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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems
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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: 018886e33685410⋯.png (5.72 MB, 2349x3403, 2349:3403, 1e19f8218032cd08328a6af611….png)

File: d55de88a292d317⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 2427x3326, 2427:3326, b157a087bb5fd1827d367f733b….jpg)

File: c8ad71514f9204e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1286x2090, 643:1045, 39f2121cc2e3eccd546d7324f0….png)

File: d67faf16127f841⋯.gif (348.72 KB, 694x888, 347:444, 0487e216c0afa08bc8d4418ba7….gif)

c23876  No.16881957[Last 50 Posts]

Since we've been told to start adopting the NEET life until further notice, this is a great time to get back into shape. This isolation will put you into in a chrysalis stage, with you breaking out of your shell once everything is over, so that you're at the top of your game and can take on the world. And, to do so, you must do the one thing you're best at: playing video games. DO NOT treat this like an event where you can just casually play games like you have been doing. You need to be pushing yourself to the limit.

First, we must fix your mentality. Stop just cheezing through a game, and push them all the way to the highest difficulty. I don't care how tough it is. The only thing I want to see out of my dear, strong onii-chan is him pushing his mental capabilities to the limit.

Second, it's time we dusted off that console with the motion gaming and stared using that to exercise. Having a fit mind doesn't bode well if you don't have the same fit body to match it. I don't care if the game requires you to dance, do yoga, or just shake your arms like you're spazzing. Any game that will require physical activity out of you will be good for the body.

Come on, onii-chan, you can do it!

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dfeb76  No.16881965

Wait, wasn't this this thread here just a moment ago with more replies? Was it deleted and remade for some reason, or is the site being fucky and rolling back posts again? How good is Ring Fit Adventure?

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fd8e3c  No.16881968

File: fab968541bd60c2⋯.mp4 (5.5 MB, 192x144, 4:3, DYNAMITE_RAVE_NAOKI_LONG_V….mp4)

>fit games


What is your best song? Worst song? Controller and keyboard faggots need not apply. Also, why the fuck did anyone like the paranoia songs? They sounded like a nigger trying to recreate the crazy bus theme.

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c23876  No.16881972


Yeah, it was deleted for some reason, probably "not video game related enough", so I tried to emphasize that aspect more. If you want to bitch at Mark, take it to one of the cyclical threads. This thread is for discussing fit games and how games help with keeping one's health up.

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c2a8da  No.16881973


Either mark was a faggot and OP was a faggot.

Either way, someone was a faggot.

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036ebb  No.16881987

I kinda want a game to assist me getting some exercise, but I don't want to spend 100+ for a game and hardware.

I have a WiiU what are my options?

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c23876  No.16882004


>I have a WiiU what are my options?

Same here, give me a minute and I'll make a list of all the games I have and how much physically activity is required for each one.

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c72ffc  No.16882011

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What is your best song?

among the Konami songs, B4U

also, there was a later unlockable in MAX that I never got below A rank on (seriously, first time) but I can't remember its name

my favorite songs tend to be the cheesy remixes of 80s pop

>Also, why the fuck did anyone like the paranoia songs?

Paranoia was the 1st mix secret stage. IIRC it was the long version too

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c23876  No.16882014

Here is a list of games requiring physical activity:

Would help if people expanded and critiqued it.

>Actual exercise

Wii Fit (U)

Wii Sports [Resort/Club]

>High activity (Requires the use of the entire body)

Dance Dance Revolution

Just Dance

>Medium activity (May not require complete use of full-body motion, but still requires the player to be quite active)

Cursed Mountain


No More Heroes

Red Steel 2

Skate It

Sonic Unleashed

>Low activity (Requires some activity of the player, but cannot really count as an exercise)

Dead Space: Extraction

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Goldeneye 007

Guitar Hero 3/Aerosmith

Red Steel

Sonic & the Black Knight

Surf's Up

The Godfather: Blackhand Edition

Wario Land: Shake It!

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e02466  No.16882022

Play Beat Saber.

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417704  No.16882027


Add wrist weights to it for a fun time.

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6347c5  No.16882028

File: 6a754669aa0a3c9⋯.mp4 (6.49 MB, 320x240, 4:3, k_on.mp4)

>only really played DDR

>only remember one song now

Time flies.

