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File: ccb9e879caa870d⋯.jpg (45.86 KB,327x499,327:499,language crystal.jpg)

98f78e No.6071 [Last50 Posts]

The book the Jews don't want you to have and I will pay $50 BTC to anyone who pdfs it

There is a reason why this monumental book is kept at artificially high prices. It is because hose who read it gain incredible power over language and their minds. After all when you speak to someone you are merely using words so that they can read your mind.

Don't be a prisoner of language see through the language crystal more clearly then before.

If you can PDF this book I will pay you $50 USD in bitcoins

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652688 No.6074

>$1350 on amazon


new age nigger shit detected, I got an archive coming out soon with thousands of books that your blow your newfag socks off (including a lot of books that are banned on amazog and will get you arrested in cucked european nations)

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cebce2 No.6075

I've seen a lot of anons talking about this, and would love to get my hands on it. Hopefully it's not as big of a let down as '200 years together' was. The idea of language has always been so interesting; ever since I read about "newspeak" in 1984, and started to realize just how important a series of symbols in a certain order is. Having a certain perspective, or experiencing something in the past can completely change how you see things. A news story can be boring to one person, but to another it is bristling with incredible information. Just imagine what reality would be like if we pealed back all forms of words, and all former perspectives. It almost makes me wonder if language is actually an evil thing used to trap us in a materialistic mind-set.

But enough ranting. Hope to see this book soon. The mods here seem pretty nice, so hopefully the fact you're offering a bounty will cause them not to anchor the thread.

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109ada No.6077


>The mods here seem pretty nice, so hopefully the fact you're offering a bounty will cause them not to anchor the thread.

kek, well thank you anon.There's only me here I was actually just thinking of deleting it since it really belongs in the request thread, I don't know yet. Seems unfair on the other requests but then a lot of people just ignore the rules I made so it probably doesn't make much difference.

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6c1827 No.6080


Smiley, please. Just fucking post shit already. You're always a "I'll do it later" type of faggot.

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652688 No.6081


oh look another triggered jew

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652688 No.6082


Realistic projects involve a lot of time and effort. One book can take a person years to complete, so for me this ultimately about paying respect to those people by not lumping their hard work in with a bunch of shill shit like OP's suggested book, and offering a good resource of knowledge to anons who arent DUDE WEED LMAO kidbrains like you.

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98f78e No.6085


what was wrong with the 200 year book. Did it not get properly translated?

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109ada No.6088


I had the impression from some /pol/ posters that they were disappointed that it wasn't as anti-kike as they thought it was going to be. I guess their expectations come from that quote of the author about jews and Bolshevism and blood maddened jewish terrorists. I've not read the book though so I've no opinion on whether it's a worthwhile read or not.

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6c1827 No.6089



Why are you projecting? I just want the books.

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cebce2 No.6091

File: ac92b105e80f05b⋯.jpg (135.82 KB,640x884,160:221,5175151e9a3e9b3da3a8685518….jpg)

File: 6b5099c6324e6bc⋯.jpg (64.08 KB,750x398,375:199,Aleksandr-Solzhenitsyn-Ima….jpg)


It was a pretty average history of Russo-Judean relations. It's enough to get branded an anti-semite in the West, since it's not biased in favor of the Jews. But there was very little in the way of red-pills. >>6088 is right that the quotes in pics related made us assume he'd be handing out red-pills like candy. I was among their ranks, especially considering the ferocity with which this Nobel Prize winning author's book was being denied translation. One cannot help but assume he would have let out some of the most esoteric truths about the Jewish Question, but there was very little to be excited over. And the thread announcing the complete translation fell to the bottom of the catalog faster than some anchored threads.

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58cfbb No.6102

File: 9df0ffb188b7b68⋯.jpg (197.44 KB,660x724,165:181,BLOOD_LIBEL_3.jpg)


Then post it already, for fuck's sake.

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25ebd8 No.6143

I wonder what the author would think about the Asura/Deva conflict in India and Iran.

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d0a8ac No.6156


>And the thread announcing the complete translation fell to the bottom of the catalog faster than some anchored threads.

Gee Rabbi, I wonder (((why)))?

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8c43f0 No.6184

File: 907537e10be46f8⋯.jpg (16.2 KB,255x255,1:1,a5dc311551c491eaaeeeeae09e….jpg)


Anon, when I get this book in the mail I will post another update. For some reason the shipping is taking longer than expected.

