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File: d6bbc1959ebd8d8⋯.jpg (13.57 KB, 640x400, 8:5, denuvo-640x400.jpg)

7f36d3 No.14208147


Looks like we are in a tough spot

04353b No.14208168

File: 7fee35af862b5db⋯.png (18.33 KB, 726x244, 363:122, denuvo.png)


>much like the movie industry, it's the only way to ensure that great games continue to be made

Thanks for this OP, I needed a good laugh.

e3e356 No.14208184

Big corporations wasting big money to ensure their shitty liberal propagandist games will not be cracked for 2 months maximum.

1d08ca No.14208188

File: 7946377c7a6eee5⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 199x200, 199:200, increasing disgust.gif)


>to aggressively address security challenges that customers and gamers face from hackers.

Except Denuvo has no advantage to gamers since all it does is protect the .exe, you can still edit saves and dick around with cheat engine.

Trying to paint this shit as good for the consumer is like trying to sell a chainsaw up someone's ass as a precaution for prostate cancer.

f9c654 No.14208189

>Devuno is turning its attention to protecting the virtual in-game economies of online multiplayer titles

So nothing of value was lost.

42da38 No.14208191


>Looks like we are in a tough spot

If any worthwhile games got denuvo in the first place

1d08ca No.14208196


How are they gonna achieve that when their shit only covers the .exe and people will still launch games with 200 bot clients to farm currency? How would you efficiently block currency farms?

9eac45 No.14208197

File: f2210e12ef9e08a⋯.webm (1.36 MB, 1916x1032, 479:258, throw our heads back and ….webm)

They've already lost. There are decades of video games libraries that will last any anon for many many lifetimes. My only regret is I will never all of the games that I want to play. Eternal backlog strikes again.

f3b23f No.14208198


> a tough spot

Yeah for the next week before it also get cracked by some gooks

785778 No.14208199



Im currently playing SWAT 4 with the elite force mod, also playing the dark project for the first time.

5d294f No.14208205

File: 8a51483f5fefbe9⋯.webm (7.98 MB, 592x480, 37:30, Dont floppy dat copy.webm)


Remember buy one copy for every computer you use,anything else is stealing

516386 No.14208221

File: 4125b6d8ad9478a⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 600x768, 25:32, 1879f18e_e542_e1c6.jpg)

I will never buy a game that has or had denuvo. The fact of the matter is these people are churning out unoptimized garbage and then making it worse with denuvo, expect me to pay $60 + season pass + more $$ for a remaster? No! Especially when its a port in the first place. Why would I pay for a game like Ass Creed when the Witcher 3 is a better game, runs better on my hardware, looks better, no DRM, and the game is actually F U N ?

f93664 No.14208222


>Looks like we are in a tough spot

Actually there's another way to look at that.

>Denuvo sees it's getting it's shit pushed in and can't ride the gravy train forever

>decide to keep a trump card that'll keep people at bay for a few month

>use said trump card when ready

>use said few month to sell the company and everything to someone else before Denuvo is demonstrated as being ineffective again

16cde9 No.14208223



516386 No.14208226


>he doesnt pirate his games

What are you, a console fag?

4143f5 No.14208243


>Looks like we are in a tough spot

You said the same when denuvo came around, and look at them, they're laughing stock

350f44 No.14208257

File: b28f35dc0b97967⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1306x2000, 653:1000, mortar girl.png)

After the Sanik fiasco I'm worried that SEGA might slap this shit on Valkyria Chronicles 4 too.

I'm prepared to cash out like a retard for the game and the DLC because I have a huge boner for the series, but if they fuck it up with Jewnuvo, I'll wait for a few days and then pirate.


Even consolefags can pirate, mate.

14680a No.14208261

As if there wasn't already enough argument for denuvo being glorified spyware.

a55b31 No.14208262

File: d538517a75a1e97⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 464x454, 232:227, yaku laugh edit.jpg)


>much like the movie industry, it's the only way to ensure that great games continue to be made


261e67 No.14208279


>one copy for every computer you use

So it was all kikey and shit since the 80s, wow.

9e3a37 No.14208282


They're putting it in everything. Sonic, Total War, Football Manager and Dawn of War all infected. The only things spared were Bayonetta and Vanquish, ports of years-old console games.

228370 No.14208283

Tell me more about this Irdeto company and why they're at all important.

8cebab No.14208295


Looking them up all I can find is a bunch of unsourced shit regarding them buying startups that their own employees made multiple times as well as having more chink customers than anything else. This reeks of embezzlement.

4c3129 No.14208314


They've already lost because there is no uncrackable DRM. The latest version of denuvo is already cracked again.

808c78 No.14208319

File: a3c24c9aba64673⋯.jpg (144.7 KB, 655x792, 655:792, HAHAHA FAGGOT.JPG)


>Inb4 Slavs crack it again

15eb03 No.14208326


swat 4 was made by the black israelites to take control of your mind and make you protest against BLM so you will be genocided by the african space pharohs when they return in the pyramid motherships

d3c42a No.14208335


>"If we don't make money on it, nobody will make games!"

Yeah, no. Doujin games like La Mulana and the original release of Cave Story disprove that shit.

bba8d7 No.14208362


As much as I like those, he has a point.

Pirating games is cool, especially in an environment where so many garbage AAAs are out. But if you figure you enjoy a game after giving it a try and don't buy it afterwards, you have no one but yourself to blame for developers not making more games you enjoy

eb33a4 No.14208368

File: d3eb774d0cf1f01⋯.mp4 (958.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hacking.mp4)


>>hackers and CYBER CRIMINALS are savvy


Ban all chinese IP's

ed59c5 No.14208370



350f44 No.14208379


Then they are retards and they're not getting my money.

I don't want to pay for something that's going to bring down my PC's performance.

abe5ba No.14208385

File: 86b4bb98db86ef5⋯.png (52.54 KB, 186x220, 93:110, 1348663873136.png)



The only people that it will upset will be normalfags who absolutely have to play the last streambait they saw their influencers play

5d294f No.14208389

File: 5bb991d857ecd0f⋯.webm (1.81 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, butterlord soon.webm)


nigga developers have not been making games i enjoy for years now and sales don't even factor anywhere into their decision to not do so

e3bc40 No.14208394

File: 6c61a88624582c6⋯.jpg (26.73 KB, 271x400, 271:400, 6c61a88624582c641cee210f68….jpg)


The eternal Germanic strikes again

Reminder to thank Sony for creating this shit company and bringing this human garbage together.

c4ac84 No.14208419



Funny thing that online games already solved problem of the piracy. They sell services and don't release server code to public. Pirates BTFO on the fundamental level. And this is where all gamers and money are (really check hours played of most popular games). There is no gamers left to play shitty SP cinematic releases anymore, gamers are busy playing superior DoTa and PUBG all day every day. Denuvo tries to jump on this gravy train, but they simply are not needed problem is already solved.

