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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

400ca2 No.14199102

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

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• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


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• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

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2fd06d No.14199116


116b36 No.14199123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Archive of before bread:


c3f153 No.14199144

File: 0ebc4865509578f⋯.jpg (197.02 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, 3d276c06cb87f6a711b4e7aaa4….jpg)

Keep benis in your mind anon. Don't forget benis.

421924 No.14199146

File: e200e4b7eb26f7d⋯.png (15.85 KB, 639x120, 213:40, Untitled.png)

Blogposters and console war fags please leave


Saw this from previous thread. Generally interested in why you think this anon. Have any examples of declining quality?

1528dc No.14199155


How about in your heart?

3adc7a No.14199158

File: 79c4a54a22274d8⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 574x663, 574:663, q8yiBd27.jpg)


400ca2 No.14199161

File: 34da96441176ac7⋯.jpg (66.98 KB, 449x640, 449:640, Feminism 73.jpg)

Feminism is about equality, right?!

1528dc No.14199182


The fuck is this shit? another book about canonizing Hillary?


Sure bitch. Let's see how niggers, cockroaches and spics maintain your spoiled lifestyle. It is especially ironic because one of the most progressive SanFran towns want to do anything they can to be exent from the affordable house laws they helped to create.

c3f153 No.14199183


That's a movie reference, but nobody will get it and she likely still hates men and whites

8047c1 No.14199191


So what about No Country for Old Men is it referring to? Making a title racist and sexist is hardly a "reference."

3adc7a No.14199194


>The fuck is this shit? another book about canonizing Hillary?


kids book

7f8f6b No.14199197


Funny, I don't think i've seen any pictures with hillary clinton in the same picture as a bunch of poor people. At most she'll talk down to them from her podium.

fb5700 No.14199199

File: 7624aa8ded5db19⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 795x1036, 795:1036, 7624aa8ded5db190d3aa8c01b6….jpg)


>referencing a work by an old white man while shitting on white men

1528dc No.14199210


And that's why I'm always wary when the government give books to children for free. And I don't mean classics, but books especially written for them.

c3f153 No.14199219


The title. I only meant the title anon.

I don't know anything about the movie anyways.

d905c2 No.14199285




16561c No.14199287

File: 5e1b8ba4b89190a⋯.jpg (220.94 KB, 1792x356, 448:89, NoA cancer.jpg)

I've noticed since the Switch came out Treehouse has been super quiet, do any of you think NoJ did a major crack down on NoA to make them behave?

f1970d No.14199337


>As for the Treehouse clique, I did notice their silence [on Twitter].

>People should keep tabs on Treehouse people and see what are they doing, or to get clues about what's going on.

I've not been keeping tabs on their personal Twitter feeds, but their shared public Tumblr blog has been unusually quiet in the months following Super Mario Odyssey's launch:



>if there is a new FE game coming out it's most likely 8-4 is going to handle it.

If not NoE, then it'll almost definitely be 8-4; they were contracted to localise Awakening (the first 3DS FE game, known as "that one which made FE financially successful"), then Memehouse fucked up Fates, after which 8-4 were put back in charge for Echoes (a remake of the "Zelda II" of the FE series), which was much more un-fucked than expected.

Personally, the only eyebrow-raising moments I found while playing were an "Other" option when choosing a gender for your Player Card, and Millennial scripting and grammar in certain scenes.


>do any of you think NoJ did a major crack down on NoA to make them behave?

We can only hope so.

16216c No.14199346

File: 3d9ff78acc18aad⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 452x463, 452:463, 3d9ff78acc18aad766a3b41946….jpg)


>Trump gets all the anime appearance

d3d663 No.14199364


It's a good movie though, you should watch it.

5bbd30 No.14199384


>became a goodwill ambassador overseas

>forced third world countries to roll back 50 cent per day wage hikes

>fucked up Haiti so hard that "Clinton" became a swear word


01fac7 No.14199401

File: 0115eede139c295⋯.png (299.35 KB, 544x523, 544:523, DELETE THIS.png)



This shit is just retarded.


Doesn't matter how quiet they are. They've irreparably butchered Japanese games in NA releases, games that will never have an official release with the content restored or their absurdly terrible politicized localizations rife with trash writing undone. Furthermore, they still have jobs. In a meritocracy they'd be fired, but their ideology, which permeates the tech industry, is strongly anti-meritocracy so useless trash like them continue to thrive.

No matter how "quiet" they are they're still not fired and they're still ruining everything they touch, you can count on it.

16561c No.14199402

File: 8f3859466acf91f⋯.jpg (152.36 KB, 866x1200, 433:600, DT-Bi6wW4AAOgs0.jpg)

How much damage did trying to start a narrative on P5/Atlus do to the sjweebs like the cartel, (((Treehouse))) and the translators who love "fixing"? The people backing (((Connor))) were the high ranking Cartel members and people in localization teams I believe?

f01471 No.14199405

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>old men

d15cbd No.14199416

File: 7943a23d613e524⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x281, 500:281, gaymergay.gif)


ce4127 No.14199419


Probably a lot. A shit ton of people made fun of Connor and his shitty website because of him defending past shitty translations. The whole cartel though still has ties to Crunchy Roll and Fakku which they use to DMCA fan translation teams they don't like. A lot of manga translators from Cuckchan also got revealed to be SJWs and commie faggots who make disagreements to talk to each other a while ago.

eef802 No.14199423


>she couldn't bear to be silent about such suffering

So, Hillary and Chelsea will surely speak out in public about the evils of Islam, right?

1528dc No.14199424


>>fucked up Haiti so hard that "Clinton" became a swear word

If that is true that's hillarious.

01fac7 No.14199426

File: 33d5e3932c1d311⋯.jpg (668.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Sad Ochako.jpg)


>tfw girl fetishists keep getting away with it

ce4127 No.14199427



Not sure why I put disagreements. No bully.

cc90eb No.14199438


>Treehouse on gag while the Swtich and its games do well

I can only hope it stays that way. As for the "other" on the player card, 8-4 in pozzed but how much it lets on it depends on how much the client breathes on their necks.


I think NoA or NoJ really can't rid of them because they could sue over unjustified termination because while yes, doing a shit job is enough of a reason, in this year of our lord 2018 being an incompetent embarrassment for your brand isn't a justifiable cause for firing some lazy quirky millenial's ass.

eef802 No.14199441


Cocona will never win Darliiiiingubowl

400ca2 No.14199444

File: 5ea844e414f386e⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 1076x822, 538:411, Feminism 74.jpg)

81b2f4 No.14199447

File: ca5c07928b4ad9f⋯.jpg (97.34 KB, 600x875, 24:35, dig_on_02.jpg)

Didn't we have people digging the Clinton Foundation? There's a thread on >>>/qresearch/116586 about them.

d15cbd No.14199448

File: 6c7650e00494d94⋯.png (112.64 KB, 308x335, 308:335, Confused Riko.png)


Did you hit some word filter I'm not aware of?

ce4127 No.14199454


Dis cord is word filtered.

01fac7 No.14199460

File: d894e8719beacf3⋯.webm (3.3 MB, 853x480, 853:480, re-translated.webm)


Isn't Treehouse in SanFran? Any replacements for the current garbage fire that is the Treehouse localization team would just be another garbage fire.

db82dc No.14199463

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)

Let me guess, you folks like aras because you have faces only your mothers could love?

d15cbd No.14199467


Oh yeah. I noticed an anon shilling his Discuck a few days ago struggling to do so.

23e3ef No.14199494

File: 8595ab5e2c02d8e⋯.jpg (99.28 KB, 483x366, 161:122, neoequality.jpg)


Both sexes are equal, but one is more equal than the other.

16561c No.14199496

File: c5cc925e84aeba3⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1283x722, 1283:722, remove.png)


Hiro wants a crazy femdom who is down for any kinky shit not a basic thot whose vanilla shit is bland.


Fuck despite Xenoblade 2 not being perfect I rather NoE take over all and any first party localizations then fucking (((Treehouse)))

ef8062 No.14199518

File: a3e7c74a3204662⋯.jpg (79.32 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 48240E4E-DC87-4F85-BF7D-CA….jpg)


>Selene from fates

Every time I see that character, I get reminded how shitty fates was and the fact that one sailor moon fanatic cunt dev ruined FE.

6a494c No.14199525


Nintendo of America is set in Redmond, Washington, just like Micro$oft, so I'd imagine that's where the Treehouse is located. I think they have a location in San Francisco, but I don't think anything major's there. It's also worth noting that, to my knowledge, NoA usually can't do shit to Treehouse's work because they lock themselves away from the rest of NoA because Nintendo doesn't want stuff leaking out.

8f8270 No.14199531

File: 5cba34a0b4b8736⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5cba34a0b4b873614f60d517fc….jpg)

be51ac No.14199533


Body is flat as a fucking cardboard.

01fac7 No.14199544

File: 1fb8faa332d125f⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 599x600, 599:600, miss you hitler.jpg)

>>14199444 (checked)

Simple solution. Stop pretending men, women and races are "equal". Abandon delusions of egalitarianism entirely. If you're a race realist and fully reject the non-biological concept of "gender" then you cannot be labeled a feminist by anyone because they'll be too busy slandering you with a deluge of lefty pejoratives.

d15cbd No.14199548


That unless >>14174420 is right and either people at Treehouse and/or NoA are leaking shit to prop up ResetERA like they were probably doing with NeoFAG.

bd5e0e No.14199551


Great, the meme spacing fag is back.

d15cbd No.14199566


It's for "emphasis" anon, don't you know? Careful with that post, you might get ding dong bannued for promoting shill memes. :^)

16216c No.14199575


That's not very sugoi.

8f8270 No.14199584

File: d7f1d353d66c5bd⋯.jpg (93.05 KB, 600x422, 300:211, finger1.jpg)

d15cbd No.14199591

File: 12101665188aa18⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 353x439, 353:439, 12101665188aa1801cd2521372….jpg)


Don't you fucking dare. We already had one of these recently.

400ca2 No.14199596

File: b2c89d53d76a2ed⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2nd Amendment 11.jpg)



1528dc No.14199605


It's going to be some sort of dubs, isn't it?

6a494c No.14199611

File: 0eafab21b902b04⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 1008x567, 16:9, rage against the televisio….gif)


Well if Treehouse were doing it I would not be surprised if that's what got them busted.



3716c3 No.14199613



8f8270 No.14199615

File: ca8f32f2b20af31⋯.jpg (155.65 KB, 599x469, 599:469, finger2.jpg)

44108b No.14199620

File: b2a4886b2c27cb8⋯.gif (307.29 KB, 640x1056, 20:33, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….gif)

400ca2 No.14199621

File: d3034458caa9d47⋯.jpg (271.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Rage 8.jpg)


You fucking monster!

6a494c No.14199626

File: c5cdf6240a7bd18⋯.gif (849.68 KB, 350x197, 350:197, panicking water slut.gif)

File: 728973de016280b⋯.png (791.35 KB, 1293x808, 1293:808, rage jack 2.png)

File: 30bddf3bb209b3a⋯.gif (715.53 KB, 512x512, 1:1, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….gif)



1528dc No.14199628

File: ca4a47e914d2e74⋯.jpg (233.85 KB, 1449x476, 207:68, screaming elf.jpg)

9e5340 No.14199632

File: 226d10f19064867⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 386x460, 193:230, 1350264691346.jpg)

9e5340 No.14199633

File: 226d10f19064867⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 386x460, 193:230, 1350264691346.jpg)

3716c3 No.14199634

File: 97e4e564eac7842⋯.mp4 (300.71 KB, 240x240, 1:1, screaming_batteries.mp4)

d15cbd No.14199636

8f8270 No.14199642

File: 29cb2c2f9a07352⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 29cb2c2f9a0735278f3ad2f66f….jpg)

60808a No.14199644

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

87f530 No.14199650


Its true. All the haitians over here hate clinton so much that they probably were the ones to swing florida red.

c3f153 No.14199651

File: c917cc34fc9b015⋯.jpg (139.93 KB, 680x684, 170:171, c91.jpg)

d15cbd No.14199654

File: b617d3e5cf4a5b6⋯.png (445.11 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)



b46c79 No.14199658

File: f99e885c0fb2fdc⋯.jpg (44.86 KB, 526x470, 263:235, C-Tlxf6WAAE0caf.jpg)


For what it's worth, all of the rankings for that option are the various monster types in the game and I think in JP the option is even called 'Monster'. Aside from that, Awakening had a fucked translation too, but to a lesser extent, and people are more forgiving of that one due to how it kept the series alive.

Personally I hope Memehouse never touches a single game again and is only used for shit like playtesting and advertisement, but that probably won't happen.



That reminds me, Funimation is doing the dub work for Pop Team Epic, can't wait to see how shitty that turns out. Personally, I'm still amused by how all the people that only ever watched dubbed Dragon Ball get mad when Goku does something that contradicts the whole Superman personality the dub gave him.


400ca2 No.14199665

File: 550c32b01a1b316⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 623x590, 623:590, Hmm 23.jpg)

Just a thought:

Aside from Nich Maragos, who openly supports Anita Sarkeesian, who else in Nintendo Treehouse who are feminists that shares the same sentiment?

14f78d No.14199667

File: d6cb3d7e3762eca⋯.webm (685.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, off baseline.webm)

0060e1 No.14199674

File: 1fbf60d2e9b11a2⋯.png (586.63 KB, 821x1940, 821:1940, 2018-01-22_01-48-50.png)


>Muslim Starts Six Fires at Catholic University, Including the Daycare – Says “You Guys Are Lucky I Don’t Know How to Make Bombs”

8f8270 No.14199678

File: aaea2246c411539⋯.jpg (151 KB, 1024x877, 1024:877, 1456186988100.jpg)


then there is the entirity of 8-4 who basically podcast and pander to neogaf, most likely now resetera

01fac7 No.14199684

File: c97ef7be5815a54⋯.webm (393.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.webm)

99a068 No.14199687

I didn't know where else to put this, and I didn't want to make a new thread, but since Artifact if A) a TCG and B) made by modern valve, I am certain that every single card will be a steam item that you can buy and sell on the steam market for real money.

9f4fce No.14199689

File: c470cdd8f78ee59⋯.png (206.11 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

File: 91aebf596e329b8⋯.jpg (124.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Asuka insertion.jpg)

We're about there, boys. I had to hack together a script to convert the bulk html pages from the archive to wikimedia markup. But the last test worked, and its running as I type.

266857 No.14199696

File: 615d10352d048e1⋯.jpg (163.46 KB, 917x1244, 917:1244, Minami 05.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles halfchan /g/ and our /tech/ are on it, looking for a name so everyone should vote

- http://poal.me/e9bqfc

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

400ca2 No.14199697

File: 55a5961ced04851⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Fuck You 35.jpg)


Nice work, Acidfag. By the way, here's for you, you fucking faggot.

16561c No.14199703

File: 2a14f03621e8df0⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 500x500, 1:1, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….gif)


Didn't that thot openly shit and get a huge amount of hate from the Japanese fire emblem community?


From what I'm guessing they are under watch now.




Rapp before she was fired did I think and the others follow a shit load of sjweebs.


Sjweebs and translators like (((Connor)) or (((Maragos))) are trying to build a power base like they had on NeoFag but on ResetERA but are failing due to how hard the site got hit early on.

01fac7 No.14199708

File: 4d9339ac08fe9c1⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, This is Fine 720p.mp4)


Diversity is our strength!

Nation of immigrants!

Religion of peace!

400ca2 No.14199713


That makes two of them. Have other members of Nintendo Treehouse have been unmasked? Because we know that Nich is the head of the snake, but who else are his underlings? That really begs the question.

8f8270 No.14199726



what fucking more do you want

984cc1 No.14199732


Rapp being a prostitute and open supporter of pedophilia likely helped fuck up SJW influence in Nintendo. When you try to prop something like that up, disaster is soon to follow.

d15cbd No.14199743


Yes, but not all of them have been open about it. What are the chances HR hasn't weeded out all disent or at least forced those there who may dissent into compliance with their actions?

7f8f6b No.14199748


It's safer to assume they're all pozzed, since we all know that once one gets in, they facilitate the hiring of others.

c3f153 No.14199750



400ca2 No.14199760


Who are they? Their previous affiliation before going to Treehouse? It's not enough we know who the head of the council is.

8f8270 No.14199764



are you choosing to be this stupid or are you really this dumb? you are retreading years old shit and trying to leaderfag for some reason?

not only that you are trying to make it sound like treehouse is some sort of fucking bees nest of tiers where you must earn 3 Anita points before you move up


All Rapp was at Treehouse was a fucking social media manager and PR person who they put on streams to get little boys dicks hard for stuff other than the games

b46c79 No.14199768


Nich used to work at ATLUS on stuff like Persona 4, so he can do good work, he just doesn't.

9f4fce No.14199775

File: f4bc002d4ff44e0⋯.jpeg (251.68 KB, 1920x1371, 640:457, Asuka do it for her.jpeg)


Thanks anon. I got it when you? posted it before.

Conversion just finished. So let me explain what needs to happen now.

I'm going to break the files up into several packages. Then I'm going to upload those packages to catbox.

Then myself and some volunteers need to each take one of those packages. I'll activate the wiki and enable account creation. The volunteers need to register accounts (anonymously, which is all enabled) and log into the wiki.

