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File: 8d6803d0e158e35⋯.mp4 (11.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, robomi PV.mp4)

b923be No.14535491



March Event Schedule

02/28~03/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue 2: Paradise Lost

03/12~03/18 - Rise of the Beasts

03/18~03/24 - Xeno Corow

03/24~03/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)

03/31~04/08 - New Scenario Event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

364980 No.14535495


>Playing gachashit

b923be No.14535502

File: 0b9e93bc16a2b8c⋯.jpg (46.69 KB, 640x605, 128:121, DYzB8c2UMAAgsMs.jpg)

Robomi Generations rerun should start in under 2 hours

b39297 No.14535507

b08113 No.14535530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b0c3e No.14535538

5* Shirou when, he's probably my favorite event freebie out of all of them.

b39297 No.14535714

File: a065ba55cf01133⋯.png (489.64 KB, 800x633, 800:633, Remember when the future s….png)

>tfw Showa era was 29 years ago

Feels bad man

>tfw Robomi: Generation NOW™


e24043 No.14535843

File: b5c80be31ca7f93⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 187.56 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, 1257_DSrHp1_VMAErrDe.jpg)

File: e14c77248182371⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 504.82 KB, 1016x1472, 127:184, 1236_66726261_p5.jpg)

File: afb7a6f06f66106⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 238.66 KB, 700x990, 70:99, 1221_0a7c05a21537cc1b.jpg)

File: a20b9cecc28ea7b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 91.57 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1048_DO4hKuxUMAE1Vaa.jpg)

File: 7ce957be9aa2ae2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 100.42 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1047_DO4g_gXUMAAGF_0.jpg)


b8ecb2 No.14536165

I don't know how to feel about this event.

I haven't even finished the related side story that's available, so I have no clue what's going on either.

I guess the rings are good?


Charlotta is pure!


That said, I want to fuck Io.

b8ecb2 No.14536171

File: a9c8817f013602f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.11 MB, 2828x4000, 707:1000, 907d31da7a2454ed51151197ae….jpg)


Forgot my picture.

f6ad50 No.14536828

File: e8eaca1a648ca73⋯.png (10.97 KB, 276x50, 138:25, yg.png)

File: 3e36f20c040fd03⋯.jpg (63.61 KB, 600x694, 300:347, pika doubt.jpg)

85c191 No.14537061


And you do realize the "Young Boy?" was a girl, right?

I think this is the second time I've played an event in this style, the first was the Dream event (Phoebe/Morphe), and damn was I pathetic in that one. At least this time around, I can actually take things on pretty well with my current Light party (which is pretty much tied with Dark for strongest).

b1bb7e No.14537102

File: e8eecd75ce51551⋯.jpg (88.44 KB, 540x960, 9:16, __djeeta_and_gran_granblue….jpg)

e60450 No.14537226

You can trade for rings in the robomi generations treasure shop

506ae7 No.14537262

File: 1785b6f0ec93262⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, DJS_B9HUMAAfdNs.jpg)



Careful, Anon, there might have had some poison ivy down there recently…

727c9a No.14537344

Celeste HL for anyone who wants in. 10 spaces left: C5F9F0

5c6849 No.14537394

File: 1e611a3ae665484⋯.png (834.45 KB, 800x743, 800:743, 64001376_p27.png)

File: 9124d7379cad658⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1024x960, 16:15, 64001376_p25.png)

File: 8998c535b3c6f5a⋯.jpg (88.82 KB, 633x580, 633:580, 64270390_p0.jpg)

File: 4a4beebd19cb07d⋯.png (415.69 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 66917759_p0.png)

File: 0a0213379bbaa94⋯.png (921.41 KB, 800x629, 800:629, 64001376_p19.png)


I want to post potatoes getting mashed, but der ewige juden will just ban me, the fucker.

85c191 No.14537551

So what is better to run when you're powerful enough to actually make the choice- Raid Extreme or Solo Extreme? Unfortunately, I'm no Maniac yet.

21f312 No.14537644


You can see yourself that solo drops more stuff to empty the shop. But looking at the wiki, raid can give more of other stuff, like merits and grains.

eec010 No.14537719


Both are good, but if you want more items, solo on raids.

b39297 No.14537871

File: 895c303fb9404fc⋯.jpg (1002.5 KB, 4528x4311, 4528:4311, アマゾンズ.jpg)

b8ecb2 No.14538152


Are you trying to tell me those two like each other?

I'm only up to chapter 26, I have no idea what's going on.

ef2d42 No.14538157

File: 0af1e9b341ccba0⋯.png (162.35 KB, 583x408, 583:408, Sandal_Phone.png)

9d1a42 No.14538173

File: f29e06d62857b27⋯.jpg (117.85 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 1511810732766.jpg)


Now you have incentive to get to chapter 98

b8b6b3 No.14538174

File: d92cb0468b7aa8d⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 371x370, 371:370, 2d49cd5ea17fcabb8e39048f09….jpg)


>I'm only up to chapter 26

They are canonically in a Yuri relationship

5c6849 No.14538185

File: a98f5ad636ebe74⋯.png (38.6 KB, 852x628, 213:157, 1443864509218.png)


its complicated in that Io is the one character that could go away and the plot would lose nothing, and its even mentioned by her after you kill Akasha and Freesia, but Rosetta starts talking her as someone special in other chapters, actually Rosetta seems to do this since Malice Yggdrasil chapter 54 or so, Io gets a lot of emotional support from Rosetta and talks about making Io a woman, a dignified woman in a near future. So of course this being the internet they took it the way you'd expect.

be314b No.14538217

File: db3a2a69cd8e3e9⋯.png (534.89 KB, 793x660, 793:660, GIEF ANIMA.png)

god dammit grimnir give me the ANIMA and a few harps

b39297 No.14538248

>45 friends and 55 other players borrowed your summon.

Did I finally make it, /gbf/?

384509 No.14538285

File: 18d8b6e120a3a94⋯.png (151.6 KB, 420x315, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


the power of baha flb

b39297 No.14538314


I don't have baha.

2fe23e No.14538497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait you're telling me


Has a song in GBF?




f62c95 No.14538645

no seriously why'd you guys kick me from the crew

5c6849 No.14538664

File: fef027899d76555⋯.png (143.55 KB, 247x311, 247:311, 0 INT.png)


More on this please

b39297 No.14538670


Yes seriously, more on this and when an opening will be available.

f62c95 No.14538677

Kihou literally full of shitlers

b39297 No.14538692

File: 0c15298016ca298⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 404x404, 1:1, If I could turn back time ….jpg)


No, no it isn't.

f62c95 No.14538693

When's an opening in the non-reject main crew? Kihou is garbo anyway

b8b6b3 No.14538697

File: 605260a1d85d80a⋯.gif (380.57 KB, 825x600, 11:8, 2670.gif)

5c6849 No.14538704


Tell us your story my dude.

f62c95 No.14538710

They fucking talk about moot not being such a bad guy

probably browse /trash/ like real faggots

337808 No.14538713

File: f4b2b622cf468d1⋯.png (2.58 KB, 194x21, 194:21, kihou.PNG)




Who were you anyway? I looked at the roster when you first started posted about being kicked and it was 30/30. Either they replaced you the moment you were kicked or you are making shit up.

f62c95 No.14538722


probably got some cocksucking furry friend of theirs in and didn't want a useful firememer

384509 No.14538727


who are you anyway?

5c6849 No.14538734

File: bd693fe2a1c591e⋯.jpg (22.02 KB, 162x311, 162:311, 1452620897603.jpg)


who the hell are you, kihou either never had you, never needed you and youre being a fag.

048307 No.14538781

File: 6a193f6be60be49⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 210x249, 70:83, 1454045889586-0.jpg)


Don't worry, there's always room for your type here in Crew 3. Be sure to bring your memes and shit taste.

b8b6b3 No.14538808

File: 1ca806ea4105c19⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 476x360, 119:90, slapslapslap.mp4)

How often does the storyline update.

