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File: ab80ca927cce7e2⋯.jpg (194.09 KB, 596x682, 298:341, Description_Xeno_Corow_Cla….jpg)

e9832e No.14518487

Xeno Corow Clash


March Event Schedule

02/28~03/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue 2: Paradise Lost

03/12~03/18 - Rise of the Beasts

03/18~03/24 - Xeno Corow

03/24~03/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)

03/31~04/08 - New Scenario Event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

bfcdd9 No.14518493

>People here play more videogames than the rest of /v/

Wake me up

Wake me up

437fca No.14518501

File: 8a99c43482c165b⋯.jpg (477.22 KB, 900x956, 225:239, girl sandals.jpg)

Are people still doing the Paradise Lost event stuff? I've gotten two FLB Sandal summons already and I don't feel like making a third.

49d0fa No.14518502

Third for Monica's fat draph tats

49d0fa No.14518503


100 free crystals a day.

c7cd3f No.14518511


Doing it for just the crystals. Can't really do much for corow's event since my dark team can't handle extreme when doing the solo fights.

49d0fa No.14518521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Yaia's 5*

Jesus, my heart can't take this.

437fca No.14518526


Still annoying. I got everything I wanted from this event a few days after it started, so this extension is just making its stay more unwelcome. It's hard to complain about free crystals though, I'll admit.


I think I heard that hosting Xeno Corow gives you a good chance of getting a Xeno Weapon from the host chest? Either way yeah, these Xeno showdowns must suck for anyone still early in the game.

49d0fa No.14518530


Dude, it's thirty second x5 for 1/3 of a pull. If you can't be bothered to do that much you deserve to draw homo knights.

437fca No.14518535

File: 8b9e1c2baaad341⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 134.13 KB, 500x773, 500:773, lunalu time to shine.jpg)


Already have 3/4.

70b885 No.14518539


How're you getting 100, are you emptying a box every day along with the mission?

2b10ce No.14518548

File: 00ab0a81be0f27e⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 517x536, 517:536, 00ab0a81be0f27e49e3de74fef….jpg)


The most surprising thing is that this gachashit is actually fun.

But fuck the menus and fuck the bull shit busywork that you get saddled with whenever you want to do anything simple.

The game taking 1-2 seconds to load between every menu change slows things to a crawl when you need to do a lot of things.

Or maybe I just have a shit connection, who knows.


I have one FLB Sanda and two extra from boxes, so I'm tempted to FLB a second one.

It's a really nice free summon, especially for someone new to the game like me.

On the other hand, I have to do my magnas for the weapons.

49d0fa No.14518556

File: 989a678565b5435⋯.gif (174.02 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1463984340084.gif)

The chances of homoswords event replaying is slim to none, correct? I dragged ass on it because it was so shit, and only now do I realize how nice FLBing the light katana would be for Lucio.


1.5% chance and I have no dark grid except for the spear they gave us and random draw dark weapons. I ground out a FLB Xeno with 974 berries in less than 72 hour from the start of the event. Everyone should have at least 1000 berries from the anniversary. This was basically a free xeno weapon to anyone with the patience to sit there for a couple of hours a day.

Just watch watch the New Japan Cup while you grind, and it will be done before you know it. The hardest part for a new player would be getting the 40 Halo crystals for the FLB and you can get someone in your guild to carry you in coop.


But no all their variants. I curse you to only pull homo knights and their event/summer variants.

I have them all except Summer Percy and SSR Vayne. I pulled wind Lancelot twice today.

c7cd3f No.14518560


I've been playing this for almost a year now, but sadly Corow cannot give me a halo light quartz unless I use up elixirs in exchange for painless mosquito bites. This is probably a reminder for me to uncap my ssrs and use those pendants for some claws.

49d0fa No.14518561


Go to the event screen and click on the mission button.

49d0fa No.14518563


Get carried in Coop.

70b885 No.14518580

File: 4b6eb9a456719e3⋯.png (516 KB, 591x759, 197:253, 50.png)


Yes, that gives 50, where are the other 50 coming from?

49d0fa No.14518591


Shit it's 50? Where was I getting 100 from?

437fca No.14518604


>I curse you to only pull homo knights and their event/summer variants.

You are a cruel, cruel monster.


The tokens, I assume.

297769 No.14518613

File: 58237039be04d3b⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 657x545, 657:545, anhonestman.jpg)

Can an honest man get some big fat draph tiddies?

49d0fa No.14518633

File: 82dd13199b3eba2⋯.png (216.4 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Fat draph tats.png)


I got you fam

c7cd3f No.14518641

File: 05f7d36faa9b202⋯.jpg (438.98 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_0552.JPG)

File: 897f80c794a2dcf⋯.jpg (810.18 KB, 1872x1300, 36:25, IMG_0576.JPG)


Here you go

66dea9 No.14518652

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1515987604401.png)

File: a50b486cc447872⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1189x1731, 1189:1731, a50b486cc4478724c7ec7bddd1….png)

File: 250d1f304a4edbe⋯.png (744.98 KB, 635x903, 635:903, 250d1f304a4edbe97ed0082f5e….png)


297769 No.14518660

File: 9b56eafb51c8b79⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 768x576, 4:3, 1402897512031.jpg)



Thanks friends

f2e391 No.14518668

This isn't a game you fucking jew-worshipping soy faggots

Mobile freemium gacha is 3 kinds of cancer at once and then you add a 24/7 shitpost general on top of that go to

>>>/vg/ you cucklord beta males. This is not a real game and you should all kill yourselves for being such fucking goyim slaves.

f4a505 No.14518672

Is there porn of Xeno Corow yet?

cd69d9 No.14518683

File: 9a10c3b81c9b4ec⋯.png (33.93 KB, 126x128, 63:64, katasiete.png)

49d0fa No.14518693

File: 6c9962146f58d58⋯.webm (149.52 KB, 640x480, 4:3, theee.webm)


You seem upset

297769 No.14518695

File: 6bdf529ab4f9cf7⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 640x471, 640:471, 3bc26610452a0a997d77dfc626….jpg)

e6b9e2 No.14518711

File: 628a047e559d723⋯.webm (11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Children_of_Darkness.webm)


>implyign anyone here spends money and just doesnt gather for the free rolls

take your (You)

70b885 No.14518758


>On the other hand, I have to do my magnas for the weapons

Check your message board, if you're who I think you are let me carry you so that you at least have a shot of getting host and vice MVP chests. If not I'll carry you anyways, I'm sick of watching Corow swing her legs around.

49d0fa No.14518793

File: c37ef57987f40be⋯.jpg (101.31 KB, 1920x853, 1920:853, I'm bored now that I am do….jpg)


>implying I won't buy narmaya skin just because he is upset.


437fca No.14519046

File: 97fce42e2dade95⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.63 MB, 955x1344, 955:1344, Florence.png)

So, when're we gonna get Gawain's hot sister?

bfa006 No.14519167

>after 5 or 6 fails, I can finally beat xeno extreme

>in fact I just had to use holy saber and play defensive

>after 3 wins, nightmare 70 triggers

>win on the first try, feels like it was easier than extreme

>check loot, got a sunblade right away

Now I just have to farm 20 omega anima to buy the third one and I'll be done with this event.

09d2ab No.14519224


Aren't 2 core though?

70b885 No.14519226


How the hell did you farm the needed fans before the animas?

2b10ce No.14519235


I'll be around tomorrow during reset time because I'm going to bed now. I guess I could use some help. I'll send you a message when I get on.

29d0e6 No.14519279


I think so. But for some odd reason, I only went up by 1k at most from a SL10 MLB sword. Though that could be from my FLB Eden at SL15 and LV150.

bfa006 No.14519537

File: 710ee67f4c49ecb⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 460x393, 460:393, capture_21032018_022831_00….jpg)


Raid mostly gives the normal ones, not the omega.

49d0fa No.14519560


That's pretty much the opposite of my experience. I was scambling for normals almost as much as fans.

363037 No.14519772

File: 6e5f782ee71e5c7⋯.png (6.51 KB, 487x78, 487:78, 16k part I.png)

File: 899d80d37890eb9⋯.png (103.5 KB, 501x329, 501:329, 16k part II.png)

Just a reminder to keep your water grid auberon free.

