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Vidya Gaems
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(the Stop button will be clickable 5 seconds after you press Record)

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[ /agdg/ | Mecha | Comics and Cartoons | Anime | Hentai Games | Contact ]

File: cd6ba666d4f9b05⋯.png (79.4 KB, 644x768, 161:192, quick_reply.png)

File: 156a734397d4777⋯.png (193.55 KB, 1116x1168, 279:292, post_box.png)

c37f06  No.16886647[Last 50 Posts]

We are getting some feature creep in the normal posting form and quick reply form. I would like to give it a bit of a visual redesign, but am not the greatest at design so I figured I would ask the /v/ community if you could help out.

If you get some time, could you help figure out a good way to reorganize the post form and quick reply boxes so we can have a more comfy posting UI?

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15a244  No.16886651

File: 84ca25c79fd516a⋯.png (14.55 KB, 818x259, 818:259, No_Options.png)

Will the /cyber/punk theme be updated to go with the new posting form, or will the existing problems such as no options boxes get worse?

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e3d509  No.16886652

File: 060fb2a20b02e4f⋯.png (11.57 KB, 546x341, 546:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 737517671a7cd37⋯.png (11.82 KB, 893x391, 893:391, ClipboardImage.png)

Just thought that you would like to know that this is what both message boxes look like in the 2channel theme.

As far as some suggestions I can give already, I'd say remove the "Do not bump" option as it's pretty much redundant.

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2cf3a6  No.16886657

I did not know there was a voice recording applet. Why do we need it?

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482b3a  No.16886658


Since your here what the fuck is going on?

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484123  No.16886664


make sure to keep mic open at all times

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000000  No.16886666

Fix Tor noJS posting already.


The post options shouldn't need javascript to access them. Change that to to some html button/toggle so nojs users don't have to use style editors or inspect element to access them. Js users won't be affected on whether the button requires javascript or not, but nojs users would gain a huge convenience. Post form references




>Lynxchan and the XanderLynx frontend




>Another fork of Vichan, kissu



>Another Vichan forl, NPFchan



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74052d  No.16886667


Honestly, I would prefer for you to continue with board migration, than on bunch of tertiary stuff.

Especially with few ones, I personally would never use.


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c37f06  No.16886668


>Why do we need it?

Its something I made circa 2012 for a now-defunct voice posting forum. At the time, web browsers couldnt handle voice posting well, so it was really just a browser hack to get working back then. Now with modern browsers it was easy to re-implement, so just brought the feature forward. I guess we dont really need it, but its a handy option for people who want to participate but cant necessarily type easily.

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2b5734  No.16886669

Make oekaki, voice recorder actual buttons and put them next to each other


So you can say


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c37f06  No.16886670


What is preventing you from making a post without js on tor? It should have some kind of "copy and paste this thing there to post" system.

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272380  No.16886673

feature creep is a good description of shoving a fuckload of new shit in without fixing the servers

stop trying to fix what isn't broken

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5bbb45  No.16886674


Again, why do we need it? Someone who can't fucking type, but posts here, already has the ability use something like Dragon Naturally Speaking or uploading mp3s

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000000  No.16886680


It won't send the cookie from the pre-captcha with javascript disabled. You need to manually edit the post form to include another textfield named "tor" and include the value from the captcha cookie there to get Tor noJS posting to work.

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be6932  No.16886681

Put flag selector by email

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c37f06  No.16886683


Ok ill try and fix that. Thanks for the bug report.

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53da30  No.16886685


Same here. Odin, site functionality, board migration, board approval, then superflous features and site cosmetics. Priorities need to be straightened out.


For testing anons. If they can't scream NIGGER at the top of their lungs and post it, they will be banned. :^)

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749bbd  No.16886689

File: 082a81dea5708e6⋯.png (78.77 KB, 948x592, 237:148, 8chan_box.png)

File: ebc77263a7a62f3⋯.png (54.91 KB, 753x581, 753:581, 8chan_box_clean.png)

My personal redesign. Tell me what you all think.

