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File: edd1595eee08c75⋯.jpg (37.56 KB, 375x206, 375:206, Screenshot_20180122-083323.jpg)

1512e2 No.14202142

I'm honestly conflicted, on one hand we finally get to see another Yuji Naka project that isn't Sonic. On the other hand it's fucking Square Enix. I wish he went back to SEGA, but he'd probably be forced on Sonic games again.

7005fe No.14202152

File: de942c3577217d2⋯.jpg (90 KB, 640x480, 4:3, god help us.jpg)

51482f No.14202184

fucking great. apart from "muh denubo!" and ff15, se's been great lately. the more they bulk up on japanese development, the better.

c77147 No.14202219


Is Final Fantasy finally going fast?

51482f No.14202226


>yuji naka will forever be recognized by normalfags for sonic shit

>not burning rangers

>not billy hatcher

>not feel the magic

>not nights into dreams

>not phantasy star

d22d1d No.14202229

File: 7881c32dec6119b⋯.jpg (145.84 KB, 756x1612, 189:403, Soul Man smugly making a b….jpg)


But will he exceed the true champion of JRPG fast?

a0f201 No.14202235

File: 55e6da250532b45⋯.png (301.49 KB, 699x478, 699:478, noctis_mad_by_kimikothelex….png)


>implying FF15 wasn't a good game

Listen here, you little shit…

51482f No.14202246


it was a disaster in every way pretty much, maybe the VR fishing is good however

c77147 No.14202253


On a serious note, he would be a good candidate for developing Square's RPGs for his experience with Phantasy Star. Though Square would most likely have him make an original IP.


It was an improvement over the 13 games.

cc076d No.14202254


>empty as fuck open world

>unlikable main cast

>atrocious gameplay that doesn’t know what it wants to be

>horrid camera

>Driving is shit

>Easily broken

Yeah, amazing game you have there, Nomura. Totally worth the wait for a piece of shit.

69cafa No.14202255

Wasn't that Rhodesia Sky Soldier or whatever a big piece of shit though? I really don't have much faith in any game developer who hasn't made a hit in such a long time.

51482f No.14202270


>Square would most likely have him make an original IP.

would much rather have this, square's got a lot of great staff either dedicated to poorly managed projects that have a lot of klout while they sit on a lot of directors of very interesting original games like koji sugimoto and dewprism.

>It was an improvement over the 13 games.

I heard 13-2 was actually a good game, either way I think it's clear as day that the FF teams have had serious management issues.


it was a good game on the wii and is one of the best games for the systems

>game developer who hasn't made a hit in such a long time.

yuji naka is worth hiring for his diverse skill set in game development that spans numerous genres and many of the greatest innovations in numerous genres can be traced back to him. Hiring based on sales is a western thing and were I in SEs position I'd bend over backwards to recruit people who have produced experimental cult classics like Yukio Futatsugi over whoever the hell directed call of duty VVVVII

69cafa No.14202275


>I heard 13-2 was actually a good game

You heard wrong.

7005fe No.14202276


FF15 was fun but Aranea not joining the team full time was a let down.

2ad4e7 No.14202318

>Final Fantasy has been shit since VI

>Sonic has been shit since 3

>Putting the two together

Double shit awaits?

Funny how both companies love fishing for some inexplicable reason, Sega with the Dreamcast fishing controller in Adventure, and now SE with VR fishing.

645bd1 No.14202330

File: 2077113c3d61021⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Take a Sip 70.jpg)

SEGA have now suffered a big brain drain on this one.

18620c No.14202338


Blame the publisher.

a0f201 No.14202343


This is a list of all the anti-FF15 buzzwords people who haven't played the game like to use. Who spoon-feeds you future Polygon writers this shit?

c5ea2e No.14202358


15 was complete and utter garbage and you have shit tastes for liking it.

>requires a fucking Final Mix edition to be able to control party members in current year

>shit camera

>slow kingdom hearts

>boring gameplay, boring magic system

Final Fantasy 15 is a complete piece of shit and it is a testament of what happens when people focus on presentation rather than substance.

a0f201 No.14202381


>I don't understand what a focused narrative is

>I don't know how to use the second analog stick

>My ADD won't let me play games with a measured pace


7fab68 No.14202397

File: e8e20c4ef01e6fa⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 2hu Bait.jpg)


>accuses others of using buzzwords

>proceeds to use buzzwords

b7496d No.14202399

File: bd7a857376ebfb1⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Alisa.jpg)


>Experience with Phantasy Star

Naka was a programmer. He wasn't deeply involved in the creative side of the project. Which is why PSO's story and atmosphere were a pale shadow of what Phantasy Star & Skies of Arcadia were - while it's gameplay carried the title. And even then, the gameplay of PSO aged like milk. He also oversaw Satoshi Sakai's handling of the (both narratively and gameplay wise) trainwreck that was Phantasy Star Universe. Square has long ago given up on gameplay in favor of cinematics and narrative, so I don't know if Naka would be a good fit.

