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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1dd755 No.14295466

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): https://archive.fo/Oh2IW

>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


3ebffa No.14295474

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)

TRY to be more tolerable.

1dd755 No.14295481

File: e9d26b7eac231eb⋯.webm (7.18 MB, 480x270, 16:9, D.K.Pop Rap.webm)

Archive of old bread:


1193b3 No.14295483

File: 49c64c0f9a9e267⋯.png (45.66 KB, 237x315, 79:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4efcb742238dc2c⋯.png (16.46 KB, 236x139, 236:139, SmugExhibAra1.png)


ba585f No.14295487

File: b55c60187514146⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, before posting online.mp4)

52c523 No.14295491

>tfw this thread barely does anything besides discuss things and link articles

where are the emails, the twitter hashtag raids, the fun times as we piss off everyone?

Feels like we're just living off the excess salt we generate rather than going after anything, fucking acid feels hq is so dead that he has to advertise it in the hungry games for christ's sake

just my opinion though

1193b3 No.14295495


>Literal dindu nuffin goin to church erryday

96d449 No.14295497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

ba585f No.14295498

We still doing that dig on ResetERA?

da695e No.14295501

File: b65521b7ea1da4a⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 169x233, 169:233, 1456576748527-0.jpg)


Is this image supposed to be a RWBY character or something?

c62655 No.14295504

File: ddd06a0a3d2ada8⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 1136x572, 284:143, lookingback.jpg)


I do it dry though. Spit just dries out and makes it worse and slightly more sticky.



7a4771 No.14295508


>the fun times as we piss off everyone

Our mere existence makes cucks at reeeeeesetera and sjws wake up at night to hate us, then they see us in their cereal in the morning. It's enough of a win for me, I'm not going back to Twitter.

c62655 No.14295509

File: 48e83db2fd394b4⋯.png (708.75 KB, 600x840, 5:7, 77c973ae8f0bef9ffa84b9f796….png)

1193b3 No.14295514


>filled with people who hate how video games are, but want to like video games, so they constantly have things to bitch and moan about.

So /v/? :^)

5d2eed No.14295516

File: 81d8e9255d68c3f⋯.mp4 (478.66 KB, 598x360, 299:180, YJJhya6FVZNhRkCh.mp4)

File: 9d2f6f25a42c952⋯.png (42.94 KB, 1497x231, 499:77, 354a4f4f1d09ac639c52039270….png)

The hivemind forum mentally of resetera that is the source of the issues that we currently face. Thanks to that we have marketingfag and insiders telling the higher ups that neofag/resetera are the true face of the market and that games should pander to them. Especially when they can show there bosses the 100+ pages of salt when ever a female character has a bit of cleavage, its no wonder that the western gaming industry is set out to make their female characters look ugly as sin.

On the top of a solution, the Metoo faggotry should have ended them but as long as they have their disagreement channels they can and will easily relocate. A possible solution maybe to target and expose the leakers, seeing how they are breaking ndas they would be fired immediately purging both the sjw cancer and neofag/resetera's shilling power. We should have coordinate better during their exodus and went after the leakers. Maybe we could talk to Tyler about neofags influence on the industry now he got excommunicated.

8391d4 No.14295521

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

ba585f No.14295524


Who are the mods are they the ex NeoFag mods if so then a shit load of dirt can be brought on them for the shit their former site did.

2d8600 No.14295526


>the Metoo faggotry should have ended them but as long as they have their disagreement channels they can and will easily relocate

Apparently the line they're now using to push the Metoo bullshit in the gaming industry is "anyone who actually fact-checks against the narrative is GamerGate."

334b5b No.14295528

File: ce4491a7ede969e⋯.jpg (76 KB, 592x561, 592:561, just like my Japanese hent….jpg)

daily reminder that 2D>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3D

ba585f No.14295531

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

7a4771 No.14295534

File: 07f544e52a9ec44⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 07f544e52a9ec448d436e3cbee….mp4)



Never again.

127173 No.14295542

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime

ba585f No.14295543


Are they really this fucking insane?


What really I mean really fucking bothers me the most is how they openly want the far left to be pushed into gaming.

134e1d No.14295546

File: 90270036447d0bd⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 250x141, 250:141, 1432578363874.gif)


>3 years of wizard training

>mfw growing stronger

96d449 No.14295559


They always start trying to extend their hand to see if they can grab more, and always fail at that no less.

a65a43 No.14295561

2d8600 No.14295566

File: 8654aa70d2b719a⋯.jpg (142.95 KB, 947x1200, 947:1200, Wu.jpg)


>Are they really this fucking insane?

They're using Batshit Wu as their vehicle for this, of course they're that fucking insane.

According to KiA, Wu's response to Brad Glasgow's rebuttal of actually asking female Atari employees about Bushnell was "WELL, YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY ASK THEM ABOUT IT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE THEIR RESPONSE ON RECORD!"

c62655 No.14295568

File: 799302fa389a3bb⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 736x627, 736:627, 799302fa389a3bb930b56dc8f3….gif)


>Cheats or has sex she regrets

>Tells her boyfriend it was rape

>Cheats again and has sex with the guy again without guilt

>These mental gymnastics to explain it

5d2eed No.14295571

File: 3d71fad7c0b2971⋯.png (13.82 KB, 393x838, 393:838, 9909faa75923a72bd623d97d73….png)


They should be ex neofag mods as they were behind the exodus, heres a list of the mods and admins although it might be a bit outdated as it was posted during the exodus.

83a994 No.14295578

File: e2112c1efd27cbe⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 376x498, 188:249, 487.jpg)

2d8600 No.14295583


I'm honestly conflicted. On one hand, I don't think that video game studios should be getting tax kickbacks from any form of government. On the other, I know these allegations against Quantic Dreams were made with the sole purpose of them losing funding.

134e1d No.14295584



96d449 No.14295594

>the latest batch of reddit rules that threaten to crack down on anything even remotely sexual involving fictional characters that appear to be under the age of 18.

Exodus toward another alternative soon.

1a82ed No.14295596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nujabes! Listen and relax anons. Everything will be OK and you will make it.

de3b29 No.14295604

File: 655ac4d1d63aa0c⋯.png (47.84 KB, 439x392, 439:392, anon playing vidya with do….png)


>reclaiming the control i've lost over my body

roastie with stockholm syndrome, I see

c62655 No.14295606


>not arurian dance

7a4771 No.14295608

File: 6552787a761d39c⋯.jpg (201.92 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Jonathan_Archer_(mirror)_i….jpg)


It's almost as if those cucks are becoming a victim of the environment they helped create by giving journos and sjws the time of day. I have no pity for any western dev caught by it.

ba585f No.14295613

File: 9b48e6e9652c1c3⋯.png (123.18 KB, 284x421, 284:421, you nigga.PNG)


> Brad Glasgow's rebuttal of actually asking female Atari employees about Bushnell was "WELL, YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY ASK THEM ABOUT IT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE THEIR RESPONSE ON RECORD!"

It's been years and I know I shouldn't be shocked anymore but fucking Christ how can you as a fucking adult act like this?


I remember during the raid thread on NeoFag/ResetERA one anon who I think was ex Neofag said the mods are like all the other sjws getting shit for being sexual deviants.

2d8600 No.14295619

File: 3267c5ace6227c7⋯.webm (767.56 KB, 854x480, 427:240, communist faggot.webm)


>just the implication of them having any form of lewd thought is enough to break the rules

You know, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if headpats break the new rules. Fuck, I didn't save the "you deserve headpat" image.

1a82ed No.14295626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trying to start shit over Nujabes.

No anon. I won't fight you. Nujabes is music for the soul. All of it is good. I love you.

2d8600 No.14295631

File: 7f93861aa0066d7⋯.png (553.91 KB, 680x453, 680:453, Amy's Baking Company.png)


>how can you as a fucking adult act like this?

A combination of unchecked narcissism and genuine mental illnesses, I suppose.

5d2eed No.14295632


I thought they banned loli along with coontown a couple of years ago?

a98198 No.14295637


>That second image


e6ec31 No.14295638


What a coincidence, it's my birthday and I was going to say that my wish was for anons to cut down on the trap/gay/ara/loli/blogposting that goes on in here. Even if the threads get slow they're better suited to other boards if it goes on for too long. I want to see more action considering what just happened between ResetEra and the Subnautica dev team. Although we may have our work cut out for us if they try to pull any shit with Vavra. His game's coming out in a week and I can already see people trying to make their moves. Besides that, there's not really much to look forward to in terms of GG happenings besides GDC, the midterm elections with Flynt, and it was such bullshit that the Honey Badgers were countersued.

Also, it's me that submits /gghq/ to the Attention Hungry Games, not Acid. The last Games were pretty thrilling with the board getting as close as it did, save for the monster vs furry arguments, preceding it. Even brought up the Google hiring antifa and Honey Badgers in them

244567 No.14295641


Doesn't this legitimize rape? If you rape someone, it means they will like you more than who they are dating. This must be the new narrative now that there are so many rapefugees in the UK.

ba585f No.14295649

File: 646a21eb57cf04f⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 399x398, 399:398, Subversive.jpg)


>Nujabes Flowers

Holy shit I didn't know you fags had good taste.


More and more Yuri is fucking right.

a98198 No.14295659


I fucking hate Nujabes for only one reason.

he can't make more music

1193b3 No.14295660


No idea what it's called. The game is short, untranslated, and made in RPGMaker, but I think it's by the same developer as The Kids at the Game Center.

ba585f No.14295663

File: 29c5c494a018832⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 604x397, 604:397, Feels, Old Fashioned.jpg)


Don't remind me

40be50 No.14295671

File: e4a14b0c8fac687⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Ruthless Aggression 11.jpg)

Good morning.

a65a43 No.14295686


>I thought they banned loli

Mark said mere months ago loli was ok, even the rules (idk if they were edited since i only read them years ago) specifically said it was OK. Only if threads where a porn dump then it the standard rule against dumps would be enforced.

Lately a mod has been deleting all loli though. I haven't bothered to look at the soyboy's name

ba585f No.14295698

File: c3af5217c8a2372⋯.png (145.87 KB, 321x321, 1:1, The_Shoah.png)


I just can't find any fucks to give and yes I know this effects more then the sjws getting hit by the beast they helped raise, but I just don't feel bad whatsoever.

28e544 No.14295711


Just like how she begged on patreon to actually employ a person to filter her twitter account, despite having no records of any person being employed.

Which is wire fraud, btw. I sure hope that doesn't hinder her political career.

40be50 No.14295715

File: 1151de5ec3d1d4b⋯.jpg (146.32 KB, 957x960, 319:320, White Guilt.jpg)

File: 8492c77bc5d5006⋯.jpg (226.26 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, White Guilt 2.jpg)

File: da086e73cde71c8⋯.jpg (74.99 KB, 940x533, 940:533, White Guilt 3.jpg)

So this is really a thing in the West nowadays, huh?

ba585f No.14295716

File: da4c2d580758647⋯.png (162.41 KB, 286x374, 13:17, She.png)

5d2eed No.14295717


I was talking about reddit as I remembered they banned a loli subreddit along with coontown. The lolifags relocated on voat if memory serves. Someone should look into that renegade mod though.

a65a43 No.14295732


Oh i thought you were using reddit as an adjective, since thats 9 times out of 10 the case

3b426a No.14295737


Never heard of it once outside of these pictures. So. I'm assuming, no.

2d8600 No.14295742


>despite having no records of any person being employed

And Scooby's own backers started calling >her out on the bullshit.


They've been trying to make it a thing for the past 20 years.

1193b3 No.14295745


This was false. It started as a hypothetical to make CNN look even worse, but is nothing but disinfo that SJWs can now point to to say those accusing CNN of blackmail don't have their facts straight.

ba585f No.14295755

I took at look at ResetERA and /v/ didn't go far enough in raiding it cause Jesus they make /leftypol/ seem logical.

1b99d6 No.14295784

File: 2a576662ff0a386⋯.png (473.16 KB, 800x450, 16:9, sxvpbocziibd5dohtzgy.png)


Let them, the more unhinged they are the better. Let journos quote them, cucked devs ask them for advice, in the end they just dig their hole deeper.

9f8e5b No.14295805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

83a994 No.14295809

File: d8f72b26c554c23⋯.jpg (114.36 KB, 488x600, 61:75, bronze_serpent_3.jpg)

File: 5ef0ab7becfa7be⋯.jpg (97.06 KB, 811x722, 811:722, moses-and-the-brass-serpen….jpg)


Whats with the Brazen Serpent?

e6ec31 No.14295818



Really ironic how this ended up.

Other things I wanted to mention: Are there any updates as to what Sad/Rabid Puppies are doing this year? I recall an effort being made out to InfoGalactic to record what we knew before the ggwiki was in the process of being restored. >>14295742

They chewed Flynt out initially for merely trying to talk to Wardell, didn't they? Then even CON and NeoGAF got sick of his shit. (Which also reminds me that RationalWiki are still disingenuous cunts but even they gave Ryulong the boot after getting banned from wikipedia) Maybe that would help to further discredit and blow his chances of winning in the election; what else could he do after that?


We still have some of our posters and at least one as a mod there after the initial raids, right? It was spectacular to see the board get so fired up that anyone thinking that we didn't "attack attack attack" enough would have been in for a field day.

601f76 No.14295834


It's Canadian culture for hipsters which makes it doubly worse since it's Canadian and there are hipsters involved.

ba585f No.14295876


After the Subnautica shit they need to get fucked before they become worse then NeoFag.

1193b3 No.14295892

40be50 No.14295916

File: 410739e81e870b5⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 490x360, 49:36, Truth Martini LOL.jpg)

>Listening to Tariq Nasheed's denial of black vs. black crimes and his fetish for black supremacy have me like

This is glorious! And oh, Asians are reserved white people of the white supremacist movement!

ba585f No.14295946


They are also talking about a real Wakanda.

996b73 No.14295969

File: a895631442d6c29⋯.jpg (272.17 KB, 449x449, 1:1, 1458003318512.jpg)


>Call bullshit

>Look it up

What the fuck.

de3b29 No.14295970


>black ethnostate

do they mean an existing african country

2d8600 No.14295986

File: 9ce4f5a224dd9f8⋯.png (42.84 KB, 219x348, 73:116, 1449203350143-0.png)


Oh, he finally nutted up and started defending his bullshit with actual words instead of snarky tweets?

de3b29 No.14296001

File: 2b8bcda1fe4c6f3⋯.gif (48.56 KB, 550x400, 11:8, dancevege.gif)


>"The reason white supremacist don't exterminate inferior races is because they couldn't be supremacists then. It wouldn't be fun for them."

what the fuck

ca38bf No.14296007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It still hurts anon.

2d8600 No.14296034

File: 48d7ad2935c3e61⋯.webm (1.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, laughing comedians.webm)


I can see now why Milo advocated so hard for them to have a platform to speak their piece uncensored. The moment they do, they give themselves enough rope to hang themselves.

ba585f No.14296046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I'm not sure what words I could use to say about this.

de3b29 No.14296056


tariq ramadan is so woke that he never ever sleeps

de3b29 No.14296073

File: 4f74a3024e94482⋯.jpg (2.41 KB, 127x123, 127:123, 1378345876295.jpg)


i fucked up the name. it's Tariq Nasheed

>"Black on black crime is a lie, it doesn't happen"

>"The black crime rate is high because blackness is a crime"

>"The crime rates in most African countries are non-existent"

>"So Asians are the reserve white people now"

>"Black people- we have the genetic capacity to annihilate the planet sexually"

a98198 No.14296091


I actually had a hunch it was that game

Actually already saw the CGs, thanks though

8c416b No.14296099

File: d83e614494752c8⋯.jpg (58.4 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Cosby.jpg)


>Black on Black crime is a lie.

>The black crime rate is high because blackness is a crime

>Black people- we have the genetic capacity to annihilate the planet sexually.

2d257b No.14296113


>>"The crime rates in most African countries are non-existent"

You know, I had never thought of that. When you don't have laws or law enforcement, it's true that there's no crime. Brilliant.

a9b40c No.14296126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


was gonna post that 'video blm don't want you to see' but it looks like youtube took down all original versions

ah wait, 'police tribute' versions seem to have survived

ba585f No.14296156

File: 86df4ffc7f6a89b⋯.jpg (860.95 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, tachi.jpg)



>"Black on black crime is a lie, it doesn't happen"

<LA and other major cites tell otherwise

>"The black crime rate is high because blackness is a crime"

<No it's because a large majority of blacks instead of being productive members of society chose to commit crimes

>"The crime rates in most African countries are non-existent"

<Because those places have no more laws because the government is nonexistent

>"So Asians are the reserve white people now"

<Actually wanting to be successful is white

>"Black people- we have the genetic capacity to annihilate the planet sexually"

<Making the gene pool brown only for it to become even white in two generations isn't something to boast about

All in all die in a fucking car fire!

f57840 No.14296162


Happy birthday anon

fa6825 No.14296207

File: 51522cbc1e66cd7⋯.png (307.75 KB, 661x603, 661:603, tomoko kill me.png)


>anime is now real

>but only the NTR doujins

7d9548 No.14296211

File: 88bf01e2e708b64⋯.gif (841.2 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 88bf01e2e708b64b5f7351f8c7….gif)



>sign has a .uk url on it

c62655 No.14296222

File: 21ec4bb3ef22965⋯.webm (11.94 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Caught in the crossfire.webm)


This one?

3385b1 No.14296227

File: 1904223e0df8d85⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 885x580, 177:116, openthegay.jpg)


Happy birthday faget :^)


Reminds me of Venezuela.

They had a massive amount of children dying of starvation, pretty big problem that made the country look really bad internationally.

Their solution, basically make it illegal to report starvation as a cause of death for children in hospitals, problem solved.

