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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: efe255eb1304f71⋯.jpg (135.45 KB, 530x345, 106:69, screenshot.386.jpg)

a3f79d No.14306751


Remember that interview where Motohiro Oda was asked regarding the "problematic" female character designs that Soul Calibur had with the likes of Ivy Valentine are? Guess what, they're pulling the same shit over SNK Heroines!

c66e40 No.14306766

NISA will have their way with it to appease those feminists.

bcf25a No.14306771


Porn is degenerate you fucking faggot.

6acb57 No.14306772


It's kind of funny seeing left-wing furry porn artists complaining about it too.

>"It's okay for me to sexualize fat animal men, but giving pretty Japanese girls a bikini is so EVIL and backwards."

The mentality of those people.

4d3032 No.14306773


This. Though the flip side is NISA won't be able to sell as many copies when it comes out as censored, which is good because no one should buy anything NISA touches.

20c77d No.14306774


>SNK resurrected after years of being fucked over by Capcom

>Releasing new arcade fighters

>Killed by SJWs


because duh, its distracting to your opponent. I thought that was the entire fucking point.

cb57ea No.14306775


Because you fucking can.

edce4f No.14306785


i don't know what this game is but i can guarantee not one feminist or person with dyed hair outside of nippon land will be playing this shit

4d3032 No.14306786


If the gameplay is good and is not sacrificed because of the fanservice, who cares?

c0c97d No.14306790


lol fag

6acb57 No.14306791


Covered tits with breast physics are natural, 10ft Futa dicks getting blacked and NTR'd aren't.

dff47d No.14306793


There's a difference between anime titties and penos in vagoo.

b98e40 No.14306799

bdb456 No.14306802


>10ft Futa dicks getting blacked and NTR'd aren't.

What the hell kind of porn are you watching?

6acb57 No.14306815


I'm comparing the most extreme of porn with the most extreme of fanservice. The worst thing that fanservice has ever done were breast physics.

20c77d No.14306824

File: ed30858fa464e90⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 620x387, 620:387, Hitler-1938.jpg)


Differences between art and porn.

5df0f0 No.14306831

Fucker doing the questions is a wc streetshitter who is part of the clique

16158f No.14306832


fug, quote got messed up when I pasted it

>There’s a reason they’re wearing these costumes. They’re not just wearing these costumes because we wanted them to. There’s a full story behind it which we can’t really go into details about at this moment, but if you play the story I think our fans would better understand why they were put in this situation.

Why do they do this bullshit? They should just be honest like Yoko Taro. They like cute girls and they made a game for guys who like cute girls too.

9b2ace No.14306838

Fucker doing the questions is a wc streetshitter who is part of the clique

35ded7 No.14306840


>what is artistic freedom

6acb57 No.14306845


They happen to be SJWs for the some reason, yet their culture is incredibly sexist. I guess they wanted to fit in with huwhite males.

d56736 No.14306847

File: e92eca398ab4e72⋯.jpg (149.02 KB, 1024x593, 1024:593, 1024px-1863_Alexandre_Caba….jpg)

haven't artists always copped this sort of shirt?

894836 No.14306850

File: 5ca8fdb579ea727⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1750x1306, 875:653, 0a8ed2288799a8f9fd1248b8ba….jpg)

keep your hands off my titty games

056ed8 No.14306860


It's complicated. Modern artists suffer from the Murti-Bing pill of Marxism. They filter their own creative output through what they believe The Center will approve of.

bcf25a No.14306861


Copped what exactly? Using nudity to celebrate the beauty of the human body in a way that isn't pornographic?

a3f79d No.14306863



Can you cite literature about that?! That's the first time I heard of it.

6acb57 No.14306871


Marxists think it's "objectification" now. Marxists are the same people who create and whack off to trashy porn.

056ed8 No.14306879


Nigger just google it.

bcf25a No.14306893

d56736 No.14306902



>The Captive Mind begins with a discussion of the novel Insatiability by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and its plot device of Murti-Bing pills, which are used as a metaphor for dialectical materialism, but also for the deadening of the intellect caused by consumerism in Western society.

>The utopian story takes place in the future, around 2000. After a battle, Poland is overrun by the army of the last and final Mongol conquests modelled on the Bolshevik revolution. The nation becomes enslaved to a fictional Chinese leader Murti Bing. His emissaries give everyone a special pill called DAVAMESK B 2 which takes away their ability to think and their will to resist. East and West become one, in faceless misery fuelled by sexual instincts

13b9a0 No.14306906


A museum local to me is literally removing """"sexist"""" historical paintings from public viewing thanks to feminist commies.

a3f79d No.14306910


I need actual materials so I can read about it and I don't trust Wikipedia.

6acb57 No.14306913


Poland is based, I'm gonna read an audiobook of it.

720682 No.14306924

Will they buy the game if they comply? No. Well SNFUCKU would be the likely response they deserve.

45ae26 No.14306935



>there has been a backlash against games of this type


>oh' really?


>*boots up social media bots*

>*start to harrass dev*

>SEE! Nobody likes this shitty flirty sexism in video games


>holy shit, they don't like it

>nobody will buy our game

>quicke, do as they demand


>*turns around and vanishe into the shithole it came from*


>the fuck is going on

>fuck of with this political gender shittery

056ed8 No.14306937



Mind you I've never read Insatiability, but Czeslaw Milosz's The Captive Mind which references it. Helps you understand how artists thought and acted under Communist rule right after WW2.

bcf25a No.14306938


Are they going to sell them or something? I'd be down to pick up non-kosher art on the cheap if it was happening near me.

13b9a0 No.14306952


No, they're storing it outside of public viewing and you can view it on request. I know a hipster girl who works there and she went berserk upon hearing that they're caving in to these retards.

16158f No.14306957


How long until they make David wear a loincloth?

bebcd5 No.14306966

I'm tickled that these neurotic faggots feel so threatened by a game that was never going to sell much more than maybe a quarter million copies that they have to preemptively neuter it just to keep their shriveled up cunts in working condition.

d9803a No.14306974


I believe that degenerate nihilists posing as feminist commies tried to get such a painting removed in a museum of my country, but thank God the majority of people don't want it removed.

eb6f64 No.14306987

SNK Heroines is aimed at onanistic otaku, they won't change about it just because some dyke cries at the tits. Its a niche title.

c51d29 No.14306998

File: 471fec7dbdca31d⋯.jpg (83.69 KB, 682x600, 341:300, 471fec7dbdca31d8d428f96773….jpg)

Imagine being this threatened by fuckin anime titties

eb6f64 No.14307000


anything about it*

bebcd5 No.14307036



They already censored the trailer.

cb57ea No.14307068

File: dbea93773548c07⋯.jpg (290.06 KB, 512x502, 256:251, Wipe this meme from the fa….jpg)


21495a No.14307078


the fuck is wrong with you retard?

b47b11 No.14307080

File: 0bf5af6ebb9613a⋯.png (183.13 KB, 599x378, 599:378, well memed my boy.png)


bcf25a No.14307092


Got a news article for it?

c0c97d No.14307125



634df3 No.14307128


What a bunch of faggots

073c35 No.14307130

File: ba95a38506e97e5⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 410x410, 1:1, positive mario reaction.jpg)


How embarrassing.

155a12 No.14307173

File: 7005cc6beb5b15f⋯.png (127.13 KB, 540x360, 3:2, just fuck off.png)


0f2301 No.14307176

File: ecf471fb1e6e4e3⋯.gif (146.45 KB, 500x375, 4:3, aku_disapproves.gif)


I don't care if it's bait, de2e39 must be punished.

