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File: 0387d4a6eb3b00d⋯.webm (7.44 MB, 480x360, 4:3, itoki hana - (Vocal cover….webm)

f217a6 No.14304161

>Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>"If you’re concerned about discussing conservative values at work, maybe you should be. Maybe that’s a feature, and not a bug" (Google Lawsuit): https://archive.fo/Oh2IW

>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers)


>Update: A representative for Vox Media has stated that they will update their public disclosures across all their websites

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines)


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating)

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker)

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics)

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


863ae7 No.14304168

File: e543f5188866443⋯.png (77.72 KB, 512x525, 512:525, HelloCharlotte_Smug Colori….png)

TRY to be more tolerable. :^)

19b539 No.14304173

File: ee7eb4b63518cf6⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 529x760, 529:760, bread13.jpg)

Archive of previous bread


e16d37 No.14304178


>Monitoring the threads just to post this

Jesus Christ.

7bf32a No.14304182


The fact it's been the first post the last few breads tells me it's one of us

It's the new first for benis

5be4c2 No.14304190

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

161b5b No.14304243

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)


Okay listen, you probably think this is fine. I was watching you make that ugly image with your shitty automated AI painting and honestly I just ignored it, but now you went and posted it yourself. IS that really what you're going to do, fellate your own "content", which is actually form a soulless machine? No wonder the state of gamergate threads are so low considering they need regurgitated trash form a poor AI that can't even draw. I have asked you to try and not be disgusting and you have failed dearly, I am actually shocked because you fail to be original with both your own jokes and other people's jokes, at least most charlatans can do the latter. Anyways, I'd suggest you try not to be disgusting again, but you're too low to listen to that even if you wanted to, so my second recommendation is that you finally go back to r/KiA where you belong, because at least you'd be among people that actually like you. Instead you stand here making a pile of shit that everyone has to ignore because otherwise marky mark will ban you to protect the unironic hugbox. There are even people crying about this meme even though they know its a fellow shitposter making it, even a ironic shitpost is offensive to you folks now. You are offended by your own joke. The absolute state. When will you start looking at the mirror and crying about how not all gamergaters are fat? Have you ever considered just sucking it up or something? Or is that a thing you're trying to import form reddit too, not having to suck up your problems? Either way this is physically painful for both me and you so I'd recommend you follow my advice unless you're a white cuck that self-flagellates like all the SJWs you meet on twitter.

670b46 No.14304253


Is this new copypasta?

I never saw that one before.

b7a658 No.14304255


You're a 10/10 memer in my book.

5c6860 No.14304256


Okay listen, you probably think this is fine. I was watching you make that ugly image with your shitty automated AI painting and honestly I just ignored it, but now you went and posted it yourself. IS that really what you're going to do, fellate your own "content", which is actually form a soulless machine? No wonder the state of gamergate threads are so low considering they need regurgitated trash form a poor AI that can't even draw. I have asked you to try and not be disgusting and you have failed dearly, I am actually shocked because you fail to be original with both your own jokes and other people's jokes, at least most charlatans can do the latter. Anyways, I'd suggest you try not to be disgusting again, but you're too low to listen to that even if you wanted to, so my second recommendation is that you finally go back to r/KiA where you belong, because at least you'd be among people that actually like you. Instead you stand here making a pile of shit that everyone has to ignore because otherwise marky mark will ban you to protect the unironic hugbox. There are even people crying about this meme even though they know its a fellow shitposter making it, even a ironic shitpost is offensive to you folks now. You are offended by your own joke. The absolute state. When will you start looking at the mirror and crying about how not all gamergaters are fat? Have you ever considered just sucking it up or something? Or is that a thing you're trying to import form reddit too, not having to suck up your problems? Either way this is physically painful for both me and you so I'd recommend you follow my advice unless you're a white cuck that self-flagellates like all the SJWs you meet on twitter.

5bc8da No.14304309

File: 8fc67f1ebb419cb⋯.jpg (802.76 KB, 1253x1850, 1253:1850, [Tagasuki Kou] MM2-gou.jpg)

I was told there would be aras in there. I feel cheated.

e16d37 No.14304327

File: a8626c80dcb9224⋯.png (206.95 KB, 460x650, 46:65, 04424653.png)


Here, have a shota instead.

83b427 No.14304332

File: 7186083836818aa⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 960x722, 480:361, 2c81da58167421184ef3682670….jpg)


>tfw no new locon comic

5bc8da No.14304356

File: ca32dd3c37f9faa⋯.png (640.2 KB, 900x1044, 25:29, c738e53c89251caf9886677dab….png)


That will be adequate.

670b46 No.14304364

Did anybody else noticed more awful threads and some asshurt faggots for no damn reason in some threads today?

19b539 No.14304373


GG threads or the board in general?

I feel like these past few GG threads has had more drama than usual.

0a8549 No.14304388

File: 42db412e9e127eb⋯.png (173.48 KB, 828x820, 207:205, danielle bonks anon for no….png)

remember, check the archives

83b427 No.14304395


Does it coincides with Ralph coming back?

670b46 No.14304398


Board in the general.

863ae7 No.14304444

File: 2bc7f0b2cf152c7⋯.jpg (103.06 KB, 329x375, 329:375, 2bc7f0b2cf152c716f40362cb6….jpg)


This is better than I was ever expecting.

d74253 No.14304452


oh no, looks like dsp's caught jacking off again

a889d2 No.14304460

File: 7b15a269c66b46c⋯.png (45.2 KB, 606x412, 303:206, atari.PNG)

f217a6 No.14304504


>the Honey Badger trial has been postponed for almost two years now because the Mary Sue is completely butthurt and the Canadian legal system is a joke

5c6860 No.14304508

File: 9640ea33a8a20ae⋯.jpg (155.78 KB, 850x850, 1:1, four you.jpg)


Very nice.

6a4172 No.14304532


>2 and a half year of dealing with this shit.

Never ever trust a leaf, that's super gay.

47c0be No.14304544


No shit he does that, he needs views. Machinima fired him, he is on a new partnership, his views are dwindling because there's only so much people can tolerate belching and singing, and more often than not people watch the This is how you don't play videos. On top of that, the condo's expenses keep piling up, his fans are pissed at him because personal info got leaked and his inaction resulted in 3 people getting their addresses known to Kiwifarms, and he keeps burning bridges with people do to his ego and greed. He's fucked, there's going to be a time when youtube bux will stop coming for him, he will have to try and find a real job but he can't explain away the fact that there's a 10 year long unemployment gap which will cripple his chances on anything not minimum wage, not to mention the fact that people can google his previous online activity and find the video where he roleplayed as a nazi bashing jews skulls in.So, he will have no choice but to move back into his parents house, bagging groceries for a living. This jacking off on camera stuff is the only chip he has left, because what else will bring in the views?

d74253 No.14304610


sorry, I didn't mean to defend dsp. it was more of a team rocket reference

47c0be No.14304651


Don't worry, I knew you weren't defending him, but it was very likely staged.

271fc0 No.14304810

File: e9bc08a5191198c⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 505x684, 505:684, 2dbe6fb53c8ef989c70a58c664….jpg)


Yes I've noticed it both here on /v/ and other boards.

16e018 No.14304823


Blame it on the clover app or whatever anons were saying.

47c0be No.14304836


Not to mention the Diaperfur losing his shit over Cobalt.

175ae9 No.14304840


Literally who?

47c0be No.14304844


Threads were derailed because Marche sperged out.

175ae9 No.14304859


Great, another burnout. But at least it's Marche, so no-one misses him, except sometimes of his shitposting.

271fc0 No.14304867

File: e751c0b31334ff7⋯.jpg (97.61 KB, 826x1169, 118:167, DUJsT0PVMAABnFA.jpg)


Jesus Christ that fucking retard Marche, I'll give him this he is somewhat unfairly banned but the way he carries on I kinda understand why he is nuked.



He then had to post it on twitter, thus leading to twitter faggots and others to come shit up /v/ based on him running with a fake rumour on Coblat being a troon and that idiot doesn't get why people don't want him here.

47c0be No.14304877


Wasn't that because some tranny ITT insulted him and he accused that troon of being Cobalt?

f217a6 No.14304967

File: f21b253cab2207a⋯.jpg (124.17 KB, 1027x726, 1027:726, bored mermaid.jpg)


Was there any proof of him being a diaperfur besides that one Anon claiming he had a video of it? I already hate diapershit because of how it's associated with furries, scat and piss, and because it also keeps sneaking in while I'm jerking it to other pics. I would not be surprised if Marche was one of those faggots, but I won't actually believe it unless there is definitive proof.

271fc0 No.14304979

File: 782b21de33a6613⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 677x461, 677:461, this why I think your a fa….jpg)


Who knows with that schizophrenic furfag, but to those who don't know or have been gone I'll give you a list of reasons why Marche is hated and then move on as these threads need to get back on track again after months of not being so.


>Metafags and drags the whole thread into drama over Mark or his mods banning him for avatarfagging or something else

>spams fur shit that no one wants to see and doesn't spoiler it

>Made a big spew over TD anons not doing anything and leaderfagging despite not doing anything himself

>Then had the balls to say because he is a twitterfag he is important

>When pressed on why don't you practice what you preach goes "I do shit when I feel like it" thus leaving him no room to talk

>Shitpost and does nothing

This the last I'm going to say on his moronic ass as we should focus on shit like digging on ResetERA, Downpour related stuff and trying to focus like these threads used to. Inb4 Marche is TRIGGERED over the word WE again.

52d715 No.14304991

File: b3fa38e0d4dbd56⋯.png (524.48 KB, 558x793, 558:793, 1465989550604.png)

47c0be No.14305008

File: 961bada027d34d2⋯.png (143.87 KB, 1441x247, 1441:247, ignore the diaperfur.png)



d74253 No.14305015


because he discovered he came from another time line

175ae9 No.14305019

File: b6b885d15f9a8b3⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 425x320, 85:64, 2987526731680.jpg)


Though it's a scummy way to do so, but it's about Logan Paul, so…

da88ce No.14305022


Ok, sorry if this is spoonfeeding or anything, but why the fuck isn't marche banned? Has he been evading bans all this time? It's weird considering no one fucking likes him.

3da7df No.14305027


Logan Paul's a faggot who deserves everything YouTube does to him.

8ffb28 No.14305028

File: cad08d7e3d4528d⋯.jpg (97.67 KB, 1505x413, 215:59, hello fellow germans.jpg)

Why do I get the feeling that there are Anons here who are not native to /v/, let alone GG?

47c0be No.14305038


As much as I hate this guy, I think this is shitty. If I cheer when they do it to someone I hate, what's going to happen when it affects someone I like?

271fc0 No.14305039

File: 576ad7ec958c093⋯.png (498.13 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)

670b46 No.14305047


Ah, yes.

Somebody dissed cobalt and made spam thread with amerimutts everywhere.


>Was there any proof of him being a diaperfur besides that one Anon claiming he had a video of it?

No, I didn't saw any at very least.

dde700 No.14305054


we're on freddit, gamergate threads regularly link to kotaku in action and vice versa, son you're in the reddit thread. I'm stunned regularly at how many newfags and redditers and secondaries are here. and they're all obvious.

670b46 No.14305066


>Why do I get the feeling that there are Anons here who are not native to /v/, let alone GG?

Anon, I had that feeling for two damn months already.


Thanks for confirmation, faggot.

Now you can fuck off.


161b5b No.14305071

File: c0a3ecdb8d729aa⋯.jpg (145.06 KB, 692x713, 692:713, 829fd1649a21e8fbc63763c4bd….jpg)

8ffb28 No.14305072


Guess I should see about keeping the HQ thread open on occasion when shitposting takes over this thread.

Also, a friendly reminder that >>>/drama/ exists.

e43857 No.14305093

Looks like Subnautica is going to be a short lived phenomenon.


Player count is 20% down from last week, which was already 10% down from the week before. At this rate we'll be at pre-release numbers just after a month.

271fc0 No.14305099


Well no one likes when sjwism is forced into a game and I don't feel bad for this fall from grace.

19b539 No.14305101


Will they ever learn that pandering to SJW's lowers sales?

0d931b No.14305120


>Game gets released

>People play it

>People get bored of it

I wouldn't be surprised if the dev firing causes sales to be lost in the long term. I'm curious to what the actual sales were, now that I think of it.

47c0be No.14305128


At this point I'm sure there's some sort of mafia like extortion going on. Too many devs just keep doing this shit, caving to SJWs, despite more than enough examples of devs doing this getting fucked up the ass. Subnautica, Bioware, Yooka Laylee, Beamdog, Doublefine, the lit goes on.

dde700 No.14305129

File: 3ffd35a023564cf⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 625x350, 25:14, something about quarrellin….jpg)


hmmmm I wonder what small communities I've seen sunk by drama before

934f84 No.14305132

File: ec68b46f0b9dc73⋯.png (300.79 KB, 600x780, 10:13, 9f6c428f5cf12d2d8c98576e3a….png)


Explain Tumblr Tale and Starjew Valley then.

3da7df No.14305143

File: 56e6458af0448b1⋯.jpg (112.97 KB, 348x491, 348:491, 023.jpg)


>Boomers coming on 8chan because of >>>/qresearch/

>Liberalismisticizers getting buttmad over 8chan because of /cow/

>Aut-right fags coming to 8chan because of /cow/ memeing the Liberalisticers

>Articles mentioning us

>4chan refugees every other day due to some slimy shit G00k has done

0d931b No.14305149



Became successful on its own merits and dumb luck with several major Jewtubers playing it. SJWs clung onto whatever progressive elements they could find in the game, and touted it as an example of "progressive games sell", despite the fact that it wasn't trying to become a propaganda piece.

>Stardew Valley

Not as familiar with this one, but it seems to be relatively similar. I'm not sure where the "pandering" was with it, from what little I've seen of it.

Games with progressive overtones seem to succeed about once a year. The rest are stillborns.

2663b0 No.14305159


Undertale was hugely popular here before people affixed the SJW label to it and started pretending we weren't supposed to like it.

0d931b No.14305164


Yeah, I remember the September 2015 threads. The game's issues became more glaring once the fanbase in general went full cancer.

f6af6e No.14305172

File: bf15cc3b6077464⋯.png (103.05 KB, 368x387, 368:387, wholesome video game girl.png)

File: 78a634cbb16954f⋯.png (110.24 KB, 368x387, 368:387, annemarie_lesen.png)

File: ebb9902950e81ed⋯.png (220.74 KB, 960x540, 16:9, annemarie tights.png)

File: bd88166803c5144⋯.png (389.5 KB, 849x691, 849:691, annemarie_&_clementine.png)

File: bc57bcb5682fb3a⋯.png (357.48 KB, 1154x1111, 1154:1111, 1476290870988.png)


For all of those types of people currently lurking this thread:

This is Annmarie Reiter. She is best girl. Henrike is second best girl.

cf7fe0 No.14305188

Anyone else miss 4chan and moot?

402e33 No.14305195

175ae9 No.14305197


I think it's about the people with PR position. Most of the final says comes from these people because they are being seen as some sort of Wall Street money making practitioners. They might also kill someone if the PR staff tells them to do, because they rarely question the PR decision. Just fucking look at when Leigh Alexander was doing some PR job for a game about some black woman doing cleaning in someones apartment.


That's a girl, right?

47c0be No.14305199


Just because SJWs enjoyed those games doesn't mean they pandered to SJWs. I remember Toby Keith avoided SJW subjects in interviews and Stardew Valley, besides letting you have gay sex it doesn't do anything to pander to SJWs.

f6af6e No.14305201

File: f574d545c6609fb⋯.png (649.81 KB, 600x449, 600:449, Mexican Studies.png)


I miss this moot.

023b9e No.14305208

File: 32e70dddd3d7e44⋯.jpg (20.37 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 4444.jpg)

47c0be No.14305209

File: 68ac27f026b2b2d⋯.png (502.17 KB, 758x600, 379:300, bueno.png)


>That's a girl, right?

Yes. This isn't though.

f6af6e No.14305214


>That's a girl, right?

Definitely. I think that artist only draws lolis.

f217a6 No.14305215


I honestly think it was a neat concept but was vastly overhyped and had several things holding it back (framerate being locked to 30fps, gameplay being too easy unless you're going for Genocide, etc), only compounded by the game's cancerous fanbase (though despite the game actually taking off in Japan, I'm not 100% sure if the Japanese fanbase is any better) The only thing that still holds up now is the music, which speaks to Toby's career as a musician.

0d931b No.14305222


So Stardew was just general pettiness then. Got it. I think Overwatch is the best example of a successful pandering game out there right now.

And I still enjoy UT as a separate entity. Helps that I went in early on.

ae24b1 No.14305223


Where did meximoot even come from?

f6af6e No.14305232


From the first(?) time 4chan went down just after moot had begged for donations. Everyone said in a half joking manner that he had taken all the money and fled to Mexico.

47c0be No.14305236


Yea, I agree. Reminds me of in Dragon Age 2, you're punished for not responding to Ander's gay advances positively.

4a989e No.14305240

File: b399d3937a01a6d⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 622x700, 311:350, 1e5df74bae3391b7df4fc03ed0….jpg)

e5996e No.14305241


How did undertale, the game, pander to the sjw?

8c5b13 No.14305243

File: 36b89318bddd056⋯.png (635.93 KB, 1245x1800, 83:120, Literally me irl.png)

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

254c72 No.14305247


>Nolan Bushnell

I hope he is alright.


could you add the "is this a dagger i see before me?" from the worms game?