6d3ee8 No.14208449


<I don't need viagra. I'm always on.

ae6111 No.14208452

File: 8bc860e077a3090⋯.webm (87.98 KB, 1024x803, 1024:803, I think its time for you ….webm)


>Superior DotA and PUBG

your bait will fool lesser mortals, but not I

2a908f No.14208453

File: c3090ba22de9e3e⋯.png (762.85 KB, 740x720, 37:36, Smug_pirate_girl.png)


>much like the movie industry, it's the only way to ensure that great games continue to be made

b549dd No.14208503

File: d9e3b09acd44276⋯.webm (756.77 KB, 464x466, 232:233, KEK (2).webm)

File: 14698c3a5663971⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 450x320, 45:32, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

File: 4cb54490e2eda51⋯.jpg (221.11 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, smug cunt.jpg)

File: 9fe9d118093de8e⋯.gif (800.07 KB, 540x405, 4:3, laughing tits.gif)

File: 30d568c9488e261⋯.png (405.78 KB, 496x400, 31:25, memer.png)


>>much like the movie industry, it's the only way to ensure that great games continue to be made


245619 No.14208514





b549dd No.14208523

File: f83a07202aea3af⋯.png (190.07 KB, 500x417, 500:417, my-only-2-emotions-i-am-so….png)


seriously tho, who the fuck is Irdeto and why should it be a concern ?

35afee No.14208528


nier is liberal propoganda huh

b549dd No.14208548

File: 77d412b7bdab8fa⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 77d412b7bdab8fad7324115edf….jpg)



when you higlight the part of a post and then click on the posts number it automatically puts ">" at the beginning of the sentence

35afee No.14208593

File: b1eb422ce3268a7⋯.png (11.64 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 0a888d7a583817139854856dd0….png)


>being this new to video games that you can enjoy the heaping trashpile of "classics" that people only claim to enjoy to virtue signal that they have taste

e3bc40 No.14208621

File: bca73ffec16ce9d⋯.gif (828.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bca73ffec16ce9d64f7ed47331….gif)


Heres your reply, dont forget to post the image you shitter.

You know the one.

38d0ed No.14208639

No we're not. AAA studios don't make games worth playing, anymore. Not unless you're an EBIN YOOTOOBER screaming and cussing for your 10 year old audience.

cea7dc No.14208643


>dismissing the vast majority of games without even trying them for the sake of being a contrarian

You have 30 minutes to enumerate at least 3 glaring problems with 'Phantom 2040' Sega Genesis, 1995. After all you are so intelligent you know it to be shot already.

Your next line will be 'it's shit'. We know you think that already. But just demonstrate your intellect by articullating why. PROTIP You can't

8cebab No.14208663


Even they don't play AAA crap as much as they used to. It's all streamerbait indieshit now.

b20d71 No.14208691


How can these idiots waste so much money in useless crap? It will be cracked anyways

Its impossible to make anything 100% uncrackable, it would not run.

35cf04 No.14208698



Makes you think.

33051b No.14208703


I'm sure /pol/ could spin it as such if you asked them.

b45847 No.14208706

>In particular, Devuno is turning its attention to protecting the virtual in-game economies of online multiplayer titles. Denuvo's anti-cheat technology prevents hackers in multiplayer games from manipulating and distorting data and code to gain an advantage over other players or bypass in-game microtransactions.

Oh man, I can't wait for a company to attempt to use Devuno for this purpose. I really hope its a big company that has a stupidly dedicated fanbase that will go full defense mode.

350f44 No.14208718

File: f453db31fbe4be9⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 1956x2724, 163:227, 1439734034678.jpg)


>liking older games means you are virtue signalling your "good taste"

You believe that, don't you?

6b6117 No.14208723


1. Because it's not the true Phantom

2. Because it's not in comic form

3. Because it's missing the charm of the original

Do I get a blowjob or something for answering that?

def1c4 No.14208751


liking some could be virtue signaling "approved taste." For example the people who whine and bitch about how all elder scrolls past morrowind are shit when in reality they are all shit. Or all fallouts past 2 are shit and how van buren was supposed to be legendary, but then bethesda ruined it all with fallout 3. Likewise with before, all fallout games are shit.

Or someone praising doom relentlessly they pretend doom 2 isn't a mediocre pile of trash. These are the people who are obvious posers.

cea7dc No.14208753


>not a complaint related to the gameplay, graphics, sound design, or any aspect pertaining to the video game medium

>see above

>see above

You get the bullet.

6b6117 No.14208755


>doom 2 is trash

>using doom 2 as your example instead of 3


def1c4 No.14208762


doom 2 is pretty mediocre. I mean, I don't think defending sandy petersen is the hill I'd want to die on. If you want to, be my guest. doom 3 is a shit game but it's not really a doom game I'd factor into the classics equation.

350f44 No.14208805


Fair enough.

I've already seen my fair share of the tumblr and whatnot crowd buying the bare minimum (usually older Nintendo titles) to "get into" vidya and then posting pictures with their hot opinions, as if they should be allowed any kind of say.

But anyone who dismisses older games just because they are older should not be allowed to play video games at all.

b549dd No.14208820


some games age like shit tho

def1c4 No.14208821


you'll mostly see it around here with old PC games as if they have any sort of meritorious mark of approval in the exe. It varies where you go. I've personally played all of those games and have found ones I like, ones I think are shit, and mostly just play more niche games these days that aren't discussed to death. I think the Nintendo thing goes hand in hand with the egoraptor crowd, if I had to guess. The sort that will exclaim ALTTP is the best while proclaiming OoT is shit, ignoring what it did at the time and how it changed things moving forward while also being a meaningful progression in design. All Zelda games have their flaws however.


nah, you just can't understand them I think

c4ac84 No.14208828


They have actual game-play with immense replayability players can spend hundreds and even thousands hours playing them. How many hours of gameplay modern AAA/AA SP titles have? 5-10 hours campaigns, half of that been cutscenes? How many campaigns are worth replaying? Worth replaying twice? Face it today DoTa and PUBG are real video GAMES that players PLAY not watch cutscenes.

cec672 No.14208844


>How can these idiots waste so much money in useless crap?

