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/v/ - Video Games

The Vidya
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[ /agdg/ | Vidya Porn | Hentai Games | Retro Vidya | Contact ]

File: 5ca8fdb579ea727⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1750x1306, 875:653, 5ca8fdb579ea727ea31f1ba810….jpg)

e6447f No.14307004

With the rise of a Apocalypse of Tits through the ongoing socjus oppression of beautiful waman in video games, i demand you Anons to stand up and post some of the most nicest pair of breast which video games character can deliver.

Might this the beginning of the flood of tits

kill the sjw cancer with the one thing they hate the most

556e39 No.14307012

File: 28539830bf7f875⋯.png (491.45 KB, 998x520, 499:260, 3B9B8B3A-7147-4978-81D8-80….png)

How about an ass instead? Or tits and asses?

e6447f No.14307029

File: 7078f4612b759c7⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 900x563, 900:563, Living-room-home-wall-deco….jpg)


if i remember correctly, there was a webm explaining that they both the same based on the natures law.

821093 No.14307037

File: 21943d64cadf52e⋯.png (7.09 KB, 112x112, 1:1, hmmm really makes you thin….png)


note how none of the things mentioned on the top list are in anyway related to the subject matter of the /v/ideogames board

now i wonder why those arent being discussed here?

1d47a1 No.14307039

File: 8f471f1a8ba0ee2⋯.jpg (132.27 KB, 1024x789, 1024:789, 6y30626daoez.jpg)


e6447f No.14307043


for these problems you have to go to a different board! Or do you buy your shoes in a cinema?

Anyway, i remember this kind of tactic, which was used mainly by the Socjus Journos to discard certain topics.

021c0f No.14307052

w e w

039a8b No.14307058


You are so getting banned even though you are right.

a972fc No.14307067

File: 2045b2396bba763⋯.png (763.56 KB, 670x801, 670:801, 1488157702077.png)

>talk about tit liberty

>is blocking the tits

dfa22d No.14307073

File: 841869465db86cf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 7.45 MB, 3279x4869, 1093:1623, e484b35432213a947dc0b5293f….jpg)


e6447f No.14307093

File: fe7ef193c7ad467⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 38.96 KB, 622x350, 311:175, honoka_s_workout___pigtail….jpg)

let not forget the wonder of modding, one thing i really like about Gmod

>pic related

7943cc No.14307097

File: 76c9f4ef154d51c⋯.png (114.23 KB, 960x671, 960:671, kuruminha.png)

gr8 thread

03d729 No.14307102




Are you people from here?

This is hard to explain, but I've been on imageboards for so long now that I can notice differences in phrasing, posting types and meme usage. Other anons probably know what I mean, you post like you're not from here.

556e39 No.14307104


They’re goons. Report them and move on.

18aef7 No.14307105

File: f3ea2e540024e6c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 1133x1600, 1133:1600, poison (2).png)





03d729 No.14307107


That's not Shadman.

25e093 No.14307108


Yes, I do.

766417 No.14307110



stay there

766417 No.14307115


>that bulge

a972fc No.14307116

File: 8189000eae52554⋯.png (127.36 KB, 304x447, 304:447, 8189000eae525541d708848737….png)



dud wut?

6ef39f No.14307122


I get what you mean. If you stay long enough you get used to the way other anons speak and adapt. It makes it hard to really post outside 8chan too.

e6447f No.14307127

File: aec349b9563db0e⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 719x342, 719:342, tifa1.jpg)


Of course they are against this. These are the people who want to destroy video games!

Kill them with fire, post tits until they choke on it!

1b9ae9 No.14307129


I have been posting here since 2014 retard.

a597d9 No.14307132

e77c8a No.14307136

File: 73702af3b19f160⋯.jpg (9.42 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 73702af3b19f16038b5af737f0….jpg)


>(1) defending "himself"

03d729 No.14307138


I didn't reply to you, are you proxyfagging?

a972fc No.14307139


Wow, look at this newfag.

I've been posting here since 2001.


kek Who its a single goon samefagging.

1b9ae9 No.14307141


My ID has changed since I posted this from my phone >>14307058

a972fc No.14307143

File: 7593a1e335e8809⋯.png (45.89 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, bait.png)


This has to be b8

b8d6f6 No.14307148

File: b6ada45f228cc76⋯.jpg (395.44 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Airi 02.jpg)

File: 617956f5334f72c⋯.jpg (645.72 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Fumika 02.jpg)

File: 71c61910ffd1aad⋯.jpg (439.76 KB, 2478x1754, 1239:877, Shiki 28.jpg)

File: 754444fdb03ecdf⋯.jpg (170.65 KB, 969x1200, 323:400, Kaede 09.jpg)

File: 3a63da123151eb0⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 476x700, 17:25, KTKM 03.jpg)

As you command, Tits and Asses courtesy of Idolm@ster

22a564 No.14307151

File: da10e0553a31169⋯.jpg (173.04 KB, 522x516, 87:86, da10e0553a3116931b9b661b39….jpg)

401bb7 No.14307152

File: 2f92f15144b4401⋯.png (17.53 KB, 224x320, 7:10, s45bf-11.png)

03d729 No.14307153


It's either that or damage control.

7943cc No.14307154

File: f43ca069faef1d5⋯.png (220.33 KB, 600x406, 300:203, dorio check em.png)


I'm glad to see another anon from the promised land

e6447f No.14307155

File: 855bf06347f7d68⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, endingbeatrisopendoor1.jpg)


you fucked up

Now i wonder why you fuckers immediately jumped in this thread


To find the final boss, follow the way the enemies come from.

1b9ae9 No.14307157


Kill yourself furfag, its pretty amusing how I am still getting called a newfag whenever I dare go against the narrative.

a972fc No.14307160

File: 55ccffcdace6c20⋯.png (89.74 KB, 280x408, 35:51, 55ccffcdace6c204d3cd83daa8….png)


Im the faggot who drew that.

a7b9d3 No.14307162

File: eab6a1915579d84⋯.gif (51.76 KB, 625x626, 625:626, destroyer of threads.gif)

e34fe9 No.14307163


>a post crying about tits

>yet denying us the gracious tit pics below it

oh the irony

cdd947 No.14307164

File: 0e7cda130f9e1c4⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 680x580, 34:29, 0e7cda130f9e1c4010f44b418a….jpg)

7943cc No.14307167

File: 7f3a73f38aa2b21⋯.png (101.79 KB, 578x574, 289:287, 1459046270037.png)


even better

e9c26f No.14307169

File: d03d189f7cc671b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 23.26 KB, 320x210, 32:21, IMG_0201.JPG)

File: 4f584b0f050f4f5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 50.84 KB, 529x604, 529:604, tina_small_655_by_harinen-….jpg)

>vg tits

I sleep



2bf720 No.14307170

File: a343292002c94c9⋯.jpg (320.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bat butt.jpg)

File: 314b55f1b473639⋯.jpg (242.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bat butt2.jpg)


Yeah, I can easily discern newfags, even when they're not doing anything that stupid, because they act exactly like I used to. It's weirdly nostalgic.

7943cc No.14307178

File: 0194334b85a3601⋯.png (157.73 KB, 500x359, 500:359, 1457828478192.png)

cdd947 No.14307181

File: e1f070ccaeed081⋯.png (184.12 KB, 314x500, 157:250, 2b.png)

What vidya game has the largest titties?

1b9ae9 No.14307183

e34fe9 No.14307188




at least someone saved it


>Other anons probably know what I mean

yep, its strange

e6447f No.14307194

File: c3eb95a0d87d6a2⋯.jpg (118.29 KB, 600x677, 600:677, dragonscrown-sorceress-108.jpg)


good question, but i love them all, no matter how big they are.

cdd947 No.14307199

File: bb3fe7eebce6406⋯.png (234.36 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 54150611_p0.png)


But I actually mean, which vidya game has, canonically, the largest tits.

Sorceress seems to be up there, I suppose.

87e190 No.14307209


Which 2hu has biggest teetees

54510b No.14307210

File: b7c6440878c0b9d⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 576x999, 64:111, 3fd68e66362563c8506aa96861….jpg)

File: a3f82d60db6d165⋯.png (1.31 MB, 666x1000, 333:500, 1450738645464-0.png)

File: ec763ba2cdf4ddd⋯.jpg (203.06 KB, 1200x1715, 240:343, Loose_93df0a_6510224.jpg)

File: cb0530a9f7ef757⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2792353378a13ce118805459b3….jpg)





e31794 No.14307220

File: e3cdf06573f5f98⋯.jpg (628.18 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, __homura_xenoblade_and_xen….jpg)

File: 067787fc4b90653⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1500x1873, 1500:1873, __takamaki_anne_persona_an….png)

File: 1f56b573eee3f0b⋯.jpg (163.32 KB, 928x1280, 29:40, Sorceress.jpg)

File: bbdd2c7571b16ea⋯.jpeg (44.59 KB, 332x470, 166:235, Queensgate_mai.jpeg)

File: 00c7b03390fc126⋯.jpg (727.06 KB, 1812x2580, 151:215, __seong_mi_na_and_sophitia….jpg)

God bless these Magumbos

5e2061 No.14307223


Patchy obviously

87e190 No.14307239

File: 862c5ccc0b26733⋯.png (29.15 KB, 800x473, 800:473, plsrember.png)


I dunno i imagine yuuka has some big flowers

2bf720 No.14307246


You should count out any porn game, since they always oversexualize to the point of absurdity, and I'm sure there's a character with tits literally bigger than her.

a972fc No.14307248

File: ad1100ae35b4767⋯.png (980.47 KB, 900x675, 4:3, mirth ceases.png)


Wait, doesn't flower refer to vagina and not tits?

t. obviously not burger

e6447f No.14307264

File: 0638938cbb92cbb⋯.jpg (263.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 81984-0-1486281380.jpg)

>>14307188 checked

>its strange

Actually, it's not so strange.