Then each volunteer is responsible for creating the pages in his or her package. Its really easy: Just open each file in a text editor, ctrl+a, ctrl+c, and then ctrl+v the text into the box on the wiki that comes up when you search a page that doesn't exist and asks you to create it. With your text in the box, scroll down and hit Save on the wiki page, and then you're on to the next one.

There are going to be broken links and cleanup work to do, but that can all come later. First off though, I need to eat. I was up til 5am working on this, and again all day today.

But we're finally in sight of our goal. I'm going to go ahead and enable account registration on the wiki, so a few of you can get your butts in gear. Give it five minutes.


d905c2 No.14199776



>not all 1475267253 genders

Cis scum

c47950 No.14199785

File: 97ed60fa8ec42df⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20180110_092537.jpg)

What did Seattle international airport mean by this?

d15cbd No.14199790


That's a lot of people. Enough to cause serious problems.

01fac7 No.14199791

File: f8de0c2c6e6a150⋯.jpg (120.76 KB, 960x1800, 8:15, image rotation.jpg)

8f8270 No.14199794

File: a40987b336af808⋯.png (114.81 KB, 641x629, 641:629, 1cea27ad7d7d0fd39407d5021d….png)

If you are gonna be retarded as fuck when it comes to localization shit its better you just not fucking talk about it

holy shit all you are doing is making it harder to have a legitamate discussion and make actual points when shit is bad when all you are doing is spurging about CONNOR and SOCIAL JUSTICE COUNCILS like here >>14199760

its obvious you are trying to help but some people here have absolute no fucking idea what they are talking about or have any way to articulate it to the point where even gook anon could do better

ab935c No.14199796

File: db71b8f0fc38267⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 400x314, 200:157, fark_sz2TGrODihexjl_dJjHZw….jpg)


Nice work. Here's to a new wiki, one completely under our control at last.

400ca2 No.14199798


>Getting triggered over the use of "we" in context of people already here knows anything about Nich Maragos' ideologicial leanings, conflating it to leaderfagging

Do you even have basic reading comprehension? Like, at all?!

580fd5 No.14199799

File: b61c0a0385c957e⋯.jpg (92.69 KB, 369x369, 1:1, aus.jpg)

d15cbd No.14199804

File: f403cfb1efbaf1e⋯.png (131.77 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 2ca66add65b053d87b58f60c27….png)


>Mobile images

16561c No.14199810

File: d989cdb6ec49faa⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, Jew vs furry.png)

Speaking of ResetERA how much sjweeb translators have set up shop so far?


It's Marche he'll sperg for a while then leave like every thread.

984cc1 No.14199816


She was a face for outsiders and higher ups at Nintendo to represent what was going on at NoA. It probably isn't gone, but she was in the right position to have her bullshit found out and have it attached to Nintendo's name. It didn't help that they didn't fire her for her pedophile essay, and associated PR, but because she was a prostitute on the side.

d15cbd No.14199831

File: 30746e8d69b398a⋯.gif (312.86 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1470612981161.gif)


>all you are doing is spurging about CONNOR

Why do you keep overstating this every time his name is so much as mentioned? Why are you so defensive about him?

>holy shit all you are doing is making it harder to have a legitamate discussion

No, no one is doing that. Nothing is stopping you or anyone else from articulating their points about the subject. If you're so enlightened, inform us instead of telling others to shut down discussion.

7c1b4c No.14199840

File: e98c7151863ee81⋯.png (60.71 KB, 932x758, 466:379, firefox_2018-01-21_17-07-3….png)

File: 72766d9cf5d9372⋯.png (481.46 KB, 954x441, 106:49, efadcb2de9768d51fb1dc7e94d….png)

Weren't these numbers twice as high a few weeks ago? What the hell happened?

0060e1 No.14199842

File: f03259e64ca2625⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 8.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, R6 Siege interrogation.webm)

8b2ca9 No.14199845


I really would have preferred that Nich twat got fired. Though the upside is Rapp did start posting more lewds once she went full camwhore. Got some decent stuff off her Twitter before it vanished. Fuck paying for that stuff though.

Since we're barely on topic does anybody know where I can pirate textbooks? I need the money for other things but I need my textbooks by Friday

ef8062 No.14199847


>didn't that cunt get heat from the FE Japanese community

Don't have the image on hand, but there was a Japanese campaign on how much of a piece of shit dev she is. Hopefully NoJ or intelligent systems cut her off from working on newer projects to the point where she just leaves or bully her to submission.

16561c No.14199862

File: 829ed473566ca35⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 388x218, 194:109, we're hitting levels of au….gif)


More like the people around him forced him to do his job.


Marche hates TD and thinks he is better cause he can spread info on his twitter or because he knows mombot.

>No, no one is doing that. Nothing is stopping you or anyone else from articulating their points about the subject. If you're so enlightened, inform us instead of telling others to shut down discussion.

It'll simply be him going on about his unwanted self importance.


I was hoping someone still had the images cause she was being reduced to sub atomic particles.

b3b257 No.14199863


I thought they got the power they lost on resetera due to that kh3 leak.

8f8270 No.14199866


youre no better than revolt idiots who spurge out about ecelebs

01fac7 No.14199877

File: 2c0af453eab1df8⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 500x500, 1:1, maximum_shitpost.gif)


>Posts Per Hour was double last week

Were we, dare I say it, being raided?

cab699 No.14199878

>"Managing Partner" of Roll20, online TRPG software, threatens to "nuke" allegeded misogynists off the site.


>Channel 4 anchor & Cathy Newman tweeted her laughing at "abuse" she was getting on Twitter (now deleted)






ab935c No.14199881

File: b60451acf482ab3⋯.jpg (87.57 KB, 1045x583, 95:53, 1444665782341.jpg)


What kind of textbooks?


It's been a while since I worked with mediawiki but I remember it having an API, I think the page creation could be automated with a python or js script. Anyway, I just created an account to help.

ef8062 No.14199884


Someone probably has the image somewhere in the board, and there's image searching, but that's like finding a needle in a haystack.

9f4fce No.14199885

File: d557ae59010d262⋯.jpg (111.47 KB, 450x281, 450:281, Asuka phonecall.jpg)


It's the end of the week anon.

Account creation is up!

Go get registered. I'm uploading the compressed files when I get back.

b3b257 No.14199886


I think armtower or whoever the fuck was revealed to be an sjw during the initial treehouse dig and that megamilk was just a normalfag from the top of my head.

8b2ca9 No.14199897


>What kind of textbooks?

Networking. I only know 2 that I'll need so far but none of my usual ebook resources have them. Of course, they also didn't have a couple actual books I wanted.

>Technical Communications, Seventh Canadian Edition (7th Edition)

>New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016: Intermediate, 1st Edition

9f4fce No.14199901


I don't have shell access to the server to run scripts, and our host is both busy and in another timezone. I'm limited to what I can do via FTP and the wiki admin panels.

Besides, he's already done more than his fair share. It's up to us now.

ef8062 No.14199905

File: a7962a8ae2a3f5a⋯.jpg (107.43 KB, 895x1000, 179:200, IMG_0547.JPG)

16561c No.14199912


Not even close to what NeoFag once had but they are going to keep clawing to get it fully.


>reading comprehension

I know you are mental invalid but Jesus Christ.


Megamilk is just a normalfag who I think was worked at IGN and most of Treehouse is ex IGN from what the early digs showed.



ab935c No.14199935


MediaWiki has a public API, it doesn't require shell access. I tried a few endpoint with 'query' actions and it worked


doc here:


The creation script could be a simple http call.


Oh boy, I did Networking at a Canadian university ages ago. I'll try some of my places I know for textbooks, but they are usually in French if they were translated.

8b2ca9 No.14199944


That's rough. My brother took this course already but all his textbooks are outdated now. I found my HTML book for free no problem last semester. That was nice.

ab935c No.14199971

File: 4a408c66217faf6⋯.jpeg (76.9 KB, 650x451, 650:451, 3ca89fb18213ffcec0ef79f20….jpeg)


I used to do my classes with outdated textbooks all the time, the basics are mostly always the same and you can fill in the holes with the Internet, especially in IT. I only ever bought texts for Philosophy and French classes since they were mandatory to read, for other textbooks I used the Internet and old revisions after getting fleeced for 700$ of books I opened only once in my first semester. It's like a bookstore mafia, fuck them.

8b2ca9 No.14199983


I'm mostly worried the assignments will be wrong. Some of his books aren't just old editions of mine but completely different.

>spent about $650 on books my first semester

>one was never used (Excel)

>one was only used to find out the assignments

>one was used constantly but I pirated it

>last one was also only used to find out the assignments

I still feel ripped off over it. I'd rent instead but I expect they'll charge me out the ass if it doesn't come back in perfect condition. Ironically my only old textbook that might still have value is the one I would most want to keep in case I need a refresher.

16561c No.14199996



Text books are overly expensive but I'm lucky since the only things I need to buy for school are Pencils and ink thank god for being an artfag.


Reading through this I'm wondering if she was fired for her comments or at the very lest told to shut her whore mouth.

9d24f8 No.14200000

File: 9f330dba2d2e1aa⋯.png (762.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9f330dba2d2e1aabbd6d5887ef….png)

nonon a best

8f8270 No.14200005

File: 01136c52e22d7bf⋯.gif (136.39 KB, 919x950, 919:950, 1418690038021-2.gif)

b46c79 No.14200006


*second best.

cab699 No.14200008

File: f016df0dfe5c7d6⋯.png (50.27 KB, 593x436, 593:436, cernovich.PNG)

b46c79 No.14200017


I see John's lying about people again.

16561c No.14200018

File: e25fadf1d0e4ff4⋯.png (474.95 KB, 964x978, 482:489, post apocalypse loli dubs.png)

8b2ca9 No.14200019


The longer I spend there the more I wish I had just attempted suicide instead. Too late now.

d15cbd No.14200027

File: ea2742a4681d6ae⋯.png (129.27 KB, 327x370, 327:370, Saitama check'em.png)



d905c2 No.14200029


i am more surprised for people taking her side

60808a No.14200040

File: 24c06e6a56e65d6⋯.jpg (453.83 KB, 3518x2476, 1759:1238, 628973564771766272_CLqQH5t….jpg)


It's never too late to find happiness, anon!

5bbd30 No.14200045

File: 86ae7ae6657e057⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 291x439, 291:439, 1415807168345.jpg)


>drove women I care about out of the industry

John, stop lying, the only "woman" you care about is yourself. All your former employees confirmed that, all the nonprofits in Boston can confirm that, the fucking CON leaks confirmed that, and even the fucking newspaper that had a restraining order on you in Mississippi can confirm that.

05c4c1 No.14200046


or is it flat as Nintendo Labo?

72ed5d No.14200047

File: 29f198dc42d1d1c⋯.png (232.48 KB, 920x511, 920:511, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b298fb29ae56d19⋯.png (181.49 KB, 692x434, 346:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12a4478eb5bd0a6⋯.png (115.95 KB, 627x512, 627:512, ClipboardImage.png)

There are no white (or Asian) males. It's the Google-y way

8f8270 No.14200048

File: 7020d401d36642c⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 600x441, 200:147, DR0FJc2V4AAesmx.jpg)


Pls Rember That Wen U Feel Scare. Wen Day Is Dark Alway Rember zetsubou

8b2ca9 No.14200049


nuFE is very popular with the Reddit crowd and they are very defensive of it. Hence "Fire Emblem elitists" becoming a saying among them. A Fire Emblem elitist is anybody who has any criticism of Awakening or Fates, ever. I used to love Fire Emblem and I've been involved in communities about it since 2004 or so but I have never seen this level of defensiveness over it. Even when I was on some forum I've long-since forgotten the name of, with everyone playing jap roms of 8 despite not understanding jap, criticism of the games was accepted.


I just don't do well with stress and I've been miserable for a long time to start with.

400ca2 No.14200059

File: 91a98b9fb4f1def⋯.jpg (65 KB, 450x338, 225:169, Citation Needed 5.jpg)

7f8f6b No.14200064


It's the usual cock sucking reaction of the ones who call themselves "fans" but in reality don't really care that much about the series and just love to attach themselves to stuff because they have no real personality. The whole "We should be thanking them otherwise we wouldn't of gotten more games" is so fucking insincere, real fans wouldn't want something they love butchered beyond recognition. I wasn't that attached to FE, but I am a fan of the original fallouts so I know all too well what it feels like. Thankfully the Slav's love old school fallout as well, so I have alternatives.

8b2ca9 No.14200079


>tfw tech companies all seem to advertise like this now

>tfw your program is almost entirely white/asian males

Meanwhile the programming is about 60/40 male/female and mobile app development is basically just chicks. I guess only women would be dumb enough to blow thousands of dollars on a degree in a field that

>doesn't need formal education

>offers no actual guarantee of success

>just makes you look like a retard on a resume

It's like taking a class in indie game development or something.


Exactly. I started with 7 and have played most of them. I would really rather it had died after Awakening. The game was easy and dumbed down and you could cheese it really easily but it was still miles better than Fates. Even ending it with 12 would have been fine because 12 is great. Probably in my top 5.

16561c No.14200114


Cause casuals and sjws ruin everything.


So many of those tossers sucked off Treehouse for Fates and even bought copies to somehow stick it to TD(how wasting your own money to spite people online works is beyond me).


>It's like taking a class in indie game development or something.

I have a friend who went to game design he realized how no game company actually wants people who went those "schools" but want people who actually went to computer sciences or Cyber security and how most programmers rightfully avoid the gaming industry like a sickness.

8fe8d0 No.14200115


Something to look into.


The essay was more defending 2d, but was so disjointed and unflowing that it was hard to follow at times it was reffering to 2d. Shes still a prostitute and a libshit moron married to a literal cuck though.


>Marche hates TD

The fuck you smoking? He was one of the anons to crosspost oc to twitter from td. Chastize him for being an attention whore if you must and be an unproductive anon, but dont make barefaced lies or historical revision like a revoltard.


Indeed, shes generally a normalfag surrounded by poz.


>mobile app development is basically just chicks

Hint: they see it easy money thanks to the likes of angry birds and candy crush.

8b2ca9 No.14200136


They really do. I just avoid talking about it with most people now because I don't want to be involved with that community anymore. I replayed 12 not long ago and it's just as great as ever but they've ruined the series as a whole for me.

>I have a friend who went to game design he realized how no game company actually wants people who went those "schools" but want people who actually went to computer sciences or Cyber security and how most programmers rightfully avoid the gaming industry like a sickness.

I know a guy who did programming or computer science or whatever they call it, and then went back for mobile app development. I have no idea why. It really seems to me like that's mostly a freelancer field, where you would be better off having a portfolio of what you've made over a degree.


Yeah, I figured. That's why I compared it to indie game development. If you really want to make it in that field you would, I think, be better off getting a degree that can be used outside of it, and doing the development in your spare time. I thought I wanted to do game dev for a while but it turns out the only part I enjoy is playing the games I want to ape and gathering info on them. I have a couple binders somewhere full of notes on Castlevania games because of it.

16561c No.14200161


>The fuck you smoking? He was one of the anons to crosspost oc to twitter from td. Chastize him for being an attention whore if you must and be an unproductive anon, but dont make barefaced lies or historical revision like a revoltard.

He openly hates it now and has said it a few times in past threads.


>where you would be better off having a portfolio of what you've made over a degree.

School is mostly a waste of time these days.

8fe8d0 No.14200170


The only good indie game studio that also makes a profit is either to get shilled by the journo mafia and streamers or takes on contracts like wayfoward. Honestly, if anyone here wants to make an indie game, do it as a hobby aside from your actual job, then sell it without large expectations. but remember many indies are glorified flash games, and if you know how to, put the demo online as an html5

8fe8d0 No.14200176


Proof its not marche and not the idiots who waste time impersonating him?

8b2ca9 No.14200187


Yeah. I only started because I'm pushing 30 and I was in a dead end job. May have been the right move since my former employer cut about 30% of their staff over the new, higher, minimum wage. I probably would have been in that 30%.


When I think of the indie games I've played and liked (that also made a decent profit), they're almost always passion projects made by people who didn't initially study game development, but some sort of programming. Mobile app development is a useless degree and game development is a useless degree. Neither are as bad as the fucking women's studies students in the basement with their neon hair and their body odour and always sitting in the fucking hall instead of on the benches. Nah let's just sit right in the middle of the hall with our laptops and coffees all over the place. Let's create a fucking minefield for anybody trying to get to class on time.

b3b257 No.14200189


I find it hilarious that they beg for more of tharja and nowi then get triggered when they show up in that mobile, awakening fucked the fe community hard.

488bff No.14200203


>Yeah, I figured. That's why I compared it to indie game development. If you really want to make it in that field you would, I think, be better off getting a degree that can be used outside of it, and doing the development in your spare time.

What if you've had some college education for computer science and still studied under a game development class?

b3b257 No.14200204



db400c No.14200209


there goes 30 posts

8fe8d0 No.14200210


General programming is more useful. Animation less so, but both are still better than specific courses which amount to nothing.

8f8270 No.14200214


>He openly hates it now and has said it a few times in past threads.