I want to get to the bloody island.

f85f75 No.14538810

File: c40e799c64efc49⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 265x292, 265:292, 1436386892027.jpg)


I don't think we want this guy.

b8ecb2 No.14538812




I regret asking now.

But we'll see what happens.

727c9a No.14538816


Whenever they feel like it.

f62c95 No.14538820

But seriously there's an opening in Infinity right? I'm a strong firememer, I've got a full Twin Elements grid. I pulled ss jeanne too so I'm probably going to work on a Fist grid on the side

b39297 No.14538832


Post collection

364980 No.14538859


Try the potato crew, they even accepted hitler.

9d1a42 No.14538895



Who the fuck are you? We are asking your IGN.

b39297 No.14538909


But on the flipside I quit after a few days.

eec010 No.14538953


>Robomi Rerun

Hopefully they do a part 3 with Marie as a recruitable character, and something like Cutie Honey.


>5* Shirou when, he's probably my favoriate event freebie out of all of them.

This, though I will admit I do like Meteon's character, and Waldur, despite the fact that I did not get the chance to play his event.

3df465 No.14539174


>5* Shirou

How can they improve his portrait any more?

727c9a No.14539184

Medusa HL room, three spots left. 651ECE

2fe23e No.14539189


A henshin pose with an explosion behind, if that hasn't been done already.

506ae7 No.14539190

File: 27402beab18886f⋯.png (126.68 KB, 602x438, 301:219, decb1646fc232911633be18d6c….png)


>Are you trying to tell me those two like each other?

The world is what you make of it!


Disgusting thing to do to sandles; turning an Iphone into one of them…


I misread that as Medusa HL porn and wondered why anyone would want to rape best snake.

3df465 No.14539209

File: 34ba5f1af2e83c3⋯.png (202.54 KB, 480x400, 6:5, Hagane no Senshi.png)


I don't know man, I mean, look at this shit right here: This artwork is what ink aspires to become. This is what manly souls would look like if you could see them.

b8ecb2 No.14539238

File: ccadcdda1088fc1⋯.jpg (460.12 KB, 1080x762, 180:127, 1464784640722.jpg)


Fucking japs.

3df465 No.14539239


Two chapters every month or two

eedc40 No.14539247



More like upskirt camsandles

a71745 No.14539376

>SJWs aren't infecting reddi-


"The Race EMP is a freaking racism element already, only Human and Erune have really good stuff from there"

b8ecb2 No.14539398


>reddit is full of retards

What a surprise.

Why would you give a direct link to that shithole anyway?

a71745 No.14539406


To give proof and show it in context, it's just funny how even waifu games aren't safe from SJWs.

b923be No.14539413


You could've just archived it and not directly link it. Also why did you go there?

097e1e No.14539415


If even crew 2 couldn't put up with your faggotry, you've got no chance with crew 1.


You have to go back.

a71745 No.14539424



I have my reasons, stop bullying me.

097e1e No.14539468

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Never MLB Agni.

3df465 No.14539478


Why would you? You can reach 100% chance 50% crits using 6 Egg Sex in a double FLB Colossus setup.

eedc40 No.14539491


There goes my hope and dreams of doing it since gacha was kind enough to get me 2 copies. Now i have to luckshit a shiva.

2fe23e No.14539503

File: de86fab5bf28089⋯.gif (207.99 KB, 560x400, 7:5, 4e6d20fb61.gif)

Kind of a dumb question, but now with Magna II and Arcarum weapons, do magna builds have more viable choices now or they're gonna be stuck on the typical magna set thanks to the 5*?

097e1e No.14539513


Water and fire both got nothing from magna II, the other elements all got at least one weapon worth using.

6b66a2 No.14539524


alex axe/katana grid for earth

add some grim harps to your wind grid

add some metatron bows to your light grid

avatar gun grid for dark

3df465 No.14539547


Three Grimnir Harps and four Tiamat Bolts should get you to cap at any health % using double Tiamat FLB.

2fe23e No.14539577

File: 4374512272d6323⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 616x740, 154:185, 67785813_p10.jpg)


I thought Water would benefit from things like a gun or any of the other new weapons but KMR is really pushing the staff as a water thing for some reason.



Always thought this was a meme but earth can apparently pull it off, and The Glory seemingly isn't shit. I'm still not 120 though.



Again another dumb question, how beneficial it is to add all kinds of different weapons on your grid, especially if some classes or characters don't get as powerful from the grids?

3df465 No.14539734


I'm afraid I don't understand your question very well, but I'll try to answer from what I understood of it:

In general you want to get weapons with Big or Massive attack skills in your grid, but balance them out across EX, Normal and Omega skills (more of Normal or Omega depending on your summon). Weapons with a big or massive modifier with a second skill are more desirable than those with a single one. In fact, Tiamat Bolts and Celeste Claws, despite being Medium Attack weapons, are more desirable than Tiamat Fists and Celeste Axes, which are Big Attack because of their second skill, small enmity.

Now, about trying to build your grid from a single type of weapon for Cosmos/Weapon Specialty: bonus stats from the kind of weapon help, but they are a 20% increase on base stats, which isn't much (400 attack on a 2000 base attack weapon, for example). Sure, it helps some characters hit even harder (ex. Jeanne D'arc in a light sword grid, Meteon on a Tiamat Bolt grid), but you would be better off not gimping your weapon skill selection because of it.

If your answer hasn't been answered in either of those paragraphs, or at least not in a manner you can understand, could you reformulate the question for me?

3df465 No.14539740


Mind you, I meant Jeanne D'arc SR.

The light SSR has suffered from brain damage and forgot how to use swords.

Please understand.

2fe23e No.14539778

File: 1bb4fe3283bfd3c⋯.png (967.81 KB, 1260x900, 7:5, 67633026_p0.png)



I did mean the second one (characters and classes with weapon specialty), my apologies.

For example I do have a dirt magna grid with 4 ygg swords, Cosmo Sword ATK, and baha sword (plus sausage and xeno harp), running Weapon Master and with Threo and Gandalf since I don't have Siegfried yet. I was planning to get an Atma Sword soon as well, would it help more?

I also got a WIP Titan gun grid, not exactly sure if it'd be better or worse

3df465 No.14539809


An Atma sword is good for many elements, so you should be fine making one, regardless of element. I honestly forgot about them when I was talking, but the same principle still applies: For example, taking your earth grid and characters, you would still want to trade Ygg Swords for Alexiel Katanas even though your characters don't have a Katana proficiency. Sure, your damage would suffer marginally, but your HP would skyrocket and you would get a chance to dodge and counter to boot, turning it into a foregone conclusion to make the trade. Just stick the Atma in there and presto.

Do you mean Eugen guns or Tribunal Thunders for the Titan grid?

2fe23e No.14539830


Tribunals, as soon as I get Eugen's gun I'll stick it as main weapon. Got 3 ingots saved up and everything.

2e6987 No.14539838

I hope you idiots that appropriate (((mobage))) culture find yourselves hung on a fishing hook somewhere off the coast of Brazil.

b39297 No.14539844


The stats are nice but the charge and def down are kind of negligable since most of the time standard def down will be at cap. Unless I am mistaken and it works on a different stack. Stratomizer would be a better bet for mainhand gun since it give you a stackable ougi boost.

