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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 59ebdf25daef2f4⋯.jpeg (603.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 510e1c8ab3426e918725d0d0d….jpeg)

75e8a3 No.14288554

NOTE: This article is from Sankaku Channel so there is some porn around it.

As can be seen, just as Konami is now very much a pachinko company despite most of its public profile being garnered from video games, Square Enix’s revenues from smartphone titles drastically exceed their traditional games in both extent and consistency – making it very much a casual gaming company. - quote from article


b9d922 No.14288559


>no archive link


18cd5a No.14288562

They make some good phone games though, too bad they are only available on Japan


fucking retard

843079 No.14288563

The vidya game crash cannot come soon enough.

b9d922 No.14288568

File: b5c543db7a63736⋯.gif (400.44 KB, 480x238, 240:119, you.gif)


>fucking retard

its like you havent learn anything this past few years

8f3700 No.14288585

File: 2ba46fcf43f715c⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY ….jpg)



Oh great, it's one of these.

75e8a3 No.14288593

File: 3294e3e6acc7bc7⋯.jpeg (253.64 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, e557bb93657ad85fa5f47c76b….jpeg)

Well here's the real question. Should we find a way to counter/stop this move of companies catering to casuals? And why are some many companies catering to casuals? Where did we go wrong as gamers?

a9d50f No.14288597


ok, enjoy being datamined like the retard you are

b88cca No.14288599

NieR/Drakeguard/Drag-On Dragoon mobile game when?

502b04 No.14288616


Absolutely not.

I've been waiting for this shit and I hope it picks up steam.

The moment publishers think "Hey, there's a crapload of money in phone games!" is the moment they'll fuck off to suck money out of casuals like some weird shekel-vampire.

Then they'll leave the rest of the industry alone and we can go back to having 30-40 B-tier studios releasing flawed masterpieces, instead of this AAA comitee-designed DLC platforms we have now.

4a1ac4 No.14288621

File: 63cf8e75ac55969⋯.jpg (115.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, you keep using that word.jpg)



You're in no position to call anyone else a retard.

bdb579 No.14288626


It's just easy shekels.

When the casul shit crashes and burns, they'll go back to making proper games and they'll have to make them decent or they will go bankrupt because there will be no sheep left to trick.


This too, but I haven't really seen a resurgence of smaller studios.

Then again, I don't exactly keep up with newer games either.

7fd506 No.14288630

a70ba6 No.14288632

File: 5463680858a039c⋯.gif (88.7 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bait.gif)








OP is a faggot for not archiving the link, but b9d922 is also a faggot for being bait material.

cf3cd3 No.14288639


Kill yourself newfag, this isn't cuckchan or nu-/pol/ where nothing is archived anymore

75e8a3 No.14288697


I think you're right about the easy money part, but the more i think about it, what if the game companies in Japan are operating on the same kind of budgeting scheme that the car industry in America has been operating on for years. Which is borrow money from the banks to cover costs and then repay it with a ridiculous amount of interest attached. I think the Jap companies would get tired of that pretty quickly. Maybe that's why they are going into the causal/mobile cash grab

1d8f06 No.14289072


Game companies were doing this since 2008. Would there be a way to convince them otherwise after 10 years of this strategy being the way to go?

a096de No.14290487


But it is too much fun to ruin their profit anyway.

f53b1a No.14290503

File: 706a7028b9b959d⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1067x1461, 1067:1461, ic-506.jpg)

c97f6c No.14303058


>good phone games

There is no such thing by definition.

b36edd No.14303073


>>NOTE: This article is from Sankaku Channel so there is some porn around it.

>no archive either

at least try to fit in you retard

ce96e6 No.14303076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking of Square.

The newest KH3 trailer just dropped.

49a1de No.14303082

File: d41b748861e3872⋯.jpg (19.7 KB, 467x325, 467:325, cd3.jpg)

c97f6c No.14303090


I really wish Square would just give over everything to Horii and Enix and leave forever.

12cebe No.14303094


>NOTE: This article is from Sankaku Channel so there is some porn around it.