Phantasy Star was at it's apex when Pheonix Rie and Yoshibon were writing and designing it.

a0f201 No.14202453

File: 9d6d8f46640a9fc⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 900x750, 6:5, carl-benjamin-1.jpg)


>I can't argue against your points, so I'll argue semantics

e78c4b No.14202459


I think we can all agree that Versus could've been done much better, and that corporate meddling ruined it

e78c4b No.14202464



I mean XV, fuck. I wish the game was Versus.

8699c0 No.14202475


>fucking great. apart from "muh denubo!" and ff15, se's been great lately.

>KH3 Never Ever

>FF7 Milked Microtransactions press F for Aeris or revive her for this easy installment

>Being this fucking blind just because of 2B's ass

Nierfags need to understand their mutated stepchild of a franchise is a goddamned exception to the blackhole vacuum that is Squeenix's yearly finance plans.

7fab68 No.14202477


>arguing with Square Enix's internet defense force

e78c4b No.14202484


I strongly disagree m8, especially with their american branch being on par with fucking Treehouse.

8699c0 No.14202492


Before I forget

>Mana remake by the mobashit dev team that did Adventures of p2w Mana

>Scarlet SaGa forgotten in record time

>FFXIV milks you for everything you have

>You're getting DQX four years late, probably more expensive, and shit will die in less than a year

>Creatively bankrupt let's rip off fucking MINECRAFT

>You will need a PS5 to play KH3, VR function mandatory

>DQ8 rerelease censored as fuck and also fuck the midi bullshit where's the real soundtrack

>Lightning Returns Versus o i mean dissidia

>Bravely what's that now? Trash our first good original IP in decades? DON'T MIND IF WE DO.

>Front Mission Continues to Be Ignored™

But hey all is well in the house that Square built m i rite?

d22d1d No.14202494


Didn't it put "xe"s in games? Is that arguably worse?

7107f3 No.14202510

File: e6ad9e956bf05be⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 300x298, 150:149, costanza.jpg)


>Final Boredom XV


e870cb No.14202516




Are you going to post some actual arguments in favor of the game? So far, all you've said is "those are buzzwords" and "you're too stupid to understand it". You want to convince anyone that XV is good? Say why it's good, instead of just saying its detractors are wrong without anything to back that statement up.

51482f No.14202522

File: 5713f414c75bb0f⋯.png (6.76 KB, 1010x75, 202:15, email.png)



the translations are usually handled by 8-4, speaking as someone who's communicated with Koji Sugimoto who told me exactly that.





>nomura management

see the problem here yet?

>2bs ass

halfchan memes, seriously?

8699c0 No.14202549



Take a long jump off a short pier, rewrite-fag. This place was wall-to-wall with the shit a full month before & after the game's premiere.

>See the problem here

SE's management is shit and will continue to be shit until such time that the company collapses.

fefd49 No.14202558

Aw damn, what happened to prope?

51482f No.14202573


nomuras management and planning is shit, his directing of all of his projects has been a real nightmare for a very long time. SE has proven to have excellent staff on various teams, from technical to writing, and many of the other directing and managerial staff have pulled through with tremendous results.

97a779 No.14202580

Is this the guy that ruined Sonic?

e870cb No.14202589


No, that would be Iizuka, who's still part of Sonic Team.

fefd49 No.14202593


No, that was a bunch of Japs in (((San Francisco))) when the made ow the edgelord.

8699c0 No.14202619


But it's those results that speak for themselves, isn't it? There's a reason I isolated Nier from Squeenix production—they themselves have done the same repeatedly. In their board of investors, their directors, and their exec staff, they didn't expect anything from that franchise except to maintain a cult hit status and rake in adequate 2-season revenue. Taro's given carte blanch because nothing in AAA numbers is expected of him. Nier Automata is a miracle in that regard.

But consider carefully what has been Squeenix's face prior to that. You state their management is excellent, but isn't more true they're stellar at keeping the ship afloat and running damage control as Nomura and the FF cancer ruined venture after venture? It's genuinely difficult to actually name their successes that aren't moba-related or aren't flukes that were in turn ruined (Bravely Second, looking at you).

This is actually worse when you cease to view Squeenix domestic and consider them on the international level. Then they become international fuckups for allowing FFXIII to continue existing, not making up the numbers they should have for all the dev costs XV ran them, nearly killing the company with XIV, shunning the DQ fanbase outright, making the dialogue in those games even worse with shit localization practices, bait n'switching a FFVII remake, then actually giving up a FFVII remake and letting it be known in interviews it was an obvious cash-grab and microtransactions will likely play a staring role, all the while it's slated to be released in chunks for maximum profit. Couldn't court back any of their other IP talent, so Scarlet SaGa widdles in the wind, Mana was a damn phone game, the Mana everyone knows (聖剣伝説2) will not even remotely impress. Middle of last year amid Nier's blue moon success, senior staff said they were switching their focus to microtransactions.

So really, how is this counted as success from a gamer pov?

c77147 No.14202659

File: 39c245e76e9d2d3⋯.jpg (311.2 KB, 753x900, 251:300, d2c2ba21a52433116d95c30dac….jpg)


>shunning the DQ fanbase outright, making the dialogue in those games even worse with shit localization practices,

DQ was always better than Final Fantasy to me. Enix's worst mistake is merging with their failing rival instead of just letting them die.

e78c4b No.14202697


I wouldn't call 2B's half a halfchan meme honestly. but yeah, I see the issue is with Nomura

51482f No.14202737


>I wouldn't call 2B's [ass] a halfchan meme honestly

it is, and I've been told it's used to dismiss discussion about the merits of the game period. sort of like the goon shilling we get here.