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190463 No.6185


Thanks Anon

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df998a No.6201

File: 96eafb130753981⋯.gif (88.5 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe christmas.gif)


When you scan it I have $50 USD bitcoin waiting for you!

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a7caf4 No.6202

>Find rare book that is not scanned yet (you can too if you look hard enough in your house or go to good will / yard sale / second hand store / thrift store)

>Put it up on amazon for $999

>Make a thread on forums talking about it, hyping it, telling people it will solve all their problems etc…

>Some idiot buys it

You just got $999 for a $5 book, congrats fellow anon.

Its a standard scam, I remember kids would do this exact scam in MMO RPGS when I was a kid.

>Buying (insert rare but useless item) 5000gold!!!

Now you start yelling

>Selling (insert rare but useless item) 1000gold!!!

>after an hour some sucker buys from you

>your friend exits the game

>sucker is left holding the trash

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a7caf4 No.6203

>The book the Jews don't want you to have and I will pay $50 BTC to anyone who pdfs it

He is creating an illusion of us vs them, you are being denied the book, the book is the forbidden apple you may not have. He is also offering a reward to sweeten the deal. He is working both on your sense of duty and greed.

>There is a reason why this monumental book is kept at artificially high prices.

At this point he is creating the illusion of the book having a high price and that the high price is standard.

>It is because those who read it gain incredible power over language and their minds.

Standard snake oil sales man approach. Its only this book that is able to give you this wisdom, nothing else.

>After all when you speak to someone you are merely using words so that they can read your mind.

>Don't be a prisoner of language see through the language crystal more clearly then before.

At this point he is trying to add fear that the "other" is using techniques against you in your daily life and that if you buy the book you will also have the skills to control people. Working on your fear and greed again.

>If you can PDF this book I will pay you $50 USD in bitcoins

reminder that there is a reward if you buy the book.

My question to this anon is. If you don't have the book, how do you know all this is true?

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9504a3 No.6205



There was a copy on ebay for $80 a few days ago. It's not that rare, just a single print run from the 80s that probably didn't sell well. It looks interesting but i don't know if there's anything special about what's in it. It'll be nice to see either way.

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cebce2 No.6207



I think there are too many places selling the book for it to be typical Jewry. How would he know that his copy will be the one that's sold?

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062fab No.6229

Come on anon digitalize that shit already

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800428 No.6231

File: 1fd1654ebf8e2fc⋯.jpg (27.03 KB,300x369,100:123,transman.jpg)



My grandma was being put into a home recently and she had this book with a shit ton of others that we threw out into the garbage about a month ago.

MOTHER FUCKER, shit was in good condition too

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d16780 No.6232

File: 045e5ec80a24169⋯.png (441.82 KB,805x693,115:99,1387866687991.png)


>we threw out into the garbage about a month ago

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062fab No.6234


>everything I don't like is projecting!

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be82e3 No.6238


Looks like someone is doing it for free.

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29a2a2 No.6252


But you're being fucking retarded because he hasn't posted it at all and is always saying he'll do it later.

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8c43f0 No.6284

File: aa96c3d199095d2⋯.png (230.38 KB,1352x1064,169:133,fail.png)


The copy of Language Crystal I purchased was "lost in the mail." I tried. It seems another anon has a copy?


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0f6b36 No.6288


Dude what the fuck

inb4 it coincidentally appears on amazog for double the amount you paid, or inb4 jews memory holed it and now you're gonna get v&

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60b00a No.6293


Holy shit what rabbit hole have we uncovered here…

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cebce2 No.6294


The devil take them. At first it was a curiosity, something forgettable, but now it is an investigation. Thank you for your efforts.

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5657d0 No.6295

File: bdc5a3e46f18811⋯.png (901.05 KB,885x1278,295:426,1495253653746.png)

File: 51bb00e3a6590f6⋯.png (2.06 MB,957x1283,957:1283,1495253532454.png)

File: 2a7aa935cef2a9c⋯.png (881.77 KB,956x1278,478:639,1495253583085.png)

File: d2c46b7e00c27ee⋯.png (984.16 KB,957x1281,319:427,1495253598942.png)

File: a3a11bc636fd785⋯.png (1.05 MB,956x1281,956:1281,1495253624290.png)

I've been digging for this book all night after discovering all these threads about it. Someone over on halfchan posted the first 16 pages, said they'd do a chapter every night…but never made another thread after uploading them.