3df465 No.14539863


Tribunal thunders are OK, but they're just that: OK. Their damage is decent, but nothing extraordinary, and after a certain HP threshold where you become able to survive anything the game throws at you short of Ubaha and Magna II, you would rather have more damage/crits/DATA than more HP (>DATA on Titan). If you want a F2P titan grid able to deal out some real damage, you should consider Solomon Axes instead. However, you would need Ayer alongside Threo to actually make it worth the effort. It is a bit ironic since the whole reason I don't like Atma weapons much is because you get locked to specific characters, but F2P Titan does exactly that and yet I've gotten Demi Titan. However, if you do manage to get those Eugen guns, you should regain your freedom of character choice

893dcb No.14539882


It already wasn't safe from SJWs considering they made a huge stink about that one summon thats a girl holding onto an orb on a golem.

c5c765 No.14539954

File: 2583cac51695ae4⋯.png (1.34 MB, 836x1080, 209:270, unknoasdasdwn.png)

File: 79eb3d955e7c3b0⋯.jpg (123.59 KB, 489x494, 489:494, 1476063030199.jpg)


3df465 No.14539959


Gold Grimoires or Autism, pick your poison

506ae7 No.14539966

File: 87729e82dd91b87⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 839.74 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, 67595406_p0.jpg)

Question since I'm having a hard time deciding; who is the best to MLB, Apollo, Grand Order, or Shiva?

3df465 No.14539968

b39297 No.14539969

3ed74f No.14539977

File: 3fa23e777097289⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 11263690_10204751826740488….jpg)


GO my dude, 4* inbound.

d14ff8 No.14539991

File: 0ae1bae600f21bf⋯.jpg (120.01 KB, 589x777, 589:777, fuark.jpg)


Grand Order my friend, they don;t know the hidden depths of it.

b39297 No.14539995


Will someone please explain to me how to make a good Zoi team? Like I was thinking Summer Zoi and Jeanne d'Ark for my attackers and Ferry or Kurwa for my support but I got no clue here.

2fe23e No.14540021

File: 8e40659dc500a5b⋯.jpg (787.59 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, 5 star and proud.jpg)




Thanks for the advice. I guess I'll have to bust some slimes first, then.

5509fb No.14540187

File: 7b5b3fbf8445252⋯.jpeg (36.22 KB, 500x280, 25:14, Confuse Animu Grill 48.jpeg)

How do you all pass the time grindan?

Listen to any music streams?

Watch something in another window?

Do IRL shit while leaving battles on auto?

Play other vidya?

Read some manga or a good book?



I'm trying to think of things to do besides listen to music while I grind everyday

b39297 No.14540204


I watch wrestling or anikino, listen to hard style, or just casually shitpost on my othe monitor while I wait for animation. Reading Grand Blues is another solid choice as you don't need too much focus on it. I will say that I stopped everything to watch the conclusion to DBS tonight. Shit was hype as fuck.

inb4 some nigger complains about Super

6b66a2 No.14540217


I watch shit on my second monitor

b39297 No.14540239

File: 980741fbe4bb846⋯.png (3.29 MB, 5760x1080, 16:3, MULTI-MONITOR SHITPOSTING.png)


You are like a little babby

You can't learn Japanese

eec010 No.14540252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Listening to music, draw, and watch vids during breaks. Vid related. I've been listening to this on repeat lately.

eedc40 No.14540316

File: 9892e8f6d730613⋯.jpg (645.21 KB, 2184x1230, 364:205, mirror.jpg)


I play shitty porn puzzle games or eroge VNs. Something thats easy to go back and forth with at my own pace.

2e2d42 No.14540417


Summer Zoi's strength is being able to put your team at 1hp by pressing Conjunction. This has great synergy with enmity weapon grids, such as magna wind and dark, but negative synergy with other grids.

You can optimize further by getting characters that play better with Zoi, sure, like Dark Jeanne, who has innate enmity, or Gawain whose second nuke scales with lower hp, but that's not where the biggest benefit comes from.

So to answer your question: Have a proper grid, put in 2 random fuckers, put in Zoi.

b39297 No.14540432


Is two dark attacks good or should I reduce it to just one? Is there a benefit from going full rainbow or will it cap at at 200% with 3 elements? Is double GO better if the other GO isn't MLB?

2e2d42 No.14540471


The way you used Grand Order and Zoi interchangeably really confused me. I wrote about actual S.Zoi team building, so probably just forget all about it.

I don't really have experience with Grande memes, but yeah, the basic idea is having two attackers of your primary element. You don't get any bonuses for more colors, and the GOs are on the same modifier regardless of being limit broken or not, so 2 MLB is better.

097e1e No.14540491

File: cc670bfc28a9361⋯.png (122.95 KB, 546x142, 273:71, Envoy of Mediation.png)


>You don't get any bonuses for more colours

Well acshually

506ae7 No.14540527

File: de6002a6f3a0f96⋯.png (776.38 KB, 897x620, 897:620, 60838328_p0.png)

File: a0a4cc2443f043e⋯.png (304.76 KB, 781x604, 781:604, 60838328_p1.png)

File: ce2bee90a9fe0e8⋯.png (544.96 KB, 893x769, 893:769, 60838328_p2.png)


He means the way GO summon works is that you can have two of the same elements in your front row without losing its power.

097e1e No.14540662


The guy he's talking to is specifically trying to make a GO team using S. Zoi.

cbff03 No.14540772

File: 25bae281844f9b3⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 455x143, 35:11, an hero.jpg)

ab1023 No.14540815

File: 22e013a94f75416⋯.png (384.97 KB, 472x490, 236:245, NioGET.PNG)

File: 6634290a01be540⋯.png (1.05 MB, 633x814, 633:814, BullyThePotato.PNG)

Finished farming the materials for Nio, I'm planning on 5*ing her, whenever they decide to give everyone another gold bar.

6b66a2 No.14540858

File: 3e6a048ae1235a8⋯.png (59.52 KB, 468x91, 36:7, teaser.png)

f60167 No.14540899

File: ad93fa35bf26004⋯.png (389.12 KB, 1043x1410, 1043:1410, she's back baby.png)



Well I'm excited.

cbff03 No.14541033

f6ad50 No.14541166

Did new xeno swords and magna II change which elements main hand ultima swords?

7bbbd0 No.14541222

097e1e No.14541250


No it's still earth, wind or light.

f6ad50 No.14541300


Alright, I thought the light xeno would be the main hand of choice now. But haven't unlocked Glorybringer yet, so now sure how all those work together.

cbff03 No.14541312


Light Xeno sword skills are shit

097e1e No.14541352


It comes down to if you need the 40% DA on ougi or not.


They're fine, really.

f6ad50 No.14541375


Well right now I run Elysian in every element but fire for the multiattack skill. Hoping ultima will let me branch to other classes without feeling slow.

731e00 No.14541403

File: d4e06cb5e3eeff2⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 500x333, 500:333, d4e06cb5e3eeff2a289045ec5c….gif)


I'll be honest anon, those skills make me a little worried.

That makes me ask though, what are the "meta" Swordmaster swords?

7bbbd0 No.14541453


look at xeno katana (dark skills) that's a good one

097e1e No.14541456


Meta? Ameno Habakiri or the much more reasonable to obtain Murgleis. Otherwise Swordmaster is just for fun.

384509 No.14541457


xeno katana and light ridill are good contenders

f85f75 No.14541522

File: b24b485fcef7abf⋯.jpg (17.85 KB, 239x263, 239:263, 1379963617166.jpg)


Robomi SSRs soon.

731e00 No.14541543

File: 3088963d2dede66⋯.gif (800.05 KB, 500x200, 5:2, 1435572285524.gif)


I like the counter on dodge on Ameno Habakiri but how can you possibly get the ATK up increased beyond 1 stack?

>Awaken: All allies gain Status ATK Up (Stackable)

>Cooldown: 10T(8T with Glorybringer)

>Buff Duration: 5T

097e1e No.14541570


I don't think you can. I have no way to test it either.

85c191 No.14541618

How the hell does one fight Canktankerous Leopard in Arcarum? I've encountered one of those things twice- once was part of a "Defeat all foes" objective, and another I came across in a "Do or Die" moment. I'm still progressing through Normal stages, but this shit seems way too powerful for anyone still at that stage.

cbff03 No.14541624


I met one while I got the stage that locked your skills. That was not fun.

