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The Vidya
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File: 10c49a0768f3c38⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, eternal shrine 'maidens'.jpg)

File: c20ab2be947af7d⋯.webm (2.68 MB, 480x360, 4:3, eternal shrine maiden.webm)

e5c981 No.14312915

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): https://archive.fo/Oh2IW

>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


887746 No.14312928

First for you are shit

1fc5ac No.14312931

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

Contribute to the wiki!!




Contribute to the wiki!!

39caac No.14312932

File: df58dc0e6eec34b⋯.png (293.61 KB, 936x771, 312:257, archiveeverythingevenyours….png)

1fc5ac No.14312935

File: bbcfeae9ff0b870⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 637x700, 91:100, 1a0db2edfea00598afff92b1be….jpg)

My area lost power again

04adc2 No.14312943

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime

☑ Evolving across industries

☑ Saying that dyed hair is criminal

6c1197 No.14312949

File: c29de95f501903f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1417x1417, 1:1, Shiki 11.png)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

0a0b01 No.14312955

File: 26a92ff28bbbf81⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 740x1045, 148:209, Ray-Moo.jpg)



Also, you can discuss the localization and subbing of anime in this thread too >>>/animu/8098

bc8d07 No.14312956


Show me a good yuuka benis and I'll consider it

5c0341 No.14312958

File: 64d17c5be8aee93⋯.png (132.48 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-01.png)

File: 30e6c593a4ad85a⋯.png (116.08 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-02.png)

File: d815587f09f63fa⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-03.png)

File: 3ab7814d71b69a4⋯.png (129.25 KB, 1241x1754, 1241:1754, timber-big-04.png)

File: 04cbd3851c79baf⋯.pdf (526.77 KB, timber-PDF.pdf)

OP TIMBER! Full version

Injection tips:

1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.

2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.

3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.

4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

c399ed No.14312960

How's the Patreon circlejek going? It's been a while, it must have dried up by now.

Also, Kingdom Come this week.

5b4403 No.14312962

File: 2a3ddfe448e58ac⋯.jpg (122.14 KB, 612x816, 3:4, faggot_dog.jpg)

>This bread will never reach 750 toasts

219b42 No.14312964

File: d592156089739f2⋯.png (432.65 KB, 1462x557, 1462:557, THIS_IS_WHY_YOU_ARCHIVE_OR….png)

File: b06a9494aa59db2⋯.png (600.71 KB, 1829x550, 1829:550, I_want_to_kill_myself.PNG)

File: 5b67727e1a2993e⋯.webm (10.34 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Driv3rGate almost forgott….webm)

File: 3801a19f43c07a8⋯.png (88.41 KB, 703x909, 703:909, 'Ghost Stories' did not fl….png)

File: 6ea6b05503bd481⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1024x9734, 512:4867, Harmony Gold's fate.png)


5c0341 No.14312972

File: 0f33a70ac1aa929⋯.png (49.43 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-01.png)

File: 9384eba748a75ac⋯.png (76.04 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-02.png)

File: 3ca4a3cdce09d4b⋯.png (68.48 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-03.png)

File: 4a8946431a60147⋯.png (66.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, timber-sm-04.png)

OP TIMBER! Social Media friendly version

Injection tips:

1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.

2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.

3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.

4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

e5c981 No.14312987


Would've gone for another Itoki Hana Kirby remix, but it would've made the bread stale.

d2e674 No.14312990

File: 35eae2c808ae9fd⋯.png (486.7 KB, 1565x1051, 1565:1051, a22657f9f0a5ff6e6bcc5170a6….png)

http://www.please use archive.is/news/article-5378611/Government-consider-criminalising-online-trolling.html

Help I live in a police state

1fc5ac No.14312995

File: 8b2c89a0e07475d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 83.55 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 27621996_p0.jpg)


P-pleas-se c-c-contri-bu-bute

5b4403 No.14312999

File: 78268f7abdb69c3⋯.png (9.44 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 78268f7abdb69c3ddc6fb9e963….png)

e5c981 No.14313007


>please use archive.is

39caac No.14313011

File: 6fc7ee54c135670⋯.png (235.28 KB, 988x1078, 494:539, dani hueg.png)

7412e8 No.14313014

File: c2476e9d35ebc24⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 583.92 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, 1452659483533.jpg)

This is a cowgirl thread. Flatfags get out

770fdf No.14313016


>Treehouse games bomb continuously

>They still get unprecedented power to fuck up even more

How the fuck does this happen.

57db93 No.14313018

File: 858f7a1624dc075⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 269.74 KB, 1134x824, 567:412, Haruhi cat buttplug tail n….png)


770fdf No.14313020

Also lol at anyone who though merely learning japanese was enough to stem the tide. Fuck all you defeatist fags.

e5c981 No.14313027

File: 6e408e25a9a13c5⋯.png (748.1 KB, 620x876, 155:219, hex6.png)

File: 04f9420631c010e⋯.jpg (182.47 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, hex7.jpg)

File: 81493f3b67b0e52⋯.png (287.06 KB, 512x810, 256:405, hex9.png)


Thank you Anon. Have a couple of hexes.

aa1b62 No.14313032

File: 86ae7ae6657e057⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 291x439, 291:439, 1415807168345.jpg)


>cops paid the troll a visit and told him to knock that shit off


Now where have I heard that before?

c399ed No.14313036


Look into implementing HTTPS, wiki login and password going over normal HTTP is haram, also the easiest way of getting your admin account compromised and losing the wiki again. Keep up-to-date backups too.

0a0b01 No.14313037

File: 9867fa045750075⋯.jpg (79.64 KB, 597x447, 199:149, Language_Textbook.jpg)


Learning it is only the beginning.

f0148e No.14313039

File: 3006deabe32e3d0⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 500x366, 250:183, Question.jpg)

Now that Anita Sarkeesian have opened a new front in tabletop to reinforce her Feminist Guards, have they defiled Gygax and Arneson's name to the mud already or they haven't done that?!

0dcaa7 No.14313040

File: ce0dc3805238958⋯.jpg (63.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1jlexu.jpg)


>Yuuka begging

>Not putting some jobber in the torture rack

>Or beating him to death while HUMMING

f0148e No.14313050

File: 3d2bd01e597510e⋯.jpg (203.42 KB, 401x551, 401:551, screenshot.387.jpg)


Oh wait, they've done already that.

5c0341 No.14313060

File: e6fce26a956c4f9⋯.jpg (65.92 KB, 650x800, 13:16, Cos18akW8AAyaNc.jpg large.jpg)


Internal corporate maneuvering. It happens.

Just gotta keep up the pressure and letting everyone know when Treehouse shits the bed. Make it loud.


Get a paid VPN.

5b4403 No.14313062

File: cda1a999ab0a2ce⋯.png (889.33 KB, 1344x708, 112:59, E3.png)


>Implying SJWs haven't done that ages ago

f6a8aa No.14313065


>>14313036 < This

Also make sure that main page of wiki doesn't show content encoding errors for no good reason.

fe88d1 No.14313075

File: c6bfb5ef8724812⋯.webm (941.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, watson.webm)

What did she mean by this?

e3baf4 No.14313078


She wants men to rape her.

f6a8aa No.14313081



Who wrote that book?


What she said? I was unable to catch it.

aa1b62 No.14313086


I love how they know they'll never make anything great, so they just focus all their efforts on tearing down the achievements of everyone else. Especially if that person's already dead. Hell, I'm pretty sure if you look hard enough, you'll find someone trying to dismantle Mister Rogers's legacy.

c399ed No.14313090

File: fd786178a879968⋯.jpg (36.16 KB, 694x530, 347:265, d757c8369d7c13eeb7f6cb8114….jpg)


>Random Tumblr post

It's like going to the asylum and asking for an opinion on time travel. Tumblr is no longer relevant, the crazies made sure of it, along with Yahoo forgetting it exist after paying 1 Billion dollarydoos for it.


I could try to use the mediawiki API to do a backup each night. I'll have to read on that.

38aabc No.14313091


If this sounds retarded to you, it's because you've spent too long viewing tumblr posts thinking it's the only form of feminism that exists. A lot of women consider feminism being about genuine equality, but that's not fun to make fun of, so no one every posts those people.

1fc5ac No.14313100

File: afe7804bc3eacdc⋯.jpg (108.28 KB, 480x800, 3:5, 68a3e1bd1e27d21a310f3f73d3….jpg)


>Listen to this, men think they can't be feminist. That's a big misundertanding. Some of the best feminists I know are men.

0a0b01 No.14313102

File: d0d3ad7f68dafac⋯.jpg (159.07 KB, 480x645, 32:43, book-arms-1308.jpg)

File: d1172a16cd5be13⋯.jpg (547.84 KB, 1000x1321, 1000:1321, arms-april-2015-cover-fuuk….jpg)


Japanese arms magazine.

f0148e No.14313107


The US NRA would love these ladies, that's for sure.

99968e No.14313108

Just saw a Black Mirror episode which I think is a shot at gamergate.

bc8d07 No.14313110


That kinda sucks in terms of benis quality but I kinda wanna help I guess, I'll have to see if I can tonight, what needs the most help right now on it?

bc8d07 No.14313116


Post clips or caps faggot

c399ed No.14313122

File: 56e6dae2068c65c⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 720x404, 180:101, 113344.jpg)


>watching shows made after 2005

38aabc No.14313128


Black Mirror is really good though

aa1b62 No.14313134


>along with Yahoo forgetting it exist after paying 1 Billion dollarydoos for it

But not before fucking over the porn, the only thing on that site that drove traffic.

8676ee No.14313143


>season 3 and 4

>really good

It's reddit tier trash you faggot. Even Season 1 and 2 were only okay

76776f No.14313147

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

bc8d07 No.14313149


Never mind, found the page


Christ this is an overwhelming list, I could've sworn we also had articles and shit for 2/3rds of this stuff already

5b4403 No.14313151

File: 3b487431124dbb5⋯.png (473.48 KB, 645x610, 129:122, Hello.png)

99968e No.14313190


I don't have clips. It had a guy who looks like Matt Damon run a simulation program where he abuses real people in the game.

98e5a4 No.14313200


I'd fuck that

be6eec No.14313203

File: 8e021bc17330abf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 502.6 KB, 1064x800, 133:100, 40721651_p0.jpg)


Tsk. I didn't want to post this.

f7c4d6 No.14313208

File: fc71f6bd638270f⋯.jpg (175.67 KB, 690x1013, 690:1013, DVQoCoLU0AADeR8.jpg large.jpg)

f6a8aa No.14313212





be6eec No.14313223

File: d75658988322796⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 646.32 KB, 827x1169, 827:1169, e510edb3d226c45a3b36e320b2….jpg)



You better be responding to the quote and not Yuuka

f7c4d6 No.14313230


these niggas look like they fucking roads in Evangelion

98e5a4 No.14313231


can i have source please

930743 No.14313237


she did what? I though she's irrelevan.

f7c4d6 No.14313244

File: f614570d34b3b29⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji C….jpg)


she stared in the latest Junji ito anime

how is that Irrelevant?

98e5a4 No.14313250


woah,junji ito got an anime?


be6eec No.14313253


Back to 4chan with you loser.

98e5a4 No.14313265


no you meanie,i just wanted source,i like dick girls

99968e No.14313269


Wrong quote?

39caac No.14313270

File: 8dabe6ae466478e⋯.png (362.98 KB, 839x1200, 839:1200, l8pjZtr.png)


This means animated BWu too.

be6eec No.14313278



>>14313223 was meant for >>14313212

f6a8aa No.14313279


I meant quote. Sorry.

Yuuka is a cute touhou. Not my favorite though.


What happened there was much worse, anon.

98e5a4 No.14313281


Curious if junji self inserts in any of his stuff

f7c4d6 No.14313282

File: 579868434afb1ee⋯.jpg (93.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji C….jpg)

File: 9225a6d95d6927b⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji C….jpg)


few weeks late on that one kiddo

They also did the one about Destiny

5ada20 No.14313294

Things Gamergate hates

☑ Blacks

☑ Indians

☑ Mexicans

☑ Jews

☑ Arabs

☑ Women

☑ Normies

☑ Chads

☑ Rick and Morty

☑ Casuals

☑ Girl Gamers

☑ Localization

☑ Gaming Journalists

☑ GamerGate Revolt

☑ Gildafag

☑ Ethan Ralph

☑ Reddit

☑ 4chan

☑ Something awful

☑ Wikipedia

☑ Tumblr

☑ Hair Dye

☑ Tattoos

☑ Piercings

☑ The West Coast

☑ Social Justice

☑ Anitfa

39caac No.14313297

File: 7129a5e304830c5⋯.png (3.79 MB, 2247x2000, 2247:2000, Junji Ito Cat Diary pg0.png)


He drew a manga about him interacting with his cat. Would that count?

f7c4d6 No.14313306



I hate normalfags who say normies far more than normalfags

only fucking normalfag reddit pieces of shit say normies

be6eec No.14313307



38aabc No.14313311


Cosmo got his own anime?

04adc2 No.14313313

File: c2e16a5e9fedf78⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 410x398, 205:199, 0bce4469e49cdefa7a052e5221….jpg)



Come on.

95fa13 No.14313317

File: 32ca9e70580f5bf⋯.gif (1.21 MB, 310x314, 155:157, HE_sphere.gif)




843d66 No.14313321

>Lucia Taylor (It's what you expect…) "Kingdom Come: Deliverance Still Fails to Deliver Representation" - Also gets very confused with the time period.




5b4403 No.14313322


>Harmony gold's fate

>Listening and believing

Where is the connection between HG and Echolight? All I'm seeing is sepculation, hearsay and no sources. One anon claims a Santorum acquired HG without proof and I can't find it anywhere. Don't you think anons should have verified this before shilling it on /animu/?

be6eec No.14313331


This is satire.

f0148e No.14313336

File: faaa77581cf7781⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 674x388, 337:194, Gunpoint 16.jpg)



0a0b01 No.14313341


Mark should filter Normies to Normalfags.

c60f0c No.14313344



People here use it because it is shorter. Contain your autism niggerfaggots.

5b4403 No.14313346


Why would we remove a perfectly good way to spot newfags?

67920b No.14313348


The real Japanese Garfield?

219b42 No.14313350

File: 98d7b076a350244⋯.png (115.38 KB, 616x389, 616:389, I'm sorry.png)



Yeah, I screwed up.

I just realized that the Harmony Gold picture fails to make the connection between HG and Echolight. And, searches are turning up nil on that front as well. Anyone want to go digging with me?

However, I did find out that Funimation partnered with Saban to first produce Dragon Ball (If that means anything). But that could have just been a temporary for all I know right now.

be6eec No.14313355

File: fa995a525de7415⋯.png (399.98 KB, 805x828, 35:36, rope4.png)

57db93 No.14313356

File: 422a864929e9a5e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 299.36 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1e66725444e4b4039c7d083121….png)

Mark Kern is in a Twitter war with SJWs and is dropping redpills left and right. Back him up!


0a0b01 No.14313359


You should bring it up in /animu/'s translation thread.

c60f0c No.14313360


Yeah you can say fag here.

5b4403 No.14313372


>A whole three letters shorter

This isn't instant messaging you fag.

7412e8 No.14313373




>how do you do, fellow channers

4564e2 No.14313376

File: e1bbc856caf9cba⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 540x360, 3:2, It Is Happening Again.mp4)

5b4403 No.14313377


I think he can handle himself. He doesn't need a personal army faggot.

930743 No.14313379


>its just a fringe

>not all feminist are like this

We aren't so naive to believe that shit after all these years. Sure there might be some good ones like based mom but they are grossly out numbered by the sjws. You can thank both the media and academia for that.

be6eec No.14313381

File: ece3d96664ddd21⋯.png (315.4 KB, 470x546, 235:273, ShionQuestion.png)



This is satire right?

I'm not seeing a disclaimer anywhere.

f7c4d6 No.14313383

95fa13 No.14313385


>Typing a few extra letters is hard


You aren't in cuckchan, lurk more if you can't understand such culture :^)

eeb988 No.14313388


tfw no cowgirl gf.

39caac No.14313399

File: a8bd5ff42674791⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1754x2480, 877:1240, freya dig.png)



I've skimmed over both their about pages, and I've found nothing referring to satire. I have found that New Normative are in a partnership with this other website, Cliqist. THAT name sounds a bit tongue in cheek, but nothing solid.

c998d0 No.14313414

File: 902a255be26896f⋯.jpg (71.89 KB, 620x385, 124:77, sybmn.jpg)

How to trigger autism on /v/:


b83572 No.14313423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>However, I did find out that Funimation partnered with Saban to first produce Dragon Ball (If that means anything).

Saban was used to air Dragon Ball in syndication in 1996, and they even brought in Saban composer Ron Wasarman to compose music for the original Ocean dub (of course Shuki (((Levy))) and Haim (((Saban))) took credit for it). They dropped their partnership with Saban in 1998, and moved production in-house, hence why the dub changed from Ocean to Funi's own actors in 1999.

219b42 No.14313436

ab3402 No.14313438

File: 87a5696bd79d91b⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, da6d62f508b34381b8882ed166….png)



302954 No.14313444

File: 2302cba566a0e2d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 419 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20180211_214134.jpg)

File: 003f5893b0586ba⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 455.58 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20180211_214139.jpg)

Hey everyone, it's unannounced but I wanted to report that Mark has skin cancer and is going to the ER, here are some pictures he just sent me.

He said not to tell anyone but I felt this was too important to not share. Press F to pay respects.