I'm fully aware of SEs profile of successes and failures the past few years. They're on an uptick and when I hinted at management, I may have misspoke as I'm aware it's much more than just Nomura. You're discounting the absolute reversal FF14 was, the increased awareness of how their properties are regarded globally, and I think you're focusing too much on the mistakes.

If you look at individual projects and the many aspects of them, they're doing a lot right. I am also basing this on recent statements from SEs highly suspect upper management who have shared a view that they're switching more development domestically instead of outsourcing or continuing to focus on their western studios, and all these signs indicate a good thing.

51482f No.14202765


>Were you not around for the game's release?

I was, and was talking about the game in detail and shared a lot of my own theories about how the overarching narrative likely revolves around a fourth wall break involving the audience representing the watchers and the whole thing is a recursive timeline.

>2B's ass is just icing on the cake and a universal meme

I'm aware, but I'm saying elsewhere I've heard it used to dismiss it, and based on a lot of headlines, a lot of people would use this argument. There's even people out there that think the story doesn't make sense.

7fab68 No.14202772


>There's even people out there that think the story doesn't make sense.

>westerner's can't into multiple endings

Not like Yoko doesn't just include things to fuck with people though.

>lol Eve has Watcher tattoos and it will never be mentioned again

e78c4b No.14202773



Well the people who use it like that are fucking faggots

e870cb No.14202819


Fucking with people is all Yoko Taro does.

51482f No.14202820


agreed, but think about it fourth dimensionally– the common narrative is that nier automata has wild and nonsensical story. Fast forward to 2021, people are looking up games that were nominated for awards and see nier automata spread across a few categories. They use google search to narrow down search results to the year it came out–headlines highlight 2b's ass, the sexualization of the character, the nonsensical story in reviews.

Fast forward 10 years, people mention those talking points when discussion of the game is brought up. "it's great, but the way 2B is treated as a piece of ass and the story being such a mess make it hard to recommend" how many times have you read quick summary-warnings like this for games? How many do you believe? Fast forwards 20 years, history has been decided long ago and the people who recognize and appreciate nier automata are drowned out with meme quips and poorly informed summations they refuse to believe are poorly informed because of how they've been enshrined in historical articles are dominating the narrative of any counter arguments. New players hear the arguments, they don't give it a try or walk in to it and look out only for the bad stuff they've heard about.

This is how the narrative is decided and how the western industry poisons the entire game industry.

31d4c5 No.14202941


>>Bravely what's that now? Trash our first good original IP in decades? DON'T MIND IF WE DO.

>wanting the Bravely series to be milked to death

>not knowing that the Bravely team is working on Octopath Traveler

You're right about everything else.

51482f No.14202958

File: e28753ad213b64b⋯.jpg (108.86 KB, 1019x764, 1019:764, big.jpg)


>nintendo handling publishing worldwide

1d9a1b No.14203040

File: 8c21e38cbc42822⋯.gif (343.67 KB, 549x376, 549:376, heh 1.gif)

A "face of the company " guy (which is a code for "hack who put his name on the work of others") joining the company that ruined Final Fantasy with 13 and 15.

It will be fun to watch another trainwreck when they presente their joint work.

9365ee No.14203123


I honestly wouldn't mind if he went back to Sanic because goddamn do they need him

63c3a2 No.14203154

File: 71aaedf4c443423⋯.jpg (25.76 KB, 168x465, 56:155, 45785.JPG)


It's shit

the original concept for 15 was closer to yakuza with final fantasy wist , but filthy Fujoshi became the new big money making cow by the time they got their shit together.

8699c0 No.14203312


>it is, and I've been told it's used to dismiss discussion about the merits of the game period.

Problem is I wasn't using it in context to railroad discussion of the Nier's merits. I was alluding to Nier's assets, pun intended, being a very good reason for a healthy percentage of Squeenix's fanbase to turn a blind eye to many of their shortcomings and fuckups over time. Most fandoms are like that when you throw them a treat. See also the collective hate machine that shifted away from Capcom for Legends 3 when Conman presented himself as a bigger target. Or RE7 making most fans forget how shit SFV was until MvCI came about. And now they're threatening a low-budget MM11 after the dust has cleared from the Mighty No Disaster.

And I get your point on caring about how the story gets told in the future, but I'm not going to lie to you and say I don't give a shit. I don't. You know as well as I do you can scream until your capillaries bursts and it won't mean a goddamned thing to the faggots who pen these various articles slating x and y and z as sexist, and the

low-info normalfags that read them in a moment of ADD-laden boredom. Were that really the case and such a thing made a difference, then why the fuck was there a near-full media campaign against XC2 and Pyra's design?

Simple answer: It brings clicks and money. And so long as it does so, your hopes for history telling the story right don't and won't exist.

