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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21de0a No.14214037

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://gamergatewiki.net/

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


942889 No.14214044

File: 6937245b3fe3fdd⋯.webm (1.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, (You)GottaBelieve.webm)



fee587 No.14214052


No (you) aren't I am

0c7fbc No.14214061

File: b4cd9a13f40564c⋯.jpg (167.06 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Maid_Gloria.jpg)






0be799 No.14214076

File: 7240914b589a966⋯.webm (72.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, (you).webm)


thank (you)

0c7fbc No.14214084

File: fce52fb1985c25e⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB, 480x360, 4:3, (you).mp4)

9c3992 No.14214092

File: 28dba7c0364d9c5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 443.47 KB, 534x810, 89:135, ClipboardImage.png)





21de0a No.14214098

File: 1bd834d041ac81b⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 553x134, 553:134, Retard 2167.jpg)

9c3992 No.14214104


wrongthink professors are gonna be on the chopping block…inb4 ex-student who blew her prof for an A screams out of how she was sexually harassed

d00753 No.14214107

File: 3c5550a32eee289⋯.webm (886.74 KB, 540x480, 9:8, 3c5550a32eee289d13776fdfe….webm)

File: 3c6376cacd44506⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 540x480, 9:8, 3c6376cacd44506007d78e78c….webm)

File: 8e6d4e098335313⋯.webm (473.6 KB, 430x400, 43:40, You YOU Youyou.webm)

21de0a No.14214115

File: 529b3afc239b668⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 650x449, 650:449, Cultural Revolution 6.jpg)


It's not it didn't happened before, did it?

c8cba0 No.14214127

File: d96b04b74348775⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 958x1400, 479:700, 1320675036263.jpg)

Don't like /a/? Check out >>>/animu/

a194cf No.14214138

How do you tell a friend that he isn't really a tranny but is constantly surrounded by people who reward and enable this behavior?

13fa7d No.14214139


>Science should be a feminist institution

a75622 No.14214142

File: b12902bce6d8efa⋯.jpg (99.53 KB, 790x797, 790:797, b12902bce6d8efab801e22a32b….jpg)

c8cba0 No.14214144


Science stops being science the moment it gets politicized. Cherry picking data and manipulating results.

d32ff1 No.14214150

File: d191ae57cc4aee4⋯.png (119.7 KB, 532x469, 76:67, I don't give a shit.png)

You're all shit.

c8cba0 No.14214151

File: fc38d4f54531d7f⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 420x550, 42:55, 91cf2e28e017f9ab79652c15c1….jpg)


I love (you) too.

64dd58 No.14214153

File: d62215690af3a24⋯.png (230.69 KB, 556x511, 556:511, israel is superior.png)

This is why Zionist state Israel is superior

13fa7d No.14214168


>The feminist reckoning is here, and it is coming for science.

Consequences will never be the same

967caf No.14214172

File: 0c0bdbca8dd7790⋯.gif (492.17 KB, 460x345, 4:3, 1389547030947.gif)

Calgary Expo and the Mary Sue are counter suing the honey badgers for defamation because one guy undergoing chemo tweeted "we won" and then deleted the tweet.

This actually pisses me off, these scumbags are not people, they can't be. Now the trial was delayed again to Februrary fucking 2019. The leaf court system is an embarrassment.

21de0a No.14214181


Because they're not. Feminists and SJWs are nothing more than vessels of their ideology, they're not human and shouldn't be treated as such. They gave away their humanity away for their endless pursuit of "equality". Fuck them!

5b55f9 No.14214190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At least post the video or that post.

8ab0f1 No.14214192

File: cf315f00e66156a⋯.webm (2.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, (you)(you)(you).webm)

64dd58 No.14214194

File: f486e67027b796f⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 600x349, 600:349, deep inner judge rage.jpg)


>Februrary fucking 2019

>defamation for a single tweet saying 'we won'

There's a single difference between good and evil. Good is limited for it's goodness but for evil it's infinite.

5b55f9 No.14214198


Oh, and to add on to this, spread this shit to all outlets are that friendly.

9a74a7 No.14214210

File: 3c6d3f37a889578⋯.png (230.29 KB, 501x427, 501:427, kill yourself sprem waste.png)




This why I refuse to view these semen wastes as people as a real person wouldn't go to such a petty low.

9a74a7 No.14214217

File: 61980470eba278c⋯.png (301.05 KB, 404x431, 404:431, Mad is only part of it.png)


>The leaf court system is an embarrassment.

Remember that guy who nearly went to Jail for tweeting a joke about feminism and how the courts allowed such insanity to happen?

2e37dd No.14214223

File: 43906e8e8379144⋯.jpg (35.95 KB, 480x540, 8:9, 43906e8e8379144e94851d1a2a….jpg)


Shoo shoo jew

fee587 No.14214224


Well that's not exclusive to the leaf system, remember Maddox is suing Dick Masterson for half a billion dollars because of hurt feelings. Just because it goes to court doesn't mean that it holds merit. It might even end up just being thrown out by a judge in initial hearings, I believe the Honey Badgers lawyer can petition for a summary judgement to say that the defamation suit has no merit and shouldn't be taken to trial. If the single tweet saying we won is the only reason for the defamation suit then all this is, is a tactic to try to cost the Honey Badgers more legal fees and drain their funds. A judge might see this and realize what's going on and how it's related to the other suit and just throw it out

64dd58 No.14214226

File: d67b6bf9a7cd4a5⋯.jpg (39.45 KB, 363x262, 363:262, backwards.jpg)


There's a old proverb in my language that 'Law is like a ring, if you hang it up on your ear than it's earring. If you hang it up on your arm than it's bracelet. If you hang it up on someone's neck, than it's gallows.'.

5b55f9 No.14214231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Why can't we have someone like Judge Hurley.

64dd58 No.14214235

File: 8e8d83ddd43af70⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 502x504, 251:252, 15db22fa91249c14e.jpg)

c53580 No.14214237

File: 83197580e7398a9⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 459x345, 153:115, 1255055635654.jpg)


>it's not exclusive to the leaf system

Yes it fucking is. In the US, going to court to sue someone over (made-up) tweets is not going to result in a preliminary order (meaning, BEFORE any actual hearing occurs) barring the "abuser" from USING THE FUCKING INTERNET for the entire period of the case, that being TWO FUCKING YEARS.

Canada's lack of speech protections and general cucked-ness of their legal system is an absolute disgrace.

fee587 No.14214239


>barring the "abuser" from USING THE FUCKING INTERNET

I didn't realize that was the case

5b55f9 No.14214240


It gets more fucked-up when you have burnouts and skeptards like Thunderuck gloating at them.

c53580 No.14214241

File: ed0e92f0f984002⋯.jpg (177.73 KB, 750x619, 750:619, 0YRYMM1.jpg)


Just look up Gregory Allen Elliot's case, it gets worse than that once you realize that what happened was essentially that a bunch of women coordinated online to smear this guy as an abuser, and were able to deprive him of his livelihood by going to court and crying about "muh harassment" using fake tweets that apparently nobody every fucking verified.

As someone who will be practicing law in the US fairly soon, not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for our legal system, as fucked-up as it is in our own ways. Something like this would almost certainly never happen (outside of small-time courts in Californistan or something like that).

9a74a7 No.14214244

File: df3808974f4541f⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 1050x590, 105:59, JBP unsorted.jpg)


Knowing the Castro government I wouldn't be shocked if they let this go through.


Recently our universities and colleges made a rule that professors or teachers can no longer use he or she when referring to a student.I fully believe it was made to spite people like Peterson or Sadd.


Do none of those fucktards know how easily something like this could go on them?

5b55f9 No.14214248


They were always snakes with hidden agendas, just like thundercuck being jealous of Jordan Peterson and his "Alt-right" community that he and the other libtard commie skeptics send their cultists to harass them.

9a74a7 No.14214254

File: 8d7d2e043e89a88⋯.jpg (308.83 KB, 1523x719, 1523:719, He is taking his bar exam ….jpg)


>Jordan Peterson and his "Alt-right" community

They really are grasping for fucking straws.


Don't be like this moron.

fee587 No.14214255


So I'm confused, are the Honey Badgers not allowed to use the internet or were you only referring to the Gregory Allen Elliot case?

21de0a No.14214257

File: d7625ed2023513e⋯.jpg (277.4 KB, 807x450, 269:150, Retard 2168.jpg)

c53580 No.14214259


>gag orders are constitutional

In some cases, yes.

>Eron's gag order was constitutional

Fucking NO.

>because (((someone))) may have made implied threats (but we don't know who)

I hope this idiot fails the bar, since they clearly have no fucking clue how the legal system works.


Just the GAE case, in order to "protect" his (((victims))) from more (((abusive))) tweets.

5b55f9 No.14214260


"Intellectual Dishonesty" is an alien word to skeptards like Thundercuck and Cult of Dusty, to the extent that they'll just attack him because of patreon envy and him generally being more popular than a bunch of sad sack of shit fedoratippers.


It's pretty much a delaying tactic by CalgaryShitPoo and Mary Sue lawyers to sink them, it's frivolous but they know that like the GAE case they'll delay it and ruin the HoneyBadger's reputation, business, and enormous court fees.

21de0a No.14214267

File: 1e633a949d0b640⋯.jpg (162.14 KB, 544x525, 544:525, Retard 2169.jpg)

64dd58 No.14214268

File: b8ccea0d232b1d1⋯.webm (135.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, he's fat.webm)

fee587 No.14214270


>It's pretty much a delaying tactic by CalgaryShitPoo and Mary Sue lawyers to sink them,

Well I know that, that's what I said here >>14214224 c53580 just mentioned something about not being able to use the internet for 2 years and I was confused if he meant the GAE case or something I hadn't heard about the Honey Badger case.


Yeah well the consolation is that he was found not guilty and it set a precedent.

5b55f9 No.14214273



Seriously, Fat Acceptance Studies is being removed, professors who teach it are fired or resigned and students who have a have a degree on it are being laughed at, at the job expo, this is fucking stupid.

a75622 No.14214275

File: 47e21de97bdb0c9⋯.jpg (272.65 KB, 960x525, 64:35, Jessica Valenti.jpg)


Art imitates life,being an obese cunt in real life signals vices.

c8cba0 No.14214285


Good to see dat acceptance fall apart.

9a74a7 No.14214291

File: fcb0a2b58be01c9⋯.jpg (126.98 KB, 850x510, 5:3, __eligos_lord_of_vermilion….jpg)

To give you American anons a clue of just how cucked Canada is I'll give the following

>Raised the minimum wage up to 14-15$ to help "poorer" people

> it fucked over businesses and making prices higher plus actually causing massive layoffs

>Taxes are so bullshit that no one can reasonable save

>Hydro cost an arm and a leg

>Castro lowered the bar for immigrants so the cancer of the 3rd world will shit up Canada

>Muslims and troons have more fucking rights then normal people

>Carbon tax

>Freedom of speech in schools is fucking dead and will be very soon outside of academia

>Castro won't do any tax cuts

>Heath care and doctors are a joke

It's like we are in a race with Commieforina to see who can cuck up more.

5b55f9 No.14214294


It still has it's adherents from a bunch of welfare leeching fat asses, but last I heard they were in-fighting with the fat ugly niggers accusing the white fat soyboys of racism, it was pretty much Fatties fighting over a retarded movement.

5b55f9 No.14214297


>Justin Castro is pushing all non-cucked Canadians and businesses to America

>His party and the conservatives think he will fucking cuck out on the NAFTA negotiations after his failure of a trip to get business deals and investment in China because virtue-signalling was much more important

You lefts are fucked.

fee587 No.14214305


You forgot about how Castreau is also still trying to push the TPP. But Minimum wage is only $15/hour in Ontaria and Alberta, it's not like that across the board. Plus Hydro costing an arm and a leg is also purely an Ontario and maybe Quebec problem. Healthcare is also fine outside of Central Canada. But if Cuckdeau stays in office longer I'm sure that will change

3e4be0 No.14214307


>mans fault

Humans are rarely if ever responsible for beachings.

64dd58 No.14214326

File: 1c3d72182b89481⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 381x434, 381:434, that's the hollywood.jpg)


>virtually causes nation wide inflation with 'minimum wage' pretext

>get more taxes with global warming hoax meme

I bet those crooks got their profit from mass put option.

21de0a No.14214327

File: 65f1b90716c87b7⋯.jpg (144.23 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, US University Retardation ….jpg)

You would think Evergreen College have learned anything after being exposed to the world on how deep the subversion of feminists and Marxists is inside their institution right?!


ff77d7 No.14214328


Do leafs have politically appointed jurys instead of the US system of jury duty?

Where I live the jury is made up of politicians from the ruling party.

c53580 No.14214332


>Where I live the jury is made up of politicians from the ruling party.

I am so, so sorry anon. Not sure what the leaf system is, but they do have (((human rights tribunals))) with no juries whatsoever.

0d9fc0 No.14214336


Good, I don't give a damn if Canada becomes another Venezuela. It is already competing with Swedistan of which country is the biggest cuck.

All of the people in office are shit. The parties, the politicians, everyone who you voted for. You had your chance but wasted it all out. Layton is gone and in his place is now a fucking pajeet. And what options do you have there, hmm? The parties are the worst, the politicians are the worst. Oh, but that's not all. You voted the worst of the worst, Trudeau. And if he will win in next year elections, then I'll laugh at your dying corpse.

8d14be No.14214342

File: 86f695ce0aa8949⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 267x200, 267:200, guard.jpg)


there is nothing wrong with raising the minimum wage tho, but you have to do it in small steps. What was the minimum before?

d12d1d No.14214343

File: 043a75b5989afb2⋯.png (18 KB, 420x410, 42:41, 1516726431.png)


Speaking of alternatives, /v/ has three.




/vidya/ is a new player. I heard that when /svidya/ was new, Mark tried to sabotage it with spam.

5b55f9 No.14214346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's taxing the ever loving shit out of the leafs because global warming extortion, divershitty programs, anti-racism, more gibsmedat. rapefugees, clean energy. He's like fucking Arnold Swartzisnigger when he started out in Commiefornia as Governor and trippled the debt while giving tax money to fucking Stem Cell research.

fee587 No.14214348


>Evergreen College have learned anything

Why would I ever think they would learn anything.


>Layton is gone

Yes because he died before the election, what's your point? Our options were Weedman, A literally who in the form of Mulcair, and Harper who was a corrupt piece of shit that was selling the coutnry to China for pennies. What chance did we have?

>everyone who you voted for

You realize the way our elections work is that we vote for the Member of Parliament for our local area and whatever Party has the most MP's in office gets the head of their party appointed as Prime Minister right?


No we get called for jury duty too. It's similar to the US in that regard

bff0b8 No.14214352



off yourself clickbait fag and take your shit thread with you


065d15 No.14214355


I don't think this is the case, do you remember there were shills in the early days who tried to divide the board by sending them to /scurv/?

it is a possibility they are trying to it again

bff0b8 No.14214358



>wanting to share a board with pathshitters

No thanks. No one should want to share a board with people who play the Skyrim of Tabletop RPGs

5b55f9 No.14214361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I don't think this is the case, do you remember there were shills in the early days who tried to divide the board by sending them to /scurv/?

What? /scurv/ was the pirate board for mods when Bethesda and Valve tried to jew modders and the suckers who want free content.

9a74a7 No.14214362

File: d29f13de6f5e7ef⋯.png (104.14 KB, 1773x312, 591:104, mark in a nutshell.PNG)


It was 11.15 and there is a lot wrong with raising the since it fucked over small businesses, caused lay offs then made prices of shit go up.


I rather deal with Mark then those retards.

065d15 No.14214363


before that, the board was just settling in

fee587 No.14214364


Reminder that Mark spent $2000 on Guitar Hero and lost it all when his account got banned

18d297 No.14214366


/scurv/ is just a pirate board, not a /v/ alternative to divide the board. Plus, anons tend to post in both alts and the originals without outright abandoning one board. I assume these /v/ alts exist because these people hate Mark.

5b55f9 No.14214369


I remember the outcry well and don't remember any DnC shilling back then, the board went forward with fucking over those sellout modders who do it for 40% and was on-topic till Bethesda and Valve backpedaled.

c8cba0 No.14214376


Mark did nothing wrong as a BO. /animu/ is the only board alternative that is better than their legacy counterpart, /a/.

bff0b8 No.14214377

File: 9b4c6c929882781⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2114x1457, 2114:1457, mark_is_dumb.png)


>Reminder that Mark spent $2000 on Guitar Hero and lost it all when his account got banned

Hold on, you forgot this. :^)

065d15 No.14214378


well, ok

fee587 No.14214381


It feels good because I was the one who asked the question that led to him revealing he spent 2k on rockband In that pic >>13581104 is me. Feels good

9a74a7 No.14214385


Plus people here can barely afford living expenses due to how much we are taxed.


/animu/ is surprisingly good


Jesus fucking Christ Mark!

fc3458 No.14214387


Well we might get Andrew Scheer as our next PM if the conservatives shill him enough. He's my local MP so it would bw kind of neat having our locak guy as the PM

2a0894 No.14214390

>U.K. Government Establishes Security Unit To Tackle Fake News


>IGN Russia doesn't pay it's authors, but you can "get experience and build your portfolio"


>archive.is on Twitter: Can anyone suggest a .li registrar resilient to troll-attacks…


>The Guardian: "The video games industry isn’t yet ready for its #MeToo moment"


2e37dd No.14214393

File: 4b4a4614df8930f⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 600x614, 300:307, 4b4a4614df8930f9ad40369a83….jpg)

>>14214377 (checked)

>Mark got banned for 8k years on the Xbone platform for a Nintendo game


9a74a7 No.14214394


He is just Harper 2.0 I would of much Rather Mad Max.

0d9fc0 No.14214398


That's the problem, all the options that your country has are shit. But worst of all is the mentality of your people who voted and still support Trudeau. Now for what reason did he won? Of course the fist thing that comes is Harper fucking Canada up. But that's not all, your people were still high over heels over the last name of Trudeau, because the taste of sucking the commie dick of Pierre Trudeau, still remained and they wanted to taste it again of this "so hip, young, charming, weed promising" Trudeau. And looking at how he managed to turn this country into another Commiefornia not 4, not 3, but with 2 and a 1/2 years without any opposition because he holds over half of the parliament. tells you of how screwed you are. Even if he doesn't rule the senate, his plans are still allowed to become into the laws.

That's how fucked up your country is, it's over.

fee587 No.14214400


He streamed it on the Xbone streaming service instead of twitch or literally anywhere else

5b55f9 No.14214401


Companies, no matter how they fucking hate each other talk to each other, just like how Denuvo is shilled by companies because fuck pirates and legit consumers.

c1f121 No.14214402


/delicious/ is in the process of supplanting /loli/ after the Tewigeddon.