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6bf2ea  No.16886693


>Make oekaki, voice recorder actual buttons and put them next to each other

Cool idea.

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2ed4e8  No.16886695

File: e6288cda2dc3ee6⋯.jpg (71.8 KB, 815x1024, 815:1024, ETdJ8fuUMAApSLU.jpg)

Its been 4 months Ron.

What happened to the old boards that never got backed up?

Why did only boards like /v/ here get allowed to be revived and not some of the other favorites of anons back then?

We lost so many anons because of that shit.

This website is just a shell of its former self now.

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53da30  No.16886697


Won't there be an issue for flags with long filenames?

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be6932  No.16886698

File: cd051e819a7f55f⋯.png (389.54 KB, 600x788, 150:197, 35f345139d9faf5545378a9a21….png)


>We lost so many anons because of that shit.

>Because boards people could remake weren't put back up

>not because of months long ddos and the cdn dropping us and THREE domain changes

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871e15  No.16886700


this tbh

For the JS-free toggle, literally all there is to do is make the existing [▶ Show post options & limits] link toggle the display:none CSS of the the reply box. Even a shitty :target hack would be better than the nothing that we have right now.

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c37f06  No.16886701


Odin is done, Mark is testing it still.

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3f347d  No.16886704


> am not the greatest at design

Or coding, or hosting, or lying.

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3f347d  No.16886705


>the DDoS was totally real, goyim

>believe me

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53da30  No.16886706


I'd like an official statement too, but I can only infer this. Odin must be the solution to deplatforming, and as such its completion is top priority above further migration and board approval. If the site is deplatformed again, then migration starts all over again and the new boards included. That said, seeing Ron work on superfluous features like susucoin post archival, a voice recorder applet, and now cosmetic redesigns as opposed to fixing site issues like a chunk anons (myself included) having problems with captcha loading/checks and the media server, or furthering migration, or approving new boards, is not exactly giving me faith that he has his priorities straight, or priorities at all.


Then there are still a variety of other things that should supercede site redesign.

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749bbd  No.16886709


You meant to reply to me, I assume?

The names get cut off. You hover over them to see the full name.

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be6932  No.16886711

File: 119bf564f40929f⋯.png (10.61 KB, 847x465, 847:465, 8f629a04d9c436f66507d807d2….png)


>News media blowing up that 8chan was a terrorist hive since that sperglord shot up a mosque

>Cloudflare loudly and publicly rips out their protection as a cdn

>A DDoS didn't happen

Dude even without that we have logs of the human nugget saying he was blowing is buttcoin on it in blatantly obvious coded language.

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c37f06  No.16886712


>seeing Ron work on superfluous features like susucoin post archival, a voice recorder applet, and now cosmetic redesigns as opposed to fixing site issues like a chunk anons (myself included) having problems with captcha loading/checks and the media server, or furthering migration, or approving new boards, is not exactly giving me faith that he has his priorities straight, or priorities at all.

Im not the only programmer on the project. There are a few people working on different things in parallel.

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53da30  No.16886715


It was both. Having board migration suddenly slow to a halt and new board approval similarly almost practically stop, and for months, is not helping the site get back on its feet. On top of that was a long silence about the whole situation of board approval and migration that led many to suspect negligence, incompetence, malicious intent, or any combination of the three.


Good to know. Things seem brighter now. Though I do doubt you when you say Odin is done. You said it would launch within a week over a month ago, and you say now that Mark is still testing things, so I can't honestly say I feel any confidence that the project is actually nearing it's launch.

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e48eab  No.16886717

File: 6c27ab6d8ed1a46⋯.jpg (704.7 KB, 2891x4096, 2891:4096, f8ba8288145fcd32e32d875f9c….jpg)


Not to mention the sites revival got zero announcement or fanfare so only a fraction of anons returned

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2b5734  No.16886720

File: 51cf3051cc2acb8⋯.png (150.25 KB, 1116x1168, 279:292, design.png)


something like this, but better looking.