66dea9 No.14519834

File: c7469338635a21a⋯.png (443.61 KB, 479x799, 479:799, wew.PNG)


You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

f4a505 No.14519856

File: b05afeb3b4feefd⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1253x1500, 1253:1500, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)


Aren't you forgetting someone that should be added to the game first?

363037 No.14519861


I don't think you're in a position to judge. You don't seem to be able to count.

d58623 No.14519872


Oh, that's right. Monika!

66dea9 No.14519885

File: db358ccffbd7202⋯.png (139.96 KB, 640x688, 40:43, dJCJK60.png)


>2 fimbuls FLB

>auberons give 4 weapon skills, including solid HP

>"Estimated DMG doesnt reflect certain skill effects such as those that vary during battle"

If you want to race in a colossus HL or shiva so I can shut your stupid mouth, I'm game. The number your in-game grid calculator displays isn't very good, you should know. Show me yours, I'd like to see your water grid and calculator numbers if your dick is so big that you can go around and tell people to avoid grinding an extremely solid weapon.

0f5eb5 No.14519911


Nice try. That monster is a villain who's killed innocent people. There's no way such a thing would be allowed to join the crew. Unless you have fujo powers.

49d0fa No.14519916

When will Aaron decide to follow his childhood friend into the skies?

7e9f4e No.14519930


fags get out

49d0fa No.14519945


What is gay about having a friend? Anon, are you lonely or something?

f1bc88 No.14519977


Calling it now.

Summer Fenrir

363037 No.14519994

File: c07542840b37b99⋯.png (581.1 KB, 505x639, 505:639, Water grid.png)

File: 5c3be65a5f4ffbb⋯.png (28.71 KB, 354x105, 118:35, useless.png)


Here you go, my grid and a bonus image of all the auberons I farmed before I learned the truth.

49d0fa No.14520010


Race him

0e989a No.14520012

File: 48402ea231a5c1e⋯.jpg (115.83 KB, 640x670, 64:67, 1415549331475.jpg)


>No Baha weapon

Is your team mixed race degeneracy?

29d0e6 No.14520018


Primal grids don't run Baha you dumb motherfucker.

66dea9 No.14520026


I'll concede that the axes are absolutely better weapons offensively compared to auberon as well as the double attack boost, but the HP I find is very nice to maintain the HP threshhold needed to maximize my fimbuls, as well as giving my that nice crit to boost my damage further. I really value sustain as opposed to deep dicking offense.


Primal grids are made up primarily of normal-modifier weapons, and since bahamut weapons are normal modifier, its a pretty moot point when there are also many other better options floating around.

e9832e No.14520031

File: de9b048a9effd8a⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 276x226, 138:113, DXcBuDGVQAAS2vM.jpg)


>baha weapons

>on primal grids

0e989a No.14520033


You sure are sensitive about a waifu grindan mobage. What next, epeen swinging about who has been grinding longer and who can do more damage in a game with almost zero competition?

65c0eb No.14520036




49d0fa No.14520044

File: 4c71be13882a98d⋯.webm (11.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, What's wrong, Chicken.webm)

49d0fa No.14520063

File: a433e389990e238⋯.webm (219.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, You're Just a Chicken.webm)



What's a matter big guy? You were talking a lot of shit a second ago. Put your money where your mouth it. 1v1 Athena. I'll even host

66dea9 No.14520070

File: f165d9bb061e4f8⋯.png (63.37 KB, 461x344, 461:344, katalinahop.PNG)



Never said I wasn't down for a race, I was the one who put it forward.

49d0fa No.14520077


Well chief, you going to step up or act the bitch?

66dea9 No.14520081

File: 6f6aa9e1ef1a566⋯.jpg (206.09 KB, 816x816, 1:1, 1401197601396.jpg)



>these dubs

Race for the dubsman

29d0e6 No.14520092

Anyone else save their tickets for Arcarum EX? And the shitty drop rates that'll come with it?

65c0eb No.14520108


I'll even draft up some rules for them.

>fight until the boss is dead or they die

>no fullixer

>both use the same summon (presumably Varuna) and support summon

>maybe ban the use of Europa's call?

2cce4e No.14520114

File: 86ea17f05d76a56⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1518x1075, 1518:1075, 86ea17f05d76a561853921ebe3….png)

File: 360e15b3ed0bafc⋯.jpg (239.44 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, 360e15b3ed0bafc370767cf22b….jpg)

File: 3215efc39897273⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1059x1497, 353:499, 276c1e61ce78b984604138d8b7….png)

File: e3855b360a540f7⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1300x755, 260:151, 635e436ca7c2dc5aeff4cafda4….jpg)

File: ad9d9202c62c419⋯.png (218.15 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ad9d9202c62c419ead0c755c8f….png)

49d0fa No.14520117



66dea9 No.14520120

File: 00660a8b7e06ebd⋯.jpg (29.29 KB, 360x360, 1:1, Mahira_thinking2.jpg)

File: 8c8388adc01dfdc⋯.png (459.56 KB, 700x434, 50:31, makira_granblue_fantasy_an….png)

File: 3ab9189369335e0⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 325x572, 25:44, tiny erune.jpg)

File: e4247c75d6c897c⋯.png (837.95 KB, 800x616, 100:77, 1499805010789.png)

363037 No.14520146


Sure. I don't even have Uno.


>Make rules

>They favour auberons

65c0eb No.14520154


>use Europa FLB as support summon

>not allowed to use her call

>fight until boss is dead or both players are dead

>total honours decides it

>no fullixer

Happy now?

0f5eb5 No.14520159



I almost never use the chicken, but I'm still glad I sparked her.

49d0fa No.14520169

Alright we need a Europa player to serve as the fourth man and second judge.

65c0eb No.14520183


Alternatively, maybe both players can just use a useless summon like a rabbit or something.

49d0fa No.14520189

Race starts when I post muscle vyrn. Jumping the gun is a DQ. You can self buff prior to starting but any action that directly effects Athena is a DQ. If you want to spectate you are welcome to but let the autism flow. If you want to waste Elixirs that is fine they are part of yoru kit. High score wins.



They can use whatever they find.

49d0fa No.14520196

Our first contender hailing from parts unknown, Awoosy the Grappler

49d0fa No.14520202

Gaelen are you the anti-auberon autist?

2cce4e No.14520205

File: 9294ef7ff950ca6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1000x1416, 125:177, 63004499_p0.png)



Why am I not surprised?

49d0fa No.14520214

Did the other contender duck out of the race?

49d0fa No.14520218

Bogoron off to a commanding lead

49d0fa No.14520219

This is one sided as all fuck

49d0fa No.14520221


49d0fa No.14520241

This wasn't even a fight, it was a massacre. At one point the Pro-Auberon faction closed the gap to within 10k but then the anti-auberon faction stopped playing around and returned it to 100k.

Win and champion of the inagural autism cup: BOGORON THE DESTROYER

Judgement is in on the Auberon, it is found wanting.

49d0fa No.14520243

File: 2aad37a3f7dd714⋯.png (65.59 KB, 638x118, 319:59, Judgement.png)

65c0eb No.14520246

File: 87b1238d2bd6051⋯.png (353.12 KB, 537x331, 537:331, Untitled.png)

Well there were a lot of factors, but with Bogo getting the lead and mantaining it for the whole match I think it's safe to say who's the clear winner.

66dea9 No.14520247

File: ca210f9609a3b13⋯.png (292.61 KB, 574x548, 287:274, 1499792186140.png)

Good fight Bogoron, it was fairly close in the middle and towards the end when my team stopped being collapsed

49d0fa No.14520249

Are you taking challengers BOGORON?

363037 No.14520267



This doesn't really prove anything, honestly.


No, why?

49d0fa No.14520270


Because you are now the reigning 8ch water champion. Until someone beats you the mark of shame is hanging around your neck like a fat girl at closing time.

66dea9 No.14520273

File: 66d4ac28aaae009⋯.png (829.44 KB, 482x850, 241:425, wew2.PNG)

File: a526fe60a05a412⋯.png (839.94 KB, 483x759, 7:11, wew3.PNG)

File: dd7ec2fcb5d560d⋯.png (722.85 KB, 481x748, 481:748, wew.PNG)

My water specs for reference, if anyone wants to take a look. I had a couple shell axes lying around, but I used my auberons anyways since this was the premise of the race. I prefer soloing my fire raids, and the HP from the shellfists haven't failed me yet, going by the fact I can solo Shiva to past 50%. In any conventional raid you're trying to secure MVP in with other, the axes are going to be the superior option, while auberons exist for sustain in something like soloing or ubakaHL.