0a0b01 No.14313448


Liar, he's too handsome to die.

616baa No.14313449


Wait a minute, I've seen that before. That's a fucking zit.

4d9679 No.14313452


I hate the fact that his follower count constantly hovers around 64k because of twitter's manipulation. I just want jack to permaban Trump already so everyone moves off of his shitty fucking platform.

d56cf2 No.14313453

File: 0f4e0e44e0de7e8⋯.jpg (296.76 KB, 540x720, 3:4, __cuara_pain_original_draw….jpg)

File: c1d6f33b8ef20a3⋯.jpg (450.47 KB, 870x1000, 87:100, 8853e4fbcf23ab579d75972d5d….jpg)

File: f2fd0c32155f2ec⋯.jpg (67 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, f2fd0c32155f2ec1b8486e044e….jpg)

File: fdeaf0193db128a⋯.png (684.53 KB, 1450x1510, 145:151, fdeaf0193db128a42cb8859982….png)

File: a970b97c8234f20⋯.jpg (308.57 KB, 1280x1556, 320:389, __mattie_ego_trigger_and_o….jpg)


If you build it, they will come

e68bf4 No.14313457

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


is that a cyst

(graphic video)

98e5a4 No.14313461


I imagine he's the type of person to have insomnia.

f7c4d6 No.14313463


its an abscess

8676ee No.14313467


>(graphic video)

Where do you think we are? Reddit?

aa69c4 No.14313468


Netflix partnering with anime studios needs to be added to the pasta. I'm surprised it wasn't added back when it was announced a week or two ago.

39caac No.14313474


Ironically enough, the beginning of the video tells that the cyst guy was found via reddit. Never figured a normalfag friendly site like reddit would have such a crowd.

eeb988 No.14313479

File: 8cf7913c6f9db10⋯.png (522.65 KB, 750x537, 250:179, Very nice.png)


What am I building?

Anyway I'm not attracted to milky boobs, i like the calm personality of sorts, with a bit of rough strength they might have paired with a body to die for.

Would put penis inside girls in image one, two and five.

f6a8aa No.14313488


Oh boy. Here we go.


So what.

☑ Indians

They have some good cuisine, but I would make it myself.

☑ Mexicans

Don't care.

☑ Jews

/v/ BO is one.

☑ Arabs

In my case arabs are fine, muslims aren't.

☑ Women

Just feminists.

☑ Normies


Just redditors, facebergers and another social media addicts.

☑ Chads

Really? Did you got that from hating on crappy memes made in paint?

☑ Rick and Morty

Reddit cartoon.

☑ Casuals

I don't mind them, but I wish they got a little better taste or stopped following e-celebs like bunch of sheep.

☑ Girl Gamers

Majority of them are cam-whores, fakes or attention whores.

☑ Localization

Mainly (((Localizations))) made by NISA, Treehouse and 8-4.

☑ Gaming Journalists

No shit sherlock.

☑ GamerGate Revolt

Due to stupid shit that occured and their frequent butthurt.

Also sabotage and burnouts turning into turncoats.

☑ Gildafag

Shit taste in waifus and makes retarded shitflinging with resident furfag frequently.

☑ Ethan Ralph

One of revoltards.

☑ Reddit

Website with worst post voting system that ever existed. Mods there and admin manipulating votes, changing users posts on whim and banning entire subchannels don't help it either.

☑ 4chan

>What is exodus?

☑ Something awful

90% of modern internet cancer was created or influenced by them.

By some they are called jews of internet.

☑ Wikipedia

Biased articles, fake info and wiki vols being garbage. Some ended up as lolcows.

☑ Tumblr

Did you ever saw art and blogs there?

☑ Hair Dye

It was mainly destroyed by attention whores and tumlrinas

☑ Tattoos

It's red flag in people.

☑ Piercings


☑ The West Coast

Majority of U.S problems came from that place.

☑ Social Justice

Bunch of self righteous fanatics.

☑ Antifa

They are just vandals. In some countries they are treated as terrorists.



Is this fucking raid?

9e2351 No.14313496



You failed to mention TvTropes.

7412e8 No.14313508


>What am I building?

A milking barn with fresh straw for her to lie on while you milk her

5b4403 No.14313516


>They have some good cuisine

<Having literal shit taste

>I don't mind them

Casuals are what's killing vidya. >>14288554

eeb988 No.14313518


if I had a cowgirl she'd be living in my room. She'd be eating human food and I'd fug her everyday, hold her hands & hug her often

Also I feel really odd today. Fatigued even though I didn't do anything all week

c1d84a No.14313524

File: 898afa4d5f75170⋯.jpg (29.8 KB, 450x320, 45:32, canstockphoto0541102.jpg)


Not true, thats an old photo. it's healed now.

I'm alright

5b4403 No.14313525


>one, two and five.

>He doesn't like Hex Mooniac

8676ee No.14313529


Wait that was actually you? I thought he just found a cyst photo on google or some shit

d7d9ee No.14313534

File: 1f63d71939cf012⋯.png (73.2 KB, 353x321, 353:321, 1f63d71939cf012c792a8b956f….png)


How'd you get an abscess on the back of your neck?

98e5a4 No.14313537

File: 8de1d02847c64fb⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 33.46 KB, 264x104, 33:13, 1328029942990.png)


Can confirm,here's proof

like two people will know what thread this is from

eeb988 No.14313540


I like her I just prefer her to be human that's all. She's best oppai or on model, i do like those crazy eyes she has either way.


It builds up in weird places. I have really small ones on my thighs. Can't do anything with them but they aren't life threatening.

c1d84a No.14313541


Yeah, from a staff infection

5b4403 No.14313542


It's something to watch out for, but shit like Devilman, Kakegurui, and other things they fund or buy exclusive rights to seem to indicate Netflix doesn't care as a whole and there's only a few bad apples willing to take Soros money and make propaganda. I see it as a wait and see situation, not a red alert like some anons were panicking about when it was first announced. Should be added to the pasta.

8676ee No.14313549


How'd you get one of those?

c1d84a No.14313555


I shared chips with a libtard at HWNDU

38aabc No.14313557


All Netflix wants is original programming, shit they can have forever and not need to pay licensing fees for. Shit like "Dear White People" is made because the people that make that kind of trash are willing to take table scraps to make something that lets them get "the truth" out. Netflix isn't trying to push any agenda, those people are just willing to make shit for incredibly cheap.

8676ee No.14313565


>trusting leftist food ever

At least you learned you lesson

Also it's a Staph infection as in Staphylococcus

c1d84a No.14313569


They could be like Disney and just do what makes them money

c1d84a No.14313571


Ah, thank y

f0148e No.14313572

File: 96072ecb2155ea5⋯.jpg (29.51 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Minoru Suzuki Chokes Hiroo….jpg)


You could've died y'know!

I'm happy that you're okay now. You're my most favorite kike, ever. Well you're still a Jew so I don't trust you. You fat fuck.

d7d9ee No.14313576


I've got the inner thigh ones too, but I've never seen one that big come from nothing.

5b4403 No.14313580


Also, I don't remember how much money Soros dumped on them, but seeing as how they're still heavily in debt, I'd bet it's run out and they have no more obligation to him.

eeb988 No.14313584




If you ever get them removed be careful. I only got one on my right thigh and it's just there.

5ada20 No.14313590

9e1164 No.14313597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What has happened is a colossal ethical disaster. We shall go on to the end, we shall never surrender.

be6eec No.14313598



Why did you have to confirm it.

930743 No.14313599


i would be more worried about netflix if

>crunchyshit and funi weren't inserting sjw politics in their works along with employees from both companies are openly working with journos under anifem

>their investment in anime is a reaction to them losing disney and fox (as disney bought fox) along with possibility more in 2019

d7d9ee No.14313605


>it's just there

You don't drain it? I drain and sanitize mine whenever I see the fuckers.


Ayy u want sum fuk?

eeb988 No.14313613


I've had it for years and haven't done anything to it. I might at some point pop it open and clean it.

770fdf No.14313617


They've been doing anime for quite awhile, there's tons of subbed series on there, iirc done by media blasters, and then recently i think they've stepped up to start dubbing shit like little witch academia and shit like that.

f7c4d6 No.14313619


how do you not get the urge to squeez the fuck out of these things

its such an orgasmic feeling having that shit done

5234c9 No.14313626

File: 61273373c22d035⋯.png (276.82 KB, 779x326, 779:326, Maltidos Comunes.png)



38aabc No.14313629

File: a1afb96ff32e75e⋯.webm (1007.19 KB, 852x480, 71:40, SILENCE.webm)



Jesus fucking christ can we stop this conversation


All netflix is doing is buying the Exclusive Streaming rights for series, which allows them to stamp the "Netflix" icon on it and call it theirs. So far they've only actually made 2-3 series.

5b4403 No.14313630

File: 8f91434a8945030⋯.png (190.14 KB, 446x345, 446:345, 10593b2a0d6f469a60effd1963….png)



You fags disgust me.

f7c4d6 No.14313638



I almost miss the times when I was a teenager and would get massive ass red pimples with hard middles that would take days of poking and prodding to pop and then they did you could hear it and the center shoots out like a missile

d7d9ee No.14313642


Please learn how to properly lance and drain an abscess before you try popping it.

Last abscess post.

e9e6f9 No.14313651

File: 06b84fddce3b2f9⋯.png (77.72 KB, 1044x414, 58:23, ss.png)

730480 No.14313652

File: f0d22f82bd2c473⋯.jpg (8.33 KB, 253x296, 253:296, f0d22f82bd2c473842e682e439….jpg)




>This is the face of GG

8b0b84 No.14313653


There is a proper way? Shit I just cut them open and squeeze the shit out of them then put some iodine and alcohol on them.

eeb988 No.14313654



Weird things occur to the body. What do you expect?

5234c9 No.14313656


please, get /fit/!

f7c4d6 No.14313658


you know woman really really really love squeezing mens black heads

8b0b84 No.14313663


because it gives them pleasure to cause you pain and their isn't a damn thing you can do since they are "helping" you out.

5b4403 No.14313665


>What do you expect?

I expect you to take care of your fucking body. Not be a disgusting faggot like this

>I've had it for years and haven't done anything to it.

>how do you not get the urge to squeez the fuck out of these things

>its such an orgasmic feeling having that shit done

f7c4d6 No.14313666



if you get pain you are doing it wrong

219b42 No.14313667

File: 6cf26de875b6e90⋯.webm (1.13 MB, 478x256, 239:128, And no longer care.webm)



As long as it keeps shills away, I don't care. Just be sure to actually do some shit by the time the 200th post is made.

d56cf2 No.14313671

File: 26c072c44727d9a⋯.png (734.87 KB, 1101x1605, 367:535, __luna_bittermilk_original….png)

File: 1de6df5f7ef2b41⋯.jpg (217.56 KB, 650x713, 650:713, __mattie_ego_trigger_and_o….jpg)

File: df767376961d662⋯.jpg (175.92 KB, 1244x1000, 311:250, __suigintou_rozen_maiden_d….jpg)

File: 5381a69c5a0f524⋯.jpg (154.93 KB, 500x839, 500:839, 2a3205efff273d8c106d82f8e4….jpg)

File: cffb2099ad92ecf⋯.jpg (188.96 KB, 600x900, 2:3, f6698634b469c4c3aedad36f1f….jpg)


That if you don't work for it so will it probably not happen.

You want a "cowgirl" gf? Go out and search until you find her.

You want a real cowgirl gf? Create her. I remember some anon a few years back tell that his reason for going into biology was to hopefully one day help create a catgirl.

Biological cowgirls are impossible? Go into software or AI research and make the best possible proxy.

Does the AI cowgirl need a body so you can hug/fug her? Fix that by studying engineering and build the best possible body for her.

Are SJW's lobbying to ban cowgirls? Start lobbying for it, create a think tank or became a politician yourself so you can push the topic when you have enough power.

Or you can do nothing and stay a miserable fag without any cute cowgirl to hug or fug.

eeb988 No.14313672


I don't feel an orgasm when I pop zits. I got one bump that I can't pop actually so I just left it and you're freaking out at me over it?

5ada20 No.14313678

In medical terminology class the teacher told us about a man who had diabetes and was a smoker who scratched his ass and it got infected. Eventually it grew into an abscess that got so large our teacher said she could lift the flap of flesh on his ass and see his hip and leg bones. He got sepsis and died.

5b4403 No.14313681


>I don't feel an orgasm when I pop zits.

Never said you did, though I could have worded it better, but you're not the only disgusting fag here. Pay attention to the conversation.

>I got one bump that I can't pop actually so I just left it

For years. See >>14313605 again.

e68bf4 No.14313683

File: 129442953c060f0⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 400x385, 80:77, 1458295705183-1.gif)


the rule of /v/ is post sfw unless spoilered. because video cant be spoilered then I thought it would be fair to give a heads up.


I just googled "Big cyst" it was the first link to youtube. Didn't even pay attention to the title.

be6eec No.14313686

File: 4c43116e52bc757⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 573x700, 573:700, b312f3115208065610da87522e….jpg)

What do you do with abscesses filled with milk?

Let's please move away from this; this thread was a mistake.

8b0b84 No.14313687


Now that's one lazy fuck. Waited to long to get help. My friends wife is a RN and man she has told me some crazy shit she seen in Emergency room and around the hospital. Half the shit I can't believe and other half makes me lose hope on the human race.

f7c4d6 No.14313691

File: 9c37a64dd750f17⋯.png (251.95 KB, 387x310, 387:310, Chinchin_Kemokemo_-_Page_9….png)

Yep It deffiently looks like shit is going down this week

Prepare for shills I warned you about

5b4403 No.14313699


>Let's please move away from this

>Asks and even more disgusting question in the same post


5ada20 No.14313702

Things Gamergate loves

☑ Having their gross bodies covered in smelly cysts

eeb988 No.14313705

be6eec No.14313707

File: a8be80f5aed301e⋯.jpg (95.87 KB, 832x800, 26:25, 7b7b59eccc25e7e0e6e477966a….jpg)


I was referring to titties.

c399ed No.14313708

File: a813b07875fd590⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Morden.jpg)


What kind of shit? Twitter shit or Real shit?

38aabc No.14313711


But this isn't even shills.

f7c4d6 No.14313712


GG twitter shit

f7c4d6 No.14313715


I'm not saying it is, I'm saying when shit happens they will come

5ada20 No.14313720


Apparently it happened in a matter of weeks due to his already poor health.

c399ed No.14313722


Oh nevermind then.

eeb988 No.14313729


I could get a gf with massive bazoomba's though quicker than a cowgirl man.

1414e7 No.14313730


Buy indie and never support the big two. Even then, study the writers you buy from beforehand. It's really all people can do at this point to fix anything without letting the western comic industry just curl up and die.

5b4403 No.14313732


>Describe titties as abscesses filled with milk

Why? Doing that strongly implies abscesses on the titty.

5ada20 No.14313738


Breasts can get filled with pus if they are infected.

be6eec No.14313739

File: 67a9e6c66dd4372⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 173.52 KB, 1814x1212, 907:606, DA05SL4U0A.jpg)


You squeeze the nipples to drain them.

770fdf No.14313746


Too many of the same shitty writers keep going back and forth between companies, Bendis, for example is now working on superman.

18a431 No.14313751

File: c649d69e99c6e58⋯.png (29.21 KB, 673x677, 673:677, marks parasitic twin.png)

be6eec No.14313755

File: 1813e482c81359d⋯.jpg (131.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ac3e7b86169883a5fe31acdb0c….jpg)


It's filled with cake frosting.

38aabc No.14313758

File: c7db1e0c3e565fe⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 557x256, 557:256, dqpavMb.jpg)


>Bendis, for example is now working on superman.

>"So many people are worried about the state of their marriage and the state of their family. You should be.

eeb988 No.14313764


No, ice cream.

219b42 No.14313772

File: 560f6c8c4e17e75⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 85.6 KB, 800x700, 8:7, 22e9896211a1b42a473e6f1a7….jpeg)

046252 No.14313778


Great, now he has 3 mantits.

5ada20 No.14313793

The best way to clear up a cyst it to cut it open a little bit and let flies land on it. The maggots will get in there and clean it all out.

18a431 No.14313797

File: f5d2f128ab835c9⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 443x456, 443:456, feelsgood.jpg)


who in their right mind would frost a cake with zit abscess?

5ada20 No.14313803


You could frost a cupcake with Mark cheese and give it to a friend for April Fool's day.

c399ed No.14313807

Instead of that abscess shit, post some locon.

f7c4d6 No.14313811

Penises are kinda like cysts like they explode like them

5ada20 No.14313816

File: b5153102e5e93a1⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 474x316, 3:2, th.jpg)


Why not both?

57db93 No.14313818

File: cd6617322d6373f⋯.jpeg (114.6 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, Asuka disapproves.jpeg)

What the Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo actual is going on in this goddamned thread?

c399ed No.14313828

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)


People post cysts and abscesses.

5b4403 No.14313830


Something that is actually more disgusting than your avatarfagging.

be6eec No.14313834

File: 501aba9be3fade7⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1258x1513, 74:89, 30374819_p0.jpg)


Very worst derail from a (1). Maybe also from Mark confirming the photos were his.

38aabc No.14313839

File: c5534e8d0f3c4dc⋯.jpg (706.79 KB, 1092x1591, 1092:1591, aN0z7gW.jpg)


Bad things. I'm going to go do anything else in the world than stick around.

475782 No.14313842

File: 2f0772ed02da8e3⋯.png (40.76 KB, 317x317, 1:1, 673512.png)


why does your single opinion matter over all others?


