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File: 7c445af45cde4ae⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 824x464, 103:58, degen.mp4)

910219 No.309630

Last thread: https://archive.fo/vDx86

Basic summary:

>JF is still suing Destiny

>Kilroy is still kill

>Sargon debates Richard Spencer on Warski, is B T F O

>Sargon begins his anti-collectivist crusade by starting the Liberalists™, basically a rebranding of the skeptics

>Jim shits all over it, calls it cringy, Sargon gets hurt feelings

>Upcoming Spencer vs Sargon rematch

>possible Mike Enoch vs Sargon on the horizon?

>Andrew Anglin vs Sargon?

>Alt-right responses by JF and Ryan Faulk

Seems like the next arc in this saga is going to be Sargon-centered. Place your bets on what will be the thing that finally destroys him.

3aeb19 No.309632

File: 32258dd610a8764⋯.png (72.6 KB, 617x422, 617:422, sargon bake cake.png)


>can ban someone but only after they themselves have committed "egregious behavior" on an individual basis.

By what definition? Who gets to make the call? If the state has the say then this means you'd need some sort of judicial process before you can ban any lowly shitter in your store. If the store owner himself gets to make the call, then he can set whatever standards he wants and there's no way for others or the state to come in and say "no mate, he didn't act badly enough for you to ban him". This would essentially just mean he gets to ban any nigger from the store, but just can't put a blanket sign out that says "no niggers".

He's also saying that you're only allowed to ban people AFTER they've already committed a crime or acted badly or impacted the establishment in some way. Can't do anything preemptively. This is akin to how he blames the british government for the Rotherham rapes just because they didn't act sufficiently to stop it, but it still doesn't address the fact that even if the police DID act, it still would've been after they were already raping little girls in the first place.

He also didn't address whether you're allowed to choose to only hire your own race, or to not hire blacks or whatever.

tldr: he's politically illiterate and just shits out on-the-fly ideas without giving them half a minute's thought

e12907 No.309634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quadroon Wars V: The Gypsy Strikes Back!

910219 No.309635



>He also didn't address whether you're allowed to choose to only hire your own race, or to not hire blacks or whatever.

I'm pretty sure I've heard Sargon say he's against singling out groups at all. The Liberalist government would force you to hire nigs

3aeb19 No.309636

File: d676a3181758746⋯.jpg (414.26 KB, 2000x1384, 250:173, alexander dumas.jpg)


>muh phrenology

>that fake forced laughter shit copied from sargoy himself

Alright, I can't watch this shit. Can I get a TLDR? Is he seriously trying to argue that Sargon actually is 1/4th black like he says? If he can prove that's true then I'll reject evolution and unironically believe in intelligent design, because the only way Sargon could be the spawn of a nigger grandparent is if God himself is going through his chromosomes and making sure to cherrypick preciesly which genes get passed down to his father and himself to make sure he looks 100% british and not at all black.

He ain't no quadroon.

138cd2 No.309637


>literally not a single response to alt-hyp's arguments

>not even an argument that Sargon actually is a quadroon and isn't lying, just 'point and splutter' (literally in Vee's case)

e12907 No.309638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He also replied to JF:

>Oh my god when trying to define it you didn't read the entire Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Group Rights Meanwhile he shows the webpage, and the first sentence gives a good definition

>Corporations can't have rights, because if you allowed a corporation to become Muslim, it could sue you for insulting Islam.

>Giving groups rights means giving the state rights which means that you can't insult the state like in communism.

c770ea No.309640


That are the most bullshitty arguments I have ever seen from a Slav since I have shitposted together with Wojack. First of all, corporations are legal fictions that were created so the English crown can get its projects/geopolitical obligations done. Giving a legal person the same basic liberties or additional privileges is kinda hamfisted. Claiming that the notion of group identity would inevitably lead to such troll immediately is outright retarded.

138cd2 No.309641


>if groups have rights, then one of those rights has to be the right to not be criticized, therefore group rights are tyrannical

Also, gyppo really hates the Hungarians doesn't he?

a6c3ed No.309643


He hates the hungarian nationalist and their party, he constantly bitches about them and how if they don't like Romania they should go back to Hungary, making it sound like they're entitled immigrants which is kind of misrepresenting considering hungarians do have some territorial claims in Romania

On the other hand, he seems very defensive of gypsies

1673a6 No.309645


Sargon went 100% retard. He's turning into the SJWs he used to attack

1f49e7 No.309647



For a guy who rejects all identities that aren't chosen, he sure identifies as a Romanian a lot and brings up Romanian communism all the time when talking about the alt-right.

3db5f6 No.309648


>a business should not be allowed to put up a "no blacks, no Irish" sign

Why he do this?

If he's talking about the gay cake, why not use an example of you cannot put up a "no gay wedding cakes" sign?

You can refuse to bake gay Irish niggers a cake, but you cannot just state it plainly in front of the store? Wouldn't it be better that the store accounces it outright that they don't want to serve gay Irish niggers, so the gay Irish niggers don't waste their time going to the store and get refused service?

Sargon's whole comment has no substance. It's just "I want to support freedom, but I also don't want anyone to be rude".

3db5f6 No.309649



5f29d9 No.309651

File: 572cb9f84c12a17⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 779x585, 779:585, 1515715974071.jpg)

So the principles of Liberalistism are whatever they need to be to change the west in such a way that Sargon feels like it's 1995 again. It's a political ideology that will mainly appeal to nostalgia obsessed bugman.

a6c3ed No.309652


I don't know how much it can be used against him though

He seems to attack them by the same angle he would attack romanian nationalists (no idendidy bolitigs :DDD)

What i find annoying is that when he talks about it he frames it in a way that someone who listens to him not knowing anything about Romania would think these hungarians are immigrants who just moved in to stir up shit, while in reality there is a huge region in central Romania that is majority hungarian and has been for centuries, which makes the situation much more complicated than he makes it out

1069d1 No.309653


I'm placing the rematch as Sargon getting PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd so hard that he he'll pull a trout and tea.

3aeb19 No.309654

File: ea91add4bc2124c⋯.png (207.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, centrist.png)


He wants to have a glass of water, take the glass away, and still have the water stay where it is. He's too much of a brainlet to see the massive fundamental contradictions in everything he supports.

Part of the reason he's so retarded and inconsistent in his views is because he's never before had to takes a firm stance on anything. Instead he plays Eternal Fence-Sitter, constantly changing his beliefs to be whatever is in opposition to his opponents.

This is also his main fatal flaw in trying to start a political party/movement/whatever. Before he was doing negative politics (critiquing others) and now he's trying to do positive politics (putting out his own ideas). He's NEVER put himself out there before. He's been the fence-sitter who tries to stay immune from criticism by never taking a stance.

Now that he IS finally taking firm stances on things it's a lot easier to start calling him out on his shit. No more "schrodinger's political views"

9e09b8 No.309655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think our boy Sargon really lost his mind over the last few days and is now a danger to the public at large

052d77 No.309656


Niggers are always a danger to society.

1069d1 No.309657


No no no Sargoy is a quadroon if he's full then he'll be (((Based)))

138cd2 No.309658

File: 167b9bc10138979⋯.png (44.29 KB, 499x651, 499:651, Liberalistism.png)


There ideology is pure distilled bugman, at least according to this poll. Never seen so much reddit in my life.

3aeb19 No.309659

File: c870130671191b2⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 966x1464, 161:244, todd howard nazi.jpg)


>no option to disagree

Is this a screenshot from Todd Howard's latest RPG?

c770ea No.309660


Which color of nigger? As I see it, Sargon acts like a Brittish one. This is why Niggertarianism would work as dog whistle, if he actually had lied about his black heritage.

c430db No.309661


You can disagree to some of these. If you think a bit you will notice that it means exactly the same thing as agreeing with most of these. Liberalists have mastered pilpul just like Talmud of Swindon.

d1dae9 No.309662



>a Slav

pick one

cc2b43 No.309663


>What i find annoying is that when he talks about it he frames it in a way that someone who listens to him not knowing anything about Romania would think these hungarians are immigrants who just moved in to stir up shit, while in reality there is a huge region in central Romania that is majority hungarian and has been for centuries, which makes the situation much more complicated than he makes it out

What is even more egregious is that Transylvania is also important space to Hungarian identity, despite Transylvania not being Hungarian (in terms of under which nation it is) today. Similar to how the Highlands are important to Scottish identity or how the Black Forest is important to German identity.

910219 No.309664

File: 5aa767574b86329⋯.jpg (2.72 KB, 125x115, 25:23, 1400329483883s.jpg)

Do you need an email to make a reddit account? I feel like stirring up some shit

3d50a0 No.309665

1069d1 No.309666

910219 No.309667



I guess I'll find out

c430db No.309668


You can make as many e-mail and have as many IP as you want.

3d50a0 No.309669



they have a field for it but you can leave it blank.

910219 No.309670





What's the best way to troll them? Act as one of them and subvert or just spam 1488 shit? I feel like the former would be more successful, trying to push them even further left

a6c3ed No.309671


What's the difference between "i agree with most of these" and "i disagree with some of these"?

c430db No.309672


Subvert them. 1488 isn't acceptable in the liberalist utopia, but you could do it to troll them, and keep making new accounts. I don't see them making any progress on their own anyway.

c430db No.309674


There's none.

5f29d9 No.309675


The best way would be to introduce subversive Marxist concepts liberalism is prone too. Keep pushing the movement left until they get sold on some SJWisms

3aeb19 No.309676


Subvert them. Going in and posting /pol/ stuff is funny, but it won't do anything to actually help. The best thing to do is just argue honestly with them, because we have the truth on our side anyway.

What I mean by that is use socratic questioning to expose all the flaws in their ideology. Their total doublethink on freedom of association, for example. Or the idea that groups cannot have rights. Get them to admit that they want things like anti-discrimination laws because they think it's "good for society" and then corner them on how this is collectivist thinking.

910219 No.309677

File: 7b6794afaa1564e⋯.png (11.88 KB, 811x399, 811:399, idea.PNG)



Thinking about doing something like this. I'll probably make it more subtle though

e12907 No.309678

File: 1f0cd2c6cca8a56⋯.png (25.56 KB, 968x155, 968:155, No dogs, Irish, or AnCaps ….png)

File: 2000e44644f96a8⋯.png (31.21 KB, 1281x147, 61:7, Cringe.png)

File: 48c867647deb90c⋯.jpg (321.91 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, TheLiberalist.jpg)

It's not just the Alt-Right, they don't really like AnCaps either.


Good. Drugs and prostitution they've already agreed on.

3aeb19 No.309679


Way too obvious. I know Sargon has previously said something about how age of consent should be "contextual" (I guess based on how fast someone mentally matures?). It's definitely a line of questioning we can get them to go down.

There's also obviously the whole gay cake thing, which they keep digging deeper holes for themselves. Or how they say no group rights should exist but this invalidates concepts like the family and corporations

3aeb19 No.309680


>don sargone makes one off-hand comment of "hurr libertarianism is retarded they don't know what they're talking about"

>suddenly every sargon skeptic+ acolyte parrots his views as gospel

This is why I can't stand Sargon. I wouldn't give nearly as much of a fuck about him if it weren't for all the brainlets who just go forth and spout his shit over and over.

e12907 No.309681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, and Sargon has already talked about lowered age of consent. See embed, clips from around 25 minutes in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkpYHrC2kCI&feature=youtu.be

If they disagree, ask them if every individual below 18 is unable to consent.



910219 No.309683

File: 7a0a82c6ca8c999⋯.png (51.13 KB, 820x546, 410:273, please rate.PNG)




Any suggestions for this? I tried to make it subtle and reason like they do. I could see Sargon agreeing but idk

910fdd No.309684

So, why is Sargon acting like this?

He could have handled everything so much better.

He could have publicly distanced himself from Kraut's actions instead of acting like he didn't care about anything and then using the foxdickfarms thread about CRP, which was planned by Kraut, to attack him.

He could have debated Spencer seriously instead of acting like a pompous sperg and could have gone out of it as winner or at least in a draw.

He also could have waited for this whole drama to cool down instead of going on this spergy counter offensive with his liberatist ((?) what is even the correct name for the 'philosophy' itself) movement.

As someone who watched Sargon for quite a while now it kind of hurts to see him to slowly turn into a lolcow.

3db5f6 No.309686


I think Sargoy stated previously that he would allow commies and their like to form parties, and if the majority votes for it, so be it. Yet he believes in reason or something so the people wouldn't throw away their freedom like that.

73c1b6 No.309687

The last thread was full. Minor off topic input.


>New here, what'd he do it for?

This explanation is sufficient >>309621 although it is a bit harsh when describing the "1%". In layman's terms one could put together everything from "take the stairs instead of the elevator", grow your own food to the extent that it is possible and stop domesticating yourself. Most of these things are self explanatory and was the reality not so many decades ago, but can also be taken to the extreme as long as there are benefits from doing so. However the majority is only willing to take the easy steps and Varg is not interesting in talking to the majority. He probably realize deep down that most people are unable to take this big leap right now (only babysteps), but at least he got rid of the snowflakes and made it easier to engage in the comment section.

I figured JF could make these topics go places and speculate on the benefits with amusement that only a very few other people could provide him with. In a way it would be like "talking to a caveman" and while dicky spencer would refuse to plow the fields in the ethnostate Varg would see the benefits given to his offsprings from a non sedated lifestyle. But >>309550 gave good input to why this will never happen, no reason to push it.

910219 No.309688


Sounds like he wants the status quo minus "group rights"

54c818 No.309690


It says video unavailable, what did I miss?

cc2b43 No.309691


So he wants nothing to change?

910219 No.309692

File: 94faac2ec9cfdfe⋯.jpg (191.8 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, BRITISH UNION FASCISTS.jpg)


It was a really well-made fashwave with contextually edited Sargon bits making him sound like the next Oswald Mosley

5f29d9 No.309693

File: 25633546ad16bb4⋯.webm (14.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, liberalists.webm)

54c818 No.309695



If it's the ~2 minute one I saw it earlier today. Thanks.

5f29d9 No.309696


Why is it gone? Alt-Hype and Millennial Woes loved it.

3aeb19 No.309697


looks pretty good. However, you shouldn't be posting this here. You never know if sargon shills are watching ITT. So if you make this post, they might find out you're a saboteur and then ban you from the group or whatever.

Also, one topic at a time. Don't push for liberal neoconservative policy while also talking about popper's paradox. Also talk about popper's paradox with regards to illiberal muslim values and SJWs and such.

910219 No.309698

File: b9d36f49367c09a⋯.jpg (178.55 KB, 934x540, 467:270, 1465349135911.jpg)




Good point, I'll wait a few days then reword it a bit just in case

54c818 No.309699


I think Sargon's next debate with Enoch or Spencer is due in a few days, it should leave his fanboys even more demoralized and agitated, that's a good time to push shit that makes them radicalize. Think of what happened to the democrats after Trump.

910219 No.309700

910219 No.309701


Shit just read this, I'll take down the post

a6c3ed No.309702


This is probably the best way to go about it

Keep digging into the most exploitable aspects of liberalism until you turn them full SJW

At that point they will realize that the 90s leftism they they hold as a perfect utopia was just a slippery slope to the current year


This whole attempt to take down the alt-right by the skeptics started with the wrong foot with all the RAF debacle, from there they went from mistake to mistake

Had they not done that, or had they apologized and backed off for a while to take things more calmly after it, things would probably have worked out better for them


Damn, did the liberalist collective flag it?

3aeb19 No.309704

File: fc2511c9b0269ae⋯.jpg (215.68 KB, 686x1492, 343:746, magda_v_anglin.jpg)

File: 9fbd54e0351e6ac⋯.png (14.01 KB, 580x204, 145:51, anglin debate.png)


Anglin is apparently also scheduled for a debate with Sargon. Should be pretty lulzy because it's really easy to underestimate Anglin, and I'm sure he's going to give zero fucks and troll Sargon the entire time


>Keep digging into the most exploitable aspects of liberalism until you turn them full SJW

Agreed. Liberalism is like a chemical transition state. It can't stay that way, and has to collapse one way or the other towards SJWism/marxism or ancapism. Those are the only two real routes you have if you start from a universalist mindset that only looks at individuals.

5f29d9 No.309705


>Damn, did the liberalist collective flag it?

LIDF shut it down. Hooktube still works if someone wants to mirror


5f29d9 No.309706

6bc095 No.309707

File: 3f872c19eb4b8b8⋯.jpg (25.3 KB, 700x338, 350:169, 3f872c19eb4b8b85ef7454b25b….jpg)


>You also appear to have violated the YouTube ToS against "graphic and disturbing cocks" for video of your batboy


c430db No.309708


Who is hosting the cage fight?

e12907 No.309709

File: 6bc55f5dc413ab9⋯.png (26.68 KB, 1576x180, 394:45, paradox.png)


>Paradox of Toleration


Well, I guess they resolved the paradox.


>Any suggestions for this?

I read a book a while back written by a member of a Swedish communist sect, "Med Stalin som Gud" = "With Stalin as God". It outlined the methods he used to infiltrate and destroy their less radical competition.

One thing I remember from it was that he joined a communist book club, and started constantly suggesting improvements. If anyone disagreed, he accused them of trying to subvert the agenda of the organisation by inserting counter-revolutionary influence.

Try this: Only push individualist points, and if they disagree, call them collectivists.



This is true, so don't post specifics. Still, it might be fun if they get paranoid.

3aeb19 No.309710


I assume Baked Alaska. Haven't seen anything else about this though.

055f1b No.309711

File: acb86ee1a2b7e85⋯.webm (11.36 MB, 624x352, 39:22, ancom-part1.webm)


055f1b No.309712

File: bce8075053d936b⋯.webm (10.18 MB, 624x352, 39:22, ancom-part2.webm)


e12907 No.309714

File: 211149dfabe6e37⋯.png (670.4 KB, 1116x724, 279:181, Cringe.png)

File: 6bc55f5dc413ab9⋯.png (26.68 KB, 1576x180, 394:45, paradox.png)

They're getting paranoid, I think. They're also still pissed of from being called "Cringy".



Quite interesting.

055f1b No.309715

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Just take the "you" part of the link and add hook, it will work even if the video is unavailable. This is why hooktube is superior.

9e09b8 No.309716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






(((WHY))) indeed. Youtube set it to private for no reason, and I can't take it off again.

Good on you anons for mirroring it when you could though - feel free to spread it far and wide. I've also put it up on an alt account while I try to (((appeal))) the jewry by offering some foreskins.

910219 No.309718

File: ad66f3e8fc538bc⋯.png (15.03 KB, 1021x273, 1021:273, oyvey.PNG)

File: 8352406a77c93d7⋯.png (21.49 KB, 1001x171, 1001:171, oyvey2.PNG)


I just reuploaded the paradox of tolerance page, but on the other hand look at this. We have a traitor or one of /ourguys/ trying to make them paranoid in our midst:


54c818 No.309719


>Try this: Only push individualist points, and if they disagree, call them collectivists.

Yes, that's simple yet effective. What do you think would cause maximum lulz? Trying to push them towards full SJW or getting them to disintegrate to a point where they can't function anymore by pushing individualism to its extreme.

6ff6eb No.309720

File: 892821b98fba0dc⋯.webm (4.86 MB, 800x600, 4:3, chef ainsley.webm)


887102 No.309721



Boomers need the bullet holy shit

a6c3ed No.309722


Aw shit

3aeb19 No.309723


This is fantastic. The worst thing from our POV they can do is gain self-awareness and rethink what they're doing. The fact that they're doubling down is great. Truly a lolcow in the making.


>We have a traitor or one of /ourguys/ trying to make them paranoid in our midst:

I'm assuming one of /ourguys/, considering they're not calling out specific threads or posters as shills. They're definitely just sowing discord.

That's the genius of all this. We can be 100% open about what we're doing and our intentions, because either way they're fucked. They can either fall for our subterfuge or become paranoid and start purging the "counter-revolutionaries" (counter-liberalists?). The fact that they know what we're doing changes nothing.

It's just like how we're open about using humor to destroy taboos against racism and antisemitism. The opposition knowing we do this changes nothing and they still can't stop it. Look at how we openly operate on sites like 8ch and 4chan while the opposition has to plan and conspire in secret discord servers.

5f29d9 No.309724

File: ae72464fdc06bf6⋯.jpg (72.17 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, libealists.jpg)


That kind of paranoid fear mongering might ironically sow more discord than a few concern trolls would have

3aeb19 No.309725


You can do both, just not under the same accounts. Pushing some further toward social justice by using the same logic as popper's paradox, while pushing others towards anarchism with purity spiraling about collectivism and state enforcement.

