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The Vidya
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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 567607b6d3c3c3f⋯.png (819.27 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Logo Newest.png)

File: 3bd63901d17189b⋯.png (409.14 KB, 960x540, 16:9, testps1levelgraphic.png)

File: a1160e8919f351a⋯.png (209.18 KB, 690x519, 230:173, capture3.png)

File: 9a6a2ffc72c1a94⋯.png (141.08 KB, 613x504, 613:504, pasted_image_at_2017_05_24….png)

File: 32637e5c54d82d7⋯.gif (4.13 MB, 382x536, 191:268, crystal.gif)

c297e2 No.14192980

Hey /v/ it's been almost a year since our last thread.

We at the Anton & Coolpecker development team have suffered a number of losses in attendance and many active team members have discontinued their contributions over the course of 2017. Many people have left for various reasons. Some people got married, some people found themselves too busy to contribute, and some even just fell off the face of the Earth without a trace! While not many of our contributions are visible, we can certainly go in-depth to explain what has been accomplished thus far.

The biggest detriment to progress has been these team complications. With an ever-changing team structure, it becomes incredibly difficult to make progress. Can't do much work without a fully dedicated team behind it. So since we originated on this board, we want to reach out to you who have been here so long with us! We would like your help with level placement, be it placement of enemies, collectibles, you name it! We've needed a bit of help in this front and with less people working on 3D assets and models, we've been struggling a little to keep up in that aspect. So should the basic level collectibles be closer together forming a path? Should they be split apart from one another? Please, give us your thoughts!

030830 No.14192990

first for benis

e82c3d No.14193007

>we need help

I have no talent. What can I do to contribute?

e3fb13 No.14193010


Just stop it already. Trend on Banjo and Cuckzoey is dead. Thanks Jon Tron.

Move on with your life, you will never make a game, that's the true statement you will regret to not hear to.

27b418 No.14193017



Fuck off goons.

030204 No.14193021

c297e2 No.14193030

File: bdbd8ac770429b7⋯.png (542.87 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, reallyreallycool.png)

File: 980983cae7c9d59⋯.jpg (91.68 KB, 805x532, 115:76, _a222c39bef468c79320bd61e5….jpg)

File: 1cfa56f712a6803⋯.png (4.31 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, screen_shot_2017-11-29_at_….png)

File: 9d3a0f21cc3a205⋯.png (499.8 KB, 1280x1700, 64:85, captura_de_pantalla_2017-1….png)

File: 45f40d8ecfc4255⋯.png (273.44 KB, 743x448, 743:448, pasted_image_at_2017_08_10….png)


Playable build: http://anton.anticruft.com/

What is A&CP? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IpxfRFI-V29xxWRhlK0t03qB4FiiO6FA5JwJZB-E9E0/edit?pli=1

Feedback Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rCyG32DbUh42ryXuUFDQ5ysnNOjhn4JfCHIUjDodCTI/edit?pli=1

Email us at antoncoolpecker@gmail.com


Attack: LMB; Shift

Jump: Spacebar

Char. Switch: Z

Sprint: Hold R

Pause: Escape

Specific to Anton: Dig RMB, Bounce Jump by pressing Jump as you collide with the ground beginning a dig. Use Anton's Tongue Swing with Alt on swingable targets. One is present in our Ancient Antics level.

Bounce Jump when moving in any direction -> Sprint -> Jump -> Quick tap on dig button -> jump when landed

Specific to Coolpecker: Glide F while airborne, Dash hold F to power up dash. Colliding into walls and objects should bring Coolpecker to a sudden stop.

083cc5 No.14193031

File: e35092d8de8a238⋯.gif (67.78 KB, 150x150, 1:1, dancing udonge.gif)

Wow, this isn't dead yet? I'm surprised.

Well, good luck to you.

c19226 No.14193033

Got any more new things to show us?

d5d725 No.14193036

I wonder if this will become the next "Never Ever".

However, 3 years of this and still continuing takes some guts.

cbfe1c No.14193055

Everyone got depressed and gave up on recapturing childhood happiness, because Yooka Laylee (and hundreds of other recent attempts to nostalgia-pander) demonstrated that B&K were happy accidents and nobody makes anything good on purpose.

057945 No.14193058

>So should the basic level collectibles be closer together forming a path?

Yeah, I think so. Using them to form a path can be a good way to lead people into areas that they might otherwise miss without something giving them a hint.

122818 No.14193072

Anton and Whopecker?

ea07f5 No.14193094

why dont you guys post on /agdg/?

24d869 No.14193112


Has it been that long?

d5d725 No.14193123


3 years, I think.

a18c4b No.14193124

Well have you considered making a post in the amateur game dev general thread?

Might help. Lets be honest most people here can't or won't into game dev.

There's also >>>/agdg/ which should be a more permament place for something like a&cp which should be your first port of call really if you're looking for people.

If you want an answer about item placement first consider what level design you have. Currently the first level in the game is quite linear. Are you after more open plan levels like B&K? Or do you want more linear levels like Ty the tasmanian tiger?

88c78a No.14193126


It's a fair question but typically board related projects (/v/ makes an RPG etc.) usually have their own thread so as to not shit up the usual discussion that takes place in aggydaggy.

ea07f5 No.14193135


I would seriously suggest using /agdg/ at this point, especially with people leaving and you are looking for help.

25e70e No.14193147

File: 89c5282c281b68a⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 478x391, 478:391, 1466835628515.gif)

I'd help, but I can't do shit.

e651f8 No.14193150


What happened to the visuals? I remember it looking better than this.

24d869 No.14193152


Seems you're right.


>Posted: 2015-02-19 00:00:10

334da0 No.14193197


don't call her udonge

3b76d5 No.14193212


I think you should change the game into a hunt for jews hiding in attics

2673ed No.14193226

It says a lot that the only thing I remember about this game is the drama. It's been several years and you guys still don't have a single level to show for it other than a bunch of empty areas that are barely more than proof-of-concept stage. You're reaching out for feedback, but you don't really need it because you barely have anything to show. Any feedback on the game in its current state you'd receive at this stage is not going to be useful.

Here's some feedback: get a team with a real work ethic. It's true that you're only doing this in your spare time, and a lot of mods/independent games spend years as vaporware with no progress. But you need to get everyone to work on one thing if you have to, and having one thing in a much closer to finished state would also do a lot for team morale.

Block out a single, small level segment at a time. Forget about textures, forget about art, forget about story triggers and dialogue, forget about hub worlds. Having a complete level will help solidify gameplay mechanics and level design concepts you want the game to be based around. Right now you have a bunch of huge, empty levels that aren't even fun to run around in. Make a bunch of floating platforms over an abyss if you have to. There's a reason why most 3D platformers are like that, nobody likes bottomless pits but it's a lot easier to extrapolate a level piece by piece than it is to try and fill in huge empty spaces with interesting things to do.

