When many people hear the word “ancestor”they instantly think of the blood relatives that they
know of. However the word ancestor is more fluid. Ancestors come in many forms.
They can be spirit beings of water, air, fire, earth, the blood ancestors of your lineage, elevated ancestors -- those you don’t know, and the adopted ancestors or guardians who have chosen to work with you in past and present life times (which come in the form of Ascended Masters, Deity’s , Goddesses, Angels, Spirit Animals, Star Travelers, and more.)
These are those who came before you, that opened the way for you to be here, who prayed for you before they knew you.
All are those who worked for your future. Whether we are in tune or not, they walk among us.
They are in our blood, in our bones, and when they heal, we are uplifted. I have come to believe that our ancestors answer our prayers first.
Native American culture believes the ancestors are very much alive and are with us in the present time constantly. There is a belief that there was no real death, just a change of worlds.
This means the ancestors are very much alive spiritually as they were when they were here physically. They just reside in the spirit world.
To many shaman of South Africa, Ancestors are the center of their work -- connecting them to the rest of the spirit realm. Their traditional beliefs include what western science is now validating.
When we do our own inner healing, we heal 7 generations forward and 7 generations back.
This stems from the fact that the memories, traumas, pains, as well as the power and wisdom of our ancestors, runs through our blood -- stored in our energetic, mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Honoring our ancestors does not have to always be through ritual or cerPost too long. Click here to view the full text.