>defending pahjeets

I fucking hate you with every fiber of my being.

5ada20 No.14313844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thread theme.

f7c4d6 No.14313848


Its probably Denza, he is a curry nigger who doesnt even own a toilet

533c15 No.14313861

Furfags need to be gassed:


NickMonroe (AKA FART) should have properly been dealt with a long time ago rather than try to accumulate followers who are ignorant and apathetic to the drama, cabal warring or ruined diggings they brought to GG. Like how some think that faggot "wetsprocket" isn't so bad because hrme isn't a -complete- frothing retard.

b2a205 No.14313864


You know I often ask myself, whatever happened to those one-hit wonder loser bands?

5c0341 No.14313865

File: 725403b20e1d835⋯.png (1003.23 KB, 1161x796, 1161:796, retwet.png)



The same people who use their vaginal yeast to bake bread.

e68bf4 No.14313866

File: b6449d425e78a2c⋯.jpg (197 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, ulillillia01.jpg)


speaking of cyst and abscesses. Acidman you are a nigger

eaae3b No.14313879



He is actually pretty blatantly frothing at the mouth it's just he doesn't go on long rants for all to see and yes he needs to kill himself.

219b42 No.14313887

File: 561b6019d01e080⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 124.13 KB, 732x1463, 732:1463, floof_shoot_phone.jpg)


Welp, enough GG for me tonight. I'm going to search up hentai, or watch anime, or play Septerra Core.

7412e8 No.14313888

File: f437263c3f7063a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.42 MB, 1050x2200, 21:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a07e9f9a407f7e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.99 MB, 853x1200, 853:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 600afcc7edcd0e3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 776.7 KB, 736x1000, 92:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ff62b50ecdbf56⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.74 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

no more abscesses, please

ab3402 No.14313900

File: 9e1f8b0930639e1⋯.jpg (84.06 KB, 700x1313, 700:1313, 1472057300344.jpg)


Goodnight GG. This is worse than the horror manga up there.

5ada20 No.14313905


They have a new album out. http://toadthewetsprocket.com/new-constellation-out-now/

Not really. It's from 2013 they just haven't updated their site.

eeb988 No.14313910


I've seen worse.

533c15 No.14313917


I remember how his smug and optimism was gone on when the dust cleared following election night. What a glorious day. Pooka was part of the triangle group that aligned itself with revolt having a giant 'tism fit over Acid correct? Speaking of whom:


At least he isn't crying about bans when bringing up 8chan Of course, it's not as if 8chan and Hotwheels don't have their own twitter accounts but I wonder how much discover the site through twitter. Fart also stalked Dodger, was generally creepy and took credit for things, yes?


Be on the look out for any more potential saboteurs.

eaae3b No.14313935

File: e7b86276e626eb2⋯.webm (10.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11-8-2016 What a night.webm)


>following election night.

So many goons and Sjws were or still are on Suicide watch and wetsprocket hasn't been the same since then.

ef08b6 No.14313939


Jokes on her, cunnilingus has been proven to cause cancer because of the bacteria that lives in the vagina.

e9e6f9 No.14313953

File: 2092ae6bf2e1442⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 408.84 KB, 540x773, 540:773, t3_6hxhc2.png)


Wait really? Fuck all my /gfd/ fantasies then……

5ada20 No.14313958


>pussy licking causes throat cancer

that's definitely not how mark got his neck problems

d7de1b No.14313961

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)

The decadence really is spinning wildly right now. You'd think "women being whores" would mean people need to abandon their primal sex urges or something, but that's probably too much for basement dwellers.

e68bf4 No.14313976


I don't honestly understand the context not having a twitter any more. All I know is QuQu was GGrevolt and John Kelly make him the leader of "alt-furry" what is his problem with that fat old cucked Not Your Shield Chinese-dev Redditor Mark?

eeb988 No.14313980


your penis is meant to go there, not your face.

38aabc No.14313986


>cunnilingus has been proven to cause cancer

First of all, source fucking needed. Secondly everything in the god damn world causes cancer to some degree. I don't think I give a shit.

b2a205 No.14314000


I was making a reference to the Bloodhound Gang. What's Wet Sprocket's one-hit?

f7c4d6 No.14314007


bloodhound gang were not really one hit wonders

b2a205 No.14314030


It's from the opening to Along Comes Mary. And I brought it up because F.U.C.K. has been showing up on my playlist all week. But I guess it was too obscure a joke to make.

843d66 No.14314042

e9e6f9 No.14314047

File: 00c2c4b1dc87f43⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 622x576, 311:288, 1471954556214.jpg)


That's why its cute.

d383ca No.14314054


Doesn't that just mean it would cause penis cancer too?

533c15 No.14314063


Him being a furry is enough to be regarded as trash. Secondly, he was with revolt who pretended to be "DAREALGG" whilst being completely impotent to the degree where they bitched about Acid or anyone not on their side or control rather than genuinely try to do any good in the game industry or otherwise. He like the rest of them were concerned only with causing drama to inflate their own egos.

39caac No.14314083

File: 704a91141f21073⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2346x1675, 2346:1675, 1400032669226.jpg)

File: 8865e128090a12c⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1000x1666, 500:833, cutesexyrobutts_owjuphm4QV….png)

File: 44025eaf96fce40⋯.jpg (428.47 KB, 1012x1295, 1012:1295, 3dacb76da1ca91531fe32ef4e6….jpg)

File: a08dca5be078126⋯.png (147.15 KB, 673x900, 673:900, bayonetta_fan_art_by_chaos….png)

File: 938a8ddb4d65cad⋯.png (553.82 KB, 800x954, 400:477, rariatoo_oxm1vqm1AB1s26u9b….png)


Here's hoping GameInformer get blacklisted like Kotaku did, and that OAG get an interview that gets more attention. Also, titties for good luck.

eaae3b No.14314091


It got very annoying when they tried sperging at /v/ about acid despite the fact that people didn't like and still aren't fond of acid.

e08f83 No.14314101

Is anyone keeping track of all of the newspapers praising North Korea this week?

f7c4d6 No.14314106



e68bf4 No.14314120

File: caefd99b864db46⋯.gif (239.01 KB, 500x419, 500:419, 1449709665970.gif)


but spj airplay was trash and Oliver Campbell was a toilet nigger. I mean I know some of the people form REEE where leftist trolls string up infighting but getting Alison Rapp fired out side of Burgers and Fries was the closet thing GG ever got to accomplishing anything worthwhile. Also Acidman was a fucking retard.

5b4403 No.14314132

File: 597962d4a4102a8⋯.png (182.13 KB, 308x539, 4:7, flatter.png)



e3baf4 No.14314141


I know that Communist News Network and the Jew-York Slimes did. http://newsbusters.org has been doing some articles on the outlets swooning over Kim Yo Jong.

c0cfd8 No.14314149


Didn’t Nip devs already say “lol, no”?

f7c4d6 No.14314151

btw I posted a new commission on my board /1428/

this isnt what I was teasing despite what the shill was saying, but apprently shit is going to start rolling out in like 24 hours or the very least is when I will get more information to share

c0cfd8 No.14314177

File: 68324712c573762⋯.jpeg (426.54 KB, 968x1400, 121:175, A9E582E6-AD9B-4753-AD07-C….jpeg)

File: f0ab5d01e8b0d5e⋯.jpeg (213.07 KB, 1200x1679, 1200:1679, 9471A731-1983-482C-9D57-4….jpeg)

File: ac43e78202a3bb9⋯.jpeg (493.3 KB, 1200x1679, 1200:1679, 7810E2EB-C2DC-4130-BF8B-D….jpeg)

File: fe2150be1123983⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1744x2440, 218:305, 717F5D6E-55D5-44AA-90BB-3….jpeg)

File: 8e0e6a1cb7eb583⋯.jpeg (507.12 KB, 1200x1679, 1200:1679, B6933A5B-1310-498F-94C7-6….jpeg)


>Are SJW's lobbying to ban cowgirls?

Haven’t seen anything yet, luckily.

Fuck it, why not just go the extra mile and make our own cowgirl society?

c346ec No.14314183



eaae3b No.14314203

File: 390a8ece18d0aa5⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 1000x823, 1000:823, smug serval.jpg)

>Someone isn't being subtle

Revolt you guys still are easy to spot.


It's just Marche sperging over some shit no one cares about.

7412e8 No.14314205


the cowgirl ethnostate to oppose the commie catgirl republic

c0cfd8 No.14314208






Here’s some optimism:



It’s a blog, so take it with a grain of salt.

>When asked if there was any difference between Netflix anime and standard TV series, as fans were curious if the recent partnership between the company and studios BONES & Production I.G was a game-changer, Shibata bluntly denied an improvement. He noted that working with them meant there’s no restrictions regarding the depiction of sex and violence, but at the end of the day the schedule was hellish, and that fundamental improvements regarding the treatment of the creative team are still down to the production committees – which Netflix can’t be bothered to change at all

>He reiterated that he’s seen no change in remuneration and that even if those titles were to perform well, there would still be no incentives for the people who made them, as the system in place is still the same; barely any studio keeps a significant number of staff as well-remunerated full-time employees, and freelancing at poor rates is still the norm, so the actual hands-on crews will never see an improvement without structural reform. And again, that is something that Netflix doesn’t even attempt to do, no matter what PR words you hear.

39caac No.14314209

File: f9fb7dd64b3f81a⋯.png (392.94 KB, 750x718, 375:359, smug mechanic tits.png)


>Remember Pearl Harbor

My goddamn sides.

5234c9 No.14314212


>second pic

i wish they made lewd ovas of his comics instead of the harem cartoon.

533c15 No.14314213


Airplay got leftists mad enough to send bomb threats to the place complete with hounding a Polygon writer for being unable to put any sort of initial spin on that. It did it's job in continuing to show that they were full of shit. Oliver Campbell I can't recall doing anything shady surrounding Gamergate, there was a proposed council or Paolo Nuñez with a few others going "Okay guys let's close the gate! :^)", generally being naive on their nature, but their propositions were rejected and "the no leaders" thing was kept. It's telling how you think Rapp getting fired is considered to be the closest to "GG accomplishing worthwhile"

When A: Rapp was hated for being an awful representative of Nintendo on top of her being part of a cancerous localization group

B: She was fired neither for that, nor her questionable paper concerning pedophilia/child porn

C: Revolt allegedly backpedaled when it was Kiwi Farms that uncovered her second job as a literal 2 bit whore

D: They didn't do jackshit against the rest of Treehouse or come up with OP Timber, even trying to sabotage another Operation related to that for their own agenda.

Also telling that you neither brought up GG's role in assisting the instigators of the whole thing, Gawker, as proven in govt. documents:


As well as your own beef with Acid. Why? His avatarfagging with worst girl (I'll give you that) or his /pol/ like assault and purging saboteurs off his board? I sense you're hiding something, and perhaps doing a terrible job at that and attempting to rewrite history.

f7c4d6 No.14314214

eaae3b is a shill

5b4403 No.14314223

File: 50c2f2ff361cbd0⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 800x800, 1:1, serveimage.jpg)


>Remember Pearl Harbor

>I shall return

cb17e8 No.14314224

File: c8f4fe80030e4bf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.43 KB, 1023x723, 341:241, 9de03a65e30d8f8a62433d3391….jpg)

File: 97cb49ce5465a88⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 551.27 KB, 1767x2500, 1767:2500, 82f0a4f25723ddb20a9031f332….jpg)

File: 87225e23b9bd40a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 284.14 KB, 1413x2000, 1413:2000, 99096ca571f30722b024af7526….jpg)

File: f94041749bf77cc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 54.19 KB, 1024x461, 1024:461, addad64f3c8184cb49b5632cca….jpg)

File: d8fd03ad1854537⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.45 KB, 800x579, 800:579, b37b5422b8578dcd59b129f940….jpg)


>tfw no cowtits

39caac No.14314226

File: f0cc68af5169613⋯.png (721.85 KB, 1631x1240, 1631:1240, BIG TITTIES (2).png)


That sounds pretty neat.


>I sense you're hiding something, and perhaps doing a terrible job at that and attempting to rewrite history.

Refer to the first part of >>14314203

>Revolt you guys still are easy to spot.

39caac No.14314241

File: 63ec98a81f10aaa⋯.png (133.72 KB, 710x727, 710:727, Erika's honkers.png)


Can't habeeb I didn't post this picture up here as well.

eaae3b No.14314245


Some of the newer anons don't have the shill radar.

5c0341 No.14314256

File: 16250d39e22bd80⋯.png (128.1 KB, 1024x1169, 1024:1169, 16250d39e22bd806c97aaede0c….png)


>Didn’t Nip devs already say “lol, no”?

No, and even if they did now, that doesn't stop the SJWs from trying again in the future, especially with the Olympics coming up.

f7c4d6 No.14314260


Says the shill

388ae3 No.14314264

File: 5a201ea791c1905⋯.jpg (160.59 KB, 960x360, 8:3, serveimage.jpg)

I have a feeling that SJW post all this cow tits to divert us from our true goal

0db1af No.14314266


Extermination of women's right to grow dicks?

5b4403 No.14314268


>Tits aren't his true goal


f0148e No.14314273

File: 497c2ccb8411ce0⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 640x420, 32:21, Anita Sarkeesian 33.jpg)

So everytime a feminist tells you that Anita Sarkeesian won't take video games away from you, show them this tweet.

39caac No.14314279

File: 66771db30bd3956⋯.png (480.59 KB, 662x1024, 331:512, after dig.png)


I'm posting cow tits to remind myself of part of the reason why I'm doing this in the first place.

Is that you, Gook?

f7c4d6 No.14314284

File: a3a5efba85b1209⋯.jpg (76.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji C….jpg)


why would I argue with someone that stupid to begin with

39caac No.14314286

File: 519b91247baee67⋯.png (171.36 KB, 512x512, 1:1, spoonfeed.png)




eaae3b No.14314291

File: ad14bf3a7498069⋯.jpg (7 KB, 267x323, 267:323, ad14bf3a7498069a82f4fc3a46….jpg)



>people not wanting to hear about your petty drama are shills

I'm still amazed at how much of a tumblr like blogger you are at times.


Reminder the English police didn't report Pakistani child rape gangs because they didn't want to be racist.

f0148e No.14314294


I lost everything when Comodo Icedragon decided to fuck me over, y'know. Sorry for that. And thank you.

5b4403 No.14314295

File: e043afa4d9773cc⋯.png (145.26 KB, 441x400, 441:400, fundraiser0.png)


>Archive pis

What did she mean by this?

f7c4d6 No.14314299


Calm down shill stop getting so angry about being called out

90aa49 No.14314305

File: 8c2d3d591c6a948⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 144.49 KB, 549x1600, 549:1600, 918327485791322134.jpg)

File: 6ed5692210cc317⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 288.73 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 12983747813249871345468989.png)

File: effbebafc773d8f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 223.46 KB, 1650x1650, 1:1, 91283857913247981243324.png)

File: a288363cc8522ee⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 262.91 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 234234789786534465.png)

File: bdb7c8ea50e1d03⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 230.36 KB, 1800x1900, 18:19, 2167312987413254655.png)


if they want to distract me, they'll have to post tomboys

39caac No.14314310

File: 027ea6fc8983439⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.73 MB, 2846x2610, 1423:1305, freyaoffice.png)

File: afab5ba3a8d2a26⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.33 MB, 2085x2919, 5:7, freyatracksuit.png)

File: b81d4820ae9750d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.69 MB, 2129x2919, 2129:2919, freyanekad.png)

File: dcd4a5528c499ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 732.29 KB, 5131x4375, 733:625, systfreya.jpg)

File: e05338019e1a2a5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 349.12 KB, 897x1275, 299:425, Screenshot_742.png)


How about both?

533c15 No.14314313


I've beenseeing them crop up from time, but it flared up again what with QAnon, the Clover app, cuckchan shitting itself again, Vavra about to get targeted. I just can't believe the gall and autism they have to keep on doing it, and in our own thread no less. Oh yes, and Ralph getting released from prison, I haven't heard people bring up the Ralphshill as much as they did before. And you-know-who needs to take it easy with the shitposting. It's like the porn and tits that keep getting posted here as >>14314264 mentions.

If SJWs get mad seeing it, take it to them rather than this thread. Some is fine, but there's a limit, I believe.

39caac No.14314319


>If SJWs get mad seeing it, take it to them rather than this thread. Some is fine, but there's a limit, I believe.

Fair enough.

5c0341 No.14314322

File: 2e8362f81412b46⋯.jpg (370.42 KB, 1200x1146, 200:191, 2e8362f81412b46b328f04fad4….jpg)

File: 34e6d76508ca314⋯.jpg (4.74 MB, 4056x3184, 507:398, 34e6d76508ca314e505492b75a….jpg)

File: 099c782b20a1d42⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 099c782b20a1d4293d316335af….mp4)


Get on my level of hell, anon.

7b247b No.14314324


I came for the tits, stayed for the conversation.

90aa49 No.14314328

File: e002ab1db9d2b55⋯.gif (166.87 KB, 500x280, 25:14, 9812835785791324213487.gif)


hair's not short enough

57db93 No.14314329

File: 62f15cb1bf127f2⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 640x796, 160:199, Asuka idiot.jpg)


Of course I'm a nigger. I post on fucking imageboards.