We know, at least since the last happening with SNK, that SJW hate sexy women in media (or overall, everywhere) and we also know that goons and shills exist on this board, either to derail the gg thread or to shill some as fucking weird agenda shit here. I am not so surprised about this by the fast respond from these fuckers. This also tells me that we are doing the right thing. The tits apocalypse must go on until the last one resigned and hopefully be subverted of a mountain of wonderful tits.

I would even go so far to break out of this thread and spread the love of tits in the far distance of video game worlds, be it with a modification in a racing game or fighting game. From now on i will only choose character with big tits for online games and even down to the last detail, be it a spray in gmod of a women with big tits, i will go this road for the tits

They will hate it!

a972fc No.14307274


>derail the gg thread

Jesus those threads are the garbage dump of the board.

cdd947 No.14307278

File: 0477247fc86ccb9⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1400x1500, 14:15, 3b19ba264b9a8d1a273f9df13b….png)

File: afe7804bc3eacdc⋯.jpg (108.28 KB, 480x800, 3:5, 68a3e1bd1e27d21a310f3f73d3….jpg)


Here's Yuuka and not Yuuka


You're correct.

e31794 No.14307296

File: 50f562ab397218d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, __sorceress_dragon_s_crown….png)

File: 0466453afded802⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 673x950, 673:950, __sorceress_dragon_s_crown….jpg)

File: fdae147a56e8250⋯.jpg (213.07 KB, 569x800, 569:800, __sorceress_dragon_s_crown….jpg)

File: 491f5fad21ea60e⋯.png (239.89 KB, 586x371, 586:371, Mombot Jason.PNG)

Speaking of tits, anyone planning on buying Dragon's Crown just to trigger SJWs?

We know Jason Schreier would get super triggered if there's games that involve tits

cdd947 No.14307299


Ⓚ ⓘ ⓛ ⓛ  Ⓨ ⓞ ⓤ ⓡ ⓢ ⓔ ⓛ ⓕ

b94c3c No.14307305

File: 2008f978178e193⋯.jpg (158.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hMtFium.jpg)

Not enough games pay respect to the nipple

a972fc No.14307309

File: b81c4dcdf435809⋯.png (270.92 KB, 381x322, 381:322, confused looking anime gir….png)

e31794 No.14307310

File: e61186694dc85b8⋯.jpg (29.14 KB, 247x353, 247:353, lol. what a gay.jpg)

>Thread bumplocked

Mods confirmed gay boys.

4b1669 No.14307320


>Saying "weebshit"

>While calling everyone else "vedditors"

Fuck off, goon.

sage for off topic

e6447f No.14307323

cdd947 No.14307324

File: a8be80f5aed301e⋯.jpg (95.87 KB, 832x800, 26:25, 7b7b59eccc25e7e0e6e477966a….jpg)


Cobalt's listed in the log

e9c26f No.14307333

File: c044b6921871a28⋯.jpg (161.23 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Adrian_Bouchet_Santa_MV5BM….jpg)


Nobody would do that right? Being gay on the internet?

e6447f No.14307337

so, with the bumblock it got confirmed, no tits.. !?

e31794 No.14307342

File: 371c76606e30115⋯.jpg (145.86 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Chicken Sandwich.jpg)



Doesn't he have an account on a gay fanfiction site?

I don't know the full details but there was a thread about one of the mods being an aggressive gay boy.

bb9258 No.14307353


A thought came to me the other day. You know how people are constantly arguing about whether traps are gay or not? Well 2D porn is actually gay, and that's because it's drawn by men. You're fapping to the handiwork and project of a man's hands and his lust, his idea of an erotic vision, fapping to his idea of a woman. You're fapping to what actually amounts to a man. You're gay and you didn't even know it.

8a9618 No.14307354

File: e6876285b8abeb6⋯.jpeg (101.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 213654789555.jpeg)

e6447f No.14307356

File: 68c09e7a57168ef⋯.jpg (26.71 KB, 600x640, 15:16, 222300-kasumi.jpg)


can we get mark on this


25e093 No.14307364

54510b No.14307379




Why is okay for the hotpockets to control discussions on the board like this? Nobody is porn dumping, /v/ isn't even a SFW board anyway. Why aren't we allowed to talka bout big titties?


Nobody cares about those dead boards, Mark.

bb9258 No.14307398


Because Mark and his nofun goons want to establish /v/ as a friendly and presentable family-friendly Christian community.

05f2e3 No.14307402

File: 002bea5e4a95535⋯.png (180.81 KB, 504x278, 252:139, Frenchtaunting.PNG)

Reminder it is not a tiddie without an areola

This piss poor thread is everything that is wrong with video games. Without proper areola it is just a husk of ones and zeros meant to tantalize those who are just starting to understand what life and hometown are all about. Good day and good riddance.

e31794 No.14307409

File: f0bc5eeeebc757a⋯.jpg (223.38 KB, 1024x887, 1024:887, SJW in disguise (color).JPG)




I though he was jewish?


>This piss poor thread is everything that is wrong with video games

Pic related this is you.

46b719 No.14307413

This entire fucking thread is filled with children. I can't even say you're redditors, because even redditors don't act this retarded. This is Facebook tier.

05f2e3 No.14307419


HUSKS only arouse the weak. There is a need for proper tiddies in video games. I am sorry if this went over your head.

376af0 No.14307420


A yid has no interest in preserving Christianity.

cdd947 No.14307427

File: 54e9832b6092950⋯.png (27.83 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1393026_p0.png)

File: 1885e0eea961b67⋯.jpg (413.38 KB, 904x1200, 113:150, 1421b7d2f330c34a7ebf50cd2c….jpg)


>He says on a video game section on a chinese cartoons board

Were those ten dollars worth it?

54510b No.14307430


>Liking tits is for children!

t. pedo or mod or Mark

They're all the same, really.

46b719 No.14307434


No, I fucking love tits. I'm talking about the faggots who are typing out Facebook normie tier memes

87e190 No.14307441


I wanna fug yuuka

if only there was a game that let me do so

d7a139 No.14307443

File: 4e729239cc27d07⋯.jpg (506.04 KB, 877x1240, 877:1240, __hakurei_reimu_ibuki_suik….jpg)

File: 7c511dd25098b33⋯.png (756.87 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 47297088_p0.png)

cdd947 No.14307444

File: 67e760ebb8da275⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 240x400, 3:5, HNI_0052.JPG)

File: dbd880a1a08dc42⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 400x240, 5:3, HNI_0063.JPG)

File: 1665ae9585414c8⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 400x240, 5:3, HNI_0066.JPG)


Clarify next time

4c358c No.14307448


Ain't that the truth. For my part though, I sleep through all of it, censorship included.

Also saging because

>>>/vp/ exists for your porn dumping requirements.

3493fd No.14307463


Giantess… really?


e3d7c6 No.14307484

File: f46ed129c66d9e5⋯.jpg (116.78 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 1467258945993.jpg)


>They removed the jiggle physics in the PC port

e31794 No.14307520

File: cd6b109358abdad⋯.jpg (341.28 KB, 700x790, 70:79, why_tho.jpg)


>They removed the jiggle physics in the PC port

87e190 No.14307525


What game?

1eb70d No.14307526

post dubs

b8f168 No.14307541


SFV is at least one game where they did this.

e57d37 No.14307544

File: 0a3fac5c1541717⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 119.75 KB, 999x999, 1:1, Author_Space_Jin.jpg)

2bf720 No.14307548

File: a8d4a9c9056999c⋯.jpg (216.98 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 5f57b5f3d6252d1bc5f655d6a7….jpg)


Double D's?

9a626a No.14307550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e31794 No.14307554

File: a43a7b62767af06⋯.png (805.89 KB, 1000x727, 1000:727, __jack_o_valentine_and_kni….png)

87e190 No.14307560


How awful

b8d6f6 No.14307563

File: aad17c476ddfa0b⋯.png (629.57 KB, 482x710, 241:355, Djeeta.png)

Well, I switched to Djeeta just to see this art, but I will play a little more with her.

b8d6f6 No.14307566

Wrong thread sorry

cdd947 No.14307571

File: 51763753063230e⋯.png (493.31 KB, 849x430, 849:430, moonslut.png)

4f741e No.14307580

File: 1fe4e5884fe0035⋯.webm (4.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dwarf's crown.webm)


>not buying Dragon's Crown because it's actually fun

Bully this fag.