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5657d0 No.6296

File: c24aaa0e0da6efe⋯.png (1.08 MB,888x1278,148:213,1495253848309.png)

File: b5043a250536da0⋯.png (1.26 MB,911x1278,911:1278,1495253863690.png)

File: ab90a544068925a⋯.png (898.89 KB,903x1280,903:1280,1495253744566.png)

File: c72f2b38d1e0f72⋯.png (1.42 MB,956x1278,478:639,1495253761806.png)

File: 9199fd283a8acc1⋯.png (932.64 KB,956x1277,956:1277,1495253784837.png)



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5657d0 No.6297

File: 18d8bcb0fcdac4f⋯.png (1.32 MB,906x1278,151:213,1495254307951.png)

File: ac28734fd3be565⋯.png (1.29 MB,867x1279,867:1279,1495253891021.png)

File: ba3fc206bd2276e⋯.png (1.12 MB,862x1279,862:1279,1495253906115.png)

File: 2035e86dc7fdec0⋯.png (1.1 MB,877x1268,877:1268,1495253941510.png)

File: fcce19cf0e76f6a⋯.png (1.32 MB,932x1276,233:319,1495254244943.png)

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5657d0 No.6298

File: 6f9c8d463e7a520⋯.png (1.09 MB,800x1277,800:1277,1495254265565.png)

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5b09ca No.6302

Interesting. So are you going to get it scanned properly?

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944bb6 No.6318

Illuminati matrix

Look it up on jew tube

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18e6f5 No.6429

Bump i still have $50 usd i will pay to anyone who uploads this book.

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1e13ed No.6453


I thought you said 50 BTC? Or did you intentionally put the $ sign before to obstruct your oath?

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607e78 No.6470

File: 3826f569e494e98⋯.jpg (72.1 KB,500x392,125:98,jidf.jpg)


observe the jew in its natural habitat

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989d39 No.6497


i put the shekels in the oven go and retrieve them yourself fucking kike.

if it was 50 btc i would have purchased the book myself.

I still have $50 usd when you post the link to the scanned PDF post a bitcoin address where I can send your coins too.

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23dc8b No.6538

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cf0d98 No.6575

Shit…I really want to read this book.

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1367ab No.6620



>not linking properly



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5be345 No.6621


Go here to find any local copies of the book (set it to your address)

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7c2e94 No.6627


underrated post

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989d39 No.6800

bump if anyone has a copy of this pdf'ed i will give you $50 usd in bitcoins. post the link and post a bitcoin address for me to send the shekels 2

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1e0ff3 No.7002

bump i still have $50 usd bitcoins to whoever pdfs this book

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1f6d57 No.7378

File: 347f44fa0793a2b⋯.png (186.36 KB,497x666,497:666,1288387435.PNG)


Chapter 12 & 13 already scanned

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31bb2a No.7382


take your pills mate

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90552e No.7398


Big news fellow anons!

I have struck some more chapter scans of the Language crystal, we now have chapters; 6,8,9,12,13!

Big thanks to MrRyanmcmahon

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8ff078 No.7407


how are you finding the scans?

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90552e No.7409


As I said above, asked this guy; https://www.youtube.com/user/MrRyanmcmahon

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4f97a4 No.7422

Not OP but I will up the offer by another $50 worth of bitcoin

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e44ac6 No.7429

File: bb6a3fbbe0246f6⋯.jpg (152.49 KB,800x800,1:1,activate it.jpg)

For the posters and lurkers alike: can you read castilian (castellano)? If yes, reply to this post, i have the pdf of a book of similar (if not leagues better, but i can't really compare since i haven't read The Language Crystal) magnitude.

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97e036 No.7430


What book is it? I know a bit of Spanish.

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0db4c8 No.7434

File: 2458363d361b5fe⋯.jpg (31.08 KB,600x600,1:1,sweaty statue.jpg)


I'm afraid "a bit" doesn't cut it. But on the bright side, you can practice while you read. Here's the link if you feel brave enough (just keep an online translator with you for the parts you don't understand).

The Bible III: Testament of All Time


Sources: The Aramaic Bible and its translations into Greek (year +35) and into Latin (year

75 BC).

The Castilian Bible. First direct translation from Aramaic to Spanish, between

1,350 and 1,403.

The "Evangelium" of Nero.

Popol Vuh: The Central American Mayan Bible, most of which was

saved by the priests of Teotihuacan and conserved by the Templar Order

of the New Earth until 1787 when it passed into the hands of Votivvm Hermeticvs).

Various documents of the Roman Empire (mostly military parts),

conserved by several Orders not infiltrated by demiurgic elements.