Found the goon.

c0cfd8 No.14314340


Depends on how it goes down. Saving face is a huge part of Asian culture, and Japan really wants to show off on the world stage come then. How they'll go about this is another matter. Tourists usually scrape the surface of Nip degeneracy anyway (and if they do cause a fuss, it’s brushed off as “racism”) so it largely goes ignored. But their paranoia about it could see things adapted to suit foreigners, at least for the actual year of the Olympics (shit like relocating or temporarily closing up soaplands and other risqué establishments). It'll probably be business as usual after that.

c0cfd8 No.14314346


Why do people keep shoehorning this (excluding your pic)?

533c15 No.14314350


That you Acid Man? Do we still have the procedure of ignoring shills completely rather than responding to them, in order to avoid letting the thread derail completely as a consequence of not doing so?

eaae3b No.14314351


Anons here need to relearn to not take bait or give (you)s and filter as not to shit up a thread like was taught during the 24/7 shilling of 2015.

57db93 No.14314377


I would, but this thread is already derailed as fuck anon. Mode 2 has always been "bully the shills" as far as I can remember.

5234c9 No.14314389

File: a12750a4c387224⋯.jpg (251.45 KB, 800x480, 5:3, nopower.jpg)


>get on my level

>not even ONE archive link

5c0341 No.14314393

File: 4d2a2ee39670f55⋯.png (220.24 KB, 733x865, 733:865, 4weaer4r.png)


NoA is already enacting changes on a developer level, as you can see from the article on the OP TIMBER post.

Also, https://archive.fo/bHJ74


Potential for happenings.

06dded No.14314401


Pewdipie is going to meet up with mombot, suck her feminine benis and periscope it?

e68bf4 No.14314407

File: 60821969ec48a18⋯.gif (4.44 MB, 283x410, 283:410, Ching Chong.gif)


I correctly recognized you as THE Acidcuck and yet you honestly would call me the true practitioner a Ten Dollar Dude? How rude!

770fdf No.14314410


Man, chinks really do have no tits. Don't know what Jim or the other soyboys see in them.

edca71 No.14314418

File: e3d24e48433227d⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 450x250, 9:5, e3d24e48433227d5468fafa4ff….gif)


I want to pop it. I want to pop it really bad.

5c0341 No.14314419


Which Jim? Sterling? Metokur?

57db93 No.14314423

File: 464ce07c53a132b⋯.jpg (117.73 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, japanese girl.jpg)

File: 61ac5b7ebbc13f0⋯.jpg (111.74 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, japanese tiddies.jpg)


>Recognizing me.

>In the one thread I always post in, when I post with Asuka that everybody knows means its me

Careful Shill-kun, a mind as sharp as yours could cut a limb off.


You need proper samples anon.

7412e8 No.14314427


wasn't there a study saying the average breast size in Japan was increasing? Just a matter of time now

770fdf No.14314428


>Which Jim? Sterling? Metokur?

The one that isn't fucking a cloned version of himself.


>You need proper samples anon.

Much better.

5c0341 No.14314438

File: a449b863f3793a3⋯.png (298.5 KB, 1185x594, 395:198, 34thgiyr.png)


>I want to pop it. I want to pop it really bad.

You'll have your chance, anon. All for 19.99USD


e68bf4 No.14314441

File: 5d4af687f5ab706⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 600x570, 20:19, 5a4e53602b41f1e10826152577….jpg)


>implying there is anything wrong with 8/pol/

>(((Michael Koretzky Milo Cathy Young, Christian Golf Summers)))

they are leftist you dumb nigger. Classical Liberalism is Left wing. Why are you so butt hurt? Is that you house nigger Campbell? You redditors really should have never been welcomed here on infinite chan


going to call your FED buddies Acid?

e62825 No.14314444

File: 2fc79e122915b09⋯.jpg (25.51 KB, 448x336, 4:3, Sisko_facepalm_5.jpg)


bruh, Acid always post in the GG thread with a picture of Asuka.

c346ec No.14314446


Anon your shiftkey is broken.

7412e8 No.14314448


revolt is a dead board. Give it up

5b4403 No.14314452

File: bcf87a0281d088f⋯.png (631.07 KB, 857x720, 857:720, 8b762a47f96f903177939ffe02….png)


Delet this

e68bf4 No.14314455

File: 4bc08934cdd84f0⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1305x1237, 1305:1237, 82db2dee3cb80e40c89fcc0655….jpg)


I don't like revolt. It was full of leftist larping as /pol/acks. But you have to admit John Kelly and Varhilo was right.

475782 No.14314460

File: 0c865fe05b1d6f0⋯.png (233.41 KB, 883x1349, 883:1349, Vidya Game Comic 35.png)


missed on comfy grind, won't have no comfy time.

ce6ce5 No.14314464


I am one of those two anons

I swear to god, I can't remember what website that was. Wasn't it some download with like "this is not a virus, here's a proof stamp to prove that it's not a virus"?

e68bf4 No.14314468

File: 462279dfa741a9b⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 454x384, 227:192, acidman.jpg)

>>14314444 (checked)

>avatar fagging is ok

and you wonder why I call Acid a cuck?

eaae3b No.14314472

File: 5bf2c550a5d0f36⋯.jpg (179.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nia is salt.jpg)

>implying there is anything wrong with 8/pol/

So much that I'd I need an hour to explain and even then that's not even the basic issues.

57db93 No.14314474

File: c51b6b55f5d8bfd⋯.jpg (146.42 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, Asuka FBI.jpg)


>implying they're not in this thread right now, posting from my bedroom.

f7c4d6 No.14314482

both these are shills

please report



8676ee No.14314494


You're only calling that one guy a shill because he doesn't like you Marche

770fdf No.14314495


>I don't like revolt. It was full of leftist larping as /pol/acks

Most everyone here larp as /pol/, even if they're not actually /pol/, don't actually care about /pol/, or actively hate it.


How about explaining SOME then, anything more than just stating that /pol/ has numerous problems.

c0cfd8 No.14314521

c0cfd8 No.14314526


Does he need to buy a bra for it?

f7c4d6 No.14314527


what other reason for him to shit up the last several threads and say he is doing it on purpose

he also spurged hard because his fetish thread got bump locked

8676ee No.14314535


Is that even the same guy?

f7c4d6 No.14314541


hes been spurging for almost a week despite me being almost afk the entire time he keeps posting about me

so yea

5c0341 No.14314546

File: fdf89a2eb41d5e3⋯.png (546.64 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, 88aaba13805b1bd9fffc0f4c41….png)

File: 69dd575cf5563e4⋯.png (575.22 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, a1a24e1f8325863cd395125044….png)

File: b805377c5aaec2f⋯.png (541.36 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, cc4a2be7a48b29d0b57f338aed….png)

File: 950dbe8a1fe65c7⋯.png (425.38 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, 572da08c614a3b60229603f16d….png)



We'd know who to thank for helping meme that into reality.

eaae3b No.14314547

File: 4187caccce93334⋯.png (188.47 KB, 313x449, 313:449, payne wtf am i reading.png)


Alright fair enough I'll name some

>The board has become an echo chamber where no new ideas or points are made to keep the board from being intellectually stagnant

>Mods are fucking cancer

>You can't no longer have fun

Those are some reasons.


No, I don't even have any idea what he is even remotely referring to.

f7c4d6 No.14314550


the nendo is out this month

Wonder if her nendos breasts are bigger than galkos


533c15 No.14314552


Well I shouldn't get into the habit since anons should know better than to waste threads replying to bait and be able to discern truth and lies, but fuck it, if Acid says it's derailed already, I'll give it another swing:

The jews you listed aren't leaders so if even if they do or say something that doesn't go over well with everyone, they may still be used by us if it helps us attain a certain goal or push an opposing viewpoint. Provided they don't consistently go out of their way to target and sabotage future operations ala revolt. Is it any different from you going "John Kelly and Variloh were" right despite saying you don't like revolt, of which they were a part of with the former eventually crying on stream like a little bitch with him being doxed on their own board as they predictably self destructed?


You referring to 8/pol/'s staff zealously banning anyone suspected of being shills as one of those reasons? It's why I compared Acid and /pol/ together since apparently Acid truly did nothing wrong by his logic if they're both invested in protecting their boards from shills. Even if there's potential for friendly fire to occur with /pol/ being debatable what with "muh books" and self improvement threads getting the axe. I remember another furfag supplying EDF news about Gamergate until he turned after getting triggered by Acid's purge. I wonder if he is one and the same as the fag before us.

Oh, one thing that confounds me just a bit is where he stands on Trump. The double standard of chewing GG out for working with jews for certain coinciding ends, but Trump apparently gets a free "4D" pass for putting them in his staff, allowing Ivanka to marry (((Kushner))), publicly defending Israel, wanting Jerusalem to be its capitol, putting on a yamulke and visiting the wailung wall, and so on. Accusations of us being reddit? Does /pol/ have their own problem with r_/thedonald/ or not?

Really, shouldn't have bothered typing all of this out considering what I said earlier about shitposting, tits and porn.

f7c4d6 No.14314555



this just proves you are a shill

5b4403 No.14314559


I really like this artist. Is it all ecchi or do they they do lewds?

8676ee No.14314560


I agree that people keep bringing you up even when you're not posting at all but I think it's multiple people and it's not so much of them being a shill as it is them just not liking you and thinking any shitposter is you. I don't know though man

99df79 No.14314574

File: 666904c0a9fcd59⋯.png (130.36 KB, 500x480, 25:24, jazz-music-gets-very-loud.png)


>Big-tittied Japanese housewife soon fellow Stalker

f761b1 No.14314581

File: 065191b208385c7⋯.png (497.3 KB, 981x2171, 981:2171, 2018-02-12_07-55-15.png)


Reddit can't flirt lel

f7c4d6 No.14314583



He does a picture every monday

5c0341 No.14314587

File: d8176d8d0a52239⋯.png (186.94 KB, 239x821, 239:821, 5346363.png)


Not from the artist himself. A few others are aping the style to some success.



a794ab No.14314590

File: 00f70e5ec3d7366⋯.png (10.39 KB, 496x179, 496:179, Top Keh.png)

Shit, only one letter off.




This bread is off to a great start.


>direct linking






Holy shit kill yourself.


lewdposters are common thread derailers here but they aren't SJWs.


That clearly isn't the same anon retard.

5234c9 No.14314596


are they real or fake?

f761b1 No.14314605


>cow tits

I don't see this kind of weird shit outside of 8chan.

5fdbc9 No.14314610

File: 69b3ef2efbaa2db⋯.png (283.21 KB, 315x387, 35:43, Popeyes_Cheddar_Biscuit_Bu….png)


If they are it must be tough. Knowing that these cow babes are hotter than they are and the soyest of goys can never attain them.

06dded No.14314622


I somewhat agree with you.

Like look at this faggot from last thread


Why would someone do shit like that if they weren't a shill?

a794ab No.14314679

File: dae7804b185f1a2⋯.png (378.01 KB, 681x634, 681:634, Bing.png)

File: 292d2e75a1a2c44⋯.jpg (61.28 KB, 768x564, 64:47, multi-perspective-768x564.jpg)


This doesn't sound bad at all. Better then Google or Facebook, at least.

eaae3b No.14314691

File: ec36c172c13692f⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 1000x768, 125:96, Airy Questions.jpg)

Why does Marche think I'm somehow out to get him

5c0341 No.14314692

File: dc7cb90942e93e4⋯.png (129.41 KB, 772x747, 772:747, dc7cb90942e93e46040365359d….png)


It's too early in the week to be cynical about this so for now, it looks good. The neural networks haven't reached Gamergate so it'll be interesting to see what pops up.

06dded No.14314696


Tried to look up vaccines but it didn't give me that info box.

5c0341 No.14314703


It's a Neural Network; it needs to build a network first.

57db93 No.14314704

File: 1317c80ced72ca0⋯.jpeg (338.53 KB, 1002x2048, 501:1024, Think in German.jpeg)


Huh…. thats actually kind of interesting. I'm not about to jump the gun in praising Microshit, but if this works as described, it'll be a hell of a lot better than alternatives. Gates is a jew, which may be good in that MS puts drawing more people to Bing over maintaining ideological purity.


That's gonna be REAL interesting.

5b4403 No.14314720


Is that an ancap meme?

5c0341 No.14314739

File: 57c5627377dac02⋯.jpg (147.37 KB, 379x468, 379:468, 6ae4841076b6e5aeca78871cb2….jpg)



I just realized this is gonna be an internet-scale edit war with everyone's own revisionist history trying to influence the learning machine.

Looking forward to THAT.

813daa No.14314768


Don't expect them to allow another Tay.

5b4403 No.14314773


This is just gonna be like Google's results where they pretend an algorithm does all the work but in reality, for anything they want control over they'll manipulate the results directly. Instead of seeing whatever Google is shilling at the top and having wrongthink hidden away, you'll have what Microsoft wants to shill on the left and a strawman on the right. Microsoft's shilling will be on the left in English and other western languages so that what they want you to believe will get the first impression. As an example, Gamergate would not be:


>Women are being harrassed vs there's unethical practices in videogame journalism

It would be:


>Women vs evil gamers

It's easy for them to use coffee as one of their first examples because no one is actually certainty on all the possible health effect of any given food and there's little controversy involved in the debate. You'll find mountain of contradicting evidence when you look it up. But if there's a narrative to push, they can and certainly will still push it.

eaae3b No.14314774

File: 6eafd5c6e9cf96c⋯.jpg (259.76 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, love tay.jpg)


>another Tay.

It still hurts anon.

5b4403 No.14314777


We're all out to get him anon. He's the last sane abbo alive.

eaae3b No.14314779

File: d800dca094cc3ea⋯.jpg (175.34 KB, 479x900, 479:900, EDDS dubs.jpg)

5c0341 No.14314805

File: 47466fab17f1b4c⋯.jpg (85.47 KB, 700x988, 175:247, f68e377ab84d78fd8f8b2fd69f….jpg)


Never underestimate the power of incompetence, anon.


No doubt there.

598ae9 No.14314867

File: af9271f5d6ed2ba⋯.mp4 (338.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 8234957932487634893857343.mp4)

eaae3b No.14314898

Any of you anons playing games? I'm playing Max Payne.

528f0d No.14314965

File: 752ffa892b38606⋯.jpg (314.99 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20170706175941_1.jpg)


I'm about to get the final 2 umbran tears of blood in Bayo.

What's fucked though is if you truly want 100% you need to not only Pure Platinum 5 difficulties and play 100 chapters to unlock the weapon Sai Fung. but you need to do that 3 times from scratch with Bayo ,Jeanne ,and King little Zero.

Pure Plating Normal is enough for me right now.

6fa358 No.14315079

File: f26758efdf89568⋯.webm (5.93 MB, 853x480, 853:480, moetan.webm)


It's Moetan.

533c15 No.14315156

Damn, I realized by the time my PC is restored, Vavra's game will come out and there will probably be an increased amount of articles trying to shit on them. Since he's not the type to kowtow to them, what will they resort to in their attempts to break the team for adamantly defying them?

eaae3b No.14315163


He is a nazi I'm betting.

f0148e No.14315191

File: 4f1dbf7664ec459⋯.jpg (130.49 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, Lilith 2.jpg)

Good evening.

5b4403 No.14315203


It's the middle of the night proresufag.

aefd5d No.14315207

File: 4f6c5ed4b95006d⋯.webm (15.39 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32712817.webm)

5b4403 No.14315215


I deeply respect the autism it takes to make these things as a hobby.

f0148e No.14315219

File: ad9d76fe9f7f805⋯.jpg (100.87 KB, 999x454, 999:454, Social Justice Infiltratio….jpg)

File: 53441f2cd141e47⋯.jpg (743.9 KB, 4039x626, 4039:626, Degredation of a Hobby or ….jpg)

I found this on Twitter. Do you agree to this?! It's like degradation of the hobby, but on the social justice and feminist perspective.

f761b1 No.14315231


Can you give a real life example this "Degredation of a Hobby or Fanbase"? What kind of hobby was ruined by the fanbase?

8676ee No.14315234


Video Games

f0148e No.14315238




1ecc53 No.14315239

File: af87173e4439cfc⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 800x940, 40:47, af87173e4439cfc76ca11a28bd….jpg)


>giving babbys first bait a (You)

f761b1 No.14315241


heh, thought you were going to say image boards. Video games going down the dumpster is not that easy to explain.

8676ee No.14315249


It's 5:30 for me, thred's ded. I'll give them a (You)

18a431 No.14315301

File: 79dc96c6e24446b⋯.jpeg (41.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, police.jpeg)

843d66 No.14315310

>MovieBob tries claim that gamers, nerds, etc. don't exist while blaming those who consider themselves such being whiny children with a victimhood complex.


>Why aren't you being arbiters of truth? MPs scream at Facebook, YouTube, Twitter


Metro publishes opinion that Daniel Vavra is Racist/Sexist (plus gamedrop)


99968e No.14315328


Say what you will about Canada, it isn't that bad here, yet.

f7c4d6 No.14315329

File: 12c945f050fb303⋯.png (90.37 KB, 495x498, 165:166, tumblr_p2n0fjQ2Bh1w9gclgo1….png)


Yes it is

eaae3b No.14315336

File: 0be4d9313adba41⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jontron Can't Make Shit Up.mp4)

To no one's surprise he is using tumblr file names.

f4bff8 No.14315343


>Metro publishes opinion that Daniel Vavra is Racist/Sexist

Cunts. They put that shit front and center, with no way to rebut it. I fucking hate these people.

f7c4d6 No.14315344


>shill is shocked bad tumblr art comes from tumblr


eaae3b No.14315346


Give it a year.


We all knew this was coming anon.

