive.is/2uJcO ("The biggest takeaway from @JamesOKeefeIII & @Project_Veritas newest undercover video? Twitter employees say Facebook and Google are even worse than Twitter is.")

https://archive.is/6aDrp (The question conjurs up the image of Twitter staff as perverts. Use it.)


Remember to include $TWTR in your own posts! And if you're banned- make another account. Break the Twitter safe-space!

d8feb9 No.14165691


Continuing my Morrowind game. I'm a Tribunal crusader removing imperial nwahs. Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong.

Which email did you send it to? I'll send mine, I want cybersluts to be uncensored.

10e940 No.14165694

File: a1723b87ec6e2d0⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 273.gif)


I get you.


You should have read that file name.

bb213e No.14165695


hey mr hitler dubs! Didn't you hear what the other anon said? Nobody wants to click on your hooktube links! We want thumbnails!

1d220f No.14165701


Failing to crosslink should be a bannable offense.

63c908 No.14165718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not good but also not bad.

also this came out.

392d0d No.14165729


They're vidya game comics, duh.


>OC is bad! t. fellow anonymous poster :^)

Sure, bud.

ad55f5 No.14165741


Media continues to justify chimping out and it looks like their gibs are in danger. Which means that they are going to be more violent than usual to take from anyone who is a productive member of society.

1d220f No.14165742


>Patrick W. Galbraith, a scholar known for his work on otaku, 'moe' and other aspects of modern Japanese media, has published a paper on Gamergate

Archive is broke.

18b11d No.14165747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Only did it because the Hooktube lets you download, and it stops supporting Google (even if supporting Vertias is good).

But here. I hope Hooktube gets thumbnails some day.

Then again, if even Pornhub can't get that, I don't think Hooktube will.

1d220f No.14165749


Aaaaaand, it's full of bullshit right off the bat.

33d33b No.14165754

For now, I think the best practice is to embed the youtube link and have the hooktube link in the post.

786ad9 No.14165761

1d220f No.14165776



bb213e No.14165777


>embeds a youtube video

nigger, what the fuck are you doing?

b0face No.14165794

File: 1b0c6c4b97a871b⋯.png (412.16 KB, 600x655, 120:131, 2d1a0c9a89d1c2af7b89a2400e….png)


hooktube is for shit you dont want to give clicks to

if you just want to use it indescriminately, especially the shit that needs every view to become trending, youre just being a homungous fucking retard

04ecf9 No.14165796

File: 335503ddf1ab11b⋯.pdf (288.55 KB, Adult_Computer_Games_and_t….pdf)

ed789f No.14165797


>taking that comment seriously

10e940 No.14165802

File: 690242a40a357a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 189.96 KB, 591x874, 591:874, Futa Police.jpg)


How much damage to silicon valley will Veritas bring?

ed789f No.14165808


>How much damage to silicon valley will Veritas bring?

Probably none at all, since it's so needed in every day life that no one will bother quitting social media alltogether.

Makes me want to eat a tidepod.

10e940 No.14165818

File: fb783af81493ece⋯.jpg (272.11 KB, 1007x957, 1007:957, 1515606401832.jpg)


Because MySpace was so invisible.

e6f427 No.14165823


Fuck,i'm in that bmi range.

ed789f No.14165826

File: f7379a5f32196a7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 522.52 KB, 600x814, 300:407, classic.png)


You didn't need a myspace to be employed.

b55ae3 No.14165829


>Numales have dakis now

No numale has a daki, it's too sexist and objectifying to wymxn

365d0d No.14165831




>sign of nu-male

Fuck you. Also you should know 50% of /v/ users look exactly like your average neckbeard.

a62bd7 No.14165842

File: d621021d8ee6aa2⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 680x477, 680:477, no way demon.jpg)


>Gachi remove kebab and dragon maid


10e940 No.14165844

File: 5e198d26cbf2410⋯.png (140.69 KB, 738x333, 82:37, Screenshot_2018-01-13-18-2….png)



It was a random image I've found. I think the anime daki needs to be replaced with something else in that pic.

2ec2bf No.14165846


No one likes the comics and it's Marche tier cancerous.

58493a No.14165849

File: 2109651d74e9bcb⋯.png (252.29 KB, 853x480, 853:480, I want to eat the bullet.png)


Needs to be better organized. Take off Nintendo and anime of course.

Put a "Proud feminist" or "I'm with her" button or similar.

bb213e No.14165850


>unkept body hair

nigger, what is one supposed to do with their body hair? Wax like a fucking woman?

392d0d No.14165853

File: 35f3eaa1f97ba9c⋯.png (11.63 KB, 572x572, 1:1, smug eastern cartoon face.png)


>/v/ is one person and that person is me

d8feb9 No.14165855


Since hitting 30 my lion's mane is thinning. Oh well.

d427ac No.14165856

File: 83bb84314f16482⋯.jpg (172.08 KB, 819x791, 117:113, 3a3afb47a4fed561388b03a45d….jpg)


>waifu pillow

Nah, they wouldn't do that, because it wouldn't be respectful to women. It will probably be some western comic or cartoon character.

58493a No.14165859


Oh, and tumblr style art or something, no pretty girls

f5822e No.14165862

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, C475AD21-73F1-4704-BE84-8….jpeg)


Yes, forced OC is bad. Or are you just one of those idiots that are so desperate for OC that you just gobble up any shit created here?

98e908 No.14165873

File: 952ea691bec4cfa⋯.png (232.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, scr.png)

>Humble Bundle is Donating to Christian Charities Without Telling Donors [Kotaku UK]


>All Is Not Well in the Speedrun Community (Gamedropping)


Twitter Engineer: ‘Everything You Send Is Stored on My Server’ Even ‘Sex Messages’


a62bd7 No.14165878

10e940 No.14165882

File: 28178076bed759c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1007x957, 1007:957, NuMale.png)


e10bdf No.14165889


Put certain animes that are considered good by feminist and replace some of those smiles.

58493a No.14165890


>>Humble Bundle is Donating to Christian Charities Without Telling Donors [Kotaku UK]




Sorta better.

Maybe put forced translation memes, since you put Treehouse.

de18e7 No.14165896

File: 5496a2c5a614cec⋯.jpeg (130.66 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, Asuka.jpeg)


I'll call for contributors when the time is right.

Things are going slowly because our host is busy, and the cPanel for the server is all in Italian with no English option, so he has to do certain parts of it for me. We're kind of tag-teaming it, which is working well but is kinda slow.

I'll take you up on your offer when it's up and running though.

2ce345 No.14165899

File: bf1bff432749bbd⋯.jpg (204.44 KB, 1200x1694, 600:847, 1.jpg)


>russian military milf mother

786ad9 No.14165900

File: 0741cbeeaaadb37⋯.png (189.95 KB, 483x368, 21:16, beatings.png)


Not bad


Thanks anon, going to read through that later tonight for a laugh and might even write up a review of it.

d4b61d No.14165904


Jasper is for nu-males? Musclegirls are for nu-males? What's being conveyed there?

10e940 No.14165909


Steven Tumblrverse. NuMales are into that shit.

a62bd7 No.14165918

File: a2fcc3c018dd436⋯.jpeg (47.86 KB, 720x668, 180:167, 69042acca02dc88f34c85b787….jpeg)



Still doesn't work, it's still fuckable. If anything, there should be no dakis, but instead a kotaku article saying dakis objectify fictional women or something like that.

32a453 No.14165920

File: bb5866a76858b77⋯.gif (955.08 KB, 316x200, 79:50, 1358102882923.gif)


>>All Is Not Well in the Speedrun Community (Gamedropping)


<…Okay, so I maybe contributed to that culture more than 99.9% of the community, but still, it's your fault!

786ad9 No.14165922

File: cd470557a43d603⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 1057x1057, 1:1, 77d09bb8afe9b942c4898213de….jpg)


Could always replace it with some inflation art :^)

98e908 No.14165923

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>Colin Moriarty - "Bullying, Harassment, and Abuse in the Video Game Industry"


2ec2bf No.14165928

File: c40468bdcefdbf2⋯.gif (119.46 KB, 432x412, 108:103, yes I'am mad.gif)




>Donating to Christian Charities is a bad thing

>Humble bundle a thing meant to raise money for Charities is doing a bad thing by giving money to Charities

<They are Christian so it's a bad thing!

I'm an atheist but I find this so rage inducing that I can barely not see red.

a62bd7 No.14165929

File: acc11fc1ac5b503⋯.png (31.51 KB, 1065x845, 213:169, neogeo_arrest.png)


That works too, I guess.

bed025 No.14165935

File: a891c82adefd474⋯.png (442.46 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1.png)

File: 6ae6787db146625⋯.jpg (124.79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pony.jpg)

File: 864bdf0b4f92f11⋯.jpg (544.92 KB, 1620x1440, 9:8, rainbowdash.jpg)

ed789f No.14165936


They are acting like, because it's christian, no one's going to be helped. Nah, just donate to the Red Cross goys.

1d220f No.14165944


Isn't the problem that (((Humble))) isn't informing donors despite one of the supposed good things about bundles being that you can decide where your charity money goes?

a62bd7 No.14165946



Now that's a good answer.

10e940 No.14165948


Is that even still relevant?

18b11d No.14165954

File: cd3de6f95be3036⋯.jpg (100 KB, 747x810, 83:90, DLyWTiiU8AATY3a.jpg)



Shill for alternatives, keep fucking up Twitter, and eventually it won't be "cool" to use.

Then it dies.






If you don't like what you see- improve.

A strong body makes a strong mind and vice-versa.

And some stuff is BS (like the "bodybuilder" shape being more popular than an actually strong body), but you do whatever it takes attract females- then select the best one.

Of course, there's some shit you can't help- poor vision, receding hairline, etc. You have to work with what you have. Get contacts of fashionable frames- not just chunky ones. Keep your hair short or just go bald. The more successful and fit you are- the less people will care about shit you can't help. How better to piss off soyboys than becoming the men they never could, while still liking games and anime as "guilty pleasure" (as far as your social circle is concerned).

Manlets need not apply

Talk to /fit/ and /fa/. Start with this for 5 days a week, it's harder than it looks. Or even just one of the routines- gotta start somewhere.

ed789f No.14165958


Just buy a womans shaver, that's what I do when I run out of wax.

10e940 No.14165959


>or just go bald.

Aren't most numales bald or balding?

18b11d No.14165960




Aren't Humble also not disclosing their parent company (the people that own Metacritic or some review site that could influence how good a Humble game's reviews are)?

d8feb9 No.14165964


My aunt is sexy as fuck but she's in Russia so I don't get to see her a lot.


I'm bored out of my mind since I don't have my flying lessons to occupy me anymore. I'll usemy free time to get fit, I've been letting myself go lately. Fucking christmas doesn't let me eat properly.

f32b47 No.14165968


Does this routine work? and does it work for the whole body or just the abs?

2ec2bf No.14165969


That's a problem yes but it's how they are trying to spin it that bothers me.


>Colin Moriarty

He has no right to speak on anything after the damage he has done to gaming and how he helped the cancer spread but Karma did find him in the end.

18b11d No.14165972


Balding I'd say as a rule. Comb-overs and such.

However- if you dress well and are fit, you can pull off being bald. Yes, a full head of hair is more masculine and makes you look young. But think of bald action stars in films. Even if their body falls to shit the second their off camera- how they look on camera is what you want to go for.

It also shows maturity- kinda.

> My hair is not satisfactory, so I will make it work as I am intelligent enough to abandon what does not work and tailor my appearance to it.

ff03f2 No.14165977


If anyone does want to do those planks, please look up the proper form. Your back shouldn't be sunk and your shoulders should be pushing down to create an arch along your shoulder line. Clenching your ass will help keep your lower back from sinking. And for fuck sake remember to breath.


It still strengthen your core decently.

f32b47 No.14165987


Oh cool, I'll try it then.

b0face No.14165990


Moriarty has proven himself to be a corporate shill and NOTHING he says should be taken at face value

10e940 No.14165991


I agree, a shaved head can look cool, especially when /fit/. It's funny how so many low t numales are balding while I heard that balding was supposed to be masculine.

d8feb9 No.14165993


Can happen to most male, I noticed thinning hair at 28. It sucks but it's not like I can fight genetic and I don't want to use pills or other weird creams. I'm biaised but I don't think balding = numale automatically.

de18e7 No.14165995

>tfw tempted to get /fit/ again.

I used to be able to do Goku-style handstand pushups when I was younger, before I got my first office job.

8e7459 No.14165998

File: acd8baeba4785b3⋯.mp4 (10.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hypocrite Jed criticizes V….mp4)


>Nah, they wouldn't do that, because it wouldn't be respectful to women.