66dea9 No.14520278

File: 187a3a863b69c9f⋯.jpg (105.59 KB, 1100x1048, 275:262, 1521235258206.jpg)


HP from Auberons*, I need some sleep.

363037 No.14520288

File: 734a4b3ca9786a2⋯.png (314.01 KB, 429x430, 429:430, Water characters.png)

File: 0ec3d84415ea6b6⋯.png (406.62 KB, 428x441, 428:441, Water summon set.png)


I immediately give up my title to my crew's water lord.


Here's my stuff, the weapon grid is the image I posted earlier.

49d0fa No.14520297


But why don't you use a Ca Ong? I mean if you need to defend and attack you can bring a buncle in addition.

66dea9 No.14520305


Cute team, the Athena really fucked with me for the first few turns since my bread-and-butter damage dealing strategy is to ougi ASAP and lay waste to the enemy with Uno's fleeting-spark-boosted Tag Team + autoattacks, further supported by the DATA that quatre's ougi gives too, which is why it took me so long for my honors to burst like it did once the owl died. I don't own any of your front-liners, so I have no idea how you did the damage you dealt in the beginning all the way through, but good job overall my guy.

e9832e No.14520306

File: ad818dc4e647baf⋯.webm (590.09 KB, 744x694, 372:347, gg no re.webm)

>Varunalord with 5* jews and altair lost to a varunalord that isn't the best on the crew using only seasonal characters

Holy shit my fucking sides

363037 No.14520321


I don't have a MLB Ca Ong, so my MLB carbuncle gives a larger fire cut.

dd169f No.14520326

File: 669e388ad0ad856⋯.png (175.08 KB, 463x201, 463:201, summonless.png)

b9abeb No.14520688

File: d9906ba015f2138⋯.jpg (344.77 KB, 1167x992, 1167:992, It's that all.jpg)


Did you remember to update your viramate, anon?

49d0fa No.14520718

New Japan Cup is starting


Come watch Ace get twisted up by a progressive, vegan, britcuck, homosexual ending his career on an embarassing note because smarks have convinced NJPW that this is what western audiences want.

cb3de1 No.14520997

I have 30k rotb pendants that i haven't cashed out yet. Is the qinglong spear worth getting? If not I'll just get 3 gold nuggets.

5dc077 No.14521011


>this website

what the fuck

363037 No.14521019


It's most likely worth getting. How does your wind grid look?

cb3de1 No.14521058

File: 780f99610555edc⋯.jpg (104.73 KB, 468x411, 156:137, b.jpg)

File: 1ca3eba86a99793⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 433x256, 433:256, a.jpg)


Not that great. My team will probably be these characters (not in that order) for a while if that matters

49d0fa No.14521071


>No draph

<Uses Baka sword

My dude, can you not just grab the free baka weapon or did you already use it?

49d0fa No.14521073


Shit my stupid

363037 No.14521100


The Qinglong spear gets a lot better once you FLB it, but for now it can replace your Celeste spear.

f4a505 No.14521182

File: 265a4378c68da56⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)

File: 5616328c01225c8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)


I'm ready for her

And so is my wallet

d7755b No.14521408

File: 51d79f7a2b1b92b⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 638x309, 638:309, corow swrod flip.jpg)

File: 5b2411191385791⋯.jpg (134.84 KB, 465x230, 93:46, corow sword.jpg)

File: 01cff2dea91e0c1⋯.jpg (785.48 KB, 654x1087, 654:1087, corow shop.jpg)

Corow won't stop dropping swords for me.

79b6e9 No.14521547

File: 520be8fc31bd220⋯.png (51.5 KB, 1595x490, 319:98, Day 12.PNG)

Day 12 meets us with the last pull for summer characters, sadly, nobody seems to have any luck except for Account 9, Slowly creeping its way up with an Aodios and Account 10 who gets a 100x pulls and it suddently feels like legfest again, also Grea and Anne back to back!

d7755b No.14521583

File: 4f731d91a5ef986⋯.png (671.2 KB, 512x726, 256:363, halle 1.png)

File: ce1e5ab24f9ff67⋯.png (726.16 KB, 512x731, 512:731, halle 2.png)

Hallessena's fate episode is lewd

d461ea No.14521597

File: 8b762a47f96f903⋯.png (643.81 KB, 857x720, 857:720, 1515322546522.png)


<the crew welcome her aboard the grandcypher

<she immediately eats everyone

Good going, faggot.

0f5eb5 No.14521800

File: ed94080590ce00f⋯.png (4.18 MB, 1852x2676, 463:669, jannu stare.png)

>100 draw during +1 summon pool

Haha, take that Granfest suckers. You may have gotten big wet french boobs but I'll get a ton of +1's.

49d0fa No.14522175

File: 7f067789d1686d8⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 1000x559, 1000:559, Aaaaah.jpg)


Never ever, dogfucker

68da9b No.14522204


>Account 1 and 5

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f4a505 No.14522626

File: 79a75e9f78f0835⋯.jpg (302.63 KB, 1240x1691, 1240:1691, __fenrir_shingeki_no_baham….jpg)


She'll be too busy eating my dick to eat anyone else


They said never ever about Liru's game too

49d0fa No.14523139


Do you really think GBF will last ten years?

c384a1 No.14523225


You're right! Celeste should be added anytime soon.

49d0fa No.14523249

File: 6fda8f6bdf4ccd7⋯.jpg (878.29 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, colo-chan kawaii.jpg)


Colo-chan should be next.

bfa006 No.14523268

Only 10 draws today and got nothing. And I bet tomorrow's 100 draws will be the same.

49d0fa No.14523285

File: 3e1a59cb0e06951⋯.png (1 MB, 1917x583, 1917:583, At least I finally got Vam….png)

9395c1 No.14523329

File: df2800fd0502e02⋯.png (887.91 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, No SSRs today.png)

Sadly no SSRs today

49d0fa No.14523377

Drew three character weapons off Rupie draw today.

cd69d9 No.14523672

Hosting 6-2 pandemonium, come get big tiddy animas 1 spot open 39D18

49d0fa No.14523922

>Start Magna Impossible raid to unlock last star

>No one ever shows up

Jesus 20 minutes two requests almost a third and the nips finally show up.

66dea9 No.14523942

File: 3fa883a37e59e1b⋯.png (259.19 KB, 467x445, 467:445, this.PNG)


Open it up to twitter, it would've filled up in 5 seconds and been done with in 3 minutes Unless it was leviathan HL, europa is a worthless raid and nobody is hosting it unless they want the trophies.

Pic related, the twitter thing.

49d0fa No.14523955


I don't use twitter or facebooks or any of that faggotry.

66dea9 No.14523971

File: f2987f98e602be6⋯.png (209.29 KB, 732x692, 183:173, dd3031f00620b1defc8a5a053e….png)


Have fun waiting for 20 minutes in raids that could be done in 2, then.

I don't think you even need a twitter account, it takes the raid code and puts it up on a twitter dedicated to granblue codes for people to join at their leisure.

49d0fa No.14524125


I won't support that faggotry. Twitter, like lolis and gbf, is dead.

49d0fa No.14524256

File: af2f8803570d4b1⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2000x1252, 500:313, Find single autistic girls….png)

Smash Zoi 74EE13DA

49d0fa No.14524340

File: bf49d3454e68e9c⋯.jpg (409.51 KB, 848x1024, 53:64, __bahamut_cygames_shadowve….jpg)

Smash Baka 7B2A95AC

49d0fa No.14524765

Anyone want to farm Diablo in coop?

29d0e6 No.14524835

Olivia HL room: FA043D. Have to be 120 or higher. Repeats 6 times.

49d0fa No.14524868

So whoever tried to start the Qilin train the other day ago the nips made a room and it is slowly and steadily filling up. 7186CF

49d0fa No.14525101

Well I have five reams of obsidian seals but I can't find where to cash them in for a weapon.

49d0fa No.14525108

Disregard, I am a moran

f4a505 No.14525933

Tonight is the night we get the light/dark magna II stuff, right?

49d0fa No.14526037

File: fdcd8d377097889⋯.jpg (201.31 KB, 883x1200, 883:1200, DY2pk7CUQAAka0O.jpg)


Robomi soon

79b6e9 No.14526113

File: c3e2d2b2a876e3c⋯.png (54.23 KB, 1592x534, 796:267, Day 13.PNG)

Day 13 meeds us with a little luck, but nothing major.