001df9 No.14305251


post more yuuka and maybe I will

175ae9 No.14305252


The pandering can be easily spotted

>We've added romance routes in this game.

>I love you, anon.

>I love you anon.

>We've added romance routes in this game and also gay romance which is groundbreaking in the video game industry that dives into social norms and the diversity of our nowadays society.

>I love you, anon.

>I love you anon. But hey, let me talk about the oppression that we homos are being persecuted. And did I tell you about the wide culture of my people that has ceremonies in gay romance?

0d931b No.14305266


Basically. Whenever progressivism is used as a selling point, the game is basically guaranteed to be shit.

4a989e No.14305267

File: 15fa8678ceb3e76⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 517x650, 517:650, DuringPollination.jpg)

175ae9 No.14305288

File: 506642a32391877⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 234.23 KB, 1280x1807, 1280:1807, don't look.jpg)

47c0be No.14305289


Yea, and playing Stardew Valley and fucking Sebastian, nothing like that happened at all.

52d715 No.14305310

File: a9cd4a3c9411aeb⋯.webm (7.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, oooh.webm)

4728b2 No.14305313


>Anon, I had that feeling for two damn months already.

I've had that since since before the original exodus, but everyone wanted to let reddit in and suck Sargon's dick, and now here we are.

670b46 No.14305318


I already did today.

Just stubs, but it still counts.

83b427 No.14305330

Are you guys looking forward to Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

0d931b No.14305333


It will probably be my first early purchase in some time. I'm seriously hoping it doesn't suck.

7b1206 No.14305343

File: 264c7756a3a3852⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SNK-Heroines-Tag-Team-Fren….jpg)


>Japanese dev gets interviewed


First Soulcalibur 6, now SNK Heroines. Getting real sick of this shit. They pawn this lunacy on the Japanese who'll probably think consumers here think that as well.


Skyrim for Nazis? That white supremacy simulator gave my wife's son a literally shaking fit. Had to give him a double soy latte and a hour of cuckold porn to calm him down.

47c0be No.14305354


Wait for release, but this and Bayonetta 3 are the only 2 games this year I'm looking forward to.

254c72 No.14305364


>First Soulcalibur 6

what happened to soulcalibur 6?

f6af6e No.14305376


I don't know enough about the actual gameplay. How is the combat?

7b1206 No.14305381

File: b1ccaf1603aab36⋯.jpg (111.52 KB, 590x365, 118:73, [long pause] Listen nigger….jpg)


Preemptively bitching about a character that hasn't even been shown yet and doing it in a manner that couldn't come off as more entitled if they tried.

586e25 No.14305391

File: 8e93048be1ba36a⋯.png (32.05 KB, 581x412, 581:412, 9ad86cdaaa65ecebff0ce1d532….png)

3da7df No.14305400


Fuck off /leftypol/

254c72 No.14305405


Damn, I hope the rice eaters dont listen to those faggots.

8c4695 No.14305408

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Remember when they pretended they didn't want to ban things? That stopped real abruptly.

a54dd3 No.14305413


Are you that "smug anime girls is cp" spammer?

83b427 No.14305418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They did a video on it, looks a little stiff like the animations but I can live with that. Reminds me of Gothic.

586e25 No.14305433


>wants to have pure right wing



4728b2 No.14305444

File: dbf7e43b01c0be2⋯.png (135.74 KB, 1802x300, 901:150, leftypol_v_astrosurfing.png)

File: fdf8f6a20a37811⋯.png (259.38 KB, 1080x836, 270:209, leftypolV.png)


>Trying to pretend /v/ and /pol/ are the same thing

Reminder that /leftypol/ thinks we're all retarded.

641fe7 No.14305450

File: e5ce71d5e3c547d⋯.jpg (70.72 KB, 300x297, 100:99, 1364340413165.jpg)


>Remember when they pretended they didn't want to ban things?

>got GTA banned from Wal Mart in Ausfailia, which caused lots of other major retailers to do the same

>tried to get Hatred banned from Steam

>succeeded in scaring several devs/publishers into not localizing games (DOAX3, Summer Lesson, ect.) which is as good as a ban for 99% of English speakers

Not really. I don't remember that.

83b427 No.14305464


At this rate they will suffocate the industry. A good thing, it is now only making shit games. American vidya is dead.

8c4695 No.14305465


It was right before most of that I think. A short-lived period of "haha we don't want to ban things we're not jack thompson all our games should coexist". Boy did the other shoe ever drop fast on that one. I remember some of them were spreading around a picture using cheesecake as an analogy to claim they just wanted more variety in games.

0d931b No.14305485


>got GTA banned from Wal Mart in Ausfailia, which caused lots of other major retailers to do the same

The kicker for this one is that even fucking Lifschitz was calling BS on this, as I remember.

663a7e No.14305510

7b1206 No.14305524

File: 8bbf9d166ce667d⋯.jpg (3.51 MB, 4582x6732, 2291:3366, sophitia169.jpg)


These particular rice eaters don't. SNK couldn't give less of a fuck about it while Namco know a good chunk of the audience for SC is casual and thirsty. And both games seem to already be in a point of no return (SNKH for obvious reasons and SC6 because Sophitia's magumbos seem like a good indicator of things to come).

Capcom or Square, on the other hand…

271fc0 No.14305527

File: c23b6bfeee0ecec⋯.png (428.46 KB, 1119x1501, 1119:1501, Still no self-awareness.png)



2b501b No.14305549

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar

☑ Made Cathy Newman lose the lobster debate against Jordon Peterson

✓ Destroyed 4chan image posting

☑ May have exercised[sic] the evil from NeoGaf

☑ Bought Mombot™ merch

☑ Was caught with weapons of mass destruction by Batwu but framed a GamerGazi mod for the crime

☑ Evolving across industries

f6af6e No.14305564

File: 36d3180f6f77aac⋯.png (9.88 KB, 1267x144, 1267:144, leftypol in one post.png)



>/leftypol/ is catastrophically retarded and completely delusional

Yes. I know. EVERYONE knows. Even /tv/ makes fun of them. I don't know how they manage to to be high on the board list as they are.

fa7bbc No.14305565

File: dc54c57284fb4ac⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, gendo.jpg)


We can use that. Underestimation is the death of a cause. The way their board works is that people who share the same views are encouraged, and dissenters are banned, And I know this due to a couple of tests I did, I introduced ideas and words that were contrary to the board's feel, by arguing against topics of the posters and giving a week's pause between each attempt using utmost politeness to eliminate any vauge results, and 100 percent of the time I was banned.

/v/ doesn't do that, people here have differing opinions and tastes and argue all the time. The only time you're banned is if you spam or have a shitfit where you cease argument and dump shit. And here the bans last for minutes.

/leftypol/ is easy to combat because they're self-righteous, easily rebuffed and demoralized when they step outside of their hugbox (because they have no experience with dealing with negativity or dissent when they don't have backup) and generally are a bunch of close-minded nutjobs who RUN on conformation bias and self-serving actions like retroactive lying ("the board's always been like this and conforms to my whims, you're the one who's out of place" defence until they're out of breath)

They're cowardly snakes who hit and run, trying to inflict what amounts to papercuts and failing at even that. They contain themselves because they always retreat to their board after venturing out instead of residing here and learning about us.

Because of this, they think we're stupid, but the correct term is "chaotic". They can't comprehend us because they refuse to see us as people, and never bother to learn from us or about us. And that's the mistake that insures that they will NEVER have influence here.

On top of that, it's impossible for them no matter what, because it's a Morton's Fork, if they learn about us they'll actually ditch their old crowd and JOIN us and conform to the chaos since we're more open-minded, if they learn about us and resist the urge to join, they're tribal and go back insane.

We are the lovecraft monster here. That's what we are to them. Unknowable because we're maddening to know, and no one hates us once they know us because they eventually come to like us. Because we aren't monsters, we're ultimatley just a bunch of people, we're individuals, not a category, with no identities to bind us, no preconceptions about us, because we are the unknown factor.

8c4695 No.14305574


Are her tits bigger again? I swear they get bigger and less covered every game. Not that I mind, though I do like Cassandra better. 6 must take place before the last one, though, right? Because I thought the last one had her kids in it as adults.

4728b2 No.14305575


>Japs are becoming anti-fascist

What exactly are those retards even basing this on, did they just see that Neotare is a thing, or the white muslim(that got fired and deported for coming out as a muslim) and think "oh shit they're on my side now!"

fa7bbc No.14305591


You know the saying about how a lot of people are dumb? The boards don't sort because the individuals on it are smart.

7b1206 No.14305604

File: b52f2bc4cb71beb⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-18-….jpg)

File: 0ddcc5d2414503e⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-18-….jpg)

File: 41f2fd87e6962b9⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-18-….jpg)

File: 251730fab7aa00f⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-18-….jpg)

File: 3b6b526e3ca23f0⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-18-….jpg)


SCIV was peak bazanglers but these are some pretty damn good looking fun bags if you ask me. If they stick to their guns, Ivy's gonna get an even bigger rack and Taki will have eye-gouging nipples.

Polite sage.

40ba80 No.14305609

File: 63292474e40056d⋯.png (341.36 KB, 1648x746, 824:373, lolcommies.png)

8c4695 No.14305624

File: c121e27a0ce7088⋯.jpg (122.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, maxresdefault.jpg)


All I remember about 4 is that amazing outfit she wore and that it had star wars guys in it. Last one I put any real time into was 3.

fa7bbc No.14305628

File: 1471b636974748b⋯.gif (671.73 KB, 499x281, 499:281, i've seen some shit.gif)


I can't tell if the 3rd poster is being serious or joking, because it really looks like he's being serious.

a54dd3 No.14305634


Bots, constant IP hops and begging reddit for boost

262ef5 No.14305650



Yeah,and the peace vs genocide thing was done better in Iji.

271fc0 No.14305660

File: 9c4fde1a5150a8a⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 736x736, 1:1, remove (1).jpg)


Don't they have /r/socialism and /r/ anarchism always streaming in? Also anyone who thinks Anarchism falls under any political spectrum let alone a leftist one is a fucking idiot.

d51798 No.14305663

File: 7827a70a9d57b0b⋯.jpg (953.77 KB, 1000x3750, 4:15, 7cf8051c483ae5a9b14d4bf7b7….jpg)



4b36d5 No.14305667

On my way to get my computer fixed. Fingers crossed that I can organize and upload any and all of my Gamergate files sooner than later.

fcc1ba No.14305676

File: 0880dbbc799c744⋯.png (104.74 KB, 859x1127, 859:1127, 0880dbbc799c74454f3fa5a09c….png)

Did this ever turn out to be true? I never knew how cucked adult swim was.

e3f22e No.14305678

File: 193c2a945b740dc⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 786x684, 131:114, 193c2a945b740dc6505cd7abf8….jpg)


They are intentionally trying to confuse civic nationalism with fascism so they can eliminate both.


That is pretty pathetic, even for commietards.

4728b2 No.14305683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Uneven tits



yeah, SOMEHOW i get the impression that most of these faggots would shit themselves silly if real anarchism was implemented, and you know, not #antifa.


>[[[Adult Swim]]] defends jewish game programmer chelsea valkenberg

Not big surprise.

8c4695 No.14305690


Don't insult my big titty mommy gf.

271fc0 No.14305700


It wouldn't surprise me, I'm still pissed at how they didn't give fucking Samurai Jack season 5, a show that was guaranteed millions of views per ep, at least 15 or 20 episodes but instead give Reddit and memey more money.

7b1206 No.14305701

File: 3b186df61d054d0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 130.65 KB, 607x854, 607:854, sophitia117.jpg)


>Uneven tits

Two babies, a husband and a lesbian stalker. That's four suckling speeds ravaging those puppies. Take some pity on the poor woman.

dde700 No.14305706


>wanting more of the shitshow that was samurai jack season 5

it ended itself quickly to all of our fortune, with a conclusion that rips off a far better show.

bd99d9 No.14305717


Honestly, Overwatch is in a weird place in terms of SJW pandering. I think Blizzard are smart enough to not do anything overtly pandering as not to alienate ANY part of their fanbase. They are the ultimate lowest common denominator company after all.

I do find it funny that the literal Strong Female Character with fucking pink hair is the most racist character in the game though. Not without reason, but still. The token physical abnormality guy is also racist for similar reasons.


1. Frisk and Chara are both "gender neutral". Depending on interpretation, this is because either you're supposed to self insert as them, and assigning them a gender would make that harder, or because they're both victims of child abuse and forced themselves into neutrality as a coping mechanism. It's not something they chose so they could be speshul snowflakes and not something to be celebrated, so I don't know why SJWs like that part, other than the fact that they're idiots who see anything that appears at surface level to agree with their ideology and immediately try to claim it as theirs

2. There are two times in the pacifist route where you hook up gay monster couples. Whatever, it's a different species with different norms. For all we know, gay monster couples can produce children. Besides, both of the hookups are mostly played for laughs, anime style. I don't see anyone complaining about Dogamy and Dogarisa's heterosexual dog marriage.

3. Mettaton EX. Just… Yeah. Honestly I think he (maybe they, but I'll always think of him as a he) looks like a JoJo character to me.

That's all I can think of.

b9f169 No.14305719


Rick and Morty is a pretty good show.

fcfe78 No.14305728

>This thread is still going


bd99d9 No.14305731


Low quality bait

4728b2 No.14305732


I'm still pissed that they cancelled ATHF for, as far as i can gather, no other reason than they wanted to go all in with Atheist and Feminism.

b9f169 No.14305744


Well, I like it. Stop being such a hipster snob.

8c4695 No.14305749


I don't like Overwatch as a game but I would rail the hell out of that racist muscly russian. The pink hair is kind of weird though. Blizzard, in my experience, generally will pander here and there (like making the face of their big game a dyke) but they mostly keep it to censoring things when SJWs complain.

>other than the fact that they're idiots who see anything that appears at surface level to agree with their ideology and immediately try to claim it as theirs

Seems most likely. That's what's going on with Black Panther right now.

b9f169 No.14305753


I've always wished you could be gay in Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing and the like.

bd99d9 No.14305767


Wait, since when does Animal Crossing support romance at all?

8c4695 No.14305771


But does she have the muscles too? Because I wouldn't mind being carried off by a huge russian woman to be her husband.

b9f169 No.14305773


I haven't played AC in forever so I might be wrong there. Lately I've been playing Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times. It's like AC meets Harry Potter, with a lot more to do than in AC, and you can have relationships in it for sure. I actually really recommend it if you like AC on the DS.

bd99d9 No.14305780


Dude, your show literally played a minute-long McDonald's advertisement in the middle of an episode, and the fans were such sheep that the caused cringey scenes at McDonalds nationwide. Why do you want to associate yourself with that? I mean, you do realize that the entire sauce rant was paid for by McDonald's, right?

670b46 No.14305782


This is most retarded thing I saw in this month.


Good luck.

b14b76 No.14305785


That's one of the few moments of seeing bright colored hair dye not immediately turn me off, on the right the left one still doesn't even make me think it looks pleasant.

b9f169 No.14305787


>the entire sauce rant was paid for by McDonald's, right


dde700 No.14305793


you mean sauce?

b9f169 No.14305799

Also, Pocket Mortys was a good game.

16e018 No.14305800

File: 5ff9981c264051d⋯.png (3.07 KB, 366x286, 183:143, 5ff9981c264051d32321d0a963….png)


She looks like wife material but I would prefer a different hairstyle.

0d931b No.14305815


The pandering is definitely there, particularly if you compare how it operates in comparison to other games. I'm hard-pressed to think of another Blizzard game that has the same level of strictness as far as terms of use goes.

And don't forget that they've scrapped official stories as to not mess with people's headcanons, but have gladly declared characters officially homosexual or autistic.

83b427 No.14305816

File: 80a3beebb944046⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 80a3beebb944046ab65a983dd3….jpg)


>colored hair

>probable tattoos

>wife material

Anon please.

bd99d9 No.14305824


Literally just Google Rick and Morty sponsors and you'll get tons of shit that should make you sick. First result: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/sponsored-content-has-become-a-part-of-the-rick-and-morty-universe/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjdl-nOpJzZAhVOzmMKHYrgDrwQFjAAegQICxAB&usg=AOvVaw3QzaUDkoP8qlI_vUYrdcVB&ampcf=1

Also that article describes the show as "high production value" which is fucking laughable. Yeah, noodle-armed, low detail calarts shit is totally hard to make, which is why every single studio is pumping it out like so much sewage.

b9f169 No.14305831


Le sigh…

5bc8da No.14305837


There was a recolor of her somewhere, she had black armor and long blonde hair. She looked way better than this.

cc03da No.14305846


go back to reddit

b9f169 No.14305860

File: b012f71b56d0706⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 474x248, 237:124, th5ML2JMHT.jpg)


The sauce was just an extension of Rick's apathy - he's traveled time and space and the only thing he found meaning in was a fast food movie tie-in product. It was a joke, that fans took it too far isn't the creator's fault.

And R&M fans are still less cringy than Star Wars fans.

bd99d9 No.14305871


>And R&M fans are still less cringy than Star Wars fans.

Ok this has to be bait. There is no way you're actually stupid enough to say something like that.

cc03da No.14305873

File: f7d6606cd75061b⋯.jpg (123.62 KB, 1812x763, 1812:763, DVtCUj4U0AA7gJo.jpg)




907191 No.14305874


He probably means nu wars fans. I hope.