You are going to catch nothing from shit from /v/ as long as you keep doing things the way you've been doing, and /v/ might be the wrong place to earnestly ask for help anyway. Size up pieces of work, and put deadlines on them, have the team work on smaller pieces of work at a time. I don't know how you've been doing things up until now but clearly it isn't working.

c297e2 No.14193244


You can be skilled yet not talented anon. It's about persistence. We can work to help teach you how to do certain tasks, but it's up to you to contribute. We know that it's difficult to get help, but we've learned that it's even more difficult to grow a base of dedicated team members who stay longer than a month.

It's quite possible that we may all become too busy in our daily goings-on to contribute to the project. We think of our own lives, the progress we've made and all that we would be leaving behind if we stopped working on this project. When we ask for help, we primarily demand dedication. But if you're not absolutely sure that you want to help, then we don't need you. You have to be willing to be present on either Slack or disagreement and be open to doing work as the needs arise. Our deadlines aren't strict, but we still request work be done.

c297e2 No.14193276

File: 69d1b2387ec6dfa⋯.jpg (102 KB, 801x779, 801:779, Papadripopoulos.jpg)

During our first year of development, we continuously spread our workforce in an unfocused manner, dispersing on various things that we wanted to do. With so much spread out work ethic it leaves individual tasks prone to being obsolete upon a single person's unavailability. I understand that being patient for all of our different team factions to complete their share of the work is cumbersome and even tiring, but we must be able to complete at least one level (even if it's only the tutorial stage) so that in our completion of a level, we can know how to more productively tackle future levels.

We were worried back in April about being part of a tainted genre with Yooka-Laylee's release looking more lukewarm with each passing day. It didn't get to us though after seeing our "competition" popping up. There were numerous other 3D platformer game projects popping up: Clive & Wrench, A Hat in Time, Skylar & Plux, and more that really made us think about Anton & Coolpecker. This resurgence continued inspiring us throughout 2017.

We attempted various things with the tutorial stage, such as decorating it with various objects and models or focusing solely on detailed textures and object placement. But we ended up focusing on the player scripts instead, making the duo more fun to control even though it isn't our place to do so yet for more advanced moves planned to be unlocked in later levels.

After revamping the tutorial stage shape twice during last year, we've finally settled on a final shape. You can find this in slack:build as 4: new_tutorial

Ground interpolation can be seen in this alternative play branch: https://anton.anticruft.com/groundfollow/index.html

fa072a No.14193278


it was always meant to look like an n64 game, but I think they could use a bit more polishing to look like a good looking n64 game instead

c297e2 No.14193285


In Yooka-Laylee, collectibles tend to be scattered and hidden, never really leading anywhere in the level except player frustration at the "I'm only missing a few quills!!" scenario. That type of collectible if included at all is reserved for the singular extra life that is well-hidden and found per level. Collectibles should at least in part have meaning in their layout, leading the player where they need to go such as climbing up a tower to use as a landmark overlooking a major part of the level or leading the player through a maze-like structure. We must use them to guide the player towards new locations and make traveling satisfying whenever there's nothing else to do on the way. But what does /v/ really want? Which collectible placement do you prefer and for which collectibles?

c297e2 No.14193311


It lacks vertex coloring.


We haven't been working on the tutorial stage as much as basic player controls and mechanics because of how heavily this influences the player environments such as levels and obstacle courses. A complete level must come from a complete player control scheme. These various Unity scenes aren't fun to run around in because they aren't yet fitted to handling player controls and I agree that a few more obstacle courses would do us good. A good idea we had is to have a Frogger-like obstacle of lily pad mobile platforms floating downstream, forcing the player to jump across to the other side.

It isn't working because our team is the smallest that it's ever been. Not many anons are coming back to help and of the new ones that come, only a fourth recruited actually stay on board for longer than a month.

d5d725 No.14193312

I couldn't find the basic story describing this game. Is this about some ant queen being a bitch who tries to conquer the world and the duo is going to stop her?

c297e2 No.14193323


Check What is A&CP? in post >>14193030

2673ed No.14193337


If you're looking for people you need to be more specific. What roles are you looking to recruit for? What levels of experience are you looking for and what kind of training can you provide?

Most people who are going to tell you "I'd sure like to help, but I can't" aren't people who could contribute to the project in a meaningful way anyway, you seem to know this. But anybody who can contribute is probably not going to bother with a project that they can't find any information about in a reliable way.

You have an email address, you have a playable web build, a Twitter account, and you post Youtube devlogs on Apple's Youtube. I seem to recall you having a website somewhere but I don't know where that is anymore. All of this information needs to be in one place and it needs to be kept up-to-date.

Hell, put the game on IndieDB if you have to, as long as people know where to find you besides "email us or check out our yearly /v/ thread!"

0a62a1 No.14193350

nice to know you're still going at it

don't give up

a18c4b No.14193356


I'm happy to lend a hand, not like i'm doing anything else with my neet self, but I've no idea how to code or anything.

I'd literally be starting from scratch I imagine.

d5d725 No.14193359


My mistake, didn't looked at that link.

0a62a1 No.14193364


i doubt you'd be productive then, unless maybe you know something about game design

also, @OP, be sure to filter out for subversion real good

c297e2 No.14193396

File: cfb02fa249d9f49⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 458x434, 229:217, 1441506340675.jpg)

File: d02448dd69f0af3⋯.png (65.73 KB, 1072x533, 1072:533, 1456011903298.png)


Thanks for the advice anon! We'll take a look at IndieDB and /agdg/ here and there for additional help. inb4 "halfchan traitors" and other posts



Please check the twitter image pin. There are the following required roles:

-3D modelers and riggers (can teach you this)

-3D model animators

-C# or other OOP (object-oriented programming) experience is valuable

-Level design, very important to us right now!

Again, we primarily look for dedication over skill or even talent. If you're not absolutely sure that you want to help, then we don't need you. You have to be willing to be present on either Slack or disagreement and be open to doing work as the needs arise. Our deadlines aren't strict, but we still request work be done.

Our twitter handle: https://twitter.com/MobiusTrip_

398789 No.14193416

057945 No.14193423


I dunno how to describe it without sounding wrong, but thinking back to the Banjo games, you always had notes used to lead to important areas or little secret paths and notes weren't ultra important because they were so common. So the most common, unimportant collectable should probably be used to lead to different areas. For ones that are used as ammo or a temporary buff (like the eggs in the Banjo games or the different kinds of shoes), they should be placed near the segments where they're needed. So if there's a jump pad that requires an item to use, put some of the item just close enough by that if the player doesn't already have it, they can grab it to use for the pad. Unless having to already have the item is the point of the segment. I dislike the idea of having randomly scattered collectables because not everyone will be patient enough to go search for them all and it could put some people off from playing. This all probably sounds idiotic and idea guy-ish, forgive me.

