efd1f1 No.14102100
Don't forget to support the games (or not if it's a NISA/Aksys release) and spoiler the spoilers!
>Latest News
- Tokyo Xanadu eX+ has been released for PS4 and PC. No changes were made on the localization.
- Zwei!! confirmed for English release by XSEED. Known as Zwei: The Arges Adventure
- Cold Steel 3 released in Japan. Remember to spoiler the spoilers. Game is to be split into two parts due to size. Second part is confirmed to release in 2018.
- Ys VIII released on PS4 and Vita. NISA fucked up the translation. Examples: https://imgur.com/a/58G3W and the promised simultaneous PC release was delayed to 2018 along with translation fixes that were initially promised to release in November.
- XSEED have ported Ys VII to PC. It is available now on Steam and GOG.
- ToCS II confirmed for PC with no release date available. New voice work is nearly completed. It is expected to release in 2018.
- Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection has been released on Steam and GOG.
>Other not-so-new news
- The full Trails in the Sky trilogy is finally in English. They are available on Steam and GOG and were recently updated to include Turbo Mode.
- Trails of Cold Steel I is now on PC through Steam and GOG with gameplay enhancements and newly voiced lines of dialogue.
- Tokyo Xanadu released on Vita. Aksys fucks up the localization. Examples: https://imgur.com/a/RgUTF
- Trails from Zero fan tl at 51%. Ao is 79% translated, but not edited at all yet. A beta of the Zero TL from 2015 was leaked. It is full of typos and sounds like robots are talking, but it is at least coherent from start to finish. Play only if you are desperate. Machine TL of Azure has also been released, and it is as terrible as you would expect. It is completely unintelligible.
- Brandish 2 Renewal has been completed
- Ys VIII fan retranslation project has been cancelled until the official fix is released. The team wants to see if NISA can fix the problems. If not, the retranslation will continue.
- The Legend of Xanadu I & II Dub Project is finished. English tl patches coming in the next months http://tg-16.com/The_Legend_of_Xanadu_Dub_Project.html
- Also in the works: Dinosaur Resurrection and Vantage Master Japan
- Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection
- Trails of Cold Steel: JP voices
Dummy files (Required to write over the newly recorded English dialogue)
Magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6A260B5B9AA460EB5A71AA88A5B314583DF419D4
Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder.
>Falcom pastebin (download links for scans, Falcom Magazine volumes, soundtracks and more)
4a17e3 No.14102293
More characters from these games need to be lewded.
Like Aurelia, with her abs and all.
08e62b No.14102297
056192 No.14102390
Since nobody answered me last thread, does anybody have any good ideas for challenge runs or anything similar for TiTS/CS ?
93809b No.14102432
Ah Renne is all grown up. Still fuckable as ever.
df3559 No.14102475
It would be her pleasure to be in the new Kiseki game.
4a17e3 No.14102493
For CS, customize characters against their type. Turn Laura into a mage, turn Emma into an attacker, etc.
I don't know how well that'll work though.
056192 No.14102643
Fuck it, i'll do it
after playing through SC on nightmare, never attempt it first time through like I did, everything seems easy in comparison
Also, does anybody know an good glues for nendos, my Estelle is too loose thank god it's not Renne, I can imagine the memes to properly pose/use.
I pray CS3/4 will breed some kiseki scales and not just nedos, everything I love is denied proper figmas, or at least ones I want
df3559 No.14102707
I saw a decent Rixia garage kit, but the color was just off enough to trigger my tism.
3433fe No.14106423
I've just completed the first chapter of Trails in the Sky.
Shit was better than I ever thought it would be, and I don't even like turnbased games.
Now I'm off to the second chapter, also, cannon loli the best.
df3559 No.14106681
Tita grows up even better.
74acf7 No.14107629
I'm at the first phase of the final boss in TitS FC and I can't not get my shit pushed in. I haven't been able to beat this phase.
What am I doing something wrong?
Here's my orbment setups at the moment.
All my characters are just a bit over 30, level-wise. They all have the best gear from the Grancel Weapon Shop afaik (can't really speak for Khloe, but I know Zin/Joshua/Estelle do) In fact, Joshua and Zin have those weapons from the Sewers too.
I want to protect Tita
3433fe No.14107721
I had trouble with him at level 39 and all the epic gear you get in the Aureole.
Get back and farm nigga.
7bc6d2 No.14107724
do you have at least some weapons from the last dungeon?
Also i was lv 35/36 when i finished so i can't say for sure if you will be able to do it with lv 30.
you can do it anon i hope you enjoy the ending
9a6377 No.14107725
Unless something changed, why do you have both defense and attack on Zin? As I remember they pretty much cancel each other out.
I also find that speed is king. Be it through action and/or cast.
It been a bit too long since I played FC and SC so now I feel like replaying them.
74acf7 No.14107773
File: f215834d564291e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 152.5 KB, 395x501, 395:501, 183575c673332df8272dc9c779….png)
nah they don't.
Attack will reduce your Defense, but Defense doesn't reduce Attack. Still, may be unnecessary though. The defense specifically is cancelling out the LOWERED Defense that the Attack Quartz brings. But the Attack boost is still there. Especially since he's worthless when it comes to arts. He's a good damage soaker though but the final boss and his goonies are Resistant to Taunt.
> i'll actually have to farm
WEW. I haven't had to farm for shit except when it came to getting some Sepith for slots.
looks like I just need to farm then I guess.
9a6377 No.14108277
>Attack will reduce your Defense, but Defense doesn't reduce Attack.
Huh. I mis-remembered since I looked at my save and I had a similar setup to your Zin for Agate. Cut me some slack since it has been 3 to 4 years.
74acf7 No.14108535
I'm not trying to be harsh, just explaining friend.
However, i've spent the last 3 or so hours going back through the ruins and looting every chest I've come across, killing the enemies that ambush you in those chests, etc.
Right now my setup is Estelle/Josh/Tita/Khloe.
Mainly swapping Tita over Zin just to see if her basic attack will be worth having since it has an Area (M) effect. Plus she can actually do some damage with arts. Wound up totally overhauling everyone's orbments for the most part.
b277ef No.14109780
You need all characters with Action 3, use speed buffs and 2 characters that could easily set up heals and Earth Wall. Easy peasy.
74acf7 No.14110066
Holy hell, I just finished FC.
I need to let that soak in.