Doing both at the same time guarantees massive amounts of friction and infighting followed by purges and radicalization away from liberalism.

c430db No.309726


Pushing them to full SJW would be far more entertaining, and it may be enlightening to some when they realise who really is on each end of the horseshoe. They idea of races and sex is so naive that I have no doubt that they will turn into SJW anyway.

3db5f6 No.309727


Somebody should make a cartoon or something about Liberalists how Sargon and his brave band of individualistic heroes initially defeated the evil horde of the SJWs with their weapons of reason, and skepticism, and with the assistance their patron deity, Loki. However, a few years later an even more evil threat, the Alt-right arose. The Liberalists lost many good trouts in the war, and eventually they were forced to form an alliance with the SJWs. Queen Anita demanded that King Sargon allow his wife's son to become a transgender concubine to the Caliph of Germany. Initially he refused, but after the Alt-right continued with their onslaught, Sargon did the ultimate sacrifice. With the combined forces of Liberalistism and Feminism the Alt-right was finally beaten. All of the West had become an individualistic Feminist Caliphate. King Sargon had made many rough sacrifices, the Liberalists were allowed a small safe space in Swindon, but in the end it was worth, since at least they weren't racist!

910219 No.309729

File: 93f50d7ee99c227⋯.png (18.39 KB, 969x144, 323:48, lol.PNG)

I was just told I don't understand liberalism for bringing up the paradox of toleration. I guess I'm not a big brained enough nibba


a6c3ed No.309730

File: ed121665fcf1890⋯.png (11.81 KB, 886x118, 443:59, Gotcha.png)


I don't get it

910219 No.309731


That's the same guy who replied to my post and tried to act like I didn't understand what tolerance REALLY means according to their definition. Even though my post was subversion I think I brought up some fair points imo.

a6c3ed No.309732


I guess we should read some more Loki and watch a couple of seasons of Rick and Morty to understand his posts

e12907 No.309736


That reply contradicts with the one I've seen everywhere else: That a necessary part of a democracy is to allow people to vote away the rights of others?

>you're using a liberal definition

Isn't that a good thing in a liberalist forum?


Everyone who doesn't think like a Liberalist is a totalitarian?

d8fe95 No.309737

File: c0706dfa32b828a⋯.jpg (139.73 KB, 909x673, 909:673, Eau_de_fedora.jpg)


Whassup, my nigga.

910219 No.309739

File: 6d4e43d3c44ddf3⋯.png (9.96 KB, 979x98, 979:98, dismantle.PNG)


a6c3ed No.309740




That has to be one of us

e4285c No.309741



So its pretty much communism now?

c430db No.309743


Lenin would have been proud of Sargon.

d8fe95 No.309744


>implying you are the only ones astroturfing


5f29d9 No.309745

/r/Liberalist Official Mod stream


910219 No.309746

File: fe1fda71b57a9ee⋯.png (26.8 KB, 983x210, 983:210, THE GOYIM KNOW.PNG)


54c818 No.309747


That wont solve the dilemma, how do you know a person's post is genuine or not?

e12907 No.309748

File: ce6867f32162afa⋯.png (29.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2.png)

File: 75d89f00cbc42fe⋯.png (30.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2.5.png)

File: b03a5c1b28e1fbb⋯.png (29.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3.png)

What do you think, /cow/, would a dead bird be a good symbol?



Difficult to tell if it's an infiltrator.


I've no idea what you're trying to say, but given your reddit spacing you probably don't belong here.



c770ea No.309749

File: 25633546ad16bb4⋯.webm (14.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LIBERALIST LEBENSRAUM.webm)

Facinating. Sargon tried to sell the mutual destruction of the left and the right to Millenial Woes.



No problem, I have baked that into a webm.

910219 No.309750



I just hope we get some naive Sargonites wondering into this thread

a6c3ed No.309753

File: 0cb9e4814c71ef5⋯.png (12.1 KB, 940x89, 940:89, now what.png)

d8fe95 No.309755


I go where I please and look at what interests me.

e4285c No.309756

File: 528b8480c4c1eac⋯.jpg (125.9 KB, 702x768, 117:128, reddit.jpg)


>vote button

a6c3ed No.309757

File: 89647205bb33393⋯.png (16.2 KB, 941x111, 941:111, BashFash.png)


6bc095 No.309758

File: 2a897482c0b1164⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 384x256, 3:2, 1436582977242.jpg)



3aeb19 No.309759

File: bb00c80621d61bf⋯.jpg (4.37 KB, 201x201, 1:1, comfy guy.jpg)


I'm still convinced that this is one of us. No one can be this dumb and think that showing the subversion will somehow make the paranoia deescalate.

I'm /comfy/ as fuck waiting for them to start purging themselves.

e4285c No.309760


>I go where I please and look at what interests me.

So you're an individualist?

910219 No.309761


I like how he thinks chan threads are static and you can downvote people on them. Surely no one is this dumn

d8fe95 No.309763


Well, I thought so, but Papa Spencer told me everything everywhere is collectivist, even individualism, so now I don't know what to think.

e12907 No.309764

File: 669cd298e095bec⋯.png (72.43 KB, 1597x438, 1597:438, infiltrators.png)


You might be right. I suspect the same about every single person in the comments as well.

Even I am getting paranoid now!

c430db No.309765

I hereby invite you to the liberalist discord.


You have to wait 10 min before to post. Please be civil.

d8fe95 No.309766

File: c870c337736672d⋯.jpg (246.73 KB, 1224x1445, 72:85, 1501184332548.jpg)


You may want to reparse what they wrote.

e12907 No.309767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you denying us our individualist right of disassociating from you?

a6c3ed No.309768


I love how smugly he responds without thinking what his answer implies

3aeb19 No.309769


Anyone know any throwaway email accounts that are usable with discord?

d8fe95 No.309770


You're the one associating with me!

910219 No.309772

File: a0cc0aa50698df7⋯.png (31.93 KB, 1001x256, 1001:256, bash.PNG)

3aeb19 No.309773


Yup, as I pointed out here >>309632 he just randomly shits out broad overarching stances purely out of intuition without actually taking any consideration into the basic implications. And he's completely surrounded by yes-men in a bubble world echo chamber, and nobody will dare call King Skeptic on his shit internally.

e12907 No.309774


I suspected and wanted to check if you're the sort of retard who can't help replying to any comment directed at you.

Tell me, was I right?

5f29d9 No.309775

d8fe95 No.309776


If I told you no, would you believe me?

910219 No.309777


The difference is we do this shit out in the open and mainly for laughs

910219 No.309779



Also he delete the tweet after Racewarski just B T F O him

e12907 No.309780


No, you would've replied.

Now tell me, why is individualism a higher moral good than collectivism?

3aeb19 No.309781


what did warski say? I was really hoping to PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD him too. How can you even have infiltrators if you don't think groups are legitimate? We'd just be individuals coming in expressing our ideas in the free market of ideas.

d8fe95 No.309782


Do you really want to know? Like REALLY want to know?

54c818 No.309783


Did you archive it by any chance? Alternatively, can you just tell me what the interaction was? Skeptic vs ex-Skeptic are the most fun ones, very personal.

910219 No.309784


He basically said "why are you posting this, it's a public site and I don't see doxxxxing, just anons"

910219 No.309785

File: ae1a028170c0003⋯.png (31.95 KB, 584x375, 584:375, warski.PNG)

e12907 No.309786




If you don't go Godwin on me.

a6c3ed No.309788


I love this guy


He deleted it

What did he say?

54c818 No.309790



So Vee originally said this is a doxing operation? Dumb Gypsy.

5f29d9 No.309791



It said

>if operation red makrel is bad why isn't @andywarski condemning this [link to cuckchan thread]

3aeb19 No.309792



thanks anon



…and it's just a 4/pol/ thread of people shit talking sargoon.

910219 No.309793


He asked alt-hype, JFG, warski and someone to explain themselves and why it was unacceptable for Kraut but not for the alt-right, except all we're doing here is taking the piss out of these faggots and not posting their addresses

910fdd No.309794

File: 51e3b97d64416e6⋯.jpg (25.38 KB, 583x375, 583:375, DTh5yStUMAAvTWV.jpg)

a6c3ed No.309796


What a raging retard

54c818 No.309797


Did he imply their entire subreddit is full of retards?

d8fe95 No.309798


I hereby promise, on my personal honor as a shitposter, than I will not compare anyone to Hitler in my explanation, and by extension, will not draw a moral imperative from that specific comparison. In exchange, I only ask that you are willing to entertain the idea, even if you are unwilling to accept it.


910219 No.309803

File: 6b5042323099018⋯.jpg (90.42 KB, 925x583, 925:583, manlet of akkad.jpg)

Manlet of Akkad

a85c72 No.309804


Romanians are not Slavs; they are Latins. Romanians are literally the Mexicans of Europe.

6bc095 No.309805

File: 8fc01dd73baa83d⋯.jpg (387.98 KB, 1083x634, 1083:634, 8fc01dd73baa83d1838e665cf6….jpg)


Imagine if it was like this

910219 No.309806

File: fa9f2a2983ffd37⋯.png (20.11 KB, 979x220, 89:20, mysides.PNG)

e12907 No.309808

File: 52b6c15b2e1bbac⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 1024x454, 512:227, Liberalism Logo.jpg)

This was the funniest logo so far. The thinker, with wings: https://www.reddit.com/r/Liberalist/comments/7qco4n/another_logo_possible/


With the Hitler comment I rather meant that I don't want to hear some speculation about any degree of "collectivism" leading to genocide/opression. I'm more interested in why the individual, rather than my nation or my family, is worthy of moral consideration.

Also, define the basic concepts of your ideology clearly, please.

73c1b6 No.309809

File: ac7798a45616706⋯.png (497.77 KB, 640x2140, 32:107, adam 'insults are free spe….png)


>you can't chat before level 5



No archive sry. Will take notice for next time.

e12907 No.309810



If you do that, I'll agree.

138cd2 No.309811

>"1.Speaking of adversaries or outsiders as if they were all the same; characterising them by negative traits only; attributing unflattering motives to them but not oneself."

>"2. Lacking interest and information concerning the actual statements and actions of opponents or outsiders."

>"3. Failing to consider the possible validity of an adversary’s point of view."

>"4. Not taking a critical look at one’s own position."

>"5. Disapproving or rejecting a member of one’s group for departing from the group position, devaluing the dissident, regarding him or her as an annoyance or a problem."

>"6. Feeling self-righteous."

These are really on display in Vee's latest videos responding to AH and JF's criticisms

405851 No.309812


I think he said on a stream once that he's 5' 9". But Pettibone said she's 5' 6", and the Stepfather doesn't look like he's three inches taller than her.

3aeb19 No.309813

File: 21d1d481155c1a6⋯.png (69.37 KB, 1063x494, 1063:494, sargon cult.png)

a85c72 No.309818



You're both correct. You can use maildrop.

910219 No.309819

File: 9a42d00690ab049⋯.png (8.68 KB, 850x105, 170:21, LIBERAL MODERATING.PNG)

138cd2 No.309821

File: 47653fde27738b6⋯.png (33.66 KB, 783x291, 261:97, Detroit Republican.PNG)

>Vee thinks that blacks would vote for repubs if only they tried

Top kek

e12907 No.309822


Is that form cuckchan?

The fucker who made that stole my post ( >>309301 ). He did improve on it a little, for example by adding the Horseshoe stuff which I was stupid enough no to think of. And not only was my comment was stolen, but the copy was then screenshotted.

Kidding aside I'm flattered.

6bc095 No.309823

File: a664bad0550d566⋯.png (389.29 KB, 1270x678, 635:339, dc8765a590923a4b87cfc91b0d….png)

File: dcc6b7fb73b4574⋯.gif (852.96 KB, 300x237, 100:79, 5ee3b53faddbcbc9a84d464b8c….gif)


>what do they promise minorities

>we need mo money fo dem programs

c770ea No.309825


Sounds like it is a little know fact. On the other hand, its alread in the name of the country; Romania. Veeh's claim are still the dumbest thing uttered by someone from Eastern Europe since I have ever heard about since the last time I have read a Wojack post. Speaking of, maybe we could get to Veeh by making Polandball comics in which Romania's personality is based on his.


<If we moderate, our community will become the most tyrannical shit on plebbit.

OK, time to pull out your 2hus and conspiracy theories. With a sentiment like this, that place is basically /intl/ .


Not while blacks as a population are degenerate and utterly dependent. Mr Handicapat also overlooks that somebody is weaponizing the dysfunction inside the black community.

73c1b6 No.309826

File: 750f10dc2a0a56b⋯.png (119.12 KB, 1024x454, 512:227, new logo.png)

3aeb19 No.309828


>If we moderate, our community will become the most tyrannical shit on plebbit.

Yup. Don't forget to also push them further towards true individualism (ie, anarcho-capitalism) too. Reinforce the freedom to discriminate and the like. Eventually we can even get into how the very concept of democracy is anti-individualist because it's A and B teaming up to rob C.

d8fe95 No.309830


I'm afraid I can't promise that. One of the main issues with collectivism is it's tendency toward authoritarian troll. I'm willing to try, but it's a bit like saying "make an argument against SJWs, but you aren't allowed to speculate on how they cause destabilization of demographics."

The inherent flaw with collectivism is not the arguments that come from it; those are all sound, provided the premise of collectivism holds true. The problem is that the inherent premise of collectivism is inaccurate. Here's why:

Collectivism treats groups as real, separate entities from the individuals that comprise them. This is why the notion of group rights is a thing. However, we have to understand that individuals exist in a real, tangible way that collectives do not. This is easily proven with a very simple thought experiment: imagine what an individual without any group looks like: probably quite lonely, cold, under threat at all times. Now imagine what a group without any individuals within it looks like. You can't; because groups do not exist in any tangible way outside of the individuals that comprise them.

This is because collectives are abstractions; they're a representation of all the individuals that comprise it. This also necessarily means that individuals are both simultaneously the smalled, most indivisible unit of society, while also the largest, independently-conscious unit of society. Another argument for the abstract nature of groups is the fact that anyone one person will be organized into multiple groups simultaneously and may identify with some groups more than others.

So, which is necessarily more moral; individualism - which puts the rights of tangible individuals over the rights of the group, and protecting the group by extension, or collectivism - which claims the rights of an abstraction supersede the rights of tangible, independently-conscious individuals? Collectivism was created as a means to violate people's rights on a logical basis; that's the sole reason it exists.

Theres lots of reasonable places you can extrapolate that argument to, but pretty much all of them hold high risk of authoritarian troll and I promised I wouldn't talk about that.

e12907 No.309831


>I'm afraid I can't promise that. One of the main issues with collectivism is it's tendency toward authoritarian troll. I'm willing to try, but it's a bit like saying "make an argument against SJWs, but you aren't allowed to speculate on how they cause destabilization of demographics."

>The inherent flaw with collectivism is not the arguments that come from it; those are all sound, provided the premise of collectivism holds true. The problem is that the inherent premise of collectivism is inaccurate. Here's why:

>Collectivism treats groups as real, separate entities from the individuals that comprise them. This is why the notion of group rights is a thing. However, we have to understand that individuals exist in a real, tangible way that collectives do not. This is easily proven with a very simple thought experiment: imagine what an individual without any group looks like: probably quite lonely, cold, under threat at all times. Now imagine what a group without any individuals within it looks like. You can't; because groups do not exist in any tangible way outside of the individuals that comprise them.

>This is because collectives are abstractions; they're a representation of all the individuals that comprise it. This also necessarily means that individuals are both simultaneously the smalled, most indivisible unit of society, while also the largest, independently-conscious unit of society. Another argument for the abstract nature of groups is the fact that anyone one person will be organized into multiple groups simultaneously and may identify with some groups more than others.

>So, which is necessarily more moral; individualism - which puts the rights of tangible individuals over the rights of the group, and protecting the group by extension, or collectivism - which claims the rights of an abstraction supersede the rights of tangible, independently-conscious individuals? Collectivism was created as a means to violate people's rights on a logical basis; that's the sole reason it exists.

>Theres lots of reasonable places you can extrapolate that argument to, but pretty much all of them hold high risk of authoritarian troll and I promised I wouldn't talk about that.

caade5 No.309832

e12907 No.309833



Whoops. Pressed New reply by mistake.

5f29d9 No.309834

File: ddcf32330c2fd96⋯.png (271.82 KB, 1274x1308, 637:654, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at ….png)


d8fe95 No.309835


"Authoritarian troll"? I meant "control".

6bc095 No.309836

File: 434a85e54305a44⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 480x363, 160:121, 434a85e54305a44a9f106816c7….jpg)


>direct linking

910219 No.309837

File: b5acef0a671acf1⋯.png (23.77 KB, 907x199, 907:199, madman.PNG)

Ancap mode engaged

138cd2 No.309838


refer to

'1. Speaking of adversaries or outsiders as if they were all the same; characterising them by negative traits only; attributing unflattering motives to them but not oneself' (>>309813)

9d2d19 No.309839

Liberalists are worse than niggers tbh.

cc2b43 No.309840


God bless BashFash1917

b370fe No.309841


>no such document exists

910219 No.309842

File: d28292ee5433598⋯.png (241.16 KB, 616x581, 88:83, gyp.PNG)


405851 No.309844


As much as that's funny, it pretty much gave BashFash1917 up as a troll. He went from antifa/ancom posts to an ancap post; he should have used a different account to post the ancap stuff.

9d2d19 No.309846

File: bdeccb0dcc96d99⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Judaism Intensifies.mp4)

Are liberalists monitoring this thread as we speak lads?

a6c3ed No.309847


>Collectivism was created as a means to violate people's rights on a logical basis; that's the sole reason it exists.

Groups weren't "created"

Man is a social animal who naturally tends to form groups, preferably with those who are closest to him

d8fe95 No.309848

File: f47d4a7f7638287⋯.jpg (70.01 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 1500612479469.jpg)


Nevermind. I see you all have a cute little word filter desu.

d25623 No.309849

File: 7ad28184d2ffcd1⋯.png (615.69 KB, 596x599, 596:599, seriously_dude.png)


> /cow/ gives a shit either way and doesn't just want to laugh at people being complete faggots.

Vee stop being a lolcow. How is this rocket science?

de32ff No.309850

If Vee is watching this how is the Soyfathers semen taste like? you fuckin slut.

e15ef4 No.309851

Hey retards Veeh is lurking the chans and tweeting screencaps and links to the boards.

e4285c No.309852

File: 2b484f60d490ba4⋯.jpg (71.78 KB, 719x825, 719:825, niggers nagging.jpg)


they've got a ways to go before they top the nigger menace.

a6c3ed No.309853


Great, now he's going to make a video about it

910219 No.309854


noooo not our secret hideout

cc2b43 No.309855


>a bunch of anonymous fucks online trolling your shitty movement is the same as nipple clamp man doxing and ruining people's lives

Someone muzzle this Handicapat

5f29d9 No.309856


shit shit…. we're totally screwed now guise

b370fe No.309857


tell him to stop making 4chan posts and pretending he's not the anon making them

910219 No.309858


>tfw your reddit troll post makes a gypsy thousands of miles away make a twenty minute video on how illiberal and evil it is

Feels strange tbh

3aeb19 No.309859

File: 605dc2598a08364⋯.png (121.67 KB, 1024x454, 512:227, liberalist symbol.png)

c770ea No.309861

File: 20b8491d366e532⋯.jpg (201.94 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, B_EVC_01.jpg)

File: 1b3d0f5414a6b3b⋯.webm (4.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Succubus prison is an ama….webm)


Cool, I wonder what the hell you were thinking when you have uploaded this. I mean, you have stated right there that you were spending Christmas alone with lewd game that even scanlator friend would consider way too exotic.

e15ef4 No.309862

I've got a feeling this Liberalist shit is a ruse in order to bait others into trying to take it down like Trout. Keep away from the trout tactics.

d8fe95 No.309863


Collectivism =/= groups. Collectivism is specifically the ideology of groups having rights separate fromt he individuals that comrpise them.

Collectivism is why Jose Zarate didn't get any punishment for killing Katie Steinle; because people exacting punishment would be hurting mexicans as a whole, which is fucking nonsense.

This is also why the argument that Liberalists are now collectivists is nonsense, because willingly forming a group doesn't make you collectivist.

73c1b6 No.309864

File: 903b90016de1f07⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 600x600, 1:1, refactor_the_algorithms.jpg)




See you all back at the base.

de32ff No.309865

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, DR2H5reXkAA7415.jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

File: bfa3cd2686371e5⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, bfa3cd2686371e57bc4a7e1799….jpg)


mandatory pics also he is a bigger faggot with this one right here.