Ive said people are too focused on making OC donuts and reposting the same information while expecting others to do shit

all that is true

8b2ca9 No.14200222


I'm not sure why either of them is so popular. Tharja's just a boring yandere in a slutty outfit (and her daughter's hotter) and Nowi is a generic loli in a slutty outfit (and there are several better lolis throughout the series). The characters I actually like from Awakening don't get much recognition.


I think general programming would still be better. The key would be flexibility. Plus listing your degree as "game development" will probably raise some eyebrows if you try to get an unrelated job in programming.


Yeah, definitely. You need to be able to work in other fields too. Game dev is not a great field to work in, from what I hear.

c3f153 No.14200223

File: 2a951261f3f54d9⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 326x326, 1:1, vfngryawoo.jpg)

File: 76536de41094e91⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, momijiVeryangry.jpg)

File: 0e8937cbc24d032⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, momijiVARYangry.jpg)



Jesus christ, you'd think they'd be more subtle.

5bbd30 No.14200227


Thankfully, people are starting to get wary of the bullshit. Especially since they keep fucking up due to believing that the shit they put up on Twitter isn't public.

16561c No.14200234

File: 303f473ab11df5f⋯.png (15.39 KB, 1135x134, 1135:134, gender studies for boys.PNG)


I'm doing a metroidvania game on the side and doing the art by myself it's hard but fun to do.


>the idiots who waste time impersonating him?

No it's just Marche being an autistic sperg like always.


>still studied under a game development class?

Don't touch game development with a 50ft pole it's gender studies for boys.


>while expecting others to do shit

>Yet you don't do shit but sperg about mark and his mods

Say what you will about the recent state of TD but your not one to talk about anyone doing anything.

8fe8d0 No.14200236


Then say the following:


We did win the war of atrittion, but not that well. We are the eternal boogyman, which draws attention from others who may harm our enemies from the sides and behind. But ultimately, our enemies have been revealed to have the habit of self harm and massive collateral harm of normalfags which has played greatly into our favor.

8f8270 No.14200241

File: 74af376b6bb5fd3⋯.png (163.38 KB, 318x586, 159:293, Made in Abyss - c039 (v06)….png)


>Say what you will about the recent state of TD but your not one to talk about anyone doing anything.

I'll do shit when I want to and you cant make me care about shit I dont care about

8fe8d0 No.14200251


That I can agree with, but its not what you accused him of and I agree the "no avatar fagging" rule needs to be made less vague

16561c No.14200256

File: e4694c02a8028c5⋯.png (296.03 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 2e49cc436d080624f5cd4ca16d….png)


Then don't complain then if yourself aren't willing to practice what you sperg about.

72ed5d No.14200259

File: 5c6843f64f48d4e⋯.png (874.68 KB, 628x1024, 157:256, ClipboardImage.png)

8f8270 No.14200263


I dont try and get others to do shit for me however


16561c No.14200266

File: df3808974f4541f⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 1050x590, 105:59, JBP unsorted.jpg)

f368ae No.14200276


They never change their playbook but for some reason it still works for them.

d15cbd No.14200279


Assuming you're pulling this from whatever organization is claiming to define vidya addiction

>Playing video games for more than 6 hours per week

>Playing more than 50 minutes a day is an addiction

>Any leisure activity that you do for more than 50 minutes a day can now be claimed to be an addiction


984cc1 No.14200280


They have a lot of money and power behind them, so they are brute forcing it. Cracks are showing, but who knows when something is going to break and we will be free from their bullshit.

8b2ca9 No.14200282


Because nobody wants to be the guy defending the "harasser". Same reason loli will never be legal in most of the world. "You want these drawings to be legal? What are you, a pedophile?"

e75beb No.14200292


Comp Sci is pretty shitty too. Unless you get into a good school, they'll only teach you pajeet level coding in Java and avoid any complicated algorithms or anything. Mid-tier school and lower, you are better just teaching yourself and making something that can get people's attention.

8fe8d0 No.14200294


>something that engages you mentally and physically is a harmful addiction

So sports and being /fit/ should be an addiction too

>yet tv which does not the former and at best, barely the latter is fine

WHO are even stupider than retards, and trump needs to reinact the propaganda ban.

d15cbd No.14200301


Nobody with influence. Peterson has a large and vocal following though that are absolutely livid about both the interview and the following media smear job.

8b2ca9 No.14200312


Yeah, that's the main downside of those arguments. They don't work on people who are already outcasts or who just don't care.

d15cbd No.14200317


Was it WHO or the CDC that are making these spicy claims?

984cc1 No.14200330


WHO got paid off to list it as an addiction.

d15cbd No.14200345


Paid by whom?

8fe8d0 No.14200351


(((Who))) do you think?

984cc1 No.14200354


They admitted East Asian influence, but they are likely involved too. Because they always are, the cunts.

16561c No.14200355

File: ff5c5bf9dbe3902⋯.png (2.48 MB, 3000x1500, 2:1, face app Marche.png)


So actually being productive to the thread unlike you who does nothing but sperg about Mark or Cobalt and avatarfags Miranda?


CS went to shit that badly?


Remember anon gamers are the dregs of society.

8f8270 No.14200361


name a signle time this has happen

just becuase I told you to stop leaderfagging now you are upset and making dumb fuck drama

eat shit retard

39dfe7 No.14200367

File: 55e596a4c8248e7⋯.png (169.93 KB, 530x357, 530:357, ffaea0aa3af1ed1e4e654ab526….png)


>be a NEET forced to move to Washington in the next couple of months


How fucked am I?

c3f153 No.14200369


The first four seem pretty valid.

I don't see the weight gain and lowered metabolism since I lean more towards underweight.

Short term aggressiveness is common, but not long term.

I've never heard anything about behavior and "behavior" is very ambiguous.

Poor social interaction is also questionable, but it would vary by the games they play and the amount of time.

Poor cooperative interaction... isn't caused by games, it's just a natural human thing it seems. You'd expect players to cooperate in team based games, but most pubs have idiots that dont.

ef8062 No.14200381


She's probably still employed, but probably not going to be involved in projects which forces her to leave the job on her own accord.


>the characters I like from awakening don't get recognition

Triples of truth, and fuck even those shit mcs from fates are popular than myunit, but in my opinion, the character creation for fates was a huge degrade from awakening. You cannot be a bara or an ara in fates, and 8-4 removed the personalities and the mute option for your character.

9cac73 No.14200382


Depends if you end up in Seattle or not.

a83a68 No.14200383

File: 2492f582fc6f3a1⋯.png (237.8 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gendo slight disgust.png)


The presentation's like a Bible story, it's disturbing.

05c4c1 No.14200384


Easy. China paid for it, so that the populous doesn't catch on (remember that there are quasi-prisons called internet addiction rehab centres there), and also the WHO is involved, because of the United States and Europe losing influence in videogames due to AAA greed and SocJus propaganda failing.

d15cbd No.14200386


Bullshit. (((They))) have a strong hold on western vidya and this new addiction classification was made shortly after nuBattlefront II's lootbox controversy. If anything, it's an overreaction to EA's hyperjewery. It's against (((their))) interests for vidya to be an addiction.


>does nothing but sperg about Mark or Cobalt and avatarfags Miranda?

Make sure to add Connor to that list.

05c4c1 No.14200387


What? Do you not follow the Clinton cult?

5bbd30 No.14200388


It honestly is pretty fucking scary how fast they slip into "blind worship" mode.

9eff3b No.14200398

File: 6be012acaae9754⋯.png (49.88 KB, 215x139, 215:139, yesyes.png)


◾Increased risk of ADD or ADHD due to the highly interactivity of video games -- Maybe.

◾Learning disabilities that result from slowed responses versus the intense video games -- Maybe

◾Increased risk of light-induced seizures from video games -- Video games don't cause this, it's your kids shitty genes.

◾Musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities from sitting for prolonged periods of time or from only using the upper body (extremity muscles) -- Video games don't cause this, sitting does. Better raise the alarm about knitting too.

◾Increased weight gain as a result of not exercising -- Sitting again, not games.

◾Lowered metabolism -- Sitting.

◾Aggressive thoughts and behaviors -- LeL how many times does this shit gotta get debunked.

◾Poor social interaction -- Yes, letting your kid only do one thing is bad and leads to autism.

◾Poor cooperative interaction (everything has to be about winning) -- Competitive endeavors appeal to competitive people? Say it isn't so!

So that's like...3 semi-valid points and a bunch of not-so-valid ones. Try again next year.

Oh wait, next year is when shitty governments will use the clout from the WHO to ban shit in video games and make their populace even more pliable! Whoddathunkit

9ca6c4 No.14200406

File: e32a08a70132511⋯.jpg (227.42 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Depressed Dog.jpg)

I dream for the day the SJW Cartel loses their grip on the industry and localization. It just seems impossible.

16561c No.14200410

File: 91d72e8b33d441c⋯.jpg (753.44 KB, 1920x2160, 8:9, what the fuck did I even r….jpg)


>anyone who does anything productive is a leader fag

>name a signle time this has happen

So all those times you've had a meltdown in thread over Mark or cobalt was just everyone having a hallucination?


Is the WHO grasping at fucking straws?

72ed5d No.14200412

File: 6a4fc92f96e5945⋯.jpg (9.97 KB, 306x306, 1:1, shaman whats this.jpg)


what the fuck is that thing?

a83a68 No.14200414


you're retarded, it's just a bunch of retards that no one likes. The patience with these fucks is wearing thin, and no one likes someone who lies and smiles at the same time.

8f8270 No.14200418



Are you that much of an over sensative amerifat that you get literally triggered by saying cunt and fuck that you think that I'm mad?

you are a fool

d15cbd No.14200419


For that to happen, you'd need non-koolaid drinkers to be in the HR departments since they only hire fellow koolaid chuggers. How the hell does an HR person get fired?

9eff3b No.14200422


Not doing paperwork. Literally the only person I've known about got fired for not doing the modicum of work expected of their position.

57ad43 No.14200423


HR needs to be abolished.

984cc1 No.14200425


This was coming before the lootbox horseshit.


Those global organizations are losing clout and doing shit like this is going to make it worse. People already have issues with the UN for Saudi Arabia being on the women's rights council, among other things that they've done and are planning.

26562f No.14200426


Kigurumi suits are like fursuits. Creepy to look at.

d15cbd No.14200432


>This was coming before the lootbox horseshit.

Really? I could've sworn it was introduced within a few weeks to a month of the lootbox shenanigans.

57ad43 No.14200435

File: b0cd5551717908a⋯.png (373.59 KB, 367x415, 367:415, Sad Doggo.png)


Also the uncanny valley makes them worse.

de8446 No.14200441


More and more people are seeing through their bullshit, yet the power system they've established has stood strong. Back when Gamergate started, I knew the best ending would take a long-ass time to get to, but it's still worth it.

984cc1 No.14200446


Coming, but not introduced until after. I remember reading something about how WHO was getting influenced by East Asian countries to label video games an addiction, and South Korea had already labeled it as one of the great evils of their society. You know, ignoring the feminist cultists that want to kill half of their society and rape little boys.

57ad43 No.14200448


And hopefully this would end with Nintendo shutting down Treehouse. Problem is, Treehouse still has tons of support from the fanboys and their cutesy name and friendly image isn't doing any favors. Just got to wait for Treehouse to fuck up big time again.

87f530 No.14200457


Im 80 pounds so im almost deathly underweight. Im also doing well socially so vidya addiction really has no downsides tbh. Im doing well in college too.

26562f No.14200458

File: c08fb8efe1a00a0⋯.webm (4.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PopTeamEpic OP2.webm)

After learning how to resize webms, here's my AOTS. The opening is really good.

d15cbd No.14200460



Christ skelton anon. I'm underwieght and I've been 115 since late highschool.

8fe8d0 No.14200461


What is diversifying your methods of assault and presenting (((your))) games as (((rehab))) games that all addicts must play and pay for or be banned from access from vidya


Be the change you wish to see. Get an hr or pr job today.

df7772 No.14200462


Bellevue/Redmond is almost as bad. Just more expensive and cleaner.

8f8270 No.14200463


junji ito collection OP is better

57ad43 No.14200466

File: 65395141cc267a4⋯.jpg (138.93 KB, 236x647, 236:647, 696707b78a6d0ce38c2d6f94ba….jpg)

File: e00854e1b5ab2f8⋯.png (100.83 KB, 500x466, 250:233, Mtj9AN9.png)


>deathly underweight.

Just eat tons of pasta, bread, potatoes, sugary deserts and tons of juice. You'd gain weight in no time.

8fe8d0 No.14200468


The animation is shaft or someone who worked for shaft. There is no way that its not shaft.

a2a024 No.14200470



That shit is bad on purpose, the whole thing is a giant troll. It's amusing but it's not funny enough to be anywhere close to AOTS, and it's got nothing else going for it but humor.

cab699 No.14200471

File: 84397b53b9d3a75⋯.png (84.64 KB, 305x646, 305:646, zoe.PNG)

File: 5ad3e8321124561⋯.png (13.06 KB, 581x123, 581:123, friends.PNG)

42b023 No.14200472


Citations, faggot.

ad85e8 No.14200473


>no meat



d15cbd No.14200474

File: e5a8cb2bf3b8087⋯.png (33.93 KB, 811x153, 811:153, ClipboardImage.png)

16561c No.14200476


You have autistic meltdowns frequently in fact one is happening right now!


That poor dog looks afraid.


>Treehouse still has tons of support

More like only the most hardcore sjweebs and other (((localization)))


Bike cuck is nearly as spineless as boogie.

488bff No.14200477

d15cbd No.14200478



Cheese is also important. Fruit's pretty damn good too.

57ad43 No.14200481

File: 6be6be650dee62e⋯.jpg (29.3 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 606-AP100128157268.jpg)

File: cde964e94db0d77⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 81f2e1a5979faaa⋯.jpg (460.52 KB, 1600x1195, 320:239, meat-lovers-pizza.jpg)


Eat as much as you want as long as you have a lot of bread. I suggest Meat Lovers Pizza. Contrary to popular belief, meat and animal fat does not get you fat. I lost over 70 pounds eating nothing but meat saturated in animal fats with some salad on the sides. Bread, Sugar, Pasta, Rice, that's what gets you fat. Eat tons of fried rice and and other carbs.

5bbd30 No.14200483

File: 5ed5ef924f049fc⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 582x600, 97:100, laughing anthem.jpg)


>Chelsea may be actually harassing people herself behind the scenes, after practically everyone abandoned the trans chatroom she took over and turned into CON

If true, it will be hilarious.

87f530 No.14200485


On the bright side i can eat as many hostess cupcakes and snoballs that i want and never gain weight.

16561c No.14200489

File: a526684442cd5fb⋯.png (719.41 KB, 847x647, 847:647, dear lord why.png)


I actually lost 15 pounds eating nothing but lamb stew for a month while working a night shift along with daily runs.


How are you fucking alive?

57ad43 No.14200494


I don't even use Atkin's and I lost weight. You don't need Atkin's to keto. Watch Fathead.


>I actually lost 15 pounds eating nothing but lamb stew for a month while working a night shift along with daily runs.

Pretty cool.

9cac73 No.14200495

File: 21fe5fc0c8f60ae⋯.webm (187.16 KB, 852x480, 71:40, I dont give a damn.webm)

Did I miss anything good over the past two days? I got dragged into playing Rust with a friend.


The Atkins diet absolutely works for some people, but deep dish pizzas are not what he meant when he said eat meat.

57ad43 No.14200496


>The Atkins diet absolutely works for some people, but deep dish pizzas are not what he meant when he said eat meat.

Yeah, that's for the 80 pound skeleton that needs to gain weight.

f1ccd4 No.14200498


>shitposting in anime form isnt an AOTS contender

its almost as if you have shit taste or something

9cac73 No.14200502


I misread that, whoops. If that's the case, avocados are something my underweight friend is actually prescribed by her doctor.

9f4fce No.14200504

File: ce11993d37e87ad⋯.jpeg (50.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Asuka point.jpeg)


These are alphabetical, and the groups are small enough that creating the pages should take each person less than an hour.

Call which set you're taking, so we don't double up!

AB: https://files.catbox.moe/o7242u.zip

C: https://files.catbox.moe/gdkmrt.zip

DE: https://files.catbox.moe/rwjsbg.zip

FG: https://files.catbox.moe/5407f8.zip

HIJ: https://files.catbox.moe/plmkq6.zip

KLM: https://files.catbox.moe/avtq24.zip

NOP: https://files.catbox.moe/lilbx7.zip

QR: https://files.catbox.moe/0t82s7.zip

ST: https://files.catbox.moe/xmuf4m.zip

U-Z: https://files.catbox.moe/vaoohr.zip

I'm taking FG since it's the largest. Use 7zip to extract the files if they give you any trouble.


To create the wiki entry, type the EXACT name in the searchbar, without dashes. For example, "index.php?title=Boycott_List.wiki" tells you the name of the article should be "Boycott List". These are case sensitive. If you typo it, it'll break all the links because the files have server-oriented URLs. When you search the name and get no match, click Create. Then paste the text from the file into the box and hit save.

I looked into using the API, but there are no turn-key solutions for this specific situation. I could try coding one, but that could take a few days worth of fucking around when we can do it this way in a couple hours and know it already works.


a2a024 No.14200509


It's almost as if you're a memer who doesn't give a fuck about anime unless the manga was almost normalfag-tier popular already, and derive all your enjoyment from "I RECOGNIZE THAT!" like a Family Guy viewer. I'm watching five shows this season that are all better than Poptepic.

