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File: 2547c244dea3dc6⋯.jpg (123.04 KB, 620x500, 31:25, link at milk bar.jpg)

140adc No.14211659

>Bring back the rest of the enemies; Like-Likes, Peahats, Darknuts, etc.

>More dungeons; have your usual four elements themes if you want, plus a few unique ones if you can handle it. Should have up to 7 or 8 plus the final dungeon.

>More shit to do in-between traversing nature.

>Give us some fucking blacksmiths next time, if you wanna keep the deteriorating weapons/shields. Let us repair the ones we love, and maybe even upgrade them.

>Change big bad to someone else, and maybe have a secret Ganon(dorf) fight tucked away somewhere.

>Bring back the fucking tools. Too many places in BotW needed the hookshot. Could pull a Just Cause-style gameplay with it and the paraglider.

>Keep the climbing and cooking mechanics, they were great. Could give ChuChu jellies more options.

72d0e6 No.14211956


So in other words, make the next one quite literally anything else but another BotW.

5b87ed No.14211997

Variety. That's what the game sorely needs most. Most of the game happens in the overworld, which is very samey for large swaths. You'll end up finding Koroks the most, because those were the devs' go-to for world filler. You see almost the exact same enemies, no matter where you go. There are exactly two types of boss encounters in the overworld. What the game constitutes as dungeons are short and blend together, with the exception of Hyrule Castle. All of the shrines feel the same.

424428 No.14214306

File: e84a2d05e8b19f9⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1321x1697, 1321:1697, 1500006307150.png)

Bring back transformation masks!

10688a No.14214312

Bring back todd Howard

47b8a4 No.14214313

Make it a full game instead of chopping up parts of an already unfinished thing and selling those as DLC

e953e8 No.14214339


Masks with minor effects would be a pretty good reward to spread out across the world and reward exploration

Though masks in MM were based on the already existing masks in OOT, so if they pull a similar stunt with BotW it'd probably be like unique weapon styles or more phone apps or something

Maybe they could rework the cooking system into some sort of esoteric ritual magic system

85ee1a No.14214354

Make it Japanese whatever the current Bethesda game is

f8266f No.14214372

Wah wah a game that's more enjoyable than any Zelda since Link's awakening finally broke away from the OoT mold! How dare it! I've been fighting the same monsters for 40 years now and I don't want to ever stop.

You're the reason Nintendo make 5 games a generation then dump the machine. They know you're dumb enough to buy the next one just to play OoT again.

47b8a4 No.14214413


>Wah wah a game that's more enjoyable than any Zelda since Link's awakening finally

Its literally unfinished garbage with less content than Skyrim, the game it was out to rip off.

It has less content than every other zelda game to boot.

e953e8 No.14214421


>I've been fighting the same monsters for 40 years now and I don't want to ever stop.

The amount of different enemy types in BotW can be counted on your hands, and the combat is more tedious and annoying than it's ever been

Two thirds of the game's core features are objective failures, and contrast so much with what it did perfectly that it seems like entirely different teams worked on them

f8266f No.14214468


Tetris has less content than Skyrim. It's about quality of content not length of it.


Considering I can count 12 different mini bosses in the wild that's clearly not true.

47b8a4 No.14214485


>Tetris has less content than Skyrim

Tetris isn't even the same genre you Nintentoddler

>It's about quality of content not length of it

>using quality over quantity argument to defend BotW of all games

Which is why all the shrines in BotW are simpler than any dungeon in any previous game in the series and even the actual dungeons might as well be nonexistent?

f8266f No.14214503


>The person saying Nintendo shouldn't just make the same game over and over with new graphics is insulted by being called a nintendo kiddy

Damn you got me. Remember to buy Bayonetta 3 on the Nintendo Switch! Platinum aren't just shovelware devs!

e953e8 No.14214504


Recolors are not different enemies anon

47b8a4 No.14214511


You were called a nintentoddler because you're damage controlling for a japanese skyrim ripoff purely because its made by nintendo and nothing else.

aba62d No.14214515


Breath of the wild lacked both Zelda and open world RPG to the point where Skyrim has more depth.

f8266f No.14214540


Or I enjoyed exploring the world with the tools provided rather than just following path ways where X item unlocks Y path and you repeat until the end of the game.

It's almost like Zelda games had stagnated since LTTP and now they're finally doing something more with it.


Sure did. Show me where Skyrim has weather conditions that changed how you played and forced you to use different equipment to survive. To the point where keeping a fire sword equipped in the snow was a viable survival strategy and put you in awkward positions if you had to fight too much with it.

47b8a4 No.14214580


>that changed how you played and forced you to use different equipment to survive

are we talking about the same game here?

The only weather condition that changes how you play is rain and the only change that causes is you have to wait for it to be over so that you can climb shit.

>To the point where keeping a fire sword equipped in the snow was a viable survival strategy

Or just drink a potion you can make out of materials which the game practically hands to you.

>put you in awkward positions if you had to fight too much with it

Gee if only the combat wasn't completely meaningless to the point of avoiding enemies altogether is better than going through the tedious motions.

e953e8 No.14214583


You're sucking the dick of the exploration mechanics and ignoring every other part of the game, including all of the actual content, which you haven't even tried to defend, because you can't

This is like saying Just Cause 3 is the pinnacle of video games because it's fun to grapple around with the parachute

e953e8 No.14214587


>the only change that causes is you have to wait for it to be over so that you can climb shit.

acquire skill

a43e03 No.14214593


what's the artist?

47b8a4 No.14214604


You are hardcoded to slip after 5-7 "steps" of climbing when in rain even if the surface itself is not exposed to rain.

Just waiting will save more time than any "skill"

e953e8 No.14214624

File: 5947ffd672d0ba9⋯.png (724.22 KB, 700x1036, 25:37, ClipboardImage.png)

47b8a4 No.14214634


Do you have a point or are just being contrarian for some reason?

e953e8 No.14214643


Just jump you fucking retard

47b8a4 No.14214657


which part of hardcoded to fall after certain number of moves do you not understand

Have you even played the game?

f8266f No.14214660


"If I spent 2 hours grinding fruit I could just go around in the snow no problem".

Mean while the fire areas burned any wooden items you had. I don't think you even played this game.


The exploration and survival elements are the actual content.


It has a timing to it, if you get good at the game then you can climb most the way you would be able to climb any way. It's about using your jumps and finding better paths. Like it's trying to present to you a challenge rather than make everything easy mode where you're never denied options like most modern games.

e953e8 No.14214682


You're hardcoded to fall if you keep climbing


>The exploration and survival elements are the actual content

No, no it isn't

It's the stuff that you explore for, and the things you fight along the way

Walking and the bad food system is not "content"

47b8a4 No.14214686


>"If I spent 2 hours grinding fruit I could just go around in the snow no problem".

What the fuck are you exploring areas for then? Farts? The game practically hands you the items required to explore areas right before them.

NPCs even give you free potions if you talk to them.

>Mean while the fire areas burned any wooden items you had

Yeah all those really useful wood equipment which can't even kill shit you'll be encountering later in game without breaking.

>The exploration and survival elements are the actual content.

This isn't a walking simulator. There is no point to exploring if there is nothing worthwhile in the end. There is no point in the survival mechanics if the game hands you resources by truckloads.

>It has a timing to it

It doesn't.

You fall down in rain anytime you climb a certain height without dropping.

47b8a4 No.14214692


>You're hardcoded to fall if you keep climbing

Good job repeating what I have been saying from the beginning.

8dcc2e No.14214695


I don't think you understand what the other anon's are telling you.

I played it too and for the most part, loved it.

But the other anon's are right: there's a lot of things the game did perfectly, and there's a lot of it that they did terribly.

I don't mind the large open and quite empty overworld. I like riding along and enjoying the scenery. But compared to other open world games or previous Zelda's, this one is almost walking-simulator-tier. If a player wants something exciting to happen, they usually have to wait a long, long time for it since it takes time to traverse the landscape.

But for instance, cooking was 10/10. I can't believe other games never tried something like this: just toss wathever you have in the pot and see what comes out. It's much better than "recipe" shit where you fill your inventory with 150923423 ingredients but can't do anything because you're missing butter.

Hyrule castle was a proper dungeon. It had multiple points of entry, interesting side-areas, good enemy placement and the music was top-notch. The Divine Beasts however turned out to be just oversized shrines: there's a big puzzle, you solve it, boss fight, the end.

There's not even enemies in them. And no mini-bosses. That would have been great: while exploring the Divine Beast you got a minor form of the boss constantly spawning and harassing you. If you deal a lot of damage to it, the boss starts injured, or maybe you just get an extra reward or something.

Blacksmiths are kinda in, since you can ask several people to re-make special gear but it's bizzare when put next to the cooking system: first they ditch the recipe autism for cooking bu then keep it for "blacksmithing". What the fuck, why?

The shops were excelent, I really like buying stuff directly from the stands and seeing it disappear there. IMO, all shops in RPG's should work like that.

Morrowind did it, partly, since the shop inventory was in the same building (if you saw something for sale, you could steal it from a chest/barrel) instead of "merchant-inventory" crap that Obllivion then brought along.

All the elemental arrows were great, but separating bomb arrows from the bombs itself? Why?

The Rune stuff was interesting and made for some cool toys but it was rarely used in the overworld, it was more for solving shrine puzzles than anything. Since bombs are infinite, they don't deal a lot of damage to balance it out but at least you can knock enemies off cliffs with them.

There's a lot it did right and I enjoyed it, but there's a lot it did severely wrong or simply feels like it was missing.

They have a guy selling monster masks but didn't bring back magical masks itself. Good idea paired with a bad idea for instance.

aba329 No.14214707

File: 7e4d0583f09ffd9⋯.png (157.91 KB, 500x402, 250:201, 61da5f9f223f7bcea0f46e7156….png)


>Darknut fights

Only if they were to bring back the advanced moves from Twilight and Wind Waker. Those fights were fun because there was a bunch of ways to tackle them once your actually down on the floor against them. Flurry Rush was a fine idea, but doing it for 800's time makes it feel like your playing ds1 parrying every enemy.

>change the big bad

They bring back vaati. At a few point we can go and see the minish in a 3d zelda game. If this is truely a sequel they could use it to establish when they got first contact.

>bring back the hook shot

True. Imagine if instead of that stupid zero bike idea. The final sheika tool was like a super broken rendition of the hook shot. Like going from mountain to mountain type shit to heavily speed up traversal.

e953e8 No.14214709


And I've been saying you don't just keep climbing, you fucking retard

47b8a4 No.14214714


>And I've been saying you don't just keep climbing

I literally said the way to deal with rain is just to wait.

What even caused you to go into your blind autismal rage?

e953e8 No.14214717


You not knowing how to read

f8266f No.14214723


>It doesn't have timing

>Proceeds to then describe the timing

It's like I'm dealing with a literal Halo kiddy.

8dcc2e No.14214751


Personally, I'd like more Twilight Realm stuff. It was some Lovecraft-tier stuff and Zelda could use more of it.

>advanced moves

Oh God yes, that would be great.

47b8a4 No.14214755


stop projecting your illiteracy to others


>completely bypassing a mechanic is timing

I guess levelling in Morrowind too is a timing based mechanic because you need to rest to level up

Its pretty obvious you don't play video games outside whatever your Nintendo console you bought.

e953e8 No.14214758


Anon, we've been telling you this whole time you can beat the slipping, but you're too retarded to figure it out

563fb3 No.14214782


I want dungeons and items, back.

I don't really care if, in turn, this locks me out of certain areas until I have the jump boots or the slam hammer, or whatever shit they add in. Having a huge world, with every area accessible from the start, is certainly cool on your first playthrough, but it rapidly loses any appeal upon further play time.

If they don't want to make the combat system more in depth like Twilight Princess's, then make more scenarios where you need to rely on Link's acrobatics and agility.

And bring back an instrument. I don't care what it is, an acoustic guitar, some kind of woodwing instrument, an accordian, whatever the fuck. The structure is already there, just make it do all the shit the slate does, but keep the interface the same. So like, instead of having to bash out a button sequence, just do what we've been doing, but have Link play an instrument to do it. You never have to do anything when holding the slate up, anyway, so what's stopping them from having some magical aura around him, that moves shit with magnesis or stasis's things, instead of just pointing a tablet?

Also an aside, but letting us throw on the iron boots to fall faster, when paragliding, but not fast enough that we'll die.

In terms of pipe dream stuff, letting me use the hookshot like spiderman, since there's no way in hell that'd be possible in a fantasy setting.

e953e8 No.14214819


>I want dungeons and items

The phone apps are the items, there's just not a lot of them and they don't get used as much due to the no dungeons

>just do what we've been doing, but have Link play an instrument to do it

What's the point in having bard magic if you don't get to play the music yourself

aba329 No.14214826


Yeah. The actual rules and way twilight works was never really explained and all for the better. Hell, I'd take it over the sheikah stuff breath of the wild uses. They have similar traits, technological and industrial mixed with fantasty; but twilight made used music, visuals, and ambience to make everything uniquely alien. Plus when you go into the twilight realm your expecting some crazy shit to go down. Remember the lightning bug on the lake boss? That shit was looked right out of a resident evil game. The sheikah stuff might as well be the legend of zelda's halo technology. Very little rhyme or reasons but it does mystical and magical things. The Guardians are still nicely designed and the Divine beasts all have very unique silhouettes but get up close and they look the same.