I think we can do something with a lot of characters that nuke, or mechnic and ougi, but yeah, cancer cat is not fun.

21f312 No.14541640


Buy healing potions and use one after each turn?

731e00 No.14541710

File: 78da3519a7dcfab⋯.png (51.59 KB, 305x116, 305:116, wowthanks.png)


oh great

8efa9d No.14541730

File: 7721c315cd7a94a⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mpv-shot0004.jpg)



>Probably a new Robomi song by Aniki on the game

Hell fucking yes.

f60167 No.14541750

File: 307d18ab911cca8⋯.png (586.35 KB, 477x574, 477:574, you'll still die in one hi….png)

Anyone get anything nice from those rings yet?

731e00 No.14541755


How do you get the 4-of-4 rings?

f60167 No.14541762


I dunno, haven't seen one yet.

7bbbd0 No.14541819


drops from arca

3df465 No.14541966


Cancer Leopard is OK as long as you are not skill sealed.

Use nukes. If two aren't enough, then 2 on every single character should be. Use MC as Hermit/Big Hat with Rain of Arrows for best results

dd45a3 No.14542500


Bad comes to worse (skill sealed), the reflect that the cat puts up has a duration. You can enter the fight, and then go do something else for an hour while you wait for it to expire. As mentioned though, I just nuke it down with skill damage.

337808 No.14542603


Enmity on D.Jeanne and Stamina on Light Jeanne.

09d9b9 No.14542753

space nigga


b39297 No.14542794


Jesus my dude. I am sorry. I went on auto-pilot and hit backup.

09d9b9 No.14542808

File: f5d165ed75b84cb⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 476x316, 119:79, alien brutally runs over d….JPG)

space nigga 2 - you will never draw her



is ok

b39297 No.14542856

Space Nigger 3: The Redemption Arc


3df465 No.14542879


Jokes on you, I got a Cute Ribbon gold moon already.

506ae7 No.14542903

File: 2b1db61c76edb93⋯.jpg (6.42 MB, 2835x3750, 189:250, 63007897_p0.jpg)


I thought the guy I was talking to was the guy making the GO team.

b39297 No.14542912


I was talking about both.

b39297 No.14542932

Robomi and Shirou as an SSR pair whom combine on ougi because GATTAI is a man's romance. If they make this I swear I will throw money at a suptix.

731e00 No.14542946

File: 81a1db9219700d2⋯.jpg (150.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1410398201061.jpg)

Wait a minute. If you charge attack with Vira(Grand) while she has Aegis Merge up, will her DEF+ be extended by another 3 turns? There must be a limitation there, Ferry teams can't be that good.

b39297 No.14542960


If you can manage her bits you can.

384509 No.14542962

File: 71637bad43d7fa6⋯.jpg (166.14 KB, 1163x1200, 1163:1200, 1520788658738.jpg)


If you can get her to ougi fast enough…but no, I don't think it gets extended. I was wondering the same thing this morning, the merge ended right after I ougi'd. It's rare the occasions where you will be able to do that anyway. and Ferry is core shut up

9b0c3e No.14542973

File: c47dc6634aef3ac⋯.jpg (158.14 KB, 767x1024, 767:1024, gigante.jpg)

Is it too much to hope for a Gigante suit skin for the MC in Robomi part 3?

b39297 No.14542978


Disregard ends at three turns. Unless you can cut cooldowns via Qilin or characters I don't see it happening.

72c49b No.14542979




Vira's merge lasts a maximum of 3 turns, regardless whether you get more primal bits

731e00 No.14542980

File: d84fee1302dc53f⋯.png (122.3 KB, 292x410, 146:205, i_i.png)


>Not gigante suit class

384509 No.14542984

File: 5796dbca9922e95⋯.png (492.44 KB, 431x562, 431:562, ClipboardImage.png)



…or not. I tested it again and now the merge continued on. >>14542979 What this guy said makes sense because the merge ended one turn later. But then again, it takes a good ammount of triple attacking to get there.

337808 No.14542988


Her merge has a maximum cap of 3 turns, whether she has stacks left or not. And even with Chevira and lucha Ferry is mediocre as fuck. 6 turns of 100% TA with 4 of them having echos is not that great when you have to spend 3 slots of your team on them and ultimately lack the damage to really make them shine.

384509 No.14543011


What I do is I combo them with Song's crits using mic hype + tag team and Vira's TA. One turn after the full burst you can have 100% charge bar then use Ferry's TA for 2 turns with crits + 2 turns without crits. For me the results were far better than using Elysian even on longer fights, and even against avatar the results were surprisingly not bad, even if I single attack for the rest of the cooldown.

000000 No.14543063


I'll have 3 sunstones today but can't decide between Shiva and Agni. I have 3 grand weapons for fire if that count as double agni.

I was thinking about the possibility for primal flb soon, even running shiva as support to turn 1

337808 No.14543083


That still limits the use to fights where you have time to set up or strike time which means you are back where you started with Ferry. Meanwhile you lose damage by having to hold back ougi.

3df465 No.14543085




Come on lad, embrace the double Colossus FLB 6 Egg Sex meme and crit forever.

000000 No.14543103


That's not an alternative, I'll be running it for ubhl too, can't do shit with colossus unless I farm for 5 months and by that time we should be getting flb primal

3df465 No.14543125


I don't know about running fire on UBHL, wouldn't you be better off running wind, water or earth?

384509 No.14543138


Most of relevant content takes more time now, at least for HL players. It's limiting, yes, but doing short bursts of massive damage has been, at least for me, way more effective.

Also waifu teams > esports

000000 No.14543149


I'm already using it with shiva 120 x agni, I can't carry but it's solid good.

727c9a No.14543217

File: 76a38f146f64331⋯.png (327.81 KB, 320x549, 320:549, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 384c1b535255f18⋯.png (266.98 KB, 320x590, 32:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Could've have been worse. Threo could have gotten stamina. Tien got a better one.

b39297 No.14543224

File: 6b91b7cead9c1d5⋯.png (683.32 KB, 640x1080, 16:27, heh.png)


Get on my level, nerd

3df465 No.14543234


>Complaining about DEF on an enmity character

Next you're telling me you don't want heal up on a stamina character.

f60167 No.14543341

File: a9000dc190ebd26⋯.png (829.94 KB, 639x1117, 639:1117, debuffing your chances to ….png)


Please. I've got the winner here.

Don't mind the single star crit nodes I have made mistakes

384509 No.14543404

File: 58fec04315ba50c⋯.png (464.92 KB, 440x554, 220:277, ClipboardImage.png)


could be worse

f60167 No.14543483

File: 2325d503c347336⋯.png (312.34 KB, 474x565, 474:565, Replacement attempt #1.png)

File: c24f4b16ab17b63⋯.png (312.37 KB, 475x569, 475:569, Replacement attempt #2.png)

File: 3974a597a985c89⋯.png (309.18 KB, 472x566, 236:283, Replacement attempt #3.png)

File: f160937ba7acd65⋯.png (336.08 KB, 475x604, 475:604, And now.png)


For having gone through 5 rings, it could've been a lot better. Let this be a warning men: just buff up different characters. Try to get someone something better, and you end up wasting materials.

5f26fa No.14543551

File: 7c7937a17650e24⋯.jpg (857.71 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 8768e779ac3bb8ce838ed2467a….jpg)


You can only have one ring on a character?

Sorry, I'm new.

3df465 No.14543584


Yes, but you can try again for better stats.

You decide if you want to keep the older stats or replace them.

The ring is consumed either way.

5f26fa No.14543618


Well, now I regret giving away 3 low tier rings to my best characters.

I thought you could stack them.

Oh well.

727c9a No.14543739

Prestige weekly limit has been permanently doubled to 1000. Still the same max limit and crew prestige.