830be9 No.14307217






You deserve to be banned more.

634df3 No.14307227



dbd2b6 No.14307229


never change cuckchanners

c0c97d No.14307232


You fundamentally don’t get it.

d56736 No.14307251

File: 862e8f8c9da234c⋯.png (614.66 KB, 927x635, 927:635, waterhousegate.png)



this one?

8577f4 No.14307259

File: 17567d5112dd7da⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 363x469, 363:469, ill be fine.jpg)


How wymyn react if every photo of theirs got edited a benis?

bebcd5 No.14307273


Depends. Is the person who drew it giving them money?

3465d2 No.14307292


>no archive link

fake news

66d9d4 No.14307308



a3f79d No.14307344


Then allow me to show you.


eff569 No.14307346


Sadly, it's true. They asked attendees to put post-its where they could write why they think the painting should stay/go. Some british anons were planning to bait/shitpost it to death over there but I don't know what came of it.

7232e3 No.14307432

File: c9ea9a8f70f8f83⋯.webm (240.07 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Laughs in Spanish.webm)


Nobody dares to explain to this faggot, I want to enjoy it a bit more

bebcd5 No.14307454


>but I don't know what came of it.

They were partyv& most likely.

2ec197 No.14307488

All girl games are stupid anyway.

Why do some of you fags want a world where only girl characters exist? Why is that the norm on here? Why the fuck does every thread devolve into porn and porn discussion? Nobody even seems to want video games to be normal again, be they from the east or west.

I dont understand the obsession with making everything female. It's fucking stupid.

I want normal jrpgs again, games like DMC 1-4 minus 2 from Capcom, games like Metal Gear to come back. I want games to be fucking normal again. I dont use vidya as a proxy for my fap needs, I can get that from other sources.

Stronk females aren't cool, they arent chic, it's fucking feminism jewish bullshit no matter who's doing it, even if the girls are attractive.

The issue was replacing white male characters (anime included) with cunts to begin with, but nobody seems to have a problem if Japan does it because "oh it's cute"

Grow the fuck up.

Everywhere I look, I see soy.

16158f No.14307489


>implying he doesn't know

It's a shitty forced meme from a while back.

16158f No.14307491

File: 18975a45697def3⋯.png (29.42 KB, 467x400, 467:400, 61e74e936b657680aaea489eb9….png)


>Why do some of you fags want a world where only girl characters exist?

Why would I want guys in my games?

bebcd5 No.14307495

You tried your terrible D&C already goon and it got deleted. Quit trying.

c51d29 No.14307517

File: 8c1d4c2f0af62f8⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 374x374, 1:1, 8c1d4c2f0af62f89eb7eb5cda2….jpg)


Weren't you paying attention? Without guy characters games aren't normal and you're immature and you're just going to end up jacking off onto your computer

16158f No.14307527


Games aren't normal to begin with, retard. Nobody would play them if they were as boring as real life.

27d5dd No.14307531

b-b-but I thought gaymergays won!

16158f No.14307534

File: 5921f8c6bc10eed⋯.gif (207.9 KB, 354x534, 59:89, 5921f8c6bc10eeddb526b200be….gif)

oops, didn't check IDs, sorry anon

c51d29 No.14307540

File: 1634a0e0271459b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.74 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 1634a0e0271459bd3a786edacc….jpg)


That's ok

a3f79d No.14307646

File: a7c824f73026e97⋯.gif (793.58 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Faggot.gif)

ee659d No.14307647

File: d72758f955edfe4⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.67 MB, 768x432, 16:9, Love.Sick.Love.2012.webm)


>Differences between art and porn.

nudity in fighting games is not art.


>Porn is degenerate you fucking faggot.

hey, nothing wrong with a little porn.

cc6e1a No.14307652

File: de49dd7f5babf72⋯.jpg (80.66 KB, 432x768, 9:16, art4.jpg)

File: 6816e1fd9488732⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 708x320, 177:80, gucci-708.jpg)

File: 412685ba69cc808⋯.jpg (280.6 KB, 547x404, 547:404, gucci-6.jpg)

File: 5fece5926795d5b⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 500x365, 100:73, 471.gif)



could be worse

7232e3 No.14307655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Without guy characters games aren't normal

ee659d No.14307671


>I dont understand the obsession with making everything female. It's fucking stupid.

>Stronk females aren't cool, they arent chic

>The issue was replacing white male characters

I agree with this anon. I think it's autistic as fuck to demand that all characters in a game are all female. But then again, I also dislike anime and more importantly weebs.,

d56736 No.14307684

File: 9ac92c42d96537e⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 650x446, 325:223, oedipus-What good were eye….jpg)

7e6be2 No.14307827

File: 127575f26d60a52⋯.png (31.98 KB, 118x279, 118:279, oh!.PNG)

While I hate that the journalist is riding the delusional high horse that objectification of women in games is wrong. Oda is totally bullshitttng with his responses with answers that he knows aren't true.

>we fell like we are able to cull the people that would bash the game for too much exposure

> theres a full story behind why they're wearing the costumes

They and every other japanese dev knows the deal with SJWs. Too bad the damage is done with NISA publishing the game

397091 No.14308740


Nudity in sculpture is not art.

4445cc No.14308760



Anon, they're NIS America, they've been nothing but kikes by definition from the start.

ff914a No.14308777


These images make me genuinely angry.

fff232 No.14308793

File: 92e15649ce1f65f⋯.png (110.97 KB, 500x341, 500:341, average university student.png)


I really wonder if japanese developers are aware that sjws are jew golems and just a tiny loud minority that doesn't even play games.

ff914a No.14308801


I don't think they really give a shit about whatever is going on outside of Japan. They are too apathetic to bother checking out if the Marxists speak for all of us.

f2a693 No.14308828


Anime lacks positive male models, it's a growing problem that makes weebs overlap with furries and traps communities. But anons are hyper defensive about this, because anime marks the separation between board culture and SA.

'Anons watch animu and wish they were the little girl'. This starts jokingly, then suddenly you realize you actually have insane transgenders moderating the group and everything goes to shit. Discussions like this are completely taboo on /a/ and it has become the elephant in the room.

ff914a No.14308852


>Anime lacks positive male models

That's a gross generalization. Take the former big three shonen: Naruto, Bleach and One Piece. How do any of them not feature positive male role models?

And don't move the goalpost and mention harem, those are meant for a completely different audience, and even then you have plenty of examples of protagonists that embody positive attitudes and behavior.

>it's a growing problem that makes weebs overlap with furries and traps communities

You're not fooling anyone you filthy goon.

>This starts jokingly, then suddenly you realize you actually have insane transgenders moderating the group and everything goes to shit.

That's like saying playing violent video games will make you aim for the high score IRL. Good job being no better than a screeching soccer mom. If watching a cartoon was all it took to make you chop off your genitals then there was something wrong with you to begin with.

>Discussions like this are completely taboo on /a/ and it has become the elephant in the room.

/a/ is a putrid shithole that denies the fact leftists are trying to destroy their hobby, but they made the right call to ban your ass.

caa694 No.14308869

File: 9f2c7cab5d839e3⋯.png (53.32 KB, 229x220, 229:220, 1468105639141.png)


It's incredible how defensive you are and how fast you pulled the goon card.

16158f No.14308885


fuck off goon

679642 No.14308886

File: 869f0780349f747⋯.jpg (40.34 KB, 550x736, 275:368, 248450_1244356865226_full.jpg)

File: 823a7fe808552a0⋯.jpg (23.24 KB, 474x272, 237:136, allmight.jpg)

File: 2408858b3a7063b⋯.jpg (279.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, harlock-anime.jpg)

File: a0c820982866c1c⋯.png (849.3 KB, 500x280, 25:14, Joseph-Joestar.png)


>Anime lacks positive male models

Maybe if all you watch is moe flavor of the month shows.