9a74a7 No.14214407

File: c326da0d33001f6⋯.png (208.12 KB, 1788x553, 1788:553, why the cons lost.PNG)


>the Tewigeddon

Can someone explain more of this cause I'm interested?


Pic related is why Castro won sadly

c8cba0 No.14214408


Tewi is from /a/ after all.

2e37dd No.14214420


>just like how Denuvo is shilled by companies because fuck pirates and legit consumers.

This one is nothing new under the sun, I think starforce protection and some other types fucked over legit customer too while pirates don't have to worry about it.

>>14214400 (checked)

wew fam

c8cba0 No.14214422


>Companies, no matter how they fucking hate each other talk to each other

That was the case with hotels and the rainfurrest disaster.

d6019d No.14214423


I didn't follow it that much but IIRC it was some drama from Tewi (owner of /loli/ board) banned something from being posted. It was either some western-style art or realistic 3D. Possibly both. Anyway people (or loud minority) didn't like it. I've seen posts defending Tewi's decision but don't know about it en9ough to give my own opinion.

c8cba0 No.14214431


I heard he turned /loli/ into an anime & /jp/ board.

ff77d7 No.14214434


Go back to twitter revolt.

9cfd31 No.14214435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why does it seem like there's more Leafs here than Anons from any other country?

c1f121 No.14214448


Well, most of /loli/'s original userbase seem to disagree as they have pretty much all migrated to the /delicious/ board as you can see in the board ratings.

/loli/ is more or less a dead board now.

9a74a7 No.14214452


>It was either some western-style art or realistic 3D. Possibly both.

So wasn't he just doing his job as BO?

fee587 No.14214453


>But worst of all is the mentality of your people who voted and still support Trudeau

Like how Hillary supporters outnumbered Trump supporters and he only won due to the Electoral College. So yeah sometimes shitters get in so what should I do? Just give up and kill myself since the country is going to explode in the next year and a half? Or maybe I should constantly try to fix things on my end as well. People didn't like Trudeau as much as you think, >>14214407 's pic is true,

and if the NDP or the Cons can put a half competent man up front for the next election the libs will be out, and maybe with the pendulum swinging back towards the right and regular people seeing how badly Castreau fucked them they will recognize just how bad all that shit is and push back.


It's all Leafs or Commiefornians apparently based on how many chimed in when that NCR stuff was posted a couple days ago

d6019d No.14214457


That was the reaction of people at /monster/ meta thread where I mostly heard of it. Presumably the masses didn't see the wisdom in this and migrated.

6f9f14 No.14214476


>Not ready for #metoo

If #metoo blackmailers get to the vidya industry it will be a bloodbath among numales as they try to out-virtue singnal each others. I can't wait.

75959f No.14214483

File: f91b9247285cd20⋯.jpg (15.65 KB, 427x300, 427:300, 07d.jpg)


>tfw all the game journos that'll be thrown to the wolves if #metoo ever comes for them

fee587 No.14214488


Have you forgotten all the journos who already have gotten caught up in it? The neofag admin as well?

9b7967 No.14214489

File: 37143d41bb3b175⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 70.39 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 37143d41bb3b17563c181d4b5b….jpg)

File: 855d920aff13436⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 493.74 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 091aa26b64a56fc723691ab6c6….png)

File: c12590c463dbeba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 132.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9510916237fb14eb310ff93546….png)


The board owner told westernfags to fuck off, and about time too. They of course started screaming and acting like the BO was at fault when they had been shitting up the board since its creation. Imagine if you make a board about nice asses and scatfags set up shop, covering more than half the board in disgusting shit and driving away everyone else. That's what happened to /loli/, with western shit. Now, they weren't posting actual quality stuff, because then no one would have had a problem. No, they were posting straight up objectively extremely poorly drawn shit of objectively unattractive characters in objectively ugly art styles. Included are some examples of the kind of average quality level images they post. Almost all their preferred characters are hideous calarts-style blobs, thoroughly ugly characters like Lisa Simpson or the fucking nigress from Telltale's TWD.

So they started screaming because the BO was demanding at least some sort of quality and fucked off to their own board, and now act as if they're somehow better because mentally ill people decided to follow. The biggest problem is that these pieces of shit were ever allowed in the first place, when it should have been made clear that some fucking level of quality should be demanded. They could be posting some actually competent western loli artists, but oh no.

812cd2 No.14214493


no first for benis, therefore sage

6f9f14 No.14214494


My sister voted for Trudeau because he was cute, I am ashame that we share genes. I voted conservative but the district where I am registered is Bloc all the way so my vote didn't matter.

c8cba0 No.14214498


>My sister voted for Trudeau because he was cute,

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

c36864 No.14214501

File: 5ad71bb9e7b6d3c⋯.jpg (21.86 KB, 640x559, 640:559, 77b7a6918e19f50c157dc38ecd….jpg)


>make loli board

>ban lolis

9b7967 No.14214507


>make loli board

>ban extremely low quality material that is being spammed


6f9f14 No.14214514


We're twins, that means I must have weak cuck genes too.

fee587 No.14214518


But it wasn't only the extremely low quality shit, it was all western stuff regardless of quality, you said that yourself.


Well you are a dirty frenchie anyway so that's no wonder

9cfd31 No.14214519


Have you had the urge to wear pretty dresses yet?

c8cba0 No.14214520

File: 05004dd9f393726⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 448x303, 448:303, 20866_159448.jpg)

It's funny how I never really like traps, but I recently watched the original Cardcaptor Sakura and loved Nakuru. I guess Felix was just a shit trap.

6a29a7 No.14214522

File: b1dd00ea30f8abd⋯.png (60.59 KB, 500x432, 125:108, b1dd00ea30f8abd9f2a2d73e63….png)


Can I hatefuck your sister?

Maybe give her a baby(

I'm not a shitskin but my country is famous for holding that stigma so everybody wins.

fee587 No.14214524


>I guess Felix was just a shit trap.

You're only now realizing this? Astolfo or whatever from Fate/Grand order is shit too

9a74a7 No.14214527


So he was pretty much doing his job as BO.

c8cba0 No.14214534

File: c8941d5f2a32eb8⋯.jpg (93.54 KB, 595x841, 595:841, Trap vs Puberty.jpg)


Felix and Astolfo never did it for me, they were obvious boys. Nakuru/Ruby Moon is the first one that did for me.

6f9f14 No.14214537


I still think Quebec is better off than the rest of canada. Because of French we are mostly immune to retarded sjw buzzword as French is a gendered language with strict rules. One of them is that the male form always wins if you reference a male and female word, the gender used will be male. You can't use the retarded 'they' too since it is gendered. Some trannies tried to get it changed but got laughed out of the room by OLF (organism which regulate the use of French).

c8cba0 No.14214552


The romance languages are strictly gendered. Japanese is far more strictly gendered to the point that words can only be used by the opposite sex which is why they have two words and phrases with the same meaning.

6a29a7 No.14214554


Latin or not the French are just as fucked.

5d73c8 No.14214555

File: a2a03bdcbbd42e9⋯.jpg (153.05 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DUSCvZVXUAMQCQm.jpg)

File: 438d444a4e97f9d⋯.jpg (121.04 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DUSCv1HWkAAnvWs.jpg)

File: 1273501d0566729⋯.jpg (104.95 KB, 640x960, 2:3, DUSCwQ2X0AECOQe.jpg)

6a29a7 No.14214557


This isn't the lol thread

9a74a7 No.14214558


I've met a shit load of sjws from Quebec who make the sjws here in Ontario seem sane.


Did Marche show you this?

fc3458 No.14214563


I don't like him much either, it would be nice to get small town Saskatchewan get some recognition ;_;


That's true but Quebec is still meteopolitan as fuck which breeds SJWs like no ones buisness

21de0a No.14214566

File: d418a578f7a3bfd⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Gas.jpg)


Burn all the furries!

6f9f14 No.14214581



They must be from Montreal, the rural areas and even the capital, Quebec City, are mostly white and anti-immigration. Montreal is a lost cause though because of the leftist breeding ground of the UQAM university.

6a29a7 No.14214591

File: edfde9e7e7ec629⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, HG020701.jpg)


>Including Hoshime there

I hope your board fucking burns

9a74a7 No.14214592


The Franco-Ontarians I've met have been super redpilled but boy do they hate you fags from Quebec despite being pretty frog too.

>They must be from Montreal

Yep that's where they were from.

115c6c No.14214601


Is there a way to help /animu/ grow its userbase?

3e4be0 No.14214605

File: 8fceee032494107⋯.png (221.78 KB, 678x623, 678:623, shitty_tewi.png)


Begone rabbit demon. Go back to your dead board.

9a74a7 No.14214613


By making threads and posting on it.

3e4be0 No.14214623

File: 32640febbca0554⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2698x561, 2698:561, untermädchen.png)



c8cba0 No.14214630


Just post on it. The userbase will grow organically at a slow but steady pace. It's users are made up of those sick of /a/ moderation and the BO knows what he's actually doing.

3e4be0 No.14214641

File: 4613d874040b85c⋯.png (154.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, get out.png)


9a74a7 No.14214646


Plus making good threads tend to make people want to post on a board more.

ab9980 No.14214647

File: b913e8e306fa9a5⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 369x368, 369:368, bob ross sama.jpg)

>Fags can appreciate anything that isn't animu.

How can you be such a fucking pleb and still think yourself superior is beyond me.

9cfd31 No.14214648


Wasn't that game made as a joke, or was a ironic counter to Dream Daddy?

c8cba0 No.14214652


If Bob was still alive, I wish he made an anime.

3559f1 No.14214656

File: 2a3ddfe448e58ac⋯.jpg (122.14 KB, 612x816, 3:4, faggot_dog.jpg)

>This bread will never reach 750 toasts


I'm still not sure if you're hating GG ironically or not.

2bd6ba No.14214658

File: 97f2e5d60b54962⋯.jpg (138.69 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 97f2e5d60b549629b90094182d….jpg)

>anon gives accurate description of what happened

>westernfags sperg out and call >(1) reinforcements

3e4be0 No.14214659

File: dcc49bf656daff0⋯.png (407.25 KB, 586x578, 293:289, ay shad.png)


>a ironic counter to Dream Daddy

Are you thinking of this pic by shad? UAB is way older than Dream Daddy.

3e4be0 No.14214662


The rabbit jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

ff77d7 No.14214667

>(1)'s shilling another free™ off-shoot board

How long until they start shilling the next free™ alternative.

8d14be No.14214671





70794b No.14214672

File: 6faaa7d310cc2d1⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 519x428, 519:428, 1452490046699-3.jpg)

>There's people ITT doesn't know UAB

These threads surely are breeders of newfags and faggots.

2bd6ba No.14214673

File: d9e142f708a63d4⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, d9e142f708a63d4be063e52a33….gif)


marche I swear to god if you don't stop posting that fucking pic

3e4be0 No.14214675

File: 30dec0f701e2111⋯.png (411.51 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Patience.png)


By the way in case anyone was wondering about the first picture it was edited as a shitpost in the edit thread because a requester was getting a little impatient.

Editfag also drew this as a shitpost.

9a74a7 No.14214676

File: ea05d19fda0a178⋯.jpg (198.42 KB, 600x600, 1:1, sisselface (1).jpg)

>shills and Marche are sperging again

Guess it wouldn't be a GG thread without one or the other.

2a0894 No.14214689

Forbes: "Xbox's Game Pass Bombshell Could Make Microsoft The Netflix Of Video Games"


>By putting the principles of story first, you can end up making a better point for your political philosophy and in a more memorable parable than you would have by sabotaging things with the message.


>The Columbia Journalism Review makes a show on standing up against "Duterte's war on the media"…yet seems rather fine with the UK's new "‘fake news’ security task force."


Activision’s ‘Destiny 2’ is ‘struggling’ as gamers are unhappy over microtransactions: Analyst


0be799 No.14214691

File: a6744ec396c052e⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 480x360, 4:3, RemoveDuck.mp4)


its how you know its home.

6f9f14 No.14214693

Please no more tumblr art.

aa8a16 No.14214704


making popteamepic into an anime was a mistake. better to have left it in obscurity, safe from reddit and tumblr.

c8cba0 No.14214708


>making anime was a mistake. better to have left it in obscurity, safe from reddit and tumblr.

9a74a7 No.14214711

File: 5380c05654cf509⋯.png (194.03 KB, 627x497, 627:497, iori hair dryer.PNG)


>gets told to stop leaderfagging


>calls people who dont like Simpson's porn "shills"

I'm referring to the people sperging about how /loli/ needs somehow needs it


It's a magical thing.

c8cba0 No.14214721

File: 21e5ccf0da013fc⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1500x1135, 300:227, 4cd73ea4ca3cd6ed61dce3c69c….jpg)


Have Nip art.

2bd6ba No.14214724

File: 247a829de5551f8⋯.jpg (19.97 KB, 267x421, 267:421, GOODS-00204378_05.jpg)


Are you ready for the coming kind of con-cancer?

c9e489 No.14214731


bkub isn't obscure at all. Tumblr's been all over "funny honking cat girl" for ages now.

9a74a7 No.14214739


>Activision’s ‘Destiny 2’ is ‘struggling’ as gamers are unhappy over microtransactions: Analyst

Didn't Bungie make things worse by pretty much all but saying the game will be like D1 year 3 by fall?

6f9f14 No.14214754

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)



50f236 No.14214756


there was also /television/ as an alternative to /tv/

but they died with the last april fools hack

9a74a7 No.14214760


/tv/ is pure cancer only board worse is /leftypol/.

9cfd31 No.14214775

File: 108104531106c43⋯.png (150.9 KB, 662x839, 662:839, ClipboardImage.png)


>making popteamepic into an anime was a mistake. better to have left it in obscurity, safe from reddit and tumblr.

That reminds me of something: do the baizuo actually read manga and light novels, or do they just watch whatever flavor of anime happens to be airing and then make a fuss about that? For example, they made a big stink about the ending to Tokyo Ghoul last year, but the problem is that the manga had already ended (and received a translation) by mid-2015.

3559f1 No.14214778


I don't use /loli/ often, but western shit should be contained to a single thread and the quality heavily curated. Unteralterbach should be allowed.

9a74a7 No.14214781


Didn't they lose it cause the main character was straight in Tokyo Ghoul?

9cfd31 No.14214783


Yep, that's what I'm talking about.

9a74a7 No.14214787


Didn't they also send death threats to the Mangka?

918e4f No.14214792

File: 9b1ea22cfb21877⋯.jpg (708.45 KB, 2800x1808, 175:113, tokyoghoul3.jpg)

File: b67df67324abfea⋯.jpg (503.16 KB, 1119x667, 1119:667, tokyoghoul2.jpg)

File: 6cd766e7536f560⋯.jpeg (739.31 KB, 1000x930, 100:93, tokyoghoul.jpeg)

ff77d7 No.14214794


It's even worse, he got married and consummated the marriage.

8307aa No.14214796

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

9a74a7 No.14214801

File: f4a40e16c61f831⋯.png (375.8 KB, 514x536, 257:268, autism levels.png)



>Being this mad that some character in some manga is straight and is married

529186 No.14214864

File: 5d834ceeae95557⋯.jpg (151.96 KB, 796x707, 796:707, otp.jpg)


>caps off story with loving consummation with first girl

Marvelous, a lot of manga leave the reader to suffering unfulfilled. Ungrateful tumblrfats.

like it fucking matters, if tumblr can pretend people can be trans they can pretend whatever headcanon they want they can regardless of the official manga, can't they?

9cfd31 No.14214891


>like it fucking matters, if tumblr can pretend people can be trans they can pretend whatever headcanon they want they can regardless of the official manga, can't they?

I thought we were more like that considering how we can ignore stories and "official" material that conflict with our headcannon without sperging about it (Like how the last canon Resident Evil game was Gaiden for the GBC, considering the EU universe of Star Wars (Everything before Disney) to be the "complete" story, refusing to accept that the upcoming Stargate Origins and the continuing STD will be canon).

5d73c8 No.14214916

Will Marche ever stop avatarfagging?

f4a9c2 No.14214920

File: dc7df6f81d38a3a⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 213x202, 213:202, one_punch_2.JPG)


Listen, man. All they want is tolerance. That's why when no one gives a fuck what they do, they proceed to being nice and quiet and respect everyone else's view points. In no way do they have a superiority complex and think they're better than hetero people for the simple fact that they are evolutionarily fucked up.

9a74a7 No.14214923

File: e2ba817bed432c8⋯.gif (4.84 MB, 400x373, 400:373, Baseball-Player-Tries-To-H….gif)




Nope not at all anon.

f4a9c2 No.14214925


>without sperging about it

It seems like this right here is the significant difference.

8f1db8 No.14214945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles halfchan /g/ and our /tech/ are on it, looking for a name so everyone should vote

- http://poal.me/e9bqfc

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

c296fb No.14214970

File: 9cf9bc54235f00c⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 1275x723, 425:241, concerned incarcerated tee….jpg)


the only good to come of it will be the 5 people cosplaying Daichi and acting disgusted with everyone.



Twitter is worse. My full /leftypol/ brother came to me the other day stuttering and asking if I knew anything about it while failing to make eyecontact. He then proceeded to try and convince me that all of twitter is commies with anime profile pictures posting about revolution and his totally legit cointelpro psyop to get boomers to support revolution in South Africa so that they kill all the landowners which is being planned in a disagreement group with faculty from his university.

Christ I can't believe I actually typed that.



It would help if it had nearly as many torrents as the other one.

ff77d7 No.14214992


>to get boomers to support revolution in South Africa so that they kill all the landowners

The SA government is already killing all the white farmers.

SA is one step away from total civil war.

d19ea3 No.14215002


>It would help if it had nearly as many torrents as the other one.

Especially since the majority use the cartel instead of Pantsu. So pantsu has nothing much to offer.

ff77d7 No.14215003


>do they just watch whatever flavor of anime happens to be airing and then make a fuss about that


967caf No.14215009

File: 4bc35c9c78c9de9⋯.jpg (204.8 KB, 800x449, 800:449, 1470759360204-v.jpg)



>It would help if it had nearly as many torrents as the other one.

It's frequently down too and slow, we have to admit it, the cartel won, it's time to #TakeOffThePantsu

9a74a7 No.14215011

File: 57e3a1bb9e7e90f⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 230x250, 23:25, oh this git.gif)


>Twitter is worse. My full /leftypol/ brother came to me the other day stuttering and asking if I knew anything about it while failing to make eyecontact. He then proceeded to try and convince me that all of twitter is commies with anime profile pictures posting about revolution and his totally legit cointelpro psyop to get boomers to support revolution in South Africa so that they kill all the landowners which is being planned in a disagreement group with faculty from his university.