1f94c3 No.14305876

File: 882519be46a63c9⋯.png (52.41 KB, 931x542, 931:542, SNK HEROINES Tag Team Fren….png)

File: 641b854b3bf582a⋯.png (75.21 KB, 916x689, 916:689, SNK HEROINES Tag Team Fren….png)

Last night Nintendo added a trailer for SNK Heroines to their youtube page that had Mai in her cow bikini as the thumbnail. Now it looks like in a one step forward two steps back move, they changed it to the one shot in the trailer that isn't sexy. Everyone in the comments was applauding them for using a titty shot, and now it's changed to people calling them pussies for changing it. I wonder if someone complained or someone from the inside disapproved. The trailer itself is unchanged and still features that shot as one of the first things you see. You can tell by the fact that the new thumbnail doesn't have the Nintendo logo in the corner like everything else that it was a hasty change.

83b427 No.14305878


>And R&M fans are still less cringy than Star Wars fans.

Hard to beat reeeeeing at poor McDs employees because of some reference to a sauce in a cartoon.

b9f169 No.14305879

File: 2b355f87f112eb9⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 474x332, 237:166, thDXDX4TP3.jpg)


I am being 100% frank.

b9f169 No.14305891

File: ea2507e6ee98bc1⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 256x384, 2:3, Starwarsfan.jpg)


Hard? Yes. Impossible? No.

83b427 No.14305902

File: 9d559e7f51cfe96⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 320x240.jpg)



These pics are not so bad, The sauce thong was way worse than some nerd disguising themselves or even the star wars kid.

bd99d9 No.14305903





My point is that's not a point in R&M's favor.

5be4c2 No.14305909

File: d49645a3da78a07⋯.png (191.87 KB, 809x1023, 809:1023, stay go.png)


The rick and morty guy is clearly baiting.

Why the fuck do you dumb niggers constantly go for the bait, every single god damned time? Are your shitposting senses really that dull?

Just report and ignore him.

cc03da No.14305917

File: 519e45ab2c6fcc3⋯.png (167.3 KB, 369x678, 123:226, 519e45ab2c6fcc3699f4d02765….png)

Stop arguing with the shill that is probably Val

b9f169 No.14305923

bd99d9 No.14305924


Honestly it's a point against Rick and Morty because you had to go all the way down to Star Wars to find a fanbase even as close to as autistic. The only fanbases that beat Star Wars, as far as I know, are the bronies and Steven Universe. Maybe also Dr Who.

8939c1 No.14305934


Aww fuck the person who was supposed to help me couldn't make it today. He'll be out for the rest of the week. Maybe I can organize the latest files I've backed up to pass the time.

63fcac No.14305941


What are you even talking about ? I haven't even posted in the thread once yet. Retard.

cc03da No.14305946

File: 12c945f050fb303⋯.png (90.37 KB, 495x498, 165:166, tumblr_p2n0fjQ2Bh1w9gclgo1….png)



really did a great job fighting capitalism by backing a kickstarter game

271fc0 No.14305947



>rick and morty


Sounds like the two of you both need to fuck off.

cc03da No.14305948


>Val defending Rick and Morty

big surprise

5bc8da No.14305952

File: 2abe1a11f352728⋯.gif (533.25 KB, 381x512, 381:512, [ripping and tearing inten….gif)


What the fuck is that pic

262ef5 No.14305953



b9f169 No.14305954

File: 0dbaed05ce7eac4⋯.jpg (29.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, th7VWES6YT.jpg)


The sauce thing is the only black eye against R&M's fandom. Star Wars has 40 years of cringe attached to it.

670b46 No.14305958


Tumblr art.

ae24b1 No.14305962

File: 5127bceab29afa6⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 414x321, 138:107, 1354587467101.jpg)



f6af6e No.14305967

File: 2244ad3499f6b9d⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Morty reacts to the Rick a….mp4)


>The sauce thing is the only black eye against R&M's fandom.

271fc0 No.14305968

>it's Marche

Retard vs Retard, I suggest to you anons to ignore and not feed (you)s to any of these retards.


Fitting since Marche acts like a triggered tumblrtard.

83b427 No.14305973

File: 1376fb08053a67c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg)

For the record I liked Rick and Morty, it was entertaining, but I prefer a good rewatch of Star Trek DS9, TNG or Babylon 5. I really don't understand the rabid fanbase those cartoons get. Steven Universe, MLP and now R and M, what makes grown adult behave like retarded children?

262ef5 No.14305977


They never grew up, have no real identity to latch onto, and probably a dash of autism.

cc03da No.14305980

271fc0 is the meta skinwalker shill that keeps going on about Marche while shitting up the thread far worse than I could ever do

please report them

7b1206 No.14305981

File: f660b01dd8016ff⋯.png (240.49 KB, 662x540, 331:270, f66.png)



63fcac No.14305983


Old, you slowpoke

b9f169 No.14305987


You could say the same for adults who watch anime.

ea32f3 No.14306035


You're poking a bees nest there.

5bc8da No.14306039

File: a9ab10fca52bd33⋯.gif (890.14 KB, 480x270, 16:9, airbag.gif)


They are hollow people who try to fill a void. They want their fifteen minutes of fame, to be recognized as something, even if it's as a "retard who screams about a sauce at McDonalds". They're hollow, vain kids from middle-to-upper class suburbs who never looked for a job because their parents can throw them the money they want. I know about this, I did post a couple of things about MLP on Facebook years ago, to "fit in", whatever that meant. Now I'm glad I'm out of this phase.

b1a9ce No.14306050

File: 6b86d36bd5c4027⋯.png (393.47 KB, 900x464, 225:116, diversitygamers[3].png)

File: 81b2b6ec60c53d7⋯.png (99.09 KB, 338x734, 169:367, diversitygamers[4].png)

File: 494b3d0bf20fc0a⋯.png (288.42 KB, 338x810, 169:405, diversitygamers[5].png)

File: f806375a59ab01c⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 338x655, 338:655, diversitygamers[7].jpg)

File: 1d4c43b93d10507⋯.png (441.43 KB, 509x1785, 509:1785, diversitygamers[9].png)


>got GTA banned from Wal Mart in Ausfailia, which caused lots of other major retailers to do the same

The GTA: V game banning by Target (and Target affiliated stores such as K-Mart) was quite interesting to watch from a consumer point of view. The shops only took down GTA: V but kept the previous GTA incarnations on the shelves. Ir seemed like a way that appeared to appease the manufactured outrage but limit damage to sales. Not that taking a game off the shelves because of dubious claims of getting triggered because the ladies themselves were raped (read: "It was real in their minds" or "We were just starting a conversation") who never even identified as Australians (the continent, because apparently Australia the country doen't exist) to begin with. Note to Burgers: Wal-mart isn't a thing in Australia.


>It was right before most of that I think. A short-lived period of "haha we don't want to ban things we're not jack thompson all our games should coexist". Boy did the other shoe ever drop fast on that one. I remember some of them were spreading around a picture using cheesecake as an analogy to claim they just wanted more variety in games.

The beta guy (something Mann) that did the "song a day" did a song saying they were not Jack Thompson where at the end, Anita Sticks her ugly mug in the shot. That was before the GTA: V stunt.

For the Cheese Cake analogy was used under the title of "Diversity Games". Pics related


>Also anyone who thinks Anarchism falls under any political spectrum let alone a leftist one is a fucking idiot.

I remember the university lecturer with the long neck stating that he was an Anarcho-communist. Fucktard fails to recognize that he is actually a communist using anarchy to bring about communistic order. Under communism, he would be the first to lined up against the wall and shot as anything anarchy is a threat to communist order and thus must be eliminated.


>Also that article describes the show as "high production value" which is fucking laughable.

Of course it is hard to make especially if everyone involved is as untalented as LWu.

16e018 No.14306063

File: 4d19b150dcbe661⋯.png (205.08 KB, 468x345, 156:115, 4d19b150dcbe661bc36c42eae4….png)


I just noticed the tattoos. She would be wife material with long non-colored hair and of course without the tattoos. at least I hope


You should share the forbidden one.

5ea188 No.14306089

File: d2f62b133327e4b⋯.mp4 (6.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bicycle Race Remix By Plus….mp4)

File: 87b569797a2d117⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2255x2679, 2255:2679, daniellbustoffice.png)

File: 027ea6fc8983439⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2846x2610, 1423:1305, freyaoffice.png)

File: 1f4dae5741dd300⋯.png (3.41 MB, 3537x2373, 1179:791, christdeepfreeze.png)


>The beta guy (something Mann) that did the "song a day"


This guy?

Ear and eyecandy provided for relief.

5bc8da No.14306097

File: e65dafe40cf1800⋯.jpg (272.14 KB, 915x762, 305:254, zarya recolor.jpg)


I found the recolor of her I was talking about at >>14305837, what do you think?

b14b76 No.14306106


Yeah she definitely looks better, since the tattoo is on the shoulder I can ignore it but as soon as more then one tattoo shows up I immediately start to think they're whores.

16e018 No.14306113


I'll try to shop the tattoo off but yeah she looks way fucking better.

271fc0 No.14306115

File: 41ac149753985fa⋯.png (583.69 KB, 608x720, 38:45, 41ac149753985fad6e69d164d0….png)


>I remember the university lecturer with the long neck stating that he was an Anarcho-communist. Fucktard fails to recognize that he is actually a communist using anarchy to bring about communistic order. Under communism, he would be the first to lined up against the wall and shot as anything anarchy is a threat to communist order and thus must be eliminated.

This what gets me so much with /leftypol/ and other leftist is they don't actually understand their own ideologies, ironically we have a better understanding which is why we are against it so much as it just doesn't fucking work.

83b427 No.14306116

File: a813b07875fd590⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Morden.jpg)


>but as soon as more then one tattoo shows up I immediately start to think they're whores.

A normal reaction from a well-adjusted person.

8e5189 No.14306117

File: a4f007cd79219a7⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 300x164, 75:41, exodia.jpg)

262ef5 No.14306120


There is a difference between enjoying something, or even being passionate about it, and making it your life. Especially when it comes to no effort trash like what they cling to. You are also coming close to throwing stones in a glass house if you are going for that low of a bar.

305b71 No.14306123


Zarya is a strange character. She is the definition of an SJW in appearance but her background details and flavor paint her as a highly nationalistic Russian patriot with no time for commie robots. She is also fit, and is a hard worker. The exact opposite of these people

7b1206 No.14306126

File: c649d686a6d4c76⋯.jpg (292.41 KB, 1920x1010, 192:101, 3311890-4.jpg)


>as soon as more then one tattoo shows up I immediately start to think they're whores.

Aposematism isn't just for the weird hair colors.

e00609 No.14306133


On a muscular russkie woman, it depends, but its probably not 6he right scenario for her ie prisoner tats or vengance tats or military tats. Her tats are probably egotist tats

b9f169 No.14306136

File: c03f7386aa2922a⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 474x317, 474:317, th8XCU84O8.jpg)

47c0be No.14306142


Great, now they ruined cheese cake

17f9ee No.14306153


I thought her favorite food was cornflakes.

e00609 No.14306154


They cant ruin my homemade alcoholic cheese cakes

b14b76 No.14306156


Yep, whore right there.

b9f169 No.14306164


Might be why she looks so disappointed.

5bc8da No.14306166


She actually looks hot with that skin tbh. Must be the snu-snu appeal.


They're good at ruining cheese cake, or any kind of food, if you know what I mean.

e00609 No.14306172


Id say the lack of fucky hair, but the problem that I see is the face is now fucky.

47c0be No.14306175


Now I feel like cheesecake. But I have no freezer.

b9f169 No.14306180


poorfag detected

8e5189 No.14306183


bro you can get a standalone freezer for less than $100, and you'd save infinite money by storing leftovers n shiieeet.

83b427 No.14306184


Milkshakes too.

5bc8da No.14306185


You mean with the face tattos? I guess I'm OK with it since it looks more like war paint.

5ea188 No.14306189



Her one tattoo kind of is. Basically, it's her weightlifting record of 512 kilograms.

307c88 No.14306193

File: 25d97403b33bf64⋯.jpg (7.48 KB, 190x216, 95:108, carlo.jpg)


>tfw everything is aposematism these days

Even tomboys are ruined. They used to be cool as fuck, now whenever you see one there's a 95% chance it's a dyke who might even think she's a guy because she likes things that aren't girly.

47c0be No.14306194


I also don't have a toilet, use an outhouse, but that's not related to anything.

In other news, if you laughed at Turd for his peoplekind comment, you're a nazi, according to Turd's advisor.


e00609 No.14306196


No, like something is just off with her face, it looks a bit like it is swollen in the snu snu pic.

670b46 No.14306198


Useful idiots, the only way how these pitiful excuses for ideologies can be ever implemented.

307c88 No.14306203


>no toilet

>no freezer

What, are you posting from a library computer like a nigger

83b427 No.14306204


Newfoundland anon?

5bc8da No.14306206


Must be the chin, I think it's a bit too wide, not very feminine.

e00609 No.14306208


Thats fine.


Someone should ask the advisor why turd has the emotional capacity of a 6 year old girl.

8e5189 No.14306209


any anarchists who fall for the "marxists are an ally" meme are blatant retards considering how quickly the bolsheviks slaughtered the anarchists after the soviet revolution.

0d931b No.14306213


>Dyed hair is ruined not that it was great to begin with

>Pixie cuts are ruined

>Chubby/fat girls are ruined

Send help.

16e018 No.14306214

File: 5261ef5033ac496⋯.jpg (178.93 KB, 915x762, 305:254, mspaint.jpg)




It's hell that they have been fucking tainted.

83b427 No.14306216


But the soviet union was not real communism.

7b1206 No.14306224

File: 0e40f49287c46cc⋯.gif (4.81 MB, 441x200, 441:200, checking out women in [CUR….gif)


Aposematism might be a strong word but it's certainly red flags - weird hair dyes, short hair, problem glasses and tattoos (either a big ass one or a shitload of small ones). Just things I find myself paying more attention to nowadays.

96d342 No.14306228


blis anon, gommunism havt never been freid begore

906532 No.14306231

File: cce9895e65376ab⋯.png (8.86 KB, 300x300, 1:1, alunydola.png)



83862f No.14306236

File: b9a9175fdea28c1⋯.png (112.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>problem glasses

That could go either way, I recently needed a new pair of glasses and every fucking set of frames in the store was problem glasses in the women's and soyboy glasses for men's I just wanted a nice pair of thin rectangular frame glasses like this and I had to go to three fucking different stores to find anything but problem glasses and those stupid thick soyboy glasses

5bc8da No.14306239


Pretty good. They don't do muscle girls like this anymore. At best, it has pink hair, or it's worse.

>tfw no muscle girl taller than you to give you a bear hug after working out together

0d931b No.14306243


Did you happen to look in an optometrist's office? The one I go to has plenty of normal glasses designs in it, for a variety of prices.

83b427 No.14306250

File: 5d29464b40ef010⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 900x600, 3:2, armaniu[1].jpg)


I recently had the same problem but got me a set of Armany frame like those. Better than nothing.

307c88 No.14306256


>all the people without these red flags are the ones who have nothing in common with us

>they'd all find us uninteresting because there's nothing to bond over

17f9ee No.14306259

File: 1797932fd773855⋯.jpg (179.18 KB, 600x934, 300:467, frank cho.jpg)


They've been trying to ruin it for years.

83862f No.14306261


That was the first place I looked when I got my prescription and the had only soyboy and problem glasses. So at this point if they have problem glasses and nothing else, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because I had a massive problem trying to find anything but those types of glasses


I'm not entirely sure what brand of glasses mine are, they weren't the ones in the picture they were just similar, I'd look but I can't read the writing on them when I take them off

5bc8da No.14306265

File: b43bb0a3588f263⋯.png (371.13 KB, 795x1560, 53:104, VC_Eleanor_Varrot.png)

The thing I learned about women wearing glasses is that the thinner they are, the better her personality is.

16e018 No.14306280


not >She lifts you up when you get tired to motivate you


I'm supposed to wear glasses but being the stubborn nigger I am I don't. I probably need new ones soon too since I'm using my dominant eye way too much alone.


A purge is in order.

0d931b No.14306283


I've found that the best method is to find exceptions to the rule, so to speak. Such exceptions are more common amongst older women, I've found. Even if the odds of similar hobbies are a bit smaller.


Weird. I got my last pair of frames a year or 2 ago, and they had plenty of normal glasses. Might look during my next appointment to see if that's changed.

b14b76 No.14306291


Lighting is a bit off, pay closer attention to the skin where the tattoo is located.

83862f No.14306304


>I'm supposed to wear glasses but being the stubborn nigger I am I don't

You really should, it will honestly improve your life alot


This was actually about a year ago now but being reminded of problem glasses reminded me of my troubles trying to buy glasses and why I'd be willing to give a girl wearing them the benefit of the doubt if she showed no other signs

0d931b No.14306313


Completely fair. Usually the ones that have issues are rather obvious about it if you do a bit of digging. At least as far as online ones go.

83f28b No.14306317


no first for benis, therefore sage


benis is something you don't replace

16e018 No.14306334


I had it right the first time but I ended up fucking up.


I'm gonna have to an (((appointment))) this year. I have some old ones which does the job alright but I just need some bigger ones.