<Video related


>Put certain animes that are considered good by feminist…


18b11d No.14166003

File: 74ac5a852d3177e⋯.jpg (477.32 KB, 1288x3200, 161:400, 1436567578759-1.jpg)

File: 6b72022b7ff39e3⋯.png (195.18 KB, 1534x572, 59:22, Capilary Exersize.png)

File: 5888e7184eb6137⋯.jpg (204.83 KB, 450x2363, 450:2363, kUBPdpJ.jpg)

File: 669c4593bdeb023⋯.jpg (783.67 KB, 1275x2100, 17:28, Sleep Guide.jpg)



Actually, to expand upon what I said, think of how the bald soyboy looks:

> Overweight

> Terrible dress sense

> Unkempt facial hair.

They're clearly not bald by choice.

Now the alternative:

> Fit

> Well dressed.

> Clean shaven or a stylish stubble. Maybe even a well kept beard.

You don't look like a bald loser who lost his hair, you look attractive & in control, with being bald as a side note ("did he choose to go bald?" - no one thinks that about the beta male)


Not a fucking clue. There are more vigorous routines. I'd argue it's better to start small if you can't finish a proper routine so you don't become dejected. Ask /fit/, or check their sticky for common questions.


>I'm bored out of my mind since I don't have my flying lessons to occupy me anymore. I'll usemy free time to get fit, I've been letting myself go lately. Fucking christmas doesn't let me eat properly.

I believe you can eat what you want- if you do the proper exercise. American football players eat something ridiculous like a whole Christmas Dinner for ever dinner.

Ask /fit/ what to eat as well. Fiber helps fill your stomach if you eat a lot. Have something to keep you busy so you don't snack.

Best of luck anon. I expect you to make update posts on /fit/ so that other anons can encourage you.

10e940 No.14166009


Shaved head can look like a style. I just don't know why balding men don't just shave it off. Granted, my dad and grandpa were the only men in my entire family that were bald while my uncles and brother kept a full head. Genetics is weird that way.

8e7459 No.14166011

File: c1fecdfb642a94a⋯.mp4 (7.1 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Whose Line Is It Anyway-Ba….mp4)


>Yes, a full head of hair is more masculine and makes you look young. But think of bald action stars in films. Even if their body falls to shit the second their off camera- how they look on camera is what you want to go for.


>Bald men are SEXIER than those with hair, scientists claim



<Colin was right all along

2d7469 No.14166019


so the sacrifices begin again, is Reanon still around?

607c2b No.14166022


Well if you hate shit OC so much, just make your own

18b11d No.14166030


Almost anything can be masculine if done by a fit, successful, intelligent man.

Vidya? Something you do for a challenge or to wind down outside of your successful work and to stimulate your intelligent mind. But you still find time to stay fit. You're not a couch potato stereotype. You care about yourself too much for that.

Anime? You're interested in other cultures and media due to your intelligence, or it's guilty pleasure to watch something dumb so you can unwind that very active mind of yours. Of course, you are still successful and fit so it's not like it's your life.

Decent men can get away with anything, because he doesn't care what other people think about him, since he knows he is who he wants to be.

Beta males can ruin anything as well. Flannel and beards were the hallmarks of a lumberjack, now it's under a hipster who only lifts a pencil to write tripe for a blog. But in public so they can get people to ask them about their life, and they can explain why they aren't fit, intelligent, or successful. They hate themselves and want to talk their way out of it.

1d220f No.14166036



ed789f No.14166037


What about crossdressing?

1d220f No.14166041

File: 6b58432f02ea34a⋯.jpg (470.26 KB, 720x720, 1:1, draw_my_face.jpg)


>Almost anything can be masculine if done by a fit, successful, intelligent man.

18b11d No.14166052


If you get a guy whose clearly fit and masculine, and doing it due to a bet, fancy dress, or a stag-night, it makes sense. Hell, he might even pull a girl using it as an ice breaker.

But men who unironically wear it or try to pass as women do not have a fit mind, let alone an intelligent one.

Of course to our /cuteboys/ allies, whatever you do in the bedroom is your choice. Just don't be a pussy about it.

2ac2a0 No.14166054


I would be /fit/ but I play too much vidya. I need to quit my gym membership since I never go and niggers laugh at me because I couldn't lift as much as I used to.

de18e7 No.14166064

File: 53c1ec3da73985d⋯.png (249.1 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Viv proto 5 18.png)

I updated one of my more popular pieces of OC. Figure I'll leave it here for anyone who wants it.

10e940 No.14166084

File: dd7bf65b2df0565⋯.png (1.36 MB, 820x1104, 205:276, __miyako_yoshika_touhou_dr….png)


Remember when they sai GG is dead and we got spooky Vivian as a result? GG is undead, prepared to spook the SJWs.

18b11d No.14166085


You can get all the exercise you need from your own body weight, though determination to prove those niggers wrong could be good motivation.

b55ae3 No.14166098


Epilators are better tbqh

f5822e No.14166104

File: f0033c750e2ae91⋯.jpeg (216.94 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, 0B90B7E2-5BE4-492A-9844-3….jpeg)


I’m always around, lurking much more than posting

392d0d No.14166108

File: e60888e882da19a⋯.jpg (378.67 KB, 1288x3200, 161:400, e60888e882da19a36660e641ce….jpg)


>sleep guide

>Bed is only for sleep and sex

My bed takes up about 40% of my room and there are no chairs in here because they would get in the way. What do?

I rely on white noise too much to go to sleep. Wonder if keeping a fan on all night is damaging my hearing.

Thanks for the images though.

968ebf No.14166109

File: 4aa02feb5d4b51e⋯.png (669.68 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, scaryviviananame.png)

File: b3c136574c688fa⋯.png (144.64 KB, 540x474, 90:79, hangingpaulamane.png)

File: b8d6bfd6bd2000e⋯.png (71.92 KB, 440x386, 220:193, scaryvivian.png)


Now THIS is OC.

de18e7 No.14166116


I've taken to shaving my legs and junk in the summer time. It keeps the werewolf hair from rubbing me raw when I'm sweaty and working hard. It also make my weewee do funny things sometimes.

8a9ce1 No.14166120

File: c4ecde185fbe9d7⋯.png (851 B, 197x50, 197:50, Capture.PNG)

File: 3d6d3ebae2948cd⋯.png (772.33 KB, 954x550, 477:275, dead dove.PNG)

>check danbooru for delicious brown

>see this

I don't even know why I bother checking there.

10e940 No.14166132


I shave my pits because of sanitary reasons and it's really uncomfortable having a bush under my arms.

3c7df3 No.14166138



Reminds me about Ghost Tycoon or whatsitcalled.

Damn, that was shit

10e940 No.14166149

File: e48696bb2f0752f⋯.png (288.24 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1499824361799.png)


Good thing it's not the only booru out there. Danbooru has been cartel controlled for quite some time.

968ebf No.14166154


Afterlife Empire.

Pity there aren't any other finished games with Vivian other than GGRuns and this one platformer whose name escapes me.

3c7df3 No.14166160


> and this one platformer

Whatever happened to that, anyway? I remember there was a working demo and fairly regular updates with concept art and stuff. Last thing I recall was the Beamdog enemy due to Baldur's Gate: Siege of SJWpear

2ce345 No.14166162

File: 32154d252288e69⋯.png (305.38 KB, 1002x1215, 334:405, jiangshi viv.png)

10e940 No.14166164

File: a0fc693bfff3929⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, a0fc693bfff39294672d915dac….jpg)

File: 2eba8526411ee13⋯.jpg (154.75 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, 2eba8526411ee13cb57d0b22dc….jpg)


We've gone full circle.

de18e7 No.14166166

File: 1514f34954a2e0f⋯.png (363.01 KB, 1000x670, 100:67, Viv project art.png)


Whatever happened to Project Socjus?

I was really looking forward to that. It looked pretty amazing.

968ebf No.14166170


That game, Project SocJus, wasn't the one I was thinking of. There's this other one with pixelated graphics and very odd jumping mechanics.

18b11d No.14166177


Get a bean-bag and put it next to the bed.

Hell, move your pillows off the bed to rest your back against when using the bean-bag.



Ask /cuteboys/ for bodyhair shaving. If nothing else they are spot on for getting rid of unwanted body hair. And skin care I guess.

8e7459 No.14166179


Vidya Dash? That came out a few months ago.

968ebf No.14166181


That was the one. Thanks.

a3978f No.14166190


The same that happens to all of /v/ projects.

3c7df3 No.14166198


Muh Katawa Shoujo, though.

Playing it right now. It would be nice if what feels like 60% of the game wouldn't be identical for all routes.

094178 No.14166201

File: bf243a66fa8fd77⋯.webm (11.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MLKJrBeastAsSaintCommunis….webm)


The only video I have about him is related to his plagiarism and close ties to communists.

2d7469 No.14166209


>tumblr makes danker memes


10e940 No.14166220

File: 62e4e1d4ea38130⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 149.05 KB, 500x539, 500:539, Benis waifu.png)


Thanks, I guess.

2ce345 No.14166223

File: 8847270a00f1989⋯.png (259.86 KB, 800x520, 20:13, tumblr_o57v01WlrO1uehos1o1….png)


Radio silence for around six months now.

It was always unlikely they'd pull it off - none of them had ever worked on a game before, and they had a bad habit of adding new features/enemies/levels in response to internet drama, pic related. Do you even remember what it's referencing?

ce0443 No.14166224


Tumble does not kno da wae.

10e940 No.14166231


Dey is da wae of da deval.

968ebf No.14166233


"Ethics in heroism" added to Baldur's Gate.

3c7df3 No.14166244


How the fuck did that Ugandan Knuckles maymay came to be anyway? All I heard was something about VR chat or such stuff, but otherwise I'm out of the loop.

ce0443 No.14166249


You do not no da wae ya goat hear?

*mass clicking*

10e940 No.14166253


It all started with a Ugangan movie called Who killed Captain Alex and a video called Knuckles Sings.

8a9ce1 No.14166259

File: 64c291216bd940e⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SAMURAI KNUCKLES.mp4)


>a few people make a video

>the absurdity of a gang of midget knuckles quoting a Ugandan movie brings about copycats

>more people see the new vids and join

1d3d5d No.14166269

File: ab1b3076de5fb92⋯.gif (4.29 MB, 800x533, 800:533, Chaika mobile .gif)


In Uganda. Everyone know KungFu!

858211 No.14166289

File: b1b8d09834ba947⋯.png (10.05 KB, 421x312, 421:312, aerannis.png)


Aerannis was okay but the controls were kind of loose especially when it came to hanging from ledges and that made the stealth sections really just awful.

The story and characters were super dumb though. It was the game about a tranny hiding his identity in a post feminism world and junk. But that's not even as much of a problem as the story telling with the main character being 100% oblivious to everything that goes on and cuts to the villain telling their whole story so you constantly know everything and the MC knows nothing and its super frustrating.

528e19 No.14166307

File: a6d89b11c984d3a⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 410x410, 1:1, bjc.jpg)


>Make more cancer.

nigga wat?


I would not suggest running as an exercise for obese people. It puts too much stress on the knee, ankle and hip joints. Cycling, either exercise bike or real one (not motorcycling though :^) ) is an impact free alternative until the body weights is down to merely overweight levels.


I guess the pool is closed (pic related)

968ebf No.14166341


I was talking about Vidya Run.

4d706e No.14166350

File: c205578f0f70914⋯.jpg (114.35 KB, 920x612, 230:153, 1329093382720.jpg)


>Best of luck anon. I expect you to make update posts on /fit/ so that other anons can encourage you.

I will thanks. I start today, it's -30 outside so no jogging but I'll do the push-ups inside. What about sit-ups? Heard it was bad fo your back.

9bff72 No.14166372



And Gelbooru is fucking unusable now days.

de18e7 No.14166381


I've noticed that. Whats a good replacement booru?

9bff72 No.14166386


Sankaku maybe.

968ebf No.14166391


I barely manage with Gelb by using uMatrix.

1d510c No.14166443


>cartel controlled

As someone who hasn't been there ever since discovering Pixiv, mind defining that? If it's about charging for "extra features" they've been doing that since near its inception.

5b11ff No.14166444


Sankaku is fucking awful. There is no quality control of any kind and it's infested by faggots, furries and cucks. Half the explicit shit that gets uploaded is black men and white (or "japanese") girls, there's a fuckton of objectively shit-tier western art of objectively hideous western cartoon characters, a ridiculous amount of the uploads is futa (and I mean solo futa or futa with futa/male, not futa with female which is the acceptable kind) and it's just a garbage dump in general. Also a whole bunch of yaoi, which half the time isn't tagged properly and the other half you'll see it even if you blacklisted it because of how clearly you can see through the blur filter they put on uploads with blacklisted tags (as opposed to just not fucking showing it). If you think you can just blacklist the stuff you don't want to see, think again; the blacklist has a character limit. I hit the character limit long ago and I don't even have half the tags I want on it there.

8e7459 No.14166468

File: 589e90978fad4ad⋯.jpg (273.95 KB, 1149x1600, 1149:1600, Non-smut.jpg)


<The some stuff i decided to look up from this interview checks out except for:

>However, by 1976 the FBI had acknowledged that it had not obtained any evidence that King himself or the SCLC were actually involved with any communist organizations.