2d2873 No.14215048

File: 6732f97a9906e81⋯.jpg (441.48 KB, 569x803, 569:803, itistime.jpg)


>He then proceeded to try and convince me that all of twitter is commies with anime profile pictures posting about revolution and his totally legit cointelpro psyop to get boomers to support revolution in South Africa so that they kill all the landowners which is being planned in a disagreement group with faculty from his university.

You must be joking, please tell me you're joking.

c296fb No.14215063



Pretty much my reaction to the whole affair. I'm choosing to believe he's just retarded and making shit up.



Forgive my newfaggotry, but what the hell exactly happened? All I know is that Herkz is a retard and for some fucking reason people keep supporting Commie despite constant fuckups and mistranslations.

9a74a7 No.14215087

Would uploading stuff to pantsu help?

10fb4e No.14215108


I unironically agree. The cartel won.

a75622 No.14215117

File: a9cd4a3c9411aeb⋯.webm (7.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, oooh.webm)

9dc54c No.14215130


>what the hell exactly happened?

Frequent DDOS attacks which could be caused by cartel butthurt for denying them mod positions and pantsu owner tweet "I am not one of (((them)))".

Also Nyaa.si is being shilled everywhere.

They are even shilling for here on /v/ and /hgg/.

However, these also could be just completely braindead newfags though.



9a74a7 No.14215140


I brunt several music albums I got from japan along with pdfs of books and etc I should try uploading them.

fee587 No.14215143


Holy shit I've been trying to find that webm for months

eb7d72 No.14215220


You mean we will see the destruction of everything valuable about science. At this rate the usual will happen with science and this shit won't die until the current generation dies off, or else we will see them attempt an actual cultural revolution like in China. Although, they really don't want to see it get to violence.


That is still disgusting. You should spam images of what they do to whites at him.

4c6309 No.14215287

File: 90723825dcb8d84⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 500x281, 500:281, tail.gif)




i found everything i wanted to watch so far, is my taste too casual?

453727 No.14215292

File: ed1d5c40457baed⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 600x400, 3:2, just.jpg)


>Xbox's Game Pass Bombshell Could Make Microsoft The Netflix Of Video Games

eb7d72 No.14215306


This shit legitimately annoys me. I got into an argument with a friend about that shit. For some reason he thinks nothing will go wrong with you not owning your games and them needing to be hooked up to the internet to play.

9a74a7 No.14215324

File: 69ddb74da14c496⋯.jpg (242.41 KB, 2046x1034, 93:47, you are Xboxone of us.jpg)


>This shit legitimately annoys me. I got into an argument with a friend about that shit. For some reason he thinks nothing will go wrong with you not owning your games and them needing to be hooked up to the internet to play.

Your mate needs suicide

453727 No.14215330


Everything that microshit does fails. Apparently Cortana is next to go after Groove.

e54d0d No.14215339


Goyim have been constantly brainwashed with the idea that the jewdicial system will always back them if they get Jewed by whoever. Only once they directly stabbed in the back by the courts will they realize that they lead people to their impending doom by those stupid decisions. There is nothing as awakening as losing all your economies on hiring a lawyer to defend against frivolous lawsuits or to lose a battle for your rights after countless expensive procedures that were extended constantly.

453727 No.14215364

File: 67482cea0657f1c⋯.webm (332.57 KB, 600x720, 5:6, the jew did this.webm)

eb7d72 No.14215368


Even ignoring it getting to that point. In this particular instance, they can take away the games at any point, and even for stuff completely unrelated to you. See: netflix losing licenses to shows that are worth a damn, and then putting up crap constantly.

de1d63 No.14215370

File: 78777f486d03cad⋯.jpg (121.83 KB, 835x655, 167:131, DNA discoverer ostracized ….jpg)

File: 5940da0211d0633⋯.jpg (326.17 KB, 1008x1580, 252:395, circumcision affects amygd….jpg)

File: b9e3bd2fe80521c⋯.png (322.42 KB, 1180x820, 59:41, anti-science jewess.png)

File: c947633921bebe4⋯.png (30.02 KB, 900x400, 9:4, science - problematic scie….png)

File: a14afede39e2983⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 460x600, 23:30, same_species_-_science.jpg)


>Science stops being science the moment it gets politicized

That happened ages ago. (((Who))) do you think controls the grant money now?

e7f37c No.14215384

File: db892bb9bba0403⋯.png (505.11 KB, 746x626, 373:313, 1491168895290.png)


Yeah, I think I heard that pitch before, back when it was called OnLive. Whatever happened to that service anywa–Oh.

fee587 No.14215397


I mean as much as Mark is a retard his example is a pretty good lesson on why not owning your games is a bad idea, just see >>14214377

16cf3d No.14215407

File: 3b74d24f0c0020a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 789.74 KB, 881x1265, 881:1265, consensual sex in the miss….png)

You need to be at least a level 30 Gamergay to click on this image

cbe64e No.14215412


>any attempt to study the adverse effects of circumcision was strictly prohibited

What in the fuck.

7a50fd No.14215413


You know I was just on /pol/, and I could have sworn I just clicked /v/ but I must have accidentally refreshed the page.

263e40 No.14215414


This is good,doesn't fix my depression,but it's good.

c8cba0 No.14215416

File: b98268294ffd723⋯.png (450.29 KB, 600x878, 300:439, b98268294ffd7236fe3f0aa77b….png)

8dadfe No.14215420


Reminder that not only jews, but disgusting Americans pigdogs practice circumcision

de1d63 No.14215424

File: 976ae320623d3fb⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 960x605, 192:121, YOU INTOLERANT BIGOT I HAT….jpg)


>they can take away the games at any point, and even for stuff completely unrelated to you

Like using the microphone in the device and revoking game access for any detected wrong think? People have made jokes about "smart" refrigerators locking up to starve their owners if their listening devices detected wrong think. I think that's where we're heading if they manage to get nation-wide bio-metric IDs. Hate speech laws will be expanded and you're going to have your livelihood destroyed much more directly than the current deplatforming methods. Those "smart" assistants are already vastly increasing the opportunity for surveillance which I theorize was their sole purpose to begin with.

b791ab No.14215426

File: 64344a83321fd83⋯.jpg (41.6 KB, 533x355, 533:355, 1442286902.jpg)



I just cant help but love jews so much.

They contribute so much good to our world that I can never thank them enough.

I wish the jews will never stop what they are doing or even consider the consequences of their actions.

fee587 No.14215430


Me too fellow goy-err I mean anon, the jews rock!

d804ab No.14215442



Herschel Lieberman is a joke account. It's ran by some /pol/lack.

f153f6 No.14215444

Once again they are pushing the gender gap here in my country in the communist news.

I know about the reports about how the gender gap is false in america, but is there any report I could use to shut up spanish feminists?

ff77d7 No.14215453


>is there any report I could use

Have you tried using the "report to inquisition" button?

de1d63 No.14215458

File: 2659aa9d0928468⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 1100x735, 220:147, Field_of_Reasoning.jpg)


It doesn't withstand even the most surface level reasoning, let alone two seconds of research.

bf9e5e No.14215460

File: 05669c3b5a0470d⋯.jpg (151.55 KB, 1228x700, 307:175, anri in yakuza.jpg)

File: dd9d72ed9a08ca6⋯.jpg (166.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, anri-okita-trong-buoi-ra-m….jpg)

This is why the Japanese video game industry is superior

eb7d72 No.14215465


I try not to use that kind of argument with people because most of the people fail to understand just how limited "acceptable" speech is to the groups implementing that shit. Of course, the inclusion of back doors also means that the hardware is incredibly vulnerable. The stupidity of the people implementing the spyware also means that it will backfire, and we will see societal collapse prior to them being able fully implement it thanks to all their other policies.

a75622 No.14215473

File: 2bd4ab195b67f38⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 615x462, 205:154, cute anime grill.jpg)


Why do you hate women?

2bd6ba No.14215474

File: e7d135101251f7e⋯.jpg (27.55 KB, 550x512, 275:256, e7d135101251f7e6929353825f….jpg)


>Smart-Sofa detects a Hitler quote while I watch a WWII documentary

>sends a nazi alarm to the central truethink agency

>Smart-iRon remote assassination script activates in the middle of the night and burns the house down while I sleep

75959f No.14215478


What is he pointing at /v/?

f153f6 No.14215480


The inquisition have been remplaced with the Cisquisition the same momment they replaced the Three Wise Kings for the Three Wise Queens in a region of Spain.


I just want to ask on TV to any of those advocates if they are paid less than their male counterparts just for two things. If they say they arent, ask them how verificable is the report then. If they say they are, be outraged and demand their company to be reported and sued for not paying them for equal job.


Because women have by nature the soul of a jew.

de1d63 No.14215482

File: 5d33f6d6b7574e3⋯.jpg (108.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Stallman_Gentoo_AD.jpg)


I have the perfect image for your scenario.

f153f6 No.14215483


Are there good video editors for Gentoo?

8d14be No.14215485

File: 2b0ea488405129b⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 603x621, 67:69, based.jpg)


>yes, even you, little Pajeet can find a beautiful blond woman in europe when he grows up

2bd6ba No.14215486

File: ece62ffe55cad5f⋯.png (171.43 KB, 467x413, 467:413, nice desu ne.png)

de1d63 No.14215490

File: 84efbf489da9d5a⋯.jpg (141.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Stallman_Gentoo_AD2.jpg)


Gentoo is a meme as is Richard Stalman.

6de3c6 No.14215497

File: a2736c48eb5df64⋯.webm (162.2 KB, 852x480, 71:40, whatwhat.webm)


>He then proceeded to try and convince me that all of twitter is commies with anime profile pictures posting about revolution and his totally legit cointelpro psyop to get boomers to support revolution in South Africa so that they kill all the landowners which is being planned in a disagreement group with faculty from his university.



But Watson actually made some actual racist claim while also having literally no evidence whatsoever, and claimed his word as the guy that discovered DNA should be enough.

0e327a No.14215516

File: 19339ae4299859d⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 672x658, 48:47, sargon.jpg)

Who's ready for Krautism 2.0, the reckoning?

de1d63 No.14215521

File: 19c76020e06421d⋯.webm (1.04 MB, 480x360, 4:3, hate.webm)


I have a hatred for certain behaviors that just happen to manifest predominantly in certain groups.

fee587 No.14215523


Whoa, nice pepe image you have there! Praise Kek!

0e327a No.14215528

File: 19080e7666b5c24⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 177.97 KB, 514x652, 257:326, vee.jpg)


Thanks. Here, have some vee vore porn.

6a29a7 No.14215534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder that Cream is illegal

f153f6 No.14215541


Fuck off Richard Spencer.

de1d63 No.14215559

File: f2b545f3d8829b7⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Civic Nationalism Question….mp4)


Spencer is controlled opposition who has denied Communist massacres like Holomodor among other things. But to be fair, claiming to be an "individualist" is pretty fucking autistic.

0e327a No.14215562


Spencer is a retard, Sargon is a bigger retard.

c7f610 No.14215574


Isn't Spencer a coal burning half-kike?

0e327a No.14215584


I don't know, I do know he advocates for CP. He's the right wing Destiny.

f153f6 No.14215600




As far I've seen, while Sargon is kind of autistic too, he made the point that Richard Spencer is only up to do a communist state, just for 'hwite people'. I'm sure most of you americans are tainted with jewish blood anyway.

0cbeb6 No.14215641


There was a Star Wars series that was authorized, but de-cannon-ified before Disney bought and shitted up Star Wars; The Hand of Vader book trilogy, which was fine, because it was shit (well, technically two, if you include the 80's Marvel comics, which wasn't shit, but was to small and too old to fit into the EU).

Ultimately, cannon isn't about autism, it's about money.

We aren't pigs or SJWs who eat any shit that's shoveled into the entertainment trough because we're told to; we're customers, we can fucking 'walk away from trash media. I'm not talking "boycotts"; I'm talking "no review".

Just don't buy the shit and bully the losers who do.

This is the lesson of Highlander II (or DmC4): Good cannon is cannon that makes money; bad cannon gets forgotten and treated like it never happened.

Incidentally, have you walked into a toy store lately? There's piles and piles of SW crap from three different movies everywhere. The Toys R Us toystore chain is going bankrupt because of it. A crash is coming…

39b88c No.14215682


but dude weed lmao soon or whatever

f153f6 No.14215698


Are the Star Wars legos at least cheap? it is never bad to have legos. Unless they shat in what made lego great and doesn't allow you to build whatever you want.

709fba No.14215715

File: 656949021f5c5ca⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 1415x1251, 1415:1251, ddf54c8bf4daf206a411faf065….jpg)


Well Americans did come mostly from England, and that was the Jewish capital of the world at one point. Maybe it still is and we just don't know it.

c8cba0 No.14215762


For most part Americans are Celto-Germanics. By language, they are Anglos.

a75622 No.14215777

File: b0f821c168e363c⋯.png (169.54 KB, 510x346, 255:173, 06ae790f5e8226e24e02a4e05b….png)



Americlaps Double Niggers?!

8f00ac No.14215783


Louisiana is French as is much of the South. The East Coast are Italians and Californian whites likely have a bit of Chinese blood.

c8cba0 No.14215812

File: da710e8c46ec17f⋯.jpg (43.82 KB, 360x270, 4:3, 833189dcda7b68fb7a079b8115….jpg)

File: 054c8cd3f65e50c⋯.png (357.59 KB, 602x400, 301:200, main-qimg-1b33bc14adc2de53….png)

File: a59a3c18bc07f5a⋯.jpg (116.26 KB, 782x506, 17:11, map_loupur3.jpg)


Amazing how the difference between French Canada and French America is night & day. Compare Quebec with Louisiana.

0e327a No.14215815

File: b504be4c249f604⋯.mp4 (557 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kraut did nothing wrong.mp4)

Kraut's a good boy, he dindu muffin

a75622 No.14215841

File: d36c4405a6573ec⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 500x365, 100:73, its over bros.jpg)

Mark E Smith is died

f153f6 No.14215852


Sorry, but who?

Also, I'm sorry for you, anon.

490622 No.14215853


So more than half a century ago.


Depends on the province, but the wage increase is for the places with the lowest taxes, most seats still have a semblance of industry.


You joke, but I figure they will use the smart auto drive cars and trucks to do the deed instead, easier to claim error, release a false patch then do it again

13fa7d No.14215854


The Fall is gay and shit probably

0cbeb6 No.14215859


>Mark E Smith

The post-punk (boomer) counter-culture is literally dying of old age

967caf No.14215862





2bc56c No.14215866




Netflixifying video games might work if we were in the NES era, where a game could be beaten in an afternoon if you're good enough and it's not full of bullshit to pad the runtime. That is not the world we live in, however. Netflix works because most movies take less than two hours and you only watch them once maybe twice or three times if you really love them. Video games (at least good video games, anyway) take 10+ hours, and some of them are designed to be played multiple times to see all the content or challenge yourself. A subscription service is just uneconomical and the only reason WoW gets away with it is because its players are hopeless addicts.

fee587 No.14215867


Saskatchewan seems to do it right with their minimum wage being tied to inflation

a75622 No.14215873

File: 4de87359197b1a0⋯.webm (501.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WRONG! .webm)


Guy from the band The Fall


c83046 No.14215893


>Last pic

You can make one just with dogs, like how Dingos, Coyotes, Wolves, are subspecies of Canus lupus with mild differences, yet subspecies of domestic dogs in Canus lupus can have drastic physical difference by design through breeding in shorter time than by nature to have a chihuahua and mastiff and shi tsu and Siberian husky and the like "exact same subspecies"

0cbeb6 No.14215897

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting 4chan

490622 No.14215905


Microsoft is pulling this because neither spyware10 or xbone sold well, and microsoft is desperate. To be honest, I like the idea of psnow, but its still pretty crap, and unless you live in one of the areas with great internet, useless. Id rather the ability to dl the games and have the timer down start at first launch.


Thats nice, in the shithole of nova scotia we will never see a min wage hike nor have a stable local economy, and thanks to greed from building owners are losing small businesses. And to top it off our local gov shits have flodded the province with shitfugees and indians, and trust me, if they want more money they will be moving west or illegally hop the border to the states, and american anons, a reminder that children born in quebec have limited dual citizenship that allows them to go live in some of the french states.

e16c99 No.14215959


>Raised the minimum wage up to 14-15$ to help "poorer" people

while i can't deny that this caused problems with small businesses, it's really a chicken and the egg type of situation for how badly our economy is fucked

>>Carbon tax

>Freedom of speech in schools is fucking dead and will be very soon outside of academia

>Castro won't do any tax cuts

and if you think we aren't in for another 4 years of liberal cucking, you're just fucking retarded


>Taxes are so bullshit that no one can reasonable save

>Hydro cost an arm and a leg



>You voted the worst of the worst, Trudeau

>You voted the worst

>You voted

nobody in my province voted liberal (deadmonton and cow town withstanding) and yet we are stuck with this clown

e16c99 No.14215984


we've been infiltrated for years now. the worst possible thing for a an imageboard is to become popular

204ebd No.14215988

Is Trails worth buying half off on GOG instead of just pirating? I don't know how well it will run on my shit-tier laptop or if I can play it properly with kb+m

490622 No.14215989


>Taxes are so bullshit that no one can reasonable save

Its so you have to rely on the state to keep you barely alive, like a slave.

8d1cae No.14216000

File: d7f67eddd0a97b4⋯.png (239.32 KB, 276x400, 69:100, check_knuckles.png)


I think you mean triple niggers

973324 No.14216003

File: 983a2e312f8a2b7⋯.png (379.74 KB, 571x571, 1:1, CGQUtrhWgAAjDr7.png)


You're being obnoxiously butthurt when nobody knows if Playism is just stealing another game to sell it for cheap or not.

a75622 No.14216007

File: ca4807dd8910324⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 419x424, 419:424, da8aedef832fe38594a8240f06….jpg)

9778b9 No.14216016


The GOG version doesn't get updated as often as the Steam verison, so on the rare occasion you're affected by something that's fixed in the Steam version you're gonna have to wait a bit. Other than that the game plays fine with M&K so you decide.

e9d19b No.14216060


You can run the trails in the sky games on a fucking toaster. I beat the whole first game on an ancient IBM thinkpad laptop.

Also the games are PC games first and foremost, they're made with M+KB in mind.

13fa7d No.14216068

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Here, try listening to a better post-punk band.

Maybe it will make you less sad and gay.

39bbb5 No.14216075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WARNING. Tomorrow is Australia Day! Majority of Australian's have the day off! God help the internet!

a75622 No.14216090

File: 79150f8f3e50aff⋯.png (697.11 KB, 1278x555, 426:185, 1449779275684.png)


perfect album to listen to while hanging in the kitchen

b128fc No.14216094

File: 8225c51f4421dd5⋯.png (151.19 KB, 1906x926, 953:463, vsauce.png)


>first picture

f28e50 No.14216120

Why are people butthurt about /a/ again?