8dcc2e No.14214842


If they wanted to include the Sheika, they could have expanded on how the Sheika kidnapped, tortured and killed people under orders of the Hyrule Royal family. Jesus fuck, you got the Yiga clan to explore that side of it and did nothing with it HOLY FUCK.

Something I think was missing was a general mind-fuckery. in Twiling Princess, you got that weird surreal scene with "Dark Link". Pretty much every Zelda has a moment or two where the narrative is turned on it's head and shit gets really creepy, really fast only to return to normal the next moment and leave you with a sense of unease.

I get the "epic hero on a journey" they went with and the final music conveys that rather well but eh, could have used some darker undertones like that.

37a733 No.14214857


All unique weapons should be unbreakable; give them elemental (or otherwise) powers so that people are forced to keep switching them anyway.

37a733 No.14214859


>hurr durr i dum lol

Get out, illiterate.

37a733 No.14214862


>i like BotW and here are some things I'd like to add to it



This isn't a joke. Get the fuck out and go back where you belong.

37a733 No.14214866


>Tetris isn't even the same genre

Congratulations, you complete fucking dipshit. You aren't intelligent enough to be holding this conversation.

aba329 No.14214871


Zelda's always sort of had shit that was darker than it probably wants to be. Oot had some darker elements, the shadow temple, and introduced the gerudo. Majoras Mask is majoras mask. Twilight princess had the serious tone but probably the least effecting moments. When I think of twilight princess I think of surreal art design and trippy distorted instruments but also that cow boy shoot out scene and that moment when link realizes those other people he met on his trip are raiding hyrule castle too at that last part.

dd2e6c No.14214878

File: 546073a8576ca80⋯.jpg (229.27 KB, 540x764, 135:191, 1402607839434.jpg)


>underwater areas to explore and swim around in

>more floating castles and structures

>caves and tunnels to spelunk

>training masters to teach Link new weapon techniques and skills

>If weapon repair is an option, upgrades and sidegrades should be an option too

>broken weapons can become scraps and materials for making and repairing weapons

>Monster hunter style mini-bosses roaming the fields and in hard to find areas

>Fishing and more bug collecting because why the fuck not?

>how about some gear that isn't breakable or just a tablet power for fuck's sake?!

f8266f No.14214892


We're trying to tell you that the game gives you the ability to fast climb which burns more stamina. It's use is so that you can still climb in the rain by using your timing correctly. If you equip climbing gear you can make pretty good progress even in the rain with 1 stamina bar.


I never said the game didn't have flaws or strengths. All I've said is we don't need every Zelda to be the exact same game with newer graphics. BOTW is the first Zelda I've enjoyed in decades because the formula is just so bland. It strips down an action RPG to it's most basic elements and that's all it does. If you want a good Zelda then go play Darksiders, it was a 100% improvement over the Zelda series. But Nintendo didn't learn shit from this, they just made Zelda with even worse gimmick combat.


>Telling people you want original ideas instead of just the same repurposed enemies for the last 30 years is a problem on Nu-/v/

It's almost like you grew up on Call of Duty's yearly sequels.


Good additions. This is how you improve BOTW.

Would like to see cooking nerfed if they expand on exploration though. Make it so you can't just stock up on food and you have to find improving clothing. Also have tiers of clothing where going to Death mountain requires +1 fire rest but near lava requires +3.

37a733 No.14214911


How's about you read what was actually fucking written, idiot.

81c9a7 No.14214912

Get rid of Aonuma

make Ocarina of Time 2

81c9a7 No.14214922

They should've never strayed from OOT/MM, WW/TP combat system. WW was doing great elaborating on it. They went full retard on skyward sword. BotW weapon durability is a meme and the controls are shit.

Keep it press B to smash sword with parries, weapon stealing and throwing, and making full use of the bow and arrows, hookshot, and make enemies weak against certain treasures.

Would be really cool if all tools and treasures had combat moves.

8dcc2e No.14214931


>those other people he met on his trip are raiding hyrule castle too at that last part.

Wait, wut? I don't remember that.

8dcc2e No.14214938


>we don't need every Zelda to be the exact same game with newer graphics

Noone said that. People asking for features that were in the previous games doesn't mean they want to play the same game: it means they liked those features.

I liked fishing in TP and I want it back. Doesn't mean I want to play TP again, I can just boot up Dolphin for that.

aba329 No.14214952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You dont? Throughout the trip links can encounter certain people who essentially are on your tail the entire time. Its not much and you can miss it if you dont go to the tavern in hyrule town often, but its a nice detail. It would've been awesome if they lile stepped in one the ganon fight at the top of hyrule castle and fucking wrecked house or had you come to visit them often. Would've gave them a greater sense of purpose and pay off.

aba329 No.14214955


Also sorry for my spelling and scentence structure, I have a terrible head cold right now

f8266f No.14215034


Look at the damn OP. It clearly says "I want all the same monsters and same items". If they add all that shit they can't add anything new. It takes resources to make those things.

Some of those things were even tested and it was decided they ruined the game like the hook shot.

aba62d No.14215038

File: 787c47f3323374e⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 402x548, 201:274, nigga are you for real.jpg)

Will this nigger actually have reading comprehension?

37a733 No.14215045


> It clearly says "I want all the same monsters and same items".

Here is the text of the OP in full.

Show us where it says what you claim.


>Bring back the rest of the enemies; Like-Likes, Peahats, Darknuts, etc.

>More dungeons; have your usual four elements themes if you want, plus a few unique ones if you can handle it. Should have up to 7 or 8 plus the final dungeon.

>More shit to do in-between traversing nature.

>Give us some fucking blacksmiths next time, if you wanna keep the deteriorating weapons/shields. Let us repair the ones we love, and maybe even upgrade them.

>Change big bad to someone else, and maybe have a secret Ganon(dorf) fight tucked away somewhere.

>Bring back the fucking tools. Too many places in BotW needed the hookshot. Could pull a Just Cause-style gameplay with it and the paraglider.

>Keep the climbing and cooking mechanics, they were great. Could give ChuChu jellies more options.

f8266f No.14215058


>Bring back the rest of the enemies; Like-Likes, Peahats, Darknuts, etc.

>Bring back the fucking tools. Too many places in BotW needed the hookshot. Could pull a Just Cause-style gameplay with it and the paraglider.

Can't YOU read a post?

37a733 No.14215066


>Can't YOU read a post?

Thank you for admitting that nowhere in the OP does it say, "I want all the same monsters and same items." Go back to reddit and take your inability to read English with you.

f8266f No.14215075


I quoted the exact text saying that.

"Bring back the rest of the enemies" is literally "I want all the same monsters"

37a733 No.14215078


Thank you for admitting that nowhere in the OP does it say, "I want all the same monsters and same items."

And no, what he said is not a rewording of your claim. Go back to reddit and take your inability to read English with you.

f8266f No.14215088


Do please explain the difference between demanding all the same enemies be in the same is not the same as demanding all the same enemies be in the game. There is literally no difference in those two statements.

Tell us about this mystical alchemy you do where you take the same content and then call it different content. I bet EA would love it.

37a733 No.14215090



>resembling in every relevant respect

>being one without addition, change, or discontinuance


No, your lack of proper education is not an excuse. No, your inability to know what words mean is not an excuse. No, this is not pedantry, as it is definitionally opposite to 'same'. You are just wrong.

And no, this reply coming mere seconds after the post I KNEW you would make is not evidence of mind-reading. It's evidence that you're so stupid your actions and thoughts can be predicted by an anonymous person who otherwise knows nothing about you.

f8266f No.14215109


Guess Twilight Princess was so original with it's goblin enemies because they changed the design slightly.

Nintendo fanboys are cancer. Utter cancer.

37a733 No.14215118



aba62d No.14215134

File: f4a40e16c61f831⋯.png (375.8 KB, 514x536, 257:268, autism levels.png)

8dcc2e No.14215139



Oh those, I thought you said people were stealing the castle or hunting link.

I remember those, it was a nice detail. Breaks away from the usual "The PC is the only competent person and the world revolvs around him" mold.


I clearly says "I want these things". Not "I want these older things in place of these newer things." or "I want an HD remaster".

Diferent things, anon.

8dcc2e No.14215142


TP changed things around with a diferent artsyle not just for the goblins but everything else.

Also gave us new armor sets, big ass fucking temples, a bunch of diferent side quests, fishing and a very detailed and well told story while keeping all the tools, powerups and basic structure of the previous games.

d78cca No.14215148


You mean it's a really shitty, ugly rehash of Zelda 64?

074782 No.14215151

I really, really, really like BotW

8dcc2e No.14215158


I mean that it's different with a similar core.

Wether you like it or not means little to me.

I enjoy it and ocasionally replay it.

I like it more than OoT.

d78cca No.14215165


>Wether you like it or not means little to me.

For someone saying that you sure do talk a lot.

8dcc2e No.14215175


You think 8 (now 9) posts is a lot?

I liked every Zelda game I've played so far.

What's not to like? It's a grand adventure that has charming moments and heroic obstacles to overcome. Every single one was great and gave me many hours of fun.

Why wouldn't I talk about something I like a lot?

Should I instead pick a thread about a game I dislike and rant for 30 posts about how "Overwatch is shit!" or "DF sucks because interface"?

Nah, thanks but I'm good.

f23bba No.14215189

Nintentoddlers go fuck yourselves with your walking simulator that has more in common with the bullshit Bethesda calls games than Zelda. I'm all for trying new avenues but to defend the nip version of skyrim is beyond retarded,

81c9a7 No.14215208


Twilight Princess did one thing well

The dungeons

the field was empty, the story was swallow, the treasures were (1) and done for each of their dungeons

But the dungeons in TP were fucking excellent and arguably the best in the series. Furthermore, the dungeons are the main beef of Zelda games.

I guess there's Midna too.

0f0afe No.14215209

File: 9bf82654c8d7c96⋯.png (283.04 KB, 724x908, 181:227, fgbfvfg.png)

Imagine a game that was quarter the map size, and actually stuffed more unique towns, a city and large puzzle dungeons into its biomes. I sunk 180 hours into botw and 70% of the map is pure open empty land, with nothing but easy and shitty collectables spread over it to try to justify it.

Open World can be good, but only if the size of the world is justified, with compelling gameplay and unique locations. I mean the physics and mechanics in BOTW were pretty impressive, like the rain being affected by shelters you could piece together. but in the end the emptiness of the world outside towns and a few dungeons made the game seem like a tech demo.

81c9a7 No.14215217

File: 1e8099c05875313⋯.jpg (15.43 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 00bf56f452adeb05d0713fc974….jpg)

>OP just wanted to bring back old enemies

>some autist without reading comprehension thinks OP wanted all the enemies to be the same

37a733 No.14215219


Bump because it triggers you.

db9390 No.14215281

I never understood how Links bloodline is the only hero people that defeat Gannon. Even the 4 Champions from the 4 different Hyrule races couldn't defeat Ganon. Why is the Hyrule army weak? Is there nobody else that can rise to the occasion as a hero? Most other games have some random guy rise up but this series has Links only. When will we get a female Link hero?! :^) Who the fuck is linkly or that link chick that's thicc in Hyrule warriors? is she link blood? Also why do some links suck while others win? If Link is your father and doesn't name you link does that mean you won't be the hero? you have to be named link?

8dcc2e No.14215288


>you have to be named link?

Yes, that's it.

When you approach Hyrule Castle to confront Gannon, the Borders and Customs office will ask for your ID.

Unless it says "Link, Hero of Time" then you're tossed out and Gannon wins.

736213 No.14215299

File: dbcdd55eea0a7ee⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x224, 255:224, dbcdd55eea0a7ee1905e05f452….jpg)


I like this guy's ideas, but I would have a problem with abrupt biome changes, even in the larger ones this happens.

I think the altitude changes and distances in BotW helped.

5b46e6 No.14215334


The size helped with making better biome transitions, but from a gameplay perspective the size was terrible. Too much running around with nothing to do.

d5207b No.14215365

Why did BOTW get rid of the "name your character" feature? I know there's "muh voice acted cutscenes," but they honestly don't refer to Link by name very much anyways, you could probably edit it so they don't refer to him by name at all.

It just doesn't feel like Zelda if I can't name Link "Bitch" and make the dialogue funnier.

0be970 No.14215410

An actually boat would be nice. The raft was the most tedious half-assed thing imaginable. You can literally find and pick up an oar and not do shit with it in the water. There's actually more then a few things in the game that just seem like massive oversights or are dumbfounding in a "why can't I do this" kinda way.

0d6ec2 No.14215411

File: 972115107ae627d⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 800x1005, 160:201, trap link.jpg)


>More quests that are actually entertaining and well-written

>Alternative solutions to said quests that can change the outcome

>Some kind of musical instrument you can use to manipulate the environment, I'd have killed to get a song that could end storms in BOTW

>Make exploring the environment actually a puzzle in itself, chopping down trees to get across gaps, etc; This was used for all of one hour in BOTW before you got the glider and never had to bother with it again

>Better fucking framerate

More crossdressing options

5d7d63 No.14215418

File: 65d5832d5fd7b39⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 5.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, HugeUnhappyGecko.webm)

File: 47004a39e54ae95⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, R6 Siege interrogation (s….webm)


>More crossdressing options


>fury shit

some days /v/ is very gay.

fdf816 No.14215423


It's like they're either autistically obsessed with attention to detail, even if it detracts from the gameplay (WW's wind direction bullshit), or they don't give a single fuck, which also detracts from the gameplay.