5d2eed No.14296244


I am just surprised at the amount of normalfags there, one would figure they would go to gamefaqs or something.

c62655 No.14296256



Oh wait. I didn't open it, it's the same vid.

40be50 No.14296261

File: 68ae7c19c57b5db⋯.jpg (62.26 KB, 600x456, 25:19, Happy Birdday!.jpg)


Happy birdday, anon!

Are you turning into a Wizard?!

ba585f No.14296264


I'm more surprised that no one is saying "wait they actively are saying games should be censored if they don't have a clear far left spin?" when they first get there, because even this libshit pal of mine thought this was insane.

134e1d No.14296284

File: 9357ecf84d9c18d⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 146x114, 73:57, 45684.jpg)


when are the burgers going to use better gun control?

dbeb85 No.14296287


Got source on that cat? Or a full image?

b16e33 No.14296289

File: f66decc2ca7018a⋯.png (42.71 KB, 615x370, 123:74, ClipboardImage.png)


Poor Liberia will soon be huwhiter than huwhite

f6e1f4 No.14296312

File: fdab8e1a4cdb981⋯.png (123.98 KB, 300x198, 50:33, sealion345.png)


I think the Sad Puppies have shifted focus now and are more about rebuilding/promoting new stuff - doing what they want with their own literature regardless what sjws think. Realistically, the SP mission was fulfilled - expose the political nonsense of the Hugos and gatekeeping of the genre. Well that succeeded in both 2015 + '16 - author Sarah Hoyt, currently heading the Sad Puppies has basically said 'Forget the Hugos - don't give them any more of your money.' She's right in that regard - take away the financial support. It's a shame that a once prestigious award has become a joke - but never mind, move on.

Vox Day and the Dread Ilk of the Rabid Puppies may still poke fun at the sjws when the award shows come around, but that would mainly be for lulz and cos sjws are so easily triggered. Day has a lot of projects going on - including a burgeoning comics offshoot - so again it's more 'build anew' rather than try and reclaim what was usurped by socjus.

a9f312 No.14296345


Sauce is in the picture

049516 No.14296355


When are those awards anyway?

deea8d No.14296356

File: 7c07022155c75f1⋯.png (94.41 KB, 623x668, 623:668, 1.png)

File: 977ab6aeb580a63⋯.png (51.69 KB, 596x412, 149:103, 2.png)

File: ca678e18dcf45e4⋯.png (193.89 KB, 554x734, 277:367, 3.png)


Brad Glasgow's article spawned some asshurt it seems. Him and Ana got into an argument that continues further down If you don't know, Spacedoctor was the person who made a series of videos of how Eron faced abuse from Zoe, and that Zoe was the real abuser. They've never been a big fan of GG itself though so they say a lot of retarded shit



If neogaf taught us anything, is that all it needs is internal conflict for it to all burn down. When (not if) a head moderator get's accused of some shit that entire forum is likely going to be ablaze.

f6e1f4 No.14296376

>>14296355 chkd

Hugos in August.

Dragon Awards (a lot less biased) a few weeks later.

c62655 No.14296377


There's that "apology is an admission of guilt" thing again.

b16e33 No.14296395


How can you get non-anecdotal evidence about something as subjective as working conditions?

I mean I know how Wu got his evidence, straight out of his ass when Frank pulled out. Bust surely that's even worse than anecdotal evidence.

049516 No.14296397


Kinda far off. Due to lack of an archive search engine (or an archive at all) I never got the full scoop but in a nutshell, anything even so much as middle-ground is disqualified, yes?

83a994 No.14296454

File: 02102b8a5a9ff89⋯.jpg (177.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1470410381283.jpg)


Whitey would still have the Irish

55ae80 No.14296457


Well you see, its the current year and you have to listen and believe. Even if the initial claim is from someone who was either a child and not even remotely involved or not born yet

40be50 No.14296467

File: 48dd181f65c8b8b⋯.jpg (94.48 KB, 1200x547, 1200:547, Male Feminist 154.jpg)

The fetishization of blacks is real.

25ec04 No.14296469


Here we go, say it with me:

"Never apologize." At least not to these "people."

244567 No.14296471


That face just screams

<if I wasn't a virgin, I'd love for a big black bull to fuck my wife

f6e1f4 No.14296473

>>14296377 chkd

This is why you never apologize to sjws - especially when you haven't done anything to apologize for.

>apology is an admission of guilt

- is how sjws see it - an apology 'proves' guilt - and they are waiting for the apology (as an admission of guilt or culpability) so they can then move on to the punishment (whatever blackballing sjws see fit to dispense).

In effect, if you don't apologize they can't move on to the punishment stage.


Hugos, and the gatekeepers of SciFi/Fantasy books have been Full SocJus™ for years. Even moderate left isn't left enough.

25ec04 No.14296480


I really wish a meteor full of resources crashed in a real african country, just so we could see how fucked it would get when they eventually squander said resources.

aa6302 No.14296510

File: 4c7550162bf848d⋯.jpg (171.33 KB, 462x582, 77:97, 4c7550162bf848d9d69dfd25c0….jpg)


Like valuable ores or fertile farmland or something?

1193b3 No.14296518


>Nation of freed US slaves

>Elects a football player as president


049516 No.14296519


>Hugos, and the gatekeepers of SciFi/Fantasy books have been Full SocJus™ for years. Even moderate left isn't left enough.

I guess the three sci-fi ebooks I read last year are out of the question. Though I doubt self-publishing counts.

3951c2 No.14296537

File: 622e56ef9222eb6⋯.png (524.11 KB, 608x710, 304:355, ewfdvf.png)

fa6825 No.14296546

File: f6112e9c72c7cd9⋯.gif (2.46 MB, 512x512, 1:1, f6112e9c72c7cd9d2466fc10c9….gif)



ba585f No.14296551

File: 06cd22d0d753c38⋯.gif (620.23 KB, 287x400, 287:400, I feel my anger rising ano….gif)


I mean how dare people not like this film for maybe not liking it right?

2d8600 No.14296576

File: b5ac5df41dea1bc⋯.jpg (48 KB, 454x600, 227:300, 1452646397997.jpg)


>one spoilsport critic

Oh my god, they're actually throwing a temper tantrum because one guy didn't fall into goose-step over their "say this movie's perfect or you're fucking racist" bullshit.

7a3ff5 No.14296580

File: cc1699095c1ef03⋯.gif (19.28 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1336694473847.gif)


Some niggers moved into my predominantly white neighborhood back in late summer. Their spawn leaves their bikes and toys literally in the middle of the road, they leave their escalade and suburban outside with the windows open in rain and snow (despite having a garage), the edges of their driveway is lined with trash bags (they don't pay for trash pickup service and just let it pile up outside), and they get regular visits from an unmarked police car. Today a state trooper knocked on my door to ask if I had seen their kids. He got reports of them running up and down the highway barefoot, unattended by adults, in freezing temperatures.

Fuck niggers. And a reminder that in the comics, Black Panther keeps his country safe and prosperous by literally building a wall around it to keep the rest of Africa out.

2d8600 No.14296589


>Black Panther keeps his country safe and prosperous by literally building a wall around it to keep the rest of Africa out

Oh yeah, they think he just keeps whites out, but canonically, they go "all you motherfuckers are shit."

c6ccae No.14296593


Wait, why's it 99 percent in the first place? That sort of almost total consensus is suspicious on it's own, there's paid reviewers in there.

127173 No.14296601


Tariq Nasheed is almost certainly a nutjob or a massive troll

007479 No.14296606


Wait, why's it 99 percent in the first place?

Because it's about niggers in the current year so it has to be or you're a racist. Disney really hit it out of the park with the marketing on this one. No one will ever dare call it mediocre for fear of the backlash that they one guy who did got

7a3ff5 No.14296612


I work retail and there's been a section of Black Panther toys for a few weeks now. Hasn't sold shit. Never have to restock it.

1d177a No.14296616


Africa is already full of all of the most valuable resources on the planet and has the most fertile soil in the world to boot. Only niggers could starve to death in Africa.

ba585f No.14296620

File: c7db4e6a5c57252⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 600x315, 40:21, BP is ourguy.jpg)


He is /ourguy/?

25ec04 No.14296623


In black panther I believe their wealth comes from some magic ore from a meteor that crashed into their country. That somehow magically propelled them to become the most advanced country on the planet to the degree that they came up with a cure for cancer (and don't share it with anybody).

If this happened in real life, most likely their corrupt government (literally every african country) would end up selling it to foreigners and then start giving out gibs in order to stay in government.


Yea, but somehow leftists think that if the africans got some kind of magical space ore land in their country, they would somehow magically not squander literally the biggest treasure trove ever in human history and that somehow black panther is some kind of oracle or something.

c6ccae No.14296629

File: 904d03f311c0522⋯.jpg (136.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, game is forever.jpg)


Note that people tend to project when they go into unknown territory (ie when they make blanket statments about groups of people) by relating it to what they do or know, so when THEY group up and act extremist, they do it for fun and entertainment. They say what's logical to THEM, what makes sense to them and through this you can get a hold on their psychology.

That's the real fucked up thing here, the implication. These people are fucked in the head.

a80846 No.14296635

Why do you guys hate blacks so much?

1d177a No.14296637


Go take a trip to Africa and find out.

ba585f No.14296643

File: 6c7daa7589a40d0⋯.png (266.69 KB, 600x750, 4:5, lavenza attempts to protec….png)

Here we go.

007479 No.14296644


I don't, I just hate you


Well, at least the legions of retarded leftists will be required to see the movie

c6ccae No.14296647


>you guys

Not the same people, not a fucking hivemind you mongoloid. Also if you're going to jump someone in the street for trivial bullshit or act hypocritical i'll hate you no matter who you are.

a80846 No.14296648


Eastern Europe is all kinds of fucked up but that doesn't make me hate white people.

7a3ff5 No.14296650

File: d17d3f4cb09983c⋯.png (112.66 KB, 265x186, 265:186, 1237173944388.png)


I've never met one I liked, and I don't have the emotional capacity for a grey area between hatred and love.

b8e1bc No.14296652

File: 7b25d8d8380ed70⋯.png (82.38 KB, 1007x597, 1007:597, K-Flex_-_Wash_Yo_Ass_(CD,_….png)


The two aren't mutually exclusive. He's also a failed rapper, if you weren't aware. https://archive.is/U7y9s

a80846 No.14296654


How many have you met? Enough to make an assessment of millions?

c62655 No.14296655

File: de0a27801af92fa⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 720x540, 4:3, de0a27801af92fa4fe9cbc8ad8….jpg)


I only hate the living stereotypes.

Black cops are good and take no shit.

Sowell is nice too. There are some others but none of them come to mind right now.

b84c05 No.14296656

I just tried clicking on the link for historyofgamergate.com, having never read through it before, and I was greeted by an invalid security certificates page. Does anyone have the contact info for the site owner, or a way of spreading this message along? If we're trying to win people over to our side, then a website telling our side of the story shouldn't be throwing warning messages that would scare normies off.

1d177a No.14296657


Many of the people living in Eastern Europe aren't white.

a80846 No.14296659


What are they?

2d8600 No.14296661


Didn't he also market himself as a pickup artist? One of those things his allies known as SJWs hate with a burning passion?

7a3ff5 No.14296664


My sample group includes city dwellers, country dwellers, students of all ages, business owners, low level employees in my day-to-day life, and the fuckstains living across the street from me right now. All of them, stupid garbage who create their own problems and then bitch like it's someone else's fault.

25ec04 No.14296666


I'm going to deny you a delicious you. The thing that makes me actually hate them (apart from the crime) is that they act like eternal victims.

007479 No.14296671


Why would you even take the bait super satan?

1d177a No.14296673


Depends where in Eastern Europe but most of them are gyps and assorted mudslimes.

a80846 No.14296677


Gypsies are white though.

25ec04 No.14296679


Hey he was only looking for yous, I figure denying him one was the best punishment.

1d177a No.14296681


You are a nigger.

7a3ff5 No.14296683


Sure, just like the jews.

3951c2 No.14296686


Im going to Poland soon as part of my job. Please tell me they hate gypos and try to kick them out

a80846 No.14296687


They aren't? What are they then?

7a3ff5 No.14296690



Wow one google result away.

>"Gypsy" and "Gypsies" redirect here. For other uses, see Gypsy (disambiguation).

>The Romani (also spelled Romany; /ˈroʊməni/, /ˈrɒ-/), or Roma, are a traditionally itinerant ethnic group, living mostly in Europe and the Americas and originating from the northern Indian subcontinent,[55][56][57] from the Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Sindh regions of modern-day India and Pakistan.[56][57] A DNA study conducted by Indian and Estonian research facilities shows that the Roman/Romani/Gypsy and Sinti people originate from the Untouchable Dalit community from India.[58]

They're bleached street-shitters.

b8e1bc No.14296692

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Apparently he did, along with some anti-pua, and other nonsense. Which he keeps evidence of on his own youtube channel.

c6ccae No.14296693

File: 24b7083d8444585⋯.jpg (25.56 KB, 377x398, 377:398, Confucius.jpg)


No, you hate people on a case by case basis, like pretty much everyone else. People who do blanket shit like racism have seen enough of it to make assumptions on their interactions with other people of the same race, and act antagonistic as a defence due to past trauma.

If you grew up as a white kid in downtown detroit you'd be pretty fucking wary of black people to say the least considering that a lot of the population there is criminal, and black.

That and lack of education doesn't help. This is where most racist people, and by most 99 percent, come from, poor income communties. That and rich folks who don't interact outside of their isolationist social class.

Racism is a defence, and if you were truly compassionate you'd see them as people, not monsters. Some people don't have that luxury. People are racist because of the same reasons you're compelled to be selectively compassionate. Because people are afraid of racists because a few of them are violent. Because people are afraid of blacks because more then a few of them are violent.

You can call me racist, but i'm not, i'm just aware of reality and have no issue with a man who shows respect to others, race ultimately doesn't matter in civil interaction, but communities based around social class through money, area of living and for some godforsaking reason now the color of your skin, and these communities are of differing cultures.

And there is a difference in quality at current, in differing ways. Objectively you could say and be right that some communties are more then marginally worse then others.

So fuck off, learn your facts, and go about your day not to virtue signal, but instead to help your fellow man, you ginormous faggot.

1d177a No.14296695


Polish people beat up black Americans that go there for vacation they probably fucking stab gypos.

7a3ff5 No.14296700


Someone post the stats about how much less crime the world would have if niggers didn't exist. I don't have it.

007479 No.14296704


<writing this long of a post for the most low effort bait

What are you doing nigger

c6ccae No.14296708


fighting on his level, and taking him down with the same tactics he uses on others. I prefer a more elegant solution then just saying fuck off. I want him to know that he's outmatched, retarded, and dumb before he fucks off, and most importantly I want to waste a whole lot of his time while i'm entertained. Next time this happens, please don't interfere.

9fb8b7 No.14296711


Movie isn't even out to the public yet though.

0c6765 No.14296713

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Is it too early to start posting about Valentine's Day? Because I hope yours are all better than mine will be.

c62655 No.14296714


Critic reviews, read.

7a3ff5 No.14296715


If you had half a brain you'd realize dumb people never realize they're dumb, they always think they're right. Just like you right now.

c6ccae No.14296718


which is why I want to waste a shitload of his time, and make him mad. Because it's funny, you retard.

007479 No.14296720


But you know that it's literally just some anon shitposting and trying to get replies for laughs and not someone who actually believes that right? Or do you really think it's some liberal who came here just to ask that? It's saying traps aren't gay, he doesn't give a shit he just wants replies you retarded faggot. Do you not understand what bait is?

c6ccae No.14296727

File: cf8fa4cc46a4629⋯.png (717.46 KB, 1249x1064, 1249:1064, laughing women.png)


Do you understand that you're taking the bait right now? Fucking hell, man, you're just acting like another mark.

c62655 No.14296729


>Or do you really think it's some liberal who came here just to ask that?

You'd be surprised actually.

>It's saying traps aren't gay, he doesn't give a shit he just wants replies you retarded faggot.

But I honestly do believe they aren't gay. I'm serious

9fb8b7 No.14296730


That's the problem though. Why blame one bad review on Trump when you can blame dozens of bad reviews on Trump when the movie actually comes out?

127173 No.14296749


I don't.

Here's an interesting story though.

>work in a gas station during the election night

>hear some people shouting in the parking lot

>not my business so i ignore it

>they are shouting the same thing over and over

>as they approach i can make out what they are saying


>over and over

>they enter the store shouting the entire time

>they pick up their chips, beer, etc without stopping their shouting

>they reach the counter still shouting it over and over

>"14.92 is your total"


>"say what?"


>"Fuck Donald Trump…?"


>hands me a $20

>they leave the store still shouting

55ae80 No.14296757


>merely pretending

5cb188 No.14296760


How could these people lose the election?

0c6765 No.14296768

File: 179ab33512d4c49⋯.png (19.16 KB, 512x323, 512:323, 1428716819586.png)


My job offered everyone a personal day if they needed it becaue he won. I live in Canada but I took the day off anyway. Not because I needed it but because I like to lay in bed and mope all day.

25ec04 No.14296771


You know my country recently got fucked over mmp and somehow our centrist leftist party came into power, which upset me for a bit, but I was still optimistic because hey maybe they wont' fuck it up. Of course a week later they immediately fucked it up, but I didn't assume the worse until they actually did something, I really don't understand these fucking people's mentality.

b16e33 No.14296772


Disney had probably hand picked the critics to get that 100, but then some paddy cunt went and fucked it up.