I don't know, will Star Citizen run denuvo?

8d3b4e No.14208849

Always pirate and never pay for entertainment.

If you are gonna pay something, donate to crackers and hackers that are the only workers worth of having any money in this industry, so they keep circumventing all anti-piracy measures.

Always spread cracks and pirated games to normalfags. Create a mindset for normalfags to make them want only pirated games, even the free ones or games that are shit, and give no access or money to the companies in the industry.

This industry started to be against it's own consumers, and as we reacted accordingly, they are trying to sht us down. Never let the companies prosper. Always ruin their sales and profit.

e3bc40 No.14208872

File: 04aeb9f5ce612f3⋯.png (6.27 MB, 3279x1846, 3279:1846, 04aeb9f5ce612f37a89db3f4db….png)



>All Fallout games are shit

>All TES games were shit

>you'll mostly see it around here with old PC games

Get the fuck out of here

def1c4 No.14208877


oh boy here comes the daggerfall defense force, go random generate yourself into your ass

aac741 No.14208880


Goons pretending to be le epic videogame men from vee are the worst part of this board.

def1c4 No.14208882

4782aa No.14208884


so piracy affects sales now which means DRM is actually justified?

e3bc40 No.14208886

File: e6d8b0a41041864⋯.png (148.94 KB, 754x826, 377:413, e6d8b0a41041864ace3a7dcfe3….png)


Nice argument



Nice VPN

def1c4 No.14208911

File: 8c430305313735d⋯.png (113.92 KB, 316x307, 316:307, 1f6ca2655077bdeb6057627841….png)


Its an insult, not an argument goon

fd1fd8 No.14208932


>that page

You know, at that point, I came to truly admire the artist's dedication. Upon achieving unexpected, sudden and monumental success, he immediately doubled down on beastiality loli asshole licking. Truly a man of principle.

6b9a3b No.14208935

>Denuvo effectively proven not to work

>better buy it anyway

wew lads

e3bc40 No.14208937

File: 48911e84c0f2c71⋯.png (718.16 KB, 1593x1584, 177:176, 48911e84c0f2c71ce4a8858940….png)


>It's an insult

No need, your garbage posts already do plenty to insult my intelligence, especially your retarded Goon accusations with no basis.

6b9a3b No.14208938



fd1fd8 No.14208939


It's working for quite a few high profile releases right now, and has worked for weeks/months on others

Analysis has shown that if you can stop piracy for about 6 weeks, you can recover a significant portion of sales that might have been lost

088214 No.14208941

File: a00b6c0a082ecd7⋯.png (606.29 KB, 750x750, 1:1, pleasee.png)

4782aa No.14208946


>piracy proven to have no affect

>people pretend it hurts company sales anyway and pirate everything they don't like


even 2 weeks but evidence for the case is sketchy at best

def1c4 No.14208947

File: 217481244e9467c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 477.95 KB, 1128x1600, 141:200, img000001.jpg)


and just a few pages later after an animals asshole inspection there's near tentacle rape, it's hard not to love it. Riko's nipples are so cute. I wonder how Deep in Abyss is going to handle this stuff, if it even makes it to ancapistan.


>my intelligence

whoa, we got a rick and morty fan over here

>goober gate pictures

and a redditer to boot


you sure your ready for it?

eb33a4 No.14208952


>that might have been lost

And another study that's being suppressed by (((EU))) shows that pirating video games doesn't impact sales, it should still be on >>>/tg/

fd1fd8 No.14208955


I don't think it's a thing where you need evidence. It's a common sense case

I have personally bought a game because I was frustrated I could not pirate it with denuvo (AC origins) it was a bad decision and I ended up leaving it running on the menu for like 5 hours so I couldn't refund it

I'm going to say that stopping piracy, for AAA games, within a month of release increases sales. However, the lower a game's advertising budget is, piracy probably relatively increases sales.

eb33a4 No.14208959


>I have personally bought a game because I was frustrated I could not pirate it with denuvo (AC origins)


fd1fd8 No.14208960



I'm familiar with the study, things like this can't be thought about in one-dimensional ways

5d294f No.14208961

File: 3a01550402f2ca8⋯.png (37.11 KB, 671x673, 671:673, 14488523085.png)


>goober gate

still mad over that?

fd1fd8 No.14208962


you might understand if you had a 55" OLED TV and a 1070 but you don't.

eb33a4 No.14208969


reported for being a nigger lover.

def1c4 No.14208973


yeah, I wish it actually accomplished something, now we just have cyclical threads for RPing redditers to post twitter screenshots and get mad that kotaku is still around. Would have rather seen everything torn down instead of settling with ethics policies these outlets don't even follow.

e3bc40 No.14208974

File: 9ef19f077912b08⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 328x328, 1:1, Rance_6_-_Rance.jpg)


>It's working for quite a few high profile releases right now

Which ones?

All I see is mediocre sales for most titles with Denuvo, even first day numbers are mediocre with the exception of actual decent titles like Nier and Total War.


>Buttblasted cuckchaner trying to fit in

Did you get banned for posting loli or did you get tired of not being able to post images at all?

cea7dc No.14208977


>No one buys entertainment anymore

>Only one or two good new games are produced every 2~3 years because not everyone is Daisuke Amaya

Or are you implying that socialism works?

Just buy games that

>you like

>have no anti-consumer practices attached

>are developed by people whose apparent objectives do not imply the destruction of fair and balanced customer-developer relationships, the family unit or your ethnic group

b549dd No.14208978

File: 6f9337e3b9053ea⋯.gif (792.78 KB, 500x265, 100:53, mew.gif)


>red­dit spacing

>muh goober gate


>muh goons out of nowhere


d1239b No.14208980


Lurk more.

e3bc40 No.14208983

File: ad7d3912c0e385b⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 320x455, 64:91, BqIQ2Iy.jpg)


>I bought ACO

>I got frustrated for not being able to play it

Holy shit, kill yourself you stain


No matter how what happened it's nice to see Gamergate still tickle the bum of a shitton of people, including cuckchan crossposting shitters like yourself

d1239b No.14208984


Yeah, good thing that we live in a world where you can never start working on something new or your post would make no sense.

fd1fd8 No.14208987


once again, trying to find something good to show off my $2000 TV.