>Another body of material related to the task force records, accessioned almost twenty years ago, will be available for research in the year 2027. In 1978 NARA accessioned fifty-six linear feet of records relating to the FBI's surveillance of Dr. King as a result of a court order issued by Judge John Lewis Smith, Jr., of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on January 31, 1977. The order required the FBI to assemble all known copies of documents and tapes relating to the surveillance of Dr. King and to prepare an inventory of this material, all of which was to be transferred to the National Archives' custody and remain under seal for fifty years.3 When the seal is finally removed, these King surveillance records and the records of the Task Force to Review the FBI Martin Luther King, Jr., Security and Assassination Investigations will no doubt be used in conjunction with each other.



Here's an honest question, WHY IS SO MUCH OF "ACTUAL HISTORY" NOTHING BUT COMPLETE BULLSHIT?! And do not respond by saying it's (((them))) or the Illuminati. Too much of a lot of this just seems like people trying to see who they can Jew first before being Jewed themselves, and that there's too many people involved for even a quarter of them to be Jewish. And going off of "official" sources like the FBI and then back to public record and having one going on to disprove the other just seems to result in people trying to figure out WHAT THE FUCK ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN HISTORY? It seems like the only thing that we can actually come to a reasonable conclusion of what "reasonably" happened is shit that happened over a century ago, and even then, we still have people arguing over what people's intentions and actions "really were"? What's the point of learning about MLK being a "visionary" or a Communist? What's the point of learning that Hitler was a Conqueror or a self-hating Jew? What's the point of finding out that people like Ghandi was a pacifist or a failed lawyor? WHAT'S THE POINT OF EVEN LEARNING HISTORY WHEN YOU CANNOT GO TWO SECOND BEFORE FINDING OUT THAT THE INFORMATION YOU WERE JUST FED IS INCORRECT, WHICH YOU EVEN FIND OUT THAT THAT INFORMATION IS INCORRECT, OR THAT THAT INFORMATION LEFT SOMETHING OUT THAT COMPLETELY CHANGES THE STORY?

<Posting something cute to cheer me up

503607 No.14166473

File: be6fdd7b70366cc⋯.png (22.69 KB, 1018x257, 1018:257, gelbooru running malicious….png)

File: 5cb78a5213d1393⋯.png (22.51 KB, 678x293, 678:293, gelbooru asshurt archive.png)


It will never cease to amaze me the lengths Gelbooru goes to alienate anyone that would use their page, while completely clueless as to why so few people are willing to disable adblock for them.

04ecf9 No.14166484

File: 9a5a51290c53eec⋯.jpg (718.09 KB, 1240x3300, 62:165, BASIC ROUTINE INFOGRAPHIC.jpg)


If you want to do sit ups or crunches try to keep your back somewhat straight and don't force your self up with your arms to avoid injury. You can also try variations of planks, flutter kicks, an leg raises for your core.

bb213e No.14166493


your fetish is gay

bb213e No.14166533




How about going to the gym instead of listening to some random anons? You guys can't be that poor. And who knows, maybe socialising will cure this weeb shit.

04ecf9 No.14166555

File: 268b76f0f8235b2⋯.webm (3.8 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Ring.webm)


>And do not respond by saying it's (((them))) or the Illuminati.



You're a random anon too tho.

561bc2 No.14166562

File: 7e27cec22d04295⋯.png (352.89 KB, 720x404, 180:101, vlcsnap-2018-01-14-23h58m1….png)


>Why do something for free when you can pay 80$ a month?

a90d86 No.14166580


Because a gym has equipment to more efficiently work out, and having a dedicated time and place specifically for exercising help you psychologically.

b55ae3 No.14166581


>bodyweight exercises are equal to the weights you have available to you in a gym

>gym memberships are $80/month

bb213e is a faggot though, there's nothing wrong with being /fit/ and liking weeb shit

f307e8 No.14166595

File: ecc84b457a04735⋯.jpg (206.19 KB, 700x800, 7:8, Girl Dick.jpg)

Is it gay to kiss this girl's dick that also happens to be a girl?

b55ae3 No.14166607


Only if the girl's dick doesn't also have a dick

bb213e No.14166611


>80$ a month?

what kind of a kike gym is that? The gym I visit costs 50€ month but it has a pretty large swimming pool and a sauna too on top of the normal stuff a gym has, including personal trainers that help you with your workout. But there are also cheaper ones, like 20€ a month gyms. They are not as fancy as the one I visit right now but still very good. In what kind of a fucked up place to you live that you have to pay prices like that?


>/fit/ and liking weeb shit

there is a lot wrong with liking weeb shit. Anime is fucking cancer.

a90d86 No.14166618

File: 41d2bea5b444d4c⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.86 MB, 852x480, 71:40, When a liberal calls out ….webm)

Guess what

I'm back

b55ae3 No.14166625

File: 55a383b71296cda⋯.png (382.95 KB, 600x480, 5:4, out.png)


>Anime is fucking cancer.

Hi goon


b55ae3 No.14166631


Where'd you go SG1anon?

9319bb No.14166640


I'm always on the move and I'll start slow at home before committing to a membership.


Transition Done Quick thread. I saw him there anyways.

a90d86 No.14166651

File: 8b42c3bf4680016⋯.webm (2.32 MB, 852x480, 71:40, SG1 Slutshames a man.webm)


During the holidays I got separated from my computer that could make webms, and got caught up in watching Red Letter Media and other stuff. When GDQ happened I finally got back in the habit of sticking around here.

0ec3e0 No.14166653

File: ad5422be334752e⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 685x824, 685:824, 1000000% Mad.jpg)

Good morning.

I downloaded Brave and still the Cloudflare captcha won't let me be!

c41624 No.14166685

File: 9b382046ae437f8⋯.jpg (110.35 KB, 550x752, 275:376, 9b382046ae437f84d7d8f6f90c….jpg)

File: 8b26747a97ddd10⋯.png (287.25 KB, 1263x1040, 1263:1040, ObamaWrongs.png)


Fuck, I was writing something and it all got deleted when the page changed.

Back then information was far harder to verify, the majority of people only had the media and word of mouth. They didn't have access to contradicting information or opinions. Peoples' view on something will always be majorly influenced by their first impression! They will not be as inclined to change their opinion without strong reason, even more when it's something they consider a moral figure or value.

When an outlets pushes a political view, especially one of trying to idolize someone, they will likely never retract wrong information, issue corrections or anything making them look bad. This'll be, again, because they don't want to ruin that moral image or because they have political stakes or simply because issuing corrections makes them look bad. They really don't want to be obvious with it. So no front page headers on how political figures were disappointments or not what they were made out to be. Celebrities were another thing though.

I recall some posts on McCarthy on how many of the people he accused actually turned out to be communists. I don't recall if said people were in the govt. or in the media. Regardless, the narrative was set. We already know the media has a left-wing bias and others don't want to be made out to look paranoid by going against the narrative, it might hurt their future livelihood.

I forgot where I was going with this.

They just idolized someone and don't want to ruin the image at that time for fear of devaluing the views they push. Some other reasons too, i guess. Look at Obama and Hillary.

0ec3e0 No.14166708

File: 77ef9b8de36e61b⋯.jpg (70.76 KB, 605x595, 121:119, Retard 2153.jpg)


d86a9a No.14166775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



bb213e No.14166797


fucking muslims, what are they even doing in Australia? They spread all over the world like cancer.

0ec3e0 No.14166812

File: f1776406b0288f4⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 720x703, 720:703, Retard 2151.jpg)

f32b47 No.14166818


They are looking to make world peace.

6245d1 No.14166821


>muslim woman doesn't realise lane is ending and mounts curb

>doesn't put on hazard lights, just sits there and then gets out of the car in the middle of the road

>just up the road from that muslim man who pulls out without looking at the traffic flow in EITHER lane

>Doesn't put the handbrake on before trying to get out of the car

>plays the victim when nothing happened

>tries to block the whole road for his own grievance

Selfish, stupid cunts. Funny that they happened in such close proximity.

8c9724 No.14166822


nigga archive or fuck off if you're gonna keep posting random article titles. You are being no better than clickbait websites

b55ae3 No.14166828


You're assuming that it isn't just an insurance scam which is sure what it seemed like to me

a90d86 No.14166830

File: 048a1603a7659de⋯.webm (3.05 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Tealc and Oneill discuss ….webm)


If I was living where they were I'd want to get the absolute fuck out as well

bb213e No.14166832


>world peace.

These people really are invaders. Why else would someone leave their life behind and move to fucking Australia? I know people who move to Australia because of their job or because they want to study there, but this is something else.

c85788 No.14166834


>what are they even doing in Australia?

>The place where it has deadly plants, sea life, and animal life.

They have a death wish.

f32b47 No.14166837


Don't you know? the world will be at peace if everyone becomes muslim.

That's their actual reasoning and why they call Islam a religion of peace.

6245d1 No.14166838


I'm sure it is, just funny that he didn't put the handbrake on. The women didn't look like an insurance scam, though

bb213e No.14166845


>the world will be at peace if everyone becomes muslim.

I don't talk to muslims, I don't know their stupid logic. But how do they explain muslims killing each other? Crime rates are pretty fucked up in these countries too.

d2d582 No.14166847

File: 2cb1558b10111cb⋯.jpg (92.76 KB, 995x720, 199:144, mpv-shot0163.jpg)


There's a saying that goes "history is written by the winners". Another one that says "Those who repeat a lie long enough are bound eventually to believe it.".

For example, one country with very spotty history is Argentina, starting soon after its own independence from Spain. TL;DR: Dictatorships, socialism and playing both sides abound, went from one of the richest countries in the world to an empoverished hellhole over the course of 70 years, somehow ending up worse than a country which got hit by two fucking atom bombs, and whenever someone who isn't aligned with "muh glorious Perón" assumes power their league of cocksuckers try to make it so said person in power is pressured to resign. Worked twice already and they're trying to make a third time.

What you guys have with Trump, we did live years ago. Whoever has the power or the media, has the means to rewrite history.

f32b47 No.14166854


Silly anon, they aren't true muslims!

Don't expect some cockroaches to be consistent with their own reasoning.

a90d86 No.14166859

File: 24b234c303f4343⋯.webm (6.17 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Star Gate Geeks.webm)


Do you mean that's Muslim logic or Liberal logic?

8e7459 No.14166860


>But how do they explain muslims killing each other?

"Not true Muslim", "Allah knows their loyalty", "Because I was able to do it, Allah wills it"…?

2ec2bf No.14166863


The most insane leftist and right wingers are from South America and I love how Chileans think Hitler didn't go far enough or how Trump is a pussy for not cleansing the US of Mestizos.

f32b47 No.14166865



Muslims have the duty to go into holy war until everyone is a muslim or dead, then they will archieve world peace.

12bd06 No.14166875


There's a pool for everything, who cares. Just use the dark_skin tag, there's no reason you should looking through pools, they're not that good at consolidating art.


At this point, dead. A anon dev came here in these threads to say that it's still being worked on but until I see results best to just think that it's dead.



>no archives, links, or sources

kill yourself, please

65c081 No.14166877

File: 0b6b20057975c69⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cute cat.mp4)

>not in a great mood

>read all of devilman in one sitting

>in a worse mood

Welp. Anyone got good news or cute videos?

bb213e No.14166883

>not in a great mood

>see muslims in Australia

>in a worse mood

a90d86 No.14166887

File: 3a04186c6c6958a⋯.jpeg (1012.19 KB, 1242x1920, 207:320, smug.jpeg)


Go read JL8. It's the Justice League as kids in a kindergarten class together.

65a8e4 No.14166889



952d4d No.14166892

File: 4cf9437cd0f1bc3⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 720x1278, 40:71, 3RbyM33.mp4)


Have a cute snek

2ec2bf No.14166895

File: 64eb03e88b151ae⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 720.54 KB, 1000x676, 250:169, ando-mitsuha-hair-settei.jpg)


Watch your name

65c081 No.14166899

File: 2482f46395cfd31⋯.png (139.86 KB, 417x529, 417:529, XHNPBnC.png)

c85788 No.14166901

File: a8d414839efcb27⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1205x899, 1205:899, Mexican Flyer.PNG)

>>14166877 (checked)

Just recently got a figurine that I preordered last year. Pic related, I hope that the second release of the Snake figma has a better paintjob.

a90d86 No.14166914

File: 879e0ecbc1a8e8f⋯.webm (895.3 KB, 852x480, 71:40, What would Oneill do.webm)


That shit's too bittersweet for what he wants right now I'd bet.

c85788 No.14166919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How about Saint Oniisan or Penguin's Memory?

2ec2bf No.14166942


or Narutaru

65c081 No.14166945

File: 85f64fb433ea454⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 681x654, 227:218, 7d7b22579a00400b4ae3208596….jpg)


you're a fucker you know that right?

c85788 No.14166950



you mind as well recommend Bokurano.