Accounts 3 and 4 inch forwars with an extra point and Account 1 decides he's had anough of 5 and moves past it.

The next roll will be the last stretch, guaranteed 100x for everyone but Account 10!

79b6e9 No.14526120

File: 7477beaf0a89c31⋯.png (747.63 KB, 467x670, 467:670, Account 5 has had enough.PNG)

>Account 5 rolls a new character

49d0fa No.14526171

Does Snow White ever put people to sleep or do I need to wait for her 4*?

437fca No.14526254


I believe so yeah, along with EXII and Extreme Arcarum and all that.

49d0fa No.14526339


cd69d9 No.14526341


time to kick metatron's ass

79b6e9 No.14526342

File: 0f95949c2a54a3d⋯.png (435.6 KB, 472x374, 236:187, fa-bu-lous.PNG)

437fca No.14526345

File: c445dbb0502d1f4⋯.png (215.91 KB, 634x236, 317:118, Blitzburst.png)


437fca No.14526347


Aw shit 10 turn cooldown

49d0fa No.14526350

49d0fa No.14526351

How unlock catdjetta

437fca No.14526353


Because an uncapped Qilin summon is always an option, isn't it?


Did you element change the Mystic Class Champion weapon yet? Kapilavastu or something.

49d0fa No.14526356

437fca No.14526367

File: bc39b55f328d429⋯.png (413.69 KB, 642x670, 321:335, preliminary reading.png)

File: 365a87257b9f9c7⋯.png (462.33 KB, 642x890, 321:445, Apsaras skill.png)

File: 95bcd3a3f2b6cb3⋯.png (383.64 KB, 626x774, 313:387, Chaos Ruler skill.png)

File: 974ce333556c581⋯.png (387 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Nighthound skill.png)

File: 2e6b0eb1b90d032⋯.png (393.4 KB, 644x808, 161:202, Mechanic skill.png)


You might want to get to work on that then.

In the meantime, some of these new skills look sorta promising. Hope we get to see some numbers soon.

2b10ce No.14526541



If I didn't know any better, I'd say the rolls were rigged the moment the accounts were made by the servers.

I mean, they all ought to come out with a similar number of characters in the end after that many rolls, 1-5 more or fewer.

Not with a difference of 10.

437fca No.14526568

File: 1f1801df8495e79⋯.png (678.92 KB, 932x518, 466:259, Arcarum Gun.png)

File: 20d728185f75ae1⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x1116, 80:93, bullets.png)

The new Arcarum weapons actually seem pretty good. They all have a Big II Magna attack skill and either a Big HP or Big Crit skill. The Bonus damage on ougi seems to cap at about 260k though? Either way, uncapping those summons are a higher priority. Also, Extreme Arcarum gives a ton of EXP– it's surprisingly nice.

Oh, and they changed the Omega skill icon to be an Omega sign now. Took long enough.

bd3ccd No.14526582

File: 78491b2a02f0338⋯.png (291.64 KB, 547x671, 547:671, 2018-03-22_12-52-04.png)

File: 2ffbad516c7bbe8⋯.png (307.57 KB, 545x642, 545:642, 2018-03-22_12-52-14.png)


The translators have been lazy again and they just copy-pasted the second skills on every Arcarum weapon.

I'm assuming the second skill also only works in Arcarum.

437fca No.14526587


>I'm assuming the second skill also only works in Arcarum.

Never thought about that, but that's actually extremely likely and very stupid. Thank goodness I got mine from a drop then.

bfa006 No.14526653


>I don't think you even need a twitter account

You need one.

d98db9 No.14526742


Whats funny is that this weapon is probably superior to Leviathans gaze

bd3ccd No.14526750


The guns can't be FLB'd. They're worse everywhere but Arcarum.

437fca No.14526752


That's sorta ignoring the fact that Gazes can hit Lv 200 and Skill Lv 20 though. But if that second skill isn't Arcarum-exclusive or anything ridiculous, then I'd be totally willing to make a grid with them.

d98db9 No.14526779


That 150 atk and 1% skill increase sure will be worth it :^)

f668ad No.14526781


>levis toothpick relevant even at sl20

enjoy wasting 15 gold souls

e9832e No.14526835

File: 20007234d783dd9⋯.jpg (121.01 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DYtka3SVoAAJ5h-.jpg)

>FLB Lucifer can heal up to 3k HP and give 30% ATK up with a barrage of godly rays from the sky

>FLB Yaia can heal up to 2.5k and give 50% ATK & DEF up with only a smile

da985b No.14526995


Honestly the mats for the small increase is practically worthless.

Forks seem broken if used for all content instead of side bullshit.

2b10ce No.14527063

File: 3e22957f03c3a1f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 147.94 KB, 641x896, 641:896, 20ff36fc8528f7141c307ba5d6….jpg)

File: 0016da69c1dd189⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 811.38 KB, 1166x640, 583:320, 553ffc06085daa3caf25c79797….png)

File: 3d61ff447204207⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 223.26 KB, 1500x1254, 250:209, 27159b7dd5c6efb647d16bcf31….jpg)

Would you?

bfa006 No.14527332

File: 055dce131763dfe⋯.jpg (12.63 KB, 386x192, 193:96, capture_22032018_173031_00….jpg)

Why does it want to read my browsing history?

67c342 No.14527377


Most likely for the quest repeat feature.

705d83 No.14527445

Viramate is being sketchy as fuck. Gonna wait for conformation from others before enabling again.

43c535 No.14527573


How so? They got DMCA'd so to avoid that from causing issues for all their users they deployed an auto-updater separate from the chrome store.

This method relies on unpacked extensions (normally only used by developers) and the source is all in that folder it tells you to drag in to chrome. If you want to find it again it's in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Viramate. Audit it if you're that concerned.

d28cd6 No.14527604

File: 9492c2d86f3079c⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 130x212, 65:106, 9492c2d86f3079c5b1ed866539….jpg)


>anyone on /v/ knowing how to code

da985b No.14527629

Works for me but now i have a black bar on the fucking face. Kinda irritates me.

0f5eb5 No.14527635


That's what you get for doing those JAVs.

66dea9 No.14527647

FLBing your arcarum summon takes:

45 sephira stones

25 ideans

32 hazes

10 Fragments (Aqilia, Celsus or Bellator. Corresponds to where you can find your arcarum summon to fight them.)

45 Astra

120 verums

10 Omega Animas off the new raids corresponding to your arcarum's element (Sun is 10 gold shiva animas, death is avatar animas, etc etc)

Let me die

43c535 No.14527653


That was an intentional change poking fun at the DMCA takedown. Look at the version on the bottom of the sidebar pop-out.

f8c7f7 No.14527663

File: b3dee1fa96a88f3⋯.png (29.22 KB, 96x194, 48:97, vira-small.png)

File: af9cf1e812303f0⋯.png (29.18 KB, 96x194, 48:97, vira-small-smile.png)


At least it's easy as shit to change. I just used the images from the old version

49d0fa No.14527936

Okay this has been bothering me. My wind support summon is never charged at the start of a raid. Why?

93f0e0 No.14528056

File: 067dd30f1b182c5⋯.jpg (152.68 KB, 472x885, 8:15, bleh.jpg)

49d0fa No.14528082


Why not use the other Charlotta? She is better in almost every single way. Is there some particular reason in arcanum that water defense down would be superior to defense down at the expense of all the other direct upgrades?

93f0e0 No.14528084


look at the level

49d0fa No.14528085


Oh shit, my bad

f4a505 No.14528115



I'm glad they kept this song for the Avatar battle, it's catchy

cd69d9 No.14528154


I am what I am

f668ad No.14528244


49d0fa No.14528261

Fuck who is crashing the servers? I was in the middle of Rose Queen.

bfa006 No.14528263

File: 3a8abe0981e11ea⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 488x700, 122:175, capture_22032018_210454_00….jpg)

Unbelievable, I got 100 free draws!

49d0fa No.14528272

Fuck it bugged out in the middle of my spin

93f0e0 No.14528274


I didn't even get to see that page, it is breaking so hard

d461ea No.14528284

File: 4d0fff3e0635fd0⋯.png (577.72 KB, 780x853, 780:853, 2730b8624075c789c09412c1a9….png)


Enjoy your 90 rare summons! :^)

5eee8d No.14528292


But the draw resets at 5 tomorrow morning doesn't it?

