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b76b73 No.14223388

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


fcd7cb No.14223397

File: 3642c8781bad764⋯.gif (4.76 MB, 700x394, 350:197, Acid Boris.gif)



b76b73 No.14223400

File: a5fdb0513d5def9⋯.webm (12.06 MB, 426x350, 213:175, INXS 04 Biting Bullets.webm)

Archive of previous bread:


4104ab No.14223402


New bread stole your dubs, also last bread archive


4104ab No.14223405


Oh, now I failed, I have shame.

fd1d2d No.14223410

File: b55c60187514146⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, before posting online.mp4)

fcd7cb No.14223414


But anon, we have to harass all the wymxn off the Interbutts. Kutaco told me so.

I'm really just shitposting while my FTP client is giving itself a brain hemorrhage under the load. I'll update you guys as I go through this.

fd1d2d No.14223418

File: b429d2f185a6b40⋯.png (529.36 KB, 560x873, 560:873, Confused slut.png)


So by your logic aren't you technically leaderfagging by telling us do something?

a9d25f No.14223422

File: 6d466fe3c6f41d4⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.58 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 985126349857132441327.webm)


6d1921 No.14223425

No matter who you are, at least you're not Tyler Malka.


You may be an obnoxious avatarfag that needs to cool it with Asuka, but good work on the wiki.

b76b73 No.14223426

File: 20aeb98809d9c44⋯.png (224.81 KB, 562x552, 281:276, I'm the bad one.png)


>But anon, we have to harass all the wymxn off the Interbutts. Kutaco told me so.

fd1d2d No.14223433


So your leaderfagging by trying to make us do something? I'm just going by your logic.


Acid is kinda of faggot but when does something he really does something.

20d0f5 No.14223434

File: e1633423dbe1d88⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, Facepalm 11.jpg)

>Project Honeypot scheduled the next whitelisting of my IP to May 2019 due to "illegal activity" of my ISP

Fuck this.

fcd7cb No.14223441


Literally what?

0cebec No.14223443

File: fcb32ebf1ae209e⋯.png (206.4 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 167807_20170621164703_0.png)

Contribute to the wiki niggers. We need to make lists of the archives.


>Project Honeypot

What's that?

fd1d2d No.14223446


What's going on?

653ce2 No.14223449


Get rekt weeb pedo

20d0f5 No.14223453


I don't even go to the deep web. I only browse legal age hentai for fuck's sake.

653ce2 No.14223457


I don't believe you, they don't hand out warnings like that to anyone.

fd1d2d No.14223458


He could live in Europe.

fafad7 No.14223467

File: abb50bc20c1f958⋯.gif (44.07 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 1472057408439.gif)

I looked at the wiki and then I looked at the recent threads. How much they've grown. I don't even recognize GamerGate anymore. I really just treat these threads as general discussion with politics and news. I like these threads because it's a chill setting and quality discussions occur.

e17dc6 No.14223469

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

fd1d2d No.14223471

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

20d0f5 No.14223474


I actually live in the Philippines and I swear, I only visit websites that I've been visiting for YEARS under my previous ISP and don't have any problems(e-hentai, rule34hentai). I don't know what you people are accusing me about. Seriously. Geez. Don't quickly assume just because PHP says that my IP gets blacklisted, doesn't mean I'm doing anything illegal. I haven't gone out of my way to visit other websites that I frequent to for YEARS and never changed the trend ever since. Though I share the same IP as my folks at home though.

fd1d2d No.14223480


What if some fag is stealing your WiFi to look up shit?

0cebec No.14223484


>Playing games made by yankees

653ce2 No.14223489


You visit this site with your naked IP? Because our /b/ is constantly being barraged with illegal content.

fcd7cb No.14223491

File: f9243a06fcc1e57⋯.png (12.64 KB, 439x304, 439:304, Screenshot.png)

File: 61a9f5def89a766⋯.jpg (255.22 KB, 599x780, 599:780, Asuka ANGRY.jpg)

Pucker time. What I'm about to do is either going to fix a whole bunch of shit, or detonate the server with enough power to level a city block.

352f66 No.14223501

File: 4da9902cdaa20d3⋯.webm (96.64 KB, 694x480, 347:240, Just Go for it!.webm)

bf8e14 No.14223503


>detonate the server with enough power to level a city block

So that's what happened to WTC7

b76b73 No.14223510

File: bdbe8bdf6222587⋯.png (198.16 KB, 804x428, 201:107, Captivated.png)


>or detonate the server with enough power to level a city block.

I'll take some of that action.

653ce2 No.14223520

File: ec411d1b32a5547⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 512x384, 4:3, quantico.jpg)


Got them inside the van

20d0f5 No.14223529


I got no problems like this before on our previous ISP(Globe) on visiting the websites that I often lurk into. But now, since we moved here to a new city, with this govt. controlled ISP, this is where the problem sets in. I don't know man….. I really don't know what to do.

fd1d2d No.14223536

File: 6e3d7e0e59fb13a⋯.png (348.51 KB, 800x800, 1:1, smug vr loli.png)

>inb4 Flip anon is accidentally charged for hacking the elections somehow

0cebec No.14223538

File: 1813e482c81359d⋯.jpg (131.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ac3e7b86169883a5fe31acdb0c….jpg)


>You visit this site with your naked IP?

fcd7cb No.14223608

Well, it sort of worked. I had to fix an error with the files and I'm deleting / reupping 792 of them to try again. This is gonna take a while.

But I'm getting it. This stupid Wikipedia backend is beginning to make sense, and I can work my way through it better now. If I had known three weeks ago what I know now, this thing would have been a lot less headache.

5545a0 No.14223621


I miss that show

0cebec No.14223633

File: c9c82695a5e7fb5⋯.png (808.53 KB, 784x738, 392:369, yuuchlng.png)


Imagine that.

5156f9 No.14223676


Nofap longer than a week and T levels return to normal. Also, you may get nocturnal discharges. Everything in moderation.

>Is it worth the chance that I end up liking it and become a faggot?

If you're able to jerk off to gay shit in the first place you are already a faggot.


Nobody is really doing what you say they are though. There was maybe one faggot five or so threads back saying to dig into Connor and the Cartel, and you've been sperging about people over emphasizing Connor's influence since, even when he hasn't been mentioned. Most of the rest has been everyone telling you you're retarded.

0cebec No.14223679

File: 8ea72e14984d416⋯.jpg (174.4 KB, 442x500, 221:250, 55471767_p6.jpg)


When you decide to write it.

fcd7cb No.14223686

Be patient with me for a little bit.

This may not be the miracle fix I'm hoping for (God what I would give to be able to access thisisvideogames.com just long enough to copy their templates from a page) but even in the worst case, it should drastically reduce workload.

a74ce6 No.14223700

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

0cebec No.14223713


Then I'll write it, here's the opening:

>Gilda Mars is a mascot for TFYC thing made by reddit. Like everything reddit, it's mentally challenged and visible at first sight. It was so bad, even reddit abandoned it.



Also, do you know if the list on the wiki is in order? I don't think it is.

fd1d2d No.14223725

File: caa7775e11d2710⋯.png (29.32 KB, 204x195, 68:65, smug hoe.PNG)


b76b73 No.14223730

File: 2bd35108c0f9b85⋯.png (281.29 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, 007.png)


20d0f5 No.14223734

File: 95ae146f3f6fd10⋯.jpg (381.66 KB, 1978x972, 989:486, Hitler Huh.jpg)


>☑ Got Flip Anon throw in jail on child pornography charges

Are you serious about this allegation? Goodness.

0cebec No.14223738


Nigger, are you reading the thread?

20d0f5 No.14223745

I just checked, PHP listed my IP as a "spammer" and a "dictionary attacker". So yeah, your allegations of me being a "pedophile" is really hideous. You people are nuts. Geez.

b2f45c No.14223758


What the fuck is a dictionary attacker?

fd1d2d No.14223760

File: 2859c6a4fcbe5cc⋯.jpg (19.53 KB, 461x425, 461:425, whatareyougay.jpg)


>He can't handle playful bantz


5545a0 No.14223762


>dictionary attacker

What did the dictionary ever do to you asshole?

7e2c98 No.14223771


sounds like someone is stealing your internet.

20d0f5 No.14223772

File: 5f93fe16929c1bd⋯.jpg (152.35 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Shrug 25.jpg)


I don't know. It's one of the things PHP listed the IP that was given to us by our ISP. I rarely even visit dictionary websites.


I can handle bants and all, but accusing me of being a pedophile when I've been trying to work this thing out to whitelist our IP is taking a toll on me. This have been a re-ocurring problem for months now and I'm getting tired of this.

61701d No.14223777

File: dc727dc46d66b4a⋯.png (248.23 KB, 474x480, 79:80, dc727dc46d66b4affbd72eb6b5….png)

b2f45c No.14223779


Thank you, kind anon.


Yep, or else he got a virus of some kind.

653ce2 No.14223780


You are sick individual, stay away from those kids.

0cebec No.14223782

File: 2be4c9515d6b563⋯.jpg (97.15 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 49339edd920674544d0e244306….jpg)



Is this CP?


Likely a dictionary password cracker. I.e. a bot that guesses passwords with common words.

fd1d2d No.14223784

File: 85c3105cc98cb34⋯.png (186.78 KB, 759x697, 759:697, what in the.PNG)



20d0f5 No.14223786


That, I don't know. This ISP isn't worth is at all, we pay $20 just to get 120kbp/s per download and it gets disconnected every 5 hours.



I scanned it with Avast! and Malwarebytes, they found nothing. I'm really troubled by this. I got no problems like this before, just when we moved here to a new home in a new city. That's when shit hits the fan.

653ce2 No.14223788


You probably got some shit from IGG or something.

20d0f5 No.14223794



What's that? And how do I remove that from my PC, if I got it?! Because I never go outside on what I actually visit when using the net frequently so I don't know about that.

653ce2 No.14223801


Oh so you don't know, then you never got a game from it. A popula warez website.

fd1d2d No.14223804


You gotta learn to laugh at things it helps you de stress.

20d0f5 No.14223808


Oh. That IGG?! The last time I played one of their games was 3 years ago and uninstalled it since, and never got problems with it too when we got our previous ISP. I don't know why it only occurs now really makes me concerned. Right now I'm only playing emulated games and in a private RO server.

bb4329 No.14223810

File: 6bf51b425e44ae7⋯.png (391.56 KB, 600x400, 3:2, logcjohb2dtz.png)

File: 4439e577ced80cd⋯.png (725.23 KB, 1342x884, 671:442, bvhjucftd.png)

After losing all his power and influence, EviLore wants YOU to help him rebuild NeoGAF. Together. He's changed, and regretful things got… out of hand.

He swears the power, popularity and influence didn't show who he really was. That was just that one time. If you make him popular and sucessful and a man of influence again, he swears he'll be as tolerant and accepting of other views as he is RIGHT NOW.

Will you help him?

3850cb No.14223813

File: a539abcc29e85d7⋯.jpg (31.22 KB, 600x338, 300:169, b0063558_568f8ed3ca0db.jpg)


It keeps happening!

0cebec No.14223815

File: 69c234b091d451d⋯.jpg (19.59 KB, 350x300, 7:6, 6f63035bd30e104fb6136172c5….jpg)

bb4329 No.14223831

File: aa35be178534fa7⋯.png (64.81 KB, 556x242, 278:121, DFe1.png)


Don't be that way, baby. HE WOULD NEVER HURT YOU…. again.

Just… just give him a second bullet for his gun. That first shot was an accident. He never meant to aim it at YOU.


9eefd3 No.14223837

File: a87430443e3677a⋯.png (126.05 KB, 880x894, 440:447, THIS ANON IS AN ARA.png)

aaf3da No.14223839

>bought Trails

>promptly remembered that my laptop doesn't play always work well with internet and I'll be lucky to ever get it downloaded

Feeling real dumb right now.

653ce2 No.14223842


kys hag

aaf3da No.14223846

File: 13d8b398bc91fde⋯.png (389.43 KB, 800x485, 160:97, cia nigger.png)

d88e58 No.14223847

File: 52c5d34e9eab2cb⋯.png (8.35 KB, 300x300, 1:1, mirandola.png)

a925a4 No.14223850

>>14223847 It all makes sense now.


64f975 No.14223852



can confirm, i just turned my lights off and i could still see the nigger

b5517e No.14223861


>Only cared when he stopped profiting off of SJWs.



Is this series good?

aaf3da No.14223864


I don't know because I haven't gotten to play any of them

d63ced No.14223870

File: ba3d97b2cff764e⋯.mp4 (425.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Rotten.mp4)


I didn't need NeoGAF back during its height, I don't need it now.

a64746 No.14223875

File: 9a50738e5980e3e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 177.15 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, nigger43.png)

File: 2d5594761b3cd19⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 188.47 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, nigger44.png)

File: 5caa2811008e032⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 639.09 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, nigger31.png)


delet this vid

fcd7cb No.14223884

File: b4a33630a347712⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 604x604, 1:1, Asuka cosp burnout cig.jpg)


That's it, that's the last killer. All that has to be done now is removing all those obnoxious "index.php?title=" bits of bullshit and everything works. It's all there, no manual uploading! Some of the image tags need edited to make them thumbnails, like the ones in LW's article, but it's there.

This fucking thing will blend. It's almost 2am, and I'm fapping and going to bed.


0cebec No.14223890



Are they in the new articles?

b5517e No.14223897


You know Marche, I might be transitioning but at least there's comfort that I'll never be a furry at least.kys

aaf3da No.14223899


>I might be transitioning

post boipucci on a different board and link it here to keep the distraction to a minimum

fd1d2d No.14223901

File: e28e7c19f7ef07a⋯.jpg (215.9 KB, 836x955, 836:955, Purges.jpg)

b5517e No.14223902


>post boipucci

I didn't get rid of it, I'm just on hormone therapy.

0cebec No.14223904


Be aware you will never be a cute anime girl and attempting to do so will only disfigure your face and ruin your sanity.

Stay a shemale maybe.

aaf3da No.14223906


boipucci means your butthole. fake vaginas are disgusting and i would actively discourage anyone from ever posting theirs

0cebec No.14223910

File: 2456b983865a14e⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 540x587, 540:587, 2456b983865a14e742f7a0659b….jpg)


>he doesn't know what boipussy is

You gave yourself away newbie.

b5517e No.14223911


I know it usually means ass, thought he might think a new vagina is hot.

fcd7cb No.14223913

File: ffdedb7f452c48a⋯.png (80.2 KB, 989x621, 43:27, Screenshot(1).png)



You know what? No. No they aren't anymore!

Told you I was getting the hang of this shit. Global Find and Replace, baby.

b76b73 No.14223923

File: 174fbc23070312b⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1456x903, 208:129, ClipboardImage.png)

<Well, this series seems strangely redpilled: >>>/animu/2050

b5517e No.14223925


People said Captain America Winter Solder was redpilled.

ff2986 No.14223928

fd1d2d No.14223929


Wew /animu/ is actually growing it seems like it has potential to be a cozy board

b5517e No.14223956


Soros claims Trump will be gone in 2020, perhaps earlier. What did he mean by this?

0cebec No.14223961


It missed some articles from what I'm looking at

9ae74d No.14223962


Sounds like they might try an assassination attempt or a plant of fake evidence that leads to an impeachment.

b5517e No.14223975


The (((Pope))) said something similar not too long ago, methinks they will actually do it.