Sorry to (1), I always end up lurking before actually posting in these threads.


Is anidex safe?




6de3c6 No.14216129

File: ca3e12ca602f4c1⋯.webm (2.53 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Surrender or Die.webm)


>Why are people butthurt about /a/ again?

Because it's shit. People never stopped being butthurt about it.

c8cba0 No.14216152


>Why are people butthurt about /a/ again?

Totalitarian bullshit and Mod circlejerking. I have a better time discussing anime in GG threads than on /a/.

9778b9 No.14216158

File: b75ea044e995f6b⋯.png (64.41 KB, 287x400, 287:400, b75ea044e995f6b75016342318….png)


Because 4/a/ is the origin point of a good amount of the cancer killing imageboards in general. IRC circlejerks, foolz meta faggots thinking they're some sort of internet illuminati, the sub cartel(Commie, Daiz, etc.) and so on. If you're noticing that a lot of these faggots later on became SJWeebs, then congrats you have basic cognitive skills.

On the other hand, to prevent this 8/a/'s administration are so paranoid that they've turned it into a stagnating no fun allowed hellhole where entire threads get nuked for one off topic post.

86ab71 No.14216162

File: 7dfff49a6b96e54⋯.webm (205.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, #rekt.webm)


>Why are people butthurt about /a/ again?

Why is cancer butthurt about chemo I wonder?

cc9037 No.14216163

File: 5ff9981c264051d⋯.png (3.07 KB, 366x286, 183:143, 5ff9981c264051d32321d0a963….png)


I thought there would be more to this.

263e40 No.14216165


Is foolz still around? i thought that got deleted.

cbe64e No.14216169


Faggots get short duration bans for thinking they can shitpost like in /v/ then cry about it.

3f459f No.14216171


Well there are those handfuls of Trannies that have been on this site for years. If you weren't around for the site wide revenge raid against /intl/ you wouldn't know which pics originally came from them like the eldritch pepe.

ffd8c7 No.14216173


>Ree why can't I type like a nigger.

>Why are mods demanding quality.

>Why can't I shitpost and fuck up the board

That's why people dislike /a/. Nigger-tier posters who get assmad when they can't shit the place up.

9778b9 No.14216176


foolz closed down, but the faggots remain, although they congregate on other platforms such as disagreement.

9cfd31 No.14216178


>IRC circlejerks, foolz meta faggots thinking they're some sort of internet illuminati, the sub cartel(Commie, Daiz, etc.) and so on. If you're noticing that a lot of these faggots later on became SJWeebs, then congrats you have basic cognitive skills.

>On the other hand, to prevent this 8/a/'s administration are so paranoid that they've turned it into a stagnating no fun allowed hellhole where entire threads get nuked for one off topic post.

Hate to say it, but isn't that the stuff that results in proving the "horseshoe theory" correct (Both ended up becoming cliques with high amount of censorship, but one is the result of the group being elitists about the subject meanwhile the other is the result of the group being overly cautious about what people are allowed in)?

263e40 No.14216183


That's a shame,i remember hanging around with a few of those guys back in the day,i miss em.

6de3c6 No.14216186


The BO specifically has a hate boner for /v/, thinking their superior for banning any crossposters.


Instead you get quality threads of varying topics such as, "Post Lolis," "Legs thread," and "Favorite sluts?" Clearly we need to learn from /a/

bff0b8 No.14216187

Does someone here have the RUNNING OUT OF AIR INTERNET webm from Extra Creshits? If yes, post it there


ffd8c7 No.14216191


It's better than 4/h/ which allows NTR and blacked threads. Is that what you want? Cuckoldry and niggers? Because that's what you get without an army of Meidos to vigilantly watch the board.

fee587 No.14216202


>it's better than one board so obviously it's not shit

6dbf53 No.14216206


you sound pretty flustered buddy

6de3c6 No.14216207

File: 55ae5530eeb015e⋯.webm (688.12 KB, 852x480, 71:40, See those pills never tak….webm)


"At least this non-porn board makes a better porn board than the porn board from the site we all left for being absolute shit because they banned certain type of porn"

ffd8c7 No.14216212


>I want to see NTR and nigger dicks.

T. shitposter who can't not shitpost.

9dc54c No.14216217


I don't use torrents that often now.

But anidex is down right now.

>Why are people butthurt about /a/ again?

Because it's no fun allowed in board form.


>isn't that the stuff that results in proving the "horseshoe theory" correct?


For that to be correct 8/a/ should be mad as otakus in Japan all the time and they aren't.

I think.

fee587 No.14216219


Are you actually retarded and have trouble reading or are you merely pretending?

86ab71 No.14216228

File: bef1fcbd024eac9⋯.webm (6.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, truth of jordan peterson.webm)


as opposed to "Gaming monkey paw moments/predictions", "Granblue Fantasy general", and "what are some games that X"?

hes right for banning crossposters because if you want to behave on /a/ like you behave on /b/-with-videogames, you shouldnt be posting on /a/ in the first place

f28e50 No.14216242

File: 38c32199ee383ae⋯.png (48.14 KB, 200x200, 1:1, default_puppet_riko.PNG)


That actually makes a lot of sense, I'd also be paranoid. Community, pretending, idiots, good company.

>entire threads get nuked for one off topic post.

Never seen that, but I've seen posts getting deleted.

3f459f No.14216243


>but isn't that the stuff that results in proving the "horseshoe theory" correct

That would require removing the political element of Horseshoe Theory. As it stands the 8/a/ Mods don't particularly care if you suddenly praise communism or the fuhrer both get the banhammer if it's not "the right topic". You can still complain if somebody is gay or a cuck provided you got the caps to show for it in any show.

c8cba0 No.14216248

>>>/animu/ is a far better anime board than /a/. The BO knows how to moderate without going paranoid and overboard like the Meidos.

7ffd2d No.14216262

File: 5252db98a8a4936⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 342.73 KB, 380x298, 190:149, hmmmmmmmmmm.gif)


>creating board rivalries for no reason

>no proof


158f76 No.14216268


Can someone make a non-cuckchan version?

13fa7d No.14216276

I wish all these tr/a/nnies would fuck off back to their own shithole of a board.

ffd8c7 No.14216277

File: 334a27c6bafa94d⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 294x524, 147:262, 00b76449d2bb846251f2f1a03e….gif)


As if /v/ is a bastion of quality.

935e6d No.14216285


Not just off-topic, if you so much as mention a 3DPD movie, TV show, or person (even comparing them to anime) they'll give you a 24h ban. And the same if you forget to capitalize a sentence or don't use perfect punctuation.

204ebd No.14216287

Since we're talking about them anyway kind of, is it worse to still read cuckchan or is it worse to go to reddit's 4chan board to read screencaps from it? Ever since leaving cuckchan in 2014 I'll just read screencaps from r/4chan instead of reading 4chan. I don't even have a reddit account but I'd rather read some decent posts there than comb through Hiroshima Nagasaki's botnet

3f459f No.14216293

File: 7d21fae9966a940⋯.png (352.57 KB, 874x496, 437:248, duck.png)


Are you cocksuckers still pushing this shit?

6dbf53 No.14216295


Mark >>>>> Your mods still

935e6d No.14216297

File: df5184ff0deb515⋯.png (104.18 KB, 293x282, 293:282, 1320006379764.png)


cuckchan and reddit are both places you shouldn't even be setting foot in. Why do you need to read their stupid bullshit at all?

c8cba0 No.14216303


Unlike the Meidos, Mark can handle banter.

13fa7d No.14216304


At least I'm not the one acting like a rapefugee.

204ebd No.14216306


I have a lot of free time at work and all the sites I used to read have become even more cancerous. 8chan's pretty slow and I haven't read Cracked or TVTropes or anything like that in ages. Actually focusing on a book is tough so I stick to reading websites.

935e6d No.14216309


>has a job where you can slack off reading your phone or a book

>on /v/

>not playing vidya with your empty time

fee587 No.14216310


>is it worse to still read cuckchan or is it worse to go to reddit's 4chan board to read screencaps from it?

Reddit is worse you faggot holy shit. r/4chan is the gayest shit and honestly you should kill yourself. I have more respect for cuckchanners than ledditors who scan that shithole for the slightest bit of quality and then post it to reddit for fucking upboats. Jesus fuck, it's truly one of the faggiest things I can think of

3f459f No.14216311

File: ae0eb09f19446b0⋯.png (105.31 KB, 769x377, 769:377, Site Goblin.png)

File: 8b6edfbd7a3e467⋯.png (26.97 KB, 981x952, 981:952, DELETED by site goblin.png)


4chan not has malicious code that injects malware so going to 4chan at all now is willingly putting yourself into a stupid situation. Isn't there dozens of archiving sites of halfchan already? Why don't you just go there.

9778b9 No.14216315

File: 7793aa8765bc66f⋯.gif (812.27 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 7793aa8765bc66f9045fa1a649….gif)




One is literally a crypto botnet and the other is literally reddit. What in the fuck are you doing nigger?

204ebd No.14216323


I leave all my games at home because I worry about them breaking.


Because I would have to comb through a million shitty threads to find something worth reading.


Waiting to die.

6de3c6 No.14216325


/v/ is shit, but fun. /a/ is shit, and only good for ERP fags. Quite literally, about the only "discussion" you will ever see is

-How many markers can fit into your waifus asshole

-How far can Froppy's anus distend

-What does best girl's armpits smell like


You gotta find better ways to fill that time, anon. Go learn a language on Duolingo or read some manga.

2bd6ba No.14216333

File: 59f60d4a3bf6406⋯.png (123.22 KB, 410x434, 205:217, tomoko book.png)


>Actually focusing on a book is tough

Nigger put your back into it. If you only read short posts and articles that's what your brain will adapt to. By only reading websites you're effectively training your brain to reduce your attention span.

c10b28 No.14216340

File: 420f1d59e1af132⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1530x1090, 153:109, Nouvellefrance-V2[1].jpg)


France used the colonies as a dump for its undesirables, they got lot of territory but they sent hobos and whores (les filles du roy) there so they wouldn't fuck shit up in France. The English were serious about their colonies and went with quality over quantity. You also have some French canadians in the US because of the English forced deportation of the Acadians.

3f459f No.14216341


>Because I would have to comb through a million shitty threads to find something worth reading.

But you already do that by going to halfchan so I fail to see the problem.

204ebd No.14216342


Honestly, I lost my list of manga to read. The only one I remember off it is Mad Bull 34. I do keep up with Vinland Saga but it's not like it updates often. I'm not working right now anyway because some asshole came in with the flu and I caught it.


It's just hard for me to focus on anything the last few years. I have to take breaks every 10-20 minutes of video gaming to do something else. Even with a book I get really into my limit is about an hour.


I don't go there anymore. I stopped in 2014 and started coming here instead.

9778b9 No.14216345

File: 2a82cc80ccaf8db⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 259x232, 259:232, 2a82cc80ccaf8dbc8ca924fb18….jpg)


>8chan's pretty slow

>being so ADHD riddled you can't focus on a fucking book

When the fuck did you start using imageboards? 2012? 8chan in general is still faster than 4chan was outside of /b/ before the eternal summer.

204ebd No.14216354


I don't remember exactly when. 4chan still had a lolicon board when I started reading it. It's just my brain's not very good anymore and I have trouble keeping a train of thought. Gotta write everything down now.

fee587 No.14216357


Why not just read manga then, it isn't as text heavy as a book but it's still better than going to cuckchan or r/4chan

065d15 No.14216358


>As if /v/ is a bastion of quality.

no one said that

204ebd No.14216361


Is there a good app for reading manga on my phone? I don't like the shitty computers at work. I could probably read Baccano but I keep putting it off because I worry that maybe the anime is better and I'll ruin it for myself by reading the manga first or something.

fee587 No.14216363


>app for reading manga on my phone?

If you can find .cbz or .cbr files of manga, perfectviewer for android is good. I use it

c10b28 No.14216364


I used to us mangareader

2bd6ba No.14216366

File: 6ffc44fe3199018⋯.jpg (136.68 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1414444748882.jpg)


>The English were serious about their colonies

Well, there's Straya.


>It's just hard for me to focus on anything the last few years

That's because you, like most of the population, have conditioned your head for instant gratification by constantly jumping from one thing to another.

Sit down and read a book or play vidya. If you need a break after an hour, take it, then get back to what you were doing. It doesn't have to be anything advanced to begin with, just something you're interested in to get your mind back in the game.

t. someone who used to be in your shoes

204ebd No.14216373


It's just a lot of strain. I can still focus on music okay though. Or at least as well as I ever could. I get restless if I'm just playing random songs but if I have a playlist I like I can sit through it no problem. I think I listen to a specific Nujabes one 3-5 times a week.

6de3c6 No.14216374


>Honestly, I lost my list of manga to read.

Use MAL. That's a perfectly valid use for that site.

c10b28 No.14216378


Well, the 13 colonies then.

2a0894 No.14216400

>Kotaku: "Racist Jokes Keep Showing Up In Overwatch League Broadcasts"


>Amelia Mary-Justice Comments - "The Overwatch League Isn't Sexist – It's Just Easy to Think It Is"



Valve appeals $2.4M fine as Australian legal battle rages on


>Tristan Flock - "Privilege Checking the Privilege Checkers"


c10b28 No.14216420

File: 3ffaae17e53689c⋯.png (264.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1457046588109.png)


>Be Blizz

>Bend over backward virtue signaling in Overcuck

>Still get pissed on by Kotaku and the like for meaningless shit because I showed weakness

They dug their own hole. Also my favorite phrase

>"a meme that became racist for reasons that are excruciating to explain"

6de3c6 No.14216426

File: 1c973648ba155a0⋯.mp4 (961.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1c973648ba155a0dd6a4bff8a5….mp4)


>Kotaku: "Racist Jokes Keep Showing Up In Overwatch League Broadcasts"

<Being buttmad about Pepe and Ugandan Knuckles

When I was younger I fantasized about MLG being a real thing and thought it would be so fun to go to. It's a strange feeling seeing your childhood dreams actively dragged behind the shed and killed

204ebd No.14216429


When I heard about it I was kind of surprised people weren't calling it whitewashing because they gave her blonde hair.

9778b9 No.14216433


Further proof that if you show weakness even once, they'll bite in and never let go, but if you tell them to fuck off they can't do shit. I don't think I've seen a single bitching about Kingdom Come Deliverance after the initial barrage.

9cfd31 No.14216436


>I could probably read Baccano but I keep putting it off because I worry that maybe the anime is better and I'll ruin it for myself by reading the manga first or something.

What about the light novel (Since it is the original story)?


>Use MAL.

Isn't that cancer? I'd advise Baka-Updates instead.

204ebd No.14216444


Wait, is there a manga and an LN of it? Because I always mentally group both things under "manga". Like I said, I don't read it often. I had a list and just never got to it.

6de3c6 No.14216448


>Isn't that cancer? I'd advise Baka-Updates instead.

I wasn't aware there was another site like it. Even then, I never interact with the community. I just use it for list keeping.

ffd8c7 No.14216449


What's wrong with MAL?

c10b28 No.14216450


MLG was killed by SJW before it started and it must start to annoy those who were pushing for it, it will be a battle of the jews. You can't have MLG gamers in one place and think everything will be completely sanitized and PC. And Kotaku/Polygon by virtue signaling like crazy are killing the leagues, especially Overwatch which isn't that successful to begin with.

On a unrelated note I didn't know Maddy Myers was at Cucktaku now, she left the Marye Sue shithole?

9cfd31 No.14216459





Honestly, I don't exactly know. I just remember numerous Anons here saying to stay away from it and ANN.

9778b9 No.14216461


Unfortunately some private animu trackers require you showing your MAL list to prove you aren't a fucking casual(Where do you think the watched 500 anime meme came from?). Not that they aren't all cancer, but that's beside the point.


Baccano is an anime, a manga and a still ongoing series of Light Novels.

9778b9 No.14216478



MAL is fine as a utility but stay the fuck away from the community. Same goes double for ANN, seeing as it's basically SJWeeb central and the writers seem to have no fucking idea what they're doing.

Anime reviews were a fucking mistake except for Grumpy Jii-san.

7c5291 No.14216485


ANN (anime news network) has stupid writers, some sj leaning ones I think.

204ebd No.14216493


I wish they listed sites for these groups. I can't find this "Baccano LiveJournal" group because it just keeps giving me LJs that post fanart.


I just always assumed they were more or less the same thing.

9cfd31 No.14216507


>I wish they listed sites for these groups. I can't find this "Baccano LiveJournal" group because it just keeps giving me LJs that post fanart.

Yeah, they did away with direct links to translations groups when the site was DMCAed around the time of SOPA being a thing.

204ebd No.14216512


Wait, actually, are they like book books? I think I mixed up light novel with graphic novel. I thought a light novel was basically a long manga.

6de3c6 No.14216517


Light Novels are books, but with a few pictures at the beginning of chapters or other places in the book to help you visualize.

204ebd No.14216522


Okay, that's definitely different from what I was thinking.


That's a real pain. I heard Trudeau is trying to get TPP going again, too. What a headache.

9778b9 No.14216523


Manga are graphic novels.

Light novels are actual book books with maybe an illustration here and there. They're called "light" because they're meant to be light reading by Japanese standards. For the most part they try to avoid more complicated and uncommon kanji and the individual volumes are pretty short.

3afcf8 No.14216525

9cfd31 No.14216527


>Wait, actually, are they like book books?

Yep, light novels are actual books.

Also, I'm unsure if this is a good enough comparison, but does the manga and light novel industry operate like the serialized fantasy/sci-fi magazines that they were producing here in the U.S., until they disappeared sometime after the 70's?

c10b28 No.14216532


They cost a lot for the amount of content you have though, better download them.

204ebd No.14216536


Sounds like they're kind like the books I would read as a kid. Redwall and stuff like that. I liked them a lot but I've only really liked maybe 2 or 3 books since then.

>Snow Crash (tried to read The Diamond Age but I got a bad fever and was out for a while and just never finished it)

>The Tomorrow File

>The Running Man

204ebd No.14216548


>rape mentality needs to be trained out of men

I hate that this is the mentality a lot of feminists have now. My girlfriend in 2006 called herself a feminist but she found the implication that "all men are savage beasts who need to be explicitly taught that rape is evil" to be pretty offensive because she happened to like men

992948 No.14216550


I'm pretty sure it's 40-50% Americans.

9778b9 No.14216551


Yes, Manga and LNs operate almost exactly like the pulps. You get shit published in anthologies monthly and weekly, and you can buy compilation volumes later on.

fee587 No.14216553


Light Novels are almost more like Novellas, and in certain cases they also have illustrations. I recommend All You Need is Kill, they made a gay ass Tom Cruise movie out of it but the LN is way better

9cfd31 No.14216562


Okay. So, that being the case, what caused pulp magazines to fizzle out? The internet didn't start become it's own "thing" until the mid-90's, so what did independent writers do for that more than decade long period? Or, are they still around, but only exist in train/bus stations and airports?