83b427 No.14306340


If a girl is too active on social medias, I avoid her, also those who are addicted to their phone. It's easier now that I date 30 years old + women.

7b1206 No.14306353

File: 24b21a494e790bc⋯.jpg (97.1 KB, 640x717, 640:717, daidouji22.jpg)


sadly her ingame model isn't 100% faithful to the art

8c4695 No.14306372


Yeah, I knew there was some stupid name they made up for themselves to market that. I just remember thinking "these niggas are using cheesecake as an analogy when what they really want is a pie".



Man, now I'm thinking about my ex. She was a huge tomboy when we were growing up. It was really cute. We used to run around in the woods swordfighting with sticks.

af1665 No.14306373







Back in high school, I started watching Red VS. Blue primarily because that's what the "social circle" of people in most of my classes had been talking about off and on. After actually taking the time to watching the entire series to Season 8 (The Latest season at the time), and wanting to talk about it with these people, along with quoting lines and such, they had moved on. Granted, I didn't get to the point where I was acting out in an autismo fit quoting Caboose about burnt toast, but that's what I think it is for a lot of these people. They just want to be a "part of something".

863ae7 No.14306383


That was a meme spread to piss off Marche and it worked.

e00609 No.14306461


I think her normal mode is more beautiful

841f7b No.14306470


I have a really nice thin pair of oakleys.

8c4695 No.14306472


It's a really nice memory. Then there was wintertime. We lived by the park so we'd go sledding there. Had some really good hills. And snowball fights. Lots of those. I was never really into being outside but it was still a lot of fun.

863ae7 No.14306481

File: ccd9a1e6abc5f27⋯.png (277.95 KB, 720x697, 720:697, Accelerationism.png)



I thought that was a meme.

83862f No.14306490


I didn't know they made glasses, I thought they only made douchey sunglasses

83862f No.14306507


The non trap just looks like Kaname anyway, Locon has a bad case of same face

83b427 No.14306523


My sister was pretty much a tomboy growing up. Short hair, comfortable clothes, more in her element fooling around with me and my friends than being a Disney princess. The good old days.

863ae7 No.14306536


>Whatever, it's a different species with different norms. For all we know, gay monster couples can produce children.

>I don't see anyone complaining about Dogamy and Dogarisa's heterosexual dog marriage.

What kind of weak ass tumblr justification is that? That doesn't make the latter homosex shit which you must do in order the get the good ending not extremely forced and almost out of the blue.

8c4695 No.14306541


I've got happy memories that are heart attack inducing levels of cute.


Yeah, sounds like my ex. She was really into sports, too. Mostly soccer and hockey. She usually had a pretty good tan going. Nice, simple times. Video games were just video games. You went swimming in the park or biking through town or sledding in the park and then just went to one of your homes and played Street Fighter or something together.

254c72 No.14306545


I see nothing wrong here.

af35dd No.14306568

File: 746e9d910ed6cc9⋯.png (17.09 KB, 621x291, 207:97, twitcher.png)

you guys going after twitch?

>Twitch Community Guidelines Updates



>PUBG did it, VR chat is doing it, Overwatch is cracking it up, and now Twitch.

>hold me accountable for my actions outside of the game or stream

<hold the designers or hosts of services responsible for the stupid shit they do

254c72 No.14306573

File: 91a3f4c8e1e2eeb⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Culture.jpg)


>nice pair of thin rectangular frame glasses like this

muh, 4 eye nigga!


it was a fucking crime that she died in that episode.

863ae7 No.14306574



83b427 No.14306578


Seems like Twitch is going after itself, no need to get involved.

83b427 No.14306592


Replicators did nothing wrong. They could have been formidable allies.

83862f No.14306606


I felt really bad when they fucked over that one replicant guy in the time bubble

863ae7 No.14306637


>There is a difference between enjoying something, or even being passionate about it, and making it your life.

What is waifuism?

>Especially when it comes to no effort trash like what they cling to

What is flavor of the month waifuism?


T-totally ironic guise, I swear!

>Everyone biting b9f169's obvious bait


8e5189 No.14306662


well when they betrayed Fifth on the republicator planet, he ended up being a major problem later on, atleast 4-5 episodes i think. there were quite a few times when stuff from episodes carried on for a long time, or popped back up later.

af1665 No.14306673


There were numerous missed opportunities throughout the series in what they could have fleshed out, but the problem is that did they also want to spend the time and money on fleshing out the hundreds of planets they've visited or focus on the misadventures of SG-1. And, given the amount of stuff they introduced with the series, I'd say they did a good enough job.

If anything, I'd say that Atlantis was an even bigger misstep with that since their biggest contribution with a series that was based in a completely different galaxy was space vampires before they dialed things back to them dealing with the Replicators and the Asgard (Very briefly for the latter).

8e5189 No.14306684


replicator**** wew. sage for correction.

47c0be No.14306707


>people who grew up with facebook ar 30 years old now.

ab1ffd No.14306727

File: aeda8ef2da5921b⋯.jpg (213.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, duo.jpg)

It wasn't until decades later that I realized those things on their head were just an excuse for gainax to add neko ear their character design.

I are not clever.

fdc42d No.14306738

File: 62ed477a11527a6⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 620x387, 620:387, Facepalm 7.jpg)

Good morning..


They're not even hiding it anymore. HO-LY shit. The all-out assault against "sexist" Japanese game developers and their "misogynistic" games is real. Now I lost my appetite to even eat breakfast. Shit! If there's more of articles like these, past and present, PLEASE, share it. Right now, what is needed is a compilation of all the interviews where these feminist scums demanded the creators to censor their work over buzzwords.

Fuck I'm livid right now!

83b427 No.14306742

File: 306a5b42d6eb165⋯.jpg (52.91 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, Doci.jpg)

The real enemies in Stargate were the Ascended. Those assholes are directly responsible for everything. First they ascend then leave all their toys lying around for the Goa'uld to find and enslave humanity. They could have helped correct the problem but nope! we ascended now, no interference. In Atlantis they are responsible for the Wraith too by seeding humans near space spiders. They get in a war with them but learn of ascension halfway through. Then when ascended they just don't give enough of a fuck to correct their problem leaving humans to become cattle. It's bullshit. The Ori were assholes but they had a point. The Orici was hot as fuck too.

863ae7 No.14306760


>They're not even hiding it anymore

Where have you been? They stopped hiding it ages ago.

83b427 No.14306768


The Ori arc started well but got retarded fast especially with priors doing magic trick. With Priors knowing everything it became hard to keep conyinuity and avoid plot holes.

8e5189 No.14306770


my main regret of that arc is that Baal and SG1 didn't go on more adventures together as allies of convenience. those moments were the best.

89afb0 No.14306798


I should probably finish Stargate. I watched every episode up until Atlantis started but I started getting bored when Richard Dean Anderson started phoning it in really hard.

8e5189 No.14306809


seasons 9 and 10 have a different guy as leader of sg1, and altho i had reservations at first he was actually pretty good. i'm still seeding the sg1 complete series torrent you can find on TPB along with like 20 others, so you should be able to dl in no time if you wanted it.

83b427 No.14306813


He was replaced by those has-been from Farscape soon after.

89afb0 No.14306829


If you mean the DVD rips that are like 480p I've already got both SG-1 and Atlantis.

af1665 No.14306834


>First they ascend then leave all their toys lying around for the Goa'uld to find and enslave humanity.

Doesn't every civilization sort of do that?

>They could have helped correct the problem but nope! we ascended now, no interference.

That was perhaps the most fucked up things in their little society. I can understand "Not interfering because people need to learn for themselves", but then Anubis shows up, they don't do a damn thing about their little fuck up to send him back, and even stop Daniel from defeating him. Now thinking about it, I wonder even if the Ancients would have stepped in if Anubis did use his powers after losing his fleet. And, he did have a point when talking to Daniel at the diner.

>In Atlantis they are responsible for the Wraith too by seeding humans near space spiders.

Wasn't that more due to experimentation than leaving settlements near the leches?

>They get in a war with them but learn of ascension halfway through.

Wasn't there numerous times they could have won the war but went "Ah, fuck it, this is too simple of a plan"?

>Then when ascended they just don't give enough of a fuck to correct their problem leaving humans to become cattle.

Speaking which, the Tokra as assholes too. That alone lake on Shakah's homeworld was filled with Goa'ulds. They could have gone fishing every couple months and try to teach a "new generation" of symbiotes that are not power hungry madmen. Actually, everyone seemed to forget about that.

<"Oh noes! T'ealc and Bra'tac will die if we don't find them symbiotes. Where can we find them in plentiful supply?"

>The Orici was hot as fuck too.

At least she's not "died".



In some ways, the whole Ori arc for the series was is actually quite political, when you think about it. As much as it may have been retarded, everything had some sort of spin where technically they were still within the rules. It was painful to watch because of how anyone with common sense would have called out more than half the stuff as bullshit, but you also have to remember that the Ancients were a society of retards, who also banished anyone with common sense.


Wasn't there on and off after Daniel went to the summit and the introduce Anubis?

a889d2 No.14306853

File: 1a8a6734c926952⋯.gif (437.77 KB, 500x280, 25:14, regular disgust.gif)

4bb95d No.14306919


The soyboy nu-males really need to learn their place.

dab58b No.14306927


If you're in the Burgerladn, Comet's been re-running them.



>In some ways, the whole Ori arc for the series was is actually quite political, when you think about it.

>but you also have to remember that the Ancients were a society of retards, who also banished anyone with common sense.

Now, I know why Sinclair Broadcast Group decided to pick up Stargate Atlantis for Comet. For the record Sinclair Broadcast Group leans conservative, and never has shoehorned in their politics, from what I've seen. The only biggest thing they came under fire for was putting press releases made by the company into news reports. Also, the only network they have that's pay-tv exclusive is Tennis Channel. The rest of their networks seem to be free-to-air. Wonder what that says when free TV is far less hostile than Pay-TV.

663a7e No.14306958

File: 5ca8fdb579ea727⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1750x1306, 875:653, 5ca8fdb579ea727ea31f1ba810….jpg)

>remember anons

to kill sjw cancer, flush titts down their throats

Tit' o' caylpse

83b427 No.14306995


Baal is in Continuity too.

663a7e No.14307015

File: 7cf6bc170b11f4e⋯.gif (161.2 KB, 290x366, 145:183, mai2.gif)

Rise of the Tits





Rise of the Tits

15fbc0 No.14307016


Anybody remember when archive.fo/is used to be called archive.today? We could use another thing like this such as tipping Google's antifa hiring to the authorities. Has there been any progress on that? Will there even be any progress on it considering the FBI isn't exactly the purest of government agencies, or the government in general being beholden to the Deep State? Speaking of which:


Would it even be possible at all to target Vox, the owners of Polygon? Considering they're partnered with Microsoft and all.

47c0be No.14307022


As shitty as this is, I'm excited to see DesTINY get fucked over for this.

83b427 No.14307038


I was just saying bro. pls no bully.

663a7e No.14307074

File: 3129a0a91553c39⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 1435773789072.jpg)

and of course

we already got anti tits anons in the thread here


Help me out so the 'ees jay doublewho' can be destroyed with the magic power of boobies. Drown them with tits, show them the best tits video games have to offer.

271fc0 No.14307088


This could be a good thing to focus on .

83b427 No.14307119


I tried to make my own archiving service when I did Bad Angler a couple of years ago. I wasn't able to do it but I might try again now that I have more skills. Only thing missing is time, I'm quite busy lately.

44b15a No.14307131


Guessing it's goons from some posts

5be4c2 No.14307156

File: 6e7eaa5cb9a740a⋯.png (489.76 KB, 612x646, 18:19, 007_edited.png)

663a7e smells like some ironybro Twitter dickhead trying to get screencaps to make us look stupid.

Or they're genuine and actually are stupid, and the fact that anons here are engaging with and encouraging their behavior means we're stupid too.

47c0be No.14307159

File: 09e4125163ca041⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.99 KB, 500x800, 5:8, titds.jpg)


Here you go

46b157 No.14307174

File: aaff9d54d08f48f⋯.png (157.88 KB, 1320x376, 165:47, Leftypol can't comprehend ….png)



863ae7 No.14307185

File: 7106f0642d37f19⋯.png (506.29 KB, 1174x638, 587:319, feminism.png)

4a989e No.14307189

File: 0784c52c3732497⋯.png (147.58 KB, 850x508, 425:254, screen.PNG)


Why doesn't anyone know how to screenshot posts? Not everyone has a monitor as wide as your mother's cunt.

47c0be No.14307192


I know how, I just choose not to because it's easier this way.

38e504 No.14307201

File: a01cc8c3cde898c⋯.jpg (142.19 KB, 1001x958, 1001:958, 1470605494562.jpg)



>not using 16:9

83b427 No.14307208


16:10 is the resolution of true gentlemen.

fdc42d No.14307212


Pajeet backpedaling after getting called out for his glorification of North Korea. It's glorious!

15fbc0 No.14307230


It would have to be a smooth and an intelligently coordinated effort. Unless the goal is nothing further than to defend the site from deep infiltration, posting tits on this site won't accomplish anything. They keep going for a tighter grip on sites they own such as reddit and resetera being notoriously banhappy with twitter trying to follow suit. It might annoy them and might cause them to shoot themselves by accident when trying to consolidate power, but none of them have died solely to that yet. Such as patreon choosing favorites and pissing off porn artists are but are still kicking. There needs to be a way to break containment whilst getting enough people to care enough to carry out something like that. Tumblr is an example that typically bucks the trend of being a notoriously censorious shithole because the site itself is bent more towards bubbled/gated echochambers depending on one's own interests. It's simultaneously notoriously hated for harboring SJW/cultural marxist insanity but also popularly appreciated for housing porn the former would dub as "problematic".


I'm sort of in the same boat, I know the feeling. I don't want any further delays in regards to my computer. I would have been able to rally to others inregards to the operation as referred to by >>14307088

much more easily a long time ago had that not occurred.


Hope so but something's nagging me that we won't see the end of him just yet. Has Sargon been -completely-burned following his kekistan/liberalist/skeptic community business)

cc03da No.14307233

018d67 No.14307238


>there was a sequel

Great, now I need to look for it.

4a989e No.14307244

File: 0e7cda130f9e1c4⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 680x580, 34:29, 0e7cda130f9e1c4010f44b418a….jpg)


>Not using 683:384

863ae7 No.14307253



15fbc0 No.14307261


Ha, oh that guy? I recall either or both Tom Kalinske and Al Nilsen from Sega of America's Golden Age retweeting him recently. Peter Moore being a cuck was bad enough and Bernie was never held in good straits but fuck, I did not need to be in a world/universe/timeline where the former CEO and Director of Marketing for '90s Sega go around doing that paying lip service to leftists and faggots. Kalinske also suffered from a stroke not long ago.

cc03da No.14307267

File: 8d909844682ec0e⋯.gif (659.46 KB, 400x450, 8:9, 21d4517b8897cf321b49145171….gif)


Speaking of prequel

it updated

863ae7 No.14307277


It's not dead and abandoned?

018d67 No.14307285

9619f1 No.14307291


Last update was the 6th. He just took a few years off, you know how it goes.

663a7e No.14307297


> There needs to be a way to break containment

give the apocalypse of tits enough time to gain more power and it will spread not only on this board but into the great world of video games. The one thing about video games that makes video games so unique is actually, content can come from anywhere. No matter what game, a mod can change it and so on. But give it time.

863ae7 No.14307304


It's not as good.

018d67 No.14307312


Agreed, it was still decent though.

bb9364 No.14307316

File: 175c378d94a0dbe⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 473x540, 473:540, 1.jpg)

File: 4f9fc978e8ccdc7⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 498x296, 249:148, 2.jpg)

File: 2e12f8a3312620f⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 421x270, 421:270, 3.jpg)

File: d4c4667688c7d06⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 488x215, 488:215, 4.jpg)

File: 4a88a4bc2cd974f⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 442x290, 221:145, 5.jpg)

Was this ever posted in these threads? It's from last month. Potential trolls impersonating police trying to shut down archives citing "illegal activity". I don't think what they were trying to shut down is related to us, but still something to note.





Is this a lowkey attempt to shill your own thread? Fuck off.

bb9364 No.14307329


Look at his post history, just seems to be a sperg. How he posts also seems suspect.

663a7e No.14307331


not the thread shilling, just the apocalypse of tits but....


..as it turns out


mark, what is going on?

663a7e No.14307334

wew, that post got fucked up. sorry, bully me

4a989e No.14307336


It's cobalt.

cc03da No.14307347



8e5189 No.14307360


that was a really good episode actually.

663a7e No.14307363


yeah, saw it too. How is this fucker still here? He just exposed himself.

bb9364 No.14307375

File: d61dd2593a977d3⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 493x402, 493:402, 1420772404013.jpg)


So you made the thread, shilled it here without disclosing it was your thread for some reason, tried to call a personal army on other anons going against the thread (whether they are goons or not is irrelevant), and now trying to start metafaggotry about it being bumplocked.

The mods may be fags but you're suspicious as fuck mate.

5be4c2 No.14307407

File: 12bf9ef0dd6ac26⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, japanese space program.png)

Marche, usually when you cuss someone out in this thread there's an actual, valid point behind it, but for the last few weeks you've just been starting shit for the sake of starting shit, and whatever point you had is obscured by layers of impenetrable retard sarcasm.