Not a problem you'd understand. Thanks :)

you'll get to try HDR 4k one day!

def1c4 No.14208990

File: 1575a15efa5767e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 493.82 KB, 1494x1867, 1494:1867, laughing marulk.jpg)


shoo shoo, off to your containment thread


>including cuckchan crossposting shitters like yourself

>defending a failed movement of twitter e-celebs

>implying you're from here

this is some advanced projection right here

58d7e7 No.14208992

File: 40fad25ff560ee9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 133.31 KB, 1301x541, 1301:541, Hot_Vampire_Loli.png)


>Trying this hard to fit in.

c00849 No.14208993


Personally I think the circlejerk has outlived it's purpose and even if the threads disappeared and it stopped SJWs would still bitch about it.

It doesn't help it devolved into a reddit circlejerk where they wasted money on stupid shit instead of actual private investigators to help with shit or actually boycotting the industry around blackfriday which was a very early on plan that got scrapped because redditors

e3bc40 No.14208998

File: cd6ce1393eb4492⋯.png (302.93 KB, 727x780, 727:780, cd6ce1393eb44920932b1d9c85….png)


>ACO is the only good game to showcase 4K

>What are you poor?

>Not owning a 2K 144HZ screen instead

Nah, fuckoff back to Reddit mustard shitter.


def1c4 No.14209006

File: 5221af811b91e0e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 273.37 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, special feeling glt.jpg)


>falling for the 144hz meme

>not having a 220hz crt

speaking of redditers

d1239b No.14209007


>It's a common sense case

One needs to posses common sense to make such a case, anon. Where are all your stats of games breaking sales records after being "protected" for a month or two?

You're just making things up based on your feelings and calling it "analysis" and "common sense", you fucking retard.

e3bc40 No.14209023

File: 9c870a3f1f2c459⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 29.85 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 9c870a3f1f2c459a9dc6d32198….png)


>Complains about hipsters while saying he plays games that aren't "discussed to death"

>Starts complaining about goons while posting loli for no reason like a false flagging nigger

>Complains about Gamergoy like it's doing more harm than good

>"You're not from around here"

Yeah, but you sure are, right chaim?


Who gives a shit? It's still creating butthurt and it redpilled a shitton of normalfags into seeing SJW shit true colors plus there's still dirt being dug out.

That's all that matters and you retards pretending like it the tjing was fit for "bigger things" should take your heads out of your ass for a second and realize that we live in an age where Trump is the President and half of the internet dwellers and ecelebs hate SJW shit.

4782aa No.14209028


seems you lack common sense to misinterpret it as any game would be breaking records by recovering potential lost sales

5e9baa No.14209036


>They want to go protect microtransactions

Kek, can't wait until they fuck up with their shitty software and prevent whales from being able to spend on shit.

e3bc40 No.14209037

File: 39989ebf444642f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 149.52 KB, 1028x777, 1028:777, 39989ebf444642ff6d8f5b23fa….png)


Your ironic shitposting is as stale as your opinions.

Fuckoff back to cuckchaim where you belong

def1c4 No.14209038

File: a2a34cc4fc74666⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 600x600, 1:1, smug narehate.jpg)


>not liking loli

you sound confused, either way if you aren't sure what's going on, I suggest lurking more before posting.

e3bc40 No.14209054

File: 57f4d9b5efd20a1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 468.08 KB, 480x762, 80:127, Lewd.png)


>Not liking loli

Stop projecting you false flagging goonshitter.



>Potencial lost sales

Didn't work with plenty of Denuvo ridden games.

4782aa No.14209068


are you going to argue piracy affects sales? because it used to be piracy does nothing its okay. now im seeing it a lot more that piracy does affect sales which would justify drm companies even if you hate it

def1c4 No.14209080


Piracy does affect sales, how much nobody quite knows for sure, it definitely varies on a game by game basis. People pirate for different reasons, I personally pirate because it's just convenient most of the time. Saves money, and it's easy to pirate every game from a systems library I'd want to play rather than buying them and would save me hundreds.

Does denuvo decrease piracy? Probably, but I think the people that care about it either weigh their options whether or not it matters enough for the game they want to play. Some people don't care about denuvo period and will just buy the game, and some people flat out won't buy the game period because of denuvo but I think that group may be a minority. I just haven't seen any numbers to back up whether or not a game has a notable increase in its sales rate after denuvo being removed like doom 2016 did or something.

e3bc40 No.14209098

File: 482755d1c9e1eaf⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 438.43 KB, 564x384, 47:32, Groovetube.png)


>Publisher infects game with Denuvo to protect it from "pirated lost sales"

>Doesn't sell regardless

In what way am I arguing that piracy affects sales?

They don't you, just like playing vidya doesn't affect your already lacking amount of braincells.


>Piracy affects sales

Wrong again 10 bux


88086b No.14209108

File: 43f7948211ca254⋯.gif (16.92 KB, 100x100, 1:1, 1378405253418.gif)

Food for thought: if anons actually bought their games to begin with we wouldn't be in this mess.

4782aa No.14209110


you implied denuvo didn't protect against potential lost sales because of piracy retard

4782aa No.14209114


or on the flipside didn't buy games at all instead of pirating whatever piece of shit that comes out and complaining about free games

def1c4 No.14209115


>using an (((EU))) study

wew laddie

e3bc40 No.14209116

File: 3afa5cef6ad2cbb⋯.jpg (281.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Frogged.jpg)


>Buy World in Conflict

>Sierra still goes down

>Jewbisoft still buys Massive

>No more God tier RTT games

Yeah, it sure works everytime


>cuckchan nigger can't even into IDs

Goddamn, lurk for 10 years

4782aa No.14209124


>can't comprehend what he reads

>doesn't understand the own english he types

back to india with you pajeet

cea7dc No.14209128

File: e9071b5c076a21c⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 720x762, 120:127, IMG_20180123_183853_361.JPG)


>Piracy does affect sales

You might want to double check the veracity of that statement, and if it even helps your argument.

>In 2013, the European Commission ordered a €360,000 ($430,000) study on how piracy affects sales of music, books, movies and games in the EU. However, it never ended up showing it to the public except for one cherry-picked section. That's possibly because the study concluded that there was no evidence that piracy affects copyrighted sales, and in the case of video games, might actually help them.>>14209080

def1c4 No.14209144


>In general, the results do not show robust statistical evidence of displacement of sales by online copyright infringements. That does not necessarily mean that piracy has no effect but only that the statistical analysis does not prove with sufficient reliability that there is an effect.