Bravely Default did good. Nier does good. FFXIV makes a turnaround from a disastrous start. These handful of things have painted a false gloss of All Is Okay when it's really not. Mind, I haven't even mentioned Tomb Raider being a tank franchise, nor the disaster zone that's Hitman. I'd add Dues Ex but I can't quite recall if that's just a published title or if Mankind Divided did just average for sales.

Not even to be doom and gloom, but this picture is anything but rosy.

519c1c No.14203330

File: 02ff397f6d8775d⋯.jpg (219.91 KB, 575x806, 575:806, cover_medium.jpg)


After what happened to the Spiritual nights into dreams sequel, I can't say I blame him. Iwata's death probably hit him hard.

>Release let's tap, a wii game that actually uses the wii controller in a new fun way

>Nobody buys it

>Release fishing resort, the best fishing game of all time

>Wii online fish scoreboards go offline a year later

>Release rhodea the sky soldier, even have iwata mention it on nintendo direct

>Game gets delayed so much that the wii version (main version of the game), gets sidelined until the wii-u & 3DS ports are pushed instead

>Game finally gets released in america as the final Wii game

>Fucking INIS translates it

Get let's tap if you can. It's like $5.

51482f No.14203338


there is 0 excuse to not play rodea as well. legit wii hbc, vwii hbc, or dolphin. take your pick. fishing games are too under appreciated I feel.

519c1c No.14203363


The wii version was fantastic. The problem was they ported it to wii-U & 3DS & completely fucked it up in the process.


Maybe by modern standards…


It still confuses the hell out of me that they never brought the sequel to the wii-u or switch. There's clearly a HUGE fanbase behind it. Then again it's SEGA. They hate making money. Sonic mania was a miracle & they didn't expect it to make much money. Pretty sure it outsold forces.


>I want a new parasite eve!

not getting my hopes up with square enix ever again.


Yes? The reason there's no Saturn Sonic game is because SEGA America wanted to use the nights engine so they had to build xtreme entirely from scratch. Game ended up being cancelled because it was too much work.


Which games have the shit translations? I might get into Dragon Quest soon, starting with the english NES games.

7fab68 No.14203372

File: f11f7770bdeefc8⋯.png (301.81 KB, 517x650, 517:650, Delicious spaghetti.png)


Hello reddit

c755e7 No.14203401

File: f9d3a221a029cd9⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 208x236, 52:59, 00188.jpg)



I am really starting to hate this fucking influx of newfags. They're the worst kind too. A good newfag would lurk for a year (bear minimum) before posting anything.

These fuckers don't even try. Literally reddit memelord-tier or r/cuckchan mongrels.

Can we get the mods to ban these faggots on-site or something? If any more of them infect this place I'm going to throw up.

fefd49 No.14203411


>nor the disaster zone that's Hitman.

It sold poorly, or did it just do bad in terms of Squeenix sales, where 3 million for Tomb Raider wasn't enough.

51482f No.14203425


3m for nu raider wasn't enough because the amount of money they pumped into it. I think the series hit sustainment rate with the new game and they're probably doing another game.

hitman was poorly received in terms of sales, so square agreed with IO to have an amicable separation. Pretty much all these western studios performed poorly and I'm not surprised square is losing interest in the developers from the west.

8699c0 No.14203430



- Pisspoor netcode

- Separated into Episodes to maximize greed

- Lack of features compared to previous installments

- Dev team choked up by management who wanted a microtransactions enviornment

1ad319 No.14203446


>bear minimum

Does it also shit in the woods?

5b266f No.14203449



well where else could the mods ban them?

c755e7 No.14203467



Just woke up and I'm kind of out of it.



I think I was thinking of a completely different word but now I can't remember.

I've said some shit like "Mood Gorning" instead of "Good morning" before. Imagine doing that at least once a month on days you don't sleep.

14002a No.14203485


Great. The guy who takes the credit for my favorite childhood videogame is going to be a soyboy in no time now.

Honestly though he wasn't doing much good for SEGA.

e19c52 No.14203612



As a producer, he also let Iizuka run wild as the director for the Sonic Team USA games between Adventure 1 to Shadow. Naka was sort of an egotistical nip version of Christian Whitehead to the point he helped get X-Treme scrapped when his engine was used without permission and got told by Peter Moore to fuck off when he didn't believe people were dumping on Sega. Iizuka was Hirokazu Yasuhara's (original game planner/level designer/director) replacement but not quite as talented. Shame, these two made magic with Naoto Oshima and the rest of the original Sonic Team with NiGHTS, though.

e19c52 No.14203618

File: 53f682c4c887b8e⋯.jpg (133.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, nakaiizukawithshadowwrestl….jpg)


Forgot pic

9f7682 No.14203631


he left in the middle of sonic 06's development

bf5233 No.14203673


He was mainly a programmer so it's not like this will redeem squeenix.


>se's been great lately

M8 they have sucked since their inception. The merger/exodus destroyed them.

066666 No.14203686

File: adc28e60722afe9⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, JCause 3.jpg)


Why the fuck would he do that? The only worthwhile IP Square Enix has is Just Cause.