The last time you were like this you were working through bad times in your life, and if it's the same again now maybe just stay away until things get better.

Or if you just don't give a shit about GG anymore, why not just stick to Twitter? You get more (You)s there and it fits your personality better, seeing as you're now posting like one of those goony lower-case ironybro faggots.

47c0be No.14307412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


211a20 No.14307415


>/leftypol/ claim they are long time anons and not goons/tumblrtards who came over

>back a kickstarted with /leftypol/

>sponsor a lecture with /lecftypol/

>all but put up billboards promoting their board and 8chan to as many normalfags as they can

How did they never learn to not brag about imageboards like the newest of newfags? Their board has been around long enough that they should be starting to learn.

e41fc6 No.14307459

File: c9996bfd56bf3cf⋯.png (70.42 KB, 614x1146, 307:573, VGA_1209384029834.png)

c92b73 No.14307486


is that rockcock64 doing the voice over?

863ae7 No.14307506


>The thread attracted actual goons, one of which was using his phone to samefag

If only OP wasn't a faggot and made it more vidya related.

018d67 No.14307518


Sounds like him, but he turned into a cuck, so I doubt it is.

77f406 No.14307519

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Finally watched Jim's video on Peterson, it was pretty bad.

He screwed up here

c92b73 No.14307524


Well the /v/ga's are cuckchan shit.

bb9364 No.14307530


Why do you keep fueling this? And who cares? Let anons banter and fight it out. Besides anons brought up marche first here, so for once marche dindu nuffin today.


I wouldn't have cared about the thread if he didn't try to shill it here and then call for an army when others dissented. Now it just gives goons more ammo to derail and dismiss more legitimate threads of this nature.

cc03da No.14307536



heh trannies am I right?

863ae7 No.14307542


I just thought he should have posted vidya tits instead of posting 3D while asking others for vidya tits. But thread shilling is gay shit too.

47c0be No.14307552


Hate it or not, it's nice to have a non-cucked video game awards show.

863ae7 No.14307553


Marche you fucking furfag. Now you're guilty of what you've been denying, calling Cobalt a tranny.

cc03da No.14307559


I never denied it, I denied claiming it first.

Im gonna laugh and parrot it because its funny

77f406 No.14307615


He's pretty much useless now and should've been banned numerous times for avatarfagging as it is, Mark's too soft on that faggot

bb9364 No.14307625

File: da8c1953f07ce72⋯.png (83.86 KB, 624x492, 52:41, Resetera.png)



What's this? Brad's piece making some headway in Neogaf 2.0? The mod's even edited Brad's article into the OP. Surprising, to say the least. I wonder what spicy takes await in the thread?

017983 No.14307631


Because cobalt is infinitely better than goldenrod, who is legitimately retarded.

863ae7 No.14307633


Be sure to archive the spiciest of takes.

a13e31 No.14307695



I've checked what he does on the modlog a few times and the times I did, he seems far better than cobalt, pewter and sometimes Mark

cc03da No.14307696


Ive been banned or just doing IRL shit for the last few weeks

every single time I do post I get people who have outright admitted to wanting to shit up the thread to stir drama and then I get banned for it when I just say fuck off

so yea fuck off idiot stop trying to make fucking dumb as fuck drama

017983 No.14307711


Fuck off goldenrod

5ea188 No.14307717

File: 698848d074f8c76⋯.png (343.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Danielle losing hope color….png)



>Harassment does not require a victim.

Jesus fuck, that's some serious SocJus grade retardation.

a13e31 No.14307742


I'm not though

4bb95d No.14307758


Coming from the forum that brought us "reading books makes you a Nazi," I'm not even remotely surprised.

89157f No.14307776


That dude is beyond stupid. Read his follow up arguments after people call him out on that shit. Dude if fucking delusional, like Wu his hero. Also for all that Sexual Harassment training he received, he missed the fucking point and went off the deep end with it.


Funny that the book they were shitting on was Fahrenheit 451, talk about irony, since it pretty much talking about SJW's and how they want to censor everything that is wrongthink.

4a95de No.14307791

File: 5f93fe16929c1bd⋯.jpg (152.35 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Asuka shrugs.jpg)

>wonder how the bread is doing

>Tit-ocalypse thanks to GameInformer's worthless ass trying to bull SNK

>more infighting shit



>RacistERA forum discussions

Has anybody thought to add GameInformer's antics to the Wiki and contact Bonegolem about a Deepfreeze "agenda pushing" entry? We have a citation from Usher, plus the interview itself.

47c0be No.14307792

File: 07337f0d383b176⋯.jpg (172.73 KB, 768x960, 4:5, sargon.jpg)


>Read his follow up arguments after people call him out on that shit

>One off

How many of those people who called him out on it got banned?

fdc42d No.14307807

File: 15d8a63cb591d27⋯.jpg (132.47 KB, 1084x1200, 271:300, Warlock Hunt.jpg)


Harassment doesn't require a victim. Listen and beLIEve…

ca1dc0 No.14307814


>Harassment does not require a victim.

no, no no no no no.

this one i cant let slide as SJW being retarded.


863ae7 No.14307820


What so supposedly incriminating in the Playboy interview? Where the fuck is it?

47c0be No.14307845


Even Lowtax is calling this shit out.

47c0be No.14307854

File: b367bb379cc1893⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1502x10970, 751:5485, subnautica.png)

89157f No.14307878


No idea mate, read teh archive and only a few pages before my disgust came to much to bare.

863ae7 No.14307884


Wasn't this posted just a few threads ago?

83b427 No.14307891


The dev cucked out to this? They deserve their shitty PR on launch week.

4bb95d No.14307928


Yeah, you know it's gotten retarded when even he's all "wait, what the fuck?"

38e504 No.14307931

File: 2d81ec90f30dd61⋯.webm (1.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, laughing necrons.webm)


>everyone getting banned or warned for nonsensical reasons

b77d7f No.14307953


How does anyone even post there.

af1665 No.14307975

File: 48b6415f64a3539⋯.jpg (989.18 KB, 1250x1250, 1:1, 031_17789438.jpg)


I've considered having the HQ thread open in another tab, but last post in there is from over a week ago with some Anon complaining about how he was banned for making a Trump post. I really have no idea what the GI article is about. I just started seeing anons causing some storm about it.

<Picture unrelated to anything I just said

Also, it seems like whoever is shitting up the threads want to keep people raging about…something.

4bb95d No.14307983


Full frontal lobotomy?

5be4c2 No.14307992

File: 613dae1a71cbdd2⋯.pdf (231.85 KB, Milo-Transcript.pdf)

File: 3bdf677f8d434e2⋯.jpeg (45.51 KB, 1199x397, 1199:397, DVdxUu9W0AAvgPY.jpeg)

File: 5044b7539aa5dae⋯.jpeg (17.02 KB, 900x159, 300:53, DVdwRA0W4AE8J4s.jpeg)


>Lowtax RTing Mombot

Never thought I'd see that happen. Though, checking his TL, he's desperately sucking the Chapo guy's cocks, so he's still very much in goonland.

Also, Milo's suit against S&S over his book is going pretty badly - the court would only let his lawyers see some of S&S's financial documents, not him, so he fired his lawyers and represented himself to try and gain access, and the court just told him to fuck off.

What the fuck is he doing? This is lolcow tier shit. It's the kind of argument you'd think of in high school. And honestly, I think the suit was bullshit to begin with. I guess he was just fishing for more attention?

83b427 No.14307999

File: e48dc5e366eb2b6⋯.png (4.28 KB, 726x102, 121:17, kek.png)


I think they see themselves as some kind of fortress of progressive minds helping building a better world through bans and twitter posts. Only a matter of time before one of the mods gets the #metoo treatment.

I always found odd how fast they were able to bounce back from the death of neogaf. They had a domain, forum and a complete branding in a few days.

5be4c2 No.14308022

File: 0cebbfd49fd3497⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 959494910188568581_ChnNx6e….png)

>>14307999 (checked)

>I always found odd how fast they were able to bounce back from the death of neogaf. They had a domain, forum and a complete branding in a few days.

I've seen people believe that it was some kinda nefarious conspiracy but I think it's just simply that they had people with the right skills and enough funding. Neogaf was huge and its acolytes were very dedicated.

af1665 No.14308029




Question: how much would the idiots over there be tripping all over themselves for someone with a questionably "SJW"-esque username? Considering making an account over there just to watch them commit even more hypocrisy.

863ae7 No.14308034

File: 82f367a90710b16⋯.png (137.42 KB, 1231x475, 1231:475, ClipboardImage.png)


>Smug anime girl avatar



89157f No.14308065


Valid argument, get banned anyways. I don't see how people could waste time on a forum where critical thinking is considered wrongthink.

4bb95d No.14308079


>Look, she was literally advertising escort services on her Nintendo PR account, what the fuck were they supposed to do?


83b427 No.14308094


From what I understand their hugbox is already breached from when they organized reeeeeeeset era on a publick discuck. I heard there are even mods from here or cuckchan.

36b177 No.14308112

How is everyone doing? Between the retardation and the people pushing for cenosrship, I took a break for a bit and ended up buying/playing cthulhu wars.

I heard people were going after one piece. I also heard people now pushing for censorship for snk girls, so that will probably be inevitable.

a4d994 No.14308131

File: 830d2748bed87a2⋯.jpg (4.41 MB, 2808x1872, 3:2, scream.jpg)



This is a fucking nightmare of a board. Living reddit just under our nose. Its /pol/ without naming the jew, and cranky memes like "clowns" instead of CIANIGGERS, checkeked instead of checked, Fakebook instead of Kikebook/Faceberg and so on. And they all talk like fucking bots or 13 years olds.

96d342 No.14308169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The more i read this shit >>14307854

the more i think we relly need that memeteor, but on focalized locations

863ae7 No.14308177


I don't recall the whole Rapp situation quite clearly. Did Rapp even get harassment and death threats real or fake? Were any publicized let alone any that could be linked to GG in any way? Or were they just considering people saying mean things about her on Twitter because I hear she said she was glad the Fates and that other game shat on by the localizers made people upset?

4bb95d No.14308183


They went the "any form of criticism = GamerGate" route, naturally. The people known to be gatekeepers at Treehouse are still lying through their teeth about the situation.

83b427 No.14308191


I'm taking a break from the retardation too, I'm playing Riven and shopping for decoration for my home, it's bland and I want to liven it up a little.

4a95de No.14308304


I'm coding my own point of sale system since working on the wiki gave me the programming bug again.

Livecode is super fucking fun. I keep thinking of all kinda neat apps I could make with it, from archiving tools to Twitter bots. It's time to git gud.

9b4f8f No.14308317


I'm playing SWAT still, too bad for time zones.

8c4695 No.14308334

File: 5d65012a0b9f965⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 320x189, 320:189, 1455398929447.gif)


I'm watching a show I heard about from /k/ years ago. Not playing anything though. My main PC is broken and my handhelds are both charging right now. Need to take my old textbooks into the college on Monday and try to sell them for video game money. That's gonna be a pain. They're heavy.

254c72 No.14308345

File: 8fc4e8a8ad29037⋯.jpg (54.12 KB, 286x227, 286:227, 1375158200765.jpg)


>mfw i can be a rapist without leveling up

b1a9ce No.14308346


> They're heavy.

Get /fit/ anon.

9b4f8f No.14308348


By video game money do you mean getting a new PC?

3da7df No.14308349

File: d761565545bf472⋯.png (769.36 KB, 944x746, 472:373, 1426700357245-1.png)


Playing Tarkov while listening to Internet Bloodsports.

b1a9ce No.14308359


>Harassment doesn't require a victim. Listen and beLIEve…

You mean making shit up and when being called out for it, say that you are "Just starting a conversation".

8c4695 No.14308363

File: 36010b4d3da22c2⋯.png (29.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, sleepy.png)


No, I mean I want video games. I don't even know what's wrong with my PC but it's probably software-related. I just can't be fucked fixing it. It's been broken almost 2 years now.


I would but I really like liquor and I have a bad everything.

>tfw you wake up and one of your knees is locked up and you can tell it's going to be one of those days

9b4f8f No.14308368


Building a new PC isn't what it was like decades ago, it's like lego now. But yeah you sound like you'd need the money for other things.

3238bb No.14308369


Playing Nioh, it's 50/50 split between getting some progress and kicking my ass.

8c4695 No.14308384


I know it's easy because when I thought it was a hardware issue I bought all new parts except hard drives and it still didn't work. Then I put those together and sold it to my brother's friend to get some of my money back, and bought new hard drives and it still doesn't work. I just never have the energy to deal with it between work and school and for a while there I was trying to babyproof my place. Some weeks I never even boot a game up. I come home and watch youtube for a couple hours and go to bed.

9b4f8f No.14308388


Yeah it really sounds like you need that money for your health first so you can get /fit/.

6cd6f6 No.14308393


I've been sick and have trouble breathing. Can't really focus on anything.

8c4695 No.14308405


Ironically my health is the best it's been in years. Normally when I get sick I ignore it. I hate doctors. Been to the doctor more in the last 6 months than the last decade. Most of my aches are from my old jobs or from accidents. My knee locks up because I fell and hit it on cement years ago. So some days it's okay, most days it's a bit stiff, and some days I can barely bend it. I got treated for two infections last year which is two more than I would normally be treated for. I usually just pop whatever pills I can find that might help. One time I carved my toe up with a pocket knife to get rid of an ingrown nail rather than go to a doctor. Then when it got infected I used pills and drained the pus from it by opening it up with a knife and squeezing. I just have real long days so I'm tired a lot. Plus I don't sleep very well because I'm stressed out a lot.

c82de0 No.14308417


>You bought all new hardware but that didn't work so you sold it then got new HD but that didn't work either.

you could have just built a entirely new computer there.

023b9e No.14308418

File: 4f66db720f98a75⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 419x419, 1:1, 4f66db720f98a756afbb4eb9bc….jpg)


Working and planning to save up for any milsurp rifle like a moist nugget or even anything in .223 or .308 bolt action. Also, playing the shit out of Divinity Orignal Sin 2 with mods; Fane is my main, Red Prince is my bro and Sebille is the cutest

9b4f8f No.14308420


Wait are you by any chance that guy who was in the TPP threads? I was worried you gave up on life after cheering you up a bit.

8c4695 No.14308432


I didn't want to lose my data. I mostly use it for watching stuff anyway and I have my "school" laptop for that.


Is TPP The Phantom Pain? Because if so, then no. I haven't given up on life or anything like that.

e35808 No.14308435


Not that I have any hope whatsoever for them, but if they somehow end up not being retarded and filled with shitty indie pixel games of liberal propaganda, does it matter why they exist?


>Owning a house

What the fuck are you doing here


Been playing PUBG with a friend He's fucking terrible at close range intense combat, despite being an amazing sniper. I don't fucking understand it.


Mosins are getting overpriced nowadays, the infinite surplus is finally ending.

9b4f8f No.14308443


No TPP as in Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, oh well even if you aren't him I wish you the best of luck.

8c4695 No.14308445


I don't remember being in threads for that. If it was recent then definitely not. If it wasn't recent then probably not but maybe.

c866b4 No.14308457


Being playing a lot of games that frustrate because I autistically set them to elite difficulty so I don't whip through them. Its not good for my blood pressure. Been keeping an eye out on the /greatawakening/ stuff, at this point it's either the greatest Internet hoax of all time or its real and shit is going to go down and public executions are in order. Either way, I am in another country so I just observe.

83b427 No.14308462


It's not a house, it's a condo. Nothing big, I work abroad a lot so it's been mostly used by my sister. I never spent the time into decorating it and making it my own.

cc03da No.14308531


I got my own 2 bedroom house, I have weebshit and vidya stuff everywhere

5be4c2 No.14308553

File: dc7cb90942e93e4⋯.png (129.41 KB, 772x747, 772:747, moldable inarticulate scho….png)


How the hell did you afford a house?

Is it in the middle of nowhere?

cc03da No.14308564

File: 14fd05858b3f53c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 407.22 KB, 1500x1179, 500:393, il_fullxfull.567530530_cny….jpg)


like this

83b427 No.14308590


It doesn't cost that much outside big cities. Around 200k.

8c4695 No.14308610


I live in a 3 bedroom house that was worth about $150k when I moved in. It's in the middle of nowhere though.

19b539 No.14308671

File: fd2a590befbfe9a⋯.png (51.12 KB, 866x343, 866:343, You will never a tomboy.png)

cc03da No.14308676

File: bc709a651d6681e⋯.png (109.71 KB, 795x662, 795:662, 1344861654185.png)

8c4695 No.14308689

File: c19e9a18238d57c⋯.jpg (192.66 KB, 602x620, 301:310, 1465546862593.jpg)



Stop giving me these feels. They might make me do something I'll regret.

83b427 No.14308698

File: bfece51e0bf3eae⋯.jpg (600.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5-centimeters-per-second-c….jpg)

59cfae No.14308708


>What the fuck is he doing?

From the transcript it seems like he tried a gambit but failed. He does have a point where the financials could contain evidence to further build a case but it also strikes me as fishy the court has allowed the information to remain confidential only to the plaintiff.

6cd6f6 No.14308743

File: dec9aa00ba9f960⋯.png (177.15 KB, 471x486, 157:162, end it.PNG)

8288bc No.14308745


>representing himself

How not to win a court case 101.