>'Anons watch animu and wish they were the little girl'. This starts jokingly, then suddenly you realize you actually have insane transgenders moderating the group and everything goes to shit.

Those people are mentally ill and would most likely end up like that no matter what their interests are. They probably lacked a strong male figure in their life, and are surrounded by a society that rewards women for being women and demonizes men for being men. No amount of manly anime characters would change that.

f2a693 No.14308896


>reddit bulletpoints

>soccer moms

>muh generalization

Where do you think you are, redditor? Address the one point that makes the reasoning stand or fall: only a teen attacks every single point with a series of NU-UH.

Let's address your shit: good luck learning how to be a man from watching Naruto. Shonen in general has become feminized as fuck, always ironical and zany with strong women often eclipsing the men: but even if it wasn't, this isn't positive role models for males. Watching a show about going on a quest against the evil gods, won't teach you how to be an assertive and healthy man with strong beliefs: you will eventually sweep it aside as toys from your youth.

afb0b0 No.14308903

File: 4959147a9f8dbef⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 4959147a9f8dbefe2ec103f89e….jpg)


Do they? It's more likely they don't even know what the fuck is going on in America or what these 2-bit journalists are even talking about. Oda straight-up says "I don't agree it's overly sexualized". The Jap devs themselves aren't the problem; it's shitters like NISA who cut up games for brownie points. The actual devs usually have know idea what's even happening unless NISA fucks up again on such a catastrophic, mind-boggling level like Ys VIII.

5bef0c No.14308904

File: c364c54af19481f⋯.png (71.38 KB, 495x215, 99:43, 123123112312'.png)




b47484 No.14308922



Both of you are right. There has been a huge surge of nu-male, shallow beta protagonists in anime and manga in recent times and it really fucking shows how bad its getting in japan when the only outlet for your horrible life in the form of escapism has the same shit you were running away from. Modern anime and manga writers are mostly shit nowadays and its really discouraging to see since it used to be one of the few medias in the world that was the least restricted with a fuckton of crazy shit. I hope things will change as there are still some good ones but only time will tell.

f2a693 No.14308944


Be honest, anon: you got nothing to gain from telling little lies against your own interest. Of the 4 mango you posted, 3 are from the 80s and the last one is vastly different from them. I'm addressing a problem of modern animu: of course it didn't use to be this bad, even America used to fine once upon a time. Don't indulge in pointless talk just to have the last word, this is one of the male values they didn't pass on to you.

cc02e5 No.14308958


All of those characters are vastly different from each other. That's a good thing.

b8437a No.14309003

Do you think Japanese game creators ever get confused when they go for an interview about their new video game and are greeted by some 400lbs land whale who immediately starts asking them about the sexualising of the females in the game. And when they give an answer trying to drag the conversation back to the video games their morals about female sexuality are questioned? It's like if you invented some fantastical new device that let anybody travel light years of a distance in the blink of an eye and someone interviews you about it and all they do is ask about the effect this new technology will have on women's rights as men fuck off into space to go find alien species they can fuck. And no matter how hard you try and talk about the invention of the millenia, all they do is ask about your stance on gay rights.

9b8125 No.14309012

File: 26c934566d64fb4⋯.png (50.86 KB, 592x396, 148:99, 18975a45697def36491e810c70….png)

how does this keep happening?

ff914a No.14309023

File: c0d87b47180fb67⋯.jpg (163.99 KB, 756x250, 378:125, white left.jpg)


Let me put it this way, in China the term baizuo (white left) has reached meme status, the Chinese government actively stonewalls Western NGOs and activists and viciously persecutes Chinese feminists because they are all seen as a threat to the spiritual well being of the populace.

I don't think things are any different in Japan. They'll give the screeching Marxists what they want to get them off their backs, but as soon as they are gone they'll go back to doing what they were doing. Japan only cares about Japan, and Japanese developers only care about Japanese consumers.

35d3ad No.14309072



They should have to prove they've bought it and played it for at least 100 hours before they can talk about it.

These loud mouthed cancers need to be silenced.

It only takes one screaming lunatic to ruin something for a million normal people.

How do we counter this constant destruction.

302a12 No.14309079


SNK will not die because pay2win mobile games like Metal Slug Attack and KOF98UMOL makes a lot of money from whales. But they should just softball the question (i guess they did in a way) and talk about video games again.

35d3ad No.14309084


Really good definition. It is refreshing to see that they are aware of them.

I really hope this sjw cult dies out very quickly.

All sjw should be drafted, or at least sent to boot camp for a few months.

35d3ad No.14309119


The painting was put back on display 1 week after having been removed.

There was a general public outcry with people calling it censorship and 1984, the dyke shaved head hyper feminist who for some reason has been chosen to run the gallery shit its pants and returned the painting to display. Otherwise, more anons were going to add to the wall with posters etc.

35d3ad No.14309135


The point is that if enough people counter-complain, and do it immediately enough, it drowns out the insane screaming of the few utterly disconnected and delusional sjws and feminists.

So if SNK is being targetted, then tell all your contacts, on every board and gaming site to throw counter-complaints in a mass of people as quickly as possible.

It does work.

The problem is usually, only the screaming of the few feminists is heard. Do something about it.

c51d29 No.14309136

File: 354bedfafb02a91⋯.png (14.95 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)


It will never end

7e6be2 No.14309156


>Do they?


Why else did they stop Xtreme Beach Volleyball from coming to the west. Stop giving japan benefit of the doubt like they are in some mystical holy lad. They have fucking internet, twitter, facebook, and definitely keep up with videogame news as well. I'm betting it was higher ups, who never give a shit, made the decision for NISA translate localize to the west because they did it for ass cheap and I'm betting workers do it to subvert ideology instead of money and all that shit.

35d3ad No.14309176


When there aren't female characters, they complain.

When the female characters have breast phyaics, they complain.

If the breasts sit there rigidly, they complain.

These stupid cunts will complain about anything, because they are a CULT of complainers. I don't mean metaphorically. They really are using the same part of their brains as a fanatical religious cult,

When Christianity was submerged in the west, some people still needed to find an outlet for their religious fervor.

The gene for 'religiousness' was found 15+ years ago, and has different levels of strength in different people.

These sjws would have been devoutly religious in the past, but now all they can do is hook onto sjwism, veganism and other extreme and unnatural isms.

c9b7c5 No.14309179


Because GG faggots were weak, refused to do what was necessary to defeat the enemy, and refused to acknowledge that all of their problems are part of a (((bigger picture))).

ff914a No.14309194

File: fc19e239565bf97⋯.png (52.38 KB, 1190x225, 238:45, what leftists want.png)


The trick is to understand that all their complaints are merely a smokescreen. They don't care about MUH SOGGY KNEE, what they want is to make white men miserable as possible.


Centrist cucks will always out themselves as leftists when push comes to shove. GG's only disagreement with the SJWs was that they were making all the left look bad, they didn't disagree with their politics or beliefs.

35d3ad No.14309197


Fighting back at any level has some effectiveness.

The enemy depends on the opposition being non-zealots, that people will not resist because they feel it is pointless.

It is called "learned helplessness", look it up. That is what they rely on, to do what they like, unchallenged.

If a few hundred thousand start a campaign AGAINST censorship in gaming, and attack the characters of the sjw that speak openly in public or complain about games they've never played, then the gamers will win.

There are far far more gamers than sjws in this battle.