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e48eab  No.16886726


Man that was a bunch of bullshit. The guy live streamed on facebook and the zuck didn't get shit from the media. Meanwhile all 8chan did was refuse to remove videos of the shooting and suddenly we're the 4th reich

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be6932  No.16886727

File: b91183b18bab1eb⋯.jpg (106.63 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5867448567.jpg)


It's not like the flagrant ignoring of tech megacorps is a well known thing amongst the media who rely on their incompetence to save traditional media.

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e48eab  No.16886729


Doesn't make me any less upset. It just makes me more angry that people bought into it when this is the world's biggest open secret

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3e9fe4  No.16886734


Get rid of the "do not bump" thing, it is redundant.

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6f8c89  No.16886741


Get rid of the fucking post disclaimer, if anything.

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e3d509  No.16886743


Get out of here, newfag!

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e48eab  No.16886745


Yeah, you can just have that disclaimer on a FAQ page, doesn't need to be on every post

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e66aed  No.16886746



Nobody tell these guys that you can turn the disclaimer off in two clicks.

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53da30  No.16886747


It's a PR thing, not that it helps with this site's reputation. You can hide it easily.

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e3d509  No.16886748


Perhaps they're one of those idiots who think that private browsing or incognito mode hides your IP.

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3198d5  No.16886751

File: 77684d1ec73b4f4⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 232x197, 232:197, 77684d1ec73b4f4bbc4c6ff24d….jpg)


Isn't that basically the entire problem, though? The majority of people are easily manipulated. "Democracy" basically means "rule by media".

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be6932  No.16886752


Strictly if we're working in the incredibly narrow perspective of a "pure democracy"

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1f543e  No.16886753


It's literally on the bottom of every page.



No shit, being able to hide it with JS doesn't make it a good feature. No imageboard ever had this pathetic submissive PR statement on every post.


The only use I can imagine for it is fucking with braindead journos, those who screencap posts and are too dumb to turn it off or edit it out.

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e66aed  No.16886757


>The only use I can imagine for it is fucking with braindead journos, those who screencap posts and are too dumb to turn it off or edit it out

I assume that is precisely why it's there. Remember that FBI-chan actually printed out screencaps of their glownigger work as evidence.

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53da30  No.16886758


>those who screencap posts and are too dumb to turn it off or edit it out.

All are too dumb to turn it off. Most too dumb to edit it out. But most don't even get caps. They just make claims about the site.

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749bbd  No.16886767


Oh god I remember the glowies actually posting their samefagging

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e3d509  No.16886768

File: 78c30c096d10e56⋯.png (829.04 KB, 962x1200, 481:600, 1c27580adc2cdafb29e069d795….png)


>"Democracy" basically means "rule by media".

If WWII is evidence of anything, not really. Keep in mind that the media, for over two decades had been demonizing the Japanese and the Germans, and people didn't give a shit UNTIL FDR and his cabinet forced the hand of the Japanese government to have them attack Pearl Harbor.


>No imageboard ever had this pathetic submissive PR statement on every post.

No other imageboard has been investigated by the same alphabet agency twice, with the first report clearing the site of all charges, and the second showing that the same agency had to falsify data in order to show a "credible threat".

>The only use I can imagine for it is fucking with braindead journos, those who screencap posts and are too dumb to turn it off or edit it out.

That's EXACTLY the reason.

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537229  No.16886783

File: f05ce72b86e8658⋯.jpg (12.21 KB, 323x323, 1:1, Confused_black_guy_with_qu….jpg)


>FDR and his cabinet forced the hand of the Japanese government to have them attack Pearl Harbor.