Yeah that's actually what I wound up doing Action 2s/Action 3s/Cast 2s/etc. I didn't even bother using stuff like Earth Wall or Earth Guard. Swapping Tita out for Zin was a good move thanks to her range, made the first phase ez-pz. The other two phases weren't bad either, didn't have to even retry the fight. That is all of course after spending 3 or 4 hours grinding characters/sepith and looting the final dungeon for all the good gear.
7539ac No.14110152
b277ef No.14110763
Did you had fun with the ending
74acf7 No.14110784
> fun
nobody had fun in that scenario except for maybe that certain sneaky motherfucker that i always had a funny feeling about since meeting him in Amberl Tower
The final two phases of the boss were fun though
b277ef No.14110900
How can you say it's not fun when your reactions are so cute
4a17e3 No.14110942
Now start up SC and tells how it goes.
tfw seeing someone new getting into the series
74acf7 No.14111046
y-you too
but seriously, I was suspicious of that motherfucker as soon as I saved his ass in the tower. But I don't know if the game MEANT for me to be, or if that was all ME being suspicious. I don't recall Joshua saying/thinking anything in-game about being suspicious of him.
Will-do. I'll start it tomorrow sometime before work probably. Or i'll take a few days break from it before returning. Haven't decided.
74acf7 No.14111053
that is to say about that one particular character i didn't have a clue as to the depth of his involvement, nor would I have even remotely guessed things would be the way the are. When I first saved him, he just kinda seemed distrustful; that weird feeling you get in your gut
752a0d No.14111076
Joshua started feeling sick, the first time you saw him.
b277ef No.14111081
That's done in purpose to make you suspect him but because you have NOTHING to remotely think that there's more to it, you don't know what to think. There are also 0 reasons to think he sin't a good guy, plus the game doesn't name him at all in the last hours so by the ending you compeltely forgot about him.
That was a great foreshading.
4a17e3 No.14111101
I also believe that there is a VERY brief moment where he opens his eyes in his portrait and gives a sinister look before going back to normal.
502fe9 No.14111243
To make company to the other anon.
i'm in chapter 8 in SC, are the hidden quests worth or should i rush to the story?
7539ac No.14111265
Depends, do you want a gladiator belt/headband at the start of The 3rd?
502fe9 No.14111269
if posible, then yes.
7539ac No.14111288
Then get your ass in gear, bracer.
Or don't because the 3rd is stupidly easy after you get Tita and Miltary Uniform Fetish Man. You'll know why when you play it.
48e779 No.14111478
So are we going to hear anything about a CS3 English release this year? Falcom is letting the days go by.
4a17e3 No.14111489
I really hope so. I understand waiting until it's fully released to START localizing it, but XSeed feels like they take way too long to start anyway.
48e779 No.14111496
JRPG rule 101: do not trust members of the cloth
I don't know were this series is going but I'm still expecting the Church to have dark secrets.
df3559 No.14112145
Sadly I'm beginning to suspect Falcom is waiting for CS4 to come out and then will handle both games with a single deal, like what happened with CS1 and 2.
While they do some sketchy stuff, The Church has been portrayed as mostly heroic in the entire series, a rarity for JRPGs. Kevin is actually a cool and interesting character, though it takes a while for that to become apparent.
74acf7 No.14113121
ah right so that's what it was
this as well. He kinda reminds me of Hazama from BlazBlue before he was observed by Noel and became Terumi again
df3559 No.14113238
Funny you should mention Noel Vermillion. This is Noel Seeker from Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure. Pretty sure the Trails one was basically a send up.
74acf7 No.14113437
Just went through my Senior Notebook and HOLY HELL YES.
> more arts
and….i can also use food to attack enemies now?
Nice! Makes me wonder if she has anything at all to do with Professor Alba
> Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure
> the translation for Zero is currently seen as shit
> translation for Ao is also shit
why must we suffer like this
now I'm gonna have to just jump straight into Cold Steel after finishing TitS the 3rd
502fe9 No.14113482
the ft of zero may be finished by the first half of this year. pray to Aidios
3433fe No.14113501
I don't know what SC is doing to me, I feel genuinely happy interacting with the people I met in FC.
58c309 No.14113560
How is Tokyo Xanadu? I hear people describe it as Falcom basically going 'Fuck it, we're making a Persona game'.
df3559 No.14113601
That's the beauty of these games. That's why I never got the bitching about the school in CS1. I lived going back to Trista every chapter to see what the townspeople and students were up to.
CS3 is even better about this, because Teacher!Rean has more reason to be attached to his students and the fact that they're all kind of these underdog troublemakers of the Empire that Rean helps just fosters that much more love for the setting.
4a17e3 No.14113657
ALL the games are like that. When you play the second or third game in each series they bring back old characters and there's genuine joy to be interacting with them.
I can't wait for CS3.
It's basically an action RPG with Cold Steel bonding events. I don't know much more than that. I heard it was "alright" but the translation is closer to NISA-tier.
I believe you can cook bad food to use as attack items.
74acf7 No.14114017
Burn it
we better pray harder
that's pretty interesting.
d3c5ef No.14114645
Oh boy, I might not boycott this like Ys VIII, but damn, I'll wait until it gets a huge price cut.
0498c3 No.14114862
No memes are a selling point they're supposed to make you buy the game and do it immediately. Since you are so excited to see what new maymays your favorite localizers like.
6bc5f3 No.14115637
Including memes is more of a side effect of a bigger problem that has more to do with the laziness of (((localizers))) than it has to do with memes.
If it wasn't memes they do equally retarded shit like replacing original dialogue entirely with ellipses Treehouse or rewriting lines entirely without memes yes, I know they already do that.
Using memes is still a massive
but a lot of (((localizers))) and in some cases retards like the writer(s) of BL2 and equally shit games don't seem to realize or don't care how translating shit as the current "dank" memes rapidly artificially ages a game.
Try playing through Borderlands 2 now.
Notice how it's still a shit game?
Except now it's a shit game WITH memes so old they could be in a museum.
And it was only released in 2012.
And they want to localize games in a way that disrespects the source material and gives them an active shelf life of less than six months?
Fuck (((localization))).