204ebd No.14216563


>making american movies from japanese stuff

It makes me angrier than it should. Probably because it's rarely if ever done well.

fee587 No.14216568


Apparently it was good, I never watched it because I was angry about it since I really liked all you need is kill and I thought it would be shittier in every way

6de3c6 No.14216578


It was a great fucking movie. Definitely different from the LN. Takes the base concept, and does a fun action movie with it.

204ebd No.14216580


It probably was. I find Tom Cruise to be a really wooden actor. It always feels like he's playing the same no-personality character. Same with Scarlet Johnotspellingtherestofherlastname

c8cba0 No.14216593


There's the Hyper Dimension Neptunia High School Light Novels.

ea79d9 No.14216597

Any OscarSoWhite shit this year or did they pay protection money?

9778b9 No.14216599


Comic books and paperback novels took their place as far as I can tell. I can't give a more definitive answer because I'm not sure if there is one.




Edge of Tommorow is fine cause they didn't even pretend they were gonna be faithful to the original to the point of changing the name. All You Need Is Kill is killer in comparison though.

204ebd No.14216610


I think I saw that one. It was okay but his acting was still the weak point to me. I don't like Tom Cruise.

6de3c6 No.14216618


Tom Cruise is the Hollywood equivalent of "I am an average boy entering my first year of high-schhol" He will never drag a movie down, nor will he elevate it.

9778b9 No.14216623


As far as I can tell nothing has happened so far.

204ebd No.14216625


He's boring enough that it drags down a lot of movies for me because I feel like somebody else could do it better. Keanu gets a lot of shit from people for being emotionless in his acting but he did a very good job in John Wick and I think Tom Cruise would have been awful in that role.

87ec9d No.14216631

File: 87dac633411083a⋯.png (242.91 KB, 600x784, 75:98, RbfCt.PNG)




He deleted it…

…but it's hard to delete things on the Internet.

812c7d No.14216642


SJWeebs are the worst cancer and I don't understand how they came into being.

e7f37c No.14216658

File: 7a7edf0253f8e62⋯.gif (878.68 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 1380679894720.gif)



And then when the government does it, it's somehow "justified."

86ab71 No.14216659


Its censorship if goverment permits it if you ask me.

e7f37c No.14216660


>goes on to whine about weebs "controlling the industry" and saying they're "as bad as the SJWs they complain about"




2bd6ba No.14216663

File: 63f2a88dc31f50b⋯.png (405.98 KB, 528x546, 88:91, amused loli rin.png)


I reckon it's like in vidya.

>I like animu

>normalfag friends think it's weird

>try to justify liking it by pretending its deeper and than it is so they'll accept it

>say "X is art and should grow up" so much you start to believe in it

>in the end focus more on being accepted by normalfags than actually enjoying what you're trying to justify liking in the first place

afe43b No.14216667


<it's not censorship, unless the government is doing it

<the government is censoring things to protect the people who need it most

<the government is censoring me, that's fascism! #resist #imwithher #antifa #stopdrumpf

dea802 No.14216673


What is he even implying with "fans", like somehow they're not fans and are just pretending? (sounds like some projection).

>Do shit job of convincing people to take them seriously

Who said they give a shit and don't want to just enjoy something regardless of the way people perceive them (which is an adult thing to do)

6de3c6 No.14216677


Anime fans that are desperate to not have their parents think they're a waste of space think everything needs to be changed so it's not embarrassing.

dea802 No.14216682


It's only justified if my specific person/government that I support does it, otherwise it's fascism.

e7f37c No.14216688


>Who said they give a shit and don't want to just enjoy something regardless of the way people perceive them (which is an adult thing to do)

These are the same people who justify doxing and threatening people with "w-well, they'd do it to me, so…" Their collectivism bullshit is so strong that they assume that everyone else is as shitty of a person as they are. Especially if they like anime tiddies.

3559f1 No.14216694


Very nice.


There's already a board rivalry Mr. (1). /a/ hates /v/ermin.



>/a/ is here




>Do shit job of convincing people to take them seriously

That is also projection anon. It's why they want to purge anime of lewd, except for faggots, because many SJWeebs are western fujoshi.

1fb661 No.14216702


Who is this fag?

6de3c6 No.14216748

File: a01af348d9441c9⋯.gif (804.81 KB, 245x180, 49:36, 07e21Ie.gif)

>See people defending Gawker on imgur

>Argue tht Peter Theil and Hogan were big bad meanies

>They get downvoted into fucking oblivion

Good to see that even normalfags can see through the bullshit sometimes.

c8cba0 No.14216752



The shit they want to censor is one of the things that make anime great. If they don't like it, they can leave the anime fandom.

e7f37c No.14216828


The only people who truly believe Gawker did nothing wrong are bloggers masquerading as journalists. Everyone should have been concerned with the "if you have any sort of social media presence, you're a public figure" bullshit they used to justify the gratuitous invasions of privacy found during the case's discovery phase.

6de3c6 No.14216887


I still need to watch that "documentary" they made, it sounds hilrious.

12d639 No.14217006


Tumblr was been all over popteamepic far before it became a anime. It was always fairly popular honestly.



Same. Is shit really going that bad? Because I find most of my stuff too.


Anri is legitimately cute. I'm guessing her tits are fake though?


What? No, Spencer is generally far more retarded then any of the gamergay e celebs.


>I have a better time discussing anime in GG threads than on /a/.

This goes for most topics to be fair. Gamergate threads have far better vidya, political, and personal discussion then the entirety of cuckchan and h8chan.


Every definition of censorship, whether from pozzed or unpozzed sources make it pretty clear that censorship is suppressing material deemed harmful or sensitive. You don't need it to be the government or an official high body organization.

de1d63 No.14217063

File: c6d8e16e035a796⋯.png (547.86 KB, 787x2771, 787:2771, US map immigration over ti….png)

File: b3119d2d373eee1⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 889x719, 889:719, US immigration sources ove….gif)

8ddb82 No.14217128


have any examples of these trackers?

12c67c No.14217133

File: c23e4fa0e6387af⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 619x392, 619:392, super sonic free.JPG)

File: 7ae396c245d5be4⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 625x847, 625:847, super sonic free 2.JPG)

Turns out everyone saying it's bullshit to have Super Sonic be paid DLC actually had an effect.

I mean it's still Sonic Forces, but hopefully this means something like this won't happen again in the future.



e7f37c No.14217140


>Turns out everyone saying it's bullshit to have Super Sonic be paid DLC actually had an effect.

Now if only it had an effect on them removing Denuvo since it's been cracked wide open.

de1d63 No.14217170


I'm convinced Denuvo has some shady dealings going on. If your DRM gets cracked over and over, yet publishers keep buying it to put on every new release only for it to be cracked again, then something must be going on. Unless the publishers are clinically retarded they should not be buying DRM the doesn't work.

dea802 No.14217190


It's strange that they don't get them to sign a penalties contract like when they contract out to 3rd party developers, something along the lines of "if it get's crack within X then denuvo pays publisher Y cash"

e7f37c No.14217243


>I'm convinced Denuvo has some shady dealings going on.

Especially now that they got bought out by a company who stated that their goal was to be even more invasive when it comes to DRM. And that's despite the recent news that the Meltdown patch makes DRM that uses a method like Denuvo's have an even more visible performance impact.

9cfd31 No.14217271


>God, "fans" of Japanese games do a shit job at convincing people to take them seriously as mature, intelligent adults.

What "convincing" really needs be done beyond saying "This is no different than any other 'hobby' or form of entertainment"?


How long until people start going to older games in even bigger droves than they already are to escape the DRM?

490622 No.14217295


As a Nova scotian, the acadians I have met are better than most of the english and actually have healthy group pride. Also

>english care for quality

Until they sell out to chinks, jews or any other bidder who will temporarily fill their coffers, yes.


I think the mary sue is not doing so fine, so rats fleeing makes sense, though watching cucktaco obtain gangerous limbs that will only hurt the body is kinda fun.

ea79d9 No.14217368


>english care for quality

Well my history classes are pretty far behind and were biased toward the Nouvelle-France but I remember one point was that France was dumping their whores and dindus here while England was actively and effectively developing their 13 colonies. And when England invaded and we asked help from France they sent a messenger to besieged Quebec City with a simple "nah sorry, too busy. Better learn english lol".

2a0894 No.14217393

File: 47fc335d99c26d1⋯.png (53.81 KB, 460x541, 460:541, FISA memo.PNG)

ea79d9 No.14217412


A part of man want that man to be in Congress. The Dems wouldn't know what hit them.

e7f37c No.14217413

File: ab700ea0b5b1540⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 239x283, 239:283, 1393298571615.jpg)


>it's basically been all but confirmed that Calgary Expo was entirely in the wrong

>Calgary Expo's response is to delay the ruling by suing the Honey Badgers for "defamation"

Fucking DARVO bullshit.

c83046 No.14217431

File: de7752aafae9b52⋯.png (297.46 KB, 624x650, 24:25, blog-awards.png)


Give your buds needless awards to make them feel appreciated.

24dd8a No.14217434



Why do these courts allow this shit? Delaying into its third year now?

9a74a7 No.14217455


At least /v/ has fun and sorry no one here wants to suck /a/'s mods off.

e7f37c No.14217460

File: 16260699efd4b72⋯.jpg (546.21 KB, 1398x1600, 699:800, FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL.jpg)


<game journos: CUPHEAD IS RACIST!

>gamers: fuck off (proceeds to make it sell double platinum)


afe43b No.14217461


In liberal Canada, some people get more liberty than others :^)

9a74a7 No.14217469

File: 16c049d37626952⋯.jpg (308.16 KB, 1560x712, 195:89, chad dev vs sjw dev.jpg)

8307aa No.14217592

File: 77dc94ab0f361bb⋯.webm (638.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, slowly creeping jk.webm)

607897 No.14217698

File: 6c6b132653a893f⋯.mp4 (12.04 MB, 852x480, 71:40, funidubofpopteamepic.mp4)

The dub is out.

7c5291 No.14217712

File: 2394a154863f0cb⋯.jpg (157.89 KB, 647x1036, 647:1036, ShionPanties.jpg)


gamergateop's last activity: two, five and eleven months ago

<thisisvideogames wiki

No activity in the last month, but the gamergate OP pasta was last updated Oct 6, 2017. That page has the most recent changes I could find. Most seem to be before 2016 ended


<Isn't much for archiving stuff but it has some fair posts with good info and some summing up OPs


<don't know the point of it is


<Good articles, albeit not updated too often.

>recently resurrected corpse of outdated ggwiki.deepfreeze.it.

<more outdated than thisisvideogames.wiki and makes me question the point of fixing it.

I wanted to know the wiki's direction, especially if anyone wants it to be updated and become the centralized site for gg and these threads since there are dead like gg ;^) and outdated info "hubs" with seemingly little traffic. Centralization may be an issue but it could be backed-up and/or be copied over to the thisisvideogames wiki. How "professional" should the wiki be? Purely trying to be normalfag friendly or the "sjws are killing vidya writing and feminists are hypocritical" (only better written though)? GG, or the threads, have spread-to/become-concerned-with things outside vidya like free speech, general hatred of sjws and feminists, tech, Google's discrimination, card games, anime drama, art, Peterson, globalization and censorship pressure on Japan, South Korea, China being shit, Sad puppies, business cards, backpack cucking, hatred of postmodernism/communism, language manipulation, etc.

Aside from that, I'm trying to make a general repository of images on mega. Trying to collect infographs, oc, screenshots of posts, etc. Not restricted to gg, but a lot of what you see in the thread. My internet is shit, so it takes me time to upload. Most of the images on my pc are random so I'll scrub other places first to get content on it first before sharing.


>All our wikis are dead

>Do we focus on the new wiki?

>Cover the wider, not-vidya subjects we've seen?

ef2682 No.14217718

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)


>they're this desperate to cover Calgary Expo's ass that they'll abuse the legal system and delay it for years on end until people stop giving a shit >implying

>no archives for OneAngryGamer

Anon, we've been over this before. ARCHIVE OR FUCK OFF.


And it's shit. No surprise there.

>didn't even post a pixelated version of the ENGLISH Wiki page

9cfd31 No.14217719


Overall, it sounded very much like a fandub.

e7f37c No.14217739


>>they're this desperate to cover Calgary Expo's ass that they'll abuse the legal system and delay it for years on end until people stop giving a shit

It's funny, the Hipster Clique goes through all this effort to try and avoid the consequences for their actions, when it would be easier for everyone to just go "okay, yeah, we fucked up, sorry."

c8cba0 No.14217762


I honestly expected worse. All I hear is Piccolo.

e74eab No.14217777

File: 123674d344b95ef⋯.png (10.45 KB, 161x255, 161:255, 123674d344b95efa5a205f9efc….png)

9cfd31 No.14217781



Also, what do the female counterparts sound like in the dub?

da559a No.14217783


Smug quads.

89f9d1 No.14217788


Nonon a                              cute.           

9a74a7 No.14217793

File: 911079b0a3e3f6f⋯.jpg (64 KB, 743x743, 1:1, face_of_mercy_takane.jpg)


>He got it again

607897 No.14217799


Looking for it. But it's likely going to sound like a shitty fandub and over the top.

a443d3 No.14217810


I had to check and it is indeed Piccolo. Chris Sabat to be exact.

c8cba0 No.14217815


No wonder they sound like Piccolo.

607897 No.14217817

File: 363151c8e0db256⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Pop Team Epic - Beef or C….mp4)

9cfd31 No.14217833

File: e9093a57671acea⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 7b4e0c1a7f01d1826372254af1….jpg)


That's even worse!

And, I like the female voices in the original dub.

da559a No.14217845

File: e5cb28305af1ffa⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 856x75, 856:75, EXUKALIBAR.jpg)



I like the english female voices.

607897 No.14217851


The Jap dub with the girls sounded alright, but I prefer the males voices because they deliver the jokes better.

c8cba0 No.14217862


Japanese female Pipimi voice is sexy. I want to fuck Pipimi.

4e2f53 No.14217864

File: d00a4fa4f9c37f6⋯.webm (193.9 KB, 720x406, 360:203, I expect nothing and I'm ….webm)

5b55f9 No.14217887


Unwinnable is still going? wow https://archive.is/R6Gxc trash article indeed

3559f1 No.14217964


He has to be using a gameshark.

992948 No.14218015


Got a clip of them?

7c5291 No.14218032

File: 74e76c6746ca1fe⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 512x512, 1:1, plsrespond.jpg)

8307aa No.14218048

File: 6d6e16d51b96aab⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 759562545493479424_CoqCGJx….jpg)

File: 07ce41f77eebf2a⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 760223977746731008_Cozbqc8….jpg)

File: 75ce73194120881⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 759191478472101888_CokwhZO….jpg)

File: 759a1ec5de29ab7⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 760234802851131393_CozlgeT….jpg)


Please understand.

992948 No.14218051


Sorry dude not my area of expertise.

da559a No.14218082


Scroll up.

5b55f9 No.14218099



Acid and some anons are working on the new wiki, we're gonna have to stop shitposting too much and contribute what we can on them.

6de3c6 No.14218139


But shit posting is all I'm good for

9a74a7 No.14218149


This thread is a shit show

7c5291 No.14218180

File: 99debe5e76853c7⋯.gif (106.69 KB, 500x357, 500:357, 1403167620546.gif)


>Acid and some anons

>some anons

No, it's mostly just me

9cfd31 No.14218198

File: 439a21ca764823e⋯.png (69.78 KB, 455x299, 35:23, Spotting normalfags.png)


This may be a stupid question, but how do we update the wiki?

8307aa No.14218207

File: c657151c46cb3f5⋯.jpg (214.55 KB, 2339x1654, 2339:1654, 742805008974913536_Ck75Nyd….jpg)

File: 3950f66030feec0⋯.jpg (167.68 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 779373322844852224_CtDj5Y6….jpg)

File: 32fef84c62c33b7⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 789647066049880064_CvVj0iv….jpg)

File: 71936e60dcc1770⋯.jpg (909.06 KB, 4096x2304, 16:9, 819983042508771329_C2EqNk4….jpg)

File: 3c80a358a903853⋯.jpg (422.56 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 889929850571632645_DFmqc18….jpg)


Embrace the zetsubou.

7c5291 No.14218265

File: 9d0031177c4c25b⋯.png (196.43 KB, 800x2679, 800:2679, Untitled.png)

File: e4d522a247aff8d⋯.png (245.35 KB, 1287x4429, 1287:4429, Before.png)

File: 84a887bbd5240af⋯.png (151.63 KB, 1287x1834, 1287:1834, After.png)


Most of the pages right now are full of crap from copying over the old articles, stuff like broken tags and broken formatting. This is mostly what I'm fixing right now, making the pages at least legible. See pic related.

I'm copying over each article to notepad++ and running a script to some stuff automatically, then searching crosslink terms since most are broken to either delete or fix them.

That or you could simply start writing, updating the old info, or writing pages that don't exist.

Make an account and hit edit in the upper right link.

2a0894 No.14218292

>BioWare’s Anthem delayed as studio ‘doubles down’ on make-or-break title.


>Patrick Klepek / Waypoint - "How Valve's Hands-Off Approach Allowed the Homophobic 'Gay World' on Steam"




>Rape victims in the video game industry don't come forward because of gamergate





6de3c6 No.14218303


>Rape victims in the video game industry don't come forward because of gamergate

This could be 100% true, and the people to blame would be the fuckers writing the article.

9a74a7 No.14218356

Speaking of TD related stuff >>14217908

Some of you might find this interesting.

ff77d7 No.14218361


>where entire threads get nuked for one off topic post.

The Killing Bites thread is already disproving you, so stop lying to get people to jump boards.

3559f1 No.14218382


That was fun while it lasted. I almost derailed it back into actual vidya discussion.

ef2682 No.14218389

File: 3c66c3ca93a17ba⋯.webm (638.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, slowpoke the movie.webm)

9a74a7 No.14218390


People are jumping boards because of the way 8/a/ is ran and people have legitimately tired talking to the mods but they won't listen to anything that isn't a kiss on the ass.


You tried anon.

c4924b No.14218416

File: 8030c4e9e68237c⋯.png (39.41 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, dab3.png)

I come in search for rare dabs

9a7718 No.14218422





Battle Network was not supposed to be an instruction manual.

21de0a No.14218432

File: 8b8406d34b4a7aa⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Satoshi Kojima Guns.jpg)

Good afternoon, faggots.

Went to the relatives for their festival with my mom, it took my gaming time, ALL OF IT. I feel REALLY bad right now.

6de3c6 No.14218433


And the fact that this legitimately surprises me should tell you how shit your board is.

da559a No.14218442


How was the festival?