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c2a8da  No.16882031


>wrist weights

But I want to get fit not swole.

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417704  No.16882065


it'll give you a heart attack before it makes you any more swole

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3f3793  No.16882110

>Get a gym membership for Christmas

>Start liftan

>Start bulking

>Make some noob gainz

>Suddenly corona

>All gyms closed


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000000  No.16882122


>no Ring Fit Adventure

that game had all the streamfags sweating like pigs, they all thought it was just going to be another meme fitness game but they severely underestimated how much you have to put into it.

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1d6c1f  No.16882123


Anons have mentioned Ring Fit Adventure here and I can vouch for it. It's more video-gamey than Wii Fit because it's an actual RPG, you jog through a preset path, run into enemies and every attack is a physical exercise (so on my difficulty it's around 20 squats, 40 knee lifts or 8 instances of the Yoga Warrior poses, for example).

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354a61  No.16882132


Post more of that lifeguard loli so I can exercise my arm.

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c2a8da  No.16882134


Have a (you), its on the house

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42ca56  No.16882139


>fuck video games and fuck japan

You have to go back.

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71d685  No.16882150

File: 5afa31cf58cb94e⋯.jpg (304.73 KB, 482x720, 241:360, priapus.jpg)

File: 1a79c79fb6beeb7⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 632x425, 632:425, overgrowth.jpg)


I know it's bait but I want to post weird art.

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521b23  No.16882158

File: 807acd2ce8aecfb⋯.jpeg (305.3 KB, 607x505, 607:505, Tenticle_Porn.jpeg)


Remember kids, if it's old, it's art.

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aa7b86  No.16882185


I really wish Red Steel 2's parry didn't suddenly lower the difficulty by a lot when you get it.

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b7a7fa  No.16882228

File: e61e9a3ef9c1ced⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 288x540, 8:15, 2d74f08ebe13bf383832c9f039….gif)

What kind of fat autistic retard needs video games to exercise? Just get some free weights and do it without the screen infront of your face.

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354a61  No.16882243


What kind of retard needs exercise to be thin in the first place? Just stop stuffing your face.

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b7a7fa  No.16882246


You should probably exercise even if you're naturally thin just so your heart doesn't give out on you like every other soylent lover.

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1d6c1f  No.16882252



>the antonym of fit is fat

Just because they sound alike doesn't make that the case. I'm normal weight (a bit underweight actually), but still out of shape.

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858db1  No.16882260

File: bcaaeed7c03901e⋯.png (715.73 KB, 1288x3200, 161:400, ef98R.png)

Does this count?

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c49c5a  No.16882261

what was that ridiculous hmanga where the kid ends up a buff bodybuilder?

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c62853  No.16882265


I tried that so many times, I keep quitting at week 4, the jump between 1 1/2-3 and 3-5 is insane

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858db1  No.16882268

File: 7482c0672e1ae2f⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 3000x4500, 2:3, 7482c0672e1ae2f380b6fe1815….jpg)


I kept it up to about Week 7 but ran out of time from work and the fact that Illinois weather is dogshit.

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99dc2e  No.16882449

>getting fit

What is this meme

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99dc2e  No.16882451


For real what would be the best way for someone like me to start because I am EXTREMELY obese, last i checked i was 350 (used to be 400 but lost some weight thanks to diet)

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942e68  No.16882457


The most I've ever weighed was around 130 and that was after visiting family in the south so I was constantly being fed. Most of the time I'm eating 1-2 meals a day and occasionally I just forget to eat because I'm too busy.

Have you tried eating less?

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000000  No.16882549



I think I made it to week 5 until I kept stalling. then again my diet was also really shit so I wasn't putting on extra muscle to compensate for it

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5f97d4  No.16882610


Exercise makes you fit, eating less makes you lose weight: no matter how much you exercise, if you don't fix your eating habits you'll stay fat.


>According to the Calorie Control Council, a person who weighs 300 pounds burns approximately 273 calories by walking briskly for 30 minutes.

273 pounds is about one peanut butter sandwich, look at your daily intake and realize you'll never going to lose weight if you don't eat less. Work on your diet first and foremost.

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5f97d4  No.16882615


273 poundscalories

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059e68  No.16882630

Exercise vidya are all shit. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

The most fun way to combine exercise and vidya is to play a game that's challenging. I recommend NES games like ninja gaiden or ghosts n goblins.