421924 No.14200510


This is why I always filter fags that post it, just wastes posts



No one cares. Go back to blogposting about keyboards and furry art commissions or posting images that have nothing to do with anything except wastes posts.

>everyone I don't like is being revolt

Says the person who metafags when the mods ban him, like what the revoltfags did.


Nintendo mini direct



>harming anything

>doing anything

Cernovich's entire motto is to talk big but does jack all. SJWs shouldn't care about him.



Normalfags are really starting to take notice here. Crying victim is not working as well anymore.


I hate Naive retards like Shen. Hard to feel bad for them.

c3f153 No.14200518

9f4fce No.14200523


Yup. Editing is now enabled.

16561c No.14200526

File: 82833be98faf890⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.57 MB, 540x300, 9:5, franxx ass.gif)


You watching Darling in the Franxx?

72ed5d No.14200529

File: cb9f3fa306b9c08⋯.png (59.61 KB, 603x435, 201:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbecd7364395b44⋯.png (60.18 KB, 590x426, 295:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2f38d8011f702c⋯.png (74.2 KB, 613x548, 613:548, ClipboardImage.png)

>winston churchill was eeeeeeevil

any bongland / potatonigger anon can confirm this?


c3f153 No.14200531


I'll take U-Z since I'm on a mediocre connection.

42b023 No.14200545


Wait so what is this?

955649 No.14200546


>>winston churchill was eeeeeeevil

/pol/ doesn't like him either.

57ad43 No.14200550


Something they and /pol/ have in common.

d5a6a7 No.14200551


Don't know about him being a villain, but sure as hell wasn't a good guy.

c3f153 No.14200553

File: e054701c205e6b1⋯.png (534.07 KB, 1286x7527, 1286:7527, Screen Shot 2018-01-21 at ….png)



I hit preview and get some broken tags.

488bff No.14200554


GGWiki rebuilding. I'd contribute, but I have a 128kbps connection.

5bbd30 No.14200555



Well, there's one thing they can both agree on: Churchill was a dick.

57ad43 No.14200556


In war, there are no good guys.

t. Go Nagai

f1ccd4 No.14200557

File: 7dfff49a6b96e54⋯.webm (205.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, #rekt.webm)


you mean aside literally from everything else

99c03d No.14200559


He was against Hitler, of course he was evil, but these posts give me a newfound respect for his hatred of Indians, specifically Hindus. Fuck Hindus.

c3f153 No.14200561



Oh, I'll just take them out, I'm retarded.

a0041b No.14200562


What the fuck is it with the trend of giving idiots access to national accounts?

This isn't nearly as bad as Sweden's but goddamn how hasn't this sparked national outrage

Also fuck hindus and afghanis

72ed5d No.14200563


>“We always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English”

why wouldn't they

9cac73 No.14200565


It's kind of the point, you get the uncorrupted opinion of genuine citizens of the country. That's the whole point of the account. A better complaint is why people are so fucking retarded.

42b023 No.14200566


Okay mohammed.

f1cabc No.14200569


>Chelsea Van Valkenburg sent her goons to bully bike cuck then made him buy a copy of her shitty book

wew, top cuckoldry

cc90eb No.14200571





My weight is well under that thanks to a generally weak constitution and poor health since childhood. I'm a manlet too and doctors just can't find why am I so small and underweight. My family is worried because a childhood friend just died and she seemed to present the same symptoms as me; pray for me, anons.

Avocados are good and all but they're lowkey soy, anon. They have high natural strogen and are prescribed for women going through menopause so you should be careful with those.


Bikecuck may be, well, a cuck, but fucking hell he didn't deserve the fat slut's wolfpack at his door for simply talking to Ian. He's pathetic, but in a pityable way and not just trying to be smug about his betaness like most castrated artists.

87f530 No.14200572


By sheer force of will and avoiding apple juice and cranberry juice.

8fe8d0 No.14200573


Britian in general was the villian in ww2, the put germany, who was doing terribly before ww1 and post ww1, only to be made worse by all of britians allies refusing to help the germans out and instead helping a few rich asshats to continue treating the impovershed germans as subhuman. Then when the germans were trying to kikck out the jews and only imprisoning the rest, the british cutoff what tiny supplies the germans were getting, goafing them into having to take methods to get new supplies but also kill the prisoners that they could no longer afford to feed. And if you wnat to see britian and their allies colors, they fought the germans not because of the dead jews or even facissim, but because germany had the audacity, the gall to say "we wish to be a secluded self reliant country that has no need for foriegn read british rothchild banks. Britian fucked with germany becuase of no more than greed, same with india.

99c03d No.14200579


>Implying you have to be a sandnigger to hate street shitting, hamburger worshiping subhumans.

5bbd30 No.14200581

File: ee6bd759900c599⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fall off your horse!.mp4)


And they're still pulling the Mean Girls bullshit on him, while openly bragging that they got asspats from Chelsea herself.

Hey Twitter, you gonna kick her off the Trust and Safety Council for organizing/rewarding harassment yet? No? Okay, fuck you, too.

57ad43 No.14200583


Have you tried stuffing your down on carbs? Fried Rice, Pizza, Pasta, French Fries, Cakes? They will get you fat. But then again, I think it's better for you to listen to what your doctor tells you what you need to do.

ec3bb7 No.14200584




I had had a webm from /pol/ about about how he was warned In advance about nazi bombing a part in Britain and made up a lie about not going there whilst letting those unaware of the truth get bombed or something, can't exactly remember. Also may have been behind the Dresden Bombing along with instigating the war rejecting any negotiations or peace offers from Hitler.

472c77 No.14200586


I thought the way he took the whole 'bike cuck' incident showed he was shaping up to be less of a cancerous faggot. Guess I was wrong. Oh well, he deserves the hell he's trapped himself in.

9f4fce No.14200587

File: 11595757a230877⋯.jpg (141.55 KB, 799x800, 799:800, Asuka patch 2018.jpg)

You guys will notice some busted tags and other little problems. These can be cleaned up afterward, in the course of normal editing and maintenance. The key right now is to get all the articles up.

Once the wiki is up, we have to merge the contents of the partial wiki at thisisvideogames into it by hand. Tags and errors can be fixed at that time.

87f530 No.14200588


Im 5'6" and taller than alot of the women in class so im not afraid of my height.

d15cbd No.14200592

File: 8439ba761376f14⋯.png (348.11 KB, 476x611, 476:611, dsdsfssdfsdfsdf.png)


>An actual manlet appears

57ad43 No.14200595


Oh shit, you're my height. Sup fellow manlet.

87f530 No.14200596


It could be worse. I could be shorter than destiny.

d15cbd No.14200599

File: dc514aa9ee28409⋯.png (677.94 KB, 616x1028, 154:257, Smug teach0.png)


>The manlets are multiplying

57ad43 No.14200601


At least my beard and body hair makes me feel manly.

I hated that androgynous phase I went through as a kid. Got confused for a chick a few times before, lucky puberty is long done.

99c03d No.14200603

>>14200588 (heil'd)

Where the fuck do you live m8, here I'm a 5'9" Duke of the Manlets and barely scrape by for being a height on par with most of the women here.

9cac73 No.14200605


I'm the same fucking height.

Was given a prescription for Vyvanse in high school, it made me eat so little I never hit my growth spurt that I was supposed to have.

The same fucking drug is now sold solely as an appetite suppressant

Fuck retarded doctors

c3f153 No.14200610


I'm retarded, I made a page for something that was a redirect.

99c03d No.14200611


Logic could go that being less of a fat fuck will make you look taller by comparison due to being a pole and not spherical.

cc90eb No.14200613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It probably doesn't help that we don't have enough money to stuff me with pizza, cakes and the likes, though we eat a lot of rice and french fried. I have hypoglycemia but the doctor says that shouldn't affect my weight to begin with, so I just follow the diet plan he gave me, with underwhelming results.

To keep it games-related, have a track from kancolle.

d15cbd No.14200614

File: 18a6b3338550615⋯.png (70.32 KB, 190x280, 19:28, SmugSister.png)


How many fucking manlets do we have here?

57ad43 No.14200615


What is your diet plan?

9f4fce No.14200616


Don't sweat it, I can clean up anything like that from the backend later!

c3f153 No.14200620

File: 4471271063c1bb7⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 370x350, 37:35, angrytr.jpg)



57ad43 No.14200621

File: 28b1a20612b3c3e⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 600x640, 15:16, 28b1a20612b3c3e5e27679b7e4….jpg)


Has the translations from Timber been passed to the Japanese yet?

488bff No.14200625

16561c No.14200628

File: 0be4d9313adba41⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jontron Can't Make Shit Up.mp4)





Wait that I know this but I forgot the name.

cc90eb No.14200634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's pretty long but to tl;dr eating six times a day, breakfast with milk/cheese, cereals, eggs and meat, full course on lunch and same for dinner, snacks in between meals consisting on fruit/milk/cereals


Which is why I'll sage and leave another boar girl jam here.

>kancolle arcade PS4 port never ever

9cac73 No.14200638

File: 1dadb5a666c7840⋯.webm (1.21 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Salsa is still good.webm)



We've clearly established that it doesn't.

87f530 No.14200640




I have a bit of anorexia but the doc said i have 2 extra years to grow so i hope i reach 5'8"

9f4fce No.14200642

FG Done

U-Z in progress

Who else?

72ed5d No.14200648

File: 405dfa4dcc85ab7⋯.png (585.89 KB, 650x433, 650:433, ClipboardImage.png)


put on the dress, gook

57ad43 No.14200650


Just leave him alone. Why does gook attract the gay memesters?

9cac73 No.14200651


Anorexia is just the clinical diagnosis of being underweight. Literally the exact opposite of "obesity." It doesn't necessarily indicate an eating disorder.

99c03d No.14200652



Same state too, anon. I'd hate to pry further but are the majority of them hispanic or ethnic in any way?

c3f153 No.14200654


What makes you say that?

9eeea5 No.14200656

File: d518452bb66cbd1⋯.webm (5.22 MB, 1159x1646, 1159:1646, [F4M] Why did you put me ….webm)


9f4fce No.14200673

File: c9f7abb6538a290⋯.png (110.14 KB, 981x789, 327:263, Screenshot.png)

You fags aren't leaving me and just one other anon to do all this are you?

It'll take you 30 minutes.

400ca2 No.14200678

File: 31f60fb9f013420⋯.jpg (52.2 KB, 503x503, 1:1, Feminism 75.jpg)


8b2ca9 No.14200690


I east most of this and weigh nothing. I wonder if there's something wrong with me. If I'm left alone with food I will eat it until it is gone or I vomit.


Who is this semen demon?

57ad43 No.14200694

File: 5a44f40bcc6190f⋯.png (622.77 KB, 623x791, 89:113, Smug cutie.png)


This should be spread around more though puppet Twitter accounts that talk about how Oppressive White Feminism is to women of color. In other words, bait them to eat each other.

16561c No.14200696


So another free bleed?

57ad43 No.14200699

File: fab0e858d71002a⋯.png (927.99 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, Smug Rina.png)


Except better.

8b2ca9 No.14200707

File: ad7ef52dbe66ce9⋯.jpg (150.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, JBCu0KL.jpg)


>that picture

Best girl right there. Shame the game is trash.

d15cbd No.14200715


Is this pasta? Otherwise >>>/blog/

9cac73 No.14200726

File: 689bda5175716a5⋯.webm (5.38 MB, 852x480, 71:40, F-Zero SG.webm)

This episode makes me want to go play some F-zero


>Claims to not have a problem

>Is currently posting on 8chan

984cc1 No.14200727



Do we look Italian to you? Get this pasta out of here!

57ad43 No.14200729


Looks like pasta.

e32cdd No.14200732

File: 4941f7bc997196e⋯.png (233.45 KB, 715x517, 65:47, xQU48lm.png)


>It's non-H. You still want it?


16561c No.14200738

File: 151fa1277eb08d5⋯.jpg (51.62 KB, 680x928, 85:116, Dubs dubs.jpg)

05c4c1 No.14200740


Bike Cuck got bullied into buying Chelsea Van Valkenburg's book.

He was pretty bummed out about losing money on social justice propaganda that he wouldn't read.

He thought about how happy it is for his bully to get money in the stead of dwelling on the negative effects it had on his wallet.

The total happiness in the world increased, so whatever.

9f4fce No.14200746

Fuck it.

AB now called.

57ad43 No.14200747

File: fb2f028b0130696⋯.jpg (103.3 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, fb2f028b013069664fd0d0bb80….jpg)


You cheeky cunt.

3ebfb6 No.14200748

File: 4ce760e4815a560⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 324.34 KB, 400x415, 80:83, HARRY_POTTER_JUNIOR_ANNOUN….png)



9cf0c8 No.14200752

File: 4bb2e5ef608dfba⋯.jpg (100.66 KB, 850x638, 425:319, 1231241515.jpg)


>best girl

Whatever you say anon. At least it's not Soleil or that fujoshi, whose truly are pieces of shit..

e32cdd No.14200759

File: 970e1fc11fc96e1⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 970e1fc11fc96e1c21da61f885….jpg)


Good get.

8b2ca9 No.14200760


I like Camilla because I'm a siscon with severe issues but I like Oboro better.

400ca2 No.14200762

File: 63497b1a88ed336⋯.jpg (197.99 KB, 750x510, 25:17, Shinto Monk 2.jpg)

>An IED exploded on a mall in Florida

>5 injured

These people did it!

16561c No.14200766

File: 5bc0bc7a3ebe49b⋯.png (167.55 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, anon fucked sis.png)

9f4fce No.14200775


AB finished. Calling C.

9f4fce No.14200776

TRIPS work on the wiki.

8b2ca9 No.14200781

File: 2b84c4cf5ead94c⋯.jpg (200.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, zygWNEO.jpg)

File: 487f5df7179e823⋯.jpg (193.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yzhUPK6.jpg)


Imagine if all the terrorists were cute japanese schoolgirls who came over as refugees. Women would be screaming at the government to send them back and men would be protesting for their right to a better life.


Yeah, I saw that somewhere. I forget where. I'm entirely too attached to any big sister figure in fiction or my real life. It is a problem that I am trying to pretend I don't have but knowing that an official model of Camilla in her underwear exists makes it very difficult. I don't even really like the musou but every time you activate awakening mode on her she sticks her chest out in a really hot way and it gets me going like crazy. Thighs onee-san is nice too though.

400ca2 No.14200793

File: fb4a4f3fcb48ca7⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 460x634, 230:317, Male Feminist 138.jpg)

Oh look at this. An old male feminist. Classy!

c024d6 No.14200795

File: 364b47403add1dd⋯.png (877.84 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 1512639933725.png)

File: 06fbe1f37ae8968⋯.jpg (118.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20171223_222920.jpg)


Have better pics of that model since those jaggies are REALLY fucking me up

c3f153 No.14200796

File: 99debe5e76853c7⋯.gif (106.69 KB, 500x357, 500:357, 1403167620546.gif)

035da7 No.14200799


GD i can't wait for the sfm porn

26562f No.14200804


This is /pol/ humor. Like the ending of Watchmen. The governor has messed up his life.

The only other anime I have an interest in right now is Killing Bites.

8b2ca9 No.14200805

File: 42d755fd81337b5⋯.jpg (171.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nu8YiZm.jpg)


>lesbian in a shithole country?

So she's dead? Because most countries that count as shitholes kill gays.


Nice. I just got mine from a gallery with all the armor broken models because I wanted to see them. Sakura's underwear is kind of cute. They just look like pajamas but I like it. I wish the game looked better though. I have the 3DS version. It runs worse than and looks worse than Hyrule Warriors Legends, somehow. Especially if you get near another controllable character.

9cac73 No.14200814

File: 9c9c796d18c002d⋯.webm (1.98 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Murray Twice Removed.webm)


I don't get how people can take such offense to the "shithole" comment. Do these people think those countries aren't shit? I have nothing against any individual citizen of those counties, but they're clearly awful countries.

400ca2 No.14200816

File: 138868f337c4908⋯.jpg (103.61 KB, 513x384, 171:128, screenshot.360.jpg)

File: de3b86e2ebc4e01⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 308x337, 308:337, screenshot.361.jpg)


This is one of the writers for Left for Dead. I want you to sink this one in.

9f4fce No.14200818


Yeah. The GG.me wiki was the most complete wiki we ever had. It carried over everything from the Wikia attempts, and all our research from our vain attempts at fixing the GG wikipedia article.

Using it as a base, we should wind up with a goddamn fine wiki when this is all said and done.

87f530 No.14200824


Because they get more gibs here than anywhere else. Its also the most liberal here. i really cant complain though. I can get any ethnicity woman i want here

5bbd30 No.14200825

File: 953c650f89d61db⋯.png (261.95 KB, 287x580, 287:580, 1433934431521.png)


>paints ideological opponents with a broad brush because of one moron

>but when it happens to them, that's just uncalled for

aacd2d No.14200829

File: e8a9c9caf69f769⋯.jpg (115.96 KB, 800x1089, 800:1089, e8a9c9caf69f7695036bc1613a….jpg)

File: e0e8aedb4baa690⋯.jpg (143.64 KB, 598x1600, 299:800, e0e8aedb4baa69073fb22675c4….jpg)


How can God have a nation of origin if 'she' created the universe?