8c4695 No.14308747

File: 5202ee20a0cf686⋯.png (18.81 KB, 462x320, 231:160, 1428712898265.png)


Not that. But if these feels keep up I might leave my girlfriend for another try with my ex because she's been in contact and wants to try again

83b427 No.14308759

File: 32850bd7e2e37bc⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1400x1000, 7:5, 32850bd7e2e37bce3c63e5d89c….png)


Tat sounds like a bad idea anon. Just let go of 3D, you'll be better off.

8c4695 No.14308765

File: 0d043b899f1ffee⋯.png (604.53 KB, 483x855, 161:285, colorized chinatsu.png)


This is the only 2d I could ever love and she's from an h-manga.

6cd6f6 No.14308778


Yeah you're going in to the filter as I don't want to catch what ever you're carrying and have my testosterone level and T cell count plummet.

c8fcaf No.14308779

File: 35a4f2b19b1aa83⋯.png (163.77 KB, 517x480, 517:480, 35a4f2b19b1aa83147daf8d0a7….png)

8c4695 No.14308783


I'll be in bed soon anyway.

83862f No.14309223


RIP Gamergate 1974-2018

6cd6f6 No.14309249


Who won?

63fcac No.14309269

File: 91fe097e12b4a60⋯.png (240.02 KB, 841x278, 841:278, I didn't want this....png)


>1974 was 30 years ago

47c0be No.14309294


I liked him, but damn, the whole Reagan Battalion thing really made him stupid.

663a7e No.14309327

ok, from what i have gather sinces yesterday of my little tits of apocalypse

One thing is sure, they do not like it at all, every socjus got so hard triggered that they went with full force against it. No matter from which woodwork, be it a triggered faggot mod who immidiltey bumplocked it, the usully goons shitposting on this board or furfags shills and so on. That thread had everything and it actually shows me how much they do not want this to happened. What is it that they fear from it?

Maybe i answerd it myself already here >>14309291 and i hope enough anons have understood what happened there and know now what to do to kill the sjw cancer.

Another question i have is, how deep are the shills actually involved in ongoing threads on this board? Seeing the quick respond in the tits thread made me wonder.

83862f No.14309336


The journos won, Zoe Quinn is congratulated on adult swim, Brianna Wu will be in congress soon. Face it we lost #closethegate


cc03da No.14309343


>Everyone who doesnt like my glorified fetish image dump thread is a goon or shill

you really belong back on halfchan

663a7e No.14309356


don't even try it.

cc03da No.14309369

File: 9daf9be03297d1a⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Based tyrone you do not be….mp4)


try what?

your thread was a shitty request porn dump and now you are acting like glow in the dark CIA niggers are out to get you.

Stop being fucking dumb even attempt not being dumb, its fucking cringe as fuck and shows how you dont belong here.

47c0be No.14309373


>Brianna Wu will be in congress soon.

I hope so. The SJWs who voted for someone like that will quickly learn the lesson that voting for someone because of a "Le Ebin Stopmotion Drumf ad" is a horrible idea, the hard way.

cc03da No.14309386

File: f65201bad866765⋯.jpeg (759.86 KB, 2508x3541, 2508:3541, f65201bad86676547f1886600….jpeg)

Oh yeaaa

Big stuff is gonna happen most likely this week and it wont be good.

given how you guys are letting (30) post shills shit up the thread to try and "dunk" on me or what ever, you fucking knuckle draggers wont be able to deal with actual shills

That includes you pajeet and nigger

663a7e No.14309392


>you guys are letting (30) post shills shit up the thread to try and "dunk" on me

You still try to hard. Maybe you should leave.

cc03da No.14309404


reported for being a shill

fuck off idiot

663a7e No.14309410


all you did in this thread so far was giving shills or anons you disagree with, attention. You actually bite the baite and thats way to often. But hey, who gives a shit, you might just one of those beta fuckers.

cc03da No.14309413


dont swear at me kid

47c0be No.14309415


What brand of diapers do you use, Marche? Or do you just get them out of the dumpster Pamperchu style?

663a7e No.14309417

File: 0ed760dcde3fa0c⋯.jpg (17.17 KB, 480x297, 160:99, 1389845953880.jpg)


top fucking kek, what did you smoke faggot?

cc03da No.14309419


your mums dick

663a7e No.14309425

File: d2954bcc3d73990⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 423x359, 423:359, ngbbs4e18a6f8b7f89.jpg)

so, i guess cc03da is here to derail. No wonder he is against the apocalypse of tits thread.

What a surprise.

cc03da No.14309428

File: 360434e22da95e8⋯.jpg (599.56 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 1a87934256dc091780613c2c7a….jpg)

anyway I gave you all fair warning as I did with the con leaks and other bigger shit that happens before it happens

Nanachi is cute

2b501b No.14309430

Hey, I'm proud of all of you. I don't know where this feel came from, but I am.


Except you, you are a fool.

6cd6f6 No.14309433


>anyway I gave you all fair warning

About what exactly?

47c0be No.14309436


I love you too, but my time here is ogre.

cc03da No.14309442

2b501b No.14309459


It has 3 and a half years of stupid fucks making coy posts about shit that will supposedly happen and amounting to nothing and I am fucking sick of it.

Say what it is, clearly, or shut the fuck up.

cc03da No.14309464


its gonna be something

47c0be No.14309470


It's another Miranda butthole commission he's advertising. There, saved you the trouble.

cc03da No.14309474


no you dumb fucking nigger

47c0be No.14309488


Sorry, my mistake, it's a Galko or nanachi commission.

cc03da No.14309490


this has nothign to do with me

47c0be No.14309496


Which is why you're attention whoring and building hype towards "something" only you would know, you fucking degenerate.

cc03da No.14309519


others know

just not you

6cd6f6 No.14309521


If anything bad happens in a week's time it's gonna be marche's fault.

He could've warned us but decided only to virtue signal because anons didn't hug his nuts enough.

cc03da No.14309529




Ive given you warning to expect shit to happen soon, not much else I can say in this case or it will just make everything far worse

especially given how pigshit dumb homer is

6cd6f6 No.14309541



People itt not in the know. Would you like me to use imagined pronouns?

47c0be No.14309542


If it's bad enough to warn about, wouldn't it be bad enough to explain? Actually, you know what, fuck it, you're soiling this thread up like you're soiling your diaper for "mommy".

cc03da No.14309546


haahah wow you are mad kid

ab1ffd No.14309620

File: 4739d9323dde779⋯.jpg (50.97 KB, 506x345, 22:15, 4739d9323dde77914fef53e7bf….jpg)


>I can respond to that soon


63fcac No.14309643

>all these people replying to an obvious shitstirrer




fdc42d No.14309657

File: 2bf50fec1981322⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, Tifa 3.jpg)

Good evening.

15fbc0 No.14309674


And we should report D&C shills like


right? I think I found a few of those niggers.

937956 No.14309690

File: f9cbdcaf64a5d55⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 500x466, 250:233, 1411665970662.jpg)


Those tits aren't going to survive the current-year remake process, are they?

6cd6f6 No.14309692


Okay dear.

b13900 No.14309714


Get trucked, Val.


Probably not.

I only expect huge dose of cancer and huge amount of things removed/changed for worse.


I think revoltfags returned here again.

I saw that shilling for endchan on /sudo/ returned recently.

63fcac No.14309734


He's not Val you faggot. I'd know.

15fbc0 No.14309744


Yeah what gives? You'd think after John Kelly crying on stream and nuking their own board out of spite, they'd have known better by now and save the effort in trying to lie to themselves and others. But, I guess like with commies, or namefags, or commie namefags, they just never learn.

5c6860 No.14309760

File: 7fd04d8e55e8a95⋯.png (144.35 KB, 1222x1100, 611:550, gondola drinkys.png)

fdc42d No.14309813

File: 5b5b9286c21d732⋯.jpg (31.47 KB, 650x440, 65:44, LOL 23.jpg)

>Feminist-owned mainstream media glorifies Kim Jong-Un's sister by saying she "stole the show" at the Peongchang Winter Olympics

>People were livid

I love this timeline.

863ae7 No.14309832


Are you just projecting when you call Colbalt a tranny? Because you seem to be mentally ill.

e00609 No.14309864


Marche, you know better about being vague when warning about shit or in hyping shit, too many burnouts have done that and look at where they are now. Its better not to warn/hype at all.


Really anon? The "totally not mad that they were made a joke" crew returning is a surprise? Come on, their lives revolve on trying to start shit.


That seems awfully knowedgable about that topic anon. Are you sure you are not projecting your own fetishes onto marche?

934f84 No.14309873

File: be922eb17425b0a⋯.jpg (271.58 KB, 723x1023, 241:341, 29251701_p0.jpg)


StarJew Valley has magic science negros, race mixing, strong independent womyn that don't need no man, faggotry, etc. You'd have to be a redditor to think that isn't progressive pandering.

4728b2 No.14309887


You're talking about the Awards show reddit co-opted, and narrated by what is now an SJW, with awards going to games like BATTLEFIELD 3 and Bastion

47c0be No.14309902

Thanks canada.


>Canada's PM Trudeau demands Facebook address 'fake news' problem

9ea7e7 No.14309922


taking a break from video game comic and work due to gamer flu my dude.

it fucking sucks.

bcadb4 No.14309965

File: 803b37bea5a0951⋯.jpg (611.38 KB, 784x980, 4:5, 61580618_p0.jpg)


Of course not. And neither will the seductive trio of lady enemies.

47c0be No.14309999

File: 6dca8570600cad5⋯.png (324.63 KB, 623x751, 623:751, vice canada.png)

455810 No.14310007





47c0be No.14310011

File: 2f127719ce0fa32⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1280x1077, 1280:1077, tiny man.png)

6cd6f6 No.14310012

File: 8a92aa8595f52df⋯.png (31.95 KB, 118x133, 118:133, manlet smile.PNG)

fdc42d No.14310016

File: a4f04eab60915bc⋯.png (101.96 KB, 214x300, 107:150, Pedophile 4.png)


I got the image for that!

af1665 No.14310063

File: a50120dff45cf4b⋯.jpg (253.18 KB, 1051x697, 1051:697, BBC hypocrisy.jpg)

File: 9a5af5674eca15a⋯.png (684.88 KB, 720x720, 1:1, yuyucp.png)

File: e498ae3d06fa251⋯.mp4 (4.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yuyucp1.mp4)

File: 372f06d88500359⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB, 720x480, 3:2, yuyucp2.mp4)

File: 575018f83badb8c⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, yuyucp3.mp4)



I like reading hentai about futas impregnating women, and then raising the kid.

Has anyone had the bright idea to use the report feature to get rid of some of these nuts derailing the threads? I've been having a hard time telling who's Jewing who for the past week.

fdc42d No.14310074

File: 2150e8358b89159⋯.jpg (82.16 KB, 846x1024, 423:512, Male Feminist 156.jpg)

6cd6f6 No.14310086


Titty fetishist can't comprehend that ass>tits and his brain breaks.

bb9364 No.14310128

File: d7b1f3033903402⋯.jpg (162.32 KB, 869x1000, 869:1000, tifa eroquis.jpg)




They already completely redesigned Barrett. I'm worried Tifa will get the Advent Children treatment again and get a completely new design instead of a faithful adaption to the original as well.

646f95 No.14310134

File: 07efe1863eba436⋯.png (69.93 KB, 1008x951, 336:317, taliban1.png)

File: f34baa0e404dba2⋯.png (62.69 KB, 860x920, 43:46, taliban2.png)

Where the fuck did these "people" come from?

863ae7 No.14310147

>>14309999 (checked)


What is lolicon? :^)

af1665 No.14310157

File: e1243043d359848⋯.jpg (378.86 KB, 640x802, 320:401, 547908_front.jpg)


Look at it this way. SquarEnix is spending millions of dollars on this game. It's a "trump card" that they've had saved in their back pocket for over the past decade, and are finally choosing now (Of all times) to play it. The company's entire future hangs on this game selling well. And, given the fact that they'll likely be making each disc of the game it's own individual release, the company will probably go under trying to complete if it doesn't sell.

So, if anything, Square is faces the reality of appealing to a market of people who don't even play, let alone buy, games and watch as their magnum opus fails, or appealing to the people who do play games and having the game possibly be a success (To where it just puts them back in the black). And, given what happened with Star Ocean, I'm not seeing SquarEnix surviving another decade (At least, intact).

863ae7 No.14310186


>And, given what happened with Star Ocean,

That didn't fail because of the minor censorship, that failed because the game was hot garbage.

>Square is faces the reality of appealing to a market of people who don't even play, let alone buy, games and watch as their magnum opus fails, or appealing to the people who do play games and having the game possibly be a success

Or they can simply take the "safe" route and make something that's heavily toned down but full of action and cutscenes to appeal to the normalfag masses this game is going to be made for. It will then be a diluted but highly successful game like much of the AAA things normalfags eat up. FF7 also has a much larger following than Star Ocean, and rabid fanboys who are consumerist brand whores will shill it for free to everyone they know.

271fc0 No.14310198

So what I miss aside from Marche being a faggot?

863ae7 No.14310214


Spicy takes like this. >>14307807

2a7ea3 No.14310226

File: f0ee0e37dc2d4b7⋯.jpg (748.54 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, pg1.jpg)

God damn it, mark is in another fucking Chinese picture book


af1665 No.14310232

File: 0ad0680bd360863⋯.png (114.34 KB, 583x470, 583:470, 74f798138b88f96fe315764689….png)


>It will then be a diluted but highly successful game like much of the AAA things normalfags eat up.

Haven't those been slowly fading? I know they still sell "well" (Especially, on paper) but it seems like companies are steadily becoming quieter and quieter about the "millions" of copies their games are selling and how great the title is. Also, didn't (((Wolfenstein))), Deus Ex: MD, and Battlefront 2 outright fail according to their publishers?

5be4c2 No.14310245

File: 08921648112e40b⋯.png (787.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, german ramen loli.png)


EA expected 10 million for BFII and (((only))) sold 8 million, which 10 years ago would've been a runaway success. I'm disgusted it sold that many, really, but it's also a sign of just how bloated budgets have become.

83b427 No.14310258


Reddit and normalfags now own the industry, this is why it is not worth saving. Let them censor themselves and cuck out to Twitter addicts until all they can make without offending anyone is a game of tic tac toe.

6cd6f6 No.14310265

File: 13c839981fdd007⋯.png (340.42 KB, 1232x740, 308:185, cakekike.png)

018d67 No.14310278

File: 6a5282916c1bbed⋯.jpg (168.19 KB, 1033x679, 1033:679, 1455837956210.jpg)


>futas impregnating women, and then raising the kid.

b14b76 No.14310298

File: d2bcc3d2976e272⋯.png (214.51 KB, 596x576, 149:144, visibly_confused_non_gamer….png)


Do you mean the feminists or do you mean the people coming in to argue?

271fc0 No.14310299

File: a295826ec4093cc⋯.png (180.35 KB, 500x405, 100:81, [InternalGoro].png)

863ae7 No.14310302


>but it seems like companies are steadily becoming quieter and quieter about the "millions" of copies their games are selling and how great the title is.

See >>14288554

They don't need to sell record amounts any more. They just need to sell "enough" and jew everyone with DLC, especially the whales. Their market is now the mobile market and it's design philosophy (for casuals and addicts) is going to influence even their non-mobile games, especially if those bigger budget games are pulling the same profit margins as their virtual pachinko parlors.

863ae7 No.14310306


aren't* pulling

271fc0 No.14310405

File: bc1d996c9f0cac2⋯.png (34.89 KB, 910x312, 35:12, tv tropes kill yoursleves.PNG)

Also do those of you from /animu/ or /a/ watching Darling in the FranXX. More reasons to hate the site

83b427 No.14310413

File: 755691ebd134b1a⋯.jpg (28.44 KB, 429x678, 143:226, 755691ebd134b1a754cae6b526….jpg)


I always found people theorizing about cartoon shows weird. I mean there are whole pages of theory about why Louise from Bob's Burger wear a bunny hat. Steven Universe sht is even worse. Why not simply enjoy the show instead of making up cray stories?

b14b76 No.14310415

File: cfb263482228fd3⋯.png (18.54 KB, 196x229, 196:229, ...png)


>he man spreads to a degree that has to necessitate actual effort

271fc0 No.14310424


I didn't mind some of the old theories people made up back in the 2000s since they were just for fun or were clearly sarcastic, but nowadays people are all too serious.

863ae7 No.14310429


Tic tac toe is ableist you bigot. It both assumes people can see and that they have basic thinking faculties. It was also invented by h'white cishet males.


I second this.

5bc8da No.14310439


They believe they're special, so they just throw what they believe it's the truth and when you call it rubbish, they throw a shitfit.

e35808 No.14310447


Autistic theories are fun to think about. It's retarded when they that the entire show is about people stuck in purgatory or hell, because apparently everything in existence has that theory. It kind of works for Majora's Mask, but only because that game is so fucking dark anyways.

e00609 No.14310461


Its fine up until they start influencing the source material with the shitty loud ideas.