Mahashram Brahma. Hindu secret book, in which all are collected

activities of the Warriors of Light since the Lemurian War (almost

one hundred and fifty thousand years).

The Nordic Edda and the Runemandag: Set of runic books preserved by

the Order of the Grail and some individuals. The Runemandag was translated into Latin

in 150 BC and kept in Rome until the year 64 of this Era. Then it was

copied and taken by the Essenes to Kashmir. Votivvm Hermeticvs preserves

a copy of each one.

Mahakasha Maya Papir. (Great Record of the Uncancelable Mirage or "Book of the

Life of the World ")

The Necronomicon (Not to be confused with Howard Lovecraft's novel) and the Book

of Statistics and Appointments of the Votivvm Hermeticvs.

Comparisons and analysis with several more current books, to extract

syncretism of common factors, transcription and arrangements of Ramiro de Granada.

Buckle the fuck up and have fun.

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877306 No.7440


Post the book. I'll T/L

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8688f8 No.7441

File: 1d54874ac50c721⋯.jpg (412.19 KB,629x1025,629:1025,cvrorig.jpg)

File: 6fba7b459be6f90⋯.jpg (210.49 KB,768x1024,3:4,img_0510.jpg)

File: 8b92e6124ad19c6⋯.jpg (163.73 KB,766x1024,383:512,img_0512.jpg)

File: 053c209b3ace863⋯.jpg (45.5 KB,300x232,75:58,img_0774-001.jpg)

File: a42766b0e23f304⋯.jpg (40.66 KB,300x182,150:91,img_0799-001.jpg)


It's a huge responsibility, since the book tells of extraordinary things that have been guarded for millennia: the Primordial Kristian Doctrine, the original Genesis, the Gospel of Nero, which partially tells the story of Iesus the Essene (blatantly telling you that he was of Nordic blood and pretty tall), the Kristos and last but not least, the Eight Kybalions (Tabvla Maxima Hyperborea), which are A-mor, Life, Truth, Intelligence, Spirit, Unity, Principle (Already available to the public as The Kybalion: By Three Initiates, but it only covers the principle of Principle) and Eternity. It also denounces the Zionist elite and briefly explains the pyramid of power.

Are you a bad dude enough to take upon this?

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0db4c8 No.7442



Still me, different ID cause my proxy started shitting itself as usual, here's another link: http://libgen.io/book/index.php?md5=d103686d757f9d5f618f0fd22bd0bd9a

I'm the uploader, ask me anything if you need.

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1a6c81 No.7443



Got back home downloading it now. I think if I have the time I can do a few pages per day, maybe even whole chapters, it's very readable.

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0db4c8 No.7444


If you get bored of translating midway, you can pass me the translated pages and I'll continue. Either way, you will retain the merit. Thank you kindly.

Also, i suggest you read the whole book before translating, it's not merely a book of knowledge, it's an experience, read it as if it were an adventure. You could even shed some tears of joy when you realize how excelse and genial life is.

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52ad9b No.7457

File: cd13810cb7c49f0⋯.jpg (35.17 KB,532x470,266:235,the vast void.jpg)


>she had this book with a shit ton of others that we threw out into the garbage

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c08b2d No.7614

File: f6c8137570c879e⋯.png (3.81 MB,2014x1580,1007:790,Screen Shot 2017-12-08 at ….png)


If the torrent doesn't start right away, just let it sit for like 24 hours. Also you can add this peer

I'm sorry my fingertip got caught in several of the pages. It was tricky holding the book open and scanning it with my phone.

I did some research on the author. It appears the book was self-published. The phone number for the publishing company is also Lawrence's personal phone number. He still have some original, never read copies in stock that he's teamed up with a Jew (Daniel Efram) to sell on ebay for $1500 each. So OP was telling the truth, there is a reason this book is kept at artificially high prices. Hopefully with this digital copy on the internet, we can finally crash their prices and pop this little price bubble game they're playing.

I recently sold my copy, before uploading this here, for obvious reasons. There was a lot of interest in this book. People were contacting me from all over the world making offers.

Bitcoin link is in the torrent, OP, but you don't have to pay me. This was fun and sometimes I do things for free ;)

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35f62e No.7615

File: 12fc073d9ddd91a⋯.jpg (32.32 KB,467x404,467:404,happening_2.jpg)



Humongous if veritative.

