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25fc3f No.14205634

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


4fcde7 No.14205638

File: 2a3ddfe448e58ac⋯.jpg (122.14 KB, 612x816, 3:4, faggot_dog.jpg)

>This bread will never reach 700 toasts

527eac No.14205639

The post below me is Mark

5982aa No.14205651

File: 8a0a46a6890a160⋯.gif (3.73 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 8a0a46a6890a1608fbb1c1f430….gif)

Gobaber Gapers

Have I missed anything in the last 2 days?

6576e8 No.14205653

Is this thread going to be mostly about promoting the homosexual lifestyle?

25fc3f No.14205654

File: 2849359d3b45487⋯.jpg (129.05 KB, 989x1200, 989:1200, Retard 2165.jpg)


>Porn is a source of all evil, it should be eliminated.

2ef07c No.14205655

stop avatarfagging with wrestling

4fcde7 No.14205662



35b225 No.14205663


>Words Words Words

005000 No.14205667


3 and a half years later they still don't follow their ethics policies and are in control of the western game industry media.


he is right, just for the wrong reasons. porn is absolutely degenerate and is part of the decline of western society.

e2fd91 No.14205670

File: f21868e60bf5b63⋯.webm (1.13 MB, 480x360, 4:3, mark.webm)




4fcde7 No.14205673

File: 29ceb9d5f4fd2a0⋯.png (25.91 KB, 193x201, 193:201, confasda.png)



Oh shit. When did I become part of the hivemind?

b3743d No.14205676

File: 21f634b5eb4a57c⋯.jpg (411.26 KB, 823x867, 823:867, 21f634b5eb4a57cbcc30d015bb….jpg)

<- Half Friends can't do this

b1b1e9 No.14205677

File: 2fa65505a424208⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.34 MB, 316x240, 79:60, 1446516099150.webm)


Porn is alright.

d1d531 No.14205685

File: 42660e3a28b5931⋯.gif (531.4 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Shaggie like fuck this.gif)



>actual fucking horseshoe

>before my very eyes

542578 No.14205689

File: 37815436aa7517f⋯.jpg (279.81 KB, 964x781, 964:781, horny_girls_2017_a3_by_izr….jpg)



542578 No.14205690

File: 37815436aa7517f⋯.jpg (279.81 KB, 964x781, 964:781, horny_girls_2017_a3_by_izr….jpg)



4fcde7 No.14205703





>Whore's shoe theory

Totally inapplicable in all situations :^)

094dfa No.14205708

File: 2dfb857749a2572⋯.jpg (162.38 KB, 757x1200, 757:1200, d5383c2c9f73bd7358edddef18….jpg)

File: 9d0031177c4c25b⋯.png (196.43 KB, 800x2679, 800:2679, Untitled.png)

Contribute to the wiki.

Contribute to the wiki.

Contribute to the wiki.


542578 No.14205710


Site's buggy. Double posted.

4fcde7 No.14205714

File: 0bf0a3335be4bff⋯.jpg (423.85 KB, 2272x1704, 4:3, GamerGays.jpg)


What do you think?

c3a4ab No.14205715


How i wish you were here,we're just,two lost souls swimming a fish bowl,year after year.

b3743d No.14205731


I hope the FBI doesn't examine this lad's hardrive

f026d4 No.14205738

File: 92d07dfbdc3f79d⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Mizushima 04.jpg)

File: 98f9ccb530ee227⋯.jpg (150.23 KB, 744x992, 3:4, Mizushima 05.jpg)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles halfchan /g/ and our /tech/ are on it, looking for a name so everyone should vote

- http://poal.me/e9bqfc

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

094dfa No.14205740

File: 5b798c345952a3d⋯.jpg (59.85 KB, 585x303, 195:101, bread4.jpg)

6576e8 No.14205742


Why the swim googles, tho?

4fcde7 No.14205749

File: c2f26d5334dc7b5⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 800x600, 4:3, not possible.jpg)

005000 No.14205750

File: d6bd20231a46079⋯.webm (12.79 MB, 854x480, 427:240, LIBERALIST LEBENSRAUM -Ma….webm)


>nothing I enjoy could possibly be a bad thing

self reflection is hard for you, now shut up carl.

5cf877 No.14205751

File: 3e7d067c6e68884⋯.jpg (260.6 KB, 883x1864, 883:1864, IMG_20180122_203528.jpg)

File: 56693d806d391a1⋯.png (252.2 KB, 883x816, 883:816, Vidya_Game_Comic_27.png)

Last comic for those who missed them

ecd0fd No.14205761

File: 9aabad7c4130841⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 9aabad7c413084134f9dc9856e….jpg)

4fcde7 No.14205764

File: 7cf3c8b8311126d⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 358x429, 358:429, delete.jpg)

6d0265 No.14205766


I won't care about your comics until your drawing skills improve

094dfa No.14205767


You should make a tumblr and see gets upset

1e18ce No.14205768

File: 06c0c5980037bca⋯.webm (11.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The 14 Woofs.webm)


its almost as if all authoritarians would use the same tactics just on different targets with different justifications

4fcde7 No.14205769

File: b5cc2bb42ebd008⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 785x608, 785:608, gaming_journalism_101.jpg)

5bda83 No.14205778


He's right though, but for entirely different reasons. Stop getting mad soyboys, we're deleting your BLACKED collection for a good cause.

5cf877 No.14205781


Dumblr is a tomtom club, fuck that place.

204e47 No.14205782

File: 7f5e832c7d60da8⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 285x267, 95:89, 7f5e832c7d60da8cf90a5d3034….jpg)

c3a4ab No.14205790


Those are some cute girls on the right,i would love to see them hold hands and hug.

094dfa No.14205795


That's that point, some tard will likely get upset.

4fcde7 No.14205798


Anon! This is a Christian image board!

6576e8 No.14205815


But Mark is a dirty Jew.

605901 No.14205816


That's some kinky ass shit, sauce?

c3a4ab No.14205821


Mate i'm fucked in the head

094dfa No.14205828

File: efef8f38c6356f7⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 418x529, 418:529, 148492796748.jpg)

35b225 No.14205833

File: 73590a7e1e57cdb⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 1076x4082, 538:2041, Athiest apocalypse.jpg)


It was an obvious reaction to that. Besides, I don't know what the point of that comic is. Since I have nothing better to do, I'll try and refute this wall of text.


I am not an expert, but can stem cells really bring an end to all diseases and disabilities? If people age for a really long time, wouldn't that mean they would waste more time, as when people's lives near their end they realize how valuable their time on this earth is? Plus, progress with science doesn't always mean positive things, a concept Black Mirror played with.


>Implying Muslims will give up Islam in favor of godlessness


Am I reading this wrong, or is this guy using rhetoric to promote logic and reason? "Empathy and understanding" would run counter to cold hard facts.

<You should behave in a reasonable manner, and thus love shall bloom

Isn't love an unreasonable emotion?


If the genital mutilation of girls will stop inn this equal society, why not boys in the first and third world as well? I don't think it needs to be said here that the wage gap is about women not competing and negotiating for pay raises, so if everyone is equal in this society, are women being forced to work harder or are they getting paid more than men to make up for this?

c3a4ab No.14205846


What the actual fuck was that comic?

c11989 No.14205869



4fcde7 No.14205877


Ham-fisted propaganda?

1e18ce No.14205879


its called a strawman

35b225 No.14205886


Propaganda, by someone who doesn't understand that most people aren't going to read all those fucking words.

d1d531 No.14205893


In what way are any of these things inherent to atheism?

5c5ea4 No.14205897

Twitch embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Rogers cuts ties with Vice Media Canada


>Suddenly, Polygon is AGAINST remaking classic movies with gender-swapped characters


>Overwatch Pro suspended and fined $2k for homophobic remarks about openly gay player. The gay player accepted his apology yet the guy is still suspended.



No evidence to support link between violent video games and behavior


Dean Takahashi for GamesBeat: "Diversity needs to be an inside job"


The Guardian: "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds – nihilistic, violent and the perfect game for our era." Spends more time talking about said game's [CURRENT YEAR] relevance than the game itself.


>Metal Gear Survive Producer Yuji Korekado Says There's No Loot-Boxes



99d57d No.14205914

The Hatman is reading LW's book on his jewtube channel.

4fcde7 No.14205928

File: 72dd46426dd1768⋯.png (49.55 KB, 422x545, 422:545, Screenshot_108.png)


>The Hatman

Literally who?

ecd0fd No.14205942



I'm not sure if it's pro or anti atheism.

a8577a No.14205946

File: 9ae6516c9d8e105⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 466x382, 233:191, Fedora.jpg)


All of human progress was by atheists. If it wasn't for religion we'd all have peace and be living on Mars.


35b225 No.14205960


It's pro atheism. Poorly done, but is clearly trying to paint society as being better off without religion.

f3de23 No.14205962


>All porn is BLACKED


35b225 No.14205975

File: b940b52dfa34e02⋯.jpeg (955.43 KB, 1777x4936, 1777:4936, marvel.jpeg)


I still can't find an actually good webcomic series with someone not being a complete retard forcing their politics onto people.

99d57d No.14205978

7cd9ec No.14205990

File: f363fdc0dfd0d2e⋯.png (137.67 KB, 600x721, 600:721, f363fdc0dfd0d2ecd5a891cf33….png)


Why is this not posted yet?

The Kunkels organizer and a judge are answering questions on leddit, perfect time to figure out if they're tumblrtards building another political circlejerk or if they give one seventh of a fuck about journalism.

Reading the comments, signs thus far point to tumblrtards

6576e8 No.14205998


That's the former mod of KiA?

e67ba1 No.14206000

File: 55661cddaef4e5d⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.72 MB, 960x540, 16:9, this webm is an instant b….webm)


They want to hold your hand

b1b1e9 No.14206015

4fcde7 No.14206017

File: 1582a5b64485913⋯.png (622.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, magical dubz.png)

5cf877 No.14206018


But there are already retards here getting angry at the comic.

094dfa No.14206021

someone is already griefing the wiki

310aa4 No.14206024

File: d9d885523e41d6b⋯.webm (295.95 KB, 852x480, 71:40, dubs.webm)

99d57d No.14206029

35b225 No.14206032


I don't know why. At worst it's spamming the thread, not like he's getting paid to do this.

6576e8 No.14206043


insex was a good site, queensnake.com has taken up the mantel.

094dfa No.14206047

File: 4471271063c1bb7⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 370x350, 37:35, angrytr.jpg)


4fcde7 No.14206055


>It's okay because he does it for free

Wew lad.

b1b1e9 No.14206060

226189 No.14206068

File: a7a4a48b797cae1⋯.jpg (146.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1459353885178-1.jpg)

e3b74d No.14206101

File: fdcc112076a43be⋯.png (10.76 KB, 560x320, 7:4, Confused Wrestlers .png)


Any examples of fuckery? I can't find any articles that look fucked with.

094dfa No.14206118

5982aa No.14206119


>Implying a nigger is smart enough to be "a doctor"

ec1b6a No.14206140


Most of the "significant" webcomics I remember are furry comics (And, some series that tried copying manga).

5c5ea4 No.14206146

File: 7a46b9527b23a15⋯.png (466.59 KB, 1280x676, 320:169, sneaking build.png)

Sorry for being off topic but apparently halfchan is shitting itself site wide right now. No one on the site can post images and some people can't event post.

5cf877 No.14206164


Spam implies I post the same image over and over again.

What I do is work on the stuff with the little free time I have and repoat the last ones in the next thread incase the people who liked them missed it.

If the comic managed to get even a slight chuckle from someone, that's enough pay for me.

542578 No.14206165

File: 0fd6dcca2f91f91⋯.png (255.6 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, 66025916_p0.png)


Good. That place should burn. But bad because it could mean immigrants.

35b225 No.14206188


The irony. I'm in med school and I'm black

e3b74d No.14206192

File: 68009611e3b450f⋯.swf (14.6 MB, King of Fighters Wing (hue….swf)


Cool. I'd try to help, but apparently I can't find anything to fix in the first place. Have a game for funtimes instead.

e67ba1 No.14206201

File: 73a191347f10be4⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 500x278, 250:139, varying levels of revulsio….gif)


>they're going to try and post here

c3a4ab No.14206209


Give them solace huh,imagine if it was on your foot.

094dfa No.14206233

File: 919684bf083569f⋯.png (32.42 KB, 325x308, 325:308, Koaf.png)


Did you get past your Masters?

Also, I've been curious how someone'd feel when aussies here spout things against the "black community™".

fe7be0 No.14206242

File: 2e0b5967b04ec93⋯.jpg (398.7 KB, 1093x1099, 1093:1099, 2e0b5967b04ec93903a7a56e54….jpg)


Not like they posted images anyway outside the OP or specific shitposting threads.

f026d4 No.14206244

File: 5a8c721dc50dd9f⋯.jpg (439.42 KB, 654x800, 327:400, Sachiko 02.jpg)

> 4chan's image SSL certificate is expired. Probably no fix for 3-4 days. Mods gave up hours ago trying to mod shit.


c3a4ab No.14206246

File: aecf2ec5379cd57⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 320x299, 320:299, 1w.jpg)


Obey your master

Your life burns faster

e67ba1 No.14206251


Sorry, but I don't have much empathy for someone too stupid to not have left cuckchan when the writing was on the wall.

cf67f6 No.14206271


>Porn is a source of all evil, it should be eliminated

Well, he's not wrong about that


We used to stone degenerates like you

526670 No.14206273

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

c3a4ab No.14206288


Name a good jap game that came out this month then.

d1d531 No.14206290


>actually taking these posts seriously


5982aa No.14206294


I meant as the character you ape.

fb562d No.14206298


Zwei: The Arges Adventure releases on the 24th on PC

ecd0fd No.14206299


What about japanese lesbian cartoon porn though?

6576e8 No.14206303


that one with the thing

c3a4ab No.14206305


I was actually genuinely curious,i know he does it every thread.


Kool,will check out.

09523f No.14206308

d63f42 No.14206314

File: 789d9cc1f7ab908⋯.png (139.21 KB, 720x936, 10:13, 070224.png)

File: df0bd13eee04141⋯.png (132.53 KB, 720x936, 10:13, 070227.png)

File: 7cc731f23d5fd64⋯.png (141.14 KB, 720x936, 10:13, 070301.png)


That depends on how paranoid you're being about politics, but maybe you should read webcomics that're V I D E O G A M E S (and also long finished) like Bob and George or Kid Radd.

32fbfd No.14206329


Name one good AAA game that came out in the last 6 months.

35b225 No.14206346


You know as well as I do they can't resist the progressive attention, they will have a black doctor at some point.

4fcde7 No.14206412


Name one good game that's come out since 2007

Pro tip: You can't :^)

d1d531 No.14206423


Name a good video game

2ef07c No.14206427


name a video game

cad7a2 No.14206428

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

6576e8 No.14206432


I'm stumped.

d1d531 No.14206433


name something

e3b74d No.14206443


Better yet, name three.

6576e8 No.14206444

☑ Promoting the homosexual lifestyle

f026d4 No.14206448


>Destroyed 4chan image posting ability

4fcde7 No.14206459

File: bff7c7d76908a1d⋯.png (663.78 KB, 720x720, 1:1, bff7c7d76908a1d6ac7b490646….png)


Trips demand it.

7717be No.14206467

File: 0031ddd01b53d3c⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 318x488, 159:244, 05.jpg)


>Promoting the homosexual lifestyle

094dfa No.14206484

File: 1904223e0df8d85⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 885x580, 177:116, openthegay.jpg)

c3a4ab No.14206486


Those eyes are just…wrong

5cf877 No.14206491


Dragon Quest III



25fc3f No.14206496

File: 027fd3f3c51a294⋯.png (169.31 KB, 608x402, 304:201, Hitler LOL.png)

Off-topic, but this is a goodie:

DSP lost the one and only sponsorship that he got in his 10 year LUHGHAZY due to his reputation.

4fcde7 No.14206522


>Not recognizing chaika

b3b859 No.14206525

File: e84aa02da22cb0c⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 546x554, 273:277, aj excuse me faggot.jpg)

c3a4ab No.14206526


Nope sorry.

efb95e No.14206532


>porn says sex with underage girls is okay

The fuck kind of porn is he watching?

c3a4ab No.14206544


A good question to raise,perhaps he is the most foul thing there?

6576e8 No.14206546



Someone needs to make a Homosexual Lifestyle stub for the wiki.

35b225 No.14206556




This is the best invention ever.

20fd83 No.14206563


Is there a full version to this?

094dfa No.14206566

File: d8e43f9fe4a50ff⋯.png (660.84 KB, 992x1131, 992:1131, openthegays.png)



You need to leave


Once we're done fixing everything.

I'd be willing to make a "Watch out for Gamergate!" page if someone gave me the full list.

5cf877 No.14206567


Grommets dont belong here.

Fuck off

9bca7e No.14206572


It's not gay if it's a cat.

4fcde7 No.14206580

File: ce4ce4237e39d4c⋯.jpg (134.43 KB, 439x439, 1:1, 1448572454525.jpg)


You're the faggot who posted this image uncropped and unspoilered pretending you couldn't see the dick, aren't you?

e3b74d No.14206581


I don't have it in video form, but I do have it in text form.

☑ Driving girls out of the gaming industry

☑ Harassing and doxing female developers

☑ Harassed women throughout history

☑ Made the gaming industry revert 20 years back

☑ Triggering innocent SJWs

☑ Triggering Tumblr

☑ Drive moot out of 4chan

☑ Made Anita cry

☑ Twist the media spreading fake corruption

☑ Sad Puppies' Hijacking of the Hugo Awards


☑ Redchanit

☑ Made Anon level up

☑ Branwashing innocent women and minorities into participating in a mass woman-hating movement against their will

☑ Propagating rape culture

☑ Increasing the ego of the evil heterosexual white man

☑ Driving Double Fine out of business (In Progress)

☑ Driving lots of indies out of the gaming industry (In Progress)

☑ Turn Pepe into a normalfag meme

☑ The Beach Body Ready campaign

☑ Ridiculizing the Jazz Hands

☑ Pro-GamerGate bias on Wikipedia

☑ Turning Twitter in shitposting central

☑ Paid mods

☑ Postal series

☑ Hatred

☑ Injured Achilles' heel

☑ Spread misogyny to the Titanic while disguised as an iceberg

☑ Ezekiel 23:20

☑ Fortified Hitler's pants to withstand assassination attempt

☑ Annexed West-Pakistan

☑ Made the democrats lose the midterm elections

☑ Porn and sex

☑ The Vietnam war

☑ Steam Refunds

☑ Defunded NASA

☑ Made megaphones unemployable

☑ Voice Acting in Fallout 4

☑ Keeping women and minorities out of SPJ airplay

☑ The spread of waifu-fags

☑ The Raping of the Sabine women

☑ Fired Kojima and canceled Silent Hills

☑ Broke Guillermo del Toro's greasy heart

☑ Assisted Vincet Van Gogh's suicide

☑ Convinced Capcom to cancel Megaman Legends 3

☑ Continues to delay George RR Martins next book

☑ The potato famine of Ireland

☑ Sparked entitled backlash that censored Mac Walters and Casey Hudson's Artistic Vision

☑ The murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman

☑ Is actually Professor Zoom

☑ The Flooding of Hoenn

☑ Popularized brown and grey shooters

☑ Primary suspect in the driveby shootings of 2pac and Biggie

☑ Was best friends with Lee Harvey Oswald

☑ Regularly enjoys playing games on Mr. Burch's WiiU

☑ Introduced Kentaro Miura to the iDOLM@STER series

☑ Gave Rustle eye cancer

☑ Refuses to share cure for cancer

☑ Architect of EA's company cannibalism

☑ Designed the Hindenburg

☑ Removed base building from Dawn of War 2

☑ Stare-Raped Lady Godiva as she rode through town

☑ Made day one patches the industry standard

☑ Assisted in the Babington Plot

☑ Killed Ryan Davis

☑ Doesn't miss Ryan Davis

☑ Refunded NASA

☑ Aided Robert Hanssen in spying for the Soviets

☑ Helped John Wayne Gacy hide the bodies

☑ Crashed Germanwings Flight 9525 (No survivors)

☑ Stole Mitchell Henderson's Ipod

☑ Taught usury to the Jews

☑ Removed blast processing from the SNES

☑ Holds hands with your waifu

☑ Created the infamous "Plan B"

☑ Is the 'they' in "What's that they say?"