2270cc No.14215448

File: dcd850aeb407a35⋯.jpeg (88.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, niggerlink.jpeg)

File: 0e3f4cecdaeb5c7⋯.png (7.12 KB, 1162x94, 581:47, gaylink.png)

Add more diversity.

091597 No.14215921

Honestly you can fix a lot of stuff by giving Link a punch when he has no weapon equipped.

There's a reason why you fight so many enemies who wield weapons, it's so you can always replenish your arsenal. A simple punch would allow the player a chance to fight back, even if they have jack shit.

Then of course you can reintroduce the gauntlets from OOT which increase the damage you deal with a punch.

More dungeons is a must though. Even if they're optional. Not to mention side quests

e953e8 No.14217159


>Ruin the exploration by putting a Thing every ten steps to appease ADHD players like in every other generic open world game

It would be far better if you actually had to look to find shit

Shadow of the Colossus was big and empty but the world was still amazing and full of mystery because it felt like you could find stuff if you looked hard enough

The only real problem is they need to actually make shit for you to find that aren't retarded shrines


>Actual boat

>You can literally climb rigging and swing on ropes you cut


7f28ab No.14217272

File: cba86e5747499be⋯.mp4 (4.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gaymr grill loves Zeld0.mp4)

I know "we" are not a hive mind but can't neo/v/ at least agree that BOTW was actually fun ? That its biggest flaw was its lack of dedicated dungeons. For example they could have easily combined ±10 Shrines into a "dungeon", add more bosses & cut back on the endless snowy wilderness. For example the Hebra mountains & Gerudo Highlands where bland. The quest line of Zora domain was 10/10 example of how they could have been focused. Add that level of quest focus to 4 more areas ( equating to a total of 8 dungeons) and voilà. The only main story quest that seemed shallow in comparison to the others locations was regarding Rito village.

Maybe make a few of the dungeons locked off by special late game items. Or implement a system similar to link between worlds but allow an assortment of tools so that the dungeons can be more complex. Still would like to see an "open world" approach because the linearity is what slowly board me to death of OoT. This new direction was a good move that reminded me of when I was a kid playing the original on NES. However, in also learning for what works a bit lest less landmass to explore and a bit more gated progress at a few key points would have improved the experience by allowing the it to be more focused.

As a thought experiment could you imagine the original Zelda game rebuilt in the BoTW engine but with classic Eiji Aonuma Logic Puzzles? 8 dungeons, very few items-gating you form tackling each dungeon in any order but a clear "intended" path? A final 9th dungeon that is locked behind the completion of the initial 8? That type of zeltendo game would be very interesting inmho.

Also is it just me or is Skyward Sword lore fucked?

69072c No.14217296

File: ff062c8e6681b8b⋯.png (19.53 KB, 680x447, 680:447, zelda-sales.png)

You wanna know how the next zelda game will be like?


BotW will be remembered much like OoT (of corse, not for the same misguided "best game ever" fame) for being a staple in the series after which future games will be modeled after. Get ready for open world zelda games for quite some time.

69072c No.14217300


*of course

time for sleep

792788 No.14217320

I enjoyed BOTW for what it was, but it definitely could have been improved in many ways. The biggest thing would be having actual dungeons. There should have been a real dungeon in each of the 4 villages, maybe with the reward being what allows you to get to the Divine Beasts, which would be mini dungeons. Shrines aren't good enough.

7f28ab No.14217378

File: 51471e9fd1d114e⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 307x500, 307:500, 168670450_d56f7fe3b07.jpg)


That's a good thing in my option. While OoT wasn't bad. The last decade of OoT clones was killing me. The Gameboy games where where the better Zelda games existed. The best part of the OoT formula was the puzzle solving, but once you learned the solution to the puzzle it was not really engaging any more which essentially killed the reputability. Zelda 1 & 2 didn't really suffer from this linearity. LttP, was at one time my favorite zelda game but it only becomes less fun over the years on account of it suffering from the same problems of OoT. Miyamoto claimed that the linearity of LttP was dude to memory limitations of the SNES. While I can understand who "open world" can be abused by lazy developers, I actually think BoTW sorta bucks that open world trend. So I am optimistic to see how they may potentially improve the formula.

while it may seem Cleshay maybe the next Zelda game could look to Dark Souls for and example of a more focused but "open" interconnected map design that would potentially allow for the best of both worlds.

Or maybe they could remove the climbing mechanics and introduce another system of transportation that would serve similar ends but limit how broken a player could circumvent a challenge. Or on that same line of thinking (similar to the master sword quest DLC but more fleshed out), have more indoor challenges where dungeons remove gear and introduce unclimbable walls.

7f28ab No.14217383


time for sleep

7f28ab No.14217384

4584c1 No.14217420


>Breath of the wild lacked both Zelda and open world RPG to the point where Skyrim has more depth.

The longer Skyrim is considered a good game the more people develop a taste for shit.

f9b648 No.14217421


I wanna play as a fucking bird now fuck you anon I'm not a furry

7752f7 No.14217428

File: 2066007342aa8c1⋯.jpg (116.42 KB, 470x687, 470:687, items.jpg)

File: 0c6a6c09ec65602⋯.jpg (154.94 KB, 842x949, 842:949, itemsalttp.jpg)

File: 0f0b9c130b680d1⋯.png (471.27 KB, 480x864, 5:9, itemsoot.png)

File: f611816f3a9ec7a⋯.jpg (171.34 KB, 600x600, 1:1, itemsww.jpg)

File: ce3c5e3efd2c0a0⋯.jpg (173.72 KB, 611x565, 611:565, itemsww2.jpg)


these kind of images are great

88b896 No.14217441

File: 4eb9b65c3555359⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Lista_de_Máscaras_(Majora'….jpg)



Most masks were useless in Majora.

Apart from the 4 transformation ones, the rabbit one was by far the most useful. By default you used it all the time.


> Only if they were to bring back the advanced moves from Twilight and Wind Waker. Those fights were fun because there was a bunch of ways to tackle them once your actually down on the floor against them

I miss the crazy fights from those games.

Specially when in WW you were figthing a well hidden wizzrobe while some darknuts were keeping you busy, all the while some miniblins and keeses created chaos. Pure bliss.

46632b No.14217480


So now instead of having ten clones of a mediocre game, we'll get ten clones of a boring game.

Fucking kill me.

88b896 No.14217490

File: 267bd3385afed5f⋯.png (3.92 MB, 1199x2128, 1199:2128, Artwork_Link_TLoZ_Objetos.png)

Things I loved:

- Keep climbing, paragliding and cooking.

- I can't justify how much time I lost in taking the perfect pictures for my internal encyclopedia.

- You can go straight to the final boss. After the tutorial.

- Master Sword is optional.

- Cinematics and story in general are optional too.

- The one big city in the whole world.

- The island were you lost your equipment. Brought me memories from that island in Oracles.

- Getting scales from dragons.

- Korok hunting for getting more weapons slots.

- Gathering items for house building.

- Making a town (looks horrible though, didn't need to look prefabricated).

- The barbarian armor, which you needed to complete a whole labyrinth to get each piece. And then you needed to defeat Lynels to put their teeth on your new armor in order to upgrade it. It's perfect.

- The whole Zora quest.

Things to add:

- Keep the other three non-Zora quests at the level of the Zora Quest. Just getting to Zora's domain was difficult because climbing is too OP.

- As for proper Temples, it's clearly either temples or shrines. Shrines were the driving force behind exploring, removing them changes once of the core principles of the game.

- Make that ninja hideout you had to raid 5x bigger. The idea and execution were good, just need more content.

- More places in your house to keep weapons. Did anyone used the legendary weapons?

- Don't be afraid of adding more plain terrain. I'm not saying there weren't plain terrains, I'm saying a little bit more would be even greater for immersion. We already have horses and sand walruses.

- Add some archeological stuff. Some reason why you should be exploring ruins and forgotten buildings. Forget about more enemies/weapons/items I can find everywhere else, I want more unique stuff.

- More variety in horses. Allow their attributes to change along with your items or if you ignore them for weeks.

- Bring back the classy themes and get rid of the "ride a horse" theme which sounds like a guardian theme.


I believe this is the first one.

e953e8 No.14217505


The game has the same success and flaws of Mario Odyssey

Movement through the world is almost perfect and an absolute joy, but enemy interaction and structured content are the worst they've ever been by an wide margin, with the former having novel ideas but ultimately being botched in execution, and the latter being a horrifically lazy, tedious chore stretched thinner than your mom's panties all so the marketing saying it has loads of content can be technically accurate

37a733 No.14217517


>Who is Linkle?

Link’s little sister who has seen him naked.

37a733 No.14217533


The thing that sucks about BotW is that it implies Ganon is gone for all time now. The evil having broken free from its cyclical humanoid form (to get more power), it lost its ability to resurrect. So there can’t technically be a BotW “sequel” set 100 years on where the new Link collects all the old hero items and uses them all together to defeat Ganon (in a proper once and for all setting). I mean, with Hyrule being restored, a century later there would be continued Sheika excavations and they’d start finding relics from all the old games buried miles underground. That’d be an excuse for huge dungeons, old-timey enemies, etc.

e953e8 No.14217551



You mean a sequel to BotW would have to have a different villain, and can't just reskin the same boss over and over for the dungeons again?

Wow, series ruined

37a733 No.14217561


>Zelda without Ganon

I’m honestly not sure they could pull off another Majora’s Mask anymore.

bae81d No.14217563

More Lonk Betwixt Whirls and less trash.

88b896 No.14217568

File: 65286b42411d618⋯.png (1.31 MB, 900x1247, 900:1247, puppet_zelda_by_alderion_a….png)


> you have to be named link?

Not in Zelda 2.

Other games ask your name.

Game manual says your default name is Link anyway.

I believe you can name Epona in TP.

As for the canon, no one should really care. Zelda games being interconnected is an afterthought. They do talk about descendants, so I guess bloodlines are important. Names just serve as reminders to that. Since Ganon keeps getting killed, instead of having kids he just stays in the shadows acting as puppet master. You literally have to battle puppets at some endgames.

bae81d No.14217571


I'll give you that, some MonHun type of stuff would be a perfect fit for where they seem to be going with the thing.

88b896 No.14217582


About half of Zelda games don't have Ganon on them, starting with Zelda 2.

(They added a "Resurrection of Ganon" in the gameover screen outside Japan but that doesn't count).

7f28ab No.14217601

File: a357a2683db0e91⋯.jpg (157.87 KB, 1294x676, 647:338, Zelda_NES_Artwork9.jpg)


>never played BoTW

>called it boring just to be a contrarian

Lurk more newfag, you don't fit in yet


>Zora domain climbing was OP

the endless rain was a good example of how they could force a "open world" dungeon scenario because it nerfed climbing.

>removing Shrines changes once of the core principles of the game.

Yes but some of that exploration could have been consolidated. Lets say they could have cut out 20% of the map (for an arbitrary number) and instead combined several of the shrines into super shrines. Their could still be a focus on exploration but with less map to cover and more "Dungeons" to provide a more challenging focused level of puzzles. Their where too many Korok seeds Korok Seeds and meaningless Shrines in compared to the ratio of substantive discoveries and interesting Shine puzzles. While one could argue that the mediocrity of the low points made the High points higher in comparison it also was in a sense too much like a skinner box where the rewards where less fulfilling but the player had become addicted to that endorphin drip. This is why after completing the game you feel compelled to search for more and become more and more dissatisfied knowing their is nothing "more" to be discovered. Its also why players can invest hundreds of hours into the game but then in hindsight make the proclamation they hated it because they are feeling spurned and jilted after being conditioned into seeking out these rewards.

Assuming the average play time is approximately 170h for completion. I speculate that the first 50h are the most rewarding as it begins to hit diminishing returns at there are inherently less things to be found. The nest 100h are still fun but way lest rewarding with occasional endorphin rush because there is still a decent amount of substantive content. Where as the last 20 hours are likely painful on account of the player who is now addicted is just trying squeeze the last drops of blood from a stone. Same dissatisfying issue with MGSV and would have been an issue with Peace Walker if not for the hidden end game bosses that turns the rewards & adrenaline up to 11.

e953e8 No.14217609


>Nintendo can't pull off what almost every spinoff and sequel has been doing for the last three decades

7f28ab No.14217647

File: 9df3c92a45e68c5⋯.jpg (511.71 KB, 1124x1927, 1124:1927, ZewLchB.jpg)




>it implies Ganon is gone

BotW is only in the OoT Child Timeline if I recall correctly. This means other incantations of Ganon still may exist in other parallel universes.

0be970 No.14217657


I've read that was just an idiotic mistranslation from noa. noa being dumbasses who would have thought

If you want to get really pissed off. Apparently in the original Japanese, the quest log / log book is written entirely in first person from the point of view of link. In other words massive amounts of internal characterization and development was just thrown out for no apparent reason. Botw is pretty close to being one of the worse localizations noa done in years.