3df465 No.14543782


We're gonna need those distinctions

6b66a2 No.14544014

File: 222be4505d7d4c8⋯.png (987.68 KB, 850x1228, 425:614, ClipboardImage.png)


will this mean next double pendant magnafest will have 2000 as the weekly cap?

384509 No.14544022


monthly meta bow is now possible

532c08 No.14544527

I thought they buffed the Magna SSR weapon droprates?

I've been getting dogshit farming the past couple of months.

727c9a No.14544561


Bad luck mostly and probably because you need them still and RNGod makes that less likely to happen if you need it. After finishing the main wheel weapons, they started dropping SSRs out the ass except for Chev and Cele.

b39297 No.14544631


My levi knives dropped really easily when my grid wasn't done. I haven't gotten one since back in October.

727c9a No.14545028

So is the game shitting itself for anyone else? Everytime I click quest, it just stuck in an infinite load.

097e1e No.14545032


ded game

6b66a2 No.14545034


yeah, I've got the same

727c9a No.14545037


Fuck, I was testing something out in trials to when it shit itself.

ab1023 No.14545039

game ded

b39297 No.14545041


GBF is dead

8d1fb3 No.14545047

Is the grind over? Are we finally free from gacha hell?

337808 No.14545051


KMR just devised a new Jeanne

da0ea2 No.14545056

File: b1f1d2630fb29a0⋯.png (545.29 KB, 460x609, 460:609, b1f1d2630fb29a0c606cf81415….png)


f6ad50 No.14545060


Easter bunny Jannu?

b39297 No.14545065


April Fools Bea

3df465 No.14545071


The issue seems to be on the support selection screen.

097e1e No.14545075


Other than nothing, what are you basing this off of? Battles don't work at all.

da0ea2 No.14545076

File: 5616328c01225c8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)

3df465 No.14545086


>try to do a battle, game shits itself trying to load the support selection screen

>try to read a simple story event that has no battles, it loads

The thing behind your eyes, try to use it.

097e1e No.14545091


>in the middle of a battle

>it doesn't work

I guess you're just retarded.

3df465 No.14545096


Before the battles were working fine according to someone playing one. Only if the battles shat themselves now.

ab1023 No.14545097

I'm spending this downtime to upgrade my weapons, you can't feed weapons more than 1 SSR, but you can feed an SR weapon 1 SR to take it to SL2, then you can start SL2ing your SSRs

f6ad50 No.14545102


When that mutt at last joins the crew he'll only be the second most evil thing on board the ship. After a mass murder who attempted mass genocide was let in, I guess he doesn't seem so bad now.

da0ea2 No.14545113

File: bbd74bb315b3ffe⋯.jpg (182.76 KB, 850x985, 170:197, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….jpg)

6b66a2 No.14545229

File: a8edf74c562b682⋯.png (584.33 KB, 513x539, 513:539, HP.png)

double 120% chev. 6 chev swords. That's a tanky blonde girl team

ab1023 No.14545256

File: cd3f3e78a387400⋯.png (99.44 KB, 457x132, 457:132, Why.PNG)

I saw this in the wild today, I guess he didn't reduce his Vortex dragons.

3df465 No.14545266


A symbol of status for those that have so much they can afford to FLB their Vortex Dragons.

b923be No.14545622

File: e03a4c76f64a8e1⋯.webm (987.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rejoice.webm)

Infinity finally killed Ultimate Bahamut HL 2nd try was the charm

ab1023 No.14545625

File: 5ee4ca261819d78⋯.png (545.96 KB, 482x443, 482:443, Attempt 1.PNG)

File: 5c1386fc05ef5ad⋯.png (523.45 KB, 478x431, 478:431, Clear.PNG)

File: 87294e2723b60a6⋯.png (59.87 KB, 451x183, 451:183, Loot.PNG)

Infinity has just cleared uBaha HL together for the first time on attempt number 2, with Six soloing the last 2% of the raid.

6b66a2 No.14545627

File: 5e2a92f4e31a977⋯.png (563.97 KB, 511x465, 511:465, infinity clear.png)

first 8chan crew clear

a5b065 No.14545629

Hey guys, could you all be so kind as to give me as much info on how Gran as a character acts? Things he does and qoutes of his?

b39297 No.14545634


I got you fam.


339e39 No.14545654

Congrats to you guys on the ubaha hl clear.

d00778 No.14545659


>how Gran as a character acts

Gran doesn't really have any character, he just goes along with what the story characters have to say. I wouldn't be surprised if he was some kind of nip skinwalker just trying to keep the others from learning he's not human.

I'd honestly rather play the father's story, he seems a lot more interesting than Gran.

a5b065 No.14545687



Gran is a nip skin walker.

interesting though for 8chanmania.

dd45a3 No.14545701


Technically, Gran doesn't count as human, counting as Unknown and thus benefiting from all Baha weapons. You may be onto something there.

f16c25 No.14545704


Judging by text in game he's naive and easily swept into anything going on around him, though he does have a small penchant for teasing(usually cute girls).

a5b065 No.14545746


Alright Thanks!

Do any of you have any good avatar pictures of Gran?

6b66a2 No.14545754

File: fa2530b0e764909⋯.png (347.6 KB, 640x940, 32:47, ClipboardImage.png)


This is his default look. There's also the other class portraits here: https://gbf.wiki/Classes

4b5b0a No.14545771

anyone else is having a radtime playing this game today?

4b5b0a No.14545773

b923be No.14545799

File: b4b17854052cd1d⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 645x628, 645:628, ultimate bahamut.jpg)


I had a radtime kicking nubaha HL's ass

cef94f No.14545814

File: 41d50c38d21abb7⋯.jpg (207.72 KB, 601x850, 601:850, 918653b023b1fce7c79e3e25e3….jpg)




gj guys, pic related is how I saw the final moments

55d844 No.14545949


Nice work, Patrick.

506ae7 No.14546147

File: b8dd51293f2258c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 632.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, b8dd51293f2258c098c88d3c88….png)


>could you all be so kind as to give me as much info on how Gran as a character acts

Pic related, he's a self insert.

7bbbd0 No.14546434

File: 876d4eadc9e3350⋯.png (422.37 KB, 400x499, 400:499, iridium_2018-03-26_09-57-0….png)

i have become death smile of the new world

6b66a2 No.14546536

File: e83581b9444d965⋯.png (1.03 MB, 804x858, 134:143, Summons.png)

There. 120% summons across the board

5f26fa No.14546949

File: 82b4151a7b6c41f⋯.jpg (140.26 KB, 639x846, 71:94, waht.JPG)

What do I get?

In fact, what are the best things to get usually?

9efd98 No.14546961


a different character

edb2fd No.14546985


The maids really want DATA for the 200% ougi, but that's not on their EMPs due to the retarded choice to not let Dorothy DATA. I'd also go for debuff success up just to let Claudia's gravity land a bit more but that isn't on their list either.

Instead, you probably want to max their support skill and damaging EMPs.

f6ad50 No.14546990


Critical is safe to take on pretty much everyone. Maybe couple in light attack as well.

5f26fa No.14547037



Basically, anything that gives more damage, right?



It's either them or that Albert guy.

f60167 No.14547087

File: 183bb5f508aeb88⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 475x687, 475:687, soufflemar.jpg)


Note that crit EMPs are much better when you get them at higher stars. They go from a 12% chance of doing 12% more damage to a 25% chance of 25% more damage which is stronger and more consistent than most other EMPs. Multiple crit EMPs roll separately and can even stack so you could potentially deal 50% from a double crit.