☑ Votes for the crappiest games during Steam sales

☑ Convinced the English to Fire-Rape Jeanne d'Arc

☑ Invented the pay-to-win model

☑ Hunts whales in violation of international law

☑ Lead influence in the continued creation of franchise reboots such as THI4F and Star Wars Battlefield

☑ Rapes Congressional hashtags

☑ Bought out your friendly local game shop and replaced it with a gamestop

☑ Subscribed to pewdiepie

☑ Creating Dragon's Dogma: Online instead of a true sequel

☑ Killing Reddit

☑ Ruined the noble Sam Biddle's reputation

☑ Removing twitter backgrounds

☑ Making Dyack say NeoFAG

☑ Constructing a misogynist utopia on Mars

☑ Convinced NWO they weren't too old to attend

☑ Main influence on Pixels and lead factor in its failure

☑ Helped Japan in making sure TPP didn't pass.

☑ World of Warcraft: Legion of Snowflakes

☑ Made Hugo award winning author John Scalzi cry

☑ Gave the Fantastic Four the silent treatment at Comic-Con

☑ Made Oliver Campbell feel like a house nigger

☑ Helping me beat Iji

☑ Caused innocent bystanders to acquire a taste for free form jazz

☑ Ruined the pristine reputation of #blacklivesmatters through the racist medium of shitposting

☑ Made Robin Williams commit sudoku in order to create gamergate

☑ In 2011 convinced film critics give the intellectual Critique of geek culture, Sucker Punch, bad reviews.

☑ Convinced journalists it's about ethics

☑ Always interrupting Koretzky

☑ Called in 100 bomb threats on themselves

☑ Brought chaos to the streets of South Florida

☑ Overtook Morton Salt as the world's leading salt producer

☑ Horrified poor Prof. Sommers with furries

☑ Archduke Ferdinand spoke out against GamerGate and was shot dead a day later.

☑ Dark matter

☑ Caused the fall of Rome, the death of Hammurabi and the subsequent collapse of Babylon.

☑ Hacked Ashley Madison in order to slutshame SJWs

☑ Tried to prevent famous Author Noah Ward from receiving his well deserved Hugos

☑ Skub

e3b74d No.14206585


☑ Hijacked an anon's thriving thread for the greater good

☑ Created an atmospere that forced Vester Flanagan to murder two bigoted whites live on air

☑ Forced Ice-T to insult the press

☑ Refusing to die even after a fucking year

☑ Responsible for the epidemic of Fart-Rape in the USA

☑ Tricking WSB-TV into publishing a troll story in spite of their rigorous research

☑ Brainwashed feminist Eron "The Non-Rapey Albanian" Gjoni into a weapon of mass misogyny

☑ Helped the Soviets go to space before the United States

☑ Betrayed Julius Caesar

☑ Killing Mata Hari

☑ Invented spandex and Hair Metal

☑ Whispers crazy ideas into Peter Molyneux' ears while he sleeps

☑ Forced Literally Who's characters to come out as transgender

☑ Destroying Black Isle and fed the remains to Bethesda

☑ Forged 10 year old logs to frame an innocent pedophile and ruin a family bond

☑ Denied Samus Aran her transexual identity.

☑ Made Ernest Adams cry again

☑ Forced IGDA to cast out Ernest Adams

☑ Replaced Lord of the Flies with a problematic version

☑ Trained sea lions to poison beaches

☑ Conspires to create false conspiracies to make feminist conspiracy theorists look like idiots

☑ Actively shaming pedos on twitter causing them to circle the wagons

☑ Tarring edgelords with pedo label

☑ Infiltrated Daily Kos with a septuple agent so as to sow chaos and disagreement amongst the ranks

☑ Tried to frame PC Principal as a pedo

☑ Made one of his victims ask the UN for help thus wasting their precious time

☑ Forced Christopher Poole to give up his site to a japanese criminal

☑ Infiltrated the dub of the Mongolian moving-picture known as Jail College

☑ Snuck into my house and broke my minifridge

☑ Convinced Judas to betray Jesus and then killed Judas to make it look like suicide

🍆 Invented eggplant emojis in order to cyberape women

☑ Listanon wrote a really great book about how gamergate sucks that you should buy

☑ Billies nerds

☑ Started the #betauprising

☑ Is, or is allied with, the fugitive known as D. B. Cooper

☑ Created the greatest honeytrap for unethical journalists ever devised

☑ Actively discourages expressing your individuality via tripfaging

☑ Popularizing sexualization of older women

☑ Gave MovieBlob the same diabeetus that killed Wilford Brimley

☑ Sent patriarchy agents Southern and Nero to slutshame slutwalk of sluts

☑ Hacked Patreon

☑ Closes comment sections

☑ Used Lizzy to harass Chris Roberts

☑ Made feminists pee themselves

☑ Killed archive.moe

☑ Probably watches anime

☑ Disappeared the Roanoke Colony

☑ Tricked David Wong into getting banned on Reddit

☑ Caused Star Citizen to fail with the help of Derek Smart (in progress)

☑ Inventing Fabian tactics

☑ Powered up Christina Hoff Sommers just as she was going to give up

☑ Swapped Uncharted 4 with Uncharted 2: Remastered

☑ Trained Chris Harper Mercer

☑ Doxed mundanematt

☑ Refuses to buy mobile games

☑ Friendzoned a pornstar

☑ Ruining Star Wars with the help of Donald Trump

☑ Preventing Mexicans from mass-immigrating into the United States

☑ Forcing the Canadian Prime Minister to come out of the closet and declare himself a white knight

☑ Loads of splelin mitsakes in Listfag's list

☑ Invades safespaces

☑ Crashes charity dinners

☑ Was such a menace that twitter had to censor them

☑ Responsible for the boxer rebellion

☑ Memed a crocodile anime girl into existence

☑ Does it for their waifus

☑ The indiepocalypse

☑ Strong-armed Greenlight into killing art games

☑ Preordered Fallout 4

☑ Sent death threats to SXSW

☑ Framed KIA for it

☑ The worldwide neon hair dye shortage

☑ Funded racist propaganda film 'The Red Pill'

☑ Breitbart tech's primary audience

☑ Triggered sensible pro-skub betas with anti-skub propaganda

☑ Made zoe go #fullquinnchimp

☑ Anti-pedophile hate group

☑ Punch buggies

☑ Burned our crops

☑ Poisoned our water supply

☑ Delivered a plague onto our houses

☑ Turned me into a newt (I got better)

☑ Being comfy with Bob Ross

☑ Reinstated a pro-harassment panel at SXSW

☑ Shitting in my pants while I was asleep

☑ Having a blast while doing everything mentioned above

☑ Snuck a pedo mod into Anita's team.

☑ Costing Indivisible money and dooming their kickstarter

☑ Does not like Nina Freeman's game

❤ Invented heart emojis to harass twitter activists.

☑ Introduced Mr. and Mrs. Rogen to Netorare

☑ Labeled free speech and anti-censorship crusaders by a feminist with internalized misogyny

☑ Are the ones to face the Steel Gods of the Last Apocalypse

☑ Suspected of serial birdposting

☑ Being a nazi

☑ Pursuing a career as a movie villain

☑ Banished Megaphone-chan to her own ironic hell

☑ Created a gaming journalism award

☑ Having a blast while doing everything mentioned above

☑ Anti-Skub

e3b74d No.14206587


☑ Tearing a veteran's charity apart

☑ Bringing misogyny to airlines

☑ Needed to be muscled off campus for documenting events

☑ Founded the League of Professional Harassers.

☑ Turning Zelda into a grill

☑ Creates terrorist hoaxes and blames innocent Sikhs

☑ Forced gawker to turn to political blogging

☑ Told PC principal to "s-s-s-s-suck my dick"

☑ Set the whole industry against kotaku

☑ Edits webcomics to create propaganda

☑ Has the temerity to enjoy women in bikinis

☑ Blamed SJWs for Koei Tecmo's business decision

☑ Secretly infiltrated NEIU safespace

☑ Blacklisted Kotaku

☑ Continues to make Based Mom popular.

☑ Opening the Play-Asia Saltmine

☑ Made anime too manly for homos

☑ Doctor revolt I'm FBI

☑ Harasses 95% of women

☑ Brainwashed Marie Rose VA into becoming a goitergoblin

☑ Found out where the Ralph shill lives to SWAT him with the local Amish mafia in sheep-fucking Wales

☑ Wanted dead or alive by the British government

☑ Is the San Bernardino shooter

☑ Creating nerds who prefer 2D to 3D

☑ Made pro-gun tweets under Shaun King's name

☑ The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Combat

☑ 2hus

☑ Serial backpack cucker

☑ Brainwashed Ariel Conner

☑ Responsible for the book burning of state of play

☑ Got bayonetta the "fighting fucktoy" into Smash 4

☑ Tricking feminists into liking Bayonetta

☑ Killed FireFox OS

☑ Ruined Josh-kun's import of 8chan

☑ Stole Panda's memes

☑ Forced PlayAsia to make one hell of a profit with DOAX imports

☑ Banned Milo from twitter

☑ Got Milo hired by Buzzfeed

☑ Usurped the patriarchy as #1 Boogeyman

☑ Fed Wu to the wolves

☑ Exposed Mr Shitface's scam

☑ Is actually Kylo Ren

☑ Made it no longer CURRENT YEAR

☑ Turned the "it's not censorship, it's localization" argument against SocJus

☑ Convinced Milo to cuckquean Sargon's wife

☑ Responsible for freeBSD telling methwhale to be nice

☑ Replaced all Steven Universe characters with male neckbeards wearing fedoras

☑ Made Common Core maths look bad

☑ Cloned Milo Yannoupolos repeatedly

☑ Killed David Bowie

☑ Assassinated an anon with ants

☑ Deus Vult

☑ Refuses to accept the civilization of their jungle

☑ Turned gamers into the new religious right

☑ Made Snape kill Dumbledore, then killed him once he outlived his usefulness

☑ Forced The Force Wakens Rey to legally change her name into Marry Sue

☑ Gave the cancer to the creators of That Dragon, Cancer game

☑ Continues to commit online horsemint

☑ Kicked Anne Wheaton off twitter

☑ Told Wesley to shut up

☑ Stopped games from being art

☑ Destroyed Twitter's stock value

☑ Escaped Canadian justice

☑ Devastated Anita's mental and physical health

☑ Got fired from Offworld

☑ Made Nick Denton resign

☑ Hacked marvel's checking account and transferred $1mil to Trump

☑ Killed twitter (sorry it took so long)

☑ Gives unsolicited opinions on Israel

☑ Dawned a new Era

☑ Forced Twitter to create the ministry of truth \\ ☑ Trust and safety council invented to deal with goobergabber menace.

☑ Killed Gametrailers

☑ Escaped American justice

☑ Refuses to accept purified translations

☑ Harassed an astronaut

☑ Serial head petter

☑ Forcing UN to respond to alarming spread of Waifuism

☑ Being cuter than a pickled cucumber

☑ Eating all the sheep

☑ Brazenly posts copyrighted leaks

☑ Complaining about censorship localization Culturization

☑ Harmony harmony

☑ Demands to know who will be localizing their jap games

☑ Gave japanese feminists internalized soggy knees

☑ Denounced by the president of the United States

☑ Ignored the harassment summit on SXSW

☑ Thumbed down the ghostbusters trailer because it featured women

☑ Jumped the barrier and tried to attack trump

☑ brainwashed an 11 year old to shit talk buzzfeed

☑ Rejected Melissa Click's appeal to not be fired

☑ Cast a non-trans actor to play wu

☑ Forced Gawker to pay 115 million dollars in compensatory fees

☑ Forced Gawker to pay 25 million dollars in punitive fees

☑ Brain-raped an artificial intelligence

☑ Objectified a "childlike adult's" ass

☑ Enjoys large posteriors and cannot prevaricate

☑ Created Neo-Gamergate

☑ Turned Notch into a legendary super-mysogynist

☑ Had Allison Rapp fired for moonlighting

☑ Made Baldurs Gate misogynistic

☑ Left bad reviews for Siege of Dragonspear

☑ Pressuring a game dev to censor their Art

☑ Made the industry sex-negative

☑ Hired gogo dancers for their industry parties

☑ Raped a coloring book

☑ Harassed someone off twitter 24 seconds after first contact

☑ Molested Hideki Naganuma with facts

☑ Used a journalist to harass someone with right of reply

☑ Letting them fight

☑ Opening the portal to hell

☑ Killed 8chan's servers

☑ Sacrificed Prince to save 8chan's servers

☑ Attends sexist all male game dev panels

☑ Wants to suspend SocJus courses in university

☑ Fired a professor because she was white

☑ Triggering fatties

c3a4ab No.14206588

Jesus,that's some fucking list.

e3b74d No.14206589


☑ Being on the wrong side of history

☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise

☑ Molesting people in VR

☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon

☑ Safeguards vagina bones

☑ Are the horrible people at 8E8ightC-han // ☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han

☑ Told God check my quads

☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history

☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate worst nightmare

☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster

☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn

☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE

☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker

☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain

☑ Called a jew a nazi

☑ Conjured lightning to destroy my internet line (Possilbly remove this one)

☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter

☑ Memed life into Liru

☑ Refusing to ban Liru

☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic

☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy

☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting

☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail

☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3

☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone

☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers.

☑ Gave a toddler meningitis

☑ Made it rain in London

☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU

☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men

☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up

☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla

☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion

☑ Not watching Grillbusters

☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go

☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones

☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.

☑ Leveled up on the DNC

☑ Barbecued worst Korea

☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku

☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists

☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group

☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers

☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd

☑ Surviving for 2 years

☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire

☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood

☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy

☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday

☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online

☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone

☑ Owned some bitch

☑ Caught the Arby's killer

☑ Became a verb

☑ Made Pepe great again

☑ Inspired Trump's campaign

☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder

☑ Hacked the DNC

☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum

☑ Bought 4chan

☑ Defended Devin Faraci

☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs

☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch

☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee

☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets

☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442

☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election

☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt

☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter

☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon

☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press

☑ Triggering Blizzcon

☑ is actually the FBI


☑ Making alternate earth great forever

☑ Creating fake news

☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple

☑ Genesis of the alt-right

☑ Outliving Castro

☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism

☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy

☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires

☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence

☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups

☑ Spent Christmas with Liru

☑ Actually had fun for Christmas

☑ Destroyed the alt-right

☑ Became meme warriors

☑ Toxic gamer culture

☑ Weaponized nostalgia

☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum

☑ Causing Battleborn to flop

☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech

☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense

☑ Set a limo on fire

☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors

☑ Sent the head mod of /V/ to attack Chia The Beef

☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari

☑ Shitposted an ethnic minority into existence

☑ Propelled a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune

☑ Won the Superb Owl 2017 for the white supremacist team

☑ Won't stop pretending it was about video games

☑ Turned Pewdiepie into a nazi

☑ Tested their methods to hurt people on video games journalists

☑ Cucking games journalists out of their own safe space

☑ Trying to seduce anon's anime mom

☑ Surprisingly made gaming darkly politicized

☑ Helped Pewdiepie darkly politicize gaming via time travel

☑ Basically runs the country now

☑ Forced Salon to change their stance on pedophiles with their archives

☑ Scares SETI more than ayy lmaos

☑ Having lots of friends

☑ Made a video detailing their accomplishments

☑ Became the ISIS to 4chan's Al Qaeda

☑ Forcing an anon to search for (you)

☑ Impeached South Korea's President Park

☑ Failing to dox an over-excited gook

e3b74d No.14206590


☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse

☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"

☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm

☑️ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone

☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games

☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him

☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny

☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis

☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook

☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community

☑ Became Linkedredchannitin

☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs

☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file

☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done

☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons

☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible

☑ Revealed international culinary secrets

☑ Convinced an anon into becoming a trap

☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA

☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot

☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough

☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness

☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by

☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"

☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB //☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the NESA Old

☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu

☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system

☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'

☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it

☑ Having a girl fetish

☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb.

☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality

☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5

☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist

☑ Created Gamergate America

☑ Became starmen

☑ Brought misogyny into E3

☑ Turned Mario Mexican

☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles

☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid

☑ Blowing everything up

☑ <Exploring new frontiers

☑ Used their playbook to make CNN's blackmail look bad

☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD

☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia

☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government

☑ Wanted for high crimes on Gallifrey

☑ Fought in the fetish wars

☑ Made the kickstarter box set for Mighty No.9 "better than nothing"

☑ Tempted Eve and initiated the fall of humanity

☑ Got a two-decade old vaporware game finished and released through sheer buying potential

☑ Harassing Google employees in the name of diversity

☑ The sexist, racist anti-diversity Google Manifesto

☑ Weaponized penises

☑ Shot down a police helicopter over Charlotteville

☑ Was a Russian bot army test run.

☑ Forcing Angela Merkel to play racist games at GamesCom

☑ Overcriticizing Mass Effect: Andromeda

☑ Organised nazi yoga lessons

☑ Fetishized Skill

✅ Hacked Equifax database to doxx women on a *massive* scale

☑ Made a veteran games journalist look dumber than a pigeon.

☑ Sexualized the Mombot

☑ Mourning a penguin

☑ Destroyed Neogaf

☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist

☑ Funding catgirl research

☑ Blocked the Chinese Overwatch team from entering America

☑ Partying with Captain Kirk

☑ Made Boogie break his fence under the weight of his own… hubris

☑ Provided gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment by hurting EA's income

☑ Caused VICE and IGN's toxic sexual harassment culture

☑ The video game comic fanbase headquarters

☑ EXTREME mansplaining

☑ Making Xenoblade 2 a huge win for them

☑ Origin of Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game

☑ Ended Net Neutrality which ruined the internet FOREVER

☑ Being a criminal conspiracy

☑ Ruining Star Wars

☑ Used to justify the widespread, organized assault on women, people of colour and queer & trans folks.

☑ Testcase for Breitbart, Infowars, and the GRU

☑ Became serial killers

☑ Made Pewdiepie excited for Rin's feminine penis

☑ Turned an aGG journalist into a domestic terrorist

☑ Banned for flagrant Elfposting

☑ Murdered an unrelated person by inventing SWATing

☑ Turning the British Royal Family into shitlords in their spare time

4fcde7 No.14206591


>Forcing an anon to search for (you)


094dfa No.14206638








You can delete your text walls.