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e3d509  No.16886789

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749bbd  No.16886791

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ceb0c1  No.16886792

File: 3e2dc52a6f66c3c⋯.png (382.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>but am not the greatest at design so I figured I would ask the /v/ community

I expect most people including myself here to have the artistic capabilities of a 4 year old. Anyways, if you are going to change the design, make it so that it mimics pic related to achieve peak gahnoo/loonix aesthetics.

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e67bf7  No.16886820

File: be093cd09134296⋯.jpg (137.56 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 0f3bdcfbf7fdc11cf9b0653f7f….jpg)

East solution:

>Make File, Embed, Oekaki, Vrecorder tabs underneath the text box. Default to File, of course

>Add individual spoiler functionality

>Consider removing the "Do Not Bump" button

>Remove the FAQ text and provide a guide to the post box in the actual FAQ

Since you can only have one type or the other, having all options on the same page visible at the same time is a mess.

Obviously, in case the user lacks JavaScript these tabs should either not require JavaScript or should fall back to the long-form classic style. All the JavaScript should do is provide tabs and layer them so that it's condensed for users with JavaScript.

And then when you're done with that, bring back /tech/, yell at Gahoole for what he's doing to /tv/ by moving it to a bunker, and bring back board creation and help finish the migration. Odin when? Why the name change and URL swap? We still have a lot of unanswered questions. You're focusing on a visual change when the site still isn't back to 100%. This shit is what Josh kept fucking up. Basic functionality and clear communication needs to come first.

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5228a8  No.16886824

File: d62dc57fc05ee6b⋯.png (13.92 KB, 655x393, 5:3, dwadasd.png)

Something like this as a start, maybe? The "do not bump" checkbox is kind of redundant with the little email dropdown for sage, anyway. Why are board approvals taking so long anyway? I've had one waiting since like December.

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98884e  No.16886834

File: 9957959d2f000b2⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 450x450, 1:1, kiss_principle.jpg)


First and foremost always keep this at the top of any ideas you (and anyone else in this thread) have no matter what it is.

If you get features/ideas that make it necessary to have a small novel for a post option list you need to figure out what is and isn't absolutely needed.

Imageboards have never been the prettiest things to look at because they're purely utilitarian, do not fret over them being a little bland and/or rough looking just make sure it works.

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478179  No.16886847

If you're already going to rework the porting dialog, could you add per-file spoilering as well?

Mods can already spoiler individual files, so it shouldn't involve any backend work.

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f97ca6  No.16886878

I want

>to be able to upload mp3s in addition to mp4/webm

>an option for the flags to reset after posting so they're not still there when I come back a week later

>the captcha button to not be below the bottom of the screen so I can actually click it

>the rest of the fucking boards to be migrated

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639f6d  No.16886890



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a9096f  No.16886896

File: 6626f4b635e84ee⋯.png (15.72 KB, 554x67, 554:67, assass_creed_lore.png)

recent changes to the source code public when

opus / ogg / mp3 / any audio support, subtitles if possible

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26cedd  No.16886940

File: 3b655e8c59f384a⋯.gif (580.01 KB, 355x318, 355:318, 3b655e8c59f384a950b6f91884….gif)

make it so it are not of it is suck but best :)

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46c325  No.16886941

>actually improving the frontend

What bizzarro world have we entered now?

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a9cbea  No.16886951


I've always liked them as they are, I remember some braindead person I met irl once saying they didn't post on imageboards because the the posting forms were too complicated



there should be a /voice/ board where you can only voice post, please Ron make this a possibility

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a9cbea  No.16886958


I don't really care about the dropped boards, not much of value was lost, if people want to make new boards they can, as we've seen with /pnd/. The reason /v/ got revived is that Mark is literally paid staff of 8kun so he has special connections.


there's also the issue of there never being any proof it was him that posted that essay on /pol/

hell, I still don't know for sure whether that essay was even written by him

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46c325  No.16886969


>not much of value was lost

>just make new boards

>see /pnd/ and /v/ were fine

See the problem with fast boards chiming on the topic of deleted boards, is that it takes only several days or weeks for all the the threads to get replaced in a big board. When a small board is deleted, you lose potentially years worth of accumulated content.