>That does not necessarily mean that piracy has no effect but only that the statistical analysis does not prove with sufficient reliability that there is an effect

from the study itself not the (((gizmodo))) article:

>Their figures include the six countries of

this study, and include all segments including console hardware, mobile

games and income from advertising. These figures are however not publicly


>inaccurate numbers

most interesting thing was seeing how much sales dropped in spain despite increasing everywhere else. 19% over the course of a few years, last I heard spain is the next greece so I imagine it's having a direct effect on luxury goods.

>using such a flawed study as the back bone of your argument

at least read it before you use it like it proves anything.

e3bc40 No.14209147

File: 0dda9827190aa33⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 192x282, 32:47, casualties.mp4)


>Can't into IDs

>Instead of lurking like the cuckchan newfaggot he is he doubles down

Keep going retard, I never implied Denuvo dind't protect against potencial lost of sales because of piracy and if you're not actually a cuckchan newfaggot like I know you are you will see I never did

def1c4 No.14209165


It's potential you ESL spic.

c71bc8 No.14209181


>I wish it actually accomplished something

It forced most game journo websites to update their ethics policies, albeit quietly. It also made people recognize how fucked up the media is and notice the SJW menace

def1c4 No.14209221


ethics policies they don't even follow, still run the western industry narratives, and still do the same shit and get the last say in the mainstream in any event around the games industry. The fact that momentum stopped dead after carl got his ethics instead of going on to tear down that gaming media is just weak and shows there was no future for the movement years ago.

>It also made people recognize how fucked up the media is and notice the SJW menace

yet they still run the media, they still run academia, and they're still getting their way in policy. It's a lost cause if GG is the best we have. Unless there's some effort to make the long trek through the institutions, not much will be changing.

5aa0d0 No.14209225


its sounds more like the owners sold that shit before it dies

808c78 No.14209238

File: 6f1bfc6ca6c5aaf⋯.gif (34.25 KB, 266x220, 133:110, animu grill jazz hands.gif)

Love or hate GG it triggers people into sperging so hard.

9cc6b6 No.14209244


>It's a lost cause if GG is the best we have.

Just think of it as a stepping stone. It did precipitate a generalized shift to the right, especially among the younger population.

I think some of pol's operations since have been more successful - for example the HWNDU campaign, or the "It's Okay to Be White" posters.

e3bc40 No.14209265

File: a5b9feff97031ec⋯.jpg (180.57 KB, 1250x782, 625:391, 8ballz.jpg)


>Complaining about Spics while living in a country full of them plus a shitton of niggers, mudslimes and Jews

>Not even going to mention the mixed race half breeds

>Same country pushing for multiculturalism

Nah lad, not an Native American and European half breed like the shitskins that bullied you in highschool and stole your wallet while going to work.




>It's a lost cause if GG is the best we have

You're a goddamn retard, this shit is way past GG now.

It's been for years

c71bc8 No.14209395


>Just think of it as a stepping stone

Exactly. Long term societal change doesn't happen over night, it's incremental

61b3d1 No.14209413


Go shill your garbage in >>>/reddit/ where they actually buy your bullshit.

9730e5 No.14209475

File: 96c074984d9a537⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 464x598, 232:299, 473bd7fa9f0efd01d4809d7e88….jpg)


>Hackers and cybercriminals in the gaming space

>gaming threats

>security challenges that customers and gamers face from hackers

Someone please post exploding_van.gif

893641 No.14209498


ESL stands for English as a second language.

d2fe8d No.14209533

File: 73c9d71422138a5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 15.5 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 73c9d71422138a578769a1703c….png)

Does that mean I can sell Skyrim again

e3bc40 No.14209541


I see, thanks for clarifying that

9730e5 No.14209552


The answer won't stop you from trying anyway, Todd.

280471 No.14209583


He is right, though.

e3bc40 No.14209605



You mean (You)

b6a363 No.14209815


>Just think of it as a stepping stone. It did precipitate a generalized shift to the right, especially among the younger population.

What are the odds they're going to stay right though, let alone go full /pol/-tier.

966c83 No.14209877


gamergays was destined to end in a stalemate right from the start. Media smear attacks don't do much against a group of anons, but a group of anons also has no way of dealing much damage to the monster of big SJW media, they are too widespread and have too many resources.

ae6111 No.14209928


Except the campaign to cut advertisers from Gawker cost them seven figures, which played into their downfall when the Hulkster drove them into the ground. I think you severely underestimate the power a group of dedicated autists can have.

35afee No.14209939


i think you're desperately searching for our group to have any sort of relevance

be2b9c No.14209946

File: 61ea08367d248dc⋯.jpg (50.71 KB, 402x691, 402:691, tryme.jpg)


>You and OP get their idiotic way

>Game industry loses all money because everyone pirates

>Great games (ALL GAMES) stop being made because there is no income

Wow!! 12 year olds these days are so mature for their age!

b6a363 No.14209948


>Except the campaign to cut advertisers from Gawker cost them seven figures, which played into their downfall when the Hulkster drove them into the ground.

and then the entire company was purchased by Saban. IIRC anon's also initially had Intel cut their ads initially, and then they immediately turned around and started apologizing for it.

ae6111 No.14209950



I think you're full of shit, anon.

def1c4 No.14209958


>7 figures

wow its fucking nothing.

72e264 No.14210005


>it triggers people into sperging so hard.

Well that's what the GG threads do to you.

Those anons simply aren't used to being outside the threads that they think being gay and sperging is okay in all threads.

5d294f No.14210049

File: c7232f6a2fe270a⋯.webm (7.86 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, forever ever.webm)


tell that to Gawker

en espagnol por favor*

9cc6b6 No.14210106


That's sort of the point. GG prepped them to be open to transitioning, however gradually, to pol-tier ideals (or at the very least, some form of racially-aware nationalism). With some effort, the sort of right-wing-leaning centrists who follow Sargon or Peterson can be convinced to adopt certain racial realist concepts. I think the most effective arguments when dealing with them are thorough analysis of crime statistics in western countries, coupled with some facts about genetics and behavior (for example, this study that shows that culture is genetically-derived: https://archive.is/fmfU1).

They're standing right at the edge, you just have to give them a little push.

8d3b4e No.14210128

File: 03941c311599067⋯.png (479.37 KB, 600x665, 120:133, smug 1.png)


Anything that tries (it will always fail) to prevent us from getting entertainment for free is not justified.

We will always circumvent any DRM and get whole companies to shut down for lack of money. Deal with it.