I have a shit monitor that didn't show the tone. So I wasn't aware aside from the bulge

32fbfd No.14206650


Someone post the uncropped version, I want to see how obvious it is.

25fc3f No.14206655

File: 627db14505cf5e6⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 557x607, 557:607, Feminism 77.jpg)

6576e8 No.14206661

File: ece1c5c3dd8d82d⋯.jpg (219.7 KB, 894x894, 1:1, gilda_mars.jpg)


Gilda have a page yet?

2ef07c No.14206668

e3b74d No.14206672

File: 290b81a9830c4dd⋯.png (14.01 KB, 711x394, 711:394, What did I fuck up.png)


Hopefully it's not too much a bother.


You could most likely make it yourself.

fbe23c No.14206703

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)


Actually, me.

c7d413 No.14206752

Thanks guys, you got me watching the Pop Team Epic anime.

793c19 No.14206759

File: 88bdd94166707f1⋯.gif (409.3 KB, 359x270, 359:270, 71cf8e33648a0229774b05e552….gif)


>there are people in this thread who are actually triggered by these comics

Why would you hate someone who makes threadly OC?

2d1058 No.14206765


Its shit oc

793c19 No.14206771


Why don't you make better OC, then?

2d1058 No.14206775


Give me some time

d63f42 No.14206783

File: 9f38228b374a5ab⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 533x297, 533:297, TIME.jpg)


tick tock

5ca7ac No.14206787


it's because they're SEELE agents who are trying to bring Human Instrumentality.


I'm glad my comic motivated someone to make OC, even if it's out of spite.

35b225 No.14206796

File: 7c31912c1aee884⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 89.72 KB, 661x600, 661:600, uncropped.jpg)


Okay then.

a09330 No.14206797


This comic has some nice ideas behind it, but it is ultimately cringeworthy fedora-tipping and I say that as someone who likes to throw around words like christard.

3893ee No.14206798

File: d5b4772d6d2e6aa⋯.jpg (454.85 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, vivian_james_by_genzoman-d….jpg)

was viv a miracle?

775b66 No.14206801

File: e89cf4afa8a7975⋯.png (423.58 KB, 505x656, 505:656, e89cf4afa8a7975c556ca3bea2….png)


I didn't need to see that.

35b225 No.14206804


Looking away from evil doesn't make it go away.

b09427 No.14206813


I think i'll take a page out of Persius book and fight that evil, that way.

094dfa No.14206817

File: 67619cd433ee264⋯.jpg (299.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1459729964549.jpg)

File: cf35a269c47157f⋯.png (79.54 KB, 1304x634, 652:317, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at ….png)

Another IP joined in on griefing the wiki.

A certain (((someone))) was likely ticked off by their google app notifying whenever someone writes about them.

I'm going to go to sleep

9a79c2 No.14206819

File: 9b712d1c47741d2⋯.png (255.18 KB, 508x373, 508:373, Felix.png)


Will gay cat ever come back?

fd9851 No.14206822

File: b479d24fe388e73⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1061x879, 1061:879, gm_bigcity0004.jpg_(JPEG_I….png)

3cd379 No.14206835


Most of the stuff with religion "opposing" science was politics. This is why I never think anyone who was doing those marches is a serious scientist, or at least doesn't know their history. Whenever science or religion get involved in politics, it ends poorly for everyone involved. Hell, the main case where religion got pissy over science was evolution and that was not what people tend to make it out to be. The argument that people make is that religion had an issue with humans coming from apes, but its actually that Darwin's theory of evolution meant that humans were no better than apes, just in a different evolutionary niche. The idea of humans coming from apes was older, as people thought of life becoming more complex until eventually becoming humans, which stood at the apex of evolution on Earth. An amusing aside to that is that humans are not genetically very complex; apple trees are supposedly the most genetically complex species on the planet. Given that the fruit of the tree of knowledge is generally depicted as an apple, I find that rather amusing.

Sage for off topic bullcrap.


The seals pasta makes me think it was someone trying to be funny, but given that it has made the rounds, it could be one of the faggots.

35b225 No.14206868


>The seals pasta makes me think it was someone trying to be funny, but given that it has made the rounds, it could be one of the faggots.

Give it time, they will start editing it once word gets around.

5ca7ac No.14206887


he was brought back temporally to prove why monsterfags are gay niggerfaggots

but I might bring him back for real one day

35b225 No.14206928

File: 726ba11fd49e962⋯.jpg (20.84 KB, 384x371, 384:371, Devolver.jpg)

Looks like Devolver is getting shit on.


a8577a No.14206950

File: d4c3a9b3e511f61⋯.jpg (62.52 KB, 680x716, 170:179, nnaa.jpg)



What did Devolver even do? The image doesn't show up in the archive.

35b225 No.14206968


Oh, a character "deadnamed" (Called a Tranny >her original name) in a game that Devolver published and now SJWs are losing their shit at Devolver.

86c5fb No.14206971


>What did Devolver even do?

At this point, you can just sneeze, and the SJW Hipster Clique will write 30 hitpieces about you.

a8577a No.14206977


Jesus fuck. I assumed they used a tranny's original name in the credits or otherwise did it to a real person not that trannies are real people. I really shouldn't be surprised that they're flipping their shit over a fictional character.

094dfa No.14206979

File: 60c4ba5beeb4da1⋯.png (422.24 KB, 1287x6197, 1287:6197, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at ….png)



Waypoint came out with a hitpiece against the game "the red string club" about deadnaming.


Devolver obviously took issue since the dev wasn't allowed to comment before being smeared.

A lot of faggots are taking it as worse than murder.

86c5fb No.14206981


Fictional characters will forever be on the top of the Progressive Stack, it seems.

86c5fb No.14206988


>Devolver obviously took issue since the dev wasn't allowed to comment before being smeared.

Which, to 99% of polite society, is a perfectly understandable position to make.

>A lot of faggots are taking it as worse than murder.

Honestly? They can fuck off with their bullshit.

467080 No.14206998

File: a86c87b5c6f9273⋯.jpeg (124.69 KB, 827x1200, 827:1200, B3ACA500-C94F-483A-B0A5-E….jpeg)


Forced meme OC is not good OC just because it’s OC. Don’t be so desperate for OC that you accept low quality garbage and make its creator feel welcome.

320a40 No.14207021

It's kind of upsetting knowing that Zoe Quinn has more power and influence than ever.

86c5fb No.14207029


Nah, Chelsea has less power, arguably. She's not crying to high-profile locations about meanie-pants on the interwebs anymore, now she's resorted to Mean Girls bullshit behind the scenes since any public display gets countered with every single piece of dirty laundry associated with her name.

7d8633 No.14207032

So I just finished the first episode of Made in the Abyss. Can't say I been so hooked from one episode before. Hope the rest of the season is as good.

a8577a No.14207033

File: 490e138e1639f61⋯.png (7.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, namidola.png)

79df8c No.14207037


this. Remember the forced ethics the kid meme? It was just as bad as this comic shit

72dae2 No.14207043


Its really insane, being "deadnamed" IRL isn't even that big of a deal, people act like its the ultimate slight but come on these people called you one thing for your whole life before you changed it; its not their fault that it takes some getting used to. And for a fictional character who even gives a shit since the character doesn't even have feelings to be hurt

2ff27e No.14207044

File: 0b7b67296a1e09d⋯.png (55.27 KB, 306x573, 102:191, waraguki.png)


It's never good enough. Don't they realize this is the way their system works? No matter what you do, you've somehow fucked up by cultural marxist standards. Anything they make is doomed to fail by their own rules.

ecd0fd No.14207046

File: b4c1b3e58041c76⋯.mp4 (101.47 KB, 450x246, 75:41, XCoWBSeou_dl6s_PskD1EDADc1….mp4)


It doesn't matter how hard you try. It will never be good enough.

5ca7ac No.14207048


at this point, it's more like Zoe is this angry hobo and gang of faggots that bully effeminate web comic artists.

one day that grnt money of hers is gonna run out and we'll see her in the casting couch.

a8577a No.14207049

File: 17fa431b9e03386⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 9.65 KB, 300x400, 3:4, nanadola.png)


It's breddy gud.

d63f42 No.14207051

File: 556b21ba54edfa2⋯.png (197.18 KB, 944x2966, 472:1483, 9ae7fa0c7MLcj.png)

72dae2 No.14207057

File: b3cd811b147b689⋯.png (839.55 KB, 975x1645, 195:329, Smug nanachi.png)


its really good shit, the beginning 3 episodes honestly drag a bit but then its really good. Check out the manga too afterwards its honestly AOTY for me even when LWA and Kemono Friends came out this year as well.

005000 No.14207063


it didn't help that LWA is just exacerbating the flaws trigger has that are becoming more apparent with every new show they produce

ea5eaa No.14207069


That comic is proof that internet atheists actually worship many gods, and are just pagans with a different name.

f026d4 No.14207077

File: d9906ba015f2138⋯.jpg (344.77 KB, 1167x992, 1167:992, It's that all.jpg)


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

2ef07c No.14207084


Darling in the franxxxxx seems okish for a B team

7d8633 No.14207088



** No idea what LWA is. I haven't watched an anime in like a decade, only reason I watched this was because I saw it while browsing Prime and recall seeing the characters posted here*

092d50 No.14207092

File: a26ab1f9eb73c8f⋯.jpg (154.43 KB, 850x1511, 850:1511, long_nanachi.jpg)



You might have misread him, he was saying that the first episode was awesome. post more nanachis

2ef07c No.14207096

File: b73e6bd4679f8bd⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 486x878, 243:439, b73e6bd4679f8bde150a7a5727….jpg)

7d8633 No.14207107


Not awesome, but that it hooked me. It's kinda good book, it hooks you into the story early on.

4938c2 No.14207120


Waypoint: If Tumblr and ResetERA ran a game journo site.

476867 No.14207124


Its deconstruction

The minute they get total hegemony

they will deconstruct that too

its why they despise whiteness they ran out of shit to deconstruct so they've deconstructed themselves

Their mindset is older then Marx

Think Babeuf & remember how they jack off to the french revolution & it makes sense. Eugenics also spun out the french revolution so it explains moviebob lol. Secular enlightened whites with Guns ruling inferior minorities was their ideal goal.

6f0dd7 No.14207132

File: b6613a4154f95df⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 500x669, 500:669, mugi-no-mahoutsukai-visuel.jpg)


It's a pretty good show and manga. It's kinda like the early arcs of Berserk, after a couple of chapters, you get hooked onto it.


LWA was a step up on KLK, but I do agree that there are a couple of flaws that Trigger still needs to iron out.


Little Witch Academia

226189 No.14207143

File: 929a3b3f1c02530⋯.png (65.5 KB, 826x409, 826:409, interesting.PNG)

first result

ecd0fd No.14207148


It's basically cute anime girl harry potter.

e3b3a7 No.14207150


What kind of fucked up porn is in this man's library? Also the fact that he's virtue signaling is a nu-male form of confession, by condemning it he's trying to clean himself, but like any nutcase who thinks saying what they did cleans them of fault, he'll be right back at watching his snuff porn collection.

4938c2 No.14207158

File: b41ee0397f35244⋯.png (121.44 KB, 1077x302, 1077:302, gaystarnews.PNG)


"Many Fans" == Polygon/Kotaku/Waypoint

Why the fuck should we just put up with those scumbags with no resistance just because it's [current year], retard?

6b5126 No.14207160


>Ashley Lynch

32fbfd No.14207167


start page first result is know your meme, then twitter, then that pozz piece.

e3b3a7 No.14207170

File: fd9a80ce2952100⋯.gif (3.4 MB, 360x270, 4:3, laughing skelly.gif)


He sucks dick so much that he's afraid of drowning in various sexual fluid, so he got swimming equipment.

Remember to practice safe sex faggot

4938c2 No.14207171


The Kunkel's were always a terrible idea. The tumblrtard path was inevitable.

b2371b No.14207179

File: 0d90aea2880452c⋯.gif (651.48 KB, 647x363, 647:363, woman is mad.gif)


>Just like how ""many fans"" thought P5's localization failed them or how "many fans" think Japanese games are problematic?

<Oh wait the fans don't give a shit since they aren't frothing at the mouth sjws like you!

e3b3a7 No.14207238

File: 59792cf35fde71b⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1076x4082, 538:2041, edited.jpg)


>Ayn Rand writes a John Galt webcomic.jpg

Let me go through this and shorten it so the point's gotten to show how easily this faggot could have actually written this legibily.

Whoever this is has read too much trash and not interacted with people, I had a phase as a kid where i'd talk way too much and said too little, this guy never grew up out of that.

d1d531 No.14207249

File: 21ba675d4aaae00⋯.png (187.83 KB, 299x455, 23:35, nice_ozen.png)


>so then I said one line instead of four

Fucking golden anon.

e3b3a7 No.14207252

File: 21bccd16028d459⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 440x700, 22:35, 23517456.jpg)


Thank you, I try.

b2371b No.14207256


What was the point of this comic?

020517 No.14207261

File: aa6d0eec2c5c127⋯.jpg (71.03 KB, 420x368, 105:92, 1447960257974.jpg)


Learned a new phrase.


After reading that whole thing the sentiment seems to be

>This clearly political agenda riddled sack of faggoty indie shit wasn't gender political enough for all the snowflakes

>You also aren't allowed to portray a tranny in any kind of negative light or use them as a plot twist because they say so

72dae2 No.14207269

File: a97c9f52f2d134d⋯.png (557.93 KB, 891x1208, 891:1208, Not bad.png)


No I understood he got hooked on the first episode, I was just warning that it slows down a bit for the next couple episodes. also maybe I'll Nanachi post more after bunp limit, don't wan't to shit up the thread too much

e3b3a7 No.14207272

File: a9395dfba255f5e⋯.png (40.2 KB, 180x131, 180:131, good gendo.png)


From the general points I assume that it was trying to hold up the good virtues of modern day society but mis-attributing them to atheism rather then the great increase of general quality of life over the years allowing people to think about something other then themselves.

It's basically just jacking off by calling the philosophy the artist identifies with superior.

I've seen this sort of speech style before and it's only used by people with a very vain opinion of themselves Because I've been guilty of it in the past big time and regret every bit of it

d1d531 No.14207276


nanachis you say?

d1d531 No.14207278

File: 68c577c26eefd28⋯.png (452.64 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 64229523_p0 - メイドインアビス.png)



image got eaten

2ef07c No.14207309

File: ee24ccf9c150e5f⋯.jpg (281.64 KB, 1048x1358, 524:679, DUHzigLV4AAyLom.jpg_large.jpg)

d63f42 No.14207328

File: 7aa0201181b91a9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 274.36 KB, 1590x1128, 265:188, Made in Abyss 038-018.jpg)

File: 407abb8de8b49c2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 375.69 KB, 1128x1600, 141:200, Made in Abyss 042-049.jpg)

sometimes i think made in abyss is just elaborate furrybait

c7d413 No.14207345

File: 8cf017cd6eeaaa4⋯.png (1.24 MB, 800x1004, 200:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73e200a995a9505⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lucoa.mp4.mp4)


Thank you for reminding me of the fact that I should be playing games, so that I know about the games that I played. And, can call people out on their bullshit when they try to use said played games for propaganda/hit-piece material.

<Pic is current game I'm playing





Is Made In Abyss the anime of this season (Like Dragon Maid was last year around this same time)? Also, aren't both of them based off of a manga?

a8577a No.14207349


Yes. And yes.

2ef07c No.14207372


>Is Made In Abyss the anime of this season (Like Dragon Maid was last year around this same time)? Also, aren't both of them based off of a manga?


like 70% of anime is manga, 15% is light novel 5% is video game/mobielshit and 5% is original

f9c1e7 No.14207374

Where's acid?

The autist is going to shit up the wiki.

d478a7 No.14207389

Post more nanachis

b2371b No.14207395


What is the state of the wiki?

9bca7e No.14207410


Put it in protected mode.

6b5126 No.14207418


Its fine, don't feed the (1) you's.

32fbfd No.14207429


If you mean of last year, then it's a pretty good contender. Though the manga is a lot better. Also I don't think dragon maid was anime of the year in its year, it was only good for loli dragon and shota wizard / boob dragon shenanigans.

32fbfd No.14207456


Now that I look at it, they're both the same year, so no dragon maid is definitely not AOTY, nor was it AOTS in it's season, the 2017 winter season was too competitive.

ade87d No.14207485


Fucking degenerate.

4b20bf No.14207500


>However as much as 8/v/ users try to tell you "how much better fullchan is than cuckchan" have deluded themselves to a point anyone who disagrees is a shill, SJW, goon, liberal.

Was looking for any 8chan references in the web (we're still too extreme for 4chan) and saw these nice plebbitors who still browse halfchan, but make it up what you will.

b2371b No.14207518

File: 0f6b789ea060063⋯.png (185.87 KB, 313x336, 313:336, nigga checks them dubs.png)


Good we don't want them here.

226189 No.14207519


>have deluded themselves to a point anyone who disagrees is a shill, SJW, goon, liberal.

not inaccurate

9bca7e No.14207520


Stopped clock and all that.

b2371b No.14207526


Maybe on /pol/ but 4chan is such a shithole and reddit is beyond help that is it any wonder why people here are hostile to those who refuse to integrate?

72dae2 No.14207527

File: cda27a591d00840⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1036x1825, 1036:1825, Oh boy.png)

File: 4c8cdb9b47ac95c⋯.gif (170.86 KB, 244x211, 244:211, 1515038425.gif)

File: 0044f9a5e418ab8⋯.jpeg (331.88 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, CiiqVIjU4AAkEq4.jpg:large.jpeg)


Fucking good that they stay away from here, let them shit up cuckchan and wallow in their filth. You can have great discussions here and the only reason they don't realize it is because they're so fucking cancerous that they can't even pretend to fit in.


Last year had some really good anime, it was fun finding kemono friends with /a/ as it aired. It was fun watching LWA, Made in Abyss was the adventure anime I'd been looking for, for years and Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryoko introduced me to getting along with zetsubou. As an aside, that's put into words one of the things I had always loved about post apocolyptic stuff and really helped solidfy the idea I had of it in my mind also I really love Tsukumizu's art, someone dumped a Mega of all her art that she's post on her twitter and I downloaded and love nearly every picture. I think it's just great and honestly she's one of my favorite artists now.

9bca7e No.14207532


We should bring back lurk moar.

226189 No.14207540



b2371b No.14207542

File: af8ebb970a308c0⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 341x245, 341:245, increasing rage.gif)

For fuck's sake Hiroshima killed imageposting on a fucking imageboard and 4chan is so full of PC morons that fucking funny junk seems edgy. https://archive.is/bxsDW

79df8c No.14207552

File: 1e4db52431693d7⋯.jpg (168.21 KB, 1655x1079, 1655:1079, MoreSmugWanko.jpg)


>no imageposting on an imageboard

And they will still try to deny that they are cucked to all hell

72dae2 No.14207555


People spoonfeed too easily and should really bully newfags harder


Its hard to look into without getting spoiled, what is the tone like

9bca7e No.14207558


>Hiroshima Nagasaki ends image posting on an imageboard

>inadvertently brings back ASCII art

Mistakes into miracles I guess.

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b02dce No.14207562

File: d003d3dda3dc9a8⋯.png (193.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, vlcsnap-2018-01-20-22h13m3….png)


I'm actually kind of stunned. What the fuck.