9ae74d No.14223978


The 1st or the 2nd?

b5517e No.14223991

9ae74d No.14223996


Holy shit that is blatant.

b2f45c No.14224001



a925a4 No.14224009



f34fdb No.14224018

File: 23328f389ec3951⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 300x400, 3:4, burisch-scribd-j-rod.jpg)



>playing games made by humies

f34fdb No.14224021

File: df2b2400e1cde4a⋯.png (32.84 KB, 255x216, 85:72, at last I truly see.png)

5156f9 No.14224022


You're gonna fuck yourself up anon.


♩ Everybody wants to rule the world ♩

f34fdb No.14224027

File: ca5d8cfa59607ce⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 255x243, 85:81, wat.jpg)


>dictionary attacker

Is it Wikipedia vandalism?

b5517e No.14224037


>You're gonna fuck yourself up anon.

I am aware, but I am too disgusted with myself that I feel I just gotta, you know. Still am somewhat but it feels a little better. Sage for off topic.

44bc94 No.14224218

File: d3d7a532f726309⋯.jpg (193.42 KB, 802x854, 401:427, d3d7a532f726309660f76fb222….jpg)


There she is! Get her!

15cd61 No.14224257



Eat shit Jaffe.

fd1d2d No.14224269

File: 41601ac9ed622b2⋯.png (232.12 KB, 398x370, 199:185, smugness levels.png)

20f714 No.14224298

File: 8e7e02d255d2adf⋯.jpg (570.98 KB, 636x900, 53:75, amou.jpg)

Weekly reminder to love your waifu/husbando or else unforeseen consequences will befall to the people that you love or hold high respect.

Never forget, hatred does not bear fruit. Love conquers all.

15cd61 No.14224310

File: b5781fe897ac7f3⋯.jpg (64.55 KB, 500x749, 500:749, david-jaffe-goes-betacuck-….jpg)

fd1d2d No.14224324

File: e17a768dc0aa468⋯.webm (311.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Hey Pal, Did you just blo….webm)


Is Jaffe that fucking stupid?

ed0beb No.14224344

File: d8dc08664926365⋯.gif (2 MB, 269x299, 269:299, fat_dance_fail.gif)


Bashing anything remotely heterosexual is very hip in the bubble of leftism. Unfortunately for them, that bubble does not extend as far as they'd like so you wind up with them spewing this nonsense rhetoric (virtue signalling) expecting agreement (hit of dopamine) but not receiving it (triggered).

b5b6fe No.14224348

File: 2a9c8e9912def6b⋯.png (6.07 KB, 311x143, 311:143, 2a9.png)

20f714 No.14224364

File: f8b2a07d7c723ad⋯.png (1.05 MB, 941x4224, 941:4224, adfd668591356b83314d141674….png)

File: 7118b129a14a7e3⋯.png (4.4 KB, 908x142, 454:71, 4a6e3df76fb7bb25bd7aaa56ed….png)


>that bubble does not extend as far

You sure? https://archive.fo/dqpHF

a64746 No.14224366

File: e601e5aa8b0bf0a⋯.png (503.24 KB, 1138x1138, 1:1, g.png)

fd1d2d No.14224373

File: 785ec5cde1442a7⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 500x356, 125:89, even sleep won't fix.jpg)


>Cuckholding can be positive for some couples

I legit thought this was an edit but when I looked it up it was all too fucking real.

6d1921 No.14224387

File: 87aaf9c5142115a⋯.png (86.2 KB, 662x693, 662:693, EA.png)


They're trying hard to salvage this game. Will it work?


Seriously, neogaf has always been severely overrated. It also shows the dangers of having a "THIS IS THE GAMING INDUSTRY FORUM" mindset of it with the devs and industry journos. Creates such an self-righteous and self-important echochamber.

fd1d2d No.14224408


This and Destiny 2 keep digging themselves deeper as they can't understand why people are pissed at them.

bf8e14 No.14224409


The Star Wars franchise has been mutilated far beyond redemption. There is no saving any of it.

f34fdb No.14224420

File: 7d0e22e5ba1bdb2⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 300x226, 150:113, mah nigga.jpg)


Robin mah boy, he nail'd it again and another SJW failed his virtue signal again.

20f714 No.14224421


They are still kicking the dead horse in order to make that revenue.

d3148c No.14224427


Does it really feel like things have been dry lately with a supposedly lack of OC?

0d8b8a No.14224431


>Google that name to see if it has any previous repute

>Find this http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/books/2004/11/the_thinking_mans_guide_to_sex.html

Oh God this is funny to me on so many different levels.

He wrote a book about pleasing your woman. And she chose to fuck someone else

Well, this man sounds like a fucking EXPERT on both healthy relationships and sex. I'm sure his advice is not complete horseshit at all!

fd1d2d No.14224433

File: a8cf22f17727167⋯.jpg (20.11 KB, 652x540, 163:135, WAKE ME UP.jpg)


>He wrote a book about pleasing your woman. And she chose to fuck someone else

I'm in awe at how cucked one can be.

f34fdb No.14224436

File: d1cc96e7580c92a⋯.jpg (20.98 KB, 286x322, 143:161, top cuck (1).jpg)


Nah, we might passed the point of the greatest generation but compared to other (((Popular))) communities, 8chan holding up fine in OC business, considering we're outnumbered almost 100 times by them.


>He wrote a book about pleasing your woman. And she chose to fuck someone else

That's whole another different level of cuckold. It's the Art of Cuck.

f34fdb No.14224438


fug i keep forgetting to remove the honk flag

i'm not flagfagging plz have mercy don't bully

fd1d2d No.14224443


> 8chan holding up fine in OC business

OC is something that needs to come naturally or otherwise it becomes forced and cancerous.

d3148c No.14224454

I'd also like to thank Acid and whoever contributed to the wiki. If only my computer was running normally, I would have assisted much earlier.

8bccd8 No.14224461


>I'm just on hormone therapy.

>I'm just on

Yeah, you're kiked. Have fun killing yourself soon when your brain can't take the shit that doesn't belong in your body in anymore.

fd1d2d No.14224471


Same could be said for you Marche but having self awareness isn't a strength you have.


Doesn't that shit really fuck up the brain chemistry to the point where they have hallucinations?

8bccd8 No.14224476


I'd assume so. They already have the hallucination being a girl in the first place. Non kiked therapy, changing your diet and lifting will do a lot more good.

20f714 No.14224480

File: a94035f0608f87d⋯.jpeg (182.31 KB, 703x1080, 703:1080, cuck.jpeg)


Holy shit.


>She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman

>Passionista: The Empowered Woman's Guide to Pleasuring a Man

>The Big, Fun, Sexy Sex Book

>By Ian Kerner: She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman

>Be Honest–You're Not That Into Him Either: Raise Your Standards and Reach for the Love You Deserve

>52 Weeks of Amazing Sex (A Good in Bed Guide)

>Lei viene prima: Guida al piacere femminile (Italian Edition)

>Sex Recharge: A Rejuvenation Plan for Couples and Singles

>Sex Detox: Recharge Desire. Revitalize Intimacy. Rejuvenate Your Love Life.

>Love in the Time of Colic: The New Parents' Guide to Getting It On Again

>Overcoming Premature Ejaculation (A Good in Bed Guide)

>Mehr Lust für ihn: Was Männer beim Sex verrückt macht (German Edition)

>DSI: Date Scene Investigation: The Diagnostic Manual of Dating Disorders

>Mehr Lust für sie: Was Frauen beim Sex verrückt macht (German Edition)

>Sex Recharge: A Rejuvenation?Plan for Couples and Singles by Ian Kerner (2009-01-27)

>Elle d'abord… Lui ensuite

f34fdb No.14224494

File: 4187caccce93334⋯.png (188.47 KB, 313x449, 313:449, payne wtf am i reading.png)


>those whole catalogue of his books

>writting few dozen books about sex, then falling into cuckold

His excessive obsession about sex is astounding even for a /v/irgin.

>Overcoming Premature Ejaculation

Like a fucking clockwork.

8bccd8 No.14224500


>pumping your body/brain fuel if shit that doesn't belong won't do that goy

15cd61 No.14224502


And he's a Jew too.

8bccd8 No.14224508



My brain is fucked too it seems.

fd1d2d No.14224519

File: a19b0a88c25f498⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 999x766, 999:766, what in the fuck.jpg)

File: 6909ada8c056fdc⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 226x223, 226:223, I've seen shit.jpg)

File: d0dbc07126c56bc⋯.gif (2.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I've seen some.....gif)

File: 891218901b40efb⋯.jpg (39.27 KB, 343x358, 343:358, seen some heresy.jpg)


>This is real

This like going down a fucking rabbit hole of pure cuckholding degeneracy with a huge dash of soy.

8e62b1 No.14224524

File: 3f0454540802524⋯.png (978.5 KB, 955x573, 5:3, monobeno.png)

it's time

fd1d2d No.14224542

File: b74d13f627becdd⋯.png (83.15 KB, 427x345, 427:345, on monday huh.png)


>thats fucking all on you and your virtue signalling

So are you off some type of medication that would curb the chemical imbalance you have?

599b35 No.14224550

File: 0a0439c52d3c18f⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 600x619, 600:619, 0a0439c52d3c18f21f39f84ddd….jpg)


>Doesn't that shit really fuck up the brain chemistry to the point where they have hallucinations?

Estrogen is not a hallucinogen, it's a sex hormone.

a64746 No.14224553

ccd599 No.14224554

File: c8d8d4e57929b44⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1328x960, 83:60, HRT.png)


>Nofap longer than a week and T levels return to normal.

Would you say once per week is fine?


I'd rather be a furfag than a tranny.

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you're already very likely to do it.



20d0f5 No.14224556

File: 9655c45a7f096c2⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 409x438, 409:438, Not Impressed 5.jpg)

Good evening….

a64746 No.14224560


Do I get to fuck 'em?

599b35 No.14224573

File: fc18c45c496df0e⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 426x327, 142:109, fc18c45c496df0e015190807fc….jpg)


Tell me something I don't know.


>Ian Kerner, PhD, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist and nationally recognized sexuality counselor who specializes in sex therapy, couples therapy and working with individuals on a range of relational issues.

>Couples therapy

>He specializes in couples therapy yet still couldn't get his wife to fuck him

06891c No.14224575

File: 3b4984d81f4c283⋯.png (97.63 KB, 653x628, 653:628, 3b4984d81f4c2832b28c454c40….png)

File: 3551cfa04130b91⋯.jpg (196.56 KB, 1200x1123, 1200:1123, 7317bfa79beda321f53149f449….jpg)




>being so cucked that you have to write books and have fake news pretend cuckolding is a good thing just to save face

a64746 No.14224577

a0c2f5 No.14224584

File: 4685196bc2788f3⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 300x364, 75:91, rapeseal.jpg)


>visual novel

Is this shit at least porn? Considering it's on steam I don't think it is.

20f714 No.14224586


It's more of a trying to spread his misfortune to others. Since his relationship is fucked up, he tries to destroy the rest of the peoples relationships.

>If I can't be happy, then no-one can!

Literally a man child.

6d6d67 No.14224587


Mike is a fag?

a0c2f5 No.14224589


I'm intrigued. how can you write if you can't read?

fd1d2d No.14224591

File: 4777f47e2dc8d0f⋯.png (129.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, sadpad.png)


I honestly think you should find some help cause you genuinely come across as emotionally unstable Marche, like I'm being 100% serious you should find someone to counsel you to help heal your haunted soul. I kinda pity you in a odd way.




a64746 No.14224600


>reasoning with marche

6d6d67 No.14224601


What he did a story about fucking a tranny and pulled it was a "friend" excuse.

557be5 No.14224603


Didn't some completely non-porn VN get removed from Steam because artist, who made most of the assets, also has done loli hentai?

a0c2f5 No.14224608


And how do you know it was him?

ed0beb No.14224609

File: 489d3c3579fc903⋯.png (618.79 KB, 933x1000, 933:1000, 9655c45a7f096c2fc243dd972e….png)

File: 5cad3137187e287⋯.png (857.7 KB, 1237x1000, 1237:1000, b74d13f627becdde887de14a4e….png)

File: 5b85a8f3da3e79a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1075x1000, 43:40, 41601ac9ed622b2da58b4f1b34….png)

File: 4bebd664ca765da⋯.png (780.32 KB, 919x1000, 919:1000, 2456b983865a14e742f7a0659b….png)

File: b5b2358c54f94c2⋯.png (766.26 KB, 987x1000, 987:1000, dc727dc46d66b4affbd72eb6b5….png)

I found a program that up-scales and de-noises anime images with a nifty algorithm or whatever, but I have so many small images I don't even know where to begin.

93b89d No.14224614


Seconding this question. Nothing would surprise me at this point.


Biological self-defense? This goes even beyond "unmarried marriage counsellor"


You're gonna need to say where that is cropped from.

6e159d No.14224616

File: 444049fcc8a39ca⋯.png (31.84 KB, 195x122, 195:122, 444049fcc8a39ca751e6372679….png)


599b35 No.14224617

File: 412ddeb31284d0d⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 284x297, 284:297, 1468892971924.jpg)


>I don't even know where to begin.

Start with the smug and go from there.

6d6d67 No.14224618


He wrote the story and when people made fun of him he backpedalled and pull it was a "friend" excuse.

a0c2f5 No.14224620


No he didn't.

aac0b8 No.14224621


>he doesn't know what monobeno is

anime maid smugging over spilled tea.jpg

6d6d67 No.14224623


His name is right there at the top. When people stared to make fun of him for being gay he added the update with the "friend" story.

a0c2f5 No.14224626


I don't play books anon.

fd1d2d No.14224631

File: 0be4131acdac917⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, not big surprise.jpg)


I just think he should try finding help cause he has a real problem.



I'm not shocked.

96fc96 No.14224634


Everyone already knows about Waifu2x nerd. Just leave your small images small.

6d6d67 No.14224646

ed0beb No.14224653

File: 772f8b84eabdd6f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 892.33 KB, 1189x900, 1189:900, ashley thick thighs.png)

File: 4448de351aa5422⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.07 MB, 1236x1200, 103:100, ashley shimapan.png)

File: ebcac67d1dd75b4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 518.9 KB, 600x1200, 1:2, ashley back.png)

File: 5be996c28c00a76⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 839.79 KB, 899x1200, 899:1200, ashley_riding.png)

File: 3ebfadf0e43d601⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 818 KB, 954x1400, 477:700, ashley_nighty.png)


>Start with the smug and go from there.

I'm starting with lewds.


NO U. Most of them look better when bigger or at least de-noised.

a64746 No.14224685


Make sure not to put it on the highest noise settings because it makes it look like shit

a64746 No.14224687



017544 No.14224694

I see Australia gay is contagious.

6d6d67 No.14224699


Not sure which is worse being a Tranny or a Furry.

dd9e96 No.14224700


You should seriously consider changing your psychiatrist or at last your meds.

It's not too late you fucking sicko.

fd1d2d No.14224711


There are Trannies who are furries.

96fc96 No.14224716


>No proof

Not even worth this reply not that the moderation isn't atrocious

017544 No.14224717

File: c0a58d5f5fd0694⋯.png (9.54 KB, 600x163, 600:163, marche tried to get anothe….png)

Rip in piss baguette niggers

aac0b8 No.14224720


Anyyone killed in a Nutella riot gets buried in Arlington Cemetary

fd1d2d No.14224721

Oh here fucking go.

1a9883 No.14224722



How the fuck do Nutella cause a riot?

e9f70a No.14224723


>Riots over discounts

Day of the Nut

20d0f5 No.14224728



What's with that thing anyways? How's that special from any other peanut butter spread out in the market? Can someone from Honland explain to me what's up with the shenanigans?