3da7df No.14310473

File: 4c9f42fa30a40c3⋯.png (369.76 KB, 846x900, 47:50, af0542f9872b400b4a1dba6263….png)

File: e7d0094afac3e54⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 1024x703, 1024:703, e7d0094afac3e54ea33c245436….jpg)

File: 94971009515a4fc⋯.png (367.07 KB, 604x717, 604:717, f19524106004172097d7f6ea38….png)

File: 6a386bca77006ca⋯.jpg (11.35 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 2d56b870a3d2c465b874ce5488….jpg)

File: 7a2cda409a4def4⋯.png (211.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1443791591842.png)

>DNC is literally broke

Press F for the Demoshit party


c82de0 No.14310495


They have actually been broke for a while now.

b13900 No.14310501


>Has anyone had the bright idea to use the report feature to get rid of some of these nuts derailing the threads?

Yes, I did.


TV tropes was mistake.

Does anybody here wants to check, if article for it on wiki is correct?



They are screwed.

No, they won't get any F from me.

4bb95d No.14310504


Serves them right, they trusted the woman who stole centuries-old items from the White House when they left so they could furnish their New York mansion with them. And no, they never gave those items back.

b14b76 No.14310510

File: 011cfbedc6d1812⋯.mp4 (7.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, staring contest.mp4)


Can't wait for the next government shut down.

271fc0 No.14310514


I filter and report, it works super well on Marche and other retards.

>TV tropes was mistake.

Pre 2012 it was a good site full of people who had a sense of humour but the sjws drove them out.

83b427 No.14310518

Why is Marche haram again. Last I remember he was just some autist posting Miranda pics.

271fc0 No.14310527


He spergs out over meta shit and shits up threads with his asshurt while whining about how people don't do anything (which to be fair the tard somewhat has a point here) but does nothing himself only shitposting.

5bc8da No.14310532

File: d0299fc69a6cccd⋯.png (940.75 KB, 1280x717, 1280:717, worn-out shota.png)


That means the hotspots in Africa/Middle-east will get even hotter. What faster way for the dems to get back to green than war and some under-the table-agreements with terrorists and Israel?

Assad better turn on the gas.

b14b76 No.14310542


Generally TV Tropes had an old man run the site and started paying attention to what was happening to it first. This basically lead to a series of events whereupon "no negativity allowed" was enforced, this allowed for the SJW infestation. I actually recognize this "old man finally pays attention to the site he's running" thing from it happening multiple times.

1bff95 No.14310546

File: 37a6e46a0a7bbd3⋯.png (7.73 MB, 3300x5100, 11:17, Coin poster.png)


Marche is really the only namefag here who has a presence outside of the site.


The one problem I have with this is that I'm not convinced it's him. During and after the E3 package headed up last year, he never seemed to go on autistic fits about how people are not doing stuff (Actually, Acid was the one who headed up shit like that, and the Gildafag when emailing Falcom).

a889d2 No.14310563

File: 82cc60259ebaa87⋯.png (126.21 KB, 450x631, 450:631, resetera.PNG)

File: 0cc7a73e3eee3e0⋯.png (111.43 KB, 450x527, 450:527, game devs.PNG)

271fc0 No.14310574


It's Marche you can tell from how he posts.


All the tropes needs more love and a total UI overhaul.

4bb95d No.14310578


>second pic

I thought it was confirmed that all she ever did at Riot was talk shit on Twitter and then go to her bosses with problems due to the "harassment" that she totally didn't bait out of people.

5be4c2 No.14310591

File: 36abc655d7956d1⋯.png (995.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lonely drunk blonde.png)



Apparently she was an "archivist". Back in university, she got her degree archiving games. She did this not by collecting ROMs or hardware or scanning manuals/boxart - she literally just recorded herself playing the games.

271fc0 No.14310597

File: 42db7d7cd8500ee⋯.png (199.44 KB, 466x445, 466:445, dull eyes.png)


>Apparently she was an "archivist". Back in university, she got her degree archiving games. She did this not by collecting ROMs or hardware or scanning manuals/boxart - she literally just recorded herself playing the games.

3caf05 No.14310599

File: 6ee8c477cf2b221⋯.jpg (49.55 KB, 467x349, 467:349, I guess this really is hap….jpg)


>she literally just recorded herself playing the games

4bb95d No.14310605


I thought it was that she downloaded ROMs, stored them on floppy disks, and shoved them by the box into her closet.

83b427 No.14310608

File: 6552787a761d39c⋯.jpg (201.92 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Jonathan_Archer_(mirror)_i….jpg)


The essence of a diversity hire.

858df5 No.14310610


is there anyway to contact him and tell him that these faggots have a political agenda and doesn't represent gamers.

4bb95d No.14310617


I honestly think it can't be more obvious, at this point. There's a reason why they're going to the source with the shaming rather than calling for it on cryblogs now. It isn't working.

89157f No.14310625


Scooby's reply at the end. Shit talks and defames Brad without countering a single point of his article. And it wants to be a congress"women", I can see this being used against her by any competent politician.

271fc0 No.14310632



Another TD emailing campaign?

4bb95d No.14310633


Seriously, any experienced politician knows better than to lie so brazenly in public. This is a setup to fail, so Batshit Wu can continue to claim to be oppressed on CNN.


863ae7 No.14310634


>Shit talks and defames without countering a single point

>And it wants to be a congress"women"

Seems like it's overqualified.

1bff95 No.14310640


This is actually my favorite line from the article:

>I asked about Nolan Bushnell specifically. “He was fine. He was fun. He really appreciated what people did. His talent, if I could pick one major talent, was that he surrounded himself with talented people. I really think that’s the key to what made him successful. He assembled a team that was incredible.”

How many people does that describe today?

4bb95d No.14310649


>How many people does that describe today?

Well, first that comes to mind is Donald Trum–Oh.

d74253 No.14310683

trimonthly reminder, don't drink alcohol then shortly after take two hits from a joint and later remember you took a pill of sertraline, it's super dumb

aa018d No.14310704


>she literally recorded herself playing video games

That isn't archival. That's being a fucking twitch whore.

863ae7 No.14310705

File: 40c9c10b4ecd919⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 720x512, 45:32, super gay more hints.jpg)


>it's super dumb gay

271fc0 No.14310707

File: f3b6ebc7398f481⋯.png (56.36 KB, 187x267, 187:267, Mad ara.PNG)


What the fuck is wrong with you anon?

b13900 No.14310715


>don't drink alcohol then shortly after take two hits from a joint and later remember you took a pill of sertraline


That only happened, because you are dumbass.


>she got her degree archiving games.


>She did this not by collecting ROMs or hardware or scanning manuals/boxart - she literally just recorded herself playing the games.

So just for being camwhore or other body favors.

52d715 No.14310716

File: 03027254143bb14⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 03027254143bb143b28285d40f….jpg)


>being a degenerate

d74253 No.14310726


it was a party, I talked to people. basically I lost control of my life in every sense. **I'm alright

now though**

271fc0 No.14310730

File: 202a59eab2ad792⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 491x767, 491:767, jordan_peterson_oats.jpg)


You need this.

018d67 No.14310732

File: c7dad9a83b9467a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 899x907, 899:907, Louise question mark.png)


Okay, I'm dumb, what does this do?

83b427 No.14310739


>Drinking the jew nectar

>smoking the jew herb

Take back your life anon!

262ef5 No.14310741


Not many. For one thing, that requires a certain amount of humility and if there is one thing that is discouraged now, its humility.

7a7faa No.14310744

File: e0cdd08c78c7647⋯.png (89.67 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1437226954777.png)


how about not doing any of those

d74253 No.14310745


anti depressant


>Drinking the jew nectar

everybody drinks beer

858df5 No.14310746


jesus all I hope for is the normalfags there seening the light and fucking off to gamefaqs or their other normalfag forum of choice.


Probably not as some of the resetera leakers are from square as well as some of the ealier articles were about the devs being estatic about changing shit. she will probably look like her advent children/kh2/crisis core self, which will still trigger the sjws

858df5 No.14310784


During #td we had a bunch of faggots try to take over the hashtag and use it (or falseflag) to go after rapp for her older writings for defending

loli, most likely in an attempt to discredit td from being about fire emblem's localization. However they failed in mudding the message of td, rapp got fired not for defending loli but for her work as an escort which she foolishly posted on her twitter several months before td. Looking at how offical company investigation works Nintendo most likely already knew about her work as an escort as it was on her twitter and fired her when said investigation was complete. In other words rapps firing had nothing to do with us.

271fc0 No.14310804


It made revolt lose it and was a major part why they nuked the board.

f6af6e No.14310837

File: 3937deb2fb53c56⋯.webm (7.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Yooka-Laylee Fixed [360p].webm)


Why do devs keep doing this shit? How hard is it to ignore a circlejerk of nobodies on the internet? Why cause a controversy right as you product is about to launch?

43697b No.14310864

File: 28c14f9917e212b⋯.png (397.45 KB, 637x758, 637:758, Yo_Name_This_Movie_on_Twit….png)


Along with a ton of unrelated bot spam, false flagging, and other tactics.


262ef5 No.14310874


Because they value politics more than making something good or even getting it to sell well.

b13900 No.14310877


>Why do devs keep doing this shit?

Because they are cowards or don't know any better.

>How hard is it to ignore a circlejerk of nobodies on the internet?

They are much louder than anybody else.

>Why cause a controversy right as you product is about to launch?

To be honest, majority of these controversies were caused by sjw loud autistic screeching and devs being faggots without spine.

83b427 No.14310879

File: 2a576662ff0a386⋯.png (473.16 KB, 800x450, 16:9, sxvpbocziibd5dohtzgy.png)


Because they're cucks. This is what makes me believe the industry cannot be saved, if they had wanted to be free of crazy Twitter trannies and social media witch hunts they would have fought back by now.

8c4695 No.14310888


But drinking is a lot of fun. If I didn't have to be up early tomorrow I'd drink a lot today. Instead I'm takin a leaf out of Steve1989's book and drinking coffee mixed with hot cocoa.

b4e553 No.14310940

The hell is wrong with the media covering Kim Jong Un's sister as some next star of NK? She just stands there, smiles and almost every major media is portraying her as some celebrity star. And are the SK people really impressed in that woman?

858df5 No.14310956


because they are in the in crowd and thus value the opinions of neofag/resetera more than any other places of the internet. Prfags are using the site it push their faggotry at work is one of the reasons we are in this mess in the first place.

8c4695 No.14310981

File: 0d16f00aa788831⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 623x587, 623:587, 0d16f00aa788831db2eb175282….jpg)


gonna check my own digits

af1665 No.14311037

File: 3b2b481e4216e71⋯.png (298.43 KB, 860x1123, 860:1123, English Dubs & ADV.png)

Anyone have the archive saying that ADV lied about the success of Ghost Stories in Japan, and used it as a flimsy excuse for their dub?

c0be79 No.14311056

File: 386bfffe5128a37⋯.webm (9.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Sequence 01.webm)

hey GG skeletal anon here

wish me luck, i have an interview at an IT company tomorrow.

sorry for the blogpost

63fcac No.14311093


I just noticed but all the milk bottles have "ters" instead of "tears" written on them

you fucked up

e1ed35 No.14311096



c0be79 No.14311113


i know i want to fix that soon


83b427 No.14311120


First interview? for which position? size of company? I might be able to prepare you a little for it.

c0be79 No.14311162


>First interview?

well i never had a proper professional interview.

> for which position?

installation and repair technician.

>size of company?

its a small local company. sometimes it gets jobs done for bigger companies like Cogeco and Bell IM A FUCKING LEAF

83b427 No.14311222


I'm a leaf too and work in HR. Local company means you probably don't have to worry too much about trick/control questions. The usual common sense applies. Don't be late, but not too early either. Dress appropriately too. Remember there are no wrong answers to questions about you, simply answer as best you can. Of course this exclude technical questions and tests. An interview is a way for them to meet you, usually your resume spoke for your technical expertise, eye contact and speech are important. Don't look too nervous. Firm handshakes (if offered) too.

5be4c2 No.14311248

File: 7d27baedf47978a⋯.png (702.45 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, flexible drinking imouto.png)

>>14311222 (checked)

HRanon, that's all rather basic common sense stuff, don't you have any deeper insight from the other side of the table?

47c0be No.14311254


>that's all rather basic common sense stuff

You'd be surprised how many people lack that.

8c4695 No.14311277


Having interviewed with my share of smaller companies, if you're in the interview phase, then there isn't much more to it. It's mostly making sure you won't cause problems and didn't lie on your resume.

63fcac No.14311291


From my experience in the world of working, it's insane how very obvious stuff like smiling, politeness, being able to apologize, punctuality, etc. are rarer than one would think. No one ever taught me to do those, and they always came naturally, and then you see how your colleagues do and they get there one hour late, barely apologize for it, ignore customers…

Once worked in Micromania (the french version of gamespot), once had the cashier guy start telling me a story about how he gruesomely loved putting some of the girls in red dead redemption on train tracks and looking at them getting crushed.

… all of it in front of a (waiting) mother who wanted to buy a game for her 10 year old son.

I was fucking ashamed as shit, but he was my "sempai" so I couldn't say anything to him.

So, yeah, never assume anything's obvious. Sometimes your natural kindness is an actual asset, anon. Don't forget it.

83b427 No.14311292


>>14311254 is right, you'd be surprise how many people are late at interviews. I'm not in hiring, I haven't been on the other side of the table a lot. An interview is not some secret meeting with arcane protocols, you stick to common sense and presenting yourself right and you will get out of it alright. If you were truthful on your resume and cover letter you have nothing to worry about.

47c0be No.14311297


I remember one interview, the guy told me he'd flat out assault someone if he was in conflict with him.

47c0be No.14311308


In one job interview I had, I burst into tears and started incoherently apologizing to the HR people for embarrassing myself, and I still managed to get hired.

16e018 No.14311318


Story us anons.

83b427 No.14311322


You went in the quota of mentally disabled people. But yeah, I want to hear more about this.

47c0be No.14311337


The more they questioned me, the more worthless I felt, and the more worthless I felt, the more I got sad. Honestly, the fact that I even got the job is suprising, It was two alpha males hiring for a factory job and I bet they had a hard time hiding their disgust. That, or they just felt sorry for me and gave me the job. I don't know. I also got snot running down my face.

ff2020 No.14311340


>Wu will become the first Transexual tyrant

<Th…thanks Gamergate

d22429 No.14311350


>anti depressant

Alcohol and weed are depressants, is that what you're getting at?

8c4695 No.14311352


I'm kind of looking forward to it because Wu is going to get fucking destroyed by the opposition during the campaign. There's so much dirt on "her" it's not funny. That old college newspaper, the assistant who doesn't exist, etc.

d74253 No.14311365


didn't know that, I only knew you should mix prozac with weed and alcohol

ff2020 No.14311369


Gonna call all IT companies in my area and tell em your a fakking GooblerGimper

63fcac No.14311379


Anon. They were huge bara fags who wanted to look at your tiny beta ass all day long while working.

You were the office's whore.

8c4695 No.14311384




47c0be No.14311397


Perhaps, but I got paid and got a real reference out of it so I'm okay with this.

63fcac No.14311403


B-b-but you were being objectified !

#MeToo, anon ! That's rape ! You were being eye-raped by male gazes !

8c4695 No.14311429

File: 9f3768c58f6a5af⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 500x384, 125:96, 9f3768c58f6a5afdae76a8f8a0….jpg)


>tfw got butt squeezed and eyefucked by older female coworkers

Am I allowed to join in #MeToo now?

63fcac No.14311436


They were women, women don't rape, anon.

Reminds me, amusingly here in France we've had for a year or two attempts by muslims and blacks for movements like BLM and shit to grow, and they keep failing outside of hipster groups, because of representatives like a black woman who actually genuinely wrote that if a black man rapes a black woman she musn't report it for the sake of blackhood or some shit like that. Never lived that crap down.


By the way anon, I really hope life's better for you right now and you're realizing you're worth it.

af1665 No.14311441

File: 3801a19f43c07a8⋯.png (88.41 KB, 703x909, 703:909, 'Ghost Stories' did not fl….png)


<Never mind, found it myself

d22429 No.14311449


Be aware that depressants are different to depressogens. The former are the opposite of stimulants, the latter are of antidepressants.

47c0be No.14311460


>I really hope life's better for you right now and you're realizing you're worth it.

I know I'm not, but at least I pretend I am.

8c4695 No.14311461


Well I mean if I ever slept with any of them it wouldn't have been rape but it made me pretty uncomfortable having women with kids my age squeezing my butt or asking me about my cock.

d74253 No.14311474


it my first, and last, time I did something like this. it won't happen anymore

63fcac No.14311493

File: 81647d2425c4814⋯.png (93.7 KB, 432x287, 432:287, I don't like this.png)


>squeezing my butt

Eh, been there, there's wors-

>asking me about my cock

pic related, jesus christ, ok that's pretty much creep levels, anon, worth having restraining orders over, no joke

8c4695 No.14311511


It was very weird and was a lot of why I quit.

63fcac No.14311527


Did you at least complain to your boss or some shit ? I know hentais make it sound rad but real life women raping boys in the bathroom isn't at all enjoyable

8c4695 No.14311541


I talked to HR a couple times and it didn't really make a diffference.

63fcac No.14311545


Feminism, my dude

863ae7 No.14311652

File: bf3d265a6049b70⋯.png (65.55 KB, 215x255, 43:51, so_disgusting.png)


>Self checking

Yeah, why not just fucking masturbate in front of us you fucking faggot.