72dae2 No.14207565



Our /b/ did that either last year or two years ago when hotwheels first dumped the board off onto someone else. It was a complete fucking shithouse

614d4f No.14207582


>Gulag continues to spew out blatant propaganda

9d7693 No.14207595

File: 345c6de45444bf6⋯.png (2.24 MB, 2400x3285, 160:219, reddit spacing bastards.png)



these are commonly used petty and shameful shill tactics used by total losers who work for (((them))).

you will see these being used in almost every thread, on all boards, on all chans. their goal is simple, to use very basic and difficult to detect attacks and phrases and accusations over and over again to disrupt chan websites, threads, conversations, generate butthurt, force users to defend themselves "no, I'm not from reddit!", create arguments "No, YOU'RE from reddit!", you name it. simple stuff, almost too simple to detect unless you notice it.

here's a simple outline of what they do. don't avoid it, just call them out on it every single time. make sure everyone learns who (((they))) are.

>complain about formatting

>Muh meme spacing!

and the opposite

>Muh wall of text!

>accuse the anon of being from another board

>you disagree with me?!?!?!? how dare you!

>Go back to reddit!

>attempt to discredit the user by accusing the user of being crazy

>take your meds!

>whoa watch out we have a schizo over here…

sluggish schizophrenia: https://archive.is/HPwGR

>accuse the user of having autism

>this is the most autistic thing I've ever seen! *tips fedora*

>blackpill the thread

>"nothing will happen" in every fucking thread

>simply pick some random completely unimportant point about their post or anything they said and shame and attack it into the ground for no reason, similarly to how the mainstream media attacks trump for having two scoops of icecream, bigger salt and pepper shakers than everyone else, and drinking from a glass with two hands that one time. (notice how the shills and the mainstream media get similar tactics training from (((them)))

>user telling story

>be me

>was doing thing

>Whoa he said "be me" what a cunt, holy fucking shit let me make the biggest deal out of this possible, hey everyone join in with me! mob mentality! peer pressure! whoa this is such a smart shill tactic, haha I feel soo good about myself. my life is so sad oh gosh (+1 sheckle)

>simply telling the victim to go kill themselves

>Kill yourself!

>combinations of insults

>Muh meme spacing go back to reddit!

>Muh giant wall of autistic text!

>take your meds schizo!

there are plenty more of these. if you notice one that I missed, go ahead and reply to me with the suggestion and I might just add it in somehow. don't be shy.

b2371b No.14207598

File: 1a12fb0133fb184⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2770x1232, 1385:616, 8chanExplainsCountryClubMe….png)


Pic related


4/v/ is a console warzone that is like certain gaming subreddits and 4/a/ is so bad that fucking /r/anime or /r/manga is of higher quality. I out of a sick curiosity went to 4/a/ just to see how bad it was but nothing fully prepared me for testicular cancer I was to see.

>tumblr crossposters are triggered about Darling in the franxx saying it's too sexual

>trips fags and avatar fags so autistic that Marche and val look good by comparison

>shilling the cartel and cartel members circle jerking

>people defending the mods

4/v/ is even worse that I don't want to even talk about it.

9d7693 No.14207609

File: e59aa6a51d6d5bd⋯.png (935.97 KB, 1512x2943, 56:109, 753254372.png)

related shill image

d63f42 No.14207623

File: 412a195be030340⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 14.31 KB, 229x309, 229:309, Lurk more Murkrow.jpg)

226189 No.14207644


It's basically a 'cute angel girls doing cute things' anime, but in each episode you learn a bit more about their world and their somewhat disturbing/dark situation until it all comes to a head on the final episode.

ab4528 No.14207658

File: 8caf9d850f8390a⋯.png (212.33 KB, 540x438, 90:73, 8caf9d850f8390a9caf8d9e359….png)


Cuckchan /a/ really is horrible, I used to be on there all the time back in 2008, it really went to shit when moot started taking suggestions from /q/ and let the IRC crew manipulate moderation, then it got progressively worse from there. Now it's no different than any other shitty forum. It's sad to see, but I've just come to terms with the fact that /a/ is gone forever.

I don't even want to know what cuck /v/ turned into, it was already a disaster.

b16796 No.14207666


>be a black lesbian queerkin

>finally reach the top of mt. progressive stack

>fictional character is already there

<tells me: 'go home white man'

>shout that erasing my race and sexuality s racist and sexist

>get told that fictional character was only starting a conversation and what was racist was my reaction

>get booted off of mt. progressive stack by white men

b2371b No.14207670

File: 45ae0b8e3a7b649⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 719x771, 719:771, screech moonman.jpg)


See the recent shit posters from cuckchan's/v/ and all their shity memes? That's the least cancerous stuff from there let thank sink in.

2ff27e No.14207676

File: 42eae246567d160⋯.jpg (261.54 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1371057028097.jpg)


Excellent soundtrack, great characters and setting. Calm and relaxing, but not necessarily a "kind" series.

7716c2 No.14207679



Cool thanks anons, I'll watch it. I just finished watching the originalgoodno Tabi too so this looks like it will be a nice followup

614d4f No.14207680

File: 843054d44066412⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 423x539, 423:539, Mihara Honoka JAV.jpg)

So did anyone watch pic related? Was it any good?

7716c2 No.14207684


Holy shit I fucked up

<The orginalgoodno tabi

ab4528 No.14207689


Those memes leak into /pol/, too. The whole soyboy meme turned cancerous really fast, which is mystifying because it seemed to piss off the right kind of people at first. I have no idea how it got twisted into a console wars thing.

b2371b No.14207696


Isn't Soy boy an insult to beta or nu males like Bike cuck and Boogie?

32fbfd No.14207701


That ass looks too pathetic.

2ef07c No.14207707

File: 71c60362436236a⋯.jpg (364.46 KB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 66742200_p0.jpg)



>meme game character

>Jap with no body or ass


>Most likely fucked up teeth

>sounds like a dying cat while getting fucked

ye naa fuck off virgin

b2371b No.14207711

Oh Marche hating on Nier again can't wait for more autism.

614d4f No.14207713


You seem quite triggered, Anon.

b2371b No.14207724


It's Marche so expect him to be triggered about something.

27415b No.14207731



>Bishoujo machine doll 2B

>Anal and pussy two-hole creampie fuck

>10 continuous large-quantity semen bukkake

I'll pass.

2ef07c No.14207736




yes I'm totally fucking triggered by an idiot who takes my shit posting seriously

I bet you also fall for my epic bait when I say Nioh is literaly japanese dark souls you fucking rodent

ab4528 No.14207741


It was. Some /pol/acks noticed a lot of hipster SJW types, libtard youtubers, and trannies had a thing for Soylent meal replacement drinks, and when the phrase caught on those people got pissed off when the meme hit a little too close to home. It started getting weird when /pol/ began spewing retarded health advice because there are clearly some anons there that have a misplaced fear of somehow turning into a twitter liberal with low testosterone. I stopped paying attention by the time anons started memeing about nofap and raw onion diets to avoid randomly turning into faggots. And apparently it only got worse from there.

ca933a No.14207743

File: da7e99030017800⋯.png (148.58 KB, 498x692, 249:346, 98657de65b87d755a9610f3ec6….png)


Nips have a slightly different hip and tailbone structure, so it makes them look like having less of an ass even when they still have a decent body fact ratio.

Can't remember the name of the animu but it explained the structural differences pretty well

2ef07c No.14207745




7716c2 No.14207749


Takes one to know one eh?

2ef07c No.14207757


you dumb fuck thats not how knowledge works holy shit are you fucking drooling right now?

b2371b No.14207759

File: d86c6c7ec18eaf1⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 286x323, 286:323, the dead can no longer kno….jpg)


See what I tell you? >>14207736

Like clockwork!


Jesus Christ /pol/ went to absolute shit.

7716c2 No.14207766


No, it's just that a furry like yourself Marche would be intimately familiar with all the details of being a furry. So being so familiar with furries makes it easier for one such as yourself to spot another one in hiding. That's what the phrase takes one to know one is supposed to mean. But I wouldn't expect an autistic furry to understand that

2ef07c No.14207778


>more name calling


ab4528 No.14207782


A lot of the problem is /pol/ has anons that go back and forth between the two boards, so they get tons of cuckchan shit. That being said cuck/pol/ is still far worse, it's pretty much a shitposting board with 90% of the threads being glorified /int/ memes.

7716c2 No.14207790


>being marche


ca933a No.14207795

File: 36649b49f460b8b⋯.mp4 (900.17 KB, 306x320, 153:160, Fuck (You)s.mp4)


Stop giving Marche (You)s

b2371b No.14207803


I can see why so many first exodus /pol/acks stay in these threads since /pol/ is a total wasteland.

2ef07c No.14207809

File: 79667ed7754e317⋯.png (132.46 KB, 540x437, 540:437, tumblr_p2dc3pgk5Z1wj4cp2o1….png)

d63f42 No.14207811


Not according to this faggot.


d63f42 No.14207812

fuck i needed three been ages since i cross-linked >>>/sudo/66603

b2371b No.14207829

File: 15c5cfe916a53d6⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 655x902, 655:902, Mario Noir.jpg)

>Marche uses a tumblr file name

Not surprising


>half/pol/ having good mods

>cuckhan having good mods

Fuck 8/pol/ is liquid ass but to say cuck/pol/ is good in anyway is a fucking lie.

2ef07c No.14207845


where else am I suppose to get bad tumblr art?

b2371b No.14207851

File: 19107e1a76b31fb⋯.jpg (487.05 KB, 1450x2048, 725:1024, smugpyra.jpg)


The people you commission.

2ef07c No.14207855


no matter how you feel about Miranda, I commission good artists

efb95e No.14207858


>cartel and cartel members


b2371b No.14207865

File: 617f76d90499a9e⋯.png (504.78 KB, 2158x1310, 1079:655, xythar gets triggered.png)


Not Jewcomb's people but faggots who like to hang around people like Xythar, (((Connor))) and that fuckhead Daiz.

ab4528 No.14207877


That is either the most delusional thing I've read or a brilliantly crafted shitpost. That being said 8/pol/ has problems, especially the recent decision to cater to the Q anon faggotry, AKA the boomer activity corner.

efb95e No.14207879


Sadly, I've been out of watching fansubbed anime for ages so I haven't a clue as to what that is. Or is that for the best? I assumed FAKKU because I'm pretty sure even 4/a/ went apeshit at the whole "selling out" thing. From what >>14207598 said it wouldn't be out of the quetion for them to suddenly praise it for trying to be h-manga's answer to Crunchyroll. Yes, I know they leak onto torrents but I'm picky (lolis or bust) and spoiled by Exhentai.

ab4528 No.14207885


The cartel fags make me glad CR killed fansubs, now they're reduced to virtue signaling on twitter for the attention they never deserved.

b2371b No.14207893

File: c7e3ed0d03d0ce7⋯.png (156.7 KB, 1605x771, 535:257, fansubbing cartel.png)


Sjweeb took over subs and I think there is a image that talks about how sjweebs spread so much think it was about colony drop?


Cartel faggots are trying to get into localization now and CR is absolutely full of sjweebs look at Miles.

ab4528 No.14207904


I'll never understand why so many people offended by anime want to get involved in it to the point of learning Japanese.

b2371b No.14207908

File: a28c635c3519789⋯.png (73.22 KB, 765x294, 255:98, Colony Drop isn't Ground Z….png)


Cause they want to gatekeep Japan and any media from it.

b6b949 No.14207916


How am I supposed to interpret this graphic? Are the red boxes supposed to be the names of sub groups and the green boxes the members? Not a big anime buff, so I'm not familiar with most of these names.

ca933a No.14207921

File: 2e1bd847d14f681⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x334, 250:167, slightdiscomfort.jpg)


Many of them also see it as a step towards directly influencing Nips.

ab4528 No.14207924


You're probably right, I've noticed that western anime publishers, the con scene (Anime Expo, Otacon, etc) and fan media (ANN, Japanator, Kotaku, etc) seem to have a similar mentality and tightly woven cliques. Basically the game journo pro of anime and manga.

b2371b No.14207930

File: 08269c8c4ad97c3⋯.png (102.7 KB, 692x509, 692:509, 4a is fucking cancer incar….png)

File: fbdac5955d52533⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 480x270, 16:9, discomfort.gif)


To sum it up in simply terms it's about how Incestuous the subfags are similar to how Journos and game devs are.


Yet they have no idea how hostile nips are and Logan Paul made it even worse.


They also jew hentai artist and shill for companies who treat Animators in Japan like sweat shop employees.

4fcde7 No.14207937

File: db9d68ae285db60⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, It's time.png)

4b20bf No.14207939


The plebbitors complaining and shit talking about us browse cuckchan and have reddit accounts to share shitty memes and opinions there, they are really buttblasted that people can call them out for being redditors when they browsed here, fuck them.


Already bad enough that reddit thinks 4chan is faster so there it has a higher quality than this place, but my god, good job Gook Moot.

b2371b No.14207944


I rather slow but decent threads(most of the time) then the cancer ridden hell that is Cuckchan.

27f93c No.14207949

File: 72f710aa242411d⋯.jpg (92.47 KB, 1280x1017, 1280:1017, Asuka pad.jpg)


I saw we had a grieferfag pay the wiki a visit. I reverted the last couple of his edits, and changed the configurations a little. You now need a login to edit, but the login is still anonymous and doesn't require you to verify your email. It just makes the inevitable faggots a little slower and much easier to track. I also cleaned up a couple pages while I was at it.

Good job to the people who have been working on it! Keep it up, I'll be at it more myself tomorrow.

b6b949 No.14207954

File: a4990baa12ff042⋯.jpg (90.7 KB, 764x1024, 191:256, sad_weeb_dog.jpg)


Okay, so is that graphic only counting their guys, or is it a mix of their guys and our guys? Because there's a "gg" in there that's connected to commies and I'm extremely fucking confused. Honestly that entire graphic needs to be overhauled and given a key and a clear explanation of what it shows because as it is it's useless as far as redpilling goes.

6d0265 No.14207956

I'm 28 now, two years until wizardom

b2371b No.14207957


gg was a sub group but this graphic is old I'll need to do a dig to make a more clear graphic when I have more free time.

7716c2 No.14207958


Go get laid then anon

4fcde7 No.14207959


It is a pretty shitty graph, and it's been shared for ages without any sources. Trust but verify.

6d0265 No.14207966


I'm working on it

4fcde7 No.14207978


>Muh meme spacing!

You're right. It's literally a shill meme. :^)

>accuse the user of having autism

>Kill yourself!

<He can't handle basic banter on an image board

Wew lad. You sound autistic and should probably kill yourself.

>Whoa he said "be me" what a cunt

Because no one who isn't new says that anymore. You cunt.


>Asking for 3DPD recommendations


>Can't remember the name of the animu but it explained the structural differences pretty well

Keijo!!!!!!!!? I wouldn't say "pretty well", it just outlined the concept.

93c7e9 No.14207983

File: aedc54b4f15d4c3⋯.png (224.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1433696600142.png)


>the people of the Balkans shall bear witness to a great upheaval, and they shall link hands in a massive and gleeful unity!

386bcd No.14208000


Like everyone else said, he's right but for the wrong reasons.

tfw did nofap for several months but it only made me wake up with jizz in my pants every few days

7716c2 No.14208001


Good job.webm

93c7e9 No.14208004


KV, 25 in a few days

Things will get better, I know it.

They will.

52caf3 No.14208052

>14days as wizzard

>still can' into magic/summoning shit

I think the real number is 40 and not 30. I even read it in some mangos.

c7d8ea No.14208079


>4 years as Wizard

You have to make your own spellbook, fag.

7716c2 No.14208090


Yeah >>14208079 is right, I'm no wizard but even I know you need to make your own spellbook. Head on over to >>>/fringe? they'll help you out

2ef07c No.14208091

File: d53f6bc53e1c53f⋯.jpg (419.77 KB, 1280x1843, 1280:1843, 149.jpg)

7716c2 No.14208092

3b2a17 No.14208098


Due to the ever-increasing number of eligible wizards, the Mana Stream was running dangerously dry, so the standard minimum age had to be increased.

If you weren't already eligible, or didn't manage to tap it during an Early Access ritual, then you're stuck with theory tests and practice spells for a few more years.

b2371b No.14208105


This was perfect thanks anon.

61899a No.14208128

File: 15eb4fa74f7c6b4⋯.png (981.09 KB, 1776x1080, 74:45, Punished reg.png)

I was planning on posting more nanachi instead I made this

40b590 No.14208140


>without any sources

I don't have an archive, but commissubs were the ones who made it and had it on their page until people started using it against them.

068d01 No.14208162

Stupid question. Why do jew faggots always make it obvious that they are jews and they are faggots? like wearing the jew cap and rainbow David stars. Maybe, as I hypotezise, the jew gen is so spread among the western societies it turns (((white))) people into faggots and looneys?

875431 No.14208169


Because he can treat the GG thread as a dumping ground and get away with it because of how lax the moderation is in these threads?

Had his comics been shilled anywhere else on the board he would have been told to fuck off and likely moderated. But since this is the GG thread which everyone can treat as their personal shitting ground without resistance he can just dump his comics here with no repercussions, regardless of their quality or if it's even relevant and on topic for the thread. I would have no issue if the comics appeared here naturally, but that obvious wasn't the case, it's incredibly forced and can only exist because the GG thread (and how it's moderated) exists.


>entire post history is shitposting

fuck off


God do I absolutely hate Waypoint. Hopefully Devolver and the dev don't cuck out. There's no reason shit like transphobia and deadnaming should hold such power as it does.


It's not delusion when it's mostly true.


>merely pretending

2ef07c No.14208186


I never pretend.

2ef07c No.14208187





068d01 No.14208203


Did I say something wrong?

I just made the point because I saw a Tucker video interviewing a jew dyke wearing a white jacket with rainbow David stars in the sides.

c7d8ea No.14208207

File: 0f0c98e0dc7a2d0⋯.png (429.38 KB, 1436x878, 718:439, 0f0c98e0dc7a2d06301a8d34d2….png)


No, it's some fucked up thing that jews do lately.

What's worse is that I have a fucking folder of this shit.

b2371b No.14208210

File: 83e238dc8247c3f⋯.webm (2.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Go on the internet and te….webm)

068d01 No.14208227


Oh yeah, that. Please, I don't need to feel my guts burn with hate.

But are so many people jews? There are so many leftists I can't even tell who is jewish and who isn't.

4fcde7 No.14208228


>Literally outing themselves

That's so hilarious I wish it could be verified.

b2371b No.14208230

File: 1f32d5e3e6d6335⋯.webm (505.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, laughing comfy brote.webm)


>they were so retarded that they outed themselves

If true this golden.

2ef07c No.14208231

5c5ea4 No.14208276

>Emily Lever / Mediapart - "Swatting, a potentially deadly joke" (GamerTrumps, translated from French)


>The New European: "Germany takes courage from the anti-nazi martyrs." Uses excuse to justify censorship and stifling free speech because Nazis.


>Reuters: "Beijing to launch campaign to root out 'low taste' video games: Xinhua"


>IT PRO: "What happens when you upset Google." Highlights Google's track record in punishing smaller companies, Google encouraging censorship and more.


068d01 No.14208297


>Beijing to launch campaign to root out 'low taste' video games

So, are they going to remove chinese games from the market?