55ae80 No.14296777


That's terrible and great at the same time

25ec04 No.14296778


Eventually once they've weeded out all the dissenters, every major movie that comes out will have a 100 on rottentomatoes from the critics before release.

a65a43 No.14296781

File: a6e906d4d30806d⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 684x367, 684:367, 2018-02-08_22-29-52.jpg)


Oh Canada

c62655 No.14296786

File: de0ea6ecebbba5f⋯.jpg (346.2 KB, 914x800, 457:400, 63652598_p61.jpg)


Why is it so hard to get competent people into office?

127173 No.14296789

File: 309063928b1a22e⋯.jpg (9.18 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)




I think my favorite person I saw during the lead up was the absurdly neurotic woman with hand/wrist braces(?) on both hands who was practically vibrating going a long speech about how she's really worried and how trump is going to end the world.

You meet some weird ass people work night shift at a gas station. Didn't help I had to listen to Hillary campaign ads on the radio 4 times an hour that basically said trump is going to nuke us all with nuke explosion SFX and everything.

0c6765 No.14296791


It was a pretty nice day. I remember bits and pieces so I know I had a good solid mope. Maybe even cried a little bit to relieve some of the pressure. I wasn't upset about Trump winning or anything, sometimes I just need a day to be miserable and get it all out.


That's been really annoying. They've been pushing it for years and any time I have to sing the anthm I'm going to use the old lyrics.

c6ccae No.14296793

File: 251357310f4169e⋯.jpg (455.36 KB, 2111x1171, 2111:1171, upset the natural order.jpg)


because competent people are scientists.

40be50 No.14296805

File: 21d2face5f0f95e⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Ai Kizuna Eh.jpg)


Why did Canucks elected this guy? What, out of spite of the opposition? Really?!

1193b3 No.14296811

File: b737154f47f0d6a⋯.png (310.6 KB, 942x452, 471:226, ClipboardImage.png)

c6ccae No.14296812


Gonna be honest that's partly why I elected donald trump. The other reason being less important because that reason was the democrats were going to fuck up the country oh wait that was the primary reason

1d177a No.14296816


Or unemployed because the people in charge of hiring don't want to be replaced by competent people.

0c6765 No.14296819


His main opposition was basically a worse dubya. Openly corrupt, authoritarian, real scummy. Trudeau got a lot of votes for a few reasons.

>young and handsome

>famous last name

>backlash against the corrupt asshat who had been in charge for a decade

I didn't vote for him, though. All the candidates were so garbage that I showed up first thing in the morning on election day and voted for the fucking communists because I knew they had no chance in hell anyway.

2d257b No.14296821


>voting for communists

Anon. Come on.

2fe264 No.14296822


451? That's alt right reading material now? So who about a Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, StarShip Troopers, It Can't Happen Here, and Catch-22 are to be discarded because they are "alt right" or because they are a glimpse of what can happen when retards like SJW's champion a cause that they have no understanding about

55ae80 No.14296823


We didn't realize how bad he would be. Also the conservatives were some of the most incredibly corrupt pieces of shit you can imagine and our former Prime Minister kept getting away with it for a decade. We have 3 viable parties, the conservatives, the liberals and the NDP. The NDP's choice for PM recently died leading up to the elction so they had no chance and the conservatives were fucking with canada for a decade so trudeau won by default basically

c6ccae No.14296824


is voting mandatory in canada? You could have just not shown up for god's sake. It's a waste of a few hours.

55ae80 No.14296828


Ivoted for the green party

0c6765 No.14296833


They were the only party I knew would never win. At least I didn't vote NDP. They're basically communists but they don't call themselves that.


I like voting. It only took 10 minutes because I live in a very small town. Only me and old people were even up that early. Plus the polling station was about a 2 minute walk from my house.

1193b3 No.14296837


A whole assload of things on Rotten Tomatoes have 100% critic scores or are damn near close because critics are in bed with movie and tv studios, as well as political agenda pushing. They give several lists of shows and movies on the homepage which only show the critic score until you click the link to go one's page.

1193b3 No.14296868


I want her to bring the twins back. They didn't deserve to die so she could live.

ba585f No.14296896

File: 6cf344d9105c7bd⋯.png (201.79 KB, 465x423, 155:141, a JUST castro.png)

e6ec31 No.14296909




Thanks guys, I have at least 6 more years until wizardom. And I intend to get my shit together before then, including helping here in any way I can.

ba585f No.14296916

File: c326da0d33001f6⋯.png (208.12 KB, 1788x553, 1788:553, why the cons lost.PNG)


>voting commie

fucking kill yourself


Here is why

3385b1 No.14296918

File: 7c3ab91369b5db5⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 323x633, 323:633, 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2….jpg)


Being intelligent and being wise aren't the same thing anon.

Just look at thunderfoot endorsing the EU.

Groupthink can even take over scientists, like there are plenty of social psychologists who still believe in blank slate theory.

I had one professor who called evolutionary psychology pseudoscience and a gateway for Nazis to invade the universities.

007479 No.14296922


He meant the NDP probably and not the actual commies

c6ccae No.14296931


I said competent people are scientists, not all scientists being competent.

0c6765 No.14296933


It was better than the alternatives.


No, I voted for actual communists. NDP are basically communists but they actually had a shot in my riding and I hate them too. I want an option on the ballet to, instead of casting my own vote, take a vote away from another party. That's what I want. I guess I'll probably vote conservative next election if I even bother. I would've voted for Bernier if he won the nomination. I like his stances on guns and stuff like that.

007479 No.14296944


>No, I voted for actual communists.

Seriously kill yourself then

0c6765 No.14296952


it's just irony bro

ba585f No.14296956

File: 00dfd103a96469a⋯.png (611.54 KB, 680x732, 170:183, 10$donation.png)


>It was better than the alternatives.

Kill yourself



3385b1 No.14296965


Truly competent people, enough to run a country well, are pretty fucking rare.

One of the good indicators of competence is introspection and most people don't have the ability whatsoever, they don't question their own bias, beliefs and principles.

Its really difficult to genuinely question yourself, one of the reasons why is most don't want to actually know the truth. Its far easier just to live a lie provided by ideology.

e6ec31 No.14296970


So there's precedent behind this, a bit less surprised, but I shouldn't. Them getting 100s sounds like something an anon would shitpost about. And anyone getting angry at them receiving less than perfect scores calls to mind people thrashing nichegamer for their Breath of the Wild score of 7 or how we were blamed of all things, for Uncharted 4 getting only a 9 by some critics such as IGN.

0c6765 No.14296976


We have the Liberals who are authoritarian leftists. We have the NDP who are authoritarian leftists (but with more identity politics) and we have the conservatives who are typically authoritarian centrists. If I thought the commies had a shot I probably would have done a write-in vote for the band Rush or something like that. Maybe in 2024 when it turns out whoever wins this one is a twat too. They're all twats. Fucking Trudeau stopping someone in the middle of a question for saying "mankind" instead of "peoplekind". What a cunt.

0b9afc No.14296994

File: ddb978ff3534401⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Asuka professor.jpg)


To be fair, I've been busy working on the Wiki backend and a couple other projects. I lurk the breads and catch up before bed, but haven't had much to post. I didn't thinking I'd be writing this much code again in my fucking life.

It seems most people are in a "sit back and watch it burn" mode instead of a "start the fire" mode. Which is fine, but even important shit lately has had more tumbleweeds than anons for contributors. My boards popularity was a sacrifice in the shadow war, and doesn't seem like its going to come back. KiA is going through serious drama and we just lost one of the GG meetup organizers to it, which will kill at least one long running tradition. For all the calls to work on the Wiki only about seven people who I am incredibly grateful for! have contributed between here AND KiA. With a stickied announcement on the latter.

While we're resting on our laurels, burnouts are expanding their reach on Twitter and continuing to poison the well, all these SJW happenings keep going on, and Kotaku still exists.

I don't know what to tell everybody else in here, except maybe that other people aren't going to hold your hand and do this all for you. If you want change, get your ass in gear. If you don't have a plan, state your goals and ask for help making one. Quit being couch potatos.


I wondered who submitted us to the games. Thank you, anon. I hope you have a great birthday!

0f84ac No.14297006


>if the africans got some kind of magical space ore land in their country

the really funny thing is that they kind of do.

coltan and rare earth metals that are essential to the electronics industry are found in Africa. It's one reason China's essentially colonized Africa lately.

127173 No.14297009

File: 4ff287732f95bb0⋯.png (127.95 KB, 345x294, 115:98, 1466037255687.png)


>No, I voted for actual communists.

How retarded can you be?

0f84ac No.14297013


>race ultimately doesn't matter in civil interaction

call me when the Challenger lands, you fucking clueless hippy

0c6765 No.14297015


I still feel smarter than people who voted for Trudeau. The cancer I voted for never had a chance. The cancer they voted for has spent his whole term on one long apology tour.

0c6765 No.14297020


Oh, and he let the west burn up twice because he's a dipshit. I'd bet money he does it again this summer.

ba585f No.14297025



36855a No.14297028


Why did you bother voting at all instead of giving your agency to cancer? Even if it was losing cancer?

1193b3 No.14297033



25ec04 No.14297068


Don't you guys have a parliament so that at least if your party gets over a certain threshold, said party can still have a say?

67e8d9 No.14297073

File: 27e1ff509dc67cf⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 27e1ff509dc67cf7ed72f78f14….jpg)


Sorry Acid, I am in the midst of getting my shit sorted. I'm trying to break out of NEET mode and be a contributing member of society again.

It really doesn't help that I'd be nothing more than a faggot who would fucking ruin everything on the wiki either. My knowledge of subjects can cycle from encyclopedic to sparse with random hallucinations and bullshit in-between, all the while I might end up like a certain double dragon reject because of how I function on a basic level.

ba585f No.14297083

File: a78efd845355b4b⋯.jpg (766.71 KB, 1667x2500, 1667:2500, gotta be sorted.jpg)

55ae80 No.14297086

File: c6ecbd4244ac787⋯.png (825.65 KB, 1269x1080, 47:40, Screenshot_2018-02-07-10-2….png)


How can I contribute? I'm not good at writing articles, I helped you restore the backups and I'm eager to help I just don't know how

64215e No.14297169

File: 7c8e9909f5ca98d⋯.jpg (47.41 KB, 680x425, 8:5, ecstatic pope holding a ri….jpg)


>I had one professor who called evolutionary psychology pseudoscience and a gateway for Nazis to invade the universities.

That was an art teacher, wasn't it?

0b9afc No.14297197

File: 086cda621e10ef4⋯.jpeg (240.82 KB, 583x819, 583:819, Asuka asking.jpeg)


Making articles is easy. Write it just like an effort post on 8chan minus the profanity, and link your archives / whatever as citations. Other people can clean things up later if you don't want to learn the basic wiki markups. Whats important is that information be added when its "hot", so to speak, so that we don't miss things and have to rely on fuzzy memory and lost evidence months later.

The Wiki is more than just a Wiki. It and Deepfreeze are #GG's time capsules, and a legacy to the world. Nobody else besides us is going to know what this era was really like, from the inside, if we don't chronicle the truth while we can. It's that important. Don't believe me? Then show me where anyone else has even mentioned thinking of doing it, and realize that we're soon to be four years in.

I don't begrudge anybody in this thread anything. I like to spend my time munching popcorn too, so I have zero room to put anybody down other than in jest. But there really will come a point someday where these threads have no point if people don't at least do stuff once in a while. Can you imagine if we fucked up and vindicated all those burnouts and spergs who told us to give up?

Besides once you start making things or contributing, it feels great. People seem to be out of the groove and have forgotten how much fun it is to be in it.


And that's actually fine, anon. You've got to take care of yourself before you can help anybody else. Just the fact that you want to help is good for morale. Give yourself some credit though - if you can post on h8chan you could be a wikifag. It feels much less autistic when you're doing it for something you love. Ryulong was a piece of shit obsessive - anons have their hearts in it. Big difference.

1dd755 No.14297219

File: 94bab31998fecf7⋯.webm (4.89 MB, 888x500, 222:125, Even blacks hate niggers.webm)

File: f73ba42287e9794⋯.png (484.76 KB, 1002x952, 501:476, Personal choices .png)

File: 8837d460d3f763c⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Holocaust vs slavery.webm)

File: 9515bc8ee5c418c⋯.jpg (103.61 KB, 800x900, 8:9, Dont you dare quit.jpg)

File: cb0cd81601da545⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-there-are-only-two-m….jpg)


>Why do you guys hate blacks so much?

<First video related

And… >>14296655

>I only hate the living stereotypes.


>The thing that makes me actually hate them (apart from the crime) is that they act like eternal victims.

<Second video related

Also, nice quads, Satan.


You fucking wish.


>Besides once you start making things or contributing, it feels great. People seem to be out of the groove and have forgotten how much fun it is to be in it.

<Second and third pic related

a7b112 No.14297229


The southern blacks and older blacks are also really nice to talk to. They take no shit from anyone. If they have white hair or a white beard you know they are good.

55ae80 No.14297235

File: 519596f37e9b613⋯.png (805.46 KB, 1080x1733, 1080:1733, Sad nan.png)


Okay Acid, I'll try. I'm not sure what to write about but if anything comes to mind I'll try. I want to be useful too and not just a shitposter as I've been being a piece of shit and shitting up these since basically christmas with nothing but shitposts and I feel bad

ba585f No.14297236


Blacks from the Caribbean tend to be decent humans who work super hard to live well.

0b9afc No.14297240

File: 16b644b9e71b784⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 512x640, 4:5, happy vampire.gif)


Thanks anon. But try to have fun doing it! It's not really work, and you're sticking it to those faggots at Wikipedia to boot.

5d6e84 No.14297256



>blacks from this place are great

>blacks from that place are great too

Don't be retarded. Some people are scumbags and some people are decent.

This applies to blacks as much as it applies to every other people anywhere.

Need I remind you that the SJW cliques are comprised of mostly whites?

a7b112 No.14297268


Tell that to the neighbors upstairs or just about every black person under 30 at my college. So far ive only met about 6 blacks here worth talking to and the others are ghetto trash.

ba585f No.14297269


I simply said blacks from there tend to be some real hard working people a genuine complement.

c6fb3d No.14297275

File: 5f61d0ee7f3b868⋯.png (662.11 KB, 966x696, 161:116, nation status; birthed.png)



148caf No.14297276


I don't hate [insert minority here], I hate [insert minority here] who uses that as an excuse for shitty behavior.

148caf No.14297288


I'm starting to like him.

ebc503 No.14297292


Scientists are competent in their area of study, or at least the ones with highly cited papers are. Just because someone is very good at uncovering new information and developing models in a narrow field doesn't mean they would be good at leading a country or creating and passing laws.

Getting a law passed is completely different from getting a paper through peer review and into a respected journal, and getting elected is different from getting a PhD.


I hate bad people and useless members of society. It just so happens that many of those people happen to be black, but that's not to say I give White, Hispanic, Asian, or secret-reptilian-robot people a pass if they are leaches and make society and their communities worse. I also don't like people who feed into the negative stereotype and treat that like it's a good thing, as has already been mentioned. I actually enjoy some parts of black culture, as far as music goes there's some hiphop I like and I really enjoy jazz. Like, I really enjoy jazz.

Also, the majority of black people I've met in person are nice people, but that's an anecdote and selection bias, I don't really go to places where violent people of any stripe would gather. If you were to see me having a conversation with a black man you would never think "oh yeah, that man is actually a raging racist". Even though by the ever looser definition the left is prescribing to racism I probably am.


Birth of a Nation would have still been a groundbreaking film even if it was telling an entirely different story. It was ahead of it's time as much as it was a product of it.

a80846 No.14297308


>KiA is going through serious drama and we just lost one of the GG meetup organizers to it,

Are you talking about Netscape9 deleting his Reddit account?

007479 No.14297327


Apparently the board owner is sperging about people posting about trump or some shit

ba585f No.14297332



Didn't they sperg over the alt right and join that guy Kraut?

148caf No.14297336

File: 815554c51486d67⋯.png (682.46 KB, 793x1400, 793:1400, centrism.png)



Those radical centrists and their doxing brigades and censorship to stop doxing brigades and censorship.

a80846 No.14297343


I'm not sure who Kraut is (so many lame-ass ecelebs to keep track of) Netscape left KiA over their support of Roy Moore, I don't know why he deleted his whole Reddit profile. He did do a 'debating the alt-right' video. I'll see if I can find it.

a80846 No.14297357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here it is.

148caf No.14297360


>I'm not sure who Kraut is

A tl;dr, Kraut is a skeptic who waged a war against the alt right using SJW tactics, got an army of sargon fans and semi-big names in the skeptic community to do his dirty work for him. He succeeded in ruining a girl's career and future career prospects. However, his dirty laundry got exposed and a huge shitstorm brewed, fights erupted among his fellow skeptics, and to top it all off, he himself got doxed, revealing he used to be a nazi sperg in his youth and that he enjoys putting vibrating nipple clamps on himself.

a80846 No.14297363


At least he didn't film himself sticking a banana up his ass.

b8e1bc No.14297375

File: 7068a4c3e007891⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1386839644094.jpg)


At the least, there was someone using that name in the disagreement. Considering his Trump spergouts, and how he's shilled himself and tried to get into every possible situation, no matter how ill advised, nonsensical, or outright destructive it is, there's small doubt that it's not him.


Spergy skeptic faggot that started a cabal to ideologically purge the skeptic community. Got together the Brightest Minds on Youtube™, which led to some dox, stupid plans to do something convoluted and destined to fail, pregnant trouts, and hoisting Sargon as both some kind of mafioso and a Sword of Damocles. Unfortunately Kraut was the one in the chair.

ba585f No.14297386


>Netscape left KiA over their support of Roy Moore

So KiA actually standing by someone who was clearly being being slandered unfairly like how GG was made netscape sperg?