788f2e No.14224729


Nutella is more like a hazelnut chocolate spread and not a peanut butter spread

6d6d67 No.14224730



>peanut butter spread


1a9883 No.14224731


Is a chocolate cream made with hazelnuts and lots of milk. It is supposed to be incredibly tasty.

fd1d2d No.14224732


>not that the moderation isn't atrocious

They have issues but they've kept this board stable same can't be said for most of the other boards here.

6d6d67 No.14224734


Other boards never had the users to ever become stable.

599b35 No.14224739

File: 0c6d5218e884c3d⋯.jpg (253.78 KB, 514x635, 514:635, 1503495287370.jpg)


Furry trannies are some of the most obnoxious people you'll ever meet. Just look at twitter.

20d0f5 No.14224740



I see. But who were rioting over it? Mudslime "rapefugees"?! Paris is really turning into a 3rd world shithole, huh?

44bc94 No.14224741

File: 2b5f2e6f7994a37⋯.png (91.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 54cc2d81bb2422ce1a918cac42….png)


>Mark added a tranny faggot for moderating this place

What could go wrong?

6d6d67 No.14224743


He made the Tranny post himself he is not going to delete his own post.

7ccfa2 No.14224746

File: af8316a493e5814⋯.png (900.23 KB, 835x913, 835:913, octoling.png)



Have you fucks never seen a jar of nutella before? You're talking about it like some mythical elixir.

7ccfa2 No.14224748


possibly the same chinks buying up baby formula

599b35 No.14224749


The french went nuts over the stuff long before the rapefugees, anon. This isn't anything new.

1a9883 No.14224750


I never tasted it to be honest.

fd1d2d No.14224753

So mind showing proof of these claims?

be0b1f No.14224755


It's okay, but nothing to write home about. Maybe it's because I'm a man, since women seem to lose their fucking minds over it.

e9f70a No.14224757


grab one of the Nutella to go snack cups, they're everywhere. It's pretty good.

6d6d67 No.14224764


Might be you have niggerblood in you, the high milk content makes it not to plesent for niggers and non whites.

788f2e No.14224775


I love Milk and Nutella isn't even that good honestly, it's okay but whenever I would buy a jar I would never finish it and it would end up being unused for like a year

004710 No.14224781

File: d584a40f726b11d⋯.jpg (339.99 KB, 663x644, 663:644, transaearenessmonth.jpg)


I support trans rights

1f7039 No.14224786

File: 268ccc54a845dc7⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 268ccc54a845dc710286ef59a3….jpg)

20f714 No.14224791

>this level of autism rising

d18d7e No.14224793

File: 711e50290a01d41⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.32 MB, 719x1280, 719:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8312155410aae95⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.24 MB, 719x1280, 719:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43d001eb37b06f9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.23 MB, 719x1280, 719:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 220c2f7a6626d88⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.2 MB, 1280x719, 1280:719, ClipboardImage.png)


oh, so both icze's are trannies. icze4r (Gel) and iczelion (Cobalt)?

a74ce6 No.14224795

File: 5ce88c6c352268e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 39.68 KB, 350x350, 1:1, vivian 'carlos' james.jpg)

File: 59a1c070d849e08⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.33 KB, 850x956, 425:478, ed6dc500446a5960c32dfdb5e1….jpg)


>smugging over spilled tea.jpg

She is maid to apologize.

599b35 No.14224801

File: e55393ea007c190⋯.png (190.31 KB, 500x490, 50:49, 1504339597866.png)


>Unshaved pubes

Absolutely haram.

6af479 No.14224829


Guess he doesn't like made in abyss

255db7 No.14224830


>hiding ban reason

fd1d2d No.14224833

File: cd7a317a49db45a⋯.png (63.5 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, only mildly retarded.png)


>shitting up the thread with drama

>is shocked that people dislike him

017544 No.14224842


You never complained about lime

6d6d67 No.14224843


Manga is not GG or political, Nutella riots are. The Tranny post was made by a mod so not much can be done about that.

20f714 No.14224845

I'll wait if this spergout will continue after the bump limit or not.

fd1d2d No.14224847


Was there proof of this?


I'll most likely do the same.

33926f No.14224855

Did Marche forgot his mental pill again? God fucking shit not this sperg again

7f9bfc No.14224873

File: b9f6603b5b7ee43⋯.png (4.04 KB, 606x57, 202:19, Untitled.png)


It's not a (1).

I think you should take a break for a few minutes to calm down.

4798a5 No.14224880

File: 885a1f6427e234b⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 1200x1143, 400:381, 885a1f6427e234b9c37b17b412….jpg)


Cause being one of Drybones' buttbuddies wasn't bad enough.

f10739 No.14224894


Well that explains even more.

017544 No.14224901

File: 55fa9e1f51b1418⋯.png (140.51 KB, 583x525, 583:525, faggot.PNG)

Next time you wonder where the >(1)s and other newfags are coming from, look no further.

788f2e No.14224905


What a fag, how can one furry get so butthurt about everything constantly. Though it makes a lot more sense now why he was banned, I didn't even realize that guy was marche

4798a5 No.14224914


Not like it's difficult to tell anyways with his trademark lack of punctuation.

20d0f5 No.14224916

File: 80b4df3b30bba35⋯.jpg (119.22 KB, 954x960, 159:160, Objectification 13.jpg)

File: 29d925226a494b5⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 314x477, 314:477, Miss Marvel.jpg)

Damn, Marvel really don't know how to pick actress who can portray Miss Marvel right. She got waffles for ass.

786ffb No.14224922

File: 41d3005108984a0⋯.webm (2.24 MB, 480x360, 4:3, S A V A G E.webm)


coming in from the front page here to say if you post about 8chan on twitter you should kill yourself

also how are these threads even still going it's been over three years what do you even talk about anymore

788f2e No.14224924


I didn't realize it honestly, I wasn't following it too closely because I was playing videogames

4798a5 No.14224928


Skipping the ass, that costume just looks fucking terrible.

20d0f5 No.14224931


They got to cover up Miss Marvel, y'know. Pandering to feminists and all that shit.

788f2e No.14224937


Well yes, we all think that guy marche should kill himself, he's an autistic australian furry. Also we talk about whatever is relevant or whatever news is up.

b7ce4a No.14224948

File: 84d48548749a359⋯.jpg (86.95 KB, 835x496, 835:496, 1516887949353.jpg)


/animu/ is comfy, great to see it growing.

7f9bfc No.14224957


The green bitch is supposed to be the character in the second image?

She looks like a budget nu-power ranger.

4798a5 No.14224960


Considering gaming journos are retarded on the daily, there's plenty to talk about.

20d0f5 No.14224975


I know why they chose that outfit for hers now. Brie Larson(the bitch playing as Miss Marvel) is actually a feminist. This ain't good for the movie. I smell another flop on Disney's behalf and to think that the Last Jedi didn't panned out as they planned it to be. Get fucked, Disney. You're pissing off more people by doing this.

9129da No.14225018


The spic has truly been bred in order to perpetuate the leftist agenda, no "right wing" government actually exist on spics countries but the leftists, being the cunning deceitful creatures they are have done everything in their power to steer the public opinion towards a self destructive, hedonistic, leftist path.

The parties that preach conservatism are nothing but controlled opposition and the parties that preach leftism usually do so aligning themselves with radicalism.

You may use the profaned pope as a way to gain insight into the mind of a spic with power.

8456b4 No.14225039

File: 537ea5a78cf654e⋯.jpg (100.33 KB, 494x750, 247:375, tumblr_m120el0Xer1qb0qmuo1….jpg)

File: 932e7caeeb4831d⋯.jpg (196.75 KB, 883x1268, 883:1268, carol-danvers-ms-marvel-ar….jpg)




Even in her modern dykeified appearance she still has curves and a reasonably good looking suit.

And there is only ONE Captain Marvel. His name is Billy.

20d0f5 No.14225053

File: 70604adc0636cac⋯.jpeg (183.51 KB, 748x1280, 187:320, Miss Marvel 3.jpeg)


>Carol Dykevers

I'm gonna need some bleach to unsee that!

c0d2b2 No.14225055

File: dc51707c0e1097b⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 534x623, 6:7, blech.jpg)


The pants look like she had an ass and then something popped it.

16e2a6 No.14225067

File: 02fc46cdb1e2838⋯.png (839 KB, 971x725, 971:725, Untitled.png)


She has some good possibilities in art and story, but it's Marvel 2.0 that she's in.

554841 No.14225072


jesus that Super ASS

b7ce4a No.14225074



Is it possible to make him a Super Trap?

16e2a6 No.14225077


It more looks like he had a silicon ass implantation. And yes, there are men who put silicon into their ass to make it look bigger and rounder.

afb33c No.14225079


Are you competing for most retarded post on this thread? Because you're winning so far.


>letting a cockchopper moderate this board

Is Mark actually retarded? Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.

b7ce4a No.14225081

File: 27e1ce288b8ad85⋯.png (917.52 KB, 1753x1240, 1753:1240, 1516332339800.png)


>And yes, there are men who put silicon into their ass to make it look bigger and rounder.

Why though?

b7ce4a No.14225084



I wonder what went on in Mark's head? Tranny's are mentally unstable for the most part.

16e2a6 No.14225092


Beats me, saw a related news about this in my country's yellow news about 6 years ago. A country with the population of ~1.3 million and there are people who do this stuff.

One theory is this "women liking men's cute butt" mindset.

8456b4 No.14225099

File: b87640addaf3e0b⋯.png (474.65 KB, 699x412, 699:412, dfdfgdf.png)


Something went very wrong with this drawing.

16e2a6 No.14225109

File: c73bd873a272998⋯.png (534.23 KB, 594x389, 594:389, Untitled2.png)


You think so?

6af479 No.14225110

File: 1c2f6698c9744d2⋯.png (226.33 KB, 1080x1672, 135:209, Screenshot_2018-01-26-09-2….png)


Mark says he didn't tell anyone cobalt is a tranny

b7ce4a No.14225113

File: 08eea2f783abfad⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 561x785, 561:785, 1502626284690.jpg)

a6318e No.14225115

File: dac19e6e1eb04b3⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, be6e6d3429baba022d06feca92….jpg)

File: e6ded6109e04de4⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 672x372, 56:31, Chris-Evans-Diet-plan.jpg)


But when it comes to the male heroes they cast guys like these.

They can't even sue the "muh powah fantasy!" excuse on this one since her costume isn't any more revealing than Captain America's.

4798a5 No.14225117

File: 5dcbeb344c60095⋯.gif (81.24 KB, 326x300, 163:150, 5dcbeb344c6009517fbc828386….gif)


I swear to god that australian faggot

5cf84c No.14225124


>Captain 45yo Bull Dyke.

b76b73 No.14225125

File: e81486e7d740685⋯.png (121.24 KB, 795x507, 265:169, ClipboardImage.png)

So, I guess I missed some fun modding times.





I remember what you're talking about, but the name of it escapes me.


Why does the guy have a bigger ass than the girl?

16e2a6 No.14225132


What related faggotry did he got involved this time again to become another burn-out? Before the Miranda bans and all other shit.

6af479 No.14225134


>Why does the guy have a bigger ass than the girl?

He lifts and she doesn't.

>I remember what you're talking about, but the name of it escapes me

One of the deleted posts said it. It was called The Key To Home and the Artist's name is MUK

8456b4 No.14225144


>The Key To Home

So that wasn't an erogame?

6af479 No.14225147

4798a5 No.14225151


It wasn't. Technically "all-ages". Methinks Valve nuked it cause enough snowflakes decided to bitch to Valve that decided it was a risk to their public image.

8bccd8 No.14225166


He's also a pedo, like a legit one not some loli weeabo faggot.

b7ce4a No.14225173

File: 512709ca1a5734a⋯.jpg (353.51 KB, 995x1074, 995:1074, 96596703592b7ff497c7c8e08d….jpg)


I wish a company would start their own digital distribution service solely for Weeb games. Western games on Steam could get away with so much worse. I think this is SJWs trying to purge weeb content.

d95396 No.14225174

File: 6ac22200a01d1d2⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Offending the Aristocracy.mp4)


I looks like someone ironed her butt,hollywood keeps putting grills who look like teenage boys in their movies The new Lara is a shit.

8bccd8 No.14225177

Marche you faggot. Stop crying on twitter. You're not just a cunt, you're a whiny cunt.

7f9bfc No.14225180


I also think it's valve being prudish and "anime porn is gross".

They probably think that allowing too many "wacky japanese" games will cause people to drop steam.

b7ce4a No.14225189


The 80s was the last decade where they remember to cast attractive people.


>They probably think that allowing too many "wacky japanese" games will cause people to drop steam.

>Not shit indie games flooding the market.

>Not DRM

As said, there might as well be a distribution service made solely for weeb games.

b76b73 No.14225198



Doesn't Playism and SquarEnix have their own services?

Also, the one problem with making a competing platform is that Steam has already gained such a reputation and following that other such services already out there like Origin, Uplay, and the Microsoft Store have received nothing but scorn daring to even attempt to compete with Steam (For the moment, let's forget about the fact that, yes, Ubisoft, EA, and MS are nowhere near being little sweethearts, but they're also provided Valve with competition. In fact, I remember numerous people pointing out the fact that Origin, strangely enough, already had a refund policy already in place years before Steam finally did, and, even then, it's still better than Steam's system). The only competition people seem "fine" with is GOG, but that's only because of it being advertised as "DRM free".

0e13d9 No.14225206



0e13d9 No.14225226



There was very suggestive stuff.

Allegedly, the teacher put cameras in the girls' bathroom. I can't recall where I read that.

16e2a6 No.14225232


boku no artist from the salaryman with elf, brown elf and dark elf hosts

4798a5 No.14225234


Which is why I said "technically".

4798a5 No.14225237


That set isn't from Nagi Ichi, it's from Gujira. Get yo trap porn artists straightened out.

ca10aa No.14225244


Honestly, furries are more annoying, though admittedly not by much. Most trannies I've seen lean left and are near-consistently psychotic. Though there are exceptions (one being a Anon who'd posted in this thread before, another being a pretty good chiptune artist and isn't that annoying), the consistency is at least refreshing and easy to avoid most of the time. Meanwhile, most furries I've gotten to know, even those who are red-pilled, can be pretty fucking obnoxious. When it gets to one furfag blindly defending Sonic Forces because of 'muh Sonic hate' and another shitting up the thread and claiming his waifu isn't a fucking anthro, along with those spamming furry porn when I'm trying to avoid it, you'll forgive me for outright hating them.

84fb26 No.14225252

File: fab48670ec25056⋯.png (50.13 KB, 295x357, 295:357, sip.png)


>get offended when somebody says he likes something about you

234ffe No.14225253


no first for benis, therefore sage

7f9bfc No.14225256


But uplay and ms store already have games on steam so it creates an unnecessary layer of drm to access before you can play your games.

I think GOG gets a pass because it has more old games than steam has, so it should be fine if you make your platform weeb games exclusive.

e326fa No.14225260

File: d8b43dfde89caf6⋯.png (187.52 KB, 500x511, 500:511, joesue.png)

Looks like ubishit managed to pull a BF2 but with siege. They fucked up so bad, even plebbit is mad.



Basically, they upped the price from $40 to $60, have an event coming up that's zombie survival, made it so the only way you can get the cosmetics is by paying for loot crates, and made it so somebody paying $60 gets 10 free lootboxes while everybody else gets zero.

b7ce4a No.14225261


>I think GOG gets a pass because it has more old games than steam has, so it should be fine if you make your platform weeb games exclusive.

Pretty much.

16e2a6 No.14225263


Crap, It quite looked similar for a second. My mistake.