When ever you die do 10 push ups, sit ups, or squats.

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ae9cf0  No.16882651

File: f90dc5e2d094929⋯.jpg (129.3 KB, 1047x999, 349:333, _.jpg)


I'd say Ring Fit is an exception. It's more exercise than game, but the RPG aspects of it make it feel motivating and rewarding. Some of the later stages can be downright cruel, like forcing you to hold a wide squat for an entire minute or do 100 squats in succession.

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11e67b  No.16883631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Might be a good game to get your gf but I prefer the traditional way of working out tbh.

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c906db  No.16883638


I used to be a fatty too anon, I think i was about 250 or something in grade school. Stop drinking all sodas/energy drinks, limit yourself to only water, tea, coffee and milk occasionally and that will start cutting a lot of your extra weight. Force yourself to walk at least once everyday so your fat ass burns more energy. Do calisthenics if you don't have enough muscle/joint strength to move weights, do Australian pull-ups cause you (probably) wont be able to lift yourself with normal pull-ups.

One of my favorite things to do is play all my vidya standing up. I played a shitton of battlefield 4 and everytime I died I'd do ten pushups, then do leg lifts or squats in between rounds

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b8d971  No.16883666

Wasn't this thread deleted by some fat fuck?

Anyways, like I said, I do not believe exercises between vidya events to be the best course of action, but stretching. If you'd like to exercise then just take an hour or so of your day to do it.

Question to /fit/izens, am I missing out on anything by not having a bench and simply doing my bench presses on the floor?

Kindly post hot fit women

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c23876  No.16884074

File: c9d6ef351b0b064⋯.jpg (347.71 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, 228ce1a0b35f0d9a28f5747189….jpg)


>Kindly post hot fit women

Only fit video game girls are allowed in this thread, Satan.

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9e2132  No.16884464

File: 795c428533b9878⋯.jpg (288.97 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, nova_starcraft_ghost.jpg)


Man, that is total pleb shit. Here's what you do:

1. put stopwatch in trash

2. walk until you're ready to sprint

3. sprint up to maximum speed, but slow down to a walk before you get gassed

4. goto step 2

Also, prefer sprinting uphill and walking downhill to minimize joint impact. Trying to push your limits because an infographic and your noisy timekeeping device told you to is retarded. FUCK NUMBERS, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, DON'T BE A PUSSY.


Like the other anons said, the problem is diet. I managed to cut a few inches just by cutting wheat out of my diet and replacing it with food that isn't garbage.


>hold a wide squat for an entire minute or do 100 squats in succession.



Buttocks related.

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456c7a  No.16884519


DDR-likes are cool. I play Stepmania on a dance pad, it seems like pretty insane cardio. I used to run 10km a few times a week for half a year. Stepmania makes me sweat like a pig compared to plain old running. That game has difficulties ranging from level 1 to 19. I mostly pay level 14 songs right now and they're brutal, but I don't use a bar for balance.

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e3d01b  No.16884528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A bench isn't required but is good to have to develop your strength in all aspects of the lift. By doing floor bench presses, you minimise the risk of impacting your shoulders (never get a chance to get them into extension). However, the floor bench concentrates mostly on the middle-upper portion of the lift ie the less difficult part. Still a great way to develop your technique.

If you're using a barbell for the floor bench, there's no risk of pinning yourself under the bar should you use too much weight (provided you're using Olympic size plates). Failing that, dumbbells are a good substitute, since if the weight gets too heavy you can just drop them to your sides.

Final note, any anons doing your facepulls? Do facepulls every day, no excuses. Trust me on this one.

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fd3b82  No.16885197


Just did a few of these facepulls sitting at my desk without any weights and my back feels a million times better. Thanks, random /fit/poster

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b8d971  No.16885203


Huh. Seems like a neat exercise.

What about his home workout?



Thank ye kindly.

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53a7ba  No.16885244

I don't have any fancy motion control games but I have always had a habit of doing pushups during loading screens if I'm in a place where I can do so.