3aeb19 No.309866

File: b10cd3042ec52fa⋯.png (19.76 KB, 211x239, 211:239, wojak brainlet.png)


This fucking brainlet acts like we're not on a public forum, as if we give a fuck that he can see what we're doing. He doesn't get that trying to REEE about us is only going to make the problem worse for him and his group.

Also, he's a total brainlet who thinks that we're SJWs for not believing Sargon is 1/4th black. Top fucking kek.

e4285c No.309867

File: 4e5e36405613a73⋯.jpg (297.14 KB, 960x396, 80:33, b7e0ce41a0a0f1958876ed051b….jpg)

678d5a No.309868


>"help, I'm a poor tzigane who larps as a doctor, people are harassing me"

Doesn't he have better things to do like sucking the Stepfather's benis? Maybe Le Vau is already at it.

9d2d19 No.309869

File: 4b160d29b402ec9⋯.jpg (476.78 KB, 1043x1043, 1:1, lookin good.jpg)

910219 No.309870

File: 33d2d592102863f⋯.png (61.89 KB, 622x567, 622:567, autism.PNG)

c770ea No.309871


Maybe we get him off our asses by reminding him, that Comiket is over and the BO of /u/ is taking suggestions. Maybe he can get new friends who would be more accepting of his Handicapat ways.

0ee66a No.309872


>Collectivism is specifically what I define it as and nothing else

>Collectivism is why Jose Zarate didn't get punishment

No, cuckoldry is why. Liberals are why. Leftists are why. 'Muh group rights' has absolutely nothing to do with it.

>This is also why the argument that Liberalists are now collectivists is nonsense, because my specific definition would mean that almost nobody is collectivist

a6c3ed No.309873


Ooooh snap

Time to pack our things guys, the gypsy is on to us!


So groups should never be acknowledged?

071b5c No.309874


come one Vee post your dox already to have a video, I'll start:

gypsy, Romania

e4285c No.309876


I've got a /cow/ discord right now with 5 levels of clearance and we're going to take down this liberalist movement.

b370fe No.309878


Advocating for the interests of your group makes you a collectivist

Individualism and collectivism are distinct states, not opposites. You can be both. Tiny brained nibba.

3aeb19 No.309879


8ch is not a group. I and the others here just a collection of individuals who happen to be in the same space. Vee has no right to refer to and treat me and other people here as an collective.

3aeb19 No.309880

I hope Vee doesn't find out about the ops going on at bunkerchan and endchan. This is all just shitposting and I don't care if he sees the stuff ITT.

Not that he can even do anything to stop General Plan Lib

910219 No.309881

File: 0ee5dfe5b41d841⋯.png (41 KB, 630x504, 5:4, AUTISMO.PNG)


8831ed No.309882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>no one linked this stream

8831ed No.309883


it's sargon bragging about how much bigger his e-dick is that Andrew Anglin's

61098f No.309884


>8ch is not a group

collective of induviduals for collectivism

d8fe95 No.309885


>implying you aren't using your own definition

No, collectivism as defined there is the standard definition of collectivism.

From Merriam-Webster:

>: a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution; also : a system marked by such control

>2 : emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity

Emphasis on the collective RATHER THAN individual action or identity. The purpose of the state is to recognize and protect rights. The purpose of a collectivist state is to recognize the rights of the collective rather than the individual.

You'll find that almost nobody IS collectivist once they learn what it means. It's because it's a fucking shitty idea.

138cd2 No.309886


Who? No-one on the alt-right feels threatened enough by this joke to go after people by doxxxxxxxing them. cuckchan and this board are just enjoying watching the meltdown.


>he thinks people would care

738e50 No.309887

File: d1908307b48501c⋯.png (152.58 KB, 1237x249, 1237:249, individual.png)



b370fe No.309888


But liberalists want universal healthcare. How is that not collective control over the distribution of healthcare for the benefit of the collective? Brainlet.

2da07f No.309889

File: 7a9911c6ed19859⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 330x312, 55:52, c2712f081b2a63ef1b10a473b6….gif)


> Milo talks about age of consent, say it's arbitrary and children can also consent

> admits being molested by a priest at 13

> another faggot talks about how awful laws of consent are

> admits to being molested at age 11

/pol/ was right. Homosexuals were trolld and harbor pedophile tendencies.

910219 No.309890

File: 8078bc9ef22c318⋯.png (16.39 KB, 630x161, 90:23, PACK ITU P.PNG)

Well lads, the gig is up. We're not the spymasters we thought we were. Bummer. It's funny how just posting itt makes them enraged

73c1b6 No.309891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At what point are these people going to take money from Soros and open up the Liberalistism School? Could not find a better image at the moment but most are probably aware of the kind of movements he like to throw money on.

2da07f No.309892


Goddam wordfilters.

A B U S E D*

3aeb19 No.309894


>dictionary definitions

Vee, pls. What's next? Giving me the dictionary definition of feminism as just wanting equal rights for the sexes?

Tell me more about how anti-discrimination laws and universal healthcare aren't collectivist.


haha you right wing sjws are #triggered snowlfakes! horseshoe theory wins again

e12907 No.309895


It's eleven O'clock here, and I've got work in the morning. I'll probably go to bed after replying, just so you know. As I promised, I will consider what you wrote, but I will also add some questions/responses to understand better. Rereading it, two questions are quite similar (but not identical).

>I'm afraid I can't promise that. One of the main issues with collectivism is it's tendency toward authoritarian troll. I'm willing to try, but it's a bit like saying "make an argument against SJWs, but you aren't allowed to speculate on how they cause destabilization of demographics."

Then, is your main issue with collectivism an pragmatic one?

If I were to prove to you that non-whites overtaking society would cause massive negative results for the individual (a pragmatic argument), would you want to protect the white majority for the sake of individualism?

>The inherent flaw with collectivism is not the arguments that come from it; those are all sound, provided the premise of collectivism holds true. The problem is that the inherent premise of collectivism is inaccurate. Here's why:

>Collectivism treats groups as real, separate entities from the individuals that comprise them. This is why the notion of group rights is a thing. However, we have to understand that individuals exist in a real, tangible way that collectives do not. This is easily proven with a very simple thought experiment: imagine what an individual without any group looks like: probably quite lonely, cold, under threat at all times. Now imagine what a group without any individuals within it looks like. You can't; because groups do not exist in any tangible way outside of the individuals that comprise them.

>This is because collectives are abstractions; they're a representation of all the individuals that comprise it. This also necessarily means that individuals are both simultaneously the smalled, most indivisible unit of society, while also the largest, independently-conscious unit of society. Another argument for the abstract nature of groups is the fact that anyone one person will be organized into multiple groups simultaneously and may identify with some groups more than others.

I understand that groups are abstract. I don't quite know why it should matter. This feels a bit like hearing an AnCap telling me that the government doesn't exist because it's just a bunch of individuals with guns.

>So, which is necessarily more moral; individualism - which puts the rights of tangible individuals over the rights of the group, and protecting the group by extension, or collectivism - which claims the rights of an abstraction supersede the rights of tangible, independently-conscious individuals? Collectivism was created as a means to violate people's rights on a logical basis; that's the sole reason it exists.

If that was why collectivism was created I do not know. It's a quite strong claim. I think it's more reasonable to assume it evolved in conjunction with the family. Assuming you're right, why is it a bad thing? I know many "Liberalists" want to infringe on the rights of individuals (ex: property rights/right of association with bake the cake, the right to the products of your body/labour with taxation) and you're not Randian Objectivists, so clearly you're willing to forgo some freedoms if it's beneficial.

You also seem to make a black-white distinction here 100% individualist vs 100% collectivist. Am I wrong? Why can't I be an individualist in some cases and an collectivist in others? Why can't I act as part of a collective when talking with the outgroup but as an individual when talking with the ingroup (Ex: say I'm a Swedish ethno-nationalist who wants to deport non-whites but have individualism for the people left inside the country)?

Would you accept collectivist thinking in some cases if it would benefit the individual. If yes, which cases.

>Theres lots of reasonable places you can extrapolate that argument to, but pretty much all of them hold high risk of authoritarian troll and I promised I wouldn't talk about that.

It's a really iffy place to go. Slippery slope arguments are often quite difficult to agree on, and we have at least some examples of "collectivst" ethnostates being pleasant places to live (ex: Japan, USA, Israel).

d8fe95 No.309896


See >>309885


It's fine to recognize groups. Groupings are a useful tool for organization of ideas. I should also put forth that just because something is abstract doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all, it merely exists as an abstraction. The issue isn't acknowledging groups (such as in the case for demographic displacement of whites - which I think has legs), it's the insistence that the group be treated as a homogenous mass as opposed to what it really is: individuals organized by a common trait, but diverse to some degree in all other traits.

19b77b No.309897


>invoking self-ownership

Somebody should also start subtly pushing for ancap positions regarding the existence of the state. Pull them apart.

e12907 No.309898



Forgot to say: Tanks for the reply.

19b77b No.309899




Damn, you guys are efficient.

b370fe No.309900


So you're opposed to the state, then?

cc2b43 No.309901


I like how they keep thinking that we have some sort of political agenda so we're performing top secret Tactical Espionage Operations™ and not just a bunch of anonymous people on the internet who do this solely to fuck with those autists.

de32ff No.309902

File: 4ed205dd8a45f48⋯.jpg (299.79 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, rageafterstorm botty.jpg)


wait are you telling me we where not individualist all along but a collective of spymasters? welp lad that is too heavy to take inn.

Also a reminder this would not happen if it was not for a nigger and his muh dik.

Poor rageafterstorm, she was fine and too innocent for this world. she even bought sanic merchandise.

138cd2 No.309904


This was a point Ryan made in his video. Consistently applying these principles leads to ancap. Sargon only doesn't realise this because he's dumb.

Unfortunately no liberalists watched more than the first five minutes of that video. All Vee got from it was the claim that there's no evidence Sargon is a quadroon (which he didn't refute).

0ee66a No.309906


>Emphasis on collective is the rights!

No. As the other anon said, advocating for the interests of your group makes you a collectivist. Your retarded definition only serves to give you a strawman to fight, when nobody who you call collectivist or claim is collectivist shares or cares for your personal definition of what it means. Like said, you're a brainlet, and it shows when you can't even muster a half-assed defense for everything else you got wrong, so all you're left with is quibbling over semantics, which you can't even do well.


/pol/ was right again.

3aeb19 No.309907

File: 9445da6e2c52adf⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 300x314, 150:157, pure_coincidence_jew.jpg)


Do you recognize the collectivist tribal behavior of jews? Are you willing to figuratively attack them on this in the same way you'll attack whites who desire to work toward a collective goal?

678d5a No.309908

File: a90adf69b9c7e75⋯.jpg (87.61 KB, 1024x454, 512:227, liberalism .jpg)

a85c72 No.309909


>we could get to Veeh by making Polandball comics in which Romania's personality is based on his.

I would support this

54c818 No.309910


A group that thinks SJWs just randomly appeared in 2014 and are not directly linked to the education complex and (((big finance))) behind it is doomed to fail anyway. Fucking with them just increases the lulz factor.

bcbc6a No.309911



19b77b No.309912


>Autistic OPs are the same as digging into someone's private information, lying to their face, and contacting their employers

c770ea No.309915


<I turned myself into wellfare bum, Morty.

<boom! I am a smug bong now.



Time to pull out the history books. Sadly I have not the time to make OC right now.

910219 No.309918

File: c6819e9d57abf83⋯.png (132.15 KB, 1024x454, 512:227, lib2.png)

19b77b No.309919

Even if Vee is successful at increasing attention in this thread, the paranoia of "shills" is still enough to force stagnation via autism in his little movement.

19b77b No.309920


*of this thread

3aeb19 No.309921



Precisely. The beauty here is that it works regardless of whether they know it's happening or not. Vee is just pouring gasoline on the fire by drawing more attention.

910219 No.309923

File: a25d59942e19c9c⋯.png (40.61 KB, 633x497, 633:497, annoy.PNG)

Should I even reply to this retard? It's getting on my nerves with how dense he is. As long as it riles him up tbh

78a901 No.309924

File: 37850e173445c80⋯.png (161.67 KB, 624x642, 104:107, 000000.png)

How it is possible that these people became so triggered by the "Alt-Right" that they felt the need to instantiate an entire new political movement.

How do you manage to get baited this hard, what the fuck.

b370fe No.309925

So was GG collectivist? Are 'gamers' a collective?

19b77b No.309926


>I am not a Randian Objectivist

>But here's the cover of Atlas Shrugged as our insignia

19b77b No.309927

File: e2995c9b153e376⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 292x499, 292:499, 51jOZAjqWCL._SX290_BO1,204….jpg)


I'm retarded, apparently

a6c3ed No.309928

File: fc6bbb90e040120⋯.jpg (107.05 KB, 779x1170, 779:1170, 572cb9f84c12a175a58e392ddc….jpg)


Ok, so given that groups exist, and can be acknowledged, what exactly is wrong with advocating for the interests of the group?

Please also note that like this gentleman here >>309895 i consider the "100% collectivist vs 100% individualist" to be an insanely retarded strawman, so just because individuals work together for the well being of their nation it doesn't mean society will turn into the human hive


We Neogaf now

c430db No.309929


He's doing our work. Just sit back, poke him from time to time to stimulate him, and enjoy the spectacle.

cc2b43 No.309930

File: f0b35c6de23eadb⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 311x376, 311:376, 4c3432e1.jpg)


FUCK, he's onto the fact that we're Playstation shills boys, how will we EVER recover?

3aeb19 No.309931

File: 323447092ee73a9⋯.png (204.23 KB, 608x505, 608:505, sargon sweat.png)


>"Libertarians are retarded and don't understand their own ideology"



d25623 No.309932

File: cb181ea5c3d1013⋯.jpg (159.62 KB, 356x500, 89:125, 1509595492640.jpg)


8ch is a group of individualists… fuck, we did it guis!


c770ea No.309934

File: e329ec581660d40⋯.png (173.64 KB, 1024x454, 512:227, sargon the hedgehog.png)


055f1b No.309935


Just call him a tzigan/țigan or handicapat.

910219 No.309936


He always replies to what I said, so I'll throw some Romanian in there next time, maybe the vore pics too

>inb4 he calls that doxing

d25623 No.309937

File: f32e5057523eebd⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB, 640x640, 1:1, we_not_mokeys_we_kangs.mp4)


de32ff No.309939


Where is the image where you could see the sexual tension on Veeh when he looked at the Soyfather?

It was so perverse, you could actually imagine him wanting to get his neghole pozzed by a bear.

ba0849 No.309940

un țigan român intră într-un bar

ba0849 No.309944

dar este un român!

abf4a2 No.309945

File: 8078bc9ef22c318⋯.png (16.39 KB, 630x161, 90:23, 1515967295376.png)


they are afraid of us

d8fe95 No.309946


They ARE collectivist; thats the problem with them. Anti-discrimination laws and universal healthcare should be done away with. Shitty cucked programs that make people weak.


>It's eleven O'clock here, and I've got work in the morning. I'll probably go to bed after replying, just so you know.

No problem; I'll need to get back to work myself after this reply.

>Then, is your main issue with collectivism an pragmatic one?

Primarily, yes. The moral issues come when collectivism gets implemented.

>If I were to prove to you that non-whites overtaking society would cause massive negative results for the individual (a pragmatic argument), would you want to protect the white majority for the sake of individualism?

I am perfectly willing to admit that, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, maintaining a white majority is a good idea. Minorities do not get treated well and considering the subversive Marxist idiocy that permeates places like the black demographic; I do agree that not doing anything is a very bad idea.

>I understand that groups are abstract. I don't quite know why it should matter.

The main reason is because abstractions aren't perfect examples of reality. When Spencer comes out and says that white is everything throughout history he is proud of, that's clearly a pretty subjective interpretation of "whiteness". The likelihood that everyone in the alt-right agrees on what "white" or "non-white" even is, is non existent. The real issue arises when we start establishing policy, social or governmental, based on abstractions. Whose abstractions are we going by? How close to the truth are they? Is it going to be democratically determined? What do we do with outliers from the established idea of "white"?

I mean I grew up in a county in the tenth decile for income and was also a white supermajority (>95%). I grew up seeing all the same stuff that non-white ghettos/barrios are known for; extensive drug use (meth predominately), theft, murder, single mothers, absent fathers, etc. The fact that damn near everyone was white didn't create a sense of harmony or efficacy as a community. They just organizaed around more in-group/out-groups. We had family feuds going on; one guy gets insulted, he steals the other guy's girl, he picks a fight and they both lose some teeth, that guy kills the other guys dog and it just escalates. That experience has proven to me that there is no such thing as 100 group cohesion. Not when humans are involved.


d8fe95 No.309947


>If that was why collectivism was created I do not know. It's a quite strong claim. I think it's more reasonable to assume it evolved in conjunction with the family.

Well, let's look at the historical origins; Ferdinand Tönnies first postulated a sort of proto-ideal of "collective will" in the 1800s. However, he seemingly disavowed Authoritatian practices, with the idea of the collective will being something that is produced naturally without necessity of heavy internvention. All of which seems reasonable.

It's the, hilariously, Marxist use of the idea of collectivism that seems to be borrowed heavily from; the idea that it's the duty of the individual to sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good being the "collective" and the "collective" being directed and personified by someone like, say, Stalin or Mao. I won't get into that as I promised I wouldn't but there is a legitimate probability of things tending that way under collectivist ideology.

>Assuming you're right, why is it a bad thing? I know many "Liberalists" want to infringe on the rights of individuals

I personally don't agree with "Bake the cake" and I believe Academic Agent cleared it up, saying that They were in agreement that forcing someone to make a cake for someone is compelled action and wrong. However, generic services for which are publicly open and the work has already been done in advance for cannot be refused. I don't agree with that either. I think business owners should be able to refuse service for any reason, and call someone a nigger while they do it. This is a matter of some debate on the subreddit.

>Would you accept collectivist thinking in some cases if it would benefit the individual. If yes, which cases.

The issue is that there doesn't seem to be any cases that require collectivism which would also benefit the individual. Maybe in the sense of a draft in case of war, I can see that as being collectivist in a sense; but that doesn't necessarily the individual. We have to remember that willingly forming some sort of organized structure isn't collectivism. Giving up individual rights for group rights is.

>It's a really iffy place to go. Slippery slope arguments are often quite difficult to agree on, and we have at least some examples of "collectivst" ethnostates being pleasant places to live

I would argue the U.S. is not an ethnostate, but that's getting into the weeds on an already long post. I'll just say this: I will agree that slippery slope should not be invoked if the intent is simple civil discourse of ideas. When we start plotting out policies for which to plan a state; I think it would be highly unwise to not consider what the probability of things turning to shit is. My opinion is the general Alt-Right idea is to implement a largely unnecessary plan of action for not much of a conceivable benefit (in my experience that I outlined earlier) that also sets precedence for massive governmental overreach.

I mean, spencer said he wanted to create an aristocracy in the U.S. with an elite class of high state-educated "warrior-guardians" to, presumably violently, enforce the ethnostate. I try to give the Alt-Right as much credence as possible, but that sounds an awful lot like a needlessly authoritarian society enforced by secret police. There's a reason people minds immediately go to that when they hear the ideas of the Alt-Right; trust me, it's not just leftist indoctrination.

Alright, back to work I go. Was a pleasant exchange.


d25623 No.309948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It would be up to a group like soros' to decide. I imagine if they grow as big as antifa, or when one of the youtubers get as big as (((spencer))) or (((mike enoch))) or (((weev)))

c770ea No.309949


Simple: Because they are actually leftists pretending to be Lolberts. They can't handle a K-shift going on IRL. Why? Such people are usually low in openness and conscientiousness. This is why the actual Libertarian variant of these people have congresses about the same autistic topics over and over again while being sometimes the most degenerate assholes ever.



the assburgercommunity.jpg. Good stuff. Say. have the Ghettodwellers gotten a lot of free shit? Because the behaviors described make it sound like an r-environment

54c818 No.309950


If I was Soros, a couple of million thrown their way would be a better investment than ANTIFA. Sargon advocates a militant status quo which plays into Soros and the chosen ones hands since the policies of white dispossession are already in place.

19b77b No.309951


> I think business owners should be able to refuse service for any reason, and call someone a nigger while they do it. This is a matter of some debate on the subreddit.

Fascinating. Thank you for responding.

d25623 No.309952

File: 80119c399b7aef8⋯.webm (4.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, musicismath_gondola.webm)


I would agree… but it's Sargon, he can't win an argument with spencer, he's a shit tier cult leader. It'll be Aum Shinrikyo all over again and someone as smart as soros will see that.