Need to use the numbers of people and be unrelenting.

35d3ad No.14309218


I agree.

But it does work to oppose it actively.

Because these sjw freaks are inherently weak, they rely on being unopposed. Whenever faced with a real confrontation, they look around for support and find none.

It is all attacks on the white male, and soon the asian male too, they've already stated it in their plans and the recent sjw attacks in Japan, in the MSM too, show this.

Everything they attack, must be counterattacked forcefully.

Smash them down as soon as they raise the first hand.

Discredit their characters, highlight inconsistencies or crimes, dox them, anything.

Most of all, direct positivity and praise to the developers.

If a dev received 100,000 positive messages, and only 70 complaints, who is he going to listen to?

He will gain confidence to stick by his game.

f2a693 No.14309246


Leftists in Gamergate backstabbed the rest when they realized that no matter how much they disliked SJWs, they still hated conservatives more. As soon as they stopped all operations involving boycotts of socjus developers, you knew the movement was hijacked and thus they degenerated in catfighting over twitter.

ff914a No.14309250


>Because these sjw freaks are inherently weak, they rely on being unopposed.

The problem is that while they might be weak, their taskmasters are not, and they made sure to give them the tools to keep opponents in line. There's few people brave and willing enough to publicly step out and fight them because these soulless cockroaches think nothing of ruining people's lives of merely disagreeing with them.

>If a dev received 100,000 positive messages, and only 70 complaints, who is he going to listen to?

Depends on the dev and what his political views are. Just look at the Subnautica cucks firing a talented employee because the batshit insane REEEtards raised a stink over something the vast majority of consumers could give less of a shit about. Now compare it to Vavra telling them to go fuck themselves when they whined about there not being any niggers or muds in his game.

9b8125 No.14309261


Without a doubt SJW's are already kvetching about how "xenophobic" Japan is.


SJW Weeaboo's never shut up about how "backwards" Japan is and "how they must help them come into the 21 century". http://archive.is/WDqpO

cc02e5 No.14309272



So what exactly was "necessary"? Let's say you were a big player in the scene, what would you have gamergate do? Cause from what I've seen, there's not been much in the way of the whole "day of the rope" thing so far.

9b8125 No.14309282

File: 270b8a69a88dfc7⋯.png (262.47 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Gamergate.png)


fuck off Sargon

ff914a No.14309290


>So what exactly was "necessary"?

Not play the game according to the leftists' rules, not crippled yourself by constantly having to prove to the left you're not racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic/etc., not give a shit about muh PR and muh ethics, doxx the shits at every given opportunity, punish devs that align themselves with the left and make it abundantly clear that journalists aren't the problem, but Marxism.

And don't give me the tired spiel about all these things being necessary to gain popular support, all GG achieved was neutering themselves and losing all supporters while they chased after the left's approval.

9b8125 No.14309311


oh yeah and trusting Milo, Christina Hoff Sommers, Cathy Young and Mike Koretzky was a big mistake.

2499a3 No.14309315

File: 09a9d42b31086c0⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 454x453, 454:453, 1436027600906.jpg)

why do these insufferable cunts get to have the privilege of talking with japanese devs anyway? Or rather, with japanese devs who are known to make cheesecake games and content? Why is it always the fucking sjws, I don't want every japanese creators' interview experience with western "journalists" to be "why do you hate women" it pisses me the fuck off

holy fuck end this shit I'm so fucking mad

ff914a No.14309323

File: 5c77a733ef7d8fe⋯.webm (9.57 MB, 720x406, 360:203, 5c77a733ef7d8fe2aa9087adf….webm)


>why do Jews and their golems kvetch

Truly a mystery anon.

7e6be2 No.14309328


>why do these insufferable cunts get to have the privilege of talking with japanese devs anyway?

Isn't that the million dollar question. But I guess we don't know what will happen to the company if a dev and publisher told those clowns to fuck off.

cc02e5 No.14309331


I wont, I never gave a fuck. Anyone who spent one dollar on it was a faggot too. But again "don't play by the rules", that's what baph and others did. So great, some random idiots get doxxed. What exactly does that accomplish? Everyone likes to say when things aren't up to their standards, but what op was missing? What direction should have people gone down? No one ever says. Cause if there was a better one, it probably would have happened.

35d3ad No.14309337


This actually works. The vast majority of people still follow common sense when it is presented to them.

In Italy a teenage girl was chopped into pieces by african illegal immigrants.

An Italian guy went and shot them, and the public is behind him, because he did what they had all been saying SHOULD be done all along.

When people say or do things that every one else has in their mind, then often the public will back them and join in.

Being direct and speaking common sense works.

ff914a No.14309348


GG's methods could have worked, as eventually people will realize that "racist", "homophobe", "bigot" et al ring increasingly hollow the more they get misused. Issue is that we don't have another decade or two to wait, by then whatever artistic output is left in the West will be completely corrupted.


But you're not talking about common "sense", you're talking about a radical taking matters into his own hands and restoring to extreme actions to punish the guilty party (and yes, all niggers are guilty by default). GG's response in this situation would have been to stage a protest and drawn attention to the injustice of the act and inaction of the government, to no discernible effect, instead of lynching a bunch of niggers.

35d3ad No.14309354


What's the game?

35d3ad No.14309363


It is a recent particularly effective action taken.

Doesn't all have to be so radical, but pushing back with more ferosity than the sjws etc will have an effect.

We outnumber them 100 to 1.

ff914a No.14309371


Yakuza 5 or 0.


>It is a recent particularly effective action taken.

It's effective precisely because it is radical. Nazis took over Germany because they were radicals. The silent majority is meaningless, they will follow whom they perceive to be the strongest.

45ae26 No.14309376

File: 7bdc72e934eec41⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 1200x914, 600:457, thinkingfyi.jpg)

they hate tits, give them tits. Problem solved.

679642 No.14309383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have former friends that succumbed to this and became SJWs. The sad thing is they're so dedicated to causing demoralization and they don't even know why they want it. I've talked to them about it to try and better understand why they're now dedicated to breaking down everything and the only responses I ever got was stuff about making the world a better place for everyone. If you look into how cult brainwashing works, it pretty much all applies to SJWs and how they act. It's no coincidence that SJWs are always profoundly broken people, and cult leaders always seek out the broken and the weak to control.

7d55c9 No.14309393

I don't see any indicator that they're caving to any demands that this be censored. I'm not saying that such demands aren't going to be made by the types that use this kind of stuff as a post-modern proxy battle, but that I'm not getting that from this interview. That said I wasn't aware that NISA was involved in this and, despite SNK being my favorite publisher of the arcade era, I'm not going support anything they touch. NISA involvement should be the kiss of death for a western release that it deserves to be.

35d3ad No.14309454


The devs of The Witcher told sjws to fuck off, and it made me far more likely to buy their games.

He said himself, he won't compromise.

fff232 No.14309457

File: 7f5bffd730a58b8⋯.jpg (121.18 KB, 634x763, 634:763, proof that feminists lead ….jpg)


>Not play the game according to the leftists' rules, not crippled yourself by constantly having to prove to the left you're not racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic/etc., not give a shit about muh PR and muh ethics, doxx the shits at every given opportunity, punish devs that align themselves with the left and make it abundantly clear that journalists aren't the problem, but Marxism.And don't give me the tired spiel about all these things being necessary to gain popular support, all GG achieved was neutering themselves and losing all supporters while they chased after the left's approval.


Also pic related shows how miserable these jew golems really are

6de39f No.14309463


you forgot the bit where nobody buys those games


We lived through times where official narrative was bullshit as well, but it was too crude to really catch on. Too bad we're too few, too old (talking about those with first hand communism experience) to put this knowledge to good use.