I do wonder if Trump derangement syndrome is going to last the better part of a decade. Surely they will burn out at some point.

8b2ca9 No.14200836


Every time I see somebody call all Trump supporters racists or nazis or whatever, I think back on #NotAllMuslims (even though the argument at the time wasn't "all muslims are terrorists" but "a lot of muslims are terrorists compared to other groups"). Also applies whenever there's a mass shooting and all gun lovers are suddenly insane and evil.

39dfe7 No.14200837

File: f72a078d3962f55⋯.png (644.15 KB, 893x682, 893:682, GOD DAMNIT beer.PNG)


I'm 5'8" and a half.

8b2ca9 No.14200840

File: c59d94e3a398bad⋯.png (305.94 KB, 954x815, 954:815, 1433904729493.png)

05c4c1 No.14200853


I'm 5'9".

400ca2 No.14200859


Don't shame me for my height!

I'm only 5'6".

16561c No.14200861

I'm 6'0

15347c No.14200866


Good to see this isn't just a thread of manlets. I'm 6'1

035da7 No.14200867

Being 5'11 feels weird

05c4c1 No.14200871


That's dependent on what your threshold is for "manlet".

42b023 No.14200874


Stop posting cuck/v/ posts please.

d15cbd No.14200876

e32cdd No.14200879

File: 31caab606e88937⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fed00c480eb87ae5020a85b5d7….jpg)

>tfw exact average height for a white male in the US

I enjoy watching the manlets and lanklings battle for my amusement.

16561c No.14200884


I know but that story pop'd into mind with him.

3adc7a No.14200885


me too tbh

984cc1 No.14200886


He is probably an atheist that thinks they are being clever. Cartoons and humor related stuff tended to depict God as an old white man because of the Sistine Chapel. However, that same art depicts angels as decidedly less metal/elderitch than what they are supposed to be. As far as Trump derangement, I don't think we are going to get through Trump's first term without a full meltdown into civil war. They are people who are so used to getting their way, there is no way they wouldn't try physical violence when everything else doesn't work.

266857 No.14200890

File: 5699575836ab76b⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1968x6864, 41:143, Heigh.jpg)

>Talking about height

>Japs try to look themselves as high with their chars

Top Kek with this Im@s height

9f4fce No.14200891

File: c3df1693d5efddc⋯.jpeg (139.64 KB, 968x1364, 22:31, Ranma slut.jpeg)

Glorious 6'6" Master Race

fde5d3 No.14200904


TFW no tall daddy to worship

0bc79f No.14200911


I live in Washington and it kicks ass. Step a single foot outside of a city and you're in redneck country. Plus western Washington is sandwiched between two mountain ranges, and it's beautiful. Plus we don't have very many Californians so we still have good gun laws.

8f8270 No.14200915

Since all of you are being retarded

I'll let you into a super duper secret

only fucking retards EVER take an Australian seriously

c3f153 No.14200917

File: 587ae4a33ae9a65⋯.png (221.23 KB, 800x485, 160:97, 1408410518065.png)


Done with U-Z

Took out the unnecessary tags and menu nav, as well as redirecting properly.













9cac73 No.14200921

File: ce8d84d545bac08⋯.webm (774.27 KB, 852x480, 71:40, k builds a ship.webm)


>Gook numbers

I don't like my height to be in code


Don't act like this is even remotely out of the ordinary for these threads

035da7 No.14200922


I haven't said anything about my height since that post nigger.

e32cdd No.14200928

File: ab0a22cd5a2efa7⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 613x666, 613:666, ab0a22cd5a2efa7c02cd05030e….jpg)


>average height

>everyone in an anime constantly says "oh my god character is so tall, he's X centimeters"

>look up the centimeters in freedom units

>im taller than him

ce4127 No.14200929



He has always been an insane retard who said stupid shit like this. He probably just took credit from other writers like what always happens with this shit.

c3f153 No.14200930


>Don't act like this is even remotely out of the ordinary for these threads

I don't think it's ever been this bad when there was something to actually do.

16561c No.14200932


>implying anyone takes welfare fur seriously and doesn't simply mock him

But to be on topic what is going on with PUBG and the Chinese?

9f4fce No.14200934


I finished C. If you want to start another batch, DE is open.

15347c No.14200938

File: f06dcecf74f0ccf⋯.jpg (6.49 MB, 4903x2655, 4903:2655, Draph height chart.jpg)

266857 No.14200945

File: d1de2f6a6b8d023⋯.png (164.23 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Nishijima 04.png)


Tends to happen, Im@s fandom says that you have to be as tall as this character (172 - 5.8) if you want to date a woman.

c3f153 No.14200953


I'll do QR, I'm just going through the smaller ones

9f4fce No.14200958

File: a0a0d1ac56b83ae⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 475x640, 95:128, happy anna.gif)


Thank you for working on it.

9cac73 No.14200965

File: f295590fdf65382⋯.webm (5.44 MB, 852x480, 71:40, normal chat with vs mom.webm)


It's just a huge hit in china due to a couple reasons, but there's not anything "going on with it"


It's not my fault I'm too retarded to help with any of this.

488bff No.14200987


Fuck it, tackling NOP and seeing what happens. I'm not doing much of anything tonight anyways.

9f4fce No.14200990

I'll say this though: The backend of a wiki is the most assinine thing I have ever had to deal with and whoever developed this interface should be shot.

I feel like I need to be a wikilawyer just to find and use the most basic options. And there's very little help on the web. There are manuals, but they don't explain how to USE the given functions - only how to activate them. Configurations have to be set manually, for almost everything, by downloading a system file, editing it, and uploading it back to the server.

Y'all are lucky I'm a stubborn motherfucker.

9f4fce No.14200992


Those are already done. Take DE if you want.

488bff No.14200996


Very well.

9601ed No.14200998


>Contrary to popular belief, meat and animal fat does not get you fat.

>Bread, Sugar, Pasta, Rice, that's what gets you fat

No you retard, an excess of calories is what gets you fat, those things just tend to be more calorie dense then other common staples. Butter or margarine for example is 100 calories per tablespoon. And that's entirely fat. Do you think you can cook with a load of butter or margarine or oil and not get fat just because it isn't carbohydrate?

9f4fce No.14201002

HIJ, KLM, and ST are left

Posting just to keep track.

c3f153 No.14201013


I noticed that FreeBSDgrl is suppose to redirect to ggautoblocker, both have their own page. But I noticed a very subtle difference of a couple of words.

The former had some troll edits thrown in there like

>Raspberry Pi became vocal on its disapproval of the gay consumer revolt

>Its main purpose is to block any user following well known twitter users for being vocal against girls in gamming while rightfuly labeling them as sheep, idiots and harassers.

These differences should be watched out for. Use a comparison program to check the saved redirect pages to the actual one.

8f8270 No.14201053

16561c No.14201057

File: e038fa4c2d89d6c⋯.png (773.18 KB, 695x900, 139:180, step_one_turn_on_the_gas.png)

5bbd30 No.14201060

File: 92e68036653fa16⋯.webm (3.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dwarven Diplomacy.webm)

c3f153 No.14201061


Oh, and the files include when they were "last edited" in the original article.

I'm removing everything after ==Navigation menu== since it takes up space. Someone'd have to go check if they want to know how outdated it is. Rosario's page was last edited 29 January 2015, so I'm sure it's missing a lot.

c3f153 No.14201069



That date was for example, many are obviously outdate

52687e No.14201070


>big breasts

I spit at you

9365fe No.14201079


Elves aren't for rape

488bff No.14201089

File: 6b79673c0cd5aa5⋯.png (2.77 KB, 143x180, 143:180, There goes my soul.png)



I'd continue, but I don't want to fuck my sleep schedule over. Goodnight.

c3f153 No.14201097

File: 67619cd433ee264⋯.jpg (299.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1459729964549.jpg)


QR and it's redirects are done.


>Not already having a fucked up sleep schedule

Neetdom is ruining me again. I'm going to sleep

Night gayergays.

This brought back bad memories. This along with the Peterson smear has me mad.

633dfc No.14201100

File: 90dfbdb5c08c9b7⋯.png (408.61 KB, 709x782, 709:782, Sad chii.png)


Goodnight Acid, thanks for the hard work, I'm sorry I couldn't help I just woke up and saw your posts

488bff No.14201101


I'm not Acidman.

c3f153 No.14201106


Anon, read his ID. He just finished with DE.

There's still >>14201002 and you can get it at >>14200504

633dfc No.14201107

File: 0b657f03c13e822⋯.png (423.36 KB, 1051x1246, 1051:1246, Screenshot_2018-01-11-16-2….png)

There was someone in the last thread looking for made in abyss scanlations I don't know if you had this anon but here's a mega of .cbz files of them.


633dfc No.14201113

File: f502944a8ba1620⋯.png (510.68 KB, 995x902, 995:902, 1504976338.png)



Oh I'm retarded, sorry I haven't had my coffee yet and my brain isn't working so good because I got a really bad flu and I've bedridden for a few days and fucked up my sleep schedule. I'll get to work

9f4fce No.14201127


I have the flu too, anon. I did nothing all day yesterday but rest and work on this.

We're getting close thanks to people pulling their weight. Once the base is up we can finish it all at a comfy pace.

9cac73 No.14201132

Congrats to everyone working on this shit. You're doing god's work. If I knew anything at all I'd be helping

c3f153 No.14201160


It's just copy pasting text.

52687e No.14201163

633dfc No.14201167

Oh yeah, I'll take KLM

633dfc No.14201227

What should I do with this page?


It seems to be just an archive of the main page, I don't think it needs it's own page does it?

9f4fce No.14201246


You can skip it. I skipped a couple redundant pages that were different case article names, like "GamerGate" vs "gamergate".

6b7ae0 No.14201253

File: 426e09e85b6f92a⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 260x190, 26:19, nina.jpg)

Why is she so perfect?

9f4fce No.14201257


It's like you WANT to be cucked by a table.

fcb85a No.14201262

File: 735124ae6df3255⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 500x438, 250:219, dick_cheney__s_duck_hunt_b….jpg)


Reminder that back during the last Republican President administration, the vice president shot his buddy and he nearly died days later from complications, and America was a lot more fun-loving with such an act.

Meanwhile Trump can utter a word and thousands upon thousands run around like he declared nuclear war.

aacd2d No.14201269


Shit character in a shit show.

9f4fce No.14201285

a9f1cf No.14201295


When are they going to talk about her walking on water? Probably before they talk about her stealing funds and maybe children** from Haiti.



I love this phrase. It makes a US election seem like an amusement ride rather than the brutal clash of ideas that it is.


>Shes still a prostitute and a libshit moron married to a literal cuck though.

The last I heard, they were getting divorced. He's still a cuck though.


> We women have relied on a solidarity with minorities to help us. Maybe we should so shit ourselves.


>That pic

Never trust a man who shoots a lawyer but doesn't finish the job.

9f4fce No.14201299

File: 1ab86e4cc4932c7⋯.jpg (452.85 KB, 1448x850, 724:425, 3acd149c97e96dc07f5d8e9f51….jpg)


>Never trust a man who shoots a lawyer but doesn't finish the job.

I'm stealing this. Its mine now and you can never have it back.

984cc1 No.14201304


The left lost their sense of humor and edge. Going to bat for Islam, and other such cases of mass rapists, while still trying to bitch about women's rights and becoming corporate shills at the same time must do a number on you. Plus, Trump is weeding out a lot of stuff Obama put into place, and they were already looking at lawsuits PRIOR to Trump going into office because of how much of a circus Obama's administration was. Even when in power, the fuckers couldn't help but do too much.

6b7ae0 No.14201307


What's wrong with the show?

6b7ae0 No.14201313


I really hope americans hate Obama, because in Canada, people seem to think he's the second coming of christ, without living in that country it seems like they can't feel the full impact of his fuckups. Neither did I, but at least I looked into what's going on in the states beyond the Canadian MSM narrative.

01fac7 No.14201316

File: e9a6299b2dd2d53⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB, 316x240, 79:60, David Irving on Churchill.mp4)





>I had had a webm from /pol/ about about how he was warned In advance about nazi bombing a part in Britain

>and made up a lie about not going there whilst letting those unaware of the truth get bombed or something, can't exactly remember

I got you, fam.

9601ed No.14201317


>I really hope americans hate Obama

Hahahaha are keep hoping nigger, it's the same opinion in the US

9f4fce No.14201322



(((They))) certainly like to push King Nigger as our savior-in-exile. But public opinion among normal folks is more negative about him than when he was in office.

It took some working people a long time to feel the sting of Obamacare, but once they did, many of them joined the 50% of the country who already hated him for being a Chicago Democrat fuckstick. The media still fluffs him harder than their wives' bull, so you don't know this unless you talk to people.

That doesn't mean he doesn't still have fans though. The upper-middle class white Dem establishment types still worship him.

9f4fce No.14201327

HIJ and ST are all that remains!

Final lap in the race!

1b3bcb No.14201329


>“You Guys Are Lucky I Don’t Know How to Make Bombs”

She should be stoned to death for missing her "prayer" time at the mosque.

72ed5d No.14201334


if a woman is menstruating, she is 'dirty' and it is haraam for her to even step into the mosque or read the koran. It's forbidden for her to perform prayers or fasting. Her jihads won't count since she's bleeding. No 72 male virgins for her,

01fac7 No.14201335

File: 378b44a2d01bc9f⋯.webm (872.34 KB, 400x230, 40:23, when youre obama.webm)

File: fe2caaffad15e74⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Obama - 7 Lies In Under 2 ….mp4)

File: 9ddd8791690e286⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 320x180, 16:9, obama muslim.webm)


Obama worship is one of those delusion the left loudly pushes using media influence, but when you examine the opinions of people outside that bubble, which is most of the country, it's quite the opposite.

Unfortunately there are people outside the US who believe the propaganda that Obama was in any way a good president because all they see is what the predominantly-leftist US media tells them. It's like how the Japanese mostly see nu-males in the western gaming press kvetching about male heterosexuality and demanding every fictional female character be covered up.

16561c No.14201336


The amount of shit he pulled I'm surprised he wasn't charged for treason.


Only retard dems and morons in Canada love him.

72ed5d No.14201338

File: d6c681fd10fec37⋯.png (359.25 KB, 696x419, 696:419, ClipboardImage.png)


what happened to Dems pushing 'Bush was right'?

633dfc No.14201357

File: b399071d1122888⋯.jpeg (162.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CfBXVGHUAAABOgD.jpg:large.jpeg)

Done with KLM, Acid can you give any random article within it a quick check? I had to do it on my phone because I'm sick and not on my computer. Hopefully they aren't fucked

e55538 No.14201389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh man, I forgot about that.

9f4fce No.14201409


"Kotaku" Looks good! Somehow the entry for MundaneMatt is missing, but it's not in my archives either. I guess the siterip missed him somehow, but that's an easy fix considering we'll have to add new stuff anyway.

f1cabc No.14201419


Thanks to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, we got a whole generations worth of millennials whose only political debate experience is watching a bunch of hack comedians make light of political situations and laugh at the other side, while being good goys to their corporate masters, doesn't help that shit like this is happening. thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/shock-attack-trump-supporter-nearly-strangled-death-antifa-terrorist-new-york/

Along with the Democrat party, those kike organizations like the ACLU and ADL, Colleges and Universities, and of course Media is all fucking helped this shit regardless they're blaming of Trump.

e32cdd No.14201493

File: ba9ec11379e0003⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, mctdki.jpeg)

Fucking homeless population shitting in my backyard.

15347c No.14201502


what's wrong with that kangaroo?

a9f1cf No.14201506

File: a6d89b11c984d3a⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 410x410, 1:1, bjc.jpg)

Oh deer.

a9f1cf No.14201507

f1cabc No.14201512


And this is why you need a wall, not a fucking fence they can just jump over.

e32cdd No.14201515


Yeah, I'm gonna do that later on. Only just moved in so lots of work to be done on the house.

f5e5b8 No.14201664


They are deer, you can scare them away just by sneezing. Hobos are much harder to deal with and you feel bad after sending them away.

633dfc No.14201811

File: 4c8cdb9b47ac95c⋯.gif (170.86 KB, 244x211, 244:211, 1515038425.gif)

Since no one else seems to be doing it, I guess I'll take ST

400ca2 No.14201822

File: 8f684a04129b53b⋯.jpg (124.52 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, Minoru Suzuki What Are You….jpg)

Good evening.

24044c No.14201863

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

400ca2 No.14201884

File: a60f16632df23f2⋯.jpg (245.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, LOL 21.jpg)

>Women's March participants left soy latte rubbish in the streets

1528dc No.14201894


Isn't it ironic the people 'worried' about the embiroment are the ones who harm it more?