With that in mind, Albert has 4 crit EMPs, which is more than most and pretty dang good. His 100% double attack rate is also super nice and Delay is almost always worth having. But I use the maids over Albert in my teams too so… yeah, you do you.

f6ad50 No.14547288

File: 33e072f2d43fc06⋯.png (1007.04 KB, 1000x1305, 200:261, ssj1.png)

File: 70c5a425a7012e1⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2895x3028, 2895:3028, ssj2.jpg)

File: 12fe9e06495c623⋯.jpg (799.01 KB, 870x1200, 29:40, ssj3.jpg)

File: c431849ac0e6f81⋯.jpg (963.54 KB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, ssj4.jpg)

Still a bunch of this french girl coming in, really took off.

edb2fd No.14547296

File: 94b058494714517⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 94b05849471451799acddcc4ec….jpg)


The wet lewd look is really good on her, sadly her fate episodes are the most boring out of my entire spark stash.

Actually, Jeanne's just a really boring character in general. Doesn't have much going for her besides being blonde and cute.

5f26fa No.14547323


To be fair, I haven't really given Albert much of a chance, so maybe I should try swapping him with Sanda, who, despite being a fag, has nice buffs and passives.




>got Heles instead of Jannu

I am fine with this.

f6ad50 No.14547336


All Heles does is treat you like a child and talk about her brother.

edb2fd No.14547338

File: 20d91d0adcf911d⋯.jpg (970.64 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, 58891798_p0.jpg)


S. Heles was pretty boring too, but her fate episode had one interesting tidbit.

>Heles has developed sunblock

>the island with permanent sunshine and sea has never only heard of it

>the reason why sunblock was invented in granblue is because eruns refuse to not wear backless clothing even to the point of chronic sunburn

21f312 No.14547385

File: 5ad307a8bbbe001⋯.jpg (85.79 KB, 951x697, 951:697, capture_26032018_164212_00….jpg)

f6ad50 No.14547389


Wonder if the backless clothing deal comes from ancient times when all erunes had tails and not just the few pure-blooded families left now.

fd44bb No.14547426


I don't even play this game, but I just wanted to say that art has some fucking godlike form and proportions.

5f26fa No.14547480

File: fe763a75c68fec6⋯.jpg (107.7 KB, 497x732, 497:732, 1433696513554.jpg)


That's how it begins.





I got regular Heles and I'd say she is all right.

Not a 10/10 combo like Charlotte, but still good and cute.

f162ef No.14547665

>Didn't get S. Zoi

Next year I guess.

f6ad50 No.14547710


Save up to spark her, she's back every month.

f162ef No.14547716

File: bb78820d107845b⋯.jpg (382.04 KB, 1068x980, 267:245, da5fba3c6ab5b7d7f8f5df7482….jpg)


Did I miss something? What do you mean she's back every month?

cbff03 No.14547730

File: 27b24f82a752d86⋯.png (60.04 KB, 1593x575, 1593:575, Anniversary Final.PNG)

I'm aware some time has passed, but I've had my problems to take care of.

Now then, here are the results of the Anniversary Alts Race!

The podium is shared by Accounts 7 and 8, which crossed the finish line hand in hand, both happy to have stolen the title away from Account 9!

Our favourite luckshitter didn't manage to get things to go his way and now shares the second step of the podium with Account 3.

In third place, at only 1 point of difference there's Account 10, who sadly didn't manage to get that extra point to bring it up some more.

Accounts 2 and 4 are the first ones to get kicked off the podium, both sharing the 4th place.

Account 6 closes in 5th position, but that Shiva is far more valuable than a victory in a stupid race.

Account 1 too can enjoy a Lucufer summon as a consolation prize for the absolute shitfest it had to go through.

The only real loser here is Account 5, who just couldn't let Lady Luck to play her part!

I hope you enjoyed me spilling my autism and that your favourite Account managed to score it big.

These accounts will probably come and race again if more events with massive freebies come around.

cbff03 No.14547737


She's a Grand character now and she's in the flashfest along the "second wave" of Grand characters like Black Knight, Orchid, Sturm, Drang, Olivia and Lucio.

5f26fa No.14547756


>5 got Melissabelle

She will love him if no one else will.

21f312 No.14547944

File: 7c2ccdca02cd347⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 480x537, 160:179, capture_26032018_185915_00….jpg)

File: 168aace5643caa5⋯.jpg (61 KB, 487x575, 487:575, capture_26032018_190023_00….jpg)


Just tried the two I bought.

90012f No.14548034

File: 6c0e98ee6efe20f⋯.png (565.47 KB, 474x756, 79:126, Capture.PNG)


Same Jannu mastery reporting in, wowee.

f60167 No.14548082

File: 4634b48a658b57b⋯.png (856.91 KB, 634x1106, 317:553, twinsies!.png)



>has the same ring masteries as me and that other guy

There's a message here, I know it.



f162ef No.14548126

File: 7f63e9130a57907⋯.png (269.18 KB, 493x344, 493:344, ff9goa730ysgh6f8hdfg4jy94h….png)


>Instead of balancing her or something so she isn't so superior they threw her in gala

097c12 No.14548165

File: b3589ce02bc4982⋯.png (164.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, b3589ce02bc4982e49c8f49f4c….png)

Just started playing it now, any tips for new comers? Or should I just kill myself now because I'll never catch up.

cbff03 No.14548175

File: f570351eb9122eb⋯.jpg (229.64 KB, 468x896, 117:224, Account 1.jpg)

File: 87c1c48c3fe5376⋯.jpg (251.53 KB, 467x1005, 467:1005, Account 3.jpg)

File: 2f7f74ebaaf2ee9⋯.jpg (198.42 KB, 471x794, 471:794, Account 4.jpg)

File: 1438cceadc72436⋯.jpg (177.34 KB, 470x677, 470:677, Account 5.jpg)


Nigger you're in luck, because I have 8 accounts filled with shit to give away.

These are the frst 4.

cbff03 No.14548192

File: 352621e12c19485⋯.jpg (203.83 KB, 472x783, 472:783, Account 6.jpg)

File: 034226ee4b7b7ec⋯.jpg (256.41 KB, 476x1013, 476:1013, Account 7.jpg)

File: 61849b8face7fea⋯.jpg (257.19 KB, 480x1008, 10:21, Account 8.jpg)

File: 9fc582576f7e4ce⋯.jpg (228.96 KB, 467x903, 467:903, Account 10.jpg)


These are the other 4.

Again, I make a new g-mail account to link the GBF account to and give whoever asks for it the g-mail account access data, after that you can move the accunt to your personal e-mail, change its password and be safe to keep it.

097c12 No.14548254

File: 69bdccdb58b6e83⋯.gif (269.07 KB, 234x249, 78:83, 69bdccdb58b6e835f47329fe4a….gif)



Oh mama.

I appreciate it, but part of the fun I have in these games is having that feeling of growth through the grind. Having all that handed to me would just ruin it, so just keep it for someone else.

I was just looking if there are any tips to keep me from making terrible mistakes along the way.

f6ad50 No.14548271


Those are all from free rolls. They were just handed to everyone a couple weeks ago.

b39297 No.14548303


Don't fall into the trap of keeping all your premium draw weapons. Most of them are absolute dogshit, will clutter up your inventory when you need to save space for things like Celes harps, Tiamat fists, and Colossus guns. Plus you will need the resources you get from reducing premium draw weapons.


You will never need premium summons so it is best you take the cash at first. Later in the game if you are a collector you can hold onto the less useless summons like Shiva and Europa just so you can show off. 99% of this game is characters, summons are worthless, weapons marginally less so.

f6ad50 No.14548316

File: 816a846180d3e28⋯.gif (652.37 KB, 691x528, 691:528, panic.gif)

5f26fa No.14548322


You missed the free gibs they were giving away for two weeks to celebrate the 4th birthday.

I started out right at that time myself, and I'd honestly advise you to get one of those accounts.

Don't worry, there's going to be a lot of pain, you're just going to get a nice starter pack to ease you in.

If you really want to, you can make your own account and go with that. It's really nice, seeing you pull characters that you don't really like at first, but then they grow on you after a while.


I'm not sure if this is good advice.

39b8eb No.14548324


I was wondering if it was possible to reserve account 3. My friend got suspended recently and he's still figuring out why. He's going to wait a bit before deciding but i'll get back to you as soon as he does.