35d3ad No.14309465


Maybe you're right.

I read a Hitler quote the other day someone posted, where he said he deliberately made it radical, so that the weak would not want to be included, and would not dilute the movement.

That he needed a strong central force to give the great direction that he intended.

The weak follow afterwards, no matter who is in power. So they aren't worth considering.

c4cf29 No.14309477

File: 903e2444320a05d⋯.png (94.39 KB, 1008x951, 336:317, This faggot.PNG)

File: be7bb81e2fb07f4⋯.png (92.07 KB, 860x920, 43:46, And this faggot.PNG)


Most comments on the original (((GAMEINFORMER))) article are against it, but then there's faggot like this.

9b8125 No.14309482

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

remember Jews fear the samurai


>GG's methods could have worked

listen the whole not your shield bullshit was when GG died. It was soon after that it was slowly but surly was subverted because it just opened the floodgate for entryism and more and more leftist slipped into the movement and virtue signaling to their pals that the cat has been declawed. For fuck sake even Laci Green now calls herself a supporter of GamerGate.

45ae26 No.14309484

Give them what they most despise.

I made a few hours ago a thread about tits and how they are not welcomed in the world of sjw. I came to this conclusion not only because of this SNK happening, it should already be well know from older happenings that these kind of people have a problem with sexy grils in video games. And so it wasn't a surprise to see my thread immidiley being shilled, bumplocked twice and flooded with goon postings. Have a look for yourself and don't call me a shill, thread is already bumplocked, nothing to shill here anymore >>14307004

now imagin something like this would really happened >>14307264

>even go so far to break out of this thread and spread the love of tits in the far distance of video game worlds, be it with a modification in a racing game or fighting game. From now on i will only choose character with big tits for online games and even down to the last detail, be it a spray in gmod of a women with big tits, i will go this road for the tits

what do you think would happened, my guess, it would be something that the sjw don't want to happened.

9b8125 No.14309489

File: bb5be442d007331⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 408x423, 136:141, shut-it-down.jpg)




3b9512 No.14309507

>th-there's a reason they're dressed that way!

Wrong answer. Correct answer is "fuck off, we like it".

35d3ad No.14309518


The fact is, most feminists forget all of their miserable witchery as soon as a man takes interest in them.

It is all dropped.

An army of gamers should start lifting, then seek out feminists and charm them, flirt and fuck them. Then there'd be far fewer of them.

9bfc3c No.14309522


Exactly. Art needs no justification. Anyone who is trying to police artistic expression should fuck off to North Korea.

edce4f No.14309525


>encouraging breeding with genetic trash

fuck no

7e6be2 No.14309531


That's nice and all but


at the end of the day. No amount of fuck is going to stop their narcissism and self loathing

cccf2b No.14309534

File: 215278f3bfd7cf6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1130x1500, 113:150, GET ANGRY REN.png)



So by "radical" action in the context of video games, it would be something like Gamergate fully embracing K.O.B.S./Intimidation Game episode of SVU Law & Order completely seriously? Like, full on public disruption of pozzed gaming events such as the GDC and outright kidnapping/beating "developers" into submission at the bare minimum as the analogue to killing niggers in Italy? Probably, not even simply doxing but swatting if not personal killings that they can't easily replace with? You know, what Ren-anon was raving about going to E3 and killing everyone there?

By the way, if not GG, is anyone else here resorting to such drastic measures? I know that /pol/'s dipping their toes with "It's Okay To Be White" flyers and are digging into all kinds of shit like pedos and antifa information, but has any major damage been dished out by then following Trump's election. There's that assault on CNN, Google, and Starbucks' shekels from /pol/ but they're still around and kicking with Buzzfeed being the one closest to dying.

I remember one faction talked a big game about breaking away and doing things differently from /v/ and /gamergatehq/, only for it to go nowhere as they spent more time bitching about them than actually reforming the industry/cleanse everything of jewry. They even had their own board devolve into infighting and doxing amongst themselves. Pity. I'm pretty sure the majority of us know from experience that companies, media, and whole governments are operated by Jews and collude with each other such as Gates and his Common Core Programs, Microsoft supplying data to the NSA, FBI, etc, and Polygon being their mouthpiece and dedicated shills-in addition to avoiding/pirating/archiving them at every turn. (Except the Windows 10 using dopey but still affable board owner)

But I guess without collectively doing something that would make Breivik proud and/or short of their colossal evil and stupidity imploding in on themselves on a major scale ala the Soviet Union, there is no simple, easy, or immediate answer to these juggernauts that will kill them outright rather than merely impeding or hampering their expansion. I'm not even sure if such solutions can be applied within the sphere of gaming rather than a political, spiritual, and general level. If any of you are indeed mad enough to literally form a group to bomb soyboys, feminists, and their masters out of gaming, then I might change my tune. Who knows, with enough traction, the rest of the board and even the site will gleefully join in yoir crusade, myself included.



20c77d No.14309535


>The fact is, most feminists forget all of their miserable witchery as soon as a man takes interest in them.

They're surrounded by beta cucks everyday, and jamal cleans their pipes once a week. Feminists are sluts who only want money and they want everyone else miserable.

056ed8 No.14309536


>flirt and fuck them

Please no, I don't want herpes.

00a8b0 No.14309551


What has happened here?

9b8125 No.14309554

File: 5f10668c5dc13d8⋯.jpg (217.88 KB, 1402x1080, 701:540, 1467324148977-3.jpg)


>episode of SVU Law & Order

fuck off FBI

cc02e5 No.14309564


Doesn't this image basically say that skinheads couldn't spot a false flag if they were basically screaming to call the ATF?

cccf2b No.14309570




While it may work for some such as the "Die Cis-Scum" girl, it won't work for all of them with the counter poster child being Brendan Fraser just getting his shit fucked up through the current alimony laws. Charming them and purification is something very delicate and surving the following rape accusations from grabbing by them by the pussy relatively unscathed without literally being Trump would be more doable to girls that aren't that fucked in the head already or are protoSJW at best. Love and waifu making is a 2 way street after all. But don't get me wrong I kind of like the thought behind it and anons should strive to self improve nonetheless, that goes without saying.

Other options are the NotYourShield route of revealing marxists as liars that don't speak for the people that they claim to defend. Just plain mocking, insulting, memeing, and laughing at everything they do to enforce the notion that they're nothing but hacks and jokes not to be taken seriously. Or we initiate a group that is literally ths ISIS of gaming and enact a sort of Shariah Law that benefits us alone and the best of mankind.

Which sounds like the best one?

Hell, why not go completely nuts and just do all of them?

056ed8 No.14309580

File: 1197e825d6e8540⋯.gif (925.43 KB, 212x176, 53:44, no.gif)


>Which sounds like the best one?

They're all fucking garbage, 3DPD women are unsalvagable. Robot waifus and artifical wombs are the only future for mankind.

48da2e No.14309609

File: 1f62a572d8e0b8a⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (5).jpg)

can we just put jews, kulaks and feminists in concentration camps already?

ff914a No.14309659


>being allowed to the sensible thing for once

You know how it works anon. Also, don't forget leftists, homosexuals, beta enablers, dykes, trannies, furries, otherkin, etc.

cccf2b No.14309667



To be fair I'm not the first one who suggested "extreme" measures ITT on the site "to extreme for 4chan" Tell that to them:







They were dissatisfied with Gamergate's methods and actions and I'm not condemning it along with them. I"m just asking, if they didn't like what /v/ (and /pol/-they were the ones behind the idea of donating to TFYC to make leftists butthurt and look liars in the process not to dissimilar to their "Right Wing Safety Squads" gag) came up with to fight them during Gamergate, then what exactly would they have wanted them to do?