3aeb19 No.309954


>what counts as white

We don't need to set a hard definition at this point in time. That's something we can determine later on. White = european, and we can work on edge cases like people with 1/8th ancestry or whatever after the fact. Right now we're just in the stage of raising awareness. We can work on hard cutoffs like 1/8th or 1/16th or whatever after. Otherwise it's like saying we need to write our constitution before declaring independence.

>It's the, hilariously, Marxist use of the idea of collectivism that seems to be borrowed heavily from; the idea that it's the duty of the individual to sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good being the "collective" and the "collective" being directed and personified by someone like, say, Stalin or Mao. I won't get into that as I promised I wouldn't but there is a legitimate probability of things tending that way under collectivist ideology.

The disastrous outcome of marxism is because marxism is antithetical to human nature. It's not because of "collectivism" in an of itself. You also make false equivalences of the "degree of collectivism" needed. All our countries were white ethnostates until very recently. We did not require 1984-tier conditions to keep them that way. It was in the natural order.

>I mean, spencer said he wanted to create an aristocracy in the U.S. with an elite class of high state-educated "warrior-guardians" to, presumably violently, enforce the ethnostate. I try to give the Alt-Right as much credence as possible, but that sounds an awful lot like a needlessly authoritarian society enforced by secret police. There's a reason people minds immediately go to that when they hear the ideas of the Alt-Right; trust me, it's not just leftist indoctrination.

You and your owner need to go back and rewatch the debate, because you don't understand what Implicit Dick said, even though dozens of people have pointed out that you completely missed his point.

There will always be an aristocratic class. Hierarchies naturally form. He's not saying he wanted to go back to feudalism, he was merely referring to the fact that wealthy successful families who pass down and inherit their wealth/influence/power/genes exist. Bushes and Clintons and Rockefellers are part of an aristocratic class whether you like it or not.

Same is true of a warrior class. You realize military people often trace their lineages far back with all members being in the military, right? Use some critical thinking here.

abf4a2 No.309956

File: b4abcecd3256f76⋯.png (474.18 KB, 951x629, 951:629, 1515970433104.png)

guys meet me on the official cow discord to fuck with the liberalists

5f29d9 No.309959

File: 42a815c6f51efe0⋯.png (552.74 KB, 1200x515, 240:103, alt_right_logo.png)

Reminder to reach out to me in the voice chat if you don't have level 3 clearance yet. We need to vet you and make sure you're actually alt-right before you can see the plans.

d8fe95 No.309960


>There will always be an aristocratic class. Hierarchies naturally form. He's not saying he wanted to go back to feudalism, he was merely referring to the fact that wealthy successful families who pass down and inherit their wealth/influence/power/genes exist. Bushes and Clintons and Rockefellers are part of an aristocratic class whether you like it or not.

I'll address this one quickly; yes, I never said there wouldn;t be hierarchies in society. There is a difference between having an alite class in society and having an aristocracy. You're right, in that we have an aristocracy of sorts now which has undue control over society. Now let me ask you; do you like where the aristocracy have brought you?

The military is not a hard class of state-educated warriors meant to enforce the law. Anyone can join the military, regardless of class, and the purpose of the military is to PROTECT the state from OTHER nation's armies, you silly son of a gun.

Spencer Specifically talked about cementing an aristocracy - legal rule by aristocrats - and a specific CLASS of soldiers. I don't give a shit what he tries to conflate; what he described is not what we have and saying that is is simply a lie.

caade5 No.309961

d25623 No.309962


Can we talk about this over the skype group instead? discord isn't white enough for me

de32ff No.309963

d25623 No.309964



5f29d9 No.309965


If you link your 23&me to the #purity channel I can send you a Skype invite

3aeb19 No.309966


You can autistically sperg all you want and claim he meant XYZ when he didn't. He was not talking about a literal noble/commoner divide ala feudalism, you retard.

You correct understand what he said but you instead try to act densely autistic, only because you think it helps suit your point. You're floundering but refuse to see it.

0ee66a No.309967


Your problem is with Minorities not getting treated well, and niggers having been 'subverted' by marxists?

>Spencer and the Alt-right don't agree on what Whiteness is and whiteness is purely subjective, goy

Except it's not, and arguing that not everyone perfectly agrees on what is h'wite is irrelevant.

>But muh abstractions! give me specifics! I demand to know the exact word for word policy!

I could go through the trouble of giving one but It'd just be parroting Hitler; See Nazi Germany for an example of how things should be.

>But my anecdote!

Doesn't matter. Even the trashiest, most degenerate whites have lower rates of crime, poverty, drug use, and so on as compared to the ordinary nigger neighborhood. Skirting around the issue by saying 'Well, there are whites who do bad things too!' while ignoring that everyone else does it at extraordinary rates doesn't solve anything, it just makes you look like a cuck whose trying to excuse niggers being niggers.

>He seemingly

If you're gonna make shit up then don't bother. Either just say he did or post a direct quote, stop acting like a weasel.

>With the idea the collective will being somethng that is produced naturally

That's retarded. Any intervention could be argued to be a natural response eitherway, but regardless of that, anyone who simply looks outside their window and sees the way society has become can safely say that we're fucked and intervention is required.

>But I don't agree with bake the cake!

That's far from the least of their infractions and infringements, but the debate could easily be a non-issue if we didn't have any niggers and faggots to gibs dat cake to in the first place.

>The issue is that there doesn't seem to be any cases that require collectivism which would also benefit the individual

I can name 1 easily; Getting rid of the nigger menace.

>I would argue that the US is not an ethnostate

And you'd be wrong. It's a white nation made by and for white people.

>>309966 (Checked)

He's dishonest.

678d5a No.309968


I don't think they took the bait, I think they're using the alt-right as a scapegoat for their own agendas (mostly "making money" out of a community).

When the Stepfather and Vee accused the alt-right for the mass flag of a random video from Kraut I bet they knew that it was bullshit. I think it's at that moment that Sargon tried to establish a narrative, the one that is basically: "the alt-right is dumb, they're after me and my ideas").

ae1698 No.309969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Vee spergs out about the alt-hyp pointing out neither of Sargon's parents are mulattos

>Sargon says Spencer is a Jew on the basis of some random blog

73c1b6 No.309970

File: 983b2cae5760f03⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1920x949, 1920:949, vee is crying.png)

Guys… d-did we go to far this time?

I don't wish to be a part of this anymore and I genuinely feel sorry for him.

I did not sign up for this.

Give him a break.

6bc095 No.309971

File: 9b89dc5d7af3a7d⋯.png (313.11 KB, 600x657, 200:219, a5559bdee65a36e63063cfa57f….png)


>We need to vet you and make sure you're actually alt-right before you can see the plans

Joke's on you, I'm already in and posting the plans here

54c818 No.309972


Was this as a reaction to people saying he only pretends to be a nigger? Those Spencer 'facts' have been flowing around for a while, either as a psyop or because of some schizo with a vendetta, maybe both.

b404b8 No.309973


Sargon trusts the media, as long as they make up lies about his enemies. Activates those almonds.

3aeb19 No.309974

File: 07253446c6a7111⋯.png (269.79 KB, 665x1050, 19:30, nazi ponder.png)


>will only admit to jewish control when it's of the alt right

910219 No.309977


I should tweet this video at some British Jew association and see if Sargoy gets jailed for calling out the Jews and saying he likes Anglin

d25623 No.309978

File: 6cc2d57dbb05384⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Heather_Heyer_Heart_Attack.mp4)


I'm a poor neet, can I just post you my cum rag? I'm sure (((you))) can get it dna tested for me.

910219 No.309979


There's a /cow/ discord?

ae1698 No.309980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It seems so. Now he says that he has no idea wht race his grandfather was, but he might have been black (or not). He didn't care because he has always been too enlightened to care about race.

887102 No.309981

File: f0f4c7bbb47d356⋯.webm (628.95 KB, 632x718, 316:359, whocanitbenow.webm)


>Reddit spacing

>"too far"

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post…

d25623 No.309982


Proof Sargon hates kikes

54c818 No.309983


Playing Jewish neuroticism and the UK's police state to julay the lolcow that is Sargon even more? Please do it.

ae1698 No.309985



Also notice how he is now saying he likes Anglin and downplaying the debate as just a conversation, while a couple of years ago he was shouting with rage about Anglin's article about his paki rape gang comment.


top kek

3f0ac4 No.309986

File: dcfec2d20a4dc71⋯.png (458.05 KB, 635x640, 127:128, smug cool ranch.png)

Hey Reddit

Hey Sargon

Hey Veeh

Put me in the screencap you faggots.


mail.com works well enough



58504a No.309987


>"Those guys are publicly laughing at and shitting on us, they operate in plain sight."


3f0ac4 No.309988

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

Alright guys, everybody get in the discord and follow the plan, pic related

d25623 No.309989

File: 9d447da33657788⋯.gif (504.04 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, tmp_1244.gif)



>it's full of kikes… hmmm

>"it's not controlled opposition"

405851 No.309990

File: d36ac3065c8838b⋯.gif (3.78 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1493205538431.gif)

3aeb19 No.309991

File: 9c1d1e2a03d2277⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 713x533, 713:533, legion of doom.jpg)


>meanwhile in the super secret underground base of collectivist doom known as 8ch…

910219 No.309993

File: 0e71cd55578f068⋯.png (53.43 KB, 581x263, 581:263, kosher.PNG)



I had to kosherize my profile, not sure who to tweet it at though

d25623 No.309994


88 checked, heil hitler

I'm in, where's your patreon? I know how much work it takes to shitpost

c770ea No.309995


Sit back and enjoy the autism.



d25623 No.309996


He needs to change his name to adam (((greenblatt)))

405851 No.309997



405851 No.309998



Fucking wordfilter.

54c818 No.309999


Try the ADL or SPLC? They go crazy for this kind of shit and are probably networked with the UK Jewry.

a85c72 No.310000


Spencer is not actually Jewish.

Weev may be Jewish but he could have also been claiming to be to win internet arguments a decade ago. (He does look just like Ginsberg, though)

Terra McCarthy is very very Jewish.

910219 No.310001

File: 073a69a7d5ae715⋯.png (53.71 KB, 584x266, 292:133, new.PNG)



Now I just have to remove all the merchants from my account

ae1698 No.310002


Hope not Hate are the UK Jews' 'anti-racist' organisation

910219 No.310003


Isn't that the one who came after Woes? I'll try that

a85c72 No.310004


Change it from Chaim to something like Nathan or Isaac. Very few Jews are named Chaim nowadays.

54c818 No.310005


It is. Would be delicious for them to come after Sargon and his ilk, when YT hired the fucking ADL to help censoring shit he was unable to name the fucking Jew.

3aeb19 No.310006


I remember everyone pouring over Weev's family tree and didn't see jack shit. Even the "official" claim in the media is that he's got a jewish great-great grandparent or something. So either it's miniscule or it's bullshit, and it's most likely bullshit ala family stories of being 1/16 cherokee.

Tara is a strange case. She's only like 2% jewish but she totally looks like a yid and has identified as such. Maybe the pooinloo genes just accentuate the nonwhiteness, IDK. At any rate, fucking nobody likes Tara anyway.

73c1b6 No.310007


You might want to check the archive first.


a85c72 No.310008

File: 1267eb5131c3877⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 214x317, 214:317, Nathan-.jpg)


Also just use a pic of a normal looking guy from google, like this. It will make them much less suspicious.

ae81c6 No.310009

File: f59c7202ad95e7f⋯.png (64.83 KB, 828x644, 9:7, 1431186464055.png)






There's a reason "/pol/ was right again" and "/pol/ IS ALWAYS RIGHT, NO EXCEPTION" are common phrases.

c770ea No.310010


Fug that!

Take the bunny or something else from pixabay.


Nobody would bat an eye on some guy picking something from there.

d25623 No.310011

File: b3b3da665d50a21⋯.gif (168.48 KB, 267x200, 267:200, kike-in-a-box.gif)


>I remember everyone pouring over Weev's family tree and didn't see jack shit

Who's everyone?

Weev said he was in a video, his mom said he was a kike.

910219 No.310012

File: 92f852498815c54⋯.png (110.91 KB, 584x563, 584:563, didmypart2.PNG)




Break out your sockpuppets, I did my all I could

d25623 No.310013


Nice work anon, for future reference, don't post this planning in a monitored thread. Just trust your gut because you did good with this barring telling us here

23a52f No.310015


Exposing the (((Alt-Kike)))

wtf i love soygon now

910219 No.310016


That's a good point. I'll keep that in mind

5e0191 No.310019


It's less that you would be forced to hire other races and more that you would be forced to disconsider their race as an important factor when hiring.

If the government instituted racial quotas as it does in certain situations now then you would be forced to hire nignogs.

0ee66a No.310021


The problem is that while we know that a fair system would result in Niggers almost never being hired, since they have less merit, they'd see the same and immediately assume everyone is a secret racist and start enforcing diversity quotas; because there's no way niggers are actually different from us, or so they believe.

3aeb19 No.310023


>and more that you would be forced to disconsider their race as an important factor when hiring.

And how would you do that? Merit isn't an objective thing. If I simply didn't hire any niggers regardless of credentials, how would you, as the state, come down against me? Effectively what you'd need to do is enforce a new set of racial quotas that are normalized for differences in IQ to enforce anything like this.

78a901 No.310024

File: 1a88541931fa7ed⋯.png (77.71 KB, 867x568, 867:568, Screenshot_1.png)

Is there anything fun from the reddit?

ae1698 No.310025


This is the problem with denying race differences (like the sceptics). You need to explain this either through race realism or through white discrimination.

3aeb19 No.310026


That and all the niggers get pissed off that the white man won't hire them (and it's not like they can maintain their own shops and hire their own people themselves). Then we end up with race riots like we did in the 60s in basically all major cities in America that had black populations. Detroit, Chicago, Philly, etc etc etc.

Not to mention them deciding to vote COLLECTIVELY to give themselves more gibs and/or get an anti-discrimination law passed. This is exactly what happened in America.

a6c3ed No.310027

File: b3e827f16afcdf6⋯.png (325.53 KB, 868x565, 868:565, Nick Bates liberalist hero.png)

Which one of you beautiful bastards did this?

910219 No.310028


/cow/ and 4/pol/ have been submitting subversive posts all afternoon and sending Vee into a tism fit.

d25623 No.310029


libera'tism fit

a6c3ed No.310030


And since the skeptics have spent the last half year kvetching at race realists they'll probably try to explain it throgh "environment" (aka white discrimination), which sets the ground for affirmative action and other SJW stuff

0ee66a No.310031


Dey wuz oppress'd n enslav'd n sheit nigga, dat why dey be robbin n rapin n hatin n not getting dem ejookayshuns, dey jus need mo programs so dat dey get dey life togetha

3aeb19 No.310032


Exactly. This is something I've tried to explain to skeptic centrist cucks for years now.

Race realists have an explanation for the disparities we see between races.

SJWs have an (incorrect) explanation for the disparities between races.

What do centrists offer as an explanation? NOTHING. They just say "lol I don't even see groups" and pretend it doesn't exist. As if nobody is going to want an answer to a GLARING DISCREPANCY that permeates all of society.

d25623 No.310033

File: 3cbeeaf4baeb68f⋯.gif (564.42 KB, 800x430, 80:43, MAXIMUM WEW.gif)


>Nick Bates liberalist hero

You glorious bastard

910219 No.310034

File: 3e841b2fd45b993⋯.png (12.54 KB, 938x129, 938:129, trollorno.PNG)

>when you can't tell if it's a troll or not

d25623 No.310035

File: 32bad6ed1369074⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 261x253, 261:253, autistic_girl_does_not_com….gif)


tfw don't know what you're dealing with

910219 No.310039

File: 08cbd7fed48d102⋯.png (12.9 KB, 760x339, 760:339, reddit.PNG)

File: f9ce97b43209c21⋯.png (15.64 KB, 770x416, 385:208, commie.PNG)

File: 00d52440ce15a10⋯.png (13.65 KB, 738x353, 738:353, survey2.PNG)

5e0191 No.310040


Didn't Sargon admit that he understand the differences between racial IQ's? I know he's very strongly opposed to quotas as a principle, so I can't imagine the liberalists being okay with the, "gibs me dat," attitude from poor black communities.


If someone in a "liberalist" society was openly refusing to hire someone because of racial factors, then they would probably be fined. Otherwise, the fact that a particular company is overwhelmingly staffed by one race shouldn't matter legally.

54c818 No.310041


>Didn't Sargon admit that he understand the differences between racial IQ's? I know he's very strongly opposed to quotas as a principle, so I can't imagine the liberalists being okay with the, "gibs me dat," attitude from poor black communities.


3aeb19 No.310042


> If someone in a "liberalist" society was openly refusing to hire someone because of racial factors

You don't see the problem there? all this means is that it's illegal to have a sign saying "won't hire niggers" but you can still be extremely open about not hiring them, so long as you don't outright literally say it.

0ee66a No.310043


Not to my knowledge. He likes to ignore the idea of race because addressing facts is hard. That, and he and the septic community are opposed to race realism.

a6c3ed No.310044


> If someone in a "liberalist" society was openly refusing to hire someone because of racial factors, then they would probably be fined. Otherwise, the fact that a particular company is overwhelmingly staffed by one race shouldn't matter legally.

So as long as the employer makes up an excuse everything is fine?

The solution to societal problems is sweeping them under the rag?

55a334 No.310045


Watch his anti-Anglin video from a couple of years ago

3aeb19 No.310046


and I'm sure all the niggers who magically can't find work (or presumably get massive gibs in the liberalist+ society) certainly won't use their universal suffrage to vote as a COLLECTIVE bloc to give themselves more gibs and force anti-discrimination laws.

958555 No.310049

File: cde829c5d722688⋯.jpg (354.47 KB, 1024x1132, 256:283, hungshoe.jpg)

The current state of the political climate as it stands on the internet.

c430db No.310050


The liberalists will tell them that blackness doesn't exist, and that they should stop being collectivists.

55a334 No.310051


This is the main problem with liberalistism, as Alt-Hype pointed out in his video and Sargon/Vee has entirely neglected to deal with

5e562e No.310052

Someone better tell Vee next time he spergs out on twitter about /cow/ that Sargon endorses subversion tactics in that Spencer debate.

9e09b8 No.310054

File: 260bdc9718545aa⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, smug_brown.png)


lmao I'll try and get in touch with Jim

73c1b6 No.310056

File: 532fef4a324424b⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 480x564, 40:47, 549cf0176f4870975406d28f86….jpg)


>the capital of Israel should be Jerusalem

>my country should work to further help it

Better not hold events in London.



958555 No.310057


That's fucking vile, anon.

I'm in

910219 No.310058


This makes Kraut's plans look like the work of children. We'll discuss more in the server, don't want Vee or his followers hearing any more

cc2b43 No.310060


Reminder that you need security clearance level Foxtrot Alpha Kilo Echo to access our super secret personal information gathering and tactical espionage operations channels

d25623 No.310061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Obligatory alt right yellow fever post

1488 my fellow huwhites

5e562e No.310062


No that is not the right words. It's Charlie Uniform Charlie Kilo But keep a lid on it.

910219 No.310065

When do we make a server false flagging as liberalists who want to doxxxx people?

a6c3ed No.310067

File: 3e76ece81ab223f⋯.png (4.86 KB, 53x539, 53:539, upboats.png)

I don't understand this fucking site

These i presume are the upvotes, but what the fuck does it mean when instead of a number there's just a dot?

3aeb19 No.310068


there already is one. check out you-know-where to find more details. Got a lot of ops running

910219 No.310069




cc2b43 No.310070


Don't forget, you need clearance level Фёдор Ульяна Татьяна Алексей to access them

910219 No.310071


скептики бтфо

d25623 No.310072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

958555 No.310073


just got in. wow. this is going to crack the skept- sorry, i mean "liberalists" wide open. this is insane

d25623 No.310074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9e09b8 No.310075

File: 4387a54175690be⋯.gif (2.15 MB, 472x360, 59:45, 1465474444239.gif)


Just don't forget to wipe your hard-drive after we're done here; rookie mistake

d25623 No.310077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

910219 No.310078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We must all pray to Odin to destroy the Liberalists

cc2b43 No.310079


Remember - no nipple clamps

d25623 No.310080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Heill Óðinn!

6ff6eb No.310081


either no upboats or the exact number is hidden

4d9dbd No.310082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



3f2ae4 No.310083

File: 56c4791f609d04c⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 500x667, 500:667, The Hero We Need.jpg)

>all the LARPers in this thread

I hope you guys know you're just a false flag. While you're playing around כושים הומוסקסואליים מהחלל החיצון is already underway. Keep up the good work in your skype and discord chats, while we're busy doing the real work. Remember, tempus edax rerum.