5a99df No.14208413


God eater 2 rage burst

efb95e No.14208426







So tl;dr they want to "fix" things by making all Japanese media exactly like theirs. There's a GnP pic somewhere that sums up my thoughts on that but God help me if I can find it in the clutter.

fe7be0 No.14208471

File: aeac88f0df36ba7⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 800x533, 800:533, rjpvFn8.jpg)


>They want Japanese media but with no sexualization and plenty of Tumblr virtual signaling

So yeah, pretty much, I really want to wipeout these people from the planet, they don't want to appreciate the art forms, no thry want to mold them into what they see fit and shovel all kinds of politics and virtue signaling into them while removing everything that made the mediums special.

They really need to be purged out of the entertainmment industry as both producers and consumers.

ec1b6a No.14208486


>Because he can treat the GG thread as a dumping ground and get away with it because of how lax the moderation is in these threads?

Last I remember, Mark or one of the mods are often quick to jump on reported posts. Even Val, Marche, Gildafag, and (In a few instances) Acid (And, let's not forget about the arafags and trapfags) have gotten a slap on the wrist when their shitposting goes to far. As long as offtopic shit doesn't take a "significant" chunk of the thread, usually people don't care what's posted. Besides, it also pisses off "outsiders".


>So yeah, pretty much, I really want to wipeout these people from the planet, they don't want to appreciate the art forms, no thry want to mold them into what they see fit and shovel all kinds of politics and virtue signaling into them while removing everything that made the mediums special.

Does that someone still have that picture explaining how communitues are subverted and destroyed? It mostly referred to board games.

fe7be0 No.14208521

File: 6e06503852751ca⋯.jpg (826.51 KB, 2404x1260, 601:315, 1428604090960.jpg)

File: 9386202c7c2ff52⋯.png (2.85 MB, 2404x1780, 601:445, kew467Q.png)


This scum is literally the reason dictators rise to power.

efb95e No.14208529


Must be my autism flaring up but the inconsistency and hypocrisy is infuriating. I severely hope they don't attempt to worm their way into the eroge scene. The paranoia over Teaching Feeling getting censored is real.

bc6d75 No.14208534

Are there any final fantasy games worth playing?

I wanna play the best JRPGs of all time and I've got a pretty large backlog and I wanna know if FF would be worth my time


bc6d75 No.14208540


>it went through all these edits

>and nobody bothered to correct the typo for "degradation"

286cfc No.14208550


I've never seen it until now.


2619b0 No.14208555



>the best jrpgs

That title belongs to SMT

bc6d75 No.14208568


SMT is on the backlog already, I made the SMT thread to try and decide which one to play next

2619b0 No.14208581


FF is not worth playing

bc6d75 No.14208588



Can you at least say why?

I've heard good things about FF IV and VI at least

2619b0 No.14208597


Its boring and literally grindy. The mana system completely kills any kind of difficulty the game had. FF1 is the only one worth playing.

fe7be0 No.14208614


Sekai licensed Teaching Feeling

b2371b No.14208641

File: f544466801bebd8⋯.png (314.59 KB, 350x350, 1:1, !!!!!.png)

4fcde7 No.14208651


>Besides, it also pisses off "outsiders"

>Pushing that only outsiders don't like the shitty comics

Ironically bad comics can only be taken so far. Something something those who pretend to be idiots for entertainment will soon be surround by genuine idiots believing themselve to be in good company.

bc6d75 No.14208662


This reminds me of the fag who tried to push that everyone who thought FFXV was shit was polygon, kotaku or Sargon of Akkad

4fcde7 No.14208667


Didn't that happen just recently? Isn't that thread still up?

bc6d75 No.14208677

bc6d75 No.14208747

>some retard just went into my lecture hall and shouted "Bill Clinton is a rapist, Infowars.com" 3 times

>"You all got laptops look it up"

>after he leaves everyone just laughs

Anyone who says Alex Jones isn't controlled opposition is an idiot

efb95e No.14208754


I know. Hence why I fear for its status.

3c2959 No.14208757

Heads up, Hiroshima just got rid of legacy captcha on 4chan, causing minor sitewide anger (and yesterday most of the site was broken, likely because he was reprogramming it).

Basically, prepare for a few immigrants.

bc6d75 No.14208767


More of them?

As if we didn't have enough to deal with since the neofag implosion

3c2959 No.14208789

Archiving any boards I see talking about it for historical purposes, some faggots are openly advertizing 8chan (because Clover recently started supporting it in its developer builds)



b2371b No.14208796

File: 7b5800f08163cf4⋯.png (269.96 KB, 567x528, 189:176, Back the Fuck Up Persona 5….png)



6a99c2 No.14208827

The Anime fandom is cucked like the comics crowd. If /a/ doesn't give a shit, why should anyone here? Focus on Vidya, anime and manga is a losing battle. It's not like you guys have solutions.

43a16e No.14208834


The sad part is that Funny Junk faggots at least allowed GG and called out censorship in anime/games. There were even popular funny junk things about the cartel shit. 4chan is officially more sensitive than funnyjunk.

fee9b2 No.14208846

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


4,5,6 are real good. the rest are pretty weird but often have interesting bits to them, even the bad ones. at the very least uhh..' game historical design/development' wise (is there a word for that?) as most of the mainline FF's have usually been at the forefront of what was going on technologically/design-wise in gaming at the time. to the point you can kinda say its a bit of a litmus test for how vidya games are doing. (judging from the last few, better but still very very bad.)

4 is a villain's redemption into a hero and the shenanigans of heroic characters

5 is the classic 4 chosen heroes fighting a great otherworldly evil

6 is an opera-style tragedy about the value of love. (probably the artsy-fartsiest FF has tried to be)

tactics is also a recommend but that's an SRPG and an itsuno game which some people find hard to swallow. but if it clicks with you, say goodbye to a 100 hours.



>They want Japanese media but with no sexualization and plenty of Tumblr virtual signaling

it'll be pretty damn improbable for that sort of takeover to happen. basically due to the costs involved the nips pretty much consider us a secondary market. also nip otaku actually buy things (at ripoff prices, no less) unlike the west where they bootleg everything. and lastly the (current) cultural gap is pretty high. if it was the late 80s/early 90s again maybe but now, nah. one last note, is that there's a risk such a takeover can backfire and the west becomes unfashionable like what's going in china with the whole 'baizuo' thing.

the other route would be for the west to actually fund shit to get animated like back in the 80s. but its much much muuuuch cheaper to just get koreans and indians to (basically flash) animate your stuff nowadays. Coughing up that kind of money for sjw-crap that has at this point proven itself to not be very marketable at all, is not a good bet for any reasonable investor.

in short, if you want 'win anime' or whatever, just buy/support the shit you like. the anime, the figures, the LNs, the manga, the merchandise. merchandising merchandising merchandising. cough up the dough and bake the ja-pan.

7716c2 No.14208867

336285 No.14208879


I hope someone tagged mercedes this, because while porn is a lousy substitute for actual relations, most of those are fantasy fetish, usually involving black guys, and underage porn is illegal but short girls =/= underage. And this is more telling about his lack of self control than the evils of porn.

ec1b6a No.14208890


>in short, if you want 'win anime' or whatever, just buy/support the shit you like. the anime, the figures, the LNs, the manga, the merchandise. merchandising merchandising merchandising. cough up the dough and bake the ja-pan.

Only problem is they don't make shit I like. Most of the anime stuff I encounter focus on Totoro, iDOLM(a)STER, and Sailor Moon (And, Pokémon and Mega Man X). However, this is this one store that does sell numerous imported figures, but the problem is that none of them are from series I have actually watched yet, or like, and they cost a pretty penny from $40-$50 on up.

efb95e No.14208919


>in short, if you want 'win anime' or whatever, just buy/support the shit you like. the anime, the figures, the LNs, the manga, the merchandise. merchandising merchandising merchandising. cough up the dough and bake the ja-pan.

And learning Japanese so you can understand the product. Kinda sucks that we have to spend 2+ years to learn another language just to bypass wannabee gatekeepers (never mind the expenses and making time at all).

ec1b6a No.14208948


Speaking of which, here's a question I have for Euroanons: is it true that you have to fluently know two or three languages by the time you finish grade school?

336285 No.14208951



>how does no one notice the jews

More than a half century of conditioning, hell I got one friend who I can talk about stuff like this, and he never noticed how many jews are in hollyjew, and did not believe that jews are their own ethnicity and at that a sub mutation of the middle eastern ethnicity at that thats why you got to make normalfags notice that wgites =/= jews.


The only good things from 15 are the minigames, the general game is another subpar I use thet because its not laughably bad, just its not good open world rpg that does what 12 did but more poorly.

40b590 No.14208989


If you don't speak your mother language and at least passable English people will think you may be retarded.

c401c2 No.14209005

File: 14154c4316446af⋯.webm (7.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 14154c4316446af9e7d9e83bb….webm)

I hope you fags are watching the best show this season.

c401c2 No.14209021


Here in Sweden, english and swedish is compulsory subjects and you pretty good knowledge in english by the end of that.

In high school you can choose between German, French, Spanish or more english.

b3743d No.14209040

File: 5e9ce6ed9b793d3⋯.png (435.42 KB, 680x1075, 136:215, a19.png)


Looks gay tbh

474839 No.14209047


Your english is shit, maybe you have too many muslim teachers there now or something

b2371b No.14209064



God help you anon.

3406a5 No.14209125


Not only in europe, in Québec English is a mandatory class. Even though some wear not knowing English as a badge of honor and not bowing down to the anglo invader.

b16796 No.14209164

File: 41b2d249661d703⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 960x545, 192:109, sweden yes.jpg)

068d01 No.14209166

So, the World Health Organization or however it is called once again suggest to use insects as an alternative food source.

Sure, that's like how some vegan bitches said that we should all become vegans so the third world can feed on cattle feed and solve world hunger.

e37a4a No.14209171



I only know English, German and my native language Polish.

My English is on B1/B2 level and my German is on A1/A2 level.


Or they are just old as fuck.

cce935 No.14209189


The whole insectivore push have uncovered an unforeseen health hazard. It seems that many who have shellfish (as in shrimps/crabs/lobsters) allergies are actually allergic to arthropods in general.

4fcde7 No.14209192


>Taking the blackpill

ec1b6a No.14209196

File: ad9dd544d6bf296⋯.gif (241.03 KB, 784x643, 784:643, 1452387636156.gif)


>Sure, that's like how some vegan bitches said that we should all become vegans so the third world can feed on cattle feed and solve world hunger.

But, that isn't how it works.

068d01 No.14209211


Well, the report I've watched on TV mentioned that, but said that is just because they needed more investigation. Is a leftist channel after all. They care nothing about people, just to push their shitty narratives.


What do you expect about vegan veterinarians?

8e1a92 No.14209227

File: 2f41a369cc886c8⋯.jpg (410.66 KB, 2250x3000, 3:4, 1 - Hk3LUAx.jpg)

File: da943a467a597b5⋯.jpg (278.91 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, 2 - UDq0H81.jpg)

File: 47e4f7d2ce647c5⋯.jpg (243.05 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, 3 - eqtihCZ.jpg)

b2371b No.14209249

I've noticed the cuckchan faggots get hyper triggered when GG is brought up.

d74c01 No.14209269

File: 3c4a4af5f3345ff⋯.jpg (63.32 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1443347393470.jpg)


> recent decision to cater to the Q anon faggotry

What are you talking about Anon? The Mods were so completely hostile to it that they revved their bot up for it at full throttle against those threads. So now whomever was interested in that (regardless of how retarded they are) have basically abandoned the board and now hangout at their own delisted board(s). It's not a small number either, for the same number of UIDs per thread they quickly fill up or do 500% more activity then /pol/ itself.

068d01 No.14209273

cffecb No.14209278


Over in Holland, in grade school you have Dutch and English. Then in high school it depends on the level of school you went to. There are three levels, and a variation on the highest called Gymnasium with Greek and Latin added on top. It's possible for one student to end up doing exams for Dutch, English, Greek, Latin, and one of choice (French or German) needing to be reasonably proficient at all of them even if you chose a technical direction. Of course that is the exception, the norm is neither the students nor the education system have very high standards and most can just barely communicate in Dutch and English.

7716c2 No.14209284


I think he's talking about the guy sperging about it in the denuvo thread, talking about how GG failed etc

c2713d No.14209293

File: a0f2786aaab4c7c⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1.jpg)

File: ff30a13318ad778⋯.jpg (49.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2.jpg)

File: ec914044040b419⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3.jpg)

File: 26de5f24424afbc⋯.jpg (53.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4.jpg)

I fucking despise those gaymers so much.

>lol, look at me, ain't I such a weeb? Did I told you that I'm gay also?

3cd379 No.14209314



They know what they are doing.

d74c01 No.14209315


I bet that faggot only takes 1 scoop for his ice cream.

068d01 No.14209330


I feel the cringe overtaking me.

At least is not the biggest faggotry I've seen.

35b225 No.14209337

b16796 No.14209343


Shit these are worse than the gamer dude comics. Genuinely didn't think such a thing was possible.

c401c2 No.14209355


>Big muscular man

I think the author has taken some artistic liberties with himself.

35b225 No.14209383

7e956a No.14209401

File: 2cd45780269c3a2⋯.jpg (61.8 KB, 750x421, 750:421, how_mechas_work.jpg)


Way ahead of you.

c2713d No.14209431


I hope so because all of those "Look at me, I'm such a hardcore weeaboo and a gamer. Oh and I'm GAY!" people reek of narcissism.


How about for an edited comic with the same art style in which that man becomes a cuck, cuts his dick off and kills himself, all for the "kink".

0ab5b2 No.14209433

File: 0b75209ad2d934c⋯.png (475.35 KB, 969x988, 51:52, Fuck the internet.png)


Nope…nope, nope!

Fuck the person who created this, fuck you or posting it, and fuck this Earth for having such things exist.

35b225 No.14209446

File: 6e3c2f65d03b1c4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.29 MB, 728x5533, 728:5533, BB.jpg)


It's my favorite webcomic.

b16796 No.14209471

File: 30ffe1c710ebdc9⋯.png (44.91 KB, 237x314, 237:314, suh2.png)


At least that one has the gross factor going for it.

5ca7ac No.14209503

File: a5965b1c164468c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 228.67 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 28.png)


All according to keikaku.

TN: keikaku means plan

ec1b6a No.14209549

File: 6dc69e2bb6516c2⋯.jpg (219.5 KB, 1000x1304, 125:163, Msfortune_skullgirls.jpg)


Is this the origin of Ms. Fortune?

35b225 No.14209561


Brilliant, just Brilliant.


This just makes me sick. I hope those fuckers get major losses with their suit.

068d01 No.14209589


Does Ms. Fortune have a deattachable dick?

010a78 No.14209610

File: f71b2476b424ee8⋯.png (258.08 KB, 382x337, 382:337, HARRY_POTTER_JUNIOR_ANNOUN….png)


Do they make "Sorry Fags, I'm Straight" t-shirts?

35b225 No.14209619


Yea, I even own one.

721375 No.14209631


Some FF games are worth playing or trying at least once, the rest aren't. I've played 7 and 8 but can barely remember them enough to recommend them. I haven't played 10 (and I don't want to because I don't like Tidus) so I can't say anything.

My personal recommendations are 9 and 12. 9 is basic turn-based but it's a pretty good adventure.

People deride 12 for having MMO combat but it's still turn based but being able to move around in real time, with the lines that lead from you to targets (and vice versa) to show you who's being targeted by what. It has the best AI customization out of the series in which you can set, on your party members, actions and priorities for them. The IZJS version or Zodiac Age adds a job system. Zodiac Age has a few more improvements over IZJS but I'm not sure. I need to play it sometime.

If you're feeling masochistic you can try 13 and 15.

But generally FF is kind of like… a surface JRPG. You know like how everyone knows Naruto and Bleach? FF is kind of like that.

35b225 No.14209640


Final Fantasy 13 is the best one.

c2713d No.14209663

File: 7c4a5fd21dde789⋯.png (186.49 KB, 866x732, 433:366, shirt.png)


You can order one or order it to someone else.

b2371b No.14209666

File: e00fa4a91b1aafd⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 540x302, 270:151, let me taste you.gif)

File: 08bbc9c2b6b5942⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 540x304, 135:76, tastes you.gif)


Mah nigga

c2713d No.14209673

File: 60d95b9e119f31e⋯.png (215.37 KB, 639x348, 213:116, ka7MD.png)


Go away, Toriyama.

0ab5b2 No.14209676


>But generally FF is kind of like… a surface JRPG. You know like how everyone knows Naruto and Bleach? FF is kind of like that.

If that's the case, what is it like going from other JRPGs to FF? I have VI and XIII, but I haven't really cared to play either because there are other games I want to play. And, so far, the only JRPGs I have actually gotten through (Excluding Pokémon) are Parasite Eve and Wild Arms 2, and I have a numerous more to play that are sitting on my backlog.

35b225 No.14209679


>You know like how everyone knows Naruto and Bleach? FF is kind of like that.

But Naruto and Bleach are shit.

010a78 No.14209680

File: b75a573724aa736⋯.png (89.09 KB, 238x256, 119:128, Scooby_Doo_on_Zombie_Islan….png)



Well shit! Look at that.

2bef55 No.14209689


do i need to play from the first one or can i start with smt4?

35b225 No.14209694


You misspelled Undertale. Might not be Japanese but it's still turn based

d6c7fe No.14209702

File: a7e97f179fa291f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 970x2896, 485:1448, SMT guide.png)

File: 0d68c8ea9055a10⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1600x4491, 1600:4491, SMT.png)

File: 7701b5b1b36db01⋯.jpg (4.31 MB, 3960x2871, 40:29, smt_giant.jpg)


Start with Nocturne.

d76834 No.14209743

File: 864289a58bf2225⋯.webm (6.08 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Gagazet.webm)


10 was okay if it's your first JRPG ever, girls are more likely to play that though. Mt Gagazet best FF area theme.

2d1058 No.14209760


SMT4 is fucking garbage and smt 1 and 2 should be played later when you get used to the series because 1 and 2 are really fucking hard and confusing.

b16796 No.14209769


>Mt Gagazet Cosmo canyon best FF area theme.

614d4f No.14209774


>click on image

>see walls and walls of text

It must be a leftist meme.

336285 No.14209852


Most smt and games from atlus are self contained unless they share a number (like smt iv and smt iv:a, or the 2 persona 2s) smt iv is a starting point, but pirate the dlc if you must have it, and the story gets a little distracted with itself 2/3ds in. And hope for the girl as assist in all boss fights, especially minotaur. I personally say start with it, and go for neutral, then no reason to return. I have hope for 5 since its showing stuff that looks like 3, I just hope for no angst

7ce99e No.14209863

File: 9d59fe395615bbb⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 540x304, 135:76, b862fd064313f709e174ea4467….gif)

File: e1d4c8f9ebce077⋯.jpg (167.36 KB, 749x691, 749:691, Screenshot_20180123-114500.jpg)


>tumblr crossposters are triggered about Darling in the franxx saying it's too sexual

I saw a faggot bitching on fucking gelbooru of all places while having a avatar of a big titty anime girl. The lack of self awareness is incredible.

068d01 No.14209872

So… should we expect Disney to buy Sony Pictures in the near future?

c401c2 No.14209908


It's the straight sex and marriage that is triggering the shit out of them.

It's their worst nightmares come to life.