Anon, you could have just said you're a faggot.

108899 No.14303119

File: 600bf91748b061d⋯.jpg (571.39 KB, 670x885, 134:177, control.jpg)


Not-even-tabloid-tier rubbish. There's a reason /jp/ used to shit on it. Only thing OK is their booru for not being as awful as Gelbooru, or kiked as Danbooru.

12cebe No.14303143


Is there a booru left that isn't complete fucking garbage?

8606e5 No.14303157

File: d602dbc2e42c228⋯.jpg (99.94 KB, 600x1054, 300:527, WRPG Alucard.jpg)

That many people bought Dissidia NT?

739837 No.14303160


No, sankaku is just as bad as the others for having literally zero quality control. It's filled to the brim with incredibly low quality shit and faggot fetishes. If you think you can just black list it, think again, because their black list has a character limit that doesn't cover even a tenth of all the disgusting shit that I've seen there. Also fun fact: the place has a fuckton of faggots that post nothing but white girls getting fucked by nogs, including some that do nothing but edit non-blacked images into nogs fucking white girls.

1d9d76 No.14303183

File: 3a03255c794dfcd⋯.webm (957.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, disdain.webm)


>phone games


108899 No.14303231

File: 10b0135603363a9⋯.jpg (467.63 KB, 1921x2756, 1921:2756, Life's simple pleasures.jpg)


That's the 3D booru, which


There is a separate one for 2D. Sadly Danbooru is the best one for having decent tagging, decent QC, and the community. Translations too.

739837 No.14303241


No, I'm talking about the 2D one. From what little I've seen of the 3DPD one, it's actually in a less awful state, which just tells us how fucking awful the 2D one is.

c97f6c No.14303256


>Translations too.

Don't be a casual Anon, you need to learn to read Japanese for vidya anyway, might as well practice with your porn

108899 No.14303260

File: 754254621b29caf⋯.jpg (298.75 KB, 329x925, 329:925, 4646bd15a80223ef0948d6ef91….jpg)


Yeesh never mind then. I just recall someone saying it was an alternative.


They're not all Japanese mate.

12cebe No.14303285


>Dagashi Kashi

The manga won't end in harem, so why bother?

c8cd40 No.14303286



Didn't it remove lots of loli stuff some time ago?

Did it redeem itself later?

I thought gelbooru was the best one for completion despite all the adblock dodging bullshit.

108899 No.14303311

File: 744e3fbe56de3b0⋯.jpg (491.69 KB, 562x1000, 281:500, woop woop.jpg)


Gelbooru removed toddlercon and the community and QC is generally atrocious on top of the multitude of ads. Danbooru restricts loli/shota and most "banned artists" to paid accounts. There an extension to bypass that but I don't know if it still works because I'm a faggot.


So? That doesn't mean I can't enjoy pretty girls, and fanworks of pretty girls that do.

739837 No.14303337


They still have loli, they just hide it unless you're a good goy. You used to be able to use an addon to bypass it, but they fixed that a while ago.


>has the most quality control, but they're really anal about it to the point where a lot of quality art gets rejected for no good reason

>the most likely to have translations, at least for worksafe stuff

>no loli or shota unless you're a good goy


>the middle of the road of the three, has more content than danbooru but not the avalanche of shit that sankaku does

>doesn't hide loli, but they're hyper kikes when it comes to adblock and make it a pain to make the thumbnails show up if you have adblock and/or noscript


>the most content by far, but at the same time no quality control whatsoever so the vast majority of uploads are total garbage, also lots of duplicates

>character limit on blacklist ensures that you can't block out even a half of the disgusting shit (I don't know if the others have a character limit on it, but it's mostly a non issue because they don't have the flood of shit that sankaku does)

>sometimes has quality stuff that the others don't

>shows loli

>for some fucking reason all the blacklisted images still show up as blurred thumbnails, so you get to enjoy having 75% of every search be taken up by blurred gay, scat, furry etc. shit.