2ec2bf No.14166965

File: 073bbb4cc3a057d⋯.png (85.53 KB, 309x262, 309:262, smug hehe.PNG)

File: cbd229a9943e1d2⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 190x304, 5:8, smug88.jpg)

File: 0c3d80e9b3ddc1d⋯.png (167.55 KB, 384x425, 384:425, smug dark.PNG)

File: 19107e1a76b31fb⋯.jpg (487.05 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, smugpyra.jpg)

c0c0f4 No.14166993

File: 9fbee1bf632e267⋯.jpg (138.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0240.jpg)


South America or at least the portion that doesn't worship them knows the commies too damn well. There's also a few that know about the JQ but they're also commies or, at best, play both sides. Case in point, the peronists know but also omit the fact that Peron allowed (((them))) to gain positions of power.

Again as >>14166685 said, information back then was harder to verify and censorship was quite common which also adds to the mess.

2ce345 No.14167036

File: 7fe6e3c7a5c9275⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nations of the World.mp4)

This got struck off YouTube for "hate speech".

36c84f No.14167038

File: bde4fb0d4b117d2⋯.gif (921.81 KB, 252x202, 126:101, bde4fb0d4b117d21994879ae49….gif)


>Bread OP is still fucked from the time Mark baked.

For the second time, the current and ongoing tasks should read as follows:


1. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


2. OP TIMBER: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




3. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


4. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language



Make sure this is corrected in the next bread.


>tfw when you've had severe insomnia your entire life and can't form a normal sleep schedule after countless attempts.

>tfw when you've never been able to do a proper situp or pushup because you can't get a handle on how to keep your back straight during the process.

>tfw when you have a hard time keeping a balanced diet because you're an extremely picky motherfucker when it comes to food

Being a robot is suffering.

And I don't even have the wizard test image saved apparently.

0ec3e0 No.14167055

File: fa95749d8ac43df⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kazuchika Okada Thumbs Up.jpg)


Got it, thanks anon.

6245d1 No.14167058

File: 1e4db52431693d7⋯.jpg (168.21 KB, 1655x1079, 1655:1079, MoreSmugWanko.jpg)


good shit

2ec2bf No.14167070


Argentina was a total mess and I use it as a reminder of why you don't let commies or fascist go ham.

a90d86 No.14167143

File: 33456b8c25fc12d⋯.webm (5.69 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Disguised as Jaffa.webm)


There's a lot better examples than just Argentina, unless you know something I don't

d2d582 No.14167224


Still is, our justice system is corrupt to the core since they're mostly from the previous government, same goes for syndicates since most of them are peronists, universities are commie brainwashing camps, and our president is way too politically correct to deal with all those pieces of shit. RWDS can't come soon enough.

2ec2bf No.14167291


It's the closes that comes to my mind.


I hear Macri is decent from what a pal of mine from there tells me and Christina is a cunt who should of been hung from a street light.

0ec3e0 No.14167313

File: 2c99312936e4198⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 636x462, 106:77, Safe Space 9.jpg)


Oldie, but a goodie.

8e7459 No.14167435


I'm imagining that once that once Trump leaves office, we're going to have a bunch outsiders running the government who don't know a damn bit about how it works (Aside from what they legal can and cannot do), numerous repeated attempts to repeal of laws and acts that are violating the Constitution (Such as the "Civil Rights Act of 1964", Title 2 and Title 7) and reverting the country back to the back to pre-millennia operations, and probably the continent of Europe in war once again because of the EU being their usual smart selves (Meanwhile, every other country is watching, placing bets, and passing around the popcorn).

89603d No.14167475


I'm ashamed that my first post this thread is asking for source on that third picture.


That weird grin is what bothers me the most about them. It seems like these people have two facial expressions. One is halfway between trying to look apologetic and trying to look harmless, and the other is that fucking grin. I'm not sure if it's an autism thing ("shit I don't know how normal people look excited, is this how?") or an "I'm so quirky" thing or if they're just overcompensating to try and hide emotional problems ("I better look like a child who's about to flip a tit with excitement so they don't realize I'm unhappy"). I've never been glad that people think I look like a miserable asshole but this stupid cucksmile made me like looking mean.

2ec2bf No.14167480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e7459 No.14167486

File: 8407ac123ecb280⋯.webm (4.78 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Weve done this already.webm)

c85788 No.14167503

File: af6c4a5368a7238⋯.png (62.8 KB, 850x245, 170:49, ClipboardImage.png)


That event was staged anon.

2ec2bf No.14167514


Ah alright

63c908 No.14167557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EVS did an interview with vox day and gamergate came up alot.

hooktoob linky:


a90d86 No.14167568

File: b66eea90ad80dc3⋯.webm (8.27 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Tactical Galactic Missle.webm)


It makes me way happier than it should to see people use my webms

528e19 No.14167579


OT but how many times has Danial died now?

a90d86 No.14167594


I'm at season 6 when he gets replaced, total count is 7. Not sure if he dies any more after he comes back.

b55ae3 No.14167606


Did you not watch at all while on holidays? I ended up watching until nearly the end of season 7 and got burnt out. The show lulls a bit before Atlantis starts up

a90d86 No.14167616

File: fd07c6bbe31c6d1⋯.webm (882.23 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Frasier.webm)


Not at all. I was too distracted by family and keeping up with my Japanese.

528e19 No.14167644


>Doing things with family and loved ones during the Christmas break like a normalfag

You should behave like a normal, healthy well adjusted human like Methwhale and spend time with family and CPS.

89603d No.14167679


I wonder how much of the holiday she spent whining about GG in some chatroom or another with the rest of them.

945dc4 No.14167693



Not clicking the video, what was staged?

8e7459 No.14167711


Two idiots picking up kid in the middle of the street, and running off with her.

528e19 No.14167738


If she was in a chatroom, it would probably be in a WoW chatroom. Notice how all those CON fuckers have an interest in WoW? Klewe, LW, Methwhale all WoW fags.

528e19 No.14167743


>WoW fags

Would the name WoWcows work?

561bc2 No.14167769

File: 03689929c97f05e⋯.png (233.64 KB, 721x376, 721:376, Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at ….png)


It's a college town gym. The retards kept breaking the equipment so they priced the membership high enough to keep out the retards. It seems to have worked because they're still alive, oddly.

a90d86 No.14167772

File: 33749b34b085840⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 564x558, 94:93, 0RFliik.jpg)


>Retarded enough that they broke machines made of giant chunks of steel made to be extra heavy

Why the fuck were they even going to the gym

ea3a2a No.14167781



Already erased everything from my memories of those sick fucks, there was that picture Kluweless shared years back with him and Methwhale taking a tour in Blizztard HQ.

b55ae3 No.14167782


If it's a college town, see if the college has a gym, my university has a gym that has memebership that's available to non students for $35/month

528e19 No.14167787


>Why the fuck were they even going to the gym

To pick up the opposite (or in some cases same) sex.

89603d No.14167791


I wonder how many of them I played with at one point or another before I quit. I swear, the GMs in WoW will let you do anything if your account is old enough.

>call an entire raid of people niggers in anger

>go to bed expecting to get banned

>never any action against my account

It seems like once your account hits a certain age they'll only ban you for cheating or whatever.

2ce345 No.14167820

File: 2b44ac974405fdb⋯.mp4 (766.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 【ギター】「輝夜 月」を弾いてみたょ.mp4)


a90d86 No.14167826

File: c1c2e31d2d5b2da⋯.webm (4.77 MB, 852x480, 71:40, We can't name it the ente….webm)

>Browsing imgur

>Someone posts how they liked the Bright movie

>Replies are nothing but people complaining how the post has to be a shill because the movie was shit

Jesus christ I only use that site to escape from that exact fucking bullshit that happens here every thread when I can't stand it anymore. The entire internet is fucked with this retarded mentality.

0ec3e0 No.14167829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No it's not. I'm fucking fapping right now.

620dd9 No.14167830

File: d19e2cfb7aa3aec⋯.webm (10.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, popteamepic.webm)

File: ffa56c4054addb4⋯.png (160.3 KB, 627x500, 627:500, 913257879813242413432.png)



>not in a great mood

>see poptepipic got an anime

>in a better mood

937c4b No.14167864

File: d00351b41ef7955⋯.mp4 (14.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, disrespect the culture.mp4)


This guy got a visa, so can you.

a90d86 No.14167898

File: 9c2e0ac174785d7⋯.webm (3.27 MB, 852x480, 71:40, She promised.webm)

>Everyone posting about how sad they are

>Feeling fine

>Get to this episode

Probably the most depressing episode in the series.

448c61 No.14167905

File: c93cc3d3c881a3b⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 1200x619, 1200:619, ah i hate the young.jpg)

We sad posting tonight?

a90d86 No.14167921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apparently. We have nothing to direct hate toward right now so we're reverting to sadness.

945dc4 No.14167928


It's pop-references the anime shorts.

8e7459 No.14167939


The problem with using hate/anger as a motivator is that it's too erratic and it ends up wasting a lot of your energy. Just go to bed, or read a book, or…speaking of which, I need to go take a shower and then practice my Nip.

c597e4 No.14167942

Has Ugandan Knuckles broken into Faceberg yet? Shocked at who I heard touting U NO DE WAY? from today, esp being MLK

4fc41f No.14167945


Yeah, saw my friend spamming shitty knuckles memes

c597e4 No.14167951



Why is Wonder Woman a mexican though?

a90d86 No.14167957


Greeks have a slight tinge to their skin, but it mostly gets ignored in most depictions. It's the same reason Lex Luthor looks black in the first season of Superman:TAS because they were trying to make him look like the greek actor he was modeled after. They realized it didn't work and made him look completely white later.

2d7469 No.14167958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dunno anon, but its going places

0ec3e0 No.14167962

File: 701abcbe2d36375⋯.jpg (138.91 KB, 1199x830, 1199:830, Wonder Woman 10.jpg)

File: fd3730292b9e91a⋯.jpg (127.13 KB, 564x876, 47:73, Wonder Woman 8.jpg)


You called for Wonder Woman?

4fc41f No.14167967



fuck off

65a8e4 No.14167971


traps are not gay. but trap music is gay.

4fc41f No.14167974


so, they're both gay

b55ae3 No.14167978


>traps are not gay

4fc41f No.14167984

File: 153d2920d3a3d33⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 411.09 KB, 416x554, 208:277, no.png)


mmm this sexy heterosexual porn

a90d86 No.14167985


>speaking of which, I need to go take a shower and then practice my Nip.

Dammit anon don't remind me. It's hard to browse 8chan, watch Stargate, and do my Japanese all at once.

786ad9 No.14167990

File: 3f7064ae025c8be⋯.jpg (89.05 KB, 1198x291, 1198:291, virtual youtubers.jpg)


Reminds me, seems like everyone is creating virtual youtubers now.

952d4d No.14167993

File: 2c7aec33293d240⋯.png (322.55 KB, 814x678, 407:339, 2c7aec33293d24040474caece4….png)


Repeating yourself doesn't make you any less wrong.

ce0443 No.14167997


Watch a Japanese dub of Stargate. Then you can do 2 of those 3 things at the same time.

de5a9c No.14168013


>browsing imgur

Its your own fucking fault

89603d No.14168015

File: 36010b4d3da22c2⋯.png (29.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, sleepy.png)



>tfw too tired to sadpost

c597e4 No.14168021

File: afed1d6a2875ee3⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 804x330, 134:55, get_it.jpg)

b55ae3 No.14168025



Look at IDs faggot

945dc4 No.14168043

File: 2369d9bad451778⋯.jpg (999.62 KB, 4096x2733, 4096:2733, 235e88a07ef6e19aadc2faa4d8….jpg)

File: b509f4ec064bc32⋯.png (327.31 KB, 659x800, 659:800, 64615179_p4.png)



It's pretty not gay.

a90d86 No.14168049

File: f3a9a67c8a9234a⋯.webm (585.29 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Time machines are nothing….webm)


I honestly should. I might even just immediately rewatch the series once I finish and have more ability to keep up with the episodes even if I don't understand the dialogue.


Anyone who can spend their entire time on only this site is either a psychopath or completely incapable of functioning in normal society. Imgur is about the only site left on the internet I haven't boycotted for them suppressing comments and other SocJus bullshit. It also helps me keep aware of what kind of shit normalfags are thinking so I don't act like a delusional faggot who thinks the 4th Reich is a few years away.

de5a9c No.14168053


Im a functioning human being in society and i dont go anywhere else

89603d No.14168058

File: b5d30bf0bd93f9d⋯.jpg (388.89 KB, 1280x1837, 1280:1837, nerfornothing_005.jpg)

File: aecefa54bbffdd2⋯.jpg (409.63 KB, 1280x1828, 320:457, nerfornothing_006.jpg)

File: 958a7aa33eaeb72⋯.jpg (444.91 KB, 1280x1829, 1280:1829, nerfornothing_022.jpg)

The question isn't whether traps are gay (they are) it's "does it even matter if traps are gay?"