Brooks claimed that she has bigger balls than Don Lemon.

b76b73 No.14225271

File: 078715275c7f4a0⋯.png (429.6 KB, 635x1005, 127:201, Computers are not human.png)

<So much for robo-waifus


>But uplay and ms store already have games on steam so it creates an unnecessary layer of drm to access before you can play your games.

Yeah, that's the more annoying part with how some games on Steam having you jumping through numerous hoops if you want to actually play the fucking things. However, I wonder if the blame could be as equally placed on Valve (For allowing such inconveniences to the customer) as it is the publishers for even implementing their DRM on top of Steam.

4e8f6c No.14225273

File: 79f9dbc0e090e5d⋯.jpg (206.18 KB, 920x736, 5:4, 1459296504453.jpg)

Marche did nothing wrong.

84fb26 No.14225274

File: 8340dfef6114d30⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, suka blyad.mp4)


>Brooks claimed that she has bigger balls than Don Lemon.


27dd27 No.14225280

I swear, everytime I read Game Journalist and Mombot conversations on twitter, I can't help but think "when are you two going to fuck".

16e2a6 No.14225283

File: 3960138750340f6⋯.webm (6.34 MB, 638x360, 319:180, videoplayback.webm)

b76b73 No.14225291

File: ee42d5a46fb06ad⋯.pdf (2.07 MB, The Tale of Genji - Murasa….pdf)


I think this book may be relevant.

a2ff04 No.14225337


>Didn't some completely non-porn VN get removed from Steam because artist, who made most of the assets, also has done loli hentai?

That was the one by Rustle, wasn't it?

6af479 No.14225345

d2927f No.14225392


Just saw that a couple of hours ago. R6 Siege has always been an overpriced mess but this is even worse than i expected.

So let's say i'm someone who bought the standard edition and the season 3 pass recently, that's about 50 bucks. I get 10 packs from being a paypig and 4 for logging in meaning there's 36 packs i don't have. This means that if i want a particular skin and i'm unlucky, i'd have to pay something in the range of 70-100 bucks depending on discounts and currency packs.

This is without mentioning the people who might've bought the "Complete"edition during the Christmas period and bought the newest season pass just when it came out. They have to pay more than 200 bucks for this nonsense.

8456b4 No.14225419


>Valve that decided it was a risk to their public image

Fuck Valve's "public image" or what's left of it anyway.


Is it going to be released anywhere else?

d95396 No.14225426



5156f9 No.14225504


I could eat an entire jar of nutella in one sitting with a glass of water.

017544 No.14225538

File: 31bd28f643cb58e⋯.jpg (140.33 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, guardian of nutella.jpg)


Yeah, but how many of these are you willing to fight to get to that jar?

07a644 No.14225543


I think that Frenchman is not a real Frenchman, that mustache looks awfully suspicious.

d95396 No.14225574

File: 6d1a221508cdd7e⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, hon hon hon hand over ze n….jpg)

5156f9 No.14225581

Marche has been an obnoxious faggot for the past few threads, at least I'm fairly sure it was him, but he's right that it's stupid for that Nanachi post to be the reason he's banned while derailing tranny shit remains. Can't be entirely sure though, because he's a double faggot who hid the fucking ban reason in his cap.


Why are you so obsessed with Connor?


>How many cucks who have let their country get fucked right in front of them are you willing to fight?

At least 12.

1a9883 No.14225589


But there are already games about hunting your fellow man.

It's called Rust, next to all the battle royale kind of games.

afb33c No.14225610

File: 0ecf8594effbf09⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 2234x3046, 1117:1523, Maldraw.jpg)


Fuck off sandnigger

9eefd3 No.14225631

File: e0d84e6f39e15aa⋯.jpg (132.11 KB, 652x869, 652:869, jazz music stops.jpg)


>Just when I was thinking that my own countrymen can't at least be as retarded as the Bongs and their plastic knife laws, they decide to raid supermarkets for ultra-discounted nutella

Now I wonder what's inside those jars to transform people into zombies.

dcd94f No.14225635

File: 56693d806d391a1⋯.png (252.2 KB, 883x816, 883:816, Vidya Game Comic 27.png)

File: a5965b1c164468c⋯.png (228.67 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 28.png)


Rust is gay though. I heard they force you now to play as a nigger as some statement about race.

Also last comics for those who missed them

788f2e No.14225648


You get a random race and sex on rust

b5517e No.14225655


Fantastic, keep em coming

dcd94f No.14225659


Thats fucking gay. Why would anyone want to risk playing as a nigger?

If a game has the ability to create custom characters, why do you have to restrict it?

788f2e No.14225668


I don't I guess some people don't really give a shit

788f2e No.14225676


I don't know*

1a9883 No.14225678


Player killing is fucking gay, yet that doesn't stop you for wanting it.

You want to be a faggot and kill other humans? there are a lot of faggot games for you.

b5517e No.14225681


Remember that one kid who when he invited you to play games at his house would insist you play a certain way or he'd lose his shit? That's rust devs.

3bc535 No.14225691


That really makes me think.maybe i should replay Postal 2, that game is the bomb.


Sounds about right.

d63ced No.14225727


>If a game has the ability to create custom characters, why do you have to restrict it?

Because Garry wanted to give 12 year olds an excuse to form lynch mobs.

fd1d2d No.14225818

So anything happen?

d95396 No.14225826

File: 1824fe78269081c⋯.png (727.43 KB, 945x717, 315:239, faggot prince.png)

File: e27cd66f12680ec⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 4146x2724, 691:454, Mike-Pence.jpg)

b5517e No.14225832


>Buildings are on fire, cats are infesting your city, and wolves are eating old women

>Main concern is women wanting to bang you

9d4729 No.14225837

File: 9622544cb4f9f94⋯.png (424.77 KB, 451x619, 451:619, 9622544cb4f9f945e1961d123d….png)


Why does everybody stop posting every time we hit 300 posts?

Really makes you think.

fd1d2d No.14225840

Also /animu/ grew a shit ton


I left for a while due to Marche's meltdown.

017544 No.14225848

File: beb1a0a6d1d91e9⋯.png (1.63 KB, 168x191, 168:191, sterling.png)


You better buy it or you'll be arrested for hate crime.

b5517e No.14225850


>Marche has a meltdown

What else is new? That furfag can't help himself.


Initial posting and end of bread tend to be peak times for posting.

887c49 No.14225867

3073d1 No.14225868


>Pixelated Boat making questionable shit again.

Someone dig through to see if he still have that DKC "Shithole Country" pic with no context, since he didn't think it can be contrued that said "Shitholes" are filled with dumb apes that go bananas over everything.

fd1d2d No.14225870

1a9883 No.14225881

ed22ff No.14225908


It's still growing. Is this a miracle?



f9ae83 No.14225911


The hell is going on with this /a/ and /animu/ split?

1a9883 No.14225922



Is /animu/ full of mods with shit tastes loving cuck manga?

ed22ff No.14225927


Nope. I checked it and it's actually pretty comfy.

1a9883 No.14225933


Fuck /a/ and their taste to shitty cuckholding bullying manga.

fd1d2d No.14225936


People got fed up with how the mods on /a/ go overboard with the modding and the BO of /animu/ is actually pretty cool.

788f2e No.14225937



/animu/ is less heavily moderated than /a/ and doesn't openly hate /v/ like /a/ does so some people are going there because they don't like the heavier moderation of /a/ that's basically it in the least dramatic way

788f2e No.14225940


What cuckolding manga are you even referring to? Or are you just being an argumentative faggot for no reason?

f9ae83 No.14225949



Well, I see one board have this much of different threads and that other board has that much of different threads. So double the content. My only reason is to read and post in threads, not to bitch in some meta shitstorm board wars.

788f2e No.14225960


Yeah, I have both open if each has 10PPH then that's like 20PPH of weeb stuff for me

1a9883 No.14225972


Not exactly cuckholding, but close. The one about the tanned bully schoolgirl bullying her senpai.

ed22ff No.14225990


>I see one board have this much of different threads and that other board has that much of different threads.

Yeah, they are different. /animu/ is building up its own culture. So the content would be different.


Pretty much.

2dab78 No.14226005

File: bb6170990b27758⋯.jpg (391.19 KB, 855x1050, 57:70, 1364780573599.jpg)


>It's cuckholding.

>Well, it's close.

>Okay, it's nothing like cuckholding.

1a9883 No.14226017


Being humilliated by a bitch and even serving her or allowing to tease you with a fake boyfriend is as bad as cuckholding.

Fuck you and your shitty taste.

887c49 No.14226021

File: d34a678fe080150⋯.jpg (225.57 KB, 800x599, 800:599, d34a678fe0801505e4f7f106f6….jpg)


>bullying is close to cucking

Nigger, 774 made it clear in the original pics that even that weak ass sempai puts his foot down when it comes to cuckshit.

625385 No.14226026

File: a40c164f5af6592⋯.png (156.86 KB, 512x512, 1:1, freya smirk.png)

Keep digging people!

7f9bfc No.14226039


Looks like a Long Live the Queen ripoff but shit.

b5517e No.14226040


>the BO of /animu/ is actually pretty cool.

If there's one thing I learned about online communities, is that anyone in charge of moderating or anything like that will sperg out over stupid bullshit and reveal their true colors given time. Oddly enough, that's why i kind of like mark, because him at his worst isn't so bad.

fd1d2d No.14226044


This is also very true.

7f9bfc No.14226046


Probably something to do with point 1 in Current Happenings.

1a9883 No.14226050


The masochist sentiment that enables that kind of bullying is close to cuckhold. And until I see senpai grow some balls I'll think the same about the shitty series.

8dc7bc No.14226054


Could someone convince an imam to launch a fatwa against these devs for promoting homosexuality in what is clearly recognizable as an islamic country? Maybe Salmon Rushdie levels of attacks would make them realize that some cultures will never embrace their faggotry.

1a9883 No.14226064


LEt them go further and the muslims would go eat them.Aren't there lesbians muslims in triple A games? any of them caused any outrage?

ed22ff No.14226081


He's been BO for some time. He's better than /a/'s mods, but it's good to observe his behavior in any case.

e17dc6 No.14226100

File: 66b04fc00172060⋯.png (691.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, forbidden knowledge.png)


>Marche did nothing wrong.

I unironically believe this. If he could scrape the thick layer of autistic retard cum off of his posts before posting he'd get a lot more traction. There's been a few idiots here who keep reductively assigning every and all issues we have with bad translations and censorship to "connor and the cartel" because those are the only names they've heard about from these threads, and they keep saying "we" need to do something about it, without actually articulating what needs to be done or to who.


>is close to cuckhold

So it isn't cuckolding, then, is it?

If you dislike the manga that's completely fine, but hiding the fact you care about it by dismissively calling it "cuckshit" is weak. Perhaps you need to be bullied.

And if you think the series is shit, or gay, or gay shit, that's fine. You don't have to read or engage with it at all. Hide the threads and don't read the manga.

b3387d No.14226107


Senpai should rape that nigger.

When she gets pregnant, the answer is blender.

fd1d2d No.14226113


>I unironically believe this.

He tried to blackmail Mark and spread a false rumour to try to start drama so he did a lot wrong.

b5517e No.14226121


>spread a false rumour to try to start drama

I wasn't here for that. What was it?

e3d4c8 No.14226124

>The Dirty War Over Diversity Inside Google by Nitasha Tiku


>TheStreet.com: "Electronic Arts Shares Stumble on 'Anthem' Video Game Delay"


>Polygon: "Blizzard is hunting down toxic Overwatch players on YouTube"


>Erik Kain via Forbes: "Ubisoft Is Squandering Gamer Good Will By Raising The Price Of 'Rainbow Six: Siege'."


>Time Out - "‘The Believers Are But Brothers’ review" (GG is like ISIS again)


>Spanish Government Uses Hate Speech Law To Arrest Critic Of The Spanish Government



>Kotaku: "Racist Ugandan Knuckles" is problematic for Overwatch


>David Green Ahmanson - "A tale of two feminists"



fd1d2d No.14226126


That Cobalt a mod that he hates is trans and that Mark told this, this was of course a lie to start drama.

b3387d No.14226130


>Cobalt is a tramny

It all makes sense now tbh

b5517e No.14226132


Was this earlier in this thread? Because I think I started this spergout by insulting Marche earlier. >>14223897

fd1d2d No.14226134

017544 No.14226136


Unironically kill yourself

f6b66f No.14226139


Big tech companies aren't governmental entities. They aren't held to the Constitution. You can say they are against the concept of freedom of speech, sure, but saying they're violating the Constitution means jack shit.

TL;DR: OP Chikasaw is being pushed by a fucking retard.

1a9883 No.14226140

So, with everyone going against Trump in the public institutions, couldn't Trump just defund them for not doing their job?

fd1d2d No.14226141


I'm not a burger could you explain more about this?

bcf49c No.14226145


It already exists, at least for 18+ weeb games.

It's called DLsite.

b3387d No.14226148


I'm still gonna believe it.

If I believe something hard enough, it should come true, right?

017544 No.14226156

File: 96b155555c7997e⋯.png (205.6 KB, 343x384, 343:384, tears of pure horsepiss.PNG)


Okay I believe you look like pic related.

887c49 No.14226163

File: 9143605c1818750⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 299x254, 299:254, 1352761226162.jpg)


spoiler that you fuck

6c37fd No.14226182


The Constitution is (supposed to be) the basis upon which all of the laws in the United States are formed. It says in broad terms what the government can and cannot legislate. It says nothing about businesses not being allowed to restrict the speech of others.

c3ec8a No.14226208

File: d8b11b885420b3c⋯.gif (525.14 KB, 254x278, 127:139, d8b11b885420b3c7c858e0c769….gif)


>Polygon: "Blizzard is hunting down toxic Overwatch players on YouTube"

>Kotaku: "Racist Ugandan Knuckles" is problematic for Overwatch

I fucking hate these people! They are cancer! CANCER. It's constant bullshit with these people are they just get away with it every single time!

9941b1 No.14226230


Are the two even related?

Don't draw associations where they're not specifically stated.

b3387d No.14226237

File: 63ab75d4cd7ffd5⋯.jpg (9.05 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 47062-11460.jpg)


Holy shit dude, delete that!

No one must know my true identity!

c3ec8a No.14226247


Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to imply they're related, I just hate Polygon and Kotaku and their bullshit. These two just happened to set me off.

e3d4c8 No.14226299

File: f0059dd8b1797b9⋯.png (240.04 KB, 468x622, 234:311, cybersecurity.PNG)

9941b1 No.14226331


It pains me deeply that Wu has gotten involved with what used to just be the pro-nerd, pro-tech, pro-Internet crowd.

7f9bfc No.14226342


>Implying the NSA needed a piece of paper to spy on the populace.

4104ab No.14226358


And you were where when each democrat president post jfk endorsed this shit? Oh yeah, crying about republicans and giving kang niggerjew a free pass while, ahem,


Who came up with this shit in the first place. And if you have any belief that hillary would somehow do less spying than trump, a reminder that she voted yes on spying bills, and no on gay rights bills, which you wanted to give her the power to reverse. Shes a classic dem, a party of the south dem, a slave owning dem.

9941b1 No.14226359


The less legal it is, the less people they actually show this stuff too internally. So while they'll do Domestic spying to gather foreign intelligence from U.S. persons no matter what, they'd have far fewer people to dedicate to the task if it was more explicitly illegal.