He was rank 99 with a fully mlb'd Tia grid so as soon as he gets his old account back he's willing to give your account back or give you his old account depending on how long it takes or what happens in the meantime.

cbff03 No.14548326

File: f44d5d4f0444e82⋯.png (365.02 KB, 473x617, 473:617, chara.PNG)


We just had 2 events with a roulette that shat out free rolls, all the accounts are level 1 and only got through the first small tutorial of the game.

I had some fun making them race each other to see who got the most ssrs, but they're all free for the taking.

Having decent characters and characters you like helps a lot and saves a lot of money.

Just check the wiki and see if there's someone you like.

Starting out like pic related will make your life kinda miserable for the first few months.

cbff03 No.14548330

File: 93f857d74bff1ea⋯.png (242.46 KB, 476x386, 238:193, really.PNG)


Mama Echidna is displeased.

f162ef No.14548352

File: 1f5a7f25102308b⋯.gif (12.47 KB, 650x450, 13:9, n6Po4Qx.gif)


If you ever Suptix, make sure to get Ludmila. The devs horribly unbalanced her and she gets 200%+ attack on each single-foe attack, which is useful forever if you can get a few cap raises.

d00778 No.14548361


I felt the same at first, but the items, characters, and summons on those accounts can't really be grinded. They've each had hundreds of free rolls to gather up that stuff, while it's possible to grind those hundreds of rolls, but it would take months. It's better to grab one then you're free to grind out the hundreds of rolls along with all the free rolls they've had.

I recommend learning the game on your account for a couple of days then getting an account from accountanon, so that you don't do something stupid like listen to >>14548303

b39297 No.14548362


Dude, come on. Do we really need another nuke machine stealing all the honors in raids? Some of us can't afford to whale for OP shit and rely on other poorfags to have a shot at the good drops like Colo guns.

7bbbd0 No.14548377


or simply spam coop

b39297 No.14548410


Yes, because everyone is able to do end game content like Rabbit-Be-Nimble right off the back. Just throw away resources on something that will 1-shot you until you have a full SSR 9.5 team. That's a great idea.

Why are there so many assholes in these threads who try to sabatoge new players? You guys were new once, you know how hard it is to get started.

f6ad50 No.14548413

File: 11e1844104ba149⋯.jpg (203.36 KB, 1240x920, 31:23, home.jpg)

f162ef No.14548432

File: 850d3e6ef89b1f2⋯.png (140.75 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 49453430_p6.png)


>Why are there so many assholes in these threads who try to sabatoge new players? You guys were new once, you know how hard it is to get started.

You're trying to cross the sarcasm barrier and be accepted as normal. I can't allow that.

I must note that my shitpost at >>14548352 was ironic.

b39297 No.14548462


You will never break my burning shitposter's damashii

1b1753 No.14548525

I still haven't spent that cradle item from WMtSB2. Is the sunlight stone more useful than the summons?

364980 No.14548587


Yes, you'll eventually draw the better version of the summon anyway and you need sunstones to uncap the inferior summon.

097c12 No.14548623

File: 6e0329ab8b0ff77⋯.png (189.89 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 6e0329ab8b0ff7734e5ca8bb41….png)



Of course I missed it by two fucking weeks.

I'm going to skip on the offer and keep going on my own for now, primarily because I have next to no clue about what I'm doing, all I know is that all the SSRs I got on my first draw are making the game a complete cakewalk for now.

Don't worry, I'll be here to complain about the drop rates at some point, but I doubt it's worse than Fate:GO.


That's pretty good advise anon.

9d1a42 No.14548686

File: 2241e47999f20cd⋯.jpg (20.97 KB, 418x467, 418:467, FB_IMG_15216535673570398.jpg)

Where is the best place to grind up warrior creeds?

f162ef No.14548701

File: 82b511631a55fdc⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 650x600, 13:12, f23849a3ab8812e70630bf426c….jpg)

>Try to find a quick list of meta grids

>Can only find Granblue Gaijins

Great. Great. Great.

7bbbd0 No.14548703


pandemonium advanced stages

39b8eb No.14548764

File: 816ebea2c8a0516⋯.png (378.77 KB, 1127x928, 1127:928, 2018-02-23_14-49-54.png)



That and this thread are probably you're best bet on the new grid comps. Gamewith hasn't updated everything yet for the magna 2 weapons. They're also probably paid-off by CY so take everything that they list with a grain of salt. You can also use Motocal they figure somethings out yourself.

90012f No.14548786


Just keep that offer in mind, anon. The beginning is easy, but you'll eventually face content that's needlessly inconvenient to clear unless you have good options when building teams. It's not too late to switch even after you've gained some 50 levels. It will feel like a lot of wasted time, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also if you get a starter account with decent summons you become a more desirable friend, meaning you can more easily gain access to good support summons.

Burning out on a shitty account and losing interest in this soul stealing game would be best

f162ef No.14548829


>Check Zeus page

>They recommend the same 3 Eden staff build as GG

What next? My hypothetical S.Heles/S.Zeta+Jeanne+Juliet Spear-only team build is actually secretly top 10?

5f26fa No.14548855


Hey, you can stop whenever you want, you know.

I got good rolls and everyone has helped me so much I now have no choice but to go on.

Kill me.

727c9a No.14548967

>R only room followed by Skill locked room

Cancer, complete and utter fucking cancer.

dd45a3 No.14549003



Because quartz fucking grows on trees, amirite?

506ae7 No.14549171

File: 57bc110985f8e96⋯.jpg (189.54 KB, 667x672, 667:672, 74111eca517ac4e24811536310….jpg)


>Suggesting Ludmila

That's too fucked up to even joke about. I don't even think you can even use the damage from a fuck up Ougi with a reflect.

9efd98 No.14549175



It's only advisable to sell R weapons and summons, and SR omega summons. Nothing else, unless you have excess angels.

506ae7 No.14549223

File: e28a69a93327cb1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 66.94 KB, 398x960, 199:480, bc9b39c40669ad5e45fb27f1ca….jpg)


You don't sell R weapons since they're used to get your SRs skilled up to be fed to SSRs.

8f30f5 No.14549261

File: f9e26af4de3399a⋯.png (148.19 KB, 548x344, 137:86, plebian_amuse_us.png)


Shut the fuck up dude, you were also selling your SSR weapons for rupees last month you fucking newcutie.

b39297 No.14549273


Well if people hadn't tricked me into selling them and reducing my summons I would have reduced them and sold my summons.

8f30f5 No.14549277

File: 50abc9ac9114b7d⋯.jpg (421.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Coalgirls]_Tsukimonogatar….jpg)


thank you for reminding me to sticker you again, you fucking dumbo.

b39297 No.14549285


Get memed on, dude.

a2a31d No.14549591


>inb4 Gran is Grandad after Vee mindwipe and Ruria fountain of youth shenanigans theory

1b1753 No.14549845


Makes sense, thanks.


>gamewith recommends 4 yugu swords

>gbf.wiki recommends 6

>same with leviathan daggers

>gamewith recommends 6 tiamat guns

>gbf.wiki recommends 7

Gamewith seems to use the seraphic weapon + rotb weapon in their grids (except wind doesn't use the rotb weapon), while gbf.wiki just uses two extra magna weapons instead. Are the seraphic weapons + rotb weapon strictly better than the magna weapons or something? On the topic of seraphic weapons, the wiki says the SSR versions need bahamut weapon levels of fodder to skill up, is there a reason why you wouldn't just skill it up while it's still an SR? Sorry for the retarded questions, I haven't had to build any of the main element grids yet.

2fe23e No.14549928

File: e3e5b97e57bd117⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, mpv-shot0182.jpg)


I think he meant the rings (from the Robomi event), not the characters. Hopefully.