792788 No.14217659


Looks like Tumblr, don't bother

e953e8 No.14217680


Other timelines don't matter if we're talking about a sequel

Unless they bring back time travel and actually address there being multiple split timelines in-game

aba62d No.14217700


Skyrim is a shit game but it sadly in ways has more depth then BOTW.

46632b No.14217708

File: 19c8959028cd194⋯.jpg (99.96 KB, 600x847, 600:847, CfclVqRW8AAkqXs.jpg)


Zelda has been fucked since Link's Awakening, cause they've been expanding mapsize, and with it, the distance between the content. In LA, you could play for an hour and have stories, of the characters you met, the locations you saw, or the dungeon you cleared. In BotW? You walked through another field, climbed another fountain, beat another simplistic barebones shrine.

All this talk of salvaging BotW is as retarded as talks of salvaging Skyrim. Open world is a retarded idea that only sells well because it looks good in the trailers, and it hasn't been done well, ever. This was one of the better attempts, but it's like being the winner in the Special Olympics.

e953e8 No.14217725


Anon, the "empty" parts of BotW are the only thing the game does right, and is universally championed as the only thing that matters by the people who still think it's a great game in spite of it's flaws

5b87ed No.14217728


>botw following timeline shit at all

They threw all that bullshit out of the window with BotW.

c61859 No.14217816


>that pink haired twitch bitch

Is she retarded, or is it an elaborate ruse to get attention? Hard to tell.

7f28ab No.14217870

File: 6131229950786c1⋯.jpg (299.52 KB, 423x500, 423:500, 9267813008_218e55dc27.jpg)


>All this talk of salvaging BotW

what are you talking about BoTW was the best Zelda in years. We are merely taking about how it can be improved.


I don't think so


she is retarded attentionwhore


>other timelines don't matter if we're talking about a sequel

Oh, a direct sequel to BoTW? In that case, they could easily come up with a new Antagonist. Or just retcon BoTW, Nintendo has never been huge story fags. Remember Ganon was "destroyed" in the first game and the direct squeal to that was his minions trying to resurrect him. A direct sequel of BoTW could easily revolve around a powerful cult leader of the Yiga Clan.

72d0e6 No.14217908

File: e9eceeb43a7a8ef⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ganon-give-up-j-small.jpg)

File: 406de583c22f7b4⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ganon-give-up-e-small.jpg)

File: 2dea4a1625c8239⋯.png (37.6 KB, 752x323, 752:323, Breath_of_the_Wild’s_Ganon….png)




It's a shitty translation error. You could rectify the english version to mean that Ganon is so pissed that he gave up on simply WAITING on reincarnation and has simply decided to revive himself on the spot.

5b87ed No.14217913


>I don't think so

Then why are Koroks and Rito living alongside Gerudo and Zoras? Why are recent ruins of Lon Lon Ranch in a time period where the last time Ganon appeared was 10000 years ago? Why is the Temple of Time by itself on a giant plateau, far off from Hyrule Castle Town? Why is there a whole history of the Hylians building a dam for the Zoras, which has never been a thing in previous games? There aren't even any Minish anymore, as grass and shit no longer hides rupees and ammo. This game is more inconsistent with the rest of the series than they usually are. You'd have to come up with some giant ass-pulls to fit it into sequence with any of the other games.

72d0e6 No.14217922


Then they should just go play Minecraft, Skyrim, or Fallout 4 then.

563fb3 No.14217940



e953e8 No.14217942


Minecraft has shit movement, and bethesda games are the exact same thing you want with big bland copy pasted dungeons placed every five feet with markers on your compass

b1023f No.14217944


I thought he scarified is immortality into pure fucking power, but now I know it's a botched up translation.

7f28ab No.14217952


Wind Waker being the Adult Era is a parallel universe so that is one way they could square that circle. BoTW is the Child Era. If anything nonsense about Rito and Koroks being Gerudo and Zoras may have been the part that is ether retcon or lost in translation. You also have Goddesses and magic as a cop-out. Everything in the Zelda world can be solved by Deus Ex Machina. Personally I don't really care much about the lore continuity and sorta appreciate that Nintendo doesn't put too much stock into it ether having game play as their top priority. They just work with familiar themes and "resurrect" them as a new incarceration unrelated to the old version.


to be fair BotW had better combat then both TES and Minecraft. If TES and Minecraft actually had fun game play then maybe the open world meme would finally work for them.

749715 No.14217954

File: b176ba341da5a4c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 601.46 KB, 1280x795, 256:159, 18c4855d1a2180018ada8e7e2b….jpg)


So basically you want them to increase the budget by 2-3x? Probably not gonna happen, they're in the business to make good money, not make good games.

5b87ed No.14218000


Rito were supposed to be the evolved forms of Zora after the great flood. It makes no sense they would just spontaneously spring up alongside the Zora in a parallel timeline. Koroks were a similar deal, being the changed forms of the Kokiri in OoT. That was also in response to the flood, though it'd be easier to fudge them in a parallel timeline by saying they changed in response to some other event. The Gerudo are an issue, as they're killed off in both the child and adult timelines, only living on in the failure one. That chart you posted is fan-made bullshit, by the way.

a3297d No.14218329


>Skyrim is a shit game but it sadly in ways has more depth then BOTW.

Faggots like you give me the impression that people still don't know what depth in games means.

aba62d No.14218378


BOTW barely had shit to do in it's world while skyrim while a total failure of a game had more content.

20f6bc No.14218398

File: 3aa03190e69ed71⋯.png (15.17 KB, 2000x2263, 2000:2263, wizzrobe.png)


I'd like to see magic be expanded upon as a means of combat. Give wands more use than "swing to shoot stuff". Having the ability to summon small elemental storms and conjure magic shields similar to Nayru's Love would have made wands a little more fun.

37a733 No.14218591


None of that would do anything remotely like what you claim, particularly when the engine and map are already developed now.

7f28ab No.14218601

File: 475229196488d03⋯.png (1.69 MB, 850x997, 850:997, Scenery_(The_Legend_of_Zel….png)

>>14218000 (checked)

it seems you ether didn't get my point or didn't read my enter post.

5ff621 No.14218638


>not rocking the dancing mask

how does it feel to have played the game wrong?

72d0e6 No.14218691


I was under the impression that BotW was the ∀ of the Zelda series.

7053f7 No.14218716

File: e85e9fd9c67ec11⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 340x372, 85:93, hiding your powerlevel.jpg)


>Also is it just me or is Skyward Sword lore fucked?

The same guy who wrote and directed Skyward directed BOTW, he's in charge of the series now

7f28ab No.14218740


>same guy who wrote and directed Oracle of Seasons, Ages & The Minish Cap

I'm ok with this

2cb88c No.14218744

File: 77b95f827aa8d10⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 300x225, 4:3, Rolling.gif)


Nice trips.

4584c1 No.14218911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>BOTW barely had shit to do in it's world while skyrim while a total failure of a game had more content.

Just assuming what you said was true. Depth is still not measured by content.

4bbb71 No.14218997


Nice dubs, my friend.


You'll get one too, even though you weren't trying.

aba62d No.14219045


I'm guessing you never played BOTW?

4584c1 No.14219483


I just want to hear a better argument. We had a thread saying Dragon's Dogma was basically Japanese Skyrim. People don't truly understand what makes Skyrim a bad game. Even fucking Undertale has more depth than Skyrim. Skyrim is less than the sum of its parts. It was never designed to be a good game. It was designed to give an illusion of being a good game. It wasn't due to laziness but an attempt to give faggots an illusion of choice. When I brought up the illusion of choice before, someone argued that it is still preferable to a lack of choice. However, it is like an ice cream shop that sells 40 different flavors but they only have five actual flavors with the rest being one of the five flavors but with a different name and color.

094feb No.14219500


But there is no depth to BOTW either. It’s empty on all accounts.

e953e8 No.14219580


BotW has too much depth

One look at mechanics like the autistic electricity interactions is enough to show that the devs that worked on those parts of the game were so deep inside their own asses they missed the forest for the trees

5b87ed No.14220052


Did you miss where the original discussion was about whether or not the devs meant for BotW to be a part of the timeline? You started out by saying it was part of the child timeline. I responded by saying it was in no timeline, because the devs didn't give a shit about any of them when making the game. You disagreed, I gave reasons for my statement in response. I don't see what the point is in saying "well they could always bullshit in an explanation later" when that has nothing to do with their original intentions, which is what the discussion is about.

7f28ab No.14220165


Did you miss the part that non of the bellyaching about Ganon being "dead" matters in a sequel if everything you said is taken for granted?

7053f7 No.14220347


That was back when he worked at Capcom though and didn't have as much of an influence on the series. We're gonna get more Skyward influence for later titles if BOTW is anything to go by, Hylia has basically replaced the three goddesses at this point

5b87ed No.14220365


But our discussion has nothing to do with if Ganon can come back or not. It's purely around your statement that BotW is part of some official timeline.

3a3049 No.14221835


>Rito were supposed to be the evolved forms of Zora after the great flood. It makes no sense they would just spontaneously spring up alongside the Zora in a parallel timeline.

It doesn't make any sense for an aquatic race to develop into a flying one because their range got bigger.

da4a2a No.14222367

Bring back the Hyrule Warriors OCs as optional boss fights. I want more Cia, Lana and Volga, dammit.

424428 No.14222391

File: ca55b2a62760fa5⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 255.jpg)


Now that you mention it, is there an open-world game where I can play as a bird-man?

fd5ef3 No.14222426

Fuck it. It's a Zelda wish list thread.

I want rope. I want rope arrows. I want to shoot two trees and make a zip line I can slide down on. Grappling hooks can come back as expendable items you attatch to rope. I want to use rope to lasso enemies on my horse and drag them through the briar patch. I also want to use rope to latch onto bigger enemies I can use for transport like a huge thunderbird I can hang in the sky so long as stamina is permitting.

I want temporary power ups like the clock, guardian acorn, or piece of power. If they have to be items then make their effects scrolls or potions.

I want fairy magic. What is fairy magic? Fairy magic spends rupees insteaf of MP to cast spells. Shiekah slate was cool but needs more resource management.

For improving food: Make food effects more potent but limit how often you can eat and when. I feel for restoring health a variety of potions would've sufficed.

If you're worried about not having a weapon then add unarmed combat. Have the ability to grapple enemies and wrestle to disarm them. Increase the weight Link can grapple with fairy magic, potions, food, or power bracelet. With max strength Link should toss Lynels to the side like pissed off goats.

Weapons should dull instead of break. Dull weapons lose attack power, but can be fixed. Or they can be thrown and destroyed for max damage.

Armor should break too, but can be repaired. Broken armor still has some of the special effect but loses defense while still keeping weight. Armor weight should affect stamina and enemy's ability to grapple you. Outfits aren't armor. They have effects but no defense. Also changing outfits cost time. Pull your pants down in the woods without looking first and you get butt-fucked by a bear.

Shield sizes from buckler to tower should affect how much coverage and protection you have. Bucklers are easier to shield bash and deal damage while tower shield can protect from dragon breath but can't be swung. Sadly broken shields are unwearable, but can be thrown.

Dual weilding should be a thing. And yes I want to dual-weild tower mirror shields and turtle my way through guardian's layer reflecting laser beams back at them. I also want to dual weild a hookshot and a pistol sling shot. It'd be fun zipping from tree to tree shooting deku nuts that blind town guards after a pantsu raid.

In contrast to BotW's wilderness I want to see the next game be about law and how you will break it. Keep BotW's engine but add civilization as an obstacle. I want to be an outlaw in rennaisaunce Hyrule ao we can have that big boss Gerudo-man sempai story.

Also Link should have a mom. And mom should be ara-ara.

f9b648 No.14222450


Nope, other than starbound (starbound doesn't count fuck off) other open world games with fictional races stick to cats and elf knockoffs, ignoring birds or other interesting fictional races.

3cd0fc No.14222480


Why is that bird sweating and have flush cheeks? Did she just get done exercising?

01f026 No.14222483

3cd0fc No.14222495


She clearly has feminine features like budding breasts and thin facial features.

9b23db No.14222510




Kill yourself.

fd5ef3 No.14222530


Another thing about rope. You can tie the rope to your horse and to yourself and jump off with your paraglider to fly like a kite. It's not practical for combat, but you'll get a better view around you while moving. Just have to pull yourself to your horse without losing too much stamina.

9b23db No.14222537

Weapon repair and upgrade and actually having shit in the world aside from shrines are the biggest things needed for improvement.

01f026 No.14222550


Birds don't have breasts

f597bf No.14222576

File: d536fe1e1c2a01d⋯.jpg (96.75 KB, 430x320, 43:32, Check 'em.jpg)


Trips of truth. BotW is clearly a reboot with shit from other LoZ haphazardly mishmashed together.

The mirror of twilight from TP is also in BotW btw.

37a733 No.14222582

No one has mentioned “Cookbook that contains the recipes you’ve already discovered instead of being forced to remember them yourself” yet. No one has mentioned “Cookbook where you can click once on a discovered recipe and it automatically gets made instead of having to do it by hand every time” yet.