49d0fa No.14528295

Well I got nothing but I don't feel bad about it. This anniversary has been very generous to me.



49d0fa No.14528304


But hey, 100+ is pretty sweet, dude.

f9d912 No.14528319


wait there ain't be a draw boost reset this time? Im PST so its normally at 3am for me

d461ea No.14528345


The gacha will reset, yes. Along with your free draws; you don't get to hold on to them.

2cce4e No.14528346

File: b3725dcafa3a5cb⋯.jpg (423.2 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 151107_20160228164233_10.jpg)


Quick Draw Mcgraw got in before the game tanked; mere seconds after the reset.


KMR would never allow you anything better than 10 carbs and a bunch of fodder.

49d0fa No.14528354

It's tomorow. 1859 on the 24th if I recall. I am in the middle of a train but I will check

bd3ccd No.14528360

Looking at it now and i only got 3 things of note from all my free rolls. Worse Zoi, SR Chloe and Zeph. I also got SSR Therese but that was from a ten-roll i did during Flash-gala. The 100 plusmarks are nice at least

Fairly disappointing for me this time around.

bd3ccd No.14528370


It's 5 AM on the 23rd in Japan right now. The draw resets on the 24th at 7 PM.

66dea9 No.14528378

File: 686f2a809963b62⋯.png (45.49 KB, 125x175, 5:7, 1512943308244.png)




116902 No.14528399

File: ea9b7aab1132a4d⋯.webm (3.8 MB, 998x560, 499:280, volcano spanish song.webm)

>Only got Nezha as SSR out of the 100

time to do a trip to gensokyo lads

d461ea No.14528410


You're not getting it. The free draw promo ends before the gacha pool resets.

d28cd6 No.14528413

>got a Zeus

>I already have an MLB Zeus


437fca No.14528416

File: 8d6764cce951a50⋯.jpg (396.66 KB, 636x795, 4:5, hnGFsCo.jpg)

File: a5ebdbec0976544⋯.jpg (98.68 KB, 640x800, 4:5, gobbo.jpg)

File: 9f2a2f2f468e726⋯.jpg (98.86 KB, 640x800, 4:5, e9b1e881f36b65c1.jpg)

File: 2c807c12c99d1ab⋯.png (268.53 KB, 960x800, 6:5, GoblinMage_B.png)

File: c16fa8b35e87826⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 1674x1985, 1674:1985, 53736340_p0.jpg)

>4 new SR characters

>6 Silver Moons

>11 Bronze Moons

>0 SSRs, not even a Gold Moon or crap summon

Not surprised at all. Good thing is, I finally got Goblin Mage!

0f5eb5 No.14528427


Only one SSR summon only worth scrapping as well out of the 100. I guess the +1's help.

d461ea No.14528428


Enjoy your gobu, gobu.

b48292 No.14528429

File: c218b9aa5955d8a⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 513x788, 513:788, 1521584630210.jpg)

I got Aoidos, Agni and another Grimnir.

Alright, game. If you want me to play fire that much, I guess I'll do it.

116902 No.14528437

File: 9e273b5e82dfafa⋯.png (704.43 KB, 833x800, 833:800, 1513389449525.png)


Gobbu deserves love and shinies.

bfa006 No.14528448

File: 40c350ab58c7ae8⋯.jpg (71.67 KB, 487x574, 487:574, capture_22032018_211424_00….jpg)

File: 2fb8837f382e5e5⋯.jpg (129.05 KB, 822x376, 411:188, roulette.jpg)

Got only one ssr from these 100 draws too, ankusha.

Overall, these two weeks of roulette gave me 8 ssr characters and 5 ssr summons and a bunch of other characters (since I'm new) including Summer version of Camieux, Charlotta, Chloe, Lunalu, Sara and some guys.

dd169f No.14528454

File: 10ca2d9b8bd4027⋯.png (273.2 KB, 455x344, 455:344, WaterTimes.PNG)

29d0e6 No.14528458

Best 100 draws ever. 2 Queztals, Nezha, Titan, Lucifer, and GO.

0f5eb5 No.14528476

File: a98359d1b618eaf⋯.png (378.55 KB, 590x454, 295:227, rolll.png)

Free draws got me these guys, a gold moon and two ssr summons I already recycled. Still paying back karma for living the dream with my spark, so I'll eye Jannu again come summer event.

43c535 No.14528479

File: 3f55ec24426f59e⋯.png (3.73 MB, 2347x1062, 2347:1062, 2018-03-22 4th Anniversary….png)

I think I did pretty well.

49d0fa No.14528481

File: 564e3be8f6f778d⋯.png (767.14 KB, 640x1168, 40:73, Anniversary SSRs.png)


I just realized nobody in my crew has talked to me since yesterday.


I got it perfectly fine. I was in the middle of the raid and got the date fucked up because I haven't slept in a while.


I feel you man. The entire thing was a massive disappointment.

d3ebbb No.14528487

File: ab476bd3803c9cd⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_20180322_1642081016264….png)

File: d04af52531cc2cd⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tmp_20180322_1641291489574….png)

The anniversary spoils I got are circled in red aside from a gold moon ssr weapon, a neptune I already reduced, and a few satans I already reduced.

29d0e6 No.14528488

All I need now are Europa and Grimnier then I'll have all the powerful element summons.

ddfaf9 No.14528493

More lootbox garbage, but it's weebshit so you guys pretend it's okay.

49d0fa No.14528498


lol, mutthurt

cd69d9 No.14528503

File: b1ef967ea57c64c⋯.png (441.05 KB, 512x510, 256:255, korwa.png)


post sietes and give him his (you)s

ddfaf9 No.14528508



Still true, whether you like it or not. You can dump your smug anime girl folders but the fact is this shit is no different than Battlefront, it just has cuter girls in it.

116902 No.14528512

File: 1b2c419f03b7100⋯.png (379.77 KB, 763x768, 763:768, 1b2c419f03b7100abfd54c973a….png)

File: 23fc11a521b2c46⋯.png (16.75 KB, 1102x547, 1102:547, 0d037bc5f68020753bc5472cf8….png)

ddfaf9 No.14528516


Not an argument. If this isn't just the same as typical lootbox bullshit, then explain how. Otherwise, you're just making it clear that it's okay when the Japs do it.

cd69d9 No.14528518


>doesn't play the game

>want to talk about the game mechanics


49d0fa No.14528520


these are the summons but I am too lazy to prettify them. Also I got two more Luci MLBing it and another Kaguya.


No1cur, mutt

49d0fa No.14528525

File: 52d53b0c0d8843b⋯.png (333.59 KB, 618x451, 618:451, summons.png)


Shit I should post them

9713a9 No.14528526

File: f7039d4779dbd3c⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 500x780, 25:39, 4debdf1924f55d35f7a9b9a723….jpg)

Got Shiva and Hades. On the one hand I have a Shiva now, on the other I have to consider making a Hades grid.

9395c1 No.14528551

File: 4e2b2ac0521c19c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Guaranteed.png)

Its time to roll

b1b51d No.14528571


this is the last day, right?

49d0fa No.14528605

Man I can't wait for Robomi: Generations. I really really liked the first one and getting Henshin Nicholas has me hyped as fuck.

Plus I don't have a Cerebus Order so the Gigante Launcher will give me a dark gun mainhand. My dork grid is one claw so I can't get max nukage out of Jeanne and Zoi. Mechanic will help me get that extra burst of damage on Chev so I can steal MVP and start working on my light grid.

9395c1 No.14528612

File: d5b5ea23cd295f4⋯.png (920.52 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw1.png)

File: d52a1552cbcfa74⋯.png (745.44 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw2.png)

File: 919837cd8042c57⋯.png (769.81 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw3.png)

File: 20d0fda2543b707⋯.png (741.36 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw4.png)

File: 15272977a9dfafe⋯.png (909.9 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw5.png)


Results 1-5

9395c1 No.14528614

File: 7f20d76dacd8d33⋯.png (764.69 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw6.png)

File: 33dd7689751ed6b⋯.png (756.82 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw7.png)

File: 98c3d1d68363c28⋯.png (747.21 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw8.png)

File: a83961faf560850⋯.png (761.07 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw9.png)

File: 320c0c670e3d243⋯.png (757.9 KB, 559x1020, 559:1020, Draw10.png)


Results 2

49d0fa No.14528620

I'm going to farm Cocytus in Coop if anyone is interested. I really really want to nekomancer djetta.