2ea18b No.310084


>Flag it

Have they declared the kekistani flag as their own, or will there be a new marketing campaign for the kids?

d25623 No.310086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>exact number is hidden


>/cow/ is larping

We've read Loki

a251b9 No.310087


>if i organize people "taking the piss" out the alt right you personally would be fine with it?

There are multiple threads about right wing lolcows on this board right now. Learn how to use the catalog you țigan.

ae81c6 No.310088

File: 6465e9846da450d⋯.jpg (17.04 KB, 447x441, 149:147, 1465320367420-2.jpg)

Posting from inside Sargon's property right now. Searching for easy entry.

3f0ac4 No.310091

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

Some pics of the outside of soygoys home


@ me so I can upgrade your clearance, k?

>>310088 (heil'd)

Just make the signal if you're in trouble

0e9b29 No.310092

File: 21eb89ceef5286c⋯.gif (371.69 KB, 499x281, 499:281, radical_putin.gif)

910219 No.310094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm ready for my clearance. Nice job on the pics. Does it seem like Sargon's home?

3aeb19 No.310095


wew, are you sure this is the place? I heard he moved at some point, and I want to make sure before going any further with this and letting the guys over at 7ch in on it.

072e49 No.310098


Directions and Street view match. I'm pretty sure he still lives there.

3aeb19 No.310099

File: 6d9f0b9466fc97f⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 288x432, 2:3, such lust.jpg)


Excellent. This quadroon crackdown's a go

3f2ae4 No.310100

File: e95a6e403a7100b⋯.jpg (195.07 KB, 1400x1080, 35:27, Sam Hyde, Vegas Shooter.jpg)

>>310088 (heiled)

Sounds like a self defense situation. You know what to do.

3f0ac4 No.310101



Asked Pop0k3see, checks out. sure we want to ask 7ch? 16ch would be more apt for these kinds of things

a85c72 No.310102


Don't worry, I've gone out of my way to contact the Exalted Cyclopes of Wizardchan and they are taking down the netw0rks as we speak.

3aeb19 No.310103


did you backtrace it?

de32ff No.310104


holy fuck not wizardchan I heard rumors that they where harboring the infamous admin from /bath/ on there.

Shit that's super hardcore dude.

910219 No.310105

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)

Our contacts over a 88chan just posted this over on their /dox/ board. Apparently this is Sargon's doxxxx. Can anyone verify? We can go over what's in here more on discord if we need to. Don't want Sargon's shabbos goyim to catch wind of it

f15c69 No.310106

The best part of this is the sheer amount of options available for trolling

-Dive right in and blast 1488 shit

-Dive in and blast commie shit

-Subtly fracture their group by gently steering them fash/commie

-Go in and be an autistic faggot to make them look more like losers

-Concern trolling about the above

-Pointing out that this whole "movement" is retarded because it's going to fizzle out in less than a year and not accomplish anything anyway

890576 No.310107

File: 8ed69a5bf7a775b⋯.gif (8.13 KB, 149x120, 149:120, snob.gif)


I remember a school project in which we broke up into groups and had to write a new "constitution" for an alien planet. It sounded a lot like this. We were in 7th grade, which would have made us 11 and 12 years old.

6bc095 No.310108

File: eabafa9b4f8a639⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 500x478, 250:239, f7fa4ef51dfc50866d2cbf75f7….jpg)



5e562e No.310109


>Pointing out that this whole "movement" is retarded because it's going to fizzle out in less than a year and not accomplish anything anyway

Is saying the truth even trolling?

bcba18 No.310110


Convert them to the Caliphate tbh

9e09b8 No.310111

File: 4e1f1d283cf7552⋯.jpg (13.57 KB, 440x422, 220:211, 1515710846214.jpg)


910219 No.310112

File: 85977e57f028c43⋯.jpeg (145.49 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, image.jpeg)

Based u/1488ZOG

f15c69 No.310113


This really is the best part.

When I was in middle school, a bunch of kids wanted to make an RPG and sell it to Squaresoft. They spent about 8 seconds discussing the game and weeks talking about who was the vice president of their company and the lead manager of sales. Also they were middle schoolers.

This liberal-tism feels similar. Some starry-eyed kids wanting to take on a project way too big for them and well outside their experience that eventually gets dumped in favor of watching anime instead

288d45 No.310115

File: c199bf8c8ed1cee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 31.89 KB, 602x533, 602:533, C4VItxNWEAUpUSk.jpg)

Sargoy will save all of humanity with his boyfriend Louis Le Vau. If only we were worthy.

288d45 No.310117


6bc095 No.310120

File: bcf436a485c40b9⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 250x231, 250:231, 1461683834546.gif)

5e562e No.310121


Yea. It just seems to me like because of the Kraut drama. Sargon shat himself as the money is going down. So he had to rebrand himself and this movement is his very clumsy attempt at it.

Distance from the drama and saving his donation train. Laughing at blue hairs is not bringing in the views anymore. Antifa last year sunk SJWs. Now it is not cool to be a sjw anymore. When all the spergs realize it is Skepticism+ there will be even more drama.

In a years time i expect he will run his own 24 hour ops on discord.

dd1cf4 No.310122

File: 02d0cba0a47b3ef⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 800x571, 800:571, re5[1].jpg)

I just ate icecream after midnight, GMT here, and I don't feel well…


f15c69 No.310123


I disagree. Look at his socialblade. He's doing fine

b370fe No.310125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>when you don't know if Lawrence Fishburne is white

>but you're sure your dad is black

peak liberalistism

dd1cf4 No.310126

File: 7d8728c1cdcb6e6⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 324x395, 324:395, Meloven.jpg)


It's still early anon.

2daf8c No.310127

File: 4ccc8f6ab9abbc3⋯.jpeg (100.05 KB, 834x965, 834:965, F6F82666-54BE-4753-8D8E-A….jpeg)

I feel like he and his fake movement were doomed from the very start of krautgate

6bc095 No.310128

File: d4f41110b8a86e4⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 389x481, 389:481, 482bdeb33b17b908379962f2f0….jpg)


give it time

5e562e No.310129


For now anon yes. But when he is making video of him storming unis in the UK calling all the professors commies in a sperg rage. People are going to see the crazy. He thinks commies are going to coup the UK gov and make us all trannys. Most people like me see him as a Russel Brand, a twat with a youtube channel who wont stand for any real power.

910219 No.310130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just wait and see what happens if he gets B T F O by Enoch and / or Anglin. It will be in freefall. If the Spencer debate shook him this much, imagine what losing to either of those two would do to him, especially Anglin


He already has petitioned for the "suspension of all Social Justice" courses, so it wouldn't ve beyond him

07e03c No.310132


It looks like if you shave off some of the beard you would get DSP.

958555 No.310136

File: 95fd6f54aaecdfb⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 639x960, 213:320, 95fd6f54aaecdfbff4afa11917….jpg)


Pretty sure this is legit. Do with it what you will.

b45e86 No.310139

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

146062 No.310144

File: 394ec2e83c07902⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, 394ec2e83c07902a738d9f6aaa….jpg)



Fun while it lasted


Oh shit, good work there guys

d65eab No.310145

File: 15a519304b0b942⋯.png (27.63 KB, 640x480, 4:3, u mad.png)



f347d6 No.310146


Hoo shiet, let's hope he doesn't find out!

38eebc No.310149

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 59e5cce7f0f7895527b8d93678….png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 59e5cce7f0f7895527b8d93678….png)

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 59e5cce7f0f7895527b8d93678….png)

I'm in position at Sargon's house. Awaiting for the command

958555 No.310150


Me too. I wonder if he's ready for the alt-right.


i'm in the stream lol. do what you gotta do

a251b9 No.310151


Steal the source code for the the game he never finished from his computer, take it back to your house, finish the game, then sell it on Steam without giving him any credit.

ab247f No.310152


His mother made a claim that he had a jewish great granfather during the drama around the time he went to prison for hacking. She's brought it up time to time when media asks because she wants to fuck with Weev or w/e. From what I remember from his old sermons he went into how his mother used to adopt niggers and that's when he became really racist. He does look like a fucking kike though which is funny. I'm an old /i/nsurgent though so I appreciate the trolling that weev has done.

910219 No.310154

File: fe0ef526427e8ba⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 603x373, 603:373, image.gif)

File: 23cc9a122d5e63a⋯.jpeg (420.81 KB, 1731x1704, 577:568, image.jpeg)


>ready for


Those two words cannot appear together in a sentence and logically make sense. No one can prepare for us. Now that we know where Sargon lives, it's only a matter of time before our brownshirts show up at his house and curb stomp his fat-ass on the curb with their jackboots. Heil Wotan, Heil Hitler

958555 No.310155

File: b34b1c0881aa734⋯.jpg (320.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b34b1c0881aa7344f3c230011c….jpg)


I've walked past his house before

It's only a matter of time, brother.



958555 No.310156

File: 0e4421e820a0c8d⋯.webm (425.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, sargywargy.webm)

Is there a date set for the Sargon vs Spencer rematch?

e4285c No.310159

File: 823395151917c89⋯.gif (1001.79 KB, 500x284, 125:71, hitlerchad.gif)

353d45 No.310172



dude, id love some sauce on this documentary, im begging you.

958555 No.310173

File: 20cc578e9a7ba61⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 585x396, 65:44, rlm.JPG)




23a52f No.310176

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, vee233.png)

Holy fuck… please check the discord. Is this Vee?

23a52f No.310177


I found this on an old Literotica post.

6f3a7a No.310179


It's actually amazing how quickly he's morphed into something so close to his rival Sarkesian. This liberalist shit is just as absurd as adding another letter to the LGBBQ+ pile. I guess Rene Girard was right all along.

6bc095 No.310181

File: 853a443e4361f92⋯.png (44.02 KB, 200x191, 200:191, 853a443e4361f92467479afe0e….png)



wow, good stuff anon

5e562e No.310182


Yea it is sad to see this happen. Sargon was not one for being a lolcow up to now. Even his foxdick thread was slim pickings and arguments over if he was a lolcow or not. It is some sad fucking shit to see him lose his mind(funny ofcourse) but still sad. Just goes to show that fucking turning in to monster quote is quite on point with the Skeptics.

0e0b78 No.310183




The exact number is hidden in the beginning, so as to counter hivemind voting or something.

If I recall correctly, the exact number is always hidden. Instead, an approximation is used. Over time it decreases. I can't remember the rationale.

0e0b78 No.310185

They already have 8 moderators:









405851 No.310186


>I can't remember the rationale

Seems overly complicated to me. Why not just do the standard method of having the most recently bumped threads be the first? That would place the threads with the greatest amount of discussion on the front page (instead of the ones people were upboating but not contributing to) and make brigading a lot easier to detect. Instead of having some complicated algorithm to determine if x number of people are upboating from the same IP range or with the same referrer, you could just have mods look at the posts in each thread and bumplock the thread if people are just posting "bump" or otherwise bumping the thread without contributing anything. Bump limits would prevent ancient threads from staying up in perpetuity, and if there was a thread that needed to stay on the front page but would be expected to have relatively few comments, the mods could sticky it.

That seems a lot more intuitive and resistant to tampering than some arcane upboat algorithm.

a6c3ed No.310197


I guess it's because Reddit doesn't really care about what generates more discussion as much as circlejerking on what everyone agrees upon

That's why your comment gets hidden if you receive too many downboats

dd1cf4 No.310199





<The goal of this is to hopefully curtail and minimize the effects of bandwagon voting, both positive and negative. Highly voted, or lowly voted, comments tend to illicit a knee-jerk vote from people, subconsciously suggesting that the post is better or worse simply because of its score. We know that's not necessarily the case, but it is true that a top comment after the first hour is likely to remain the top comment for the duration of the post, whether higher quality submissions come in after it or not.

94c318 No.310201

File: 2baffc826378ecc⋯.png (148.53 KB, 1377x209, 1377:209, 30 days of skepticism.PNG)

And I thought that we weren't going to be able top 2016.

1760b8 No.310204


I hope the next thread is "Meet Me In The Secret Discord Edition" with an 8chan premium protected image.

3aeb19 No.310207


redditfags can't stand the idea of posting comments without getting validation via upboat.

2b9d2b No.310211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Liberalist mods are apparently have gay little streams together.

dec727 No.310217


>mod talk

hahahaha WHAT?

a6c3ed No.310219

File: 4eb884eff032a0b⋯.png (112.89 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Too many downboats.png)


Do they also explain what the fuck is the point of this?

f15c69 No.310223


Commence fracturing of the skeptics

f15c69 No.310224


This one is getting downvoted hard. Maybe just because the creator is retarded, but more likely Sargon cultists

0e0b78 No.310225


>Implying redditors would sully their minds with unpopular opinions

5f29d9 No.310227


It's arguably premature. He hasn't fully fallen yet. He became an official lolcow like 2 days ago. It's going to continue to be a great ride no doubt, but it's not time to create a series about how funny it all was looking back like NoBS is trying to.

3aeb19 No.310228


I agree, but the fact that NoBS is making the video will cause Sargon to sperg and lash out even more. So it's sort of a predictive programming or self-fulfilling prophecy due to how predictable sargon's vain behavior is.

The more youtubers we can get to make videos taking the piss out of sargon, the more of a positive feedback loop it causes.

910219 No.310230

File: e942f29ca415ae0⋯.png (324.47 KB, 727x352, 727:352, image.png)


NoBS sleeps with the fishes

0e0b78 No.310234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Liberalists strike back:

The Hypocrisy & Cowardice of Mister Metokur (Take 2)

>It is my endeavor with this channel to always point out hypocrisy where I see it, even when my ire is directed at people I respect and admire.


>In this video, I take Mister Metokur to task for his hypocritical and cowardly position against Sargon of Akkad's "Liberalist" movement, in general terms.


>I had to reupload because my intro was copyright claimed and I refuse to fund YouTube via ad revenue directly from my videos. Prior to reuploading, the original was >at 889 views, 30 Ups, 66 downs, with 100 comments.


>Please take the time to comment below if you take issue or even if you agree, I'd like to converse on this topic. I'm currently working on a video taking Sargon to task >on his "Liberalist" movement in specifics.


>GULF CITY CARTOONS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGx6




>YouTube (Obviously, you're here - click Subscribe):(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmJq…)

>Twitter (until I get perma-banned: https://twitter.com/xXLogicalLionXx)


>Patreon: (https://www.patreon.com/LogicalLion)


>(yes, the title is incendiary… it got you to listen, didn't it?)

c3bf37 No.310237


>NoBS sleeps with the fishes

>Not Trouts


1760b8 No.310238


>125 subs, 175 views

How did you even find this faggot?

a6c3ed No.310239


>52 mins


0e0b78 No.310240


It was in related videos to >>310224 , I think. I saw the title and thought it might be funny.

0ee66a No.310241

File: fa589da82fad4eb⋯.png (557.11 KB, 809x452, 809:452, ClipboardImage.png)



Seconding the tl;dr, I lack the time and mental fortitude to listen to some nu-male drone on and on about how his fee-fees were hurt by Jim calling his movement cringy.

dd1cf4 No.310242


They didn't, it's definitely a form of censorship, like shadow banning. There were a few things going on in reddit that made them crack down.

Same year Aaron Swartz killed himself with no history of depression, some people blaming the gov for the lawsuit, other conspiracy theorizing about it. 2013 was also the Boston marathon bombings, which was also something the gov would rather people not talk about outside of the official narrative. From wiki: "Reddit faced criticism after users (((wrongly))) identified a number of people as suspects."

2013 they also banned linking to (((fake news))) RT was banned also but somehow Mother Jones and The Huffington Pos are ok.

Reading that wiki on reddit reminded me of why I detest redditfags

0e0b78 No.310243



I'm at work and I like to have autism as background noise, so I've seen the first 20 minutes. Here are some points I remember

>The uploader is from Cambodia

>Jim's a hypocrite because he cared about GG but not Liberalism

>The uploader is an enlightened atheist(TM) who thinks that people who believe in God are idiots. He also mocks Southerners, using a Nascar-loving, inbred, hillbilly, NRA-member by the name of Cletus when giving an example of an antisemite #SoBrave #PunchingUp.

>Being a Liberalists and wanting to gas the jews is A-OK!

>Sargon's Liberalist movement is like resisting the Nazis. He even shows the "First they came for …" poem. Oy vey!

>There is no difference between being a JewTuber and being a politician.

>Like, OMG, I don't even know how to respond to that.

I'm going home now. I'll continue summarizing tomorrow (if the thread is not full by then).

0e0b78 No.310244


>but not Liberalism

*but not Liberalistism

910219 No.310245


>Logical Lion

Why do people name themselves like this and not cringe? I hate all these channels with names like "skeptic", "rational" and "logical". They are nearly always anything but

23a52f No.310248

I'm still dreading the day when "Who Cares? - The Liberalist Manifesto by Carl Benjamin" is taught in schools the world over.

But not really, since Soygon is such a useless pustule

5f29d9 No.310249

Kumite treating Liberalists like the meme it is


055f1b No.310251


Adam Curtis All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace Part 2/3

I should warn you though, the documentaries that Adam does, have much more style than substance.

dd0fae No.310254

File: 7168c321b9be581⋯.jpg (201.18 KB, 670x377, 670:377, tacticalespionageaction.jpg)

Update for all of our operators - Get in position around the target's house - code Țigan Handicapat. Operation Delta India Charlie Kilo Golf India Romeo Lima commencing in 2000. Support units, stand by. Intel team, please respond, over.

5f63bb No.310255


>Logical Lion

just noticed this guy is a mod on the Kumite stream…. wheels within wheels within wheels.

ea9974 No.310256


If I remember correctly reddit didn’t originally alllow comments

f01cc0 No.310257


Everyone in the chat used to be a mod. Recently there was a purge where everyone lost mod privileges, and people are getting them back slowly starting with streamers. We might be able to bait him into banning someone and losing his wrench

f15c69 No.310258



Pseudo-intellectualism, overstuffed ego, fetishizing basic critical thinking skills, self righteousness…

5f29d9 No.310259

Vee about to address /cow/ in the Kumite


f15c69 No.310260


He's sticking to his guns about how it's just as bad as Kraut

5f63bb No.310261


horseshoe is always their fallback

3aeb19 No.310262

File: 3a919e04d5af7a2⋯.jpg (14.3 KB, 220x285, 44:57, brainlet.jpg)


>posing legitimate questions that poke holes in their ideology in their group where anyone can be a member, and talking about trolling them from a public well-known website is equivalent to kraut's doxing/smearing server

b54f11 No.310263




He views as it an an ingroup/outgroup kind of thing. Any critcism of their ingroup is an immediate threat that is morally wrong.

5e562e No.310265



When they go to these lengths to defend themselves. You know blood is in the water.

a6c3ed No.310266


That doesn't sound very individualist to me

910219 No.310267

File: b891cef3c31f0be⋯.png (208.29 KB, 349x290, 349:290, codrin.PNG)

Why does Vee go to such lengths to suck Sargon's dick?

5e562e No.310268


Owes him his channel. Nobody would listen to him without Sargons promotion of him.

Bet he feels Kraut being his(Sargons) internet son is a bit of a sting.

910219 No.310269


Why is this so hard to understand?

5f63bb No.310270


I didn't even know this dumb cunt existed until the kraut shitstorm. produces nothing, hangs around others to promote himself. worthless parasite.

73c1b6 No.310271


>posing legitimate questions that poke holes in their ideology


Continue to ask everyone that same question (word for word). Someone is eventually going to give a different answer. See how they handle it.

b54f11 No.310272


Sargon is probably his only friend, he supposedly even gets mocked by the other Skeptics. The guy spent Christmas on his own playing a H-Game for crying out loud.

I am not sure if he goes on Kumite to run interference or because he gets social interaction.

9e09b8 No.310273

File: be34e97ae248f09⋯.jpg (75.94 KB, 761x842, 761:842, 1515713052503.jpg)



5e562e No.310274


Why do you recon he is defending it so hard? Impressing daddy Sargon. He needs his pat on the head.

3aeb19 No.310275


I like how 90% of chats and people in streams with him keeps calling him out on his dick-riding and he still keeps doing it and acting like nothing is out of the ordinary.

5e562e No.310276


Willful ignorance. If he acknowledges it he loses face. Not that he has much face left.

a6c3ed No.310281

File: 229242e2ee2b664⋯.png (65.41 KB, 1036x802, 518:401, 1.png)

File: 6fabe815af59a87⋯.png (35.62 KB, 903x527, 903:527, 2.png)

>This is equivalent to Kraut's operation autism

1760b8 No.310282

File: 5b1f89c3c042a55⋯.png (172.59 KB, 640x400, 8:5, serveimage.png)


May god have mercy on my sides.