3cd0fc No.14222779


You've never eaten a chicken breast?

I bet you feel silly now that I've BTFO'd you…

5d9449 No.14222855


>Keep climbing, paragliding

Holy fuck no. The last thing Zelda needs is more ways to streamline exploration. If you're going to have an "open world" game then don't fucking make shit a breeze to traverse. It makes a smaller world feel bigger and makes the eventual discovery of a landmark feel more like a reward.

7053f7 No.14223162


>The mirror of twilight from TP is also in BotW

It's not

e953e8 No.14223293


Anon, climbing and paragliding are the things that are universally praised by the people who love the exploration

If anything they should get rid of fast travel and horses

09e645 No.14223303

I’d like link and gannondorf to have more of a relationship like a mentor-mentee thing. The twist of the story being Gannon was the villain all along.

5d9449 No.14223319

>trying to keep track of the Zelda "timeline"

You fucks don't seem to understand that there isn't a fucking "timeline" in this franchise. The people who write the lore pull shit out of their asses and try and make it sound cohesive to the rest of the earlier games when they weren't around. If anybody here actually believes what the Hyrule Historia has to say about what was actually going on during Majoras Mask they can unironically fucking slit their throats.

5b46e6 No.14223563


The gods are dicks and didn't want them to realize that Hyrule was perfectly fine at the bottom of the ocean.

7053f7 No.14223613



Climbing and paragliding should be limited to items you find in the world

Fast travel should be cut down to only major locations like cleared dungeons or specific areas in towns

Horses should be faster

Add in those hidden warps from Ocarina of Time like the ones in Lost Woods that lead to Goron City and Zora River

e953e8 No.14223628


>To increase the sense of immersion in the exploration that people already say is perfect, we should turn climbing and gliding into arcade power ups

37a733 No.14223650


I’m still a sucker for the “adopted brothers” idea where Ganondorf is either just taken over by the evil (at the very beginning of the concept of the cycle) or he willingly plays host to it to ensure that it is only resurrected once every century (because of the Gerudo shit). Hell, we could even see Link be an orphan raised by the Gerudo (since Ganondorf would be too important to be separated from his people) as the way the game starts this time.

09e645 No.14223670


That’s what I was thinking. Gannondorf being this father figure to link. Link sets out to discover his Hylian heritage and travels to hyrule, meets Zelda falls in love or something like that . While back in the Gerudo some disaster or event pits the survival of the Gerudo against the interests or survival of Hyrule leading to Gannondorf trying to seek more power. Eventually leading to an emotional clash between father and son.

7053f7 No.14223727


You already have to 'unlock' the paraglider to begin with, and adding an item to explain why Link can climb any surface is far more immersive than just "he can lol"

e953e8 No.14223753


He can't climb any surface, there just aren't a massive variety of different types of surfaces out in the world, it's mainly different kinds of stone

Removing the fun from movement wouldn't make exploration more fun, it'd just be more of a chore

The only problem is the lack of meaningful content in the world, which making the massive world harder to move across would do absolutely nothing to fix

5d9449 No.14223969


>just make exploration a breeze after a small portion of gameplay

You don't seem to understand why this is retarded in the first place. In the original Zelda warps were very limited and sparse. This made exploration a risky concept. If you start allowing players to glide all over the map it pretty much spits in the face of that concept. Make transport limited, allow the player to understand the danger that goes into exploration and make the fucking game somewhat engaging instead of boring ass walks through nothing.

a16a8b No.14225090

File: 1fe934b05178d10⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2000x1132, 500:283, DB Zelda.png)

I propose they just hire toriyama to do the art style for the next one.

7053f7 No.14225120


>If you start allowing players to glide all over the map it pretty much spits in the face of that concept

But that already happens in the game with the paraglider as it is now, unless you mean the hidden warps/shortcuts concept

5c34ff No.14225370

I have a hunch the next open-world Zelda game will not be set in Hyrule at all.

The differences in geography between every past iteration of Hyrule could be handwaved by them being condensed versions of BOTW Hyrule. There were always theoretically more than one forest, one mountain, one lake, etc. in that world, but due to technical limitations and game design trends of the time abhorring wasted space, only the important and interesting parts of the world were depicted. That's how the location of Kakariko Village keeps changing: it's not the same village between games.

But now that the in-game depiction of Hyrule is a realistic size, that handwave doesn't work. It would be difficult to rearrange Hyrule without any of the geography introduced in BOTW and still pretend it's the same world, but starting from the general layout of BOTW Hyrule and making superficial changes would make it seem like an expansion pack. The best option would be a setting outside of Hyrule that can be completely new.

I suppose they can always just say "a wizard did it" and we would have to accept it because it's a fucking video game.

f2afbc No.14225383

File: 4b304686b4871dd⋯.png (319.87 KB, 562x437, 562:437, 1431046815416.png)

5d9449 No.14225454


>But that already happens in the game with the paraglider as it is now,

Yea and I think it's shit. All I'm saying is that if you make exploration innately difficult you feel rewarded when you discover a new area. Kinda like when you first see Anor Lando in Dark Souls or when you reach a new level in Solar Jetman.


never forget Zeldo

4f356c No.14225606



>make the clawsho into the grapnel gun in arkham knight

That would be interesting to see.

4f356c No.14225629


Climbing+stamina juice I think breaks the game more than the glider, the glider can be done right, just see windwaker.

655cba No.14225734


>>Bring back the fucking tools. Too many places in BotW needed the hookshot. Could pull a Just Cause-style gameplay with it and the paraglider.

Apparently they were on the fence about adding a hookshot to BotW for a long time - team members kept adding one and showing off how fun it would be, and eventually the game director had to be like, "no, we're not adding a hookshot, for certain." I would not be surprised if the hookshot is in the next game.

Found the exact quote: “In the early stages of development, we did actually do some tests with double hookshots and just being able to kind of go anywhere, like Spider-Man. Your mobility and your speed was just kind of incredible. We did do some tests like that. Honestly, the hookshot kind of completely breaks the climbing mechanic. There’s lots of fans in the staff, even at pretty high levels, who really like the hookshot and they kept bugging me about it. I eventually just had to say ‘No! Hookshot is gone. There will be no hookshot in this game. If we put the hookshot in this game, it’s not going to work.’ We were just going back to what we did before, and Breath of the Wild is all about doing new things.”- Hidemaro Fujibayashi

My personal hopes for the next Zelda: something like Majora's Mask, where they use the same assets to create a game quickly rather than remaking everything from scratch.

5d9449 No.14226174


Well windwaker made it work because you were in an ocean. The segments where you used gliding were usually in temples or in very sparse areas that required the thing in a linear fasion. It also made use of the Leaf by making it have an attack so there was more to it and you also sank fairly fast unless you had a twister to boost you. Basically if you're going to have gliding make it sparse and not worth the effort to travel. It's been a pretty overdone mechanic anyway in the past few years. Ass creed's done it, mincecrafts done it, a lot of open world games do it. If Zelda wants to do it again then I say have you sink pretty fucking fast if you do it.

5d9449 No.14226181


There's people working on a sort of spiritual MM if Twilight Princess was OoT. So it's being done with assets from TP but severely touched up. I'm willing to bet it will be more enjoyable than whatever Nintendo pops out and the project doesn't even look that great.

6a52bf No.14226185

File: 8f70ff66d34a73c⋯.jpg (113.99 KB, 816x870, 136:145, lonlon.jpg)


> I speculate that the first 50h are the most rewarding

I remember being extremely hyped after completing the Zora quest.

Imagine my horror when I realized:

- Getting to the other 3 cities has no real challenge. Goron requires you to hunt some lizards, Gerudo requires you to crossdress and Rito requires nothing at all.

- Fighting the big Elephant was epic (in no small part because of the music), fighting the Salamander was just pathetic.

- I don't feel like going on. You have a point, there is stuff to do but it could have been much better.


> since Link's Awakening, cause they've been expanding mapsize

Not always, the maps always look big from far away but in-game maps were pretty small in Skyward Sword and pretty much all portable Zeldas (including the Zelda 3 sequel for the 3DS, which ignores (for the most part) all the Zeldas that came after 1991. A Link Between Worlds was loved by both oldfags and newcomers.


I noticed in general more references to SS than any other Zelda game. Finding Lon Lon Ranch's remains struck a cord, though.

6a52bf No.14226210

File: 3eedab4b30bb8bd⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 800x500, 8:5, arbitersgrounds.jpg)

File: c6fa8cb63ce083b⋯.jpg (173.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Coliseum_Ruins.jpg)


I believe he's talking about the building (Arbiter's Grounds) where you find the mirror.

It looks like the Coliseum.

I don't care if it's a reference nor I care if it's not so close to Gerudo desert. The Coliseum looked so cool from far away yet it holded absolutely nothing special inside.


What was the longest you could travel by paragliding? I liked gliding from the Volcano, travelling to the east coast and trying to go as south as possible. Sweet.


> The people who write the lore pull shit out of their asses

This is beyond confirmed.

YET… it still feels food to see connections between games. My favorite was goind underwater in WW and finding the old castle with the sages of Ocarina in their glass mosaics.

1b76c3 No.14226212


It's so pathetic that the bottom part of your pic actually looks fuzzier and blurrier than the fucking OoT screenshot at the top. BotW looks fuzzier and blurrier than a Nintendo 64. That's actually impressive

Thank goodness for CEMU and the Clarity Graphics plugin

1ea10b No.14226228


That's what too much bloom does. It's fucking shit.

6a52bf No.14226270

File: 6bdac684e942686⋯.png (194.59 KB, 505x351, 505:351, aaa.png)

File: 7c310a678c1fba4⋯.jpg (182.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 38.jpg)

File: e964df59c7ce10e⋯.jpg (107.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


> He can't climb any surface

I can't think of too many things Link can't climb.

- Trees? Climbable.

- Walls? Climbable.

- Houses? Climbable.

- Big creatures like bears, cyclops and even those stone golems? Climbable.

117c7c No.14226286

I want a refund

1b76c3 No.14226311

File: 5120a18f99521de⋯.png (4.54 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cemu 1.11.3 - FPS_ 29.54 ….png)




Got a screenshot on CEMU of the approximate location

Significantly better. This was the BotW we could've had on consoles. Shame

1b76c3 No.14226326


Of course I still fuck it up because I forgot to re-equip the Master Sword and now I'm pissed off because I wanted to match it as close as possible

I forgot to make a save there though so fuck it I don't want to take down that Guardian+2 white bokoblins again

000000 No.14226808

How about actual dungeons instead of these great beast memes. The open world might be impressive by Zelda standards, but I always enjoyed a good dungeon layout and this franchise always put good effort into the themes and visuals. The great beasts were so underwhelming.

Also the silent princess needed to be a little more silent. SHUT UP ALREADY. A lot of people hated on Skyward Sword, but that game gave us the best princess and some great dungeon layouts and neat visuals.

3d0c12 No.14227114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You have to find fragments of something that looks suspiciously similar to the mirror from TP.


>I believe he's talking about the building (Arbiter's Grounds) where you find the mirror.

There's actually the ruins of the Arbiter's grounds at the southern edge of the Gerudo Desert, the Coliseum is just a coincidence. And yeah, probably one of the most disappointing moments was finding out that there was nothing inside

098097 No.14227206


there was nothing inside like the rest of the game

3d0c12 No.14227379

File: b97e3d49fb8f6a0⋯.gif (933.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, sadbat3.gif)


Unfortunately yes

fd5ef3 No.14227585


What if the hookshot has limited ammo or durability? I imagine if they re-use some of BotW's inventory they would make bow slots hold general ranged weapons. Hookshots could use charges as ammo and there could be different kinds of heads for different surfaces or purposes. Spearshot, pickshot, etc.

ffe021 No.14228243

File: 2aa88bd616cb769⋯.jpg (433.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, image001.jpg)

File: 49e09813919cb51⋯.jpg (375.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, image002.jpg)

File: d010b19c096731e⋯.jpg (410.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, image003.jpg)


That color pack you are using, never clicked with me, IMO it just brutalizes colors and contrasts by using a technicolor effect, also it overuses the effect of FXAA causing lots of blur when you can make FXAA work with almost 0 blur by reducing the amount of subpixel anti-aliasing and letting it only work on edges

I think even the original pic looked even better.

You can make Reshade almost work perfectly with Cemu and tweak it to your needs instead of relying on something that was probably made by some 16 year old reddit fag that thought he could slap shit over the colors like it was an instagram filter, in fact that pack just copied and pasted Reshade code.

The Reshade caveat is that you need a en effect hotkey on your gamepad to toggle the effect off on the item menu or else it freezes until you close it, i mapped said hotkey to Start and so i don't have to worry about toggling it on and off when going into the menu, the only problem is when i exit via the B button instead of Start, and then i have to manually re enable it.

Lots of autism just for a couple visual improvements i know.


> fuck it I don't want to take down that Guardian+2 white bokoblins again

For me on Mashing Master mode there were 2 golden Bokoblins a Guardian and also 4 of those big chuchus and the Hinox can see you from the other hill and come to wreck your shit if you are not careful, had to kill them all but then started to rain, so i started a campfire until next day's noon, but lucky me got a blood moon, and had to kill them all again.

ffe021 No.14228253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And here is a complimentary video of fake ambient occlusion being used to make mainly the grass but also other stuff look better.