29d0e6 No.14528621

>Nerfs Plain Damage in Arc EX

>Warlock still nukes everything

I don't understand the plain damage nerf in Arc.

ddfaf9 No.14528629



>s-so what at least I'm having fun

You're the cancer that's killing the gaming industry.

49d0fa No.14528633






bfa006 No.14528676



Next roulette when?

886562 No.14528681

File: 2cbf77a002a0b05⋯.png (368.6 KB, 452x505, 452:505, Summons.PNG)

Welp, went 100-0 on my main and I'm too salty to post the results of the race, so that's happening later.

In the meantime, is Grimnir the only thing worth stoning?

I have 5 sunlights and I won't be rolling until summer legfest, that means I'll probably get 2 from Arcarum and 2 to 3 more from GWs.

49d0fa No.14528686


What do your fire/dirt/dork teams look like?

29d0e6 No.14528691

So what does a Titan grid look like?

886562 No.14528702

File: e51c93f33dea6ec⋯.png (409.85 KB, 452x566, 226:283, Chara1.PNG)

File: c250f25051a004a⋯.png (405.08 KB, 454x562, 227:281, Chara2.PNG)

File: dc5d9253566fdec⋯.png (247.52 KB, 456x338, 228:169, Chara3.PNG)

49d0fa No.14528712


Agni or Hades

Agni is probably easier since dork enmity girds are expensive as fuck and Ecks is relatively easy to fill your grid with. Start working on a fire ult sword too.

f4a505 No.14528758

File: beeaa39c84c4159⋯.png (283.28 KB, 455x577, 455:577, fork.PNG)

Pretty sure you're guaranteed an SSR arcarum weapon every time you beat a puppet master in Extreme Arcarum, the weapon you get seems to match the element of the puppet master too

49d0fa No.14528767

Does anyone want to grind coop before half priced ends? My crew is useless fucking nips.

d7755b No.14528794

File: 357de80e65fe72b⋯.webm (7.6 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 100 draw.webm)

File: 4f00eeb8f5fd4aa⋯.png (485.7 KB, 501x683, 501:683, free draws.png)

Here's my 100 roll. It wasn't the best roll, but I got some good stuff from the rest of the free draws.

dd169f No.14528802

File: b4ef5cda051d387⋯.png (55.32 KB, 445x104, 445:104, Arcanum.PNG)


I don't think they are too rare, I used 6 tickets earlier and got 5 weapons. 2 Weapons dropped from Puppet masters, 2 dropped from clearing a stage with 5+ monsters, which spawns a mini-boss (3m hp), and the last one dropped from the Lion mech mob.

692323 No.14528804

Light and Dark, Light and Dark.

The 4th Birthday gave me lots of Light and Dark. Even on the 100-draw (summon-leaning), I got Gun Zooey and Forte.

17cecd No.14528837

File: a301a7f394d65e6⋯.mp4 (10.49 MB, 720x720, 1:1, get_swole_on_easter.mp4)


I just logged in this piece of shit of a game after 1 year and I got this weird shit.

What the fuck should I do with these 100 tickets? I hate this game.

66dea9 No.14528867


They disappear in 22 hours, use them now or lose them.

692323 No.14528881


The Feature will not be changing from "Enhanced Summon Draw" tomorrow. Use your free draws now.

49d0fa No.14528906

Anyone else noticed they changed the M on the icon for Magna weapons to an Ω?

17cecd No.14528936

File: 4dd6cf53fc16cd9⋯.png (972.23 KB, 657x988, 657:988, mystery slut.PNG)

I forgot everything about this game, who's this whore?

49d0fa No.14528947


Some brown furry

f668ad No.14528951


that's because "magna" weapons are called omega in jap version

437fca No.14528955


Got it backwards there buddy. But yeah, this is a nice change.

17cecd No.14528966

File: 73c8dda4e3667c2⋯.png (1.11 MB, 657x990, 73:110, why.PNG)

>more fujo bait


49d0fa No.14528978


I wasn't asking why, I was asking if you noticed.


Because you touch yourself at night and that makes nine pound eight ounce sweet baby Jesus in his golden fleece diapers cry.

fa11db No.14529062

File: 5b99ea254b24b23⋯.png (147.21 KB, 297x301, 297:301, Sorena.png)

File: ceb8ab12479b712⋯.png (195.56 KB, 320x323, 320:323, Arena.png)

I think my Earth Team is pretty good but I've been thinking I should switch old man for Yaia lately with her 5*.

I also have Siegfried and Melleau, but I can just put them on the subrow I guess.

Any better ideas? I'm all out.

2cce4e No.14529138

File: 785e0ee27327b74⋯.jpg (132.84 KB, 584x613, 584:613, 3398cc990101618077de7c4080….jpg)


Jesus Christ, Anon, why are you belittling Battlefront fans suffering so much?


>Asking others if he should swap out grampa for oppai loli

Do it, faggot!

Unless your waifu is Hallesena and grampa has the ability to attract attacks.

fa11db No.14529141


He doesn't, that's Razia's job.

bd3ccd No.14529150


Siegfried is very good once you get his 5* so i recommend putting him somewhere in your team. What class do you use?

29d0e6 No.14529161

>There are floors that do only R characters

Fuck my ass.

67c342 No.14529201


You should have some R characters leveled anyway for pendants.

68da9b No.14529225

File: 8964c47226e0bc3⋯.jpg (135.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DY4uTGcU0AAEKo0.jpg)

File: beed10c80708f0b⋯.jpg (244.55 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, DY5zlFuX4AM85P0.jpg)


>Fuck my ass.

Sure thing anon

2cce4e No.14529237

File: b65c4bdc1b176de⋯.jpg (374.71 KB, 2048x1520, 128:95, DE6CkvHUwAEcABu.jpg)


Not before one of Psycho Lyrias Frankentitans has their way with him.

55c093 No.14529239

File: ef1b256da911536⋯.png (282.75 KB, 507x539, 507:539, ef1b256da9115364710c830c1b….png)


>Goblin Mage

49d0fa No.14529243


Grandpa is okay for back row. If someone falls out he can jump in with ignition, help keep Hallesenna safe when Titzia falls out, and his skills will be buffed the turn after ougi. Is Sieg 100? If not level him before frontlining.

49d0fa No.14529244


Goobu a cute

55c093 No.14529258

File: ef9825cdbc94ead⋯.png (729.52 KB, 856x861, 856:861, ef9825cdbc94eada5b33d6ae3e….png)


t. stinking gob

49d0fa No.14529266

File: 2f42a96bac528df⋯.jpg (82.14 KB, 647x679, 647:679, __djeeta_and_gran_granblue….jpg)


Don't you mean

>t. stinking gob?

If you are going to be a memeshitter don't you think you should understand the memes you are posting so you don't come across as a 56% mouth breathing r/the_Donald mouthbreather?

t. educated and erudite memesmith.

363037 No.14529283

File: 9e08d8dbf3de5a2⋯.jpg (475.76 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, Viable Titan grid.jpg)


Here you go, the only grid that makes titan usable.



Agni is a mistake, do not waste sunlight stones on it.

55c093 No.14529286

File: 8cf0281157623c1⋯.png (254.83 KB, 438x277, 438:277, 8cf0281157623c175b5d22fafa….png)


>getting triggered over the correct way to use t.

Stupid goblin

49d0fa No.14529294

File: cc7a2a2a68b52a9⋯.png (884.71 KB, 991x1400, 991:1400, The Chad Whale.png)



>Not whaling until you MLB every summon

wew lad, get on my level.

49d0fa No.14529301


>t. local moran who still doesn't understand the correct use of terveisin

49d0fa No.14529303


How the fuck did that quote get fucked up? Whom am I even quoting?

363037 No.14529309


I deleted a post I had two images with the same name and I posted the wrong one.

1263a3 No.14529466


This guy reminds me of that "emo" guy that was supposedly buying incest doujin or something in an act.

2cce4e No.14529575

File: cfbaa735154b7c0⋯.png (1008.83 KB, 1076x924, 269:231, Freebies 2018.png)

The free singles and the roulette gave me a great haul of characters but summons were shit because they're the same things I always get but now my habit of getting Primals has left me with just Varuna and Hades.

bc1559 No.14529585

File: f0298b79e801a25⋯.png (564.93 KB, 484x691, 484:691, ClipboardImage.png)

Finally got something for my water team. Was hoping for Altair, but another cute potato is fine too.