8c4695 No.14311662


I don't show the goods for free.

af1665 No.14311666

Does anyone still have the infrographic or the archive detailing how Funimation wast started by former Harmony Gold employees? All I have gotten thus far from digging into past archive is when Harmony Gold was suing PGI and Harebrained Schemes: https://archive.fo/PAQFI

271fc0 No.14311687

File: cb0d6c2198afec9⋯.jpg (124.74 KB, 800x1035, 160:207, devilman_by_yoshdestroys.jpg)


Want you need Satan?

863ae7 No.14311705


Well this is interesting. Guess fags can no longer defend Ghost Stories as a special exception among translations. There's still the Pokemon movie that made what many can argue are quality improvements.

e35808 No.14311714


The circumstances surrounding it doesn't change the fact that it's immensely enjoyable to watch dubbed because it's fucking hilarious.

af1665 No.14311720

File: 48f9e26ef906168⋯.webm (14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The_Pokemon_Theatrical_Re….webm)


What I need is the post an Anon made detailing Funimation's relationship to Harmony Gold. I can't find it at the moment, but I do remember seeing it some time before the suit.


>Well this is interesting. Guess fags can no longer defend Ghost Stories as a special exception among translations.

That post was discovered and posted here around Fall time last year. It's only now that I made a cap of it.

>There's still the Pokemon movie that made what many can argue are quality improvements.

WB and 4 Kids were looking to make it feel like a big budget product. Whether their work on it can really be called "improvements" is up to the viewers who watch both releases. HOWEVER, that still doesn't excuse them of the fact that they butchered the original product regardless.

863ae7 No.14311741


No, but it's not moral exception. There's nothing wrong with a joke dub, when you're making to be deleted scenes like for Berserk or are a fandubber, but when you are the paid professionals whose jobs it is to convey the story in another language and working on what will be the final product and will likely never be redone properly after your official release, doing so is unethical.

af1665 No.14311747

File: 4c9a14a38104aac⋯.webm (1.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CHRIS_YES.webm)



271fc0 No.14311760


Might want to share some of the key posts with some of the anons in /animu/ cause I saw them asking around about this too.

af1665 No.14311770


Right now trying to capture some of the relevant posts and put it in a collage. Here's the most important one: https://archive.fo/pKDwj#selection-48937.0-48937.8

8c4695 No.14311778

File: 6aeacb3acd5e1a0⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 258x196, 129:98, 1454308503816.jpg)


>mfw I recognize my own shitposts in that thread

>mfw I got banned for one of them

c0be79 No.14311789

question for all anons

anyone got the archive of the first GG thread?

or what's the oldest archive you have?

271fc0 No.14311790


I'll do some digging on this myself cause we haven't had a good TD related dig in a while.

23bd24 No.14311792

File: 96c5501faeb7e4f⋯.png (245.58 KB, 466x408, 233:204, Steamed_Hams_but_made_in_C….png)


I miss Oney's Cartoons.

621659 No.14311808


Didn't he and psychicpebbles make a deal for a Hellbenders series?

e00609 No.14311814


They refused the deal

d74253 No.14311817


they made a pilot and from what I recall, it was leaked, and they are still searching for a network

621659 No.14311818


Well fuck.

16e018 No.14311825



It's been 210842108542 years since they refused the deal.

e00609 No.14311828


Honestly, netflix would be their best bet, but they would probably force pc shit on them too.

4a989e No.14311839


It seems I didn't post in that thread. No posts have images I use.

dab58b No.14311842


It's Netflix, so I wouldn't be surprised. I'm at least happy to hear that Netflix's days might be numbered after "The House of Mouse Zedong" planning their own streaming service, 'cause that's what's keeping Netflix's subscribers on the platform is the (((Disney))) films.

23bd24 No.14311844







Sadly it seems like he's gone the way most content creators do lately. Becoming a full time let's play channel.

621659 No.14311875


What a shame. Fucking youtube killed creativity.

63fcac No.14311876


To be fair, he's one of the only funny and good ones

16e018 No.14311911


I found his Jew plays a little entertaining, but I haven't watched him in a long time so hell do I know.

23bd24 No.14311954


Yeah I agree with you on that. Still miss his main content. Even when he did those super quick animations.

858df5 No.14311968


thats also why disney bought fox and why nexflix is investing in anime, but I don't think that true normalfags give a shit about anime. I fully expect disney to buyout a couple more companies before the 2019 deadline when they pullout of netflix.

5bc8da No.14311985

File: 00455e0727e3429⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 700x516, 175:129, 8343565df578ced970d7a6325f….jpg)


I suppose they weren't the ara ara kind of older women, I suppose?

af1665 No.14312019

File: 7b841ae47eba23a⋯.png (59.82 KB, 502x314, 251:157, ClipboardImage.png)

<How true has this been?

863ae7 No.14312026


Read the OP faggot.

8c4695 No.14312040


Not really, no.

4a95de No.14312044


It may be a little bit of this, actually. The furfag clique was rather antsy on Twitter the other day.

dab58b No.14312080


>Normalfags not caring about Anime

If that's true, then why's there a following around Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, or even Voltron?

4a989e No.14312083


Very, but I don't browse /a/ much.

Perhaps /animu/ could have a dedicated Torrential Downpour thread purely for news on translations.

af1665 No.14312094


I'd say take it to the meta thread to discuss how it's going to work. As much as Kirino may have been assblasted for what he did, the board should still be cautious about becoming "/pol/ central for anime".

858df5 No.14312163


>clover app

what happened?

858df5 No.14312177


I am not talking about those that grew up during the toonami days I talking about the type of normalfags that are scared off by those shows you listed because they believe cartoons are for kids hence why I used "true" normalfags.

83862f No.14312191


Some cuckchan app added support for 8chan as well so we got a lot of cuckchan crossposters shitting up the site

e35808 No.14312196


A normalfag link aggregate app linked directly to 8chan.

858df5 No.14312201



How could they do that? Did codemonkey agree to this? Is there anyway to remove it?

4a95de No.14312204

File: 2fde2fac31182ae⋯.png (55.62 KB, 638x472, 319:236, Screenshot(1).png)



83862f No.14312210


Why would codemonkey want less traffic to his site? I doubt there's much he could do anyway as it's probably just like a specialized internet browser, I'm not sure though as I've never used it

136d9c No.14312239



It was a marketing stunt. PlayAsia stepped up to the bat in order to bait retards into buying it because "WE'RE FIGHTING DA SJWS!!!" to distract them from the fact that it's inferior to the second game with less content and DLC crap. They were never going to release DOAX3 in the states anyway; it wouldn't make back its profit with localization and shit sales.

Nintendo realized that they fucked up badly in 2015, and that's why we have Pyra and Dahlia in Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Also, there's been less shit going on with other games:

>Witcher 3 has no blacks, and sex scenes were toned down due to ratings instead of SJW demands

>Nier:Automata's creator had asked for fan art of 2B's ass after shit hit the fan

>Senran Kagura's creator says that he has no intention of towning down the fanservice

52d715 No.14312282

File: df4cd6cbdb9b32d⋯.png (11.17 KB, 744x93, 8:1, Yoko is a hero.png)


Yoko is the best

136d9c No.14312345

File: 3782686dbb58de4⋯.jpeg (72.58 KB, 1098x402, 183:67, BBC vs. GuP.jpeg)


Doesn't really matter in the long run, since SNK released 2 versions of the same trailer.


Nice meme. Preferences are preferences.


>first 2 images

And the blowback was glorious.

7a7faa No.14312365

File: 6f80b645858b0ee⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, f006e559ba2aa051b6f057bc66….jpg)


describe them

af1665 No.14312406

<Here is the image about what happened to Harmony Gold

Tried doing one of those collages with posts everywhere, but it didn't really look that good.

e979a3 No.14312434


I assume they look like the adult women from Unteralterbach.

858df5 No.14312436

File: de835f2c9b5b1e4⋯.jpg (271.82 KB, 1023x693, 31:21, Screenshot_20180211-154427.jpg)

File: b29dae782ff235f⋯.jpg (200.56 KB, 1024x667, 1024:667, Screenshot_20180211-154445.jpg)

File: 2629a6106191fdc⋯.jpg (30.81 KB, 767x149, 767:149, Screenshot_20180211-154503.jpg)

File: ceef969127edb8a⋯.jpg (245.22 KB, 1019x659, 1019:659, Screenshot_20180211-154856.jpg)

I am assuming this is the app, the developer claims to be not affiliated with cuckchan or 8chan and jugding at the amount of downloads cuckchanner don't use really this app. I would assume the peoplewho are where already crossposters to begin with

af1665 No.14312473

File: 6ea6b05503bd481⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1024x9734, 512:4867, Harmony Gold's fate.png)


<Here is the image about what happened to Harmony Gold


There were a couple errors that I forgot about.

fdc42d No.14312494

File: e22d66b491ff5a2⋯.jpg (169.29 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Hideki Kamiya Not Feeling ….jpg)

Good morning


Good luck, man. I wish you all the best.

863ae7 No.14312547





8de4fd No.14312564


/animu/ here, you can bring discussion about localization to the board. GG has pretty good diggers. >>>/animu/8098

863ae7 No.14312570


>They were never going to release DOAX3 in the states anyway; it wouldn't make back its profit with localization

And why do you think that is? The previous two games sold well. If they hadn't jewed the customer for the last two games, they'd have no reason not to jew the west at large least once, rather than just the smaller portion of people who would make the effort to order through PlayAsia. You logic makes no sense.

cc03da No.14312577


>/animu/ here

IA here, holy shit

f217a6 No.14312580

File: 8b638a6e3eed635⋯.png (57.68 KB, 636x527, 636:527, AUTISM BLACK-FACE.png)

Apparently using the word 'nerd' in a positive sense is now "autism-blackface" according to Movieblob. Also here's the full thread in case you were wondering: http://archive.fo/DbaGP

5c6860 No.14312604


Thanks anon, you're doing god's work

8de4fd No.14312611

File: 0530d28a3eb20b7⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 651x758, 651:758, 1518177357.gif)


Nice dubs, have a Reimu.


You'd think Blob will run out of stupid shit to say, but then he manages to keep on talking.

4bb95d No.14312631

File: 84111c1dc81c103⋯.jpg (143.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, nerd .jpg)




4bb95d No.14312639



Get a fucking Tumblr, Bob. Jesus Christ.

729883 No.14312643

File: 1a77cf2c9b41431⋯.jpeg (69.44 KB, 736x1298, 368:649, 1850BA44-7C5B-4809-9B43-7….jpeg)

Anyone notice Feminist Frequency hasn’t released an annual report for 2017? They published one for each year, all around the end of January, but not for 2017. It’s really a small thing by itself, but the absence of an annual report this year combined with the past year of their twitter feed going from educational self-promotion to blatant advertisement reels makes me think they’re struggling to fulfill the whole “educational” bit about being a tax-exempt organization

52d715 No.14312656

File: 9b0321b7a3a6f11⋯.png (1016.35 KB, 1042x582, 521:291, a cutie.png)



cc03da No.14312657

File: 7e4104d7560a542⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 349.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1435980486377-1.png)


Nice dubs, have a Reimu.

8de4fd No.14312664


That's not a cow Reimu.

47c0be No.14312673


Let me guess, he's not a smart guy with any decency at all, let alone childlike decency. I'm willing to bet this guy likes Steven Universe.

fdc42d No.14312675

File: 64d055e6e1bcd6a⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 620x465, 4:3, A-blob Hitler 8.jpg)

b77d7f No.14312683

File: 32b38d5077f9df8⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2142x1500, 357:250, 32b38d5077f9df8b6fab7d8255….jpg)


Have a nice picture to clease you palate after that ugly thing.

ad524f No.14312689

File: d263b1b13aa18da⋯.png (536.35 KB, 640x848, 40:53, 6568df91e24ced3505b46ccd65….png)




Burger here. I've struck out of a lot of interviews before and have never gotten feedback, but I think it may have something to do with me being really bad at holding conversations and feigning interest and friendliness. What advice would you give me?


If the app sends a specialized referrer then blocking the app would be a trivial matter. The problem with that approach though is that the app developer could just change the referrer the app sends and blocking becomes a game of cat and mouse.

f217a6 No.14312701


>Let me guess, he's not a smart guy with any decency at all, let alone childlike decency

This was the same guy who literally thought Miyamoto was God and was tasked with defending Nintendo and the world from the evils of realistic shooters. Or something of that nature, I forget the specifics because it's been a while.

4bb95d No.14312703

File: 171c7da6a3e6292⋯.jpg (155.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, yes, MovieBob actually wro….jpg)


Bob is… An interesting character. But at the end of the day, he's one of those guys who says he was the "stereotypical nerd who got bullied," but every single person he went to high school with calls bullshit and claims he was the same narcissistic asshole back then as he is now.

47c0be No.14312706


Haha, how autistic. Really fits in with the soyjack crowd.


So he's like Dobson then?

8de4fd No.14312707


Geeks from my experience don't get bullied unless they annoy everyone. Geeks are normally left alone.

4bb95d No.14312712


>So he's like Dobson then?

Yeah, basically.

8de4fd No.14312717


>So he's like Dobson then?

They look like they're related.

f217a6 No.14312721


>So he's like Dobson then?

Well Dobson's also a Nintendrone who thinks the cartoons and early American comics were canon to their respective series, so maybe.

5ea188 No.14312741

File: 7c1cb5cc5f966d5⋯.webm (6.1 MB, 480x360, 4:3, HMO l YMO - RYDEEN.webm)

File: bcf5f3c4046976b⋯.jpg (228.17 KB, 800x1515, 160:303, no-pain.jpg)



Perhaps this video interview will jar your memory?

Starts here: https://youtu.be/oWgZUBwK714?t=1m30s

841f7b No.14312761


Is the numale on the right photoshopped in or is really making that fucking face?

cc03da No.14312767

File: 5024670a8564e83⋯.jpg (35.39 KB, 580x569, 580:569, DVw6ZRrVoAALUgC.jpg)


> he was the "stereotypical nerd who got bullied,"

No he damn well fucking wasnt, he got bullied because he is an asshole who thought he was better than everyone else, its why he had no friends, its why kids bullied him and its why to this very day he thinks its because of his hobby or because "he is so much smarter"

This is why he got bullied, and the normal kid in his situation would stop being a massive fucking spergy cunt or the very least try be less visible instead of yelling

instead he didnt, he kept getting bullied because he was an asshole who started the fights and brought attention to himself

We use to buy apples and peg them at retards like his heads in highschool because fuck even as nice as a lot of me and my friends were, we could tell and we knew these type of peoples deserve everything bad that happens to them and they wont learn

f217a6 No.14312786

File: 72d87bafc6aeed7⋯.png (115.7 KB, 640x480, 4:3, laughing scuttlers.png)



Also is anyone else willing to bake? If not I can do it.

a13e31 No.14312796

>tfw a minor argument I was having with Billy from OAG ends in mutual respect

this is why our side is better

5ea188 No.14312807

File: 9f8c453570db98e⋯.png (346.1 KB, 824x824, 1:1, 1458603605967.png)


I'm also willing to bake, but I have no suggestions for changes. Guess I'll be here as backup in case you have to go do something else.

23bd24 No.14312814


Yup. Wil Wheaton makes that face all the time.

4bb95d No.14312834


>its why he had no friends, its why kids bullied him and its why to this very day he thinks its because of his hobby or because "he is so much smarter"

I'm honestly in the "he didn't actually get bullied" camp. You don't outright say "I wish everyone different from me got their asses beaten on a regular basis" if you actually lived through it.

4bb95d No.14312836


Soyboy Prime.

f217a6 No.14312840

File: 10c49a0768f3c38⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, eternal shrine 'maidens'.jpg)


d47b5d No.14312846

File: 4f77d0b75fe0889⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.51 MB, 1359x1538, 1359:1538, 4bdff739e5b5ab62801b41f77e….png)


Left is better.

8de4fd No.14312851


5ea188 No.14312860

File: 60351c4f2a4b19c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 181.29 KB, 1043x1306, 1043:1306, sleep.png)

File: d504b74cc9e284f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.4 MB, 1979x1587, 1979:1587, welp pt3.png)


Both at the same time is best.

8de4fd No.14312864

File: 26a92ff28bbbf81⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 740x1045, 148:209, Ray-Moo.jpg)

a13e31 No.14312880


>illeity lewds

This is a rarity.

5ea188 No.14312898

File: 630de52c4669e7e⋯.png (318.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, welp.png)

File: 42b3e4b72b81119⋯.png (411.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, welp exploitable.png)


That's a photoshop that I made of this picture; and have a template too.

83b427 No.14312906

How long until moviebob commit suicide or try (i say try) to kill a "nazi"?

5ea188 No.14312912

File: cc723b27f92b53d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.29 MB, 1979x1587, 1979:1587, Danielle Beach.png)


Forgot to add the base picture.


When he runs out of Patreon funds.

2b501b No.14312917

File: 1adb1b271502c17⋯.jpg (12.02 KB, 500x297, 500:297, 1adb1b271502c17c361b4dc711….jpg)

bread me baby

f217a6 No.14312925

5ea188 No.14312939

File: 357a62cbbb7fb40⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 121.33 KB, 640x360, 16:9, The Bread's Ready! - MOTH….webm)

4a989e No.14313210

Dead thread test.

136d9c No.14313411


> jewed the customer for the last two games

There you have it.

8288bc No.14316222



Top tier taste friend.

5ea188 No.14318666

File: 7cc063791141e26⋯.png (62.21 KB, 174x188, 87:94, Rodin's hot dubs(noise_sca….png)

>>14316222 ☑'d


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