960450 No.14228587

The next Zelda needs to learn the lesson that you cannot replace a well thought and designed dungeon with 50 separate ball in a cup puzzles. Even thought puzzles where always that dumb, it was the sense of exploration into the unknown dangers what fueled your desire to keep solving them

218cad No.14230581


>bug collecting

I want to challenge village kids to insect fights.

c87005 No.14231086

File: 251b0081e3f6353⋯.jpg (183.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Banner-Zelda-BreathOfTheWi….jpg)


>I remember being extremely hyped after completing the Zora quest.

your sentiments mirror mine exactly, I did the Zora quest first and expected the other three to be on par with them as well as expand on the story but they ended up being disappointing as hell. The whole game just feels like a Legend of Zelda skin on Skyrim, it just doesn't feel like a zelda game. I have played Twilight Princess all the way through at least 7 times and each time their is still a feeling of wonder at the world and story that's just not there in BOTW, even Wind Waker which was closest to BOTW in terms of open world and gameplay was much better.

All of BOTW feels like a cash grab built around the nostalgia of the past games combined with what Jap devs think westerners like (skyrim style shit). The DLC items and the fact that like doesn't even have his own green tunic in this game tells me that whoever is in charge in the series wants to do to Zelda what Korra did to ATLA.

c87005 No.14231134


> fact that like doesn't even have his own


247b93 No.14232019

File: f029bf4e271cad6⋯.png (686.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>the fact that like doesn't even have his own green tunic in this game

Uh, what? Granted it does come after getting all 120 shrines so it doesn't really run contrary to your point.

1c276d No.14232065

File: d81593f15e4560f⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 400x300, 4:3, NONONO.gif)



How about a Cloud World: Exp pack, 40€, full of content (tm) "Teh Skyeward Sward" and then later a "Underworld Exp pack".

0e2cbe No.14232087


And how is posting dicks any less gay?

247b93 No.14232261





Calamity Ganon's entry in the Hyrule Compendium also clarifies this.

>The source of the darkness that has appeared time and again throughout Hyrule's history. It's been called many times, from "Great King of Evil" to "Calamity." Hibernating within a cocoon, it attempted to regenerate a physical form after Link awoke but was forced to confront him in an incomplete state.

Dark Beast's too, just to show no reference of finality.

>After Ganon was defeated by Link, the remaining Malice pulled itself together to form this bestial creature. Its appearance and fiendish magic earned it the name of Dark Beast. This form is considered to be Ganon's original, although in this state, his awareness has been consumed entirely by Malice, and all he knows is a desire to rampage and destroy.

I think the bit about him trying to reincarnate after Link awoke is also an error or at least really dumb.

1b76c3 No.14232292


>The whole game just feels like a Legend of Zelda skin on Skyrim, it just doesn't feel like a zelda game.

You're not wrong that it absolutely does NOT feel like a Zelda game, but it sure is a hell of a lot better than Skyrim. I hate it when people compare the two. Both games have retarded cookie-cutter dungeons, but BotW essentially takes what Skyrim has and improves it in every way as far as mechanics, movement, and world design are concerned

1039b1 No.14232625


>Bring back the rest of the enemies; Like-Likes, Peahats, Darknuts, etc.

BOTW was like that because of the weapon-degrdation system. You needed enemy's were you could replace you weapons and shields

e953e8 No.14232649


So, the perfect place for danknuts

Also given the weapon degradation and climbing being core game mechanics, peahats and rape monsters would be hilariously annoying

92aa3c No.14233486


It would be fun to play with the results of being eaten by like likes. Like having a chance of random upgrades /downgrades or effects to your retrieved equipment depending on what type of like like ate you. Or making them run away.

72d0e6 No.14233537

File: f90e1cd4fa33282⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 554x314, 277:157, 605690.jpg)


Or they could just introduce a crafting systems for weapons and armor like how superior games do.

c87005 No.14233966


> I hate it when people compare the two.

there is no doubt that BOTW is better than Skyrim, I have played both and say that with confidence but the two are strikingly similar in most respects so it's nmo surprise that everyone is going to compare the two… and you can't mod BOTW so Skyrim has that over it.

20f6bc No.14234208

File: 3af0b91c8bd68a5⋯.png (665.24 KB, 1323x625, 1323:625, 01.png)


>You needed enemy's were you could replace you weapons and shields

Yeah, if you want little to no level of threat during combat. It defeats the purpose of breaking weapons if you can just knock the weapon out of your enemy's hands before your existing one breaks. Having opponents that don't attack using weapons doesn't mean you can't get equipment from them, just have them drop components that allow you to craft new weapons.


Speaking of translation fuck ups, does anyone know the literal japanese translation for Urbosa's scene with Link after he frees her divine beast? The english line implies that Ganondorf only "assumed" the form of a Gerudo, which is obviously bullshit.

3fbc37 No.14234250

File: 205070851425fc3⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 542x616, 271:308, wanna.jpg)

72d0e6 No.14234496


It's not gay if it's a birb.

fd5ef3 No.14237542

I just remembered what made the original game so open: keys.

You can buy keys from merchants to use on any small door in any dungeon in any order so long as you have the rupees. I was thinking about doing the same but with lockpicks. Also could have an interconnected underworld that connects all the dungeons together at some point. Like sewer shortcuts in Paper Mario.

983e46 No.14237578


>just have them drop components that allow you to craft new weapons

That would mean more time spent in a crafting menu doing the same thing over and over.

I do like the idea of likelikes directly eating your supplies though.

424428 No.14237629

What if a Zelda game had two face buttons devoted to sword attacks instead of one, with a rudimentary combo system?

You know how on the N64 every third sword attack had a different animation? Using two buttons could allow eight different combos that are effective against different enemies, without going too far off genre or using waggle controls.

785ac3 No.14237640

Make it that spin-off Sheik game Retro briefly worked on.

5d9449 No.14247432


>play as a sheika

>have gameplay roughly like Sand of Time but with dungeon exploration and puzzle solving

>can be a sexy sheika with skintight suit

Nintendo just doesn't like money.

fd5ef3 No.14248660


I dunno… Nintendo gave us Twintelle's and Zelda's asses this year.

1b76c3 No.14248690


>and you can't mod BOTW so Skyrim has that over it.


8828e2 No.14248722

File: dfa7fb97c8d2cdb⋯.png (254.03 KB, 515x600, 103:120, zelda hw.png)



They also signed off the sexiest Zelda ever (pic related) and Lana and motherfucking Cia.

I really think that the Sheik game would work really well as a Zelda II spiritual sequel, especially since Aonuma has said he'd like to revisit it at some point.

424428 No.14248728

File: a23b853f60acb19⋯.gif (4.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, a23.gif)


>you can't mod BOTW

5d9449 No.14249147


The Zelda ass this year wasn't much and it was in service of a mediocre game


BoTW has about a decade to catch up on Skyrim's modding community. And I doubt it will get half as far.

1b76c3 No.14249158


>BoTW has about a decade to catch up on Skyrim's modding community. And I doubt it will get half as far.

Its about as easy to mod as Skyrim is, just drag+dropping of files and its pretty much a native PC game at this point with CEMU. Not to mention the engine is far more capable

5b87ed No.14249164


Can't you only replace files, though?

1b76c3 No.14249178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is a level of scripting capability in the game engine itself. Nintendo went with a more open-ended approach to BotWs engine design. Hell, it literally just uses Havok physics

11e058 No.14249207


>you will never Cia the dick she rightfully deserves

Why live

Also kind of wish they actually added story descriptions for all those missions in the Master Quest mode. Half of those seemed like they could have had a decent set up with like 10 words, especially one particular one I recall where you played as Link allied with Cia against every female hero.

5b87ed No.14249211


KoRL still replaces one of the horses, though, and that's the problem. It seems like anything you add has to replace something.

1b76c3 No.14249220


You don't *have too* but people do for simplicity sake. It's entirely possible to add content as DLC for example

5d9449 No.14249670


I doubt BoTW will get as far as Skyrim has in modding development and overhaul mods any time soon is what I'm saying. If I'm going to download a mods for BoTW I'm going to want shit that fixes some of it's incredibly heavy flaws. Which will take some time with how deep some of those flaws are. Either way you can't lie tat Skyrim has some pretty complicated mods made for it, Much of which will take years to implement in another game.

e953e8 No.14250253


Most of the flaws are with the game's core content

Mods will never fix that, just like they don't with elder scrolls games

28c689 No.14252236


>The english line implies that Ganondorf only "assumed" the form of a Gerudo, which is obviously bullshit.

That's a correct way to put it, though. Gerudo ganon was way in the past at the time the story in that pic was told.


5d9449 No.14252749


Never said they would. Just stating that as far as the modding for a game goes BoTW has a long way to go.

fd5ef3 No.14253043

Speaking of mods would it be possible to mod BotW with procedurally generated rooms for a rogue-lite type Zelda game?

062b4b No.14253072


>its pretty much a native PC game at this point with CEMU

The live memory editor is absolutely astounding, and the fact that there isn’t a similar one for Twilight Princess HD makes me sad.

348124 No.14253129


>Korok hunting for getting more weapons slots.

>loving this

Nigger, no. They should just make like 8 slots for weapons, shields, and bows, and have each with an equipment that either doesn't break, or restores itself like the master sword.

>Master Sword

>Hylian Shield

>Hero's Bow

Other than that, I like having variant weapons. I really dig the spear weapons and the two-handers' spin attack.

There could be a variant shield that launches a disc that stuns enemies instead of the parry to fill the role that boomerangs/hookshots used to do.

Also, boomerangs sucked this time around. Never bothered to keep one on hand because it sucks for both melee and range. I say either improve it or remove it.

dbecdb No.14253346

I just got this game not too long ago. Should I use the English VA or the Japanese VA?

4b6867 No.14253689


Yeah, and all the previous games are like the "dark history"

fd5ef3 No.14253740


Japanese or anything but English.

5d9449 No.14253769


I bet it's just as cringe in japanese if you spoke japanese.

fd5ef3 No.14253795


True, but at least chosing a language you can't speak you can ignore the cringe.

5d9449 No.14253843


the entire story itself is cringe though

fd5ef3 No.14253848


I know that feel bro. Pass the milk.

424428 No.14253950

File: 3f0d5b29499ab08⋯.png (640.97 KB, 480x720, 2:3, car.png)

Where does this fit into the Zelda timeline? Is it the future of Termina?

f597bf No.14254088


>Where does this fit into the Zelda timeline?


>Is it the future of Termina?

I think Termina was retconned out of existence by Aonuma.

5d9449 No.14254333



More like

>it doesn't matter

ddae53 No.14254836

File: b4ea3040f121ce7⋯.png (995.76 KB, 1084x1122, 542:561, Rito Link.png)




The Majora Mask concept would be a hell of a thing to revisit. BotW especially made me want the ability to have Link become a Rito and actually be able to fly around instead of just gliding downwards. Making it similar to Mario's Wing Cap from 64 would be perfect where you dive to get more speed before pulling back up.

ddae53 No.14254861


It's said stupidly, but it's meaning that when Ganon first showed up, it was in the form of a Gerudo, which was true.

5d9449 No.14257137


>and actually be able to fly around

And ruin any semblance of fun exploration as a result. If you do that sort of shit you better make it incredibly sparse or make a large level area meant specifically for it.

f9b648 No.14257199


>ruin fun exploration

what? You mean like fast travel, the horse and revali's gale already do?

547c05 No.14257249

File: 48fa2e646aa0cfd⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 229x300, 229:300, dance burb.GIF)


Then design around it and have enemies that are easier to combat with the various masks. This is not hard. Hell the Rito mask would be an upgrade, if you're concerned about it make the mask time limited and have upgrades to that time until the end of the game where you can do it for as long as you want.

Or you could go full multiform balance and make Ritos weak against thunder, since they're likely to be the highest thing in the sky they'd get thunder'd if certain enemies are in play or the weather's different.

Gorons would be damaged by rain since they're rocks, Zoras would be damaged by heat since they're fish, Ritos would suffer similar problems, and it's easy to regulate usage through level design. There's really no reason not to do stuff like this outside of not wanting to.

I'm tired of this limiting shit people do because they're afraid of upsetting balance, for god's sake stop putting superflight shit on limits and just go fucking crazy and see what sticks. Playing it safe makes for a boring ass game, and if it's not up to snuff it's going to be interesting anyway.

e953e8 No.14257438


There's really no way to design a level around unlimited flight without making literally everything in the game revolve around it

Or contriving ways to prevent the player from flying all the time in important areas, but that's far less efficient and much more noticeable than just not having unlimited flight

Though that's assuming it would have an actual use in the course of the game, and wouldn't be some easter egg-tier endgame upgrade like fierce deity

5d9449 No.14257455

File: 742f82730d30f2b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 780x592, 195:148, Screenshot_78.png)


>what? You mean like fast travel

No I mean develop a separate level for it only or make it usable at certain heights or something. I explained this earlier in the thread. Once to make traversing a world a fucking breeze the world becomes a lot smaller and a lot less interesting. The original Zelda games made traversing the world difficult through lots of combat and actual gameplay so your focus wasn't looking at the world as eyecandy. By allowing the player to climb most any surface and glide around you're essentially making the world more easy to navigate and as a result you get less satisfaction out of discovering new things because there was much less effort put into it.