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faad77  No.16886989


Fuck your years worth of accumulated content, you stopped jim from datamining you and didn't give him money for ugly merch so you're worthless, maybe if you were more like the Qboomers jim would care about what you want.

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be6932  No.16886993


If you're exclusively relying on an image board for archival, you might have your priorities wrong, shit I think even the fuckin undertale boards made proper archives of their threads from time to time

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139a71  No.16887004

I am sure updating the post form is the most pressing issue here. Good luck and God bless.

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46c325  No.16887009


>lol you can't expect the website not to randomly delete all your shit

Imagine if any commercial business said this.

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be6932  No.16887032


Nigger I'm not saying if any website would randomly delete your shit I'm saying if an image board which is literally known for being temporary is your form of archival you're going to get fucked.

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9dad16  No.16887035

File: d151e2f6d566b06⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 4968x2600, 621:325, ww2_japan.jpg)

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46c325  No.16887036


Imageboards are meant to be temporary in the sense that old threads get replaced with new ones as they come in, not in the sense that content randomly disappears out of nowhere leaving behind an empty wasteland of nothingness.

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4dda2b  No.16887037


They refused trading with a warmongering nation and then it declared war on them. Totally the USA’s fault.

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9dad16  No.16887044


They didn't refuse trading (and free gibs) with another warmongering nation (USSR). :^)

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6fa1a8  No.16887055

File: 76a16e31b036772⋯.png (39.58 KB, 954x578, 477:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad80f5bf497ecee⋯.png (39.67 KB, 825x884, 825:884, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8319f02aaf1739⋯.png (30.57 KB, 823x698, 823:698, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a70a4bd2c88424e⋯.png (39.68 KB, 825x884, 825:884, ClipboardImage.png)

Check box options should be next to each other, and Drop down menus should be close as well.

Post button should be at the bottom as its the last thing you are going to be doing when making a new thread, and putting it near other clickable could result in accidental thread creation.

Quick reply should follow suit. Will make a mock up after this post.

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6fa1a8  No.16887057

File: d55f9484b4be2f4⋯.png (39.87 KB, 790x848, 395:424, ClipboardImage.png)


Or it could remain in the same place I guess.

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6fa1a8  No.16887065

File: 3c57517be20e16c⋯.png (23.72 KB, 509x733, 509:733, ClipboardImage.png)

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00e30b  No.16887075


It's not done, still needs more optimization.

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1ec7cb  No.16887076

What is the Archive option box even for? Seems silly to archive threads with only maybe 10-15% of their posts.

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000000  No.16887077


Replying here because you still haven't migrated the fucking meta board. The JSON API had a hiccup yesterday where new threads didn't get entries and old threads didn't get updated with new posts.

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85333d  No.16887085


How about removing the annoying line at the end of every OP that is there even when the disclaimer is disabled?

This one




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98ce51  No.16887090

Could there be an optional preview button before making the actual post?

And a bit off topic, but will board page creation ever get unfucked?

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4c669f  No.16887095


we literally have proof from wheelchair kike's irc channel you headass

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478179  No.16887108


Archive option archives the textual contents of your post into the susucoin I think blockchain.

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c80ce8  No.16887126

When will the site stop being so slow?

When will the catalog finally acknowledge and show the recent activity instead of an older version?


That's because they have power over Faceberg, not 8ch.


>I don't really care about the dropped boards, not much of value was lost

I miss /cutebois/ and /sw/. There was some content that was uploaded on /sw/ that I can't find anywhere, so it pisses me off that the board will never come back.

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53da30  No.16887136

File: f313ec1884eda0a⋯.png (46.49 KB, 1435x1008, 205:144, Do_you_know.png)


>if people want to make new boards they can, as we've seen with /pnd/.

