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Join /loli/ for a stream on Sunday (time TBA) >>18123 >>>/loli/84268

File: 83cc883bcc6470a⋯.jpg (827.45 KB, 5950x821, 5950:821, wright localzation.jpg)

File: 513b7509c2ab121⋯.webm (8.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Creepy sex stuff - Hajime….webm)

File: b227f12e6ebc355⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Prison School-#Gamergate C….mp4)

File: b020ca10d8abd4c⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 680x779, 680:779, subs VS dubs.jpg)

File: 69644588063db7a⋯.png (401.64 KB, 1063x1286, 1063:1286, Professional_translators.png)


For talks about everything concerning translations of light novels, manga, and anime, and why it is that you should just learn Japanese and save yourself the trouble.


File: 9f8333b2d75c4c4⋯.png (362.42 KB, 860x1123, 860:1123, English Dubs & ADV.png)


File: af178bbfc618233⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 229x173, 229:173, 19483.jpg)


Oh no, i'm not falling for this shill tactic.


File: d90773ede533dd2⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fang.png)

The Kiniro Mosaic volume 8 translation thread is gone, but I've saved the translations that were posted in that thread. I didn't save the few translated pages that were posted, because I'm a retard.

https://my.mixtape.moe/nczhay.7z Pages 03-21

https://my.mixtape.moe/xtsxwq.7z Pages 22-42

https://my.mixtape.moe/iyyawd.7z Pages 43-63


File: 7d8a55309855d66⋯.jpg (18.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 6034cc1d1c154ba⋯.jpg (53.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, azumangabeans01.jpg)

Anybody else misses translator notes?

Some subbers went overboard with unsolicited unfunny jokes, tarnishing the practice.

But I still think t.notes are vastly superior to trying to include the meaning of some expressions into your subs. I hardly see subs including honorifics. It breaks my heart that newer otakus have to look up what they mean and how they are sometimes used as narrative drivers (like intentionally calling someone -sama or -kun to cause some distress)

Also, some expressions, references and jokes are better experienced with t. notes, at elast for me.


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Anybody else misses translator notes?

Yes, i do miss the autism.


>tfw fansubs and fan translations in general are reclining

feels bad man.


Shit, I just was reading some on my old hard drive a couple of weeks ago. I'll dump what I have tomorrow, minus what anybody else contributes (probably the obvious ones like Checkmate or Checkmate-oops wrong anime). Polite sage.



It got nuked too?


File: 9c7a2c243612b56⋯.png (748.65 KB, 1222x824, 611:412, 1443984004588.png)


>second webm



I remember recently I had an epiphany on the trivial knowledge joke, I remember watching it and not really getting it, but after studying Japanese for a bit, I thought back and remembered the joke and suddenly understood it. Also all her stupid puns as well.


Okay I uploaded DDDD up to 51 on /a/ before the mods made it impossible. Is anyone else interested in this shit because I am bored and would rather focus on other things.



Yeah, and the link to the translated pages in another thread >>1719 has expired. I remember that anon saying that after Feb 1 he wouldn't be able to access the internet for some months, so this is all we have unless someone saved the translated pages.


No idea what DDDD is but I am curious to see what you've done.



I'd like to see it.




Yeah dudes if you haven't even heard of it no one cares. I just don't like the story and it is boring as fuck. I just worked on it because everyone likes punpun so much. Are the m.O.e guys still around? I want to read more rorikura hold and if they dropped it I will totally pick it up.


File: 5de7b17c27417ac⋯.jpg (151.64 KB, 475x1001, 475:1001, 6a199dd17de22416d0e5d3b723….jpg)


If it hasn't been typeset already, should I do it?



Yeah. I have neither high quality raws nor a madokami account.


File: 69e5e4b42dc874c⋯.webm (5.48 MB, 398x224, 199:112, Top Ten Greatest Anime Fi….webm)


Holy shit are you yukafag? Is every decent weeb on the site on /animu/?



How'd the mods make it impossible for you?



Hm? from /2hu/?

I'm not familiar.



>nor a madokami account

I have one. Do you mean for good raws?


File: e996d2f856db53f⋯.png (77.9 KB, 282x300, 47:50, hm19.png)





When they took offense to a joke and deleted my uploads.


File: dc28418f586f79b⋯.png (182.54 KB, 368x453, 368:453, what thats.PNG)


Are you fucking serious?