4fc41f No.14168065


stealing this

a90d86 No.14168069

File: 8838d9cfc9ab497⋯.mp4 (319.07 KB, 244x310, 122:155, muscle girl.mp4)

Stop discussing traps, post muscle girls


Pretty sure the word "delusional" was also used in my post, so you likely fall under that umbrella.

de5a9c No.14168074


Im going through college just fine.

a90d86 No.14168084

File: 0800f8394e77ac8⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 750x708, 125:118, 0800f8394e77ac8166b926b315….jpg)


>He thinks he's in college

It's ever worse than I thought

de5a9c No.14168086


Math 070, baby. Still havent gotten a single test question wrong.

6245d1 No.14168089


>dyke haircut

They need to at least try to be feminine to offset the muscles, otherwise it's just a reverse trap

b55ae3 No.14168097


>muscle girls

objectively more gay than traps

a90d86 No.14168123

File: 4a30028ff66d0b6⋯.webm (1.97 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Whered you learn to drive.webm)



I thought such shit levels of taste were lethal

c95da7 No.14168134


this tbh

a62bd7 No.14168154


>Qt 3.14 tomboy

Good taste

b55ae3 No.14168171


Sorry SG1 anon, tomboys are fine but musclegirls are shit

a62bd7 No.14168176


>he wouldn't wrestle literally and sexually a muscle girl

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, the shit taste club is two blocks down.

a90d86 No.14168193

File: 9441a5927076980⋯.png (105.78 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


How the fuck are musclegirls not tomboys? And I'm not talking creepy-ass no extra fat whatsoever bodybuilder types,

9ead52 No.14168202

File: c5dfeeb59b61762⋯.jpg (405.93 KB, 1087x1200, 1087:1200, 48562c02693f4cf4d8325673b2….jpg)


>I heard bad things about 8chan or this board, like child porn being posted or rampant censorship. Is it true?

>I heard bad things about 8chan

But people already use 8chan, why are you posting this?

a83925 No.14168209


>Imgur is about the only site left on the internet I haven't boycotted for them suppressing comments

Seriously? They blocked upvoted posts on reddit from fatpeoplehate and other places from appearing on the site because the moderators got mocked by them. This was long before reddit itself started doing the same to thedonald appearing front page. I used to go there years back just because they couldn't stop fatty mocking posts appearing front page while they screamed and whined over it, there was no point once they set up the algorithms to block it.

148c89 No.14168213

File: 16f9125bc2e252e⋯.png (731.03 KB, 765x614, 765:614, (2)_v_-_GamerGate_ _NotYou….png)

File: 9b5df531fb39423⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1240x694, 620:347, (2)_v_-_GamerGate_ _NotYou….png)

528e19 No.14168214


There is a difference between muscle girls and strong girls.

Strong girls (like the weight lifter) focus on power over shape and form. Muscle girls focus on shape and form over power.

a90d86 No.14168224


Because of what the website is, I don't care too much about that. It's not a discussion based website, it's just a place to post dumb/funny pictures. If they started doing shit like blocking any remotely right winged post from reaching the front page I'd quit it, but I really don't give a shit right now.

b55ae3 No.14168241


musclegirls are a subset of tomboys, not all tomboys are musclegirls


Both are shit


Acid is making that guide as he's planning on shilling GG to normalfags through various means. So he's setting that up for people who aren't familiar with the website.

a83925 No.14168248


I can understand the appeal of fresh amusing images on tap, I just can't stomach the concept of imgur being considered "free". I am surprised they didn't go totally bonkers over Trump like reddit did and locked the whole front page down over it.

9ead52 No.14168260

File: f04e806c70025df⋯.png (115.27 KB, 296x418, 148:209, f04e806c70025df60459b8175f….png)


>Shilling the website to normalfags when the other anons in this board don't want more immigrants

a90d86 No.14168261


Like I said, free "enough" for what the webbsite is supposed to be in the first place. Reddit got on my shit list real fast because it was supposed to be a place to discuss whatever the fuck you wanted, and if you didn't like it you just stayed away from that particular subreddit. It was literally founded on the principle of free speech and they fucked it over.

b55ae3 No.14168277

File: 7539e28362e007d⋯.png (62.11 KB, 612x792, 17:22, blam.png)


I think his intention is to attempt to start a second wave of GG and not so much shill 8chan in general. He made this poster last thread he said on a whim and then we were discussing improvements and he got the idea to attempt to start a new GG wind. So I suggested if he's going to do it, don't just shill his board with nothing on it at least shill a beginners or starter's guide. But yeah it might end up bringing newfags so I don't know how I feel about it

a90d86 No.14168288


Even if he's an avatarfaggot, Acid's smart enough to know not to link to 8chan. Normalfags would be way too turned off by this place to listen to anything associated with it.

ed789f No.14168291

File: 20e03431d6e59c8⋯.jpg (206.58 KB, 972x1199, 972:1199, great power.jpg)

9ead52 No.14168294

File: 58196fc8639412c⋯.png (11.06 KB, 1194x92, 597:46, TakenotethatIamnotoneofyou.png)


>Acid's smart enough to know not to link to 8chan

You should check the thread on >>>/gamergatehq/331523 again, it seems that he will be inviting people directly to 8chan. I have cut out this part of the post in question.

b55ae3 No.14168296


>Even if he's an avatarfaggot

I give him a pass just because he does more digging and actually useful stuff than almost anyone else of us

>Acid's smart enough to know not to link to 8chan.

I mean like I said, he did make that pic in my last post which does link to 8chan and if you go to last thread he was talking about it. I don't know man. Honestly I'm not fond of linking here, I think his beginner's guide would work better as an infographic that he shills where ever else to attempt to make the fire rise elsewhere

f32b47 No.14168300


Fat purple haired woman with hipster glasses saying something stupid while eating sushi and being validated by a cuck.

Yep, all the checklist.

b55ae3 No.14168302


That's disgusting, it's like the author completely doesn't understand what "with great power comes great responsibility even means" It's not a rule that when you get great power you are levied great responsibility. It's an ideal to be responsible with the great power you do get and use it responsibly. FuCk

c95da7 No.14168306

File: 56ffd1b8f73ee6b⋯.png (1023.06 KB, 1002x1176, 167:196, 1.png)

File: 8ea3b71b9fcf399⋯.png (538.05 KB, 746x570, 373:285, 2.png)

File: 62778335a384a27⋯.png (846.32 KB, 1080x904, 135:113, 3.png)

File: 6b350a4f785372a⋯.png (315.56 KB, 730x434, 365:217, 4.png)

Any of you fags know the original source?

f32b47 No.14168309


The only way to save marvel comics is total destruction and rebuilt. No soft retcon could fix that, it needs a total reboot.

809a92 No.14168315


The price of success is having to deal with normalfags.

We can sit here in our own high-minded purity and achieve absolutely nothing, or we can be out there among the filthy normalfags and actually chip away at the narrative.

Remember, all those digs have no purpose or utility if we have no one to show them to.

178309 No.14168318

File: b85b193e45557b5⋯.png (55.1 KB, 115x223, 115:223, muscle ant girl.png)

9ead52 No.14168321

File: 0348613d510aef8⋯.png (374.25 KB, 1668x1217, 1668:1217, 8channeedsrapefugeestoo.png)


Thank you anon, I suppose this means I will just have to share the iniquity in you and your fellow /v/ermin with other boards.

Truly, this general should have long burned, because it hated the very website that hosted it.

b55ae3 No.14168326


>Truly, this general should have long burned, because it hated the very website that hosted it.

You know that's a lie faggot

503607 No.14168327

File: 601249f2f926e3d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 107.93 KB, 479x962, 479:962, AGDQ participant.jpg)


Fat purple haired >woman with hipster glasses, you mean

f32b47 No.14168332


Oh yeah.

Still, Marvel should be burned and the land left should be salted.

178309 No.14168352


I don't know, maybe an influx of new people would drive all the irc, disagreement and twitter trannies away.

b55ae3 No.14168353


On /v/?

2ec2bf No.14168354

File: 539d8bad09584c0⋯.png (92.23 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Cognitive-Goro-smile.png)

>They are this mad at GG and /v/

Never fails to impress how well this thread pisses people off that badly.

178309 No.14168383


Well clearly /v/ has already transitioned and is now searching for the most cost-effective thai nutcracker to finish the job.

167872 No.14168386



b55ae3 No.14168389


What in the fuck are you talking about

392631 No.14168411

File: 41aa0ddcebf5089⋯.png (76.95 KB, 1196x126, 598:63, unknown.png)


No longer have the desire to read this

167872 No.14168430


it's really funny though

392631 No.14168432

File: 6b350a4f785372a⋯.png (315.56 KB, 730x434, 365:217, 4.png)


Not reading anything with the yaoi tag

167872 No.14168446



99a3f5 No.14168452

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Was right about Twitter all along.

I waited for yooou… then I had to go do something

4ae3cd No.14168454

File: dbb0b3e5f9faa67⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1515105005.jpg)

Does anyone have a link to the FBI files or know where to find in them where it says that the one actionable threat was a 13 year old kid and they didn't arrest him? The one that Wu claims is proof that the FBI "ignored the real threats"

99a3f5 No.14168461

167872 No.14168465


I misread reading with regarding, you won't even notice the gay parts

b55ae3 No.14168466


He does have a point in that bringing normalfags here isn't a great idea. It is what helped kill cuckchan after all

99a3f5 No.14168495


What killed cuckchan was bad moderators lead by worse administrators (then m00t, now hiroshima) which were infiltrated/taken-over/co-opted/shitted-up by cancerous SJW goons who hated and banned the site's actual userbase in favor of lol-so-randumb normie and SJW cancer.

Our autistic BOs (Acid and Mark) are no comparison.

04ecf9 No.14168503

File: acff93d84634bf1⋯.jpg (151.43 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, CU1xY1jWIAANAMh.jpg large.jpg)

392631 No.14168513

File: 9870795f8e368cd⋯.png (133.05 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, christ-tan.png)

503607 No.14168529

File: 3e08e239503aa07⋯.pdf (4.64 MB, Gamergate Part 01 of 01.pdf)

File: 8c1fc3983b726fa⋯.png (20.59 KB, 611x257, 611:257, winged faggots.png)

1d3d5d No.14168646

File: 064be1160bcf0f1⋯.mp4 (247.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, LAUGHING SPACE JEW.mp4)


>Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaire

I forgot about that

a6ff68 No.14168672


I want to huff nanachi

b55ae3 No.14168680

File: bf8a034f62d36ae⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 8a58ade32a34e45af7f15ef09a….png)


Who doesn't

1d220f No.14168682


Weebshit is cringe tbh famicom. :^)

b55ae3 No.14168687




You hit all the goon markers anon, good job it gave me a chuckle

de18e7 No.14168700

File: b7f71aa58132360⋯.jpg (5.22 KB, 300x199, 300:199, consider.jpg)

>Hint that I might do something with some OC and beginners guide.

>A salty >(5) suddenly appears in the thread to shit all over it, pushing not to do it.

Well that's rather interesting. For the record, I'm considering a whole host of ideas ad haven't settled on any one particular thing. But I do remember that when you get pushback that reeks of shill, you're probably on to something good.

b55ae3 No.14168704


I agree he's basically just anti-gg shilling but there is a point to wanting to avoid newfags which is fair

1d220f No.14168711


>But I do remember that when you get pushback that reeks of shill

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill


>he's basically just anti-gg shilling

This one? >>14168383

de18e7 No.14168714


>everyone who discourages me from doing something good, or encourages me to do something obviously stupid, is probably a shill.

Burn it into your brain, faggot.

528e19 No.14168723


If newfags are going to be attracted, send them to KiA. Then if anything gets done (kek) then all the better.

1d220f No.14168724

File: 198f32d6b522cab⋯.png (20.15 KB, 198x239, 198:239, whatever.png)


>Genuinely wanting more newfags

b55ae3 No.14168728


no this one >>14168321

>Truly, this general should have long burned, because it hated the very website that hosted it.


Well I just meant because Acid is making that beginner's guide on his board. I'm not against the idea but at the same time it might drive newfags here which increases the cancer to the board. I don't think he's wrong in doing it but as I said earlier, it might work better as a general infographic to post and shill on various places. For example if it could be made as a neat infograph then you could put it on imgur and send normalfags to KiA instead of here. That way GG gets advertised and represented and we don't get more people here

de18e7 No.14168729

File: 34d4996f8e4c3b6⋯.jpg (35.43 KB, 540x400, 27:20, Asuka giving up?.jpg)


Avoiding newfags is fine, for the threads. Its the public board in question. It was quite literally made with newfags in mind.

We've been getting along alright as a repository board, but the smaller our social reach gets the less power we have. Recent events have shown me that #GG still has a large presence on social media, but the coordination is all gone. KiA, our allies on Twitter, and 8chan have all become isolated from one another.