Why is everyone remotely left leaning such a huge sperg? Also Trump is pretty much a 90s Dem, most of the man's talking points were shit you'd hear dems back then say I don't think there has been a true blood con in the white house for years.

a80846 No.14297402


Well, he was a child molester.

aa6302 No.14297404

File: a61ba11015b3e4d⋯.jpg (292.8 KB, 876x1072, 219:268, 6gCFu76.jpg)


I don't get what this image is trying to say. "Centrism" leads to oppressing poor marginalised internet people?

148caf No.14297406


He did claim trout get pregnant.

ba585f No.14297410


Was there you know actual proof?

a80846 No.14297416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here we go.

e6ec31 No.14297421


They're disingenuous about their true motives and positions with holler-than-thou attitudes.

e6ec31 No.14297422



8a0c3e No.14297425

File: 1e1acd93c92032c⋯.png (72.64 KB, 259x377, 259:377, 1e1acd93c92032c65fe1adc311….png)


>It's been years and I know I shouldn't be shocked anymore but fucking Christ how can you as a fucking adult act like this?

Did you just forget the part where everything from past to present points to Wu being legitimately insane?

148caf No.14297426

1ec690 No.14297436

File: 751fe7de0b748df⋯.png (96.76 KB, 375x375, 1:1, 1447049174937.png)


>image making fun of the communism hasn't been tried image

>image showing centrism is just pure autism

>image is about how centrism is usually just liberals pretending to be centrist to try and use it as an attack vector against their enemies

If it's serious it's the third one, if not it's the second one. The first one would be leftypol trying to meme but failing.

b16e33 No.14297441


>stupid plans to do something convoluted and destined to fail

<get Jordan Peterson on a stream with some crazy dutch faggot

<get alt-right youtubers to believe pseudoscience Kraut created

They were single digit IQ stupid and listening him smugly masturbate over them was physically painful.

b0394a No.14297444


>because competent people are scientists.

Except social scientists because they refuse to falue the scientific method, psychologists because the repeatability of their work is about or less than 50% or medical professionals because they don't know everything about the human body yet (I know this is overly harsh)**


Speaking of Svooby, does anyone have an archive of his first gamergate related tweet?

b0394a No.14297454




I need to wake up more.

148caf No.14297458

File: 87dc588fa8d2c67⋯.jpg (561.19 KB, 1932x2576, 3:4, ruh roh.jpg)

>yfw Wu has a 90% chance of getting elected in congress

17193c No.14297470

File: dbac60410dd4094⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 241.6 KB, 446x409, 446:409, spoiled for a reason.png)


Please don't even meme it

148caf No.14297475


According to a poll he's in the lead.

b16e33 No.14297479


In Boston Wu is considered a 7

a80846 No.14297482


Wu for Prez 2020.

If we start memeing now we can make it happen.

c12591 No.14297486


Jfc, how pathetic and insane do you have to be to hangout with a freak like that?

a80846 No.14297494

Andy Dick for VP.

148caf No.14297495


Frank married him. Makes you wonder, how broken is he?

c12591 No.14297501


Completely, if i had to guess.

17193c No.14297510

File: 44f8d9e5d48b687⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 75.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jew-radar.png)


>Why do you guys hate blacks so much?

>Gypsies are white though.

>If we start memeing now we can make it happen.

>we start memeing

>we can make it happen


Hello, kike! How's Tel Aviv?

148caf No.14297514

File: 1e3c4b959b4a0bf⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 231x291, 77:97, kloe.jpg)


Makes me feel better that Kloe is my girlfriend. We both love each other very much but we're not married yet.

8a0c3e No.14297524

File: 412ddeb31284d0d⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 284x297, 284:297, 1468892971924.jpg)


>He hasn't married his waifu yet

c12591 No.14297533


For awhile i couldn't understand why some prefer 2D>3D but, after all the lousy experiences i've had with women i get it.

b8e1bc No.14297555

File: a326da6ee0f7b33⋯.webm (1.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Deb of Night Trannies wit….webm)


I have him claiming harassment two days before the autism macro, and the macro itself. I can't remember if there was ever anything before that.



b0394a No.14297584


>second archive

Does that mean that Wu may not have created the autistic gamere meme?

8f71e6 No.14297840

File: f275e755315fcfd⋯.png (665.89 KB, 872x653, 872:653, sad akko.png)


I'm a great writer and several of my post have been screencapped over the years, but I'm more a cheerleader than anything else. I don't have archives or citations, I just have a folder full of irrelevant screencaps of tweets and vivian pictures. I really want to help contribute, but don't know how. But you're completely right, this is important.

2fe264 No.14297844


>Black people- we have the genetic capacity to annihilate the planet sexually

Besides teh media playing Blacks the "most" wanted, hasn't it been proven over and over than in the looks department they are at the bottom or close ot it? Now if he said "capacity to annihilate the planet through rape", now I can believe that and crime statistics back it up.

a10e30 No.14297845


GG's by and large dead, most of the energy moved to the alt right, which is now dead too

It remains to be seen what's next if anything

447f57 No.14297855


I think it's supposed to mean that they breed like rabbits.

c6f77d No.14297858

>>14297844 (Checked)

Think he meant the high birthrates and the widespread of STDs like AIDS in Africa.

40be50 No.14297863

File: fbc78d39d3afa5e⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Tetsuya Naito Come Here Bi….jpg)

Good evening!

8f71e6 No.14297864

File: 3b26539d2dfbe16⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 351x352, 351:352, 1517341313.jpg)


GG as an organised effort may be on the backburner right now, and the alt-right as an organised movement may be dead, but I'd argue Gamergate did something far more important than shitpost in a hashtag. Gamergate got the ball rolling on…to coin a phrase, resistance to SJWs in general. Nobody likes them now. Fucking nobody. Only twitter checkmarks and small communities around the net. But your average normie? They fucking hate SJWs because SJWs have been made the face of "no fun allowed." I've said before and I'll say again, just look at views/likes/subs on youtube. The numbers say it all, and unlike twitter they're all genuine. You can't just buy 1k retweets like you can on twitter.

I'd say what's next isn't a named movement or hashtag, but a general grassroots disdain for the elitist SJWs, and their efforts to seize control of everything just so they can sterilize it, chop it up, destroy it, and then dole out small bite size ratrions to those they decide deserve it. Everytime you hear a normie use the phrase SJW in a derogatory term, know that things will be alright. It might take time, but these people are on the way out. They have a small dedicated group of cultist, but the minds of the people have made their opinions heard.

Besides, the people that made up gamergate are still around. They may not use the tag anymore but it doesn't change their thoughts or opinions, and it doesn't stop them from retweeting things and dunking on idiots.

125b1d No.14297867

Winter Olympics has started!

40be50 No.14297870


Get ready for some feminist rants on how Olympics promotes gender segregation in winter sports!

b16e33 No.14297871


You mean Soylympics

c6f77d No.14297872


>Winter Olympics

Awesome, Fatty Kim of Bad Korea is gonna visit Worse Korea, and the women's united team of korea is gonna fuck up.

b0394a No.14297885


>Fatty Kim

Close. It is his sister. One of his siblings he hasn't had killed.

b16e33 No.14297890


Korean feminists will kidnap a canadian male athlete.

Perform sexual reassignment surgery on him.

When they're caught Trudeau will pardon them and hug them.

125b1d No.14297894


If his sister dies, isn't Kim the only one left of his family dynasty to rule NK? Almost all of his brothers, sisters, relatives are dead as far as I remember.

0ad71b No.14297898


Didn't he execute half of them?

125b1d No.14297906


The exact numbers is unknown but since he also sentenced his wife to death, I'd say he's a man-child who sees everyone around him as some kind of toys that can be discarded easily. But if he'll be the only one left, then this raises the chance of people in NK wanting to get rid of him. Although he executed anyone who showed the slightest hint with the most gruesome way, some official may snap in one day and possibly goes with the Otoya Yamaguchi route for everyone to see on live TV.

8f71e6 No.14297914

File: a9d3adee947c345⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 591.8 KB, 1200x839, 1200:839, ClipboardImage.png)


Pictured: korean feminist performing sexual reassignment surgery on a male athlete, 2018-colorized

40be50 No.14297919

File: fa33fe0a0f14eca⋯.png (191.52 KB, 384x391, 384:391, You Stupid.png)

1193b3 No.14297941

File: dc21b0af085881f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 80.27 KB, 733x512, 733:512, QKQ7EYD5XXVBFV4DRWEQ8UU107….jpg)



>It's not in color

1193b3 No.14297947

File: 8c589b26ca39b3b⋯.png (87.52 KB, 277x387, 277:387, Confusedshock.png)


Literally who?

>Women might wear makeup even when they aren't currently looking for a man

So? Why should anyone care?

1193b3 No.14297949



Oh nevermind. It's proresufag.

8f71e6 No.14297983


Did you color this yourself or did you use that color website to color it?

40be50 No.14297994


This ain't good. Notch will try out to reason with GDC regarding the slander that John Flynt fabricated to cost Nolan Bushnell his Pioneer Award. Can someone help to redpill him about GDC's inner mindset? I got some but I don't know if it's going to be enough.

0ad71b No.14297999


I'm sure he's just bored.

20fb0a No.14298001


Unfortunately I am blocked from Twitter unless I give them my phone number, which I'm not doing.

c6f77d No.14298005


Think some people are trying.

c76e1d No.14298009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That hurts.

b547d8 No.14298035

File: b454a304ef03c51⋯.jpg (44.3 KB, 234x250, 117:125, e373cfa023019ff0fee9c4fd56….jpg)


I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers. Very big difference.

aa6302 No.14298036

File: 287edb414d93c32⋯.jpg (110.51 KB, 600x850, 12:17, 287edb414d93c32cb74d86199b….jpg)


She can't love you because she isn't real,

1193b3 No.14298049


20000 years in ms paint tbh famicom. :^)

77bf66 No.14298052


Neither can real ones, so what's the difference?

aa6302 No.14298058


Well you can have sex and cuddle with a real person for example.

8f71e6 No.14298074

File: 59672b63786fb65⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 434x353, 434:353, sad.jpg)

Why is it so slow?

1193b3 No.14298079


It's morning or night in burgerland. Why did you ask questions with obvious answers twice in a row?

55bbce No.14298114

File: 023ca6e5a39fceb⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 500x479, 500:479, Cringe_3cfe32_5590924.jpg)


So many >(1)s tonight…

I'll bite; I actually agree, this meme poorly illustrates that "le centrists" aren't actual allies of GG, so much as, people who's interests generally align with GG, of which there three types:

"True Neutrals" which consist people of who are GENUINELY above the Left/Right fray (rare); filthy foreigners, to which, American Politics is alien and strange; and general weirdos, skitzos, and hyper-autists that don't fit in standard categories.

"Why can't everyone get along? Neutrals" who consist of spineless weathervane Boogie-like-animals who will make whatever noises that will get the most clicks, likes, or approbation to get their dopamine high

"Le Centrists Neutrals" (Former?) Leftist Fedora Faggots who have been kicked out of the tribe of Leftism due to Wrongthink, but still carry the stink of Alinskyism upon their oily hides, which means they claim to "attack both Left and Right equally" but in practice, means they attack only people on the Left they personally don't like (I.E. the ones who kicked them out of the Left) and smear everyone on the Right with the Right's worst actors like a good Alansky-bot. If every crazy SJW Leftist in academia/media/tech is made to see hard reason (preferably at the end of a long drop from a helicopter) these "Centrists" will go back to being the "The Left" again in a heartbeat.

1193b3 No.14298127

File: 216c2c4c7efb507⋯.png (63.41 KB, 228x217, 228:217, smug_panty.png)


>So many >(1)s tonight…


Stopped reading there.

4bd102 No.14298133


Judging from how that tweet was worded, I'd say he's well aware.

10c69c No.14298139

File: 33b7b582237e21d⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 680x686, 340:343, 33b7b582237e21d84dc8d573f4….jpg)


Why were you crying? Are u a girl or fag?

88850a No.14298142


no first for benis, therefore sage

55bbce No.14298143


I just got caught up reading the thread because I didn't need to sub for list anon tonight.

88850a No.14298145


oh yeah forgot about the sage

55bbce No.14298147

4bd102 No.14298177


I think part of the reason there's so many "centrists" is that the political field in the West has shifted so far to the left over the last 20 years, that what could be considered the "Center" today would be square on the left in the 70s/80s.

1193b3 No.14298201

File: e543f5188866443⋯.png (77.72 KB, 512x525, 512:525, HelloCharlotte_Smug Colori….png)


For (You) shitposter-kun~

40be50 No.14298202

File: 0338dc508824e8f⋯.gif (370.15 KB, 400x273, 400:273, Kaname Chidori 2.gif)


Don't mind if I do.

b05c2a No.14298207


Can't you read ? He read Brad Glasgow's article and says he hopes the GDC won't fall for the same garbage. Which is completely naive.

8f71e6 No.14298266

File: 3a28544a9b820cb⋯.png (294.66 KB, 997x897, 997:897, viv_baits_for_the_you.png)


Can I have a (you) too?

9ac26c No.14298275


1193b3 No.14298281


8f71e6 No.14298288

File: 4f914b21b14d702⋯.png (129.42 KB, 639x423, 71:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eac99b61cc20e3⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 255x174, 85:58, happy 21.jpg)

These are the moments that keep me coming back.

1193b3 No.14298294

I already gave you two (You)s anon, stop. At least you got dubs twice in a row.

a0a868 No.14298352

File: bee696b9cdddcb8⋯.png (119.56 KB, 273x432, 91:144, Reimoo.png)

Good morning.

1193b3 No.14298360




83a994 No.14298371

File: 069df4e8167fcaf⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 3000x2763, 1000:921, 1493104886019.jpg)


>two (You)s


a0a868 No.14298392

File: 1cc76ae6dc9ef75⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 208.49 KB, 1333x972, 1333:972, animu.png)

0ad71b No.14298399

File: 9e6b489aa463cdc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.41 KB, 550x388, 275:194, bullybull.jpg)

a0a868 No.14298403

File: 686bbf336fc401a⋯.png (250.71 KB, 599x435, 599:435, 62f4c4c1f3259581897503708d….png)

File: 160ddb05bfbc119⋯.jpg (93.47 KB, 850x1169, 850:1169, 5217c9d79646c11148cb8e3095….jpg)

83a994 No.14298476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Twitch is going full authoritarian I'm guessing titty streamer won't have to jump through these bullshit hoops though,

b16e33 No.14298517


More like harmful visage.

e634fc No.14298538

Are you all ready to see what NISA is gonna be destroying this year at their press conference tonight?

d8e243 No.14298555


No one is ready for that shitstorm.

Some great IP will be run into ground. I can feel it in my bones.

I will start make multiple stub articles on wiki. Nintendo, 8-4 and Treehouse.

c62655 No.14298559


If you have any screenshots that are relevant to a wiki page, you could copy it over.

Or you could just leave some unorganized links in the article and move one.

1b0a7a No.14298563


I like far right social policy but somewhat leftist economic policy. Where do I fit?

d0b754 No.14298576



1b0a7a No.14298625

d0b754 No.14298701

File: 0880dbbc799c744⋯.png (104.74 KB, 859x1127, 859:1127, 0880dbbc799c74454f3fa5a09c….png)

Why am I not surprised. >>>/tv/1133535

8f71e6 No.14298718


The pattern I notice is most of them are from the last few years and totally irrelevant, especially Zoe. She did nothing to warrant being put on that list. He name even being there is an insult to the women in the early games history, most of which are totally ignored in this list, in favor of recent social justice bullshit.

83a994 No.14298733

File: 1c616f122a31ab5⋯.png (233.74 KB, 620x640, 31:32, 1c616f122a31ab591ca3b639ac….png)


>first competitive gamer to identify as woman


8f71e6 No.14298745


Ya know, this reminds me of something. SJWs are fine with trannys, so long as they identify as a tranny. SJWs will tell you "Trans woman are real women sweetie~" but they only acknowledge that if the word trans in included. It's like the asterix that juicing athletes get next to their names in the hall of fame. If you disagree with them on twitter and have female in your bio they'll call you a fat white guy without a second thought, because it didn't say "female*"

b16e33 No.14298789

File: de73bda18ccc6d4⋯.png (557.09 KB, 504x547, 504:547, goo.PNG)

8f71e6 No.14298796

File: 9d4246f6f493287⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1785x1037, 105:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Deep space waifu is redpilled as all get out. It's like it was made by an anon.

c62655 No.14298821


>Using miss and -chan at the same time.

bbfb6c No.14298822


Ada Lovelace is not the first computer programmer

c62655 No.14298850

File: 1927b0c76f66410⋯.jpg (726.09 KB, 2000x1400, 10:7, Diagram_for_the_computatio….jpg)


Disregard my last post.

It was an algorithm for a mechanical computer.

2d8600 No.14298855


It honestly is pretty scary just how similar Flynt is to that one Junji Ito character.

8f71e6 No.14298856

File: 89af2e83ae56093⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 994.73 KB, 1776x1000, 222:125, Arouse-chan_00001.jpg)


The actual level was even funnier, the whole thing was a jab at big titty streamers, and you shot money instead of lasers. After you shot her clothes off her tits and pussy were still covered with boxes that said "DONATIONS" on the and the more you shot them the more the money added up until they disappeared.

0ad71b No.14298877


The pattern is lies and deceit?

3385b1 No.14298897

File: 2e1bd847d14f681⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 500x334, 250:167, slightdiscomfort.jpg)



Was an European History course

Also went on about "commies dindunuffin," "the gulags were all a lie by the west" and so on.

Transferred to a new course after that.

This also happened around 10 years ago, I'm not surprised at all how bad the universities are now.