06dded No.14315351

File: e96e1b6412accd9⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1457x10449, 1457:10449, comment section.png)


Comment section for the Metro cry piece. Couldn't see them in the archive.

eaae3b No.14315356

File: 9fe9d118093de8e⋯.gif (800.07 KB, 540x405, 4:3, laughing_tits.gif)


Those comments are tearing his asshole worse then goatse.

f4bff8 No.14315359


Huh, my bad, when I went to the actual site it didn't show any comments.

I'm glad there are people against that cunts opinion Metro highlighted. I'm surprised they even allow opposing opinions.

99968e No.14315378


It looks like facebook comments to me, that's probably why.

a42f01 No.14315381


I couldn't even start reading Bob's tweets. He is just boring and an hypocrite, so I trust you with what you said.

99968e No.14315403

I am tempted to buy Kingdom Come simply because I feel the only way to fight this bullshit is to vote with my wallet, but I have a huge backlog as it is and might not even play it. What do I do?

f7c4d6 No.14315407


Attack attack attack

and by that I mean dont buy it unless you want it and plan on playing it, buying it simply for the fact sjw idiots dont like vargina is a pretty petty reason

99968e No.14315408


I plan on playing, just if I buy at a discount price after the fire dies down, it might not have an effect, you know?

f7c4d6 No.14315418


What effect

9747b3 No.14315424

File: bb3e5f113068361⋯.jpg (18.15 KB, 466x419, 466:419, bb3e5f11306836113ffadff7cd….jpg)


If you can't buy it, spread the word.

f7c4d6 No.14315446


Thats dishonest. Dont recommend things you have not. Played

aefd5d No.14315456

File: ffe7d04f3133fc3⋯.webm (7.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32322128.webm)

File: 894b8f6a6053eec⋯.webm (8.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32635687.webm)


The attention to detail goes beyond mere autism.

9747b3 No.14315467

File: f194df6a73bf64d⋯.jpg (86.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, f194df6a73bf64d98f929605d4….jpg)


Good point. Feel free to bully.

aefd5d No.14315470

File: 17c28ea153fee2a⋯.webm (15.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sm32700351.webm)


>Movie Bob

He still is trying to start something?

b6b84f No.14315512

Fire Emblem Heroes (the casual mobileshit one) added a temporary minigame last week, with gameplay stolen from Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

Today, the final part of the event was unlocked, and the reward at the end was revealed; you get a cutscene of everyone in your party enjoying a hot spring together.

a794ab No.14315523


<Why aren't you being arbiters of truth? MPs scream at Facebook, YouTube, Twitter

Some snippets:

>No matter their protestations, the big tech firms will always be asked to do more to tackle the manifestations of society's problems on their platforms. And yesterday's four-hour evidence session in front of British parliamentarians was no different.

>In an intense hearing – for which the members of the digital, culture, media and sport committee selflessly flew to Washington DC, USA, on the public purse – reps from Twitter, Facebook and Google were questioned about their platforms' massive reach and influence, and their efforts to tackle the spread of misinformation.

>Using almost inflammatory language, the politicians accused the companies of hypocrisy, failures in their duty of trust to users, and of caring more about ad revenue than weeding out fake news.

>The committee was insistent (sometimes to the point of absurdity) that it was Twitter's job to seek out and remove "lies" on the platform, with committee chair Damian Collins asking why "telling lies on Twitter isn't a breach of the terms".

>This centred on the platform's global reach and power. "We're not looking at an 18th century broadsheet sheet," said Tory MP Giles Watling, while colleague Rebecca Pow asked: "What is this [spread of misinformation] doing to our children?"

Look at these snakes from the UK. Despite these giant tech companies already being machines of propaganda, they want more of it, because they seem to be scared and losing control, even over platforms that bend to them.

062901 No.14315551

File: 88822be827f4e30⋯.webm (368.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Desperate.webm)


>What is this [spread of misinformation] doing to our children

We are truly living in the dystopian future when they try to discredit truth by calling it misinformation.

f747ce No.14315563


It'll get even more dystopian once digital money replaces our current paper/plastic money.

All transactions are now recorded by the banks, and they'll have full control over everyone.

If you step out of line, they can easily freeze your bank account and then you'll starve to death.

cafb48 No.14315581

File: 9983381c4d9b532⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 718x542, 359:271, JUST.jpg)


c9e617 No.14315584

File: 14c96389ed1d442⋯.jpg (86.88 KB, 594x822, 99:137, True expert.jpg)

Remember in a year, when all journalists start defending Anita as an expert on the topic of DnD and so we need to shut up when she speaks, to share this tweet


06dded No.14315589


It just shows that the British parliamentarians don't understand internet.

219b42 No.14315595

File: d82cde924041db7⋯.png (11.77 KB, 648x144, 9:2, logo-default.png)

So, I just found out that Bitchute has changed their name to SPKOUT. What do you guys think of it? To me, the new name sounds a little pretentious.


>Thats dishonest. Dont recommend things you have not.

Oh, I do that all the time. However, I make sure to also say that this is just going off of word of mouth and that I have not experienced it myself. And, I tend to talk more about the shit that I have played more than the stuff I haven't.


>It'll get even more dystopian once digital money replaces our current paper/plastic money.

Not going to fucking happen.

Anyone with a lick of financial knowledge knows that you pay with paper whenever you can, and that you should even just keep a few dollars with you at all times (And, this runs true even for people who are millionaires on up). The moment a country switches to digital currency as is the moment the country begins to fall apart.


At this point, I think I'd qualify as a DnD "expert" considering how I actually took the time to look up why DnD was unjustly attacked 30 years ago.

f4bff8 No.14315602


It's almost entirely filled with people who are over 50 and don't understand the internet, and people who do understand the internet and hate how it doesn't 100% fit their narratives/allows dissenting opinions to spread.


Is this Subnautica?

062901 No.14315610


You make it sound like they care about facts.

>inb4 dungeongate

cafb48 No.14315614

File: cb551fd5f9555a4⋯.jpg (95.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bleszinga.jpg)

e2110f No.14315626

File: 3074f6a2cd59ad4⋯.png (449.22 KB, 786x1017, 262:339, ClipboardImage.png)



9747b3 No.14315630

File: 8689b1456e421e0⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dsfsfsfwrw45353w.png)


Way too many gates are opening. It'll be like herding cats.

f7c4d6 No.14315632

File: deefc4af63ea5c7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 154.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_20180213_012242.jpg)


Like this

9747b3 No.14315641

File: 86f15542d84f1cf⋯.gif (351.58 KB, 550x192, 275:96, 3eue6GG.gif)


I feel like you waiting for an opportunity to post that.

f747ce No.14315642

File: ba9b7247a03ba5c⋯.png (159.22 KB, 499x390, 499:390, ba9b7247a03ba5c2b60df0368f….png)


>Not going to fucking happen.

>Keep a few dollars with you

>Country falls apart if it adopts digital currency

You know the government can easily pass a law to demonetize its bank notes.

Not all of them at once, but by gradually demonetizing the biggest bank notes in circulation.

Kinda like what India did in 2016. I believe this was a test run for them to see what works and what doesn't.

8568af No.14315656

File: a510e1c8f7748e2⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 630x405, 14:9, pooinit.jpg)


Didn't the poos do that to kill the counterfeit notes circulating in the economy?

f747ce No.14315659


Who knows. Maybe they're killing two birds with one stone.

80a403 No.14315661


>The moment a country switches to digital currency as is the moment the country begins to fall apart.

<implying that such a thing is not their end goal.


>Remember in a year, when all journalists start defending Anita as an expert on the topic of DnD and so we need to shut up when she speaks

Remember in a year, when all journalists start defending Anita as an expert on the topic of the representation of women in DnD and so we need to shut up when she speaks

the follow up tweet.

All she need to claim is an expertise in women's representation (which is dependent on the DM to begin with)

>For those asking, we’re playing 5th edition DnD but completely reskinned to be a science fiction world. So my druid, instead of talking to animals (for example) talks to tech. I’m more of a hacker character.

She was playing a scifi version. Sucked at it then changed the topic to her nails to hide incompetency.

4564e2 No.14315682

File: 6c1c9b2045e71bd⋯.png (465.16 KB, 683x984, 683:984, goethe.png)



f747ce No.14315692


>implying that such a thing is not their end goal.

I don't think that it's their end goal, since sanctions can do the job better.

Their end goal is to demonetize paper/plastic money and to convince the whole world to use digital currency.

The banks now have full control over everyone's expenditure.

All transactions are now recorded and can be traced back to you.

If you step out of line, the banks can instantly freeze your account.

Dystopian future at its finest.

a219ca No.14315710

File: 3d9b9589e9cc4f6⋯.jpg (268.17 KB, 700x716, 175:179, Y5jEx.jpg)

9747b3 No.14315717

File: 7d67118810dde6d⋯.png (335.38 KB, 600x782, 300:391, 7d67118810dde6db94c449ce90….png)


That's a terrible joke, anon.

090091 No.14315719


D&D has been on the rocks for a while, what with one of the major guys insulting fans online over sjw shit, but now it's dead.

I wish the OSR scene luck.

e63a15 No.14315728


Im gonna be playing my first d&d session in the near future and I hope the dm is using older rules. and I wish I had some info so I could make my character early.

e63a15 No.14315730


This, combined with total beuracracy of expenses so no one can sell outside of the goverments approval like with craigslist or kijiji.

aefd5d No.14315753

File: 83765eda73fcde0⋯.webm (15.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, sm32682562.webm)

1ecc53 No.14315763

File: 13e88f3fae98e65⋯.gif (605.56 KB, 522x246, 87:41, 1471836924127.gif)

>DHL shows up with kingdom come copy

>19 hours until release on steam

>can't even pre-install it

I fucking hate steam activation.

090091 No.14315770


For your sake I hope they are.


Pathfinder is basically 3.5 rules right? How pozzed is the company behind it?

d214a7 No.14315778


It's filled with the most spastic autists I've ever fucking met.

18a431 No.14315781



99f8f3 No.14315817

File: 176f2206d85a1d5⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 480x360, 4:3, trump dixie march-G8pDUOGP….mp4)

ef9b32 No.14315823

File: 0c62fcbd036730a⋯.png (181.07 KB, 643x448, 643:448, I didn't even finish Porta….png)

4564e2 No.14315845

18a431 No.14315859

File: 2505b8ef2f23dcc⋯.jpg (179.16 KB, 962x698, 481:349, Screen Shot - 18-02-12.jpg)

ef9b32 No.14315885

File: 80c100c15f1667c⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 238x320, 119:160, Guine_Jose_Manuel_Lopes_Jo….jpg)

Just like corrupt politicians decree everyone who's against their policies anti democratic, so are these niggers using women as a shield and decree anyone against them as anti women.

No wonder they vehemently defend even the most insane rethoric.

It's pathetic, but what's even more pathetic is that it's actually working with a sizeable population of the Western World.

40861a No.14315899

>Entertainment Industry Union SAG-AFTRA Issues Sexual Harassment Code of Conduct



After defending their shity VA sycophants and failing to strong arm the vidya companies, they now want more power for their PR parasites.

062901 No.14315904


Daily reminder that when the majority vote is something they don't like, its undemocratic.

31cb06 No.14315921

File: 56a0560e4bbecab⋯.png (878.36 KB, 1215x881, 1215:881, 1 (2).png)


>the meeting also took place right after former Birth.Movies.Death editor-in-chief Devin Faraci was revealed to still be working for the company, even after he had resigned after he was hit with his own sexual assault allegations

>She also claimed that her husband Tim had “permission” from Faraci’s alleged victim to rehire him.

062901 No.14315938

Does anyone know a good site where you can upload a youtube link and download it as a mp3?

ec5245 No.14315939

File: 297b2b580daf0e9⋯.mp4 (457.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 13 shekels.mp4)

File: 0452d500c896e5d⋯.png (108.34 KB, 837x811, 837:811, ninjew.png)

Somewhat was discussing that Twitch is not going to apply its new bullshit rules on Vinny. I am not sure anymore. At least i don't feel bad for watching this fucker.

334380 No.14315966

875063 No.14315967

e63a15 No.14315990


Isnt vinesauce one of the things that made twitch so big in the first place?

1ecc53 No.14316017


Yes, but they've already fucked a bit with him in his partnership contract.

Iirc twitch decided a while back partners can't stream on any other websites, and that the policy change was retroactive or something while also no telling anyone of the change. Even people like Vinny who signed the contract before the clause was added were affected by it, and notified they were in breach of contract for streaming on multiple services like they had always done.

062901 No.14316053


Thank you.

35bedf No.14316081


Total control doesn't mean shit if what you have control over is burning. You would think the people in power would have learned by now that they are just going to get killed when the savages reach critical mass, same as all the low borns that they look down on. That and there will be ways that people find to side step the money issue. There are always ways. You can't spend money without it getting tracked? Well, then you barter with food, gold or other goods and then move the money that way. I believe they did that in India and made it "Illegal" to do so, but its still going to be done.

aa1b62 No.14316098

File: f05d7cbd86c33a1⋯.png (168.31 KB, 417x578, 417:578, 1478930019903.png)


>>MovieBob tries claim that gamers, nerds, etc. don't exist while blaming those who consider themselves such being whiny children with a victimhood complex.

>KiA thread OP points out that Blob has essentially pulled a Sam Biddle (AKA, "nerds should be shamed and bullied into submission"), and then shilled his Patreon as if he expects asspats for it

I'm pretty sure that's against Patreon's rules of conduct. And Bob here doesn't have a Pussy Pass.

aa1b62 No.14316102

File: fffac9452ba985c⋯.png (257.7 KB, 479x349, 479:349, 1469380384579.png)


Well it's not much of a punishment if that drunken jackass can just go back through a revolving door, now is it?

61dd95 No.14316118


>I'm pretty sure that's against Patreon's rules of conduct.

No it's not. He can be an ass as much he likes and if there's people dumb enough to keep giving him money then good on him. It would be against the ToS had him said something like "these people should die/be killed/stop breathing/genocided"

aa1b62 No.14316128

File: 77d7677a221d19e⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 680x772, 170:193, the real MovieBob.jpg)


>It would be against the ToS had him said something like "these people should die/be killed/stop breathing/genocided"

You mean like every other time he goes full Hitler?

aa1b62 No.14316138


To clarify, if Blob expects money for his shitty little Twitter rants, then maybe he should lay off the euthanasia/forced sterilization/concentration camp talk.

61dd95 No.14316142


He usually dilutes it in a huge autistic convo, he doesn't outright says "X should be killed" so it works kind of like a loophole on Patreon's rules. He also connected with a bunch of high paid scammers. Patreon would only act on him if he shitted the bed real hard and they couldn't simply give him a slap on the wrist to try making it disappear.

aa1b62 No.14316145


I'm honestly tired of these psychopaths that act helpless, but clearly know what the fuck they're doing.

219b42 No.14316155

Anyone know of a streaming site that isn't going to datamine my computer? I'd like to use patnsu, but it's having a "500 Internal Server Error" about a third of the time (With some of the torrents not loading). 9anime was working out great, but they seemed to have cracked down on adblock users(And, I recently had to turn on adblock for the site because ads was draining my computer's resources and making it unusable until I closed the browser).


>Total control doesn't mean shit if what you have control over is burning.

Have you ever considered that doesn't matter to some people? As long as they're in control of something, they'll be the happiest clam in the world.

35bedf No.14316184


Did you really expect them to willingly punish one of their own, or go through with a punishment of their own volition?


I can kind of see that, except the way they are going about it almost guarantees a violent demise, or the murder of their descendants.

219b42 No.14316192

File: 9b4e3a61a8f71fe⋯.png (258.95 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Taking away freedom.png)


>I can kind of see that, except the way they are going about it almost guarantees a violent demise, or the murder of their descendants.

They don't care. That's how much of a supervillian they are (And not the good kind ).

e3baf4 No.14316329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ShortfatOtaku's ICE salt was great.

Blob Chipman Chimped out (or would that be a Chip-out?) over ShortFatOtaku's ICE comment, in which he tagged multiple Twitter users that had "Illegal Immigrant" in the profile with ICE.

ShortFatOtaku is starting to turn into Scrump or our very own EVA-01, I've noticed.

57db93 No.14316390

Is Kern being attacked by bots?

There seems to be a pattern of these accounts showing up in controversial threads lately. They've all got thousands of tweets, but follows and followers in the double digits only, and avatars of white women. Also communist and socialist emojis in their names. A bunch of them started swarming Kern last night.

4b7f92 No.14316393

File: 3f3e9f6f02576ff⋯.png (417.94 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Vivian James.png)

Ready to prepare those archives for the incoming attacks toward Vavra and his game

e8294e No.14316436


Late to the party, but if I remember correctly, the new Tokyo governor has defended smut and lolicon. Then again, I first heard it from 4cuck, so I have no idea how true it is.

0a0b01 No.14316442


Blob Chimpman.

219b42 No.14316470

File: 5af94fae17990f4⋯.webm (9.2 MB, 712x400, 89:50, A Worthless Agreement (00….webm)

<I forgot how much things are blown out of proportion on the world's political stage

cda292 No.14316512


That's a good way to alienate your money makers.


I'd be more willing to turn off my ad blocker if sites that hosted ads didn't have shitty memory leaks or a potential virus waiting to happen.

