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d9b57b No.14191643

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


28beb0 No.14191650


073bf7 No.14191657

File: 5ac185510641621⋯.png (197.87 KB, 429x680, 429:680, ClipboardImage.png)

Remove comic autist.

cc3921 No.14191663

File: fafeaf80bda941a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 84.95 KB, 799x900, 799:900, 289e0f4b72accaba7ffa3465e0….png)

c85425 No.14191664

073bf7 No.14191666

File: 5dc7639463216cb⋯.png (6.2 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 5dc7639463216cb5f4f14a32bc….png)


28beb0 No.14191671



(2) can play this game.

389c9e No.14191672


Damn, have the old bread archive you smug little girl.

d9b57b No.14191674

File: c402f5163c152c4⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 851x720, 851:720, Gordon Ramsay Checkem.jpg)


Thanks Satan.


Nice try.

389c9e No.14191677

cc3921 No.14191680

File: c6385a6e9f3cac0⋯.webm (120.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Good Job.webm)

2ce737 No.14191689

File: 1dd83d1ac4577b2⋯.png (612.1 KB, 617x785, 617:785, ScreenShot001.png)

File: 2fbbd97a8a89133⋯.webm (165.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JonTron - Whyyyy.webm)

c01bee No.14191697

File: 33e0e5f418cb0f3⋯.gif (694.11 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ara wonders what the fuck ….gif)


Red Sonja straight up looks like a tranny, what the fuck?

9194a5 No.14191707


she looks less like a tranny and more like a 16yo tramp

389c9e No.14191716



Dynamite Entertainment for the last two years has been invaded by a bunch of soyboy cucks and lesbian dykes, they pretty much killed Vamperella and Red Sonja with "Modernize" character designs.

c01bee No.14191719

File: da8f00f2f391136⋯.jpg (497.21 KB, 641x900, 641:900, b15c28e6e5536a9e8e4020d447….jpg)


Actually, you're right, it looks like a school bully who's going to some gay pride event.

ac09c9 No.14191722

File: f4ef7403210ecf1⋯.png (445.06 KB, 612x819, 68:91, nisa mombot.png)

Please explain this pic.

28beb0 No.14191723

File: 313f08c586304aa⋯.png (348.83 KB, 599x448, 599:448, jumpy alcoholic.PNG)



c01bee No.14191724

File: 773bac1738b1ca8⋯.png (262.48 KB, 367x442, 367:442, Commando.PNG)


Several questions:


>Why is he salty about Mombot?

>Why do I want to hold hands with Mombot?

389c9e No.14191726


SJWeeb of course, and looking at his profile, he's from Brooklyn and a nigger who failed and had to go back a grade or two in school.

ac09c9 No.14191729


At least she didn't behave like she was mentally arrested and looked like it as well.

13ef8a No.14191734


It looks like a flipper.

3d6ac5 No.14191736


I have the perfect explanation :



0fa508 No.14191739


Why do you wanna hold hands with supa bus?

ac09c9 No.14191746

File: f08a8fc89e52d85⋯.jpg (893.92 KB, 1022x1840, 511:920, saori qt.jpg)


Please don't bully me with your big, fat benis.

I have been away for months.

c85425 No.14191751

Oh look its that faggot who got banned from cuckchan, came here and got banned as well

5164e8 No.14191752


She was 5/10 at most times, never a looker but never outright ugly, just meh, but they weren't even happy with meh and made her 2/10

c01bee No.14191753

File: 2c4edfb540f7638⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1190x540, 119:54, Tiger mafia rising revenge….PNG)


Mombot a supa bot

3d6ac5 No.14191755


Welcome back dear

28beb0 No.14191756


Dude's reaching fucking HEman levels of autism.

d9b57b No.14191770

File: 1c6da0977878b29⋯.jpg (93.64 KB, 640x425, 128:85, Suzuki-Gun.jpg)

File: 5342983e1dfaffd⋯.jpg (72.27 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Chaos Take a Sip 2.jpg)

File: 5d15993a7970f9f⋯.jpg (188.8 KB, 871x1200, 871:1200, Bullet Club 8.jpg)

File: 7cd6587b79c7ba9⋯.jpg (173.87 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Los Ingobernables 13.jpg)

So the age-old question remains:

Which among these wrestling factions do you think embodies #GamerGate and /v/ the most?

97982c No.14191772

File: 5ec0fb8e46eebf9⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1426x2657, 1426:2657, Sure is spam here.png)


Hi Mark! Let me just clarify before you start making up more bullshit that I haven't posted on 4cuck in years and it wasn't only me posting ebin wojak maymays. Thanks.

3d6ac5 No.14191784


You're right at home then faggot

5f9a87 No.14191793

Aras who run orphanages have all the appeal of milfs without the fact that they've had sex with another man

d9b57b No.14191812

File: 9f92d291d2e8a78⋯.jpg (86.59 KB, 720x867, 240:289, Retard 2160.jpg)

389c9e No.14191815


Nu-Blizzard e-sports have been failing for years, but glad to know that Polygone is adding their SJW shit to the fire.

c85425 No.14191817


Sorry bud, you don't have to be mark to laugh at a salty faggot who got banned for posting cuckchan shit

3d6ac5 No.14191820


>no archive of the tweet

>no archive of the article

>days old slowpoke

>no reply of the very girl they defend in the article as the victim who tells them they're lunatic cunts and she wants to be seen as a player, not "just a girl"

You're the biggest retard and I hate you and everyone else does

c01bee No.14191821

File: 33d3316b8474e10⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1300x1889, 1300:1889, 7ff3fea9e9b9eedf21aeefabe….jpeg)


The only reason why I don't want women in my e-sports is that because I hate seeing women degrade themselves with embarrassing things such as e-sports.

97982c No.14191823


Lol has "the climate" ever been different for them?

9194a5 No.14191824


thats an incredibly convoluted reasoning to justify being a faggot

48dfd5 No.14191826

File: b023d56668e9d25⋯.png (972.51 KB, 1130x905, 226:181, Untitled.png)


Loli is legal in freedom land.

d9b57b No.14191830

File: 1e9f15e9a3d5846⋯.png (890.36 KB, 712x801, 8:9, Rody Duterte Police.png)


>Fetishizing lolis

>Sexualizing lolis

You're the reason why Rowdy Rody kills people.

3e9b94 No.14191831

File: ccb8d31fe82eff8⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ccb8d31fe82eff8351861f4daf….jpg)


Freedom to get shot that is.

48dfd5 No.14191832


It's obviously fuck off proresufag.

c01bee No.14191840


lolicons are ok, child abusers are not.

48dfd5 No.14191841


Being anti-loli is a sign of being a goon or normalfag and Mark has banned for it when I was just shitposting before.

c01bee No.14191849

File: 86d3efaf1a1d065⋯.jpg (126.61 KB, 781x1000, 781:1000, a1292e44756c89b07c1dc990d3….jpg)


Being anti-loli is also a sign of being a child-abuser. Anti-loli stances tend to come from people actively sexualizing underage girls these days.

As an arafag, I will defend the right to enjoy loli stuff, because once they are done with loli, the goons will go for my aras next.

1829d3 No.14191850

File: 3ebf33577bf8e24⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 474x615, 158:205, ed207620c281b390b7338e094a….jpg)

Weekly reminder to love your waifu/husbando or else face the eternal fire of Hell.

48dfd5 No.14191856


>Usually means the same shit

It literally doesn't because there is no correlation. 99% of People caught for 3DPD have little to no interest in 2D and vice versa for those interested in 2D.

aa46fb No.14191857

File: 09f3ce220576228⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 314x580, 157:290, 211232ce40ba4abc1d23b9a41c….jpg)


>Lewding lolis

3e9b94 No.14191859



Gays not welcome.

9a2d85 No.14191862

File: 285ee1c25163e4e⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 500x375, 4:3, if only rabbit rabbit thre….jpg)

Wasn't the deleted post page for /v/ in /v/res/delete.html? I can never fucking remember the URL.

48dfd5 No.14191864


Wasn't me anon, I swear! A nip drew that picture.


How the hell is that horseshoe theory?

ac09c9 No.14191865

File: fa6d6e400fff42e⋯.jpg (136.48 KB, 850x899, 850:899, asagi wedding dress2.jpg)


I will never stop fighting for my waifus sake.

3e9b94 No.14191866



>jumping extremes

5f9a87 No.14191868


That's not really waifu material…

d9b57b No.14191869


Then let me be sent to hell, for I have a harem.

48dfd5 No.14191872



You deserve it faggot.

48b97c No.14191875


Not if you want to stay alive anyways

f8092a No.14191879

>mark derailing thread and letting off topic posts stay up

I guess this means I can post galko again since rules no longer matter

1829d3 No.14191880

File: a8957d356430432⋯.png (3.3 MB, 938x1600, 469:800, Kingtekken.png)


Don't be a pussy.

48dfd5 No.14191881

File: 7ed4e80a592f88e⋯.png (367.05 KB, 719x1729, 719:1729, Keep Out The Furries.png)

470851 No.14191886

File: 8496235e0b72e1f⋯.jpg (153.15 KB, 953x1200, 953:1200, 4adc8ee02b78b97bb4b0f61ba1….jpg)


No matter how much orc cock she takes, Asagi will never fail to make my dick rock hard.

She's definitely not waifu material, though, because she'll drop her panties if she even smells a cock. And you'll probably die after you fuck her once.

d9b57b No.14191891

File: 303f1796ca4b624⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, RPG 3k Take a Sip 2.jpg)


I regret nothing.

88dfa9 No.14191892


>Learns new word

>Uses it whenever they want to insult someone even if it is's a completely misuse of the term.

ac09c9 No.14191893

File: 3332a4a6d9b9ea7⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 804x604, 201:151, asagi pregnant.jpg)



Virgins please leave.

48dfd5 No.14191901


>It's proresufag

>Proresufag is OP

>Proresufag is anti-loli

>Proresufag is a polygamist

>Proresufag posts unarchived caps of shit from days ago

Jesus Christ get your shit together.

1829d3 No.14191902


I think it matters mostly of what dedication one shows to his/her waifu/husbando. It doesn't matter whether the character is an angel, a devil, a realist, crazy, average, boring, cool, a scum, pure or a sperm bank. It ends with of you showing your commitment towards that character.

827e69 No.14191904


it kind of isn't but nobody is going to spend the resources to find and prosecute people who jack off to it. Unless they have a real CP on their computer then they'll go after you and add charges. Lewd gamer did an article about it.

470851 No.14191911

File: e067c868e124ac3⋯.png (70.66 KB, 597x563, 597:563, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)



I suppose you're right. I suppose I just can't see myself waifuing her.

48dfd5 No.14191916

File: e3b3203d10d5c80⋯.png (182.98 KB, 542x483, 542:483, confused umi.png)


Can't find the article. Source?


But I didn't insult anyone?

26b17a No.14191922

File: 9a595cd326b9a51⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vlcsnap-2012-03-17-16h05m3….png)


Way ahead of you, have been for years… obsessing.

d9b57b No.14191923

>>14191918 ← This is a bot.

Don't click the links. It contain malwares and viruses.

51cac1 No.14191926

File: dcac9d9f4aeccb9⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1496586550102.jpg)



1b9b35 No.14191932


Well no shit, anon.

48dfd5 No.14191933


Ya fucking think so? I don't know anon. It looks pretty organic to me.

ac09c9 No.14191935


He's actually doing it manually?

389c9e No.14191937


He was always a bluepilled faggot before he was forever known as the bike cuck, but jesus

>I've read Zoe's book on it

That's some top cuckoldry there.

827e69 No.14191941

File: 5cd0bdc27133f28⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 601.42 KB, 1056x1200, 22:25, 1.png)

File: 9d63eeacfb10acd⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 524.87 KB, 978x1200, 163:200, 2.png)

File: 6182c3c50e89cea⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 381.22 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 3.png)

1829d3 No.14191944


>I got an email from a game dev

>I've read Zoe's book

Is it me or does it somehow looks that he's nervous on something?

f8092a No.14191946


No he is just a cuck who hangs out with the far oeft loons

Like remember he was defending antifa

aa46fb No.14191947

File: 451f76c6ae17682⋯.png (161.86 KB, 335x344, 335:344, 451f76c6ae176822571284fd75….png)


Pretty sure he realizes he's fucked because the usual suspects have smelled wrongthink on him and he's desperately trying to mitigate the inevitable onslaught of autism.

389c9e No.14191948


He supported Bernie, then flipflop to Hillary, then back to Jewish Commie, also supported Antifa and more "Diversity", so tl;dr, pretty much a bluepilled cuck who likes to it up in the ass.

1829d3 No.14191955


He could have ended his statement already before starting to mention Valkenburg. But he went there and started to say about it as if he wanted make this two times clear to everyone.

030b2e No.14191958


Then go to cuckchan. Cuckchan ban lolicon and their /a/ hates lolicon.

cd5706 No.14191966

So did anyone else get the shitty "Twitter noticed you inadvertently followed an account that was Russian propaganda" email?

030b2e No.14191968


Surprised lolicon is allowed on 8chan despite that law.

47491d No.14191969

File: c8a0a52676b1a82⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 636x288, 53:24, Yoshi Man.gif)


Those numbers!

04181d No.14191993

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

a84e7b No.14192001

File: 2d32e397ee97422⋯.jpg (173.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2d32e397ee9742206e4c4c2d2e….jpg)

>tfw police state

389c9e No.14192004


Bongistan Yes!

050c84 No.14192006


>Women are so weak we need to create special exceptions for them to participate

I like when they themselves are being sexist.

030b2e No.14192016


Save money and move the fuck out of there.

9a2d85 No.14192035


>giving Twitter your phone number and personal details

When will people learn?

107046 No.14192049


The "I don't care, I've got nothing to hide!" mentality at fucking work.

Why is it that the best advice I have when it comes to being online is the tagline for a fucking video game? Trust no one.

6432a7 No.14192050


>implying twitter doesn't have the bong police force in their pockets

>implying the cabal behind twitter didn't have a hand in creating bongistan's "hate speech" laws

>implying twitter can't just call up the authorities and dox you for saying mean things and hurting fee-fees if you live in a 3rd world shithole like Europe

48dfd5 No.14192056


Very interesting. I'm reading http://afcca.law.af.mil/content/afcca_opinions/cp/taylor-38700.u.pdf on the case a man convicted under 18 U.S.C. § 1466A for lolicon. The the search of his laptop was prompted by a superior officer finding children's underwear in his room. I'm on page 5 where he's trying to argue the law is unconstitustional based on it being overbroad to the point of possibly including works of artistic merit, but

>Here, Appellant suggests two possibilities, graphic depictions from Nabokov’s Lolita or the Greek tragedy Oedipus, where protected speech could possibly be impacted by the reach of 18 U.S.C. § 1466A.

>Unfortunately for Appellant, this court only considers the statute’s application to real-world conduct and not fanciful hypotheticals or possible outcomes.

This gives me an idea though, that some unfortunate bastard who ends up prosecuted because of idiocy or bad luck, he may be able to fight the law if one of the materials he's being charged for is a loli VN with "artistic merit" however the fuck the court defines that and pornographic content that is not the main focus of the story, such as Saya no Uta.

Funny thing about Saya no Uta. I first found out about it from Extra Credits back before GG and before I realized they were disingenuous fucks spouting pretty buzz words with alluring presentation. It still baffles me that a group like them that is so deep in the koolaid and holds so much influence with such a large audiuence could openly recommend a pornographic loli visual novel on Youtube. Hooktube link to the vid where they recommend it. https://hooktube.com/watch?v=JFM9MoqQb3M They recommended some decent games too, but tend to shill pozzed shit by their friends in the industry.


It's extremely low risk to proliferate it on the internet. There are no such cases where anyone has had both an investigation and prosecution based purely on lolicon images downloaded and/or uploaded. There have been prosecutions, but the only cases listed by LewdGamer, who seem to have done a substantial amount of research, seem to have had their investigations prompted by idiocy in 3DPD land.

ca89e8 No.14192057

File: 0490536f4fc1ca3⋯.jpg (45.24 KB, 553x369, 553:369, 20150822565933125[1].jpg)



a84e7b No.14192076


Fuck that, I'm going down with the ship.

6432a7 No.14192091

File: 304db60f091e547⋯.jpg (2.88 KB, 125x126, 125:126, 1256706508274.jpg)


Unless you go down fighting for your homeland, assassinating your SJW leadership and murdering every shitskin you see on the way until you become a scary story they tell each other around their 50 gallon drum fires, you're just being lazy by sticking around and suffering.

389c9e No.14192094


Go /k/ommando and wait for the Day of Mudslime Rage, then it's survival in the wasteland that was once was Europe.

48dfd5 No.14192100


You'll go down a martyr with no support in a kangaroo court. Get out, or get innawoods.

a84e7b No.14192108




Don't worry lads, I got this.

389c9e No.14192116


You better stock up on food, guns, knives(eat shit Bongistan ban) and find a good place to wait it all out, also back-up on all your favorite vidya.

3a1d34 No.14192119


Start the crusade you were born to do.

d3e0d6 No.14192128

File: e25fadf1d0e4ff4⋯.png (474.95 KB, 964x978, 482:489, ChitoYuuriDubs.png)


Very nice Satan.


SJWeebs are salty retards who are eternally BTFO because a native nip ara smacked them down over their faggotry on multiple occasions, and they simply cant let it go.


I had a little hope for Shen after he took all the bike cuck banter relatively well, looks like its not to be though.


Britain is in severe need of a revolution.

b377b2 No.14192148


I wonder what kind of tweet caused that chain of events.