Let the market burn so it can crash and restart.
eb7dba No.14116188
I maintain that localization (as it's supposed to be) isn't a bad thing, it's just the word was stolen by people who do way more than what it is supposed to entail. Localization is supposed to mean taking raw, rough translation (which is often a bit of a mess due to the incompatibilities between English and Japanese) and making sound like a phrase that makes sense in English, with the main goal to give the English listener/reader as close to the same experience as a Japanese listener/reader as possible, starting with emotional tone first and working down from there. Example: some jokes/idioms might be senseless in English. So you need to find the closest equivalent. An example of where emotional tone and accuracy differ is the names of Ace Attorney characters. The names are supposed to be goofy puns, but if you don't speak Japanese you won't get that. So the decision was made to change the names to English versions of the puns because it was felt tone was more important than direct translation. Now while I do that agree with every AA decision, I consider that particular choice to be an example of a good localization decision. The problem is a lot of people take it too far.
6bc5f3 No.14116211
That's literally just translation.
(((Localization))) has always been about minimal effort and shit releases.
It was never about the games, they were interested in shekels and control.
2f73d8 No.14116289
Localisation is about making games palatable for the mainstream audience.
And then there's the whole ironic weeb crowd.
At least most Japanese games now have dual audio.
6abac5 No.14116325
The game's name is literally tits
eb7dba No.14116669
Not true. It was a legitimate word that was stolen by the memester and SJWeeb crowd. They took the word to justify their raping. Just like the word "problematic" used to be an actual word about something that was an actual problem, rather than something that hurt someone's feefees. These types of people always ruin words.
3433fe No.14118004
I found this to be a pretty good simile.
7aa674 No.14118301
why does Ys VII have such fun combat, its so simple and stupid yet enjoyable ??? and is Ys VIII better or worse than VII??
7aa674 No.14118313
and is Falcom bound by some contract to only use the most generic and dull looking character models and anime style? like seriously, why can't they hire some decent artists who have original styles?
4a17e3 No.14118354
I thought the art for Zero/Ao were amazing because they were done by one of my favourite artists. He also did the art for Baccano! and Ys VII
I like it more than the Cold Steel art. I thought the original Sky art was okay too.
Although I really like VIII's art too. I personally think it's pretty.
efd1f1 No.14118388
You sweet summer child.
d2712d No.14118506
>No memes are a selling point they're supposed to make you buy the game and do it immediately. Since you are so excited to see what new maymays your favorite localizers like.
That's right, kiddo!
861d8c No.14118552
Hot damn, where the fuck did they found those localizers? The tool shed?
7aa674 No.14118592
For example Xanadu and trails characters look generic cookie cutter….like they were copied from "anime 101: stereotypes"
4a17e3 No.14118636
The designs aren't really meant to be out there. They're supposed to represent normal everyday people swept up in something bigger.
When you meet people like McBurn in Cold Steel he looks drastically different because he fundamentally is.
6bc5f3 No.14119691
>Not true. It was a legitimate word that was stolen by the memester and SJWeeb crowd. They took the word to justify their raping.
That's nice to claim but it's also bullshit.
NoA had people on the NES with content guidelines for (((localized))) titles. https://archive.fo/CaE09#selection-177.0-245.4
Far before the current SJWs would have even been in school getting their indoctrination training.
(((Localization))) had always been about buttfucking source material.to control what actually gets released in the West.
The only change between 1994 and 2017 is that the excuse has changed from
>protect muh children
to any number of
>protect muh Western sensibilities
>The ESRB made me do it
>We didn't think the joke would translate so we replaced it with MEMES
>You just aren't a REAL fan
They're all excuses that boil down to
>Fuck you for wanting a nonshit product.
>Buy our mutilated trash or the series will die goy!
18684e No.14120286
Anyone ever hear the interview with the guy who did like Lunar and stuff. He was furious at Sony for not letting him insert all the sexual inuendo jokes he wanted into Alundra I think. He said without his horrible jokes that the game would never be good, which admits that he thinks the actual game is boring.
6633c0 No.14120692
>he says it more than once
6633c0 No.14120713
6633c0 No.14120727
Where do you fuckers find these Falcom lewds? Pixiv?
6633c0 No.14120786
0498c3 No.14121338
Hopefully not on February 9th.
d3c5ef No.14122182
I've been playing Cold Steel PC again after a bit of a break to play other things. And goddamn, I feel so ashamed of myself. One of my favorite themes in CS2 came from something in CS1, and I never realized it until getting to CS1 Chapter 4 for the second time. The "serious" airship theme and the climax of Phantasmal Blaze. Both were variants of Heimdallr's theme.
67d32d No.14122258
Which have their roots in The Final Choice from 3rd, a song heavily tied to Olivier.
d3c5ef No.14122273
Dammit, I really need to play through SC and get to 3rd.
d2712d No.14122392
>he says it more than once
9a6377 No.14122409
Someone need to connect up all the music together. It should open up some eyes.
efd1f1 No.14125770
There's a catharsis in permanently locking Vulcan in place with Fie and Rean that feels so good in CS1. Big bad motherfucker waiting with his big gun only to never be able to get a single shot off throughout the entire fight.
74acf7 No.14126908
This game is a bit tougher than I thought.
That's the lowest I've managed to get her health bar so far after a good 7 or 8 attempts. Am I missing something like maybe a new axe or something? Or is this just a case of gitgud?
efd1f1 No.14126935
Just gotta learn her pattern. Once ya do that she’s ez pz.
b277ef No.14128790
I recommend using a guide just to check if you got all the available items from the last area.
74acf7 No.14130106
ah, finally got it. This game requires me to be a bit more methodical then I thought at first, until now I'd just sort of been running in head-first and smashing everything in the way.
the only thing I missed was an Emerald, which hasn't helped really. I finally gotgud, I think gaining that one additional level helped some though, put my HP to 120 so I had a little more breathing room.
8b9c65 No.14130297
4a17e3 No.14130302
I hope Falcom is fuming.
efd1f1 No.14130312
Never ever, anon. I assume the incompetent hacks at NISA will give information on Feb 9th during their presentation. Just praying they don’t have any other Falcom games to announce that they’ll be butchering.
48cd2e No.14130322
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Japanese games are very Japanese. But a lot of gamers don't know or care about Japanese culture or history. I mean if all your JRPGs are westernised and you've only listened to dubs (fuck Juri Lowenthal) you're drinking Starbucks. Not Renne's wonderful tea.
48cd2e No.14130330
Kids nowadays don't appreciate ZnK/Ao 90s looking art style.
Just look at modern anime. That's what people want now.
4a17e3 No.14131332
Man I fucking love Emma and Laura so much. If Sara wasn't available I'd be all over them. And then Aurelia too… but I hear she's not in the Reanbowl in CS3
b277ef No.14131502
>NISA announceds that the retranslation patch for Ys 8 will come January 30
>The PC port will also arrive on January 30
Here we go!!
df3559 No.14131508
She isn't, but there's always CS4. Given the game split all the romances in CS3 are very half done.