Kill, torture, rape, swat,kidnap, and dox people like in that episode? Hello FBI, as you've said.

Boycotts? As if anyone here is dumb enough to buy video games from leftist developers in the first place so that's a moot point, especially since basically the same thing can be accomplished by pointing out how their games are to shit to anyone who isn't a drone, shill, or shit eater.

Expose their real goals? See Pizzagate and #MeToo. They"re hurting, but Hollywood and their cronies are still standing for now

Oust them through running and holding political office? Got Trump elected who goes to the Wailing Wall. Achieved a ton of butthurt and is better than Hillary, but good luck making any meaningful change to the government without getting killed.

Refute their rules and way of thinking? Everyone here mocka them day in and out, and they get pissed whenever normalfags make fun of them for being so easily triggered. They grew to hate the SJW label-but again, marxist filth still hold some sway.

Lawsuits? See above. Long, hard draining, cost a ahit ton of money. Eron didn't want to go all the way in prosecuting Quinn for the shit she pulled, the Honey Badgers had a good foundation for a case but now their opponents are countersuing so they need even more money. But at least Greg Alan Elliott won and everyone here especially loved it when Gawker got fucked in court.

What else can possibly be done that we haven't tried or conceived of yet? All I got is infiltrating/burning down academia like they did and make alteernative sites, media, games, tools, stuff, etc. Both of which I think are good but ultimately, easier said than done.

45ae26 No.14309699

File: aaff7c880bbbe9b⋯.jpg (18.13 KB, 282x300, 47:50, tcj1uVfr9J-6PXWyLmun0dmFrT….jpg)


>What else can possibly be done that we haven't tried or conceived of yet?

well, i made a post here


cccf2b No.14309740


Sort of falls under refuting their thoughts and ideologies part that I covered earlier, though strictly speaking it doesn't entail badmouthing them directly. I guess spreading the love of boobies is worth a shot.

bdd329 No.14309752

Don't fall for outtrage marketing.

Buy it imported IF it is a good game.

If not, just pirate it.

And always kill feminists and fat women in real life.

bdd329 No.14309763


This >>14309484

And also, convince as many normalfags as you can to become more like us. Make them loathe SJWs and companies that pander to them. Lead normalfags to believe that anything made by leftists is already shit and must be avoided. When they stop spending their money, companies won't be able to fund their agenda, and they can be taken down soon after, without money to retaliate.

9bfc3c No.14309766

File: 94fd1016c9c90a5⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1006x1024, 503:512, a729634fe01019146d8e73a66e….jpg)


That's right fellow nazis! Don't support media that favors your world view, it's just a ploy to get you to spend money!

Also remember to commit violent crime so our media can paint you as violent savages.

Pic related it's me getting ready to kill some niggers!

102553 No.14309769


pic related shows some feminist bitch exaggerating sjw stuff and OP not understanding what sarcasm is

cedf86 No.14309793


I think we should make an info graphic or a pasta about, "If these changes are made will you and your friends commit to buy this game? if not, why should I pander to you, if you alienate my other customers?"

Maybe make a meme about drunken entitled customer man

cedf86 No.14309797


or, "what kind of X game gerne do you currently play? How many hours a month?"

884cdf No.14309831


Fuck no.

I don't want to be divorce raped with all my shit stolen by court.

I am more willing to end their misery with ax or flamethrower.

20c77d No.14309893


I choose the Joseph Fritzl option. kek.

70d53f No.14310015


>being gay doesn't really show up in a picture

Neither does the dildo.

a32644 No.14310064

File: f3051d59c748d33⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 2977x2187, 2977:2187, leona.jpg)

They're praying at the wrong church.

c13d30 No.14310073


8aa44e No.14310090

File: 20bdc99ba36c168⋯.jpeg (138.79 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 0dd6086512d65b198641e98ba….jpeg)


>Post Jojo

>Not Ramba Ral

The man taught the world to die and fight like a man

49e66f No.14310117

So are Japanese game creators now listening to western complainers?

Seems like something unlikely to happen.

8aa44e No.14310139


Most likely no.

The problem is no one from sites like 8ch wants to step up and contact these creators to explain to them the situation with how the west has become infested with whiny fujoshi that hate pretty girls and want to destroy all men.

bebcd5 No.14310148


Western publishers have spent last 20 years bear minimum creating a propaganda apparatus designed to maintain a California-centric monopoly on video games. The demonization of Japanese games and the people who play them is a means to that end.

691e78 No.14310153

File: 5ba2ca4dc18b63c⋯.png (225.1 KB, 470x496, 235:248, 5ba2ca4dc18b63c374f4184d01….png)


>tournyfags brag about "muh mind games" with fighting games

>Mai is lore heavy on using her clothes to distract opponents

>tournyfags don't believe this

>DoA5 gets most of its outfits banned or the game entirely is banned because of the outfits are distracting

>tournyfags are all shit at mind games

Can all tournyfags just die off already?

7e6be2 No.14310159


>The problem is no one from sites like 8ch wants to step up and contact these creators to explain to them the situation with how the west has become infested with whiny fujoshi that hate pretty girls and want to destroy all men

Once again publishers aren't going to care even if someone contacts them directly in eloquent japanese. Honestly how many emails do you think Nintendo or Capcom or Bamco have read and taken it to heart? They only see dollar signs and couldn't care less about the future rammifications about letting a country kill itself with censorship and safespaces.

bebcd5 No.14310162


Oh, and by "California-centric" I mean purely in terms of base of operations. They don't actually give a fuck who makes the game as long as they comply to the west coast gravy train.

51cbc0 No.14310241



t. anally sour kike

8bfe55 No.14310267

8bfe55 No.14310273


No, pls, not this time. Just tits and the outcry of sjw should be enough

b46d60 No.14310334

File: 86ee7c5a4f7e854⋯.jpg (201.74 KB, 988x758, 494:379, 2 on 2 yuri.jpg)

7579c1 No.14310354

File: eef9803d8faa32e⋯.png (276.36 KB, 337x507, 337:507, 654656.png)


Sweet Jupiter, imagine if the people who made art like this were trying to make porn or liked boobs as much as they liked hips and legs.


There's nothing wrong with a product with only female characters. The only lame attitude about enjoying such products is when you enjoy them because they lack men, rather than the merits of the female characters. You may have no attraction to men, but if you think a woman is beautiful because she lacks male anatomy rather than because she has good female anatomy, you're still a fag in some way. Coincidentally, leftists and SJWs love to obscure the female anatomy as much as possible if it's not cellulite, chins, or folds, to deny you the enjoyment of a nice-looking 2D girl.


>These characters who canonically wouldn't choose tho wear this sort of thing are being forced to somehow by some story-driven event

People are forced to wear and do things they don't want to all the time in real life and entertainment. Even if the characters aren't okay with it, that can be used as a scene for fun or for showing off how characters act or interact as opposed to this "SHUT IT DOWN" bullshit. Heck, this is a game featuring Mai Shiranui, who will fucking tease you in combat on purpose. By the way, both guys bitching about the game have fox avatars.

bebcd5 No.14310361


I'm convinced e-sports are more a human and drug trafficking operation than anything even remotely competitive.

fd8b6f No.14310378

File: 3300f68d3775224⋯.png (473.8 KB, 673x1001, 673:1001, 3300f68d37752246d6c859671f….png)


All Might is fucking boss.

bebcd5 No.14310382


>both guys bitching about the game have fox avatars

Isn't this some kind of pedophile/homosex symbolism here or am I off base?