It is not socialism in itself. Open piracy is an overall enslavement of entertainers, which is a good thing.

GET the games that you want, without paying for any of them. Entertainment must always be free.

We pay for essentials, not for fun. Fun must always come free.

8d3b4e No.14210149

File: e78c93969b080b4⋯.jpg (96.01 KB, 724x720, 181:180, smug 02.jpg)


Anything that tries (it will always fail) to prevent us from getting entertainment for free is not justified.

We will always circumvent any DRM and get whole companies to shut down for lack of money. Deal with it.


It is not socialism in itself. Open piracy is an overall enslavement of entertainers, which is a good thing.

GET the games that you want, without paying for any of them. Entertainment must always be free.

We pay for essentials, not for fun. Fun must always come free.

72e264 No.14210156


>"accidentally" talking to yourself

You alright, anon?

b549dd No.14210168



go to sleep anon

fcea73 No.14210252


Devs don't get most of the money produced from AAAA games those go to the publishers, in fact the code monkeys get fired after the game is finished. So if you're just a hypocrite for advocating buying a AAA game directly from the publisher and not just donating charity money directly to the devs.

8272d3 No.14210331


isn t UWP still uncracked ? (at best they found a workaround for Forza and Quantum Break

7899c8 No.14210368





66ba57 No.14210615




eb33a4 No.14210643


>Irdeto acquires Denuvo

Non fake news headline would be

"denuvo finds a fucking retard to fleece un an unprecedented scale"

abec9d No.14210692

File: 2adec3977e179b3⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 439x598, 439:598, 1494937175006.jpg)


>Just posting a unsourced quote and cropped screencap to corroborate your claim

>Not posting the fucking source

For fuck's sake, nigger. https://archive.is/WcHjd

75d9b3 No.14210748

These companies only exist to funnel money into lobbying governments to allow media companies to invade people's privacy and manipulate them. Their DRM solutions have been defeated time after time yet they still keep coming back like a hydra because actually defeating piracy is as intangible a goal as winning a war on terror. All they've done is taken the dialectic of modern foreign policy and adapted it to the digital space. I suspect this merger is just a way to nameshift out of the bad press the Denuvo brand has acquired over the last couple years.

ff6705 No.14211001

File: d66845e07d990f9⋯.png (177.18 KB, 872x632, 109:79, d66845e07d990f99dc08488f04….png)

File: 4077bf6c9a47051⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 1273x712, 1273:712, 71d67dcc69f1d784fb43faccbf….jpg)

File: c283cf1fb70a4db⋯.jpg (55.02 KB, 497x603, 497:603, c283cf1fb70a4db4e9780a7d8f….jpg)

File: 98a29f7e5851121⋯.png (509.58 KB, 680x604, 170:151, 98a29f7e5851121457d4a4b40b….png)


>hackers and criminals in the gaming space are savvy

>much like the movie industry, it's the only way to ensure that great games continue to get made

Yes how dare consumers seek out better, dare I say more affordable alternatives that don't charge them like 50-60 burger bucks a pop for every shitty as season pass or ultimate edition.

Fucking pls man, from FF Type-0 to AM2R to Denuvo (hilariously) getting BTFO every version. the good people know what they want. The companies (usually) don't

25d3d0 No.14211019

File: e80372052446253⋯.png (192.67 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Ahshitimfeelingit.png)

So for an average retard like me,does this mean anything? will it take longer to crack?

d93507 No.14211041


>I will never buy a game that has or had denuvo.

This. It makes the games it's in run like shit. And the only game that has denuvo that I actually wanted to play was Automata and I was prepared to wait until PS4's were cheap and pick up a used copy of it just to avoid that faggotry.

1d32f7 No.14211114

File: 25326d95f20d6f7⋯.png (331.44 KB, 600x431, 600:431, laughter_stops.png)


Means even more of the game will be soldered to online shit even if it doesn't need to be (HITMAN) to make sure the developers &/or publishers have full control of the 'experience' aka no fun allowed, banned for saying nigger, harder to mod, cheating even in singleplayer is by proxy pirating DLC since the DLC is just cheats like more ammo etc or all your game gets locked out of online (and therefore borked in many way) because you cheated the 'leaderboards' which aren't optional, everything you do is submitted to leaderboards. Cancer all around.

a39eaa No.14211123



There you go. I hope you didn't get the fee-fees hurt over here.

e376c0 No.14211179


It's pretty much the end of piracy on PC.

Every game will have a combination of always-online, Denuvo and three layers of virtualizaton on top of Denuvo itself.

It would be impossible to break without quantum processors and that would still require a crazy amount of power, not to mention the temperature it would reach. A cracking team would need to work in environments upwards of 45ºC and have some kind of generator to avoid drawing suspicion from the energy company. They would also have to work in a secluded location and wear protective gear due to the radiation it would generate and hope no one notices the aurora borealis above them. According to my calculations it would take no less than 200 liters of vodka to survive cracking one single game, without updates.

Nobody's going to do this, it's over.

504fb8 No.14211264

File: 32bca8c895a6851⋯.png (62.81 KB, 1243x508, 1243:508, 8u.PNG)


91748e No.14211395


daily reminder that the dutch should hang

3e0894 No.14211420


>the new deal looks to halt the proliferation of cheating

You couldn't even fight crackers properly, good fucking luck tackling an actual industry.

def1c4 No.14211438


you're a little outta touch, aren't ya

5db8e9 No.14211517

File: 84462b43f840291⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 509x468, 509:468, WEW21231.jpg)


you sneaky motherfucker, I was actually formulating a butthurt reply before i realized i'd been baited lmao

f9c654 No.14211557



Sounds like a MLP name.

8cebab No.14211611


It's essentially yet another perfect excuse to never buy another shitty new release ever again. What more could you ask for really?

1a9829 No.14211719

File: 8138bdb9d6367e1⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 620x413, 620:413, behind-post.jpg)



Denuvo has no value. It is DRM that is consistently cracked thus doesn't work. Yet publishers keep using it and now some company buys it? Makes no fucking sense that it is literally worthless yet is treated as though it has value.

I don't know what's going on but it reeks of semites.

e236e0 No.14211755

File: 03deb414bebd267⋯.gif (195.72 KB, 226x350, 113:175, 03deb414bebd267ab59e652c8c….gif)


I thought they used it because stockholders and business guys think it's a safer investment or something

8cebab No.14211776



There's an old Iwata Asks, or maybe some other article who knows, about Nintendo investors literally not knowing where the bathrooms are at wherever the fuck they do their shareholder meetings because there weren't any maids to walk them around and do every little fucking thing for them. That's the kind of silver spoon sucking retards who companies have to cater to now.