4a17e3 No.14131544
I really hope they botch this one up too.
But it's likely it'll just be passable and things will be quiet.
efd1f1 No.14131816
Didn't they project that it wouldn't release until months later? So we have them bumping up the release of the PC version and the patch, they have an event happening on the 9th, and there are rumors, read rumors, of them being gutted and restructured into NIS International. I feel like they're trying to rush out whatever they have now to get ready for the restructuring.
4a17e3 No.14131900
Yeah, they're rushing it out. Initial screens seems to say that the re-translation looks "okay", but they're just initial screens.
63a43d No.14131959
God I fucking hate the games industry. A beta for a single player JRPG?!
And you bet the game will still need 6 months of patches.
979402 No.14132141
Has there been any word on Sen 3 releases for the rest of Asia, specifically the chink version? Because I don't know japanese, and know that they'll probably come out sooner than any english version.
74acf7 No.14132268
> But it's likely it'll just be passable and things will be quiet.
I'm not hopeful.
74acf7 No.14132414
is it even worth a pirate with such an awful translation?
b2ddb3 No.14132523
Yes, plus its probably getting a fan patch down the line
18684e No.14132571
We aren't sure what the re-translation will be yet. It might be fine because NiSA are just scared and just want everyone off their back. Or they could be vindictive shits for getting called out and be stuffed with memes and "editorializing".
e85e8c No.14132572
Turn on japanese text and audio then play via google translate. That will be somehow more accurate than NISA's work.
74acf7 No.14132614
> fan patch
now we're talking, if nothing else at least we'll have that to look forward to
probably would be
> It might be fine because NiSA are just scared and just want everyone off their back
not counting on it, personally.
efd1f1 No.14132683
This must be your first rodeo.
18684e No.14132715
They can do it though can't they? They have some shit that was fine don't they. Like Stranger in Sword City or something.
18684e No.14132720
It's everyone's first no company has ever re-localized a game because they fucked up.
6bc5f3 No.14132729
>not counting on it, personally.
It depends on how close they are to running out of funds.
They have a cycle, they'll shit out one decent game every few years to get the schmucks buying their shit for a year or so after that.
This allows them to cuck releases at a rate of 20:1 or even 30:1 on a budget. If they were expecting more money from Ys8 they might actually have to retranslate to get closer to the target.
efd1f1 No.14132809
Anon, it doesn’t change the fact they are fuck ups. They can hit the retry button all they want but every single attempt they make will end badly.
071ea9 No.14132990
wtf was the point of this
df3559 No.14133095
Happiness stones show up in every arc…
f6f491 No.14133097
We do not fully know yet, but a wishing stone appears in CS2.
df3559 No.14133173
It's in Zero too.
d21efc No.14133442
Guys… I just beat Origin with Hugo. My steam account shows that was my first play through.
Why did I remember most of the game on my first play through? Particularly some bosses. Did they just recycle one of the older ones I played and switch some minor things up?
Since I was ~11 I've played through these in the following order:
Ys - The Vanished Omens [SMS]
Ys - Books I&II [TG16-CD]
Ys III - Wanderers From Ys [TG16-CD]
Ys IV - The Dawn of Ys [TG16-CD] (j2e patch)
Ys VI - The Ark of Napishtim [PSP]
Ys Seven [PSP]
Ys - The Oath in Felghana [PC]
and finally
Ys Origin [PC]
I have Epilepsy and I'm worried I played through Origin once before, had a seizure in my sleep and lost the part memory of having played it already…
14b0e6 No.14134427
What the fuck is this post?
b277ef No.14136862
Ys 8 is coming to the Switch.
I-I'm so glad we have NISA from now on for newer falcom games I really am looking forward to Sen 3 on the Switch h-haha
f97790 No.14136906
It's to be expected Anon.
4a17e3 No.14136944
Ys 8 on switch
The future of Falcom's games in the west is looking bleaker by the day.
efd1f1 No.14136971
At this point I’ve just gone numb. Do you think the Switch port is them going “BUT FALCOM LOOK! I know we fucked you on the PC promise, but we ported it to the Switch!”
599a19 No.14137245
So should I just not start the Sen games at this point? I've already bought them but I don't want to start them only to get NISA'd half way through the series.
b277ef No.14137312
>Shinkawa President:
>I would like Falcom to concentrate on making a new work, overseas expansion, transplantation, etc. Please leave it to me, please let me help you. I thought about it and suggested it.
>President Kondo:
>As expected it would not have been possible to deliver the game to so many platforms just by our strength. I think that it is the result of partner as well. When thinking about "Ys VIII" also when you think very much from the President Shinkawa, I would like to ask you as a partner.
>I am extremely happy to have announced a joint project with Mr. Falcom. Of course not only for Ys fans, Falcom's fans, Nintendo's fans, for everyone, we would like to expand not only "Ys VIII" but also other titles.
efd1f1 No.14137341
no. No. NO
b2ddb3 No.14137428
I told you most Falcom fans were cocksuckers and would buy Ys8, I warned you, I told you this would happen, I told you not to buy this shit, not even second hand.
599a19 No.14137455
Well at least all my favorite games from them got localized by everyone else.
599a19 No.14137530
They were "sincere" about "releasing Ys 8 to the expected fan standard" before release and look what happened.
efd1f1 No.14137538
Fuck off NISAshill.
b2ddb3 No.14137545
>What if NISA is sincere
Stopped reading right there
3433fe No.14137556
If we pretend they actually want to make a good job, they have a lot to make up for.
3433fe No.14137571
They were the same image, but the point still stands.
48ac54 No.14137583
Here's a more up-to-date version of it.
6e77d4 No.14137631
You think it's going to get any better by learning Jap and ignoring localized versions? You think this bullshit will not go beyond western borders and start to infect the games directly during development? Nintendo and square enix have already proven that they are willing to make changes to their games during development based on what they are told by localization companies and/or what they believe what the "west" (screaming banshees and betamales that don't give 2 shits about gaming and want attention) wants. Other companies will soon follow if left unchecked and our enemies unopposed.