Also I recently acquired a 15 lb barbell to help me maintain form while squatting. Is it normal for knees to hurt while doing this? Something tells me no but it feels like I'm following advised form

(Feet shoulder length apart pointed out, lowering self until thighs are in line with knees and make sure knees don't now left or right while keeping them behind the toes at all times while raising using thighs and clenched ass with weight focused on heels)

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71d685  No.16885270


I’ve had pain from doing squat thrusts too quickly but never from just squats. Either the form is wrong or your joints might be damaged, but from that description I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your form

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53a7ba  No.16885271


I can't imagine my knees are shot at my age. I haven't hurt them in any fashion other than a bout of Lyme.

I mean I am fat, no two ways about it. Maybe it's like running and cut weight before doing something like that?

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e4d5a0  No.16885273

>Corona-chan hits

>Have to go from 90kg Deadlifts (after having struggled through 50, 60, 70, … due to being a Skeleton) to 24kg dual kettlebell deadlifts for 20 reps at a time

>My pullups become my heaviest lifts

>Except I have to switch to commando pullups from a tree branch

Corona-chan is trying hard to be a gains goblin.

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34ba48  No.16885372

File: 930dde26333a5c5⋯.webm (2.15 MB, 854x480, 427:240, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….webm)


This shit right here is why I want Corona-chan to end

>join gym 3 weeks ago after job allows me to have more free time off

>start notice some slight gains, arms and shoulders are sore for the first time in years from a workout

>corona-chan becomes national emergency, all gyms closed

>stuck with dumbbells and calisthenics at home, have very little discipline to workout because surrounded by distractions and food

>can already feel atrophy setting in

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b8d971  No.16885374

File: 00b5736660094e8⋯.jpeg (29.38 KB, 735x390, 49:26, Mirin.jpeg)


Get fit so after Corona leaves you get out of the house and the people whom you are acquainted with start complimenting your big, hard, shapely muscles~~~.

Seriously just do it. Calisthenics won't give you gains on par with iron but it's still nothing to scoff at and it's like an hour tops a day.

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9e2132  No.16885376

File: dd09496618824ba⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 425x640, 85:128, cooldude.jpg)

>ctrl+f vr

>ctrl+f virtual

What has been/should be done with VR to make fitness games? I saw a stream of some dude blind-firing around around corners and leaning to dodge bullets, throwing rocks and stuff, so the potential seems pretty huge.

I would think at a minimum you could implement boxing/MMA training of some kind, or a Kendo simulator that transitions from "learn the basic forms in your standard JRPG hometown's adventurer school" to "now we're just playing Chrono Trigger in first person mode."


> Maybe it's like running and cut weight before doing something like that?

I'd say work on your fundamentals. I guess you can do unweighted squats, but if you can't you do a set of 35, or 100 in under 20 minutes, working on that first might get you sorted. Checking your form with a smartphone camera is also wise.

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c9883e  No.16885403

File: 77d2b381dc72e64⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB, 240x180, 4:3, How_To_Do_The_Asian_Squat_….mp4)


Make sure your weight is evenly distributed across your entire foot, not concentrated on the balls/toes. Squat straight down like video related, not hunched forward.

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aefcfc  No.16886915

File: fa7dcef71b0aabd⋯.jpg (89.29 KB, 515x707, 515:707, 20200313.jpg)

File: 8e0ff130e2160da⋯.webm (915.63 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1576888857637.webm)

Muscle chocolate is best


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03c205  No.16886949

File: c0f664bd1b4008b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 424.86 KB, 850x1242, 425:621, f8fc7b2a694d630821c43bdaaa….jpg)


A man of taste

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354a61  No.16886952


>soundless webm

You have to go back

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67194d  No.16886971


>2 minutes of this should be easy

>get out a towl

>put weight in

>mfw I need a break after 20 pull-ups of the towl

This was more intense then I thought it would be, maybe I shouldn't do the arm extend for now

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45fc84  No.16887021


>3D nigger

>3d nigger that looks like a man with tits

Fuck off.

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c72ffc  No.16887074


leg exercises burn more fat for the effort than upper body

do sets of lunges, abductions, and squats. Not too much at first, wouldn't want you to have a heart attack along the way. Maybe 3 sets of 10 each per day to start

also do upper body, of course, but go for low numbers until you lose some of that weight. 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups per day should be a good start

if you burn out in the middle of a routine, that's fine. There are times to stop. But do it again the next day anyway. Don't fall into complacency

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81155a  No.16887141

File: d14fedf21b06006⋯.jpg (269.38 KB, 1062x1600, 531:800, ManualResistance_Training.jpg)

If you do not have weights and can find a partner then manual resistance training is a good choice. The strength difference won't matter since the leverage of the person. Resistance bands are also an option if a partner is not available.