9a20c2 No.14193459


I have some experience with C# and level design, but not with unity. I also can't commit much time, but I would love to contribute in any small way that I can.

c297e2 No.14193465

File: fa941f0da4f6813⋯.gif (812.63 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Anton running.gif)


Our progress has mainly been on the following programming feats.

-A huge innovation during development was the introduction of the bounce jump, an idea that Anton can combine his dig dive with his jump to reach higher jump heights. Not all movements are fleshed out quite yet, but we're building as we go along.

-Ground interpolation for us was a major priority since late August which became finished by December. The build branch is separate and already posted in this thread as https://anton.anticruft.com/groundfollow/index.html

-Both Anton and Coolpecker have the ground pound move.

-We had attempted to make contact with those on the Yo Noid! 2 development team, but they didn't respond to our twitter messages. We're still awaiting response. They are talented and committed people whose aid we would gain from.

-We noticed too the way swinging works in A Hat in Time is pretty simplified. You get 'free velocity' as soon as you start swinging; you don't need to build up any momentum. Along with that there is no rotational velocity - only swinging back and forth on a straight line. The free velocity is sort of neat as it reduces waiting, which isn't fun. But the straight swinging is overly simple IMHO. We think it could be really cool to have to swing in complex angles for hard puzzles.



Thank you for keeping your faith in us!

753d4d No.14193469


Just so you know, the vast majority of the dramashit is shitposters or liars. There's been some apparently, like in all teams, but shit like "THEY SOLD THE GAME TO TURKEY" or "MARK BANNED ALL OF THEM FOREVER" or whatever else is always obviously false and the fact so many people still fall for that is baffling

Good post though

302886 No.14193478

File: aec37618ea09359⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 412x441, 412:441, toadally radical.jpg)

I'm glad to see you aren't giving up. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you get this released.

398789 No.14193489

File: 5e075d94ef5c368⋯.png (38.11 KB, 432x287, 432:287, I don't like this.png)


More like 40% cause that anon's post wasn't wrong and I wanna like the devs but seriously show us a working level cause I've seen more work done from /agdg/ in two months then this game.

415ad3 No.14193498

It's good to see you guys are still trying. But I doubt I'll be able to contribute since I have a fulltime job and I'm already trying to make my own vidya in the limited spare time I have.

c297e2 No.14193503

File: 6c25daf6cf8a899⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 512x512, 1:1, anton_swim_forward.gif)


Unity is C# so that's fine.


Please understand that if you are willing to learn and contribute a little bit once or twice per week, then that's enough for us.

This thread got us thinking about why we would like to ask you where we should go with this project in its level design and object placement. We've been out of direct contact with you all for too long and want your thoughts and feedback. http://archive.is/2oWhn

Here's proof: our game threads since the start of 2016. http://archive.is/g82sv http://archive.is/4EzaJ http://archive.is/7MnWo

c297e2 No.14193511

File: f056e0547d53565⋯.gif (253.32 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Bumbling Flyer.gif)



Exactly. See post 13918645 in this thread: https://archive.fo/2oWhn

398789 No.14193521

File: 6093ed344eda858⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 620x827, 620:827, DCsvQwZUwAEu7ly.jpg)


This is out of good faith but you niggers need to step up and share more updates more often or share a working alpha cause right now you need to show not only /v/ but others a working build.

e3a907 No.14193523

File: 4f90a5ce21acdc3⋯.png (973.49 KB, 857x876, 857:876, PajeetProgramming.png)

I've done some work for another platformer fangame of this nature, and have a decent amount of experience in getting a team of people to get shit done. Working on an /agdg/ project of my own to contribute some hard stuff, but I am interested in seeing how your team dynamics are and what your workflow is, and can probably help improve your current system. I can email you if you'd like some input on this. It may be worth your while seeing that it's been a struggle on your part.

5e1252 No.14193547


I can't believe there isn't like a hundred fucking NEETs able to help you on this board

Like, damn, Level Design, we should have draw threads about this, any one who has Paint can at least try to make a seemingly interesting map, mission or dungeon, I don't know

You should try and make that the contributions could be more board/anonymous oriented maybe?

e0c7d4 No.14193563

I thought that this game was dead.

4f7528 No.14193572

File: 0f917ed616f0990⋯.png (427.21 KB, 1055x555, 211:111, A&CP PROP LAYOUT 1 v2.png)

File: ddd780c9315ccff⋯.png (517.57 KB, 1054x552, 527:276, A&CP PROP LAYOUT 2 v1.png)

File: 01dffb963699d01⋯.png (596.15 KB, 1094x578, 547:289, A&CP PROP LAYOUT 3 v4.png)

File: e0bd7ae3e4543da⋯.png (385.43 KB, 1102x591, 1102:591, A&CP PROP LAYOUT 4 v1.png)

Here's some concept images of prop placement and tutorial stage development for all of you non-believers

de4afb No.14193599

File: 53de64afd062263⋯.jpg (60.4 KB, 600x469, 600:469, 412dca55da788656cc96829cbe….jpg)

I might be able to do some work but I dont really have any interest in platformer collecting games, I'd probably get bored really quick and quit


Nice pic

491325 No.14193609

Nice to hear from you, A&C team. Hope you get some small stable team to work with.


>Goons being this desperate

e651f8 No.14193622


What's the workflow for levels? Because this seems really strange. It looks like you're designing geometry first then putting stuff in afterwards. The geometry should serve the content, not the other way around. >>14193226 is right that levels should be blocked out very roughly until you know you need art assets for it after play-testing. Especially on a project where you need to be sensitive to throwing away work people have already done due to turnover.

b689e3 No.14193629

Glad to see the game alive still, neat progress guys

c297e2 No.14193634

File: 19a0694d68906c2⋯.gif (161.55 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Dualata Sway Animation.gif)


We're sorry for the lack of contact. It really has been awhile! I mean, both voice actors for Anton and Coolpecker getting married this year! Hard to keep up with each others' ever-changing lives and still have time for A&CP.



Now THIS is what I'm TALKING about! The images here >>14193572 were part of our object placement ideas we were brainstorming together during development. Please post examples like these which we have personally done!


Thank you for your honesty.

c297e2 No.14193654


Let me tell you a story. We once had a level designer, BRILLIANT fellow. However, he grew discouraged because his 2D platforming expertise didn't translate well into 3D and quit the team. Level design for us has been a source of conflict and being stuck which is why we focus on controls first, then levels.