24044c No.14201904

File: 73a2c8aebe68ccb⋯.jpeg (370.79 KB, 1038x539, 1038:539, nothing says lovin like...jpeg)




9601ed No.14201977


It's ironic but not surprising, you'll find that most people who go into ecology or wildlife biology, you know the people who actually study the environment and ecosystem are generally pretty into hunting and fishing and a lot of them are /k/ and the whole reason they go into that field is because they love the environment so much that they want to be out there all the time, and being a wildlife biologist or ecologist means you actually have to be out in the field studying that stuff. Which also offers them good opportunity to go spotting for good hunting and fishing areas or just go camping. The hippies who never leave the city don't actually really care about the environment. If they did they wouldn't be in the city so much

1528dc No.14202001


I'm not really a big fan of hunting, mostly because we already have food sources enouth not to require hunting, but also I know you americans have a plague of deers you need to take care of.

8f8270 No.14202012

Switch wojak is funny

9601ed No.14202021


I'm a leaf

2072ea No.14202075

File: 18f39d62f913d34⋯.jpg (241.37 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, DP7eKhDUEAEXjTZ.jpg)

was feeling nostalgic, and started wondering

was vivian james a miracle?

400ca2 No.14202087

File: 3a1482e0a04514f⋯.jpg (218.38 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Male Feminist 139.jpg)

57ad43 No.14202109


Exploitable image.

24044c No.14202115


Since humans killed off most of the megafana in in North America, especially predators, deer populations have exploded out of control and they're harming the balance on the environment by selectively stripping shrubbery and young trees before they have a chance to grow, so somebody has to control their numbers.

Although, most anti-gun anti-hunting people are unaware of the worse threat invasive feral pigs cause, particularity in the South, because they they're intelligent omnivores that will eat basically everything, breed like crazy, and are mean as hell if allowed to get big enough. The big boars will attack humans, pets, and livestock if they get big enough.

955649 No.14202128


>Since humans killed off most of the megafana in in North America

It may not have all been the fault of humans. There's some evidence that NA got hit by a particularly powerful solar flare or maybe even took a light glancing GRB that triggered our megafauna extinction.

9601ed No.14202138


Plus coyotes are pieces of shit

958652 No.14202148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You want to know what introducing wolfs back into the environments does. Take a look at what happened to Yellowstone when wolfs came back in.

1528dc No.14202150



I wish there was more megafauna.

I kinda like pigs. I wish they weren't so delicious so I could have one as a pet.

006052 No.14202156


very good

955649 No.14202160

File: fb7b986e4e67ce8⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 736x421, 736:421, 0eb80c1c4e9c0d91eccbfe5b0e….jpg)

File: b157bd1b31210ef⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 640x365, 128:73, Terrorbird.jpg)


>tfw you were born long after chocobos went extinct

1528dc No.14202167


I can understand wolves are the favourite animals of furries. Wolves are awesome.

1528dc No.14202180


Oh, a random question about wolves.

Aren't european wolves supposed to be vicious compared to North American wolves because the ones left after battling against farmers in europe for so many centuries turned them into though motherfuckers? mixed with the crossbreed of wild dogs.

e89313 No.14202182

File: b757279f968ab9f⋯.jpg (97.67 KB, 640x800, 4:5, imasSanae1.jpg)

File: 37a8901e55d822b⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 640x800, 4:5, imasSanae_SR9 .jpg)

File: bcd72e689dff3db⋯.jpg (99 KB, 640x800, 4:5, imasSanae7.jpg)

File: 9c655b599296ee5⋯.png (497.16 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, imas Sanae_SS_SR .png)

File: feec3ee86ef9984⋯.png (463.56 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, imas Sanae_SS_SR.png)


>tfw no 152cm big-titted lewd ex-cop onee-san cake aidoru gf

8f8270 No.14202183


Do you know what a Cassowary is?

its literally a raptor with beak

2a0147 No.14202200

File: dcd81900fdad165⋯.png (40.73 KB, 588x498, 98:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72fbfcba182f8f6⋯.gif (190.14 KB, 360x360, 1:1, smug getting fucked.gif)

I got dobby in trouble on twitter!

This is the second time now since the rule change that I got an SJW account in trouble with the twitter police. Report them when they do shitty stuff, it might actually work now.

57ad43 No.14202206


Someday, mankind will genetically engineer chocobos.

955649 No.14202207

File: a78bfd7108a1d7c⋯.jpg (205.69 KB, 992x768, 31:24, 8686999.jpg)


>Do you know what a Cassowary is?

Exceptionally blue. It's the only birb that can compete with the ocellated turkey in the blue department.

Still it's heartening that we still have velociraptors in this world.

9601ed No.14202209


Good one akkofag

8f8270 No.14202217


Have you seen them fight? They are a lot more powerful than emus

2226fb No.14202220


In Canada you have a plague of humans that the wildlife needs to take care of

2a0147 No.14202222

File: 6b462d8bd162275⋯.webm (5.27 MB, 352x480, 11:15, Neko Dance.webm)


I don't remember exactly what he did now, seems to me like he made a threat to someone.

57ad43 No.14202223

Is it true Yuji Naka joined Squeenix?

aee6b0 No.14202227





57ad43 No.14202242


Looks like things are about to go fast in Squeenix.

9601ed No.14202245


>a plague of humans

To be fair, it's a landmass bigger than the US with a population that's less than california. Though I'm not exactly happy about Cuckdeau's prerogative to import muslims either

955649 No.14202248

File: 2c080bf206f929b⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 650x436, 325:218, northern-cassowary-foot-de….jpg)


They even have the fucking deinonychus claw.

e978cb No.14202249

File: 9a5f57a353618fa⋯.png (571.3 KB, 878x658, 439:329, 5bc5b16ec761df94d1f16f2949….png)

57ad43 No.14202261


Didn't Yuki work on Phantasy Star?

>inb4 He replaces Nomura

57ad43 No.14202287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

400ca2 No.14202300

File: 7bc2c0be82caf16⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 720x756, 20:21, Retard 2164.jpg)

57ad43 No.14202306


>inb4 D&D sales fall

be12b7 No.14202336


<Hey guys! You're all fired from D&D. Find another game.

>Hey everyone who made us popular! We don't want you because of politics, despite you giving us your money hand over fist! Fuck off while we chase the pipe dream of retarded faggots who can't stop playing pretend!


633dfc No.14202341

File: 45b19032ac398d7⋯.jpg (117.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Help.jpg)

I regret taking the ST archive of the wiki, for sone reason I didn't think there were that many words that start with S and T

2a0147 No.14202342

File: dbb3313a42c90ce⋯.png (46.85 KB, 625x302, 625:302, ClipboardImage.png)

de9870 No.14202347


>Defending the retard

>Avatar is a goony beardman

No surprises here.

2a0147 No.14202351

File: 4303421464bab21⋯.png (26.68 KB, 620x173, 620:173, ClipboardImage.png)


He got trashed by a chic. I replied too but it's in bad form to screencap my own petty reply.

400ca2 No.14202354

File: 263753f0ae71cb6⋯.png (630.47 KB, 767x748, 767:748, Nu-Male 2.png)


It's like a symptom to an epidemic. You can easily spot who's who in plain sight.

e89313 No.14202384

File: a3a09882d4f0d93⋯.pdf (6.03 MB, Slayer's_Guide_to_Female_G….pdf)

File: eb55a23be160f38⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1603x1028, 1603:1028, Capture1.PNG)

Here's a highly problematic DnD guidebook if anyone wants it.

1528dc No.14202403

So, a little unrelated question.

When are the next /V/idya Awards coming?

24044c No.14202405

Something happened with >>>/vidya/

the board's been wiped

400ca2 No.14202410

File: ebfb241b0dc7409⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 439x397, 439:397, Minoru Suzuki Fuck Off Nig….jpg)



Fuck off Literally Who!

57ad43 No.14202413


New BO I guess and he cleaned it up.

633dfc No.14202416

File: 2a4a3ca1fad9907⋯.gif (887.96 KB, 270x360, 3:4, 1515529625.gif)

Well I'm finally done all of ST, I think I'm done with mechanical turk work for now. Someone else can get the last section

1528dc No.14202418


Try not using the catalog. It works for me when I get to boards with no more than a page.


Y-you too.

57ad43 No.14202429


So, how is /vidya/ going to run now that it has been claimed?

1defe9 No.14202430

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)



>Basically a shitty board game now tgat they neutered the rules for women and cucks

Nothing of value was lost, I'll be over there playing Rogue Trader and wfrp.

I'll be able to help with the wiki tonight if there are still letters to do. At work right now and its a busy day. Sometimes I miss my old job where I could work on Bad Angler all day. Those were the days.

75d09c No.14202440


Had something like that a few weeks ago. A dude swore to me I was far-right misogynist or whatever and told me to kill myself. I reported him for the shit of it and when it worked I was wheezing over the laughter.

87f530 No.14202444


Wizardry was always better

984cc1 No.14202559


Generally, the word used by those folks is conservation rather than whatever the hippies use.


This happens every time with a leftist march or other thing. Occupy left a mess wherever it showed up, the women's march last year left signs everywhere and they almost copied the Megalians.

116b36 No.14202568

File: dd8277997f09d11⋯.webm (699.73 KB, 462x350, 33:25, Best Street Fighter Yet.webm)

File: e7f42ff918bbf90⋯.png (313.11 KB, 624x452, 156:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d30d4b4cdbbc8de⋯.png (487.31 KB, 620x749, 620:749, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04cbd3851c79baf⋯.pdf (526.77 KB, NinLo-v1.00.pdf)

<Missed out on most of the thread yesterday

Let's see what fun stuff you guys got up to.


Has the word "Feminist" became a swear?




What was deleted?


>>Any leisure activity that you do for more than 50 minutes a day can now be claimed to be an addiction

So, for the past two weeks, me walking around town for 3-5 hours every other day is an addiction?!? I primarily did it to help save on gas money, see all of the stores you normally pass on visiting because you're afraid of being "late" to something, and because I find it relaxing.


>(((They))) have a strong hold on western vidya and this new addiction classification was made shortly after nuBattlefront II's lootbox controversy. If anything, it's an overreaction to EA's hyperjewery. It's against (((their))) interests for vidya to be an addiction.

No, they've been working on this classification as far back as 2016 (As far as we can tell).

<Second and third pics from article provided below

>W.H.O. Seeks to Classify ‘Gaming Disorder’ as a Mental Illness, Claims ‘Enormous’ Stakeholder Pressure

31 Mar 2017




Isn't this basically "Shitposting: The Series"? How good is it anyway because I just see some the of the crops other Anons have posted here.


My big problem is that I don't know WHO to pass the translation along to without them throwing it away think that it is "spam".


Okay, the source of that pic is Uratarou.


>However, that same art depicts angels as decidedly less metal/elderitch than what they are supposed to be.

So, somehow, Image Comics, Darksiders, and anime are more accurate in their depiction of angels than the rest of Western society?


Sounds like that time every year when I have to go in and figure out, again, how I had my system setup with all of the mods, emulators, shortcuts, and programs I had setup.

9601ed No.14202571


Yeah conservation is a fairly commonly used term, though the same people who use it will also use the term environmentalist and will tend to use the hippy words as well. At least in my experience as I was heavily involved with them for a few years

984cc1 No.14202621



I knew I wasn't just imagining it.


No, SMT and Dominions are the most accurate representations of angels. Both of which are pretty metal in premise. Darksiders angels are shitty. Despite all of them having flight, and guns, they lost against enemies that are majority ground based and with very few guns. Darksiders just takes the standard modern depiction of angels and gives them guns and high tech looking armor.


Fair enough. I don't think I've heard hippies say conservation before, which might be why I thought that.

565834 No.14202810

File: 7064682ac069000⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 140x140, 1:1, 1tusfb9yuTDOaHx6tmLqODiY_t….jpg)


2226fb No.14202829

File: 3a461e32b09bc8d⋯.png (4.98 KB, 603x72, 67:8, ass ange.PNG)

Never trust a sudaca

116b36 No.14202836

Be prepared for more refugees:


Image upload disabled on Halfchan

0bed91 No.14202841

File: d88ea54fb865da8⋯.webm (771.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, what a horrible night.webm)

39dfe7 No.14202847

File: cce757b7d8025d2⋯.png (188.33 KB, 622x570, 311:285, GREAT Akuta (tokyo) HEX MA….png)


>even MORE cuckchan refugees

1defe9 No.14202864


Is it over for cuckchan?

2226fb No.14202904



It's not like those fags have anywhere else to go.

2a0147 No.14202922

File: f275e755315fcfd⋯.png (665.89 KB, 872x653, 872:653, sad akko.png)

What's going on? Where is everyone? I'm lonely and all my friends are ignoring me.

1defe9 No.14202925


Well there is always resetera and r/gaming for them and their shit taste. The other possibility is that they come here.

75d09c No.14202930


You need to update the thread from time to time, loser

de9870 No.14202937


>I'm lonely and all my friends are ignoring me.

>He had friends

Get out normalfag.

2226fb No.14202944


Those are only for vidya.

Reddit would be big enough but if it's only the image uploading that doesn't work going to reddit would be useless.

And going to reddit just to spite hirokike would be like chopping off your testicles to spite all the thots that wouldn't fuck you.

633dfc No.14202951

File: d924ef6fa11fe52⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x360, 10:9, 1469832313141.gif)


I'll be your friend akkofag


I have friends that I hang out regularly with. I go for coffee with my one friend almost nightly

57ad43 No.14202953


I don't think there's going to be more of them coming. They are proud of their 4chan site identity. Relax.

132b36 No.14202954


What's the matter, my fellow \V\tards?

No need to be hostile, we are all white male misogynerds here ;-)


2a0147 No.14202959

File: 23d6f237a986cb2⋯.png (244.74 KB, 361x385, 361:385, panic_shocked_scared.png)


But I have nowhere else to go! Surely this proves my worth!

d31f88 No.14202972

>Cathy Newman’s feminist fans aimed 30 times more violent sexist abuse at Peterson & his supporters than vice-versa.




>Playboy sues Boing Boing over a web link


No evidence to support link between violent video games and behavior


Dean Takahashi for GamesBeat: "Diversity needs to be an inside job"


The Guardian: "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds – nihilistic, violent and the perfect game for our era." Spends more time talking about said game's [CURRENT YEAR] relevance than the game itself.


Assange tweets #MeToo as a victim of sexual crime accusations


2226fb No.14202975

File: 59aaad36ce36f5a⋯.jpg (839.32 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ff8-balamb-garden.jpg)


Oh there is a place where you could go.

116b36 No.14202983


>the perfect game for our era

Again, why do they keep talking about "eras"? Is PUBG going to relevant to anyone 5/10/15 years from now?

daed8e No.14202994


Pubg is a meme game. When people will lose interest, it won't be remembered like an actual cult game.

633dfc No.14203000


Its crazy how people keep talking as if it's super new and innovative, without realizing that battle royale type games have been around since at least 2010 in Arma2 (though admittedly playerunknown did make the most successful battle royale mod for arma 2) I remember there were even "Hunger games" minecraft servers at the time that were essentially battle royale servers

2a0147 No.14203007

File: a6fe318f9e505ec⋯.gif (493.74 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 1501584540.gif)


Google tells me it's a school, but I don't really get the reference. I'm going to assume it's a good thing.


You're my best friend




My buddy gifted it to me on steam but my computer didn't meet the requirements. But from what I hear the game is so poorly optimised that even a beast rig has trouble running it.

116b36 No.14203008


>Pubg is a meme game.

I know that, this is the question I was more concerned about: >>14202983

>Again, why do they keep talking about "eras"?

2a0147 No.14203010

This >>14203007 last meme spacing was by accident plz forgib and only gently bully

2a0147 No.14203012

File: de0ea6ecebbba5f⋯.jpg (346.2 KB, 914x800, 457:400, 1499916714.jpg)


Now autocorrect changed reddit to meme

I deserve full bullying now.

116b36 No.14203016

File: ef74afb2f7d40fa⋯.jpg (282.52 KB, 855x1300, 171:260, 002_1488230046.jpg)

633dfc No.14203019

File: f8e3d03648cb925⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 765x772, 765:772, Beefy rig.jpg)


>Google tells me it's a school, but I don't really get the reference

Nigger, have you really not played final fantasy 8?

>even a beast rig has trouble running it.

>beefy rig

I'm pretty excited, I'm going to be making some okay money at the end up next month $16/hour fulltime so i'll finally be able to afford a nice computer

e75beb No.14203021


The bar has been lowered since 2010. PUBG is popular because it's what a lot of gamers have wanted for a long time. They don't want some overly polished AAA game with the latest and greatest graphics. They don't want some stupid story. They want raw gameplay.

I haven't played PUBG yet, but the gunplay reminds me a lot of old Battlefield 2 (and earlier) games, when the series was more about fucking around and crazy shit happening, not trying to be a realistic military shooter.

I think SJW bloggers trying to say good things about PUBG are only doing it to try and cover for the fact that it's mostly everything they hate about video games, and it's really popular. That, and they always have a tendency to throw themselves at others who are successful and try and take their credit. Video games have reached a point where some random guy can make a poor game that is just a giant mess of older shooting games and it will outsell AAA games.







984cc1 No.14203031


It makes them, and the associated stuff, more important even if its not, or rather feel more important. Basically self fellatio.


So, basically the same thing that happened with Demon's Souls?

8dfb45 No.14203049


we need more rideable birbs

ac2238 No.14203051

File: 56693d806d391a1⋯.png (252.2 KB, 883x816, 883:816, Vidya Game Comic 27.png)


NoA should be calling any minute now for the patent!