Think of the concept as an information network overhaul. I don't think there's any question that we need it. Rather the question is how best to execute it, and I'm taking stock of the tools I have available to me and floating some trial balloons.

99a3f5 No.14168731

File: 2199d5f82c5c030⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 664x349, 664:349, DAvTQPdUQAEZjVk.jpg)


Caring THIS much.

1d220f No.14168733


>no this one

That's a (4). >>14168700 said it was a (5).

b55ae3 No.14168738


Well I know what you're intention is, I was the one talking to you about it yesterday, I was the one who suggested you make a beginner's guide anyway. It's just that shilling 8chan to normalfags who care about videogames would definitely bring them to /v/, an influx of newfags does bring down board quality and no one wants newfags. But I don't know what can be done. I suggested here >>14168728 to maybe try making it an infograph but if you want GGHQ to be a GG network hub it does kind of fuck /v/ and 8chan in general.

I'd almost suggest maybe trying to integrate something into your new GG wiki which could also keep newfags away from here and your wiki could act as a hub if you add a community or forum or something. I don't know dude


I have to imagine he meant the (4) just because that was the guy sperging out about him the most

1d220f No.14168743


>Good scanlations never ever

de18e7 No.14168751


All I'm going to say there is that 8chan was at its best around the beginnings of 2015. Would you disagree? Because I don't think its a coincidence that we had, sitewide, probably five times the number of users we currently have.

We don't want to turn into cuckchan, but even Hotwheels himself stressed the need for 8chan to grow at least a little bit, or we'll turn intosomething ''worse' than cuckchan: 7chan. I'm speaking generally and not specifically related to the things going through my head on this issue. 8chan has room to grow without turning into shit.

b55ae3 No.14168763


I think the concern is that if you direct people to your board to read the guide they'll stick around and start shitting up /v/

It's not like I'm going to do anything about it or sperg, as I do agree GG could use a second wind but I don't know man just don't go shilling 8chan too hard

99a3f5 No.14168767


A certain amount of new user "churn" is necessary to keep things fresh without becoming either wall-to-wall cancerous normies or filled with bitter old burnouts hiding in their bunker. It's a Goldilocks problem of "just right" amount of "churn".

However, anyone saying "no newfags" like ''Mr Cares Greatly' is a 4chan (or worse) shill.

1d220f No.14168774

File: 5d7954f0a504fc1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 44.72 KB, 597x592, 597:592, ClipboardImage.png)


>Caring THIS much

99a3f5 No.14168780


le >I'm not owned :^)

1d220f No.14168785

File: 21f1d8e0e18d9b1⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 352x245, 352:245, arthur disgusting.jpg)




99a3f5 No.14168790


>le reddit memes

be less obvious

I can't imagine someone creating a way to parse this >le ironic shitposting to create to create an AI-super shill like what certain whitepapers have been advertising.

b0face No.14168810


t. new user

70b892 No.14168862


>Kazuchika Okada

Isn't he making some controversial news right now because he's dating Umi?

0f9485 No.14168874

File: b4c37c4a6fe5754⋯.png (103.07 KB, 862x595, 862:595, 2018-01-15_22-26-25.png)

Step aside traps, this is a good fetish

b55ae3 No.14168922


Shit fetish, traps are still better

1d3d5d No.14169012

File: 4de87359197b1a0⋯.webm (501.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WRONG! .webm)

620b82 No.14169027

File: ca0579ed745f37b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 86.84 KB, 769x1024, 769:1024, 1.jpg)

File: 6a760936f0f0223⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 79.06 KB, 767x1024, 767:1024, 9.jpg)

File: 3888dd4739ed326⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 119.15 KB, 800x1493, 800:1493, 14.jpg)

File: 9ccba80f897a1c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.27 KB, 665x1024, 665:1024, 3.jpg)


Ah, I see that you are a man of good taste.

620b82 No.14169035

File: f1e8bf561d634ff⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 192.79 KB, 488x366, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


you know all sjws are into this shit, pic related.

a6ff68 No.14169080

File: f03175d6c1a2dc5⋯.png (144.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, f03175d6c1a2dc5e72ed7d62a9….png)

I drew this

556b96 No.14169084

File: a6d8ee36b0bdba7⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1760x6176, 55:193, 3f0ee35fe13fc5db1da3805569….png)

/cow/ making history


786ad9 No.14169088

File: aefd5fe802b9941⋯.webm (7.2 MB, 636x360, 53:30, security guard shoots rob….webm)

>all this shitposting about bringing in newfags

How about we just stop worrying when it comes to attracting people here? Just let it happen naturally.

Personally would never go to reddit or imgur with how low quality everything is and the ridiculous amount of manipulation that happens behind the scenes on those sites.

Outside of imageboards one of my favorite pastimes is watching videos of retards getting shot on places like Liveleak, webm related.

f32b47 No.14169099


The only acceptable femdom is loving femdom.

And peggingdone by an innocent insecure maiden.

65bbab No.14169104

File: 20f87ec0588eba9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 228.46 KB, 1147x900, 1147:900, SanePerson014.jpg)

File: 54bdd4c3738d02c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 406.13 KB, 1224x1400, 153:175, 24582d7bb2880eb2fc5cde7799….jpg)

File: a0ff5d727e5046a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 259.06 KB, 1280x1051, 1280:1051, SanePerson003b.jpg)

File: 0e3e7c432907782⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.94 MB, 700x394, 350:197, 995b8a98424146bba83bbc56b4….gif)



>Reddit screepcap

>That cringing inducing fantasy

>That shit tier art


Traps are way less gay than this shit. If you're going to enjoy some femdom at least go for some girl on girl.

6a3fee No.14169106


This is fun.

556b96 No.14169111

File: fb36080ab7f9274⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 308x314, 154:157, 1398095505413.jpg)


<"It's fake, it's fake!"

>"Oh well, mine's real."

148c89 No.14169112

File: 53fbf0410d615fe⋯.png (63.97 KB, 1050x800, 21:16, Vaginny Needs The Ballz.png)


I drew this.

a83925 No.14169133

File: 8465a1b904b4613⋯.jpg (98.5 KB, 707x672, 101:96, 2.jpg)




Submissive fetishes are signs of a weak character. Basically, you're pathetic, and not in a way you'd find sexy.

de5a9c No.14169136


>sargon is still going after jim blew him the fuck out

786ad9 No.14169179

File: f80bc457a6933be⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 0817f40f3aba42d88af08f6d23….jpg)


Loved the part with

<"Am I shot?"

>"Oh fuck yeah!"

<"Oh fuck."

And the sobbing from the faggot who got shot in the arm.

They should be thankful for only getting wounded.

de5a9c No.14169201


Black police officers/security guards are the best.

d8feb9 No.14169204

File: 6f7c6cf76c62c52⋯.jpg (191.17 KB, 620x422, 310:211, 1_the_visitor.jpg)

Newfriends are alright if they adapt. Keeping this amongst us oldfags will lead to stagnation and posting SG1 and DS9 pics every thread. I'm okwith this, Sisko is best captain and O'brien must suffer, like us.

8e7459 No.14169218

File: 27cb97414585900⋯.webm (1.71 MB, 480x360, 4:3, People Kept Primitive.webm)


>Keeping this amongst us oldfags will lead to stagnation and posting SG1 and DS9 pics every thread.

a6ff68 No.14169219

Im a girl btw

0f9485 No.14169227


nothing wrong with a little bit of loving femdom, stop being so insecure about everything.

92152d No.14169246


very good

98e908 No.14169259

>Canadian Journalists for Free Expression hosts anti-Lindsay Shepherd editorial


William Audureau and Corentin Lamy / Le Monde - "Dysfunctions at Quantic Dream: the company continues to deny, players quibble" (GG mentioned)



>John Tabbernor - "Digital Hurdles: As video games mature, growing pains follow" (gamedrops)


d8feb9 No.14169264

File: 58a606c6b18f103⋯.jpg (123.23 KB, 1000x787, 1000:787, IqaluitStop.jpg)



They are still trying to push this?

17a64f No.14169281


Reminder everyone in the french vidya industry hates william audureau, some even calling him an autist.


It's a literal google translation of the french word "joueurs" you dumbass.

d8feb9 No.14169290


Oh, I didn't see it was translated. Ironically I am a native French speaker. Pls no bully.

a83925 No.14169293

File: 62e88b0aed445bf⋯.png (98.64 KB, 289x277, 289:277, harasaki.png)


>loving femdom

>she take your money

>she's cheating on you

You're fetish is shit. At least not form ranks over some shitty reddit fanfic.

e6990f No.14169303


I think they're the ones that hate niggers the most tbh.

786ad9 No.14169319


Remember seeing some studies showing how black cops are far more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops, so probably yeah.

2ec2bf No.14169324



Honestly Jim is just as fucking retarded as they are.

556b96 No.14169330

File: 8b5d70ec704b02e⋯.png (375.59 KB, 1529x368, 1529:368, grid-zoning.png)

File: c3a0bc015f18bd4⋯.png (411.34 KB, 1896x942, 316:157, lon.png)

File: 8b73285ffc69d1e⋯.png (85.98 KB, 1429x83, 1429:83, dude-sex-think-tankls.png)

Reminder Deus Ex is a masterpiece.

0f9485 No.14169344


you are mixing something up, the new girl is not taking your money. That's your soon to be ex-gf, the new one is there to safe you.

1d3d5d No.14169349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video from Micah Curtis about Laura "I have a vagina now" Kate Dale writing an article shitting on (((humble bundle))) for donating money to a Russian Christian Charity.

2ce345 No.14169353

File: 968aee0a902d3a8⋯.mp4 (572.96 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 【ギター】「キズナアイのふぁっきゅー」を弾いてみたょ.mp4)

File: 1330ddc356981e0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, crying drunk blonde.png)


>that img

plz no

she just wanted to make her sister happy

6a3fee No.14169366


In a videogame from 2000

>"Freedom causes terrorism and we must "balance" freedom for people to feel safe"

Real life in 201X

>"We need to limit democracy because the people don't know what is good for them"

I never asked to live in the world of Deus Ex.

1294d1 No.14169370


a83925 No.14169440

File: 48dee7e84efe4f6⋯.jpg (134.6 KB, 630x504, 5:4, heeh.jpg)


She is happy.

444bef No.14169448


For a moment pic 1 looked to me like a Vivian x Gilda tentacle porn

dab23e No.14169564

meme spacing

dab23e No.14169567

File: de0ed093cba2867⋯.png (9.05 KB, 482x415, 482:415, rubbity-rub.png)


>r e d d i t spacing has been filtered

534bfe No.14169581

File: cdce158dd69b3ef⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 604x340, 151:85, Not this shit again.jpg)

aeb163 No.14169672

>The Verge: "Forget the backlash — we need #MeToo now more than ever." Includes gamedropping and horrendous poisoning of the well.


GameRevolution: "Judging David Cage and Quantic Dream "By Their Work"."


>Washington Examiner: "Fake news is better than a federal Ministry of Truth." Calls out government-instigated censorship in France and elsewhere in Europe…while trying to downplay finding solutions to "Fake News" in America.


>Toronto Star: "A girl’s hijab story isn’t true. But we’d be fools to believe anti-Muslim hatred doesn’t exist in Canada"


aeb163 No.14169720

8e7459 No.14169728

File: 22ffffae46877bf⋯.webm (1.55 MB, 852x480, 71:40, bully the nerd.webm)


>No archive, not a one

aec367 No.14169757

File: a11a9108b8221a1⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2255x2679, 2255:2679, daniellbustoffice.png)


Got the NG and OAG articles archived.

NG: https://archive.is/AfIbU

OAG: http://archive.is/jgoWs

a62bd7 No.14169765

File: f2cb778e6071f95⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 400x600, 2:3, milf plaza.jpg)

ed789f No.14169794



786ad9 No.14169818

File: d18095781200605⋯.webm (3.93 MB, 480x360, 4:3, DSP Beats It.webm)


Is that an actual escort or some roleplaying retard?

5b0904 No.14169840

File: 40a451252c1e5dc⋯.gif (951.52 KB, 540x302, 270:151, 40a18402f3dcb5f89bee0e2801….gif)

File: 92c5b7fd4c810b2⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 448x595, 64:85, 92c5b7fd4c810b26bc1fab58a6….jpg)

File: ff9d0c19cdc5345⋯.png (243.8 KB, 900x1140, 15:19, 327cc1b0a0b7b3d92d19f1015e….png)

File: 648fd345810872e⋯.jpg (366.25 KB, 1900x2800, 19:28, 6d03fb990ea60ed57b89fb2f95….jpg)

File: 5cc68a956eb613d⋯.jpg (124.78 KB, 756x719, 756:719, 1273465834657.jpg)


>Mr Cares a Lot actually considered asking Bui to sagebomb our thread

ed789f No.14169846

File: caddb5786355c31⋯.jpg (31.31 KB, 679x414, 679:414, prices.jpg)


An actual escort. Here's what she charges if you're interested.