20ee80 No.310283

File: eea450386372fe2⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 735x960, 49:64, boi.jpg)

>muh horseshoe theory

5e562e No.310284


wtf am i reading?

>i have read more books than you

So is the bantz of the liberalists?

910219 No.310285


My first thought was that this is probably two trolls from here or 4/pol/ trolling each other, but you can never be sure with Sargonites

5f63bb No.310286

it's trolls trolling trolls.

5e562e No.310287


Works out even better. If we can't be 100% sure dumb ass cultists aint got no chance.

910219 No.310288

File: a44938c48e3ddb4⋯.png (41.68 KB, 1005x297, 335:99, mentalgymnastics.PNG)

Mental gymnastics / JIDF in 3…2…1

797ef9 No.310289

File: 14cd66208d48d1f⋯.jpg (26.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, is dis da wae.jpg)


This shit has potential

Imagine if we could turn Wifeson of Blackdad's gay little forum into a high IQ enlightened™ skepticist™ debate club.

81cb20 No.310290


Which wiki? Please link

1d7699 No.310297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lord, please take the pathetic practice of Paganism from us. I undestood why have sent invaders to us!

dd1cf4 No.310298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I was talking about wikipedia.

>". Condé Nast Publications acquired the site in October 2006. Reddit became a direct subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance Publications, in September 2011."

People are cattle for using this site.

>"In October 2014, Reddit raised $50 million in a funding round led by Sam Altman and including investors Marc Andreessen, ``Peter Thiel``,"

I can see why reddit would be useful to Peter Thiel

>"and social relevance (opposed to monetary return), participation,[123] freedom of speech, openness, participatory[124] and/or self-governance,"

They actually believe this despite the "controversies" section further down, proving this isn't the case.

>"Many reddit users are highly engaged in the defense of Internet privacy, net neutrality and Internet anonymity. In advance of legislations that endanger these redditors typically set up pages to organize protest, create and curate cocks (e.g. media), call responsible authorities and inform about their issues and e.g. relevant tools and organizations."

It's boomer tier retardation, they think they're helping and doing the right thing but really they're helping conde nast and peter thiel learn to control people online more easily, make them think they're free, slowly boil them.

23a52f No.310300


This is great. More of this.

We should also keep pushing for decriminalization of so-called "Holocaust denial". Vee seems to believe that "Holocaust denial" laws are retarded.

"Why is illegal to question the Holocaust? This illegality doesn't extend to any other event in history."

73c1b6 No.310301

File: 3425a51a0bdaf12⋯.png (75.39 KB, 906x861, 302:287, new.png)

Their list of principles got redacted pretty hard.

73c1b6 No.310302

File: 518945973d59d47⋯.png (251.56 KB, 1781x757, 1781:757, the holocaust for newbies.png)


>We should also keep pushing for decriminalization of so-called "Holocaust denial". Vee seems to believe that "Holocaust denial" laws are retarded.

Use this as a template if you want to.

23a52f No.310303


That's not a Vee quote, btw, but something to build upon in posts.

5e562e No.310304


Bet they think they are smart with the Stealth edits.

73c1b6 No.310305


Bet they can't sleep at night because it's not math and impossible to express in compact form. Need more dictionaries dude.

5e562e No.310308


Have you read Kant? I am all over that shit.

>Huffs a fart

>Oh that is good

f15c69 No.310310


>wtf I'm totally a nazi now

910219 No.310311


Wow, they managed to make it even more general and basic than before. Good one, Sargon

3db5f6 No.310313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f15c69 No.310316


>Individual Rights

Hollow platitude


"It maintains a state". Wow. Much enligtened

>Economic Freedom

Self-ownership. Unless a gay guy wants your labor

>Freedom of Speech

$200 for an hour in the ball pit


Be an adult

>Blind Justice

Basic law practice


We started our youtube channels debating creationists, can you tell?

So basically, this is some low-effort class project where nothing is thought out to any meaningful degree. Basically, they agree with everything the US is already doing and don't have anything worthwhile to say that no one else isn't already saying.

What's the appeal to joining his little circus? This whole fucking endeavor is just a framing device for Sargon to push "Liberalist" merchandise, isn't it?

910219 No.310317


It's all for $$$ and the maintenance of the (((status quo)))

1d7699 No.310319


Trigger the kikes

functionalism now! :^)


OK, how dumb are they? They were all fucking Gamergate. They should know what an archive.is is.


1d7699 No.310321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have just remembered another red cloth for the Step Father and his goons to run against. There is this guy on YT who does all kind of videos on fringe stuff. Among them the idea that Libertarianism is actually a fraud.

910219 No.310322


Good video if you're the uploader. I'm about half way through

7c2439 No.310323



We really want to be raped by sandniggers

1d7699 No.310325

The video I have posted is suitable for building a way larger pipe bomb I have expected. Just look at that shit:

>The English way (Liberalism) has the seeds of Tyranny in it

>Individual vs Collective is a false dichotomy. If you believe that, you life inside the dialictic

>Liberalism already won (so what is Sargon's point then?); Biggest Building in Town are Banks.

Counter model: Biggest Building in Romania is soon World's biggest Orthodox Church. It has enough room to give people a Daniel-Tier experience with angel icons.

>Brave New World, a dystopia is actually Libertism the Religion.

>The NAP is nothing but Ulterainism reworded.

Can you now see were "What if the child consents" actually comes from?

>The typical narrative of Liberalism: The historical problem of mankind is the state. Only individualist awakening can get man out of it

>America is a Enlightenment Era experiment. Huxley was very fond of it

Yes, quoting Dyer could be lulzy.

e12907 No.310326

File: 192dd9429b2126d⋯.png (149.07 KB, 1063x1021, 1063:1021, archive.is.png)


Thanks again for the reply, but I think you missed the thing I was most interested in:

>You also seem to make a black-white distinction here 100% individualist vs 100% collectivist. Am I wrong? Why can't I be an individualist in some cases and an collectivist in others? Why can't I act as part of a collective when talking with the outgroup but as an individual when talking with the ingroup (Ex: say I'm a Swedish ethno-nationalist who wants to deport non-whites but have individualism for the people left inside the country)? ( >>309895 )


Kek. There were a lot of people who expected this to happen, it seems.


So Liberalists have absolutely no power and they are already taking away people's rights

5f29d9 No.310327

File: 8eba62b4c1017a7⋯.png (153.46 KB, 530x1054, 265:527, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at ….png)

Reminder that for a mere $100 you can have a 30 minute private fap session with CoachBoomerPill.

6b6cb0 No.310328


For only twice the price, you could have a 45 minute conversation with JBP (unless you're a racist)

e12907 No.310329




Gods, I hate patreon rewards.

dd0fae No.310330

File: de8895d2e8393b1⋯.jpg (26.56 KB, 368x451, 368:451, dregs dregs.jpg)


If it's not a video call where CoachBoomerPill changes camera angles every 5 seconds for that absolute kino experience then it's not even worth 1 cent. Even if it includes absolute kino it's way overpriced.

a6c3ed No.310331


Jordan Boomerson

1d7699 No.310332


Jordan B Peterson. The 200$ 45 minute session is for the case you think, that are sick in the head and you thatPeterson is the right guy to do a first examination. CPR's bonus is actually a shit variant of asshole consulting. You would have more luck with asking the guy running that enterprise what you would get for 100 bucks from him. With 200 you might get a hilarious video that mocks Sargon even harder without nationalist and religious undertones.

b370fe No.310333


>Protecting the rights of the individual must be the highest value of society

No. Protecting the rights of it's citizens should be the focus of a democratic state, in theory. It is not the place of a state to protect the rights citizens of another state. That shit leads to conflict.

>Constitutional democracy is the best way for a free citizenry to maintain a state and resist tyranny.

Resist tyranny from whom? A foreign state? Their own state? A constitutional democracy didn't stop colonialism, did it? It doesn't prevent war. It doesn't prevent the police state.

>Property rights that begin with personal self-ownership and private property creates the most productive societies.

Replace serfs with robots or offshore serfs that work for peanuts. How does that lead to a productive society? Brits can enjoy not being serfs and Chinese serfs have the right to make iPhones for them. How productive.

>Freedom of expression is a necessary and fundamental pillar of a free society.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. You're not just asking for the right to speak, you're asking for the right to be heard. Some ideas are not worth entertaining or are destructive to a society, especially in a reality that includes war, espionage and concerns about privacy rights.

>People possess agency and should be treated as such because treating people like victims becomes a self fulfilling prophecy

How do you distinguish between legitimate grievances and people with a victim mentality? Does this lead to "if the Paki's didn't rape those girls, someone else would have" or similar nonsense? Are you saying it's OK to be victimized, but don't expect any special consideration from victimhood? How will this effect the legal system?

>Blind Justice

No. A state does not have the right to govern the citizens of another state.


Morning calls to prayers effects my right to sleep in. Suicide bombers and trucks of peace effect my right to not be killed by rabid goatfuckers.

5e562e No.310334

So has there been word from the god among men himself Sargon about what his "plans" are yet?

What uni is his first target?

b370fe No.310335


>I want individualism for my ethno-state

You realize you're asking for collectivization. You want to institute a body to oversee the state collective.

e12907 No.310336


No, I don't realise that. I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Could you clarify?

b370fe No.310337


A state is a collective.

b370fe No.310338



To clarify, you want a collective to promote individualism. You're prepared to collectivize in order to promote individualism.

e12907 No.310339


So you're just saying that I would have a government? Are you an AnCap? Because my question was directed to Liberalists, and if you're an AnCap you're not welcome in the Liberalist utopia.

Myself, I'm a minarchist, and as far as I'm concerned all the government needs to do to keep a population more or less homogeneous is border control.

8831ed No.310340

b370fe No.310341


You want to collectivize on the basis of ethnicity, culture and geography. How innovative. Such a thing has never been done before in 10,000 years.

3aeb19 No.310342



It's only a contradiction if your moral framework revolves around autistically maximizing "personal freedom" as these liberals are trying to do. I'm perfectly fine with having relatively individualist policies within the confines of a homogeneous white state that keeps niggers and jews out. This is not a contradiction because my moral compass revolves around what's best for my people, and IMO my people thrive when shitskins and kikes are excluded.

a6c3ed No.310343


>Such a thing has never been done before in 10,000 years

>A system that worked for 10,000 years is bad

3aeb19 No.310344


>how innovative

What's your argument? Yes, this is tried and tested to be true throughout history, and it's fairly common sense.

e12907 No.310347


Kek. You're ideology is so weak that you resort to leftist snark after meeting even the slightest bit of resistance.

b370fe No.310348




Should I have activate my premium account sarcasm text?


No, I'm just pulling every thread attached to individualism. The contradiction of relying on a collective to enforce individualism.

e12907 No.310349


>Should I have activate my premium account sarcasm text?

What? We know you were sarcastic, retard.

>No, I'm just pulling every thread attached to individualism. The contradiction of relying on a collective to enforce individualism.

I said nothing about enforcing individualism, just maintaining the borders and letting people live their lives.

e12907 No.310350


Still don't know if you're an AnCap or Liberalist, btw.

3aeb19 No.310351


>No, I'm just pulling every thread attached to individualism. The contradiction of relying on a collective to enforce individualism.

Everyone here understands that. Hence what I said about how we're not autistically adherent to "muh individualism" as a principle in and of itself.

I just view it as a tool like anything else. I general, free markets are better, so I'd go with that. At the same time, there's shit like drugs and pornography which act as vices and corrupt the people and there's tons of physiological/psychological negative effects, so I'd ban it. Europeans in general do fairly well with more individualism and are able to self-regulate things socially via ostracism and shaming. For example, I don't think being a whore was ever illegal, but it was still heavily frowned upon and not encouraged until after kikes took over, and so we wouldn't really need to use state force for such a thing.

b370fe No.310352


>Ex: say I'm a Swedish ethno-nationalist who wants to deport non-whites but have individualism for the people left inside the country

Don't lie


I don't think it is up to the state to enforce the primacy of the individual. Most people aren't noteworthy. I guess I'm a meritocracist. Is that a thing? Every boat needs a captain. The crew don't get to take turns being captain, or tell him what to do.

23a52f No.310353

File: 7380c2e514c2c63⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 1015x514, 1015:514, DTNIQC1V4AAq2ZH.jpg)

b370fe No.310354


I don't see individualism and collectivism as contradictory though. So I'm not going to sperg out over one or the other.

f15c69 No.310356


>"radical centrist" was manufactured by THE ENEMY

>"If you hear someone get called a radical centrist, that's a good sign they're probably a good guy"

Styx wtf are you doing?

0ee66a No.310357


Didn't you basically just describe Fascism?

e12907 No.310358


>Don't lie

Very Cute.

Also, what about "Ex" and "say" don't you understand (although the example is quite close to reality).

3aeb19 No.310359


No, because fascism is actually a specific form of government. Although I do describe myself as broadly ultra-nationalist.

I just don't see any need to autistically sperg about these things and over-complicate them in the way ancaps and marxists do. I might agree with libertarians on 95% of things, but I'm still not a libertarian because I don't have the moral framework of "muh NAP" and just recognize that free markets (in most cases) tend to be a good thing.

But yes, I'm "fascist" in the more broad sense that most people use the term.

b370fe No.310360


Soft fascism. Fascism does not have a problem with the utilization of force. Anon would rather use social pressure.


I responded to your example. Why ask a question if you don't want a response? Was it rhetorical? hmmm? Is that what you're going with?

3aeb19 No.310361


I don't have a problem with utilization of force either. I'm just pragmatic about it and recognize that we don't actually need laws to enforce traditional society/values, because they're naturally how things end up being when jewish brainwashing is removed. I'm all for free speech for everything except pornography, for example. If there were a situation where hard force was required and it was the best solution when you weigh the pros and cons, then that's fine too.

910219 No.310362

File: cceb08b86dd9a9d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1217x733, 1217:733, traphammer2.png)


Styx has always been a mentally-ill egotistical faggot

0ee66a No.310363


I was was being somewhat rhetorical, because what you described is literally just 'soft fascism'. One of the primary things about it is allowing free markets but banning things that are obviously harmful to citizens (Albeit you said through social stigmatization rather than through laws and government regulations)

For the sake of curiosity, are you against usury and outsourced labor as well?

f15c69 No.310365


Except now he's reframing the general mockery of the skeptics as a sincere attack from the media. Like CNN or any meaningful news source has any goddamn clue who these losers are

e12907 No.310366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




<I responded to your example. Why ask a question if you don't want a response? Was it rhetorical? hmmm? Is that what you're going with?

>The "Ex: say" comment was an example directed at Liberalists. And said nothing aobut forcing.

>Then, after you claimed that it's contradictory to have individualism in an Ethno-state in >>310335, I countered by saying that I think all required for an Ethno-state is borders ( >>310339), now talking about my own beliefs (saying I'm a Minarchist).

The two above are separate.

910219 No.310367


Remember this is the guy who thinks he's literally at war with the MSM. You're right, they don't give a fuck about some late 20-something sitting shirtless in his bedroom





b370fe No.310369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The issue, as I see it, on relying on individuals to enforce societal norms is that some individuals are assholes. When those assholes become factional, moral people suffer. I like the idea of carrot and stick. Plenty of carrot and a big fucking stick.


Sounds like a great place for Christian bachelors during peacetime.

f15c69 No.310370

>>310366 (checked)


If only

23a52f No.310372

Are people actually having an organic Minarchist/Libertarian/AnCap/Liberalist bullshit discussion here? Or do we have visitors?

910219 No.310374


Probably visitors, this was spammed on Twitter and Reddit yesterday by Vee and whoever posted the link originally, trying to frame it as equivalent to Kraut's discord

e12907 No.310375



I'm not a visitor, just too autistic for my own good. I was trying to bait a Liberalist redditor, and he offered to explain himself. I thought "fuck it, either I'll learn something or he'll act like an idiot and I can laugh at him". That set the ball rolling.

The Liberalist was a visitor, though.

b370fe No.310376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's Individualism taken to an extreme. Setting ancaps against liberalists would ensure many lulz. Two individualists enter, the greatest individualist leaves.

3aeb19 No.310381


>For the sake of curiosity, are you against usury and outsourced labor as well?

In general I find these things unsavory, but I wouldn't go so far as to just make a blanket statement of "no usury/outsourcing allowed". With outsourcing, yeah, it's total bullshit and I guess I'd tariff/tax it as a way to disincentivize.

For usury, IDK. On one hand, well, I don't even need to go into all the ways it pollutes society. The way it drives up costs, forces everyone to be reliant on further usury to get anything, etc. But on the other hand, I've seen the argument made that without money-lending, a nation would be financially weak in the short-term compared to those that do allow it, thereby allowing them to be outcompeted and conquered. Perhaps money lending could work okay if there are no abusive kikes running it? Tricky situation, and I'll admit I'm the not the most informed on possible alternatives.


>The issue, as I see it, on relying on individuals to enforce societal norms is that some individuals are assholes. When those assholes become factional, moral people suffer. I like the idea of carrot and stick. Plenty of carrot and a big fucking stick.

Cross every bridge when we reach it. In general I stand by my sentiment in that a homogeneous independent nation without subversive foreign elements like jews, you're not really going to get this sort of destructive anti-traditionalist sentiment subverting and taking over. Modernity's mass-propaganda requires 100% control of all media/institutions/gov't to work, and even then just some free speech platforms online are able to poke major holes in the power structure.

This is why I believe the only thing we really need to stop societal subversion is free speech, because the truth wins out and I'm confident "my side" would remain strong.

3aeb19 No.310382


I don't really have a problem with styx, tbh. His political opinions on certain things like white nationalism are retarded, but he seems like a genuine guy. I don't regard him as a subversive cringe-inducing faggot like sargoy.

That said, his crusade against the MSM is ridiculous. His entire "career" is reading quick summaries of news articles FROM THE MSM and then going off on his commentary. He proudly talks about the MSM dying, even though if this actually happened, he'd be up shit's creek without a paddle because he'd have nowhere to get material from.

Same for all the others who proudly talk about MSM dying. Where are you going to get news? Are you going to start doing your own investigations? Gonna go to the president's and others' press conferences and do your own write-ups on the situation? Going to do all the digging and research personally? Yeah fucking right.

910219 No.310383


Yeah, I watch Styx occasionally. He has problems and can be a bit cringy or edgy from time-to-time but he's much more honest and likable than Sargon is. Just look how he fared in that Spencer stream

6bc095 No.310384

File: 211232ce40ba4ab⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 314x580, 157:290, 211232ce40ba4abc1d23b9a41c….jpg)


I want to know who thought those graphics were a good idea

3aeb19 No.310385


I thought it was one of /ourguys/ memeing on them, but I guess not. It's like they're trying to do the ironic visuals of vaporwave, except unaesthetic and shit.

5f29d9 No.310386

File: 50cfd0d315e4af6⋯.png (199.09 KB, 2182x542, 1091:271, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at ….png)


tbf we are reaching levels of ironic posting never before seen. The problem is their principles are so vague that a literal brainlet could subvert them. I get people responding positively to my seemingly obviously LARP-y liberalists posts as if I'm dead serious.

910219 No.310387

File: aa73317e38f5e64⋯.png (2.41 KB, 330x87, 110:29, bash1488.PNG)


>BashFash1917 is an ANTIFA troll

>tfw I'm BashFash

>tfw I'm actually a fascist

Hey, at least it get deflected on Antifa. Is that from my Jew post? I'll have to see how butthurt they are

5f29d9 No.310388


>tfw I'm alt_right_tears

>tfw I knew BashFash1917 was from /cow/

>tfw you didn't catch I was just stirring chaos by shifting the blame

Like I said, it's too easy to LARP, maybe I need to be more overt

910219 No.310389

File: 8652b4aa1e33733⋯.png (67.42 KB, 987x493, 987:493, powerlevel.PNG)


Darn I thought you were real, I just unleashed my real views. Good LARP, anon

910219 No.310391



The real question is whether the subreddit has already degenerated into trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

5f29d9 No.310392


I'll keep it going for shits. It's like larping as a neocon all you have to do is defend "muh liberal democracy" art all costs

5f29d9 No.310394

File: c79cee0b16dbd7e⋯.png (434 KB, 1940x1010, 194:101, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at ….png)


I was in the mod stream chat last night and 90% of 40 viewers were clearly trolling and/or LARPing. I doubt the subreddit is any different.

b54f11 No.310397


How active is their faceberg?

f15c69 No.310403


>less than a week in and one of their communication hubs is OOC


910219 No.310404

6bc095 No.310406

File: 3fb3962082af27e⋯.png (15.31 KB, 204x195, 68:65, 1451510880982.png)


I should've listened to the spoiler

2bfaf7 No.310407

File: d2bb22a75d96a79⋯.png (47.35 KB, 640x686, 320:343, hebmad.png)

5f29d9 No.310408


>everyone is a troll confirmed


Liberalist Racewarski Stream is Live with the Gyp

910219 No.310409


>literally A P O L O G I Z E

I think I'll go post more scat on r/liberalists

5f29d9 No.310411

File: e6b89ed16236f77⋯.png (226.48 KB, 1230x940, 123:94, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at ….png)


Tell us how Sargon really feels

1d938d No.310412


>he actually thought that was an apology

How autistic is vee? These last few weeks have been a string of him unable to understand sarcasm or trolling

958555 No.310417


>he might reconsider

Reconsider what? This is the most fun I've had watching a community burn down in a while, and it's doubly good for me since it's against my political leanings. Why does he think Iwe want him to stop acting like a spaz?