49d0fa No.14529597


Hope you don't like to play as Djeeta.

bc1559 No.14529613

File: 333567b22d3d5cc⋯.gif (999.86 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 1456118922284.gif)


>Hope you don't like to play as Djeeta.

Just looked into her skills. This is some screwy monkey's paw.

49d0fa No.14529621


Fat faceless old men rabu is the only thing that makes Riruru's kokoro go doki doki

67c342 No.14529680


She is an idol after all.

bc1559 No.14529700

File: ff4da02b215889e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1696x2400, 53:75, ClipboardImage.png)


Such a shame, but like >>14529680 said, it is a part of an idol's life. Guess I'll be sticking her in the sub while Charlotta will remain in my front.

49d0fa No.14529718


She isn't that bad but water is flush with better buffers. Like right now I am struggling to figure out if Altari or S. Diantia is better for my shitty grid.

bc1559 No.14529744

File: 49895cf4407f2d2⋯.png (988.4 KB, 765x600, 51:40, ClipboardImage.png)


>Water is fresh with better buffers

I know, but my shit luck gave me a potato idol instead of QT Diantia or Altair. Hopefully when I do my first spark next year or whenever another roulette comes around, I can get those buffers, but in the meantime got to toughen it out.

67c342 No.14529756


She will work fine until you get someone better, just keep her happy and fed with large, smelly, hairy, smegma encrusted dicks like the idol she is.

2cce4e No.14529772

File: bf4fb8d93562c79⋯.png (170.99 KB, 640x628, 160:157, 696D67_3339393032383330303….png)


>wasting a spark for Altair

Your dick deserves better.

78cffe No.14529793


I hope they don't bring back Mary's idol costume because if they do I seriously might buy it.

bc1559 No.14529841

File: 3a525e7b100734f⋯.png (835.1 KB, 850x605, 170:121, ClipboardImage.png)


Will do, but me fulfilling that her quota for smelly dicks is going to take me a while. Most of my water types are girls.


>implying that I would spark Altair instead of the other water candidates like pic related

If it's the last resort, and I'm in serious need of a buffer, maybe. However, if I got him out of a gacha draw, then that's fine.

>My dick deserves better.

I know, but the gacha will not give me pic related.

49d0fa No.14529953


Save your spark for something you can't get with a ticket. Drang is awesome, dude.

e87351 No.14530127

File: dd1e777af126714⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1992x1067, 1992:1067, 1436360.png)

Could have been worse.

78cffe No.14530317

File: 1e5589ae16adc1a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1281x628, 1281:628, Luminiera_Omega.png)


>beautiful artwork

>sense of wonder

>good shading

>could be hanging on the wall of a museum


>generic anime style

>messy clusterfuck

>low energy

d7755b No.14530332

File: 2510a0fddfca731⋯.png (536.29 KB, 640x628, 160:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah but what about Celeste and her child bearing hips?

bc1559 No.14530352


Got to admit the final uncap artwork for the omega summons are indeed underwhelming. It would of worked better if those were used as SSR character images.

2cce4e No.14530425

File: f3b52fe46943bbd⋯.png (403.21 KB, 840x489, 280:163, 64221904_p1.png)


Two birds with one stone.

49d0fa No.14531115

Zoi train if anyone wants to hop on


49d0fa No.14531358

File: d8e8e5491ad4957⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 1906x1180, 953:590, You gotta pay that AP.jpg)

d7755b No.14531392

File: c50c6310e3b11cc⋯.png (349.65 KB, 673x366, 673:366, magnafest again.png)


I hope you enjoyed your few hours without a magnafest, because here's another magnafest. Daily draw tickets


49d0fa No.14531428


Good, hopefully 1/2 price shit will come back. I had more grinding I needed to do for ASScalon.

f1bc88 No.14531533

File: c638fa6390c0375⋯.png (11.47 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Stamp90.png)


I want off the grindan train

737918 No.14531850

File: 4d7dd70386317c4⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1003x1417, 1003:1417, 00e4d8c4e79bf694f7ef62576c….png)


>more free gibs

Are those SSR tickets?

I wonder what their master plan is.


>been at this for 3 weeks or so

>haven't played a single other game since then

>gacha is eating into all of my free time that could be put to better use

I want off too.

68da9b No.14531855

File: 4b62a2d75e05692⋯.png (71.11 KB, 452x281, 452:281, thanks_corow.png)

>When you are drowning in Corow tits and still got no sword drop

Can't play as much as I want. I hope one drop soon.

68da9b No.14531891

File: 7fb16894f86b176⋯.png (233.89 KB, 468x577, 468:577, RNGesus_01.png)

File: f00a998654214b1⋯.png (95.94 KB, 455x228, 455:228, RNGesus_02.png)


Thank you RNGesus.

Can I get a girlfiend too?

78cffe No.14531918

File: f003b446e15d692⋯.png (228.5 KB, 536x627, 536:627, Untitled.png)

Now that the event over:


6aace0 No.14531961

File: 1b4326396fb12c2⋯.png (300.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1b4326396fb12c2918bcad32d4….png)

Since my Dork builds are shit I tried to take on XC extreme with a dirt Holy Saber team that doesn't die. 23 turns in, fucker's at less than 40%.


Do it, 5* Yaia's really good but she needs someone to heal her or take damage for her, ougi doesn't affect her.

Titty idol was pretty good honestly, hope she gets a 5* soon.


Gandalf is a simple but kind of outdated nuker, 5* never ever.

0f5eb5 No.14531994


Why is this faggot on the power level of limiteds while my sweet Sakura is at trash level. I will never forgive this insult or ever put him or his summons on my team.

78cffe No.14532016

File: 5e5ea81370d86c3⋯.png (560.28 KB, 424x895, 424:895, Untitled.png)


Nothing's stopping you from using her anon. You just need to put her on a dark Odin team like I did.

0bbebd No.14532280

File: 2bce3d759c470f9⋯.png (3.54 KB, 158x16, 79:8, Doesthismakeyouupset.png)

a52316 No.14532730

File: 7f7e8cc96da31da⋯.jpg (27.31 KB, 267x274, 267:274, ea2989eb02438df4241ced7792….jpg)

The clash is almost over and there's still no drawings of Xeno Corow's fat titties

The Jannu Renaissance could not have hit at a worse time, it is truly the greatest injustice of our time

8537c9 No.14532748

Do you lose your roulette draws if you don't roll on the same day?

49d0fa No.14532761


24 hours. Best get to pulling, nigger cattle.

71c409 No.14532897

File: 8162e86ae7f61f9⋯.jpg (340.5 KB, 1347x692, 1347:692, anniversaryrolls-finalcoun….jpg)

File: 75139a3e4a009c6⋯.png (21.47 KB, 120x120, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Overall haul off of anniversary rolls, which includes sparks rolls among them (sparked for Chevira).

49d0fa No.14533125

>Robomi: Generations isn't up yet


Also judging by the comic the Robomi: G storyline came right before Draphtective which came before Vampy. Can we expect Vampy in the near future?

519466 No.14533162

So now that magna 2 is here would it be worth building an Agni grid?

bd3ccd No.14533180


The last time Vampys event ran was in September of 2016 right after a Barawa event as you said but that was just a rerun. The first time it ran was in 2015 around the same time in September. That was after an IMAS event. Vampy did not have an event in 2017.

I think they won't rerun it again and instead will opt to put it in the side-stories. It's possible her event will get a sequel but we don't have any news on that yet.

49d0fa No.14533217


Still legit pissed her even didn't have a cross over with Dirty Uncle Cags. Also does she have utility in GO?

71c409 No.14533224


I think you pinpointed the exact problem. All the 4* artwork for the magna summons don't look like it would be used as the sprite for their respective raid, so their poses aren't as dynamic and the sense of scale is lost.

886562 No.14533303

File: 47ddc28b8bb8247⋯.png (622.3 KB, 498x761, 498:761, check'em.PNG)

c173a8 No.14533364


>no uncle cags bullying sakura

The collab had potential, but too bad it didn't deliver. Though it's better than the fanfic event with aots, which reminds me of how the fuck will case closed and persona 5 work in this universe.