24745f No.14203799



>not naturally soyboys

9deddb No.14203803

They got Kojima's main artist too.

What the hell is going on over there? Is it gonna be gud?

50ecaa No.14203819

Do you think Yuji Naka was hired to work on smaller projects first? Right now SE needs some sort of money flow between their AAA launches. And I'm thinking a smaller new IP would be a start.

f87fa0 No.14203824

File: aa707c003ae4f5d⋯.jpg (454.8 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Alicia.jpg)


They have Valkyrie Profile.

Not that we'll ever see another game.

Fucking RIP.

9deddb No.14203827


>muh female characters

14002a No.14203860


Not insofar as how badly Sqeenix is cuck tier through and through.

0dbf8e No.14203874


Just looked it up. The game Yoji Shinkawa is working on besides Death Stranding is called Left Alive and is apparently going to be set in the Front Mission "universe", so a new Front Mission game?


So anon looks like Front Mission isn't being ignored


3bc292 No.14204297

File: 293b01ee617be17⋯.jpg (40.43 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 293b01ee617be175666c5b00d9….jpg)


I know this is bait but fuck it I want to air shit out

FFXV is the biggest deception since FFXIII and no that's a terrible thing when Nomura's autism backfires more than Toriyama's crappy waifu did. The only reason I think Nomura is even sticking around with SE anymore is because of KH3 and because SE knows his (crappy) art is the only reason he's still there.

I never played it yet but when even people on kikebook and reddit don't like it, you KNOW you fucked up. And it kills me because >>14203154 is righ. the original Vs XIII concepts was more like "The Godfather but Final Fantasy (imo") which I fucking loved but now it's taken a less personal approach and all the focus and geniune effort became split (literally) Kingsglaive was worse than FF7AC because unlike that film you NEED to watch this just to properuly understand what the fuck was even going on. I still have no idea why Comrades exists and having separate character episode DLC as opposed to ACTUALLY BEING PART OF THE LAUNCH is fucking retarded (doubly so if you think that's okay just because "it doesn't work like that anymore")

The reason FFXV is so shit is because much like Duke Nukem Forever, we expected more from them and we as consumers and loyal fans to any respective franchise were not just dissappointed, we were let down and insulted. and the worse part is that later generations think it's OKAY

Fucking shame too, I actually kind of liked the music (especially Omnis Lacrima and Somnus)

51c28e No.14206004


>Not that we'll ever see another game.

It got one in 2016. It's just that the series was sent to mobile hell alongside Star Ocean.


3DS and WiiU versions, which if memory serves he wasn't involved with. He came out and even stated that he'd much prefer people play the Wii original than either of those. NISA was the only company apparently willing to pick up any version of the game for western release. Not sure how bad off the western version of the Wii original is though; game never gets brought up around here.

51482f No.14206026


we talked about Rodea when it came out. It's a bit too niche for /v/ however

ef4fa3 No.14206115


what's his name again, Soyboy of a Cuck?

51482f No.14206137

File: 1f4bcbcf8d4096c⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 865x218, 865:218, cuckad.jpg)


carl of swindon

sargon of blackdad

carlgon of youtube

soygon of akkad

c62391 No.14206313

File: fe42b215e7d8975⋯.jpg (454.22 KB, 802x601, 802:601, friendship.jpg)

89bdc2 No.14206351


>Rhodesia Sky Soldier

I'm not too sure that a game about a flying nigger shooting people would be a good idea


>Not sure how bad off the western version of the Wii original is though

Rodea is a pretty fun game. It feels like a strange 3d platformer played with a light gun where your spending more time in the air instead of the ground and using simple flicks of the Wii Remote to control the direction of Rodea's flying arc through the air (to avoid obstacles), you can also get a gun upgrade allowing you to shoot enemies instead of having to dash into them. The game has two ranking systems one for time and one for collectable earned (so it feels like you have to go for one or the other but no both) for replay value.

The power up system in the game is a bit weird at first. First you start off as normal Rodea (think like Super/big Mario), with good flight time and speed and effectively 2 hit points. Get the power up item and you get even more flight time and speed and an extra hit point (think Fire Mario).

Get hit by an enemy/hazard and you go down a level, the thing is if you are normal Rodea and get hit you become a fucking super weak (1 hit point and it's game over), can barely fly and move very slow and CAN'T ATTACK, and the only thing you should be doing in this case is trying to find the power up item that will restore you back to normal Rodea (imagine if small Mario could barely jump, barely run and would get killed by trying to jump on top of a Goomba).

The thing is this system works pretty well in the levels, since the "power up item" will just spawn again in it's last location making it a good survival choice to just backtrack. Boss battles though are where it gets fucked up, early ones are good but later ones can get frustrating. It hard to fight and avoid a boss attacks when they move so much faster than the weak Rodea. But those boss levels are short and sweet, so you know once you figure them out it's good . . .

. . . The final boss is an absolute CUNT, it fucking long, the environment has fuckloads of way to hurt you, the "power up item" is far and few between, there's some wonky collision detection on some of the boss weakpoint targets you have to dash into and there is NO CHECKPOINTS. Got to the final phase of the boss and die? Back to the start for you! The Wii U version actually FIXED this and put checkpoints in! And to top it off, after you beat the final boss, and the final cutscene plays the game will actually crash your console (regardless of playing on a Wii or Wii U) and you can't actually see your final results screen (but thankfully the game does auto save). The current blame for this issue (not present in the Japanese version) is on NISA.