910219 No.310418




No but seriously. Is this guy really a doctor? I'm not even memeing, he is basically the textbook definition of a slavish goon

a85c72 No.310419

File: c3cf2d062647b86⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 605x412, 605:412, theodore-roosevelt-laughin….jpg)


I like how Sargon thinks showing that words hurt him and asking for apologies via proxy are good ideas

a85c72 No.310422


He's not a Slav but, yes, he is the most skilled discount proctologist in all of Romania

a7ca67 No.310424


>Sargon actually thinks people want to be invited to his Kilroy 2.0 events

>Wont even speak for himself

>hurt feelings


a7ca67 No.310431


romanians aren't slavs, they are worse.

910219 No.310433



I meant slavish as in acting like a slave

6499d9 No.310436


>about his wife and son

What happened to his wife's daughter? Did he killed her?

a7ca67 No.310437


Being so family oriented is very unindividualist of him.

1d938d No.310440


It's obfuscation to try and make his detractors sound stupid

>blah blah blah Sargon's wife's daughter

>What's that? Sargon's wife's son? Yeah he said wife's son. wife's son. wife's son. hey, by the way, sargon's son is his biological son. alt-right b t f o. They were making this up to try and meme him.

They can ignore the wife's daughter cuck implications by debunking it on a false point.

6bc095 No.310441


sargoy just gave some money on super chat

18cce2 No.310443


They're just fake Romans with Indian off-shoots that migrated there and plague their country.

5f29d9 No.310447


Saying what? I haven't really paid attention but it's in the background.

The guy advocating for jailing gays has to be a troll. Look at the egghead on him


1d938d No.310448


>Liberalist Racewarski Stream is Live

>All the people except JF and andy are sargonites

>Guardian running superchat damage control in the chat

Oh this will be fun

910219 No.310450

File: 628cd77900849a2⋯.png (15.78 KB, 1022x94, 511:47, CAPSCA.PNG)

Does anyone moderate this subreddit? You can post literal scat gifs and webms and no one does a thing lmao. The one post of the woman covered in shit riding a dildo has been up for over a half an hour

6bc095 No.310451


I think he said mccarthy shit his pants and did nothing wrong

a7ca67 No.310452


How many people actually use that subreddit, though?

6bc095 No.310453


fucking wordfilters

2b9d2b No.310455

File: 8540c71f9489ab1⋯.png (13.18 KB, 942x152, 471:76, BAKE THE CAKE.png)


664eb6 No.310457

File: ac05e4d1a70d76f⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 620x945, 124:189, fe9d953c8dc8edccde5ad7dec9….jpg)

958555 No.310460


>if you don't like gays you are afraid of them

>if you don't like niggers you are afraid of them

So basicbitch.

Also I dislike MGTOW as much as anybody, but they don't strike me as virgins. More as men who got screwed in divorce court.

664eb6 No.310461


Why isnt Sargon on twitter anyway, did he ragequit?

2da07f No.310462

File: 4273b47ea84ea25⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 360x286, 180:143, 1436143825870.jpg)


I'm listening to the stream. Who the fuck is Todd? His (her?) voice is fucking more excruciating then Vee, and that's saying something.

b370fe No.310464


gaynigger porn

1cbdd4 No.310466


Ban because he posted black gay porn

5f29d9 No.310467

File: 0a0ade06a48a26f⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 602x533, 602:533, 1477015132183.jpg)


He got b8 because he started tweeting interracial porn to "trigger" the alt-right. Also his own half nudes. He's a brilliant leader.

1cbdd4 No.310468


I don't know much about Greg Johnson but he looks good

5f29d9 No.310469



Here's Vee's Damage Control Video on the issue


2da07f No.310470

File: 704e56bc51411dd⋯.jpg (172.77 KB, 519x384, 173:128, 704e56bc51411dd29bb35565d6….jpg)


How many times do I need to see Sargon's ass.

ce8ef0 No.310472

File: be34e97ae248f09⋯.jpg (75.94 KB, 761x842, 761:842, 1515713052503.jpg)



>mfw I'm Strasserboi

>Mfw I'm a National Socialist

910219 No.310473

>it's a Vee interrupts episode

>it's a Vee pretends he knows ANYTHING about America outside of news articles and movies

2dcddb No.310474



>tfw you are behind every post on the liberalist plebbit

>tfw every post is infact a subversion

>tfw even this post is subversion

910219 No.310475


958555 No.310476

File: cd114d92a36c20a⋯.jpg (665.88 KB, 1280x1879, 1280:1879, cummies.jpg)




a85c72 No.310477


Did I miss much in the stream so far? Everyone other than JF seems like a faggot.

a251b9 No.310479


I'm pretty sure it's just us.

2da07f No.310480



Is protecting the porn going to be a official liberalist position?

910219 No.310481

>tfw your society is being overrun by foreigners, no one is having children and Jews control your government

At least I have my hentai and vidya

6bc095 No.310483


What kind of porn? We could probably fracture them by forcing some of them to be publicly in favor of loli porn.

910219 No.310486

File: 676a706a2df2180⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1100x1466, 550:733, Kallipygos.jpg)

>Warski thinking banning porn = banning naked bodies

958555 No.310490

Vee needs to shut up. He's nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is.

a85c72 No.310491

>If you ban porn, You're literally Stalin. Therefore millions will die

Pure Retardation

b370fe No.310493


mandatory porn creation, for ultimate freedom. you're booked in for 9am, anon

2da07f No.310494



> the moment they spoke about banning porn, everybody has the idea of the state entering the bedroom telling you not to watch

Why haven't any of speaker advocating against porn not just talk about banning it's production and/or possession? They're letting the opposition describe the scenario to them.

3aeb19 No.310495

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, untermensch vee.jpg)

>Vee: "AIDS is virus, antibiotics don't work!"

Vee confirmed for faking his medical credentials.

AIDS = end stage of HIV

HIV = virus

AIDS is when you are seriously immunocompromised, and you indeed need ANTIBIOTICS to treat/prevent opportunistic infections like pneumocystis pneumonia or toxoplasmosis

a251b9 No.310496


He's not the brightest one. Really he's just a normalfag that got mixed up in all this because of the Kraut stuff.

5f29d9 No.310497

File: 5eecc82e2c50b80⋯.png (149.39 KB, 2176x446, 1088:223, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at ….png)


Peak Paranoia

b370fe No.310498


tax = central planning

958555 No.310499


Yeah, that makes much more sense than the totally crazy far-out idea that people from an imageboard would post shock images just to fuck with you.

a85c72 No.310500

This stream is one of the most pointless ones I've ever heard.

3aeb19 No.310501

File: 2978c197b704d56⋯.jpg (62.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, come on idiocracy.jpg)


>we should tax corn syrup to disincentivize its use


Yeah, as if we don't tax tobacco/alcohol for literally this same reason.

Also this retarded idea that any state enforcement or encouragement of morality is literally communism when this is all basic shit we had until just a few decades ago.

958555 No.310502

>banning things caused cultural marxists to gain traction and unban them

>therefore we should not ban them

Does this retarded gyspy even get what he just said?

<we should have porn because if we don't, marxists will make us have porn

2da07f No.310503

Todd is a fucking idiot explaining this.

He should be talking about how (((they))) use pornography as a weapon. Look at how Israel took over broadcast stations of their opponents, impose curfew, and broadcast pornography into every home to keep them occupied and docile.

a85c72 No.310504


Just start taking note of how often Academic Agent and the other Sargonites use the term "Socialism".

They view it as just a pejorative and obviously have no idea what it means.

f01cc0 No.310505

File: b30f3c73b5483d5⋯.png (532.85 KB, 1716x732, 143:61, vee desperation.png)

f6b916 No.310506

Update from the front lines: Found a way into the residence, completely undetected. Bug planted. Food tainted. Details in the bunkkker.

a7ca67 No.310507


Pretty cool. I hope you come back with some funny stuff.

ce8ef0 No.310508

File: 59e5cce7f0f7895⋯.png (30.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, prem.png)


Here's his schedule, based on his net activity. Go in during the parts labeled "away."

958555 No.310509


How do you even get that high off your own ego? He's the dumbed person in the stream, Andy included.

09ae1b No.310510


I see you are very inconsiderate of my proposition to rethink the consenting laws in my forum nazi.

1d938d No.310511

File: fa572352f84344a⋯.png (348.23 KB, 720x718, 360:359, ClipboardImage.png)


>vee is going off at cow for making fake accounts to manipulate others

>forgets to log into his fake account when trying to manipulate the chat


146062 No.310512

File: 29084d65dcb7e05⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 500x375, 4:3, afd7adcd49a22ddb3253a3c320….jpg)


please be real

ce8ef0 No.310514

File: f9f92c5274a99bf⋯.png (46.39 KB, 1239x173, 1239:173, Operation Irony.png)


I'm trying to play the "disingenuous believer." Also trying to fulfill pic related because it would be fucking hilarious if they closed their virtual borders and started mass censoring in the name of free speech.

5e562e No.310515


Tell me did banning alcohol work in the 1920s?

No it did not, it created speakeasy's. People are going to things you find immoral despite your laws. And the only way you are going to enforce your law is by going full big brother on people.

Even my example from the 1920s the state went to far and poisoned people by tainting the booze.

b370fe No.310516


Did banning murder work? Of course not, people murder all the time.

958555 No.310517

>i disagree with greg's dystopia because i have lots of games on my steam account


>chrischan-voiced tranny arguing for fascism

What the fuck is going on in this sttream?


Porn and booze are two different things. Just because they're both vices doesn't mean they're interchangeable and work in exactly the same manner.

2da07f No.310519


> People are going to things you find immoral despite your laws. And the only way you are going to enforce your law is by going full big brother on people.

That would be true if the objective was to eliminate all trace of said vice. The objective should be to diminish it's influence to an minimum, where the risks outweigh the incentive to do them.

e5a861 No.310521


>Let's just tax corn syrup!

There are only a handful of issues that make me lose my freakin mind when people talk to them, but one them is corn syrup. My blood pressure barely rises when Jews go on about muh shoah and masturbation machines, but corn syrup triggers me so fucking hard anons. You know why? Because the only reason corn syrup is in everything is because it's so cheap (this is also why stuff like soda is so cheap, because it's essentially just sugar water). Do you know why it's so cheap anons? Because we subsidize corn production. We over produce corn in the US, and that extra corn is sold for basically nothing and turned into corn syrup, which is the most economically viable use for that extra corn. Whenever retarded lefties start talking about taxing soda or corn syrup, they are talking about taxing a product which only exists due to subsidization by the federal government. I'm a National Socialist Autist for crying out loud, I fucking love the idea of the state intervening to turn its citizens into super intelligent ubermenschen free of xenoestrogens and corn syrups. But if any one of these fucktards did just 5 minutes of research they would see that it's as easy as getting rid of the corn subsidy. That's it. Problem solved. You don't need multiple levels of redundant and paradoxical government intervention here. Jesus Christ this shit drives me up the fucking wall.

a7ca67 No.310522


Gypsy tricks!

f6b916 No.310523


>t. porn addict using the same non-argument to shill for legalizing DUDE WEED LMAO without realizing there's a reason they want a drug that makes you lazy, lethargic, apathetic, and hungry available for all

3aeb19 No.310524


>Tell me did banning alcohol work in the 1920s? No it did not, it created speakeasy's. People are going to things you find immoral despite your law

This is autistic and assumes that unless you get rid of 100% of something, then it's a failure. Same logic libcucks argue by saying that a border wall won't cut down 100% of illegals, and that we shouldn't even bother therefore.

And it did work. We lowered rates of alcohol consumption, alcohol-related disease, etc.

a251b9 No.310525


He may be even more pathetic than DesTiny.

3aeb19 No.310526


I completely agree with you. But you're missing the forest for the trees here. The point isn't to focus on what particular way of disincentivizing HFCS use would be, but the notion that we can use state power to disincentivize its use in the first place.

Yes, you're absolutely correct that for HFCS the obvious choice would be to get rid of the corn subsidies and such. But that's just a discussion of which form of disincentivization would be superior

bottom line: we 100% agree on the fundamental premise here

f15c69 No.310529

File: 3d489c765335948⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 613x640, 613:640, 26730818_2037923709758867_….jpg)

H-ha ha, t-that's not me. You guys are h-hilarious…


5e562e No.310538



Okay then tell me how you both would do it. How would you stop a grown man from looking at porn? Without violating his legal rights?

All it does is make an underground market.

>We lowered rates of alcohol consumption

At the cost of the state killing the people it is sworn to represent. I know you want to forget that fact. But i wont let you faggot.

6499d9 No.310539


We crash the modern civilisation into a new dark age. Pornography cannot then be mass produced and distributed.

5e562e No.310540


>doesn't mean they're interchangeable and work in exactly the same manner.

Yes they are. Both as a right winger would put it "are not needed by the body" Alcohol is supposed to be used to clean wounds.


>The objective should be to diminish it's influence to an minimum,

So why not have an annoying faggot shout on the street that porn is degenerate….oh wait we already have them you.

5e562e No.310541


>I want to stop people enjoying sex because i am an incel

b370fe No.310542


How do you stop grown men from looking at cp? Without violating their rights?

>At the cost of the state killing the people it is sworn to represent.

So you're opposed to the state exercising power?

f01cc0 No.310543


Stopping people from watching porn is not to stop people from enjoying sex, it is the other way around.

b00a72 No.310544


>getting rid of the corn subsidy.

The corn jews will never allow that to happen, sugar will always be scarce in the US is because they don't want sugar prices to lower, which is why they lobby against importing sugar from places like Australia etc.

b370fe No.310545

>So why not have an annoying faggot shout on the street that porn is degenerate

Would you marry a porn actress? Would be OK with your mother, sister or daughter being a porn actress? Are you OK with a complete stranger being a porn actress? Is porn a career you would recommend to anyone?

It's like people being opposed to slavery, but quite happy to enjoy the fruits of Chinese sweatshops, like cheap clothes or iPods. Are you happy to enjoy porn so long as it's not your daughter getting railed by niggers?

958555 No.310546


>they are exactly the same

So you're dense? You think the government is going to poison pornography to kill people? Banning pornography and banning a drug are two entirely separate things that have their own distinct issues. Just because you don't think prohibition was handled well doesn't mean shit in regards to the banning of pornography.

6499d9 No.310547


>my only sexual experience was with VR and my favourite onahole

f6b916 No.310548


Watching porn isn't a right, lolberg. Kill those who produce and distribute it. Go full Duterte.


>this level of false dichotomy

Kike spotted. Kill yourself.

778f6e No.310549

File: 15183e81b2b6906⋯.jpeg (38.08 KB, 422x422, 1:1, i-couldnt-make-sense-of-i….jpeg)

Has there been actual proof that pornography consumption leads directly to negative impact on your life, in the first place?

Remember, this isn't like a drug, where your mental state is physically changing, due to it.

It's an activity that you voluntarily engage in, the whole way through.

If it's detrimental, it's due to the same reason anything else can be, in that you're doing it instead of shit you're supposed to be, or in the worst case scenario it's all you can bring yourself to do.

I'm trying to find some reasoning to this, but it's all still sounding like nofap pseudoscience.

Then there's the fact that we've already got a huge massive market of degenerates drawing porn.

Are you seriously telling me you're going to clamp down on people just drawing it?

How can it even be harmful in the case of some drawn pair of fictional titties?

Likewise, what's the limit? Because if outright 2D sex isn't allowed, but sex appeal is? Guys can still jerk off to pictures of characters like 2B.

So then is overt sex appeal banned?

a92d5d No.310550


>in that you're doing it instead of shit you're supposed to be

That is the real reason why right winger moan about it all the time. You are not working as their slave while you are doing it.

f6b916 No.310551


>Remember, this isn't like a drug, where your mental state is physically changing, due to it.

Patently false. Furfags alone disprove this. Perverts that get into cp or violence/gore-based porn because the less disgraceful degenerate shit doesn't "get them off" anymore disprove this. You are an addict trying to justify your addiction.

a92d5d No.310552


>Kike spotted. Kill yourself.

This is not /pol/ m8 your sperging is not tolerated here.

958555 No.310553



Go to bed, Vee. You're drunk.

b370fe No.310555


You're not concerned with the effect of pornography on the people being filmed, just the consumers, got it.


Here you go.

f01cc0 No.310556


>Has there been actual proof that pornography consumption leads directly to negative impact on your life, in the first place?

Countries like Israel openly use it as a weapon to demoralize other areas before invading. It it any wonder that jews control the porn industry in the US as well?

a92d5d No.310557


Got to bed stormfag , your high on meth again.

(funny how the biggest hypocrites in the world blame blacks and act just like them)

a92d5d No.310559


Oh come on dude that is "gay bomb" levels of pseudoscience. They only play it to make the Muslims sperg out at them so they have a reason to shoot. I could do the same thing by playing it in a christian church? Who fucking knew Christians get this asshurt over a troll?

958555 No.310562

File: 52416d5cc92d35f⋯.jpg (261.22 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2b4aa324da0089e8c7245734be….jpg)



Stormfront hasn't been relevant in how long? I understand racism makes you feel icky inside, but it would be great if you could leave your caveman bullshit behind you and join us in the current year, thanks.

a92d5d No.310563


>We crash the modern civilisation into a new dark age.

Oh and while i am here. This is some edgy Larping. You know we make fun of you retards here as well right?

You only thing you can crash is your fucking car.

778f6e No.310564

File: 528ac161d7a888c⋯.png (467.63 KB, 793x761, 793:761, 100% Cat.png)


Well of course I'm not, I fap to hentai.

And looking through this article, I don't really buy it either. The primary chemical, dopamine, is one that gets released when you do anything your brain interprets as "good."

>Worked hard on something all day?

<Dopamine hit.

>Cooked a satisfying dinner?

<Dopamine hit.

>Had a pleasant conversation?

<Dopamine hit.

And by extension, the things you guys are presumably advocating for. Things like working out, eating well, getting a grip on your life. Those all lead to dopamine, too.

And I know this is horseshit, because these are the exact same points used to prove cell phones are damaging, addictive, and should be controlled.

They're not. It's the same reason why fat people exist, why promiscuous degenerates exist, why lazy slobs who can only bring themselves to play vidya exist. It's because these people were weak to begin with, and simply latch onto the nearest vice they can.

The reason being, that they lack forward thinking, and merely seek immediate pleasure, instead of delayed gratification.

If you want to make a dent in this, don't try to just rip it out, bloody arteries still intact, show people the alternative is better.

It's working with the perception of promiscuity, and having a family instead. It can work for pornography consumption, too.

That's the closest you'll ever get to forcing people to just up and abandon their vices. Because what you're all advocating with this is that everyone else is wrong, because it's you, you can sure as fuck make that horse drink.

Who gives a damn if you're supposed to leave it at the water, just shove its face down into it and don't pull it back up, even if it's drowning.

a251b9 No.310565


>Countries like Israel openly use it as a weapon to demoralize other areas before invading.

They do that afterwards too. Like when they invaded that one city in Palestine, forced all the residence to stay inside, took over the TV stations and broadcasted nothing but porn, knowing that most people were going to be watching the local stations to keep up with what was happening.

f01cc0 No.310566




>(funny how the biggest hypocrites in the world blame blacks and act just like them)

>that is "gay bomb" levels of pseudoscience

Holy shit this is actually Vee. Israel taking over TV stations in Ramallah along the west bank and broadcasting porn 24/7 as a psychological weapon isn't even up for debate. It is a military tactic, and a common one.

a92d5d No.310567


They may as well come out and say

>We are anti-dopamine


Did that name trigger you? Remember where you are faggot. leave your feelings at the door.

b370fe No.310568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah, there is a psychological effect at play. The US government had a playlist of 'acceptable music' to blare at Manny Noriega 24/7 during the invasion of Panama.