For those just starting don't worry about maximizing calorie burn if you are trying to just get healthy. Gotta crawl before you can walk. Just prove you can go on a 10 minute walk a day if nothing else. Do not skip a day, rain or shine go on that walk. Get that schedule and discipline down first (takes 60 days or so to set a new habit). It will be much easier to work out and less likely to quit once the aching starts if there is a habit already in place.

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aa2c62  No.16887259


His home workout (and by extension Perfect Workout series) is nothing to scoff at. Jeff is legit as they come with helpful advice to newbie gainers and first timers. Definitely recommend following his advice or if you have the cash, get one of his programs. It'll help you way more than you think by giving you structure. Follow it daily, make it part of your routine and you'll get gains in no time.

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52a569  No.16887284


This is true, as you posted here >>16882449 getting fit is literally a meme, the best way to lose weight is to fast.

If I were you I would try to work up the mental fortitude to start starving myself, just use water to keep your stomach feeling full if you have to.

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4f08eb  No.16887296


>start starving myself

top advice, you can also go ahead and kill yourself to lose weight even faster

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03b695  No.16887303

File: cd7aea834de95bb⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1392114553746.jpg)


>Queen of hearts on vagina bones

Umm what?

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a52390  No.16887306

File: bcc3d7b8bb63f85⋯.jpeg (374.94 KB, 1280x1026, 640:513, 96520469_2ED0_4463_92BB_4….jpeg)


>Implying some of us haven’t

>impying video games are good for exercise

It’s best to not mix the two together. They should be a separate activity of each other to maximise enjoyment. Maybe have the vidya OST or character as a drive for workouts, but nothing more.

Being a NEET with a disciplined schedule is a blessing in this trying times. By the way, the hardest part of exercising is to turn it into a habit. It took me a year or so to change my mindset that i HAVE to do my routine workouts every week. Once you’ve made it into a habit though, the only thing that matters is to push yourself harder. So yeah, always remind yourself that you’re doing this for yourself, to be a better version of (You). To do that you MUST force yourself through a workout, even when you might not want to do it and trust me, it’ll make you feel better if you did.

That being said, i think my biggest problem is my masturbation session. Being at home 24/7 made me want to bust a nut every day. I used to be able to limit it to three a nuts a week but now, i can only edge myself everyday just to keep it under 4 times a week. Is this a bad habit? And does this have a profound effect on my test?


Also just pointing this out for anons, don’t do some of these workouts unless you have a simple set up. You DO NOT want to do a crunch or a sit-up on a hard floor, so use some flat paddings or whatever they’re called if you have one. Same goes with handstands and other core exercises that’s not listed on this pic.

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52a569  No.16887314

File: ecf8645c345a0e1⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


t. fatty

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1d6c1f  No.16887540


>They should be a separate activity of each other to maximise enjoyment.

>implying exercise is enjoyable

It's a nuisance at best and miserable at worst. The whole point of mixing the two together is to maximize the enjoyment of exercise in the first place.

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63622f  No.16887564

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am not one of them, but there are some people who legitimately enjoy it.

Let Arnold explain the sensation.

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63622f  No.16887567


Also the sad truth is that people do not end up looking like Arnold with just hard work alone, pretty much everyone with muscle mass comparable to Arnold's is taking steroids. So when you see super buff dudes, keep in mind that they are unnatural and shouldn't be seen as a goal to aspire to. I am saying this because most people don't realize just how prevalent steroid use really is.

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ba042a  No.16887574

File: c55e881ee4f1d9f⋯.jpg (8.08 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images.jpg)


>Since we've been told to start adopting the NEET life

disgusting piece of shit you just become NEET now ? you are not a true neet faggot go back to reddit or i will rape you to a point where even your own parents will not recognize you

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c23876  No.16894685

So, how has everyone been doing with their exercise?

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f15a38  No.16895058


It's the opposite of a Queen of Spades tattoo. Instead of being a nigger cum dumpster, the Queen of Hearts tattoo indicates that she spreads her legs for white men exclusively, which still doesn't fix the problem that lead to BLACKED to begin with.