There's also a multiplayer mode that involves racing an opponent that's exclusive to the Wii version but I haven't been able to play it since I'm alone. Overall the game is pretty good, some sound effects might wear on a bit and the final boss feels out of place and is only ever worth fighting once. I really think this game would have gotten more attention if it had been released in that early 2007 Wii era, because it really feels like it's from there.

51c28e No.14206402


>the final cutscene plays the game will actually crash your console (regardless of playing on a Wii or Wii U) and you can't actually see your final results screen (but thankfully the game does auto save). The current blame for this issue (not present in the Japanese version) is on NISA.

Typical. Can you at least save clear game data before that happens, or did they fuck us there too? Does it seem like they fucked around with the script too? Just asking since they seem as prone to that as bugging the fuck out of various games.

2f5e8d No.14206901


Threadly reminder that Drakengard 4 was cancelled and its assets used in FF15.

Threadly reminder that a 1:1 remake of the original Deus Ex, with all original voice actors on board to re-record the lines, was cancelled to focus funding to FF15.

Threadly reminder that after Valkyrie Profile 3 was already killed by FF13, the series director swore to make a true return to the series. Instead, all of his ideas were stolen and implemented in a shitty mobile game, again, to focus funding on FF15. He left one year later.

Threadly reminder never to purchase a Square Enix product, as they clearly do not know how to manage their projects, and they deserve to die.

0d5dce No.14207358

File: b477fbe76860619⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 603x393, 201:131, b47.jpg)


> a 1:1 remake of the original Deus Ex, with all original voice actors on board to re-record the lines, was cancelled to focus funding to FF15.

Suddenly I think FF15 is the worst game ever.

745215 No.14207399


I would also like to add that they have been taking budget and personnel from FFXIV to the development of FFXV causing stormblood to have less content than the previous expansion.

89bdc2 No.14207659


The game auto saves before the crash, so it does know you have beaten it. I don't know about any changes to the script, but you can play with Japanese voices on (with subs) instead of the English dub.



How much of a fucking money black hole was FFXV? It can't possibly has gotten profit after the 10 years of development. It basically the closest thing to being the Japanese equivalent of Duke Nukem Forever at this point.

f87fa0 No.14207840

File: 70b792f8e766cac⋯.jpg (59.81 KB, 680x818, 340:409, 70b792f8e766cacd1d57fb337b….jpg)


Final Fagshit really needed to die completely with 13.

They were killing their other series with FF crap since 8 like Xenogears, but they've really outdone themselves in these last few years.

I really hope that VP3 and D4 get made at some point.

I was very disappointed when I read about VP3's director wanting to make a new game, then see the mobile shit instead and him leaving last year.


If you look at some articles on their financial reports, Squeenix boasts of huge sales, insane profits and their stock value going up, all thanks to FF15.

You could look at the stock values before and after release, but they're really not an exact indication of how well a company is doing.

They wanted it to be this juggernaut even bigger than FF7 that would sweep the world off its feet and they failed miserably.

8699c0 No.14207923


Remember the really shitty moba that was generic as all hell and had "Breath of Fire 6" slapped on to it in order to move units based on brand familiarity? Valkyrie Profile also got that treatment iirc.


>Front Mission isn't being ignored

<“We wanted to make a Front Mission with a new lineup. We started this new title to see Front Mission in a slightly different perspective," said producer Shinji Hashimoto.

<Square Enix's new survival action shooter Left Alive is set in the Front Mission universe.

Do I warn you now, or will you wait for the monkey's paw to curl entirely before it decks you?

f2afad No.14208094

I just want to say that Final Fantasy is the most boring piece of shit series ever laid upon humanity.

51c28e No.14208132


>Remember the really shitty moba that was generic as all hell and had "Breath of Fire 6" slapped on to it in order to move units based on brand familiarity? Valkyrie Profile also got that treatment iirc.

Not just those two sadly. Square also did so with Star Ocean, and Sony's continued the trend with reanimating Wild Arms and Arc the Lad for phones instead of putting new games on actual systems. Feels even stranger in the case of the latter two, as Sony outright owns both and yet they're apparently no longer worthy of Sony's systems. I'm left wondering what the next classic JRPG is that's going to have its grave dug up and the desiccated, zombified corpse paraded around for money from potential customers that probably don't give a shit about it either way.

819096 No.14208145



Lot of half chan children these days huh.

0dbaf8 No.14208177


Hope they rerealse Rodea for the Switch.

1bbf7d No.14208240


I'm baffled how people keep biting it even when you had to outright state that it was bait.

a20007 No.14208520


The Stepfather

Don Sargone

ee2b45 No.14208532


Honestly, he's been having a resurgence in quality with retard wojack and nu-male nintendrone wojack, the rest is pretty shot though.