4a5e8f No.14533370

File: 8e966fec71c3141⋯.png (124.49 KB, 443x474, 443:474, FFPoll21.png)

Poll 21, vote cunts.

bd3ccd No.14533410


I assume the Persona collab will probably be about the gang coming into GBF using the metanav and, thinking it's a palace, go about things. I hope they do some fun stuff with the music and UI like they did with SamSho.

They're probably just going to cop out with Conan like they do with IM@S and have him fall into a closet or something.

2cce4e No.14533554

File: c73fc7a95e4bbb5⋯.jpg (6.75 MB, 2505x3508, 2505:3508, 61428975_p0.jpg)





I like you.


I was thinking P5 would just end jumping into a magic picture of Granblues world while Conan would just end up in it from a magic dohickey that a person killed someone over but I'm hoping if they include the creator of the poison; she'll have time with Cagliostro but I'm sure everyones hoping Barawa is heavily in the collab.

d7755b No.14533602

File: 597f102078bcc16⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>loki/Gilbert/true king/freesia/furias are a real person in the persona world.

>The phantom thieves discover they have a palace

>that palace is the granblue world

4a5e8f No.14533622

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)

File: f2df174ef4b50ea⋯.jpg (292.16 KB, 473x2070, 473:2070, episode_533.jpg)

File: f6b9ed5463e76a5⋯.jpg (276.91 KB, 473x2070, 473:2070, episode_558.jpg)


Wish people loved Balurga more. Or that I could do good art for her.

49d0fa No.14533693

File: d68cfe5f2d332c9⋯.png (227.14 KB, 639x684, 71:76, poll 21.png)


There was so much potential to let Sakura Tange have fun with it. Uncle Cags bullying Sakura over being too cute. Sakura idolizing the cutest alchemist and his mastery of mystical arts. So much potential squandered.


Last non-event R I need. Last 8.5 SR I need. Last 9.5 dirt I need. I really need veil in light, the element that probably needs it most.

d2790d No.14533713

why'd you guys kick me from the crew :(

49d0fa No.14533731


Were you in Kihou?

d2790d No.14533742


fuckin rudeass double nigger

49d0fa No.14533761

If there is an openning in Kihou scout me

Hitler ID: 18009761

d2790d No.14533766

dude don't let that joker take my spot

737918 No.14533931

File: 15a10b79156fb65⋯.jpg (68.2 KB, 596x640, 149:160, vote.JPG)



>two days into the game

>see Hal and Mal during the event for the first time

>want to stick my dick into them

>hear we get a free character for completing the story

>think maybe it's one of them or the cute angel lady

>get a faggot instead

I have never been more disappointed since, not even with my failure to roll summer Jannu with all of my crystals and tickets.

49d0fa No.14534095


Just git gud. Despite what sore loser will tell you luck shitting is a skill.

d2790d No.14534226

I rolled summer jeanne

her tits suck

d2790d No.14534233

#1 problem with this game is the lack of good husbandos

Ladiva's the only one.

363037 No.14534310

File: 0c30557d1b3b458⋯.png (236.77 KB, 418x295, 418:295, Double attack.png)


10% double attack is my favourite summon as well.


Wow, I'd have kicked you from my crew too.

2fc24f No.14534326


>lack of good husbandos

>expecting quality guys from a game that panders to fujos

It sucks, but you should know better.

d98db9 No.14534415


Isn't their call useful too? More damage + permanent poison sounds pretty useful.

737918 No.14534427

File: 08eea7f544bee83⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 694.06 KB, 850x1188, 425:594, sunscreen.jpg)


How did you get them to 3* so quickly?

Did you buy the premium rolls or something?

I got mine during the 100 roll yesterday, still not sure if I should use them as a main instead of my other summons, that double attack and summon attack effect is very nice but the lack of passive damage worries me.


I'm not sure how it is a skill, but I think I'll be saving for a spark.

Zoey's cute umber face would look even cuter when decorated with pearls of love, so I think I'd go for her instead.

Unless they release Lumi as a character by that time.

cb3de1 No.14534449


I miss the roulette and drawing an SSR nearly everyday. I guess my strongest team is still dark, with wind following behind? I'm not sure who to mainline in my dark team. I was using Bea/Zeta/Black Knight, but I don't know how to make Bea TA more consistently without leaving her in hostility up + defense down. She does a shitload of damage once she gets going, but it's too hard to keep her alive. Unless there's something better I could do, I might just switch to Forte/Zeta/Vampy.

0f5eb5 No.14534452

>30 Ubaha nip train

Fuck that took hours. Each one took longer than the last. But now just seem some urns or what ever element and can join the strife sword club.

49d0fa No.14534462


Knowing when to reduce your premium weapons and summons you don't need to increase your draw rate is important. Next time you see summer Jannu come around reduce all your premiums that you are immediately using and it will boost your chances to draw something useful.

49d0fa No.14534476


Get Bea to base 70% TA and you can maintain her buffs almost indefinitely baring status effects putting her out of her out of commission for three turns. Old Cortana in a Celes grid. Cortana and Cerebus Order in a Hades grid. Baha Fist Coda. Ult sword dark with Stife. You can add any of those to raise your TA. When she is balls deep in her cycle she has 30% TA and can continue indefinitely without the debuff side of her skills effecting you. This gives her a semi-permanent 50% Atk, Refresh, 30% Def, 50% DA, 30% TA(as mentioned), and Jammed.

363037 No.14534491


It's nearly completely useless. The extra damage you get from everbane is capped at 10k per hit.


I uncapped them with sunlight stones. Do not use them as a main summon, all you want is the 10% double attack.

0bbebd No.14534563

File: e42aef7e0c489e0⋯.png (199.58 KB, 356x256, 89:64, 1425813974550.png)


Nice trick

68da9b No.14534573


It worked for me, how can you tell it doesn't work?

  r'´:/:::::::,イ:::::::::: |::jハ;:::::::::ヽ:::::::::::\
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49d0fa No.14534576

0bbebd No.14534590


Its simple.

      ∧_∧  Tonfa Kick!
     _(  ´Д`)
    /      )     ドゴォォォ _  /
∩  / ,イ 、  ノ/    ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ, _
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49d0fa No.14534601

                      λ           _,へ_λ
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                     r⌒/^iγ くLi-iノ^Lノ-iノ」ゝ /)
                     ヽ、_,.イ、/イl|.━  ━ il | r'.、 つ
                     _`イ、 ヽ,人" ワ "ノi.|/`>)´ Excuse me, may I pass through here?
                     \V ,.へ、 i >>=<イノ ./§
                      8 / / `iyイ (/,ヘ),ゝイ
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68da9b No.14534632

But seriously speaking, I noticed something. But I can't confirm anything and I want to test it further. Maybe at the next roulette or when I spark.

inb4 I die after finding something and before posting results.

0bbebd No.14534644


If it does work its probably a breach of japanese law since the draw rates should be the same as the ones they present us(IE: 6% chance of a SSR in legfest.

68da9b No.14534663


Nah I don't think it's about lower rate for baka gaijin, you can check alt-anon's what he could draw with the roulette.

0bbebd No.14534701


HIGHER rate should be bad too but I'm not well versed so what can I say.

49d0fa No.14534737

Does anyone run a GO team?

f35a52 No.14534828



They disappeared along the supreme technique of multiboxing.

49d0fa No.14535198

So they are reintroducing characterless SSR weapons to the draw pool.

29d0e6 No.14535237

File: 91a26ea03275a14⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.36 MB, 1500x1125, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Here you go, for anyone who wanted the only Corow porn in existence.

67c342 No.14535262



How long until lyria turns her into an onahole for frankengran?

2cce4e No.14535325

File: 67bb7c8c499e42b⋯.webm (2.04 MB, 640x480, 4:3, MST3K panic.webm)


>characterless SSR weapons

49d0fa No.14535348


Evidentally they had a twitter poll and not many people knew. The nips are salty as fuck about this.

49d0fa No.14535361

File: 429fa60002ca95b⋯.jpg (117.77 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Coming soon to a ten draw ….jpg)


I mean I want a bunch of FLB Gislas but holy shit if I lose out on a chance at a Grand Character during a gala because I ended up with a Joyeuse I am going to be pissed as fuck.

67c342 No.14535406


They leave the gacha on the 26th, odds are good that legfest won't start until after they are gone.

49d0fa No.14535408


This is them testing the waters.

e9832e No.14535504

New thread


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