I think he's this guy in the meta thread: >>9264


File: 398aeaf56598fc5⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 5907x4093, 5907:4093, __endou_saya_and_shidare_h….jpg)


>/a/ is surprised that they have no board culture




So /a/ is basically run by sjws


File: 379506f80317de1⋯.png (403.78 KB, 672x560, 6:5, 2017-12-31 23.10.46.png)



There are no translated chapters on mangadex right now.

It was licensed by yen press.

There are up to 5 translated volumes and 4 raw volumes on madokami.

No concern towards vol 6 and 7? Should I still typeset? Why did the anon mention madokami?


>threads deleted

>repeat threads

i can't take more of this




>starting with ragefuel





(Assuming same person) Yeah, for good raws. I have an AnimeBytes account but on there they only have the YenPress translations of volumes 1 and 2, and high-quality raws up to volume 4.


>There are no translated chapters on mangadex right now.

>It was licensed by yen press.

>There are up to 5 translated volumes and 4 raw volumes on madokami.

>No concern towards vol 6 and 7? Should I still typeset? Why did the anon mention madokami?

I mentioned madokami because I assumed it had all the volumes, but I don't actually know if it does. The original Kinmosa translator anon only talked about volume 8 so I just went with that, but if you want to work on 6 and 7 that'd be great. I am interested in doing typesetting (no ability to translate) but I am not putting down a commitment to do so at this stage.



Self improvement is shilling?


Are there groups willing to stay here?


So any info on Harmony gold?



Funimation was started by former Harmony Gold employees.


File: 3801a19f43c07a8⋯.png (88.41 KB, 703x909, 703:909, 'Ghost Stories' did not fl….png)


File: 0d3b2b9f21ab4a8⋯.webm (7.44 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pol writes an anime.webm)


I can't say I'm not unsurprised


Those lying fucks, but I will admit the ADV dub was hilarious.




>3rd webm

They fixed the line in the DVDs and BDs.



File: 32b47228bb4d0bb⋯.png (448.46 KB, 1225x3510, 245:702, Screenshot-2018-2-11 (3) G….png)

File: 13a704f94c05b39⋯.png (306.89 KB, 1105x2832, 1105:2832, Screenshot-2018-2-11 (3) D….png)

File: 57297d2d48a04ea⋯.png (146.92 KB, 1261x1311, 1261:1311, Screenshot-2018-2-11 (3) B….png)



Funimation are shit, but they have no connection to HG. Their founders and original employees have no ties to them as far as anyone knows.

>shadow chronicles

Funimation are a distributor that put it in stores, they didn't make the show.


That Echo Light studio is also a Christian film studio founded in 2014 by Rick Santorum.

Not that I'm discounting Funi being a shit company, because they are, but that image makes no actual concrete evidence of Echo Light being HG, nor does it provide a source that Santorum bought HG. Lance Heiskill also left Funi most likely because if Glassdoor is any indication, it's because Funi treats their employees like shit.

Besides Funi is also about to get bought out by Sony anyway.


File: 6ea6b05503bd481⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1024x9734, 512:4867, Harmony Gold's fate.png)





<Fixed version

Forgot to correct a couple things.


Can someone bullet point me on what's going on?



From the tweet:

>Echologht is FUNi founder Gen Fukunaga's other company. Run out of the same building.




Honorifics are bad. Translations should be in proper english. Otherwise, TL notes can be useful.



Yes, I've seen that tweet but it makes no connection Harmony Gold. Echo Light did have some relation to Funimation a few years ago, but neither of them have any connection to HG.



>Honorifics are bad

Something only people who know nothing about Japanese think. Honorifics are an intrinsic part of the language, to the point where their presence or absence literally changes the meaning of the scene and perspective of the characters. Honorifics should be present literally everywhere, the faster normalfags start understanding them the sooner we can stop having cringe like changing onee-sama to "first name".



>like changing onee-sama to "first name".

Bad professional translations aren't an excuse. You can rephrase a sentence without altering the original meaning.



But in Japanese using a pronoun to refer to someone who is with you is considered incredibly rude, while in English it's weird NOT to. You need to be aware of the culture of the language your translating "Onii-san" into "Big Brother" because it's the most direct translation makes dialogue sound fucking awful and cringey.



The nuance can be maintained even when translating the honorific.

For example, onii-chan can be big bro, onii-san big brother.

It's not always possible, but most of the times it is.