4104ab No.14226365


True, but now they cannot be punished by the lynch mob as easily when caught.

d63ced No.14226382

File: 4b1196b594ee28e⋯.jpg (74.73 KB, 335x377, 335:377, fun allowed.jpg)


>"Racist Ugandan Knuckles" is problematic for Overwatch

>they're actually trying to rename it from "Ugandan Warrior Knuckles" to "Racist Ugandan Knuckles" to try and prevent people from quoting Who Killed Captain Alex

Remember back when /v/ was the "No Fun Allowed" group?

9941b1 No.14226385


Just like with Hatred, if you want Valve to unban a game, you need to have people email Lord Gaben.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Don't let SJWs be the only squeaky wheel.

d63ced No.14226395


>Shes a classic dem, a party of the south dem, a slave owning dem.

And her mentor was a Grand Dragon of the KKK, which they all seem to want to conveniently ignore.

ca10aa No.14226428

File: a7d54d49a94a1a5⋯.jpg (84.47 KB, 488x516, 122:129, no fun allowed.jpg)


>Remember back when /v/ was the "No Fun Allowed" group?

Yes. Remember when /v/ was a breeding ground for unbearable faggots and shitposting assholes and not one of the last bastions of sanity on this forsaken earth?

49a641 No.14226444


>It says nothing about businesses not being allowed to restrict the speech of others.


>In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Marsh’s favor. Justice Hugo Black decreed that private entities do not have the right to ban speech on their property if they happen to own a monopoly on the means by which speech can take place. Black also argued that the more that private entities open their property up to public use, the fewer rights they have to control or ban what people do on that property.

788f2e No.14226452


>Yes. Remember when /v/ was a breeding ground for unbearable faggots and shitposting assholes and not one of the last bastions of sanity on this forsaken earth?

But it still is a breeding ground for unbearable faggots and shitposting asssholes. I mean just look at you

9941b1 No.14226503


No tech company holds a monopoly (yet) on how speech can take place. Not Twitter nor Facebook nor Google nor Microsoft nor anyone else.

The post on Roosh's forum is a legal theory that ISP monopolies (as his topic was about deep throating AT&T a.k.a. opposing Net Neutrality) wouldn't be allowed to block or throttle legal content. A legal theory that has many dissimilarities with modern day realities (many ISPs are duopolies and argue that content-based throttling is necessary for insert-bullshit-reason-here and most courts have judges too retarded to know when ISPs are bullshitting them).

7f9bfc No.14226524

File: 5024d065013b9b0⋯.png (6.86 KB, 593x157, 593:157, Anonymous assholes is the ….png)

ed0beb No.14226552

File: d9c56e4af4994ce⋯.mp4 (7.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Inspirational Alex Jones.mp4)


>I fucking hate these people! They are cancer! CANCER.

>It's constant bullshit with these people

Goddamn them to hell.

d95396 No.14226559

File: 8bd2f8cf5e2e331⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 538x445, 538:445, d902a5a6bec5a4d9f68f0420cc….jpg)



Isn't FISA a DemocRat and RINO thing

ac15e5 No.14226576


It's based off Marsh v. Alabama. It's not the most solid case but it could reasonably be extended to big tech companies.

ca10aa No.14226658

File: 6f716ed1da68960⋯.png (370.23 KB, 814x790, 407:395, what the absolute fuck is ….png)

File: 850869cd3f1a4c7⋯.png (484.62 KB, 2163x1550, 2163:1550, its super gay.png)

Never, EVER use hair dye, especially on pets. It's SUPER gay.


e390f8 No.14226675


>>Nofap longer than a week and T levels return to normal.


>Would you say once per week is fine?

Sperm live for what, five days? Enjoy having two days of dead sperm decaying in your testicles. I'm sure that's healthy, and probably good for any partner you might expel them into.


Willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the "it was a friend" proviso so frequently means "I don't want to admit I did this" that it does actually incur doubt all on its own.


>MILO doesn't consider us moral degenerates

Yes, much as I love Yiannopoulos, he is an insufferable moralist. Always upright, engaging in sex only for procreation, abstaining from entertainment for its own sake ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!

d502f0 No.14226710

File: 2f2bbe39a750663⋯.png (208.22 KB, 713x496, 23:16, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at ….png)


Ban hair dye. Humans can't be trusted with it.

bb4329 No.14226728

File: b08db3b887f1e96⋯.jpg (776.62 KB, 3376x866, 1688:433, 1451052575901-2.jpg)

9eefd3 No.14226734

File: b4cef83cc1a779f⋯.jpg (770.47 KB, 625x1125, 5:9, Hotline Japari.jpg)


There is a high probability that the owner is a known anarchist/communist/feminist/tranny, they tend to do this to their own pets.

72b5f1 No.14226750

File: 2ec1b8a3da3a399⋯.png (106.77 KB, 265x443, 265:443, 1460680629703.png)

4f9e41 No.14226762


Not a strong enough precedent that I'd risk my personal freedom online from rent seeking ISP Jewishness.

4104ab No.14226768


And I forgot to add got off rapists knowingly, and probably the othe got off as well.


We need a legal definition on what is considered a "monopoly" both online and irl, because its pretty damn vague, especially for online, and companies that have financial ties and who collude should be considered partners and accountable as a singular entity when it comes to monopoly laws, which would gimp google quite a bit.


Who let methwhale near the hair dye again.

bb4329 No.14226770

File: d461e994cdcb8bc⋯.jpg (210.39 KB, 1000x520, 25:13, EeNLvyF.jpg)

File: d3019ec9a0b01fa⋯.jpg (126.06 KB, 500x623, 500:623, eagles_cheerleaders_croppe….jpg)

File: 4a1bd2087f81c93⋯.png (173.87 KB, 489x381, 163:127, 4a1bd2087f81c93a066baadad5….png)

File: e51bdc3f680d091⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 355x494, 355:494, Skater_stretching.gif)

File: 18b2513ddfb5fd8⋯.png (274.59 KB, 500x261, 500:261, 1428369612912-4.png)



>"Comics are sexist because REAL women aren't like that? Has the artist even SEEN a real woman before?

b7ce4a No.14226778


Dogs and Social Justice don't mix.

4104ab No.14226791


They mean "real women who are miserable self loathing whores out of the book witches" are not like that.

4f9e41 No.14226825


Nothing wrong with being a whore, anon.

bb4329 No.14226838

File: b12eee95992fe29⋯.jpg (164.9 KB, 1023x464, 1023:464, 2ua9Tmb.jpg)

File: 12e1f9be815244d⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1018x1600, 509:800, gfXgot.png)

38d2fe No.14226889


>Second pic

Spoiler that gore. I've just fucking eaten.

d63ced No.14226902


>And I forgot to add got off rapists knowingly, and probably the othe got off as well.

And then laughed about it and mocked the victims.

b7ce4a No.14226904


I miss when neon hair dye was mostly for Cosplays, Halloween costumes and teenage girls being rebellious. In Japan, you'd still see cute Gyaru's dying their hair in crazy colors other than blond. Why do SJWs coop hair dye?

e3d4c8 No.14226922

2afe20 No.14226923


>Why do SJWs coop hair dye?

Those ones in particular are the "special snowflakes." I've been really disappointed lately in how it gets thrown around so much that people seem to have forgotten what it truly means. People that have an obsession with "being different," despite the fact that the chances of multiple people being the same is extraordinarily low. Like snowflakes; you'll likely never see two with the exact same pattern. But that's just not enough for them. They have to be "special," no matter the cost.

b7ce4a No.14226937

File: 2b65b5608bf21de⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 363x501, 121:167, de2.gif)


>Overwatch is dead

Rest In Piss.

b7ce4a No.14226948

File: 6604454d8832ecd⋯.png (753.15 KB, 850x845, 170:169, Hips.png)


Funny thing is that everyone is unique, even if they seem more or less the same. The irony is that in their attempt to be unique, they become a carbon copy of each other.

017544 No.14226967

Encyclopedia Dramatica used all the court dosh on meth?

d63ced No.14226976

File: 59d5af0a80ab0ee⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 599x600, 599:600, deserve to be booed.jpg)


>meanwhile, in the actual game, they're continuing to completely rape certain characters and make them not as useful for their intended roles

afb33c No.14226989


Nah on booze. The owner took the money and ran like a bitch. Also the fag obssessed with school shootings made a mediocre performance of one and killed himself after a meager two victims :^)

07a644 No.14226991


>"Comics are sexist because REAL women aren't like that? Has the artist even SEEN a real woman before?

The females in this fictional story with people who have super-human strength and superpowers are doing things that real women can't do, so it's problematic!

7253bd No.14227009

File: 47414701118bb07⋯.jpg (78.34 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ThorRagnarok5994db7ddfb8c.….jpg)



This excuse doesn't even fly anymore since Captain Marvel costume is less revealing than Thor's.

4104ab No.14227011


Not a whore, but you can tell when a whore is self loathing vs one who embraces and loves herself anyways, see lw vs mercedes.

6d1921 No.14227029

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


They're video is insane. They straight up say that they will scour your accounts on other sites outside of the game, look if you're engaging in "toxic behavior", and block you on that alone preemptively, regardless if anyone reports you.

See 2:22 - 3:02

2afe20 No.14227041


Jesus, how long before they find a pro-Trump comment on Facebook and use that to justify a ban?

d63ced No.14227051

File: 19a7803b13f74fa⋯.webm (427.01 KB, 640x360, 16:9, you're not just wrong, yo….webm)



07a644 No.14227069


Overwatch and Blizzard are cancer. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

b7ce4a No.14227116

File: fab0e858d71002a⋯.png (927.99 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, Smug Rina.png)


>Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

As Abraham Lincoln said it best. Post your smugs.

20d0f5 No.14227124

File: d40df2189565342⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Kazuchika Okada Come At Me….jpg)


aaf3da No.14227125

File: 8b8f87882b757a9⋯.png (31.44 KB, 590x494, 295:247, 2.png)

File: 80dfc6b325bde16⋯.png (10.63 KB, 590x407, 590:407, sleepy turtle.png)

>this notification has been waiting for me since the 16th

I should really check that account more often. I don't even remember what I reported him for.

255db7 No.14227136



I am extremely fucking upset.

901f55 No.14227175

Mind if I shill a bit? Mangagamer is doing a survey for what games you want to see licensed in the future. Let's try to get them a partnership with Lune! Maybe they'll localized the vanilla lewd elves game they made recently!


ca10aa No.14227193

File: 76ca26ff8ae1e86⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1287x2978, 1287:2978, dobs.png)


>go to check to see if he's banned due to two twitterfags having reports turn up successfully now

>his account is still up, yet there's nothing but retweets

>even archive.is bringing up nothing but retweets http://archive.fo/Oh204

aaf3da No.14227212


Wait, when did he nuke all his tweets? Because I looked through old notifications and I reported him in early December, It's just a handful of retweets on his account now.


what the fuck did i report him for? apparently I also got some antifa-looking account banned and I don't remember even reporting that one

ca10aa No.14227226

File: 59ee3143eada8a5⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 540x349, 540:349, shrug.gif)


>what the fuck did i report him for?

I was about to ask.

aaf3da No.14227235


I legitimately don't remember. Reading through mentions of him from around the time it probably involved Trump. Some of the mentions claim he was suspended for a while.

0e13d9 No.14227236


Do these retards even know what capitalism is?

Consumerism isn't capitalism, it promotes shitty products that would otherwise fail and doesn't incentivize businesses to better.

Corporatism isn't capitalism, it limits smaller businesses, subsidizes failing sectors and promotes inefficiency.

Yea, fix monopolies by making an even bigger monopoly.

20d0f5 No.14227245

File: 4b2976b2b920c81⋯.jpg (203.38 KB, 514x656, 257:328, Retard 2174.jpg)

4b8558 No.14227251


I remember, it was because Dobson kept making gay death threats towards Trump

2afe20 No.14227254


Sounds like someone that loves dishing out criticism can't take any.

e3d4c8 No.14227275

Nathan Grayson: Finally, Upsets Are Happening In Overwatch League



4b8558 No.14227278


This is the brain of an effiminate man who refuses to believe his shit don't stink.

2afe20 No.14227281



This is literally the first league. How do they even have a system where they can classify something as an "upset?"

b7ce4a No.14227283

File: 2dbba6298ef0880⋯.jpg (781.74 KB, 975x1300, 3:4, Pop Team Shota.jpg)


Overwatch is dead.

aaf3da No.14227289



Taking the esports angle for a non-competitive game with so much bullshit in it was one of the biggest mistakes they could have made. The game's skill ceiling is retardedly low and it's more about matchups than actual skill. You might as well watch competitive Pokemon.

b7ce4a No.14227291


Or competitive Smash Bros.

aaf3da No.14227296


Smash Bros legitimately takes more skill than Overwatch. That's not a compliment to Smash Bros, it's an insult to Overwatch.

d502f0 No.14227304

File: cc2d301dd1e88e3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 16.68 KB, 181x255, 181:255, c9a00f262a6ceb22276c761fe9….png)

File: 9b6d1f6772276ea⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 696.65 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, 9b6d1f6772276ea792178c0030….png)

File: 60a43d407f4e8a3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 700.04 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, 60a43d407f4e8a30257293436e….png)


Anything can be an e-sport if enough people watch it even fucking Hearthstone

d502f0 No.14227316

File: c9a00f262a6ceb2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 755.41 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, c9a00f262a6ceb22276c761fe9….png)


Whoops saved a thumbnail.

aaf3da No.14227322


For the first two weeks of my first college semester there was a guy who would come to every class and just play Hearthstone all period. I don't get why you would want to play a pure RNG game that's somehow also pay to win. The only semi-competitive game I play is Rivals of Aether. It's by no means a super-competitive game but it's not Overwatch, either. I'd say it's even more competitive than Smash since even the worst characters can win tourneys.

20d0f5 No.14227325

File: 02bbee4e740d39b⋯.jpg (94.1 KB, 720x670, 72:67, Retard 2175.jpg)

b7ce4a No.14227330


I know. It's funny how a party game takes more skill than Overwatch which had the premise to be "competitive."

9c6247 No.14227363

File: 7b273ad3464bbe4⋯.png (766 KB, 1440x1142, 720:571, Screenshot_2018-01-26-19-4….png)


That picture is disingenuous, that streamer should be wearing a shirt that shows her breasts.

aaf3da No.14227366


It's kind of disappointing. If it was maybe a little less casual and had player-owned servers/mod support, it could be a decent TF2 replacement. Never did find a good one. But instead it's super casual and most of the players seem to be ASSFAGGOTS fanboys. The type of person who freaks out when they lose (because they suck) and screams at everyone else on voice chat. From what little I've played, I think part of that is because you never feel like you got outplayed. When you die it feels like it's just because of janky mechanics or bugs or poor balance. There's never a feeling of "yeah I lost because the other guy was better" I played a lot of Unreal Tournament in high school. I sucked at it but I never felt robbed by a death.

b7ce4a No.14227378

File: b20f4681d7370f7⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, b20f4681d7370f768daf345cd4….png)


As the old saying goes. If you want a good arena shooter, you got to make one yourself.

aaf3da No.14227404


I wish I had the time and willpower to make one. I like to think I have an idea of what makes one decent. For starters, not having a bunch of shitty unbalanced "hero" characters that just piss people off and make them feel like they got ripped off.

07a644 No.14227421


>When you die it feels like it's just because of janky mechanics or bugs or poor balance. There's never a feeling of "yeah I lost because the other guy was better" I played a lot of Unreal Tournament in high school. I sucked at it but I never felt robbed by a death.

This is going to be the future of video games. Games like that are designed specifically for millennials who don't take responsibility for their actions, blame everyone else for their problems, and never accept their own shortcomings.