>attracts the worst fucking people. Lots and lots of fags uploading only niggers fucking white girls and edits that turn white guys into niggers fucking white girls. A million furries. More literally gay shit than the others. 99% of their futa is a solo girl with a dick the size of her body or futa on futa, both essentially being for closet fags (and of course plenty of futa on male).

561351 No.14303354


Finally I have use for this


+gallery is good quality

+offers most translations

+no ads

-only 2 tag search without paid account

-no loli without paid account

-misses some stuff other boorus has


+gallery is mostly good quality

+can use many tags without paying

-cancerous ads

-cancerous anti-adblock mechanism

-doesn't offer translations often


+offers biggest selection of images

+can use many tags without paying

+anti-adblock mechanisms are preventable

-cancerous ads

-cancerous anti-adblock mechanism

-rarely offers translations

-low quality gallery

Also stop fapping anon.

12cebe No.14303368


There's too few harem endings as it is.

108899 No.14303375

File: 4016f30f78a6a53⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Neetsoc.jpg)


Huh, Danbooru has no ads now? Also yeah I forgot about the 2 tag limit. That's some garbage. Screengrabbing.

>Also stop fapping anon.



Except in fanworks. It's irony that the harem genre never delivers.

561351 No.14303379


>Huh, Danbooru has no ads now?

I was probably wrong on that, but atleast it isn't cancerous about them

12cebe No.14303381


>Except in fanworks

Even then it's really not satisfying. At best you'll get a 30 page doujin with some lewds and not much emotional payoff.

>It's irony that the harem genre never delivers.

It's a fucking scam. For a genre that is supposed to be all about wish fulfillment said wishes rarely get fulfilled. How the fuck is it 2018 yet Umi no Misaki still sits as the undisputed king of harem manga and why doesn't it have an anime adaptation?

561351 No.14303388


Actually Im not sure if it really has ads at all nowadays.

Staying on my original statement, until someone posts contrary evidence.

4e8643 No.14303390

File: ba9c55f28580ee8⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 4831x6966, 4831:6966, Namaniku ATK Illustrations….jpg)

File: 9aa3ebbe5be0fcb⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 4777x6966, 4777:6966, Namaniku ATK Illustrations….jpg)

File: 21ff9bb97da20bc⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 4826x6947, 4826:6947, Strike Witches Official Vi….jpg)

File: bbe612612ce385a⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 4831x6958, 4831:6958, Super Sonico 10th Annivers….jpg)


Have you not been seeing what has been happening the past few decades? Those AAA companies will just buy out the B-tier studios and force them to make mobile shit and other trash which will over saturate the market, again.


Yeah it's all fucked at this point. I just rely on finding everything myself using Pixiv, Nijil, Pawoo, Twitter, and Tumblr every blue moon. It's a lot to keep up with but it's the only way to find a bunch of good stuff. Also Yande.re and Konachan are still good. Yande.re has nice quality control and high res images/scans. Konachan being good for wallpapers. You can also check the Non-H section of Exhentai which will have some good stuff every once in a while.

108899 No.14303400

File: 747b7a0d61e7264⋯.png (338.3 KB, 613x617, 613:617, 1424929519617.png)


I just checked with ABL turned off and not logged in. There's Google Analytics but the actual in-your-face ads have vanished. Paid accounts used to remove them, so did the extension. Even when it had ads though it was always tame stuff like J-List. Not the absolute cancer you'd expect out of a 3D porn site, which is why I don't use n-hentai.


Simple quantity over quality. It's why I lean to 1:1 relationships even if it's rooted in a harem series. At the very least a harem series needs to deliver on lewd.


Pixiv and Twitter have their own issues. But yeah I use the latter for artists, and the former for artists and the rare general search.

561351 No.14303403

File: 3d7986b90e65ff2⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2160x1944, 10:9, 927f9472ecab6ce3cca4d538c0….png)

Y'all niggas should just use safebooru for your needs.

Or atleast filter lewd content out


Alright thanks.