In order to stop this, you have to hit them where it hurts: profits. Don't buy any of their games (even via import), remind them with evidence what these scumbag companies are doing to their games and how the actual fans oppose it, inform others interested in these games how bad things are and get them to demand a better product. This sends a stronger message to the devs while hurting localization companies more than just importing than just importing the unpozzed version, as a lot of Japanese devs are really liking the sales they're making from the west and our enemies are taking advantage of that. Stop adding fuel to the demise and you'll be amazed what companies will do to get their real fans back (that or they double down and go bankrupt, which any company deserves if they treat their customers and fans like shit and/or not listen to them)
b277ef No.14137650
Yeah that's cool but Falcom is extremely conservative and their main market will always be Japan. They aren't going to change the contents of a game just to cater to a amrket that represents only 15% of their total profits.
f176e9 No.14137737
May be true now, but I'm seeing this as a slippery slope that other Japanese companies have fallen down on. They could change their practices if they start to see and/or are told by those companies they trust if they believe they will make a better profit than sticking to their guns. It seems less likely that they will change due to how Japanese culture is when it comes to traditions, but if Capcom, Nintendo, Namco/bandai, and Square Enix are any indication, they will make sacrifices to traditions (to varying degrees) if they think they will get more money out of it, all the while not caring about how good or bad the product is until they start making significantly less money.
6bc5f3 No.14137833
That entire chart should include some variation of
>shitty meme translation
rather than a single article at the end of them admitting they add "flavor" to translations.
Some retards would incorrectly say flavor is ok, they liken it to "personality" equally shit practice but of course you want your characters to have personality don't you, goy?. Those same retards might be less ok knowing that serious scenes have been seasoned to the equivalent of
>le cake is a lie le XDXD
>Yeah that's cool but Falcom is extremely conservative and their main market will always be Japan. They aren't going to change the contents of a game just to cater to a market that represents only 15% of their total profits.
Nintendo's and technically Squenix main market is also Japan but they have caved to this sort of shit too.
Nintendo is worth 16 billion dollars 1.469 trillion yen and has a decently sized portion of hardware sales worldwide. Do you really think that this won't hit smaller devs just trying to release on those consoles or using a publisher?
Even if it's just "voluntary" "content guidelines" similar to ESRB ratings which will then definitely not be used to censor shit, because all those AO games that are allowed to exist?
They won't be releasing two versions of a game. It'll just fuck everybody in the long run.
Hardware makers and publishers have some sort of retarded obsession with being as uncontroversial as possible to the detriment of the medium. So unless all the smaller devs start releasing on PC or go full Image Comics and form their own publishing firm with group bargaining eventually even having to make their own hardware if it gets much worse it will affect them far sooner than you'd think.
Those companies are an entirely different issue to me.
They were almost in the first wave of big JP publishers to start coming to PC which sort of encouraged smaller publishers/devs but they did so in a way that preserved the same issues with console gaming and brought their horrid practices with them.
<releasing only to locked down platforms Steam
<more DRM because muh PC piracy Denuvo
<One and done releases because we PAY per patch goy Not on PC but they must treat the console version better because "main market"
<$300 of DLC on PC "launch day" because this game is a year old but we still want all the DLC money with a full price release We still aren't doing a simultaneous release with the sequel though, we get rewarded for double dipping, goy
And they don't even have to patch the games because half the time the PC community will patch shit for them for instance, NISA released the censored release on PC and retards still encouraged people to buy it because "Don't worry, Modders will fix it"
Then you get the retarded faggots that scream and cry when people on PC don't buy Denuvoed on top of Steam broken garbage on PC for $60+$300 because
Even though they'll continue to do so anyway and delay releases for several months beyond console for "optimization" read as "we know PC players will buy a console copy if we wait long enough"
d21efc No.14137850
It's a fucking question you niggerlover. Why the fuck did I remember most shit in Origin on my very first play through? Was it a rehash of one those older ones that I played? or did i play it, had another seizure, and forgot that i played it?
efd1f1 No.14137864
You played the game before.
d21efc No.14137893
>You played the game before.
87bc39 No.14137902
Ys Origin takes place in the Darm Tower from Ys I. Some bosses are from Ys I, too.
b277ef No.14137927
You guys don't really know how Falcom operates, right? They still don't let other companies to work on their games until those get released on Japan.
5c5807 No.14138077
For Falcom the West comes third.
Don't even blame them, most of their sales are not in English speaking territories. Its telling that the Chinese publisher for Cold Steel 3 is faster and more competent in pushing out these titles.
efd1f1 No.14138178
Zwei 1 confirmed to release on Jan 24th for 20 bucks.
cb7aea No.14138407
Ys 8 pc on 30 january 20198
Better be good.
efd1f1 No.14138420
We know. The loc won’t be. Just pirate it.
df3559 No.14138472
This doesn't necessarily mean anything. This is just taking a port that already exists and trying to squeeze more money out of what was already a boondoggle followed by some generic pr speak at the end.
599a19 No.14138615
The previews already proved it isn't
4a17e3 No.14138638
Optimism is telling me that this is just a "oh we would like to work with Falcom more" statement and not a definitive "we will be working together"
f6eafa No.14138789
Started the 3rd on new year's day, currently through chapter 7…
Holy shit what a ride
P.S. Tita's mom is a goddamn cunt
4a17e3 No.14138817
She's probably popping blood vessels in CS3
efd1f1 No.14138899
>XSEED localizes for PS4, but NISA then ports it and localizes for Switch using XSEED's script
That just muddles everything up to an insane degree.
4a17e3 No.14138913
It does. But it's already kind of muddied (NISA publishes for XSeed in Europe, for example)
efd1f1 No.14138972
I know that much, but that scenario Guan pulled out of his ass is taking it to a completely different degree.
6bc5f3 No.14139710
Wouldn't they be publishing for Marvelous in Europe since XSEED has been Marvelous USA since 2013 and a subsidiary since 2007?
I thought NISA had been pushing for them (Marvelous) in the EU region previously but had not since around 2009~.
Is it possible XSEED or possibly Marvelous as their parent could disallow the usage of their translation for NISA's port? and hopefully they do so
Can a game really be (((localized))) twice?
Is it possible that the NIS President is speaking optimistically and Falcom wants to do away with them entirely?
efd1f1 No.14139765
We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
74acf7 No.14140275
I'm conflicted with Ys Origins.
It was kind of fun at first and I like the aesthetic of the tower and the character art, but it's become more frustrating than anything to play mostly due to the 2.75D style. But a part of me still wants to also try to press on, though I'm certain all that awaits me is just more frustration.