7114c7 No.14193685

File: 9aa4565ebb374bf⋯.gif (9.75 MB, 800x450, 16:9, StartleGIF.gif)

One of the new animators on the team. Here's something I recently made for the game.

6567a6 No.14193691


pointless meme game. yooka laylee proved that no one wants to play a blatant banjo kazooie ripoff

ca26a3 No.14193848


That is good shit, how did you learn animation?

ca26a3 No.14193853


Developers should only work on games that the largest amount of people would want to play, that's why the video game industry is thriving and there are so many appealing games coming out

99fc73 No.14193935

File: 57aa8c7ce5001af⋯.png (78.6 KB, 300x300, 1:1, capple2.png)

apple here,

something something music

I apologize for the lack of involvement on my end,

past 2 years have been a clusterfuck and I'm currently planning to move to america and settle down.

This also means I'll lose all my equipment in the process, however I should get most of it back eventually.

Therefore I will be on hiatus until that point. Not having to suffer from german socialist laws will greatly contribute to productivity as well.

Also Odyssey is fucking tits.

425cbb No.14193977

File: e73d6a64aaa4bb7⋯.png (394.32 KB, 711x529, 711:529, 200burbon.PNG)


What did you guys learn from gathering a group of anons who alll have the potential for leaving projects at anytime? Do you have any information or advice for anons in the future who want to make a group project with the help of people from chans?

b689e3 No.14193981


>move to america

What state?

ec2f30 No.14193987


Hit me up whenever you move to the states nigger. The wife and I will take you out for cheeseburgers or some other horrible american food.


99fc73 No.14194013


>what state

constant despair

e928f4 No.14194038

So are you guys gonna add sex into the game?

99fc73 No.14194051


never do non-profit with people from the internet

If you do, make it small but outstanding, throw anonymity out the window, set goals and budget early on and get shit done.

Do not work with french people

098c03 No.14194053

File: 37c0309bc12d0f6⋯.gif (433.12 KB, 350x343, 50:49, wan wan dance.gif)


I'm so glad GOTY 2025 is still a possibility.

7114c7 No.14194072

File: 25399b118ecaf9f⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 800x450, 16:9, RottWalk.gif)


Studied it in college. Jumping from Maya to Blender had a bit of an adjustment period though once I figured out how to keyframe and had to pose models in it things started to flow naturally

24d869 No.14194076

File: ad5e5cd416dc1b2⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1100x1099, 1100:1099, no thank you.jpg)


>throw anonymity out the window


>Do not work with french people

Frenchfag here, can confirm.

b85a5b No.14194108

File: d2d28b075d5e9d8⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 249x246, 83:82, faustapprove.jpg)

Good to see you guys are still going on this. Can't wait for all the posts three months from now claiming it's dead again.

425cbb No.14194111


What do you mean by small but outstanding?

Is that the game itself or marketing afterwards?

99fc73 No.14194130

000000 No.14194221


They say its a love letter to banjo, Spyro and Crash not Conkers, anon.

000000 No.14194227


They say its a love letter to Banjo, Spyro and Crash not Conkers, anon.


I really like Slow Moe.

c297e2 No.14194238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God Bless and Godspeed Apple//Green!


Perhaps a future DLC if we actually finish this game. We'll make it like in GTA San Andreas.


Damn dude, never saw THAT animation before! NICE!


Glad to see SOMEONE is seeing the pattern!

c297e2 No.14194298

File: 60067fa51a8827e⋯.png (889.36 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Anton Patriot.png)


We learned that when you gather anonymous users together on any chan, you must realize that you are working with an INCREDIBLY wide variety of people. Talented people, untalented people, mature people, immature people, a wide category of people from all over the world!

What ties you all together though is one belief, one goal. Whoever is in charge MUST know where the project is going and what must be focused on. You must make it STEP NUMBER ONE to clarify where every element of the game stands, from world design to game mechanics. You WILL have people who argue and fight about certain elements, but you must act as a stalwart pillar of fairness and deal with whatever comes up with an even hand.

I'm just going to tell you what Takuya Aizu (President CEO) of Inti Creates behind Megaman Zero and Gunvolt told me at TooManyGames 2015: "You have to eventually come together to do what is best for the team if there are conflicting ideas. It is a matter of respect between members and being willing to drop your own preconceptions of what will make the game better if there is an objectively good reason behind a game design choice that you do not like." At least that's what his translator said.

I walked up to him to ask him that question. Do you want to know why? I don't want to see this team rot and burn because two people are hellishly butting heads over a single concept for eternity.

We all must objectively have respect for one another as contributing and dedicated team members, putting our differences aside, even if it means people like an idea better than your own.

This is why we had lost HALF of our total team members after year one of production. Creative differences! People were too immature or stubborn to budge on certain design and developmental decisions. That or they didn't want to dedicate themselves to the project after realizing it wasn't just a fun thing and walked out.

This anon >>14194051 is aware of it, except for the anonymity bit. We lurk and post often because we still care about what anons on this board think. It's a stressful experience at first, but can help forge you into a better person. Hope this post helps.

c297e2 No.14194330

File: dff2b66baec0a3d⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 266x527, 266:527, Coolpecker origin.jpg)


Please email and/or tweet at us!

60067b No.14194421


I'm so glad this isn't dead.

52713b No.14194440

File: 23f1e0461236520⋯.png (242.76 KB, 578x667, 578:667, NEVER EVER FOREVER.png)

63bbc0 No.14194446

File: 8032c9087dfa1e7⋯.gif (931.89 KB, 258x258, 1:1, IT'S NOT UNUUUUUSUAL.gif)

I'd like to help but I can only do programming in various C languages.

I can also help with world and level design but that's because its the sort of shit I really pay attention to when playing games so I'd think it'd work better if I was helping someone else on that front.

I'd be excited if I could help though because it'd be my first real project since getting out of college.

f1950d No.14194465


00554a No.14194466

take my energy peckcooler

just like make game

c297e2 No.14194493

File: df165548ea10d87⋯.jpg (365.03 KB, 738x886, 369:443, Anton and Coolpecker cover….jpg)


Email or tweet at us and we'll talk more about it.

Either way it's late for myself and my team members so I'm going to bed. Please by all means email or tweet us at the listed addresses and engage in the following:

-Read our posts in this thread. Most of your questions have already been outlined.

-Playtesters welcome! Try the build, both main and groundfollow builds and post feedback, or write it in our Feedback Doc.

-Please recommend us prop and object placement as shown in >>14193572 just slapping stuff together in M$ Paint or your equivalent.

-Recommend us other /agdg/ type platforms such as IndieDB where we can find dedicated contributors! Again working on this project doesn't mean a full-time gig. We merely want you to stay in touch and appear during weekly team meetings, that's all.

We try to post /v/ threads on the third Saturday of every month as a trackable pattern so please keep that in mind.