LoL was like that too, I think that's why so many people here hated that game. I hated it too, and I got dragged there with friends (who I disowned because of their shit taste). I saw the same thing. Tons of horrible, awful gamers who suck at games. And LoL always had an excuse for losing a game that's not yours. Jungler didn't gank, someone died too earlier and fed someone, etc. Carry didn't carry, etc.

Games like Overwatch and LoL are designed so that no matter how much you suck at the game, you never have to admit you suck, because there's always someone else you can blame. Not only that, but if you're playing with someone good and you win a lot, you can take credit for winning. The games are designed around the fact that the players will always do something wrong and always do something right, and it lets gamers focus on what's most important to them.

Our LoL group fell apart when all the shitty players who always made excuses dragged the good players into ranked duo queue and they ranked bronze V. Meanwhile, only a few of the good ones went on to be silver, gold, even platinum.

But I guess my convoluted point is that these big studios have figured out how to make shitty players feel like they're good players, and have come up with ways for their shittiness to be masked by something other than themselves.

2242f7 No.14227428

File: fb7304251251bc0⋯.png (548.31 KB, 1928x1047, 1928:1047, making a shit game just to….png)

b7ce4a No.14227432

File: 876a2ab698cd3ab⋯.png (4.82 MB, 1000x1682, 500:841, 876a2ab698cd3ab18a326bb662….png)


There's probably someone out there that might develop it. Maybe.

9c6247 No.14227447


I didn't realize that video game studios had composers.

aaf3da No.14227450


A girlfriend badgered me into getting OW to play with her. It's not very fun but I used to curbstomp 3v3s with her and my brother. Just a matter of picking characters that work well together and not running off like a retard. We broke up anyway.


I hope so.


Doesn't it cost money to put a game on Steam, too? That's an expensive shitpost.

54c20b No.14227453

File: 06eb2320e533012⋯.png (427.3 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

d502f0 No.14227461

File: a006307d75de532⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 212.61 KB, 640x496, 40:31, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at ….png)



Not sure if parody

54c20b No.14227481

File: d4fffc55d718bb1⋯.png (533.95 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


You'd think so. Everything about it is so fucking ridiculous

20d0f5 No.14227488

File: 1709015dcff01fe⋯.jpg (173.32 KB, 1200x1176, 50:49, Feminist Bingo 2.jpg)

2242f7 No.14227495


I think it is.

94ae1e No.14227503

File: 6c37d9f2c1843a3⋯.png (98.1 KB, 500x444, 125:111, 1380825534982.png)

e3d4c8 No.14227507

File: 2a8fa98c1d8231e⋯.png (553.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, overwatch.png)

e3d4c8 No.14227521

File: 9d61a483f5d64c4⋯.png (47.27 KB, 459x548, 459:548, women in tech.PNG)

File: dec6ae6e6a92cee⋯.png (12.58 KB, 449x168, 449:168, subpoena.PNG)

07a644 No.14227534


Everything US tech industry says about hiring Americans is all bullshit so they can make an excuse to hire H1Bs.

>no one can code, we need H1Bs!

>we want to hire women but there's not enough! We need more H1Bs!

>we're investing so hard into comp sci education, but they won't be ready until 10 years, we need more H1Bs!

>there's not enough qualified coders who will take our job openings! We need more H1Bs!

Everything the US tech industry bitches about in regards to hiring people can always be traced back to wanting more H1Bs.

d63ced No.14227557

File: 5fb7cf16aef4cb1⋯.webm (2.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, fuck.webm)


>Rami dishes out harsh (and wrong) criticism all the time

>but when someone else criticizes him in a harsh manner, suddenly it's a problem

b7ce4a No.14227561

File: 0b62c0c1975bc3e⋯.gif (540.23 KB, 498x278, 249:139, Patted by dragon daughteru.gif)


There needs to be companies starting up that aren't Silicon Valley shit and aren't in California.

d63ced No.14227567

File: c1c55577cf599ac⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 319x395, 319:395, 1491402785615.jpg)



>not wanting to be in a Big Brother state means you're Alt-Right

94ae1e No.14227574


Alt-right is pretty much a boogeyman nowadays. I'm surprised GG wasn't included in the bingo.

d95396 No.14227575

File: f31f10cbf4c5e08⋯.png (92.6 KB, 353x285, 353:285, 1396906530439.png)


James Bond Burger?

54c20b No.14227576


They're spreading out. The sreason they're in Silicon Valley is that they have, quite literally, close to no taxes at all on the state level if they set up there. A lot of tech companies are beginning to break off and start up other places

e3d4c8 No.14227590

>Gal*Gun 2 interview with Inti Creates - The past, the future, lewd games and thoughts on censorship



e3d4c8 No.14227608

File: d2eff70a8bb9ba4⋯.png (412.6 KB, 601x575, 601:575, morale.PNG)

d63ced No.14227626

File: b252764a5823114⋯.png (14.92 KB, 750x816, 125:136, 1365907189462.png)


<g-guys, please get hyped about our games so EA doesn't take us out back and shoots us in the head

360c64 No.14227636

File: 516b681760c5274⋯.png (220.3 KB, 520x450, 52:45, 516b681760c527434a5ccdc511….png)


>close to no taxes at all on the state level if they set up there

Oh boy! Tax exemptions!

#TrumpTaxEvasion #Notmypresident

07a644 No.14227658



Scumbag liberals

<Everyone has to pay their fair share

<Make sure you pay your super high income taxes!

<oh Google doesn't have to pay taxes, they're special

<BTW Drumpf is such a fascist! xD

d63ced No.14227673


>oh Google doesn't have to pay taxes, they're special

And if they think they can get away with it, they'll offer to let companies pocket certain taxes. Chicago's pitch for Amazon to have their second HQ there was "we'll let you have the state payroll tax for a decade." Keep in mind that Illinois is a hair's breadth away from defaulting on their debt.

07a644 No.14227689


I just think it's hilarious liberals run around telling people that it's a duty to pay higher taxes and that lower taxes doesn't stimulate the economy, and then California is like that.

e3d4c8 No.14227691

File: dbcf05908e090e2⋯.png (378.15 KB, 596x633, 596:633, graphics card.PNG)

File: f773b8e946fb9b6⋯.png (142.29 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, scr.png)

File: db3cf021d5cbe05⋯.png (107.14 KB, 607x644, 607:644, logan law and order.PNG)

File: b10ad57b6e25900⋯.png (83.76 KB, 611x489, 611:489, logan paul plays gamergate.PNG)

d63ced No.14227693


And that their solution for all the coffers being drained is "just spend more money."

ede0e0 No.14227695


Pierce In n' Out

d63ced No.14227702

File: 81618165ecfd240⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Slowpoke_metroid.jpg)


>that Scooby Wu tweet

We're going to need an especially slow Slowpoke for this one, Christ.

54c20b No.14227703


>Logan Paul played Gamergate on SVU

That actually is funny

360c64 No.14227707


Mid-tier GPUs are being eaten up by bitcoin miners. Especially AMD.

You either go for low or high tier gpus.

0d6842 No.14227730

File: 03098826f792a19⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 611x548, 611:548, Oh Man.jpg)


Better late than never.

d63ced No.14227747


I love how the actor who played not-GamerGate on SVU being a complete douchebag is absolute validation for Scooby Wu to continue acting like a complete dick and then turning around and crying victim.

ca10aa No.14227752

File: 3c66c3ca93a17ba⋯.webm (638.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, slowpoke the movie.webm)


On one hand, if I tweet this two years after the fact he'll probably claim harassment since he probably won't know why the fuck I'll do it. On the other hand, it would be funny. I'll see if I remember it and if he's still trying to be relevant by that time.


>There has never been anything more perfect than the fact that this guy played Gamergate on TV

>he seriously believes him being hired to portray a character represents his views and beliefs because of some absolutely stupid and disrespectful shit Logan did in Japan, nevermind the fact that even the 'Gaymergators' have been calling this shit out from the beginning

By that logic Vincent Price must've been a real asshole since he played Zigzag in The Thief and the Cobbler.

d63ced No.14227761


>By that logic Vincent Price must've been a real asshole since he played Zigzag in The Thief and the Cobbler.

By that logic, Gary Oldman's a midget because he played one at some point.

788f2e No.14227764


>tfw I finally wanted to build a computer and was happy that the new 1060 was only like $200

>I now look and they are $500+

d291ef No.14227797

File: 3076c9c4d15620c⋯.webm (12.15 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Silver Forestː Kero ⑨ Des….webm)


100 posts later, and no one notices this beautiful smug Freya? Shame on all y'all.


What the fuck kind of pull does >she have to get >her shit opinions on an outlet as big although admittedly left-leaning as HuffingtonPaint?



These chucklefucks need to play a real FPS, like Xonotic or Chex Quest.


Even fucking Kloah is drawing them now? How obscure was it before the anime?

20d0f5 No.14227808

File: e84842df4d8ba6b⋯.jpg (128 KB, 514x445, 514:445, screenshot.362.jpg)

e3d4c8 No.14227879

>The word "NeoGAF" will be removed from future Scribblenauts games, according to Game Informer's Imran Khan after talking to Warner Bros.


>Niche Gamer: "NeoGAF Owner Admits Identity Politics, Authoritarian Left Hostility, and Unfair Moderation Ruined its Community." Mentions KiA and goes further into the fallout.



>Valve clarifies streaming guidelines, tells ESL to stop illegally using the DMCA to shutdown alternate streams


>Kotaku: Valve weighs in on the recent debate about who's allowed to stream Dota 2 tournaments



afb33c No.14227920

File: 96bc9ac07472e53⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 908x730, 454:365, 75e8317a648f8e593b9174cd78….jpg)


>more comedy by women

does not compute

>more DIY by women

hospitals are going to have a field day then

aaf3da No.14227925


Does a sandwich count as DIY? Because I think that's the only thing built by a woman I would trust.

72b5f1 No.14227939


>more vlogs by women

For some reason, I don't think that's a difficult feat to accomplish.

54c20b No.14227942

File: 734f8ebefa90b42⋯.webm (1.48 MB, 852x480, 71:40, co talks superheros.webm)


Any woman that has done things because she was trying to prove women can do it has failed miserably at it. I've met plenty of girls that can fix cars and all sorts of shit, and none of them ever had a "WOMEN CAN DO IT TOO" chip on their shoulder.

7e2c98 No.14227943


I remember some sjw actually killed their dog by doing that a few years ago.


you signed your death warrant the moment you decided to go to EA. It is not like no one tried to warn you

aaf3da No.14227955


I think the only way they could get more women vloggers would be to go back to the old recommended videos system, where every somewhat popular video's sidebar was full of women in low-cut shirts "reacting" to the video.

b77211 No.14228061

File: 42ccc541cd89f0b⋯.gif (2.41 MB, 532x560, 19:20, dc85f6d9d4ee4978a316550964….gif)


I aint even gonna slowpoke this level of Wupid

Instead nanachi

d95396 No.14228085

File: c5390cfb23a77ff⋯.jpg (89.19 KB, 800x1002, 400:501, 1413392990275.jpg)




b76b73 No.14228102

File: 78797190c34b67b⋯.png (796.95 KB, 1456x1003, 1456:1003, Longing and the system.png)

File: c0c34575b677256⋯.png (289.03 KB, 561x860, 561:860, Society is a cage.png)

File: 92ac879991a1495⋯.png (24.07 KB, 188x230, 94:115, Bureaucratic sarcasm.png)

File: 11397ca4e85789d⋯.png (530.78 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db8d11f227772df⋯.mp4 (6.32 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Whose line is it anyway - ….mp4)


<first two pics related


<Third pic related


>Women do shit too

Yeah, they're about hundreds of years late on that actually being news.



That one is particularly interesting considering how two-thirds of Whose Line had a female comedian on there.

4104ab No.14228144


>queer eye president skit

Surprised he has not be chewed out for it.

20d0f5 No.14228170

File: 018c0cf8b2fb91c⋯.png (301.17 KB, 615x346, 615:346, Broken Matt What 2.png)

>Tor spammer spammed random links

9ae74d No.14228193


What's in the album?

b77211 No.14228195

File: a31db02554ac199⋯.png (208.03 KB, 869x453, 869:453, Video-Game_Comic_Vol_0-1_-….png)

9ae74d No.14228197


Oh, its just the shitty comics.

e3d4c8 No.14228259

>Melanie Ehrenkranz / Gizmodo - "It Was Only a Matter of Time Before Internet Trolls Made More Sophisticated Fake Porn Videos" (gamedrops)


>Kotaku's Maddy Myers makes snarky passive-aggressive correction to article on Overwatch bird-flipping incident after reader explained that it means the same thing in Korea - "A reader and esports agent says he regularly flipped off his classmates in third grade in South Korea."



54c20b No.14228268


>"It Was Only a Matter of Time Before Internet Trolls Made More Sophisticated Fake Porn Videos"

Since when the fuck was a troll "Anyone who does something that makes me unhappy"?

000000 No.14228335

Why did the hotpockets delete my posts and ban me?

72b5f1 No.14228340


I assume it was this: >>14228170

0c480e No.14228346


Some guy spammed 21 posts of just links. I deleted all TOR posts in just this thread, if you got caught up in it, I'm sorry.

000000 No.14228356


Oh, it's the comicfag. Do you guys like him? I got called a shill for telling him to fuck off once.


No problem.

b77211 No.14228360


>Do you guys like him?


54c20b No.14228363


>Oh, it's the comicfag. Do you guys like him?

I didn't mind him but he just went full cancer thinking we wanted him to spam album links of his comics

b77211 No.14228374

File: ada146a85424ec6⋯.jpg (145.78 KB, 600x800, 3:4, nerobob.jpg)

b76b73 No.14228383


>Oh, it's the comicfag.


>he just went full cancer thinking we wanted him to spam album links of his comics

That highly doubt that was the comicfag. His ID in this thread is dcd94f. And, Tor posters are more often the ones guilty of spamming shit like this (Up to a month ago: PICKLE RICK!!! WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB).

d63ced No.14228389

File: c6ed727ca62ac70⋯.png (69.44 KB, 237x200, 237:200, 1436667708960.png)


>CNN (yes I know) puts out a documentary about women in comedy

>women in the 70's and 80's were funny as shit because they were just as capable of laughing at themselves as they were laughing at others

>then they get to the modern era of "muh vagina (laugh track) by the way, I totes raped a dude in college (laugh track)"

>they go so far as to argue that it's superior because "only sexists liked the old comedy," and anyone who has a problem with that is just a misogynist troll

20d0f5 No.14228395

File: f909bbd231a4b5d⋯.jpg (320.18 KB, 822x630, 137:105, Retard 2176.jpg)

ca10aa No.14228397



Honestly, I've hated pickles all my life, and seeing this unfunny forced meme about a character a show I also really don't like, especially after April Fool's Day, being turned into a pickle only solidified my hatred of the damn thing. The spam from butthurt TORfags did not help any.

54c20b No.14228401


If you enjoy the combat of MMO RPGs, then that article is absolutely right. Just because you fucking hate MOBAs doesn't mean no one is allowed to enjoy them.

b77211 No.14228406


>just because you fucking hate MOBAs doesn't mean no one is allowed to enjoy them.

yes it does

d63ced No.14228411


>Just because you fucking hate MOBAs doesn't mean no one is allowed to enjoy them.

I don't think I've ever met a MOBA player that genuinely enjoyed MOBAs.

6d1921 No.14228412


>based on me

Except it was clearly based on Quinn and Anita.

d63ced No.14228419


Shh, let the narcissist believe he was in any way important after the obvious troll job he and Frank pulled to get onto CNN.