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35f62e No.7616

File: c6ab37787ca77f1⋯.webm (173.04 KB,638x356,319:178,BROKEN_WONDERFUL.webm)




Thank you based stranger, now off to see if the book is useful.

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97e036 No.7618


god bless you anon


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4232ae No.7626

File: f08c7e28068b8ed⋯.webm (3.1 MB,1280x540,64:27,Die_Hard.webm)

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5449ef No.7627


now anon, (you) and I both know I aint clicking that

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4232ae No.7628

File: cd53dee9de96eeb⋯.jpg (7.45 KB,320x240,4:3,downloading a rare PDF.jpg)


Come on, what's wrong with some dolphin love every once in a while? Are you a specieist?

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a164a1 No.7650

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d7db61 No.7661

File: ad9be2e84976451⋯.jpg (58.73 KB,620x400,31:20,Osama-bin-Laden-Jalalabad-….jpg)


>I came back from the dead (2002) to laugh at you nigger… but can't stay long anon's… gotta go whisper some shit in obamu snackbar's ear and fumble his monkey dumplins..incubus style.

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d7db61 No.7662

File: 7ea47b88e6c8cc7⋯.jpg (73.43 KB,500x687,500:687,osama061.jpg)



> forgot to say thanks for Babel Quartz book. Now I can finally figure out how to read the street signs around here.

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a164a1 No.7663



Nice, keep on trucking Osama.

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d7db61 No.7665

File: c83e9cd0ecb1d16⋯.jpg (1015.88 KB,1621x1080,1621:1080,OsamaKeeponinfalalala.jpg)


This could be the funniest shit I have ever photoshopped. Thanks for the inspiration anon.

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7a1f8a No.7721



Is it out of the question to just post the pdf ITT?

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2efa20 No.7737


>Is it out of the question to just post the pdf ITT?

>195.4 MB

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fab466 No.7745


what kind of new age garbage is this?

I feel someone jewed 5 minutes from me skimming through this thread

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0e53e3 No.7779

check your email account nigger

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6be4f7 No.7793

This book made me dsylexic

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5a6a19 No.7794


Cleaned-up, lower filesize version when?

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c5f2f4 No.7808


Does it ever stop being so leftist?

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2e1031 No.7812


I couldn't trudge through any further. The nuggets of truth to nutjob nonsense ratio isn't worth $1500. Not even close. Sure is an oddity, but this book will lower your IQ guaranteed.

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b699ed No.7944


I remember of wanting to read this book some year ago, now that i have seen this 10 page scam posted i realised this is some next level new age bullshit.

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18a30e No.8181


I'm eleven pages in and I already want to delete it after I saw his weird scribbles. Care to share some of those nuggets or clarify in which direction they're going? It's actually really annoying to read and you are right, I already feel dumber.

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d84ac4 No.8183


> The nuggets of truth to nutjob nonsense ratio isn't worth $1500

>Yet he downloaded a free book


> now that i have seen this 10 page scam posted i realised this is some next level new age bullshit.

>Not read the entire book



>I'm eleven pages in and I already want to delete it after I saw his weird scribbles

> It's actually really annoying to read and you are right, I already feel dumber.

The kikery is strong in this one.

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a23d52 No.8548


>Born again of Je-R-usa-L-em, the USA shall re-unite "Right" and "Left" to fulfill its global destiny.

Garbage-tier even by woolly new-age pulp standards

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d0079e No.8609



Agreed I got hyped and it's trash I feel so over sold

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5b4015 No.8610


It's not uncommon to see artificial scarcity being used, especially by occult/newage/fringe types, to sell books at absurd prices to collectors/seekers.

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b8d2df No.8614


>>Not read the entire book


I'm not going to waste my time reading this nonsense all the way trough just so some schizo on a dead site can take my common sense complaints seriously.

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051ac0 No.8617

זה נראה שהגוים מתעניינים בספר הזה , אני הולך להוריד

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ea32ce No.8621

SO I just finished reading the entire book (you can get it for free- it's shit) and it was fucking useless. It was NLP-tier. The type of garbage Kike Cernobitch would shill. I swear to god who even hyped this garbage? It felt more like leftists indoctrination more than anything else. It's like you just put a really big number on something and retards go crazy for it.

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520c29 No.8909

you can download it free from this link

It is 195MB


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398ff7 No.8935

File: 0f1081b32817b23⋯.gif (66.74 KB,361x434,361:434,downloading-communism.gif)


>you can download it free


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5914d4 No.9096

File: 72a635ea846dac3⋯.pdf (193.7 KB,Terrorists Handbook.pdf)

Couldn't find the proper thread

Terrorist's Handbook by CHAOS industries

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a69dec No.9107


money is jewish

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a69dec No.9108


daily reminder Orwell was a gigantic hypocrite.