3559f1 No.14218446


But it's the middle of the night you fucking identityfag.

21de0a No.14218447


Tons of food, but the place is boring. There's no internet…..

7f8ac3 No.14218547

File: 974451e67c3d29f⋯.jpg (464.91 KB, 679x1000, 679:1000, Asuka eyeflash.jpg)


Congratulations, you just earned an invitation.

Wanna be middle management on the new Wiki? It takes actual work. An hour or two a day.

7f8ac3 No.14218552


Oh ho, and there's the other one.

I'm looking for 2 sysops from the breads, and you're putting in the work. If you can hack it long term, here's your invite.

7f8ac3 No.14218578

File: 4439863669c0cfa⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Satan makes a videogame.mp4)

0e327a No.14218612


I wish I had people to spend time with. I also Wish I spent time playing games, I instead spend it here to pretend I'm not alone.

45e5d9 No.14218622

File: 3ea80de5823deaa⋯.png (112.46 KB, 230x493, 230:493, burakku generaru.png)



You're replying to the same person.

21de0a No.14218624


I actually do want the opposite. Anyway, anything new from our "friends"?!

da559a No.14218625

0e327a No.14218626


Beyond the wiki? Well, Eltonel's in a bit of a financial bind.

9a74a7 No.14218632


>Eltonel's in a bit of a financial bind.

He doing ok?

0e327a No.14218634


I hope he is. It's hard to tell atm.

0e327a No.14218674

File: be93e2a17f9b1c8⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 625x790, 125:158, 1516821680819.jpg)

8105ea No.14218725


is this Team Four Star

541643 No.14218737

File: 054e1f4a12eb8f4⋯.jpg (60.27 KB, 462x155, 462:155, eggman is not impressed.jpg)


>Vegeta and Whis dub an anime: the mp4

45e5d9 No.14218755


No one'll let him live it down.

87ec9d No.14218769


This is like when Jack Thompson would find games like Super Columbine Brothers and smear the entire game industry. If only he had waited a few years he could have been published in Waypoint!

45e5d9 No.14218815

File: 2f29d6e8d530896⋯.jpg (511.4 KB, 976x713, 976:713, 1459618588323.jpg)


The wiki at least 1/3 fixed. It's actually far far more since I was fixing random articles but now I'm taking an organized approach by going alphabetically. The first column of the AllPages list is done, and there are quite a number of shaded links on my end I likely fixed. So it'll likely be done by tomorrow or the day after.

It's 5 AM and I'm going to sleep.

Goodnight gayergays.

87ec9d No.14218816

File: 67b6f4f39e12abf⋯.png (943.93 KB, 1289x813, 1289:813, digitallydownld.PNG)


He is the editor of DigitallyDownloaded.net


"Your Specialist Source Of News And Reviews For Games, Anime, Manga, Film And Literature."

87ec9d No.14218869

File: 50a285458bd978d⋯.png (36.25 KB, 766x232, 383:116, 2.PNG)

File: edebca8c946dbe2⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 613x287, 613:287, genuinelyexploitative.jpg)

File: 440d68c3924c779⋯.png (80.67 KB, 776x597, 776:597, 1.PNG)


Oh, and he's been having fun hot takes just like this for years…




87ec9d No.14218958


The only troubling thing is "Game Company X does idiot thing. Backlash convinces them to undo it… provided the backlash is big enough."

87ec9d No.14218990


Here's some images some of them might have value for your Mega repository: https://imgur.com/a/1z3Xh

cda97c No.14218998

File: 9a3f3e0ed3349cc⋯.png (32.68 KB, 245x300, 49:60, 2923ad0c4b6bae82e73183b180….png)

File: 133b63f39328e1c⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 303x442, 303:442, 1469683787184.jpg)

File: adcd1b73236c8d0⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 287x407, 287:407, adcd1b73236c8d04cfa99892bf….jpg)

File: 2d46288f3756666⋯.png (151.75 KB, 371x380, 371:380, 2d46288f37566668f9de88b93b….png)

f153f6 No.14219000


In what university degree do you need to study censorship for three years? Beside made up degrees.

87ec9d No.14219002

File: 9d2c59f27bc23ec⋯.png (1.57 MB, 649x631, 649:631, comic.png)

87ec9d No.14219016


I'm assuming it has Wallaby or Bunyip in the name…

Northern Wallaby University

West Bunyip College

13fa7d No.14219048


Probably means that he spent three years trying to subvert the software the uni uses to check for plagiarism.

87ec9d No.14219105


Yeah… after all, having original thoughts is wrongthink, just copying agitprop for his term papers was the only right thing to do!

87ec9d No.14219142

File: 61c6246f6ab2c41⋯.jpg (77.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, joker.jpg)


Perfect Reactions…

12d639 No.14219159




He messed up by one in a previous bread and tried to delete it, and since the bread was dead very few noticed. It was funny


Rape victims never came forward because this is the fucking gaming industry where we talk about games not who raped who.

21de0a No.14219295

File: 81fb795bd48d793⋯.jpg (52.89 KB, 551x150, 551:150, US University Retardation ….jpg)

File: 5e560aee80047cb⋯.jpg (79.51 KB, 744x884, 186:221, Retard 2170.jpg)

c8cba0 No.14219302



4791cd No.14219309

File: e365a4457bc805b⋯.png (83.7 KB, 500x692, 125:173, 1459170015428.png)


>Having HOPE

>That learned people of authority and moral character will do the right thing

Hope is a treat long denied, yet is a truly precious thing to behold when seen in the wild.

9a9790 No.14219321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Popular online game aimed at women rewrites rules of male-dominated world


>The game, Love and Producer, was only released in December 2017 but is now being played by millions of users, with the tag "Love and Producer" garnering about 2.5 billion views on Sina Weibo

>In the game, players take on the role of a girl who has just inherited a company from her deceased father and now faces a series of problems when four successful men contact her.

>The four characters - a CEO, a genius scientist, a super star and a special police force officer - all flirt with the player in their own particular way.

>Players then have to complete various tasks in order to continue their relationships with the four characters.

>In terms of detail, the game simulates real life completely - players can phone and text the four men and leave comments on their social media accounts, just like real couples do.

>The game features famous voice actors from China and Japan in the men's roles, which has drawn many of these actors' fans into playing.

>"There has hardly ever been a female-centered game of such high quality in the Chinese mobile game market before," Luo Ruixue, a member of the women's rights group Women Awakening Network, told the Global Times on Thursday.

>Luo, who played the game out of curiosity, believes it can give female players emotional satisfaction.

>"The characters in the game have successful careers and have beautiful faces and voices. In reality, it is impossible for players to have relationships with four such desirable men at the same time," Luo said, "This somehow gives female players imaginary space to escape from real life and satisfies them a lot mentally."

>However, not all women are so easy to embrace this kind of illusion and fantasy.

>"I quit after three minutes because I could not stand the Mary Sue plot!" a 27-year-old player, surnamed Zhu, told the Global Times.

>Unlike Zhu, who gave up almost immediately, two other players the Global Times reached, surnamed Wang and Liu, said that they were still playing just to "read the story like an anime and complete the tasks like any other game."

>Luo, the women's rights expert, also had her reservations, feeling that the game contained "too many traditional sexual images."

>"In the game, the girl (the player) is so gentle and quiet, and passive in the relationship… while the men are all active and capable in different ways," she said. "Actually, the definition of 'romantic' could be more varied."

>In recent years, more games targeting women have emerged, as more female players are now getting involved in games that are usually dominated by men.

>"Female players have become more and more 'powerful' in the past years. However, the current phenomenon is due more to market demand, rather than a sense of sexual equality," Luo said.

21de0a No.14219324


Archived article link, NOW!

9a9790 No.14219358

File: 70e7ef3c59d18c5⋯.jpg (76.55 KB, 1065x799, 1065:799, c504fa1f3d6ed194f772cf173b….jpg)

File: aef9768f643324e⋯.jpg (93.59 KB, 1080x787, 1080:787, love and producer.jpg)



found a better article


>While many aspects of the game may seem cringeworthy to some, it has no doubt grabbed many women’s hearts — as well as their wallets. On January 13, which is game character Li Zeyan’s birthday, a devoted legion of Li’s self-proclaimed girlfriends rented a gigantic digital billboard in Shenzhen to send wishes to their virtual boyfriend.

>Though the massive appeal of Love and Producer might seem harmless at first glance, a columnist on the website Jiemian 界面 argues that it in large part reflects a flawed attitude toward dating among both men and women in real life. “The simplification, consumptionism, and hypocrisy rooted in these dating simulators are a product of this era’s lovelessness,” the author writes, adding that Love and Producer at its essence is no different from Japanese “gal games” where only “cute” girls, by strict definition, are designed to be pursued by male players. “Stereotyping is not absent in female-dominated video games. In other words, fast food-style consumerism lets women impose onto males the various kinds of demands that were once applied to them. It conveys a message that men of the underclass are undatable.”

bf70e6 No.14219376

File: 4b6b85e9ace5c37⋯.jpeg (238.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, C4AaxiwVYAAj0Zn.jpg:large.jpeg)


I helped post a few batches of the backups acid had, it was fun and I'd like to help more but my motherboard fried and I only have a phone to post on. That was fine for copying and pasting. But making actual edits is out of the question until I fix my computer. So you have to be a lone faggot for a while

f153f6 No.14219378

On an unrelated note, does anyone the drawing Enthonel did about the princeless spin off about feminist pirates?

fee587 No.14219383




ff77d7 No.14219384


So the board is shit because you're wrong?

21de0a No.14219387

File: d466626ee9e0015⋯.jpg (55.02 KB, 530x189, 530:189, Retard 2171.jpg)

f153f6 No.14219390

File: cfe58ab0b0d2992⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 424x615, 424:615, hate is boiling my guts.jpg)

c99cc8 No.14219397

File: 9bd6b17432cc0fd⋯.png (142.45 KB, 456x348, 38:29, 9bd6b17432cc0fd0e3e2435684….png)


>studios need them to survive

How about you stop spending more than half the budget on marketing you fucking assholes?

3e4be0 No.14219405

File: c64bb0deb49fd87⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 300x360, 5:6, Dhoulmagus.jpg)


>studios need them to survive

Such a pity…

9a74a7 No.14219444

File: f9f0be4f3eff6d0⋯.png (268.92 KB, 622x432, 311:216, no expections for you.PNG)


It's shit because you allow the mods to have a circle jerk and allow good threads to die, before you go on take a good look on why people don't like the board but I doubt due to how much Medio love juice you drink.


>They are shooting themselves at this point.

ff77d7 No.14219472


If /a/ is so shit, then why lie about it?

9a74a7 No.14219498


Lie about what? I'm guessing your salty that people dislike /a/ to the point they rather set up shop on /animu/.

e5e134 No.14219507


I dont like /a/ and its dumb punctuation rule but I dislike you lying and creating board drama for no reason just to shill your own board even more

13fa7d No.14219542

File: 08f98d889bf01e6⋯.png (4.01 KB, 602x59, 602:59, not a reptilian.PNG)

>Oprah claims not being a reptilian automatically disqualifies you from running for president in US

9cfd31 No.14219567

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




How is this different from every other otome game out there? Or, regular visual novel, for that matter?

c8cba0 No.14219573


What did he lie about?

a75622 No.14219626

File: 41bf43cf2323fc3⋯.png (942.99 KB, 789x768, 263:256, 41bf43cf2323fc3bf5584e67f6….png)


Is she saying she's actually a monkey

9c3992 No.14219666

File: 98cf96bec01ddce⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.92 MB, 380x213, 380:213, my third wish is.gif)


because fuck you, gimme money

c99cc8 No.14219691

File: 75003b8b16be2a4⋯.png (72 KB, 369x249, 123:83, hamster why.PNG)


>realistic nose on cartoon face

c8cba0 No.14219705

File: c76ec4e2abf2405⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 983.27 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Shantae_Footjob_(1).gif)

File: 84a557907c8d16b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 842.38 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Shantae_Footjob_(2).gif)

File: a3728d480a8e953⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 710.01 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Shantae_Footjob_(3).gif)

afe43b No.14219715



Gamers really hate loot boxes but we're going to do everything we can to keep them around to prop up studios that don't make profitable games without loot boxes.

3559f1 No.14219739



>Ian Kerner is a licensed psychotherapist and sexuality counselor in New York City.

>A licensed sexuality counselor

Wew. You now need a license to be qualified to tell be they should be degenerates.

afe43b No.14219753


New York City Approved Cuck

3559f1 No.14219761



So what? It's a dating sim for women, and it's on mobile because they know their audience? I don't see anything wrong with that, just the article putting it through the lense of feminism.

204ebd No.14219841


If either person in the relationship is okay with their partner fucking somebody else, that relationship is dead. It's dead if either partner is okay with themself fucking someone else.

7d9f4f No.14219854


how many of the guys in the Anti-GG piece have raped women so far?

6de3c6 No.14219870

File: 2a702a8f0dd0b06⋯.webm (2.25 MB, 852x480, 71:40, How many women has Gamerg….webm)

e7f37c No.14219919

File: d3fc4037b4778c6⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 329x294, 47:42, ha ha haaa fuck you.gif)


>studios need (loot boxes) to survive

c83046 No.14219921


I dunno, who would vote in someone that's a multi-billionare celeb that's been on TV for decades as the US President?

c8cba0 No.14219927

File: 08e10bcd5790761⋯.png (417.21 KB, 1024x1513, 1024:1513, 1507418168664.png)

File: b20b626fd3d4ca3⋯.png (146.7 KB, 2014x3154, 53:83, 1507435946238.png)

File: f97418acb232199⋯.png (439.33 KB, 1024x1503, 1024:1503, 1507445705713.png)


What would the woman so if her cuck is sleeping with another woman?

204ebd No.14219933


Murder/suicide is the only answer in that case.

c83046 No.14219936


No, but I wouldn't be shocked if one of the episodes uses TFS Nappa and Vegeta/Piccolo

c8cba0 No.14219943

File: 08eea2f783abfad⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 561x785, 561:785, 1502626284690.jpg)


>Woman cucks her man

>Her man then cheats on her in response

>She flips out

Or he could just break up with her. No self respecting man would stay with a whore.

c83046 No.14219948


>Emoji Bimboification / Hypnosis

It's no delification, but why??

204ebd No.14219950


It's best to just end their lives at that point. Cheaters can't be trusted.

t. cheater

9cfd31 No.14219973

File: de89b0c2c44dd43⋯.jpg (63.65 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quotetraitor2.jpg)

204ebd No.14219983


Exactly. Cheaters get the bullet. If you have a second one you can shoot the person they were cheating with too but the cheater gets it first.

c8cba0 No.14219995


>If you have a second one you can shoot the person they were cheating with too but the cheater gets it first.

The other person at times wouldn't know if the person they're with is in a relationship. Cheaters tend to make sure who they fuck don't know each other. However if said party does fuck someone knowing they're in a relationship with someone else already, deserves the bullet

1fb661 No.14220143


>You used the dictionary to prove me wrong about censorship, but you are dumb.

>Dragon's crown is exploitative.

Holy shit. I have not seen this much retardation in a while. Especially from a supposed anime/weeb website. The only people I have seen with hotter takes has been commiesubs and herkkz.

9cfd31 No.14220190

File: 3d4d664628532cb⋯.png (23.38 KB, 231x513, 77:171, Women like hentai.png)



>>Dragon's crown is exploitative.

<Pic related

992948 No.14220194

File: 81991a1b9b96452⋯.png (154.4 KB, 467x603, 467:603, fOcoytd.png)


>studios need them to survive

Then die.

1fb661 No.14220220


What pisses me off is the blatant lying about it. The cost of developing a game is not this ridiculously high amount that keeps rising exponentially. Hell, wasn't there that study recently that showed the actual cost hasn't increased that much when factoring in inflation? The major expenditures now for developing a game is just advertising which is a retarded move on the company. All these game publishers act like victims when all they do is fuck over the actual developers of the game in order to please e-celebs with cameos.

a75622 No.14220226

File: e1ec64ae0b39feb⋯.jpg (216.02 KB, 1333x1000, 1333:1000, 1455226564615.jpg)


>Dragon's crown is exploitative.

9a74a7 No.14220230


Can't you get engines for something like 30$ a month and get a ok game out in maybe a year these days?

fee587 No.14220234


Those types like to do that, if they're proven wrong they'll try to convince you that even though they're wrong they actually can't be wrong because they studied X subject for years. I once got in an argument with some random and they were saying that cutting calories doesn't help you lose weight. And no matter what I said I was wrong because she took metabolism classes that were so complicated that doctors wouldn't even touch them. So obviously despite not bring any proof of her claims she is correct and I was wrong and "had obviously no scientific training"

It's an attempt to set themselves up as an authority figure on the subject they're bullshitting about so that they don't actually have to back up their claims and can just make appeals to authority with the authority being themselves.

c8cba0 No.14220257


If you have a dedicated team of autists and some pre-made assets ready.

942889 No.14220282

File: 9722fe3cca58c85⋯.png (61.82 KB, 1366x750, 683:375, ss (2018-01-25 at 05.42.58….png)

fee587 No.14220294


What did you expect

a75622 No.14220323

File: 64b30435f60921f⋯.png (360.79 KB, 609x530, 609:530, 1459405498003.png)


>the law protects citizens

From what?

36743a No.14220348

File: 5c3ba81688a7916⋯.png (412.43 KB, 940x527, 940:527, RIP.png)


>Gamergaters, infamous for the constant rape and harassment of women, are getting a schooling by fucking feminists when it comes to rape

It's preposterous, they're making us look like saints.

cda97c No.14220352


This is how dictators get in power.

Because the perceived threat of one person with too much power is still far easier to handle than a massively corrupt system.

afe43b No.14220353


The British government exists to protect the invaders it has imported. It is just PR spin for the fact they are importing people that the citizens don't want, and any dissent is labeled hate speech and removed.

0110c7 No.14220357

File: 79542e80fa06d91⋯.png (558.67 KB, 1280x1647, 1280:1647, why emoji.png)


Literally everything is a fetish.

c8cba0 No.14220375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Literally everything is a fetish.

Meanwhile in Japan.

13fa7d No.14220418

File: 95812bfdd32b100⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1024x772, 256:193, uk cucks will defend this.png)

f153f6 No.14220440


Wow, what a nice way to use police resources instead of going after gangs of grooming pakistani pedophiles.