6bf59a No.14298900


>crash override

>was actually exposed as doxxing clique

what happened that nobody took notice about the shady shit they did on twatter?

c62655 No.14298908


>Gaming history

>Was a mathematician, vidya didn't even exist





>Eternal non-dev victim


The pattern can't be they're all women nor even related to gaming since it's falsified by single people.

6bf59a No.14298920


lurking his tweet feed, he seems in attack mode. Never saw one man dropping so many red pills.

0ad71b No.14298931


He has fuck you money, so he can tweet shit all he wants and no one can fuck with him.

28d5f7 No.14298976

File: 93bfcd947b55f62⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 647x435, 647:435, dog chillie.jpg)


>S. Korea dog meat restaurants refuse to stop serving for Olympics

I hardly think Moon would ever do about 'Ebul dog-eating problomatic culture' for Olympics.

You see, Moon himself not an exactly 'SJW', not at all, as in fact, Moon is farthest guy from SJW. Moon is fucking conservative as fuck guy who despise faggots, SJWs, and Feminists more than Pence does. While he doing election campaign for presidency this time, at the TV debate the pannel asked about his position about the 'gay problem', he smiling, said 'I don't have any plan to make homosexual legal at all'.

Later doing campaign some faggots intruded his speech exact same way as the negresses did on Bernie, and his fucking face was timeless classic. You should have seen his 'disdain for faggots' face.

Moon is fucking gook version of Pence who LARPing as progressive president solely because of contracts with Chinks. And even the Korean SJWs are highly against illegalizing 'dog meat' because there was fucking huge scandal in 90's with 'Front national' faggots including Brigitte Bardot when she openly said that "Koreans are subhuman" whole debating about dog meat shit in Korean national TV news's 8 PM debate. This shit fucking hit the fan hard and that moment was literally every single Koreans in this country turned their back against the 'muh animul' animal activists, especially French eco terrorism cliques. That shit triggered Korean so hard even Korean NL movement faggots (Maoists) and SJWs became anti-animal rights.

So yeah, Moon is fucking Populist scumbag and is Chinese agent but I hardly think he would ban 'dog meat', and even if he does he wouldn't avoid the criticism about bending over white trashes who thinks us subhuman.

e0c60e No.14298986


>he smiling, said 'I don't have any plan to make homosexual legal at all'.

You'll have to be more careful about wearing your dress then.

8f71e6 No.14298992


Now that I think about, we might be able to get them to name drop gamergate tomorrow night. They often follow up on their bumps the next night.

28d5f7 No.14299017

File: 9383aa1ca77057b⋯.jpg (181.58 KB, 985x865, 197:173, EXTREMELY DISTRESSED DOG.jpg)



64215e No.14299082


>gulags were all a lie by the west

Communists, not even once.


You should really think about taking a chill pill, it's a joke, you know.

Wear the sunrise suit instead, fellow Stalker.

c62655 No.14299084

File: 6a9814dc137e8ce⋯.mp4 (736.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, JPsTrueFace.mp4)


Why do you keep replying? People will just keep bothering because they know it will.

28d5f7 No.14299143

File: 374aa9188ccb1a8⋯.png (90.49 KB, 239x223, 239:223, mah stalka.png)


>sunrise suit

Remember to always use NATO rounds too, my fellow stalka, every ruskie ammos are meme ammo.


I… I have very low resistance to (You)…

148caf No.14299158


>History books will look back fondly on Valkenburg because of this.

2d8208 No.14299161

File: bef1fcbd024eac9⋯.webm (6.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, truth of jordan peterson.webm)

0ad71b No.14299178


The benefits of being on the Right Side of History™.

148caf No.14299199

SPLC secret meeting filmed, claims hate groups are rising "'It's The Rise In The Demographic Dispossession Of White People In America' 'You Can't Stop It' 'It's Been Planned For A While"

148caf No.14299203

File: 52db31a0b2bcc0f⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB, 240x320, 3:4, SPLC.mp4)

0ad71b No.14299240


Can't have a proper race war when only one side is rising up. That would stir the general populace to a response. But if you have two or more "extremist" groups fighting in the streets you can maintain a good threat level top both distract the common man from the real problems and intimidate them enough to put on chains voluntarily.

28d5f7 No.14299245

File: 0ef1b2323e762c4⋯.jpg (158.86 KB, 340x475, 68:95, The-Brazen-Serpent-Mt-Nebo….jpg)

File: fa06cc5cec6f894⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 460x276, 5:3, London-Mayor-Unveils-Anis-….jpg)

File: 243895fadb2083e⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 550x345, 110:69, orbitsillohoutte1-640x402.jpg)

File: 0fdee3e6b6eea99⋯.jpg (161.31 KB, 550x555, 110:111, brazen_serpent3.jpg)

File: d6242d10e54d5cc⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 439x585, 439:585, alchemyserpent.jpg)


>Whats with the Brazen Serpent?

The Brazen Serpent, aka 'the symbol of DNA' is actually used as modern day symbol of New World Order, the promised land and it represent the 'sorted out' future earth where Rothschild and Illuminati successed their 'culling' plan and unified the mankind through chaos.

Yeah, Jesuits obsess with sneks, dunno why, maybe because themselves are reptiles.

bc7621 No.14299265

File: 6f952f4c3a5e6ea⋯.png (77.66 KB, 233x350, 233:350, phantom_of_krankor___816_b….png)


>A possible solution maybe to target and expose the leakers, seeing how they are breaking ndas they would be fired immediately purging both the sjw cancer and neofag/resetera's shilling power.

I like this idea VERY MUCH!

1b0a7a No.14299283

File: 1ffc6882cf30dd9⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, gas gas gas.webm)


It can be stopped.

bc7621 No.14299293

File: 363ba0688240061⋯.jpg (153.19 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ss_g_22.jpg)


>Yeah, Jesuits obsess with sneks

They are hollow men.

28d5f7 No.14299308

File: 0be4131acdac917⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, not big surprise.jpg)


>SPLC is literally lower branch of Illuminati

It's not big surprise that they knows the part of Illuminati grand plan like the local mason who made Georgia Guidestones did.

>"White Genocide is America been planned for a while, you can't stop it"

You know, it fucking sounds like something from Hollywood movie villain, sure the reality is stranger than fiction.

bc7621 No.14299319

File: 246f76494fde7a2⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-wars-begin-when-you-….jpg)

File: 9c383885d8680f8⋯.jpg (576.42 KB, 1600x1125, 64:45, Gurren Lagann.jpg)


If so then it's a damn dangerous game that they are playing.



0ad71b No.14299337


Western world is too coordinated to properly succumb to a pandemic. Got to throw them into civil unrest so the containment procedures fail.

India is already set up as ground zero. Only a matter of time.

c62655 No.14299343


>Brazen Serpent

You sure that isn't Rod of Asclepius?

8f71e6 No.14299440

Is "Yikes!" the new soyboy meme? I've noticed a LOT of them saying it now.

2d8600 No.14299458


It's just another part of their "I'm totally harmless and not a sex pest" song and dance routine.

28d5f7 No.14299466

File: 3d2715927710183⋯.jpg (63.67 KB, 328x499, 328:499, 61I4iq6vUWL._SX326_BO1,204….jpg)


As I know both actually derivated from same symbol, the human DNA but I can be wrong. As in fact I can't fucking which is which when they make it as their propaganda symbol.

Serpent was the one who told mankind 'the truth', aka giving them freedom, and they also symbol of human DNA since long ago. Sneks sometimes represent the Lucifer or Samael (Satan) himself, the god that Illuminati worships. It represent Mars, war, vibration, mortality, priests and celebrants, fall, temptation and corruption, 3rd dimension mentality, dualism and sometimes even the sun.

I read some books and apparently Illuminatis are fucking really fucking obssessed with snek symbolism, god knows why. Rod of Asclepius, Caduceus, Brazen Serpent, they're all same shit.

Read Manly P. Hall's 'How to Understand Your Bible' to know more about Bible symbolism. In short sneks represent 'necessary evil' as Illuminati believes the true good and order comes from evil and chaos. And sneks on stick usually represent human DNA.

Illuminati often symbols themselves as the snek, the persecuted poor creature who got fucked by Yahwe for freeing mankind, and was actually working for light and good while doing all kinds of dirty shits!

Yeah, they actually thinks they serving lights in darkness because they teaching the true meaning of 'good' by fucking tormenting humanity for eternity. Like I dunno, 'dindu nuffin' type of villains from video games, you know, was actually had good intention, at least they thought so.

8f71e6 No.14299498

File: 7e51d87bfb77e92⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 268.26 KB, 1480x2300, 74:115, vivian6.jpg)

I think this is my favorite vivian picture. All it's missing is an infinity hairclip and a thick bush

9fb8b7 No.14299507


Sounds like an interesting read.


Needs bags under her eyes and freckles all over.

28d5f7 No.14299527

File: 0dc3ff61e1a94f9⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 449x800, 449:800, DELET THIS.jpg)


Confirm right now whether she's preg or fat. Either way you'll gonna die.

007479 No.14299536


That's fat anon, it's lumpy

e0c60e No.14299543



1d47b7 No.14299544

File: 45ae0b8e3a7b649⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 719x771, 719:771, 45ae0b8e3a7b649d4bf6f6bf80….jpg)


>Irish reviewer gives it a bad score

>It's Trump's fault


28d5f7 No.14299546

File: b4c7397a12b2815⋯.jpg (25 KB, 429x288, 143:96, purge the fat.jpg)



8f71e6 No.14299549


That too. Slightly chubby and unkempt vivian is best vivian. And the look of joy on her face, that that big cock is all hers is funny.


I take it to mean she's chubby, from all the doritos and mountain dew and lack of exercise. More realistic in my opinion. My old friend had a girlfriend once that was a huge gamer, and she was the same way. Chubby and he said she refused to shave her snatch.

007479 No.14299573


Too late she already is, anyone have that pic where she's showering with gilda and calls gilda a retarded potato?

8f71e6 No.14299586

File: 6e41cfaa18e1832⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 305.01 KB, 383x684, 383:684, 1517378499-2.png)

File: 98702cbb10c36be⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 336.85 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 8a80a689bafe2fea8005f2abc2….png)

File: 476355182c6a8bc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 591.36 KB, 1000x2000, 1:2, 1411544305-1.png)


I have one version of it, I know there are other better versions. Have some more chubby vivian as well.

bbfb6c No.14299591


What last post?I stand by what i said,Ada Lovelace is not the first computer programmer, even calling her a programmer is arguable.

0ad71b No.14299597


That's the whole pattern for the list. Every entry is bullshit.

a77ed3 No.14299611

File: 3012b077e77d502⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 434x600, 217:300, 61742918711132346220530.jpg)


>Create your own Maps & Mission with SpellForce 3's modding tools! SpellForce 3 got a new, powerful map editor today! https://youtu.be/-RunMPQ8k9I Read more: http://n.thq.com/EqVo30ij5iS #SpellForce #MakeRTSGreatAgain

THQ Nordic twatted the Trump slogan, ready your salt harvesters.

8f71e6 No.14299617

File: 0c221cc19a5d476⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 487.97 KB, 1033x1161, 1033:1161, Screenshot_174.png)


Would it be too generous to assume that was their point?

vivian unrelated

d8e243 No.14299625


>It represent Mars

I thought it was representing Saturn.


Everywhere I look on that image there is a literally who.

148caf No.14299627

File: fd987aee79d503d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 508.83 KB, 600x806, 300:403, chubby viv.png)


No fuck you.

28d5f7 No.14299634

File: 94c1b515d99d153⋯.jpg (502.63 KB, 1280x1385, 256:277, Patri Archie gamergate.jpg)


Somebody edit this comic into 'Drumpf!'

148caf No.14299643


There's so much subtleties in this comic. Is he still around, I love his work.

28d5f7 No.14299658

File: 96f50bf718275d7⋯.jpg (14.68 KB, 480x360, 4:3, no step on snek.jpg)


>I thought it was representing Saturn.

Mars and Saturn shares many common things in symbolism, as they both represent chaos and evil. When sneks alone they often symbols saturn and when they tangled up with Samael in certain Bibles they represent Mars. Actually I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about what I read. Symbolism is fucking serious business and too much to comprehend for me.

477e1a No.14299691

File: 44eb60375e6e74c⋯.jpg (111.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, amou.jpg)

Weekly reminder to love your waifu/husbando or else I'll come for you.

b0c977 No.14299698


When is the press conference anyways?

28d5f7 No.14299725

File: 4e9908eafe929e0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 23.21 KB, 525x255, 35:17, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….jpg)

File: 2aec8a0d3d46ee3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 86.13 KB, 608x260, 152:65, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….jpg)

File: a9143feba4a92f9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 147.26 KB, 600x255, 40:17, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….jpg)


inb4 THQ Nordic becomes 'whacky alt-right white supremacists'


Pic attached is my waifu, plz rate

c62655 No.14299731

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Fake News, Part 1: Origins and evolution

Caspian Report

History of

e6ec31 No.14299732


Huh, forgot I shared a birthday with Birth of a Nation.


I'd rather have them announce that they're on their last legs. What will it take for companies to avoid or at least give them the 8-4 treatment.

64215e No.14299734

File: 1b78d296a1eeb2c⋯.webm (1.27 MB, 448x336, 4:3, Rare footage of the cance….webm)


>Symbolism is fucking serious business and too much to comprehend for me.

Don't think about it too hard. Sometimes, there is nothing to understand.

e0c60e No.14299743


Losing the first part of their name. Nip companies just see the "NIS" and think quality.

477e1a No.14299752


Oh… so it's an orc? Don't worry, I won't judge you.

d8e243 No.14299770


>Symbolism is fucking serious business and too much to comprehend for me.

Sometimes there is nothing to understand.

Just like red triangle representing fire.


Your waifu is gay.

c62655 No.14299771


late: >>14298701

9d8b24 No.14299779


whoops i'm dumb

b0c977 No.14299786

File: 6e8fdccb3f08d43⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 450x600, 3:4, just an ordinary gravel ro….jpg)


Don't worry about it, don't look behind you.

28d5f7 No.14299788

File: 649bbd2a12c0473⋯.png (44.99 KB, 969x704, 969:704, hello cuckchan newfag.png)


>he doesn't know how to crossboard linking

>slow news


28d5f7 No.14299906

File: 19c4f247611142b⋯.png (50.9 KB, 758x848, 379:424, 1430367376169-3.png)


>he delet'd himself

Has bullying business gone too far?

d8e243 No.14299945

fb5a23 No.14299959



83a994 No.14299975

File: 4c8d1a2c99326d1⋯.webm (188.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, anti-bully ranger.webm)

148caf No.14300019


What anime is this?

d8e243 No.14300035



83a994 No.14300049

File: 4406170578fda26⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sharks! Sharks! Sharks! Sh….mp4)


Boku no Pico

e0c60e No.14300053


Boku no pico. Her name is Coco.

148caf No.14300061



Thanks. Any good streaming site I can watch this on, I can't find this on crunchyroll.

28d5f7 No.14300062


Ignore all the trolls, the anime is 'Kimchi Warrior' and you must watch it

148caf No.14300074


Don't worry, I know this guy was joking because two other people gave a different answer, both the same. I also know you're trying to trick me, fucker.

9f8e5b No.14300083

File: e149eb1c737d85e⋯.gif (354.54 KB, 480x270, 16:9, fuck_1298347928734.gif)


>Any good streaming site I can watch this on

Get it from Nyaa.pantsu.cat you goddamn nigger

007479 No.14300148


I know this is a pleb opinion, but why? Most streaming sites have good quality and it's fine

148caf No.14300173


I never use them much, I get it from Crunchy most of the time.

007479 No.14300180


Why would you ever give those faggots money? You should really consider either killing yourself or just cancelling your crunchyroll subscription

c62655 No.14300192


Quality and color.

7cd34d No.14300195

File: a1566041f93dd76⋯.png (94.89 KB, 603x579, 201:193, logan paul.PNG)

File: 6c4516d1c6e8c8b⋯.png (51.3 KB, 607x457, 607:457, YouTube home of hate speec….PNG)

File: cce1dd8a39abafb⋯.png (53.63 KB, 609x430, 609:430, Facebook.PNG)

>Polygon: "YouTube takes further action against Logan Paul, suspends all ads on channel." Unintentionally reveals YouTube's actual motivations in making Logan Paul an example for other Youtubers.



>Loni Reeder on Twitter: "It’s hurtful to the Women of Atari. We LIVED this reality…To dismiss Nolan & our truth as unworthy of being told, simply because our truth doesn’t fit into a divisive agenda? Sounds more like a #MeMe movement."




>Brian Crecente / Glixel - "Disbarred Anti-Video Game Attorney Jack Thompson Offers Aid in Marshall School Shooting Case"



>Burn Notice: Notch lays into GDC over the whole Atari Nolan thing















e0c60e No.14300200


Stream sites put ads on subs they didn't make. You're giving traffic to people who profit off others' work.


You are a literal faggot.

1dd755 No.14300209

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



So, things are coming full cirlce?

<The Creation of the ESRB - Gaming Historian

148caf No.14300210

File: 27e58a011d79d7b⋯.webm (8.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Touhou 東方 PV - Chen's Gen….webm)


First you complain that people are using streaming sites, then you call me a faggot for not using one. Make up your mind.

007479 No.14300212


At that point wouldn't you argue to just download it directly erai or horriblesubs? I'm not justifying it but I do use adblocker on those sites so at least they don't get the revenue from me

007479 No.14300216


>First you complain that people are using streaming sites, then you call me a faggot for not using one

Crunchyroll is worse than any streaming site because you're literally paying money to one of the major cancers in anime

1dd755 No.14300218


>Stream sites put ads on subs they didn't make. You're giving traffic to people who profit off others' work.

You talking about places like Mangafox?