8dfb45 No.14203062


Sudaca here, Holyl fuck !

Also, wasnt this Moreno guy like screwing over some shit Correa (the previous president) did ?

2b958a No.14203070

File: 95bdc65bfbd9cdb⋯.jpg (82.09 KB, 1157x951, 1157:951, box.jpg)

8ae70e No.14203077


Not many people know that Germany was attacked because it withdrew from International banking. Shit Churchill even admits to this in biography I read. "Something, something, how dare Germany prosper without the banks making a profit, something, something"

ac2238 No.14203083

File: c498ed4799baad8⋯.png (693.81 KB, 1157x951, 1157:951, ClipboardImage.png)

de9870 No.14203094


Interesting little bit of information, before britain started fighting in the first world war, the seat of the central banks was in the UK but later moved to the US.

All wars are bankers wars, or so the saying goes.

984cc1 No.14203096


I thought it was something about how it didn't matter what Hitler was doing, and even if he was a saint ordained by God, they would still have gone to war.

e32cdd No.14203106

File: 95fbb59e3d05963⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 225x294, 75:98, 95fbb59e3d05963dd0573f1d96….jpg)


>Okay, the source of that pic is Uratarou.

Are you lying to me?

fb5700 No.14203117

File: 65648b8c53116da⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 592x790, 296:395, 1468511044208.jpg)


Fuck the dedicated autists that play tabletops games,fucking nerds who like rules and law need to get out,make D&D child friendly so women can play.

57ad43 No.14203127


It's funny how they indirectly admit that women are children.

ea8292 No.14203129




ac2238 No.14203144


>You're all Fired from D&D

>Find another game

what does it think in accomplishing by saying that?

2b958a No.14203145


I think that's the joke itself, anon.

ea8292 No.14203156


What fucking joke?

Some shitty comic?

No, that is not a joke, its fucking cancer.

116b36 No.14203157

File: a7038828e44a284⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 589x360, 589:360, 63838e08754e46d7360de641bb….jpg)


Chapter 8


I don't know, Anon. Become a marketing genius?

6b7ae0 No.14203158


February. Did you vote?

2b958a No.14203168


No, the fact that he won't fuck off no matter what happens.

984cc1 No.14203171


>WotC has a pedophile problem in MtG

>they refused to address it with even basic background checks

>chase after that crowd

I see. They are looking to become the next incarnation of the candy van.

d31f88 No.14203175

File: 6691d4020c568e0⋯.png (58.56 KB, 455x623, 65:89, cyber security.PNG)

File: 6d0f2ccb88941dc⋯.png (23.97 KB, 459x253, 459:253, security.PNG)

File: 811c0ee47e3ce8d⋯.png (60.2 KB, 609x591, 203:197, tech.PNG)

ac2238 No.14203184


unrelated,There's already a party van made in progress


such a world we live in now.

ea8292 No.14203193


If thats the joke, I fail to find the humor in it.

2226fb No.14203206


He's going to build a firewall and make us pay for it.

1ae32a No.14203223


>no archive.


Doblo negger, all of yous.

6b7ae0 No.14203228


Don't worry, Andy RaceWarski will come for them soon enough.

130376 No.14203231

File: 7236ca1f34f9ae5⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 321x141, 107:47, what.gif)


>open source cybersecurity

that's like handing out diagrams of your door lock, you're only making it easier

I'm not even in CS and I know that's the most retarded idea you can suggest.

31f848 No.14203232

File: 836c970539addc6⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 606x638, 303:319, Capture2.JPG)


Crystorm is already happening.

57ad43 No.14203234


How's the update on #MagicGate? I s Hasbro going to cave in one of these days?

ce4127 No.14203243


Did they apologize or are they just ignoring the whining faggots yet?

6b7ae0 No.14203254


>Crystorm is already happening.

Explain to me, I'm new to 8chan, came from 4chan, and I have autism.

31f848 No.14203256


so far just ignoring it, but you just know they're gonna get bitched at for months now just like the Trap usage in Akiba's Trip

d7fba7 No.14203271


>Explain to me, I'm new to 8chan, came from 4chan

Figure it out you dumb faggot

ce4127 No.14203276


Sounds about right.


Is it just me, or is this whole thing make it seem like this guy legitimately thinks that women are to dumb to play a complex game. How the hell is having complex stories with a deep ruleset bad? Why do people keep sperging out about the accessibility of something that has always been accessible. These major spergouts keep happening. Bikecuck even sperged out at mombot hard when mombot shit talked zoe quinn.

116b36 No.14203279

File: c552ff882193b81⋯.jpg (27.92 KB, 205x538, 205:538, Internet is friends.jpg)


You've had stupid ideas like that all throughout history. Hell, after creating the atomic bomb, some of the scientists behind the project wanted to distribute the plans to "equalize the balance of power", to which the U.S. government gave them a swift kick to the balls asking if they were nuts, and locking up anyone who dared to try it.


>…and I have autism.

Don't we all.

9601ed No.14203291


> I'm new to 8chan, came from 4chan

Maybe you should go back there if you're too fucking stupid to figure it out

1ae32a No.14203294



Linux is open source and very secure.

(Now discontinued) Truecrypt, which gave federal investigators so much trouble, was open source.

1ae32a No.14203304

File: 31ff838f614834d⋯.png (437.18 KB, 419x580, 419:580, 1406764529583.png)


>full image

e75beb No.14203325


He's right about open source being more secure, but what he's suggesting is practically impossible to do because it'd be so expensive and take so much time. Closed source is the scariest of them all. Someone can write some extremely insecure and awful code, and no one else will ever see it.

It seems counterintuitive to make something more secure by giving everyone full access to everything, but what happens is people fix it because they need the software. Meanwhile, MS just chugs out bullshit that will get more sales, and average consumer doesn't care about security. MS just has to keep Windows secure enough that the platform doesn't turn into a malware infested shit hole that's so bad people look for an alternative.

5bbd30 No.14203345

File: a12212a36ac49a1⋯.png (325.22 KB, 397x533, 397:533, 1449781978848.png)


>subsidizing literally billions for FOSS

>when the most common complaint about US government is that we've been borrowing and borrowing and borrowing with no plans on paying back our debts

inb4 "just print more money so we can become Venezuela."

2226fb No.14203360


I wouldn't trust gubbament sourced software as they would probably force it to have a backdoor for the alphabet agencies anyway and it would be just a matter of time until that backdoor would be open to all scriptkiddies under the sun.

1defe9 No.14203412


Does he really think he has a chance to that seat? I'm confused wether he is simply having fun or he thinks he'll get more than hundred votes.

3ebfb6 No.14203415

File: 716cdb60ecb5604⋯.jpg (120.38 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, 91720887719e0a5ca328b278e2….jpg)

5bbd30 No.14203420


>Does he really think he has a chance to that seat?

Notice that he didn't say "if," he said "when." He thinks it's a sure thing that he's going to primary out the guy already there, despite the fact that the congressman's Twitter talks about how much he helps the district (that Flynt doesn't even live in), and Flynt's is crying about GamerGate half the time and bullshitting "engineering degree" credentials the other half.

d15cbd No.14203433


>Archive of a tweet of screencaps

Not exactly much more useful. I imagine that's why anon didn't archive in the first place because he couldn't find the original tweets.

fb5700 No.14203437


Thats a ton of plot

31f848 No.14203443

File: f21b253cab2207a⋯.jpg (124.17 KB, 1027x726, 1027:726, 3ac2bf80173cd4c2a17673b88f….jpg)


That boss is a pain in the ass in the new Friends to the End mode

1ae32a No.14203450



6b7ae0 No.14203453


Did the other guy even mention Wu? I know Wu's name but not his, so I guess Flynt is doing something right

5bbd30 No.14203478


Not really. Hell, after how much Johnny boy shit-talked the Democrats, I'm pretty sure he has a snowball's chance in Hell of even hitting the ballots. But I'm sure it will all be GamerGate's fault anyway.

6b7ae0 No.14203487


I actually want to see Wu win, just out of curiosity. There's no chance he'll be able to do shit, he seems to only care about abusing power to anyone he doesn't like, what will come as a shock to him is the fact that he has some responsibilities he has to take care of on top of that, and he may not use the FBI as his personal army to arrest every gamergate supporter like he wants.

1528dc No.14203489


Didn't played too many games this year and I'm focusing in games that are already 2 or 3 years old at least.

I just miss them. It is worse because there are no more vidya rumbles.

6b7ae0 No.14203498

File: 559508f1c94e037⋯.png (38.94 KB, 628x337, 628:337, shen.png)

d15cbd No.14203502


I think they finally instated background checks. Whether or not they will properly uphold them is another matter.

31f848 No.14203506

File: 00509d0fb96732b⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 602x411, 602:411, Capture2.JPG)

116b36 No.14203507

File: 5bee76f3d45659e⋯.png (103.61 KB, 350x506, 175:253, Sick fetishes.png)


There are a lot of weirder fetishes than feet. Why is that the one they're hung up on (Unless it also happens to be their fetish)?

d15cbd No.14203516

File: 8c1315e1f39029a⋯.png (71.62 KB, 200x200, 1:1, viv10.png)


Is this bait?

03b799 No.14203517

File: a9a792204daf09d⋯.png (27.21 KB, 739x232, 739:232, bikecuck.png)



that whole thread is nonstop passive aggressive whining

6b7ae0 No.14203519


For all their talk of tolerance, they sure seem like the intolerant ones. Sure, I'd probably laugh at you if you're like JustinRPG and want to crawl up Lugia's asshole and eat pokemon shit, but I'd still respect you if you aren't acting obnoxious about it, whereas with them, if you don't tow the line with their politics they will hound you forever for it.

d5a6a7 No.14203523


A lot of this type of faggot are into femdom, which often involves foot fetish related shit, so maybe that's why they're getting hung up on it?

be12b7 No.14203524


>straight from goons' mouths

As if anyone needed any fucking proof that he's a goddamn degenerate.

9cac73 No.14203525


The best part is that this guy clearly doesn't fucking play DnD. Each individual group of players is so fucking isolated, there's barely a "community." Each group is wildly fucking different to the point that it's impossible to actually judge DnD as a whole by looking at any number of player groups.

fb61aa No.14203526


The tweet got deleted

6b7ae0 No.14203537


You can learn alot about a person based on their fetishes. These nu males are into femdom and cuckoldry, and this let women boss them around.

31f848 No.14203541


At least they didn't apologize

9601ed No.14203548


>For all their talk of tolerance, they sure seem like the intolerant ones.

They respond with "The paradox of tolerance" and such. Basically saying that in order to have free and open discussion you need to shut down anything you don't like because of muh nazis

116b36 No.14203550

File: f588e63998b58da⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 198x150, 33:25, son mfw.gif)


>Isn't benis


d15cbd No.14203563

5bbd30 No.14203567


Go fuck yourself, Shen. If you're going to let Chelsea use you like this, then you don't deserve any pity.

9cac73 No.14203568

File: a8f1c4359935886⋯.webm (1.13 MB, 852x480, 71:40, If you are not prepared t….webm)


Depends on how much they developers stick with the updates, giving new maps and content as the game goes on.


Most people aren't aware those existed, myself included. Having a game dedicated to the idea of a battle royale idea makes it thousands of time more accessible.


>My buddy gifted it to me on steam but my computer didn't meet the requirements. But from what I hear the game is so poorly optimised that even a beast rig has trouble running it.

You could maybe run it nowadays. They recently had some major optimization improvements that take it from, "Oh god what the fuck" to "Has some issues"


>Give him credit since that tweet looked liked a joke

>Click archive

>Oh god it's so much worse than I imagined

e75beb No.14203574


This is what it looks like to be blackmailed by SJWs.

d15cbd No.14203581


>Thinking the cuck doesn't like it

5bbd30 No.14203592


It's amazing that no one seems to be batting an eye that he outright admitted that the Hipster Clique emailed him and said they were going to gatekeep him from ever succeeding in anything if he ever had a friendly conversation with a SocJus apostate ever again.

9ee56f No.14203597




for a guy that says he's trying to act more masculine, he sure acts pretty effeminate

e75beb No.14203598


He probably loves it and is into femdom, never said otherwise.

5bbd30 No.14203611


It's almost as if Mombot struck a nerve, telling him that Chelsea has a history of being incredibly manipulative and that Ian is one of her victims.

43f9cf No.14203635


Somebody should use the opportunity to flip this argument into




top kek

9ee56f No.14203637


The guy should be the upper man and steal her bike and liveatream himself hotgluing it.


The fact he got a nerve atruck by a woman shows how utterly faggy he is.

If we wants to make it, he's gotta drop the soy and start wolfing down beef jerkey and venison like a man

2226fb No.14203680


I saw a disturbing thing momthot tweeted and am now of the mind that kink shaming is not only ok but necessary.

Also in light of that that shengay tweet is a bit tone deaf and makes me want to inflict physical pain on that miserable worm.

6b7ae0 No.14203718


Is it true that soy makes you effeminate and beef makes you masculine? I don't eat soy yet i still have a feminization/gender transformation fetish

d15cbd No.14203726

File: b4b806033b027da⋯.png (555.77 KB, 679x637, 97:91, Disgusted.png)



1ae32a No.14203737


Poorly processed soy contains phyloestrogens.

6b7ae0 No.14203738


>I saw a disturbing thing momthot tweeted

Post it.

2226fb No.14203756

9cac73 No.14203760


In the same manner that splenda creates formaldehyde in the body, but you'd have to drink it by the Costco sized create for anything to actually happen.

d5a6a7 No.14203762


Raw soy,intermediate soy products(ie Soy Milk) and poorly processed soy products contain phyloestrogens which get processed into straight up estrogen by your body. This probably won't affect you if you're physically active and aren't inherently low-T from genetics.

9ee56f No.14203764



Why are you speaking like a nigger?

Fuck off.

9f4fce No.14203776

File: 26d1c46399eab59⋯.png (108.14 KB, 994x641, 994:641, Screenshot.png)

File: 1a20817cc764d79⋯.jpg (869.66 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, Asuka bunny beer.jpg)

Gents, if I may?



2226fb No.14203786


Make me white boi

9cf5c5 No.14203844

File: 17108dd695aee87⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 405x482, 405:482, jazz_for_your_souls.jpg)



1ae32a No.14203886

File: f80d94b57486236⋯.jpg (791.73 KB, 1500x1020, 25:17, 4e621cd16df31e87cb012e4a22….jpg)


Are you going to make a script to remove all the garbage or should I do that manually?

We also need to compare the redirect archives and compare them to the actual page, in case there were any troll edits.

Perhaps checks the last edited date on the archives as well so we know a bit where to catch up on.

Ass because your lewd posting is getting to me.

9cac73 No.14203893

File: c0d51ee421e9f9b⋯.webm (823.22 KB, 852x480, 71:40, How long was I asleep tha….webm)

d31f88 No.14203905

>Overwatch finally addresses lack of felinekin representation, adds Black Cat D.va



>China bans hip-hop culture and tattoos from TV


>Overwatch Pro suspended and fined $2k for homophobic remarks about openly gay player. The gay player accepted his apology yet the guy is still suspended.


9cac73 No.14203924


>According to Kotaku, the spat happended when Muma used the line “rolled and smoked” during the OWL stream. This is the line xQc is known for, and it got him riled up. “No, you didn’t smoke shit. Shut your fucking mouth,” Lengyel said. “Go back there, suck a fat cock. I mean, he would like that.”

I love getting in trouble for the most absolute bog standard trash talk imaginable.

d31f88 No.14203932

e32cdd No.14203944

File: e4227788d379743⋯.jpg (39.34 KB, 768x768, 1:1, dcac9d9f4aeccb95e0b3a40cd9….jpg)

d15cbd No.14203967

File: a0f953eede8f0c7⋯.png (274.41 KB, 437x520, 437:520, 1305581397929.png)


>EA is now responsible for almost every other western game studio getting good PR with normalfags for only being megajews instead of hyperjews

5bbd30 No.14203968


Doesn't save the game from obviously being a cheap asset flip done by Konami to see if they can just do asset flips while ramping up Pachinko and Keno production.

d15cbd No.14203971


And some nip ones. Shit.

e89313 No.14203982

File: 0ae8c1cda80c33d⋯.png (229.75 KB, 712x423, 712:423, gayman.png)

File: 16abad53f2edb2a⋯.png (208.16 KB, 712x423, 712:423, 00370364.png)


Standard gayman bants are oppressive and problematic tbh.

aacd2d No.14203988


They successfully shifted 'overton window' of acceptable swindlery.

a5528c No.14204003

File: 9d559e7f51cfe96⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 320x240.jpg)


Congratulation! Anything left to do? I missed the letter thing but I still want to help. I was thinking of wikifying the thread archives list.

Also you should ask bonegolem to set up HTTPS, if there is going to be logins and password being sent to the server it is better if it is over https. I think his cert is not installed correctly, you can simply add an exception to your favorite browser/botnet but normalfags with https anywhere will be scared away by the big bad message.

9f4fce No.14204022


I figure its best to do it manually since we'll be fiddling with updating all the articles anyway. That can just be one step.

a5528c No.14204035

File: a813b07875fd590⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Morden.jpg)



I'm from Quebec and I realize we are the BR of north america online. As a rule of thumb I avoid anyone with "QC" in their nickname. That said, this is pretty mild trash talk but maybe this will push the guy to get a real career instead of being an Overwatch "pro" player which is hyped only by Blizz and nobody else gives a fuck.