76776f No.14316673

File: 532203a4da66446⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bored silky.png)

598ae9 No.14316691

File: 9e238fa41895f75⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 5239875298256785236554.mp4)

76776f No.14316695

File: 18faf3259aa9c6d⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, surprised silky.png)

d383ca No.14316782

File: 02eba61c0e87d3e⋯.png (673.07 KB, 696x543, 232:181, Mein Blob.png)



Has anyone ever informed Blob that he is in fact a fucking white male?

219b42 No.14316811

File: 76c53720ea06772⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 235x301, 235:301, sometimes.jpg)


That would require him to be self-aware, Anon.

4564e2 No.14316824

File: 266c8a0dd5ae1b4⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 500x399, 500:399, 1426086514335.jpg)


whiteness is a state of mind.

e63a15 No.14316825


Anon, they dont hate being in control over burning shit, they all have plans to run away and control shit from a safe distance, which explains the giant push for nuclear disarment and millitary disarment for all except isreal.


I remember him talking about it. Jeez, its probably not worth the hassle or cost to go after twitch for that bullshit, and probably too late.

2ac131 No.14316830

File: e89acc165b49b0a⋯.jpg (309.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Harunatsu] Tsurezure Chil….jpg)


Use anidex.info instead since they aren't cartel controlled. Hell, you can even try shanaproject.com

cda292 No.14316832


Did you know that Goats and Cows are actually pretty intelligent and can tell when humans laugh at them?

4564e2 No.14316880

File: 11581333e89ab89⋯.jpg (97.55 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 11581333e89ab89837dd7030dd….jpg)


Cows are gay faggots

57db93 No.14316887

File: ea6806ba5163394⋯.jpeg (149.19 KB, 756x1058, 378:529, Asuka RAGE.jpeg)


The calls are all correct, there's no errors in the syntax, everything works fine when I'm using a boolean variable as in the test script I made. I'm literally just substituting a CHAR(100) column for a boolean column and removing the boolean call from the SQL query string in the object script and replacing it with a column call for the appropriate column name.


I'm going to go play Magic. Fuck this thing for a while.

102896 No.14316894


Anita is lost without Josh. Doesn't she realize that by more or less moving onto something besides video games, while her followers still think videos games are "toxic" or whatever, that it's an admission of defeat that she can't change anything.

57db93 No.14316919


She's making lots of money on Patreon, that's all she cares about.

102896 No.14316966


Sounds like you are casting your CHAR to a BOOL


Fair enough, she is smart enough to realize she can tell her retarded followers almost anything before they even come close to questioning her.

57db93 No.14317017


#Create table

on mouseUp

global gConID

if gConID is "" then

answer information "No Database is Connected to, please go back 1 step and connect to the Database!"

exit mouseUp

end if

local tSQL, tResult

put "CREATE TABLE users(userID integer primary key, name text,email text,emailList boolean)" into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConID, tSQL

put the result into tResult

handleRevDBerror tResult

if the result is not empty then

answer warning the result

exit mouseUp

end if

answer information "Number of Tables Added: " & tResult

end mouseUp

#Populate Table

on mouseUp

global gConID

local tColumnItems

put "name,email" into tColumnItems

local tRowData

repeat for each item I in tColumnItems

ask question "New value for column: " & I

if it is empty or the result is "cancel" then exit to top

put "'" & cleanSQL(it) & "'" & "," after tRowData

end repeat

ask question "New value for column: emailList" with "true"

if it is empty or the result is "cancel" then exit to top

put "'" & cleanSQL(it) & "'" after tRowData

local tSQL

put "INSERT INTO users(userID,name,email,emailList)" & \

" VALUES(null," & tRowData & ")" into tSQL

local tResult

revExecuteSQL gConID, tSQL

put the result into tResult

handleRevDBerror tResult

if the result is not empty then

answer warning the result

exit mouseUp

end if

answer information "Number of rows added: " & return & tResult

end mouseUp

function cleanSQL pSQL

replace "'" with "''" in pSQL

return pSQL

end cleanSQL

#Populate field

on mouseUp

global gConID

local tSQL

put "SELECT * FROM users" into tSQL

local tList

put revDataFromQuery(,,gConID,tSQL) into tList

handleRevDBerror tList

if the result is not empty then

answer warning the result

exit mouseUp

end if

put tList into fld "Users"

end mouseUp

That all works. But

#Create Table

on mouseUp

global gConID

if gConID is "" then

answer information "No Database is Connected to, please go back 1 step and connect to the Database!"

exit mouseUp

end if

local tSQL, tResult

put "CREATE TABLE users(userID integer primary key, name text,email text,logins char(100))" into tSQL

revExecuteSQL gConID, tSQL

put the result into tResult

handleRevDBerror tResult

if the result is not empty then

answer warning the result

exit mouseUp

end if

answer information "Number of Tables Added: " & tResult

end mouseUp

on mouseUp

global gConID

local tColumnItems

put "name,email,logins" into tColumnItems

local tRowData

repeat for each item I in tColumnItems

ask question "New value for column: " & I

if it is empty or the result is "cancel" then exit to top

put "'" & cleanSQL(it) & "'" & "," after tRowData

end repeat

put "'" & cleanSQL(it) & "'" after tRowData

local tSQL

put "INSERT INTO users(userID,name,email,logins)" & \

" VALUES(null," & tRowData & ")" into tSQL

local tResult

revExecuteSQL gConID, tSQL

put the result into tResult

handleRevDBerror tResult

if the result is not empty then

answer warning the result

exit mouseUp

end if

answer information "Number of rows added: " & return & tResult

end mouseUp

function cleanSQL pSQL

replace "'" with "''" in pSQL

return pSQL

end cleanSQL

#Populate field

on mouseUp

global gConID

local tSQL

put "SELECT * FROM users" into tSQL

local tList

put revDataFromQuery(,,gConID,tSQL) into tList

handleRevDBerror tList

if the result is not empty then

answer warning the result

exit mouseUp

end if

put tList into fld "Users"

end mouseUp

Doesn't work. It's driving me batty.

57db93 No.14317034


I should mention that handleRevDBError is available as a global call, so that isn't the issue. The first version throws errors properly when I test it.

102896 No.14317061


Instead of replacing

>emailList boolean


>logins char(100)

try appending it and modifying the rest of the code to make up for it.

>CREATE TABLE users(userID integer primary key, name text,email text,emailList boolean,logins char(100))" into tSQL

I think what is happening is when you are inserting with

>VALUES(null," & tRowData & ")" into tSQL

tRowData is pulling in the boolean value for the email list, and then it's probably false, which is being cast to a CHAR, which ends up an empty string.

Look at what value of tRowData is, I bet it is

UserID, Name, Email, EmailList

31cb06 No.14317135

File: 608a5facf8c2b64⋯.png (484.19 KB, 700x1025, 28:41, PM-otaku-02-12-18-1.png)



1ecc53 No.14317152


>new parent company

oh fuc-

>brandon made it himself


38aabc No.14317159

File: f842c60674868e4⋯.webm (367.25 KB, 850x480, 85:48, You gotta love those guys.webm)


>One of our sites created in the wake of Gamergate is becoming a media conglomerate

f761b1 No.14317216

File: 89e3be3374dd675⋯.jpg (89.39 KB, 1024x673, 1024:673, ouXvk2j.jpg)

>Carnival in Germany

3e921c No.14317242


we had that here too, it was just two people dressed as Trump and Melania since she was born near the country I'm in

102896 No.14317243


Where is the real version of a Muslim humping the German people?

99df79 No.14317275

File: 5e75878c69141ae⋯.png (957.42 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, 5e75878c69141aef25ab8063c2….png)


>This will be shown at a carnival

>In front of children

Nuke the krauts.

bcea98 No.14317336


I guess you haven't seen that clip of the "art piece" in Canada (Really ugly inflated naked women, get's hit with a brick, every single body part starts detaching itself and begins dancing). Deleted it from my computer thinking that nothing of value was lost.

0dda74 No.14317380


Yes, I understand that well.

I hate SQL even more than PHP.

t.That anon who failed I.T exam



What he was drinking during making that mascot?

f0148e No.14317577

File: b5648549785731a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 650x969, 650:969, Rin Tosaka 8.png)

Good morning.

eaae3b No.14317583

File: 28238a3da1eb02b⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 700x512, 175:128, Donald Dubs.jpg)

76776f No.14317640

File: f09b85e03dc3461⋯.png (861.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, disturbed held back JK.png)


NG was around well before GG.

A lot of the sites that sprung up during GG are all dead and forgotten. Highland Arrow, Gather Your Party, Ship 2 Block 20, Based Gamer - though the latter was arguably a scam.

GG doesn't have much of a legacy. Even the new GG wiki is dying on the vine because everybody here is too lazy to do anything, myself included.

f7c4d6 No.14317666


>Gather Your Party

GYP had been dead since before GG

e3baf4 No.14317673


>Highland Arrow

Being fair, the only thing I know of that site for, is a GNUsocial instance running on there that blocked gs.smuglo.li from making any contact with community.HighlandArrow

910e57 No.14317690


I forgot the name of the guy who drew these, doesn't he have more of these?

be6eec No.14317691

File: 89eb9d9442f566d⋯.png (506.76 KB, 717x563, 717:563, 1d2943bafefa57305458dd42ce….png)

Fuck, I accidentally switched to a tab with futa on it for a second while my mother was talking to me a several feet away. I don't know if she saw, but I fear she did. Maybe her eyesight was bad enough to not see 'certain details' or she wasn't focusing.* Yes, I know I'm a faggot.**

8676ee No.14317695


Your mom definitely saw, don't worry she probably already thinks you're a weird failure so you don't have far to fall

a794ab No.14317708


Of course most of the websites died. Too many websites started up at the same time and were all competing each other. Obviously only a few would survive in the end.

04adc2 No.14317722

Lotta stupidity this thread.

aa1b62 No.14317724

File: b6a14069127a1a4⋯.jpg (187.38 KB, 627x900, 209:300, Moviebob.jpg)


Yeah, I can't remember who it was, either. I've got this one, and I know that there's another with Bob as a white knight on a horse (also with a kid asking "aren't you the guy who called Megan Fox a sex doll"), but I can't seem to find it.

910e57 No.14317738

File: 58508ceea8e50fe⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 960x720, 4:3, comfy crusader.jpg)


>Too many websites started up at the same time and were all competing each other. Obviously only a few would survive in the end.

We don't need new websites, we need new people that are not afraid turn away the San Francisco outfit and that have the audience appeal to replace the attention usually given to pseudo-intellectuals like Extra Credits and Campster, or the outright phonies that run every single popular gaming podcast.

f7c4d6 No.14317741

8676ee No.14317747


So what's the deal with that bullshit you were saying is going to happen, wasn't that today or something?

04adc2 No.14317754

File: fe02f421536958f⋯.png (225.76 KB, 780x759, 260:253, DSKVOweU8AA-C11.png)


I recently had to explain the appeal of catgirls to my mom after she saw my FF14 character. I don't know why she was so curious about it. She has seen me play all sorts of dude and chick characters in games over the years.

910e57 No.14317755


Blog it.


Hyperbithero was the only watchable person out of all of GYP and his smug plebbitor voice made my ears bleed.

f7c4d6 No.14317772

910e57 No.14317775


I don't know if you contributed to one of those sites, but they should have just been individual channels/users on social media. Social media in general is an unpleasant place, but its where you go if you want to get noticed.

8676ee No.14317789


That doesn't seem like that big of a deal honestly, unless it's someone noteworthy

99968e No.14317794


My mom thought I was trans simply for playing Bayonetta.

04adc2 No.14317807

File: 96875e70a44be0a⋯.png (146.53 KB, 474x427, 474:427, 00bdb35eb72e7712fb6b6a3c9d….png)


Well that's extreme.

6fde3f No.14317815

File: 7878749c7038364⋯.png (18.49 KB, 1160x131, 1160:131, polack.png)

Polack Anon made a pretty good post about Journos.

99968e No.14317817


Hell, she even offered to get me to talk to a psychiatrist over that, to discuss hormone treatment and shit. It was embarrassing.

76776f No.14317828

File: 51a43d69ecba285⋯.jpg (90.1 KB, 749x1000, 749:1000, __toyosatomimi_no_miko_tou….jpg)

So there's a mini GGish resurgence in the #GamersAreGood hashtag after the Mark Kern drama. Might be worth keeping an eye on it. I hope it gets big.

It all started after Mark posted this very innocuous take a few days ago on how "geek" has become popular, while demonising the very people who lived it originally.



SJWs and internet commies started screeching at him, and now we have a minor autism proxy battle going on.

a794ab No.14317845

File: 1495ef0266aff7c⋯.png (83.89 KB, 613x454, 613:454, BBC3.png)



This seems exploitable. A bit off topic, but we've had dealings with BBC3 in the past, including when they interviewed female gamers and took them out of context or when they went after Japan anime/manga artists. BBC3 seems to have angered even more groups.


People should participate, it's a salt mine, there hasn't been a good salty hashtag in a while.

67920b No.14317855

File: c6ecbd4244ac787⋯.png (825.65 KB, 1269x1080, 47:40, yui sniffs finger.png)


Does Kern have a job these days or is he a full time twitter poster?

aa1b62 No.14317860


He's now project lead for a mech game, if I remember right.

930743 No.14317895


why is she moving to tabletop games is the normal vidya racket not lining her pockets anymore?

eaae3b No.14317896

File: 7d283b20e949ed8⋯.jpg (896.63 KB, 1413x5104, 1413:5104, Castro's son.jpg)

File: aa780b967711d72⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1600x2500, 16:25, castro's son 2.png)

File: 62837c99b30d1d9⋯.png (88.52 KB, 1280x989, 1280:989, Family_Tree_of_Fidel_Castr….png)

f0148e No.14317902


Send this to Mercedes. Like pronto!

930743 No.14317908



I am amusing that the same faggots that were triggered about tharja are shitting themselves again.

6fde3f No.14317919



Is that site real? I can't find anything else about Fidel's son's note.

639c75 No.14317934


Meme Magic Anon.

it's basically a joke to corelate Trudeau to being Castro's secret son. It doesn't matter if it's true because they look so alike that it's easy for people to see and spread it.

639c75 No.14317939


mean't for >>14317919

I fucked up plz no bully.

be6eec No.14317948


What was that sjw smile called, with the open mouth and teeth like truedough in the second image?

99968e No.14317963

File: d58fdf66c7407d5⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 560x613, 560:613, happy cuck.jpg)


This one?

102896 No.14317977



I don't know the name, but it's eerily similar to the face a cock hungry girl makes when she's about to swallow a load of cum.

fe051a No.14317980


the soyboy smile

4b0976 No.14317982

>People are so mad that mark kern said gamers and nerds got bullied in the past that they now are saying shit, giving death threats, and talking about how gamers should die.

>People still don't get that they are acting like the same bullshit they are accusing gamer boogeymen of being.

You ever wonder if they realize their bullshit?

910e57 No.14317986


The Snopes article that disputes this notion doesn't address the theory that Justin was, by some form or fashion, adopted.

7412e8 No.14317989


nu-male smile?


f747ce No.14317993


>Total control doesn't mean shit if what you have control over is burning.

>You would think the people in power would have learned by now that they are just going to get killed

Of course they learned, and they learn by making test runs.

The Jews made sure that they're always at a safe distance, and manipulate others to do their dirty job.

Look at the US for example. They have unofficially controlled the entire government, and yet they're still in power without any repercussions.

They also control money right now; how else would they be able to issue sanctions to dissenting countries?

>That and there will be ways that people find to side step the money issue.

China and Russia are already doing this, which is why the US and Israel hate them so much.

China had made its money redeemable in gold, and Russia made BRICS to decentralize the banking system.

Unfortunately, this is why Israel is pushing for a nuclear war (US vs China + Russia).

With all 3 superpowers dead, Israel will be the only one left standing and none can challenge its reign.

09f105 No.14318016


Because they're the preps who think they can weigh in wherever they wanna get into because daddy's money reigns supreme in their world.

99968e No.14318033


>People still don't get that they are acting like the same bullshit they are accusing gamer boogeymen of being

Rules for Radicals. They just forgot the part where they shouldn't act that way in public.

930743 No.14318096


Because they are wanna be nerds who are only in it to socialize, from time to time you see faggots running around complaining about fanservice in anime and games because they can't use them to socialize. These are the type of people that latched onto pokemon go for an example. Alot of them don't even play games but rather watch the story on youtube via lets plays and if they do purchase the game they don't even beat them they would only play them until they fall out of fad, which explains the whole"man i loved dark souls but couldn't they have made it easier". These are the fags that sjweebs(read traitors) are trying to appease because they are lonely individuals who seeks acceptance in there peer groups. I can't the thread but I remember some faggot from fuwanovel doing a college report on eroge and visual novels so that his friends would take his hobby seriously.

219b42 No.14318114

File: d524c6bb05aea2d⋯.png (235.42 KB, 500x251, 500:251, 1510282747-2.png)

File: 2045c0be266388b⋯.png (224.49 KB, 500x249, 500:249, 1510282833.png)

File: 2191c5026e3c9db⋯.png (250.23 KB, 496x262, 248:131, 2191c5026e3c9db1dc01f4d53f….png)


>Unfortunately, this is why Israel is pushing for a nuclear war (US vs China + Russia).

>With all 3 superpowers dead, Israel will be the only one left standing and none can challenge its reign.

I really hope the U.S. and Russia decide to break away from the current political climate and start up their own club with Japan. Too much to hope for?

d7c671 No.14318122

File: 15916a71a2b5aac⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1366x10297, 1366:10297, screencapture-resetera-thr….png)

File: b05cd0b40d3f2db⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1036x1411, 1036:1411, silver_fox_kemono_friends_….png)

Resetera has decided that Wu is crazy and full of shit.