89deb1 No.14192158

>Game Revolution - Metal Gear Survive Will Never Be Good Enough for Kojima Fans


4fe85d No.14192170

File: 5a9401cc8b03fc5⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 736x467, 736:467, traps are gay chart.jpg)


He wanted to know if traps are gay. ; )

Honestly, I have no clue.

b377b2 No.14192184


I'm going to try the beta and see how bad the game is.


Knowing Britain it could go from "I'm going to kill all muslims" to "I don't like you, you poopy head".

48dfd5 No.14192185


Technically, that article title is very probably correct. But I just know the actual content is going to be shilling Survive and calling Kojima fans "entitled" intsead of self-entitled, becuase the actual meaning of words is no longer relevant in the nuspeak era.

c01bee No.14192199

File: b5533294b7a010b⋯.jpg (63.46 KB, 496x750, 248:375, billy keanu.jpg)


He probably said something about having a "gay old time" watching the Flintstones.

53d839 No.14192201


>all these shill journos trying to prop up Survive as the best Metal Gear game, even trying to say for the millionth time that DmC was good as some sort of comparison

>shitting on Kojimbo and his fans in the process, learning NOTHING from the backlash from shitting on DMC fans

I don't even LIKE Kojima, and I'm not even remotely hype for Death Stranding (at least, not until I see actual gameplay from it), yet this article just feels disrespectful.


Here's a sampler.

>And yet, in spite of the clear winning pitch and framework, Metal Gear Survive was met with a level of disdain on par with Call Of Duty Infinite.

>The unanimous condemnation of Konami from all sides of the Western gaming community is unprecedented. A community that is unable to agree on any issues whatsoever: whether or not loot boxes are bad and are technically gambling, if the selective treatment of Nazis in games and movies is desensitizing us to the fact that the Nazis/alt-right are actually human and also very, very bad.

>The fact of the matter is, Metal Gear Survive’s quality as a game is irrelevant. It'll be a cold day in hell before the Kojima fans ever admit it’s any good.

>Just look at Ninja Theory's DmC; arguably the best Devil May Cry game to date, but many long-time fans of the series wrote it off immediately as a result of the main character's redesign.

>Metal Gear Survive’s biggest crime, like DmC before it, is it's not the old Dante with the white hair.

8d445a No.14192207


Is the beta free and open? if so i might try it.

b377b2 No.14192213


Open until sunday I believe. Monster Hunter World is on beta too.

f8092a No.14192217


The only beta here is you

8d445a No.14192219

File: fba11e36535b448⋯.png (284.63 KB, 548x398, 274:199, Good-Grafics.png.png)


Only one day then,damn


Yeah yeah blow me.

050c84 No.14192228


>Ninja Theory's DmC; arguably the best Devil May Cry game to date

It's not like I had any delusions about how objectively shit their taste is

>but many long-time fans of the series wrote it off immediately as a result of the main character's redesign.

Nice history revisionism cunts.

48dfd5 No.14192229

File: 2e92be90e33904a⋯.png (3.44 MB, 3307x2126, 3307:2126, laughing_aku.png)


>Still going on about the white hair

8d445a No.14192236

File: bd3f1fe44202231⋯.gif (65.68 KB, 136x160, 17:20, huh.gif)

>betas only available on consoles

yeah alright fuck me then i guess.

53d839 No.14192238


The game has been released for literally five years at this point, and journos are still butthurt that people didn't like it.

89deb1 No.14192243

>"Hennig: People Ask for Story Based Games But Aren’t Necessarily Buying Them, They Just Watch Them"


baa8c8 No.14192246


>Metal Gear Survive’s biggest crime, like DmC before it, is it's not the old Dante with the white hair.

That argument foes not hold water when raiden and liquid were both very well received. People dont like works where the artists narcisstically overblown egowank are overt in the work.

baa8c8 No.14192250


>it took writers 12 years to learn this

The stupidity is painful.

48dfd5 No.14192254


This why the focus of most successful games is fucking gameplay.

3d6ac5 No.14192258


B-but muh citizen kane…

a84e7b No.14192260


Apparently he said something about gay pedophiles.

48dfd5 No.14192275

Is it true that Lewd Gamer is sponsored Nutaku?

48dfd5 No.14192283


Well shit. They are.

ff147f No.14192285

File: 8c055008eaa0968⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1386x766, 693:383, NTR.png)

cc1410 No.14192301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jesus Christ, it's a nightmare over there.

60a59c No.14192303

File: 92e871c7a2f0ab5⋯.png (197.38 KB, 294x256, 147:128, 1466711584893.png)


>Metal Gear Rising, for example, had a great reception and was infinitely more stupid, a Platinum Games spectacle fighter that even "predicted" Trump's MAGA campaign with its cartoony villain.

89deb1 No.14192309

60a59c No.14192314

File: cc045f2e2863f3b⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 957x121, 87:11, Capture.JPG)


Also holy fuck they are still shilling DmC

847b0a No.14192320


Meh, I prefer games where I turn into a red meatball and my girl of choice gets raped repeatedly and becomes mindbroken.

baa8c8 No.14192324


Its their golden boy, and their initial shilling forces them have to double down or be reminded that the made a huge error forever.

48dfd5 No.14192342

I thought Fakku outright banned loli? I've heard Jewcob actually just hides it behind a paywall.

f7c833 No.14192356

File: 2418e1cd9cfb812⋯.webm (2.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tachikoma out for a Walk ….webm)


Tweet: https://archive.is/YBoG0

Article: https://archive.is/6eZur


Well shit, maybe IMC could explain a few things about GG given Shen's talked to him a few times. Does Shen also know about the CON chat leaks?


If anything, he'd subtly point out what assholes they are a year from now, in comic form.


Never heard of GameZone before. I wonder how long until all the other outlets shilling MGSurvive decry them as "harassers".

5f9a87 No.14192363


>ban loli

>high school girls who are obviously meant to be around 15-17 are still OK

48dfd5 No.14192374


Well yes. Loli is prepubescent or close to it. Hell it's legal to fuck girls 16 and up in plenty of first world places and sometimes even 15. Why wouldn't fiction drawings of non-real people of a similar age also be just as legal?

48dfd5 No.14192377


Not legal, I mean, but acceptable as fictional porn.

847b0a No.14192379


I think the technical definition of loli is prepubescent.

5f9a87 No.14192384


Because that's not how the law works. Countries that ban loli porn don't specifically ban loli, they ban any porn with characters under 18.

01dd5a No.14192398


looks like red lasonjah rather than sonya

449647 No.14192400

Why am I now forced to be defending Bike Cuck?

This ride has some interesting twists and turns.

89deb1 No.14192419

>Edmonton’s Citadel Theatre apologizes over how it handled Jordan Peterson event.


449647 No.14192420


They love spreading the story that all the game devs hate/hated gg. I wish the industry wasn't so fucking secretive so we could know the truth.

ac09c9 No.14192421

File: d8979172193dd65⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jim_and_DmC.webm)






Will they EVER move on?


It doesn't matter even if she did get gangraped by thousands of orcs and man and used as a meat wagon in the middle of the streets sometimes as long as she is pure in heart and faithful only to me.

17b0fe No.14192426

File: 1c616f122a31ab5⋯.png (233.74 KB, 620x640, 31:32, 1c616f122a31ab591ca3b639ac….png)


Who forced (you)?

5ce268 No.14192433


This kind of niggery is what leads us to "I ONLY HAVE SEX WITH THESE MEN, NOTHING EMOTIONAL"

449647 No.14192438

File: 9678b9eb0975449⋯.jpg (460.2 KB, 1280x1968, 80:123, Why is she earing modern c….jpg)

File: ea0757ca999e9f4⋯.jpg (147.26 KB, 663x1019, 663:1019, Red Sonja 01.jpg)


The easy answer is

>It's just a variant cover

>The actual art doesn't look like that,

And for the most part this does disprove the whole

>Western artists can't do pretty women

But it's still a cop out. That cover looks HIDEOUS and should have never been green lit, variant cover or not, what were they thinking?

449647 No.14192445


Because other than cucking afterwards, he didn't really do anything wrong, and is getting ate alive over nothing.

86de5f No.14192467

File: e661c5d9ce402a8⋯.jpg (81.01 KB, 502x453, 502:453, charls.jpg)


What a brave new world!

072487 No.14192469


>Why is she earing modern clothes though.jpg

Took the words right out of my mouth.

ee0f6a No.14192473


I'm guessing she was just in the "real" world.

5f9a87 No.14192476


What's the regular cover?

e66ff1 No.14192511


I don't even know to laugh or to cry, this is unnerving as fuck. Imagine trying not to be a faggot and being honest about health issues and social degradation of faggotry enabling society, and getting vanned for that.

48dfd5 No.14192512


He was a hard left cuck before and after the comic and is a completely viable target for mockery. The comic just brought him noteriety.

4fe85d No.14192513


>That argument foes not hold water when raiden and liquid were both very well received.

I know Rising was well liked, but I thought people had disdain for MGS2 for it's bait and switch with replacing Snake with Raiden.

449647 No.14192550

File: 0fd2a5d62570f4a⋯.jpg (240.82 KB, 600x900, 2:3, cover 01.jpg)

File: 15710bc803e41f0⋯.jpg (235.79 KB, 600x900, 2:3, cover 02.jpg)

File: bd3643fdc4308bd⋯.jpg (184.1 KB, 600x900, 2:3, cover 03.jpg)

File: 91185e2505abf54⋯.jpg (229.08 KB, 600x900, 2:3, cover 04.jpg)

File: 9b19f8d3eaccf2e⋯.jpg (268.37 KB, 600x900, 2:3, cover 05.jpg)


It's a mixed bag. The Fifth one might be even uglier.

4abe5d No.14192564

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

9194a5 No.14192569


raiden wasnt well recieved by the people he was supposed to represent, naturally

e66ff1 No.14192572

File: 031f08bae7efa39⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 261x325, 261:325, imperial guard.jpg)


Looking through the guy's twitter i see that he is militant catholic cuckchanner so he's probably deserved it. Spams shitty meme screencaps too. Probably meeting his country's reality is for the best for him.

48dfd5 No.14192573


>☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

This was recently added, but I could have sworn that something extremely similar added to complete list already.

ce0e10 No.14192578



>Defeated magical pedos in card games


ee0f6a No.14192580

File: 368f915080eafe3⋯.webm (613.01 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Tealc angrily lean forwar….webm)


>he's probably deserved it

>You can deserve getting arrested for posting on the internet

Fuck you

e66ff1 No.14192583


Well, he wanted crusades and inquisition. Got gay inquisition up his ass.

48dfd5 No.14192584


This was recent and has been talked about here for around the past couple weeks. Where have (You) been?

e786f5 No.14192588


Like, no shitlords literally expect the social justice inquisition, ugh!

ce0e10 No.14192591

File: ca6be8e83ccd195⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 646x147, 646:147, 2018-01-20_11-35-08.jpg)


playing games?

48dfd5 No.14192600

847b0a No.14192601


nobody missed them and nobody will miss them when you leave us for good

b377b2 No.14192602



Not sure if shill or troll.

4fe85d No.14192607


Which was (I haven't played any of the MG games, so my knowledge of the series is purely what I hear)?

6432a7 No.14192609


That 5th one is like a calarts reject tried to draw proper anatomy for the first time, probably by tracing a photo with a weird focal length, but then couldn't figure out how to make a face that matched the style.

53d839 No.14192615


I don't remember Citizen Kane being a generic zombie shooter with a narrative based on a father and daughter.


>no archives for any of these

cc3921 No.14192617

File: 7bba5d6dd0ca360⋯.png (315.66 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Dr Shen.png)


Whats he doing in a comic?

cc3921 No.14192636

File: 4ab5335a73a8088⋯.png (292.95 KB, 494x433, 494:433, bullied.png)

ce0e10 No.14192657


oh thanks, i see, so the usual pozz cycle of a community being overridden and stolen away by faggots and sjws is going on at MTG.

6432a7 No.14192668

File: e047c68c33a86f1⋯.jpg (33.4 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1294281088452.jpg)



Nobody on either side of the argument ever remembers that Citizen Kane was regarded so highly because of its combination of revolutionary cinematography techniques, and not because of its story.

15ba9e No.14192672


Nobody who touts that has ever watched Citizen Kane. Spoiler alert: it's fucking boring and the camerawork is the only good thing about it

557944 No.14192679


Citizen Kane was the "It was the Dark Souls of X" of it's time. the thing it, only the camera work was revolutionary.

everything else was boring, it didn't even make it in the box office and had bad ratings, and was not even appreciated until much later.

6432a7 No.14192682



I hope you mean "nobody who touts the story has ever seen citizen kane." Because camera work = cinematography, so you're saying exactly what I'm saying.

af17eb No.14192687



It's okay, anon. I knew what you were referring to, and chuckled. Good shit.

6432a7 No.14192712

File: 26737846873dc87⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 352x259, 352:259, 1270099855469.jpg)


Wii Sports

194104 No.14192716

File: 35a4f2b19b1aa83⋯.png (163.77 KB, 517x480, 517:480, Popuko die.png)


I hope the regressive cult smell his weakness and devour the submissive little bitch.

b377b2 No.14192740

Seriously. Everytime I see some leftist defending illegal inmigration saying "we need them" I can't help to laugh about how they admit they need slave labour for their companies.

557944 No.14192750


hey man, can you blame them? we need those beaner slaves to do the manual labour we wh- I mean upperclassman can't do.

ee843a No.14192763

File: 8e37bd304a004c5⋯.png (181.09 KB, 586x2790, 293:1395, tiny man's temper tantrum.png)

ee843a No.14192772


Meant to faggottext that.


8d445a No.14192778


is he still gonna get sued or did that get dropped.

e786f5 No.14192779


Leftist Illegal Alien argument in a nutshell

<wow I can't find a job this is all Bush/Trump's fault

<we need immigrants to come do the jobs I won't do

<I can't find a job and I'm poor, we need communism!

89deb1 No.14192780

File: 50ed7eaff9e52b6⋯.png (358.08 KB, 603x568, 603:568, seizure.PNG)

File: 45b7f8d2c46c4b4⋯.png (428.57 KB, 596x576, 149:144, NeoGAF CP.PNG)

ee843a No.14192786

File: 823511461a8821b⋯.png (121.23 KB, 584x800, 73:100, Destiny getting sued.png)


Still getting sued. Normally I find internet lawsuits stupid like that Maddox/Dick one, but Destiny has it coming. Hell, he was warned ahead of time and continued doing this shit that got him sued.

4fe85d No.14192789

File: 1a098bbe69da491⋯.png (411.08 KB, 1240x1686, 620:843, 6fcde904de9f01bd0e2d5bc23b….png)


>the only modern example of a Citizen Kane I can think of is the Super Mario Movie.

I'd like to see that brought up in "professional" conversations and watch as the meltdown ensues.

8d445a No.14192792


I'm glad he's getting scared lol

ee0f6a No.14192794


Same goes for the Final Fantasy movie. It created the framework for all current 3D movies.

ff147f No.14192797

File: d23118b555ec47e⋯.png (416.42 KB, 627x841, 627:841, DSP.png)






b377b2 No.14192799


People don't do shitty manual labour because the payments are a joke. They made sure the salary is so low by bringing so many slaves. That happened in Spain and I guess is happening in the US.


I'm going to believe more and more that were actually democrats the ones in favor of slavery.

e786f5 No.14192819


Democratic platform can basically be summed up as

>the other people hate you a lot, don't support them

>be our slaves

>here's a bunch of stuff only we will give you, if you defect, you lose it all

ee843a No.14192820

File: 19afc198476fe37⋯.jpg (40.44 KB, 578x422, 289:211, TeacherBob.JPG)


It bothers me to no end when people bitch about Trump, but leave the DNC out of this. I mean, have you seen the shit the DNC pulled? Like or dislike Trump, they make him seem sane in comparison, and this government shutdown is their fault.

449647 No.14192835


They've shut down the entire government to keep a bunch of fugitives in the country.

ee0f6a No.14192840



At worst, a shitty racist with some bad ideas on how to run the country that will be gone in 8 years at the most


A political powerhouse that has leaked documents literally stating they want to undermine the basis of the democratic system

449647 No.14192841


Also if bob is insane now, I'd hate to see how bad he's going to be after taking sociology classes.

8d445a No.14192847


Do tell me what he's said that's been racist.

b377b2 No.14192853


People would go pick oranges if it wasn't more expensive to just get out of the bed than the whole day of work. If it was well paid, people would swallow their pride to do it.

If the job was public I would go clean sewers in my city because the payment is basically the salary of a burocrat.

ee843a No.14192858


>At worst, a shitty racist with some bad ideas on how to run the country that will be gone in 8 years at the most

I genuinely don't believe he is racist. I believe he's for a meritocracy and doesn't care how it makes him look. If someone isn't going to help the country then why bring them in?


He's playing devil's advocate, saying at worst what Trump is/could be, compared to what the DNC is.

027e37 No.14192859

File: 0c473e4a63576bb⋯.webm (3.33 MB, 502x274, 251:137, da president.webm)


>have majority control of house and senate

>still blame dems

goddamn what kind of crazy pills do you take?

5f9a87 No.14192872


Leftists think meritocracy is racist, so…

030b2e No.14192882


Because they themselves believe that minorities can't amount themselves to anything.

c32276 No.14192890

File: a78ff226256cc2b⋯.webm (424.01 KB, 426x240, 71:40, videoplayback.webm)

>Hot Stuff edition

4de3ec No.14192893

File: 06d9a2b150131a7⋯.png (111.8 KB, 382x282, 191:141, 893485852419.png)


What is 60 votes and DACA ?

ee843a No.14192894

File: fcd74e2445f926c⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DCBOXE3V0AAWgu8.jpg)


>Immigration Legislation was piggybacked on to government spending bill

>Out of 288 Republicans in the House and Senate 269 voted for the continuing resolution. Out of 240 Democrats 230 voted against the CR.