8662f8 No.14307586


Sorry for what ?

b4cb0a No.14307588


me on the left

a972fc No.14307600


Our daddies though us not to be ashamed of our dicks.

59a3a9 No.14307601

File: c22fbc110248104⋯.jpg (98.46 KB, 600x900, 2:3, beatrix (3).jpg)


Beatrix best FF girl.


Is Dragon's Crown coming to Switch or did I get my wires crossed somewhere?

93ef93 No.14307602


But a 3d girl is the handiwork of a man's genes and dick. The mother doesn't count since women can't into fine art. Therefore, fapping to 3d is equally gay.

e3d7c6 No.14307603


Because they're faggots.


SA2. Rouge's tits are harder than my grandpa's rotting carcase.

e31794 No.14307607

File: 364dabf53a53ecc⋯.jpg (263.75 KB, 800x1166, 400:583, Solange Blanchefleur de Lu….jpg)

File: 29f7ac475b05c4b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1000x1400, 5:7, __solange_blanchefleur_de_….jpg)

File: 822610b8c1b74ef⋯.jpg (418.41 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, __solange_blanchefleur_de_….jpg)

File: 8c1f829cb0e8679⋯.jpg (577.88 KB, 650x918, 325:459, __solange_blanchefleur_de_….jpg)

File: ce8fb519c84afe7⋯.jpg (248.3 KB, 600x1195, 120:239, __solange_blanchefleur_de_….jpg)

Anyone here played Code of Princess?

I just bought it and it was fun, but Jesus, the Princess has a nice body.


I enjoyed playing Dragon's Crown anon and i'm buying this as well but you can't deny it'll be funny when SJWs lose there shit when consumers are buying Dragon's Crown.

8a9618 No.14307621

File: 7ec42eaaa56773c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1252, 1:1, Jesus posts.png)


>I though he was jewish?

not for long

4f741e No.14307624


I pirated the pc port, and I honestly have to say that it wasn't a good port entirely because they tried to keep the dual screen thing, which just doesn't work when you put it on one screen.

3d5945 No.14307628


a lot of eromanga is drawn by the womens, e.g. feimaidoll and piero, both gigatit artists and megamilks IRL.

1d47a1 No.14307638


>Anyone here played Code of Princess?

Only with an undub because both the dub and the translation are crimes against humanity. The japanese VA cast is stacked with fucking allstars and those niggers that localized it ruined everything.

8662f8 No.14307654


Only good thing to come from Bioshit: Soyfinite.


>promised land

If thats how you call Hell

7943cc No.14307665


Fag you don't even know what I'm referring to.

821093 No.14307670

File: 5a62c19082770f2⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 120.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, official figure.jpeg)

now time to post some canon tits :^)

7c80c2 No.14307674

Hey guys, I'm trying to get an erection!

How about we quit talking about religion or just discussing in general and get back to dumping?

Last time we got the thread ruined by fags posting nuns, let's do it right this time.

Counting on you guys.

Also, not the same thing if I get the images myself.

ae6992 No.14307676

File: 84ebf6da73a2b85⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 448x500, 112:125, 78a846599a8db6976b19c2b43c….jpg)


Gameplay is way too simplistic and easy. Zozo is best girl. 5/10

87e190 No.14307685


yeah i'm down,keep going

9d411d No.14307688

File: d57df4ce0c91f70⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.84 MB, 781x1560, 781:1560, d57df4ce0c91f70e2b64cae798….png)


Sure thing friend :^)

8662f8 No.14307691

File: d22254f18857451⋯.png (581.98 KB, 650x676, 25:26, 1371710927285.png)


>post furshit, calls other fags



>furry scum was right after all

Well shit

11de7d No.14307693

File: 1e8e75649e64e5d⋯.jpg (191.76 KB, 830x623, 830:623, 20160513_232747.jpg)


Keep it coming, mods be damned

e3d7c6 No.14307700

File: fc64d280fad7e2b⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, shonzo_too_much.mp4)


>Last time we got the thread ruined by fags posting nuns, let's do it right this time.

Rodger that.

Jiggle physics are the only thing I'm looking forward to in VR. Any vrfags experience exquisite jiggle physics in VR yet?

7943cc No.14307707

File: 14603833b31dd86⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 622x559, 622:559, turn off.jpg)


>evading this hard

So you admit you had no idea what I was talking about and still had to interject.

87e190 No.14307710





e31794 No.14307716

File: 435c433f21e2ea6⋯.png (5.58 MB, 2507x3541, 2507:3541, __homura_xenoblade_and_xen….png)

File: 46eeb7531b6470e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 964.46 KB, 1200x941, 1200:941, __jack_o_valentine_guilty_….png)

File: 33b2b9f6db15b4f⋯.jpg (117.97 KB, 652x884, 163:221, leona_heidern_the_king_of_….jpg)

File: f2c3420137212a3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 874x1240, 437:620, __baiken_guilty_gear_and_g….png)

File: 9864f7126404e97⋯.jpg (381.47 KB, 600x900, 2:3, __bullet_blazblue_and_blaz….jpg)


For you

821093 No.14307719

File: dbd72c060ae6269⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 58.01 KB, 288x413, 288:413, aids cat.gif)

File: 0697517eff14c0b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.84 MB, 1711x657, 1711:657, lmao he got owned.png)



sure thing :^)

8a9618 No.14307728

File: a0f51293aa9ff6d⋯.jpg (186.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018010216283800-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 60a223a192b69c4⋯.jpg (228.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018010222590000-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 06041e490a7f93b⋯.jpg (203.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018010310510300-659B13F48….jpg)

File: f42ecaed23839ee⋯.jpg (161.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018011411163500-659B13F48….jpg)

fd9a95 No.14307731

File: de723f4d84563ee⋯.jpg (89.06 KB, 600x762, 100:127, 7c1de8d5df68522736701eb052….jpg)

File: 3f4f5eea966a277⋯.jpg (167.72 KB, 1035x740, 207:148, 3f4f5eea966a277e446807154b….jpg)

File: b38806d62bf3b76⋯.jpg (153.39 KB, 692x870, 346:435, aab6aacd925ebd308f1a0c4847….jpg)

File: eee5a2b9e9dff1f⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1000x1414, 500:707, eee5a2b9e9dff1f02ecaf2b2f2….png)

File: 5c9dcdf3d31fc04⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 2046x1446, 341:241, __phantasy_star_and_phanta….jpg)

cd119b No.14307733

File: 9694c5f73815e9c⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 473x571, 473:571, DQKk5qFW0AAoLd-.jpg)

File: c7082aa1bacdec1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.35 KB, 693x816, 231:272, 1167401-tiamat2.jpg)

File: 90dd32717af646d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 150.48 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, SatanSMT2-1024x800.jpg)

File: 9000a05f9090ce6⋯.jpg (120.04 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DQJHBA4WsAAI_gG.jpg)

>thread about boobs

No one posts the tittymonsters themselves

87e190 No.14307735


>that 4th

i wonder if anybody has made a mod for botw where links a straight up girl yet.

e31794 No.14307740

File: 041088c2b8d2c0b⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 728x545, 728:545, breast lover.jpg)


This is a breast lover thread anon.

We love all kinds of breasts.

e9c26f No.14307747

File: dd94a16153ee068⋯.jpg (416.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1DXrjcn.jpg)

File: d35ed91a2e28f26⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 888x638, 444:319, 542cc41c4b6f9e9336d969a543….jpg)

File: df1b400f7ca1e70⋯.jpg (218.04 KB, 1600x1301, 1600:1301, Tifa_Lockhart_Lisa Buijtew….jpg)

File: 20af27edc3fba38⋯.jpg (773.21 KB, 927x1207, 927:1207, 61015ee74c9602ec85a514a376….jpg)

646c53 No.14307751

File: 3f99da0f7ab624f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.06 MB, 2500x2282, 1250:1141, tits.png)


All kinds, you say?

87e190 No.14307755


That's dangerous territory,cmon.