1ae32a No.14204064


I'm going to make a quick guide identifying what to delete.

f59f13 No.14204074

Since we are reaching the end of the thread I would like to request the picture of Vivian and red anon kicking Gilda on the ground.

6b7ae0 No.14204082

File: f7379a5f32196a7⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 522.52 KB, 600x814, 300:407, Here you go.png)


Okay, here you go.

9cac73 No.14204092


I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about checking it out, if only to see how bad the game looks at high level play.

8f8270 No.14204093

File: 5f6dee658c1fc92⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 146.55 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1456037833703.png)


here, best I can do for now

9f4fce No.14204096

File: 665fd7f18771222⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Asuka latex.jpg)


There's a lot left to do. The partial wiki at thisisvideogames.com needs to be gone over and updates taken from it to add to ours. Also most of the articles have superfluous tags and some links and redirects that need to be repaired. Image uploads need to be enabled and images re-linked to their articles. All easy stuff, but still needs to be done.

I put in a request at KiA for wiki contributors to help us, BUT DON'T USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE TO BE LAZY YOURSELVES! I'll be working on it in my free time as well.

I'll talk to Bone about the https issue as soon as he gets back to me.

1528dc No.14204116

So I was wondering, when is Milo going for a tour so leftist faggots riot once again?

d8fe5a No.14204129

File: b98268294ffd723⋯.png (450.29 KB, 600x878, 300:439, b98268294ffd7236fe3f0aa77b….png)

f59f13 No.14204137

File: ca5551f399d44bd⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 404x404, 1:1, 1278287090082.jpg)



You guys are assholes, no wonder Bike Cuck hates you.

8f8270 No.14204151

File: 554818cd341cb15⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 592.56 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, Dead Dead Demon's Dededede….png)

holy shit someone picked up DDDDDDDDD again

1528dc No.14204162


I'm not sure if I want to know the context.

6b7ae0 No.14204167

File: af94cf96b8cd8d6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 53.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, use your imagination.jpg)


Stop kink shaming.


After the Reagan Batallion thing I have no idea what he's up to. Not saying that they were right, but that smear job really fucked him over.

3daebd No.14204172

Reminder Marche is cancer

8f8270 No.14204174

3ebfb6 No.14204195

File: 21f32339018fec7⋯.png (298.19 KB, 472x409, 472:409, Is_YouTube_Screwing_Over_S….png)

e75beb No.14204198


Marches cancer even inspires lurkers to post.

3daebd No.14204205


No (you) for you, try harder

116b36 No.14204211


>>China bans hip-hop culture and tattoos from TV



b29426 No.14204227

File: cf7b2f6165186a1⋯.png (284.39 KB, 722x647, 722:647, cf7b2f6165186a1b1792eb5657….png)

ГеймърГеит са пълни педерасти които лапат патката на педал евреин който се ебе с потни негри който също така няма проблем с изнасилването на невръсти.

8dfb45 No.14204245


i hope China bans VIDEOGAMES next so people start mass-suiciding …or not

3daebd No.14204255



I'd rather they fight against their corporations and government

1ae32a No.14204257

File: 444d943a2b10da3⋯.jpg (469.43 KB, 800x1953, 800:1953, Untitled.jpg)

9f4fce No.14204271

File: c6385a6e9f3cac0⋯.webm (120.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, GOOD JOB.webm)


Very handy! I'll spread this around, and you should too.

1ae32a No.14204293

File: 19f0720b5b94e45⋯.jpg (216.04 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 19f0720b5b94e4582a3993f950….jpg)


>Very handy! I'll spread this around, and you should too.

400ca2 No.14204455

File: ce2d2cbda443b74⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Minoru Suzuki Gotch-Style ….jpg)

Good morning!

116b36 No.14204481

>>14204455 <Nice

But, it's 4:45 in the afternoon.

400ca2 No.14204513


It's 7:49am here. I hope you're ready for dinner.

39dfe7 No.14204607


>chinese time zone

How does breathing in all that smog feel?

400ca2 No.14204700


I'm actually from South East Asia…

I'm from the Philippines to be exact.

421924 No.14204760


>rainbow avatar


>When I win my congressional race


400ca2 No.14204805

File: f27b28a21e0e0f3⋯.jpg (126.89 KB, 811x911, 811:911, US University Retardation ….jpg)

064be1 No.14204823


Would that be grounds to ban them from owning firearms?

5bbd30 No.14204835

File: f87814d223a64e6⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 120x469, 120:469, 1442251675196-0.jpg)



16216c No.14204887

File: b2fa0bcca8f1abf⋯.jpg (54.14 KB, 423x539, 423:539, 2b_jav_cover.jpg)


400ca2 No.14204915

File: 2d758660a2fbf43⋯.png (148.71 KB, 314x296, 157:148, Jumbo Wet Jumbo Hard 2.png)


Do you know who's the JAV actress?

dac607 No.14204937

File: b81d68f3613f867⋯.png (227.19 KB, 330x432, 55:72, duterte.PNG)


What do you think of Duterte?

From an outside perspective, he seems pretty fucking based.

400ca2 No.14204948

File: b9b1bc421304167⋯.jpg (289.03 KB, 533x539, 533:539, US University Retardation ….jpg)

6b7ae0 No.14204961



8D chess.

16216c No.14204966


1. Pick up a big general clothes shop magazine

2. Go to the women's bra section

3. Masturbate to the models

4. Congratulation, you now have developed a fetish for girls

How fucking hard is that?

16216c No.14204972


Mihara Honoka

400ca2 No.14204975


He's good and all, but him pandering to the Chinese(see Spratlys) and fucking up our taxes(lowering it, but to compensate, he raised the prices of services and necessities by 20%) really made me turned off on him.

6b7ae0 No.14204991


What's stopping him from getting distracted from the thigh high socks and lingerie that are 30% off? Such a deal can't simply be ignored.

472c77 No.14204999

File: d91bbee7b70f7b4⋯.png (25.25 KB, 242x257, 242:257, 1316823945589.png)


Since many of you aren't fa/tg/uys, let me fill you in. Mike Mearls is a designer for D&D. He's the guy responsible for the disastrous 4th edition that pretty much killed the franchise for over a decade and turned Paizo's awful Pathfinder game into the success it was (pathfinder is a carbon copy of the previous 3.5 edition).. Then he worked on D&D 5th edition, which is incredibly dumbed down, but it copied some stuff from 3.5 and Mearls likes to claim that he's taken inspiration from the older editions that ancient grognards speak so highly of (it doesn't.)

Just recently, it was revealed that Kate Welch, some fucking nobody, was hired as a game designer. She has no game design background. She's an illustrator. She's never published or worked on or even crudely homebrewed a tabletop game of her own. Her quasi e-celeb status comes entirely from the fact that Bald and Piglike of Penny Arcade and PAX fame, involved her in their stage show D&D games. She's a token hire and.. big surprise, she's got ties with the indie clique (worked with Doublefine and Fullbright) and a "OMG I'M SUCH A GEEK XD" whose only real claim to fame is riding the Penny Arcade coattails.

When it was announced she was hired as a game designer a few days ago, the reaction from many was "who?" and then "what fucking games has she worked on?" because like many geek girls, she only really jumped on the D&D bandwagon within the past year. If you're wondering why that is.. Well, Let's playing and streaming got oversaturated and some faggots realized they could do a little better at being e-whores by trying to jump onto the RPGs and Board games craze several years after Joe Camel and Wesley Crusher thoroughly cancer'd up the place.

And then in comes Mike Mearls with this retarded post, which he seemed to think was some sort of scathing indictment of the opinions of players who care too much about mechanics and good writing and not enough about diversity and equality. And yes, the dumb shit is literally implying that he wants to dumb the game down as much as possible for the sake of getting more strong, empowered womyn involved.

400ca2 No.14205017


>Mihara Honoka

I wish that 2B POV will be up somewhere, perhaps Pornhub. I can't wait to see her in action!

16216c No.14205021

File: 3fdfd2714664fb8⋯.jpg (59.2 KB, 720x569, 720:569, 3fdfd2714664fb809c0c0bede2….jpg)


As long as the void that furry porn could occupy is filled before furry porn is encountered then it's fine.

Dads giving softcore magazines to their sons on their 12th birthday doesn't seem so dumb now does it.

1528dc No.14205029


But for fuck's sake, if you want dumbed down RPG games you alredy have FATE or any of the so many shitty 'narrative' RPGs.

I miss games you could make campaigns with.

6b7ae0 No.14205036


Sorry, I thought the subject was about Shen toughening up.

16216c No.14205045


Anon the wait is over, I just said it.

400ca2 No.14205050


Send me the Pornhub link then!

15347c No.14205057


☑ Fired from playing D&D

d8fe5a No.14205062

File: d66a3f10d59ccbd⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 260x260, 1:1, sweating.gif)

bf7961 No.14205081

File: 3ab6d88befd26b8⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 359x372, 359:372, Sneakcriticalsuccess.gif)


>Paizo's awful Pathfinder game

The pathfinder PC game is looking pretty good though. Watched some videos and so far I'm down for it. Couldn't find a pirated copy of the alpha though, so maybe the retard youtubers I watched play are too bad and the game is too easy for someone who isn't a moron.

edad0b No.14205091


How do you fine someone if you're not the govt?

5bbd30 No.14205120

File: e166d8175b2e98f⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 460x521, 460:521, christ on a bike.jpg)


>yes, the dumb shit is literally implying that he wants to dumb the game down as much as possible for the sake of getting more strong, empowered womyn involved

Yes, because all the women that I've played Pathfinder with in high school and college were too fucking retarded to know how math works. Thanks, Mike, you truly are a paragon of feminism.

f7e119 No.14205133


Witholding tournament pot earnings, I'd imagine. Either that or never lifting the suspension until the amount is agreed to be paid.

472c77 No.14205152

File: 86e62243e2d1ac5⋯.png (292.46 KB, 1280x1750, 128:175, inquisitor boy.png)


Plenty of easy, generic systems exist. Fact of the matter is that, much like vidya, some groups don't play because they aren't interested. But wanting to lower the barrier to entry to a nonexistent level isn't about wanting to play an easy game.. It's about making it easier for worthless shitsacks to profit off of it. From WotC's perspective, having lots of thick-rimmed glasses wearing feminists playing their games, in between crying about Trump on twitter, is free advertising. They believe it will not only attract more women to buying their games (it won't) but that it will further back up their desperate need to look progressive and enlightened. Goes well with their gay pride marches and all the virtue signalling they do if they can have more token niggers and women around.

This is a pretty large motivator for the numerous campaign books they put out before anything else. Worldbuilding, writing a story, balancing encounters, coming up with NPCs.. these things are time consuming and require genuine creativity and interest in the game. It's a thing people do because they love and enjoy the experience at every step. Opportunistic cunts who want to squeeze a few more e-shekels out of the geek girl fad don't want to do that. Instead, they just buy a campaign book, load up one of the numerous character generator apps, and just follow along with what it says in the book, and film themselves doing it, because if they can't get digital validation out of the hobby, they won't do it.

1528dc No.14205176


Because it worked so well for videogames.

I don't want this kind to return to the 90s/early 2000s. First games were demonized and now Tabletop is going to be demonized too by the new evangelists.

472c77 No.14205207

File: 3f10b343a24c07b⋯.jpg (568.69 KB, 1460x897, 1460:897, 20170818_212945_HDR.jpg)

File: 0b581317601bc1e⋯.jpg (359.32 KB, 869x1173, 869:1173, 20170818_214738_HDR.jpg)

File: 89cb123e1ab19d9⋯.jpg (812.05 KB, 1492x1876, 373:469, 20170819_122400_HDR.jpg)

File: 75d9a01e1d4ca39⋯.jpg (541.76 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, wotc_pride.jpg)


Sad to say, but they've already come for tabletop. It's harder for it to be a widespread thing amongst such a small and widespread community consisting of dozens of different microcommunities for individual games and genres of game, but don't think for a moment that they aren't trying. GenCon usually has a few kool-aid stained panels, and I saw quite a few people walking around with pride flag rainbow-colored dice shirts. I also wasn't exaggerating when I said that WotC showed up to pride parades.

Some of these older, larger companies have been infiltrated and subverted for a while, but they don't have the same level of efficacy because their customerbase is numbered in the 10s of thousands, not the millions worldwide.

16561c No.14205249

File: b63770fd898216e⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 477x378, 53:42, Jews fear the Kaiza.jpg)

16216c No.14205310

File: 419e80f9cc11338⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 856x480, 107:60, SAIT-013.mp4_snapshot_00.0….jpg)


She never removes the eye cover the whole time.

18aabd No.14205313

File: 9d0031177c4c25b⋯.png (196.43 KB, 800x2679, 800:2679, Untitled.png)



Forgot to include one thing, the copied contents list.

Also, png for smaller size.

d15cbd No.14205328

File: f7fc8e37c6b5efc⋯.jpg (7.57 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 18193918_1842928102698531_….jpg)

16216c No.14205357

File: 05620fa196dc827⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 360x320, 9:8, 05620fa196dc82775964f9bb97….gif)

File: 39bb8f264483d37⋯.png (384.46 KB, 860x420, 43:21, fb6c782359f04b5ba5f3f40ed2….png)


>implying that'll stop me

6b7ae0 No.14205366

File: 379d98fc9d0629f⋯.png (39.9 KB, 512x437, 512:437, dragon.png)


What is that rainbow colored dragon doing to it's own tail?

18aabd No.14205367

Who's baking?

6b7ae0 No.14205407

File: 9e3208cc306ef15⋯.webm (2.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pure evil.webm)

10ee9e No.14205411

aacd2d No.14205417


American political ads are so OTT.

d15cbd No.14205447

File: 2227a14d20907b3⋯.png (100.56 KB, 296x316, 74:79, Proto-Chio.png)



>Not ex

dbc155 No.14205482


I hope he kills Hotwheels.

fb5700 No.14205497

File: c3fd6d831b74f44⋯.png (4 MB, 3550x3478, 1775:1739, abomination.png)


>jerking it to a picture of a crying panda

6b7ae0 No.14205500


Hotwheels is dying, didn't you know? He converted to Christianity a while ago due to fear of the afterlife.

d15cbd No.14205505

File: 02bf13e1402406a⋯.jpg (48.75 KB, 400x438, 200:219, 1463845875686 - Copy (2) -….jpg)

File: 02bf13e1402406a⋯.jpg (48.75 KB, 400x438, 200:219, 1463845875686 - Copy (2).jpg)

File: 02bf13e1402406a⋯.jpg (48.75 KB, 400x438, 200:219, 1463845875686 - Copy (3).jpg)

File: 02bf13e1402406a⋯.jpg (48.75 KB, 400x438, 200:219, 1463845875686 - Copy (4).jpg)

File: 02bf13e1402406a⋯.jpg (48.75 KB, 400x438, 200:219, 1463845875686 - Copy (5).jpg)


>Not jerking it to a picture of a crying panda

dbc155 No.14205531


I knew he went Christ cuck and deleted all of his old tweets because they were 'blasphemous'.

6b7ae0 No.14205557


I hope whatever afterlife he gets, it's better than the one he lived. Seriously, I feel so bad for him, though I know he hates pity.

39dfe7 No.14205559

File: 08392bdc4b310b7⋯.gif (320.86 KB, 300x227, 300:227, 1454005475985.gif)



d15cbd No.14205560


>Christ cuck

Careful anon.

3adc7a No.14205584


Imagine still going to 4cucks

18aabd No.14205597


Irony that I was just looking at ASCII art.

fb5700 No.14205598

File: db053703620cbc5⋯.gif (438.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, smug loli.gif)


>stopping people from posting memefaces on a memeface board

aacd2d No.14205600


Raepfugees incoming.

472c77 No.14205604


Can't we go ONE month without that retard giving those cancerous faggots a reason to come flood our boards?

400ca2 No.14205605

File: 9a7fa88dcb91cb7⋯.jpg (265.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Steve Byrne Chilling.jpg)

Well, seems like I got to bake again…

Anything you want me to add onto the next bread?

d15cbd No.14205611

File: 1eb0d34338a5046⋯.jpg (78.16 KB, 400x484, 100:121, no.jpg)


>Imagine still going to 4cuck

6b7ae0 No.14205616


Add some flavor to this bread

dbc155 No.14205623

8chan is where 4chan flushes its toilet.

f84ac5 No.14205627

File: 694403f39ea6c36⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 13.62 KB, 600x373, 600:373, 87781234213677888.jpg)


>jerking it to a picture of a crying panda

dbc155 No.14205642

File: a09f255e11a71d5⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 1076x4082, 538:2041, putthatinyourpipeandsmokei….jpg)

400ca2 No.14205643

8ae70e No.14206277


Yea 4th Edition was shit.

Also is Pathfinder any good? I saw a kickstarter by a company going by that name making a Divinity OS type game. Passed since I had no idea who the company was.

421924 No.14208055


here to witness this fail

421924 No.14208066

File: 6e35213ef4af5fa⋯.png (78.89 KB, 559x309, 559:309, no trips for nonon.png)


>he tried to erase his fail

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