>90% of (R)s voted for the CR while 90% of (D) voted against the CR, knowing full well it could result in the shutdown

I don't know why I think that. Guess I got brain problems.

b377b2 No.14192897


Hm... look at that, and I always believed that Walmart gave shitty slave salaries.

6432a7 No.14192898


I mean it's the real, modern, Citizen Kane of vidya because while motion controls had technically existed in some form before, it was the first to get it right and popularize the concept. Much like Kane's camera methods.

027e37 No.14192917


>both parties stonewall


6432a7 No.14192919


They pay slightly better than they used to but they still have ass-backwards management that treat their employees like slaves, just short of literally whipping them. Walmart also has a yearly review where the employees get to tell the company what they think could be done better and what they don't like about their job. But it's not anonymous, you have to sign into your employee ID on the computer to take the survey. And before you fill it out, they make you watch a video that's 100% just anti-union propaganda.

eafda9 No.14192920

File: 80aec30cf811fdf⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 99.44 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, HAHAHAHA.jpeg)

Daily reminder that 2D>>>>>3D

4fe85d No.14192930


What about Red Steel 2 then, or Wii Sports Resort?

b377b2 No.14192931


That's the thing. People think that syndicates and unions are just leftist job destructing institutions, but you could call it a guild or a common insterest group and people could understand they also have to defend themselves against shitty patrons.

030b2e No.14192934

File: 8bd1de75ab68205⋯.gif (4.91 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Real Sonic.gif)

edf7f0 No.14192936

File: b80292e06f64077⋯.png (230.54 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, 1kor.png)

Give me (You)s instead of 027e37. His brain is too damaged by gommunism to appreciate them.

b377b2 No.14192940


Red Steel 2 was kinda shit, but all Wii games were fun one way or another.

a29bc0 No.14192941

>People are now asshurt about Gamergate again because of Bike cuck.

>People are now either saying how BTFO GG is because Bikecuck loves Literally WHo or saying bikecuck should never be forgiven.

Jesus. I never thought you could generate this much sheer asshurt by just existing and not being a SJW asshole to everybody. People straight up got mad at two people who disagree with each other not fighting.

ee843a No.14192945

File: ad6c697887a74f7⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 654x600, 109:100, C-ghfMxUwAEI9_0.jpg)


Even our cucks are better than theirs

6432a7 No.14192948


I had never even considered the possibility of retail workers being in a union until I saw smiling actors in walmart shirts telling me how bad they were. Talk about fucking streisand effect.

0722cb No.14192952

File: 89cec007f5989cd⋯.jpg (219.19 KB, 800x1533, 800:1533, chin up.jpg)


Agreed, because one of those can actually become a lovely dragon

baa8c8 No.14192953


Unions can be useful, bit we have seen many of them pass the point where they cause more harm than help for people in and out of them, and serve greedy shits who should not be suffered a minute of anyones time, just take a look at teachers unions and the va mafia union.

8d445a No.14192954


Feral beats human anyday

b377b2 No.14192961



Did you know in Spain there are right win syndicates and unions? mostly related to police forces and other 'right wing' associated work places. Not sure if taxi drivers too, but I wouldn't be surprised.

And about the teachers union in America, I can see it being a VERY effective union more than anything. Here people literally burn the streets or beat people up for touching just a cent from their salary.

194104 No.14192964

File: 35a165674379514⋯.webm (2.99 MB, 676x872, 169:218, Animals v Raccoons.webm)

File: 89bbcbe522feb48⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB, 224x400, 14:25, south apefrica.mp4)


>Leftists think meritocracy is racist, so…


>Because they themselves believe that minorities can't amount themselves to anything.

For the most part they can't. There is plenty of objective proof that non-whites, Asians aside, are neurologically inferior and will always lag behind in a white nation, but it cannot be acknowledged because everyone will get hurt feelings if we don't delude ourselves into believing every race is neurologically identical. Everyone must feign surprise when third worlders create the same conditions no matter what soil they're placed upon, feign surprise and open their wallets to start distributing the handouts of course.

ee0f6a No.14192972


During the industrial revolution, unions were critical in making this country not shit for citizens. But unions just kept asking for more, and nowadays are pretty shit. Hell, police officer have been known to call their union reps before anyone else whenever they shoot a suspect. In Hollywood people can get fired for moving an electrical cord if they're not in the electrician's union.

5f9a87 No.14192974

File: 1b8cc30eac4d8f6⋯.jpg (102.43 KB, 698x658, 349:329, dl.jpg)

If we ever make contact with aliens, current science-fiction stories will probably be considered racist in the future

b377b2 No.14192977


I guess civism is some sort of white racist european concept to opress brown people.

6432a7 No.14192978


>Here people literally burn the streets or beat people up for touching just a cent from their salary.

The thing about America is, if you don't like your current employer, then you can just find another job of similar pay within a couple weeks. It's pretty great. But as a result, most of the unionized things here are contract work or government jobs where you either have a new employer every week, or you're stuck there for life (respectively).

e1e971 No.14192993

File: 350955f0e26bf50⋯.webm (13.9 MB, 853x480, 853:480, Every_Stellaris_Run_In_A_….webm)

baa8c8 No.14192998


Democrats were the party of the south anon, they were the slave owners, they were the jkkk, they are everything shitty.


Have you met teachers in north america? I let you in on something spain anon, the qualified ones are quiting/retiring, and the ones teaching now range from "maybe we should be teaching to a younger grade level" to "holy fuck the students with the textbooks and a rubrick for the year of what they should k ow at the end of it could probaly do a better job without the teachers

baa8c8 No.14193006


Can confirm its the same in canuck land.

3d6ac5 No.14193009

Well would you look at that


194104 No.14193061


Reality itself is oppressing brown people by blessing them with traits that do not build an advanced civilization nor, in most cases, a prosperous nation. As we've seen in Venezuela, their inevitable drift toward socialism will destroy their country even when they are rich in resources. That nation-wrecking mindset that (((nation-wreckers))) love most is why they are imported endlessly into white western nations.

6432a7 No.14193083


Do you think niggers would have died off already if it weren't for the white man's constant meddling? I guess not, since there's still untouched tribes getting by somehow. But at least if we left them alone in their shitholes, we wouldn't have to deal with them fucking up polite society.

b377b2 No.14193098


Well, I don't really trust teachers in my country. They get a job by public contest and they can't be fired. For fuck's sake, even people working in kindergarden is letting the kids being bullied by older kids, having their toys stolen or humilliated like forced to pull down their pants if they want to cross a door.

All the fault of gypsies and inmigrants, I tell you.

b377b2 No.14193143

Question: aren't democrats aware of their hypocrizy for doing the same thing they critizise about the republicans under Obama?

6432a7 No.14193163


The ringleaders, yes they are aware and malevolent in their hypocrisy.

The followers, no they are really that stupid.

48b97c No.14193169


Apparently not. They're the ones claiming that the Republicans "are holding everyone hostage," despite THEM being the ones shutting down the government unless they get to protect criminals.

b377b2 No.14193182



And now my country's news felt for the internet addiction/videogame addiction meme.

Fuck my life.

194104 No.14193185


If nature was permitted to take it's course without the interference of gibs. There would still be some African tribes living in huts dotting the continent, but their population wouldn't be booming to obscene levels that they're personally incapable of sustaining. Many deadly diseases wouldn't be thriving as well either.

The west's interference in non-white countries is similar to every time they try to control the population of one animal by introducing another and it throws the entire ecosystem out of wack so they have to keep doubling down introducing other species making it worse. For instance, unnaturally boosting the African population with things Africans were incapable of (advanced agriculture, advanced medicine, etc.) threw the ecosystem out of wack in much the same way as now animals there are going extinct and soon whites too face extinction from this overblown species they keep feeding.

030b2e No.14193192


I remember hearing Africans saying that it's hard to start or maintain a business selling products when the UN just gives them free and better versions of the same products. The gibs has done far more harm and good.

030b2e No.14193193


> harm and good.

*harm than good

6432a7 No.14193200


>There would still be some African tribes living in huts dotting the continent, but their population wouldn't be booming to obscene levels that they're personally incapable of sustaining

You have to also consider that they fuck all the time without any kind of protection, and have dozens of kids per father, who they don't give a shit about as long as SOME survive. They're beating natural selection with brute force.

ee843a No.14193237


I'd help them if I could. I want to see a good 3D platformer be made, and I'll work hard to make it happen. Thing is, I'm useless as fuck.


As long as they have the MSM vouching for them , I doubt they care. Their shit smells like roses when CNN says it does.

9c6aad No.14193243

File: 513360ad6afa1d7⋯.webm (2.78 MB, 718x404, 359:202, Jon Right.webm)


>someone has a friendly conversation with an apostate of SocJus

>Hipster Clique emails him telling him he sucks unless he throws GamerGate and the Alt-Right under the bus and bows down to Queen Chelsea

But we're the Nazis. Okay.


>four years after release (7 years after "YOU JUST HATE THE HAIR" bullshit started)

>still fucking asshurt that DmC flopped super hard for disrespecting everything the franchise stood for

ee843a No.14193249

File: ada5cd94177d9da⋯.png (253.62 KB, 640x1324, 160:331, 77494.PNG)


Speaking of authoritarianism

9c6aad No.14193254


1984 was not an instruction manual.

194104 No.14193257


The compassionate left are well aware of non-white inferiority which is why they're so patronizing with endless handouts and affirmative action in employment and education. They cannot just allow Africans to happily rise to their own African level in their own African country. They just can't leave it be, pushing delusions of equity when their patronizing actions prove they don't even believe it themselves. If they genuinely considered non-whites equal there would be no need for handouts and quotas. It's so transparent, but it's something so brainwashed into people it can rarely be challenged.

4de3ec No.14193265

a1d1c6 No.14193275



Glad this shit doesn't happen in America yet. I still don't understand why Europeans never advocated for protected free speech rights and now it's biting them.

194104 No.14193279

File: 3905146d638f1fe⋯.png (1.03 MB, 999x670, 999:670, DELET THIS in britbong.png)



>Imagine trying not to be a faggot and being honest about health issues and social degradation of faggotry enabling society, and getting vanned for that.

Pretty soon just posting STD statistics relating to homosexuality or crime statistics relating to race, without any additional text, will earn you a police visit.

6432a7 No.14193287


>Glad this shit doesn't happen in America yet.

But in America, a small military will raid your apartment and kill you for not following conflicting instructions because some faggot got mad at your video game stream.

ee843a No.14193288

File: 4e1d9a36dce2992⋯.png (410.38 KB, 1409x4759, 1409:4759, alleyway surgery.png)


How can anyone not be blackpilled nowadays?

030b2e No.14193291

File: 21e5ccf0da013fc⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1500x1135, 300:227, 4cd73ea4ca3cd6ed61dce3c69c….jpg)

File: 4530ea1d3536a88⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1500x1135, 300:227, 1415ae7f7d215951401c245a43….jpg)

ac09c9 No.14193305


The best part is that the murdered guy was just some rando that had nothing to do with video games or streaming.

Father of two and a husband died for literally no reason.

1fed83 No.14193307


>just whites

>not humanity as a whole

At some point in the near future, we are going to see the destruction of the midwest either through the baizou or the eruption of yellowstone. That is a lot of farmland gone. With the slow replacement there, and the rapid replacement in Europe, those are two sources of food that will be gone. China gives no fucks and will poison them. India's food likely faces similar issues to China's. Meanwhile Africans have no idea how to farm without destroying their land. Oh and if that isn't enough, the fact that they are constantly fucking without thought of keeping relationships means that accidental incest will lead to genetic defects that will become more prominent with each generation.

ee843a No.14193314


It's only a matter of time before I say fuck it and eat a bullet, but the chaos is fun to watch in the meantime.

030b2e No.14193318


I remember reading that there's been inbreeding and accidental incest in black Americans years back.

8d445a No.14193331

File: 848ac6c2943bf99⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 534x297, 178:99, dodgearino.gif)


yeah "accidental"

89deb1 No.14193339

>Channel 4 newsreader Cathy Newman says public humiliation is the answer for sexist remarks (2013)


b377b2 No.14193344


Ironically she was the one humilliated in direct.

04181d No.14193357

File: 25903078e364611⋯.png (927.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, kaguya.png)

89deb1 No.14193378

File: 539fe0fa2995890⋯.png (48.25 KB, 590x468, 295:234, day 3.PNG)

030b2e No.14193385

File: 940e47605a32509⋯.png (288.11 KB, 499x353, 499:353, Nihilism Pills.png)

8fd4d4 No.14193392

File: 213c719d79a4d48⋯.jpg (502.46 KB, 751x700, 751:700, 1447665700973.jpg)



For comics it simply comes down to diversity hires like Kate Leth and Babs Tarr who treat comicbooks like the sunday funnies, they don't have any talent and are there simply for the goal of good PR.

The editors can't really criticize their work because that would be creating a hostile working environment.

For most western devs you have them trying not to offend anyone's sensibilities that could give them bad PR.

Last year alone:



>Uncharted: The lost legacy

>Battlefront II

Attractive women are not liberally pleasing.

With the couple that don't have women of color you get complete shitbags like Giant Bomb claiming they're appropriating native-american culture.

You can't win.

Meanwhile in Japan

>Gravity Rush 2

>Neir: Automata

Practically any game with an attractive woman in it is called pedophilic as a tool to shame others for being a heterosexual.

9c6aad No.14193399

File: 3267c5ace6227c7⋯.webm (767.56 KB, 854x480, 427:240, communist faggot.webm)


>say shit so retarded that literally everyone except actual fucking Nazis call you a faggot

>cry that everyone's calling you a retarded faggot because "MUH SAFE SPACE"

1fed83 No.14193409


That was what I was thinking of. Single mothers that don't know the father means the kid will probably never know if the person they are fucking is related to them. Plus there is stuff about the majority of birth defects in the UK were coming from the Pakistani population.


Reminds me of the summary of the book "The Last Closet" that was posted here awhile back. Infuriating read.

75a92a No.14193421

File: 519b91247baee67⋯.png (171.36 KB, 512x512, 1:1, spoonfeed.png)

something to contribute

48cc5c No.14193432

File: 3a5bc63708e1090⋯.jpg (752.52 KB, 2661x1440, 887:480, gqaC20q.jpg)


How can one be so cucked?

f7c833 No.14193437

File: 9e650531ed2ace8⋯.png (287.88 KB, 784x793, 784:793, 1441915467802 (Anime Ace).png)


The perfect picture to go with an unarchived screenshot. Thanks.

5f9a87 No.14193439


It's funny because 2B has more female fans than any of those western female characters

c01bee No.14193444

File: 2f9e41596a07d57⋯.jpg (211.15 KB, 830x580, 83:58, 1435273096149.jpg)


>In South Korea, you can get arrested for possessing lewds

>In the UK, you can get arrested for saying something about LGBT stuff, or possessing plastic spoons

Mad, mad world.


>"everyone I don't like must be silenced, definitely!"

I'm surprised he didn't shoot a school claiming it was "full of Hitlerian republican youth" or something.

8d445a No.14193446


Poor old minus8

3d6ac5 No.14193474


If it can serve as a great excuse to get better at modelling or whatever else, then just contact them and say you're a dumb neet who wants to learn and do something productive

1fed83 No.14193481


2B has the whole doomed/forbidden romance thing that women love combined with the fact that she is actually sexy. People generally like playing as what they view as valuable traits in their own sex.

3c0f7b No.14193494


I want to put my darling into the fraxx of just about every girl in that series, god damn. And into the mechs, especially into the mechs.

ee843a No.14193501


Is that the tweet to ruin him? 3 days of this going on with no one letting go. I'm glad it's happening to him but his initial tweet was no different than the shit he's been saying for so long.

ee843a No.14193508


Am I the only person who liked 9S better than 2B, as a character? Don't get me wrong, I liked 2B too, but 9S had so much more to work with than her.

87a3a9 No.14193516

File: ec495fbaa2809e0⋯.png (79.63 KB, 706x390, 353:195, lolifags are not human.png)


>not being an arafag

030b2e No.14193520


I think A2 is the most beautiful girl.

87a3a9 No.14193534

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

030b2e No.14193557

File: 1102a6f0476dd15⋯.jpg (223.53 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, ebe55865535def232d6b567c38….jpg)


>Not being both

4de3ec No.14193574

File: 49f4b85800fdb8b⋯.png (65.11 KB, 561x800, 561:800, 9s.png)


That's not how you spell 9S.

fce261 No.14193575

File: fa6a43d9e194553⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, gj27fnswt8b01.jpg)

File: e57be37b6b736e7⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Trump Fires Obama.mp4)

48cc5c No.14193587

File: 20110de0ffddfb0⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, at0ulgQ.jpg)


Kiss of Death anon

030b2e No.14193592


You mean 9/ss/

5f9a87 No.14193612

File: 9885ee50f1afc1e⋯.png (76.02 KB, 447x216, 149:72, asanagi on lolis.png)


Lolis are not for lewd

030b2e No.14193645

File: 4b81230eb864527⋯.jpg (155.31 KB, 850x1238, 425:619, 4b81230eb8645271d66a13f8a6….jpg)

File: 7cfcd1f82b76f97⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1500x1419, 500:473, 7cfcd1f82b76f9731737e0229b….png)

File: 6c740030a12002b⋯.png (739.81 KB, 1000x1385, 200:277, 18c5a525f5b38ccf18f8c0da59….png)

File: 20f6c4ab4094676⋯.png (882.26 KB, 1000x1690, 100:169, 20f6c4ab4094676e34bc55672d….png)

File: 9b044b4c84687f1⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 850x899, 850:899, 731b7a774fa1e1f0c1ac52c370….jpg)


>Lolis are not for lewd

This brown dragon loli says otherwise.