821093 No.14307757

File: 5e3c2cf960ebe15⋯.png (915.63 KB, 771x601, 771:601, die.PNG)

8a9618 No.14307763

File: b8d097600329e31⋯.jpg (214.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018011815355800-659B13F48….jpg)

File: a81bf81e7126384⋯.jpg (283.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018011917225400-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 118ea77296f6308⋯.jpg (345.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012019054701-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 98d683cd860cb1b⋯.jpg (200.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012514330900-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 946765c718f3c12⋯.jpg (150.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012514375200-659B13F48….jpg)

7943cc No.14307765

File: aba667b7ee9e180⋯.jpg (65 KB, 720x954, 40:53, get out of here stalker.jpg)

b4cb0a No.14307775

File: 8d1b995219ac2d0⋯.png (66.24 KB, 295x197, 295:197, 1462832020698.png)


mistakes were made today

8662f8 No.14307778

File: a6025de93eda38d⋯.jpg (184.82 KB, 652x958, 326:479, jazz_nightmares_continue_f….jpg)


I dont know, anon.

since i really hope it isnt /kemono/



8ca548 No.14307780


I can almost taste it…

008f18 No.14307783

>not big meaty cocks

b8f168 No.14307784

File: 1bb4506a2fff975⋯.gif (426.11 KB, 500x331, 500:331, love.gif)


>that Nia and Pyra

Good lord Switch emulation/modding can not come soon enough.

bb9258 No.14307785

File: 0f00577c1ac0196⋯.gif (663.14 KB, 250x188, 125:94, 0f00577c1ac0196704f48bdff8….gif)

e3d7c6 No.14307789

File: aa0f6abfff4f3a6⋯.jpg (444.28 KB, 1556x1600, 389:400, 1467951525215-1.jpg)


Here you go.

fd9a95 No.14307796

File: 696ec4db3229c6e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 850x1201, 850:1201, 1376708618421.png)

File: dcb07611d43a06e⋯.jpg (812.93 KB, 1300x1682, 650:841, b3338c931f31f81ae47b13b3ce….jpg)

File: de15028e72e0777⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ee8b0146d010f552ad87ee3fe8….png)

File: 6fcaf77fe8837ca⋯.jpg (310.56 KB, 1243x1500, 1243:1500, 6dbb209076c9e6b458bfa6879d….jpg)

File: 731193abe07e748⋯.jpg (699.56 KB, 900x1257, 300:419, b6d214a0aa97fb52a241d88234….jpg)

7943cc No.14307800

File: 1ea93b773280e59⋯.png (163.2 KB, 680x536, 85:67, none of this honking matte….png)


It's not, nigger. I do go there though

e31794 No.14307803

File: b6b221e09628829⋯.jpg (208.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Aranea_Highwind.jpg)

File: 7a29d5722de2376⋯.jpg (179.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, final-fantasy-xv-cindy-ima….jpg)

File: baef2202f31a36b⋯.jpg (172.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FFXV_TGS_Shiva.jpg)


>tfw FFXV had superior waifus

>SE makes you stick with the worst girl

Fuck you SE.

9d411d No.14307804

File: ce3100cb46d7ecc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 120.46 KB, 800x707, 800:707, notfurry.jpg)

7943cc No.14307809


That wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the multiboob.

87e190 No.14307810


as a nightmare/alien fetishist,that's my shit right there

e3d7c6 No.14307821

File: f2995d552373e4b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1020.73 KB, 1100x1000, 11:10, Cow01.jpg)


>More boobs


What are you, gay or something?

bf06b1 No.14307822

File: 51c542cbf19cd6c⋯.webm (6.29 MB, 854x480, 427:240, flatisjustice.webm)

File: f7506353914b0bc⋯.jpg (221.9 KB, 800x558, 400:279, f7506353914b0bcbf9b38b7c11….jpg)

>all these idiots ITT

I hope you realize that the saying "flat is justice" exists for a reason

821093 No.14307826

File: 83147d156805141⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 146x128, 73:64, 83147d1568051416921dbcf8fa….jpg)


im ok with this

821093 No.14307829

File: 8b8880b14c3310a⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 680x419, 680:419, 8b8880b14c3310a0d61b910a32….jpg)


>being a flatcuck

8a9618 No.14307830

File: 51c12e5293a5570⋯.jpg (367.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012410293600-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 7520f54738db98a⋯.jpg (332.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012410360901-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 70a68fb28e087d2⋯.jpg (354.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012410381900-659B13F48….jpg)

File: acd0739ead06742⋯.jpg (368.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012410424300-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 4352902a3bfc4e3⋯.jpg (315.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012410435200-659B13F48….jpg)

87e190 No.14307833

File: cf732c5f29a1718⋯.jpg (21.13 KB, 226x245, 226:245, uhoh.JPG)


>he can't appreciate both

8662f8 No.14307834




H.R Giger would be proud

7943cc No.14307837


You're only proving my point. The only acceptable form is more nips but the only engorged boobs are the primary two on the chest.

8a9618 No.14307840

File: 93f4109bec16c97⋯.jpg (281.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012409423600-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 4b3fcf22418c381⋯.jpg (319.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012409430400-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 9a5ad283a989a43⋯.jpg (340.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012409553100-659B13F48….jpg)

File: 376ca38ad26f8cc⋯.jpg (348.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012410252500-659B13F48….jpg)

93ef93 No.14307841


>not realizing that flats can't exist without aras in the first place

e3d7c6 No.14307843

File: 7f8b96344ec534f⋯.jpg (80.01 KB, 372x539, 372:539, 37e01a1bd14ab0f0f8385829e2….jpg)


I was being sarcastic.

7943cc No.14307846

File: 86212909fb5c46f⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 718x719, 718:719, grumpy loli.jpg)


considering the people in this thread, it's hard to tell.

bf06b1 No.14307847

File: a488365454bc346⋯.png (21.38 KB, 207x239, 207:239, 1390448843379.png)


I seriously think you are the one in the wrong here, buckaroo. Having a bit of boobage ain't bad, but in the end, it all becomes saggy and gross. Regardless of whether you're a lolicon or not, flat girls are the best and the cutest.

Bloomers are also the best underwear but that's another matter entirely

e31794 No.14307852

File: 221a1ad9c706015⋯.jpg (550.73 KB, 1440x781, 1440:781, DeadorAliveXtreme3-Nyoteng….jpg)

File: ff7e937a09b1a87⋯.jpg (545 KB, 1440x781, 1440:781, DeadorAliveXtreme3-Nyoteng….jpg)

File: d16528a1f7c17bc⋯.jpg (196.1 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nyotengu__6_by_lucalancez-….jpg)

File: a692c065494045c⋯.jpg (819.64 KB, 1440x781, 1440:781, DeadorAliveXtreme3-Nyoteng….jpg)

File: 85ee9e77c3b33b9⋯.jpg (160.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nyotengu__5_by_lucalancez-….jpg)

1eb70d No.14307856

File: 87c3e891292574d⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 478x640, 239:320, arent girls with flat ches….jpg)

7943cc No.14307857


gay edit.

8a9618 No.14307858


>current year plus 3

>not being a good Gaijin

bf06b1 No.14307866

File: 394b7b106094866⋯.gif (267.44 KB, 530x320, 53:32, 394b7b10609486692ae804a3f6….gif)


First of all, that girl is too young. Second of all, that girl has makeup on, which is a big no-no. Third of all, girls her age shouldn't be wearing such clothing. That is far too skimpy.

821093 No.14307867

File: 9fddbe9c4074cff⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 53.71 KB, 720x708, 60:59, fun fact.jpg)


well you see

7943cc No.14307868


>not denying you would fuck a real underage 3dpd

anon you're worrying me

bb9258 No.14307869


Fourth of all, she's 3D.

87e190 No.14307871


Yeah i thought that'd be point 1.

f81336 No.14307874

File: 0cb47b620d9a1fa⋯.png (286.49 KB, 874x904, 437:452, 0cb47b620d9a1fac1bde58a77c….png)


>Complains about newfags, Facebook and low effort posts

>Uses the word "normie"

Shit like this is why I don't post here anymore.

I give it half a year before the fucking board is flooded with Vine meme OPs ala cuckchan.

e9c26f No.14307876

File: afdf01472e8b2b9⋯.mp4 (6.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, こなろふ- @konarofu 20 nov 201….mp4)


In throes of rage, I shall hone my craft.

8a9618 No.14307880

File: e77dc447842a29a⋯.jpg (73.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018012515161400-659B13F48….jpg)


>giving a fuck about 3DPD

9d411d No.14307881


A flat chest is like anal. It's what fags like.

72e595 No.14307882


Nia best girl, hope that doesn't make me a furry

646c53 No.14307883

File: 5802fb647709078⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1007.07 KB, 1900x1347, 1900:1347, tits 2.jpg)

Looks like I'm gonna have to get this thread back on track with some more delicious crotchtits.

e31794 No.14307886

File: 5c18281a3462060⋯.gif (610.56 KB, 500x281, 500:281, time_to_fap.gif)


>VR with Cindy

87e190 No.14307888

File: 7c817c106ab6c86⋯.gif (339.15 KB, 160x160, 1:1, goaway.gif)

bf06b1 No.14307889



What the hell did I say? I don't want any of this. Plus, I think if I came across a cute little girl and was made her guardian, I'd take care of her lovingly while maintaining a purely platonic relationship. I figure this because I was really disappointed when things took a turn for the worst in Teaching Feeling, if you know what I am talking about.