2d8600 No.14300223

File: b71a31e1592159b⋯.jpg (76.17 KB, 270x473, 270:473, 1428162105112.jpg)


>YouTube is the evolution of the 90's radio shock jock

>because one guy on the platform is an asshole

148caf No.14300225


If streaming and torrenting profit off of other peoples work, and crunchyroll is cancer as you claim, what do you suggest?

e0c60e No.14300227


Get it from the subbers, their xdcc or pantsu.


mangafox, kissanime, onepieceofbleah, etc. yes.

47bb46 No.14300233

File: 4e7b6d1713012f6⋯.gif (542.31 KB, 500x333, 500:333, shit what the fuck.gif)


>Logan Paul's new video shows him using a taser on dead rats


007479 No.14300240


No you misunderstood, he was saying streaming sites profit off of other's work. Others' work meaning the fansubbers.

7cd34d No.14300279

File: 3b45436a881e35d⋯.png (141.89 KB, 444x598, 222:299, Capture.PNG)

9f8e5b No.14300286

File: 6a3120c4556dd6f⋯.jpg (153.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _r_19823794829384.jpg)


Stream sites have 0 quality control and will use whatever version gets released first to be able to profit from other people's work while the content is hot.

Most non-cartel groups from torrent sites will at least try to release decent subs and bluray versions, if you choose to support stream sites you are helping to kill the already small fansubbing community and allowing SJW infested companies/fansubs to take over.

007479 No.14300300


Is it kind of a pain in the ass to find all the different fansub groups to download from though? Also what about for older anime? Most of the time you can only find that on streaming sites

7cd34d No.14300320

>Bill prohibiting 'free speech zones' introduced in U.S. Senate


>Twitch to ban users for 'hate' on other platforms - BBC News


>Newsweek Editors Blast Exec to His Face: ‘What You're Doing Is Bullshit. You Don't Understand Journalism.’




2d8600 No.14300329


Honestly, this whole thing with them trying to push #MeToo into the gaming industry and getting heavy resistance from women who were actually there should be a lesson for how inoculated the gaming industry is against moral panics. Sure, you'll get the occasional gatekeeper trying to push that shit, but they have to resort to moving goalposts within 24 hours regardless. Now that actual Atari employees from the 70's and 80's are vocally refuting their bullshit, all they have left is claiming Nolan's apology is proof and that these women don't matter. What a great victory for feminism!

28d5f7 No.14300342

File: 0f4376ede368b49⋯.jpg (121.64 KB, 990x814, 45:37, deep cold philosopher star….jpg)



>literally shooting tazer to a dead rat

That man is fucking literal sociopath. He's in early stage of being fucking serial killer.

28d5f7 No.14300346

File: 0695eee810ce923⋯.png (322.04 KB, 720x720, 1:1, kuyashi.png)


why do i keep forgetting to turn the flag off

2d8600 No.14300354


We would have known it was you anyway, Gookanon.

9f8e5b No.14300371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14300300 (checked)

You can usually find all the releases from places like Nyaa.Pantsu, just try to avoid horrible subs/crunchy roll/funimation releases since they usually inject garbage politics into already terrible translations.

Also, try to get BD versions when available since the difference between TV releases and Bluray rips is huge.

64215e No.14300426

File: c77b4c80f28e4a6⋯.png (1.35 MB, 960x1536, 5:8, 74da52f2b080ad9938c1aebcce….png)


>What are IDs

I expected better, gook.

a436a3 No.14300574

File: eccd5655021df21⋯.png (429.65 KB, 648x440, 81:55, archive live.png)


3951c2 No.14300585

File: ea67fbf381f2c3b⋯.png (579.08 KB, 1031x680, 1031:680, 45ertd.PNG)


Im both happy and surprised i haven't heard of this asshole faggot before this suicide thing. Was he really popular before?

47bb46 No.14300610


>Was he really popular before?

Apparently, based on the people STILL willing to defend him even after tazing dead rats. I might have heard of him before during SVU's GamerGate episode but I don't think I even knew who he was until he went to Japan and made a complete ass of himself, even outside of the infamous suicide video.

fa6825 No.14300645

File: b92aa7230ce7d81⋯.jpeg (34.02 KB, 444x370, 6:5, Magnum Koishi.jpeg)

40be50 No.14300666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning!

40be50 No.14300688

File: 09930c7aca32109⋯.jpg (83.38 KB, 577x1024, 577:1024, Retard 2204.jpg)

b8e1bc No.14300689

File: f019a685741efb1⋯.jpg (109.66 KB, 398x269, 398:269, system shock 2 logs.jpg)



Vine star from looking him up, and absolutely nothing else of note aside from Law and Order. Pure, unadulterated E-celeb spergery.

7cd34d No.14300731

File: 9b6b10736451ea5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, operation stupidity.png)

>Kotaku:Twitch's New Policies Are Worrying Some Provocative Streamers



007479 No.14300748


Knowing Castreau he's going to push this law through with gusto, remember hate speech isn't free speech

3323f2 No.14300764

File: f416589ead69214⋯.jpg (124.77 KB, 400x375, 16:15, adAAdbp.jpg)

40be50 No.14300767


Is it just me or this is an obvious sign of sociopathy?

268b50 No.14300772


So what? It's just a rat. It is also dead.

28d5f7 No.14300858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Torturing animals or their body is early sign of sociopathy and in numerous countries doctors demand the immediate treatment especially younger the patient.

I dunno which movie but I remember from some movie a psychopath practicing crying or smiling in front mirror. Look at that man's dead facial impression when he shoots tazer at the dead mouse. I'm 120% strongly believe this guy is fucking sociopath and will gladly kill any person to just be popular. I felt fucking Charlie Mason tier of goosebumps when watched his interview, saying something like "I'm not the one who pursue popularity".

Often those people build their lives with nothing but lies and their souls are hollow.

40be50 No.14300859

File: ba9f2ed9ec57a72⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 549x633, 183:211, Retard 2205.jpg)

28d5f7 No.14300873

File: 257952a0a0eea50⋯.jpg (12.35 KB, 389x257, 389:257, chen_is_too_old.jpg)


>Five years after GG

>tfw 2014 was 5 years ago

I bet they think Nazi was 126 years ago

47bb46 No.14300884


>five years

God damn it, I told you faggots not to mess with the time machine!

83a994 No.14300885

File: db9e0cb2a7dfbe8⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 571x515, 571:515, 1300538996109.jpg)


>2014 was 5 years ago

7cd34d No.14300897

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

aa6302 No.14300925


It's called Retarded Lesbian.

5d7c08 No.14300930

File: 3a1e8a18470616e⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 618x348, 103:58, gate2.jpg)


>Five years


Those first 18 months or so of #GG were so wild that it's left a void in my memory.



<That will completely solve toxic behaviour!

7cd34d No.14300952

File: bcbd37472510ecb⋯.png (503.54 KB, 598x635, 598:635, baka gaijin.PNG)

File: 62db0d6cd3b08f8⋯.jpg (188.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 547f272faf2cefa938abf9e8a9….jpg)



>YouTube has issued a new set of transparent rules regarding problematic creators on the platform who generate concerns among the community.

>Ariel Bardin, vice president of product management at YouTube, announced in a post on YouTube’s Creators Blog that creators who engage in negative behavior that can affect the community as whole will lose access to ad revenue, could be revoked from YouTube’s Partner Program and may no longer be recommended to users.

>“We may remove a channel’s eligibility to be recommended on YouTube, such as appearing on our home page, trending tab or watch next,” said Bardin.

>YouTube’s news comes just hours after the company suspended ad revenue for Logan Paul, currently the platform’s most notorious creator. Paul recently returned to YouTube after a three-week hiatus and posted shocking videos featuring him performing CPR on a dead fish and using a stun gun on a couple of dead rats. He also tweeted about swallowing Tide Pods for every retweet he received. These actions violate YouTube’s community guidelines and have now resulted in further consequences against Paul, who first made headlines in early January after uploading a video featuring the body of a man who had recently committed suicide.

>“In the past, we felt our responses to some of these situations were slow and didn’t always address our broader community’s concerns,” Bardin said. “Our ultimate goal here is to streamline our response so we can make better, faster decisions and communicate them clearly.”

>Bardin reiterated that this will only affect a small subset of creators, saying that YouTube’s goal is to weed out the community’s most troublesome people. A post on YouTube’s support site refers to these consequences affecting only the most severe offenders.

>“That’s why it’s critical to ensure that the actions of a few don’t impact the 99.9 percent of you who use your channels to connect with your fans or build thriving businesses,” said Bardin.

>More information can be read on YouTube’s blog.

Link to the statement on YouTube's blog:


8220d0 No.14300965


Feminists can't count, anon. Don't forget that they also think 1 in 3 women is raped in college and that women earn money than men for the same work.

>captcha: mytwkr

>myth worker

5aeca8 No.14300974

File: e63cc24ae7a4eeb⋯.png (340.74 KB, 965x846, 965:846, Gamergate-Wiki---tan-12.png)

Anons, I still need to finish the GG wiki-tan gijinka. I didn't know which one you wants or you want me to go back to the drawing board. The notes are in this previous thread: Link https://8ch.net/gamergatehq/res/327365.html

6aa59b No.14300978

File: c0ec942ee345270⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, DmC_Journos.jpg)

File: dda8b5eb6a02608⋯.png (795.6 KB, 800x878, 400:439, dmc.png)

File: f0249450655f134⋯.png (353.4 KB, 1030x2432, 515:1216, the DmC media blitz in gre….png)

File: 454c5450eca8a16⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2695x4482, 2695:4482, DmC_quality_reviews.jpg)

File: 03dfc6e7a863fa5⋯.jpg (31.45 KB, 464x238, 232:119, DmC losers.jpg)


While GG did begin in 2014, the DmC incident happened in 2013.

007479 No.14300981


What in the fuck is that thing

5aeca8 No.14300987


Thinking the same thing, Anon. I know something is up when Logan was apologizing for the Japan incident in live tv.

28d5f7 No.14300992

File: f4a40e16c61f831⋯.png (375.8 KB, 514x536, 257:268, autism levels.png)


Who drew that piece of shit? I can draw better one by only using my middle finger and I've never drew a thing in my life.

>he can't crossboard link

It's not just autism, it's newfag autism.


5d6e84 No.14301000

File: 656949021f5c5ca⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 1415x1251, 1415:1251, 656949021f5c5cab7e12d163b7….jpg)



>what anime is this

<boku no pico


5aeca8 No.14301013


It's suppose to be a personified version of the GGwiki. I'm figure that if there's a personified version of it, more normie eyes will know that there's a wiki. (You should see the first time sample, really bad).

0e9b2d No.14301016

File: fb075fc33c11de6⋯.png (380.43 KB, 640x1210, 64:121, Event is always right.png)

0c9caa No.14301017

File: f738cb1f88226d2⋯.png (173.61 KB, 733x877, 733:877, XSEED Games offers diversi….png)

File: e0fd01008935c0e⋯.jpg (14.45 KB, 251x189, 251:189, 1278885930486.jpg)

File: b58a047298159a4⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 320x200, 8:5, 1270314888672.jpg)


>XSEED's team leader Ken Berry and localization producer Thomas Lipschultz have posted an announcement offerring "diversity facilitation training" to Japanese developers.

>According to Lipschultz, this training would help developers understand the negative impact of sexual objectification and the fetishization of underage girls

>"Japanese society remains quite unfamiliar with oppression theories deveoped in the west." - Lipschultz said - "With this little workshop we hope to improve the quality of the works we bring to the west without pressure for censorship."

>Tom has expressed his worries about censorship in the past, going as far as removing his name from the ending credits of XSEED-localized games when he is forced to make a change, but now he hopes changes will no longer be necessary as Japanese tastes begin to align with the west.

>"Here's hoping I don't have to be the shadow translator anymore (laughs)."


5aeca8 No.14301031


I spent years thinking how to advertise the GGwiki, thinking that if there's something for the GG drawfags to let others know.

ba585f No.14301034

File: 65ad4a9f315b657⋯.jpg (4.54 KB, 250x250, 1:1, rage of pepe.jpg)

5d6e84 No.14301038


I hope the nips would give them the same FUCK OFF reply as they did to the feminists.

5aeca8 No.14301040


I didn't get back to it, because of the huge fishes we were frying.

28d5f7 No.14301042

File: 176cdc402b29a76⋯.gif (3.65 MB, 400x225, 16:9, a guy gets upset for a ver….gif)

File: 46b424e0098c952⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, very little rage.jpg)

File: a908e5d4378e1e1⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 636x353, 636:353, rage1.jpg)


>they literally started to indoctrinate naive, unexposed, unpozzed Japanese with their twisted ideology


fa6825 No.14301045

File: e2c843bad468b03⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 720x720, 1:1, saint olga patron saint of….jpg)

File: 562072930227b1e⋯.jpg (92.86 KB, 455x1024, 455:1024, 1449284322085-3.jpg)


>that pic

Why is Logan Paul's face so punchable?

>removing "problematic" creators videos from showing up

This won't go wrong.



fd445d No.14301046

File: 339d9a943bf4ae1⋯.jpg (100.06 KB, 516x490, 258:245, 1468383012791.jpg)

58e642 No.14301048

File: a3dd65aee5a3784⋯.png (5.31 KB, 274x242, 137:121, Relax.png)


I am no longer mad at this, something must be wrong with me?

65f30e No.14301050

File: 26323ac7bd6295b⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 619x347, 619:347, a5a3699bd1f091a762c10b030b….jpg)


The archive's benis, my guys

28d5f7 No.14301051

File: 9433afbd9678506⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 799x388, 799:388, fug i failed memes.jpg)



are you the same fucker who did CNN Park shit few years ago

f2e0cf No.14301057

File: bf70e6e0c0276f6⋯.jpg (630.81 KB, 1024x1018, 512:509, 08o3n8ayonb01.jpg)


Well done.

7cd34d No.14301060

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ba585f No.14301064

File: bfe1ccb0263f46a⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 500x280, 25:14, HAHAHA.gif)

Alright you got me fucking good well done.

fd445d No.14301065

File: 87d5c6b93dc9093⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 252x252, 1:1, 2359634987590428572348423.jpg)


I'm just a random anon, I never post benis

7cd34d No.14301078


>This won't go wrong

I don't doubt that someone may be able to find a loophole around these guidelines.

Speaking of which the guidelines on the YouTube Creators Blog are as follows:

>When one creator does something particularly blatant—like conducts a heinous prank where people are traumatized, promotes violence or hate toward a group, demonstrates cruelty, or sensationalizes the pain of others in an attempt to gain views or subscribers—it can cause lasting damage to the community, including viewers, creators and the outside world. That damage can have real-world consequences not only to users, but also to other creators, leading to missed creative opportunities, lost revenue and serious harm to your livelihoods. That’s why it’s critical to ensure that the actions of a few don’t impact the 99.9 percent of you who use your channels to connect with your fans or build thriving businesses.

007479 No.14301083

5aeca8 No.14301085

Here's All The Tropes: https://allthetropes.org/wiki/Main_Page

It's a fork of Tv Tropes, since the latter adopted pro-censorship atmosphere and the sjws joined.

fa6825 No.14301086


>it was benis


5d7c08 No.14301090


Yeh there were things before GG kicked off - like femfreq got a 'Ambassador for Vidya' Award before GG too. Rumblings were going on in the background before it all came to a head.

c95b74 No.14301092

File: b47e8e2d1fcab10⋯.jpg (848.22 KB, 2508x4823, 2508:4823, vivgilda shower (1).jpg)

File: 93187955c1c0ae0⋯.jpg (203.57 KB, 1149x1009, 1149:1009, the only good answer.jpg)

ba585f No.14301095


Shit good to know it's still alive are people still updating it to be like pre 2012 tv tropes?

e84fd5 No.14301096

File: dd9d0a344a85756⋯.png (138.58 KB, 1184x687, 1184:687, red anon you dense motherf….png)



007479 No.14301102


Thanks anon


Nigger read the actual archive instead of being a faggot

5aeca8 No.14301105

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Moronic vid that I was talking about earlier. Jewtube is gonna protect him after punishing us with tons of rules, for the dumb things he's done.

ba585f No.14301119

File: b3c136574c688fa⋯.png (144.64 KB, 540x474, 90:79, hangingpaulamane.png)

20fb0a No.14301120


These days, Benis is a relief to click on. It's far better than much of what is true.

d8e243 No.14301129


They are already dead.

I really should start learning nip to make fan-translations or pick-up coding again to make freeware games in my free time.

5aeca8 No.14301132


Thanks, Anon. Though I can't wait for more people to join and contribute.

d8e243 No.14301138



It was just benis.

5aeca8 No.14301140


Ik, Anon. It's really frustrating.

ba585f No.14301144


Should ask if it can be in the op of next thread cause we (inb4 Marche spergs) could use an alt to Sjw tropes.

5aeca8 No.14301169


I know, especially since Encyclopedia Dramatica told me what happen behind the Tv Tropes scene…The mods at TvT are crazy and one is chugging sjw Kool-Aid as if it's water.

ba585f No.14301181

File: 92be5f6c8b8087a⋯.png (21.99 KB, 861x91, 123:13, this is what tv tropes doe….PNG)

File: 0764e2c67f1e379⋯.png (25.51 KB, 907x207, 907:207, tv dopes never change.PNG)



e84fd5 No.14301209

File: 42db412e9e127eb⋯.png (173.48 KB, 828x820, 207:205, danielle bonks anon for no….png)


goddamit, I can't believe I fell for that benis

ddc244 No.14301220

File: 9da0c9383ee00d5⋯.png (14.47 KB, 556x334, 278:167, 9da0c9383ee00d5d6feacba4e0….png)

I don't know what's worse, people falling for the fake XSEED news (check the fucking archive, you retards) or the anon who made it.