54c20b No.14228424


I enjoy them plenty. The base gameplay is fun, however it's usually everything surrounding them that ruins the experience.

07a644 No.14228426


That's because MOBA is MOBAD

d63ced No.14228441


>"A reader and esports agent says he regularly flipped off his classmates in third grade in South Korea."

See, this is the reason why people hate Gawker Media. The exact moment someone opens up and shares a life experience, they immediately run to the most relevant cryblog site to use it against them.


Since about 2007, when all these people got their first iPhone.

4104ab No.14228450


There is one asian woman who mcoks modern woman and how they act, forget her name, but shes the only one close to as you describe. The rest are either the equivalent of piss and shit jokes, or trying to mock others for unpc behavior, or trying to sound funny through vocal manipulation.

3bc535 No.14228476


>There is one asian woman who mcoks modern woman and how they act, forget her name,


3bc535 No.14228493


MOBAs don't even have character creators, so what's the point?


I only post the album link when people ask for it

also if the comics are ever posted by ToR users they are not the TRUE and HONEST me

54c20b No.14228506


>MOBAs don't even have character creators, so what's the point?

Each Moba character is basically a select set of skills to be used, instead of giving each person 100 different things to choose from. The interplay of what spells you focus on to counter other champions and what items you build is a lot of fun.

>I only post the album link when people ask for it

Glad it wasn't you, it's nice to see dudes that know how to not turn faggots when they get attention.

3bc535 No.14228524


the problem is that that doesn't get my attention.

as a faggot who still plays MMOs in their free time, I like to bully elves, tell people about the Elven Question and grindan. you can't do that in ASSFAGGOTS because you gotta constantly be on your toes to defeat the enemy, you can't bully elves and the elves on your team can't be PKed.

8456b4 No.14228536


>Why do SJWs coop hair dye?

For the glory of Slaanesh.

b2f45c No.14228541


No, it really doesn't. The progression from peasant to badass is fun, yes, but you can get that in all sorts of places. It is also shit in MOBAs for similar reasons to why level scaling is shit. You can't bully the enemies that used to scare the shit out of you. If you were losing in a MOBA to the point where you are being overpowered drastically, you aren't going to be getting a come back unless the enemy royally fucks up, or there is a severe balancing issue.

352f66 No.14228547

File: 3ea3ec189989859⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 200x200, 1:1, pantsu on head retarded.jpg)


They do have a sort of character creator. They're called skins and you have to buy them with real money, or grind for six figures of game shekels.

3bc535 No.14228560

File: cf5f9fd13d6b171⋯.jpg (66.31 KB, 642x480, 107:80, gdfgdgdg.jpg)


and that's fucking gay.

it's not a character I made, so I feel disconnected and uninterested.

maybe that's just me. It's also why I can't play most JRPGs in general since all the characters are premade and I can't fit myself into the role, it's not a character I made from scratch.

b76b73 No.14228597

File: 31e2c78fa553b98⋯.webm (11.91 MB, 622x350, 311:175, Analysis_ How to Pick a C….webm)


Just have fun, and/or "role play" as someone different to you. That's really the only answer I can give.

0c7496 No.14228600

File: 611d839f418b8f8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 300.3 KB, 622x600, 311:300, 611d839f418b8f8089564f834d….png)

Well, fuck me, I got dumped againI hope at least that all of you anons are having a good night

b6084b No.14228601

Does cow udder counts as 4 boobs or just 1 boob with 4 nipples?

3bc535 No.14228608


it's easier to do that in single player games, the only onle game I didn't have a problem to do that was TF2, but that's because the game was actually FUN back when I played it.

I'm just saying the reason why as an MMO player, I can not get into ASSFAGGOTS.


I'm so sorry, anon, I hope everything turns out for the best

cb65d5 No.14228609


Honestly this neofag thing feels like a failed powergrab looking on how fast and eager the mods left, theres no way that shit wasn't scripted. Hopefully they never regain the amount of power they had on resetera.

b77211 No.14228612


it counts as an udder


not your blog faggot and you deserve it so just kill yourself


>more tranny talk

b54f89 No.14228623

File: a58a1eca63eb939⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 210x215, 42:43, ching_chong_but_also_despa….jpg)


I'll check your sad dubs for now.

0c7496 No.14228626

File: 88888ed8796f40b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 73.69 KB, 223x213, 223:213, 1425802773184.png)


I hope so, thanks anon


The relationship was shit already and she refused to work for it, probably because she projected everything wrong in her on me. I wanted the relationship to end but man it hurts anyway.


I love you too anon

360c64 No.14228646

File: b36565f1fc12333⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 281.17 KB, 950x950, 1:1, 73223e74b720cb0e99190270fc….jpg)


Anon, just remember that you're a faggot, holy shit

b6084b No.14228652


>it counts as an udder

i'm talking about udders in terms of boob/nipples here

3bc535 No.14228653


the fact that it's over means that time will heal it

she was a cunt, so one day she'll get what's good for her, while you'll be doing way better than her

b6084b No.14228677

File: 656949021f5c5ca⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 1415x1251, 1415:1251, 656949021f5c5cab7e12d163b7….jpg)


Who fucking cares?

b2f45c No.14228724


That and they knew about what he did previously, but either covered it up or blatantly ignored it.

b5517e No.14228783


Bathroom humor is bottom of the barrel, male comedians who rely on that shit deserve the same scorn as women who rely on it.

b5517e No.14228786


>Hard mode DLC

It has to be.

fcd7cb No.14228921

File: ec16d0df87339c1⋯.jpg (231 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Asuka frazzled.jpg)

Wiki update

So I took some time today and basically brute-forced the CSS and extensions that GG.me and tivg were using. Some of it done from cmd.exe from my work computer.

After installing and properly configuring, the last of the major tag and image errors seem to be fixed. Some articles are still going to need to be cleaned and adjusted.

Also last night I managed to steal TIVG's templates via the export API, and incorporated them as well. The wiki backend is basically fixed until the remaining small article updates are done. Everything should be working.

Get the articles tweaked and I'll start doing the backup system. I'm beat.

b77211 No.14229087

4104ab No.14229096


No, but its the asian who made a scit bemoaning how the sufferage basically enslaved women.



6d1921 No.14229111

File: b581333d63ca619⋯.png (76.98 KB, 666x399, 222:133, DESTINED.png)


There's been rising murmurs of the technology that allows you to more convincingly make fake porn videos by swapping celebs and others faces. Irregardless how this develops in the future, Gizmodo in having their butthurt wasted no time to bring up gamergate.

Also, was Celebgate ever a thing or terminology used? I remember the Fappening.

20d0f5 No.14229134

File: ea7a36a457aa358⋯.jpg (147.05 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, Kazuchika Okada Derp 15.jpg)

Good evening.

a925a4 No.14229137

File: d003d3dda3dc9a8⋯.png (193.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, vlcsnap-2018-01-20-22h13m3….png)


Nice work acid mang.

20d0f5 No.14229141

File: 93debcab5f4b7b4⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, Retard 2177.jpg)

4fe2f2 No.14229143

File: 202264e93b85b9d⋯.gif (254.72 KB, 355x202, 355:202, whipping.gif)


Back to work!

5156f9 No.14229184


>There's been a few idiots here who keep reductively assigning every and all issues we have with bad translations and censorship to "connor and the cartel" because those are the only names they've heard about from these threads,

That was five or six threads ago, and nobody but Marche has continually brought it up since. He's sperging out of control.

b77211 No.14229191


Why do you keep saying im sperging when its you who keeps talking about me

Grow up kid, saying I'm sperging while having a big ass sperg about me all because I said stop getting upset connor isnt making websites so stop bringing him up.

e34bfa No.14229193

File: 6d4ff953c9c3ed2⋯.jpg (196.18 KB, 701x701, 1:1, 1357897227497.jpg)


Jesus, that entire article reads as a fucking blogpost. Half of it looks like him trying to show off an english degree by dramatizing his first time playing and using big words like "versimilitude".

>"Little of the game's animation reads as if it was handcrafted for the sake of the player-even though it surely was. Instead, it reads as if this is just is the way the world honestly moves, as if this is how it has to move. It's why so many of these fights have felt grave and ugly and, yes, a little guilt inducing, especially when the wounds from these fights are so well communicated"

>goes on tho whine about how guilty he feels that the game's story doesn't justify his hunting because they're animals, not a BBEG

Of course.

>"any ecological message it tries to convey is undercut by the larger narrative and mechanical thrust: You are here to conquer and claim."

>"In our current moment, the phrase "big game hunter" brings to mind Trump's sons posing with their kills"

>entire tangent about how a human migration period where a society breaks new ground to live in while fighting off predators = evil pilgrims stealing the US from poor helpless injuns

Oh fuck off.

b77211 No.14229205


Also I posted nothing about cobalt being a tranny someone else did. I got a one hour ban then 24 hours almost straight after for laughing at the post saying he is a tranny thats friends with drybones

Im inbanned now So I assume he removed the 24 hour because I got a static IP

5156f9 No.14229251


Holy fucking shit this is gold.

fd1d2d No.14229273



Can you at least own up to your bullshit like an actual adult for once?

5156f9 No.14229305


To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to appreciate the taste of pickles.



b77211 No.14229307


Own up to what?

You keep resorting to UMAD to hide your anger that I told you to stop talking about connor and trying to get others to do things for you

If you wanna talk about bad localisation do it ya know?

when I saw the shit about xenoblades rabbit girl I asked a couple people with the game to take some screenshots over her so I could see the actual model

What did you do? Ya know besides get mad at me for no reason?

b77211 No.14229312

File: fb6f4e4d4adc897⋯.jpg (632.98 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180126-225014.jpg)



Thats was my ban reason, discussing a made in abyss with a couple other anons who also got banned all while people were talking about trannies

5156f9 No.14229323


Then yes. You were unjustly banned in this thread while tranny shit stayed up. You've still been sperging about Connor for several threads after anons stopped talking about him.

b77211 No.14229363


Ive hardly been posting the last few days.

Its just one guy constantly starting shit because I said to stop telling others what to do and do it himself.

Oh and also saying stop trying to create board wars with /a/ because that shit is just as stupid. (that got me a 24 hour ban)

ac15e5 No.14229377


>someone else is the one starting shit

>going to a different board is board wars

b77211 No.14229385


Who are you quoting?

5156f9 No.14229393


A furfag? :^)

d18d7e No.14229441

File: e871ee51471fb66⋯.png (176.81 KB, 1266x1158, 211:193, gond jew stop derail.png)

b77211 No.14229454


>someone else derails the thread by lying about me

>some how my fault for (((correcting the record)))

15cd61 No.14229456

File: c43507aad053fa1⋯.jpg (384.78 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Yin.jpg)

File: 8e33b2be57c6a28⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Aurora.jpg)

File: 9686d91f1554251⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Countess.jpg)



Shit game that was designed wrong and played wrong, a shame, it had nice looking fapbait champions.

20d0f5 No.14229462



Damn, she's a keeper. Can you share more pictures of her?

b6084b No.14229463


It doesn't change the fact that you're derailing the thread.

[/spoiler]Also, who fucking cares.[/spoiler]

b77211 No.14229468


Look all like generic assfaggot characters, good riddens

d18d7e No.14229476


eehhh, characters look okay but game's shit. just waiting for the XNAlara community to rip the models so animators can make porn of em

5156f9 No.14229478

File: 216c2c4c7efb507⋯.png (63.41 KB, 228x217, 228:217, smug_panty.png)



You have to go back.

a74ce6 No.14229487

File: d8e4b2d6c66a7ba⋯.jpg (519.41 KB, 642x1240, 321:620, dead elves is good elves.jpg)

Rememberer to adblock or become part of the Youtube advertiser botnet kids:


15cd61 No.14229488

File: 01d03157fe5b07b⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 864x486, 16:9, Daily Aurora.jpg)

File: e57b350fc62d5ec⋯.jpg (63.44 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Lich Queen Aurora.jpg)

File: c8c4cad5047b82a⋯.jpg (94.03 KB, 1189x1080, 1189:1080, Aurora Concept.jpg)


Here you go friend.



It was literally a SMITE x DOTA game that failed to use the Unreal Engine other than looking good, it was fucking clunky and shit. I liked the champion designs but the game played horrible and didn't mesh well, if it was a third-person action/fighter game it could have been fun, but nah, still feeling that pain with Anarchy Reigns

20d0f5 No.14229493


Now I know on why PHP blacklists my IP. It's because of this shit. I got my Ublock Origin on and yet I kept getting flagged for this shit.

1a9883 No.14229496

So, can anyone explain me the golden toilet shit and the Van Gock thing besides leftist faggots are still butthurt about Trump?

20d0f5 No.14229501

>>14229488 ← (Checked)

Thanks, anon. She's indeed a hottie.

b77211 No.14229502


Trump askes museum for a painting, they sent him a golden toilet because drumbf.

Thats it

15cd61 No.14229505


tl:dr, Leftist Museum Curator being a bitch then spreads to fake news bullshit about the request to media then doesn't respond.

afb33c No.14229509


You know who else hates pickles? Chris-chan. Are you Chris-chan?


>there are no reasons to use adblock, just be a good goy and turn off that pesky adblock

Everyone say thanks to MundaneFatt for exposing fools to malware and miners.

d18d7e No.14229517



>Unreal Engine

Oh my god that screams 'Google Play store shovelware'

1a9883 No.14229518



I don't know how american museums work, but don't they depend on federal funding? couldn't Trump just defund anything not doing their job?

15cd61 No.14229529


It was, as much as some anons like to enjoy CnC Renegade where you're in first person mode in a Real-Time Strategy game, it was shit, this is like if DOTA tries to go third-person action mode but it didn't play well, only looks good and it was pretty much Battleborn but with the added bonus of playing really fucking slow.


This Museum is in Jew York, they already declared themselves a sovereign state, plus the amount of "Modern Art" in that museum should already warn you off.

5156f9 No.14229532


Hooktube is about to get much more popular.

d18d7e No.14229544

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


if only they fixed that thumbnail. every video being hookwormed by hooktube is a possible joke video for all I care

a74ce6 No.14229547

File: e0d63dc5afbcac7⋯.jpg (27.1 KB, 1090x888, 545:444, Sexy legs gondola.jpg)

I just want to post this

017544 No.14229548


Like posting 8ch shit in your twitter hugbox you cancerous piece of shit

b77211 No.14229571


I can post whatever I want on twitter and you cant stop me

017544 No.14229596


Yes you are the model case of

>Engine Running, No One Behind the Wheel

b77211 No.14229600


Champ 70% of your posts are about me and my twitter

Are you a nigger?

d18d7e No.14229601

File: 311f65f5a5d7ca3⋯.png (337.81 KB, 435x580, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Hi im Jack Dorsey

322fec No.14229619

File: da9a07b9d06b1a4⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 665x574, 95:82, Am I retarded (1).jpg)

File: f4e4110dc38a35f⋯.png (332.15 KB, 670x459, 670:459, 1499016771.png)

Can someone please give me a run down of all the stuff going on with the FBI and Trump? I've heard things that suggest that the FBI was implicit in faking russian bullshit and deleted thousands of texts messages, but then I've also heard things that imply Trump is in trouble and the FBI exposed him or something. I've been busy for the last week or two, what else have I missed?

017544 No.14229623


Mate 100% of your posts are shit.

Are you a boat person?

Stop attention whoring and maybe your shit at posting shtick won't be so jarring to people who'd like to post on an anonymous imageboard.

57e089 No.14229627


Someone at /agdg/ was bored.



Just fuck already.

15cd61 No.14229628


More of the former than the latter, FBI/Deep State retaliated by leaking a story of Trump firing that corrupt faggot Mueller.