2bef55 No.14209970

File: 772266ef648d982⋯.jpg (5.57 KB, 190x159, 190:159, 1426169680982.jpg)




i'll start with 3 then and take a look at the others after that. Also those guides are great, thanks.

7ce99e No.14209983

File: 2f752da688f0dfe⋯.jpg (157.74 KB, 504x394, 252:197, Screenshot_20180123-120501.jpg)


Reminder that they are openly collaborating under anifem. http://archive.is/UKZU8

336285 No.14210032


>that last sentence

I did not know anyone could lie that hard.

614d4f No.14210041


Very interesting history about newfaggotry. This is why we must bully all newfags extra hard.

df9418 No.14210125



cbc0f6 No.14210154

File: 6aad359ddb4f4e1⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 750x720, 25:24, 6aad359ddb4f4e1b3b2eafa8a7….jpg)


>Strange Journey

>a spin off

Nigga it's a main line game without a number, SMT4 even backs this up

a138da No.14210162


no first for benis, therefore sage

526670 No.14210189

File: 25903078e364611⋯.png (927.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, kaguya.png)

d6c7fe No.14210196


I'm not the one who made the list.

5ca7ac No.14210231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0035d9 No.14210311

File: f0b6cbc9bf9cfe6⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 480x360, 4:3, RjnJHXmadK5-MYLb.mp4)

381921 No.14210313

File: b43bc62cfdbc7b2⋯.jpg (127.85 KB, 1300x919, 1300:919, d9c06e79b3e3117cf354783f60….jpg)

Fucked up my previous post.


efb95e No.14210326



Thanks. I'm both anticipating and dreading the influx of tourists come 2020.

58e0e8 No.14210350


The olympics will be the point where Japan will either Isolate from the world or fall to the line like the rest of the countries.

35b225 No.14210380


I hate to say it, but I think Nip will lose.

1556a8 No.14210386

File: e27e6315cb6ba98⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 700x350, 2:1, 1516098817.jpg)


The anime fandom is a cucked as /co/ if not more so. Unless there is a huge backlash from anime fans against the cartel and SJWeebs, shit's fucked. /a/ doesn't even care.

7716c2 No.14210392


did you IP hop after saying this >>14208827 ?

cbc0f6 No.14210459


I gotta direct my autismal anger somewhere and I choose to direct it at you

5ca7ac No.14210470


>You can delete your text walls.

but the link you posted has nothing in it.

381921 No.14210491


Seems like Acid deleted it maybe the site was reverted.

381921 No.14210498


Oh wait, the browser doesn't pick up the exclamation point which is part of the link.

7ce99e No.14210517


I wouldn't say that they are completely cucked but rather their channels to organize is. The reason why they are apathetic is because they believe that anime is untouchable. And being apathetic to the sjweebs within anime is retarded because these same faggots that are trying to cuck anime are going after japanese games as seen with the p5 faggotry, which is not surprising because Japanese games and anime overlap with each other. In other words /a/ problem are our problems as far as Japanese vidya is concerned.

d36269 No.14210568

File: 27bcd34ee28dc8d⋯.png (39.23 KB, 867x806, 867:806, 3f4cf20dc9938d1f15b16e3965….png)

>tfw have great /k/anadian friends I met on our /k/ who I know on a first-name basis

>tfw can recognize their posts on other boards

>tfw know when someone posts a picture of their raifu when another anon posts it.

It's a weird feeling.

888e34 No.14210601


Funnyjunk is the site that actually led me here. They used to suck up to 4chan like some sort of meme god, but they saw the bullshit that was happening with GG back in 2014 and I have to thank them for that.

7716c2 No.14210614


>Funnyjunk is the site that actually led me here.


64b1f2 No.14210628

File: d963a55e72f884b⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 720x1214, 360:607, IMG_20180112_224754_022.jpg)



/a/ mods suck when it comes to this. They ban any discussion about bad localization and anything because "politics" even though it's about anime, I do understand that board's hate for /v/ though. I would be nice if /animu/ took off.

310aa4 No.14210661

I just watched the video of the guy beating Odyssey without jumping. That was some high quality autism.


Funnyjunk is the site that gets made fun of by the sites reddit makes fun of. How the fuck did you end up here?

cac31b No.14210723


Don't more weebs use the cartel controlled Nyaa than Pantsu? It tells you how much the anime fandom gives a shit.

4fcde7 No.14210744


>I just watched the video of the guy beating Odyssey without jumping. That was some high quality autism.

Are there highlights? I've already watched a speed run and don't feel like investing that kind of time watching someone else play a game I've already played again, but am curious.

7ce99e No.14210758



Who owns most not all of the channels of communication? And I told you that they aren't going to do shit until shit is actually going down because they believe that anime is untouchable.

381921 No.14210763


Try now, I change it.



When I used to go there before I moved to 4ch, they'd post screenshot of greentext and stories from 4ch. They copy a lot of content from other sites, anime tits and such to try to get upvotes, and they follow a bit of what was happening. Moderation doesn't seem to care about censoring opinions and the community itself isn't feminist.


I met with a friend today, he's more of a normalfag and more of a weeb than me. He's never heard of pantsu till I recommended it to him along with bakabt and animebytes.

There isn't a central "community", it seems. Maybe reddit and word of mouth. Nyazi was just advertized more and spread faster. There's also that shit with Horriblesubs hearing and stating that pantsu racist, though they scratched it out in their announcement afterwards. You could look it up on their site.

Actually, I think horriblesubs is the major reason. I don't think they upload much there, but I haven't torrented in a long time.

40b590 No.14210774


Yes. The cartel groups went with the other one after pantsudev said "I'm not one of (((them)))" in reply to someone asking if he'd take donations and a cartelfaggot getting laughed out of the devthread for asking if daiz could have admin privileges.

Pantsu still had more jap traffic (more than all other nations combined), but then (((someone))) ddos'd them for weeks making the nips think it was unstable.

Never use the cartel site, iirc /tech/, cuck/f/ and half/g/ recognized one of their coders as a guy who inserts code to phone home in literally everything he does.

310aa4 No.14210784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's only highlights. He's got an annoying voice but it gets genuinely interesting to the point you forget how faggy he sounds.

3f5b08 No.14210803


>but then (((someone))) ddos'd them for weeks making the nips think it was unstable.

Too bad nobody returned a favor. I hope Pantsu is growing a stable userbase.

5c5ea4 No.14210870

>How Video Games "Demonize" Fat People


>GamesRadar updated their Top 25 GBA games list, disclosing its affiliate links with its new affiliate links policy






>The Atlantic takes the unusual step of siding with Dr Peterson instead of Cathy Newman



Washington State Senator Introduces Bill to Determine if Loot Boxes are Gambling


The Steam Community has a problem with unethical Artwork Designers


6f0dd7 No.14210926


>Over-top weeb and gaymer faggot

I feel nothing but second hand embarrassment and disgust. His parents must so ashamed of him.



Are there any alternatives for that site? Danbooru and safebooru are a fucking lost along with having a paywall for images, and sankaku is just a clusterfuck with no filters on what you don't want to see like tumblr art or characters getting blacked.


>I hate to say it, but I think Nip will lose


25fc3f No.14210973

File: d528403dad0df1c⋯.jpg (121.16 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Best Friends 5.jpg)

Good mornin'!

b3743d No.14211154

File: f585bf8919235dd⋯.webm (231.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Nyanpasu~.webm)

526670 No.14211167

File: e11b343cc44dcd4⋯.webm (7.38 MB, 720x405, 16:9, i really don't understand.webm)

9bc830 No.14211202


>The Atlantic

They have some reporters that aren't bad. Recall that they also did a free speech article on colleges a fair time back.

9bc830 No.14211294

File: 438ccf467982bfb⋯.jpg (143.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 93cfdf935e7aaae23847b76451….jpg)


>>The Atlantic takes the unusual step of siding with Dr Peterson instead of Cathy Newman


Having the Peterson (((interview))) in writing is more aggravating than hearing it. You can feel the propaganda and whore bleeding out of the text. I can't describe it, it makes my blood boil.

25fc3f No.14211338


Be on your guard, that might just be a rogue employee who wrote that piece! Expect it to be taken down!

7e9207 No.14211339

File: 6b8bcf314029425⋯.png (185.77 KB, 2403x1780, 27:20, What the hell? Did it just….png)



Tried to fix the image in general.

>fixed degredation typo

>fixed 1-pixel-off from 27:20 ratio

>indexed image (compare filesize to original)

>removed horrendous jpg artifacts

25fc3f No.14211347

File: 9522b1cdffaeff3⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 500x408, 125:102, Pol Pot 2.jpg)

Anyway, do anyone of you have the feminist edited version of this?!

2c898f No.14211359

File: 7084c1956b23548⋯.png (83.49 KB, 267x200, 267:200, the tightest shit.png)


>she did all of that in one take

875431 No.14211378


You know what I mean. Because of the fluctuating nature of the topic of gamergate, these threads are far more lax then the rest of the board. So people can get away with more. Even the examples you brought up, like the resident namefags and borderline avatarfags took ages until they finally started to get moderated and only in infrequent amounts.

I don't think any of this is a bad thing, mind you, nor am I calling for more moderation, but I'm illustrating the point that folks definitely take advantage of the more lax and lack of focus nature of these threads to shill what they likely can't elsewhere.

I don't mind the comicsfags that much so I won't dwell on it again this bread, just trying to explain clearly why others don't like him despite providing OC


Obviously. It's really annoying to see so many link to them.


you have a lot of balls to admit to being a funnyjunk refugee. I'll give you that



>America’s most pervasive cultural product rarely treats its audience with respect.

Am I reading this wrong, is the header of this article trying to imply that fat people is gamer's audience as some low sweeping insult?

5c5ea4 No.14211391

>Violent Games Do Not Create Violent Children


>Sidney Bucksbaum - "'Another Period' Season 3 Is Channeling Your Excitement For The Olympics AND Your Rage At The Patriarchy" ("Leggero and Lindhome were inspired by Gamergate, when female video game journalists were harassed and doxxed by bitter male online trolls…")


3406a5 No.14211402

File: 4575c815e00bcdf⋯.jpg (134.6 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1262212097257.jpg)


>when female video game journalists were harassed and doxxed by bitter male online trolls…")

The fact they must repeat this line every time they mention GG makes me think they don't have much faith in their own lies.

9bca7e No.14211430


What did she say originally?

526670 No.14211474

File: 8331b786b416e46⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, don't understand.mp4)

310aa4 No.14211479


Original dialogue is actually her yelling at him for being a pretentious normalfag pretending he's smart. She complains about him using big/complex science terms and other stuff like that which only makes it hard for her to talk with him because he's trying to act like he's smart.

4fcde7 No.14211737


>The Atlantic takes the unusual step of siding with Dr Peterson instead of Cathy Newman

>Both articles by the same person

Conor Friedersdorf is about to get a stern talking to.

25fc3f No.14211753

File: caf60d00f61b2c6⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 750x615, 50:41, Retard 2166.jpg)

I know they're not hiding it anymore, but my god, they're not even being subtle either.

542578 No.14211765


That fuck's still alive?

ff1051 No.14211774


>War is peace.

>Freedom is slavery.

>Diversity is strength.

310aa4 No.14211781


>I find it literally impossible to imagine how something could have nothing to do with skin color

>Everyone else is racist

947e01 No.14211782

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)



b3743d No.14211787

File: 44b42463d631a45⋯.png (238.28 KB, 576x256, 9:4, its over bros.png)


open the gates

4fcde7 No.14211789


I find the last one genuinely funny. Probably read too many doujins where humor is derived purely from the retarded things said during sex.

9bc830 No.14211800

4fcde7 No.14211801


Nice archive feggit.


You know what's still wrong with it?


2d1058 No.14211825


The director of the princess bride

9bca7e No.14211828


Who knew the American Civil War was actually about Mexican immigration?

9bc830 No.14211916

File: 01fadffa2675faf⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 845x816, 845:816, 01fadffa2675faf24078240fba….jpg)


It was agonizing fixing this page.

Not solely because of the work, but remembering the media echochamber

751dd1 No.14211994


Figures that a guy who directed a movie about helpless women and strong (read- toxic) men would say something like this.

Fuck, I liked that movie

9bc830 No.14211996

File: 70bafc1e1977687⋯.png (68.44 KB, 421x248, 421:248, 70bafc1e19776877fe3961f7dd….png)

Why is the bread so slow?

526670 No.14212042

File: 22e4983d3325482⋯.webm (13.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ryco 260 Automatic Crab B….webm)


The rapture happened and you were left behind

c7d413 No.14212065

File: 6525d869d66a5c1⋯.png (1.19 MB, 701x1000, 701:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c8bb98ea8326e8⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1143x1600, 1143:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

<Just finished reading this book (First pic)

It was entertaining. The premise could be best described as "Jumper in Medieval times", but the story is very slow and covers 5 small "misadventures" in the protagonist's life. Also, the ending was open-ended to it all (Do not read that as cliffhanger), and quite sad when you look at where the story started and where it ended. Overall, it was interesting.


>The fact they must repeat this line every time they mention GG makes me think they don't have much faith in their own lies.

Sort of like how ever discussion within earshot of WWII needs the mention "DA JEWS"?



<Have to look this guy up because the name sounds familiar, but I don't know why

<Haven't seen any of this guy's work

The only thing that jumped out to me is that he's the brain behind This Is Spinal Tap. But, again, I haven't seen any of his stuff. Just heard about it.

9bc830 No.14212094

File: 5954ca6ab4db61e⋯.png (648.45 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, fa3fe06e5478961f69fa11ff63….png)


This is the only place I have.

I don't want it to die.

3e5b99 No.14212095

File: fe652cf87358461⋯.png (13.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, okay.png)


All is well

6f0dd7 No.14212120

File: 3cdbcb441c4471d⋯.webm (1.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, frenchbread.webm)


The baker needs to get the ingredients.

336285 No.14212139


Isn't this the same nutbar who told the democrats not to blink? And in an ensuing civil war, the same side will lose as before, the liberal/socialists usually lose wars, just like americas past civil war, and I don't see spics remaining loyal to the losing side.

526670 No.14212158

File: 1e0bf6703840869⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 733181765905485824_CizI7hU….jpg)

File: c657151c46cb3f5⋯.jpg (214.55 KB, 2339x1654, 2339:1654, 742805008974913536_Ck75Nyd….jpg)

File: 6d6e16d51b96aab⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 759562545493479424_CoqCGJx….jpg)

File: b3d349d117a070f⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 4096x2304, 16:9, 761860395850080257_CpKr-rG….jpg)

File: 759a1ec5de29ab7⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 760234802851131393_CozlgeT….jpg)


This is all you'll ever be, anon. You're waiting for a future that'll never come. Why suffer?

df9418 No.14212163


Why does the webm just skip to the end?

b2371b No.14212166

File: 2e2f1dfd9e40a8b⋯.png (21.48 KB, 665x277, 665:277, both our a is a shit.PNG)

File: d7b9358f83f6087⋯.png (25.52 KB, 1269x180, 141:20, the main issue with 8a.PNG)


sjweebs everyone!


Both cuck/a/ and 8/a/ are both awful and on two extremes

>Cuckchan's /a/ is a shitposting mess of tumblr and sjweebs

>while fast there is no worth while discussion due how it's nothing but shitposting cancer

>cuckchan mods

>8chan's /a/ is stagnant with shit rules that might of worked on cuckchan but fail here due to how 8chan has a naturally smaller user base

>Slow with barely any discussion

I know I'll get shit for the 8/a/ one but fuck it both are awful boards.

c7d413 No.14212176


Is there any board here that didn't go to shit after switch sites?

310aa4 No.14212177


>I know I'll get shit for the 8/a/ one but fuck it both are awful boards.

I'm a huge fucking weeb and the only thing I bother going to our /a/ for is for discussing Hero Academia and (until recently) Mousou Telepathy. They were the only good threads that have even a remote amount of discussion.

edfe1e No.14212184


/animu/ is a better board, but its userbase is too small, unfortunately.

6f0dd7 No.14212191

File: 51aa8af0fea8cd6⋯.webm (8.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _Pop_team_epic_baguettes.webm)


Made a mistake on that one. Hopefully this one works.

edfe1e No.14212207


These girls are so adorable.

336285 No.14212210


Jeez, I cant tell if that was french or japanese.

b2371b No.14212218


/k/ and /v/


Then post and make threads anon I know I will.

526670 No.14212228

File: 6bfceb4bc71f48c⋯.webm (10.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, KillingBitesOP.webm)


The problem with our /a/ is that the autistic rules stifle discussion, so most people only write short, shallow "junkposts" to reduce the chance of copping a ban.

If they actually put effort into writing a long, meaningful post, the likelihood of getting banned greatly increases - maybe a minor spelling/grammar error, using an abbreviation, or even just posting an opinion a particularly autistic mod disagrees with.

edfe1e No.14212237


Alright, I'll post more on /animu/


Then get the /animu/ train rolling.

b2371b No.14212256



let's get /animu/ alive and full of discussion


310aa4 No.14212259

File: 7ddc781d4baaa22⋯.webm (5.72 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Hammond takes no chances.webm)


I basically quit going on /a/ once I got banned for making a thread trying to discuss why certain anime attracted normalfags to watch it when they would have never touched anime otherwise. It was sandwhiched between 5 other threads for posting pictures of specific bodyparts of anime girls, and was deleted for being a "low effort op." On another occasion I used a word a mod didn't know and got banned because they thought I had misspelled a completely different word.

edfe1e No.14212270


I also like to note that /a/ ignored the Garo anime. Yeah, let's get /animu/ going.


They hate discussion of anime meta. That's why they were silent when SJWeebs were fucking around in the industry.

ecd0fd No.14212283



Banning people for misspelling words is autistic moddery beyond imagining.

edfe1e No.14212293


Also /a/ has a massive hate boner for /v/. They'll probably ban you the moment they sense you're a /v/ cross poster.

9bc830 No.14212294






Is the BO good? It needs active moderation once it gets going, but I'll jump in.

edfe1e No.14212298


The BO is good. He's more relaxed than /a/'s mods and he enters the attention hungry games every week hoping to win.

2ef07c No.14212300


> let's

526670 No.14212302

File: 5318799641e1110⋯.webm (7.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ramenOP.webm)


It's strange, isn't it? The rules they cling to in order to encourage good quality discussion have the exact opposite effect. If you're likely to get banned for actually discussing something, but left alone for low quality posts like "I want to fuck best girl", then that's all anybody will post.

On the meta board I see the BO/mods wonder why discussion is so bad and slow, and I want to tell them that it's their system working exactly as intended. They see only a certain, narrow type of posting as acceptable, and with their current rules, that's all they'll get.

But if I told them that, I'd get banned.

b2371b No.14212313

>Here comes Marche being triggered again


They somehow are worse then /pol/'s mods and how you mange that is beyond me.

edfe1e No.14212328

File: 04c16208ade23dc⋯.png (37.77 KB, 467x141, 467:141, urges.png)


Their current userbase that loves them unironically. Even /v/ would give Mark shit if he does something stupid and Mark takes these insults like a man.

310aa4 No.14212340

File: b6a3563baf06fe3⋯.webm (1.22 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Hand Ship.webm)


I didn't have any problem with the rule at first, because I quite reasonably assumed they were specifically trying to prevent the "LOL U FUKIN MAD?" posts. Instead, they have a bunch of mods banning people because they didn't graduate highschool and can't understand how many different types of syntax the English language has.