7579c1 No.14310389


It could just be samefagging. It's like how when you look at the profile behind the post bitching about booty and thighs and notice the strong association with NeoGaf, Reddit, Tumblr, etc., even though you could easily infer that from how they speak and type. It'd probably be easy to assume I'm a thiccfag since I like multiple parts of the body, for example.

bebcd5 No.14310420


Perhaps it's both?

ff914a No.14310422


Furries are the scum of the Earth, what else is new?

14bffa No.14310423


>thinking a women's personal insecurities will all go away once you marry them

You sound like a women

87f5f7 No.14310452


Yes, remember the pantsu censorship in Star Ocean?

ff914a No.14310469


And considering it had that hot mage it was a crime against humanity.

cc6e1a No.14310472

File: 6dbb6dac70df0a1⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, and then i called him Dahl….jpg)


first one is from an italian museum where some professional photographer faggot wanted to take some pictures from some of the statues for his fashion magazine and was given it provided he didn't mess up the statues and then just started dressing them up like that and putting make-up on them before he was caught and thrown out.The second one was part of a campaign from Gucci to promote a fashion show they wanted to hold in the Parthenon they were rejected


Why don't you go and stick your dick in one of them?Or are you one of those idea goys that don't practise what they preach?

f07ce6 No.14310490

literally the entire point of the game is the fan service, they won't buckle.

ff914a No.14310567


NISA will fuck it up, like always.

f85dc1 No.14310575


>put in the effort to become a male 9/10

>waste it on a fat rainbow haired problem-glasses subhuman feminist

Gas yourself, kike. The fewer of those mutt abominations reproduce, the better.

f1a7d5 No.14310603

File: a462bf93d167e7c⋯.webm (717.19 KB, 640x358, 320:179, FUCKING BARBAROI GET THE ….webm)

11897a No.14310612


underrated post

8bfe55 No.14310661

I guess humanity is lost.

cb36e5 No.14310738


severely underrated

ff914a No.14310762


We still have one good genocide left in us. We can do it.

3465d2 No.14310787

File: ec9a742e6596ee3⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 540x462, 90:77, ARCHIVING_INTENSIFIES.gif)

272125 No.14311241

Somebody should really message these Japanese studios and let them know that nobody pays attention to these journalists any more and that all advertising has moved to streaming.

c0e474 No.14311251


People still buy from them. And most of the time NISA stock is nearly empty too.

I bet /v/ still buys from NISA despite claiming they are fully kikes and what not.

So NISA will not go anywhere for a long time, well maybe if people all at once, STOP buying from them. And I feel that most of the costumers are from /v/.

884cdf No.14311280


>I bet /v/ still buys from NISA despite claiming they are fully kikes and what not.

>I feel that most of the costumers are from /v/.

Stop projecting.

c649e6 No.14311616

If NISA does censor the game (and after saying it would not be censored, mind you), you can bet the game will flop because KOF players are all spics and chinks who love anime titty. Besides, these people are becoming more irrelevant by the day. This is literally the kind of shit that makes me ask "who are you?" As in, literally, who ARE you, and WHY should I give you the time of day and listen to you? That's the reaction I have to these sorry cunts who are most likely thirsting over nigger cock right now.

534de2 No.14311699


>TACO tattoo'd to the knuckles

>being such a glutton you put food on your flesh in such a manner

Never mind the repulsive look of its face, its entire being needs to be put out of its misery.

0c2a16 No.14313351


>Feminists' demands

>Censor it, it's problematic & sexist

Where, though? I don't see any specific tweets or comments in that article.

0c2a16 No.14313387




No, two trailers came out showing both the cut and uncut content. NISA has stated multiple times their version won't be censored, but I guess we will have to wait and see. Given the recent news with Witcher 3 not caving to diversity demands, N:A's creator asking for fan art of 2B's ass, and Kenichiro sticking to his guns over keeping the fanservice flowing, I remain cautiously optimistic.


>Why else did they stop Xtreme Beach Volleyball from coming to the west

Bull-fucking-shit. It was a marketing stunt. PlayAsia stepped up to the bat in order to bait retards into buying it because "WE'RE FIGHTING DA SJWS!!!" to distract them from the fact that it's inferior to the second game with less content and DLC crap. They were never going to release DOAX3 in the states anyway; it wouldn't make back its profit with localization and shit sales.

0c2a16 No.14313432

File: b0d464891157868⋯.jpeg (67.21 KB, 1098x402, 183:67, GuP vs. BBC.jpeg)

File: c406ba796b76160⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 1222x2845, 1222:2845, Japan's response to the UN.jpg)



This. These alone are enough proof.

35d3ad No.14313475


Let's make a big one; and not fake either.

e9343a No.14314404


I think you need to lay off the TV, pal.

446c58 No.14317279



The thread title is misleading. It's almost as if a journalist made this thread that way to fabricate an stir some shit like always.

d66429 No.14318232

pajeet locked his twatter.

8aa44e No.14318260


>Sending english letters to a japanese company

>Not stealing a page from the Japanese book of fandoms and essentially threatening riots and their families with curses and harm

86a505 No.14322924

File: 93dca39dc5c8292⋯.png (58.35 KB, 812x413, 116:59, fanfeedback.png)

File: fda7548c04dda9d⋯.png (9.21 KB, 670x136, 335:68, eurogamer.png)

He gave a pretty decent response, just as Okubo did when asked about Ivy in the new SoulCalibur.

Might Yoshinori Ono be the only Japanese fightan developer who Western SJWs successfully brought into submission?

1764ea No.14323227


All the other fighting developers watched SF5 fail spectacularly and learned what ``not`` to do.

45ae26 No.14323460

actually, it will continue that way,

>progressiv feminisim sprerg out

>beta cuck juornos keep pushing

>outrage on /v/

>end of story

>another day another progressiv feminism sperg out

dd3066 No.14324084

File: 2d1066befe55e77⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 310x432, 155:216, 2d1.jpg)

File: 2caf9831227e420⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 640x997, 640:997, 2caf9831227e420fc43ae6b40c….jpg)

File: 0ff51f5d459cf58⋯.jpg (857.53 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 38509a5baca17bdb10fff38aba….jpg)


they don't buy games if they are not aproved by their kike overlords

and some even want to ban some anime/manga series or ruin mangakas lives, but western sells don't represent more than 10% in profit for the niche anime/manga

8eaa9c No.14330483

176a1c No.14331503


Best thinking.


Holy shit, this is wonderful.


You have to make that happen.

7f3136 No.14331534


The fgc is full of rigged and scummy shit because the SoCal scene wants to maintain it's weed supply. Chris G, Marn, Filipino Champ, and Wong have been caught rigging tourneys, but they get away with that shit. It's the little fish like that get a consequence (Some bitch rigged the MvCI Canada Cup with a guy, and she got banned from events). I don't want to imagine what the Moba scene is like if the FGC is a sleazy, scummy-toxic shit-hole (yea, I said toxic. Fucking deal with it, faggot).

46c050 No.14331576

File: 0bf0c273e5a789d⋯.png (162.59 KB, 540x784, 135:196, 0bf0c273e5a789d29025ad345e….png)


It's still partly on the devs if they change it because it's down to them to understand who the target audience is.


>But you're not talking about common "sense"

When some animals brutalize one of your fellow countrymen, you don't throw a hissyfit to the news. You go out and put them down like they deserve. Then you go on to pointing out that they shouldn't have been let in. The fact they were let in is indicative that the government and law do not give a fuck about their citizens. Rotherham is the poster child of that.