No, they can't. Board approval has slowed to a near halt, just like migration. Someone tried repeatedly to make /lolicons/ ages ago as a permanent or temporary replacement for /loli/, /delicious/, and the lesser known /lolicon/. Since this has failed, most users of those boards went to julay alternative /delicious/. A board run by a likely furfag going by SuperiorDragon on a powertrip. He once removed the previous BO from his moderator position, shortly after the previous BO gave him the board, for something that is arguably not even a mistake. He threatened to ban fucking Unteralterbach, if anyone so much as mentioned the fact the characters are parodies of real people because it's "discussion of pedophilia", even if you're talking about the parody of the adult politicians. I just want a /loli/ board not run by a retard. And posts to go through regularly. And the media server to not be fucked. And post deletion to function.

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4c669f  No.16887138


if I recall cuteboys got migrated but the board owner nuked it for no reason. Speaking of which, are they ever going to make right with /rand21/?

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53da30  No.16887144


>are they ever going to make right with /rand21/?

Check the meta thread. Mark addresses this. I think there was a misunderstanding, and I blame ChrisHansen.

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3e9fe4  No.16887155


>I just want a /loli/ board not run by a retard.

Better hope tewi isn't going to try and grab it again then.

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4c669f  No.16887158


I'm so glad we don't see rabbit rabbit threads on the catalog anymore fuck that nigger

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5bbb45  No.16887166



Oh i kinda liked those. What was wrong with him? I guess seeing the threads was the extent of my interaction

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3e9fe4  No.16887169


He took over the /loli/ board on 8chan and instantly banned all western art, which led to a new board forming for loli and /loli/ dying.

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f6e473  No.16887192


Yeah, I would love it if we can selectively spoil individual images in a multi-image upload.

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6c8fa0  No.16887197


Go to claims and tell Ron to bring back /l/.

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506b55  No.16887215


>/tech/ still gone

>/sw/ moved to some shitty imageboard

can I get a F for 8chan?

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80396e  No.16887241

File: 680632843250559⋯.png (69.25 KB, 403x453, 403:453, ClipboardImage.png)


For the love of it all Ron, please add the feature to selectivley spoiler individual images on a multi-image post.

Image related as an example.

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6c8fa0  No.16887248

File: e164f19db5872d2⋯.jpg (255.53 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, The_title_of_big_mom_35fe4….jpg)



I'm for these ideas.

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6c8fa0  No.16887250


>/tech/ still gone

Don't we have /g/ now?

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d2fc4e  No.16887252



I want this for the exact reason described but I also don't want it so I can continue to laugh at retarded newfags that can't into redtext or spoilers


>upload depreciated mp3 not superior opus/ogg

embrace the future old man

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32e92a  No.16887256

File: 1347869bde2b5e0⋯.jpg (149.68 KB, 749x749, 1:1, Satanism_is_empowering_the….jpg)


Press "F" for 506b55's penis.

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a9cbea  No.16887263

File: 1a9b0748f66da3c⋯.png (779.52 KB, 833x960, 833:960, ClipboardImage.png)


the rabbit is right

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8df93c  No.16887300

Is board creation fixed yet?

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df3fbd  No.16887327


>Voice Recorder App

You should probably kill yourself, since when was that shit there? I bet it's been there forever and only now I've noticed.

Put the Oekaki app if you want to put something, we already have enough data about us to mine, we don't need our voice being recorded too.

If you need to change something, the captcha box is fucking huge, make it smaller, it escapes my window (because I am fucking blind and use 8chan with a huge ass zoom)

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8595c2  No.16887334

File: 80db823a929af08⋯.webm (312.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, The_gaming_community.webm)


>the /v/ community


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6c8fa0  No.16887347



Oekaki App is essential part of board culture and should be improved upon.