7923dc No.14211779


Honestly, kill yourself.

dfd261 No.14211786

File: feab04868327de8⋯.webm (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, average hacker.webm)

File: 15a94c2d6d98a54⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Deus Ex best buy mission.mp4)

File: cfbf49ac9262246⋯.webm (1.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hacker on steroid.webm)

File: dae496bdd620682⋯.webm (2.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hacking 103.webm)

File: c0a9a9ff1eb9368⋯.webm (1000.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, hacking photosynthesis.webm)

This now CyberPunk Hacker thread

25d3d0 No.14211788


A reason to live

dfd261 No.14211918

File: c0cb31c2fe063c1⋯.webm (7.65 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, l33t hacker.webm)

File: 5a57093a8fdce87⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB, 480x480, 1:1, THE FIREWALLS ARE ENCRYPTE….mp4)

c8f071 No.14212202


Do you know how much time and money lawsuits cost? Gamergate funded one of those for the Honey Badgers who were supposed to have a trial against the SJWs at the Calgary Expo and possibly the Mary Sue that was supposed to take place a couple of months ago. Someone with them that they were able to succeed against those cunts in court before being told that it wasn't wise to speak before it was really over. Shit, Trump wanted Buzzfeed dead in court for like what, a year already? Still waiting to see if Hillary is going to get the Park treatment and undeniable proof of voter fraud on part of the Dems.

07f6b9 No.14212567

File: 077837213ebade4⋯.png (166.69 KB, 494x493, 494:493, 077837213ebade48e8b546076e….png)


Goons pretending they aren't goons are worse.

9687d7 No.14212725


they might put more money into it or kill more russians or whatever the fuck they do with all their extra jew software money to try and make it good

0c9f5d No.14212793


>How can these idiots waste so much money in useless crap?

To them 1 illegally downloaded car would be equal to 1 purchased car if their video games were uncrackable. Spending millions on DRM is a no brainer decision.

6b9a3b No.14212806


Anon, I'll put it like this.

95% of the people who pirate would either never have bought the game to begin with or wouldn't buy it until two years down the line when it's 90% off on Steam.

It probably costs more to use Denuvo than the few sales you'd get from them.

8d3b4e No.14212809

File: dac8f383825085f⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 474x266, 237:133, heh 08.jpg)


Only after ruining more sales and profit.

878683 No.14212818

File: 078b68bd6a98343⋯.jpg (29.09 KB, 385x336, 55:48, 375543-iwazaru_killer_7[1].jpg)


>tough spot

>not tight spot

come on, you could've made your post 100% vidya

bcac0d No.14212823


t. Denuvo

c00849 No.14212830



>Same as hiring a PI to help uncover shit


And that's only because of the retarded actions of SJWs, not because of you.

>Implying it couldn't be used for bigger things.

Redditors wanted to always be the good goys which is where the screaming of "MUH PR" went and the constant need for appeasement from the same outlets that shat on them.

Look what happened to S&W when they decided too toe Obama's party line and how the NRA basically almost killed S&W

6b9a3b No.14212836

File: d47da621698781a⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 342x328, 171:164, potato.jpg)


Doom 2 is better than Doom 1 at times, but the fucking city levels more than make up for that.

Still better designed than a lot modern games to be honest.

c33060 No.14212842


>Video games return to a niche market solely made by those with an active interest in them.

Doesn't sound bad at all to have all the kikes that sees the industry as their personal cash cow removed from the process. Whatever corporation's PR firm hired you has given you a job that is absolutely useless in a healthy society.

33051b No.14212854


I do buy games I like after trial by pirate, and we are in this mess.

db38a1 No.14212895

File: 4c1979c44c90579⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 687.51 KB, 1264x1206, 632:603, depression.png)


Take the last dozen goober threads. What have they done besides post screencaps of twitter posts?


29ea92 No.14213004


If they haven't done anything then why do you care so much about what they do?

e3bc40 No.14213030

File: 250b07d6437f22d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 333.06 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 6182c3c50e89ceae9ede3480c1….png)

File: b984b2e9a7f1e29⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 461.33 KB, 978x1200, 163:200, 9d63eeacfb10acdde38a896be9….png)

File: 655a36c1913fe35⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 533.14 KB, 1056x1200, 22:25, 5cd0bdc27133f28dd989315812….png)


They tickled your bumhole funny

7923dc No.14213047



Epic anons, epic porn. I am a constantly horny virgin as well OwO, check out these lewds, haha I said lewds much like you do, nice "tiddies" amiright? I purposely misspeled those words because I am soooo random x3


9687d7 No.14213072


I appreciate this post.

b6a363 No.14213083

File: b73a96ce11d6df0⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 561x560, 561:560, DO2NKJJVoAEu-NN.jpg)


01b8b1 No.14213101

File: faf922d87f14f49⋯.mp4 (382.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, faf922d87f14f493906615c236….mp4)

fa0f26 No.14213108


It's a metaphor of bikecucks hidden desires.

07f6b9 No.14213117

File: 5f5ed9209d9d45a⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5f5ed9209d9d45a3a0c9970b66….jpg)


This wasn't funny when you posted it in any of the other threads, either.

7923dc No.14213137


Nice to know, animebro >;3

c1901b No.14213142


keep going

c8f071 No.14213210

File: 1e02bb9dc282cee⋯.png (64.61 KB, 595x344, 595:344, Cliffybshittingonneogaf.png)


And when you uncover shit what will you do with it then, how will you take action? Remember how they lept up to defend Nyberg like crazy and were content to do the same with creeps like Malka when it was convenient for them to do so until #MeToo hit and then was seen as expendable. It's not like they'll listen or care about antiGG or the left doing horrible shit in general until they do something that offends on an absurdly petty level. Normalfags might be more inclined to listen sure, which is what Gamergate did what they did and I'm pretty sure between the 2 Scoops Colbert episode with Anita, the SVU episode, and Airplay, next to no one in GG had any impression they'd get marxists to stop being marxists save for a few opportunists and turncoats like Ian Miles Cheong.

Anyone who's been on /pol/ long enough should realize that even if damning information is out there that the jews would gladly want to supress, it being acknowledged and out in the open will not spell their end on the spot. You'd need to work the mother of all miracles and enact a solid Final Solution for that.