>that banner

9d411d No.14307892


If you like catgirls, the furry virus is already inside you.

b0a24e No.14307893


>human pussy

>human boobs

you failed

87e190 No.14307899


This is a cursed gif

b8f168 No.14307900

File: 4a5bb5d8cebb5f4⋯.webm (1.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nintendo switch.webm)


You have no idea how excited I am for Switch emulation to come around. I am actively saving money for a rig specifically for Switch emulation only.

bf06b1 No.14307901

File: ab3a8d1e20197a0⋯.gif (19.36 KB, 500x332, 125:83, ab3a8d1e20197a06f0f2a6923f….gif)



e7f9ed No.14307902

File: 0df02c7c8405b2e⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 615x615, 1:1, Mokou and smaller Mokou fl….jpg)

File: 697a4e8f777e20d⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 475x615, 95:123, More Mokou Tiddies.jpg)

File: bb9046623ce8587⋯.png (287.42 KB, 482x615, 482:615, Mokou Tiddies.png)

File: 1e2f58158b49dc7⋯.jpg (58.83 KB, 439x615, 439:615, Even More Mokou Tiddes.jpg)


They really are, but what is a house without a garbage can?

b4cb0a No.14307905


post more moko

515b56 No.14307906


My brother… well, you all already know.

821093 No.14307907

File: 0e837518e1c781a⋯.png (1.77 MB, 771x601, 771:601, die 2.png)


>its this fucking faggot again

e9c26f No.14307909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only involvement you should have with little girls is to raise them like a good surrogate father and teach them morals

8a9618 No.14307910

File: 68c2999f4572594⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 253x296, 253:296, 1434391153958.jpg)



bf06b1 No.14307914


post accurate mokou (i.e. flat)

87e190 No.14307917


I want to impregnate her.

59a3a9 No.14307920

File: 0e252ad8a6cc85b⋯.jpg (307.64 KB, 1005x793, 1005:793, samus and peach.jpg)

File: 263fa1674305175⋯.jpg (320.18 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, zelda ganon.jpg)

File: a388691912497d5⋯.jpg (105.51 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, zelda r34 1.jpg)

File: dc254dd9a06cb85⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.62 MB, 960x540, 16:9, zss hotdogging.gif)

File: e0d31f7074419e5⋯.jpg (139.84 KB, 660x1020, 11:17, zss23.jpg)


There are mods to change the player model to Zelda, One Punch Man, and something else, but none to make Link completely r63.

f8e6bd No.14307924


Source of webm?

b27ca0 No.14307926


Much 2D erotica is drawn by women.

646c53 No.14307927

File: c0eb22c07657a9d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.68 MB, 2500x1838, 1250:919, tits 3.png)


This is pretty much the only artist that draws both properly and I didnt want to use his art twice in a row.

1eb70d No.14307930

File: 5e52b1d2c186a34⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 480x476, 120:119, I ain't clicking that shit.jpg)


54510b No.14307932

File: 67bb7c8c499e42b⋯.webm (2.04 MB, 640x480, 4:3, PANIC mst3k.webm)


cdd947 No.14307933

File: d557bcd5a871c21⋯.jpg (250.58 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 56a9c7cbadac07d8d7ae2aac58….jpg)

I don't dare ever clicking onions

e3f55e No.14307935

>come into thread

>mark the fat ugly piece of kike controlling the narrative again

Yep this place is worse than cuckchan

a597d9 No.14307936


If more exposure happens another exodus is in call.

8a9618 No.14307938

File: 0f5db418d9e2c72⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.32 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1416935421909.jpg)



>not going for both

87e190 No.14307939


is she an official nurse?

9d411d No.14307940


Yeah, you should just go back there.

646c53 No.14307941


No, but >>14307927 certainly is.

8a9618 No.14307943


>Shit like this is why I don't post here anymore.

then why are you here? just to suffer?

4a54e3 No.14307947


>This is pretty much the only artist that draws both properly

couldn't be further from the truth

8662f8 No.14307950

File: ddf8455aed6229b⋯.jpg (22.73 KB, 552x344, 69:43, Dat_smug_look_before_somet….JPG)


You fucker

87e190 No.14307955


Do you wish for a beating from the son of a shepard?

e7f9ed No.14307964

File: c6d01a0958c770d⋯.jpg (231.78 KB, 850x1430, 85:143, Uniform Mokou.jpg)

File: 895ca54d331c559⋯.png (175.08 KB, 274x615, 274:615, Throw Kaguya out of a heli….png)

File: 702cf54cd3acbe1⋯.jpg (22.27 KB, 435x615, 29:41, Uniform Mokou 2.jpg)

File: 68f125c32026f80⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 547x616, 547:616, Housewife Mokou.jpg)

File: c8a6a288466eb01⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 723x615, 241:205, Kiss the Cook.jpg)




don't we all?

e3f55e No.14307965

File: f55c0b7a6277cec⋯.jpg (26.39 KB, 341x411, 341:411, f55c0b7a6277cec0ac22003768….jpg)


After you

646c53 No.14307969


pretty much the only one that draws both properly and actually has the image vaguely centered on the tits. Most other images I have or have found when looking have other stuff going on.

f81336 No.14307973

File: 0197003c7999653⋯.png (173.48 KB, 322x312, 161:156, 0197003c7999653980bc2166fb….png)


>just to suffer?

Pretty much, and also to future proof OC

4a54e3 No.14307978

File: 14a167b5c7ad6ec⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.55 MB, 1280x1116, 320:279, eat fresh.png)


fair enough :^)

e31794 No.14307979

File: 6bd92c6a6f442b7⋯.jpg (328.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-08-….jpg)

File: dc84a5c92d23e9f⋯.jpg (383.79 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-08-….jpg)

File: f9d23c2d32cf05b⋯.jpg (446.49 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-08-….jpg)

File: 3f63c8a2561950a⋯.jpg (516.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Soulcalibur-VI_2017_12-08-….jpg)

Back to tits.

Which Soul Calibur girl has the best tits?

I vote for Sophitia

cdd947 No.14307980

File: 8ce911c9e585b55⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 260.98 KB, 600x900, 2:3, aeadecea1bced55691d2936567….jpg)


She'd be my second choice for a waifu, so I can't have her. Props to whoever does.

e3f55e No.14307981



Your gondola is pure cancer and you have autism

515b56 No.14307988

File: 86628ada8f9a387⋯.jpg (235.49 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, df4ac8a65823e9fd1da4d8bcba….jpg)

File: 3334c8bad22709a⋯.jpg (6.99 MB, 5533x7280, 5533:7280, 4bec85542202840d11a2e790a6….jpg)

>>14307979 (checked)


f81336 No.14307997

File: 9892e6bed1bc25c⋯.jpg (234.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ff96cef40571fa6401a24172e3….jpg)



Hello cuckchan, how about going back to your shithole since this place is so bad?

Banned for another month from it?

bb9258 No.14308004


>loli porn game still not removed from steam

what magic have the chinks done this time?

e3f55e No.14308026


>trying too hard to fit in

>complaining when people use normie because it is simply shorter than any normalfag

>posts godola drawn in anything other than mspaint

>posts gondola with hands

Please just kill yourself newfag

f81336 No.14308027


It's censored

8a9618 No.14308030


its art so it cant be porn.

f81336 No.14308033

File: 7639ab2da97c8cc⋯.gif (12.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7639ab2da97c8cc71e222e5034….gif)


>trying too hard to fit in

You have 0 self awareness

87e190 No.14308053

what happened to the tits posters?

515b56 No.14308064




There are probably more.

87e190 No.14308069


those boards are deader then shit though,i'd rather get some in this thread

515b56 No.14308071


Be the change you want to see in the world.

7943cc No.14308103

File: 2293282acfad570⋯.mp4 (185.3 KB, 326x184, 163:92, get some help.mp4)


Fuck off.

000000 No.14308167


I don't need help from anyone you'd consider qualified, because your "helpers" are feminist shills. Oh and what a surprise, mods are acting like goon faggots banning every view they don't like again. Enough of this shit. They should unironically be doxed.

43bf12 No.14308328


I love perfect orb tits. As a boy I thought all women had these and I'd fondle my own pair one day. Hahaha ha…

eb0398 No.14308356


boobs dont smell like poo though

eb0398 No.14308357


>I'd fondle my own pair one day. Hahaha ha…

some day anon… some day

eb0398 No.14308367

File: 11c9053f03a8c69⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 460x500, 23:25, 11c9053f03a8c699c33f08170c….jpg)





eb0398 No.14308373


wtf game is that? i want to play vr with qt waifu

0b9405 No.14308530

File: 34e41cc2f21de6e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 505.81 KB, 1100x1000, 11:10, デカイゆかりん.jpg)

File: da114e0b5477343⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 523 KB, 734x914, 367:457, 1440039947682-3.jpg)

File: 6c7c8ad332f0205⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 453.73 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CrfMfNwUIAAk_GJ_orig.jpg)

File: 5459175cc311d42⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 249.2 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 八雲ハウスだ!.jpg)

File: 588dc807064be8c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 615.75 KB, 792x1152, 11:16, R-10注意w)お題箱「とても大きな胸のゆかりんをお….jpg)

0b9405 No.14308547

File: 2b721cad9d77508⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 32.52 KB, 400x240, 5:3, 1412991812025-0.jpg)

File: e1aecbc2d6a345f⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 407.1 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1414614526160.jpeg)

File: db37e47568f840e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 148.16 KB, 356x727, 356:727, 1444885553682-3.png)

File: 5734b3198b20f36⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 261.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1447037655614.png)

File: 4b029cfe3ab0996⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 167.26 KB, 800x974, 400:487, busty mirai.png)

0b9405 No.14308764

File: f90709a93d1889a⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 3432x2893, 312:263, きょぬー診断.jpg)


>We love all kinds of breasts.