It was too fucking obvious. Also I have some sekret news regarding XSEED and some speculation on NISA's future.

007479 No.14301227


>I don't know what's worse, people falling for the fake XSEED news (check the fucking archive, you retards) or the anon who made it.

People falling for it, it shows a laziness and a listen and believe attitude that shouldn't exist within GG, the anon baiting everyone is providing a valuable service by reminding everyone to always verify

82956b No.14301229

File: d0e3bb68e383d54⋯.jpg (20.34 KB, 288x233, 288:233, 325573092524992638216794.jpg)


That felt too real.

Benis is getting scary.

5aeca8 No.14301235


Against the Japanese, the bias is so big I can feel it.

5aeca8 No.14301257


Some of the anons in Kotaku in Action (reddit) are a bit clueless (I can excuse a few anons if they're new to Gamergate), the ones who know what happen have to keep explaining that sjws took over Tv Tropes.

fb5a23 No.14301259


I though they did that already?

I remember the last iDubbz content cop didn't appeared in the front page despite getting 10+ million views in a day.

82956b No.14301263


The problem, as with every alternative, is that allthetropes is outdated as fuck due to lack of users. I'm really fucking tired of SJWs ruining the successful thing and pushing us to some remote deserted alternative.

5aeca8 No.14301295


Agree. An anti-sjw in Deviantart told me that it will take a lifetime for ATT to repair the damage and be a Tv Tropes worthy opponent. I do know a few anti-sjws and sane people that were driven out of Tv Tropes there.

28d5f7 No.14301298

File: f303533ae8ac9a4⋯.gif (134.19 KB, 360x360, 1:1, chen_dance_tonight.gif)


Just donated 5 dollidoos, feels good man. I wish I was right-wing millionaire and could donate more dolladees for great justice.

17193c No.14301309

File: 150ec61df5cd40a⋯.jpg (245.45 KB, 1050x1507, 1050:1507, 150ec61df5cd40a93841108999….jpg)


Someone should post it on gog, let the normalfags there discuss about kike censorship of Japanese games. :^)

17193c No.14301331

File: a419f66b5211de7⋯.png (661.96 KB, 677x479, 677:479, spurdo_benis.png)


>Click on the archive to read it

>It's a BENIS

5aeca8 No.14301334

1193b3 No.14301341

File: 07f0bcec43bee4f⋯.png (148.63 KB, 635x457, 635:457, red.png)


Holy fucking shit how new are you? Can failing to crosslink be a bannable offense?

7cd34d No.14301360

>TechCrunch: YouTube will remove ads and downgrade discoverability of channels posting offensive videos


1193b3 No.14301363

File: 1f173da014bc775⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1f173da014bc775653a4bd695e….jpg)




Wait, is was bait. I'm a retarded nigger. And so is 28d5f7.

5aeca8 No.14301375

ddc244 No.14301380

File: af1f9c5d6bf4998⋯.png (501.25 KB, 700x394, 350:197, FishingTRAILSOCS302.png)

File: b4963db99f1d326⋯.png (397.4 KB, 700x538, 350:269, Bonding_Event.png)

Ready for NISA to announce Trails of Cold Steel III in 30 minutes?

757ca4 No.14301382

File: 7a2037e0b4898e0⋯.webm (3.73 MB, 720x404, 180:101, Tobias Whale.webm)

File: 544bd4dfb0c94df⋯.webm (4.3 MB, 720x404, 180:101, Black Lightning is back.webm)


If you compare it to other superhero tv shows, it's leaps and bounds better so far from what I've seen. I wouldn't give it 100%, but I don't think anything deserves a 100% score.

9fb8b7 No.14301393


I'm confused how his powers work. It's electricity but it seems to work like telekinesis too?

deea8d No.14301397


I don't, I hate your attempt at a thread derail though and everyone biting it including me


>KiA is going through serious drama and we just lost one of the GG meetup organizers to it, which will kill at least one long running tradition

The guy was always a bit of an autist though




proresufag got butthurt once because he argued with datnofact and lost, so of course he will bitch about him here. datnofact can be very dumb though, but seriously, stop running here to complain about random twitterfags who dunked on you once


Why do they always lie?


>can't even crosspost

How many times do anons have to tell you to stop this OC.

Stop. There's no need.


Benis was a mistake.

e84fd5 No.14301409


are you ZUN, pls respond

b8e1bc No.14301416

File: 32fc90128027ce9⋯.jpg (73.9 KB, 1033x654, 1033:654, NISA Ys 2.jpg)


You going to have them tonsil deep the second they hand out promises that have never once come to fruition again?

5aeca8 No.14301417


Any ideas on how to bypass Google and the mainstream media? So, curious normies can get the correct GG information (Besides going to KYM).

1193b3 No.14301454


>Planned for a while

>Since the 80s

>Admitting to this

Such evidence is too good to be true.

5aeca8 No.14301465

Get a load at this: https://archive.is/Q6yva

67e8d9 No.14301484

File: 8178121d05dd05c⋯.png (126.85 KB, 226x219, 226:219, 8178121d05dd05c6a40001b562….png)


Anon, don't fucking do that to me. I swear my fucking heart stopped for about five seconds.

17193c No.14301493

File: a6025de93eda38d⋯.jpg (184.82 KB, 652x958, 326:479, jazz nightmare.jpg)


>Nigger doing white face

>How is this not raycyst?

757ca4 No.14301495


His electricity hits like a punch because it's more cinematic and fun than having people fry to a crisp.

312853 No.14301511

File: b7e258b0fe61c3a⋯.png (3.48 MB, 800x2904, 100:363, 1410571619502.png)

File: 19a29d9914a92e8⋯.png (1.22 MB, 700x1690, 70:169, 1410571692710.png)

File: c90023458aacadf⋯.png (2.1 MB, 800x2000, 2:5, 1410571772399.png)

File: 09844cc330647b8⋯.png (1.39 MB, 800x2000, 2:5, 1410571850643.png)

File: 6f3926631ab916f⋯.png (1.85 MB, 800x2176, 25:68, 1410571930419.png)

5aeca8 No.14301527


I never grew up with Adult Swim and somehow I know that there's nothing now since Samurai Jack finished. I didn't know they, Adult Swim, got taken over.

47bb46 No.14301539


>not listing Yoko Shimomura, composer for Street Fighter 2, Kingdom Hearts, Mario & Luigi (also Super Mario RPG), bits and pieces of Xenoblade and Parasite Eve

Also come to think of it, wasn't the idea for Shantae created by Matt Bozon's wife back before the GBC game came out?

3323f2 No.14301540

File: 8b1a38242e722a3⋯.jpg (9.42 KB, 184x184, 1:1, beb73f394282243111b1195e80….jpg)


I don't think it is white face, I'm pretty sure he's just a ginger nigger. They can exist, they just aren't common.

2d8600 No.14301542

File: b790b2621530cfd⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 600x354, 100:59, Ozymandias.jpg)


So as it turns out, real-life villains are that fucking retarded.

9fb8b7 No.14301546


Why not just give him Heihachi styled punches with electricity powering it up?

757ca4 No.14301550


He's an albino. And seeing as Tobias Whale is Black Lightning's main villain, and his entire shtick is that he's a white skinned nigger.


He does, most of the time. But he can also shoot electricity and stuff.

1193b3 No.14301555


>Bill prohibiting 'free speech zones' introduced in U.S. Senate

Misleading headline unless you think for a second. The USA is a free speech zone. The bill is to prohibit college campuses from limiting free speech to small designated zones for which their users will likely be mocked.

e84fd5 No.14301564

File: 3b579a648f7efe0⋯.gif (374.08 KB, 384x288, 4:3, Tyra-reaction.gif)


>mariel cartwright/kinucakes

nah. she appeared on a panel with Scooby Wu and 100% supports Femfreq

1193b3 No.14301567

File: 0a21626f04569af⋯.png (414.83 KB, 677x723, 677:723, 0a21626f04569afa8c86f225ff….png)


>2014 was 20 years ago

f19565 No.14301571


1995 was 84 years ago

312853 No.14301577

File: 104eafca60c6596⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1316x1492, 329:373, 6K6Nq11.png)

File: 810821ae974c813⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1154x866, 577:433, 1396141075480.png)

File: d3ebe8fd206f74c⋯.png (371.56 KB, 604x496, 151:124, 1416265360666.png)

File: eccd337193ffcba⋯.jpg (347.57 KB, 1024x1394, 512:697, Bws5R-3IYAAddgA.jpg)

1193b3 No.14301581


>I spent years thinking how to advertise the GGwiki

>Can't crosslink


fd445d No.14301586

File: fa71921df544ed4⋯.jpg (20.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 934875908769047636.jpg)

12b6a8 No.14301592


Not related to the thread, but I overheard someone explaining what 4chan was to someone today and thought I'd share.

>There are the lowly people who actually use Reddit on a daily basis.

>Then there are people who comment on PornHub.

>4chan is below that.

1193b3 No.14301597

File: f1ad4d1a47506ff⋯.png (521.58 KB, 394x549, 394:549, Disoriented 'droid.png)


>Anons replying before ever looking at the content of an article

Why would one ever do this?

9937ad No.14301598

File: 95ad3204549cf53⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 400x226, 200:113, 65887.gif)

5aeca8 No.14301600

deea8d No.14301610



It's normalfag, newfag. Lurk more.

1193b3 No.14301618


So how long until this one is pozzed too? Anons already sperg about the word "tropes" itself as if SJWs invented the term.

9937ad No.14301620

File: 662fc8da6ed93bb⋯.png (162.05 KB, 1024x896, 8:7, 6596598.png)


I only have this one for USA

12b6a8 No.14301634

File: 8225c51f4421dd5⋯.png (151.19 KB, 1906x926, 953:463, vsauce.png)


I have this image.

Didn't mean to reply to you in >>14301592

5aeca8 No.14301636


I don't know until All The Tropes is pozzed. Did something happen that I wasn't aware of? I spent my time editing and updating pages over there.

Sorry, I was talking about Tv Tropes earlier.

312853 No.14301642

File: 48f04422540a4e2⋯.mp4 (267.45 KB, 600x332, 150:83, nLpx2f1.mp4)

I wish 8chan had a "turn off nsfw image blockers" option.

I'm sitting in my own goddamn home. Nothing is "not safe for work" on my own godamn screen.

12b6a8 No.14301650


Complain about it on /sudo/, maybe codemonkey will add that feature by the end of the decade.


He didn't say it was pozzed, only that it may become pozzed in the future. I'll check that site out, maybe add some things.

5aeca8 No.14301665


Got it. That's why I try advertising the site in anti-sjw places, I'm so worried about ATT getting pozzed.

1fe696 No.14301675


>not using 8chanX to unhide spoiler images

8391d4 No.14301682

File: faff9696980aaa4⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1173x640, 1173:640, 6_edited (2).png)

File: 1d15df43dfcafbd⋯.png (788.84 KB, 528x1014, 88:169, 27_edited.png)

File: 67f1c894736eeb8⋯.png (817.64 KB, 1203x1463, 1203:1463, 120_edited.png)

File: 537d5abbee81482⋯.png (314.89 KB, 741x931, 39:49, 26_edited.png)

File: e5a45130102bd45⋯.png (475.96 KB, 595x718, 595:718, 94_edited.png)


An outstanding benis. Well done.

6519bb No.14301705

File: 46c98b0386daf07⋯.png (2.56 KB, 105x84, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

fa6825 No.14301719

File: 1222713d80d3a9e⋯.jpg (116.4 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, nisa-logo.jpg)

fd445d No.14301720


>Expand all images

Just fuck my shit up

No seriously, have you tried it?

6aa59b No.14301731


Anon, some people don't know about the search function on the catalog.

007479 No.14301761


Holy shit I didn't know about the search function, I've just been using ctrl+F

efc181 No.14301776

>NISA still holds the rights to non-ZUN 2hu games

40be50 No.14301787

>Mark Kern is now being ganged up for daring to say that these feminist "gamers" were to say that video games were always been mainstream since the beginning and nerds weren't marginalized

Boy, these people are unhinged.

fa6825 No.14301789


I'm not entirely sure how 2hu doujin games can get published outside of Japan.

007479 No.14301798


He's also getting bullied for his appearence

2d8600 No.14301807


Of course they're unhinged, he struck a nerve by calling them out on being the exclusionary assholes that ostracized nerds to begin with.

ba585f No.14301862


Didn't he slim down?

55ae80 No.14301869


Yes and they're still doing it

244567 No.14301877


Fuck you, anon, and fuck you XSEED. I was having an amazing day before I read this post.

e84fd5 No.14301883

File: e8347523f20ec00⋯.png (210.17 KB, 885x841, 885:841, danielle fake benis.png)

244567 No.14301900


omg i feel like a mega newfag I have failed you goobergayz I'm deleting my account on 8cha.

2d8600 No.14301902


But they act appalled when people say they're pulling Mean Girls bullshit.

b16e33 No.14301927


Internet women can't do anything wrong because they have no power or agency.

2b10dc No.14301941

File: 0f754f971d4b330⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 2714x5902, 1357:2951, 653c09755c9845d7dabc3decff….jpg)


look at all the games that will be covered in shit.

>hundread knights 2

>touhou game

> thelostchild game where they show off art assets with no actual gameplay displayed

sounds like it is some sort of pokemon like game crossed with Shin Megami Tensei?

all these fucking trailer go on for way too long and tell absolutely nothing about the game

>Ys VIII coming to switch

>snk heroines

>labyrinth of refrain

some other stuff I didn't even pay attention

47d862 No.14301953


I would rather no more games get translated ever than have nips accept this.

fa6825 No.14301959


At least they didn't get CS3. I'm not even a Falcom fan and I would be terribly upset if that happened.

47bb46 No.14301960


It makes Bond villains look smart.



1193b3 No.14301987


That's been guaranteed not to happen for ages. Falcom stated they don't want to change localizers in the middle of a series regardless of whether localization competitors are just as good or even better as a new localization team would have it's own translation idiosyncrasies differing from the original team's that would mean noticibly changing character personalities and established terminology. There was never a chance in hell of NISA getting CS3 and I don't know why anyone ever thought there was.

c62655 No.14302001


I heard a rumor that the skullgirls artist drew guro once. Is this true?

7cd34d No.14302047

File: 2becccff10aff7e⋯.png (29.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, evolution.png)

File: 47c87adc87e83a6⋯.png (180.66 KB, 500x283, 500:283, pikachu.png)

9fb8b7 No.14302052

File: 7ec992796e3f33f⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 680x742, 340:371, how feminists see gamergat….jpg)


Oh boy oh boy

40be50 No.14302060

File: f9df7f784647a87⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Doctors Nuts.jpg)


>#GamerGate morphed into comics and hence #ComicsGate

Wew. We "evolved" apparently.

e84fd5 No.14302061


remember that Comicsgate started when a mentally ill tranny writer conspired with other sjw comics people to beat up a comics youtuber in a con. They planned to trigger the guy's PTSD (because he was a marine) and beat him up with a baseball bat.

ba585f No.14302073

File: 68363eac987a30a⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 189x189, 1:1, what!.gif)

007479 No.14302076


What happened with comicsgate again? I kind of got things mixed up with the MTG stuff

7cd34d No.14302090

1193b3 No.14302092


That's some spicy info. You got any sauce to calm this burning sensation?

e84fd5 No.14302109

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



"waaaah this guy keeps roasting our comics!! I know, lets beat the shit out of him in a con! But wait, isn't that assault? Not in'self defense! lets trigger his ptsd so we can beat him up!!"

e84fd5 No.14302124

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


just like gamejournopros

c62655 No.14302128


☑ Evolving across industries



I'm going to need a source for that.

7cd34d No.14302136

fa6825 No.14302143


>"Falcom stated they don't want to change localizers in the middle of a series"

>What is Ys 8

e84fd5 No.14302158

File: d3d93c4fe686756⋯.png (299.7 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


and before that, there was the Milkshake girls selfie. New female queer POC writers of marvel, responsible for fucking up superheroes (giving them superherpes and bringing sales down to the depths), all in one picture

40be50 No.14302163

File: e8eaf492f1697ab⋯.png (218.26 KB, 523x594, 523:594, ClipboardImage.png)

e84fd5 No.14302165


there are Muslims in Ireland? how the fuck did they reach potatoland? WHEN?

1193b3 No.14302172


I should have specified they said this directly in reference to Cold Steel.

e84fd5 No.14302176



This is a TL;DR if you don't want to watch the vids


7cd34d No.14302186

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>"SJW mods ban pro-comicsgate talk on two of the most popular comic book subreddits" D&C discusses the recent issues on comics subreddits.


17193c No.14302199

File: f64fa9a8ac414eb⋯.png (613.08 KB, 583x886, 583:886, comicsgate_boogey_boogey.png)

File: c5c79d21170253a⋯.jpg (543.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, I wanna get off this plane….jpg)


>Search 'comicsgate', 'comicgate', 'gate' across 8 & halfchan /co/

>1 'gate' result, but it has no relation to this.

>Look it up on google

>It's just couple of autists sperging on reddit the_donald & twitter for three years or so, occasionally bringing up the term.

>One youtube channel started on Apr 12, 2017 called 'Diversity & Comics'

>It's literally a boogeyman that the leftists themselves have created

>And they're "reporting" as if it's a big thing that's going on right now.


40be50 No.14302201

File: 95fae9af739ae59⋯.jpg (64.5 KB, 740x607, 740:607, US University Retardation ….jpg)



757ca4 No.14302205

File: c420e5bf1118e5b⋯.webm (546.07 KB, 850x480, 85:48, OPEN THE GATE.webm)

1d177a No.14302213


How do people like this get jobs?