739837 No.14303404


I do use those, but unfortunately they have really bad tagging. Speaking of exhentai, it's a shame that they're flooded by trash quality. So much garbage now compared to the quality stuff. While we're on the subject, anyone know if tsumino or nhentai are any good?

c27320 No.14303407

File: b1d71d1a339f5b7⋯.png (365.96 KB, 677x850, 677:850, (You).png)


>NOTE: This article is from Sankaku Channel so there is some porn around it.

Hello newfriend, how goes the shilling?

12cebe No.14303408


>Simple quantity over quality

That's not the issue though. You could just as well focus on character interactions (which should be the main part of a harem story anyway) so each heroine gets enough character development. Then again, actually having a plot and not using cheap tricks such as introducing new girls whenever you require new developments helps. Just look at Campione!, the number of heroines is small (four total) and they are all introduced in the first few volumes, so that the author can then focus on story and character development. On the other hand you have that monster inn garbage where more and more girls are thrown into the mix yet the author wastes all screentime on the ghost girl. He needn't have even bothered with a harem if he had wanted to focus on her.

c97f6c No.14303409


>Speaking of exhentai, it's a shame that they're flooded by trash quality. So much garbage now compared to the quality stuff.

Fucking this. What baffles me is when they start uploading non-erotic 3DPD cosplay of Western characters, and yet no one seems to grasp why that is the ultimate and total opposite of what a hentai site should be.

12cebe No.14303416


Don't they also hide some content if you haven't been a member since a certain date or don't have a certain number of posts in their forums?

c97f6c No.14303424


Would explain a lot, a lot of raws disappear from my ability to see with only English "translations" available, but that might also be them blocking me since I'm actually in Japan.

108899 No.14303451

File: c30a307364772b8⋯.jpg (923.8 KB, 1109x1600, 1109:1600, [PTD (Tatsuhiko)] KTOK 4 (….jpg)


>That's not the issue though.

Although usage of the space matters a lot there's only so much you can fit into a given number of pages. A typical H manga is maybe 20-30. Fine for one girl, but quickly gets cramped as you add more and more. The same principle applies to a long running series.


I don't think anyone has a clue how that works. But the lesson there is to archive everything you care about instead of relying on third-parties to keep it for you. They've also taken down things for being on Fuckyou!


Thankfully those categories can be disabled. Maybe they'll die some day, or at least go the way of the Asian Porn one.


n-hentai has the community issue and aforementioned ads but seems to at least have some content. I've never even heard of tsumino.

c27320 No.14303456


Are you the fag I talked to the other day that couldn't understand the difference between a rewrite and a translation in exhentai?

4e8643 No.14303460

File: 88a47011e27d262⋯.png (581.89 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 67194353_p0.png)

File: 954a364e18ae838⋯.jpg (573.89 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 66133371_p0.jpg)

File: 40684e9726f46a0⋯.jpg (629.37 KB, 900x1228, 225:307, 46494872_p0.jpg)


Artists are leaving Pixiv in mass so I'm constantly losing people I'm following. So I find new people all the time and then lose a dozen more every month.


Searching things under tags in Pixiv is horrible. Especially under more obscure stuff.



Couldn't that also be due to Fakku taking many artist? I know a ton of things I've favorite over the years are now gone.

c97f6c No.14303463


Granted, but the fact that people are so blind they don't grasp what the problem is is depressing.


I don't think so, no. I just don't trust other people's translations in general.

c97f6c No.14303470


>Couldn't that also be due to Fakku taking many artist? I know a ton of things I've favorite over the years are now gone.

It's not, other users can see the galleries just fine, but for me they always return "Gallery Not Available."

c27320 No.14303475

File: 72fe84f651c5516⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 466x419, 466:419, cb780f0dd8f8f11b300a3818f9….jpg)

>thread reminded me that Fuckyou! exists

God damn it

8f1391 No.14303481


Rockstar games are good, just wishing they would finally get off their asses and make Vice City Stories mobile. They already made Liberty City Stories mobile. They are just ports of older games, but they count in my eyes. There's no good way to play these games if you don't have a PSP or PS2, and emulation sucks since the resolution for PSP is total shit and PS2 emulation is awful.