Okay doc, thanks for the scientific rebuttal. Feels before reals. Got it.

a92d5d No.310569


Yes i am vee.

>Angry gypsy sounds

1d938d No.310570


>Oh and while i am here.

Thank you for confirming that you are indeed vee stopping in to run damage control like this is another warski/kumite livestream

a251b9 No.310571

File: bb4f1d97bb83140⋯.pdf (2.48 MB, Libido Dominandi.pdf)


On the off chance that you really are Vee, please give this a read.

958555 No.310572


>Did that name trigger you?

So are you one of the liberalists from the subreddit? Because you type like a certain vore fetishist.

6499d9 No.310573


It's the only way to stop pornography in any meaningful way. Internet has made the distribution so cheap and easily available, that there is no way to prevent it, unless you crash civilisation. I'm not recommending doing it.

84304b No.310574


>1st pic

>forced it to fail

>in a free market

>2nd pic

>They still think that our criticism is real-world action

a92d5d No.310575


>there is a psychological effect at play.

Yes it makes them sperg out. You know you don't have to know about brain chemistry to understand why. It offends them, they sperg out, an soldier shoots them. Job done. Not everything is a red line connect the dots shit. Simple shit like this works as well.


>He does not get sarcasm

You know that is a classic sign of autism right?

f6b916 No.310576




>outing yourself as a 60IQ



>a-all dopamine is e-exactly the s-ss-s-aaaaaaaaaaaaame

The miserable screeching of the addicted degenerate who will refuse to do anything to fix his flaws because he can come up with false dichotomies and false justifications. Sad.

b370fe No.310577


True individuals will come into their own.

778f6e No.310578

File: 466fbfc9fac3669⋯.png (13.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 437f407319d900304274c2cf7d….png)


If you think that's what I wrote, then go ahead.

a92d5d No.310579


Again with the edgy larping. We get it you are going through your

>I hate the world because i just played Hatred


Buy a fucking trench coat and a katana and call it a day.

63255d No.310580


Tabula rasa bullshit.

Furries, pedophiles and gurofags are born, not made.

Boomers make the same argument when they claim that people resort to violence IRL when violent videogames or movies stop giving them the same kick it did previously.

b370fe No.310581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No shit there is a psychological effect at play. It's used to torture, too.

6499d9 No.310582


I don't hate the world in any particular way.

84304b No.310583

File: 7a63bc64eebcb8c⋯.webm (3.09 MB, 971x720, 971:720, Your_Score_720p.webm)


>A glass of wine = a bottle of whiskey

a92d5d No.310584


>A sexually repressed beta male with a napoleon complex is trying to tell people what dopamine is acceptable and what is not

Fucking cringe

84304b No.310585

b370fe No.310586


Instant gratification subverts the normal system of the body for rewarding good behavior. That's the difference between a dopamine hit from porn on demand and a dopamine hit from impressing a girl enough to get her to wet your willy. The long term effect of that instant gratification has a measurable effect on the brain, not to mention the cultural effect of kids getting practical sex ed from Pizza Guy Gang Bang #42

405851 No.310587


>also his own half nudes

Wait… is that actually Sargon? I thought that was just some sort of photoshop joke.

Please tell me that the stepfather has actually tweeted a picture of his bare ass while drunk. It would be like Christmas came early.

a92d5d No.310589


So you are just mad that it is to easy.

Watch out guys this guy wants to play dark souls IRL

>kids getting practical sex ed from Pizza Guy Gang Bang #42

Tell me when was the last time in the US that hardcore porn film was used in sex ed. You are full of bullshit man.

778f6e No.310590


Good job, you actually talked about something instead of defaulting to a kneejerk response.

But again, I'm just reiterating my earlier points when I say your logic here is flawed. That applies to all "instant gratification" vices, not just pornography.

Hence why I brought up the cell phone example, and equated it to fat people (though in that case you get both the mental damage, and also fat).

The problem isn't porn, the problem is the person consuming the porn, and a lack of exercising restraint.

Now what I'm asking you, is how the fuck do you plan on dealing with having to get those character flaws out of people?

Because you can't just ban porn and expect them to get productive, they'll find other things to do.

a92d5d No.310591


Cars make me feel good. I get a dopamine hit when i start one. and drive around for a few mins.

This guys rules and logic states that this situation is bad because " i did not work for it".

You can start a car in under 10 seconds btw, instant gratification.

2dcddb No.310592


I'm no expert but it kinda is like a drug, and as far as I'm concerned getting off on seeing other people fuck is cuck behaviour.


Well, you already got disproven, but regardless you are basically saying that watching a girl get fucked by another guy is as good as working out and eating well, which is retarded. Leftists get a dopamine rush when they write shitty fan fictions about romald rumpf, does that mean it's 'Good'? No. Furfags get a dopamine rush when they do their furry ERP shit, do you believe we should all do that? Of course not.


They're born and are able to spread their filth due to the way society is. I'd honestly be in favor of killing them all if there was a practical way about it, but there isn't I guess.


Vee, you calling someone else cringey is the most hypocritical thing you can say.


Yep, the Soyfather himself did do that.

e12907 No.310593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>This is what hentai-addicted gypsies actually believe

a92d5d No.310594


I mean it was cringe as fuck you saying that. You might as well have a law how many times people can breath in and out. It is not helping your argument by going that low.


I said cars, now who using pilpul? i thought honorable white men don't stoop to the level of the jews?

Are cars now banned? Fucking hell it is going to take forever to get around in this ethnostate. Horse and carts i mean fuck.

405851 No.310595


>Yep, the Soyfather himself did do that

Wow. I didn't know too much about Don Sargone until a few months ago, but how could anyone take him seriously after that? I mean, I know Implicit Dick has done some cringy shit before too, but how can anyone look at someone who has posted a picture of their bare ass on the internet with the caption "kiss my ass alt right" while drunk and have an actual debate with them?

b370fe No.310596


The ease of access to porn effects how kids think about sex. This is not a controversial statement.


Because we're animals. There is a large percentage of the population incapable of exercising restraint because they are not trained properly. I'm not even talking about niggers and their predisposition toward crime. Reason serves the passions. Great men have channeled their biological drives into numerous innovations that have improved the lives of those around them. Some people are prepared to squander that sacrifice, because jacking off to hentai and stuffing their face with pizza pockets feels good. Soyboy is not just a meme. Numerous indulgent manchildren engaging in reckless, self indulgent materialism. This is not how civilizations grow.


Thank Karl Benz for your dopamine rush. A man who spent his days watching porn and gratifying himself. Oh wait, no, he wasn't a degenerate and left a legacy.

2dcddb No.310597


We have IDS here Vee, this is my first post ITT in a while.

'While you're here', answer >>310595 query. Are you lusting for the day when Soygon sends you a picture of his bare ass privately or what?

958555 No.310598

File: 1409e8b8c5eec2d⋯.jpg (37.59 KB, 690x515, 138:103, hankshower.JPG)


<you think porn should be banned? heh heh how are you going to get around without driving then heh heh didn't think about that did you heh heh intellectual checkmate

e12907 No.310599


<I said cars, now who using pilpul? i thought honorable white men don't stoop to the level of the jews?

<Are cars now banned? Fucking hell it is going to take forever to get around in this ethnostate. Horse and carts i mean fuck.

>TFW your gypsy debate opponent speaks so bad English you're not even sure in what way you're accused of lying

f01cc0 No.310600


>You might as well have a law how many times people can breath in and out

>breathing is the same as jacking it to vore

>Are cars now banned?

>Fucking hell it is going to take forever to get around in this ethnostate

Jumping to random strawman extremes and mentioning an ethnostate out of nowhere really does make it sound like you are Vee. You argue the exact same way as that gypsy, and are coming here thinking that /cow/ is some alt-right board pushing for an ethnostate.

910219 No.310601

This isn't Vee in the thread and it's easy to tell why: Vee has atrocious spelling and never corrects it whether it's in own video titles, tweets or comme ts

2dcddb No.310602


Shhh, Don't let him know.

63255d No.310603


>Because we're animals. There is a large percentage of the population incapable of exercising restraint because they are not trained properly.

Shaping the system around people who can't stop eating until they are obese or can't stop themselves from sitting around fapping all day is leftist as fuck.

In traditional societies, people like that die off rather than get supported to everyone to the detriment of everyone else.

>A man who spent his days watching porn and gratifying himself. Oh wait, no, he wasn't a degenerate and left a legacy.

You actually believe that people who watch any porn at all don't have any hobbies and exclusively spend their time?

a92d5d No.310604


> Oh wait, no, he wasn't a degenerate and left a legacy.

So Your only argument is

>I don't like it

Nobody cares if you don't like it. smells to me like you have unwarranted self importance.


I was talking about cars. Unless you have the proof that the chemical dopamine changes based on what activity you do. Levels may, but i get the same chemical by jacking off as i do driving. I know this fact upsets the salt right a lot but as you have used it to prove race is real you also have to see that dopamine is the same.




>They think i am really vee

lol faggots here are easy to troll. To be honest i do share a lot points with you all. But i will not allow you to deny hard science now. Not when you have started to use it quite nicely on the left.

03a768 No.310605


>linking to cult leaders

e12907 No.310606


>>They think i am really vee

>lol faggots here are easy to troll. To be honest i do share a lot points with you all. But i will not allow you to deny hard science now. Not when you have started to use it quite nicely on the left.

Confirmed for Vee.

a92d5d No.310607

How was my acting as him btw? Wanted to make a few fake accounts. One of you said i need to spell worse how worse are we talking here?

2dcddb No.310608


>Banning porn that leftists push is leftist

That's retarded, and I'm not even for banning porn. In a 'traditional' society, porn would be banned.

>Any porn at all

Nobody said that, that's a strawman. Despite that, if you think 'having hobbies' makes jerking it to porn okay or something, you're double retarded. Degenerates who argue that banning muh porn is ebil and makes you literally stalin are not productive either, mind you.


He linked proof to it earlier. If you stop jerking off you can probably scroll up to it.


H-heh I w-was only p-pretending

910219 No.310609

File: 1b862e8317a511d⋯.jpeg (68.07 KB, 600x600, 1:1, image.jpeg)


>tfw your society is beint overrun by foreigners, government is corrupt, no one is having children, a Jewish oligarchy rules over us and wages war against foreign shitholes for oil and the spread of the Jewish worship of numbers (democracy)

Well at least I have my freedumb to stroke my cock to vore and furry porn, smoke weed, drink myself into a stupor and JUST LIVE AND LET LIVE, amiright?

1d938d No.310610


>I-I was only pretending to be retarded

958555 No.310611

File: 1151ac9c04b19d3⋯.webm (473.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, porn_is_a_sin.webm)


Vee, buddy, we have IDs. I never brought up dopamine levels. My problem with porn is that it promotes degeneracy that is an inherent negative to society, and that what little pleasure you get from extracting cummies like a chimp in a zoo isn't worth the harm it causes. Have some fucking dignity. Stop sitting in your room tugging on your dick like an animal.

a251b9 No.310612


You were decent, but you need to act more timid and cowardly if you really want to be vee.

405851 No.310613

File: 9d24496be68c8c2⋯.png (10.44 KB, 676x120, 169:30, aut.png)


>how was my acting as him

About pic related good.



I want to ask. But I'm afraid to.

b370fe No.310614


>Shaping the system around people who can't stop eating until they are obese or can't stop themselves from sitting around fapping all day is leftist as fuck.

The system is already shaped around people who can't exercise self control. This is why we have prisons. Laws for children and dependents. Mental health laws. Drink drive enough and you'll probably get mandatory AA attendance in many places in the world. Let me guess, this is all leftist as fuck.

>You actually believe that people who watch any porn at all don't have any hobbies and exclusively spend their time?

You asked about the effect of porn on the brain. I gave an answer. It produces a dopamine response. Your response was "babby want dopamine." Congratulations, you hacked your brain into thinking you were reproducing. Here's a hit. Why do things the hard way, when you can gratify yourself without complication, whenever you want? If you're lucky, they'll invent an artificial womb so you can jack it to your 2d waifu and produce offspring. One thing is for certain, the guy inventing this tech wont be jacking it to hentai all day. He won't have the time.


So your idea of individualism is not to achieve greatness, or become the best version of you, but to indulge yourself on demand? You're a wretch. You will be forgotten. What an individual.

910219 No.310616


>on /cow/

>doesn't at least know WHAT vore is

Newfag or bait

a7ca67 No.310617


You need to type like a 3rd worlder and use scheming gypsy double talk.

a92d5d No.310618


Well yea. i mean we are all fucked right? Jews are in to deep remember. They are even using RFID chips on us.

Let all smoke weed and watch the world burn.

I ma just here to laugh at retards and hitler autists, thinking they have a chance. Jews have won already.


>we have IDs.

So? Your point. Trust me my blood is 100% white Anglo, no gypsy in ma tree. I am just making laughs for myself. Seem to be doing a good job by the sperging at me. Lets keep it going lads. it is quite fun.


>You will be forgotten.

And you will be remembered? For what, calling people niggers on twitter is not an achievement. I know /pol/ tells you otherwise. But the truth is you are not very important.

f01cc0 No.310619


>Vee just got tweeted about someone making a fake Vee youtube account

>Wanted to make a few fake accounts

Really activates my almonds

405851 No.310620


Sorry, I'm a newfag to /cow/. I came because of the Kraut (and now Sargon) thing, since I figured there would be funny shit going down.

Exactly how autistic is it?

910219 No.310621


Kill yourself if everything's lost then

958555 No.310622

File: db36eff1f1e5daa⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 593x543, 593:543, kek.JPG)


>Let all smoke weed and watch the world burn.

Oh man, this guy.


a fetish based around swallowing people or being swallowed by them. yes, really

910219 No.310623


Vore is a fetish about being eaten alive by other humans / animals. There are pics of old accounts of Vee's where he's commenting on vore pics saying how great or hot they are.

a92d5d No.310624


Why? I find it fun to laugh.

It releases dopamine remember something i really really need to work my ass off for.


Get me a cap of that. big if true.

e12907 No.310625


This comment is so obviously written by Vee that it's too obvious to be true.


<calling people niggers on twitter is not an achievement.

>This is what hentai-addicted gypsies actually believe

2da07f No.310626


>In traditional societies,

Except in a traditional society they did not have the luxury of access to pornography in a hand held device, didn't have foods polluted with cheap substitutes like corn syrup and canola oil. All these things are maladaptive behaviors of a society who advance too far and only technologically but not socially.

> people like that die off rather than get supported to everyone to the detriment of everyone else.

And how are any of these people suppose to die off with the medical system we have to support obesity and heart failure. How is a porn degenerate suppose to die when living on his parents wages. THESE PEOPLE DON'T DIE OFF, they linger as any parasite and become a burden to our system anyway. The result is that the nation becomes poorer of productive members and with more burdens the more it continues this direction.

b370fe No.310627


>And you will be remembered?

I have a legacy. Not a great one. But I have achievements beyond how many times I can jack off in a day. I still have time to do more.

f01cc0 No.310628

File: bc096d0ba82a4a7⋯.png (47.59 KB, 580x511, 580:511, Vee likes himself.png)

a251b9 No.310629


>calling people niggers on twitter is not an achievement

I don't know about that. It seemed to have a pretty big impact on the election.

1d938d No.310630



They're in this very thread. >>309865

63255d No.310631


>Banning porn that leftists push is leftist

Porn has been around for a lot longer than leftism has.

Or did stuff like shunga simply not exist?

>in a 'traditional' society, porn would be banned.

Then why was it not banned in traditional societies?

>Despite that, if you think 'having hobbies' makes jerking it to porn okay or something

I'd certainly claim that jerking it to porn is fine if it doesn't interfere with your life the same way drinking whiskey is fine as long as you don't fall into alcoholism.

I don't think porn or drink are inherently good, but if they ruin you it's your own fault.

>Nobody said that, that's a strawman

So could Karl Benz have viewed pornography and still have been the man we was, or would he have turned into a porn-junkie, ambivalent towards anything that didn't lead to his next dopamine fix?

>You asked about the effect of porn on the brain.

No I didn't

We have ID's here.

a7ca67 No.310632


I'm not going to speak for tradfags, but I think we're getting into some of their fundamental arguments against the enlightenment. Sure you can set up laws for people who can't exercise self control, but without any greater spiritual cohesion in society nobody is ever going to get fixed. After Loki all political science did was discuss economic inequality with Marx rather than entertaining a society as a holistic living organ that actually needs seemingly backward things like objective moralism. Without it, making up rules around alcohol can sound rather silly. Actual traditionalists can probably describe this better.

a92d5d No.310633


Anyone can hiter larp online.


So that means i have done something worthwhile then. I posted a mean message on twitter to a liberal as well. I am going to right wing heaven who new it was this easy. Oh that sweet dopamine fix. ←- if you can't tell that part was sarcasm.

958555 No.310635

File: b6f20896da18a27⋯.jpg (86.3 KB, 815x607, 815:607, checkem.JPG)


Show me on the doll where the mean right winger touched you.

a92d5d No.310636


>But I have achievements

Your xbox live game account does not count.

e12907 No.310637


>"hiter larp"


>"who new"


>The entire structure and grammar of the comment

And you really expect me to believe you were only pretending to be a retarded gypsy?

910219 No.310638


Sounds like your describing the alt-kike

a92d5d No.310639


I am a right winger. Or is this a purity test?

b370fe No.310640

File: aa0d5a51456d691⋯.gif (819.92 KB, 3558x3364, 1779:1682, 1512672041494.gif)


>Porn has been around for a lot longer than leftism has.

The scale of the modern pornography industry has been a feature of civilization since forever, huh?


Enlightenment fags credit a bunch of fart huffing aristocrats for a lot of things. Read Spengler.

b370fe No.310641


I have planted trees my grandchildren will enjoy the shade of. I'll also have a decent inheritance to leave my kids. Like I said, it's not great, but it's something and I have time to do more.

2da07f No.310642


> And you will be remembered? For what,

Having family members that rely on you, being some help to the community. Being a role model to others.

Not everyone wastes their time masturbating to hentai games, Vee.

405851 No.310643


>a fetish based around swallowing people or being swallowed by them

So… it's like pregnant porn, but with a different hole? I mean, that's definitely more than a little autistic, but I was expecting something on the level of vibrating nipple clamps.


Oh. Oh my.

910219 No.310644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Topical video on porn

958555 No.310645

File: f5241fb1d10abb0⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 931x117, 931:117, angry gypsy rants at evil ….JPG)


In what way?

a92d5d No.310646


Come on man attacking spelling and grammar is bottom of the barrel i have no argument talk. /pol/ tells me you are all intellectual giants akin to Sargon the great himself.


Money and wood. wew lad call me back when you have something worth writing in the history books. Or at least a statue in park. Even Marx got a bust. and he was the lazy faggot of history.


>Having family members that rely on you, being some help to the community

So being the community's bitch and going to gay as fuck pta meetings. That is your legacy? oh fuck sides are in space.


Small gov, gun rights etc no regulation. I just think the hitler larp is cringe as fuck. There is better ways to tell whites to have baby's than denying the holocaust and being edgy fucks. It was funny for a time, i was laughing. But now people take it for more than what it was an out edge contest on /pol/.

e12907 No.310647


<Come on man attacking spelling and grammar is bottom of the barrel i have no argument talk. /pol/ tells me you are all intellectual giants akin to Sargon the great himself.

>He thinks I'm here to challenge him in the halls of debate

>He thinks I'm not just here to laugh at a retarded gypsy

f01cc0 No.310648

Someone needs to bake a new bread soon

958555 No.310650

File: be87959cff62382⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 480x494, 240:247, i was right.jpg)


>he thought /pol/ was just being ironic

a92d5d No.310651


>He thinks i give a fuck and not just fucking with him back

Do you really think i am vee? He is busy at the moment.

If you can't stump vee's ghost what use are you? You fail at julaying.

2dcddb No.310652


>Porn has been around way longer

Not in the modern sense it hasn't.

>Then why wasn't it banned

Except it was.

>It's fine if it doesn't interfere with your life

Yeah I agree, anything is fine as long as it doesn't interfere, hold on let me just do this line of coke. What? Interfere with my life? No, I have complete control over myself and this affects me in a negative way not at all, I can stop at anytime I want.

>But if they ruin you its your own fault

That still doesn't address the fact that it ruins people, and a simple solution is banning it. Especially when it is pushed onto people as well.

>Muh karl benz strawman

Anyone can see porn and be fine with it; It's a different matter once you start jerking it to cuck shit on a daily basis as you're like to do.

>>You asked about the effect of porn on the brain.

Who are you quoting retard?

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