7943cc No.14308795

File: 2b33befe736bb48⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Taiko.jpg)


>0 is hole in the chest

>1 is already at double D

Even ignoring the dobson tier shit this chart is absolute fucking trash.

72ee04 No.14308836

File: 3cd64ff462410fb⋯.jpg (106.86 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Ivy SCIV.jpg)




000000 No.14308894

>half of half of the thread is gone

what was it

>inb4 >>>/metav/

0b9405 No.14309025


Lv. 0 is the only reason to save that image, to be honest.

e6447f No.14309291

File: 864045625ff2612⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

Nice to see this is still alive and no longer bumplocked. Thank you very much. Also thank you for keeping this thread clean from all the shill attacks. What we saw here from the beginning, goon posting, derail attempts, bumplocks and what not, is actually an example for how much they don't want this to happened. You should become aware from this moment on and be prepared to counter this in the future. This Apocalypse of Tits is not going to end with the end of this thread. At best it will go on and even influence our grandchildren, break the DiGRA Brainwashing and burn the neo-feminism agenda.

This is something they can't counter, they have no damage control plan for this. They tell the world how much we have grown up and no longer want this, manufactured on social platforms a wrong image of the people just to manipulate the market, devs fall for it, normalfags believe it. But with a flood of tits, this manufactured shit can be breaked. How do they counter this without giving it to much attention? They don't.

Keep it coming, never give up. Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit what anyone is saying.

e6447f No.14309298

ah, i see, it just got bumplocked again. Huh, they really do not want this to be seen … fuck you mod.

e6447f No.14309448


shills tried to kill the thread, a mod helped by bumplocking it. Socjus folks don't like tits.

25e093 No.14309599


>defends pedophilia

>"we should dox the mods!"

2ed68b No.14309615



It's Eirin from touhou.

I don't know were all these faggots hating tits came from.

I wish they would just go make their own /v/ offshoot, so they can fuck off there.

515b56 No.14309658


Move it on over, stragglers.

df63e3 No.14309785


>SA2. Rouge's tits are harder than my grandpa's rotting carcase.

Since when did Sonic have tit physics?

8ea435 No.14309824

File: fb4c429e18d7429⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.36 MB, 555x540, 37:36, StudioNEO_0021.webm)

Does this count as video games?

e6447f No.14309844


e6447f No.14309851

File: fd69c1155f75877⋯.jpg (291.79 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, laracroft.jpg)

ok? kek! I'm no longer banned and the bumplock is gone? Now i am really sure i hit the hornet nest with this.

Keep the tits coming anons!

2d62c0 No.14309869


I want to fuck that bunny.

6cbf21 No.14309878

File: a1b7724e989bfc8⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 600x861, 200:287, 8e8.jpg)


What if you draw your own lewd 2D material?

df63e3 No.14309895


OG Lara is top tier

df63e3 No.14309899

File: c21c1e6e97e75c2⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 357x450, 119:150, tard.jpg)


fuck I meant to click "Spoiler Image" but I hit "Do Not Bump"

6909b5 No.14309904


you can delete the file

df63e3 No.14309910

File: 44e6a73d610fd01⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.93 MB, 2048x2411, 2048:2411, ClipboardImage.png)

6cbf21 No.14309911


I'm sure a kind, selfless volunteer will gently spoiler Anon's pic without further repercussions.

55f05a No.14309929

>this thread

Jesus another emental. What happened to "the less moderation, the better"?

d13372 No.14309948


they do if you wipe your arse on them

e6447f No.14309950

File: 6529542a3782049⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 6d28b788819aa2a03acf0efffe….jpg)

>82 UID's

>and still there are (1)'s


wonder who is behind this post



708bce No.14309979

File: f9695ded2a4a864⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 720x720, 1:1, too loyal for this shit.jpg)

962429 No.14309982

File: 87417c5194acd15⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 850x475, 34:19, elmo end of the world.jpg)


…or ban him for three days.

df63e3 No.14310001

File: 5069c3727c95a92⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 5.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, triss tits.png)


What happened to "more tits, the better"?

df63e3 No.14310020

File: cf1c9f0dd92725f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 5.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ciri tits.png)

21ef4c No.14310031

File: b3436a8127fc417⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 196x257, 196:257, benefit of the doubt.jpg)


>since 2014

Let's just hope you mean the "here" literally.

21ef4c No.14310036

File: a546301868f479e⋯.jpg (169.34 KB, 1161x640, 1161:640, sorceress tits irl.jpg)

55f05a No.14310039

File: 1aeb1082be17e5c⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 800x450, 16:9, tits.webm)

File: 1e9c156adaa1482⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 666x942, 111:157, 1e9.jpg)

File: 4125e49f9c5367c⋯.jpg (237.96 KB, 712x1000, 89:125, 4125e49f9c5367ca6dd98cc869….jpg)

File: 6485f72dbe795e7⋯.jpg (364.62 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 6485f72dbe795e7f355aff6264….jpg)


okay lets get back on track

465043 No.14310040

File: cbc7842c14674bd⋯.jpg (738.48 KB, 1126x829, 1126:829, 1442585 - the_forest.jpg)

This thread make me wonder why The Forest has almost no porn produced of it, despite the fact that the game is full of naked people.

df63e3 No.14310041

File: 57b87ee3e8f127a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 156.41 KB, 1102x1050, 551:525, 1180494 - Final_Fantasy_XI….jpg)

Whoever created the thread on /pol/ linking here as an example of "Basement dwellers attacking the SJW tumor" and "Tits Apocalypse" is a fucking retard

Now let's get back to the tits.

55f05a No.14310044

File: 57f0683f7ea86c4⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 4.55 MB, 3508x4875, 3508:4875, 118517939915430c24c309df0….jpeg)

File: c048f84570489aa⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1125x1500, 3:4, a848aed0d27645b2f2c2a751b0….png)

File: bc282ae3c48453f⋯.jpg (535.15 KB, 885x1000, 177:200, 637255 - Selvaria_Bles Val….jpg)

File: ef8fb551080f73c⋯.jpg (804.41 KB, 1000x1544, 125:193, ef8fb551080f73cd9ec9e23150….jpg)

File: ce35a8db7dcf1e6⋯.jpg (507.3 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, ce35a8db7dcf1e6b84a411f9fc….jpg)

who has the best tits in vidya ?

875ee2 No.14310047


Because its a shit early access game that tried to be streamer bait

55f05a No.14310048

File: 70e4410f6324579⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, gloria.png)

File: c0c66b521d00a1a⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, c0c66b521d00a1a1571779ef1c….jpg)


fug, promotions

ea5b1e No.14310049

File: 701e14c6b0086a1⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 400x562, 200:281, for what pvrpose.jpg)


>linking this thread on /pol/

df63e3 No.14310055


They look like an even more diseased version of those Africans that walk around topless

da739d No.14310061

File: 819a130a8d8dcd8⋯.jpg (504.39 KB, 565x700, 113:140, gentle.jpg)


>You are so getting banned

b8f168 No.14310062



/pol/ doesn't give a shit about /v/ topics. I remember exactly one vidya thread made over there that wasn't immediately ignored and actually generated some pretty good discussion over it. Most other ones will either be accused of being a slide thread thread or get a handfull of replies.

134cd9 No.14310065

File: b4915aa4e367d55⋯.jpg (727.78 KB, 1300x2311, 1300:2311, Ara Overloard.jpg)

File: 538d1f41075fbd0⋯.jpg (600.7 KB, 1300x2311, 1300:2311, Mountains of Faith.jpg)

File: 665d4a7b0174416⋯.jpg (664.73 KB, 1300x2311, 1300:2311, The best medicine.jpg)

Choose wisely.

55f05a No.14310067

File: f150e8cfa8beed6⋯.jpeg (546.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0f1f5ca98ae51497e54f36f21….jpeg)


/pol/ went to shit after elections and is full of redditors and hotpockets are even worse than on /v/

3ed7f1 No.14310078

df63e3 No.14310079

File: 2c82a966437cc10⋯.png (3.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

d21a64 No.14310081


The thread was made and is being flooded by a known brazilian spammer here on 8chan.

But you know that, you're him.

df63e3 No.14310082

File: e77813d859e65ab⋯.png (294.08 KB, 618x376, 309:188, ClipboardImage.png)

Apparently there are nude models in FFXV. Whoever found out is a faggot and cropped the image too high though

3ed7f1 No.14310092


And? I m ok with tits Apocalyps

77af88 No.14310100


I'm betting that no one had bothered with the luna model because she is a featureless bitch with no character to back it up.

f6f105 No.14310101

File: e6f1774f52a5270⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 783.17 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 1495056962288.jpg)



Whoever made those models must have used actual Polish women for inspo. Every one I've known has had that body type.