12cebe No.14303483


>The same principle applies to a long running series.

It all depends on how good the author is at outlining the plot. I've seen stories with one girls that get bogged down in pointless bullshit and harem stories that remain on topic throughout without issue.

f1c82d No.14303484



Sankaku also has a perk of not needing to constantly click between pages, as it will just load the next however many as you continue to scroll down, but on the other hand will attempt to load the ads for those "pages" of content as well. So I suppose it negates its own benefit (on the user end anyhow).


>yet no one seems to grasp why that is the ultimate and total opposite of what a hentai site should be.

Same thing with the ads on just about any major lewd site. It's one thing to advertise newly released CGs or hentai games, or where to buy an onahole or whatever, but more often than not it's ads for 3DPD related shit, which just screams not knowing your audience. People are coming to such sites for 2D, stop trying to shill real life porn or meet ups at them. Makes about as much sense as the time 8ch got a bunch of ads for pussy pumps (which I highly doubt there's much of a market for here).



I think some stuff either gets excised due to DMCA at times, but it wouldn't shock me if it's more likely just hidden from those not logged in. Think that's what happens with, say, hitomi, where you can find a link in a related content section and click it, only for it to shoot back a 403 error page or whatnot. Could well be that some content it freely accessible for X amount of time, before becoming permanently account-only. But that's just my own speculation.


Speaking of Fakku, it seems fucking stupid to me that other sites, rather than merely taking down any links to doujins that Fakku now sells under DMCA, will instead reroute the page to a fucking advertisement for that spider Jake's site to buy it through. I mean, why in the fuck would you willingly advertise for one of your click-competition rivals? At least as far as 8ch is concerned, there's free-to-download torrents in the GG thread copypastas for stuff Jake wants shekels for.

c8cd40 No.14303488


>Artists are leaving Pixiv in mass

oh shit

Why is that?

And where are they going?

12cebe No.14303489


Is there any place where you can get Fakku stuff without having to get Jewed out for it?

c27320 No.14303490


The share thread

f1c82d No.14303491


Share thread for individual doujins/anthologies maybe, but also see this copypasta in the current GG thread (starting at "Spread this"). >>14295497

c27320 No.14303503

File: db40a8f1f3b52c8⋯.jpg (147.19 KB, 813x623, 813:623, I gotta have it.jpg)


>2300 doujins for torrenting

739837 No.14303541


Tsumino has a lot of it but I don't know if the site is good or if they do some shady stuff.

108899 No.14303546

File: 22946e37664714d⋯.jpg (990.73 KB, 1399x965, 1399:965, 7a46226df35229e34e604081b1….jpg)


Wish I'd screencapped the guy who posted about it on /a/. Basically, expect it to be overwhelmingly boring vanilla with cringey titles, because think about who the target audience is.


Pixiv's tagging is pure trash. Doesn't help that the site has a mess of Westerners polluting the namespace either.


Hence why I said "use of the space matters".


>wrong ads

I expect it's "any ads" since they're so fickle about certain content. That's why exhentai has no ads but has loli and shota and a few other things. It's also why Danbooru hides loli/shota (even though there shouldn't be a need to now).



12cebe No.14303559


>vanilla is boring and cringey

You and I need to have words.

c27320 No.14303560


The fuck you factor alone of having 2300 doujins from behind a paywall more then makes up for what the content most likely is.

4e8643 No.14303569

File: cd6eb0a334c8e41⋯.jpg (413.59 KB, 2893x4092, 263:372, 58685957_p0.jpg)

File: a33694bcbab8eb5⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 4392x6136, 549:767, DT2 & 2-2006.jpg)

File: a4bf452c1c8aaa3⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2000x2679, 2000:2679, yande.re 358189 headphones….jpg)


Not sure why but I'm assuming Pixiv got anti-consumer (or at least for the artists) but looking it up doesn't give me much info. However I have been losing many artists over time. I know some were going to Twitter but some are going to Pawoo now. Nijil still doesn't have a ton of artists but it's not bad for some lewds.