0498c3 No.14140446
I wouldn't get too worried guys NiSA are the guys who published YSVIII in the west it makes sense for them to also be doing the switch version. Hell they're probably doing it as a make good for all the fuck ups. Now don't forget this is NiSA making a thing they are most likely going to fuck it up and delay it a bunch. Not to mention it being really buggy on release if not melt a couple of switches. Don't lose hope unless Cold Steel 3 is announced by NiSA in February. Hell who knows maybe the Japanese president of NiSA needing to apologize realized what became of NiSA and cleaned house.
0b7655 No.14140458
>realized what became of NiSA and cleaned house.
0498c3 No.14140506
Yeah I know but I'm an optimist I can't help it.
04b22d No.14140519
nisa isn't one of those companies you can be optimistic about, they have a proven track record of being utter dogshit
21238a No.14140547
>I'm worried I played through Origin once before, had a seizure in my sleep and lost the part memory of having played it already…
That doesn't explain why your Steam account shows that it was your first playing, unless you played a different version of Origins before.
Doesn't matter it's too late. They've gotten far more then second chances and still continued to fuck up, they don't deserve much more.
df3559 No.14140614
I just want XSeed to announce it already. I'm tired of this suspense.
0b7655 No.14140632
Study Japanese while you're waiting
4a17e3 No.14140634
Same, it'll put most of my fears to rest.
0498c3 No.14141011
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14140519
Your right they already MAYBE censored SNK's cute girls fighter.
b277ef No.14141972
Guess what game is coming to PC again.
df3559 No.14142036
>"What else will come out this year?"
XSeed please. You can take as long as you want. Just don't let NISA get it.
5b46dc No.14142280
>sakuna of rice and ruin is ps4 only
What? I thought it would have a pc release too.
74acf7 No.14142298
what are those two on either side of Asuka/Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal?
b277ef No.14142325
An otome game and fucking Celceta.
Probably a mistake.
74acf7 No.14142354
> otome
> Celceta
oh so Celceta for PC then. Neato.
This doesn't bode well for CS3 though, unless they're waiting for CS4 as well like an anon suggested previously. god Falcom please never give anything to NISA again
df3559 No.14142394
There is precedent for waiting for both games to be out. That's how CS1 and 2 were handled. Then again, that deal was made back when Trails was virtually unknown in the west and the only game out over here was FC. So honestly…I have nothing concrete.
f9efd3 No.14142436
Any Falcom community is going to be a dumpster fire if it is ever confirmed that NISA got Cold Steel. I don't look forward to that.
df3559 No.14142448
Sadly yes. In addition to ruining the game, all places of discussion would fill with trolls and Nishills in no time flat.
74acf7 No.14142457
let's hope that's the case and it's not that NISA is already butchering CS3
4a17e3 No.14143432
That's just the trailers. I assume they had to show a "family friendly" one because of Nintendo of America. On the English site of the game all the costumes are still intact. I'm pretty sure they're going to fuck something up really bad, since it's NISA. It's their signature; so I'm just waiting on something concrete.
That'll make me both incredibly angry and sad. As well as new people coming in who never played the previous games because of asinine rules like "dual audio is everything even if the localization is shit"
0b7655 No.14144052
>implying it isn't already
efd1f1 No.14144115
I had a feeling someone was going to post this autistic faggot here at some point. Imagine doing that. Imagine going into paint to make your waifu agree with you. Imagine being that autistic.
d6dc94 No.14144121
Isn't mombot just superbus?
98daf9 No.14144123
>my waifu says she doesn't like this twitter user that i don't like
>my waifu also says that you should buy this game that i like
This person hasn't been bullied enough in high school.
bcf487 No.14144127
I'm excited, I replayed the vita version right after I beat the jap version of Ys VIII and it made me realize how much better the bosses and combat was in Celceta.
It is, the game was originally made for PC in japan and xseed already confirmed a PC release for it when it was first announced. It's most likely a mistake.
>when he started screaming muh mentions and muh nazis when people started mocking him
and if you scroll far enough back into his timeline he defends NISA and actually bought Ys VIII
3433fe No.14144166
Was that supposed to be a joke?
4a17e3 No.14144191
No, he just drew Estelle just to espouse his opinion.
8746ca No.14144210
>I'm excited, I replayed the vita version right after I beat the jap version of Ys VIII and it made me realize how much better the bosses and combat was in Celceta.
Outside of charged attacks being an always on thing I didn't really get this vibe at all.
9a6377 No.14145820
Sure it is pretty bad now but there's still a bit of hope. Once that is gone…
fb03da No.14145894
>CS3 Japanese audio only
It won't happen but if it did you could see me posting "smug Renne" from 500 lightyears away.
>Nisa headhunts Aksys employees
It won't happen but if it did you could see me posting "raped Renne" from 500 lightyears away.
f6eafa No.14146039
And just finished the 3rd, had a bit of problems with the final boss but after a couple of deaths I've been able to beat it…
I-I didn't cry at the departure of Renne from Phantasma, I swear
4a17e3 No.14146058
Did you open the doors? A lot of them depict pasts of the characters including Renne's.
6ccbce No.14146090
Yeah I've opened all the doors, but now that I think about it I've only made the normal arena and completely forgot to revisit it for the higher difficulties…Hope I didn't lost anything storywise.
df3559 No.14146107
Nothing story wise. Just gameplay wise. If you beat the nightmare arena with Anelace then jinou powers up and becomes the best weapon in the game.
6ccbce No.14146153
I see… maybe if 'll ever decide to replay the trilogy I'll go for it.
Now I guess I'll wait for Zero/Ao to get fantranslated, even if there are the two Cold Steel I'd prefer to go by release date.
4a17e3 No.14146182
Zero has a fairly "alright" translation out. It still seems as if most of it is from a machine translation but it's readable/understandable. I played it and enjoyed it.
Ao's current translation gives me a headache, however.
df3559 No.14146327
>Machine translation
No it isn't. You would know if it was machine translation. Someone tried that with Ao and it was completely unintelligible most of the things me, when it wasn't hilarious (pic related). If I had to make a comparison for what the current Zero translation is like, it's like 90s-early 2000 anime fan subs. They sound retarded to read, but you can at least understand them. By all accounts this is what the Ao translation that's almost done will be like too until Zerker starts editing that too once he's done with Zero.
4a17e3 No.14146348
I know it isn't a machine translation, but to me it seemed close to one. Your comparison is better though.
I did learn a new word from it. "Hardscrabble":.
c5c608 No.14146359
Wait, let me get this straight, even after the garbage fire that was NISA work in YS8, there is a possibility that Falcom will give more games for them to fuck again?