Thank you all. Have fun!

d9c7c2 No.14194499


Why are you moving to California?

2f25be No.14194614


That animation looks sick.

4eaade No.14194663


That nose needs jiggle physics.

b05f26 No.14194674


God bless you lot

098c03 No.14194675


Sure hope you're not moving to KC, that place is ass.

0ae491 No.14194830

File: ba84fecdea578e2⋯.png (166.54 KB, 290x261, 10:9, how_about_a_thumbs_up.PNG)

Good job A&C team, glad that the project is still active.

ea94a1 No.14194874

File: 58c75f509949cc7⋯.png (124.04 KB, 791x495, 791:495, andy1.png)

File: 3630d423a90955a⋯.png (92.54 KB, 723x568, 723:568, andy2.png)

I hope the game gets released eventually. The character designs are good.

99fc73 No.14194885


scrapped character

0ae491 No.14194928

File: 8a238e489dbf351⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 260x195, 4:3, smug_superman.gif)


He is? you can however give him the tootie treatment

Missing Brother: please contact Anton

0ae491 No.14194932

9e763e No.14194973


I would love to give a hand, but i am busy with my game already.

You should always try to lead the player using collectibles, make several paths towards features of the map you want the player to see. Enemies should not be placed in a way they will disrupt the paths, unless there is a quick way to dispatch them while following the path, like an enemy you can jump on to kill and doing so springs you up towards the path

398789 No.14194995


Apple you and the others should try making a thread every few months so we know this project is rolling.

b002a4 No.14195052


It's not commiefornia is it?

d01d05 No.14195075

File: 24e9c93052bf1ce⋯.gif (496.21 KB, 498x377, 498:377, 24e9c93052bf1ce17092390646….gif)

Glad to see you guys again! I wish I was able to help in some way, sadly my computer is toaster-quality and I'm tied down with a job. To buy a better computer, of course.

I still like to see this project is ongoing though. And to answer your question, I think the collectibles should form a path, but also branch off to areas of interest but still have some hidden items. Do not make basic collectibles hidden though, only Stars/Jiggies or even special items. And maybe you could sprinkle some enemies around those hidden items so people have more incentive to look there.

f1b709 No.14195192

File: 0eeb52ac61dfb59⋯.gif (43.41 KB, 834x556, 3:2, 0eeb52ac61dfb599420750ec55….gif)


Finally an immigrant of value.

d01d05 No.14195194

File: d350a90e6f3db43⋯.png (859.78 KB, 1439x865, 1439:865, cantwalkupthis.png)

File: 4a0c1292801ef35⋯.png (519.35 KB, 1436x867, 1436:867, gettingstuckonaledge.png)

I don't know what you guys happen to be working on at the moment, so I don't know if this is an issue that has come to your attention. I feel interactions with slopes could be better, there are spots where I feel the characters should be able to walk up them but simply slide backwards or have trouble moving. Even on slopes where I feel the player is intended to go have some issues.

And I noticed on some ledges the player can get stuck and have no way to walk back on the platform besides fall.

566c37 No.14195240

File: 2876f127417ecfe⋯.pdf (2.33 MB, Disney's Sample Portfolio ….pdf)


As long as you don't rape white women, you're alright, I wish you the best from my shithole in South America

99fc73 No.14195253


I am not in a leading position on the team nor do I have nearly as much say on the project as a whole,

its management and approach to threads as people have seemed to think I do. And as I said I'm currently working on not only my marriage but also moving out to another country.

At one point I was interested in the idea of being sort of a co-leading position but despite people constantly encouraging me to do so, I never had plans to manage the project.

Trust me, I'd love to be really motivated to work on many things right now but my mind just isn't there,

I can be glad if I can just get a normal job at the moment, as soon as I'm in the states, the sooner I will have time and money to put more work into A&CP.

I feel incredibly guilty for sort of leaving the project behind, especially since my last visit on this website didn't really help my image here either.

It's not that I've lost my passion to make videogames and music but right now the motivation and focus just isn't there, I can't say my previous way of plowing through making songs 24/7 despite my 45 hour job hasn't also made me a little burned out on the idea of working on yet more late development assets.

I hope people understand and I apologize for any frustrations.<<


That's incredibly flattering anon


Thank you, I really appreciate any well wishes!




none of these, it's apparently a nice place with decent job opportunities and apartments don't seem too overpriced either.

I appreciate the concern I guess lol

d91738 No.14195255


apple if you move to america come visit me you fuck so we can collab on an animation

81fb3e No.14195271


Jewya-Gaylee was a fucking empty mess yet easy. The only reason one would not find out everything was because the player became bored before completion. Don't do this, collectathons with empty worlds are terrible.

99fc73 No.14195285


Ok little correction here for the sake of transparency:

I tend to be somewhat hot heated once I get particularly invested in the project

so I've always been very vocal about my opinions on the teams managament and approach to work flow

however I never pushed myself to replace the current project lead, unlike some rumors have made it look like before.

I've particularly been vocal on the games movement and mechanics and have even contributed to somewhat of a large overhaul on them.

Despite the game having a lot of similarities to Rare games in the visual and audio department (also collectibles I guess) I always wanted it to stand out more gameplay wise.

I don't know how much it will pay off in the end but once I'll be able to focus more on development I promise I will do my best to help make the game fun.

Lastly I've seen some good opinions on collectibles in this thread such as >>14195194 and I can assure you I completely agree with them

I've replayed most of my favorite 3D platformers many times to study their different approach to collectibles and exploration (including Odyssey)

I will make sure this will not be another Yooka.


I'll think about it, unless you are who I think you are then fuck yea I would!

d91738 No.14195288


>unless you are who i think you are

yes i am

you got two years to get over here because that's when ill be doing that shit

pls dont molest me like the last e-friend i met irl did

e928f4 No.14195341

If this game ever gets finished, even if it's 10-15 years from now and it's decent, I'd still say good job but the credits would be at least a hour long for everyone that participated.

81fb3e No.14195373


>Implying that many people here are dumb enough to give up anonymity for e-fame.

17de4d No.14195395


>Like, damn, Level Design, we should have draw threads about this

If there is a theme or story or storyboard or anything describing what is happening and where this would not be a bad idea.

4cf7ae No.14195933


>Also Odyssey is fucking tits.

lol no it's not.

81fb3e No.14195979


Odyssey is an overhyped mediocre product. I fucking hope the game doesn't take too much influence from what nu-tendo produces.

1b6289 No.14196059

Just reach out to the hat in time team and ditch any "buddies" in the project who aren't making something for it every week.

There are no BEST FRIENDS in any industry.