I've read through a bunch of them myself. I doesn't do much for me. It's vanilla in the most vanilla of ways. No lovey dovey but just plain boring. No focus on certain fetishes outside of clothing like nurse outfits, school girls, and such. Barely any monster girls outside of succubi. Barely any loli. Nothing too crazy or hilarious even. It's just so grounded that it feels like they're restricting the artist's identity. Hell my doujin collection is probably better but it's only somewhere around 1400+.

c27320 No.14303586


pixiv started banning lolicon contet at one point I believe and has gotten stricter with lewds as time goes by if memory serves.

> It's vanilla in the most vanilla of ways.

That's because a majority of Fakku's content is professionally published hentai manga and not actually doujins, though they do have some officially licensing agreement with certain doujin groups. (Don't ask me how they copyrighted fan content.)

108899 No.14303598

File: 02a534fcce01d94⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 729.96 KB, 1414x1000, 707:500, 1431544381081.jpg)


Don't worry I love vanilla stuff, but even I branch out once in a while, and there's a difference between good and bad vanilla. Also the cringey bit is the titles. Think the sort of garbage you find on Brazzers ("hot sister fucking" and stuff to that effect).


>pixiv started banning lolicon contet at one point

Big mistake.

41c884 No.14303618


They pushed a policy basically saying they reserved the right to use the work of any artist that posted content for their site for free as promotional material without having to respect their ownership rights. After banning toddler and other risque shit naturally people got fed up and fucking left.

41c884 No.14303634

File: 987a6380739e925⋯.png (498.86 KB, 1388x1060, 347:265, xavierthink.png)


>(Don't ask me how they copyrighted fan content.)

Either the magazines are run by retarded kikes or the doujin artists are literally fucking retarded and think they'll get a good deal from kikes when they're getting kiked, ie Nicalis and the Cave Story dev. Either way we can blame the English anime community being run with apathetic fucktards when they allow pajeets and San Fuck kikes to push shit around. /jp/ did jack shit when Sekai Project literally stole fan translations and sold them as commercial products.

108899 No.14303684


I assumed he meant that they're selling works based on another series which is legally questionable. The doujin community gets away with it because they're not supposed to be about profiting, but creating and acting as a form of advertisement.

8606e5 No.14303691


Nomura is still alive? and even more horrifying, willing to work with nuDisney after the shit they pulled at Marvel and Lucasfilms?

41c884 No.14303725


You're giving them the benefit of the doubt, if you want them to fuck off threaten them with legal pressure.

c27320 No.14303726


This, though it appears that Fakku has an agreement with Enshodo which "professionally publishes hentai doujins" so the people who copyright it in the US is Enshodo, who then sells it to Fakku. So now I wonder how Enshodo copyrights fan material.

18cd5a No.14303745

File: 2ce0f363f4f8334⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 558x702, 31:39, 1468140175062.jpg)


>Gelbooru removed toddlercon

Sad, good thing i saved that one big archive before it was deleted.


>pixiv started banning lolicon contet at one point I believe and has gotten stricter with lewds as time goes by if memory serves.

most certainly, as i have noticed some artist i follow took down their works or simply disappeared which puzzled me for a while since i didn't expect the nips to be such fucking cucks. I wonder if now they upload somewhere else.

12cebe No.14303763


>our fault

>not the billions of soulless Jewish golems that do everything the Talmud Vision tells them to

803ce5 No.14303766


but we're probably the few people that don't mindlessly consume crap like that?

c27320 No.14303768

File: b490e5c58f08785⋯.png (863.24 KB, 1893x891, 631:297, Fakku sells copyrighted ma….png)

>tfw ShindoL has officialy copyrighted his shit in the US with Enshodo

What the fuck.


And Fakku sells fan doujins of Dangan Ronpa at least.

https://www.fakku.net/hentai/super-panpanronpa-12-english (archive.is shits itself whenever I try to archive fakku)

I wonder how much legal trouble we could get them in.