>Then design around it and have enemies that are easier to combat with the various masks

Or just fly over them because you don't have to fight them as a result

>if you're concerned about it make the mask time limited and have upgrades to that time until the end of the game where you can do it for as long as you want.

Might work, but definitely not as long as you want. After you start flying infinitely you might as well type "noclip" into the console as all the effort into the game is essentially gone.

>There's really no reason not to do stuff like this outside of not wanting to.

Well none of those things you mentioned have anything to do with making exploration an joke.

>I'm tired of this limiting shit people do because they're afraid of upsetting balance

God forbid a game has some sort of structure to keep it engaging.

>for god's sake stop putting superflight shit on limits and just go fucking crazy and see what sticks

Nothing sticks. That's the problem. The second you give the player a feature that basically trivializes earlier mechanics they're not going to feel as engaged by that same lack of mechanics. Sure you could fly over the entirety of Hyrule, but then you would be missing out on everything in the game that isn't flying. And then when you actually did engage in said mechanic (such as combat or a certain quest) there's going to be large segments of those mechanics not meshing together with the fact that you can fly. It's like how the biggoron sword trade quest in OoT was completely fucking ruined by the fact that you could just warp near the places you wanted to go. You could argue you were just using your brain in that moment but it also trivializes the initial point of the quest.

5d9449 No.14257471


Excuse the typo's. It's been a long day.

fd5ef3 No.14257696

What if your time in flight is limited by stamina? And flapping uses alot of stamina?

Course the work-around of eating infinite stamina items on inventory would be to be forced to "equip" your stamina potion with one hand before using it. Meaning you need an empty hand to consume elixers in real time. Meaning you can't consume elixirs if the task requires two hands.

You could get away with drinking elixirs while climbing because you can hang on the wall with one hand unless it rains. However things like paragliding/flying are out of the question for those tasks requore both hands to not fall. And you cannot drink potions while falling.

Also was anyone disappointed that the bug-catching net was not a melee weapon in BotW?

424428 No.14258300

File: c027ac0c3bbda0d⋯.png (265.16 KB, 538x1107, 538:1107, c02.png)


I think limiting flight by stamina was obvious to everyone, considering Medli had a stamina bar. That would've been enough in any other Zelda game due to the bottle limit, but as you said, in BOTW there's nothing really stopping you from chugging a dozen potions in midair.

It might be a good idea to nerf potions and food in general.

1. food items take time to absorb (or simply can't be used when you're doing anything else)

2. potions can't be made without an empty bottle

3. the "hearty" effect means it heals a certain amount and CAN overheal, rather than a full heal plus an amount of overheal

f9b648 No.14258331


With how hearts changed "Hearty" should've really lasted longer, and give temporary heart containers that can be replenished with regular food until the effect expires. How BOTW changed hearts in general is stupid, getting one hit early on isn't fun and neither is tanking one singular hit and then having to heal even though you have like 12 hearts.

72d0e6 No.14258371

File: 334bc42fe7131ce⋯.png (569 B, 32x32, 1:1, Potion_Sickness.png)


Just introduce a potion sickness mechanic.

fd5ef3 No.14258422


I was thinking food should be eaten while resting at camp or while in an inn. Give food more potent effects that last a whole day or half a day, but can't eat until the effect wears off. Originally I had this idea for "spirits" or beverages but changed to food. Foods that increase heart containers actually give you heart containers you can re-heal until the effect is over. Extra hearts are blue hearts. There are potions that give temp hearts (yellow) but those hearts disappear after hit like hearty shit in BotW. However they don't replinish red/blue hearts.

Potion effects weren't just buffs. There were "auras" too like flame aura that catches enemy's unarmed or wooden weapons on fire. Also if you walk through grass it burns. And you emit light which makes stealth impossible.

Though come to think, fire aura would be a better fairy makic.

d94ef7 No.14258429

File: 4640b9703a0d2dd⋯.jpg (212 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Banner-Zelda-BreathOfTheWi….jpg)

File: 6aad159eceba681⋯.png (684.64 KB, 1024x1568, 32:49, reeeee.png)

File: 74040e58d7fdc2a⋯.jpg (189.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, original.jpg)


The DLCs were shit as all fuck and just reskins of pre-existing enemie. All I wanted was a post-game quest, restoring Hyrule Castle Town, a building simulator that used pic-related as building blocks, transformation masks and a qt Zelda companion (or an update that gives you the option to add Midna to wolf Link) that you can bring or leave at any time. Fuck this gay furfag world.

5dc0ea No.14258442

File: f233ea34fed4065⋯.png (488.42 KB, 808x805, 808:805, 1502968519794.png)


>no Medli in BotW

>mfw literally only reason I bought the game after seeing the Rito


e953e8 No.14258493


Why the fuck would medli be in BotW

She's a plot-related side character

The only characters that show up in multiple games are main characters or minor joke characters like tingle and beedle that can serve a useful purpose and be plopped in anywhere

88b896 No.14258547


> Skyrim vs BotW

Skyrim has more content (new places always hold some weird quests)

BotW has better gameplay (combat, climbing and physics).

88b896 No.14258606

File: e7dc7f86fcd6608⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 564x758, 282:379, c830e6273f9d0f52dc44a7bc46….jpg)


Replayed Zelda 1 recently to see if BotW had some vibes from it (I guess so), to my enormous surprise you can use the keys from one dungeon in another dungeon. If you fuck up you can buy more keys. What the hell… this really breaks all the dynamics from introduced since Zelda 3.


I don't believe we'll be seeing more combat options. TP introduced a lot of optional unlockable sword moves and SS finally delivered a WiiMote-sword. We didn't really wanted what we asked for. So we're still mostly bound to N64 rules, refined by WW.


> TP's Mirror is still around

I miss Midna so much.

88b896 No.14258628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Avoid English.

Any other language is better.

Blessed those whose main language isn't english.

Even creatures from other planets with no understanding of any of BotW languages should understand that the english "voice talent" for princess Zelda is an emotionless autist.

88b896 No.14258670

File: 33bb09e2b727286⋯.jpg (121.15 KB, 565x960, 113:192, Mipha is still best gurl_c….jpg)


It's not like they particularly cared about a carefully established canonical timeline but in BotW they really tried to retcon a ton of things.

I'm pretty sure Zoras had evolved into Ritos in Wind Waker, but they coexist in here. Probably a parallel timeline, I can't care any longer.

Anyway, they mention the sages of Ocarina of Time quickly a couple of times and how they opposed Ganon, so I guess this is the timeline where Ganon was defeated and Link leaves for Termina. No references to Twilis though, apart from the mirror and some artstyle.


> [spoiler]

This. Still valid in my headcanon.


> The DLCs were shit as all fuck and just reskins of pre-existing enemie.

I wanted a dream where you remembered what happened 100 years ago.

All champions alive, Hyrule town still around.

They could've perfectly recycled 99% of the map and no one would have cared


cab25f No.14258687


Maybe you think English is bad because when you hear other languages you can't really appreciate them in full like a native speaker would, noticing even small tone differences from how a word is pronounced, or if something sounds off. And i think this is part reason of weeb's favoring of Japanese dubs as well.

My native language sounds so - so in my opinion but i prefer english voices, probably due to what i described

e953e8 No.14258703


>They could've perfectly recycled 99% of the map and no one would have cared

They can still do that for a sequel

And there's a good chance they will, given the amount of work put into it and the success the game had

fd5ef3 No.14258712


Well there are three timelines. And I hate to cite Gay Theory but I like the idea of BotW in the Fallen Hero timeline.

As for Zora and Rito co-existing it's possible in any timeline really if enough time passes. So long as Zora's still have a place they can call home they can live unevolved while those that move away evolve into Rito.

As for koroks I'll cite the manga. Non-canon I know. Kokiri are the spirits of children lost in the lost woods rescued by the Great Deku Tree before they become skull kids. Rest is head canon. Kokiri don't age because they aren't alive. And eventually as time passes Kokiri forget what it's like to be human. So they eventually assume the form of tree spirits, Korok forms, to be closer and safer with the Great Deku Tree.

6bcd5b No.14258727


What,no bird lolis?

67cd17 No.14258753

I just started playing this game with cemu and i have to ask. What the fuck is with this climate? is it 60% chance of rain every day?

5d9449 No.14258837


>trap link not at neanderthal tier

This is your brain on good goyness. At least Zelda can produce worth while offspring.

b606b4 No.14258842

File: a83e6c87342f16b⋯.webm (799.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, remove kebab.webm)


quick 'n' dirty edit

5d9449 No.14258847


Welcome to all open world games to ever be created. Apparently people who work on rain mechanics REALLY want their work to be shown or something. Tell me does BoTW have rain that clips through ceilings? The only other game I've known about that doesn't is Gothic.

6bcd5b No.14258921


Holy shit it's jasonafex.

cb8eaf No.14258934

File: 970e849ede17f93⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 558x640, 279:320, that really whoa'd my mama….jpg)


>any mention of that nigger

63d08d No.14258944


there was a mod for morrowind that stopped snow and rain etc from clipping through solid objects, maybe it was part of MCP, don't really remember. anyway, shit dropped my fps by about 20. sage for blogpost.

5d9449 No.14258974


Nah it's nice to know since it's one of the things I hate the most in any game with weather mechanics. Believe me there's a ton of mods for Oblivion and Skyrim about this shit and both of them ignore this simple fact.

bf2444 No.14258978


No it's not.

Theres no random jiggling and the sounds of someone fisting a jar of mayo

67cd17 No.14259071


I wouldn't have an issue with it if it wasn't for the fact the rain makes shit impossible to climb, and it always rains when i need to climb shit

e953e8 No.14260568


Not impossible, just harder

5d9449 No.14265541


You shouldn't be able to climb most surfaces in general.

e953e8 No.14266504


Stone is the basis for most structures in the world, and there's literally zero reason for that not to be climbable, either in natural form or brick form

The only things that shouldn't be climbable are perfectly or nearly smooth surfaces, which there aren't a whole lot of

The most there's an argument for is that there should be some sort of equipment or skill-based progression for being able to climb more difficult surfaces

5d9449 No.14268031


>Stone is the basis for most structures in the world, and there's literally zero reason for that not to be climbable


This is retarded. Go back and read what I've said on the concept about making your world to easy to traverse.

>The only things that shouldn't be climbable are perfectly or nearly smooth surfaces, which there aren't a whole lot of

There needs to be.

The only argument I could make for climbing is that it should be long, extremely tedious, and rarely worth the effort. The idea of being able to cut off a path that may be dangerous by simply climbing over a small wall is kinda bullshit. A neat idea would be if tougher enemies were often on higher ground but that's a lot more to consider instead of just removing the element entirely.

653e6b No.14268045


>fucking outside the species


e953e8 No.14268061


>it should be long, extremely tedious, and rarely worth the effort

So it shouldn't be in the game, then

You're countering meh game design with outright bad game design

5d9449 No.14268078


>You're countering meh game design with outright bad game design

More like if you HAVE to have it then do it that way. It's a better alternative to simply being able to climb most any surface. The best alternative would do not have it at all and just ad vine walls and ladders like the older games did.

e953e8 No.14268140


>This open world game design in an open world game is bad it needs to be linear and restrictive like the old games

If you want to change literally the entire game that's fine, but you can't say it's solely the fault of the climbing, which is unanimously considered one of the best parts of the exploration, which people love

5d9449 No.14268171


>This open world game design in an open world game is bad it needs to be linear and restrictive like the old games

You really need to pull your head out of your ass here. I don't have an issue with being able to climb many surfaces in a game. The problem is being able to climb just about anywhere and not having the world built around this concept.

>but you can't say it's solely the fault of the climbing

No the gliding helps to fuck that over as well.

>which is unanimously considered one of the best parts of the exploration

By normalfags who enjoy Skyrim. Like I've stated already in this thread, the second you make the actual exploration in a game an easy experience you inevitably end up taking exploration for granted, and as a result you take the things you discover for granted as well. When the day comes that devs can handle an open world and have ALL of its mechanics make sense and not break or lessen other mechanics in the end result is the day I'll be waiting for among many other people. As it is now though the ability to climb devalues to many other mechanics in the game.

fd5ef3 No.14268197

I think climbing bare handed is already tedious in BotW. Even more so with how often I have to open the menu to keep chugging bug juice.

That said the key to making climbing fun is balancing when and where climbing is necessary. Early game should be about exploring the low ground for equipment needed to climb higher (or lower in the underworld). Then late game when you know where to go climbing you should have the climbing pick, ropeshot, grip ring, and bug juice needed to take those shortcuts or to find that heart piece/stamina drop.

e953e8 No.14268234


What you discover is taken for granted because what you "discover" is hot garbage, the content is the worst aspect of the game next to the combat

Taking away gliding and making climbing a fucking chore that nobody wants to do and has no purpose would only make people walk/horse everywhere, which is tedious and annoying in a world this size and would not make anyone appreciate the shitty shrines any more

5d9449 No.14268250


>What you discover is taken for granted because what you "discover" is hot garbage, the content is the worst aspect of the game next to the combat

That's my problem? You're the one who stated that climbing was the best part of exploration. If the actual discoveries are fucking garbage then how is the "exploration" any better?