030b2e No.14193649


Also, government shutdown is happening right?

1fed83 No.14193692

030b2e No.14193703

File: 3c616747429a7a4⋯.jpg (95.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3c616747429a7a4ff9a9ed064d….jpg)


So, what do you think is the end result?

ee843a No.14193705


I wish congress didn't get paid when this happens.

9c6aad No.14193724


They'd probably still fucking do it. If their lifetime insurance lapsed because of it, though, then they'd probably stop pulling that shit over petty bullshit.

2840f1 No.14193729

>most of the opponents of GG have moved on, gone to jail, or lost all public credibility

>most of the supporters of GG have moved on, become celebrities, or are otherwise working in successful media related jobs

3d6ac5 No.14193738


I wish I'd become a celebrity…

89deb1 No.14193743

File: 0aebd8297051c79⋯.png (400.94 KB, 598x506, 13:11, hickey.PNG)

File: 6c7d0ed19fa14eb⋯.png (84.6 KB, 300x298, 150:149, 1382858315355.png)

Matt Hickey, Anti-Gamergate Journalist Sentenced To 34 Months In State Prison




Two in one day definitely time to reset the clock

3e9b94 No.14193746


>all of them are equally pozzed

9c6aad No.14193756

File: d2671ca5309c0f0⋯.jpg (185.07 KB, 821x571, 821:571, 1458882123995.jpg)


>He also has to pay the state $332,000 for the porn scam fraud.

Let me guess, he's going to follow in AJ Deulario's (or however the fuck you spell that jackass's name) footsteps and write salty cryblogs about how Hulk Hoganthe government is a meany-head that doesn't even want him to keep his pressure cooker.

ee843a No.14193758


Why would you do that to yourself? Being famous is worse than death.

ee0f6a No.14193816


>Get paid just to show up to parties

Truly the worst fate imaginable.

1fed83 No.14193821


You have to watch your step even more than you do as a usual citizen if you aren't valuable, or a member of the tribe, because not only is the government watching you, but you have the media on your ass to use anything you say to get more money for themselves.

f7c833 No.14193833


Media slander doesn't sound that bad to me, given increasing distrust of media in recent times I wonder how that happened :^). I'd be more wary of random psychos trying to kill me.

c01bee No.14193834

File: 2d6c8f21df761cc⋯.png (296.38 KB, 653x420, 653:420, What the fu-.PNG)


>being an attention whore for the money

You're no better than a camgirl on Twitch. That aside, it's pretty much what >>14193821 said.

ee0f6a No.14193841


The only reason to give a shit about media slander is if you remain intent on keeping the celebrity status. If I was magically a celebrity all of a sudden, I'd care about keeping myself "kosher" for a few months at best.

030b2e No.14193852

File: fdd4b51a96c78d9⋯.png (341.23 KB, 590x548, 295:274, Femdom Reimu rapes a shota.png)


Also how everyone can dig up your past if you become famous and much of the private things become public.

d90fbb No.14193856

File: ee418cebe6cb35f⋯.png (12.79 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0e3a3f33add459b268ebe4cbde….png)


It's too cute… Oh my god. It's perfect.

ee0f6a No.14193894

File: 2a702a8f0dd0b06⋯.webm (2.25 MB, 852x480, 71:40, How many women has Gamerg….webm)

file name


To continue off of that, I looked up "going rates" for paying celebrities to show up at your wedding. The lesser known Kardashians get paid around 30k just to show up and be there. Kim herself is around 125k, and legit celebrities like famous musicians are in the millions. As a fucking neet, I'd have no issue giving up my privacy when I go outside which is fucking never to get paid that just to show up to parties.

ec9499 No.14193902

File: d002c7119bf31da⋯.png (276.17 KB, 504x900, 14:25, 5B9456B5-EB6A-4BEE-BB79-82….png)


Danielle is the cutest

60ec1f No.14194090

File: 8ec5dfdd7f2c1c2⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 500x473, 500:473, so much love.jpg)

Dead thread

ee0f6a No.14194102

File: 7d50048002a87a4⋯.webm (997.94 KB, 850x480, 85:48, Daniel Duelwidleing more.webm)


You misspelled "Daniel"

42d73a No.14194125

File: bd5daeed92d803c⋯.jpg (71.18 KB, 798x562, 399:281, itsdead.jpg)

8898f8 No.14194141

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)

>Earlier post deleted

I will laugh at you any way I want, gamergate general.

0de624 No.14194144

File: b4b5a7af23e8a9a⋯.webm (7.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Getting mad at shills.webm)



>DmC (Arguably the best)

9c6aad No.14194157

File: 2dbafa239c3396f⋯.png (279.65 KB, 599x611, 599:611, six years later, STILL ass….png)


DmC is probably the primary case that proves that even if GamerGate died out, game journos would still parade the corpse around as if it's something they were totally right about, despite every ounce of evidence to the contrary.

1fed83 No.14194165



Media slander is an issue if you didn't meticulously plan out your costs so that you have enough money to last the rest of your life, or didn't become so fabulously wealthy that it doesn't matter what they say. Some schmuck saying things isn't as many clicks as someone who people know saying things.


Dunno. I gave up on predicting things outside of vague stuff that I know is a strong possibility, such as Yellowstone erupting at some point soon, or WWIII coming. There is too much going on behind the scenes and with the media pissing in the well try to stir up hatred of Trump, it gets hard to hear about anything he is actually doing.

107046 No.14194166


>why didn't more people like a version of a game that was so shit all you had to do was ONE FUCKING MOVE to get SSS rank?

I know someone has the goddamn webm. Post it.

5f9a87 No.14194174

I don't understand their obsession with DmC. Why do they still bring it up? If they were just paid shills, their contract ended long ago so they wouldn't have to mention it.

9c6aad No.14194184

File: d8829d55c53c4f7⋯.png (289.36 KB, 1030x2432, 515:1216, the DmC media blitz in gre….png)

File: 315ed659c39200e⋯.gif (789.74 KB, 160x90, 16:9, sss in five hits.gif)



I have the gif, at least.

9c6aad No.14194194


>Why do they still bring it up?

Because that was the first time in their life that they realized that their position as "gaming gatekeeper" was absolutely powerless. They had no idea that the absolute madmen that they called "entitled manchildren" would actually vote with their wallets and abandon a game that completely betrayed literally every single thing that made the series stand out.

ee0f6a No.14194216


>Media slander is an issue if you didn't meticulously plan out your costs so that you have enough money to last the rest of your life, or didn't become so fabulously wealthy that it doesn't matter what they say.

There's nothing to say you couldn't go back to working retail or some bluecollar job that would give no shits about your previous life. Ar you really thinking that it wouldn't be worth it to act "proper" for only a few months and make a fear years worth of money? You can easily stop being famous by just not doing anything in the public eye for awhile. People will forget about you.


So just like everything else, self-delusion.

f8092a No.14194228



cc3921 No.14194239

File: 0eafbde2393874e⋯.png (73.46 KB, 616x190, 308:95, m'lady.png)


Shakespearean post

34cef8 No.14194271

File: 050c0ff86f9d3c5⋯.png (444.95 KB, 830x974, 415:487, a1f0dca389d4d684a0d70725ca….png)



1fed83 No.14194278


Not only that, but the very well written criticisms and comparisons convinced at least a few people to buy DMC4. I was one. I am still shit at those games, but I would rather stumble onto something cool and try to figure it out than have cool shit handed to me with no challenge.



b7b29a No.14194336

File: 1bece8fa767c408⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 717x960, 239:320, a daiz is out.jpg)

>pantsu getting DDoS'd again

f8092a No.14194345


what are WE gonna do guys WE gotta spread shit WE cant let them get away with it guys WE need to attack attack attack WE have to own everything so nobody WE dont like cant bully us

f8092a No.14194355



I'm taking the piss out of the over reacting retard who actually speaks like this by the way

b39f28 No.14194356


Do you have a mouse in your pocket, Anon? what's with this "We" stuff?

b7b29a No.14194358


Calm your furfag tits marche.

b7b29a No.14194364

f8092a No.14194378



you must be connor

because everyone WE disagree with is connor for some reason

b39f28 No.14194386


>because everyone WE disagree with is connor for some reason

I forget, who's Connor?

51c3d1 No.14194387

File: 3006deabe32e3d0⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 500x366, 250:183, patrickquestion.jpg)


>And now my country's news felt for the internet addiction/videogame addiction meme.

If a person watches a certain amount to tv, wouldn't that mean that they are tv addicts?


>I wish I'd become a celebrity…

Like a songwriter told me once. The status of "celebrity" is worthless because worthless people have become celebrities.

f8092a No.14194394


made that shitty persona 5 localization website, got btfo ( mostly by me ) then basically fucked off back into his hole

yet no matter what game has bad localizagion and a shill shows up its clearly connor because why not right it must be him

b39f28 No.14194403

File: 245d5e72867abfa⋯.jpg (153.82 KB, 1594x672, 797:336, C91Nun1UIAA7EBc.jpg)


>made that shitty persona 5….

Now I remember.

f8092a No.14194406


I made that image

c85425 No.14194409


You forgot where he brought up Nazis and David Cage for no reason and then wrote a whole paragraph about the "workplace harassment" at Quantic Dream for no reason other than to virtue signal

>Whether or not net neutrality is a good thing, if MGSV was a finished game (it wasn't) and even most recently the issues surrounding Quantic Dream and David Cage.

>The accusations do share the similarities of an alleged toxic workplace although admittedly in a wholly different way. In fact, seeing as the public prosecution office of Paris has opened a preliminary investigation, you'd think these accusations would be taken a little more seriously by the community. Yet we still have people searching Twitter and going to bat against anyone saying a derogatory word against Cage or Quantic Dream.

And then goes on to imply that the same people who like Kojima and are upset about Konami's ousting of him also don't believe women about sexual assault

>While many are horrified by the alleged working conditions and abusive treatment of staff, it seems others, those who are currently filling my inbox as a result of my opinions on David

Cage, are more outraged at the mistreatment of a perceived industry icon. In Konami’s case, Hideo Kojima. It's the new cult of personality.

Also he defeats his own point here where he said

>Metal Gear Rising, for example, had a great reception and was infinitely more stupid

So he's saying that people liked MGR despite it being different and even more stupid but in the end his main point is

>No. It's because it's not the Metal Gear fans have grown up with and enjoyed for the past two decades. Metal Gear Survive’s biggest crime, like DmC before it, is it's not the old Dante with the white hair.

So which is it? A game can be even more stupid and different and still be beloved or it can't?

9c6aad No.14194411


>then basically fucked off back into his hole

At least until the Ys 8 thing, where he went "well I would have made a web site shitting on all the things wrong with it (like "Archaeozoic Dig Site" getting changed to "Archaeozoic Big Hole" and SP/HP recovery items having their item descriptions swapped), but I was too busy." You know, because that totally didn't fucking prove that he was only out to help the Cartel get rid of quality localizations.

f8092a No.14194425


youre the exact retard I'm clearly talking about here

b7b29a No.14194433

File: 7bda90ec8372718⋯.webm (6.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Brianna Wu tried to assas….webm)


jace was the superior Connor to be tbh

9c6aad No.14194437


I think you need to take the stick out your ass.

f8092a No.14194442



9c6aad No.14194445


No, I'm taking the piss out of him for making excuses after trying to be Translation Police.

f8092a No.14194449

File: e638b2ee5e65b05⋯.png (71.95 KB, 810x800, 81:80, 1b4.png)

9c6aad No.14194457


You seem to be awfully defensive, Anon.

cc3921 No.14194461

File: ef28c0953a24a10⋯.png (20.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1463176748795.png)



Its still as funny as the first time,and the best thing about it is Brian took it seriously.

9c6aad No.14194468


>the best thing about it is Brian took it seriously

Well, "took it seriously" in that he went to court, found out someone of that name didn't actually exist, but still acts as if it was a HONEST AND TRUE threat on his life for real.

f8092a No.14194469


not only did Wu take it seriously but it was aired on that shitty Syfy show

782d19 No.14194479


no first for benis, therefore sage


>benis is bad

this is a no feminism zone

ec9499 No.14194501

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, B8318387-CC60-4896-B33E-C….jpeg)

>All these years later, and they’re STILL mad about DmC

d9b57b No.14194508

File: 43d06e692dfcb92⋯.jpg (144.37 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Soy Club 3.jpg)

Good morning.

9c6aad No.14194512


In three days, that game would have been available to the public for exactly 5 years. Marketing started 7 1/2 years ago. 2020 is going to roll around, and they'll still be crying about it.

e73ee4 No.14194514

File: 0e2b7f6c6648711⋯.mp4 (384.65 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 19218313_1888589478061459_….mp4)

The state of leftypol

cd057f No.14194520

File: 2f4cce2953c4916⋯.jpg (576.33 KB, 1604x2006, 802:1003, hmm.jpg)


Is whomst a word?

ff147f No.14194522



107046 No.14194528


That's about as pathetic as a bumper sticker I saw that said


<while featuring a picture of a goddamn mushroom

>vegetarian, eating fungus, a non-vegetable, not even in the same fucking kingdom as goddamn plant life

0de624 No.14194546

File: 405e6d824ec371f⋯.webm (4.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DmC is a challenging hack….webm)


I got this one

48dfd5 No.14194557

File: 1009269058a2c2a⋯.png (231.57 KB, 1023x1917, 341:639, Niertube0.png)


>Practically any game with an attractive woman in it is called pedophilic as a tool to shame others for being a heterosexual.

I remember youtube comments on a gameplay trailer from before the game came out calling 2B a 12 year old girl and lamenting the fact that they couldn't play a custom character. Found it.

283daf No.14194566


Fun fact, Miranda (Marche's waifu, if you haven't been paying attention) is technically human because Wakfu lore bullshit.

or at least I'm fairly sure

48dfd5 No.14194571


Nigger, that is not a loli. That's pettanko.

5f9a87 No.14194576


Tell that to a Canadian cop

c85425 No.14194578


Hi Marche on a VPN

48dfd5 No.14194581

File: eb3ec22a2b789e1⋯.png (460.29 KB, 1692x1080, 47:30, ClipboardImage.png)


But anon, the loli becomes the ara.

9c6aad No.14194593

File: 9886bbba6553a6b⋯.jpg (100 KB, 582x600, 97:100, 1445478087786.jpg)


>some generic enemy

>just wail on them for 15 seconds

>second to last boss

>3 hits

48dfd5 No.14194598


Not all minors are lolis, and you can get arrested for either.


At least post different images, so it's fun.

cc3921 No.14194600

File: 9d6ad332fd033cc⋯.png (29.09 KB, 188x119, 188:119, 1451656567516.png)

4a2ca0 No.14194601

File: 3e5d3a1eb4bc6a1⋯.png (252.88 KB, 1790x1316, 895:658, neogaf changed.png)

48dfd5 No.14194611


The villain was an ebil republican who controlled the media and corporations if I recall correctly.

9c6aad No.14194612


Tyler must have taken one look at ResetEra and went "holy fuck, that's what we were doing?"

89deb1 No.14194613

>Gizmodo Australia - "The 100 Most Important Pop Culture Moments Of The Last 10 Years" (Goobergrape is #16)



>How Sound Economics Birthed the Video-Game Era


9c6aad No.14194631

File: 1ab5b1ff5dd2e8d⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lying.webm)


>>Gizmodo Australia - "The 100 Most Important Pop Culture Moments Of The Last 10 Years" (Goobergrape is #16)

>the claim (that Chelsea slept with journalists for positive coverage) was later disproven

48dfd5 No.14194640


Connor is an obvious hypocrite whose arguments were disingenuous because he didn't treat a far worse translation with the same scrutiny and posturing he did P5. It's not complicated faggot.

1fed83 No.14194641


It was worse than that, actually. A few of them beta'd the "game" and had their names in the credits.

c85425 No.14194642


>Not all minors are lolis, and you can get arrested for either.

Not all lolis are minors and I'm pretty sure you can get arrested for that too

48dfd5 No.14194643

9c6aad No.14194650


Oh yeah, fucking Nathan Grayson's name was plastered right there. But I suppose it's too much to ask for Gawker Media to actually tell the truth about their own people, even after their "we and our employees are untouchable and don't have to answer for anything" bullshit literally bankrupted them.

a26c17 No.14194656


Mundus was a bad man for keeping everyone docile by providing them everything they needed so they wouldn't rise up against him. But the villain aborted his (Mundus) wife's baby before shooting her in the head and his whole plan to usurp Mundus was to let all the demons out of hell to kill everyone so he would become the king of mankind when he became the only person strong enough to subdue them again.

48dfd5 No.14194657


That's not the point I'm making. 5f9a87 was downplaying the difference between a loli and a minor with pettanko by saying it doesn't make a difference to a Canadian cop. The thing is, even a 17 year fictional girl with huge tits wouldn't make a difference to a Canuck cop because they're still both fictional minors, which is illegal there. It's still not a loli.

c85425 No.14194664


I know, I was just joking and expanding on the absurdity of the law as well

48dfd5 No.14194667


This image only makes sense in reference to weak political cartoons. Why did you even post it?