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d32c26 No.9123


Happy to see some modern lunatics here. It's like hyper-intellectualism, but in a healthy, rational way.

Makes me feel pretty comfy. If not comfy, then the thought that society is gonna collapse and you're all gonna leave me alone to my own devices in the wasteland because I didn't make the cut.

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c16bac No.9125


oy vey buy my books

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2207ff No.9186

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2207ff No.9188

File: 031e7f61fd65f87⋯.png (1.63 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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25320d No.9249


this book is pure shit

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48d0fd No.9277


Soy español de pura cepa, Anon. Estás de suerte.

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e4621f No.9296

Yo no, pero venga ese PDF.

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7cf9a4 No.9302

File: a8e3cf125232b59⋯.png (59.53 KB,491x148,491:148,ClipboardImage.png)


Funny shit, tho

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cbbfe8 No.9498


I just down loaded TERRORIST HANDBOOK, with no vpn and not a single proxy

fuck the glow in the dark cia NIGGERS reading this

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07ea17 No.9545

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07ea17 No.9546

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65a47e No.9655


Reading something isn't illegal anon. It's putting that information to physical action that's the illegal part. Fuck the CIAniggers, and anyone who tells you any info is illegal. You can read shit for informational purposes.

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dca035 No.9658


It depends where you are. In bongland you can be arrested for collecting information that could be useful to a terrorist. You don't even have to be the terrorist or be involved in terrorism to be arrested and charged. Even possessing the Anarchist's Cookbook is enough to see you v&.

They're also drawing up bills to make it illegal to view terrorist material online, and their definition of a terrorist and terrorist material is whatever they say it is.

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cbbfe8 No.9661


I was mostly joking. But I did DL it

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21cb78 No.9898

Requesting Fourth Reich of the Rich.

ADL has labled it, unsurprisingly, as anti-semitic. So by definition it's a book the Jews don't want us to have. Preferably in PDF; thanks.

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7d952b No.10030

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c89f4e No.10044



Well my hunch was right, the moment I saw this hype-OP post and the cover I had my suspicions.

Surprise, the book is a load of nonsense.

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9799ad No.12408

File: 131b90e67829b09⋯.pdf (8.84 MB,The Language Crystal.pdf)

File: 8b9afc96da3ef0c⋯.jpg (36.45 KB,480x656,30:41,Kira Boner.jpg)


>The Language Crystal

Huh, I remember about four months ago I went on a downloading spree of all the samizdat I could get my hands on. Had no idea the one you're looking for was that spicy lmao. Cheers!

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db2730 No.12409


Don't know if you have found a copy or not but here you go pdf version.


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02754d No.12436


I'm doing my masters work on the history of guerrilla warfare. If there was danger in downloading this sort of info, I would already be in a dark hole in the ground.

I've also asked an actual spook (who I trust with my life), and they said that there is no such list that people get put on.

They only use books/travel history/etc when they are actually investigating you or after you have committed the crime.

And obviously you shouldn't need to be fucking told not to kill people and plant bombs and shit.

Especially when we have so many non-violent avenues of speaking our mind and living in peace.

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000000 No.13523

Found a link on reddit

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000000 No.13727

Does anyone know why the Imperial Library is gone and if there is maybe a new .onion-address for it?

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a2785f No.13742

File: c2c2a979ab606d0⋯.jpg (31.63 KB,500x281,500:281,doctorwhoremovekebab.jpg)


>I've also asked an actual spook (who I trust with my life), and they said that there is no such list that people get put on.

But that's exactly what a spook would say!

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2332e1 No.13764

The book is on PDF drive


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5a970e No.13800

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000000 No.13842

I read a couple of chapters from this book and had hoped to have been revealed to something that would be of use to me, but instead I ended up wishing that I never started this book. Its pretty much what you'd expect from a delusional hippie smoking pothead, LSD and crystal meth abusing junkie who meditates and worships giant phalli for hours on end.

Still don't understand how 13, 18, Reagan, Contra or any of these terms and numbers from the many others mentioned in the book helps me with anything, and the idea that being dyslexic means you're speaking in a secret language. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to understand it, or maybe it really is just complete garbage.

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9e8dbc No.13890


Many such cases, but at least now we can be sure.

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