>Taking away gliding and making climbing a fucking chore that nobody wants to do and has no purpose would only make people walk/horse everywhere

God forbid you traverse a world in a way that actually makes the world feel large.

>which is tedious and annoying in a world this size and would not make anyone appreciate the shitty shrines any more

I think what you're saying is that if you remove the shitty mechanics of the game you'll find that they were the only thing keeping it engaging due to how game breaking they were. Kinda like the physics powers that let players treat the world like a sandbox simulator. Because fucking with physics props is the the first thing I think of when I play Zelda.

fd5ef3 No.14268300

I think instead of shrines I would prefer interlocking labrynths. Maybe some labyrnths have multiple entrances or maybe you can connect two labrynths to make a short cut with the right tools.

The thing the original Zelda had was that each tool you find makes the world easier to explore or increases your survivalbility. I didn't get alot of that from BotW either because I always found what I needed to survive that area like ingridients for a potion or the game gives it to me. The original felt like it didn't matter what order you find the puzzle pieces in the end but each piece you find lays out a unique path to the next piece and so on.

e953e8 No.14268366


>that they were the only thing keeping it engaging due to how game breaking they were

No, not really

There was no game to break

You might have half a point if there was linear world design that would necessitate restricting movement, but throwing it out entirely and making players focus instead on the parts of games literally everyone hates wouldn't fix it

5d9449 No.14268393


>You might have half a point if there was linear world design that would necessitate restricting movement

The original Zelda didn't have this and it did just fine.

>but throwing it out entirely and making players focus instead on the parts of games literally everyone hates wouldn't fix it

What, the combat and discoveries? Like I said, that's not my fault that they're shit. But if you're going to have a good Zelda game you should probably have good combat and shit to discover. The fact that they failed that doesn't mean the climbing is somehow better. It just means you can use a bad mechanic to ignore even worse mechanics. This is a Zelda game, the combat and exploration should always the key aspects of what makes it enjoyable.

e953e8 No.14268487


>The original Zelda didn't have this and it did just fine.

The original zeldo was 2D and had a very small world separated into individual screens, and the majority of the things to discover in that world were incredibly obtuse playground rumor bullshit to bar progression in the otherwise open world and pad out the playtime

>What, the combat and discoveries?

And holding forward for five minutes at a time to get to the other end of an open space filled with nothing but enemies and basic pickups to get to the next actual point of interest

This shit is why fast travel is such a big thing in open world games

And if BotW didn't have climbing and gliding, you bet your ass shrines would be marked on the minimap after climbing the ubisoft towers

5d9449 No.14269768


>The original zeldo was 2D and had a very small world separated into individual screens

I don't think you understand that what made the game work was the fact that moving through the world alone was a challenge. When you got to that next temple you were pumped because you had to work to get there.

>And holding forward for five minutes at a time to get to the other end of an open space filled with nothing but enemies and basic pickups to get to the next actual point of interest

This is why you fill it with enemies. The funny thing is if the game actually HAD enough enemies to make the combat worth your time then you could just as easily go around them by climbing. Hence the issue with climbing.

>And if BotW didn't have climbing and gliding, you bet your ass shrines would be marked on the minimap after climbing the ubisoft towers

This thread is about fixing the games problems to make the game better. Not realistically assuming what would be done if something were missing.

e953e8 No.14269818


>what made the game work was the fact that moving through the world alone was a challenge

And having to wait for screen transitions was not where the challenge lied, it was the puzzle aspect, the vague bullshit riddles and item uses

>This is why you fill it with enemies

Every open world game does this, it objectively doesn't work

There was a discussion just this morning in the dragon's dogma thread about how to most effectively place fast travel locations to avoid the most annoying traveling

I could also bring up a game that had a really interesting world to explore without being frustrating, Shadow of the Colossus, which achieved that feat by having literally zero enemies other than the colossi, as well as making the game extremely linear and always pointing you where you need to go with your proto-quest marker, which I'm sure you don't want

The only issue with climbing is that you can't think of any way to design around it other than to practically remove it from the damn game

5d9449 No.14269884


>And having to wait for screen transitions was not where the challenge lied

What? No obviously but what does that have to do with what I said?

>was the puzzle aspect

I think you're missing my point entirely. Traversing the world in the original Zelda was a challenge in itself. You often had to make it to a temple while keeping your HP in good standing and keep up the fight without losing to much health in the process. Which is what made it engaging to find new areas because it was often the case that you did when you were nearly dead.

>Every open world game does this, it objectively doesn't work

Maybe that's because open world games tend to be shit either way. Much of this is because there's very little structure with how the mechanics mesh together.

>Shadow of the Colossus, which achieved that feat by having literally zero enemies other than the colossi

SotC is its own genre of weirdness. I would hardly compare it to just about any open world game, especially BoTW.

>The only issue with climbing is that you can't think of any way to design around it other than to practically remove it from the damn game

So then don't have it. Simple. Structure your world so only certain areas are climbable while having a decent enemy variety and make traveling innately dangerous and make the combat interesting enough so that you don't get bored. This way you're not holding a button doing nothing and making to to certain places feels rewarding.

What are you actually trying to say anyway? That climbing is good or bad? Or that it's just a bad feature that's made decent because there's fuckall left to do in the game. You're not having any semblance of direction in what you're trying to assert here.

e953e8 No.14270051


>You often had to make it to a temple while keeping your HP in good standing and keep up the fight without losing to much health in the process

Even if you removed climbing and gliding

Even if you made things to find in the world that required you to have health

Even if you unfucked the infinite healing food system

Even if you unfucked the equipment system to make combat not piss easy

Even if you removed the big ass open world and had levels more like the older games

Even if you made the world more populated, with more varied enemies that weren't just dudes with swords

It would still be a 3D game, and it would still not have the original zelda's 4-directional movement, you could just fucking run around things unless you're inside a dungeon

But then at that point you wouldn't really have BotW anymore

>What are you actually trying to say anyway?

Climbing is a good mechanic, and at most needs more structure and mechanics, and a better designed environment to use it in, not arbitrary nerfs to make it never useful

5d9449 No.14270101


>and it would still not have the original zelda's 4-directional movement, you could just fucking run around things unless you're inside a dungeon

Projectiles+faster enemies helps with this. It would make a horse much more useful as well since you could outrun certain enemies. If I recall you ran past many enemies in the original game as well. And it wasn't always the best decision as you would often have to run into a smaller area and HAVE to deal with enemies up ahead which meant you were going to get pounded from behind.

>Climbing is a good mechanic, and at most needs more structure and mechanics

By structure you mean removing 90% of the climbable walls in the game. OoT had climbing as well if you recall and it did it well because it was in areas that made sense and even had walltula's so you would think twice about doing it. I'm not saying climbing should never be included in Zelda ever again. Just that it doesn't need to be big deal.

>not arbitrary nerfs to make it never useful

There's nothing arbitrary about how I've been going about this. If you can make a B line to a place you want to get to by climbing over everything to get to it then it's shit because it means much to many aspects about exploration and combat are cut out.

e953e8 No.14270163


>Projectiles+faster enemies helps with this

What a coincidence, that would also stop you from climbing and gliding

>OoT had climbing as well

You keep suggesting the complete removal of the sandbox and a return to limited linear scripted sequences because you can't come up with a way to improve the sandbox, that's not a problem with the mechanics, it's a problem with you

5d9449 No.14270208


>What a coincidence, that would also stop you from climbing and gliding

Almost like you shouldn't do either mid battle.

>and a return to limited linear scripted sequences because you can't come up with a way to improve the sandbox

If your adventure game is a sandbox to begin with it's a fucking failure. Either way the method of being able to climb anywhere is innately retarded as it assumes that there's no reason for there to be mountains in the first place if you can just climb right over them at a 90 degree angle.

>that's not a problem with the mechanics, it's a problem with you

It's a problem with the mechanics.

e953e8 No.14270244


>Almost like you shouldn't do either mid battle.

You don't say?

> it assumes that there's no reason for there to be mountains in the first place if you can just climb right over them at a 90 degree angle

If you can do that, then there is no reason for them to be there other than to serve as a climbing challenge

You act like there are no ways to block off progression and have obstacles in the world if climbing exists, yet more proof of your incredibly stubborn orthodox thinking

fd5ef3 No.14270248

So can we improve climbing anywhere by making it require expensive resources like picks and rope or do we remove climbing entirely for a better method of vertical transport?

e953e8 No.14270281


>expensive resources

I don't think this needs to be more of a survival crafting game, there's nothing wrong with standard quest-based equipment progression

5d9449 No.14270294


>You don't say

I did

>If you can do that, then there is no reason for them to be there other than to serve as a climbing challenge

So what you're saying is that climbing removes the need for mountains?

>You act like there are no ways to block off progression and have obstacles in the world if climbing exists

Name some other ways then. As far as a natural looking environment goes a simple wall IS the best way to block or at least direct progression.

>yet more proof of your incredibly stubborn orthodox thinking

If you're going to dismiss the concept that mountains aren't the most natural and simple obstacles without providing better examples you're not really defeating the points I'm presenting. And you're still missing the concept here that a mountain is supposed to be something that naturally blocks progression. I'm not denying you should be able to climb it but if that's going to be the case there needs to be an incredibly sturdy reason as to why you may want to consider simply going around it.


>So can we improve climbing anywhere by making it require expensive resources like picks and rope or do we remove climbing entirely for a better method of vertical transport?

Well assuming you can make a map that

*can't make you stuck by boxing you in at any time

*has mountains designed to be skipped

*makes the trip barely worth it outside of a few areas

*forces you to really consider if the use of this item isn't better off spent later on down the road


The problem is once you add climbing on nearly any surface of the game you have to design your map entirely around that mechanic. Which is a problem because there's multiple mechanics at work. Maybe idealistically it's possible to have a game where the majority of the walls and surfaces are climbable, but in a more realistic point of view you're saving yourself several months of effort by simply having static climbing surfaces that can deliver a similar feeling. As it is now though BoTW just doesn't adhere to either of these things so it fails miserably on both. I would like to see the 3D game done well that allows you to climb any surface though.

fd5ef3 No.14270300


I wasn't suggesting crafting. I was suggesting buying the stuff pre-made like you would in a table top game.

e953e8 No.14270332


>So what you're saying is that climbing removes the need for mountains?

It removes the need for mountains to serve as a static unpassable obstacle

Also, are you retarded?

>As far as a natural looking environment goes a simple wall IS the best way to block or at least direct progression

Used to be conventional wisdom that the best way to direct progression in an open world without forcing linearity was challenge, with player skill and perseverance being the deciding factor on whether the "intended" path was followed

A great example of this kind of challenge applied to climbing already exists in the game, in the form of rain

I guess there's also the waterfall climbing being blocked behind progression, if that counts as climbing

fd5ef3 No.14270397


Okay… For maps that make it impossible to box you in have it to where either:

1) Dead ends like that always have some sort of exit either as an escape cave or as an environmental puzzle.

2) Give Link an item he can use at that point in the game to allow him to escape that trap like a recorder/flute that warps him to specific places on the map (back tracking being a bitch to get back).

3) Saving the game and restarting always move Link to the nearest restart point like an entrance/inn/camp.

To further expand on the "crafting" system I'm basing my ideal vision of a Zelda game during early rennaisaunce times. There are no flintlocks because magic still exists and almost anyone with the right tools can use it. Resources are opposite of BotW: Scarce resources but cheap labor. Most items you can buy pre-made or you can cut the cost by bringing resources to artisans which they sell you labor.

The only real artisan trade Link will have is cooking. He'll be a chef for a band of thieves. A trade that requires no lifetime to learn and is essential to survival.

Also instead of mountains being the only barrier why not have martial law?

5d9449 No.14270405


>It removes the need for mountains to serve as a static unpassable obstacle

Their mountains. Static is kinda their point as their not intended to move or change all that much, and interaction with it should simply act as a part of the terrain. Even then though I'm not stating every mountain should SERVE as a wall. Only that they should exist to create an obstacle towards the player. It's like I said earlier. If you remove obstacles you remove half the fun out of exploration. There's more than 1 way to climb a mountain that doesn't devolve to making the entire thing a vine wall and hoping the player would get tired of it. Add rockslides (sort of like the falling rocks in the original), quicker stamina drain due to elevation, multiple flying enemies that often peck at you when you're climbing a wall and basically do shit to interfere with your progression.

>Used to be conventional wisdom that the best way to direct progression in an open world without forcing linearity was challenge

And like I said, climbing the mountain should be much more difficult than going around it in most cases as a result. It's a giant pile of rock that often serves as a stopping point. A mountain should not be a thing you see as the best choice of progression. Either way the only things I can think that would make climbing worth the effort would also be nearly impossible to implement without some serious effort and like the removal of other mechanics. The way I see it you're much less likely to screw the pooch if you just have a series of well placed vine walls and climbable surfaces that don't follow a linear path.

424428 No.14274446

We're on autosage? Would it be okay to make a new thread?

f9b648 No.14274502


one more page, then yeah.

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