99968e No.14318131



99d2b9 No.14318136


I don't use Twitter but I can post mine if somebody will cap it and send it to him. I don't like social media where I can't be anonymous.

f7c4d6 No.14318146

File: 3838574f28408dd⋯.jpg (117.68 KB, 661x1024, 661:1024, aQzDRaVa.jpg)

File: 2a2e06cdf4d8e0c⋯.jpg (337.52 KB, 752x888, 94:111, img00008jlc.jpg)


be6eec No.14318156


>No source

>no archive

>no context

>Only elf

Pedos in moot administration?

4b7f92 No.14318159

File: b9c76be908ed9c2⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1000x1649, 1000:1649, Shikifre 03.jpg)


>Third pic

Shiki and Frechan are so cute

f7c4d6 No.14318163

File: a40987b336af808⋯.png (114.81 KB, 641x629, 641:629, 1cea27ad7d7d0fd39407d5021d….png)


context is expect more later

its all in the document with sources

unless you are a shill then I have no idea why you would ignore this

be6eec No.14318173


Because I don't know what it is.

99d2b9 No.14318175


I think I've seen the name HopeStillFlies around here before but I don't know anyone else mentioned. The picture says Reddit, so is this a Reddit thing?

99968e No.14318194


Seems like they can't criticize Wu without bringing Gamergate into the discussion. As if anything >she does is tied with us somehow.

060fab No.14318197

File: fd549a35c8a45ba⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Journey.mp4)


>Too much to hope for?

No, I'm hoping for this along with moonland not getting assfucked by the olympics.

99968e No.14318201


How likely will Nippon get fucked by the Olympics?

930743 No.14318202


i wonder how the natives feel about a hundred logan pauls running around.

8676ee No.14318204


Well the only reason anyone even knows >her name is because of GG so I guess it makes sense

930743 No.14318208


somebody said that tokyos new governor is pro otaku and protected loli in the past but who knows.

99968e No.14318209


What about the people who heard about >her because of >her congress run…. oh wait.

639c75 No.14318221

File: 32bc0f7b34ee6c1⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1439836320933-1.jpg)


>Gamergaters have no idea what they're talking about




f7c4d6 No.14318249

File: 9ebbf25ac29ea09⋯.jpg (233.47 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1451760216807-4.jpg)

remember you dont need to defend yourself for something you never did

also not to speak for others or as a collective group

930743 No.14318252


man they really like sucking off cucktacos.

be6eec No.14318261

File: 55f8960077a5d37⋯.jpg (319.25 KB, 462x832, 231:416, 58654664_p0.jpg)


>also not to speak for others or as a collective group

Unless you are a minority.

95fa13 No.14318283


Didn't that happen in Australia in Sidney instead anon?

102896 No.14318284


Yeah, and it usually takes like 3 or more years to build a good site. For a site to succeed, it more or less has to catch a break and make the right move and the right time. NG filled a giant hole in the game media market that opened up with gamergate. Brandon did everything very well, and it all works out even better because he actually likes gamergate, gamers, and video games. He wasn't some shitty opportunist jumping on some bandwagon to push his agenda. He saw an opportunity and then pushed.

Those other sites gave up way too soon. I feel like people make a website, run it for a year or less, don't see it take off, and assume it'll never, ever go anywhere. I don't know when NicheGamer.com opened, or what happened. The domain was registered all the way in 2004, their twitter started in 2013. Wayback machine doesn't show nichegamer.com really started going until 2015, but I suspect they're on a different domain.

But I guess my point is that Brandon played everything right and did a good job, and he didn't give up. And those other sites did. Way too early.

c237b3 No.14318301

File: 18303c309e4d078⋯.jpg (101.31 KB, 600x560, 15:14, 18303c309e4d078b26c93e2e7f….jpg)


>unless you are a shill then I have no idea why you would ignore this

I'm keeping my pants on until you actually deliver, anon.

8676ee No.14318309

f7c4d6 No.14318312

File: 47077de530c603e⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 1200x1264, 75:79, 1451760216807-3.jpg)


Ive said before more will come when it comes I've just been giving you all a heads up

take it or leave it, I already know retard drama shill is gonna keep saying I'm virtue signaling but shit needs to be done this way

8676ee No.14318349


>shit needs to be done this way

For real though, like why? Just explain it a bit why you have to be so cryptic about it

f7c4d6 No.14318357

File: b0dc2eb9173c1f0⋯.png (300.19 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1439829205268-2.png)



Fucking eyy even Mark isnt as stupid as you holy fuck

8676ee No.14318371


So you've given nothing except some random might be a pedo and I'm stupid? Holy shit Marche. I'm trying to ask you a question and give you the benefit of the doubt yet you just continually act like a dickhead for no reason

910e57 No.14318372


Why is she holding her index finger up like that? Is she a Muslim cleric?

4564e2 No.14318382

File: 4b30d8352fae1b3⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 683x513, 683:513, Journo.jpg)


fear grimace I think is the technical name for it.

5ad648 No.14318400



Doxxing a pro-GG >woman (who may be >her roomate or some shit) instead of using your autism to do something useful instead because you're assmad about something…

>>>/gamergaterevolt/ is that way ←

f7c4d6 No.14318403

File: eb74ffc0ba23fd7⋯.jpeg (147.11 KB, 747x718, 747:718, e1eff53409cdb47777ed89043….jpeg)

38aabc No.14318405


>There's even a person with a Stargate username and profile picture posting in the thread

It's like looking into a cursed mirror. I'm genuinely shocked that there isn't anyone being banned or warned in that thread.

eaae3b No.14318485

So this all seems like random shit made out of butthurt and plus Marche is the one spreading it, seeing how he ran with the shit about one of the mods here being random I can't really believe this.

61dd95 No.14318511


You either ban the avatarfags or you live long enough to see them becoming the villains

38aabc No.14318538

File: 277af543f5233a6⋯.png (582.48 KB, 950x509, 950:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Just in case Mark is in this thread, how the fuck do you set a cyclical thread with a lower post limit than the other threads on the board? The /animu/ BO has no idea how to do it.

f7c4d6 No.14318543

f7c4d6 No.14318552

File: 9bbaec0c2386671⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 569x271, 569:271, VAp_jOPl.jpg large.jpg)

61dd95 No.14318555

File: 4da4f88fc1a024b⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 337x372, 337:372, 1458864514105.jpg)

04adc2 No.14318570

File: aa31634d758238c⋯.png (101.69 KB, 600x674, 300:337, Sojz2nQ.png)

Is spoony literally just turning into shadow the hedgehog?

69122c No.14318572

File: eae22766d6d184f⋯.png (161.71 KB, 912x1284, 76:107, 1453293874121.png)

5b4403 No.14318575

1414e7 No.14318581

File: 302c756ec8b7351⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB, 900x506, 450:253, combining shitposts.mp4)


He needs to go full circle and fucking die.

99d2b9 No.14318584

You guys must be better at digging than me. All I found on the person Marche is talking about is a claim that a girl in Unteralterbach is based on her. Or "her", if it goes that way.

04adc2 No.14318592


As far as I'm concerned it's a waste of time until anyone shows even a kernel of something existing.

1e5477 No.14318594

File: ecc15a94c9df13c⋯.png (1023.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, banjo ryuga.png)

Sex, Pong, And Pioneers: What Atari Was Really Like, According To Women Who Were There




>Kotaku actually wrote a fairly balanced article about the Atari situation and didn't just copy paste whatever Literally Wu said

Good on them

99d2b9 No.14318599


Yeah. I'm just killing time. It's too late to watch a movie or really get into a game but I'm bored. Plus everyone in my family but me is sick right now so I need to amuse myself while they all rest up,

b2a205 No.14318600

File: a1dfdd32093c84b⋯.jpg (155.71 KB, 600x391, 600:391, dota2_lion_front_old.jpg)


>went to hell and back and back to hell and back again

06dded No.14318602


Isn't he a white man? I thought white men can't suffer because the race perk of white is: invulnerable to real suffering.


Isn't that your fetish, you sick fuck.

ed0f1f No.14318603

File: dd443a3223bf8dc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 78.31 KB, 849x821, 849:821, DTQc7gcVQAA0Urf.jpg)

File: 2b6af3da7b1218e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.06 KB, 836x683, 836:683, DUU2gWqW0AA4VpN.jpg)

File: b4cf3a244db5bd8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.8 KB, 757x880, 757:880, DVX8aO2WkAAdMCZ.jpg)

File: b8250a029156fc2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 165.9 KB, 1156x1200, 289:300, DTcojZOV4AAj6kF.jpg)

File: cdd5b4014c2287a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 137.66 KB, 1131x1200, 377:400, DTcolvsVQAA30bV.jpg)



Some people enjoy their suffering and continue those self destructive life choices because their easier to deal with than putting effort into dealing with life.

These will never stop being funny to me

f0148e No.14318605

File: ace59b619100688⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 528x292, 132:73, Very Edgy.jpg)

be6eec No.14318606

File: 6a9814dc137e8ce⋯.mp4 (736.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, JPsTrueFace.mp4)



My existence is characterized by suffering.

99d2b9 No.14318611


What a dick. The few creative types I keep up with are generally really glad to hear their content helped someone.

38aabc No.14318613


Are you sure this isn't the parody account?

eaae3b No.14318622


The shit doesn't seem to add up and could easy be fake or from someone with a grudge.


No Spoony has fucking lost it.

e5c981 No.14318628


The only thing that would make this edgier would be if you ARCHIVE OR FUCK OFF, WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS.

616baa No.14318643

File: 8b04e6306d24d73⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BMTU5MzAyMTY1Ml5BMl5Ban….jpg)


Interesting coincidence seeing that movie posted here. /bmn/'s streaming that this weekend with other blaxploitation films.

616baa No.14318650


Far as I know, you can't set different limits for those. You can fuck with the bump limit, maybe it will stick to the thread even after being changed.

39caac No.14318658

File: dcd4a5528c499ce⋯.jpg (732.29 KB, 5131x4375, 733:625, systfreya.jpg)

5b4403 No.14318661

File: ac085c2e7dde484⋯.png (527.68 KB, 761x852, 761:852, ClipboardImage.png)


Got a giggle out of me.

f7c4d6 No.14318673


durhur its fake hope dindunuffin

meanwhile you are saying a parody account is real

fucking retard

06dded No.14318678


Trust but verify. If the dude is as twisted as claimed, then better that it comes out.

What I don't get is that how some anons using we or us is going to implicate that we're all pedos or accept that kind of behavior.

f7c4d6 No.14318683


because there is no we or us

You are you, its been that way the entirity of gamergate, hell this shit use to get called out far far far more often

d02213 No.14318689

File: 2a7232e35075190⋯.png (222.66 KB, 290x457, 290:457, Anthony Burch Greenscreen.png)


At least you're not anthony burch.

5b4403 No.14318693

File: 1f0e06bbd7fe30a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 512.3 KB, 819x480, 273:160, ClipboardImage.png)


>I remember some faggot from fuwanovel doing a college report on eroge and visual novels so that his friends would take his hobby seriously.

Is it this fag?


5b4403 No.14318711


>No source

>no archive

>no context

>Only elf


>context is expect more later

This is why Marche deserves to be gassed. Can he be banned for being an attentionwhoring abbo?

8b0b84 No.14318715


>"Kool Kotaku is talking about this, I wasn't sure sure about the writer of the Meidum piece"

How is it they think Craptaco is legit news?

06dded No.14318717


I know, I used to do it. See no point in continuing to do it though.

f7c4d6 No.14318728


fuck off pedo

I got told by mombot to spreadshit so I did

fucking retard

8676ee No.14318730


The funny part is that they ignore Brad Glasgow's actual journalism but then go right ahead and believe it when Kotaku essentially rides on his coattails and writes an article about it afterwards

f7c4d6 No.14318734

File: b73e6bd4679f8bd⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 486x878, 243:439, b73e6bd4679f8bde150a7a5727….jpg)

>“HopeStillFlies” is a 33-year old male sex offender pretending to be a teenage girl online. Jonathon Thomas Warden was previously found guilty of “Sexual Exploitation of a Minor”, possession of child pornography, which is a Class E felony under Tennessee law.


so here ya go some more you fucking rodent

c0cfd8 No.14318736


It’s a mixed bag, like what >>14314340 said. One one hand, nothing’s changed with Russia and Brazil’s still a shithole. On the other, we don’t know how long the SJW craze is gonna continue on for, and Nips are all about keeping up appearances; we’re likely to see some stuff catered to the Westerners, but for the most part, they focus on their own people due to the honorabre system. They usually brush any negative press from them as racism and such. C98 will also be held during Golden Week 2020, so there’s that for optimism.

Aside from that, I’m sure things will be likely back to normal a few weeks after.

e5c981 No.14318737

File: 22df2b21df346ea⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1280x1810, 128:181, 22d.png)


Thank you. Have a Giga Mermaid.

c0cfd8 No.14318746


The blowback to BBC and the UN was glorious.

>While you're trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you're leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot.

5b4403 No.14318753


Explain your reasoning for not posting this in teh first place instead of being an attention whoring faggot? If you hadn't yet put this together, or didn't have all the pieces yet, explain your reasoning for not simply waiting to post it instead of being an attention whoring faggot.

39caac No.14318765

File: b9720333d7de880⋯.png (268 KB, 798x1360, 399:680, fa_shantae_020618_by_paulg….png)


And thanks for the Giga Mermaid.


That reminds me of that one UN report with a whole bunch of defunct citations, including a citation to someone's C: drive.

f7c4d6 No.14318768


you are honest to god the most fucking stupid person in these threads, that includes val and mark who I'll have you know they both have received the exact same information and requests as I have when dealing with this

stop being so butthurt youre a dumb currynigger who is out of the loop and instead stuck writing fanfictions about mombot

f7c4d6 No.14318773



actually thats mean saying youre even more stupid than Val

but this is an anonymous imageboard yet you are the only dumb mother fucker who keeps hanging onto identities because you have autistic fixation on me

get the fuck off it you dumb shit

06dded No.14318783


Hope this doesn't mean he won't get elected. I mean he is /ourguy/.

c237b3 No.14318787

File: 95160de15a2ead9⋯.jpg (190.99 KB, 600x715, 120:143, 95160de15a2ead9366357127c8….jpg)


Looks like we have a happening on our hands.

4fed21 No.14318849

File: a97c9f52f2d134d⋯.png (557.93 KB, 891x1208, 891:1208, Not bad.png)


You're a faggot attention whore but thanks Marche you autistic piece of shit have a Nanachi

1afd98 No.14318851

First verdict on Choi Sun-Sil, the infamous Gook Rasputin will be finalized within an hour, the judge now reading the verdict.

The special presecution proposed 25 years in jail, the maximum legal punishment.

For now 3 out of 9000 gazillion charges already been verdicted guilty. Let's see. BTW Park's verdict is postponed to never ever because her trial sabotaging, was supposed to verdicted late last year. The trial never ends!

The era of 8 goddess is about to be end.

8a6409 No.14318857


When does it start?

c237b3 No.14318884

File: 0edeb8a0547a498⋯.jpg (103.96 KB, 688x971, 688:971, __original_drawn_by_jiji__….jpg)


Mombot's already posting about it but go on and check the pastebin Marche posted: http://archive.is/TmqVk

This is also a demonstration for GG to show they won't tolerate or protect the poison within their group.

f7c4d6 No.14318887

oh yea btw I have not 100% confirmed all this myself but sharing it because I was asked

at this point ive seen maybe a little bit more than what has been posted and discussed it a bit more

from what Ive seen its highly likely and Ive been told there is a lot more evidence to come out

eaae3b No.14318895


Is anyone sure this isn't a troll?

c237b3 No.14318898

File: 9b7e354d157935e⋯.png (523.62 KB, 933x1400, 933:1400, idRrMnm.png)

31cb06 No.14318908


You forgot your flag, Gook.

>The era of 8 goddess is about to be end

Sweet. You still need to work on your English.

eaae3b No.14318918


Because this seems kinda flimsy.

06dded No.14318919


If I read that correctly it was /b/ that got him v&.

Slightly restores my faith in anonymous shitposters.

c237b3 No.14318930


Keep that skepticism and see where the road leads.

5b4403 No.14318931


>This is also a demonstration for GG to show they won't tolerate or protect the poison within their group.

>check the pastebin

>Ctrl+F "GG" "Gamergate"

>0 results

>a demonstration for GG to show they won't tolerate or protect the poison within their group.

How so?

219b42 No.14318934

File: 7bd100c4f3c11c3⋯.jpg (210.22 KB, 800x531, 800:531, CyecVbL.jpg)

Forgive me if I missed something, but why should I care who this "HopeStillFlies" guy is (Aside from the part about him being a creep)?

5b4403 No.14318942


No idea. He's a pedo, he's used an xbox, he writes fanfiction for sonic and pokemon. The guy deserves whatever shit he gets but I have no idea why this is related to GG. It's barely even related to videogames.

c237b3 No.14318943

File: f400a21b98f02ad⋯.jpg (68.58 KB, 717x960, 239:320, 57c401e805092245a516b151da….jpg)


HopeStillFlies is pro-GG on twitter. You can fake being a Japanese Housewife but you don't get to fake being a girl who you allegedly molested.

4fed21 No.14318945

File: 29a84a95f492a06⋯.jpg (34.75 KB, 338x480, 169:240, 1514684676.jpg)


>You can fake being a Japanese Housewife

Don't talk shit about mombot she IS a Japanese Housewife

1afd98 No.14318948

The court reading fucking verdict of Choi for 50 minutes.