7cd34d No.14302216

File: 2be7578eaf0c35f⋯.png (74.62 KB, 448x573, 448:573, Capture.PNG)

b16e33 No.14302224


Straya BTFO

1dd755 No.14302236


Does that mean that Marche is a nomad?

What's the term for "a man without a country"?

2d8600 No.14302240



Oh yeah, they've been trying to outright manufacture their own GamerGate since at least 2015.

601f76 No.14302272


>What's the term for "a man without a country"?


c62655 No.14302293

I just noticed we have a deepfakes board in the top 50 with only 300 posts, far far less than any other board

c32673 No.14302301

File: 42ccc541cd89f0b⋯.gif (2.41 MB, 532x560, 19:20, dc85f6d9d4ee4978a316550964….gif)

give me a (You)

c62655 No.14302305

File: 518f7924f43a5b0⋯.png (74.95 KB, 400x317, 400:317, Untitled.png)

c32673 No.14302308

c62655 is a shill skinwalker please report

9fb8b7 No.14302310

How long before black on black shootings happen in Black Panther showings?

1193b3 No.14302319

File: 5e9e1135879725f⋯.png (81.41 KB, 543x312, 181:104, ClipboardImage.png)

1193b3 No.14302327


/delicious/ and /animu/ have few total posts as well anon. That's not how boards are ranked.

b16e33 No.14302330


It's almost as if the boards are sorted by active isps

c32673 No.14302333


> black on black shootings

no such thing

40be50 No.14302337

There's a new angle of attack by feminists against Mark Kern:

>You're privileged! You got it better! You had an Atari 2600 when it was released!

c62655 No.14302338



I know how they are sorted, I am stating that it is incredibly new.

b16e33 No.14302343


Well they were banned on many sites quite recently faglord

c32673 No.14302347


you're newer faggot

17193c No.14302391

File: 27024463f564df0⋯.webm (647.36 KB, 854x480, 427:240, co_open_the_gate.webm)

007479 No.14302398


c32673 is a nomad pls report. This is an agrarian only imageboard

640f00 No.14302417


Better then confusing australia and austria together all the time when teaching you geography.

c32673 No.14302418

File: fa115eb351a69c9⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1216x2808, 152:351, Austrialia.png)

b16e33 No.14302439

File: 5c3b4e4aa0734a0⋯.png (345.94 KB, 400x506, 200:253, ClipboardImage.png)

312853 No.14302443

File: 48d74a2ab86b284⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 13.14 KB, 324x224, 81:56, hgft33a.jpg)


Well, I tried installing 8chanX. Both Greasemonkey and the script say they're running, but I see no option anywhere to show spoilered images.

What a bust. Why do things never work the way they're supposed to? This is why I always have to recommend Apple products to my elderly mother, instead of other stuff I use, which is better and more customizable, but just doesn't work "out of the box".

I must be getting old.

41de27 No.14302463

File: 45a69277eb5180f⋯.png (54.2 KB, 990x407, 90:37, 45a69277eb5180f931413764b3….png)

File: 4b059ce5e58e744⋯.png (80.6 KB, 1793x417, 1793:417, d6d870246af570ac3bb2b1d510….png)




Careful with your benis baits, because this can become real.


They're probably going to call themselves "hardcore Atari gamers" also.

c32673 No.14302469

File: 579868434afb1ee⋯.jpg (93.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji C….jpg)

File: f614570d34b3b29⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji C….jpg)

Wu and Anita

312853 No.14302484

File: 691b6d3249224c5⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 375x395, 75:79, to5b4ku.jpg)

>see offhand Evangelon reference

>can't remember exact detail

>check out Eva wiki

>read details

>read more

>start reading every article on every aspect

>main cast, minor characters, lore, etc

>get nostalgic

>go to anime HDD

>All still there, unwatched for decades

>Neon genesis Evangelion

>Date Modified: 1/11/2003

>a2000a fansub.avi

>skip through episode 1

>remember youth

>nostalgia satisfied

>not worth actually watching them again

>listen to a few seconds of old AMV's instead


d72846 No.14302507

Anyone have any tutorials or anything they can link to for help using gitgud?

d72846 No.14302513


>all these anons that fell for benis

Fucking hell, though it was a well-crafted and disguised benis. Like a trap with a nice ass and wide hips.

e84fd5 No.14302596

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


now that marvel comics sales are plummeting, the sjw comic writers are in hot water. there's a panel (closed, however) in a con last year between comicbook store owners and marvel which got into a heated shouting match because 'diversity' marvel comics are costing comic stores their business

41de27 No.14302611


Recently the sjw's have been going on a total self destruction by removing and ruining almost every professional comic artists and editors that don't fit into their clique.

b8e1bc No.14302621

File: 6328e66a2010031⋯.mp4 (10.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LeoPirate on removing his ….mp4)

Since we're at the end of the bread, Leopirate talked a bit about why he either unlisted or removed his GG videos. It's come up a few times, so it probably wasn't mentioned in his game streams, or as some hidden cipher in his drawn out History channel show pitches.

41de27 No.14302628


>people were still calling pedobutts logs fake and it almost convinced leopirate.

d0b754 No.14302671


>They planned to trigger the guy's PTSD (because he was a marine) and beat him up with a baseball bat.

>Threaten with physical violence to a marine with ptsd

What could be the worst thing that could possibly happen.

312853 No.14302685

File: d3f8c794a956567⋯.png (460.87 KB, 639x783, 71:87, 1468632213952-0.png)

File: d2a2f7e398cd24c⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1468632213953-1.png)

File: 6b80faef6f2e012⋯.jpg (53.69 KB, 691x948, 691:948, 1468632213957-4.jpg)

File: c5dd79fd29730bd⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1468139941501-1.png)

What was the name of the program than anon used to make these?

Was it one of those Illusion things?

09c94b No.14302696

148caf No.14302706


Learn from this, these people are obviously coordinated to go all out to defend literal pedos and snakes untill everyone bringing this up is gone.

e84fd5 No.14302711


that marine dude (Diversity & Comics on Youtube/Twitter) is the chillest dude when you watch his videos. The only times he gets triggered is when reading SJW Marvel's pants-on-head retarded comics (crumpling and throwing the comics on the floor). other than that, I doubt soyboys can ever rile him up. It's more of the opposite though. The act of him roasting the bad comics on his Youtube videos were perceived as 'attacks on minorities' and 'transphobia'.

312853 No.14302714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



601f76 No.14302779


>What could be the worst thing that could possibly happen.

Rambo 5.

1193b3 No.14302900



4b037a No.14302925

The newest galko statue has red panties.

I checked because the creator said to.

64215e No.14302936

File: e0a3b7c6e22b56b⋯.png (435.13 KB, 554x582, 277:291, tfw your son wins another ….PNG)

File: 24af7aee3d7ce32⋯.png (283.26 KB, 378x414, 21:23, ahegao9.PNG)

File: 47e73ec09311302⋯.png (498.17 KB, 519x512, 519:512, French soldier gasping for….png)

File: 2c98838873475e5⋯.png (283.19 KB, 393x371, 393:371, ahegao3.PNG)


>"SJW Basher" by Ramon Film Productions

1dc26a No.14303008


That's false. I recall precisely she's several times called Anita's "analysis" stereotypical and even dumb on twitter.

I sadly have no archive of it and am too lazy to look for it, just got up

adb3f6 No.14303018

File: ef7bd79bb26f1ee⋯.webm (815.21 KB, 720x480, 3:2, She.webm)

deea8d No.14303022


Does this mean he basically had a mini breakdown?

8f5bda No.14303278


40be50 No.14303279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good evening.

c32673 No.14303298


1193b3 No.14303299

File: 4a3a8436aa4a29c⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, 1446828915071-v.jpg)



40be50 No.14303313


Wasted dubs. I will find you and I will kill you!

1193b3 No.14303320


Fuck off proresufag.

64215e No.14303387

File: bb9bff3c36e9f95⋯.jpeg (929.38 KB, 1021x1332, 1021:1332, galko beach.jpeg)


Galko a slut but only for her future husband.

83a994 No.14303413

File: 8cab3d4c109a08b⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 403x452, 403:452, 8cab3d4c109a08be016f4adee3….jpg)


>planned to (literally) trigger and beat up a trained killer

What could possibly go wrong

40be50 No.14303420

File: 341058331dcb0b4⋯.jpg (65.84 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Ai Kizuna Crazy.jpg)


Feminists at the comic book scene are crazy, aren't they?

98a79f No.14303431




Fucking everything.


Feminists never were very sane to be honest.

I worked a little on wiki. Wrote multiple stubs, but I need archives.

Also how the fuck you can post images on wikipage anyway?

b16e33 No.14303561

File: 8c44aef73c4ba51⋯.png (15.41 KB, 667x85, 667:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Black kike down

e84fd5 No.14303587

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Reddit now banning all discussion of it as comics industry burns

40be50 No.14303604

File: a0dff68a2a3be12⋯.jpg (10.97 KB, 260x194, 130:97, What Could Possibly Go Wro….jpg)

58e642 No.14303621

File: 7fb126aeea60abd⋯.png (14.96 KB, 290x290, 1:1, Smug Satori.png)


Deja Vu

8f71e6 No.14303671

File: c90f71f0ca4cb04⋯.jpg (173.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Little Witch Academia - 22….jpg)

e84fd5 No.14303680

File: c527fa5a9937a23⋯.png (313.83 KB, 1629x1200, 543:400, anon bench You.png)


7dd564 No.14303689


>Reddit now banning all discussion of it as comics industry burns

Some faggots don't learn.



8f71e6 No.14303730

File: 1ada6c0120afb45⋯.png (81.58 KB, 304x242, 152:121, people.png)

Oscar Wilde once said "You can judge a man by the qualities of his enemies." I've been thinking about this last night. Our enemies are literally fucking insane crazy people. Every screencap I see from ResetEra is pure lunacy. Moviebob tweets are like the ramblings of a mad man. Hell, all of it is. All this SJW shit is. Now they say if you read books you're a nazi, it's beyond the pale at this point.

What's really shitty though is these nutter butters have influence over an industry somehow. And some of them are in politics, or media. Literal crazy people, that wield power. It's fuckin nuts. So I'm not sure what's worse: considering crazy people an enemy, or the fact they're objectively a threat.

757ca4 No.14303731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

40be50 No.14303852

File: 1cae2309d9ebebb⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 402x335, 6:5, DSP Wow 2.jpg)

>DSP busted his nut on a livestream, AGAIN

1dc26a No.14303865


We've got only audio from what I understand though

40be50 No.14303870


But who the hell makes that sound when doing some stretching exercises, seriously?! I do stretch every morning but I don't make that fucking moan.

58e642 No.14303880

File: 5d37d22cff05fe9⋯.png (294.54 KB, 612x449, 612:449, Baby bird didn't want to b….png)


They are a thread because we ignore them, even the smallest light can cause the biggest burning is what people say.

We never took them seriously because we expected other would do the same, but that was not the case, and now this is our price to pay.

47bb46 No.14303890

File: ad6e74da7f1182a⋯.webm (465.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, australia.webm)

8220d0 No.14303947

Since we're near the end of the bread, can any anons recommend me a good video format converter for Linux? I have some mp4s that I want to convert into webms for space and a less insane bitrate that doesn't make the video stutter. And some webms that I can only play in my browser because my player doesn't recognize the codec for some reason.

Do we have a baker?

b16e33 No.14303967


We got 99 countries, … I feel bad for you son

We've got 99 countries but australia ain't one

d3558c No.14303996


ffmpeg. Read the man page, or look up examples. Here's a quick and dirty one.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -b:a 96k -b:v 1M (change this for bitrate, 1M is 1 megabyte per second) out.webm

8f71e6 No.14304019

File: ad2f09bb34ff3b7⋯.png (56.67 KB, 240x255, 16:17, queston.png)

Hey is stargate anon still around? Where can I watch it online? Not some dodgy chinese website something halfway legit.

7a4771 No.14304028

Kingdom Come Deliverance soon fellow misogyterrorists.

23b088 No.14304039


What makes you think a cultured man like Stargate anon watches pleb tier streams instead of high quality torrents?

b4e94a No.14304047


I have all of the seasons burned into my CD's with including the subtitles a long time ago. Did a marathon once in the summer of watching it with my dad.

7a4771 No.14304048

File: 6a93030c83ca55a⋯.jpg (101.44 KB, 706x530, 353:265, explorers025.jpg)


Stargate is all fine and good but watch DS9 first.

8f71e6 No.14304053


I would assume he would only use the finest of torrents, but can't speak for others. I've never torrented before though


I just did a full watch through of DS9 recently. All of trek is burned into my memory, but I've seen very little of stargate.

757ca4 No.14304060

File: 2f7421a9d429dec⋯.webm (4.1 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Crossword Puzzle.webm)

File: 238f1bbf2807f8e⋯.webm (1.16 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Uma Thurman.webm)


this tbh


Get out of here faggot

8f71e6 No.14304069

File: f9c32b1e93b1c2f⋯.png (194.07 KB, 500x500, 1:1, queston_smug.png)

Hulu has SG1. I pay for netflix now as it is so I may as well cancel and get Hulu instead. Is Hulu SJW at all? I mean netflix kinda is, but I always forget to cancel so they keep charging me.

fd445d No.14304074


>Paying for a limited selection


8f71e6 No.14304088


Nevermind, judging from their trending section it's pozzed as all get out. I was considering the free trial and then canceling

757ca4 No.14304097


Hulu is way fucking worse than Netflix due to their business model. You can watch for free, pay and get LESS ads, or pay a lot and get no ads. It's fucking cancer. And the only reason there's any SJW shit on Netflix is because it's cheap as fuck to make and they want original content. They still have 9/11 truther documentaries on their service, but no one makes a big deal about that because it doesn't fit their "Jews are in control of everything" narrative.


>I've never torrented before though

Go fucking learn you god damn scrub.

2d8600 No.14304098

File: 48e36c9c7d3e110⋯.png (730.2 KB, 455x810, 91:162, 1504324955712.png)


>We never took them seriously because we expected other would do the same, but that was not the case, and now this is our price to pay.

This was especially true when Anita was first getting propped up. Everyone was going "just ignore her, and she'll go away," and now almost ten years later, we have proof that despite people trying to ignore her bullshit, she just made shit up to stay in the limelight regardless. You know, that death threat from the University of Utah talk that the FBI deemed non-credible but she and the press treated as credible, the one the FBI released and showed that there was shit like "over 9000" references and was clearly written by someone pretending to be from halfchan.

b4e94a No.14304107

File: 3cc4e2a7307f476⋯.webm (3.35 MB, 204x360, 17:30, 3cc4e2a7307f476af0957e0b6….webm)

File: 6c88143981bfc99⋯.webm (416.99 KB, 1280x656, 80:41, 6c88143981bfc99cba549bfa4….webm)

File: 6e44c255d9ad7e1⋯.webm (667.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 6e44c255d9ad7e1c188d4516f….webm)

File: 7ff26b59e6579e7⋯.webm (2.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7ff26b59e6579e70a22a0cece….webm)


b4e94a No.14304110

File: 9c4439b0efa5173⋯.webm (817.87 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 9c4439b0efa517361b569c322….webm)

File: 9ebfdf410bd9574⋯.webm (2.69 MB, 426x320, 213:160, 9ebfdf410bd957493ed3248df….webm)

File: 49b163a492aeec0⋯.webm (3.41 MB, 304x539, 304:539, 49b163a492aeec0d8b46b74c2….webm)

File: 72ce681bd374878⋯.webm (485.3 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 72ce681bd374878ee296ac318….webm)

b4e94a No.14304114

File: 72d90e8cb908c45⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 72d90e8cb908c45893a7ee257….webm)

File: 299837d847e6ca4⋯.webm (3.8 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 299837d847e6ca402deaa4626….webm)

File: 966913b8a569bca⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 966913b8a569bcab00c66b90d….webm)

File: a6d2527f73b6254⋯.webm (514.41 KB, 300x528, 25:44, a6d2527f73b625477ce999097….webm)

1193b3 No.14304124





47bb46 No.14304129


7a4771 No.14304130


I'm rewatching Enterprise now because I like to suffer. Still better than STD.

8f71e6 No.14304135


I didn't mind enterprise. I liked their uniforms. Very nasalike

8f71e6 No.14304142

I found an official site called Stargate Command that lets you stream the movies and all the series for a small fee, and no SJW shit. Might just do that.

b4e94a No.14304143

File: eb70dcf64bc7926⋯.webm (3.78 MB, 640x460, 32:23, eb70dcf64bc79260199cc0318….webm)

File: ea74d6c7b39b7ef⋯.webm (4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ea74d6c7b39b7eff671a486f4….webm)

File: dd7534c254f9683⋯.webm (3.04 MB, 716x400, 179:100, dd7534c254f968358ef10dcb5….webm)

File: d024b0a3b43c468⋯.webm (3.26 MB, 204x360, 17:30, d024b0a3b43c468e70364baa6….webm)



7a4771 No.14304150


I had the same thought, you must be a man of culture. The ME epsidoes were nice too.

757ca4 No.14304155

File: de6b247d4853f97⋯.webm (899.22 KB, 852x480, 71:40, For the Record I hate you.webm)


>Not downloading the DVDs to hear the directors commentary

47bb46 No.14304165

1193b3 No.14304166

File: dae63c0a3b11130⋯.png (93.16 KB, 295x221, 295:221, 1345761651799.png)

>Bread is made

>Immediately deleted


47bb46 No.14304169


Fucked up redtext, had to make a quick fix.

20fb0a No.14304576


I wish I wasn't broke; I don't want to play it that much but I want to support Vavra.

705e66 No.14307715

File: 06b84fddce3b2f9⋯.png (77.72 KB, 1044x414, 58:23, ss.png)

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