It's might be the worst board on the site, even more than /pol/ and /tv/. At least those boards have a sort of macabre intrigue of going to them see see what an unfilitered cesspool of retards is like.

86c5fb No.14212362

File: 5fdd11f2bcca0c6⋯.mp4 (772.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, and there's the faggot.mp4)


Every time Rob Reiner shows his fat fucking face, I'm always immediately reminded of the South Park episode that made fun of his moral crusader ass.

526670 No.14212369

File: 70ad01fa8c95849⋯.png (176.46 KB, 699x433, 699:433, butthurt.png)


Marche's problem with you, and one that I share, is that you constantly post calls to action, but don't actually do anything. It's just empty virtue signalling. It grates.

You also have a very shallow, strange understanding of the people and institutions at play in this little sector of the culture war, and have reduced all of anime's problems to "connor and the cartel", much like the media blames everything on the alt-right. Who are the cartel? What are their aims? How do they know each other? How do we disrupt them? You don't know, because you just mindlessly parrot stuff you pick up in these threads.

6f0dd7 No.14212370


>It might be the worst board on the site, even more than /pol/ and /tv/

I disagree. The worst and most vulnerable board is /co/. The mods are barely there, they didn't do background check on one mod and that autistic fucker nuked half the board, and recently there's an influx of goons shitting up the place.

edfe1e No.14212380


/a/'s a purity spiral made it unbearable. You can't even criticize the mods without being banned. Here you can call Mark a faggot and be okay. /animu/ has been around for some time and it is already better. The BO of /animu/ isn't a dictator like /a/'s mods, so you don't get banned at the drop of a hat and can have any meaningful discussion related to anime and Japan.

947e01 No.14212389


It's French. Definitely French.

b2371b No.14212414


>reduced all of anime's problems to "connor and the cartel",

This is untrue all I've mentioned is them shitting up fan trans and subbing like other anons here.

>Marche's problem with you, and one that I share, is that you constantly post calls to action, but don't actually do anything. It's just empty virtue signalling. It grates.

Same could be said about Marche and half the thread most of the time.

2ef07c No.14212424

File: 6562962d9709ecc⋯.gif (961.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6562962d9709ecc24148d614b0….gif)


no its clearly just me butthurt lets also ignore he is reposting troll images >>14207893 somehow separating Daiz with Jewcob in Fakku shit >>14207865

2ef07c No.14212434

File: 42ccc541cd89f0b⋯.gif (2.41 MB, 532x560, 19:20, dc85f6d9d4ee4978a316550964….gif)


>no its you who is wrong everyone should listen to me

3406a5 No.14212435

File: 40f072192c74e58⋯.jpg (31.68 KB, 520x376, 65:47, 1214942582330.jpg)


I just rewatched The Kingdom, my 2 months spent there made me appreciate the movie more. I would pay a lot to get the usual feminists sjw twitter addicts over there for only a week. We would see the extent of their resolve when the police tell them to cover up, ask their man for permission to do anything and touch no male in public.

Oh yeah, and Harry Potter is haram.

b2371b No.14212495


>no its clearly just me butthurt

Your insanely assmad each thread over something.


The BO actually gives a shit but is really disheartened over lack of users.

edfe1e No.14212500


Anyway to help /animu/'s BO?

310aa4 No.14212505

File: 1479f8e1352a246⋯.webm (8.2 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Felger Fantasizing.webm)


>The BO actually gives a shit but is really disheartened over lack of users.

That's promising


It's called "posting"

edfe1e No.14212509


I'm already posting there.

2ef07c No.14212511

File: 12c945f050fb303⋯.png (90.37 KB, 495x498, 165:166, tumblr_p2n0fjQ2Bh1w9gclgo1….png)


>totally not butthurt you got called out on being retarded

keep going

5c5ea4 No.14212524

3406a5 No.14212557

File: e5dca74d84d3d6a⋯.jpg (16.1 KB, 480x712, 60:89, 1470971213449.jpg)


>that pic

stop it.

27f93c No.14212577

File: 5823eca3c508a4e⋯.jpg (349.31 KB, 904x1000, 113:125, Asuka rebirth.jpg)

We made some wiki progress today. Several articles fixed and updated by myself and at least one other person going ham.

KiA stickied my thread about the wiki, but it's been collecting a strange amount of downvotes. At +60 is probably gained and then lost another 50 upvotes, then quieted down and slowly ticked up to ~120, where its been happening again. It'll get an up, then a down, then three ups, then five downs, then 5 ups, then two downs. I almost think its shills wanting to make sure it doesn't get to r/all, but the mods say there's no links coming in from any shithole subs.

So are we going to try and resurrect /animu/? I'd love to have an actual, good Nanoha thread…

25fc3f No.14212593

File: 2ac2498ce335d3b⋯.jpg (258.71 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Feminism 78.jpg)

The aftermath of Women's March.

edfe1e No.14212596


/animu/ is somewhat alive, slow because small userbase but it's there and the BO is doing his best. It's worth bringing up /animu/'s numbers. Help /animu/ in any way you can.

c7d413 No.14212608

This has been something that's been bothering me for over the past year, so I'm just going to ask it right now

Why are Western comics and cartoons thrown into a different category than Eastern comics and cartoons, and separated to the extent that it results in two independent communities completely detached from each other and outright despising any discussion when comparing the two?

27f93c No.14212614

File: d86f44b3649040b⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 160x180, 8:9, Asuka heart.jpg)


See the following:

General images:




I'm enabling image uploads to the wiki server.

To fix a broken image link, search for the filename of the missing image using your computer's file browser, inside the archive folder. Select the correct image and upload it.

Better images may be available on the web for some things now, but this is a useful repository at a minimum. I also advise that everyone download and save the Infographics archive to your local hard drive. There is a mountain of lost gold in there.

edfe1e No.14212617


If there wasn't a split in community, /a/ and /co/ would have combined to form /agn/ - Animation and Graphic Novels.

9bc830 No.14212625

File: 37cca738f805a78⋯.jpg (81.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hm11.jpg)


They're different cultures and different styles.



Is this a expression?


Do americans have no decency or just urbanites?

25fc3f No.14212628


No, those would be feminists.

e3b74d No.14212629


>Is this a expression?

More exactly, "going ham" means doing something with much effort.

>Do americans have no decency or just urbanites?

Just urbanites.

t. autistic urbanite with some decency

310aa4 No.14212635

File: 53091ab401528ff⋯.webm (10.45 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Not the first time Ive be….webm)


The way the stories are written are drastically different, and have very clear societal differences. For all intents and purposes, they're two separate genres. That said, /a/ is retarded about the split to the point that they ban fucking reaction images from western shit. /co/ on the other hand allows discussion of eastern materials that are common among western audiences, or have a significant relation to western stuff. Any anime that aired on Toonami is allowed, as well as discussion of Superhero anime like OPM and HeroAca.

86c5fb No.14212637

File: 37702ec4a376edf⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tyrone it's time to stop.mp4)


>even more Denuvo

Yeah, because it's totally not fucking useless because of a single autist in Ukraine.

>This means that (Irdeto) will conduct research and development to further implement heavier versions of DRM in video games.

Did you motherfuckers miss the part where the Meltdown patch actually made DRM have an even more visible performance impact?

86c5fb No.14212638


Fucking again?

edfe1e No.14212640


Wasn't /loli/'s BO from /a/?

9bc830 No.14212646


It's tewi fag

edfe1e No.14212649


Ah, he's from /a/ alright.

9bca7e No.14212667

File: 1b3715776a44e99⋯.png (20.86 KB, 151x100, 151:100, dat lip bite.png)



And he's done a bang up job of it as well. I don't think I've ever seen a board drop that quickly.

c7d413 No.14212679



>They're different cultures

The same could be said for "European comics versus American comics", yet series like Cybersix and XIII get through into the same blender as Flash Gordon and Turok.

>The way the stories are written are drastically different

What about things like Samurai Jack and Avatar?

>For all intents and purposes, they're two separate genres.

When it's something like the split between JRPGs (Focus on story) and WRPGs (Focus on player), that's more obvious due to the fact that the only similarities are items, equips, and leveling. When it comes to animation and comics, the biggest difference I can see is that the West tends to be more passive and the East tends to be more dynamic.

c33f61 No.14212681



Ham is an acronym for "hard as a motherfucker"

27f93c No.14212695

File: e85a45d8fc31239⋯.jpg (360.13 KB, 600x758, 300:379, Asuka mad.jpg)



Images are a bit of a pain and there's an easier way. Find the appropriate image and upload it, but modify its name to be whatever you want instead of catering it to the link.

Then go back and delete the link, and click the "insert image file" button in the article edit screen, and just put your nice new filename in there. Trying to edit both the upload filename and article (image links have busted tags in them too) takes ten times longer.

Just upload, change upload name, delete image tag in article and add a new one with your filename. Done.

9bca7e No.14212704

File: 7607cc4177d59b6⋯.png (304.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, FiveElementsCycleBalanceIm….png)

File: 66f238b55e37225⋯.png (228.67 KB, 1070x1070, 1:1, Wu_Xing.png)


>What about things like Samurai Jack and Avatar?

Those are asian inspired but they where made through a western lens, like how Mortal Kombat was.

Take Avatar, they used the Classical Greco-Roman element system rather than the Chinese system.

310aa4 No.14212705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What about things like Samurai Jack and Avatar?

They're quite clearly attempts to do the other "genre," but by being made in one culture they're categorized as that mainly. The comparison between JRPG and WRPGs is pretty apt comparison. They're pretty similar, but plenty of people will enjoy one specifically and not the other.

I just heard the new Devilman theme song, and I can't get over the fact that it doesn't sound like the Platina Jazz Cover

cbc0f6 No.14212707


That's a picture from the first march not the most recent one

747377 No.14212722


one day fuckers, crab will get revenge

747377 No.14212737


the voice…is that Amalia from Wakfu?

2ef07c No.14212745

27f93c No.14212757

File: 64ee511105a4746⋯.jpg (116.03 KB, 680x946, 340:473, Asuka it worked out.jpg)



I ripped all the files from the subfolder archives into a single directory. Makes finding them much faster.

747377 No.14212768


fuck, didn't saw that coming


for a moment i mistook /animu/ with /animus/ the shitpost central

25fc3f No.14212769

File: 81d5dfa4ccd471e⋯.jpg (239.28 KB, 1144x1012, 26:23, Comic Retard 56.jpg)

What's up with the fucking writing in Western comic books lately?

2ef07c No.14212778


how many times are you gonna respost this?

25fc3f No.14212780


It's a new panel that I saw on Twitter.

2ef07c No.14212788


no its not

27f93c No.14212792

Starting to look like a real Wiki now.


6f0dd7 No.14212803

File: fb4fd7fe617bfb0⋯.png (1.11 MB, 676x960, 169:240, ClipboardImage.png)



A shame that those comics are rare to find along with English translations.

>What about things like Samurai Jack and Avatar?

Like Teen Titans, it's heavily inspired but still retains a western flair to it. The closest to Western Anime might be RWBY, but that's probably saying too much for a below average show.



It's been posted before, and majority of people in that industry use it more as a soapbox instead of making comics about super heroes.

edfe1e No.14212810

File: 3f6df0f89f7a08a⋯.jpg (93.6 KB, 595x841, 595:841, Trap vs Puberty.jpg)


Well, spread /animu/ awareness.


RWBY is terrible, I couldn't stand watching it. Totally Spies is a better Western Anime than try hard RWBY.

6f0dd7 No.14212825


>RWBY is terrible

True, and it's unfortunate Japan likes that shit.

>Totally Spies

Made by frogs.

edfe1e No.14212832

File: 4d47b63cc48430f⋯.jpg (882.08 KB, 906x1280, 453:640, 7ac0e44ddfdeea828d60218638….jpg)

File: 17ef7ce14ec24a3⋯.jpg (880.18 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, 66597b508c9f688e537f89cd4c….jpg)

File: fe468968632f7c5⋯.jpg (835.38 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, 2b0a85aad15b9d9a3f3df5debb….jpg)


Frogs can make decent anime, though they are very lewd.

>it's unfortunate Japan likes that shit.

Their shit tastes kept SAO alive.

9bca7e No.14212856

File: 69fecd74518f275⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Cybersix Opening.mp4)



>tfw we will never hear the full song

c7d413 No.14212859


>RWBY is terrible, I couldn't stand watching it.

The only good thing about RWBY was the fight scenes. The rest of the show was laughably bad (Even before Monty's demise).


>True, and it's unfortunate Japan likes that shit.


>Their shit tastes kept SAO alive.

Well, it doesn't help that RT is going to rape it's corpse and milk the series for all it's worth.

<Here's the new Gatcha game for it

Hell, apparently, they're also aiming for RWBY to be more like GoT.



>Didn't they actually meet George R Martin at a con or something? He liked the show, they talked, and his name is in the special thanks for season 3? I just figured it was for advice on "how do we kill characters"- guess they took a lot more.

c7d413 No.14212861

File: 89fe8362969e570⋯.webm (15.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bilibili代理《RWBY》正版授权同名手游!….webm)


<Here's the new Gatcha game for it

Forgot the damn video for it.

c7d413 No.14212870

File: 4733f5c4620cbf5⋯.webm (4.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gen_LOCK_preview.webm)


Also, since we're on the subject, RT is aiming to bring out more "gems" such as this: >>>/rwby/36292

>Rooster Teeth also announced that its 2018 animation slate will include two new series: gen:LOCK and Nomad of Nowhere. gen: LOCK concerns a diverse team of young pilots who are recruited to control the next generation of giant, weaponized robot bodies. In Nomad of Nowhere, which premieres on FIRST on March 2, a mysterious nomad traverses a Western wasteland — but a price on his head sends him on the run from captors and bounty hunters who all want to score big when they bring in the world’s last magical being.

<RWBY Vol. 6 to premiere this fall


>Think of it as two-parts Samurai Jack and True Grit with just a dash of The Lord of the Rings.

>There’s something for everyone in Nomad of Nowhere; we’ll be telling an epic tale filled with fun new characters, with plenty of humor and light-hearted moments to go alongside it. We’ve developed a beautiful art style to showcase the unique setting of Nowhere: an unforgiving and harsh landscape home to fantastic creatures and a diverse cast of characters. And of course, our kickass animation team is going to make it the best looking 2D show you’ll ever see. Needless to say, I’m excited for everyone to see it.

<Rooster Teeth Unveils 2018 Animation Slate & New Animated Series ‘Nomad of Nowhere’


edfe1e No.14212873


Isn't Rooster Teeth owned by Crunchy Roll?

310aa4 No.14212876


>There’s something for everyone

It's shit

7fb277 No.14212881

File: 8017fbdc13ff21e⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 360x402, 60:67, gamboys.jpg)

hey evryone whats up gamboys

c7d413 No.14212882


No, but both companies are owned by Otter Media (So, they're sister companies).

747377 No.14212889


its so hard finding good info on newer french/ita stuff

Cept for thing like Ekho or Barbucci, i don't hear of "recent stuff"

I recall trying to find one about ballet dancers named "Emma & Capuccine", but only get links to a french comic store

7fb277 No.14212892


>it's like…

>think of it as two parts…

I hate this. If you're going to tell me something is like two things mixed together, FUCKING TELL ME WHAT PARTS OF EACH ARE BEING MIXED IN. How is this like Samurai Jack? Is it the aesthetic? Is it the story? The animation style? The action scenes? The writing? Telling me "it's like these two things mixed together" basically doesn't tell me shit. Advance Wars is like Fire Emblem mixed with Call of Duty from a certain point of view but that's not necessarily going to give an accurate picture of it.

5ca7ac No.14212898

File: 190fd962f4b80c1⋯.png (312.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


thinking on what the next comic should be about while playing my shitty MMOs.

310aa4 No.14212901


Game of Thrones is similar to Friends, both shows have people doing things.

4fcde7 No.14212902


/ameta/ is the only place I've ever seen the term /v/ermin.

c7d413 No.14212907

File: def446e123816f7⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27c031bff603893⋯.png (1.55 MB, 800x1132, 200:283, ClipboardImage.png)


Thomas the Tank Engine is similar to Snowpiercer. Both are about trains.

5ca7ac No.14212913

793c19 No.14212914

File: 4d9e69a23c5688d⋯.png (17.17 KB, 270x360, 3:4, 2167098fc17f1fdc38f2ad5ece….png)

Found some aGGro shills in the Denuvo thread.




43a16e No.14212925

Does anyone else feel like some genres of games are dying? It feels like some are getting more and more stale or downright broken. No one takes risks with games anymore, and fans just gobble it up. Fighting games, RTS, and shooters just follow what is believed to be popular. We just end up getting bad clones of marvel vs capcom with awful combo systems, starcraft clones, and COD shit. Even some companies that take risks end up fucking it over like what happened with Supreme commander

6b6245 No.14212927

File: 54f54e3cdcde114⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 4.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Detective Conan-OST 1 - Ka….mp4)


"gg" is for "good game" not gamergate.

It was an old dead sub group that hasn't done anything since 2012-ish.

A lot of the sub names on the graph >>14207893 are really old and predate both Gamegate and Torrential Downpour.

Although, it's interesting to see who survived: all goon affiliated or run groups, as there was a huge problem with what we now know as non-cartel sub groups (((coincidently))) blowing up with drama which would shut down the group. Every single one.

So a very interesting pattern emerged with a death to all the non-cartel groups: so propost that it wasn't suicide that killed these groups; it was murder!


On the convention side, you don't know the half of it.

The whole reason wholly unnecessary codes-of-conduct were being proposed "Cosplay is not Consent"-nonsense was to ban and/or isolate wrongthinking "evil gamergate MRAs" for little or no justifiable reason.

6f0dd7 No.14212928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Frogs can make decent anime, though they are very lewd.

No doubt Frogs can make animation. The first season of Code Lyoko was fun to watch, and Oban Star Racers was a special treat.


It still hurts anon, and fuck, I wish there was a full version of the ending song.


>The only good thing about RWBY was the fight scenes.

That was Monty's only ace in his deck. Another good thing is probably the salt around the fandom, where they just eat each other alive if it's revealed that the girls like guys or that Jaunne guy does something.

>they're also aiming for RWBY to be more like GoT

If RT has integrity which they don't, they should just end the show on a okay note. Somewhat related to the topic, it's bullshit that their sister channel dumb downed a fight between one of the RWBY girls vs. Tifa, just so the former can win in default.

9bc830 No.14212944

File: 5ad7ed5a86607c2⋯.jpg (381.31 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, dekameri05.jpg)

Do we have a page on Torrential Downpour anywhere we could copy over to the wiki?

Or if someone would be willing to write something up real quick as well as contributing infographs, events and dates.

>Pre-GG (NISA stuff for example)

>Fire emblem fates

>persona 5

>General localization censorship

Should it also include non-vidya things?

2ff27e No.14212948

File: ab54cf76f8cdec4⋯.jpeg (124.94 KB, 650x1105, 10:17, tamen-de-gushi-ch-106-pic….jpeg)

File: 79adb2b66da218b⋯.jpg (98.29 KB, 728x1079, 56:83, 3.jpg)


I would say the culture divide is even greater. I'd compare western works, including European comics, to Asian comics as a whole. Manhua and manhwa being Chinese and Korean respectively still share a lot of similarities to manga in the same way a French comic will to an American one. For example, compare gay comics from both divides, and you'll see an obvious and absolute split between the two. As much as Asians hate each other, they're more like each other than a lot think. As much as the west screams "we want gays in comics", not a one has actually convinced me the writer wants to make something you enjoy as opposed to "making a statement". Now that's some backwards shit.

