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File: 131c916a77b70ea⋯.png (105.37 KB, 889x667, 889:667, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

8577e1 No.116586


>CGI Advisory Group Meeting: Wednesday, March 13th

> wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/46718

i think this is the right direction to dig, so i'm opening a thread about it. alternative speculations are welcome

8577e1 No.116619

Main Body of email:


CGI Advisory Group Meeting: Wednesday, March 13th


To: dreynolds@clintonemail.com, doug.band@teneoholdings.com, sberger@albrightstonebridge.com, blindsey@clintonfoundation.org, cheryl.mills@gmail.com, eric@skollglobalthreats.org more

CC: scarlet.cronin@clintonglobalinitiative.org, ed.hughes@clintonglobalinitiative.org, bari@chelseaoffice.com, hannah@presidentclinton.com, esepp@americanprogress.org, lhuber@albrightstonebridge.com more

Date: 2013-03-09 22:01

Subject: CGI Advisory Group Meeting: Wednesday, March 13th

Advisory Group Members,

Thank you for agreeing to serve on our newly-expanded group to provide strategic direction to CGI.

Next Wednesday's session will be divided into two parts. The first meeting, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, is designed to serve as an orientation for those joining us for the first time and will provide background on the evolution of CGI over the past eight years. The second meeting will be from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM, and President Clinton will join us during that time period. That meeting will include updates on our various activities and will seek guidance from you on a number of matters we need to address.

Attached are materials for both meetings. I look forward to seeing you on March 13th in our new offices, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd floor, New York City. Lunch will be served.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ed Hughes, Scarlet Cronin (my assistant), or me.



8577e1 No.116648

attachment 1:

Advisory Group 3.13.13 .pdf (999.13 KB)


attachment 2:

Orientation 3.13.13 .pdf (1.04 MB)


5c7e39 No.117132


Attachments, excellent, ty

8577e1 No.117479

File: 99533861b2be18d⋯.png (57.47 KB, 779x578, 779:578, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

File: 505e3e300b00598⋯.png (53.21 KB, 783x575, 783:575, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

File: d46ba7ff9f31b66⋯.png (57.64 KB, 780x581, 780:581, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

File: 02c4d745a57b99f⋯.png (96.26 KB, 783x588, 261:196, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

i'm not sure what to screen cap.

these are from the orientation pdf

4th pic lists 2012 sponsors

8577e1 No.117508


>4th pic lists 2012 sponsors

3rd pic. in text form:

more than $1mm

Tom Golisano (since 2005)


Ambassador Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki (since 2010)

Starkey Hearing Foundation (since 2011)

Victor Pinchuk (since 2008)


Abraaj Capital (since 2012)

Barclays (since 2010)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (since 2005)

Ford Foundation (since 2011)

P&G (since 2006)

United Postcode Lotteries (since 2010)

Varkey/GEMS Foundation (since 2010)


Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (since 2010)

Booz Allen Hamilton (2006, since 2009)

CISCO (since 2005)

Duke Energy (since 2007)

Microsoft (since 2005)

NRG (since 2011)

The Rockefeller Foundation (since 2005)


American Federation of Teachers (since 2011)

Chopper Trading (since 2011)

Delos Living (since 2010)

Deutsche Bank (since 2005)

Dow Chemical Company (since 2011)

ExxonMobil (since 2009)

Goldman Sachs & Co. ( 2005, since 2009)

Grupo ABC (since 2010)

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (since 2012)

Inter-American Development Bank (since 2009)

Inter Energy Ltd. (since 2012)

Laureate Education (since 2008)

Standard Chartered (since 2009)

Swiss Reinsurance (since 2005)

Toyota (since 2011)

Western Union (since 2012)


APCO (since 2009)

Crédit Agricole CIB/CLSA (since 2006)

Diageo (since 2005)

HP (since 2005)

Jive Software (since 2010)

8577e1 No.117581

File: 3b3fe9ddaaf2607⋯.png (39.69 KB, 785x585, 157:117, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)

File: 35b6e6361e433c9⋯.png (111.73 KB, 829x672, 829:672, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)


Bob Harrison CEO

Katrina Ngo CGI America

Lisa Rickert CGI International

Bill Wetzel CGI University

Elsa Palanza Commitments

Craig Minassian Communications

Heather Zachary Event Operations

Fred Poust Marketing

Fred Poust Membership & Sponsorship

Lisa Rickert Operations & Finance

Ed Hughes Program

b57e5d No.117632


Jack Dorsey's on the list of Confirmed participants on that Advisory Group Meeting, along with Matthew Perry and Jada Pinkett Smith.

a0c591 No.117694

File: 1d5c4a4d9c3207d⋯.png (324.63 KB, 1291x849, 1291:849, 31315.png)

File: 82428018886ad5b⋯.png (43.85 KB, 740x632, 185:158, 31315b.png)

I have a lot on CGI But, I think this might be the 3/13/13 intercept

8577e1 No.117843


i'm not sure. that document is dated March 13, 2013, but hillary's final day as Sec of State was Feb 1, 2013. can it still be tied to her?

47c01e No.117864

File: 5d0476d4fa238b1⋯.png (428.54 KB, 769x447, 769:447, hillarystupid.PNG)


I think it was literally an intercept of Hillary's Emails. Which would not yet have been released. It sounds like her.

8577e1 No.117972

File: 3f5ffb28e3c0fb5⋯.png (90.3 KB, 890x670, 89:67, Screenshot from 2018-01-21….png)


that was my first thought too, but thought it would be useful to dig a bit.

pic related is the last page from the advisory pdf attachment. reading it in the context of ritual baby-eating rather than in the context of humanitarian compassion is revolting.

a0c591 No.118008


Probably not, back at it.

8577e1 No.118009


>list of Confirmed participants

where can i find that info? maybe this meeting is where significant plans were set into motion.

8577e1 No.118076


>intercept of Hillary's Emails

if that's what it was, then there's not much we could find out by digging public information. but this gives anons a direction to focus if they want it.


i'm not saying it's not. i don't know for sure. maybe it was something she set in motion while she was still Sec. and it could be as simple as anon makes it >>117864

i'm terrible at seeing connections, but i'm decent at digging. so i'm trying to parse the info to make it as digestible as possible for other anons to see something important. kek

a0c591 No.118294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have hundreds of these reels from the Podesta drops. This one summarizes Foundation dirt.

start at 2:40 for Teneo Memo.

I'll go through some of the attachments I stored and see if I can find anything to help you.

I took a lot of reels of YT if you're trying to find something I probably have it.

Let me know

I will monitor

a0c591 No.118386


Sorry Should read;

I took a lot of reels down off YT. if you're trying to find something I probably have it.

8577e1 No.118410


problem is i don't really know what i'm looking for. i'm just looking at very generalized things. money & names above all else. tying things together. possibly adding to the gigantic map of interconnections

a0c591 No.118528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know the feeling.

Pay for Play and Laundering is what to look for.

Nestle (donors) getting water contracts or water rights

back and forth about How to word something is a good hint there is something there.

Shit like that.

You can pick up donors and $$$ off the Teneo Memo starts around 2:45 on that video

Here is full donor list You have some of this >>117508

a0c591 No.118620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one is UraniumOne In 2 minutes.

I posted this 9 months ago. got 11 views. I think YT buried it. Good Shit Here!

8577e1 No.118835



thanks. i'll look into it later when my brain is a little more focused.

bbb0c6 No.125425



3rd page down

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