Chani still a best tho

4709d1 No.14310107

File: 36417a91c06597d⋯.jpg (535.85 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 49952109_p0.jpg)

File: fb2647186b6720f⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 480x600, 4:5, judy23.jpg)

File: 29b4482594d7fcd⋯.png (2.62 MB, 3560x5000, 89:125, cc933109348dce9c95cc719d9f….png)

File: d21d6b0523ce038⋯.jpg (848.87 KB, 1071x1516, 1071:1516, GoldenYellow-08.jpg)

File: b5237ae917e34b8⋯.png (634.18 KB, 644x906, 322:453, 53946430_p0.png)

Don't fear the female anatomy, no matter the size

515b56 No.14310108

File: d567cf21a8f4e77⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.2 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 1422755127549-0.gif)


Of all time? That's an easy one. Narrow your parameters a bit, I can say Elizabeth for most recent, Cia for Delicious Brown, or some other girl.

5ab866 No.14310110

>all these assblasted goons and tumblrinas

I'd post my hairy ass moobs just to fuck with you faggots if I had a camera.

df63e3 No.14310116

File: 7e9140e45f73ed7⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

3ed7f1 No.14310119

Question anons, why are so many goons and sjw here?

666963 No.14310120

File: 8da2f9662272ada⋯.jpg (119.37 KB, 784x1500, 196:375, quiet.jpg)

File: 2ce8ec599d8cd12⋯.png (916.57 KB, 800x883, 800:883, pal.png)


I would have thought the idiots would come and leave with the election but it's really fractured it..

500ce0 No.14310123

File: 80a58a93f631238⋯.jpeg (39.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9C4159EE-3A54-4664-89D6-2….jpeg)

File: 098102defacf0d8⋯.jpeg (265.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8E58A4A9-E2E7-4BE0-A23B-1….jpeg)

File: 641a45b069ab1a3⋯.jpeg (217.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FCA54EAB-1EFA-4CDE-B6B1-1….jpeg)

File: 003ed6af0b4b168⋯.jpeg (21.14 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 2F915F99-5856-4346-A69A-E….jpeg)

File: a10dc2d74066425⋯.jpeg (297.25 KB, 1520x1100, 76:55, 49F978E0-A9D3-4AD0-A222-F….jpeg)

Posting important videogame girls.


>What we saw here from the beginning, goon posting, derail attempts, bumplocks and what not, is actually an example for how much they don't want this to happened.

Biology and human nature = crimethink

5ab866 No.14310124


They are paid to saturate all websites with their garbage.

165168 No.14310125


Do you post interracial cuckold porn to troll poltards epic style as well?

500ce0 No.14310131

File: a60225f2f9201f4⋯.jpeg (23.01 KB, 480x360, 4:3, EFDAAF73-D98F-467E-8A1F-4….jpeg)


Almost forgot, these block polygons somehow were really hot and scandalous to my child self

df63e3 No.14310151

File: b6c722bae7948a9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.85 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Keira tits.png)

File: a426f7f482c9125⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Yen tits.png)

000000 No.14310154



Nobody defended pedophilia, retard, only pointed out that murrika's definition of the word is Orwellian word distortion bullshit designed to exclude natural, harmless adult relationships with sexy teens because feminists hate attractive girls and more generally everything good in the world. Now fuck off back to Something Awful and stay there. I hope your $10 was worth it. Faggot.

25e093 No.14310160


>"we are being opressed by feminists because we cannot fuck children"

59a3a9 No.14310163


> an ephebophile is just a pedophile with a dictionary.

55f05a No.14310172

File: 80b59922f58a042⋯.jpg (241.23 KB, 850x640, 85:64, c4958d6398cbc5969387f84c54….jpg)

File: 579e2ec9b742c83⋯.jpg (199.34 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, 579e2ec9b742c830fb8604a84b….jpg)

File: f518bb8c286c1a2⋯.png (7.81 MB, 4617x2020, 4617:2020, f518bb8c286c1a29c64112fff9….png)

File: 80b59922f58a042⋯.jpg (241.23 KB, 850x640, 85:64, c4958d6398cbc5969387f84c54….jpg)


we could go by best tits in a genre

c69825 No.14310175

File: c800b335910bc1f⋯.jpg (189.73 KB, 1066x801, 1066:801, Yes time for love.jpg)

>this thread

4709d1 No.14310179

File: 4a5e4ef807cc271⋯.jpg (358.7 KB, 634x650, 317:325, keeper.jpg)



>I go onto threads I don't like to complain instead of closing the tab

515b56 No.14310183

File: 6f0275ff9972e2e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.65 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 1kyBfJL_d.jpg)

File: c7cddae43327fea⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 38.92 KB, 563x1000, 563:1000, 0eUYRXm_d.jpg)

File: bab06ebca2492ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.78 KB, 613x1200, 613:1200, 9eFaDfC_d.jpg)


>Enji Night

Boy don't get me started on that woman, I'll post enough of her to make every autistic in here never want to see a real, '3DPD' girl ever again.

25e093 No.14310187


Nice assumption, pedocuck. I've been monitoring this thread for titties since it was made.

866b41 No.14310190


That's because it is really hot and scandalous. The concept is a hot half-naked chick and you're watching here through a grate like some kind of voyeuristic pervert. If you were to remake the scene in the Fox Engine it'd be just as hot because the concept is hot.

"Her tits are just triangles, why is it hot?" Is a numale cuck argument meant to ruin your fun. Don't listen to them, jerk off to Lara's low poly tits.

df63e3 No.14310191

File: 279954255321861⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.58 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, yen and triss ass.png)

Now for some ass

and yes i did only just find out about spawning nude characters with console commands

5ab866 No.14310194


Which is why your second post was a sage telling people to go to a different board, right? You goons don't really get how easy it is to spot you.

515b56 No.14310195

File: 5397c42dd8cbc3e⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 640x960, 2:3, OlyFI_d.jpg)

File: 4b880cbc788aa3d⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 640x964, 160:241, 6nmtW_d.jpg)

File: f388da566863ecf⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 640x427, 640:427, VOce4_d.jpg)

File: 03834c6e94ce4e2⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 640x853, 640:853, pt7pL_d.jpg)




Make your own thread, for fuck's sake.

59a3a9 No.14310196


> action adventure

Lara Croft





> Strategy


> Tactics


> Fighting


> Beat em up

Tyrus Flare




I was quoting goonspeak in reply, not speaking for myself

55f05a No.14310197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> jerk off to Lara's low poly tits.

lel guilty as charged

df63e3 No.14310200


>Make your own thread, for fuck's sake.

Chill out, I'm done. I don't think spawning nude models in Witcher 3 deserves its own thread anyway.

55f05a No.14310204


are those original models found in the game files ?

000000 No.14310206


Who the hell said you get to decide what a child is, dumbfuck? If maturity is your standard for that, then your consent rights would be revoked in a second.


>he actually thinks this is witty

I could say "an x is just a y with a (type of reference book)" about any two groups of people I don't like to falsely equate them to each other. Also, I think you mean a thesaurus. Jesus Christ, when you idiots get called out on your bullshit, you can't even get your own Reddit-tier memes right.

25e093 No.14310209


Rules are rules, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the thread.

25e093 No.14310211


Also good job on defending a literal pedophile:


df63e3 No.14310215


Yep. You can open console with ` and spawn them.

5ab866 No.14310216


>guilt by tenuous association

Look as the goon digs his hole even deeper.

515b56 No.14310218

File: 77b3aecb6236a78⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 77b3aecb6236a78f7d1af81d92….jpg)


You're fucking hilarious. No, I'm sick of you assfags colonizing every tits thread you see. The first cunting post in this thread was an ass post. At least you had the courtesy to (1)-and-done your assposting.

25e093 No.14310219


Look as the useful idiot thinks being a rebel is fun.

df63e3 No.14310224


Nigger I posted every models tits before posting any ass.

5ab866 No.14310230


Please explain what I'm being a useful idiot for here. I need a laugh.

55f05a No.14310231

File: 0ba6cb6c3bc9ca4⋯.gif (885.42 KB, 245x147, 5:3, cum n watch these nignogs ….gif)

515b56 No.14310239

File: 5743d1f2f7903d5⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 5743d1f2f7903d5e5b76e7559c….jpg)


I may have let me anger get the best of me.

000000 No.14310240


That sentence only makes sense if by pedophile you mean biologically normal individual whose desires are accepted in almost every country in the world. Of course you people love to call perfectly normal acts pedophilia and rape, don't you? Extending those words to mean things they were never intended to mean is how feminism has always operated.