9c6aad No.14194669

File: c6f312e9104ea0d⋯.jpg (40.97 KB, 500x324, 125:81, DmC ending.jpg)


And then he got his ass kicked by Donte, who… Fucked off and left the city to burn or something.

b39f28 No.14194676

File: 9f8a886f6a1ce7b⋯.png (221.99 KB, 950x450, 19:9, 2792.png)

After starting to read some manga again, could I just say that I'm a little annoyed about how it seems like so little story progresses in each chapter?


What was the reason for the entire game's story? Was it to avenge Dante's parents, defeat Mundus, "Give people the redpill", what?

f8092a No.14194678


why didnt you

fce261 No.14194693



can you like pls not link to that cancer place?

13ef8a No.14194694


Can't leafs just shitpost their court system to death by bloating their refugee quotas with 2D asylum seekers?

9c6aad No.14194711


>What was the reason for the entire game's story?

That's the thing, it's not exactly clear why they did all that shit. The only thing that's clear at the end of everything is "Vergil's an asshole, the end, flip off the camera while riding away on a skateboard."

a26c17 No.14194723


Dante had a bad time growing up in the demon orphanage so he hates demons and wants to avenge his dad Sparda, who's just some 55 year old balding man with glasses and boxer shorts. I think Mundus sends the hunter demon after him because it's dangerous to half a half demon, half angel, half human child that could be powerful enough to kill him someday.

But actually the story is about how Dante meets a cute girl that he wants to impress and his long lost brother he doesn't remember having so he follows their orders unquestioningly until he accidentally unleashes hell upon the earth. Before they got involved he was just a guy living in a trailer on the pier who wants to get drunk and fuck sluts without any thoughts of revenge at all. In-fact the same club where you fight Lilith and her baby is the one where he goes to fuck drunk sluts and it was never a problem or a hive of demons or whatever until Virgil showed up.

8d9108 No.14194759


It's too soon to say that, give them three more years.


>Gizmodo Australia - "The 100 Most Important Pop Culture Moments Of The Last 10 Years" (GG is #16)

>#1 is (((Disney))) buying Star Wars.

>#15 was Steven (((Jewniverse)))

It annoys me at this point.

fce261 No.14194779

File: 06374fca20ec5bf⋯.png (509.53 KB, 1182x2050, 591:1025, 2018-01-21_02-03-53.png)

b39f28 No.14194781


>But actually the story is about how Dante meets a cute girl that he wants to impress and his long lost brother he doesn't remember having so he follows their orders unquestioningly until he accidentally unleashes hell upon the earth. Before they got involved he was just a guy living in a trailer on the pier who wants to get drunk and fuck sluts without any thoughts of revenge at all. In-fact the same club where you fight Lilith and her baby is the one where he goes to fuck drunk sluts and it was never a problem or a hive of demons or whatever until Virgil showed up.

Why does that actually sound appealing? A story about how a jackass doing everything he can to impress a girl he actually "likes", but ends up getting used by her and the story ends with him being a lonely, but now humbler, man who realizes how much of a tool he used to be and vows "Never again" to be used by anyone.

c85425 No.14194793


>going on reddit

>bringing reddit screencaps here

48dfd5 No.14194799


>No archive

Kill yourself. The Russian interference in the US election amounted to propaganda that was both pro-democrat and pro-republican being shilled on social media. All they did was stir shit without picking a side.

9c6aad No.14194800


>>#1 is (((Disney))) buying Star Wars.

Because it's going to keep going despite Battlefront 2's loot box shitstorm and China locking it out of their market, right?

107046 No.14194806


>going to reddit

>for r/dankmemes

Inoperable tumor.

fce261 No.14194808


I embed archive links into the screenshot


cc1410 No.14194809

File: fa2a68ac468f68c⋯.jpg (103.43 KB, 1033x1060, 1033:1060, lefty.jpg)


Speaking of; some /leftypol/ shill, Return of the Cis, went on the Kumite made a retard of himself over accusing Styxhexenhammer666 of being a pedophile, now Styx is going full 1488, saying he's joined forces with the far-right to purposefully piss them off.


c85425 No.14194810


>>No archive

He's a faggot for going to reddit, but the archive is on the picture anon

48dfd5 No.14194815

File: 1f173da014bc775⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1f173da014bc775653a4bd695e….jpg)



Well fuck me, I'm retarded.

283daf No.14194820


This can't be real. 11 thousand people, redditors or not, cannot find this funny.

9194a5 No.14194829


>not finding that funny

its funny because its true

48dfd5 No.14194831

File: 792f418dd9aa921⋯.png (40.86 KB, 311x285, 311:285, Confused Tsuzuru.png)


>Return of the Cis, went on the Kumite


Literally who?

fce261 No.14194832

File: 2c58e85eaaba54d⋯.webm (10.87 MB, 622x350, 311:175, Reddit is Being Manipulat….webm)


It was submitted twice, has 30k points in another thread. That said, reddit changed their point system a long time ago and some users suspect that admins can just change those numbers. Reddit is nothing but a propaganda site.

9c6aad No.14194837


It's basically all but confirmed that Reddit actively fucks with the system. Their CEO even once gleefully admitted that he stealth-edited certain user posts to make them look like idiots.

e786f5 No.14194839


Still better than going on reddit




Sorry anon that's mostly bots. All those liberal propaganda outlets who pretend to be real people on the internet are all alive and well.

48dfd5 No.14194842


I don't think he means the joke, but rather the top comment. Checking the archive, that has about 1100 points. That said, astroturfing at this scale on plebbit is incredibly easy for just a few bucks.

0de624 No.14194844

File: 38bfe943aa2058c⋯.webm (1.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we did it I did it.webm)


That's what really gets me about the end of DmC.

Both Mundus and Vergil bring up points for why their in the right, and Dante has absolutely nothing to argue against them with.

Mundus says with out being enslaved Humans would just continue to kill each other. Dante says HA I KILLED YOUR BABY (even though it was Vergil) to skip to the boss fight.

Vergil Says he be a fair ruler over humanity and treat people with dignity. but they both decide that a fight to the death is the only way to settle things. Vergil is never shown in the game to be selfish or evil. The only questionable thing he does is kill the literal spawn of Satan. their isn't any real reason to think he would be a bad ruler.

They only fight because Dante and Vergil are supposed to fight.

It's nothing like in DMC3 were by the end Dante actually doesn't want to fight Vergil anymore and does question what Vergil will even do if he had Sparda's power, and then Vergil shows that he can't be reasoned with. thus making the final fight necessary.


At the end he does get the girl though, and Kat isn't painted shown in the wrong, once in the entire game.

d9b57b No.14194845

File: e438a46a3d009a9⋯.jpg (108.29 KB, 1080x839, 1080:839, Retard 2162.jpg)

cc1410 No.14194858

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)


Just some eceleb drama. ROTC is a /leftypol/ shill so I thought it was funny that he got BTFO.

107046 No.14194865


>I can't believe I said something so objectively fucking retarded on a public site that the only other time I can liken it to was the previous time when I said something objectively fucking retarded

9c6aad No.14194879


>now GamerGate is second-wave feminists (AKA, grandmas)

Just once, I want someone on the SJW side to actually sit back and go "wait… Have I been the real asshole this entire time?"

d9b57b No.14194882

File: 0296e7c03a17aa3⋯.png (126.18 KB, 400x280, 10:7, What A Twist.png)


>Top 10 names that changed the video game industry forever

>Anita Sarkeesian wasn't even on the list

9c6aad No.14194896

File: 59d5af0a80ab0ee⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 599x600, 599:600, deserve to be booed.jpg)


>it's one of those lists where it's 10 separate pages for maximum ad revenue

8df430 No.14194901

File: adcd1b73236c8d0⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 287x407, 287:407, coffee sucks.jpg)




Not posting a link/archive, or at least not giving a good explanation to why it lacks an link/archive should be a bannable offense at this point.




Only the gamergate thread could provide this level of pristine asshurt as this anon is showcasing.


Are there any articles worse then these? Seriously.


Wonderful art.

bd5528 No.14194916

uhm, this is kinda off-topic but, besides 8ch, wich other imageboards support webms/mp4 with sound?

ad5b35 No.14194918


Get out

89deb1 No.14194921

File: a0e70a2d28dcd17⋯.png (304.21 KB, 442x523, 442:523, Capture.PNG)

b7b29a No.14194930


There's the god complex again.

48dfd5 No.14194931

458706 No.14194933

File: 058ed0b3d0b4830⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 230x306, 115:153, This nigga gets it.jpg)

d9b57b No.14194935

File: 1c84aca28f6b7ce⋯.png (66.79 KB, 673x505, 673:505, Rage 16.png)


My god, someone PLEASE make this cunt to shut up!

51c3d1 No.14194943


>Wu comparing himself to Moses

They were both guys if that counts.

53d839 No.14194947


>GamerGate is now full of grandmothers

So when do we send these poor, 'oppressed' womyn tightly-knit sweaters with Vivian on them?

a6a00c No.14194949

File: 23fe89ec44bda9c⋯.jpg (78.66 KB, 755x505, 151:101, 23fe89ec44bda9cb143871c150….jpg)


He needs to check his math, it's only been one year.

b39f28 No.14194955


God had the Jews walking in circles for 40's for not kicking out the Canaanites like he told them and to kill off the older generation. Also, Moses died before ever seeing Israel.

48b97c No.14194957


Quick, someone post "I voted for Trump" in that thread, along with something that makes it not "off topic" so they can't hit you with that.

9c6aad No.14194961

File: cb37c0fa74f33c3⋯.jpg (35.45 KB, 699x679, 699:679, implying 4 years.jpg)



89deb1 No.14194981

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

edf7f0 No.14195021

File: 932124931fbbac6⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 520x520, 1:1, 1445666204448.jpg)


At least now they're implicitly admitting that they've realized he won't be impeached.

89deb1 No.14195035

File: 191cd5fe2d5fff4⋯.png (443.83 KB, 600x634, 300:317, mindblowing.PNG)

f8092a No.14195036

File: c6bc1f47a550b9a⋯.jpg (1008.39 KB, 1800x1223, 1800:1223, image-2512968.jpg)

48cc5c No.14195050

File: df3808974f4541f⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 1050x590, 105:59, JBP unsorted.jpg)

e5bd77 No.14195092

File: 3b3d494235aca0a⋯.png (48.11 KB, 674x643, 674:643, Capture.PNG)

File: 2300d7a584e896b⋯.png (48.4 KB, 597x683, 597:683, Capture2.PNG)


>RIP Newman

>a threat

These people.

60a59c No.14195100

File: 30f963a9b728e5c⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 699x679, 699:679, 8 years.jpg)

48b97c No.14195103


<"Our journalists expect to be held to account for their journalism

I'll believe it when I fucking see it.

bd5528 No.14195106



i ask cause i saw some guy on YT using one that looked like 4/b/, but had webms with sound

107046 No.14195121



Just for that, I'll do my damnedest to make it 1/8th.

4abe5d No.14195139

File: 22e3e4a0af4f8fe⋯.png (731.13 KB, 630x908, 315:454, hwy94rK.png)


This is the highest voted thing in r/funny for the past 30 days.

89deb1 No.14195143

File: f7692d878368423⋯.png (49.11 KB, 597x531, 199:177, real president.PNG)

827e69 No.14195173

File: ea601780e21e212⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 254.93 KB, 800x1600, 1:2, tumblr_of1ioo9FdE1ukywavo1….png)

File: 84d5d564419c3d5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 286.05 KB, 573x1024, 573:1024, tumblr_p0rgnf98Ws1ukywavo1….png)

File: df69e432bbefe82⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 520 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, tumblr_inline_p0vk93IUxj1t….png)

File: 0dda43e4e0d0468⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 921.55 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, tumblr_p1vielneb61ukywavo1….png)

File: 163393f6069e54c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 100.06 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DSnwcg8UQAIaG2x.jpg large.jpg)

I found out my dad has cancer. I'm a little broken up about it now that I read about it. He has lymphoma so he might be alright. The concealer at the hospital told my mom he should work as long and he can handle it to keep him busy, make money and to prepare for changes. I might have to be his caregiver when things get bad. Still feel terrible about the whole situation and being the only one to find out about it while my siblings are in Vegas for a show

anyways here some a artist I found on twitter drawing female knights without armor covering the fun parts

470851 No.14195174


Does he not know how a president operates?

60ec1f No.14195183

File: 110451bc107d532⋯.jpg (93.96 KB, 500x750, 2:3, be strong.jpg)


Any type of cancer is a pain to go through. Sorry that's happened to your dad, anon.

f8092a No.14195223

File: 1936073e740eaa4⋯.jpg (208.37 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, ztW5JaHB.jpg)


>anyways here some a artist I found on twitter drawing female knights without armor covering the fun parts

>You found him

more like you stalk my twitter feed and now trying to take credit for artists I RT

e5bd77 No.14195230

File: 6ee1b72780d78a0⋯.jpg (94.48 KB, 400x615, 80:123, 5288a48fb634b37eb11276bcf5….jpg)


Be glad he has a chance to live if things go good, and you a chance to say goodbye if things go bad.

9c6aad No.14195247

File: fffac9452ba985c⋯.png (257.7 KB, 479x349, 479:349, 1469380384579.png)


>every other president ever has a cabinet and circle of advisors to help make informed decisions

>totally fine

>Donald Trump does it


d9b57b No.14195249

File: 9facf50c0d6de61⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 480x619, 480:619, Chaos Hug.jpg)


Sorry to hear that, anon. Trust me, if a hug could make you feel a bit better about your situation right now, I would do it.

c85425 No.14195257


He still found it on twitter. If you wanted the credit you should have posted it faggot

f8092a No.14195264

File: e2317c59fa88c6e⋯.png (464.9 KB, 624x751, 624:751, e2317c59fa88c6e314644b6cdc….png)

827e69 No.14195270

File: f42efdb2f1f7f79⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 118.31 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, DPyaj4mUEAAkvDn.jpg)

I follow a lot of porn artist man. I don't want to check my phone at work because I know its going to be filled with porn and Japanese text I can't read and English text I don't care about.

d9b57b No.14195293

File: c15d28e08063bfa⋯.jpg (304.32 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Feminism 69.jpg)

>Women's March in a nutshell

55769d No.14195297




Name of the VN? I'm actually interested.

9c6aad No.14195309

File: dff265619134501⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1877x711, 1877:711, 1467898936130-1.png)



>five minutes later, they're already infighting


ff147f No.14195358


I'm sorry, man. I hope you and your family make it through this alright.

ff147f No.14195371

File: 0b6da9c1090d0f1⋯.png (229.06 KB, 545x890, 109:178, walking_garbage_expanded.png)



>knowingly wanting to consume trash

>wanting to be spoonfed at that

a76273 No.14195380

File: 55d6119bcf963f9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 455.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Pub-LL.jpg)

For all you Umemaro Fans out there, Demo of Sexy Trainer is out.

Pic very related

55769d No.14195404


I just arrived at the thread, anon give me a break. Haven't been in these since months.

It's less about the NTR and more about the Ryona aspect that I want to see. I already follow Shiruka Bakaudon and Kurona on twatter.

89deb1 No.14195429

Crytek hits back at CIG's request to dismiss Star Citizen legal case



ff147f No.14195435


If you really want to know: It's a series called "Taimanin Asagi".


55769d No.14195455


I know it's frowned upon but thanks for spoonfeeding

b39f28 No.14195467

File: f2732cf224fdf6a⋯.png (852.63 KB, 640x903, 640:903, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why does that actually sound appealing? A story about how a jackass doing everything he can to impress a girl he actually "likes", but ends up getting used by her and the story ends with him being a lonely, but now humbler, man who realizes how much of a tool he used to be and vows "Never again" to be used by anyone.



In some related manner, isn't that also the plot for X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Doesn't that mean that a superior version of DmC already came out YEARS prior to it? I remember hearing that the game is good, but it get's stale and doesn't go far enough.

<I'm talking about the HD version (Uncaged Edition) of the game


>No NTR tag

So, where did the Anons saying that this game has NTR come from?

8df430 No.14195497

File: 35ee1d2f27d8e0c⋯.png (165.27 KB, 592x600, 74:75, 1415523308144.png)



You have to be kidding me. All he had to do was SauceNAO or iqdb to find the source of what may be some of the most popular hentai series that gives you all the information you need when you reverse image search it.

This shit is why people hate spoonfeeding. It's not that it was cropped doujin that rarely can be easily searchable so there could be a decent excuse to spoonfeed, or that there aren't tools available to try first before asking to be spoonfed, this is fucking Taimanin. Any modicum of effort at all and doing the bare minimal and he would have found it on his own. I'm usually some of the more lax anons when it comes to spoonfeeding, but holy shit I'm butthurt right now.

Sage for off topic.

55769d No.14195501

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Probably the ones that have Asagi as a waifu and feel NTRd by her being a cocksleeve. With those parameters everything is NTR.

Unrelated but I'd like to see a PS4 port of Kancolle Arcade but given it's by Sega and how Hawaii hates the game it's never ever.

4599c9 No.14195521


>short hair

Fucking finally

f8092a No.14195554

I think Darling in the FranXX is a swingers cuckolding anime

bf6214 No.14195556

File: b0cc381540db100⋯.jpg (99.98 KB, 565x678, 5:6, i'm too dead for this shit.jpg)


Inferiority/Superiority shit aside, the fact that each race has attitudes that extend beyond culture is ignored, the idea isn't even entertained.