It's still god tier in 2D, except when they decide to break the law of "all 2D are white" and make the women only capable of birthing half-breeds. When it happens in real life, though, it'll be yet more proof that women are incapable of fixing the problem of hypergamy.

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1c16f7  No.16897381

>Pirate just dance for girlfriend

>Decide it might be fun to play with her

>tfw out of breath

Was not expecting this game to be this active.

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c23876  No.16914852

How are you /v/irgins keeping up with that workout routine?

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fdbb68  No.16914906

File: c21ed598de68a41⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, It_sAllSoTiresome.jpg)

File: 887e26aff7c20f8⋯.jpg (174.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ExtraWorlds.jpg)

File: 2b7579c3a9161b2⋯.jpg (191 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ThatGuy.jpg)


Just getting back into Ring Fit, finally working through the "New Game +" stuff.

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2c495f  No.16915017


Changed from a 30 day 40 minute long strength training set to a 30 day 20 minute cardio set and am now alternating between the two.


Not necessarily starving yourself, but definitely cut down on how much you eat. Replace the 10-12" dinner plates with some 6" entree plates. After about a week or two you'll get used to eating less. Also do what >>16883638 said and stop drinking/eating so much sugary shit, not just soda but also fruit juice, chocolate, etc.

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3f04e6  No.16915046

File: 3562c59d97f3d1a⋯.jpg (508.04 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, _makoto_nanaya_blazblue_dr….jpg)

File: 613adfb52d50dfc⋯.jpg (268.48 KB, 800x1140, 40:57, _makoto_street_fighter_str….jpg)

File: b52b7664f3603fa⋯.jpg (87.48 KB, 750x1190, 75:119, _niijima_makoto_persona_5_….jpg)

File: da60a830043870f⋯.jpg (148.06 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, _niijima_makoto_persona_an….jpg)


>You will never do daily workouts with a cute short-haired tomboy

Why is life so suffering?

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981d82  No.16915109


Currently on week 8 of exercising. Started at 212lb and am at 183lb which is nice. Each week has been improving on the last. Currently just watching fitness blender hiit videos combined with some lifting. Would really like to be more active throughout the day but I find myself usually not having the motivation or energy nearing the end of the day. I'll figure out something but either way, very happy with the progress so far.

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b8305a  No.16915522


Squatted 60kg yesterday. My asscheeks are in monumental pain but when I sat down today I had to double check that my seat wasn't cushioned

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5a4466  No.16915539


>I’ll figure out something

Self-improvement is a self-perpetuating system, barring truly extenuating circumstances. Eventually you’ll just naturally feel the need TO do something, and you’ll be antsy unless you do. You’ll wonder why you were ever unmotivated in the first place.

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5a4466  No.16915542


>I have always had a habit of doing pushups during loading screens if I'm in a place where I can do so.

Well shit, the advent of SSDs must have destroyed your health. Just play Bannerlord. That’ll cause acute muscle failure from overwork.

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70f749  No.16915592


Get used to home workouts anon.

Assuming it ever goes away, gyms are the absolute last kind of business that will reopen:

>cramping due to the maximization of machines per square meter makes distancing impossible

>shared sweaty seats and dumbells/barbells

>common locker rooms and showers

>everyone who gives a fuck about fitness has already set up a home gym

>all of the above means gyms will have to limit access and thus raise fees to prohibitive levels just to stay afloat

>which will result in most closing, leaving only the shitty megacorp Planet McFitshit "health clubs" any self-respecting anon would only go to raise the lunk alarm on purpose

On the plus side, you can look forward for cheap gym equipment flooding the secondhand market for the man-cave


Very ingenious, adding this to my kit, thanks anon.

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aa7b86  No.16915921


The old-school Taoist practice of Bigu.

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fdbb68  No.16915998

File: 8fabf62fc4219ca⋯.jpg (181.67 KB, 650x650, 1:1, QueenGondolaTheSecond.jpg)


Something simple:

Go to the store, buy a jar of cinnamon powder, and start your day by eating ONE spoonful of the stuff (mixed with food, or with a glass of water).

Cinnamon lowers your body's resistance to its own insulin, which will cause two things to happen:

>More efficient movement of energy through your bloodstream

>Prioritizing your fat deposits as something to burn for energy

The stuff is cheap and (usually) has a weak taste, so as long as you remember to eat it, you can get visible weight-loss just from exercising.

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