3d218c No.14197405



found the anderson fags

8ed379 No.14197681

eat a dick you smug cunts, this will never pan out

4cf7ae No.14197877


lol mad

2ef8b9 No.14197912

File: 79f35f79a1cd24b⋯.jpg (97.39 KB, 806x876, 403:438, image (3).jpg)

Well shit. I wasn't expecting this today.

4cf7ae No.14198314


He's right though. Odyssey it garbage compared to 64.

f15c45 No.14198737


Tbh you're best bet would be to obtain all the rights to the project, keep it on hold until you can hire actual educated individuals to work on the project. The longer you keep coming here to recruit, the more you're just shooting yourself in the foot.

5facd5 No.14200964

File: 749ce2f64385b0f⋯.gif (3.33 MB, 255x191, 255:191, lewd kaoru.gif)


I still want to give you the dick, Apple

5facd5 No.14200966


Why the fuck would you scrap him? he has good character design.

5facd5 No.14200975


elaborate on french people. I'm intrigued.

849aaa No.14201784

File: 2df730ff5a3bf24⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 720x441, 80:49, 2df730ff5a3bf248e9fb331f9e….jpg)

I'm legitimatly impressed the game's not only still in development but actually has shows progress.

039ecc No.14202625


>you niggers aren't dead yet

Excellent work, fags. Keep it up!

ea07f5 No.14202658



He wasn't even designed by some one on the team, he was designed by a friend of one of the modelers who took his own interpretation of Anton.

c3b89f No.14202677



To clarify, he (Anton's younger brother Andy, by the by) wasn't -scrapped- per se. He will make a cameo though. He was a very good design we shall be keeping under our hat for now, maybe for a future project, way down the line.

99830b No.14202753

Apple is the only good thing that has happened to this game. His music is amazing

4cf7ae No.14203564


He's also a giant nintendo fag. yea though his musics pretty solid

d4de32 No.14203570

File: 75b45e11550437c⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 704x476, 176:119, 1345659647103.gif)

Is there a playable demo or is it all just concept stuff so far?

4cf7ae No.14203584


Read the thread

4cf7ae No.14203593


Don't need jiggle when your nose is erect.

3a8178 No.14203639


c297e2 No.14203716

File: d779e9b4fba6425⋯.jpg (300.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1447298022250.jpg)


The Tooty treatment…sounds invigorating! We'll think about it depending on our state of 3D modeling once we get the important elements out of the way.


That's what we were thinking about yes, player pathing via collectibles. We'll see how placement design turns out.


See? That's what I was thinking too! My idea was to make our levels dense with atmosphere and platforming obstacles which I hope is what will make them feel more lively.



Support like yours is what makes us not stop. Thank you all!

e3c0e6 No.14203735


>those braces in the last pic

Absolutely heretical

dd2f44 No.14203747

File: 236f3c84d1d86d9⋯.png (93.28 KB, 942x739, 942:739, oh god why.png)


Nothin' personnel, kid.

139830 No.14204475

File: ab9b4d30775cc5b⋯.png (495.59 KB, 778x1584, 389:792, 1516044320456.png)


Anderson is one of the worst videogame "analysts" I've ever seen on Youtube.

4cf7ae No.14206764


I really don't care about some eceleb. Odyssey is a fundamental downgrade in so many way's from previous Mario titles based on personal experiences with both N64 and Switch.

1704dd No.14206897


… Why not Romania, Switzerland, Hungary?


Hi Notch

9665bd No.14207577

Sent you guys an email, I'll reply with the ID I get here.

557a3e No.14207834








849aaa No.14207882

File: 05832942cf61f6e⋯.png (9.68 KB, 599x605, 599:605, 05832942cf61f6e7b31b7352d4….png)


I wish you guys the best of luck.

As long as you don't go full retard like yandre and bitch and complain about people giving you feedback, then i wish you guys the best of luck.

If I can provide a suggestion, maybe have a "authentic" option that emulates the low resolution of the n64 and has the image noise of composite video.

If you had that, that'd be sweet.

622862 No.14207931

Unless your game has some sort of innovation that will breathe life into the 3-D platformer genre like Cappy in Super Mario Odyssey, it's not worth doing this Banjo-Kaxooie ripoff. The novelty of running around a polygonal environment died out a decade ago. Unless you have a gimmick, your game will be all over the place in terms of design and style and will result in an underwhelming mess.

de6929 No.14208057


Don't let your dreams be memes

10cc18 No.14209592


We have a gimmick that beats all.

It will be freeware

Free as in Freedom

1704dd No.14212012




The point? Want to know Apple's PoV

1704dd No.14212029


Note, I'm ignoring the obvious America is a nation of Gypsies. Apple migrating exemplifies perfectly

724d42 No.14212437


Good luck man

13b876 No.14214924


Hoffentlich ziehst du nach Kalifornien und bekommst Aids

5facd5 No.14215023


He looks like good furbait porn. Throw him as NPC. You'll get easy fandom.

622862 No.14215056


Not good enough, our time is too valuable to spend on old crap.

29280c No.14216270

File: 3b4c326b0c60fad⋯.png (51.23 KB, 800x600, 4:3, x1.png)

File: c3f09d9f09f7158⋯.png (121.46 KB, 534x412, 267:206, x2.png)

File: 9bafd1571f9bddc⋯.png (74.89 KB, 800x900, 8:9, x3.png)

Do ya need artfags? I'm not super great, but here's some examples of my stuff.

7976d5 No.14216302


Towergirls from cuckchan, right?

29280c No.14216322


I'm not from cuckchan if that's what you're implying. I've been doing a lot of towergirls stuff recently though. Got a little project over in /hgg/.

24566b No.14216371

File: 1055db13880c620⋯.mp4 (330.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, tmp_4045-BYE BYEEEEE195248….mp4)

File: a5af1f072f0d9ee⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 281x281, 1:1, tmp_4045-20180124_17370296….jpg)


>Tranton and Girlpecker

Please leave

2e7a82 No.14216412

File: 6783e018ceaff96⋯.png (106.11 KB, 387x509, 387:509, 6783e018ceaff9600c090569e5….png)

This game looks like stinky ass poop

Collectathon platformers are the shittiest form of the platforming genre and have been done to death, do something interesting instead you assholes

b07204 No.14216435


>pixel art

Nice, but if you're going to do that I think the whole image should follow it. Fading shadows and the strange pattern on the picnic cloth detract from it.

29280c No.14216454


Yeah, i was experimenting with layers at the time. Most of my other sprite stuff is less safe for work.

4cf7ae No.14216474


hi reddit

ac50e5 No.14216499

File: abd04ca62ab4402⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 215x365, 43:73, 1455904712251.jpg)

I feel slightly guilty because I have experience that would probably make me valuable on this team, namely C# programming as well as various other languages and making games in Unity. Problem is, I just don't like collectathon platformers that much. I played my fair share of Mario 64, Rayman and Banjo back in the day but that was about it. If you guys were making an RPG or an FPS, I might have been interested. I love your character designs and animations.


got a gallery page?