Whites from my experience tend to be quick to build bridges but hold long lasting grudges if you really fuck up with them and are inward thinking which when crime is committed by whites there's always a heap of justification that's usually heavily thought out flawed or alien it may be, community wise more likely to hold people outside of family at arm's distance for a long time with friendships lasting as long as needed.

Blacks on the other hand are tightly communal and think outwardly, act quickly and are quick to heavily scorn people over slights until an apology is given, afterwards they act as if they never acted heavily, in white society tone even when initial accusations are being thrown out still keep lowered voices and soft tones, but with blacks it's either setting 1 or setting 100.

If you see a white man acting with utmost rage out and loud he's at his most dangerous and at that point there's no niceties, he's in kill mode with no escape if you manage to see one like that. With blacks the initial brashness is used to disarm and confront even between civilians, which probably why they're seen (and by statistical talk are, there's always exceptions) as confrontational and fight-happy.

Of course, this is just from my experiences and observations, the main problem is that no one is willing to talk about these subjects so there's no way to double check or study these cultures.

I have no wish to hurt anyone, just to understand people. If you don't acknowledge your differences, if you ignore them then you allow misunderstanding and divisions to arise, it is perfectly possible to live with different people, and the continual enforced lack of understanding is itself racist as it promotes segregation on racial lines. There is objective proof that blacks and whites are different, there's fundamental values that no culture can alter between these two races and it's a good thing to understand people.

If blacks are neurologically different or even dumber intellectually on average, or if whites are prone to insanity or whatever else, if it is proven true it is objective fact, no amount of whining can change that. There are of course exceptions, but that's a tautology, because there's exceptions to EVERY rule.

cc1410 No.14195563

d907d0 No.14195632


ff147f No.14195637

File: e7f38834b6f739e⋯.webm (197.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Oh shit I'm sorry.webm)


>All he had to do was SauceNAO or iqdb to find the source of what may be some of the most popular hentai series that gives you all the information you need when you reverse image search it.

That had slipped my mind when I told him. My bad.

>saging a thread past the bump limit

e5bd77 No.14195639

File: f8cfd34b64a067b⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 300x442, 150:221, chenrampage.jpg)

People that respond "Delete this" should be banned tbhfam

60ec1f No.14195640

File: b28ae38f9959cb7⋯.jpg (89.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tumblr_ov79hwUogY1s1x1obo1….jpg)

283daf No.14195650


delete this

d9b57b No.14195704

File: 751e7994e15ed55⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Delete 3.jpg)

8df430 No.14195738


>saging a thread past the bump limit

When you sage your post generally get's less attention, or so it seems. I do so in hopes I don't completely derail the thread and most ignore the post

a29bc0 No.14195746

>A new gundam breaker game is coming out.

>It is getting an english release.

Life is good sometimes.

4011d6 No.14195788


How butthurt are they compared to the sjws on cuckchan 5+years? Remember that image of moot telling tumblr to fuck off from /q/ before he bowed out?

f8092a No.14195814


I like the switch wojak memes they are funny as fuck and mark getting butthurt about them is even more funny

b768e6 No.14195841

File: 3c8b936b425518e⋯.jpg (245.6 KB, 600x1032, 25:43, pepethespy.jpg)

b39f28 No.14195849

File: 2999b4b5b861331⋯.png (12.94 KB, 119x222, 119:222, Mr butterfly.png)


Who are you and why should we care?

e5bd77 No.14195851

File: 66b9e34e89223f9⋯.png (154.9 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 54372021_p27.png)


It was getting banned the other day because a faggot was spamming intensely and trying to stir up consolewar shit, not because mark was butthurt of the memes.



…despite no one in the thread being that way. The guy ban-evaded several times and was a nuisance to the point of it being considered a raid.

I read a post saying Mark also made fun of it, but I'm not sure.

4011d6 No.14195852


I see why he did it. It flushed out and revealed that we have an autistic crossposter in our midst. Now that I think about it, he and the vols should crack down on the shitposting a little more, provided people are reporting it. Glad the Galko and Miranda posting is gone in these threads for instance. If it were me, I'd do away with trap posting when it goes too far and remove Gilda on sight.

f8092a No.14195856


fuck off cobalt

c85425 No.14195860


It's funnier seeing you constantly assblasted about not being able to post your waifus

4011d6 No.14195866

File: df1a829fe6c0d9c⋯.jpg (10.18 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 0de27c9cf19ab38bfb741b7f1e….jpg)


t.mad shitposting addicted furfag

f8092a No.14195870


>sucking mod dick

ffd8c5 No.14195883

File: f03da8392635a8e⋯.png (833.43 KB, 1062x838, 531:419, TxTHZ5r.png)


>sucking dog dick

b39f28 No.14195888

File: 46f134535b3c0a9⋯.png (391.02 KB, 846x683, 846:683, Give me praise.png)


What if the dog is human?

48cc5c No.14195893

File: d989cdb6ec49faa⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, Jew vs furry.png)

d9b57b No.14195907

File: 682438eef366c2a⋯.jpg (94.04 KB, 720x600, 6:5, Feminism 70.jpg)

My goodness, these feminists and their placards. Like holy shit, do they REALLY know how to even protest?

e5bd77 No.14195909


Was something ever done with that dog because of the animal abuse?

This was that blockbot's "dev" dog right? Or was it sarahbutt's?

4011d6 No.14195910


Laughing at refugees and a former avatarfag is more like it.


How the fuck is Randi Harper, TB, Sterling, Boogie, Moviebob, Boogie, and still alive instead of getting finished off by cancer, heart attacks, strokes, or a combination there of? Welfare and patreon must go a long way in keeping these fatfucks alive, huh?

48cc5c No.14195917

File: a3c24c9aba64673⋯.jpg (144.7 KB, 655x792, 655:792, HAHAHA FAGGOT.JPG)


Jesus Christ and they are shocked they aren't taken seriously.


It's fun triggering Marche into full autism and best part he falls for every single fucking time!

10302d No.14195919

File: 669cdb867b6a8d6⋯.png (611.01 KB, 600x1075, 24:43, Asuka armor.png)


We're gonna need a logo for the Wiki. 160x160. Configuration is done and the base site and DB are operational in test mode.

Once I get done finishing the fiddly shit, I get to figure out how the fuck to translate my backup onto it. I already know how to do it the hard way, but I'm checking out faster options before I plunge my dick in.

Anyway, make us a gamergay logo while I fuck with this thing, please. If you don't, you're getting Asuka as a logo.

ffd8c5 No.14195921


Nah the dog is fine. See how they gave him a treat in the picture? That trash sarah shouldn't be dragged through the street and beaten to within an inch of her life at all.

4011d6 No.14195936


Got that right


You wouldn't dare, would you Acid. Anyway, I have all but my games from my PC backed up now. I just need to restore it and see if there's anything that can be uploaded. I'm sure we can sort of have a "creepfreeze" on it with archived links and images to start off with, right?

e5bd77 No.14195937

File: 957f73b41ab3b18⋯.jpg (182.4 KB, 800x1129, 800:1129, 081cacf33093d64b933000798d….jpg)


Make it pic related.

Or something else with bread. Maybe a baker.

4011d6 No.14195955

Another thing about the wiki, I'm sure NeoGAF->ResetEra will be covered, right? Perhaps a more sensitive question is if the fights concerning revolt and will be documented? So as to showcase their multiple sabotage attempts and their "GGsuxnowbecausemuhPRnoboycottsnodoxingreddit" narrative?

b39f28 No.14195957

File: 4661a2b494b0397⋯.png (203.48 KB, 599x529, 599:529, ff8cc24daebba6b3ff4dfc56b8….png)

File: 26a31857e2750b1⋯.png (86.63 KB, 1265x361, 1265:361, Gamergate Bayonetta.png)

File: cf53bd6b1bbd8dd⋯.png (62.49 KB, 1065x226, 1065:226, Gamergate Elebits.png)

File: 6d2a2317ad206fa⋯.png (68.17 KB, 935x294, 935:294, Gamergate Godzilla Destroy….png)

File: 3fcae602090cb55⋯.png (102.98 KB, 1465x379, 1465:379, Gamergate Mad Trix.png)


There was all of these logos you guys dropped a few months back.

b39f28 No.14195960

File: 9aab100d567869d⋯.png (122.62 KB, 1054x456, 527:228, Gamergate Smash Bros melee.png)

10302d No.14195974


I'm creating a test page using the 8chan page data recovered from gg.me.

It's rough. The site rips are straight html, but the wiki ports this html to the database and then rebuilds the page with php, which doubles up the html tags, plus all the links are broken until the linked articles and images get added. I knew from the start this was going to be the hardest part, so its maximum autism time.


It'll cover whatever you guys and #GG at large want it to cover. It's going to be fully open to the public, though I expect 2 or 3 contentious pages might wind up locked once completed just to keep the narrative pushers out. You know once we start spreading it, the usual suspects are going to come out the woodwork.



160x160 pixels guys. Tiny. I kinda like the JSR one personally or the classic controller with G's on it, but make some finalized ones and do a strawpoll or something.

751d78 No.14196015

File: af43db85e0778a0⋯.jpg (15.25 KB, 600x300, 2:1, gamergate-logo.jpg)


GG has only one logo.

Don't be a Pepsi marketing consultant. USE THE ONE WITH BRAND RECOGNITION

cc1410 No.14196024

File: 03b93efa4dea7b4⋯.png (960.11 KB, 864x1920, 9:20, 03b.png)

Some good news, Yakuza 6's translation will be uncensored.


>DualShockers took note of a brief conversation in a long, two hour live-stream of Yakuza 6, featuring the English localization of the highly anticipated PS4 game. The localization producers, Scott Strichart and Sam Mullen walked gamers through some of the dialogue, some of the missions, and even some of the mini-games.

>And speaking of mini-games, there was obviously some worries from gamers when the mini-game trailer for the Western release didn’t feature the live chat sexy-time mini-game, leading many to fear that the localizers had cut it. Well, they haven’t.

>Localization producer Scott Strichart explained at the 1:06:35 mark…

>“We did not cut live chat [mini-game]. I got so many people [asking] ‘did you cut the live chat, Scott?’. It’s just not something that goes [into the trailer]. But it’s there. It’s in there! It’s in the game. It’s 100% in the game.”

10302d No.14196026

File: a649707394e04d0⋯.jpg (61.7 KB, 665x842, 665:842, Asuka grin (shit eating).jpg)


I went ahead and did it.

Guys, it's a work in progress, but I am proud to offer a teaser of what's to come. I just activated the domain.

Give her a click!


48cc5c No.14196039

File: 679980459568d37⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 281x295, 281:295, tfw_you_feel_a_good_sneeze….jpg)

b768e6 No.14196051


just making a joke, apparently it wasn't funny.


The wiki logo should be normie-friendly since we want the site to be read and trusted by people who aren't here already.

If we can't decide on a single logo, a rotating stable of logos might be fun.


> Another thing about the wiki, I'm sure NeoGAF->ResetEra will be covered, right? Perhaps a more sensitive question is if the fights concerning revolt and will be documented?

Here's an ongoing problem, nothing is documented. We point and laugh and forget to write down what happened. We need to document stuff better, all of us.


> The site rips are straight html, but the wiki ports this html to the database and then rebuilds the page with php, which doubles up the html tags

Can you run a script to read the HTML into a DOM and then manage it in some more useful manner?

10302d No.14196070


>Can you run a script to read the HTML into a DOM and then manage it in some more useful manner?

Precisely what I'm working on. I tried stripping the html but working with the resulting WALLOTEXT with gg.me footers and Drybones goddamned custom CSS markups isn't much easier than just rebuilding from ctrl+v text. We need a solution, and I aim to find one.

ee843a No.14196071


I'm rooting for Mark.

4abe5d No.14196078


Hope your dad survives. I've lost too many family members to cancer.

4abe5d No.14196093


sauce? I got nothing from reverse searches.

ca3663 No.14196114

File: cf26d0f1fad4291⋯.png (4.85 MB, 1476x860, 369:215, nichjohntron2.png)

File: 74198bf7824ef94⋯.jpg (103.69 KB, 780x512, 195:128, DMvmq3NVAAUAotP.jpg)

File: a0bd473c8a20760⋯.jpg (116.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, nich.jpg)


I haven't heard much from Treehouse lately, I wonder what's going on there now that Nintendo is printing money again….

b39f28 No.14196116


It's non-H. You still want it?

cc6dfd No.14196120

File: 9c46d2b6c135e03⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 600x436, 150:109, 9256702567.jpg)


Looks good, for now.

9c6aad No.14196124


I honestly hate that they make it no secret that they want to play industry gatekeeper.

ec9499 No.14196142


Someone please post the Sankarea ED

4011d6 No.14196159


One of our mottos is "archive everything!" for a reason. Though you may have a point in regards to actually writing down a timeline of (multiple branching) events. I saved some links at least and have a bunch of images, although sadly my initial GG folder up to 2016 or so was in my now dead laptop hard drive, which I'm uncertain if it can be recovered at all. I'll have to look through whatever I have regardless. By the way, does anyone know if the soyboy meme originated here or on halfchan?

ee843a No.14196179

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

e5bd77 No.14196188

That spammer/ban-evader from the labo threads the other day posted two threads on /sudo/ complaining about mass bans and how it's unfair he couldn't shitpost whole threads.

ee843a No.14196191


Is that the TOR autist?

f8092a No.14196213

e5bd77 No.14196226


The ip hopper. Not sure if it's that guy, but I think TOR posting was also disabled.

ee843a No.14196236


Good riddance, as much as I respect anon posting, TOR posts are nothing but garbage.

c512ff No.14196256

File: 77fc7c10dea5bb0⋯.jpg (25.85 KB, 328x466, 164:233, 90d18b76f9794134e9cc930188….jpg)



Reported to Mark

10302d No.14196291

File: 82b1ae7d304223d⋯.png (274.5 KB, 492x356, 123:89, Asuka gang happy.png)


There is a system for converting raw html documents directly into wikipedia markup format!

Now I just need to write a little script to automate the process, and all that will be left is the cleanup, which is a community effort anyway.


We about in business, boys!

60a59c No.14196306


>that first image quality

>4.85 MB

It's like I'm looking at a facebook meme that's been passed around for over 3 years

ee843a No.14196318

File: 7e80b54a671b64d⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 599x248, 599:248, Bisexual.jpg)


Facebook has memes? How bad are they?

e5bd77 No.14196327

File: 2f29d6e8d530896⋯.jpg (511.4 KB, 976x713, 976:713, 1459618588323.jpg)

Good night gayergays

60ec1f No.14196329

File: 28ba42342f7a2e1⋯.jpg (40.44 KB, 772x421, 772:421, Blank _dece6185a5a5efd2ce1….jpg)



10302d No.14196330


They make Funnyjunk look like the dankest shit ever painted.


Sleep snug, smug.

4011d6 No.14196335


I've seen people saying that the chad vs virgin meme is from facebook.

ee843a No.14196337


Sleep snug, pug.

f8092a No.14196338


this is the retard the burnout ayyfags defended when I made fun of them for asking for fallout 4 DLC and "just a little bit like $150 for food"

b377b2 No.14196352


How curious she recieved dead threats after she was owned on public television and only some feelings woulf improve her position.

0140a1 No.14196365




>2 aGGros in prison already

>one a journo and the other a neofag mod

>and its only 3 weeks into january

this will be a very good year, count on it

>Gawker Kikestarter failed too


c37376 No.14196374

ee843a No.14196389

File: 48643a0d12634dc⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Destiny jam.mp4)


I hope DesTINY gets bankrupt. this year. If nothing else, this slimey fuck is such a weasel and a pedophile who beat his kid, nothing will make me happier than to see this midget get what's coming to him. I sound just like Along, holy shit

cd057f No.14196420

File: 780d8220b9c23c4⋯.jpg (178.27 KB, 960x632, 120:79, WAAAAGH.jpg)


>muh deff dreads

sure is orky here

c85425 No.14196450

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


What about Maddox losing his half billion dollar hurt feelings lawsuit and going bankrupt and killing himself?

713d6e No.14196527

File: 33e68fc7c0be3fc⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 994.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DescriptiveRingedHydra.webm)

Would you?

60ec1f No.14196549


I would a gook anon.

cc6dfd No.14196564

File: 58ef5b181ff2448⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 695.61 KB, 1280x1805, 256:361, 120.jpg)

ac09c9 No.14196566


>those tits

That face tho.

0140a1 No.14196658


Goddamn that is one ugly male

ac09c9 No.14196662

>full on 3d cp spam on /tv/

Who did we piss off now?

073bf7 No.14196666

File: 6ac59bce64db05e⋯.png (404.9 KB, 660x768, 55:64, 6ac59bce64db05e44b7a57acb5….png)

gamergate is dead

60ec1f No.14196676


It's /tv/. They piss everyone off.

0140a1 No.14196689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nuclear Negro is getting into some shit with some FGC faggots and they're "raiding" his comment section if you can call it that. Its pretty pathetic to see.


isn't /tv/ always like that?