8699c0 No.14208579

File: 855b3857a300e0a⋯.jpg (28.62 KB, 704x480, 22:15, mfw my 4 best friends are ….jpg)


>Wild ARMs

That…that one actually hurts. The others aren't all that fresh, but that… I need a moment.

1d9a1b No.14208684

Remember a golden rule for preventing shit from becoming "successes": kill the hype. Always.

0dbf8e No.14210217


I know it will be a monkey's paw, but other anons should not have been wishing for a new Front Mission.

5f8848 No.14210833

File: 44874cde85f76b0⋯.mp4 (908.07 KB, 632x360, 79:45, Nintendo creates a diversi….mp4)


Man I love ports.

fefd49 No.14210851


>Valkyrie Profile also got that treatment iirc.

Yup, That and a star ocean iirc were turned into FF 13-2 and FF13-3 by squeenix.

9365ee No.14210886


>Honestly though he wasn't doing much good for SEGA.

He hasn't worked at SEGA for over a decade

346636 No.14210933


>he's been having a resurgence in quality with a bunch of reddit and twitter memes

The state of /v/.

bbcf64 No.14211632

File: 21e51fb67bc6f55⋯.png (642.21 KB, 656x532, 164:133, Mia.png)



e19c52 No.14211799


Not until NIS and its affiliate divisions' headquarters are a smoking crater.

0d3c14 No.14211814

File: 5ca4126de8bea07⋯.png (66.1 KB, 200x176, 25:22, sonic cola.png)


>we finally get to see another Yuji Naka project

The guy will be a great fit over at Square Enix seeing as how they both make boring, unfinished games with inflated budgets that prioritize movie-like CGs over fun gameplay.

The real news is that SEGA has finally made the right decision after over 20 years and freed Sonic from his harmful influence.

e7d3ef No.14211821

File: 055efd44ff97733⋯.png (11.36 KB, 630x756, 5:6, let him die.png)


That's the exact opposite of the shituation.

0d3c14 No.14211831

File: f8887166eb81c48⋯.gif (124.74 KB, 800x371, 800:371, 1516290693280.gif)



>soyboy wojacks come out

>soyboys on /v/ begin to claim wojack is suddenly a cuckchan meme

>spergs about cuckchan everythread

Please stop

Wonder if Square will completely ignore Switch?


Is there even killing in Sailor Moon? All the hentai mangas parodying it are so dark but I thought it was even more lighthearted than Card Captor; from watching it in the States granted…

51c28e No.14211854

File: b6b4c3eb88bd16d⋯.png (3.88 KB, 200x250, 4:5, 1379046640991.png)


Yeah, Sony announced they were sending it to mobile hell last year for the series 20th anniversary. Which is strange because for months prior Kaneko had been talking to Sony and other former WA dev team members about getting a WA6 cleared for the PS4 and or Vita and Sony seemed alright with it, only for them to apparently withdraw that support for their own platforms in favor of whoring the series to a new audience (who likely won't give a shit; Sony isn't exactly Square-tier famous when it comes to their JRPGs; wouldn't shock me if the series is "literally what?" tier at this point). And unfortunately, Sony owns WA itself, meaning they have the say in what happens with it even if the developers want otherwise.

Only good things to come of the anniversary were a bit of new official artwork, and a still-in-the-works arranged album ("Score Re;fire") by Naruke.

51482f No.14211870


you are really, really, really out of the loop, aren't you? Naka left sega 12 years ago. He's also the mind behind some of their best games you dope.

51482f No.14211875


>Wonder if Square will completely ignore Switch?

they aren't, there's already a major exclusive underway on the switch.

8699c0 No.14212507

File: 5265d5a88b22377⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2160x1425, 144:95, past.png)

File: a5fda24ad909de2⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2160x1425, 144:95, present.png)

File: ac5df028f37e961⋯.jpg (151.73 KB, 524x359, 524:359, tfw they realized they wer….jpg)


>Is there even killing in Sailor Moon?

Putting the short answer aside Brutally so in the manga/remake that follows the manga, how did you miss the original run? It's one of the famous complaints that Naoko Takeuchi had—her editor shouted her down from killing all the Senshi off early in the story and she complied, only for the anime broadcast to mow them all down then give them a last minute ghost powerup for Usagi's victory suicide resurrection w/no memories.

And Cardcaptors is pussyfooting. Most mahou shoujo flavors that aren't Precure-oriented tend to hit harder in the gut as a standard than as an exception, since the original theme/premise of said genre was using magic to deal with really heartwrenching issues like abuse, body image, divorce, estrangement, lethal diseases, suicides, abandonment, etc. Sailor Moon was just Toei strapping the Power Rangers finish onto that old car.

Clamp's done far darker, though. You should give Rayearth a shot.

0d3c14 No.14213063



I'm talking about the original series, not some weird spinoff or adaptation.

859e43 No.14213207


Which version should I get? People are saying the WiiU version is much worse, possibly because of the dev drama.