20d0f5 No.14229629


About the FBI:

FBI was caught in bed with the Clintons and cooked up plans to immune Hillary Clinton with everything that she did(treason, sedition, abuse of authority etc.), but when Trump won, they now mapped a plan on how to oust him out of the presidency by either kill him, his family members or spread the Russian collusion narrative.

b77211 No.14229631


You are a nigger

holy fucking lol

322fec No.14229642


I got his ass in trouble too, I was pretty happy about it.



Thank you anons

d18d7e No.14229665


That swamp must be fucking drained. Holy shit

322fec No.14229700

File: c3c32e222b27e91⋯.png (81.57 KB, 736x627, 736:627, 1501175335.png)

Have you guys had a nice week?

20d0f5 No.14229704



The swamp doesn't just need to be drained, but to be blown into ashes. Because holy shit, all the alphabets are really banking on Hillary Clinton to be POTUS. Now you have to wonder what roles did they play during the elections with all the voter frauds, rigged vote-counting machines etc. I live in the Philippines but man, I'm cringing on how deep this rabbit hole is.

>>14229700 ← (checked)

Decent. How about you, anon?

322fec No.14229707


It's been alright. I've been keeping away from social medias so I've been away. I've been gaming all week.

b7ce4a No.14229711


Well, been back to reading manga and all the manga I've kept track on has a ton of chapters updated. /animu/ grew real quick and it became a comfy place to discuss anime and manga. I've rewatched the old Cardcaptor Sakura and been to the park during the week. So, yeah I had a good week.


I get the feeling that the Alphabets are going to get purged at some point.

fd1d2d No.14229726


It's my birthday

e3d4c8 No.14229729

>Digg jumps on the anti Jordan Peterson train. Including falsely claiming he is alt-right and his theories have been debunked.


>"Blizzard security flaw should put game developers on notice"


>CNBC: "Gamer anger over microtransactions will hurt Activision, EA: Analyst"


20d0f5 No.14229732

File: d041e27fcf200b5⋯.jpg (74.18 KB, 540x480, 9:8, Ai Kizuna Happy Fucking Bi….jpg)

File: 5ef37b16981b9a4⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Happy Birdday! 3.jpg)

017544 No.14229736


You are a boatperson.

Probably from Malaysia like maldraw.

15cd61 No.14229739


Taking some rest time, kidney stone is annoying as shit when it affects your ability to do some physically demanding work.

b7ce4a No.14229741

File: b48783e57b38ac9⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 571x615, 571:615, DQ0WtzCWsAAUjUl.jpg)


Happy Birthday Anon.

1a9883 No.14229746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Happy birthday Boss.

15cd61 No.14229751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b7ce4a No.14229756

File: 4c088ab28589f17⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 661x661, 1:1, f60.jpg)

322fec No.14229777

File: 35565395b69a2ab⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 813.74 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, ClipboardImage.png)


Happy birthday anon! Have a really weird doujin I found the other day! https://exhentai.org/g/1163524/d1a71b2a76/

b76b73 No.14229787


Think this will get people to stop using the site?

7e2c98 No.14229793

File: e187ee23f29c12d⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 604x453, 4:3, 1447719703088.jpg)

Is Monster Hunter World any good? It has always been a series I felt I should really like but I could never get into it. I don't think I like the multiplayer aspect of it.


Happy Birthday

788f2e No.14229798


>Is Monster Hunter World any good? It has always been a series I felt I should really like but I could never get into it. I don't think I like the multiplayer aspect of it.

It's the one that the studio decided "we want the next monhun game to reach a wider audience" take from that what you will

b6084b No.14229806


I wish Hooktube had a better UI and layout.

But I'll take what I can get.

b7ce4a No.14229807

File: 620ff200009812a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 54.3 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 91878f204629b58073c3a5a5f8….png)

File: 4c1ffaf96140bd3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 273.12 KB, 868x1200, 217:300, 4c1ffaf96140bd3a69e06c023a….png)

File: ecc84b457a04735⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 206.19 KB, 700x800, 7:8, ecc84b457a04735d45a7df67ba….jpg)

File: a6ee241c23ed6ba⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 337.16 KB, 601x795, 601:795, a6ee241c23ed6baff0b5251f70….png)

File: 06ade453a7d69c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 316.33 KB, 1200x1714, 600:857, 06ade453a7d69c036193cf334b….jpg)


The rare fetish.

20823c No.14229809


>everything is buzzwords

I really wish I could be fucking surprised by this point but the only things I feel at the moment are pure disgust and unbridled malice and hatred to anyone fucking stupid enough to fall for such an easy trap.

a74ce6 No.14229849


It's worse than even the non-MSM news site like InfoWars has been saying.

I believe the alphabet agencies are actively treasonous and to avoid being dismantled and going to jail, they'll stage a(nother) false-flag terror attack like the Las Vegas Oct1 shooting to start a civil war.


Like with Google, Twitter, and Facebook (all pozzed), the problem with fighting Youtube is the level of market-penetration the brand has. You can't boycott something that's already installed on everyone's phone.

However, the best anti-youtube advocates have been Youtube own staff self-sabotaging the brand by being colossal retards, it's just a matter of making (the right) people aware to move to a petter platform.

b7ce4a No.14229992

File: 9400dbd3b81549d⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 625x471, 625:471, bb2.jpg)


A better platform may come in due time.

b76b73 No.14230003


There's already DailyMotion, Bitchute, and Vimeo. And, NicoNico isn't that viable of an alternative now considering how Kadokawa keep shooting themselves in the foot.

49a641 No.14230018

>>14229777 (Trips of truth)


>The thinking man's fetish

It's such a rarity to see people actually appreciate it.

b7ce4a No.14230044


The best ones are the futa ones.

bf868f No.14230227


We already have http://d.tube

That ain't a good one?

bf868f No.14230229

>>14230044 (czech'd)


b7ce4a No.14230253

File: 9e424f24dd764ba⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 700x800, 7:8, ecc84b457a04735d45a7df67ba….jpg)


Is it gay if the dick is a girl?

04beb0 No.14230286

File: e188b0f923af501⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 577x348, 577:348, 77520_20170627200626_0.jpg)


Do you enjoy being wrong?

788f2e No.14230293

Isgoodstill wordfiltered

49a641 No.14230310


Okay…what's going to prevent this site (And, BitChute) from shutting down like Vidme?

04beb0 No.14230320


You mean kíno?

e3d4c8 No.14230365

>The New European: "Bonnie Greer: March of the Angry White Man." Proceeds to justify hatred against white men and Western countries…while also gamedropping.




>National Review: "Russian Bots & Twitter: Scare is About Censoring Speech." Highlights the efforts to justify state-sanctioned censorship and push for European-style authoritarianism.


b7ce4a No.14230373


Twitter is killing itself as a platform. With Veritas trending, it's only a matter of time before many English speakers leave Twitter.

b7ce4a No.14230382

File: ec1de4885f77187⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Woman.jpg)

File: b71c604153f3abd⋯.jpg (16.26 KB, 384x384, 1:1, Gook Anon.jpg)

e3d4c8 No.14230410

File: bbb09c3314f2ed3⋯.png (55.14 KB, 459x515, 459:515, cuck.PNG)

b7ce4a No.14230425

15cd61 No.14230427



That piece of shit rag is still going? and glad to see that "cuck" is still in their heads, whether they project or make studies that say that cuckolding is good.

d63ced No.14230433

File: 157b58b2d7c249d⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 500x647, 500:647, NTR-Support-Group.jpg)


>literally going full Freud in response to being called a cuck

788f2e No.14230437


What's all that shit to a non moon reader.


I was trying to refer to Kìno no tabi and couldn't

49a641 No.14230441


This may seem like a stupud question, but shouldn't people be dropping any and all women that even seek the possibility of an open relationship?

b7ce4a No.14230448


Back in 2016, a Western game dev is warning Japanese devs about SJW bullshit and to not withrdraw from the Western Markets. I the Timber anons would just send those translated images to the Nips already.

d63ced No.14230449


Nah, let them figure out the hard way that most women don't want to initiate a relationship with someone already committed. Mostly because they don't want the other woman to turn full psycho bitch even if they totally said it was okay (just to sleep around with other men).

afb33c No.14230455

>it's a cloudflare error galore episode today

Anyone else get those?

322fec No.14230462

File: ac91db403163f0d⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 694x505, 694:505, C6ARgPbVMAQcBzV.jpg)

6af479 No.14230463


>don't like spiders?

>oh I get it you secretly want to fuck a spider hehe

b7ce4a No.14230467

File: 4d9339ac08fe9c1⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, This_is_Fine_720p.mp4)


Something fucky is going on. I hope this site doesn't bleed users like Josh did during the Infinity Next Disaster.

c6cb66 No.14230468

File: 698747eb252e63d⋯.jpg (289.91 KB, 1155x811, 1155:811, open relationship problems….jpg)

File: e2fa42e5d6bfb4d⋯.png (90.66 KB, 523x1713, 523:1713, whore dont care.png)

File: c62350598974ff8⋯.jpg (213.97 KB, 325x3329, 325:3329, cheating whore.jpg)


From what I've gathered most normalfags of both sexes do just that, but for some people it would be too unfeministic to do so.

e3d4c8 No.14230475

File: 60ac788c8baa5fc⋯.png (139 KB, 609x643, 609:643, monster hunter.PNG)

e3d4c8 No.14230527

File: 6478369b7ae7cb1⋯.png (306.33 KB, 460x453, 460:453, bioware.PNG)

afb33c No.14230536

File: b8b85464585911c⋯.png (357.8 KB, 800x949, 800:949, laughing_aliens.png)



>well-respected RPG studio

d95396 No.14230607

File: 6f69586cf754ade⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 989x1018, 989:1018, 6f69586cf754adec29e2e7658a….jpg)



Literally whomst?

e3d4c8 No.14230670

>Tomb Raider and the suppression of heroine agency (CriticalHit.net) Strong,brave, independent women don't need their fathers!


2afe20 No.14230682



>Spewing out so much hatred for Gamergate, it's almost like you truly desire to get fucked by them.

e3d4c8 No.14230692

File: 524397738c9c0b7⋯.png (47.6 KB, 457x553, 457:553, bernie.PNG)

2afe20 No.14230703


>So Sanders runs in 2020


6af479 No.14230710


>implying he'll still be alive in 2020

017544 No.14230719


Bob or Sanders?

322fec No.14230725


Every single tweet he makes has to do with obsolete white males, wanting said obsolete white males to die, crybabies, and various other buzzwords. Why do you guys insist on screencapping him?

ca10aa No.14230728


To remind everyone that no matter how bad you are, you will never be Bob Chipman. Also I'm giving him a pass for archiving.

d63ced No.14230741


What gets me is when the peanut gallery goes "wow, that sounds pretty Nazi-ish, Bob," he just goes on a massive Twitter meltdown.

3bcafe No.14230772


>dead sperm

oh, you're retarded.

cells die in your body all the time, and the body breaks them down and absorbs them, reusing the materials to make new, healthy cells.

this is like thinking

>i don't want dead blood cells in my system so i'd better bleed myself daily

788f2e No.14230776


>he saged at 670 posts

Not like nofap is anything but a retarded meme anyway

e17dc6 No.14230781

File: 913c1ec94a939b6⋯.png (720.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smug hotpot cat.png)


Nofap is just self-cucking anyway.

e3d4c8 No.14230784

54c20b No.14230788


That was fucking fast


The card system was neat, but yeah, it wasn't very fun.

322fec No.14230814

File: e3e64c3b9055da1⋯.jpg (300.33 KB, 1200x842, 600:421, getting sleepy.jpg)

File: aca028ebfd34b55⋯.jpg (119.28 KB, 947x618, 947:618, goodnight!.jpg)

Good night!

49a641 No.14230825

File: bc6904e0cea5002⋯.png (322.45 KB, 853x507, 853:507, Good night.png)


Good Night, Philipanon.

ede0e0 No.14230848


Is the source to this lewd?

93196c No.14230883


Minamoto-kun Monogatari, don't ask again, faggot.

93196c No.14230892


Has adult content

e3d4c8 No.14230953

File: cdb1e52f8f59ff9⋯.png (217.66 KB, 315x477, 35:53, tide pods.PNG)

File: fb3a04caced422c⋯.png (348.14 KB, 610x513, 610:513, banned.PNG)

1a9883 No.14230985

So, in Uganda you have DJs commenting the movie?

The Uganda Knuckles didn't even use the funniest quotes I've seen so far.

7e2c98 No.14230988

I went to game stop and found a launch edition of Utawarerumono and a few steel books. Always makes me a bit sad to see these niche games not sell though their collectors editions and shit. I remember seeing cold steel 2 next to the collectors edition of the first one.


honestly I don't have sympathy if you eat them and you are above 5. The only one responsible for being that stupid is you.

20823c No.14230996


And here we go, banning shit for "people's safety."

7e2c98 No.14231007

should I bake?

1a9883 No.14231009



I sometimes question why do we even have hospitals when stupidity is the main cause of death in the world.

4104ab No.14231015


And the regular stuff somehow does not look like a jug of juice? I put the responsibility all on parents, and above 10 kids should know better. Honeatly this would be better fixed setting a min age cap for social media.

d63ced No.14231019

File: 2d6c8f21df761cc⋯.png (296.38 KB, 653x420, 653:420, What the fu-.PNG)


Yeah, the DJ was probably the best part of the movie.

e3d4c8 No.14231021


yes this thread is getting close to 700

1a9883 No.14231027


>She was caught watching Nigerian movies.

Ugandans are so racist and hillarious they would made leftists implode.

d63ced No.14231028

File: 4cc19c53d08579b⋯.webm (3.22 MB, 1920x1040, 24:13, stupid answer.webm)


>it's Proctor & Gamble's fault that kids today are too retarded to realize that jokes about eating laundry detergent are just jokes

7e2c98 No.14231031

Anything to add in the OP?

Also the current OP text link is broken.

f76767 No.14231043


I bought an unopened limited edition shinovi versus two days after GAME in my country had announced their bankruptcy. It must have sat on that shelf for two years and the first two days of the quarter-price-everything-must-go sale but no other swede apparently wanted to buy tittyninjas.

That or nobody else in town actually owns a vita.

7e2c98 No.14231120

File: cddb888ca157959⋯.jpg (175.8 KB, 850x1074, 425:537, aefaqwfefwew.jpg)

what is with this super slow bread?

1a9883 No.14231124


People are playing games.

c3ec8a No.14231131


That pic would be really nice if it didn't remind me of the usual suspects complaining that Link needs to be female.

017544 No.14231133




reported to the feminist death squads

du är redan död

9ae74d No.14231143


If female link had legs like in >>14231120

I wouldnt mind one bit.

20823c No.14231155


I'm playing vidya. Can't speak for anyone else.

b2f45c No.14231163


>starting a civil war

That can backfire hard. It doesn't help that most of the countries that would back them would start to see the sleeper cells of terrorists try to fuck with them, or rely heavily on the US for military aid.

7e2c98 No.14231171










7f9bfc No.14231279


How far long ago was this? I thought GAME disappeared from everywhere some odd years ago.

234ffe No.14231377


worst fetish

6d1921 No.14231657


>only on page 10

That means the entire board is what's slow, not the thread

234ffe No.14231698


i'll still fap to it

9eefd3 No.14233611

File: 64fb88605ebb488⋯.png (252.36 KB, 674x689, 674:689, 020_117.png)


I can definitely fuck a spider though.


Remember that some a-GG thought of us when he was masturbating.During climax on top of it.

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