48cc5c No.14196768

File: 0a9ce80a19c219c⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 350x355, 70:71, best-dubs-cruw.jpg)

ef76cd No.14196776

File: 5b3514913c6b4f5⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 229x300, 229:300, lolipolice-229x300.jpg)

File: 374ec80d47e27be⋯.jpg (46.19 KB, 686x576, 343:288, akari_doggy.jpg)

File: 3c2c094c62506b6⋯.webm (399.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IT BEGINS - Barney.webm)

cd057f No.14196779


That is not dead which can eternal lie (and rent-free too), Mega Satan

d9b57b No.14196879

File: 618ffc6bc3ad532⋯.jpg (164.96 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Minoru Suzuki Champ.jpg)

Good evening, faggots!

e16c6c No.14196898

File: 87eb4bbedb0be70⋯.png (1.97 MB, 850x1190, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06ffe3346ff6795⋯.png (1.25 MB, 707x1000, 707:1000, ClipboardImage.png)


good doggo

c85425 No.14196908

File: b420cddfb967340⋯.png (89.56 KB, 931x295, 931:295, moot died1.PNG)

File: f9f45cac2745e59⋯.png (11.74 KB, 1477x95, 1477:95, moot died2.PNG)

What happened to this faggot anyway, I knew he was bullshitting but I wanted proof of his shit

01e50f No.14196916


Funnyjunk does have some great OC. I stopped browsing when they removed anonymous image posting a couple years back though.

f8092a No.14196920


IA here, holy shit

b377b2 No.14196949

So… is California really trying to ignore federal law and prosecute employers doing background checks to illegal inmigrants?

48cc5c No.14196978

File: 2b5459f61fa6263⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 306x306, 1:1, disgusted pepe.jpg)


>So… is California really trying to ignore federal law and prosecute employers doing background checks to illegal inmigrants?

What the hell?

b377b2 No.14196986


Something I saw in a youtube video. Is from a guy named Wild Smile.

8df430 No.14196990

File: 4cf4caf77158bc0⋯.jpg (66.61 KB, 600x534, 100:89, 455768.jpg)


I was going to wait a week before bringing it up again to make fun of him. I don't believe it's likely that health issues of Moot would go completely unnoticed for this long from anons both on 8ch or 4chan who would likely dig deep to find out the truth.

More then happy to eat my own words if down the line news come out but for now it's obvious that anon was bullshitting from the start. This is why people who claim shit with no proof should be immediately ignored. He didn't even bother to provide any phone pictures of the scene of the supposed residence he was called to check on. Lying, or was too retarded to use a second to take a hasty photo to at least give himself some form of veiled credibility.

c85425 No.14196994


That's how I felt about it all, everyone buys into shit claims for no reason and they're retarded for falling for it without any proof at all. I was thinking of waiting a week too to bring it up as well but I just remembered about it and I figured 5 days was enough time that if anything did happen to moot someone would have heard about it

b377b2 No.14196997

>The women's march is in spain too.


94c0c8 No.14197008


At least the women's march in the United States resulted in infighting.

48cc5c No.14197011

File: 31121e96dcbeaa4⋯.png (66.23 KB, 1008x559, 1008:559, why people hate you.PNG)

01e50f No.14197014



The one thing that crap had going for it was that no one knows what moot's up to, but that's because no one gives a shit. Even Notch still maintained somewhat of a presence after he sold the only worthwhile thing he made. Moot could die any day and it'd be one of those classic "man dies at desk, coworkers don't notice for a week" urban legends.

94c0c8 No.14197020


Californian here, apparently, this is done for 2 things

1. The companies that are pro-democrat want cheap or free labour.

2. This is also being done purely to spite Trump, again as every liberal law has at this point.

I also wonder how this would hold up in court, or why the federal government has not declared California a state of emergency, as the Government here is the core problem and not the citizenry. This is coming from someone in Solano county. Yes we have our faggots, but then #notall applies here, thanks.



>Taking a "news" outlet from San-Franshitsco seriously


48cc5c No.14197034


>Californian here

God help you.

b377b2 No.14197037


And not only that. The 'a doctor told me I'm a girl randomly at birth even if I identify as a boy' meme is spreading.

I knew La Sexta was a leftist channel, but this is painful.

d9b57b No.14197038

File: 3e5a954608d3472⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 652x697, 652:697, Feminism 71.jpg)

Feminism, everyone!

48dfd5 No.14197061


>Not giving context


70952f No.14197107


>pussy made out of steel

is she wearing a chastity belt or something?

70952f No.14197114

File: aa65cadc8e1f4b9⋯.webm (5.15 MB, 768x432, 16:9, CrossFit Girl Arm Wrestle….webm)

File: 5b8edc4ad52a2fa⋯.webm (6.68 MB, 711x400, 711:400, John McEnroe on Serena Wi….webm)


>Feminism, everyone!

very strong womyn

70952f No.14197117

File: bfd40b013b270f8⋯.webm (5.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, female pro gamer.webm)

File: 416802a7db3addb⋯.webm (7.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fe-Fail CS.webm)

48dfd5 No.14197155


Were infected with an ever increasing amount of newfags at this point. Ever since some cuckchanner posted the Odyssey 4chan leak stream here, I've noticed dozens of anons using the 4cuck "brainlet" term derived from the nuWojak brainlet meme and no one telling them to fuck off.

c85425 No.14197164


Alternatively you have someone telling them to fuck off then you get 5 (you)'s calling them reddit

f8092a No.14197165


Brainlet is funny

c85425 No.14197168


Marche you think the soyboy wojak is funny and that miranda isn't a furry, your opinion isn't worth much

48dfd5 No.14197170


He did in the original Labo thread. That was about a thread and a half before the spam though.

f8092a No.14197176

File: a97e86269647035⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 573x579, 191:193, a97e86269647035be292910896….jpg)


They are

cc3921 No.14197182

File: 1e07745ea1a4c3e⋯.jpg (115.11 KB, 530x507, 530:507, 1e07745ea1a4c3e3913371633c….jpg)

48dfd5 No.14197183

File: d97eb48f8c9b3a2⋯.png (162.28 KB, 545x274, 545:274, Mark Hates Elves.png)

48dfd5 No.14197199

File: 9e6997bea440663⋯.png (8.54 KB, 300x300, 1:1, CryingNamiDotPeeEnJee.png)

d9b57b No.14197213

File: 983fec97725c642⋯.jpg (89.08 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Exorcism 3.jpg)

93eb70 No.14197214

File: 9150d63145f990d⋯.webm (2.38 MB, 320x240, 4:3, deadgamer.webm)

b39f28 No.14197216

File: cd6db2525f09354⋯.png (260.38 KB, 786x723, 262:241, Don't cry, smile.png)

48cc5c No.14197224

File: 967cf22ae623e62⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Eating corn on da cob like….gif)

>Marche spergs again

ef76cd No.14197265

File: 07f544e52a9ec44⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Anime Thigh Highs.mp4)

Have we talked about Zettai Ryoiki yet ITT?

94c0c8 No.14197272


No. but we've talked about bullying you.

48dfd5 No.14197277



I thought it was Ryouki?

d9b57b No.14197278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now we're in anime talk, this is what I've been watching lately.

ef76cd No.14197283

File: 33b3d0879a2adb2⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Anime Thigh and High stock….mp4)

04181d No.14197301

File: 02d117ce95b6b97⋯.webm (867.43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 【例の比較】キズナアイ、輝夜月.webm)

>we're still on the same bread from yesterday

89deb1 No.14197345

>Eric Weinstein explains the Channel 4 Peterson interview with his Four Quadrant Model


>Interesting… IMC discovered a now-deleted tweet from a Channel 4 producer that showed Cathy Newman laughing at angry tweets about her debate with Jordan Peterson



>Rachael Revesz / The Independent - "Misogynistic abuse against Cathy Newman is a symbol of the backlash against the MeToo movement"


>WaPo: "What a competitive video game star’s anti-gay slur means for the newest pro sport"


>Japan Times Editorial: "Controlling wireless devices." Uses WHO classification and fearmongering over tech/gaming addiction as an excuse to push a familiar narrative.


>Count Dankula: "I don't think the media should be going after Jordan Peterson's fans. Peterson had a reasoned debate, whereas the media outright smeared me and sent a fuck ton of hate my way and caused me to get fired from jobs. Go fuck yourself hypocrites."


48dfd5 No.14197360

File: 391d9211a897a6e⋯.png (146.93 KB, 246x471, 82:157, Confused teach.png)


>>Eric Weinstein explains the Channel 4 Peterson interview with his Four Quadrant Model

>At once, says the media is slandering Peterson, while placing the media on the good side of moral virtue

48dfd5 No.14197368

File: d5634a0d98928db⋯.png (560.63 KB, 1032x676, 258:169, ClipboardImage.png)


Might as well post the image directly too.

107046 No.14197397


That might be the most absolutely fucked image I've seen in a long goddamn time.

The sheer naivety of that image is what you could expect from some pie-in-the-sky, head-in-the-clouds morons who never had to deal with anything awful in their entire goddamn lives.

53d839 No.14197398


Did the Anon trying to animate this ever finish it?

c512ff No.14197417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




He explains how the model is supposed to be interpreted in this video.

cd057f No.14197418


So what you're saying is that lobsters are smarter than women who should be enslaved and killed and you hate women?

48dfd5 No.14197428

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.





c512ff No.14197432

File: e102617de43f90b⋯.png (198.5 KB, 523x295, 523:295, 20milliondollars.png)


I copied the wrong link, sue me.

48dfd5 No.14197440

File: 8f08520ad100ad8⋯.gif (5.23 MB, 680x382, 340:191, bully.gif)


I'll fucking bully you faggot.

d3e0d6 No.14197445

File: 709bd429903a23f⋯.jpg (119 KB, 1108x1200, 277:300, GirlsLastTourFish.jpg)


>Decide that enough is enough, its time to make a list of all these fucking aGGros accused of sexual misconduct and outright convicted of sex crimes or CP possession.

>Take these two links down in a document, plus one OAG I had open from a few weeks back. Follow some "similar to this" links at the bottom of the pages.

>5 minutes in and I already have 6 links relating to 4 different aGGros facing allegations of sexual misconduct(severe enough to warrent suspension from their jobs), or who have been convicted of sex crimes or possessing CP.

aGG truely are scum.

48dfd5 No.14197462


>allegations of sexual misconduct(severe enough to warrent suspension from their jobs)

You underestimate how seriously both SJW employers and SJWs that are accused take allegations with no basis. While some of these faggots are rapists and/or pedos, many of them are victims of the same witch hunting culture they've been promoting. A bunch step down at mere accusations in order to tow the progressive line and not be like those with a spine that actually defend themselves. They don't realize that this is essentially admitting to the crimes in the eyes of their koolaid drinking peers, and will only result in further ridicule by them, not forgiveness.

782d19 No.14197474


>don't know what the face looks like


48dfd5 No.14197485


Put a bag on her head, take your aids, and like it you fucking bigot :^)

782d19 No.14197492




48dfd5 No.14197495



All crossdressers are literally trans you fucking shitlord.

782d19 No.14197512


no feminism allowed

70952f No.14197513


>All crossdressers are literally trans you fucking shitlord.

Fucking trans people try to steal the term traps and use it for themselves.

53d839 No.14197518

File: 74e7fda3e74ca90⋯.jpg (123.57 KB, 445x338, 445:338, trans-bugs hitting on elme….jpg)

9f8aa0 No.14197521

File: 715348083ce72d8⋯.jpg (453.19 KB, 1879x1966, 1879:1966, 1462658578594.jpg)


Just reminding you that anime is degenerate and it promotes sissyfication of white males

Your degenerate webm is an example proof

9194a5 No.14197530

File: fa06d18be37a7dd⋯.gif (26.18 KB, 158x132, 79:66, opinion discarded.gif)


the lower right corner is korean tho

70952f No.14197536



why does that matter? All asians are the same.

48dfd5 No.14197542


This reminds me. Wasn't there some cancer awhile back trying to argue that many cartoon characters that were non-human were somehow PoC, even many characters who had white VAs and spoke in white accents? Nevermind the fact that shit like the new Samurai Jack, a literally Japanese character, had a black VA.


Wew lad.

3c4f0e No.14197546

File: 6cdef53e6deaf92⋯.png (241.12 KB, 1100x650, 22:13, deimonhand.png)


So what you're saying is: traps aren't gay?

782d19 No.14197551


transgenders do not change their gender, they mutilate their bodies to resemble the opposite gender of what they really are

48dfd5 No.14197569

File: 4f214118eff34bb⋯.png (72.48 KB, 370x362, 185:181, 22_-2.png)

Is there any reason a deleted post would not come up on the board log at all?

9194a5 No.14197580


I will require the sauce my friend

48dfd5 No.14197599


Boku no fuck you I can't remember.

8fd4d4 No.14197605

File: 5cfe7f69ca23300⋯.jpg (159.32 KB, 500x720, 25:36, 1447730405523.jpg)


It shall die when it's name is no longer invoked.

It is a boogieman that will exist in the hearts and minds of journos and critics for years.

90a566 No.14197670

What other places are there to read manga? Kissmanga is down on my end.

b768e6 No.14197673


> 5 minutes in and I already have 6 links relating to 4 different aGGros facing allegations of sexual misconduct(severe enough to warrent suspension from their jobs), or who have been convicted of sex crimes or possessing CP.

Post it somewhere. I don't think I've ever seen a good sourced list of this stuff.

48dfd5 No.14197684


Works for me. I want to know where I can find a scanlation of Made in Abyss that doesn't use a weird font.

5f9a87 No.14197814

I assume no but is there anyway to know sales date for games divided by states?

ee843a No.14197826


That one is a given he will lose.

I'm convinced Maddox has a mental disorder. Didn't he once try and plant drugs on Dick to get him in legal trouble, and on top of that left a girl stranded in LA because she was going to appear on The Dick Show?

eb5078 No.14197838


That's the point.

This thing should be openly discussed, but it's not, and what's more, it's being silenced.

This won't do us any good.

c85425 No.14197887


>Didn't he once try and plant drugs on Dick to get him in legal trouble

That was just a joke

>and on top of that left a girl stranded in LA because she was going to appear on The Dick Show?

That one is true though I think

ee843a No.14197895

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This vid is my source. 31 minute mark, didn't seem like a joke to me.

48dfd5 No.14197919


There's mangakakalot, or just torrenting.

89deb1 No.14197927

>Google CEO Sundar Pichai says he does not regret firing James Damore. “It was the right decision,” says YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.


>'Overwatch' pro player suspended for homophobic slur




>The #MeToo Movement Is Destroying Trust Between Men And Women


9c6aad No.14197944

File: addc2d9681c7682⋯.jpg (69.63 KB, 930x834, 155:139, the cursed phrase.jpg)


>>Google CEO Sundar Pichai says he does not regret firing James Damore. “It was the right decision,” says YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.


Surely confirming that you fired someone solely based on their political opinions and them exposing inconvenient truths, then having the press lie about why you did it, will never ever backfire!

c85425 No.14197945


In that it said he only planned on sending tips to the cops and not actually planting any drugs, he knew Dick smokes weed so it's likely he would have some on him when the cops came. But as far as I know it never happened

89deb1 No.14197974

File: 77a1e29c4c5177f⋯.png (57.94 KB, 457x616, 457:616, women's march.PNG)

File: ca416aeee0beec6⋯.png (38.84 KB, 462x460, 231:230, black mirror.PNG)

9c6aad No.14197999

File: c7a11deea88be4b⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Baby Cakes hears lies.mp4)


>I have a policy to never go after other women publicly


Practically every single nonprofit and "woman in tech" initiative in the Boston area has been terrorized by Flynt and Frank because they show up with a press entourage and try to take credit for everything. Hell, every single woman who worked for Giant Spacekat has horror stories of Flynt and Frank's abuse that would put the couple that ran Amy's Baking Company to shame.

b377b2 No.14198014


I just hope he could break Google's back.

cc3921 No.14198021

File: 9b0321b7a3a6f11⋯.png (1016.35 KB, 1042x582, 521:291, a cutie.png)


>other women

e786f5 No.14198026


The thing that echoes the loudest in an echo chamber is stupidity.

c85425 No.14198042


>Hell, every single woman who worked for Giant Spacekat has horror stories of Flynt and Frank's abuse that would put the couple that ran Amy's Baking Company to shame.

People keep saying that but I never see examples, I want to read it, it seems fun.

ee843a No.14198059


Sounds scummy anyway. The guy feels the need to go after anyone who slights him the least. Makes old articles where he's laughing at jocks in highschool bagging groceries seem petty.


When's the election?

48b97c No.14198067


>second image

… He's not wrong, but I do fear what he has in mind in that regard.

c85425 No.14198068


>The guy feels the need to go after anyone who slights him the least.

It's kind of funny when you think it's a character, but really pathetic when you realize it's just how he is. At least those jocks bagging groceries probably have more going on for them now and aren't laughingstocks to tens of thousands of people

c85425 No.14198074



You're not wrong either, but you are a massive fucking faggot

b39f28 No.14198085


Where is this from, Mr. Trips? I've always been wondering that.

ee843a No.14198116

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Someone's youtube vids.

ee843a No.14198138

File: d83e695372b1e9c⋯.jpg (39.18 KB, 534x526, 267:263, DUDy6SyX4AEpoi6.jpg)

Does anyone have an archive of this tweet? It might be fake but I wish to verify.

b768e6 No.14198148


Contact them. Ask for details. ID the presstitutes. Publish anonymously if you have to. The story needs to get out there.

9c6aad No.14198157


I don't know, it seems pretty par for the course for every "victim of harassment" that the media propped up.

cc3921 No.14198190

File: 74539be5590268e⋯.jpg (235.43 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 172211872.jpg)

03d602 No.14198205

File: da0ba3be542e941⋯.png (313.68 KB, 936x771, 312:257, archiveeverythingevenyours….png)


You can search all archives of a domain on archive.is by putting an * after it. https://twitter.com/anja_popp* gives leads you to https://archive.is/1k7ES#selection-2869.0-2869.6 . She deleted that tweet but someone saved her timeline that still has it.

cc3921 No.14198208

File: 6654053166a754a⋯.png (35.7 KB, 633x402, 211:134, Anja_Popp_on_Twitter_When_….png)

ee843a No.14198215



Thank you anons.