869877 No.14169856


The original quote made that point much clearer.

>With great power there must also come great responsibility

But do you honestly think the author has actually read that comic?

0f9485 No.14169889

File: 3bf4903044dbb2e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 154.25 KB, 1000x1600, 5:8, yr7sfrc9xba01.jpg)


eat a dick, who pays that much for an escort?

ed789f No.14169930


I have the cash to pay for that if I wanted to, but I don't really want to.

1b1fd2 No.14169936

File: 808e4d589ffd898⋯.gif (150.64 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 30aa45afd3a4209818120ed9ca….gif)


>that terrible pricing

>euros is apparently on par with USD in whore land

1d3d5d No.14169946

File: 069b6ac26d18e64⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 700x700, 1:1, [passive aggressive laught….jpg)


Did he get cucked by Pantaloons or whatever her name is, in the end? I know they split up but I'm not that up on my DarkSydePhil Lore.


Goddamn.Being a thot for hire is good money

0f9485 No.14169948


>I have the cash to pay for that if I wanted to

That is rarely the issue. I could afford a 10 bucks bottle of water, but I still wouldn't do it because it would be a waste of money. In what world are these girls worth that kind of money? Only handicapped are extreme ugly people should pay for that kind of bullshit.

ed789f No.14169951


You know what the funny thing is? DSP would have had to pay for the Girlfriend experience ($6,000) using patreon cash, so any fan foolish enough to give him that money pretty much paid for this waste.

aec367 No.14169958


>Goddamn.Being a thot for hire is good money

I'd imagine with those prices and the fact that she's with people like DSP that she doesn't get "hired" all that often.

ed789f No.14169966


>I know they split up but I'm not that up on my DarkSydePhil Lore.

No one knows the exact reason why they split up. What is known was before the split, Pandora had a panic attack and was rushed to the hospital, and DSP complained about it to the stream that he had to pay for the hospital bill, and he "made a scene" at the hospital and was kicked out. This may have had something to do with it.

c3eae3 No.14170051

File: 59672b63786fb65⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 434x353, 434:353, sad.jpg)

Have I missed anything over the last week?

0f9485 No.14170086

File: 60f8edd499a6541⋯.webm (1.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, PandaLee Reacts To DSP Be….webm)


>I know they split up but I'm not that up on my DarkSydePhil Lore.

0c372a No.14170094


For newfags to come, 8chan just needs to build notoriety like halfchan did when it started. A board can survive newfags, but it can't survive the bad moderation that enables them.

ed789f No.14170098


>8chan just needs to build notoriety like halfchan did when it started.

Kind of like that MSNBC thing?

3bdb53 No.14170112


We're at a point where newfags aren't the problem, it's the people who think they've been here long enough that constitutes the "official 8chan opinion" and causes threads to devolve into nothing but ">being from cuckchan"

">cuckchanner pretending he fits in by calling other people cuckchanners"

The real cancer are the people who've actually been here awhile.

555642 No.14170115


The hacker known as 8chan.

>cue exploding van

786ad9 No.14170121

File: 1af9bb0d1aa610a⋯.png (681.04 KB, 951x611, 951:611, Untitled10.png)

File: 713e15abddf96d8⋯.png (398.18 KB, 691x728, 691:728, Untitled11.png)

File: 9acf251625ccd0f⋯.png (266.33 KB, 552x543, 184:181, 9acf251625ccd0f8091268c637….png)


There is no fucking way I would ever pay that much for 3DPD.

Glad I have the personality type that doesn't mind being alone.

Also, its looking like DSP actually did blow 6 grand on the girlfriend experience. Pics related

how the fuck do you archive instagram posts anyway?

a0b710 No.14170130


>renting costs this much

I'd rather just be alone.

21bcc5 No.14170139

File: 4826c8981af4646⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1470771238329-v.jpg)


We are already 7chan, /v/ is slow as molasses because Mark deletes everything. You get your thread deleted for posting games Mark doesn't like, for having a couple of metashitters trying to derail it, for changing topics too much from the OP 200 posts in, for Mark finding an OP in page 12 he thinks is similar to yours without even opening the thread, for posting more than one or two threads a day, for being a nigger, for rightly saying that Umaru is shit and Kizuna Ai is a retarded casual worse than pewdiepie, etc.

Mark is pretty much killing /v/

smh tbqh famalam

3bdb53 No.14170140


>Pay 6k to have an escort pretend to be your girlfriend

If you're lonely enough to do that, then you're also fucking yourself over because there's no way you don't fall in love with her and basically cuck yourself.

ed789f No.14170144


I don't care all that much for sex, I get the desire to pay for the girl/boyfriend experience, but deep down I know it isn't real and costs too much for it to be worth it.

With that said, I don't think all escorts cost this much, i think she just charges more because she's "high class"

0c372a No.14170150


I hope /games/ wins the attention hungry games someday.

3bdb53 No.14170180


>check it out

>read rules

>8. No Kosherwatch, Tumblrtale, Minecraft, and other games with really cancerous communities are banned

Glad to know it's trash.

21bcc5 No.14170197


Overmoderation is the real cancer.

534bfe No.14170201


>and other games with really cancerous communities are banned

How far does "really cancerous" go? Do they count Sanic?

c1c030 No.14170208



Nah man, >>>/vidya/ is where it's at.

3bdb53 No.14170213


>How far does "really cancerous" go? Do they count Sanic?

Basically my point. That's such a vague rules, it clearly mean, "If I don't like it, I'm banning it"

e4b432 No.14170234


But /vidya/ has no mods, not even a BO.

b55ae3 No.14170274


Literally worse than Mark

d8feb9 No.14170278

File: 181d10dfea280d8⋯.png (351.39 KB, 1282x725, 1282:725, PERSONAL_RESPONSIBILITY_PE….png)


I got stories about escorts if you guys want to hear them. A colleague of mine needed to be seen with a woman at some gathering but he was single, he got the GFE but ended up not paying.

ed789f No.14170287


>I got stories about escorts if you guys want to hear them

Alright, sounds good to me.

58ba81 No.14170288


8/v/ deserves mark, since everyone here is drunk on shitposting and doesn't know what quality is anymore.

21bcc5 No.14170303


The obsession with purifying the board for 'posting quality' is what got us into this problem to begin with.

8e7459 No.14170304

Are we being raided?

aeb163 No.14170308

Joe Donnelly / PC Gamer - "Tencent has reportedly helped Chinese police arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers"


Are You A Gamer Who’s The Victim Of A Harassment Campaign? Then HuffPost would like to talk to you


Canadian Man Accused Of Mass Twitch Spamming Faces Criminal Charges


3bdb53 No.14170311

>"Tencent has reportedly helped Chinese police arrest 120 PUBG cheat makers"

That's a fucking horrifically scary line that normalfags are going to be perfectely ok with.

167872 No.14170312



27f8be No.14170313

File: a6733e31eef98ed⋯.jpg (599.24 KB, 1284x1492, 321:373, A whole new wooooorld....jpg)

File: 3b3e0a939606f6d⋯.gif (685.14 KB, 500x281, 500:281, That's the puggest.gif)

File: 245d6d4b1300e2c⋯.jpg (121.7 KB, 754x570, 377:285, YES. YYYESS.jpg)

>DSP buys an escort 6000$ for the "week-end girlfriend experience

>posts about it on social media like an idiot, thinking no one'd realize

>invents some bullshit excuse to her to avoid paying when he has to

>she gets mad at him and reveals to everyone he fucked her

>then shows a picture he sent her of a dildo she wore to peg him

I have never cared about DSP until I found out he jacked it LIVE ON STREAM without realizing it had already started

and now this

3bdb53 No.14170329


>Are You A Gamer Who’s The Victim Of A Harassment Campaign? Then HuffPost would like to talk to you

"Gamers are so awful and harass people so much that we have to ask people to tell us it's happened because we can't find any examples."

We should have an anon make an online presence and make a fake harassment campaign to get him in the news. Then during some live interview he can talk about how fucking bogus it all is.

6a3fee No.14170337


Morons apparently.

Didn't the prostitute that worked for treehouse have even insaner rates?

a0b710 No.14170341


Don't forget that said prostitute also pimped out her boyfriend.

dc87d1 No.14170343


/vidya/ is up for claims. One of you guys might as well claim it.

3bdb53 No.14170346


Higher tier escorts means less likely to get an std. Even higher than that, you're paying not just for sex but also a nice night on the town with a friendly chick.

8e7459 No.14170348


>Are You A Gamer Who’s The Victim Of A Harassment Campaign? Then HuffPost would like to talk to you


Here's a chance to get your story out there Gook!

06b766 No.14170364

Uploaded Adult Computer Games and the Ethics of Imaginary Violence: Responding to Gamergate from Japan by Patrick W. Galbraith

to /pdfs/.




Take a look at that copyright!

>>© 2017 by Jōsai International Center for the Promotion of Art and Science, Jōsai UniversityU.S.–JAPAN WOMEN’S JOURNAL NO. 52, 201767

>http://www .uhpress.hawaii.edu/t-us-japan-womens-journal.aspx


ed789f No.14170369


People claimed DSP was pretending to play games badly for clicks. Now we know it's not an act at least.

32a453 No.14170387

File: af80978f0c32623⋯.webm (6.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, brote wheeze.webm)

bbeae1 No.14170395

File: c3e141443b80809⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 290x225, 58:45, chen is curious.jpg)



What happened? Did Marche impersonated gook again?


>huffpost i need your help

>what is your harassment story?

>bunch of guys lust over me and tell me to put dress and they stalk me online

>okay tell me about yourself

>i'm a male and

>fuck off

ed789f No.14170408


>What happened? Did Marche impersonated gook again?

The videogame comic dude talked about missing videogame cat with the korea flag

bbeae1 No.14170414

File: 5319465dfdcde5b⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 300x200, 3:2, wat.jpg)


>videogame cat

Is it related with 'monsterfag' meme he pushing?

5c692f No.14170418



Rapp was an amateur model, and wasn't actually in the Treehouse group, but otherwise yes.

a0b710 No.14170423

File: 5cd540b8098b222⋯.png (575.08 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, 11.png)

File: a42b2ef39c8f71b⋯.png (569.29 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, 12.png)


No. It's pic related.

ed789f No.14170424

File: 24083a88cff3d45⋯.jpg (156.21 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 1280.jpg)


I don't know, I just want to fug it.

0f9485 No.14170428


>you're paying not just for sex but also a nice night on the town with a friendly chick.

>nice night on the town with a friendly chick.

>friendly chick.

it's a fucking whore, how nice can she possibly be?

786ad9 No.14170430

File: db3c62b1ab11646⋯.png (988.58 KB, 1008x2704, 63:169, ae03e9649ea743f595b33a778b….png)


Were they higher? Thought they were a bit lower but still crazy prices for a 2.2 whore.

534bfe No.14170438

File: 2b49b1a09b7b8dd⋯.jpg (16.24 KB, 255x244, 255:244, Nani.jpg)


>>then shows a picture he sent her of a dildo she wore to peg him

I'd like to see the source for that.

ed789f No.14170441


All they need to do is act nice, not be nice.

6a3fee No.14170442


Just look at the escort's twitter.

0f9485 No.14170446


But it's still fake, you may as well play some dating sim instead of paying for that crap.

1d3d5d No.14170450

File: ad6c697887a74f7⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 654x600, 109:100, ad6c697887a74f758033021964….jpg)


>then shows a picture he sent her of a dildo she wore to peg him

Thats way worse than getting cucked by pantaloons.

3bdb53 No.14170453


>how nice can she possibly be?

She's not going to keep getting business if she isn't charming enough to make it worth paying that much to be with her. A lot of high class escorts get repeat customers, and will describe their job as being more about the person-to-person interaction than the actual sex.

534bfe No.14170454

06b766 No.14170455

And now to the pro…

>Despite their seemingly rudimentary and outmoded design, newly released adult computer games cost around US$100 each. In recent years, adult computer games have had difficulty attracting new players (Sakakibara 2016), and the market has been shrinking for some time (Yano 2014). Today, most adult computer games sell only 1,000 to 2,000 copies (Kagami 2010, 136). As a niche, adult computer games appeal to dedicated players with specific demands. While titles such as RapeLay draw attention, Kagami Hiroyuki (2010, 128)—a scenario writer that started his career at Illusion, the company behind RapeLay—estimates that adult computer games focusing on sexual violence make up only 10 to 20 percent of the market. These are also not the bestselling titles, which instead concentrate on interpersonal relationships, romance and melodrama. Regardless, most include explicit sex scenes. Some game makers remove these scenes for later “general” releases on home consoles and mobile devices, and the overall industry trend is toward what Kagami (2010, 136-138) describes as “de-pornification” (hi-poruno-ka), but sex is still very much a part of adult computer gaming in Japan. More than sex, adult computer games in Japan are fundamentally defined by their focus on interactions with characters, most prominently bishōjo or “cute girls.” 4 With interaction in mind, there are eight identifying features of adult computer games: (1) characters that the player character interacts with are seen from a first-person perspective and speak directly to the player character, who is for the most part unseen; (2) important characters will often have a recorded voice for lines of dialogue, but the player character typically does not; (3) characters appear as a series of still images, for example, changing from one static facial expression to another as the interaction proceeds; (4) designed to be visually appealing, the characters have a distinctly cartoony look that recalls manga and anime; (5) below characters onscreen is scrolling text in a box, which tells a story that frames and motivates interactions; (6) the story takes a least several hours to complete; (7) along the way, the text presents the player with choices, which can impact character interactions and the story; and (8) there are multiple possible endings. Over the course of the game, the player interacts with characters in ways ranging from casual conversation to coitus. Narrowing the discussion to adult computer games featuring bishōjo, which are the most common, many of Anita Sarkeesian’s points are relevant.