8b225c No.14216509


Why don't you find a team to make a shooter RPG aka Borderlands game with anime lolis? It's a guaranteed hit anon.

ac50e5 No.14216540



Jesus tapdancing Christ, no thank you. Matter of fact, I can't think of a single good FPS in existence that has RPG elements, not that I think the idea is completely unsalvageable. It would definitely have to be Quakelike in weapon design to avoid the main issue with Borderlands, which is that all of the weapons were the same except they shot slightly differently colored bullets at different rates. The module weapon upgrade system from nuDoom would actually be a good idea here.

29280c No.14216560


I got a da. https://f-tang.deviantart.com/

Did the anton dev leave already?

ac50e5 No.14216573


He'll probably be back, this thread will stay up for a while on this board.

9e306d No.14216576


Just send them an email with your stuff. They shared that here : >>14193030

anyone willing to help on /v/ should try and help

e845fc No.14216581


It took me about 3 minutes to find where the while bracket ended, but I'm still not sure if I'm right.

8b225c No.14216582



Oh boy. We need more porn in our vidya.

07460c No.14216595


Make an FPS game, and set it in an RPG world with RPG level design.

ac50e5 No.14216624


>RPG level design

That's a bad (or at least an ill-defined) idea. Level design is core to any game, but to an FPS especially. You can examine Strafe as a case study for why this doesn't work. Randomly genned levels work just fine in pure RPGs and roguelikes especially, but it makes Strafe suck shit because it's an FPS with FPS gameplay at its core. RPGs, depending on the exact nature of the game, can get away with much simpler level design.


That looks like a retarded Pajeet who only coded T-SQL trying to code a C-based language and he is autistic about not seeing braces and semicolons in the body of his code. Tons of miserable autists like this exist in the software industry.

f14779 No.14216664

File: bcacec4510ef361⋯.png (239.88 KB, 674x666, 337:333, c20818deafb22a9f3ebfe395ee….png)


>getting married


849aaa No.14217205


Why though?

849aaa No.14217253

File: 079d6f125d6577d⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 570x587, 570:587, 079d6f125d6577d9c1fc358277….jpg)


>This game looks like stinky ass poop

Is that really the best the game insult you could come up with?

>Collectathon platformers are the shittiest form of the platforming genre

They're only shit if they're not done right ie yoka laylee

>have been done to death,

How has it been done to death?

there have only been 3 or so games in the genre released in the past decade.

>do something interesting instead you assholes

How is the game not interesting? WE founded the game?

7c102c No.14217731

File: 980d080399566e0⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 1471311151173.mp4)


He's right though. I have seen nothing so far in this thread to indicate that this is going to be any better than Yooka-Laylee. If anything, it looks much worse.

I've played the demo, and it has potential. But there's a lot of things wrong with it. The music is great, really captures the feel of the era, and the kazoo on tranquil treeline is a work of art. But even PTSDcat and Shitbird had good title music. The voice acting is also pretty good. Nothing exceptional but satisfactory.

The character models and animations have absoutely no personality. The fan/concept art such as in >>14193276 >>14194298 >>14194493 >>14194874 do, so the character concepts themselves are solid, but the actual models, animations and environments look bland as all hell. You gotta add some cartoonish exaggeration to their movements. >>14193465 has a little with those dramatic arm swings but it's impossible to actually see in game. In game he runs like a 45 year old man trying to shoo kids off his lawn which is a pretty good metaphor for the genre. Consider swaying the arms wider and having him hunch his back down in a real "linebacker" sorta pose; it would also go perfectly with his letterman jacket. It also doesn't help that his glasses are see-through from the back, making him go from jock to nerd in first person.

Secondly, you gotta work on the eyes. Eyes are the biggest subconscious indicator of "personality" in the human psyche, it's why weebs spend so much time drawing that part over the rest. Even in the case of Anton with his shades, you can do better. Consider making them sharper/pointier/bigger/farther reaching from his head. Consider giving him eyebrows so that he can convey basic eye-based emotions like surprise. You could also make him the silent "actions speak louder than words" kinda guy, but I'd advise against that because his extroverted attire says he's the exact opposite.

Also consider making his jacket a bit brighter, and maybe adding more to his outfit like shoes or straps or something. Could also make his fur a bit brighter/darker so that he's not emulating a beige envelope. Could do something with his tail to get parallel action lines with his snout/tail.

Anton looks really, really boring in every conceivable way is my point. Coolpecker is a bit better but still room for improvement.

The levels themselves aren't much better. I see massive, open areas of just completely wasted space. Remember Dunkey's review of Banjo and why he liked it. Remember why YL's level design failed. I know these are just test levels, but they don't send good messages about your level design philosophy.

Maybe the game's just not far enough along yet, but it's certainly got a long way to go. I almost want to help just so that you faggots don't ruin my Nepalese wind-chime discussion forum by associating it with a massive flop that echoes everything we've complained about for so long.

9e306d No.14218743


Dude, while a lot of your criticism is fair, you have to realize it's not at all full, even half full. They even came in specifically saying that they were asking for everyone's opinion on how to add shit around. Claiming it's comparable to Yooka-Laylee because it's big empty shit is stupid as fuck, since aside from the fact it sure as shit isn't making levels as massive as yooka's, it barely has anything added in there.

So of fucking course it's empty for now. That's even the point of the thread, what should they put in there and how.

At least other parts of your post aren't as retarded as that specific argument.

I don't mind the animations at all yet but to be fair I know jackshit about them; if you know anything about it your "I almost want to help" is even dumber because you should help then

e08745 No.14218805

File: 1125440f6f713b8⋯.png (148.02 KB, 310x440, 31:44, Jewtastic.png)


nice to copy a meme yet you don't understand it much, bugger off to 4chon fag

e08745 No.14218832

File: e6f5864aefbd44b⋯.jpg (132.02 KB, 400x594, 200:297, 1295872486244.jpg)


I think this Is a good idea If you ask me

907190 No.14218897

Is this project still as infested by furries as it was back during its early days?

I'd love to see a game like this actually finished, but it also reeks of "this is my fetish", those bara ants especially. I can remember somebody drew porn of them almost immediately after they were created.

4cf7ae No.14220376


>Banjo and Star fox are furries

It's just anthro shit dude.

a4ce67 No.14222128

Maybe they would get the game done if they answered they're fucking emails.

dd2f44 No.14222173


Maybe your terrible grammar set of their spam filter, and Yandev is a pretty good example as to why you're wrong anyway. For those who don't know/remember, he made multiple videos whining about how he got too many emails and refused to hire someone to sort them out for him, which he used as an excuse for why he didn't make progress for ages.