51c28e No.14213235


Wii original seems to be the one people prefer; WiiU version actually came with the Wii disc, manual, and reversible cover art (one side being WiiU cover, the other being Wii) bundled. Of course, if you're just looking to download to play with an emulator (not sure how well it handles on Dolphin) or a modded Wii via loader, you can ignore that and probably just find the Wii version's ISO on Nicoblog or something.

f5164b No.14213394

File: 6218d0fada47fcb⋯.jpg (95.66 KB, 409x683, 409:683, sup gayboy.jpg)


>FF15 was good

We found the Fujoshi

8699c0 No.14213450


The mango IS the original series, anon. And yes, there's death in almost every book. Zoicite nukes Tokyo, the senshi suicide to revive Usagi, Usagi revives them in turn, all the anime villains you know that aren't the Shitennou (Zoicite, Kunzite, Nephrite, Jedite) are brutally murdered (as in stabbed, heads bashed in, or usually just disintigrated to the bone), or vice versa in the case of Stars to the Senshi.

81e47f No.14213935

File: a6aa7d3bc207971⋯.jpg (201.31 KB, 640x481, 640:481, todd has a bad side.jpg)


c229bf No.14213945


Only phantasy star is good one of those tbh.

6018e0 No.14213946


The WiiU version is a port of the shitty 3DS version for some reason unlike the much better Wii version.

f87fa0 No.14213965

File: 6a7078ef387a924⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1273x888, 1273:888, 6a7078ef387a92440ef33c0113….png)



Interesting. I was looking for something new to watch and mahou shoujo is pretty much the only genre that I can stand nowadays.

Well, I still have Lyrical Nanoha to finish, but I'll get to it. Anything else you have to recommend?

51c28e No.14213976


I really don't get the point of doing that would be.

81e47f No.14214051

File: 1d7d6d73ec368cb⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 360x202, 180:101, You got my intention.gif)


>he left in the middle of sonic 06's development

care to clarify? I'm intrigued.

8699c0 No.14214509


Depends on the flavors you like.

- Shugo Chara does a good bit to develop its main character, put some consequence to actions/decisions, and keep things challenging. At least the first season—I hear the followups after that got pretty weird

- Heartcatch Precure. Easily the most digestible of the franchise and arguably the best of the franchise as the director who did Ojamajo Doremi had direct control. Speaking of….

- Ojamajo Doremi can be started with the first season and has a lot of the more common themes I mentioned. It's a stand-out since it was made in a time where studios were actively starting to forget most MG plots were personable things.

Fancy Lala - see the above statement. Comes from Studio Pierrot, who ruled magic girl shows in the 80s. Beautiful art and fun story. Dat OP

Re: Cutey Honey - Honestlly, any Cutey Honey iteration is a good watch, but this is an easy refresher on what Honey's really about.

- Devil Hunter Yohko mandatory watching

- Prétear far better than it has a right to be for material that took a hard right to avoid the more brutal and shoujo/traumatic manga version. Read the manga if you get a moment, too.

- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne loses itself after the 26 ep mark I suppose cause the studio got fatigued but it's actually super careful and good until that point.

- Princess Tutu easily recommended

- Petit Princess Yucie is kinda-but-not-really mahou shoujo. It IS an imagined homeage to Princess Maker and is actually friggin good.

Should be enough for a starter pack, yes?

0b47a1 No.14214610


Why does it matter what company a dev is in if it's not sjw infested shovelware cancer?

81e47f No.14214616


>sjw infested shovelware cancer

It Is?

f87fa0 No.14214683

File: dcf0862e9ed6114⋯.jpg (120.13 KB, 760x950, 4:5, dcf0862e9ed61140241d597094….jpg)


That's more than I expected.

Thanks a lot mate, I really appreciate it.

5f8848 No.14214875

File: efcae5091703862⋯.mp4 (154.77 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hmmm..... really makes you….mp4)


>left in the middle of sonic 06's development

>game subsequently loses most of the developed game in a freak HDD accident

>most of the staff afterwards gets fired or replaced and have to finish up a broken piece of shit

Coincidence I'm sure.

b7496d No.14226149

File: e7c4335d300201a⋯.jpg (194.47 KB, 1377x1080, 51:40, 00 - VA - LEGEND OF JOE MU….jpg)

File: f09b3e7dcc2ae97⋯.png (39.27 KB, 324x277, 324:277, 5440487_1122329314_52705_b….png)

File: f6bf7fe2ea00351⋯.png (20.59 KB, 334x416, 167:208, kirby-jump.png)


I don't have any real desire to see a Sonic and Mario team-up game. What I'd rather see is a Smash Bros type game where it's just classic Sega & Nintendo 8 & 16 bit era franchises fighting it out. Keep all of the modern shit out of it - anything from Sega Saturn & N64 era and up - except as maybe special attacks or hidden characters/dlc. The core of the game should be just classic franchises. Have be a playful spin on the old console war rivalry between them.

Also develop two versions: One for the switch and one special edition specifically adapted for the Dreamcast.

1c7961 No.14226161


It's a worse version of Kingdom Hearts, which would be fine if not for the fact KH3 is coming out in a few months.

a1a94c No.14226361


Not until shitzuka gets canned.

a1a94c No.14226369


>loses most of the developed game

I fucking hate this piece of shit universe so much.

1c7961 No.14226377


Dude Naka left Sega in '06

e78c4b No.14226391


That sounds half assed

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