How stupid Falcom needs to be to do that? or how corrupt they've become?
cea3ff No.14146363
So is nippon ichi going to ruin the japanese switch release of ys 8 too?
df3559 No.14146809
Hard to say right now. I can't imagine the Ys VII fuckup endeared them to Falcom. And from a business perspective since the Ys VIII port already exists, putting a version out in the massively successful Switch makes sense and costs almost nothing. So I wouldn't necessarily say it means anything yet. It's not like Kondo is going to come out and say he's mad. That makes no sense for him to do. He's going to smile and nod and hope people buy Ys VIII and try to make the best out of a bad situation.
4a17e3 No.14146837
When Renne turns into a cake she'll probably be the best one next to Aurelia
4b4bae No.14146861
I would just call zero terribly wooden, but very understandable and I would say you probably don't lose too much from just diving straight in and playing the currently released version.
df3559 No.14146868
Anon, I…
4a17e3 No.14146913
Ah fuck, I know it happened, but for some reason it still slips my mind.
4b4bae No.14147038
Cake technically just refers to unmarried women. They don't necessarily have to be virgins.
a3b5aa No.14149086
>playing blade on one of the train sequences in CS1
>my hand doesnt get a single bolt/mirror
>highest card is a 5
>opponent starts with a 7, I draw a 1
>lose by default
df3559 No.14149236
Yeah, Blade II is kinda better I guess. And Vantage Masters is an actual game.
4a17e3 No.14150339
Love those card designs in CS3.
Blade is frustrating at times when you draw a really shitty hand.
d3c5ef No.14153293
Good thing Blade doesn't even matter.
4a17e3 No.14153299
It's fun. I like little minigames like that. One of the reasons why I like Yakuza so much
d3c5ef No.14153408
I'm not saying otherwise. I can laugh at both my victories and my defeats, because neither outcome makes a difference, my goal was to bond with a classmate.
The R/C Slot Car racing in Yakuza 0 gave me so much nostalgia
d21efc No.14153483
>I'm conflicted with Ys Origins.
It was good; not great, and I can easily say I like Oath and Seven RIP Dogi better.
332ea6 No.14153728
Fan TL was done by ESL, likely Asians. English is piss easy to learn but a bitch to master.
The ZnK translation pisses off people who's FIRST language is English I find. As a Europoor English is not sacred or special to me. I don't play Japanese games for the Western localisation or Xseeds literary skills. Now Ao no kiseki is Google translate.
PeTio is cute.
21238a No.14154565
Origins has slightly better gameplay but Oath has better practically everything else.
47e84e No.14155543
I'll take Altina, please. If she wears her plugsuit
9cdf81 No.14156136
Haven't seen a daki of that, sadly.
74acf7 No.14160856
Fishing is pretty nice in this, but is there an easier way to acquire bait besides just fighting mosnters? I like that you can use certain other fish as bait though.
Also, are fish caught (that can't be used as bait) good for anything besides selling?
07d67e No.14161561
Fishing doesn't start becoming an important side activity until Zero, but every game from then on highly encourages it. In SC it's only important for one or two quests.
df3559 No.14165659
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>14153728
>PeTio is cute.
Roido is ready to go to jail for her.
74acf7 No.14165798
68ca9f No.14166125
Anyone of you have a strategy for beating Dark Fact?First time ever playing a Falcom game, I can get him down to low health but by that time the bullets chip me away.
68ca9f No.14166207
Okay nevermind, I just had to stick to the edge and hit him as he was coming by.
efd1f1 No.14172545
>You can delay Loa Erebonius into oblivion.
Jesus, that boss turned into a joke. Delay is too strong.
356d80 No.14173337
Has anyone actually gotten one of those Ys 8 beta invites yet?
0b7655 No.14173491
>doing nisa's job for free
f7331c No.14173570
>Imagine being that autistic.
efd1f1 No.14173966
This is an advanced form of autism, anon. Like you replying to a five day old post.
74acf7 No.14174004
I've just started Chapter 2 in TitS SC, and I've realized that in Ruan, there was a cat-related piece of gear that seemed pretty lame so I didn't buy it. But now I'm in Zeiss and there's another part of it?
Is there just an entire kitty set to be bought and have by the end of the game? Am I / Will I be missing out on something here? Whether it be some sort of bonus side event or something bigger?
efd1f1 No.14174047
Nah, it’s just joke equipment.
b277ef No.14174050
>Speaking of Ys, the Ys VIII PC port is still fucked. It runs better than it originally did but there are still a bunch of performance issues, bugs, random Japanese texts, lines getting cut off etc. And they plan to fix this all in two weeks. Literally repeating the same mistakes. Also Big Hole got changed to Chasm.
>Dunegons run pretty well. I get consistent 60 fps usually. Using some skills gives weird fps drops. It's the overworld which is really inconsistent for fps. It'll just keep chugging between 40-60. Castaway villave FPS continues to drop as it becomes bigger. The lowest it's been at for me is 48 FPS currently in Chapter 6. I think it's playable, but there are just so many inconsistencies. The turtle boss in the first dungeon for example will drop to 10 fps when doing the poison breath, and the cave with the oricalcum ore (or w.e you call it) runs at 20-30 fps. The worst offender are those defense battles. FPS just goes to shit there with the number of enemies and skill spamming.
There's nothing special with the set, but by equipping all the items your character can turn into the usual "too strong at X but terrible at Y". I think it exchanges defense in favor of speed, which is interesting because speed is important in the game.
74acf7 No.14174062
oh okay, phew
I'm a little sad but also relieved. I began to think maybe there was maybe some sort of little side event of having a character in the full gear or something. I want a scene of Anelace, Estelle, and Tita all in kitty outfits tbh
> "too strong at X but terrible at Y". I think it exchanges defense in favor of speed, which is interesting because speed is important in the game.
ah I see. But i'm not actually missing much of anything then. I always worry I am maybe missing something like that, but at the same time I hate using a guide unless i'm just completely dead in the water, which has only happened a few times across TitS and TitS SC both so far.
efd1f1 No.14174069
Where are you taking that stuff about Ys VIII from? Also, I fucking called that they weren’t even done with it if true.
356d80 No.14174131
Does the Ys 7 pc port run at 60 fps? I'm considering replaying the game again since I can't remember anything about it when I emulated.
b277ef No.14174162
Of course, it's not a NISA port
0b7655 No.14180709
>wearing a shit under her overalls
0b7655 No.14180710
56820d No.14180836
>I want to sully Sully!