Also, I just realized there's truckloads more gay shit comics out of China than there is Korea. I know they were going bonkers for social justice, so does that mean they're probably closer to the west than the others even in that regard?

25fc3f No.14212956

File: 2b8e22b363e20aa⋯.jpg (138.45 KB, 877x962, 877:962, US University Retardation ….jpg)

6b6245 No.14212960


> anon, for the first time, realizes that games a business and businesses generally don't like to take risks and a lot a "safe" samey-same bullshit

4fcde7 No.14212965


>Posting old shit

>Posting unsourced old shit


>The same could be said for "European comics versus American comics"

There's a much greater divide between the western world and the far east than between the western world and another part of the western world.


>Code Lyoko and Oban

My nigger.

61f91b No.14212969


It begins.

7fb277 No.14212973



People who seriously do this make me want to combine a bullet with my brain.

2ef07c No.14213006

310aa4 No.14213020


A bullet and your brain are both similar because they both have the same amount of cognitive function

4fcde7 No.14213023

5ca7ac No.14213027

7fb277 No.14213032

File: d8b37adcb838276⋯.png (194.53 KB, 537x604, 537:604, 1403124218646.png)

caa47e No.14213036

File: 4a70d0d3200dd34⋯.jpg (716.18 KB, 1281x1905, 427:635, 91ZKC1UCmML[1].jpg)


About the only one I can recall is stuff like "Small Favors", which is a lesbian drawing cute girls lezzing out.

4b20bf No.14213042



Good job /pol/, another TriggerOp just like "It's Okay to Be White"

93ead6 No.14213054

File: 754b35bccfda472⋯.jpg (357.75 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, orinkuu.jpg)


>bullet with my brain

Is similar to bullet train


>>>14212944 (You)


3cd379 No.14213059


It is buzzwords to get fans of those things interested. Same shit with the "souls-like" experience. At best it means their marketing team is clueless as to how to market their product and at worst it means the studio/devs are actually chasing after all these different things and not making their own thing.


You forget that clones and similar games were plentiful even in the past. It is just that you had those risk takers in the mix, and they stood out over time because they did something different. Its kind of ridiculous, because people aren't going to jump on a new game if it has the same gameplay except worse. They are just going to keep playing the same damn game, or game series, that they already enjoy.

310aa4 No.14213061


"Souls-like" actually has meaning behind it though. People don't say it to just mean "Hard with a bunch of traps and bullshit."

4fcde7 No.14213068

File: 752308fe0e2614b⋯.jpg (215.03 KB, 563x673, 563:673, 752308fe0e2614b1283c37a3e9….jpg)


>persona 5

Speaking of, there is one problem I had with Persona 5's translation.


6f0dd7 No.14213078

File: 8c4ddf6a29daceb⋯.png (731.54 KB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Another difference between western and far eastern works is that the latter doesn't mind showing yuri or yaoi in a negative light comparing to the west where gays are mostly shown in a positive light and that they cannot do wrong despite they can be major screw ups.

b07e64 No.14213104



Shilling for DRM should be punished by hanging.


Or blacks, for the newer shit.

27f93c No.14213131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Raz0rfist secretly our DS9anon?

2ff27e No.14213132

File: 47d6f8ca8e8bbfb⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 728x1053, 56:81, 3.jpg)


Thanks, I'll check it out.


Many go further than that and show them solely in a pitying light. What's the point for someone who doesn't actually like gay stuff to include them in a story if they aren't going to constantly cry about how their parents kicked them out or society just "doesn't get them" for progressive points? Have some fun once in a while, that isn't just holding hands in the background of wide shots or getting "big shock" kiss pages.


It's a personal irritation of mine when translators stop working right when the main characters stop talking. They did this in Metro 2033, if you want play with russian language for immersion, none of the background conversations are subtitled. You get story characters alone and it means you'd miss out on some really great conversations.

010a78 No.14213153

File: aac87adbde5288f⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 896x552, 112:69, T'Pol_enraged.jpg)


I am filled with emotional confliction at those dubble dubs.

4b20bf No.14213155


No, but he's kinda a faggot with his fanboyism, good videos on DS9 though, still can't control his fanboy contrarianism bullshit in regards to Kojima, Fallout New Vegas, Witcher, and Babylon 5,

4fcde7 No.14213157


Those aren't double dubs you double nigger.

c401c2 No.14213163


>Banned by autistic meidos for typing "tbh"

It's actually a bot that bans you for that.

010a78 No.14213167

File: ea92e219e2d8334⋯.png (184.76 KB, 336x309, 112:103, How_To_Eat_26_Ghost_Pepper….png)


Yes. I realized my error after posting. But still. 3131.

c401c2 No.14213173


>that /a/ ignored the Garo anime

Stop lying >>>/a/743206

43a16e No.14213241

Are we getting raided? I see constant shitposting in multiple threads and people defending Iconoclasts while sperging out about GG being just as bad as SJWs for not buying their games.

4b20bf No.14213248


Either shills or fedoratippers who lazily keep regurgitating "GG is as bad as SJWs!"

cbc0f6 No.14213249


what the hell makes that game so special compared to every other indie game that gets shat out?

b2371b No.14213257


>buying games from devs who openly hate you is bad

Shills are retarded.

43a16e No.14213260


That might be it. I did see burnouts sperg out about GG being the true SJWs and shitting on downpour. The worst part is that the fighting game general is completely derailed now.

4b20bf No.14213272


Sonyggers in some of the other threads defending this game for no other reason then PS Quatro and PS Vita "exclusive", really don't know what's special about this game either other than all-female blah blah and Atheists to the rescue rah-rah bullshit.


Don't see it derailed other than a couple of autists spamming shitty meme images.

c7d413 No.14213285

File: 2ff3f5659f78000⋯.png (28.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Athiests BTFO.png)


>…and Atheists to the rescue rah-rah bullshit.

Finally get to use this screenshot

27f93c No.14213287

File: e64d65d96a6a5dc⋯.png (255.05 KB, 638x740, 319:370, Screenshot(1).png)

What the literal, unredacted fuck?

4fcde7 No.14213296


>unarchived twitter bullshit

542578 No.14213303


Context? Archive? Anything????

ecd0fd No.14213307

File: 13e038234c9987a⋯.png (181.04 KB, 309x431, 309:431, 13e038234c9987a8e9d4fc092e….png)


>Unarchived twitter screenshot of some no-name with no context whatsoever.

336285 No.14213311


Probably a libshit comic reader in denial that the ones he surrounds himself with will probably kill him.

27f93c No.14213312




Its Twitter stupidity. I've just never had one turn tail and run away that fast before.


3cd379 No.14213315


>GG are the true SJWs


1056fe No.14213319

File: 21f3885c497b5f7⋯.png (199.61 KB, 610x485, 122:97, ClipboardImage.png)


you shouldve screencapped a little more at the top Acid Man

27f93c No.14213334


Quantum broke my screencap tool, so I can't scroll the screen for bigger caps, only what is shown in the current window.

4b20bf No.14213338


You should have used "Commies" instead of SJWs.

Speaking of shitty dying industry full of pretentious fucktards with giant egos and failed TV/Movie writers/ideas guys.



310aa4 No.14213341


Then take two screencaps you fucking nigger

27f93c No.14213345


Make me pussy.

I'l fite u.

c7d413 No.14213346

File: 6c540b67d2fac1b⋯.png (4.19 MB, 3600x1080, 10:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>I've just never had one turn tail and run away that fast before.

Or, he could just press the "Prt Scr" button on his keyboard.

2ef07c No.14213350


>"Prt Scr" button


516859 No.14213352


>Jon Malin


c7d413 No.14213361

File: d32529721d4f6e5⋯.png (139.17 KB, 2000x736, 125:46, ClipboardImage.png)


It's right after F12.

692636 No.14213362


>Desktop has an "Xbox" shortcut

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never heard of anybody using the Microsoft store in their lives.

310aa4 No.14213363

File: 368f915080eafe3⋯.webm (613.01 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Tealc angrily lean forwar….webm)


How do you know fucking know what that means?

1056fe No.14213366


>clickteam fusion and blender


516859 No.14213369



Didn't Nazis want a closed nation? You can't say they were for diversity.

2ef07c No.14213371

File: b5176b1a2adb7b6⋯.png (246.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tumblr_p2mwd1vAj41rynchdo1….png)



lol I tricked you again

4fcde7 No.14213372

File: 8f91434a8945030⋯.png (190.14 KB, 446x345, 446:345, 10593b2a0d6f469a60effd1963….png)


>Merely pretending

c7d413 No.14213376

File: 721255d31e871fd⋯.png (65.97 KB, 799x534, 799:534, ClipboardImage.png)


<It's just the icon I have set for a folder.


Sorry, wrong guy. I've wanted to learn how to use them, but I haven't had the patience to actually do something with it, yet.

27f93c No.14213377

File: 0e9f28ce886e45d⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB, 820x460, 41:23, 8cfd990d89f72dced5ffba7266….gif)

On that note, I'm going to bed.


Night anons.

692636 No.14213380



>Not giving where it is on a Dvorak, Maltron or Colemak keyboard

c7d8ea No.14213381


>/pol/ fucking did it

The absolute fucking madmen.

692636 No.14213390


Never expect sanity out of /pol/, that's what I learned from reading them ever since the Decision 2016. Speaking of 2016, anybody still have the election webms?

cad7a2 No.14213392


It didn't have enough plot or backstory.


>Do americans have no decency or just urbanites?

Urbanites. Almost anything you say about America is true and so is the opposite depending on where America you are talking about.

310aa4 No.14213393


They already did it with the "It's OK to be white" flyers. Honestly it's one of the best moves I've even seen them do.

b2371b No.14213403

File: e7b86276e626eb2⋯.webm (10.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11-8-2016 What a night.webm)

1056fe No.14213405


for Blender, start with some tuts on lowpoly. it's fun making N64-looking shit

hi jesse

35b225 No.14213417


>Never expect sanity out of /pol/

I never got the impression they were insane.

c7d413 No.14213423

File: 49cef6c6cc99172⋯.jpg (298.62 KB, 2283x2620, 2283:2620, 49c.jpg)



Also, I have used the Microsoft store, but I haven't spent any actual money there because of Microsoft's "rewards program" that gives you more than enough points for using their applications and services, which then gives you the option to trade in those points for credit to their store. However, I stopped using much of their stuff early last year when they were going full "We oppose Trump's ban on refugees".


>That spoiler


Eh, we're near the end of the bread.

b5bd3b No.14213426


It was a neat demo considered abandoned by a guy that's made fun games previously. I could swear that it's also the game most people think should have won IndieCade in 2012, instead of Fez getting a second win, but I'm having a hard time finding citations on that.

3cd379 No.14213440


Why does Bandai-Namco have English writers?


Still amazes me that the MSM took the bait so hard when it was obvious that /pol/ was trying to get the mask to slip.

35b225 No.14213447


>Eh, we're near the end of the bread.

I'm digging as we speak. Hope you like pizza.

c7d413 No.14213452


Sure, I'll take an ultimate, no mushrooms, no olives, add jalapenos…You haven't digged before when I posted who I am?

1056fe No.14213456

File: 0564553e3ba1dc7⋯.png (337.7 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow it's near the end already

35b225 No.14213457


Cheese Pizza with mushrooms and olives. Got it.

I don't really care, I'm just teasing

35b225 No.14213472


Is that the newsweek editor?

4b20bf No.14213479

File: 19e8607ccd10313⋯.png (104.33 KB, 386x488, 193:244, Hapa Goon Faggot.PNG)


>Why does Bandai-Namco have English writers?

For their American/Europe releases and Japanese Companies not bothering to have a tight-leash with their Western branches and the idiots they hire, just look up Dark Souls the comic if you want to learn why ideas guys like these shouldn't fucking hired.

2ff27e No.14213480

File: 1e328c1171e877d⋯.jpg (114.96 KB, 769x478, 769:478, 1471034548635.jpg)


Things like that make me wish for the end.

d6c7fe No.14213489


>no source nor archive

b8b802 No.14213498


he's not wrong you know

4b20bf No.14213500

File: ebae289084b55ef⋯.png (261.14 KB, 1251x761, 1251:761, Cancer Incarnate.PNG)


Forgot, he's pretty much with the clique of circlejerking cancer.

35b225 No.14213506

File: b504be4c249f604⋯.mp4 (557 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kraut did nothing wrong.mp4)

New Narrative, Kraut was lied about

4b20bf No.14213508

File: a16b1b5a24ac86b⋯.png (202.44 KB, 924x638, 42:29, Tips Fedora.PNG)


Fuck, multiple imageposting is fucking up at my end.

1056fe No.14213512

File: 1cb0f27609a2ed5⋯.png (195.83 KB, 430x286, 215:143, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes. Pic related

fee9b2 No.14213543

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


one of the artists in the current run of the 'Cable' comic got fed up and said some incendiary shit on twitter which got all the comic book sjws to trip all over themselves to be the first to make a fool of themselves.

ethan van sciver, an artist at DC who does green lantern and has a (real nice) youtube channel where he looks into behind the scenes comic stuff, did a real nice interview with the guy and Malin gives a real nice speech on whats goin' on in comics from his perspective. embedded, its a good watch.

ethan also did nice interviews with mark waid and dan slott which gives nice insight into what them sjw-types think about the comic industry. (not very much, it seems.)

93ead6 No.14213549

File: 2f29d6e8d530896⋯.jpg (511.4 KB, 976x713, 976:713, 1459618588323.jpg)

gud night gayergays,

eye spent all my acoustics on the wiki.

6f0dd7 No.14213559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good night anon.

1056fe No.14213563

File: 508997a661686d8⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 653x595, 653:595, floofcup.jpg)


stay comfy anon

35b225 No.14213568


I wish I could sleep.

3a8e18 No.14213587


anon, soy isoflavones bind to the same receptors as estrogen. in other words, consuming a lot of soy has similar effects on your body to taking synthetic estrogen.

i remember twenty years ago this was undisputed among biochemists, it was only when soy started getting pushed so hard in modern diets that it became a >conspiracy theory

c7d413 No.14213594

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

Since it's about that time, is there anything that needs to be changed in the OP for the next bread?

e3b74d No.14213602

File: e58da35579aca77⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1600x974, 800:487, dfgb3.png)

7716c2 No.14213635


Or just gamergatewiki.org as Acid secured that domain which redirects and it looks nicer

c7d413 No.14213638

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Well, I'm off to bed.

To whoever will be the baker, remember to do this: >>14213602

068d01 No.14213652


Is this the same artist of the manga about two onesans wanting to fuck eachother's imouto?

4b20bf No.14213675

File: 6a1a5c798ae2f6d⋯.png (844.54 KB, 661x697, 661:697, He knows de wey.PNG)

Bread please.

1056fe No.14213680

File: 8022d5a5452db86⋯.png (595.51 KB, 800x545, 160:109, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm out. Remember, the ride never ends

a8577a No.14213692


I watched Who Killed Captain Alex with my roommates today. It was pretty good.

4b20bf No.14213705


Good film, assuming the budget of $150-200 they had is accurate, they did more with less.

1056fe No.14213729



875431 No.14213733


>doesn't even know of the fucking cartel

>we seriously have fags in this thread that don't know the cartel

Are you a newfag? Even cuckchan fags know of the cartel. Maybe spend less of your posting history shitposting and actually pay attention to what's going on if you seriously need to be spoonfed about the fucking cartel. Jesus.

c92ef2 No.14213753

Just finished playing Iconoclasts (pirated it).

I finished it around 6 hours or so on Hard difficulty, and I can say that it's garbage.

There's no point in exploring for items because the item system is fucking useless, and there's no exp/leveling in the game so you basically stay the same way as you started out. The story is pretty shit, and there are a few details that makes no fucking sense : one of the main characters is a lesbo, and she's a part of a community whose main religion/ideology is based on procreation. I mean wtf, she should've been ousted as a heretic and burned at the stake.

4b20bf No.14213767


So typical indieshit early access title that's touted as progressive by SJWs then?

b5bd3b No.14213787

File: c2173a2bbc0c993⋯.png (86.77 KB, 596x777, 596:777, from_konjak_to_tha_rami_-_….png)


Disappointing, but not surprising, at least considering how much Konjak seems to buddy up to Rami Ismail. Regretting more I can't find him getting jewed by Phil Fish


c92ef2 No.14213815


I played the alpha back in 2011 and thought the game had an interesting premise and worldbuilding.

Played the completed game yesterday and was surprised to see traces of SJW bullshit in the story, and later found out that the dev is a SJW cuck.

I feel sad looking at all the wasted potential.

I suppose I can integrate my expectations into my future projects.

4938c2 No.14213842

File: 1db332dbfb25ee3⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1181x512, 1181:512, gamersheh_t.png)

4938c2 No.14213860

File: 9a96bd38a5caab7⋯.png (62.32 KB, 1198x155, 1198:155, ClipboardImage.png)



Hmm, not the bio I expected.

a30e8b No.14213938

File: fdc441b1e3a4e1d⋯.jpg (139.38 KB, 1168x683, 1168:683, fdc441b1e3a4e1deefc52ce233….jpg)

File: 00312779394acae⋯.png (634.49 KB, 550x1492, 275:746, 300c6bf6c994560b02a49a47af….png)

File: d3ca0818fdc327d⋯.png (526.8 KB, 720x514, 360:257, cb3b8e3e8488073d8356b25078….png)

File: ab89eb9f2b719fe⋯.png (45.92 KB, 400x526, 200:263, 1434480105035.png)

File: a8c6d82f629c5b7⋯.jpg (108.06 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 1430251193953-0.jpg)

a30e8b No.14213960

File: 06caf4fc374e5bb⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 750x600, 5:4, motivator7223830.jpg)

a30e8b No.14213981

File: c0b75f1108d6d5e⋯.jpg (90.03 KB, 700x988, 175:247, SF-Front.jpg)

File: b4b96bc8da8bd35⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 300x463, 300:463, gsmf-0819.jpg)

File: 6796257efddec19⋯.jpg (123.74 KB, 750x1157, 750:1157, SF-03.jpg)

f76843 No.14213984

File: 2b0ddc452955867⋯.jpeg (7.42 KB, 300x300, 1:1, img-thing.jpeg)

Is the bread in the oven or what?

3a6d07 No.14214004

File: 288cf8af634fde7⋯.gif (810.54 KB, 500x268, 125:67, panic.gif)


Baker is dead.

66b44c No.14214008

File: 48396b448353b57⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Bakery.CLOSED.jpg)

fee9b2 No.14214021

File: ca93988ca3b83a5⋯.jpg (198.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Nina_losing_her_mind.jpg)


>Bakery CLOSED

f76843 No.14214024

Fine then, If someone doesn't bake the bread in 10 minutes, then I will.

7716c2 No.14214025


Just do it now fag

25fc3f No.14214040

You faggots are making me bake quickly! Here, have an emergency bread!




f76843 No.14214050

Ok, 10 minutes. I'll put something classical music then. At least it's something fresh.

f76843 No.14214054


Gee fucking thanks…

ecd0fd No.14214157


UGANDA is so based.

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