52588c No.14220450

File: 31de8356aba29e3⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1093x3438, 1093:3438, 2018-01-25_19-28-33.png)

>Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says


52588c No.14220457


heh, turns out it was already posted here >>14219295

c8cba0 No.14220463

File: 63be7f987407d78⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1461517189531.png)




I'm surprised the Brits didn't try to overthrow the government for this travesty. I won't be surprised Brits decide to leave the country if push comes to shove.

fee587 No.14220512

File: df621663569361d⋯.png (24.54 KB, 367x75, 367:75, Cuckservative.PNG)


Every time I see a CNN article I'm astounded at how they get so many basic facts wrong. For example cuck being short for cuckservative. Cuckservative not being a separate insult against traditional conservatives but the main insult

0e327a No.14220542

File: 8e37bd304a004c5⋯.png (181.09 KB, 586x2790, 293:1395, tiny man's temper tantrum.png)

f153f6 No.14220566


Isn't cuckservative used against "conservatives" aka lovers of the stablishment and the jews?

fee587 No.14220585


>Cuckservative not being a separate insult against traditional conservatives but the main insult

That's what I said

b8ebee No.14220597



You do know most of the people that came over to the new world were undesirables? But not as bad as Spain.

e7f37c No.14220615

File: b606228aca564af⋯.png (633.22 KB, 600x450, 4:3, absolutely dedede.png)


>don't worry, you still have freedom of speech

<but to be perfectly honest, you don't

afe43b No.14220625


I'm not, part of the globalist's plan is to either make people depend on the government so much they'd never revolt, or make things so bad for everyone else that they barely make it and are terrified of losing their lifestyle. Globalism depends on the simple fact that the more people depend on something, the less likely they are to revolt against it. When the American Revolutionary War was going on, colonists didn't really depend much on Britain, so they revolted and won. Now imagine half those colonists were on British welfare, and the other half were being paid by the Brits and would be completely lost without them. No revolution then.

0e327a No.14220627


You didn't highlight this part.

>Malicious communications which is PERCEIVED TO BE motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's actual or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity

I hope you UKanons never used the word Trap before.

6de3c6 No.14220731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e327a No.14220737


The GOP are proud to be cucks, they said so themselves.

0e327a No.14220751

File: c6bc99598ceb5cd⋯.webm (7.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AHHHHHH.webm)

f153f6 No.14220763

So… once again, I've been surprised of how much of a leftist cuck my brother is. The only thing left is love him anyway and pray for him not to get fucked by his leftism.

Also fuck my country's media and their pushing for the 'equal pay' lies.

967caf No.14220765


>archiving niche gamer

Did Brandon touch you inappropriately?

0110c7 No.14220774

File: 16e757109ea01d9⋯.png (405.11 KB, 480x640, 3:4, MarkDarrah.png)


>executive producer looks like this

0e327a No.14220775

fee587 No.14220793


But the point is that the term cuckservative came well after people started calling liberals cucks

967caf No.14220798

File: ad14bf3a7498069⋯.jpg (7 KB, 267x323, 267:323, ad14bf3a7498069a82f4fc3a46….jpg)


That's a lot of soy.

So forced inerracial faggot romances and disgusting grease gremlin females confirmed?

a75622 No.14220807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its going to be g-great

c2c04f No.14220843

File: 1d21f270dde5801⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 370x368, 185:184, 1448329670399.jpg)


Nigger do you know why I don't make quality posts on /a/? Cause I don't have a fucking clue what's appropriate on that fucking board. On the one hand stuff that would be relevent to one series will be deleted because /v/ or /pol/ or /tv/ even though all the isekai you can shove up your asshole always involves a vidya RPG world. But then some guy comes along and takes one big shitmar flavored dump on the board and what doe the meidos do? Absolutely fucking nothing, they don't delete it even though nobody is replying and wished that awful thread would be removed it's just allowed to sit there being an eyesore. Then they set up a bot that bans you for spelling and grammar errors or that's what they said they were trying to setup, so now you can't even bring up abbreviations that are on topic because putting 300+ abbreviations into the dictionary they use defeats the point.

What the fuck is appropriate with that kind of Moderation style? no really what in the fuck is good?

Until I know, "I like thing; 2D a cute" is the most I'll ever take away from /a/.

9ae2e6 No.14220881


I can't tell if this is supposed to be a comment on race, sex, or just her saying she doesn't have the right personality type. You'd think that it wouldn't be race as we've already had a nigger-jew as president but who knows.

b8ebee No.14220898

So i'm that guy that started Made in Abyss a few days and and now finally finished it. Have to say it's a damn good anime/cartoon, like it so much I started reading the manga. Shocking how faithful tha anime is to the manga. Also feel sorry for Mitty, but that brings up some interesting questions. How did Riko's mother see the 7th circle, since to get pass the 6th layer someone has to die/deform for you to keep going? Also how isnt she like Nanachi then since she lived pass the 6th circle?

Anyways what are some good anime to watch? someone recommended LWA already.

967caf No.14220944


Try Ancient Magus Bride, start with the OVA.

Also Girls' Last Tour.

da559a No.14220959


No read the manga then watch the OVA. Anime rushes past all the arcs.

0e327a No.14220966


>Anyways what are some good anime to watch?

Himouto! Umaru-chan

490622 No.14220972



Burch disproves this. But then again this is a gay jew, which equates to being a nigger jew to fall for the jews own propaganda trying to tell straight people, which as it has been stated by the lgbt that gays and straights cannot walk in each others shoes, what they should do. Why should straight people listen to a fag who has no self experience in hetrosexual relationships himself abot hetrosexual relationships?

967caf No.14220979

File: 242d95eed04e548⋯.jpeg (20.29 KB, 464x351, 464:351, Hi Mark.jpeg)


>that shit taste

Shouldn't you be deleting threads for nothing and fucking up your bans? Come on, get to work, cake boy.

812c7d No.14220985


Kaiji and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood are some recommendations from me.

0e327a No.14220994


I'm not Mark, I'm not a boy and not a jew.

9cfd31 No.14221001

File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING INTENSIFIES.gif)

File: ddcd7cb2becc4b1⋯.png (166.78 KB, 2391x795, 797:265, Archiving 101, your tools.png)


>>archiving niche gamer

>Did Brandon touch you inappropriately?

Archive everything!

Though, I do often wonder why most anons don't provide BOTH an archive and a link.

0e327a No.14221011


>Linking to shitaku

Wonder why.

a75622 No.14221015

File: c4781f086c891e1⋯.jpg (172.75 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, z7i7VVo.jpg)


its fun

9778b9 No.14221023

File: 5515f2c8550f924⋯.jpg (577.38 KB, 1114x1024, 557:512, 5515f2c8550f92468f575aa93f….jpg)


I do wonder that as well.




Technolyze is interesting, but I'd hardly call it fun in the traditional sense of the word.

a88a7c No.14221046

File: 590acfc364d0a2d⋯.png (22.37 KB, 1149x192, 383:64, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 50f164d6122e0b6⋯.png (114.75 KB, 789x1195, 789:1195, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 77a25581296ac8f⋯.png (121.51 KB, 949x1080, 949:1080, FireShot Screen Capture #2….png)

992948 No.14221061

File: ef9ab3ed3543fae⋯.jpg (62.11 KB, 671x831, 671:831, ef9ab3ed3543faed9b1c1299be….jpg)


>free speech




992948 No.14221067



I watched 7 episodes of this show with my mom and it never went anywhere. As far as I could tell the plot progressed in no way (beyond boyo getting those robo legs) and I learned almost nothing about the characters. Does it EVER pick up?

a75622 No.14221156


It takes a while to get going but once things go to shit they go to shit bretty quick

9731e4 No.14221251

File: ece3d96664ddd21⋯.png (315.4 KB, 470x546, 235:273, ShionQuestion.png)


Literally who?

He's lost all relevance and I hope it stays that way. I can't take that as a truthful message.

0e327a No.14221274



You know what bothers me about this? How he admits it's a problem after it bit him in the ass. It's like, he knew this shit was going on and did fuck all about it, but once he got the short end of the stick he suddenly realized it was a problem and spoke out about it. I mean, you could have stopped it before it went out of control but you didn't. And now the blood of Brian577 is on his hands, may he be taking triple knotted dog dick in the ass in heaven.

9cfd31 No.14221388

File: d42f595f914f63b⋯.mp4 (703.93 KB, 384x288, 4:3, NO GOD! PLEASE NO!!! NOOOO….mp4)

<Looking up film posters to attach to post on /animu/

<See this on side of search engine results

>EDGE OF TOMORROW 2 Might Happen Sooner Than Expected!


<Clicks link

>It's looking like the sequel to Edge of Tomorrow might actually happen a lot sooner than we thought. In a recent interview with Collider, director Doug Liman said that it very well could be his next film project!

>Liman previously revealed that the film would be called Live Die Repeat and Repeat and he also said that he likes the story for the sequel more than the first film. He also explained that it would revolutionize how people make sequels. As of right now, he says they are frantically working on getting the script ready…


>When asked how soon the film could happen, the director said:

>"It could be. It has the possibility of being my next film."


>As far as the story goes, we know that it will pick up right where the last film left off, but then it will go backward in time. It will be interesting to see if Liman turns the clock back even further than he did in the first movie. The director offered the additional details in a previous interview:

>“I think what people tend to do with sequels is they just make them bigger. And I’m like, ‘No, a sequel should be smaller.’ You did the first film as sort of the ad campaign for the sequel, so now you don’t need as much action, and in the case of Edge of Tomorrow, people obviously loved the comedy and they loved the situation… so we can do way more focus on Tom’s character and Emily Blunt’s character, and there’s a third character in the sequel that’s gonna for sure steal the movie. We can focus on that. I don’t need an action sequence every two minutes."


>“It’s mostly not on the battlefield, so there’s a whole new arena of fights we’re going to do using a lot of the technology, but also, because it is a prequel, it’s a lot of the precursor stuff. I’m really interested in the details of that … Like batteries, do they run out on these suits? I mean, they must have batteries. Or he gets stuck with the menu in the wrong language, just the reality of that menu stuck in the wrong language when you’re in the middle of a battlefield and aliens are all around you and you gotta get the suit working again, that detail gives you drama and excitement. And humor. In the sequel, I’m creating an environment where I get to have even more of those details.”



<My reaction

The film ABSOLUTELY DID NOT need a sequel. All of the time travel aliens are dead, the war is won, Cruise get's the girl, and the Earth is safe once more. And, quite honestly, the humor and the romance were the least important points about the film, and the prologue already provided a satisfying enough backstory to everything leading up to the day on the beach. Why are they doing this? The first film was the first "successful" adaptation of Japanese media to Western films, and they go and pull this!

6de3c6 No.14221395


Lying is a sin, anon.


>The film ABSOLUTELY DID NOT need a sequel.

Yeah, I love the film but I can't imagine a sequel happening at all.

0110c7 No.14221425

File: 54c42169942b22f⋯.png (55.12 KB, 542x596, 271:298, 54c42169942b22fa448a819090….png)


>"Like batteries, do they run out on these suits? I mean, they must have batteries."

>he hasn't even read the book

0be799 No.14221428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Anyways what are some good anime to watch?

a06534 No.14221441


>he hasn't even read the book

No wonder the film came out so good.

21de0a No.14221492

File: 960994108a7c5f5⋯.jpg (189.95 KB, 512x539, 512:539, Retard 2172.jpg)

e7f37c No.14221498


>It's like, he knew this shit was going on and did fuck all about it, but once he got the short end of the stick he suddenly realized it was a problem and spoke out about it.

Yeah, exactly. The moment it stopped being advantageous for him, that's when he dropped the bullshit. Just like what happened with a majority of CON when they realized that Chelsea… Well, conned them.

e7f37c No.14221505

File: 25921d7cb8a8e6c⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 223x427, 223:427, 1439141150586.jpg)


>okay, we gotta drop the bullshit and actually start making good games so EA doesn't throw us into the corpse pit

<invites Anita to steal money from them

490622 No.14221508


>Cannot even be polite to treat men as actual human beings and equals

Feminism is equality folks, and not at all female nazi supremacisim.

e7f37c No.14221518


I love how they just have that one dude in the way back to claim that they're being "inclusive."

8ab0f1 No.14221525

File: 30a08dbe7e6ff3b⋯.webm (484.67 KB, 640x360, 16:9, lamar.webm)


>(and allies!)

she's not even hiding that she wants men to be treated like second class citizens

e7f37c No.14221549


One could also argue that she wants anyone that isn't a white woman to be a second class citizen, judging from the fact that it's practically nothing but white women from a studio that prides themselves of having employees of different races, classes, and creeds.

I know I'm making statements just like she would, but honestly, at this point, she needs a taste of her own medicine.

490622 No.14221552



You mean jew or passes for a jew like armenians.

e7f37c No.14221581

File: 95a1294c8128925⋯.webm (417.58 KB, 960x540, 16:9, oh right.webm)


Of course, silly me.

afe43b No.14221587

How do you do fellow white people? Did you know that we should do everything possible to destroy our race? By the way, I'm actually Jewish and believe I'm one of God's Chosen people! Lets end all the horrible things that white people have done! Together! Fellow (((white))) people!

a443d3 No.14221590

File: e8a9d22f85fc08c⋯.png (206.13 KB, 296x404, 74:101, index5.png)


It's like the Ubisoft picture where the devs went from actual devs to women.Also Anita was in my city.Fuck.

1aa026 No.14221596


I thought her channel was losing viewers, why is she still around?

581e49 No.14221606

File: 286607dd310d2db⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 500x329, 500:329, spookygains.jpg)





And to think they just announced the new Dragon Age. I mean, it was never exactly in doubt that the game would be one giant pozz load in WRPG form, just like the last one, but this provides a pretty strong indication of how bad its going to be.


Watching numales willingly become the house niggers of feminist rethoric is truly a thing to behold, how can someone just let themselves be insulted and degraded and treated like a second class citizen is beyond me, especially when you see how quick these women are to throw their "allies" under the bus as soon as they become remotely inconvenient.

da559a No.14221619


Just like the original manga story, it does not need a sequel in any manner. You do not need to continue the story or do anything more with the setting. It's much more powerful on it's own.

e7f37c No.14221640


Because game publishers will continue to accept her charge of $20k for her to show up to a studio for 10 minutes and declare them not misogynist.

I swear, I had that Anita edit of the Al Sharpton extortion comic.

>how can someone just let themselves be insulted and degraded and treated like a second class citizen is beyond me

Well, look at all the sex pests that got exposed in the past six months. They think that if they just lie down and take it while calling everyone else "garbage humans," then no one would be able to discover their former (and sometimes current) sexual assault victims.

e7f37c No.14221647


Second part was for >>14221606

afe43b No.14221671


I can't wait for the SJW cycle to hit this

>hey guys we're super inclusive and we're now SJW!

>we chased away everyone who was actually accomplishing things and had talent

>finally, it's time to release our game!

>look at how diverse our dev team is!

>wow we wrote such an amazing, progressive story

>featured so many token characters!

>Polygon/CuntTaco/etc all love this game!

>it's the Dark Souls of walking simulators meets Hard Rain!

>oh no!

>on one is buying our game!?!

>this is because gamers are all toxic!

>they can't handle our progressive story!

>these drumpf people are the worst!!!!

>this is all capitalism, alt-right's, and Trump's fault!

>gamers are all toxic, masculine basement dwelling men!

>that's why no one bought our game

>oh look at this survey, 52% of gamers are women!

>we need a game to target this big demographic!

>it'll make a ton of money, major publisher!

>let us take over this studio

>start from the beginning

b8ebee No.14221677






Thanks guys will take a look at these

a75622 No.14221704

File: 220d856ef27b5da⋯.jpg (27.96 KB, 578x718, 289:359, Are her trousers too high ….jpg)


Anthem will be the Avatar of video games

8307aa No.14221735

File: ac8c305e71a745a⋯.jpg (292.86 KB, 1459x960, 1459:960, nevar forget.jpg)


1d473e No.14221749


Thanks for the Amnesia man, I don't even remember what are we suppose to do.

8ab0f1 No.14221753

File: b6375ddd4285276⋯.jpg (76.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9875498132487132479.jpg)


Anthem will be The Last Airbender of video games

997138 No.14221799


I know people who took the lootbox scandal as the last straw with ea, though time will tell if they keep to their convictions or not. Anthem is set to do worse than destiny 2, which last I heard did quite poorly.

41e087 No.14221805

607897 No.14221815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Monster, Texhynolyze, and Haibane Renmei. If you're looking for OVAs, try out Shamanic Princess, and Key the Metal Idol.

0110c7 No.14221820


Will Anthem be the game that finally kills gamergate.

812c7d No.14221881


I thought Destiny 1 killed Gamergate.

fee587 No.14221899


>I'm not a boy

show bobs and vegene or lev now

9731e4 No.14221907

File: 6cdef53e6deaf92⋯.png (241.12 KB, 1100x650, 22:13, deimonhand.png)


Trannies aren't women.

f79bc8 No.14221914


<Trannies aren't people


8307aa No.14221917

File: 922cca20d492d83⋯.png (325.5 KB, 916x732, 229:183, 6_edited (1).png)

c8cba0 No.14221925

File: 353d92d228f2397⋯.gif (670.16 KB, 500x700, 5:7, Naruku is CUTE.gif)


Naruku Akizuki is best girl. I wish there was more porn of her.

e60d21 No.14221968

Just a reminder the guy who is creating board wars is likely a shill

the guy who is parroting it is most likely an idiot

same goes for the guy who keeps bringing up connor and the cartel

f79bc8 No.14221977


Same goes for Marche, we know

641bb5 No.14221984

File: d5c7a3f2201b359⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 535x756, 535:756, e0166de9ca44cf30dcfc4f596f….jpg)

The wiki is more than 2/3 done. Nearly done if I account for random pages I already did. I'm taking a break right now, it'll be finished soon.

There's a to-do list if anyone wants to start writing or you could just jump to whatever page to add more.

fee587 No.14221986


>same goes for the guy who keeps bringing up connor and the cartel

But that's one of the main things behind TD

Also (1)s showing up and calling people shills is pretty suspicious

e60d21 No.14221989

fee587 No.14221990


>There's a to-do list

Where and what still needs to be done?

fee587 No.14221997

997138 No.14222022


>focus on the impotent idiot guies

If you said nintendo was the main focus you would be correct, but conor at best is something that can stay far back on the backburner. They failed to prop him up, and its hard for him to do much damage after the positive fan reception of p5.

fee587 No.14222037


I'm not saying to focus on him you retard, I don't give a shit, I'm just saying that calling someone a shill for wanting to look into him is fucking stupid

641bb5 No.14222039

File: 4e13fdd534a2e52⋯.jpg (150.54 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 4e1.jpg)


I'm still fixing the broken pages. Everything is outdated. Pages need to be created. Search "To do" and it'll throw you to a rough list of things.

e60d21 No.14222055

File: fd5e20e6b684007⋯.png (93.94 KB, 972x221, 972:221, _v_-_GamerGate_ _NotYourSh….png)


I'm not calling you a shill, I'm calling you stupid

fee587 No.14222069


>I'm not calling you a shill, I'm calling you stupid

I wasn't referring to you I was talking about this post >>14221968 where that anon is throwing around shill accusations for wanting to focus on conner. Like I said I don't give a shit about him, I never did. I just am wary of people who come in here and act like d&c shills by throwing around shill accusations to people who do care about shit

ef2682 No.14222240

Since we're near the end of the bread, what games are you playing lately?