1fed83 No.14198250


I'm half suspicious that California and the DACA talks are being used to rile up the rest of the populace against this bullshit. They have a spotlight on them, and they are still giving preferential treatment to illegal immigrants, many of whom have other criminal records.


I am reminded of that woman walking up to two guys and calling them various things like scum and insects while they are perfectly reasonable.

48b97c No.14198357


Wow, literally no one is falling for that shit. I'm impressed.

ee0f6a No.14198374


Imgur is memeing pretty hard about this.I think I've seen 3 front page posts today making fun of her.

ee843a No.14198396


I'm thinking long term. Now, people are calling them out on this. Give it time, and the only people bringing this up will be the ones on her side and are the ones who will shape the narrative of how awful her treatment was. Don't believe me? The same happened with us, and now we have people like Shen buying Zoe's book.

48b97c No.14198407



That's Bike Cuck, right?

Am I supposed to be surprised and sad that he did something like that?

94c0c8 No.14198426


They're used to rile up the geriatrics (baby boomers are hyper-Jewish cancer), and aliens (cause a lot of them are in California, and I live in a city dominated by farmers, military vets, and aliens). As I said, The president needs to declare a "state of emergency" to weed the illegals, and our government out. Also, Jerry Brown is a baby-boomer, so let that say what it will.

1fed83 No.14198554


That is their intent, but look how that is, and has been, working out for them with GG. Preponderance of evidence is against them, and the only people who are going to care are either people who already hate nerds or these people and their sycophants. Normalfags have a lot of other shit to worry about, especially with this me too crap going around, and the recent stuff with the magic pedo judges is going to be a much bigger deal to them.


I meant that its riling up people who hate the illegals and blatantly corrupt governments. California's government is throwing their treason in everyone's face now that the focus is on that shit. A state of emergency is the best bet, but you need to prepare the populace for the idea that it is justified. Democrats are offering plenty of ammunition for that.

70952f No.14198616

File: 31093cb00b412e9⋯.jpg (136.99 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 170425214503-investigates-….jpg)

File: a4cf3489b8b0220⋯.jpg (211.7 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, pri_38354545.jpg)

Yo guys, I know this is old, but did you guys hear about this FBI agent called Daniela Greene? She was supposed to spy on some terrorist but she ended up marrying him. Fucking women… They suck at everything… You can't even trust a female FBI agent.

ee843a No.14198617

File: c6bc99598ceb5cd⋯.webm (7.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AHHHHHH.webm)


>mfw we're at the brink of a civil war

48b97c No.14198630


>Californian elites won't let rural California split into separate state

I wouldn't mind seeing armed revolution at the state level, just so said portion of state can become it's own state in the same country. The world needs to be shown just what kind of awful dictators the big city elites have become.

ca89e8 No.14198639

File: d612b5f2a7621be⋯.jpg (87.59 KB, 620x620, 1:1, DUFB-AOUQAEGG6K[1].jpg)

Gotta love how a podcast about pop culture like commercial jingles and 80s/90s cartoons can just have one on a spiteful vendetta over someone who doesn't agree with you polictically. But then again, when you're Bob Mackey…

ff147f No.14198642


And now her terrorist husband died in a bombing a couple days ago.

70952f No.14198653


yeah, that's where I heard about her. Was reading a article on that guy dying.

1fed83 No.14198657


Wew. Should have killed her as well. Do not suffer a traitor to live.



Come what may, its going to be a crazy time.

48dfd5 No.14198671

File: 306d852943f9155⋯.png (122.58 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1462881670193.png)


>502 error


5207d7 No.14198707


There was more of this right?

37a7e7 No.14198710



>Loses half a billion dollars, and goes bankrupt

>Has Che Guevara on his background.

Yeah, he got what he deserved. Not going to lie, I do somewhat agree on his take on which animated version of The Little Mermaid was better, and he picked the version made by Toei instead of Disney's rendition.


Isn't she going get killed anyway? Seeing that her terrorist husband is in his goat fucking heaven now?

ee843a No.14198726


By the way, has maddox disavowed this yet?


55769d No.14198735


Someone theorized that Nintendo lowkey overhauled their localization branch after the Fe:Fates and SMTxFE fiasco. I wouldn't be surprised, games after that had an okay localization, and it seems Switch games have a good work on them too. Nintendo wouldn't want a fuckup like that with their money printer at its prime.

9c6aad No.14198781


>The same happened with us, and now we have people like Shen buying Zoe's book.

Well, Chelsea's new strategy isn't "run around the various media outlets talking about how oppressed she is" anymore. Now it's "bully the Hipster Clique into anonymously sending harassing emails to anyone that remotely speaks to any of the apostates that exposed her scam artist bullshit."

94c0c8 No.14198791


From what I've heard, most of the money-printer games from Nintendo (Mario Oddysey, to name one) are being translated by Nintendo of Europe. I guess that Treehouse fucked up so royally that they're not being trusted with anything. Now I wonder if anything is too going to happen to 8-4…

e786f5 No.14198793


I think that is a very common theory. Notice how all the Treehouse localization people were all bragging and cocky on Twitter, and now they've basically disappeared? I know you guys are going to hate me for buying XCX, but playing through XC2 the localization is so much better. It does have some problems, like lip syncing and stuff, but the problems with the NoE localization are a lot less worse than the Treehouse one.

94c0c8 No.14198799


As I once heard elsewhere, when somebody's not being mean, but their response is "stop being so mean", they're really meaning "hey, stop undermining my scam!".

470851 No.14198802

File: fcf7464b8576d36⋯.png (90.68 KB, 579x753, 193:251, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

Bike Cuck is a fascinating creature.


470851 No.14198803

File: fcf7464b8576d36⋯.png (90.68 KB, 579x753, 193:251, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

Bike Cuck is a fascinating creature.


48dfd5 No.14198808

File: 3982bf86ec27557⋯.png (310.97 KB, 440x440, 1:1, 1326007074567.png)

9c6aad No.14198813



Shen, you fucking faggot, you played right into Chelsea's hands.

48dfd5 No.14198815

File: 62cf748a1bc82cf⋯.png (222.86 KB, 687x642, 229:214, ClipboardImage.png)



Wait a second! Anon fucked with the time machine.

37a7e7 No.14198844

File: b85977dd932a6e8⋯.png (148.94 KB, 375x602, 375:602, tumblrandv1.PNG)

File: db0c28df6e2b88f⋯.png (71.13 KB, 399x601, 399:601, tumblrandv2.PNG)

File: bd388be9822d085⋯.png (188.43 KB, 386x620, 193:310, tumblrandv3.PNG)

File: ea251f6d3a2b87a⋯.png (210.21 KB, 379x849, 379:849, tumblrandv4.PNG)

File: 7fd0299dba0258b⋯.png (33.38 KB, 365x675, 73:135, tumblrandv5.PNG)


>Fe:Fates and SMTxFE fiasco

On the plus side, it's likely that SMTxFE will never ever get a sequel. But didn't Fe:Fates sold more units than Awakening?


>I know you guys are going to hate me for buying XCX

If you're honest about it, aware of the BS, and not a nitendrone or a tumblrtard defending nintendo it's fine. Would get a Switch only if an equivalent to Dolphin or Homebrew and an exploit is ready.

>Lip syncing and stuff

You're not playing the ENG dub are you?

55769d No.14198860



I doubt 8-4 is going anywhere. If anything, they seem to work fine but you gotta be breathing on their necks from them to not add "text flavor", likely why the NieR Automata localization came out fine. NoE seems to be the most respectful towards the consumer and the product than NoA.

As for the Treehouse clique, I did notice their silence. Even that soy mongoloid Maragos hasn't done or said anything about anything game-related, and I have to wonder if he was fired or Treehouse isnt getting any game to "localize" at all. People should keep tabs on Treehouse people and see what are they doing, or to get clues about what's going on.

9c6aad No.14198877

File: e46612c4c0915e1⋯.mp4 (140.36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, really makes you think.mp4)


>fifth image: I don't even like Nintendo

>proceeds to white knight Nintendo using the same talking points the Treehouse employees used, ignoring the simple fact that PARENTS WILL NOT PAY $80 FOR CARDBOARD, WHICH IS LITERALLY THE ONLY THING THE MARKETING HAS FOCUSED ON

a1d1c6 No.14198887


I will keep saying this until it sticks: Crossdressing != Transgenderism

Crossdressers have no illusions about who they are under the outfit, and the outfit is there because they think it looks better on them or enjoy the novelty of it.

Trannies have self-deluded to the point where they think that it's possible to be born with the biologically wrong brain (which has no scientific backing, unlike, for example, the biological basis for homosexuality), and think that self-mutilation can fix them (it can't, what they need is psychological therapy, not physical).

55769d No.14198903



Isn't that guy mrfeelswildride on twatter? It's funny because he doesn't defend the Switch or even acts like that there. Tumblr does give you double personality, it seems.

>On the plus side, it's likely that SMTxFE will never ever get a sequel. But didn't Fe:Fates sold more units than Awakening?

I liked the idea, until it was shown that it was based LOOSELY on both franchises. A more direct crossover approach would have been better, but fucking idols, really?

As for sales numbers I'm not sure. I think it only appears it sold more because it's two version of a game and you know some retards are going to buy them both.

e786f5 No.14198925


Yeah I am, I probably shouldn't, but I think the dub voices aren't that bad. They are a lot better than XCX.


Whenever SJWs really fuck up, and they can't blame anyone else, they get really quiet. It's rare to see, because they almost always have someone or something to blame for their failures.

Not to mention if they were terminated from Nintendo in any capacity (like removed from localization), they probably had to sign some scary as fuck NDAs and legal agreements. Nintendo hates bad PR more than any of the big three console makers, they probably used their legal department to scare the crap out of all the Nintendo SJWs so they'd stop running their mouths and embarrassing Nintendo. Nintendo just wants to make games and sell stupid as fuck addons (like cardboard) to people, they don't want anything to do with politics. I hope that is the case, because all those Treehouse SJWs damaged their reputation so badly that they'll have a very hard time finding more work, unless it's with another super-SJW localization company.

48cc5c No.14198941



Treehouse is most likely under heavy watch from NoJ and I've notice since the P5 narrative many localization teams went dead silent .


One thing I'll give Nintendo is they really will crack down on those who give shit PR and 2016 was bad for them due to Treehouse's fuck ups.

55769d No.14198966



True. The guys bitching the most about P5's localization were people related to Treehouse in any way, from friends/followers of people in localization or employees themselves. I'm honestly surprised it took NoJ this fucking long to put NoA in its fucking place, considering the aforementioned hatred for bad PR and NoJ's Yakuza brutality on leakers and the like.

470851 No.14198971


I assume that since Fates, P5 and now Ys VIII, the localization industry is probably going to be walking on eggshells from now on.

53d839 No.14198973


>One thing I'll give Nintendo is they really will crack down on those who give shit PR and 2016 was bad for them due to Treehouse's fuck ups.

It also didn't help that they had enough bad PR as it was with their frequent DMCAs especially with AM2R when Federation Force was right around the corner and especially with Sonic Mania being announced the month before.

37a7e7 No.14198994

File: be85b43bf9a5998⋯.png (677.9 KB, 800x550, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83a08b5cad47bbc⋯.png (640.94 KB, 800x550, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)


>I liked the idea

The idea isn't bad, and it may have gotten average or below decent reception if it was just a standalone game instead of trying to be a SMTxFE tribute game. I just wanted a game that has a support system with demons, characters from both SMT and FE, and maybe some original cast that are not unbearable, but because of this atrocity it will not happen.

>A direct crossover approach would have been better, but fucking idols, really?

The first trailer promised this, but that was thrown out of the window when the official trailer came out.


>They are a lot better than XCX

Some it's passable, but Dahlia's voice is just disappointing.


>the localization industry is probably to be walking on eggshells from now on.

And most likely praying that they don't lose their fingers or get forced into working a shady soapland gig.

423a83 No.14199049


NoJ is also more welcoming of more mature games nowadays according to in interview with the senran's takaki, I wonder if the recent controversies played a part in that?. In my opinion I think we need to see who localizes the next mainline fire emblem to see if they learned from their mistakes as TD started from fates.

48cc5c No.14199059

File: f4bbbde798e25c3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 1790x315, 358:63, what Downpour did.PNG)


TD despite what goons, sjweebs and Marche say has had an effect on localization.

37a7e7 No.14199068

File: d3f73097424b01d⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 13213123.jpg)

File: 148635d26eddb3b⋯.jpg (145.16 KB, 914x724, 457:362, keepinmindtheyremovedthemu….jpg)


>in my opinion I think we need to see who localizes the next mainline fire emblem to see if they learned from their mistakes as TD started from fates.

After that shitty storyline and MCs in Fates and the fact that Nami cunt is still working in ISIS, it's going to be a rain fest, and if there is a new FE game coming out it's most likely 8-4 is going to handle it.

d9b57b No.14199070

File: 4dca17cbdf94ddc⋯.jpg (58.48 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Tetsuya Naito Calm Down 9.jpg)

Good morning, anons. Do we have a baker? IF not, I'll do it.

b39f28 No.14199081

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Go ahead. Right now, I'm just the gameplay of Breakers.

48cc5c No.14199087


go for it.

423a83 No.14199089


>it's most likely 8-4 is going to handle it.

This is probably the case I am still holding out for NoE to get it.

ca89e8 No.14199106

Maybe I should save this for next thread, but I noticed a lot of the dip in Treehouse translation happened after Leslie Swan stepped down from Senior Localization Manager. In a sense, some of the translations pre-2007 had more of a corny older feel to them, as though the old classically trained write/translator preferred to stick to standard colloquiallisms and well-known ways to interpret word meanings like "GOOD GRIEF!" or so.

d9b57b No.14199107

New bread right here! This won't be our last!




ad0905 No.14199122


Are these the same faggots that tried to push consolewars and raid the other day?

No one here was even defending nintendo.

e786f5 No.14199133


I imagine a large part of Wii U's failure in the west is blamed on NoA. SJWs usually infiltrate these types of things by promising the businessmen that they'll earn them more money by appealing to a wider audience. My guess is the SJWs at Treehouse gained a lot of ground with promises about moving a lot of games on Wii U because they'd "adapt" them to a Western market and improve Western sales. Meanwhile, all they got is controversy, poor sales, and angry fans. If I were in charge of a company, and had people tell me they'd deliver great sales by targeting a wider audience, and it turned into giant messes like XCX, I would kick them all out first chance I get and tell them if they ever speak poorly of the experience I'll sue them into oblivion.

Given how well Switch is doing, and how they are targeting a more mature audience, and avoiding SJWs, I don't think Nintendo will ever go back to appeasing them so much. They have experienced first hand that catering to SJWs hurts sales. Even just listening to their advice on how to "appeal to a wider audience" is out the window.

And it's not like this is a fluke. CliffyB CuckyD did the same thing. All those SJWs telling him a "diverse" cast of characters will appeal to a wider audience of gamers. And look how Lawbreakers turned out.

Downpour was a huge help, it got Nintendo involved in controversy it didn't want. It wanted to sell games and for Wii U to be successful. It wanted XCX to be well received as the series first move into an open world with character customization. It wanted an SMTxFE crossover to bring SMT to a wider audience and to cement itself more as a Nintendo franchise than Atlus (similar to what they did with Bayo). They didn't want fans of those games jumping down their throats for ruining games.

Companies cave when they get involved with controversies, It's exactly why SJWs do it and why they're so effective at bullying companies.

41f4e3 No.14199162


>I imagine a large part of Wii U's failure in the west is blamed on NoA.

wii u was killed by its name and marketing. to this day most people out there still think it's some version or upgrade to the wii and not a separate console.

3c9522 No.14199192

File: 037c1a695af42ab⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 302x170, 151:85, DmC_SSS_In_A_Single_Move.gif)

File: 2a72885448eca90⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 208x142, 104:71, DmC_DMD_Difficulty_Boss_Ba….gif)





DmC was basing its Style meter on damage done. There was a way you could get a huge damage boost if you did some well timed dodge first, which made it really easy to boost your style meter.

Here's SSS in one hit, because the player hit many enemies at once.

Later the game was patched to have a proper style meter, that wasn't so dependent on damage but style, and nerfed the damage boost from well timed dodges.

ca3663 No.14201359



I probably just need to spend more time on it, since he disappeared off of Twitter. I got kind of lazy when it was easy to find him saying dumb, inflammatory things on Twitter and NeoGAF. For a while he was just being extra-boring on Twitter (I expect he got a nastygram from NOA about his Twitter slacktivism) and then he just disappeared. I wonder if he got a lot of backlash from JonTron's fans, or it was something else that got him to quit Twitter. Of course, a lot of his old stuff is still online or in the archive. I kind of assume he has a ResetERA account, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is semi-anonymous. I could try hunting on Tumblr, which seems like more his scene anyway, given his circle of tumblrfriends.

R. Amtower also seems to have taken a Twitter hiatus too, though his account isn't completely gone like Nich's is.

ca3663 No.14201376


I feel they were able to help sell this because Nintendo had decided to focus on their Blue Ocean market (Wii Fit Types) with the normal market being an after thought. I think the Switch is probably shifting back to a more balanced approach.

e71772 No.14205171


I want to wife that loli

c56a98 No.14205190


That loli already has wife.

c56a98 No.14205206

File: fa2dd57409ed403⋯.jpg (439.74 KB, 1800x2400, 3:4, a17c73d1c830903e2930cef7f7….jpg)

e71772 No.14205226


Their ploy to get my attention worked.

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