4cf7ae No.14223075


I doubt this project is large enough to get more than a few emails a year.

f058c7 No.14224909


He's clearly referring to the people working on the game and not the characters.

1191ce No.14225103

File: 0ed3b407a539d22⋯.jpg (53.7 KB, 650x494, 25:19, d4839386.jpg)

/v/ tries to make a game and its never gonna be finished.

4cf7ae No.14226214


I don't recall any of the artists being furries since half the characters were devised in the first thread. Most of them left anyhow so I don't really see why it matters.


There's a few games I recall being completed by anons on /v/. That robot one was just put out recently.

345ddf No.14226221

File: b930287e705b701⋯.png (122.64 KB, 280x300, 14:15, Malfested-280x300.png)

didn't the main guy leave cause the rest of you were dorks?

29dfec No.14226229


But that was made by one competent guy instead of a loosely organized "team" of undedicated retards

4cf7ae No.14226304


He fucked off to work on something else if I recall.


You're asking for help from /v/. How are you not going to have a section of retards? Either way it's not like they didn't think that would be the case. I'm sure the project was/is a learning experience for a lot of people.

a31d42 No.14226347


>There's a few games I recall being completed by anons on /v/. That robot one was just put out recently.

Speebot, you mean. There's also a game by another guy who occasionally posts on /agdg/, called Hellbreaker. And Terminus posts here, who's kinda famous on the DooM modding scene for multiple projects. We actually have a pretty decent selection of okay devs. Demo day soon, 2/2

But >>14226229 is right, those are all one-man games. That's a whole different kind of 'tism required.

021b4f No.14226399


But YanDev is a whiny bitch who cucked out and removed features for the sake of political correctness, then faked an entire "You guys pushed me out because you're too mean/racist/whatever" episode with 8ch /v/. I don't really think using him as a comparison to anyone who isn't proven to be a whiny bitch is fair.

c297e2 No.14227360

File: 154d15dd5529dd4⋯.png (521.57 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, verycool.png)

Wow, this thread is still going! I'm happy to see so many anons who care.


Checked both your dubs and email, thanks for joining programming.


Like the Master Chief Collection's Remaster view switch? Yeah nah, WAY too much work for our team size. Go play Halo 2 Cartographer.


"Unless your game has a sort of innovation that will breath life into the FPS genre like Depth, it's not worth doing this Halo ripoff." Then Wolfenstein the New Order came out in the same year.


We won't, anon.


I love your post anon! I read every word and will take all of your criticism into consideration.

4cf7ae No.14228319


>Wow, this thread is still going! I'm happy to see so many anons who care.

Trust me the people who were aware this project even existed are in the minority. That being said I hope you nigger(s) keep at it despite the overwhelming odds. Either way I don't care because you guys were fully aware how this project may not succeed since day 1. At the very least there will be a giant pile of coding and animations that anons can pick up if need be. At the very least you can rest assured that I've been following you retards since the 4rth thread and while Apple might be a Nintendo fag I still am keeping an eye on the slow progress of this project. If this game needed anything it's an autistic fellow who's full on capable of carrying the bulk of the work.

24d869 No.14230511

File: 3f3f4217628c9fd⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 542x616, 271:308, hmm.jpg)


Cute skinwalker.

a7c9cd No.14230566


>I mean, both voice actors for Anton and Coolpecker getting married this year!

To each other? Congratulations.

4cf7ae No.14230579


>applegreen's getting married

Did he finally stop sucking that band members dick for enough time to realize he's in love with him?

a4ce67 No.14232140

Finally got an email back. Might be doing some comic book styled art in the future. >>14230511


b5d564 No.14234061


Consider a type of collectible that is tiny (so you don't even see it when you have just a little bit of distance), and that is just more or less randomly spread across huge levels, so that the player who visits a level for the first time can't even make guesses where to look for it. Is this horrendous game design? Sounds like it, but it depends on the context. If you absolutely need to collect a high percentage of these in order to progress in the game, it completely ruins any fun. If it is for extra flimflam like a gallery or games progress requires just a tiny fraction of these, it's no big deal. The quality of a part depends on how the parts fit together.

Some collectible that is either unimportant or quickly fills up something that the player uses and can't carry much around of at the same time can be made available throughout the stage in a very high quantity, and so serve as something that highlights the structure of the level; forming arrows for example, and the presence and absence of this stuff makes it easier to see for players with ADHD which platforms they have already been on, and show jumps arcs that are safe where the layout obstructs the view.

How does the player recognize the collectible things? Are they huge or tiny, in plain sight or hidden, does the player have a scanner device for them, do they make sound, does the player get hints about the location by talking to NPCs, do the collectibles move in a fixed pattern or perhaps away from the player, can they be moved by using some tool, is there a risk that they get destroyed, is there a time limit involved? These questions don't have one correct best answer, the point is that collecting missions shouldn't all feel the same in terms of mechanics.

24aca3 No.14234090

stop pretending you're not dead

never ever

b8d2ed No.14234613


Oh god, I forgot about that year long Britney Spears gif.

I'm in the same position. I wish I could help but don't know what I could do. I need to choose a skill to learn.

87271c No.14234738

You guys are not being transparent enough. Either you make 0 progress or you come once a year to showcase what you did bored on a sunday.

You should have a planned weekly thread showing progress.

4cf7ae No.14235877


>You should have a planned weekly thread showing progress.

They did that and it stopped because people started to get pissed that the project wasn't popping out new content every day as much of it was on the programming side. Which isn't to mention the fags who would make long ass posts creating drama from nowhere.

1704dd No.14237605


/v/oice actors

4cf7ae No.14247323


0978e5 No.14247659


Curse of the Val strikes again.

4cf7ae No.14249152


He fucked off years ago after the bombing.

a24e1e No.14254736


That's pretty neato

66f91b No.14267834


has /v/ ever finished a game?

d20aff No.14267852

Fuck off fagton and cockpecker

cd3bcd No.14267919

I genuinely want to sexually bully apple

42214b No.14267969

File: 2ccc6c4633f1f65⋯.jpg (138.9 KB, 604x454, 302:227, morphine administered.jpg)


>we can make game mechanics but we have no clue how to implement them

d9c7c2 No.14267980


Anon, at least say strapon and gloolpecker like a cool kid.

4cf7ae No.14268009


Almost like key people in the project fucked off.

42214b No.14268024


asking people for help placing pickups is fucking retarded. place them LITERALLY FUCKING ANYWHERE, release the map, THEN ask for feedback.

4cf7ae No.14268056


I dunno it's not really a big deal either way compared to movement.

d39784 No.14278461


more like 2030

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