Unless Crossbell has the death penalty for that…
efd1f1 No.14181180
I wanna take her hat and rustle her hair
c5ecd5 No.14181811
You monster. Calling the FBI and Interpol.
b277ef No.14185061
Knowing Falcom and Sen IV, I bet Estelle and Joshua will reappear on 3D. How excited are you for the return of the retard?
4a17e3 No.14185250
She's 21 around CS3.
efd1f1 No.14185286
She's smarter than she acts.
4a17e3 No.14188821
Brittany/Hatsuu is on vacation in England (for some reason). But the fact she's on vacation just hints to me that they're not working on CS3 and it makes me really sad, irritated and scared at the same time.
0b7655 No.14188829
Why are you stalking her anon?
4a17e3 No.14188843
I just follow her on twatter. She tweets everything.
6633c0 No.14188892
She's said multiple times she's working on a project that's not Trails-related, and apparently it's hard, whatever it is. https://twitter.com/Hatsuu/status/930556353541582849
b277ef No.14189321
>To all of you who have been anxiously awaiting the PC release of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA, we have a very regrettable announcement: we are once again pushing the release to an as-of-yet indeterminate date.
6bc5f3 No.14189346
What that means is they're most likely pushing it behind the Switch release to try to get the last second console shekels before the PC port comes out and doesn't look like shit.
All companies that are "moving" to PC have been doing this for years to get double shekels from retards who buy shit "just to support the port".
e5c855 No.14189359
You can't fuck up a PC port if you just never release it.
e5c855 No.14189517
>what do you mean we actually have to core program in a PC port????
How do these retards even figure out how to turn on a computer?
6bc5f3 No.14189550
Well see, you know how Doctors and Lawyers in the bottom 20% of their class still graduate but end up being state provided attorneys and chain hospitals?
Comp Sci majors in the bottom 90% of their class get jobs in cubicleland software farms and (((localization))) companies.
>B-but I still got a job in my field!
6794bd No.14189554
NISA really is garbage.
27f462 No.14189575
>wait, do we really need to port to make propper port?
d3c5ef No.14189986
And Falcom's president is STILL content with working with these shitbags?
642d52 No.14189991
>posting an out of date webm
efd1f1 No.14190013
Reminder that it was the NIS head that said he WOULD LIKE to continue their work together. Besides, behind closed doors Kondo is most likely furious.
3433fe No.14191209
It does answer why all of their ports have been shit.
74acf7 No.14191290
how can one company be so fucking incompetent? My sides are fucking splitting.
10effd No.14191296
>fags well defend this
3433fe No.14191414
Damn right they are.
0b7655 No.14191422
>you can barely type proper sentences
0c5426 No.14191438
S-source on the panda?
76fcf0 No.14191467
>There's no magic money tree.
As if things couldn't get any worse in the UK, turns out Theresa May supports NISA.
7c0323 No.14191571
Didn't they hire Durante for this shit? HOW DO YOU FUCK UP THAT HARD?
0ee3da No.14191574
What does mombot have to do with any of this?
4aa8e8 No.14191651
Durante went to NISA? I certainly hope he doesn't stick with them.
ef3d3f No.14191706
What a fucking joke.
> >Once the changes from the relocalization efforts have been implemented at the end of this month, we will be moving development to an entirely different developer who will primarily focus on frame rate improvements as well as other PC optimizations.
And they're not even going to fix it themselves!
b277ef No.14191813
Not really. Durante only had time to look at Ys 8 for a few days, slightly improved the port and gave NISA some advice about how to do shit.
Of course, NISA was claiming that Durante was behind the port for the easy PR.
4a17e3 No.14191839
NISA probably told him to help port the game without touching the programming too. So he probably had to follow their directions.
I also think he's working on CS2's port.
efd1f1 No.14191855
That person claimed mombot was harassing his friend and then mombot called him out on it. He couldn’t provide proof of said harassment so he went into his cryhole and made that.
Yep, he’s working on CS2 PC. Made it so you can load your most recent save directly from the steam menu, bypassing the game’s opening menus completely. The man is magic.
4a17e3 No.14192034
I remember seeing that. That was fucking magical as hell.
That's how you do a port. I assume he did that by "touching the game's programming", the thing that NISA refused to do.
This is probably why all of NISA's console-to-PC ports are trash.
6633c0 No.14192724
Mombot (I think) also posted an image of some fag with a Rean avatar. Why are Trails fans cucks?
efd1f1 No.14192868
It’s just the retarded leftists, as usual.
df3559 No.14192956
Once any group becomes large enough some of them are bound to be cucks. Just be happy Trails is still niche enough that they're a minority.
6633c0 No.14192970
>shitty Ao translation is at 98%
Should I finish the last chapter and a half of the shitty Zero translation? I've been wanting to play more Trails recently. Cold Steel 2 PC when? I want phantasmal mirror mods.
0498c3 No.14193190
Durante also went to go help xseed with one of their SK ports however after a month or so the port was fixed and they learned and are now much better at making PC ports. NiSA still doesn't even know what is happening.
df3559 No.14193355
Did you enjoy the shitty Zero translation? If you were having fun, then why not continue?
6633c0 No.14193362
I was getting annoyed with how all the characters sounded retarded and was going to wait for the proper translation later this year. Also I was emulating the PSP version and wanted to switch to the PC version.
4fcfec No.14194471
I want to play this game gimme gime
4aa8e8 No.14194503
I am going to be upset if Sakuna's PC version got cancelled.
2ecbcb No.14194524
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin? Bro, Edelweiss developed the game for PC originally. There is no fucking way they would cancel the PC version when that was lead development platform.
6633c0 No.14194564
He worked on the Cold Steel port and is working on the Cold Steel 2 port.
74acf7 No.14194584
> silky smooth 60FPS
> that instant loading
be5db0 No.14194587
He made the unofficial patch for Dark Souls, that made it possible to change the resolution and rendering quality and to get more then 60fps.
74acf7 No.14194592
he did that too? he's a fuckin hero.
6633c0 No.14194596
he's also an sjw apparently
74acf7 No.14194626
i don't care as long as he doesn't try to impose that bullshit in games he works on. If he's professional enough to keep his politics out of his work, that's just fine by me.
6633c0 No.14194659
035bbd No.14200511
We'll need a new bread soon.
efd1f1 No.14202243
Freshly baked bread