No, they are not, you creep! E. Michael Jones has much sounder points against Bishoujo games and can according to my opinion crap out a apologetic of NEETs fawning over 2D grills. Its the same feminist bullshit that has been debunked 10 years ago on the manosphere. Speaking Michael Jones, his infamous Libido Dominandi is a 8ch exclusive on some board linked ITT and you can still get it for a reasonable from the guy himself. Grab that instead.

5c692f No.14170456

File: f838b8661cda767⋯.jpg (206.49 KB, 972x721, 972:721, ss (2018-01-16 at 08.55.12….jpg)

534bfe No.14170471


Put the archive link in the pic.

a0b710 No.14170475


Either this is some extremely advanced bullying or DSP is a real fucking degenerate.

ed789f No.14170477


With dating sims, you can only do so much with the set dialogue written. With a live person I could force them to Play bad rats with me and they still have to be nice.

0f9485 No.14170482


>She's not going to keep getting business if she isn't charming enough to make it worth paying that much to be with her.

if that was true bad games wouldn't exist. Also, keep in mind that she accepted dsp's offer so she can't possibly get that many offers.


doesn't even care about her customers privacy.

bbeae1 No.14170487

File: bf3d265a6049b70⋯.png (65.55 KB, 215x255, 43:51, so_disgusting.png)


Let's not talking about DSP. We got more healthier and constructive subjects to talk about, like porns and traps. He's mere existence disgust me.

65c081 No.14170488

File: 0d7b0813946085a⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 475x470, 95:94, 0d7b0813946085af35da363701….jpg)


>I have never cared about DSP until I found out he jacked it LIVE ON STREAM without realizing it had already started and now this

According to her he did it on purpose because he saw that chick who accidentally jilled herself on twitch who got lots of attention and views afterwards and DSP wanted those things for himself. He is so retarded he thought thirsty ass teens would thirst for his fat ass.

5c692f No.14170496

File: 98101e5af7a9235⋯.jpg (397.45 KB, 972x721, 972:721, ss (2018-01-16 at 08.55.12….jpg)


Sorry for being lazy, semp(5)

534bfe No.14170499


>doesn't even care about her customers privacy.

Maybe she would if he paid her.


Hello, gook.

a0b710 No.14170507


Hey gook. I want to help you immigrate to the US so we can play video games and be good friends while we enjoy good American food.

503607 No.14170508

File: eb37fe34a7f74f8⋯.jpg (295.52 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, 1401977379285.jpg)

File: eb37fe34a7f74f8⋯.jpg (295.52 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, 1401977379285.jpg)


This is going to be magical with that fuckup in charge of running damage control, whether it's true or not

0f9485 No.14170512


>According to her he did it on purpose


>Maybe she would if he paid her.

you don't pay up front with those whores? Is this some made up drama to gain some popularity?

27f8be No.14170514


>doesn't even care about her customers privacy.

He owes her 6000 bucks and invented some bullshit excuse to avoid doing it

he honestly totally asked for it


I'm actually finding this believable

bbeae1 No.14170522

File: 8ce2980a39ba226⋯.jpg (16.58 KB, 316x263, 316:263, madotsuki panic.jpg)





0722ea No.14170530


dsp apparently also likes "woof woof" stuff that would be illegal in the US. I can't find a source for it though.


supposedly he hired her twice before with no payment problems so she gave him a payment plan.

534bfe No.14170534



Learn English, then you won't be caught.

65c081 No.14170540

File: 051a57a66d92670⋯.png (429.43 KB, 837x1203, 279:401, gencatgirl1.png)

Elect me for president. My platform is only people in these threads are allowed to immigrate and I will defund unnecessary parts of the government and redirect our efforts into making catgirls.

32a453 No.14170550


>He owes her 6000 bucks and invented some bullshit excuse to avoid doing it

This coming on the tail of him protecting a serial doxer just because the dude gives him thousands a month to be a superadmin everywhere DSP-related. Christ.

ed789f No.14170554


Glad to know you like traps, gook.

0f9485 No.14170555


>so she gave him a payment plan.

Something is fishy here, I think this is a public stunt by them to gain some popularity. She is probably hoping to get more customers and he has nothing to lose since he is at the bottom anyway.

ed789f No.14170569

File: 45bed382806d5dd⋯.png (250 KB, 936x594, 52:33, Gook comes out of the clos….png)




Now put on the dress. AJ sharps can't save you now.

a0b710 No.14170572


Gook, look at your post. >>14170487

>Let's not talking about DSP.

Bad grammar.

<Let's not talk about DSP

would be better.

>We got more healthier and constructive subjects to talk about, like porns and traps.

Bad grammar again. Either

<We have healthier and more constructive subjects to talk about, like porn and traps.


<We've got healthier and more constructive subjects to talk about, like porn and traps.

Porn is never pluralized.

>He's mere existence disgust me.

Worst grammar in the post.

<His mere existence disgusts me.

Would be a better version. He's = "He is", like "He's in the bathroom" His implies ownership.

Disgust vs. disgusts; a plural can disgust you, a singular disgusts you. Verbal placement also shifts the rules around, it's kinda fucky but still.

I was just taking a shot in the dark, because I really think you're neat and I want to play video games with you.

534bfe No.14170577

File: cc193456751518b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 485.8 KB, 1057x1500, 1057:1500, 00087.jpg)



Catgirls are shit. Doggirls are where it's at.

082302 No.14170579

File: 510c140ad71967f⋯.png (249.06 KB, 521x355, 521:355, HiougiWorryColor.png)

I wonder at what point gookanon was gulagged and people began pretending (or being misidentified) to be him through poor writing.

5c692f No.14170581

File: 693afd21b7b8b12⋯.jpg (405.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ChooseMemes.jpg)


You slipped up so hard when writing >>14170487 that I'm gonna give you a full grammar analysis:

>Let's not talking' about DSP.

Should be either "Let's not talk about", or "Let's stop talking about"

>We got more healthier and constructive subjects to talk about

This ought to be "We have healthier" or "We've got healthier", moving the "more" to just before "constructive" to make the sentence flow better

>like porns and traps.

"Porn" is the plural of "porn"; you don't need an "s"

>He's mere existence disgust me.

"His mere existence disgusts me"

I actually thought it was another anon impersonating you, and was gonna call out the "fake gook"; it seemed way too obvious.

b55ae3 No.14170585


>What happened? Did Marche impersonated gook again?



8e7459 No.14170587

File: 8e2f4ea04dbb674⋯.png (315.95 KB, 327x499, 327:499, ClipboardImage.png)


<Quickly click on the /pdfs/ catalog

<Find thread talking about some rare book costing a lot of money

<Find raw Amazon price is $230

<Anon scanned his copy and uploaded: >>>/pdfs/7650

Hey, Reanon, do you have any idea what this is about?

Also, I'll bake!

65c081 No.14170611

File: 00d746f81f31604⋯.jpg (109.12 KB, 500x840, 25:42, 0bbd844aa59d7c621725b373f1….jpg)


The research goal is for you to have any ____girl you want. We'll start with cat and doggirls and branch out from there. It's just easier and more widely understood to say "catgirl" than "kemonomimi"

I hope I can count on your vote going forward anon.

65c081 No.14170615


I am Spartacus.

bbeae1 No.14170618

File: 212aec15cdd8799⋯.jpg (6.53 KB, 218x231, 218:231, only the dead can know pea….jpg)








thx for the grammar tips I'll bring update soon, last few months were too peacefulUR ALL FAGGOTS

1d3d5d No.14170621

File: 6879c5f6453bff7⋯.png (137.64 KB, 350x350, 1:1, le joking juan.png)


buggered ass mechanics

bbeae1 No.14170630

File: d57f6eb51c8b6e0⋯.jpg (165.41 KB, 550x903, 550:903, a guy gets upset for a ver….jpg)

File: 176cdc402b29a76⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 400x225, 16:9, a guy gets upset for a ver….gif)

File: 46b424e0098c952⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, very little rage.jpg)


65c081 No.14170635


>Only the dead can know peace from this weird bullying.

>thx for the grammar tips. I'll [bring](not wrong but awkward word choice. Try "post" instead) an update soon, last few months have been too peaceful

8e7459 No.14170642

File: a74f17df0c64137⋯.pdf (3.92 MB, The Owl and The Nightingal….pdf)



<Earliest "English" document I have on hand

I also have Beowulf, but that's translated from "Old English" to "Modern English".

534bfe No.14170646


Oh, well in that case, you've got my vote. I don't understand why people would fuse man's worst enemy with man's mutual acquaintance as oppose to man's best friend.

8e7459 No.14170653

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

Bread is in the oven! Start shitposting so we can start a new one!

0722ea No.14170657


honestly I would settle for a cat that is completely hypoallergenic. I love cats but they kill me.

65c081 No.14170658

File: fe02f421536958f⋯.png (225.76 KB, 780x759, 260:253, DSKVOweU8AA-C11.png)


I like cats and dogs equally.

65c081 No.14170664


Aren't there several breeds of hypoallergenic cats?

bbeae1 No.14170666

File: 729b8d0c7600516⋯.png (226.46 KB, 360x480, 3:4, Angry-Dog-Noises-Art-glitc….png)

File: 19bae6824c7d42d⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 300x230, 30:23, 458-SOCOM-vs.-50-Beowulf-3….jpg)





I want to shoot Beowulf

8e7459 No.14170669

File: 8aabaf3a36a610e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2392x978, 1196:489, Futas have balls.png)


What would a raccoon girl be like? Would she be a futa?

a0b710 No.14170674


No, that's the frog girl.

f5822e No.14170676

File: 1d097f4b598bf4b⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 500x281, 500:281, C113661F-2802-4CD0-8624-C….jpeg)


>The Language Crystal


It’s an /x/-tier, esoteric, fairy tale interpretation of linguistic determinism, a collection of a madman’s insane ramblings. No one takes it seriously, and no one possibly could, because there are only a few printed copies out there, each one either collecting dust or being sold for anywhere between $900-$1500. If you’re looking for valuable information regarding the influence of language and linguistic relativity, don’t even think about reading that garbage. There’s less insane ramblings and padding in a mental asylum.

4ae3cd No.14170677

File: 62854e3d8382d0a⋯.mp4 (8.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, e2dwBhvbfLdxqo2T.mp4)


bbeae1 No.14170689

File: 1755b4306d8cf12⋯.jpg (86.74 KB, 744x1113, 248:371, baker3.jpg)


1d3d5d No.14170690

File: 8e196cb694325c4⋯.png (487.98 KB, 376x475, 376:475, smug frog.png)

8e7459 No.14170693

New bread: >>14170678

New bread: >>14170678

New bread: >>14170678

New bread: >>14170678

New bread: >>14170678

65c081 No.14170697


We'll be expanding our options as time goes on. The important thing is to start funding the research now. Hopefully corporation will take note of demand and be able to fill the market with more specific services.

I see you are still posting that image. Funny that you should use that image to reply to me.

0722ea No.14170718


it is a bit of misnomer. They still have the thing that causes allergic reactions just less of it.

8a9ce1 No.14170730

File: 12f2f79dfd05f3b⋯.jpg (172.4 KB, 1200x574, 600:287, smiling merchant-girl.jpg)


>raccoon girl

528e19 No.14170921


> Not knowing that this is how AAA devs promote their games with games journalists and why their "advertising" costs are so high.


Just let Lizzy F know to respond to that request. Then point out how CON gathered information and in all likelihood, doxed her.

1d220f No.14171537


That is some shitty art. Why would you even save that? There's much better out there of this particular fetish.

99a3f5 No.14171560



1d220f No.14171587



I thought I was Mr Cares a Lot?

12bd06 No.14171668


Acid is retarded but so are you


To be fair Acid, most of your ideas are generally terrible and when called out for it you sperg.


Sargon is dumb but that's not how it went at all, both were being really dumb egos in that stream for example, with Sargon's leaderfagging autism and metokur's obnoxious apathy.

4dc90a No.14174764

Just who is that Kenjo guy and why everyone suddenly went to defend that sperg and caused so much drama?

3701c0 No.14175748


Since nobody else is answering you not much was happening.

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