108899 No.14303783

File: db4f11db2073ef5⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 2903x3800, 2903:3800, aac41e57c7af9909cf5aa2a62b….jpg)


It'd be even funnier if Spike Chunsoft gave them the go-ahead. Unlikely though.

f4702d No.14303812

File: 2edc6828c026a15⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 2edc6828c026a158b6eb2cafc3….gif)


Crashes happen (most of the time) from the lack of trust of investors, or the lack of interest of consumers.

Consumers keep spending their wages in imaginary digital access to pointless data that costs next to nothing to produce, and show no sign of stopping. It won't crash.

Video games are interesting for that matter because it's a prime exemple of how using psychology and behavioral theories for marketing is terrifyingly effective. It's going to get worse, much much worse. If I put on my tinfoil hat, I might even say that's the main reason why political groups have had such a keen interest in vidya this last decade.

c97f6c No.14303826


I'd say it's less that and more that it's the biggest medium not controlled by (((America))) and thus the strongest venue for messages that don't mesh with what (((The West))) wants people to think and know.

9e2ac1 No.14303868


I don't like any of Square's games but I respect them because even though they are making bank with shit tier mobile games they are still putting out normal ass games.

Unlike Konami.

288021 No.14303940


>episodic content

>day 1 dlc


9e2ac1 No.14303955


I did say I didn't like their stuff Anon. The reasons you stated are a big part of the reasons why.

d7b922 No.14304031

File: 7719c39f065b0fb⋯.jpg (100.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, emil.jpg)

File: 039b7f3ace77607⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 1200x764, 300:191, sinoalice.jpg)


>NieR/Drakeguard/Drag-On Dragoon mobile game when?

It's called Sinoalice, it's a poor man's Granblue Fantasy with loads of text by Yoko Taro. Only in japanese of course.

a7b79f No.14304050


That anon should have said


Instead of what he said. You’re both dumb.

12cebe No.14304120


>gacha garbage where the waifus are used goods

What heresy is this?

712ba0 No.14304147

this is gonna last, just like Zynga

9158d1 No.14304199


Those designs look pretty cool

894374 No.14304228


>pixiv started banning lolicon contet at one point I believe and has gotten stricter with lewds as time goes by

There is still loli and plenty of degenerate lewd shit on there. I use pixiv almost every day and have noticed little change over the last year or so, although I have little experience with the content creator side of things. I imagine if you have a big enough audience though, just uploading your shit onto social media would be more productive.

8606e5 No.14307455


Looks like all the characters are girls.

How is that not stupid?

b5af7c No.14308083





Maximum shit tastes detected.

d20907 No.14308206



It's not what you're expecting. Some mind fuckery that ties into her powers is in it for a bit, but it's overall really sweet.


I can't possibly take that ending seriously, certainly not when the source is typical bad harem anime (albeit with good lewd). It's actually positive if he's finally manned up and chosen a girl even if some of them lose out.

1a250d No.14308233

File: f5f935d292240fa⋯.gif (359 KB, 500x281, 500:281, haruhi.gif)


>Also stop fapping anon

When you stop going to /pol/

b5af7c No.14310037


>It's not what you're expecting.

It's exactly what I was expecting - a cheap gimmick used to break her down and open her legs without really meaning anything at all. Mindbreak isn't bad. Authors that can't think or time mindbreak into something potent are bad. But then, most of those faggots have a seasonal schedule and will never plan out something to make it truly effective.

>albeit with good lewd

We'll disagree. The lewd in TLR is absolute shit. Nothing natural about it at all, so there's no relate or tie-in. He'd have done better by at least making some of the girls have gravure careers for all the realism put in those shitty pratfalls. TLR is shit through and through.

5cb002 No.14310314


>Being a fenceshitter

d20907 No.14314293


She was already interested in doing him even before the whole "shared emotions" thing, which is borrowed from the actual series. It's there to push her over the edge and it works fine for that. I don't want a H doujin to spend ages elaborating on the characters.

>We'll disagree.

We probably agree more than you'd think since I never said it had substance behind it. It's the sort of thing I'd "read" for the pictures when I don't want full-on H.

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