Recorder applet is awaste of time. There shouldn't be a voice recorder and I don't think many anons want one. Oekaki on the other hand needs to be improved.

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0a4a94  No.16887351


What's wrong with the design the way it is? Always liked it much more than on other imageboard software like Lynxchan.

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8595c2  No.16887359





I'm in for the individual spoilers and multi-embeds.

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4c2e5f  No.16887362

File: 9ad078d86aa343c⋯.png (302.19 KB, 610x357, 610:357, ClipboardImage.png)


Honestly I never heard of any anon say they want a "voice recorder" and I'm sure it won't ever be used because anons belive that anonimity should extend to their voices. I can see the voice recorder being used if it came with a voice changer. So it's as you say that it is a waste of time and it feels like Ron just wants to add useless bloat features.

Anons were asking for QOL features for a long while now like the ability to spoil individual images when posting multiple images in a single post because the only options is to either spoile all or none.

Also I don't know what you mean by improving the oekaku applet.



That would be nice. 5 embeds per post?

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8595c2  No.16887366

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53da30  No.16887367


What about spoilering embeds and allowing anons to hide them like regular files?

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8595c2  No.16887370

File: d6ac7106068022b⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 193x199, 193:199, orton.gif)


I like the sound of that.

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6c8fa0  No.16887377

File: 7d5cb1b636a8cf8⋯.png (2.7 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)




Honestly better quality of life ideas than the voice recorder.

>Also I don't know what you mean by improving the oekaku applet.

The ability to export, layers, more drawing tools, opacity, zoom. The Oekaki applet needs to be improved upon.

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2ed4e8  No.16887438


I didn't get it at first because I just glanced over it but now that I got a good look at this I find it to be outstanding.

I have no faith in ron adding it since he consistently fucks up on so many other promises.


I seen certain posts with specific images spoiled and I had no idea how the anons who posted them did that and I got no answers whenever I asked.

But I'm all for that feature, I been wanting it for a while too.

I assume mark was the one who spoiled the pictures.

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00e30b  No.16887445




>spoil individual images

I recall asking for it a long time ago, it was said to be a technical issue. I'll bring it up again.

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6c8fa0  No.16887458

File: 3b1f37af11c3ba1⋯.png (409.5 KB, 1203x287, 1203:287, ClipboardImage.png)


>I seen certain posts with specific images spoiled and I had no idea how the anons who posted them

That's because the vols or BO spoiled them. Anons can't select what images to spoil, but mods can because it's in their modding tools.

I know since I own a board. Even then moderation can only spoil an individual image retroactivley after it was posted and not during a post.


Thank you.

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29f944  No.16887466

I think the current system is fine mostly, but I really hate having to click on the arrow to spoiler images.

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6c8fa0  No.16887467


How about spoiling images check boxes in the file drop box?

Like >>16886689

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29f944  No.16887484


That would be much preferable. Also looks like you could spoiler individual images which is cool but not as important.

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1fe0f7  No.16887514


chodemonkey just wishes this is a technical problem because those are the only things he knows how to solve, neither him nor jim have the slightest idea what to do to maintain a successful imageboard and thats why this one has been going down the shitter for years.

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749bbd  No.16887528


Hey Mark, what do you think of my re-design? People seem to like it.

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00e30b  No.16887573


I like it the best, I already sent it over to the team.

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fba56c  No.16887861

Support mp3.

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fba56c  No.16887862


This looks and sounds pretty good.

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53da30  No.16887952

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75ba33  No.16887961

Add a fart/poop noises button pl0x

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ad2c1f  No.16888232

Ron, please bring back /b2/. Pretty please? If not, can you sell me the 8ch.net domain and the old database? I'll pay good money.

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737f30  No.16888238

>asking for help from the community you've killed

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bf5629  No.16888241


Bring up /b2/.

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53da30  No.16900441

As this thread is on page 13 and unlikely to be bumped, here is an archive, for autistic purposes. http://archive.is/kLwLa

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