60956b No.14331757

File: 62ba3ef523a925b⋯.jpg (314.03 KB, 700x811, 700:811, 3ae5c230b698d8cdc9182cacc0….jpg)

File: 66be31d3c8a9d73⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 480x465, 32:31, 3f70da6d675ab9a5cb07c379a9….jpg)

File: 6e65f003541826a⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 991x1082, 991:1082, 6e65f003541826af72315c53ce….jpg)

File: 6ef21c3c65a84fa⋯.png (217.13 KB, 428x619, 428:619, 6ef21c3c65a84fab71e8eaded8….png)

File: e72e45482dbd2a6⋯.png (80.01 KB, 305x351, 305:351, 00695d287c2fb2e46bcab592f0….png)


> that UN response


cccf2b No.14331784


>It's still partly on the devs if they change it because it's down to them to understand who the target audience is.

If only there were more devs, particularly western devs like Kamiya, Itagaki, SNK, and hopefully Project Soul Team follows Harada's attitude and conviction on how they want to express themselves and their characters since journos have already showed their (((concerns))) about their females' funbags. Vavra is the current standout example of someone non-eastern completely rebuffing them even in the face of accusations of being a dirty racist, sexist, neo-nazi, et all in articles from trash rags. I can't help but wonder if devs like the Subnautica ones are being blackmailed in some way with much worse shit we're just not seeing, HAVE to answer to publishers and shareholders which restricts their capability of expression via blacklisting and loss of potential connections, or really take the marxist kool-aid to heart. Probably a combination of all of those things.

In fact, I recall either Vavra, someone known as "Daddy Warpig", an Ubisoft employee, or some other dev encouraging Gamergate not to organize official boycotts. It was for the reason we saw with Subnautica having leftist devs save for the sound engineer having markedly different views (and being the reason for his expulsion). It highlighted that there are good people or at least those that don't share the same leftist indoctrination 100% stuck working for very shitty companies and projects, so a hypothetical "burn it all down" approach would make them drown with the rest of the ship they were on. Covert developers and individuals would not and could not support them at all if that scenario was chosen and coupled with the desire to avoid coming off as impotent (such as, a previous COD boycott that sold gangbusters regardless, organized boycotts were dropped. Although personal boycotts of games and sharp criticism/memeing on AAA or indie clique filth was acceptable and seen as more effective from a psycholgical warfare point of view to make others like normalfags avoid paying for pozzed products naturally.

May Daniel V's game derive whatever success is warranted outside of what is written in lying publications, and that other people see this and realize it's better to never back down.

0da2d3 No.14331787

File: ff5ce75e9bb923e⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 960x619, 960:619, UUHHH.jpg)

File: ba0cae31737667c⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 9f175341a312e030239ca4feb2….gif)


I'm happy when I see shit like this, when people realize its fiction. And when people have artistic integrity to what they want to create.

7e6be2 No.14331800


>Bull-fucking-shit. It was a marketing stunt

I'll believe that. But that completely contradicts your previous statement because that kind of marketing stunt could have only been done with the knowledge of the west and SJWs being offended while everyone else disagrees with them


Do they really care if foreigners destroy their shit after they already bought their stuff?


It's an endless cycle of rage and exhaustion and I am mad and tired of it.

01b9dd No.14331914



>positive model

03c151 No.14332312

File: f7bfeb9e90c6dcd⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 166x304, 83:152, Images.jpg)


>yea, I said toxic. Fucking deal with it, faggot

I will not. Fucking kill yourself.

18bfc4 No.14332377


>yea, I said toxic. Fucking deal with it, faggot

You know you can call people out on being faggots without being a faggot yourself, right?

b08348 No.14335706

File: db5cb115c7636de⋯.jpg (208.95 KB, 682x600, 341:300, 1442833072186.jpg)


>yea, I said toxic. Fucking deal with it, faggot

bbd030 No.14342428


omg he's so cute

6c6f5c No.14345545

I had a look at /v/ over at half-chan today, and damn, that board is essentially owned by Reddit and Resetera now. They'll probably applaud this.

6c6f5c No.14345622

File: b7e45e547982768⋯.jpg (124.79 KB, 1356x969, 452:323, 1518097629463.jpg)


Don't be tsundere, anon.

d69c90 No.14349663


The chinese know what the americants dont.

f30a53 No.14350177

Porn warps one's mind. It cannot be compared to violent movies or videogames.

6009cd No.14350416

File: bf9d25b228a5a15⋯.jpg (495.82 KB, 1742x1569, 1742:1569, Unconsensual Headpat.jpg)


Meanwhile in the UK. Things are only getting worse.


The Digital Economy Act bill was passed and will become a law soon. What does it do?

>It requires that anyone “making pornographic material available on the internet” have a system that prevents access by anyone under the age of 18.

>Entirely bans “extreme pornographic material” from being distributed over the Internet.

Their way of enforcing the age restriction rule is by tying it to people's credit cards. No more can you access these sites anonymously. Their rules on "extreme pornographic material" is heavily vague too meaning they could ban anything they want as it doesn't follow a clear, precise set of rules. Some don't think this has shit to do with porn though. It's more about tying anonymous posters in the UK, many who are against it's current self destructive agenda, to names via credit cards. That way it will be much easier to silence these people when they arrest them for "hate speech".

This bill isn't even new though. It was also present in 2010.

The Digital Economy Act 2010 – Where does the liability lie


It's easy to read between the lines in this video within the first 2 minutes. The government is upset that they can't tax everything and that artists and other digital producers don't have to be taxed. They could give zero shits about the content providers. And its already been proven by the UN and multiple studies that piracy not only doesn't ruin the sales of something (unless it's AAA with a very minor decrease of less than 5% in sales) but it can actually increase the sales of a product. With this law, the government can crack down on piracy and "racists" at the same time. The people of the UK need to pull a Japan and simply murder these people ruining their country. Nothing else will stop them at this point.

8aa44e No.14350508


Only if you're an addict or have problems differentiating reality from fantasy like most leftists

584d9e No.14350530


How so? Mr. Armchair (((psychologist)))

13f78a No.14350962


Most people seem to also miss the obvious kike influence here


As a britbong I can confirm that at least some forms of this, e.g. 02 phone network's 18+ blocking, refuses debit cards, although I believe it accepts Photo ID at their stores.

Essentially, it's also a push to force people to use credit cards.

6bf078 No.14354034


>let me insult you and completely warp what you said

64dd40 No.14356440

File: 0458f76c927c8b9⋯.jpg (140.62 KB, 902x1024, 451:512, DWXZTN4U0AECJ0k.jpg)

File: 72a57e7827a8ed2⋯.jpg (73.35 KB, 1024x467, 1024:467, DWXZTzjUQAAJ83u.jpg)

New interview. Same old shit.

I wonder if they talk about this amongst themselves.


>want to have a wank

>go to pornhub

>couple of minutes later there's a knock on the door

>zip pants and go open it

>boy in blue in full constable regalia

>"What's all this then? Going for a incognito ride with Madam Palm and her five lovely daughters, eh?"

>befuddled, you look over the bobby's shoulder

>across the street a 10 year old girl is getting gangraped by mudslimes in broad day light

e9343a No.14364912

I just thought of something: For those who haven’t been paying attention this past weekend, homebrew finally came to the Nintendo Switch.

Not much to write home about now, but if you’ve paid attention to the PS Vita hacking scene, there are mods for games like Senran Kagura that allow you to go lewder.

My point, give it time, and if this ends up getting censored, hackers can uncensor it.

771047 No.14371932

test in dead thread

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