-Sell R weapons and summons, SR summons can be reduced (unless they're carbuncles, belle or the rabbit), don't reduce anything SSR. -If you happen to get Jalter you better keep her weapon. Get some anon to do coop with you so you can unlock the EX classes.

-Yodarha, Sara are pretty good characters to breeze through story mode.

There's a good checklist on the wiki, but aside from that join magna raids once you reach ep 24 of the story, with using a partywide (as in, affects all parties) or damage skill you can get some participation in and hope things drop.

-When Unite And Fight/Guild Wars comes in, try and farm tokens and pick the dagger ironic that I forgot to follow this advice since the first GW weapon I did was the fist

I know I'm late.

09d9b9 No.14550211

bully jk


b39297 No.14550255


>pops up 10 minutes late

337808 No.14550276


I don't know about the RotB weapons or the exact number of magna weapons but the seraphic weapons are definitely worth putting in magna grids.


>When Unite And Fight/Guild Wars comes in, try and farm tokens and pick the dagger

He would honestly be better starting work on whatever jewtenshoe he might want to unlock than making daggers for various elements. They are still decent mainhands but the addition of Elysian and other good mainhands have lowered the necessary of them a bit.

a2a31d No.14550298


Real MLG tip would be to tell him to luckshit Orchid and Rosetta and use Parazonium and Love Eternal as superior Dark and Wind GW daggers.

b39297 No.14550307


How many Parazoniums do you need? I drew three when I was sparking during the anniversary gala.

a2a31d No.14550311


Jesus christ mate I was joking

Use chocobars/Damascus Bars in one until MLB. Eventually you will be able to FLB it.

Save the others if you ever manage to become a Hades memester.

b39297 No.14550326


I drew Hades and Black Knight twice each…

a2a31d No.14550332


Guess now you need a shitload of Damascus Bars then

cbff03 No.14550463



Please fuck off back to halfchan.

b39297 No.14550559

Does anyone else get paranoid about the reason they are running all these 1/2 off 1/2 cost side story events is because they are going to clear the side story list and you won't be able to get FLB balmung once it is gone?


How do you know that is a 4chan expression unless you go to 4chan?

Checkmate, gaythiest.

b39297 No.14550619

File: 50052004d39f05f⋯.png (814.78 KB, 640x1080, 16:27, wasted ring.png)

I was deciding to use this ring on either Bea or Percy. What a waste.

893dcb No.14550919

Is it legfest yet? Im hopeful for some water draws

506ae7 No.14550927

File: c53a6409710d69e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 705.44 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 64930434_p0.jpg)


>all these 1/2 off 1/2 cost side story events

It's only been the one time and it's likely because the Japs complained about the grind.

b39297 No.14550940














We had it during the anniversary and then a week later they brought it back.

506ae7 No.14550967

File: da81f07c2d5d9ee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 89 KB, 643x886, 643:886, DK5nyfQVwAArLM-.jpg)


I thought it just lasted through out that up until next month. Well, if they were gonna take it away, they'd say something about it with enough time to clean house lest they incur the wrath of the Japs.

b923be No.14550971

File: a3f0ef10f24eb53⋯.jpg (221.08 KB, 1200x659, 1200:659, DZREB90VAAAv2Mi.jpg)

b39297 No.14550995


No it was two distinct events.


>Yggs, Tiamat, Belle, and Colo drinking together

A little disappointed that Rosetta isn't drinking with them. Who is drinking next to Zoi?

9d1a42 No.14550999

File: c4dff7bbb32729a⋯.png (95.35 KB, 329x377, 329:377, c4dff7bbb32729a8e1793e197b….png)


>rackam's face

Nightmare fuel.

4cc31a No.14551003

File: 71a50603341db72⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 486x486, 1:1, 43546578658.JPG)

6b66a2 No.14551009


Most likely that. The grind to clear all of it is constantly rising, and there are 3 sidestories to be added this month (1 already in). Personally, I'd rather they just add a higher tier of difficulty that drops more items. The grind is constantly clicking through it, not the ap cost of it.


It never went away

a2a31d No.14551011


Can't take Rosetta from Io anymore.



b39297 No.14551163

Granzerker, SSR Eugen, Alethia, Razai

Fun memeteam, or funnest memeteam?

6b66a2 No.14551269

File: 1d2dc9f9925c778⋯.png (141.03 KB, 511x139, 511:139, 1 tp.png)

That was close

a2a31d No.14551298

File: 5f5a271da0d1914⋯.png (154.06 KB, 423x242, 423:242, Wind Stamina.png)


You want memes? I call this one "Never Say Die"


Did you use your TP juice?

6b66a2 No.14551830

File: 56e14d7e6eac757⋯.png (554.57 KB, 512x443, 512:443, beat the retard.png)

File: b0c996bbd7c85d8⋯.png (263.75 KB, 505x618, 505:618, fif.png)

What have I done

21f312 No.14552095

File: 7d6fda1f3db1324⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 478x789, 478:789, capture_27032018_122152_00….jpg)



Yeah, I was talking about the rings, I play for free.


>is there a reason why you wouldn't just skill it up while it's still an SR?

Because you can't, they have no skill level.

21f312 No.14552544

File: 444830a2736decb⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 494x611, 38:47, capture_27032018_152948_00….jpg)

File: 7e4bfc1c2aae064⋯.jpg (58.19 KB, 484x600, 121:150, capture_27032018_153001_00….jpg)

For the element of the revenant bow, dark is best choice, right?

7bbbd0 No.14552551


you wont use it anyway

f6ad50 No.14553009


Revenant weapons are mostly only used when you have to use them to fight their character I think. So maybe their opposite or whatever have extra items to craft with.

a2a31d No.14553060


Seraphic weapons are the ultimate on element weapons: They give you 20% overcap damage at SSR and small normal modifier majesty, which isn't something to scoff at when you consider it an extra bonus.

If you aren't rainbowing, however, there are many weapons that are superior to a (effectively) single skilled level 100 small majesty weapon.


The element doesn't matter as long as you don't make it light (which would make you effectively unable to debuff Song)

If you just use Chi Channeler you should be fine no matter the element.

And if you have Nighthound then it is a no contest.

eedc40 No.14553287


So if I would want to unlock tien, then I should go with a water gun to make it easier fighting her?

f6ad50 No.14553500


As far as I've seen only the dagger and harp are normally used for a bunch of elements for main hands.

7bbbd0 No.14553572


it helps but it's really not that necessary (just use thor as support summon and mjorlnir her)

cbff03 No.14553613

File: dbfefb30b84b4d7⋯.webm (746.63 KB, 420x589, 420:589, arcarum chest explosion.webm)

b39297 No.14553769

File: c960939f15f2a57⋯.jpg (197.37 KB, 292x459, 292:459, Simple Landscape Art.jpg)

>tfw you are finally not shit enough that you can top 3 public t2 raids on the regs

It's a really satsifying feeling. Almost as good as soloing Omega for the first time.

03244d No.14554577

Yo anyone got any tips for leveling character from 50 up?

Starting to get to the parts in story where I need be fully uncapping people and I've been taking it easy with my golds costing at 50 but now it's getting tough.

b39297 No.14554666


For cash run coop

For mats run trials

Run hard and omega every day to build your grids. Your grids are going to be the speed bump that slows down your progress. Even withshit tier characters solid grids will help you progress. Without a good grid even the best characters are wasted. Work on your Baha dagger. It will be the single most important weapon you have for a long time. When GW starts pick a weapon and MLB it. Suck my cock, dude.

a2a31d No.14554677


You need EXP? Just do angel halo repeatedly.

5509fb No.14554821


feed angel items to a character to level them up quickly

b39297 No.14555611

Schoolgirl Uncle Cags' sprite does funny things to me.

09d9b9 No.14555802

jk 2 - r u fast enuf


b39297 No.14556420

>thread updates

<an hour later

What the finger fucking dang, dude

b39297 No.14556422

Two hours later

b923be No.14556543

New thread


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