Been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, never realized how good Butterfree is with the right moveset. Also finally beat Touhou: HSiFS, but still need to buckle up and 1cc it because I want that good ending, dammit. Also trying to beat every stage in Pokemon Puzzle Challenge on S. Hard in under a minute each, that's been going horribly.

1d473e No.14222249


Left 4 dead 2, I don't know, feel nostalgic

e9e530 No.14222251


That guy in backgrounds looks like he wants to die.

Just look at his eyes.

607897 No.14222269

File: 046ffcd893f9600⋯.jpg (698.94 KB, 1280x1830, 128:183, 6425324324.jpg)


Granblue Fantasy. Thinking about replaying 7th Stand User after that.

40b8a3 No.14222320


Dungeon Fighter Online.

21de0a No.14222329

File: 231da18a4846d72⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 819x999, 91:111, Retard 2173.jpg)

f153f6 No.14222341


Fucking lootboxes. Even when they are bought only with game currency they are annoying as fuck. Fuck you WWE 2k18 and your shitty limited story mode that doesn't allow to get more attribute points after wrestlemania.

204ebd No.14222345

>forgot to buy Trails yesterday

>it's still on sale but now so is Furi

>only have enough for one

Maybe I'll just do what I usually do; pop some painkillers and hope the problem has sorted itself out by the time I wake up.

6de3c6 No.14222357


I can maybe but MonHun world, but I'm not sure.If I'm wrong my power goes off

f153f6 No.14222364



I'm really tempted to buy MonHun, just not sure if I should do it on release.

1b6db0 No.14222365

File: 6f07ff6405e1fbc⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 388x356, 97:89, hebrewcomputeruser.gif)


Pirate both and thunderdome them for your sheckels.

641bb5 No.14222366


Did they not care about kids' phone games with horrible microtransactions? There were stories about children running up huge bills thinking they were using in-game money.

204ebd No.14222371


I had to buy more medicine today or I could probably get both. The last round of meds they put me on didn't clear up my kidney infection.

>been peeing constantly for a month now

>burns when I pee

>burns worse when I don't pee

>smells strongly of apple cider

This is suffering.


The main game I play is Enter the Gungeon. I'm done it but I play it a lot.


My plan works too because Furi is a daily sale on a site that changes their deals every day. Sometimes you get some good stuff and there's freebies every other Friday. Just gotta collect fake coins from visiting every day.

>tfw have about 30k coins

>most expensive games they ever put up are 10k

>never put up and I happen to want

6de3c6 No.14222374


>I'm really tempted to buy MonHun, just not sure if I should do it on release.

I've bought two Monster Hunters before but keep buying them after the servers are shut down. At least, being on computer, it'll almost definitely have people create a fan server later on in time.

f153f6 No.14222378


How long do the game takes to shut down? thought about buying it on PS4.

da559a No.14222379

File: 8f1521737baffbb⋯.jpg (231.05 KB, 1000x726, 500:363, captain dyke.jpg)

ef2682 No.14222383



Tempted to get either that or FighterZ; I've been meaning to get into MonHun for a while, but I've been more excited for FighterZ.

6de3c6 No.14222393


I certainly wasn't expecting the cheesecake outfit, but why the fuck isn't it red?

adfc5c No.14222406

File: 64ca2266bdcf18d⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1457x2064, 1457:2064, 64ca2266bdcf18d68107d3075c….jpg)


Zwei: The Arges Adventure, I wasn't feeling it at first but after the first 2 hours (and switching to a PS4 controller instead of M+K) it started warming up to me. Combat is a bit rough, but there is lots of secrets/reasons to go back into dungeons and the music is really comfy.

Also starting up Monster Hunter Portable 3rd tonight since it's the only main game I haven't played and I have no desire to play MHW.

da559a No.14222423


Because color is expensive.

529186 No.14222434

How come futa is gay but traps aren't?

6de3c6 No.14222435


But they colored it green. Red the least expensive color there is.

963c36 No.14222454

File: b4ce2303db7dad3⋯.png (146.06 KB, 240x498, 40:83, a52f54a1ae323ce22e4b97e4c7….png)


I've been putting time into Yakuza 0. Decided to get into it after saving some money

Jesus man, I haven't even done the first objective of the tenth chapter and I'm about to clock in at 100 hours. Hopefully Hokuto Ga Gotoku doesn't suck dicks

204ebd No.14222476

File: ea7ce29ca13b869⋯.webm (5.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, character select.webm)

File: 3cd8c156a7da002⋯.webm (5.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, elusive master of toxins.webm)

File: 619928a87218fd8⋯.webm (4.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fire's last hope.webm)


Oh and I play Rivals of Aether sometimes. The soundtrack is really top-notch in that game.

2652de No.14222511

File: a16766538f23761⋯.png (16.28 KB, 207x259, 207:259, eye.png)

I'm considering jerking off to something gay to muster up the disgust needed to start a strong nofap streak. Is it worth the chance that I end up liking it and become a faggot?

Sorry if I show up as a (1), VPN changes my IP every other minute.

795965 No.14222521

12d639 No.14222591


Just a reminder that there are newfags here who unironically don't know what the cartel is like the anon in this >>14222055 screencap and should lurk moar

e60d21 No.14222602

File: 12c945f050fb303⋯.png (90.37 KB, 495x498, 165:166, tumblr_p2n0fjQ2Bh1w9gclgo1….png)


>Everyone is a newfag who doesnt listen to my misinformation

c1f121 No.14222614


Hollywood hasn't gotten over their cyan/orange phase quite yet.


Because none of us can quite agree on what the word "gay" actually refers to.

7f8ac3 No.14222632

File: 98b277cf0738514⋯.jpg (43.74 KB, 384x384, 1:1, Asuka sunglasses.jpg)

>still on the same bread

Gamers are DEAD, I tell ya. Anyway, I have some stuff.

The wiki is coming along, and I want to give the anon in here a trophy for your autism. I've been working in the backend more than editing, but I still think you've got me beat. I'm following behind you doing image uploads, which I'll post a guide for later.


Go over to the dead wiki at http://thisisvideogames.com and start copying over missing articles. If they have it and we don't, then create it. Simple and easy.


This one is for Twitter. How about a bot that follows @kotaku, @polygon, and the rest of the turds and auto replies to every article they link with an archive of the article, right at the top. It would have to link to 2 accounts: 1 to post and a separate one to follow, so they don't know which one to block. I archived a Kotaku article earlier today and it started racking up lots of RTs. This is something people would use.


754e56 No.14222635

File: 07b1f037a0a326c⋯.webm (4.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, counting gabriels.webm)


Gabriel Dropout is a cuter and funnier slobgrill animu.

a75622 No.14222645

File: bb0d5442155c494⋯.mp4 (3.53 MB, 288x360, 4:5, traps are gay.mp4)


If it she has a benis then its gay.

7f8ac3 No.14222650

53be4e No.14222654


Why are they fat? Why is one black? Why does the black one have yellow eyes? Is something wrong with her kindeys?

9a9790 No.14222668


i'm not familiar with how commercially successful otomes are, but i doubt they reach this big

>made roughly 20 million yuan ($3.1 million) on its peak day and now has more than 4 million daily active users.

>Since its launch in December 2017, the game has been downloaded 7 million times, with females representing 90 percent of the downloads. Its January monthly revenue is expected to surpass 200 million yuan ($31 million), with a considerable chance of hitting 300 million yuan ($47 million).


it's exactly because it reaffirms what we know about games popular with women, instead of diversity flops

perhaps if feminists in the west were aware of this massive success, they would lay off cucking franchises popular with men and maybe make their own soapie_txt.exe

12d639 No.14222689

File: fed9d3a21f7da88⋯.png (898.04 KB, 1328x965, 1328:965, 1461709700652.png)


We're not arguing whether the information on who's who is accurate or not (like anything about Connor, who's just an idiot), that is irrelevant. Minimal of two years required for lurking if you think the cartel, an old concept, all of sudden doesn't exist because the SJWeebs accused said so. If you paid more attention you would know this. There's no excuse in being ignorant about it and pretending the concept just appeared out of nowhere, especially anyone that remotely cares to pay attention about cancerous fansubbers and localizers.

>inb4 merely pretending

Though fun fact: calling the actual cartel fags cartel get's them butthurt like herkz, daiz and xythar. Even cuckchan /a/ get's them rustled despite being cucked.



e60d21 No.14222746


what the shit are you even going on about now, you are trying to change the subject from spurgers who spurg about random retards that they think are a massive players and some how not just humping legs

I know who Commie sub retards are i've known for years hell I had to explain to idiots in this thread that there are many people who suck each other off

its the way retards are presenting these issues like fucking Xythar is some how connected to fucking bad NISA localization and directing them how to censor their games

then trying to start stuff like WE must do this and WE must do that, while also posting that fucking commie/cartel picture ( THAT WAS CREATED BY THEM ) as proof

the fact of the matter is that idiots trying to leaderfag here and go after different people in connection to shit they are not even connected to while also trying to control shit themselves WE MUST CREATE A FUTURE FREE OF ANYONE BUT US HOLDING THE RIGHTS OF MANGA WEBSITES

its stupid, its graiting and people who have no idea what they are talking about should fucking hold back and let others discuss things or else they just cause more damage than good

its fine to laugh at spurgs like connor or Xythar but blaming them for every fucking problem is beyond fucking stupid and the only reason one would do this is to spread misinformation

aka (You)

e60d21 No.14222769


also inb4 leddit spaceman

7f8ac3 No.14222772

File: a8a1bf178510a95⋯.png (16.35 KB, 846x323, 846:323, Screenshot(1).png)

File: bc3b4dc3b518884⋯.webm (1021.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HAPPENING TAIMU.webm)

File: 1647c05f1fa187d⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 473x348, 473:348, Asuka Yesss.jpg)




Even though thisisvideogames.com is locked down for editing, I CHECKED ON A WHIM AND THEIR EXPORT API COULD STILL BE CALLED REMOTELY! I just dumped their database and merged the entire thing with ours, and it worked!


e60d21 No.14222773



was all me tbh

84e41e No.14222799

File: 3d8313b9e1b4f29⋯.webm (5.91 MB, 464x810, 232:405, Ama Ama.webm)



Even if I contributed minimally added DE articles without cleaning them up, it still feels good.

cda97c No.14222801


Excellent work, faggot.

8e85e6 No.14222811


What does that mean in terms of the old articles? That they were replaced or left intact and outdated?

7f8ac3 No.14222827


There's a -no-clobber option by default, so it left the OG wiki articles we already did 100% intact. I tested it a few times before merging the DB by using just one file that we already had.

I've already dumped their image files too, but it looks like importing images is something much much harder. You can't just copy them to the folder via FTP (I tried that with our own images extensively), the DB needs to track their importation and filesystem structure as they're uploaded.

8e85e6 No.14222890

File: 51729246f098a54⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hm22.jpg)


So then you only imported new articles.

Wouldn't the newer pages be better, or are they not as good?

12d639 No.14222898


>you are trying to change the subject from spurgers who spurg about random retards that they think are a massive players and some how not just humping legs

My original post was making fun of the anon in your screencap for unironically asking who the Cartel was, which I then proceeded to call that those who do this are, indeed, newfags who need to lurk. It's you who changed the subject on me in your reply. Even further cementing this, you replied to my post as implying I was spreading misinformation, when all I said is those who denied the concept of the Cartel clearly don't pay attention and need to lurk. I never commented on the accuracy of any information anyone was spreading outside of just the mere existence of what people call the "cartel". Actually read what I wrote again.

>its the way retards are presenting these issues like fucking Xythar is some how connected to fucking bad NISA localization and directing them how to censor their games

A lot of anime fansubbers and localizers are connected to each other, especially on social media, and it is also true that many are ideologically predisposed to the same goal. You don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to know that groups of people who think similarly will push for a singular goal. Xythar and the others aren't big players, I agree, and likely don't have much of a say in anything regarding video game localization.

>then trying to start stuff like WE must do this and WE must do that, while also posting that fucking commie/cartel picture ( THAT WAS CREATED BY THEM ) as proof

>the fact of the matter is that idiots trying to leaderfag here and go after different people in connection to shit they are not even connected to while also trying to control shit themselves WE MUST CREATE A FUTURE FREE OF ANYONE BUT US HOLDING THE RIGHTS OF MANGA WEBSITES

This is exactly how the promotion of alternate media within gamergate started. Sites were owned by corrupt people, thus anons said "we" need alternatives to take control back from their gripes. It's consistent with what "GG" has been doing for over 3 years now. Seems a bit late to complain about it now.

7f8ac3 No.14222938


Not as good. The dead wiki was built up from scratch, and was missing a lot of stuff from GG.me. Links and archives all lost to time.

8e85e6 No.14223008


All the new pages have "template" errors and didn't carry over the references.

7f8ac3 No.14223043


They have them, but the tags get messed up and break the links. When you fix the tags, everything works as it should. Fortunately the script I used took out 90% of the errors. It was an utter disaster the first time I tried it.

There's no easy, pushbutton way to do this. There WILL be, because I'm going to have a custom backup script that dumps everything into an easy to install fileset, so the wiki can be mirrored anywhere. But we're literally building the backbone of this thing with a bootlegged rip of the gg.me wiki.

It sucks, but its only going to suck this one time. That's the best I can promise you.

Right now I'm up to my asshole in Python trying to figure out how to import an image dump without user access to the dead wiki or shell access to the current one.

7f8ac3 No.14223061


Oh, and I found something else while digging through my archives.

Someone asked me if I had the articles and blogposts from gg.me. Well I do. They were all archived back in the day, and I had a zip with local copies of all of them.

9cfd31 No.14223072

File: 0d3ec5ed37bf35b⋯.webm (5.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AWAKEN THE BAKERS.webm)

I'll see about baking the next bread. Is there anything that should be added or changed? Should a note be added about making sure all of the pages on the Wiki are formatted, tagged, and linked properly?

5b55f9 No.14223163

Where's the bread? need to share some smugness.



9cfd31 No.14223166


>Where's the bread?

Thread's still at 686 posts. And, no one was said if there needs to be anything changed.

89f9d1 No.14223179

File: 3de99ed28ff0316⋯.png (7.55 KB, 300x300, 1:1, gildola.png)

File: 0b1e490fc4582b6⋯.png (7.01 KB, 300x300, 1:1, vivdola.png)

File: 52c5d34e9eab2cb⋯.png (8.35 KB, 300x300, 1:1, mirandola.png)

File: 5e551046b407f1d⋯.png (9.52 KB, 300x300, 1:1, chaidola.png)

File: 17fa431b9e03386⋯.png (9.65 KB, 300x400, 3:4, nanadola.png)

8307aa No.14223187

File: e4ba85e6dd69f6b⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 825670989488926722_C3VfWzT….jpg)

File: a43f3c25d713d13⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 668789652921315329_CUgEpPR….jpg)

File: 2586dfe692e7bb2⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 849748569590333441_C8rpyiK….jpg)

File: 1a880091dabc4a6⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 842143337498918912_C6_k3eI….jpg)

File: e9d37839298a801⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 673582953784414208_CVkMIFr….jpg)

9cfd31 No.14223196

File: e33ef29da8ab009⋯.jpg (243.11 KB, 900x1400, 9:14, 29_credit_1.jpg)

File: bee02bd5782f3a4⋯.jpg (200.07 KB, 507x1482, 13:38, 24_22.jpg)

File: 9b51cd7764f4e50⋯.jpg (242.73 KB, 507x1482, 13:38, 18_16.jpg)

File: 8f6b87e0dee05dc⋯.jpg (197.58 KB, 507x1482, 13:38, 13_12.jpg)

File: 42690e00eeb5dfb⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 600x1482, 100:247, 06_05.jpg)


Anon, have you read The Bizarre Pair by chance?

89f9d1 No.14223201

File: db4a706d3bfb531⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, xj2y.png)

File: 43638e5a758ef42⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 680x384, 85:48, 678b60460045a85fd780f38f98….gif)

File: d7452b848751b1e⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 861x923, 861:923, d7452b848751b1e4ea989fe974….jpg)

File: f1a730470b5ac7f⋯.jpg (774.47 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, f1a730470b5ac7fb0a76e88545….jpg)

File: fa2496d964cf6f9⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 4000x5500, 8:11, 0ed8c1e1defc55ed2ff9b6b76f….jpg)

8307aa No.14223279

File: 321168d33826f05⋯.png (970.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, climaxing ramen slut.png)

File: 5c4aed1508c2ef4⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, happy ramen slut.png)

File: 91e070d42c3b3db⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ramen sluts.png)

File: 56d2d5dddbcd248⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ramen cucked jk.png)

9cfd31 No.14223307

File: 2fc17dacfa34cee⋯.png (178.22 KB, 707x380, 707:380, Developing a fetish.png)

File: b71ee07c07f7abb⋯.png (37.23 KB, 312x430, 156:215, lick.png)

File: ddbfbaa67a82456⋯.png (350.37 KB, 400x561, 400:561, lick.png)

File: d5df05eca2d76fd⋯.jpg (244.91 KB, 900x1280, 45:64, licks.jpg)

da559a No.14223358

File: 76fe38aaa057cb6⋯.mp4 (305.84 KB, 326x184, 163:92, just want out.mp4)

We can't even shitpost fast enough now.

c1f121 No.14223372


Early morning. Euro-time is always dead as fuck.

9a74a7 No.14223373

File: 61b0f6dcb54f334⋯.jpg (589.21 KB, 765x1080, 17:24, __bb_fate_extra_fate_extra….jpg)

File: 6cd415e4bfafc30⋯.jpg (153.52 KB, 850x1309, 50:77, __ajax_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg)

7f8ac3 No.14223377

File: 3642c8781bad764⋯.gif (4.76 MB, 700x394, 350:197, Acid Boris.gif)

Hold on to your assholes boys, I think my Images script might be gonna work.

Also I just fixed ALL the broken <ref> tags. All I had to do was install the extension that used them and configure it. kek.

955299 No.14223382

File: 7337310a5432854⋯.jpg (135.26 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Tanahashi Derp 2.jpg)


I'm fapping, damn it!

490622 No.14223385

Ill roll for a new bread roll

7f8ac3 No.14223389

File: 28238a3da1eb02b⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 700x512, 175:128, Dubs ala Trump.jpg)

Dubs and 700. Beat that!

490622 No.14223391


You failed. Feel sad.

12d639 No.14223392


>off by one

9cfd31 No.14223393

a443d3 No.14223395

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