8d3b4e No.14218301


A Final Solution shall be enacted then.

ac665c No.14218510

File: 54b19bea8ad0e39⋯.gif (311.76 KB, 342x512, 171:256, boner calm down.gif)

c8f071 No.14218572

File: 57d6fd128db6b9c⋯.jpg (20.88 KB, 196x260, 49:65, IT APPROACHES.jpg)

File: 038532471e92700⋯.png (143 KB, 660x509, 660:509, yesbutno.png)

File: 215278f3bfd7cf6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1130x1500, 113:150, GET ANGRY REN.png)

File: 2116759c9168ed6⋯.png (7.5 KB, 444x439, 444:439, DeadkikeGarrisond.png)


Besides our own long, hard and expensive, march into the institutions or electing people even better than Trump, that's the only thing left to be tried, and the biggest way to do it. Good luck on anyone here, /pol/, or the rest of the site to start it and not end in failure justifying the acceleration of the end of the internet and life as we know it. There's a good reason one of the closest things we got to physical violence were street confrontations at protests ala Stickman and Ren-anon pussied out. Though the latter funnily enough, really could have done it besides just posting about it due to E3's curious lack of security:


0df149 No.14218585

File: f00504c155a6937⋯.gif (311.77 KB, 500x281, 500:281, f00504c155a69379f677e10ad8….gif)


What an insidious piece of marketing. Did anyone else notice they paired customers and gamers to themselves as the victims of piracy, when its often either poor customers/gamers or gamers/customers that want to test your product to see if it's worth buying beforehand. The PR speak is strong in that post. Especially when the reality is that customers and gamers are victims of denuvo and companies, whereas pirates seem to often get the superior product.

1508d0 No.14219208

File: 1f4235bd1fbda38⋯.png (307.21 KB, 538x540, 269:270, thousand yard stare.png)


>much like the movie industry, it's the only way to ensure that great games continue to be made

You know how when someone is wrong they're normally not entirely wrong?

We're witnessing the rare occasion when someone is just wrong, on everything.

5ef852 No.14219229

File: 6565bed19f60d75⋯.webm (3.94 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Hackers on Steroids.webm)


I'll do you one better.

8d3b4e No.14220391


Chance for failure is not a reason for not trying.

remember that the enemy is losing it's resources fast, along with losing all means to control narrative.

Most western countries are one step away from having it's citizens simply ignore the law and start rioting.

That is a good enough situation to try to start the Final Solution.

014f06 No.14220448


Every denovu game I wanted to play got cracked. So, uh, successful enough to be bought out or ulterior motives? What is this.

dc30a0 No.14220449


It's funny to me, fuck your opinions.

e60bd6 No.14220495



Whats with this self-flagellation? It's like she WANTS to be unhappy, and makes comics to revel in it.

8cebab No.14220516


Like all hipsterfaggots, he came to the "oh woe is me please give me attention" train a good 10 years after it had already left the horizon as seen from the dilapidated station filled with niggers, hobos and nigger hobos.

7c0c07 No.14220580


Why do people with money choose to ignore reality when it constantly proves them wrong?

3159ea No.14220858



It's a guy, the female stuff is "fan"art


Because people who want to get those people's money tell them their REVOLUTIONARY IDEA works, with graphs and stuff. So it must be true.

57c14d No.14229913

File: 65831fdac4d0734⋯.jpg (163.79 KB, 600x450, 4:3, guard.jpg)


Wasn't there SHITLOADS of hacking in Metal Gear Online 3? Denuvo didn't seem to protect people's FOB's from being raided by invincible faggots.

0df149 No.14233266


His job is to sell denuvo and security for vidya. To achieve that he'll say wtv he has to.

ec4d07 No.14233312


It chapped your ass a bit, or you wouldn't even bother.

You don't know how many lurkers want to see folks like you knocked down a peg.

You aren't untouchable. Nobody is.

f5c232 No.14233529

File: 08ed6a341708a24⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 600x746, 300:373, high impact sexual violenc….jpg)


what are you even talking about

bc521a No.14233544


is there anyone surprise there would be hackers on the platform with denuvo?

39cb20 No.14233562

>justifying using Denuvo as a means to protect the virtual economies of online games

This is a false statement, since Denuvo comes in singleplayer games as well as multiplayer games. Also you shouldn't NEED Denuvo to protect your online game's economy, since the client-side should NEVER have control over inventory/transactions. You send the validation data from the client to the server, server authenticates said data and does the transactions, returns the results. The idea of having Denuvo do the processing on client-side is fucking retarded, so this is also false.

But the normies still eat this shit up.

fa9bfc No.14233569

File: e8d2fd5a4a8a430⋯.webm (2.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Slavdance.webm)


>kill more russians

I can see them spending money making hits in on chinks, slavs, and russians so their DRM is more"secure"

then it fails completely like all of their DRM

898206 No.14233576

Keep in mind, tech companies getting bought like this usually indicate that they were suffering financially.

This might be the beginning of the end for Denuvo.

39cb20 No.14233587


See, that's the problem. This Irdeto or whatever the fuck they're called is going to rebolster Denuvo's efforts, and push it harder, try to make it more secure. It's like Macroshit buying Mojew from Notch. They aren't buying the fucking intellectual property just to sit on it and collect royalties, they're going to keep pushing it and trying to do things with the technology they think they have.

Minecraft derivatives have already made Macroshit back the money that they spent on the IP, they can take a shit on it and shut the authentication servers down if they really want to at this point. A tech company is not going to acquire Denuvo without plans to make it profitable.

898206 No.14233842


Not always. They might just be buying Denuvo to get access to source code and any patents involved then launch their own anti-piracy solution into the market without their biggest competitor getting in the way. Time will tell I suppose, but seeing as Denuvo is so easily cracked these days I would wager that the version they just bought has its days numbered.

dc42a4 No.14233868


Is that why every game is an HD remake or a reboot?

c8f071 No.14238763


i wonder if /pol/ will be brazen enough to try one of these days. it'd be exciting, if not hilarious.

8d3b4e No.14238943


Incite the right people and you can have a civil war without even leaving your home.

47dea1 No.14238968

File: f9eb3b81e75889d⋯.jpg (16.93 KB, 457x457, 1:1, laughing_dog.jpg)


never gets old

c8f071 No.14250199


It'll probably be even more interesting if Microsoft really is thinking about bringing EA and Valve under their roof. Combined with what people like Bill Gates have in mind we might see it sooner than we think if a certain threshold has been passed.

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