If guilty, her fine will be over 100 million USD, and over 8 million USD of legal compensation. For now it seems all of her charges are guilty. Expect 15~20 years in jail.

f7c4d6 No.14318955

5b4403 is a shill whos entire post history has been about me

please report them

c237b3 No.14318958

File: 8ad242d256dd80f⋯.jpg (778.48 KB, 1700x1197, 1700:1197, __setsuna_and_shirono_mira….jpg)


There there, anon. I love mombot and her fertile hips, but that idea mainly lives in my fantasies.

5b4403 No.14318966

File: 5b88d67537dd8b6⋯.png (740.29 KB, 1261x778, 1261:778, hopestillflies.png)

3f5584 No.14318996


>Where is the real version of a Muslim humping the German people while Merkel stands by and says that it is a good thing?


>My mom thought I was trans simply for playing Bayonetta.

That is your fault. You shouldn't have been wearing a dress at the time.

5f319d No.14319021

File: dff1072364b4aaa⋯.jpg (326.3 KB, 654x474, 109:79, lainstare.jpg)

So I just woke up and Hope turned out to be a fucking pedo or some shit?


Well at least there's some positive news for today.

1afd98 No.14319035

File: 502813ed9240f3b⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 351x359, 351:359, 502.jpg)

Someone plz explain this hopestillfuck guy shit

5b4403 No.14319037

File: 12c61f181028243⋯.png (657.42 KB, 836x746, 418:373, hopestillflies reaction1.png)

File: f7465a8b6d2f2c7⋯.png (143.78 KB, 790x848, 395:424, hopestillflies reaction2.png)

eaae3b No.14319045

File: 9f786347d18df0d⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 540x822, 90:137, CvWo3w5UMAAWUjc.jpg large.jpg)

So is there genuine proof?

5b4403 No.14319056


Connections are made in the the pastebin the abbo shared >>14318734 , but I'm not sure if any of it is "definitive" proof. Does seem very incriminating.

c237b3 No.14319059

File: 79bf90c4a93b785⋯.png (40.17 KB, 510x530, 51:53, 79bf90c4a93b7857ad580d4206….png)



Then read the pastebin Marche put up a few posts ago. Trust but verify.

dc83f9 No.14319066

File: 2202de4fe6dddef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 140.45 KB, 877x1250, 877:1250, Portrait of Mombot by Taka….jpg)






f7c4d6 No.14319072


NO NO clearly im a shill and me warning you all this will happen is me attention seeking

fucking idiot you honestly should kill yourself


Not nail in the coffin but there is a 9 page document

that pasebin is only one

More will come out but its also depends what "hope" does

5b4403 No.14319077



Archive everything. Someone else already archived it, but it has not been posted in the thread.

06dded No.14319088


Did you erp with him?

eaae3b No.14319094

File: 0c2d8b328bf202a⋯.jpg (101.83 KB, 471x600, 157:200, Dracula.jpg)



>"definitive" proof.

That's what I mean, it seems incriminating but there isn't anything that screams damming for all we know it could be someone with a grudge spreading fake shit, but it remains to be seen.

ed0f1f No.14319099

File: 9bcf4b330857e5b⋯.png (957.62 KB, 1249x767, 1249:767, C92 Geneihohjin Amano ….png)


Something tells me we're being played again. Like the whole Zack thing. I'm going to hold my breath and wait because this could be a ruse for all I know.

1afd98 No.14319100

File: af6cebe421a0d15⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 79121290.1.jpg)


>impersonated teenage girl for fucking over a decade

Remove nekama, for all of them are schizo freaks. I'd rather hang with trannies than nekamas.

5b4403 No.14319104


Mombot has made mistakes before, it's not good to pretend she's infallible and possibly end up with another situation like when she spread fake DMs of 9volt.


>me warning you all this will happen is me attention seeking


You didn't warn about shit in particular. You just "something" you attention whoring abbo. You have no excuse and mombot would have brought this to light anyways, as you said she was the one who asked you to spread shit, not attentionwhore, in the first place.

f7c4d6 No.14319108


fuck off shill

5b4403 No.14319111


This is the sort of thing I think lot here would jump on as definitive proof if were to be a journo or SJW though.

219b42 No.14319115

File: 929ded1444fe4f1⋯.png (54.77 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, CIA & Bane.png)



>NO NO clearly im a shill and me warning you all this will happen is me attention seeking


Marche, you're at (56). As damning as this may be, calm the fuck down.

f7c4d6 No.14319125


maybe he should fuck off and kill himself he has been shitting up multiple threads being retarded

c237b3 No.14319128


According to Marche, the pastebin is just the first part. So yes, it remains to be seen.

1afd98 No.14319130





f7c4d6 No.14319132


says the dumb rice eating slanty fuck that blogposts and ERPs

f747ce No.14319145

File: 1068d2372299d38⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 556x556, 1:1, 1094504fc7a5dd4f4a293590d1….jpg)

More board drama

8676ee No.14319150


>Board drama

That isn't what board drama is

5613d1 No.14319158

File: 68dd5992fe4404e⋯.jpeg (88.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7FFEF5E1-C112-453C-85A4-7….jpeg)

This is the first lesson ever digger ever learned. You never post unfinished digs. The information could be wrong, proven false, stolen in its infancy (Fart)or just come up inconclusive. If it ain’t a complete, actionable line of information, it’s shit.

f7c4d6 No.14319162


the dig is complete

I am just relaying it as wished

1afd98 No.14319165


>accusing me for blogposting and erp

>while he himself impersonated me for countless times solely to attention whoring






8676ee No.14319169


>the dig is complete

I thought you said there was more? Or do you mean it's complete you're just not putting it out yet?

f7c4d6 No.14319172


ive never impersenated you

why would I wanna be a chinese ripoff of a japanese person

f7c4d6 No.14319180


complete and not for sharing yet

the first bit of information was put out to see what Hope does

depending on that different things will hapen

5613d1 No.14319187


Whoever told you to release bots and parts of a complete dig with just enough time in between to let the subject of the dig maneuver isn’t thinking big enough, but that stupidity is on them much more than you

c237b3 No.14319195


>to see what Hope does

I don't get it, why are they giving Hope a heads up?

f7c4d6 No.14319201


ask the people who have the information

5613d1 No.14319205

File: 668820cf5524ea9⋯.jpeg (24.07 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 199B9A08-B17E-4240-8083-F….jpeg)

Speaking of Pedophiles pretending to be teens and erping


5f319d No.14319207

File: 86104467d976c2a⋯.jpg (6 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 170880798348f95e9ee3d59f54….jpg)



Is this another one of them ruses?

4fed21 No.14319214


Who has the information? That Game Journalist guy and mombot or what? Did they not explain the whole situation to you?

3f5584 No.14319221



Marche, Kindly cover yourself in blood then lay on a meat ant's nest until there are only bones left. You're sperging out with tantalizing but insufficient information. You are burning out and nobody will put up with your shit. Kindly play some vidya until you have more information. Also, get off twitter during that time as well. You know how much cancer you will get.

c237b3 No.14319232

File: 7a1512de43f1dd3⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 7a1512de43f1dd3f2250977804….jpg)


>Feb 2018 created account


Who is this person?


Look, if you just put this up without asking for details, you just made yourself into a tool.

f7c4d6 No.14319237


I have the whole situation we have been discussing it for days


Shut up kid


sounds like youre butthurt you are left out of the loop and getting even more mad I wont let you in

5b4403 No.14319239

1afd98 No.14319240

File: ce29940d657798b⋯.png (140.94 KB, 492x280, 123:70, cole.pelps.lie.png)


>chinese ripoff of japanese person

>says sperging abbo ripoff of white people



5b4403 No.14319246


Gook. Sperging back at the furfag is not the answer.

f7c4d6 No.14319247


speak english

aa1b62 No.14319251

File: b7e00df24ae68ab⋯.png (57.19 KB, 548x546, 274:273, 1433450802270.png)


Mombot's haters are so fucking unhinged, holy shit.

eaae3b No.14319254


They have issues.

f7c4d6 No.14319265

File: d9df09ee6931cbf⋯.png (8.16 KB, 367x67, 367:67, Twitter_-_2018-02-13_17.43….png)





4fed21 No.14319267

File: dbb0b3e5f9faa67⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1515105005.jpg)


>ask the people who have the information

>I have the whole situation we have been discussing it for days

Alright then why are you choosing to give him time?

f7c4d6 No.14319269

5613d1 No.14319274

File: 93f512bc771ad50⋯.jpeg (369.18 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, E837B716-DA56-4C48-A606-F….jpeg)


It’s a new account run by some catfish pretending to be an 18 year old girl. Assuming the folks responding to that previous account weren’t also lying about their age, said catfish was soliciting nudes from minors. The reality though is that it doesn’t matter if they were lying or not, because you get thrown in the party van as long as you seriously believe you’re getting nudes from a child.


Look, no matter what the situation is, tricking down info incomplete screams of GOT EEEM Internet flame wars instead of actually trying to get real-world consequences inflicted upon a pedophile. Whoever told you to do that is a complete fucking tool and you shouldn’t just listen to people like that.

76776f No.14319276


IA here, holy shit!

c237b3 No.14319281


Not really, but if you can't answer a simple question like that you give me more reason to doubt you and your motives.

5b4403 No.14319284

File: 3b6d022dc932767⋯.png (322.39 KB, 782x827, 782:827, hopestillflies rudderhouse.png)

Supposedly Rudderhouse is our digger and he's the one giving a drip feed to mombot who in turn feeds marche.



f7c4d6 No.14319287

1afd98 No.14319290

Choi fainted during judg reading the verdict

While judge reading the verdict over 2 hours

The verdict halted

5b4403 No.14319291

4fed21 No.14319294


My thread didn't update and didn't see that

40861a No.14319296


Is this being livestreamed? I want to see some magalian suicides.

f7c4d6 No.14319297



eaae3b No.14319302

File: 27a1491d6795c3c⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 379x214, 379:214, ronpaul im okay with this ….jpg)

5f319d No.14319312

File: fb73948d4cc6467⋯.jpg (50.05 KB, 384x384, 1:1, fb73948d4cc6467c9b017bafd6….jpg)

31cb06 No.14319313

File: 86439cb232cc94a⋯.png (391.95 KB, 680x731, 40:43, no way 2B-san you fag.png)


>fainted during judg reading the verdict

aa1b62 No.14319317

File: d2671ca5309c0f0⋯.jpg (185.07 KB, 821x571, 821:571, 1458882123995.jpg)


Jesus Christ, she's up on corruption charges, they found out she's basically a mass murderer, and she's still being Drama Queen Professional Victim.

5b4403 No.14319325

File: 65f87435043c023⋯.png (114.84 KB, 789x809, 789:809, hopestillflies rudderhouse….png)

dc83f9 No.14319326

File: 1c760de17a639c8⋯.jpeg (270.46 KB, 2200x1239, 2200:1239, ccb99e192839fbaa0d369ac46….jpeg)


Jesus Christ what a Drama Queen.

1afd98 No.14319333


The court did not allowed livestream so journos livecasting the verdict like good ol radio baseball stream days.


>Marche always seek for attention

>he will gladly LARP as gook when he needs attention

>he will sperg anytime whenever he wants attention

>often goes over (50), nothing but spergposting

>will ban evade and sperg even more when Mark intervene and ban him for being aussy spergmaster

>will splander anyone who gets more (You) than him

>has numerous furry waifu

>is australian abbo

Marche, you are the true Australian.

Wait.. as I posting this verdict finally finalized. 20 years in jail for Choi and all the confederates verdicted guilty. Choi Sun-Sil 20 years in jail, An Jong-Beom 6 years in jail.

5b4403 No.14319339


All these happenings make for a relatively high speed bread despite time and it being the end of the bread.

d214a7 No.14319340

File: 8058e7267599c13⋯.png (88.75 KB, 438x503, 438:503, 4a206b9de04649ddd348f6b5fe….png)


>20 years in jail for mass murder

f7c4d6 No.14319341


ching chong speaku english

c237b3 No.14319342

File: 3cd6e832326721b⋯.jpg (968.69 KB, 1283x2157, 1283:2157, 3cd6e832326721b966c0b378d6….jpg)


>Wait.. as I posting this verdict finally finalized. 20 years in jail for Choi and all the confederates verdicted guilty. Choi Sun-Sil 20 years in jail, An Jong-Beom 6 years in jail.

Trips for good news. Very good.

1afd98 No.14319343

Shin Dong-Bin the CEO of Lotte 2 and a half years in jail for bribery

BTW Ahn JongBeom is former chief of blue house

eaae3b No.14319346

File: a8a3cb51f436c02⋯.jpg (255.14 KB, 1114x1043, 1114:1043, dubs.jpg)


Gook it's best to ignore Marche.

06dded No.14319347


If you saw that cringy comic header and thought 'I'm fine with this' you were letting your dick do the thinking and might be well on your way to become the next 'send nudes or I'll kill myself' dude.

f7c4d6 No.14319349

File: 6bfd25a0ec25f56⋯.jpg (48.13 KB, 800x729, 800:729, 8nRqoXW.jpg)



40861a No.14319353


>The court did not allowed livestream so journos livecasting the verdict like good ol radio baseball stream days.

There better be dramatizations, cartoons, and comics about this in the future.

5b4403 No.14319354

File: 97f87788575cc5e⋯.png (2.69 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, cianikkiyume.png)


>NuWojak straight from cuckchan

533c15 No.14319355


>that verdict

>those trips

Hopefully they won't get bailed out any earlier than that, but you know what they say about "Hope" :^)

f7c4d6 No.14319364


I got it from twitter DM group, its a perfect image of a dong bin

31cb06 No.14319365

File: af2422817a42a3e⋯.gif (668.31 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 3e98d02e6bdfd51cfec503784d….gif)

>>14319333 (nice)

>20 years for fucking over an entire country and ruining countless lives

5b4403 No.14319367

File: a0e0351d426283a⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 495x495, 1:1, 1499872239.jpg)


aa1b62 No.14319368


She's an old bat anyway, she'll die behind bars.

c237b3 No.14319369

File: d3630198a36a094⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 544486471.jpg)



f7c4d6 No.14319371


typical shill, spends the whole thread telling others what to do and wont even make a new thread

what the fuck do you even do here except try and create drama?

06dded No.14319373


>twitter DM group

You do understand that's even worse, right?

Or have you gone completely twitter native?

38aabc No.14319374


>Get let out of prison at age 80

>Famously hated by everyone in your country if not the world

>Can only get a low paying shitty job working in a box factory

>No savings, it was all taken back by the governement

Getting out could potentially be worse for her than actually being in jail.

1afd98 No.14319376

Apparently 17 out of all 18 charges been verdicted guilty, maybe 16, I dunno the verdict reading as 2 hours and 40 minutes and even journos suffering difficulties at translating the verdict in short.

20 years in jail for Choi, btw the fine and compensation almost decreased 1/5 because court decided almost every bribery charges were actually racketeering.

That was quiet ride. Now Second trial, appeal and grand court is awaiting. Only like a decade more! Will I get to see Park verdict before I die?

f7c4d6 No.14319377


WoW I hate mombot now

eaae3b No.14319379


Marche is pretty much a twitterfag.

533c15 No.14319380


You just might gook, you just might if there's any justice left in this world.

40861a No.14319381


How's the Sewol Ferry famillies taking this?

aa1b62 No.14319382


>Will I get to see Park verdict before I die?

Doubtful, she's still bitching about the wallpaper in her three-room-apartment of a cell and claiming it's a "human rights violation" to the UN, isn't she?

f7c4d6 No.14319384


I've been using chan subreddits longer than you have been out of school

e5c981 No.14319391


1afd98 No.14319392


They can't do nothing for now. The sewol shit is officially 'sunk because.. i dunno it's just sunk' just like 9/11 official story. Doubt if the real story would be considered as official before I die or even ever.

06dded No.14319394


All heil the leader

ed0f1f No.14319398

File: f1b6edc91483994⋯.jpg (68.38 KB, 1200x533, 1200:533, DTUzKH9VoAAL9Xh.jpg)


>Will I get to see Park verdict before I die?

40861a No.14319401


Hope there's justice for them, because if what you revealed is true, then she deserved much worse.

5b4403 No.14319403


I vote for HopeStillDies edition.

f7c4d6 No.14319405


I vote you stop fucking posting about me from now on

hows that sound?

eaae3b No.14319407


Or how about a title that doesn't focus on twitter shit.

533c15 No.14319408


Are people going to bust out there "Hope Rides Alone" images in the next thread?

1afd98 No.14319412

>Marxhe acheived (74) before new bread


5b4403 No.14319414


Then maybe something about Park.

f7c4d6 No.14319415


your name is dong-rice because your dong is small as rice

06dded No.14319419

Marche's sperging makes Mombot look like a shit mother.

f91bc9 No.14319422

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I wonder whose female voice this is, in Hopestillflies' video promoting mercbay

c237b3 No.14319423


> Doubt if the real story would be considered as official before I die or even ever.

You can just live well, Gook.

e5c981 No.14319424

1afd98 No.14319433


Now you are (76), congratulations, sperg-kun!

3f5584 No.14319502


If you end up being patsy for a scam to discredit mombot by the same game she did with her fake persona, then I guess you will be the kid not me.



>speak english

You wouldn't understand it then.

a794ab No.14320639





Holy shit. Kill yourselves.

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