>You need to be aware of the culture of the language

>makes dialogue sound fucking awful and cringey.

I totally agree. That's why they should rephrase the dialogues without including honorifics.



>these 2 webm

wow, nice redpill



Huh, that's actually really interesting. While I do think the dub is pretty hilarious, I'm one of the few people around that really likes it in it's original form. Though I'm a big fan of j-horror and Japanese urban legends, so I'll eat any of that up. It's also worth noting that at that time, the studios were making an attempt to push more loosely translated, gag and pop culture heavy dubs. There was Shin-Chan, Duel Masters, Lupin the 3rd, Sgt Frog, Case Closed, and I'm pretty sure there were more, all from that period.



>For example, onii-chan can be big bro, onii-san big brother.

You're missing the fucking point. No one in America fucking refers to their siblings as "Sis," "Brother," or any derivative of those words. Hearing people say that makes it sound like the fucking skinwalkers are invading. A proper translation would determine how respectfully or casually that person might be with their siblings based off which honorific was being used, but any sibling would absolutely be calling them by their actual names.



>nobody in America calls their siblings "sis" or "brother"

That's asinine, or America's just weird. Also America isn't the west.



>That's asinine, or America's just weird.

If being incredibly causal is weird, then yes. The only existence of formalities here for the average person are reserved for teachers/professors or people you just met.



So connection between HG and Echolight?



>crosslinking something on the same board

Hello newfriend.



I agree in subtitles, but never in dubs.



That seems to only be speculation on that one anon's part. Where's the proof that HG's assets went to Echolight?




I am very sorry that GG has autism



File: 98d7b076a350244⋯.png (115.38 KB, 616x389, 616:389, I'm sorry.png)


>Yeah, I screwed up.

>I just realized that the Harmony Gold picture fails to make the connection between HG and Echolight. And, searches are turning up nil on that front as well. Anyone want to go digging with me?

>However, I did find out that Funimation partnered with Saban to first produce Dragon Ball (If that means anything). But that could have just been a temporary for all I know right now.




No problem, mistakes happen. Just keep digging to find the real answers.



>However, I did find out that Funimation partnered with Saban to first produce Dragon Ball (If that means anything). But that could have just been a temporary for all I know right now.

Might as well display where I got that info:




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I knew it. HG and Funimation both can fuck off for different reasons (HG with Macross, Funi for being a generally shit company that treats employees like trash and their shit releases of anime that people still buy), but this sort of rampant speculation and conspiratorial circle jerking in an effort to like a master detective is what stifles getting what we want because it makes us look retarded. Do your actual research first (as in cross checking references and providing sources for your research) before drawing conclusions.


embed related.

Notice that trademark Power Rangers chord after Piccolo fires at Raditz.




I like you fags but dig better.


Ok so before you release anything don't put speculation but legit facts and evidence that can be traced.



>watching dubs




None of these are speculations



Except they are: >>10677



you do realize that's just a smaller part of it, right



Yeah, /a/ is run by fags. Even before they had the bot auto-removing posts with various keywords there was all sorts of shit disappearing for no fucking reason.



Smaller part of what? The Funi/HG/Echolight conspiracy is currently debunked since it was no sources for anything and is only pure speculation.



It all started with 2016, too. Current year is a helluva drug



This is a different board mindset, but i remember that shit being used as a defeatist tactic in response to a certain product getting censored by faggots in a treehouse. Now said treehouse is going to be able to censor the shit as they're being made. Who knows though, now that Sony owns Funimation, they might actually have to power to do the same.


Apparently Lazy Lily Fansubs is gone according to some thread on cuckchan, is it actually true or are they just down for maintenance or some shit?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm surprised that I couldn't find subs of the original Tiger Mask. It's like they are nowhere to be found. This could use fan subbing.


So how many here have the skills for a group?



I was an editor/timer a long time ago (8 years or so)



Cause this board has a good thing going for it and a group not pozzed would be amazing.


File: 58162c87f32d5fa⋯.jpeg (67.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1518924347.jpeg)


edit and timing are literally the two easiest jobs though. still need

>raw provider (unless you want to use one of the public ones)


>typesetter (if you want to do the karaoke)



if you want to subtitle a video



I have some raws I could find.



>pic 5

hopefully a group of anons can set up a company that's not shit and not inherently leftist like kikeflix and CR, actually take TLs seriously, and doesn't hire 'literary' rejects

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