515b56 No.14310244

File: 9d671cfa9b4e58c⋯.png (7.52 MB, 3609x5091, 1203:1697, 1444367969432.png)

acca7e No.14310249

File: 29adbc4e8ffd9f8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 989.14 KB, 1214x1081, 1214:1081, 1893747 - Gate__Thus_the_J….png)

File: f6309ebfb4b4464⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 2097x2932, 2097:2932, 1647636 - Gate__Thus_the_J….jpg)

>vidya tits thread

>70% of it is people NOT posting tits

Congratulations you faggots.

df63e3 No.14310264

File: 61b0c0632141986⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, witcher 3 console.png)

File: ccd9f829bced752⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 4.6 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, triss wet titties.png)


It's pretty easy, and if it's rainy they're extra shiny


No worries, have some more Triss

28809f No.14310284

We reach bump limit, someone makes a new bread.

25e093 No.14310293


Where did you come from anon?

4004c4 No.14310304


He's been hiding in the shadows waiting to strike.

c69825 No.14310309

File: 457eba78e34e3b2⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 861x623, 123:89, 669.jpg)


There's actually people out there who DIDN'T play as Rouge, and repeatedly spawn into the chao garden just to watch her bat tats flop up and down?

df63e3 No.14310315


Wait does this still work in the GC version? If so I could possibly make a webm of it.

1f7c31 No.14310316

File: b732f1155ed6651⋯.png (6.4 KB, 418x359, 418:359, 1441313065855.png)


ARE THESE really the models used in game? What a disappointment, I always imagined Yen more on the thicker side.

5ab866 No.14310323


So say nothing of the cutscenes constantly putting her battits front and center.

df63e3 No.14310343

File: 23e1cfdd05c4862⋯.png (55.47 KB, 251x328, 251:328, das it mane.png)


Yup. Triss is the thick one.

c69825 No.14310350


Almost positive it does, I remember there being jiggles in the GC version too, just not 100% sure if it works with spawning into the chao garden.


If you're gonna talk cutscenes, her titties aren't the main feature. The real dick-springer is her wink.

28809f No.14310419

6cbf21 No.14310431



Where did you come from, anyway?

830655 No.14310440

File: 295e938b403735d⋯.png (814.6 KB, 1000x1450, 20:29, female japanese hentai art….png)

File: 80194188a7a7161⋯.gif (2 MB, 530x291, 530:291, grorious nipponese steel.gif)


>it's drawn by men

And here you are wrong, kiddo.

b76bb6 No.14310479

File: 7799d19b3b6ed21⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 354x464, 177:232, 0b42a2d1a41d8619e3bbd3cd0a….jpg)

this thread proves that /v/ still can be saved.

>goon posts deleted


i love you /v/

df63e3 No.14310489

File: 3f8ba7b1ab8602c⋯.webm (15.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Rouge Tits.webm)


Tit physics in GC version confirmed

d2d7bf No.14310509

File: 28ce99721868f27⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, kongiku53.jpg)

File: af3aad953215ee5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 268.97 KB, 1000x1100, 10:11, koyori78.jpg)

File: a08279fe004408b⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 50.29 KB, 600x852, 50:71, ivy370.jpeg)

File: c84d8e63beece9f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 253.06 KB, 1070x1500, 107:150, blair34.jpg)

File: 96eae647f96c2f7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.34 MB, 2220x3106, 1110:1553, leona334.jpg)

Honestly, I'd rather have tits simply for the sake of tits. This whole "that will show 'em" thing is kinda silly IMO. The war cry in the OP pic is still very inspirational though.

515b56 No.14310538

File: 837d6b8914757f8⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, e6e852faf39f9066d140f7da85….jpg)


>First pic

Call me vanilla, but big tits and icy white skin is enough to make me drool.

df63e3 No.14310543

File: faa471fc88234df⋯.webm (2.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, slo mo rouge victory.webm)


Very noticeable in her victory animation too. (no audio because slo mo fucked it)

556e39 No.14310564


It’s a post supporting both tits and asses you fucking autist. The full package of the female form. If you can’t appreciate both, you are a faggot.

515b56 No.14310577

File: 09dd22c0c6e15ae⋯.jpg (160.52 KB, 888x1080, 37:45, 09dd22c0c6e15ae81216a802ba….jpg)


I see no tits in the post.

df63e3 No.14310587

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Some 2D titties

28809f No.14310593


Hmm, maybe. Not sure about that. We need more, more titties.

df63e3 No.14310598

File: caa54ccf32e9593⋯.gif (4.11 MB, 640x355, 128:71, tits with a sword.gif)

df63e3 No.14310616

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>you can shake characters' tits in Ninja Gaiden Signma 2 by moving your controller around


5ab866 No.14310628


You could do the same in MGS4.

a22964 No.14310629

File: b6c2d7fdd98830c⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.49 MB, 854x480, 427:240, hubba hubba.gif)


That 1st pic is hawt.

515b56 No.14310646

File: ddb07f5db5858e2⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.97 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1454720014846-1.webm)

File: ddb07f5db5858e2⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.97 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1454720014846-1.webm)

File: b3b9ac61c8ca690⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 956.55 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1422757125601-0.jpg)

File: ca03e315daad906⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 295.6 KB, 930x1000, 93:100, 1422757695686-3.jpg)

File: 23b5c4a8627af92⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.12 KB, 586x600, 293:300, 1422757695686-1.jpg)

d2d7bf No.14310689

File: 0c3dc102a975d13⋯.jpg (391.72 KB, 1700x2500, 17:25, kongiku.jpg)

File: c55147bc737d172⋯.jpg (762.83 KB, 780x1270, 78:127, kongiku26.jpg)

File: 47f5493873bf979⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.32 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, kongiku33.png)

File: 3f8218088b8f327⋯.jpg (406.85 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, kongiku40.jpg)

File: d5052034540d3be⋯.png (5.77 MB, 2143x3016, 2143:3016, kongiku69.png)

d2d7bf No.14310698

File: 59a4cb51a7d8b95⋯.jpg (7.54 MB, 4250x2500, 17:10, kongiku & yuzuruha8.jpg)

Shit. Forgot to spoiler.

97b8eb No.14310779

The posters on this thread type like they are not from here.

Does someone else see it?

28809f No.14310849


Its sjw resetera goons who get triggered by tits.

cdd947 No.14310853

File: 1adb5d2c127d8fc⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 553.29 KB, 810x648, 5:4, 67055625.webm)

Those screenshots of in-game modded nudes remind me of a story.

One day I got home from college and found my older brother playing New Vegas and thought it was ok since you had to launch the mod manager to use them. I watched him play a bit and he went into the raiders' building after prim. After he cleared it out he took the female raider's armor and the model turned nude. "Man this game is fucked up." He said.

Then I asked him to let me use the computer and he asked if it had to do with the breast and I confessed."Naughty naughty." He teased and I was frowning. Despite making steam check the file integrity, it tried replacing several files since it. I can't recall if it worked since I did it several times.

b76bb6 No.14310897

File: 675054151530290⋯.webm (307.66 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 675054151530290cbca4b4973….webm)

4ac743 No.14310899

>this thread

/pol/ here, bless you!

5ab866 No.14310913


Y-you too.

ff45ab No.14310994

File: 77cbf980c2dc556⋯.png (65.94 KB, 210x201, 70:67, 1517121344116.png)

a22964 No.14311014

File: 0e3cd7898495163⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 32.12 KB, 450x415, 90:83, hanekawa.jpeg)


I like this character alot, thanks Anon. Cat ear waifu is best waifu imo.

a98034 No.14311163


Where'd that second one come from?


And now I have an excuse to pick up Muramasa…

f73301 No.14311589

0b9405 No.14311615


She has a lot of meat on her chest, since she's so huge :^)

d2d7bf No.14311641

File: 46c82d8886a3862⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 261.2 KB, 532x600, 133:150, yuki onna2.jpg)

File: 37fc3955c9d0c37⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 654.86 KB, 810x1080, 3:4, raijin12.jpg)

File: 533404f340fffad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 133.76 KB, 960x544, 30:17, okoi7.jpg)

File: ecbea28198de330⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 579.41 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, otae2.jpg)

File: 5f5e37d28e1823f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 337.14 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, torahime26.jpg)

(better put spoilers this time)


>And now I have an excuse to pick up Muramasa…

Have some more.

cdd947 No.14311846


Put it on loop nigger.

81b091 No.14312068


someone post the original

f5b5b4 No.14312159


He's going to the gas chamber for posting a nigger getting a titfuck you tard.

cdd947 No.14312197

File: 50f8d6322ce4d59⋯.jpg (205.09 KB, 450x522, 25:29, 58214041_p0.jpg)


It's not a nigger, it's just Futa Mokou with full body 3rd degree burns.

556e39 No.14312449


You apparently can’t read.

93ef93 No.14313142


>not wanting a negative breast size waifu

poor taste

3bf6f5 No.14315724

File: 322db44c9035e40⋯.jpg (216.22 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, armfold.jpg)

somehow I missed this thread

515b56 No.14316282


You're good XPSfag, I'm at least still monitoring the thread.

751139 No.14316380

File: 495b4257c9c957a⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 576x983, 576:983, GottaCatchEmAll.jpg)




515b56 No.14316484

File: b9709b299e32454⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, 78d741cd58953d049b493572ea….jpg)


Here's one of my favorites.

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